E3I Ctilitb4giji : 44iot. THE BELLE OF THE BALL. Beall t beautiful: Look at, her now: • How queenly her. footstep How - peerless her brow Oh, never a being In palace or hail. Can equal her beauty— The Belle of the Ball. Seel now she Is dancing: --She glides to and fro - • - With a - wild witching motion. • . nen dreamy aud blow. Mote-light than a snow-Asko Her footstep (loth fate. ' ' • The Belle of the Ball: • Her white arms are wreathing. Her eye flashes bright. A thousand gems sparkle _ And scintillate light.. Coquettishly droopkng The snowy lids fall: A The Bend van of ha th t e g ß o a t ncll. e of Exquisitely lovely: The blush and the smile Which st dim pl in g e cheek - That ls the while. • Then her musical voice , Which is sweeter than all She's a mad mbieblef-maker, The Belle, of the Ball.. nnt, now she Is 'weary— st . She tires of the dance-- Her liquid eye seeketh • An ausweringlance. . Then, close by - her side, As they glide from the ball, , • He holds the soft hand of • The Belle of the Ball.- ' • Beautiful! beautiful! . . Look at her now! • A bridal robe 'round her, • And wreath on her brow. • The one - at her side when She went from the hail, • Ilas won the proud heart of • The Belle of•the Ball! [Hai per's .IVeck/g,." - , 1= EPHEMERIS — f AiLother murder has startled hicago. . —Garage D. P: entice is Suppos A to be —There is a State Base Ball Association In 'Missouri. —The Cincinnati Publib - Library has 15,000 volumes. —Japanese mirrors are composed of burnished steel. —Pulaski, Tenn., claims to have rigina- ted the K. K. K. —Daniel Diew is President of a Metho dist Theological Seminary. —Manager Maguire lost some $40,000 on his Japanese juggler expedition. —415,009,000 worth of new buildings are to be erected in Boston this year. Boating will to a great extent surrcede base ball in Washington this summer. —Nashville fines saloon keepers, ten dol. lara,apiece for selling, liquors on Sunday. --An ex-cook of the Emperor of. Austria is delighting that city of bons vicants, Balti more. • • " • . --John Wise, the veronant, is Chief En gineer of the American ff.,rial Navigation Company. —Blondin has lost his -fortune in some speculations and has taken to pantomime for a living. —,Tituntscheck learned German; when very young, her native language, however, is Tscheckisch. -Sixty-five thousand seals harq been the product of the New Foundland fikheries thus far this spring. --"Lost Leaves" will be the title of a new book of Alexander intilf a, posthu mously collected. —Aii exchange think that when Paiti marries the Marquis de Capx, the firm will be Pattl'and Caur. —General Buckner, who won notoriety at Fort Dennelson, has bought an interest in the Louisville Courier. —The Prince of Wales wants £lO,OOO added to.his income. Here is a singular coincidence, for so do we. - —An enterprising St. Louis paper is giv ing a full and detailed report of the visit of Daniel Webster to St. Louis. , • The.-Boston Poat never contained a truer word than when it 'stated that "New England papers are remarkably dry." —A Georgian 7 feet high and weighing 430 pounds, has been - buried and a tomb stone is being made for him in Vermont. —Browning's manuscript is very clear and Tennyson's almost unintelligible, When they are printed however, they meet with a reverse: - —Barnum, who is coming with his col lection of curiosities it is said, is trying to secure a chapter of the Ku Klux Klan for exhibition. _ - • —Two steamboat captains bad a little prlie iight on the levee at Nashville. One of them won. 'he other would have if the first hadn't. =Ths Presid. Savbigi Banks 8 been doubled d give advertising —Wid'smoke fietory, and wit • ;clad, and with a fine city we sh —Parisians nt of one ,of the I3oston • s that the deposits have . g. 1867, through exten the newspapers. `consumers in every mann , Liberty street 837141 rail ' icolson pavement, what nld imon grow to bef• !, not allowed to sneeze into 'efs, which' are deCorated he Emperor, because that to being sneezed at. value husband's lives at ch they 'made a railway liocket bJmdlcerei ,yrith portmits of great man object —Cairo juries ' •.$4;688, a sum w ... company pay a . 'sconsolate widow, made so by the negligence of railway officials. `.. •, 1,066 Italianigrants left Cienottlor t America dUring e month of eit. We bl e should like to -able to state that they did 'not all have ban -organs, but we are not We have re ivied a copy of th eße , . , py tto lution, as spicy paper as was ever pub lished, a regulfir small talk arrangement, printed Ealy: fin - slitieen, pages of white • • • - . --Joseph S. Perot has been elected Presi klent of th e Philadelphia Chamber Of Co . , merec, (ma Alex. a, Cattail, rn , one of the : ~flatudors from New: Jersey, is one of the Managers ' " —Colonel Fitigenild, of the play .. . ' Indlade 1 la taiN/tort Wu, written a new ca ll ed 1 . --..l'iligtell Tiires4s, Ind saidt° b" 1314' l a st one ,' 11posaibie, - ~- lltore ridiculously triudi7ttut 1 1 at Last Ugtit newspapers and ,men ' profess, to : d eff ige — 'Old ,110ioce Greely, but we notice , ,I. that - - ,• ' nts I opinion is more quoted, or ' that in it n i l i v looked for on , all q ues ti o n s t, ' * iniXlo---. ,: , _ • itm— , 0 just *o* it, Nash 4°4111411 gni the r ag e crby th * Ai i lig Ze 0 04,0, and '7 ll 4T"'"l ",„ - which attends those Istprriblo dissipation f. mad revels 4which are generally - known as Sabbath school pic--les. _About - $5,000,00C1a-piepe is , yilat the British subjects rescueefrom AbySsinia cost their government. What :with Fenitins and Abyssinians Britain manages to pay a prodded' for. her prisoners. —The Italian Governinent is extensively engaged in manufacturing bronze coinel; take the place of the fractional currency, which is not popular. Here is an idea for Messieurs Ruggles and McCulloch. - --Mrs.NanWtonAttierican cantatrice and idaiiihter SignOißliii,is singing in London, where she'. is called Madame Vanzini. Miss - Kellogg is styled 'Mademoiselle... . • Rellogg ifilha 'Same town. —San Francisco has a i cinunpinn sleeper Whb can doze 2.2 hours per day without snoring.. The . central New York man who sleeps five days on a stretch (also on a stretcher) goes ahead of the Californian -Roger A. Pryor is figuring ip some pistol-ary trsections in - Richmond. It is M r. said that Pryor, if he wereoble, would eat off of not 'fig but silver dishes, so much does he dread having anything to do with the Potters qt. =Three boys in New Jersey stole a loco- motive the other night and look a ride. They were afterwards arrested on a charge of burglary. Breaking into a round-house and stealing a locomotive has the virtue of originality at least. —The magic fan which is concealed in a tubular black handle, and is so popular with church-going ladies, ha.? been put In a new form. Riding whips are now made with this little patent arrangement applied to the end of the handle —.People. who delight hi VO - cha coffee will be delighted to know that, adcording to the learned Professor Blot, the.'