Q IRON WORKS. AS. liribuntrt, Pre!Pt W. P. Pormi, Supt. pITTSM:TIGH , FORGE AND IRON C 0.,. zAlturacrunEns 0? Bar Irou; Railroad 'nob lbws and Bolts; Railroad Car Arles Rolled; ltalimmd Car Aides Hammered; Loseasemilve Frames; losedwastive Frame shapes; Sadbliodsr Yokes!, iltragNi; WPOPistilkerala; Steamlboat Shaircs; Steamboat Cranks; Pisani Bodo, Wrists: Pitman Jaws, Collars, de„ Office, No. 177 PENN STREET,! PITTSBURG'''. P OltArii, BYERS & CO., MAITUFACTURERS OF Bai., Hoop and Sheet Iron, WROUCHT IRON, Iron Welded Tubes for Gas, Steam, , 'Water, tte. ALSO, • OIL. WELL. TUBING. Onke l 98 - Water and 132 First Streets. PITTSBURGH, Pa. uZ:e26 KENSINGTON IRON WORKS. LLOYD & BLACK, MANUFACTURERS OF Best Common, Iteliste4, Charcoal JUNIATA BLOOM. IRON. MERCHANT BAN, ROUND and SQUARE IRON - HOOP, HAND „T arid ANGLE IRON. . BOILER PLATE and SHEET IRON. MOWER AND REAPER BARS. CYLINDER and GUARD or FINGER IRON. SMALL , E RAILS, 20 and 16 lbs. to Ulu yard. WROUGHT CHAIRS and SPIKES for same. FLAT RAILS, Punched and Countersunk. - COAL SCREEN IRON. NAILS AND SPIKES- Warehouse and Office at the Wor.:s, GREEN adjoin STREET, Gas ninuat Pittsburght street, adjoining the City Works, EVERSON, PRESTON & CO., Pennsylvania IrOn Works. Warehouse, Nos. 166 and 167 FIRST STREET opposite 31onongabela House, an24:dB PITTSBURGH. STEEL WORKS - - SHEFFIELD STEEL WORKS. NIIIIIOII. & CO., - PITTSI3I7RGH, Manufacturers of every description of CAST. AND GERMAN STEEL, RAILWAY SPRINGS, ELLIPTIC AND STEEL T I R E, AXLES, STEEL TIRE, & c., &c. Warehouse, 80 Water and 110. First Sts. apPl:od7 PITTSBURGH STEEL WORKS. ANOcRSON, COOK & CO., (SUCCBSSOBB TO JONES, BOYD & C 0.,) Manufacturers of the . .. , BEST REFINED -cAsge STEEL, .M. 1 . 4 7 : ' A T lA T Attejlgii : g 'd l t l A z tlital r c CAST STEEL for 1411isird Mowing 3t chlnee~ ktett Axles, ICsulars, Ise., Ate. Cast and Conarnon:PlawdcSprlngSteel °Mee—Corner FIRST , AND !WES 15TEMET8, tire blocks above the Monongahela House. ocZkdS MIIJXIt, BABB &PMMii. GIMEIIAL PASTNEUS: WM.. W. METCALF, REUBEX-MILER GEO BARK, SPAKIN. SPECIAL PAnTNF.R- - S. 3X. KIER. CRESCENT STEEL WORKS, „ iLtkitit Office,NOl339 Liberty St, fel4:da ,Pn'Tsuuriqn, PA. BILICH DIAMOND STEEL WORKS. PARK, BROTHIR & CO., Manufacturers of all descriptions of • rXra • w/Fir _ • Office and Warehouse, 120_122, 124 SECOND and 119 sad 121 FIRST STREET, GLASS, CH I NA. CUTLERY. 100 - W4iOD STREET CHINA, GLASS:AND I t . . - QUEENSWARE, . SILVER PLATED WARE, s ei PARIAN STATUETTES, 7 . :- - ,;. . •,. .. 8 .. Boziona fuss, -. . ri; 1 _ __. And /other sT.Aru..E AND FANCY GOODS, a great variety: , 1 . . 100 WOOD STREET. Baal Min E. i3ItEED A CO: mhzr 1100 WOOD STREET.- 11 A ›k: )1 Y )1 • STEIN, „. 152 Federal Street, AlleSlie 2 7 , (Fourth door above Dlimond.) Glass,_Chlua Ware. & Table Cutlery AT sAerrag FRICES. Everything required in a tusk class store on hand. Call and examine our gw"." jelOma LITHOGW'HERS. SINGESOnsLY PHILIP CLEM. LI & CLEIS, Successors to Gao. 8. • - Scntroltime..t Co.. • • • pi vioncAl UTSOGRAPHERC The only fitelial2l..ithograjobie Zlitabllshment West of the Nountslitit. • Btisiness Cads, Lotter Heade, Bonds. Labelcircuhubs,: 1311oW Cards, Diplomas Portnilts, Views, Certificates, Ot.rleostiat lion Cams at 14rOs ' Tif an d street ,: Pittsburgh. - • • - CHAS. A. 111/Lti 3 4>:• 7 T-'1"X#09'41.41/Vi*-14Eb'zi-e SO. BO nuns ffnutr, - .uttriortionith CHECKS, and BUDS, ao., done In all styles. IlPielX.6o .`"7". , — r7F1 7 .17:77 , 777.~ it 7 -1-7: > -5 uSiEle tv* - 4-, LE ATLAS WORKS, AND PITTSBIIIII43IH. FOUNDERS, IKA9.I3TS. MORTON STREET, Ninth 'Ward, prrir4!.=.iwuicG.rt, THOMAS N. MILLER, President. These Works are among the largest anc moat 'complete establishments in the West.. and are now prepared to furnish Ensines,'ol every deseription. Boilers, Oil Tanks. Sheet Iron Work. BaUroad Coattings. Soiling Mill Castings. Engine Castings. Machine Castings. General Castings. ORDERS SOLICITED n09:1369 NATIONAL FOUNDRY AND PIPE 'WORKS. Corner Carroll and Snoodbums . Streets; (NINTH WARD,) Pri"T€o3l:3l - 1 4 GrEE, WM. Slum Manufacturer, of , CAST IRON BOWL PIPE, FOR GAS AND WATER WORKS. DI Pipes are all cast invariably in Pits, in dry sana, and 15 feet lengths. Also, full assortment of General Castings for. Gas and Water Works. I would also call the attention of Superintendents of Gas Works to piy make of RETORTS. fel6:tlo THE HAP FORT PITT FOUNDRY CO. CARAIBLES SNAP, President. J.-X. KNAP, Vice President. ' 0. METCALF Seey and Treas'r. J. K. WADE:Engineer. J. G. SNAP, General Manager. DIRECTORS: JAMES B. MURRAY, • of Lyon, Shotli&, Co. A. B. W. PAINTEIt, of J.• Painter & Sons. C. B. sFantos, of Spring, Chalfant & Co. THOS. S. BLAI R, of Shoenberger & Co. ‘WM. METCALF: of Miller, Barr .& Parkin. TSAICLIFACTL7IEF.B OF Relling_Mill and. Blast . Machinery RETORTS and CASTINGS of every deacslption ERNEST'S NAIL MACHINES. , A. BRADLEY W. VANKIRK.. ..... J. S. BRADLEY 2ETNA STOVE WORKS. - A. BRADLEY & CO.. . Manufacture every vailety of Cook, Parlor and Heating Stoves; Among which are the celebrated EUREKA, TROPIC and TALISMAN (Coal Stoves); POMANA, VETERAN and IRONSIDES (Wood Stoves). Aldo manufacture GRATES, GRATE FRONTS, - 4:4- Office and Warehouse, corner of Second and Wood streets, Pittsburgh. Entrance on Second street. apU:rs9 . L. 0. LIVENGSTON.W. U. BIIIIT.W. A. 11.011LIMON, JR. LIVINGSTON & CO., IRON POUNDERS, • MANUFACTUEEES OF FINE .LIGHT CASTINGS AU descriptions, for Plumbers and Gm; 'Fitters; Ag ricultural Implements, Cotton and W Woolen MID Ma chinery. &c. • AU Job Work promptly attended to. • , Office and Works—WASHINGTON AVENUE, 'near Outer Depot, Allegheny city. Pa. ROBINSON, BEA CO., successors to Botassox, 3.lmis BkMulans, WASHINGTON WORKS, FOUNDERSAND MACHINISTS, PITTSIURGH, Manufacturers of Boat and Stationary Steam En anatiis _Bitstisttinftltl'alcuimillVraT,,G.enkaValn a Stills, DUB& anu Sheet Iron Wo r k Office, No. 19. corner First and Smithfield Streets. Agents for lIIFOARIPS PETENT INJEC .-Mt for feeding Boilers. • 'MOW BLANC FOUNDRY. Bicaer Street, iinth irartt, (Opposite Unicn Iron MIlls,) ItaUbig Mill and Bridge Castings, THIMBLE SKEINS AND PIPE BOXES, MACHINERY AND CASTINGS GENERALLY. Orders promptly and carefully executed. Charges reasonable. EBBEAT itRUCK:LIND. ocisins _ BERLIN FOUNDRY. • & SIMS. (Me and Warehoun4 29 Wood Stmt. Unnufacture and keep constantly on band Thimble, Skein and Pipe Ilexes, WAGON BOXES, DOG IRONS, . SUGAR KETTLES, HOLLOW. WARE, And Castirigs generally. ap33:31 CENTRAL FOUNDRY AND ROLL WORKS, 1380 Penn Street. 'HOLTMAN, BOYD & BAG/ULT. Chill Rolls, Mill Castings, Roll Lathes, &c. V a ILTLTON MACHINE WORKS. • EITATILISJIED IN MOO. nnfactory of STEAM ENGINES, all sizes and of tbe most a pp roved patterns for stations raw lt i lng l i F igni l 3 1 27; ENGINES, wlilzb. will be sold at Very reduced prices. .P. F. GEISSE, Wellsville, O. Fitly miles below Pittsburgh, ou the Ohio Myer, and line. of C. do P. i . no9:b2 IRON BROKERS. . -. ..iiiiiuEi:mr.w --- icTK.ER ----- iinAm, iIION BROKER, 124 First Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. , Agent for the sare of Corn,wall, Doughamore, Jo sephine, Isabella, Duncannon Stanhope, G lendon, ,and other brands of Anthr acite, Youghiogheny Coke and C. 11. Charcoal • • . ' • • - 'PIG- ERPNEIw - - . Consignments and orders respectfully solicited. COPPER. LAKE SUPERIOR COPPER, ZELL A3IIIIIOMTING W0L113,.., rriwrsistruciva. PARK, McCURar & CO., 'litantitacturers oft 3 Sheathintr, Braziers , and 80l Copper, Presied Copper Bottoms, Raised Still_ Bot tom. SpeTinaolder Also, Impoilers and Dealers in Ketal, Plate, Sheet Iron, *s• 41...a.c. c on . stantly on band Tinners' Machines az. , • - Warehouse ,No. 140 Ell= STItEcT and 120 .SECOND IBTEXET.,__Pittsurgh : desired . • speoslordera of Copper cut t o any d pa% .terp. . -.•. : - myuleacairx WitAILIAI J. DICK, tARPENTER 4N,D BVILDER pit 24 IYENNEIYLVA , NIA. AVENUE, pvposts. I itrket, 1.11.. Residence, Ifo. Grant street , . Jobt4ng done 'with neatness valid- &Mitch. All orders promptly attended to, and satisfaction war. fantod. an29:e47:llwi • PFrTSBURGR - G ENGINES,- BOILERS, &C FORT PITT BOILER; STILL AND TAPIR 7 WORKS. CARROLL & SNYDER, TUBULAR, DOUBLE-FLUED TUBULAR, FIRE BOX AN." CYLINDER STEAM BOILERS. . OIL STILLS AND OIL TANKS, • • - CHIMNEYS, BREECHING AND ASH PANS, SETTLING PANS, SALT PANS AND CON- • DENSER'S: STEM PIPES, GASOMETERS AND IRON 1. 1 80 111IDGES; P N DOORS AND COAL SHUTES. Ocoee and Warehouse teener . Second, Third, Short and Liberty Streets, Air Orders sent to the above address will be promptly attended to. mh7:189 IcilL. . MORROW....JAS. B. BARNIIILL....JAS. BLAIR. BIAXIAL BOILER WORKS. MORROW, BARNHILL & CO., MANUFACTURERS OF Steam Boilers, Oil Stills, Agitators ! -TANKS, SALT PANS, GASOMETERS, WROUGHT IRON BRIDGES, SHEET IRON WORK, dm. Cor. Liberty and Second Sts., PITTSBURG% PA. 'REPAIRING promptly done. _ _ _Jy4:b2 WM. BARNHILL & CO., BOILER MAKERS AND SHEET IRON WORKERS, NOS. 20, 22, 24 AND 20 PENN ST Having secured a large yard and furnished it with the-most approved machinery, we are prepared to manufacture every description of BOILERS in the best manner, and warranted equal to any made in the country. Chimneys, Breeching, Fire Beds, Steam Pipes, Locomotive Boilers, Condensers, Salt Pans, Tanks, Oil Stills, Agitators, Settling Pans, Boiler Iron. Bridges, Sugar Pans, and sole manu facturers of Barnhill's Patent Boilers. Repairing done on the shortest notice. 7ELS:c2I JAMES M. RITER, Nos.. 55 and 56 Water Street, • PITTSBMIGn, • NANUTACTIIREIt OF IRON OIL TANKS, SETTLING PANS, COPPER STEAM PIPE, ROLLING MILL STACKS, -And SHEET IRON WORK, For Steamboats. JARED M. BRUSH EDMUND D. DRUSR. JARED M. BRUSH & SON, MANUFACTURERS OP Steam Boilers Oil Stills, Tanks. 61 Penn Stseet, Pittsburgh : , Pa. STOVES, CASTINGS, &C COOK B,T(IVEST - - BISSELL dr, CO.'S FOR BITUMINOUS COAL. Warranted to Cook, Bake or Boast as well as any other Stove in the Union. BISSELL & CO., No. 2.35 Liberty Street. _ . Also on btad - Andfot sale, PARLOR STOVES._ ____„, - , , HEATING STOVES,. , - - r ORATE FRONTS, FENDERS, , : ' , • .. , COOKING UANGES, ilte: EST PLACE in the city TO BUY THE TRIUMPH COOK!NC STOVE, Is at. No. 146 GRANT STREET. Jet' - • P. C. DUFFY. NEW HARDWARE HOUSE. LINDSEY, STERRIT & EUWER, HARDWARE, 837 LIBERTY STREET, One Square Below Union Depot, PITTSBURGH. Air Agents for FAIR.EA.NES' SCALES. DIUSEINIANN, F • FriTH ST., bet. Tunnel & Chatham Sts„ Gunsmith and Pealer in Hardware. • First-class (roods of all descriptions Vvrayi on hand - and sold et the lowest prices. Itdpidrir e g dOne carefully on short notice. • j :d5O • • BREWERIES. pilfEßEy STEAM BREWERY. 308. SPE.NCEII/...JAS. IVICAY....IIOIIEIIT LIDDELL. SPENCE% 11.11AY- & CO., IVIALSTERS AND" BREWERS Of Ale, Porter, and Brown Stout, PITTSBURGH, PA. !WHEW ViersON. ?Sanger. DYERS AND 130011 iDif S. LANCE, Nos. 186 and 137 Third Street, DYER AND SCOTTREIN & BUILDNRS. BID Emovkis .10T wines,PLUMBS CLEAN • TrIMMO; • t ; CLOTHES-W=ll4lP • • _ es t the atanufaciturerAt 'Macomb and retau tine , at str a nd se Bt. Clair street a H. pnimps, Sole Agoura for this county. d.tsurAcrvnEns OF PITTSBURGH, Pa. SNERT IRON WORE. &C CET THE BEST. TRIUMPH, ;iail Manufacturers and Importers of , CUTLERY„ &C. CORNER OF WAYNE, = _ STRAW GOODS OUU=P I OR Dlzm. CM PRIDAY;::NAY 1868 FINANCL&L. FORT PITT . RANKING COMPANY NY, 1 9 No, 169 Wood Street. CAPITAL, •• • • $200,000. STOCKHOLDERS INDIVIDUALLY LIABLE: DEALERS IN GOVERNMENT SECURITIES, AND - COLD. INTEREST ALLOWED ON TIME: DEPOSITS, Collections Made on all accessible points in the United States and Canadair. • DIRECTORS: • I). Hostetter, ,-Jno. C..ftisher, James Gordon, I RoM..A.. King, E:llVet'if: . 3 . 1 11 1 1;f4r. 8.1311 5 t. Meel:ll7DlLAD,.Prefel. D. LEET WILSON, Casbia. • . . NATIONAL BANK OF COMMERCE, Cor. of WOod and Sixtb. Sts. A. PATTERSON President. 'JOS. H. HILL Cashier. CAPITAL, : : $500,000. • DIRECTORS: - • A. Patterson. George W. Cass. Wm. 11. Brown, • James Ill i andless, Chas. Lockhart, • Wm. Do t as, Allen 'Kirkpatrick, Wm. Reed . W. S. Haven, I DISCOVNTS DAILY, AT 11 A. M. ap9:oH HART, CAUGHEY & CO.. BANKERS -AND BROKERS, Corner Third and Wood. Streets, TTTEMUIR.GrII, (suCcEsSouS TO iIANNA, HART R C 0.. ). DEALERS IN ExChange,- Coin, 'Coupons, And particular attention paldlo tl a purchase and sale of GOVERNMENT BONDS. Bight Drafts on London msl: N. HOLMES beSONS, 57 Market Street, PI'TTTSIIITIZG - 11, PA. Collections made on ail the principal points of the United States and Canatitis. Stocks, Bonds and other Securities BOUGHT AND SOLD ON COMMISSION Particular attention paid to the purchase and sale of United States Seenrities. Ja3s:al WESTERN SAVINGS BANK') No. 59 Fourth Street. . CH.ARTEIIED 1866. Interest paid on Time Deposits ANY SUM RECEIVED PROM ONE DOLLAR UPWARD.' DEPOSITS SUBJECT TO CHECK. WITHOUT LIiTEREST. Discounts Daily at 14 - 40t.lock. President-TM/12SOR RELL. Vice Presideit—k. L MARSHALL• DtitaCTOBS: - THOMPSON BELL, ' A. M. MARSHALL, , JOS. DILWORTH. JOS. ALABRE. J. J. OLLLEBPIE, ";. • Stockholders to Whom we make reference: Wm. Forsythe, „. Joseph Dilworth, Wm. Caldwell, Rev, David Kerr, Wll is D Henri Lambert, D. W. O. Bidwell, lA. M. Brown, . E. M. Fulton. , Thomas Ewinc. 4 4aARK4 0 '-.BANKERS. ESTABLISHED IN I VP 1831.__ 1e:35 SOUTH PHILADELPHIA, DEALERS IN GOVERNMENT SECURITIES 7 340 s Converted Into 6-20. STOCKS AND GOLD Bought and sold an connillselon, here and In New York, TIME PAPER NEGOTIATED. INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS OP GOLD AND CURRENCY. Accounts of Ranks and Bala erb received on favorable terms. ALL CLASSES OF SECURITIES TAKEN. IN EXCHANGE AT MARKET RATES... PITTSBURGH BANI TOR: SAVINGS, FORMERLY TUE DIiIE t SANINGS INSTITUTION No. 07 Fourth Street, • P . • NEARLY OPPOSITE TILE BANK Or P. "TSBUROLI .011ARTEUED IN 18Gm. • OPEN DAILY from 9 to 4 o'clock, and on WED NESDAY and SATURDAY EVENT GS, from rAy Ist to November Ist, from 7 to 9 o'clock, and from November Ist tolttay let, 0 t 0,9 o'clock. Books of Ily-Laws, ac. furnished at the °Dice. This institution especially offer to those whoSo earnings arc limlted—the opportunityto accumulate, by small deposits, °May saved; a ram Nihichlwilf be a resourge when needed, and bearing interest in stead of remaining unproductive. • • • BOARD OP MANAGERS: PILESIDENT. _ UjORGE Yi. BERRY. VICE PRESIDENTS, S. /.1. ILART3IAN, I JAMES PARK, JR Si F ICATAIty AND THS.ASUILEB, D. E. McELNLET. A: BRADLEY, .' A'. B..BELL, F. ItAHM A , • • JOllti , S. DILWORTH, - JOSTICArRTIODES, O. FOLLANSBEE, !OH BU SCOTT L,, OIt.A.HAIII, IL'. C. SCHMERTZ, CHRISTOPHER ZUO. 0014 SoLzpitpos—D. W. & A. tahl4:l,3lF SPECIAL NOTICES. WHATCRELOWS HAIR DYE This splendid Hair Dye is the best la the world; the only true and perfect Dye; harmless, reliable, instantaneous; no disappointment; 'no ridiculous tints; remedies the effects of bad dyes; invigo - and leaves the Hair soft and beautiful: btock brown. Sold by all Druggists and Perfunierstand properlysipplied at Batchelorla Wig- Ernetory, No. le Nowt street, New York. ftp9l:p2B igrMARRIAGEANDCELIILICY. An 801 l de , and the, 71°rYci ld ° . t g rin iCr JB&E.wif crew o impedimenta G. , ItIAGE; • with sure MG II .9r rellgf..l3enc,hvaealed letter envelopes, fi r ee'of charge. Addresi Dr. J. SXILLIN HOUGH TON, Howard Association, Philadelphia, Pena , a ja3o k97F• REMP%ikI.. I HAVE REMOVED MY BANKING AND EXCIIANGE OFFICE Corner of Fifth and Wood Streets, Formerly occupied by the NATIONAL BANN. OF COMMERCE. . . • . JANES 1. BRADY & Co., Corner Fourth and Wood Sts., S N K PL , BUY AND SELL ALL KINDS OF. GOVERNMENT SECURITIES, GOLD, SILVER AND COLTPONS, ON MOST FAVORABLE TERMS 7-30's CONVERTED NEW 5-20 .CO UPON BOND. nr Interest Allowed on Deposits. MONED LOANED ON GOVERN3IEN'r BONDS, and other approved collateral, at lowest market rates. , Orders executed for the Purchase sad Sale of STOCKS, BONDS and GOLD. JAMES T. BRADY & CO tip :_gitt.intrgij..6.kt.tte... FINANCE AND TRADE. OFFICE OF THE PITTSBURGH GAZETTE, THURSSDAY, April 30, 1868. s A remarkable firmness in the gold mar ket was the feature of the =day, although the Government . was selling daily j abont half it million a day, and paid out a large amount of gold for coupons yesterday and to-day. In a commercial point of view, gold should go lower witbin a few days but the impeachment Ruestion still being agi tated, it may take the entire next week be fore the gold coming into the market will be felt mueh, when likely lower rates may prevail. Government bonds, as usual, before . the day when the half yearly interest falls dub were higher to-day. Seven Thirties and new Five. Twenties were less active. The market ie.,7evidentl3r near the turning point, when some large amounts will be thrown on the market to realize, in order to be bought back again at a lower figure. The plethora of money so much talked - of a . few days ago -has but little effect on the stock market, everybody is moving along cautiously. The.question between the two rival railroad managers being still unset tled, investors, as well as ,spculators, are adverse, to heavy purchasers. In the in terior the money market is( easier, but the banks have all they can do to keep their customers supplied with funds and back balances are not likely to be run up at New - York in sAider to dravi interest or to be em • ployed in carrying government securities. Those banks that were holders of such se curities are reaping the benefit of their in vestment, and now employ their funds at home, when it is more safe to discount at high rates. • In local securities but little is doing. "Money conimands from 10 to 12 per cent., and are active. -Business is improving: Closiag . quotations as received tly - Th. B. Mertr, were. s ' • • EZ2I Gold, 139 g; 1:•:1 bonds, 118 X; .1862 112%; 1864 do, 1103 i; 1865 do, 111; CMisciho, 10830:10-40N 1 02 X; 7408,t1C.734._ & Pittsburgh, 8.23%; Fort Wayne,lo33‘; North Westerti,obuimmi aw; North Vi'eaterie-preferred, 75; ,New. York Central,!l2Bg; Erie, 71%; . 01d South ern, 00g; Ohio & Drissis.sippia, 31% Mer chants Union Bapress,3l%; Western Union Telegraph,363%. Mining Shares—Corydon, 80; Quartz Hill, 1,10; Quicksilver, 26g. --Closing quotations received by James T. Brady &Co, Gold U. 8. 6's, 1881 " 5-20'5,.1862 " 5-20's, 1864 46 5-20's, 1865 10-40's '‘ 5-20's, Jan. and July, '65 64 44 AI 46 44 , 67 " June 7-30's July 7-30's May Comp., 1865 PITTSBURGH PETROLEUM MARKET GFIFL'E OF THE PITTSBURGH GAZETTE, THURSDAY, April 30, 1868. CRUDE—The market for crude oil still rules frm, and prices have an upward ten dency.- We can report the following trans actions: 50 bbls at 9yo, packages returned; . , 1000 bbls bulk, on spot, at 10c; 2000 do spot, at 10c; 1300 spot, at 10c. Private dispatches from Oil City, received this afternoon, re port oil at $2 1 70 to $2,75 per bbl, an advance of least 25e since morning. For first water buyers are bfferin,g lOgc. All the year, buyer's option, in the absencebf any sales, Abe continue to quote at 123.4 c. • REFINED—The bonded oil" market is equally as firm as crude, and holders -are askilig higher prices. 811 e of a "line" of ,2000 bbl. for August to November, inclu sive, 500 each month, at 30c; also a line of 2000 bbls, September and. October,•buyer's option, 1000 each month, last half, at 30c. We heard of offers -to buy for May, June and July deliveries, at,2Bc, but: they ywrere reibsed. The last sale ibr all the-year,buy-, er's option; inade yesterday at 32c, 111 , the absence of transactions for that period to day we continue VI giv.e:B243 as the market. , price. There was nothing= :done -today -in spot oil; yet the rieminal. quotations :may be stated at 27 to 27gc, offered and asked. OIL SHIPMENTS PER A. V. R. R. Lockhart, Frew & Co., 53 bbls refined to Warden, Frew '& Co.) Philadelphia. Nat. Ref. Co., 100 do do to F. A. Dilworth &Co., Philadelphia. • Fawcett, Logan & Stockdale, 250 do do to W. P. Logan & Bro., Philadelphia. Braun (St Wagner, 250 do do to Waring, - King & Co., Philadelphia. , Buffum, Kehew 45r. Co., 100 dOto W. P. Logan, Philadelphia. •••,. Mont,zheimer, Koehler di Co., 250 do do to Waring, King '& Co., Phlladelphia. Mollelvy & Bros., 108 dodo to W. P. Lo gan Jr, Bro., Philadelphia. , • Louisville; Market. ' (ttir Telegraph to the plitabrullt Gazette.) 80.—Tobaeoo ebntin.- nee firm, with:SaWs of 168 lihds at 0 5 , 25 a' 26,75-for /ear , •Fierir'netive at fall rates; Superfine fidrjBlls.,-Wh pm im0g2,66. Vern earbnik ;woats 78a80o. Bale rope B XC* , ...Madill% hay $12,50a/ 3 1 wharf. Mess..., ; go d: B aoo4 „sk ik uiders , - 14%e; elear`ii.. • • ,Oldee .17 1 4 O; :deter __Elide! 18%cq , faney hanis 2034 c; plain 18340. Lurti in tierce 19y,e. Wisky r .raw f 2, 20a2,22. New Coffee 85e481 bond. TO THE PH. R. MERTZ. INTO THE • .139 115% • 112 1 1.10% • 110% • 102% 1 0 8% .... .... 109% Io7W ...• .- Ea% • 1183 c PITTSBURGH MAR OFFICE OF . TREPITTSBIIROII I TIItTESDAY. April Since our last report the kets have been fairly active. over, are without' any chan conse . change quence. Flour is very V 4. There is not Much doing in grain, with extremely light receipts. We, howeverinote some important changes in Wheatl and Corn. DrY Goods are active. For Bacdn and Lard there is a very active inquiry, and prices are still looking up. Butter , fis in better receipt and drooping. Egg l ttre firm at quotationm The following ivelthe current rates: - .1 FDOUR—The market continties active at the qtiotations of yesterday., I The stock of choice brands. are light:. Croksett's XXXX brand, which has been held in high esteem, and the demand -increasing,Lia selling_at $l2; Dayton, Snow Flake, (White Winter) $l3; • White River. (Red Whiter) $l2 to $12,25; aenkin's Lilly Mills,ls2 to . $12,25, and medium brands, 110 to $11.25 per barrel.- Rye Flour commandsLds9,socommands to $9,75 per barrel. I • GRAIN—,Sales of Shelled ppm in eleva tor `were made at $l,OB per bushel. Rye is scarce and higher, sales to arrive to a con siderable amount were madelat $2,00 per bushel. Oats on the wharf Old at 75c, and in depot at 80c per bushel. Bailey is scarce and nominal at $2,50 per b,ushOl. No Wheat coMing lu except that purchased in the west by nullers. We quote ndminally Red Winter at $2,65 to $2,70; W,hite Wheat, $2,55 to $2,70, and Ne. 1 Spring $2,40 to e 2,45 per bushel. APPLES—Choice Green' Aipples sold at $6 to s6,soper bbl, with some small sales of •a hi, .. . , extra at a higher figure. 7 1 , , POTA.TOBS'—Buckeye POtlitoes are in good supply and rather dual at $4 per bbl. Peach Blows are scarce and in demand at $4,25 per bbl. 11 • BUPTEIt—The receipts aka gradually improving and pricss droophlg. We quote prime to choice at 40 to 45c.1 , / GGS=Market firm at 239 EESE—Choice Cheese(Commands fair pr cies, W ''deans{ `with a good 'eynand at • 18c ' for Go heir; 'Factory at 17c; anti W. R. at 14c to sc. . . . , 1 . • HAY—Baled Hay, on thl wharf com mands $25 to $27 - per ton, a d loose Tim-, othy from country wagons a $24 to $2B per ton, as to quality. , • ® CENTRAL LIVE...S . IIOCW! MARKET! .p.:119ti.413w2,m0 1 OFFICE F Prrissuno4 GAZm'TE, i ' . TIFUFSDAY, April,o, Up. i', snzsr. T The market contained a mi)derate supply of Cattle, but the sales wer larger than II . the previous week. Prices, • owever, were a shade lower than at the ate of our last weekly report. The fact is the local rates charged on the Central Road is driving the bulk of the business awtkt from the Cen tral Yards. Eastern buyerl can purchase, at present freight charges,* more advan tage in Chicago. The; target portion of the Cattle sold was from Chicalo. . The follow ing are the sales: - : • Seller. Buyer. , I No. Holmes. L. &Co to Au11.....}.... 7 Hedges &T. to Aull ....i.... 11 Keenan to Traullan 1 14 .... Hedges '& T. to 5huch1er....1.... 4 Hedges &T. to Keichard.. ,I. . 2 Holmes, L. & Co. to McGarry. 2 Holmes, L. & Co. to McGativy. 1 Holmes, L. & Co. to Harrfsbn.. 19 Holmes, L. & Co. to Raffett.ty.. 15 Holmes, L. & Co. to Royal—. 12 Holmes, L. & Co. to Hedgos 1 cow and calf 4 Holtnes, L. & Co. 501 d.... Holmes, L. & Co. sold . .:. . ~..... .1 SHEFX. ', • There was a large falling off in the sales of Sheep, and'. a pretty: ,ifeayy 'deeline'in prices. The - reason assigned is on , account of the large 'number of , es. We quote the following sales: d sti Seller. Buyer. ' No. Price. Hedges &T. to John LloY .... 89 84 50 Cook to John Lloyd ; r 100 6 . 50 Holmes, L. & Co. to J. Lloyd.2oB 4 25. Weary to John Lloyd ! - t 186 - -4 50 Shepard to Sohn L10yd..... . ...96 ' 6:(X) Allen to John Lloyd ' 1 111 575 McCurdy to John .Lloyd..i. ... -210.- . • '6 10 MePherson.to Pidco c k ,....i ..... :. . 157 • -t• - 5 50 Graham toPideock.....,',. ..... . 82 .5.00-- Meltaylo - •Pidebcti1..........L.. 38 4 9ti. 1 Lee:lard ttipidobbk ' 76 :;... 13.00.•.. Myers dr, Needy tii - Pfdeock ..... 450 6 15 McPherson to Pideock 1 215 6 '75 Wartman to Pideock ' 1 100 . 6 50 Wartman to Pidcock 1 2 750 John Smith to Pideock... / 180 650 Campbell to Pideock 1 201 600 Hasson to Pidcock :1 80 6 05 Cook & Cu. to Deitrich...a.....,235 ,-,..,- 6 , 15. - P. Acker to Graff ...is - 202 --' •p.,t: Holmes, L. & Co. to Voorlices.lsl ' 575 .- Alsdorf to Voorhees 4 191 - 6 40 Hedges &T. to Voorhees.l 159 565 John Floyd to Pancoast. ,1 46 7 25' Crawford to Pancoast V i 120 575 J. McKee to Brant .. .. . -..4....139 5 50 Hedges &T to 8rant....1 ..... .218 • 575 John Crawford to Deitrieli....,2oQ - , - 6 25 Johnson to Deitrich.,......1...,..210.. 645 Crawford to Deitrioh...,.:l . lBl .5 75 Holmes, L. & Co. to De:1;101_180, 6.40. Holmes, L. & Co: to Deitrieli..lsl; 6 - , 40 • Cook & Co. to Pierce," •1, ` 312, _ 675 -, .Johnston to Pierce' - ' 4 l 208 - 645 Smith &T. to Anll & 11itybrs...195' —3 25 Hedges &T. to Anll &Wen.. 96 • , 550 Hedgess& T. to Anll & Myers.. 92 .. 440 Richey to Aull & Myers ' 174 , .5 00 Frater to Aull & Myers 1 100 6 00.:: Campbell to Kase .. ~,' ..%s4.' , 600 .. Cook & Co. to Kase .r 249 . 615 . . . HOGS. i There was a fair dernatrd for Hogs with a . good supply in the market, and prices Were .' generally a shade high e r. The `extreme rates were $8,37 to 610,40 per cwt. The largestportion of the sales were on eastern account. .- ;.1 . / Seller. Buyer. !ii No. Price. Harrington to Piditock '1 141 $6 35 A. Cochran to Pideockl 'I 53 • 9 65 G. Hadden to Pit - kook-1 ..... ~. 6 - .9 70..„,_. J. 13:Roney to Pidcock:i .. -.-. 88 .9 55 '''' Hedges & Taylorlo Pideeek . ....lol .862 ! Hedges '& Taylor to Piddoek... 74 9 25 J. D. Beals to Pidcock...,l ....... .. 93 8 37 McClanny to Pidcock 1 121 970 , B. S. Graham to Pideocki 96 9 / 12 H. Knowles to Pidcock:( 70 9112 '' Leonard &H. to Pidecick 151 9 i 25 1 Messenger '& Co. to Pidebek... 24 - .9 1 40 , Hedges & Tsporto Pidenek..... 9o • 9 00 Hedges & Taylor to Pidektek...,llo ,9 50 . 3. 1'..1iii11 m , 0/Rx er oy to co Cr t o ‘ j us ou e s , e E ; ,l 4 Emerick & Co. to Crouse' &Co. 53 ' 860 Alsdorf to' C Crouse, E. CC0. , .....:162 - r • 9140 - 'S. O. Munn to Crousei:l;:dt Co 14 . 5 0 • Holmex& Co. to Crouse; "& Co.. 91 i ; 60 . 4 E._Sptith to Emerick &.Co 10 . i 35- - -. Hedges St Tto Messener & C 0135 ' 950 ' Vanuata to Messenger ..t. C0.....376 ' 985 g0g0..1°.4 4 8 1 69 Pideoek to Messenger C 0..... 16 9 2:i Holmes to Messenger &Po 124,4 - 9 Ea:- Myers &N. to Messenger_& Co 86 - , 9 754! Myers &N. to Messenger & C 0238 9 Q 8:•! Hedges &T. to Singer 41 109 lO 40.- Messenger to Singer &1 - 111 ; 1025 . Tilden.l , o Singer & I.:, -,1_,. 1.....312 ' ' 1040 .: Ailed& to Singer:dt 1:L...1_ :..105 ' • 4 '.10'..20' Alleiton to Singer .hi 'l4 • 109 'lO 00 Mcleod: to Singer & la.—L.-106 lifiW • Messenger &Co to SimOir dc L 96 •10 25 Messenger & Co to Sinner it 1.109 ny pidcoo & Re k to ed s t i o ng S e i r ng dc e i rl .. l . .... 2 26 60 Montgomery to ,Singer & 44 1...394' 9%,@ 1 „.. Tilden. o Gilehreist &Op 104 10 .5 Messehger to Gi ehreist& Co— 9 9 - 10 2.5 Fry'&Reed to i Ikhrelit & C 0.01,11 !,..,:-, 4 4 Y n Hedges &K to ilehreist & C 0204 9 - ,il. 10 zo Giiehreist toG eltrels,l&p9... 2 q o . ~ New Tbrk Cattle Marke t. asitl -Beer 3i° l o v er A 11 but ,-' -3,4r.,w , Yous, l '.April-3 4 0 4 fhe.Wee)c supply at rtind cl osed 1 1 .„_, I °n rather more seleoted.l eep.flos er ; ls " l 7 a tiaiNe; wooled 101i10% . • Hogs '• Pil l 16 1 ,4 e for corn , fed. , , I , AZETTE, 1868. roar= .4races, how, Price. 12 675 7 00 8 25 8 50 75 8 75 5 12 6 00 00 55 00 :.. 75 7 00 '1 . .... 18 8 50 aa~^~"~ - ~_ • h
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers