Elit Vitt*lfttf GLEANINGS —Blind Tom is in . Buffal o. Bianca IS to,in 'tilde:tank - 4s. —LAS Winiptisseogee is troien 4ar3 —49ildo;ah, Whoonsli, hati slodgo of -17 t Pri!lcis•or Wallehasse • monody. • .; I . —Ainajalkestasr4 whiski abop 4.Tborsaighorof the new opera lumsa at Paris la 1111 - -4..notimriiii mountain has bean dia 'co Tared - - —Por rotti9nonila the Great Eastern hastieMi 19 4 ngldli• —Jnasschek began sanngagementat Cincinnati . • - —Olives ,Logitt _objeits to thilublic applaldlnf. marall4. .4dprizoott's i litsgszine, it Lee esteklais beitiOhlii fir sisti*tifist Cortland has petitioned the Cast to lie allowed to' speak —Gen.-Sickles is connnander!of the 0. in Mei Yin* Btate. . = —Rey. Baxter says restored to Palestine this yezi. • - , ./fadiane."ltarbiclir is to Paris with the youig Neil= E'mperei. statue of the lite On. Wr.dprcnth Is tala tireetie tst Vreulgagton. • —There lie IIZ,UMII6 - LS Elllly liquor iittops as pisschera St. Loins. -The postai •Post slybas•Mr. Shin. ton tha Secifetvitl ths, • . -.Washington - is , to - lave gran. masked bill at the National Theatre. ys pope temerity the lost of a ficr otitis sereszit Who has been with hint for forty years. • • •- - , ••• • —Fifty dolfini per Suntan was the - price of tirelltnit '9TrgiiiTa — iiewspsper . mind In 11'80.:• • . .—Elomhieno is the nano; of the El= who,diseerereo be inventedaltroglycer• • nein 1847. •'. do Eittherat, the Fiench Minie ler, gives I tiltutertjettri, nu/day, is Waiddieftse. 'Zforth Cvartut will be recoosittutted in siY molth at feast ao . says the Rel. 43. Splattered. . • _ rowed:-earrice '•of Chins—iihy Dos afilo senke of 'plote: . Arkansas is otessna with gnat/top: Pens' which don't seem to are a straw fOr the colViteatbsi: • 1--The formates *Melia' of Garibaldi will be Itteritimi to hear that he ban MI Philadelplda- paper .wanta that , towel - Dot to be behind the_ -but to Imelda earthquake. —Every Nally in Tenneatea logo!. vita own one dog; every extra dog la subject to a state tax of two dams. exportation of cattle.has been shipped by. the Dutch government, as . the eattle - plagne rages M Holland: —They tried to arrest Longstmet for tmeepo;st Keertlle, recently, list he beat it sudden and masterly ietiett. —The min mho sighed for s lodge In some . ssita Mello** should go to' Belt Take City, mhere the Free Mums bra i one —A. Nei Jersey aim - %Astor la trying to get a contract for supplying it large •nmatiii or,elorthei 'with commenion I . '1 -41 x. George W. Moon has just writ . f i • , -tee a booth called "Bad English." Some 'of-his own thonld be, given as prominent . • -Bryant Is losing Adaeight, lib: is growing old, and loon 'our greatest poet , be among the, noble army of the •—Three mllliens of death worth of - *lmprovkment was maae in Chicago last year. The morale-were not mentioned —The friends of the poet, Bryint, will be plumed to learn tkst his paper, • . the New York Evening Past, clewed $1.17,000 body - ear. " . -Thp New York Eipreu thinks that r`LoiSi Unties-might he a good thing for • the Empror of China, who is so trou bled with rebels. —On dit that Sheridan inaT marry Miura:lton, ache is flirting heavily in 1 that direetion;" The Golfe:Tr is said to • resesiblfs 'thrift - • -- 4 70 ray friend efiarlei Dickens" la tho significant dedication of the' new book of goos' 'arida the Henkea has iiven to the world. - - -The tendon. 2 app it, rads tioriespendent twenty theasand dollars .:r a fear and has an elegantly furnished ‘- 'house for him. hit'abider In. Raz / Brea la tie presext happy barmier. The Man in Oa old nursery' rhyme I "who inquired : }he way to Norwich has evidently reached his detainatien. 1 man in llforwich dropped's hae / coalinte a bomb shell to lulu itliar.. / , , He heard it' =-There is an old lifighlo.ler liiing in the land o' cakes who lxiaats of hay lag slept one night with Borne. .n ex /•! change &ye that it minis Hartford said the hems thing the day after he had sat on a hot stove. 1 --L magnificent clarity bill is to give:C.ld -the Crosby "Opera Hirose, 4 --,' A. Wats band of one h - Paccdix pieces is to be brought ort,fiCdu Bon. . wed tickets out twenty d °Min for MI kw:diem= mid Lrdyi. Node au ?AP tickets who do roitleceire imitation& pecmnze. • —"Beeping * saf.jet: • •' —Punch says that ducks may lay eg but geese lay wagers. [ • —How can a night watchman get his 4 .: - per diere--Lotvell Charier. ; —Christmas dish most preside* lit _ England—Fenian broils. . —The best material for soldiers' boots i=the 'ldes of hiererr.=ftlady. . —Can.& oast be said to be not a mot • j :because you divest yourself of ii-? : —Yesterday the Mayor ' s aservoat was • A stolen. Where was his Pelisse ? I -Wind is the best-remedy for a flag. t. ging of spirits? A flagon of wine. [ makes the heart grow fork • i der"-of some one else.'-Tomahawk. [ [ —The_biggest portaumteau known,. • the Grand Trunk of Canada—Pasch. -1 -sin the case of the theft at Mayor Michael's, his Itorior was non--salted. —The moat appropriate Now Yosis •Al call, "Say , Johnny, let's take w drink " —Brigham Young's talents for 'hi ing" would find ample employment in • . • .Shtake. •;. latest 'political (virtual:ire repre ahtal.Grant's platform, He Is standing on nothing. ".• -.When should ttssliirest season Le &tits height? When its at its harder, i to be sorrel _what is the English commander do. 'ing ,In Abyisicial . Carrying the War —Wny Is a lady's throsit...likean apprm . [ dirge to her watch? Because Ilia a chat ter-lane (ctiattelaine.) -, . —Punch. thinks there is en obvidus propriety In going out to dinner In a • earz. Mettange lays the ladles would ~ 1- rather - face a mad bull than not hove thelr.dreases gored. - • 1 —Harding, the runner altnon4l, a dahtlng editor,/ Is likely to Ste very art : ly opposed to Mill& I —Durinkle47,l3,oodAo worth of p • Tr i t , y was tort by assurnboat . dtwtors on Western rivers.. t —There Ise tide In the affairs of m ! ate, eta., and when It comas Women gel .exally find themselves In a tied place .. :—What is the . differeneobetirem bdr . ber and a Mother? One bas mots to ' slave, and-the Other his shavers to nano. . —A paper says that "In parting w ith h the 'Dueness of Gerolateln,' tbo New Yorkers no doubt' exPreased wish to see her Offenbach." - . tt —The thief who robbed the Mayor pea .. terdat entered by_ the:alley-glue. be alley-others of his Honed wore not 41.- 2 % Wrbed.-411.11a. Blenetur. — r Obarivarl bas school scene. "Why E.don't you study your Homan ldsteu7r . rays a sebool.mmter to a lazy pupil. "I !ant waiting' for It to be finiebsd,.” - IN the reply. ' • —The negroesdbout tonlsvtlle are still afraid to come intoNovni for dread of the . ' medical student& "We don't" like the . ••• . way cloy doei things In die-seetloO,", say —Thp Home -Aurae mentions as an 1 . :elegant and appropriate holiday gilt to a lady, "a switch. a set of earls a braid or chignon." C ertainly ; arse set of 74" . fable usethor s glue eye.- catra H. A COLD. OR A MaISORZ SWairei tormsdllasa y rad ,Scald to AT c m astled. Li allow al to. irrl attain of the Mango Tormaadiat , Trost MP... or tosionapiono Is oflamthe mat BMION'B' BRONCHIAL TROXEDIV , - ... • direct Wass. Is taa i , srta" modiste owe. Ter ttroosimil% gftSes.nfrsPesdoir.: stoslratll d O4tsla <nay •• Itows . • kup;ffle '1.0! caw' , awl do w.f..e may or too lkOzyM.,p IlscrAnon cb•l mar 0. Ware& - Mr.oTorlrial. soliseiT grin& BARNHILL SC CO., BOILER MAKERS MOST ram WOBERBO, Nos. SO, 22. t and =Pout et. • N amparad a forge yard atta istitutet 11 oty, tat awn appro.,* mochlsorry. on aro ore. pared to tiassZectars wros7 dmerietioa of Mon , are 1M Um Oadti u mmizer. mad marmated anudto say Made totsitrz. Cllanaya. Enecle tam ilire Beds. Memo Mark., Locomotive Botk• 'en, boa donu(:alt. Yaw. OU MAIL. Ladtmon, Set gotta Dori. Briosem Buie rm. atd ovia,‘manahmtarere of BARN ECULTAI PATENT BZJILMILS. Maipatriaz dose ma th"..).t.aturt 000110. leMeat firROBINSON, fIEA k CO., commospx so =swum Kiaks a MILLIESS.) WASEONGTON WORKS, roa.ditra aladifeclalillta, PI • • • itaaafaelafora of toot Mt itatkoacf Sta. Ta}tw.Blaaisnilaaa.34o Matitinery, Goan lhazi thafttaz. Caruso of all tocerittiota ;011 Tanks sad BUIL. Solar mu:1110K flys Waft. ' atm No. 10 WOW TM, and taaltato/O W. WAsatto tar ersrisnis r•Trxr 121. ILCTOIL for boa. toter. ' 001.1=0 grIJIALE IMPERIOR COPPER MU a summirommis PAIM 111.41:011A CO.. ebtataMir. Un= l cneased Came, saildnaa. l RAW. SW Be Spatter Solder. Alan, akplortaal g ra Malan n Its Inataa Meat Ma, re. 2.4 Coaatantly oa nand Tfanatn• Nadal,. and Ittlielirr&VD•aipa_l4loT lasicuri Plussll er ____ o va . atm , .ar 0.996 , en bof nirT' RE KLAILLO POOL. • imp ao;r4r. or =um. ', . , . . . . . . . await, Assocwrioa Sul - DrelS., , To2 TODDIES Yr!, on It. CIiOCIL OF BOLITUDE, end the IBILOICB. ABUIJA end DlSitaden psrlildh destroy the nasty powers, and mated*. pralines.. to ILIULHIADT.. silt Is Imre massed ater. Sent is mated Inter envelopes, free es Berds• Adam% Dr. J. liIILDIra EIVUOII. :MN,.ownol Allion., Philadelphia, Ps. -•0144/IVY . , . mr-Quarcm . .a.scorr, DENTIST, sls Imunr BTSEET, r=l PX44 4 (BR a_JA A :41 sz INCMCSON, 911911001 & VOLEISJIM. kur t enzary CITY Property gT '.dixrc:rxmcnor. EM!:tM==M • a SATURDAY. 'mar) M Wawa griltibe sad by noun. ea U. praetors. aratraliv locabla tYas•atslY DAILLISO WARM. ria. 11 tubas', area. Ailagbar • UT. coataalsi arta rooms. rata Man aa4 arr., wick bah and '<alba.. raper, oarataaaad inuring laassallaat asath. trim. Gl = I=l ;IL Irtirir ' ill ' fft o : -1 411 la fawns. Labels aura NN Res. . 1.54201 Pal IN beet to 020 fast %Ms/ ale , - Mita fas t amisas4 al satire at. tittles al Im am as sal aa rattataa. ea abaszat ay tin anranstems 'to tba atty. base saly.terr alautar. Was Ram tan rhlabarph lattliaUg. YARHOOR f IretiaLLARD, Asallramen. • Rand El lira area. • wr A. motx.w.A.Ui. , AACIGTOR9 9 [TALE OF BANK. Nan. LAlLlgfiab. NATION:NV N .N. 13 ISNUNANCin soot:H. AMP IMMO ♦ LLCL pa& BON I.O.—TULSO SVaillifl, Jasaivi Ma. at TgAhleet. - Aral tra meta. a 7 ante of Its. nentora\ on among A..? of Cassgarair.l Vasa itons..lolignitbeala 10 Awns Inn CM lantioul Nut. vn tiaras litacUa Sa l i e nt II seam Poisons s a t , NI NW. Paapiaa • Malaga Nut. Straps PIISAWIA ' tbarta Noninsarsl. Navigation Co. ' !Salami , .11,lanto.av oallar St 0 imam notioasabala tenets.. Co. . SO shares Wesl.llA la•arsa ea Co. ICAO IndliaasNikaelser Ballraal lands li.ooutd run Xenon. Inn. AU. ***** V. sl,lNl,Allogneav eool. Coanvl l A. IMAL. BourlA. 511.2.••• • oilman Nata.sal Jason. ID Oar. IttnekAger arrisr•Auk. Stan. It Ira agile.' slut. IA AA. ral AAA 14tIonal Vaal. .tarn A •••[...A. Stylus Nut 2)saarea Cala /anus.. Co. to Mimes pint Dam.. • StOthltieg• 10 Ours. Cont-al Tivrascortionlos 00.. falain)- tiar Car toast gnam annular Pea Co. Mot. _ 'NO Oates Eeyatone WAWA{ Slot. A:1 Oar. raw, A atiaano miegrayb Co. Jail - A. IIicILWAIA Z. • actiona•r. . _ BELTIDERE FOR SALE.—Stue seiglblo eta, Ise of Watch see Orly foot heat, nagtogazok one Imams and torty-tra to ono hundred faits hosted Mit Stew ka. Tare. Loa. forts host:rest, rsootiolt haltsrad and twenty toots lug. sad Well , tee tort 3D dsplao ' ~,r4IA- 1 7=71.1t-IVlLVllfyiltr ot t o s a ,eolostao two sans and twesty, oat wale, with gratorimy toyesing to en sad a bale. Is and ontllnit kit to en tlts lot staking for Utirtyosto Coats. asd otter eettallollag. sot • caste fatting amino toeing. VITA unarm at tosnyoly at !slot ear dens tamale. y las proterty will as *dared at of ado at :11:Lteeoak aIIYSULY. olsassry 404...• as, two reslus legoa literal' Resat , Werassa yeantylraols haliroad Dir.o4 at Y. . l. Asst•S• r01e),3 4:44 (1?;I:4 :to :4;.31:13 ica crEs.A.x. oorrscrntimim mita unnispricimadosttly 'rum...two risoziwzm No. Is DIAMOND, I.llailies7.. Roister w. rrosuscw, .- Confeotinery and Bakery, N.. N.. 11111ITIMELD 11711/tXr. INtraora Ikeveata =el Many =KAMM 075=1 IitLOWS GEO • 'ME MAVEN, , CART MANUFACTURER, lad dialcr Foreign sad AiLerfcaL /BUM //CML/L. NUTS. au, 112 /LOMBAL =Mr. secensd dair Leto Vet rint Natfarasl Mask. LOatLeAv Clur. I VMSL N. IR7CIiiERSIIA RI Iron ligroker, 124 First Street, ALeat far Qs Ws a OorSystl. Donsil=ste. Josoldse. D9IVIZZ2I. Mum/14 Glowlcs, .d oiler brut& OSA lairselts. Tough , last wry Cabs aid Otlstant's C. B. Cbsrooslne MONIS. Cassis - -assals ssd cerdsts rao.,.trall Ited. , 1.31. WOO . D• AND FIFTH 114TREET • • Sewer Assessment. Ibe sarrsenunis for eonstreaDei me WOOD ►ID SIM MUM' nwira bee been left In minced* for 6.lleetlon. e d would be pelt ea bake. February Ist, 11.11, Is wirer to Pm bate. trzi, *Lintslcu, M=Mn! HARRIS tk. EWING, Wiu;lesale DnigglBlB, Car. of ltbevly I Wayne NA 4 IinTSBURGH, PA City .1.10 °sentry Tavd• 1111•11.111.01. desdn MEAILIVOREL 101111 PER, PLOUR, DRAIN AND PRODUCE Commission Mergbants, sari LararrY IT., Prnasusag. Cosslsumints tAllate& O. Xart.tsw Cada.," Meat*. J. B. Myra:o Co WASHINGTON MILLS, fthigla Strut zeu- Tolima Gait Beata. W. W. ANDERSON, ifaisulteme , of ODRA MZ&t. UTE FLOM td unfsprzll YfEO. Orders tfellworso So ales city. tree • t attire Orals of klads ..00pred, sad Ge'a SLoned,. Co short song... STOTEII . 2 STOVE, I • FREDERICK. SCHULZE. • oOpptrr. 11 said ikon Irma D,µl.,l.estliry, Puler and Moab, i k ff erittanis and Block no Wats. 1/511TLUL STUMM feu 'W•Botastos• lassoe , o4 ud tined Wore •km eo.l. tad °MOAT worbolktattlt attended to F aII3IBMANN. • 111111 Ilan Wen tut d ittatlarafith Gunsmith mid Dealer in Hardware. yu r =trl._ "" don prettily. nu a Last pollMajg Rionopm. ORFAT SUE AT COST! 117 lags steer otren4 at eon* t ass ••• Dallas& No. 131 . 1 mare rit betvean NH sad etallt Weals. sad .111 of n 7 Dracat start at VERY LOW rISI( IS, JOH. 641 all 11. 10 Maliblal4 mod' 8/5004)0 TO LO!IN- ON WAIN LED 111.0n0i6L , , ' . ji..,ftetkuustn GI, in. x . zrz . zrin, No 00 IroTolll9r.. Apellen.ll4lag• • . 7 20=0- DB um. NOW, 011.1.8 ad INT 1111,Nasopktoyaa au oda tri , a. m " ' l ' "' " " n """ " 1 ' SPOILS OICRUM, GLYN & CO., ELTZ =IT itzpiavw no= NEW -GOODS! Amass vista we have • nl•adld Ma.A.c,Zl CIHCIOOD/4 Pont lan Conan sad Haaktarcalan: Tont Aopllqui Collars tad ktaidkatalots Maltose Conan sad Haunt:nal. ta, We Mee aim Km* wore of Mae Ladles , A, Geln'aur Topped Climb . Fos 'LW A PAIS. . , Oar HOOP SKIRTS, at-50C., e1: 43, 1 I. a I nr . : cola t w r t w y . s thou; tbo OUT.. Crhoaswv Miii:331401131.1 . •. , • . -• 1: ,- .1;n:iCu ' itela 0.1 Ilwa. for Llt.r. Heavy eaueeklier.e.d Extra, ) Bear, Wom lies.a. The. . . • iNted Cotntry Tusk $1 a lb. (load Salmon' Skirts, *last... tiest's •rerallas skirts. Ma. raw Collars, ten I. • boe. XIO Be erre nut remember Um slumbers or Om IS & SO Market St. MACRIThi, GLYDE & CO. dZli• CLOARPIO . CLOTHS AND VELVETS, cLiasixe our aY COST AND LESS THAN COST, staornew & co..s, I=J = taa dedrable shaslfs In 4 • CLOAKING CLOTHO, I=l Stu atlas stock et W11172* GOODS data/ oat al firsativiledweed Prt cs. t I= No. ST Market Street. 1867. FA" TRADE* 1867. ARBUMNOT, MONO & CO., I==C=22ll -FRY ‘<3-oci - Ds, No. W 5 WOOD 01W!. Plitabosobv si Dutra% prises Dress Deeds. Pilafs. litssltasarr Cttecks Sus% Tweeds. Dasths‘.9.l- Timms. Sashels. 7. a D. Custer. ... rt.. B rs b ar/ asesllo.4e. Barred :risarals, at &Mara sad aaressassir , satar. W. ss.• amass tar TED.l.l.=oDest rims. !UHT nAllizzir, IrLaNDEL9, kinaiNVALLI...D RASHID r sod VUUNTHY ID4I2IILaTS, sol , r mutely as ass. adagios, se KID illses. A tall Ma la all de. parlElloo.. _ assess are lartts4 la =WU= ass goods and Prism STISSCrstsO a- • DRNSISONIr. HECKERT. St Falls Strut. Fine Fur 3 for Holiday Presents. I7= nu &Clan lot!) arcrrricir. = All.lbelo of 1.14 CT JYWZLYY WOOL A IiZAINO lINDLAGAIIZZAIA. ECM iIL9ViII.III3DIEXaCELT.7S, =I COI:ACTS sad lIOOr SELHISI =I •11 au? coati St mit.: tlittlt IA atter tO flogs oat our r.IIIUI noel. (1a! neCANDLESII tc•CO4 iirthron. s ca.) ITLIAITABLILLIL DMUS= LB FORBES AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODL No. W WOOD ETBSSW. lJcee above DUainad gleY. • . = conk cosz. ao ARMSTRONG HELM:MON, dceee.orsm 73111.4alurstA. aro Torarr.V. 111NLICI.Euirrras an.d DICALISS, fun ro.a MTH, of • • • cinmlues TOVELHICIUMCNY • ,CAS AtID FAMILY COAL. Mee Wand ert. lierd—lN/US OF T3T STRE [TES =T. ie.. O SirAlretre kit et Ow Teed or adlrelseiel Df nuAl will be inasoifely BEST FAMILY' COAL &brays ca load mad dellmed maipttr toirda. iz I.OIWEST MIIX 102:8, 31 OSCAR P. LAMM & hilinij tied sal P. PI.T. I C. lifig, /11.1XV,HICIIT errf ll i Wnfri COALI COAL!! COALIO OMNI, STEWART a to,, I=l No. Ota unEwry STREET, iLatwil My flows 1111114 SICVND FUXIN. yew now prwrouva b twraisli wood Toighin.Wwwl UMW. IVT COAL' OS ELAC/L. I.lowo lomat mann Ar. 1.11 oral. ion taetr iddressed i 0 tam throatti iws.ll. will Da otWedal isTR:tOl GILLILLES 11. 41.13318TR0N6, DRAM= IX rauealoannr * ooinnusanw. 4X11.1 Ca.l.decOt.amd Beralpkarlsed.43ol!• 0711 CZ LID YAZD. Goner Pt APPAT sad Donee: Artl.lll3ll as fAIP• ern And tram . nneta. MAD. ward, and tm %nand anon: Amp Lock Do 1. Plltsbank, lamflles ami-Msantscipareas per pilset F. Lest artle... at Vaal or Oats at Ile tamest ma Tam. Lhasa ICI ai imp of Dietz oDomi mill man prompt MAMA. =I S IIPEI3IOB COAL. . C. CHERRY & CO., Waal 1 , t11 . 11M, 7 . Lr Ai rrAlli r lift&Vi L ath SLACK. .1.6.61 delve tod smart/ V. Ali yarta orAtglignvinlarf'l7,mr.lA WAX (lnnivirlt 051.3.101513/LIIIT4 tabargh. I.U. BOX., MI- steal: fr:•s 4:4) . 7 Ji:11 1101118 E IND LOT FOR &ALE.. sllantorl Si ears. et Mama .54 lobo fltUbarals. Loin tees 51 11! nut, ex. , t 454101( teas alley. Pram* 11,050. two Mari. , 5104 aka,* MOW Wel cella; lances:eh to Dan: tyazzatlestaf 3- stel, tots* 11 7%. 0° • - A . COAL NO rou HALE. ezpabbt of 16.049 Nubble daily. I.E. eluding tenant, bonen, non bow. Wet e. mem, and all the weeessafy attar*. for !argebturlaseasse Imaedtate *pasties. Tbart are In scree of coal eels le one of tbe blast valuable works ob tab llosonsebete deer: will be acid low anti on 'nee term. *poly le W./..11101110N. Seal Elitata tgfee. lib V/ Orin 01.. o.olllta 00.1. House. telt FOU eAIX on RENT. CHEAP— Yam at CarMazter l s nation, ea Ike Gold ILallnoad. eoatalal aaut Improve mods. ono booms and sta b bles. good orchard: all Nuntre Ya nk . .o for sadarsUoa, Also, Mo ans] older ls /Odd M.MUS. sad midi Im• 01.14. ° 111711,1 1 1.12:41 0 41TaTa; II us tielalt " Ilot1=1• IME:11 ZOOO,OOO ACRE' 110Iell ENDS FOR SILL Union ratite Railway Co., i/dIZAS ',Tint Lau tie Ilia fif Mitt road. it .1 11.00 to $5 00 Per Acre, E=l iat pulacai... sum addreso Jona ;P. azvmustrz, , Laza O®x.L.:.■.r. Lairsous, LITHOGRAPHERS. Safari emazincT.-......k.—.1111M1T gLIIGEIILT & CLEM, • • . • aleteonlion to Quo. 1. bahaßtakaa i C 0..) PRACTICAL LITIMORAOHERI, Trie 13PrloriTICAMI LITAUtIIII fl ZIPTAS. LlintilllZAr wear or 1111 MC/ M . MUS. para. Letter Mud; 101. 2 4, no. Cards, Dtviallsai4! •a• tnitra ' AMU sr. VIZ trangb• • CH R. A. nazi 8,• LIISOGRAPHKEI, P zto' S .1111 ' ' : TUESDAY. JANUARY 14. 18 c,►T IiEDUCTION CI4LI=I.3PMITBi Wslate dotireeloo4 to rtvo our Arottoosors at tolkez %So 4.lrostago Of wry dealt. to wises tbat mum Do nal. latex lathe norm ma Win today „. . REDUCED ' ,S u, °us ENTIRE STOOK or !lIEW AHD CHOICE GOODS, rat Wi, vim It would wall 4) robes Ca gootia. hicr i ABLAND a COLLINS, 1 • 411 AID 7Z MTH SiZZIEr. 4a1:17s • (11.C09D7L002.) 1861. InsTra gmt -16 1867. _ • CARPETS 2.1 TTINGS, 0110 CLOTH, li/NDOW BHADE9,- DREGGETS, MEDALLION DAMP:JETS, I.EATS AND RIIGS,, I " TAEILE. AND PIANO COVERS, Ai...-WGGL INGRAIN' • gaX assorts= ar. VILRY LOW mom I BOYARO, ROSE & CO.. • Fifth ' QC CAB, ZE3 TORE TO MING STOCK! WM Taj 4Args • lamb* of IL CLOTHS, dow Shades, T 3 1= p_ All-Wool Lagissibis. CALLUM BROS., I= PSI pLs:c7,l:l.ll.aig.laro): l l EB Goons. E HOUSTON 00„ suable . !Sordoni Tailors, Fag ! 10.37 Yq7l 17E7:7, Baialut neared a sei;cia4 an:, of • • • Winter Coatings To t ab., 111 DO Uses or ciArnis. calmi tc.,ES and 1f14521... rt. o.4stred .4 " irtri 'Lb"' aL011114141017,1=4 " 441V414= 441.14 Fob TIM HOLIDAYS. `iauesox BEADY FOR TIE HOLIDAYS, Wid4 lax awl u test *nutmeat et Bt. ft LK 1•11, a.IBALIM sad JlLL'tao- Ptil.t li SUITS, rucruse . uidcausnits. OTISOULTS, dll Ltilu YAHud. Id • rut urter.d. CRAY & MOGAN - zo. R 111. Chad letradt. Y: : We/LADLE. •:' • -,: • -..-- ; Merchartt Tellor;' , irri se. 93; Stattlifelt , Et., Plttsbargb. 14.5 COARYSC yco 61104 aloe itasortateot Of Ct! HP, CAFOIOESIN it VICSTINGS. 11 , GENTUMENI FUP.PUNING 6'603. riz.4ra otarriirgu aLaoz so mom a and Won stoles. . . - —.-- - t IkiERCHANT TAILOR!. .. J. • 3011E1 £ ItUFF, SI. ST.. CLOVE ITSEST. barejo at lamoott !ZVI= 71PrVeNiggIATWa. ' 4-I,_;:a.avv..,—..7s=ra - thni....,%: off., Thai In dol towage 0 to down . . mot Inf, tomootre a"ltortl ootrionio. ...Ma.. 116 ) (*) ft .1, oKi:q DISSOLIITION. 11+1. I. ItAnrsAy Atm that . ea Copartair 14ip esintsg Won. MILL A ZWINII was dlasolCed of WA 1105.6 of tax XXXXX by' sliunia WILLIAM MILL. al• A. . DI ISOLOTION OF PORT-ER; .HI .-11 l paratenlifp tonality existing bte siree.4 jra. a., arca:alas 4 d Y U. ROHS • • win Hssolvel Dec. U. LW, I.lanMal muses:- . 401: at War. H. n'THHHH92I. niesoLuTioN as. FORTNER; g. , HIP—To• rarnwratrreten.renzlallse In to nienr see ewetat HUH. 'CRUZ .4 a. YMEEE. to ha, name a LOX, a WISE, U YU .4..7 1. af mat. , lanaaat. All peeeeaalallel adtoWelbanngaeatadblast•w *Oa tool lalialag a all.. Denalt Una 1.1.4 WI.. CMet nom. alit a.tong to the sot' Tantwaserr bean.. all M few1.....1 TtUtitt I.A.M. sr, Ms old mad.no En Ws. , t .tystett.. rittstnrib. )11Hal ZneX. J. 114.1141[21. ! PltUbareb booby 1: tYtlYsuwe . OF PARINERIFIIP. N•17,f15, !!.1 1 1. T ,Y, 6 = joy am/ betwqr=cb bat.. JAN Baer, Ht.. Hotterama ad of Nladerbeld. audio Hu era To ow Hyla of 112111 INT. Nil.. CO. In th• Mame IF NsaareelNel•NNlO. Bloc s.l .estsleei It *oast Nudes Jim UNIT. tevompole valosnee se loWelre ein/t, rlttabarghlzaLtils lyelaNtasl Vr•ril LOUL.I"I4"/"ltilliTe&lntewat: rt.11?"”i'"l1711.70:t1tt;.1.= 'fld • • J 11.2.4 NT. JOHN BANS. H. HOLTIIII/4. • '• LOOP. WdeLlllll/OLD. ratimegn. Dealmler 1. ICU • WO& fUIgaiLIETION or co-Peer• sum -Th. arm 1111.1111801. PAUL= di 00. - I Hat tide da.41111111 , 11' oth, Thu. Win I. tiftkl r t.tg LAND. fel t. 0. YAMIWU sad J. 11. 11100 L. le LAND. he basis... of the epeeve will be setziod oay try sad wet and by S. B. Mt irn. .01. 1. c. end J. BREWS M. CIALLLBI D. wader Um ltrnetaSie SYI9IIBON, VAN OOK &M'CLiLl,iliD .11 J.l .11 PL•ZIL. . SNIT rieuk, rlill./..111. rssomsosil Is Ms Issorstof wads . ..Orli.? forms,. Warms, on tea WOO WUr eastlsse eselosts st ta 4," mriinh i " riA • 2 ecuLues • E! lisu o V 7 1.. J. GILMORE. Yana esudw . x vngla s, Jam m u I. TRUNKS Valises, Carpet Bags, &c. LADAZIT SAtCH se. ~,,:rwroon ittiebarsig. .13:02 New COIIIII6II , OIrENVO. • • :49 bbla rasa Slam *autos.; try bal. Apia al 21. las Drl•4 ApPlea: . MOO 11.• yin piscine; 111.11:4110a Tam ; ' tamale liaaloanab..d Factory Obey/4 114 balms etas. M 091. rata. Nar7,Bta.: abla la ball...film*: . 11110.• Willa Con KW; oats 11..1 Lardi it. Mateo labia Satin; I r at b ile lMtl If bile Saimaa Claaa: • - r i."3 : 4". V P " nitiltr a 'slum. Tot ea. Ja7:lo. JAMES B, JONES, - -1 nutria sir !TX: a tt u on al lt g ht Ir on I Corm!, Mid... 414 - lad Illy. UUUUU ok. •11. CI • flou4o. c1...2.--J. - 12.1.713 ,1 1.......D. r. La I N CITY BELT woms.s. 1 1 CV,. O. CLARK& CO.. ainii.a...r....cm.., aoferlpfkolh of DOM, littetelpel. 01M=a sad Allow o•2•Wfazoo I/town:stow Boltizi, . ? ura;Nr9.11.7.1..7:2 1./ 1001 a" CAPITALIVITL—A rare op. snarl. eli•red In as tinstimest • nakapat for o. isa.utserare of • Ind. X/ 1. Pa 'realise, a• 1 Is eoraolets rusol./ r sag iegaln.f capital led Ask. It ty par*. loresisent. elletalod In th e eft, Irsi , ..bs au • a Pi tbri . D. /PLAIN 00, • 113 /Mt. ESONGLANZOITS. LOOS UTRILWORKS. To DlEwhinista. Cr;rlC3 BOARD OR WalnfiConacts.3 o .4l4l4 Crrr or or. Lora, bee... Mt. • 1 SE•LED PROPOSALS, en &nal ••reopeoal. far IMO Sarno. Pang. Water.. a.. 4 glnarabl so Us ”Soard of Conualsolonera." will b. matron af. AtaLrodloo. soothe A manor of Arena ant Mu ' , reel, OAT of So Lout., mat 'reel. Webb/. awn. of AMWAY,: Lao smAniberratab , lar of January M. as able'. Door too kids 011On017 Mend and road. tor tra1141.4 Sad arson- Inf at llasoll's baba. CAI of lb. 140th. two olgo @erne. roaring analbab ALIA 101/ . 00 ." apparseauo. aonirdate; Alb / Al Do. 4..4 pitted sad ready for oferlao DI Lila 01t Of 14 4 . 4 .01 4 .4. Aar saes., Ab. .<4 to Oamalelod APau' male. by au In of Jaaaarr. ILL IM, at the was tin. one oboe. aral TIOL. TOULS, Insfous44 urnma sus for Low mow. gaol/lag Asan. 4 4 .• and dtheatod to Um 4. llloard of water .nnwo.loarrel aftwosabl. for Nwelag Sad *netts, al alsoollb Polar. city or It Louis. ow •Am banes poraPlall argon. with 11.11. n nod appartonanees.oesplate. in gine Co. Ito ba e0wp14.4 an 4 may tor minim. by In of Orrber. Is 4 l. laglso NW 2 to be eoraplet 4 4l and end, for meta. DI In of J non y. of tea engine. and Dollen can b been, Arta spnlll4:4Uons watt foe. of 14=1 sae contrael. au be obtalsol upon mop Lon .4 the Ingtnesre odle4, as or O • rb ea or after TbarMar. be Ink or bocamber, LOA, and also at Its alba of WU. Z. IDUATB4II4 4.3.11 Anil , neer. CI Aroadway, Now Tort. Ilia =oast or nanny will not Della Max filly thoneand dalla to eat% contr. , . Tae board nt. err. Ifeelfl4e 11411 to facrene till soma. al *wailer &Aorta. wagon!. an pe to of sole Dot exlang aleN to of ta tentasa. 000 Ca 14 rosy doelea nun It I. fan Ina latern of ono el,y sago. Abe melba earned mug Do raaldant ffeenolders of th• *contact 11, Louts. • • err we. of Awl Board. 4404,111 1.10. 54.AUDD, Prasldanl.. CHENDELIERS, BRACKETS AND LAMPS, sqz mm gas cm or d. Of latest patterns► isel but worbbtAttUlp, Sian DO.. most 'Walk r• • • II Licht Gas ciasdallan v. w.h. 9 • •• • 001 • .• 141 •• 11.4 . 1 n tlne l at[sr pu To a • ==. ate All et latart paler/11 eea bectirerkasellOA. Kitchen, Hall sad Parlor Lampr, ond•stassol WO novas attnitid; pnablo.la Jiaaon &ad Jay, sad on oronid aer Ph at 9O per nat. or tour par von., sad adund tater• on Cron Joann Ist addad. noonoirt• • At 1/31. Ulu an yield noorlY , 6.30.• €00 0 .• I 3 IPA ID !MI is ganatlllos to WI ARTHUR K 1111 sad 114 Vedas! 81...lubssI solekal* THE' FORT PITT west unttiAls routs arose, nusoccut. tie 'Maks or tautest Ossapulas meshy praint attutlau. Bands' most try mars pn.a. to alp walrus Li W 1:1111.4 DWAIN a our cast. lulanuattau. Dasartottv• rataillOota. Miss. fo.. Ittalstud spoossttaa st Wolin . . • : : : r t $124,000.1 or lb. mania Coupsut. I X. 61 W 11.1.1616 11T113t3T, LUMBER CO. rreslitess—lLDß. DITH2LI4IIII. llerietv 7 s-e. A. WRIGHT. SuperIASHAWAL—JAH GLIALSTIR TM FORT FITT LOILIIIR CO. alarm pros elmead TWO THOU +MOD TOOT. HI:MORRO ARID TWSNTY-ONM RCMP of ascallaa raa• AVIS ta Fagot Roam!, Pa.. aad oreesaa there. ori a large Steam Saa• MM. aar_gre t• , . Ajw ti , . =;LZ U I ar. CLaai rk7l • EMI VIII, tans if Inlet ui SOK Btu. 'llan 17 mailotbo;dri be O. air _ • dreasediTo ll•erstairy. MMIZCIMI PITTSBIRGR IMPORTING ROUSE. 111TIThIalliD SCHMIDT & FRIDAY, uu.ogroso or GERMAN, FIENCH AND SPANISH THUM LIQUORS, • 40 Peas Street, Pittsburgh.- • reIIALIDT buts. Mused Re po,. bat macs lark. pa tetukseik, and joart•Hol •rrantsskesur IW4•/A( Int um* J.itg.Chasepsfroo.. . . lie vs song SPora•Y. C•a. =PQM. J. PAA. ally • kV.. Cos... ~* aml nor. oak.. A a1118L11.3 CH Hoital•• Saud, CHO. •Dat•• .I . EH VD weld ..e DT. I. oasbark, • tbala. A. •It Tula s Hock sad 110.11. . 1 4tgrataliitzf:.aa ' Aios. IT nip mostment of Gina GUI UTZ ART nUr ea bud. %Virg: V.14,11:2A LlHJaula. r quality tad Haskaj. , •• at Pa... W..— .H:114 TO WREAT GROWERS. ciapat MOMONIATED SONS uper-Phosphate of Lime. ru.s uyurrtrazasi THE ALLEGHENY FEAMIZEN CO., SIiWARD & CARIL'BELLI Oace, 156 Penn R., littabirglii4a. • Tha te&t /*rinser In 444, aid regalprieed hr all Yemen eren lame Oven i • thleli'lle tea re . rheaer4 raisins biro crops of Wk.', Rya, Usu. Core. rorafet4, le. We hey. Pehrlet er nature.. cliesuethhe • lherePhiehoellthreihe ureate,' and 'Meter* 41atemeels al teL 41. rather, Bevies of welch .10 Oa net Ma le ealf Beller a& Wiz &Berea.. ' MYERS, HOPPER & tilisseenors to H. is IItILOZZ. &tut. =1 FURNITURE Of Every Description. SCHOOL AND OFFICE FORKITURE No, IS Smithfield Street, errassoses. re. /1111r1 t I 1 tissortaesta Mind Iltrattnn CalataAttY lUII. at lAMMIT . C. A. 1111124.... W W. C. EICII71)...:11W. IL WILT =Mims' 111farrsasSse se Olek. SW. sr Nasull *small as ssmy •c . re ts Sae Ms Dig ELL /A CO. , ' U 35 Waatrrl Also of Mad sad tacarZet i 6Ln z ervzs, • • GMAT. 71101.11414 7VIDIRS. caulLititi !ANY= as 1 A GUEAT FAQ mi COTIFENI. ♦ war aid soya attshirmahl tha UM' I HOT _WATER BOIM3 att. aboa , a the back tati of mimes soak Novo,' that the Ital. buss an lel goo• ay Oa awn. .W", 4 last g.,."1,4 1 ."11, 4 - 1 ?.ial: IT'7 4 iir,cll wits ylppiouo of lbw liton.. This sel•acifinitmllnif al Ito pot an tour/ 30.7. Bane asamah Ooothsla UM friTIIVILIArt; UM IVA OTUVZ.or almost sar abet U.* SO. mane la the Uslost, tam have Balltra tailwind to shalt Moves, 1111101 mt /illanktaunt. thal Balla, a.. L 14%. ma Babb Clack. tar th e modes , Ala *oaf, of thILLAIL4. by applitiat LATCCON Sealer 'of Welgtiti sad Maser& Die: amtsrni ornorre. Emma Liberty Sid raw item% Urdm promtrituattaidel to aptindi No. au MEM "rum D. R. IEACUMUEL, BISSELL & CO, Iff!MMM==rll=l =I JACKSON & FREW mucosa., to Locums! s lass.) • D1AL19.8113 BOW% Slidditlyv Trunks, Am, NW; thlf illn.feasllo.l= Illaketh*ci, ul lons hillsge. Lt that IlirllyatMolll, , WO" 199 stre et Wei nifOrgrjoonwiesVia ABD INTEREST 'uremia com. THE 888 .Fordlssrplua, CavigaL Vii atteolloa . ol . lavtatent Thttto... 7.. e . sad others Owlet( s• sox lull? Wig, n' Ilsto sail proltablo Imo a teat Lantst -4 ottat, la ettled to tae advattuttea d Istanacal f Pacific Railroad UT FIRST MORTGAGE BONDS. The CINTI3I.I. PACITIO SZITLIOAD COX PAN! otter for sale their YOSITULEUT TRUITT TZAR BM PIS CENT. BOLO' BONDS awl eTtnelt to. Isolators the Mewled:, men( other ebetoes . eossldendloak IBMS the romiartstre TUB the mutts sad reeelleette. of any elms! corporate seeluipe.: 1. nen bonds an bated even the nest 'Mel and ratable Tut ot the Tread Nattomel Peelle lealltostt, boos . Become Tor mats ehateel et toramtuoloetto• ea tie of Usent. 1.. The local rettlewest. sad the batten.. Ilterefetesi. V rosesetsbly large Yd profttable, Yd ant woutten.l7 Isareste. , 111. The ..Watt wart of the read Le seillnill, the reteslsder will es .1.11417 curled for ward aver tee Balt Lsta Pain.' IV. Stub gyrator "art of Um largos Isetsuri to bole! lb. read lo provided by Ile U. 5. Gov. onuseat oye oo a nabordlaato V. Th. !taw sad able! CV..of OaMitres bate eoatrltat •ed upward et pl,aoMoo to the ea- Lapel" without Uen. VI. Ma grad of La Is destlaed at ast eara lay to arose of far grater aural vol.. tha tee total a Ile /tat &dame Heads mud spun tbe road and anaemia. VII. Tide road Iles altoMber aloa gad ad Weer orodaelag rale., ad L. manes are realm! la cola. VIM Tee ateasgemest of tlde Coispeny bas D dlttlaseleteal Ist etudesoe sad economy; ad MO enrolee eatatese. etkv MAIM% of oz• Maws 4114 !Mann. opt devoted to temstroptlos IX. IlLa Muer& Ilabilltl el of Um Owilmiy pot tite T oftion sow t operation UM WI. tDu thin tits 2. a.nmp. X. IWO prieeipal rod Winston!p.rei nr 00. • ado walla provisloas bold Li Woad St4t6 •6114falf 1111141 per,eait. area tae lAvestaitsaL Shame Easels and fair to teats as moat pr.sl - poetics =oat th• aoawseitativa MIMS of the etotatrl, sin B. *OlllOl7 .1011 la at the moan paten la auto.. : Holders of Sours.. &nee. Aare aa op• Partasitrof exchaastag this for Central Pa - . olio Bold., basins an tout r•te of Stared. with the yeuttpe abaadaatly ..oared..*. of restless Essig of tea to IStea par east. ta addltlos. = llaaa.n salDealars L tivimansat, ukd nasaclat Amt.. ot the 0. r. Z. K. Ce.. a law. newt. low - Tart. ' Also, of 11.01ILISOS lI.IIaCLLI a. CO.. sad .JAMICII T. SWAM i CO.. riltabask. QW thasvear PROCLAMATION. CITY OF ALLEGHENY, so. 12 ...tun elttpit Act of Assembly la. pilporastas sold Ot alleatlaaf, sad las omens/ ssvolassasta lota .1011 a /Waal- SON. Mayor of sold elm do Issu this at leatstloa Int oa too Itat,OPID TUMULT Or .1411110 0 1, • U. Mt. tonal aka 14lh day of said await. tOo fraemes ot that atty.ansallod to •ota for taxless of the noose did Repesseals• cells of talsOomatoossalth, saatt .1.1404 07 balmy/tatt— W. permea to versa •• II ay or of salt d. 71 sad 1.1. Woos So Darn ss Dtsseter ef tsar of *al atty. Om lao ease day Um assailed Wooers 4WD,. Mae ward of .14etty sleet 07 balsa ow nab..? *aloe. Saute to 11l 111 4•Iplsol WU It Maas 1 / 7 ala. teldsald. oad ea. amasser for Sao fall hum. sad foe smatters of U. Cosmos Cowell. wend Watte-Oso amber of flelset Cooacfl tad fear limabars of alsolsset °meth. Taint leatd—t/ao ottatios of beset Cottage ' 7o= " ll;=:ef mi9Vl:s7rilt:at Colleen fad loos oweallors of thrtesea VoetteU, 'at Otfth Ward—Threosteshots of Sweat Coaaell far taastbdre of Common talitatt. Ward—i kw ambers of Salon Down as it leaf Wanton et tleassoa Caw U. Invoath Ward—Taro Bambara of Cosa all ui bar Malabo. of (bases Ceoasti- Sash of whom *luta be azale a / 4 tonne members of lAA 800. of Ewen manses of tat taaamtasesaita, reddeats of Ma wants la 01140 Ally shall ho ottelod. sad qo Mao& Teats tam le. As Dm sleettoa to be bald as affirestald; loaellay. sat torte. sta day of aaltst7, a. D. 104 eltalar• of I.la 'bat lewd du I moat at the tablet Meal Ids.. ale word: 261 memos. of 104 oossaut Ward stun matte ta alto solo.d Moo. Ls said wane. 'fa • Castors of Du p nret•tt 0t 11. Tided' st 4 shell seta at &ha reblto tattoo% Matta tit add owe. Tao shames of Um oassoal eteelset.an tlto 10174 Word steal sweet at, U. h wage of Col. ilea Gene, oa leo corset Vi Vass Lana met— • sett. i.e./salon of De lest ossolace of ths evarta Ali WWI meta at tae 0-flaws anat. Do.* velar of Lastest aad ram oa struts. lbe alsaton of MS M.S. redact of si• root* true sb-Il wort as tlait imam of .1 aka 1.1.+6ea. cacao at COT2IIIO, Was law •1 0 e101 . 1 lb• PIM 0074 Matt mat at las roan. Dolool Hots& CORO of Cltart•ro sad ro,otta Mot ta. • ..las alma*. at the IlaiLla. - asd shall moot at tat halo *caned Dime tumor of chareers Sad anat. ', Meets. IS* olartart al tau areellta Veal Outlaw.' at 1.1110 boa.. Di SSW wa, • • IS WSW." ate/roan tan 117411111 a MW W6ua 'U. :at:O7;4 lM 1 ........ la lila ea+ 0 1 . Lena ogle lama.. eight Itaaand d stat.-f full PI SOlitalattat. *070?. FOR MIIMTEU, CHOICE COFFEE, PURE SPICES BEE= ROBINSON'S, No. 20 Fifth Street. ki3 : y.l.N.; RACKER ARE TEE BEV El EM S% Watsr. Eager. Avian Ws, Bista, Wile sad Oyster (radian, ast.sca oracaLer. a/Coal: No. 91 Liberty Street, POOl 0/ 10011211. .T.A.C I 33.1E3 01%1119 UNIVERSAL UNDO COMPOUND. 2 11.11 MITIESLY .11/1W rIMPAZI.TIO.Ii. ' W.Crig3Arrirgiralt""thlr tkU r moms, v. am eustram gl. rafir sasintruar. HOUSEKEEPERS,. PLEASE TRY IT. ' 5. 1 . 1 r art:447: 1 1. 14. 41.T=1= a irigirraiXii Is lavaluble. Ixesans 4. lrl: U arsitrojti n gr ' star t liTtNlMatits. waotou muss, at, it is warraatoo to eoatal. NO LIME, • or Mimi Walla. astlolw lee ald• OM OEM mod 1111.1.1.1(11111% merslty. and WO. se We POORTH N awl Mall az T au AIM T Mden . sad tlWNtodf. NO. aro. staszatakoo. PROEM STEAK BUM!. sod. arsecia—ais. gamma .SPENCER, WOO & CO., fiBIIST HI IND Ale, Porter andltrown Stout, PITTSBURG% iosiwr WATSON. liannt. Et!!El . . Wuair& 111111 1111‘,Utp TILT" . Mat HS/LT . • W/lITII LI IVIENVIA. aSt/111, • *ad WA • OW* gad' WarabouthllllllMlllllirri 091.0.11 s Sonow/bols boar.- N Ma COMMON 'LACHINE wen‘porms Ylm'AvvrArra • CO oam o i ra i n.l i sbart Ott% 9t r a h eifi Arun inviruke l t jratir proavils ex : entri. nuaST gIOSIED SALMON.--100 lbs. tar. mpina Wray lest MOON hen Waldo Ilry MS 'OW 01114 ilia. }ream Sim .t Gila •: ' aria =Noy 04=arih J. A. axisr.4., M STEELE & BON,/ . , praises or /LOUR, rzien,' , ezuevri - Asa rredte• 0/110 a.. ran camas. masetimmix=7. A. Kan. & larricautr,l 001ildli3SION MEROHAN2sI AND •sauissu ar • Mews, Grata, Seeds, PIM Feed, dr. sag rams* szexts. I=3 ROBERT KNOX, Jr.' oo . axuiiiros misorwrr. non. DRAM AND PDODUCI4 Mr==l 1. nkanciLann, WitOLBLIS ALND imam ta. CO i=t. as, see Penn Street. ...nws • IL= 1CALW1L.••••••••••••••............J. • NAME & &LIM - 1 Ocniiasissioss aim/mass • D.'14.21 "°•rglvies _ - FET2MII & ARIIIMIONG, MI/ HG ID MEM inailis, iota.. sale of Eon. rila.ll4ololl. Lardjacttcr. hew% Intact lanais, ca 4 proaae• mauls. Ka MAstesaircet. corm CS TIM. ritubeit. Ps. nahas • • • •• SOPT. =Ol KNOX. & 6011 r Commissloa 1.44 PIXECIPS Dealerl u MOW, - OWN. nit. MD and 711013D07 CAMP. h. AP. TIP DIMP24. OPPOOkft (Weal An* . (MY CRY. - 4. Pa Tar DAY. •CIiAtiTORDLA6)=IIIIIIIII. WON 1tZ130118117 . 11116 ma - r.llt. ISMASI WBOINUT SCRAP 1110tf, sad Clay as. Wareboase mad tod. - .711•1: litfartN i ne , Outran and Lard 00. a swam =MA & MUM: (lizecosaorg 'num • wbowsus Doa n `.l r - 07 4 1'41. ;TX*. • , 105K.Y. CAlMELD, r liemsaals. , des ' 214 u pOrL w _ sun& rWits B as as* rrast; sad Po isasmuy. Nos. sal 1/11 /mat Am% Ptitsbaxe HIIIDDLrea. 110 Liberty 11 , b wieleesieilee, awl.. W Minima treetru. Cut odtantet as Om haunts. pan paz ruatUll Su.. JOJD•I. 110m.O9frAst. WOO. MK. S. ROOS& :TOM I. -1100Ele & mums leo Jaw 1. Ham • Co.. RMY son grams oatt Oalaalsiloa Xannats, ane au Of 531114•141 sad Ilfsocromots. ?flubal scrueuktra & Larrta, Whole. sale drlsrl MlikamOttis. 11014 AimalX. 'Pre due. Arogrideaklntly ChmelL Cu .; No. 111.4 rdW•Onlitanntillailffil littntnuM ' MIN WALLACIt N&WALLACE J whom. AXD PIDODCIOI Ifet.• 011111 Street. rittOratmX. .11/1 INBUBLNCB 14 .7 11 4/ 7 "A• DrallAgmelo ' 00, xi scinelt, Malglia% W M. 11l K i i Mr r di 711 •• n D OZY" 111 . 11atrw i_ ._ , lsi a Clix's wias R u aaut%iillids 41* lad Yalu Usk. • Mu stmasascon b 7 ' Dl:otr Moe an wall kacry• la M emautalty and .tto on tlistAn w =wpreil wad libeSslltn gtitutaVe dui. Well law :D A M it t. b rW ic o protletumi lo Om tuatra. . 1 . John Ilj . XeCiatil. i , gytia, Jr, . CU. OMR. • awls YeACiry: • It tuna B. tlrs•N • AMT*./1... ....r. Jzolla intpurter. A.M. MUM lummer. Da•l4 Y. Lang, D D. Wr. tl entsos, ace= vng. i. lisamer rignam. BIN =Amami rffBIIRANCE COKPAIFY, IN nun urns A. No. 4110 hit St, kilegitsny, pa. ornaroast 1 1.7 '7 t. "" H ale r . 112 11 k :IV =N. Jamey It Lastase. • ONO. D. MOULD. isaastasy. =MDT IRWIN. PresideaLl• o 13ENNOTLYANIA ENIKIRLNC3 00.111P.Pr. OF PFTTUUltilti,iPti: oisowsli mu= 1t.P•11.. DLL% 112..11.• TU. t . ±_ftlell . rat. ua L ... aguNsl WOVA.VVp. 11A4LE. Pr. • ilk.ralawa!r.=. 114111.1 LIiZOST, PIZMOT..Ie I.oo3lpilyall.t. I Ye•MIMI7..i. _E1..% RANIELIN INSURANCE ICOMPAT. OF PoluiLDELmoto. 'ooe.: vats Ewa ter CALSIMnI r *to Naar PM. L'aarligf. , EAsEkiE„ EL;e64EA /AMA. Palatra. • lillemal a t D. 1.4 . - "" 1 9111 1 . xt'untrzirh.te.l. .EDIVD 0, DALE, Vim Fmleleat. IVY. O. 821.11. A, INcitAry. pmts. J. 6~IIDASII COIUN. Asemt. I:ADEL North Wait sot. third lined at. A LLEGHENY ITANCE ca Of nrresosint.- 1W Etne warn W ids& rye saamito tU 21111170i , 21: w2Mii, award - , . • um. cie co. Ain r u m on . PEOPLE'S WV" OZIA. nom TAxissi rpm All Rt.. AL A - tm N D. A Kir; 11 Una =CI • gap' sol J•III; mue . • IST. iti= dun. • . VIM It. . W. N. 11.11.11)14 MMI TOBAOOO. If) • TOBACCO!' ToaAce!): TOBACCA HUM •10017[D UI zoirissaFrvap oa ocaresnixrr. mrt IliCeilAß outno A • As low as 30c. per pow& tetMilleoll•4, UMW% Lad easel who 411 wbaaaa liroM amen to pawl *Rasa.. fa ROBERT F. WEDDELL'S ligrakei Nnw Iraq, Cor. ellinbitibi liliraLtar !U. OHN MEGRAW llsailiodatu et sael . l'Welula w .ia4l Bann , Tobacco, Scuff and jam ZZAJNITI pgraWarzta, EicwilOß WoIUKs. R. & W: JE,NIU i RSOR. mazatitaran sad dicara ta Tobacco, Snag llgu Pipes, ac. . t it • TILDES,I. Gr. lasomorr, e).*:4:l:Vis,;) EL . II ',LANCE, . Nod. is 6. and IS7. Third Sires DT 1:11 4WD 800IIREB, Btraw Comb Cleaned or Dm, • Km eurvp Ws rlucrizarass auLia odor .• •c . a: ramEws , • :Drag and *Whig lEstilOstiat • MIN 611 VIAILOND Litirteliread elaitkSoCvset4_6 • dards rataraidlnt twroZ " IZ, St Om wen. ImelN. mr11,11• D \ [GOOD MEWL ; ' s CHEAP IBM IN OEO TIMES. ltapstni f. WARD 11 SULU. The Wiwi 'a , tbairt. e,everr Vizi% ;pi" •1114 *MM jam Eico7.ABLEN, Attorney-at-Law. ega... 71 11191111 ET ST. PlSlSbarell. M!M==E=l A. CAMERON, Attorney-at-Law, No. 911 Fifth Street. MDDLE ROBERT!. • Attorney-it-Law. eift h s.. TS SiIWIT 111311=2. s.;s RESTAGE S. MORROW,: ' • - • ALDERMAN. Ei-OftlcLo, Justice' of the • I.ID POI4CZ MUL81328.1.774 IRK It ft teuritruis . Iveut Ettibt* Den Ikm:lilr . lrwi d =dont itgirocaotssas ua ayn.coS. VE A ADINION, amrricz or Tax 'maple, Ootivatacter, Baal OULU tad tunluta *Vat. • OLSSON OTBZIS. sus Binitlxitbast. o,4leattes Sesta sollettael ►ad' promPttY lItMIIeOA tO. at • WI I M A*I‘ IL B A RIUM ' MM US OE' ITN PUCE, clunrysTmicam. ha. Mee. CARSONerRLii warty emelt.. the Irza d veatgr= t i= j a ltra ea y na "OREM 1 M. D., PRMITIOING PHYSICIANI, umn awl 110111andu, N 0.150 Grant St., near MO. avllk:7l J 8. FERGUSON, • Attorney-at-Lay, ito. se rains UTWT. W . A. L1C111159 ATV:MINIM AT LAW, 40. 98 Diamond etroot, main rrrriairsez. JOHN N. BD./DELL, ATTORNEY AT LAW, 01;noila a.. na rooms lemur. 615:144 0221 H. °. ATTORNEY At GOVINGIOII AT LAW No. Grant Street, yrrranunan, pa. arnatal JOHN► I. STRAIN. Evolllclo.austicest the Pesos aan roues NAMITILLTZ. • osay - us Vlftti x oppootti Gables', " 21 '" """ i'4617411 JOHN C. IffiIAWIIM 11111M,flial MUM AT tIW. No., 87 Fifth Street. . arressi.s. lssitu, sad Amass anti pinrosit collated,. seillxo •:: wmar comm. SA3II. lILTER LANS, le.loo QWT 1111111111117, Plibibezik (oppentm assasersLl I!MT.M==! ROWLAOD & HAOOII4 NOUSE Aio SION PAINTEA. aill=l2l AND GUM:Mk 11e. 14 muichis. Aitzeim. GALOIIII.IIIII3 114111111 la the heal manaia. J. K. HAMILTON; Jr., House awl ibitn Painter, is. 1311 1161111117,11111 f, Wanda, Glaring ad Glldled Dol4un SAYINGS BANK; . No. 11.51barth Nue ' CHARTERED IN A*. V. zaimur. ' MULCTS 41.10142 e • NEATLY 1 MUIPLILD. . Inse4 rains. Tana. ftttr. elms. T•nn.uss. 'Rim 14.4. Ztac. Ala 1791,1115 HUTCHINSON NEMIN, gnu, im LTD 111111111,11 tumn, . ar.Aursis mu) qs.nazse. SO. is PZlMA_4VEZl7ll,labazgh. All uaszt by met • • ptly atUnded to.* REMOVAL. • JOHN F. CLiSLEY. Bosisiviind Mot P#Unter, - . . .• Hu nasay.lllll . • No. IS* SEXIIMILD yr., - rttutengl..l%; .7!4 ,7 L . 0pr0V.... the ell atm& um: wocr•Ax...--,—.:.........nr0. ern= NICCOW&N & SNIDER, '.=.-- 10110,1011 OD 011 /JUISTLL PAM- 238. LID 111=111111 LIP GLOMS.. No. 11116Nerill side of Mixes& Allastazy. ' Oesumendal .4 glass sliras saes te anion , Orclas reareemny soUcliad =4 promptlx ay , mated. liirea Palatal, Wlallowillaswa ra UV wunatty ea emaq, - . • . saulm,P tejA:l4 z-i,li_4:4: l :M:lqi A 9c-1:1:1 mum r j . .6.6.1*ANCW.14 • . . cart: at ARD BITIPER2I. Oarcoll:Lum for IftlialaWlter• haat. r° Tim• rav1rd,41..4u0°,64-01 - ° ha IAI ai 24 Wass M. at ! , h Z. 13.: Ei.A.L3EIF-XL, Bosse Builder azdtarpenter. ou t e imazions ALLIS sad DII 7/ra-Jotains dad apdldea dads . vt Imam WEL i t pIC)I4 • . Osrpenter and Builder, • 3$ 1411113TLIMAIA. *JUDI, M.: 4 M vartizalb• Titrwt• Jeleelss dose with assumes end dlessiell. orders ar DU; . .0. 04 . 4 .11...jr"dr HOUSEIWILDERB AND, CARPENTER*. BI3IIMIXB ast4 >urilsa prowytty . “lsad rusessoica =ex, ,‘ , in bo liblol.l Welt fi vg :4 :Vd:bl.l:4 A:4:1 my t itcnoTP . • =RV BALE STABLE J. W. NICHOLSON. PROPIUETOL Res. 141 AID 141 =HUD num COPPosita lisrelulate 110-1411.1 HOLUM 04121111M1X1. .So 'pueblos Sad ea. al suLdi 1101/11111D a ?MULL, Liver, *dad Sale Stable*, asimmar Neaer, opinomrwasma. y .nr,**.m. PITTSBURCII. Worml d iatilat altaatfas paid to tau Wag !hum sa Cnis/tutor finutralat Hones kart at 'tarry. leM54 to):t Oicf.l.do):4:l NIIPPLEMENT TO Alt 0111 DI. .aM. II • NICE v. sof' 4 [ d urum lbovembor, MIT, oto Mod .5. 'O mbar,. to W.La or or ca. • , s.c.ax L Do It orblio4 and etmatod by.tlbq *urn to axe Tolou dbmsell of Um Borooot of Loormoarldo, !ma It Ls boroby ottoototty Ne sotto:elm of no /moo. Thal to cobra Oss i•om • Imo( rat happia lOW , . DO PrIDIrSo or - odoettla i lahapai sh tosiattlitia with tbo Ls... Ramble liosflompaoy: rrooldoe. Um told. Llomormill., boo Coop.) will mold, gag to I tie' nin bor000lt; nod Me etUrono thereof. ma solo. rob. at .14 Doom so those moo..rb -Ito& or um may as soy Moo hammier be aorta a, II raMir 114 it: CPT: pay thllll thfaimatit VOINIC9III oberstlorm ottir• - go moothaborm Immo of MIS oral lappi itscriOifL Ttutihed notototott. Ito or oIM7 of '4l al Wraith often Mt °puma by midi Elsa Uoloomy autosoo aom so , oaloo IA larsigh MO I olDPOlrttrAtlr "ire' data, t .. " L s Vet trin :For :rar .ThLetrea mot 'masa mt. So alt 1 And dlyt cepa al.srma Um opoloso of uy Moot. bLim'or Iley Y of , rroto, slob bo•rompalt ped- Ur 0104 OloColstoonf, 141{41.5 prow, °DM Yo chomps: . exottoll i Ist of say Man: tone it pliey fOrteaLthit (1•84.011111aay a.. avesum brabnoloso to 00140 IttliMi osa brooarty of Ittit ClUhall from dzioodpll,oMO ae o l r d o h b l o t a m wr 6• . 0 O p o ol m s ob moob his Soot Seal daotago. Ya Moat an-ant Sol of Mr for Or &Mentos ooe• tour Ilrata: ortolan of goo to base Mato hp proborty .Iml lirifsbit' tgoolle • lostalo mamas O. not For sar flotation Of Ile DrCo v 1404140 orll.aboo las al& ktoo Comtmor oboll, moony previal. thilaCll 0•11111 aria. WS 'dna roaciref the =OM torfels oad bey Um tom of tlreattoavo .bott. • at lITY stay hear, tminan,Y heel coolloUoo. foror tom of •ntr 1 porlio. Wobble efooriy o ar isob = • •ot rtbtaronalDUL oVo b leg laa.or r lOW t to MOO.rit a = b 7. Irnmiatrattram"..4 : iIARTAWGIEI 4 ca., • Bankens and Ihnkm, CORNER THIRD AND HMI STREETS rrenuiva , A. anroseabis TO Kum, atu iilocki pichangs, Cols; Cfupons, I=7 GovEliNAwrr .!1ii3131. DLR. ON LONDON. N. HOLMES & 80,101, 33.416N33.111WUM No. 67 Xarket itteyei.• • • • rniaustra. Deposita mashed Ca Par PLOW sat Cmsoff. 001/eaktaa made ea all Qs prladpil Datits of Us Untied War 1114 Canada& • Stocks, Buds sad Other Smithies 30171311 T LID SOLD OI 00.1010 L ft:impair...luau . .. rem 10 the Purr lad AU. S. Secturitie6s, ousbicarOr ism 4e. do. olorrErtowrza or ntozirrsains. Orden sal Vaseltersboairld as 0:01414. .1.3)31 MEM SHIM B `2eB Liberty Street PITTIMIIRGII, THU BABE WILL Or= . Genoa iltuking • nu Nit miaow Bffondsiy, November 1801 , 1 but. = of Eakin' gad Xrasati .. Ocateetlons mute on all yobas is the thiltad netts a./ Camas: fauna allowed az TIES Deposit& UNI a. Milt SEMMES PUT AND 101.0. maxi. T. TAs DONXI. Ofulkier. Itr d BANK FOR SAVINCe. - . 1 Tamura Um Dail 14/..V11E1811 in Fourth Sheet, Noway appellate Dank at Mittraltuatk. OILAITEXED II 1182. s DAllff hem to 4 8,41404,_a54 MSDNZSDAY AND SATURDAY from May lit to Neeamter M. 71e iledoak. mat from Noremter lot to May lat to 0 , 014 et. Root. of flY.Feee. Stratabed malt Wise auu Institution mortally` ofer to thew vbea• amine are Umtmd, opportaany le sorts toby zinstl . elepoaltn, amily Siam widest .111 be a mamma eh. tamale.; awl bea. lag Wares& lattosel at ...Wl.= babrodullrb. 321cootrell or Adf.tostrotitiorms raziOoorO - 01011114 A. 110111 Y. . . .. D. Z, IitEINLZ 2 . L A. AnAptagy, W. A. AIMON. BILL. T. BAHIA .INO. IL DILWOIrIII JCWIII:IA . ZWItS, O. VOLLANSBILE. JULLN JAL L. URAHAM A. ZWinr. oniustdr a Z00.. ' I 111OLItZ011—D. W. aA. I. BILL. lal4rolif WESIIIIII 8110118 AMIN 69 imi Strm i tt. crs.a.moismaKlD saes. .• Esterase Pali ea Thom Dopootto. • Amy anon reahrimi trsa Goo Ispward. • 1 tattooers • Thaws Ito loTot to Ohoom 'orttlgoict -++ rover 011101 DZIWOUNT MILT. as .. tll /EA fresidest—'lllo3l,lloE BELL. Vle. Presideat—L IL AiIIELILL. IWM3 ,ZLL; ,uD:LW MonIMAM t• wham we Auks • lis POsAll.. Eldry W, AL • IL *ow.. Tito. awing ickat aally frank so] oVtock. also an 403 sad Woodsy ovoklacrs. from 1W U lm . ',sabot Ist, tecco.l to 9 o'clock. sod tram 31 0 0 . 9 9. 0 . 9 tot to 110f191. thou kW o'clock. Doputta recalved of all mos of kot :999 Oast tine - Dollar. Dada &Mead of the weft. lo oked Wee • yew. la Jose sad Ilcoooltorr. .131- 11.7= 1 ,11 "4"" alreltr ' .4r i t ' itira Om rota Ot gilt par rm. -•- • o reran, not Antra got , k to 009 coo4lt of the arcoattor plikelm4and bears Um cane Interest from Ake Ira ilkya of Joao gad Ilccgoober, comPouldlai twin a knot 01129.1 troubilsor t. 09 depoCtor can. or oras t 430010 05 t r s pus t500k. ,. . this ratßllo.7l•llt to Bonito 009[ utlW 11=4 Mori., By-Li= and licgolatlanc, toralgoed goat% okay PkliottolNT:-1141/Ito • ...... John U. Racket** , L.' It. Poilatiall.D.. Be.xj. L. rannestor.k. Rabat Robb, lama ktertuun. Joke ILlAlb...b.f.r. James 311=ille, j..... 1.415. • ilwader Spair. low M. ._, • curistlas TrIRL werIIMILII, • Ws. 3. Aadamssa. . Mohan Cl,Liaasda; Canis Adams, Linea. r Jabs C. BIA4III. reuf Al— x. 4.1.. d a e m p a ~ B re Beek • • John Marshall, — Walter P. Marshall: A. , ,samb LL easTlar. John M. I , llkadast, Charts. A. Cano. Mashy_ Phillips. Ram trans. nry I, Ittavralt, John J. W He m.7r- beltsaeria, William S. Mayan.. Alaraadar=o, Peter Ird& M Elaskar. , WW l = litehaax ;" =l,llilV-bil tacmerazT—.ll2l. B. U. oa 6 1:001.1:11.1_excril4tvy40,101 /AIM rz. & 11;&, 10. 11l IMMO! gonsitt. l THotsl.l rlimul ruing US I nt.net Ale sad rat listrjtitga . X. P ". it s sad sarilealar ausatlas straa s oats sad sawn. ~~. n ,,..,. r ,..,..~,. ~ pI! ATWOOD & ICBM. BRIBB 1011111108, T& AND au sirrims, Grog IS ail Libetty Streets, N=f ro a ms = si vi =c o Agate for &Main itWs SYMMS& P AMPS Jura BLOWER LNG !3. 11111:11...1111211T JOHN L COO - • BRASS FOUNDE.RS, . Swift 'La Oa Fitters, onallatiniXt at TEMPI AID 11.1110 WOIIX. at easel daseeletlee; gram le 413 YU. 'MU USD el all time. Comer of Pike aid FILM Streets, • pirtisi.iiaii4 TINIANSION HOUSE THEINDEIRSIGNE , beg to i . A. messes to tbslr Mesa' pl* 'Pe o.b.lllLthAi nlusuushana Ob Map I!;IITAPA.anu Streeti . E led UNTrilto . tire.trn.:ll= rzt...-:,==:;274:—.....wzra Ttsvelses win 11141 QIN been sa *mensal ass to sum st •sd lOU bit aaassouselsasa sat, tribe Ito* ts i s splendid - 1184 lb, Oasesets." , I ' co. 344 Libeil , Wia " ;;;;11‘,14 . 1...h. i•in. I,' • Udud be: ; 11.6 - oy. Ina , At . n.lh. 'Mk .ntbs.4 toosu h . H, WA NAIL . ER OGILIGIUTED TILB KU PleAtsi ST.'" • JAMES HOTEL; Nos. 405, & 401' LilloeM Sti oppoitta uu trabapoot, rirnmea. . , JAME; 'LABIUM Propietth • Tia.c. 'km ma 2 1= slatnsad manalest kr all Im a a. a l yaw. numnamps.,at au t 111 " Cr.. Tea% thi m tm.. 4-11 Insir .tsars RP - 11 1 'm uriva i TILIM0371.11 11 ". N. E. Oa. Penni 9inal 'eninsivagx. pa. J9ME3 INCHON; ".Protaletoi. =2lllll.l=llWriali 9 Fgrzw.w orass.moirg*.• T. Mao 111/11/./t . ...an at tb...asent Ussealln • -4. 1174":1 "'r u 4X u . : •! ' , 4. := v s t 4 4 zzorocro, pow or inotor ow*iumoo pros worm worr+.4.3 oranges 0.13-....f0y boon 0r... el tts ma RAC ..12 , 13.1142 , 1). • vs.c. t clan CamDui7 et las Valteuts • A......i.asiirwibtkom4. • Grua •TuattY WILLISee. ACILIMIT. ON' Rpm '.lllLsaiser, 133 1 3X NIGMT/ 41111.1 r. • i . , , : ;t : i i VIDEIIinING i INO ' ay Mrealing, .aguintari,So. 1 0,411 :'. : UNDINE, I 5 ', trim . .i , c .. . ETTA i'ALMEIII3 G . D i IIINNOISE NNILET: B a renteres & 'flirty; faryp.bats •re im.ljulsol "- TIMM AZIIEIOIIO iditT . nikfou • ac4brolpit se m , extrsisalaM7 l4 3 , Abbatiest• WS/ /MILS SZONN'ai SANXIN as, DEMI= 314 NI. IitItIANDItras......IGUIIII. , .IIOI6 Ililmodadastas that BUM* 11 , i1.015. Ainerret.leau 1.111 eaakaurnocAlkizt d Viirla g itatiioVastr d "'" 411.144 , ' trelnis. illecosto; Osamu. Si team fs),l tl:3 : IEI WOB.KB, eka barbci,ri lEB34lllXl4Li.in • Lulbrie.ating OHN \ • 8 I i CAL ,LIEFISZED OIL, • ',Malawi Dealsr!th Rebel MG Malbtlaaibrg OMR -I!aril,lllessm, IdACEiC3IIIIY; Agent, - - I • 19 Strict ' , • • WARING & KING, ' ; 01:11PinI/ 111011111113 lIIRS ecti*enseuittuf trail* Dsisen'6 Niel I. ns Way Luswiss , A *Anima: wad a cob - i urr I.OIIG •!k. CO. • I immturiptaxor , ; I INTINNG i'Ll7dl3/31." 1403, No. I Bagasse, Way, 1-1 I ' TACK ,BROTHERS .- 7 am; misaumi 11. • '. , • Ileum and 118 Products, Imam oinca , -Da. . nontasoimelfra mad Xi .t . unrialuLormir4tair 'Nauss. MMISBIYR SERCHANTS, Biwa on. wawa; AOLII OIL ! , Nacnrelet.crovruals, 4101414TNIAN ik,ANDERS9Ni sail ties;l4;rl R 0 ',RIZ!'' 3200.11, nom voicssu Has oixt: irrsswr AND Dl Q171:101111 VAT. S aa. zsgsw..W. argruzzio ,-. oup OIL WOll . l l / 1 41_ 1 : ilisiiixtus aadasniussaisiithaes t. ir r jrasivariurti .oz!„m, t , I . ;*',l'''ill'ltfmiN; ; A::• - cow . 11 .13:GAL.1 . TIIVITED ill`kTE!ot AISEIBICA... - - DISTSICT Or, 14421271 VA. ' ttbftw.,iiAfit ' a the Ifoo.' ~.1644 of dm Weston MAUI. of 14221.1f5a15, , ~.t1221 • , WS• os•--s 11.41 a reihierrsticalor Digitise . 14 It o s . f..2l , tflt urgr=4l24 {1 eriof A. 0.1 U. emus. oaf Ass of skov Alm. Na so/los oaf VOUS. comatolog two too vols.. .I.s 22.1., of smv porolo or pow. All to nos solnellas Isionst .14 molars. 2.2.4•.1. sops. ref.. 000 .14Caort Ft rutsnth. Kt 25 , 2 <La . of 4.2.1 y. A. D. IVAD, as II 2, 41.212 Us p of t4.. 4 .7. , 12..54 Um. to W. l' tn , SIA perms. as 4 111141. Taw fOr 11.12 j 11 • Morton,. sad pato slosstions lass Now; t . _ ?ISOM Ls A. sof LIT. mama etaus asetuu: :.; • UNITED ' • ''• DIVEIIII72 firetotidastof Oa Voltatcl!W,st ui rg m.,.. o ,• al et too Illiolaca Mains& of VVw&a: ilbokallotialsOi>oeuttoi ' lair% Pout et Ilalsol Win for l inty Art tir ; J. of ellittli g of 1=124 T .141...-.1 , 1. it.._IIMIALVIT"'"'"Iffr.I.I74 thiot."4lUsbiti. Itath aira 4mmuy....; 1111, at 11 o'ototk isolarsoomo •,1 at ykataty, Mot RP titers to male tossoor to IL7 W . L .u naa!mml i Meaji torn a Z I. II 155' • ou.d sue. sisra.L. • ViEszczniff 'DISTRICT 7PICSN r. - isdamoms knew sties sotiois Of his ABBIGKIIR OF RORER? vtga,4l...sEarTaraalat, la the wain if lUbetties7. asul lot Poirrrnals. Inahl is* vlbe L. Men iiii•Hi•sa • taxi, tot asktamistlpaab7tioiDtittlateact et; , H 115121,11. BOLL &Mat% . ;',.‘ row a 14Aut4 Pwit*""l"l,l,'ll,- rs - Trim atarralu L h•• App 1 I nth= of tba l• &MR ALL WA .1.1)171A.TION or noutureamarwa. ,Vgl"=ll=anti - iOi n • Illaaftitat IstoteUloa WWI. see.rfssaml ; Asti at Gel., *Ol • esembly, kali Wes lied iii•elle•ot 1,31. ,P,otheaotaxy of iligtown et Common tlesi •••217.•tif P3.sareitTof.ll//M; asionsJsampLinas %Irmo as Ma o. maw , 1 , 1.11.1 grams 4 Ut•atextlums ot • alirChian7 - J. 21. IVALIMS. Mt.% Dmi.slairsorow* Faljara o alt=mt , a. wZ t entised Oa MN *UAW tit .• r*RlL,lsta et USW Winuklip.'arama.ll.. J. 14 C DePaEa _. 1=1.31, sat Male. at ktramllunt. .na Nam, Irtl c4o..giallslll.4lUl, ~IVUILSAZD .`.,roebit titazumi 1; • ,usigaid . 11. lerirarill r.. PLUI. LW. IC' S Tailla DISTRICT r!Or 1 1 4=invANT 815.; .. • tr=yph asuatmeemitidOLai: *. '..,M1,441.• Mesuviarlia• s la w fir ogr a- OA& span. trtigi b ly • 4_ 4 4-4 • at 414 his wra platZT 0 ftalci. JURA .11141LZT L M*. •• • tWi , s& Law. Illentsa•C•fc VE STERN.: DlotitleT ra %Nal' LIMN tA. • T. • , asia . 11 etnetembv.- 0.7; saderslescil ben • twitsensw Delft 4ppellatnteatiu amiss*. et 0.1.11 KKKKK W:al +1 , e58.7, 11...ematy 'utati at Peso vrttlifirmal4dlWl4 - 4 wk. •• Iron •01Viasaaluwvas W. on rr.• 4unireollicaM=" 2. antali Attwon . at Low /gnu .F.TTEOIII OF Annm,istink..- - ..-. 7 101% 11.180 ed 17.10. WOW.' ..r. .."... in .I.lte..ee~YY ..to 1.0.1.**A. sad 3MOaMF{ 1 9 14 DELG steer r. a. =.= = =.5 4P43.141, • r+lllSo7 , o4tOr 23•114 I 1'1m.6.11111 aim ssinvAx. .valet.... um:a via 1.1•4111.1 r, ink, nu' inns, iiisatuurrJ Ttekits alreadisiolt 4.,14m , iosnurrtitt... * 010WCZ—la- Mae and La: Oatat - UM, 2 ' Tn. , cW..c . ;, t . k . " 1.4%;;1"'" Millit. t rintran o.oal6. l F.T. ' ilytwyji laudwinall IMMum 141 law. cu. had, b a g am Cret. m. LsekVtlii,. - Mail. ""4 . o lkdso •Plt 1 .1 6 * tvo.V., A II EMI MN WI ME MIN 13M111 ME
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