- - CHEAP HENS FOR THE PEOPLE. The GREAT WESTERN GUN WORKS have been removed to N 0.1.79 SMITHFIELD STREET, where will always be found the most complete assortment of Guns, Pluto's, Ansmnuittorrand Sport. ing alsterial, ate., inlet city. All kinds of Guns and Pistols carefully repaired. Cash paid for ARMY RIFLES and REVOLVERS. Seul For it/mirage. Circular. Agents wanted in t . t)erie._ '!own in the United States. Address, J. H. JOHN STON:279Smithfield Street. Pittsieurph. WFOR ASSEMBLY.' • D. R. COON, f Collins To*nship,• (now Vittaburgh,) subject to he decision of the Union, Republican VountyCon , ention. • . . • ! li OSIN-;-On Tiliesdix* Evening; th e 28th ult., between Jackson street . and City a , Allegheny, on either Beaver street, Mont emery avenue or Middle alley, a large sited I'OCK ,T BOOK, containing Twelve Dollars in United hates and National Bank Notes, denomination Is ind Es; and about. Eighteen or Twenty - Dollars in Outten:a Currency.. The finder will_be , rewarded py returning the same to the owner. • ' 1 _ ' ROBERT-DILWORTH, •ni 1: , .-. At city Hall. Allegheny. IA DMINISTRATOWS SALE:—By • ,„...-virtuliof oer of Orphans' Court. I will ex-- - re to sale, on the prenliSCOr opposite Phlllips' Oil loth Factory,' in McClure township. at 3 o'clock M. of SA TURDAY, May 23d, 1888, a LOT OF R . HOUND, having a front of 24 feet on what Is tnown as Ohlo Avenue. and extending. back north rly, of same width, about 110 feet to a street , or rey. being Lot No. 25 in J. P. Smith's plan. • Trams-05 when the property Is bid off. -Of the stance, j¢ to be paid on confirmation of sale; resi n() In two equal annual payments. with interest. The lot ban on it shrubbery and grapes; a beauti• e ! location; no building! except a small stable. CUAILLES ctrmiaNaS, Administrator ofThontss Hughes, decd. 68. NEW GOODS. NEW ALPACCAS. NEW MOHAIR. BLACK SILKS. OSIERY: and GLOVES. F. SOUCY", Ho. 168 Wylie Street. jEa S. 16S. rhoo:n4o3 N THE DISTRICT COURT OF UNITED STATES, for-the Western District of nn NET NET M. ATWOOD. a Bankrupt under the t of Congress of March Ad, 1887, having applied a Discharge from all his debts, and other claims cable under Said Act; by order of the Court, tice is hereby given to all persons who have proved it debts, and other persons interested to appear the SiOtti-DAY OF MAT 1868, at 10 o'clock, N. before SAMUEL HARPER; Register, at his ce: No. 03, DWIOND STRE,ET, Pittsburgh, to pw cause, if any - they have,wby a Discharge should 1. be granted to the said Bankrupt. And . further, 'Lice is hereby given that the second and third !etjogs of creditors of the paid Bankrupt, required the 87th and ilBth sections of said Act, will be i before the said Register, at the same time and see. S. C. McCANDLESS, Clerk of U. S. District Coprt for said District. yl:psl-F l i t SLIEY WILSON Si CO., NATURAL LUBRICATING OIL, t i lti s tu tar i tit i adar i tza i ral art Y. QUALM GUARANTEED =TORN. Proposale for quantities solicited. ; - No. 167 Wood Streit, -L1 "DAVE. OF COMMERCE BUILDING." B:piS IiTTY OF PITTSBURGH ; WATER LOAN. roposals for Two Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars, :he "Water Extension Lmin Bonds." will be re- Jed- at the office of the City Controller, Fourth ..let. es 'be Bonds will bear SEVEN PER CENT. IN ! REST with Coupons attached. The Coupons are ,able semi-annually at at the Office of the City '' msury, and the Bonds payable in Twenty-fire .• 're. A SINKING FUND FOB THEIR ULTI - TE PAYMENT IS PROVIDED FOR. AND THE .;.k UPONSARE BY LAW MADE RECEIVABLE. it WATER RENTS; and the revenue arising ~. n the Water Tax is pledged for the payment of -: ,•!interest and the retirement of the Bonds at ma ; . PBonda are, BY ACT OF GENERAL ASSEM '. FREED FROM STATE, COUNTY AND MU ' IPAL TAXATION. • .::r . i I Is a well known fact that Bonds issued for water see, in all large cities, have proved Safe and • , desirable investments. . bids under par wittbs acted spew The Bondi obe issued is denominations of 11,000, $3O O • .. 11100. 0, I By order of the Finance Committee. Mil E ' THOMAS STEEL. Controller. ?RING STOCK El MEI CARPETS En IN E HAVE IN " STORE THE most complete assortment of CARPETS and OIL CLOTHS we have ever opened, embracing. the newest styles ' . and deiigns of the best FOREIGN and DO MESTIC MANITFACTIIRERS, imported and ,tieleeted with • . spec al reference. to the Pitts burgh Market; .Many of the patterns are confined to our house exclusively for this city. With the advantages of Direct Importation, we are now able to offer early the newest and choicest`,Patteins of BRITS SELS,,frm UM most celebra ted English looras, and , at prices within the reach of al most every householder. A special but limited importa tion of ENGLISII. INGRAINS, of extra quality, and in rare and, beautiful designs, will be . found especially choice and desirable for Chambers. ~'~' i s• ?s X-~L; ',`~: +. MI i~ ,`{:`'•~ MEE HIBM • ;••::: ;;.; !;.;•1•••‘ . 