.ro is none genuine in the American market; so called , Mocha being nothing but did, allest ber ries picked from other coffees. . _ —A. car hiden with green pe 7 a ; turnips, cucumbers, radishes, beans, carr ts, beets; celery, dewberries, parsley and t iyme was sent frcm Mobile to Chicago re ently. A very important trade in early ye retables is springing up between ti,te Gulf and the great lake States. —The King -If Spain is elected a member_ of the Geographical Society of Paris. His forte is probably physical geography, as it is recorded in early history that he with twenty thousand men rode up a hill (noticed its physical conformation) and then rode down again. —Does any one still live who went, years ago, to see the man tly from the top 'of the . 'Fiend street bridge ? We have. never met any one who was there, and as the incident belongs to the history of the middle ages of our town, it would be Interesting to have an account of it, from an eye-witness, —Miss. Hosmer has written a letter to the. Master of the Hounds ot' the Roman Hunt. which bristles with true Yankee spunk. Besides handing in her resignation she gives the official addressed so severe a dig with her pen that if he has the slightest tinge of gentle blood in his underbred body, it must wince. • . —The White Fawn is not mach longer for this world. It's successor at Niblois is al ready bespoken in Fechter, who is coming to play standard drama. We suppose he will create a furore because he was the hero of the English stage for tong, and yet he is not so 'good an actor as either Booth or Ed win Adams. —The definition of a proverb as "one man's wit and all men's wisdom, is ascribed to Earl Russell. The same idea is express ed in Don Quixote. The story of Earl Russell's bOn mot on the Schleswig Holstein question has been told of Lord Palmerston, Count Bismarck and Baron Von Beust. Perhaps they all got it off simultaneously. —ln Philadelphia cricket is considered very much more aristocratic than base bail and the Philadelphia, Germantown and Young America clubs teem with young swells who while they play cricket so well as always to come out victors in matches with clubs from other cities, look down upon base ball as a game more suited for the canaille than for such as they, —The New York Sun is anxious, cvi- aently, to return to the systeT of torturing great criminals. It does not want Jeff. Davis hung on a sour apple tree, butinsists that he shall be forced to take a journey on the New York and Erie Railroad. Suitable punishment should - always follow every crime, but a return to the system of the mid dle ages r intensified by steam, is what we are hardly _prepared for. —Three dollars a pound are asked for early rare potatoes. in Central New York. There seems to be an invisible essence in bulbous and some other roots which inspires men to madness. The tulip-ornania in Hol land, the present potato mania in New York and New Jersey, and the Mississippi, South Sea, California and Petrolehm bubbles, which sprang from the love of the root of all evil, are evidence of the fact. —Gen. Beauregard denies that while via iting the National Cemeteries, at Arlington, he scoffed at the inscription on the . vault. Hesays that a true hearted soldier feels tbs same respect for the grave of a gallant ene nay as for a brother in arms. This is per haps true but it does not apply to Beaure gard: A true hearted:soldier would not fight against his flag and the men who : learned the art of war with him' at the ex pense of a generous goyerhment. —Janauscheck's last performance in New' York was an ovation; the New York T imer says: The attendance on the occasion was so great as td invade the sanctity of the orchestra, and' the musicians were 'turned from their accustomed seats, in ihvor of the overflow from the auditorium, which eom- - ' pletely filled the preanct of harinonY: The; overture and entr act mttsie were given from iiehind the curtain. Thsenthuilitem , of the vast *diem very Steat)oBMay •be 16142e41,;and Janauseheck, was ;It called twice and sometimes three time on. *o' 4et excitement at; the , end : of the play, also, seemed for a time to b e titv Itistrainabis;'44Was . .paroooo4l4:ol,he . artist adritirenh. PITTSBURGH GAZETTE: MONDAY.' MAY 4. 1868. DENTISTRY, real ;18 ORLY -A FULL SET OF ARTIFICIAL TEETH FOR EIGHT DOLLARS. ',FULL UPPER AND LOWER SET TOR nst TEETH EXTRACTED WITHOUT PAIN. NO CHARGE FOR EXTRACTING WHEN ARTI . FICIAL TEETH ARE ORDERED. •ALL WORK WARRANTED FOE FIVE YEARS. k i A t U t GIIING AS - FREE OF CHARGE, AT QUINCY A. SCOTT'S ' Steam Dental Establishment, 278 PENN STREET, 3B BOOR ABOVE BAND. N. DR. SCOTT lioentee finder tha e Goodyear ratente, he will not make any ••tiew I be the treutT;ill t plitVit i ttrg. "l3 um:l=l7 GAS ^EIXTITRES ,' C,lla xicleliOrls, FOR NAM AND OIL. Jun received, the dnest end - largest asbortuaent ever opened In this env. I . WELDON & KELL . 141 WOOD STREET, DOR; VIRGIN ; LLEY. ualt24:n= DRY GOODS MARKET STREET. Qrif v • 87. SPRING OPENING ! THEODORE F. PHILLIPS', (dnooeobor to. J.lll, Bureloield Co.) SPRING DRY GOODS. SPRING DRY GOODS. Man, DRY.:GOODS. MR. PHILLIPS 'respectfully anueunet , s that the extensive alterations , RETAIL DRY GOODS STORE Are completed, and blorehtahlibllment la NOW, OPEN. lin otters an entirely Nett/ Stock of Dill Goods,. For Spring nud Summer Wear, at the toweet MLA ern cht, Priem - no: 87 IT AMC ET STIVE ET . E x ,' ~- o a v p op • 4/ 1- E-4 P-1 'Xi Fl SS M...i * • = D__, 'A r-, p g - g ..v.' ,4 n C g I EE -4 t A gi . ta, . . 2 E.O 0 (;) CA 0 vhi EZ I C, z AT DENNISON & HECKERT'S, 27 Fifth Street. PLAIN LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS, S cents and upwards. • ALL LINEN EM-STITCRED HAMMER CHIEFS, for 3 rows and upwards. WATCH AND WORK ROXES, WRITING? DEARS. _ HOSIERY, in nil grades and,at all grieve. MORRISON'S STAR SHIRTS, AT REDTTED PRICER! KID GLOVES, CORSETS, ROW' SKIRTS, de ALL OUR GOODS AT LOW PRICES. felo CUMMcCANDLESS 414 CO., ' (Late 'Wilson, Carr & C 0..) WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Foreign and Domestic Dry tioods, No. 04 WOOD STREET. Third door above Diamond alley, • PITTSBURGH. PA. 13111,0P(114AL5.--Sealed PeopOsals will be received by the Water Committee of the ty of Pittsburgh, until I o'clock r. St. of • - Tuesday, May 12th, FOR THE FOLLOWING, AN ENGINE AND PUMP , at the Lower Works, suited to present betiding,. and of equal capacity to the engine erected at Gm Works in 1866. • . Scaled Proposals will also be recelvel for furnish. log at Lower Works, FIVE BOILERS, Each SS inches by 26 feet,_with twolf).lnoh Flues, Smoke Stack, Steam Pipe, Steanyind Mud Drums. , ALSO; FOR FOUR nont.vns, • At Upper Works, each 40 inches by SO feet, two 13 inch Yloes,!Bmokeogtook, *tom Pipe, Steam' and Mud Drums.. Proposals will also be received at sane time for . LAYING WATER PIPE. During the present season on such streets mid alleys as may from time to time' be 'directed bylhe Com-' inittee. Details of the proposed work, and apkincotgois of the machinery, can be procured at the office ,or, the Water Works, or at the Lower Works, after - the 5118th inst. 2 1 231316-31onthly, Nettlotineaktv The Water Committee reserve the - right to' reject any or all bids, if deemed by them advlsabie. • JOSEPH PRESIOH, gpm . . Superintendent WateiWorks. ST COMMON illadigne s Stone Works, Northwest corner of West eommon.''