Eb . r f.tittsburgiGaytt iirrspensw. • nr groans ityare rowasasre. In the cleft of thy creel. lent:mod. Isslprd I rezetwel out to the deep.. Swart, and sweaty, and tanned, • And cl•epfog the mountain steep— This city a steamer Mg. Wan Enwl In it.sthuudd.wforpriest, Toon arraet the ern of thSbrides • And mother of cities, the rs4t I a bastion no mare but hs atoey, trope y n° more thedower; They teem vanished. tears of Its glary la the Mande frown of 118 power. • ' 'The bloodstone, red-veined by tee martyrs When Braddock went anew to Iteanien. /*Marx es the Jet of UP eiLyerne. That twawettes rho stars of its blue. The mtght , &teni of ridges . ' Looks down at the...anent rites; • Down the ~ ....- 4 p.m/wetlya of brhilges Deaf. red the hymen talliglits. From th . gain of the glebe Mid the font, - tai , Swim the monsters Of Steam to be'sfuests And sliding the elopes 01 the mom:mama The giants bring gifts o'er the cllests. Aroused by thew, from If. slumber, I r. The pre Apalanhinn spine Slutte• do nto the rivers lin lumber, And bele the ere from th e mine. The rates , Bing up the twig riven", Bear he t lly onward the atop; ' The Iron t t melts for the datict if, aniooth-k sod by Ilicauntlfhl IL The dance, tis here,' to finish; . The daze rig ere never to tire. Belong as 'a poise in th e meter, Or moat In the glow of th e Ore; Tire tune, i is mort, than h measure; The dance. does It remain het Mouse The feet that CUP deftly to olcasele, - k, - Slip use to generous nee. 1 Whey fashion the broad the edges` That shall addle the forests to light, And the billion tingling rivets That shall hind the rooftree tight ; •- - To the quickstep of their forges, Spies Into highways the ore, And Its great - blade cannon's ;afro, . Like • routed nattosee roar. . - Be. with this grimy mosaic, • . Vulcanite, lava and steel. Fe stake of contending emoting, Bet oat wed with our eagle-scaL The greet West weds the ocean ' In a union never to tire„ Till the heavens and the earth like a parch ment, non together with fervent Env!- . - NEWS FROM ABROAD. —Senor Jose Jacinto De:Friss, an eni- Went agrietiltural , vriter, died early this mogrit Havana - -General —General Sittiare'a reign it: linyti was very short. Gen. Soloinoulaas been appointed as lila budiessor. —Bulgaria seems alio to be indulging resolution, and Turkey has to keep troops to watch the borders. • • . —Prince Achille Matat and the War vale de Galiffet ere going to tight another duel and all about Cora Pearl. • —Don Carlos Garcia, a daring and terrlble.bandit, in Cuba, bas applied-for pardon to the Governor General. —The French oflitdal Journals ics - try contradict the rumors of changes in the cabinet, am wo may expect them shortly. —The Ossercatore Romanodenies that the Popo ordered the Italian Bisliopi to offer Te Deum'in honor of the recent Papal victory. —Mr. Tennyson has become a regular contributor to the periodical press, writ ing three poems a mouth for as many different magazines.- • —The dispossessed Italian princes met recently at the house of the ex-Ring of Ripka in Route and proceeded to con coct a common policy.. —A. Chinaman was exeCuttd in Havana on the 7.. ti inst. He had previerisfy been 'convicted of the murder of a policeman, and this wan the result: —New Ruasian rbiculstions permit but two war vessela of a foreign power to re.. •vain In a ltbsnian port at one time, and to remain but two weeks. —Lord Stanley Is spoken of. as. tb probable successor of Lie paternal rela tire Lord Derby in the duties and emo Itunants:of Premier of England. —Gen. Maiqucz is about to publish 'in Havana a pamphlet, the object of which will be to justify' his conduct during the irapinial sway, and to prove that he was loyal to Maximilian. —Cholera has again appeared in Cuba From the let to the 4th inst. there were fifteen cases in lisvan., all of which proved fataL In the Cabausi district it Is raging with unusual violence. —On February nth the Emperor and Empress of Austria were received with loyal enthusiaam by the people of Pesth, who voluntarily illuminated their houses. The policy of Von Roust is totting well. —Dean Stanley's new book an West. minister Abbey has recently appeared in London. The boOk is of course good, but is not large enough, Dean Ullman is engaged on a boos about his cathedral Paul's. —General Leraundi has teen making a tour of the tobacco districts of Cuba and has met with an enthusiastic recep tion from the people. lie will shortly Tialt the principal cities of the eastern pertof the Wand. • --Japan is having another revolution, on accenutt of the 'opening of the po i rts of that country to the world. Japan bids fair to fall into the ranks with Chi na Ana South America where revolu tion is the natural state of affairs. —Some one thinks it would be a good ides to keep a huge fire going on Mont Blanc all the time, and by melting the snow to furnish water enough to supply through pipes the cities of Savoy, South , ern Prance and Italy with drink. —The two young Mutate, Princes of blood which is not very bine BB yet, are said to be the greatest smpegraces in Prance, and to be pent on inextricably compromising themselves if possible:in in Spite of the almost fatherly kindness of the Emperor. —Mr. Erdan, the Italian correspond ent of the Paris Temps, says that people make a grand error when they suppose that Victor Emanuel is lacking in abili ty; and that they will very soon have an opportunity of finding out how grier artily. they have misjudged him. —Metals a lady in Paris who during her daily walks in-the gardens of the Tuilleries is constantly surrounded, by swarinsof various kinds of small birds, wlib perch on her person, eat from her mouth, and nestle in htr hand- The Mlle of the attracuon is unknown. —The sudden coldness of Napoleon to the Pope is accounted for in the fact that thousands of young legitimists, and other Political enemies of the empire are drilling and learning the art of war in the Pope's guard, which they signi ficantly call the new army of Conde. —The old Archduchess Saphia, who coed to be called . the moat 'ambitious woman in'Europe, has completely bro— ken down Mace the death of her favor ite eon, the Emteror Maximilian. It was principally owing to her diplomacy that Ferdinand abdicated the throne of Austria in favor of her sou, the present Eoipmar. —The recent riots in Prague arose in • the following manner : Herr von Herbst, one of the new Cabinet, was in that city on a visit ; tone of the German students serenaded him. The Tzschechs r or Bo hemians, were indignant and collected around the hotel of the minister, when • the riots, which gave the authorities so much trouble, began. —Tba melancholy Down of the death, • by drowning, of Admiral- Dell, while trying to moss the bar at the mouth. o Osacka,. (Japan) harbor, will be received with sadness by all who knew or knew of that gallant officer. lie was baited aim the month of °sachet River, and Lieutenant Reed, who lot; his life at the wine time, abareihis grave. —The Eastern Indies, jealous proba bly of the mutation mused by the re ported engulphing of Tortola in the Wert Indies, have gotten up a Winer which mrpasses even the worst romance about that new possession. Fortunately those horrible stories are generally; like personal Items, denied soon after they make their appeanszen, We cannot un dertake however, to deny that 00.000 lives were destroyed by a recent earth quake in the island of Formosa, bet we hope that it in not true. —King John, of Saxony, Is going to abdicate. The lose of several. of his *children, the rather disolute conduct of his eldest son, and the political degrada tion which his country has suffered.' have all worked severely= him. Bat the death, last summer, of his favorite daughter, dhe lovely Duchess Sophie, to Bemis, capped the pyramid of his be• rtanments, and ,he is now subject .to most distressing spells of melancholy. Ma can Albert will be a poor successor W him. 13PECIAL NOTICES. GrA COUGH, 1 COLD. OR A OOHS TIMMS Immediate at tention, ant sbonl4 b. cb•cltl. marlin*. • • fril ...lea arch. Liao, Paranormal Throat Dlsrerr. or 4.4tainarapgres. Ql=2=3 BROWN'S BRONCHIAL TROCIIES tlsvlrr • direct In:rpm tons D.r l r. tEr•Altte MAL War Bronchitis. arth..., Cttourrh. Gramm. ptlve mad Throat TZOCIMS ars 111.1 WWI WIWI, 'Pad ugal7pgasl"a l P g mb 11i I se ll t 31 m . t 43. thm oOkt," e r; g "ny t/leCWI: Tao- LMTswlVl•smaWbe adtadMMUM '.Mete CCE:I2EI 1•••••WNI. BARNHILL & BOILER MARERS BECZET IRON • WORKERS, ■n, 20, 22, 24 and Si Penn SS.: Baring bugs yard and Ihrsanied It "HU tae fs.rfisPOSSTe4 machlsefT. we an are. r. 33i suds Larlthe eo.tr7.,CSJ.eslz. nreitcb- Its. lire Seds, tttam Pixe. I.seariol3l en. Condenferf, 233 Tans. TuIT, CM Stilts. fr,Slaurrs, Selthas Ts., Boiler Iron.: Snag., tsp., Taus, scS r.saslsetszers of BAIRN. HILL'S TATTN'T BUILZHIL lleystrlar doneoo tla Mort({ /10ti0e. tc.Seal ..,;: .. .;z5 - noulssoAir, BEA & CO., OUCC•S CIS 04•17801• •=ll • YELLiIIO.) WASHINGTON. WOB.ICS, Irotuadonme.:lE4claulllta. Fllt•lpargh Ilanafactarers of Post sad Ilsadlonsn istmw N.lrOnrc. IllsclEruclara, Pill MAenincrf. Pear. Cnefunr. ra.,..u.nrs of all descrlpilaacUll Tanks and Itt. NU. Boller and ellont hos Wan. e: No. 14 corner Pint and Csllltnold 1 , 1 - .A.renta for SITTAZIPII PATENT IN. ittllo/il for fercllor er LAKE SUPERIOR ZIPPER MILL & Imamicwous prrranvusar. PARK, Pi!WIMP' & CO.. Maaufamturers of G1E11%.121,, Braslen...a art., !'rotted Copper Bottoms, Batted all VetZ• s° , T o. Codztastly um baud Mar-Wm. SD% Tools. Wareham.. No. 140 TI BEAT ama TOO 00(1000 STIIStf. Plttemersb. m meet. orders or CepPer cut VI del desired tarBIARRIAGE AND .CEEXIIA• Cry.—.n tiny for To.og XVII Cattle Crime. or !Solitude, and the DlaZ/11121 soh A11115E.3 wfOott create Impedimenta to ■A!I -111tilt., with metes o. tore Boot 111 1.0101 let.r efrefones., Doe of ehoroo. Dr. .1. eKILLM I:loofah Alto. la lov.-FDllule]Dhla, Po. laihkfClf ~ .1 -4 ?.1 C LS Clr A. SCOTT, DENTIST, XO. RI 11;19.7''.1r 13..tRIEET, GEM= PRICE ADVANCED. PAR AID INTEREST. Central Pacific Railroad. =I NiTl l 3lll ?MI MI NUB ?E1 COITIIII7, Is being rspldly sordid forrlyd by Oa nilprece.. Oruro.; morning force; and It In revs. 01y cer tain that the CO etitsLOUs Ormsl..srio RAILROAD cOMIWCTION T. OK Sint TOOK TO SAN TILIO - WILL CS YIDS IC MIL 'She Matted Stares Govereateet terntshes, epon • subordda, zed coatleeeet 11ea,. balt 10 MG.. fat enntstruetlns the Yalu Blom LI., and bruteles as rdiscleCe 4,...,417.1 Cures of Tall• sbte piddle I.Bdl per egos. the CeBend reale Eau,. Comp.y her, reeehred treat (Yell.for elw tootle., dopsttens and concessions worth rases thou 41,000.0.0 The ars lade ...ems of this Camp., are :hereto. abriedszt for Ohs purpose. amosetleg to 8,000100 on the 1.0 711 mLet n[ th• Moe. leelndlog Lousy...red by • Fleet Kongo de .pen ths whole property.i to the um:maroon. truly as the 11. b. 'shoddy Beads. The remits already Utolord, alloo laelt aeder comparatively earaeoreble elrellaslasees, ar. lord rubs...l eroued for bellerlng :he Cl4B - reoirtc to be the "...; ' 'floe* IF.vdrod.Prodfotivo and Volum b•o noalioad lrantnnvrlnoi Ls Om canntry. is nootequenee or the large and rapidly lo• ereselaz ?ottand, the hike of those Bonne nu area advanced, an 4 t h e Comtany 1.20 awn elier , Le[ for ale a Smiled salons t of their First Mortgage 81x Per feat. Eond, jurfuelpal cool inteisso yonyablc tI foocl COI/ 0 sums of {Lao esort, a: oar and armed Ink: es: from Janney lit. In currency. Thee,. Bonds. It la believed. posseas the ele ments of lately, rellahlaty sad ;moll. is a greater deffeen, than any other class of Como rite hecorltlo now offered. and are therefore 'sere eattatle for steady Investments of sarplus capital. Investors will tear In mind the follow tag adrantaget .1. They are the Best mortgage on oat of the moat valuable and produrtlee Ilan. of railroad la the node. IL The .dual exclaves rmm local business lc WI ware more thus fonr tlmes the anneal In lerrß emcsremetas. The teed part nf the road Is row done, and the proem." el rapid completion me feeor able. • I V. 7 he Company have liberal sebehltee.tehieh tube then to proeetete the week' with treat V. —Tae management . bta been execadlntil prrdent and finial. VI. TS. re la already a large and growlng let , rms.. on the eta:ratted sad graded Ito.. VII. lb. Innda pr.sdne to . b at Inensen.e 17.(28 acres banloi.ann ClnanY .Did VI:l. Both principal and Merest. are Icy node payable In gad colt. S. agirregaiss.aisionni of Was tad [heir ataaaistln Europe will insure for them coailusied activity tugs high tank aasoustaad aid securities. - at au. tine Lacy yield scald? =I Holders of 800. meant &curltle. bare n op annuity of exclianglia, them te Ceateal Fa. 01E0 Ands, besrlo, an cunt rate al latorreali with the nenctetal abondntly neared. and enlist., a Pratt of ten to fifteen pat nat. 1. addition. Orders nem wali the fends through responi ble Banks or Inset me Catenates will receive prompt &Aeolian. Banda rest by return im press, to any address In the Mated Slane, at our ent. Intbrination. DesoliPA. Nam BC., fnewtsbed on nphentoo at the otee of the elellroad Company. Mo. 54 11111.44.11 And of FINK it HATCH. Bunten RAO Dollen In Fineman& Benettles, and linnets' Agents of the C. T. t LC*, Bo• 5 NSA.. Areet, New Yet. Also, of 14081380.11/4114/93.. B. MoCLICAM&CO..nd JAMES T. BRADY t CO.. Mttaleitein. laAitalkyerriT DOLLS D. BALLET & BELO, STOCK ANI REAL EnTA 7 E CZOKENS Anti AINTIONEZIVI, e prepared to SWIM. Auction, Mar Boadu • a all Mans of iloccarillas, Dual ZolaNt House. •Id lruraltara, Ac..-ciCher Um putalloco or CU.: Hoard of Trude Boolus. ParticularantrAllo. Pala- nonetutauft to tie or Aral I:Maws% private sale. OOof Raul Calais la the cram lay uttclullod. fnec. .I.lollfrr tritte6T. , oil S. SCHOONMAKEB. di SON, 1...22"143.131171 , 10 1 13,13 White Lead and Color Werke, WNISENO . S L Z B UE LLD MY vasprrstishis.s. And all colors 4.7 oc cCU 011. 0111cse, Do. CI roVilll sTRENT. Nc.). 4s9h 411. 414. 4114,...%1 ski lictieus 9 tre4t sad 49.11 and 11 Allothavv.- TI:I LA II r iEDED2I A2VD BEMS- M'KIBBIN & WHITE, Razlatcood 15frick rand, An no. rerun.' to re entab tt. belt quality of BUIL...Nu • r "'AVIS.) BRICK. la beastabbe It pere6u~re. Order, leR at WRITS Dc ptoszP,l79l.4rd. tletolaTsrs . • RE:M . OVAL. • , 1 GREAT SALE AT COST!' . Hr lams stook or MIMIC/Lt. INBEREINEN7II into rm:ZCZ 4 l,nrill lior atrtIVRAZT . .. .11......1110t0 and HERB Minna, sad will dtvose of onprexcnt stook at VERY LOW 1010 E. 0001$ ZIAILIDINUIR. 0115 otM Na. No Omithdeld stroGt• CHEAPEST PLACE LN TEE CITT TO BUT THE TRIUMPH COOKING STOVE, ll= ROBERT ARTHUR& Aiorrcoriscranr, 30. 133 POONTHr sr., Pittsburgh. Special etteetlon Is Dean to eolleetlont. mete tars la the Orphans' Cost, esionlestloas -of TM. s. &ad Deeds , eguren entity. taken Yedeoteat of De Dons, ae., taken Mr 1 tat castes. A NEW LOT OF WATCHES MO CLOCKS,. Of P , rtlgn Pasnestio leas•hetan: JEW MAT. IfILVZS• rLATS..O WAXIS, Met, ed and for sal• at No. 112 7IDLBiI. 013Z1.T. m Joni, PITT.OII. 1011111 PECK, ORICCKESTAL . kl LLB W 011.67,3 AIID MI Taartb sul olts doorWood.W 6 l.4 . Al•nara am Ause g . F.I lusoalawns of ates• Wlrs. aay. , t.; G..14.....'• IS.. T 09.4.. oily. V CM.% .111•000.... 04 A tool rdos 111 Ciai 0111 be Or= for 0.0 Hain ades , awl .m.r. lov mtlesct.i IltalvcoltlAg dal• Si A weat....alnves WALL PAPERS! • WLLL rArnat emearlstag a fall nock of .1 andesjima a.. Brows to Um lati away. eld.tasast. t* tka bwated as low as tomin la aliZtat. QOM* 4;1 rusts= rrszvx.....: pEALBL , & I III.-1 3 casks Dzit wt. warn. 51 rail, fart We br /11.111aB InCEir t 00. DRY GOOD% TRIBLIKINGS. NEW AND DESIRABLE GOODS =I JOS. BORNE 8c CO. HAMBURG EGULYGS t INSERTINfIa, • MMus' , SsANDSI: agar STILL RUTILING3s SILL MID 1101.LiON IMlNtlia: • COUSISLU VELVET ISIBLION s, W widths sal sba4esr TE tor Ladl es. li•stiEPOr ns soelalag ssess. LASOL WT OF , LIM 111 111111111010 Itnincian =! I=l ALEXANDRE'S KID GLOVES; TASSiLiD lUD GLOVE) • coo,ce woof:a:met or FINK Fltibi CH 7•OW Kitt, Bull" Vr/i•••"114 ar• MISMI:11a311 Ilismarck Paper Collars, For irtar it 'c.a.. th- Wbnle•ale Agmits. Aloe. ages. lltTesoruLlTALti ant aTfaull roper Collar Complete, Thuleter. ES •ns doo zel•alnely lop cut, •r• Cab • tre soperl, Inducements to [alb !met,. , WHOLESALE ROOMS BP STAIRS. 17 aad 711 Market SPECIAL IMPARTATION I SPECIAL IMPORTATION! SPECIAL IMPORTATION 1 CON' FL - 21121...X.• XNALCIHIM Ci MP I:LTD.ELL L. 41.0311/1/ =! =MUD El= passlop Sop previous Import. ..a Cl= I= I= II ALIIDKLIICHISIM, .1 li_ PRICES BEVLARKABLY LOW I I=l RACRUR & CARLISLE, 19 Filth Street. NEW GOODS! JUTT ILSOILIVLI), AT J. M. BURCHFIELD & CO.'S, =I R LE4CMED.; MUSLIMS, O . LIJ.COEB AND CRAIIH, 5.2171.111 STUCK t.,1 UWUS CYLCUllirDifl2lr comr.r, To make room far a:amass the atom Boom back. =I No. WY Market Street. FEBRUARY. 1868. 1868. ARBUTHNOT, SHANNON 8 CO. WHOLESALE DRY GOODS, No. 115 Wood St., Pittance) W.VC DOW opens ...Altar. NLW STOCK...kWh they cffer at .„ LESiI 7/SAN lIIESEIT EABTERII PRICES, Idorebants desiring to assort up, and ...the wraith, stioald ut•St No. Ills WOOD Fri BIZET DENNISON & HECKERT, 27 Filth elreet Fine Furs for Holiday fresentB. SA.NOT BUX/13. /LIU ICAILIIIS &ND =2 All kinds of YAACT JIWALIII. WOOL A MARINO UNDSZOAAJIZAIII LID tiLUVEZ,I3I.NDICCUCtiIITS. ascx TIES. tluariummus. COEtartS wad HOOP SHIRTS I=! •Ilaaods al redaoed odors. Ix order to lota o at oar. oar vlatar stoat. CUM, afeCANDLESII & CO., CLAW WRwa. Our t Cs..l WHOLVILIA DS.41401:11 t . FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY DODDS: Do, 114 WOOD ISTRIGET, mild Iwo. above Diamond alloy. rIT:5111.11188. 1%/:•l:N:rAiloMovi.Tii l ks): 4 :l SPECIAL NOTICE, To Purchasert of Clothing. CRAY. & LOGAN, 47 St. Clair Street. order to close ant.tbols stLII 1.01 ...art mot Boys', Youth's and Chlldren's CLOTH I N. Ant atm offerluz good. at Dielaill HAI. SAIES. BOYS' 81TIT/3 FOR $5.001 All other go U equally le m. GRAN dr, LOGAIII, ' so. 47 IL Crliar 84reel. QM WINTER GOODS. E. HOUSTON & 00., Faadiuble Alercbant Tailors, 30.37 FLITH OTHEET, nay, Jost n calved a woad supply of Winter Coatings, Teitter j lt l s _I WI lines of CLOTHS. CABL. r•Vfrisif•• faaraotood sad PCII/11312i2iiornirt;f:Akgrui.`firjelt": P. Mc&RDLE. Merchant Tailor, No. 9Si Spitigeld St., Pittsburg!. Leap, manual) on tuna • dna ansortsgas lot CLOTIK CABBISEREB kW:STINGS, EX, GENTLEMEN'S RIMMING Van emirs ournmol icum To ()Razz, the Wean style.• MERCHANT TAILORS. JONES & DUFF, No. 3 Pr. CLLIS 3THEZT, have part broarbt Mae the out •Pdlrapale of WINW.II titroDS, :narllthit33. V 133311106. OVZIKVATIPRIS. he_ which they are prepared to eat east k sy in • style opal to Loy Mop la thor tool.pel They aro dateregeed to dense. sod pope ad • 110eral pattereat. saVdhld 4 : :I: $ l MERCHANTS' LIVERY AND SALE STABLE. 3.!. NICHOLSON. PROPRIETOI. NO& 141 AND 142 THIED 11211111, =1 WWI= CLIMILAGIS, M. tot lars. tlenlar WM SO parrAild• Nn4 gals al 1.04 111011 LAB it MITCHEL, Livery and Sale Stables, .:z■::. Omit% rsoatvaata iallreed Dix& PITTSBURGH. arrartseau sugatior m vad :mum./ it=nr. xe7474 PITTSB RGB. DAMP GAZETTE - • a a. 3il lei -rod. Ma r.. Mr FA,NOa HAI:PER, • FLOUR. GRAIN APIII PRODUCE' Commission .Merchants, 340 L1DE...7r1? 11T., PrrTnallnAll. COnet.runta -WE HAVE DAT RECEIVED 415,WW.V. G. If arcln. Cashier /der z t,tat. Us arse ImpOrtatlOn of the ...on , per k,„„ d i B „,” •!.. DU... 4 • SParnern BOVA,. and IOWC of our Oprlng atoo•Ot English .Brnskels Carpets, FROM ENGLAND VELVET RUGS AND MATS, ENGLISH EITRA SUPER INGRAINS. ma finest usortment, latest sad lowest price. In it. City. OLIVER 3I'CLINTOCIL & CO., 23 Fifth Street. SPRING SALES. --, _ CARPETS .I HAVE CERTALNI V REACHED Borrom,. RICEE... McCALLUM • 4ROS., Odor *largo moors...est of all kinds of CAR. FEM. Se . at • rallonfoo from Dreolovo scow rair,fhoorgrsEllELLE/./.1.1 SINCE TEL OIL CLOTHS, lif:;;l:::dittf.i.dai"dly the 1- "" — e McCALLIIM BROTHERS • to Ylitit Sweet, &belie Wood. ' NM REDUCTION IM CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, ILITTINGS, WINDOW SHADES. BOVARD, ROSE k CO'S. *1 Filth Street, (QV CR BATZ2I • BELL•I . & COLLINS, =I NEW SPRING STOCK CARPETS! OIL OLOTHR, WI‘DOW EHADES, CURTAIN GOODS, PURCHASED LAST MONTH FOR CASH =9 LIR tau ACTIUL COSt 7.0 I=l I=3 WHOLESALE ABM HATAIL, Par Below Their Present Vlalue, =I 11== No 71 and T$ Fifth Street, 13111=9 Fivis):1 , 11:r1•140.'.1:1.1;g s :41 EUREKA OIL WORKS, amwtarers Eureka Carbon AINIIIIRANCE CA) TIM 41112.3.1151a2iis I 31.1, !Trim CI II z. Ctrs 1,0 Sperm Lopbricating Otis, CICIMICAL LINSEED OIL, Whelafran Donlon la Chide, Redamed Sod la. slsu.e 0110 Idard.,laperm, AN. awl !lab Otla. B. MACIIIENEY, Agent, 19 Irish' Street, /122111SUILUM. WARING & KING, awns noun in sum Petroleum laud Its Products. Dalzell's Elset,lhapasze Way, IMTIUSIMMIX. PHILADALZTLIL - ° WARING. KING k . CO., 1111 I mut SS. Philo.. H. M. LONG ik CO., ILLNUNKTOISB4 Ur PURE WHIN BURNING OIL. Brand- . (Luernm." nee, Re. 2 Damn Way, PITTIMPRO/1. PA. TACK BROTHERS, IOMMIBSIO3 MERCHANTS, 4.111, 1141.1111 Petroleum end Hs Products, rrnifistmos 0171011. D. anthllni Wass of Dsquaa..Will Sad tr.ta Meat. rarcAnzuliu. 0111CL-1.117 Ilrnbust sigma VI& /7/CD=llO2 EAGLE OIL WORKS, issivolrezi aers7l.2-10 , . WICHTMAN.iANDERSON, Refiners and Dealers In PETROLEUM, ornos. /bola ream MUM& 11LN. 0001 ISTRZICT AID DIIQUICIINI WAY. SOHO OIL WWII IN, illsasebetame .mt We Itfe We al Wads of LOD 8104 71.11 II OILS, lila 1 NT. MAUWTIUT.• BWITILIME. 1111111/1W s 0114 NOTICE TO CONTBACTOBS neathd Proposals win De sr calved, for althea days ftom at.. irebnory stho st the ogles or esdoMpod, too ta• GIRLIIIIIO, 017101110 sad PLYING of MAIO X. LAN; BiatiftlC 07., ?MS MLR= MAIN "TIM= TOOT IfiIISZT sal ONION ALLILT. ifideothirotthth can 1. roan at the oath. of the Sanaa. JAW CALMAT. gwresa et Dageeme Ilanagh. h1;11* M . STEELE & SON. • imckia.mn lY FLOUR, FEED, 611 Aid•• • , 0 95 OHIO neat Zan Coal. '' ALL.V.:II[I:Ir CITY. Pa. Mai CAL.— T. 11.1147.411 T KEIL & 0011N - IgSION KEROHLETS• V/1111 DWODVS /V ebtlf, Grain, Sezdz..olllll Feed, I . a:v . l4 JiTX 6Turrr. rirrsa taw it. CA. ROBERT KNOX, Jr.' rem.XIBIICON nracHANT,' La dee.. la FLOUR, GRAIN AND PRODUCE, °Moo. (13 ILIUTSTY NT.. Pittabgirab. J..IILANCHARD, 1101.,AL1 4Clir 398 Penn Street. 14.11,62 lir 'BANE 4 ANIER, Constamisakrn Xerchanis, /Jesters In ►INOI{. ORION snn PRIODOUS ■ener.ilr, 40..141 ViLTYX, store linnlthnn.d struel, Pltt,Dortrfl. Ifn .FETZEU & AILMISTRONG, TOITIEDLIG air curnmal MUM forth,,rare az /lour. 0 min, Boon, Laza, Butt.,, L Dried Trutt, arid Pralvea_geriarally. No. 1. Nark at tstrlxt. corner rot lrlr.t a rlttaburlia. Ca. fa=”l3 SCHORLIKER & LANG, WLole ..le dealers 1120rocarle2. Float. Ocala Fro duce. Pro•I•loos. nib. Cbee2, Mat s Carbon 02 New 172 and 111 Wood Inreel, nearLlnarrratreol. ntlibur,b.. Fa. noism. 30110 1. C01:11.1.131•Al. 110.1,11.13. 001131. JOHN I. HOUSE & nnos.„ Rac y caw.. To •1010 r t. P. 00.2 CO.. WIWI* sale Oroecra asd Comm:anion illereessts, oor on of Hzsithr.eld as 4 street., Pinata...l ' IMO 1-4 RIDDLE Sad. 183 Ltbtirty St, rltlabartli.Pa..CottualttlonliatabantoLad Wltolemla Maio . Co.try en:x.la Factabarth mai:Macau.. Cult advantat au 00nali ta nsata. awl paid fat Pladaaa aly RANON hSON, Cosamtuton YIZUCII 91.1111 and I>faden In FLOUR. 14K113, TEND 1.69 911.011170199199991 1 17. 11 U. 79 1/199.0nd.1ic91t4 C 11713911. ninny MT. 1917:111 11A V. CRAWFORD, COMEMENu ...-.HIJON MERCHANT In PIO METAL, ELMS!' ORE. WROLRHIT INHLAP LEON. EIRE HAWN and CLAY. An. Waxbonsa and ON.. Nos. 361 and 366 PENN NTRUCE.IHOCLa• fundaned. Cmnainauannu tolinitan. dna BAIRD AI PATTON. Whole.le °ewers. Commlselon klerclosute •1111 duelers In Produce. Flour. Bacon. Oboe. (Arbon sod Levi ell. tree. Nall,. Glass COIL. Y.= and el Pittsburgh nercensuotre. nn seals IS and 114 Second street, PI testerrals. TlPErdiElb. 161thEl" . (Silecess . to titytoor • Anderton,tWboltaltla De•l In rondo. Fralta, bold and epic., eourettlo addars.f I rcltorts, Le., 1(0.. 1.31 and 1 Wood dtreol. strove rir.a rlttsbordlt. prna Jour B. CANFIELD.ComitaIsw dozierd Forwarding kiered.d. tad ho:r ule In W. te rn M41.11"70 Caws*, krit tar. Lard, Fork. Ewan. Flour, Flab, rot and ?earl Libra, and Driod /fruit. sad l arc o duce genaradly, llca. 114 and IN Front. Meet. intiabargn. • JOIM A. WA.L.C.LCII g RIPTON & WALLA( E, sale citIOCISSUi DCD PHOUCL DIA L n I . lttaberzb. tan:rit LNSITRAIiCE WESTER-1V MDRANCE CO •Ul 1.11-reBLIREiti, . C r g UL M U " , K" ormaral Agee:. true.. MI Water wan. etimie a ter. 'a Nam donee. np matim rlttatrargh. WM:mama agars. Ma Med. or Itre and Manic Wale. • home InatlraiJountamaged by I.llmictur who are well known to the community. and Otte are detect:Maud by promote-m.2nd libentiltY. to malutala the character whieh they Mae me tamed. as oecrtnir the teal orator:toe to Moor who 0011,10 to lumped. alex. NL•4+1 , . 1. --- ../:,11n IL McCann. EL 1011.. c. Jr.an. J. Warta. J•mca fica.,..44, I 1.31 11 , nano. 3. Lys., 4.1.9. ant,. r . ...... Joneyn Kirlpamtk Andrew till.). 1.01.111 p NETIMer. 0.312 Y. Long. Km. Morrloon. D. Mew,. no.= • 9.1. e. HZICHIGU.S. hamar,. BEN FRAINIAILEII INSURANCE COMPANY, IN FRANKLIN SAVINES BANK, No. 43 Ohlo gl.. Allegheny, PR Henry Irwin. Ono. H. HALM., Mr... T Harper. J. H. +nom. W. K. ercrrnrt ===2 UM.O. D. DIDDLE. becrotary. HENRY IRWIN. PreslUta4 act! 110PENNSZLYA.NIA INSIJEZANCI CUILPANT. 1:1F PHIEFIURCIti. PA. ook-*, 11 F7llh Ntr•ot, Vank 1:130m.a. Tits • hol*liaxosar. al.a4 t l*" 710V..111cr rrnl,l., 0. D. Vice PDC leat. intacnt. 11'11.I.H&D torDlt..-y. JIAICTO D.orn CIOO. Ewan.' Iltawn r• 11,/, J• rpe, CoarTBDI O .• 111 • In:D INDEREVFFY &GADIBT - LOBB BY FIRE 4ANKLIN INSURANCE CaMPANS OF PIIIIADELFIII4. OM.. 415 and 437. CEIENTIVUT DT. :feat /MIL. • LlWits W. lIDDAD, Monier, N. Loot, • Toblaa Waaner, DaTid V. Drown. =1,1,°.14%, Ctlward C. Dalt. traorga W. kilenards. George Wales, CRAB. O. HANCAER, sr.sple_Ac. ADVID C., DALE. Vi Preelderrt. ,NU. PEEILI. SocretarT. Sow low. J. GARDNER. COVE IN, Agekt, marrrwLS North Wen cot. Iler,l s Wood DA. !Uri`, 1 AWL,.rrssidaul. JOHN D. V.:, t:11,. Vice Presld.rt. 1.1. O. OWN :t est,. WI(. A, eat. Z1;;:',17.=,,d.i. JOl4l in.lot. 1., Jot U. if eC,,- 9. U. itu!!-„,... (Mules 11471. pEormErd • INSURANCE CO I= =I • MB. 2141111 w. .2.... 3. h.., L. John Wetta, damart P. &a giTer, Mills 'i.",:n,tl.ll.b4;trAa Wm. Vall . kirk. 110000 Lan D. Vetoer, C. II mnsou V. VP I 1.L11,5, Preedent. UN.% ' , VII. Vire Proxie4iat. J•b. t. iti c LH 7otry „ . ...,, TOBACCO. CIGARS. &o. polucco TOBACCO t TO ISACCiI ! FIVE HUMMED CADDIRS, 10=11 JUbT illtlYlYll/ WI COVILIONMLNT. HUI), MK SLAG 111110111118 I MK As low as 50c. per pound. tltt Omar. at w ROBERT F. WEDDELL'S tectluly Cor. Smithfield k Water Sta. 4.11:121 JOHN MEGRAW, Ml2l.ll7)otUf t r of Inc Wtoleaala and Iffstall Dealer In •Il Madd of Tobacco, Snuff and Cigars, 4411 3:LJNOXI2:II LWILWRZEGMT T bvrN unoltm l~~~~nw ^~;n^OYOV EXCELS/OR WORKS. R. & JENKINSON. =I Tobacco, Snuff, Cigars, Pipes, &c, IMI)Z11AL LITHOGRAPHERS. 1.11,101.14Vt•--.••—....ranar CLEM REIGEBLY & CLEIS. tdamessor. w klco. r. Solloannut. • D0..1 • PRACTICAL LITHOGRAPHERS t The ONLY lITEAI4 Lmtuuturma LtrrAlL LISEINICNY WENS' or TOL MOUNTAINS'. anise. Cards, Latter Heads. Dotal!, L•beb. Ctrasider,-abow Cards, DlWars... Yortotass Yuma c a nas t a* or bast : Inyttattera Cards, aa, No.. Nil sad If Taloa it., PM. bars, CHAS. A. MILLED, LlrsocrruLPHEß,. ■.. 110 TOORTII IT.. Apollo o■ual■g CHECKS. Da&fr., N11T614 1111.1.5nd LIT TICK tiZADD, de., done 15 ell f $0101514 THUODAY, FEBRUARY 20. 1868 FOE SALE-BEAL ESTATE. I ACRg . o CIIOICII. LANDS' FOR SIMI TYLZ Onion Paelflo-Rallway Co., t.132111N the Ila n or tie. road. it $l.OO W SeP do Per Act-c, tad oa • (MOAT !WY rivs. I'LL= Y. varticul•rs, • rtzvzsAux, 1.41 Commtssladar. Toot.. it...it. thr, LI1&$ 13...LA111E0A111 . Lonlz. FRAME COTTAGE. • SITUATE IN MT.WASIIINUTON. WChit 53 minutes' of the Menonrithelf, brldes. The litinss snood:Lefty, room. litchi., eel es and Tsui, Lot 103 fierfront Di 203 feet drop, fr titles us three 'streets. Oath, let are ekilull haring grape *toes or Ilse different varieties. witd all kinds of shrebbers. such es Ildosebei 1.. W peso, lieeskit:terrie •r s. •PPlstreetl bl./. .iddies ..4 &Ad com.; , Cas r sel tits, Will he sold cheap. /notate of STEELIA:WILSON' Seekers sad Beef Estate Assaf,. fele to . Eflilitnltheeld etreeL FOB SALE AND • TO LET.— liouse• and A L SO.gI la pmis of tp. sw.l...bs neySTS: /an. la good lonallon. Al • scull ['Woolen lessmot7. l with twenty sere. of land, eon goOd Imorommeam, which 1. will cheap aml on reasonable terms. Modems 1i0n..0 lclot good streets. Private 13welllow Houses tor stably both dittos. 1. Tor Mrtber wortimilars favor.. WiLLIA.II. WAUP, t tin liniat stmet. 1n orgotito the Vattowlral. A COAL WOR* FOR SALE. espablo of running bushels daily. In wag- t . he rltzli ' far a Ism ousine.• sod Immediate operation. Theis 436 acres of coal. This Is out of tie mo s t De sold loss and on good terms. 0 70 1 to lig. A. biliffillt/N. Real Eatato I". ...U. , — oPODsIID Court Lions. .00 FAMILY GROCERY STORE log 81.1.K—Sitvateit ee one of the loading Rectifies In Lawreseeet ll e. The Stock le co te em and wart Wootear. sad the owner bee Wm it gews le the woont el l b. Wit,. • oznali wldttio• to the caitiff! the basnee.. can lie greatly enlarge., Bent for store and dwelling .: or will exchange tarn dwelling to or near toe ily. ogrudy to (eft 11.11cLAIN f. CO. YLITXBING. Q. FITTING T. I- eraroOn..AludAS WC/ATARI ATWOOD & 'APOIFFRDY, BRASS AMADEU STEAM AND 61EV FITTERS, Car. of Srd and Liberty Streets, abort lletroll A tleyders, Inttetrarett. Peen. to orde. :57.1 00 x 4 tte U n t' tl " ou C tr e' AIVI ttr.r. tele t . rtiator ac Tl Itelnerlre Ateamboate, ItOUlee u Agents for A, &Cameron & ce.is STEAM CTMPE died BLOWER r e ki G 111 ES; otThesePuapOyneupeetotideantore tell fecton. rem Da unma w e r neele t . O ro Isooto- JOKS K. worm—Joe. Ki . ta..—IIRMLY JOHN 11. C OOPER & CO .t • BRASS' FOUNDERS, Steati imideas Fitters,' VDmlKeisters ruurs &ND 11KAZIKKFUNK oI ever, deoerDnlas: .Dahlts In 0411 TUNIN &ND TUiiiNo..bt 111 ttDn.. • ' . Corner of Pike and 1 4falnut streets. PITTBBUFIIi, PA. . • MIUmN • CONFECTIOrBLES, &0.. 19C110 L CELEIMIAL- L , TIONS. P10N10.1112.0.4i3 YI-STIIE. tut - lathed With tee Dela 1 - ICI onzeit.'cultill,aVily.Tfititise.: at the lOnect Pete. and on M. alone" nv c•.. 7 aux.. rms aucmvsuienFt • No. 16 111.11601e1./. illethenl. HE:WaY W. tWinnet.CW. COafeetionery. iN and Bakery, No. 100 116111111 . 16.1. 616.61. T. • ' lictwean. mita and 1.1ba87. /116.1..111 , 1611'01 . 616101146 , ?: attached.. GEORGE DEAqENi CANDY MANDFACTURER, an , : dealer La Torel‘n and Atnertc. 1/111111. *uT~J•ac the 0 0UCLA! PATENT THE INOLAII BRICK MACHINE, Tine anithTaNT !MICK Ma aidenlNg YET PAY eNTKIa. im,nove In full orn•ratio• In Pillnulelnala. at YARD. Not , lilt faezelantuiro Kola. and turning ant (rem 25.000 to 40,000 Urfa s Per 11.7 Tha oath Mathlo• of tni.alrl non In use east of the Monnaalne. Ilr:cts pass directly fres the edachlre to the kill. Imelda the eapenee add rime of dewier. Kay CUUNTY IldtillTS and any Inf.-m.lOn, I • IL A. 111006ILAS. Su, lire Saute Yourtb Iftreel. fen: P- ILAUXLPHIA. If emanated tti Cook. Rate oe Rees. as moll as say stave tbe Velma. • • 111114 SELL EL CO, • . LIiSKUTY STREET. Aim On band LLe O VTIs AS T O VE SST, OVES. OSSTI. MONTS. TESL/EKE COOlipiti RESOLE as. CANCERS POSITIVELY CURED Atjh w r i the nee a i pe it,NtIPI or CAUbTIC, "Comparatively Little Path.-- Hol.sble le It. snare IN ALL IDAA/tei. Dcoo. annealed beYtt 4 the FIASSIIIIILLTIritt/ A DOUBT. Bend for Olroalsesi 'Wer sees, le. Address . J.KIIIIVER, J.roo WHICZLIAIt, W. VA. HAZARD POWDER. I. us AM NOW I:PREPARED TO sal .borlast notice, ardnAfor Was or mall lota of 1117,1111Y8 CIiCEBRATO POWDER. AU ardor'. left st ofseat by asall m r Stb.r4, No/. 1111 .1 114 :111111/4.11AL !Tatra'. 1.114- t=2: Ft: Zir "7,3 °" :121 1 71. : ARTHUR KIRK. 1141 , 1 .4 12 • R. 0.2.11 t tN (Ira 1/11111. 1141111 Mill SILL, WIWI 6 HEATHS, 111TZ: Lllll4. UNI II ON ItY Tor% oat. Dc4114 konessabbla 4134/4 ..If 11. B. LYON, Sealer of Weights , and Measures. no. 5 oxiliarni enrum, Between Llbeti end 1.”7 Orders 0 rom Ittr. ed tn. WEST COMMON. MACHEW .runs WOCLKIS, NorthweW (Jona/ 01 We. uoamoa, ' /ILIUM ALI V•TXII, • 00. HIT. on hand or prep.. on .110, motion 21••• TH AIM !MCP nTONIOI /LAUB MI OLIM.WALELL, intswsity viuurs. aa; • HCLO AND TOMO STONES, It e. ~ • ,111111 ,, pIaIIII/117 •iOGII tad. 1' 119..1 $15,000 To 141A14 VY DUNDIANU MUKTUAUII. Cle • litre 1 . -Us - Ara , ••••••,•thgaidifiNuki, • .1,1/J. wl4. 1111 E OUS. - TO WHEAT GROWERS. ____ EBREKA ANIMONIATO BONE Su erthosphte of, lime. KAP utAcru ft/Ll3 u= TIIIALLEEIRENY FERTILIZER CO., SEWARD & CAMPBELL Hurmatv4as 0186,156 Penn SI., Pittsburgh, Pa. best ref - 11111er In use, and reeornlaed by • who heels elven It a tri .l to be the • Ordfo r relalbe lar■e crops of W 1..., 'tie, Con, Potatoes, del We have published elreulaUou • pamphlet twsdne snug and vsluabie statements tit thisear . ' K C :s p ire Fr f Va. be"" .- Tbe ,tea Oats, nVere Ills r, MISEILS,.IIOPpER & CO:, , 1 • o.l.:c4tkota to R. it. 11.1:1.U.:.', /1.11.14 )..4 AN OE AUTi r Jiti CA Or rjr Pi ANITURE [Of _Every Sitcription. 114.1160.1., .4NI) OFFICE FURNITUPH I io, 0 Smithfield Street s CIITTIMULIUII, W. j 1 . " . { ..1 V uir"tt ' ° L k , 11 " . 1,7.4t1nTA: .., , ; .,.,.,. ii riacr ,..,oo/161114 fOU 'O. A. L......w... c . ;Lrr......—.. WILT. mIal:•111 . —....—. .T.A. 13- I!Ei 0.1• T UNIVERSAL MING COMPOUND, ILNIIJILLT NZ* PRZPARITION, Wiqrr.now enured In seepufecturtnn this value le relent for elennelen Purposes, welch we br e pounder° will Utile entire eallsfactlon. HOUSEKEEPERS, . . 1 ' .. . . . PLEASEiTRY IT. 1 1 'nth It ye. can tare &C lout from three to Coe hour. , bud labor on the wa.b•boardm beddes m 7f t e7l , lli m lt o gialt L it l i slevaluable. bec.nso It Can. them cully and matectimm brighter. . It I. ale useful tor. 0CHU11131.1.1.1 FLOURS. WAIIIIINU DISIIIY., Am It ls warranted to munir " ' NO LIME, Or o er lalurions article. For said by OSLO. 01111 aid UltUtitilbTit: genrralls. and whole. ...1....4 retail at otir Mince uld Balemoom, No. 59 sprarrit STB.BBT. I - r ii , P 1 aro R. auras & Co 'NORM IMPORTING HUSE. IMSTAII4.II9 4ED nae. 80111111DT U1LP011146113 Or 5 • GiRMAN, FREW CH ANB SPANISH WINES ®ND LIQUORS, 109 Pena street, Pittsburgh. Our'll Pelf MIDT haring rettirard frevi ewpej has hcar ierre parch... end perfected arra cements with the. following Ent owe 110heCe: • • BlMlLLXl..Avlat:Champogna 11sVZ,loOlf. a co.. Aptcc.r. J. YOUNIIEN t CO. (bitty and 15or.lcans. CT 1.• lIBLIIid, Cett,s. X" OA, 0000.. .0510. p"arll'ln% . Sara len,tll6ll les. uptsuzx a tkotch Ales •- . • vans XEr eona.ou. ob•ham4: - • mrleoc_4l artal t , ements•lth the at.• a;4l - Nll.'lll ° l.l.7ZZlgi th e; . .llZ:l,lV q ualla awl comparlau p 2 . toettzr. A 1 1EW STEEL!ENGIXAVLNG of CHAS.' DICKENS, ' • h131,T1.111..Y. TOIL VIIIMINti. • Given• Gratis to all Subscribers ToI•PCLICT . ON'S ropttlap Edition of CHAS. DICKENS' WORKS, POili On ieceiPt of IWO we 0 , 11 l .mall, plat-Paid, to Relirt r , ' grif. " l:llVANlVNl, 'PION OP I/ICKES, In eeventeen to-. Kahle' wt. an elegant Impression of • 111111116 L roßsatlT Or DICIKEIIIII,I One Of the best yet executed of the 410.Inanis13- eat ant:3 ven volumes of toll *anion of DIC•lt Mere now ready. ••Plckwo Pat..." Si cents: ••(.11•fr twin,. IS cent. •,33.1.0 N0t.,,•• 1t3333. •,reat 3 xpeetattons." ZS mats!: •Oe Oho!. Nlckleby," 33 ceaO; mas Ototles.•• 3.1 cents: ••Domlwy • 1.0," cano, WA volume to Issued every west. The. eoltqes, so far aftesUed, tOtteth. -lab the tor- Ale careftbil yrrapmL will be mOOO4 lam.. dlate y, on the rreslpt,.f.the pr., as shove. • Stn. .wanted parts of lba 00.1117. t Is cdP lon of Dickens Xy familt. t and :;:rlterge ' rnn ergs t lg.%4l777ni ilia Goprim msnd to Cubit... 3 tor opre“l Go Atituts. /324.1[31". PHUTlSNllti,M'ar.VelWbiro.;l3. TOIFILIGRANTTEAS, EPOICECOFFEE, 'URE SPICES, BM OBIDISONPS, 10. 20 Fifth Stropt 110 MM or WAXER COMYISSIONZ., I to. LOVIR, ianawy lt, LW. i TIME FOR RECEIVING r AND INENDiti puorusAts !or Bea* uti Iretiog it Lath hilt, TwO High Service and Two Low r Service PruppingFEgities, • • 16121137.1) UNTIL 12 U.CI*II. 21 00N • iaturday, Feb.! 16th, 1864. 9 ORD9 UT TIM 11091 D. •-• AL I. CROZILA. ~ .14. . 1 • Vice Presldeal' piTTSIBOUGIt PAPEiI MAIM . rAUTLIIIIMULVIILFANY, Mirnfacturctsof PR NTING AND IWRAPPING PAPERS. C LIMON MILL, lITXUBINVILLS. UlllO. H etiTON MILL, NSW WlltiriTON, I . A. orrws AK* WARN.IIOUtiII. t i Nor, 8S Third Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. U/t/r10iN21—•11011152' HA/Mir . 1'1.111.i. r - j N "t L AYIEta T ag r. bLti. DiSCTOsa—/latunt i Hartle, John Atwoll, Y. H. arr. 1" " Z a Johnr I;4=l= Jotkons 1 _ • KPt SCII494IIITZ. Wholesaleend B, 4l Moool:aotater. of . Tip, Copper and .Sheet Iron Ware, knoll &Wen In (NIUKIIVO tITOVI,EI .4 HOUSE 1/UrINL711.1111:1 MIEN 111 lot V,il DOB •Te 06111 ,4 /111TlifliLD Wrazzr. Ate . re. ma No. • WYLIL. ISTILLZT, I rirrsnuautr w, a. ncnon Al.uaanal flaw JI&CESON & FREW Lotion.. a tamwo • tuuvurAcium.Ens AND mr.A.Lann tN Harness, Saddlery, Trunks, itc., At.D. tuud and Impori from Aaiun Diarists all Um lam ;Atter., styles .d Improvement.. Pullets. iJa4 /Sp la ODD At at.. n.. war room, XSZ,o. 102 171740c.el illitrepot %soh. seethes fee the WOODMAN/3[S BIT ethere roue 7777 ell Loll? -4 -PllOlllll STUN BREWERY, JOB. 1P110112...M. ■'LT..IOIIIT LIDDI3.I , SPENCER, M'KAY a CO., RESTED AND BRBWDD t JOY Porter and Brown Stout, ff PTIIBI3IIIIO, 110IIMIT a;:mzer. 0414 f l l,' rint AI L.- stencil . zi y m e g l i MlZA L rec Man. •. u 7. w • 4::1‘10:9zir:101M:f-INVIC JOILIT PIcCIABEN, Attorney-at-La. 0111.0. 71 GRA= W., !IMOISPIrk. It . A. CAMERON Attorney-ai-LaA No. 98 FM9'80.844: R. BIDDLE nonewirs, Attorney-at-Law. OMNI, IN. 76 URA= MUM' 1101.14peels1 - attantlaa gins to oasts Dtnf.• lavista .EIISTACE & MORROW, ALDERMAN. ogle. of the P .4kee, AND POLIOIC XIAGISTELTZ. 030, Ns 73 Peughuis' bus, tithierik, tti D...., 00.4. Monghm •ekao•rlad ems, Depoaltt and an Lord Bath... exammt.4 WOO tiromomma and Illsvatals. nra POSIMII x. .ULY )CTTUI►IILD' O. N. 102,101.1. M'M ASTER, GAIIARI IRITTERIFEIO, Attorneys & Censelent-at-4m, AND SOLICITORS IX BANKRUPTCY I=CCEE2 Office, IPS SWINT STIZET, S. I= MMOlf, OITIVZ or TWA VLACB. (kinToyiater, liaal C•tata sati lagstratiee ♦Celt. 1JA1190.11 Erraicrr. Z. Wratathsas. Collootios of beau solloolted sad promotl7 •ttaaaea to. 1.11:781 • WILLIAM IL BARKER, JUMPS Or TEE man, OUNITZTANCIZU.-io. gaily. Dep E o ON o nt T lf ß i ZT u orwe.l ). Sdum se. troste y to Si. eve promptly &Winded to. DANIEL PIcINEAL, PI, IP, PRACTICING PHYSICIAN'. I=l 10, 1.543 Grant 84, near MIA 103.x./1 FERGUSON, Attorney-at-Law, 10. U tUTU RRXVI; = a.co.D'll.oo■. 110217 ROOM W . .. LEA, . ATTORNEY Alt LAW, MS. 90 Diamond StreeL, =km.. • rminuseit, IL. JQHIII W. RIDDELL, ATTORNEY AT LAW, °MICA Me, Mb COWMEN 11211111, ritTnauseti. i t AL. C. 4ACHRELL, ATTORNEYIIIOIIIIIEIitaI AT LAI 89 Grant Street, PTITEIBIJUGII, PA. 1:1724:1411 Jong A. "mem 11MaTZPZIAIMLI/6-711r. Es-011icio, kWh:eel the Peep roz.tcx x.teurniaTZ, trate, llf Firth Bt, oppedtc Cathadi ==l3ll DeedJ, Bow% Xertgviss, kelgaewledgniats L*PoslOolts as 4 all Legal BIAS.* assawl•E irlak promoness mod alsostele. EirlB.lll JOHN a McCOEMS, ITIO/NEY IN COUNSELLOR IT W. No. 87 Fifth Street Sarrcuslone. Mt Armen of Pei on a ptly collected. .noltedtel P.U:MMEI. LJNL COITLTER r. Lens, Hone and Sign Painters, roo CWT RINUT, Plittabirtk (010Wtt Cella: Waal LAM (AIMS do_ to erdar. u. winh ROWLAND & FLUEINLIS, HOUSE AND LION PAINTERS, eakisman L.YD eirsizsa. No. 64 DI4MOND, CALCIIII NINO done la the best manner. J. K. HAMILTON, Jr., House and Sign Painter, No. MS 711:111W STRESS, PI ttelbargh. Graining, Glazing sad Gilding IviATLY iii 00711). . Mixed P.I.N. V.r WE.. kitty. elms. TurimatinhWlM• Lead, Ltn.. as. ITV :215. y. mrcourtnos..--.—. a. narsuti HUTCHINSON & HEPBURN, HUSS NCI OD - 11.111111/1 ?ALMA iIItAINEWS AND BLEIEEE. . EIO. AS PE.NIVA Antigun, rsgusamia. All onclera by =All promptly atm adoti to. .1111. 111 . CORLIt exTrraz McCORAN & SISITHEII, HOUSE, BIG! AND OBILLINTAL PAM. SAL AND GRAMM ADD OLAZISILL No. Ott. No et► aides( Otaaastadt Allaatacy. Clataatentlal and aluadras made to order. Otters rt.oeetlltllr toltatted at Drattatty ..- .cud. Id lyed Paints, WladoWOlaat aad ratty tomato ry on n tad. sotto:it CARPENTERS, BIIILDKRB rnancTir J s.-rnANctes, • CARPENTERS AND MALDEN!, Jobe la(. tor 1101141Agai, Rol! licrina. and Jobbing, Particular agitation given to liesr7 Trarrilnig 70W:inner nod 1111071, el au dencriptlont. • • Ix E 66 u 1561 ➢eiinoi At* Gfl, h t.17:•44 Z. H. PALM Ma, Boise Bander aid Carpeater, Q trgh • ;my! BARZ3I/11ALLZI MN wiraom., ad 1 , 4•1"thl 411.• w ish ,bvr. WM. J. DICK, Carpenter and Bnildet, No; if VIN7iST4II/1.191A ATRIUM oPpealte HIIIO .11111. PIIYE.~.o Pa. ' I Jobolu done With mine. Yl dispatch. All orders promptly attended 10..aa imilefactlon . . . EM=l HOUSE BUILDERS AND • _ CARPENTERS. - Jiver . and 7LILP*III3 promisly at Ind 11131.1ALSON 1/1:6114 .17: I Ilbgeld Hiatt p:oll4:4Pzil ()l: (tli:i :1 Tae ITNDERSIGNED beg toast. so Melt Mends and the nob!. fiat they tonxhared alds ()Li) InigAßl46l/111. .4 rOPM.II nV JIM. No. 741 Liberty Street, A.a will colOttOso to keep it 1 the beat Mile. rim MAMMON MOIRA Wu over one belaMoo moms. Mt newly tarnitbect la th e letat style, ma only two Whet. , walk Pont Zolltotta pot. Travelen wlll and Oda how an eneellent one to mop et. sad will be accommodated pry boar. day or nicht. Coneetted twilit the 'Jimmie • eplendld for Concerts. raoldea or Onele. w i th to bOard bp the any. wOok or month, wtth or ottboat room.. IL WAGNER, • . OOIDUOTED of TES BIIIONILL ST. -JAMES HOTEL, Rea. 405 & 407 Liberty Opposite tba Vales Divot, PIT lUWJtI. WIEB K. LANIII.O, Proprietor Sala baba I. aaarly ballt and aploadldly fin lal, Info tae .IV. ettaalll4a 1.1 trod 01.0 7037 iv4i,.mro.viltt Ertl Lou .te Too rm jou roa i r . a i aa . r . 7 ma t 7000 aaart:di ud . day and aught. Balla .d partma mattla4 ••111. elorpera at aa Manua% nob°, sad tar. ST. MIN HOTE lON TN ■ susurzut MAN.* N. E. Oor. Penn & Owl St& =:r=s JATAIM JOHNSON, :Propziettl. Thl• how. 6•11 IN•e• thormilar ratted ile lowly Innit•ld throghOnt, .4 now arcs • osbila NOTICE TO. lIRICILVIAKERS. Lay' BANK VIV A !MLA Ott XENT. I hare fbr -snot XXX ONLeit aLT_ AC X kb (t)) CROONS , . to •lhwaser City, W. to ebb Obrerretsr r aad tappedlu is. est Ideuesof W. trirellotock. Net.. fnatiall es learrybrill• anal Ilse rms. sad ...dad bask to the Onsets Mary du M Soo ntsialad a bed of els,. from II to net dear. r dirW• bald lot to •ell rattle. coal cosi be 051111111 """6tIfuII:VIITICZ R.N.. at,- - .16.3,kra AArdsbeityCitl HUT CAUGUY & CO; iIa'NEW OPERA HOUSE. . 1 WK. lIILIMIIIBO‘ . ..... Bankers and Brokers; ti T. a. •NI.I nAITIVILT 141ST WEI& COINER TNISO AND WOOlll7llEiTs L,l3l"trVV,PV;:hr, en: goof Woo of Ile Sot. noo ' f:doesi WU. , yrrrespill PA.. thta"""2".1".".".""" -...- .._ -.- . - - _ _ . ,------ - rro i Olio: foroon;. - Tea aoid - o - oas iir - szialle frpi . lo.• -d n. CC Cnui. /11..Barosa:Ifol., aatti.lad In cauomasols To 110171, EAST is OCO ' .'t BLACK MOOR ' L i .5 T , ~ ..j Tan rrtaitere Dantratt a. Sign °, a• Tr. A 1.44.X.1.113 IN , , r , ANTI/14010 sad MI" KATY PLONOTIAL tio . 1 A della: .51b [ant car, Wows and nun, Anil; Exchange, Coin, Cengtenv..:4l7o.l:TVige_l"o;xnaetlVV7=ii i i , O' th, ii/li Man Woe. the coleartiad WM) ala V at '"" "'mi.' P ale W U. V . , 1 =t . !: trartgl ...alt *" 4 l lsl(te ' d7;l7llr, OW 41 sad sate of I VIA. Intf nosed Want Coosa Malluen ..1 „ GrOVERNME NT jioNi" IEgrIZOOT'S CELEBRATEIO Aram lit Diciira ou Los utyzi. NAIOLMS .it SONS 4.. .. .., ITHE' H.A.YMAI3-EtSi 4 . ,. . ' 3EIAL t 1-1: , IVIE:EMLOSi . • ,:: I N COS thTUML, wi MI Orsbastra, ..ol No. 57 market Street, , f . duce•l at the • YIT•11030/1.3 4. ' -..... a Defaults noels. la Tat Panda a. Cermoc7. i On W 4110.11117 ZV0. 1 .1 . • rob. I s l , Collect.. nude . all the ...sal 'Dolnts ef * • I thoualted SW.. and Cat.l3ol ~-,' IBIS 1111.1111 ERNEST AA D JO' .. Stocks, Bonds and . Othet. Socornito Neeslsted ne • palates of Sonsisti ands : t •STcIeD for ludo at C. C Ilollar• Maths BOUGHT LID HOLD ON ocimitiaaum. , 1 - No. a• Wood uteri. 'retro Data can de. • lon and after lioness morales. rebraarl4 tartlonlar attest!. .11 .01 Datehla. sae .....11 o'cloci. • I tale of -1.• tno elan° axed on MD ...Dm Is cona . ~ h famous Steinways Eq.. (Ir.!. 11.13411 • nub hod brthe Mow. telaber. Wood Decal U. S. Secsuriefeset, T reiLl24 . ... laclealas , U. B. !LIMO UV lent ! ; ligirriAsoriic HALL. tl. Z. TIVIEIIO-410e. f ELEVEN NIGHTS ONLY. o. S. CSVCSITICLSES 0/ INDICIMILDb Zs& i,,„„ uan tuna rawc. ranir Moen .4 Vouchers...or .1111.44. • ".. laangd f LOREN, I, the Royal CovJarer, KEYSTONE' SAYINGS BINK.I. • ...,.......,.:. . f r _.... j ,„.. • , • _, ------ finiala —. WHlTl 111C1r..4 21)3 Liberty Street, . i . riettualliNti SOKS.3I OeTe. PITTSBURGH, PS. Loo VALUABLE ALT 118E1111: PH):IIiNTIi f Will ts distributed ip the andloaoll at the awe " taTdVatlettgrist.TlDlDAY, for •Sa Seco.- 1•1413 shell, WILL 4.!FT.11 • toolation or Ladies and calltheo. Sloes ohtld • . ' ' ' "' ' ''De • ' l . ll7slsl. ADMIII4IOII. 1 . • • Closla Tleketa .... General Banking Business ........ . , a1c.141. 'IS •• 1 .. • lastly Ttektls, ad54111001..........W 13 . - t" 11 'D "" 11 a il gel . ! , ' 4•l ' ::i rale re r O. . D"" °PP' " DADA. sa. TISDatt•LVALOOL 0. P. 14mm/is, Dans.. ri -. 6: ,„ as D. 111.•eilt. AD 1. , 4.0 It 1111,110.11111. Monday. November 18th, bori•:,orpncre. CONPEIVAI 1. aeeoaau or • • • I hionable Banclog anttem y, taalul and Moro/moot: Fas At !do Mem Amembli Booms. 111 711r111 BT.. Collection. ado en all Panto . DI the Malted • opposite the Uld Theatre. Nor •Clareee near Slates and C • lensing, en MONDAYS, Si EONMAtrA Ire-And i "'"" ' 4l n " 4 °° .. TU " : •Zr 5.14.ttim1; UNITED STATES SEcutirnEs MCAT ANS NUL ; r a:derrt; ° , C c4 C a r relt i gt'll'arloTeartrrigrer lare c an tot obtalood. kW to le% lo Select Par. IRMO. T. TA% DOISIST. rower. Los. fol2:111 WESTERN SAVINGS 081, Xb. 59 Fosirth Mrset. 3.11341110. latoreatPald oa Tim. Pepogita. Amy MAR 41.5 from One Dolls. upward: Dopeslts subplot to (Meek, witliou. tautest.. °MOUNT DAILY. ♦T Et O'CLOCE.• President--THOSHI3OR CELL. flee President—A. M. MARSHALL MNM itothhOldtni to whom ws mate lit/LIFZIMICIII . Wit. Forsyth.. . Jouph Dilworth. W Oaldsmlll Rae. David Kerr, Dsthe D5..7 tramoest. 01W. C. - A. N. Bmws, IL X. rattan. Thos. Swim". p1Y111111314411 • SANK FOR SAVINCS,.. Font/arty i the DINE SAVINGS LNETITIITION . Irocartii Street, Nearly Opposite IlasOL of Pittsburgh.. OHLIITSILED IN 1881 OPEN DAILY from $ to 4 o'clock. and on WEDNESDAY AND NATIOLDAT EVNISINGN from Nay set to November Ist, 7 to .o'clock, and from November lit to May In. to &o'clock. Book of 117-I..mve, Ae. furnished at the Mire I Tills nsUtution especially Wirers, those whom earnings er• limited, On opportunity to awe, Ve . dUll! Ina. Intermit Instead of remaining unuroductive. $4:141111 - Cil Of DEEeestaimierings 1 = = .- . . . . . . . .. . • D. IS., MaKINLLY. , • ' l a A. BRADLEY, WALK. NUILICY. , A. S. B. • P. RAHN, JNO. 15..DILWO , YETIL JOSHUA UNODLA..., G. FOLLANSBEE.or Es Z JOHN BCOTI__ • JAB. 1.. GRAHuasrAM .11. O.UG. sowizwrz, cn noucrrOAA—D. W. AA. EL HILL. naHrelis. DOLLAR SAVINGS BANK, No. 65 Fourth Stroel, CHARTERED IN IBM 1, ANISETIN Amoi , rio camber tat, fr,rm 7to o'clock, soo Ram if Pi ber tat to May lot, from atot o'cloek. Trepans ...Iced of CI soma of not 'cm tbakT Doe Dollar, ye • dictated of the prelate C 0.,: dared Wee • year. te, Jace sod December. lod tercet bac been declared mmlassureall I. Jane. end IhMember noes the Berk mac organised, MT, the mate of Mx per matt. • year. lateral, If not - drawn oat, la_placed to. main of the depoaltorm prlnelpal,ead bears tbeT, mstio Interest from tke ant days of Jams malt ecember, compolandlog Wee • Tnr reltboarr troubllog the &poen. to eall. or emm boos.At MD ratemObel will doable 100. tau O.OOOOT tan. Hooka coorkrolop Um Charter. Pfaldart, ef; I tad Ltegulatlam.Ptralabed gria.D. on appUerrilok:, st the °MP. . . . . TfCl • fobs O. packereu• 13.J.e. Herdm 7•1... estoct.l Jam l ames MeAulcy. lat.. H. •••• - ...MD.', 1 4 A. U. Pollock. IL.D.. Jtobess Robb. btm H. Bboenberi.. Junes tleAlla, . r _ Lll= , er , = . racers... . _. .. _ . • Wm. J. Anderson. Calvin Adams. Jobb C. Bladler. • Glad olto n, Jobs M e ans, Jobb. Wllestage, WWl= B. Hew. • Peter H. Honker, tilehard Haw, imam D. Kelly. • neamormile—ClLLP.L BaCIATAAT—JAS. H. HantyJ. Lynda. ,1 Peitz A. Kaden, fi John Danthall. Walter P. Du 1112.14. .• John B. BDIPAkto, Orrasbe.bui,„.. .• mr...b.mt• Alexander MCA Wil Inzaeliam ADY • W.. • I?: ° W M r . ; D. ICZIDS. Als • • ,4 WEEKLY GAZETTE THI URQEST, AND ACHNOWLBDOZD:To B 1 THE BEST PAPER IN THE SUM • • Pole" la °lobo of Silk oadt aPw -SLIS s emal• QaTles.llLso 9 Mil 1011 nina M ME% IT HAS NO EQUAL. It it by (mai . I oust athorleirl to be lla RAMPION PAPER FOR MARKET MONTI I=l NEWS OF THE WEEK, O•IIL/QLLY ruarAzgy.. arlDlN!aaf., 134ZZTTleN ;77 Pittabsar b. Pesinoi,":,l ALLEGHENY GROCERY IND PROVISA COMPANY; JOUR A. AleGUAW,ldent. J. P. ISRAEL, Secretary. SUN Stoat or tttls Company L. alraaly soitfit sp• Thc•o wishing to avail tbitmsells• of It. betteetit. t.. 1 better • . . .eaaPx.Dx,rir aT, cona•ct Al SS Federal Sl.,lllarbeßY. .R,IIL ATE 8 ! SKATES SKATES!. bloro Medved Um lahron. UR* .I.V*. •04118 nut assort 22•0 t ors 3EG. 41- 9E I M 1,74: 1 / 2 r ..i t en iri d ...M u! ! = eft, . ra k A r e 4 • syysmi quality of , "UETTEHEI OF AOMEUSTBA.. AA nog agruti be. granted lo lb* .4•11 • stood try tiver leen, of WIll• or /Were., county. on tio sol.sts of tgaZILLLA. Ismer Islekrla towtstap., dow•arel..Yl persons . ladeateo is said ORM. a li .hts wafts I. and tams ham/ alums against um aastimlllgree atom tterta aailllament 'without delay to 10/fila OKILIWN. • •Pitt Tougatilga w. Ca 2.• WAT11111.....D. P. LIT I 138 %oat string IRON trim BELT WORK,. LADIES' SKATES Thome Of then the finest nknbtilosdn In Ant bate totalortable in toonn.ctaki Will a? atom Where Lullts malt on their ntataa he purennslnn. so that they not he nan/Mtn /tit.{ this on When thtyttial MED= M=;E FORT PITT LUMBER tial, : 111124,000, avemaes4—sow. siniames: ==== I I l i. D. D I thriam " °°ll° bea W . V ° I;rto. I 1,. " ejohnnoe, • • LUMB•R TABU—C..3er of BUT.I.I.ft & AL. LIMILINY ten., inth Watt. ' ogles at ?UHT lin IMAM ROHM. Witt. 111.01 litres{. • • 11045111 lIIM 1 .., i -3 - AIIIIISEIIIENT& TEBATIO CANTATA; rerPßOr. pARPELATEWI9 DANCING ACADEMY. PHILO HALL. No. 16 Titrdstraat. now Opt enr the reception or paptlx. Lays Or 1 11 1.014 Widnet dap and Ilaturn ay. at I r. Ar. tot Ladies. Ma, ere and Lion.. Taratelli tO. Na•alo far ..anta—lanaday •n 4 Prins, ana Tnraa 410.0. bump Soul 'lnalan47 ellastla A at u'eloct. LEGAL ORPHANS' COURT SALE. BY VIRTUE OF AN ORDER of c Vm`fw i tigia b a r "."`"' Patardai, March 7th, 18 1 84, LT TWO O'CLOCK T. 11 , LOT,-OFGROUND, titivate' le the Third Word - et illesher 7. sad Greeting es Farr, street SI width. end I. Sitar esek. preserelvor the same width. Se feel, tang Lots hoe I w.kci 2 1 u lb. Elan.= Olen of lOts. wiessea--41.fiet cash b dance ea eeeh tense Si ll salt pereldisers.,e De 1 mated by tond and mortgage. JOH. GI. WALT/ISE, ' Admlateraleief Wm. Liebe. declass. ORPHANS' COURT . - 1 • 'THE !UNDERSIGNED, Trustee. ben eppolet , ed el the Mebane Covet of Alio-. t t4tat T e7nrizeß e : . lge: =l:l'N.°l 1"01 R 01. rglrdal 2 :.7nte r.lta!: . 017 ' I"' " r “ " On Wednesday,, March '4, 16611, ' A TWO O'CLOCK r. H.. That eeAatn Lot of GrouLd..oontaintos about. NC AND • HALT ACUId. [Muted ta fru. wlekley Borough. on the north hide or: Neater Greet. adjolnlag lud of A Wars balm on uhten Is erected a • One Story Stone Dwelling Rouge; * Mtn • ber Izeor . ortenists. and snitch - 1s ranted will 4olce I ran Tr, es: einvtiber,. AC. Thu. lOt IS ont or two Smoot In thnne An t. vin N ail s C o e tie tOf Apttr next. • Tutan Or all E. l• • tree.belf at enilanii . V.lol3 of rale, and 'timbals ante ta one year. ANA Internet. secared,b, bond and ntortoge on We premises. akillUZL i6l/I3TOBI, T 112.4454% frALLUlrrit • OUNMANB 9. COITUT SALE.! • Splendid mansion and Grounds. . On 1 UISDAT, lebriusry 96th. ISM • at 1 o'clock be sold at auction , try order or Orpheus' 'Conn, outlot on the lkostera border of trie Borough of • Beaver, sioutalshag About Tin onithan Li • beau. [Vol grow. she residue well Improved and plusted with apple mid vela Isere, sod verb. ety haus sad ehrubberry..• liaprovor 404 . rirecilr strllncrr o rtrute rr oxi ß M4ll " Sier: exclusive iekllslin. crash !nos" ni!ephl bons. good Zit ;itU.l7;a I ;Tie the locales to on o f the men plttneibe ne beautiful toilee Me, numendlag • flue new et the Ohly and Beane dyne. aed of the tenon nine., that dunce net r then nay denee• it ta also extremely ellylble With ref- , ence to Venn, Marne.. Enron Matte. er •e. Probably eel/lap now to the mann <O9l tn. Wrenn envanionne and ettraettna matted 10 • emblem& that dente for .111intet. Ilene • • not at the some Cam nelede4 mha acne innate of Onto.. and Quietly ea only 119:esiabl. from Pltteburn. The nnerepyrn We homestead of Charles non. le LAW beaver. Terme, whin 501 be nay, non ILIKI.II at thus a( We. Person nettled Ms Stints will be att. runs.l roan *sneered by Cit. II ' , ' F! 1t - enter ot the ratan. e Char ea ewes. mita eneieng .1".0 tr. C. MAliaat Orricie. Weatara Maria of Peaarrtweala, kTnitarlan. labruary 11. IWO THIS IS To OITE NOTICE that on Nato day ;of rebruary, <y D. W. • Warrant In Bankraptcy was Issued mains% Ws nom. or IPILLIALUI r. 111EIMIZAT, MU,. City or Yttlabarak. 131 the aosatiy henna gaga), 8144 Of reawylvanta. la* Ow Tana ad- Judged • bankrupt on bla cora plittUou: LW Na paytaeal of any galas and. 4.11,9 ry Of erty baloarup to awl, twatrupt. am, oe Lt. am. sal th e transfer of any property by Wm creation Ze. by law; 11.4 a maattag of tka cf tle uut bankrupt, to trove Oafs debts. sad so elloaketwe or mom Audam•s• *Ma W will be bald at • Oeart of baWW . .....Y. to be bateau at Me ellee of Us baglswir, Ito. a 101am0.4 sweet, fa the City of Putabarna. fora eAliink 11•Juss, L.B , Beitstar, es th.34d.l•fameNa.D.als..iao • aionk...x. TR9IIIIAIII A. sowiEr. Matti D. 11. 7•211.0. as Maawanel. CFI WEINTEIIN, . ._ ILEITIIICT PENN. , . ... srz.vitaa.. se: f . 7 6 ... 4 ...4. 04 • _e, KIT“ ZO of als appolatoacaS of I • _• it3BIONIE oi ROBERT WIFE! of Qs boroook:s i imatoos. la thO ooluity of dliostital...4 of Penanlostils. orktlds ...14 mulct, weo 1y toms odtudiOd ll • WO , root molds gm( petition 14 the D'lnArt CS= 01 sold Dlottict. • ' I - 0. ' • HtlE/H X. SOUL lapTitly EMES2=;;MI • NOTICE - I HEREBY 1 160MIIN al THAT... nadandratd•ll.l walla , apallta, Uo. la I b• 1.1151a17 *trio( Allegaavy:teaaty, qar the allsaalatiaa ealotita....lp bet.rota Ike .s scriber awl tilellOtas [Casa- BUM.% fa the geavall Wm... al Oravrtax becrandal. a. law Oa. 1.•1 our.. bean carried o.l.soreaapea• In the MI Ward, 7111 s• bYfriurii.r•otlei.litfUnellf el ttU ma derfiltaed will lasi 5.14 O 1 ,2!? ra.palble tor au•aebta heareatlaileaattaartd ay an/ awls, Om Wallin. et Llammaraad Mamma.. 1.1431 M. . 112112(2. • •NOTICE.—WItEIIF.AS. , iLe•tat a ' l'estzmestmukto - tba [stud le( JOHN DU.4 es.. HY .sLleglieal CM. 1 17.50 1 . 0 5 5555. beta emoted Um saboerlber. Ai per woo Indebted to Um tal ..tote aro .555•5150 to mute touneeltato pat milits sad Ikon 11150155 Malmo sealsol Um. soU Ilnaftt Mao, 5517 an tleatlbstsll for Cltot itneat._to_ frincur. . _ 1141.1,5 UAL UV LL 1 • . . 45751515, 1.11•115.7 Clll. 9!!M NOTICE.— , ._ olfOlUh tillAets.ot 4. p0,..... 4 ., ritl.l4llitiiV,Z!". tetrad. TO (Mite. to tee embiedneer. all pentode Ide dto the ezi4 reteie are re deemed tomeka I *elite Dement. sat theen haviewldalsee or demandene eetata al Yd decedent will make den o te : e Lome wile. .1441117, to . Catlitil.l.di POWELL, . .. etliklerid I err, Street. Blrlaindellla. 1 RXECUTOR:I3 9 NOTlClC_ t ilLetteri Itastaawatary atom the w tit and Tea- . Waco% of %atonal Woods, lota of Aswan Tn.. A/Withal *maw rat, dwoootd, hattlog toot Waned to the switrisloood,- ad pawns lowing clan.' &Aldan said watts win wawa Utoot. duly aothentleatod for oettlewant, and Unrolls -400444 Am sallied to itst Um owtarslonall, In IlnOwdatt ttornoltly, haw octootY, ao NIA MA IMPLAIlWutita. 84;. EZIMI A DBII2IIBTILILTOWS fAr"r"rllragrklea•fab!: Vt ulderliw ll. gist* of taD WAND Upilr'n"Lpa.atitielslV_,•WilnatitOr"""d'- haAt. agabst gas Nalt6 OF puha?. V IN VA D . zwzigir r. • iv Nr Aftersef. NOBIAT BUBB, JaolldaT Mo. 14•Youtt Pllliberch, . . . . . CE0.0.. CLARK & CO..- Illsatfictormi el ..1117 4.-atOU.I a Pa. etnialuod.oeauuttal and Riveted lies-Tana. a0411143141fr Scalia :. ' 0t%1iam.9= 2 .." 9" 7 ' rs: • fiN ruler) waive AB . DbU. Cabs Zo lame: - Posta rernJZlan*/1 LoverlasVainE . A.111.01 1 :4a1P ; g Md s. a groraZlCNlU . • 1.3 os • Cabs C,CHOMULILXR non; . 17240417 M.. =I I mo, .121 t. 36.111 Of , hl ISE anti °Laire, ;•• is s.
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