II El ~i Fl F s littobutO ettipitt • Urix ARD SUBURBAN. ST LUBIN! CIT 1r 111141011111FiNTi Lt : 71 :,r - Hal l ia,rl,- . - Proparms br vi ~'~l~. wwe Aw,..r. . of new .Irnibliege inete4in City during the prigt yen: to -7nittr7lll4l ellersder, of the fns nisi" °Ohs irjrners,and theint*.t., Incatinc - TILli flit 11 , 1: tnniaings includes Ourtarritory rfr-. talegliedy mine: . y, - Lmobesterrs e po r tion ed./let - hire ,•.. iiii,l Itirson - e- - t wrinhigs- This.. with a A govtinn 'of the , First and Suomi wards, -..... • tr •:-.. Beni ".the Flltb,Str.th juid Seventh st , • ivarilidu Allegheny.city. - In tbethreegew r•"•• • • • warns mentioned, I• had design/NI to t'... ' Isa.vii given the of new builefiage &.: - croons" in ISCII and 1667, and thentrnu t .:' ~ ir "Me owners and tbs. agereante absent i i , i i 1 , ... - ;.; , .. - the name,"Wilevinait would be of se oral - - 4 , _ J. Interest hi. the eitizensi but °win the f - ._Sneleonabery . of Me. we...lil:a ba bar / wan prevented &o n us completing list. i-. . of Danes of te Arizona The . : ore, I - • - decine glving.theta In part;beit dlF t e . :•• the' aggregate numbei or bra • - 1 ,,, , etlhallillll-'67,:ind the.botal I Al - . ..- InAexiY,Citc In the past two y •and .". also this 'number evertdd In . queens i .. Boma:tea ..2be following lathe actba, • ..' ~.• Gls. Alley-I i brick entails and: c gs . - Domes Its.teman.Ckio. • . , ~ cro ss • . i - Lincoln Alestne-lbriek"dwamig, . •;...., 'l3llllar.--, ~ • . . . sub, ",, . • marmill Streas-1- artric itable; *ugh • , •., Fionstites Addittos- frame Qw , Jam: ' ....; idaabawa.lL -' - --- -, . , Spring A ll ey-lbridk dwelling'. 00 Maim Coleman. 1 .• t; ' .Wastearial Strard-1 brisk dwalltn Mar -= : Dariattandllobitenutitinet-ib dwel; .;• .. Ealltltam Street-1 franiedvnallni, Ariel , •,_ .__M-oblitsoli Stnsei-I brielcitsrolling, avid. :45. Matey. I name dwelling, Peter ramarati. • Lama - Btreet-1 • frame dentiltaill W ~., . ilsingilm. • • -„.• .• ~ Klialleiriltrear,=„llo2lttraGibriatiTharoura ":•.•:,. ' • S ted h tier- of Ohio and Minister " - Sivroti-1 • bziegdwelltng,leueliraig. P•. : " - • Webster acreet-I brick aweillag David . • ; vi..•.• talartin Street-i brick dwelling. Thomu sera&Arentse- flame . w Dra' Dar , XL 1214"Solesa' Batitiald-;-rnuale 4 tiiraulair, Gm • ',. ', - :Allegheny -avenue-4 rrainw 4wellaga. : , • - •"•" , TTosou Cottrell_ ' _ - , ...: _ - atteldailarea47 - . 1, mum dFsuLog.JoJart B. .':-.. .: - :- N - ;Pi g . fitread:-.1 welling d stare, .'• - •, Zahn- Dumtaclram I fraraw.dwailtig ' , Alga. ...' ',•-• , lianry; ,- , ~ • ..,, ; ~ - • , i : ',!..- •Wilver street -l - frioniiibtoidiry; Anger/an •....' ". &Maxwells I r trussedwhningasulaillip,Aled- ; '.•'.,. Walaw,ai, 8i2 , 1t.4 tiaa Qw4 l ll.Albwrt •.1 • , - atrigitts 3. lesses,Vnamm tails l imes, D: ;.; • . ''," slue; XLettneiva:ll.MattlatlltssaraDarall 1 , . ~.liatriekrt. frame, Jahn Diimmlfrinie,Bll9 I C '. ' aleilittan; I frames, Jacob Booeyers I brick 1 ', '": • ' triri k lei: "Wt *Ter!! Il itg=itil W el i hrsdili --.:' Cifirrenn 2 fraiaa itriefuegr, IL Crawford S .;'•_ CO.; a fr ame dwellings, FAriallearitarciMseli: •,. 7025 1 ImmeatlindlWw,Flerelassid -Matra; I: r aL k ia„, "4ll l;ab il ar l irf, trst pt re ' d i ZIT:, , Duda. IrrianD 2 ISM. amallinp, ' Gwirge ',. , Buda belt ~ ,,, r C ,lweiling.G. Brooks;, brief mall' name, JoahlTa p ti L liat l it Ca -- : ' AddlUou-DmatedwelliagiThomas Elk.Msar l..,„ .:' ____ ' • W froatinall4a; — ae--Itfr Mida4ll_aal ' D.Er. •-• ' Marsha blink ll: I lUO mica dwelill? wan Leis'aulers . '-:- -.-. dwellings A'ilattargeo ' t Adi ll W al tonl=b i rt ":"...'• ..I . z u : "-."-.. 1 .r2b1 , b2,4!?!=, An .., ..„ . aiimery Avarml4brimi "diadnagl4 Jams. "McDonald; iniditionfrantedwelllssx, ' ' amt. - North Avenue aiiiiiihi - wr aim et- , ..- : I blek - Sleth°4/811=et":"tiiiiiir Nortb...aramms an . sires - d...ums anD soma MrmNlariha lemma. • svanittraer, ratted- trams atom and .. .., 2...lehworilVa ealablishammt; ad. ' ame dwelling Jeeemb sleek t I na dellti r tFi.F seen rane Ctn. I . dwelling. Joseph Harris: • 18; -- : - - • 'owls 1. 'lrma dereilliir - 46ba • . - In dwelling, 'John W.P . rsor, I. •• Maga ..CaMpeelli , _lMloll . Arley Cartwrigta;loMr.a Oren .}J }leyenton : f tee - De, P. . liar - frame, J. ll . ..Edna:Mum. e a,Joalitt LowM • . /enue-1 wellint,"l7. frame dwelling. Andrew H4= e 1 - 14ameeoepecrno p . carpenter eboA,Sehrsalr a • • . _my Avenue—l- frame /Jewelling,: ?opted]; Sframo dwelling H. W. gram tiretUnia.4.s.C.l••• 1; • . brink dwelling.- Sirs. rudillantrune„Jsmes Ilia Alley-1 brlcit statde, James • Aller.l - fratztr dwelling. J. C.A.- - . r.ilud Imam dwelling, Joseph sr. D -meld ; I frame dwelling, ndrew •"7 unto der - MilnerA- rinuirer t I brink dwelt ' • "trig.l. B. Smith, 1 Creme plumber /bop, H C. mutes; Itbruk dwalttugs, JamesMutt c4l4lMaron Staart-1. dwi ll tnt,'Aleam n. • 'der JLelnure._ _ • Frisior - glihr—l 'frame dwelling, John 0N..,,; Ytrrinad.rllinss, Washington tic-. . • - Cafeaugb: I r.o.dweliao and stable. Jul _ •bieturthilltl fame dwelling, David sirup 'neon; aback dwellings, Jobe - • -'JambePasuire Lute—l hums doeldnicsind Marc Walt addltion dwelling, Joseph 'chambers; I brink turns. .1: r.iirrtutt I t-hrrink dwelling, Arbor Hobson; 1 gnaw , dwettlug.lchn A. Barmar. • Corner Washlurtem Street ind Future - Game dwelling Jamb Serder. -6lxmeld Si tart—%frama dwelling/4 Jahr, Zia Ciritandi I frame duillag, George: WV Merit .; brich.dwalling, Hugh Wardren. , • Mud Aranur—edditian inane; Geary tense; S brick deollings,Fresiu Crabs.; IlmineamMer sbolit.ilatri ganerison. Wissern:Arenow—Lisnat dwelling Homy •-•*, Ktiinheyi I brink dwelling, James ?attar um: addition bomb, J. WI LOU. Corns •- Obits and Diamond-3 Kama stagas. --- f stable, nd addittiM to forum, • Pastore AJey—l Oster Mrs tonged Bidwell -and Gala Avenue—l bridle - .W 011.: X.4a4 fapsory. Belmar. Baal. dwellMit. Janata Grout ...twitum—il d imi i e Ktirc.i --WougWorstaleirdirellini:Vm..caulamo. Ctowirr. Meareli CO.! Grant Aventle-1 • Sham :a 1 . /LIMO 1 bid, ••_ Tbotnea tgskshanr, I brink dwelling, lb W. ilous I .Itritk.ainellag, John literritt. I intr.k ;.:••• dwelliag,Jotin 800 Ilaink, Sr.. Elrmeriu i"..r... -- edallaton m Moine planing linitme. la Co, _ - • tan Street—l briak4wellisg, Joseph fauns dm:IIIUL *organ Jen • must arlimart.brick Junto God trot brier.dwalltrwWso. , Gesallry-1 brier stable, Wm: Semple.l WM' end Jefferson 13Mert—I brick 4.110'1 b m l Wento rresma psollx; 1 'fame druilibia. -; Stunti;: e. l ,IGMne . .WardeltGew7l trebl dwelling,allattaal .• ittruuruss Immo darellisor, J. A. Berman; . • !frame dwrilinir,Parricktildiagtami theme - Wm: Dehrich. • Jackscat_street—i Kama dwelling, tour 41. ii t er Oor a2., - groa Hann itasek..awei Lola,- 1 lame 13p , e i alar,..ToC..liemi ilt lgerlirt r d!rehrit! traine e ll=ag,_ . • frame darentur, ILdat brick dwelling. Andrew Musa Yeto.strort—/ frame Outlier. Thnothr . • • Ggris Ailey -1 Mime ilwelling. Feta Wigs: a brick dwellings...T. F. Simitert tamedweiUa Jura !florins: . 1 ` • oar -.01ey.:1 frame stable, - lento ueettiStrimit.4 hrleb deteilleis, Tar- MOM Simons 1 tremor d.welrings, :Thymus tremo_Agelling. -"Jame, Arno; • JriatilldwrilinetßrowniseJobsatamt I frame .;dwelling. Wm. Wanier; addi Coo lame -,• dwelling.JokoFisttertag.. - • Jacks= Stye frame deadlier. G. • . ilimnlar; I fauna pears I 7 tutenll./alstreet.4tirkk dweGings,-Wlrt: Strset-1 bugs dwelling-end •-• •• - -•-• - :Jualans •Iltreet-1 frame - duelling' Frel, - '1161111611; I trains dwelling. - Bab& :. , • Minilaregillinnit—l toilet dwelling, not. 2=l- . brinir direll=cdro ganefs d nne..n ..:-lagsL frame , direll&lon ~. • :Gnsairlirriedi worldling and strogrr: Batnael prink dwelling and atom Jnhn Red. pub; I,llnrzus Xlehola Shaun; Z frame nwellings.Joirs - garlipzirlek; brink Jr. eirleirlen, 1 brink dyeing', Ctualeslgaliodgrnlfranie dwelling, Samuel ItatienCEl food delling, gnarly Dartgb "ntor liddligon brink 41 roiling Thomas Cat. - altenlkoalloi o•Cienroll.-1 trams dnalllng, mrs: Oman. !Mini l Inunenporalling, John .D:'Grsi.tottfmala &&&11 1 zoil 1 sTio• F Pim.. finale dwelling: &mist liCanantlarla DallWMl—I him .Wool horse. David 11 _Marren ostronz-1 fnriziwitabldingailsnizge • • • /SanwaC nnrom, Thaw Flare; 41.11,111. LAI • my. .• L gorrrnonstion Avenne—grick. Addltiaa • a.,0,,,,,m11* Jane 11113rMock..:: Inm lvornine-1 brink direiln..Taises 4a5t , 1ag..1 . .. (Arnett 1 :LP.. ai.relling„o- Jam..., Gayle; 1 ,nail 15111,11 M Ity .. , IgnyetteStreaLihMegusit.itiliiiiideenigge m o d y... Canon Soneriti frame worng,L . -1 -Tilnd r inolorillit &W.* dit.nong.ilt. uslwlainolm oran - •-olnelling.:Andredor 81.13f9; Ifrata• Rattar..o4.ltrum. - We=nelc derailing. le .• Met ¥ta _ltensassesnatrest-offssionotoraillnir.COnn. -fildenziorlfrolanworillinor, ll wrins Wectsinco • L.:: 111snoe dwelling Leans Bunt: tfranis aow. • tsar" gno azninic...&•*neriz 1 - 1 dwonumF" . Reues. Etisisil bridled wirJaso. Mark; dw ric n k•n Cnoi*g r n ic P o n zerre .& Col t Limbo .• • • •::•lionsionor_f•stedon,.nitogiinacnavgkinic dug. Linannolar Moon, • Int union Align-o t toznitrill/IrOnsedrreinna rainy 6remwmd. tnyonnn Kadi trarnkvu• 4444 - Dui hove Wan Webster /treat./ &non. iowin i rgitlz. 41't.enoce illattrelon;lrranneLlwalifilg: Wei =_nwsUlnr, Swoorsdn /Mut; „I, friar • 0rtatd. , 1114Z,..C. - Dtion. lOUs rrtsbesil brick' dwellinff , ..m IW beit-aatalur_Lactltted, Irma adagio:li " Emmons! • facia 15U , 52 . /i ',uocts I Prlct tavern Gomm Mahal t lulak acute,lGAlllitesteri I endr.dweum4 'Loam! , ' 1111 W; 't!;---hrahmtitse. li brisdriOali and Kth , 4liclit.W.t. brlok dIrS4MIr, i eurst•tri list 4:l =ttioliatar. 7 • _f g 'ir a " l " ... #: =WW 'O 4 ", ' Semple; aCtaltlor.• Mitt turbo: atop guad 4 . 001 A1GH , 8. aell stawn.--1: 2 - o1 k - an 4 adaltleras— .ll,ellStiga;Ganrge SbV.d, • Corner of Bova 11.1,c1 iirmlock-1 beck thoroblorod .11fetttodut. I, eoylat strret-1 brickd orcl r,TCiiiin Mi lan = dwelling, D.C.. Cam T! ellreetc-brick 411,11:w„% cridaik tirit,-egritiLritzrick-i44ol;ronte. ri thbiti eantibikt nricat -1 brick Tbnit. Boydril brick J.. fiuyil..l brick chietking. Woih. Doidi 1 'brick ciling,P. D. Diller. - Jlames . brick dwelling, Tlicimaa Long latee-2 (mime loci rods, Wm. Geal qorth 'Avenue—if:rime dwelling, George Dimmee; additita brick. dw e lt.- Yes, SPiii l . ll ; limns carparitAber,ls, •Ifiatlngaa ; I :rams far Arming lumber., Gruseb, itermemeryder . Esplanade Eitreet—Addition A. C. •lexander. i . Paienioal. Street-11mm¢ dwelling. W. S. Taylor,. 1 frame, dwelling; T. T. Bleinre.i; 3 frameilwealncii.J4bri Lieekaatein ; 1 brlik Ilarkbai 1 frame dire.LUNC, Alford Deeket. ! - ' Orchard Alley-1 frame - dwellifig, - .Cluney; bfraurr dwelling. James biedtf. addition triele cw.;edlee,, li Knoll St reet—l - bnca deem ifig, G. K. bin.; 'brick direilloo...(l. Onaltb. - Zhao] Street - -;es fresco dwelling. Chi - beim; shifter d. ; t prick dtrelling. Lout. Hui atale; 1 frenle di; ellimr, Jona 11.4 coo; frame dwelling. Unary bit...nig; 3 'lrma. dwellifige end' <Ocoee ergo. Cr lei bileirkswelling and ..ton.. ;Tw o , 3 Peter liconer; / Mame dwelling, .Pralarick Piider. tr. ; / lime' - dwelling, John Dane; 1 tiptoe deviling, lercendenew Bur kir.mi; 1 frame owelling, 'Archey.Taylor;retitted brick,' we/ling, Con rad Lippert. Third Street—l.framo .welling and beer ball. John fbiriann; I frame paw short James Cherie;frame Nu. it - Janie.: Com. Wee. Allty-1 triter dwelling, Stra.!Velh• erase B. /hum ;I f rime d welling. d'iyette Attiacy. Calar frame dwelling, 1.1“. Sephlw use. . • called Street-it rater , dwelling 'Jaen'? Bopp; I trees d earl! in it. Thorne, tioriza ditto • treats drat:leg, Grief's Vro,bely ; frame dwelling, decal Scrormar; I transit stable end ramp. Joan r. list:kat Garner or /Male end. S .coad Hireet—l brlck•drolliag arid manic Chrlat Gelb. • First Street—Addition Ireton.: w, Bing Sirs. 5. Abaci:eater:l frame canine, shop, S. d frame dwellin. sad re, ern, Sadler d BlOhm 1 frame direlline: .Shields. • tarst Alley-9 frame drainage, Ilariry Gattachalk; 1 trains dwelling, lilchaci West Strtet—d fraina -livery stable, Eau, can, eteuart, Ces Third nalles-1 fraran *cabin, John nein.; 1 frame dwelling, floury Ptnemine; I frame brewery, IlliaadreigEina• ' Middle rdas—l _ trim. litehtal Shellanyil f ranaddiren lug, Joanna 111,k; 1 tram. aw.l.lng. Conrad kiainger; addition frasilitlweilliig. W. J. tiudnr. • East &reet—l bring d and trot Sigimund k. Halley; S Imaza Ilan, Andrew livellan; 1 hack direllinir, George Egaut, addition frame d Weling, E. F.A.Pandialter; addltlo. frame dwell in g,V,i, Rummel; addict= name dwell rug, Jelin wetter...a; addltion Inlet dwelling, Louis Shatter Sou; atilttaalma ir brick delltada Jo Sisal Laue-1 Maio dwelling Ea:Shelia Herzberg; 1 trams dwidlLig, Frank nut; 1 Evan* slaughter tour, George Henri: lbrialr.rprelling. -Colonel ("roma •lerat, , Gent Alley-1 • Pike Street,;Addition.in fratite - diseEndg, Henry Hale; addition to frame (11nallnig, , - -- • . _ • Parry Street-1 buck Lama Irackzneyeraframnalwelllng. Jacob Weir bawl addidon to, frame d W oUlnir. AL. Nita& Center' Street-IL frame dwellir.g; Eora Shoerneter;l. frame alweillnir. L. liamen; 1 Creme dwelling, Cnrisclan Miter; / boot 'dwelltagadidrew Era sed I /tame dwelling. Jobe - Barmen ' lkoitLeret— .. .. - • I ' . f.11.10' dwerlleg. Jobe Iltephons; • Green Street—Red:lM jo4n Rene; /prick dwolllog;Alebter Samba*. Gbostno;;Street—l, frame dwellmir, - thisaLlnk; I frame-ant addition. , Caul.. Sesser; • addition to frame IYeUlal, t:. Ohara et:neat—l- brick dwellinoc Daniel tltrante.dweillocVlall, b00rt...n.1 1 Dame dwelling, Joao. Weirxtle; I frame 'dwelling IlartlnDepp;,f frame cooper a top, TOIU ILTZ 1.4.15, Ohiotiliel,i-Paditted I, franca',Striate g cad atom Ludwig /Iwo; refitted Warne ,dwallngssattatareaaJohn litentall addition le a franca baaatTret tn. Kramer. • Virgin • Alley—l Immo dwelling. .1, - G. frame.d.oll.g. Mr. Cath . traw It Ltharty. Sumac—Addition to it Catharine Rim k; r brick . dwelling; Christian Morin/WC; 1 . brlct, ronrati Ward Youth, Sotrool 'Howe; I pricx echoed house. German Catholic. • _ Avery Street-lorlek dwellinge„Jogn C Flelnar; I.fnune d.relttna Hrs. Mnrg - ew ; refitted 1 frame .dwelling. Henry Sholt I-friuse dwellingc Colnmbns. Cole- O s. Cedar Avernus-1 freousicawelllnljiolht 8: Hood 'Vattern; addltlon brick Goa - ] Chestnut SETeet-Icrick . d.allln f=tt u =l a tiTe!el--.1 brio, tour ' e - f -On t . gosh bowe.Cldmore, S..rauo .Ik.CoU dwelling. Henry Burney., . Washington Streot...l Trick. dwol gotin Jandintel I brink - dwelling, Edwnrd Groeteinner.' Corner /Sum Lana-3**k d.ellioz, Chris tian Shaffer: 1 NAO. asrelnug. Frank 1:11 4 et. ,Yarn ntrtat—t trains dsrellinr. Hours- ffiMS=MMMM Carpenter Alley-1 brl derolitnr. Goo. lenneltderle;l brick damning, Henry La( Eler, Cherry Strent.-4 frman drell!nr,,Jolepb giver Arenne—; frame latarlea Shaer& Street-1 brick , . :/woor-lc Street-1 [ram, dwelling. Edward Scultb; addition. to 1 truadg tablue,'Wett , . Ortlein.Uarterzek d Co. ' - EiraVs Alles-1 Irmo 'dwelling; Mr, Elka WlbltellatO;s4Cition tot Ira= e alnt- Andazsaastr.l.--ficame Izon Firehouse, Lewis, .13^11«, - ,Ds , sel a - Lammlt Struit—llrnma foundry', A4drenc Gibson. • . ' Sandusky S trees—l frame Iron warehouse. Spear, Chalfont t Co. Graushaas 81.reet-1 fusme dvaltloQ, Jobsi Robinson fierce t--1-irausa Skutt* pltSuk, Her/tease SV.te Anothaloc, , .Ths no buildings nre.thissod wad appor- U dlfll.llA four wards as zouo : Fame. 27Lek. honl. elect: prat ward 4I 25 4 84,40r1d ward..ldl PS .215 Third ward... TS S, ID . a lastrllt 5 • 4 . Of the above number of new buildings. 3.19 were dwellings.; the whole number erected in the four wards too Pait tws years was 749; additions, ICC; remodeled, ill. Quite a number - of these were first class dwellings, and cost from $lO,OOO to $30,000 each. • There Ls goiter— large utunber of other -buildings In -the lis: worthy of notice, but I wilionly Men tion at few or the rhore.oostly onm.: The Fourth• Ward Public School HOIIISC., lo anted on , Liberty near Chesil ut Area, I. a magnificent - building. The German CatholloSchoolliouseomatim_ comer at • Libertyand North 'treat, Fourth 'ward. is every loro, floe building. Thiefour atoried malt house of Gilmore, Straub .0 Co., located on Beath Canal street, be. twesn Chesnut and Sreaniore street., Fourth ward, Is a very large and sub ttiaLbutlding; it bate the capacity for og 60,000 bnethels of • groan. : The Methodist Church erected the past year oh the corner of 'North avannae and Beaver street, Second ward, Is a :splendid • edifice. It ham a cupola of , no ordinary height:from the ham' to the top of th - e I stare is one hundred and.ninetpeeren feet. In Mai -dome 'literals sentpended a I beantlflal. , sounding bell of owr three thousand pounds _weight. In the peat two years nine :church nu tlO-n were erected` In , Allegheny' s Call., eight being brick and one frame. I With two exceptions, all were Stio I large , • , . and coat over two hundredam-i -adity,thousand dollars. That Eplecorril Church; located on the corner of Croon aZ d oe'. and :strawberry alley,. .Third , hie been :cabal during Ms past .. . - It now presents h very floe sap- In — the throe now wards I men- Maned the . nu : tuber of new buildings gsted in 1W and '67 is about '331. .Of . number ,over Lima-four:Me were frame-dwellings, mahy of Wlt cli wensfinished with a display. oil taste. '`'qrt brick and stone dwelling it steps of n gond clans and a credit to.arty.eity, •. • late whole"- number .of new 'Unlit. is gfl erected in t6o coven ward,. the past 'two :years is 144. 1 , This the a cheering 'evidence of the =kid growth. _ and - proverity of AV 1 hany ~ City. -In - -Ttognreme , :horrlggh tw my -two new darellinipsarol'eno -are , fo ndry were tirsefed the past year. ' A; Dims, • 'Asseystai of .Wster Goma:— lel kw t fo r .• -.- ,•.. . , . . Infant TrovOrra Coiaattet6l. atu , dkr nrghtAL.a iale hour: Mile S MI, Torn Price and John Smith worn [.prowling' about the city. end 'in thr course of. their perevinattorol entered a hoes, on Third bia•ret., iu which 3011 U ' x il'etitia,.. a colored bon : exampled n 1 nr. won: .aleciOng .4:Port/neat. Into which the party entered by breaking' oir the dottr,- , After gaining admittance hi th is uneereamaioua manner, th ey at.- taa 'ed. arth ' Mane the boo ohnmefully.' Yrid.ortlay morning he mirk, all illePliala . • til 114.40 4.l4grumu .I‘4e-Nlasterv,cliarg ln them with ao.rupt.auti I.attery.; I flpy wetsarreated and, ai r til • a hearing; n 011 1 .• . - mined to 'jail In default of bail tur thew ! Anil:aria= intone[ • , ' . Clpraorees titreet—A Ithe . topportunltv.l for inkthyruent iselthrdlki to ihoioTer 3,' dr , the! '_'altpping art" - on Criugre. tercet;', liprhia fur that purpoeo is in newt etrel.' lel condition; but no it wax not i h tended for a Ideating parki.avo tintk it would become the Street sContudesioner of. that district to have the water which Sole over the street, froth the tiro ping ' et tranhlin street, turned 111.grare other chrthnol, if the teak cannot bo etoppott, as thestreet for a considerable distance at that paint, es;well as st several phnoca f ; bel w ir,116 COMPCIeIy covered with ice. •.: .ges Beduced.—The erasce of the employees of the Piltalmiutl, Atlecheoy i ir..Sfrutelleator Pseaen-er Ruilwuy C ow . psi i• .have been red cioed twelve : and a hal per cent., to take effect vroeorday. Tb conductors sad drivers In the em pin of the ootnpaoy now set one dollar on seectity-Aveftmle per doy, Instead of tiro doll:trine faltalerly... , ~, • . '. 111lqa . ty of the Pesce..--fisrel . 'hemp= son . ,Lisetuniny ner iad separate Informs.: tfe before Alaerman Strain Uplink _ e Smith and. Ann Coleman, for surety of the peace; attesting-that they [cued to do her bodily ianrtn' War. =akin:re Issued for the arrailth the so . =meg-. AaLolt and Eattery.—Parlek Hugh.,* made. Information Lefts Alderman btrarn yeateiday et:we:R:lll34 Gruvaa lOW assault and batten 7. Tiro parties M.Blrixduitharu. iranaM . was: bitted for Mamma of the aceund. THE COURTS. Di,trLet. Comm—Judge lismyWit: Mosna . t, Tan. 13--Conrt met at tea o'clook..ll4anjamin flash I:caul - ord. re Jam., Guthrie and John Guthrie, and same p•ahatiffraWilliamlf.tiaslin,Wm. Kennedy, Janie+, M era A nniew j ~lil. nra actions in eject. Mont Armstrong county, an, are oein... tried in court in punntatice of a 9.ZZ.t act of Assembly. The that fa , fir ono hundred and fafty acres, and thel Litt,: for ono huadred and lifty.faur acres of land, boil tracts being situated C. , vanshannock tavola:hip, Armstrong • enunty. Toe jury Is'what L 3 termed - a “struek" jurr, the manner or their ae.. , lectinh beingas fdinlysi The full panel of L.rty-eig , .t jurors me aubmittel to the plaint.if and defendants, anti each party nag a right to strike oil twelve names.. Fronetne twenty-four names remainin g , toe .ProtTionotary select.: twelve, and the remaining twelve are held In rellOrVe to 51,1,1, , r the placesof U - me selected by the IProthonotary who stay be objected off; ; The jurors thu. selected are thenaworn, and 11,1, , r0 the' case COMEX . up -LW trial ma:in a pervmal examination or the iit!picstion. Thetionicaare linportanw, a, the result . I aid admit We' on unehip of a large , am, apt of laud i s Armstrong county, Mcasrit. Galileo, Parlance, Phelps and Itorgwin will appear for the plaintld; and Messrs. Boggs, Barclay and Luna . tor ihe defendant,. On trial. 1;.11owinn• is the trial list for to-day. le.t. IL, mu, Hatt. tt Pittsburgh, Brownsville& Goiiera U. 8:51ail . . W. (J Sneepyt, Wm. Reed. Isaac Redman of us. vs. ex'rs of Nan cy Artitoit' 4. nerieltat* Lc: Friend o. Wills ..t Coyle". .11,4. IL Galer:vs. IL Piddle. • 14. W. I% liobineon vs. lienry Jones el us. l'croua Oil .Ca..r3. Jas. - Danny, Jr:, • 20. ,F,Trus Miller VS. Fuller A: ilest-' Quartor aeastens—Jaeas Starrett.. This . Court. tact Monday morning at toe unreal hour, ten o'clock. . ficorko INI. Morrison was sworn as Mercauti!o Appraiser for Allegheny cany. Spralt was granted a pedlar's LARCEN lLs-COSVICTION OF DEFt:NDANTS. The CAW) of Moritz I:estner and Henry Hes., intlietinent. larceny from the Pena - - - . Railroad -Company, was re waned. The defendants were in the em. ploy of the railniatCcom pans as "repair met]." and it was ebarged that on ths night of the sth of December Jost they entered a freight car at the outer depot and took boulc-s of wine from 11 chipped by 31,Cricloutdr Co The de eudants were on duty that night, and being suspected, were watched. They were observed opening the car,- eater It, take Hirt wine, and proceed to a tool house In the vicinity;where, subsequent le;-the wino four hotticS) was found. Tl 2 0 M. 4 O as's - cry carefully tried by Juts Hampton. Eau., for- the prosecution, and A. Af, Brown end F. li. Collier, FAns., for the defense. Mr. Hampton, 'ire them urea of hie'enntoting up, said it Was not. an ordinary case of larceny. It was not the • Case Or . stringer entering a house or ..lure ! nail. taking trisrfrom a property or g,411a, It was that of employes, While on duty or aehrork,.siolating . the conli derice of their employers. The defend mere repalrin.. ears .in the night tune, and, mbracetrlhe opportunity . to sthug pertlen ItSro bottles) of the wine was found 'at Kestner's bonen, in -Lawronroyille, and.oilien arrested Rest, nor said he had no wine about his prom , ism For the defense* a- women named Hoch testified that. elm and I .Nits. Kestner listl pnrchaSed the wine at I,Mr. Seibert's store, in ..tho city: Mr. !'Hampton said this -woman hod . ..been brought ' , forward to . - swear.. the case through" and had committed rank per jure. She had not been rorroboreted, : t ad the Jury would rtisregard tier asti mony. Mr. Collier reminded the Court of the fact that Sir. Seibert and his clerk' bed. been ogultrly - subpomaed,and ah ! tachnienf tussled on Frid.re List tecom pet their attendance, the °dicer rersirting that the withesstes had gun . ° to Cleveland. Tice Jura - retired about one o'clticki and site? u brief absence returned with a verdicrof guilty.- • " . tierire li.o Cone of dm defendants In 010 tibOV. (W.) °lie arraigned upon an other indiCtment, °barging Mtn with toe larceny. ors /erg,: quamuy of dry. goods, d.so in the "possession or the Pen:node:l -ate Itarood es carriers. Thi3 tit put in it elect Of guilty. There was atilt another case against Keotner and licks, brit. the District -at torney stated it N. 114. not Ids purpose to ry It'at pn..ecut: The dvfendants were , einanded until Saturday nett. than had been under boil in the sum of $1,500. 'Cue defendant Reamer was but week. convicted of the larceny of a large quan tity of dry goads, clothing, &e. Them: mot scent to has e been doing finite an extensive thieving business, re• not only in cen‘itlemble loss, but in great inconvenience to ,yonsigeors a; wen as co - insigne - es,. and also Si) the railroad 'company in tracing out the thieve. and the stolen property. The macs just tried therefore were of more than ordinary Interest to the railroad company and putdid generally. For bringing the oll , hders to justice much arida i. - dut, to the oLlicers in the enepkiy of the railroad company, more vipecially to A. Ilack.tt, detective, In which *pet-lolly lie has few equals. Some Per 'sone, from lack of -Information, lave : Ctin proper to characterize us a spirit' oY - suiailfbos" [ho earnestness with which tie railroad company, through its agents, has pursued offenders, In most instan ces pmployes, bat it is a sufficient as ewer to such expression of ,opinion to state the - fact that %Diana year past the company, it is est , mated, lass been oblig ed to pay to shippers about link thousand dollars as damages for goods lost, taltierstolen; Is transit". Hence Itis that, by tho employment of - detective officers, and the pursuit to conviction , of employes and' others engsged,ln steal ing • from cars, the railroad.; company has 'resolved - to render shippers seem* in their proper.y, very • nsturally deem-, ing it wisest to - furor the necessary ex pense of such a policy rather than to ex pend a like or greater =mint of. , motley to damages resulting from a lees degree of pr.:caution. The system of railroad thieving—for In feet it has become a regidar systemwithin a few years—we may state, bag rendered nerwseary such ektraordinary precaatioaTN . ° result of the mars Just tned, it is to be hoped will have a wholesome effect. Andrew lltlllns was arraigned oo two ebargt. of assault and battin7, Commit ted on Mr& Campbell and hor litt]a son, residing in Allegheny.. Jury ouL • Joseph McMullin and Thomas Hughes were indicted far felonious assault arid lottery on James Miller. Ono of the defoudints, :Hughes, was not, present, being unable to attend in consequence of having received an injury while skating Saturday night, and, therefore, hleMul. Ilit thous. was on trial. It woe 'alleged that the prosecutor was attacked on the St.t Gale street bridge on the night of the lOtli• of Heptem ber - last; _that' McMullin followed him on the brulge as far as the Ilret pier, going towards Allegheny, and there they had'a temille; that Miller, alarthed for his safety, retreated to the toll house, went: Mainz, and while there MeMedi in mate up and . tired two shot. from a revolver through the window. at Miller, one, halletriking the rim of hie hat and the other taking effect in MS left hand: Jlueltes end, 'McMullin, it ape Var.. mere s r an di pg.at .he toll-house at the time Miller came tin. and. passed; home remark was made by Hughes, (trx prvtainr, regret at . the tae[ that he was under ball to keep the peace, and there fore could not take satisfaction out of r.gainst.whom It appears he held grudge,) when NI c ullln follmeed after JLtldq acetssted him, and. was knoeksd down, or at least struck by Mtn: Miller seeing- some one dioe approaching as be was 'standing with McMullin in the e artway of the bridge, thought& to go back to the toll.house, and be reached [hero and Was but fairly heisted when the shooting took pleat. The ease watt not concluded at adjournment. = Joie. 13.-111 tiro case of the Pooplo'n Line of steamer ye. Andrei, Boyd the Jury found a verdict for plain, tit!: for .SOl fa - • .1111711 FOIL DAMAGES POLI A ,TOLICEILLID sa. Warden Nichol, ion, Andrew Mown, Peter Drmaler, Wm. Gordon and Peter Perehment. Action for damages stmtained cods...queue/hot an alleged false arrmt. Ontbe night of the:,/tit of March htst a number of po licemen, under the direction of Mayor McCarthy, went to search the premllfne or the plaintiff, who kept a boarding house at I taxi ewood Station, ou the I'enn ‘3, I vin la Railroad, where It was euppmed comb goods stolen from pia' Perde:lent, one of defendants; stem 'secreted: Mr. Nlcbolson, one of rho defendents,wm the Mayor's - Clerk, and the remainder were members :of the police force. '(bete settrils was not euocemful, hut newthelens they took- the ptafn- WU . Into Mstody. During the search resistance we s offered, the doom broken ; Tornltore disturbed, pistols draft% Sad nbots iirmn'but no • great. inlarY Anne to flomou or. property. Dr. Petehment, It avW, alleged, was present disguised, hie taro Leine- meeked, and was idpittlfied only by his voice. °Slicer Moott, It tip pcareil. did nothing more than defend hitnxelf from assault, while it did not sp. pear Gordon wag presentat nil. Au to ilhem and Gordon, Lbanefeareoioit-ante veers Wien. 'rho feature in the am Was ilea the &rowbat, wets actioff wideout aoUtnrity They expected to find tome one In the bolos fur whom They had 6 *errant, boa Were disappointed: W. C. Moreland, appeared for di. tle fenhectuad T. M. Marshall, el:, for plaintiff. Vi D e routs, in etsartdrro the fJuryin!id they stunt Id taut only lltuktem= UPS LO such amount as would .00lepon vate.pleintItt for loss actually anatalned bs the anUiftui 1 1114 4 11 P0n hie . printaf am, but he such =Cunt , as woo/01 tend to prevent. le sepal tkei of e nnninntrectie. Tbe a Omr .; oboald not pliPtesettO, ITT ~ti D --,—.- howerei. There was no role by which jariei chtild be gabled in autli matte** as they Were the judges No yerdkt at acijounitnerL Richmond All j lTi lin Ti MpOiLP: L ter W D a rLes l9 l n e N r, l W th l i rlarrt n, Gordon and Peter Perch.ment. Similar action.{ The principal whom 'in this cane watt the plaintiff in. the previous one. Illebelsoi,‘bresslor wed Parchment were I identified by him as having hold eland tasseling with plaintiff outside of me house, and be saw tho plaintiff leaning egainit the house covered with blood and looking us if he had been severely hurt. .lie had asevere cut in the backer the head. Waviest had been absent with his wife at a Mend's, en. the. evening of the oe- Curreime, Was returning home, and had got Within two hundred the of -the house when he heard the noise. Re Met a man whom he (witness) told be wee proprietor of the houses exited what twits wrong, and said he would. make everythicg right.. , The:man told him to stimil or„. he would. blow out brains. •Witness encountered another man, who tbreatondd to shoot him if he o ff ered. in- 1 ~ terferenee., Ile also saw a men with a handkehief over , his face, (Dr: Perch. ,- merit add thinking they were a "parcel lof rolhers," he went to the watchman lotarick. yafd near by to get a pistol, 1 [but di not get one andreturning found : Richt orld in the hands - of three persons {it tole - the house. Mr. Hide, a boarder ih Oi house, totti lied to the nature of the assault and to the • firing of • pistol by one of the defendants. The ease was not concluded at adjournment. • FolloWing is the trial list forto-days 1. i • ocrooze Tarr. ' 1 62. lair vs. Fox. • • 10.4tylcusit vs. De Night. : I 7 XOI7IIILUEIC LIST. . , 16. Jaisies Audi TEL John Wain. - 17. Marvin vs. Tarerituni 011,13a1t and 1 Coal Couipany. 18. Hans TIL Allegheny, Valley Rail- toad Cu pens. . . 18. Munn vu. same. 2.0. Mooney vs. Pennsylvania Railroad . Company. - - '2l. Ilsiv Ann Skew re. 0. E. Shaw. - 2.1. plea it Elms. ye. Pottinger . and Winters. - 21. Alex. Neely vs. 'James Neely. 1 25.. DILICL Macrum d. Co. vs. James A Gibson( I Oxiinhart wad wiro In. Luce& 2S. Oakland Pasecipr Railway vs. Lucas: I Intnredi by a Iloee Carriage--Monday morning fhh Vigilant hoer Carriage while l'proceeding nut Penn street, in sWer to the alarm of fire, collided with the Independence carriage, unavoidably it SH312111,:01,1 the part attire erlvere, by ivhichl.Tolin Hanlon, driver of the latter, watt aerionaly inioxed, tip being thniwu front lila lieut. He wits plaited ap Insert eible, but soon recovered sufficiently to allow b( r 'removal to hls hole. -Two Whcel* o the Independence carriage were torn . WI. • Co •• • edfor a Ilearinge—Sarall /otos Made information before Alder man Thomas, charging Peter .Fey with aNsatilt. It is alleged by the prooecutrlx that the dpfendant used Imptoper lan guage Ito-yards her. and • threatened to strike km witha stick. Ile cocgm it ted to Jail Tor a beating to-day. • ; Ceaualtted..—.7. Y. Little, whose arrest noticed a few days since on a charge of larceny by bailee, Made before Alder man Idclassters by Will. T. Wiley, Jew eler on Wylie street; had a hearing yes terday; which resulted in hie being cons.' mittedi to a ll, hi' default of $l,OOO .for *appearance at Court. • I.ILLTLIWAD3. prrreSUBOU AND CONNELL!' eh. Va.Lll, BAlLtlug9l.l" '- • 1 4 - oftlißilE OP 111[6. On snit s e. NDAY. October 19 • NT. the trains will In n tbli Depot. corne Sinai mil Warm ti. 11 SW , . I . I ' Pittekeitl. Pliterarph. Wall to d Dank traloat'a. LW., a. iroo r.:. „express O - *. • Liar. ).. Inla a. a. Weuirosiqn Atwolsova...c.ur. w., a!ss A. w. ELT:I I 7 ae '•" * :: 1111 1 t: ii,, , ,,ttlitt Br.do<lol .. .. on/ e. 0. COP. a. muds, CIL h Train to sad • from West swum ... . . ... LOC e. x. mccA., x. tor lieke •, ts 1091714 . 11. 10.1. W. B 1 B61:12i Ihm•OnteJnesnt. liO, Airsat. ALLIF,6II/EplY VALLEY BAIL- Agsal4 , Throark V. City. Colustiog with Tra '/AstA•4 Weas AA. Lb. Warn" AAA Tizallts WO with W. • ILAAlirsat lrelWn hall way. teases or Tuts. an NUNDAT. Taw Demater .the PL.ntn Tra , aa will 14m from ad Arrly• .I.7notg, r I OU , rib thrir DAP *nue Vaal ale 113 e fos: Yell LlA , f . took Ten. Ct . 7.1 ,2 = T2:tr ". . !=ilital ' AcrAmaxmo .. din. 7 ;4l::r. ll= &Ma Works N. 11•:23 1. l r l Arollo &MAP/Arts Atom.. Also. s. T:l3 r.. ra ... 11 2 2 11 =4 Armes . — 11110. a. K. 7 .. • .sada7 , Patran i Trabiletnes ikod•Aittel ) 'oo 1321. 2.4.• Anlvlog PluabstAi. at Pb A. N. Pe Ibex rIV:r MT? " " "- AA-A I A ..Atheir ' riteli, BnAt. 1 , 1867:1 WAKRIM - 1867: 7lTrei(7Btitl WAY MA ADDICAirt H. W . AND (11. - EvaLAMD•VITTriIeII it. • 0. h. Prom Soiremern ilere,‘,l/C4 trans velij inv. 105 •5 1 15115 at um Ussa Deren, 0510 alga Pliarbargre; eily thee, La Mos.: 3.1.11.T1. Agin'. Enkl:W,llei::ll::lB..ulf.Lf'i. !Il .' : Eng & Ymr.ix Mir az eldnanip:....ll 5 • .1.A105,11..L . •as •= IN hut ii,llol • 0 gt • .. IV!. tit: Z Sll'Mu.ri 111 g : TILTS m.ll. Erie A Yen Ma ern p • _viell:ognetLa. p . ..; •a. Mlle. 15...-- ale p • ' cikle=Tn.... " IA:: Pitt rtf, If:. i t . ''' hill.l snorts. CAI p • Tta Yeini.r.' el. trae 11 re Depart Pram Allegany. Arrive 10 Alleghelly S. lerletmAm 11.11 • pr. 5'5 ,L' 7:111 • z • 1.5101.5 •• nill 5. t 5'5 ' '.` CJI • 1 "15• se allsvUle . OM • : - 'l, - ..i....,.. y . .• mitt,. .e, Veser• 11 105 • • Wellev.l.l Am.. !Wpm Lowder, •• 115 •el rmststal• .110 M Min pm .. • • • las p N. intra .. Ina •le N. liPten ~. .1:41 p e PI Urn.. ; . till if a ILMOlldtlil ... I S 0 0 Lostedale • . 10:81n in - ... 15 p 1 . • 151 p. n..ll7hltage p.m rarms dairy. go i in rl . a l i s arn.l A Olkyl .non F. H MTV= eners Tlel.i A. nmeolat, catneats • WRlNwliii R. PAN HAIM& RiiIPPIL 0111.10 L-021 sae alter 6171WA1. Deembar alb.tralu lsiTs ar.l. al Claloa at as lolkera. Pittaborah Mao: oasis. LLISR. rail 211. a. V. LIS rad I.la* a.. Ir.. at kaprort.... ...... SAO r. r. NtSi• r. - littsiNt 'I•117 .30 AI U 6 • am r. 1. liteDoaalt •• roe. 1. I:. II:10 a.r. rata r; r. latoulreartlla Alocomo.. a: Aar. rs. Iva .L. Nebo QC* Se. one . ;a r. I:Ma... anctatironc raprou sot arrinag Claolautl a& CA a. at ' lta7r,a 4:1;1 !rare aser, at ISM 1.. Tao SAO a. a:. gra lama rally. thirdly aid Iloadar azorDUld. arrtslao ISUlSr.tasatt st tbe s LI. evening. N NO LN •11V.1.1111;/ Ol Orli ER 21)11 . 11:31.. irro Cause oat ortrota Pittsbarak ate 11 0110, tairsaall. sae bat ONE thaara to et- Loolo are tar prlaalpta Dottila Waal sad Santa. rut ' rairoaadagT/raaela tat Eno ale Ma tie al:loo at Um !EM MA OMNI I ®GIII.OI L IUnIO DePot,lsouth aide.) sc Y. nogisicitspAtroia, is et Aiw a k. tOia li ihrillNlr tate PENNiRLY . ANIA CENTRAL' /4.111110/I.D CM mad OCTOILIt 0e .. .1441 , 4 111.1 , a:a Irlj Wu/Marl demi tram th• IlarD_ ko •Sal 1.40•417 .. mouo•4 • alum. stara.•?. • • Kali Tr= ..... tM. K Day_7..spr . 44.. 4•2;4 • Pan 1.1241.—.. Ile •al WWl._ Is_ a. 4.44: L. W 4r 4 , 1 r. 114 • n" 411; n 111 " :r... U 0 • W R •••• • :Is a e zattaart LC M 1.,. IN•11.• N. I.:alms • Joaustolni 404444 • la J.:WM.IIr As.. 440 p !, kl i tra Wall , . No. 4... &AO p m all•• Ma. 2 1 0. 4. ISO • Wall , . Xs. 1... p • "We 781 as rut Lim. p Altana /Um P W•Ws 4...14:44 p and Mai r matt i • The Maeda Val . e! Wes Walra MAUoa ava:l inuam , glitgle arching .rittsbarg4l at lata Nal•nal „ pa 71 . 1 , 404441*.t1.2.80 P. m. p wre„,tt..try i. . lll . 11 11.....511..a.T. Philatua==eg&the Alticaa /Lama • modatlmp_ I, Tessa VIM dsly. 12110 fttnsail /Mesa wales. 4ally-satent Ja4•447 ageai= 2,...... 4la.tty except •ne . .. AValiW/TE. t T in. jtaylvaal W a .P 1 Mornaymill ; wane am/MX Igalr=jlV.= .1711=117441144 All Bare . iltra4l. 'P eke own . =4 srt At " D . 7 4 •• et es a 4 ra t it • it)ll,llive • • • • eapaft...!...114 r. Wr i • A : u. ..lT • . PENNSYLVANIA' afeulitMrS/4.111.11 ar d .igrOCEM W. Pimerttar Tralu , "rej l a ol :reel tl 7 l 4 fron . f A , V a tr ii grel . weeiro I 1134.14 izrogat4 Me t rU P2l ellt rag. Irmort No I (._,11r.) jireel=o Ara. ?Mira IL M" Apreb, Tub awes( AI am . j; JuMt Crirl 7:1p4.21,41 , . 'A , lcebrms ITY in 11.1111 4. 11., 44 1174.. - 1 e =A &min AMNIMMutaI. 1 4 . 0113 , M , ImejLTls.kr—f: La fialmml t soon alnifekbila P ILVFITYZASiI I y* . • . 10 I‘,p; wick,. OD I and +iv r . ttr's I l Lize Or !Myles Mr By r,and ~.c .T lTgiketau hM t..lalratkaadd a Ree ?I IL._ alk. ow at oh igotii - 11212° . The Woman ranaglvaala Estlroa4 gnu se 'amass ag flat Aftrialleanarpt Wisp grzvv.h.9l,s7ll 9 .tu ir po.dbuli, .Lg. =IS .101.111. 11,1.6. ' !;Fdril n eW MO of 00 omm..l.ims &Mak Yfrplicla 00) stririum a. WlLLuxe 1 a. •INTSI 01111.2. NEW EXPRESS ROUTE =I OIL REGIONS I Complelloa of the allegluay Valley '1 I Railroad. . On and:Altar MONDAY, poemblr.2l.l, lb, .14 ru tltOogi. to V 00. 4 ,1!. 0171.1 , 114111 ‘ll 4p7. „ , The Adams Laprass CcpaaPdaY, s u glan n rr t. "eriVitig 1111. 1 11111:os ay it Toot ItOsto triIit:I;irMITZLITIZZ: ,Nuticzu. , . - • colon. ISlOlte tia•br pniertt weet. Pit gat.lngve latalata LT tor part eisossz arereume, ' • *Gum 123 Y GAZEITZ .. • Er-la. 24 - -Emerz, BEHR BD 111d1R, 118 Wood St.. Lear ooriter of Fifth. Gov - airier:* Securities.. • Giold Silver , 1 and .14.e."...d.ci:t On Utren.l.l.9l - ae. Draft. eold On all the erleeftul clef. of Keret,. 110.7LA11E.,011 , 1,14 OF DOVERRINENT SECURITIES Caa :Taloa oricom ur isolt TWiLVZ TO Over "Psvelity Per Cent. By VlDWlting tloyn Into ' Pacific R. R.First Mortgage Bonds, JAMES T. BRADY & CD., • A 011121711 PACIWC ISAILWAD; Coins re/Wm: Wood Pitrooto. IBA B.; fileViiik itz CO. • Yazianar..erms. • L HiBHA WIRTAIST SICUEIIII.3, Cor.lovOtt and Smithlield stret6, w,. 1 •11I_Prio nol.lors of JUN /I AND JUL! SEVEN , Iituf,ES Dm 'wore? 2.10 per cent. to January tot. sod Alva In oncoangn , 4.20 non o Intartrt IN GOLD al fl por tant. from that da ' ro. ItrA , entijAY FINANCE AND TRADE 07,10. ar Tn. rrrrmicsolt GIALIrrz; t 310, DAT, Ikeo.ber la, ma. Gold. la ell II advanciug, and the desire to hold for higher rates la contagious. There weal.] ee nothing mire desirable to eyeettli, tors than a general rush for gold by the putolle to order to gel rld of their cloak at an advert., The •Iraoce, Leveret, wee .tee rebid to- he permanent, and lower rates may be looked for. Money belag very atrhndant and government setarltlei the hest caorettible tordstment, s marked advance was established. add prices may be carrierauch higher. ' Stocks are hishir and .firm. and ell thmlud. leg llailroadr Sr.' firm. There wee a p.a., beware!, this afternoon, and puller, who hare bought eheaphsve been realizing. Befire the end of title month, hoverer • mattes is eon. /ookettfor, and whosoever to daught at present billed is likely to Borer. earerelyL The Miele[ ' stares are graLbut did not be. vanes trLilay. Clootaz‘ Hen. York quotations, noel yod by ?Lenz. 'wee as fallo*s: 11G de o t " Ire l /ni 1451. 1" 11 1 11 1 : O lM ati ! i ' oll: 2C4 lClki i t atr ethlttl i ; 111%; 1-10 m. I by,. Clevelmad Plusbuteh R. R. • pt Mere/tante thotoa.Lapten nth! Weatem coin Telegraph nalg CM s_.__ fah, Nun/nth rote Wayne S. Chicago 10.4. ' 101,1!, Northwthtern Rallrold—commen ev't ey Northweatm—preferred..,— ' 724 New York. C e n t r al . . . 10431 Ohio the 111.1.Oppi Cern/Mtn sum Xtthlosit Seutheln • Corydon quarts Qolekativer I ',Teeth has been a decidedly better holies In loathe.. ethics for. Week post timer Is abundant, sod the Increased demand !or It 1. met more Maly then n thy rims dolag the last month. Una Is more dispontion le all blade at benner to trade. Leo dry goods, winch have riled to eseesdlogly doll foi the /an half yen. hays cpainteen considettably elece the adviat of the New Year. Th. set tling hp of ower.anetion4lgf IthiT, tatting an gnat of stick, n tortq have been pro through with, and rho, a lets dithstio.a stale of affairs than was pronoun. (surd.. The jobbm the past yesr,ne a snit- , eel Mid, have door • saving . while goods have been one alidlng acne Cpernereted . By them wadesu In nit keeping throe Mock. they have been . leas . table to dtprociaildel,l which mold ha.. affected their pinta, and as It Wee wall knows th at foreign goods Could sot is preatably encl..; they have resided the Intel which hare been made, }n me other markers, by. moulting Unseal an this Me. of the water. The aggregate amount of Aisles has been Inns s weltda. formed merchant tot ems se that is thin. that Moe hays been mere yard. of goods sold to the three elites df New trek, Ranee and Pelledelpbta the pan year then thulte the same petted since Um doneoe gran of snag thirty Oath' credit has away nth the ethenity which existed wider the old system of selling gds on elght Cod twelve months' vote, for Jabber. 'to Incur Leavy ...AM. and owe large mount. lad it le seldom that • thine.o of trade Ma notes or ask for bank aecommodatimis The market for Mem Got t..4 Arm, and lo emote instance. of etsnard brands' in .advaime In prises is 'quote!. The Met nue alga at • more preen.... trade, is want the thopkthpere tau OM Customer, "months it 10r: rests pet . : yard higher knit week tbedthey were lam "the stoat, on 'heed Is thorn" and, "we shall open reit weak at a further nonce." Natalieso Waist/ea/ buyer. to elate them prompt iarettlee. as the Mire to buy cheaper than their neighbor, an • fret of thing compelled te pee dearer. We hope there hoe roan a turn In bean. for the better.l and that it may at le.t lee) leog ...nib to glee emploNeett t breath t he whiter to the lame tenant dl' untroloyea labor in almost', all the nurnanteel and maeufanutifte porautte. Conners has pathed the bill stop ple, any further ethirecti. of the earthen for the .meant. This will hire the nroet ml esoinrg there who geared the Secretary t o the Tresthry weeks etalutet se felony a. to apprecisw kits value of the cuitthey. though thole la euevldeare•nant that he Punned to do any Aucb thiug. SUR the passage of Alm Mil as Ot as asserted cheracter. ant It is ton eepely,hopminhat the noel hoped for from it may be culled. le one who intim and hopes the I estlien male resumptton of specie e n d mem, we hey. nu Ide•nt • fu that this de *treble end 0100 relactod whlirther redoetlott el the eittreeey. I: may to a relief Ist &Gale quarters to kohl op this 'polity, tem- Piret ll 7. bat the only Way 11301 lel ea. lee to meet our. piper cu r rency readily efilVeztiblr into out.. le to befog the test:teal. amounts 01 wan and paper more nearly togetber—to in. *ruse to the former and isteen the latter. The niter (orlon Is mnifen m 000.1,1 trade. wall pm lo stock.. Theta II wore conk..., the gen Mat. 01 Which Is &readier dispe• Moo t o 4 - 105 maltt and. ea lower rime of Interval Ohoold not this mote cheerftil toot stop before It gentles the stoat prutluttets, we rcpt, hope to sea the text - opee with 1, leirtrai of I Wide In tool. to Iron. In gloat, sod to, the • art en mefactlues of onion .04 wool With I a milte th d etr d ri to beepall employed, the rind. of • deli winter fatty be .bore halt. Its tor. rent—Philo. bettor,' —Thi tattoo /Tat, of Saturday, reports money .matters to. that city as I.llotrat The money market seam to b• abundantly supplied wlth funs, and currency Iscirculating very freely. S.b !come of the belie .'banks, anks, which are. depo.itories for Oorernment balances, have been erawmpen with.. a few dare by the 11. S. Tre.user, het 'the Onaillistest I. Meanly pallet out gold and ea envy intern?, from thne.thea boom.,Gdsat the ileanein moth. Morn Is not astinisturbed glioy ei ,banith, as well'..lndividual sapttalisty, ant telling Ue eporie which have been melved for tattiest Os Fire Twenties, de.. the eby showing but tittle felthl..ymatellal ad toa in the gold premium—but en the eon teethe Weir rather doubtful whether it.wlll !male se high seat penult. no. appeare to be •better droned for mail Mao listed sue week preceding 'Nutter day," and iputs e, number „or the Wadlog lantitutlons haven trouble Is Ping Male disc et lines allot Very good &Oda.. P.P. ou at tan rate. of Interest. The best Beet. some. are taboo mostly at T Ong per cent an sat months paper, sid yet Ulm Ittirlibeen tritaa•ettenti toolay at • sad al per sent. Then- ea:tattoos will other—but the party Whopity. gets rely upon It, that ts the Cabe of the 6 per tot. ouster., there I. some little' ctrattinatthets" which Cleats the low rats as which be IS Motomalated. Cal/ lea. on le trot. Am platted all the wey from e le 614 per meg ' errisimmen ernioLaosiaLuxtrr Orme O. MI FlrrimestaLialmfli. Morrow., January 0, like. • CULTDE.The market precasts no new lea, tares wrathy of aptatal notice. Thereto atilt some 11011aantst4i inquiry, itkrth for preseet and future delivery, but Afton sett milers are sport, nod; as n consequence, we hare . no tiles to record. Spot 01l le 11 , 14 firmly at 7e, while for March and .Aprib seller's option, there me . buyer/at 7% to *fa, and millers at Is. tat all the year, •hoyer's option, there am ores to tell at pc, but, at yet, no buyer*. As anted last meek ahem la a decidedly grareLfeeling, and while, as yet, there la no ad Varteall WOO, the Impreasion is gaining ittength that the bottom hat brae reached; and Ude, Indepen- dent of et crytirleg elm,. ha. a tendency to etteren the mareet—makes lellere more Ind. p412d841. enA buyers-more ImUeltiottil.. An. other thing that tine to keep up prim* la the feet that navigation Is sum peeded, and besides, there le mc abundance of empty Makes* at the Walla lltrlbiE.D—There was not a tingle tracts.. Uoo In bonded oil to-day. at least there were none reposed, apd this may be attributed to the foot thaeour rer nen Tofu* to inter tato sew ...wools At prount tutu.. Thant Jo, as (bar. was last week, considerable luquiry,bolh for present and future doll's/1, but %tato prim opted are , wot blg,suagh to; be re garded. an Indusemont for Oafish thit has to be eattlld . bg the rennet, and therefor., trartoudloao for the ottani. at least, ate out 'of the Ortolan. We hear of °gm to qup at 9ss foe • P ° 4 g 3 4 . ° for FePrhorl , ondtio for hittrohl also, an offer to labia 'lull. for 3one, at SU, and Ii per bbl. The tut of the mattorts,our 'masers as • general thing, ire tot la oindltiou, to do o leant:note buolorn, awl as for opaoulatiog, they orator to to,. that. to than whosa tastosansirudlnod that way.. Thiottlominto rut eouttabe out, and an Miele to youltnow po forme time to Scow. oo the otook of netted 01l la Ms wathet cowls eabauarNl sod, boaidea, the great proportion of our Wineries ore steppe. NOW Turk 11.11011 d Iril•vis a to thoriogbonth tiasprel.l Tone., Jammu 13.—Reeeless for the weeo-41f40 Afore., !SAM *hero and Omer. 7.614 hego. 'Bosses In moderate oupply golf market fifth, maul Prierp 441540 Up I ithopt Lae- wrre .4ntforrd to dart «Um 100 , oriole 1501* , ,c, grit oniclll7,/75401040, co Mod lopie4o, Inferior to orrlio are aralro. Beery had ,Lorobs firm la - hlghar. 70 R light copols; ertro• 130181c*. pre tQ 1440. °olio sty thq..eofmoop 4',111t..,:17.4°.:1 Zbl'. 4 :CV Mine Mame estrhe Market. , ay T4elfrop`l CI Oa ptereargh °smite: I Cmcfly,Tl, Janum7ll,-flerf Cattle Arm and tbeatlyn lerr PriemileeleAM cure 10.73437,00. WOW. LIAO to (MU 4. mend, lir pen Ice shipment to Philadelphia sea IMM:row*. Peery remesagod and Arm et r.,Duaf T ee per contra gram. . Plidlado/labla • a, al* Marko.. Titlemolk . to . tbo eat borgbpiassito.) pan.ADor.rim.. January- la —Boot Cottle sdni.sood I ostrur Mr, to good 0%0 *WI com loon 0W175(03.. !Amoy; O.IXO sold at t w =wo =KZ:No dolt! Mop sow at TTIES.D.',..I, - <l,l_ , ,..Ntliilti.` 14, IE6B JAM DUVAL a 641111, 69 and 70 Water Garet, LAM OIL !MUMMERS, LnC ,ctleira In enuDi. LUELLICATLXis ut NC'alarizet CU No. I. Lard ell , 4311 IcLC a .31341.35r1, or oiler Crezr.. 1.3 44 3 43. 0ur321 0330mr.51.1 or CE.e3.4 No Len 0 I rerbrierror earina3 Lr arcane!. liora Lams Lostoriest m. rtamisml brands Of C.O. tAI mot tanlif nan, itrzetants sn.l =sot asimen w 1111124 It to thelr Imerrst to ofre Oh • Mil Wore ordains Lard Oil from tha West. rirrriestruoir JeuutliErls. chrnca or nrs I s is - reerseefiararra, f, • Moxisay. Jeetiary 13, IELIL The general a arkatecontlnuo quiet sail seg. looted, sad devoid of idiom abitrasteilsUes Worthy of medal notice. For some fair ugh des thee. Le s fair deassal, sod that, too. at slightly lotprovall prides, hot is • gitieral thief. eserythlof la doll. sad .o far ita tie can illaaarsi, there le eat Little preepeot of asiy ler ate , llate Impressment. • - GRAlN.—Winter Wheat fa ln good; de mand and littlyr to : merkei; we contlia l ue to quote at itYfii for Bed, end L.l for Whit. Oat. • httle Mltmar, In conmqueime of a falliny Girth ihe receipt.; small value at er(r • OM. N , w Corn le falling on what( at bimilne for Bar, and 117aWl far Shelled. Batley le scarce and wanted DLL unckayged at i1',660 LIS for Spring and FALL • Bye la kill quoted at "•40121t.a. • I ' •erm with a fair lent demand, though fakes are unchaitictL We coWthate to quote at $11(Y11,50 for Spring; !tire 12,ew for , Winter, eau 510na16.1,0 for ' Anew brands. 'Rye Flour, 054. ll•tckwbeat Flew, under the Influence of liberal arri•Mtl, li dull and lower.'szul we now quote at $ll4 toed per cwt. • PItOVISIONS—Darou It quiet but steady, with regular gobble( sales at..,,ltrollt•e for Shoulders; lartglstie Jot Ribbed hides; wd lEiffiil7s for Sugar:Cured Hems. (Lard rney be quoted et Igbe is Meta. sod barrels, and latigible, is kegs. bleu Perk Is actrulual at 121 [or 011. and 122 for new. IiIJITERrIe in better demand and • 'Outdo Orme, but unchanged; Mate to choler; Roll cannot fairly be &bosh Lill us. }AlDS—Fresh packed, of whirl, there ale but lets. if , any, in market; would rrobabli.gdia , late•d sogllgo. APPLES—Theraa ointMoucil lair demand • tiudi tile market la atom!" ,with regular atlas at $.31:114,F) per Ohl. " . • • DItLLD I RUIILI - lia 'melee la completely Slotted, Sod tp. 'demand la. light s bat '.re ticaltacged; lath :alit at Isaalur ApPlea, Slid 13Q1230 foe Peaillea: SEEDS—listaced is lo Nse domarot and teneiig upwstili wf continua tp gook et, $2.00 02,51. No moremect, as yet, la tilover or Timothy 9.1414 . ' ' POTATC/tlS—ttulat tut unchanged; ata coo. tioua to quote at 31151,10 per buslial,acd ta.t3 33.1.0 per 881, so to quality. 1 • •IlAY—la ae•Net framtquotry atavism SO OA .44 haled may bar at altaaa: on wharf tad isae)t. • ' • • 1 • HOMINY—I. quiet and unchaste , ' 41 50 Per bbl, to the trade, sad 37,50, lo a :mall wily. BANltalill—Als sailing at Liam 013t/115 Pet 831, as to " ' I 8EA:V.5,1,01 hilt unchang•iiii small !salts DI WA:S. ••I • ALLECIUESIT carriLE NAILEurr.. Orrso• or SIEB PlTrintraa 0.11. a Novorr, mow.? 1 ' Thera wu only • moderate aupyly of cattle on sale to-day amt Witt a good retell demand and some inquiry for ebl a. eat. to New Iroq, the mere.L was a pretty eillt one, and pricee were fully austaleedg Th• etaatge la Abe weather, we pre... t est.ail butchers lo take hold with ...freedom, as they - generally have batter market. foe huh meet when the wea4er IS matted tad sold. Some half • dozen ear load. were taken by shippers, mainly good cattle, 1401 betweto - eastern buyers sod 1110 autehara all the best settle otitale,arate anicr• ly picked up. and that, too, at pretty stomp pflee., ranging from 71; to 634 cents. [lt te thought Chat the- premat extreme pricei will have • tendency to dram to pretty largo at° Meals within t 4. next few weeks, rind to that event It la possible thst a res.*. might 'take plate, and lower prieesfollow. Compared with. lall rack,. pelves, if anything. Sr. • BILaSt hilgeer, espemally for good elittle, and eves the ...On4e gr.es told mom readily, and many sates, It an Improvement. The fapow. (rag la a pretty full report of all the salest ' Pater Flatter. reports haring 40 hesd of Green rib (Peon.) nettle; sold all bat about IS keed . st . 4tl to 71,-10114 probably close and the halsne• before the market .1... nothehilds reports having acid IS.. Ch.., oat.. 534 to 7. Krau. Haae rrhalesaloi and retailed to tether 111 had Otdoeattle at 4 to Sri. Haelewood lk Illseketoek so bead 1o• .ften• estUe .•e to - 111; bead. ou t ommis." for MeCormick, et II to CS, and II head We.° loc. county tattle, for esother . party.at to otaletwaist & Kahn 'retailed 61 hem! at 6 to 1311; said 6 head el pritue..6}6 to 6nneani (an Attootaa butanes) at 13 1 4. *tad ahlypeillin, wants kind to New Y•. rk. Mama • Tfaurooto retailed heal Chlcaco rattle at 14 11}4; 40 bead. lo akttle at e!..4 4.t4, It hcad of Ittlatoot ”utaty, 0.110 **** staya. at • Jae. illeAllirter said II brad for Drake ikt 8 to taX, .4.7 no too artoolaut at • 0 0734. Leff.rty n 11.-00 e of lb, meet eper vase mod fair dealltote &me !a thy totattetr— dport I:1.1. 401480 bead' of 40mm/taloa eat. r at to 4 , 4 INdorre Taylorattother exaellekt Am* told /8 bead for elokerboff at oci 7111 brad f ir 110 4 .4 bto 8 14: II for bleti sea at eto fp. tad 40 fur Barest at 6, and 11 for Deplane skill* to 140 pet head. • .. • Dtcadt. Carr sold 4. bead, on ceettatacloo, 16: 31orgtos a Co. at a% to% D dais boleaataa at brad of prime Cbletise cattir tail. U. Crum ter Placesek a Do. at 1,78 to 8.10. • • tle l a i 6 r 4 s toNCUeed s y told z3a oar aoa d. o at Ohlo'cst. Ohio rater to Lirecidaslo a .Ka ha, averaging liar, 70 Leos sold 12 beta of elasatOn Bona; calmly Doc, at annr nap There wait again a Tel. - 7 lieht apply of =cep on ale this week. • Ith an average demand and dlutislind =Wimp, the market was very endoderm hoes well Wither advanced. Berm° fsc mutton sheep may be quoted at IN to Sr grom, while contract to medicine mild. at .from If to 4%. Wo :lout fer a big suoply , next week„ as there are plenty. of sheep fer.the mmatry. ad the Ocean= extreme prime will be a big inducement to fatter. ruff dealer. to hurry them forward. 6. „. Wm. Marvin vaporte iteci.g told WI head at Its 60 to aged per head.. . stately a. Bro. entailed 50 heed at 52,50 to 13.00 nee head., a alters wholesaled ti head to Manama at 5 cam. ' Lica sold It heed ciptime Butler oo:Sheep at t 5 . 50 r.r head. loos. The market fur this alum or stock le mt. with a rood ratan deneadcand, compared with last week, prim have Mill (ender advaneed. Wa now quote at ferldo for fair. to medium. and 83536 e, for ices:4 to prime heavy avaragra &amide I,Ch. report harlu edd Shoot' 650 head during tie net week at valitia. Rothchild, h arm sold &wog the same about Ito heal at 761816.. Stately * Bus sold II head at Myer. 8 Needy Bold IT head at 74. new Yoill PeodatiornarkeL tar id , trerlb to Om Mx* Toot, Joo. 11.—COtton falai tints tor; salon of 2,4;10 . ba1es tt iG)ialio 0 11 a g aPlaadst eirSlng quiet at lit Ne. Floor —lloceipts; 7,080 olds. Toe mark e; for Flour le doll and 6i310e lower; sales of 4.300 Male at 0P,0129.10 for superfine State and. western; extra 9 e O s N t e f r o n r ; l e l x o t .7 r 3 a o . Slaot)e ;f or o whit l e 2 . w lo h f ea or t extra: 119.90(313.73 for round hoop ()blot 410.60 42212,00 to; common to good St: .I.euist $12.10 1311100 for good to choice Ikatra, dotcloqnsr dull. California - Flour Is bravo; Fairs of Ito uoks It 112,00013,30. it,. Floor Is steady; sales of 320 Ude. at, 67,3040.40, th . latter an extronin price. Whisky is netnlnal. It. allots—Wheat. 1,270 bo; the market is dull; soles of ISOM ho. atra'ight No. 2. aprlng at VI 43 delivered; 4,010 bar. white California at 17,00 far extra shipinent.' Eye Ls sominaL Barley ls Walet; We. ol MO be. State at 51,30 4311,03. hied Is more active; sales of 14,300 bu. at 010001. PS for Inferior to prime, Corn; reeelpta of. 37,3.03 bnithel*; the market Is a •had• firmer Ma two point, With sale. Of 33,003 Pr:she's at $1,2101.33 for new mixed western •fi.ed, $1,03 for cholao .10An atom, a 1,3001,21 for white .outhern, artWill,M for Jersey yellow on the deck. Oats; receipts of 4097 bmbola; ' tbo-tnatkat la la better, with sales of 34,001 bushels at SPACIPtie for western la Store, and We afloat. The fol. Maths Is the ;moult of stook to warehouse; Wheat. 1.647.413 husbel.; 1,431.117.3 bushels earn; I Pasta biz/Mats oats; IMAM bushels rye; 101.312 bushels barloyelArask armhole malt, and 6,042 tombola peas, Itioa 10 dulL Coffee; Mow Is IN good demand. and Prim; grades Are Arm; with io4oa of R 00 0174101 at private corm, hugar Is ttapromeo . trttrt mos of WO hogshearlaCuba at prlrate tem., amigo° boxes ilawanti, part at lltin. BMWs. sea Is dog. Petroleum torothe la steady at 1014 e, and re:inset In bond is more aotiveand Shaer at 23e. IfOps are onabardred. Pork steady and more &Wart sale. of 1 430 101. : 1 21 1 FMNIVIT - e i rlrbllgsValtitilletg: 017,031045 for prime. Intl 1100,M010,03 for prime mess; also 34140 bele new - mese at 5w.,35 rollers for February; 022,30 do Morels, and MSS club hod halt Starch. ,171.^ef steady; DWI blots at 112,50010,30 for now plain pion, and .17021 for new aztra moss; 120 Oct of prime 1010,1 0 , 1 Private term.. Beef qulet; 160 blab s at 5Z1A.2.1 , Bunn steadlint boo az 1040100 'foe Crimberligul at; 11140 tor short ricbed; Motor short clear, and 12740 for ipng cut dame Cut Mesta unchonartit 23 Prim at UG to; anou4dora.mtd 220124. for Nam.. . (leaked Hose heavy at 6540 .for western, chirtly t o l d 1.11010, and 1001 mi re mohlrfly lehileyS. a 1111110 er; .., bOls at I:Wu Igtie. Waite} steady at WI u47e for Mate. Cheese aut. a t 110150, Vrellititf to Ltvoroool golat and arm. '. - Largay—Mar amass dull sad 'nominally lower,• with only limited I al trade do maed. littlest uniet and wit oat Betided change. Aye nominal. ()sta blot and Arm at or_44; in Stara Mr wastein, C orn 50141 at stir 110 gar POW tugged , women; allOst. Put all and hose rat W11,1243F21,17.31 far CIII Mollsi *222123.23 for new men, mkt0,413 for February and 102.3214022.30 'for Starch. Deaf steady, with fair demand. Cut meats unchanged. .Daean ;toady. aad In bar or. tumid'. 10',40 for Cumber/road. Lard Erin it trallEio for (Mr t o primeetram 104 ketato rendered, ---- : - New Nest Dry Veal* Martell. (!y 'remorse% to the eittatotieh tiooette.) Now ',roar, Yonnary 13.-The dry goods mar devoid of animation bpi 040 the rim in gold there Is anparontir lees dopre. Igloo Manifold and 'the prim* cop* Mare emodineeo. iinhleaohed 131001100. iti013 , 4.44 ' , wood& 14W1V40.. Print cloths, 044116%, for otand4l4. Primo of Woodard makes, 1150, Patine being LBO, ainKaoheoe 13 , 0; Amu. hoar, it. Lowell. Arnosio and Freeman. 1134 c; .Bmplre elate, White Book' Olvoched rumbas brute - while Nod bank sell at 1014 e. Warw.& bagiamt Law 'mown, Pl. :American .04 Anazoooogigla, WI a ll ttelfin • Maympal• c.o.7 . •leers:* is , bp...kittgba rib O , eryte,y laurels; S.l*er 111 , ..entton le seri eaarra IrreCl l .4 and holders are Milk ing 131111514 e. noar as drat. York VIA°. .11soolo clear Wei ate-dell at leery bulk shouidilni 83.0.0 .11, olden MOM. LSra• yegystbAc. Lora Oaretedikku flay ye dell P 3. Financial !flatters In New York. =I Talegigliii to flu Pittsburgh Our: te.: • • Nis Yobs. J. 13, ISM. • NODDY MID GOLD. Money Inivicat ratter mire active un.ler ince...ink 'peculation 1n rotating and gold but eery easy at 4Qe Der Cant. 0 ". 14 P rim. discount :6S percent. Sterling weak and lower and in lugs supply; prima touslicrb I~`imlou .twit. flrell.ga wlldly OaOtted tltrionrhout the et ternoon. and was run op to lel ardor Concressle nal haws and rumors. Tim clostnti price, were US% and "ak ,. "' • increaftlog• eas.- - - - asked, w Mr. Inciei log c5.311 . 4s in money and raold.ltdr.ce In ;told. ' G0V5611111,12. HATIO been active at a general adv.nee n 1 1,11334 per cent The heaviest porcine, In 61.1 anir Os were probably' to cover sellers Gptioo out Clueing the last few weeks ' without ordering bonds hael‘ftem Europe. The feeling In the'market a as better then tor • locality.. • vlonponn 1811. 109 , !‘ellirfiX1 dn. h , .1, ) , :wf:; dn. ' 64 . / 0 7541run't4; nn n. an '4, IttVafloSl , ,; 10.10 s, it/2,7gi nn .ti; • • • Stock. Opened , Leavy, under bapk nefal cation, but grew attend and the dOciple was rerghverval before noon, while In t heel ternoon the marts! wan active and tmegtot, notwithstanding the Heavy ,edixylloofq ontaidei the elappnlLL. Inurrdslog and the Intilentlane fever hilll higher press t Onto Certulealea 3(17-0.11: Canton 51::5P CUM .7,43l*,;(jtecicAlverr grolgttlt)ii Meth totem 6 1 4htSX; eater° tie I n Telegrttph gfilthit Pnelne Mau 1111 1 ,4;311.11f ,• A• ;mode 114 OM; boo Dort 111 . :(//121,1; Ern, 70 1 ; 07534; Hudson 112Ultii.g; 11,4311.- Idictdiralk I:entrain/01; Mlenlaart " .out nein reffliPeP‘tlillitels Central Pitt. ..14,,i 4 1.91; Toledo ICNIERDItItock Island igNfidePi; igerthwerteru G;74t';i; do prefer red 731,;o;i31.;; Fort Wayne 1U1301013;;; St. Paul 51...,; preferred t %lea ..tt 140 1 31 , 00 IM; al/dAll red lidatue Espreee 71!4; tel.! States 7034; Artlior , ean 71;' 3i...bents Unlort ll, 3'..; M. P. 143,h1; 014 Tell.. el; New' GI. • Y 13111 4. Alining 411.4 , 4 rteto+y onik 10. actie; New York Gold fik Cloa.rta Llill 3.4;4432% Walk 11151; Doslo4ou 4;; r 0114141. l'arutwo 010; Gregory No; United Mott. 1'etr01...4 1140. For tho week Nei 1 , ;; SI,9T,TA mtre linn.l 41,W9,..4. 1.0.741rT141. Rocelple otthe oub-Cruesory I.u•Soy wore: U35A,101; paymeoLs WZ,L0N,644: belarica 1 117 . e ,44. • _ Cincinnati MAPMet. y'' try Ttteorto. t, 8., matins:at 1 ClNC.llll,ll.Jariemry 13.—Chur ultraes doll wit h priors nominal; holders toned e 111.2513 ILIIO roc family, out buyer" coke:Mad for Bower tates• . ntiti did not utter butler th 411 111. Whelt el , elCll dull. it bout change; No d rad W1:N0.2 12.6);2(0. I spring SL corn clowil dull, with toot, pillars Bran buyer', at tat. Ono dull, fit CCC Itl eltwatont, Invert, coultudios for 10w... pricat. By. rtnehaag 41-At akeobll,4s. It trio, .arm, at 01,75141,2 for felt, , c, etlll and in good demand, at lepalla for mittuling, totlug farther solcauen [['Mirky nneet.rl.l with manna doing. Dressed flogs s7,72attm. 111(1 letter an extreme fat, receipt.. for two days 4,100 . Itrovhdons flout but quiet. hoot Pork ham at alba% for old awl now, tbsturh run, serand Mara brands of new sold at an e sadm,7s, rho dorunnti la hold. Bulk Man , held firmly, at 2.)„'c for shoulder, and 914 a OW for 'ldea-Lard held at 11140111Y0 for •gut and head tad 12 , 40 for prime ltetint rya. anted.,ltueon unchanged: thMtbltr , Ito; clear Wes Butts:, firm. at Mena Inv trash. Eggs team. and:bring Ilijint per tioxen. Wooer Seal firm at Ittia. poi Flax •1. 5,' and tho tIPUMIId good Timothy seed 0.1,40413.53. Linseed Oil 41,01 and hub It. Petroleum dull and trchaugra; yuflurd 42442 e. augur name and Brut, at 13B1Ic for raw. Correa ll= at 042:41 , yel holders nro • %king Muller Priers owdug to Ina adrume in gout. Gold le./I2 buying and 140 telling, elating strong: • XI. Louis Xlariget. Ey 'Ye le mtoU it, elitslntah %Watt.) • Sr. Lou dannary 13:—Liencrel market extremely dull, *Matto the suirperinion of navigation; thorn le e.rculy enough going to establich prices. Tonaccan none ;Arming. Cattail; hotter r,411n.e. With small antes low middling tat 13c, Floor:only /met Condo do to emelt tales sloping. ant k 7 li0; choice fa l nitre, 50.1a1,• chalet, notable extra, jl2 I or. 11 , 4 1 . Wheat unchanged; a/45=m for good to choice fell. Corn Linehan cod at leigyk. Oats unchanged at igil7go. Use In ',llya et 41 ea. Barley iaeraaand non, at liUldat.l o . Provision. very gine:4 Venom- Clone . Pork, $3) 506 W Bacon, clear tildes, It; andolders, ni.le,• bulk shoul ders packed, 7) c. turn; talcs M! Corned steam On private Senna, nuderattnal to be little doing; puckers Ono . 11klit 0 . 4 for C LO O111(10 to' cLoice, fie ;itNrite—Flour, what, WO canto; rn, CCU boo; onto, bra bur; hogs, Sadheart. $l - attar closer and cold. leiniro Aar/att. Rt Telearraor..to tits l'lttsbarittystalta.l Cu ic•oo, January 13.-Plonifiroter et $9.15 tgloNa for sprinekatrati.. , Wheal v le Irts ar um, but Corn; No • 2!4631 blotter; sales of No I at 1222.042,10; No 2a; ti, 05 0 2 . 47 . C•ro— SO. le active and le Weber at SCrifttget old quiet at rrso (or No 1: S7l.;'e (or Not.. 0.110 ooderataly 00009 sad !pa higher atgleta%. ILye more lictlie at $1"f01.56 , ‘ for No I; sty; for Not Barley dull at Ittitt tor Not to. M o visions quiet. Mess pork god LOstneash and maßets February. Bulk meats quiet; ghoul. dere. Nc; rough galas, be s •looso. meats steady clad quiet; Cumberland vet 'short rlbs, 10e, packed. Greats state dull; ILltlettli;c for d locally at 12ialfg IttLo. loaned toga. Ism active and '3ll closing at 11.2.085 2.3..11v1.3 lug on NO Ito. Itsompta--12. lons dour; laNal bush shoat; au%) bush corn; utak: bush mos. Shift mont bbl. basil wheat: RICO bush corn.' Baltsie nsrket. Coy Tr Irgrapl to the Pittsburgh Qatette.l Ileinato., 'January 13.—Tbo tollarrtng it the amount of grain In 'tern and wind: 5,1,0120 bushel, went; Vega) [annuls ran: .0103 boshels oats: 32 An tcjihels rye; ' , hill. ho.eins barley, mO.l 21.41./ bu.lielik pc... Figur Is dull sad ..oucttnired. Wheat I. nionlnal at ILI/ for N0..1. and 02 32 Ka Bering. Corn 14 1,01.11111 a. at 41,11 for 000.ou tr ark, and $1.13 In store. ll.is dull et 'lO oo thuck, and :tit in vtore for [Centres. 16 . 0; ere ts no demand, and sales err , motto at 11,03 , torlnman :dim Pork 012 el for hemoy; leo mule: L. very dull.- Lard Is dull at 13110. Illulonne. are o , +lolool. Dressed flogs WO nominal at 0t7349.23. , ' new Orleans r t ilt T . /Annie to tee Flttsbuigh 00teits.1 ear Uct..•sts, rillarV —Cotton je, ea. m1.14;90.2 mlitolng 13,.elltic; valve CHOU cane.; receipts 9 150 bales; eXpOrt War bales. Sugar to good dernandt,,comroon tel'et fair 115 S. hlysc; prime trichina 13L1e111,5c. Mo ts:men activates/unman 554.332; chldc. 17740. Flour dull; suritanno 99.1Ttty923. Corn ataatly and arm; Isrire sales at 93c., Oats (putt at 9.5 n. Pork $2l tn. Dawn ahoulders eleitr alder IJc. Gird firm; :tern 12 , 411 1410; keg 13 1 4 , 9131 v. Sterling 47a:0. Now York Sight. Exceartge ditimiard. Gold toted° Market. By Teleg•anb to tn. i•ltti , urrn Oasette Toccoa. Jan. 'U.—Flour—nothing doing. Wneat—amner KM, wan 1463 bid. Vern— now opened at Mc and gloom.] at 044 tales ;ant night, for ha, f of January. at ;Wig ; Arai al I of February 97c; all lebrnary 93 >. 0 us Michanged, at 63a tar No 1.. Ilya 11,46!..‘ lot chigan.' Eleng—aalea °toyer atar. Dreseed bop! steady. al 7k,;;;9ain. Receipts .for the peat werk-14:111 bole flour; 9.:14 bn wheat; Ituggi en earn; 7;000 On oatsgllal Le rye; 111 ..• =I rsi 6aieVaDh u>tat PILLIMIrib leosottal Mixeranazo..)...l3.—Floir ;dandy. city clouble extra 19.14110a5; country do 19.2112 p 75; extra 0;51.69. Sktiest arta and Ostler, at PAO for No.it k2,01•4f/2.Cd (or No: I. date In good deumndat for No. COrn. quiet. at! p.;,.for neer Minded. .Dressed hogs declined linc; 'oleo at $708•23. Itecelpta —2.ooo•bnio dour; 11,300 lin 'anent; 1.000 nu onto; 2POO Du corn ;4 ,5u3 re. ed Dogs. Ship. manta—lMO bids noun le Mils pork. • • LOrtia•1110 aura: Fy Telegraph to the Pllttbergh bare t ta.l Loctsvp.t.s. : January 13.—Tobaceofilrmer; lugs 450;00; medium leaf 411017. Cotton 1401150. Ito Corree advanced !fp. Flour 47..301350 for superfine- and- fancy. Corn 7.50e11e. Unto Clges.o..o hest 42.4.02,30. Mess Fork 11114111.30. • Lard I.. Ne. Bacon; ehoul. de, nyie; •eltsar sides UN. Oulu Msutti low:o4er. 1140; elem. MUG 144 e. Welsky comer is Pond. • Chlesgo 'Chaste ' , 'relegesph to Mt ri.t.buriti If meths) Co mum, January 13,—Floef cattle quiet at 11667rorcgt to fat flg and 1012150_a0 steers. higher at 43.1.146,00 for o co s mmon;steady ed,12%00.3(1 for lair to medium; fi1yr.,50,70 for soo4 to cholas. itcceitet*•'-:001.4.1holth. ' Baltimore Marker, . ' ay Telerrspa to the PI Isttte.l - Bat:roma., January IL—Flour quiet and arm. - Finest heavy and deellaud.4e; prime red Southern, t7.:4 Com steady and droll mixed-. western, lam. oat.' null : no. Prostslons mid:aimed. = =! ' Parrs b 0965, Paay Wsrue & (7010100 ri.lt c . January la —7 oar. pia meal , Lays& & Comber; a do do. Simi* & Un; 7do 00,J Wow!, son & Co; Mi. tibld 1 , 01. Stioroalter Last; 2 bag poultry, Camp & irony. lo On, dandied, 1.) McAbee.; 96 led lard, &Cn; 31 tae ham., 11 Vat med. Pork, W 11 Bud , Son; 1 pity. butUr, 2 libm mies, 110121 & Co, 191 ' at. eler, Dimas!. & Co; 1 an item ore, I.6oei:bender & Maim 111 dui brornm, 14111 e, Difird & Fattest 11 do do. CO 041. sluegar,J s Dfiwo.th & /:01 710100 mye, Scott a 01040 pkg. lard, 11 Riddle; 41 do carriage booth... Hato & Bro,•7111,01.0)13., Well & 111141.1{ 23 11 th 07 9 . & W9044;10 aka rags, 11.thrOle. DedlEr son .Cot 3373 yea meat, E 11 bilyins a 00e000 bbls lour, 1) Wallami 1 am ml Weed, Reu & Bltehart;k bale. broom eon. IL 11 111001.11dadi 10 bbld spilled, Shinto& & Wallace; 39 bor. Med 'Homey, W.D. & Co. tradiVlLUrbi 4WD PrEidadvaisi January 13-1 car iron ore, 111.11oi gilt, Porter 100;. do do, •0. .6 DIM.; Ido dn. Bryn a 00010.711 dodo, Dilworth. Porter k (lo 9 do my Singer Igicolok .k Co; k potadh, Jll Canfield & Son; I do robe., J Daub; 1 iln dry pembes, U d'AlOaladerl I 09 hardware. J DSprzoger; 1 btd loggia Head a 31alsgazi R 7 bdl. a D 1.1 Chambord; i ears lumber, 41 YAPS a $0.4 0 1. .k. 0.10. /1 It 14.1 i ei 111 003.' 10.1 the 1 a.. poker., lwisson-et Weise; I Dbl. smith um. Pinder & &running; 19d0010,3T 01*.512 .k. pkg., 674,1,1., Dickson a Co{ 1 car *.sp DoSide Wifipfie ye.. • Annanluny Vanr.or, ./c. 11.. 'Januaryl7- 4 bea seed, Ido raga, Wm Miller; 1.11 aka buck wheat hew. Usury ken Jr; t bet tobatoo, Palntar AM; 1 ear metal, Woodablaa; I do . de, Lyon, Shorb 41o; 71 bag* wheat, nu wart A Lmasobeina ;1 ha butter. AM )4unl.whi 11 bia rage,. AcCul lough, Sealtla A Go; 150 Si. rye, W ".1 nark; 1 bit name, 1 bag buckwheat 5054 Wm V 111.31. Pyrxsauenn, ( lol.l7llllll.4 ChermargAvi 11., January 14-1115 boa meat. A Malian h Co; 100 o.ll.broomal,ja• Vonnon, 1 b: lard, Mea ner A Harper' 7 kg. lard, hem pp A Fr. 11.71 tells paper, rite Pasha 00; II Dblidry apphn, Yp lard. 1 111 butoer. D 1 W Rankin; 17 mac wheat, (.111more,S;ra43, Col I ear alarm, J. O'CaAlgan. PrlrraltriAir AID 13.1.1100,[471Zia R. IL JW.WOI 11. -3 3.4 tan bat. Lapp. Widan, a amp steal, 3. ht. W 140341.0 7 0 0 ow.. 7 dd tumoral, 11. IL Ooe; 'Obl S; InlwOrth A col 311 bone. `whlew .111.9haela, Alberfaniet am al aka data, Scott • 01.011 4S Ma waltutt lumber. t} l W4A7 II Wo• AnnnounnY 575,10115. 11.:14/14mary ID-- leatUr. 8 Burl 4.1 bap ••ehmae A A .1 erri I 000511stistow, Stwetlor ItOtiOntlidda Wine Shula• Dannall 1 oar . • 'uphill . . Make Mt; id, do. Wooree Oci. . • Mi=MIMI JOSHUA RHODES it•CO„ BARLEY - AND 110? • LIU, Office, 3W Pitie , Off, Pi. Veit tins I:= =M PITTSBURGH ROPE WORKS FULTON, rICEEMAN A CO., CORkiAGE GAKIIiII, T ES, eiry Tul4 tirseceonn, ly .1 U 1 Water 114 =3 RIVER NEWS The river - continues to recede etewilly at title point, the Monongahela 'pier marks tub inn• lug only Indicating three feet taciinch'en. The weather last night was clear and cold, and fears are entertained that navigation 'oti the Ohlo will be "sutpeniled wholly. =less the wewher chaurret eery suddenly. There hat born nu arrivals aline one last to pert, and the J. N. McCullough.. fax Parkas. hurc,Wrs the only departuri.- There are neve. ral hunts due, swung others, tad Glesidale.an4 'lap:ince, from St. Louis. By a private telegram, we learn, that the Julia Nu. it is frozen op at Zbesydlie. Trio Great Republic discharged iota three hundred t :Lc of grothiet at . .Zuresvllle. This hoc heehaw leer" idluclunstl foCNew Orleans. She would, nu doubt, have probated her stay, had it not been that 'she might hays lu gettzeg over the falls. The 7;J/to llutunton, crept. Rohl. Robinson, to Wiling up rapidly for histienati and Laub. curie, and will lie the drat bunts out for thou points. ' The. Messenger le Milo' . up Cowls , fOr Louts, acre tiro the Dotairite, for Naihrille (411, the Ist.,lttia, ler New 0r1i... This ste all good baste. . We 'heard it rumor. yeaterday. (aye the Loutcribe Licinodrut, of the theta eon. orderable tim - um! or poor; punting raised to brine toll again. the bridge company, and to erj tin them from proceeding further with the Wont. ' We loam from an Evansville 'lllspelah to the ittratensti Com "...rein! that the 011 k Sullivan sztd, ast to /0%01 rarer, abort New li. e konekins a hull to bee hull an Plot. day. She /plumed to Evansville te repair. The .1. P. Web , ' efruck rho rooks oa the phalli in rA'abeett river, Irroehine het elde oat.` She silo returned Pe Eva:wine br repairs. Coup lot up site you Pan the Wheel of the Linton, brstahlrs It badly. - P.r:scr L.ple 70 11. SoLD —The 'St. Loot. hepobbrot. mart:sll.st the property of the de f.:um tittootsatver Peeltet Gemewly, to be imtl. ntta slats of the atencuer Billion, Schuyler.' hty nli hesih.to sod-Sam tdry: air; oleo bard., so • ttro.third btu -14 10 the wit ertbaxt used by the Hileols River t two pour and Nape. packets. 'The late takes Maur tours lay. Jeteunry .3i. Terms—One. hair min, balatice co four tuoathst OWING. . • _ Toe L , ule•llfe Courtier mot • The Gavana had to pitch hePliiiitlersat Edesetylile the Asa trip, pod we learn that rho Alleeleelppi and the Lady thy. SrW Uaeaoe and St. lOWA pocket., steapalcied every trtP they Wake to above tab far expel:eel In estate* and mendlei but-. iota. The. blisetzippl, wklle at thie pen the dot'. aver patching melte. concluded to taken few cute spent.. hang to Me to Mn (Meeks. lbe Lady Goy. we are infonewl, state elle emote out, has had to pay upward, of fa ppii to repplre MM... To. SEM, It en- Proytlated talkie right piste and of the right alltterini. would Limit very near making a bat tery of epee:boilers, that would oat/lee the boat. Awn:lrate 09 CO'Ar. 'sox DecistocW .tsar—From Mr. AlcOnnalckeeel Ineaeuret, we glen the roll flag tFportant feat. relative to Ito !en run of Towne:. Bum , . Boats. Mary Ann, with 52C2 MEM IMMO i =2ll ISM 11222 =am fi. 7 MTGE K.. 7. At lay Barnhill ... MIMI 1 . : 0 7.e inv.l beaks coke Heave' Tiger • 122111 =MEE 6 4 ern 11=211 MU= MIN 1221/51 Ett2El MIMI= 7 10222 LIM ILOA.T.IO DOATIA. Owners , Name. Farrow.riumt,ett J. D. Jcbcson Jenkins a Co • J. S. Neal tr. Co J'7. anePanna kl vales, Sant orJ Cltrrk .S.ra Ckblo I/ Omer, - Wood d Co Rhoara t Bhu .671313 . T4a1 Sa. 173 • E 3 Tte tol+l Ereeipts,sgera 173 barges and 33 • . The itto'7re._llsh-iisithiss 'lsmail boats sou soot. Thy tots' amount of coal K. MMIMMi==I DCPIIITLI.t6 iOll 7.77 r. Bargen.,.noata. 1.75,r:.,'N.:1r ...... 7 nilvn So. a rim4h. -- I ' 4 liar)• Alice Ilemplits • CAllec • ' 'lain., Hawk lekebure ..... C.,atro Arrow. IS. Vaquel eal'a4Yett 3 X A. - Baker..llaten RA:3e N. 0.. T Stella 'Vlakabute • Total ' ell 4S The total exports to date were 41 bargee and IS boats, or I,4te DV bushels of met, the big gest, llt titeiii tors eget kootra,-/eieigtifie ems rug.hl stiver Items Nt - rcicirrant it, lILLUara Ussatl.r.l oclava.ct, Jannrty fold WOO Inuitnen tw a t t 13 he ca l lia d L lireattk cr cloudy with the-thermometer at twenty lour dwirica. al nu ram, January I.3.—ltiver 11/ cattier cold and rainy. `Si~I~AsI• BOATS,' `OR eINCINNATI andadr a t .. 130111SVILL•:.—•11. etlendld a eala,i , eateer • . ti.VT alt .11 Istur , ./ Cat7.PeartrtOS. Y a .Ilie V r fre:oh . •ve ma WED,Z4I,s* sin ly .31 boar 4 6:14 WEl:want, at .I V. . or posie Iree: or eia.d •etn et. 3113 at • . F 0 Et xotriviLtE.-t i gg i g Ise Ate tv,eataer DILe. WAKE. Capt. 5.1ct1.k.i Ca .1101 t, Lear, tar stb,Te ard ,ntersitad.ate Tkil3 L 1 V. at 4 ot.ta tP. Ir. • • • For ftelA /Nra...l l . P liatV,i d."l , • •• • r i'" ll Crier. itt.ta.P.S' • . FO? 0F1.8.-ThesdiGat. enteaaer ME OnnOnit- Jaw Loan. thong On TUN DLY,lltkinnant, spot on Dons rr to • CULL3n & Bannon , FOR s%w r ,OhLEALNB.I.I - , TLe Uri Corms • • LEL/MI/Ad ' f;Cact. /Au 11 , 11.00 X: • V1,11th,.111,,,T0 . /bold Tl/1/' //AY. //unary li - ror Iry Oa/safe arddr hoird dr id. dal • FL k CA. a CULLINUIFOOLA Ajakts, !ENNA. SALT PAIUFACTO a Co. 3.1.t2ai ittaiksnsCla. Zona. PiTINA. 33 FIRST GLASS LOOMING GLASS ANU PICTURE FRAME MANUFACTORY. J. _LYON'S; • ' No: .110 Wooil St., PAttaburob, Ker. ban.l and mannhetone• at/ order, 114 VlT 4 Wf x di 2 s.e r al L AATlVArlitt PoIITRAIr and FICTUEtiI VllAllaten ZaT i lt:aelrattra: trliltalaTat Intgrral irntaityri Emu .ziolf.d to W hl ialVil i ls ° l4l.l . a...Ti: ' domino's. ON 'IASI) AND TO AMITE. ctte'i f ol;,ftalio . l.' • • Ilopaa 4. /Apar coMitt it 11 I[7 7 l sr H /V ."1'"1 as .10kiatt . gar'2" 11.1. Cagan tor,: e.91,31:11%*LVP... siuNnniE.. . \ tizig y Ct li gr ' • 'all lisnabari dog ' ' • 40 .40040 nla .14444 t o o - riuwq• . • ' Itoloo4. Wbt• Ltrac; Wn pkgs. 111•444•41, %ma's Wblt4 701141 =ls, 1 404; •- • • 20 bbla.1.0"141: ' , 111. Clan k 1.01116 5 .0 lor.aln - - dell • \ • J.• 14. OLN/lILLD 2 SOL th u. to nnicATive .Thouwatekrg@r4.`mum4 or 42 \ 1. fth rallave. bI'AIiIIFACTMOIS.I J6s.VIAN - 66, Pn••t W. P. roa6sme 6 PITTSBURGH *FOR AND IR%? CO., auxmarf-nEss 0 Railroad Flag liars anit 80110, Railroad tar axles Rolled; , Railroad ear'Arlea 15313 Locomotive, trataelli Locomotive fraia•Sbapeo slag Real- ' Tote., Somata Plate= Head.; • Steamboat Misfit; • Steamboat Cronlob. . Piston Soda, tertate; PltteaaJaera Colima. de ONTICZ. No. 177 PENN STREET, ME:=l= NATIONAL FOUNDRY &ND W 4 0:11.111 - S, Collier Cat roll and Snsallntna Streoui Ninth Ward, PITT I'SBUIRGH PA • SlNlErri'lli luz!viraornesa or Cist Ir l on - Bowl Pipe, FOR GAS AND WATER WORKS 3 111ird .. 111141117,1 '. 1V.VA ' D". innu MINS na Fd3 a 11119% VOW eg,TVL"ClLltt=vivrg.° NEW IMBIBE 110118 _ 47w-', K . . . ... ... .. 4. - ,.. t ;.0 -- - - :-..' :: II 4 Lindsay, Sterrit & Eimer, Manufaeturere f; I mporters of HARDWARE' ' .CUTLERY,.4B(c., 337 LIBERTY STREET; wrft - rxmro, One square Below Won Depot, - PITTSBUBXIII I u for T1IIIBA,.11:21 , ISOLLIS. SIERMELD smaL was: MINER, NINICK GO auarciracrucuaK cs BEST BEFESED BAST STEEL IKIJJ,I(I4 etleta CI AU 6ng• KILL. 1111=11% autotriis. UM; &YOCUM 971 SAW PLATES.' • ZLIALTIO /MD ava-tharria . RAILWAY SPRINGS, eau - dpring Bloch CRS! laid Sateen Plow Steel, ?Low W33od Aim maw= WS. SPRINGS, SAES AND STEEL TILLS In oWlf • 5 2 1 4 0 MAIM PUlteir CHOW.IIA2B. LL. AL. Ls Miina= A . T . " woluis, • drp..4", ‘ 87112ZE NialbiWard, IPlttsbarga.. 1731.01f7elEiN.MILLEB,Presidazu 'rn,se Worts Us =on. theturea: s ad - ..cylet• ilstsbltsnmetti 12 LIM Watt. 'add sow Drovarulvartmdall - • SLIVISSOr 13Tei7PCIALlirtiOk. • I 12,131er5 • 011 i.DD,• Ilbast.Lretl,.l7ort, Itall.paad pastlip, Lang . ,01/1: Curtin SNMte Cuftnpy r.aetilne. 6tneral aiding; ORDEIIB SOLICITI.4D, RONEITy". BIOL.& :FOUNDRY, tirsou 84,931 Ward, near 4.1/.lli R Kixtrricravia ay. - Xiananier Dies, Steel Monliis, SA*Gil iut Wks egeigp . rug!! d aill o lg i t a ni . :Tal=yzattiorrtotO; cucinea. • ,r 44 not= C. D11M113...........1113011111.1.11 . • FOrNDRY. .HILIVO . &1101MILY.•).. • .I;p66ing anp diseNnery Casten : or beam: of ...diner Ma ll eable go Boor Inn, of all patterns, slam and Myles, *olio ?. to arm % y pimp. made to order, t • office, 2450 Liberty Street, (Academy of Muria Building.) 1711=1 inE, • ! • • YOBS PITT POUNDB7. CHAILLEI'LiAt .11EP1111111 - _ - OP ,-; -• . HEAVY HILMANCE! - AND /LIS. SUDO Of WISPS UAL - Tama. ,:mlal W ait.a4.lV=lo s a L ott . r . "MAVo u r em s iti L . t•ltto U ll ' %ll4r. I =l=l , r oar at" Aloes; tea !an utrands". tha o 'slain' W.V . : n u sera ed& RAIL CHI N 118 aL stunt' ao• tb.• nos:a TNAL RIME %VOWELS. • • I L. BRAD LEI a co • klyafaitare arm lanai,/ at C 044 Parlor am] IleatLag Slot; bleb ar• tteL eat arateAt ittintiZA CIOLIP11.: as% TA.1.113111al "coal' tai_ VIZTIM/LII tad LIWNIIIDZi, Mood Cloak atars(.) /LW tazaaturtare , (7 ~It. (water at 13000<id 1.1 wlrrtrtts. W r ' bmars . tu Imo.* e... 24 Men. talsaa, ' !DUQUESNE IRON AND STEEL WORKS. lien arks, mat a c,a4 . IJIWIMPACTCMII C 7 SPrings. Aal rlouaiDiiillll AID d. 1131//3.410:1, • Wiltaliocrai, altim. TWTo..to.v PI3TSB111201:k snits lEEAJII.II)NVAItIP.. B. WOLF.JR., /400., Eitiidware & Cutlery. ha kOWLu r ch gmakloicrlsost klch *Taut t inVe S Comer Mehl and St. Clair gu l p zalittiobvizira4 'mugs. , PL - DA igt Steam Bailors' on 811119, Timis _UM Ilrin Workßlo.. 61 Penn JP4. CENTRAL: 4 I'OIMR . /alb soil woman,: •••• 0730 Ivlaza MUNI& BOYD it BABA •••• • . • Will Yen.: Ylll &Wass.. Noll Labia,' THOS. 049.4ELL1 MB NU nuingennaunie Dusxr rupr_.° ll '9 4 . t. WitINVEL Wy4uur rA ra knik,lll.4lM wale l motel* sterritall 191.• I DIAIIITFACTMIERS. ARRISOH I& COl l l'ittsburch Foundry, CPS O.Y/11.1 , 1) 0R4311 FRONTS & FENDERS, `.orriace and Oven Frames ea. TIP°. ckr'ss I EtAns, Cris:king and Heating 'Stove's, .! eu.r rAluarr. , ir,Oglat .ildyranbonar, iSth; 209 Liberty-Street. GitAFF BYERS & CO., 1., • ~1 0 .1 • !1,4 . ,lILANIT/fAVICCIitEW4, .B.iii i . Haoi) . aiid Sli4t Iron, WRQUGHT 'IRON 1101 IEI9 TrIL9 iill,Bll/1. Willi, it Ikl.sllll4D, OIL WELL TUBING, Office, No. 98 Water Streett ;PITTSBURGH, FA. 'elt •1' FORT Pa t 1 • F BOllillll STILL. INDIANk •• - • e4Lititoi,L & ictivDEpt, : or . • Taingia..Dormat-rw.e.D. itunilass knyr4.Aox. a CYLINDSII.BTSAM COLLIS% OLLj STILLS 'AND OIL TANKS, LIDASIGITS, DEXECNINGAND SAD PASS SETTLING PANG, 81LT PADS AND CO/. '- STRAIN PIP S% fiANDERTEss; mar . LIPAGis, • , J. , : PILISCR DOORS AND COAL SHUTS% ; 17 :1 .1 4 sthay.71...aig . amelAiriL . P ‘ itiaburgh, ...4";=7:=l.?'"`"*°P'",,,tiiir IMIGTON DION I WORKB hiLOYD & BLACK, Be9i;s4o on, Refkted Marna! Bloom . • - on:- • n lunar° as elvt/MEID ssul ASIOLS IHON• , . I" . BDILSY 2LkW,etel auzirr.thun. • 110WiL11 wad E.Wq[ll EARS CITLINDIBandt/UAKI) illPtllo/ MOM bI(ALIon. MAILS, sU sad lb lbs. to tlO Tara. WW.OUGIIT 1311•11S8sul SPllEltd!of sub*. " ' tfiffiltfiktiVßVal ua °°‘""!'"Ak• MAIMS .11 SPIEEK. ' Wstelonse sad (Murat the' Works. ElltriN; - 00011.bost/bottion 01 TIM stmt.) 101.1.$ lbs CIO Vas Works. Illtillubsb. salll.ll P!re*MIPRITNE11471011IIII. • ANDEIPQN,.I3OOIEA_OO„. - teuaczX,uss TO 'aomrs, soTD i c 0..; '"~I iritru ("Waif. itlthe be I REFINED CAST STEEL, •- ou'nnt.Nta%En:s .4 o:at g 0... or Ail '.ll-c Br* . 414.../ort. 0100$ We Sfeekg Cast • ifiki4. l B ; o IND NOWINCI Xid116148,. • aura. W. 1 .10.4 BP.RIRad I*. . AILIS. C111Wi11.413, b., At % Calk ' Plow AI - I ozi4-oorrur of nr,t .oa rt.; strew, bluorrabor • the Monongahela. Howe. IfMiff .114 011.11. I:TM:mutts". WORKS. 1111611. M.; • BOLE,Iiv H 1•017471 Eli Taiiilc Builders aim Placidnista rtf."911, 5 4,Veg 'or"' • cim.i..-or.,cu 41•I1e15555o1. Made to tuslid. lona* . 11 . 4t1 " 1124. Ittlifi t attrt n • . 4 prrrszuswit ea. ILAIE DIAMOND STSTEEL • WORK„- E 4 S 11K, BROTHER CO4 . xtri: '}. .I , lll2ll=aa or AM. Dlifl:arriONl OP 55 .11 1 . 30.14XJ• qad Wair '' dmasl, LIN 122, rag Seq..' gad aimma 112 .2 121 FUSS Fitrl*llS, LF.. riTiintratai BF. iLIN FOU IBM a o , rignixowLuza.... N 0.50 Wood .I.reot .1 : J DRY. Yaianetan ta4 Ooll,s •7 at ma" Thltistilf, Skeen - 41'44 boxes, l r 4- ViVr zws tfUPAW" - wey. - - EVECtEki7 lELAfiC -FOUNDRY. Sugar 'Street; Matti Ward. Litrirofaxx. tallow ma "aa h 110% . 7171163131:11M1C,Mi. Relliao4l aad Bridge tasting.. !With t33PIPI tao, as.4l,siv 7 lid Csattnis WisminP, this ritetotly aad earefaair Szmit,64. _ 11.8t8 azseomAntx. cth i nusrm h Ennurr & 1; oc131:213.1 01,1pacJENT8353EL VfORKEL • -- r NM . LER, DIRE •ekrillaIN;•;• luirtrrAcrmaxas owl • • :tat RUILITT cestsm' au th• Mar Importsw x er of De- • 1117441 . .i. 1.171111,01 AULTOIII4 OAST , •.11.11D. MX . [erica. txiOnleo,,•3B Wooil Stteet, wed OILLIILEB norru.Bpamnsra.— rirkisowl. J.. UM M. • • ,taitylo. vprixn..4•ll.l3. aAniuma-us.IIJS2 ()'USRA UWLEs wpALekt.,- • ' NORIiOW, Bißliffid, a co., stiaii•il .0.. l Pans . Glasi m. &Atm, cni *nu, 'Agitatailk, TOkk Sat nuda • rroallta trcdi r . • , 1 Are., kr, • . l'Oli f 3tlnaril, AND MO D Snip.. 072" T'S JET G . ..4-44aus9 DON; rzoiirmy., 'nem' ROBERT ,LEA, - NE4INI Egan!' AND BMW Ifs eigt►toia}ers AN I P ' 33l) °*° l !, to.4u ernes% awl Irern ilir:/hetii )0.4'. • I PI7IIIOOIIIIiONTOUS - • 4 PAINTER soils trol,‘7bleti Tab and, Tr u n k' _gPE Alp ..nok - • ..qpram °Pam. PA. inbtt CITY NI !Ll* • •Roqpltts & immolingure Ana Ca . eou,rdu . utlMtu 4, 4 ,,,MV15E r . Wry 80 ,Pn i 1;;U10111, PABITON I ikeO,: ! , krArarir.ftw4it WORE 11 , 1: »TR " "At - BiMNUME ?Oran ,1* rah N. Jenßrirres. MIN _ __.l iv" iliwif:nrof Muss— . ,* trEdlig, Villtinnoval;fll=434 1.1.'s iiiitira; ~i , klttle sad t on of • at rusak II
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