..filleglietly; FRZIPIC ATVATER 41 7 00: • Have on band or prepare on abort' liotleif and Step Stones. Flaw! for ~ sldewalks, Brewery th il p ead tir T titec °l44B Prl t4n ee eli s i ttaielable. WV OII Vaults, 3c. Le w . 1 41 1 9T I OXKILLS WASEINGIOI4-gnuum, . i ; . - - •Nea.r Ifiltatnirlteribit , Elevator lo in ithinfiwitiV conic waiAirikiwint w ee wili D p • . rain O of all !s 54L rders tadia either . G Corti *bell .on Blinn settee. 4464154.- TRIMMINGS AND_ p,owfwis. WIIOLEffI - AND RETAIL 'BUYERS $B. Trimmings, Notions and Fancy Goods. huve received a very fine asoortment of NXn:Ute Grpocils, (TRIP writ nqop Our L Jubt r ct4ell, A Fine N ALI. STyLES'ANp COLCTS,, , MEM EA E EN.A DEE 30135„ at $1 per. pair EEC= LIGHT COLORED'itIDS, at 50c. a pair TIMM Eri SII:TST.6I ' BIiIIITS at 44.00 cimEin BALmonALs, at 78c. and 41 in PAP Ai COIILARS,'Nve have a full varlilty MACRUM,_GINDE & CO., and 80 Market Street. . hp7.4:4110 PERFECT FITTING "A. Ci. KID DLO Vnileb is eew temple e with every color and shade. )ii addition to oar ow i bidietal Importation of the Celebrated A. 1 . C. (rouvin) RIDS, We have tweored the ex clubtve pate of the oclinrirbil 1 n ell I low4.- :TC.ldig , ' ~ 'rig; bo.t. Wove Ow poet perfect ilt. 1 AT - EATON'S, New Parasols, MACRIJM & CARLISLE, Now utter the must .legant tine of. HABIBURGS E'rer - opetted In Pittsburgh, to which they esperAttily Invite the attention os their customers. The de signs are nearly - all new and original, and about ON E-FIPTII LEM THAN REG UL AR PRICES. MACRUM & CARLISLE, 19 FIFTH STREET, Rave Just opened all shades of . BULLION AND RISTORI FRINGES. BUGLE GIMPS AED FRINGES, • Atperplowprlces ll i • apll CRAaKiER BAKERIES. .kiI r ABVIVS PATENT FREN I ,CII CRACKERS. t.:KACKEItti. And every variety of SUPERIOR CRACKERS., TRY THEM. • EB'I'ABLI9HED IN 1840. • SHEPHARD'S Steam Cracker aud Biscuit Factors, 317 LIBERTY STREET, PITTEBIIRGE, ' l llanufacturce and dealer in ►ll kinds of CX:III4rEMICTIONMIVY, . _ FOEEIGN AND DOMRSTte FRUITS. NUTS. &O. No. 20 FIFTH. STREET, PT= MAPLE SYRUP. ITTEIDIURGII PAPER` MANE.. FACTURING COMPANY, Manufacturer( of PRINTINGAND WRAPPING' PAP ERS. cjaivio: mkt—wrtuntriylux, 0.0. NEIGInwe.N iaiILt?..NEW IinItINTON, PA. . 111 ,, 1 1'': , i: ~” • I :,. 1 , ',. ,'y ,! ~,c.'t O..nICX AN wnitEnousrd, .$10.2 Tbiatt 4 Pittitpiii'ol4' 1 4: i , , ..,., ..:'•!:$ zczneA N sla A ir lin. rreiftaent : ~ ~.,:.:'_-, -, ) , B,iattr ' E , L , v w us ix rw te re tari mr . J . ) -Oißßerefit.-Aggrit. rtje, Jolla' Atwell, S. a I/ t i Mittggitotlitcsk, - ' o ' .. ', Oddioss arna1111011; ' , ALLEGIIEIif lk. mpIaMM I C4. .It•WeE# 1 1 4MWAY tiker MernSALICAIIt LEAST.. , that 'dirt of 'to littinoottenprts.agrudimvenddle rgvia. s l, 0. to th e termini at - ____ e gi ll itti rDi t at g ot a jdrrirwitrAtrit 14/; 141thia / lOW the , a4thinit4lervrop•sal t t ifizm ,otor tmk, em_ .4 •,• I .' 4 * , i ,r 94 l4 2 , t lire i re _ .5 Itin 3 ip, -goiteriateadenti opti 04 t , apttl httue lie. AV lit. oar tit, Motorail. 1 1ch cannot be beat. It COnslata of 1 Ii r l ) 4713S141111 1 2 r.Etrii ,VIII:VOOK ; LAWNS, CAMPRICS.:Ece. :I , 111/iin UNION. at 31. tic. pc*_yard.,:. : d ri -DAMASK TOWEL% atlA,,tie.- ' II - e of )10SIERY is now Complete. ; o DOZEN OF CORSETS, " *1.85 al GLOVES. "---"H. K." =I BEE DEPARTMENT, RI/LORUM & CARLISLE, .10 VI RTIt. sTREET Nu. 17 .I. 4 ifth Street. Straw °audit, And Flowers, JUST OPENED 10 Fi`tth Street, FRENCH CRACKERS FRENCH' CRACKERS FRENCH Cp.ACKEIL,3 FRENk'll tRACKEftS S. S. KELRVIN,.. 91 Liberty . Rtreet, Wltlabargb. lELOBTr%T*IOI%T, IlAti ANOTIIMIt LOT MESE ~~*~• may,..,,:. ~,._ CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS. &C. CHINA mArriNG _ C.A.NlX°3oerrifi ! • A very superior quality of • White, ."Taney Striped • And theck • • iIiST IMPORTED. ALL-WOOL INGRAINS, BRIGHTEST COLORS. Prices the Lowest in this Market: , • mccALLux. .BROS., . a 51 FIFTH STREET, abovo Wood. p 27 1868 SPRING STOCK . 1803 - • OF • C.A.I 7 I,rEPS, . JUST OPENING, LARGE ASSORTMENT, All Qualities • • LOWEST PRICES IN THE CITY SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS TO THOSE 'WHO BUT - TO SELL. BOYARD, ROSE & 21 Fifth Street, mhlo:d&wF OVER BATES. dr. BELL'S. 71 73 McEARL.AND & COLLINS ARE NOW OPENING THEIR NEW SPRING STOCK, CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, W INDO W SHADES CURTAIN GOODS, PURCHASED LAST MONTH FOR CASH. AND IN MANI INSTANCES AT Less than- Actual 'Cost to Manufacture. These Goods could not now be replaced for the same cost, and are offered FOR CASH at WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, Far Below Their Present Value, AT THE PLACE WHERE BARGAINS CAN AL WAYS BE KAD ON THE BEST STOCK IN THIS MARKE. Nos. 71 and 73 Fifth Street. SECOND FX.:0011. felO:uwraT J. & H P=S. 1868."'"'''1868• to t a y i o ur tr e i: o i r igr a rrlvi W % - o rm o rr own and other , FLOOR, ;OIL CLOTHS, CARRIAGE, FURNITURE, TABLE, AND WINDOW' SHADE OIL CLOTHS, . OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Also, a full llne of Transparent '0 indow Shades, Hollands, Shade IFlXtiltifelg; Tassels, Cords, *a., &it. WOLDSALE AND RETAIL BUYERS Will find' our Prlcea AS{ LU\Y ilEI r lf C o,sail,.i q u ality and styles secnnitto none. - • J \St 44. PHILLIPS °o2uBlll. SCAND AS ST. CLAIR. ST. STEAM CARPET BEATING ESTABLISHMENT. Which. EN YEAUQ TRIAL In Now York and oth er Eastern cities has preyed a complete success. ITS AIIVASTAGESr r = Ist—Fading and Shrinkage are completely wield ed. ninri 5 1 4 1:- No- 111,1: 3 4 111 1noilis or their lame. tee Carpet 1 ks nearly as iroed as new, save the natural fading from wear. 4th—Wheitymplectly• clean, a Carpet Will wear as tong szalsi,,a 11. hie matter as a mere point Of eCODOIdr; to Say nothing of looks. ALL ORDERS LEFT AT: TILE OFFICE, No. 1711-,,,niierty Street" Or addressediciP'. 0. boa 448, mil% receive prompt 1030.14-;:idedindoelt:--• mh2.4 mblO TIVAND:'OAI43, • 'W. 300/1:4 , 44 1 1 1 . 4467410.4t3 ' ite1 , - Alip a ttiVp s i l irAoirioje a tidardarf i r YDRASINITIC bt‘ • Orders promptly led andlattstretles poereateed. • .! .Q1411tM11:107114 _ , 4 'RAWL^ Bile!Skits:. 010. ; • A/WUXI* r-- - • rsurritousimiwouestowsuallmaiN Nos., a mu 3 iket.icrawitrimwrisaitoirOC l 2.' s ws_ hif &Motion elven to the designing Ow w""lmi ot COURT ua ovraand rung" lOLIHNOL • ?~ • BUSINEES. D is so Litt T N.--vtie firm GREGG &,xLEI.IIIIINING, NV as dissolved on the lath Inst., by mutual contwr Eltber partner will shrulthe tune or the firm tlement.. JAMES IJIMEG, No. 4 Iland tt. WNt, CLENOINING, No. 50 .liancl t Plttsbitrah, April•lsth. MS. JANirEs oirEGG will ['coot lone %be old bm,:nesa No. 4lt mrd-etreet. Ali ortlero Will be promptly tended to. The business will al - So be continued at ht• o stand, No. 30 Hand street, by W. CLENPII , I . 31AL"illSent12 - strees, Anteksuyi ra ? it and long ,onTed co ductqd,!* , .3l - 4era; - PATTEntog ,vEN , Atis, ALE."{l7,Etti VWI7gIiSON", resoraidingsny sbery*or told tltty.custorairs ai to ati ill° are Interested In seettring the best (Ira! Maof all kinds of ..Luniler at prlcea to suit the in° MHE PARTNERSHIP heretofcal Cif sting - urideribi, mime And style of jOHN'I4`."BOYTS & CO., Is this day dissolved by4uut nal consent, the intere: Of JOHN ENABLE hating been purchased by 1Y.71 N. OGDEN, The business of the late firm will I settled by JOHN H. iIOYTS. and WILLIAM OGDEN, who have'thk day formed a Copartnel ship under the name and style of BOYTS OGDEIi JOHN H. BOYTS, . I • 1. JOHN ENABLE. Pittsburgh, March Oth. 15138. • ardlimal PISSOLUTIOIC—TH El - FIRM 01 ATWELL, LEE co. was dissolved on a f February. 18613,"thy mutual consent. Eithl partner may sign the utipc of the firm In settlemeni lulls ATWELL. CII A IMES ATWELL.: . A. .1. LEE. The undersigned will . caltinue the WHOLESAL GROCERY IieISIN.IESS,,, under the name and style ATWELL Ss LEE, at the old place, No. 131 Secos stieet. A continuance , : of the patronage of the friends and the public Ls respectfully solicited. l HAI LES ATWELL. ! A. J. LEE. AND DONAIIOE: apl5:oGO sah::ms3 MERCHAOT TAILORS. 'HENRY MEV : y.B, MERCIIAN* T4.110R, !No. 13 SMITRFIELI? STREET, Pittsburgh, P - Constantly on band, 4 full assortment of CLOTH! CASS.I3IERES. VESTWGS, Sce. anDO:oBG, DUFF & CO., Merchant Tailor! No. 34 Fedelid St., Allegheny, Have Jnst received a I4ge and well selected stock - PINE SPRING GOODS, • Suitable for a first clasp custom trade. Also. a :art stock of GENT'S Ftrit).:lSHl NG GOODS. atilS McARDLE, P. m:mtcEL&NT TAILOR, 93,i SMITHFIETia) STREET, PITTS:BURGI Seeps . constantly otkhand assortment of CLOTHS, CASSIOERES & VESTINGS Also, GENT'S FETt4,IEIING GOODS. GENT CLOTHING MADE TO ORDER. the latests.tyle. PIANOS, ORGANS, &C Teri' THE BEST AND CHEAP Jur EST PLV....N.0. AND ORGAN. • Schomackees Mold Medal Plane • AND ESTEMI COTTAGE ORGAN. The S.CHOMACEEP. PIANO combines all :I latest valuable imprctvements known in the COI struction of a tins: dlals instrument, and has alwa: been awarded the hi_ghest premium whervier e: Whited. Its tone Ls sonorous and sweet. Tt workmanship, for datability and beauty, corps all others. Prices froMllso to $l5O, facccralnic stile and finleh,) chOper than all other so-cailt first class Piano. • ESTEY'S•GOTTAriE ORGAN Stands at the head of :sal reed instruments. in pn ducing the most perfect pipe quality of tone of at .similar instrument itiqbe - United States. It is sin pie and compact in construction, and not liable • get out of order. CARPENTER'S rATENT VOX . MILAN TREMOLO" Is only;; to be found in this Orgai Price from $lOO to 050. All guaranteed for fir years. , • - BARB S IMAtE & BUETTLER, mria . 140. iss ST. CLAIR. STREET. SECOND ElAlyD MELODEONS A.ND ORGANS, In perfect order; fro+ $35 to $l3O • CRARLOTIM BLlth. mhl 42 Firth et., - 2d door abcree Wood. wth PAPER. AV. P. MURREE-ALIA, NO. 87 WoOd; Street, near Fourth T0,8 4 4CC0 AND 0143AiS. :IrtniSANALtigNl -DEALssAzi.tx.r.-13..N0s cot LEAF To4ccolANb'StGAß% _ No. SIXTECSTRIFET, (Nattotuil - Dant of eon ineYee Banding, ) • ` • • . 7 . PITTSBURGH, -PA. *midi of 1151 Water , lq.reet, N.l. ap4:nD DANIEL F. DIVAN. VICELSIOR WORKS. ,ff li. ' dr._;:cv.'- orr.siErrnsON, NianuracOireis Sad Dealers In TcOaccp, nuff,Cigars, Pipes, ikc.i 1 71: , Ito S TEDERAVST., ALLEGHENY'. ' , CONFECTIONERIES. Wain wjuntaucli f _ Ceareetionery and Bakery soo ErifTMPTELD'S I TERET,_ , Between Seventh and /Awry/. .CLAD ~S' OVitriergALOON . attached EoßGE'Bravrdir) Andai l e D :l 7l4 L.l lll 6 l 7: llß All s NU l:l lo ,4l44,Strott 4 t 1 A r ?t ut , tue , tro "gsti9ual j/41 ,1 A. s ec ond rt 4" poky C 4AO AND STE4IIC" Oat* etklillit4 micOiorirms‘ciNi;i. • ; ' I4 VASS " '• OASI; AND 4S I TIA.II- .1111 :Trirt Manufacturers rOtra iNwir MI :iTtg italketUreteig Ass , ~ Corner of - PSI), , and , WaltintlitivOsy ..„1; . .-." iskylstaBo .! -,-:.' .4- •.,.... .. -1. • • ',. . 7:1- .• ..-.1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers