11 II =IS - i dal Matters in New Yorki • -- . GOd Closed at, 138 1 4®133N itie K rapb to the Pittsburgh Gaiette.l i New Yonk, April 4, 1868. MONEY. AND GOLD. - s 3 week closed with a sudden change coney from great stringency to compar ' ease. Early in the day there were rew loans at coin interest, and in a ;instances '/n was paid in currency for ;lays, but after meridian the supply on titreet began to increase, and before o'clock the brokers got supplied at 7 ~ent, with some exceptions at 6 per cent. . ~':. bank hours loans were made on Gov bents at 6 to 4 per cent. The leading Lters carried over larger balances than e, being unable to lend money to any t after two.ancl-a-half. o'clock. 'oiling quiet at 109;,5® 09% for prime !.. Gold firnier, opening at issy, @lug. teat amount oeborrow gold was call by the banks to incre their reserve, ';the effect is shown by a decline for car gfrom 11,‘ per cent. r diem to 5 per per annum. - • DANK'STATEND T. . -• f - M 3 bank'statement is moo o= unfavorable was anticipated. Lea ,_tM4,287,8914 ''ease $30,903.56; specie, 170,972.99;;. de -4.e,52,260.68; circulation, ,227,108; in , $36,300; .deposits, $ 80,956,846; do pe, $5,568,032; legal tenders, $51,709,786; ease, $413,372. '"-'' GOVERNMENTS. , ' vernments are considerably. . better ing very strong. Henry. Clews & Co. Rah the annexed 4:30 quotations: Cou , 'Bl, 1.11 1 4€.2;111%; do. '62, 1.101143%; (A , :'64, 10834 1081. g; do. '65, - los% 108%; • do, /09,1.„<(e)109,4; do. 'O7, low. a 10934; ;.. r Fortias loovglioix,. Seven-Thirties, • r . - .. 3,„. The exports of gold' to-day $635,740, and for the week, $1,281,052. • ' STOCKS' • • ned steady and a Slight general advance ' soon made. but at the one o'clock and ind board there was a great weakness . general decline of about % per cent. market was stronger at the close of the . '. "On the Railroad list the iniprovci- A most . marked was on the Western res. The markeiffeature of the day was Ific Mail, which declined heavily under, oments that the Pemnsnla Railroad and :Ate] ',Co., are soon to put six large ivi• steamers on the route from Panania apan and China. ' he following are 5-30 prices; Canton, 49a -4; Cumberland.,3l 3-4a34; Quicksilver, -4a25„1-4; Mariposa, 6a6 1-2; Wells' . aress,34l-2a35; American Express, 681-2 1-2; Adama. - Exnfess, 08a96,1-4; U. S. ',res.% 70 1-4a71; Iferchanta ;Union Ex= Ss, 34 3.4a35; Western :Union Telegraph, -.. .4a37 7-8; Pacific, „Mail, 951-84395.38; At,.. • . , tie, 87a871-4; Ohio Certificates; :311-4x31. New York Central,,l23l-8a123 1-4; Erie, , : , J 4 1-8;_do. preferred, 74476; Hudson, 139 a °•, Reading, 90 541190 7-8; Michigan Central., ' ' 1-2all4.lfichigan Southern, 89 5434189 7-8. nola Central, 138 , :3-4x140; - Pittsburgh, -2; Tided°, 104 3Lialos; ' Rock Island, 95 '96; North Western,6 3-4a4; ao. prefer ' '.. 75 5-8a75 3-4; Fort' Wayne,loo3-4a101;.1, rtford & Erie, 14 5-8a14.3-1; St. Joseph 1 1 , ferred.'Bs;' Wabash, 49 3.4a50;, St. Paul •• :ferred, 7312; Chicago, & Alton, 120; ~: w Tennessee, 69 . 1-4. " • . . .. Met; • I MINING SHARES - e dull. SUE-TREASI7RY. leceipts for the day, *3,952,542; for Iho f3k, V 0,292,297. Payments for. the day, 677,871; for the week, $24,171,354. Bal. pe, $97,934,551. IMPORTS FOR THE WEEK. ry goods, tc2,067,307; general merehan ,e, $3,633,4118. New York Produce Market. • • Televapb to the Plttsburtth Gazette.) 7 nw YORK, April - 4.•Cotten active, ex ed and le higher; sales of 1,900_ bales at • for middling uplands. Fibur; receipts, • 9 bbls; quiet and without change, with es of 6,3u0 bbls; California Flour un .ged, with sales of 450 sacks. Rye -• ur unchanged , , with, sales ,of 250 . bbls. ' rn Meal quiet. Whisky nothinal. Wheat; ipts, 4,000 bus; quiet and without de -Aed change,, with rsales, of 34,090 bus at • 650 for choice No.'l spring in store; $3,150. isfor white • California, and amber Penn- Ryan's - on private terms. Rvti 'quiet. firley and Barley Malt' ,dull. born, re lipts, 26,950 Anog" opened &shade denier • id clesed - dull and dropping, with sales of bus at $1,22a1,24'f0r new. mixed west afloat, $1,27 for old do delivered, sl,lBa ' for white western and southern,ll,2sa for yellow western and southern. Oats; receipts and without change; sales 34,500 ash. at 85a8534c for western in store. RICO juet at - 10;441e for Carolina. Coffee firm. Jgar steady; sales 900 hhds Cuba at 10Xli 1-2 c. Molasses quiet. 'Hops quiet at' ltla [ for American .: Petroleum , dull et 12c r crude; 25y,a2tio for refined in tend. . al qtdet. Leather—hemlock firm at 1-2 , Me for BuenosAyres light weights. 00l firm; sales 300,000 its .at 48a57.1-2c for [ •-'` mestie fleece. Fork 'quiet and a shade : er; sales' 2,7so bbls at $25,50 8 25,75 for w mesk closing at $25,62' cash; $24a24,37 r old do., closing at $24,37 regular; $20,750 1,25 for prime; $23823,25 for prime mess; so 250 bbls - new mess sellers for May at . Beef firm; ;sales 370 bbls _at 41120 for new plain mess; ~, $19,508 ,50 for new extra mess;, • also - _, , 450 ernes at 36a38; prime • mess, 40841; India ess beef harns heavy and lower; sales 180 arrels at ir2a36., Bacon nrm , and more ac-, ve; sales' 1250 boxes at 13; Cumberland t 14y ; short ribbed cut meats • steady at 50 in packages; 10Mally( for, shoulders nd 1434a14% for hums. Lard a shade firm-• -r; sales 530 barrels at 153,a17, latter , , price • r choice:kettle. rendered;;, also 250 barrels ':,tiller, May, at 15. - , Rutter, steady at 20a40 ' . r Ohio. and 40[150 for Stato. , ebeeee steadY t 13a16%.• Freights to Liverpool lower with ngagemente•ofls,ooo bushels : heat at sd: N)er sail and 10,000 bushels Corn at t3d. per 4 4 [ 1 , iiaras er. .i; , :-Flour:;; didi • and be -,lower. : heat moreistesily withanexport demand,. •, n freights having, decline& Rye quiet t $1,95 for western: Oats quiet at .85e for , .P . entern , in store. :• Corn dull and heavY at f• 1,28a1,23-. for new mixed western- afloat, Lind $1,28a1,124, for .old In , store. -Pork Miner and quiet; sales 4 750 ' bble new 'mewl,. t V 2,5,62 - 14025,76 cash; 125,7445,81 1 4 sSultir, d - pospfhttx to, sellers -for May. : - -Beet ul,et a 314 lit..d3i , , , Cut meats and tut . . geu: , ; 'Bacon 'dim with a fair, demand ~ Me for ;Otimberland. 'ant. Lard in fair ,mandittlfo(9l74:& 6 1, 10r:to, - •; By TeleVaDh 611 r ST. Lowe; April 41. - ---Tobacal lower; lugs 14,75a8,60; common leaf. ;Pl,soalbt - bright 'Oleaf 516a50. , :Cotton demend .11 00 4. 13 . 11 t the [stock is` very' light. Flour finiet; sriperilne I' 17a8; extra 0t5,69; double - extra 59a10,25. Wheat dull and all grades below choice . de= dined; prime and Choice winter 112.0ftk113; spring 1405412 1-2. , Corn dullard dln- , ing at 85a87c. Oats dull and dropping at 7 2 a73c, clorsing*lth' 70a7.16 . offered: Barley no demand and"small sales of choice spring for seed at .2,86, • Bye dull and '• unchanged at 111,50a1,60. Prosions excited and high er, with =active demand. Pork advano 'ed at V.5;50a26,00. Bulk -Meats:- sold`' at 10 4e for shoulders; clear rib sideal6c; clear sides 16y,M7c. .T.oard _unchanged at 16e fog' choice statim, and kettle. _Bei:di:As—Flour . 2,600 bble; wheat, 6000 - bush; corn, 1000 bush, and , - 18,000' hush for New OrleanS; oats, 8,500 bush, barley, 1,600 bush ; rye, 700 bush, - - ---•-phneAelptilit,Market. . • 037 Teleigntieno Usti rittsbuith Glisatte.l = A , ParLesompswt.A.pril':,4.--Olover .seed, • very dull •• $7,60a8 offered. Flokx: Wheat • 1 40} - ,kresir.Voa 2 g Bs t•Whtti AZ-d14.1. 1 9 0 2t. !VeWabweett dernandaimeimmbuyQurri• ACIMAghZ 14 ) low "Seen t ea* ,nrAlCalc , ttOVidollB CluthUutti Market. Cny Telegman' to the ritteburgh Gazette.) CINCINNATI, April 4.--Wheat is dull and prices lower at $2,4082,42 for lib. 1. Corn indemand nt BSc - for ear. Oats advanced to 75c for No. 1. Rye advanced to $l l B5. Bar ley unchanged and quiet. Tobacco dull and places 81a2 lower: sales of 69 hhds. Cotton higher and middling sold at 28c, but hold ers asked' 61-2 c; speculators seem unwill ing to operate so that the business done was small. Mess Pork in demand at - $4.16, but holders are not offering to sell. Balk Meats unsettled and not much offering, and high-. er rotes are asked; it is difficult to give quo tations; shoulders sold at 3-ic clear sides are held at 15'4a16c. Bacon scarce and not much offering; shoulders amid not have been bought below 123 c; clear rib sides below 15 1-25153ic, clear sides below 161-4 a 161-2 c. Lard was in better demand after the Liverpool advices had been received, and sold at ltic. Butter. firm at 45a50c. Eggs 18c- CinVer Seed very dull and prices nominal; 2,400 pounds sold at 10; but there is. hardly., any demand; it is retailing at 101-2 all. Timothy; no change; small sales •at 01,30a1,35. Ray dull, at 412.'114, Gold 138 buying. - . New Orleans Market. tET Telegriiph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.] NEW ORLEANS, April 4.l—Cotton very ex cited and unsettled; sales 5500 bales mid dling at 62.,• receipts 3,7g9 bales, exports 4,948 bales, Flour in good deinand:• sales superfine at.slo, double extra VII, treble ex tra $l2. Corn, market, nearly bare; ; sales of yellow mixed atVl,lO and, white and yellow 01,18: Oats, 80, Pork advanced to 528. Di cta active and higher; shoulders 124a13; clear sides 47x: Lard finnan sales in tierocs 1731a173, in kegs 17Na18. Gold 1391‘; ster ling bank exchange 141'a150; Now York sight exchange % premium. ' • i'llempbbi.lll*ket: Cltq Telegr;ph to the PI tisbiirgh Gaiette) MEMPHIS, April 4.—Cotton excited and holders ask 30q receipts 1,022 'bales, ex ports 532 bales. Flour dull; superfine $& Pork $27. Bacon shoulders 12%013c, clear sides 17c, hulk — shoulders 1134 c, clear sidei 14%c. Lard 17c. Bran 34. ..Cornmeals4,2s a 4,50. Potatoes $4,50. Butter 60c. Baltimore Market. [By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.] .BALTINOLLE, .April 4.—Flour active and firm. Wheat !um. Corn firni; white $l,lO al,ll, yellow $1,18a1,20. Oats strong at 93c. Rye $l,BO. Mess Pork firm at $25,75a26,00. Lard in request at 17c. Bacon excited and advancing: rib Sides 153,e, clear rib 163 IG%c, Shoulders 1334 c, Hums 18320 c. Buffalo Market. (By Telegraph to Pittsburgh Gateltel BUFFALO, April .-1.--Flour unchanged. Wheat inactive. Corn weak; sates of 12 car loads, at 81,04a105 for new. on track. Oats nominal, at .7.5 c for "Ohio and 78c for western. Barley nominal. Mess Pork ;',c25 a5O. Seed lower; Timothy, $2,504,69; Clover, V. IMPp4TS,BINRAILROAP: CLEVELAND AND .P.rmaustall RAILROAD, • April 4.-2 cars ore, Brown & Musgrave; ..1 do do, Brady's Bend Iron Co; Ido do, 3: Gray; 6 do do, McKnight, Porter & Co; 1 do do,Shoenberger it Blair; 36 bxs hardware,- Secomb dr. Co; 100111 bbl herring, J H Lip pincott; 1 car stone, John L L Knox; 175 sks rye, McHenryck. Hood; 54 bbls oil, Wm McCutcheon; 25 sks oats, 13 do corn, 9do rye, Bricker & Co; 35 do oats, Hitchcock. BicCraery it CO; S do rye, Scott eGisal; 10 rolls leather, G N Hoffstott; 27 jugs me lasses, Lewis & McCi ire; 30 sks corn, W Hagan; 8000 ft lumber, It A Clarke & Co;• 1 car do, Millenger Sf Bidwell; . 28 sks rags, C P Markle & Co; 1 ear staves, J J. Bender; 40 sks potatoes, Little, Baird &Patton;_so oats, T & Co; bbls dry apples. Head & Metzgar; 6do eggs, 6 sks dry apples, WlI Kirkpatrick; 20 bbls peas, Shomaker & Lang; 3 do eggs, L-4 Jugs molasses, Vangor der & Shepard; 2 bbls flaxseed, T C Jen kins; 2 bbls eggs, 7 kegs butter, 2 bbl sp rigs, Graff' & Reiter. I'ITTB3CROH, PT. WAYNE AND CHICAGO RAILROAD, April 4. 16 cars metal, Nim iek & Co; 9 do do, J Wood. Son it Co; 7 do do,Bryan & Cougher 5 do do - ,'Union Iron Mills; 3 cars staves, M P -Adams & Bro; .9 :lib's - apples, 1 do bacon. II .Rea Jr; 25 hdls carriage 'haro.ware, Hare it Bro; 14 bales I.Vm Barker Jr; 80 bxs glass, Ihmsen & Son; 25 bxs cheese, Begi:flyer & Vos kamp; 130 bbls apples, VOlgt, Mahood $, Co; 2 bbls eggs ; -W J Steel& Bro; 12 do do; Shoemberger.&. Blair ;1 car middlings, , Koll & Ritcbart; 200 bbl llooX.owner; 1 cat raid dling.s, J Glenn; 100 bbls flour, Seghmyer tt, 100 do do; - D Wallace. 2 cases tobacco, M Heyl; 2 pkgs butter, S S Marvin it Co; SOO bbls flour, J Bonnor; 100 do do, J B Doe;.l car scrap icon, T Maloney; 103 bbls flour, Shomaker it. Lang. • • PITTSBURGH COLUMBUS AND CINDERNASI RAILROAD; April 4,-22 sks rye, McHenry Hood; 3 pkgs fish, Shriner & Co; 4 pkgs eggs, M W Rankin; 15 sks oats, F G Craig . head; 55 hf bbls Bah, Sas Connor; 6 hhds to bacco, Jas Murphy;, 2 bales . Ititles, Jas Cal lery; 10 Ms hams, 6 pkgs gre ase , F Sellers , it'Co; 41 bales broom corn, J ".1 Gillespie; 22 k;;slard; 3 pkgs dried peaches, 2"bbls eggs, Head'ik. Metzgar; 5 doz homes, C Burch field; 5 dodo, Wolf, Duff& Co; 2 bbls eggs, ALLEGUENT. STATION; April 4.-1 car barley, 66 bp;s do, /.;Rhodes & C0; . 39 bags rye, Stewart & Langenheim; 416 'hides, X- Lucamp & Co; 400 elm flour, 1 car oats,. R Knox &Son; 2 cases tobocco, R dr. W jen kinson; 1 can. wheat, W McKee & Co; 5 doz brooms,, F Cornley;'l9 'ski; rye, 171 do. oat?, Rose & EVring; 10 dO rye, Patterson; 1 car. limo, Kennedy & Lothrop; 10 boxes cheese, Reardon; 2 cars staves J Hemphill; 2d6 do, -C • Lutz ; ,1 do do; gen; 50 dim :brooms, 3 - Hutchinson; 2 kegs pearl barley, 4 3,W Pusey. PENNSYLVANIA , CENTRAL ' RAILROAD. April 3. 7 -12. bdls leather, IMO Bear; 'NO Eike grain, W Meek; 3 bbls oil, Shomitker; & Lang; :1 car muck , iron, Lloyd & Black; 1 bbl dried fruit, Voigt & Co ; 10 amen slate, ALLEGHENY VALLEY RA11.1'1041% April 4.-1 bx,butter, S U Murdocb;2o bga rye Seott& Otsal; 18 aka rye, 'Kook it Orr; ,2 cars metal , 'l2c Vitoodsidpl - ; 1 car tarraPso,T Gioidrich' PVITS/101101/ AND. -i O.NNTLLSVILLII `RAILROAD. - April akie wheat, W ,McKee &,co• (Lake rags, Kirkpatrldl4,l3ro : a ati ajzl MAIIVIENII PATENT- , , . .- f TRICNCIICEARICEiRtV r •!•- ; FRENCIi.CBAdEETS... , • - •, r ?BIANCO CRACKESSt> - :• . • .. • • . , '' i. ' 'rititliCitdiA.Cit.Bit&'. .. '. .• rlE*e4t•ciat6aol*•!.:' • . .. ; .• •• THENICE - Ct&CSE/ 34- • ~ . And every vartetyof - SUPERIOR ,oliAoOlts , . I 3 ,- - - . S. MARVIN , i ' ,! ;.1' 14.47 , 0 3 . 4.ti iorgogii4o. EsT AllWllool-TilW4o7- i <,-;• SHE,* Alipts ) ,: 1 . , I • Steoteritekeg and Futon jilsmit , ' . r , „ , 1_,.,.. ~ ' ... ~. ' r ` ' • r ' r ! f r' \' . 817g i°374r11 11 11 4. ,P*liiii*gt ,j ~"- ''• I:3lrAgiub t *#ll6 aiiiiihzei r li Vaitgabil; I 1 - 1•!!::. ,i,' 4,.. :,:•11 . , :f i.. r te` -,.... ~,, •• ... .. ... •., .... ..... rile , Artrei . i 'A7,-- ;,£ AnArningaillibildelalciMir ;1/1;;t1P. iritiiisibar AND DCGIOSTIO 111 Mlge WM adi !=EM ,741 PI 1 G11%,-.GAZETTR.,:„._3KONDAY. APRIL A' The river is about stationary at this point with scant seven feet in the Allegheny, arid about six feet tWo or three inches in the Monongahela. The weather was quite cold during Saturday and Sun day; we had quite a snow storm on Satur day night, and snow was still visible on the bill tope last evening. The_ thermometer • at 4:30 p. m. yesterday stood at 34 degrees above zero. The Maggie Hays arrived from_ St. Louis on Saturday evening, and theJ. N. Mc- Cullough,' from Parkersburg, got in some time during the night. The Ida Rees also arrived from Oil City, and will retutn as usual to-morrow at '4 p. • The Gla.sgow, Capt. Johnston, is filling up`iteadily for the 'Upper Mississippi, as is also the .Armadillo, Capt. D. H. Swaney, for St. Lords and Missouri river. The Em ma No. 3, Capt. J. H. Mtrratta, will follow. the Glasgow for the Upper Mississippi, and the Kate, Robinson, Capt. Robt Robinson, will be the first boat out for Cincinnati and Louisville. •. • , The R. C. Gray was loading at Cineln . nati for Pittsburgh on Saturday. The Mes senger and Kate Putnam arrived there on Friday, en route from Pittsburgh to St. The Andrew -Ackley and towboat Dia l:31011d passed Louisville on Friday. The towboat Alps, on route , frord New Orleans to this port, passed Evansville on Friday. The Grey Eaglearrived and departed for Pirkersburg on Saturday. She bad an excellent trip up, and . a very respectable one down. - The Bayard bill be ready to take her place in this line on Friday next. She has been thoroughly overhauled and repaired. and is as good as new. Capt. Asa Shepard will-have command, and there is no one in the trade better or more favorably known than he is. ' , _ l• The .1.. N. McCullough is' the regular - packet for. Parkersburg today, leaving promptly at noon. Capt. Geo. D. Moore is still in command, with his brother Dean, =CI RIVER NEWS. In the office. All the boats in this line are side-wheelers, and they arc all in charge of careful and experienced officer& The towboat Sampson passed Cincinnati on Friday with a tow of ten barges' loaded with oil barrels, supposed to be from Auro ra, and bound for Pittsburgh. The insurance on the Ilesper, recently sunk in the Arkansas river, was all in Cin cinnati offices,. -as follows: American, $2,500; National,, $2,500; Eureka, $2,000; Merchants, $2000; total; $O,OOO. No wonder the Cincinnati insurance men are beginning to cry, ont "enough." DIIBUQUE.—The Lady Pike Jay at the levee all day and took on a big load, chief of which-was oats, 'nearly 15,000 bushels; .250 barrels of flour, the latter for New Or leana, contracted at 80c; 30 sacks of barley. This; with her 14,000 bushels Wheat that she brought down, Made a very pretty trip. She had besides all the ; passengers that she could"carry. • • TILE BELLE LEIWS LIME BENT.EN.—New .Orleans to Vicksburg In 29 hours and 30 minutes by the Doctor. The Louisville and New Orleans packet Dexter. arrived at the wharf at six o'clock' last evening, having made the run - from New Orleans to this port in 20 hours and 30 minutes, thus beat ing the Belle Lee's fastj . un exactly two hours. We would say me e about it, but the Dexter's officers do no wish the boat to be advertised or noticed.'—Vicksburp Times 2181. George Pierce, an old typo of Pittsburgh, but a St. Louis citizen for some . years past, has embarkecton the river, having secured an interest in the lair of the Bellevernon. George was fbr quite a number of years, connected with this ofllee in the capacity of foreman. The Wheeling InteUigencer, of Wednes'. day, says: We were told yesterday that the boilers in all tha iron works in the city have demanded an increase of one.dollar, per tun to their wages and that unless their demandwas complied with by their employers; they would cease to, work from and after , this morning. We regret ex ceedingly That such an occurrence should happen, as the season Of •the year is now upon us wben our productions in iron are in great demand. Ne . ivipe that some, ar rangement will be speedily effected mu tually advantageous to' the employers and the employed. - IThe Delaware, Nashville -to Pittsburgh( passed- Cincinnati on Thursday heavily loaded and with her guards in a clanaiged condition; caused by striking both piers of the bridge,_ at Clarksville. Pliots--W.- J. Gosney and Wm. Oakes. • Capt. Piugh Campbell; of the Mary Day age, erritced at Cincinnati on Thursday from Louts, having (tome through •by rail In advance of his barges. - A late St. Louis paper says: An oldgen tleman, named Robert Smith, from Wash ington county, Pa., who, with his family, were passengers on, the St. Marys, died on that boat on the alst of March. A burial case' as procured - here, and'' it is the de Sign of his children to take his remains to St. Joseph, Missouri, whither the family were bound." We clip'the followl zg front the Cincinnati Gazette, .of Friday: :` The wife of Wrn,Phil pilot of Louisiana, fell dead on the floor of barroom in Newport yesterday, probably - caused by heart disease. She was to have accompanied her husband down the river on :,the Louisiana, which left last evening. Mni: Phillips WHB tjur sister of Ca pt: Bon. F. and Frank Davidson, of . this , city, and had won many true.hearted friends who will sincerely mourn her Sudden and dis tresaing death. The Mermihis. BuUctot,- of Tuesday, says: We regret to learn'of bereavement in the family of ,Capt. Dick:-English. His aged tither died ',yesterday morning, at hitt resi dence olf Poplar 'street, after prolonged : 'and-painful illness. :•,Capt.:English has..the. sympathies of numerous friends. • Al St. .Leiris telegram, runfer aide of, Thursdat says: • Steamer Helena, in Oltd;` !severs, - and'hild-up•for the 'last year, was Hold at auction tmterarty .for-,80606.. 1 ' i; 1 Receipts are uniformly heavy,witkproa-, pecti ofriheaSier business 'Westward every year hereafter, because of the"rapidity ; with; which the canntry, west 19..411Ln5. UP with, people. • Elver deeliinng here: Upper rivers de-‘ dining. The Missouri is now on the list of. falling rivers,although,rising for some thne past: Silver 'Cloud -arrived and - 'departed for Dubugue; leaded toiler guards yester-‘ day. The Nightingale. 'Lawrence,' ` Lorena and Itellevernon leftfor the Ohio, expect ing to fill out below. The Belle of Alton will be ready, to , railio steam next Wednesday.. The Mohawk and [barges will arrive here On Saturday; Oho 'of the tangle orintairta - In bond, 2600 bareVall rota iron,- consigned;:to to; ; Illinois.- The barge will bo OwedSP by a packet of the Peoria - tine from this &kt, at the sug gestion of railroad men, 4.; - . •-• • v practical. engineers ; are, sConding river salt , Joseph for a bridge. ~The, river IS falling alieve'''Only ; inches water to .ICeokiik. ;;The'.Missorirtis, falling at St. Joseph eight inches, per.day It . was rising raOidly aV'Onlab l i yeate id ay . tote monntafitit is leis tlCtive,ei; cept for. iktesengem: than-last seasen. oranee is 25 per cent. less than last year ; and freights are sto 6c per pound, against Ito 10c.: • - • . BE 4 11 041k- 1 * **titer 'i • - • , ~.f.,- - - -•• (. .O. ID. :-1 . iih r T e lepaph to thaMlttstotftlttlemuipi : : ;,,,-vc: //01)4FlitAri 4 .7rra4iff , -Org) flat ligi zr 11 ~; I A's _il e cola , w e xam 1 raft. ?le:, iI \ L ez -Or . I Lialltlioaktg2 4 / 14 4 6 0 , ' 04416 i wannSr sad Tay 7. STEAMBOATS. RT BENTON iriaMa FOR 'OM THE (31-0".41130 MEI S. BEES ;FAST LINE The Splendla 14Ight Drought St amers, IMPORTER. J. A. WILLIAMS, Master. Ar.nEwr o Master. IDA BEES SILVER LAKE JOHN TODD,. Master. . . The IDA-:-.REES will 'commencereceiving on TUESDAY..: and the IMPORTF.P. will positively leave on SATURDAY, April 4th. at 4r. at., and will lake freiZht fur all points on the Missouri river. For freight or pas Page apply on board, or to FLACK & COLLINGWOOD, iilh2S FOITTSBU , sz aW a t • WHEELING, Marietta and l'arkersbark Line. Leave Company's Witarfboat, fOot of Wood street, DAILY, at 19 M. MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS. .1. N. MCUULLOUOII Glo. Moolir.. Muster. TUESDAYS SDAYS AND FRIDAYS. BAYARD "' A: S. 8118£111011), Master GREY AND SATURDAYS, GREY EAGLE C. L. MILENHAN, Master Freight:WM be received at all hours by ape ' • ! 's - JAMES COLLINS, Agent. .911110EIrNATIPACKET: —FOR WHEELING ,• 31AR lET- T PARKERSB Ulto, .POMEROY . GALLIPOLIS, BIG SANDY. IRONTON, PORTS3IOUTH, MAYS. 'VILLE AND CINCINNATI.--The elegant side:. wheel passenger steamer ST. CHARLES, C. A. DRAVO, Commander; A. ItOniNSON, Jr., Clerk, . . LEAVES EVERY FRIDAY,' at 333 Z . : Connecting .at Cincinnati with. Packets and Rail roads to Louisville, ,Nashville, Memphis, New Or leans and St. Louis. Also to the Upper Mississippi' and Missouri rivers. Freight or passengers receipted through either by rail or river. Especial attention given to Orders and Way Business. •. CHAS. BARNES, / Age "„:4 ,. rnit2a .IAS. COLLINS, $ LLEGIIENY RIVER m ih t=l4A A 'PACKET LlNEleavea every. _ TUENDAY, TIIURSi?Ar AND SATURDAY, At 3 o'clock P.. 31., from the foot of. Irwin .street. 'Tk la line la enniposed or the following Wald?. IDA IMES No. 2, R. Ilex& Ulster, Ala, Clerk. EOM NO. 3, GoltDoN, Master. S. D. - RtR St:LL, Clerk. The above Boats were bullt expressly for the trade, have superior accommodations and attentive ail cers. 1. LOIIISVILLE.—The steamer KATE ROBINSON Capt. Rent'. ROntivaorr,, Will leave as above On WEDNESDAY, 9th ingt Lao at 4 P. Id. For freight or passage 'apply nn board or to JOHN Fi.A.Ch.. lippe., • J. D:COLLINGWOOD4Agents.:. FOR ST. LOUIS. KEO EUIi GALENA, ouituquE A ND. P ST. PAUL.—'fluillne passenger steamer EIISIA No. 3.... - Capt. J. li. MANAMA, :Will leave as above on WEDNESDAY, Sib instant, at 4 o'clock P. u. For freight or passage finely on board or to. JOHN FLACK. Or. - a J. D. COLLINOWOOD. , Agents. F trß-1 41 k rrt g iSr. PURL. liAOSoiNgigkie LANDIN& LA CROSSE, OALEN A, DU BU QUE, ROCK ISLAND, DAVENPORT AND BURLINOTON.—Tim splendid passenger steamer ViLA.SHOW - CEO. W. JoiiNSToN. C'omd'r, Will leave for above and all intermediate points a.l announced. For freight or passage a p ply on board or to JAS. COLLINS. CHAS. BARNES. I Agents. S tIOR ST. LOUIS ? LEX.. .t s gSt INOTON, KANSAS CITY, WY. A DOTTE, LEAVENWORTH, ATCHLCON, ST. JOE AND 031A11A.--The Sue steamer ARMADILLO Capt. D. L. ll lINDIUCKSON, Will leave as:above on Tuts DAY, April Bth. rely Passenger s and shippers can the Armadillo going throuh as advertised. Pall receipt Ireight throug neig hl points on Missouri river. For or pas s a g e apply on board or to , CHAS. BARNES. JAS. COLLINS, . Or: GIIRIEST d HASs;ETT„ ' mhdl ' Agents. IEGAAULAR. , .WEDNES- a g i dEt DAY PACKET FOR CINCFN -11.—Tbonne steamer . . • *ROOST • Capt. Vicrosnonurr , .W. H. Senl_,l Clerk, leaves Pittsburgh fbr-Citieln= nati every WEDN.E.SDAY at noon. • • -_ .. JAS. COLLINS,' Agents. ...; Walk . JOHN FLACK. ' - WHITE ;LEAD _AND COIARS. e•Nreeve eeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ~ere ALL OF THE MANIIFACTIJRES • ' OF THE 1 , . PITTSBUIiGH WHITE LEAD _ . COLOR WORKS.. I INCLUDING STRICTLY PURE WHITE -LEAD, ZINC PAINTS,- ,Chrome Green, Verdi:ter Green. • 'Versailles Careen. Chrome Yellow, And every varlety of Colors, dry anvtground an 011, for sale by • , , HARRIS f& EWING, WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS Corner of Liberty and Wayne Speets, pirrirsimisGl-i.' -SCHOONMAKEII. 6i.60N, ad . White ; Le ad Color. Works .31rMTN AND B.S.D. LEAD • • ;- INC PUALe"Ord.VattIaiNDNENS. And an!' or to oil.' • ; • ; 137 , 7routurSTILIEET: - !•.i.t . . Viatoryi Nos. 450.,45,1.. - eiB4 an d 4 4sB „Rebecca otreot, ond'Air, 81 and 15a,Lac04 Street, PR! rESSIONAL. JOEL A 1nie11 6 P 11 4..; • _.,..; 4 :ALDERMA.III AND:POLICE MAGISTIPLM *tee, ,120 ',WYLIE' STREET; tleity. Ntashingioni rarouPAGgi , PA, peede blorlitugus, .smitiltradedgme.titi; Tle altloat i ourct lona; told :all" 'other!' legitimate ' bus bees executed promptly:. , _ mh20:09 QAMVEL MCDIASTEILS' • Fljakeeto Spettee of, the _,Pesee and .roltiee Mae*" ira te. office ORANT STREET, opposite the r a.- thedryatt n W ßE Wi Deed Bonds, Mortgages, 'Acknowtedgniarita, Daring onis;:and atilLardi Xstiatneaa,l.Fcennte4 with. Erso mineaa and dispatet). table. IaWSTACID . S. 4 ‘IIOIIROWk - ' , • #-• .rosnirlart TILE pric.p AND. POLICIaIiTAttIIttRAIT:. • tifFICE,I I I I I II 'PE,FINAVAVENLIE'fITTSBLIR6II I DeWit Molds" 'Mortgagee, - Ankneartednmente. Depositionsand Limil 811311113141 'eieCUtittlf with promptness: and dliglinglh pm/ A. - gessiteic' e f 04-p e a c e Oi <;_ , , , t i CTllyE t iO Elk IAL1 AL ASll4lf.tiksiiitaiar (.I%f-9 ") at 141 `ift9hi are COMMISSION _ MERCHANTS. . M. EITEELE • 1.71. lkir STEELE & • Commission Merchants, AM) DEALERS -IN yrrit, GRAIN, - Evnors, eke. No. 05 OHIO STREET near East Common, -ALLEGHENY CITY. PA. JAMES B. 3f F.ANOIL MEANOR & HARPER, FLOUR, GRAIN AND PRODUCE COMMISSION 2%,IMILCIIANICIS Codsignmdnts solicited. • REFEZiIiCES - -J. G. Martin, Cash e 'Mechanics' National Bank; J. 8. Dilworth & Co.; R. T. Ken nedy & Bro.- • ' • 33:1:124 KEIL bt RICHART, COMMISSION` MERCHANTS, AND DEALERS IN . FLOUR, GRAIN, SEEDS, MILL FEED, &e., &e., AGENTS =MEE , MMM ALRMI ..ten ~:!'-ire".:f, T +.~' .'~*iW?v':~%i't''r"'S__r'~'_YP~.~~.: 329 LIBERTY STREET, PITTSBURGH 349 Libe,tty St., Pittsburgh, znyli:b37 ROBERT KNOX, Jr., COMMISSION MERCHANT , IX FLOUR, GRAIN, AND PRODUCE GENERALLY Oft°, 413 L MEM STREET. PlT'll3l3tiltall. J. BLAJEcuAItp - , L. - Wholesale and lletidl Grocers, No. 396PENE STREET , p1B:x 411•113 C• . 7 ;•••• • MURK: McILINE & ANJER, • • .., • COMMISSION MERCHANTS; Dealers In FLOUR, GRAIN and PRODUCE GEN ERALLY, No. 141 WATER ETREET, above Smithfield, Pittsburgh. jes. FETZER & ARMSTRONG, • PORWARDItiti AHD CO - MM21381011 MAROPIVIS, For the sate of Flour, Grain,. Bacon, I.ard,,Mutter, Reeda, Dried Fruit. and Produce generally, No. Ile MARKET dTILEET, corner. of First, Plttsbur-h, feM:uB - QuOniAitiar. & 4,Aiiitr, wfiole , . K ., said dealer's in , Groceries; Flour, Grain, Pro- deer, Provisions. Fish, Cheese, Salt. Carbon Oil, an., - Nos. • VIII- and 174 WOOD STREET, near' Liber_ty__ street, Pittsburgh, Pa. " _ . . noStnss JOIEI I. itnUHE rDW. HOUSE WI!. n'. MIL'S& . j. tnIN I. HOUSE Si, 111t0S_,.. Suc- . censors to JOHN I. HOUSE' CO., wholeviiie rocers .aud Commission Merchants, Corner of Smithfield and Water Streets. -Pittsburgh, Pa. . • RIDDLE, No-.-I.I33'LIIBERTY • STREET, Pittsburgh, Pa., COMMiebloll Mer e ant and Wholesale Dealer in Country Produce, Groceries and Pittsburgh MINUUrACttlfe-0. -cash ad vanced on Consignments, and paid for Produce gm. RODS. KNOX • -.----- .ANDREW ILNOS A,liFOX.' & , SON, • con - manor MERCHAPiTSAnd deal ens In FLOUR...GRAD DIA FEED and PRODUCE GENERALLY, fit 79 DIAMOND; opposite City Hell; Anegbeny CRI 1jn17:07 DAV.CRAWFORWCOMMISSION MERCITANN MERCHANT IN , PIO - METAI4,' UMB, °RE, wituuouT SCRAP IRON, FIRE 'BRICK AND CLAY, &e. Warehouse and Ottlee, , Nos. 300 and 36S PENN STREET. Storage fur 'lashed. ConsignMenta solicited. oc3 2il i rt LE, WholesaleArocers. Commission Merchants and milers in Produce, Flour, Bacon, Cheese,• Carbon and Lard 011, Glue, Cotton Yarns and all Pittsburgh Manufactures generally, 1171 and 114 SECOND STREET, Pittsburgh. • JB. CAl'4" FIELD. .64 , SOll4 COlll - • 'MISSION it FORWARDING MERCHANTS, and Wholesale•Dettlers In Western Reserve Cheese, Butter, Lord, Pork., Bacon, I. lour, Put and Pearl Mlle's, and OM, Dried • Fruit and Produce t enerally, Noe. 144 and 146 Ffont street, Pitts . Joaki nrgb- EMPTON A. WALLACE. lIIPTON/4,WALLACB,. WHOLE SALE ItOCEItS AND PRODUCE DEALERS, u. SIXTH STREET, .Pltttsbursth. , ja1.2:r48 EILIREZCOIL OAKS, MiNtFACTUREki OF EUREKA CARBON OIL, ME CELEBRATED SPERM LUBRICATING OILS, CHEMICAL LINSEED OIL WHOLESALE DEALERS IN , Crude Relined a nd Ledirlasiiiii CHIN, Lard, li Sperm, Whale and 'Pith oft R. C. MACHESNEY, Agent Fe. 11) Irwin-Street, WARING AND KING, ' v v conuntadoit Iderebaliis and brokers in Petroleum and its Products, _ • OALZELL'S BUILDING, DUQUESNE WAY, pmsstrictit, rim 'PHILADELPHIA ADDRMik - WARING,KING 8c CO., H. LOREm. LON CO ? MANIII7FACTIIRPES OP PURE litlinE BURNING OIL, Brand--' 4 I,TICIFEIta'P 'Office, No. - 2 Daqueszte Way, ' —'4IiTT:SECURGH,-Pa. TACK. BROTI . LERS.;. • commWQs ME HANTS, AND DrALEIIS . . Petroleums ItBl educts., t opi.' • pax of DtKpieisnf! • ~ Philadelphla tsdlce-: . 4. 6; multiVaArfli:irittTstisaixr. ROllO OIL • • inututtii3tuie epidtiave'--6r aatd ail kiiids of LUDRICAtiIte , OILS. io• CLA 3 4I I .7 I PET. - ; •; • r• * • . lc, ilia co'. • „ , . , :;:( I ._",'FXTRATIVItF.4' - i'' 118. ritAcriCAL:; lB FURNITURE MANUFACTURERS , LEMON'o 61 .' , WEISE P f O .• lk-Iarr 4 rAME I XL.II3 WILVEMT , , -006tiantir 0 binutemartmeletYsaTAßLeatind 'CHAMBER Itlintiltz, togatner • mini a coat i:ll4W er troveauuntut raniftmat:tedgasii pncea. Musa taiiant df ittlything to toe litie No cordially ltuitet to call before PirfillOing• " ,- T; 4 1 4 1 .. . PF4 0 , 11 .0 1 , • •• " -9TARAtIOO4MIDANGLUIES. Vieetiiiii'o : • Mktg; ' '',..".. :" ' -:' t .., '. -? --. .' ' ' • 4' '1LL...;!2; a .., .:, ~±<,' • i „WilVtgriThiind . WW•qi . : ..I. A pßiripa r 74ba‘4141 „ , 'd*** P4l-064th 3= ITTOBVIIGHindaNEWS EE CONNELLSVILLE H. H. J. A:lrv:mi. On and after THU'ESDAY.z •Mareh.7s33) 2808, trains will arrive at and depart, hum the Depot, cor ner of Grant and Water streets, its fbilows:• ' , Deport. Arrive. Manic) and from Unlont'n. 0.00 as at. 6.00 P. MCKeeSpOrt ACCOMModt'n.i/.00 A. at. 2.05 P. at: Ex. to and from Unlent'n. 3:00 e. at. 10.00 At at. West Newton Accoinmod'n 4:30 P. at. 8.35 A. at. Braddock's Accommodarn 6:15 1 4 . M. 7.50 P. N. Night Ace. to McKeesport-10:30 e.3t. If. Sunday Church Train to and • from West Newton .1:00 /0;00 A. at. For tickets apply t - • • • • J. It. KING , Agent. W.B. STOUT: Baperintcydent. inhs ==l=tl 4LILEGHEN IC VALLEY RAILROAD. DY DIRECT ROUTE. TO THE pa. REGION'S. Running through to • - Venango City without change of cars Connecting with trains East and West on the Warre..:4 Franklin ,and the Atlantic & Great Western Railways. On and after THURSDAY, March 20th, IS6S, the Passenger Trains will leave &gm and arrive at the-Pittsburgh Depet.- corner CanaL and Pike Sta., as follows: Ml== _ Mall to and rim Yen. City. 7:00 A. St.. 1100 A. M. Express _ ._ • 10:30 r. - 41. 6:15 P. M. Bradre Bend Accommod'il 3;00 P. M. 1 0:30 A. M t . Soda Works A cc0uVu..,..... 5:25 P. 7:53 A: At. First Hutton Accconod' ii...,9:00 A. at. 1E46 A. at. Second Hutton Accomod'n 12:00 at. 3:40 e. m. Sunday Church Train leaves Sods ;Works at 8:05 A. arriving in ritteburgh at 9:50 A:1I. Re, turnins, leaves Pittsburgh at 1:10 r. arriving all, Soda orks at 2:55 P. M. • - If: BLACKSTO:fE. Supt. . , W. 1": HOPE, Ticket Agbitt. • • • nalell 1868. . • . .' PLYTrIBURGii, FORT WAYNE & CHIC.t.6O R. . W. AND CLEVELAND A I'ITTBBUROII it. R. .From January 191.11, 1868 ~,trrins will. leave from ~ and arrive at the 'Union ISepot, north - tide city' - : time, as tollows: •... - . .. . ,- . •* Leare. '' 1 ' Arrive. Chicago Ex.... 2:13 am Chicago Ex... 2:43 am Cievead Ex.. 2:13 a m Cievetand Ex. 2.43 a m . I Erie& Vim Mg 0:13 am clitekim Es ..:. - 1 10 58 a M I, Cl. & Wh";,`31.1 .11:213 a m Wheeling La. 11.08 arm ri 1 Clileaga liiall: ." 0.594 m Chicago Ex..... 1:53 pm • 1 , Chicag o Ex.... 9;43 a m CI. & X Virg Ex 4.03 pm pieta; & el. Ax. • ! Erie a Irg.!n .E.:x 0:13 p m ' tla Younak`n 9:43 amChicage Ex.... 0:58 pm .. If Cl. & Id' 1eg1,x... 2:13p inCI. '..i; Wh"g Ex 7:013pm "1. Chicago I. N - . .... 2:09p 3:11 flits. & Cl. El. Wh; & Eric Ex. 4:39 pm, .vi a Yognst•u. 0:29 pin Ii Depart fe,7l7i Allegheny. Arrive in A llegh ,vy. ['. N,,,B r igt , ” Ac. 8:59 aml N. Brig' n Ac. 7 . 03 a m . I.eetsdale •• 10.13 a inl N. litlat'u `• 9.28 am • . " 11.53 ain Wei Neille " 9.514 st 111 ii6cheszer • • 1:33 pm Nevi Castle `• 10.13 am ; Wellev'eAcc.: 3:43 pin LectAaie, " 0.13 am ,1,1 'Leetudale Acc. 4:15 pro, ." •: . .• " 1:1N pm t 31.13rigt`n •• . Gn3p; pln N. lltigni " 2.43 pm N. Brigrn " . 0:00pm iA.0..-./Mio . '' ;4:3:L PM. , r ~' I,eetedele `., 10:43 pre " - '`7.2l3pm . t 2:20 p. m. Chicago Ex- " 10:50 `- x. in. Chicago , F . •presa leaves daily- --- Express arrives daily.: ja23- F. 11;31YERS. General TrelerAgent. . [:. 11 TTSBURG coLumuus CINC TI P. PAN HANDLE ROUTE. CHANGE of TIM.E.—On and after SUNDAY; 'December PRI, 1867; trains win leave and arrive al Union Depot, as follows, Pittsburgh time: _ . Depart. - Arrives . 2:15 a. irn 3t55 p. Fast 1.1n.' 0:40 a. in. 7:05 p m. East Ea'.press, . , • 2:50 p. m.10:55-stni. • • 11 lilted Way 0:10 a. in. p. m. . McDonald's Alien, N 0.1.. 11:10 2:10 p. m. Steubenville Accominod - n. .3:50 p. m.„11:311a. 31eDona1d . 6 Acen, 5:10 p. tn. SVE4.3 AL NO= E.—Sunday ;Ex prem ieayes at 2: rio p. M. - arriving in Cincinnati 0.30 a. m. tlienext Church leaites Bunday'at 19155 Theil:4o,:t. tn. Train les,vesidally; czlinday and Monday excepted, arriving in Cincinnati at .0:55. the same evening. :8 HOUITS 1N .;ADVANCE - ALL, OTHER. ROUTES. , Zar.No -- chtunte- of cars. between Plitshutgit'and_ Cincinnati, and BUT ONE change to St. Louts. Cairo.and - the principal points West and Southwest; When purchasing tickets Jle , aura , and..lind th,iF k. °Mee of the . , pitt,sbFgh; Columbuskeiliclintati E. E, kt, _PEN CENTRAL RAILRO. On and atter October tit Ova at and depart from th Washington andtve. Liberty Ars • Mall Train.. i .." 1:116 a in, Fast Line 1:00ami Wall's N0..1.. 6:20 a m , Brlr.ton No. 2. , .7:11en ctO Wall's No. .1:. 14:50 ain Cincinnati-Ex. 9110 am Johnstown Ac. 10:15 a m Phila. Express -1:50 pin Wall's No. 3... .1:30 pm Wall's No. 4.. pus Wall's No. •b.. 5:50 pm Wall's - 1:00 pm Altoona Acc'n and Emigrant Train 10:30 pa ~1 1 The .Church Train._ leaves Wall!s Station evell Sunda It 936 a reaching,yittshtirtch at-10:00. tiunday at van a M. - , reaching Plitt:hire: ally ,:‘,.. , i a. tu. Returning, leaves Pittsburgh at 2:50 p.m. - 11" and artis :sat Wall's Station-at 2:00 p. in. '.: 'CincinnaU.Express leaves daily, , All utlier,tridas 'F -I daily except Swiday. '- -- ' --' i • • . -' .1 _ Philadelphia EXpress and , the Altoona Accommo- jf dation and Emigrant Trabalwrive daily: - Cincinnati ' 1: Express, arrives tdillly. except ,Monday,,- ,All other • , E, trains daily except Sunday. - E.:,1 For.farther information apply to . - - . . ' r, l W. H. ,CKWITH, Agent. - , - j 'The Pennsylvania Pailroad' Company will:not :let :.[',Ll- eume any risk Ibr Baggage, except for wearing ap. , - id Duel; and limit their responsibllAT:loone Hand= ". " 0 Dollars In value. All Baggage exceeding amount In value will be at:Me - rink orthetnimer, nn- - ',ll t 3 le" °!!!a4) 7 , ! 4 r i alr-ViDtWiLl.l/01- 1-.. .. , I. 000 , • General Superintendent:Altoona, aa, .pi L p• wErrERN P,ESN-alffiligia ,h ' • BYINNA IN' Iptlt- I, A .--;On and after -I..oventher I. 15107, the. Pas- *eager Trains on the Western - Pennsylvania 'Rail- ' 'i , read wtllArrive AL ,and depart from sate Fo4eroa ,E - • Street De Allegheny City, as IblieWsf 11 Sharph'g Nal 6:O a, m - Mall . •' '" :50 am -ik i Freeport No., 1 • S;l5 On'Freeport ,Nti: - 1 D:O5 ana .• il Express 10:10's m Sharpb`g No. I 11:20 a, ca -);1. Sharpteg N 0.2 -1:25 , pm Expresei:l4:.u.. , /:50P111". .i; . Freeport No.l 4:15 p m Aarnierv' Ac 3:55 pm ~., Mall 0:05 gm Freepcmt , ti.:21",.5:015 pm: r . ,-,.. WirmerVe Ac 7:10 p m Sharpte„g o.:1.1;30 pm , i:4 Aboye trains run dell) , eseepr Sun ay: ' •The 'Church Tralk leaves, Allegheny ; Juliet. every f',, Sunday at T:4O a. m., reaching Allegheny City at ~, ,1 9150 - .1.. m... iteturnumg, leaves f4Uegbeny - City -at 1:20 p. m. and arrive at Allegheny &tact: at 945 _ l 4 Ocanarrwribir VtdiilirS . Poi' Sale' lit - pickages 4 ; Twerdy,„ . betveenOtltlhenj 2ty, Chestnut !troll, I, PITTSBURGH. 127 Walnut Street. ME u m' } ~O~rl EkV‘ ~'lYs ~m.~.., ~~-" UNION DEror, eSoirrn SIDE.) M. D. MOTHERsPAlRitti , Tleket Agent. S. F. SCULL, General Ticket Agent. JOHN D..3IILLER. Gen. Frelglit Agent. ItA WLP2 4 AD: - ;; h,..1661 Trains will. lir. t. e UPloli DePot. ',corner of . - •• , tristits; as Toth) ws: ' Depart.- -* • ' . 1., , Day Xxpress. - .. woo i t ni ,, rtrall's No. I.: _o:3o;timi r - ..: / Zlall Thin 8:20 aat . . ~.t, Walra- No. ^.:3 9:50.5. VI !i , - I , ' Cincinnati Ex 11:15 ant ' r, Wit IF' el L No. 3..-11:30'a as • . .ii Johnstown Ac.. 2.50 pat ..- - ': Wall's 'No. 4.. - 3.30 Pax , - 1 1 Phllti.Expres, 4-:10p Wall's No.- b..- •1:50 p ;. Wall's No. C.. 6:05,p •.- Fast Line::.. .. 7:550 p . ; Wall's N0.7...../045pPla, :. -..., Elerr'a, Bennett, Fine Creek..h.tnannd Sharpsburg, and good Only on the trains stopping at Stations spa.' rt clileal on tickets. , The- train !leaving - Allegheny: City: at '.6:50' m.. - 4• makes direct connection at Freeport with Walker , . line of Magas for lintlerandilannahstoiva, Through ,tickets Allay be purchased: at, the Onion, o. 3H. Clair street: , 'neer thispeniden - Brid4ga, pitteburgli, and at the.:Depot, Allegbeny ~, • For fanner information ap_ply to • pp „ . JAMES, I.E.FrIERTS, Agent. ' - • Federal Street' Depot: El.: - The! Western Pennsylvania . Railroad will not ao-N slime any risk for Baggage, ekcept for wearinesp-r pveL, and limittbel. responsibility' toOne - Hundre&:° Pamirs in value. MI baggage exceeding.,tblii.4 amount in antes wilt be ittthe risk of the owner • uriLl , tem taken 1/ , :p e dal contract. • EDWARD 11: WILLIAISIS, • ".! - • „4enernl Superintendent, Altoona . ..ll a. -11 ,aes, S4),K , , AULLW E N,ai ,ROWIT.• ;:. ;:;;: I MB PACing ',Eastern Division.. . 1 - 1 The BlitiitTEST AND MOST izEidnisLE,RoDT* from the East *kilt points Its ' • ' Colorad6; 'Nevadd; Calftornfa, • it3tahf:.-43 , 77- •- ..i . - :;•,_ . :i t i -,,Aitza,,Tiiiiii Washin gt0n, .....v . -, ,•- - T; , , T . 7,i - t,1, - ..-.; ',.',. f. A Are7wv-Aexicor . • .14 1- .ihro Fleiiie! State Paces dati de ti lt2=4:tin e t!tigia,F4 ` n r ritri g nOrin 7 l ,,* Bt. Jo Horcitivr Q.lnv,,tosnotturi*,, alt renee, Torte in , Waintlgo• witty 'snifters` pciltres In MAIMS& Al end .of Am* weat of worth with the - I.TNITEI) tiTATEs'EXPIOSsi , 4.Alfint MX , LINA OF , OVAYPIA-Nrr ;maw Al4lsl.4XPlrmoi lUACH.:wFOIL• _ - , -. qq 'DEIN all Points lhe, Tel ' l' to ICBM ;And with TeI•WEEKLY LINE ot! COACHES Ibr Fort union . Brut V4?rt, lung itenta Ye , and marfanum to Arizona and raw r . t . ',0 1 141111t1 Om room -:additions, or mi tir , noel , a 4 ....Linen , and th,,,rrang.m9nt4 , ...tnikdo. with a, Zirertond .i.:Transportation fee VA western terminus. th is. road pow opera un.nuailemv thetlislesibt On; traninnlsalou of frotiSnt,` to - Ao Far 'WTWK.A.t‘e.ta-fo'riss* the i tottnlpal 'ottl --- Oei In thei r p r a te d states sadvat o adas. .L., Be „ N w and ask tor 'tickets` viertitlTlLMOrif Vitexpip) • -- Generalenpeeintendc4.ll '‘*; `• - . faerniantaledttitatief • .114 e • ' , Peng _Mar. . t : . e t f . 6 ,E 6 W 1M NbAimpallk. ,•Phrowxgb. — .: =IV/4r w .f el attri a 4 7 14, o*. sod fielilleibeitio •Ilak INitting thgkemolosoimasem - Adavillp 11 II Ft WI, Pl_
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers