CZ 3 0 GOO 11M cum GRAY BLANKETS, • coy ilina.Aßrrs, 1 Very Imp Steck, Irma Ve•ity, $ W. SEMPLE'S, 180 and 182 Federal 81., ALLEfittliWr arm P 1 HEAVY COUNTRY FUNNELS, Nil liti. Mae, Mew vii VAT FLANNELS, Opera, 3Flannels, A. PULL LIJNZ. aT WM. SEMPLE'S, 180 4 182 Federal St., Illeg'y City. DRESS GOODS; SHAWLS; BSlnorat andßooppditf, la ISZ eel oat ansOrtia Cat, ai WM. SEMPLE'S, 1801 182 Federal BL, Mary PI. NEW: HATS,. BONNETS, FLOWEBB RIBBONS 6o WHOLISAZAAISD arrma., AT WILL*,SEMPLE'S, 180 182 Federal N., Mee/ qty. STATE FAIR. SI R AMIIts Zr.frui"" ILICRUM & CABLISLB'S, Mo. 10 NitUl &tree& A Splendid Stock of Fresh Coeds, . AT LOW PRICES FOR CASH. • New Miss sad Cloak TESSOCINOS. • Sava. 'Magda, and llotraet•IBIONS. atales otall.wara sad 1101111117. 111111301Jailia of ail Wadi. Bargains la WHIM HaNDESSOISIETS. • • Mae saw w OLOVZ FITTING COMSZT.w HAIR ELJfI a WaSiaTALL3. aaw sbla. _ lowan 3111.WL1 and ClECRlLialara arw, WOMBLE JET AND ELMWOOD JEWELRY. The "gar Shirt? , inexierveexecterse, .e.s4 a etonatta Yea of ?&LL EITD Wlltrail • VEDERSIIIIITS B DRAWERS. Wa hard astopaaed a cholla Una of Panes/ «hitches and './Datione, And& we oder to OASIS DATUM at IL ita2Xllll _enenk iennertoser Mars tapaelor awls Late' hownle &feheL ul Inn* Lip SIACRUDI & CARLISLE, moo.lBl', 21.1117 h. Oftromt. 1867. FILL AM) WINTER GOODS. SZCOND 'ATULITAL AT 78 ANDIO NilliET STREET. vsLyrr EISHONIS, over, width sad studs. PISCX NW:MI& svolyaolor—Utioa fillts. Utast stylei BullsiTriounlogs sod Buttons. . .1056. Boom , . Nee; and 14Issa1ox 'MD otn.DERIT.O. at even dosealpelco. . LLI3IOI. Kul Polo'. Applique sad Videos:La.. 4NDXXEC =rd. Lau, Zabrolders4, Iltlisbed owl rtalo. //del:MI .WOBB. &Rae astofteont. 5111 dosoa mom of Mose TUOLY.D 115.91. h. =MCI= IT, al 95 ;mats. • oroarmlet7 of Tail mad W Mar Alla la HOSIERY AND GLOVES! -Wise, Maws , aadUdraa , a tradaratar. Band 14011 tad W...a L &PUTS 004M0. to lama. 84plaea. Clraalara. X•ala&a. SeariX. aa. Itaa alitOttlaalt of Parket Books. Port nes wash usedas , Batehela. .last•. Luau Travel lasSala. 8.. • ♦ awl Rae diaaVa Turalallxl Goods. • - Craderstirt• and Dra.ran. -TravaUx& lath% CaUsta. Bow. nag, 130.11. Ilaapaidara, 80. Ocesati. Nom Ulm. Salaam& Oahu, Al) • I nu 1131 417 anon 601111,11 WHIOLIZIALLE AIM SEXILTI. MICRO, CLYDE & CO. NEW FALL-GOOD. GREAT ATTRACTION! 1; M. BURCHIRLD & CO., - No. ST Market Strait, BMW tut OPlravl tyt eutd•ornett sad UM as. pliant at vale /a Ike city, and n LOWNerr Preach Chintz; Paisliss Plaids; Alpaccas; French Merinos for $l. • Plain and FancAllack alike; Muslims, flannels, Blaulong /11 •BICIIIIIOI 01 UT 0001 CZ= CARIU . ECCEIn c i i n t..t, COo, WEIULZIIJ.LX /MALT= DS FOREIGN AND DONIESTIC DRYNOODL e. 114 MOOD SMELT. • tW3d ham aborts Diamond alley, - PITZ2IIOII4IB. TAILORS. MNRY G. ITAT,E, beterohant . Cer. Paiin and St. tltntr Streets thetteemate et Mende" elieistonets imw is metal tetit lei km* et FAIL AND WINTER GOODS, Zetcrar . Complete. paean . Great Redaction in Priem dECOND AIIIIIVAL OF Spthig Good Fresh from the Importers, WlMettwa OW YI4IIYD mill WS ALI 4141.241 stunt RESUCFO 'PRICES OWEN BYRNE, Merchant Weilei, 14 WYLIE ST., No. - ' , DK/ ASHLAND H ALL apßhstil His 'simnel. OF summit: E. HOUSTON & COMB. g' 4 •4*- ru msn...oos, Sto. s lor2l4lar tenter at Cann sales. all an WWI styles aaa vanillas la 1 :120116. 0aa11.1110114 sad VLsarlaGa. . : nun vary namable sad va th• 1111 n. 'WM Wows DINING ROOMS, .Ins. 86 Market XL, Mtn* dlidorad sad Tidad Iluvath) rrrranussa. PA. The Muse la , any . taralalkad crarrtallt/t tact cosatltataa • Prat dam /Attu 800.. 211 t ebalaw gf ..a...v0r00 the markat agoras trlll Pa tarred op at oil Gars artae day or alp at, LAX/1113. Dlltftd prX/riat Um, J. IL WILLIAMSON, Proprietor. • Via. piptat =or kat price )'d for .11 kloal frf aaaareablo Mora lelltto72 JINN B. YOUNGSON; N 0.280 Wylie Street, 3 " l "" alY i t :Zll::',ltratnp:.: 4 - 1 DANE= AND CONFECTIONERY, th4.o"re WM/M. TrethrlA.D • °AWL, ;11:7%. 4 11f 4 nadial: f&* gra = 0 4A= 101 IMAM. CAZZA ..1.41712. BLIZAD 414.11 .4 11.144. NEW ICE CREAM SALOON. P. WPCUIRE. RNtE9 JIJTH D. Clark,a Chnrc.h. T . Dora ".1% il*MtscVallieV.wz °Air". argr" ~ it~~~n: ~~ ;~~.:3.a~~~:~;~~ a,;t 1 0Z MULL 00IIIICAKESTCTIONAH1 , /6 rt l es %t i p, th• Is nrest halos and. Ms shot no oe. ate 21LXCISTSL191. N bf o. 10 DLItaID , Munn?. woto, ;1.11 wy 3:4:111 COIILTER & LANE, Nouse and Sign Panders, No.rarelarmses=r 2 mfmm dr :4 GLAD!' WWI dout L .Eder. ROINWD & Mai" MU 0D DIDN PAINTER:, ONAININS •ID EM,AZINAA No. 44 DIAMOND, ALAND/IMM OLLOIII.III7ICO don* bitke ban =au+. J. B. HAMILTON, Jr., House and Bign Painter, So. W TIMID 'TARIM Plillsbarrh. Graining, Glazing anal Gilding MILT xxxotrun YE= PLUM VAIMECIZI. PUTTY, Mans BUUSEEMS. TIIEPZIATINIC, warrx LEAD. ZINC. ic. rilamn HUTCHINION & HEPBURN. • KIVU. He 1111113 EAL ?MA • I GILLUM= MID GLASUESS, Is. is PILIIIII"A AVENUE, PUtsbiseg* - . • All adera anal =aptly att. ded to. •• if. REMOVAL. JOHN F. CLULEY. Room and Sign 'Painter, Hu removed to Z. 134 6/11.7111/ELD BT.. Plttebvibe ra.. "Inytmia Otrooslto tD• 1d rtand. mccolveri H 013813 BIfH AND MAXI:MIL COIL EBB. AHD GIUMES AND GLAZIER& 45.1740rtb, side 4WD..2d. Allesbany. Ootrane daadtW U. . d Ord.a re.eallally solicited .4 preawly orx -111.41 Pat.., Window Gls. nod Putty arlamr. if‘:4 l ;osf;i 4 434:kli:llllliAi):4:4: WIC J. DICK, • Carpenter and Builder, Ro. BS rxxxn7l vans ANS, atgrlLelge,Vongbeatinil"fi. r&. Jobeleg wo with neatness saidleyettle. •Il orders prompt y attended. to, and sailtrattleri arranwit. anZaCiewr c. Tomer " ' . . • ... TOUT. yOEST =OTHERS, Haase Carpenters and Builders. LU kinds of Jobbing wig BaUdlnt prenapiig Moeda , ' to. Onion loft as No. 469 LID curl' gritlLT rainazglonael De. IS riaJLI. Bosomlel4. WV!, ,AlCCili. J. J I & & FRANCIES, CARPENTERS AND B6ll,Diath • Oostracto tateor tor Bonding. Moro Trout mri aglit . v ri4 . 7 0 71 .0 =1 4 11.041 . 0 . 011 t 56 Mines St. 11.10117 fity, Pa. '17:•41 z: MFIR., lime itatlderr and Carpenter. l irloolarna of ALLEIC sad DO air Jobltte r iad Zeplarths asd dustsieb. • /71:b11 lloVnE scrim: mu AND CARPENTERS. I &MD =PALM promptly attead 71111617Z0N • SEM, 17 Lall.6lMl/ stmt. HATS. CAPS. Eco. HATS 1 HILTS! _ 01=11 it • Byan A 0.132 St. Clair Street , Have .cion excellent stock of latest Mee Hats and Claps, • •-AT THL VIET LOWZOT rstODt eanrill • NEW FALL GOpDS, =ET UZOICTLich AT WOOED & CO.'S, ara. 181 Wood. mt. V 7 1. 7 . stook of .BIATS, CAPS AND FURS, •U Melts+ itylei tor Um TALL SALE. wUlns .LT S LOWZI3T PUICIVA. .27 PIANOS OBEIANS. &c, 11:1•22. .17.161IISITZSX BARB. MIME 8 BlmarGEß, RACCISLOW LS WAIMMNIL A EMC Yo. LS St. Clair St., Pittsburgh 'I. I Pianos, COrge.aris, geterally .111111ets •glati fora Celebrated BRA.? OD 11r. 8A York. sad 110110ILLOYEU • CO. rtklladalpllts. PLUM& 1.1".12r11LT a CO.*li .OC.ITT•eIt. ,, and D. • a. W. itairruni ..A.mziacaxv. OLIO. gm:MILTON '3 razz= 601T1.11. The bia.ll.4laa Lad WWI.= India and Oal• to noises shnirs on hum. alf aSS KIII (DVS 11:1111RIVALEED Pl. APo3.—Tho parrot In ti.: the ...oat pow coral; the own el..' Mashed; will Stood in ise linear Lad say other. deer idea 1.0 re.. paired. Nor oeloet less thus feetcal - CELPHLOTTL MAIMS, PI rfth street. Pilawra for 10ebe,0 We Haloes Bros. . end Nrinees lataneetio Oman. Boa In44:070:1.14:0alr 4 :1 . .nmar CLEO SEVCIEBILY & CLEIL • (Bu pMoro tO GoO. F.. eebeettasea a MA C 0..) atffi C atit WrilanintiTAlS ri4ol.; THZ MOUNTAIN 11. roman aerie. r Bowl., L0b0.% Mature. siva ' Wr l res. Polito al, Views. Certtileatas o larAttslaz Cards. ie. aloe. cad ka. k•atkk- CHAS. A. SIELLEFI LItHOORELPHER, Jle://t• NUM= /ST., Unit° Pwl..g _.O*ZONS, N0T12% BILL and ixr 'INALurt. Ilaa• la all Misr. aM:n JOHN MEGRAW, x"..aym f l . .ad n ritV r and TobaCao, - Sutift' Sad Cigars, .412 ZWIR=II7 cry A lripSlEM 0.444 fr 6 ==.4 . 1%[ . 1:243.4 Oir.orJag Inkr• a0•Ig • EXCEL/110U WORES. R. & JZ.NKINSON. XlMULutlutra and daalas Tobacco, Sauk; cigars, npeb; &C. ..yo. 811:13ZE.U. Dl.. 0.143001311 r. 0 Migetei T 4 44 GEORGE A. ImLLY, Wholesale Drug g ists $7 Wood 6 , lnret, 4,podt. we ea. 9une. i owa ge w r II gin tiEling.Vh T U r ak e U frA ' Ur et a tr. smitranter___•ts Revs= ayett cygli littArrgt Gap* LETTER LISTS Published by Authority. LUC of Dl:mailed Per Letters Entnalaing the Pittsburgh and Allegheny Postolnuea September 2att4111417„ • ' pirtssuaari. iIitirrLEYZIPIS lAe Pletnished to the Pittata,ls Garette.l A Varrett eke J P Aar..W Harley Met O'Corsoll L lamMeer W • Kamer U SlU'Etet rob* s W Ltatield St. P •.111.• Dr.& C says Abram Putts P ....Itterum 0 A Rarer W u PvaarJ A.U* M IL W • r,g4.1::.1, Pelee 1 .0„. 0 UCaOJ w Stleom tw• Her eper r A tt • bablet• WIS Real, ruirea_Herar Btifd ass Hprkl ot C r•rti 8 ! .... A. 4 .?" I aver WB 11artvwr Zaerte n H J Naomi a I :I4ZO N If .P I Meows David Braes V° Wadley Deo W Snarly Sr' kt Buns Buns t r iadsra c Campbell Masi Cameron Jean Carroll JT Cane Heart Chrlata Jab. NI Caleamtar Cam,. Dr • Cenian Cleo Cha c r Cla r i o; i ra aria CBaeN Clare Nur.% Wart Clarta las D Cos aeil C • nonnaty T J C4e J V' craWordWllls O r reio; j ar/1 Cummena Cantagbam Curras Jou. Darla Danis W W H Carla Mamma Z Dam, Deo 13:0431"k ruder Miami r' l ' 4 l. pef P create 7 , "M"rAntril Halt Zit 4 ,l;:fltg' PlaietaaXigl o ' ll:a;HaatEH II Ho Derr J u Jr kicker lieo4 J , 1j0". .Jaaartaa Raul robust. Oroß Sea.* K Kempt tire aka Thos Corr J Kelly lir Kikkocr r. n Kirkpatrick Jt Kirkpatrick it Power J • Prior Web nst.. Taos he el W t NY SAM k R ames e J Reed £ llefilo• 'Mitch Lou J s L • Weser** J di A Ric e hards id Illtarde Chu Moo Mich • . pester J ohs hboads Phhln Hobert. Jao Was e Js Bob Itosecto F O Mt. teed... Mos .solos Ira Shaw X 'lisede Cyrus abatises Jam , hoolt W • !bil sta W ling Peter Sie • Slheddes W unveil r Mil • It • Smlth Beet Itt Jno Sony •=.1 4 .3 4 4 1 omegas 61 S etwart W Stephoaeon Stephens*. It I.l4wart else iStewart 011 dater Cept J P Sylvester .T.d Sweet Chas W Theme • Id.erner W 4 Todd Jim 84. Todd it It Totter t W Trels l' J er • J Shell I eahrldre • V • Veaste Feed Salsa • B L fddlrep J P Larne tuna., tildrat /1 " 5 Lath 1.4111 Lando sd L(.41 11l Lee 13. Levis Dav is L dly Des Luisa Lory J Lu o duset /as Luiz Dip Lyda. • Co Wrairayy mßirlana Namibia J • Kassa Jos♦T Martin Din t. Jamison M A I * mr.'47, l t. Millar it Al tt Vb. =data .1 /Clam • wad l ' alTr j alfa Fairbanks W Dia l 7 rU l L Z PIGA Jut Weed lila° FL Tana J Itothlaatdds U Ytallgt alta darinal Fraae• i W melted Ant Pull. tl (Isninta U tombs W Oka. Joan Illeasea John Unreal IL lag: !G i p urn, • Ann. 111121 • • Algae; prat A Co /loran 11 A Illottonl W Waddell Hon W X Wanes la Ward Jan. Watt. o ' Warren ens T IWoldoH or Wenn= W II more hoe 11 ° 1 ' g:7 th /tie. I 1 1 4 I elie j A Ayers Gee My ers W Il 1 110•111.0. k 0.1 I AlleCerrey .1 • . liteleaWeTWel I latetravglk 6 IlleDouu TY. lliellehud• ....Auld • )10000 J 1 leeltalys D• j IleAlbue• 0 i1e1011,10.1 • J • e Lise ey Ileeletahan £4 Aerates , . A McVay Wesley I Tests La. E tt N twma j n IS IN Ado.. J • 0 00 0. L • • Wigan' itaa W • Waite E 4 1 1 . 5 a oar L s Csu %llama 5 • Watsll o a n h Ono X W es.* n obs r Worinklarner W C We tna Wiolf Miss Yates Wit salT. &LI ' WhOtet r•cer re the Coid Sailed Shafting Cele. of Cos g'l Covina Still Mord., of Thayer a lionC• Circa ort flratt W m 14 Gray froflgtrt net :11 W Mr; Att. thothsat II It Went W rlfrga j rl:lllp Unites AUAI Hall It A Hart naetett U r AU All. l aulltnt I tAtirrair It W r 4 r i • ge ettootcu 11 !Wrap Farm.) LADILU. 1=1:1/19 ME= N tA. faskinxit Gosnitt.l Toed Gab % ilioDowslll.llol Irma audi re o X lr en oreigns ts Garrison Len' lleGor J L Ur. ortr XL II - 13 Noun. illiabk .M 31541141 • 0 kitailitom B Oktr Mos ;Goo Ca rona, 3. - ; fle &l .r l lata Mitlrt.lntrig Z se lisoiron Dalir ' ,110.atletnet •I.3And A er • 31u4 knewa D Mrs Sanfor is e • nate Barber Itaarum Ka. Seatb X vale X He I A. Yrs itenntti Ltrzle ISIS uoWrt l J Ylu kettftri7 X Pan.. Mrs ?Oa au Xitm rip, I lute Cow.. Kate ion ::'7X,..1 Bed flet'lt IV Head Jane • illead airs itt ey Caralk tfo ng taTorY E ara4leT D Ds• I Brown Alike , i liqrty.lam•s' tell kowalklr., Z Mr. Z. ' . W linen OR Mee D Dee barn V /3 Meter Mee .. 'nay Stln Chud, L Y Yea Ceam .n C Cozen. t mo leg Co Corbett 11 Yn e nen x dna arr. T Mrs Dettell JL Klee 222asos Cale sati2.rtrut.l lalaiten 1421" [1512222er k J IT2yler 4.001. Te 5521.22.12 Todd 1.2.412 Lavtoe Clara J LennaM Jazzy Lake YIEIS• I• 1101 (mots a) . Ll ( eweilen KIM L ems Idelleola kr::1•111:.A. Munin Mni M A.. 1.1. thrdale Mr. I litarttneirmi L. muur fratt.....• N AWal ei W an n X ! W Mi Mun Willi Alin Whion T n t lin Wilt Mins Minh Young Inters L..can M Us D 9•0111. , kea.lln II kle(Aelian A Era g L eCIALLAS 1=1;01 fitrbra r LI. lii Mhilrs Curie J.B Z ilolitler °lilalle 121r.,,,erssil !I ~ Postmuter Wr SB. • A GaseLAr.l 0./wa11...A Yoe Utt I A Web mirror /loot ENT—Sep to the Pat* ,ffarm.r Clara Worm. Ctn. D iti. hasps an ► massoUlecl John HC.1.1111. J 13.11111,1211 Jelm Huget.hes a. Gl J ALLY() [AA F A • z L.lsst• alien .1 Pi •yers J•s ts towels Abner/ ' sitter , lesol•• ramort rkl lltpoo, et Pm:cal:sr _ were n e L l i girdprlA A Peel tllobeel I=l.l*lfllex vnallar Trancw I.lism ll Xrown Inns Bal•rt Sopbf• s.lrd sse , l Ills. Baia 1 Prater Jot f137/tx .1112 • Hums Hobert • Hartman uo.e Henderson IL T Holloun lewletstalrlarder Was ard Wood; X iriVil l :l2ll:7 A rir=2.r°" . . . _ ,QDeet henry RGeb.y gam u,o.t !taba eltbs Cboa G Mobil.. lit tab Marra Jos I tutmerJob2 der4m2 T 21 lioriamlTE I,MydM • ?Wanks la lil 2 illmkall Wm I ran Wm /TEM , lingt:Lia.., Jules /implt James .1 liteeil tiazati Weed laatnl ia2 rlesadzil eel blowl ae r L 11 Malmo J. *V Ha Hogan W 4" I ab Borland W. Barn. Bent 1,1.4 E•Str• nail. non James*a] Jobs J. 1.1. a Kerr • xsole 6 !Mu Parr r Kaor , au !Lanz Al raltb AT (o0'0) Sataud Aco aa•otr CM litrocp nth t Emma Salt, et lOW Ot Clatr 71cle Mu lct D D ow John Own or Jacob 1;11..11 4 01 , r/0i 'Moor CA M ta r ro i n i llt roact•ln/C naafi SOM.? A.l cott.ttleloCcor •elbert, Clan s. 7ranneic Cann. D eullinno CC Com hers ! chalk II Co Charles Howl! ! Clonistanso el CM , Dave i colvllog Jae el Cernolino r It . I Connlonhantol! CineninhannlZ! =Dors J Conllnt W _ D ' triton IllaslChl Clanton Zan D=zzg o. , Dehose7 Deets Jan Dovlo Zion Davis MAU. Darnahhln_DAs Darnond trjltrs. 'i Edward* J C mherly John Z ftrzt.u. . Paulin:Lon' Wlar rioter g Woo y ! o 5,3 !Ante ,o Z Davin ' roe.t 0 JAI I harosedy A I f re 99 firt itAren XII iLettrr Ir.r Late r hastua LrelArrY Lama Loots Lattror L ,Lersa Joian iLlriegstez a u• cw I.A rr r Jab mber h al' or La IL•• Jane Landis Bolen Ilvt. Lo ri Llitle tiro W Lon• U. 9. Ls Trvr• Lab*lla Trusnt TA. Napo. 'Damn if tutor 00 i'llyg•Vl "D . 1;:11 . 4 71 f HroetO lif wllO.lO ICPsZrer i. n i dirt:l . 4ll M IR::: /VI Woods 4.. J %110. 'rho. Wlse Lean& Wl a4 2 .. i g . r.; IV Wergit Wallet. Mehl 33eater 11.1•3133371:3333 I Moon U.sbel Mitchell lr leg .stoaa 1A341. gd ' Moolleyad W ate, Sloothe Miler Wl3 OA _ . ;Bletteratm. 4.1 o ,ItcULI Melia itzn,fetr . 1 IMeltitTre ellceml.tOL )440LIMInald ¶b Moans. Mr. illellest. Rm. Melrvin. it. Mc01.1.17 vr MeCooed./ 0 r 061.0 1 . Kat•ll 0 I Mb.. oo urn W • Um/ ] r:111,5 _.. tome kaer GrObb• ti Insrdt eat Glum. W Green A ne. Unr4nr ritCsaw . 1014 Tong 'rook To Log Z.lser uJ Ls Zzoo, Dead Itoo Ntisic: ethou.a Chu beast. • 3.erGlit ino Ifirax it o/ltegh artsl Ileosn tla ft rrrrr • A Hoe Camille MMI 11i3712E3 ==== • Join Lambent, a young man rankling to the Second ward,Allegtolny, Wag arrested on lismlock street at a late boar On Thurs. ass night, by oar John then, wtilla drank and meting in a eery dilOrderly man'. ner. Upon • bearing before Mayor Mord aon,yasterday mornkiir, Lt appeared that John waa th e almost dally habit 'of get ting drink sae using foul language _to ward. Ws father, besides olkerwita ual Or him, at oil hnnn of the day sad eight. A Ana of twenty-Iv. dollars was which the [drainer wu oneble to pay, and he wag committed to jail for. thirty days. Stolen Dosses Itoostreeed.—Seine three weeks since, two valuable harems be. 'longing to Mr. Wm. fL. Stewart, of Sharps. burg. were sinks, and no trios of them could he ordained nntli a few delta ago. when °Moors andgrown aumertator ea tent animals an Nwermg the descriptiOn of those taken had been disposed of to a welt-to-do farmer In the vicinity of Bar myths, Better county. 'Upon proceeding. to the farm of Wm. It Harrison, in that vl. Maly they found the animals, which were fattyldentified and handed over to the owner youterday. Mr. Iluriaon purchased them from two Wen to whom he ittyposed them properly to Iteioorr. Horse therm have been quite frequent of late, and per sona cannot be too careful from whops Mel purchase. Valet. p5t...0.-I;ergs, of the Linn of Cr e aig I florae,. 0f01.116D the ß ttnth ward; appeared before Alderman Lynch teeter. day, and eharmsd'At colored man Pareed genben Dopreany, with the ahoy. offense. Bonbon halls from Texas,and fouling him self free under the . gmancipation made his 'way to this locality. where. by frogell l 7 , he amassed some means. which be Invested In a couple of hones and wag. ons. Ope of the Valeria' being oat of repair, he engaged the above named firm to make him a set of wt.'s, ',Web he subseettentlY refused to take off theft hands, beam the suit. gone., a. arrested and gave ball for • further hearing to-day. Bnsgl ar7 lb the NUM lgrapd.—At an early hoar yesterday morning the boarding hones , . Ho. 490 Penh etreet, In the Milt wart:Oran entered by burglars, wh0'pr0,,,,,,d00 ,,,,,,doo to the abarUnant moupled by the proprietor and stole from a seat which was hanfiegagaltuut the 'gall. acme sixty dol lars in merely. TOO entrance Is. elbowed m[orator open the !stet door with a eyim. 9.. instrumiat - TOO yo/Ipe bare been tumble to asocrtaus any mos to the perpetrators. es. , Another rasp at the Iralr.-11nrini the progress of the Pair, Sir..lamem a. Spur t the Well known plough manersorarer, or the flab a ard,dnegheby, had Ole pocket picked by some experleneed "knocksman.o The adrcdt gooondret succeeded In abetraet itifaircor B h p ultr= g o and forty Putts. He hut glean a descrip• don of the party !Inspected or gha then, whom, It Is to be hoped, will be apprehen ded. fgraddltlonal Local 'tatters on First Page. DAILY CiAZETTE : SA - A.on% SEPTEMBER 28. 1867: SPECIAL 'NOTICES. garW3L. ILSIVITIULL & Coy BOILER MAKERS J ND SHEET IRON WORKERS. soa. 20, 32, 24 and 26 Penn Bt. Hulas setw4d a lute yard and rarniated it, the moat anproun tuebttlarK. we an ma. parse conunotfetnn truly dausiptlon of to la the but ilia..., and warranted banal to any mad. la itt sesatrr. Maass', Snub ins, ?Yu Badn'ateam 17W4 Lecomotiva Boll .r.Ooadtnnrs. Salt Pau, Tanks, Oil 11 1 011‘ Lamson, dentin , Pan. Bolter Iron, BMus, Bum Tana. lad sole atualbettrars of BARN LULL II PATRIOT sousas. • ktepalrtnn dons en the abort/sat unties. Wiled arLAKE SIEVEM9III COPPER MILL a. SMELTING WORKS. MTZTBIIIIRGIII. • PARK Iffe.CIJILDY & 'CO.. Manutscpasts or abatiktax, Bruises. sad Bolt Copper, Preased Cor Bottov.,,m riots nC R. 1.4 11=711%111 is Abo i.ee7.170n. 00. Oontantly on band TlThtrs , Maeda. and n 091.0.. Wrier .IkAiti U r i rtiv 11 , 1*.F.V.T irpteinga 0F0•79.C.t Dattant.• . . lenl4=l4:o•T 808 BON, BEA' & - CO4 (moue rya • =Wm, =rip a Makkuo.l WAS ;I NOTON WORKS, risadlors • Haohlatits.Pittaboursh. llutriftotu of but and atattaaary BUM .114glanki ills.l(rataletaa; eat Mem?, Our teer.'lslattasui. Cistrass of all orooripuoar; on Tonto andllisltlo. Zoller uol non Iron Work. 11600 t No. IS warm lust And Beallhelald Btu • Wirrlgoots no , liIITTLILIPS • r•Tratt JECTOU far Mealtime bolters. tail:eta ItgarTHE HEALING POOL. 11.17 P BOMIZ OP PLZI/OY • HOWARD. AMC/ATI° W epon.p. volt FUONAI Wet, as Us CRUM O P 16(ILITIIDIS, richte inettlMS. AIIOBLI and I.l6Gatiltle denser the aunty powers. and mate It pedhisesiis wit ti Imre means of relief. Sent to sewed letter envelope!, Ono of Vtig'Stotird"2:l= p [ ILl le Fr-. • P -7 e•.....soncernirNa NEM-CALL EIELVER4TEPPEDI' Emma; • Thi7•lllwess tilos Y lon' u Lou 4ali by gnmxia si ' • • targ,prver A. SCOTT, DENTIST, .102. 218 P/Vlll/1" STREET, lonsbase • iTrITIBXIBMH.? BURKE ar. BARNES, Vire boor Salamander Safe, 11111 MX UM MW MOB tEII un, AND IRON ININXIW CRITTER MANUFACIVREIM =I lemma ',Mad ood Sealtalald, rITTIMITIMEL. r 4. Be. W fbno.weiaw.i rpeo masendalloi at he proolvgalities at oar Wig r z• 3 " Pri.ll=`' "1 Taatadeara, MID •J. tin. Mars. hat • Waramo.ll6.aorok Odartlali•W• •\!p 7.4 to-day, by ral - of row mat% he a tarrapays. Tim •.h oast tadozogek.tha Alma:roma Ira that op. asrral ken sat tit INA of lladt Wt. taratha oar slate and warehoum, mud WO MI pad fair. torm you that the papers taken oat at the sae after the Imams harmed 1n the least. We Ail eat arm. my ash; camels/1y ea Rasp a ifse, eoald paialbly stand auch a are, and areas, we dismayed the D\DeranpaaEl and sound. In "at* WastYla dimProditted.• - We will elm Toe as ordar toe a large On We wkwa we gat luta Yorts, 4". A A.J. PACKARD ESN TEAS! TEAS! Of all Prices Mid Quality, al AL. oex. oFt. WIZEN TEA. Prime Tocnittrou.—...--ALSI ver vtnad, lood I.N flood SWCE Am:Mlon ": ... t .... Ann __. •• BLACK. TAM—pmmem, &mem/ Umigom FM.d Anig Nyo 004 Cmlll7. de LID y. tmlongt Jaws; veritiMmUtam.—sl : ll2 O "It Mi i# 7 : l". fainr i4 Z. T d "L !..: nem ....mirMe " %mot ts.At eiTmlbry ma; mi ITh TAM v.., ta tamUt7 Almardul br MY Of Am pme.Cimposiog. wbolam exert [MMS my 10. 10100. brgemt mime Moray emu p.m uturt.r,cr ana A. RUM, • ITAM/ 174 iedMil M..Luesmas. piE OILID,ADIUGEIAL • TEA -STORE ;! FRESH AjliitlYtil. OF • • Yuan[ Old 41,6034 DOPiurlaN Bustjaswder, Ba 6. Breakfast, Congos, llonchong, - • Oolong, Old Codhtry Bloch, And Japan Tai . &Lb U/ SEM BM QUAUTT. - . . No. 20 Fifth Street. ALLEGHENY LROCBRY IND PROVISION COMPANY. JOHN L MUM President. .1. P. 11111113 L. Sealtsary. Ms Rook of 111. 4 lafood, owl* boairkt .p. "nose Telshlag to oval thaaaplys. of Ito liatollts, 44 bettor . ' 41... Z. CONDOM. II 2$ Federal St.. ` ponozvous AND 'FILTHY; 1 adaltalstlons An and Til tinny= if 001711111,11 mai • 16A01 I.IIID, WOUT MUCTERIA VAIL ALI% -._?OlHHI0. V • TEM PURI SPICI TILLS , itinfootly PURE SLICE!. $500.00 'REWARD - • • Ter sur adulterate* Itome fn one Belem. Oue Paiute. a rare Samar ertU go es Mr se three peeksgee et adulterated eat. leuair . mold. 1110111 C 1116.1113311 =MIS .11.1111,70) ARBUCKLEB & Wm& Cruet mi Priprittin at hri Bike Lb 222 and 224 LibertY Street, rims mum,- g.a. rry_. potgr matted IngUROMID RIO eh Alr Tight Packages. Warmate4 se be better Imam! 000 ameteal teas me Co pe, is the market. tril COMPRENIEJ) ' SUNG& ABIIISTBONG, BRO. it CO., Kaattseunno Sad Wholesale Deslert MACHINE CUT CORKS, flags, Taps, _Moss, Pilch, •BO W. hit/ULM% a,., lia• W. ITN • - 115 Third IL. Pittsburgh. AlifilOOD; 11019 p... 00l OsT ilO soNmu T E .l B "pr ar Pe leralts3:," be A i !atieli k t o telo * Ziatulnkl Trs . atlasat 1..111.1,1ml Core C , / armaturbat. ar molaal WII/A110•..; Connmpllon; Zollepty aua ph r , men '" .°4 Ph"l"l""r t r iltlntlV/12:: Beir4Llease.f.• BUM. M aTb D "A j a . 9 1113/ l er r'm ar... an•Wol i so Ity r o ar e/P ' titilt ° ,r - t 4 Bowery, Yort roc: 011101 Box_ 4. t ri. 1,,, ,u a r, D r . C'" . war ' . lifir2"r(hdd.. • pouTirWWW I 4 •"- py NIP MAKER. I.Blaj I ft 4 tont of an knufa .af W . ,,nnnllN 11 th ' .no. $3 UMW WrinlET. ,anattaa7 tett; or LOu cizontar,..BrAvEN, . CANDY MANUFACTURER, • A.l deal. lit c oonve Amaminarat. 11 - P.,' , `.l.,ttied.Tsr4r.VAga ir "V b• BaJin a. MOM% Ak..3IWILXV7ZICPIVIN PA rr ifM ci tti r a i nATM474 li g trANA t iVgt. lagiultati"Taiul mmscE .ptxEous ACROSS Tfl SIERRA ETABAS. THE • Central Pacific M:LROAD, THZ HZSTEHH HALF OT THZ Great NaUoiafTrask Line Atria the Centisent, /Was constructed wlth dun AID SSD 111P24 VISION OF Me OIfITBOBTATf3 aortas. IfINT. L deinined to be one of On MOST W. Pommy Ann VALVAIIa ILLELSOADI • IN 02 WORLD, 0 It hi the eole link of conatannkatlon between the Pact& Coast and an Gr.% Interior Basle. neer which the Isnentsie overlead travel tenet Due, and the Principal Perrion of the MILM■ Man Line Beineins Ontann lt a One extends from eiscurntentd. on the ttfist restate of th• r•dgio. • eastward richest and most poptdOu• Deets of 0,010m.' ola, Nevada and Utah, motionse ball the treat Motor nerbillt of the Or West. and will meet and connect with the roads ome bull& it. Cut of tim Both) Mount Aloe. About 100 Miles am . nowbollt. eeolpini sad 111112111 g °mention to the mond: of the Slurs !funds. Within a few dips 3.6nallnit, Now graded, wOl b Added, and the trot. carried celled,. semaa fie mountains to a piototha the Great ball Lan Yel ler, whence •ferther roman wlll be guy mod mold. tree. sostertnl• and equipment are ready at himdfor 300 Intim of rood, sad 10,000 sea are coap!oynd in Um eonstroctloo• . , , The :one' b :Whose ahem the eomlAhhel MUNI sarpuses all previa. eettleteta. The /gam Lot the quart. aaalnf Aigust Mat an r tblloire, Moos" . 7Lnontnel. tosa N l• 7 Of. $447 579 64 $B6 6IS 47 . 9101 031 17 Or a; Lit rata of two alltlono vox annum, Of Irnlebnaoro MIR throi-totirtko are out wont on lea thin 107nollig ororkail. This to Irma tlio ao. tits], legittilite tronle of Unmad e with Ito ter. , zdancluntie inonstalns, and lath only lb* Oar-, anil rub of gororontont trannoortatton. nod to ornelootOri of Um inatirrion [Jr tip fullar extension of the road; Ti.. Conpaare Listurest 1411111.15 e duty Na eases poled warless thee SUSAN • - •eater ls. evar-arpladlag tleoaiG tease sad tbs propOnlon. at. tie NMI boslaeo Lw • The Coinyany as eathertted to **Woos that' tine outward mall It ihau limit one coaxal with tkaroi.te haw bath:flat soot of the Reeky, amusing that they will ballo and mitre' half me matte Olittaace Derwin Ilia Tresetwo zed the Illtsoort lives. se aow teens probable, the Vaned Bate. will bees I...mud to the email tlosaf 105 alley 010.000.000, wr u tbt 4,43 ` sae rate If 435.000 par au*, not bete/lag ea aboolots front of 10.000,000 ,dreg et the rout, Leeds. Dy Deeastera fella inv.:north the esegallleent leltetTetee. mad by warble IM test Uwe to favor onto TIM Itortwege Woad -1010ers.-.llla Oasatta 00020w0oO10. veal nCt. =elm 051 CO-OrOZATION Or rirrATll cArrruarn. and hoe earefelly yeazdett their egslast oollaszycoatiograeles. The Company odor fbridlo. tbroodhd!. tbel Mat Mortgage' . Thirty Year, Six per centi Coupon Bonds, Prt .I .m 4 Ildloroot payabl6 ln Gold Gobs. Nov York ell, - me. r aro dada of di,ooto sow, IMO soaddonotal told old rod ottrztzaaroo d eligt: fore24pre j trAl ate 1 . 414 cartollex, VC' obleh " folo Add Nies per einst.!upaz lb. ZwrestalinaL Them Banda; anthOrtlect brAttOt or. only a. ;toe work pray...M. and to the tame amount only.. the buds Armed by oho liovernmeroll gad repreaeni, mar. came, the 9 41 ' t 446. 4=4 " : Vat! ' nacr e oxen • =led ' Gomandta nai l dl Mack aaomrlplaoos, do. onrplaa earning& !lA. and, Which la worth Inere than three mouths Malin ornoll. Mo.ites. cah ba booed about, Th. ventral Yule , . Melt Mortgale AO.. hare all the ma um a.m.... sad goarantir e of Me poetic UMmard Act or Magmas, and have In sedition .TAI adtantaitar over ad ether !LIMOS of 'abroad herd., • r nr.-Titar n I. saoseloi el..p. K rrrrr most vital aad rah... yak.. • . of tea ...oh • - ascend -Ser... fade. of the Golsen. • la • sobottlasta tor rae,t7 Mole of isrgo doaa hfssriaty . Al( she . ? * ln. east of on.. AO olles tw u dof ••• Prom.. II whets mt. sumo,the IS alias tow Mt. • rawiit-ik. teen btoliess already la:d tho .37(fth%rp1 well tna tatxvteflto Honda balms pasable laeOle. apex • umwr • Wham. CrtetatanS. liana[ matey Ornatrort. i mean,. Ofs?peet• or w fad, asto ma pow aroma nt or tho4ompany's arhorts. catanity resume, dth hostas to Thorteass Exacstora. lassita.... so ethers. esu natl... rm.; onstros.mensborans gf sonswoarsa.r. cameo's , Or unman - amp Inti Central Pact& FIRST MORTIAGE BONDS - Twelve to Eighteen per Cent. Advantage, • 4 • WITH THE BAXE BATE OP nrszapirr. The followtho am the carrel:lt rites (Seotenther 141).) . 1 / 1 441. Of' anew. to LL 588 ectiatiOns nom day to day,. W. mmHg la eletulate) • U. S. Os. UAL 4118008. and ply dlltteresed..edtel 11.0. IWs, eotDon. dd. • i . 30 . 0 U.ll. 4-01's. 11144 coeval, 40. . 4 / 134 li. h. 424 . 8. Mt, coupon, do. " ..114.4) S. r-0.1.106. (sate.) coupon. do. .3.10.44 11. 0.140 . 4 Ur. Mew.) coapoo. PO, CIO s. met% coopon. end oay 411telloteo..'td.0 8.7.11d5. 104 modes.) do. do. —MI, U. Z. 744'4. (It ) do. do. ..7a.111 of hale le; •11)1001.• on 4 hedeltore glaareilT. of wham @owl pt lee rUmblets dad goon OM 00 .45111004. Sad 87 FIBS & HATCH, Dakar ul Dalai II Evans' 14[113ittek nl Email /tub of ths & r. L LC*. No. 5 Nassau Street, N. Y. gt.i. f isreasTatB. R . °L. ran. 6.11:a1ten5....... Address 0. B. Woodworth & Ehms u .1 'Roche s ter Chemical Worlis./ la 114111 l 115 gifis but / • . \ It. T. OrZior., / - \ i r8 , !..4...iry 4 .11,1" i A 4011 1 14,1 1 1.-• ti \ 72. 4 -11:Vg v 0 LfiAti \it -1/I:P.A =l2, xi 0 ... 51. .w D. ,-.., 2a)fi 1 g * glg . 1 0 i liggp: O " , iid " . 1 -7411 g 1: ti E l*6 eir. iteri ' p•Oßgielliri :raid *RI P a i E .14•11410.1*******11**1031310‘j . CIPM NVINULt lIIILL 4.71= VutianiVryt T i t giajtra . •Lmg....mi 0 7 P.P.K.REEOO of *wag 10*1 0.1 01 •park ORIOI 1.10R.n00.011 \ m SOunwea ihrg.totsspoolik HAZARD PO WV DER.. I. .NOW •PREPAMED TO 'EU, nbortost notice, all ordone for lama Or •111111 iOUI of LIAZARD'd COLEBILITED POWDER. All order. left It or mut ny mmi a ay atom 701.174 and 114 TADANAL lITILAZT, OW/ Cal. Po., or to 194 szooD WIRCIZT. Plyobaret P.., .111 nobly. coomot atmailon. ARTRIUR KIRK., Ootleano Et IC AZ IC? Ammanla htzw. totasm a FREW.: - U.,. s►meeed to No: 81 Market 'St., (comics or nscomparirnotraori. malm.ibp' a» to mu►Lo7►Ca _ ..` Saddles, Harness, Traffics; Lid Ott articles IS 14eIr U►e usually kept to Arse-elso"otabllshments. NE"' . PAPER HANGINGS, MOW among, 121 MOLT 'MUM. AT xa 107 Market Street. Jos R. a V ORES 1180. w Aii4 , l4l6 , i‘ 4J HABESTS & SHE:MLITT'S vitiMstal4 Lap 147.4.11. tr ii , Cone sa sieet kei Tut LUiletaty, BT., ythi lIBQHi 1:33 antrifergt!"-cl"t...iftria. aad PI W. age•timr " .. dem ntid • ftllllll. or II 1 .. 4* asiorrypireislit arayskihmt: •••101•rs. nThltj lamiD4 '. .r $7 13 . in 9 1,4 .2 1! ti Amu, lb BONDS, STOOK,Si ?OM BEAL =TATA • ,kpelli Anildias; Pourthitreel. nano. thsarsnaa and Nonlethal Bose* amt ally km,of gwoylooubt And DOI LortdgggV%Might mad Void.. Ira LIONNE AND LOT FOD,NALIK enaced .oTur et bmaa aNt Bobo Int:Await. ball= it obur Mr.itigolVAr l e.4.l.lirli Smelt a - : 'GRAFF, BIERS & CO., ILAIII77ACITURZEIS 07 Bar, Hoop and Sheet Irdn, 'I WROUGHT IRON, not non ona rsa ao, Boa ma, It Aucilec). OIL WELL TUBING, Mee, No. 98 Water Street, PlTToßtrumit. FA. stone :. ATIONAL FOUNDRY ARD .1:1PlE WCOELIKS, Conker Carrell mil Rasathaw; Streets, Math Ward, PPVTABIIRGiIk PA. Waif. 16011:0 1 193. 9 itairorAcrmuir, 011 , Cast Iron Bowl Pipe, FOB GAB AHD WATER WORKS. tut tipaigin="Z"Zt Voli I.L. D Z mat at otan =Ns in in in wen tons .LINVENILVAIIIIVJM&"."" PORT PITT . 1101111 R, STILL IND Tin • womm. -- CARROLL .1; SYTEDER,. AgAlliThiCRIIllllllO7 =m—. notraurnanco, aroucara A MUNN= ITIAX NOLLINA, OIL era AND OIL TANYA INONMITIVNANZOOMNGAND AAMPANIS DXXONIIA, =muse PANS, BALT PANB AND 00N entax.rress, OADONZII6S, LAD MON BZIDONN - • MIN= DOOM AND 0011. SNOT= 0 014AAAWAska imora.Neemad. Murk lad Liberty =soot& Pittsburgh; Pennsylvania. arokrn the aim *dami will be Ortuntat **Wed U., tams v - icsuvius IRON 19 NAIL .WORKS. map', DALZELL 8 CO. 3I3IMICITO/11821 OP BAR, BOILER, SHEET spa 5P49.1\713. IRON .2 • NAILS AND NAIL RODS. • .1 U/110Z A.ND wusinums, 1 1 0 s . 64.66 & 68 Anderson fit, Toss 1411.141,S 3ana or Hasa ISC. end" ' ALLEtiIIEaV CITY. tool/Wall KENSINGTON IRON WORKS. LLOYD 41r, BifACIE, BeSl LCOIIIIOI4 Robed ' Charcoal Juniattißloom Iron. akavaaarr Dal; SOUND a ajzolima taw l arki4 B l4 " .Prsdiaa l "" .° MAW!' • NOW= and aaaPra sacra OTTAWalalt sad IaIIAJLIa VINCtil sitara.k . _llLalada So ma 10 lba. so Ma Tara. WV,OW MIAMI aul IPIlLia tor sera. FLAT a 1.1.1.% Plutetual sad °automat. COAL beaZza IttOtt. Nana sat! attljan. Wareagam mg O. at Oa Worts. °REIM WIVE eT" trooattsamma ot streal.) ad lotstaa lan. °Uvat. West. rttlabamh. KBYSTONB IKON WORKS. uumasolr:ElLABl3 CO, Keseacturro et Um difortui atop Rend, Sous, Rat fan* Horse4boe Bar Ire Reap an Baud Iron, Boller-Plate, Tank and Salt-Pan Iron, Reel Iron, ta m ke., wcab„ ear rorrnbu. es Konoacabea Am. Ofies sadWuvlasso: Nn a 146 Water St. a TRIDIEBTRIAL WORK& HRH. M. BOLE ik CO., FOI7.II•DENIS, Engine Bauder Vd Eladdatsts, Mao to tido KarlitS sad Likai iitesin s hgltios. Wall stmt. vrarnote.l to . Curttost. of ovary iNnialotlolt. mutt to 0r.163.. Just! 21110401., Forema tfoota.• 80.P..g0t , rob.* All Moos ut W. 7. 70.1 337 . M. In zoo 114 Thlrd suss'. . _ PA. 116:111 plTlrspiuseug STEEL WORkS, ijIDICISONi OWN a- , aniixtimosaru :Foto. agema a do Wtata,.4 4 , 4i:saw' Gat a% NM um sa 111 s r," NOVI lola get vut noel. v. Reaping anc), Mork Rubin moss rzot av wm ia„ sratores.:ts I LEL . Out a Cki,aultoirrombA Brztog SIAM. olloe—onwie a film awl flassullass, ow.eakm. the ilinosimbisla .enset, BERLIN FOUNDRY, ran a silts, orizot Ire trtutrautt. No. 29 Weed Street alaautisto. nut keep sroagtuit7 tai 111141 6h4HIS 1 grits, CUR r4OO , Itt ra t:l4 i ir&liril i p i lil e. 1.114 cutlass pnmlly. MA4: O I — Vratit BLANC FOUNDRY S Butler Street, Ninth Ward, .orrauu WROig fl ON *UJ wirimrinarcrin.ovazr. Riau NW and Bridge, Castings* .. • 11111111111151Ln P111111E1; KookMery mail Coattail's "Amorally ' • Ureters promptly MO eirerollY toopittod: , , °tuatara axasasartat .acrg,94/"T MACIILIZM °R NT I gkika& WORK& MIER; Bea p MTh, . .. REST QVALITY CUT STIEL t i _ m . ta ilia 11taro W li 8, •IsDelf WI : " W 'i' ar or Dn. . . Ma 9 514 . 4 tore: ersoul. a aja_ raly_To Inas CA= lir Nl= IST .“ Ceoe. aa W4lad !Urea. 8°921. Moll4lolf 11111112t3.. JAL aun Craans, BOILS= wonss. RORlOW:l!ist i Zita eO r y 111,1171Kaortuazg 01 'KIM milers, On Ag l4 ", boa& sat pans, 0111 , 01netStrirt "Frogght treti Urlars. !boat Iron Work. VOL thrfrarri r .Ao.BECOND WI PIiriTSERB , P•4l. 11112ENURIXO D OW' , PROMITLIN .17/101 " ROBERT LEA, it.LITIIIMCIFEKS Or . STEM:ENGINES ANII,3OILERSI Freight Iloistfcra )XXITMI wirinirzt;. AND , emersumawls wanly ownisir Mel .49 P11ra . 141141.• 1 " .6 'PqratflitiV'PAJ SAN ErFACTIZTREIta lIRRICAN IRON WORKS. JONES a ',hews, Irrirrisstmacii•xx, AMERICAN AND CLAIR Bar, Hoop, Sheet and Plate Iron Bridge. Iron; Angle aad T Iron; Quarri Iron; Coal Screen Iron T Rath, Ifi & 20 lbs. to the yard Tram Rails,piinchodand coca+ ter sank Boiler, Bridge and Tank ItivetS Cut Nails and Spiker, Ship and Boat Spikes; Railroad Spikes; Railroad Fish Bars and Bolts; Itailrcad Car woods amiAiles; Street Car wheels and files; Coal-Pit Car Wheels and Axles; Patent Cold Rolled Shallitlit Patent Coldltolled Piston Boast Blower and Heaps/ Bars. WL114110175Z axe 01710 Z. 150 Water sad 158 Front SI& 114.110 t 801115/4 Nos. 22,24 and 211 River . 84, OM0•80. NEW HARDWIRE Lindsay, Sierrit & fewer, Ilannfaotorere d; Importers of HARDWARE, CUTLERY„ &c., 337 LIBERTY STREET, Car. Vertay-sio, Om /gear° Below Talon Depot, PITTEIBITRGH. !Amu for VAIWIANICS. MILLS. SIMKO STEEL WUEhI SINS : 4 : NllllOl it CO VIStRACITIMMI 07 HOT REFINED CAST STEEL SQUEII, MI ID KUM. U ILL RIM XITLAT, CEICITS4I. GAM AMMON, COT SAW PLATES. .11:LLIPTIO ian 1111:113-MUZTIO RAILWAY SPRINGS, Cart Swing MW4 Cast and German Plow Steel, MOW WlnElt tan MOWIOI 141161121. SPRINGS, AXLES OD STEEL TIRE, VIII E V th , rt LA B MPI ITROW- LU., as.. a. Warehouse, 83 Water St., 'WWII), ATLAB WORKS, - Xl'o R To.r. 8 Til.lolB 2 Ninth Ward, Pittsburgh. ITIOrtIAS N. WELLlll,Presidexit. Them Werke are moat the leaven zed *eel atathlate eat bllseseent In the Wen. end art here prehtte4 la health facelifts of tvery Description. OcUen, Oil ?same . - sift: Iron Wort, Cauttage, "Ulm NM Cettuip., Rastas Cutup. Ueneral CmUi:wa, ' l l:Mgga SOJACITED. TO ROUSE BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS. The Wiest aesertaseat el GRATES; all Sizes; Cooking Ranges & Stoves, Of the V TXT BUT QUALITY, for sale el , 'PERT' LOW' PRICER, BY BISSELL & .CO., )07:00 N 0.41111 LIIIIVITT ST.. Jourir RO NEY, HICLA FOUNDRY; Callen E 4,1111. Ward, Dear A.I. It. R. athaVnlerincla Hammer Dieu, Steel Mordlie, Wig ui Cutiip gunny. JOBB/NCI gllsx pftlar4, aitaaaded to. Or dars t01k.11.64 sad uranuy ai2d mllUbctortly aarateo.. JOG V IE FORT' FOTTNDBY GUM MUM ORDNANCE, AND ALL= OP IFILLIZMIre Ii i its. Iff.asT mAttiNTITI and ,arxina: swim attartde4 to Droupttr, As nersteforkr , bent =mama will sinsys " ud ia." 7 . 9ta tau' Ary musraciad ander toe t•nl.s.toa 16s. ram to Ittszta MAU. W. , t/ta at Moil ma SUQUESIF IRON AND STEELWORKS. NAUMAN, BARK & 00., _ zurrauu - szas Iron, Nail& Springs, Axles, PLOVOICEP3.IIO And a.insra., - 11fea. 77 INTaitear Miltardpot. prrranunGm soUdli W. mown A WOVE :WORD& . .... . L:IaiADLEYs ,co. • Cook Parlor aid Haqing Stets, iliice4 CORM Llirt W 1 Ifrarir.,Wawo VaitAtith,, GRAYS: 1110)08, ale• (mei ina ioripar ot tlooosid sad af o lick.nta, nt sntrance on=4 RLACH DIAMOND • . VITCPNILEirar. PITTOBUBBH. MULL, DROTMELEI Co., linafactlnan Of : ilizrr QUALITY azsrpto - mt U•kasA, threL War- Atumd, q.! Qr sAy Imported ar Amantealand this Amstrg, USA) gad vault." hio. US .4 ilsoL an VAllll.l...—Jons /CM,. LLEY STOVE WORKS. ALLEN, wet EE Olin and I , (trapoons.. 301 DIEITT .. EM7I:I7:BIVIMITTIVirSIVta=" i f wt.,. vela* al 1r ta4Mbelatand atii.llolZ ristml. " inthhTluViarti titax at the foe 1•00.11; laiOlnAltalus Urstes, lenl4 Li. Um as se Nell Wars renertilt. • -.• 111,1 1 , •9k 1 :1J:1: 110,41 i ILIIitiZaCTSMZIIB Steals Boilers, 011 81111 s, Tanks, Skeet Won Works, &c. 1,1 IPonss Pitfaeurgh, pa. au1144 OENTRIL. FOUNDRY AND DOLL WORN& 884 i . 031173. IntreSts BOMBAY BOYD t BLUM. 2.115.1111.11 Ouilm. 9UI lathes. .Ik, , THOS.• CABLIN roam TAIM hum us 1101111 sow, SUMMIT' OTHEILY ,ALLAIMIrCRY CITY, amtiaqtyror.of aOLLING KILL •N. Mamie uAriTh9BlliAna WIS Pc% I.l . l4 l latirs; v bnlYll . 4 , OA. IRON CIItt . MILLB, & BUBO 9=, 4 lialus is se tyfilli:loll:Cene7.l44VW 4 laci I. U. Arr00D..11.12 , 110X fOXXS.a. 'AZT ATWOOD & MITRE BILIS& :FuIINDEIIB, STEAM AND - '0.48 FITTERB Cor. of Brd and Liberty Streets. Lb.? C a ay ri;u l,2 b 4 =I; w ip44l,lld Hesv, Lotpagt Mitts or s Doolal attanuon patd to. ol orzlgedllo/16111. SCOMI , OUS. Agents for A. &Cameron &Oh STE.A.M. PUMPS • BLOWER ENGINES, re. PaN atat7lNl bare superior &drudge, overall 0tt , ... ewe le warranted to ewe eatae teetlert: raw* oaaatanthr on Mad. (Male BPANGLIR & BRADFORD, inEs..a.corxima.z. Plumbers and Gas Fitters, Ma. 47 Ohio £LLZUHW CITY. 'lipase 'lilted air with 171.TX13,, 114121 130 ergairArrrirod weer. .dViVihretrr.74l7 SIMMS Ons E. comm....Jos. Km. —..icwraT MEE JOHN I. COOPER It CO., BRASS FOUNDERS, Steam and Gas Fitters, ririrrs AND BRAES WORE, omtpuoo; ftgon BAR nx. TV= 11.71 D =Rai B. of .11 Una.. (brier of Pike and Wahnn Streets, ...*PITTSBURCH. PA. - nsig BILTERKLE & MILLER, PLUMBERS,. • GIS HD, STEIL FITTERS, O B ct. r Hy dran t s, u rm oi ., M ooindk . f W Bo ash B a lom 10 Bath Both Tuto, Bum gooo,,hlarbm D. *WO.Ohio' 0611croot, Mailmen tad Lai* and Chantnit ht.) ALLIMILEBIT CITY. PA. Bonsai fitted up Ida Ca and Water at Omit ECIEM! WE ST . ER R DISTRICT. OF PANIAIITLYANIA., At Plttibarga, the %Milt day of Logan. A. D. Ust. At I.l2W:ivied Denby glass mottos at hL bltbollitaAnt as Assts... of MAIL= WAS SON, of Astoratiessille, fa ths Co tot? of All.• illtasy, sad State of raustylfanta, 01111, sold Xdotrlet, who has beau adJidisd a bask.apt. Afros his oSm fictlttoo, by that Dtstrlat Cann of sail District:. JOIIJI H. BAULKY. •nlguee. ittoraer4t-Law. 119 drtat 112E=111 xv, HE BEAN, IL.t ten Tasiatuen late tumid. lawn:id Oa granted to the itsdartlived, 1111 paraonsindebtsil .0 said mato I ra r. omitted to mak* tivivadlata saya.atit avd Ursa Oaring istatam volt al tba slid estata prtscit tam. prapatly anitisotteatil. for tattlaivent. Jells, LINN, Itztentor. vaill:1111 aKasaport. EfCIITOWS e j reof AOmlntetrattee on the estate 01 THu NAB PATTEMOsii. diseased. late of Ills. &bah esenehlp. Morino bsea emoted to the nerslinselt, Whet. acme Indebted to .aid Wage arw noillloa to make payment, aed Uwe., heelni claims will pro sent them, peoperly antheettellad, On settle ment. • AIM •BET PATTChnON. 'MANX PADYntinUN, 1.•••• • • • •• eenee, • • PrOmbeth Township. WHEREAS., Leti.r• Testanmen 'err lo•he •atata of WILLIAM FREW, lotaof Uaa teeesolo, Attester. coamty, ra, amed lnais./ tree. ars clod to the Sodas , atoned- KA parboil. lo , stOteo aal , , estate ere raestame,d to mate Iteruediete th..he blelhe ewes, as amat tete-4,401We :iii eremite th em, famoer:y authenticates,. of me. tlmmete MOSES 011734. se.IIYO/Vf !tomato, 11 , ` , IMIZ' VAIVII:11*V:11 UNION .ENTERRISE FOUNDRY, RI. JOHNSTON, .• MooOfoOt.trer Of COOK Afffl OTOVES. AHCHZ, OU/1.1,, Pea Pion, BASH WE.IOIITo,d all lotiOf of litlLLk C o , COL so O sod all Mods of fe Aefl Intl Col:ICINGS ; ear ner of Wel-41.11N ono 114 WS, VELICTS, lout of Fifth Moot eitoeslop. Plttetnta, fo. PITTSBERWIIItONWORKS. 4. PAINTER & SRNS. luarrAcrrsasus Iron, Minket, Tub and Trunk HOOPS AND SHEETt3, EVERSON, PRESTON& CO., ApernirsrLrdurza JOELCON Itr'""tgfgrAtfairiTik: EDUCATIONAL THE SCHOOL OF DESIGN, aroma ' vircrimanwr, 111711..DD16, 94 7L/T$ STUNT or-opolo on IttODA.T. nept.l noon CU. ror nont.losa.n comnanon on YON. DAT 14171.75LA0, October sanko/o 9. X. .11•THI.Iner. PrintAal. NEW FALL STOCK or CARPETS! ,Tt7Orr7 .0.1%.11.1017MGF. A VERY LARGE STOCK OF Englieb and American Brussels, Eaglion Tapestry Brussels, American Tapestry Brussels, English Draggers, Amerlean Braggers, Medallion Braggers. ttW ° e "irTriog i o°4'4lP " • redo,. &peel o to. moots to those woo .67 to •011. 154 1a nob oz. BOVARD, ROSE & CO., 21 Fifth Street, wt.n7tl.•T OTOS e.t.a • Boll's. BARGAINS IN c i a.spETS, 4a.el' reater.ea.x3r.., LLIOATOOL INGRAMS, REDUCED ma. PER TAILD. BRUSSELS CARPETS, REDUCED sao. ran TARO. Go. 7114 Yd /144 CHINA MATTINGS, REDUCED TO sac ran :ann.. Heavy Redaction in Lace Citable ; ' 1071121A111:1 & COLLINS, Nos. 71 and YS . ;web tweet. Hart to %C. Crawls Haase and Pane Udine, Nos Cod Floor. cow Henry Cluer`s Hoot awn. . lent-rrrotaa,HT. SIIMRIPS BELT-TEMPESIING STEAM POWER BRICK MACHINE, ide1e07102111231) ttlr Tai PlTlBillflloll taiok hi AOHINE BiIICK ILINIIr&CTIMNO CO. to IV. lA, the else dlmet . frr T " ("t :t " '4" V" *P "" refte:W. It kine * lD mt e y ft rgol 11; Iroigt kmeit .utr er• pacted lasseglit bltk In the c od aa made. rue tut .11%.41 ertal Art run tighTleh down. t ~ 1 1 tei Wheeling hag% by , nla amt.. IS ITOO:. 93 eenta ° I P A i g oPi Nerel' to laG rate. o[ butt e. II ewer Iron .1111 Heel I T oud the ten rig h :=rVNVZna ;INI 1{ ..eo. SSD LIBERTY NT.. 94 194.17 s Sear the Uhloa 11. IL Velmt, prrrskinte a . NOTICE.-11111 JEIIIS E. SMITH aa become. [11.141111411V !lag 11. 4 •FelLTILA , Nevi :4 "ry ilL o."` °° ' “d 074 BILIILY, 7le /C.BaS IU. a"" NAM Ittratm . . ..... . .... r. nt.flt. RICKEL FINKBINE O.; POINT SAW MILL, forty Bt. and Allegheny SHIT. Ausetuatr, PA. Mt Maas of Gam99 , 4 41..." Loabor . Irby, Bon mai, tottvd ior , llow e wa f4tj o¢ flier be B.Kt.. OIL T 9 1F141911T 444143 aad proaul9 tTos • 820 ACRES • Sood Farming Land In lowa. Terri eon. Good tat. Tutu LI 944. 19111 Ye. 9 1 :1 1 1tolan 1144:Iro of D. W. SOUTH, N.17.1H . 13 .11IWKILZT MUM DO ACAOHII OF MUSH. POUTIVELY Two wins ONLY. DE Li CR INGH-BRIGNOLI. WAY. STRAIMOR haat , . bettor to. b.raretettatt IR 'matte. 1•• 1.1”..., for Ma *gam of .07 aad ' , ha Ica t.d star of t.. t and tr Liana. ratta,DM. rld. MI.. Thine* and ni.l ate roam., Ilmt Anna Be La Grange, Wbovrtliatra•r on WEDIitYaDAY as erarfrip. E DAY IT ninfill. as ata.l id of OVIVDDD.I* Maenad Uparallaispraaentaalvath TIC oßarber 4'18004). 0 - ,Denizettil upon Pasquale!' r' I Signor Bripoli, Bas uw ern eacure. to bt.• awes 1/1 the OZ. eras V6l.h its teal. sows try /t. wt. 654 Woo gazed the tbllelrtaire Ma &nista Normaplets this brialaitOpa Case suuloa • • SIGNOR DIARRA,OueRasIadietRaTISW" SIGNOR WARTS, the Peptise Ras. SIGNOR SIISIIII, the Simone Ham X. 141.1 Dlzettor mid Coa6¢eto3 l lolll NICOLA°. .11est.dou. 11.00. Us•nr.louts, 60 "Ma extra. 1A•111.15•ealilt.• • • • • . n... 1. of tiectr•Allesta scnKesaAgis lIIOND6I.:3Oth of 6•1314.33 bar, 0. n LoR'6,II Weal tomentsee j," Meet, ..1 00MiitM opin ).‘ • ar'NEW OPEU.& HOUSE. B3MMI Manager. /111..111Y IVYNM% beystaiberleta, be Drew:dee, the weadertel ..altos play, by Dion leoaraleaalt, Is an Seta *milled Um notosoon;or,Lite la Louisiana. I lastradve .r touthim I.narkaltr. Ikrattura bonne* and Boni 'Kra 8... Irwresaraslow sad will sha rtly b• 'roasted. too Is 4 saassuon. wad has ha! s hah an .91.111dOlkled an + a S.. rots. nu WE. .3IOBUDY•ii.DAMII4TZ6. Gisad F uyuuta«.Qp MatudAy allaz af*•PITTSHIMOII TpE ATRIL Graud Pantry 14.Usies. at t Wolbek TODAY. .141mItilia, only S 5 mat. Griffin & Mufti's ACKNOWLIDOID BC ALL TEE HASTE' Slap OP THE VOILE, ===l TEM (111mardsy.) .11.91211$ 0 to I , l{sat aztirl, , ,?:=ll,lltl.i. d "t=lra 11}910X, SILSTLIKENT ND PAMI11)8. in'ordirtuileattgivaZZ' DLL K 080uKt BLACK ClNvvir- tar_Till MI BMWS *mamma T. R. nu rzusuir T O .H/ 9 RT. Let eelYs'Ye• ot the /WYSE Bonsetwws ye Desseate, inn .111111 LA- Ntilt. Yr otiele ye WOK. ••He wa.eye • Clhater..l. OIL. LA WOK. Oily ereedezlSl YeAtenw en tee Wet rope: MY 311.0 h 11 shoe, het w eleg; tea wtellee Yams. tile as patty sew Parlor Ito• tortalament al the Wry( 2005.1ne Cancers. &S. Igr•DLISONIC HALL. comitzrronce Monday Event') !MIL inl BIGHTS ORM blind a %disk ni khrhy Anal THE GREAT PANORAMA EOM Life of Abraham Lincoln, MI=I • „ p:rt!4,V,Vl ll . Ttl`l. l .l',t grl.',3! Out: . Vat well isiont 'artist. abd Ilhutrsto t be Lir& 1,1 181 b LATE •re.• 01 ., 11 , NT. Mat Di, oa•ry leto to We death Of M useb In to ell, oeltb ell the e g . 1 , • leetbal ado.. cnt utle ofsh h Ca e sp . roo,opep, ealta S. IC. le CH 1/..“.16_ tbenell RRRRR Shalt kebat.t. doltvor. Leo dew rlptloo Lea torn, lever yereod with eboleereadtess. No v aasol...,Molbell testa, ell Aldo.. soor be Owl se tbo sod e. 0. efel , orle ooslllitOTO. Wood creel. Yob fall portleulars smell INCYrICE TO THE HOLDERS ITEM LOANS CONMONWRALTH OF 'PUN - SYLVANLi, DUE MITE:lit JUDY 2, 1980. Holders of On APlnnoc LOAN OP Tat CONIOIVALLIaII Ul PX.IP4YLV4I.III.I on. recawart unmann then tor ponntof. (Prt a . ripal ead at 11.• - Farmers , ano teclanles , Ballast , .• • • sank of 1.4.2 of Kara 2. UN, 4.1 Axil - Leta of ISM. duo Jaril. . 1.171, IM.. Loop of Pe nmae7l. 1.11. do* PIN 1. Lona et NW. IL IN, Pary 1, . Lola of .1. V, INI, doe Joys V, 1114. Loa* KJanuc J , ld, sm. du Pommy% LPL MI of ths &bine L0A.211114.11 opal So draw ta term% atla ElDtaatla M. l . JODI W. SMART, aorimm JOHN F. IIiHTHIPIFT. Awnfon Granatal. wu.Luta & NEMBI!E, trATz . tIILUIMUCIL • e==7l Watinattea to - coma, Mato or'Soast - as well as any; Ramo tatia.des‘ BI ELL 930 LIIIEBST ;IVICKET. Iso cat laa.4 a-d rar sale, PAZIA.P.I BTOIII6, 94;0•1114,-.70fATIIN C. C. ;A.L.GirlEt hue watches. Jewelry, esxx;Nr-Anie. mer.", . . French Clocks. &Q. • 61.1 atumt:on glt ni to the Wormathm • .Irb. 22 Firth kitritet. T. IllrialiaiNLll34...WlL simunnapli. GENERILL INSEIABC111: - SWEARINGEN & NITANDLESIk X 0.1114 TOON= s?.. 11.1,buip* Pa. 00.3rrid AMU tai 144,rattaiunr 411, 44 . Continental Life Inmate Co", OP EtZIP TOM 11112, LITZ BTOCX and all dirmtnau, puarsawalloetall la ssoonsibb Oola_psa . Aat 401/11111trates. Jr. =Zt7:N 4111M111FIEUI kits:says& Couselormit4av, AND. SOLICITORS IN BANKILIIPTOY, rartmusaa. oft», staasurr arrainsvis tEl!rs 111EN/R it., FLOM. 0n4.r.4 0 ,' Aid rieilite C:Ons bike r..lrlllt CRON. MIA I C E i Virj u lr in el N, Yes est vod: the soL,Ageats LTA.w Staid' as strahlarmaL 9
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers