, . —;LOnisville has titro Fenian circle's.' . --Theatricals running; icals are low in New ' , Orlcians• '''-.•• The Admiral has been to Veinvius and , Pompeii. : ' —There is said not to be a theatre in run ning order in Tennessee. Friday night is the fashionable one for theatre-going in Louisville. —Yuba Dam is the name of a fine new yacht down near Louisville. —Watteau fans are coming in again. Boiton belles have adopted them. —Benonl Figg is the euphonious name of a candidate fOr office in Louisville. —Dr. Howell, a distinguishea Baotist preacher, died on Sunfiay in Nashville. _ = —Short. and 'very sweet. A penny stick of candy and Mr,'D'lsraeli's premiership. —We notice a laxge number of Pitts burgh naives in the Philadelphia hotel lists. 7-Somebody says that Sandwich Island ers are going to erect a monument to Capt. Cook. 7 -- Coek-Aghting and prize -fighting are flourishing in New Jersey; also in Ken tucky.. • , , —A new• - ,EpisooPil Church was conse crated last 'week, in Boston, by Bishop Eastburn.. Generals Grant and Sherman are both : • v; summoned for' the defense in the Impeach trlid. —There . Were 101 accidents on the New • Jersey railways last Year, 61 of which ter '. minated fatally. • - •-• An insane Irishman, callin; himself ri Rev. Mr. Hennessey, was rested at Rock Island on Sunday. • • ' —Brlgnoli is still allowing , his sailor to dream - in Boiton. La Graige, Susini' and .Stellaaoaeur are with him .1., —St. Jaines Hotel, in Boston, is .to be -• operiediti' 'a , few days:: -:, Hubites are Very 'proud of their new Caravariseri ' • O- says that the 'first Physician , ' htsfory was Job, and yet he had more Pag , ance than any of his successors; •• • ' —We have another Daniel somewhere amongst ns. He says "Impeachment will be a good thing if it turns out well." - -Lopa-says his situation is not desperate. ...Pedrosayaitis. Now, who knows best? is , •' - :'.tht‘important item of knowledge wanted. has_pervertefl a well knoWn ;jiiiktalLCiatiPlet thus: `Dtod -the laundress of the Rev . Ilonr - Clap Dean; Yerdlec_Eannl—su little linen to make clean." —Rev. Henry I). Moore, late pastor of ' 1f: Plymouth Congregational Church in this city, is fast becoming the popular preacher of Cincinnati. am so much interested in my hen ery," said a fowl loving damseL "Oh !" • 'ltneavered her friend, "I always thought his was Melchisedech." Patti, it is said, has earned $130,000 Vas Season in Paxis. Patti becomes more I , and more of a catch; and it is rumored' that , • several - batwlers are after her. —An ex nge terminates an obituary • thus: "The deteased was deservedly re spected•by all who knew Idm, having aecu xnulated considerable property." • —Collector Jones, of Cleveland, received on AAA j.th the following telegram: "Tax on coal oil 10 cents since April Ist. • ' GEORGE pARNELL. Deputy Coill." —A company of Englishmen are in Grundy County, Tennessee, looking at the mo , fintain lands, with thelntention of set tling izi that district and growing grapes. • A grand military drama, with two hun dred and fifty performers and gorgeous scenic display, is to be given in the Cleve ' land,Rirtk to-night. Queer place for theat .ricals. Englishmen are congratulating them selves shit Prince Leopold .is so delicate he will never be able to live as fast or spend as much money as his brothers of Wales and Edinburg: • Onehundred and fifty thousand dollars are belug'expended in the erection of per znarrent. bartitchs at Atlanta, Georgia. - They apartments of - line arid field officers and men: are separate.. —An ancient maiden, named Olive S. . Floyd, died bi Boston on the • lastday of . last month. ,She was just eighty.years old, and had lived'as servant •in one family for ' , atitifwe years- • . . . . —The New Orleans .Bopublican still ad- VOcates the claims of :Hon. Edwaid H. Durell for the,Vice• PresidencY. Henry C. Wannoth is the Republican candidate fOr Governor of Louisiana. . . —Two young men were recently drowned 1 • at Red Wing, Itlinn.i while returning from I ' - 1 k Blunder . 61 :14 Opera Composer s . a visit to the' floating abode of some women An ingenious individual, Albe r t do ..L a . 'of tarnished fame, whichwas moored on salle, has just published a dictionarY of the opposite side of the river. ' ' . . music as „applieci.tolciVetin which he severe- . —The mortality among children is said to 'IY eritiels4'n.,;defict 'of physlognotttical be quite Unprecedented in San. Francisco this sciences pparent in the' east of voices at the . , spring. ' The 'proapects for the immediate opera. It is in *virtue of custom, rather, and tremendous increase of the population that; reason, that .eotnposeni ' idwayi distri of that are tliue dashed to the vound. bate to the • tenor the foie of the lover. • , .. ted.,.•physiologically ,-- —A. .. Fhlladelphia- paper advisee ' lig , tw i t ! an met i be lenionstri, . • .. I ?feottrTeilttn Voists between * l4l , 0 8 tOlCl'early,to hear the new organ et the gravity o f , the voice,and that warmth of ..i,thet. Cathedral. on Easter morning, ,as „the, blood andnervous impetuosity which deter :larirerd will be suffocating: Wil, should con: .mineti veintraenee of sentiment. To imitate =tun . ; the:part' of the-lover should .be Oak.: Elder that artexcellent reavn for not going edhy the ne, or even the Imes: ,"It Is , .. at all , . • ' '.''' . _'• -..‘ ' ' . ~.., .. netnrislts,!.' continues the. author, "that na '....Longfellow has heard'Dickens raid Elf. tare ha s endoWed with morevenerous traits teen times in Boston. Tice P 641 says that the creatures who Ixtasess deep, voices, while • "The,• poet of America', is an enthuehts'ile Betl whose : °l e% ate thrill and high are admirer or the , novelist of England; albeit gener ally pam thNdae wfo e tm m tA id dg . ,;3lll ll ;' A; the 'tiko .are - as different' he- merit and un-. air (falsetto), and ray whether on would tilleired*stirartce. ''' ' ' -' t I ' s ''' inther he,"ehnt . n..ll,ln'tt ate with' a duck — The West Jeraer Press says that ; :the' '(ba liv r t i ne ) , 'ttr a n nt O:Petkent: (Soprano)." "tt g s eeka is apprOaehing, and that the remind ;Mall ' lttif ni tiotrol il" anCV°Perall lam a o r ti f e d o der m a: fishe r'nen are all ready for it, while their verge taken by the tatilaanii . skiffs, and nets Are looking as brightlanA 'tnt of the Theatre :Onan ,oceasion n* 'as K th ere 7148:116 stoni*Cput.iegiie r - e'f'* OR extra rePresentatiOn l • the orchestra th disiirive them of thei r f res h: llo i., - i' - c- 1 " ClO4 --- -913,xtrit r iagi Y. -d ueu 4 4er eneheiratm-. ,: , . shult i iittt.M.: er, ..who iikabvpr,,, l . - -1 ~• ; - - - •OrtYridaY &Squad or_Ann r oitiqi;froni, eanaincwishas tabegUintr4debrum' '6,77e" • Geetgin' hiohe open" the jail at 'Cleveland, 'fil f . B :l,.to p a y' At this'utembleialiai4 East Tennessee, and took out six of tke • o f A -- "A—.l, 14 / 1 4v1/ strike j fanned '' ' g prismiere,'lnzniehathera with palf'''''` 4 -412 ' 3C ' TeS°11111 " 4 ' wili d"holY ic4raled`. allrodeOffickgether. : auk xi • reYB ' 4l4 ' II " , eact, ' ?TA CO' l ' i t h eti s i fottfiesto dmixtgq ~ ... ~... .. .... , t tpt and Ja il Itheentirenverdng, to the graltditTeemultitre' birds; beingzaa featherotiockwelit o g l ek 4 4 , Ait theltii Indlitithie,„ - tlskrit 'bath* - 1 .. Ail .f in it ie lf ill #Ottit•ted -Art ' ` 1, : : viOilitkil,. 614 Z' :, 1 . - ';`''' ': 1 bi° t;i ; -, {Flll * l ?** e i l A ie .4 .ll 6B.4 to L ot ii; 1 7 :: ATV 1ek44 0 44, thiPili . :: iii de s e yi taiii weigheitlad mends "'6 dstra' Will be ;`lonlit t fi re r . . 1,0. 1", , F.'' I' i' - `l;''S' . 4 :4! ixd.d .tuning t A e , -i " ' ak- ,re si , •6. ri - • . - .•.`o , f , . r. i :' ,,. t •,.- ~. ,:- : ' 4 ;;1' ... . "-•:. ':. .;rr4:,:i; i {,;.; • EP}I . :EMItIS —A young man who ran away from his home 'in Williamson county, Tenn., ten years ago, when he was a boy, has just come back. - He has been to India, China, South America and Australia; has been shiplynckel three times and is now rich in this world's goods. As the young gentle man. wishes, if possible, to evade the rush of juvenile book writers, we shall not pub lish.his name. I - —A Louisville paper, casting aside all po litical considerations, thus ••appeala to the masses : "Is there any mechanic in the city who will not give a vote for that inge nious plow-maker Tom Brinley ?Is there any farmer who has used his fine plows who will_not vote for him for Police Commission er?" What plows and police hare to do with each other, we do not know, and the Democrat forgot to say. ' —As every one imows, the Canal Bank in New. Orleans was recently robbed of some $ 5 0,000. On the first inst., the Picayune got off a story about two detectires who re covered all the money through . a peculiar tack in one of the shoes of the robber. Well told, and on any other day, the thing would probably; have been swallowed, butes it was all fool's day, and al the narrator was not up to his work, nobody believed it. —Although the English papers derided the American people heartily for electing Mr. Morrissey to Congress, they, them selves, furnished us with a precedent. When 1 Mr. Gulley, who was an ex -pugilist, was chosen Member for Pontefract, Gilbert A'Becket, the humorist, said "Should any opposition be manifested in the House of Commons to Mr. Gulley it is very probable the noes (nose)' will hare it." —Years ago we heard a well'lmow . n con noiseur of wines and things pertaining there unto, declare that in all the world there was no better place for grape culture than Geor- I gia,'and that some day the best wines in the I world would be raised there. At present ithere is an excellent opportunity of getting the pick of lands in that State very cheap. The total abstinence• movement has and always hai had failure on the face of it. Good and cheap wines are the only things that are going to prove effectual in decreas ing drunkenness and the use of whiskey; so by all mesas, plant grapes; and if Gesrgia is the best place, plant theni there. —A fight look place, among some seamen on board the packet Wyoming, at that time gliding down the Delaware en route to `,Liverpool. Enflamed; with rage and a there suspicion align-Philadelphia whiskey, James 'Quigley, *hipped out his knife and deprived 'one of his fellow seamen of that hiportant feature, (when beauty is the con sideration) his nasal organ. A third man had his -face and neck pretty well hashbd by the knife of the bloods Misty 41,, The revenue cutter Seward was signaled,. and this committer of mayhem was carried to the Moyamenslrig gaol instead of to Liyerpool, *hither his Mclinations and the good ship, Wyoming would soon have taken him. *-o, ^ - the postage, some seventeen hundred dol lars, but the clerks refused-tavealandstiinp him, and he .was sent home as an insane man. Ell church made out of rags,.capable of seating one ihousand persons, and elabor ately ornate in the Grecian style exists at Bergen, Pnusia. The rags are in the form of paPier made,. rendered water proof by a solution of vitrol, lime water and White of eggs. —On Monday morning, the cadet's of the Pennsylvania Military Academy at Chester, amused themselves by parading through the streets' of Pldladelphia, and holding dress paradein front of the State house. After this they were'distnissed for the Easter va cation. —Last Tuesday was the twentieth anni versary of the birth of spiritualism, which took place at Rochester under the auspices of the Fox sisters, who now denounce their own offspring. In spite of this,. however, there are said to be 6,5,38,000 so-called spir itualists in the country. —Organdies with huge figures of, bowers (neither right nor left) forest trees . and shrubbery, such as were introduced last year, are to be very much worn during the com ing summer. Pongas lined with delicately tinted silk are to be more popular than para sob, and nauchmore useful. —The concrete pavement is losing friends in Philadelphia, and the Nicolson is gaining them. That pavement would be popular here too if it had not been laid so, as to give out this winter, on Wood street. Hollows are almost as plenty, if not as .deep, in the Wood street pavement as in the. - . Fifth street mud hole. PITTSBURGH GAZETTE : WEDNESDAY. APRIL 8, 'lB6B . 1 • - ' . ONLY - • IPS * 1, ts „ - A PULL SET OF'IPPILithLiLL TEETH - FOR EIGHT DOLLARS • FULL UPPER AND LOWER SE T FOit i r.' ..- -__, TEETH EXTRA. .NQ CHARGE FOR um 7 2II> CTINe r W r IIIN AIME .A.LL' Wl e jal W T—"LII TE A R E IFB I IPF YEAR& LAUGHING-GAS FREE OPCHARGE, AT QUINCY A. SCOTT'S . . . Steam Dental Esiablistiment, 278 PENN STREET, 3D DOOR ABOVE HAND. N. B.—As DR. * SCOTT is a licensee under the Goodyear Patents, he will not make any "new (bo srua)rubbtr" sets, but will continue to manufachire t .........,_____ he genuine articI e — VULCANITE. mhZhdT _______.............____ AND IX Et .ca bers, FOE GAs AND on. • Just received, the finest and largest assortmeu ever opened in this elt • WELDON & mh24 147. WOOD EISEET, COB , VIRGIN ALLEY FOOD BLACK AND COLORED KID GLOVES BONNETS,'HATS, RIBBONS, FLOWEILS, &c A Large and Carefully Selected Stock, AT VERY LOW PRICES, AT WILLIAM SEMPLE'S 1804 182 Federal St., Allegheny. ARBUTHNOT, No. 115 Wood Street, Pittsburgh roxv:gsr ,Norriows. AT ~ LOWEST EASTERN PRICES. nAItaincCANDLESEI & CO;,- (Late Wllian. Carr & C 0.,) WHOLESALE. DEALERS IN nreiglf 0 41- .DomeS . tic Dry Goods, N0..04 It7itatoß STREET, Third door aliaye plataoall alley. • • , • • . PITD3BUROH PA. PIANOS, ORGAINTS,A • 114171 r: TliejlEglC' Awn mull.. - ,K.sr EST pIANO'AND ORGAN. 'ffehomacker's 'Vold Medal Piano, AND ESTEY'S COTTAGE ORGAN. The SCNOMACILER PIANO combines - all. !most valwable•Onprovements known In the 'con structional' first class Instrument, and has always been aintilled the highest premium' weerzhibitedi:lts tenets. alli'manormurand sweet.ee The ' workmanslp, for .durablUy and beauty, surpase 'all others. Prices train Olio to 1150. (according to style and fi nisto• cheaper , than all other so-ed first class Plato. . ESTEY'S COTTA , IE ORGAN ,;;• Stands at the head Orl6ll reed Instruments, In pro dneingthe most perfect pipe quality of tone of any similar Inetmunent In the United States, It is sim ple and c of ordeompac t in 'cotittruction;'and'not liable to r. CARPENTER'S PATENT " VOX lIUMANA TREMOLO" Is only to be found in this Organ. Price ce from $lOO to gliao. All guaranteed for live •••-itAlik-- ELME &BEILTnaw . • •.• . No. 19 ST. CLAIR STREET. tntl9 sEcoarn limn) - IMoDEoss ANA oneAris, lifierftet ttoin •35 to $l3O. " , :CHARLOTTE sLtrin, 412 Fifth et., sid dcior,above Wood.; z%, . • i Man misPENTERa BEITUXBD3B FT' Wag • k L. c,,P414,4,.".4.**14.4. 1. 3#42.41 irgzammul e tvittp4,l 1111114 t , rf r -ProlitouraiMaTof Erni vas, santedvirq,i,; PS/MOM ' ,• if r DENTISTRY Mi GAS DRY GOODS W SPRING GOODS ! PLAIti" BLACK SILK :4 jillOS GRAIN Ella FIGURED SILK IR/SII POPLINS FANCY POPLIIV9, POPLIN ALPACCAS BLACK AND. COLORED LUSTRE:4 WOOLDELAINES, CHINTZES LIGHT SACKI7.iI; CLOTII SPRING CAS9IMERES DARK CASSIMERES BLACK AND BLUE CLOTH. , I IRISH. LINEN, BOOK WHITE QUILTS BALMOIiAL AND 1100 r SKIRTS SHIRT FRONTS, HANDKERCHIEFS HOSIERY, NOT/ONE Wholesale and Retail, SHANNON WHOLESALE A.1\13 MS NEW sv)v.sirouz: BASMAUX, Sl3MNiwi'r &CO'S 76 Market Street, Pittsburgh, Pa • The .0 dersigned respectfully inform the public that the have received their entirely new stock of goods, onsisling of • Milli I ery and ;Straw GoOds, To which they invite the attention of purchasers, ROLESALE AND RETAIL: ' . _ One of o r firm giving bis entire attention to the purehasln of goods at the :Eastern Markets,. and. having b long experience and all the facilities for procuring goods st the very lowest prices, we are enabled to offer great inducements. Constantly receiving New Goods from the New York and Philadelphia auctions. A share of public patronage is rnspeetfUlly soli cited. ROSENBAUM, STEEULAIT & CO No. 78 MARKET STREET. mh24:= GRAND OPENING: SPRING} GOODS. Barred Organdies. Barred and Striped Nainsook; Victoria Lawns. Soft Finish Cambric. ALSO, A LARGE-LOT OF So/LED WHITE GOODS,GOODS, Which we nee belling at a•great sacritce. GOOD LINENS at 3* cents. SOILED BID GLOVES at 50 cents. SYSTEME ALEiAN, DIM KIDS for $l. 'GENUINE ALEX- at 75 cents. The new and besutiful SENSATION TIE, Just received. 11100 dor FRENCH OORSETs Just recdlyed. A complete ne of MAGENTA; LUCRETIA and ELVIRA CORSETS. Also, a line of MISSES' CORSETS RISTORI FRINGES, ail colors. MILLION F.F.T.N GES, all colors. BUGLE TRIMMINGS, a fine as meet. A One lot of BUTTONS DIACRUM, GLYDE & CO., 78 and SO Market Street. mh.ri:dm AT JOSEPH HORNE & CO.lB, The Largest Assortment of STRAW AND MILLINERY GOODS, To be Found in the City. IDBDONS, FLOWERS,' SILKS, CRAPES,_ MALIN-ES, FRAMES FROSTED ILLUSION'S, = STRAW. TRLlLMLNOS;ornamented. ALSO, A WELL ASSOIMIT STOCK OF WHITE GOODS, CORSETS. • HOSIERY, 1100 P SKIRTS, GLOVES, BALMORAL SKIRTS, 3IBROMERIE S , 'HANDKERCHIEFS, FRINGES. • BUTTONS, TRIMMINGS, BRAIDS, . And a ,Full Line of Notions. & CO., FURNISHING GOODS. .NEGIE TIES, BOWS, SUSPENDERS MORRISONOS STAR SHIRTS.• Age V. nts for BISMARCK, DICKE, VICTOR and other popular makes of PAPER COLLARS. Prices as low as Eastern Jobbers. • : • Wholesale Rooms up Stairs • Nos. 77 and 79 Market Street. mhl7aiwr A PERFECT FITTINGGLOVE. MACE IMI & CARLISLE, 19 Filth Street, MITE .ATTENTION TO THEIR KID GLOVE DEPARTIIIM Which Is now complete with ever,' colot and shade. They have just - opened 100 DOZI,Ii of the Celebrated A.'C. C. (Jouvin) MS, Imported especially to our order. Hundreds of our customers can testify to their perfect cut'andlault less cuailty. The colon, were got up from shades of dress material, selected and nirnished ;by vs, and are.reallY . . Elegant and Desirable. The assortment Includes BLACK, WHITE, DARK COL ERB idEDUBK COLORS, and OPERA or PARTY COL RS. i!lizEls-4; .5.4 TO S. MAC/C.6E C.:4BLZEIL:V, +,19 111TH STREET. INGESid ' ' GIMP HEADINGS, Di AL COLORB. ilirilT=ol4lNEl,4* R. H. BOON% sprojiii; mbs t. f : :o • z Alt* " V 110111•••• .14rgink ; - 1‘ , ;: -1 • EuND in .114 FrE13 1 31.411t Zi.1373, rUttiteet Ithev ' , llcketi mom to- J f 4 . 1 1 11 , 1 1ntr0*,.. • PHILADELPHIA EMPORIUM, ri t 43l:wns, Laces, 1 Artificial Flowers, Embroideries, White Goods, Hosiery and Gloves, El Corseta and Skirts, Fancy Goods, &c ANDRE KIDS for $l " .88. Our assortment of IipSIERY cannot be beat. HOOP SKIRTS NI/..... IRE .:21,9 - ; - C..*l :i'..-i-711-1,7TT.:,7 En 1868 THE yEny--417pir_-. • . .‘. . • . DEPORTED C A RPETS. THE VERY NEWEsT : , STYLES DOMESTIC CARPETS,- ARE.DAILY ARRIVING, AND SOLD SOO.N ' 'AS RECEIVED. • . - • PRICES TH:E" VERY : LO:TVEST...:: • 1 IikCALLITH BROTHERS, • nih2s 5.1 FIPTITSTREET, above Wood. 23 JUST nwouTED, 23 . Aud Especially Adapted to this Market, VEIANIEt_ CAIIPETS OF MOST ELEGANT DESIGNS. . English. Body and Tapestry Brussels, INGRAINS AND .11E2111'8, THE FINEST ASSORTMENT AND THE LOWEST PRICES IN THE CITY. .COMMON CARPETS, - 25 CENTS PER YARD. . - OLIVER WOLIN - TOOK &CO., ter: No. 23 Fifth. Street. 1868.8pniNG sToch.lB6B, OF CA RPETS, JUST OPENING, LARGE ASSORTMENT, AU Qualities LOWEST PRICES IN THE CITY SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS TO THOSE WHO BUY TO SELL. BOTARD, ROSE & CO., 21 Fifth Street, mhlo:d&wF OVER BATES & BELL'S. 71 McFARLAND & COLLINS ARE IVOIViOPENING THEIR NEW SPRING. STOCK, CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, WINDOW SHADES PURCHASED LAST MONTH FOR CASH AND IN 3IANT INSTANCES AT Less than Actual Cost to Manufacture These Goods could not now be replaced for the same cost, and are FOR. CASH at IVIIOLESALE AND, RETAIL, Faril 3 elow!TheiiPresent Value ArTIIE-PLACE WHERE BARGAINS CAN AL WAYS BKHAD ON THE BEST STOCK LY THISIHARKET. Nos. 71 and 73 Fifth Stieet, sEcox - ro reio:xwraT '2C4II,PET BEATING-, - 'ESTABLISHMENT; Which TEN YEARS' TRIAL In Ifew Tork and oth er Eastern cities has proved a complete success. • ADVA47II44tEns • e dd l ~~st—Fading and Shrinkage are completely avoid ritipinkaparinecessa • ' 3d—When freed from dust, m oths thelr larvae. the Carpet looks nearly its good ' as new, 1311V0 the natural fading from wear. 4th-When perfectly clean , a Carpet will.wearas long again. a desirable matter as a. mere polutUf economy, to say nothing of /pas. • . • ALL 'ORDERS LEFT AT THE OFFIOE,. No. 179 Liberty & ret A. , _ Or addressed to P. 0. pox 473, will receive probrot• attention. • ‘• IfiCLINTOO4:,2, mh10: VIILEED . . OP THETA())24P/°Jcl. '. • i The ' Queen" Triumphant,::- THE' VMS.' 4. , THE liitiat OW. ftwirirc' , ."- vityrra ~,,..„,..„1•r1.---,- ' —,_.I•O4,.GRAWNAZ&SVIeIfiIf_a•PUIPOB/18 Ir IN *.r4VvorSORD V 180 ntsvys"cheaper fluid 40ap 4 .ehemseobte thoroughly . ..torte lets money-, 1114T4 g Zia tetIl lttatet.tehot,'seLd tisold biting:lumen, : Vile t !Mt deeest_gtt U 4 ,00003117 and teente• It e Aghiltrthe samba Or the entlrwboute.,, hold. ataneteenkred be the : • L_" -- .s 7 ; . , ,uij.,etaetv..h._._.....m.........i p,1711)1741/AMP=RiNi 7 eta.: - :‘;: i itDro* wwiumeren ' • W • MinIALV 40.'441301V4i A. • '-- -, T ---, --r-- - r - ' , IPpr ' P • • a AND CURTAIN GOODS, JOHN U. & -**Mtp,ICIRSI -Nlirseßl4, 7 Florls4 anti 4P, T . 4 . . . .. _ . i Sub Serous -1111 SMITHFIELD STREET, ga site Post Wage, Pittsburgh, Pa. - = . i °l4 • G reetthotisei at ' Qukliutd. _ liming& n (i Squlr: Hill. --, • '' yY mt. JOSEF — H ." 'S. FIN 0110 fr CO. - i --- 1 `":441: sic, iinitiiiisbillis;iigius 93, i :*frr, .. l l:rtaistrit,og .. ~' ~,::-..., , 2.- mAlrcriA.oo:o4. 0r...- (4 .: l 4l#4?.'i:Antrglift; zigM AR*, , 4 „,...,....,..,.._,LE.Fpnce 6114Q0 : HOPS.' , *(s..... • - -„„ 4 „ ...t.. . it _ ....., -.-,, ~,.: ve ,. . - tibfili e), , , 4# ,, r,.: . Z•i'l ! , ir frtle":',l. '' For isle br -, '- ;'' ' 4 a:t Ittli & . ' -4 Apt ' / auraetrtrattl %,p US, pRiCEI4)F TH,L I VARIOUS KINDS * . • xznSwiri ARTHUri Ware, 172 and 174 FEL{ IIAL STREIi ' • kiLEGIIENi ' IiIi7MITIVDER. Electric N 0.,. 1, . 2 , 3. 4an y, grain, in Sc Canisters, I lb. each ... . ...... :I American Sporting, in Ov.s. 'Canisters ofi each and 4 Shooting, Nos. I ,'2,'xl and 4 grali 'Oval Canisters of 1 lb. . . d ... I Indian Rifle, In Oval Canistets of lib. ea, Kentucky Ride, in Oval Caniaters of 111).1 lientnckyß In Oval CsMiaters of lb.; CM one lb. Oval Canisters in a case.) (50 half lb. do.. do. do.) KEG POWk.s.E/t. Kentucky Elie, Frga. 'Fla: l , and 'Sea Sis !mg" Fa, in kegs, 25 Ws Kentucky Ride, FFI , O, PPG; a nd "Sea Ing" it;, in kegs, 12); .• •.4 .. ... Kentucky:Rifle, FITG, and "Sea ill( lug , ' FO. In kegs, 634 lbs I Deer Powder, itrlegs, 25 lbs.::4 Mining and Shipping rowdor, Mining F. and se'rx grain, net cash, In kegs. 23 lbs Safety Fuse for.( Blasting, of itmerlor qua( in packages of 50 feet and - over Delivered free of expense Va board ofi Railroad, in Pittsburgh or Aliegheny. 4 ' 'OTICE TO ----- 'oWNlig : OF DRAYS, RAdI 9 S - ice.l • :) I Notice Is bereliy given to .u. I owners < Carts, Carriages t Buggies, gm. ..4 whether re non-resident in the city of PLUsbprgh, to ; Act Licensee at the Treasurer's Office of tha tsburgh FORTHWITH, iri Pecordancel of Assembly, approved Match 30th, c i f And an Ordinance of. the CoAlt_cilS of thq Pittsburgh,. passed ril 16, /560. All Licenseqf notyl han ds bero MAY i will be placed in t he. WI the Chief i• for collection; subject to hM fat of a, cenf collection thereof, and all . persb, na who or refuse to take out Licenses will ;be subJect4 ally, to be recovered before the Mayor, d. amount of the License. i The old metal•plates of preyro s years m turned at the time, Licenbes a ,: taken oli 95 cents therefor. ' - RATES OF LICk...NSE: Each One Horse Vehicie.,....M.... .. .. . Each Two Horse • " - . ..*..1/..... ..... Loch Four Horse " ' • Each Two Horse Hack Omnibuses and Timber Whalis drawn Horses. Eighteen Dollars midi For ea . / Donal Horse used la any of theiboye vehl Dollar. SA3Wb 1. ALLINI : ITITSDrIIOII, February 18, 186;qi City Tree . OFFICE OP ME Slat ER OF;A. ) LLEOHEN . - Prrrepunali.kkpril Ist, li the 210 tlon Ff.an A ltr ci liE relati n gto °l Ligheny cop proved the let day of May, .1.801.4 And of thg meat. to weld Election: apprOved the 'BOti March, 1868, I hereliy give notice that th; elites of the several Wards. Beroughs an. ships--WILL BE OPEN and I *lll' be prei,, receive the • • : - ' ii County, State,Poor, t Work-hous , , Bounty Taxes, fori 1868. 1 - - , , , On and a ft er the Ist day of M ._lBBB, sal ',..-- Call be paid -at th is office until theilst day oil I with a ~._, Deditetlop of Fire Per dent. Did • . for prompt payment , to any tersons pay? WHOLE AMOUNT of their tIMPS. There will be no deduction .nliowe Month of August. • There will b e TENPER; ADDED to all ,di taxes 'remaining npaid on 3 AD pf September, 1888, , 'i i 1.-: . 3:p. IMENIIIIST4 Treasurer Of Allegheny Cc p, • LUTZ - OF ALI&3IMAL March vii ASSESSMENTS. I The Park Commission, having,tuade their! ment on all property in the CltyPt . AlleghC the purpose of _Park Improvement, in acci with the Act of Agsemblt for thm bonversiol Common Grounds Into public Pldrks, here" notice to all parties Interested that they wll appeal said assessments, at City HALLi Tuesday, the.7th day eV/pill 141 ..... $ After which no exceptben.to ors assessments can be made. ppeal frd i ' JAME PARK, ' 3 , 'President . f Commif mlw3len& mh30.n61 BRICK! BRICK: i I , • CEO. A. BAYARD. Begs leave -tti announce that he k has ilnisl splendid new BRICK WORKS, and is now pt. to Tarnish . ' •'f 1 • • • 1,0 C O C),COOD CO : Of the very best HAND-MADE B4ICK. ma of superior Clay, thoroughly tem pered by t,- power. This_ yard is one of the most 'comill the county. 'Winter houses, and everything 4 to manufacture during the whole year. 1 These Brick will be sold and detltered in t. in such quantities as desired, au l at the k• market rates. •. • • •. i • 'i All orders left at No. 68 S3IITELIf L.D Ti.S will be promptly attended to. '. rnh. , \fALT.-500 BUSHEL,. 1 FALL BARLEY - BSA L T$ , . i MlI cANE Sr. AN.IFERI. . • 1 141 `PAT ER STRA . - Pittsburgh, January , 1.868. . iclo GLASS SIANUFA.C'EUREti The undersigned hauinglieutired the sole 1 ey or the sale . of the celebrafed .:-.- .. . a COPLEY POT crxr, I . Are now prapared to furnish it in ins quant those wishing to procure this superior article. l y Ling fifteen years , use of this Clau, we have an at such for as we belleye makes it a S article for pots than any in the market, Yvre IV, secured an a v erage stand ar tax, =Orr andi )(ultras. - We will Banish reoeitiesTor the pr.l Lion of the mixture at this Clay !perilous pui4 ing The Clay Is ground and mouldedlln lump?..l delivery. - • .. DITHRIDGE & SON. k ' .... . Fort Pitt Olsss Work; IV Mai ton Street, Plitiburgh, f ' ReCaved and ;or sale by W. C. FELD DEALER • GLUE, PI:171,LEI) Tamers' Scraps, Capons, T: BONES, NEATIS'EOOT &C Office and Wareitionie, No. IA4 ITRF STREET, nearly opposite the Post prnee, PITTSBErIiGH, ETZI ASHINIOTON MILLS, STEEETd Near Pittsburgh Grata iElevat, NV: . 5v,—. . 4 : 14- timitigge•xv, - Manufturet GOEN MEAL, EEC iLOUR CHOPFED'PEED.- 'Orders delivered i t elthe free of charge. Grala.or all kinds gipped, Corn shelled. on' short - notice. , 111:0;KLI,t .ID.k. port orrupwr - . CLAM ,_, 1: ::-•-...i --1—•:‘---0EO• 0 •it CO•'' • ,-... . .. ~ ~.. e. :- •.--,,.. , - • .- minunictut.p, .6f every— deoctiptiorr! Stretolledi Cemented and Ithetod.Daltior ti ned laEukalEiCEIR , niaz, G. . UNo. 409 LIBICRTIr STRIEItiVeI a -* ) opp nion. De pot. - :Pittobasich. - • - - - : 3 # II 11 GUNPO ED By THE R CON Ager 1 -9 t - . I NEM
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers