•,.' -.,- - ! li ', '• z - ...,,,--J-- ' - •••• ••• ... ... • '',:-,'---,;"`1,---.4-44-•-irl''').-..;.•:*.', - 'l's. -. -Vii' l :i C• : ' '. .. '' & r:t- 1 i 44....,..,..„..: ~.. , ..,,,,,,.,....,..n,. : . 1.-, . • - - - .riak.„ 2 "z7:f4 A 0441#4** : • • - Wf . ' alaiicrek. *tit mt .., ;':',,..,,,,;,. „tr..... Wo At ~,,,„.. ,gi0n,,.,m17,1 ,re?., be l` ... I 1 „,,,,,,,... ia---.1.51t 4"T1i4V115,' i!M IM • ' ' aims 11 . . 3 , iff I ttkoti, tve ' : 11 / 2 1t Whit • buccezfb •• now -114:4 -;!, - sFniurr • of Ite or adapt • /lay° • • tooled rt4the 4 4 1 e • rtleoid Mitt basis; V* cq.nttrti' i • ~ittteid to • • • 4.bito3 to • wiVieitt 41. fc.folu 7 , s4aklai. ‘011111,16 tb o .tpayker t sT4C* l .e 4 4 1 ,sziktellow. • ;AO • the 'l2'o*th. 7',P0 0 P .6 tt th 4. • JNt ofabia iithoyalt , ‘ - .3` .o oilint7 .attit*dirmOn • . " . ft F II4 P 4. Pe COnit g• , camilditid is : 4 4 1 4141d • tt 2 7 *. 12 ,nw *id e tido r: oitalgags, , icrsOcilli no off ~.~ 'pkoetithei mid ~iabumcopollse2 itirsuck Carpi Li (Umbel * taaAll i orpotz . A • ts~ • , J ; .9 ' l/11(al oitiiiaC !t?la —Loam& Lrglabg, ."Pended aultiftrla briblos 011-.oexitswean v f.4 • - I = '5 °fade dim, 04/4ettat: . • isltti du rot i • *dm l • • • imtiteit} sbe talion 'Licosell dapartmexi with Wialeis: ta diTuiut ' • am • —1,, ano *kph exid,tho object. thecheclos Ishirt4 yurvent int • ey-that in 004* not a• crt• ittough. 030. • -it if 'among tt test--or to , state theta-Ince of . lots, the to intent din= fraud, sago of the Tel , kind upon the natal till: , We " 64 **Scull, kale ts. is under., y i ta • ,in nrcit e ltutnaitiliku . everyboa ,-apeoltally • " ' , •• Z honesty eight Oar nOKunangenienta .halc, down in. ~ Ally - ,,.. , betuntse • •• • rs, anti . . , and Darr ••• generally, •• • • .1.4 be &tee, lb thellpa in , • •Ancrila tot a • fract clecnln t ,., ...• ., uftlee In but SOON one rats-. .a ' • • • 'at out`sd• ...... *:, at ;ii, 'prod 0 • rrlikii he 'n"tt torah° tiro Into blau,:et. 4 , 4 • wmtly co. • ,nit,lnti - nni , .. I . kirt„ limn Wm ,‘: usintllT-ii i% . . , 14e °mon. • r Waling/ r A • ayirina of ' • • •• It:Tainted ~ • nen tender, e. -, ••• 'ar, - atfatoeftuble 'yak ...or; its *buy • Jams Is Ito • a juirral it( si, ~ t• -. a ..,,, ,whkli • - I. not -lt .... 4 Mood an tha • 411,on111L11&- ..,. . perfectly t • that , II - _Wailer the demtimisrillne/t.the - . Vil/, In tacciintii finite nun ' • tite,nitronal Lit Or e -, •ociennie • &dimity (eery ,i,that IF, tbrit praeijce e VOX is eir - nualeektratchsil, It. in ge In, • thaciuse, Itiv"..4, ~,,. aidlisti• 1 , , ~,,r , , glabhaatole" I • . 41111... - 1.,01 . Par is. li. . 4,,, -- 7into. my. ens ram , V -, 1 4.,1,° ;4.41 .1. .. .-.. • ~._-1... • Ca. ,71 al ...-:- . k ftni lls mark ... r . a. "14, att,„ : raol, or b - re - 4' 1 1 i"" 444 4 'Ar l a 34. . oria7 l4 t "4 . •w , rrj•'. •„,..._••r. 1 14 Itagiogig •tik - rs7 3 lu .- ' ' .;-"' 1 • -t,Peral • ^h•s.,,. • - r't• - - ,r‘: • : esso , ,;iflrlar-1 Li t, e „, f lan ors b.yr. „ F .l. a . . tft,r. F 7,lloll tireittb , I. _NU: ' ,g - .Ur; , • it t - Theft I . / t -. p .I_ rUr. ..Barnied „. . antontlme:,lbr ',:the-139 . ...t Ruirella will be tbeielowl. newiLls "" bi l allitc 4 'dila.' ' . : titot 1 4 11 ; t4tt)g 4ffl!tb**,:li` ! 4 /t fi...4 , T h ' new house wi ll . upwind* . S roYfoiaiilansaiid feiaafer. ii tiara . is said to hare been - ,to by the ititu: of ttektbeatre :at . Luzrn.: Doing:.'.; Anneal:eft* .. -lie cu Idris,. "ea the •• title of laKbrtstscute. Arck Arm he agnoncreee also'. legal I/16140er fersse:io tie. Q. coat where any ltbsts493ma, or coavert-i ible ;3:attend,. will. be .. fully re-! cabled: and :gtartfully. ledged.": Vit e n:a Impaired at" e Loudon X.,y ' , 'asitostos.., , ..The.gi atter no We run could play part as WSW A little eomed.4' In 'seta •,uy ;Ifr:,lWilliam Smith. erditl IKind to eleaultr, waa prodaded at kand'oe ibs,lattiot.Noretuber;..with :Mallard'. 3n the . pq ti olpal c ' n , ee. Isudot , sette-sayst. !Ibenot 7 n a.good itd - `lean . is" himself , law - amble - by --• eik smtry body !snot; by spy re .to •the Alm*. - dratuna,stithore— . Gold analtit'or hilsalubhbeld to. Sterilog • vies freoiynyall rteeles o b but - Mr. trettO has larked • out ilea fiery, plu r eatut l *, ; s a d . except ...bee twarieeded. kiis rateeey with . very -addilfolly.'" The .that deeMe Theatre,"in - von e. rgxectr 4 Witte Btordo Markel sad Val inaugurated' on.. the labes. Jwary, , 17trt; the opening piece bele*. 7..iin Beta. Paotlicen a.. Ulna burin t• • flound tu• I aly lei ; and , the op ' after poi-farming a long Otte In tee a the besserXorfte Sownalle, .. pause-. Moo of tbeiareserot balidinit i tZ i in & the Mee Is Bourse, di 'op to the Exchange, and attach iy to 'roma dawn to make waytemerity Streit- The oew Vattderrills, saw ill dense: Or ronstruntionst the owner of olive do le Cbanasee d'Antlitsind. tte u r t erard dei Italians.: will be Was about. the ender rebruarVlDS. Peago, a pro- An tutete hr r_er. Ike Weed! Amts natant. t llama Passage dee trients,lass, we reed,. 'Warr the whole:Wile *mold doer of the new buAdlng, wore be in tends eatithlialtiair a ispietsd It mattortnt, .whieh w.lll , be "jaunted, andluraished In en on tuntally ...t. entleatty man- Warilt Sall bea- 11W;thelkeeSo net de I*44l_,eies--Tl6.bogas a. alt 4 Body . Itvatrts,rilconiberldAta* Mac or. , . ten &yeas° ainsti libes ksvil , usual , . . mow' At's" ~. ~6 ~, voa. fnc ) . et r" tg•••• — ' 11 ' otkar di JP ° wet', 0. atefool• /12.1 $ 4 , 1a1 ter POT, • $ 1 affinr , e7 12•Cq4 _i-bv• z jiK7llO 'O 3be bit i ...on eetek haltiwukeeglm b es 11-ealbe Wd - e) iailfedli. blow, ' .stspip l : 6 4 -.llest be eren 0n.... 14 11!rw .h/eb Oft.l • mgt. ;; ThWe'ss a ore/ 40=4 00 4 A again, and. la "Mll.l nade no ie ... Avid I.l3lldetdity att. Iledt-idmlbe blow, • dee •• frniu mpo :wrisklog au: • Abbir a :Idpuelf, It . i fa r to 0.44 reekerly. .. e gr i a - site64etdri'it.: - 40/etiatr ot er4tleag 7 y, , ii;i. .. bra , * ,14 7."..... 0de.#431414.tbs IAZ wt.; ire ln wan if of .ROT . fir 3*}* n r IPS; ' ...P. f . itf . - Y . ' VesTerLlit. OW . ,"'. - 'A om lbw abjle • ..CA.I.-017, I= o:u .- tgp.t.o.r* . - • lipoid ... ' .. ~ '. • • • • „.., - . •-1....,,, -..--. ~.------4•:-.;!IH.- .- ...1 . ` ,„.. ~: '1?..:i':.:11,t11..•!::--;''. '..tY:-: . .q'Te ! . F .-"--i.. .•,-.:1-.'Pt7,..1. 4;*>:'''`'i,:....- !..:' .-'..,:- •-•.,.'_;.;'. % ., ..-.e.' 4 ' . .,. :. ;'?1111:;:',:t: .ri444.,,.;=./.... ..`,::7.-t,;%-e-',---:,V.,,,i.fi1f.L.i:..-. :77.:;- N.:'?..t1.1.•-:- l't.-!:-.S.:.. .1.- - -<,(1.-r- A. VL'-'17.... ••••.-7.;:,!..16?...::4:::;:.:!'''-'1::).n.••114.,,T15,;!•4..„.„=:-:',---:.• •• •.• -j . • ' - .1.,t-,..t,.: ..••:......,....r..-,:i••;.:*-......•••,r;.•••••••,.i•-t'z'•.';:t1.-,v:::,..;„•:.f.-...!,......,f .--..------- - - .., , _ , , 1 ,. , 0 , , , ~ .'l.• . .;....:•‘.•;. l ‘ tt , • ......... -..... ~. ... •,, ....................... ::)Pte:#',.*:.•:-. .27 ',--- -,.,.., 4 - . 4 - ;'. :.'. • 1; .'t. ; •.y. .„:,,,, • .1.,....,, tz.....• ;:.-;:,..,:i--,..t,i,:itts • '' . .... t. 7- '',.: T. - .. : , .;,.....1.;,:.:k,....41 .4 -. y• - ••,_ • ~7 ...4: ....7,-.7.',...:,•t,.0,1,;.:: ...y.1. 7 .-_,......;5..,.,.-...,.:.,...,-;;•••••,,;,.., ' ' • . • ' .: •: ! • . • • -.•:.:\ ~-.,' 1.: • 1: „I.:. ~„...•_.:',ri:-:.,:•44—',... .•;,•-7,-7,;'4::','",••••-•-•-••• ---, . • •••••::: - • - ~• -;.......fii•••!•••.7..1:..••_.... .•,...14.-.3...,•:...:',,.:..,-!,•ji...7.:,:t.":..,- -, -. • . •: : • . -•.,• ./ ,+..",, t • .t.....-4: '''<- • . 1 '''''. , , , ‘"l'''.*:= I" !- - - - • ' ''• • -- "• - ' 1. 11 . '•.; .7" ••!w- : • .;', . 1., t.t ,- . •-• it;.... •• • .-., - • ••••, ..'.:C.f',:1d.,:',Aiye...4'..q...! 4Lffil ,T . '. ' .4 [7' ! 1 :, r ) ' l . ''' • . 1 .s.;;Ak.hii:.;' `M i R. 1• :' ! „e4 • ' I - . 1 1 ..i. .:. • . f :1:• . -.... •:. 't•l''‘ ,. ..••• - - l' k s . • 4 , •Illil : 1 s; . - - - - ' '; . 1 i --% ;f4-14'll:°1.4: ..at,' . • ' '- ' ' . - -' . ••• ' • 1 ' -... pir-••••• ..if...ifi l :y -‘' - ... 7,..,•:', ~ ._. .. . -, .-. ..:• .::;„ 1•.;e45k,.. ...,i,--.,•-•.s-i•"" -• N .',',''''7",'......,...; i •-• , ..' ''' ..• 7 ' .....*.•:'' 3• . • ''; '•• - ' ''' ',-)-,'' • f,:' :;.1,,:.:::...::: ..., .:, .. . ... ; I . ..•_; -.. s . , .: . • : p i. . ; ':•i'...-.• t.. . ..'.."*.;":—.:1.; .. . -.3;•: ',':-::-.'+' ..' • ... f . •. • . ..,• ..,-,; ... ~' '... . . ..•,. .T.T;SI !.i•*".. :'. •• ..3' " . V..',..l''': - - . . -'—',;•'...' • '.. ' .i . : . :.:* • t.....w...-lip ..ei-t:•!•••• ,- !-' , .,• :hi ..i.--_-.••• =.,.?•,•,••••••• -• • • •. • ...7".- •• - '7`'.,.,....1 , • ._,,. ........, , :tell i l '• •• • •,;.,,,,4...,......' -- • • • ...... : • as•wa .-.."— • ',raw.... In c.. ..r • • :~.:. `:'~. MEE 'r ,c -.2 Fo,'. c ill MOTO --14! azid --.. 61, befit bat tor trillizpciF 1 1 14 POI c ltd. Cosierralkro iattreikt ly iZeitrxestit: nyur 1 Ttrecke t gr,tbik Ziragi-Abr atitapf 4:10. gc":"All*V i tnZ ii i ....."61,1. weaiv PCVIIL tb:er .. ,I 3 l 'q llol ... il kter: - 1 1 2 r i i a . 7 - „._ 1300,fittitt 1 .lirratuar Fervist "Lb the 'Mann WMIII 411, 4 o. Oita tholl . 06. ••••1 irk) . * • 1 • • tbs.lii I I or .0.404 , • loam Ato I:l3 . 3scr*,- .1 • " s 4 4 4 4 1' To": It viii Eg mrdtid: Vlra d 100001431;Dbe bt, elet float. I d Ina um, .. Mot pub, R6'044=40 Cat the:DD; 1"2,"7 IP! . , a we c use gaiti, the tit t h rora, ' Z ilti ' -a3a4 et , tit .11Are irt t o ll. 1 - • atm . oikkiteart airida t" .Zea &t d ie ' • Eehlal whick,ll biuhlroc eZly Inapondeli, men ' tb131 5 71. 4r : M 4- att bellP 13 ~ eirclea aist ths as wer *r. 4- iiaaP ia*tanta Aln ei. in. aluaart, 40.1 a& col at i a b ' xi ," ~ riardliar protacuai Aetna, anightTana (palm ramp wean —A to =hat x Env no Whr Irli ,Ain anabiaat X.o3lela rat lta la ralavaad wilii It .1 obtaining Itua ) clesll . llC 4.clj ibis lb. thaotp.tmon otifoa . , . 0007ttoi, ci;costia- a oirs,lu : I ..,....„... ...,.. to lilt; and 1 6, 4 1 4 ,,. r - -. ' .-Inanattin, a e rr a r m.' ;one . 116= e t xygoote ng tbh':4l:4 3 Theme Cadet, wilrja afaltareta which tau luaa dolagaona aasealtatAl'ol whickliaceritrafaid, thavencaseu otrunor of,ttee ° Mae••dazS ilandtarY id-that prop:toll lir . t topcosee• amain repsoloot.. tom= . P, : rikret i delbfic•V • '• • Jig rhanl. triTtgof ' ' . . il34 .kunibs V. ~,,t7Orts t o t_ ''' ItP ,, l° 14 Alla :rowwil .. ptUes i ili•Jiitibl dee Mates bit . nil lid tit ttrolaseadir, of -outs+ Moth& thil;m6to4rby park • xni-fectd. ict•ernpthity,, the:room • Ting C them. la laat mated. lint ahoy IT nrandois *ran Wile cam or . - "at. fartuloaa. ardatala, -and idikaa till* beam Brtt 00 . ._,___ good + 7g llt• ber 24, ttar attendants - Tre. ad Imp muirets• that not a • . mat io bo ohm A meat I . r . , his catae,aad•*ail spar 110 garden' s ,Ta ' a 4 7 ;112 'aparrt) . lia, alarmed nt the tile Arbsh ' tuV . loia.marraor h/11 vats. vl •—,-... . • tbe to thedb , £.l hOPKI. - Rt . - at Um/ szi ke ‘ 4' . plured, eLoo• th br_ir Apar(' In-the E!!!! Na pe3ll- etal axed that ilks wirrtan sunvoesed ;Wpm tlannfs round, aluulern. • • , htledd, I VMM Eli . . .. :=,, s• ill,. •- • • r', :: ; ,:•,:; i. '4'zifif>aks.;.;..ziii; - ikkiiidt, 41 1 1M1== . ":1 41 XX.XlsPreakitneel 0 nliket - weinws or puttuSri_lson Frulay•toi4L - ';• ,- • : • • 'Mead Atm% ZiteenditYitrififold -*Mfg In ta l pjl.he,eno n." to•h e_ - f N o a oner • Yt-to:e rdk Inda ha lt s now larlor et ksbu- .u tp . eofPen ow w l n a W i th:l"- er/(-4n-•n!.nlcatlo'-,• 'LlThe treat 'Prefab i." . tten;y . ' Con T- Gbh AElatedilfoddil,•/11111i011: to a coy this week, • anisolritioca. • e• - eltuick that". en ' for P c ceident in 15:5 talwflensral T. 19: Gran f, end for Vie, Pre& t- Hate G. A. rev: The as y.wei ponipaietl cif lep - resentative aim hen' Lament anti fkbaylkill cone . ' add thrtraction in es ywesaire of tbc lop al sentiments of their people in tfortbeenerts Ponnavinanis. Grant and HrbW I 'loci, the bell In xhatloti.—Scren tow Strlldlexag- . - ...t*-00 Situ iellte"rtioiln ten ftatillee of tbtrteen • per. rem c n " "trattrppneetw e i fhb Rana for lodel s ek. They antred 11l I Saw York, from Gera: lest Tans- 1 diy, end wereirlellmize& by anarpers in 1 Hui. city . Rho obtained al/ their funds, Unthitienztet tbele'fbrtiwissekt dollars for , tickets timid' th at elly - tb 'Beading- :On t - Ghtrtuchiditelbstr gime some becero tufiXbetlemen SIMI thliro`hart, and , the or colittnltted than? to prieowasjprc. :mas tklai4v i ge.f.eW law. a ter: Mr. Limi, haute:king scram! other GI ooltellier rsoarylfor. there Ito vend 'to lbeir"l"ileation.—Herrlaherg . ;•:.• ...9ek44 4X/ufehfic of ieslardee to high banecimerced prabe of et, CO: Dawion Chleman, of ;Ledo:ion, r doettingthe olhDawnon family man tinn, 4: the connect Front and Pine . ;tree* to the, Penhylvanis Seaman's ' Frictiaboefety wit thea•lpcilation Gat X aball,ba applied •Knonstu that will pot ebtotly tontzibuteito the motel and Mental. well.being al- the eallecal Thn 1 exlety..latetutio albr am building at ewe, and to.orsanlie• It. according to cams hawses condltlifie. !dr. Coleman 4 .4 an obil i bllailelphial,; and the opulent viyaerottlis greet hot works, near ,Le. ...CID, where he'residit. He is the pre -• LA/Telefon:, Sonata from the •X l• itts ;• • nal -district, -composed or 411 e dentine . of Lebanon. std Elatiptiln;-1 ; •-yVe hern.wlth nowe ofithe.deetb, a- Saturday ersiting,_ rtes long ■ ria ;j 1 1, 11i Irl 1 3 11 ., 13 : -" ge=ric, Hzn lgtre' ty.; .. 'Dr: Herbalist' et the time of b newsuie wet professor it, the German. Hylkirealt-Theologicel Semaary at That pi*, uncLuditor of the MeWarelin is, 4 ce- lee k ethookeicel nnarberlf To the re. Ilci i worldit• wee widelyUd heron-. bl mini a `110)711rWillit VUZIOZIOUS hal ..-lifis aviator .works lc "Hear . ' embrseinst Central canines, bin 1 ._"111 Cr thai !Gbh," "Twin Glory of Wp •,w ifLife of SeXpetter:ised nth -Joyials pophler elrenitetm, 'run " ''' • ' • matt adltklitsi Among, 11lentruien• • . will bw beat bored - by bibepprireasorintlon of th Tenn tas, oryle eftt••=m:.f•Dae samisens der - -' - morns similar Hal roe, Et, itabevere" and' homely lie, .in will soan• lie but tb teen er oar State, prob. Ey.,B an established plain jethe lit. tn • lbw - cronatrr. ; Dr. liaftegb ' of:. dwices!.." Ile was bob near pray.psensylraniv., in lEc t ; aad r,"49:79/941,..`ge4 4 " le anii . !..4 i . . The • 13aban '....Slave .•-•: .;.. -"., •7. ,-- ' Tia• de - . Civil. S erv i ce B reEi Mines ortonstorillartlactiiilie . .Brildiers aid Bailors atom 1 . 11:1E.Siiprtadieorikl> 'fans: t. , ..__...... . tily Telegram tektite elneesres lei) • . Vi i itsriiiroioa.Deu• I lk 1667 .. •', • __ •••• 'l' SENLOVI, OT ESTO.CT.coix xnans.,. I • Tit:iv renteral4 Genteel Ord loci Plata ed. ' liiihefset tilt it hie !teed ISibile at .. . , • • . . .. the anggestien ef General !Irsitti who, While °piano& say change hi be other districts as Inibrions to the Emmett reoonstritegon, du been . of Uho optuton • for some time that both the IV y tary and • chit admitilatration In the Fortiti DIX . tries would be Improred• by a ohms*. of comuinodersi The Pneident eitcecied to General Grant's/ request, *and iniluded General Pope in the order of 'avid: im. . GeralOri teas at once t Califon ale to relieve eneral lUD° all, who will satiate nom wand of the F rth Die. trim on Mi.:mire] tram tie Pa 'kilned. This change ;will require about tr o months Ume to abcompliliii. 1 cane*: state tho partichiar nova= which bee ad General Glint to dedrotheernoraL if Gentraf - 04; burrtbise w p b have I dowdy watched the aditgolst Von of Ise latter hare . probably not failed to oh ant oertaln peculiarities and incunsis-t tattles of action, indicating Pug: the empe of the command was most. beyond-. ' hi, calibre. The state of affairs to hie district at the.present time Is not regard: edit. very pramfaing. • • prtrartroi Xtirtinri Liao° iii•ren.• Piers are excellent reasons for Leiter- Me hat the made of dettltutil whic h . are tow mining up from the So th, par nearly from Genera! Ord'e de uncut, are disggerated. Sn far ea the *cast re- Ilahleinfortnation goat to phew', the des -. . Malin Is rather prospective thin pica ‘. PACETLE - t . sot n m o a ii it e brat_ °‘ b et? "EV_ 4 .''''' the nicks. It has urea largely a nted gee of the lisitersll2d 'dung- . th hands altho p sloe* of Jess-- son, in lolsgen of 'tilde mallet; and in sentdcaase dismissing them. because they*rned the Republican ticket. Gen not Ilohird stands ready to use . a .por-- tion of tie foods of the Freedmen's Bu rma In !Owing Any. actual (Lanese iir thous flagons, bud' It Ia probobie cilhatai cock's mcgilitilast, ; linidikiYe nmeinitirylideldi lu repairing the s rit Rl4lVlM—ltstut .7 4,1 4.,recant breitis In the levees, au.l tft 'lnoue 111111 . 00 WIFAL .....1* -.. ; : I.i ...,. :. ny to tent, will be temple with.. : '' W V booliiiitaltlyneetaitnra • s Trig 4 'oxii connionsisi." ••• i _ ...i r r be m a d whithic'enutlugb= mark. :Thaddecidievens has so for ' .oreled. err Nicist - in. - r • . ' .. .• *-•! Sam his recent Indisposition th he is d jtrOittlCilisitini..—.7i zu1473 , 'lles .. _ .... ... . - 11 epee.' 'ipr r 47,7 ." •. 11. th. t 4 slat iihear.h.:: f . : t . . .e.. • rriiss.",Sliiiiklee. • . Jim • Heemalies.— . The• *e .i al• Fo .- Its dale. .• . '" • ~_. . . f ry ° W . 1 0 34. qX 42 4 , , A fi.4IM.. Tei 17 E bescrot.o2:..—Jady iiicrirsj w4e, bie heti tip that lie evesmieepe a. .....___ .11,131115 s th; - I;iicrihat , wears a crown," what . must the Posit:aid suffer from' pew iid li f ' W I. iv C"g ibr 6 l•l sL- flne, l3"Pid anrreva " l ur ee carehtly arid egialialy tuall•aoti are . Mericr.Toso#,l'ilif shook' concrete mantactrirers be. conisidared• wept, - at the ate settddiiiscor : Btlithis they see .need ai tiiiMirsigtehitti. -• • . •- • ' Ws-4'Z' 1 : 1 /Tx 7 T-U• man: otherwise an itioelmit fell .. cruel cootie:. the either •xliy, in Ipresenoe, to• takes enyi • 'idyl 400 top •. . • . . , , In lir.• Mayor's I Mai book the Jo. • yrnlA are Mform that the flesh - of the plg . p•vdnoes' .' pre... Ongbt ncot the yommitere to be. In at the lime timehatg„"pradu night. .. . , - Tic Airtrittrrr or L1471-1181L-Fon libthell dates yety m h.. farther bock tkusrunnat people sa •we weak! mobil oar readers I when Herodias' clang:ter may 11Y1t1g ere was a head* : ettltiler., : . is . . ! . PrEnzirt Par.o.terto -We have Sig wtslitopry Into the do do relattoni of tkeintimatities of the m ias s, (Moe. We belleie they have ism instructthis thistle making expert ta with thy newordiScoli, The charcile of owggr shall,ot be too high fin fele of "veining the lgetichist. This , too ka,lnou • : ii.TITTeir.4A cantles:lin, oit meetlog • 'CrioVe they or two ago, ulgd` Mtn his . opiWwaleaut. the . .ttOmarsQiiestlon." 010,1tizil the 'Romeo Qa ' " no Idled h 4 person addressed.i in tired of 14; obeli was at. the bt, • of the senre"*'or., a bad Idea," kly oh. serge grit aptether; "air hat Anise we I goisibly get the lo ' desired toe Of It." ._..„. - ', • Sti4sklimemzoirca•-.The Mulord of W4neiliormentions , The a us fact. . thiatolii *utak' date • th ere, not a al o gilt Xi er to the Tyli ern o u H ome of 7 It dope sot then a th e nom o ild'Peisotia. but t fact - that Ihspi re no single 0110 far to show Ile howls of wedl Wig to un4K i ffii, other Ind nprericoroaa bonds. and that thelffotottparnage genondly Ts rther deratwattitgthathothersise. , 1. ' • ,Gterwrict.-A....n: .A. and . First C 1..,. tom chitin us the ucoingati tausampli, aid compialnybtherty of wording: ,1 • "Placard r gentlemanly men t hand aid to ke- onirs.' A p ply. p°r sonall.l.ce ~ 'ten to ' 7 4 * . • Tie stint tilt,. *apace g is traveling ctisolgluty wit, gis otTice foe which a geollemiser sawni required to hi!, emirs, Id apjfkil, ,and was tiro 'to HMI that it eivibagmaxi's wig efferwl. h/ _, . . '.. • . 121= 6 4:: " L . , ' •to Were bead& • • bo titsliocAl ot sto4y it-Effliotaitott. ll* two 4k Us. to come Ortho .dilly rime.gt!"l awe 411 , ea. Ohl Mal ,••• Vireass. lalnaford, almost gnu wits•emtr to, the East .11;1:Elea enriatlon thr lays 4o,'Eltlls Liam. :k oftkittinto tratnina. sap! lite, leaving Ws tatba Darns of Inshiad IbErla with Nelson at' Ills, at Znaklaal Eta dorto El la Mi. bottler ot g the attrasin i Aces • the troops that bat don f or ham at the taking at al; '1, 1 a1 1; a le d" a Y f leta rtl: sorra:ea wears It ln his r ba Ws crasliernasn nof. Afm tioth Ri4kEitell'istllainsill as , II t to filk a1:Z.01067e .014110 Ar Valk tly. - bo- Ind Jaelielt. d Me vi • , L . sal throe belt • bratalo 4 ' this rebellion his . Ilatol le . si l ted' Stoles army. I all :. ,al a 4"Epto :4, 1 . • Ann th of Ma wits soon ' Quilt 'e , beed idu sed. he Alio MO ho , has nancler•• ' Erna • in bares and arben not la jEI Eat • an toe he wow bqg sm. n • litz he kazoo to Wal .""d 1 sea 4./1 "Oh iss. R l i t i t k lit .. a' plugs - le an "'^e. and is the eterelyeata =ad • FIVir9V. • • ~.i ttrey, trim Wrier an 'a ' 1 II led &a • ; Itjtt•do pate Tall ydrueg.•• • • Mira ot,t trrat44 bi xo Justice, Irbo akazadat •rau a _tattuaba atiU !t.1.1).j.°11445010 C`Xl5l 4 . , *$ ( fl r 111811111 roe owl . , ~....... ii fa._ oTot L . , ..-:;- . 1_1.1... 'lke i;il ~ofi ~ Ilipir)o linpartei pfatitation in b South; Aiiistherli s inanieil3illi _ .. I The Public Itebtfilalilkent. - • • ' • , Inpos.f_Npeal of the !Cool' Q. :•. ' . haul "Aliblidiiiesr; .1-- - BOW .._...... , opted in de preparation of a. speech k favor of tle Alaska appropriation ball. le inside tlut his health Is .not is poor +either Ida elands or enemies think it. rEnrwirtagy FlLltirii. I he acme ia elicited by the Ways and Mthaeoutlathe in its ins . mtigation of, theehLsky !hada. abowi that the Gov- ,erntent haeOrdected only eighteen tests wad or tog /oilers pergallon. These , Wdides Were, basal on: the dela for tiligh6 by Me' manes of the Revenue , T...,dbi l itotinclucleanyoOlinuta ! M ild w eh the Government boa ed shice /tine hat, sinca;sliiich II his well 'known that the toceipts ..haveettioalleeseressed • lt is.proba. ' Na i:he the detailed statedienti of the , eltionoterrerrenno derived twin thin sdareV.6al fde be the Hoar, will . • •• „Ipas tbula tile, rants pergclloti base beeyolleeted dories the present &cal yiat • s I • ASTIIIIt 1 , 21 f ANTI; WILL. Sens . tor reen bu ptepare a sub ttitutt lot tor. Sherntim's Einance 11114 whic hwill Resent to the Benet... as sTit i tnetity oder. life will, sdie so eviy die, a colonial. , 1 7 9 towt • Oleg the entire Roe- , an De=i l of he Governrnent,on - 'Abaft mike If independent ,__ili it. =AIN, I not sotgect to political in it. In`urluctr. will liksweio In-' valve the Warr, of e very ofillin the Department. ' t •-. , grage tiatriiiiswr OF 77.00 k O. "Stert•tifykaWCfalcrh has kid pliftwed • sreterrwal shoeing the amount of forgamey firnemeepy WI sercralihtales the e•Wpmen o f tro p p.s ,t,,, , , u .i ng the war-. •t TM tie Cement It Will ap pear that forty rations of dollar? were Wrlntottl hY tho 6ttm; what claims for thirty tiflllons of elhuclees t wo ~. Puled, keel' lb °the remaining ten. millions of do llar/A.l.d about ger anty pi cent. WIN. snowed by the rnitedL i s i 1 ALLNATIran t , I : „C , , , 'ilte York Tribe s ep,etitt nem- Notwi the egoolterminattee of the mice tetween Secretary sad Lord 8' y, pn tea Ala bama aimit, It. lA tm to ot ( the new illitilth Mininter. Ir , ton commempowered with MI oath° itv .1 !soma am %citation wit a vie 7 1, feed, if possible, an a,....al ble mttnent of the di •-in • ' TIIVI•V Thipnblic ~,, It l e tne rntball e ' r, r , _. . tt, . . tif i rnZlrty Mil. iiigi o . Ls .....4 ' " l E' ter'o , OM Jan , . Alloretary Id hive 1• • . • •rmilliondollarsormend, :16 last month and gut preset on e Ho. 4 . Ill a a / pepolfil l'een f g ar bia the attlato ; r tot • ...1 ••• rzetei nrcierrastli 1 ill " - programme for thilwej. dont's ••an on New Yam's* hie beet • .. tit . • 14 eleiratte'reek, A . N. 2 1, bore Of ••. en& WIII metro thknenc a Cabinet, the Foreign Mae. ma Mad*/• :" a. of thiEloproeourt,l4thad fir • • and Tteptesentaech, Julys of Sopmene Cannot Ur . 6 p tW ree eaT! s. 014 of • .. WA sari Court era a. Ir4hilijs.:2o. tire: oftteetc . t ! th anes At a 46 i di - war or 18k u== su b s i i7 F rr .. ,tree inbabitAn of the District of lantia... Al tweyfrelockareception Wtisans, In or „ba/.... wiii , eneedquid 111 terminate at I T °leek r. /Kg , \ cipirgatthleith" *Mon= xerkii 4.:• •-••• .• , Ar. 1.1 rboraw_TorkE ea. aceeloi zsyi.:' Idiss transpired th at. lumbar f I d -14CormervatIves lutoetopu t ied ' w e j,t,,, hifiAlettirceof aka 81,4,p...bid, ~,,,,,,,,.7 lint Ihuzwanatte, to r . their resoln- 161 tantillYinft th• fo th article fir ' amatttothm.. If It yeicey. ow . . d , Califttrals wow ild ti o im It la; esd: • Itti j l°L • :I • eel Ibi article oilski not roiled on I 'Melnik/ °fps/mile Len if. p i i ,g t i " :mTai l t . ty=fe s6r l gi* 'ending limitary 7t.b. ' tart. "s etvi li t ' sz °ll4 ev l Tat il sesza " 17. ' I 'General 'lowan is Vaporing • 4 to anabllah It Civil au a le Wash in gton, conalsting .6 e; of Isandaerg, *lime dotrailer! 1p de upon thop qu'' 0,-fin .• 0(4 lipltts tor ' , plasm Intim varietie mare. - It oleo provides that mall. t shall be divided the v iti tho.arder of . . I, - , •••rm, ,7 alivAita A. . I i i, 1 . Geroiiilo6l6(arins indwell; fireir:iodt• to Ittri 4 weekn . nuo to. relieve 111 r: I will dinciuuye the dation of ntiorarity,. or,until a Coning cirdy otapollUed by the Pintli- tito erifico"nud consent alb. I tram cocnr nuctstons.' 1.1 , ; ?roam - Court the folluivai 1 febeenglinnin . - • • . , ' • lidens, Itubugor, Drolcitln 1 da Pocket Co . epOellsw it z • ityhe ItOck Isinnd Pal I n Within tiro .Nortbetin le nectlin Rock Inland Manned d binodwippi end Ilissotiri annum. vinimitists: Poling tun Coon: or - the I; initha I Narthern.:Dialrict of Jibe Mold doll fend dm oploift, 4i :tinning tito dicree of Ad, n'llh MALL .' i 4: a rho; ValntiEr n erreir;•"*. 'no• to the eltenin-Cednt. I Staten' for 'the !Northing j ~..._.- ..nod*. Justke niwnynelpi. livenid holoptnion of the Court, attlnd. inn t he jutiumprt of the Cirailt• Court with er and interent, Justices Clifford end alit pr dissertring on-to -the- nage., datnou . • The CI It Ekfl EMI ntpilit!rd to .Tnnieryeth. :r volt sot - Stlrti.N Dtirrtnir.• J Emend Inorweem to Meet ttio distr....in the South by altbersl on of OM surplus fends under .1. 'no head of the Freedmen's Ip- the eteo of amps South Ne vem.. who bed no 'Mane*. M. prepationi far raising conch • Gebel onset ar applicst bi cent •Illunetu. alga tomine last vidikiteueral lleward, though not legally ifithenzed to make each dispel!. thin oft ei /tureen. fun,* 'ads-am...di a slim of illghty tlidukand dollirs, takings lien on ie crops for tW repayment, Of the !non y:-IVtec.n the planters sold their crop., t entire amount was laridated, • Dud c.: ' rat Iloward'a bunesicienicourao was . yappleciated, • . Ds ger caw of the Miss siappi planters who lost ovary- thing by the river „Inuudation, it is Oil prise! to dolt a similar considerate plan, of ectir.ri, nod to relieve immediate die-: trees owing the' work bat people.: .1), lii m i *tier:estel.to tatablish depute of pedal-, stoma* int* esinienicat Ludic districts i lu which the gtegteit Want prevail.- Stagron elia*TOS ?Dill . E.VwGI TUE . Ilo' 1.- ' • •' MM. AND N 411.011. 5. UNION. 1 Unitedgtates stielter Monan, of Iran-. t , tuna in rear,totero to an incaution of :the, Soldiery,' and:Wiwi` Eaton, addreWaid a large dime to-night in thie hall of: that. when. Ks-Subject being itio issues of Sul. lie said that among them would the convict* restoration of the Sentbern State - .Guyer:wee:as littn`the; bands of las rebels. Vt.!'" defeat ortbe • Congress cunt plan of reconstruction, and that e son was of' the Democratic i party dir tly involved 'a •conipenralleit, for alav, the usauniption in the rebel . war deb land penalons to Conferlerat4 I • eoldieni; libelr • widoivii and orphans., U. analy General - Ilaneock'a recent'. order, rab ch . the l'resident had. laid Ere- L i fore Qin.; ew, in his message, giving Is • made Li 'natation ; whatever •of the. icaslneets f reconstractiou, bit was di- ; roved en indy, ..h., al recognir of .tlie • legal . ,ter of the co Ming tale goey i • ernmeni and thafith.Pivulde t taledgnd , h lenge] f t sustain them fully in the era- 'cation of elr patient.. If General Hen - i cock rap rteg the prittOpled. agvilosl r which he nght, awl berms the ally of has eneml x sgdinat lila Meads, hislatt- . 1 rely, weal wittier like the tetider chines* i beneath e admoon .9f the dent. ' .' I 11) . h . 1 • • TII SwEDIMI w Fins , to DIES .... I Informs ton le received that the Stock* I holm new paper. the Ilia - string,. advises I ti theibevedirth goce,raineut to follow noel example of Denmark. by sellitig to tub r United Slates Ito West India Island, SC., • Eartitlom'etsr: .This is regarded berg it official circles eganstlarribtillcatton • that European mrinarchica are retiring (1 this continent under the Influence of t Monroe Dectrlue, • - • .. • ' 11.)./1.‘"1.; TRADE Ir CC B.L. • ' I . .The grilishaird Ain&lran Weel• Ind ict Beets :treat!, •operate in timanling revival c(ihe sltivotrada in Cuba, whie .611 /Web' i 4 nand,.: ! • General who nesumes cons , mend or the Fourth District: until the ru g:Nal of General McDowell was chreet,al with the ;President .1 bLs morning, anti ! ' , kayos twhialit for Jacirann, blisalaalppl.. The sex'. Danlab 'Minister, Mr..Bille, otgrially - reeklywl try die Secretary Of Sink in that capacity on Saturday. •• • • , Mum:Ares Mum. . • The opinion Is rapidly gaining ground intone Cupgrewstuen herethat tinerman's •fluaneal nteaaurn mount pass the Seu alai In lb present form. '1 hero *wars to be less . , objeetion to the long loon feature than to the rest of the bill. Ifben3 esems to• be no duu...t tort the anti-eon• traetion•bill will pass raj , Soon after the. re-aksetubling. ' • xi. ara'sios's la11.1;T. The answer of 31r. Susnt4u to the Pres ident's resiecias fet his sitsponsion, will be ready lb n short time. and It is now exprated•tlie tame will be acted upon wlthlik a wool: lifter Coogress meet.. LOUISIAN CIE! ==! :By Te.eeniete tie Petteeseett H.,tt ra • •Yew utizes-re, the Con rend= to-day the PeCood article of the Constitution, which was relented on sat. nrday, was . reconsidered ,: and Judge Talliferro'r propeeition, that citizens of. the.tate shall owe allettiseco to the United States, which shall lip panteutece to that which they owe to the State. was Incorporated thereto after touch discus-. side. • Azticio three. as adopted, 'declares that there ' , hall never , be any slavery nor te. i vgluntarr Ncrvittido in the Slate, ezeept ,er patnl•Lment tor crime.: • . Article Wits decleres the liberty of the preszettel . reterh, . Ankle Ilse &demi that 'the right the iteemle in peace to siascottile and pelition the Government shall never abridged.. Articles% the COOll.O I crime. Eli article cove writ of Hate pendral. • s and arveWare. 'alumnus's 1 LAW for thq puulatanins.' , . concluding:la:lir:7%n • says thti 1' '= INlsow 5 sorsa, . us•llitestureS usztue.) r 'Dectuiber 30.—Ous ortho forme ever I..uun nth Ibis ucd.l last night and has . 11 cewlrig up 14 that is tier Ineben deep sod ly. Tian street cars hare R=i • &num • • • tinued wit • our. The one drlltin fUr;011 iitiippti run off • P ln•u lei zdc<r.ys :o . CIIICAOo. Qu/nov. 11Itt pthrntr ci - el i.m l ap pulha tphnihs $ 1 lolemo! lig, 1 Nq,2ls.Cnt. *Ad /..prad rerr.Orvap , , *29'var 0 act A butg . on 8:01ida NUmorsOng, ock In . Lbe o 12,1108/1,,000,; =EEO= lan it , ibanat • comber :A,—A Ilre In ' HottUrday . n.nong ity rain/4 Th; Inv: 'Hams /SnothrrA, ,OUO; Nlalna R. Sebtnal.r, nrn, r2i).C(/0; insuiaidc• • LOill/nrd and Senn ritir. 'Loxsttgm, and .0 . 1obe; of vs at ThAksbullt. • CM.b.lra 05tr...3 • • December M.—Tit Woo gm - arced In Vick*. Ono a c three o'clock la otbec. at: nice tuba; -1134 . to.000 ; In. - . TI A l 4 for , mast imeteM. • ver Vetreesio to MlL•Leme Locum...l " .-altAll&niaS December 3 ( 1 .--11nob encnaragement. li felt berm cnriorto the aomountrocei • . from 'Washington rep. rem:ethic tho . • , bill ty of ,t.lottmet.: gee4lllU for Lb. pleettegjelf. , . . FILM, or try A ensts24 to et riUG. N,. OotiPir htbeheli E.:old here to. sk. prroddea i ... 1 .srld strop •ITiallt. raw iAllitelgt-illtat.:l 1411011+7!,.1.1 nod.* -*: Y. 110&...10,—.A ot natluillzedthtivoil rnt. Ttir m a ,* of gporottel :Pere: dot .ioulptiClLlJl adopted. 7.l.Lamsp.e.b.4c, Ida dratnatle *oil& oi:k, at our Sad,' . .. - • • •.• ' - tin iiilttlhillftik7-- - 1 mkt„off oritiiviits - itditi" *4 - .'' • 1 . . ... io ng n i t r . i t i ia g at .. = 1 Id Cold unasivannts to ale ab. E, ....._....... el eke .. " ..00,111,1 " . .4 , MIPU•a—aelildkri , allki tile !tie Cliat.r. • rough the cottiltny of;D:Klit..,Weitt, , chief Clerk ad lite. Oster Depot - Of . . • konneylvaills itaftroad.:' tro ern tettiossereden of the sartierthua of t,.. most true . m u !dere vro kayo thrnitlelb , ro r .1 ling tlm'e pasi. teiterday aftermien, as th e .foluisiodn ithciniftocelation train,- vrfilh left the hoboPePot N tfikinity, ,at three o'clock, nip's" one mlicrof Nlr.ersh Station, Ellii eatil.letozy. Mr. ;Charles H. Parker, IS collecting tbsliii{, 6fle l l en ti &spa-. ate. cGraitei named Samo6l Ilia Sir. • tile ticket. . Some disponi soak plate, the exaetparticulare of which • Ire havo not remised,' hot which we tre e tuo grew Out of the retulat of Hun to jr his Ors. As leas hle,duty, Mr. Par ker.,.othA 113V:tills Irani to tier.; Hell,. : el .402itieruntIMillitttliftl dklft.Or, sasiweirk am* fearful Scr yl ump as to piano the death of hiwyletim almost In.. o= - 4 . r Atm l; Unto • the train, bad Mal takini . *flyaway If gibe each Ift ifteduand by big terrible &Lod, cool q walked out the - rear. door of. the car a aucteeded in making his ytecipe tote. the Woods sitiaoent. The 'body of Parkkr, Ives taken to his reindeer. al Conenteugh, on hie onn train .! The docee,ed was ono of the moat erg: Went, counfous and obliging of conduo4 tort nn UM:Teensylrani* palmed; and, orals general , . fav onto with Upset him; :traveled meat with him. lip was about ;twenty-eight yearn of age and loaves w !mint to whom ho was marrldd only a few months ago. theism • entrusted with a train which required a man of nerve and termination, ma largo number of Um lyTiammagen Iselarigeir to the dem 1 rruffiefis of which the murderer Hull a fur =mole.. f fork- Ti:m with d" P era ! his d ° i 'w r k b knife made ra!' ols about "ch t q W l e : t : '1 Ay-ons years of ear, and has long borne toe reputation of a desperado. About a year ago he seam employed as brakemiut • . the Pennsylvania Itallrbad,ll . lllWhat In has been doing since limo we axe not !prorated. HO isabout Are het Moven Indite to helgM, hasoberp hanuree,with • romlnent cneek. bones, and both: of Rio sarya.r. plem fur ring.. At the time of Els escape be wore ••• black cap and black overeat and dark pants. The Pennsylvania Itallroid Company offer a large reward for his capture. %e hope our authorities will nee duo •Igliance, as It Is thought he will rome thin way, and II mven! his =ape from lb. puttlakdlent due the enormity of his offensive Denham , ateellwa , YIN ne•Tartea. • There I. but pine opinion moth* the teat Professors and Critic. In regard to ha plamalforten of de by Decker Broth• erb, and that in;thet in !Imperfection of . . manufacture they .are without a rind, ICI. hardly paseibla to makes thole:it*. twecn theiCiustrnmente, for the reason that thesiorkmanshlp I. no exact and no thorough that .the.sarno [mita are oh. Mined in alinest ofery 'llietincic so that a Decker piano,—that tea piano made by Decker Drugcri, :whenever. it•i. :ern, will be found ef alerting and a perfect in ateumenL Thew pianos can be known anywhere. by‘tlis reilltictinent,idelimey end beauty of their tone, combined with a richness and depth of quality and fervor. Thoy will stand any test; the tamest farreapplied still ant destroy Lilo purity of theetone,.erlillo '•tho Most deli- cab /Mailing:a:of sentimoot van lie ex- I pressed, through tie medium, of their exquisite, symtmillotih; singing quality of wound. Baddea Milt they are as last ing as they are.beautifial, for thoe are i'o tdrongly and v fattbfullyr merle that 'Meows temperature do not affect • Tho brilliant reputation and 6120M1E of the Decker. Brothers' platio.forteit•haye Indeed! ethers to nee wain:War name for tho.purpme of. benefiting by its popular ity and autvem, hut our readers abonl.l boar In mind that the Decker Brothers, of Pl. Bleticker' street, made the,narno and Ron the fame, and that the Patents which 'render them no superior are all!! ex elusivelr their propel - v.—X. Y. Jmnini JlrMregrrti A bemitifur NeW VOW present *uol.l be a “Deeker.s, tie to htellor's• Music Wool street, and take a took at them. Autism •t the: Atatic .11111. •.. Following lon Falrmvutor thr I..riters Odd winistratipn ggnnied field Will prpbato at the oL9eiNT J.ll. Gray. Esq., County Th.7,lster, thintig the month of PeOcusber: or Gtole, Deced./ • .. Esqmaird Admin. Ann Mal Mal Janina lifellonal.J., Mary 11. Garlarr...ll. M. Hu north_ WI Tao. J. Hanto...CAPel'iso Mary Ann Miller-J. H. Mlllor 1,m2 /soma A. tleott,...Mary I. Scott . PtillirrHoortnn....Johu M J. W. Sanlabury....lllA.Pa aaulaboey. Ca. ulatunteu ...An AC Olnbaren..; Iqoat John Zae Jahn Hragert.....; ar , Jaq K Manama... Carolina WILII•m• Roam% Mee Paean./ .213 Jaa. W. ilanalr....Ja. Loon. 3 . 0 Wm. McMillon.....Misi• TN& Wealthy Wu, mewing %MI DOA Samuelre u rc o ntr w e , n n t_.....l..i . t 3. Y.. it Y c ere h. a n atent . 1,0.4 triad LOOMED TO raoivra• .. ,r....id. • Ada.interwar, Narita karterv.; ... : . .../fartin Len.... t.: r , Margaret Byrne' . Anti C IleCollnega David 11. tills Lltevran Weisi". Janina Gallagher. J.ellaneopecel wain.. Therorl Damlel Nagley rt..lt 0_41P% *: • Li -7lell Peter Reuter ..t;rik." • Jatoph Steal ...Nai l ' h. ". Marg..: nr.V.—irrerifehn troaD4f.e.n. LosilaL.Coo".•.,—'••lrenrlrtt.a P• pp.. Tarasa•A'TS" 1 P.Ti' ' . i aliTY r. JoßliMitaro ..... ! .. IL C. lithe,. .Stio Merano.. t Stewart Solo. • The grand cicartutco rule atlllemilin nes t the ttlon did dry seeds otorn.,f Iletars: :ludoer ,tifterlort; corner of it arkct and 'earth skrects, odd the' induremema to urchascrs which hero Leek odder( with a tho last few days aro rimply marvel .. We had -thought that variety and a 'aroma had before reached, their WU dto point at tlito plane, hut recont dc. fleppiente conduct, us or our mittake. mong the groat bargain. offornd hero, we will trams a few; A ruin of :Shirting Flannel is otflucti at eeduLvd Itom 50d fitly doom Balm orals, extra, at sold Lon 'reek of 1450; ono am Ltleaelseti Muslim, Girt one eaer , extra dafk Wats, enrol* at tl , reduced (rout $1.,2d; one 33321 dark Print, I+, rodaced from Van boo. hie Long Shawl., size. heavy, al. $2,7:,, soloed! flout. 3l; :Slim. Shawls, lo size, s 2 o4l:l'hildron's Plaid Shortly, 7.5 c. Drafts. Good., 3forlnua, Alpacas, P/a/ds, it,., ore deluded to more nothing In' compapison with the real volua of Lho MLitt/el. In tinier to make a crand clearance solo of Elio mt.° lot: Ghick aray last Gray Flatmela are aeUlrGfat ttlo, * wask.-.911 at. aka• Red and White Ileum ela which ion unit at 2.5 mad decants, sold laskwoak Made. to abort, Lim entire stock to offOritd at Immense bargains. DotVIAILta go to Gordear dc Stewart'a to parebahalt • no. • Plitaborith eirs Dais Zeal. =I Ths Stenhatrt;ille says, ho neirWator Werke COnuctemixt:ptitoplng, water on. Christman Intirntair. ' The rna+ cidnoworifcal well, throwing . ai (*natant; etream of water inio the basin for two ho hot" at the rate of 60,000 itellowilui ur, when onr =aim PiPnbtullted.:lllol extuninatiou wee made, sad iteftaillsock don of the pipe • found, imperfect •;Tho facts were reporiod ocith an_ order . for Open to r; to gsir., Will limn! Smith; proprietor of the Naomi! Pipe Work., Ninth .ward; Plttlibursh: *mitt% Prop ptly tepiledit). ",We send . you tbo wll rPeen•MaetttliZtitAtwe or ode - grt4rana.• • 4 1 11 7 - Pipe to:O . and . resmq htutoi4w - • , - ~.. , • • I • c.,,-,• , ••-• is - . 4 •••• ~5 , • -- Wg... „*J015e..*7+.7.7- cit•e=4,:•+ikris..4l44l-i •Z S, ''•: - ;, - - 11F '?•• -i "..•• •• -'' :, , -- f•-i-a - c',....• . • '' - -- 1•• 0 - -•`' V , r• -4 ' . ..X.c '• - •-' , ,rv.-3 , t'W..,•-•:• - •-.-, ---- - • -+- - k• - '-_.' -.......'..: .-,..;". . 4,•,- .. , - ,• -...F.:.% • . - 4- : 1. ef , : t-,i,...t-r* , -. 4 ---)rc.;-, :; --- .- , -;-=,,z.„ .,., 14,- - r c - :'"-t - 4 i.. , -1 :: - c-. - - et:l 1,0_,4;,cri.',4,•::-.:h Z; 44 ,If•'. -75'-, • "'%5 ' ... ?P- ‘ .• '•'• .: 7 -IK, 44 . ~--":: - r , -..„: „ ,,,t- . ,- . -- 4 .3 ; ,',„:. \ -. . - ;n , t).-- .. -,2---... -,... . 01 ,„ - , i,„..---_,.....---.:, ~ .,::„...--‘3l- -..- , - -..-----....,,, ,-4 t .1-..; ~.., ~,,,. t,.., •-,,, ,,, kr -, ~.. ---- ~ ;,itittr..„.1,..c7.;,.=.,44,,. :_....,,-,,,,„,..-;*,,„:-.,,,...-.._.z.:,,:z.:,,,,:,.-„..A.,-0. ...tr.,.....N...z5., :1 , 1 _. , , , z 4 4 , .:„.--.,:5edi.?..-.. r . : ...„.i,..,.,„,,,,, ~ ~,,,..---; -....-, - '-'e As .• ~'' :: r i,-44,.. • ifi rx4tt 444 'w 4-1 k 4 11W; , ',-, - -•;,•,...,?-•;,,,,•--, ~•• , - ••• .:,-4 - -•-•- ::' T•--• - • , - - , 1 ,- '•• - - ii,.4- ) Yreiw k ..•••-- • '‘, ' - 1.-...0,- . - -•- - . . -, ••••••,•• ,••••••• •—••:-... ,- • •••-•,- , „-. 7 - 7 -,--. i 1 - -- , .., r -- „- i'*-41 - -,..,trtvt4 , ! • 7.".„ '4,-*,----,,- , ~,,,.. , ._„_,-.: .- -,.. . i 55 . ; - il - 5 11, 4 1.,- a7, t ',, ',,;-.; i , 'l' , ~'- - ' 7 7 .11,:11e.if.,,,.,,1:':;..*:::!•_1 ~,,,,,, ~i,, -'.• . ~.i -;',.. ,1. 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J,1.,,, , ; ._,,‘,. „ _,..‘...',.. ...... 111111111111.11111111•111111111111111. .• 911 TEM CALK --. . - • .t5r0510444...As ars...llmm , %sho Useensbiiirg :41011...:alroeSsisjs •Itylaesi Costasbet.sl vs," 1T441 • iiirtate listntersa issistaister. 1n pcilarday ' s:6..ctsxrk we , • Oft& iqttfetilitie ofilho tairdirof Chu Parker, conditcior'pl; lohnattrrn AMOramodation train-003e l'enniyivsfL atia Itailmad. on Nondok: evening,' near lfilnei - ith Stollen, by n pasaouger named I Sfahitel diffqculli, as no stated; oeSunedatxmt .fare, • uqji refthilte. pay his passage, and alss :using grOlnly Insulting language'lnPailier, who seiz, dtridM, *loot hint , frOnt •• the train, which bad beep rifikt:st'A , As be was l about thrusting him the platform, hull turned with. a, drawn . knife and thriist It Into the ebdoman Hof Parker, attainable . death 3m a very ;memo 4:befits tfler!ps,bad.bfiemAttleled to -the baggage ear whilAt 'bstirderoi, log adsaataie of the COaillsloll inettlent to the occurrence, escaped- for the limo ;On Tuesday morning ahnut two o'clock (n'.party . . H of atnNoyces. or - the ralkotak, eistrlpan,*, . led by DaAler Bolton and , iloefiphiParka, arrested 114114 tbnbou-sp 'nth a mac( nitectedipolidellgi"Ob tfie,citine: stistigh river; 'optioatto.Saw - Florence Station.- On aiming id. ithci:tuidsb ad. Wlttarlde ~was refused the; mt . & and befinelly appeared at: ant up fits win dow with a reciilver,threatenlngtoshoot any one who attempted t4' force ati . .n. trunee.,":llalngNin turn, confrbuted revolters he leered abbai,alid thEtunme was entered, and ;lull captured there. In after a atout resistance: ,'He was taken charge °rand lodged ' - In }eftatareens - burg, Haiti:eh-. Parka anti' othein of the arresting party experiencing great die tn ; lieulty.ta,ptertmg theiftprisormr.be ' Ing taken from thetulty, egoist' citnions for the purpose of lynching him.. • The ,murdered conductor had ',hien' Married but about alz meths, tad sidedat Conernaught., His-wire bad an , rainged to reent him on User fatal ell:mirk '4ohnstown, and ant' thence to.Coneinaugb. c :U od entipon m - .the y iatr him l.• cal of the train at Johnstown. shel f Las at the depot, got on board, and was ed before ahelearnedthe'dicadtuknews. Those who knew her feared to :cordnau. nleate It at onbp; and whilst wondering at their strange demeanor,. She Oyer heard the remark s t"plarleo Parket. , has been 'killed." At tie elle 'understood the nine& og the atir wrulleountesisfieee or Me persons whom slicknew and en countered, aced the beet of made knewu les her thin her husband ad bean laun dered and that his bodyhovas lit the Imagarjo car. .19littat the. feeling:or mr row was sharpened by the tpstress of the hereaveil wile upon hearing thi4 the In dignation felt and ex precise-1i for a mar deter was proportionately late tried, and Ills presence on the spot at the - , meat must' have rd . :Minsk, in, cumin .v . conc.°. being taken. The murdered area -wait convoyed lo Concinaugit, and'. undertaken Deeare, Of. this, city, sent for .to Make thelstriel arntegemenhs.. The prompt arrest' of the mOrdlerve, and Ma prosereation from Unlawful rio. loner, rellocta rho highest ;eretlit owls time 'concerned, and they will doubt ho liberally rewarded bibs. ridlies,V company. • • eirgailln; &t . . . Woluive been ernieleorin 1. Winnow upon the mind. of ourrtegtirra iflor. venue days pest tbolietieliter that. will. surer to them by takhig advantage of the ram barikim now' Laing :011itedAril carptor, nil cloths, d:e..,.byour friends Oliver-Me , Clinteek &-Co., yet wo. confess that even written, unprepared to reolire the treat ; aacrillees and, reiluction* they are peak frig, of whirl, a 'thorough .arid care ful exeruluntlestrilf their goal* and prices convinced us during a !remit risk to their extenalve Wadi...tummy No.' in Fifth atreeL We. as *ell no others, hove eart. taught. by,experlenao: to *leer all, netiounemnento of " ,.dries ottoregurd leas of (bat" and at "redined Priem.," with a godd deal of ausphibti, and% have looked upon thorn oiler to traps for the unwary; It is, therefoie, with pl. arum we smell:etc. note at lewd oho I.r:cep:lon to suchas ink{ • . Oar Mende anal - rely updo the a!ato reentri Meisrl4.lfcC9atitbek triakc. Their : Mier. bf air grred• in their it,. at unpre- : ectlented and• uorqballed .. lrarpnw. 1.4 . made to good nil, mid an io...poetiou of their stock w . know will , onetuce the I mold douldrit of the., . . . Wu, would ~mind our rootion, that Mewing. (Hiner McClintock A: Co. are the a largest taupe: denter* to this se,:tine; ihqt tneiremek embraces e. cry-thing house farniahers eon .prembly w ifnt in their Ilneotnal (nether that ail goad., nod In llita atteireofrs athe.i lF: ric.lb i grld e ri, 4 r:l, i r ! ai i n,r,nun.rtri.obrh4..t of - remnants, moiled and noonlenign comb , : old etylea and patterns Rodeo her .. 1a0.13* ‘ l,/}:0 • of a poorly 1131011140/1 voinin,m•rel,,l, lionee, rani Mil fact more than all Other, We 0r5p .., 11111100 our hollers rrov•inht-r. Their ' alit atll.l contlitues,• and .area: • .:us k t4i bie n 7 rg ri c iti r ? yw : M y je. l . 17: : : :. : n t L i u .r.. t t in:4ll p, t i l ti o :' i.. l . .n 4 : n e il ,r g n n i . d i . r ou ,r ,: l l. :: . greellailMth e Re ''' ° ' \ .' • • • Toe We lea. f Mr. Par; • The cold blooded rl viut y . con_ km., a eontreou.*ylvrinia Pulls, biro doctor od th4ohlch we hove alre...\dkr full jujellicartonod considerable talk pill atipn to all .hales yesterday. ,Atii, generally been the caaelhat public, gympothy always followed the pitowmger When . any' disturbance trmli place on railroad Cars, nnd whether r/1000.011 1/0 0 0000.1001110, the send uraor reneleeds•hill *hare of blame Ind easMinth/101,00, not recently the eloocaacti had mower In Court ol'aa•ault anti battery, 111 - winch 110 wan defendant, w h ich grow out of rile ellorte to colle.l Ore on lila train front a parts of rodglis 'end • dospenhics. , Indeed, ouch pa... Lave been Miluerun., not on- ' ly on the Pen naylvania road, but on Mt 0111 4 . 111;1:1110 piddle pylopathy leas inverl • ably twee an the elite of the rough*. Coodnctors ore ehrirged with iespotinlblo dune, They are bound to burp order among (ho hotOrOgencona mare of hu manity olio dolly travel with Them, end the ruleal enforced by the road are on strict that fare natl.:. be exacted from overypearienger tarried. Whoa unruly men run met who will neither listen to remota . ityr acknowledgo the dunes of conductor*, dirge rianeettetwoo.. Instead of elderly and peace-loving paasenger• aiding still In their serfs 011.1 Inokin g I in ',oasis. ely on a qnarrel between a coodne. tor and roughs, they should... Vital In the eke:merit of 'the drstarblng element or andoaror. . In. 'boar oil.. en. thetroubled *atom. The death of '.3fr. Parker 'night hive been preircuted haul:a few of the tnuocular passengers stood akhls side while ho wen disobarging.hitrtluty. in dealing with his • murderer. lint:road is. ocupanies should lend more runteetion• to their ionthictors,.and vigureniily peen: create every indlehittal whit interferes ''• with force or vialauce to Prevent tinon from discharging their &diet. ..• • •Pylasaer Ile Moneta flesi1•011en• The Inehtbeis orthe•Phtsburgh Gym nastic Assecdetlou held their annual else. too - fir oglasraLWedoostley evordeiri Dec. DOW.; with the rollOilog result: • PrveldtalCJ,heeph. ICVsizss24; Vise i t rileMeal; W. 'A; Coaarerr:-Sesretsry; Was licraage.•- Tressuwv, AiL;J. Par- The Preihihai; tuts eppshitsd lowing 11o:inlet Aransas/Is • • . Jobs I),.lll,ltorta A.Ztan., John D; :densities, Prod. Mead, Juba AL Cacao-. o,3Jes Edwards,- James E.:l7mb. starter, Charles I': loScßsaas, Tllaodore Aeshuts, Artery= Rusts. Adialsalort.thilaitua;--wiu wed*, Boni. . opiat;er*.t irneinhera. al,' 130 W abnut MO, the :AsessLeNes beteg a. present In !sty! orirAihlat Sundltwi, . . . ALLEGllti#'.lll`t Iv).11171311'48 iro.thig , ..r quk.. 5t..d.., altutkeig-Itte - teurfa.feeelireit and iit•Slittal 11•643C1ar • •.041.4...C•0111110 . teat/Ritz, ltatelduae ` ' The i(.l;e4i , ,ir:qty,;ll4gutt'lle.-an tueCti live Commitiec r in con'ut..riteetyktit Ti.e. iuntrJudg H met Ail: Arelliug Iff. WI 1 . T!rieurer'siitiku:,fFtho pui'pole 01.10- . oeining tile re?e'trre of the - primary lieut.; Inv held In', the sottUif .xtetlis of, the city 'on Snteiday. • The Antleihtie Aim ;retied to order, by the Clitarthati of the Couttr;ittee, Mr., John MoDo, and ' Col: Minna C. etrelquse WU' appolntnd Secrulary." The Committee'tkft rtrottoett.' ed to receive the r. turns (rota the slifekt , Judgos for Maiyor arid Director of the Poor, whiElt more Oho mule torpubllohed in the Gazurru YestertiO,;'l, Atte:rem:tut ing there Cojit: Simon Drum woo - Co ley-, Otl the candidate 'for MoYor, and "SO. Without Murdock „for Director .91' the The Yolltueing mimed. gentlemen ,ilti.. annaunild as, the Exerucivo ; Cirarwrit4ceu for the onophii; rear: .'• • - - •• • . • • - . "-', .44412 -Ward,,-.iCtoon.,l364itlio(t, W. 13.. Stockton, JOhirMorrow, 8:.r.,8r0w4i. . ~ iiteemid. Wartfeenobii..WDonald,Oeo4o l Bolkw.ekelflithun.Cliumbetit,,GpOrtto.D, RukleAlf.../L•Dtinhorni - ••• , ' 1.., ~., , • .•, , 'TAM . WaTut. , Juku_.o9/ 16 4.:. •Arlifir ' ; Hoh.Ort, Eloittuelllistinge, Cast! rfroulf,. _...Flutrth , ciiti—Jaliii:kt. C.froV J giiht4 eatte, Jii . lici'Myler, Rolicyrt,.4f,'Mratr: _.Fifd , .ard•J obit ,ireititt; lima ntk 42W4 .-P.tPOOVI - A- rattarisc9i,' . .r&m. ! Llridel t i ' 5 . r , .rc iA r .W, 0 1 VI i : . 7.1 . . -; a ry l 7 - ; 4 * * ° . t . - ; '',':' t liolcukles, 1) , P. Trimble. , - •,_ ' , _ .4even A lt D'art..C. Wettacti,'Frid, 8011 . • -.ltoitaiefplatwesand organs.; , Nettling can gladden ihe tiOarts of the . loved once at home dating the holidey stalsort tei mush- as -music.- Its charms . willtectiert, pleasure to all, and Itb sooth, ing melody Wm tenet,: 'edfectlini between . e and friends. tilinefore, let tuu•• .ale be one of your thoughts divinithese t ollilsy . tune,, and If you have no itastrit• • pent in your haus . e'„go. Viand, get one. This MU be. done .beat at atelier's, 81 Wood etreet; whose beliday steek of Pl••• Organs anon,nandVelodeons is as ellen . - . *Ye as it la varied. There is to 'astound the peerleas Chickering Plano, , the In. comparable Decker, and the sweet Em-• engin and Fischer Plintos at priCell'frAtl, $ 3OO to Si•OCef. the l'arle'Dirst •Draft:kiii• Son ,t flatniln Cabinet Yillgens,deeldedly the best and moat elegant: inatrinnents that are made, and Mat thec„very thing for sitiew Year's gift, and nt • prices va rying from 175 to $600; also. the Scholia ger organs and melodious,' tlie;liawest • riead instrumlnita that are made, and far sale at tWetityper. cent. leas Mari; Do toermicce. Hoch a varied asaortment. of 11 t clvi¢ InstrUmenis as that to be. found t is seitletri offered to, holiaay urctiederst. and the extensive reputatic h of the house for bellabllitv in all that pcitt d t to inusicabmatterals a totsrantee inent for all Intelligent buyers that • at they bnyi.vill prove as represented. •' - 2 011111 Greater. Ili ;papa -uifeeetl at J. j er. Barker et ' •s, , Zio.l 69 Illarket j Street, j The rommoditins SalearOoms, • of • If ware. J: W. Barker dr j, 'the eaten- - ivo wholesale and retail • mats deal- et,. .1510..9 . ..Starke& street', nntinne to ptove attractive to the eono cal masses ittlivarch of rare bargains In th'v goods. Tile senior tnamberof this fll - mitilitis• reAdenco ItiNe*Nork, aid{ durin g the 1 preValenee of the pailin which of fate C- . . easianally gulZo3 the venthrsomp mane fset drrs of demesne goods, Of foreign fabriesithrotealatoßan....tuar.rj toot shorgo east; ca tal and secures for hiFhortse here,. and of , course: for his patmn,j gc *is Sr prices Wilieli,IS011!,1110t go half rl . ;:v inieing the original enst.• These hag° thvoiect , ore forwarded here and fOrnt 400 Stork of fresh and Judiciously .iasorted roods offered at the see...jai sale,4 adVerthokl by the house. '1 here is 'JO - humbug aborts the- feet that retail and wholesale enstomers of J. W. Barker a. Co. are now pplied with rends at prises whieh would - lin deemed sway down below the market even by 1 • 'the lArgest,houees. in New York, Boston or rhiludolpinz. -Wo do • not feel that , there is any special necessity for our dwelling at nauchletigth on the extrnor. 'dinars prieeg offered the ,trade. Nearly nh of oltei,au.lers have made' a pure as inCvieit during the . great suedel sale which has beau po•lotn.,e4l morolhan dr- Iginuity intended.ond th u s become cc qunintea with.t he truth o f NOLA vro hive :tom tiailo to time stateal.• Iteeentkii fmh. in cetera Lf gurus have been added to' 'She generaletock, end this kuiak.crea, tl A n "Elea= rs s u u 'r giOni, word u" n great vale continual our cc ere should avail themselves.' of the djaporttlility of buying fullsapplles of ry goads.• . • Preeante for sbebtillblors.. In coraermenee of the 'heavy sales during the plat week, l'itihck, opposite the Postoffice, .beenl compelled to order a non - supply -' of )hone splendid holiday' books which. , Mire created sac/- • an. earl trinent, at the r,miat book depot; fdr . ..rine weeks put. •-)Y3 rtirribiTo city exhlt !Ari ila so large a el: at birch *teemed"' Im w b.prices since no opening at itutcornerdf girth andtimith xtre,ts, drake in ctty hua grestge knon - leihreof the requftements of the cuirket in theway of LsKrit, Le g , our tqurrprislng votng`friend John W. Pittock. Lt addltbn lo e largo and elegant stock ofbooksi• 'has Just atvensriu lot if splendid • , and a duo- -rtlisortneent '-of tlin!! ledant chromes or imitation Ili e. palm Inv, all of ;,which .are Mang sold at fabulously, low :prices.' A full 'and cemplete mcortapint of school hooloc library . books, stationery,.'per ladicals, Illagati les; and la tact everything that is' usually I:option liret clams book and pub ribdiml store. :hose wishing to stake Now Year's presents should not fall 555 give Pittock s call. Remember, the plate is ut Pittock!a, Opposite:the Postpile% 'ilerietle•illiafre. We w ould 4dviso all Who, want . laugh and Prow fat to go to Mgt Variedly.' Theatre and ion Clark Gibbs and others, In their laughable performances,,Geordo lt, Edenotit it his comic sang", add dins: ..:With Victoria and ufan to lianti;:circ,iiii: to their famy dances, There's &Malibu. 1 'Clara Becton, Who excels any female' . that ever- graced et - .Pittibmgh stage 1 dancing iJig. Go and see her, and id, convicted, and vou cannot but say; alter haying Oka her dance; that, her . thuteing lone ix worth the price of scnisaion. ..I.lc4rn: Williams and Jeffmaton, the • mentors, denary° credit for keeping as • goot *formers an they have, and oth. ern wig agree with us whop they and whom the performance they give.. VARIETIEY PATnoNa. ----,- `':astern - ni;Deproilleu in the Eest - Or markets MAIL condone", and. Mesas., Ifni. h Co., Nos. 77 RCM it west, have determined to, prof 'pedal aides or trash nividealmi mpga notion", . millinery : .e i' Pd tWir' few Y zid " : l: 4 ;g 4 t4 ., ther :,.. tr., innaneaereent, orgreatly reline' .tut.to the onntrary tenon' ble nt. And bargain" In "21 lines of geode rend. rex s',Girr of the relax pd.( oiiiiident ate referred. to the dant runn ialehrthienienterhiehapil _ . • !ketch; plakl "Mindierehlat :glove bdaee. vary highly p e rk esee:milting ecnelbia fox Nevi YE oldie; laavelost been received at 4t, tatrilele's, No, .110 Fittb street,. 'el d at lb* alnithtir out priaeav throughout tba :entire iv ~, :nationa, embroider] Calleaudv void ' , Tate lona, au( kb. A1.q4,44 ed stoat. - Ott—The selotiiated'youne. ottlw meditaiolita / 34 2::3V.eri. 114 IV Ur. 3 = r ..tea. ari A 10: kt: • t;*. dn'si ter *re cootie of the lat:twenty yours fd ti pastjafereury in' someone of anoth mittens' Watinrescribed in near ly every class - eil:ditiorders; the lan • cci was resorted ito al.kPlethortodis.k eases... At tho present linto,.beer mar persona, willingly &Our' mercury When' eight .beer moberinittilereaking our ' , rientpfittltr,:blaWlts, phial ..h.r,Pe• laegt "fteleitthPflttbdio'hesireett ireryilititar redriesdocterfineddikett r,t,teretutprAn ht loiecahhard,, grit!, ostei)int! . .l.ery‘, • -.xd tibia L, 'the!. mailhalc Prot/Pant 'rowed to ietta Most.onaritronigioot's rid tha exarni oat op elf the! 13°,331(11a._ the iniennicope, test' patiej,titatO it ri rttet nitneureterA7areo.:fostat . I n the zfincarlt.rwrim ,rspoetabla and we ,qualltladlinjoidoliull • ' •In tinier ;Nat, tit wait sadatitstlT that. may thingstend to two:hangs threqUat, ity.of tho Aeneas, to mitten on, imeer tain eritirldis in disease. `At preopt; is sighted dna therile-not a mere certain' sight gfihrettin disease t•tal Abet "we em i arrive at a More accurate knowledge re specting the natunthof dfsetsai. 'by rand; In Ingthe urine than liyanyetber symp In times past: there each att 'Welt ston io • the, etudy. endlirienee of tbli ardent of 4 6 .5/Muir:lD* learoely it mad -1 kat college in Dio. United, Mater) would give to'nrluopattiology thd - Mteutton its importinoci dowry : Ifirw,•imany 'of themAre.paylng special attention to dila braneh r itoOde of them.having establish ed "special Acinarldreirtar Ibr -its etirdyt In one of which, wee have/ bisca honored mite lite.ProfelleonthiP., , - In tinicij past, lhareprae a preload:ld saltine( the eYtteM, Wand af sottemalehoW on: the: ptcrh of rawaympUi, that PaC4 vented, thedt .rota erditial,relltitlit any but the "old-fachfcred wai f "- - 'At prem. ent;theretitly wok Seek the ipttekest and beet rulletthat isrietteeetfords4yrithottt regard 'to, this or, ,that Nth kin; or this Or I that. system..., So. (phyla , . this last uet verified in our practice,' fhatottr 1311,81 - eel • ability, has lately born taxed beyond en ' durance al - mist, to 'entisf - y*,the demands of thdatek of all dlatriee,..whOseed toms -from all partnere the.courtry, sad obtale the remedies to perform , a - cure whop a. auto la ,at. allito ,be had, • • , L. Orxeornp, D; leo; fa - rant, street; Mttehurgh, Pa. • ' • " . Tao Ifhttits In Ilacoatamgt , .The CulditaiStuent fist' njOeliti . .l*. gin! .Pall by. Mr, -and glee AenneflY . . WWI fete of the finest .wo have bad. in . Ills city months :' ln the langelafso the sloger;" s qlsayin - ga eif'Elecaland' have great historin viluer, they po - rti:iii , the habits and thoughts and' customs of the people.glrice the data - of-Ttobert Burns every toiler of song .and has been captivated-by the aongwoiScoa. land: -Mr:Kennedy. sings .the Sedge. of his native country 'ln a menace that renders them peculiarly. -impreavlvo, and our citizens cannot flees an evening more agreeably.. than t •14,arIng Xlin Magna:emu, to -night . ig nuast ek.x collect, and the Concluding placa,,tlAuld Long Syne,'/,itr N't b i ere t hej yvhotei race was requested to Join. was render, I Ina style that could not. fall to glee' eftfinvaartararthirr. • Voucert wilt be.repeated Imo of Burns' most celebrated and lly admired songs will o be prodac all who wattle, enpiy.a teem. bo llithmoad Eranartet., - , jeucn ed. I prt Lat. at Peter's Episcopal) thinthay alekeei ' • The annual • rtetmae Festival of the Sunday Schools connected With St, Pe , . ter's,t Episcopal) 'hurch took place on Saturday afternoon Init. The. regular. Parish and Mission sc eolanicit together -in the tasks; of the eh roll, where the entOrusintuent weep 1 \ b y T the usual religiobs stollens: Slug and - otter taining addressee Ware they eliveket to the children by Bishop:ger'trolnd the' pastor; a „Fulter. Th &M= id were afterward' invited to. the ' Sunday, School rooms, end 'their hearts\ made glad by a feast or ice exclaim,' cak_eltAun (lies. nuts, and ahausatelocerlilisg else Lts:, 'ti!i Two - long th table" most prized by the little Mks. - What: they could 'not dispose-of at onee wee given them to.arry td their hem.* and' allaveie exceedingly well gdm,..Qd with the go/x1 treatment they received. The' ledissund gentlemen of the parish bay-. log tiler tuatter in' band deserve especial lease for. the creditable- manner in which the , festival*Was gotten tip and, • Eliewhere . will be.... (stud thii riciVer . i .tieernentuf ht: - ..h..Evans .t.C0.,• Nes • SF . Fifth street, proprietor. of What hipopu . . tarty 'known its the-' terinoty;-five`, cent won.. The ay:sten:viol Unlaces, condtiet , ed by this firm 'is - novel and. to right -, thinking, person. : unoWectirinable. : jilewreerlf.yaritleleullfsinari imeivieeistocilcri..o. cutlery, fa n cy shing s gnode, poOrfs, d .. ..., 'L. 'Marked at; the uniform price of twenty-five:cents. Owittakiiig• a purchase , The buyer itt ad. d Molina receiving' the. foil worth of.his • money lumina. be gels, is furnisbad With i a sealed envelop:rens". ing the name of , some articletwo glft,•and selected opt of a - basket of. elunlse envelopes. • Some- . 1 times the envelope calls for s watch; Du • r ring or something of unusual value,' • an. every artlole .t. at; the option of, the Ito . rof the ticket •to take. at one dollar, tereq .4. ; , systrim introduced dam: not parlatce e. o character, of, nhittery;, For holiday gdeds . no where else van. there ho iliundalar.stock, and persons in wont of alnillist any . og, should.. fa-' vor Cla - Well nquasged a - with &mill. CITY ITFmxg; Tho Illrark.-R., pertrt .11 at 0.230 . 11berur aura., bow etoek . Mr. T. H. &Minton, proprietoi .of thio Grant Weitern Gun CP JP:recentlYdes treeeetri-tire,-restrctraiTy- iinturunces, to 6Ls *lends and e, generally that , he has 'socured' commodious sales . room; No. 250 Liberty 809 M, In the Academy...fel' building; 'and resumed his bbslness With' an elegant, largo and 'Judiciously 'selected . steeit new goods. ' The ',lock embraces. gun pistols, cerolvors, carbines; Moo and s, the accoutrements known , to spirting . men. The rides and abet glum in stop, suitable tivr hunting. pirporme, mammy , superior, and ern offered to. tho whole wile :end roma. Made at remarkably cheap prices. , Mr. Johnston's.scpile'ef , powder'---- - ' it ... pit in oTi:=-T.'. *rogoir ...liaiili 4t ,‘, 4 . sintia . - Irucinflt:app9inte4 Oil liii , . -. t'.1.:;! 4i =I . 14or: Zegtn e t e n ° l l 4ls= 4 dt :'- ,, - t 4 1411 - - upon", ego 'clitchorc; st:theff. - -4,5' --.: • . ;rintfos - .lv , Thonoveßll3lli.- - Wm•At ... Noll • i sfosepli JO'Brlert,!llsmiel W. - ' ,- 1 41 r k.'4ttfiszto47,ll.-:;-'4., In. -, - mod Jzi,ifflocc - , dOtookof Pited44 - `_ / ..: 41 ' pvP'-0414tihqArnPY 412 .3fk....,7,,,.. 4 4, ,, ...: Au ' - 21 rilr - Peff.o3l l l -1 . 2 0/aikiiA -... - . S . ,I } . . - .., .~ at spzeicxyncu: of Penn all ..... .. " ' 'KEIT; • ttt,sit% wv. DiletVA loaial afteet.' C.M.ltik'or all landit CHAP/OH. War/ %WWI 4 elnlwdescrlPUas of Jhussral (*wow. hultsted. Ilamag open day and alf. f. lia n a* ,weet.nute. ranuaze' • • .'Pala am, I. D. laentam, li.n!m Lynn;pt . . ROBERT 119IPMEY:'0. , 101. - e,r—i,::;' AND iultl.lllV. No..* diksl4 Afiesbess. gm O. ea inisso,o,pqau‘lpi qt. wuumos....) sarayaqn 26001 Itodkrwood. al nut aM lantaanct E.0.m.:M011... 'Walnut Coatis tram Cy alkolwp pt. la -Dlt.Salataa. Cantinas apa Ileama • _ aim d at low raw.. Crape,GTore.. r Sind m Isrtaileahrulihell open a n :41 J IDGEEM lUNDEAMaIia , KEN 621 EMBALMER, (sedermnaltn, Late' Unmet Itodgend a Onto Mantast ' One lloomfrom Barra. . 6 . ll Sthall CIO= 1. 0 4 gala nanan'ad, Wawa and Boa. .3,4, Imitation comas. at the lowest rat ! • :'. pater: BOO= open si taltburs, ta7 fit 41k. Hsu. sad Cants/es tannalan Mom Ana./ , V,DEVAIRD CZA 2 NLECK.II,..PP.ti. DZATAKILLI.,O2IOS,./to. 21.4 ib1a.81144, Allaybeay. afittaltlel ioai tart tz.Onth aiwaataaa dock oflaagrarrantiata,i,t . 0 . 4 .4 0 ?•bata?..mt taratabad 'ittoria.% appca. at fo . mt Bit* Lliaryltiafiler, ate. ' ai i-ar IVA aad\Wllddlit•Blatiata..l.ol4:l.44e; Burafackase_Bantatia...kkinPa.. 4 .4ll £!%r W . #,N E ..i7A.113Y 4 ¢ Si. Tait lobb . Achtte . wlarr'snd jlotlon j rulow4nu with •firoNcywiJUlWW , i..?%, J. w .1,6 7.;•1k;' cos tiwl. PpJaiirivikpla add 14dre4w . IftllClKAAt.tWie ornerti — '" I ' • FOR - ItIE"r—A'AIBIEOT .-2 .itlitl'aftlitill B NV it ABEHOUSB,•tiitlßiOircitle -Bqta' • ••: • Jfaakat.. Batt anidfiafc. .roaaaintlißlatitiata .b.prft 1, t. - YagctiMO[ O E V. sett. Nailatal Batt. • c . ,N . 41, _....4 4, ..I_____,... 4 Ito I ..ET —L gt s tsttt ,- ...#,, -• * ' 140144, I - V,: uw.lung.te,,,hea,..tramAN, ils : ...:: um. Dtimon4 atitr., TA., aregic„ { t ! , Will b ./uti 4, tt.4.4 1 004A 1 74V0-1. , .A. i - , -:-, eTEWART,No. in tthertx a/Mu , . --,-1,-,. 1 r. ---- FM 1 4 7.' A4 4 1,,,, v-717-- . - : ,' , , le oEt - a .a. L EL- 0 ?al l • ,-. 4 7 o -.., MYWATITPS Litett A. 4iiablibt a, , i lie LIVII.T.HOIISE IRATE On ports, ..-t GREY Emirs, IA r.mun DAAUOUI . , MORBID; . tiace SLAM Rums; i.. +air ' , % mARIs• in= friTrzia.,,ear,thii Monquar - • : sramves boislt t And ial4l As nemitit !Mori;-- . , F' . . .or; - SAL LE -41! CMS E 'VITO VW 4 . 1 Wfir.••<iiiiiktea • Wag- AllooMiny. no.g. iOo ?TWO! , avolaue 0( /Digt, mad_ remlog ti.ket.fo.lemi to* Ofoot alley. • dolt Loin trITA i*Oom, - ..ite . Munnill: goal .6b a itter.icisei;!bistotrgriod ,; tep. • lute, aim boom .ana ,w;fit•il .44 ; gioughomi, to root, order. LW nirtizir par. tlslanisapol):• of LIAMSLY.I7taLInItbstIML • tale A rots. no. 9/ Ileavaistriek FOR ' , I r tALLIC ITtebs n e: ad miller of IfamhaltAm .nOfty 2 1. 42 .2i911•11101 . 1:1WW11],. Lot 44 bi„ MAU * noon, him. emotmAng twig and *olal bkr. on Unproved : Ithloi and Lei olgtonnold:iliti - 7? - . 310 men oirOoL Angtomi ,cirr. Lai Pont Lou, Immo, contabi*altalii:Tromo gotml gnu; 'orator and pm: 'severil notl 'Roam and Lota to *cot! SmOtto4 or.t: Erna a eIL. 80A , ... atanautar. ' • - 1 • .- . - 'OR Fraf.:E•That Tysi.t.timpstak • TAVErtg BrAllth. situate' 12 - .t6i.-711ttit • wan, Itt4;.r. ..A4d.raft icsJOUilLYie th.Ket,. het t6i.e.;:va 4uveg, .'• let Is Int,. stetlet htithiind most= butitlciouttletlat tga•l44B.'coeitetedlott hesides• largo Couen.ll•llr - atgotltAs.olo: oh 1 the beet...tad et the lo‘lthlcitt. b Illot feat . drop.. FrusaW 'B4t”cattai.eof holaattitestaltylatted.a pk > tbnitxty sett In ...tont eqcsl imt la•grttho,it oktier ' hosae.la ID s ••la..2i r cibitteit lonoiattetineln the tittittt.t 'pita; !!ofauz ,/;:1 Tit LT, Heat , irtortateslll6. ..• LOOK, PAEIN 1117,,A, 31.1ZIaltini.01DXLZO6NT . . A DITNEOL'ATEI HAI; ... 1I •60 1 1 /Pilt :}3l • rr ~ • In4lus et nand* In tlitr 'FT instrecel*edn new Sleek of , fratetiei," Orl4l* l 3CeajNiC7o3.. D ,'7 KC. a 4 t u(4ll at wbl h misu. eei =9 HENittGetALE, , ''. ,`-'‘...r j .••‘;'; 0 [ • . /,' , , . - - 1 ' ' .:€' ; Me6hant. ra Oi ~ : '- '! ifY ; ./ r : . •'' ~ • S -,f, ,Zfe,- --'' ,f - ','„?...,', ~.4.4---- c or hun and SVeateStrebfav ME FITT P u ROO, PA. ~~,. :',+. ,rnt ■ MO J
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers