4. Eith4 Gaititt orrY AND SUBURBAN. .• 2 COURTS. ,Irtutba •Olates Pilititet.Cotnet-.4adte Wzaantssne.y; Feb. 19.—The following panel penions - flied petitions for final disebarge in the bankrinu,sy branch of I {tie Courtlidaniel. I. Britton, Cameron FJ. rk, Erie coty; Ch oncey. Moore , Elk eotanty; er unty; 'Edward vans, Allegheny county; Edward M.- :10ton, Allegheny eonnty; Alexander Amman; Union county; Otbo , Wade,. l Greene county. Toe . Court directed the. '.. usual notice to be given and publications Thefollovring , Volantaripetitionsfor ad 'indication In losnkruptcy were filed: W. .--.EL Waal at! And James Cuddy la Pitta burgh; •B. P. Criswell. late lot' Plus. burgh, now of Philadelphia; David .t. 'Lewis, Northumberland; lii obis B. Snyder, of Sdmerset. . . the whole number of petit'o ir ' to date is toter hundred and. .. I —=-..--- i joy ' Dlessieit Oaars—lntige Thumps°. 'iVittnrssasT, Feb. 19.-7 ' 'Weight ye. Dania McPherson. Action to recover 1780, claimed to be due r building - .foundation'vralla. Jury ou List for Thursday: -60. S. Duff fa. S. Wilmot,. la. J. Taggart Ts. J. Ryan. • 159. M. A. Dalyors. O'Reilly. • - R. F. Fuller-Ts. H. B. Thompson. 16$. Miller, Co.& vs. Et. Willi -171. 1.. Selnitzerlea. A. Ilarkbardt. 173. M. Gallagher vs. J. Sweeny. • 67. G. W. Smith Ts. Darlington &Co. stesl r e. Commas Pletee—S Stow - - WIDNEEIDAT. Feb. 19.—1 n he case of Samuel Ruff vs. R. W. 'pl , reported , .:. yesterday, thejury found for e plaintiff. Ca George and BarbersoWalther vs. James Campbell. Tnis was an action to recover two thousand dollars alleged 10 be due - _ r t r e derz o i ligi a cle i ff agreeme ern r,Lov:ilag al str. et arid North avenue, Allegheny. . . List for Thursday: IS& Cutler ec Brother vs. John Huck ensteln. • 139. Wah. Wirringtott vs. James Her. 141. Wm. Smith ye. David Steen. r ' IL'. Samuelhrist. I B i r eli d n ftk g TL s. Et1 u .4 3.- 17.11 Co. 144. Schwert & Westphal vrt.. James 147. Hass & Krauss vs. P. Ft. W. .t C. R. R. Co. 14a. Sarney". Same. 60. (Oct.) E. Hyde vs. Livingston di 149. H. Baldlnger vs. Jeremiah Knox: 150. Alex. Patterson vs. Jas. Gillespie. 151. H..Atklnson vs. D. P, Hatch. IEO- Anderson it Belt-vs. Pickeragill 153. Robert Long vs..Yolur Brown. • . 154. Robert McCready vs. Peruse, R. R. Natintal Clarislins Osoveatieft Asalsms Memel Nostsitea. National Convention of. Christiana, tllL?;1 In the city of Pittabargb. Pa., on Tees - day, Wednesday and Thursday; the sth, Bth and 7th days of May, 1323, 00131M011- clog At 7 o'clock r. it, (Tuesday.) All are invited who are included In theeall. Xatierna, Committee.--J: Blanchard. Pmeldent,i•Wheaton - College, Illinois; • ' Rev. B. T. Roberta, Rocheater, New ' York, Free Methodist; Rev. P. Ste season, Editor Christian Statesman, Philadelphia, Reformed Presbyterian; Rev. A. Ritchie Cincinnati, Ohio Mei ," ted Presbyterian; Rev. D. Beram,Editor - • Relic:Mu Telescope, Dayton Ohlo, tint tad Bre th ren; Rev. Nathan Brown, Ed " !tor American Baptist; Rev. A. Crook, Editor "Wesleyan Methodist" ..yracuse New York; Professor Henry Fairchild, Oberlin College, Ohio Congregation's% . Rev. John Lawrence, Nashville, Ten - nesace, United Brethren; Rev. A. C. Van Basile. Protestant Dutch, Holland, Michigan; Rev. M. Bennett, Presiding ' Elder. Methodist Episcopal Church, Kilbourne, Wisconsin; Rev. Wm. De.- Lee. Love, liellwankee, Vilscensin; Rev Cooler, D. D., Philadelphia;Pa., United Presbyterian; Henry Kimball. Esq., Ed itor "Church Union, " New York. City. At 11. meeting of ministers and mem : hers of Churches hastily called for con _ anltattott in Pittsburgh yesterday, a Lo cal Committee was.-appointed from the various denominations to make all need ed arrangements with power to increase their number. This Committee will an nounce "Mali soon. The members of the National Committee have conferred wit . the following gentlemen, who have pro mised to submit prepared papers to the • Convention on the following topics : I. Action of the Secret Orders on the Social Relations. President . J. IL Fair -, child, Oberlin, 0. 2. Action of the Secrettirders on Chris than Civilization. Hon. Henry Wilson, 3. Religion of the Secret Orders. Pres . ldent L Blanchard, Wheaton ft. All other arrangements are referred to the National and Local Committees. Chairman Nat. Committee I:=3 _ . . : The following deeds were left in the Recorder's office, Feb. 111,1858 i imams L. Graham, Sheriff, to William Mellen May 7th 1850, haterest or James Rick ey in a tract of_ land In -;1 Robinson township, containing 2 1. 1, acres, 154 perches Sao 'j Patrick Mellon to Jacob. Porter, Feb. • 18th, 1508, the above tract of 21 scree • sad 154 perches • $4,500 ; • Francis Little to William Whigs, Oct. 16th. GM, lot in Ohio township, eon- Mining 1 cure Nadal perches- 6100 • -- C. H. Love to John Barnes ,Nov. Bth, 1867,-lots Nos. 179 and 180 in Chartiers ' townahlp, on Mansion avenue, 50 b 3 Sarah Mavens to Michaeloc.Ol4; March ' 21, IEB3, lot No. 24 in the platt - Of Berg. *ovate, Lower St. Clair townahip, 25 by 150 feet. V.lO Cite of.Alleghenv to Maria Dona, Oct 1. 1637,10 t on Mal street, Shaler town MIN 21 by 130 feet. .. ... . . ...• .Frederick Ontendoef to :Joseph Doge!, January 6, 1808, on Butler street, Law - renceville, 25 by 100 feet 60.„330 John- Bach to John Derr, Feb. 17. 1868. • lot la Mifflin tostmatalp, containing 1 • acre and 25 perches; also, the adjoining - lot containing 1250 gerches.,.."--8 9 00 8 .7.. ..11104boy to Henry Foga!, Oct. .15. 1.957, tract 06 land In Pine totnialdo, containing 15 sores. • 41,100 Henry Fogal to Lewis Fogad, San. 20th, • 1868. the above tract of 15 acres..sl,ooo • CbrlstOpher Hood to Sarah Greenwood, Jane gOth, 1667, lot in Second ward, Al - legimay, on Franklin -alley, 20 by Z 5 feet • ... - 6750 J.J Slautterly,trtratee, to * William Greed, Oct. 96th, 1861. lot in Indianotownship, No. 113, in the plan of 'Hoboken," 40 by 170 feet VOO John W. Taylor to -Anna Mary Holm, Jan. D3th, 1688, lot of ground on Ches nut street, All egbeny,4B by 53 feet-15,500 W. W. McClelland jo Franc-L]. /se . . March 30, 1008, three lots In Pat town ' _ship, fronting on John /treat. 106 feet end extending back 132 feet to Mahon street 2000 Andrew Lyons to Joseph Kb p 2itrick. Feb. 7,1968, the one-third - of 20 lots in Duquesne boiongh. . . . ..81.Z/0 Joseph Dulles to Joseph Mark, ........ • 6, 1864, lot on Franklin street., cheater, 72 by I.Z/ feet. .... Same to Fred Altsrater and * Joseph - Marks, Dec. 13, 1967 lot o n Chmtier • street, Manchester, 100 by 146 ===2l • ' °MBA Hotreg..---The Opera House was filled to Its utmost capacity :est night to see the "Black Crook." The success which has attended - the production of this spectacle is without a parallel, not only in Pittsburgh, bat wherever It has bee. put upon the stage in a proper manner. The manager. Mr. Canning, has been quite fortunate in the selection of the ballet, as it is far superior to any former one appearing In this ci.' Tbiy is positively th e last week for Use piece on the -Pittsburgh stage, consequently there will bo but four more entertain ments. Those desiring int, should se cure them early, as the home la always crowded. _ . Murano Hars.—Logorula, the royal conjurer, .with bin famous troupe 01 trained birds, mice and Russian cats, was greeted with au fromense audience last night; and gave general sitlafaction. The extendve and complete manger In which be wan advertlzedd by in advance agent, Mr. Harry H. Tyndall, prepared nacto-see lanmaudiencos at Logrenles entertainments, but the vast =wed nightly In attendance proves that the tonjunw Is the beet card himself. To. night the performance will be changed, and el gent gifts will be diatributed among the audience. . - Ldy readcre will remember that the entire at lck o trimmings, emtanideriea, lace gocela. battery and millinery goods •t the extennivo wholesale arid retail trimming and no home of Joseph Horne Jr Co.. Nos. and 79 Market street, is offered at specially reduced rates, ranch cheaper than the same line of go ole have been held for wary yaw" past in this city: - The dock is fresh and Writing, harlot - been • purelmeed daring the recent ternPagary panic hr the East ern markets. • On TriM.—The cute of Tom Whitta ker, Indicted for robbing Mina Nancy Sproul!, was taken tip to the Washing ton eounty -Court yesterday morning. 14.. C. Moreland. Erq., appears.. private counsel Mr the promonUon, and B. M. Glbsou and Mr. Morrison for the defemd ann.•-•The case of 'Molly'. Arnold, in• dieted for thp ['under of David IliSpu will be taken up at theumiclusion o above cam •• —An ,enhlbition -of the Boat. _t` moon Methodist Episcopal. o:Ler.s be given tbis and to- marrow evenings In the .I:burch. A - bend of innate will be in attendance, and an en joyable bine /MT be Anticipated bY flaw Who aloud. • Tray.,lip Oar We have frequently heard complaints regarding the clieleat manner in which blame is baadled on Borneo( the rail- Medi It seems than the httggege delight to Loos about heavy trunks, valises and satchels in BLIC4 a rucuth .tv'ay as to test their durability in a maduer never calculated upon by either ti.e own er or maker. We were amused the oth 7 er day, at one of our depots, at overhear. , ing a portly oli3ciartell a laborer that ho "need'nt be particular in handling that trunk, as It. was made by Liebler, and could stand any =nonfat of hard usage." lie appeared to realize, in common with most folks of this community, that what ♦was made by Liebler would stand a large share °trough tiaage. So it I. The Pfe il:dam Trunk Factory, No. 104 Wood street, of which Mr. Joseph Liebler is sole proprietor, sustains high reputation everywhere. It is the only establish ment.which deals ezclusdvely in trunks, trarefinfr saognem, valises,satchels, bags, etc., in Western Penrotylvenia, rind every article turned out la made of the stoutest material and In the very beat atyleof u-orkmanship. • The proprietor is a prac tical bunkume man, and has succeeded by dint of hard labor, and by the gen 3ral excellence of his— stock, in taking a drat rank amongst the best trunk makers of the country. Ile manufactures to- order and sells nt sfiledup ,-fiy. very reasonable prices to either. whoie sale and retail patrons. At his wale rooms will be found a splendid assort ment of magnificent Saratoga trunks, traveling trunks of all discrlptlons, family trunks, sallies, portfolios and all vain peculiar to the line of trade. From long nommlntance with Mfr. Liebler we can cheerfully 'recommend him to our readers!. a lair dealing and honorable business gentleman, and one eminently worthy a large share of public patronage. Committed far Tettety Dais For some time past the eltirensot Man cheater and the Second ward, Allegheny, have been annoyed by a set of petty thieves, who are continually committing depredations In the localitiea named, by breaking Into cellars end abstracting therefrom everything to the way of edi bles. Forbearance ceased to be a virtue. and the persons annoyed made complaint to the Mayor, stating ttiat a "party of "Vitra," who made their headquarters at Barclay's brick yard, in the Fifth ward. were probably the thieves. Tuesday night a force of policemen were die touched to tlio'brick yards, and about twelve o'clock sucixeiled in capturing John Zimmerman. ilex. 3facbesny, Wm. Dixon, Wm. Buck, John Eihroinds and Wm. Cable. who, alter a hearing, were committed for thirty days on a charge of vagrancy, that being theonly charge oritabltabed, as there was no evi dence othei than the circumstance of their being in the vicinity that they had committed the depredations. E= Mary. McClelland made' information before the Mayor, yesterday, charging Ler husband, Harry McClelland, with abandonment. The proseentris is about any years of age, and she alleMta that after having lived 'nth her husband for A number of years be deserted her in August last, since when be has refused to contribute to- her support, notwith standing he has been at wort- all the dme since at two dollars per day, and she has been dependent upon tho charity of the citizens of South Pittsburgh where she resides for her support. A warrant teas Issued for the old deserter. I= John McKenna made information be foe Alderman Taylor, yesterdaY, chat go ins Thomas Costello, a saloon keeper in he Fifth ward, with assault end battery. It appears that McKenna entered the 4,100 n in a drunken condition' and asked for liquor, Which was properly refused Win. The landlord did not stop there, as he should hare done, but ordered Mc- Kenna to leers the house, an: order, it -a alleged, he was *low to ~boy, where open Castello knocked him down and deagged him out. The Pleelliell was ar rested arid held for a hearing. Row 'Ca Spring Alley.tletween eleven and tw lve o'clock last night, the screams of . a woman were Leon! on ipring alley, In the Filth ward, and, the watchmen, when proceeding to the place. found Sarah DlcKenna covered with - bin:sit from a severe wound on her forehead. She stated that her lawilmad. James McKenna, came into the house drunk and without the slightest Provo cation threw a glass at her, which M ulcted the wound referred to.' Jamo, - Atter some difficulty, cane arrested and taken to the watch noose, where he was tacked up for a hearing., . Intellectual Treat. —Dr. A. 'O' Lear . y, a lecturer of no uncommon runritand abil ity, will deliver & free lecture at Lafay ette Hall on Monday evening next, on Physiology, or the laws of life, health and beauty." The learned g ntleniun will Illustrate what he has to say on this all important subject, wl th a collect:0 of e'olly paintings, epgraiill , ,. 51.118 and elaborately pre p manikina. Wo can safely win may attend. There will be no collection taken up. The front crate whl he reserved for the ladies. Nearly Completed—Workmen are now ',wily engaged m finishing up the beau tiful new salesroom of Iteinemau,M ey ran Sniffle, Fifth street, but preparatory to taking possession, that enterprising tirm offer superior inducements to ILO patrons in the way of jewelry, wathlAw, cloaks, silver and plated ware, mantel ornaments, stationery, dm, at their old .tand, Fifth Street. Persons so need of any thing in ibis line will d well forall at once. A Waage of Tlme.—Mayor Blackmer° ?ms recently received a number of anon ymous lettere requesting him to give hi, attention to cartons- matters. This 'is only a waste of limo and paper, as the Mayor will not pay the engines; attwn don to complaints made in this way. Parties having any ,implaints to make requested to call upon him in office bows., when they still receive all the at tendon the necu.salties oldie case de. 3fasquersda.—This evening a grant masquerade will he held at the Rink, e whim occasion C.illie Curtis, the rnagniti rent, will appear on skates and in co. tante. Thebig trained elephant Hanoi hat will also perform on the Ice. In °nit. m prepare a good sheet of ice for th evening; the Rink will remain closet .o-day. Let all attend who ,ain enjoy th, fun of a masquerade or the pleasure o skating,. • t tatty of the Peeee.—How Leonard made Int rmation before Alderman Tkornll-9, chargi nk Catharine Carney with •urotynf the pence. .It In alleged by the pm•ecuttir tnat the defendant has at carious times threatened to knack her °yet out. A warrant was inStloll and the defendant arrested end held to bait rot . a further hearing. . Correction.—ln yesterday's eidZSTTE we stated that cflleer Shaffer made infur mation against Joseph Yeager, of the Fourth ward, Allegheny, for keeping a gmulding house. This was wrong. Le npuld Fodder wee the informant and Mr. Shafer, as was his duty, merely made the arrests The Grand Charity Milt hold et Lafayette Hall craning before - ling was a. perfect. ISUCCeSIL There were some tie hundred persona In attendance, arid every thing passed off pleasantly. The managers de.erve groat credit for the manner . In which the affair was con ducted. Larceny. Cyrn, Moon yesterday made Information before Mayor Black more charging Jacob Fry with larceny. It wos al le:rod by the prosecutor that the defendant took from hint a quantity of bell clothing. After hearing the idc- Terri:int was discharged on payment of cost=. Adillatirn.—Catharine E. lisrt ceete day made infornantion before Ahform Taylor, charging . John Uskemble wi alliliation. The parties ri,his inn t Fifth ward. A warrant was liertnii for I arreiet. Inlse6arged.- L. M. g oner, arrested on an information made before his Honor Mayor Blaekmore, yesterday, by Jainb Aruson, for surety of the peace, seta, atter a bearing, discharged on payment of •ta, I was Tcerge'a bras, nano la MIV end Wine at the Petroleum Banquet on Tuft day afternoon, instead of the 01( at Wret ern, ,79 reportrol in our col umno. Ceorge. Alfred Tororniend has our thanks for an advane proof of ins poem on Pittsburgh, which will to found on oar third psgn today. count, Merchants will and at IL - al:sea a full stuck at much leas than eastern price, NEW ADVEIiTISEDIENTL+ arMANIFIOOD-AND TICE VFW"' o 3 Of TOO, H res , nn 4 iv f,7 week.. VILV esea•..ertitrit; toe it( is trt 04 , bletbai bib ia, Imbostet ry 11114 elliobte. give 7 4 . 4 " s tgletVotio7i * I ' lli t e r 417;e:;t17...b i leI: ‘ 41: vb ,„ rtqa•r. so rev,. et from ITO. lies* • piloasare) Valium , fa 1 , 1”, on. bo 4 $4. Or rout rparait.• loops for 114. b • balmno Ct. 4.12. etpo,bteb „ bbt •melia. .t 4 Nac.bd Turk. r•-9 i6t rrs 7Pr1111.080P111" 111 &It unkti • New. C4crsi of lee: •• d!tlyfreu roe New York Mee um ^i A. , ttottLy. epe,....lee Ole •taltete: /leer to Me sae .bot Ile• for: .Vonte, el•tatle• god IPA Ave: 11•11- to ge.er..l/ reettwid: es. • 011nd • gee Uon 11•1411,••• Sae Servo • • 1 dia. set•liete.l reeCilernage ezne4e2ed. dn Po est. ~,,, Wog 'bete Icel.,' hill be furvltrdfol In rare e• ~11•ele so ...re. on- eelpt. a leer ramp& wielnislo■l eLCRIC .7,IO. •••• Yorl.•••• tun et •••levy •ee el e CIS litowlll,T. New in 213_!1:1.121.1:e ---- ICE —PFAt TO poor°. IteLo .111 to reeetvol until 95TH DA, or reit..amt. log 4141gi•s • • WU. of the Mantes r. the illeeni Casty Ihrllntie Jai firckias 010. .11.10111,... Ekszotarr. p narillv.U.as wt it SABI , a 1/kIL'S Waco, St. OW! sose!.. 1.1141 Z 03a.1f L.ls•lld,,_kell',:i:, MB IND ROM, 118 We oa St.. risar corner of Fifth. la oremment Seturiticv cia.id, !Alive?, I. Couvi l issi f. 1.1 .11:41:a fot4 12.11 Itt, of CONVERSION OF W.isren,7 or.Harmt, coracrt the tl 40U5D Ti/fl TII;R[ E==t=tl 6137.32 INTO 1 - 13 Z New 1857 5-20.60:41 Coupon Bonds. I JAMES T. BRADY & CO., Dealers in Government E'ectirities Corner Founts & Wood Streets. FINANCE AND TRADE (ulnae Os ?um PrreaultuoUGauxu, Weueraarray. February 111, taaa. Gold h deeldidlylower, °pante( at lON, and atoning dull at 141%. The advance la enttoe in England, and consequently. the low rate of exchange are farotanit to 1 farther decline; to lees Important la the fael,tipt the government now bola, over eighty ealfliaze of Its oWn gale la the Treasury wlth no immediate payment. ent the four and a half millions of Intereet due BArch first. • The May interest is likely to tonic into the Treas.,' hi' PaYmente l of ditty dune; that time. Bonds are'doll and lower this afternoon, In sympathy with the decline of malt. Is scene. ae if governments hul reached the hiyhtlit point, and we:. on the decline. • Steele •re dull sea lower Tiro ug bout ti tlre dlottry is cup. because there Is I the de' and for It at present, but with the bigLourog of the contlag month • tlattf ntoneP market and high rates art expected. Cleanly New York quotations, received by P1a..11.. /Kerte, are asjollows: . °Md. 1 6 W". RIX; aRe. !so, 11/t1 064,1 1e53.1;1ep, ICI;(; tbuizela, 14 50 . 462 10856; 5-30 s. 105ig. Cleveland d Pittsburgh R. R 63 ilerehuste 'Palau gain's., eetern Rehm Televarqi Erie B. R 1 l'irrebnegh Fort NVayne OhWaite Lb Ind. Vorthereetern Relined—ChaletOn f4‘, lkorthwestenit—preferred.....-_ 1017 York Central . 13iy. Oldo sad CerUlSkate, Ilichigart Southern Corydon • ' 41 uuaru 11111 t FM jn!nkallver •241: '1•11e Philadelphia Ledger. el Tirreilay,sate: rhe money market rule* very quiet at about 3 to 6 Der cent. for Inane On approved collerr %ls. The bank. eontleue to discount all. the - - - - - food loafer olivine. which lesres Herta far the Ott broke., with whom tho Isle Is i to g par Isur. on miscellanea. collateral. The New York hank otatement points tO s tight. ening of money •s probahle. The hank* net att rho present mum about two editions to their lawful money strength. TOs general de. on t Hoe also shoes. a falling etf to the extent of About • million Of dollars. Thellne of loan. . sad alum:mote steady. The pause in the ecru mutation of deposits and greenbacks 16 not ye . ..It on the money matket,thnugh the improve ment in general trade, lad especially In the price and movement of entloo, may posslbir loon lead to the better emploTmeet of balances it. the extent et re.establlehlax the rates st 6 in percent. Tao further marked Increase of x In mercantile circle. dudes the wren cast wad sensibly appreciated by The domestic utmealesion houses and by the dty gnbde Job. 1.1111. —To limit twenty-eon Chlesao Inn did a !mel ees, el ever 67,000M00 each, and seventy-sly loprded el.COOdlat within the peat; while one hundred and aeventy.sla maim tetUrne to ISIM,IeO. Flftignine con did It/oiliness to IBM to the extent of 11.000Orsi nod Over, end i 4 exceeded 12.00e,rce, The mow. woe. eke 'bat of a VIII who" salt. wee. tePOtte4 at tc IMAM eirrstnatuarrrnoLrou rLtRRE7 Orgrono• Two Prersaraw (Iszwres, W LOSMOAS. February 11. ISM. • CIMIDE—As noted yererday, the Market le .I•Mer. and as the mock la light and the offer neshmtted, holders generally, ale a r elslag as advance, for ' , resent as well as future delivery. M • can report sale of tz.ob but., on spot, at S . , to be emseured In bulk can, and cash at that—l3ie Is the asking price. 3terchl, buyer's .ptlononav be quoted at 71;• sere/ed. and fir irked, and April at 6(Ms. Thla a Ivan. Is ,nedlcaled on the advance In maned, and while sa yet there' an bat few buyer, at any ad vanes, hoblere appam to bo 1041Earent about Mlle[, as they Citattlbl the belle( that,sUlz . :Asher gamma are more likely to prevail before there Is env rednetbm. • hEFlNEd—Thern is Sn improved demand for bonded oil, asd the market Is Goner sad shade higher. We aka report • nla of WO bble ',ram Brat half of March. sellieVa option, st osh.(in SOOO far Brat t.alf of .April, borer's op ota, at Iloilo) for flit half of April, aellet's iprlon, at 24t, sad IWO for all lion. burer's up- Ilnn.tobe delivered- the the :.thalf 0 toy month In the year the barer may name. m nitrate terras. From the above, It will be ten that both March and April are half a Cent better, and presume, that this &d -esert will hold good foe may delivery daring h: year. Oar rename. foci Tarr grateful for non this email In:Notre nen:, !heath they are ay no meant satitnel Yet, sad the great Pro p..rl Ica atheist reran to sell, preferring rather to Gold ban sad take the sheens. Compare I oph other commodities. oil Is certainly the ohospeat antes, In market, an teen cleeptlng Cirtton Goods; It is not worth any more tOolar • 14.wancveraI yeses nos when gal was it per, sal notwlthalinding the production Is large. It should also be baron in mind that the canomptbre also Is tatreaelog, sad while It is art at all probable that It will eemmnd lie extreme prices which prevailed during the ex citement of 11314 amd ail, there no good ream n why It *hyoid not nal will not command better Prime than than now correct, sad that, toe, urfore loaf, ARRIVALS—The arrivals of oil by the Al leirtieny Valley Railroad Curley yasterday acd o-day, ware as follows! .13i. tram. K. a Co.-. 311 ronryth & tar 0..... 138 k3are & ries , - 34. nem & 8r0...... 331 Fulton, M. &Co.- sI, ery & Pinkerton_ 463 Total otr. stamen wr nir v. Na't. Ref.o, Fr/ Wile rcf. to F. A. MI • wtern, Iphi e. (Auk & Sumner, 241 do beanie to P. Wright & nu. rhiledeiphis. 4:tort & Stinier. lei Si. re gaol to P.Wright 1 Sons. Philadelphia. Pacit(Ml errs,W NO do do to Pastes & Near hart, VtAladelphit. = : l'enar•rn th , V 11.111..% nrust.tr.l Yonc, February. 10.—Cotton is firmer het searcelgsoactiso, re7ll; rules of 020 bales at 710 for mlitilingettplands. Floor; the Co. 001613 were 6,100 barrels and 3,110 bags; the market la dull acid medium and good ;erodes are from 6 to 10c lower, with sales of 5 Ob/ barrels at $3.50 h 19,34) for copertine State and we5ternx119,65.316,73 far cotes State; 69 G3i311,30 fOrestra weadorn; $122211.66 for widto wheat exux;1 6 .t 6 13.1 4 for Bound Bonp 0..14;1110012 f r n .10 tor extra St Loot, and 6121316 36 fur g.. 1 to chosen extra St. Louts; the market cloned dull. Califor nia dour is nosterately octavo and steady, with sales of 300 hacks at from 412.60 Lott'. R'. e floor ls quint ' , ea firm, with *alma of 473 barna., fa micas ran long from $7.66 to $9,15 Whiskey; the market Is nominal and prices %re unchanged 11"heatt the tecoryts tte.4oo Amounted to I 430 bu.helstl horn ...only sr...4,sta ImAln. as,to done end prices ole Vol. with sales of 2,660 6000019 at 00.10's fna No 2 Spring In store; 11,47 for common No. I ,to delivered: $3.43 for mixed bratog. mud 63109 foe white California. Ole ta azgrre and decidedly firmer, with sales of 0.5 7 6 Nobel, at 41.67 toe western, and retail late of State AI 61 79!c. Carley la Rcurco . 101 :Omer, with sales of 0,110 tinkbets Canute Wert at all, and 0.000 Intehels Bode at $2,P.1. Bolt la quiet soh sales of LBO [Annals at prices ranging from $2, , Guit2.10. Corn; MU renelnts at to hestulle; thq mt.rnet is heavy owl 4 / 2 .3 lower, with sales of 41000 Motels at 01,21 for new mixed west ern afloat; 111,2914 tor old mixed western In store; $.2 , 2 for western yellow; 11,99(21,:7 for white S outhern, .0,1 11 1 : 2 :16 1 . 2 1 for new yellow Intsey. Otte; reels:Ms 2.03) bottb, market firmer but quiet; sales of 13,000 bush, at No for western In storo. Wool dell; sales of 400,(03 lbs, at 4:Naiaa tor 110. 113Cire10 users, .Leattlier ottiet and un• rhanged. Olen quiet. Coffee don: males of Sul boss 1610 no private term, sugar easter; ttllrrt of tale hod cub. ea 16 140 10 13 , 3 lolswl -es doll; pales of 130 bble Culm at 410. Hens qulct, at Italllc, for American. Petroleum Urn, kt 11540 for crude and 21;fh for retitled to band. Pork fit met . ; oaten of 2,2030010, at 4,1305 for new mesa, eloslog at $11,16 sec u ;sr; 17.14a . '13.3.6 for old do, eloting at 13.1.1 , ca t .o; 413,36030 n for prime; 330,15021,60 for prime mewl:also:1,210 bbis Of pew mess far sedersfor March St $ 74 . 3 . Beer dr.:sales of 31051;1s at previous Klee"; sales' 01213 ' tierces. at 633613.3 10 for prime moss, and 413.2106 1 00 for India men.. Beef Hams quiet, sales of 7.i.011/10 at W. flaCodateall3'; sales of 400 boxes, at ltd-141110 for Cumber land cot and 112;011.0 for .port Mite!. Cot . Meats firmer and more .01104; sales of 3315 ftkgs, at 100105(0 for shoulders and 137222 14 , ..0 for hams. Dreamed - HOPS beery, at 6.3;016;1its for wesimn and lia(oll76e for clty. 1. rd homer; riles of 1.1110 olds, part Inn scooter, at 10.1011 3 /,,er small lot. 13..te. Hotter active, at 1361143 for elate. Chem, oint at, 1113125.. Freights to Laverp.i. s p teady; engadomno. nt 1 7,060 loath wheat and corn per steamer at 100. Larater—Flour closed irregular and on. settled, los/grades 37.• medintil and goo.; grades doll and dechniaig. Wheat doll and eligtOiy In buyers favor. Rye. sumo and dvery don. at 111.66431,7 for western. Coro ull and heavy at #1,331111021 for now mixed welters afloat; and $1.2901,7930 (or old mix ed. western in store. Tort genic and firm at $32,723132,0:31 for Ohl meet; 121.001/14,12‘,4 for new mess; a4,04224,w, , ,i• for Basch, and V4..74024,60 for surd. Beet qulex and drooping. Cot moots fairly settee atlll Baton fictive and Arm, at 6 Nome for cum• berland en= Lard, an upward tendtncy at 10101330 for 0001(43 and prime steam and kuttlgriltiercd. = LE, 7014/71411 tot rtt”Ossrati elasette•s Feb. 10.—Flear spice. Wheat ateedy soil doll. tarn firms white $1,7 1...1);; yr flow $1,1301.1il Owls'Amply at 7SO Bye Arm at ii,6401.01. Pretrial°. firm and advancing. Li e , kmidea tiarson.—ebouisiere 11.4ar1.1!.iies rib aldH a ..;.; ct,r Cla%nage Cattle isarket. L3e:cat ape to Ice Iltteroreu (Junta-1 Culotta°. February 11—Beef Cattle. quiet at 11723.2%.2.5 for gold yo enolco. Dreared Hops In lair dentand; nob% averages sold a% Se Od: Leary at %Via to. 0101100 at %%MO 950. Melding nu 50,1.1v0 a:Alva...salted and aopeact Walter; amine at 00 for com mon to good, tents Starke'. (I'7Teittr*rb ieth•. elver...e t tette.) ClaCtaXall. Feb 19.—8.ef cattle arm and 111 Rnrld demand aG 4.51va? for butchera.aed VAC CA for extra ab I opine. /loss In good demand sod the prove.. tending "toward oaks of tat at k9"1945,Fr055. . DA :1 LT THITRS DA I fAIN. 6:I.:, it. DEM Anech.ler• &a1.5.131ni VILA. & a— .to.l Lat.& U 1 hhei _a htt.i . e Other hmae., h& tl 0 NO Ta,e , a /.c.belestor eau - nt L' e ck . c L o r..hr . hhttlal• B.e. (1 ;h.& &Id 1en.u.,.1 lieretsehe s.h. r . ' helTlC T .etelefte 'c' w 1.. their le :heel; r, ea •z " Lart from the ',Vett'. I= 07.10107 001 errrantrnox Goomyyz, - ! 979777/1577. February 11, 1 9 9 61 / 6 The general markets are decold of any characteristic. worthy of special notice. The demand for almost everything continues very much restricted, while prices, as a mere &Aar, A te without quotable crate,. OWYJEHLEti—The grocery market seem. to be Improving !somewhat, and while the trio.- setion. generally are of a local ehoracter, there Is. nevertheless, a fair volume of bull nen In the aggregate. There Is A good demand for Now Orison. Sully and Molasses; in other article., there are no new feataes worthy . of special notice, Stwoxs—New Orleans, Walk; Coro. 1ta11314.; Porto Pico, ISt‘celp4c; Crushed, Hs; "A" Coffee, 170; "E" do, I6t4e; Extra "C," latie;"C" Yellow, 150. Ocormos—Prtm• 1110,26 r; good, 240; fair, 27c: 0!d oorerumeat •vs, MAOlaim La .reayrs, 29 0./ ba tio... Notisma—Naia*a 00021:1 Cobs, 650 70a; Porto laeo,-70e7Se. STarra—"Loverines," $1; "rth A E. gar," 80e; "Amber," 70e; ~D r , s," 81,000 31,00. SPlcsa—baasla. 8.C85e; Clove., We; Pep per. age; Al'Wee, 2331 Nutmegs, 31,60. Hicx—Rangoon, no; Carolina, 120. s...nen—Mull:cc. 814 c; Stlvei Glees. 12`.-ii; aterOomSterch, lie. Flteme—Lwer Ralrtte, 34.60 re: boo; Volta t.4a, We per pound; Prunca, :Oa; Curtente, lea for leer. Bon LV,.1 , -1:e; Shot, 1.50 per hag. SOAra—"Bsbbitt`e," 1:c; ..osklei.e.' 130:1a, Oraec; ' , Debbllte.” lie. CANDLM—MouId,I4;4O; Star. tic. CO,C.NT6.6.Titre Lee—il,6) per elle. ' lit Caws Sons-1°,43 pet ease. °BAIN—Si - Inter Wheat is quiet sell an, changed; we can report a isle of 410 bushels Bed At 52,0. Barley la searCe and la demand at C 1,5042. Oats a little dull but unchanged; 6.1°06:, on track, sal 6.54700, Instore. Corn IA in better supply and dull; may be quoted at LI on track, and $1,0301,10 In atom Eye la unchanged at 41,1501,40. FLOUR—Ia quiet and unchanged. Small sales be atm at e1e,60011,60 for SPring Whose; suovuo for Mater Wheat, and 0110/5 fur hinny breeds. Bye Flour 14 unchanged at VG 8,d5, In store, and Buckwheat •at flal,eo per cwt. PROVISIONS—Damn la arm. but prime Ire um:banged; aro continue to quote at soNsa tic totshow4ess, 1214gi130 for if fibbed and 16h0170 for Sugar Cared 11.0.. Prime kettle Lard, ItlatifiLD, to IDree... Bl Bio Ildiutu beta, Country kart., 111410,1.5 kegs, a. to quality. LARD OIL—Is Arm but unehange,l; we col. thane to glee *3O for N 0.2, and ALIT fur No. I as the factor, Prim. SEEDS—Cmemeed may be quenit.l at ssa AM, and Timothy at 82.6 tu.smi It be log bought up by mushen at 12,254840. GREEN AVPLES—The inarket 1. a little dull, under the influence of ineremed arrl”le, thougb, as yet, ynees trionchanged at 1540 per barrel. DRIED ERUII—Is steady but uttehau6eil; We. of Peaches at MS: fur quarters, Sad lOC lid for halm, and ?(Die for Apple.. Oberrlee at Ile for unpitted, and lit for pitted. Pilid.:lJE3—Ocintrnue dull but unchtmeed; mall .18. at $lll/1,10 pot bulb.!, and 1183,50 fei bbl, at to quality. ILIY—Ie gout ant onebtogedl "ler frem enuotry eragorre at $15333 per ton, re to gostity. I)llE:e3E—Sales of Wootero ReaerTe at 160 He,. and Otabro et 153:90. 111:1I7Stl—Prtmo to abort. Kollin In good drmand, and may be quoted at . 1431te, and In hotted .apply. 110:11151Y—tfachtued; sales to the trade at if,9411,73. and It in a tat 0.1 wad. 13EANS—Scar co acd its fair Id fal dottetad at at Sfat,eo per bashed ONlOPlS—e , rtroe ate It dearsodj v. em - re. pert sale. •t 1 per bfahel E66S—Seatee amt la ilemtel; aCee . el - 11m51 et Vane, gaol fresh patted at 16Crir. (31LANBEHRIES—.R•nre aR tLe Ivey from errata per bbl, as trlsoolity. Sex York Dry Goode Markel. [Mr T.lturraph I.' the lattmarre timette.l Saw Toar., February 19.—The new gem or Wicka;Fanalidytie 4. ea., It seams, are perfectly Solvent, although they have al lowed a note given by the old Irmo( Wicks, Jailbird ft Co. tit go to protest- One or two r..tell carnet Meters have become 111 nauctel ly to vowel also, but matters of Met kind , tali to attract much cutler. Al the present ' cotton gun.[. market oontlantes recited in IL clew of the Ile, in cotton and the smucity et goods, the tendency of 'priers is still strongly newer*. for Printing Cloths. Call cues it anli green al ,Itris partlealarly. Tort, a posive wil arctty of i`aco Itromn asset. Ines, nut 10.11 n. hoes. In vie trade havn't lin 1 a halo no bale for tiny. and al etkr. Allmill le would sell quick at Is , ;c• will go to Mc ere long. Pack.: nod Aar:le:on A. dud anxious buyers of lee; tv man C.. hilie; :stark A.,17y.1ih10, tuliciNaningeag Sheet- Pea, ? V BL'er'ei ? l l i i i('el et s ;e;isilTrellP irr ('atone. burg..,Wm LaconlA Mee, do, lltinois, 174 c Print cloths ate i,earce and firm at , _for beat - v e ry sndards, unit elle Mr common. Prince are active, at Im for here:, or, Pacgle. Ikturtell.i,' llarntlton t . as •. leattl.;c far Awl:rent IPSe for hlorrimack . W. fan,: is, for frock, lie for Oricololl Fir :or Waukegao; 12lic tor 01:1 styles. ltanenester agents prices me now 11 , 4 c for Freetaims; lie for Armed, and 13. for Ainceimagr. To. morrow apregthes we likely 10 advance 140 with other makes. There was a large sale of - Imported goo-is tad ty 1.4 section at ka: prices. All Importea wet Alm - nestle woolens are telling at urdirelltable full's, tot there lea hotter demand and prices are Ilkely to adrrnee._ -- - - 13=1=1:13 I araph tattle Fittaberao flue t to.l Ciao...ATI. Feb. Is.—flour and Wheat stead(' and quiet. family 11055 1111611.41 Corn dull and unsettled: salea ear at tyr; shelled bre. lima in but limited detuand bac ter NO,l. 'Rye told at 111,1%1 for ultra. Pet. 11.1.1 Is an extreme Shure, Ilsrlry on. changed and quiet at 42.40e2,45. ' Lotted opined buoyantand dosed quiet, buyers belillug on; L.1.1,1111g couln have toes bos.glit . .Z..li4c, but 2tic was the best .oGer r.ade. Prot lain.. very firto and hollers or yengr.gly u.kinar nigher prices. Lee, per e kad yaneed to itS,Ni, but there ea, onnf, 10 1.0 bad beler 124 at the 01 0 .0 Lula rues).* were held Sculls at and IN.j'e for V 1013111 1 ,111; stir* cull close .Ile,', trial tales of tbs. tat, er at title quotation. Bacon held xi 10ii0, and 131401 lane Baleen( clekt antra made at this quotation. Lard advanced to 14..1e, but vras not tittered f rue. ly at this rate; at the close hey was held at c.O. flutter ...tarry and firm at he flite for .weidern, and 170N1e ter New Vett; State. Eggs declined to N., and dull, the supply being good. Clover seed lower and 11.111 at Timothy nechanged. No change In I. ad Ode Linseed mold at 41,11 in the small wey. Petroleum unclooketel and arm or 22 WIC foe free .near and Coffee gittet and term.1;0111. 14 . 0 bugled, and 141;; Se. Louie. elararl. :1 , 7 re'amen to can thsl.burac wettest Sc. Lone, Fah. 19Tolei0co is /dandy and neennugen. In die net:clan of Cotton and Ileum there are no nales reported. Flour shown nlllllO Inert animation, hat prices n... 13 nnerdingint Wneac In quiet and them In nno, little doing; spring to/1,/,1 at inter. $1,5011/,...1 for prima to ehOleo. Corn in In hatter demand, hue prlces are un changed; held at b4ii marennehann. poi Barley lapnchanged; sl,e/ for rima urn Urti In • Ittclos butte , : er,l3 fD eII , C. Theye la . a ce in Irmelnlosia and gonahern Order. ace Oiled freely. Ale. Pork bold At the do. +or 1,./ 01 114.1.:. Bacon an , t Clear sides at MOW Clear rina at l: lilt-. aliouldets i Ire. gar earful llam Dry, Finland ',11., dem 9u; heel at at ten clone. Clear Side, in bulk, 11a6 . 111.,:c. Thera orrn nev- Al ! hundred 'deices of Laid sold i Keo kuk and on the 1111001, river. at I lcyrnnall sales of city, keg. at If.. Iti maids—Floor. lOW table; Cor. 9,Caal narks, Via Veatnurle clear and Mild, HEM!b!!!! =9 eutcso k o, Fenrutry 19 —Flour doll,' bat atruily at Ci 52410.23 for spring 112.11,44. Wheat; No 2 opened at We, and closed duletnt soles No.l at Lorn unsmilml mei irresoler; co da H al ts pew et ,r' c. clueldg 6.t 14'5(31 1 .3..ei solo ,. 5 si Mc. Lit.. collet nod s: Iva 5.Zr, 572, get 5 , 54 00. 14)e dull and 14r2 le lower: $1 54 for No.l, and SI 52 Sit No. 2. 17,19110:0 bleat isoles No. Sat 10.654,52 rejietml. . llecs Pork notirs and firm: at 313 U, silos <wintry at {No/a Vents ilrm and lie Illguer; sale. ehottlit,s at Sy.Ok; short rib tuid.lll2 at.. 11 SZINe; Conateirlatitl, 109.. Sweet Pickled I.,alin limber, at 13613 i e. Lsril Ably nett, and 160 hisher. Ileceists-,62653 tads flour, 15,m t e e ejlikst,7l,l.ku 111.10 corn, KU. our oats, 1,615 tireoned hogs, 3 264 lien hogs. Shipthente-4.901 , 015 floor, 1,100 him wheat, 23,134 liuw corn, 1035 droned toga, 2,175 llve hogs. Clifvetand Mantel. • In 7 Telegraph to the eta , aboretWitlette.7 CI-arra...to, Fen. IS —Flour very quiet and 213.4 1 1T1 ' ,TO.Yo c u n ttUt g e ' sli gr".,:i 1 7.?,gg.';71`.A1 11,5) double rats white $14,1")415,00; coun try ' bruntle Meg ttbelow the latooo figures. IV beot dull end neglected; Ne 1 roll winter held et 22,2303,25. Na. 2 de. ut 27,5562,40, No. I Spring 11.35. nil Zro cut Into. Corn west 'and louer; No. 1 snlital held at etc trent oleo,, boll. 020., ratan antign.l.4l. not AM firm; Ige,. of NO. I State from to ore ut Item quiet and Meetly, held at 21,43 01.01 for No. I &Ate and wet...". burly quint aria ittrady, no ta,3032.2/ for N. / Stu./ nod Canittlet,lll..)ol,to for No. t State. Fo ist-Annum—mom° Inquiry for free forlllolloms and western at, 150400, bonded dull at 1.50 Memphis latartg.4 IniTole.srspu to toe .Plttstartn tinertwt Strut/um Feb. 19—Cotton aotlve at WM rto; receipts, 1368 Dales; exports. 1.107 bales. 11.000 Aro I/ lie for clear antea. Ilult moots active at waiwie. Pork aellve at SIIIISZ.US for rues. Cornmeal dull at $1.2.4/1,43 per Pol. Corn dIM, at Vic. Oats quiet, at SS° tor whitn, and Steltll tor black. Man scarce, at *SS per ton. hay Gull. at 191390 per UM. No apples In the Market. Beaus and 001=0 /Mame. ==l u• retro..., to tbs. Pitt stmn•l2 Oarttw.l • Totowa, Y0b.10.-I , ,oor—recelnle —inlet and no transactlons. Wheat—re• CalptO I,W Ursa—amber .hold at 11 , 65.a1tb offervo.- Corn—Yreels.s. 1010 bosh— market active; oldies at 13.4 e. ctipt..l,Yo ounb-4/13114C at 15400. transaction.. Beaus—Sales Clover at 1/6,43. Messed 00601%. = the Tole amen to tee ritu.rsb Haaalte. I ginbanateida.' Feb. J 9 -.. , :inver seed In good demand at 117. 80 11 8 . 50 . Fatmitmm Grin era 15916 et Indeed white 74402 . 2%e. Flour quiet. gee active and advaneen Fenn*. $1,0601,:e. Wheat very quiet. Core In good deem:Wl new yellow alit& ,thata . VianY Wiz in ;,wri- Lai 110%01/034 EVEN=IIIII CAC. Feb. 19, / LT , D VOLD. 2.. Et 2r:it,: 1C.C.4/Cr: , r,,,'. closing dna. GloPl lower. Opening' et 10%. and eosin; weak at IP)Nr, 014 F.-i. !Export sonata per Jars, app42n. • 4 , IOTKCSOSYNTS. Gorernmenia weak and heavy. Cleves ic Co. farnirn- tan following 4 , n1 quotations : Contort trot. 111.7:0112.• ao. 'll, inyaturg; /! ! ! 5!! 4 , 21 09 010..a. , . arNOIPS.,:;ao. now, 107 1 44n1Q73§; do. 107e.101alt Ton-Forbes, IC.:Panal..g; 6evea•Thlrt:..lo7M;slo7{,. Steen. StOth.S opened demoralized and weak. A large amount of the Erie were thrown on the market end fell to 741<; and subsequent ly rising to 75%. The rent of the market Is heavy and lower. The Erie Directors to. day appointed a Committee with power to borrow a ny money needed. RePort says 4300.000 are wetted for the lotaireat on the drat oft March, and .700,C00 for tells for which It Ismaili are Lobe need to form • con. neetiOn with Chicago through the Michigan Southern and Atlantic end Great Weston roads, including a third rail on the Michi gan Southern. The Erie DireetOrS haver.. imitated the recent legal proceedin gs. At the One o'clock board the market was steady,' tut at Um necond board • the in win general decline of quarter Mir cent. la the afternoon It wag announc ed an injunction was granted by Judge flatmate on motion of Attorney General Champlain. suspending Mr. Drew from ex ercising office RA Director of the Erie Com pany, whim, carried the Price to la, but. an unfavorable conatruction was afterward. put tip t, the whole proceeding and Erie tell to 17431;074'4. At the close the general market was excited under the fluctnation In Ei le'and elueot heavy. The Erle dime tars ablo repudiated the protect by one of the diramom of Lockwood d Reep, of the Michigan Southern, to prevent them mak ing au agreement with Erie to lot a third rail open their road. The Parade Mall Com. panc determined to-day to vase the dlvl dend.- CLO9IIO QtOTATION:II The following wore the c100nn41.01.41061. at 6:30' r Canton, 603:13 00 6.4; Cumber land. b 163014; Adams 9: :peens, 941075; Merchants Union, 3303317; American, MO 70! 4: Crated States, :PI; Wells. Fargo and Comminr, 414/, Qulcksilier, • 7114; Marinroa, 911; Pael fie Mel). 11.03:;; Atlantic, ikpipplepi; Westrrn Union Telegraph, 34! , ‘; .6few Torn Central, 131%Ci3:31• Eric, 74)0 7014; Erin iinterr ed. 111,402+3; limison. 149; Liar le m, rpong, 9376071311; Ohio Certhicater. 31,:36 11137; Waheint. 44140.107'4; ht. Pani,l9l l 4; t. Paul pieferred,o7l4; Michigan Central; 11337 0113110.iichican Southern. 66109264:1111n0is Uentral.l3ol.Mls;Pittrburan, 9194'; Toledo, Unlit:111.1f; anew sland, island, 971i61119; 14000- o,6lnrn, L01;144711; Nrwthwestern preferred, 7371407P1', Poo. Wayne. 30 0 . , 011 0 3: Hertford nd EC1e..14t114! Marietta •nil Cincinnati, niortqago preferred, 3117: Torre Haute. 01; llntinlual 01111 SM. .1 nerpn. Ill; Tennes see ri*,,oo Inc old, an.l•lll6' for new. moan liII.I:4CS Stp.lV, altbtot:y activity in lloarin 11111 ui 17 , itlaa Gregory is quotatl at OS; David. son 504 sra.vansstray. llet , emta at tha Sob-Trestara, .1424.10 payments. 41135,Et57; balance, $105.7M,L47. • New Orem.. glarket. Me Telt:rowel to the Pm burgh eieseele.) Ne.w . (4ne.aarw. rethruary 19.—Cotton arm. mitblienge. Nte,4424; ealee. 4 Oa) bale.; re colpte; bow.. oximree.7,4l9 bales Sugar e.t , ler;. eon:M.D. /2!..tGlrle; fair. 1335014 r: prtmo. Molasecs tune common. asc; racoon', 7.5 c; .aluecornda, 1.4 cargo, .5Ne.. Floor reeler; imperil., 45.15: treed° extra, Olt 23pli.si. pots Irregular at Vt.80(313.1.3. Bacon; market hare; ehouldars 1100211.1; eirar gale, IX, Lard, 15.4 c. for bog. Corn termer 'let 97!4Oteet 00. Otto, gm. georling, 13 , 44:41.7N New Tort ExcOwLete, )4 des count, 1i01..104i. st.rines. -11 f Tnitiraha to Use rlttaaortat thaette.l slttiarittur. lets. 10.—Flour dull and oak lectud; %V heat is dull; at thn elate miens [o COI for No. I, and $1,944 for No. I. Oats are etnatly at SG! ie for No. Z 0170 no change at 11.0 •flarley quiet at a 1,3 for the beat; $1.05 for Interior. Dressed flop nteady tat ta,11119,3. Prortalonsare dm 0,111 hte her. City paek,sl Mnne Pork at $22,30.[ !Ant at Ile. Hee elpta—flour 705 Obis; whent 15,1 A) bn.h. Shlkuleuta—dsur las blile; wheat Clal bash. Lottlstrlllela•t. I lir Teleirrarti to to ElttaboKb Lortnymin, Fonruary In —Tonaeco firm; ale 4 Of I:Ill:ato of log, at 5it,t0r27.90, rora. Flourno to rn e .unnr 0313.73. Hart county t 9 ..50. ,p,lco. rnd'n US. fancy 1µ2,3011191Q ru ty urn, Corn 75a610. Cate 170 , 650. 11,8 Cork' 124,00. Lam 10401 4 3: , BnOmt• rhoublerm lo,Vollc. clear .ult. 15c, hula ..Izoultlont Inc. cleary.ttna 1.94. Cotton 210 Flaw Fennell.* Market. . T e b r.ph Cut/terse Ralllelte.l Sax Ta•arelern. February M.—Fleur; sales ofextra were made et g 1,25, and superfine Wheat§ lr melling at WU. Legal reL riKrilairthl UT ISAILUM&D. Prwrancnon. For. Wathatt& ()0:04.00R.R., Fc oru thr IW-41 can theta!, tiltolck a 00;6 do 4, ins Wood. boo a Cola to do, 001}1., Baird Yattoot.:4 do do, Bryan S Haughey; 100 las lard, 3 rare bulk brat, F Sentra C a; S_ 500 bbl . 11 1,e; :60 Ora lead, trithrldth a Sort; :60 do So, J Carthild & Soo.= bbla Sour, S I.fitlthr Jr h. Cal 100 do do, owthr; I car vollreel. Js. Glenn; 111 don brooms, E Mt ere • ; 0; leo bbla apples. S Y Stephen.; let do do. 6 kth aryl. butter. Volga a thy It aka mea l Harade Co; SO sth millfeed, 'lira i cora ratht, Adm. ea Th urstry, 60 As rye Wal.• race; thbbla creek apples, 2 pkg.; am, 4kw artde burr, 11 Hex Jr; lb bale leather. O N ectott ; 2 ear. ore. J Wood. nno 8 liar II do do. St:nth:wrath S Blair; ;34 aka barlay, Span 6, A HIrC eart NJlnn.. taltokaa. Maw, laa & Ct;l42 Eli Thrw.; 100 do dr, Dm tral , aecr 100 do do. owner; 140 do do, Haworth. Ma/cwt.:l& Cr, tat bldra, Lappe a' Welthr2o bap <rather., 11,2,0 er S Iltor 20 bbla W 11 Hays a Son; wat Ora lead, .Brice, Walker & Co. •.r.Tes . ...srst au" BlT‘essnook Itkrbsoab, rebruses 19-1 ear iron, (Irate. flyers. i 110; I .5( dr, .1 rainier It 50012 do do, Zog h Corl 4 do, Lsottlla Co: 3do 40. Stioenberier k .1r; 11[0 per shoulders. EH Myers et Ito; I cur grind stooes. IG 0000. Barks k. Co, I hags s 151; per; 4 bO4 reales. rellbsoks. Slots. A cr.; 10 brae re': s. VormOrder Shepard, lb/ also core 11;tableoelr. 111eOrtery Co; SO tea corr.:, liawortb. slelltnahl h tlo; AO do k;rlll.o:sick rroo; 15 do do,-Wm BorrtorT; to do do, E aesslalost; SO dodo, I .3 Pests; 00 Jo do, Arbilekl.; St Co; {5.10 0,11.4 Mr oar: 10 40 dO, Se6lA.T.sr k Yetkamp; TO 40 4a. unolth, Johtstou • tlcurlor 4/ do do, J C..ronr; 0..00 dO. W Cooper Ss Co; 19 do do. 1. li Vottt k Co; 01 aka oats, Maraca d. Ardor; bbis ,;;.; les, W Steel Boo; 04 do (.11..1 Blass; 91 do do, A r Reedrl car brlck,..Bark, Bra El Cr; 1 do staves, !sander; 1 ear cork A J Bayless; eke oats, El Jr• bbla eeed. t robe butter, • bit cheese. Graff h Reiter; 17 ik• corn, Brloker a Btu Iteloll Ostrsts, J Sloe. utctinsok . Pprooortass,Costrourso kOntod&rosts lrttory to.-11 bales cotton, I Dickey I Co, 13 Crete J A ilolloth; I Inc oat. rye sod reel, Molls/mu k ELMO ate [role, M Steel & Soot adt pt. moat, W S 3 Ray. a Soo, I Idols tobacco, E Worms. • N t to lard, V Ml. less LCm 10 Lairs hemp. I laltan, Balla:. • ('C; C hh.lo te.bnceo. E liegrow k lb boles Wee, U N Ila•totl; b tea sausage, E B Myers a, co; lo Cis bops. E Ileatletoota do ao, Sokol. k.lraen.l rf. d I starch, Carter, 31kIrew • Co; 11 pass tollow, Id bile.. Lapps & Weise; as bye Vita, sodu 0at0,15 do barley; IT bblg W ee A LitQUIFIFT V•1.L142 11. A.. February 10 / c,r• oh, /Heber Ilro: 3do do, lily A Plot; errou/GlO 71.11 - no, Marvin A Corr do do, R awls , Hehota 3 do do, Lockbort 1 4 ;00, 9 d., tto, Forsyth, Bra .3 Co; 6 can metal, 11 Woedoldcs: 2 do do, Ilea., Char dt 10211;1 /Moo bey, Wm . ll , traet w by ryol t .l 9 Floatd2l do oats, Stewart 11 Loagezbetru/t 16 do do, to 310.5- 4 oat cord. leta-elmot • J 3111c1411 -0 ; bblo o,. ael do t,Titomaa Mit thell;2 ears ptg Iron. Lam, BltOkb A Cod Id boo elooeneed. 4thimon 8 Wallace; 36 bte 10 Ad oat., Scutt It Waal. . Actonumri Sra - rtht It. R., February HI -2 ears stows, Ralys Hebertsda; 1 ear wheat. wm 31mice d Co; 1 ear lime, Hraddeek hula Coal Co; 40 t.O cornmeal, Retitled S Ibougotou; 11l 1.411 l paper, ratiourott Yawl 110; l bbls bloomy nut, 1 drooled tr-g, J Herbert; / ear IntuLer, Huard, d Co. I'vr-rvarnon Aar, Oerwataavn.lat R. R., Fe to utry IS woo L.P.... P fla t umbvr, dr,e, mit, Swat, Jolmaton Co; lau l Rereliala . . - .7118111714.11101,18 ...... zn al: ; ;!• e. LA.T.AIf JOSHUA RHODESICCO,, • lnalsterly, BARLEY AM) HOP DEALERS, Oince, 3SI Penn Elrod, perrenenun, PA. Mat Maas liebeecsa jinx,* sear Gas Work., allegt.ll7. CLOSING OUT - SEE Ul LADIES' FURS, /.3 kitlt7l.3. Stt.'24C:lbrt 1 - ) Ac 131 fs/!0r1 firitllllT WA , 3EIINGTON Vill.;;tto PtDct, LRf Gni" llenttr. • W. "T. .4 NIIEIIBOI4 14,‘ fottore• Vo tS 211K+1.. 11Y+ FUME. tei sa,II2II•WPICD 0 , 1".1). Unfurl. de/lvtrul_ tad Co , . kheiled. on •" L . N. HALL, ;Haut HAVANA ASD Dosr e sTlO OIOAEB, Wttnl.•eale a nd nee!: drsler la TOHACO re. F,17.1). SO. Leelrellle T el war, cre baud. I hi wool) arstzet t•ltteeeree. FULTON MACIIINE ' , WOKS YbrAcl.l.llD 1w 1134. Manzinctory •or ST P.•. 11 NOINE/1. of 'l'.lo➢,p'o4 of "* ... ' 147.171 . 11V4 P, t ' 171 . 4111. - ' 0.1T1%. A varlery 10..11A . 0 , 114 , 41:r pnyr , glue,, 11 ; Witty mil. 11.,P*,1'7:11". .0001111 o s t.ina n 1 4. . . A. 11. ENGLISIS h. CO., O.•: Fourth Street, I ur yl Y BIN)10. Ab. omn • tars or BLANK 11(11JIM BOON 111151,1 A i"A" .1"0 A . sTurri.En SONS & CO 71•017/AC749.1001 07 sopm Boilers, 011 RUN Ta t . to! 8/i YET WON MURK, of all klti Carnal Fir. rub Ward. PM,' KNAUE & CD.' OULU MEDAL nemlum Plano Forte! ►ar tale oily by . 0 HACt.orTI BLIJ fa tl ►lith rine t. Id door aboYis BAUM b. MOSER, ALiraliltootia; vutur FOUST. A'S WIA.TION 61.111 A N., 2 lig Ctalr street. vittobargl npoel.l •1te91.2111,1X1,0 to lb. destgall 0410101, of Court , Hovel sad yolglo tom • ! I ~.., ~_ . .~_= ~: -AMOR, -T'N'LL-',ii: d:, is Tifl:l, 111= RIVER NEWS The river was about etatlonary teat evenlog, with four feet In the channel; we, In cowman with many otherihrett confident that the re cent eat weather would have caused a rise of two or three feet, hot them far we have been dtseppointel. The weather continue. mild and ;dement—thawing during the day and freezing et I There hae been no acrivala liner our lad re, port. The impOrter Was dui here last nlgLt, and will donbtleasi be found in port this morn ing. The Armadillo, from CUICED.ti, Is doe here to.mordw, and the Aranty ought to •.- rive here on Sarardsk onSunday. The Ilessanger.lor. St. Lund, and the Law rence, for IF sebville, deintrted yesterday. The hledenger stuck . at !Ltennot." but it was thought mte would not be delayed lung, though . .he iris drawing , every Inch of crater. Captain Throckmorton. of St. Louis, was, circulating about..the 1.1,114 yesterday. tak ing observation, lt is said 'that he want t❑ buy • small boat; It he doe., he will experience no difficulty - 1n Mixing here, as there are quite • number in market. The Silva. Lane le being lengthened, pre paratory, we presomo, to matting another trip toile mountalne. it hag become quite lash tenable at St: Louis. of Isle to lengthen boats. The Deileverzoo, Capt. J. 3. Darragh, la WIWI{ up steadily fur St. Lout., .4 -1.711; be ready to leave on Saturday without fall. She Is an A t boat, and la well adapted lagthe Pittsburgh and Di. Leta. trade. The Camelia, baptale Sam. Wan Is Slang up stuadtly far Nashville, stud will he the flret. oat far thst The high-headed Mendel. Capt. John Fiore, with the voter= Capt. Jaa. Mellon in the cmce, Is by for S. Lout. anti =II so= he ready to lets her departure. The Memphis Amlonehe.l of the 16th, ha. the following: We yesterday had • =II loom blaJor General Negley, of Pittsburgh, who digs tiogulshed hilustdi aa the eutumtheer of aM ehl= In the e Army of the Cumberleed. The Gangrene ors hl, way Worth trolly a month , . lazy la Louisiana, where be hoe loyemed Inge amouna of capital for himself and friend. Ffa ha purollased the esegaineent sugar plan. teflon of Gbeetal Dick Teylor, on whet le known = the =sit. The Leonia. •rxiveri at Cincinnati on Mon. day evenini, sod was advertised to leave for New Orleal on Toads?. The New York area due at Cie Lenin on blonder night, as area also the IL It. Hudson., The Kate . Misses had drain , up at Caine arc Monday uighti Preparatory to taking her do. parlor. for St. Louis. The following It the report of Mr. John 8, De2snmiTe Supervising Tonneau far this (ieventb)Distriet, for the put year: For the peer endlise September 30, 1321, 126 eteambuts Of all Muses, vacuum, dedlli tune, have beehlospeo_ed at Pitabuten. Pao ateamta.messuring 3.0./ tut. hare been trammeled at 'SY beeline. W eat Vlresnis, and 111 eleachele measuring 05,191 tun*, have been In epeoted at Chatunatl, Ohio..dnaktue an agate gars of 158 Guam., as b. 6 731 tune, whioh hue beenhapemed during the 3 ear. DI the abut. limit., 11l are passengers. 40 ferre. L. towing, i 6 cued. and ti amen measure. The loud board et Pttaburgh hare lensed certllleates Of hem.. to 271' paots and Ott es. iaspere. The local board at - Whee.the have sued seal:fleete• of license to V 7 'Mote and leg engiouted2, Ice Local,Deard at Cincinnati have Issued eertlllastee of lauce to two hundred and two phial and two hundred' and • fifiy-one ea-• gmears—makthe a tots) of 1,12 uflilzer• who nay• received lieuse duang the year. Tics Local Hoard at Pithibersti avokeu the li. caner of ose'eulneer, seispesued throe. and lased two pilot., Ibe Lual Baud at Wheel.; log sevoked Ibn Ileenie o 1 sue customer tall re fumed itemise .to three. and refused ll amas to tins enguseer for el-ileum:, of law. The puanger Meas. Pins Boat mu destroyed by,Ore ' Ureeniher It, while ly. log at the month of hurley Myer, loss. elsoon. The rowboat flak Fulton No. a. and Daphin, were dutrojed by Ore oaSh• light 01 Son); 11,041, while-131u at Plitehurgh wharf; origin of Sim unknown;loss. rdiyoll. The towboat 4.leadendte taiambella eolupeed a hoe on her etartiOned hailer; April 16:1, while lying at dam No. I, In the Mueireguhrla elver, acald. log our Meaux, : so badly tact. he Meal • few day alter. Thu eablowai burned .tr the towboat Pe trel. Augutt 6.16,7. while lilng at the , lhorin. um wharf' , lots. 51,700. The steamer Mary Eferisswaif sun tat Elmo( Soo, by bwklog on a log. Ina was loon mud again; loss, el,2se. la Mesas my report ot cream insane roofed- Ingo in th• !aurae Ihstnet during the year. and lioneldetieg the large amount of linateree transom led therein, It •ITarde satialanifou to stale tau Iht k angle death occurred by ea. plasma Cr other emiuMlty. When we take Into view the extent of the river cum in this Matelot (lane 1,140 intlee), on which 4'.0 steam ersof iight,4 int h•re becn Ic •Luti.ei the eadne fiapeated thereto. 1 Loubt andoen Iron. acitilent or iCAS run be ehown by any hied rout• of the siva extent in the country. For this great eet,ty we ode much to the s/- wise sod over-ruling Providence, and the Itt, proreniente in - ocean& toilers, valves and other appilauceaths, {J..o•Crilloo of skillful eon, nett. and pilot. and Ott.' 'all :gra Ilium ;sex the Mains. sad travellu community an ek emphou from it., and autdeot stosuit without Parallel. The Ntenilie lfron, of Fri dab. says: The India. parsed virtu the afieolloon,on bet way to Loafer Lila. T. report the/ - mho woe ahem doomed by hbr ofbrer • while In the crIMMal oorei dltrou at Terrapin Neck le without foutdatlou. Onyt. (.'.non, with the Lee. waa employed to rescue her from the peril.. poeition. tier Elmo. rental...l,oz board, emoted all the time. The boat woe put In duals tiliNew (Orleans, and wee .found to have sustained little or jury. A.nt tweety•ttre paeseekera tame to this point un the Indta.. • A St. teula telegram under date of Monday, eart This Mlseissippi below ht. Louie and coma miles Snore will be open to ninettlon ipmn. Them lota be • large number of steam. CT. employed this mama. The ...mem Lee, Magenta and others. will t e run es art opposition Iliac by parties In Ciminesti and Louisville. , The Mlessom Hirer trade will to well repreekated, filly new strainers being •n. gaged for the burble.. Tie number of 111.. sems iliver ate... will therefore be larger thfiedfithlgretrabort than any year slum tune. • The CinCinneti Comma-mink of 'Tuesday, say et Business wan moderately attire slung the levee yesterday. • The Nightlegale was re- Niving largely , nod will doubtless get od den iehrill• to-day. The Sneer Sp./4 ls anon thu og up pretty fast. bed depot foe New Ur. leans this ermine. The Limn* No. 3 engaged mumierable yeitterday, looluding one lot of brill rk, and neatly 20, maks basoe. end dep.,. foe New Orleans t‘amorrow, Pattie. telegraphrd Imre for • boat to some to Leone nlie end taken load of torn for New Or:venni at iglar lab The Oder be too low was de-. sliced. Now that navigatiou hat been re. mined' 14 Walutsh Buyer. aeasiderable grairt will Le moving both up and down the river, the bulk having been sold for New York to Disks whisky. . Robert Maddox, well known In Neer sissies, tiled kw days sine* oil hie farm In iodise. Lite mutate. amount to 3147.1011 e last Cri der. oa the Magnolia, for Mimi:omit. to Me year lent the etearnhom Pontiac wee entsged and suck In the steer mime five or ell miles above AtchMon. Kansa. The wreck wasS bad .one—and after removing the ma chinery, It warabaodoced. A pert of the cargo heat ef barrel, of whisky. Inc heat slick is Dow a mat bar. The high pries of whisky ham etiterilated number. el men in search for the wreck. and It I. reported that ono ol the eeekers here found it. if the welshy should prove to be in good older the Jimmy will he • ,1nt424119 profitable one. I=2 C he Telernea to the 1131.5bn:ea u statte. 3 .I..umsvahr.e, February 11.—Elver falling elosely with dye feat three Inches In the canal by mark. Weather : clear. _Ther mometer 63 degreea. ' Sn. Loot. liobroary la.—The steam. er Stobroon came up to-day from Evan.e Landing; and her orneere. believe the river Is open to Cairo, tort nothing definite le known yet.. Two boats left to..iay for the South. and Merriam others loading. 'Minims, February 11—The weather is dear and , very warm. Freights for Ohlo agAlva. Tonnage scarce. flavor thane r.p idly. The Bertha bursted a mud valve to the hold, damaged home freight and entered proregt. in port—Sllnneola, henry Ames, Bertha and Orontes. • Kase vihha, February 19.—The riveris fall. Inshfone feet nine inches no ri.rpo LI, Shoals. Arrived—Euqua ylrsxd, nom Cincinnati, Nashvills and Cairo. Departed-Ella Unlibes, for tho Upper Cumberland. STEELASBOATS. VOIrCADIO AND 5r. f5 7., LUUlt.—Tbe lac ele•mer .. . . ... Jon• 11. Mang K I'l .lease a• abort , au SA , LIMIAV, b.n St • tea act p. toe fee gill or passage alp. 420 VOR ter. LUPillrer•-The hth teamed. BECIALVIMN Vaasa., Matt. r. will lure for tag and ad Intormad.tta harth on tho op of nay hthmon. lent toOrd at to F" Or tl ' Tett Patt)l7. jJAIIIISTIVIVIINS. 'Agents )nl Ga....De liege. . V 011 NAHUYILLIE.— . 7.", b , A- The One swap:Der (JAXIOLIA ' Capt. Wm. 11say, 'Da In leave for DJ e WOOD., aria Intern.l - Ata porta TI/ X /DAY. at I o•n!ort r LI. ror frc1g . 1.J . t , ../3 . ...14/1:41:1?j, on Warn or In J. IL 'COWAN° iV O I/11.1 Agtnt , IFLeCh, T, gr. Louis.—The attar..., IDS•I3Sfi Mtn— Ca,t. I,oe, Lima. wll laava as aboia 71) DaY.at4 r • L. Pot '' lrr g '"" Or t 073 IS t.. t ? ". / jena COLLINA nslttll, MARTIN LIEBLEIt, 1 3/I,Lilt IN HATS." CAPS 'APID FURS. . Alto. De.le 31•33r1sf ae TRUN111. VALlltirer 171.1emlSo T" Ileta HO. in Pilinthineld P.tabcingth 1 , 11 Ord.. promptly gilled, .4 ntlefsetton ra.- .tecd. nks, purvATE'XILSEASEI3. . Ofale-11111t4 P 7.1421 fiT2KET. a:sr:tend. for the sere of 111 dlonste: of s Driest. ostort, to from [co to (our days, tic es entirety me eta see trestmeet. AI.. Sentinel IllceLoces, sot ell:ocean other diseases of the seta tel ernes: sod then .. , t==lM== 019.0 60..7%0 14M pt: and I tot and II Wall. If F . AUTOS, n • ILHCHAHICAL MOD ZNIIINICHHINO DRA. F T lit A. N. 111111MSc, PHI Holl LO and eo. HALL, Ho. IS THUD lISSIMs //a )IPU, 11. Ps. an 1 • ID/. =I FEBRUARY 72 1 =WE' r . 7; MI BF/1111Y DEPIRTMENT MEI PENNS LVANIA. imniusmingU, DSC. I*, IU7. I~7Clo 1 1° X CalEil 1 1 tai BOL II I9 e► fill LOANS I OF [ THE Commonwealth or rennsyl- Tanta, Due l July Ist, 1868. THE FoLLOWINCI 1.4.. N . , • • Du© July Ist, 1868, WILL NE REDEEMED, WITH INTEREST TO DATE OF PAYMENT, ON PSb ' SENTATION AT TES , Faripera , and Mechanics' National Bank, IE.XC X X+.0.3a.1i LI" 33.1.41L4 Loan of March glib, 1.849, duo July Jet, JAGS. Loan, of July 19ih, 1939, due July Jet ? 19ug. • • =I CE.ABE ON TON IsT 01'..TULT, Lase • Until 101041, Brey of Ftatb.. /0111 Ir. AAITEtIII, V L Elite ?uwm, . ~bmmlWaln utgWtlalf rd. d , . .4.AY & COMPANY, 50. 65 Woo 4 Street, • nuILLINN.), • ; - BOOKSEL.LEES, STATIONERS, PAPER! DEALEIIB. Aniti Blank Book Manufacturers, I I . Offer Tot tali al tioi LtIWNST ?BIC= n tall btatcl' i vr XLI)I7IL., ticHOOL. and ULLNR TIMMS. *BITOLA I•A.E.MSII, EE VELUPLB. dOUNTLNU•KUUSEKTATIONEBT. *MN._ Y STATIONERY. LLOAL SlMl4o.tt Etat . LEOAL BLANK , .. of Alt flat[. catitcx. suox!a. asccirr pa&T autnid; • Ltrrte corime EMMA. • • SW. ail I tads At Mercantile Prtstlng txemtod to ma latest 77,77. Atir Potttlal attenttoo cites to Os =mdse. to., „or Stank Boon ts order, of soy Pattern. FE ORUAIEIf -.^-••••••• 1868 . NEW 1 CARPETS!! owl otislomcns wad.. nsu Our New Spring Stock, %%Web srtl nra Just ..pentltt. uttlqUsled Ip ea tent and variety, .1 atm pd.. Lower than any New or Old Goods Is the ma•kct, ort i oal ovalllle: and aly:at McFARLAND & COLLINS. [ 71 AIID - 711 FIPTII 111112X1r. (41COND FLOOIt..I TO , GLIM MANUFACITREIIP. • TILE UNDERSIGNED having eels brat Sucre:lnm sole agency for the We Of th e ed COP LEYI POT CLAY. lr tow prepued tO nimbus it 1a u~ anent ty V. ` rl27:lll3l:7ol, ' .°7:: ' ollll:r47wVitge ` ...r. '''. need at sued temporal.. la we b[llll.o MIMS It a toner snide for pots than any In the muket. WO having securcdtan average stand of afa =mit. for each pot.Wsid some LasUng as long as staid aud months: We will furnish receipts for the proportion ocl he =linens of this Clay to gxi i minc , ..hastu i t. The Clay is ground and '" geallaTaZig a sox. . feet Fli t Mass Works, M • eal Weatilagton kt.. Ylttsblirsk. gm FIRST CLASS LOOKING GLASS AND PICTURE FRAME MANUFACTORY. • Noi•uo wood' St., Pittsburgh, I )rsits 9 ? rcir alsq&I;1111 . s1.1 WAL!4 UT, OVAL entl UMW.. ConTIIAVS and PICTUItn SHAMES, Cortato Cornice, Panne .sAA Buttons, Consols, Tripod sod :Bracket inblu of eroulslte don'ts And ortlasophlp. N _ UILLIMAU AND SEGILDINO szeontal In the tashooolle albs An. • Pirallin ISUCIAUATd. soCsiloMS WOOD ADD' FIFTH BTBEILT Sewer +s seem:neut. TO; my. amen It 4 eort6ietlng the WOOD OFD rltTlf CrillZir EIMER nu Dean left my tuade for eollee+n. and eboold Da veld as btf4ro Yebrsszry 1.3, la% In order to WO •BAMVEL ALLUDLII CrIALILES BEIZENISTEM, 113 rinrass 87. E Amateur:B. r, _ raurp door above 1.11..0ad4 Mini Wire 8 Table tallery At *AIsTRIINPRICTM. Elrerytbtag mend et sera Wes stare en bead. Call see gamine ee•Preed.. Haim Rie.movst 7 i t JOHN D. BAILEY tic BRO. /iiiiol7,llU TO 9/111 i 1111ELD srarxe won tvEws; CHEAP BREAD IN BEAR TIMES. itvialre ter • WM/4 II WILD. The 1.11‘ , 4 s jcnti TII• taltlats WO' es even kiL Nn.. • vit • TICE TO LET. - op stairs, Sti Water West. Blest MAA•tI DICKEY 1 CM 9, 11 N-300 seeks to store, for sale by ISA 1•11 WOILIY a CII • 186 S MMTFACTifs. , GRAFF, BY I= Ba. ; Hoop and WROUGHT Yea IMIM 113E9 FOB OIL WELL Office, No. 98 W P 1773111711 e en PORT PITT • BOIL STILL AND 1110 - -vvcvmas. , , • . eAra _I BoLL SNYDEIt, • - 4.47Vrlcrivuoui OP rumnrs, DOmnx-riono, ruucarku a CYLINDER STRAY DOILRISe ou, BTILid AND OIL TANK% ORINNITS. BREZCHING AND LOU PAIRS SITTLING PANS, SALT PANS AND CON. CENSERS, STRARt PUSS, GAZOILITIPR ANDIRON BILIDEISS; PRISON DOORS AND COAL SNOT= Ones marl:Pert. issysier Souovid4 fire SAart wad Liberty itra vols. Pittabtirgit, Pennsylvania. • • D rOm RlPOrden to ient U. obava address loth natit:l,lo bO ptly atnao4 to. I KENSINGTON. IRON WORKS. LLOYD *4lc. SLACK, ' 11A.S1114.011:11111107 •- Best • Common, Refined Chaireoal Arai • .TuniEitaßloom Iron. 111116/11ANT RAZ. ROUND IBwAss IROm 11001•. RAND. T and ANOLL 1ROR• 601LKIL YLAT.Rjad WIZ= LYON. 11014211. and Ristrzu BARS. CY Ll Nll Clenud OR FINONE LBO ' S. BURL!, T 16 , 1 and 16 lb.. to the rands NirItUUORT C 11161.6 LndlllLin for wls: PLAT RAILS, ranched an& Cu:u..mt. COAL. SCRREN 111.0 MAIM and IiVIRItn.. 4. Warehouse .11 0161 re at. the Worts. ORMAN. ORO II n 7., fa One of lira etreelo) ads 'caning the CRT One Womenrlttaourada. attia.l6 SOLI I WOOtt W. 022. :Alfas • A. A lOtn. INDUSTRIAL' weinits. HUGH. M. BOLE & irou.ri•Ens, Engine Builders and Machinists Make to order Marina utdi Land ntanm AWE.. of alt.'s.. warranted to Alva satisfaction. Cation. of every dascilfltlon. made to order JAWED Di MAO.. 1111”.....A. B. BOLL Fonts Marbled BOOT, Con. Polo; Alley Darroaan Way. /foundry. Nos. II And &ITALIA street. • prrrisaumaa, PAL • 710:1in • • I • pITTSBER6II STEEL WORKS, ANDERSON, 000 K & CO., mucczaßou TO JO N IZ. lIIOIrD It 00..1 • I - Yana Iletartra of the beet REFINED, C 'STEEL, e Fort C•cta on. of , all ars: Wm Xlates, Hoe Fort and boot Out, Meet: Out start (or _REAPING AND NOW! G 111011INER.. APRIL!. PLOW RINGS. SPRINGS SIZES. OIkORLAIIB, Cast and COMMOLI Plow 1 F pria; Steel. bllZte—ovneh e o l f l V o n g a e l aoooßreet, ft. FOBS Fn . ' 201JNDET, : MULES SNAP 11111111118 3“...vcrAcrusxas HEAVY OPIDNANCE, • ND ALL 11:13135 ' 07 IiZAVT OADTI3I3b. b eti. " , 4 t t t M s 1 3 ',M t hrt d ff art UZl : ADSatendto rropt et„a. s heredrone, tn. p ry ers Coli n will llarn Su l d a d h r Y .d n of our old stock. WI are trepan.. with WOW Alto IntraoVED patter... ronetruntod under the lupe relelon of Yr. ILA 11597. Atfat.l NAIL MACHIN ns an short so %lee. not:n MONT BLANC FOUNDRY. Butler Btroat, Ninth. Ward orrthirrs UNION IWJN 1111.1.5 t 311"2TPSZ 0 33171 :1 LOIMIC Holliag ➢IIU and Bridge CasUngs • 111111111/11151 LD PIP! 111 E, aelelmerr 'wad Carthage geaerilly. Univ . * promptly Lad carefully executed CILIUM/a arasuxama, EIiBERT RLVIDILLIND. 04MM. B LACK DimioND • • STEEL WORKS. ARK, BROTHER & • kriavrlcrrnial Or ALL ittattarrnOst OP ta•MMIFILT-t. 019ce and Warehouse, 120, 92, See sod and 119 It 121 Ftret Streets,. r1T199172.011. BERLIN FOUNDRY. PRICE & SIMS, IMPTC3 RD WAXISEOtI.2• N 0.29 Wood Street • oust!..coo. Mid kW; 001tattally Oa NMI Tk{asbio, nein 41 Pipe Boxes, yLCHlHg9ihrov v tlieli And etn T2iawi 1.011: nO3ERT LEA, AIrOFACITILIII,O7] 37.8 AZ ENDUED AND BEMS Frdght, soister s AID vouron hINGINEIL SlTCasttair °lse Cleacelpilou reads to alto (Termer • I LIM nal Nervy Stmts. PITTSBUZOM. PITTSBIERIIRONIORKS. •J. Pi MIEN f SONS. .. r.acr.crvauf'or iron, Bu VAcl, Tub and Trunk HOOPS AND EIELRETS, PI anon. PA. EVERSON, PRESTON& CO., PE. -- :'11 - 1 - Z.51,11.1r14 ,t) •W%i:MELJEK.S. Wareham., laM. 10 and M °pp.!. •Idonosishas Hon., ?Madman. F.. WM& UNION ENTEEPBISE FOUNT W.M. M. JOHNSTON. 11.ufact4rer of COOKII4O •TOVII2I, • 308104. Ylf.tl DENS, SASH WIttilHTP, .4 all and. , of HOLLOW WARR, PAR WIIZZLII .4 all Undo of MACHINICRY OAPPITPLIN, car fe of PATTON .4 bH1140148 PTEXTB, foot of PIM lot!, et eiten.lau. Plualforel. Pa. IRON CITY ROGERS & BURCHFIELD. =I 1871303ERTM =War. 0%.31/11 Awn Wale nnot Ms. V. !WIER ==! =II Zolttirliznariam !Pat. COTTON -8 bales O stealaelle as x ' 7l " " '' w aThrlitallia cc. M.MiITIPACMU!EI';O3. Vxmno, Pref.% .......... Masi. Chtp';:: PITTSBURGH -.- .FORGH & CO., AND IRON CO., li.heef Iron, Bar 'rem Ranieri Pisa Bass MUG Bolts, 14•11.0•4111 . Oar Aria. 101.144; Railroad Coy Isle* Illaaasered Snit 11 it Locomotive Fraroad • THAN Leassotlve !passe Shapes sta. model Tahoe. StssPlS Pisani Maeda • Steambeet Shallot TUBING, Pistols Zeds. WrI , AR Mama /Aim OeLIAM AA. I ia Omer, No. 177 PENN BTRILICT„): PPITSIII7II9II. PA. t NATIONAL-110DR! &ND PIPE WOILIKKI, Corner Carroll and Sisallnu4 Strains, Ninth Ward, rrrrsutows ra.. l VCP"ilif... SWAIMT r iai ILLINVFAVTIINIII OW Cast Iron Bowl Pipet', FOR GAB AND WATER WOW. I I; a l l vv.:A=7;l.llg vAr.41101 : 4•7 Man Of &Me 18 MI LEI 11114/ .1,1=151.1.1:14=r=a titer Street, UM Nil\V BROWER 1018. Li! duty, Sterrit & Eng.; Manufaottirere & Importets of = i HARDWARA CUTLERY, &c., 337 LIBERTY Hint Che:fr. TATarsrxte, One Square Below Union Ileo4 _I PITTI3I3I;TitGati ar Looms for IfAnutomfe. 113ALZO. umain STEEL W1311p.1 BINDER MEE it go mazurAczErszon or . BIM! =MD CAM Milt IQUIIL no AU taiga or MA Kau. limn% Cmstri..a.s. ammo anICZOILqii SAW PLATEE4 smarm AND A :LWAY SPRINdSi Cut opting .sua, Cast and German Plow Eltiet.: . . mow wuroe LED mows. Lui g i' OILS% LILES AND STEEL TIIIE Piaidasztvia.pa r w c l4romyr: Warehouse, SS Water St., Plttssidlt-: • .1. ATLAS WORM. - 71ORTOX 2 27/ I/ ZS Ninth Ward,, Pittsburgh. That Worts noon; the ]wrest load eiOatd eamolete establishment' Ix the Wart,' toe ',rot , not prepered It fora. noirinooorEvery Deszription. pi Bairn, 011 Tant-r, Shoot Iron Worii; Railroad Casttnp, • ' -.•?. - : -I, Balling Rill Cll9llllfll ' AI Mine CRalligo .. t Viatidna Urnald C J 1 ORDERS SOLICITED.I •01:06 , - JAMES M. RITER, 55 and 56 Water Street, pwrenvaan, P 4, ItratllTAClllndli 07 mcnkr rz.eaxriar,M, EIZTILING PANS, MITZI STEAM. FMK,' BOILING MILL STAMM /Led BEIZZT IBC Fr WOVE. for Eteamboots:o JOHN RONEY HULA, FOIJPIDRY, 7 Carson St" 9th Ward, near A. V. SO. KaimiArttrram wp Hammer Dies, Steel MonliAs, PAlrag 111 ui Hukiu Castix' gs mglßMlLl'lliT.rarirgrr:,tirtg; GREENWOOD FOUNDRY. DEVI & DONNELLY• Jobblny, and Machinery Cud*, I.9 s lNrent=„l`l7.regtat Zge h il oven purpose, =do to order. °Wee, WO Liberty Street, :I eolYdSo IlAcadoseor of Koala Dull I=l O'HARA BOILER W 019114 MORROW; lIARMIILL & 1)0 4 ' - lUMPACYCinKTO as . Roam Boilers, 011 RB A Is, glOOll7, Tanks, gnat Pans, Goantastnra, WravEtt iron BrUgly, Sbastlron Wort, as, LIBERTY SECOND 80. PITTSBURGII,' 11- ! ar.)--1 air/111.1.140 LIONS 1711:t. DtiqmoNE Iron and Steel Waits.* coramizr, .luiret ag • /LLBUTACTURRIIS 07 :2 1 troll, Ws lags,illesi Steel, e. WAURIIOUSIZI • WO. TT WALTER NITILILLT. jamit4 PITTSBURG • STOVE WOOER. • A. =eruct es co.. , ILaSulheture emir misty ed Cook, Parlor and Dalin : Stec stood 1111611 ars theriels brated T itti u r WritsW i ed B3L . W ser ° Good simnel Liss ualostaesare GRATER, GRATE 111.0)1ITS, Mos 000 Warehouse. toms of Bede: a rk, Wad streets. Plasbargh. Bulresse Omsrm street. .. • lair.f 4 ARID W. sacts.....—:—.onxtrAo 0. xvil4. JADED ST. BRUM Q tow, Igaiuraceowasaaa • . • Blum Boilers, On 802, Shoot Iron Wori4 el Pas* Bt , Pitlaborih, /AL R I G CO. CENTRAL 'FOUNDRY urn 80.. yressik 811/411 a mitzrebet.:4' BOLLII/11, BOYD & DUALS!. i.thu. THOS. OAR 14111. nom wampum ROM' 1114 am' .Butzer,ei r zztextv6 Finireme n temr..e u Veert Zett Mt* ilnles LAW um et el amp:. RAILROADS. FITTSDINIGH AND CONNELLS VILLtr. BAILUCLID. MINIM 0. sad item. TkIIIIISDAT, Fobs turf' 1110 , b0 ' Ills, trans trUl ottlPt at sod depart Stun the( Do maw sr Utah sail VOW StPO•4I. as • .WS: Deport. .4”Pos. NAB to Sod t Maleat`rt. La, A. Y. r. Y. Molteetyort AcoOtnoOst , s. 800 YY. LOS P.S. • tip. to and Botaßotont`a. LOS P. N. MOO A. ag. • West Newton aecOelall • n., .10 r. 'LtSJI. STOW'S lecontinal•rn..... 5:10 1". Y. 7 I% 1, Y. Nlght nee. V , • eNeeePert. ICAO V. K. CP 0. It &today Church Trots w a nd hoot West Beotbd r. Y. 10P0 L. W. toll ~S koP 5 554 o_ P. B NINO , Brost. W. s. STOUT, • otonelon rm • • A . LLE6BEI7 VALLEY ft 2.2i.isk to V tansy* City. Coatittiny ..tth ?Ham Han sad Wan Oa M. Warm and Hawalalla Hallraad also with the Aalaalla see Oraal wasta. Hallway. Os Usti altar 1171:13DAT. 14th Janat4,l3ll4 tha rumor ?who 4111144.• iron hao2 arrive "➢ritt 4 h 4 tlth 1)41.4. *mat Othat as 4 nth titett4 as_14llowl:1 10:16 /OE. 6Yr. Y. 1:45 P. Y. /1:00.141/. 6:>o 1. M. 1.:111. Y. . kW?. .111. 2:11r. Y. SAO A. Y. east.*. Moll to anO from thin. City. Endo'. Baud Leatoratod'u. Oods works &rem.— etroosa ood•Workt&ototo.. Hulot?. AINVLOos4I a .... .15¢e•Jar . 1 " .1•Arei . 7;••4 'fame.; 1X... Warla • II:10 A. IL, ant•tAg I• PlUsbar•• 1•5•1 A. Y. reitornlnr. leaves ,Pltterjap Y. p. A.. W 151.AUILATUltr. east.' 1868. • AMMO 1868. . PITTSKIIIGILI,, WAYNX • CMICAtIO • W.: AND CLIITILWID• Prrrili UAW • From J... 7 19:4, MA MIR, will kaiak Ram and arm as Um u•los Davos. etort• 1140. It•bvulb...7 thae, as tollows: • _ ir r• ... rt AMEX. EvWall:: Nrl • e * Yek. E • x L E ClUi • a l Rt llrh a 11 1 zy n l r lr ci .l . AN • a C.esit ILN* Mesa ... •a 0 510 x50 Na....e1. • WIN) Na MS PI IL rut. a ci. I gm. ale Na CUD.. 0511\10 1.a.... ta 1. 044 cii 120; 1 : we. 111. ix. 4=9 ro vlsTax Is t/rO. easy a rtg•ta 1.11 1 . 1. 1114 at N. I. I IV 111:11 am N. Urn' • '• N? Ns 1005.1131 =am WaNsvlll.• •• inn i.LI at NW Culls " an Well/Via lee.. 1.0 pat LW/Wale " 91111 Laetadal. AWL •:16 pm .. 1:13 N. Zrit`. 1:13 pat N. Betas " 1:U p p N. 9r14•4 *Ns at Lostsclas ll= Ix Uremia]. •• 10:13p •• p UV T . 5. ob tr Na. iroas " . 1". mitrais. Jwlii CtILUNIBUS 111 CINCINUTI i - PAN Will ROUTE. • MAXON OP Ttlag.-011 lad aft. 81314134. g. Decent., 6111.-017,. Va. wi ll Isar. and oretWil Ualait Depot a. fallow. rittabargh tome . • Daratre. Agarrg. Malt DP a. Y. r. Y. Past Live 4. Y. TVA P. M. Vast Express 210 r. 1.35\. Y. Mixed way • et. 110 r. • fired a Rea Do. R. It. 310 r. p. titesooarllll. Aticataitin.. 1465 r. N. 90.0 Magionalw• Ace. 80. 3.. 110 r. It. • /00 A. Bract.. Sort. -elanitty /I apnea I aa r. arrlvtag IR ettieletiati at CD A. 41 . • 'e etu ' r ' rPatt 1 P.day at UM Tea 9:10 a. Tnita 'ear. daily. Outdo Aga Kan.. ”aepted, arriving Oiwittuaall It pis ter same eyerility, R POURS 11: ADVA.NOR OPIA.LL Ogit IttgiTl2l. I 07110 etu of tan .tweeß Pittsburgh .4. and Out 01114 alai* to St. Loofa. Cairo. age ttie prtuatpat points West .4 Boothe aIDa ettatin 11 , 0 It Is 4 Old 1 at MUM. Mita a Marlill talon Depot, (south side.) j 13. lIOTRYSISPADOII,Tte/got Mies% S. soos.r., oss oral Ticket Agoalt.l. 100 N 0. 111/AEli. 0. pENNSIELVANIAL o• • SLILSIOAD. CENITIAL 4 • au litaitir • Wons No. & nags Johnstoora`AO. 21.11 p Wall , . No. 4... SlllO p 4:10j Won's No. 5... 4;e4 n WSN's No. 5... run Use. 7•A) p wawa - Cta sad slur OCTOB arriv .et dattast from of Wt e atallgtoEl.4 • AMY*. Wall kW am rut lISO a a Wall'. E —lO a m Brintaa No. Etat m Wall 4 Ea 1... 11:50 sa ClneinsuU Lx. EN a m JotuaLown An.loxl2. • Zo4 .N PC 4 0.11 4 ::: 2' Erar .. , No. y m /Mama Acton wattle No. and lltalvint Th o7. alhart " i " TrOld Lee Wallel Magda rad.l,:tgt,Te.•:,Ti', l l2l,MalretgL i and arm. at St etatlon Ent 0. m. I •Clatlntatt terms. leaves dal l7 . AU eUun tin dolly except /Manny. Pitiladelptda_Azyroas and the Altoona Acegen I:lodation at d Emigrant Trata arrtya duly. Old. dinnaU Endue wolves tinily ,sent Monday, ALL Other train. daily sleet. but lay. F'""'" u4 'r.V. u pltkwlnt. arat i Tao rimonrylvaxas Valtessa Compainy cell:•", 11,1 uuVreil Dolls.. Lanham. Au Baggage eog./.. Ind that Waned 10 eel. alit be at the slate the owner. cullnoLtz taaOtal 010.17,74 t!onaill Ilmiertutandfni. Atheeno. IM WESTEEIIif PENNBILIFAIILi • • SAILIWAD.—Ms slter NOVI{III3.II I. Mel, Um "elect/sr Trains on " 11511 4 191 . • Me Western "mmsbrenla ] lu c re 10 will erns at and newt flan the releras What Llapet. Alleglamot Oia tas =cam Assure. • nil Ans. I anatcab'e No 1 MOLY. Mae.. 'seaport na I Sala. Tempera. Ito. I Plltalt Express --MOM... litlaww4 ll o ,43Vri 111 1 1 1 1 ,11',1`A;pui 112;01 kesase• "seaport No 116516r.hl 131.111Ctrtot Ae 7:110.0. Sharers Eel. Wm.* Above Males ran eally axe.; sunen. The (March Train leaves Allegiimx 4earA Imeryllemday at ):era. K.. reselang aslegtael CMS at WO aY. Retunin Itasca Allegbela Otte ail:2ll,K. and entre et Alltenmy Jena WI S. Cemmulallas TlMets—/aT W. DI package. I Sweaty, between Abilesesay OW, Chest.. maw. /Casa pelmet; PM* Creel, Masan. elmspebnes, as awl unls 00 Ma mans. stop. oinx at natio. sraelOad on tickets. - I tsaln learuzi alleshelm City at 11:10a. tot feel I:r 3 ittla c onig ' foPlavrtfirsrl nit 011T naa.to %. ITeum:,`Pltrb,! . ., P°2 - 71rA,._ Rrldraylttsbarsb t an d at ms Mesta. an, ' Mt. o Ve ' i t krther Infelreanon apply to j t . " B I lt r e r raMetiZll e, Tbe Western Peanglsanla ameme my risk RI . .bea C e a web , "A We s ~ tgu A ligefil l a bra =II% 174. 9 T b b.. 4 tramline this amennt In vales, wl4 nc .1.1 of Ma cornea Wm tmaclai Pent Act. • • ZOWIIIO 'ALLIAISIS del emend !maw, Imp, SMOKYIDLI RO IN OYWN PICIF C RAILWAY, EASTERN DIVISIO TUE SHORTEST AND M kILIABLX BOOTS Bola the Zan paws la COLORADO,: 141 MADA, CALIPORDIA, UTAH. =3 SZW u tICO. IDA',IO, 0 S. Two tndas lead. Mate LIU tad Lamm daily. (Ittadsra Szesptada pp ppe airli trains of Pastas liittlres6 from L o ud, thaallal sad St. to Balbm4 Mat QateteTl p.m.. 01 Lamm ass taveks ad Wsatsi Masa for all paL tab Esarao. At end 0 laitat of Zlissrorta,villp the Mann, OT! 1C13411-14 courAvets DAILY Lthit oviumgato MAX. AID 'ammo co.. 1:17 PO/1 17: DERV BALT LAICB t AND , A34:po ur tux notarrompa, sad WILL WOW 14 , 5 T3i.WIf3LY LIYI OP 131:11.0717.43 o' Tart Upton. Iron. Pus.. Album erg A Mats Ps, pad alloxdats la tisaiu adiie 111.4“. • With Um tuna addittoas of rolling !tool sad nlynasn, and t a smastascats madi 011.11 too • cnonebis ("ar 4 Ttpaspartsttaa Llea hawk tts Inman istattair. tits 'road aa•sr ...Vara mu— pastlad faelltilastdar the Usastelsaloa of tradsaat tO the Pas West. I =CM Tweets for saltmc nil tae the vatted 5t...4 H. ears .4 ♦`.E VIAL TlCturre yui. , ras esolir HULL ROUTE, ONION Y•AI/I4 ILILLAYLT. Y ASTYPtif DIVIEIIO2I. A.NE1E57,0631, tiddler.] Elmertridedafe. J. H, pLrq Baum! Yr.lzht dad rt,kivaml : stij STEASt . E 0 AND F'Ao LIVERP3EL &QUEragloWN, TWICZ In= TSE 'TA ]UM LINE rlaTng:l4l Tomiksiirw f atp to an/ tram tralan4 44l.ld. acoth".:6"— mu' 1.4 mace, 11w at Um COOLINIKLY . 4I 1111,111114111101, 754 X"Aliall , Agaat to Boot Cobba raSaingare 14 0111% 111111110. aata Express 021 ca. Pttlabarab. "AL ISLE AND SLATE INANIfIES Il Ey Ettsirgi Elan lulla t ils'Alivb. One. alid Waresoom-31 , 0 sad art LTISELIir MAKS r. null& Waxer-was Weoadloor. row. smitlng nuble or Plat& Walsh, gnu awl tato Sae, Waren so cell Workstaaasalp nos excelled la sara. awl arias aa low as Is [asters &Ulm Martin Manners or Manus Maas Want hate Noma als onosed of Irma., oils or sada. cu. Mubletatd. and lruola 110. leek until as nen. Tnen is no olbas_plabe la Weaters a l ernisel. rum ' , ben alum if are assaalactuad. all tuft of Warble War. ma In tat twl . az ig. se ilittras u lLr e Art gaareo zits t tlawasas W. W. GAl.Lacs.. aolra 7' MALZ - 500 - 111713HEL8 • • • PALL BARLEY -MALT ItEOIIViD AND YOU BALA B) MBA= & AMER, 141 WATERS iiEuriNo.—Leactier and Po m: v t . i6 . i ga t u.... steams Piketlat. ' pmts. inaTanied to giro 12.1.11%1A"' talliVaZlLltsttal,:r Kaunas. . J. a IL rin.Lrin,_ Ptlisimuil..ialllll`FT s.l m II I== awl ana with A T LS
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers