- rs Eitiluro etkffte .EPiiM!MUS. Jai. B. Steadman is In Now Orleans. —Hon. Jas. Guthrie, of Kentucky, is - convalescent. d., goat taco took place in Binn nah on CluiStresiday. —The creole portion of New Orleans isinfested with burglars; • " --There are seven. hundred and eigh teen bar rooms in Del/alt.- 7 1Ir. Tennyson's new poem 'is to sp .,. ; per in the the February Atlantic. : —The Eislish. Ire the most thievishiiie'vrotbi:=LrAden'Spoaator. —Bear fighting is the favorite Mu& • meat in the country districts .of Ills- —Strange to say; Chicago is =lied - • ' this brae, over a ram shop in its . Court . --. /Joule. — . lfo,Thoroughfare" Lai been a kn. e i , . . ten; 8 . 4000 copies have been • sold .In England —A M . liesaly was accidentally shot at a toi light procession in Maysville, Ly., last week. - --- -. —Fifteen cents a tarred wu the price Of water delivered attire inOleran, a few dais ago; - • - an,i ..- 1 Upwards of , employed by the - - Railroad Compaq) - • —A. 'store . and Welt "1 I 3 i i *P . ' ono night bun wei —A new/into& found and put is Dospital, New Yr - - — The "greeting' . : Tiers of New York, woo written by Alit._ —James Rahey, a young mini Balt. :- - !more - had las foot cut off by a passing - train on Kindly, in that city. ;—John C. -Breckenridge, ex-Vice • 'President and ex-several other things, ts said to ploy a tine game of marble,. - - -•,- - —S. tripleportrait of Dexter has teen -.--, taken by Ir. Troye the animal painter. ' ' It lit° be natio. Paris to te chromoed. ... —A man was shOt tn Pollutants, . Sy. the other day while attempting to crawl into the -window of a -lure: He wu badly htirt. . —*no odd Fellows of New Albany line gathered up ‘ ft.Xitttuil Alaimo* lid; which v doing midi g o od this im favprible - late Axe In the Kanawha riser let out some Any thousand piarels of oil; whlals - settool to supply theParkerstrarg refintriei for swill& —MrOda - R. Robinson, aged twee _ tylirejt yein;blew Ida brains eat with a reiolver on Christmas, ere. Ural county,in Gruen county, —The' daughter o 1 the ex-King of Hanoi* is 'to marry - the Crown Prince of Holland., She in to hlyo s dotal gilt of two million %ha/era if the mad father can persuade Prusainto pay up. - . - southern exchange, in speaking of two .cases of infanticide, one of the merderemes being white and the other blank, ca is the wilts one "an ardor =safe and the other, "a negro number. of permit' mortally 'sounded by premature illactuage of gm anin er_by oceigent, on Miaow day, was large, the . kart orwhom wr hate war Kehenack, of New Or ham, who *mince died. - trey . eagle attacked a flock of geese in. Wiacoimin recently, and would, line made a . nuccesafel raid had it not -ikan for a 'nnman who snicked iim with a suck sscitiestblEssiTexeS7, dtie- Mg him ureaeau from the field.. Ftvs thonamad pounds of meat; nine hi ditid fool dunk cites, - and - a. large anittity of other find, were dlstrlbatedlif the - Bt. George'a Society of. Toronto long the poor of that city ea Christian day.. . sabjen of azt improvement la the mode of heating railway CUTS has recalled ranch attention from thet press of this country s ince the ingolatiagedy, `bat wo 'haveyet to - hear .-of a iallroad . 00mpanYlayiug gins itirren a passing thought —The society for the. prerentioa of cruelty to animals in New York Is doing much Celia, bui I carrying . its zeal, - . sometimes, to such an excess as to ren der lir. Ikerigh!S only: *baiter from the rldlankrui, the honorable character of intentions. - _ o:te. Int Brinley night three none broke into a Blom in Blzapscuiville, Sj and stole the stack, consisting of several barrels of whisky and a large quantity of groceriets Tbey were arrested while laking, s off Ake last load' 14 a wagon, which was also stolen: —Tha illahoxe and-drcidshops of Boheinia. hare Worcenmerdeatid all po. Rural newrietprre, alleging that they are conducted by Jew aloud Xbli has had the effect of Largely Iw:relating the trabacripilon lists, which la agood thing for theoditont. ' . young woman ~irso found mur acted in the _woods near Marshfield, tact week. When' last sect afire she hid a I;fnited States:: bond for a lute =mint' In her possession, and as 'this is not to be found now, the came of the murder may be easily imagined. An old Web building in Louhirllle, tused as a mobil horse and is *store house for rubbish, fell down an Banday lut, creating great excitement, u it was suppfted some persona were cruahed be neath-therein& Fortunately, lumens ' no one was linzt and th e milli damag e done was the =soul of an tpialghtly —William Bomber and his two eta bars, of Upper Bandany,phie;witovo• ovally died very eruilienly, were pviaon aci. Their bathes have been v.aml • .1, aid no dot in whatever exist& as to the . . , . act— - Who the pOisener was la a horri ble aryatery, poth.of the Tome ladies were-pretty emiintereming, mid were —A free disPermarillas beenin opera. tionie Baltimore fersolue anintha„ and a large Limber of persons hare been re item!. Medical and magi* adtice are both glitz and many interemingopera. done hare been Performed. In Phila delphmit free Aispeatery of medicines his beep in operation fur more Main" years, and Mu rendered great assistance to needy persons diming that time. The _Tarim medical eoilegea render free sur. gicai service, and their . etrainistoo poor 'to Pay nevi not die for wantof the Tern best - service possible bo obtained. Bare some surgeons and physicians at tend their poor patients u faithinliy - as their wealthy ones, talk all do not, Viand the poor man cannot rely on. them as a dais' it . we had an institution like the one In Baltimore,: where eery man unable to DaYstenid haw, a right to de.: , =and and receive aid, many Lines might • `be eared and par city lirts of mortality reduced. 'A mbject as important as this deserrerattention, and the expense con stilt:ad on. the - establishment"id - a dia. penury would be Mit slight when the amount of good that ICwonld accent plink was taken Into consideration: patois . s eat/distaste have few . :Om:doges inirance. They are never certain - upon which 'night the easeutlett ill take plane, an any weary hours are spent Le.w . alling, Avint.ut, a .Paris butcher. who used to enticehla victims into wpm went Place. theta; g ent uP - (heti . bodies,' and throw there into . the Seine, .wes - madly guillotlned In the presence of a crowd ofthousand& But the audience had watciuxt the - Place de la RequeUe slx nights, In -rata and fog and cold, for the antiOpstadapectscle. A honiblestaffold scene recently took piece In'Pruesta A woman and bar eon ,were to be executed for the murder of the btieband and father— The woman re -.foxed to walk, end was carried on the ker son waited :below...- Owing to the shortness of her newt; the exam- tioner. could not , fasten her securely. to the block. and only the second blow 'ASV -tired her head from the trunk. The son fainted.; andhsd to be :extract before be- Ing. brought to the . block reeking Ina his =Other's warm blood.' DUFF'S MERCANTILE COLLEGE, . . . - - - No. 37 --3, 1 1=12.- !Street., imittistiu-tvram, Imet,..• 1 - - DIRECTED I BY EXPERIENCED BUSINESS ACCOUN TAN TS, : . . . „ .. .. We have the plea:miic annotince that our standard d system of Rl:einem Education so generally commended by business men for twenty-eevan ritual, is now farther perfected and extended. byBUFFS NEW - SYSTEM OF BOOK-KEEPING, pp. 400, Royal 8 vo. $3.76, postage?; cents, beautifully printed In colors, by Har pers. New York: Sold by Booksellers. This splendid work introduces into the College the the:grand practice of a comprehensive illustration of MERCHANTS au )t MANUFACTIIREBHBOOES, - opening, conducting and closing SIX SETS OF BOOKS. It introduces for the drat time the shady of NATIONAL BANK BOOKS; practically recording business from the formation of the company to the declination of the first dividend, with alt the latest improvements and labor-saving forme{ in a hill set of Tesesa-vivz Bram= Booms. _These srafollowed by our new system of RAILROAD , CCOUNTS, exhibiting the Surveying. Grading, Building and Equipment of thu Broad; its o cm, disbrensomenfa and receipts until the declaration of the first dividend; practically exhibiting the 131tVM1 Parnerrat, Booms. Wane= present the first pnbtLtied met of PRIVATE BANKERS' BOOKS, practically lliciatrating the Private Banker.' BULIMIA. in die:stunting buaineespsper,exchang ing money, busing and wiling bi ll s.making city and foreign colltotkoas,dm..exhibiting Tztv Bramosa Books. Our new treatise on accounts thus extends the student's education Into departments of aoconntantship never before attempted In colleges. It is also a standard book of reference for bunions accountants, merchants, manu facturers, bank and railroad officers„Joint stock tom and all who have to do with accounts._ Order Haorgo's COVNTING-110tAS Romer( or Doers Boon- Exuma. For a full description of this work, the Oolege terms, fee mauler .engravings of our Penman's Writing, engravings of medals, with about 700 references. send for our elegant new 16 page nom= quarto cowman, mailed free. • Address. . - 131 7 rECIAL NOTICES; larA CAVGIEL A COLD. OR • soak tiil3ol:tnascrp bassediawd isatims. &ad oboutit be enacted. it anoqed to braltamos of the Laura Parakaasaa Threailliaaaa•oar easaaapilaaa BROWS'S ,BRONCMILL - . TROCHES ittelss a dime:Mims* to UstinliS. OM tn. neetain mint Tor ElsooketUUn Asthma, Ceteavh,. Consumptive and StMent Diseasso, Treceessm mod MIL otoms good eneaee ta I =IIENILD•II Urea." " OVUM anly • BeCnrs•• IlsoSevlaL It 0: Cess.”tadao se:y be tate o f of tle IFOurnineS Inttacteis ih.t na offred. • • Mum tvastlrossi. I= XtV PLZFRXE FOR 72R LIII2XECCOLEE , Plaal•ah. .1111,7 ks Itlontiag Cu...'et. awl m...l■i C., ..> Plual•We !.14412161a.Riayi pet''` . • = MM=M Kosesdanii say Icy IPIILILLON es SON. liewr Iteetz. . „ • • - Daff ARA, ixttnra. AIE- FOR VRALOIIT—f AXIS 16 OTT wrins, DAB mrxm a co., BOILEEt _MAKERS IRON WORE:EBB, 40, 42,24 and 56P44.4t. • U 9 7.. • Swam Mated a Wits iSst Cad acralsasd IS at 1 _CO. , hmOT DICKSON & wit. =CS Sallalaall_ meatus% vs ams ase maid So assabctss• ma, ducsaltics of crs Islas hal sulassr. Cad sransalad. ea as! ts ors suds la SU essatry. Calasucts. Inca- tag./Ing 'lots. Vasa Rom 14.61010 , * en. Occiellossas. ealt Vans, ?.W. Oil , = Pax Boast iron. ierbssu, ' a; =lasts suantisicrin of EAI3I4TH E - G R EAT SA LE EILLISPATZNT BOIL'S% , 111•Tatilar doss as Ike amass sattes.-Meal o,7l &)&nrg& T. ollr 4 & COQ ems erste sammax. CMSa XISIMUL WASH:MOTOR WORK Ilatodoriami .Easotooldnal of Ida al madam, Rasa dadsoo, pod Idatay Illaktoom Sea. tos. dbadao. Coma Of a daertaloas:ol:l Toad sadditdo, Bala ad Raft Ira Non. Mad /loaf mast 71311 and liialtUdid Wawa ide flld/JUSIPS i JSCMDS itrataaleaam z Undid:' BMW= 511:1181013 COPPER MILL & smansaroon. • PARK. iteCTTEDY & _ Illmsoltimucesar In4atitts Balt LIAM 6111 EF " A r elisSats. t+regr TU W "' ars. l iwuNi) IStorat Otdas ter Csopseadilll4.3ll MY &Mina . •.11,1, nr.MNG P(M). AND BOOR 07 MERMAN iussomuittnr simurn. TURD ti ALM 01 MI CRUM Or apyryinng. mA sho• L/LIONS. ANIMA al InAIItAIDIA width dean:74le mody aa4 mate 1.• prettataase aIaIIN.I.AGIZ. b=rasa! tAAna. Dr. a. eL~LIs VON- M:galaT g arI U MNICT I. SCOTT, DENTIST, Jro. S P.EXT 8271.11/E2., gaihrtis rrniumisia. HARRIS &< RWING, Whole Drug Oils, Car. of 11.Upssily 0-frayne PITTEMUM, ,PAL Cats and amesetzy ?rade illayaltelt. u- > ;, f 7: FLOUR. mum All PRODUCE Commission Merchants, 359 Lunn= ar. 11Tissuiast.. HsvisastasT-4.9.llEstUst. OrbLe Iwllla. te!y.kilvLsesl J. 3. uuwert3 • 0, • datidU 0.. 71:111 . 4DE6S _ BRIM! M'KIBBIN Ik WHITE. liaskstmoil- Bri. . - tiittlr.rVP.ltTraLig.lt!'l2. oat Crean lett, at ECM CJ . •• Ilifortith WM decor tbsY.J. 'ell Do an oantOr laid. • a• now rf. rirtimLEs irsairmarrEns,s -tar rataraar. orivazairoarin s, Mara doer above DlazOad.l ( ant alba Ware & Tabla.(atlen 1. 1 ,1=41,17. 'aa"Mmat Ng' WEs'r com ma 111,111CMNIE from , wow.. grallnit . . Mow el - . - 1immt 11139 . 7 ALMS= • CO. • . tE IT PIACE 154 T BZ TRIUMPH COOKINO STOVE, is sego. zas own , nun A . H. 11211a1811 s co., X*. 98 Anntrik Strwri. WArlife is.nrerlv im e" l llol 0uw.... vrr MD. 4140. taaarta. sfua Ring tt eeellt•MlT <IS 6.d. 4111 BOQIIETe & CJ T 11.0.111TA8, At 0xu334333 sulanocus.. 4.3 mur J. a .a.spwOos. P. DUFF & SON, Principals, Pittsburgh, Pa . I DRY GOODS, TRIMMINDS BARRED FLANNEL THE WELL KNOWN -licirrp..4LN NI NGI• BAIMED FLAINEL, In Black and 33ect. BLAIX AND WHITE. xpAL.Tteazi siscoctsir. AT MANUFACTURERS' PRICES 54 Wood Street., STILL CONTLIIIEES, 77 and -79 Market Street. NEW GOODS t .7'070"Z rarzuv =at French Corsets at $l. xs Tus Trxr. TU PRoCrOBE BM/GAINS, Astro an dataatalned to elate oat aaralasaat OWL bagbrath•Hor JOSEPH HORNE & CO. CTMAKING CIAMIS AND VELVETS, ,CLOILRO MIT LT - copi up LESS THIN VOA Me &C. 0 . 18, . mt.. - or ussorpor mouser.' =I CILOAXING CLOTHS, =I Tie - inure clock at WINS/ell GOODS oicsai eat u : ißtatiCid Priam ! ; Ittinalias 124;1.0% Na. NT Market girt et; 1867. , f 4ll ' / I "DE. 1867. 411BOITINOT,13HABON & CO. 'WUlngle INalars la Ein i r GOODS. • rOa WS WOOD. auclum• _ . . Mar at Ea•tera )rtes tkla. ek.th• Prbt' litaahaer Owls ..a.w.tweele, Watts. tio••• 1a.. - Calstafam. Wan* U.p.a Masetuta s e w Dolanves; a fail Oar at WWI.. i• ama awal were gm. t Wo r ar.tedradas 717L,t1t411:7* , a iro4- I.lanCil7tto.a niairdeltANYlLClrlial 00111111 a 0.••111La0r,,,,a. mpe.. am mantra. aa f¢ll 1120 ii7.l . . oro laYttod to Colt , •ccatioltut oar sad 0. Asiumtrocrr;,..—....... • -Ir.?. EttAmstot• 0111111a!ttelliD c L11111 WHOLISAL2 DILL= Sb . ' - FDIEIRM AND DOMESTIC DEE ROODS. , 111r1 &bora Miami Orb I : Choice Wines and Liquors, ' N. Z. Ca. 01110 BT. LW° DllOlOlO./ o.l3mbear OW. IN. micitasicaz. Aso zateuranne . _ DRAFTSMAN. efts. PlirLO NUS. Han Musa lltual, 'Flare liolipsd &Oa. PITTSBURGH DAILY GAZETTE i SAT,IIRDAt JANII ARY 4. 1868 LEGAL. Ausatuarr COUNTY, 811 ' TUB 0011D3WWW.I. or rz mil YLVAs 1:1111 . 747f1a V"° 4 141(1:4 1 2`.4 ~...lame. lA. Nis. forme et to Weal Zeta. Banns laaat. lately la oaf D.Ulet. lon 4.1... f aux aald Drams. flataban a. to VS: as aka Dad. et Oelobes. • D.. 1.., try 1. Damen at our ma Mart bloom. sob. ace. 3. 2.011.. executor otialsa • ./... b ai . ga " 4:Tiat i gf;ll,,Mar=fr . . ter; 4. as• {aellua for lk r east, Le ve s t... aw Den i ds Dalt salt It sill ba kaltexpetta•vollemotlba sal. awl . llsoau. •aseatet Of Janes Onto.. dtesaat• la to.- el.r ma um.. to a. et "off. sad skim. by the lea/mules of Ike sal • Vaskl.Seto.gar dad CD kora.. lls al,. 1 , 1. tin at Ito seal as. taa• taTlats Bait. ire 'um , la oars.. Oaanu. darns.. Isal. ankoarat.t. DUI.. la fan atarwald b. Elva, Islas.il. skemorsalll t• aszlas co b Dada n sore Swag.% UM Mat tate aim Is Ills behalf la WOO( retkoaly. old wo bel. winter ODS a n al 01 "SIDI abeel4 se doss bon.. do awls II oftlaes berm. tan eocalembledc" skaa bir tool .4 1.1.11.• stiller . ta/111.elt ,ao 1 :e7 lilt. utr b. :l l4 tn. -6 . i=;21:7.r. am Qrs.., He. lb". sad IfassOolinam DOI.. oJ a w . ~ . W saw.. asosaud who at.. urelkar of rak_ doecased I Thos. baba.. dn.. 6..2 sad Sanas 11.1.1usars i le oleo. et TS.as tflaw. de Gnat&Wl. ar. a .11 of imam 01akaa s dearaaaeo II len eralws. llefty Ufakas, kola,. lita- ! tam- sod - • Nara. Sinks. (dads. of , f 0 a Sr.". Sow." Pb. HO a batboy ellsamda lorshan.doceand)Yals.M.D. nob.. • Ha w ., A f..... De" -Dbl... !el 11., Hews Aseeedsol, oks Was a 4tatalot.. wild Jekailfaloka d. Dam d *Maar of aid 4 we Usakaadee....)4.• SaYlemelo.kaarbta Yd likaraa t0...11..(1•11trau et fasav oat- , Da ra 4,4 0 t= tg: far. , Da Caw", ittsoamid, sae was kola's . af,D.d am*a aw.aa. de5....) hill COW wad Su. Doll.. (c.a. of , 11.7 .14 vollo ... - Jeasl Jas.. tfrakaa .I.otasedk ss--s , . lahlklact 0 Batt, Wawa. Ir. a'• WO et Dom links., Dedna.o). . balm el James 0nba1a.e...... sad wk.. taloa te Da lens ...0. I.lat Illalr to Matt appear bah. ear Jade. a. Plataurfa. .1 Da DUD. Caul Dare.* toe MA Cl. DO Goloaf sibruold. la. lima 1110•047 of iinltltarf Md. SO CHlo II: as. It !of 11=tr , 7 1 . 1.147 . 1taltiVallgrAtf , tialld.. way to .....lall/D. AL salellsali; laaso sad Catkorla. kis vim. fat .e. Dat rasa Dula S.D. 8... ea. la Doi as base lag), exceaUsa agataat far let dab.. haat.% tat e. sit ananuald. woollies to tad W.. tor.. 54 .1.1 of to recovery atomula IS Dan ablak es. /1. farther to do add reaelro vlattobortt . or Dad Doan shall Dos sad ta.reaf asd ease., . mg %ban to lOUS be. alf cosadar. 454 bd. 751 1.1.11 lad tnt. Mt MO NS of Dose ky wawa yea alall maks Dossos So lkna *so llttiVortt. WILIAM the am , D. atltiTol. 170.16.1 et oar.. Coats at el Db." as Tla dates Dr. mate& AR. Deal. ea. Dow. Oen ka.- ... 4.4 ! 4 " "" Lifpg U. 11 rALT./.. ' . loos,) • ' - - rAtbollatory. tfUttidLt. E. MOSSY. Irbodf. .14411 • ' nUTEICT COMM OF TUE U ip= ITATZII I tar the Westial D!.. suns* of IL eir' '1141113 . "" T. ' 11 " Was max Di-niusi. or ..-ur ricvalrui; . _ D Warraatli Darkrap:cp bao bon tin raid alone% amen Sao AMITE, OF S. 111. ROM . Or Q. cixr Ia 1111.1orclOS of Mo. Voallt=traala..la solar. oaa elvata l•oCanaost =AV= ow llres7 oraap moony Orlosslart:P . ra.d hat. raPt. to alt Tor Ida am... Ow Oradea ot sop proper‘p Pr ....orladelas bp am. • ruanlag af Oka ereattoro at rail totabroat. mom IMO doOto..al grawasa owl or roam Ar t. Mr.414,1111;1014 ...14 me:4m.. a. VIVIDAT OP J Alto oar. A. 11. WS. at la o'clock la.. al tao PlaXingli. S. 90 Olamood Ilea.' flronoptMoa lo OraaW_of aria In. Idea.. • . situitga ny zowLsy. "Ts Tar. SISTSICT imam or SAD UNITID 112tICID. toy . thus Weston. MOW at low2Mht. nh. asskyrpt moan WO Abbe/ &nimbi Of Kash t a s 2 ifitrra=rot, " 47:=l AM. 117 Wass of 'Um' Ow wale Is .bolobt C os. sa Ws motto. wbf! rood shots oh Lis nth% • r•VY L ' l71 et = 1it5. 1 771 OYU CS 1114. 1.• Pre !":.? liglittlottht . inbeit e _l 4 "'" a= any hasi. Why • atiohnao aboata oat Do Dra sa so the sold Raskrowt. •al Mtn,. st, Us. I, hansby ens Mot SW Dowsil hod Tend Mos. tap et ....Mona She rasa Ws Wool. oo astn. .7 121 V./. sad fate otostans oatel Att, odil bo ad bon , * the on 4 Walston. spta 11. show W. al has Mee. &Spa tur M4051:311 ork . of fa.: Marisa 60. c fas Sold lafai; wysizior DISTNiCT PENN. . gLyasta.. isi - Thii uldwzlguil bola 7 gtvu eotia at ABEIGNEE OF ROBERT HERVEY, _ as Um' busy* of Sarestaah. ba the manta of All•abh.7. sad lhain ay reavailvaaJa..libLa said Dliadel. via has hag aaJaage4 a haat. •ot hlaaws - astilbas L 7 Ms Dylan feu at aal4 Mark& Rugg x • • earner Polia Allay sael thwasom• Wale, • wzivrg N DUTIIIOT :OW I • PZITIMMVILAIA, 65. • ISt, 11 14 =titrii 4 14 g gf=1 . 1 ' 614 apsselaisnast. as - Assignee of disegg/1 A. VAIL. L.Egg, 01 S Inigger It the Casale of Alla. trait ess b....21:172t . Pea= ems his ow. petWely og tau olstilst Cowl et sale IMAMS.' AlliX fI.BALLZT, MK DON 4•1111110 . AtrialLiser. Stem& .1. W . 8-T EII II - DISTINCT OF , A . AmsyLviatta. ra. • . . .. • un intr! , k lv ..egti i.A. R n. a u t . iigi l if i 7.or tl rtgb* . % . 1 . 01 I . 1 . .y.1. Ma eositly 1 . 1.1. ... b. tr.,. adlail i vltiltr " "14 r ki. '';' slam try Mt mitt uorgerral IttrtS7t. ".. undo , . _ 4 . 91:1• H. B AILS ',as dirtita.' - - An..., U. Law: ii Gnat ilimig. •' VETTEBA : - OW ADMVUSTRA apIERTISMAIAIi lota lakel•us Oa% doo•suowl,, all perms 1.0. W. to asid Masa will mt. powwow. u/ Um. tomato elatom Wan too MIMI .111 pro! mu Shwa tot soltlesten wl MAW dew • BONJUrr GitISJOKIN. • TN THE MATTER Or p grUE magtlTWAVonalWalati, /goiter utterer, One Ut.t N itio obewo. mond Assoolalos Pb at. Oka - ot of M. D00.0,00t o " = " 411N Ward tvxmat .‘ , .....guarmtztrangrvirxer. • N - 7MIC BIAIITES - Or BUILD. IND •iD LOAN Al MLLTIWi No. 1. U 7, NINNINVII . " • UMlt i atlted b lar i Vlrcer li a M. AU. 2110. I* D•cosber INN. Comma now Dorn. AAA Ow sass Wu anunet at 041 18 . 1 r et ru. Y+ 0 0w, wes?Va r sat . l.o .• =o ,4h lirretlesnotarr. ~l~'+_i:7:~\:lid r~~~]s~:>}si:s~ ME EL Jr• "Nur, Nos. lib and IST Third Street DYlnt AND 800IIBSE, . , Straw Gordo Cleanetl or Dyed. xp a etovs3 au Laarcs , - moms gums C e. FISEMIVIS • , *dngZetliti IFC"I"II4IXIMEONDRI"ALL2Tb, Lamm Wood sammandasia nron tinr iniroUts mama is two r Ca u socdoc• t ninon to clo. mum. atv• wow. mutt NYC, HOPPER & CO., 1. ClUousuis WI. A. MOM anal. : • - .. FURNITURE i' • Of Es , aryllascriitilon. SCHOOL AhD aWICE Froorreita . .. • No. 46 Smltlitleld Street, PIXTSZIVISIIII. ril. /0•A tullusartatit or rittstrun Yam*. MINA nrlllt.lleoutasto Aft Mad ml4lll= 0•2111 MOS= 1111,3 o. a.12:116 *mom ...ww. C. Z01T116..-MIL C. war. 1 , NISCELLANNOIIB. 11111381111611 INPUTING mum ,PSTAIBLIIIIIiD SCRIM & FRIDAY, ===3 OEIMAII, MEECH AID SPANISH WINES AND LIQUO 109 Pees Street, Pittsburgh. 0. MIL , cllWlDlkvrttr Manua (Nu A ..aaamra lan da puntuaes. and {anted agratioantsta nunu tite rotun, ant can watt. yr?...weitir t (.4.1;1. 47. , F4 7 124 *at Pa,:tattail • 171.1... Zla•tit) oula Or. ..glatua. onnum, u ITU ILS • M. Bock aall *Wt. Au. ti IA • 0, . loot.. A ersela ssaarteaat at rtaill OLD art W)11,1221t caw taut. oa Itarlaz aertea) .4 arruzemaataUrtat Lb. OW arsd Llt aala tealu en, • a* Oak. , trtutd VV saltf . aaauta sad mazairtaaa PAM tualluas • TIM FORT PITT LUMBER ao. Capital, t r r r t $128,000. Iftessises•-11111.. Ilaseetaa7—T. supeniaseathi—mls. • IiEMI TM yore T Milli= MA. bovlng <lased "'WOT ut HO•Zi. FOUR BEINOUiII aALtams i, Ml i taglf AMR= ot on • l•ma Maas SAM kr.-• m an sar=;LINIM . , YeS* PRII arm d lukr tai MO, Bta. • Sr Cainsaszleallons by .in sitsUd b. a& T. A. WAIGAIT. INAnAI!IAT. TO WHEAT GROWERS. EBEL! 4111NOMILTEX/ ROSE Super-Phosphate of Line. TLLITUY.y3TIXIXD XT ' . , THE ALLEGHENY FERTILIZER CO. & C&FIEWELL, riorzonon. • 011ie, 856 Paul BL, Fittstoorgih Ps. flivri or .7 .1 1tati5 t 4 7 7 . 4 1. ... zit a LL. 7 M A R " C RACKt VI Ns JIBE TDB BEST IN EMMET. Water. Batter. stair. Soda. Bosisoe Wine and Oyster Craticen, .6.zi - IDra,o3r.or Mme. No. 91 LLberty ihrett, 4,c rtKir or rcivrnt. COMM3BFA,;MM:IKW.ANTS. STIEEIF I E & SON,- . "'LOVA FRED.. Glitanr s AAA reader! ressrally. N 0.93 bato =um. • • " • " Im==grl 1. StICSAST KEIL Si MINIMUM, 001 ThEMEN aim ZWIT13. ; Hoar, era% NW Feed, di, 599 IMIXSTY =slat& 9 HENRY =A, Jr., AN =- IPEOVIt; GRAIN; Pr•duce Commis!lea Merchant, 118Z1trteraoor, 21T141102118. ROBERT KNOX, jr.,` B= to Gant AND -AND Pll i oft% as U Zk77 NT- , • • ca. pa.c)io la*a.sa, 898 Penn Street. LU.211 WBABE" lk; /111/04 Afercliasa' =Degas . brip s .C . IMRE ze1 . 12=3 Etnanta. FETZER'S/. lIRBEVntONG, mint $f Mom . . italbssilsollnear, tom. vaes,.._sum;e. i I iZkVAW.Aa 4 adema rhizlON L. Comeashatou MrSCER ANAsacussasra ft moo; SEAM 11:13.1. astlloloDl34llllprian3. lgo• INlUlamosq OPPlata 011/Kan. aluaret • . L .MV. im''.7Ws2l9l"' Itra/11111111A•111101 t O . •• • , • •, , 4 , „..;••••t•st, JOHN B. CUMBLDODaiimaio. jEL Rumuvroassi mats 86 Ilt la ,b wo".Clensidsdoitudast. Who:amnia mecum vq.mmnialtromnal sal memuso., atm.* Oesalgoients. awlPll4 tar man sill. 4/011 , 1. 11006111.11.1/MD a• MOLL _TORN L. 1110IIIIIIIM 211110114 Ind casemate ami jitz.,.rsse was :resm wyt . 4ma am oar stnipg",7M"bat ,74,,iLIPP.4,W.Hms1s. • attni,“ WaLiaci §..Mg flritnat.Mllo)Mr rI:T i:L~ vows,* iitrove. E HOUSTON &.00 ., Pathlolible Merchant Tailors. SO. 37 - 747T11 wars% Ears jut wastriii • assoad *apply at Winter Coatings, trtr.:l744Wril 61 , 1 1 et lis4lo 0112oan14ys t MT S5l - l • ariosoma ta.a. . . • FOR,TIIIZ BOUDATIL. RESIT reR TUB ROLEDAM AffitiZt :Mar. '..:frAT93: maw. . BIIITB i..aoTLToUTESea4CRILDIIIM. , • . nvsnousall. m solos asa stars. b vest GRAY & COGAN, =M==l lierchant. Tailor , - !o. 911 fultllleld It., PltOh rgL Zinsenotiatfirft Mad staltunelassisi CLOT119,01fin811191111111:111111. tut ,rauniuttis moms; oc iniptral ciLOTELIN 111011, TO CIDIL I u. umst•sytes. mEacniurr TAILORS. 401111 411-11 OFF, it CLAD'Mit Warr rmornit a ostilialtiorr ouMes. .4 . 4.1 d••. t••• •••••••areiti• trt Rot re. ottar.ru.s=a 4 net or be roman • .10.2 mamma. Wan* 4ACKSON & FREW 1 zunnuanntass AND DR/340 1311!' • lianiesy 6ad4lery, Mod**. L r Plakik " 14 LIP la kw At thaw... Warman. t • 3.02,Wc0adl Mtwara* .. . a rw l e "7" t rallr xiimg "az. VITISB naremllr PAPER MM. raurtcrarr. asalameaset PRINTING AND WRAPPINO Potts CLIMITUX iic..sveymiirrata osm miumcoriata, rawsnasamr, rti 0/11471 AID w.aSYDiL 82 . 11dril Street, Plttsbanb; Fa. TM. , t a trat 011.104 Mg l •1111.1114,,,1 B.IIIKUMIL N. MI 1 Iron Broker, 1.14 Vint etreet, . Qom for :to saw of Ocousill. *MUNN iomalag. Isalmala...Dulmnek imissuere. alndsm and Woo WWII statme. Tomb. uosas airs and oupt.uivs I. Clhareesi rll Ikauaramesta sad Icd.n nOTOOthilf kale 1444 . 1•411' 8 2 0 ,00 0 DOLLARS-1120.11100. oar ortuasscuT 1;c:1 WrnKD. to . aintlit• • Loan of $20.000, la • teat a aim Masai paala aat , swath • 'Apar to I. 7.7LYQN. EMI nuic om i livid i tiativ a ii ik i i NOTICE, II ILEREST- GIVEN kr the Holdsn et six , Six SW OaSt. s.wiyu iioadiat (liar Of ATlegibea That itei Cloeposi ea eald Needs. mum[ est leatiry lot. Ws, mi.ll be pee on seld dm Oar W Slue tax.) at as BiZti OP rITTI2 , 5314111, to the ltlly of Illttabatek, Pe. • • ifteinerie et tie CIO et Alleileal,:re. loltt died= TEAS I TEAS • I l•st !iris:tel. &large sad eiulh:4 lot of ties! nun:rem suarse, Ao. Dlinand, IntSabath ',Mei are In_bir relialiael Motion UM will la" esomMos mu U 7 MI MIT Mum sire IMO s 111161 sad roe wlll M suls4l4, iimscoe *mix, • =T=m • 11X1b0 . !... liaphat 01t131.1 Co4il&rsitit :41 ' yea *ail 4 10 *•11.4 01.1.. • V.lgr, • lolt whim& irt , ; s.) • the Clay; • i hi UM* lad tor Ma bt du. .It. tIANTIILD • twat. —nr“ PEcb- onsasszarn "lat ,115miliiTrso Man salrt n iziaM MZ AI wAI. b.,: d7 ral 'merman Claafl a Viaaa. ty 1 = • pm %a " °QM 4: t Wilei• ae,t ibleati itittl illl ian' 11•Miatrid water. • , . • • OWIT4EiSIONAL. - i irCEN MCLAREN, - AttOtheY. ,, abaLalaro OSket.7ll SflSJfi ss., Malabo/06 Orallenioaa IL' • Attorney -at-Law, rio.sswitth lune. g . RIDDLES ROBERT& • „ dttor . . 11 , 1 ""PethItStuatlitiMitoesseiliiReak.. . arMans WIIIT/11:213 K,111,[0.111W0 ALDERMAN. • .!:s4llll.elthJostice of th: t. Pallicst Miss, Anni, MlAs* he 1 31 4 • Aujil ar" " 14 E? A. Ansm. - . orsioyor ix" imam, • 01 0 111 11191itiagCB/nalsibia; & Zito!. of 'Moue 'Wetted sad urcanatr. IIIVII•110 iIi •BALM!Aif , airanas °Liu num, 01aar ex ty the prospilianded to. al. DAUM .z ,M D, • • ... . • - MMus - O&M sal VasMa" No. t6O trial Bt.; Neu skit.' IIESGIVRON g Atbieneptit,Lair;* : =ate rra iirtaxer, NOM FLOM Fiore Boole • • t sworn W. A ' " mi st t AMBNIM Airs LAW, " No. 9! . Dianunid Street• j . onN REDDDA4 t • -kriCaUFBT- TAW, . . . soma us, us rimosess INTICUM nlllll4 r—threstrualr. ri. PTIGGY&IOUNSELLOS 4T iair - NO. ail Grant Streets • "mamma PA. JOAN A. 11.051thii Jatrtitmeolr the reaifii Mesa= Inith Moats Clithsell. : • rtniunnitni,'n; • '• , ' oVitsi"Zi s li rr== irt etruntrai awl Omelet. Intl JOHN C. ILMXIMMB 9 .-•- MONEY MI COMMA IT ail. Na 87 Fifth Street. eg. MA AMMO of TV iliPfts=ting COliOtk. eXt. C. A 2 wrcarnrsoa, LINSTIIOIIB & HIJTCHLVION, Ilimmuszmul. AND , TOCIUUD. NMI= OW& DONZAIIT.I • I litnaritrifiS salt Daum:a,. . • SIMMLIMI . .CACAtita. FAMILY COAL Mee .4- Tart..NOT OT TES MILLI; priTtuniumumnosa. GOAL is :00KA 4:1011PAIM Maseimimmosmirkawaftimit;. Barr r.aiarwcital, NUT COAL AND ELAM ir .„7, 11 1t1=a g 11013111.1f airs . 1311 tbiAlalmy la the tity. erdipmat Mt. "9arrsdlVAre! BEST FAMILY COAL &time haalastedltind wrolotfirteenter. sr tams nun sus, sr ama. r. - uuni a CO,. hakiii - knd RT. 11 Saw tlimmtu aiximmuir aret. Opal si Novell rum COIALt COALII COAL!!! . _ VOLE" MUM' 1.C0., Er% am =num • iminr; av n w eAt oz i p , 1. )74 way. rter aim ! es •ZAO3le' i WA= t a 2 . ;I I_ _QIIZ • • 01111111LiaH. ARIMITIION rroilamuncra""'' CIONULLIMLLE M= Obeser atllttbor . Banalt Ibrstbsetes/Jll., anets.ititOil mud. tab ' •tenzi übjext . ltnush , ba e . ben blitubb saiabirrUWa aFtSa ea . -Ortm UR Man, et War Masi WM inedl., SEPKILIOIi Zen. c. man a co., CL eha&W.Vgair. uta tti:"=.11;" < k g. . Arzasi u, it HOTELS. THE ENRON MUSE, Time tnomenstaßnim beg t*" . ArAt.",;Matula . No.tlS4 ItAberty Street; ViiiM u n a trarage:4l= z =z2 st i ls=2=l:z ViZmirit i gibas lonia is I Ip a It fiat ift& venom Ulm los intritor dff. Tat Umah. irta es•vtUins mem • 11, WAGNER pritutrzalt. Ilr==l 001133033 D 03 333 3311,03 . 311 MAX. ST. 'ilikliAVA gOTELf . . itoxiss,44o. LlBAnts et, 011 1 4 " . 11 11 1 00 , 4 0 0.,11, AXES A UMW, horde* ii7Witsuen ttti wattatte n = ega r vg r eztai win% mats aa Tin IlaFraat gags /i t .. ir t a l oig aa .• a; sasuarien satin an naaaago. ST...'.LIVIMCB...:IIOTE ruilazorwinFE. -, - N. Z. ran 4111 Osnal Eta, mrssossus. ra. JAMB 3 JOHNSON, Proprietor. e;e},) y :{•;• t(eliT.l7f4-4111 SIIDUI TOII FOB HOLIDAYS. a 1411:111TIMI, WI was lax& As Low as Wilma* lt pe City. pin/ $D'B • . - • Steam Confectionery. SIT Llbal7 Streit, I 9 HENRY Iy,..IRNMARIF, • , ' .-- ClanfeCtie4lo7 and Bske4, yo. 1100 InethilniLD lUI*Z lErLatittll.="U t 4 LthinT• =ca VEIOCIL .v=6ll aar.D.lllra P.11121:14, RIM I q ll C 3 9 1". 0 9F WO sam AS Us *et tilitellligla*Wition•wk Idle% bl arl724oCnii WILXICraMILIM salispuutoltrk Amour. , OIL WORKS & COMPANIES --ORM OIL WORKS, Eureka Carbon Oi .SIR 9SC.TRR~ uD Sperm Lealele.sting Oils aanscAL ..imrs= OIL, Whaley:oe Deslars a_ rnaa ties■w tad imbricating 0111 liea,!P! 1117214, sad IPlii Ono , O. NACEINENEY:Agent 10 Irwin Street, WARING .& KING, e9llllllBl OIZILVI9 LlMMeitits Uj Petrolent Mid Its Products, DalielPs Meet, imuuesee Way, Aniraissi WARMIG: ==i=nl H. M. LONG & CO., 1/L/1317/0,113X611 07 RIB IVIIITB BUM OIL. -Brand—"IMOEFER." Ogee, No. 2 Bataan Pi's), PM111.17110/1. TACK BROTHERS, COMM3FUON itgacaurs, 1.4D . 11542321U11 Petrolamt ad Its ftoduets, . 21771411717511. 0771011-.Da WV" • Build/Li carats of Duque. WO aU Lrwla Ones PHILADZLIW.a. 071/10Z=1.1117 W~lani q, AZIMIZgOIt .Eseas onoprinrap,i, . .7...savcrzezhafevvillis o !fig TANA! DEMON, Ilettaire aad Dealers In PETRO Ls ETT omen. alsoolina.aznitir. OUCE.WLEEST AND DUQUESNE ALT.,; r. O. IL VP 1:1111..c. , a. mum, •rxrimatiD SOll4O On: WOW! • iiksatielaus awl Dim 07 Ws Alt Mai LUBBIC.4isaO'" OILS, Ai. I IT. CLUB *EMU: litirstra, maw Co. Fvkir,c)4:Wiri_l44.4yotiZA WON MIL; fl CAVANAGH Oki •YQ Ili ;IP= MU= (Opipoills MAW/ mew 40= la en MI Man taWs irib iM:= not • • wad iparrJemlar &magas tins lorsoartge elgrliadonsu7. r: Airwoop.morscra ATWOOD - I-FEWER BIM • lIIIBIBBILS, Inman AND GAR NTIVEIp, Cer. of Sni sad Litperty Streets, zro l ut T e t z==tral i kan atentuds rug taitthluf OW. WI _MOWN( atClllBBfted". AVMs tot I. Fhtuserea a coAs STEAM Es ITMPS _ .. . . . .... . .. - BIA)WEIL IBIIGEIiIES. ? - - Time rescp.mmisov•riersaysatagaareiall mans. W *vary oso Is wain:alai to give natta• tocgune. rata, °cancels au taw.- re2:ol, JOIN 14 MCI "1.......i014X111124,41:13111T12117( 40115 M. COMMA BRAS-S. : I .l"(sl3lslp#S, Su** ............. alzolicstara or MOS OLD MUM WOttl. at mg ductal:tang <Wallas r. 618 Yu,. =mu low TIULLNW at ell Cana Pike itidSnap. PITTABU RCM PA. 01.11.10 0 :17izi zaa!rs. COULTER AIWA - • House and and Sign Painters; esaiT errs?, rittiesmi. t.)111- Kai II .r, r......:1 T,l Row,LAlqi as HOUSE AND es~sua ffit PAINTIDtk: aw ad arcito — , Atiagainnis. 0•101111113111.1.61. uas.o mum, J` . K. 14.1k1OLTON, Jr., House and Sign Painter, 133 auutp itrasage. slainamlik Glaziag lid 04110 . • .TL: ._p. = *tad mats. yarn übes Ma: 'haw sow.. Stupeastes.lllo4. Loa. zbus, as: IT. =tea.. " . I .I I IP,MTG HUTCHINSON 4k, HEPBURN; - sox to as !emu moo eauzzas mon amnion. - 1 wok sa mom% Avsants. ristaimplirs. J.Ui wby mil nrozottlr al:4=W' JOHN F: - CLULEY.- . . iaistoi.; • - uut.onati l — tit the obi shat. :: SO. 3311. .71,111/ mom* !r"zi hicip9WA* prIDET4,-, :• •-• 1808tH . .AID OLIAIMITAL 'NAM • SLUM 0 1 6 1 1111813'DOUlaliZi ii.;611 1 41•11.1t aideaiDtsiaradr.llll;sii:ltiew. wingtrzehmirelatozelt, aw .IpFiiaZ - Z. — atilt& . ' - ulicertilasiThiaThit katastry hue, TOBACCO: , OIGABBoto: • [Sacco: TORACW , TOR&CI(02 FIVR s UNDRE'II .aassuirrur niu 21tos 11ZUNiTID Olt Oall10:411.frj.-: IND 6 I'M, gi!inits E kt: lOW 80 c•iiir P 01441: . . , .. . . Tobiver!Bit.'ereeers ..tellitni Ithevesel In Tobago°, 'Vaud OD Illia to . al t salt ituselett Um ROBERT -F. WMDELLI Wit 1 1 4 . 0 0" irn ,ix.r:tbikithacad & Water efis. JOHN IVIEGRAW, rgstais sew - TOIMU;44 '' 1 1 1 1.1111.12tihnOktala • •Pmnr.aa sM1R•11 Expizaion EVORELIN. '; , , ==3 1 04 'gamic:4ok Plies,ie: LI.TIIOI3BAPBEBB. RINGEULT & CLEW' ,', -, : ,` • •,..,' riseessiereteUeLefelletruelmeta a COO PRACFICALAITHOORAPHERIE, i ..., Maof ire'LVE 1 1 " x i ) 4 1 7 1 ak7i) 1 4* tt U... Letter U • =Otrplus,' SW/ , Ci1t , 4 ,1 gl&rjr,' A `• iirlitlkiaciii Tbian.rPTlP.• trustle. . '- CHAS. I..IIIILLEII, I,IYHOoRAPEUSII; so. so POIIIITLI ST.. Ars'', s Mita , . . , °NEC'S s MOTIF MILL asA LET. ?Ts a.Da. ar , .. dam , Ul al aylb LAUD 014-10 bltpt „NO. 1 114 r /'" _ $. 7 17 tynty,priatt i fi r , , FOR : : . • 40- R O VELC-ASILUEICEOECEIALE s otimer-ot-Drarla 11.1411•110 Stream P l Ualarets. Lotsfibas l(olll r i egp4.7.4M, :rase lnst ... .tm= tranc- ,_ b y tt rauwatit e n d thtl~ ca Erk ; ifiatlzat.- A COAL WORKS VOW BALE: Ondlint2i UAW= lufla'rh gyglen, and an the aaneaban, fan s talcublo work.. Youoggag:u Da gold low and ag good tens. 4Lindy W. A. WER.2O2. Unity,: U wain trures,uk C.trt NIT VOR LUX . OR RENT. CHEAP:— .• • Pam 141:1•21nMeri !tatlax. all the MX. trel BeWoad, eaatelalag J:11 emu: trapeeee. 7.21 c• bOnies lan nUnbliatansci: an Ln mid geed far ee Alsok u s e. other Vi.e. 111 1.01 l , - . 8:: emit Ca = M AI^ a Maher arbrellel2elah late Ligl i e=liz cc , . . . tM2 WAABINGTON,(O.F/JVIL TON 3A1.16-1: Ina Of ala maw aaaas 1691 a aleared, and Abe mosladv come 4 A 66 whit• oai 166,6466 Vat Had lay unmet:, Wasblailital. , Goastl.26.. 6 611160' %anther Wan ainsaa 6 6r. 1 6 UI St 6 . 6 . limknovio. 40.60.1601, 00 1011261106 and *abeam Has vita tilro los 6401.16,nabt.6 sad grala nonsw onttard of 610110 sap of 61:4666 1 ria. 6=me, AMU. as , . I=4=l szemr.A.7Nr. .E.kutaatoik UO:04 ZA , Mle- AVellelttlidisz f lreartb SWIM. Fiw ")TT"A" SITUATI,IN MT. WASHINGTON. Winds , a iilinte.• .itk of.ttu Mosoapjksis: brolta. Th• hosnoontatauft• roa.s.lamon, antlar nit mit. Lot teo Ast mon em-181 lon tan plrOatana oa taras larooti Oa lb. lot ass Ca lan towing ay* TIMM Of Ire atemaa doplerigewona all kuos At..laabbsay. Audi ma / klookborplet, Otralraosrum aka eanaatal Sae. aniaolik pear. *Mao, gases sad diary Wes. Witold abealk 0f. ... mamma Beal /NW . Atlas, - . , . . 040141.4.1r!'" EllfflA 1 HOIEII LEDS FOR 'SILO, Union wmmlr - &atm skas awns. et tbile Yogi. id,. ILOti to. $15.00 - .-.013 .- - AC:I4 ''. * Lac !! i.64l *. 'FIN * . tar vartlellass. loge, armiiidiresi • /V/ 11 , , A% IrOla*r. Lead Cknadmieutrissafs.'' Ce. HART, CAUGHET & CO., Naas and lfrokeni, CORNER WURO - AND WOODSUEETS =moms To Una, ban 6 F . 0W66512r I Ererlingef 01421 ; 0 . 11 / 4 /S , 1249. ""Zuws- 'ag "la "2' GOVERMENT lIONDS. arsimarmArraor sumo ' L somas cses, =2=l DomUs 'wand tit rze COILOCUMIA Ind* ea ■3l igisKtD44 pat, °l' thetraismiremia cows* - • Meant WO aid tbefle*tleg Mrnflli!calip }3 CM "I`i ) Z,l= `gaTilsitt° 2- P'sg Wo•PIMA's am 17..19."SecHu.rititei4 taputbig tr. a. itum gis 1111110117/1.113 otritiarmizrk ar adeaakel. [HYMN SIVI!10S 293 Liberty Street, MISIIIIIOI, PA. General budMig:%Oies, ; ,it ingot Ent linauituu, ; Monday. Noveimaber last t05112b1 takes sa , l Maibfai Ckollusthasms;4 *a l Asti to it 'Caine /!tm D,1)"," UNIT STSSES.SESOMIES BIXISST AND MEI sizo. TAii DOM= obaida. WOMB ' WINS - 111111, - ..abqsflrinielX arid. CRI VAXIMME OIOII6 : O- 2 . 1311416 !alma* Pen di Two D•P•lns, /lay. tut-gegistreil imp*. OW., Maki a l = a rnbla" -6 " 7i4 1 .1 'mecum trazur.4.? oncutux. PeetIiTHONPSON BELL . _.- 11e0MliteatiklEdlISEELL; oariMins; 3ll4 '`ilegieft . ' - A.=!! A;....1.7.::.:.;::?..--.: . ..'.•-:.... ..s*Y.-APIPP'_-.8AN114: '_:!CLarlsamillet•igt - n;•W.'2I.DEBrnakMDIIALIit Argelx sad. Malin "4" I INEZ' • 2. • Aiwa/0811 T h wArtars, Cada., " el = . . HAZARD.. PO %MAR. llf NOW PREPARED TO sivoneksikauss, all isles als baTo as ESZAIM CEITAIRAND num. ateso IMO az nuts , audlrour son, Moat/Saul n• PM/ma STRICLT. An. "WIT IMY, Pa, or to um 15SOOND lITISST. itumai, ft., len men nmosecrtfait. AsTawa EIRIr, EsrAnuanED" vmst. J. - I:IIITRILY=P4' )3R()S strocznons 811111 „i; 29 modal Inc* after CM OHN & 8110" . trocA An REAL UtiTt, h iOttElka aL mwrgesszem- fttormass. •eks or OIL rr er""..."" 4 -s- • NgSai l . _• - Scrap.: Ire* -tight holt thAT sup o lukrami' mom' stail le xh, Ape.- attintatMtl 05au1x.....4.1. r. s l ier IRON CITY. REILT CEO; o;4l.Citlelk CO.. eatariardirmit= is uo.. Mi 'll4. Ie...LTILII2T kor • ; j. ,11,11 EA- 1 7f4r4 ITAMP Alle mutt. cinnt. " kaa ta. SWIMS lanai':; -3 -33 ' . 3 ' 3 NEW (kgr44.11-OV.PV.--• . . Ftaim.- Mth0vi«....M....:7423.6.3.1,,mm. V•Xxi50.... ,,, ,A.r.a......" yr,iL 4 .?'.!•-• , ”---:`-, , r77,L.,-,. , - -- -' ,t,vrimmur ertii i roga t i.,...= traud i UM2l.ll,tle MarlialsaavatiOd Melo: la the er.ka¢simaolasais et ', ..' 1 ' 1! - { , r : Yarteni iIII,II3ULLYXVIIIIMIIi lass Ilemsfts C. • • 111'LIA 7111f13111‘4111.1.1F1LL. EW .01boaximata. mat .30:1111rt; Or. riai raw. Lir Amlinuter. nr OF . . ...................... Lind. •gatioutill StutspweS .11.1dr 0 ri, 7 ...T4VMM cos.. ps uO.lllO. , :• Old% Innta lADT 1.1014 • prAcADEOII Or Brin , rimaxracuse7.:..:....-sussiars. GERMAN DRAMA. • k==MM -Tb• tau Meant. la 11112alattn !1'646' FAAriY . iii;OrattattllyiNg sinursiissautuif /Lanais. TAggged 'mouldy b7bi,l. mass rill aft. tgonsuo, cto.onsar...A.....mmati n itendayi Ifivelttah awl.= - 40130141014 , .- . , (LRI VIA IMCSAZIMM ftl ea larmliAtza= m bldriMitol.i WU. tarok. pronotoesd:driddad.inaldregg: 131od awl Bansatoxe now io roe win t ADOISSI4'IIIIIS ACTSIIII4 , kris Masetoododso adrislamTMoomm., i•:.Vi r Cind2B,DAT Jaw* at. '• • • • ROSY 1171!MlliTo • *l47Oddrliddlitioldatai UsillibMs: • • ' IWbiTiersW ie . TS clie didns •• dommodomor romye:lraigasoo limbo mob. 4 ob 111 Wood Moe. dad - 01kaoro, good .via..-war. opal Wild; to donditosoo iF iirponmzur. TWO*Airs Tiii MIK him UM 811.'1113. tDr , 1,4,1 4 i ; i t v f" u ;4iat ftal: ItwTheattar am gate. itthre• rim) Vv . ! . nroested betoemaglT olterulitWet. 14411:14 Waind:moX4 7 x 4 le stViti ate%la otiSu (Oa. Tea olninisli mai - • .-110=4 " If;asrsa, *Wane urn esinlidilely ohut** Mr fumes. Ina. *Ammon wet za, .e a allstil %MY titbade o l u Tig u rna:::: Ati, " l4ll4lllss. SAS, almollos /a 71 4 1=ta g al wks Won, Ise Wises leblsts us • istradoisil LI Slam pop= lUctitah lustteres,l4ll3lSy ISIKISSAK Co lags la eater. .s.IN sat 011114rit anaSeeralelfiuhlral IssuL ad do Day ashl^lS•ols, Sad Um avoid blzawili sad mahatma Sr Us Meals( Par trALYLSI reil—lthoLedi‘t3ofitabtt can INW Wes Mg. IS Sass . Asikts, bli=a 94 0:1 4 4 , :l i r= SA nri MTh, rs =imam:um suds , Us. IS .TEIREE NIGUTS lippr- IMASoNF NALL; Tjtesdhiy • Thursday u 4 . Friday, • tsi na 9tD iata;visa T6le.iennu , H ".3llL socatba ;-111311111E vamure. DY; wintty1 sU: - P.lrt..eurfrwaimotsca tb• , . ; 'ones QV SOOTLAHIk. Mk. Pon• friata " y MO=4 mats It Wood s tarTnikviiirowcfsTivAL t.:7.- : .•••• . .1„i-: ',.1 .. ; . irlfhlatilLlST,l.•talittli, .. .. . . i 1 WILL CPA AT CPT HALL' . - TOMO, rall/10-,DEILIMLIPI WE, owl Attie , tioekirrm afternoon ann easetna., Arjut4.l.47=ar.m. hats lokos auanasee ,iftr Um j000500ra...... "Atilirra=airri .Pro t mots • saikartmens as Jenals7,,iand-antraloto Seh•roZ! eirtVietare=, to fun ' oate, fr 4 SsOlt.lllo fer ma tanks. solo fa task u• t. sission Its, oentoratalsen sonetlantre 'Altraniimointinni - iii Wonky atter santlng Lie 'lst; sea/rot. , . FMM;TTZNI loot worza 81 , 00;41867 . A RPEVA swarpowv i. • ..DIrt.TGGiCIE%. • • (MEDALLION DRUDGE* BUM AND TABLE #.N1111.L44;0 ALI..WGOL INGRAIN ;, .Ajraiiiroiteum. alYiiTiOWPilos -r BOVARD,ROI34.. • :(I , 7chiaarce a victim.) 9 11 EAT. 11111111CTION IBM 4) 11. , ail,. iderati•it as. oe•tiumhnutpreelasydreltstet. pricy OM *IOU zullalsaarlaslo rum, sad tyre lo•dar 'I:IBEDUOEIV.:'PB:I6E4 14.14 T. DEW AND CHOICE GOODS: ' '; vs? eaow it yawl r , tort to taylaei tas 111PARLAND k.- ; 0043;1111h, 72:411111Vnt azine f r Famine 0 1 B 1 P 16 1!4!••T.:"..-'.- 40r"..s BhOst 3yme, , ' J OIL CLOTHS. • ,Indoivtgi4hiNAke, -• =lll • ' (*cap , Alt:Waiii,4fiaria sis MOCAL.LUM EROS. .=4 anew; "illove iFiry - F 10.131txp, ;-; ilkLlEg e CURLED , kink tere. - ../"P' l llkce!**!b TTLE • *Up* Foot &o 4 rrAiel ; l4;theurea - i 1 4 .61111 0 1 •1 14 7sympl•a•PlIk90110 • inefflunmitt: 4 0" 11 .! iareniza-i, V- 11 "TIMISAU 0 44# 111 Minatt ern BOLICITSB INAMEILIONCr, ;',T; • `zrztrinuin, A . A . ' AtilaintLats6, l4; wrp -- - • - .'• 1- sraixn - a'r tN CAPCANto IlterMilnrciAVarj."2'; /11# Pi* r M r l ) ..1144.0141,620. -1 4 1 TABIUNGTON 11 'Awn' stik 'am Idle* tithe thiehz, -, ~,,y.w,- A omuicar„_. vP.x .t Outs larAc., non— 411ra rio-'--"Vd. an YiN -1; :.. - 'i, u- 4 "44 " • 11 2= SIV II El Eli
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