El gittlbur Gaidtt f;YRIC.* "Alas . ! how easily ihlngs &wrong,— . • A sigh too much, O ra kiss too long. And there,follows a ndst and a weepitnpr.aln. Weis never.itweanso again. • it. ?• , l'Alasl bow hardly things go right,— T is bard to watch hi a summer night. For the • Sigh will C 013142, and the kiss will star. And the,suutruer night to a winter Illy." • (Beery sattsrdati • _ CRTJ4AIEI,) BY HER TREAD. . „ . . A violet in the meadow stood, • Seen, bent down In hrwlittood— ! . It was a darling bioeaom I . 'Soon came wehepherd maiden there. iyith.trionlng titepaml blithesome • ' bo file, so fair! And sang nearol oweet. - "Alit , thought the violet, ••for the itott - ei ''Avidnein no Nature's fairest, llower, But for one moment only! . • ;'fti be b . k that dear maiden blest, • Aml plucked and ofilowod oh her breast... Though `twere, thongh !twere , lint one, one monient'neet.! . • Tili4 merry maiden nearer - , • Nor savr tile violent wherit grew, !• And.erushed thelittre biumoni It dh-d, but it rtloleml' "I lie Cruphed by her tread; by tier die; Ily her, try her, , lieneatli herbleosed feett"' TABLE TAIN.. —Dan Bice is at Willard's.. —Trade is reviving in Paris. —Prank Blair is in New York. —Memphis swarms with vagrants» —12,000 acres of-vineyard in Ohio. —Garibaldi calls Napoleon "the evi one.', —ln New York, umbrella stealing is:no —The Chicago lake tunnel water is muddy. . —New York streets are- being sprinkled already. —Secretary Harlan is visiting his father in Indiana. —New York keeps on getting gift jaw -. elry. shops. —Mrs. Ke.mble's houses era not crowded in Brooklyn. _• • --Eentacky has 100 horses in training for the spring races. —vp,ooo,ijoo is the expected yield of our Western gold crops. • —A Sunday editian of the. New York• World is, to be isgued hereafter. —Gen. Albert Pike has left, off Appiw-ling • to Memphis and has gone home. ' —The Germans of Need" York have sent - $5,000 to the East Prussian safferers. --Moro relic!. ~of the Lake people lawe been found near Geneva, Switzerland. —Gen. Milroy is a Republican candidate for Congress In the S;eventh Indiana Dis- —Ectuietina and fever are devouring un tisuallx ith,Any, children lost now in New YorIC • —dabienz is supposed to be the most Likely mtmfor Commander of tha- Austrian —A ecurrilOns rebel eheet published in Boeton calls . 'Wendell a "brevet —The Turhish costume is to be - adopted by acme Of the;ladies of the little town of • SYrueuse• Three Mexican papers are maned -re spectively AntiVhrist,`PcoarTsOtbn and the 'Devil's Tail, • - —Four bears ccii victims , to th'e wiles and .rifles of two men in Piscataquis one day not long ago. . —A. Hungarian doctor , and nurse have been engaged for. the -expected Prince of the house of Austria.: . , —Miss Sallie Jell lives at. Elizabeth, New Jemmy ' , and celebrated her 102 d birthday „ , last Sunday a week. ---Madiutte Restell of New York returns an income of $20,000 mainly 'derived from her • notorious profession. --The New York Nail speaks of a lady - about tfty-two years pf age, a notorious boarding Wiese thief." . Aftfrnt;?n wantii know if a man itho bis'made of himself ought to be Ogled a self-Made min. • —A. T. Btewart'is new building is to have fear iron e i levators run by steam, to carry passengers and freight.. • • Mom than ten thousand muskrata,whose skins Bell at twenty-floe 'mats each, were mot in. the Raritan river last week. —The steam man is toalk from. N ow . N York to Albany::with o ut tweaking • down. . • If he succeeds he. will 'receive $l,OOO. New (Means has a, where it is Griot considered *POP' 01319" All Other streets are ePeutte _thet:arausemeut.. . • : --SoMeasharp perserr has iliseovere4 that • . the bist Way: fora botieleea*:te 'secure a" , upilr or g64,iiii4,arjgio„beiA - out , and : : : buy );) 't •--- - _ . _ ~—Slaves will be slaves no tenger In Mr. Goldwin Smith has written a letter to • shortly, if sinne, 6i. the: * Us t l l us ,L,.. h . pml4ll theaftmibefiter •EaTni! z er " " The tir P " ' 7*olo.oid'i:4o : :#l l3 *: t i l etftr".' 4% ? it ' ste'- ' E geiigifi; 'Of Mr:,l 4 .ol}nuelft' ' It contains . 0f o ff sit'S.l , ," • _,..,..1—; i - - - r , ''" ,-.!' '' ; D '''' , m o p ts•sii whieh-, will interest American The few Fo rk Tratseirsayis area .-, tf • teid ers r --- . -, _ , ~ ~,,,, , i,. , .., „ ~ ~._. ~ 'l.."' eirei 6 tit'-`-gilitent*l4ll4lol44.l" j us t - 1 12 tiriMPlt'of self raised merit is Of. all s4....Tudee_idorio - "fie iii ' ' "i ende * . • things the tamettutdraptt and thimest eal'-, ' ' ' ..., 'tasty to a' nation- 'Once in my' life I have - b u ir soorgbie - 1 paestoo novel A felt the senastki,;(oooyalit _.. It.,*_aa_ a sykett n, '• - • • - .....i.i....A'b . 4.s uro . I steed the - resent of A. nthbel lii eee -, ilkinittlr„Leo, 6 #ocoVy= _,,_, i Slit thelfinstribest wiiiciegeme• Of ..;11dhloli • 1 - D eiii* .q. *,/... -'. 7t,teiSitireeq,:firfT* timr. l lad grikii*tho kosbt . 0 which he amity hi ,i r i;64sintitt,•• • - .. li,, - • • •q/f•": ' ' ' ' atetitiiff•stSnWri•li4 steep path of 1 0 0 F. ' -- '' ' '' l4 bls 'this& ate reitwav gr . Wiliaell pas Tisch r ,by , : a fir different •: , ~ , , , '):Dieitensadfv, 1 ...im.. 0 ;,.4.4 " ..1.0 ,•! r ia Iliii triumph 1 0 a t r i u mph over . pnblid '- lit iv a lngirlril .y., 114: : - ' 1 •Yr!i., 94--- :. ,_ . 7 7 t .1" cu1 ., morality and over the self-respeot - - or the - -- bad CO 'omirvi such u 9n ?F P l -'l* A•v 7 , lotioNi 412 supplanted me rival sudottsitit. - • ' '• . '' '' • •. • , , ' position, not •adVociting. • l U 3t _ healli. Barrom . l ' i li s i o :t ai nd 4 ,....,„ - ' L '' , ' -earnuji . i' L' ~.: .." i, Wp tw iy:, ian ea r , iT i Prt tl d ip ,u nri d e ot t r i a no rr t y l ii bir ,defending an e z , tl*Ta'stOrelt:l 64 rki,.. - v`!,,,1.2,2_L- - =l ,---7 7. 7 ' - orejvot by doing 1112 Y **Die ute Ition% . 111311 diii . ,', 61 4.7 4 , l'ull P7 . . * l 2 'f u lt i l i Oi t O c k ring Wail intrigue, deiterons; iCriterefalse.: '":lOrldawth:;'s ' 1 -Ys:v.,. '1:"..:-:: : 2-0- • Is! • t•- , - Wood can merit the inns 'of dexterity'' het '' The next number 4 the GlikszlYfill as viJe 55809,,t1! 3 0 1 1*,k 3 iiiiiial_Pr 3 1 1 16 ;r 7 ~- - - the Illicit faetion:• - • r e ar l i fo r ty ,I. re . • contiO4"Atidejm TlEM_?= #/n3l it. - - las. 'A' u ' has t* i i(Poc ,- PulieteMt.:‘ op ring s .jmn'fattd,oo.. ! l,o - . 4 454cyAl ' t i Ff' ' ' '.l " '' , s)..l , ' tAtk*hblo ` of:.010v 14604;r11940;:414.04.40t grey per,. . i , f. 1% ', - .f , 1 IriOl''n " LI ' , ~' ' &kill ~.ealjitti' y jjfingftny„sengroto ikerit,t4, .boa o wn er : '"' ' '. 4lNelii... ' ' h 'ate& eiii;iiiiicfiliAi with, ;Wang lesetitsdlY, ``f'''Y - One .. ' 'a.... P,!.----,..., -Berril'e*;..t... 4:04 " depfreAe.,.the ' llin '. blia - spod ,, t•Romilly and' boridsAt hol.vx - irons ' pis , tis . ,, ..tt7-17 1-- _,, lorl i pintpatcrese to•Attninenoe)!bY freib g; nttit ; ..:. f : 1 711 : $' 1 4 . ....•00: 96 1414*fiiiir1iT10MP",. 4 : Itheoriminal Usti Buskissen and-1106er , nnY uDuam ' ' ' .: . `J(' 111 ' - improving our fiscal systenr-Ilitotigliniif b '•• : ~. .... •• ~..t,,,,r1 .0, ..: • • . ~.r ef , h ow T A . —A very sursedd tilitti;ballliaS heee. .Fres.lof 1a gai'll#Lgoariaa= stirt -, I ,n y es $ l.-Wi e lif t is oal -- ak .,. G irthinagi i ' lartql iPOPUIR . CRWPWA I f , f ix--,-'-'-' ''. - '---‘--''''.."--- 4- .6* - - freatradißselibytuetichni 411 .- didetir fadaltntew e cler4 - g a g' v e wall bersdieoll., , tie dittß - ~,V 4r9i I :i.. , ,1V. , "Al 11, rf t'f.,4 ,Cr . ed...;Gmumputia • - ( t) all -41 !: -. ' -, ltfi'Cailfthil4o l ` ,l- 1! r. f , .. T i elll/160_ L deP littnt . , jrA,, 4l (., if waiiiii. , , 1 ~ •: - . , l.L l _,Ttion k iliwwwitpL l gOiles 4 ; , 4th ofcibtel4llla l l ll 4 " 1 ' 1 %! N.Jr.l7:t-Mit "' 4 '...4'' -.1 -'-loritorowitie .1, ~ oiswm,Fif reo 5 4 itio ~ ism ~.,. . .„. ..,_ „mak • of di 1 ribit -,, ., e:` AtAir , - I '` - "'lre.y,so, .. * ;.;;i4iigti6looLfiyifitglaidL°9 l , ll 2 . .,_ . la ' 2l ridili '':. . ,iri • itiltip .MO !;111114besai-bottecirtbeirmailr.44o.:pia; Sk -' '-. • ~.. .. Arm:a .1"7 aficL el l ' .;4 :'l) ' ..C 1 .;:-L , r:::: ,, ,Cte. ' `,) :77 1 1 7 zt. u`tt;.• okiie..; , ,it 1 ‘ 7.,, : ,,,44-D .... :, ,,,,•,t,..v,i.._..zuxfßO A /Mot Lan L i . BE only fellow passenger is to be a newfound.- land dog. —Horses tails arki,tiortlt, two dollaribi: the market. ~We begete-.....nd• cue has 9 irei snectedt copferfug:the ii:oise tail Mai-, ket as yet., • , - • —A dental college is to -,he founded in Boston, SOme Pittsburgh =dentists might do well to go on and 'attend a course of lectures there. —Bennett will allow none of his editors, reporters or - attadies to attend the Dickens banquet. Scotch spunk shows to: advent -Cast iron ,stoves should be abolished at once. tittee.at'sne of Paris, thinks that ,typhus fever can . be generated-by the etnena- . tions of siiei.a heUter. —.General Griintluid his headquarters be fore Vicksburg in 1863, on, board the steam eildainelia which - recently : itself on 9 Y hung to the list of melanciroly . catastrophes. —h. man named Forrest and "Calling him self the great American . tragedian is now acting in Dublin, in such plays as Richelieu, Metamora .and Jack Cade. Hods evidently a fraud. • —The/English executors of Artemus Ward are inclined, it seems, to 'keep the property. Mrs. Browne, the mother of the decensed,has not yet received a penny of the money. —The Rosine Association of Philadelphia had its twentieth anniversary on Thursday last and had a little quiet rejoicing over the large amount of good that baa beendone and is still being done by it. -"The life of Gen. Forrest." does not sell well, and agents who took large stocks :South are discouraged. Surely some one ought to be willing to take the life of the heron ( ? )'of Fort Pillow. „ ---People go west to find roughness and savagery. If they would go to West Vir ginia or East Tennessee in some places they would find things as wild, as wicked and as uncivilized as any place in the far West. _ —Balzat thinks that the affections of women of forty-five fire •very often deeper and more disinterested than those of.young er women. Ballac is _in love with a fair creature whose ninth lustre is drawing to a close. ' 7 \ • • —The garment. cutters of the Quaker City have determined to resist all attempts to re duce their wages, and have formed a Gar ment Cutters Association, the purpose of which is to aid them in their prospective troubles. —Dolby wanted the landlord of Con gress Hall, at Albany, to turn Lieut. Gover nor Woodford out of the best suit of rooms in the hotel, because his master, Mr Dick ens, Wanted them. Mr. Dickens went to another hotel. - - —A correspondent of the Philadelphia Bulletin calls "'the Coreo, the Chestnut street of Rome." _We like that and shall instruct our Roman correspondent to Speak of Saint Peter's, as the Pittsburgh St. Paul's Oaths dral of Rome- —Prof. Gamgee, the man who was so completely unseated from his high 'milieu, self.assumed, of the greatest and only horse doctor who knew anything abont horses' diseases in Ameiica, bas met.with favcir int the eyea of the Bostonians. • , , —Mrs. Hopkiny,4 of Ironton, Ohio, is 84 years of age and has not drunk any pure water since she- was twenty-four. Mr. Gough, Mr. Gough! What - can Temper ance show equal to this? If she had drank nothing but pure water how old would she be now ? i —The London and Northwestern Rail road, baa carried 18,000,000 of passengers, and has had but ono of them injured. As a similar number of people in a short time loso more livea either in bowies or in streets; One of the railroad directors thinks that peo ples are safer. in the company's carriages than any place else, —Catfish, salmon and ,brook trout; gris ley, cinnamon and black bears; lynx and wild cats, prairie wolves, red .and grey foxes; porcupine, badger, wood chuck, pole cat,' beaver, mink, buffalo, 'dear, elk, antelope, Prairie, chlciterts,'Sild hosts of other game, -including euehre and whiskey poker, are tmpleasantiy, abundant in Montane. ,' —lnforination is wanted. of the wheres betitsOf 'nowise :H. Williams, who has beep foia number of years in the • rekular army service of the United; State; regiment un known, iticfrionds in Johnstown, Pa., are anxious to hear from 'him, and' would be glad_to have him visit there. His mother's name is Miry Williams. •She-is a - resident now of Millville "borough, Cambria. eounty.. Letters mayboiddressed to HaildH:Wil!. trains, blacksmith, JOhnstown, Ps. • • MEE Abratimi sn4 PITTSBURGH GAZETTE: MONDAY, APRIL •6, 1868: (Z • • 1 - - ONLY • I, • A 113 LL SET OF - ARTIFICIAL FOR EIGHT DoLLARS. - •.- „11L E WPAR T . B AN TED EDVAARAIT Tni vis,r; : NO CHAROE FOR EXTRACTING.WHEN-AIM FICIAL TEETH ARE ORDERED. - - ALL WORK WARRANTED FOR FIVE. TEARS. LAUGIIENGDAB BEER QF CHARGE, AT QUINGY .A. SCOTT'S .-- sseiin Dental Diltalitlahinenty mis PENN STREET, 3D DOOR ABOVE HAND. N. B.—Ae DR. SOOTT is a licensee under the Goodyear I'atente, be will not - make any new ',bo gus) rubber , ' sets, but will eontlttUi to manutheture the genuine article -VULCANITE. rahMtdBT GAS FLIETIJERS. -•;: GAS IFlXitlg CIL erb ii CL. : - FORG.Ag AND OIL. dlist received,- the finetrt and largest aosortment ewe opened In Ude city. WELDON & KELLY, 147 WOOD STREET, COIL. VIRGIN ALLEY. mh24:n22 • DRY GOODS. AT DENNISON & HECKERT'S, Q , 7 Filth Str,eet. PLAIN LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS, 8 cents ands pannig. ALL LINEN HEM-STITCHED HANDKER CHIEFS. for 35 cents and apvrards. WATCH AND WORK DUXES, WHITING - DESKS. HOSIERY, in all - grades and at all prioea. MORRISON'S STAR SHIM, AT REDVCED PIIIVES KID Gl.o'%rV•t, COMETS. *HOOP SEDITI. P&L OUR GOODS AT.LOW PRICE!. lola CARR; MCCA DLESS CO., (Lute Corr & Co., ) WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods, . No. 04. WOOD STREET, Third door above Dlaroond PITTSBURGH. PA. M=MEO= 100 WOOD STREET. 0111 NA, GLASS AND QUEENSWARE, E.: DELVER PLATED WARE, t PARIAN STATUETTES,. 8 BOREMLIN GLASS, . ' And o th er STAPLE AND VASTY GODS. agrees variety. • • 100 WOOD BTIIEET." RICHARD .E. BREED ti CO. CH AR L E S REIZENSTEIN, hid Federal Street, Allegheny, (Fourth door above Diamond kiliea, aline 'Strati& Table Cutlery ¢T EASTERN PEICV. - , Everything required in a nest eluev Fiore on hand. Cull and examine our geode. . • . Je10:00 PIANOS, ORGANS, &C. purr THE BEST AND CHEAP. 1.1 , EST PIANO AND ORGAN.. ' Sehomackers Gold Medal . Plano, .• • AND ESTEY'S " COTTAGE ORGAN. . . The SCIIONACEEIt . PIAN O Combines ail the latest rateable Improvements known in the *on. struetion of • first class instrument, and by always been awarded the 'detest premium sthereser ex hibited. Its tone is Mil. thew ono and sweet. The workmanship, for &nubility -anti beauty, *em Ml others. Priers from PO to $l5O. according to style and titdab, chestier than sit others e-osued end close Plano._ • • Et3TET'S COTrArIE ORGAN Stands at the bead of sal reed Instruments. in_pm ducing the.most perfect pipe quality of tone orany similar Instrummit bile United mates. It Is stm- I pito And compact In construction, and not liable to get out of order. CARPENTER'S PATENT "VOX HMI/WA T11E1101.0" is only to be found in this Organ. Price from spoo to 1850.1 All guaranteed for flee yea ' - BARB, lENAft & METTLER, okuii • ' 'No. 111 ST.. CLAIR STREET. S EC4) ".i.„I "PID -aiumEONS AS OBOAES, In pet:fro, order " , from PO to 6130. r•II) o 5) atwit v (1) 0 31 i 3-,Z4 HENR I 8:r. 11011 nAcill CadizetiOnell and Baker!, Itl• Iwo slargriELD irrnitm _ Detwearißirroutp and TAW*" or mu tiA).arraw)do 'GEORGE BEATEN, • ' ' - • :Cat:Ay:Manufacturer, - • „ And aegairin FOREIGN aattatcralc rlOlll-" Nullsii; • •. • , • sa . vaaiWat'iltrit` Eebond door teßni,4he liket s ,ita*?•• AIIe. showy - •••-• • • • - , 0,100138,10W4 *UUYAOTIm3D T s $1710 , 1)1111:': 1 COMPANIi I.:ARTHITEV , K.InktiA;IIIOI4' • . - . ' - Met I !'!!AP4: I 7*.FIPML.. „ . _ ,1 cerANDITHRPCIWD)III.II -- . , '.`- ' • • •• .* 1 ;2 4 " 1 00 6 . gt caas 1444141 - .i; -' 41Perhae 4 /POriwir: in ; &a:601144k' ato6un - • 4.011 1 1 , 0 , centate lt..lot p ."2. st(42 4 Indbin LUlMl r i l ekva4 distsbets lb. 444:: - ; • 1 .rtarenrat OrigB4lol444lll.4lb,exat butts_ Oval patbiters.o seek,, FRMM; 4 -o agreniblitoimi) ' ,Wopottip.tial 4l -t ) , ;(; 1 :• a. .(3COGIr ri: Fil;l4 !. ?) -4- 1 KiiisfuekittifigArfrek V44' ttbocittr 1- • ' 1 11 1 11 1 74 1 7 5tAe. 0;g 4: Ai1kni 446141.0740 : IKell 114 *R. sett k01te344bin.m44..V4. 4%4;4 ~ = ~t` _;: CH4‘ll.parrA BUM% . 413 Fifth re., 9440 sir stare ,wood. =ZIMMI Tr 4 ..Tn..Plw s3.VtE.:RTZß:ad:AWAki.t;ef'a4X,gt*',l,'ZfiViaV'ffr:Pr 174 kt: • - E1!:- . t - mnuPTA - ;'w.: • ~,,, ~.I(osoOil*kwci•&CO't4 PHILADELPHIA M4)RIUM, . , 'l6 11lathe Street, Pittabtirgh s Pa • The anderoljted reopectfntly Inform the public. that they have meelved their entirely now Tama of toad% coaeletlng of 41111riery - and Siraw Goods, 111113x:ens, Laces, Artificial Flowers, Embroideries, White Goods, Hosiery and_Gloves, Corsets and Skirts; To vtitch they! inviie the e,ttontion of purchwers, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL.. , - One of our (inn giving his entire attention to the purchasing of goods at the Eastern Markets, and having had long experience and all thc faellitiee for procuring goods at the very lowest prince, we are enabled to offer great inducements. Oonstantly receiving New Goods from the New York and Philadelphia auctions. A share of public patronage is respectfully soli cited. ROSENBAUM, STEINIART & CO., MO. TO MARKET STREET mh'24:n2o GRAND OPENING! SPRING - GOODS. Barred Organdies. Barred and Striped . Nainsook; Victoria Lawns. Soft Finish Cambric. ALSO, A LARGE var OP SOILED WkUTE °pops, Which we Kraeelltag at a great MAIM GOOD unsii LINENS at 31 . cents. 1501 - LE'D SID GLOVES At 50 maks . . SYSTEME AMMAN- DEE BTDI3 for iL GENZIKE ALEX- Ail"Dlit KIDS for 01.83. Oar sesorta!eni of lIMBRY eaniiot beboat. noOr mins at 75 cents. The new end beantlfat gr,,2OIATIoN MZ, just rreolvod. 200 doz. FRENCIII 00E8E73 just remilTed. A complete LUCRETIA and ELVIRA moo of MAGENTA. 00123ETS. Alm; a lino of MISSES' CORSETS ninon FRINGES, an colors. .BULLION rum. Olf8; colorer. 1111313112109. a Ave aer7 meta. 4. lap let of BUTTONt MACRII3I, GrLirDE & IS =ld 80 Iffarket,Street. AT JOSEPH HORNE & CO.'S, The Largest Assortment of STRAW AND ELBERT WC, To be Found in the City. 111 QILK mowzus, , 22 : STAD ILLUSIONS, • STRAW TRllKlRlNOS,,ornswe.nted. ALSO, A WELL ASSORTED - SIOLII OF WATTS BOOM CORSET% BOISIERT, 1100 P ARIRTS, GLOVES BALMORAL. BRIM% itsinitotbzuw. HANDKERCHLEYS. FRIBUERA, , BUTTONS, TRIMMINO'B, BILA.IDS. And a Fun Line of Nopiono. 11:71tNIMITN G G OODs • szaK wdwe, fraervmats MO=MON'S STAR BRUM,. Arm . to for 81831AliCIL, DICBBhB. TICTO7I and otherpopular makes et • • DOLLARS: I•rieos es lost is Eastern Jobbem Rooms_up Stairs, Nos. 77 and, 79 Market Street. A PiIIUMM rrrivo GLOVE. MACRON = &.: CAIMEILE. 19 Mai street, riirlThg AT53217103( TO THEIR Kill UM DEPARTMENT, *Ugh le ACIII complete math , ereiry•sokiand sLaQa 1 .1 1 4,7 We OP9ne 4 IQODOZBIR' 4 • ;Of • • . _ tilebratel'A. C, C. (loinin).110S; inci:.,. r' '- - .. $ll 4O 'S i POPitV to ~y_ , " .y am .. ROadrods et tar OrLesst.,_ZP_ r Perirletest and Ault- - ...3,4'"'• e , ' trielgitairpoisbarles et: • GRIM ... ll,t - - a l % e .„ —,. -.• 0-;' , -• ,--.- 1 1 51 , .4, , c4 , ~„1 111 14 1 0 19 10 11 111* ( ; "'L ›i.,..)?...,,,..,...tv.:,17,pg•,,,b,:;....v-A!,O-,0 ~i.,e5....:-;=;:, - f l retit 1,-1 - - 1 n i i""iii1 2 ''.. i• i ,oilir ro I ? , N .;, - of. ..,L. `,":7att12f1.,-; b.-4. I rr i. i') 10...5f!.!,-.7.,',711M10 ;'..ii"ll'}'. l fi sIA - Irrl t.di r 7, ;,,4 , , r - ~. . • . . L i littiOartir'ar fuitznizil' • iri• : ;.. :, , ,fe.../. `.3 ,:..5 C , • ... , , .• , 1 ~ ' 119Intl i titikilllire . ' 1" - -, - r ,r!: IP r i t il T3--4 11 -H -771-11: : .;,ffi, _ ::: ' C , ..attorlvil,..-•:,;: -!. .::.-i , -. - ~, iit. .. Vigetti .PEAriXisldS : r ,- :,. - •) -; -•--• . . -. : ,11 , #,Aik.l. mix.‘,9irsv:o. Air z 6„!;,..,t,,,1.,..„,./. g. tit t v.l i -- '..141. .f.9e..A. ,fig, -).)-..-,;} : , ... , ,Jr. i 1 - F. H. EATONtS' , - '' . , s .l ,:• t , 0,..=;',....:. ~:...Firarrit.,..7,?.....,ri.,..,, f.Y . .. ~ li? MLA ummm ie t raw _ tiPPNin 6441111510,111110R0AND , • -c,,,,1111.11.1K197•4411,94111Priut 3,:;•,:zriata 6 4 IM4 4,IIIIIDNION ._ t_4434 • • 0111110101 It t r V wiameiftcaavi k i4 -• A SSIGNEE'S NOTICE t• OF AP POINTMERT. In the. DISTRICT corrx OF „THU UNITED STATES:tor tbe 4 Plestern Dlstrict Of Pennsylviola. Itrthettaltter of P: O&M; -of Alleghe ny .col• sAlleghtny county: , tstnkrupk.' Ito . 499, I:Bankruptcy: ' : Wltntriit DISTRICT or -I'F.N2eBl - I..TARIA, Pittsburgh, Pa., the 31steliv oflareh, A. D. 4868. To wnox IT aIAY CONCERN: The undersigned hereby gives notice of his appointment as A/Magnet) of ROBERT P. GETTY, of Allegheny City, in the county of Allegheny, and State of Pennsylvania, within said District, who has been adjudged a bank rupt upon his own petition by the District Court of ? said District. ani:n7s B. B. W. GILL. Assignee. • , MINISI9 TO -GIVE NOTICE :that on the Sibth day of March. , A. D.:1868, a War -rant in Bankruptcy wits issued against. the ESTATE OF TuomArt HCANDItgrr, Of Allegheny City, in the county of 'Allegheny. and 'Rate of- Pennsylvania, . who. has been..adjudged a bankrupt on his own petition; that the payment of any _debts anadell'very of any property belonging to attellhankrnpt, to him or for his use, and' the trams fur of any property by bled are forbidden.by law; thet a meeting orthe emitters of the said bankrupt. to prove their debts anti to choose one or. more As signees or his estate. -will 'be held at a Court of Bankruptcy, to be holden at No. 116 Federal street,' Allegheny City Allegheny county, Penns., before -JOHN . - P.OirVIANCF.: Esq., Register, on the 3011; day ,pf April, A. D. 1868, at 2 o'clock r. 11. - THOMAS A. ROWLEY. 2p2;n83 - IG. B. Marshal, as Meeseneer, Fancy - Goods, &C.. HIS IS TO y GIVE h - C NOT 1 8 E ' that _IL on the 25th da of Marc, A. D. 1868 War rant In Bankruptcy was issued against the • ESTATE OF JEFFERSON VARNET, Of Allegheny City, in the county of Allegheny, and State of 'Pennsylvania, who has been adjudged a bankrupt on his own petition% that the payment of ' any-debts and delivery of any property belonging to such bankrupt, to him, or for his use. and the tranb fer of any propekty by him are forbidden by law; that a mmting of the creditors of the bald bankrupt, to prove their debts and to choose one or more As signees of his estate, will he held at a Court of Bank ruptcy. to be holden at No. 1143 Federal street.'Al legheny City, Allegheny county, Pa., before JOHN N. POW/LANCE. Esq., Register, on the 30th clay of April, A. D. 1868, at 10 o'clock A. B. THOMAS A. ROWLEY, ap2mG3 U. 8. Marshal, as Messenger. WESTERN DISTRICT of PENN SYLVANIA, S 4. At Pittsburgh, the 28th day of March. A.D. 1868. The undersigned hereby gives notice of his appoint ment 2118 Assignee 6f JACOB P. DIFFENBAuIIEIt, of Ohio township, In the • county of Allegheny and State of Pennsylvania, within said district, who has been adjudged a bankrupt upon his own petition by the District Court of said district. JOIIN H. 'BAILEY, Assignee. Attorney-at-law, 89 Grant street. (ARPUIANSI COURT SALE.—By vur virtue of and In pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Court of Allegheny county. Pennsylvania., dated March 13th, 1866, - .1 will expose at public sale at the COURT nousr; in Pittsburgh, on THURSDAY', April 9th, MB. at 10 o'clock A. M.. all that certain lot or piece of ground tiltnate In the township of Liberty, now In the City of Pittsburgh, Allegheny comity, Pennsylvania, bounded and de scribed as follows; Beginning at a post. on Main street, at the corner of lot now or late of Samuel J. Richards:-thence along tile line of said lot north GO degrees 25 minutes east 1.04 feet 6 inches to land of Phillip Winehlcidlo; thence by said Winebiddle's laud north 4oh, degrees west 30 feet to a post; d thence by lan now or late of Bev. Richard - Lea south GO degrees 25 minutes west 104 feet and 6 inches to a post degreestreet: thence along said. street south 46M' east 30feet to the place of beginning. • Terms of sale made known on day of sale. • For further information enquire of the subscriber or of A. DI. BROWN, Esq., at No. 114 Fifth street, Pittsburgh, Pa. CAROLINE HUGHES. Administrator of Thomas J. Hughes, dec'd. tibia:m:7X - - WM MEE mhXnkc LE GAL WESTERN DISTRICT of PENN SYLVANIA. SS. litchurghs the day of April, A. P. 18438. The undereigned hereby gives notice of tits appoint ment its AStligtlee of JOSIAH KINO and ISAAC It. PENNOCK. partners under the firm name of King a l'eanock, of Pittsburgh' -- in the county of "Allegheny, and "state . of Pennsylvania, _within mild &cola, wbo Wive been adjudged" bankrupta upon their own= petition; by the Dlstrict Court of said JOB H. BAILEY, Aasignee, ;n97 - Attorney-at-Law. 89 Orant .Letters of Administration on the Estate of PHILIP I AUER, deceased, late of the Seventh ward, Pittsburgh, having been granted to the miliscriber, aU persons indebted to the said Estate are requested to make Immediate payment, and those having claims against the same will present them. duly authentica ted, tor aoettlement to the undersigned. . bins. MARY Ka:Lutz% , DABfAS LUTZ,_' 301 IN U • WALTITERS, THE CHEAT • PHYSICIAN - TiIEATS DISSAffES IN ALL 121110111113. P. Office, No. 293 Liberty Street ! Mir IMITATE ENTRANCE OE :GARRISON. ALLEY. mh.I3:AC S ECtritririr AND ' COMFORT FOB` • . • . ..• • ; . - itAvELING - .CommptoTY4' . • • J..II,..IIARmst.:SAFETtIittIijACKET , Car Heater d tor' ' • • •• . • • • . • Per SMOKE 'Alit 'I3OT AlR , rttefi; . _ 'dispensing with. the nse - off Stoves:an& Picea tir:orAbbotit tha Passenger or Baggage Cars; veith. the Mtaehroent. graaustathe heal sty temr•orsture.that, may be . desired without the' , poser:AMY 'or 'firing Sae. , ea r ° . r • pare Sow : bleb Vito JaeUt rosy Javativittitora. • • •-• 11avistig_obtained - orthe Bolted States Letters Pat: - rat for-a - gatetyJseket ',Web hi:warranted ' to resist , tbe•raostintease treat: that9may be ~ infrilled .'44V,lt.' the position agd o r ut poseforwhielv•it. is intendMo 'lris a mite orator. OA tro accident& be Are ,i „env - • viatinefreta defectivelues4, or .where iron are • Col l , Atietoi stor;inocate‘ovistat .pileable to him ng thaj.eaag heeonWoverheatedr I , anditivarratiWto give perteet.-satilifeetietivrhere-, , : wood orother orribustibur material veer taVoleOed 1 to moss proximity , theretov..l. , am, noorresdy.to Apr:, • ply 'JOY atiissioti4ta;'., railroad • ears; -Ao;;wlterevgr 3 pipes oondttetors are made :.dangerona;bit toeing. overheated and- seenrity on DP' :lineation; rights tor nasentheture or .10...u5e c thabove . Invention: Usei'tervitortal- - tiglitsViO iamb' .tosy eignijittin lisisyittirroltber hi stag • 1111r4fliloit at Shit' . **lt vroy.asj , . comet of Meals streetaat,theAllbo 'l,=.B4turond.hillith:WiFlalttoblirlo4 lei.. • L i SMUI[s. ".! , • - ". ' • . •.- ESTABLISRMENL ,wmoTasinciarst RlAL'lnliew, : Y4tkiad of d er Esslstrn allies Am proved' pomiAeOS ..401T4ITTMOSei - I st st4 llo 4 l tigi ad..wbeA wftil. Roo Aust. isaft , !! o L 14,4-1111irt p e , the •carpellsloOki - nestly irooddar . n ova raalotionci AttenNtie• gitieg el at • usAilivwstsr look 14114qi - I$ talat 4 r ll4l . ?IP S (P t' canis•kr: sP 4a r.fl tki/1 f 6ti j,, : liE PlP** :z L • - 4 • , • • - • or. sisensiet - I.tcir.• OE :Bev ATRis‘IT aßpellAss. •,7 , , nib*: ili: NCHEZIP-ATAV 11;41= 1 ,09 ~,, , t . „ olt• • oft , t1 4 .-.:1,,',.••4`:4 1, .' toil'"' • 44 - t i t 2 i.:l-?•••,. 4.11 - N- vi; •, ' • t .) --- tr , ...it l ;_...rt .. t . ,-1..;.1- , -, 1 , 3 - 1 1- 1 ' .01.-,- ~,:v( . , % c hi'. :PO • ,,• ••AtID - . , . . •St no '- , -1 - ;z it. tha . ~,,, ,i, . • 4. ) , ; , 11 ., e,, , ......„, ~ , ,,,Trz;..,7 ,, [J - ...•- - -..." 4 " _ 1 AI t . 9 i . LIMI&111111110/1 . :. 01: •70.; , 1 :(i.i' , ::.l - r , f. t 1 ,4 I ' _ ..:VAtE7II. 5 -t.r , -- 'l"., 7 !. , :49 9 an- ' 1 hIS6"II93MILWEITIUMBit 1 1 i' 'AI i 4 I .to-611F4 two. mil -; , ..rgz?ft - ‘r vtraz,4 i f v. t er sefifilllVAPAlA.4.lr.**l ll,, ftnelli ' . ,-r. ~Y ' t1i•'‘'"; 1 , 1 1... 1 : 4 4 A CVII , kl Gam!} 01Al ,rt 1 ' abtlhaill • .1401111131 , • • MI MISCEL: YATOTICE Twipirmgifars OF .1 4 . DRAYS, of Notice is hereb&fliv i e e l T ke n .„ neth e e r r g romdv " ; , i inogs.reSdenttnettiale: Ifty Of Pitt burgh, to POP; Licensee at the Treasurees DOW of the (.I - Pittsburgh FORTHWITH, in awMordanee Act of Assembly, approved Merck 30th, 136(til and an Ordinance of the Councils of the Pittsburgh, passed April /es-1 0 1X All Licensee not paid on or bel e MAY 15,1 , will be placed in the handsel' e (mist or pi for collection, subject to Ida fee Of 50 cents tx-, collection thereof,. and all persons who neglel refuse to take out Licensee will be, subject to kl ally. to be recovered before tbe[klayor, doubbi amount orthe License, • ' • I The old metal plates bEpreyind 'ears must tr., turned at the time Lloanses atit.ttkeu,or.4. 215-oenta therefor: - • - - , 'FA RATES OP LIOF' FIL Each One Horse Veh10ie...:.3.41a... , i•%••••3.,. 7 Q r nett Two Rorie " EocliFour Horse " - • I—. 150 Each Tiro Hone; flack • FA, • - 164 Omnibuses and erimber Wheels drawn by - 4 Horses, Eighteen Dollars email.: For each itA Donal Horte used in any of theaboye vehiciceq , DoUar.. - .' • • I Olty Tresaerj PITTABVRGII. rObliEtrYlB, OrytcnOr „TilktilhAFrogit ori AlttionnlcT C. rt-rr, , nunoti, , lipril Ist. 11 3 m, :, I .- TN PURSUANCE of !the 21st ffj, ..t.. tteriot +to Act relating, hi' Allegheny totintyi, i . proved the lAN M day of ay, 181:11. , and of the aril uietit 'to slid section." opploSe tho 30th dli March, 1860. I hereby give no t co that the 0,1 cotes of the eereral 'Words. - Lie ought, 'tad TO, alarm WILL DE.OYEIi ,and 1 Ivill be prcparil receive the . . . ill Comity, State, Poor, If.irkhouse Bounty Taxes foli 1868. On and after the ist.day of 4. 18013. sold r r can be paid al. this office until th lat day of Anil with a• - • _ Deduction of Five Der nt. DlocO4 for prompt payment, to any . • emus paying.,4 WITOLE-All - 013T of their tzt#3. .•There wilt be no deduction- allowed dude month of August- There will bo TEN PEit C ADDED to all . taZe,3 rem:dull:4f unpaid .on th e day of September, 1868. • I • _ J. F. lIENNISTON ' Treasurer orltilegheny Court; tn1131:n11) CITY OF ALLicalf.t . March= it pAlan. ASSF I SSIVITS. The Park Commission. ha made their usl meat on all property in the City of Allegheny) the purpose of Park littprovettent, in acoordi with the Act of Assembly for ttio conversion of Common Grounds into Public ,Parks, hereby notice to all parties interested that they._will s; appeal on saidassessments, at Tr" lIALL, oq Tuesday, the 7th day,of Aprli - Neml tl t After which ;no excep ou o ,br appeal from assessments can be made. JABIEB PARE., Jr. President of Commissit mh3o:nCl CONTROLIJER'S OFFICE. - C rfr OF ALL.I:OIIENY .March kJ ,EALED PROPOSALS wiia received at'this office untili SAM ii.DAtY. 4th, at 3 o'clock r. 5f..; for furnishing a ~ DOSE VARI3 OE, Ot the same kind as that in, ho 'possession' o Friendship hose Company. , Also, for furnishing a'l , lIOR3E , IVA similar. to the one used by , the Duquesne Firel gine Company., of Pittsburgh;l4xcept that pia springs are wanted in front. s Information concerning the bOVe will be. 41 ed by JAS. E. CROW„ Esq‘,..Chiel Engineer .of Department. , m11.11:n70 Bill — OK 2 IBRICKI'i - . • CECI.:A: B • YARD., - / Begs leave to atitionnee tbitv he - hits Mai. splendid neve 884.4 i." WOUIV, tu.d is now ptie ~ to furbish - . • . : • ~1 ' Ci CO !:3 1 Of the yerY hest LHAIID-illA E BUICK., made' of superior CWT. - tboronghly tempered by, et! power. This_yard is one of, the Most , 00mplet, the county: Winter houses. sad eve4Yt4lllig petl to manufacture during the *Yale year., ,_. ~ -- . .1 , These Brick will be.sold stet delivered:ln - the! In such. quantitLes atr. desiNdi addat the Itrt 1 market rates. • „{.. . .., 1 All orders leftit'Bo'. 643 suTritrttiro errazi ( . .will - be .romptly.atteudodtol? ...I ~. - ~, intated —...._ BllfiptELS FALL BARLEY RIALi Weaved dad for eel by - • MCBALN I E 141 WATEIC t Pltteburgh. dattuari.it,—'l:lD3 To tliiss. - PlANOAcTusures The undersigned batting secured the nole , cy tor tho isle of theettlebrnted ' ~ - - • . ' . • ' - .." OQPLEITIPOT CLAY; , ' .. Are now erapared to furnish it in any-quan those wishing to procure this ' euperior article. ring fifteen years use of this Clau4 We base at •uch p roportions as we . belleye makestt a be article f or pots - than any fu the .nts.ritet,_ we has ' secured an auerage_ sten_ ~ 11". af six, EIGHT - a nd MONTHS., :-Wie: vruirarialin'receipes for the phi tion of the mLature at this Clay to persons ptt int The Chay le ground itrid moulded - ht lumps de mi l •, : , --! ' Ditiflilirlilt . .!b‘hOli ; SILVER ' fen days; send an agent - toldlier Moun Colorado, to develone. temidettereni Ore, di3OOYered and located by e.xpertenoed min nod eituattaltt an -unusually , rtarmirdenc.dle, It is Intended to Irsve thou _tally •dayeloped.bef gang. to the expense orkerectings buLtdinis, chlnety, ac. For tlAs delvloPment th e 4; o m have , detennitted to sell , * limited amount' - Or stock at a ratemblen wIW plum: purchasers mi nima 'footing sr the pircrptletinv them:talk% tali PlatO ./LIT I APP/7- 1 . 0 :'.a . Inll2B DIA F • urine; . . VilittlArOTONEMll44' • . • .. . WABtUNO7,N, STUMM -" • _ • ..gear Plttehaigh (heart ifireafOr • , Manalleifirer-of ethilf 0110PPED FEED.. Orders del rereq-Aa 01.00. fro) of charge. Grata of, altwho' ehoppe Cora shelled: Oa abort•notleer«:.;;; ;7.1 .• • ; ir — oit4 l-13 c f,•:?4..? 'ir?•Truni.....i4 - .e.: VIOL Cal' Airatir. , l 9. o l o/0* : • z " • . ' = • 6E(1.1.. - CLARKBI):`• 9 • nes4zreizeri 4 of Pawn), amid / etreteb Owing 14A4 RiVe Oak-Valni4 (,13EMA..'1111.E i miirittitcro: No. 409 LIBeRTY ST 0Z,' , 14. Ramp truton`Depot, - Pltsilbusicti. ' .. . 7 4 0 1 * ' • ,11,1014,1001%. • 7lal . jourN - ',14111917111131,f110118(8' item' C. .;:?; I T Ortgiiji MUkirr - i itte" .4l t Ogioe, iZgiil=lE , • fr.3;i,Fiiidisis *Orb!, WashlngtotOtreet, Pitteburgh. P 1 ~. ~~.~ p MM3
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers