ri II itbkm H WZDIZIDAI4I3IIaL IS, UAL --r . lun wori l )o l ll.6lXiinnwriarnoW. __ .... . _ .- . ..._ Cassavatim comdmr in bolding ea . to ,Lluijeat - ;Witte feeling/ ikin to err-, :, ereiiia__ itniliCalisia consists in rein faille to .. meek the future, it 4 011 14 :. ..iope and .arated with COIIIMS*. This . is clsirli Pisa in this Ussery .hy the "elenthetents with whico thesetwo dews . ; reprdthe Conatitaf OIL .Thu Conserra tires, without matting the temporary auditions apt/Weed and &eine/fleeced " Arty out Of which& grew; the ephennewil prejudices toWhlchit hadtibeaccausa i dated; lb. Nada; needi to wliich it wu i mildwid to minter; the local rivalries . . andlersanal ambition, et MI &Signed ~ toadjust; regard & as the accereadsub- i .11IIIS/1021 of accomplished statemanahly. I -. !via tkewe compreasimp with. transient ,seittimmits with local peculluities, With - .Atirerresermt envies sad jeilouies, are - - Ccafounded in nature and 'euente with . those provisions derived to Nard la hunt and fundamenitai rights; concern- Ing 'whose' existence and importance ' . there can, from themaire of the cue,' be no coutrerreay e and whose awned' Sion and security. in the economy of the ,nsdion Is as indisputable as the Endo: tenance of the vital field in the human beedy: - Theßadicsla, forcelvinit Jur - the ' - Constituttonwasadepted Loth/condition 4 ant wafts of the palmation in which 1 - originated; and how those adaptations - came to be coateunded, asto sacred n We i • end prenemence," is the other parte, ' j ey . deelgied to removal and enforce whet' ma abiding 'and versed, How the comproeniaes; as they ere_ termed; only aggravated the evils ware Intended to torecaul prod others still more _ entscidevene, feel it expedient to aired Vie, to u great a degreeTa possible, all Ilee' elements pertaining exclusively to the . age, and to lave*" only then .which _ are stable beaus part and parcel of that geand sistena of politimel - truth, embed- , sled in tke enlightened comicial:um of i all the new, and hence destiasd to slide . ' forever. - By this prom", and ley this eielfenin the 'C./meditation be adapted, from age to ugh, to that ceaseless flew .... of human - life, utel expezience aid Ti which Cannot be restated, but' . most be accepted as an . Integral portion - of the aosimon let of humanity. 'How ever the Consireatieekmay inveigh, and :Make their haads, and sigh-fir the . .......f..good eleithiya,". long past, they cannot, byanycoatdvanies ot political legal!. Mein, ratans, thee. : . Oateeftlikaiat- conserrative of the :religion/ 'denomination/ ' undertook to' to instills' an airing formula of- be lief,* turret . type of speech, end a par , -- tinier faction of &WM, - so that they, sherteld Waken Mall Lima So lug u the modes adopted remained hsvegate; : Belting iairir enough; but In mite el exPostalatiome; entreaties and nebnkes, ..: thei lurid would change, end thero me Car help for 11, . The consenstiam of the %. Quaker, - like all reithir ihesuiptiose thee - 004 cannot neat tlie inzentiont ' which oontlinally spring up; . and. each Pgi will iesesert Its right to amend or gab! lieu what it inherits &omits fonratemr.. Mei world is - made- so; ; and Mora teinireemie" unsay bewall this fact with a make; pleasure, or curse it . with a malignant :eielighL_ they cannot alai fah IL..- - . - ~ The framtra of the Constitution ;were entPdssat of the cuisines el thin principle, hut were too - vise to at- % tezeppe ignore or baffle The idea of change was recospaind le' ihiCkraxtitution, by the madden made _iterate amendetent. True, the right or Terdeion and altexation would lava ei "iitaderith as fall erect if it had trot been adiatted in the issurmnent, - as - by the most explicit gatealeat and gtuunustee el , .4t. In the very eaten of thins, hack .of all amyeations 'and supreme over than, man Is mightier than any ere all his laditrulons; and not only can, lmt NM, change them at his plusere. The ameleat Medea mai Penises, in a spirit ar the Ndlthtrogaura:_carslort censer saliva to int highest rdtch. - 7ifltits belt confidence, never matched before er . !data, they decreed that their laws,whea once made, should never Change. What iststecy- must have evalicrwed Ake seals of theme old Conservatives wben, ail they thacied;they .had succeeded in trees forsdag their mleab..) and predj adieu, sad hatred., into enduring grinite, des .' tined to last until the tree -of the last day should bun:down creation. • Mn,! pre them; we lick and these hurtitatlans are not - Thom constitution and laws that were never to change s keint- all been away. Whit Is left is only the Me:titian of their intatnstlen and deity bhehleh,irlie fan are Instinct:Cl bit tram Tibliatzuicea learn arida& -" .). Thratleasavatives Otte United hates ) devote' tkeessaves to 'bewailing the -)dtblgte recently made in the Ceuatitu _- 'glen,' While tontsvnellne all list was amens, elevating and Roble in he spirit sad cemduct tke human ef that doinctrunkt, thee chetieh all that wu bye. , ter, debut,* - aad- ignoble in thma. I Zech Is -csisserinniandsin alive :Its ban mule a sicatsafel aggraudea I Ikaywhae r they leek to get back of that 'seldeseesetg to the elder despotism, and fitll 'drum before it in abject plight. " Cleitain . outspreading Into which the' • men , of our - zersdutlonary era entered , ) sad which steadily mad the nation an iii culudeated is a most gigantic dvilwar, have bean swept away. , /11- I stead of welcoming ; this fructifying tide sui the Zgyptians do the- evert eying' el the Me; and:with hkettason, oar Cen eetvitiyet give themselves up to lanes . taticuta; . The old land-nuuta are sidr. , . „. sapid, neverle arpar . agala, and they 117'tllimayili and digressed squally with the old Wines," whose images of wood ' sad , gone were . Inflamed and carried of Henceforth these Cesseecngyes I .171117K4 worship with the aid pomp and *veiny: tha depoiedand banistutd Mole I of kale and tenor; and their heartikre bowed with grief. Like ether peepl' e, ' whoa in affliction, they • indulge a dim j and -shadowy hots that by 'sone inex -pitcable dispenade n the old condition of elalrs may be restored- that the blacks may be- forced back Into their formic median of bondage; that the old use - ten and their ettccessors mayregaia their former prestige, with superElded power; and arm* their etraership of blacks may dominate the nation as of yore.; If this eonsantmstien could only be they would be la an ininita strait 'rights to depart in peace or stay and enjoy . the congenial darkens sad 11 IN Oen: timid Radicals, not accustomed -to: pretend study npon the net and f, and•oi ra sadden changes that mew orn the initltutions and den dabs of nations, ssli th it fears uto the =tat to which Zs late movements have INN, and- the , coasegessocs already Their smudtiee aid units stylised nerves apprehend s sort of Angola disaster, in which the whole — Vidal shad ha thrown off the back, and mats 14 , 0 vie& gekte, in horrid *lsar: ordir; Mali be burned to - sass IA the drag of unineachable contention. These ' An be millet the reeogtdtlan and de_ !lace of rights, no matter heir swift and gmalehge, noses to be dreaded as NO eirdeo-of ender: bat 'bras welcomed "as behistins .ef genuine proems and aleedmaldea; , did,. if the bet is other.: Who; recosiolksed Tina:nifty of bet right! (he meta onto seen ofsedeee -,.respitade. Assuris_are wring/din *Meat ::many enthtudde thesis are mailed slid Abed; 1111 1;114o' nitiegerna that shake sod* are', on th e wbsle desired". shake _ that the Nthoepharaissfas longe t eby -tedkry winds, because tore e d e - ,* Jo* Vint brak mow broad nrarthialeis the ammo ; ?yr that .the ocean shill seser-egain, giagiehcd ?•.$5 .. ~ W.a.ba ~.6yy } -14.ts. ... ' . ii 54.4,7 licia...licts -armies--a • • radian bills vldlinai olgarea. These agitatbms are part of the indis pensable mammy of the 'world; promote its peritY and nonellitY; and render It habitable. Corummatites may deplore sum exhibitions of force; may essay to atop the elements when they muster their Whip for the onset; and may imagine they could dirrise a better plan and 'etutduct to more harmonious re , mita; tkurfmay derire maple satisfaction from contemplating their own superior wlickun; bat all their sall•Tanntieg will noted made the ordination of the Cm: for that agitation is the essential condi lion of-growth, and growth indisperuct ble to the perfection of MUM. What beanies of the boys, the new-S.bop,' the Istwit.bbeek; the gamin s of enir.Strinal7We "6'4 it every. corner, and perhaps become fa miliar with their quaint fuze 'hid *brill voice; You of tut get into" the War of thinknig of them as we *mid of is post or axons door, aching taut is neceitinr fly this, but tag it is sit -We never re ; Boa Try- for once a! little different antree.. It majaminte-yott. , The next time one sutosti you In the Foneffice, say something kind or petite to him, end see how the hard old We • softeni into that of a bey,' hew" the rawer astonish ment will nerve to ahem you that this ii • human being, Indio mere thing. And what of him? The boys we wed to heir yelling eat the news et a steamer's arrival during the Italian war of , asi are men low, and thi boys who howl Over the dreadini , sp!esicout" er "eh about the murder" nowet.elsys mut super or' later outgrew their °mope tion• And what then I Same of the old boys Imre grown to be well-todo eitinua, have worked their way up to positieu to the town. But these are the exception; the htspedeone of the clam; others have no doubt learned trade; and are now earning their bread honestly and uprightly. But these are all the caws-boys of the put, and we fear thm the mum and, vim of . the present race may -be turned in another and bad direction. A few weeks ago wi saw a knot of them in a earner, all . earn listening while one read the lithy details of a filthy crime, from a - ,Joriedirrek whose aim _is to delineate the met diagastiniticenee, and to make heroes ofcriminals and to adi crime hero ism; there wets boys from eight years old up, all listening with relish to the story; all seendagly perfectly Waller with Judos ones; ail impatient, for the con' chnicut. Asian we see numbers of them every week on tip tee before the picto nal displays of news dudes; devouring thewood cam aaispstlag out thelegeadi beneath.' These are their colleges and their text books; what an we hope will be their diplomas?. What can we expect 'kali become of these . bays? Can the few bright examples 'of prosperity 'and success, achieved by former members of their class, be antliclent to destroy thd effects of the trash which forms thew litrusturet. We fear not. And yet -we I think something might bedews for them; an - guide% for this llteriry polsointight be tarnished. _As theirliqiisitive mlitdi thing' far knOwledge, it' might be fur- Wilted in another form. Why could there not bee street toys'library. hare, as there is one tar apprentices in Phila.' ctelphi; and weather la Bostaut Abu - Maar* of good, stout boas; not tract; or tract-like books, for boys will nat read the* but goad, stout.- entertaining books, ; suck'_ as Oliver OPtie, Mayne Reid; or Yin Bowl= know haw to. write, gain the attention or the reader aid gradually instil morality or useful knowledge; net those which pound down • ton of morals with estrus of story.- If these could be ftetaliked we would have hopes that the poiaenous.iieekiiea might be counteracted, not otherwise; and we &inn doubt that there are' enough of such volommilying idle arttnng the top of grown up children to 'work a rival goog _if properly applied. Surely tie think something can be - done feu these weirk - ang--surely - the - thing is Meoth_s . , —Time hasprobsblynarer been, Mice the days of due great FlClllChieraluttoo, sogreal a asap! . in the elegem meekly of the-principal - towns'of the world as i hu taken place ; daring-Us last decade; almost, we might My, amiss the LE Ave yens. Res York is'remnant with 'the' nouroince, riches_ and par rennet Paris is thronged with -the most rated and Polyglot= let of eiegintell that the world. has seen since the days of the tower of Babel or ef,Peitibost; London Swelideetei.liss seethed and been stirred until eitymen ;occupy halt. Belgravia, and exiapise half the crowd which throngs the salmi. of "Regains les Lhulteems et les condemn" Vienna, , the' home of the.luMphtlest . and most ' elegant arlitomey of the world Is not the Timm of the forties, and - Bonie and Mermaids 204,114 and political" in recognintde- by a Rip Tan Winkle of dune 'dsjs. Bran ,Stda - teneslogical P_, ,htladelpitia.lts• more than once had the mdameettio door of exclitsimmus forced *pen - by 'both bribe and money, In • 1 way that is `only paralleled in Pekin 1 sad - "Jedde, while -our Sondem diet j' exhibit' ll the edacts of internal 1 coax ibdons which 'mil war - lams in its i Arida. — The causes of this turn in the 1 kakide irer , are - simple and palpable. The.'intrkftgenen, litiaturek, and Cisra• baldi, are the Ude* totildek &trope ewes its boiling np. TU . war -Is the *ell known first cause of the.change hern 1 end the spirits of progniinad avarice haio - brought* so many white people ' izaocklieg at the doors of the celestial east that the mandszim and dainties' had, like tha . rest weld ,, of the *d, nothini bat gobsea's choice. That all thiswill finally improve if II doss not in the meantime annihilate exclusiteMitiety, Is nom certain tsi what its edict en the rest of - the world may be - remains to ke proven in the new and unexampled era which is before eni, doing up the nine. teeeth maim:. . " -. u•some ragtag —sastsalt rairoa.a.o — GaszrrwThe , • letters re ceived In this city from the =reeving partial au the Nos of the IJalcut P.relfle R ailw ll 7. Zaldertillivhdon, through New ,Moodeo and Arizona, have met with a MOSIIIIIII of Emma beyond their expec tation In Eluding a mood line, alike free from heavy gradients and danger of in larruptloa from snow. The line paa.ses through axtenalve trade of ZeLle and boandfra /arid a having plenty of timber and. water an a MOSS delicious Wawa. The report!. we have bad att.° mineral wealth at that malatrY.MO far from being °Waraons, fall below the truth. - tj aallowing. telm.nm from St. Louis gins thstatest intoinPneo from tbrilinf , MIT : , treasurer of the Union radio •Rallr4d, Kamas bramoh , now in clump of the lauwevo. on the lISLo and parallels, wen= New Mexido, Arir tons and California, writes to headquar ters. tion=er date, or Fort Aloha.., ber2S, that he tow a good Lae to ths Colorado rim below tho head of -navigation Sort an azc.ieet bridging point wadi of Mohave , abOut Miles -Ircon_lConssio City, and 560 mile.' from San -•- ilia -deli& - Intl/no the Eldorado Watley. which was cenalderel the most doubtful point in the whole lonia. In ereorngl/ahed within the maximum. and chtefli r w . lthin 41ItY. bat ' I,3l;ager rer que t and the C h oi .:rade _ riser, the route lin through, or Immediately adjacent to, 'extensivegtne forma. his mien no anow, except tw os feet alxwe ofirhlgh an =moth. ..Our animals 'gland good gltinall the war. .There is no trod g l yet. and $174 tries are still - green. and there lan* evidenc e as yet of robn. Lisa satlatled that, irtth the &CM* !aided by the Colorado river, by wergild climate, abundant timber and onaluctlve ' sell In this valley. the *bale he. c m bi.l completed In fear...nom, . ....-- .j ' The ' expect te reach Etan 21141- also, about the first of February. and [return by see to this alde. -When the full report, otitis auroral parties shall be nude, the teantne, will /nun mono( the 1 wpwsphy, a%ffaja, animate atid re ' Rearm orthat rintlen -61 an_wereireer be foraitnow*.4nough to cannonstsate the vleheal'ef a =linedcommuni ties' nigh ft. at, 44 It auk be doaa ~ . _. MEI 11E1 liAktaiffladiaa=mAls===MElllllllllllllllllll :mMiidt./M NEWS —ln Cincinnati during 18.3 there were 3.68,. deatbat the losses by tire were $l,- 600 . 0 00, 1.500,000 more than the iusa ranee, and the city expenses Were E 33,4.21 71- -Pravda It to skated, has penruaded the North German Coacederatlon to abidish the annoying passport Ryden' which has prevailed in the petty princi palities heretofore. —There beatnik of oomtt The a way through' part Or . King Theodordi dominions for the, nos of oar:intruding army: . If a gukie Do larmed,..o," will, of court!, be and. B Gala ou4- -)fain was onco a great 'Ship Wad leg state, but the Portland newspapers say that the aggregate tonnage or new vessels built at that pert the plat year le only about half as large an the year prerioUz. ova UOT elmrerepartsotantunbef °tiaras falluris among the merchants and bin t nos Men of the city of Columbus. Cana of_the rtlrit who are reported as ring .areeng heaviest capitalists - and eldest financial men in Georgia. —A,dead negro eas found recently' In the woods near Aberdeen, Mae, wi th a load of buckshot In 'tile body, and near by lay the body of a hog, On the - negro the following inscription was pinned: "The nigger killed the hog, and the hog killed the Rigger. Selahl" —The new volcano, about 124 miles cast of Leon,. Nicaragua, bad been in violently grand eruption, throwing fire and cinders from two crater., and lately had sent ont heavy showers of fine black sand, which had reached Leon, covering the !streets to the depth of nalf an inch. —The Missouri State Auditor, hating reported that property in that State ha .doubled In valuation idiom/ the year 186.1. a St. Louis paper eaya It is reminded of "an ambition, merchant who want- Ing to enchancothe respectability of his stock of goods, mule them up without any real addition to their value." — Experiments are baing made in atom pate of the world besides America in reference to the use of petroleum as fuel for stcomboliers. One of the latest re ported Is that of 13arfl, on the steam yacht Oleo, (ten horse power) In' Len non. The result win considered quite summate!. • The consumption amounted to three gallons per hour.. --Several famines were recently poi mined in "Platte City, by eating cakes made from the floor of buckwheat, mingled with the made of the pinion or Jamestown weeds. The injuries were not serious, though it is said the parties have henceforth foresworn' buckwheat cakes. 'A whole family way dangerously poisoned some, etr. weeks 'age, In RalM" county, In a similar manner. The New York TN/rid continue. to give statiqica of the number of Work ingman toesouemploytuunt. It recently stated that 000 waritod .work in New York City, and f i re r. 0 Brooklyn, and now =ye a pt pretaio in New England throws out of work at least ' 160,000 people-10,000 in Slates , 21,000 in New Ilampahlra, 30,060 In Connecticut and Rhode Island, and 100,000 In gas sachusetts; —Perin modietas tuft ua that the new est winter bonnets are all exceedingly sruall,.but they de. not look as though they were Mitt/fled to the. tap of the had, which effect the summer and aut umn bonnets Agave. The newest forms are certainly more raised from the fore head,.a by mane of high bandeaux, Sr res, or wreaths of dower; and they are more beuximing than when the front of the bonnet rested en the fore head. • —Gime has always been eupposed to realm completely chemicle action by all acids but duoric.. It is found, however, that some bottlemakers in Europe are in the habit of increasing the amount of , alkall, and thus faring in the fuel re. quired .to fuse the ingredimate. Wine placed is bottles thus made acts up th. to and make. it opaque, and Mon adds to 11.1 wi em it which is neither os pleasant nor . who/mon:le. Of course wine so alfecteddeteriorateet in valcia. Fr — e n r a w n e d lfah't u cklti.d a w M ed r. i n n i t n Ran. county, . Mo., atter 'having visited a relative, wore on their return home in abuguy. On approaching a steep hi ll ; lire. F. got out to walk, carrying the F. child in her arms. - Directly after, Mr. was startled by the cries of the child, and looking- around saw his wife lying 40 the "mad. 11e coma to her, but re ceiving no answer, hurried' beck and found. her dead! It 13 supposed a neu rc pain, to which eher was subjeet at mm had attacked the brain with fatal • • —Fenian alarms continue to trouble England. 'Great number. of special con stables have been ewore in for public protection in London, and a circular has neen sent from the Homo Department to the Mayors of about Ally towns In Eng land and inland, renneetlar that special constables may be sworn in for the pres ervation of property and tke suppression of riotous proceedings. -"Her Majesty's, Govecatnent," eye the circular, "have received information which renders it In their judgment desirable that the local authorities elm:Mid be rowed to meet the any sturbances that may arise during winter." The fear ot Fenian out breaks is more widely extemded at pro. s e nt_ than during anytpLeelegasserind Of -There Ia a singular boiling emildron, or lake, near Humphrey's citation, In Siorilter Valley, Deese Elver, Oregon. which is said to be well worthy of a visit. In. the mater of a low, coned hill, coin ocoed of sedimentary, matter, there is a natural bowl about seventy-five feet in diametee,audapparentlvaixtyor seventy feet in depth. At thebottom there hi • large volume of scalding hot water con staidly in active ebullition . The writer 4.10 remarkably purethat astonetfuown into It Ia seen descending with a slow spiral motion to a great depth, being gradually drawn towards the point where the spring foams to burst from the rocks beneath. The lake • bas no outlet, and the water stands about twenty feet below ita banks. we remit colter rightly: the Chloe.* have not until very recently coined any gold or eilven The cull change of the country has been the . copper -malt" worth one-tenth-of. mar-cent or, there, about.; &Mils the only silver coin iticir °illation *as the Maxie= dollar, which in time became to seise &otos:Mho stand mof value. fillver was generally made into what is called t'llypsas either." the metal being &wedged or sounded into the elope of a cluncy„ehoe, . the plum fitting one into another Ilk* ao • many saucers; and boles dealt out by weight u one bankers buyandaellbttli ioe. Gold was little used, sad not coined at all. Of Into however, the Chinas* are coining gold, and sam_plee are exhibited here as curioeitiu Unice coins - are In the ry =IP like the capper cash with which eve Californian la equate kale In the middlfamiliar e, , e . having a lished rim around the edge. without milling, and tabled characters between the raised disc and antra. The gold &smears to be entirely pure, or a ll oyed differently - from ours, being of& bright yellow hue, and lacking wholly the red pegs observ able In °atropin, and [hi weight Is equal to ab0ut.13,40 Moor coinage. Tie *snot value of the the coin we do not know. It la not equal to our coin in finish, but laneverthelase quite a handsome coin.— ..San .Franctsco..4tha 0.4 .• - timer= lirresus.—The Walls Walls ,paper has the following The bedy of s man wee forma a abort Um* ago, about Ike mrddle of Novem ber, as near sew. can„Marn. between the month of the Mathew river and Lek* Chebalan, an the Oolumbia river. The man, we are informed, was of dark ram p:estop, and asd ahouthis person, when Mond by do lla rsabot fourteen thousand in gold, in parses and in a belt. The money is now la paws tioll of the Indians referred to, sod will probably be held by - them until It falls into proper. hands. The man was not ideutilled_by OWN who aaw the burly. - - . . what la -nib liartrAloils Anti. dotettoinsease • slues. for farms lam. Le b“. arlaalas .aoldaa MAL:marrow all aorta of MlAs'• asl der tam aas• of nassrsrrswe ITO/LACE It Liao lafaedina of Ma nose estallau teals. aatt•allioas„ poll-teartratleamt ourstir• barb., ro:ts., barks, Is W. pastehtS spirltaoaa air MINN Of NT. . .. -- fIOW'DOZI 1T 011:11.1TZ / a/14 questloa utsv M !defy answend as to Limas it opt, A 4 a. .. . Inolgorant.' • • Prim.. Ire of ravora. - • boonarAls. . As an • •As •.... ...... floats! ocoppolia, A ilVdt=o. 41 a NO; ritr: glgtr . -'An wait for radar and agog. An —Corals/ tor SU Adv. tto _ U M: Lto mn\ I SI MUL ' a .As eitoothal- Ai .... ... ISVlr;atf:V.. • Aid on a pestottloo It AMMO sad HIS Indent doomed' aa4 dannallsioi I plprl.M . HO& TATTA.H.d STOMACH (121111 la CIO ollf dodo la oxlntoano. booed of. • aplounean and. laza. Slot la AndOsOlas.T alma IlatTe You Caught . Ban pas Oars Iltrost, 7 Ean , • yOlt Iliessamaja of the Lavas Hass yea Cum, or itlvast Bars soslresaW Is Ham 7sa Oaaassistos Prim yea •slasait Hata yea ralsa la your Surat or MK. P - Mae Yos Hestia Issas San you Wboasing csagh? /Una To. I. !anti linita6l...oboraeld.4l Han pai• say patio-sup Maxilla? if pan ban ail aftli. Macaw astuaarstaat Osi., Da, issuP's Peataral la • au. ease la tha eadl mos. sad • WWI I• W tut pawn. Di. ZafaerLu mid bad Pau. alias( Wawa wlti pl. raetapil san.U. Premed sad said at ixTaIIIIIIMIDEPT COSSOLTINO °MOI Pos Lime ixasurvrtuss Ass TEL Ta TIILUTD7 ossrsassi MUM -10 DlMucir. 110 miasmas"; true PITTSBURGH; DAILY „GAZETTE:" .WEDNESDAY. JANUARY 16 1868: THE Prmsuan gAZETISJ . The laved Easy paper in the Blatt of Panneylvania, enters the 82nd year of itt coistenns with increased famlitice for &, eesninatN 1- the current new of . the day, - vui Jo', rendering good political service *the import* .Preeideatial amass • of A. The f ortboevetag session of Gresgrees grandee! to prove ens of the matt import bet Add eenee the formation of she Gov-. arnment, and the proCeedings will be ciavi Jowly watched by the intelligent mama. /n view of the deep.interest centered in the proceedings, the proprietors of the OA- I ZEITTZ have made arrangements for daily &palace and letters " the session, from a highly . _eorre.. epandent; who eafthis the rarytda,iee and friendehtp el the leading memberi Qf Me. Senate and Howe, the:headi .of the :cari ous DebiSionenta, and the leading ciatu mho frequent Washington; sr, :that readers can depend. on receiving &first; /Whist and moat rdiahle istelligenea,fre. the "seat of BovernmsaL The proceedings ' of the awe Legisla tor at its forthecentv sesaliS wig also ' prone interesting, inasmuch ar many rms. tictits of impirtatiOs sell moos up for /vitiation. The GAZETTE ail A4O at ihs State &pant, durtng the entire sessline, in inictliyent and faithful. correspondMA uho with promptly report the proceedings by Mad and te/caraph. Aft the only politina journal of ; Pam, burgh sohieltfaliVulia refteeds and steadily edentates the principles held by the nth,* Republican Party, and interpreted by a tonal ibagrtse. 1.1 giosi wow natty .44144 , 44 as, papa, .14 44 n.l. 441/4. low asses. Wit. as wt.e to and .1444. bens Lie 444apeat 44 lan af VW 144-' pup soropopro ho Ow Cloomoupoottlb. Witk as ag/aronw.t. .44,4 ‘4 4111 .44i4 has 64. Jer.o4..S. fie WA ehrtnaeler of Oa .14orfat totratm, 11411 Mr mat 4141444. 0.1 411 it 441.4 of 1 1 .6 1 / 4 1.1.,14.4 mitt Pt chart-pep T SU wt. rt/I le ittopt up to VW rooutptumw.of t Pup, ma to coudemot auto Met felPhfuttp Im o oat C 44. fr0k.0.%. • aurae se on. of au . Sete, canny sot work tet low. a 164.444 /1. L. PAM.= in niininies of thy. estor.4e444 awl Mot 1 44,f4.046440.....1.ini5tenen, . Aso!. finer !Po Sum ramped for martot nO , ports. watook onn at an Man I. ,tote fp.. my comet, a, at ....1 eaatattens far sura.,/44- 1 ..4 14.4 1~1140. 44.48.4 4., 44.. am 4 othenic from Actual Wm. Op foltilfUS m 44o a ep efenS nauseam Mt rim. sem fiteetiodsilinlYi tem and lota prow •Imp.74atenallyjirrnesk. eAzirrz rujitnemacassere dawrftent &ilea.o shwa 4.a..• inidaferteo.dl.l.r...4 lota erhwmt•e nod WA/ el , . •t•aYteloaten. bnatert cot Stowe. mope. ent4, . . "therm, doodoofrohoo' t lOU male tkoadtook t4ossoho• gm, win k loodoOt o ,t solfotoytectrhooo•Out 41 to reolkin .1$ rottstow doweled:Now. aortinothmost. art. Mews, Menem per; 41/144/ sod arAar deporemootes Of tht t orootoodoot la • mum. ulltoot Wi prow ` ett& 'nuts es as DULY 4ms : sm. Etc Yootto goo .......... ........ L. Dottoorat U. ?Weary*. Iteeogor tho oeforprg.ltoiouotofor IS moto m. posit* to norrtort. TKZ WEr I y 41•317/771. 74 WSRIZ! 0 AZZTrI /as J-..Varga ULM same Asa si VW Dotty. aim, is arm ass tars put. tissapat 1114 i 114( asstfy aranaper as VW Mon. it strasttt Is Os tits Awtsam qf ever farassr, sue.Lrata sat 4444 144 II 'lwo sac 4 smatorts, aattlestonssmaeharsat arr. Olt Istsarspi ass matt, tha trottly, sdttord•L• of , amts.-ass •alatalsslastiod, it Karam wastrel.- ..WU Lama Gartaer mai ssaalata• tafortant portatstsa 4au tar taor politic, /Is antral- twat as/maw Nati it rattail is oath amass , " as r. lot hoar twat tar farmer and agasitaar. flan...ha Mara , er tY Trzitrzr oast trrir fry MIMI.. smsuset seiassoises4 4 M A. A 44,4 sislossiy As 441444 am Mims. aid ta analsa,,aftt r earoar tor Mama lateral =sta. Sultans OW at Mama rfralata ars sedMat agsat. She irate W . tar zfri lA,: mahatma, Sy tu CAW O.wrQ.rlttwlras ernast4 Yrssowsso is 434144 WW . t. As; brims tar mita, Drags. Ma tar saerher at Ms tau sirtas Eastman tnsa , atss tapas. Our Amt. ow wiling ay tattr chasm... sat art falsest,. tistr srearatlssat Mt awns. as aft ars ratattraa Vast was* sf tar reatrrs saraidisdrarlasi sf • ma. assoc . 44- dello.. to sleioreas ie mats et sag CA., •A Saar. ./a raps. Prassaa.• as ittrehaate ars rt 'IMAM Iv Betas Avesta. rEigaiP=Z ENgggNM eft b• VW "KW so 141, pima.. *mkt U . eats. Artiv Wakirutdroatht...ffine", rainuar.LuED 'a 004 11/.1131171 ECILDONI. 5 , 0*. IN nodal Aftli Stmt PtykA. . . ' . . • • . Air Cleealla7 palms le Welter& realugnreila. .fteternakbe Auellreseuee Illetialb manatee Lae store; Um end ea muse(' llepeWenn be Milled le Gee years uelkeis. Int* Oa DA.Tra 11Aseese. . NEIPAD 1 / 2 1., . 1 11/SSULtir, JIK, Adieu alisinssAM Me, 04 /PM area. ls Almet 'rawer .A4p.m....* /Dr Or 1T1Z327:11K an sew pews Ansymptil ar OrtWillyilla WC= RAMMED. rezicat •zzczce, PLAID roman AL WI aurLoima, atoll7jll, DA LAurn. to ilaJo it crea4. eutSetbni b 7 Przurz, ORR & CO a aura =mar, EnaIIoiDERIES, LA.1311 GOODII, LIN= kiAitmligparg . A . A*LIALII'ISITO. AT SIDTIDID rams% AT F. El. EATON'S, IT Fifth Iltreet, _HOLMES, BELL & CO., ANCHOR COTTON OULU, miluivzsau. of awry. Media= aim 1.10 A.1 . 1080S MID /tatinIOLIA sanuenzas axe •aarnsa J. sortoomputEß a sox, zzomwrircratas•sir Alto Lestind Color Works Maialbeiviri et . - • WliCllt &WEI Vim • • 7 "V55174 raffliEfikw, • AU ail Wanda or la Olio% after rows= sinzair. 411 = 4 roi = 2 o A !" . " l :tf' tst. &erb., " °a_ BLIMP nOWEIANINSTITIITA; uuul In 00141 MIA ' Th. d.ult..7%?.fft.lZgragelaiiitl,p_A' Jo.. ore if Tie alosical Deportatesi Boer Bo so Pr 1.4111.1.3 t eaeoesai operatic.. wader Ito eireetbia of sf. lor i . lgorottlloa or _ loinfulool ieldreoa OROANS AND MELODEONS. &t- 1 / 4 1% ° ,? . .41= *l.M' =TV oat Lag Malle • I =./1"11 Kano mit, 114 Y Mk unm, MINAId 400, •0071 Wood. 1 JOHN a &A. Rmanocn, 113211111111, ILIIIM opAtt..Arati?. /TIMM rravanumen. Pa. entotibesar al %/alma. lisnaies ri•tr• 21/11. rIVELS. &MCP Ott ELAND urla u t.VlEW: Dmiti ano r • lisucfn& 415. Li WWI tram. 114/ 0 .4 , 21.4 4.10 / 411. W0141411,41 4110. :1 'lOO,OOO, . / 00 .9e0s . 100,000 a 'iw resehrwl, w &ben avowal al 11110C/111 ISARDLIZ, Walsh will De taveseit of at law rates. to Oa W. N.00211U.M. Wholesale Ilrwoar, Layne Pmt. Pallsloval ?INTEL: R-1 hereby wine ell WORN to Mil or amber Or, vit., wiustssia . mut:. • sift km./ ho bl.l saa board sritiOat roam or proror.o.a. ao 1 Mal WA HY say aoSso ausratno traxr Dui • ivtas .4,7; _ vora• "arbrl;UT.ll7( mow. al Mi. TENINEEINIZE PEALNOTio mum? a co. COIL" DEAL AirD rzegars. .110 nets Oars • 111 Oirrehr Tana rawat ' 1".1"""".= TalrlZlattait i OfIitOLEIION OF CO-PART. , er uka cm az. 'RAHN Virt l i H tear4Z i al rurig=4l: `itt Z u ntittl" L " riarco,, - • ;11."),I..1:1-114413Ww: dlr ?1:m.31 4 -jawuir rta a. • r. the.,4.." xecnialluilettee ..bug um' x.l4''""'" "AZ """ Ditto lite Wadi tor them ' a" a WUbrY4." wit. 4 Oni4astailso Cann.. • ..11.116 "114 Ir,liAlLllll4. DI'QtrEEINE Iron and Steel Works,_ COLEMAN, RAHN & CO MAN UfaC I MIXES Or ron, Na inge, A :les, 6teei, ac wiLtucuousr No. 17 WATER tritear, NEW,AD POPICLIIII BOOKS. desinfon'h Rok about Lawyers. Brio!! di •Iffer's ndsOlos of Wok.. Pl. nil Z°N. The Clisnyed vont. mid miler Plinio. trite Olisoloss*Vitaeek dordipLitint one to She aboro.-Brieo 4 5 :f grret . r: Y. fasyt i""" I T:II" . ArrI7 " ihe antis* r Z27EI. stir. Bfl sl***4 * IfFines., * WjAi:lf.f. BY 01.7er WSiniell Ilteeher-Pralers Ingllt!.‘i2;7lDon. ?WWI. Price 01.75 - rrisons. By Silvio I'olm. Illastrated. Price *3 50 Unto Ws trfinla4 Illostrated er Crulksbank. nate SIMS Rots bows tor Children. BY to Dinfla snow Berries. Hy All. Bens, Price Si 'a. M arm; taste Pero.. ily Berri. Menhir ow. Plea 51.70. olden of there,. A Bony WV. Com nionwealib and llessoroUon. the *other of Width. fo• .V.rdien 'By Pnei /dn. B. 11. Da rts. Brae di. Mar by mail an rafieirt of pried. - tau rats Br • ILAT COMPANY. " a Weed nreolL --- • • The Highest market Price 1=7:03 SOME= SEMITES, GOLD, sirvziti ro TOI9 in 01110E11 BUB= WE, J. F. STAUB. & CO. , Ilankeri, 00, WOW) AHD MUD WEI WM • CLOSING OUT SALE LADIES' FURS, •S BED . UUJiII PSlct 21.1'C0011.33 8c CO., 1111 WCOD ADZES' FURS •a cilium •atltt7. musior aslan RELLIIINWIer SEE LOWEST FBIOZZI. &IP, all lit• N.CW' ISITLEJ HATS AND • CAPS, PRATT & 1 111: : 107 Podium! Surest, Alituk., I ma . viten. mi:uLE coL- A PERPETUAL SCB9LARBIIIp 15 /AID 1.:01.1.5UT I'OS SALL lIT STEEL & WILSON, Broken api /14111 !Wee Arta% fI!M TEAS! TEAS /at 1...1v0:4 • Imis and dial. lot of trrelk MIRLISJIII6. AT 111142Wi11.T2A - • Xe. IS Dlawad. littworjt , low lawri , us Wa x Maned at Meta that 1.14 /eh -mow •••ry wu Ma • LOY Mal you IMAM ••4I•1Isd. rse. Wye wMr. maims a sox, =OE H. KIRKPATRICK; N . AFAALcrwito.s.r.. 1100 K-KEEPER AND ACUNATAST, of Twit ort- Ts' raaoriooLar,, IMAIIIItcr, WILL ALITSJIL. OPERIING MO MUM lOENDWITE BOOM R•mito Patsy aseln• Chmap•d 11••0 lip•••••I itirobil• !Way. Dokrunirw /Nobs sermestads adjusialL r ASTIMIL 3I 3 , II . IIIITTLIMANI 3 ant* OS I fa • c•••••11se1ra••• OFOUATi I II6O •• ibtrd soar. optoo Smoot. Oa AO CO - PAITIORAIRIPNOTICE, IGiffeLAUGEILIN and RIM. LU!! ~, * zsiancs muss. , mi. la. um. J. .' Y. MoLAUGHLIN a SON, . • *l' na Eli US. D eza RD, 1:I 52t0 fr Wl. :. r 4.. th . / Plumed to_ *e. Old J.l/1,11 DITAIIILIMED IS lINIO. Et 3 IIIPII.A.RD'S Stein tracker at Almon ,Factory, BIT Zikorfy itt., Pitlaboirgh Manititian? sail testae :a all Ils cis of C i erstrearticrasery f ac s Ruud Ama nossano norm. Num SIE . ILLING orr AT COST ROBERTS & SBDIRATTS, 61 onitineid Slreet, ous SIOOX orioussiouisono GOOD o Duns& raapams, rill lad,U • wad WAILIIIIS, £6..d Chaim lo Parchaserreseito. d. 2 plummy's VICITING USTI, sus 114. Vatloss •w..24.41*. gr, !AL,/ ••• . VALlN.t."ater.t ..... . 4551 , 1:4 *all es 344434 .t Wu. KAY 8c COMPANY, ' 46 WOOD 'Tier!. ...::rf~. ~~ss. ~ea j &um D. 'mum: & nuo., STOCK ARO RIAL ESTATE BROKERS .tronoseausa,. tarmw yam lit Owlet Olooir, Hoar& L0 u. 011 . 14 ..rd 0 oiVatitt 11 :111111:41 Or "ir.,otroso Otti4l2 lorstOfirro. So rho stio of NW Innate titre. lir toartrO. _!rrloo, " JAS. a. stiutos.—....— JON. LIMA% hiEepren . R HARPER, . • FLOUR, GRAIN AllO PRODUCE Commission Merchants, ass LINIESTY IT., ElmileamilL Osartimati aallsll.l. Ire:KIM-4, G. Cableac....4. E.14,?7,VE1r k vu'an pssIsyLvANIAL sinerivE • Ulan AND SALE STASLEI, fus, 149 !../MurCLVAIIIIIL AVICAVIC, .. r IvA.Ifor m il:11:111 4 ...100. Uwe. tbr Pi alsve.°l46Turn.eauri;ge:Vog!"' W • • F ARTOIS, 1111 01/A210412. ALAD ISISOLIZZILLIG D44•FT . S MAIST. incllis,.l9••'l4.o • • p 44., Nati Mau '• VITIMURGIN. PY A . , STETTLEN & Co., Steam Balers; 011 Stills, Tanks, sass? IRON wogx, oI fal ktadh Loma u , NMI Want. Pattablusli 1., SNORED lIALMON.--100 lbs. tltztvofteked Sabana, last iss•firadral r i mar4.43 , ,, , 117 Ike twat, et . .1710. A. as as Annr seam 'nonfat mat ea. 'UM& fhtaa. la arra alalb the loud. al ea faarliTiyo! JUR/ a zniinAw.. • u..n, .14 01.114 Mtn.. FAMLIr LZPENsIc Muci for /14. !rips. sari CUM. stair rrainr. sti - ou 210 A " DAT SOS ALL.—llteactl m r=ve., Luna 4..4.10,- CHEAP CARPETS men DAYS' CLEARANCE SALE CARPE r, OIL tt,onas, MATTING% Eve 1115t1.11 -Ockiatixrues, 4:114 OLIVER . .. McCLIN . TOCK &- CO.'S; Fir!6.113 Flph Street Vier offal. Molt whet* •Look — tke , lariret • of Lorza v v i zip • clly—AT AUTUALIII.II4- Pirratruabr 0001E03 11151.2132?, 25 Wan PSI YARD. lob - t .• . • - HARRIS &EWING i73IOLESALL' animOzsits; Corner Ltb!rly and Wayne Etude, PI1111810111:111, PA. OITY LIM 00IIIIIllY THADS, SOLICITED. We attar •t reattulactute J SUMMONER & SONS SUMP PURE 'WHITE LEAD ZINC, PAINTS, ZVELLY V .11ILTT OP 0 CZ) MA CO 11. DI .ILND (11 , 1017 ND XN A 11.6, PUTTY, In BUM Mind ha Bled ders and Can.,. BLOC' LEILD, for 011 I:Mine :A a samara! aaaortateat ot [Dols sykd far , ausum, Plliilolll Ido COWIT 111114 .t.ts4s7 GREAT REDUCTION CARPETS We have determined to give our customers at once the advantage of, any decline in priceethat may be made later in the season, and have to-day 4' Reduced Prices =I .Elrctir'e Eltoolm. NEW AND - CELECE nut Far below what It would coat to replace the Goods. & COLLIN Not. /1 and "fit Fifth Streit liacoxD liCaL ==l pnorosA LA FOR S ATE PEIIiiING. J ettatily no proctclonc of an Let of Um Llano. lviceakly of Ina Colalloncron'tl, matt -044 "AO let In tolallon to PoNte Print/AC" npktonet Cho ulna dot at a prll . 11. D. UAL and enDllnalontklacrolo. antrOokol tills Potomac)... to IMO? Cola Dm Om lloenlion of t►. Sonata and Horn tf Itopowotallves of sad Coccinanwon't4 recolvt coa'cl prop!, iveloo o'clock at non Of toe . . . Veartli.Tetesday of Folituary, 1868, Per dolor tho roldlo rh.LNTIAti AND MAID OW, for the tor... t lino year,. trow. the dm day ot Jaly seal, at • certain rah. wt . <totem brio e, pm rotes .Peet/td la mild.* irill.tlai to Pablo !rialtos sad Blrialag, otProilei the Manilla? dt April. A. L. lash sod oeCtOOlog to Ultra...le 4. madam. sad .adalato apeollad to uld act a.d Lb/tsar...at sappleatasts I.lthrolOw . laid weepiest* to theolly los rate per realms oaths v/lole of this ratio of the said .at taloa tore.ber. add eot a sperthearea of the ratios testa. belie, the thin en *soh Ikea Tits totioliag to tito hapset propoesla ,fOr Olt Male Maims aal Stotts. z Y. —.=---- --... P prop.* bra. all trio State ['netted Sid Ithatait la tee ethaller.ati On all 'mambo uthitt to the prowilloss ei-ISIO bet of the advt. of aorta. A. L. IVA, asd the Wenn' ' thppleelsti Matto. tar lb. perlod of Urea Tot, from all* Int day ot Jody aunt at the rats of ----, per contras telow Um miasmal- Val ta eild seat soil thould lA* Plato ?ninths sad aledlai, as •Grasaht, to anotlAd So at, .., will bo 05541 forthwith with toed. and Qat btorwl threats, uncleared by (to Met approved =la rebrantry, lath, ter the faithful pororstaath of 111. 'raft DO OZ011Oo." "Web sale propowds shah be signed, aid thiviter nil b lb. bold lir . ealrod. shall be sealed up sod .floillea ' , Vow, pedals for Polite Prtwelmg ••d Mad. issiy,” • adelildi bo directed to lb. raid boaters; sad IN elallratad theme or both of thin as &ON. 0110, to re cloud. ova/mood sad allolasat soade ors tea Mb day at January. 11114 ..mobil to the piortalois of ile . o'4 of et Walk of Art, an, 111 thlool•ctal sapploasals therello• F. /011DALIII - IlitveLUT ot Cammunrealti. J•xt , AlT W.I. itroas R L SCHUTZ & No. 8i Fifth Street, E NOW OFFERING at ratan the Sect and tett stock of BOOTS AND SHOES IN 2112 CITY. COMPHIBINQ Ladles' Whet. Wolk. moot Doe polity .4 Lunt little Is Mottos tin d or La Th . e . sod . kii;r i e=fg74:4 ;Ira Pla t , son. La. . chlhlren , s and Iliases , ..!Walladg. Mauro' sad Dam Ono., of ala 71.., at...; . 71.4. Calf loou an 4 Heavy Sea 3 ' . It: hand. " Baia. sad Tootle. Heavyc reffevet sad tißeilikroll4fhoe• sad il l alaa 4 , and aseorlatei of /Malt. Jemmy enc.,. Wan ALL AILS OTINCELD AT THE LOWEST PRICES 7 yI No.BI Fifth tweet. :1 W. n JACUOIR... .... . ........ ASLT.IIIDIII TM, JACKSON &,FREW (o¢eets*" to Lorazarr R 111.1*) MAIIII7/.1721711141 AND D.t.83 IR Itanws, ffaddlery, Tnuaa t Au, nIt t r2 MaTIVTIZMINI t nia /SPLIMIMAIS Mu Ito ul lon Icilisp, Lithe*, anr irszaroony 117•4.1.032 Wood =suet frntai. PAVAVITZ.°'."2""tri: /MIELE ABD SLATE MANTLES • it Ow littdarti hen kilt thiti Tub. ir Mr al u r aaW.V=VAL:l4 ll 7 :o" , ql: l4 wlriamt . reA l ed&r.'7llti: ALM:: Illpbrork hove %coma din , lond " filtatir” " .2 " 4 . w n eivotber Isom la w.ou rs " hers Slot• Ilkatie. an la salloonoL . 'l2 lruld. or Wpm do•• L• t oo pie{ rtrltn• WI% At= . ".1111 d .111. So:MT NZW PRINTS& SCW DELIINES, IICS/JJ4 rita4 W QADI /111411 i, NLDg f"X ")iXD ISLET/X0 WtDL IINBLL&CHZI;811Ei RtAVY trim OLZACHED 111:TOLLY8. CRL IL CUTIDA AND LINED DI&PZE. TABLE LINEN. nuqi LUMEN suoarirmis cezcz. TICE/NW. 81.10111/11- oAssliazims, JrAn?. BATUMI% WHITS AND DRAY swaricxTa. B4.IAtUBJJ. SOUP ani TUMMY M. SWIM '3.8071-TS.' HAS DIYIKINIXVO, owns, aoscar. NOVONO. '&4" A Large aad well &kelp Bieck AT VERT LOW PRICER, frholeisie aisd ftetaU; al sgiumrs, o . g 182 Federal" 81,; FOR 30 DAYS LOBEL JOSEPH HORNE & CO WILL tOYMII/1 TO onsa THEIR FAME 81OCK DECIDED BARGAINS Es brolderle2; Gloved, Hosiery; Woolen Goods; Hoop SicirlsiCorsels; Beblerard t Balmoral fklris tulles' and Cent , s rad ennar Gent's Fienithlng OHS; 811 k sad !liwite fitsrfic OM EXnUMMY LOW PRICES, WBLESILE AND HET= 77 & 79 MARKET STREET WHOLESALE AOHITS FOR BISMARCK PAPER COLLAR Z3:321 COLOCLNE SEM F.A.IqCTY Parlan StatuettO BOHEMIAN GLASS •.a other IST.44ZZ LIMP 7ANQT GOOD,. Is malinriety, If•cor Timm .ires.ll444b3nw. 100 wood street. d• 111 RICHARD $ BREED t CO. .LSI/1/I wowArrs. glllt & 60IIAIHTZ, , ' . Irbo!esala sad 11 •WIJItulIMOSSIIrl of Thli Copper an! Ellett Iron Ware. t r r i tratazalmr, i TM sal 1109zio 111 14111111/1) u 1 / 1 11,)111 ght erorintrat " xc l alliMi4= oda gu PA.- I J . o,Awriums, grouySTAMP ASO ST ry ENCIL cant. • 71142;ar+zdaetzrflkrilry. (IEIZAPEST P A c • T 4 1 . „ 0117-20J1132 - SEX - TINYPN'COOIUMs'srovE, Ite• ate eaterstain: . P. 0.1:IV mBE TING. -~~ a ira. riag artr i &u a V l X="o.l .‘ its ma la Itrn.l6* a .12 C rawars. 540 MILES UNION PION- 1111LIIOID, - Runnl v , west fres - Usably Aoßces ZHT OONTENENT, COMPLEITA ttegilald and treble taunted WITHIN TEN MILES OF THE SUMMIT OF THE ROCKY MOUNTAINS.; - - T. rim. 1 ater tea miles . .rt 1 be ft rilsieb teen ea 'l,3 elreutterletaltS ! - tb -roadbed Who sollelent/ • yacht. to rexlve the rant. The work continues I. be pushed forward la Ills our eattlaekoa the wetter. C 0 ... with ensbated bi.... argg.and nem:Aimee: tarn wilt hemp • . dada/ the carnal I se, than era WM. - The' Neereet the( the who/e GRAND LINE TO THE PAOIEIO Tr/L4.• • • o • Woa atter EitS.ce... no loosen to (K pro Mod for Ooostracilos tees plated tsdpla; tad eon Is so Isalothode Lt tan mat vlscorooi pron. a Won of theresterorlat.' 7 heiesocsat 4111. Cad late four altss et 1 1 • l.—United Etates-Bonds, • • /taring Inks, yrars to rue; and betting . •I 0 pen cani. uscrear, tautest, at the rate 0f.11.00 p'e Intro 8 , 117 asn•Voo the Plaint; then at Ste rate et.43.t03p, awe for no aalto thnsatth the Ranh/ Wonnutsts ; then at the rata or $. (leper =to for the rsInWEILE dl. lane*. L.r which the thaltad States tote. a !KNEED LIEN pa .meanly'. TDB lateral& on these 1100441. DIII by the Italtsd SW es gOvernment. ertash also tura Oro Comps, ....het; Ala *meant of Its 11111 u money for transom Ung Itnlant,.troons, saw* gr,„ Th. teteitnia. , hall on these Dills Is Blued N the Compeers eredln 'sad forms a stating fend NEleNmay a sully 'Mich.'''. 46 antooht of this llestir. 2.—First Efortgage Bonds • - . 1 . . . ... By Its ehartei lbw Complay . le petholtted to Woe Its ow. Tint Droners.* Stmels I* the same Menet as the boadalsthea by the Bonerzweht, . . sea sie More, awl Very ai tio•roadi Brame.. The Trustees for the Ban eh2lderr are the Hon. Z. D.Xersah; U. B. henator from 2411sTalr: had the Bon. MMus Imes, =rather of, ill* U. B. MRS. of 81 P 12 .312(1H.T.4,110 asi respensthlo for the &arm of three Iroadstothe Corrilmhi. la am:rm./Shea with Miter:as of the law. • ' ~. a.—The Land Grant The tfaloa P•al• Hallro , d Compi•• pu • and pail or froths 101, mugs of 'WY-Our. to th• .4.11•0•111•11. so It tas raia,lrblaiArtllllot be Ranh it•oll.1) yet sc,•. at Um Unrest taltutlia. - =:M The authorised itimit.for the uesei reelda ne;ivaa comp.n.r 4 • 0, 4 4 % , ",0f wtleh S. sco,oco Len blew Paid ea the wart anew: done. as nue kenunlie lUD! fei Ink ... - Contracts:Or rho alra work. a addax =4 iont of irralasa railroad wan frola,Valata. amorldsg mob ot the most alleioaltaroatala woe!. ad (III L dlde.g dlrldy cavern as oar. ',eying. tore Men mule wltt reapouslblo par s es, rota taro already lasted ovartialles;) at the aver.. rate of atztroloot thoosaad and altrela ha dollar. (rape) y al'. ?Okla prleie too goo all nocanary alas for_ cataract.* sad »a) rt Of ea.,. depot.. , dada., oat all •11 , ..eldootal tallollogs.aod alorlooomottfea. passenger. raft.. ad alit kan. Sad Cat requldloro.ag otatito ali' .&oat that that Cot be len Mao tam pa a.l e. /Jawing the cost of the reossiolog ono .-istodrod sad efilay slo of the eleven hood.d alln auated to be balls by lto Volta Paalto eosp.7 t) OCAS per adle. - The Total Case of Moven Hoed Mies wail be a. Fobewss . • . V 4 aUss, MP at:es. at 5.0.tt0 4042.4 .VS Addelarasessos tazds, 5 a55e7.1 4 :0 4 :.: 114::24 =1!! La the M.N. Moeda sr* aqui to amity. aad tbe Cotavaar• ova lira Mortgage Bene4 have a may market.aa hare so the Ava Ara M•somee. .: la g i i.adMS,lßJCS Thr °an t . 4 • / 1 3 , 11longsgs &aft Capyaillapet Paling 0x144, '-- Liarter4l, - 11, - tir(a; . I ^ C a i $1.50 • =EH S.OXI The Company tare hmtla taelllttaa for supply, lag any do/clatter that may' artse. to atm. far laatrierrlter. S.ls mw•t• deat Ilb4/17 or 1. part by . eitettlotal satoottptloas to the Capital Earnings:or tije:Oimpikny AS present Si. protte of Si. Ceiniany an rhea our Sipa lte Local trate*, bet ails 1 what) aril am • tie* natant to Par to toren oa all lie Boadaybe can WPC any wrother =lie was bola. Oa not elont•ad fiat wax the town is 'conjoined Si. Ahriman rums of Me only Sae bananas Las Atlanta end rwee Ocus. win b: large amend pia. dent. and, as then VI / is as eosip•UUori, tt can aware b 4 Sae et profitable Yeas, It will tie rattail that tae Union PAello Mall nail Is. la Mt. • de i rlalilitaali ardalL, boat wades the supiimieit of Seventeen oaten. ane to • lanematnt witk Sorenentest Sad tail IL* benne Ye limed manor Severnaya arson.. IL le al/erred nutty Minna iiontela to a laanalY ■Gonad. tae ornately no others nasal aeon a lunar or more valeable property. La tae Cororeare Firet Vends An oared au. tie AnsrAt ai =WATT . CMASS Wif TWA DOLLLS, Mop an -the eAtappasecti- My Is MA mutat. Wag awls SALA 10 Der *AAA. Amer try United atits draws. Tho pay • ' Six E'er Cent. in Gold, • - • . Or °yr.?. mix YE/ICUS. amp Awn. sad kre• thlstrnars to Ma beton ma. MUT. 00.40110 ans wUt b. reeprattpk. Jaaa7 T . 1014101 a 414., ' . rl Aiscf.r.sig at CO ., 76 .roarai streei. ismer, catamizr a • xo., ..ze.utt !inn - WoOd itraSta4 • Asa srauusaa s saws, • Awl II Mar Till st• Ili Conzumr..oophclyo. CUNT/Will AL ItA2IOBAL 011SX. To.LI CLMIX..DODOI . .111 C 0... 06.11.0 i. 21%. Wan strest.- • - : • n a. cucioiieox. Balkan. To, 0 ir'au ma Df ins'esocapsar. savertise4 Airtsta uurgsbaut 2Da Ilattad atat•A. Ettatitaaaes stunla W Nada At grans at eau , Dads Pat la ND, Turk. sat tba bolds NILI be ma Itea et auto by Nava amp. rumm sabmiehrs tah deltriry. thmurbi..tagiata, will look Ja ilia= Dr lA* ' ' • • ' an NANPRLAT AND X* Dkratak tau" PAtartst ef tlei Betottrais Ix Caattrat4 ttaa. 'WI Yalu - f teat,' 'mar to Wafted at taa CampaaVe 'VDU.. at' of ID adtalltaia Amu, or NW be mat fn. as avallautaa::' 30116 J. moo, Thaw", /Mg YORK. IntMIS/ Jaiiimir MI. SPEW CLOSING OUT SILL TO anucE STCCK BY REUAIIYIST. . . LOH' AT P/0010 000 DTINDXLIIIIRTI, :crib dons. 1100.1) DRAWERS, 1.11 . 11 estats. HOG,. MUSTS. MI pat -- nosdS.. • -.• • WOOL R00D3a2413/..P. 4 ahrti atata. • - OLUZYLIIIA AMAMI* lbr Ail casts: ' IMMO( INESZT/4 S 1 pad •Pirusl.• IluoD 11.11.111 ELLA for II tuts, •-• tun Tor„wiu imovskitt - ermithas ariat mum. 11 1 .11. • . •" • raison bILIPISADLZE. 411.60, • ALII_ANDKIIMS OLoVa. M.= iiiII4TITGLILI)-1141NDX.r.i. nat.,: RN A. tA X Neil tlLOVEi,,arked low musizar, reaft‘di3 to wile. amt. • --. neseair• ru Ersarriuss Customers Can Rely on Lel.:Pilies U 3 EATIADUOMMiaIVVIO liznvllMll2ll AND 11ACRUM''& - CAW:IBLN, 3 k. 19 Fifth Street.. - 34 Bur THE lIEST i crizAncyr PIANO . ADD MGM?. gchounatkir's avid illedal hake, . ASO EITEY'S COTTAOE 011011.11. u v a t ?.rojaelowariiazioje;saitii uum i :i tug ° lot a( firn ~; ghitiTt!" 0. • 1 1 1 0,0torknoom valgemalW l int r ea g tad levet. ' nr bison all se, r ras. auiil, . . _ • a ll T/4"PIS 0/16•N egaida lb* bout of rend larmirosis tr Proftelsm Um most perfgat ptta laatigr or um. Moillar , stiromeat Made la ha Value ate au Sb rPtot. "Ma Omolme , omstimo. IttlirmloYt ilkVA L V l aOrtetrifilLMit T RIAPLU'rto 00 , 7t0 eo talmai to UM rworm lrsrivM !Mg from we te , iraaaarsol to. BAIR, 14/118 & EETTLES. MM=!MM;§ rA\A" =0 GLUE, cumED Bwri: 4 , • Mumma' Scram Cerool* waits Mints, .151:eatI9 ar.c4 1,21111P14,441w ~.._,_ - -iti.~dri =ilffMM =ZMI TRLISEIif DENRTVET PENNSYLVAN4 11 11 115801161. DlMlll;*.n. _ • .;-:ji,..!sr,43 . .i.iii*.ft .tiii,...... L' $ Componwealth of - Pe nns Tula, Due July 61, 1868: THE roLiowna Ck A. N Due j u t 3' -tat 1868 WILL BE =DIMMED, wyra urzzarax TO DATE or PAI'MENT ONPUP:'; ezzrzAncia THE • Farmers' and llZee-bazar* National ,. Dann, • 3P4l3X.T.e.ObrailiZiN•MlX4s4 Loanlid liarck xrin , 1639,44: July Ist, 1688. Loan of July' 19th, 1839;i1 Jul! 4•14 1.86E‘ DiTTZEST OSt THZAZOVE Loidis etAiis ON TEA fit OP .TULT.ITX.: nom MK% 803.1 d JOll I. 111111117, leLjeanaL ,1" IL 8.17111 T, Fhte fnautr. FOR MEANT MS, CHOICE COFFEE PURE SPICES, ROBINSON S, No Fifth Stieet. 17 10111111311a1i BREWIRT ros ar5..4a.3. avz.mr...soza m t =nut SPENCER, 1E81 1 ;111 Hillitr 11 02 Poiter-sitsinDmi go4f, r►TrseQact~ ;re: mix= vrtrikni.aramkgra. , , . oar BARRIS- 4c. EWING, - • Wholmde Drutgiiti, Core of ipssety Ir ate., PITTIER3I74Edif, PA FIC=S E o l i V,Tia r enr EucMPs :•rAakilt of •CoOlailiteo iotrd invpt3=..l of taeD fslot. at Tim. oßraeloal 01-umo lo trj, t d toll =7=1,*...t0 eTtrhaz Aue....frokoloagesoe troliilieerialllorrlib-ktag. Wanda of ri o m * i t oo ft t O r a n I warner t . 1.1 riuu ;A writ . - 4AX g . l A i .to zno let • G& W at 'so.l ieO-.bMnea 's OUNIK•O24. - ' II I . I . 3pILEIBUIWIE Ir° 2l EtrOker, 113 4Firatt3treat i 1311 1EpapPl. PA, • .. •.• • , APIA Pf 'maw et Opinnul,: Dougt,s.itek Pwaptans.. Isabel; Dlftwiacte„ Psiallere, satl*Pifts braids otkaticadla,Ponb• I,achsny 0 0. 4 1144,0114u,Vii O. 114 CThartourze.• l re'rearm remieitau t i sou: FIENT CLAIM ZOORMO (mess AND PICTURE FRAME lAANUFACititi. - .T.LYONS , No. no Inroad at, Pitanuib. gaM" rwtVe4 m, gatiltas.lElcea fralti.g.'"PAX;t ‘ Vinwetzio liatall/1121 mated ft IN VA!, naaTi. NEN PAPZR =ffGliM% O. nr .YANCIALT..II* Itst, JCNI. swans* * n.ffitod • IRON. llVOnit FOR" ALLEGE'S,. orITMII . I.I Mahlon Rolll tla• lIMIX DAT Ir ..ItU. for Oto Cost 444 Wronol4 opi lb. aros i tion o slor oiloro Lair. mho, oc r orratim or At ousr itl•-4.lldetalibor ) CrentOlotri l y t rtinrOZPl e " - .]. "...W-O-OallaZollll4lll24=Trgiv. isamhau sit M 3 / 4 7 1 3 ' 142 ` 11 ` 43 a1 l .I%i 70 o wik - ,, m ,,,, A4 . Mr"..14 "4"..gR3" , _ , ZAPANNIZiria, rw $l4. cadociet.Taman'. a.R 12M mane siNimalreari I- ==SISE 1111 'ISEKENT9. tonsinrsors, lout RAY,* • Monk, /Rut-) tar l !T D'*4llM7Dn.l.ctTh • ; I .V,R.ir, Irit;sone oDonr e .11rd tOograrkwitipiness;l.ol or eortrom 9 x4 F isir. of ilia nrllst r q.e.ilf.- for the 00 .0007 emung Linatr ic rt i ttbaginspint. -4r o. ll bl 4, Cr.rtr i alfontlerrersitioot 'rotate Morns.* -Noon, 'opals s sin Mtn 14111, 407 or Joann, 11.63. at Monks. rt . IV L 5.211.111 1 ,. • aO4 Phis &tut.' tonne rerlntred at, Noy lost,. an at Unman or no imitator to thoo4 te,114 41, 71•70tar•l. • L' • • tan • V•••• 7 Roots don e n Solardn. . 211 h fast.. at 2 al, Ott nooprot Ner 1 44.7. Jil4:l77l. Pieggo;lskli7olo77. • • ' • 7.a rT t r at lt x. aJimoo a un U .0 1iil i it . Malawi& • . Divtozain tg, . • os t ry, 'Jowl E. 7 VIAPRkp2L7 'a st. f. ENSI ' " 41rntarr hriiRANC. eontriNT. arTHE 'DIRE ) DIRECTORS of 11111 i Vorionnal kank flits ilar 41/11,1. and et I= ITWO.thalaZiailtiri nje.:llllllllllllnhariO , 41 be :611.0 to lisastlek slates..: el. 41011tH. we:Mu ,Altzt.°=ll2=l..l.°llisi KEF - Drvin Dfr griezt ima .Comae. .??Ps4 •oja, kits (j!) Pali tIMILISZ. ho of tax, pap. We a. tad Met Airead.Y. is. la M. , ; . AOlgtiLLl, IleGratur. • urnekor Trim NATIONAL. lirstnuarmi COI tgr A ll ,llllo E lll . o, Tbe'llisited amayn of this ealavaay baoa deelarid .rAny Pala Reel at 6 M. the e 0 .1...Y• .nar aumatir, .4701 . JAR. z..ffisArkAloo. axt , lfilrosAcrcuits mg, • CURD 'OF - b/RE .th a T ut...2 l:2l,lS al. .11415 k dentand a. Os Ulm Clapttal 14.1.00k.wnt. of the . piallti.‘te 11: •I ttAx , ausths, JOHN Caaekir. SA'rzn.rAt ?mar eciirrarf_ f • ' Jaarasy MSS taritiViD of END • Isoud D thL asy , hel..rta - U !' "."3 "akk." . . . . D/V/DiND 0,1117/ (ii thal.rti.a Ongtat tba lutatt nitilh; payable .1.1 . • • • .11011 T. J. SEIM- 07 tarQUAIIITMILY DIV/DEND. . - • _ . •-• . - - • . ... ':Bali' Ic.fenexAr.. Min Plltilbusgtu,2ll4i ~ CLat.ornstar,gh Trust tomman) - , ei ll i rs.ll7 .l. lto u ra r of t \ is Dank hns• MU dde.. I DI eldeal of 211G.SX .eXO, WM. Tla rai l liraltr k. k . 1;11:1 ' 1 RA mitt Me or Golerazoculasd 5-... ••.%, '•.- - , • ..- " - Jag.{4l.• ' - , . . J. DI ectscia: - minter: - - • ' SOCIIANICS PATIONALRAJI • ' Prinnstraar, 'human.% UWI . IpErf ,,, - E gliMENki. or 1C16117 011 . 1:151 I:llllo:B7.A#3.nnn STATE SAX.. Alll tra paid on andnitiiinn la : JOHA G. !ituni:pc. pannier. ~! • ••••• lummt Aisle; -• • ' • Prrnacaos.imaisizaAli, fgrrEfle DIEURCTORS OF THIN impolnok.lare daT,deelind „mi. • .. . . . _ lexvii.(a) ass cam - '. •-• ~,,' Out of at • proCil at abaLraat air 1401314: D 474 bijar4 dasa4.. /les at IL .4 Stria tram . . • ... - _N. 6 gram awkter., Zt l east L agr7rat DIRECTORS • of tht. Ralk Imre Ws day deeland • ..prildltma4 ofir Aierll7all.:y; Oa Ito its-E. amigo as' 444 allure* lilt I ast.o[to of 3iatlanl awl stab Taw, .1) a • ' W. lii.eXilY. amnia. 0771 C• ALA.WlNFritoo.s,Cigiurl r"lai.O. ;AePte*lllos4 4. lar. ..D.L.74111...r 'orti•CoaPautf Ile cwt. 4 LT • Bnd t•tirite g allexh.ay rim ... rat rfkr , ozfr i = , l h amire*titivtii... ! . 4 . -9,1 ...; , tr.*w...figu:N....,. .... =, .4:2'i.... . • , ~..-80.,K80R0. ?maim. "d•:___ == far PC K OTIt: .—THE AMMIZIL • Jew. aat.rWrZt gfArnriatfrAl?. m tTVRTioat Ii:AWIrMtII%.",34.IIiT. 11111 r: tan l% t." 1" 07„ noracc.pitderifortikeek. -•,. •• • --,csrugagerta-Titz' • it 4112.07 i•ntaturct 4:44.114ei5:;- 44.414.! Omplayortll4leq rfrallaf • edia44l7 as the once of We u4l,44erltur,i*i.ii Daquessir Wor mkt •Theliioek:eu f ti oN • 'lox! 1 ;Criu4i , or. - It It. th octitt-i4Thablite44l44mOt iM P.7 4 M7., OW ltd Orstait.i Lad dhia• to ipr.iruls moot 11144ttheldera.'.'llierotaCkes I *. O.ct 1V4, 4. 4 1711 4 1,35ifird.'eat ;I aiittoOty tignitar• :o[.. Itsek6/,' 141er51i11.114014m4 th 4 Wit* 4441 • ,44 , XU.L.kanretalr. • 417017 i -, 44airliOT ICeP.EOPIS44/841, • , 4' TWOS HEM ar k/onrtle C 111441, SIM% 00414 g" us ul th. 1.14 Bast beioro 47s.riascy 11 bear intemetr.frea ;tat Oak. .• .: ..-. • 'FfTre PardgrjjkLialt YON zoom. -. E:1=1 ~ , '-SANA STb :a;~c- ; 7? ~ fi .,. 07 TELL . G . 031/177108 07 Ta - 0 0 T SSURO Irak 'FOB SAVINGS,' kOmplusi• /ow* =mamma l . , ...._ m 4AI ,I g 4lll 'Vr" - ~. -- .7.141111 1 4. OVAritia74 - .• . -; • r" ° P2Z d a.:; 4 k,'"".c.'Z'Al a 01 1 7.1; • restretz.47l"4' "'"" Prf e u n o .. ntip.Try • anti 627.- - • 4VOT/ON SAf BT•jouptaa waragd .- Alt',..iiig"a"-71" . P rOriFti ,11 0* , 1 ", S aliviii?": / 811 4141118. 13 1 , 11' smostruvr. assmnt isu... t sg w ft k , ....r.wiikbiewdb, anetlati.vit ft* ,r:sowl: UREIRIM OV , m I . ° I4I. `4 4I " . , IV" l''''''' ! i ?at e 7 1:...11.c.0uatte4,11.{ zetzeolts. -7,lnt.t.ad &Malign si ire-it 4 74 4 . 6 4:1/1; 1 air :VI eriti• th lL:f r iajF .a... _ ' 4 '" Mt Met u t =tr. 2"4T.'iel Till imrpenT Musid Zaidskfentlrealk &At amta.. OMR well s• 0W. 1 1..4 .... t.re rVA `4 .3lltr.r • ra r,,,r, iralretar lafts wauleo a movLsLuxii. , hix : - ‘ -.- .41171frit'ai:ft. ; AL /ROL VIDERM iroasiWz—triee tilinkte LaSs.an of I.lleo /Ur J.., 17. X., Mel./ Irak Due litindre• jeritr bea ,, red aed moo le eafateadrekagartlatreeM See roadie ennikalt XaalirlarVOTl4L,„"n. eanytite Cims sat Mealy 0.. r111.01,1r •It• seta sad Chiffai ,:ta..44,41.1.74:14 au thsa 10Lstatemir tal!bely 10.1 eal dozes taxa " 7IV, I, v_wlll be offered gentle aale rZeMt Mult"T ' j" " 47 49U " , 'W. r.,11,41, Zig j r ,. Federal Iltreet. ireetana nr; &heed. ZeLe4ziar,m4 Pgriwz SEMINARY. &till:beet It lit rata fasittirili ISra. lar="l4duZirtrit riL U Zl4 ., :nre i rtri now as tp4t-teraol.zorbrtry,,Tht emt Her Tusuatee Ttatna Ala" 1"1.2:---. mut U. *mum, r. 4 •••Trt,t Mule. Plo.lwAr, ma soto4ki 14 7 1 1 4_ 47 — ; N. Inlnk I.lEVL'=.li W. Kira MLLE; vidhetiotnesi Nu- rabid . *oil ‘ avvegazivuvu...noug?, , :. Walter - • abut. 'Oran at ati Weds thars,4l._: (*ln ilisimokisbariwoisb- . - iwzia,, f u maioraig.sterraleyw irs '' . OntriliSuisfyiniskaad wastscointgat?; ;{r 111273 larP/VIDEZIDI . • . . . ... .. . _ . 0/14FS0271Lieryithetkettit Use 01; t • .. , ,o,%antrlb . ..pazto noseapasciox- , TWO DuLL,AI.I3 /tit .F/71 .1 2 ' C. 1 .E1 " 45-1 1 / 1 SNARL, pevphhole dotheell,st the 01110. e( the Ooteetai.. -'A. E. AteCtiELLAND. • . :, ... .. . . ... .!..., .. . • . . cisuctorrnermarraint samauxciturr BanDoseamrus.. gaud tweet. . ! Lunn It*, VW. farDIVDEND',.—The; .Direc• tors of tyy.a'Oom;n) br"b4"l4°- Sour Dollars. es Faheb Or the hrital ft k. p•Ta s tartemll7. , tfoi clus.• b, ILI. WI, NMI'INGEt NOTICES WM
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers