6. IRON WORKS. == PITTSBURGH FORGE AND IRON CO., M A NUFACTURERS tOF Bar Iron; ' Railroad Fish Bars and Boni; Railroad Car Axles Rolled; Railroad Car Axles Hammered; Locomotive Frames; Locomotive Frame Shapes; Side. Rods; Yokes, Straps; Piston Heads; - Steamboat Shafts; Steamboat Cranks; Piston Rods, Wrists; . Pitman Jaws, Collars, itc. Office, No. 177 PENN STREET; PITTSBUILGII. GRAFF, RICERS & CO., MANUFACTURERS OF 'Bar, Hoop and Sheet Iron, WROUGHT Iron Welded Tubes for Gas, Steam, Water, &c. ALSO, - OIL WELL TUBING. Office, No. 93 Water St., PITTS BURGH, 'Pa. - uM:eD3 s KENSINGTON IRON WORKS. LLOYD & BLACK, MANUFACTURERS OF_ Best Common, Refined, Charcoal AND 'JUNIATA . 81,0031 IRON. MERCHANT BAR, ROUND and SQUARE IRON HOOP, BAND. T and ANGLE IRON. BOILER PLATE and SHEET IRON. . MOWER AND REAPER BARS. • CYLINDER and GUARD or FINGER IRON. SMALL.T RAILS 20 and 18 lbs. to the yard. 'WROUGHT CHAIRS and SPIKES for same. FLAT RAILS, Punched and. Countersunk. COAL SCREEN IRON. NAILS AND SPIKES. Warehouse and. Office at the Wor;:s, GIME:47- EOH STREET. (a continuation of First street,) djoining the City Gas Works, Pittsburgh. EVERSON, PRESTON & CO., Pennsylvania Iron Works. Warehouse, Nos. 166 and 161 FIRST STREET, opposite Monongahela House,ap24:d6 'PITTSBITR6III. STEEL WORKS. SHEFFIELD STEEL WORKS. SINGER, HECK & CO., MANUFACTURERS OF - BERT REFINED CAST STEEL, Square, Flat and Octagon, of all sizes. MILL, MULAY, CIRCULAR, GANG AIND CROSS-CUT SAW PLATES. ELLIPTIC AND SEMI-ELLIPTIC • RAILWAY SPRINGS, CAST SPRING STEEL, -Cast and German . Plow Steel, PLOW WINGS AND MOWER BARS; ' - SPRINGS, AXLES and STEEL TIRE; SICKLE, SHOWEL, HORS RAKE, t. FORK, , E C R A y i, g d CAST an STEEL; CROW BAES,L2c., &e., &c. ' Warehouse, 88 Water Street, Pittsburgh. selB:k4 pITTSBERGH STEEL WORKS. ANDERSON COOK &CO .1 (SUCCESSORS TO JONES, BOYD & C 0.,) lffanufactorcrs of the BEST REFINED CAST STEEL, VEI"E,'11114.7;411012111% o f e 1 alga ; CAST STEEL tor Reapin g and Molting Machines, . . Steel Plow, Wings, Azle., Circular., &0., £c. 1; Cast and Common Plo & Spring Steel., Office—Corner 'FIRST AND OSS STREETS, two blocks above the 31onon g ahela Rouse. " oc23:di MILLER, BARR & PARKIN. GENXILAL WM. METCALF, REUBEN MILLER„ GEO. W. BARR, I CHAS. PARKIN. SPECIAL renTßza--9. M. ICIER. CRESCENT STEEL WORKS, 13./iiLlEt 8c PARKIN, Office, No. 339 Liberty St, PITTSBURGH, PA fel4:d4B DUQUESNE Iron and Steel Works. COLEMAN, RANM & CO., SUNUFACTITBERS OF • Iron, Nails, Springs, Axles, Sieel, &e. WAREHOUSE: No. 07 Water Street, . s a migo , . PITTSBURGH. B " DIAMOND • STEEL WORKS. PAU,- BROTH: MI & ,CO., Manufacturers of all dcacAptlorui of • " ilei l PglCEOLgie Once and Warehonee_, 12_ ~..._01314 .115111CiEbbilD want) and 121 FIRST EMMY. • - - - PITTSBII7IIIO/1. rum CITY MILLS. ROGERS & .BLIRCHFIELD Manufacturers of REFINED, CAARCOAL, JU NIATA and rOLISHED CAST STEEL. - Mace and Warehodso, No. AN MARKET BT. COPPER. L AKE SUPERIOR - COPPER Mit SMELTING WOLEi, . _ ..EMETENIMIWIL ° : .., t I PARK, MCCURDY & CO., Xanutachirers of Shest4-4.Onit .13•1 Goner, Proologrptir 400 BO* 117 1111 M rw.....-% . itthksiMalP9frr , e ", a mntly tt won . .-., ,g -samsavl .' ..; . ,Pittsbarlit IL , '.... --,1( -4,,,,,i mil !pedal order..! h opper eat W .73- ier : Uri. alumni p i.• 44? . ,‘ Va - ,;: . 4, • Akze."--• . 7 .4:-.•`' l 7`W°- " ‘r. a ' n;.~e i '_. FOUNDERS, MACHINISTS._ A TLAs WORKS, 1,! ! PORTER, Sup't, MORTON STREET, Ninth Ward, THOMAS N. MILLER, President. These Works are among the largest anc most complete establishments In the West. and are now prepared to furnish General Castings. ORDERS SOLICITED n09a10.9 , NATIONAL FOUNDRY AND PIPE WORK Corner Carroll and Smallman • • - (NINTH WARD,) ' _ PIPTSMITItC.M, WM. SMITH Manufacturer of CAST IRON BOWL FOR GAS AND WATER. WO? If My Pipes are all cast Invariably In 'P sand, awl 1 feet lengths. Also,, full ass, General Castings for Gas and Wato I would also call the attention of Super! of Gas Works to my make of BETORTri. fel6:tlo THE KNP FORT PITT FOUNDRY CO, CHARLES ILNAP, President. J. N. SCRAP, Vice President. 0. METCALF See'y. and Treater. J. H. WADE:Engineer. J. G. KNAP, General Manager. ' DIALCTORS: , JAMES 8. - MURRAY, of Lyon, Shoib & Co. A. E. W. PAINTER of J. Painter & Sons. C.-B. HERRON,of g pang , Chalfant & Co. THOS. S. BLAIR, of Shoenberger & Co. WM. 3IETCALF, of mmer; Barr & Parkin. Rolling . Mill and. Blast Maciftery. RETORTS and CASTIIICg.: Of every fiescalption. ERNEST•S NAIL MACHINE'S. tell L. 0. LIVINGSSON.W. R. EIIRT.W. A. ROBINSON, JR. IarvINGSTON & CO., IRON FOUNDERS, MANUFACTURERS OF FINE LIGHT CASTINGS, All descriptions, for Numbers and Gas Fitters: Ag ricultural Implements, Cotton and Woolen Mill Ma chinery. &c.• All Job Work promptly attended to. - Office and *orks—WASIIINGTON AVENUE, near. Outer Depot, Allegheny City. Pa. ROBINSON, REA CO., Successors to ROBINSON, MINIS.r. MILLERS, WASHINGTON WORKS, EOUNDERSAND MACHINISTS, PITTS3URGH, Manufacturers of Boat and Stationary Steam En tines Blast Engines, ? Filly Machinery. Gearing, Shafting, Castings of all descriptions ; Gil Tanks and Stills, Boiler and Sheet Iron Work. Office, NO. 12. corner First and Smithfield Streets. Agents for GIFGABD'S PETENT JEC' •YR for feeding Boilers. I jall:rs2 - - HUGH H. BOLE HUNXER ORR. JAMES NELSON A. B. BOLE. - INDUSTRIAL WORKS. 1111G1{ M. BOLE & CO., Founders, Engine Builders and Machinists, Make to order MARINE AND LAND STEAM EN ' (ARES. of all sizes, warranted to give satisfaction. CASTINGS, of every description made to order. JAMES NELSON, . . A.. B. soLe,_Foreman. 4lPpine Shop , corner POINT_ALLEY and DU SNE WAY. Frindry, Nos. 59 and Th ird reet, - • mylo:uB6 1 PITTSBURGH, PA. MONT BLAND FOUNDRY. - Butler Street, Ninth Ward, (Opposite Union Iron Mills,) PITTSBURGH. Rolling Mill and Bridge Castings, THIMBLE SKEINS AND PIPE . BOXES, MACHINERY AND CASTINGS GENERALLY. • Orders promptly and carefully executed; - Charges reasonable. FJ3ICERT & 3LICILML ocls:lZt PRICE & SIMS. office and Warehonse, 29 Wood Street. Manufacture and keep constantly on hand Thimble, Skein and Pipe Boxes, ' WAGON BOXES, DOG IRONS, SUGAR KETTLES, HOLLOW WARE, And Castings generally. ' • • ' ap2o:y6 CENTRALit ]FOUNDRY AND ROLL WORKS, SSO Penn Street. BOLLMAN, BOYD & BAGALEY. Chill 8011., 111111 Castings, Eon Lathes, Ike. VULTOR MAQIIINE WORKS. ESTABLISD IN 1838. annfactory of STEAM „ENGINES, of all stzes and of the moat approved patterns. for staUonary purposes • STRILIMOATB and STEAM TERRY BOATS. 'A variety. of 10, 12 . and 18 horse power ENGINES; which 'will be sold at= very reduced prices. P. P. GEISSE, 'Wellsville. 0. Fifty miles below Pittsburgh, on the Ohlo•ztver, and line of 0. & P. B. • no9:18 SABIUELII. WICIEEIIBIIAII, IRON BROIEEEL ; - 124 First Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. u ttin n z..ftf a the sale o f Doughtimoore,dJo and other=s l;° OrArti l ticite, 1 3 :t e ighl i ghr ( fr n ii Coke and 0. B. Charcoal PIO IRONS. • Consignments and orders respectfully solicited. . WES'I' COMMON " Each None Works, • Northwest corner of West Common, Allegheny. FREDillt itIIVATER CE:1:- . Bare on _ r cf r l erd _W• e f ol l l ihort iHtr,irdartb Vaults, &c. Reim an i Ouronl Stones. • _B re wery • Orders promptly executed. 'Prices reasonable. SNE QUARRY. - • • - Stonefurnisbed from the • • Apollo Stone. Quarry; To order 'or - by, the : Mir quire of • ' , - . .TLYs , „il l iz u w _ Co.. PR : 1 1I)BA.00CPANDOGARS. VXCIELSBOWIIMIUMP:t 4 ,azi 1 4,tet t • dtgly.ot.flKimr.soF4*,, Xsziolkoe4oo,*loll4g4.;,„; , :••:`. 4 .,V41n410, snuff, Cierf(Papessilkow P'Irr'reBTJRGII , Engines, of every description. Boilers, Oil Tanks. Sheet Iron Work. Railroad Castings,. Rolling. Mill Casting'''. Engine Castings. Machine Castings. MANUFACTURiItiOr IRON BROKERS. STO PITTSBURGH GAZETTE : FRIDAY, APRIL 10, 1868. i • • ENGINES,' ` BOILERS, &C. FORT PITT BOILER, STILL AND TAhli WORKS. CARROLL & SNYDER, TUBULAR, POtIBLE-FLUED TUBULAR, FIRE BOX AN„) CYLINDER STEAM BOILERS. OIL STILLS AND OIL TANKS, CHIMNEYS, 'BREECHING AND ASH PANS, SETTLING PANS, SALT PANS AND, CON. DENSERS: . , • STEAM PIPES, GASOMETERS !AND IRON BRIDGES; PRISON DOORS AND-GOAL SHUTES (Mice and Warehouse corner Second, Third, Short - and Liberty Streets,' PITTSBURGH, Pa .per Orders sent to the above address will be prorontlr attended to. nih7:lB9 • R. W. MORROW...JAB. D. BARNIIILL,...JAS. BLAIR O'HARA BOILER WORKS. • MORROW, BARNifin Sz CO., Streets, t.ii.NUFACTIIILERS OF ' I • Steam Boilers,. Oil Stills, Agitators, TANKS, SALT PANS, GASOMETERS,VROUGRI' IRON BRIDGES, SHEET IRON WORE, &c. Cor. Liberty and fietond tits, • • PITTSBURGH, PA. REPAIRING. promptly done. jy4:1,2 IPE, to , In dry rtment of i Works. ntendenis M. BAICITHILL & CO" Bv BOILER MAKERS AND SHEET IRON WORKERS, NOS. 20, 22, 24 AND 20 PENN ST. Raving secured a large yard and fUrnished It with • the most. approved machinery, we are prepared to manufacture every description of BOILERS In the best manner, and warranted equal to any made In -the country. Chimneys, Breeching, Fire Beds, Steam Pipes, Locomotive Boners, Condensers, gait Pans, Tanks, Oil Stills, Agitators, Settling Pans, Boller Iron, Bridges, Sugar Paus, and sole manu facturers of Barnhill's Patent Boilers. Repairing done on the shortest notice. jas:c2l ROBERT LEA, MANUFACTURER OF Steam Engines and Boilers, FREIGHT ROISTERS, AND' DOCTOR ENGINES. CASTINGS. of all descriptions, made to order. Corner of First and Ferry Streetli, JAMES M. MITER, Nits. 55 and 56 Water Street, PITTSBURGH, PA., IRO IL SETTLING PARS, COPPER STEAM PIPE, ROLLING MILL STACIN, Anil SHEET IRON WORE, . • ' For Steamboats. STOVES, CASTINGS, &C Cow STOVES. CET THE BEST. BISSELL Olt 'CO.'S TRIUMPH, FOR BITUMINOUS - COAL. Warranted to Cook, Bake or Roast as well as any other StoTe in the Union. BISSELL & CO., No. 285 Liberty 'Street. Also r on A h ßL an ou d ßiA an s d vi fo visN r Bale, tsm GRATEVES, FROhTS- A FENDE ES, COOKINGE NGES.ia c• CHEAPEST PLACE in the city TO BUY TUE TRIUMPH COOKING STOVE, • Is at No. 146 GRANT STREET. P. C. DUFFY. NEW HARDWARE HOUSE. LINDSEY, STERRIT & ETSWER, Manufacturers Unit Importers of HARDWARE, CUTLERY, &C. 887 LIBERTY STREET, CORNER OF WAYNE, One Square Below 'Union Depot, air Agents for FAIRBANKS , SCALES'. • lat A: FIFTH ST., bet. Tunnel t Chatham Sts., Gunsmith and Dealer in Hardwari. First class goods of all descriptions always on hand and sold at the lowest prices. Rdpatring done carefully on short notice._ • je.,Z:dso BREWERIES. IIC . ENIX STEAM lIIIEWERY. P Joe. ¯e., 4AEI. impEtz. SPENCEIt, & CO, MALSTERS AND BREWERS Of Ale, Porter and Iliown • Stout, PITTSBURGH, PA. ROBERTAirATWiTP Minager• 0014 DYERS AND SCOURERS.. WN/Roy %10.0410 H 1. J. LANCE, Now 188 - and 187 titreet,' DVEIt AND Ia_COUR,F 4 I%- .'•. „ • :',3ll4*GoopectOliinm'AiiDlED.' Of-- ,1' ' • 1 7:41 4 2, ,T4C) GLOP ies £ND Liangtll #74lllNi isitiDc 111 DIOR D 1111) • .-Ze,,..*Zt NtOA , V „. • -e.*W 4, s• o ' It* ~: - 77 =I E=MR! =il HARDWARE. PITTSBURGH FINANCIAL TTART, CAUGHEY A, CO., BANKERS AND BROKERS, Corner Third and Wood Streets, PIPTSI3UnGTI, (SUCCESSORS TO HANNA, HART k, C 0..) DEALERS IN Ex hange, Coin, Coupons, And articular attention paid to tl e purchase and sale of'- , OVERNMENT BONDS. , Sight Drafts on London. myi:er., HOLMES & SONS, ' = .1 1 12NTIK-11MEttay 57 Market Street, - prra -- rsninaGir, PA. Collections made on all the principal poluta of the United States and Canadas. Stocks, Bonds and other Securities BOUGHT AND SOLD ON COLAUSSION Particular attention paid to the purchase and sale of United States Securities. ja3o:al KEYSTONE BANK, ri-r-rs.33trxtorx. PA. THIS BANK IS NOW TRANSACTING A GENERAL BA! KING BUSINESS, AT THEIR NEW BANKING HOUSE. No. 293 Liberty Street. Accounts of BANKS, BANKERS, MERCHANTS and others are invited. • Collections made on all accessible points in the United States and Canada. Interest Allowed on Time Deposits. UNITED STATES SECURITIES BOUGHT AND SOLD. STOCKHOLDERS INDIVIDUALLY LIABLE. GEO. T. VAN DOREN. Cashier. WESTERN SAVINGS BANK, .1 o. 6'9 Fourth Street. CHARTR. I .IED 1866. Interest paid on Time Deposits ANY SUSI RECEIVED FROM . ONE DOLLAR UPWARD. DEPOSITS SUBJECT TO CHECK, ,WITHOUT INTEREST. -Discounts Daily at 12 o'clock•. President—THOMPSONLBELL. Vice President—A. N. MARSHALL. DIRECTORS THOMPSCHT 8ELL,..1 A A. M. NARSHALL, JOS. DILWORTH. JOS. LAB.EE. J.. J. GILLESPIE, Stockholders to whom we make reference: Wm. Forsythe,l Joseph Dilworth, Wm. Caldwell, Rev. David Kerr, 'Willis Mizell, Henry Lambert, D. W. C. Bidwell, A. M. Brown, E.M.Fulton. Thomas Ewing. • <4, BANKERS. Q ESTABLISHED IN 1831. 1411 35 SCHTT (TOO Si: PHILADELPHIA, DEALERS IN GOVERNMENT SECURITIES. 7 3-10 s Converted Into 5-20. STOCKS AND GOLD Bought and'sold 'on coinmission, here and in New York. TIME PAPER NEGOTIATED: INTEREST A LLO WEI/ ON DEPOSITS OF GOLD AND CURRENCY. Accounts of Banks and Bank ers received on favorable terms. ALL CLASSES OF SECURITIES TAKEN "IN EXCHANGE AT MARKET HATES. fe24:188 • VITTEIBURGH • 'BANK FOR SAVINGS, FORMERLY THE DIME (SAVINGS INSTITUTION I No. 67 Fourth. Street • NEARLY OPPOSITE TILE BANK OF PITTSBURGH. CHARTERED IN 1E4021. OPEN'DAILY from 9 to 4 o'clock, and on WED NESDAY and SATURDAY EVENINGS„from May let to November Ist, from 7 to 9 o'clock, and from November Ist to May let,. 6 to El o'clock. Books of By-Laws, %c. office: This at the offi: This institution especially offer to those whose earnings are limited, the opportunity to twcumulate, by small deposits, easily. saved,.a sum whichlwiil be' a resource when needed, and bearing interest in ,stead of remaining unproductive. BOARD OF MANAGERS: PRESIDENT, GEORGE A. BERRY. VICE PRESIDENTS, S., H. HARTMAN, I -JAMES PARK, JE. • SECRETARY' AND TREASURER, D. E. McKINLEY. A. BRADLEY, WM. K. NIMICK, A: S. BELL__„ F. RAHM, R JOHN S. DILWORTH, JOSHUA HODES, , G. FOLLANSBEE, . :OEN SCOTT' JAS. L. GRAHAM,_ R. C. SCHMERTZ, CHRISTOPHER ZUG. • SOLICITOR/3—m. W. 4. A. S. BELL. mh14:v1314 ARCHITECTS. BARK Si MOSER, A.MCILITECICIS, FRUIT HOUSE ASSOCIATION BUILDINGS, Nos. A and 4 Bt. Clair Street, Pittsburgh. Pa. Spec.'s' attention given to , the designing and building of COURT HOUSBS'and PUBLIC BUILDINGS. F AnTos, • • MECHANICAL AND ENGINEERING DRAFTSMAN: Onitse, Pitilo'llalll, 45 Third street" Withhiessts HOLLAND & Co., PITTSBURGH. LITHOGRAPHERS. ENJAMIN SINGZELY PHILIP CLIUS. SINGERLY .CLEIS, Successors to GT.o. F. BOULTHIL&N R CO., 'PRACTICAL LITROGRARILERIL The only Steam Lithographlo Batabilskient West of the Mountains. Business Cards, Letter Heads, Bonds, Labels, Circulars, Show Cards, Diplomas, Portrfuts. Views, Certificates of Deposta, Invte. Mon Cares, d.c., Nos. TA and 7* Third -Street,. Pittabu h. 1, Cu .S. A. !ItEI4ILIFLIt . t ' -fraripp,sum aatt=ll, 8, dn. in au 'tries. REMOVAL. I HAVE REMOVED MY -BANKING AND EXCHANGE OFFICE TO THE 1 Corner of Fifth and WOod Streets, Formerly occupied by the NATIONAL BANK OF COMMERCE. • I . PH. MERTX.__ CI"VERSION OF 7,,3095. We are now prepared to convert the SECOND and THIRD SERIES of SEVEN-79EXEMPTES INTO THE New 1867 5-20 Gold Coupon Bonds JAMES T. BRADY & CO., Dealer in Government Seenritles, CORNER FOURTH AND WOOP STS. Vjg Vittsburgli Ittattts. FINANCE AND TRADE OFFICE OF THE PITTSBURGH GAZETTE, THURSDAY, April 9, . 1868. Gold was remarkably firm to-day, and has advanced from - 138 g, to 1383!,,i with a further advancing tendency. It Was the continued Government sales and the ex treme stringency of the money market that kept down . prices, but with a large short interest outstanding uncovered, the firmness of the foreign exchange market considered, and the increasing demand for shipments, all point towards a higher pre mium and lower rates bonds in Europe. Government securities had reached their highest point yesterday at noon; towards the close the market was dull ana weak, and to-day a general decline of Xto oneper cent. took place. The advance was too sudden to be-. sustained, and lower quott tions may ensue before a rise will take place again._ Stocks declined with the general market and most of the clique stocks are all lower with little business doing. The local money market, though eaeier,. is by no means in a very favorable condition, and needy borroweri have to submit to very high rates. Long paper is unsaleable, and Small amounts to be placed on mortgages are much inquired for; 12 per cent. is the ruling rate for any well secured bond. Closing quotations as received by Ph. R. Mertz, were as follows: Gold, 138%; 1881 bonds, 112%; 1862 5-20 s, 111%; 1864 do, 10934; 1865 do, 109; Consols, 107%; 10-40 s, 102; 7-30 s, 106%. Cleveland & Pittsburgh . R. R.. 90% Fort Wayne 101% North Western—common 62 North Western—preferred 75% New York Central ' 120% Erie • 71% Old Southern 90y, Ohio & Mississippi 31% Western Union Telegraph 37y Merchants Union Express 34% ' Corydon 35 Quartz Hill . 1 10 Quicksilver 24% —Closing quotations received by-James T. Brady 6t. Co. Gold l 13834 U. S. G's; 1881 112% " 5-20's, 1862 111% " 5-20's, 1864 10934 " 5-20's, 1865 . ' 109% " 1040's ' 102 " 5-20's, Jan. and July, '6s' 107% “44 II '' It f 67 ' 108 " June 7-30's 106% " July 7-30's 106% May Comp., 1865 / 118% PITTSBURGH PETROLEUM MARKET. OFFICE OF THE PITTSBURGH GAZETTE, THURSDAY, April 9,"1868. / CRUDE—The market (=Unties exceed ingly quiet, the demand both kir present and future delivery, being light, though with an extremely light supply and very meagre arrivals, there is but little offering, and holders, as a general, thing, refuse to make concessions. We can report 500 bbls for immediate delivery, at B%c; and we also heard of a sale—amount not named— to be delivered on first water, at 8%. There is no life or animation in the busi nesspoperators, generally, are discouraged, and what is worse still, as the fact that the prospects for the future are by no means bright. Speculators are not numerous,and even• those who have the nerve, are very timid, in consequence of the stringency in money matters; and with but very few ex ceptions, those who have been speculating in oil during the past year er two, have been unibrtunate, and as a consequence, do not feel like giving it another trial. REFINED-There are no new features in the market for bonded oil worthy of spe cial notice. We have but a single sale to report, 1000 bbls on spot, at.2sc; we are cog nizant of offers to'buy June at 26c, and July at 26%c. May is still quoted at 2.53,0, and all the year, buyer's option, at 31c. The steady decline at Antwerp f or several days past is having its effect in stagnating the trade, and while sellers here are scarce and as obstinate as ever, buyers are asking for concessions, and during the past two or three days prices have declined from one quarter to one-half a cent per gallon. BEI•IZOLE—SaIe of 500 bbls for imme diate delivery - in Philadelphia, at 13c. OIL SHIPMENTS FROM DUQUESNE DEPOT. Hutchinson Oil Co., 66 bbls refined to Waring, King & Co., Philadelphia. Hutchinson Oil C0.,52 do do to E. Schalk, Philadelphia: Clark &, Co., 50 bbls lubricating oil, to 0. P. Phi ll ips, Philadelphia. Fisher & Bro., 6 bbb3 grude to W.P. gan t Bro., Philadelphia. • W. G. Bane, 50 do do to Wallace dr, Cur tiss, Philadelphia. . . New York Dry Goods Market. (By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh tiazette.] • NEW Yonk; April 9.—ln dry goods the market is generally !...d, but.far from be ing active; some are . .. -.d to call ' trade dull and not at all sat •.. • ry; the fact is that buyers are not, willing to • pay the ad vance . for 'certain styles of cotton goods, which Was recently eatablished, ibrgetting at the Same time that these *ere sold at prices below cost. Manufacturers, on the contrary, talk , prices .up strong in sympathy with cotton: -Printed cloths r in . light' stock, are buoyant at . 144 for standard makes; prints are more or less freely but steady at previous rates. Heavy brown shoetings are firm at 19c for Atlan tic A, Appleton A and Indian Head; 32M0 for Pacific, Amoskeag A, Starts' A; - New Market R. R., Laconia H, Pacific H,"-and Atlantic H; 18,5 c for. Howard; 1643' for Swift River and 20e for*Peqiint A; 200 for Ailar! sooggin. Bleached muffins at 28e; Manville, 20c; "NewMarket. : ':2l3o4 - Naahua;' 19c; - Amoskeag A. ;9%; Tip To ',.IT Langdan. and .hunaa i3teanwmilia;and t glet for Forest dale and Wiurelpou.: - • • ' • '. . ' •- - -- Chlettcrekttlellfarket:::"'. Int Telegriiih i tit'ikellithanirgli Eii:,tette.) : ::, ,- ` 41 011:ibiL0 4 :4 1 ;& R e l e A re =46f tattle i more tavrmiel hafor e lglf l K Ito chok.. , Y .>. ,' 7,r_.;.1 ;L.... MEM= El= • OFFICE OF TILE Ptrenunort GAZETTE, t T HUIt DAY, April 9,.1868. , The general mzu'ketsi are quiet and de void of any new c aracteristics worthy of special notice. 13/', can report a continued steady demAnd f ' all of the leading 1. - ar ticles, and that, too at full prices. . APPLES—Quiet: ; but steady and im changed; regular ~' es in store at 83 to $6 per bbl, as to quality. POTATOES-..-Firfn, with a demand fully ilp to the supply, Ad prices are well sus tained. We con inue to quote Peach Blows at $3,25 to ' 50, and Buckeyes at ;54,00 to $4,50. Je y Sweets, $8. 11 3, SEEDS—Clover geed is in good supply and dull but uncle'nged; we continue to quote at $7 to $7,50' or Clover; Timothy at f 2,75. and Flax at $ 50 to $2,55. FLOUR—Is iirinl with a slightly im proved demand, bid prices aro unchanged. We can report sates of "Ford" at $11; "Honest Mills," $ l7; "Keystone," $10,75; 5 "White Star," sl.l';' ; "Columbia," $10,75; "Smoky City," $11; "Mad River," $l2; "Pride of the W6t," $91,75; "Carey's XXXX," $12,25. S.. Louis Fancy brands, $l5 to $l6. Rye Flefr, 6 9 150. BUTTER—Is quiet and unchanged; sales of prime to choice Roll at 45 tq 50c. E'GGS—The demand seems to he rather better, and prices: , !are a shade ' higher, having advanced', to =@23c mostly at 22e. , HAY—Baled I-lay . is selling on wharf at $22 to $24, as to quality. Loose Mv from country wagons nasty be qUoted at $24 to $2B per ton. , 1 I DRIED FRUIT—is steady{ with a fair lo cal demand at 7to 89 for Apples, and 11 to 1130 and 12e for f Peaches. GRAlN—Winter ; heat is quiet and un chang.ed—none in roarket. Oats steady at 75 to itki on -tradleil and 79 to 80c in store. Corn is quoted at;.9o to 95c, on wharf and dull. Rye $1,75 to $l,BO. No motreinent in Barley. Stocks °fell kinds of Grain pretty well reduced. '. CHEESE—Sfea,d . 1 with regular sales at 17c for Factory, an i 118 c for Goshen. LARD OlLlis and in steady de mand at $l,lO for , firm No. p, and $1,35 for No.l. , • i PROVISIONS—P4con is firm and un changed; we continue to quote at 13c for Shoulders; 15 to for Ribbed and Clear Sides, and 18 to 19c lb r Plain and Canvassed Sugar Cured Han*Lard,l6%c, in tierces, and 17c, in kegs. Mess Pork, $26,50. HOMINY—S6,2S t $0,50 per bbl. 45 PEARL EARLE —No. 4,9 e per lb. SPLIT PEAS—S 3, per bushel. BEANS—S4,SO to - per bushel. I CENTRALLIVEr.: STOCK MARKET, y OFFICE OF TEE Pl. OEUEGII GAZETTE, THI3Rq AY, April 9, 1988. , r CA. , TLE. There was next to nothing done in Cattle at these yards this pek, the sales, all told, only reachig -57 headland, as a consequence, there was scarcely,/ enough to establish quotations. The though shipments ,are m also very light, so . of the largest western dealers having chan t ed• their route of ship ping, anal this, too,i . as a tendency to re tard business, and triake the yards present a gloomier appear4nee that they would otherwise. Dolan . lit Co. wholesaled one drove of good weit‘n cattle to Myers 6t, Needy at B)4n, and this was about the only transaction worth recording. In the Alle gheny market, prin'e to extra cattle sold on M,onday at from . 1);4 to 9M, and stockers at - from .534 to 6%. &REEF. There was a very flfir volume of business done in this clasg of tock, the sales during the week footing up about 10,000 head. As f IA will be seen by re rence to sales, prices ranged all the wa:i from 5% to 8,35 per cwt., for common clipped to strictly prime fat wooled Sheep, and we may remark in this connection, that! there is a difilerence of from one to two Cents per pound made between clipped an, wooled Sheep, as to quality and condi ' on. Messrs. Holmes, Lafferty dz Glass—on of the largest, most ' t t reliable and energtc firms in the stock - business—sold to .T.: Loyd and C. Pierce 933 head. weighing ; in !the aggregate, 83,080 lbs, at 6,80. One dealer bought some 1,500 head in different loth, but he would neither give the prices 'hirnself nor allow those from whom he bought to do so. Seller. Buye No.. Price: M. Wilson to Pidcoci . • 106 $7 59 Moss & Loughry to' : d . cock... 176 6 60 Hedges& T. to .Pideock, 94 5 50 Cook & Co. to Pidoic k. 89 650 Holmes & LaffertytbPidcock 199 7 12 Robinson to Picklock 198 6 75 Moore to Pideock 1 110 640 Smith & Talmage tc4Pi , erce.... 177 580 Smith to Pierce , 398 725 Cochran to Pierce...i • ,432 6 75 Cochran to Pierce i 204 650 Holmes & Lafferty ..,lo Pierce.. 122 5 50 Campbell to Pier •21 , .1. 180 6 85 Holmes & Lafferty ti) Kase.... =B2 712 Casselman to Kase 88 7 00 Cross tto Kase 177 7 00 Holmes & Lafferty Kase...- 393 700 Warner to John Lloyd 180 $6,25'4;1. hd Purman & Boil to J.1L10yd..... 179 7 00 Wickersham to J. L10yd..... .L. 49 7 00 Wickersham to J. Lloyd - 128 575 Robinson.:to J. Lloyd (clip). 293 6 12 Cochran to J. Lloyd' 1 (clip).— 432 675 Smith & T. to John. Lloyd .... 102 5 25 Smith &T. to John: L10yd.... 158 6 75 - Weary to John Joht Lloyd... 186 600 & Smith T. to John ' loyd 168 612 Holmes & L. to Voorhees 200 6 25 Holmes &L. toVoorhees 409 680 , Needy it Mygrs to Voorhees: 386 625 Deitrich to Voorheeq.....— ...... 83 680 Johnston tollolcomt) it if 229 6'Bo Cook to Holcomb cieff 123 637 Neff to Holcomb it if ' 161 7 00 Smith &T. to Ifolcoinb & H... 150 ' 835 Smith it T. to Pancolist 427 5 50 John Boles to Pancolist 163 7 25., Runkenbroad to Pancosst 72 6 00 Holmes it L. to Deitrich 285 6 75 Holmes & L. to Deitrich 174 6 25 Holmes & L. to Deltrich 206 6 35 John Carnes.to Di3it7ich 181 6 25 Yancey to Aull & Myers 45 5 30 Smith &T. to Aull4 Myers. 179 5 40 - , EMas. There is a continued active shipping de mand for Hogs, and with a very meagre supply, and exceedingly light arrivals, prices are firm andviell sustained, ranging from 7 to 10,85, for inferior to prime heavy averages, and thesb may be regarded as the extremes of the Market. . Seller. Buyer. i No, Price. Carnahan to Crouse& Co 13 ;B'so 0 Minhall to Keenan & G 134 7 .90 Hedges &T. to Keenan dr, G.. 67 7.75 Hedges &T. to Kee4an & G... 80 800 J. A., Beals to Keenan & G 81 7 80, ' 1 Singer & Im. to Keenan & 43.. 26 ff 25 ~_ Messenger & Co. to Keenan... 43 780 Bendel's& Co. to C..M. - Keys 234 9 45 Singer &Im.:to C. M. Keys... 9 950 Holmes &Co: to C. 'M. Keys_ 141 10 00 Singer & - Irti:to C. M. Keys... 122 10 50 'L;Budd to J. N. Pi cook 108.. 825 . J. B. Gray to J. N. Pideock... 105 7 00 Hernan to Gilehreist! & Co 43 9 50. Jarett & Co to Giichiest & Co. , 130 10 60 Dripps dr. Co. to Gi11. 1 ,& Co ' 17 9'50 Hedges & T. to Gill. Co 120 10 30 Gill. it Co. 140.0 Chieir go, net price 10 37 Deatrick to Dripps S. a C 0..... 64 8150 G. Vanetta to Drippsi S. & CO. 99 920 Phillips to Dripps, SI & C 0.... 108 10 65 Holmes L. dr. Co. to Singer & 1.180 9 10. Keenan &,G. to Singer & L.... 40 . J. C. Stafford to Singer &1..... 51 ' 10 25 **anger &Co. to Singer &I 58 10'65 Messengers Co. to Singer& I 108 • 10 50 Metsenger .Co. to Binger & I 120, -10,15 J. DsilsolAtO •131ofmr 4 r 123 9 74, Idesaengerdt C 4, to Singer a I 4 962 MeSsenger&ol.lo - Singer & I 31 • - • 9 . 40 . - . ,,Mm. R e . i .. 4 sse .._ nag& 44e0 rC T i & , N o t o CtoM•ho. a a. o M m i i t t eS t e i s j iS k neg o n u erg ktdet ..r&.. . .1 8 41.8979 -e 50. .... g )• ;.. ,97 8 -Be3i o byto•boom:ler&Co.. 25 7.00 IkTiclOao . .LAOSI. ‘: • - , ;&.toE.lh., 7 a,.,a .. • ‘ . • •,• '.•••• 44 7 f; :1 K.,;. " • ;• •
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