NEW YORK. l'elegraph to the Plttaburgh Gazette.] 'NEW Yam, April 9, 1868. INORTYIERN PACIFIC RAILWAY. Li:,speeial meeting of the Chamber of erce to-day, a report and resolution presented by Hiram Walbridge, urg 'd by Congress to the Northern Pacific Toad.. W. D. Ggden of Chicago, made -',- thy address in behalf of he project. r g ks were also made by Governor 11 and Judge Rice, of Minnesota. report and resolutions were adopted. report ERIE RAILROAD TROUBLE*. the Court of Common Pleas to-day, lease of habeas corpus of Jay Gould t over till Saturday, in consequence of ,ld's illness at Albany. the Supreme Court Mr. Field made closing argument against the Receiver the Erie Railroad. The decision is re ged.supPlementary case, being a motion rdisolve injunutions, went over till to- Frow. Ihe further hearing in the contempt of rt case of Jay Gould' was to-day post : lied for one week. - - WINES AT THE LORD'S SUPPER. 'he 'Methodist Episcopal Conference have pied resolutions endorsing the temper ° movement and proclaiming a determi tion not to use intoxicating wines at the gement of the Lord's supper. They also Horsed Congress and expressed the hope t. Senators would be granted wisdom firmness in the discharge of their high tutional obligations without - fear or iality. • [ BRIBERY IN THE AESEHBLY. ).DL the Assembly to-day Mr. Glenn reap hred and offered a paper charging Mr. 'ear, in . connection with Mr. Lewis, with attempt to bribe him concerning , the .ie bill. • The Speaker stated Mr. Frear d resigned his position on the Commit , and demanded a thorough investi tion. • !fin important decision has just been ren 'red by Judge Arrington of the City Court ' Montgomery, Alabama. The case arose the following facts : In 1862 the State of labama advanced V 250,000 in State bonds the purpose ;of enabling a company to laid an. arsenal and manufacture arms, it as the purpose of the State was to arm le confederate soldiers, the contract was Ad to be null and void. The suit was nought in the name of the. Governor. -New. Orleans Market. ' ty Telgraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.) NEW OnLuaus, April 9.—Cotton active; id advanced; sales, 200 bales middlings at ,lc; recoirits 1,712; exports 298. Sugar, ;onisiana, fair at 13c. Prime molasses, onisiana, at 75a85e; Cuba at 56a60. Flour good demand; superfine at $10; double 'xtra at $11; choice at 513. Corn market are; quoted at $1,07%. Oats at 78a79. • ork is held at 27c. Hay, prime western, t 519a20. Bacon firm; shoulders at 14%c; Lear rlbs at 17%. Lard, by, the tierce, at 734a19. Sterling 8.1,49a1,52. New York 'fight exchange at premium. Gold 934a40. Albany Cattle Mar et. • )3y Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.) The cattle market has been . unusually ac • ive Ind prices for good stock :full g high ir, the figures for this description never. arevailed here, the lighest and poorest corn ., :nand s7a9; good $10a10,75; prime extra $ll ,4,, „74,11 1e , we e a k n d 6, 6 p s r o e , m sales so alS3h; eeecpe i a ps for fair ;equest at $7a8,75 for cbmmon light good, leveraging 100 lbs; receipts 14,600; sales 1,000, the balance shipped through to New York. Hogs—uo sales reported; receipts gm head ,1 MEII San Francisco Market. By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.] BAN Faariclsco, Ai3ril 9.—Flour quiet; ;xtra, $7,87g; - superfine, 57,124; Oregon fR,74. Wheat; large sales at $2,40a 0%; 55,50 considered outside figure for ztiictly choice. Legal Tenders, 72g. BE GOOD HEALTH IS Tilt .OREA.TES7 OF ALL • BLES4NGS, nd to preserve it is the'privilege and duty of all DE. sAsewirrs 62E11 ANTI-DYSPEPTIC.AND LIVER rIf4S . • the grpat severely, speedy and sure ewe of the age, for ffripepsia, either in its mildest or werst , stages, and hrindreds who hare long stacked under. the inilicticms of this most .annoving and . daneerous disease, have by the use:of this invalualde medicine been restored to health and the enjoyment of life. ' • Is your Liver in a • torpid .eendition of inaction, , thereby deranging the whole system - - DE. SARGENT'S 'LITER niss REES ~. ~,: Will speedily remove the secretions and restore it to a healthy state. . • Are you troubled with loss of appetite, foul stom ach, eructations of wind, sick headache and general derangement of the digestive organs 1- MEI DR. SARGENT•S LIVER PILLS Are a sure, are and permanent remedy, and by their mild but certain action will cleanse; renovate and reinvigorate the system. - : DR. SARGENT'S LIVER PILLS stand high as one of the standard medicines of the age. For the cure of all diseases arising Cram a disordered state of the liver, as . can be attested by the certificates of large numbers of our citizens who-have beeMbene flted and cared by their use. These Pills can be obtained, either Plain or Sugar Coated. from all Druiaiati in the country. . '~-~ UNRIVALLED. • Nothing that has ever been known or heard of a tonic adds so much to the resistant power Of the human system. under circumstances unfavorable to health, - as BIOSTETTER'S STOMACII . BITTERS. If you would escape the, intermittent fevers. fits of indigestioa. blions attacki and bowel complaints, of which cold and damp arc the frequent causes. use the BITTERS as a PROTECTIVE MEDICINE. Thi , is the wisest course: but if aireadran invalid. try the preparation as a RESTORATIVE. In either case full reliance may be placed upon its efficacy. There bine mystery about the causes of its suc cess. It is-the only stomachic and alterative in which are combined the grand, requisites of a mild, pure and unvitiated vegetable stimulant, with the Sliest selection of tonic, anti-MMus, anti-scorbutic, aperient and depurative herbs, plants, roots and barks thathave ever been intermixed in a medicinal preparation. The Bitters have this distinctive quality, which is not shared, it is believed, by any tonic, tincture or extract in the world. It does not excite the pulse. though it infuses a wondertal degree of vigor into the nervous 'Went; and .trengthens and sustains the whole physical organization. .„ Califbrnia and -Australia have emphatically en dorsed It es the MINER% MEDICINE par excel lence. and:in Spanish America and all the tropical . climate, it Is considered the eilly 'reliable antidote to epidemic fevers. . The already_ immense 'and still increasing con sumpllon ofiIIOSTETTERI3 STOMACH BITTERS, backed bytnany of the most influential physicians throughout-the country, should convince the most skeptical that. it is worthy the confidence and appro bation of all. J y ~, .k. 1. •#: ~,~: "i NMI i , ~ ::~:_~;: ME mia ; ME ANOTHER CURE OF DEAFNESS. - float my. bearing during, the last yew., -rart of the time I was totally deaf. In April of this year I was indue4; from an 'advertisement, to make' ap *Heidi= to HA. EIMER, ISO Wenn street, Pitts- Wirth. After bevlng tried various medicines from doctors.' Withoit any benefit, I have been under Dr. Heyserti treatment now for nearly two months, and Am entirely restored to my: hearing, so that I can bear a *warm: , JOHN SCANLAN, - , ' Coat Bluffs. Washington Co., Pa. - A.b77l"liElt CUBE. A tun called to-day At Dr. Keyserleoilice to*. *Lana him Ore great cure made by hisLcrso Ctralci .ol " thatow,syry - Atittyroantvw. pit thece." - cural are made with: the Doctor's preparations, he desires, it to be distinctly understood ilea most of his great cures atrilide in accordance with the established laws that 3 gUitern the aclence of asedielnif,, iri which he has beeilVißslid for. ie Pi:llt!*ei4747° • Lilt ' , Malt IFII4 Ow in reeeiliia L. le Leiter from a. alergyeeadli the State of Mei detailing imbiber. must won oars - Olga ig • ..zji I tterfallirstmluict TICICIPORtinio .• A‘I I WXSdIrIYTRIEVIC% NWT OPVlritol , llo` IWill*ad.'l,o,Pl4llr frISZET, *WY 9 A. vr. ulna; „ , I NEW ADVERTreamerrrs. WM. BINGHAM, Adams Express Office, No. Elfth Street, it an authorised Agent to receive Advertisements for the GAZETTE, and all other papers throughout the United States and Canada*. tarASSISTANT DISTRICT AT TORNEY. JOHN W, RIDDELL Will be a candidite for Assistant District Attorney, subject to the decision of the Republican County ve Conntion. apiO:dir __ __ _ . _ ._ . . FOR SALE. - . HORSE AND BUGGY. A_good sound FAMILY HORSE and new SHIFT ING TOP BUGGY, made to order this Spring. Mast be sold soon, as the owner intends leaving the city. To be seen at • JACKMAN'S LIVERY STABLE. Penn street._ an10:00 - BEN FRANKLIN INSURANCE COMPANY; OF ALLEGREIY, PA. Office in Franklin Fa;rings Bank Buildings, No. 43 Ohio .St., Allegheny. , . A HOME COMPANY, managed by DITCCSOTS well known to the community, who trust by fair dealing to merit a share of , your patronage. ,I„ HENRY IRWIN.. GEO. D. RIDDLE - DIRECTORS: Henry Irwin. ID. L. Patterson, ;Henry Gerwlg, Geo. R. Riddle, Jacob Franz, laottlelb Fans, Simms Drum, J. R. Smith, Jacobj Rush, W. M. Stewart, Ch. P. Whtston, Joseph Craig, Jos. Lautner, R. J. Zinkand, ;Jeremiah Rolsen ap10:035 -- _ ESTABLIRIIEDIB49.....TIIE LARGEST IX AMERICA. NORTH AMERICAN, 'Lightning Rod Manufactory, BRASS FOUNDRY AND IRON GALVANIZING WORKS. 30,000 FEET MANUFACTURED DAILY. THE CELEBRATED STAR GALVANIZED LirtitllTNlNG RODS 9 Manufactured at these works,. and sold to all parts - of the continent, are admitted to be superior to any Lightning Rod in -nee. Great inducements offered -Alsodienl:Thig iptrsoor all kinds aatntiw p at terns. together with Ilul ' al l ore, Fastenin Cop per and Iron Connection Burs, Braces, etc. Samples, Pam phlets and Circulars sent free. R.EYBURN, HIINTER & , Nos:488 and 490 St. John St., PRILADELPEOUL priirsmaeGH • NATIONAL BAN OF - COMMERCE, ' Cor. of Wood and Sixth Sts. A. PATTERSON President. J08..11. HILL Cashier. CAPITAL, : : $500,000. DIRECTORS: A; 'Patterson,- George:. Cass. Wm. H. Brown, • James McCandless: Chas. Lockhart, , Wm. Douglas, Allen Kirkpatrick, , Wm. Reed. W. S. Haven. DISCOUNTS DAILY, AT 11 A. N. ap9:022 GREAT SALE. Tremendous Sacrifice in LOoklng Glasses Preparatory to moving,J offer my_ eltgant stock of line -GILT, PIER and MANTLE GLASSES, POR TRAIT and PICTURE FRAMES: also, miscellane ous styles of BEDROOM GLASSES, ail of which must be sold by the Ist of June, Regardless of Cost. Those who are in Want of fine Parlor Glasses and a first-class article of tine gilt work, will do well to give me a call, NEW DRESS GOODS. WHITE, ORR & CO., . , 25 FIFTH STREET, Offer some CHOICE STYLES of DRESS GOODS, AT VERY LOW PRICES I aP B ' 168. 16S: . CHEAP! CAIEAP! 6V'YRTNTB,'DELAINES. gTWEEDS. CASSIA:KEES. Kir WHITE GOODS. - CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS. - W RIBBONS SHAWLS. HOOP SKIRTS, LACES. /Fr AT THE NEW DRY GOODS STORE OF F. SOTTCIr, . • EirNa 108 Wylie, Street. jin .11.6.13: • .; • 168. * frab*:l34o3 AT EArnii 9 S,. . ' No.' 17 Fifth Street. New Parasols, Straw •_ FIERCE'VAIL. DIECTIANICAL ENGINEER; ' (Late of P. F: W..C. Railway.) ' 'Office, No. 70 FEDERAL STREET,Boota No. 5, EtillENY CITY. I n. del d . BLAST FURNACE and it I sc O r IE 41)40'351111111RIAW INGE; tarnished. Particular attention paid to,dc: signImgCOLLIERN LOCOMOTI_VES.. Patents con fidentially solicited. air An RYZNING DRAW ING CLASS for mechanics every WEDNESDAY `NIGHT. ap4:nEB ALLEGHENY COUNTY WORKHOUSE.. • • • SEALED PEOPOSA.LS will be received until the Asth Inst., for LAYING BRICK. BY VIE T1101J !IAN% in accordance with the plans and specillea. Dons tiled at BARB - A MOSES'S office, and under the direction of the Superintendent. GEO.,ALBREE. Secretary,. ap9:4320' "11 4 xx ler V"rtiti MCCANDLESS & (Liste.Wilsoh, Cart d C 0.,) - • • WHOLESALE DEALERS IN ' • • Foreign and Domestic Do Goods, . 4 .104 WOOD STREET,. Third door above Diamond alley: • " • • - • PITTSBURGH, plikorElTHEAcirlimE . • Fira*.um BE3III ABY.• -Txttxs-Per. onion of dye months, Al i lr n eekg s c o Boarding, with Room and Light , S ilo; Telt , upws; washing, per dosen, 50 cents. r0tt.P...91 tinf and Laugoeites extra. A deduction or ID per emit. Is. made for the daughters of elergyMen. The next Somme/Session opens May 4th. • ror gafirri,mirk_AUTTY ; D. LL . 8.. SUP' t• Or; Rev . A. It • REID, A. IL. rritte_ip_al. Steubenville. 0.. Karen, Mg. mwantwralf w - pmII HEMPL--.l2 , balea to ar- Axe on R. C. Or 3.* I n l" . to arrive on, ist, Oh for "Ir."? ClSAL&finiciacy aOo 11 io 1 -` '' ' • -in a ore, roiWtf,"''' ATI DICEZY /I CO. PITTSBURGH GAZETTE: FRIDAY, APRIL 10. 1868 NEW ADNTERTIS Fiirrn LIST OF APPLIC A TIONS TO SELL LIQUORS, flied In Vie Otnce, Apr 6, 1868. _ Pittsburgh. Edward McDermott, tavern, First ward. John McDonald. tavern, First ward. John Snyder, tavern, First ward. Fred. Sand, other goods, Flrstward. • A. Guekenhelmer &.Bro:, other goods. First ward. Jacob Kali, tavern. Second ward. Patrick McCaffreyl,tavern. Second ward. Christ Weltrung, tavern, Third ward. Richard MeElravy, tavern, Third ward. Manus McLaughlin, tavern Third rard. J. & J. 'Kelly, other goods. ward. Nave & Fortney, tavern, Fourth ward.... James Sewell, tavern, Fourth ward. ' Thos. F. Farrel, tavern, Fourth ward. Wm. 31111er, other goods. Fourth ward. I Melt &-3techliug,.other goods, Fourth Ward. R. WOods & Co., other goods, Fourth ward. Mathew Zirbut, tavern. Fifth ward. Fred. Kline. tavern, Fifth ward. John Schreiber, tavern , Fifth ward. • Geo. Gschwender, tavern. Fifth ward. John Nusbaum, tavern. Fifth ward. John McCambridge, tavern, Fifth ward. Wm..l. McFetridge, tavern. Fifth ward. • Jim J. Wiggins, tavern Filth ward. , Felix Ilenle, tavern, Filth ward. Louis Kaufman, tavern, Fifth ward. Chas. (languish, eating house. Fifth ward. Jos. 3lankls, eating house, Fifth ward. H. J. 'Weber, tavern, Fifth.ward. • Wm. Tephford, eating house. Fifth ward. F. X. Rable, other goods, Fifth ward. / Schmidt & Friday, other goods, Fifth ward. Wilton & Scott, tavern, Sixth ward. / Peter Spreyer, tavern, Sixth ward. • Jos. Loank, Jr. tavern, Sixth ward. Mary Broderick ' , tavern. Sixth ward. F. Goodwin other goods, !Sixth ward. P. Urben . & Bro, other goods, Sixth ward. Peter Kaltenborn eating - house, Seventh ward. Fred. Wessel, eating house, Seventh ward. John littler, tavern. Eighth ward.. • - Henry Kratz, eating house, in Eighth ward. Peter Maeuert, tavern. Nth ward. ' Patrick'Logue tavern. Ninth ward. F. L. Johnson, ' tavern. Ninth ward. Michael Laud y, other goods, Ninth ward. Lewis Falkenhagen, othergoods, Ninth ward. Ithinehart Ulrich, Te tavern, ntit ward. Welsh &McCafferty, tavern, Tenth ward. Lance Appleby, tavern, Tenth ward. , A. Huneek, tavern, Tenth ward. B. Gallisath, tavern, Tenth ward. • • Robert Lyons, other goodA, Tenth ward. • Allegheny. • Fred. Shatz,. tavern. First ward. A. Danner.; other goods, First Ward. Philip Herpel, tavern, Second ward. , A. It. Graham, eating house, Second ward. G. C. Llghtcap, tavern, Second ward. Geo. Lantz. tavern, Second. ward. Wm. Bickel, other goods,Scond ward. Adam Miller, tavern, Third ward. Egidlus less. tavern, Third ward. Christ. Jeckel, tavern. Thlrd ward. Lampert Knoth, tavern. Third ward. Christ. Gelb, tayern, Third ward. ; Theodore last:ens, tavern, Thirdward. Mich. Grogan, tavern, Third ward: ' • Wm. McKain. tavern, Third ward. John Myers, tavern, Third ward. Conrad Rock, tavern, Third ward: Henry Herdt, eating house, Third ward. Wtn. Gangwlslt. eating house. Third ward. Jacob Lang. eating house, Third ward. Keyser Werner, other house d!.. , Third ward. .Jus. Stadleman, tavern, Fourth ward. Fred. Schlotter, tayern, Fourth ward. ' • A. Gassenselnnidt, tavern, Fourth war I. Wm. Seddon, other goods. Fourth ward. Alex, Berner, tavern, Fifth ward. Jacob Kagle, other goods, Fifth ward. John Rosenberger, tavern, Sixth ward. Val. Denbart. tavern, Sixth ward. • • • John Brose, tavern, Sixth ward. , Dames Lutz, tavern, Seventh ward. , Fred. Staatz, tavern, Set enth ward. 'Christ..lagge, tavern, Seventh ward. Wm. Eberhardt, eating house, Seyenth ward. Fred. Staehle, eating house, Seventh ward. M. Wagenhauser, eating house, Seventh ward. • John Mcßoberts, eating house . Seventh ward. Jas. Mullen, tavern, Eighth word. Boroughs. Lewis Smith; tavern, Bermingham. Dom. Maguire, tavern; Birmingham. M. Havicon, tavern,Birmingham. Jacob Roth, tavernßirmingham. IL Ulrich, tavern, Birmingham, Hartman. tavern, Birmitytham. H. tavern. Birmingham. • Catb. Metzger, eatinghouse Birmingham. A. Lippert, tavern. East Birmingham. F. Bader, tavern, East Birmingham. Geo. Miner, tavern, East Birmingham. Bernard Marks, tavern:East Birmingham. Jos.-Fischer, tavern, East Birmingham. Joint Gretn, tavern, East Birmingham. Richard Deltrich, other goods. East Birmingham. J. J. Pearson, tavern, Lawrenceville. Jacobßerninger, tavern, Lawrenceville. Waidler, tavern,'Lawrenceville. Thomas Barton. tavern. Lawrenceville. JohxrKelly. tavern, Lawrenceville. - Peter A. Metz, tavern, Lawrenceville. Bernard Fuhrcr tavern, Lawrenceville.. Jacob Closs. eating house. Lawrenceville. Jo& Weller, other goods. Lawrenceville. hn A. Seithel, tavern, McKeesport. - Peter Seeger, eating house, McKeesport. August Halm, eating house, McKeesport. D. G. Lindsey. other goods, McKeesport. Ed. Schultz, other goods. South Pittsburgh. Jacob Scheid, tavern. Sharpsburg. Geo. Truby. tavern, Tarentum. • Townships. . tf Wtn. A. Sproal, tavern. Callins. , Henry Shoop. tavern, Collins. • Geo. Bendel, tavern. Collins. Thos. Thompson, tavern. North Fayette. John Lunch, tavern, Hampton. -Hamilton Thomas,the goods, Ilarrison. George F. tavern, Indiana. • M. Shopne, tavern, - Indiana. • Alex. Bauman, tavern. Llberti. Chas. Kirsch, tavern. Liberty. Christ. House, tavern, Liberty.. - Geo. Geo. W. Warren. tavern, Marshall. , Geo. Altmire, tavern, Mifflin. Peter Smith, tavern, Mifflin. Geo. Berger, tavern, McCandless; • Conrad Roderus, tavern, Peebles. Jesse Plankinton, tavern. Pine. James Bryan, tavern, Robinson. John Keown, tavern, Ross. Chas. King, tavern, 'Ross. ' Clara Gorbey, tavern. Ross. - Isaac Rankin, tavern, Upper St. Clair. Michael Alt, tavern, Lower St. Clair. Jos. Hartman, tavern,.Lower St. Clair. ; Wm, Young, tavern, Lower St. ' Jai. Ritchie, tavern, Lower St. Clair. Jos. lahner, - tavern, !Thaler. Jas. Hughes, tavern, Union. Dan. Shields, tavern, Union. Thos. Lawrence. tavern. Versailles. Ross Melinnigal,•eating house, Veriailles. Wm. Wingenroth, eating home; Wilkins.' The License Board wilt sit on TUESDAY, the 14th day of. April, _ISM at 9 o'clock A. Y. for hearing the above applications. " .4 Go BROWN. Cleric. Presideht. Secretary. J. LYONS. 110 Wood street And Flowers, JUST OPENED .mOm JOHN FOUR EDITIONS IN TWO WEEKS! LITTLE, BROWN & C 0.,, 110 Washington St., Boston, Have Just published a FOURTH EDITION of THE SPIRIT OF SEVENTY-SIX, THE COMINC.WOMAN. A PROPIIRTIC DRAVA Cloth, 41.00. Paper, 75 cents. Fine paper, tinted, $1.75. YOB BALE BY ALL BOBKIEMMI ,Sent by mall on receipt of price , "The playliinges upon the absurdities of a ftmale Assessor, a femae Judge of the Supreme Court, and a female yuditlelan, and the ludicrous aspects of a state of society in which women make proposals of marriage to men, and every bachelor le exposed to two hundred thousand offers, naore or.less. •Thesel ideas are carried out .with great humor. The play has caused a marked sensation in Boston, where it has been acted hy_some of the eUte for the benefit of the Cretans.”—N. Y. /Fatten. "The Spirit of '24—not 1770, but 11370—is the name of a spirited parlor drama which has given lively pleasure to select social circles in Boston. It gives a somewhat extravagant, and therefore amus ingly, emphatic picture ofwhat might be the condi tion of,societv and the facts of daily life, if the ex treme aspirations of the Woman's Bights party were practically fulfilled Very witty Is the dialogue,. very comic are the situations very incongruous the relative positions.'' — N. r.,korning. poe.t, "A delicious morceau, iliado a capital success .by. the delicate humor, the ' many sharp hits and the amusing situations ?which it Antroduces."-Bosion RECENTLY PUBLISHED. . . . THE STORT;OP-MY . . , Translated tieliftliefreneh (IMMO. J.WICHE. LET, by MAIM FRAZIER. CURTI& . ;. $l.OB. , . . ap7:o7-iiis TOE! WEI ICES .16 WM. KREBS Ice Deider, ai: is DIAMOND 4;.l6LitY, PiteibUTlOß; tieris4r - iii tine titieet Imago *lll Ta- earreik sad promurpoo w n, Novi*: nuol,?Ng .ifiqx o %ARCH : : 1868. THE VERY LATEST A:TT ERNS IMPORTED CARPETS. THE VERY NEWEST . . . . STYLES DOMESTIC CARPE S, ARE DAILY ARRIVING, AND SO' RECEIVED PILICES_L • THE . EBY LO McCALL BR( 51 VIET STREET, above mb2s 23 .IIJS IMPORTS] And 'Espially Adapted to this VELVET CAR: OF MOST ELEGANT DES English Body and ;Tapestry. Brussels; INGRAINS AND HEMPS, THE 'FINES PRICERSMENT AND THE LOWEST IN THE CITY. COMMON CARPETS, 95 CENTS PER YARD OIIVERM'CLINTOCK & CO., No. 23 Fifth Street. 1868 , SPRING STOCK 1868. CARPETS, JUST OPENING, LARGE ASSORTMENT, LOWEST PRICES IN THE CITY SPECIAL:INDUCEMENTS TO THOSE WHO BUT BOYARD, ROSE & (CO., 21 Fifth Street, mh10: d &w . F 71 M6FAIMAND & COLLINS ARE NOW OPENING THEIR lOW SPRING STOCK, C..4 , R,T9E F TS;. OIL CLOTHS, PURCHASED LAST MONTH FOR CASH. AND IN SIANY INSTANCES AT Levi than Actual Cost to Idanufacture. These Good/Awl:ad not now ho replaced for the same cost, and are offered FOR CASH at WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, Far Belotv Their Present Value, AT THE PLACE WHERE BARGAINS CANAL WAYS BE HAD ON THE BEST STOCK . IN THIS MARKET. Nos. 71 and 73 Fifth Street, foio:3rwriT •J. H. PHILLIPS. 1 868 . spRING GoonslBaQ von Ze n f irl;v: a rM y rln ti c. c ia :pa own and other FLOOR OIL CLOTHS, CARRIAGE, FURNITURE, TABLE AND SHADE OIL CLOTHS, ,Aleo, a fall line of Townsparent indow shades, VOLESALE AND RETAIL BUYERS will and one Eriees AS LOW., IT NOT LOWER, THAN CAN BE PURCHASED ELsEwuptz,.*and pf quality :and styles second to none:, . . ap3mBO TIIERIGREST REARITLET PRICE , - GOVERNMENT, SEC URITIES, GOLD, COUPONS AND COMPOUND INTEREST NOTES, STARK & CO. Bankeros Corner of Wood and Third Strefts. mie:w:wr VVET , BinPAG,"" ..agaiSINA °auroras, or extra quality, lu prime order, just reeetredt p rne Lemonsaor fdrat yamlagsvAla Or & . miszaiLlT" JICORT NOTS-10 bbls. storeitnNaelrif• , • • natal Dimwit a 1 ` r _~ w . ~~:~t'. ~.. I>, -~-..5tn~.._ Y#4~. %~'.=dam ~~^ • •- CLOTHS. &C. ILD SOON AS WE T. Ayr RS, W d._ .1) .23 la DI rket, FIRS, . . Ad Qualities TO SELL OVER BATES & BELL'S. 73 WINDOW SHADES AND CURTAIN GOODS, SECOND V1400R,. OF EVERY DEE.4bitiktlON. HoHands, Shadephistreig, Tassels, Cords, dm" *e. MOM= S 6 AND AS ST. CLAIR ST r u m est;~,`'-'_;,~;,': `-~ n UARTERLY STATEMENT SEEM Pittsburgh National,Bank of Commerce. I'ITTF.B . uRG)t, .4.pril 6, 1868 EM332 Loans and Discounts Real Estate Current Expenses and Taxes Premiums • Cash Items Due from - Banks - United States Bonds deposited with -U. S. Treas'r to secure circulat'n- 500,000 00 A. S. Bonds and Securities on hand 02,500 00 Spetle, Legal Tender. National and State Bank Notes, fir 171,715 00 'LIABILITIES Capital Stock Circulation Depositors $390,360 30 Danks and Bankers 60.743 00— 457,103 30 Surplus F.und, Exchanges, Inter est, .te The above le a correct abstract from My report to the Comptroller of the Currency. • JOSEPH li. HILL, Cashier Q UARTERLY. REPORT ap9:02.1 OF THE EXCHANGE NATIONAL BANK. PIDTSBURGU, April 6, 1868 . Notes and Bills Discounted U. S. Bonds deposited to se cure Circulation 6940,000 11. 5, Bonds deposited to se cure Deposits 150,000-1,090,00 0 00 Specie and other lawful money 180,730 00 ?rational Currency $ 2.,437 (6 Cash Items 15,42 S 80— 17,965 80 Due by Banks- 191,868 76 Real fistate • 56,500 00 Taxes and Expenses 17,274 16 --- Capital Stock . $1,700,000 00 National Circulation 9800,1199 00 State Circulation 40,389 00— 810,389 00 Individual Deposits....... 352,580 Ii United States Deposits.... I. , 616 2.3-- 455 226 34 . . Due to Banks 31,813 51 E , -glop, 488,156 17 Aming I certify that the above ii a true abstract of the stateraeut made to the Comptroller of Currency. ap7:no6-d&T H. 3f. MURRAY. Cashier. WANTED WANTED-- A- GOOD GERMAN CARD! ER. A sober, industrious married -man, with a small family, to take charge of and live Therearden favm within nineteen rooms , f kitchen is a good brick house of six , hall andscellar, for the gardener to occupy, and t 6 whom liberal wages will be paid, for one that is com petent and trustworthy. For particulars inquire of G. 11. TOWER, Real Estate "Agent. ap8:olt No. 164 Fourth St., Pittsburgh. 'WANTED.-AGENTS. FOR THE OFFICIAL HISTORY OF THE WAR: Its. Causes, Character,Conduct and Results, By Ilos. ALEXANDER H. STEPHENS. A Book' for all sections and parties. Thisgreat work presents the on l l t lr complete and impartial analysts of the Causes of e War yet pub lished, and gives those interior lights and shadows of the,great conflict only known to those high officers who watched the flood-tide of revolution from Its fountain springs, and which were so accessible to Mr. Stephens trom his position as second officer of lie Confederacy. ' The Intense desire every where manifested to ob tain this work, combined with au increased commis sion, makes it the best subscription book ever pub- Itched. One Agent In Easton; Pa., reports 72 subscribers In three days. Another in Boston reports 103 subscribers in four - days. Send for circulars and see our terms, and a full de scription of the work, with notices of therress. • Sc. Address, NATIONAL PUBLISHING CO., nihMinlOOM&F ,- ‘ - rhilafleTlsltia, Pa., FOR RENT TO LET, A Two-Story Brick House, Situated on Boyle street, No. 43, Allegheny City, containing eight rooms, all newly papered, and gas, hot and cold water. _ For terms inquire ON THE PREMISES. apS:o7l. TO LET, • STORE ROOM; and DWELLING attache_ on Beaver avenue, Allegheny -City, (formerly 3laa chester,) just new; building In good location. For particulars inquire of J. RUSH I CO., mll3l -No. 237 Deaver avenue. FOR SALE FOR SALE. Property near Mansfield fOr Sale. A very desirable lake° of land of 16 acres, 'having an orchard of about 3 acres and a good frame house of 5 rooms and cellari a spring of never falling wa. ter near the house. Located on an elevation about M of a mite west of Mansfield Station , on the Pan handle R. R. To be sold as a whole or in lots, to suit purchasers, from A to 3 acres. Inquire of DANIEL SWOGER, 'Real Estate and Insurance Agent, No. 77 Federal street, Allegheny City, ou second floor. _ FOR SALE. A good frame dwelling of five rooms; large hall, finished attic and' good cellar, with Jot 3.1 by 1211 feet 0 inches, situate No. 60 Adams street, Sixth ward, Allegheny City, which will be sold low and on good terms, as the owner wishes to leave the city. Inquire of DANIEL - SWOGER, No. 77 Federal street, ,Allegheny City, on second floor. FOR SALE. BUILDING LOTS FOR SALE.—Two good lots on Sheffield street; one lot on Adams street; one lot on Franklin street; three small lots on Chartiers A street, Allegheny.lot in East Liberty, being lot No. 14. on .Dennison avenue. A number of lota on Jacks Run.. - Inquire of DANIEL SWOGER, No. 77 Federal street, Allegheny City, second floor. . A good Farm of 70 Acres, 60 of which arc culti vated. and balance in Umber, having 10 acres of orchard, consisting of apples, peaches and pears; a good to house of .6 rooms and cellar; a good log barn. arm well watered, having a good spring near the door; 50 acres underlaidt with coal. -Situ ate n miles northwest -of Allegheny City, and 4 miles from Sewickley or Glendale Station, on the. P. F. W. 8 C. R. it. Termfeasy. Inquire at 77 Fed eral street Allegheny City, second floor. mhlS:ms. . PUBLIC SALE. - - At Mansfield. on SATURDAY, April 11th, MS, a new TWO-STORY BRICK HOUSE, con taining five rooms and good •cellar; a well of good . water and alt necessary outbuildings. Persons wishing a country residence have a good chance. Only five minutes , walk to the Station on the Pan handle Railroad. Sale to commence at 2P. N. Wu° 4 • MATT. HARBISON, Auctioneer. tA---- RARE OPPORTUNITY is now offered to persons in search of a good building of ut low price and on easy terms of payment. $lO will aecuro a lot: - the purchaser can build at once and cease to pay rent, and pay for theflot in monthly installments scarcely exceeding his present rent, These lots are In a desirable location, - sur rounded by improved roper easy ,of access_by omnibus and ferry. Prices fr $2OO to 6450. . . .8. CU lIBERT Is SONS, .. nnil Real Estate Agents, 85 Swilthfleid 'St.. Lars FOR SALE—SEVERAL BUILDING LOTS on Observatory Hill, Second Ward, Allegheny City, arc offered for sale—cheap. .The location Is a very desirable one, commanding a Lino view of both cities, Is easy of access, and there :is ablindarice of stone on the- ground' for building purposes. • Apply soon at• the• paint shop of Mc (X)WAN,i; SNYDER, Allegheny Diamond, at THIS OFFICE, or on the premises, near the Ob servatory Building. . . . • mhZ:n3B F-i-6 11. SALE.-HORSES.---At HOW ARD`ti LIVERY AND SALE STABLE, one tine ItILY MORSE Way); three DAPPLE -GREY HORSESI •ono LARGE DRAUGHT HORSE: three BLACK MARES; two GREY MARES. -;-FIRST STREET !near Monongahela HOW3O. 1 Horses bought and sold on commission. '• • On 'SALE.-A very. .desirable three-itory BUICK HOUSE; nearly new; press brick front, marble mantles; gas and water throughont,_• house contains seven roomaarfdlinbh ed garret, N 0.0- ELM STREET, near Wylie, Sixth ward. Possession from April let, 1808.. Enquire at the house. • • • • • • - • IMPORTANT TO. 111FOKERIKEN SEINES! SEIN ES! - SEINEBI-4 have lust ra cel ved the following Seines, all completeovith bobs; floats and sinkers: 15, WO, 30, 40 and 60 yards in length, one Inch mesh, and will receive in afew days 60 and TO yard Seines. Parties whihilig.Stillen had better call soon, so as to secure any they =synced, .for it is difficult to get Seines made unless ordered ,early in the winter. For sale by =NI ! ik nitrl E 000 haijuaeeive from ticane brakes I,n the South, 7,000 Superior Cane Poles, which 1 trill sell at a vit7 low figure. These poles are yet green,(nights winter, and to first rate order. Caltandeandse atimeer—Por sale by an7trrnr . '/* SAMPIt..7/ONlPG'pel7944.lll;‘, LINEILANWSIDINTEII): Ft 0135.—1 tem reeelve: xt t6ke Boling stook of s Hooks. Llitei t t mated g h SitkVt. .13inkers, Ploats,"Flys And tat Balt. e lessees of Ina& Walton tattled a compteeeessost meet of the 5p0y64904 for ale by , • , "3"3,ACW/11 1 3 0 Wo pdetroct. 1.7 M ~: ~~~;;_ NOTICES: ...... PITTSBITItait, FORT WAYNS'it LIIICAGOILOL WAY COMPANY, Office of the Secretary. PiTrSßUirnii....March 14, 1865. iliger'THE BOARD OF DIRECT- . ORS OF THIS COMPANY have declared the regular Quarterly Dividend (No. 170 of 23.6. PER CENT., free of Government tax, on the Capi tal Stock, for thnquarter ending March 31. payable , on and after WEDNESDAY, the 15th day or ` 1868, at the office of Winslow, Lanier ,t Co.. Nos. 27 and 29 Pine street, to those registered at New York, and at the office of the Treasurer to those re gistered at Pittsburgh. The Transfer Rooks will close ou the 31st day of March, at 2 o'clock r. and re-open on the 18th • days& April, 1968, at lecielock A. m. F. M. HUTCHINSON. •-• • • Secretary. MM. $ 534,054 05 . 64,921 35 . 4,352 97 . 4,261 OS . • 8,31035 . 69,3821 92 IarNOTICE., TO TIIE STOCKHOLDERS OF THE It having been ; decided to inimediatelv increase the Capital Stock of this Bank to *200.000. notice is hereby given to the present Stockholders that the Subscription Books are now open, and will remain open until the 10th day of April pr o oximo, for sub scriptions to the amount of 5,000. After April' 10th the-Books will be opened to the public for the balance of stock not taken at that date. *1.439,703 72 3.. 500,000 00 449,000 00 Pittsburgh, March alst. 181:8. IWPITTTBURGH AND TUBA RIVER MINING CO.—The Annual Meet- , ing of the Stockholders of the Pittsburgh and Yuba River Mining Co. will be held at the Rooms of the Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne & Chicago Railway Co.. on WEDNESDAY, April 15th. at 2 o'clock P. M. • mh31:1172. JAMES FINLAY, ;Secretary. 33,600 42 i 1,439,703 72 $1,955,340 30 $3,515,585 02 0,515,5135 021 JAMES SOWN; 130 Wood farce z~' -__ -- -''~~ KEYSTONE BANK GEO. 11. VAN DOREN, Cashier. AUCTION SALES BY PLUMB & PHILLIPS. PALMER & PHILLIPS, JE AUCTIONEERS And Commission, 316Tchants, OPERA HOUSE AUCTION ROOTS, No. 60 Fifth Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. BOOTS, SHOES, CARPETS, Dry Goods and Notions, AT PRIVATE SALE DAY AND EVSINING Consignments Solicited. Prompt Re. tarns. BY SMITHSON, VANHOOK & M'OLELIAND. HOUSE AND VALUABLE LOTS ON TROY HILL, AT AUCTION. TUESDAY, April 14th. at 2 o'clock P. Irie. on , the premises. will be sold by auction rooms. and comfortable FRA3fE HOUSE of four with ,two good cellars. Lot 68 feet front by 200 feet in depth. Good cistern, pump, coal house, bake-oven, wood house and cow stable. Choice fruit trees and small fruits in abundance on lot. Also, several LOTS, ranging in front from 20 to 36 feet by2oo feet in depth. This property is sit uated on Washington street, bounded brGardner, Chesnut and Downing streets, and is very desirable, being convenient to the street cars, and having the advantage of good board walks. VAISTHOOKS: MeI;LELLANp. argi: Anctiinieers . PENN STREET PROPERTY AT AUCTION. MONDAY. April 'l3, at 2M - o'clock r;. on the premises. will be soldlhat very desirable and Taloa- ;i hle THREE STORY BRICK DWELLING HOUSE, No. 04 Penn street, of eleven rooms with all mod ern improvements incident to a iirseclass dwelling. The Lot has a frivit of 24 feet, on Penn street, ex, I tending hack in depth 112 feet to a 20 feet alley. Brick Maine on rear of lot. The location of this property should command the', attention of business men desiring a special com fortable residence. • S3IITUSON, VAN - 1100E d: McCLELLA.N.D. _ BY A. irnanten. SEVERAL THOUSAND PEACHY TREES—FRIDAY MORNING, April 10, at IQ, o clock. will be sold, at the corner of Liberty and. Hay_ streets SEVERAL THOUSAND PEACH] TREES, the 'finest ever raised In the State, qnd or the most approved kinds for Market purposes og private use. The varieties Include Hale's Early ' Troth's Early, Fay's Early Ann, Livingston's largi Early York, Crawford's Early, Harker's Seedling Veorgg Fourth, Grosse Mignonne. Moore's Favoa, rite; Oid MixonFree, Ward's Late Free, Craw,ford'ila Late, Susquehanna, Druid BM, Late Delftware:4 [Reybold , s Best,) Patterson."s Seedling (a desirable--' Delaware Peach,) Smock's Free, Late Heath Cling l t and Morris' White. - • They are all Healthy, Strong, Stocky Trees: we Booted, and raised on new ground; Budded on ural Peach Stock. The Trees are one year old. and ranted tire to seven feet high. Every Tree is war true to name, and In every respect exactly as represented. They will be sold inlets to suit put chasers,• from ten trees up to thousands. • Also, NO. PHILADELPMEA RASPBERRIES, by the Dozen or Hundred, the hardiest, most pre-, ductive and profitable market Berry known. RU • BARB, Myatt's Linnteus, dedidedly the best vats " • of Rhubarb. By permission of the following we - known gentlemen - in Pittsburgh are referred to, f r correctness of the statement in regard to the abote named stock, and reliability of the parties offering it: H. H. Negley, East Liberty Nursery; W. Mr lock, Firm of Bullock & Patterson; Johnson Young; R. A. Clarke, of East Birmingham. • I, - Any further information needed can be obtained by addressing Miss BETTIE 11. THIMBLE, WAst- Chester, Pa. - , or Wm. R. Barnes, Merchants-8011, Pittsbufgh, until day of sale. a pp: A. M'ILWAINE. Aric'ifF ANADMINISTRATOR'S SALE . Or GOLD MINING STOCKS, SILVER,, LEAD OTHER STOCKS, PATENT RIGHTS, &el— TUESDAY EVENING. April 14th, at 7% o'clo k, Will be sold on second floor of the Commercial .. - es Rooms, No. 106 Smithfield street, by order of W . Phillips. Esq., Administrator of C. W. Bicketln, deceased: 6,750 shares 31erranee Silver Lead Ca, of is court. r , 1 30.000 shares Gold Mountain Mining Ograblha. tion Co., oVColorado.- .1,334 shares Phelps S. Gilmore Gold Miningto.„ of Colorado. . - i 5,800 shares Franklin Mining Co.* of Missouil.. An undivided one-half interest in Smith's P afent Thresher. 'I Interest or Patent Right. for the. States of leira, . Wisconsin and Michigan, in Smith's Patent Rea r. An undivided one-haleinterest in Smith's Patent Breech Loading Cannon. One-half of a certain old Cannon-in Beaver eon ty. Parts o( eight or nine Reaping Machines. made atter patent of thnith's Reaper, and now atWilsoh's, on Ferry'street. 'll .._ '''-'.. Rick( beim' 7'tiiiinierest of C. W...tielsetson, Debi an undivided one-half of ship Edward. This vont was lost:on the coast of Brazil in 1850, undetteir eunistanees which gave the owners a claim foA in demnity against the Government of that con try, but which has been thus far urged in vain. unit' A. 11lc1LWAINE, Auction BY L.LBGGATB. T' . ARM, GARDEN PLOTS OD COUNTRY SITES, AT-AUCTlON.—Theriiwill he sold on the premises, on WEDNESDAY,.-April lath, 1865,nt 10 o'clock, the valuable homestead farm of Mr. Wm. Lynch, adjoining Ilaysyllid 49ta- Hon, on the P., Ft. ,V. &C. Ity., eleven miler below the city. The entire farm contains ninety-three acres, is in good -state of cultivation, is beautrily situated, fronting the Ohio river, the Beaver ad. andthe Township road. There are Orchards V nes. Small Fruits, Shrubbery, and a never failing IVring of pure Water. On the place is an excellent ?aria Dwelling House, containing six rooms. attic' and wanerate complete, all in first condition; MO ooh stables, barns, out-houses, tenant house, &c, *C. The whole premises are in capital orker, an are worthy the special attention of all In quest of ahead tiful and convenient home, combining the advanta ges of the codntry with easy access to the city.l-rithe trains dally to and from the elt3r.. 'Special &Midair -' Is invited to this highly attractive sale, which: Oates face on account of the advanced age of the olir .v ier. ale. indisputable. , City, purchasers will tale the 45 tr . ln Stem Allegheny: ~Dinner will .be se ed on the premises. Will be sold in one lot, or dillided 'as may be desired by purchasers. There arc a num ber of very tine sites for building. Don't fait ti , at tend. . A. LEGGATE. AuetiOned, aria 159'rederal street. - Allegheny. I REMOVALS. REMOVAL. , '' • , . . . Delaware Mutual S.,.lpsurance VomOm; Iternov . od to No. as - intnrri tliT" rlttabuy ptu te; T. H. D1ADF.1RA.,...1441 tEmovAL . STOCK AND •REAL ESTATE SROAERs ;jr AUCTIONEERS, bare removed to , Mo. 115 FOVIIITII 1541-115E1% arz:oB ——- - - -7-- l—- fi ily. G 4 . VIENNOT k o f t igoilDlNG AND - c NEWSPAPErru..,c, r v,: ii - vERTisiNG Au.. ~ ..t, ...... York. , • 133 Na lluill " .-- ,i in 180%) • ' '' . .t '-,• ::: ~ 5 ;, - (Natliblirbe D .. liekrbold: Drurrr,: _ltivirriVresMr: tit, Now ul. von nat .. Nrr t w a t, York; 7i , V*Bro saml i/eatorob • lia, strorrilfewr VOIAS & c o . INS; - .orwr • yotr4 v co., co:, m c ..,%,„„„. lour.. e• kr 4 1%:X es/2 " .. ; ; 7 ittl:M . : 4 Oballiben giiecilkiti:#?a r • . .. =I II II apltn74 ME Auctioneers
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