ial Itattera in New York. Ad Closed at 138g®138%. -aph to tile Pittsburgh Gozettc.l NEW Yons, April 7, 1808 MONE`4.A.ND GOLD. is increasing in ease. The tide of setting in here from the interior, upply of loanable funds, is grow- The demand from stock brokers at 7per cent. on currency until to e close there were liberal :offers .cent. The most current rate is, still 7 per cent. In discounts more doing, at 7®9 per cent.. luiet, at 934 ®9% .for prime bills. ter, opening at 127% and closing at 3%. Loans made at from 7 per per cent. for carrying, a quite fre •flat. The steamer Cimbria took GOVERMEN TS. ments wore active and buoyant all dvanced %®1 per cent., and the Was heavy from investors and par were compelled to sell out during 1 stringency in money. The As treasurer has stopped purchasing tenry Clews ik Co. report the mar ong and-very active at the close, at wing rates, at 4:30 p. m.: Coupons @1123~66; do. '62, 111(4)111)4Vdo. '64, 9%; do. '65, 109%®109g; new, 108 10. '67, 10834®108 34 ; 10-03,102 1 40 106X@107. STOCKS. y market firm for Western roads, roads i of which are considerably high '' York dull, but stead;. • irty priOes: Canton, 473 @4B; and ; 32% ®32%; Wells Express, American. 68%@69; Adams, 76© ted States, 70©76%; Merchants 3434(4)35;Quicksilver 24%@24%; 6@7; Pacific Mail, %W A RN; 87@8734; Western Union Tele- Vo New York Central 123@123 1 8 ; 1 73,4; preferred 74; Hudson 140X@ Ldink.91,0,92; Ohici and Mississippi Wa 49%4050; St. Paul 59% '?referred 73%@74; Michigan Cen. 115; - Michigan Southern 91(4)91; 143%@144; Pittsburgh 91% oledo 1043415105; Rook Island 96y orth Western 64@65; do preferred 5; Fort Wayne 1013.1©102; Hart !Eriei •15®1534; St. Joseph 77; Chi- Alton 120; Columbus 106; New es 68%; Alissouris tog. SHARF.S _ Gregory, 325; Smith & Parmlee, don, 31; liontana,(l9; Quartz Hill, SUB-TREASURY. ipts at the Sub-Treasury, to-day 20,282. Payments, f 3,884,347. 1ta1),082,929., ),082,929., . • Cincinnati Market. aph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.] 7 a rJ, .441 7.—Flour dull; fam -5a10,50. Wheat dull and prices 1 winter $2,35a2,36; No 2 $2,30. ier drill at 87a88c. Oats firm at a small demand. Rye in fair de sl,Bs. Barley dull and prices Cotton unsettled. There is no ••;.and no quotations can be given. ; could have been bought at 26c. I n demand, and the market steady ;0 hhds lugs at $4,50a9,75, and leaf ‘, , The Provision market opened 'lid, but under the Liverpool and • :k news,, became again buoyant, advanced; large sales mess pork at • at the close holders asked $26,75 ,'OOO lbs. bulk meats sold at 111 a i• -boulders and 1134 for sides and 15 :rib stdes and 16 for clear. 1600 tea at 1634, including all to be had at and atthe close it could have been • • '.631, but holders asked 17. Bacon - tree there was not - much done!, ••• •re buyers at 16a17 for clear rib and . ?s and' 123, for shoulders, but none a the spot, nor were any willing to for future delivery.. Sugar Cured vaned to 18Ma19 and plain to 17a .urvassed and packed. Butter and •": r ady. Cloverseed dull at sloalo%. •;dull at $2,20a2,23. Gold 138, buying. ,• I St, - Louis Market: . , .ph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.] .' INS, ' April • 7.—Tobacco,, buyers : ;off; lug quiet at f4aB; common tii ': leaf, Ran; shipping, $11a14; bright, ,•Cotton nominal at27a27%c. Flour ' I scarcely anything - doing; miner ...o at $7,248,25, extra .8,50a9; double , t soall. Wheat, gnlet , and steady; -- Jiotes it $2,5042,75; , spring, 2,05 a : , .#3l firm and higher at 87a9W. Oats /better at 5734013 c. Provisions ake , but ^ less, excited than fora few . .. - pork sold at $26,75a27,00. Bulk 4 ai, at St. Joseph, . 11c4 dry barna toxin; shoulders, 13c; clear rib, : r sides, 17 1 / 4 8.173a17gc, the latter , • t part of June. Lard firmer, at . . r choice tierce and 17c for keg. changed, at s4aB for common to id $8,50 for - extra: Sheep s3a7 per • ' !leceipts-2,000 bbls flour; 11,800 at; 27,000 bush corn; 21,000 bush • i bush barley; 600 bush rye. Belittle Market. aph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.) LO, April7.—Flour steady, western 1,00a11,25. Wheat quiet; sales of o. 2 spring at $2,15. Corn dull, 1 ;o sold on the track at 753 c. Mess at 260 for heavy and 25c for light. r articles' unchanged. Grain in heat 97,000 bushels; Corn, 21,000 Oats, 17,000 bushels: Barley, 5,000 Toledo • Market. •, • • ph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.) ~ April.7.—Flour, receipts 1,990 I: market quiet. Wheat, receipts • shels, sales Amber Michigan at il •m, receipts 16,140 bushels; market : but recovered; sales at 90a91, clos • % for No. 1 for seller,,all Auto 90. .1. bushels and steady at 68 for No. • -cares at $1,02 for No. 1. Seeds dull [ ..-, ining.: • , .__.:... ..........------ • Philadelphia Market. : raph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.) DELPMA, : April 7.—Petrolenm ' es 2000 bbls crude at 16a16%c, and t 25a2.53‘. Flour steady. Wheat • ds full prices; good red : $ 285, and ,15a3,25. Corn In good demand; • bush mixed western at $l,lB. : tair demand it 90c.• Provisiontiad • ti mess p0rk1526,50a27,091 Lard 17y0 Baltimore Market. mph to tl u Gazette) _MORE, April 7.—Flour is firm and iled. Wheat is very Arm and un . Corn firm at sl,loa 1,11 for white, 8 for Tellow. Oats dull - at 88a93e. W,Bo.Pork:ls firm' af:s26•Wat.for ilAra ilulettit 170.17 1 4 e. ' Beo3oll flA excited at Ifie for rib : sides; , 17c for f . es; 14e" for , shouplers, - and .18a200 Milwaukee Market. _ mob to th e Ptttaburgli Gazette.] AVKEE, April. 7:—Flour - firm ar. r sprint" extras. :Wheat lc lower, sed 51,07 - for No. 1.: Oita firmer .at esh receipts. Corn firmer at 81c. us firmer. 'Mess Pork 525,00 for , 4100 barrels of flour; shels wheat. "Shipments 2,000 bar our; 3,000 bushels of wheat. M ekOhl Mark o 4 graph to the rittsbargk Guette.) , • • ' ' • April . . 7.--Cotton,... oorninaL W , lft;- export/4,478: bale& till; superfine is held at *so. T Pork at fra Eiamits firmaTAk9Aderal lear liddetioilk. , tlialk !--ders arr ear aides 1k.,, LariLiaohaldiatllic -rn, 95 ,1 410:10.tnata,-80e.clfahile34;! .. per Mb; ;. , ? -, .1,15 , 1,. -,, -,, nr-454 RIVER; NEWS. ==l The river was about at a stand last even ing with five feet in the channel by the Monongahela marks; we should not be stir prised to find that it had swollen a few inches last night, under the influence of re cent rains. The weather yesterday was raw and unsettled, with both snow and rain falling at intervals, and sometimes to gether. The Julia No. 2 is the only arrival we have to report. The Kenton may have got out last night; she was overloaded, it ap pears, and was laying by waiting for more water—full of passengers. The Echo arrived from Oil City, and the Ida Rees cleared for that point list tvening .with a'very fair trip. ' Oil City telegrams report thirty inches, stationary and raining. We should not be surprised to see a rise in the Allegheny river to-day or to-morrow. The Armadillo, Capt. Hendrickson, for St. Louis and the lkiissourf river, and the Glasgow,.Capt. G. W. Johnston, for the Upper Mississippi, are announced to leave to-day. These are both good boats, and as such we commend them to both passen gers and shippers. The Kate Robinson; . Capt. Robt. Robin son will be the first boat out for Cincin nati and Louisville, and the: Emma No. 3, Capt. J. H. Marratta, is announced for St. Louis and the Upper Mississippi. It seems we were in error in stating that Wm. Wherry had 'been promoted to the' first clerkship of the Kate Robinson, and correct in , announcing the resignation of Capt. A. J. Bears. “Staff ' Palmer is the -first clerk of the Kate, and Mr. Wherry is second clerk, - which position he has hold for some time. • The Importer, Capt. Williams; Ida Rees, Capt. Albert, and Silver Lake, Capt. Todd, all of the “Bees Line," are announced for Fort Benton. The Grey Eagle, Capt. Brennan, is the regular packet for,Parkersburg to-day, leaving promptly at noon. ` . The Eagle and'her officers are too well known in the trade to need any “puißlng." The Echo is the regular Thursday packet for Oil City, leaving as advertised at 4 p. The Columbia left St. Louis on Saturday for Fort Benton with two hundred tons, drawing two feet water. Also, the. Pen inah; of the Kountz Line, with a full corn- Taement of government freight. The St. Louis was at St. Louis on Mon day, and it was thought she would go on up to Omaha, unless she could make a fa vorable arrangement to reship. , The Wild thick was to have left. St Louis for Pittsburgh on Monday. The Messenger, from Pittsburgh to St. Louis, and the Lawrence, from St. Louis to Pittsburgh, passed -Evansville on Sun day. The Andrew Ackley was at Cairo the same day. , The Great Republic left Memphis for New Orleans on Sunday, after taking _2OOO bales of kotton. The Argosy and St. Charles were adver tised to leave Cincinnati for Pittsburgh on Monday. The J. D. Perry, which is now high and dry twelve miles above Batesville, had a pleasure party on board when she struck. The water fell four feet iitc one night, and the passangers had to be taken to Bates ville by the W. H. Brooks, which charged them $5 for their services. After landing the pleasure party, she returned to the Perry for cotton, but got aground, and will not get off before the June rise comes along. The Perry had a 1,10,000 trip in sight when she got aground._ A Louisville telegram under date of Sunday, says: The Glendale, Silver Moon, Alice Dean and Anna passed down. The Darling and Emma Floyd passed up. The towboat Kate Watson arrived from Pome roy with coal and departed for Cincinnati. The A. J. Baker arrived from Pittsburgh. with coal. - The. low pressure Richmond arrived from Pittsburgh about noon, full of pp-ssengers and freight, being five days and eighteen hours out. She lost four hours in a storm at Owensboro and made seventy way landings. She had a large drove •of Texas cattle. The Silver Moon and Alice Dean descended the falls, made a very tight fit, but being in charge of Capt. Pink Varble, they went, through. safe. • The Wauanita arrived .at St. Lonis on Sunday from Pittsburgh, and the 3ifonn taineer and Miner left there the same day for For!. Benton: - Captain Tom Berry, of the Ozark; has gamed the name of slipping cuptaind. He bas slipped again, and .broke his collar bone. 'Me Frank Pargand is again abont to enter the Memphis and' New Orleans trade with the intention of making weekly It is said that Captain Cannon will soon start the R. E. Lee and Magenta in the St. Louis and Nevi Orleans trade, each making fourteen-day trips. It id3not believed by the officers of the Mollie (Able that the Dexter made the quick run -reported. They say she left New Orleans at least two hours ahead of the time stated in her memoranda. Steamboatrnen in every direction are complaining of the low and short draw bridge being built across every navigal2le stream in the West. The Ohio Legislanite passed a bill authorizing the bulidin,g of a bridge ,across the Ohio River to Connect Cincinnati with Newport, Kentucky . ; 'The span over the main channel is to be three hundred feet in length, and the adjoining spans two hundred and twenty feet each, with a bight and center of one hundred feet in the clear above low water. A com pany has been incorporated to build the bridge. Sterunboatinen believe it will be an intolerable nuisance to navigation. Of the one at Quinct, which is regarded by boatmen as one of the worst to be found anywhere,. the Herald of that city contains the following: Boatmen are beginning to look upon the bridge with a good deal of, suspicion, and dread corning through it, on dark nights. As the Hawkeye State prised through on Tuesday night, one, of her barges got into the mulling, and several sacks of grain were knocked overboard; otherwise little or no damage •dope. We clip the following items from the Cincinnati Enquirer of bidnday: Captain Sweeny writes from St. Louis that unless the St. ;Marys is sold there, she will return hero and run in connection with the Saint Charles as a weekly Pittsburgh **packet. The iktinneola reshipped 318 bales of cotton on the R. C. Gray for Pittsburgh. The . A rgosy, from Pittsburgh, reshipped abont' Party tons miscellaneous freight 'on ' the Groesbeclefor New Ofltans. Rivera and Weather. CBy Telegraph to the Pittabargb Gizette. j _ • LoursviLtz, April 7.4 River falling very slowly, with seven feet nine inches in the canal; sold and windy. • . . IMPORTS. BY RAILROAD. ALLEORENY VALLEY AA11.4142A1N - April: 7 7 -2080 bias oil, Lockhart, ft Frew . C0;.2 cars pjg.fron, H Woodsides; 12 do railroad iron, Pittsburgh,: Columbus & Cincinnati a R;1 do pig iron, J Moorhead; 1 do Taylor-.tJohnston Co; 1 do steno ; Forrest; ;ter .4tMcUrraw; 1 do do, Harrison & Bro; 18 . bbls Poiatoosi 20 halos hay, C Lee;' 1 barrel , eggs, 1 -bx butter, L J Blenchard;.B calves, 10 sheap,..7 Hoffman; a bzw mu). EM !ray -2 bait: mdse:lticEirdy for ; 1 bbl+4BB B s . . HlKlrkPatrick-- lot ale,l bbls,.Z . .Wamnwriff -44 8 14,1 8 wag o n Rea; 5 bits Sutter ; 5 do: "bga rap, 2- I=7l:miter, 2 dd 1 , 411;,1 el; undffnis aka bl;ilseoB,Hahnit Ham er A skit , ;potatege,, ,LmileiAbblis eggsi 1 linbutter,- CA. Copgand i _•. aks f433oW3dcV,,:t*, c o; , if ;.!;: )1,1,1 S PX r innn Kfgr Fit Witivie'4l,..nicindicio r<RAnamor.A,prevalrilitiP:idetal;Nha.k- I PITTSBURGH GAZETTE: . WEDNESDAY. APRIL 8, 1868. ick &Co; 13 do do, J Wood, Ekna d: Co; sdo do, J Moorhead; 6 do do, "Union Iron Mills; Bdo do, Jones & Laughlins; 10 do do, Bryan & Canghey; 3do do, Rees, Graff & Dull; 2 do do, Moorhead & go; 4do do, Coleman, Rahm & Co; 239 bxs glass, Ihm sen & Son; 3 cars iron ore, Shoenberger & Blair; 4i sks rags, Godfrey de Clark; 78 bdls broom hdls, E B Mathews; 30 bbls flour, 65 sksrye, 24 do cornmeal, 34 do millfeed, 11 Riddle; 10 bbls flour, L J Blanchard; 3 plk :et . eggs, W. 7 Steel; 100 bbls flour, Dan Walloce. CLEVELAND AND PITTSBURGH RAILROAD, April 7.-9 cars ore, McKnight, Porter & Co; 3 do do, Brown & Co; 2do do, Park, Bro & Co; 25 sks glue scrape, A Hooveler &Co; lot furniture, Myers, Hopper & Co; 1 do currants, John Roney; 1600 it lumber, J McMaster; 3 cars lumber. J & M Seibert & Co; 1 hhd bacon, Carter,. McGrew & Co; 1 car stone, John L L Knox; 1 bbl lard, W B Hays & 0o; .50 bbls lard, Win Mc- Catcheon; 1 box leather, Lawrence & Crist;. 10 jugs molasses; Voigt & Co; 25 bbls po tatoes, Fetzer & Armstrong. ALLEGHENY STATION, April 7.-1 car. metal, Nimick & Co; 24 bags millfeed. Stewart dr. Langenheim; 1 bbl eggs, Mercer Robinson; 3 doz brooms, Chas - Yeagle; 10 do do, Hahn & Hadley; 817 bags barley, J Rhodes & CO; 14 alas rye, 2 do cloverseed, 25 bags oats, Rose & Ewing; 1 bl3l eggs, R & A Carson; 5 bags feed, 4 bbls , flour, J Ketchen; 1 car shorts, J B McKee; 5 bbls eggs, 1 kg 'era, John Herbert; 800 bushels T C Steel; 24 kgs lard, Reed & Bro; 54 green hides, A & J Groetzinger. • Pki - rsnuRGH COLUMBUS AND CINCINNATI RAILROAD, April 7.-17 pkgs hardware, Lindsay, Sterrett & Co; 7do do, .J Wood well dr. Co; 10 bales tow, Diluter, Close & Co; 3do do, G Freeban; 17 eks potatoes,•C H Love; 20 bxs candles, W M Gormley & Co; 110 hides, A Holstein; 2 tcs sausage, 2 po hams, Jas Lippincott; 5 bx candles, A Danner; 10 do do, Rinehart & Stevens. PITTSBURGH . AND. CONNELLSVILLE RAILROAD. April 6.-50 bales oakum, 101 . coils rope, Fulton, 130110 - um & Co; 100 bdls paper, J S Dilworth & Co; 169 bills sheet iron W F Armstrong; 60 bbls cement, C B LeeCh; 1 car tan bark, J C Lappe. PENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL RAILROAD, April 6,-10 bbls cabbage, Graff dr, Reiter; 2 bxs cigars Jas Bannon; 1 bx eg.gs,-B. Robin son & Co; 20 sks cloverseed, Voight, Ma hood dt Co; Ibx cigars . , W Parks; Ido do, C C Baer. . STEAMBOATS. FOR FORT BENTON siggSa GOLD • MINES. REES FAST LINE. The Splendict Light Draught Steamerst IMPORTER..- SILVER - L.:OC.E . 'roux TODD, Master The 'IDA. REES will commence receiving on TUESDAY, and the IMPORTER will positively leave on SATURDAY, April 4th, at 4r. at., and will take freight Tor all points on the Missouri river. For fraight or passage apply on board, or to FLACK & COLLINGWOOD, 1220 pITTSBURGH, Sitgraa WHEELING. Marietta and Parkersburg Line: Leave Company's Whariboat, foot of Wood street, DAILY, at 12 AL • • MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS, J. N. MeCULLOBOH GEO. D. MOORE, Master. TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS, ',- BAYARD A. S; SHEPHERD, Master. WEDNESDAYS AND SATURDAYS. GREY EAGLE C L. BR.ENNAN, Master Freight will be received at all hours by ap6 • - JAMES COLLINS, Agent. VFOR. I WHEELING A , VAlEarildliZt PARKERSBURG, POMEROY, GALLIPOLIS, BIG SANDY, IRONTON, PORTSMOUTH, MAYS VILLE AND CLNCINNATL—The elegant side wheel passenger steamer ST. "CHARLES, C. A. DIIAVO Commander' A. ItoroNsox, Jr., Clerk, LEAVES EVERY FRIDAY, at 15/1-x., Connecting at Cincinnati with Packets and Rail roads to Louisville, Nashville, Memphis, New Or leans and St. Louis. Also. to tho Upper - Mississippi. and Missouri rivers: • Freight or passengers recatpted througb either hi' rail or ricer. , • . Especial attention given to Orders and Way Business. ' CHAS. BARNES, 4:k mILT3 JAS.COLLLNS, 4 ge n es. A LL.EGIIENY - RIVER „Ca. PACKET LINE leaves every • TUESDAY, THURSDAY /kliD SATURDAY, At 3 o'clock r. m., from the foot of Irwin street This line Is composed - of the, following boats: IDA REES N'o. A, R. HERS, Master, W. F. Sikw+ ART, Clerk. ECIIO No. 3, E. 'GORDON; Master, A. D. Run- SELL, Clerk. The above Boats were built expressly for the trade, have superior accommodations and attentive era mh24 cers. • _ • RT FLD T F II2 MlNF.43.—The_ line steam passenger packet ' • IDA REFS ' • Capt. Wm ALBERT, Will leave as above on TIIIIRSDAY, April 9th, at o'clock P. M. Fortnight Or passage apply on board or to - apB FLACK ,&. COLLINGWOOD, Agents. VOR CINCINNATI AND.gE i g LOIIISVILLE.—The steamer KATE ROBINSON Cold. Rony. ROBII4ISON Will leave as above on WEDNESDAY, fith Instant; at 4 P. M. For freight or passage apply on bOard or to jOIEN FLAOK, • ap6 J."O. COLLINGWOOD, Agents. EK. ST. ; LOUIS, li.EO-s ia gEg UK, GALENA, DUBUQUE ST. EXCL.—The fine passenger steamer EMMA No. 3 Capt. J. H. - MAPATTA, Will leave as above on WEDNESDAY, 9th instant, at 4 o'clock P. x. For freight or passamapply on board or to JOHN FLACK. apd Or. J. D. CO LINGWOOD. Agents. x . r.nEss . LINE.-FOR ST. PEAL, MINNEAPOLIS, D LANDING. LA CROSSE. GALENA, DU— BIIQIJE, ROCK. ISLAND, DAVENPORT AND BI.M.LINGTON.r-qhe splendid passenger steamer GLASGOW Gro: W. Joicvs•rox. Could's., Win leave for above and all Intermediate points as announced. • • • • • For freight or passage apply on board or to . JAS. COLLINS, mh3o • CHAS. BARNES. I"'""—' E R ST. LOUIS i LEX•A i dEt INGTON, 'KANSAS CITY; WY . OTTE, LEAVENWORTH', ATCRISON; ST: JCR AND 031A11A . -The fine steamer • ARMADILLO Capt. D. L. iinirtutiellgioll. Will leave fas_:above on THIS DAY, April'Bth. Passengers and shippers can, rely on the Armadillo ,going through ns advertised... Will receipt freight through to all points on Missouri river. For freight or plague apply on board or to • CDAS,BANNES, 'JAS. COLLINS. Or, °DRIEST ' EGIILAIL WEDNES DAY PACKET YOB CINCIN- A 1. 4 -The tine steamer; , ; .ARGOSY ' Capt. VANDERGRIFT, W. D. Scull, Clerk, leaves- Pittsburgh for , Chia W n nett every W EDN ESDAY at noon. • • • C. BARNES; • . JAS..COLLINS, } Agents. rekM ' . JOHN FLACK. LITHOGRAPHERS. ZNJAMIN 13iNCIERLY PHILIP CLXII3. SINGERLY. .Successors ,to ow. S, Seitucumax A, Co., • PI/ACTICAL LITHOGRAPHERS. The only Steam Lithographic , Establishment West of the Mountains. Business -Cards, Letter heads,. Bonds, Labels, Circulars, ' , Show Cards, Diplomas, Yottralts t lriews, Certificates of Delxisits, fortis- Von Car ts, rte., NO.. 7at an 4 74 Thitht street. ittsburgh. . ' CHANLITTIUGiIi A malt - • lap : : :1:4: : sAi I t CHECKS. DRAFTS, NOVA 1311iL sact,ramnra HEADS, &c. doskolli sn a Wait A DAIVFORAW4ItemeiI 11 Toot Eassige. frOei *Woo prlogiltild, Vt. 1124X1r AND THE WILLIAMS, Master MEI! %.-q• , • PROFESSIONAL. JOS. A. BUTLER, , ALDERMAN AND PM= MAGISTRATE. Office, 126 WYLIE STREET, near Washington, PITTSBFRGH, PA. Deeds Bonds, Mortgages,Acknowledgments, Depositions, Collections, an d all other legitimate business executed promptly. taMSD:n9 ikiiiaiiia A.'1'1'011G.E . 1r , •,42T..3LA.W 0 No. OS FIFTH STREET, ap6:n9o SAMUEL MtiIIASTERS, ALDERMAN, Ex-Officio Justice of the Peace and Pollee Magis trate. Office, GRANT STREET, opposite the Ca thedral, PITTSBURGH, PA. Deeds Bonds, Mortgages, Acknowledgments, Depositions, and all Legal Business executed with promptness and dispatch. . . mhlS EUSTACE S. MORROW, .A..ILDEMEAN, EX-OFFICIO JDSTICF THE • PEACE AND POLICE MAGISTRATE. OFFICE, N 0.73 PENNA. AVENUE, PITTSBURGH, PA. - Deeds, Bonds, Mortgages, Acknowle• •.. cats, Depositions and all Legal .Buelness execu ed with promptness and dispatch. my AMMON; A. justice of the Peace, CONVEYANCER, REAL ESTATE& INSURANCE ART. CARSON STREET :EAST 111R3IINGiTAM. Collection of Rents solicited and promptly attend ed to. .my3:y6ll WILLIAM H. BARKER, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, CONVEYANCER, &C., Office, CARSON STREET, nearly opposite the,. Railway Depot, SOUTH PITTSBURGH. Business entrusted to his care promptly attend ed to. rarity]. 145131LP11 Id. GAZZAM J R. IiUTIMIIFIELD. WISASTER. lirilisrEn, GAZZAM & :BUT TEM' lELD . , ATTORNEYS AND•COUNSELORS ALUM, And Solicitors in Bankruptcy, PITTSI3I7IIG-13, PA. OFFICE, GRANT STREET, _Opposite the Cathedral. Sergrrs D ANIEL McmEAL, PRACTICING PHYSICIAN, OFFICE AND RESIDENCE, , No. 59 Grant St., near apal:xll J.S:FERGUSON, • ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, No. Se Fifth Street, SECOND FLOOR, FRONT ROOM TIT A. LEWIS, . ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, No. 00 Diamond Strect. mhsmB JOHN W. RIDDELL, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Office; N0..135 E`courtb. Street, felsA-14 PITIISBITRUIT, PA TT C. MACKRELL, I"7 ' • ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW, No. SD Grant Street, PPLTSBURGH, PA JOHN A. STRAIN, EX-OFFICIO JUSTICD - OF TILF, PEACE AND POLICE MAGISTRATE. OMee.ll2 FIFTH STREET, opposite the Cathe dral, Pittsburgh, Pa. Deeds,. Bonds, Mortgages Acknowledgments_, Depositions and all Legal-Busi ness executed with promptness and dispatch. JOHN C. ItIeCOMBS/ ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, No. S 7 Fifth Street. Pensions, Bounties and Arrears of Pay promptly collected. (no: moat* . BANKRUPT NOTICES. ASSIGNEE'S ~ NOTICE OF AP POINTMENT. In the DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED STATES, for the Western District of Pennsylyania. In the matter of ROBERT P. GETTY, of Alleghe ny Citv;Allegheny county, Pa., bankrupt. No: 409, in Bankruptcy. • • WESTERN DISTRICT Or PENNSYLVANIA, SS.—At Pittsburgh, Pa., the 31st day of:Careh, A. D. 1868. To WHOM IT MAY CONCERN:- The undersigned hereby gives notice of his appointment as Assignee of ROBERT I'. GETTY, of Allegheny City, in the county of Allegheny, and State of Pennsylvania, within said District, who has been adjudged a bank ruptst ga i ns own petition by the District Court of apl:n7s S. D. W. GILL, Assignee. NVIESTERN DISTRICT of PENN- SYLVANIA, SS.' • , • - At Pittsburgh, the 3d day of April, A. D. 1868. The undersigned hereby.gives notice of his appoint ment as Assignee of JOSIAH KING and ISAAC M. PENNOCK. .partners, under the firm name of King & Pennock, of Pittsburgh, in the county . of Allegheny, and State of Pennsylvania, within said distrlct,_wbo.have been adjudged bankrupts upon their 'own petition, by the District Court of said district. JOHN H. BAILEY, Assignee, 011.00 Attorney -at-Law. 89 Grant et. V ESTERN DISTRICT of PENN -ISYLVANIA. SS. ' • At Pittsburgh, the 31st day of 3lareh, A. D. 1868. The undersigned hereby [rives notice of his appoint ment as Assignee of ALBERT' CONKLE, of -Pitts burgh, in the county of Allegheny and State of Pennsylvania, within said District, who has been adjudged a Bankrupt upon his own petition by the District Court of said Distriet. , „ JOHNN 11. BAILEY, Assignee, apl:n73-'w Att`y-at-Law, 89 Grant street. LEGAL, piTTHE DISTRICT COURT OF FIE 'UNITED STATES. FOR THE WEST ERN DISTRICT OF PENNSYLVANIA. ' United States 16 Barrels Wblskey No. 321, May Term, 1868. (march Wines. Notice Is herebygiven to all persons claiming the said 16 Barrels of Whiskey or nigh - Wines -that they be and appear before the said Court on the 18th day . of April, A. D. 1888, at 11 o'clock A. M. of that, day, then and there to make answer to the premises and intervene for their respective inter ests and make their allegationS in that behalf.` TROS. A. ROWLEY, 11. S. Maitliftl Marshal's Office, May Uth, 1868 NOTICE:-;-Letters Testementary upon -tho last Wlll..and meat of ENANULL: STOTTLER., Sr., late of Penn Township, Allegheny Bounty; Pa.; deceased, having been issued to the undersigned, all persons having eialms against the said estate - will present them, duly authenticated for settlement, and those Indebt ed aro. notified to pay the' undersigned, la Penh township, Allegheny cooly, l'a. r...STOTTLER, Jn., mh7;msl -Executors. G. • THE :CHEAT ARABIAN FORM Fig TREATS DISEASES ALL ITS FORMS. 'F` • J 3 • •-• 2 ; ; `,OlllOO, *o•so4.l4*Pri.Stiri• ft TE 4 4VA ENTit/LWCIR VW mtauloN 1 athse:n4i ALLEY: COMMISSION MERCHANTS. 31. STEE LED M STEELE '& SON, ainintission Merchantsc AND DEALSRIS IN . FLOUR, GRAIN, FEED, Ate. No. 95 OHIO STREET near East Common, ALLEGHENY CITY, PA. JAMES B. irdozon.. JOS. BABXEJI MEANOR Att HARPER, FLOUR, GRAIN AND PRODUC COMMISSION MERCI IA NTS PITTSBURGH, PA Consignments solicited lizinratExcEs=J. G. Martin, Cashier Mechanics , National Bank; J. B. Dilworth &• Co., K. T. Ken nedy & Bro. • Ja31:124 PET= ILF4L JAS. F. RICHARI. KEIL & RICHART, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND DEALERS IN FLOUR, GRAIN, SEEDS, MILL FEED, &c., &c., 349 Liberty St., Pittsburgh, my2.4:b37 ROBERT RIIIOX, Jr., COMMISSION:MERCHANT4 -- .../ • . : ' . AliD. REALER IN FLOUR, GRAIN, AND PRODUCT:GENERALLY. (Mice, 413 LIBERTY STREET, PITTSBURGH. T J. lILANCHARD, Wholesale and.Retall Grocers, aplB:xB9 10331ErMt MCBANE & ANAM,. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Dealers In FLOUR, GRAIN and PRODUCE GEN ERALLY, No. 141 WATER STREET, above Smithfield, Pittsburgh. • • JO FETZER & ARMSTRONG, POILWARDIM AND 00/1111:11381 ONMEBORANTS, ; For the sale of Flour, Graln, Bacon, Lard, Bx4ter, Seeds, Dried Fruit, and Produce generally, N 6. 10 MARKET STREET. corner of First, Pittsburgh. • felt:hug • I ; " QHOMAKER & LANG, Whole salekJ dealers in Groceries, Flour, Grain, Pro duce, Provisions. Fish, Cheese, Salt, Carbon Oil, &c., Nos. 172 and 174 WOOD STREET. near Liberty street, Pittsburgh. Pa. nosmts JOHN I. HOUSE EDW. H0U5E.....W11. 11. HOWIE. tirrTORN I. HOUSE & BROS., Suc cessors to JOHN I. HOUSE & CO., "Wholesale ocers and Commission Merchants, Corner of Smithfield and Water Streets. Pittsburgh, Pa. . 13111 RIDDLE, No. 183 LIBERTY s a • STREET, Pittsburgh, Pa.., Commission Mer chant and Wholesale Dealer In Country Produce, Groceries and Pittsburgh Manufactures. Cash ad vanced on Consignments, and paid for Produce gap erally. au2l ROST. KNOX ANDIINW KNOX - • • • • • KNOX & SON, COMMISSIOB SI 'MERCHANTS and desiers In FLOUR. GRATZ FEED and PRODUCE OENERALLY, NC 19 DIAMOND, opposite City Hall, Allegheny City ApiT:r2l PAF.CRAWFORD COMMISSION. MERCHANT MERCHANT IN PIG METAL, iOMS, ORE, WROUGHT SCRAP IRON, FIRE KRICK AND CLAY, Ac. Warehouse and Office, Nos. 3116 and 368 PENN STREET. Storage fur nished. Consignments solicited. oc3 JJITTLE, BAMII & pArroN, Wholesale Grocers, Commission Merchants and ealers in Produce, Flour, Bacon, Cheese, Fish, Carbon and Lard Oil, Iron, Nails, Glass, Ccitton Yarns and alt Pittsburgh Manufactures generally, 112 and 114 SECOND STREET, Pittsburgh. ap4:w7S rITTSBURGH, PA lr B. CANFIELD be SON, COM- E/ • MISS I ONS FORWARDING 3IERCIIANTS, and Wholesale Dealers In Western Reserve Cheese. Butter, Lard, Pork, Bacon, Flour. Fish, Pot and Pearl Ashes, and 011 s. Dried Fruit and Produce generally, Nos. 144 and 148, Front street, Pitts burgh. OH JOHN S PTON A. WALLACE. SHIPTON &WALLACE,WHOLE SA LE (; ROCERS AND PRODUCE DEALERS, o. 6 SIXTH STREET, Pittsburgh. 1a12:r58 OILS. EUREKA OIL WORKS,. - MAN ITFACTURERS OF EUREKA CARBON OIL, THE CELEBRATED SPERAI LUBRICATING OILS, CHEMICAL LINSEED- OIL. • WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Crude, Refined and Lubricating Otis, Lard, Sperm, Whale and. Fish Oils. R. C. MACFIESNEY, Agent,. No. 19 livvin Street. PITTSBURGH. WARING AND KING, Commission Merchants and Brokers in Petroleum and its Prodnets DALZELL'S BUILDING, DUQUESNE WAY, • PITISBURGI2I, PA. EIDLADELPHIA ADDRESS, WARING, KING & CO., 127 Walnut Street. H M. LONG Si, C 0.,. MANUFACTURERS OF PURE 11 1 .liriE BURNING OIL; • Bivend--."LTICIFE.R.” . _ Office, No. 2 Buqtiesne PITTSBURGH, Pa. TACK BROTHERS, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, - • AND DEALERS IN PetrOleuin and its Products. Pittsburgh Office—DALZELL , BUILDING, Cor ner of Duquesne Way and Irwin streets. - • Philadelphia OBice-127 WALNUT ST, - aplnwsU : . • ' 1p7:02 JACOB WEAVER, Jr. & CO., Oil Contnii;;sio4 trailers, No. 3 DUQUESNE WAY, will buy and sell. Crude and Refined Oils, :Lubricating; Tar, Benzine and Cooperage. Our long experience in_the Petroleum trade enables us to oifer unusual facilitiea and in- dueements to operators. As heretofore, we are de termined to make it the interest of buyers' and sel lers to give us a call. Parties having 011 s for, sale are cordially Invited to bring their samples. - ap6:nal J. C. ISUFFUM...C. A. KEIII&W...W. H. WIII.TALUZAD SOIIO _Oita ilanul'acture foul Loco for Bale all lands of . . •,. , • . LUBRICATING !OlLiii•_ I$T. CLAIR STREET. . . BUFFT.M. & CO. . =I 118. . PIELKTICAL . 118. FURNITURE :MANUFACTURERS,, SAO its i 7 potriVrix:srlriuspkari. l ' •• gee=iTliAnWtiVAlaelPiti,easi to cau be 7 4 AW904 5113 11. ; F,•;n•J guandaremL mainna4 LIMON R WEIRS. 329 LIBERTY STREET, PITTSBURGH No. 390 PENN STREET FURNITURE. WILOLESAI,E AND =TAM, LEMON :111,, 110111TTSBURGH andaMME CONNELLSVILLE R. IL 8EE03332 On and after THURSDAY, March sth. 1860. trains NVIII arrive at and depart from the Depot, cor ner of Grant and Water streets, p a a s follows: . Mall tO and from Unlearn. D 6:00 A t. Arrive. . M. 6:00 r. M. McKeesport Accommodrn.ll:oo A. at. • 2:05 P. H. Ex. to and from liniont'n. 3:00 P. H. 10:00 A. U. West Newton Accommod'n 4:30 P. st.. - 8:35 A. M. - -11raddock's Accommodat'n 6:15 P. ' 7:501. M. Night Ace. to MeKeesport.lo:3o r. at. 6:40 A. M. Sunday Church Train to and from West Newton 1:00 P. X. 10:00 A. H. Por tickets apply t J• R. BlNO, • Ailent. W. B. STOUT, Superintendent. - mhs 4LLEGHENY aggago • VALLEY RAILROAD. LY DIRECT,ROUTE TO THE OIL REGIONS. Running through to Vcnango City without change of cars—Connecting with trains East and West on the Warre.. & Franklin and the Atianti Great Western Railways. On and after THURSDAY. March 26th, 1869, the Passenger Trains will leave feint: and arrive at the Pittsburgh Depot..c , :nrr Canal and Pike Sts., as follows: _Depart. Arrive. Mall to and Cm Yen. City. 7:00 A. M. 1:00 A. X. Express " " 10:30 r. at. 6:15 r. xr licadrs Bend AccotinnotP n 3:00 P. R.10:30 A. M. Soda Works Accoru , n 5:25 P. at. 7:55 A. N. First Hulton Acconnni'n... 9:00 x.. 11:45 A. at. Second Hulton Ace:lmo:l'n 12:00 at. 3:45 P. IL Sunday Church Train leaves Soda Works at 1:05 A. M., arriving in Pittsburgh at 9:50 A. at. turning, leaves Pittsburgh ut 1:10 P. R., arriving at Soda Works at 2:55 P. M. , 11. BLACKSTONE, Supl. W. F. HOPE, Tieket Agent. trth26' 1868. PITTSBURGH, FORT WAYNE & CHICAGO R. W. AND CLEVELAND & _PITTSBURGH It. B. From January 19th, 1868. trains will leave from and arrive at the Union Depot, north tide, city time, as follows: Leave. Chicago Ex—. 2:13 am, Cleveland Ex .. 2:13 am' Erie &Ygn MI 6:13 am & gMI 6:28 a m Chicago Mall.. 6:58 am; Chicago Ex.... 9:43 am! Pitts. & CI. Ex. _ via Youngt'n 9:43 am! Cl. &Wh•gEx. 2:13p m. Chicago Ex.— 2:28p m Wh. & Eric Ex. 4:38 pm: Depart frvnt Allepheny.! N. Brigt'll Ac. 8:58 a ut! Leetsdale • • 10:1.3 am! 11:53 a m Rochester " I:33pm Wellsv'e Ace.. 3:43pm Leetsdale Ace. ptu N. Brigt'n " . 5:3R pm Brlgni " . 6:28 p m .'Leetsdale 10:43pm , 2:28 p. Chicago Ex press leaves daily. - F. R. MYERS. pITTS BU licAt FEM=! MMI CHANGE of TIME.—On and 'After SIiNDA.F, December fath, 1667, trains will leave and arrive at Union Depot, as follows, Pittsburgh time: Depart. Arrive. Mall Express..._ 2:15 a. m. 3:55 p.m. Fast Line 9:40 a. m. 7:05 p. m. Fast Express 2:50 p. in. 10:55 a. m. Mixed Way 6:10 a. m. 6:50 p. m. McDonald , sAcc'n. No. 1..1.1:10 a. tn. 2:10 p. m. Steubenville Accommod'n. 3:55 p. m. 9430 a. m. McDonald's Acc`n, No. 2.. 5:10 p. m. 13:20.a. m.' irs.crAr. NOTlCE.—Sunday Express leaves ut 2:50 p. m. arriving in Cincinnati at 6:30 a. at: the next morning. Church Train leaves Sunday at12:55 p. m. The 9:40 a. in. Train leaves daily, Sunday and M•nday excepted, arriving lu Cincinnati at 9:55 the same evening, 8 HOURS IN A.DVANGE OF ALL OTHER ROUTES. Xii - No change 'of cars between Pittsburgh and' Cincinnati, and BUT ONE change to St. Louis, Cairo, and the principal points West and Southwest.- • When purchasing tickets be sure and find the office of the Pittsburgh, Columbus & Cincinnati R. R. UNION DEPOT, (SOUTH SIDE.) M. D. MOTHERSPALTGH, Ticket Ageut S. F. SCULL, General Ticket Agent. JOHN D. MILLER. Geri. Freight Agent PENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL RAILROAD. On and slier October 6t rive at and depart from th• Washington and Liberty Arrive. Mail Train.... 1:20 aml Fast Line ' 1:50 ain 1 Wall's No. 1.. 6:20 am I Brinton No. 2. 7:50 a in. Wall's No. 2.. 8:50 am I Cincinnati Ex. 9:10 a m Johnstown Ac. 10:15 a m Phila. Express ' 1:50 p m Wall's No. 3... 1:30 pm Wall's No. 4.. 2:50 p m Wail's No. 5.. 5:50 pm Wall's No. 13... 7:00 pm Altoona Aec'n and Emigrant Train 1.0:30 pm, - The Church Train leaves Wall's Station every ! Sunday at 9:15 a. RI., reaching Pittsburgh at 10:0k a. m. Returning, leaves Pittsburgh at 12:50 and. arriN :a at WalPs.Station at 2:1)0 p. ; ' , Cincinnati Express' leates daily. All other trains daily except Sunday. - • Philadelphia Express and the Altoona Accommo dation and Emigrant Train arrive daily. Cincinnati Express arrives daily except Monday. All other trains daily except Sunday. For further information apply to - • W. H. BECKWITH; Agent. The Pennsylvania Railroad Company will not as sume spy risk for Baggage, except for wearing ap parel, and limit their responsibilltyto One Hundred. .Dollars In value. All Baggage- exceeding that amount in value will be at the risk of the °guar! un less taken by special contract. • - • EDWARD H. WILLIAMS. . General Superintendent - Altoona; Pa. ' IKESTERN PENN-a:l6lpm SYLVANIA RAIL .--0a and alter November 1, 1867, the Pas senger Traing on. the Western Peratsylvaala 'Rail road will arrive at and depart from the Federal Street Deprrive. ot. Allegheny City, as follows: Depart. Slutrpb'g No.l 6:25 ato Mail 6:50 sin' , Freeport No.l 8:15 ala Freeport No. 1 9:05 a m Express 10:10 am Eiharpit!g lio.111:20 m Sharpb'g N 0.2 1:25.p m Express 1:50 pm, Freeport No. 2 4:15 pm ilannerVe Ac 3:55 p Mal.. , .. 1... 6:05 p m Freeport NO. 2 6:05 pm Harmerve Ao 7:10 p m ISharpb'g No. 2 7:30 - pia Above truins run daily except Sunday. The - Church Tralh leaves Allegheny Junct. every Sunday at 7:10 a. in., reaching Allegheny City at 9:50 a. in. 'Returning, leaves Allegheny City at 1:20 p. m. and arrive at Allegheny ,Tanct..at 9:45 COMMUTATION TICKETS—For sale in packages of Twenty, between, Allegheny City, Chestnut street, Iferr's, Bennett;Tine Creek, Etna and Sharpsbnrg, and good only on the trains stopping at Stations spe cified on tickets. The train leaving Allegheny City. at 6:50 a. m. makes direct connection at Freeport.withWalker'a line of StageS for Butler and Hannahstown. Through tickets may be purchased at the Office, No. 3 bdt. Clair street. near Suspension Bridge, Pittsburgh, and at the Depot, Allegheny City.• For further infonnation apply to JAMES I.A.FFERTS, Agent. • Federal Street Depot,. The Weitern Pennsylvania - Railroad will not as sume any risk for Baggage, , except for wearing ap parel, and limitresponsibility to One Hundred Dollars in value. All baggage exceeding this, amount in value will be at the risk of the owner, un tess taken by special contract. EDWARD H. WILLIAMS, cles General Superfine:Went, Altoona, Pa. HILL S ROUTE.agaiM UNION >PACIFIC RAILWAY, Tho SHORTEST ANH MOST RELIABLE ROUTE from the East to all points in Colorado, Nevada, California, Utah, Arizona, . Two Trainsk _ayo State 'pine and Leavenworth daily, ( Sundays ' excepted , on the arrlval of trains of Pacific Railroad from St. Louis, and Hannibal and :St.• Jo Railroad from gnincy,,conuecting at Law-. retie°, Topeka and Weunego with stages 'for' alt wo int hwnt Kn o s UX l A E STATESD EXwRES o C E M PANT'S - - DAILY LLNE OF OVERLAND MAIL AI)N EXI'IMB COACHES FOR 33m1vv - mal -13th,T 3EIC3EI And all Points in the Territories, And with SANDERSON'S TRI-WEEKLY LINE of COACHES for Fort Union, Rent's Fort, Pass, Albu v_ei•ktnittita Fe, and all' points in Arizona *and °le . With the recen., , additlens of rolling stock and equipment and the arrangements. made with re., sponsible Overland 'Transportation Lines' treat its western terminus, this, road now offers. unequalled facilities for the transmission of freight to the Far WesL • • Tickets for sale at - all the principal 'otilees in the .United litates and Canadas._ _ ; Ite sure and ask Mr tickets via' THE SHORT HILL -ROUTE. UNION . PACIFIC RAILWAY. EARTERNHIVISION. • il - OHN PECK, • ' , ainentaimair ,11111/ WORICrit AND:PEEFIndrat. 1 40 . oluttrstreet,.tele door trim Wood . Plttsbur. fichtlwaglldelmetit samonmont, ot) adhle ussksisfG Uan emen , s WIG ,pflVtdiote. GAIIPAIELAIISKIMAOELLTEL, de . od, Prke In cash nil!ba Alyea foe Ladles and Gentliniken`ii'Halr Cutting done! the neatest °WWI RAILROADS Arrive. Miyake. Ex... 2:43 am Cleveland Ex. 2:43 am Chicago Ex .... 10:58 a m !Wheeling Ex. 11:08 am 'Chicago Ex 1:53 pm CL WICg Ex 4:03 pm ;Erie I.:lrg'n Ex '6:13 pin !Chicago Ex.... 0:58 p m Cl. WlVg Ex 7:oBpm ll'ltts..t CI. Ex. liegnst'n. 9:28 pm Arrive in Allegheny. • N. ilvlnt'n Ac. 7:03 a m N. Ilrlern " 8:28 ain " 9:58 ant New Castle " 10:13 a m Leetsdale " 9:13 am • " 1:1.8 pm lirlgt'n " 2:43 pm Leetsdale " 4-7.03 pm "7:2Bpm _ 10:50 a. m. Chicago Expressarrives daily. ~General Ticket Agent. BUS S CINCIN PAN HANDLE ROIITE. tit , 1867, Trains will ar e M 11.71 Depot, corner of treets, as follows: Depart. Day Express.. 3:00 a m Wall's. No. 1.. 6:30 aM W'all's Train ' 8:211a ni !Wall's No. 3.. 9:50 a m I`Cinchmati Ex 11:15 a m Wall's. No. 3.. 11:30 a m Johnstown Ae. 2:sopm Wall's No. 4.. 3:30 p m Mhz. Expres. 4:10 pm Wall's No. 5.. 1:50 pm Wall's No. G.. 6:05 pm Fasz Line 7:2opm Wail's N 0.7.. 10:50 p m Eistern Division. Washington, New Mexico, Idaho, Oregon. A. AniEliSON, Geperal lE!Rperint!n4e4t, Jr WEBSTER,: Genertil itelitkeand Ticket Akgent.' E !
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers