El 113 to litho Gaittte OITA AND SITHIBAN. i . ' f ;71 Otat# FAIR -.Cautr,D7-11Lwar4 of Premiums—Sl W Use llnecesefel Owes. ':lletdstrday was the day WAY - n. 4 for the elasing of the highly successful State Fah, and- In censequence the attendance wes sTegT largo, although visitors were try ho 4 :1211111ai RS Macro. as on' the preceding Yerhans during the day ten thodun d , Parions nested through the entrance gates • guru the Emma. out at on single time was that num b er on the ground,. The dust was not so • tronblesomt,' SS but little air wee .• stUrtug,lnna Drehles the. use, course and cfrfresta4 been thoivisitlity wet down wall - Lperansbulattrix, water carts. The .easier was the Most enjoyable experience...l6ring the gar, and grouped/ was highly-de" llghthdf etch themielt to the gruti.d. • Theittaid of Onirniumitrig made during the MOTs and in most woo the demob= Of liel g eseppeared to reader utilleCtket. ;We andeavored to obtainlull list Ot the "fterattre but failed, and hen s take take oeraolon to YD that we ellic nee rInII7 note all awards made to our advertising friends. " TheTilr tole Woe the moat encoustulmnd beet ever held In Pennsylvania, And we doubt not brae added ietgel7 to the rm., of the worthy mosoclation under who., an- proem It was 0014. Too much credit cannot be awarded the omens of the Association for f t e wanly creditable manner In which theydbeharged their duties. - and for the mgeriona work May performed In ardor that the Exhibition might prove • encode. ..Tna roans/ea; A. Lloyd Hampton. Elsa.. and gaeretary d. Li. LOneakez, Ewa.. bout at.. played . unusual' executive abdity, and to teem energy and intelligence is dep. Largo attain of the grand anucua which attended She rna'nukhr. • TOWIrdS dark the Fair grounds were well high deserted and the Jaded exhibitors ,•; Were wearily working asayht packing up upar roods and articles. - Their wort was. z' not fear econuiPlUhed. and much was left =the grounds to n• Peeked up and =Died y awqq tia-day, The itinerant inowmtm Op their Mahon lent night and moved • to .new quarters, carrplog with teem lisnifeeime profits made out of the guilt. • ', - tnittybt =sophisticated visitors. To-day ' the wounds will Do entirely cleated and barMy idly trace will be left orttie great /Ur which attracted so many thousands to Oitir ens: And =emu the eleventh ezbibi. Una of the Prtuarylva, is State nistieultural • mackety. . - emotes stern Mr. J. J. Anderson. of Rochester, Beaver county, Pa.. &scrim away with him a drat , premium fOr a very excellent ethic stove Aside& be tied Oe•exhibitima. Raring the Tarr it attracted much attention not only nom housekeepers. but from men of prim- ISM onetime. Mr. Anderson but recently .00mmenced em anufacture of th is stove, . but they have had large sale, and haven:illy ~ d lidisonatrated their great worth nod n ov ae. 'tapes, Their manufacture will be Prose. stated With Sheer to eupply orders for the • , 'CiCestrig 'winter, and any of our readers de siring co prothre such a stove thonld mend • thew Orden. Teo oven of the stove la an ....sepectellY attractive feature% baking either .01X the adees twine or bottom. The IMeesion - of the Judges 0111 prove highly F ratityh unt tto the w • h e o rtz i orthy and exeel• ;All we believe the tender l•aperfact.indistaction all around. The no. ....armament. of a sub Tali . , especially the awarthof anrsapriga, le • very good recent ' ' XnendlitiOn for May new Invention. . oitarr, Omuta Aso co. ' ay we anticipated, Wig enterprising firm bon: O P the highest honors for that most '• dealrae and advantageous atisillary to well furnished hesitate, the Double (lven • aged. gauge. Thetudgescarefeilyezate ,r. feed this welch, and alter due considers,- Mon awarded It the first premium. The !Menton wee ion'. and those who paid any attention to Ms attractiona will second their Italia., The celebrated CO:nimble Cook thole also bore off' a first premium. Its •. ,•teedits have teen fully set forth in lithe lees rsyMlWwidth Save appeared. In the Oa ' sarra The selection of grate. vies high y melded by the Judge., and a drat, premium was awarded a fancy one set low down. ' The Morning Glory Parlor Move, which I! very beitatitul and perform. its work like a China, war likewise awarded a east Maas pretnium.whlie the o ther Stinnett was similarly hroored. - The mento r! Onsll.ll.lcles in the foundry line which the pomof Graff, tinges& tio.had on exhibition Were each specially boomed, and the ootn pitmen% was deserving. Any of thee/Gale , • ineotioned in this arm previous notices can be purchased to advantage et the art eagle c ware mom, of the Company, Moe. TM and „ • Mn Litieryy street. We bespeak for them• large Mises .of pnblie patronage. Their • ttliknilt4Cllllll4 Mitt for endomement On pure meritnione. . . rains lons—acors Ann soon. • '• No premium awarded at the lair art; . • morejultty bestowed than that awarded to . itr. James Robb; MI Market strum. for the best display of b00:14 shoes. An In this line of butane. Ike house of Mr. Robb ha, a firmly established reptitattoll, Requirt.l the uniform superioror thxtenalre ' I by nd varied stock at Oil ti m e kept e e on handle aerommodate wholesale and retail trade MU display at the Yale Indicated to visitor. - spoil Idea of the trade enitTed by Mr, tot , b, and the premium awarded was ems nest. - ' deserved. The season Is at hand when vsople should Improve theft . ..ander Memnon...," and we recommend ail to farm , ti,tmgb,buterit of Mr. Robb, contlibmt it, • tb4imber me t h ey will be milted both is tolleasertablentuni• and prime of all Minks of articles desired In the hoot and shoe Mo. sumna. ootom A:Zr. rewire. • The same Company were honored with the first premium for superior MI ground paints, and last an d Minima colors. Thi. was gentindly expected. as the colors and harms Deming the Manta brands ..103 , 14. enviable repetition and arerauldly grow. leg lopublin Savor. The pilots Ore d and cheats, the colon bright. true and beau Wel. Al orders should ho addresaed Mr. 0-U- Kaeliesay, No. it et. Clair street, and will receive prompt attention. 1.090.11141 . d tosse s - The well known saddler* and harness ma , . eis, bore off the first premium for wail made ladles' saddle and dee set of ally., . plead Mamma. nisi tiOnCir was fairly coo. ? L SI* istahltthteent tilatMO.liit Wood Wet, The very 'tine Opedintonir of luhrthatir and Illuminating oils which were Meow in. etmfoltfoa by Dr. IL C. limennear agent . for the Eureka Oil Company. was taraniro • gist premiam. This donation one Tlia .1141,1 Eugene 'oils :see evotryvehero toed as a most superior arttele. whit., - the illumthatlng ells sue an mushy high nputstion. Tne sect of the Cotn• peaty Is located at No. if St. Clair street, where all mien will receive proper site. Don. twos ern cougowsret. • :7 ..t.eim at (MO roar between the ere rent Mathematic:Gages taring been . • maninlonaly decided in favor of the 'ton City College. byitto Judges beatowing upon , -num gagent Almon over all competitors, 'together with the tact that thn college hoe ~freed y tanned upwards of Ono Hundred JiLtairr ggsionnes and Gold menthes Medal. over oempeting thatitullom In the United gthres,..gtve. titian prominence which, prar- Mthesnoother institafteet /a the coootrY has attained., a nd moat unudetalrobit sumps (tea ono of • the lending btaboMa 4:Mama; in the Conlon. tWbst mere teal ail Wan has contribnbed to Its present top- Wants' and Witham:ling among Maims • men la th e s plendid oyatem of pmefte....l actual Inisincsa training, of which It .1, ' among the Wettest ispresentatlve In Wt tern Pomneylvmla. We would advise all men who hareems to educate to examine We greens of practical inetsucUon and cam pare It wi th the course massed. In other MoUtutiona. • sr:LW t semi stem xamtis • Dollftnund to attract afteuiden dam/ the .010100 hours of the fair. This firm ' the grog to introduce this kind or mantle, the Indigo here. sad in a vary too year. they moth conquered 6 forsoldable preju dice agatmt thom—rtot on the part of the mobile empuelt es dealers, who could not apprignme the satiny or beauty at the tu wentloot Nozremantles have become , gem faliblen And sdOrn many of the Inset rneldenees In the county. Thos. assaGes are inanotheteral In this 51.410 mom slate Ome r and enameled I. wafts, ,e.lesstifituo richest. sad most tare marble. - 1 1.MeM , Ofteesnathe from WV:4W NOthing eatiezcendthe 'Meaty of - pollen or rightmost „ of motera, while the durability of the-man. liestaind Miele freedom from ehllfag.cut Matuing,easStildne • great Mdtit of merit. 'Mayhems Meath uses. this coon's" for ellitem; and in learOpe for the last Arty Igilmo.. and have scathed steadily In ' - '.llox. favor wherever introduced. Dealers bertewereetfixsialoW to cmeltelee their Inertte. audio -then the/Anon their nor Woe geftrely discountenanced,' Now nylon deafer who home pees with the enthrones of the age, ballasts menthes for gale, bo om. the pebTha taste demands, • the pioneers Of the Maness hare, act gns able to offer the most liberal . ~ , ,ninettle to their Ctlinan ISWoaetlin 1 1 . 1% . 1.1 guarantee - .f.= ;r eze contains* , ligy l ro i ‘c sums botending to build (shoulds not ielttei •until they have exam Med Mo . stook at Nall ArDithltala street. wono--two rintervoth ate .I.*Milletui-stf th e "lnevuti eolith • tff A. M. Racket ' , moist of the Cello, rfta wine Company MMe[warded too pecnitutult. the Mice Min superiority • of their prodnaftons, althOugh pretty , well established in this vicinitt. being tins. moot satlollotaftly demon amend, aster great competition. A peon lientY. and me which cannot lad pets UXlMittion. la their portly. while le flavor are I...upends lo most of the humus foreign whin. The LOU Of to CoMpaey • le located at No. ILI Litang /treat, New Torn; a fact which should be rememborod la u lor:s bo W oir i onzmolete ornerier/ soy nut LOW 'e.g. Diatom: nherald o not hesitate too:ward forelith what Ina great measure for the more profitable • sad purer home untionfacturea &Me tonne Company. They offer the following gad Immune them porn Ilock, Sherry, mere, Aegisthus. Moomatel, Port, dry moo . and eepetielly reMottnensted for church penman Al. wine Mums. eX count, gimlet Claret, Catawba. atiorkilair ChaminiMe. still ChemPegna and Itadelna. 'p.m.. mono& 4o bettor than matte a triad Of their wino. Theo:nov.7' was incorpo rated:in deverthor.l=l. and sine, It. ' tablishment the wines have bran omen/eft, :theressing In ounilo favor. Dr. L U. Nor. %On, M new York. rresidoot. L. IL Geol. -,. win Secretary. awl id. 11, Timaftwo. /14. A.. Armen. helestheart established to ell the, penethei Mien, und !he Mainsail • orthe company is spreading, tOn7ery see. 'Wm Of the country. Thor company bots. e 4,irsaitteut.sgent 6000=ii. Yant7r .htim tuidlvideat ettenftcon to elven to Soleettng, andsh.thplng the wino, and thus the Itettoctations mu be ithatantrad. We Mtn. to glee these wines, Irld ii`glade Ovary -Vartosty.• that. , . • ossode rltiettga B. K. Cargo. Among those longest 'ln the b l au,* is Ws caw. Malts pace wi th the gemorksbdelcoprooreatests which have Men Wade in the_ehnu/graithlo art. and the pm , Unite taken Dr .slooo Meet' parlors ehrosgllosi gm/county : Its has two estab. Inhuman, one in - the Doi/such fluUdler, Jriftbstellet.lond tholother on rederalotreet. Allegheny alty, nest to the . Iteltroad Dame 011 Wattage save fea eeome • glue ture .telde logstnew. end b those turned Out by him are of • mpg superior character. it.. . th D e o ed t:a s th o o h ug art.. an te d an c d v n es e a e n till wx tean site practtoel experience alone entitles him oO rank with the !Oren:ionic therind...hon. He exercise. close superintendence over the victoria turned out at Ms gaileries, and it is athlete his aim to snit the taste of his sneaeleere .not at Meseta, tlntatO maintain _ Mg In a rtt. acAntredif . nines grf taalon g olr :=dr. cxbitonet the rase Compar e en ftworatily rub any Mbar in Ws line, and In the lefalmnitY of gd Months It may he mad te have excelled.. Ile ts thoroughly pnelagattio aid trY that de 'MOM be tuts gained • r • muniion es an or. to Meath IMO. . . _ lk/dWDI VW* by this 'arm'' sat with =tua•Mitill the dmitormithate nines Warded , foflieloderaMs patent beat gMr titiftd - Or , Mtnininotta Leath VanAfgrscßidloailtelyallribrazrztaile On • prieeltde. leheretry the smoke orrola. , 1110114 F - yEt: tflesombnstlbletsall consumed perfectly, •• - 0 - I:AG, uniformly and Meetly. The "Model" !lul l store also took the premium. TO BiNir eatausively adopted , ye Western Pommy!. 11 IND BRO yenta, Pastern Ohio and West Virginia. It =trthe beat features of nrst chum iter, and Is line ornament in • rog d • ra , ilor. Yaws Herron a co.' mussy at. • ...AA , OW, Dar comer of Erna. tmeted the attention of nearly every tor to the fair. sad it should here:membered ' Government igectiritim that at their establishment isone of the meet complete as of Moses for all Purr ests that can be seen la Pittsburgh. This firm conducts its extensive business on strictly liberal principles, and• enjoys • high revutatlon in this community. We sinmlre/y hone that our friends from dis tance .01 not omit to Improve the - present op p er yeeity and call et Messrs. J. B. & Co.'.•arehoure and stove rooms, Yo. o. LitsrtYstrsut 'soutanes, Snails: There is nothing More desirable both to buyer and seller than Correct weight, and the only way tO get It Is tO have correct and exam reliabline ed with scales. During the Fair visitors great Intorest the wales on inhibition by Fairbanks,Morse £ Co., cor. nee of Wood nudes:cora streets, Fittabergh. Tne collectiOn embraced every variety, ranging tram the smallest preettriFtloe scale tired by druggists to the largest sized platform sends adapted to the weighing of cold, bay and Moor, combined to one. This scale, for testing grain, is used by all the U.P.N". in Chicago. which goes to show that this Arm maintains a manifest gape. Clarity over an others. Another scale. do- Serving of 'penal mention, 11 Called the 'tint cheeeScale," and If Introduced in our Markets would, without doubt, give general satisfaction. Indeed ell the spies manufati. lured by this grin are very accurately ad. Jested. warranted correct and reliable, and not liable to getout of Order. Leery per. son who .hired the Fair and examined the I.ltferettit kinds exhibited. will seed with as tench pleamr• aawe write. the, feet that • 0191010 a was awarded Messrs.; Fairbanks, klorwe'A. Co, for the beat welehing scales; also a 'premium for the beet lot eretnell and large Scales, and also a bronze medal for the tent hay and Janet scales. ,? - • • eamnia 7/181,11110. We observed BIZIOTIE the collectlen Of ar ticles no CVllbitioll by the flrm of Price Sims, SP Wood street, Peed , . patent !Mut ter fastening, which. for simplteity and Ws general adaptability to all kinds of shutter, e think summates any inventlon - of the kind. There le nothing complicated about it; lt ooasleM simply of 11. single resod of Iron. forming a half circle, two of which nro attached to each window Xlll, and when the shutters are opened and the Wittig pet in Posttlen It fields them fairly to their plima, and its altopllelly of conatzection, upon which to • great extent depends the value and general usefulness of all laventiOnti renders It ireposulble to get out of erect. This fumble may be seen at any time at No t 7 Wood street, and we are conlident ctha ttei It only needs to bonen to be appre- Lal. Blahs Christian C eeeee lion. The following circular hu Just been sued, addressed to the pastors loan brew ren of the Christian churches ha Penusyl. rants, Eastern Ohlo and West Virginia; A desire has been expressed that the pls. tors and brethren of all the churches of Christ liirennsylvants, Eastern Ohio and •Wes t Virginia ahmild meet together foe the msspose of stimulating each other to greater anthills in the cause of Christ, by mn..Of nulled prayers to the /lead of the ea Church. and by a tree interehangeregard or torn perience opions and ex In to ue Ilona pertaining to prelatical Christian Q ef . - Never was there greater need for united Christian aotlakty. The fields an ripe for the harvest. The stork •of Chrhtt among - the yoting; home evulgellsation, carer. to be rude to intend the Gospe/ among the poor and neg lected, and the detles of Ottristhns u con nected with these ulnas, are subieets of such importance that united prayers nud ooneultatlon seem to be most desirable. To this end, the Young Men . s . Uhriitlati Association of rlttsburen, in anjunction with the pastors and mlntiters whose names are annexed, have decided to call • thcristtan Convention, similar in character and otdctla to those which have been held In liisseachiniette. Maine, Wlscouitu, 1111- nob; andother &tat., which have been already ao fruitful of good 00 CI connected with them. We do, therefore, moll eorafally motto all the Christian Chute-he* of Pennsylvania, f j astarn Ohio and IVest Tirottna, to send doiellatiormot Ow Pastor atol two or three laymen, to meat In Convention with us at I.llinatirch. on Turiday, Wainer:km and Thtere&W. tits d, W.d, and SIN of Octokrisext. The Convention wilt &Isolable for arrant settee arid devotional exercises on Tuesday evening, at 3 otloOk. AIM the sesidous of the Convention will close on Theraday. On Thursday 0000100 will ho held the Anniversary. Exercise' of the Toting Kew. Christian AoooClattOo. - . - Aso tredentiats nemstred; but HD desirable that parries shonid notify the !Wording Sestratary of the Young Mane . Christian A113001,1%1011 of their intention to Attend the Convention, and that on their arrival in the city they shoots report at the Associ ation Rooms, No. 2t Fifth street, that homes - maybe provided for them. • • • : Aria ngemeatu are being made with the VILVIOCIS railroads, by which persons woo attend the 'Convention, and pay full fare 'SO tide rdt/..wi1l be furnished with return tick:re over the mate by which 'they came. (atgCsd.) • Bws. A. E. hell, D.D., John G. Brown, MD.. John/It:lark. D.D.. A. Hodge, 0.1).. W. D. Howard, D.C., James Allison. ' liNed, Alexander Clark, S. I.Crowther, /as. 8. Dlekemon,ll..Edmiston, Ins. E. Graham. lL W. Jacobus, 13. D., /...Ll)., IL Johnson, D.P., 18..11.„ Kern, D 1), L. 1.• Horgan, G.D., J. G. tioettuan, Joseph King. Wm..it. Locke. V. , Lneas. Samuel Laird, FL Haler, IL T. Miller, A. C. WClelland, 8. H. Nesbit, DD., John T. Presley, Li D.. arm. Preston, Dm ' ~ 8. J. Wilson I).D • 'John 11.11111 an, Thom. S. Orr. W. Beeves. S. Y. Scovel, E. if, Swift, E. IL &Inter, E. H. Snyder, R. Li Sutton. • • Ours. IL`Cuarrocr. President T. U. C. A.; J. A. Essay. Lt Pico President; A. H. lilacs, Itatordleg Secretary. The ../Itisiness Committasso.are engaged in the preparation of the order of ere, else, topics for discasaion, ea, the details of which Dint. published itt an early day. It penman of the following named gentlemen: See, E. F. Soneek Hon X W. Withams, L. D M. A. Wood ward, Y.st., Wei. crew, J. W. F. White. The circular for this cal/ hat .Iready been saint so moat of the evanitalicalLudisisters to whom It Is a4Artellea. Ip the Convention IU undonidadly be very large, It to of tee highest importance that Pittaburgh shoal d extend the ferment arid most cordial hospi tality to the delegate. To this end the Committee of Arilingeutente request the; the pluton of all the churches to sympathy with this 0013, pre notice of the Cony:lotion at the esrliest opportunity to their congre gations. and urge epos all whoa. the offer /in of AnnotanltyJatlerra to the delegates to attendance. The particulars se to Dame, residence, anti number they ran accommo. del*. are to bese • tad 43 the Church Dom. ',ante. or the Th.. gilett's Christisti AM. elation In the rearseethre pherches where they exist, and where they 41,3 not exist, through the peeler or other enernh agleam to the rooms Of the Anoetation. • 00011. at foil Prise At Cillesel 1, II fonsaie. 41 Illstb In another column, Col. J. D. Egan, the well book and 'news Mmler, ea swumss a large Collection of law and melt I. oat hOokn.Maelleal wort, Wong of. and Sabbath School books an tall. prem. CoL Egan'e establidinient hale 1001 eon.. trollod the Manta hair for rare atananrd works, and no wham else GA eha sallqua- Man lind snob • valuable stock . of . raltalest. I tans which .have lank Mace mono out of print. Ile Ito also the back numbers of all the etin " rrlnt ball Dane. col. Egan lceepa b eral U. !Often= AI slatiOneilf. toy , stereo- Mows andante/oEl4mph" Ms we, and 101 l linea of article. in 11l uneg r laalness. Ile lathe only practical and meld binder in Me book Ueda, In this ocalnY, and persOns neechnif any work .of that finaorlppmpus entrust 11 *to no baiter banes. We obeer. (Lily commend Col. Sian to the Palm/Olio ear madam, knowing Ito to be • fair deallog and honorable bminess gentleman. See 11.0.111 M smother oolonan. The etare flat No. 41511 n !Ansi ; a few 00004 DOlOO Mitbflidd mrest. ' - Eeteurprese vs. Limeln. The question as to the championship r Western Penneylvaals, between the Enter, Prise and Lincoln hue ball plain. wim brought up yesterday 55150 Unkie Stating Perk, Allegheny city, a. it decided in favor of the Enterprise by s score of ati to V. This was the that of the three games played title sown, each deb baying moored tory on the former oemisfoos.' The mune use witnessed by s goodly number, includ ing may, or the Wirer seg. The ..boyso of both clubs evened to eppreeinte the torpor -leooo the gams. $.6 dia. their level Pest to place se many scores to Leath spent as pceelble °Checker' , Pra tt was on hand, of course..erlib. the two ..ricierers,“ Lewin and "Jack' , Earle. The feature of the =amigo, however, was three splendid eery scrapenr takeirin 11aCtell81011 at the oentre of the Yield os litirts,of the Lincoln. Tho Umpire was Mr. B. ht. lee. of Elttari. nine. who, after the close of the game, re ceived the hearty cheers of 11001 C 1402 for the honest an/ Impartial =inner id which be did WA ditty. • Committed tor Mehl. —An Individual wham personal appearance world Inchoate him to be anything bat a. dishonort man, was hicarooreted to tee 000nty jolt yester day upon a Judgment far a debt of ten dol lar.. Oen coots Interest, throe dollar. and alzty emits masts, and seventy cents for an execution. Tne writ was returned "poem. hartY,” and the eountyof emote boa to bear the el&,mt of th e poor fellow's keeping In , Oilier Prelate bias for sweat alloitoa to the payment of Caner malt.. We under- Stand that steps aani taami taken try th., prisoner to bring the ease bolero ppe of our npriri IS writ 01 heawris KIVU) . throyoll; his CotialCOT. O. Moreland. En. Should be Zeiler/sea.— The ordleatine ypionating dealers from aaThesier the comen,4ltles lit life la theotheen.y Mar ket Bow., Online metket hon.. appears to be a were nalltr. Tee violation of the Isar Itt nit fro and has become Ito amnion es to be looked noon so ;patter of course , slid the market oottstabto otctoOt pawn; MI to know a* mato sown the =altar. f nee exereteeeloie the day ration, ~bo.r.nao anon the $.011120110.0314.11, remedy aeadil nftaea end the - weolo eeinniatltY• ire Antm2.l! Mot the provttlons of tea Bre /toper tiellyentOreral. • • • The Ileenad Ward ban been thoroughly CUM&llled by the Coninditaen of Ste Repub. lama °lab, and leo gratifying annonnoe, meat In tualu that the majority &alba forth. ammo( olsotlOEl will IMINIed tßal awarded Lincoln in Inet, and Cleary Wined. to iratei Lithe cay has been so thoronatily Organ. rtti:, " 47 l g 6 a o ttl he credi maa lit h ir L'hp°4ll! can club *Alla. 465-riot. The dab nand a ....Ina loot night. in' . bl, b Ibb *66010 PutliYinit Mart WM wade by abikaD74 ,- .^ Wf tunninitteen lkblt Prectere4.—lesst night &beat ten wite theron m ght to watch house who had fallen b fro tee All along Liberty Street, above the Union Depot, and sustained • fracture of the skull. He was pmfrial up by the night watchman onthat • beat, who soden Mai he thought he rating nixed the Injured man an areal miner at East Liberty, named Samuel Peden. Ho is about forty ye., of sae. Dr. lterdwili was summoned to dress his injuries. la-doat.really.—aneks asyi the late Industrial ESposltlea. • Roma; FOR BALE, AT' nom: mini IA - s'ery , riser eruzzi. cur Kod.:addi..:d Mt WOOL' do , T tut MU. Kam So UM weimottvo. adOST, 'rant rood OM.; MLR& WIG 11LALjdx. Boned lhooltkt W l mow . RoljEkA4 11CLL & .. _ . . .. In( tor Cottos NW& Pittgiburrm, . .. . . .. ....i...v....ria.v T. xi,iium a Lien, ;_-. Annuli AND 14 F9 3 0414 ' - 4.11,XT1A04 4 a'' Vanua.. Gold, Silver, And Coupons,; fiestabt and groi an IDeral tams. Drafts sold es sll tbs pr.palpaidttas of Enrol,. •" • TO HOLDERS O'4 o _ 7-8011, kissrlan trade Speotst srrartnenutsda MILIt 1170.3 r 4 0coc3mfor sib ach, Jar correspondents, we Sr. prenarest to Mtn te 4.lrs tete 5-Idos et ISM. Noagr Otit Maud tcr 'Wirer". IRA B. McVAT & CU: Et2:37013.315.:e.rat. - 'JOSUE F01713?./1 AND (8111THITELD Wl* 'JOSS CONVERSION OF 7-30'S. .w..> ■at pmezred to Oonvert U,. SECOND AND THIRD SERIES. 7 ' 4 " ,-INTO Ter New 1867'5-20 Gold foupon 80nd.% JAMBS T. BRADY & GO., Jkilers in Comment lain its, Corner Fourth 2‘. Wood Resets. FINANCE! AND MADE! 011p101 OP TIM Prreesekon Gassers, i Pruner, September 21,•11387. I cks ratusin =whin* at oalit 101)(...2tie under tone of the market 12 remarkably "mi. despite lb. henry sales of the 'Primmest Thera, 1 . ilk:U. l r to buy, but the oversnid e0n ,.... &Sion Of the 'Market may same . asel meta from the slightem Cause or pretext. Tb elm Men in Tennessee tamerrow. aa - weir s the Taanskiesnia eleetton , on neat Tunedali k, will tenets. a great Induenee en the pc lost OP gold. Government seen title s are to r to day. and the market Is well invoked with bowls from amen holden, who live t tell their earnings, and even among larger holders •dmposition te evinced 101011, and bur bask at P.M autos. .. The .twatial 1e tetelnitaa and the high rate of interest 0111 forte more bonds on the market phatll44l be abtoth.l, and, soa m,ineetly. lower . quotatioie will prevail. Stake are loth) ae/ to groat and sadden doe. tuellorm Loy attempt to sell a largo lot at ad• vaased prime will fore* dowa lb. =whet, and each decline is followed by • madden &dye.. cum.] by the large abort lowest °almond log. Mang abuse are lower but firm at the dealna ' ' Manor on drat class bantam paper, taste names, somata" 12 par COAL per ennui, and from a to LP per not. la arilltaly paid for iooade and mortgages. Asa notes haring over three month. to ten ate almost asalsabla • lEMMiiiM22 Gold, itgbi, leaf. 1 10 X,0 - 400.10‘2, Hag; ISII4, 105%; Goo.° 101 Ni 104 0 s, Ong; 740, itgg. Cleve!sod & Pittsburgh R...... g . 19 .4, liesehanto tbstou 00.. Western Oslo. Telegraph Erin IL. . -. ITtiiett Tort Wayne • Mien* lt. 8 10 is; Northwestern Rahn:ma- 50mm0n....••• 4,3 % Northwestern—preferred.._._.........::--...„..:: Oho and allesimelppl Cesta New l:00iral i — teates --es* Mahican Southern - BS ' ill, Cot7io. & ....... .........-- Caen; ktill 1 eo I.l.oMullen ---, .1.3,51, —Uloane New Tote quezettorweeeeteeet &Y lan. T. Brady & Co. t ' - O. S.Faxes, "SUB, lasil tea.. HEM " 1613. 100 X 107% " 104 P Orrisim MS, 1017140 a lrB4 Deo. ttomprumdie, i Gold Diver 14.4 e 137% —The Chicago 21ibune, of Thuteday, porta money matters In Wt city, as fellows: There were no nese features developed te• day la the tone or condition of the money mar ket, eave that the .remittanees of currency to the Interior were pn• ttttt mete than on yesterdey. Several ehifnuents Vete made to Milwaukee, where there eras quite • scarcity. The quest*oo of moving the mope to the sea board on Um. bills le curetted conalderable talk to produce drake and bank parlors, and in the latter it Is tioanhaeutty admitted that the bangs cannot do it—have net the Imam to do no: It is estimated that folly ono, edition dollar" per day are tequired to haadreldie re ceipts et grain at thia port - add Milwaukee, end, were th e beaks to lammutatelle policy of movies the awe os tweat7 day paper, they bould he "snooped out" of their lustre capital efore lb. :natalityof their that batch of bills. Liar hanker s nod it keeps them busy to more the grain from the pies* of growth to ittle city, and furnish shipper. the means for matted up ravages. When Oen aro made up and cleared, the east mum pay for theta Caere Sr. still az enormous quantity of preduee come forward heron Use mem of navimiti., msd le moving It to Dna city the bank* win ha , . ample ete plop:omit fw Dude surplus Nodes without dot. acuarted twenty hr thirty day paper for eastern grata dealers. There le no relelatloete In• mentrity of paw presented for, dimount, and etacdlan, lot,, oft only Meted to despeattore is good —The New York Warl4. of Tpursday, my.: - 10 regard to the gold markst,thoso who ate long to gold and short of bood. oral do well eoneldir lb. motility with whleh novo*. about:dog tha 4 per sent. toads of nes to plsee of them of 101.1. - TA. natural Marti of Me thanes to the European market for our bends till he • emedl 441li0• to tb• prtee of ileri• twenty bane of Igalotint eilyanot la those of 1£43. piodualsg • gtadolli oppreattostlos M oose sad orotteele soroging to ono WOOO lb. Eon/peso cabie 'morass repOtt only the Oa Cl.OlO the hoods of le* tams hot to one s throe Of isbliar show.* sidnintra limy partite m tarot* am "Wag thi bonds DOOM, sho . ois?lst In thine plata th ose of M..: As. sent yips gate Mat the d•atsort fee-boned ofload it bete •• If Europe an lt hat do broagee. PLITSBeIIIGII iIErAL A‘D BLOOD MIAILICZT-ARIEZILLT ItrIMLIC . (Irma or s 4 Pressuumur edam.; f • Faros,. Septesabsr sr, 11{7 1 7 0 . 111 15 l Imam. femPsred presents bat little that is mew. Tke demand for good stasdard lams boas. le WY uP, deed, Is somewhat la eaten of Ills supply, cad, 'as risouseprose,yalees are Atm. ma, for thil partlsolsr wads, {smithy upward.. Vans Is quite a brisk demsaS fot dsldrilds. Ontads of fomdry trots, cod, ss a &enema Wagon,/ soomalmdea mast supply gm weals of the bads. The mills, as • `coastal lklua, eta wady all imolai, but salll ems goatlaus to .mm 1411161 lowl times; thsraisreas la D. laly s modersts dmusad for smaufactured Iron mod risal}o, asd. atria; {0 a sharp sompals Mon from other ' points, 'prises I.ry .t duoul glows 50 what lismasesali.sallud s vallou puha. We bass tho Yolloirlay sales Lig tou 210.2 Cormr4ll gm CO.:. 0240 40 ."- k4O. 14210142..... 411116-4 mos 12 . 4 o, 2 Faisal 4 -.. '44 10414a04 so ~ Su. 2 F . ' 44 04. cash .20 •• Low Gra.i. "' :%on ' dm 44 00, 4442 40 ••• Wm* and X0tt1ed...;.::"... /12 times ninth"' airo•usnva CIOAV /111141161 MON 141ra 80-71.11.1. a 71.11.1.a 070. 160 loos 1110.110 n Grey fOrgo-...014 00-6os. 11l • .---. ID 60 60 u Op= Gm Forge' 42 60 103 x -00.006..) . 00 SUO lto7-40.. . ,br . 071-. 02 5. 200 0 (10ottoon Oney YOtill 40 00-41 loos 00 P rouodry-.- 531.stors' • cativo 000 35 03-1 not 60 Foundry- mixture 1/114 - native 010 41 00 00 Msboolor Volley No. I 1000407 41 50 • =E3 33 tons Oluireasl MW Iron' - ------ 122,2-o.n 500 " No. 2 ear', ... 00 00-4 moe 00 " No. 1 Foundry , '" 03CMG' 120 Nal Foundry.... 01 oto6 20 0 /To. Forgo - 00 mem =I So tees Ne.l.lsolsts ' ' SIX 00—Sakos 15 . No.l Jtmtats:-. ice se 0 . iti " Nal Jaelst* P 6 cp— sash XI ... Perst.Stsst ants - p. 2., • I=3 C111:132 1.1. etrroningenrisirsoLzummualial • , One= °Polo Prrresmaux Cta Fwarew, gppjamber al, m Me. erya, CRUDE.—Tho market Is aolet best it. at formes quotatiois. We Gan report sakes "pi • &HD Dbls or, split at Lthil 400 bbis to be delivered ...Ara water at iFi and tho bbl ..Smith's Per ry," Oa spot dt 1614. We SontlollB to .4111Oto of le to 103 for .opot 0110 11 to DIM fni- el/ OAT, sellers option. sod la toll% frasetetedtiven, buyer , ' option land IS to 1234 to be delivered en the resomptioa of naidlinUdd. REFINEJ)...4be market for banded oil was stronger and more settee tails, rooler the &l acunae of the Insprorsel as:deter of the *delete from Porrope, end prim ruled a shine higher. We gammon. Wee of 1000 bbl kir Sept•Mber 1211;1000 for November, btilmi 03410 . 1 M 'A; 10101. be oslirered between the Ist sod Itch of Oar.; seller., option, at le, NA Igoe, kg o . each 001 October, hforembei and DeeeMber, at 1134. Late in the day, the dispsehe• from the seat were Wefavorable, and it would Doi M surprising if buyers ...keel for conetitione to. • Ory,LIM? IT 41, w, n. - , -Pose bbis teased to Wel , Liberty 1311 Co, cop dO do to Bawer, Brute ntledelphl& • • . 1,0.4 art &Freer. On do do. Pblladelphla. • I WM: - Be.' 00., MOO do do to •D. L.' Arnie; Philadelphia: • , Ju..Benny,Jr., SO do do to P, 4,. Dilworth & C.". 4 Phliadelphl& Forey= w iro. k Oa. pa do. 4010 Peek, Jiro. IL raeyer 1141 do do , te Waring Sing k Co., Philadelphia' No, sur,oo.,p&l.dik do to .W. ft, Watde ' n. P tili a wr d lth H u ta. ' hlddo -do A. Dilworth um. Pratalieurds.: •-• :. • . bfoninbelmer, gadder & ler do do to Wane& Stag & Co., Philadelpht& .• • • - Cloc k[. a Samoan 105 do. do -- to P. Wright a orr; own.= zioo osecoi imams DROT. Ebriehinson 011 - nh ewe telteed .to. L. H. Lbff itedile aliath i t a j o iam t h , s & 0 /dlelphia. ' P. Welmenve h ,Itil do do 10 -whext. Mel Delon Icor. uo.,s .oa do Opp , Warta& JCb 4 a 00., rtaimmpat.. • • • • AL.D.- suu , In do 1e "ix:la.. - awn,jtql a 00. ill di do to W. Warder, nuadelpwa. • PITTBI3I:IW4I,, DAILt.:.fiIIAZETTis SATURDAY; SEPTEMBER 28. 1867 JAMISIALZELL*SON • .11911444 a •• LARD OIL IdAIIIIFACTIIREIIS, and Eaatere to L LNII sad (LIMON OLLB. • Mac We tram= oar No. 1 Lard Olt *al to tbe agt w aal . kar . = u toa d n tuarat ar N, 1 Lard Irobstemaroadatalr. azetll.l. afpj:gra t =tl l VO:2l2l2 ' , "'d b "! Meretaarlts aar'saaat rarraarera 1•111 . 0:11 It a. Plan= to `lre '0 0 "*40. letrruf • ...ernmantißet..aiutatinp. r . : , • Devon or tma Perroznion GenreYit, . Fintex, September it, lett S The general markets present no new charm- Ae!Sletownwsethg of Veda .40t/ea. There .107 tote leasemeitemeletiesulle temerilleding. as a'Anetit thing, aid Mout and aunts other oomodittes are likely to go lower—within the pest few days Flour has declined clime on to one deldar pet Carrel rn ,Clnesio, ; ' GRAlN—Wheat is quiet but nem, and the arrivals ere light; we continue to quote it r.,2a foiled. and Wafer Whits. • Corn le In limited supply and Arra hut unohanged;salea reported at 41.9401.211. Oat/ Continue Arm and tending %eard; ale of 1 ear at fbel 1 do do at 684 and innedl area to inte r at OWN. Bar ley Is Ail] quoted . at $1,2601,50. Sale of 48R bush Bye at gt,SO, which is now regarded as the ruling price. • • _ FLOUR—Is dell and a lbtla weak, owing to the material decline in Chicago, but, aa yet, prices , are not quotably town. We ,nantintie to quote 1 . 1 g10Q10,60 for gyring Wheat: eller, 11450 for Winter Wheat, and 112014 lor fancy . bramb 14e Flout b to Alton, at • PROVISIONS—Rayon la quiet .ad steady at; former quotations—it. for Shoulder.; 17.2110 for Ribbed glad' Clear Slits; 2110 for Plato Su. tar Cored Him., sod 23e for Cauvused ditto. Lord sod Men Punk auchartged. .„ 9ECD6=-dtoTu' Seed". doe. 'net rem to be Wanted at ;rest. Timothy Seod 1. to a retail way at s2—round lot. aria not cone. mud above Ve11e2.63. /Jammed Is to otdody a salad at sun- • • • IItITTER—PrIme to chola° Hotter ia to good dataiud, aad we tow quota St walso. Com. taaa beaked /kite. la la good land* Sod very dull. - EGOS—Quiet and unchanged at itgiht, with •Opply fully-up to:the demand. . . .... .. . Cl.llll..SE—Ia dna and la steady demand, and •esti report's/War . . Jobbing. salsa at latlita or Western Reserve and Hamburg, andlteas r Fectoreand Gratimi. APPLES—Ain ...lint In a little more freely, but, m Yet, prices aro maintained, ranging Isom . .la par bbl. somordima to mistily., " ' PEACIIIM—ins not aniline `to Ileely, mid the market Is • shade Arm., but Dries. sr. us.' nhanod 7ranting tram St to 11l - per box; Air common to chide.' • , OlL.—Lard 0111 s Sun but . unchanged at No , for No. 2, and 21,10 for No. I. Stew Tor* Produce Market. (By Telegraph to the Pltt elm rah llasette.3 • New Tone SeptaMbar 27.—Cotton is le dower; sales Of kW bales at 21.0 for middllar uplands. • Flour' reoelpts 13.Z0 bane/at the market Is witbout decoded Mousse, with rattler more defog:Sake of S.= barrels, at 117.7 2 e7.70 for auperilne, Atate and weetent; n 0,02011.10 fore:nit western; for it n. 0., and 110016 for Oa gen t s. Caller ale dour o elan; reoelpltlalberrele and sacks; stales Of 300 barrels, at gllOll,OO. Rye door e0,00e8,T5. Whisky steady, ink/Alec west ern, at edge bonded. Wheat; recision ISMS bush; the marset 15 111121, better, but ewer, with a lightenvoly offoring; *ales 017.000 bush, ataklagn 27 for amber State, and 6210 for white Cantered. Ilya Matt ales a 7,007 beak of western at 41,4501 m. - Barley beery toad larn lower; sales of HAM bask .700.1 Chleagoai sl,t7. Snit (3orat calms 2,820 fi rmer market opened 1420 lower Mat elosed: galas of 15SJIM bush. at *Liao 1,11014 for roared western; e1,130111.'.0 !Menace/ad...a 01,3301,11 forNo.7lllmon. Oats le better; Wm Of 66,00 bush, at 73e tor OM. nod Chicago; able 40,01.0 _bush. aL none the And hall and .7M for too last half, for' Octanes. -Ink,: pules: Coffee amt. Sugar satire .4 dery ; ades of 1.0.0 bb d. of Cuba at 11%.1:12110. Nolamea dal!. Flops unerangod. - Pettoieum dull and lower, al 1040120 for crude sad 7.}.541.11s for reined In (wad. Pork opened steady and closed ban/ t man of 3,720 barren at 6113,27e24.10 for mesa cueing at. 5-1,111 cub. us ano,ne 21,00 for Talmo. Deaf teddy; Wes of Ito bbl.; market uncbanged. Beef llama Cut Keats st e ady. sane of 010 pito at 120130 for shoulders.,and naiad -for hams. Itassm quiet; sales of boxes of Stratford at /Age. Lard draw; sales of Lid bevels, at L.N.0101,e, Latter-ea extrema. - But ter meal/oat 13077 c for Ohio. Cheese quiet and unchanged.. fratglas to . , Liverpool more swine; mungements for MOM bush , wheatandeorr,:atin.:4 wattmeter.. Larger—Flour eland line arol. moderate. 17 Wire for 101 , psalm. and quiet and steady for high Itraelea Wheat gullet and dm with a very Ilea supply. Ins stasAY, aL 11,4361.0 for velment. Oats quiet. at 7141/ Lao Mr Chicago. One Arm and . fairly as. at .1.2001,31 for good prime mixed westent: 'Pork dull; mess S)M/74 rash, clang nominal at =0754 cash, and a/3.W regular. Beef tams buyer., with • mod erate Inquiry. tot meats nominal. lemon . qtaletand steads . . Lard firm. at..11/4011N'se for tale to prime steam; 114014 S 7c tortoni., rendered. = =o=t== 8en4.127.-Tobseeo.atoadv and unchanged. CottOn nothing dean°, Ilene° very dun, as S.IXB for unarmed for .tra dressed. Flour-reernl°lll 6,1711611144 market. Oros with •nerederate bnelneese XI 61,11110,56; XXX 616.5.411121 fanny vs,boala.Wheat reendfda 1.5, be° berme stands of for loyar rates end sellers refused to concede. and but little was done; whit. fall 11,311111.1.1; rnt g 1 .0 . -,theboloo•prtn°ll,lls. Cone -reselpta 4444 intake:market vary heavy and prin. 6 . 1 ^/ 6 r. 111 11/. 06 011.114 for and yellow . ; 1/4111011.15 for whlte., Gate-receipt. 7,1161 &sena; marine. °pearled dull and lower, et WO SO° but 010.4 higher at °leen:. Barley receipts 641 patio° tuarkettrus fox elm. at 61.00. hire-rrealina .1."45 .sake; market /leavy end dentinal 10g 1 , 1 501.6154. rem. - loze dull. nominally low, 11.1 but little doing. Mewl pork 1r54,75 11.400n-olear sloe. I6V.cy ebouldera 1401114 c; angar eared Lams Lard-eneall sales enokee tiaras/4110a: mend lonef.ll.lllo annexed at Ito. Whisk), an Wee. Weetber what and warm.- =l==! (nr "atareabb to lanelttsbstrge, timentsbl Citiciarnart SeUteinbei Tr.—flour. In mi. , obthned theist lair tiamanolr extra at '12,75 o.x; faulty at g1e,n011,25; no superfine of good myth is °Sam. , *heat Is quiet and unchanged; Malted at 112.5101.5 b, Id IKLM. Con doll and noe saleable at the close above el. flats dal) and prime droop ing. elosinn with ow no bayou al bettor than adultand orlon. l for Rye st er eady and no at 11,30. mm (bal; too taidls du dllng can be bought at 180111o."inal, 'Whi sk*aley -a nnul/trend nom ocessitily a Is mode st fm tit bemet, but the on groat hulk of basins. is done in that out of bond at M. Qua prince. grovislone art nominal/7 un. Mthisited, noldont riot battle wi)nag w ant cern the rates offered sad therabre nothing was done. Lard Is poly omen firmly and In demand st WO, Mat. the 'test brands aro bold Weber. natter Arm at 1M3:4. Übrese 10.16)44. glanseed at eg,,M Linseed 01l at, plop. retakes firm and In citiniand at, 12.A. 2 .5 it OW. 'Quid /43%11143X . baying. (ZIT Tefigrard, so Um o r 07 tiont3,2 • 4..issoaoo, floPtanabor 17 . —Tbro Weather la Near ate:10001. Flour opened du/1 but SOO Armor sesta. of opringa *stem at MOO eb 4:110.0214; Innat toga. &attires. god 1,14d20 :court modes of No. 1 at 11.1001 Id; No 2, glantigglA:i Wooing at 01,07 for No 1, $I 1 ' fo " .. ofosne4 doll and 14421340 Ineodr, buf ariboeutsently ?Asled; /Awing atone? at 11,,04 for No. 2 frOttt 'nor.. g. Is 4f0140 low e r, *toning at 11)(01go r bu. urn !adult and to lowers glad% for No. L. Barley la NMI actrre, and lego !woofs dos log at 111,00 per Ws. Prootstoos are awl and unchanged. lbscolptas 13,000 bbl'. Flown 117,090 bu. Wheat; IN,OCO bu. Corn, 141,000 ho. 9 1 t 0 4 hasOytento; POO bbl'. Floor; 050,000 bo, beat, 11/140 1 Wbfr 001.4 1 0 041111. Pat. Fre i g h t . .re nOtlee and Arm At 04417.1 per bu.- tor Wiloatl go foe raJrpiaaa b 100 0.0.4 to Botalo;12o par LIM for note: 1714 120 for Corn to (Alonso. CMI= • Tsirerson to the Pattsboria Own.. • Cteratenn.•Sept.• 27.—Platt market firm and Um demand good; held at 1110.50011.10 lorDerattle Extra Sad Winter; 211.15001203 for - Double lastra Amber 1 . 0240015 M for Double Extra White g country brands Irreg. ;dlr. Wheehr-heaelpte sew Debt, and the .srEel i ,)L insettoe \ No. I Bed Winter held at 1124001,43 ;IMO (3.2e1:1 1,33. Corn in /sir demand. bptlgt! Or, Doing held at 111,15 for - No. 1.• nazoa, and 111,10 for No. 5 auto. OW doll and insoUve, Cto sated, awl MID altered lbr No. 1 State from store. Ryo quiet and• steady, at 41,2501.12 for No. 1. Darla, erre, at SI zio2lU,Se for 740,1' State, and 21.7301,10 for No.l Canada 4 N 0.2 State - e r. tr . ol , e , a; a lsrupur a 4 d arm` 0e 0305. , 140A 4 0 o+o2lo l Prime Light Ws. t 9 White, gates. . . CDT Tilegrsph to th. ilet.bO,th TOnann apt. 270-flout s -Oos 1at5.,4,010 t b n i sl=l tfte l i r tn mber++nurtnq armor' ....White Illzblima 8210, Amber nialros. 22.825 i g nia./fVVd td gl qt . 1.r172, o..u.f,tAigi. Coro 0.11 , 1"21.7t0bt0b-411311-ano anon No. I Wannsh bald at 21,11; baler Of No. 2 Wabash at 81,07,4211.0Attolihran SLOG. eato-recolpts 2,8U0 [math-without errata Change; MINI. gigilittl ‘4 4 3 l7g: I. nY L e at'iturz o. „!: °bulged' 7n oh COrn.and fo on Wes t to °imago; a% on Corn and 203 OR Wheat by steam to Buffalo. E=tl CBs Telegraph to Om rttuloongootsio4 • • Is[minstrels, Itesitalubsr 27.—Plour moo. active; city doubleuxUalr.oooloPo count d0.50,7509,20;axtra42,2305.72. what nom at .1.017 for No.l sod 61.89 toe No. 2. Oats dull at 502 for No. tOOO mu 202,220.2. Corn manual atlll,oa for Zio. 1. and 111,0234 for N 0.% TralatSta ssesdal to Hanoi° 70,. and to Oswego 120. _llessupts-3,b00, harms of 00001 152,000 NICOL, of Wheat; SAM bushel. of 000,Q p.artalf of of g i alllPX l, l 4 42- 4 !" " 7 D""4 , Now York DIY Wears VTRe*, My Voltam* to tes rltlrtdrillidamtui.) Aar. Yon:, Bept.l7.—Dry :Gaols market without much. chums, .and the demand modersta,olth some alight throUng la tub nee of nicht. unbleached abetting* and 1 Mid far best 4=11,4 b"i;°Tnaaln:l4l:l4l:tratlttt rock and aM :rellhOrrOokr. makes. Standard Sheeting* *toady, at ne /750 for beat Wanda, and 16 for leMadis abo choice yard goods. , •LoaletlUe iguriet. [By Tilegraph to the Pittsburgh U azetta.l LoularlLLL' September yl—Salee tobaaoo at 55.75018.26 light /age te lamtet., last Savanna Seer 0/1/3; / Wheat, 1124012/43 0r0,11,181 enr. 018. 1" 11 1 Za/Z-Irtietiliars= elarrfrgt . elf/aC; aleaTildre. Paa_kati• UM, /PAO far tie/roes: ' yr . /Witarta.Pg.a/t nano. CYlow" , htlt. awing tßt Teareptre the ritemarrS Oesette.l Cariemio.Septieedber 47.—Bear Cattle Mutt ‘12.12%11494 for- tale so goo 4 steam noes are acute for brat enacts% 14,20%r0 far goo 4 sxtra ehebre. Stecolp44 2, Hog& I• tly lgair s ket. Telermair to the latuterelresearta4 , Bas oat, September 17-Hour vas changed. , Corn steady, Oateretaa47. PM .T24,91101,1r416414,5metu2ge4. . Finiutelal Maiters li,fiew York Oil* pasta ins 141% M . My Telegraph to the rittsbersti Wesette.j New Tose. Beet 17 .1357. DODDS -AMID GOLD. The nsone7 'Mirk& ls steady ►t so; Por cent. for call low. Sterling dull et 1093; gold for first class, bills. Uold Is Tritium 1 1 13 K advancing td 143 1 , 401nd closing ►t IMF, ••• oovemorsers. Government stocks ere vittmat materna alteration.: Conp_otis of IVl,lleVdo o , 115 Y,; dobrV4,la do or IS, 101 , X; do nelv, in,i;, lo4 ne,lKNl h • • STOCKS. Stooks 'opened Peary' and lower, Da l lob. sequently Unproved, and closed streak and ttlugiegu.x..!..gag=,.kiAtage .....,, Tig e tilgi ,w cvta utdo. Tele. 1 dleri% P:rlr 4:9 . 43Ng ; Me/T0krd,..... 1011101 Kniio etTWOCOWS. 7>e!~s• ' W 42%; et., anl, 43; do preferred, 43; MI au,,,1 Centrala 1036110: Went". B . 7 .ther4. 940 81%1 Illjnole Can trai, 1 2101 12 4 Pittabuan, sp.; Teltdo, 12f9i1preY•4 Rock Wand, 1111• W'elltsll7:4lf4Al:o,6%l4'.'”. fSSj =l= Walls .t Fargo, 8.V157f Agl.ri9ap, 530 m; Adams. 63156)4; Unlte4 nat.; '00'; Mer chants talon 21025. lathing' shares over end Ileavv, corid on liM;New York el,uoz.Bookland Copper Co, Tern; Gregory 473300.10;$1doredoWW; /talky iilonateln WM; Weaver lIEN . Edee 545; Sentenderfer 3010; Brelth d Permleo 93 ; Quarts 10th 10.51 Coln:able leen. • ... . • • ' Amount 'to 114,0057Pn pLy.stio.t. .o. 7s . l itini Asian,. .140. u ~ 1115,93 .., The mtomy race phi ware stiiii , X o 'I The 'shipment of Currency for fotir thus this week were i55,547,01:0; all from the west except halts minion: yesterclaii. Tba ESpr OS says: Pnyata telegrams from Livarpoin .report a flintier delue In cotton, some may to yam. There are fears o f further failings SS mesy w y pm,. ties still carry cotthat costs IPS ster num Indications p ou t to • further decline here.- owing to theverpool advice* and lavorabio woather harvestlug crone. =l==l ;By Toagrapb to tea lrittsOurah Ossette.3 lleilito, Sept. 2/.-}iour dull land 12136 chant ed..• Wheat better; ale; o f I,CO) ha No. ILMJlwaturee at rtl ]t 000 he , o. 2 Chi. jtilY • tciT ' kl 9 l l 4Tik7:. ` 44.Ti o a° At';t. •re. ,- Nye no at $1.119. Oats 11l ood de mand; sales of 19,1X0 he western, arrive. wtsclea!,(4. wad WACO be western a OW on the oren. Ilarler -ante e of e,UXI. b N 0... we at $O.OO. Other Juliette cinlet mad unchanged. Itecetpta-wheat 3 Mu be; neon 33. Ca) be; oats 01,00; barley. MAC be: floor MOW DUI.' etdpmenta-arbeat Kate he; corn Sr% eat. 03N)hems-.►heat hut rye 30,P4 be; bar ler a. km Memphis iartet.. 1117741eirion to tee 111;45 . 10/10144111 1 'll , ll4trtiy,l3einotatdr 27. , —Cottori 11 activa hot drooplmrtmld , llloolloo4 Rooolnte to-Clay 138 bales. Exporta; 104 balm; Iteeelpte for the. wash. • bal e sal.; Expert/10 580 hale': Stock; 1,013 Corn Le Ewa, at 41.11414 4110 PCI . 80. Hey 10 farm and scarce at 420,004203.4:0 yer ton, Oats 14,1011 atll/0 per 40. ?pelt 127,00627,25. flame, .0013104ra 1504.0100 per lb. clear elCm, 11;40200 per lb. Lard 14,1400 banged. Weir Orleans Market. fill 7elqgrip4l to the l'lttal?ti rah Gunge.) • 'N an Oataaes; Sept.:lC-Cott. 340 unreel sales MO' bales low In lddi lug at lba - - Iteoel eta att bale*. hour firm; superfine 410.10 H; double extra ell: Corn—white 51.14 (hda stk.: lock quust and brut at 117.• Dimon— en:alders lactate. Woes loot susar cured bom•t4 Ito. Lem—prime tlorces Gobi 4N. aterlies nounal,at &sem. New York exchange SOS': Prenaletb• =l=ll fEr Tslesay► la the entabsrsn estects.) Osstsbo. Sept. 27.-41ocir lesti Rea.; sale of 1.220.404 st 410,62 for No.lt3folog. Wriest .12.1 Asa daily sales of 1.002 bus :to. 2 Chum tatuableatt. " a Loo one lei lower; sails of Ml* bus Gauls at .1,40; caging gain— lajte Imports-1;M bashela whest,ll.2,ooo barley, Usual exports-50 bbls lOW bus stbust, /4,403 bus bulay. .rtlia4e/phla ilarkeS ;pry . ..pi:o to tke rltablirn 1:1“.1.4.7 PIIIII.I,OMRIA % Sept. V.—rotrolexuat Imo Relined 3.14 - flour dot!. Wheat In fm -1.1,4154 doom:WI i CalifOrola Whlto, tom Omer; sales Of IIXO Saab uniod west ors at $1,40. • uoto slowly; Wes of 3,o3obush at 754.1. r?'9%4 IoWITLI4IIII wen PVlTsiitratair .1W1240,111, Stptembet 27—tdd blooms Iran, Anderson, Cook ♦ Cog 26 Ow bitters, J Hincilerson 6 Brim IDM collect, 3. dtbaab; to bbls tobacco, Spenser • CO; I CU Won Ido otons. Jona I. 1. Kocii 0 do lowa, J I /leaden 1 ear. paper, Is ends rope, Oodiery Clam; • bbl. ma/asses, JO. Conner; I car brisk, lea d e H rv aotott Cwk - 10 Chi e n e o m w py oail d b f a 6 1 13 Ilankla; 13 do do, 11 711441 e; 12 do do, Rodeos, perry -.0 110113 aka oats, T U Jenkins; Lb do co, alatlests /look 106 do. that's, 10 do bed. etude, Xi.n. Llepper a Cosa dos Wain, 7do rockers„Lanion ta N.D.; 103 Dbl. (11, .1 P . Blase; 100 do do, US 31 ell watnei 110 do do, W Xellatatlooni 41 do maples, 1 do eggs,' do Zak. seed, Uraff • Cook; 112/ do woks, $ do habitats, SteM do do, It do apples, LI X Jenklbe; Xi do 40,5 do ewe, Fetzer ettorz; do do. Head a Idetagst; sdo apple., ant oratbboatda, W H Kitkpatrick It Co; 61 all ogle, /Unarm & Jeiartd kw pearl Dark), H Peet; 2424.1 grapes, 2 sto butter, 1 ,lo lard, L U Valgt • I'ol 10 bbl. spine. 13 Wa *or., IS du barley, 03 do rya, W Jilseki 211 masks cattle tolls, El do fanners scrape, F 11 1 C Feld; 2l do oat., J W ramie yr 31 do barley, V. 4q.1 oats, 440 rye, aleactor Ilsrper; • skr ,potatoet, a Kea Jr; pct ewrins, Carter A kellyi to dos waabbowdo, 12 Ilenty; 6do . 40, WM: s. ales 1 bb1.1131.6. 7 do •PPles.J Unsboat D a da do, Units .7111cnelL PrWssanon, Ovum.. a Cutot ‘ Www r. September - 01.-l eat corn. J. Mock; 3 do. do 14.411:4.411 &Brow., I ear 34111.: t Brim. 1 ear do 0 4 11. llorgrst, I doo d, Andwr • 1 lissu;44; lido. do., J. 80b.,; 10 bblo. id. It; 12 Olin. liquor. H. 44 1 .3.cgre0t a bale...ton. 2:401e tJuttu. /11111 a 34.0. torn *ad 33 do. oats SW:twin a Bros.; 40 do barley, J. GU:Lill/lett; .7 do, d W. J. 314.1.,• I obis and., S. C. 444 .1 1 .. 4 1 IS otaal, sod. do. ossloy, Slltchcorx., Mc:lmq • Cot 111 •1.4 1 . 41 243 42 dorata, 8 do uw., M.. or Hans, 11 uit I.ls, J trtorioed.3 dour,w MayN i nli 2 wt. rie. - no bola Dan W. 114.0 tow milked, 1 4 Salton; 2 Wu barley, Scott 4 111101; Id •144 oats, 3 bbla 0414. Vast t • Do; 3do do, (12.44 • Doak; d. do, 24 rx .Itnuktn; btd. mew, 13 S Ean kilo, 25 do do, I I HOLIA. d 00111 an d0.114....s & Thomas; Si do do. Wm Millar; 05 do . 1,4 : 1101 .3 1 . Mors • Col SS do do, .1 B essaatwa al 4.10 do, 'Hatrattb, McDonald a Co, i 3 do SO 813.040* 27a.kmonsat ll'akkar limarromo September -7 bga 0000y1 do Eaamotl, Peter Sreag, g bbl 2 1143. med. 1 do timothy.. .4 2 bole. mool, /Tram; 174 WI barley Somme mod MeliMy, I ;Mg or ger 1 do beater, L,7 Elbmsliard, 49 Ma oata, Bodporkt 4 logs me. rEltkpatruk Herron; pima tamer Lame Hand Patton; bbl-ene, Sena , lk . trer, 43 beg. rye, Joh. IllorgloMerlit its rag*. Phlpt. Malini; II tan oil. Henderson Boor 71 bye oats, .1 Plnets, do do, Menenn Hoodt 1 bbl eggs. W II KlrkpalrlekTlObla from r, iniaber I to der, DM. llrol at bat Deaths., VolBt MI I fell p)t A 1 111480. t bbl airy 3 bat *glary, paw A 011811 beam and out, A maluo r , r , 4 do do J Sloops; 10 bsa potatoes, l 0 do onto, 2 311 , 4211110 la do Dolma., A et* /12.• lest, task..,ye. do do oats, .T 7 do nm, do wheat, Mott Olaal; 00 Ms mt.. Adams A Austin; DO do do, 17 (1017'.. 6882onsare narems, Stole/cam 11-101 bbls Aour. Mena t, Known, 2 ears 1142. mod, Emor Lligulltoo, 8 pkg. T 0642400,11 Senn. ma; 2 blabe do, II d re Jenktnelo; adodo E. olnems• I do .10, .7 Park, I ear wheat, 3105.. ',on 30 Lbis apples., .1 trbl /lunar, S 811.1aleg 1,1 0 7, r 0 80 .P.S Well; kJ tale mearart Lommenhelog 4 a ble tal/0w..7 /Woo; 1 dot broom.. A killk;bble 1142. Pllmbertt labble en., 2 ha. butter. 11 Lens; 2 do, CI lionly, 2 do do, J desk, a do do,'M Almada 4 ewe wheat. 1 ear Trey.1.113220r0, Stramb t Co, 411 - s9s oats, J U Babb; 11 pkg.. cutter and eggs, L L Hook; bbl. Moyer. .7 U Itanlon; t OM taboo., 11. WJanklaniti l crir shingle., (1c Soy 10. Pttreer/M0 INF/gm W•nrllk.M.ll4.•o 37.31. September 07—Ta bre barley, Spencer 128110110 Y, 100 222 14mb myer • Veskamp, 48 Old ear arbibtle. Jones a Laughlln• 1 ear sure, 31 P Adam A Soot': balmm Barker, Jr • -Co; 12.112 beam. me: Jae do ogbridier 0 dot II /Ilona& llortl To dm./ Dilworth Clot Olean Iton ma, 4 do llnteeront. Stamm ' ll2 3 lol lXl P tAlgref rdo; V L S=ro, " Sem pro lb 129 Ow. /Te,Pettna San Carl ear Mlll Irekne/baok a b341117:100 2018 tour, J 111)00, Prreiivaan AID Clorintitseuxi H. U.. Soptoroturr26-3 nit bbla GMT& &Altar' 27 alca &Ann.. 64la ark Dlek & Goi en ban ga m , lalahanlnn apa , A ,s2 Galt. not a Col 5 kggs malt. Knox & Orr,. 7 pkg. tat low./n61116, Matey Uoi Oblil aWent,J 0 Sostim62 tulla shed frau,. W F Armstrong; 6 soils rope, Fulton, Holtman A Co. • 0111140, OLDS II &'c,O. Pradleal Futuna* Maunfacitron : 1 41iit IT wAymg nt ru 11111 f aorat.il.7 4.1(16 T 0 Gi:i!TtOlitteligail . . TILE LINDE /1810111 ED - ba y i ng eal.br sa esed.“ lb* uala limey fat Ur. - et Um COPI.P.T_ POT OjaAY• itlethlgt7Zrtho47=elhg •p: Moa. Donna &Moe taste' nia Of thla e ' e a bate at. raved at such otoportiOna us. Wiry, matte. It a nettat Attie. u s e dt* than atty Ike =not, wa Parton /loen IlettlaS u e . taen l OU It. ZVI ' : IV la gr; %Intl nititiLtrtaUrPt tot the proportion of tbe Paltlir• o his Olaf to Porno. purobasing. Tno Clay s ',moulded In !neaps rot delivery. DlTurcinun a NON. O:51 Waattn:io'it WASHINWZON IITTLV 3 . ilea Strict, vu HMO Flu Polk. W. W. ANDERSON. CORM *NAL, BYE. MUM .4 rnurro rzzu. Ord.r. iltliv•rva tu Ir. of war, • woe - of .11 Mad. OpP. 4 glad O. aballW, aII atetuot!ce. BRUM! muck TOE CUARTIEItti VALLE! BRICK COMPANY An pnpare4 to tontlib ile.x co my. , I,4„re,v , r , enanittles. - at a lirDuogp anritlimr, sad near Dula a nd Pi' 4.4 T. lan AMY, Jprent. 43. 13,"1"0.11E 1 gemer of Weights and Measures, So. a rourras IflDeriy vo nom ez•tts. ()adore otenetray usdad Is. leleel F.AnTos, - .KILCHANICAL AND iNOINZLIUNU DRAFTSMAN'. UM.I-b•r. Fifth acillarket Its" rrnsistritaa, ElitE ISCUE - EPB . or 21SW vri it. oft wattoss nil gold /ming for itiaurr eirsisr. • , 406. 6. 11(101116 nu.. P 111811131611 ROM WON& FULTOIIIeBOUNIAN k CO., itastqamrethets4 CORDAGE, OAKVSI, h.AD T WIIVEs, u nu 7 ruicy. wemettonso, llf ak 115 Water Bt. Can or send for Circular. RIVER NEWS be work of removing the rock from the flock Island EaPide, to the AlLniscippt !trap has commenced. The powerful chisel.. were Nulled a few daye ago, and at one drop cook four feet Into the solid root no algal weighs over eight tbotmancl pounds, sad atop@ thirty feet. Capt. Donehlsou L et Mound City, looktng after the Crest BeDeblle. • The riyar waa note low in IVO as at fume ant, but In 1810 It was nearly three inches low er than In UM, as recovered on a rock dis covered by Oapt. John Ilaggerty.of Oinctunatt, at the mouth of .Sinking," betweea Eaneville and Louisville.. The Inscription on the rock which was three inches under water, wag ac follower 'Low water mark. October la, 181 e," and singularly wealth, OaPtahr Haggerty &wavered the mark on the lath of October, 1828. The Louisville Courier Is responsible for the foilsmen: _ _ - _ In the Loehr Ohio then are 27 to 29 Inches Water on the bars and the chemical gradually cutting or wearing out. Toe looser the low water .10011 prevais the mere the actual channel eels Into Or deepens, the entente!. current of clear waters having more lone and exerting more power ttpon the bed of the river. Espetience hap proven the feet that a long Cellos of low water has never been fol lowed by extreme high water, and we also state ise a fart that during the remarkably low water year of ISM, the river had actually fallen Ave and Ca feet, ,and at one .point ran feet down the bmka along the lower Ohio In less than am month, while the channel depth of water had not been lammed • single than Tht., of count., wee owing to the gradual treating away of the end.. The nine foot le very apparent now. The channel depth over the bar. has Increased, while the surface or lorel of the river ha. .Amording to the truemarks there ought lo be folly tour feat water In the Meer. We copy the following from the New Albany JAKIVT: The tureen:to p• 117 01 Captain Rebirths, who hare charge of the surrey of the 010011 re, from Mennen to Cairo, reached Jeffersonville • few days age. They have made alsareful surrey of the river along 11l beach and placed permanent poste, with the dia. tame marked thereon, every Ave mile.. This lathe only accurate tuner of Ms Ohio ever Laand the Mantes between Cincinnati and Lantern's Is mosiderably reduced. It has I. ways been called one hundred and filly mile. between the two poets, but this eurrey mike. It only one hundred and thirty-two mite.. From Cincinnati to Madison It le eighty.aix mile,. and from Madleon to Bower/Pe shipyard at Jeffersonville the point the party has reach ed, Is mike, making • diet... of ISO mallet from Utneinnath From th e ehlpyard to the mailboat landing at Loulnillen le fully two mile.. makisothe Menne la milett. The ob. lent of the survey is to legate the bare and ob. unctions to aaaaa Con, with the clew to report the Name at the ant meeting of Congress. , The Si. Louis DenstenrU say.: Although the NU of sale has not been made ant aa gat, we have the following ea a vcitable °marten.: Aegean Diette. of the U.S. Saving. Instil. lion, has bargained and sold to Masan. Dan Able, Bart Able and Bonet, the whole el steam em North Alabama, Silver Wave,Laura M. Burns, Leonora sad Fanny Harke r the sum' of about MAO. Said steamers are entre.. wheeler., and were th e ooly bean remaining unold et the very conelderahle Ant which plyed In the Tentnee river trade, 130d1I/ the umpires tad Ownership of tkii femme hat ith clamed St. Loins and Johnsonville packet fear. pany. We pretense that the new owners ems. template Ann them all up Meaty, and putting a pontoon Melillo the Memplale and Arkansas trade, and With( or chartering the remain. der. ' ~:~1:i:i~►z4:1 AiElunANTs , LIVERY AND SALE STABLE. J. W. INICHOLSOIII. PROPRIETOR. ■OS 141 AND 142 THIIIII MULCT, 10DposIta Ilaabante lintel•) RORRES. CARRIAGES, A., for titre. Ps, geela utter tun Itald 411 pupal's. sad ..le Of Mrses. acsA• TGOY•q a!LrcziELL, NORI: -I,f.rit4 MITCHELL, Liver) -1;4.1e Stables,. 't 413 L 1211212212 eTJI ET, 4..11+t Paannetvanla gallroad Dew.. PITTSBURGH, mantel. attention DAM to farldeldne times* tad Cantatas tot Omuta. Move. tort at liras. • "retort. EMMA AMMONIATED BONE Super-Phosphate of Lime, XAZUIa.I72I3IIIZD EY THE ALLEGHENY FERTILIZER CO., 9EW4.111) dc .CAL lIPUELL nweiurroud. 011Ier, MI Penn St, Pittsburgh, Pa. Sjrirei.irrtr4tritiVir7C, tape ...Lid for ranting tune crepe hit aval, nye, Oat*. Vprn. Vlet. e. V, patahbedl tot gel/MOW. renutlou \pampB:octangle, Itityr•rt.nst ap.6 ',nettle inatinseate at bilk Var. Miser coyly. of villa .111 be MO nee IA any mein os their aadteM. Pittsburgh Importing Rouse. WITABL.UIII2II VW& . SCHMIDT & FRIDAY, ...a. 0. roarditax WINES AND LIQUORS, No. 409 Penn Street, PMARWROXI, Would 4lntl the attoatlao of She polollo to too has that, posoosoloo imparter in, tb toot. inettlito n it . 11747 11: 1 TlLL ' Atinift ' 971:: ettabloot to torof th e • 0n0z0th.1 . 4 . 2V . : W tau tad Lppors 4 lat.. Kkosotootioitotp I.llLionapottioo of visa IMo:toothily aot Whit. A conk* uronment of PUIM Of It MI WHIALIEY toustontio on hood. stloisia JAMES B. TONES, Scrap Iron, Light Iron, CAST AND WIWUUfIT rscovao. Asc. •O , Aod•reop II troll .0 Myer 411yAREto t. Li D• • ipl• ir (Mr. • VIIESII SALMON, ins and J lb. nAbn aN.d, Lobster; t• I sail /lb. one. alt 11: 1 :17,n P rill I . " ..ti lb 4ur O PRITO . :111g o lla t gre! akstieh t aatetherelea, ritrdia7 ullvaitlll 3 ll/or. ettrier.lra /Sauce. Lamm OD aaaf. aaasatslsS. le., for artla self:cereal rates. a 11141111011 4 6 TEA /I ntaatona. ritilunb• I . oren. cash. Maeda dollworod Mo. .19 (1 IL M. N. , • Attorney and Counsellor at Law AND INILIOITOB IB BAZISUPTOT. Umppt•t9o DIA 4 I O /9 .S PIP"' mom% CUOICE BEDDING PLAINTS • r i ta r , a.* a Roses, Vera:alums, Verbenas, 44 In Moons, at the thAlandfite•oliotieth JO/1111 I. •A, XIMDQVH. • Sone tar • 50u1.... mt Mr • ciki rio Di ;41 11. 11. D. 1.1111 SA • • cui:ir o T A lTl II AT lirgit AIM TILE, WLITZ Li vO6, T OHIUNTT TOPIS • • A, A TB elrs. 6/ 6.66nd 1116.110 k% 161 /114161111 NT, 00All000esabe yaCIIIUICE wl, yr try • ...OM • . " • YWe tom x..tueir WWI* 'Wlynkl,“ (W. yxoy.llor Wks% !owe.. merbt rites. a • Wlll/1110VA Mk MART, • • • N. 11 el Dsmond, Mayn't. Ternmeasb. tim* dvend 101111 T III - 16$1 WIDEITAL 111 T., mazaash (Youth ;oar stint Dlivrocul.l Glass, aims Ware & Table (Wet, at IntiTZß2l r11101:0. /Crenate* requirtd In on/ rst dam state as Laid. WM tad mite.. - POR a&U-REAL ESTATE. FIALE—Tbe best }.mein %tried township. Westmoreland coung 4 2,;;;;,: r goth r‘re-ortnrcylv.snla n atiroad. hoed rr, lo[ .l:o, tiro. ' vs tiILV Trig /te ll fl bo irt fP r° "D I. . 14 "L T.L ' enft L :enit/jd * . o ft; the . hien state Of etaliTatiO.; vrell watered: about 113 1:trs 'U Mare_ ay.?. tiddler. Thla nretw per mtge. goasestio% ftweaMsTel" a ny d''L" Ailr, I valetb ganti.containlng 1111 o, sitontli in Elisabeth townsbig. road. about n ton, on 41,11. wproventer.la me a two,tory brick!bonie v Itn Ili rooms. Ig . t . h d ro n u t tt, tee Lou., with Abitailenee tit. 1 10.8 fortuNf cherehes. Schools s..= Mills very convenlant. Persons •whiting to same In gantry:tag would do waU to call and purchase on telly. Also. a Farm of .4 0 41.1•Lt4 ta West the h litt i ribe Pettne v c *r ti `b 'l road. Etc. Amproventents ta t, aM. nary Mine house, With Ste Mona.. la:gel:rem. bent. Wen Crib, Cult a gogo osne m mining house and wood bens.house. becohl- • two-story log booed. • large be n s. frame bar, Strigh, e hoes., and other out bandin. The fencing le all good, abundance of Umtata. on the nista, an t e coal bat a Own distance. Cenvenbent to Churces, dchoola, Mlle. he. am =atm:teed to .511 gas VranertY Also ref ... ' e d egn ' fflarMllo acre OS Mtna are ander celtivatton. eittieto in Chris tian Comae, /innate. /mpreorements--• frame dwelling containtmg raga.; about PM choice Mit tree.. LOW felieing. whldn :miles of Uw tubola Central It. U.: will be cold on reasonable terms. Cite property talent In Vast each/hoe desired. 'pe s" l testo ` oei l qi Ml' &7•geillrarellTrl b t 2 : .n1931,11./1., ,12 ' 1.4t. of drat-tate w'sleroalt and other tbriber, :dwelling hovel. lof tient I evades,rat-ra the °Wive 1 nary. with • tenant co hove, wieh • dte 'team eateMlii In grrod ranti ng eder; young orchard of grafted trait. The tenet le rolling . every acre le tillable. with Unteethrie antesubsolt. With never failing springs: within one ramdred rode of the Pena/ Dente . . . Dente . . :railroad: ZS miles cart of !Inaba/16. and three miles NW of Ureenstrtirg, E le nOer n nis PM!! VS.. antlyand ellgibcy sltost , ollE =Lir tv4 i llf; trgie Prg Also, eantabo boR ne of the beet larvae In Todrif I . l fEettlitt Indiana county; Pa., four miles from Weevers Penneylvants lialiroad. at Livermore !nation. see acres Le eared and ender No.l fonelne. Ne reiodue In good timber. The law , go:memento Bre two frame dwellings. containing etshe moms ...eh: a large Neu% been. Ot , 1 1 Al feet. rind other necessary oottelidlnge. In itiMo order. rive are. of o rc hard ogeboleo varte , tles of fruit; four loot sea cool. 11000 open.) under sib the laud. and abundance of Ilmestone. It le a good thnvms neighborhood, convenient to ehurches. schools. mill,, Or.. letzten I am nee thorleot to sell very law god on good term.. Aim, a germ of® arms In Elisabeth township. Allerneor count?, Ps., no, too line of the I glitsburah s t,ouncilmtils Railroad. improve. I amine .wit. orc ha rdg weather-Wattled: Mete bang s. 2015 properly wittbo sold cheap. Airo. acre:. In ircreg towtabin, Westmore land roust?. gs., within four miles of Metre. vlle, and Utreo miles of two math.. on Um ga. B B. fee Improvement aro, • new trams dwclllor house d nutbuildLic a new et..m saw arid grist 01111. with two run of beers. two .beitting cloths. .1150 the we extinct, ands Trio. crenate , Of choir. trait tress. Tna whole tract is underlaid with a six Sot vein of cool, now opened. and au abundance of lime. stone- Title property Will be sold Very 100,11 applied for rood. roi intoar pa:U.o,lln ettlethw of * a. 11. T014712t. au2l Brut Et tate Alsout. it 4 Fourth di. 2,000 000 ACR,EI' . or • CHOICE LENDS POll TIT TILE Haan . Pacific Railway Ce., LASITGUN aloor Um line of Mar road. at ' $l.OO to $5 00 Per Acre, Lad as a CUEDIT Or DIV?. TEAM. Pot particular., map., to., address JOllll e.DgrillitElUX, Land Oonualsaloaer. Topeka, %atm Or, CUAS. B. LA11.130234 ilee z 7r anM • • et. Lath, .11.1.umazi. WASHINGTON, CO. FARM 7011 SALL trat. of SW acre% of ' , dila. lm is sitared. and tbs rornalndsr euverod olth At. white tog timber Cltuabod , x 1 West Plod. lay townebis, Washington county. Pa., fallen wain of Wait • learailes, and 5( of a mile, from HaacyLewn. la Guadiana to climbs. and waools. Has on it two log balmy, new stable and grant boo/lasi an orchard rot eight =Ens of you of apples. nears, omens., plums, a.. Good watts in every Odd, 1=3331Mil Ili. fa. 331=1L88M.T. • Broker la Stock. oad Beal %deur, A. 1.10 Ilalldthi. Peortla stmt. 1 . HAVE THIS DAY A SSOCIA, 11-.l`.%:"th me in bultu j sZA . N . 7lllllStl. JULY let. IIQI. • JOLTS D. DAILEY & DUO., STOCK AND nkm. ESTATE BROKERS /1 VD AVOTIOSZEII2. Are prepared to ee cantle. lic, Edicts, Bonds an/ WI blade of Els Heal Emma, Home bole! liMmOtare, to.. IMer on the premises or at the ilizmW ol Trade Booms. Particular attention pal, az beretofmc, a the •Ce of Heal Hamm at orivam Ws. etaMe antes, routs la th•smiatry attended. Odle, tat !STREET: ITS Tibn and Lot on A- corner of Manbattaa sad Adam• Meets. neat "usenet Hallway. Lot V by la feet. Home frame. enntalnlng r rooms and good 11 tai proved. Home an Cit y . Hbeldald. near Bidwell at, Allegteny - Lot 'IS by 1.71 feet. Hots. frame. contains pail, des room. and g 004.11.,; water and rm. . • 4¢4 Lot. tagooi Rester. Rus I.IIBIIFI & IJO" Cu«vras S ttlreet. 'PPR SALE OR RENT. CiIEAP— .. • Vann at Carpan.rle elation, onthe Cen tral LLailroul containing setae: (new.. , snenla, la o Gone and stable*, good orchard: to mature gaet tor .colelvation, Also. acre eral 001,1, gems , le reel tlea nod nrer. , l, • el.! ,e:1 ee aa.l oe•retaonae 1.1. en,. a -.tee of see. , t.ailatig loee In e't - Penner of •-••• 14'..11101 Ftl7: SAI.E, the tAito o,oe east., alg a I.*•,[le• co fro u nt nt, •••, Italic stA woe at.lo frOo f.b• tt•the. atirt , ad.. alters an, 1Z are. •I•aul•O, be' tincrovemetUt are erg l o ,tise 01• eta Lt 1 . 0010, &good lo b ar,. to 00 ale:, sad el., otitbulAlta••,• t•fs 0•14.1 of ..trlng !roar Meat • well or pyrl fool ypd tO warmest the door. MMI E % a It•o ebrop, by • ents. 'NSW'S No. oh 'terroor rst treet.aute Al.lrgydraY• FOR MALE, A COUNFtLY 1510 RE, With 11..tures. *e-. situated lit 1114d1^lnisit, Al. 1710 rTi ' l ' it; rii!in Il 'a t ' cgrn. '',4 '. l i ft= un ,P.ZZ"..°4"44.1t h t ztVIC,V particulars. -pilau() SALE OF 'THIRTY sa MIMINN° LOTS, hi Wardin • Ade...l -d., pithy T i m. . perathealli, the 4. of iseptembar. reasonable. and will tumid@ dal' or •alo. Also. • thrthestory Tame lipase, in toad the Ithie. ID asume Mau. •11 situated au /Ws street, math the U. V. Calmat. Tor Contain/articular. inquire et Z. O. Si JIMA. thmeth Itaai Ethos, Ascot, idthaileld. 450‘4,,.11:44:1‘1;(e);i1);I:. Dr. N. W. BATES. VETERIN EIIRGEni. Nies and Steal. In retool Same Hoteland ',Swains the Llvet7 and Tata nutlet of Wltaon tln,thata, DIAMOND, Alleillesty, P. Ikeldenee—ell Salo Alto St., Second Wald. Hones ttal folly tteaterl for all eatable Ala satas, and tattoftettiot J , • r., ii. Lindsay A Vo., coat IstdA (Wise Depth Allis fi"T WI::: ign,.!!;,, u 1.44 4 ":1,11,2:itt. tvanit A l7;4l.z.r.r.t. alianal. se.'i sh flett i rats. Violeta& attest, Alleaho: 47 . = r p , i lTaktit. l =l: -- "IMPORTANT TO OWNERS or sonaso. nu. Nrmkr be - ns to Inform too Inten4a and tb• public t at to h. tstoosecl Oh ant. and 711 ;AtIkII7 " I." T lsre ' " tV 2S Hotel. Thlnt;a:t. ". = ros ‘ ,l ‘ %.4r. taken In and %rostra, nt • moderate ob.. Hones Intertlons disease. not Mr 01 : ". v • t4Vit led InUltel Lt. Mk:Alla al% as a H id,,_ bn all the noluns It;s. • 1.11. no. LOW% UM 011 L 'll,..t'd'"X'eret.”Aitt:B`.li ta ll pal l' --- ruin , . N. P. DUFFEY, yETERita TAAINEA, N.e.lnl Mt Cto tutroonon to to totoro Motto.% r ITAIFIT/r1 PlZZlNiat, 4 uttl vot.otroot, Otto.. Ohio niroot .0 litookion soma../Moo el totter 4re eLloloco ao tho lormor 11170. Vofr allo i nUon norm co .1- tlt r. l nto,l 1141ns .o lob or o.ttea t' og ' oou r gln. peter. U Taß3._ k A l ir " Jitto " 6 " John Motor. U. oh: :N. Moans. "pc.lll 1 o'4l itiVitt4ol , llo :4;14 H.. F. [ANC; Fiat. Ma and 189 Taira a-treat, D'ITR M D SCOVIIII6, SU% ( 20(idS named •or Dyed, ed 8111 LOVIS.fr LADIEr PLUME3elelk. 4•40. C. G. rificgtivo ►ASOY 03 afar; and Scouring Establishment, 03 DIAMOND ALLEY. I <1. 7 9014 WOol altd liatitblgrzh ou Alt 1.3013 rttUrtod In two weal.. Mood* lteDt Meet 1.3 the ow er twelve mouth.. entatall :9 liaifsT±, SicAlll IV AND FRC= LIVERPOOL & QUtENyTcWiI, Ireland. twirr.a Wren. - . TEtE INMAN LINE ; aligl lagaltY 11•T1MPA1 , 4.1 , 1.11.! Win glali—aarrelag U. t. /dal's. Theta aald loud from Ireland. 100100 d. !Guiana. tier. graly and /ranee. Anal at. Um Camany'm 'ww. 11130113101.4 r. • • • .taileillvt4texp.tp Bock Gina rundireni, Adam Zweite . 04106 Plytypois, TEE MOAN BALL AND FOIINTAIN GUIDES% Com Cum ui Bun WNW limigiuk, F. BOSWOBTII dc 00., Propt re , Ttoto lnuntlettl and olessant Tenor' hieing re eentlrvettatesed the 07tat . y . ...1..„ ai r ea z CI.AIMnTAN LIZA AA A Stand irna Balcony Serenade enery Bate, day ventree• Etraansbani .tt every ten WIMP, nartert VEST CLASS LOOKING GLASS • AND PICTURE FRAME MANUFACTORY. J. LIMNS, No. 110 Wood .st., Pittsburgh, ' MST' ü b t f ri.PCPylliT,"2.!ZwlTST aaa tpt WALNUT._ OVAL and BytTAltir. kt/IRROrt. PORTRAIT and PICTU PRABLER. Curtain Cornice. Bands and Biala. Consls. Taped nisd Bracket Tables of a:toilette design and wortmanship. GILDING AND RZOILDING executed In OW hlshest style or Om art. PRlmuurtivra. nogrialinWS TWO HUNDRED THOUSAND Half Spanish Segars, . JIM reetived on conolsnment, will bo 44414 low ou Eight Dollars Per Thousand. ROBERT F. WEDDELL. coracrof BILITLIFIBLD £ Warsa see. noitsn C. DItTO anoxia. .DOXIIILLY. GREENWOOD FOUNDRY. DIM & DONNBLIS 'Jobbing and Machinery fistings, Light or beary. of either Italler.blo or Prey Iron. of all patter.. 0•11.1 ntylon, rafted to every porpore, rondo to ordor. Office, 230 Liberty Street, 00171f60 Clestliemy of hinge 00114100.) JOLLY 8088 40.11; ceusix—...Tocui U. Barre PITTSBURGH LAMP. velurAnli. JOHN ROSS & CO., No. 23 Wood _EL, Pittsburgh, Pa., I=l USN% LAMP EASES, CHIMNEYS, LANTERNS, ETC I rm Also.ent o din a 'anything natal:Wig AO the Trtd TUIIIILEIIn, TABLE. • WAlln, WINDOW EFLAntI. and aarthing in the Ulna Va. 10 OIL ELEFINEp.B. THOS. S. CALHOUN 0 411VtlEnlIDCrIELEtt, Aa ltrt Muck Street; Atlegheny City Motattactorer of ow,' Cowlsion of 0.311DX OIL. OUNDENSIICU cod . WATES Vealt . urallon Tloketc— hoe InVeckagran Twenty, Mtwara Allegheny CUR Mutant Genet. here's. Bennet:. Pint Cloak, Flaltgarl staryniteng, utdcood only on Gm an eine. ping at Stallone spechied on linnets. Tee tralca lea rn t Allegheny (lily at AMA. nod Cod v. rt. maga direct connectian at green port_Rith ltiallirre Lino of Rage. roe Illation and liannahrunrn • Through Tickets It may pareittred'ar. OSea Me. 3 R. Ulan. Street. 13. sr Brldfc.iltteburgb, and at the 1./eDniu ' HZ " : "" g wor t Der Informailon apt to ' JAglltl LEr.rl:ll.lls,Agent. godersleltran Reya. - The Western Penneylirarda Railroad kill eel assume arly risk Tor Hafgage. except for Weir. lug Apparel. and their verpongibility. to Sea Iltnevn.cD DOLLARD In rale. Ail Inggsga exceeding this &tent Lu value, lOU value. Do at - 168 tract. na nal or the owner. uniara takan >neriejGat etnte LDTTAILD TIFTLLIAREG: ITU • General AltoOnat Ps. 87/3 EL & 'WILSON pENN SYLVANIA CENTRAL I RAILROAD. • TANKS- AENTATOIin tea IN on its most tmoroird skto tem. IKON TANK BOTTOM II and TOPS, d all kinds of work of tel. elms, done for Nenne ma n en the most reaossablo tears and et the shortest notice. lams* $20,000 TO LOAN, ON BOND AND MORTGAGE. Ll4l = =I EMI B.iftlUFA. BL Eroza 33r oker. 124 First Streot. PITTEIDIM.9II, NU. _ • •••. • Una 11” the dale of Canada. Donalrbsacnc. Joannblne, laabella, • Dunnannon. Iltanbope. Glendon. &Violin,. brands OLlMUltiCite. Yondb• bade.? Coke uctl (RI blunt'. C. B. Charcoal fle LEOBB. Gin;lramenta and order* rupeciltlif sollo• trod.. 11.147.tf. FOR SALIE.—We have for sale 4 eesaral good second-D.l Iron Turning Lathes,: TeDeclaDT Wllpted Par tkinftwr =let. We off the eeote et te*W Mow. N1T1V.1... r 11 rah syllnder 101weli stroke. Co Iron bed; owes. SO tuctles dames:. 1 - Wt book. two 11100 sues. -- Bnpntte at the IN DIINTRILL WOMEN. nocizx Is. BOLE &CO, Graar Pant Alba Daysesua WIN = LIIII=EI CITY COLLECTING AGENCY. I. Di W. 6.700....0. 0. IIfATOX. SMITH, SEATON& SLITON I Local Collecting . Agents, • 116. 6 eir. CL.6I/6 , .6TIZZET, 'am hoax, L. U. PALX. 541... rrETSCrINIII. 3116 of au disethaNyes %aka. for tolleotloa. No chugs ma vbere 8111. aoe eollecied. Je7.2.1 PITTSBURGH PAPER SLIMY. FM:TURIN° COMSANY. llannheturer• of AY~,.Wi:APPIti3 i OEB3 ofalrri.bb b - ritraniviLLP, OM% naltitlTON PILL, NIX 13310111131 F, Pte. ; oriVes Ann Nem:moues; No. 82 Third Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. OPYICM7IS—bO4IIIP3T BABTZE,Praddebt. ..11:0. B. LIVINGrarruN, 'hwy. WC:AL lIIDDLL, PArerr.,, DBLIMOIS — Abirsi John B. E . ra . r . John& f.tvlbourn, Jobb Y . 1y P. (Bubb Weld fbr Paper Stork; WC, :on J. SCHOONMAKEE & BON =1 Exqowsamttrxitier,,ara White Lead and Color Works, • Manufacture. of WHITS AND HIED LELIA, Lod all ValriliVattler. Lod all colors err or In oil.l 012 hoe. No. 67 rODRiu lITREST. 34. 41511 Val Ilabooes Street_ sad 4 *Pi 111 sa 54. 4.d V. tivwi Alieflkany ABIEUICAN • • Fence Manufacturing Co.. A new. and veth dtalrabth rZSQIRO tnr Drip ret " Mu l gw " ittter7nro g griltit ` ; 1 " ' i . at talitne to. of thou rad a F . d•an eta bout as due. Zrrielreth!LlTlTE rule . Intra a ! Law rattan or style of theaa f•thea can Ad to , - althea, at than maim Call anti latl.ll/ yen, sett th at It la Ina theaPeat and aeon. Maxilla( theca and mad. r- ♦ AT "rrrliwortne 41 Jr ILL kitArlita.. ..„..fitejil n91.1'28.4 .12:.543 • /Maar " 3 . PVITIUMs. SUiFITIM"fiAxTDAingb"T' LSAT= BEZNING 6RD Dogs, r•nnmuTte. ii RV. . 58 iIARTLEY:FIOnaII & CO Alm Anat. to: Nov "foil Ititts.ct Co. G 1-um rIiVATLWANWVA7 fLiOl 71,1,1 . 1.11MT11 mul BiLT A. H. ENGLIBII.a. Xi,. PS Sinerik Street, ranitaer. of Otitmnt , 3 411.0111.“1. .t pait- WW?lWl. HAM l l 3 orlikigu..- =.4r"*" of •If 4 L . HALL, Manufacturer of • %MIL& AUD LOILInTIO plallal . ,• • woolesdo nd M A Mill dealer In TOR CC*. 01Udine, e IJ rale al. flad LOnlarllls To- bacon 'orals at hand. Ist WOOD Irrasts. Censer Llbelty. llitalsre, CEIEI A. COAL„ on *ALE. dud gr u bl u tg ~ .a l./o.fw 'Rubel& OMIT, IS. Iva.be lee , & AO h Z " tlie, Igel ' es b LVlito o t:ei TI4 8 1; Mree beehm•••ml Im operaUnm There are TO seem or oral. Ms Is one of the meet Z . ll:r d le 'turbo! ihe llopeogattele rotor; erlll pelyl:4 4 . 4 ngettgnirl nut. salt N 0.16 Ur.% el.. PPM, . Mont Home. salf WEST COMMON EIAE num arfON cons.N ia ornnonn Coma at We on EHZDHE ADEVATES • EX , . ' Hr. 0i hand er DiepAni on shaft REHM HEARTH AHD lITEP ET0N1111,4160 71 Bwr-Nr.u.ap, ISHEWEHT 1/DEO, HEAD AND TOND 1111) 10.. an. /ZOnn ors promptly exca.D•it. YBIOZDRE pow•nEr.. nADHEI R. P. GETS lIINOLIMA33 DIALIa OM Choice Wines and :Liquors, EU. 61M N, T. Cbe. 01110 PT+ AND DIAMOND Ada lechen CRY. P. jrOLIN PECK, KICVALIIIEN'X'AL fourM WORILIt d ono r) PRIAMItItat thWhet. one rom Woodt Htssbargh. ntletahn To, beette, titteed Chams, hmeeteke, tlth A ROW. hetes es ettat "ill be glee* for law Ethlt. the Lettwet* WlSlem, sad ge,lllll,riCeseeahttka:r.cuttleg &eat/ 8/5,000 TO "MAN ' . . • 014 1102 i VI Aaro wrreias. ar: PATTY, ar..tougtuold Knit. Mod Mani. bemelit sad sold- hI4 ADINON BTARCII AGENCI marred. 470 bozo. 40 ID., real marsh ; 1101 .• 63 Z., . 7.L.1'..10 1 'uta=4 4 1t7 1 " • nonosax Ills . . iwwwmxX SMOKY HILL ROUTE UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY, EASTERN DIVISION. THE SFOMITEST AND MOST 111LLILBLZ ROCITi DOM StiO Uri to LI 'Mato to voLosukno, NEVADA. I :LAw::nuaauk., tman. AIUZOSA, =LEIS saw army% •nano, =2 Two trans leave State Line aad Leavenworth daily, faunday• exespowL) on Ina artival wf teal= of Pacldo Railroad front $l. Loll; lad Hannibal and IL Jo Hallman flan Warr. /an neals& at - Lawrence. Topeka wad Marotta with Rosa for all polnte In KAASILS. At en d of tr.k west of =awaih with the UNITRLd9TATR6 REPRICES" COWART'S DAILY. LIAR OP OVERLAP!) MAIL ANT> =Palm cOAOB - TOR 'DEMUR, BALT LAYM AN° ►LL POINTS IS TIM SZEBITOBII/7A and with BANDIESSOS% SEl•14;. ALI LIES ()). COAOHRS to, rut Mika,. Sint , * SDI% Tana, ►lbngaeenne; Santaaa . 'mad all petals to Anson. and Haw Mealca. • Witt! au recent additlgarot oilllosstook sod equipment; and the afranfoottOto mods IMO rw spooriblo Overload Trat.portatioe On. Ikon It.irettain sersoloos. lola . road coot open one• gnawed faellltles,for tae tramantasloa of freight tp tae tar West. • Tltketi for tali it ill tie DrlrClpei 4iarei 11 the bolted Blau. snit Clufidas. be sore and ARK FOR TICIERTe VIA Tai SIIVICY BILL ROUTR., UNION PACL/10 RAILWAY. LAISTISuIi DIVISION. A. AIIDZESON. a.a.rg Etp.-ncrecoilla4 . 5. n. wzmatrat,' i===Z!!M PERNFITIMAINI ata: igatilignAN t'unenter Tzalam on ma re•wra Pound, Ivan la =Mood rill arare • mld astral:tom YeteralatrenaGnpor.. R artarra. I Dalqt, r A V age r N N o o . jltinjical t a irarThi ,. No Si'M ide4.ll4PNAbta!f".l..lll: adl r00 r ,,:0... No. 413 P.m. Mannersv`o Le InbO/KM Mall CM ..m. Proopoo ena fan Manmeran'e tn gla az ; .11.1141 I.N.g.,!Mn!'one . 13baren Trilg Alleablay KUM. muaver) Bandar t, 7:40 a. Y., renotnna %EP m. ReUznlng. loaves Allunany at I la r. al. awl &Mina! lllannaay Janne% 6:01.. hi gammit Lk, MM. Prat.. an : Ma IMIO• Morn, Mout y Me., asfollow'. • TILVANIN L.. Otmam 1411 Tra1m....1.10•M WalPa L • la •Olnaln'tt Ex..11:13 • PI WWI.. L ..11120 • • JohaaPtmt Ac. %Mpmt Wallta N t. o. 4... WO p Wall's alai p p ra Vast Lit. ' p m Wan'. Npt,l...imm • On and Misr JUNE 9 Wdepart. from Mu Waablngton and Llama ztulTa. lien Train .. z Van 1, 2 10 • so Wati/Nh M.:E WaII,M. L. UM • Si OthelanzU to. 9:20 a It Joanstomh 4,10:10 a m PlIVe. Salamis .MM y m gt . . l :t. Mt ainr, - . .—.—. IMM p The Canna Val. leave:Wen , ' Mallon cre thindem.o.4a.m., re•chl?Ttt b ermh at 1041 tarirnee at NitiVrltearL ' at 2.:1.a za. '" , ' " ' Lao etsU Savage.. leaves daffy. MI LUIZ Mtell fatly except Mumtaz. Thilhaelvhlz Th g me. had the Altoottz Ale• =l.loel,4nd itsalgrazt roil, amaze c AU vthav tvrtrAti r ggrelnatrar torforMer uutle ria. rzvlioutCoiri, i 4074 The Pennayh V runs Baxlz a f n.7 &mum %alrzez T r.alalterj - r72=d Doll.. Lunde.. Aleggeg•mmeez ing tint amount ha halms au be at the Hat at the owner, mMeagnay, I}4( 802.1 con General Eihmtbsteed,Ml .I.ItoOMM lUROH, COLUMBUS & H.O. PAIR HANDLE Botat 0141.210 E aril lit. eiCrilbA.T. bur_Vitt , Jr, talus 1.1! leave ..lovofthial Obese • Leave Lee A. 31.. IP: K. alive teas*. se 81‘ Z. Plt annexe Trate leaves at 70:0 t. CinclanallnjOlgw y morat . v. Leave.. 1:11%..11. 10.64.2 LOU. amp ly. ,ttrlve. sao u. la. 3101 F... C 34111, Marra y. Ot 1:10 L a. I ..... ft.nday se to r. a. Train luau daily l Handal al6 the saeorere= 7X . 116111% 41.041.11108 UP . LOS 69. ipr•lio theme, of care between IlitslK6%a4 V.llo. Cluelausil..o bat. UliK Chasse to-lit erect- ' ace Um priadDal points Wer.aaast • Wesel perclustaeflelata be rare WO abed tee fitiSBUUII, alma & cacantii. , Union Depot, (south side.) /7_ I IIEILPAISM la I,Tking teas Amin n . Wltirt.V.fk4..ll"," 1867. ajegatialial B‘o2l liDartraallUgi • 1: the 01. d Imp:: cevo rl ,, kWitaWrl ib gn . inertgla Mgn 0h1,3. tosio 01. a Wiz. ix flan.a. ArliTS Alkattealr!. N.,/10.ta Ac a:ma s. Brix az lin IN'01•111.11, sqla 44 0 w c . ale r 1 . 11 0 .. 4 :10 gn u. R. AN I/ C LEVY] Tesbsurrtre etdl.s • rash,. fro lif.lllVitt CAS zr. • C u trIVZINSi 0 4ttefgjki. 1 1 . 14: L o os lt tst• ;: rims its Roamer Wn• Alt CzAM ::mom Lestsegas Les 4.30 pm N N. BM. t. 41:11pm 017 J° I °o prega naves dAlly s• 7.a. atirms. A LLEGHENv", v. =AD. ALLEY RAIL MEMMI MANGO ON. WEL- Ilad alter 7111:11ODAY, ,lory 1101..." 2W, IrraMa am I lotto and antra at Plitobarst. /root, Katie r rata too Va.) EMU. Velol ri , .. lan A. at. Oaf.N. OM T. V. lOWA. 111. lituarnaing A oromooodtllon 1010 P. at. Sairra. T00N... Worts L000ta..... NCO 14. 710 a. N. Second Nod& Werra Actg... ONO, $4ll a.. Holton Areormodatlonl....lolo.l.. Ir . tr. Ilaaday horah Trott.. from . • and to Jo.. otror. a. . m. 5. le. NOlres• North mato clia,vo epahactlos at NW , tlll7,:"Ltie,dl. Jattg..llliratZeg Oiliittr ant I hr. !ar.arTKNONIO. Amt. pB. V. URGE( ANN coNsriLLs YID ammo Oa .Spring Ari - augoraent - 4 Mu Tutruspaz mimic urn, Is , '" a r il VP rrii"viatit.":lf , • . Arr Ont ffaa nin Love fro" ,Rant Diewttna Ascaatripoo472 l l. nit It A.,,,0ra •• . Lino e; X. '''. rr: at t g " " 4 . • IPT.tir• za,mrs..wa . ozx . • T ' tiraNto/kint MHO --- All CO. _-... W. 41•• . .—........._____ aIIEAT REVOttPrioN n Tam , .... w !NS Titan xOP , :iii, um.,, D ..„ Ari .. —PUMA CALIFORNIA niLAIII . I4.IEI lk awe .d ry i p_ ll . :orke la Frames, Dom pan grC ''' it .gt ; . '. ° "1 , 1111 S; , 41 ! . 8 . " . Th. ninn , arakt wonl4l tall 'thi Munk* el Wltni wee. awl Hotel Steven to Saslow. tAir r.*, vAlati ma 7 ba apsrtpe t , 1 4 .5 at V+ l oa .oq4ll•loThret - • .. ....._ _oll(nrroFaut. e at ral - AsAiLPRIA,Oct. 41 1 14 1 1518„:1 opclizn • o.—Geiensnr Ray. beat,"Mu.n nußm tnatannaVtuunn C uns ta Unmask It= ta k :rniltfrantr " totfink atu4 Cull at cans phut It on _cm. , Mi 'imp , 4. E. 11.11: m e$1411' • 00.‘ Call entlhalysT_Cal stailm7l. ROUC/Iltit • tArwam..N. V ATic --- -11---- -- EmEAISEP. - - oz;i—iasam rasa 1t7111.117. 4 s uer a re. iiiinu. of all Olsodes of a toss way, la boa too to foo . ari.l , l , tel i linftl W Mtlr d tiNiWo itoil -„- ottsio MI rh":ftsr.o""rl44.- „tri . o w iet:Zto "4 ; . ta...0ti..1.0...
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