0 ESE ior Stock of COMMON ALL-WOOL i: • RTS, - purchased before the Carpet avers' strike, will be sold at the e rates as previous to the' but tul - oe, and ^will furnish CARPETS to taultitade at the lowest prices since wan A good CARPET FOR 25 • A YARD. MEM I . ' '',..' • '*. 11....Th05e having Parlors or •, • , ! - prawing_llooms to furnish are • , , , ' ispeciedly. invited to examine - - he unusually large number of - . '.•-• patterns particularly adapted ' - ' to that purpose*.whieh we offer ' . • ''' in WILTON and TAPESTRY ' - . ••• .. , -1 TELVIffil and lint/EASELS at ' • . -..- ow prices. •• - , . • .41 , mobILI:6110 4, - :, 4 4. - t. .• - &l" . uollPAN'ir • Att - ' so. aa,Fiiih street. k • ' .NAW . ‘ A. I . 4:SMA T X SYME:F4947B., KEYSTONE SANK No. 293 LIBERTY' STREET, PITTSBURGH, PA. - - CAPITAL, (authorized,) : : : : $200,000. DIRECTORS. M;1; 1 ,; " . William Espy, (Ivo. r. Van Doren. Samuel Barek.ley, . • A•GENEBAL BANKING BUSINESS • TRANS AC,,TED. . . . . Collections adA_Cm all accessllgepolntii In the United StittCe anireinads. Interest : Allowed on Time: • Deposits. UNITED STATES SECURITIES BOUGHT AND SOLD. H. J. Viicill;Preitident. - • .`GEO. -T. VAN IiOBEN. Cashier: .farßToc . 414ca.pm!s INDIVIDIJALLY LIABLE. 51. 110 S OF i GROVER & BAKER'S ELASTIC STITCH AND Il LOCK STITCH 1 SEWING MACHINES WITH LATEST IMPROVEMENTS, At the New mid Elegant Sales Rooms OF TirE COAWANY, 51 FIFTH STREET. • Also, NEEDLM:ATTACHMENTS, MACHINE SILKS and COTWNS, THREAD, MACHINE OIL, &c. - , &c. The citizens of Pittsburgh are respect fully invited to call. Applications for Agencies solicited. Circulars or lamtiles by mail on application. Correspondence to be addressed to GROVER &' BAKER S. M. CO., 51 FIFTH STREET, PITTSBURGH.. mh.M:m2 13ROPOSAIA.—Sealed Proposals will be received by the Water Committee of the • ty of Pittsburgh, until 7 o'clock r. 31. of Tuesday, May 12th, FOR THE FOLLOWING, VIZ AN ENGINE AND, PUMP, at the Lower Worka, suited to present building, and of. equal capacity to the engine erected at the Works in 1866. Sealed Proposals will also be receivel for furnish ing at Lower Works, FIVE - 130ILERS, Each 49 hiches by 26 feet, with two 16-Inch Flues, Smoke Stack, Steam ripe, Steam and 3lud Drums. ALSO, FOR FOiIIi x3orx_.mits. At Upper Works. each 40 Inches by 26 feet, two 15 inch Flues, Smoke-stack, Steam 'Pipe, Steam and Mud Drums. Proposals will also be 'recelyed at same time for LAYING WATER PIPE During the present season, on such streets and alleys as may from time to time be directed by the Com , mittee. Details of the proposed work, and specifications of the machinery, can be procured at the office of the Water Works, or at the Lower. Works, after the 28fiffinst. TERMS—Monthly Cash settlements. The Water Committee resefve the right to reject any or all bids, If deemed by them advisable. JOSEPH FRENCH; Bupertutendent Water Works M WSTATE OF JACOB LLNHART, DECIASED. ALLEGHENY COUNTY, 6.3. -In the Orphans' Court. In the matter of the Pe tition of Christopher Linhart, Administrator of Jacob Linhart, deed. for a Rule on all parties in terested in the said estate to show, cause why the estate of said decedent should not be sold.' And now, April Bah. 11388, the within petition presented and read in open Court, whereupon the Court, having considered the same, do grant a rule upon Abraham Linbart, Solomon Linhart. Thomas W. Briggs, James 11. Hays, Annie E. Black and 'Jacob Mack her trustee; Sarah .Stewart and Wil kins Linhart: her trustee; Elizabeth 'Shipman and Wilkins Linhart, her trustee, and Mary Mohler and all other persons interested in 'the real estate of Jacob Linhart, deceased, to appear ] fi n Court and show cause, if airy they have, why the real estate of the-said Jacob Linhart, - deceased, should not be sold—rule returnable on the Ist day of June, A. D. 18813, at 10 o'clock A. If., and notice thereof to be given by publication once a week for four successive weeks in the Pittsburgh Daily Gazelle, and by per sonal notice to all parties within the county of Alle gheny. BY THE COURT. Weal.). Attest: A. HILANDS, Clerk. • All parties interested in the said estate will please take notice of the above rule. J. S. FERGUSON, • Attorney for Petitioners. Itip3o:p4Cr TII TO THE LIGHTNING ROD TRADE. DEALERS In LIGHTNING RODS arc Invited to an, examination of our • SOLID COPPE R STAR ROD, Whi furnishrnish to the Trade In quantities to suit and Points, Insulators and txtures' corn pinto, same' as with 'MUNSON'S COPPER , TIIBU LAD ROD. , LOCIMMT . & CO., ISIANIIFACTWIERS, Duquesne Way, Pittsburgh. .ap2s:pl7 FINE DWELLING FOR'SALE OR RENT That elegant residenc6;. • NO. 35 Ferry Street, near cor. of Third, 4t present occupied by 14. DARLINGTON, Esq., 111 be sold or rented, • WITH IMMEDIATE; POSSESSION ENQ,IIIRE OF LOCKHART, FRIEW & CO., ap3o:p99 OPENING. "i ipts. M.BITCHIN will open on sATIIRDAy, May Ad, an elegant anon tcent ot • • SUMMER MILLINERY' , At No. 100 FEDERAL STREET, Allegheny City. 250 bbls. very superior Wait Va. Oil. _ Gravity guaranteed not over R 6.. • BUFFIIM, KEIIEW & CO., No. 3 Perri% BlOnk; VI Car. Hancock St. 4 Duquesne Way = wEST COMMON Machine Ston e works, 'Northwest corner of West Comrnon, Allegheny. FRED'S. ATVA.TRI3 & CO. ' • Have on hand or prepare_on abort notice Hearth and Step tones,. inim' fps% . I RM:walks, Brewery „r au it, L . - &e. HMO 11 WOUIU (ordeis pity ex e cuted' z nees reasonable. - -- gretvedy wEE'T MESSINA ORAiirc E s exte svauty, In prime order, j un • serentellemons, for sale at the Ifsani a JNO. A. R Eitt A g c'a CIORN-97 6 - • IL) steamer New ror Bale ~T1r,"9111. myt ' ISAIAH - Meg - Err • HEmr:42 , baies Kr. Fame l i b) arrive as steamer fir. Char es, for sme myi , VIAI4I.It &,00 PIITSThJIWB GAZETTE: FRIDAY, MAY 1. 1868. _ 'OWNERS OF Illialleb; *AbONS, CARTS. 'HACKS OMNIBUSES, Anti every description of CARRIAGES, are required to mill at the OFFICE OF THE CITY TREASURER and TAKE OUT THEIR.LICENSES, on or before the ISt day of May next. For each and every Wagon, Cart, Car, • Dray, Buggy, r'arriage, drawn by one horse; the sum of 5 00 For each and every one of the above named ; vehicles, drawn by two horses, the sum of. ' 8 00 For each and every one of the above named vehicles, drawn by four horses, the sum of 10 00 For each acd every Hack drawn . by two horses, :the sum of .. 4. .•••.• 10 00 For each and every Ouintbus and Timber • Wheels, drawn by two horses, the sum of. 12100 For each additional horse attached to any of the above named vehicles, the -sum of • 100 - Sac. 3. It shall be the duty of all Livery Stable 'keepers in said city to Mete return , to the City Treasurer, within twenty days after the passage of this ordinance, and annually thereafter on or before the Ist day of May of each and every year, of the number of vehicles of every description, owned and used by them in their business, and the kind there of, and the same return shall be made under oath. .SEC. 4. All owners or Carts. Drays, Wagons and other vehicles, who shall neglect or refuse to pro• cure a license as aforesaid, shall be subject to a pen alty of not less than ten per cent. for every thirty days the same remains !unpaid after the Ist day of May of each year. All Livery Stable keepers failing to make the return required in the 3d Section of this ordinance, 'shall, in addition to the foregoing, be subject to a penalty of not exceeding fifty dollars, all of which pennity.shall be recovered before the Mayor, or one of the Aldermen of said city, by sum mary conviction; and it shall be the duty of the Chief of Police to seek out all persons who have failed to comply with any of the provisions of this ordinance and report the same to the City Treasu urer, for which service he shall receive the sum of fifty cents in each case. to be taxed and collected as part of the costs, upon conviction as aforesaid. The penalties for non-compliance with tho,ordi nance will be strictly enforced after the above date. D. MACFERRON, City Treasurer. Allegheny City, May Ist, 1869. . myl:o3 51. ESTABLISHED 1849 TILE LARGEST IN AMERICA p,(0.0# i Dl;4 (*IAA Lightning Rod Manufactory, AND IRON GALVANIZING WORKS. 30,000 FEET MANUFACTURED DAILY THE CELEBRATED STAR GALVANIZED LIGHTNING RODS, Manufactured at these works. and sold to all parts of the continent, are admitted to be superior to any Lightning Rod in nse. Great Inducements oir,erw to peddlers and all persons buying at wholesale. Also, line Platina Points, of all kinds and patterns, together with' Insulators, Fastenings, Copper and Iron Connection Burs, Braces, re. -- Samples, Pam phlets and Circulars sent free. • REYBURN, HUNTER & CO., Nos. 488 and 490 St. John. St., .00.033-d.tv CHROME YELLOW, SAM PA,cHERS, McCOY'S TERDITER GREEN, HARRIS EWING-, WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, Corner of Liberty and Wayne Streets, prx"reirtmon.. L .& H. BUMPS. 1 868 . 8pRING Goo . Ds. -1 sag . --- • • • We- n are owa r a r l „..e a lr t l ii t ro fr car .. Jur own and other FLOOR OIL CLOTHS, CARRIAGE, FURNITURE, TABLE AND WINDOW SHADE OIL CLOTHS, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Also, a full line of Transparent NI inflow Shades,. Holland., Shade Tlttures Tassels. Cords, &e., &e. WOLESALE .V_D RETAIL BUYER S will fi nd trg ne f e t itta t ifir k y s ' NOT LOST a l n ll , in u C a fr y and styles second to none. _ J. & M. PHILLIPS, ap3lnS6 26 AND SS ST. ctAin ST NEW DRESS GOODS, • , JUST OPENED AT . . . , WHITE, ORR 2b FIFTH STREET;- ap3o HOUSEKEEPERS, UWE ornoe, • QUEEN,- . QUEEN OF 7 THE WASH-TUB A HOUSE CLEANER; A CLOTHES 'WASHER . - A STAIN REMOVER; - A SPOT ERADICATOR; - A - COLOR RESTORER Cbeaper than Soap. Sold In Bottles by all respect able Grocers. Indorsed by the first families of idle gueny county. Manufactured by the HESS MANITFACIWAING CO., - Office, No. 130 WOOD S'PREET.l.lttsburgh. 1p¢«ood street XTOT r ICE.--Proposabs %trill be ee celvectby the undersigned on the Plastering and Gas Fitting of the Bev enth Ward New School . House, Pitts burgh. Separate bids, by the yard and lump, are ,solicited for the Plastering. The Directors reserve the right to reject any or all bids. Plane and specifications can be seen at the office of BARR t MOSER, Nos. and *St. Clair street. M. K. MOORHEAD, , JAS. ROBB ' . A. A. MOOR, ( Building Committee. WASHINGTON MUMS, - WASHINGTON STREET, • . Near Pittsburgh Grain Elevator w. -A.74IYraISON, Manufacturer of CORN MEAL, RYE FLOUR and ;'CHOPPED FEED. Orders delivered l either city free of charge. Drain of all kinds chopped, and Corn_shelled, on s .ort notice. • HYDRAULIC CEMENT. • SOAP STONE, MASTXR, CIUMNEY TOPrt. aulawc BRASS FOUNDRY rmmu)Eirnie. FOlt ANT) FOR SALE ItY lsr DAY OF MAY, FOR THE iwr i ar s, ,coizatars. 95 Wood street --iIM'OfArrAdiitTESIZIMENTS.-- TIRT, GOODS!. DIF.Y I G4XIIII3I • • LARGE STOCK, LOW TRICEEO Yard Wide,BLEACIIE:D MUSLL , at ]k2Me: 13 ; Heavy UN LACIIED MUSLIN at 12;•6c GOOD. G GUAISS, at I.2Me. BEST PRINTS, at 1200 PURPLE PRlRTS,.€llglitly Im JEANS, at 123,e EXTRA WIDE CRASH, at, 12; HIICKABACK TOWELS, at 1 CORSETS, very cheap COLORED KID GLOVES, :A 7 • • ' RING BRAWLS] . S 'RING :DELAINE: . I LI TIT CASSIMERE D CASSIMERE • LA ES , SACKING C A nice assortment of DRESS GOODS. TABLE INEN, IRISH LINEN. SHIRT Flrl NTS, 'WHITE QUILTS. • BALMORkL AND llool' SKIRTS. BONNETS, HATS, RIBBONS, FLOWERS HOSIERY, HAIR BANDS. NOTIONS, ac I FULL STOCK AT LOW PRICES, Wholesale and Retail, AT W11.14M SEMPLE'S 180 & 182 Federal St., Allegheny. apt_ AT JOSEPH HORNE & CO.'S, A I.AARG.V. AND ATTRACTIVE ASSORTMENT NEW GrOCII3g, JUST RECEIVED. FELL LINE, ALL SIZES AND SHADES, Alexandre's Tasseled Kid Gloies. PARASOLS AND SUN UMBRELLAS DRESS TRIMMINGS, IN FRINGES, GI3IPS, 11E.WED TRUWMINGS 'VELVET RIBBONS. NEW LOT BUTTONS; LINEN. PALM and SILK FANS; • HOSIERY GLOVES: HAMBURG EDGES; INSE ['TINOS and TRDIMINGS; LACES and LACE GOODS; HANDKERCHIEFS; LADIES , .-JOSSES' and GENT'S GAUZE UNDERWEAR: . 2 GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS; STAR SHIRTS; • . PAPER C9L LARS AND CUFFS 110 eases - Hats and Bonnets COMPRISING ALL THE LATEST NOVELTIES. RIBBONS, No.ll to 100, A FULL LIEE, OF ALL SHADES. COLORED DOTTED NETS and LACES; FRENCH AND AMERICAN FLOWERS; FROSTED ILLUSION&MALINAg; • ORO DE NAP, FLORENCE SILK.• STRAW TRIMMINGS & °READIEST& • The largest, best and cheapest line of NOTIONS AND lIOILINEItY,GOODS,, TO ItE 'FOUND IN TIIE t CITY. ; Nos. 77 and 79 Market Street. ATQf oincg. N Fifth Street Sidewalk . Extension. IRON CURB AND SIDEWALK. We desire to call the attention of parties about to widen their sidewalks, according .to ordinance, to .our Patent Iron Curb and Pavement. The same will be laid in front of the Opera Rouse thls week and will speak. for itself. The - fbllowing is an ex tract from a letter of the City Engineer and Regu lator r • consider it superior to stone, and if laid In Fifth street, will add greatly to its beauty, - and I would recommend it to _property owners. _ "ii. J. MOORE, City Engineer.'' Address • • THE ATLAS WORK S. • THOMAS N. MILLER. President. aplr. MARBLE & SLATE MANTLES, EZAIII3 PITTSBURGH !STEAM MARBLE AND SLATE WORKS. Office and Wanroom-3111 and 3'Al LIBERTY STREET. Mantle-Wareroom on second flour. "Persons wanting Marble or Slate Mantles will find it to their interest to call. Workmanship not ex celled in any place, and prices as low as in Eastern cities. Marble Mantles or Furniture Slabs which .haye become dlscoloredbu smoke, oils or acids, can( be Marbleized and made to look as well as new. . - There Is no other place in Western Pennsylvania where Slate Mantles are manufactured.- All kinds of Marble Work done in the best manner. Marble Cutters supplied with Sawed Marble at East ern prices, carriage added. W. W. WALL ACE. NOTICE. An persons wl:0 are ~lintelne4 for Paving the following streets, in the Lawrenceville District: ST. MARY AVENUE; FOSTER, CHURCH, DAVIDSON, BELLEFON TRINE, BOROUGH, EWALT, DRAVO, WAIN WRIGHT andALLEN STREETS; and _ LAFAYETTE. and HAZLETT ALLEYS, Are notified to call at the TREASURER'S OFF! E, of the gill of Pittsburgh. and pay. immediately and sate further costs. . ap2a' 'IMPORTANT TO FI M EP.MIERMLNI--- SEINES! SEINES ! SEINE—I have Just re ce ved the following Selina, all complete, with bobs, floats and sinkers: 15, 20, 30, 40 and 50 yards in Jength, one inch mean , and will receive in a few days 60 and 10 yard Seines. Forties wishing Seines had better call soon, so as to secure any they may need; for it is ditlie.ult to get Seines made unless ordered early in - the winter. For sale by JAMES SOWN, 130 Wood street. ap7:vcr 7 000 CANE - FISHING POLES. 9 —nave Just received, direct from t e cane brakes In the South, 7,000 Superior Cane Poles, which 1 will sell:at a vary low figure. These poles are yet green, cu. this winter, and In first rate order. Call and examine at once. For sale by JAMES EDISMi7 3 O Wood street• afi7:Tur - • H OOKS, LINES AND JOINTED have reCeived my Spring s Rooks, Lines, Jointed Hods, Tisk Ba sk ets, Sinkers, Floats, Flys and Artificial Balt. The fol lowers of Izaak Walton can and a complete msort .ment of the above goods for sale by _,' JAMES. BOWS, 136 'Wood eticet. OR SE FOR SA:CE. Near to the Allegheny River. . _. SAWMILL, TWO DWELLING lIOTSES. TWO BARNS, with good FARM., and :about SOO acres timber land. Tilts property will be sold low. Cash $2,500-balance on time to suit buyer. . ; ~ FARM OF 120 ACRES. will be sold for twenty dollars per acre. Improvements comfortable frame Louse and good ban': 50 acres of the land'elear. FARM OF 180 ACRES, near the line of railroad; very well located for raising stock; improvements are good and substantial; 100 acres the land In meadow and grain. CITY PROPERTY.—WIII sell a good brink house, containing nye rooms, at Sixteen Hundred Dollars, and would - rentfor the amount in six years. rice, at 1134 c • A. LARGE LOT ,OF GROUND, having a Fiver front; and very convanlent of access. TAIki'NERI convenient to the city, and having a well established custom or local trade connected therewith; a good dwelling and forty acres of land. FOUR LOTS In Sharpsnurg, near the railroad; would make a good coal yard. • • . 'HOTEL FOR SALE.—That fine Hotel property, situated at 'the Blairsville Junction, containing fourteen rooms and the necessary outbuildings, with three acres of garden and fruit trees. This well located - hotel will_be sold low, us the proprie tor wishes to retire front business. • Two new Brick Houses, 8 rooms each. Two new Brick Houses, 11 rooms each. • • One new Frame House, 4 rooms. Two new Brick Houses - , 3 rooms each. One new Frame' House in Wilklusburg, having six rooms and 'a large lot,' lyell snßed for a garden. _ Gan TO LCIN9N---$50,000, IN SUMS OF $5,000 A*D UPWARD IL P. HATCH'S REAL ESTATE OFFICE, No.. 91 Grant St., Pittsburgh. ap27:plB FOR SALE.. A MIME BOTTOM FARM OF 76 ACRES, 10 miles front the city, in Elizabeth township, Alle gheny county, PaL on the Youghiogheny river, one half mile from Elrod's Station, on the Connellsville railroad; near diuretics, schools, stores, Am., In the flourishing villages of Boston and Green Oak. The improvements are a two-story brick house -of six rooms, ball and cellar, a good frame bank barn with stabling underneath, and - other outbuildings; a well of good standing water at the door, and several standing springs of water on the farm,' and an or chard of 700 trees of selected fruits of apples, cher ries, pears, peaches, quinces and grapes. - This prop erty - being located near the line of the railroad, within one hour's ride of the city, makes it very de sirable for gardening or a dairy farm; it is also a good and beautiful location for country homes near the city, lying immediately on the river, on the op posite side from the railroad. The West Newton Accommodation and 'other trains on the railroad af ford certain and frequent opportunities of daily communication to and from the city: Will be sold as a whole or in lots of one acre or more, to suit pur chaser , Also,l 'ATAIDI OF 173 ACRES, situated in St.: Clair township, Westmoreland county, Pa., near the line of tile Pennsylvania Railroad .at „Houston I Station. The Improvements area-two-story frame house, with six rooms and good cellar; a frame bank barn 40 by 60 feet, and other outbuildings. There is on the place ayoung apple and peach orchard; 120 acres cleared land. divided into fields of conve nient size, a large portion of which are well' set in I clover and timothy; the residue ofliald tract coy -erect with gobd timber. It is well watered and un derlaid with coal and limestone.. and is convenient to churches, schools, stores mills and blacksmith i shops. A real good bargain s offered in this excel lent farm; and with it will be sold all thersonal property on the premises, consisting of personal horses, cows, stock cattle, hogs and poultry, harness, gears, wagon, plows. farming implemeuts and household and kitchen fUrniture. Together will be sold very low and on easy terms, to a responsible purchaser. Also. a desirable and very fertile Tract of Land of 158 ACRES AND 25 PERCHES, lit Elizabeth Tp., Allegheny county, Pa.. on the line of the Ilempfield railroad. and one and one-half miles from the Con nellsvßie railroad at Suter's Station. On this farm are 40 acres of superior white oaktimber, which alone is now worth one-half the price asked for the whole tract. The Improvements are a log house. frame barn, good fencing, and an apple orchard of good fruit. It Is well a mitered and underlaid with limestone and flag stone-of a superior quality, with stone coalfor the use of the farm. Also, The best FARM in Fairfield -township, Westmoreland county, l's., of 250 ACRES, about six miles south of the Pennsylvania Central Rail road at Bolivar Station. The improvements are two large hewed log dwellings; one of the largest and best frame barns in the township; two apple - or chards, in good bearing condition: corn crib, wagon shed and other outbuildings. The whole farm is under a high state of cultivation; fencing all in first rate order, and the land of the best quality of lime stone soil, about 200 acres of which is cleared and the residue of the tract in good timber, such as white oak, rock oak, hickory, walnut and beech. This property will be sold very cheap and on good terms, as the owner wishes to engage in other bust , nem' For particulars enquire of 431: ii. 'FOWEIC, 164 Fourth Street. 14:n4 FOR SALE—That Nery - desirable two-story BRICK.DWELLING HOUSE con taining 7 rooms with finished , attic, situate In the Second ward. Allegheny, No. 31 Monterey street. The lot Is AO feet front by 110 feet in depth Will be sold on favorable terms, to facilitate settlement of the.estate of John Chambers,' deceased. If not sold before THURSDAY, May 14th, 1808, it will be offered at Public Sale on that day. Enquire of JOHN DEAN, No. 99 Stockton Ave nue,Allegheny, or S.B . W: GILL, No. 104 Plfth stret,' Pittsburgh. Tan; FOR SALE—SEVERAL BUILDING LOTS ou Observatory Rill, Second d, Allegheny City; are offered for Sale—cheap. The location is a very desirable one, commanding a tine view of both cities, is easy of access, and there is abundance of stone on the ground for building DWAsTii. Apqpply soon & "Alibeeglreainynt shop Diamond,of THIS OFFICE, ' or on the premises, near the Ob servatory Building. nale23:n3B FOR SALE OR LEASE. , . VALUABLE COAL MINE, ISt miles from the city, and CITY DEPOT, for sale at a bargain, or will leased for a term of years, Is thoroughly proved and stocked with everything necessary to the business, and has large established trade: Pro prietors have business requiring their absence for several years. Address, with real name, Post °Mee Box 191951. Pittsburgh. oplff rp23 BAKERY FOR SALE, WITH OR WITHOUT THE PROPERTY; Or would rent for a term of years. 'Enquire at ap2o-3iwir No. 40 Palo Alto St., Allegheny LAND AT HOMEWOOD. Twenty Acres of Land for sale at 'Homewood Station, P. R. It., Immediately opposite residences, of Drs. Vandevort and Dupuy, and being' the most desirable property 'for' country and hi the county. Inquire of 1.1-. P. MILLER, No. 83 Fifth street, or of It. E. MILLER. near the premises. apft:o7B FOR SALE. "". THREE LOTS, 24x56 FEET, On Mulberrytrdet, between Rebecca street and tl River, First Ward, Allegheny. Inquire of ap:3O:lA.l FOR SALE.---HORSES.'-At WAG AIM'S LIVERY AND SALE STABLE, one fine MILY HORSE Ulan; three DAPPLE GREY HORSES; one LARGE DRAUGHT HORSE; three .BI I AOK MARES; two GREY MARES. FIRST STEET, near Monongahela House. Horses bought and sold on commlsslon. _ 3.500 WILL rIII 3 I.IVII4LEIE h It, five rooms, celirr anr-flannled B r i ck House, o l l is ‘ 4, °f Brick House o f two rooms and lot of ground, No. leFranklin street; both houses rent for *420 per S. CUTHBERT & SONS, arlf 85 Smithfield street. - E1 C.FELD Zr, CO., DEAIERS'IZ GLUE, CURLED HAIR, Tanners , Scraps, Ceroons, Cattle Talls, ..„BONES, NEAT'S FqOT 011; &C. Offic e and Warehouse,- No.' 335 LIBERTY ST., 3d door from Warm. PITTSI3I3itGI3 t MWF - . ' pIIN PECK . , Ornamental pair HAIR WORKER. AND PERPUBIER, No. 92 - mirth street, one door from Wood; Pittsburgh. , Always on hand, a general assortment of Ladles , 'WIGS, BANDS, CURLS; Gautlemen , s WIGS, TO PERS. SC ALPS, GUARD CHAINS, BRACELETS, A good Price In cash wICHAINS , be given for RAW, AIR. Ladies' and Guntlemenls Hair Cutting done I the neatest manner. rolt2:u9 - ...________—_,_______— ,TEAM ENGINE, 11 Inch liore, po inch Strokes With or without Boller; • also several Portable and Stationery Engines and •Hoilers—for sale cheap. Can be shlppcd - teany_pelot on short notice. ALEXANDER WALLACE; ' Thlionte, Warren county, P. np2:apls SEED POTAI4OEB. Thirty Barrels Barrhon. POr 1343 by,.p4n.31 MURDOCI.t. Narsctri": men,_Floritts Mad Seedsmen,4lsll Smithfield street FOR RENT. APPLY-AT WARD'S, JOUR ROSS, No. 338 Rebecca Stree ................. far ELECTION' N - OTICE.-THE Annual Election for President and Directors of the MONONGAHELA 'WATER CO. Will be held at the First National Rank of Birming.. ham, on TUESDAY. May Stb. 1868 between the hours of 4 and 6 o'clock F. 31. ' • . ap21:o88 EDWARD MOYE, Secretary. WPITTSBURGIF & CONNELLS VILLE IL IL CO. STIOCEKOLDEP.S' MEETING A general meeting of. :the Stockholders of lb. Pittsburgh ColnellSville Railroad Company.wil be held at thelemeelAn the Tier of Pittsbnrgh, 0 Friday, the llith Any.:. of mar,. proxim • . . . _ At 11 o'clock A. M. to accent or reject the °N W names lately passed' br the Mayor and - OUT Conn otherf Baltimore, and for the transaction QC sue . business as may be brought before therneet Om. - By order of the Board(', ,:.$, , ~ -;;.: JNO. H. PAGE, Tr., Speritarr. - - Pittsbergh, April 98th, 1.868: - z'ap5rp110-wplf - - --- NOTICE. . THE ST9EKEOLDEES OF T I CITY RANH Are hereby notified that the Firet IruthAment op, their Subscription of Stock ,Is now' dile; and will b received at the Bank, which will be open for bust? 'lesson • TUESDAY 'NEXT, APRIL MlEPrit. - • '•,l . • . •,, . . • The• Stock Books will remain open for a !mite time. Persons desiring to subscribe should do so ai ' once. , . DOMENICE: 11331SBN;".Prepident.- ]ap24:plo . , . TO TURRITER AHD PLANK ROAD 001EPANERIL. The undersigned appraisers, appointed by accordance with the act of the Legislature of La, State of PennsylvanLa, approved April Bth, 186, have, In compliance with a resolution of the Selitit and Common Councils of the City otrittsburgh, eii-: tered on the duties imposed on them by said And to enable them to perform said duties, tit. hereby request the President and Directors of at y and every Turnpike and Plank Road Company widt hs the present bounds of. the City of Pittsbunda, which dahlia to chargetolls for the use of their Itti prOvements, for furnish the appraisers with a statt went In writing, of the road held and owned by ea h corrioration, and statement to show, First—The name of the road or company. the ibis of the act of incorporation,and of .its suppleutetttas . with the date ntapproral of each. : 1 Second—The number of shares now held lay' . _ paid in,p- J. B. GOR7dLY. Cashier W':IOTICE.• _ _ tOckholders, and the amount actually paid ;by them as capital stook.: , Third—The length of road now owned by the com pany within the present bounds of the City of Pils buh, and the position of its termini. The statements may he delivered to either of Ale undersigned,. or at the °Mee of the City Controllor; Fourth street, Pittsburgh, and are required- on ;'or before the 4th day of :May neat. - W. 'WADE. • " WM. - DILWORTH.- • • ;ALEXANDER GORDON', . • - • Commissioners Pittsburgh, April 23. 1868.. . ale-4 WANTED. "ArrANTED—A second-hand;* 10 -'v y or 12 horse power, ' .. j PORTABLE - ENG - IN — E. . : • M.l". ADAMS ,t; DRO., Hancock Street & Duquesne Ws' ii._,_ Engthlre of apM:ll36 IATANTED—To . employ, a fe GOOD MEN. to sell. by sample, the Cam blued PLUMB, LEVEL AND BEVEL. Nothing like it in use. Will pay from $75 to $l5O er• month and all expenses: o will 'give a commisal n, from which twice that amount can be made. Iso want Traveling Agents for-Ashbaugh's WOND . tR OF THE WORLD. J. C. 'I7I:E.TON; No. 101. i St. Clair streq MEM WANTED -AGENTS, To travel through Ohio, 31Ichigan, West.nr ginia, and Western - Pennsylvania, for the sal-or SOLAR LIGHT. the best light yet introduced,J'and will be universally used. A, liberal comudssionirill be paid. Send for circular giving partieulawl,ror call upon DAVIS BROS.& CO.,Mee .No. 8, Cl ye land Buildings, Cleveland' 0. • apV: o WANTED -A GOOD GE ' N GARDNER. A sober, industrious martied man,with a sm.sli tinnily, to take charge of and lye on agarderi farm within nineteen miles of the - chty. There is a good brick house of six rooms, kitchen, hail and cellar, for the gardener to occupy, arOl to 'whom liberal wageswilibe paid, for one that is com petent and trustworthy. ,For particulars thou' of G. H. TOWER, Real Estate Agent apti:ola . No. 164 Fourth St.. Pittsbn AGENTS WANTED. GRANT; THE LIFE-01%—A new and standard wo 'by Hon. J. T. HEADLEY, the popular Historian. nd for Circular and see our terms. JJJ Address or apply to A. L. TALCOTT CO. apP3:oB7 BO Marketstreet, Pittsburgh, A. FOR RENT TO LET,' ROOMS, with Steam Pawei Enquire at GROVE C!LNItAXIEVENI apm:p.Ti AUQTION SALES. BY PALMER & PHILLIPS. 1 : , pALMER'64I I IIIII.I44I,I J ' " , 1• AIICI'IONEERS .. . • ...,..:,, ~• g IIS .A•ifid Co,n,nJssion 4ferchan : • OPERA HOUSE AUCTION 100 ; No. 60 Fifth Street, Pittsburgh, P. .. BOOTS, SHOES, CARPE: .S, 1 1 Dry Goods and Notions, -. AT PRIVATE SALE DAY AND EVENI G. Consignments Promp, turns. , . . BY A. lEGGiTt., - ' l c DROVEYARD LOTS AT AillgC TION.-Will be sold - arV th e - prembnis, ,bh .NDAY. Mav 4th, at 11o'clock,lhe two•lots in 'the brave Yards, Second IVard, Allegheny, 'Moth ing the southern side of -the city ;maim, each oby 110, on Buena Vista street. Tunats-Two.thirds cash. balance in 2 yea • . . A.•LEXICvATE, Auction r, myl ,.._. _ 139 'Federal street. Allen ti.T. - • -''..—MARSIIA.L S S SALE. By Virtue of a writ vendifioni azonm ,' !Issued out of the District Court of the United States, for • the Western District of Pennslvania, audio me - dlrected„ I wlli expose to Publ ic Sale. at th CUS TOM HOUSE, Pittsburgh, Pa., or; thel2b D YOF MAY. 1865, the, following described property; to wit: 1 tin still; 1 worm and tub; 1 stove andiiipe; 2 fermenting casks; 1 tin can; 1 small stove: 8 crap* ty barrels; 1 barrel molasses; 34 gals.; 1 wh Manz - ; row; 3 buckets; 20 bushels of coal; 2 vlnega tubs; 1 cask; I empty keg; 2 Jugs: 1 thermometor; 1 step 1 ladder; 3 copper measures; 1 copper fuunel;. stove and pipe; 1 lot of staves and hoops ; for Ninegar tubs; 1. Altering barrel; 13 barrels, coirnitig 475 _ gallons of vinegar; 1 oil stove; 1 corn shellv; 101 l can; 2 glass lamps; 1 pick and shovel; barrel con taining 15 gallons of whisky. A temporarg board building on the premises, and lease] of prbmises running nine years from Ist or April, ISCISA , Seized as the property of Thomas - Davy 14 1 u °S. Scott, at the snit of the United States. i .ia . n . E ap%:p33 THOS. A. ROWLEY, U. S. Maret . ; - ... GREAT SALE.I J • Tremendous Sacrifice' in Looking Misses. r r elegant stocker PreParatory to movin I offeraULASSES'oPOß flne lIILT, PIED. and MANTLE ugh mserlane.„ TRAIT and PICTURE FUABIO_IA oils styles of BEDROOM 01. au y ES. all of which" . must be sold by the Ist of June, . ill w ' fhio gilt . n Pa CI asset; anti- , R e gardi ini c o ss ffi of Cost '4 wort, ill do.av i MUG"; first-class Toe vllarotairecie.!4..r., give me a call. !1:n atWe• • 1a ....:: * --- 110' .. tcet. , To G LASS nvolurAcTiritrils•— ~,t , „de r ogned batting secured the soli Ago , ' • , • cy or the sato of o tn p L uyrns celebrated Couay., - ,• • 4 .,..... ; Are n ow prepared to furnish It In any SFr it•Z.t o. those wishing to procure this superior art_ ._..11 „ ring fi ft een years ' use of this Clan well; at gy ter lit, such proportions as we belleyo makesEn.av,,,,,, ar t ic le fbr pots than any in the, maricalik.” Wd , Tlrir secured= auerage stand of slx", -. 3 1 r t00 /moor- ". m oggiss. We 'willtarnish receives moo p r c hs s _ - - tlon of the mixtu ground and to v d I n lu ps fu r • , tug. The Clay Ismid moul / .I.IOIIVeg,IT . o,any,s a. 80N. , . D e.,,t ritt'atass 'Woks, ' WLshinston street. - • - -- Pittsburg' . Pa. I . .. ,TAN iv... z e 414 . 1111E rood ;.. , st the" lowest- JUNG, ipolltriror ln i &If PHILLIPS. .' z,; . U. 1 . - . . ,• '•'.- ; ' 86 sad 1118 St. Cialr ;pep! • . ..... . . ill MEM I I Pi 833 Penn Str
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers