'arrow or the Wimple. One day. as Lars . Quest det keoaell was • USba :tarssAis erresksoft.ly hls optate ' O riThilt: r lLt r tdrdeg area, eads startled Wrestled With It . her latr, awl ma softly Nerieit i r era . he dreamed that Adanis, herr Irop= ing cnt her sheet. Wigan! sang tier kiss— • - - She dreamed tear Arta sale Mediu-lc ringlets • - 0 ,t 1 1,1" bh.b.t u ,r espleg tar. so eahnly reposing. . _ , relly slumber thaa,-mother—,Us Bright derit le ger. 811 d nlghtheartunsare aloe! p, irate—sii%l' lila anger =printed her cheep. - Latta st 11: xaddea‘ao fair and . enciintlogy, On aarta'a lowly mutt, among monads to The am= tuba Ws ateaO, for thy litayla yet using. - Vaapar Allman Ilan to algae fa the &3ro—scg,l peach down, It seek to Jeeipt..tl;eM ezelt, the tend - Imprimis Ttll/04etilloeZlopart,, though atill strlving to huger, it1:1411 Irlth tun frowa—but returned with her tail°. Atlthencer,lt tr rad, a angst diarDlo en . The crcks of our lames, so soft and go hd+fgef.tarsul to !heir grails!. and froth fire to their glances. -awf ono.. ton !Trani "nod has boon re Val Ep_JlMXpm3. --aceellitoz ie ec the increase is Chl —Mn.e Littlefield, aged 1043 years, dled itt Mainelast week. - Bandrstann, the German actor, is playing iri London. -"—Last Year 418 brown atone front bniidrege were pal up in Brooklyn. rettieouts is the name of rOffenbacb'a latent musical burlarque. • —The old original Hate:dam family le making a 'conmrtiaing tour in lowa. —Carl Formes has given up opera and •• taken to 'tragedy. Els voice bas given • out.. ... • - and lira. '-Barripyt "Williams dare playing in huladelphia; -to is Iguly Don. - =A baby was born with two front teeth two weeks ago in Des 'Moines, —There Are one hundred end thirty iita thottontd.volumes in the Astor 11 • ._ —The heavy ice mink a arliboner laden with . lumber In Baltimore on —nlo,ooo men and boys are constantly employed t 4.0 coal mines of Great Britain. . Chatlesnickens has already cleared ,alstithausami dollen bylia readings In ; - § , ' 7 l.hiscountry.. -- —The Fifth of February Is the day on . ishich the New York State Meputdican Convention will meet: —Mrs Senator Sprague again receives on Saturday afternoons; her receptions _last yearwire a imecess. —Since the mirrhale of Breslin Amer- Jai Siberian Sables sell at half their for. -xaw - price Ban Francisco. . -L-Thero is one thing among many. is life to try men more than_any other. .I.t. hi a juzy.—Ezedange. —The third edition of the Brat her. of Um new series of Putnam's maga ' =Me has beim published. —d-young man in St. Louis* recent/yr . endeavered to brain a little with a latthet. Efo was wrested. —The .Lsher4 Indents the name at a :literary 'Freddy Published in Flor ence, :d.hsbains.'• Its - politics_ are to be —There * were but In deaths in the city of Raleigh, A. q; during the year 1862 Saienty-three of% these were . -4. city passenger . car in Baltimore ran against a box containing plate eau, on B atanl4„breakini two panes, valued —Twecty.eight negroea stole 1-SMO in gold tratalls augar hogahead in Ala : tams. The caner' had put it there for -Banshee/a:mg. -Bich beds of iron ore rim:noire recently been dereloped in TCCIZICUCEL ilOl4 Q. line of tholiashville and Chat. tetkoomt. Railroad. ..-To - CC0111)19.13e.„ di - 3m al much al poutbla Thrilmites apply this art to . their persons and the reault is a very small waste- , :-.EzeUrtgo. -= - ..ttolaurcolos- which once belonged .__ to Ben; Franklin was presented,on New Yeses day, to the editor of, the Char. haifaville (Pa.) aironie-it _ --A. thief broke open a unrin =ore on Saturday, after baying evident . ly had seders! have hard work, and got $lO in greenbacks for his labors. --Tentiyun's 'poem 'the Victim, has been pabils!.ted in manjet the newspa pers all' over:this .conntry, thus rather faxing the .tlthnitic Morylay. - - ' ' —Twency-two thousand dollars have already ban subscribed for the erectio n . .7.ofa new building for the Young lien's . , I+lOthdirtn-Associathin in-Ctdcago. -78onte thieves; who were probably bleared with complete seta of sweet teeth, stole WOO worth of foe candies trona a - Mmfcctirmer in St. Louis on Friday. - —lento . in Selma, Alabima,, shot another through the heart on Chriatmas itty. was - another cue of pointing a guo wltrrit war shppoaed to be unloaded. correspondent thinks young wo men do very well cua_ths promenade or _ Its moires; bat that Sher - ahottld punting to - ba ignored ai Inranolental =wart& some time the 'Peoilti of St. I,aols *WM not been able 16 Cross the . .lellialsalppl on account of the heavy gosling ice, and the nand of a badge hr more ttian ever aypermit. brides, at la hotel in Chicago, had their trousamun - stolen on Christ, misniglat; a porter lwu the thief who thus "completed thrir trotuseanx,!' al though.tba* had no sidle kid toots. In Ili -l blekens' adrertisement his Apt reading-in. isr_Philadelphts he Ob- IMES that the reading will begha at eight P'e4°Cki and that "4 is =Petted thiiallieitee will all be , sated by that hoax; - _ - —The Poe Monument Cotornmi e in Ballittiorn..mn. • about - . to renew Atli eiforts to nit' anfilei r enf money for their 'prrpose• If ermy Mirrarer of the treat: Ainerican 'genius wonid contribute. • single dolinr. - • memorial worthy of Abe lialtifinlia be erected._. _ —damett and Palmer tire going into the billet baldness stronger than CTer. They now have two complete troupee and lonia fifteen star dancers, and their intention Is ioll 2 / 1 tho White Fawn aim. altintecindy at. Mb.o a, , ln flew - York, arid at the Boston Theatre. - — tee (blink% - stise, in. Bt. Lords. who. Inke - struck on The 'head with a Imiebet on the night the 23 Instant, sis be eras going tlUrough a dark hail In his cin, house, died last week from the edlicts of the wound. ELwife is atm -- Podia by some of being the muniereas. new use Tor. Am - fellow-citizen, Gen.. Hancock. km jest beet foirad by s Southern paper: "The "ArbenT (Georgia).:Tews thinks' that Gen. 'Lucia was probably born to It `. de!ZIO tali damsel , of, Yankee comma. dais fman and the /Youth foam the iliiildoitiefecaLwags and gegro en. ti i—An Entlish - woman of high rank, anOrlio was Ls opulent eirenatataarea; wai nmentlyrareated in Paris for steal. tog; her only exams was that lt,„ la int . - passible far her-to resist the temptation -' of stealing, and uting to all sorra of odd methods oe - - appropriating, things WWI do nokhelong- to her, and for which she haine nee,- - - --The lt,resentla aid to be, the last weekerldeli Signor will perform in pubilc. It seems - ink if Elite moat hens tbaad the &Inman of yontb, fir he htilinttlied . threo Mena= with by ggsgoo,l3obl7 and the - mt g . - Many Maas ha hastiallied Du Idshome -nu rldladelphia, - wh am he ls tonnage bow.- .: ~_:^:.: MEI SEM A. COIDOEL*A• COLD. OD A SORt 21120 AT regale,* larnadbte at, ...t/....../ 410a/tAS <lmam!, /1 aloil to ••. • . trtitimi. a er the Lane* • Permanent Threat Iman% er eenramptten. BROWN'S BRONCHIAL TROCHES am., area ladarnee . to the put,. gin tor. sa . diate rodef. For Bronchitis, Aotglato, Catarrh. Cono.aspUro and row* Woromoo. Trocag annul:4 oluralwar Thm goat togglwdzi.rtb.ll4i.grg.goro aso thdat Obtuo cooly •••ZgOwirs BatrecoLLL _TOO. airs... WI do no:tato ant of Slit VfOrmlasil lour,r , oo Mums, Do atoned. gragrworrox. ritratlCHu. (Ire iiirisilery it tit riki kid 0:0041 C'EN TA. • BOW LEAVES. Propmette..—Thetz odor 3 stand. dlr.'s'''. ant ...merest as. mat's. their tastes a:math. ant saalasbas to :Cat. • 11.11 r.. 1 PraPsaaloa and Usaa.—Shietai 1 ccccc a to sttaa'aat, with paellas tia. dates to the CHleary On, w.f. PW,a f drat. W. rod late cotter tlstiar atedlsaan Laura.. They are gaga In somalalota of the tanner as tassel, Chronic Catarra or tin. Bladder. /fortad•tieltsata of ttle Bladter aid Urethra. rstaasse of fan Par tate sad lsmaattea OT toemittasneo of Case. hon a less of tone in the gaits aaaceres Its a . astattat. Therein. say has also Wen setaassosadei la Dyspepna. Chroals lateassattora. Cantatas adectlaaa sad ncase, HUlmows Xxra•cr Gram 4 bald b 7 coma 11,11 astern et 1101; Ltd from rate or In the eeeilne or ettaaaa ettr Cot. antmaatoi Labor WetUogla chn. ars, • - I In /Creations Peculiar torn:toles Ile Zonate Urns leaf equalled by as y olner rem oder. as. In ciderroals or Ad ellen, lyres, lart tr. Dalarelaree• or SuPPresalon or Casten. ry arss naloss,' tike tate I or tahvolls State or tee UlMenu. Loscorree nor White. LI ...... of the gladder. Kidneys. Gravel and Dropsical betel' log --Tlll' ore nen • low Item. hoe woo. or Dite * en Sea tee .s later hrelthy inion ire w tad let th• Watery or entente *es &Dominus and 11l Unineetrat Dolartenecauce Stilted, aileth as Per n and lollasenallen. . , Illetnebeades Entente. Beechen nod cowl every ca. eor that ee In alts le less Seen attest. 1r:halloo or the Kec w k of tile Clutter iglaW:Vintleallftg I r att l o i !i or titles, Irl'gtere.*4 tae Psenuo eirariltlelt*t!.e. 104 Slate. or DUI: inrce-.gae. WI • :r bled and Delicate I Oneenot. ono, or m m tot.e. awe ndel toe (Weed. Sync tom new. Deslekm to Esselloa. LOS! el Dower. - Lose of Deaterr. ieen, or Brrattlr . Weak Sorrow s vecn,lins. liorrot Of /Dwane Dineen. ed . Vann. Palo nt the Been Hot m.p - Zr. othing or leo Seely. Wyse. or the tetgofraTa*erait'ort tea. S trigUTNeTerit ESLIDIOLVa ECTIUGT-BuraErla Div - BETIO AND FLOOD-PORIFYING, And .res all Drew. allalog Pala' Habits at 1/ Imety a U.; Nue.. and imaruefaa“ la • Aalm.7.=l';l.T,t; 41:1 - ' mum, nal an 6a aonbea • CIL eta arloaa aaadlag, and •ll«ueaa—Sa Maui dls.aca awl fa wellecclan 11 101. 11031 wane. HELMBOLD'S DUG I.ID CEIUO►L W6REEOI7B3, I= ♦s/ by Drars44 ei errortura MEM lllaLSnoLn•i • AND TAKE NO OTHER. • BIWA= 01COONSE8FIZr& u:rwr PIBMIE FOR TEE BISOKERCELLEF rkalemls 4 •2flght lll•enaLlag Ceresis.t rhalen , o ogled Blooming Conn "ATlEltbronzing Comm." em<c.n+. • .mrw 131..umlayr CDfas. Finales% ^ Migbt Itleemiag °ere... A meet rattadta. Maestro wed Pram:A rtetettA Ilattned from UP rare mat bat Amer fro, zealot Is takes IM sumee. Kaumfaelomma may MMUMN 1e SOX. Arlmlreals. BEIVAIIF. OH - COUNTERFEITS. ass :+niALONITASI3 so OTh farIBREL BARNHILL & CO., 4 BOILER MAKERS SKEET IRON WO: :.:i Wok 20, 22, 24 and 3111Peun Having a tiered a lam laid mad flathead It wlta the =es appeased amealeery. we an wo wed to staaarsciereWrer7 doerlptlea of Hell en la the bee.. maw. sad wezraeled •eaal to any made la the eaaatry. atthanc.7.. Breeeb fts. Zeds. Masa Plpeo..Loceinottee Bolt. Comiaaaars.tala Peas, Tasks. OD ZULU ma wars. Bettilag Pau. Holier tres, Brixton. e•aarPaaa. awl awe LISIIIIICULIVII of BASS RILL'S PATICAT 130.1151126. des• OK Ibt lbellatt UMW, l•Cn1 igrACKUINSON, BEA & Co., Sastecas or m 3Catorsox. Aims I NimiXael. WASHINGTON WORM, ibtouters nth lisetelzatts,Plttabargli faatarers of Boas sad bsalloaarf Steam aurae. Blast Rallaia, YW MacAlsorhtlesa. faz e IThaltlas. Canaan of all deacrlptloas: TUX. and Slals. Boller and Shoot lion Wart. MI.: No. LS oar= loot lag Saalsbilald Sti ' Sarigents for GIZZARD'S Timm , 111. MTGE for Goal= butlers. Vir6' 'LAKE_ 813PEMOB COPI4 SMELTINICWORKS PARK.IicCI I / 3 1) . Y & CO.. itaaoAtanositor Basonoto_ mßrosßors,mßolt Ca/romod - poppor isoans. Hstood Bo tiMeoutor: Aiso. toomsro Ito Plus, Moot itc...f.insloolTonozadTfoorr2_XseaurM Ay is ai= ll •oo. k .l t e p r zu. lLlZzl 21 . 44 °TOT* enlin sew dmirri PRIX.I4 • ralnlVT EirTl HE HEALING POOL, AND Hours or imam HOWARD ARDHRARToR mows. ion gl u t: THeriel afflA r d a ig r ah ==r i pa,....d . Ermitr u l =Walt roller. !enta realrelktliar wareles*lnNor larreAlr.; Dr. J. DE11.1..D U. 311.• /!nriwoolaHA rarninEffew • MIND T A. SCOTT, D]ENTIST, Jiro. 3119 PM/1W .8711P.27, rrrissites. I= :-N : t t,. DTZ =CM OONIZCTIONABII%. max,Larries aucmvxm cig co. le =LEWD. I.l:olaurm ipmey w. Ronatcu, ConfedkuitnmA 12X111 Batvrets Inentk sad Muir. Jan./111MP arerraz tai oohr attached. GEORGE DEA,LII6 • CANDY • MANUFACTURER, ALA dfttellir m area . ll .4 4 Aseirtia_ntp:lll. t i rt g 2ak e al ikak. allisbeav a. Cll. 47nVte NOTICE _ ITEHEBT err= Tan? melerresed b. mad. appal... :las 161 1 / 1 2 Wet f east et gem/ meefe• 'or the dimoiatloo ef tla e1.P....44 g betire.• tee anemerlbermd lebelas errs. unser. In tee general I ' m. If Women beer beer end ale, a. ten nan Pieta at• bows blOllO4 an between lb.:a In the Lb Wad, urgle • And fen km melee Is hereby Oren UM the es* slmelgere wilt not 1,14 Ilnfelf re opanelb:e far oar talc. heresltermatearete ml 4 U 41171.61 mid am of Hamm and rffewr.rger. lel ;Omer. • rarryilit YaYYi e. HOPE SPICE anus. - statimaia..---a.A. num. arArErfaser amerirmrs; lftearscri/ to .1. D. Dma, hbetterarslo4 De• Jars all 10.1 s ofarillf.nal CHOPPILD PIS% Nos 111 an 4 14 "man! IT. ban h. 1'6.1/La/ley, Vat Meal astd Cora 11e21 'Mayo .4i Mad. - BOlutlag ‘. pro nvtly..Wagos Wlll eaLL far J w ttan sad ftilver •1120.dzi- STOW, STOVE FREDERICK SCHULZE, Copp.... Tin 'aolit Ike.. Irmo Wars. Conner. Parlor sadl Main. stoves. leaden , . Omuta sad Block rlp Wars, %Pit man. iii - A110671b1:g autikepallas proaptly weeded co - mossnwur. EMI frnatiortil !mg Chiba ittmaidth aadDeater llt Hatdware. a slam roods *l' all dmulss l:ir d ers aw+itatul 61,41.411 a alt• boast leh ptla own. orelll.ll, oef sbart REDiovAu., . 1111 .EAT.UtE AT COST!. • I.l=itacciign.nag.t.. /NNINONNTI MY NIIII• banal. N. Irrar j rad: between's/1a nut lusth...u. sad win_gwet . . . ~,:.: P . a r $, . . . , 4 ' k . _.. , Via 4 , 4 4 Ina c a e "" ' '''' ' t i t .t. t, • , ' lEL 13. - LYON, „ Sealer . 41 WetolB and , Messim _ _ _ Heamovigesurrwort, • an.r.i Laspiaa sad Yana issama4- lardeisproawala_sdasadadao. : als XL ILCIFICEIEC, nr" . 161 11 1 r44 t ar m ragEnii%. me* "4 .... 1 0.1= =CM oans noaosszads r- MICRON, GLYN & CO., L otYa W sewitf.~ NEW GOODS ARV3K.blab ' Inv.bava a rplcadla rout Ls. Collars .4 Nu Awe!,leb: p.t.s A.. 04.1001.1. asd 21.dUrate6 Mak. Cals..ad /I..4kareklefs. Wo OarO abo WWI maze of Mow Ladles'it GenNlfur Topped Glove!, Our HOOP sicnzTs, at 50c., fug'i , .'::: llll :ttigi?`ll 7 :.‘uft°'ke;l4."° Our crties.ip, 131.a11ot11al , E.tterehters. tort Lite)). eor W. • ' •tieart Cotten Hibbell Uwe. foe tto. Boort t`ouo /1ett...1/dose, (Um, )llt. neat/ Woo) Hote, , k. °tot Coattry Toro. tie E. O Olemoral Sklrts, 11 tots.). • Hoot's rrellog MEL Ea. • raitcr Collat., Loa la • boo. l4. . Store. The . Be erre sod remember the bomber. of Um y ore - MACRITII,I OLYDE & CO. U.OAKING CLOTLtB AND VELVZTS, COST AND LESS THIN COAT J. IL BURCHFIELD-4 co.'s, de r drabla atadna In CLOAKING CLOTHS, The entire sleek et wiwnia awns cloclig ni Rretd/u Reduced Prices: 1 9 11 EAaber late Diu% No. ST /Market Street 1867. -FALL TRADE. 1867. ARBUTHNOT, BRANNON & Whokaala Dental . , let EME3 r DRY GOODS, . Ow D 5 WOOD DIREICT, Pitts Wools. nut., ct.A.Ll.l', Ir=" i t Blalumb. of 'SALL. as. IZ W It CUUNS salantaa. ulna ram? ' A fla Toll U rAlllO 210 ao ',macaw n1..97a!! laytta4 . to TiL aa4 madam oas . C. Aaaciaarirt. J. 0. •TZZIPIIOw. Dt!ThREION & RECHERT. Elie Fars for Holiday Presents. "wirer Bezi.s. YINZ IC/JUIS AHD XIIITLIM 119831120111 STAB relalli •1111. ads at 1111 c r jEWELir • WOOL t MERESO lINDLYLOAAILIULTO. XrD GLOM ILLNDIMICHILTS. F OBIILT, NICK TIVS. BU3PLINDZJUL 001ta2111 sad HOOP =IBIS YLACT /AM; 11l our goods at radocsd 22. k". ettrf claw out cur alutar stack. VAR%IIIicCANDIXSZ & CO" o.•:•irthwa. c•rs • C 0..) wiruzaziawc mutant m OREION AND DOMESTIC ORYIIIOOIII Do. 94 WOOD OTEDETa laird boos amra D 1030124 an.T. rrrruitrass. • 111118T110103 tHINCIIINSO3, ifteeestors A.m. somata SIIICIT COAL OCIIWNTO , KIIII:1121. BELIPLZHZ sad DILLLZYM, lry rood WI alvcr, of - ammaitim TOVOIIIO6II.IIIIIT CAB AltiO FAMILY COAL. • Ofian r.s—tort or THY lITEKI7, ..ries, Week& i atzdas p left at itird az addrened by. BEST FAMILY COAL u~ne on 4...4sAddei.smvsizt.d... ar mow= HEIST OSCAR P. LAMM a CO., Ca. Malty Met al 1. 11.11. 1 C. lieln ALLlMaxwf 41.4tDrseUs coal Ihrsag.lted B 4 tie %Brut ision; COAL! COAL!! COAL!!! DIMON, STEWART i CO., , . EAFries Meinneel tiler Ufa, lio No. 567 LIBEItTir ,s7nzEr. tLta4Qihrioarltlttl stoOND 11,0011. Lr• now.preparrt to fonalsh good Tattedo s ta r , uncr. nrroula.z. oat ILACk. t enters t their r m ave W . = matzostr. ann:lol' GH. Anmurnware, illantr:49 DALLXI LW room:wow* aminuiviraz 0011 01.4114aek, Y l Desalpiantsia dam Oasarot Mlla lad litsstesi Int Mil o. Mo ony and streets. N talk vrnr4L, ileeozat stmt. Maw Lack No I. rltesberey rsarallas and Yosaararers tha ,eat =tat of Coal or Cats in lae avan tj a Orde.e pt s stama left ataltret tbet! OiCite IFEIr prom tla. . SUPERIOR COAL. C. - CHERRY it CO. - SNOW sad Skurywo of ITVIIESURA * =A fallflLY COAL. BUT 00 14 " A LILAC LILAC'. Mg Oollrond moo to &Stu - tam eutys Os lovers moo. Otoomod ant. loran , Putramt 4 NM Wane Ca55416111.1.16211./114sbarox, " W-7 I). AUX. TICL. !,: . F.ll_ft ,_ : : p :-Ut y HOIIIIE• AND LOT Fon .smur., sf VAT et s... Lllneas am: Oslo M Wes. 11Vm1Wils.s iglis l i ra Ise to sold Mut; hyena' snit, as enrol, gr a ss r • tar , u, • B. aeLala a 716 ' • - I , 27sallif neat A COAL WORKS iron SALE. =Arta. of . sirlistmze t tr . w. A u tr; l.. ass, able., all Ifts •to •••• ope fl tlom. et trtare• kr • WT. bsoftan sad tomeeelata n Tb• we CM barn Of coal. Tidy Is ow at t.. non valsubl• work. ma saw liesengabolo ••11.1 be !mid bolr Wad 01110SlitterP14. ibtrie '"aft°46.°P. Fon•SALE•on HEFT, VIIEAP— • Yana al-Catiratarl Mailmen Um 011. Mil Ballard. amtalalag_lS um: laparr, Irs=iir " % Wain ' s! ic 'a l aral alma Tama. la good locallßea aad Im4 lal malals 1 aetl away ran ma mama. Ce=2.. Alms attaabarafßad tralialig La thorny Gael salaam. .7aF Warm pialarlara Is_Btre orsoegereurr=i, 2,000,000 ACRE BNB MS FOR MB, Union Faille Railway Co., LIMP= DlVllllate. rdat ant minas at thatt road. es SLOG to $5.00_ Per Arr., Aall DIAS 0821:Drt OP PPM P 74111. yet patlcalars, wok Se.. wawa so= r. somai rci ; Tormlisafaums. talgAit LAMBOix. . - Zolls. Lamm LITHOCIBAPHE RS. Sammicorsantsr.s.T. --Amur • QUIGEBLT & CLEII& • alsamscgra to Sea 7• setroclom a . 0,..1 PIACTItAIIITHOMPHERS, pahivg, Tan* ViiiTs7Zusticatgr °MU. 4r.“ 106 79 la! .= CILIS. RIIILLIIII • . IargOtMAPAKB; SO POVIIITLI Apar'. meniusg. carmica Diair d r. 2017 X, BILL iaiLllffr. .41/14.D1L as., ose It .trus. 81ir,2 iu It.s =VW ma ZaAILfOZI 4:31410003:110 POI SLSO A PAIL 7811 SO market 84 =1 No. O 7 EMMET STRAILT AT (117AAT 8AA01135. WINTER GOOptil,. E HOUSTON & 00., Faildoaaltle laerekasii Tailors NO. 87 MITE STLEET, BM Jut ni calved •!ecaltd my?, or 27 IYiflh StreeL kezr z np r i utz , pa. 'try roanoonbas. A. 1 , a...0w, of Yen sad awe atiLor NADI' Curtails (a oa Mad. at prices to tolt tao no4:111 FOR THE HOLIDAYS. HEADY FOR THE HOLIDAYS, Arm • tsrNs and mdtat utant...t_pf NUL f/4/01&71. 0/L.lll/U.ol.nd lIITEG, POLITAII 22:1•110111=112.12, an &4W sad eau. 12 great CRAY & No. tli Mulchfield Bt., Pittsbargh. Evans odastaary on hand a Lim ssadannicatat CL0T10,C4881111.13110111V88T1368. 114 GaffLIMEN d w N RIP G Wept a/JOVE COUTIOAU KAMA TO URDLE. stru. N. 3 flo. GLAIR e ,3 uSjtay_lejlalt IcromOt """‘N MVit r ,74l7,ll.lrAlk V to, !ROJO thsy ore looms* to SO wad wake *jto ..t le *pal to oar !Mop II the east or ou. Tar, ans aslionaired glosromil;Me kr nem* 'least ipawc4l.6 DISSOLUTION. NotleelAbentby the Cogowuun sttp amlsthw titian WILL' 11 /MIMI Ira. aware.' at asliOth oIDICILIIIILIL up, Ivy =LAY toweat. WILLIAM lIILL. fu:su • A. W. SWUM. DISSOLUTION OF PARTNER- sal!.—me parcemolklp formerly extoller bo urns WI. If. 211:114111011 sad A. D. DORI woe ollsoolied Dm. 21, UM, by mutual comeal. Pi. 8. enniesoir. 4 11. 102 i. nISSIOLII777ON OF PARTNER. Pette—Tte Partbeatlpb!ndotcre exlsthe h. tI. fleet soot enema 1' 4.. beafeoe ira bo• sa t• est HOOK EAUX e.l 4111bie se. la ena same et /COWL* McKie, la Ale .e7la mmed bye:tabu! allamilt. all 1nTg011.1•0464. ea to tbe Ina an ropiesiod to net. 3.711.1. ud time WM/Kg e elan to pro.t then he ire. . c oca ! ::: ettlea Hitter will extese so Tie Res, Intim. Will be semis... bYQYBE.ULbe the ele eleee. 1 0 12 Lb. urt meet. flilabsrote 110011 11.01, .•11, 61 , MM. -nag Jassar7 1, uts umideratwr DISSOLUTION OF Pill NEISHIP. Ntrreill is nougat- 'an= TDAT Ite rano. boatalbre extetho by mad bettream Tomb Wilma IN:calor, Ho ery Matimaas sad Loa. 106.1.14. t. at aad milt et ell • KIM. e ° . s', • Ma. OLa Moron maotacattleg Hats', Wes act acatalot MI $1 119.1eg Aldo Its, Tomo oroaltp. with elac• at Da 100 31074 N.M. Plltabergh. Sae fler almond br wills moo, TO Ouse. of Um Is .• will be er lA/Qt. wITOZ %HOLD. mike Moe PM;myna to rerive MI seas eto mai Om sad 14 alga the Lna itams. trassrttea., 401117 DA alt. It. HOLTZ M•N. . 1 ..0 5 / 1 W.17711/0701.1). rittlcargb. December 7.117. •111 r... 11111SOLIFTION OF CO•PART. •-• 111111..-11. Ana et PALM= a 00. Bay Old W. J1211:11,11r Iltb. SIM I Men db. Vela wurwt w 9Alleuu asd J. E. 11aC1..1.• Land , . 1M nuisance( Ma envoys nth Ca sMnad Mly by lad anna mad Ca U. B. Mint goil, I. M. nallatiOK aad /MIME Ma , GLIM/AND, aaddr Unarm am. at • ONJAHIIO OK L ICOLEILL ND clmirfellr neenmese Sa t in. , favorekte esedlesulesoot ear lamer Ott le.- ee•10f11. WO.VRIVI•ta • eulaese Ms old 00 . 00 . SS 004 A /LIU street. J. S. reLIITR, • T. MILL4III. MI=:1 TIiOLDEST. ESTAn usnzo T E JIMUL EUUZZ /X TIM W. J. GI:GALORE. ii.A.V=NIII/21:11,1' TRUNKS, Valises, Carpet Bags, eco. 4ralir i groxiVar a " " DM ' B A Tea. No. 1011 WOOD a T REaT. NEW CONSIGEWEETE4 E3=3 14 144. lamb its4r reistomi; Lis bets Appiss: ' 140014 Dn. P.40 4 / 4 ; • • 1.03 $ rig Toff s; PLOPI Tussossits rousts:. • Poi busts 11.10... k .4 Su.. C.c. PRI boar Qua. Fruits: -. - fl Ifs Pr.. Ns. Bea.; • 0 obi ; 1111:1 1 a/.0/OemCn 14.1; MI Dkes 2..1 Lard; . • ' f pop Cliff Table Staler; üb.• Pr ins ' • SOO busbets Clover Ps.; ' 16 Obis Maass Mier• bou mar: vtaevaL _ ranee wr Oman , • SULITX.B. Jvhitig JAMES' B. JONES, cap Iron, Light Iron (AIM /LID . liiioVoll7.lllo.ll Mlif:/i . 314. WOO. "., • ; WI/11M A.'lemma street sail It. Mull. Aim , Oft • - • " woo. 0. N. r. PON VITT • 'wax image. CEO. 0:0 LARK & of of Oußellim aid T .Mac au x.assither manila tzulds Br, TO O MPITALINTIL-41 rare oP". ptYl4 02F14.1 Mt ea bn*Punit sa Str ansaitacsaryef • Mien Mies UN it. !mans .• Lane =MOS gaonto Vareautair tvufte i r MMI“.. ""M • us g" 4I I I W • 1 .11eL.1111 a 00.. • =amok sum.' DAY_I -1714 GAZETTE IVEDNE§ JAN Y 15; -1868; GREAT REDUCTIOT p 3R..v! 30.x•1s We have detelatlasel Steel. oar lief be Mulcaramel" owe Me tdreasee• et aay deelble la Mee. thatate Wee La thewon. Mel hare radar OTYICZ BOARD OP WArumCennaltalnnln. Cru OP AT. I.OCIII, 1.0./1. Is `t SEALED PHOPORALE4 en 4dii,tadt:;:.%?trart far tly6 Sentee Asp- , ArstetyL.Comairt. ithrerllrtotbleibletW 111CrOare^. nano at tonna( Too n!. and ina tt smut toe'. o.eJoek. iwttury 19W. at :4,let ‘ b w enrtni v b . lde th All publicly enned and rea ci ty Patinae:lM ann. tr. T. a at Illasalin Botta. of at. 1.., WO h atnle• pea . Nrattan, 'nth nun" mid appurtenances ownatan N. I Y. b ." Dia tad sr d reedy tor setrtoe by the Lt et ...otwbbtw. 11.11: eayme Lo .I to be eesoote.ed and rea y fea sent. by lbw In of Janson, MP. Ain. at nondann nolo Mao a na eats pla to. l Insian rat. alt.ll. e a•yro Low Nit+ oo running inrataso.” and h directed to 1be . .803.1 VotiliP; 7" ll: i. atn ' t; I:ll , 3l.7lVtity t'Ath L tnit. l ;lFl°D - „7l . l=gr,t7ioa.gbi't g . liult:rai:Ate . e . ompl'...te aidreally for WSW ' 999,9.39 d sad r:all l fO k t terratibghallit bs January. 141. of Plana ottne aa d bolters eta be eeett, and stm di:Ballo. with fur. of Trogrant OS contruct. en be oaten. cps Inn Boa at l 41„ f:g - rrLe..?f,gmt.4, - fi.41,75,:2:1 Man of wM. L. A OXYBLIP..t..II ann. an, ' Broadway, Ne • Yon. be moue; or tangy an I pot Do tats Shia any i tbOW Rd VZ; t::4:21:1'=.4 a c me Ibis nato2 se ntrlty altar tee pr.rteana apes. , to •ur sum not ...nor .. an tin am opt o' ne contract. shoo al Wry dells that rthrfr the lowest of t or te en). to 'to. no W+ of.red man Oa ranch. lEtsbolders of tilt county of t, t ouls. Pi 0 der of th• Bann 421::.1 nib. L. BUMS, PreoldeaL ON DRUGGETS, . CUANDELILBB, REDUCED PRICES OP OEM ENTIRE STOOK NEW AND CHOICE GOODS • • Far 'beats what It would cost to rapisa to goods. IifeFABLAND & COLLINS, 71 • 2111 D 73 PEITIII STREET I==l (IZCOND 710112-) 1867 . WINTE . B STOCK: 186 7 CARPETS, MATTI:MS, OIL CLOTH WLVDOW SHADES, _ DRUGGETS, MATS AND RIMS, TABU: AND PIANO COVERS, ,kI.Ie.WOOL INGRAtti. ♦ nod asactrimult., at V.R.kir BOVARD, ROSE. & CO Street, (OVER BATES i BILL•& CARPETS AT cosr. For a Short Time PREPARATORY TO TASK STOCKS Tal Lugs bean! at OIL CLOTHS Window Shades, ZECIM•XNAIOXI'SPaI Cheap All-Wool Ingrahuk MCCALLUM BROS., U TULt Soma, she Weed. Winter Coatings, I SUITS, No.ions, rotrnai ma CHILD moor Es. 47 at. Clair Iltreet. lifciMpLE. Merchant Tailor, RCHABT TAILOR& lOIES & iUFF, 10 1 :fteliliiii401:1:11 B. IIItIT.H.OI J. • Pal,. KZ, T. THILLITO =1:1 $15,Q00 etarii-v6Ain)LOAN, • inagrury; so,. &thaw'. Iltreit, Bela &WA Mini lid Sobt, ST, LOUIS WiTERWORKS To Machinists BRACKETS AND LAMPS; TOR RITLLIE VAR OR OIL.. • Of latest patterns and best workmanaldp. at all prima, among whist. ard U LlAllt 0F Chaml.llets at IMO CO .1 03 tot .77:4 LWit dr.3.51.31 for too . 3 " Allot total patcra ud bat aosidadvdo. ALSO. • 7171.1. ASIICIVIWIT CP Kitchen, Hall aid Parlor La■p,, MI /ID EILOI3, OFX-sCIii3ELII, dfo., elm la quitztlttot to salt masts ARTHUR MX, 174 and 11 , 4 /aderal AliezteaT THE FORT PITT .LIIIVIDER CO. Capital, : r $125,000 ere.taens—saiir. DITARLDWIL Illoseetanr.4.. .W 1.1121/T. ~~ • Tha TORS fix? CV. Mn psi , slimed TWO THOU•ANO 100. MIN Own& Anal TWIENTY-ONE LOILIM es naealled Mao laml• I. Penn Canna, Pa.. sad maw Mena op a large amass gay mil% aro now smnparellte r a yraisma m arietyj at WSJ= mauls r 'swum Ina cons it la/ Into* dres-Co,*snamalcatio, by mall amulet to ad. sed • T. A. WIYIRIFIT. Ilemnaismy. ==M PeYTtlECnGli IMPORTING ROVE. '111:1121LIBLIIMIND SUMMIT & FRIDAY, /111:POSTERS or MUM, FRENCH AND SPANISH WINES AND LIQUO 109. Pug Street, Pittsburgh. eCHWLUT Weiss esteemed Owe kg. vettr=.4.-dzetr. f. B,I.2VLLEII, alms Camara: rritLlZSf gh‘7i.e. a "rYAir s = 0. 4 au. ran re r 'LTV. A AA., a. [SUMS% I rt)., i t i reeha " ct. - 11 ILleetViVi.d...trrii • Ultei MLR a C.,. Wakes ass, A chola essorsigat of rows OLD - ITS WHI*IC ET sealant.. Wad. kiss ysiontecoidaragmesewitik Shaba gas,. as see al* to the Welter brat oe Wilt. we LIVIJO/114. twailastloa g swine sowpwisist of Veleta =WOW. TO WHEAT GROWERS. EUREKA Ammoniana SOME uperThosphate of Use. +uaos.VTUI3D 117 THE ALLEGHENY FERTILIZER CO., SEWARD & CAMPBELL, rsursuos~, MU, 356 Pete ,134, Pittsbargit, Pa. • Tlarbese irerWiter mos„ mid all Farmers win. bare sena IS a errarare, ta u :Waal for Li _or irrsralkme a t a suasion aam 'lttareettes bad vales!. Its -Lease et WO 11-IFar. eeples of Veldt Flit De mat Me SO SW sea/ sa Leath addram. MYERS, HOPPER & CO., • to Itos strutztt. luaus/ unto= up FURNITURE Of Every Description. scwooL Aro °FELE intrirron No. di Smithfield Street, SIM tueortuutit of rlttsbarjrk amts. tend nevi... eautwitlyaet Issas' wl► GASH 1111010. Irma. a. worrim....wir. S. tram. lanardis • On Ivorreanitatt to Week. sbe sr noes well se ass stove IN the (Snow BISSELL do • Ras Lulu= mass!. /WO on hand an 4 ter PALIILoa MYNA IITOVI 611 Ts Ira(MTS, - IZINDIGUS, COOEIII4I EJLNIird. &a A GREAT FAMILY C099/',INI• ram • acir aaa Iwo! arrugessextdor MOW , :4 HOT WATER 1301M8 attached 'o the beet col oreonoso. hook atowei, that the vraate e.... *hi. stoeNtp tho ewe- Alt% litzti raier.Ml al..hea= throesh Me boom 1411 418(1e am I t OSP lege et the tam. tMs new al rahlreetet el rati 110. T. ear maxima (*Wes IS trih r r igglik.tt r araentiq; acne errOVZ. or Lewin wren/sr UN* Sae atede la the Union, tin bare Solleri attealud to their Norm Jeeledtex the Aileohnent.. blltr M. MO Met: forth udder ..soli rizyshi DeLuisq yoppirlag to Bligqinait 0:11; io. 13 LllLS2liii Cbek Mom' m!!mm!I civ.aekiguA, coos N..C4 < snwinssarir - c.) k in rsn TOIUT 111111A 4 P2 4 u • • 4'r urud.."41114"4=7,i lb* 1 1 1 , albabr. by *men sal gummy. bold bri. Irbors. *von DR. J. B.ILB6:ENI°B FAMILY NEM= DR. JOHN SARGENT'. Anti-Dyspeptia and Liver Pills, A =awls CITES YOB Llver Cort Drapikrola. Attaeks, Jawadi's*. u.k • COLA; Coelhrsaess, . • 1111:MI rill EITRAODIDNAIIT AND Tio u reiNYV:rgZ,V., • l2l:l7 ° l7; n .ebthe them mon pobllo, ta order that ne n. je ate eitle ter:lttioenimb Inetted other tmettgat tut laytherontell he Teller tit Tit to airkr LLO. *Yen sir ee e ooso rut.... union end which han venereal *Mantle., nor do hey other RI?. meet the repellewitt• Or the leneehold 0. do 44, gra.O.L. AIL an tea m thethe Canna for = mut t. h eetemn. th_n uMWotta needy pavan en, - .merman. trou .1 Witte:h.:eh eba.are al at :zarstra *is—ele Ville! eat prj .matbreo' th. 7527. tre the tteettLehnetleg tmou%to meAttloa o ' t MU, am plir the blood! sad to a story Mau, motor* • body to a state ot goon nail. uterur..A.--11 sut alrtrembta Malady—so MrlVlOVfor.Teri7"4"'2 e nisych b'o""lq %Web ere alre110.11: ale we Sloa n%ne moseare below the *tersest , or ernes hose, = h u trgelri:34l3 l l 2.," Inn • of to at phonate. Irsom thee(aSelt. neatly eleell'etize Mame the whole slet-te; WS Or leemeret trartethe, etteertele SDPOLIter 01 1: WOOOlOOO5 Sad ( . Rat /55205007 t .tar. t. seldom that all the Wren mutton:le are I: er?ltorts ' arl u leta l anuati gran of te• 010.005 5a4 alle4 or thttaleale e1i..0tN1 4 15 ANTl.Tierzelie AND UV It rthuo. fever Pah leettleg thL 410000t h when aecordlue to the dtreatfoee. I attach • tea of the way atrUhesfes 1 ewe g gAratlbtr,l,l" Inapt,* hell the eon oehu Lat T lte ttlal 0l 11 l RIM MUI TB ..KDII. JVIIN ,1111tLiz. . .. _ _ llot _ . . th..ll,l:kltoar sl,2;.l%.fere't'vatktirt2roljtat: ri.,. ant 14•41, nal thr, FL lasi 11101 11ZIRtr...1111t1b.sb1:::Vi 'lb I. ''?'". Ikonlkon M. to.t .11,1101 of ..rallt owe owl. i kora b.• es 1[06014 •010 310014 at 110 1.11 40,0104 of lilt 00000.4 IT 00 man o ::::illir 1131 ratmi Mari /IV 1701 min.ntrao.Lojr-ii,attlir. .1.,.ti74....i.,..6 tor/oust yew to nod ins a be. of. roof ,Itatl• ankruo . rius tryoull. I atittren it , t ool tkiVtileolli oast I;oo mom apoy 41304 SIMI any other orollolsto / otor os.d. I lops ova Will in •ingo dowo to oar droutot, oolleat I eta get Um whoa f wait. lea cult Lary .111 .ell not if [lowa. Toot ocanoinuoto with On MOW. will oblige loan, • nopoetfolly FOR , • 100. IL W4.1141W. Min.. boa INI, r..... Palm:UM 1111-01 .111110111.-11,41, 1411 After oolitim irn i=kViroliTZ,Yl=l=klll '''' kttill.:;.rdaTal tial. " 4%:= .4anu f...“ 1 sorAnag_fro. tams rm. . V 4 ,7 troll lt.orik JIONIXT., : trot?... ray s , . /1/7.-La, 10101.111-a. 101. bat. .1 tte .. a ttit u o? 44'. IZra*AVYSOlisri riiiiketi v jgreerattgeirbetrtrtt 1,114Pu1 . rar n eurr. 214,14 t.• So ...d 011,114. • •• - • - -4 .1 1 111/1/1(111111.' i This Irto cattily that I Moo noon Dr. 00J1 .Sargent' Liver 11110 Ls my Thom, [or too loot two . nod 11000140, time lin beat oned.el so I ko . .wot. , L A 71 :14t g a l t i ot i es AV Ite _ mk i r 4. (1 1 . ° A ..g.r 004.1 .:11 ow.. p..:,.. 1iD . ....= , etarktorro Aliti - Dr/Poßtle /1114 14,11 Mk AU . Ulm ll•Uut. • • . tiR. SARGENT'S. crow:mu is 1r A lax. • • 1041I • reLe.sas• lgattooratiears 10Polpuri ftt ri7LANT A z i e,' . 11 4 NO/f/O P . a siromositirlitlemer I r ega r ' 4 4,4..e're t inisir ...... - .rssir fiefito.l fAXII - 10T , •14•1 ;MOT comf•tot rgftrtt ire tr "k t Orr op • m W. ath assort of tee smelt lo , Oorso• Llano 4604 on soy loodloo tlur country, bot looorao plklrgot from too mason, earls. of flosecklal Wpm sad amino na maars "Mrt•,.l2..".lMiutVgftsthattlr•4l"d " D •• - • - •Il o R Ur or'socal ca,abto losoollt Wbool4of cattS 4 . •0 1 .1131.11: It 4. 4 atOett 4 6 o'd•Proutt)y edeethli Its rod. less cans; sal ft/ , 411111, or nil.. It i. slus loon Mamma AM te LLsble tenet, ovaryot olsocnrond •••110 00.10 sooorttor to dlreattono eau urta• ot ckUd. tot. 141 Rtlt/IgStEolul IS Mead. • OIL JOHN 8111GENT'a Diuretic or Back-echo Pills, iO5 .u.i.iiusirscs 1/1.11 KIDNEYS AND BLADDER • • _ • Tbrre_ yllte.*** . ..r bora beton Or I. ALT serfor..o. Ire upwards of flirty two from au.* 1.1. Mow • bey 05.... at. ..tzall(=ilseourtoltrzilat+sralatax• ewe ". Mut.. Tneil aim r*4 aolbrref w0w .... cuts ben enc.., re.• of ow( fart off m ot o n ta.tax. drents. or Me lealler.a. 1901 Dot. to Vie mwrr publlaawl en Ira carried to every anat. door Trlllost rho rad. • pared.: e.4lt In. won bawd. **pot three Y. tOrmaalr wrom• eltror leo irrreek - -Inomu are baste la worm. la. of ma wire be et Der.. To Urea. no diem. eswirmalr l) Steal Mae POUt N orealtshry applaug... lofted W.I. 4 lie we. or So e rl a ,urr as( le Irma. by • dr* pot... pair la Me Met, tar roma. Oa War Tor o nai dab.' ram or sou.. NM. •. too. dews glat. to .4 1.1.er part or Um shlgo Y.rai dlr. itl. Tzparl...l. Twirls, Tie *nye, rad mar paw.. MOM. Tn. tors troalgereas• belle ead.r. 'taint exerchle I sear. whoa sloop Lit. Oars dram I. arsamiwg as erect roottloa. iintatra Imam. impor .ll.l"WfslietraissdUgtriirargleile throe ohrTmonesord Ms food tral ona of / arm rorett.of Arra. It wo or grlw , br U..* lbs. wt. bro oraerall. rewriklar• 00 trw .114 L. Aft Dm. Ws amoral. aloulabOrgworC Sado.. ro Mar . t. Tre ha- , Wde Is So Worm MI ;MU I Imo may amok silmisl PIM MisosT I.Y. la Uts Sam; mut imsm of POMMY lo rota My miss. 1 Imo mom mewled by SM. Meollatork to mks omm Omar 01. mm 11:1. Intel A OK, MO male 10-= corm& mid I Says sal WI My Mika ooM nom. MI. male. smalls Mom= COSJoY, • JOAN Ds. lmi—Oln ban lo lat•rm Mu ISM I balm. isO n ay llio mUmly to Mil( wee of Fr ruts. nary Mee Milos smUstmfor 17S dayomy otos matomst, Imo samlosS boa sad mess , :moy. omen MY Wm .6 Soshod mg. m soldl ros Mat MILS. fate,. I took Ms Om Mom os yos Intone& olsotle boot rimer. sad my maomfor hat my smor mna li t Ito liserLmari.-t Ins At • Mai Aso ° jittoiM Mu Umosbt to Ss rOmmatimswe beer. m last Wows I dtwow4 wive 1 nil MlOweelf rlArt ienmej no t . I moo &MIMS SO TV . m Soya yr nt l i gnital tny Ithlra, vim hall, Aman the ow. boat. .•WP•• mOMM. estsOirS SOTTO* INN. Sumg urns, • Me lee.' Wale Mr. ted wll.l away ey I en. Me try wall your MEM kg mos IM mons vortriol cos pletair weft It••• eta weoo 111.2111. MUM. SAMS tO WWII. m pair ith we we. tweet, we lr tea Is.. clalryl We dol lars for Wan 1 wesht haws ,wd ll BU elwerhlie. .L.M.L irzrajskis laillebsel .t& Ile ;wagtail .aret . A.ATP;",%.II:47ZIP."I emit Oar of sisbcsaja sill I met 'vv. nun / bars 1•01/ Was SW! Pas, Asa want mats to ...aim bats/ tams. AA a 64 beta. sem than Saes Mt fart famous. AM I Savo se it.bl ISA Wt. OOZED, Ws as, • • . J. KILL= ALLamiILBXY. Aso,-1 Lave P.m tmoblLd wll.ll ctube for irskuos testy o, Lai L have IL.. 41, WI act ewe mt•lLe: lea. eoLliduLty reesonLad - Una • fiLo • ars, PSTir OLIUM1.11(121. P 19 7".'1 1 1 tate thl. opportulty stal• I/wrens Maal* rills /vs we noel ta..t Was fur 1.1.• but maw aut.rlll6 cam 0. 1 .t...51y,r4c0a...d lees • -"Hee. le eget, pee lea. lola by en Drainalk• GEORGE. KELLY, . SOLE PROPIIIETOS4 , - Alikti'SALE ORUCCIST, T,Weed Street.- Pittsburgh. MARVIN'S CRACKERS ' lag TUE WWI' IN Inner. Water. Batter. Sitar s ends. BOWOD; • Wtae and °Fuer Crackers, aziAs No. 01 Liberty Birret, NWT OF 110U/rll4. a'.42L CS MG COIVI9 UNIVERSAL fflN CO POND . LX !FITIKILLT =un kW II "liblfata Will Tett."4" HOUSEHEAPERS PLEASE T1t1" . • . _ . wstt Vlen, eta lave Walt ulna Own tette beate t 4 tee irate.beatd, Paw Vont Itill s e)t i t2teehm et% tern It Wens theateurtle •41fitted =lra& t wama,ed m NO : LIME t alroli Fit .., v. mesa= lel oskraimardaimmow vavow'weit air= rrazz y Sower Asiesurtent. • Ile ~metal Um IMO LID 17712111. URNS km beesat,a wr Wats tar,aall•euas, *ad Nimbi b• /0 01 .a . lothal la?MiT Ist, 1161, la alder la tan soak An, tiny Traarvar. IC suns, LsTiziac & 801. •• • . , • xsziss xis ,r 1401114 : FRED.61124.7,A;,' I saw Ltd last Ceamna. Peochm• mrialir. o. 911 01110 11111131ZT, • . • . OA% os • mom - alr " l " —er 001LIERIMMERCE13211, =r==l M71:1 I OBERT KNOX, Jr." coaHalos loiniumaNT. ' D:1.11 . D rt 1• t • L J. merirortann, wuomiaa, axn BSiALL ar Pt CIO 4 0I;L Ea, 886 Penn Street. - AAJIIBJ • Commission Merchants / 141 ""olnd a , ii 7 O T ATAVWCP, atin . e l P a= etreoll, atabergb. • ' • - ).l FET2rEs & Anumwarsi, mum All csavau mars, ram ragtengrc=ii • m I. xr:X .1 ga .1 3 / 4 SAO' & 803:03caturissloa 11281111 1.15111. d.: nealsta is FLOM sum PILL .1221) sad MODEM; 11.11X.4 V. DO. 1 1 111Has0814,0PIXdite Lat. (buy City. • 7:rl. DAV GILIIITOIIIIO. or. 870X.rZWFAVT , haTti3I7CTA TIM I O/110 ZYC r ".:17vKEV.VarthiGTE Biu" • iN er • Ta . is m t.a! • aa "BEA,. .. P i rm az t hid r a tl•r• la reedtes.W nn, o.rbas na4 lard . 011. me, Month. t.• 1113(11: L arnua. REYBIZII & uncle. ? mammon taklyWnia ItticasuietH:4.lZ I.ll"4"Aanqura.r..Tlll JOHN CANDIELD,474. zweioetrwag.raturigrauee Derµ it: pr. L.= Pork. ‘thijarknllgNatad litf~parelinkß443ol6 aid intreatstreet, I 1 RIDDLEAD. nia Liberty 15 ,Ifbekaaismotiertsu e.tryPro ~atule dnee.4hoesn. : = lll Mir m lt•Agg '.4"MW • gem SCUM Zinn= a017112..ing. a. ARIAL _Tong L UOVRE BROS; Sae . camas TO Joao 1. Eton II Co.. WlNua aft %Imam aa.4 Comadsaloa Karthasta. eft as . ot ebalthlald CU Witt= Manta. rittotou.b gettOMMiung tiLAI4O, Whole ., male 4 salleslsetoculin. Tour.' litritri..Pft , taes. Provtapvlan, Owe% Salk Cktbola No. 113 sad 01 pal rum LibutFal.o4 Plttabargb, I'. • • .012! 811:1310. _ .RALL.II/N ts. WALLA( _l9hole- GROCLES AND PNVDITS DNALLNYA ihrtla etre.. PID Wag), • ' ..1•11,11• JIMMUUrOE. NIMTERNu 1 18 . F111.411Cr oc,o, men. X/11.1042eadet. ".07114,. ta essit i. te.u.Vissrstiket.' • Ogee, AK Weer Algae • 00s Wan floes. Sp stele. elbersre.. lelllssare setae sb See deers aid Mute Zles. • hams laseetleasased by Meador be was as _se ael [nova to eaes lsonalselb mid ere es sembled presell sad lien/UT. 1.1 matesta 'Se alarsearalbek Mel Lee ssr. Med. ea oases. te be protease la Wow vbs. dale to be Wand. • 1LL,...5. illrisk . ' - Jolla - 11. tea... Dupe* Ite.Anielr 4 iy.u.t0. " 17.' Va,,, VA, A. 1142.11/ ...OIIIIT, • Rover, . DaD4l 1/4 Lou. D, Dm.. MC' . ' 'VIC r. illatzill% Beeman. BEN IPRAINELLN INSURAICE COMPANY, Pi FRAIOIII WINGS BANT4 No. 43 Ohio St, Miliprlteny, Pa. Haan in.. eft. 111 • 1 0 , .. ram S. Os. itaim. 8..m,t16 W. X. Navas% azo.zi. Afnm P secnun. um,/ lavas. rmia.a. «as WINHILVAInt EISIAILANCS OF IPITTSIVION,, PA. 01111101 2111111 MIMI. MIMS . TILli ii sass onisrair.cume. Anhui% tea . wrimavara mi. . . ...„„ = „4 . „.. ~,,„.. .0. 4 ....... rt,.. YIPP, ry tag Jahn Itamilsff. , 1. 4 4. d . "1 . 4 , • 41. Alassmaa. 1 INDUtMM Amuzum. Loss BY . . ItAULIN - INSURANCE COMPANY, ' - rarLAirtz.psui: • - Gam axt4 W CE141171107/ 117., • . • Ithooker . 7 ' „ C p f roo".111=4 Vat nut . Mu: W.AWILIA.Vad.km:4 i rm. 0. A L ., I nt ' J. GARDNER COlltrr. A:mak sins North Won cor.4lthd • Wood ea: A LLEGIIENV INSURANCE - CO. limn rITTSU k LTIIIIIL-12:114L-12:114"" ,71*. 27 ?!Il a k Mee pew, asslan all In PUS amt Nut's i&VWfkit: wosw mu= Jral""Lluicrilrif. .j.'".‘ Ittis trat Us's. ketirm. pEorxms ors ONCE O. unarm. A. L ows. - HOU cratjuunt; riAx ,Itll . alLaX LUL 6 101414. SOMIEMPV :V. t.. UAZU/111111119nagy. =SEES ToBAOOO. CIGILEB, BcOT ponAcco TOBACCO! TOBACCO! FIVE HUNDRED CADDIES, ♦ayolSIU azhIDL JI7IIT DACIXITXD OX 001110XXXX7. ITIZZ iuci liT711141111111!1$ As low a■ decree pound. • Tebinceirna, filfool7l Lad W TObsetio, bean aaa 41. 1 =s Li noel. WI ROBERT F. WEDDELL'S lepluly WEIN tasoi /mg, Cor. • so IthfNALMater els. JOHN MEGRAW, Milan • Tobacco, Snuff and Ci 2:KALMICr ilseak iuoviii EICELSIOI3 R. & Wt JEFIKINIOR. dais Mae*, hog EVran t Pimp ite. ~.149 S 17LIAZZAL Ur !lasowir. 0 1)4 WI •.! 11;:.:4111:4 EL .1. LLICCIC, ii4l and IVT StreeL TER AHD SCOURER, #Ol , aid' Cloned or Dm', am exam mad Lama. muien slum. IN gra/. o.lo.nuninr • datagtabitshaeni, . Ala all 11LA40.1110 JULLIT, isllmen Wad ail saitiaud - nr"•l4, ,aierzr=lat.rtrxr.. vrelve onst roitt " GOOD Alllll. , CHEAP BIM . 14 MAI nmq., imictel Wain . I Won • 5 4 1 b0. 2 41Yt1W ..a. Wo , as inns Ina, Wulf h. atm ass. . 'maitre . . • • . . • • • • .. jOnt aIeCLABEN, - Attckney—at-Lsiw. aallah-n amain' anc.i oaueetioss nectar atiami•d A. CABEMON, - Attorney-at-uriii; No. OS Fifik street. R. amp= HO rim Attorney4t-Ls . Ames, iams imairk assms?a aim to sale li 't ETISTACE mionnew, ALDERMAN. Ex-01111clo, Justice of thik 'WM" AND MILD= NAGUITIATZ. eltk'llt. husoub nista- met* h. tt."o 1,4.tv=4 IMMDC6ALI Ltd AUXUAI• 2/1/11 AZI/X..l aa A . AMNON, • avarnin 'air nix mac% . , 130 .YMacer, /Mit. azd lesusaai AVM. • 4:14Z80N BM. . last Strilastu Oollaaucca or Mato sallelled sad t we:minty Wu 44 1 9 1 . H. airman or Taz ?KUM OUNTZTMItt. .•-• • gan C411:901 nAlmrr. neuly °nano &be toppotoSoaus ratabayA. Enemas to nu care prompt'? •maaga SO. ' D4, 113/ !' INCIPEAL,DX Dv NpLOTIOMO MMIMIM it*. IN giant 81.;asar 14,11,211 • 1 s. =tumor' Aan3iiy-at-Lav, slp. M minx irraxa-r i5.c , m..5ux461•20.7iw , . NV. =lnge A I TTIRMIIt AT No. 93 Diamond. Street. =UM rrnsauses. ra. JOHN W. IMBRUE. . . . ATTOIUMY AT winos, Liz 100/112it 11E1 AIXTIIBIIIIOB.. " T n latimmtat LA!, utzillYet Grant Stmt. I==l JOIINA.,STILLIN. • ' '4l.x.:Ta L miziusausmr‘ • ex-Officio,,, lattice of thttrallal OEa, L 4 ma) rowan maummumr,_ lift tit. oppodt. •-+ . 4pa t y , • inrairuzinr. pa. d.L.,aregitr u ermu.....s. t t z iri jaliN C. Bicconnt,,g, Mari n; INS COINS= IT INTo. 87 F'itth Street F7C7M=::E=rMill ' , dB:ITER& wzu.r House and Inn Plautus, . 10. aitta2l.'ristaaraxii' (Oppostt• 'Cattaint.) 014213 ClMlDerdome bards. RoinANDs gampusi••. : • " 'NOM All EU PAINTERS, Q urexes moo . sternum; ete. k atiLl[OXD, AMPURSIII4 CALM • *IMO lowl la MI J. 8.-}IAIIIII..TON, Jr., .4ouse and iliga Pander; No. n 3 TFEugs, Graining, Ebuing llMlGltilfor2 . • . , . .. .. . , 2 ' 7 1ft,i1.27.T X.I2CITITiD. , , . laud raJau, - vares;nax, : ntry.. Glam. .11tys. nuee., ntlyeat.las, WltteloMa. ;A 0. ihg , _ rx iii 7.-Trwenamsox.--:-..,....2.: asnrcr ri. ,, xvnxir:orsrifWn, : Mt 11l Marna IM* A1R1123 AEI) !atriums. XL SS PAMPA. Alll=lll4 .12111,11nuwIL 41.11 bran+ by bull ➢rosptty attended to. • RETIOVA.L.. JOHN F. OWLEY, , - House and Stan Painter,' Tuntamtle ---- .D az, Pittabaxl. OnenlJa the oil stmt. go. lII* M71:07 ILOZZIM .......11•0.11117111* &ZVI:OMM a mon:my MU 0101 MID 01111111TLI. purr -1115..6110111311.011141LLE1810. ito. 44 If *rib id d•fbf Otimaartisi w Wtkas soar to order. • ont,...re.y. Iluted .41 Divan!' ex. wawa.. Musa + AIM+ Wtmlowtilaw earl may astui.l. kan.d. aptimrs 1/41:174 7 :1-1‘14 at :Ika a A e):.4 :7:11 /310. Saat% • 1 •3117:11. & & MARCIE% CARPIESTERS AND strum R& ont,.. MOS Isuuta , et an , raata. AMisE Fv.an rt. at 144 iai tit Nina illetim (St . _ • at/ •44 Z. .11. F0A.1...K.F.EL, House Bander aid Carpexten . M. ailiosis • LlaY .4 DU. • .. /Me . blMai!aid nipablai da•• •imer Wm. J. DICK, Carpenter and Rai'der, a.Mw P1 3 ,133 L 113371 APP.IIIII. 0930aLts 32 . 3 . :rrt. Pitt= b, Ps. Jobeass7Sliirlce assaLes esps. elk Alt am" pnllnpity •414.101 q Me dualltelbeMl3oll vrarraatelL ..11.47i••• HOUSE BUILDERS Alp . CARP INTERS. EITTL O I3O aa4 "Anna wow/ "mu. id ligh•b7 amasses lain: ay 1111•14 ISE I . -a MEIIORART, 7 LIVERY AND SALE STABLE, 1. W. liICHOL2OII, PROPRIETOL nos, ma asp Ha TIMID MLIII2I OrPodt• Mantua ' ta. *al .1 OplatAols._te., bar Tsi. pwal.l W We al an/Na ffißF;;9„ t , Liven . and Sale Stable", Vstibai! ~~ ()ppmas taiaart talk 1141:pa4 PITTSBURGH.... ftattalu attortlett =:a.es ettaltta4 eaten aad Cantagsa fete ea Hnesaa kept at liven. =Tiro . ORDLNANCEEL A OVPPLEINCITTO wir own. a. D S . 4 1 871F: i .,°,1ire• 41 . = I,4t.trgejetiesl=4 of th• •arr. al .1 Toys , 0e..11 of Ott lamest of Laore.-eeehle.. Sad Ms lottaby vtae.4 by tba sctam 14 of le. e. Tb4 l lll , Eder to 1:01.• nos, 4 1 rs 4 11•0141 pis My+ at tot . 041 11141 aee Sato ea d bosevalt la ooaptattlea vita tale Laerfesosellie Yea tatapeall mrviaaet, tbe Loatme .M seveill. brae ...boost? vlll tretela bona" sad tat dUseutletembl, 5.1 jy Y qv nate at W. 1144 as or that fey at say nab banaila tk" j i tsr hargbr YroVtg;T:r/sralgibtsitad 14 b4l 0.1 ...sl/ *mama. ast:! . posowate mto a 1111 labotbStrOi 1144•11 k 01 . = "" .111. 4agoo. Ism oar 1. Tbsavbes saltalavet. lane we alloy or beiveab Mall be abased Ute Wel boa tbmvay *As lorlmilby Wort' ae Malt foe Um ramose si lama attva. 44111141 boa repablaa Lea pima 11 1 44.414 6. 1Jb0 Mao WWI sot So !Opt :yea obstnelci an. aid I'...44 . Bl4ll ltValg th byer *W"." ot d.o.d a 7 Me emits/ et say orlon. Mae of alloy ito 'event b 01411 4orroloytly bad speed. 111 rebbaryi by MO W& ell•Obaboxy. GS novas aoer *M Y ./ aw. serlol J a the ose n* shig of Gay etbeet. er why a...at:armed. tag 414 466 offle buy boa r. llB444lll 2asesaUes•r . :lll•l= t tiros I lbsallavrirballlrreoV=oo 104 . 13 tobetasty latrtatate .tt owns, all Jima orreS• d 4 4414 IMO 444 001 Wow wlr put ef Ile vette et aolostatee boo 'oars lor L. mei. madame., au tome.etatato ea tot.agor tvsbbet/ Ley *a tomes • ••I•Se alsa.. , ler say obats.tbae aftl=. .Ulass 0' ar , tl.saee Lb* W. V. c •pook boonsiloo blame 11114111 716144 Use *Ow res. of ta• moat, atbta lorrll4 one sow 1.1...4 4 14. 144 i * P. 4 . •14, aaa for oelruour eo s aL „.... le: i trza/ u?..„ =; - 11.W40 Wr (a yl s y e V f say bor t a as, be Itl or .et haYy~osltldW WI obis So bul .4,1 a evil aotios tea ass ban .4%44 ad by nay Or lab pasrlebta.e of Ibia ontlasaft She sutl O WES . :1.1• MAIIVEAUGIUTA.CO. WWI ant 1161(44 ' , canal THIRD 410 itios SitEER • - uriN !starst. RittOOSIRMiP hpr ay Bldgpigs, Coupons, ==l=9 tio%IEELIPmm•& HT =LIMOS LOirLOS. faxl:94l IKE CSON 33..si:mixtaretek == Ifticita twelve.: In Ifts*tieliiii4 Otiiria• oomenowase, actin the'xorp!.. or th s Thin" ein" tae : • Sleeks, Bemis aid ether BettFit '''relierieiresotaloireekkiseuir. EZ=E - x). s. siepuxlties,:. ~,,,, ...14-111ECIVICATZS Ull. 71(148111.D.IM111. r al t," .N 4Frr#t°? . q°4 8 44: IigESTOU,SIIINOSTINIr 4.'77litd-Oliio - ,:060; :M l lO/V4 1 4 ,11 • 731.2‘114218=W1LL neyAr. t I ; Q mg •Eiriukiiiiiieu • •.v • 1 15611d1 9 ' i , 12=E12=1211 Oceifti3o7474o. IV. au paw la Um indled Stat. Canada. Interco allowed on This Depadts. (.; NirEd aria vutlithar BoUCIIT AND roib szo.m. vas. zioiratte. winder. privsnmeau BANK:FOlVsmruccil.. Ittreostly the DIiUCJIASINGLESIZITCTION - Fourth Street, . trlilarsi r iaipsl4ol4:o""ktrzy g::rignlVltgargrat . `"_. Boks*, Ily.tarn usw Um ti. 7 T.Litlartltattpt y ertottneaVa earalnp OppoMilly t tr 71briegi: P° 1•14TellV=iIniMfwi d oaatllagW ezd enathim nprd. Z.,oimirc2.-cprllffaikzumporatts ZEM L A. Illt•DaV: '6 l l . 7 ligli. S. NOCIOX, tikt ilftiNvorni '...%iffuulgbiti, liri:LIIIIIR, firf u itii. 5......ai1W. WA. iL Edit. 44.iir . W&STaI :MIN • ::,'.:.11131; atixisigithAtred, • ' • C M C4II 4 I *FRWP.. I .B 4 OO; Litanqt. Paid sieThae Thrpogitti • Aar saua •aimaymir tkor oa,•Dilltar• Pitbleat- , 7 lliNnoll • BELL,, ,, - • 111 . * rt:"§ifiw;tNilifitursaatt, . • • lie:, Haary /1: :1144 " 4 " . " U. 4/. - . . • • ,D°Lum, • •.. - • • i - . • SAVINGS , BAN - No. -15 Fort'. Street,l , ; 01ILLUTHEE8D. fl IBM .., In flMtiiP 2 • 4-7416 a illtr *mbar Int, ht. Tto II co , an bow a nniatban Lt ten Kay tit. theato &Vats I -.-, • - ThrpadDlni naiad of natal *Wool taaa Una Dollar, aa4 a dlot 4 °Ma orals do alatod taloa , y car. la atlas ald December. Law, carat has be, det and mal-saatm/11 la JIMR Oad heehaw. swat tat Bata taf adialflal• " sn rata an alz per cant ajea. ,• - • , latAnwt, -Ilt not draws an. LI ,tam 1,0•• OW want at the &Nation sa prlaalwa.and bears tha saw. Masai Ms Mr alaiof aaaa sad Inaaninner, aosapeanding tato. a year vrittmal troantlas Ina donogaor tam/Lan area la innamaat Wa paw Wok. At 214 a Ma moray tall alaabla na lea. than taramira, ,_. ! ;gooks oattaa.,•tao Chaster, la- afal XeasiaLlosa,fanla a d wails. at at UN oaten ••• • , • Pnammun—szOltEli LIOR M IL'• I faun a. jankobra, --, _ A. U. ralock. M.A. •:. Bea. L. inu..... k : Roan Bo__ - DIN • i mam Hardsaa, Jahn R. aena,••• .. Lao U. Pagacat: Cnnlantaa ea n zn,, ; saatr Ira. J. Aadeaaar a ? 3 ireara.i'..Laaa.. L: :'• Witr.'4". a . - • - 144175:_4 1 :4 Th A. Rine Mit. •:-, : , :- lee 113333. u.• . • ...' •, . r:"...7L'41.,,,i 4 ' rolVii...Vr*,. -. , . kinan. •Riaaralt. , ~- pain. J. 11 91131 ii. . , .. W33. - E. S. •••*.. _ , , Aloalador %Wa y ~ latkard lia a , - • haao WaThlam: ~ i ... :- 4.4 =N i XabEtAilldgaetalgr i" , .' lacatroaf,Jaa, 1111112116. ,1 - 43/11 ~.....--••••; 1 4,111, % 10 E1e/te7 l -I_i4V4g‘l.cil (JAIN 814 ANLYAlkillikU & 00. 4 • ;I?). su =run mu= (Oppialts 11.114, Matey) &NM POEM lid al mu EMS 'Mired Boa INnspe. Elytmniy, Tar" L.l4i a ll Neu odi. nay, lrua cu.. gut rrospi 41.1 aarunlar aucal3=ll. rmunae city ma e0u.17. • P. L. ATWOOD . OLIZICA AIM —a.. M WATT.= ITWOOD & rennin': muss FOMERS, maw IND sad Frrnia , n, Canal' drd and Lesitrazar43,- Lbrre Myron • Ibmin Instabeap.P.:ai‘. ;SOH sad Hem iszatal at prams:, IA LAI.. Mamba atteettoa pad ss ft., 'utter ost r iuriAiztTillotwi"lf . uaboau. Bat . lus . Agars tar LiLeureren a cc's STEAM..p.mstpe' ...„. . . .• .Lowssix G titles,• rifts isms. 4•• Moist al vss tag. oTwair Mims. sad mu.. lir mkrtYllid 10 ens Ws CM*. rm. taanalattir Mad. • trtlaull AO t. c00r7a....a05.11•11i—..W701 ' • JOB X CIWITt4cO . ., -- BRASS FOUNDERS, Ate= and Gas Yttten , . 01 rumps /JD =US WOKL, K ovary etualquos; distal La OID xi& TULDTLIII.4... Celia pf Pike U. Weill Streets. • PITTSBURGH. PA... aylinst • HOTELS. THE MANSION HOUSE . • • ri EH SIGNE I) beg to an ra m ,.. tbir !Throbs m tba , p4thlth • Miiitrlrin d Atk °""rIASI'I4 N 0.3411. "Liberty iliket, seatlass le kb. , "l. 12 . Liu besift bOlitli I. awn b reTi Vlr:sYs=rt°,ll2:r: wa po_ 74sTabts Isd Slasslioesoi Ica ' = r te . d teg r lc n tl Irty, be scomsa.s.l•27. Ossikselsel i. l3. say Nes, Is a a4lo4ictisr hula. et earit versmy tow la wane W .a. in, .11A or 'MOM rooms t " H. WAGNEB, r • mins mum. • coanocrraD 01 . LEI /31180/141/ rua ST. JAJWIES HOT • 'No* 4 1 0 4 4011411 • 14 ft* '- osmodstteliaiiiogo;" . : nits • I.: LONA trorietee rug IMMO I••=ltutota zaasity bat t■• muo " • aarr 8 44rstat i' 1.1 °4W Man Vion•V r* i . Z " 11:=1 ctn. rat: r="ustrp=rM 13 .5 4 •M511 MUSS tad prasentel • - LUMEN HOTIL. 111:1111131Mmut /7.4141 B. L •, • • Oar. Peon 6 Cleiral Sts JAND3 =1" =l= i f i ti we ttell SO We riblUs • , "la tairzcw.Opinaliaw • Mite 4,,VP. i 4' t,b . 1 4 11 7 . 1.7. 7 4 4,4 !:.4 'it . „ /UM s.eirtAi: ify Open to On 'meld...want ' On; ' arziatinkiersnurive, to Wonted. ne Mat We/ art drama, [, . ni•Mtiiircs Mfg* riltkorz. ....ate ame RaW r ; H ar4.4" 4 " 3- Lit t tatlit l44. ' - `•• := 7 " . . 60111 . 1110 . 1 .A -ArT_,•ll3loo , l - , tor !sae H. .11.1• wtnp.the main VoIDDS..IIWiIi,OO7.OI4"2"' L irAL 'lmar- 0 (%1. rnFvfici. - >~afiena irt!a tits comaiscrso atdpilay,Erenhig, J inlia ink '`'ugblNm, ';t • : TOPETT do P9I,IITSS"B 1101110100ISH Huai & 7hhly forypiiits 4114:1N ' plum' ad. • tlab•spigg MIST#11}111",711011.N&I .... . o,l6l7qtra siNICIS AIL 1 a nunart • jits. A.41/4114wAiin ..:.;...KM/4411014,:' ~ art, (lOUs • ? ;' it lot 14< ; ad 11 m . 40 as, 75 , mits , t , trnrqd 50w, r r uttuzcanze. &maul; ' ' 01le-- I fv'crteii-Jazicio,l PMiU'OrIi 7, WORKE4 -. : ::11;4.-'.:t-:."--,'•;--;:-,7'.-7-,r.:`•••It..4.-.r-ti!. 7. 11 i Eueeka.-Catbort:Oil :Air-taawn9) - Vbitl CHM= ilinKKU:Wit Wal4 - • crugsearkagiasitClabriessbiataliig, lardri*Mie. Writalean4 a: a ammo BY ; Ageni, - •Arismn.H.: WA INCI 'Bi- KONG . peOplotiatior.L reitigeininit*liediett. tia4Opa. ..„ WAFRINs. AST H R LONG' PIJItB 01111MIEMPIO • Drasa.,—W&Y,, 0110.10.1 varirimisen. BROTHERSc` minaa ERalign tIAND ICILILta 111 Petrtiletinuatd ita Products,' JI•V• .• • it, ornalr.l).: LIPS Vora. of Drikinsima &ad 1 i Z, 0rk0Z. , 211.1, Raba* 41.,:; • =1 EaCtLE .-, F 4811176 7 r. "i1'4" .1 1- 2 4#1!:.,":„ WIC IMIAN &ANDERSON' -..-8•40i2 7 16 eaters PET 0. VAT isi4coiniaour, Door arzsze. DtD DIAIDESWIt WAY. SOHO • a •I Lyrical pa 21 it.wv it;u:s . l4 _ AO. irr IT. prAls rre..s• — - REINA* ak,"4*-4.]: '4: LEGAL isrr ll ir thx 2 e• or Azim u t .VL , S r wimo yt M e llol OP ?LW/ atf tat add Ces , l Stem Lte Ifte. • LLLJJJ Dxsinct. el ressaylraLle. • Watt vas. • et ha Wawa • Sas tra to ate Mattel ;ears of isa• Valued at. ha t ... '' lea at t•ht•vl et les • aaltsLa ea tt e .- 9 ga sA. 17. awn . , on. kat Z whist.. pas am; Is•galLobo. sod mat kat lekleher airmen. aLlosa. tal- llea eteile.st et we lame. et Pt , . az *ere •••• , ad trowel's:alas u I a haul le elerelleallt.: Ye Ciag Tat.Vrantrres..""&cle ar eez...7. L. b. 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I2 ff• stslZioun °Y rianWhanki Arens 111,Lnuitk r. the rs tut. ttuu Dv Prmiuria s 2 !" - XaabSeqr‘:•Ottei s..u. ,Ank VDI AL ta lurvs boo Za • , inili• - 19.11 ]`it or ritaavaim • . •!. Ileksta alma/ . 011.1111 Weald KWVat 4 2ES.0,ger t rut, ea.". BC ..-,l•nol.nnead ' >,no •• MAIM,* vrit t ip! '" • - I•4A, ' 5 1 .1.1.44. ir wa t byaftio.hfatiiiTCATitt.•' nus tt: fk Ns Trtmw.” %F is i *" u Who Iltkirrsl.* Baal *t WWilltoll sleek of Broompf i ut U iti4e, " sar w.! bi • IL 43,L1P1.2, utaltwaty 111 §3l E=23 BM ES Ili
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