ri lilisintrgt Gaitfft THONIMPAT. 4111011711 V cp. Isin EXECUTIVE ExcaowcemENre It sometimes happens that a nation is reduced to the greatest straits through the igiserance and trabulenoe of Its pop ulation. At the present moment this is illustrated in the ionditka of Mexico. For thirty years Violence and Anarchy 'divided the dominion, end banished Order and Security. This maid happen only momentarily.. fa et paroxysm of national mahrese, In a land abundad.4 'supplied with Free Schools and Printing Plum. `lUnder such auspices Perll°rOi , Eerily Mum from - the encroachers:its of the . Eirecutive upon the prerogatives of rho mbar Departments of the Govern ment Most of tiie European nations an y • ter enduring the suppression, to a Mr er lee degree, of ther politi cal II from this cause. Not one of them from the heti= or , unreason able temper of legislative bodies. Uni versal history points in the mobs direc tion. It • is, Indeed, fashionable for superficial, thinkers and writers to, cite the Long Parliament of Eng land, and the Constituent As sembly of FMK*, as instances of the despotism end- bloodtbirst- bless of Legislative bodies ; but all men who comprehend the epochs in which 1 those congresses bore sway, and Impar tially weigh their conduct and the nat ural and abiding tendencies thereof, are Ailed with the highut admiratiOn for What these , wrought. Doubtless, each of them performed particular actions which • cannot be justified, and are only to be deplored. When a nation, after suffer-' lug for many centrulesuntold evils, rises up In wrath to execute vengeance upon its oppressors, by sweeping them tine ' their works from the face of the earth, it would only disclose a Mellow under standing to demand that every step in the movement should be marked by the most exemplary moderation, Greet pas sions In individuals do not always find vent' in indecorous or polite methods. Much less do vast populations, when lashed by immense provocations into a tempest, always deport themselves with calmness and dignity. Neither the fresh-, nee of the atmosphere nor the purity of the ocean le maintained by gentle zephyrs or fanning breezes. Terrific hurricanes - ride both land and sea; carrying Death and Dedruction in era march. Whoever for the first time consults the statutes at large of England will be surprised to find how many wholesome ads date from Commas 11. By these ,enactments whole regiments of abuses was annihilated. Was this elegant and voluptuous monarch a grand reformat By no means. These excellent statutes • are legacies from Cnomwstu., and the Long Parliament. Legitimacy could recognise neither the Protector nor the Pallammt, nor did It dare to set aside What they had wisely done. No inter rgenum was admlaaable as they regu lated' the annals, and hence these acts date from a monarch who never did and who never would have enacted them. Those who in this day and country sneer at the Long Parliament, and endeavor. to fix "Alum upon Congress by compar ing it thereto, had better post themselves as to facts, and they will avoid making any longer a shameful expense of their Ignorance. Doubtless. the Convention, the M utably, and the 'Reign of Terror, were stem runts - to follow after the consum ing Indolence, the gracatial dluipation and the utter nothingness of the reigns of Loma KM. and XV. Ent the feu &Bun of the Middle Ages was to be ip• rooted and removed. The masters of the government were indifferent to•the welfare of the people, Intent onlyon the gratification of sensual desires, and stupidly unconscious of the intellectual changes that were progressing. From the end of the reign of Louis XIV. to the commencement of that of Loins XVL nature had been prodigal , in pro ducing men of the highest capacities And culture In France. From Cot• roman to VOLTAI73, from Basso= to Rotrearuto, and from Fmntr.ox to Burissinns-Rana Putanx., there were Mastic= galaxies of brilliant men, en dowed with the most niious and strik ing gifts, end whose labors slowly, but surely, undermined the monarchy and the abases by which 41 was supported. When the mums hour arrived; when demolition was to be executed prepara tory tolsylng the foundations of a new order of civilization; when the waters ot, a flood submerged all the put, therewas blood on the waves aad rains beneath thezi. How else could so stupendous i • work have been accomplished? Not writer of real eminence can now be Amain France who does not joyfully proclaim That the Revolution, notwith• standing all its horrors, wu national re generation. From that epoch France entered upon a new career. Her pops - 'talon has been elevated; their Industrie. quickened and diversified; their liberties enlarged and purified; and the way pre pared for ininiesemeble progress in time to came. If the liberties of tke United States shall ever pus wader eclipse, that result will not be duel° the action of Congress, but to the Insidious and crafty encroach ments of the President. Every govern ment, no matter how libemlly orpaized,. ehcounters a steady tide wind blowing in that. direction.. It is pre-eminently the point of danger. A species of in fatuation often possesses the muses in times of excitement and danger, which leads them to seek safety In the guidance of one rather-than of many. When this. infamation sapervenes the oppor. tanily of the Execntrve is present. This Is among the powerfel induannents which this people feel, leading thud In the existing emergency to stand by their Raprefientatiies with an unfaltering . trust. THE REMOVAL OF GENERAL The military lament of General 811 YR. roarrwas acquired during the last year of the war. The popular conception . was that he was bald, dashing and for tunate; a soldier that by audacity pluck ed victory out of defeat. • His associates in arms knew him better. 'They esti , mated him as cool, calcolating, enter plain, with rare faculties for mesons . • ing the melee and dispositions of bin enemy, and great readiness in making the best of the resources at lus command. As commander of the Fifth Military District, oinslitizut Of 'Louisiana and Texan, he speedily demonstrated that he was possessed, in as eminent degree, or some of the best. qualifications of states manship. His judgment of men and • measures was shown 'to be singularly accurate. In Promptness, discrimina tion, tact and self-reliance he disclosed the seine 'Wanda that Lade General Bunint's admlidstratien at New Gr. leans peculiarly excellent and admirable. Wide some eminent soldiers, who are entitled t 6 the highest gratitude for their services' in the field, hare shown loci ranee of, or indiffirenCe to, the pried plea underlying the Rebellion, General Benirosa bas displayed,' profound coin. prehension thereof In enforcing the Reconstruction Acts passed by Congress, he has been actuated by a hearty ippon ' al of them as wisely adapted to the pre sent condition of attire in the revolted . State., as well as by a sense of his duty as a military commander. Whatever his Wert or may be alleged to the con. • Yarn this Sympathy with those laws, and with the euthority from which they proceeded, was the real mute of his re 'moTal. The design was to strike Con - gross, and the WIG masses who stand behind and instals Congress, by striking the Removal ibr the promptsad efficient performance of palpable duty entails no disffrace. In WM/Wag countries en officer not unfrequentlY falls under the displeasure of the Crown for tear ing strongly towards the people, or for refusing to ignore the lure in obedience to Executive intimations or orders, in such countries the fate of an officer to largely in the hands of the Need of the State. Ina repUblic the cm: IS very different. At longest the President lasts hut four years, while the people and their representatives remain always. ' , j o fa rtes the displeasure of the President, Gen. SIEETLEDAA has risen lit the estimation of that loyal majority of the people 'A - 110 upheld the government daring the four terrible years Of the lie hellion. They apptalid his conduct, and gladly leAn on themselves the task of his.l vindication.- The technical disgrace put upon him will be made to conduce to his more abounding honor. 7 staving displaced General. SIiZitIDLN It is not probable the President will stop there. Indeed, It Is known that other Generals hays been marked for idudlar rebuke. The President, in reported con carsationa puts his action, put or con templated, in these cues, on his obliga tions to sustain the civil lavv and those charged with its administration. No body expected he would assign the actu al reasons for his conduct. Every stu dent of history knows full well that all men situated as he has been midis, medita ting or enacting grievionswrongs, is ore to assign specious or excellent reasons. All the orient atrocities that blot the annals of nations had the, best of reaeons . para. ded in their support.. The President means, if possible, to batik Congress and to delay Reconstruction under the vague hope that something will turn up to give the rebel element en advantage. In this his malice will fall short. The destinies of this nation, under providence, are not in the hands of any one man, but in the heoping of the people. The Presi dent has ninety days before him in which to work mischief. Then Congress will be In session. Nest year the Grand Assize of the People will be held,. sad if Congress shall teleran:tiara so long, the multidudinous sovereigns will then pro nounce final Judgment against him and hie works. " ADDRESS OF THE UNION RE PUBLICAN STATE CENTRAL COMMITTEE. ' Covxrrrs.x. Rooms, 1 RA8111131317/10, Avg. 27, 1867. ) To the People of Pennsyleania: FYl tow Cifirens:—ln a recent address from this Committee 'your attention was in vited to sundry issues and principles In volved in the pending canvass; and also to the political opinions and judicial de clitoris of George Sherwood. A short . review of the principal occurrences, since the last State campaign, is now consid ered proper. The contest of 1516 was kinght, In the main, upon the amend menta proposed by Congress to the Con. 'Minion of the United States. These were national issues; and on the one side were arrayed the Union Itepublican party and the "Boys in Blue;" and on the other President Johnson, the Demo cratice party, and all the rebels and their sympathisers from one end of the Union to the other. On these momentous is. sues Pennsylvania rallied her strength; and polled over one hundred and forty Monocled more votes than at her pieced. ing annual election. Among the results were the triumphant election of Major General John W. Geary for Governor, and the endoreemnt of Congress, by the return of a delegation more unanimous for the right than ever known before in the. history of the Commonwealth. Other local States united irith us, and. the insane and wicked "Policy" of Pres ident Johnson, and of his new Iriends and allies, was overwhelmed by the un precedented and magnificent- popular majority uffour hundred thousand votes! Every State which had been faithful to the national government and the cause of the Union daring the war, approved the proposed amendments. Every rebel State, except Tenneasee, rejected them; and under the rebel provisional govern ments created by President Johnson rebel power resumed its authority, and became dominant In their excentivedeg isiative, and judicial departments. Va grant and labor laws virtually re-enslaved the freedmen. Loyal men were out lawed and trampled under foot; and the revived spirit of the rebellion was every- where triumphant. Riots, mordent, out rates, and assassinations, were the order of the day, and seeoritr for either the lists or the property of loyal men was nowhere to be found. 'Treason had front sesta loyalty had been made odious, and traitorous conspirators 'against the life of the nation were yin (halve and rampant. Such was the condition of grains in the South when Congress convened in December, MG. This nation had sol emnly resolved, and voted, that the Union should be restored on the basis of loyalty and Justice; and to this end was the Fortieth Congress elected. Hence . were passed the Reconstruction laws, In execution of the recent popular verdict. The President vetoed them, refusing to accept or abide- by the decision of the people, to whom he had so often and so vauntingly appealed. Congress re-en acted them over the vetoes, by more than the required two-thirds, and they are now the laws of the land. Under them Including the amendmenm of last sea: sten, reconstruction is rapidly progress ing; and would doubtless ere long be successfully accomplished, but for the persistent obstructions of the President, in defiance of Congress and the popular will. Justice is being done; loyal men, white and black, have been protected from the malice of defeated rebels; tree son, in a measure at least, has "been made odious," and traitors have been compelled "to take back seats"—as An drew Johnson, in a lucid interval, de clared they should. Brea the better portion of the rebels admit the justice of these reconstruction laws, and cheerfully acquiesce in their provisions. General James Longstreet, a distingnished rebel officer, in a recently published letter Lore New Orleans, expresses himself as follows: "I shall set out by assuming a profit,-' &Mon that I bold to be self-evident, viz : The highest of human laws is the law that is established by appeal to arms. The great principles that divided politi cal parties prior to the war ware thor oughly discussed by our wisest states men. When argument was exhausted resort was had to compromise. When compromise wan unavailing, discuseion was renewed and expedients were sought, but none could be found to suit the emergency. Appeal was finally made to the sword, to determine which of the claims wee the true construction of constitutional law. The sword has decided In favor of the North ; and what they claimed as principles, cease to be principles, and are became taw. The views that we hold cease to be princi— ples because they are opposed to law. It ts, therefore, our duty to abandon ideas that are °Wade, and conform to the re. yuirernents of law. The military Milani arnendments are peace oferinys. We should accept them as such, and p lace ourselves upon them as the martin point from which to meet future politica lissues as they arise." Jeff Thompson, um her rebel Gen. eral, in a late letter to George D. Prem. tire, Esq., endorses the reconstruction laws of tlongress thus : " The Confederate Government wiped out States rights the first year of its ex istence, a bloody war wiped out slavery, and wiped out the Confederacy, so they are obsolete ideas •, and the plain clues. Hon now presented Is, ' Will you accept citizenship under our term, as contained In this law?' and I emphatically snorer, yesf ,, It is greatly to be regretted that terms which are so acceptable to the fighting rebels, of the South, should be uo distaste ftd, and cause so ranch clamor, from their non-combatant sympathizers in the I North. The enemies of the United States j having been finally defeated in battle, united their efforts to elect sympathizers from the North, and to procure the ad— I mission of enough rebels from the South to enable them, through Crongreev, , to attain what they bad lost in the field. This programme was frustrated by the I loyal people at the ballot box, in the election of the Fortieth Congress. De— I tented in open *at, and again in Con gress, these bellied conspirators, as a lost retort, are endeavoring to save "the lost cease" throuyA the courts. They deny that anything has been settled by the war; and boldly proclaim that "all these grave pending questions" must be de• cided, just in fact, as they reoujd hare ken deckled had they arisen eight years ago, or had no mar taken plate. (Phaa. dolphin Aye, July Bth,) They not only deny the constitutional power of Con gress to impose terms upon the rebel States or people, but demy that Congress itself is a iswfW body, because the rebel Status are unrepresented. Bence, the recent application to the Supreme C ourt otthe Vatted &Mai for isjunctions, to PITTSEME. DAILY GAZETTE : THURSDAY, AUGUST 29. art nullify the Reconstruction laws of Con- I gross in Mississippi, Georgia, and other rebel States. In the same interest, and of the same character is the nomination of George Sharewood, n well known and 1 life long State Rights men, for the Su p:mile Court of Pennsylvania. He ju dicially denies the power of Congress to issue paper money, or to give it value by making It a leptl tender. (Dori , ' fL Trott; Legal Intelligeneer; of -March 18, 1884, page 120 Judges Thompson and Woodwerd, of the same Court, not only announee thtea suoe doctrines In the VIM of Merrine rs. Sailor et . al., (Legal intelligencer er dune 16 rind 60, 1881, page* 187 and 201), but in the cases of Kneeler et of. rt. Lane et al., (9 Wright's Reports, page 298,) denied the power of Congress, in time of war, to draft men into the military service. The mina' plea declared in these declaions were tta hostile to the national existence and Der petuity as any assault evermade by Gen eral Lee and his armed . lesions at Get tysburg, or elsewhere. It requires . no argument to demonstrate that tithes° de cisions on currency and the draft bad prevailed, and become the established law of the land, success in the war would have hen more impossible than if the rebel army at Richmond bad been rein forced with half a million of men I Is it safe, therefore, to place another man, en tertaining these opinions, on 'the Su preme bench of the State I Forewarned should be forearmed. These Superior Courts are now the 'last ditch" of the rebel ion. and the country calls upon the .11oys in'Bitte," and every loyal voter,' to rally once more to the rescue! Complete your county and township organizations without delay. With thin thoroughly done, victory is sure; with out it, there is Anger. Revive at once everywhere the Loyal Leagues and asso ciations, which proved of such vast ser vice during the war. Let every patri: otic man feel that he has something to do in the good work, and proceed forth with to do it with all his might. Exclude all side issues, local quarrels, and' per sonal aspirations, and labor only for the public good. Be not deceived by the stale clamor about negro equality, and negro suffrage. These worn out hob bles were supposed to have been ridden to death at our last two annnal elections, %hen, as now, they were declared by our enemies to be the great issues of the Thr raised • and contest. Jey are now up anu brought upon the track again, Mounted by the same riders, and destined to the same ignoble end. Be not discouraged by the vain boasting . of our adversaries. They have been Ingloriously defeated in every contest for years, and cannot now prevail against us. The loyal and patri otic people of the State have heretofore nobly sustained no, and the cause of the country, under the heavy pressure and discouragement of drafts, taxation, be reavement, and carnage; and when noth ing but an abiding faith in an overrul ! ing Providence, and in the justice of our cause, enabled us to see the end. Surely there can be no faltering now, and when the goal is almost reached 1 and when one more united rally for our principles. and our flag will enable no to secure the ripe fruits. of the late dreadful civil war, and to garner them safely for ourselves and our children. ~,t, W e stand over the ruins of a gigantid rebellion, the most formidable enemy ever encountered by republican Institut thins. We stand close by the graves of three hundred thousand of our ,noblest men, who; ounted their lives well spent when offered freely for Liberty and Union. . In the presenceof their speech less but eloquent dust; is the presence of doubting and sneering enemies of fret government, at home and abroad; In fall view of the oppressed millions who from beneath crushing despotisms watched our flag, with tears, and hopes, and prayers, throughout the four long years of blo ody conflict; before the rap idly coming millions of the future; be fore a God of justice, and in the name of all that makes faithfulness to Him, and honor among men, we stand pledged' to secure and maintain forever the princi ples for which our brothers died. By order of the Committee. F. JORDAN, Chairmen. Gus. W. HAIEEESLT, . 1 Sc ,„ _. J. GOBLET De/Romeo% "`” COVEI DYSPEPSIA CURE rel almaee and tones the Btomeeh. Coe. DT errep.la *lre t• • .overelgu remedy to; WI &seems of the mamma and bowels. Coe•. Dy.peyslw Core otto. fewer tad i.e., Let Ittosiattleted with this malady try tt. Coe•s Disyetada On emu Instantaneously, and lon do not ►ate to welt • week to see Its Coes Dicier*la Cars u the grtistoat eppeilsar ever known; It rot only Creates the a:nettle, but enables you to e 5.117 digd,t your food. Coe's Dyspepsia Cure Is resalosseadod try all the leading phystelans. . OM's Dyspepsia Core Is la invaluable Mend to au who ars weak, debilitated sad in a low state of normal Wien. /Oriole !gent for rittabanlk and 'WWI/ /0117.P11 I/LEMING, Dannloot, Ito. 14 ILarket Iltroot. ITCH, Tv . rnmiALL MUN Ilhennai Scald Regd. graptlos. 'SWATHE'S OINTMENT.' . entirely esselleates trosblasem an a- dwayliVn Olats►snt. "Cased livh In from 111 to 411 boars.* Prepared a5t171.7 Dr. Swaps.. Phtladelpaler • • • •—• Bold by M'CLAV.IIIN a XiLitaiSAY, SS Mattes street. ULU. A. (CELLS. PT Wood sa. Jug. FLEMING, Yeast Wept, A.. TUN, BENCE, am et a and Pasta als.. Pittsburgh; Z.LNK DIIIIITT. Liteghear. : JeittlPrese TORTURE. Who would endue the termed array 'froze Sad river, when W tan be sully wane Who wotld ads...Lep/an state, landed Caere, ad ley adlle sittrostel7. when Sta. edy an be obtained fare Mar • . Who would wader Las a. aneertalnatisdow, seta knowing Whit mama they maybe twar. Who weraid be a burden told:near and a bur den to hit Mends, who are worn out In minsluls terns to bla Wants? , Who would Ilve mis Ilfwof spout when the great alterettee and ' nuowETTgB•o 511)11.11.0H MILES, an be obtained at she nearest Thls bong eetabllsbed and justit renowned medicine has never been 'known to .fail lu • Magie ease, sod moue hot the foolish and weak would Deal tate to procure It atones, and um, themealves from Intense, torture. Prepared after • tome experience and deep study, It has recelred the eIICOD:11111:11/1 of the most eminent physicians, as well as all clause from every other pan of Um menu,. To those who doubt Its many etrturn, all we lief Is. TRY yr and judge for yourselves. Leery daylettere pear In' upon as. teettlying to MS great *Mena In airing Perez mid Ague, Dyspepsia, Languor, NlOlOl, and ehattlar Mts. CURE OF FISTULA.' Dn. KATIOII I write to thank you for 7. 1 kindness and Ochnitillo mansetment Of my die ear,, for which I called to oonsult Ton am. Um. so 3.tary lan. Ton will remember 5.01.4 a complication of dleews which nnally ended in • terrible dealt, which had been advt.. to "let alone" on soconnt o a hennaing cough. which it was leased might hams oo mTloam ; I taw that the popular ieda of treating dla. , eases like mine was by is matting operailon, which, it acetate! at all, Would naturally throw the Kamm upon the lungs or ateglother Mat ore., en sec.nll of tbe suddenness of the cure Lad the immedlete Cheek to a ddeoarge width 1 was constrained to believe was a salu tary prochdon of Nat.. tenet rid of some min- bid caudal. In the astem. I feel patio:KlT satiated that your method at treat..., art gr.. use afitem, .d local polies:lone to the Ma/Cm art. most can, if wining could, .110001 coming, width I Sod. It did. and I am Ws*. to report myeelf well In erslT Dratala, with wimuder and oater health than I bra had 'Kw ran. I wOold also alk that the *police lions,ou watere . almat panic el. ad hav left me a new man. with all the energise an sign, of restored heath. ' • irratenur. c—. Kr. Keyser's tormultation Om. ere No. In l'eun street. item SA. ht. Mail 1 p. re: • . NEWIi.D.VESTIS - TET. WM. BlNGRAM;Jr..";alickthis,arfrm CV• Soo, 34=1 . 2roar an coanonsoo oast to mem fora. BWITit. and em ohm re./ aroogibed No United abatis ROBINSON -BROTHERS, 330Lingai!.-orir, N 0.711 narairu mrterxr,:Pittstreursb. 00..11 T-31Vs, free - o! thugs, _opark 00ireza mint tartrr. • TUT Ime Coastal: all 9.1 Mod ell kinaa oI • • .EN - ses. 3801\T130, Ana WS Dre Oared blowu:I Sall P.S.W or Illockskilant. Oas sod 'Moos Ot l'i ßoas irMT.Mbrit4jSrar.V.t...r But. NItIf4.IIIII,TXZWZ`VAtiI. THOS. PA.RLIN, 100111 IfID 1011 BET 10111,9. 3111DTIIIICY STALCT, ALLICIITYY CITY, TA, tasemattexors of ItOLl.Diti MILL AND . MACHINE CASTINGS. R . P. GETTY, - ernennegis 'mg Lin In Choice _Wined and Liquors, 210. 5G X. 15. tler. 011/0 ST- AHD Di ...GNI), sus Alleghen Pe. • pin= SPICE& of:extra quail: tr. warranted etre, M a o greae Nutmegs.. . ele 2n. Chausuicuf, Mall % ranee. Glares. White and attack: rapper. Am.. taxa sad Ulmer, ter sale by JOBS A. RItIOIII4I.W. full •• • • ruff/be Lirty and Haan ft. ft.. BELTING !MELTING !—Leath er Bonier. Ctr the toe. aultryi oleo. Betbter eronest. rocking, Hose. ilaseste.. Le.. or al Peso sad best panty. WI lowest, paw& Lae* Lao Wletireis elerare M Me•O• rtiT;LIPS. Gedi 711.0 U. fleoir street. ~T HAT TENNESOEIRVLOIIRP for Salt l'7 l "21=1))1(;InTiaeltir. - - Odin, racITIC RAILROAD President'. mean ntreet. Tern lo.C. Attend nt. 157. I:WirHE PTOCHOOLDERS Or th* Upton ItallrOad COreDenT .. ,6 Parn't nausea that the =anal Sherd. of seta ....onthany. for the electten of 1 tractor. she the transaeUon of mesh Other Deane.. as may eon. Teter. Om. term Leld on the 7111nd W aDlifft. 6 Dalf uCTOB6I I at ten (Monne A. K.. at the "Memo! AICO Company. 8: .h.ati l . la n t . tTl l 6 eT. TPre l Protennore. CHU. Tcri Z Mee Or- PETROLEUM ASSOCIA. 'nuN. A *pedal ateettar of the /Laioolation be held at the flood!. 16 DILLBELL'S BUILDING, On Thursday, 29th instant, I=2 Toil attendance chanted,.. I hazels Of chat It will be %annealed at the talettai. kt. M. LUNG, Secretary. aaele.AT MMM • - ROB HALE Olt RIEI I'..—A Glass ... Musaadoring eete►lle►mest Is ern rote Lo s t' sod caostdo of dolog a large totAlooes. Lot • 4321111 feel. pro_perty In valuable, oleo, Om Olt, dlstrles. Will Do pold low. lotto, NO. IN kiruit oppoette Court House. 00.0 WIL J. DICK, Carpenter and Builder, . RD. as rsartesscvasta altligentrr,tu .1 7""n- Jabots' do” with heittiettanidltpateh. ALL Ordersprompt y atteadhd tot tad oatiefscithh it...i.e.]." • • • • aahhelnartra NOTlCE.—Parties about to erect SkALL DWF.LLINEI 1101781121, will find It to their advantage to Purchase • block of frame Hblett are to be removed off the ;mealsoo on the Corner or Fourth and Watson streets: Apply soon on the promises, or of JOHN tyKZEITR, hp. 50 Coniresa aule:esJ 1,000 CUBIC YARDS OF - ' - CONYnoLchnla Orrice. / City of Alio/Oen,. Aogust 28th. 1507. - 131LAYILLIPtin1POSAL13 Will Oa received at tets cellos mail ThltlitlDLY,.Neptetubei 510, at Wel.% P. K., for coverlet the new Wharf be. tween OloOcivieh street anti -tivey'e Alley velth Gravel, to • depth Of at least four Inches. The 'unwed quantity revolted le 1,500 cable yards: R. A. PIEtABI City Controllvr. =all NOTICE to DRABS FOUNDERS COXVIL.A.ZI , • 0771 CL,_ CItY of Allegheny. An 9{h, 00. I . • SEALED P 110.094.5 .ill be neeleed at YntsOltetez anal TtiIIASDAT. be:amber lit at 3 o'clock:. A., for tarnishing and pent. up the NAY'S 07 Inn/CATS AND TIM NUM. BABA or T0E110135E5 11l THE Fir= AND EIST/IWABDS. • The plate to be of the Ammo ithe es three. now In ale. The thae for the completion of the work Molted to et: months. R.' R. FRANCIS. (My Coo COAROLLIWA err.; CITT Oa Acr.cousarf. Aug. trk,lBl - 4. •SEiLED PROPOSALS will be tecellad at tali oaf. oath REDNILOD&Y. kapteka pa ber Ha. at 3 o'clock P., for grad 6/. vi ng, 1/(ILISTRIXT. from Ira. to Grans ay.. OVA/LIM from Che/tout /Meet to Madlana CUNVLIIUE Aaso, for 'radios JarrzasoN ISSZEIT from Bearer Street to /federal street. tono, for toralatikag tad p_tatts; dotsu Saa cram:Mason It aa.VICIiaTIMIC.I . : a: Hs la tassesttost Yostgemry avenue. - attention of cootracters 0.00416 the or. 41. 6 saa Is Watt*. to Cub, Augastltal, 11,17: alas sae Coat that spa .I‘sangk oa ,10. 0 street welt to Mesa last arkle, sad that sad "tact mat be coppletedby aerobes IL. //taNCI.S. aniCeSS B city Cantrellar. SCHOOL AND COLLEGE TEXT BOOKS. SCHOOL ' 8 7.1 TIOXER Wholesale and Behan. SAY a+ /010111a1.116DVIC 63 WOODSTIIIAT. 2 1:103E1131:3CIC =WM Or PIANO AN] ORGAN, Informs the pnblin Oast after ten year.' most neeessful teachltut et the female tAlleee. he hoe nitelOitan his position Men. la erderto de lohit entire Moo to hts.Largrar Ineresileg elan of private parplis. Ile wilt, therefore. to able to amommodelo with 1e...A1a, 'Moony oPtal to elm. Ind not allsoPPeint tot , . straw poptia neetro Inatmellone on • rsuAL Anna 1/114•15. trlth too Omits of kris inad Mem . ..tops. the 504 most complete bp etromeot made by Mason /Lim it. Itail381)4.11 Who tenant for sleet years tt the (banal*. Will re mitren limited number of pupil.. Sir Bealdemee. no. 31 1311113 tilltEAT Pro doers base. uus masa WHITE. 0111 t CO, sa irsarTarc ms-rmaozn. offer • lure a•sotha eat of WHITE GOODS, Embroideries, REAL LACE% Etc., to they 'wens the attention of buyers. .21 Dissolution of Partnership, VnPAILTVEBSIIIII" ta eststlog . betweon the andel-tinned. ,wadminer Waxman. ofT,AtilaN A tlißault, roam. loitadiy &ad Worti, Taa tido dap tottwena ditaolyed by =Utast content, An drew Gitonnt Pali law [tom thanna.•Parties In diana. plaue pay promptly, and all bay ing <Lima the gnu wig vowel them at once. The toestlelt Of Oa late dm will be net- OgnlZlNlf.l3lrfrro=7;:l . aamirof ids trot P. toss tarpon. - Tilt/Yeti CARLIN. • ' &spat , * Ausiinils, Aug. ti Int 7. p . araSsen3 CHICHERING PIANO Nearly New—Vor Sale Cheap A lisguilleently Carved !Waimeal caici.ring PLsq WWI full eve:strong bus and all toodun la proven:new, Has been In aw bat . Sion tutu and la In perfect ora et au At a s t i r e own la leutot the atty. end well treat doulon on oat*. to a cub .enelonter. Easy b. aun C. O. /16LLOSPA PIANO Edo Q==7 BRICKS,BRICK . : T 9 & CIIIIITIERS VALLEY, BRICK COMPANY , 33-3 EL X C, In •mW or 1... •t • ntinter.D rums. large stook siwsYs as bind st Yard, tomer of TOY sad Yvlialls da/CISETS, sad assr Ladd Macs's Coal Toni. s. Y. KENNEDY, Agent. • • . "salS:doo.. PAPER HANGINGS, = N 0.107 Market Street. JOB. B. REVILE& I BRO anINI pum PuTaittinan Steam Brick Manufacturing Co fll liblPgan BR T 1 11Fork.o . arldoemot to Ms City Farm. (KUL Oval Ike Peoples. NMloosl Ilsok — Of lutetium. rs corner of PHUT Ie. AVM WOOL MS. tnace b a from 1.4 to a. EXCIUSO/1. President. W. W. BIIBCIrrIit.D. Vise President end Treasurer. UNION ENTERPRISE FOUNDRY, WM. M. .10IIIISTON. • ismfaclarce of COOKING nTOV VS. k ORATE. YINDZItd, tlaEll W 1511.111 1 .0, and all kinds of lEitil+WW Waite. OAR wlnclima MS all kinds ot C nnT/Intid. cop rYtr i t IHai %%LI tiegg. g TV! re' GOIIBLAY SHIRT DLIIIIIPACTIMERS 27 Barclay St., near Church St.. Zia ZrOGr YOBS. Luta seat atm= . WIECIUTOWS• 1110TIOE—•Let t.u. of Adntlhlstrstiolk on } be <state of .I.ittntAlS m o at'. kl otraly. abeth. towostap. Penugt., barlog been gaoled to thovaderslsned, all per .= indobtal to sald gams are aou awl to mate sad Oboe* .litytto., ore. Nem Moo, 3rillplawittzi for settle. PATTSRW2I, Tolvotl}lp.i_ ksurr - JAR Empoiutin. TWELVE 13121EILENT STYLES, Relf-saa , er. int/ tto Curran.. brit ID thegnarket. ruprlor Pnitt Wes awl Xonldrlehy4i l VO 1. or LOU AA j r L i ErA BAKERY AND dusiusir reapons tar ”Illar. 2611 11 1 61666 ,1 / 6 ary r aTict:CrisTlNVitraVAl:l::: : "..ui r°2 s l : l os t 6 ooll l egga iln `rairat b : 4l ` . 1.111:7/at • FOUR ROOMS, Or the whole of the third Stool OW the Weft.. Boot, ta north gnat Rome us h .01 fitted up, and will be rented together or sees aril STBAIWBERIRT PL r ANTE; , • no 011. 4 „; . • • .. tlVV:raSitoldr i grat tO uag: 1few1.1147 r1110.1r6,1 iankun Co . • iator • "'" ratutnasCr•V• ' NSW ADvERTIBENENTB, l CAUTION TO TRH PUBLIC ! AFEW AVAIRICIOIIII AND UN. PDINCIeLED• IrLs/rfit DE• LEgg ID "s hang Pittsburgh, are Dun harassing...is, hang lark[. with our beard soros ,thest. Citing them with en Interior ousht) , stte sehlsg g one }lour. g roe e =.4h . s rglbri t =n;Ser Imre to mous .41 pins: lot for them. • siu 'To perusal this fraud, k. and sesilapttient e'e nstae . of Ann sae We of uposstselste. • AS we 'keep - s reeves or the V. r ands each dist matte Mild or er beet [round. yr. ss times mental to goon the quaint . or . It s ad.. LOOK • OFT FOR SHOUT WIRGRTSI Some of the teste h w eig htsre Ilthnhthe tacks. 0,, le imam <MOM equal wood, Mr 11..ci,11:1Akillt full[ 01110 • oiler pa lase to the vettettter. • , A REWARD: O P $50.00 Wlll bo pold for Information Itratmlll leort to Um LL lENNEDY.& BRO.i P6UIL Mitt. I=l GRAFF, BYERS & CO., EANIIFACITTEM OF. Bar, hoop and Sheet. Iron, WROUGHT. IRON, LEON JLfl Inn ill' multi, 71t►,8, &I% OIL WELL .TUBING Mee, No. 98 Water Street PITTSBURGH, PA. sat9:oo • A N. ORDINANCE granting per to Coustrtmt a coal e1d...1 on 7.7 street. • • sncytes 1. B. ftordafned and enacted by Ike Nays, Aldermen and eller. ep. PUP.M.M7or Wed awl Commun. Counette amextb.M. and ft t le /Araby ordedned and 11 enacted B o n o b.v.raender*y e ' hereby. , authorised to make Lue P i ttsburgh ut or soltela from the treca or ths and elteebenville Itallromi entry street to property Mimed by Mr. Cherry. on . tbe . eorner or yourth rriet * gg nra i irarct:3l4ll:.74g o e„T. Bsc. 2. The 'ayor, In connection with Um Street ttornmittee. are hereby authorized loge.. unto mat Cummings Cherry A Co. • Meuse tor the some. on 'MO Cuerry_l Co. paying Meuse.] Ins for license unto the mue, . ru e d g. biathlon hereto contained shall be con strued so •• to prevent the city loom month/ tie prlrVeges grant.. try this on/Juane. at any time upon Mgt" days seam beteg given. linc. 4. That any ordinance oc part of or./1- e g s ensugung With the bemuse ot thls at the yrment Pron. be mad the same le hereby repenlert • so m the same slrecta thin oldinence• Ordelnesi and emoted into • law In Com:elle this hlgh any 01 Aegast, A. D. • JA.M.E6 Mehl:lL/6Y. • Prtrldent of !Went Column. • AMMO: E. IL Munson,. • . . • ..... Clark of pelmet Connell. 'Pretreat lIIALAP . of Common Connell. Attemt: Elton bletisaTia, an 9 Clark of Common Connell. A N ORDINANCE opening Mil la •Street lkom Reed t. ool.llletrtst. • liscvor t. He ft ordained and modal by Mt Maw, Alt:antra and Minn. yf Pittabaryll. &Le and mmon Cotaudto neettnOtt4, and it hertby ordatnat and marled bit Ms autAarittl the raver. That HYi.e etroet. etc& nand Went *atm - wen meets Os, and tn. mono la heron/ drelsresi sest for ooboa trassl and use. tics. That anyanimal:so or pan. of ordl noose eon distlon ylOOlOO Pasosto of Sbla 0042. names st ton present Ono, at and Lbw same Is lsreny reveal a so far as the sass, atreata oral.. n :4:1 -- ed and enacted Into a law In Conlactle. "L. of .. "g"l 3llei rreeldent aclecil L Connell. AMA: Z. P.Monner, . Clerk of Select CennelL . . - • TUUS. President of Common Con te l Attest: BCOrt blellAennsk &AU Clerk. of Common Connell. 10 PER CENT. OFF Lvisioolft:fs6av* , 4:3s , lPM DMISON & EIECKEMT, 'NO. 27 . FI.FTH STATIST, =I peciai Diacount OP TEN . PER CENT. On a►► Cash Pales. 10 PM CENT. OFF ESTABLiSIIED 11583. HOWLS TITTID DP WITH CIi•ALE4 Hot and Cold Water, &c., = JOHN AC TATE, pl u mber and Gas litter, 227 Liberty Street, Pittsburgh; and 69 Federal Street, Allegheny. 17,%,10:11:1,Tage MM)IIITANT I 7 0 MI who ion • GOOD cgr OF TEA OR carries, hod do oot vial to win idaltorated artleles. The - . IkinWean T en Co' I= /Skye a 11.111Ine of acne saine teas lad Caren. d. Uln 7 1 gr i harut ima u Uem d taill• thoosinsida 02 614(1,4111121 All Jell MI, Stems V 5, rls - 6a..IIOAiSTLD 4:101101. a 14. roe $l. Ne Inferior goats void at sny at the Ngsw logs Tholosal• ram. • Witb7ll:lT6 - TO GIVE' NOTICE that th. WI day of Augthil. A. D. IBC% wins Wears. In Bankruptcy wat Issued anion zsraTE OF rano' TEIOALPION, .77:atrAVistet ...Gored bankrept ids own pettvon that UM part:Win of any debt. sad dalivery . of any property belollirlow to sock bankrupt 10 him, or f r vas, zoo atm trooster .if tiny proper[ y by as. an of by law; Chat roasting anis creditors of the told 1.k.131Pt. to prove liner debt. and' to chorale one or wore Bulge.. of his caste. will be bele at a Conn of Bank ruptcy, to be bolden at lart. 93 bituttund 'Boot. In Mc City , or Pittsburgh, before SAMUEL. Haititil.Xestator. on tho Bp.. Dar US tiZZ- Tiltilitlt.A. L. 1167, et z leg . eirkz h t zt. ti. S. liars/Isl. er.rEl GRAIN DRILLS, FILENING MILLS, PORTABLE, WM TOOBTLIWIEG MICRIRER Young Flystin, Old Hylton. Gunpowder, Ens. Breakfast, w. W. WALLACIIi. Coldgdg. iltreNvir Outtiorws, AT 319 LIBERTY STREET, =I = PHENOL' BURR MILL STONEY, +.6 • 7 'MUCH BURS BUIJT MACHINED. the be t taplateriraa tenninkeatoe. hut.TINU CLOVIS, allambersibeht ryahllt. 517.4.11 ERVIN Ith ANI)BuILEKS. • MCA. LIUMS, CAI:MMUS AND XIII. TIM 2118111NC. at amiLtaitar wrnaar. .n2B • w. w. WALLACIL STEAM DABBLE AND MAR BLISIZED Isis Writ WONICS —lvory 'OHM of Mos bit sold .late Mantles no bawl nod mods Warder. ileaustralB.4'orlantOss at Orval, paps teat. lets Inn they beet cter hero WO lb toll stp. This to she only N0..1a Westsirss Pitp.6o- ~ .111u . bem Mato • sato.. am mode. trod. of Nbia Wort emus of short mots.. 710 I.l.llk.wrie kt?.hr i t. t. au . A og: :Cy Hr.. '.ataCettilai I=t! JOSEPH Collecting Agent, =I • PITS13131:1P08. PA. PIM of All kinds Ix:Melted givenromptly St ended to. Den of nrn.roontis Olll Finz 'BCHEES6 VT • 22117 jTSLR On amvaa. Irt w ou plautins..nd sold ►ndH yet tntme., /07 neastEr 0. ArraliEN • 11110. CRAMLEB iumzEfißTEfic FEDERAL IT.. Aussurearr, maw dm above Dlatumd.l Glass, China Ware 4 Table Cutlery AS INTERN PRIOI6I. - Xf. , 701. 1 S "gift . " t . e Mar. aphapd. • Cell ■3l A . EL EIVGLIIBpt & cO.l _ jro: 98 Fourth Sired. • Poblishorsof 0301111111 MIAMIAN. DILIVIN AUffklNNi/O, Ulflft. tillAlitlArS AND Cs/W...EVIS collf is Also. Wombat. nn of IILANN.Ot)/Les .110011. MINDING on es/kW In all Its tom.. A largo. slocls of !MA. tWNiYY onnstanfty. band. • TU NEW FIRST CLASS GROCERYi ••So. is rankars. IZ, Auxuar". /rub abet pt choice l'eas, Coffee, Sugars, Se. Width we altst b U Imbue at ions& Plow A. G. minisarr. THE QUEEN. OP TIME' WASH. TO B.—Tbe Kate Blida lot lilat7lSafl. 'Ma kta of maasfactano of a PATENT WAENINC FLUID, Wbieh, where,. introduliod, Du surtwllk 111 g• T..al mimosa, will taliold on realionallgle WM. J ju ki tg h • raml M THE PENNSYLVANIA STATE pRICUIATERIL SOCIETY, TILL BOLD 118 1111111101 ►f PITTSBURGHA Tuesday, September 211% Wednesday, September 25th, Thursdayo 'September 26th, • Friday, September 271 h, 1861. An old* is open at No. 10 BT. CLAIR BritEET. PITTISISUBOB. COMovies of Pm mlems can be obtelned ROMs obillkoiltM thma The Intl? Books must close on 110210 A XYZNING. deptember idd, eel.. In epeeist uses. tota determine dby toe Ctoirdnltten. yor flOrrotroTig en% Mit.; 73 ` . "*"- "u' All ped litre es of stoat molt be beetled Into Om edlee of the Secretory, ON ON NEYOSIL BHP- _ £3l persona, EXHIBITORS, who desire offer ing stock or artleles for sae, most a tlfr the Searetary ON Olt BILIVEZ tihrrEktllEit MO. Ha , and Stew will be torttl.hed FREE; all other feed at current market rates. Pater M • • • , The renal &Sloes will in , all asses be closely ad hared to.. The exhildtten wltl open on Tuesday, Sept. 20th, at Noon. "'relator. ,rtUb. raid us soon.. the Sect...tory ot• oropsroktut sword s for the Tremor.. but befgn Vtb. at 3 o'clock • Ifficlent pollee and guard. balh IbY day and ror ana protection or all artlcles en lzaa been provided: A. BOYD BiMILTON,s,Preet. A. 11..LONGAlLEU, 9INC9r. • . • . . Ogles orgiate Agricultural goclety, 2Larriaburg, Begun:ll,er Liar/. SS TEAS ! TEAS Of all Pikes and Quality, at A.. 33. I Pt. 13.7E1 GREEN TE 0 Prime 1"01114 HTroa._._..._...p.lo perpoand. BEIM L EMZEI IMEIMIEMS BLACK TRtiE-.4)olongs. ==! BLACK TEAS--Powchong, Bouohong, and Cangoes, zr. rine fide Irlav'd tug. Bntakfan..-4...111.20 1146 old Coantry. d 0..... lAD • Coarse 1.40 J'APATI TEAS. unaot.nl Jaye , vt , 7 yips.% 1awr......1.10 Japan. To.= livrou. Leif ' ' MKED., TEAS Be. 1 Ylsod Tem..% Deer Blest. K dg. " add best •• ado. . .1.10 leant the above urea° can select. Just what kind at Teeth*/ 'tut, end tau. thee pee up nay quantity, end forwatdedby' any of the Ed pee. Catapults, who now . entry goods et Yee/ low sates:awl by doing souse twenty cants per pm:4U the peke, twahlet gettlng • pore end dean ankle which exactly salts their tuts All A, 172 ead,l74 Federal Street, AllfOßEN't CITY. ME3 CAUTION l' BEMIRE OF IMPOSTER' 11/clag toCtla Informe4l.lsit parties • aUtl ekirei tuts are peddling. In ma • tad I.lmrctlv. Tobaccos of an (scalar Quality And that tlieyrapraiiitst the saateas of CUT, Whetwee we hereby entity the petalo that al reel partite are setter erlthoat authority. end that the Tobacco may nil L9OT Or TUX NA*. tiimerorizur I . R. & 4Y. 4ENKINSOpI , ned leer him At Etspeesici Ng!, . , ALLEGHENY CITE, TO WHEAT GROWERS. EUREKA AMMONIATED BONE Super-Phosphate of Lime ausTrracruarD UT THE ALLEGHENY FERTILIZER CO SEWMW & cmtriuw,, rsonunorsa , Office, 556 Penn St., Pittsburgh, Pa. The, test .Yertitiza: tonsa, and reconlzsd by all /ann.'s Trbo bava Oran It a F 6 lb by tbe Oats. for ralltalt MOO =Plant Irabbti Oats. Cora. Potato.. Let We hate Dab Mess ' f a o bo 'W t a ° l . to t e a l aabn abtemabsotfantabjsbg this • as 'Ober, cora. of Ishtar; YOU Daunt free SO .57 ...days as their ad4ress. ..7 TnE OLD, ot9tenAL TEA STORE FRESH ARRIVAL OF llouchong, Oolong. Old Country 111,cki, And Japan,- . 33: a es, ALL OTC THE BUT QVAL7IT. No. 20 Fifth Street. ALLEGUENT GROCERY IND PROVISION COMPANY, JOIIN A. IIftGRAVV, Presidelit. J. P. iskaL, teerpuiTy. htock of this Compass Is alssody said, bought op. Those urlshlug to &gall theumaluts of Its beuelig, hod belt. . cosarcart. At 26 Federal Bt, Allegbenyl F ELEEpoRT BARRED FLANNELS. The nedereleze4 ere the noLz Aultwits fox . the we or these ttasankrith ILAX.NXLS. NOODLES% JAMISON & CO . , /Oa Wood Street aalllsdb) . FROPOSALS FOR GAS COAL, Rabbi Ann. GAILIVoixs, .4118. . VlAVtlalt Tralltai ISIPTCYRib t far Ms deliver" e next 7.14 bP. Rot.. To be used dune( tp.vesi 0.. t t ber Ist, 11 , 11. J . 111=42 , 6 .142., g esp u TTAliwoste, a. bleat,antithoidd be frldreSited the bu_ brbo alissniku Worms. . 1 10111r m . 14 U iIZONII4. beetebo77. • W. E. SCHMERTZ a co., NO. 31 Fifth sii;reet. W.E.ARE SELLING The Balance of "our Stock SUMMER GOODS Greatly Reduced Price& WIN' FM LMING COMM OHM, -X1.50 SI te 1.23 ESSE ', And Other Styles and Rinds IN PIROPOIITION. 81 Fifth Street. NOTICE TO THE HOLDERS CLEM LOANS GEM COILM ONWEALTH OF PENN B'ELVA;ILi, DUE AFTER JULY 2, 1860, Belden et the following . Lan tin Ot TEll 311101YWKALTII UT, PLIMITLVANIA. ere 1 . 3,12.0,44 to pruent them for palm.% irtp. final and Intereth)st the Fanners' and Mechanics' National • Bankof Philadelphia. id. or Kara L MI, due &Tull 10, ltl3. Lowe of April 1, 1.13.1, due duly 1, UAL -.. Lou of April 13„ due 'Wye, 1//fi' Lets el Telereary 1.100, dud 4sly lard. Lusa al Meth 11. Ira, due July 4:llelei Loan of Jim. la, NW due June - Lou of Jeauen 1 / 1 0. Cu Jarman 1. We . of fle abort, LOANIII.III eras. to draw to tonna altar Iraatenber ao. lag. MORN W. CURT, GOVERNOR, JOHN F. HARTRAIFT, AUDITO2I . OX3IBILL. WILLIAM IL KIMBLE, = KELLEY'S WEEKLY 81L113143111113111111111Mr1i. We enunaneet !Morgan fet , teaf.wf lit, the publication of our basdaosee weekly, Doer a t slzweakagea of the same Mee and I.m of tiervereekl fao expert. white, oparod to mein Ie Wt tbe b e n laterm7 papa noldlabed La the world. Dor 111natraMens will be orig. net. and win glow wit!. Inn .111 of our ten aruste. gamer them.% Mager atabed arrtunrs of Amer ica end Lerma One engaged to ceatrlbirte Oa MAT IntuAY. JII3I. we Ifni. dlstrlbate half • nifillou dollen or tbe wroth 1n seam to a. matrons. from gabuMptton emonettng to 13.000.0 A. _ O tame returned to eeery eubsarf• ber. ' 000.?ara Ge l b . . ............. E.Ced One ;; &bar; alma ADM 4.101 Ncy mann Pub. MIR to emzo otact stoma amounting ta........ a; =calms abeam DT Ma ImbeenDiera at It alatlWL Sew Tara. aro:heal= 7. Mt. lOU alslnbatatD. able naae Daen aoatDel/S -por- lOU be Dataleboa 1n Unllty.o WeaalT ald atn. TZBaB TO SULLSOBITIERS, . - • • I Dim tmonttecwlth number of slam: ....it 40 t COOT. d 1.0114 , 11. Ilith 2 umbers 01 SUITS.. LOS I copy. 1 yur.•Nth 4 numbers of shsses . COO =voles. I months. Nth I iambs's."( shunts 450 Ad DAMON entenrlblng for ens paper. and send. .I.liijuntmory. Shar tafAhlmeaglnre=rtt lt m ettr:dtioes sopotnled ' so dletrlbete the WM In 'tellers North /Laminae VIA Canner'. illl fibu* thelst raper; in • felt -16 Eelters ee Peed =One and adamant' Mich anbecetted, • • a M mltieg d a tZ.ir=4 art 4 :l . nrst. !" Q - A. A. HALL ci CO" Pnb.lteers. =Elea' Me. 1111Broederavall els lost city. 'ollllyl, 'FM1E1101031E: 111 MO BEM & CO., =M:E•gg , 33.=IMIFMN No. 100 Wood 'Street. , ZZITTAALIL AND BILVICIL PLATZDVA• BLZ Vt/LBLIZA TELLTS awl TAMA OUT. C iLattltlo s /75=11. • ALTOILLT/1175. - - - H N . INA b V A 1012wajDIWW f W7"N"P"- i. VVI inte ruAx,.. m . watt trbaletartiWitd Mall tasa 11l "1"&" to tb3 ItraVlETtraiill7 l, oth atti an . o. o ttram the WU 11.19 WI OS 41111,' SHEF'HARD'S CRAG RS 317 Liberty Street, PrIT THE AMERICAN NM gooNzus GARDE% Caner Cum as bon Eames, hit bets, • F.'BOSIVORTH &00.,.Proptre; •. • • fa aasatif al Wad Dleasaat mart baying re: matt) °banged band; 'the onmat yeertotors its Atl Inee Ilagey liarenado aya,7llaadr day amis.. 13Indlagham DUNI , toe aims uteri tan natant.. aa17.13 ClTir C,OLLECTING sera cy. D. slextu..—.h t. szertiw...:e. a. Lwow: SEEL Sffil'ONl SHITON, Local Collecting Agents, 10. fIiZRZEt. tip :tool,. r. o. • NrCINNINION . Bills of all desertstless tau for collsaton NO sluff , USW, WWI WU us sot sallscuol. ULU P. MIJBI3IMSFN. /NM farad, tudiveen XWISMI and altantaw Annads. Gauzelth and Dealer hi llardwar . I" "t i ra . 0 „, _enemefaltv it.otnetlaw. pram: uesiunt, • PUMP MAKER. . . pliro p :3l.`!? Ts.,M , . Nag. itnai N.8.-M.OW ovation latest to the =WM. tam ot Lelu UNA% meg LARGE BUILDING TO LET. -7 satorr: tonnart• - • Al,;a l ;ve lisudtny, incely neltlier t : Irwin. on vtransiply,br-Ivoin .0_1,444 itn.t., Varl enluolnornarnin• Annallnot 1100g Za urrosll6o., -• 'UNION ItEPUBLICAL'i COUNTY CONVENTION. The Q YIOC ILT.PUBLICAN VOTERS of (batty county are requested to meet at the satin plaen rot . boldisit itectlms tayeral Watdat 'Boroughs and•rowno.44.4 SATURDAY, August 31st, 1867, ~ • -.. Lad elect TWO DELSOATIOI frees caeli elec tion district, to a Coital) , COnTentlon. to be held 0.421-ranaca ad, at ID o'clock a. so.. for the ' Pellyoth of utrasinatlng candidates fee eenate p eed Oevreachtathres of rewtorma. , and .•+=ooollol nth other business ail snn7 be Properly Wrought before It. The Primed =mitosis In the Townthips oeptleg the TownebineofOakland. Rrt. Peebles. 15110r77. Ist preanct eoliths and Witirans, which .111 be between the boor. of and 7 o'clock, and the Toting to be by ballot.) sill) be held - 0 . - 1 Oren the' hones of thsee and ELI o'clock e, res. and In the Boroughe end Cities be. e==== ' po no. In tee elneennot . boroughs the election. .nini bu by b.l ot, and In tin townships tennis JACOB H. BILLER, ChOman, Pinsatr.olx. Angn.c 21, IC. Eit'THE. UNDEBSIGNE.D,:VIS noes during ,th is end other seasons to layette sprint., and swore of Its desirability to •place or Summer resort, .ctruslderlng the yeti liberal otteref lion. Andrew Etats./ to donate this sits and buildings to a bons Ude Association For restoring It suitably for the ample teeommo• dergoe of the public, hereby call • meeting of all partiessrlio may feel en lutoreat In this mittor, to te.IINd te. the 31,1150NtIA.U.F.La gulaso, Int 14.1.11?. on: Thuisday. the 29th inst., AT 11 ONCLO,OII. A. X to Inaugurate meatores for making Mr. Stew• arttapropoattlen Natli►le. , . We aboold,yre gLad to meet ➢ante from ell yowl. eenebed• by'this notice. kr. Stewart has 'signified biz intention of betel present, when he nilfrit•statennd Conn.= hie peoposition to, the meeting by as aveement with coat Trustees we may be selected to hold theyaremlees until the conditions of the gift are fulfilled. ' • . V.I. C. Zolltard Gregg. J. J. Gillespie. J. r. Tinner, W.l3lnr•den, • 'James Dtetson Jute. 21e0. Crostan, Juhrt.T. Blau% H. W. Sackcit, Jotnison k C Hart, Canslay & Co. John Irleollalt. Oeo. L Dna, Fi. Satre., =IME3:=E Deo. U. HoDesisn. Bobt. D. Ttompron, farNOTICE. TO SHIPPERS OF PETROLEUM The Mantel,. ',alley Railroad Company •rin• unfit farther nonce, traSismst Dromytln from the t r' irtliaTlVVlYlttelturrei. 9n.ntlt♦♦ Asiraval....amgriem —A4utgAVom Pittsburgh to Beady's Hondas dw ell Ton g truat ttra romkts extended dwell all alon the suers t ad. at tired Band, so Vile afford all necessary facilities for the cense:dent Mid elmady tranafer of VII from bents to WU • IT=CI7 BLACK...TOSE. tinfil. IrNOTICE.--The Regular An- ME* Ong al the Weddle'den at UM MINGO C(10./. COMPANY ba held at Ita ease, (corner Market and Water streets, PM. Utah. Pa.;) an MONDAY. Eapteinner 14, OM. JAILLIi COLIORD. EDUCATIONAL. THE FALL TIEII.II OF THE PIITSBUJIOII,EfMALE COLLEGE WILL commescs Wednesday,. September:4th. style. d wr onalriff leer. Tb,.t'ettn, ones 4 : l , l . vjalmillATl34: .An all the a?Ild 0rn.14- TMSEIOP ai. enuesON, President of Tra.tee• I=ZI3 RT. .1011WE1 SCHOOL; S_ = Will Open Monday, September 16% 'Ur dcHoot FLOM or" ST. JOHN'S (EPISCOPAL) . CHURCH ' (Motu* and all dedtred Information as to teems. ctd., may be bad upon application to Rd, W.IL P. TEN BEOISCK. Batter atren. Lawrenosidlle.• or Oft Idaradt Ittaat. Platt:rare.. ' • • - .• " ; ". 5a..11:e.23 Mil. AND NUS. 131314.11T , 9 • Classical and Commercial .8:C IL (htlnitiozatim.. j . u tutrug . N i t arnslon Brldgc, re-OpulfOr 411/SCr,ntik - . . Monday, the 28th of Attgupt. Yfr. ithlLEVirla employed during aeyeateen ruse, nut at panne inprottor. en molrlre ' lr=t St bust aritain. P Mn. hatAIT. Steamily ado eatiK tor the In.:ll'4mi= oae ot had Bead harm in Zug'. d, has Dad large experience. She Merge enabraecr &Very requlsita Of • wand sod &Moral edneatlu. and c.c.s eommittion their children to our rbarge may depend oa,thaLr being WALL TAUGIie. .•• . otliir=d s ettil e al r :rgifel,V7ilVVl7. _for bail rent. and, employ no •asitatent Ont torts are rep lowolat , - TER DOLLARS PER SESSION I, SS Alma Ilan of otheigood schools. , /11181 sto o by a. seem • hod Teacher._ 7:4171 WMERN. ITAIVEM Tneut- riin corn • - MODDAY, Etrnmens 2D. !, • Au 'who dislre, W enter gorad be puma! cis that day: Alas Insthitldn'hiS now dents Pro- Apart, aad affaristatsk berr itranticii in the Literatato int! Setekee, tlfaulats can etiter the rreparstari, Schattlle or pair eoaeu Tor Isformatkm•46reas the nt . Z.III)EXT.OI . Wrirtir.2 11.19/VEL9II7. 0.11 INN itreot. 5u9:44 VAMP BOWMAN EVSTITUIL School for - - Young - -Ladle& xo. 62 Grant 'Sired. Tbe 11r.* Teim Of tbe ant 9eiilol. Ot MI School will btltriu b r , ate "" Nk a. WOO 11?101. aiia itt DAVI& .4=ad . 2 . ELY. B. Z. COMIY3S,, == THE riki l L TEM, OF THE 1416 In emu, T. mutrw. col of Sept, pd.. 10 irZefiLlUllllll.l... coma of federal of finoctaitsiata...&lltittiony. eircolara to Pc fad e t tho principal Soon owns. sw/tn. tan war places br r{n` Welt IMO/ al trio Beak Mora or Y. Winn. ViviL AND ZISEVINfi - t .ENCINeERINC, at eta Br. Na - pOLrric citszo 'LUTE, "CBOT. N. I. , Inttnualza Ten , thor.. cost. Graduatesobtain moot , deaUslii• ttonr.a...P.Nll3lser: Ilta. /or the ANNUAL 9.lQlBria, 031:1144.11. IDA Rik NUM. litai rootcomuso .Daowx • ma , • New.lock. TECH SCHOOL OF 'WHICH, 2r43 0 1 1 11. , 32170111:391.14 Pnamps strlLDll26,s4lflrrn errascr. DW i ltrmsOmen SIONDAT.ntcTTbn.. dnaLm . it c aizwr i i T atiMON. LIM•4I • L. H. LTikSMx.l. . •BHINGTON AND AGYENEB.• VT sox voLtater.. • SETT TUN OPEN'S iTEDNEEDATiBEPT.IB. Apply to the PHIPIDILINIT, ()Orambler, or JO 'thitrVlOir PILESIDENTi WubiegOcrti, ottuigoiofm:Pom:;:i sanaAltr. SLIVERLY & CLEIS Ciumessot toil V. flateltstawk Oda infitagatMlEßll,„, LIJfaItENV SAV2 . IIa Samosa Rua. Letter Held. LW% Vart"L',,,Blilarlt a= IX and. I* rm. czuka. s. AULAYA4 . . ' - ..;4 13 4 1 0,GR AP . 83121 ge. rol2lllif - or:, Apollo Building , Aft 2 NZATHA I gi n ;W f="1". FOISONOIIB AND Fax= s Adana:Wolk* ors ose4 as munavu et amain Ea B uor woamr OR/LOSEEBZ. -TBRRA ALBA, !Tumr4im • Are *mews the Adulterations Vsail. ME KERB SPICE MILLS - bat puttetly cuss STICIZII. $500.00 REWARD :PAV,lmr , MlDer:Bl7 l :•ththA „cu t e. DC...semen tham un.117 +. 1 47 lONE 61GN17187 - WILLIS 51118 ED 4RBUCKLES & C 0... Ealerals roan tad barrieten hro Slim Eli 222 and 221 Liberty Btreet, 247 w i tottormitr A reli trit=9) . V=led ao tekTer I.arla t alit Men ear talut Ulna any Min the market. 1714 673 BAGS COFFEE} BOODTOBTIZICTLY CLiaLCZ. Ia 414n4a4 aiiivtils. 'mitt of OTHER GROCEILIEE& MTN ttrtllgd?:7"l7Zin ABBUCELES 8; CO., Ara, • 24S mi tIA lilaty Strad, !Mani,- •le:bsornit WANTED. A SIT V4TION, by a competent - and eurteuded soolc-x limit. Ad drlY - 11008 OMPLIN Add 41r, iltubmlx AFTW E DCA.lintwirEll, 1111.. . • !LE& RISTOLVZIUA, T.:4+lllex I *TR par . 11 la ras p _lt It Olott•oral Is goo& otter, $lO Om Stan nth. Jitines er 131,01.855, Curves 'looters.) as to 17 for eingswea tilfl•• op ak.rolow of ou t ., mos , . blelllVit Catalog, laninens thootarso 11l to for Colt •or NellarrSOn's Bwrotror.. la ' le cows.) Ott ref tenon made on bests A ann. Cermet oSTY aria:eels sr.' r, "Sie csa seldrella or sp to J. st. SURNIrrOII, Orem Wasters GU or es. aanla r i m. A . 1 Ways" 254.1 . 11t'b0rt . WANTED, ,JULY COLD COUPONS, And Compound Interest NOM A. 3LTES t BILDT &00, Cankei YOLI2III sad Wad no. WAFTED—Men In salesmen' W impartment, et Nattoaal An Ana: n=o6 Apply at once. la jaia, ill nlamov6 strna, Ft:wont. AUCTION BALE& ASSIGNEES SALE OF HORSES, RUBES, Harness and Saddles. On Saturday, August B.llt, At:Of:taloa at WWI 110 TE, VAB ICES TAJLlNou.kitoßtlY Stant: q.d st auction: l'uelly Horns: Grartlarre (rube): tel i sirankus (doable Lad goes); Irma ISAblus fla46b. etc. L•AILIIMIS it CO, AIICIAL = DEIWUBLE LOT HANDSOME RESIDENCE, In the Fifth Ward, Allegheny City, AT AUCTION On Monday' EleptenibeY at I'o'clock r, X., {prials•lY. on Ino_Poondr" au, will to sole. tho luso UP OupUSID froating 41 tost on Utast, ton street ud onlando log Mons redgewlet strut 010 hut (corned 100 tsi • 94 Put U 47. on width Is Melee an entire ly uw sod bludgeon...sun stylartnro etsrl4l brick LwellLg. ilooSborita lablud atbs. touionyvoll to Mina, ; fitted tor gas; onbasUdip good as dry seam; hydrant to yard wait Mx -3,1 ea; . .. 1 .,, , t 4 0 . ." 1.6 reatie titling cx ' itas colitelak rude rioO l tio coat al boom In either atty. very c.v. Men% to Wawa. being within one mtwass wait. train Uns street Learn And Only Cain Wall north of aura fondry. bole poaltlu sad with ms. Term. ono-third cub. balm. . no n e 1.0 yurs, unclad by bond sod inartengs, eritalnumist. - 1911111111401,.PALILLIII•OsiX14- 1.1 ITT FIFE BOVIIEHOLD:.F131?“. TURZ AT MANCILLITEB: , —TIIIIIMCIAT MOANING, August !lAA Jt ittacloot. strew two-story lartck =melon. corner Beireae• and. Bearer street., MAnchestar,v b.old tPchousenold fornientornr. of parlor. WV-. room, knee.; and brelercom furallare, a goal order, and comarianst oetTom. zgl a r a ottrelble uu . nts . mt i rLettad . ...e. and hollow wire, to., A cample i tip7lll V>r ' * le A. oth) LOTS Jer AVCTION,The grmads of me Mleghisv CUT Poorra.. at dirty.. tom. 334 sOl4s from the ,111.44hatt7 'Mona, on Me lino of the Western NW apart.. nol Eaum.4, bean told oat by th e DOOM= of the roof Into lota, Oyu •84bf 00 to HIM Wool' which trill Am maw otorlly oo Ottfalta• non on lb ZDFIBOLT, Sept. 4, at It o'clock. Tease oimutitea lt. math. all Lb, advalla&a. of both eltyand oanatti. sad "MOW atutatlos Of all lattnalog harehaNit of tatauloot lots. Mont at the mottos bOaso, 1144 Ifsloral street.'Allegkevy. Terasa-3( Oak; MA =ice la Wee 7tan. at= —11.1.14G131T24 Ity..l:4va l itizte)taiejsr,oliq:i:Vll PRICES REDUCED 1 CARPETS! on con, , ininno g ., - Window Shades, Table Covers, . Piano Covers, Rugs and Mats, -Stair Sods, &e. In wlew. of Warne, O. LILL 1100170. we *for ear stook at' relowe to Mt . CLOIZIT BUTEBIL ThosO lieeeLeg foods In our Ilse um- ROVARD, ROSE.& CO, 21. Fifth Street, • au? alidaver onrr bates a asll.s. OLIVER M'CLINTOCIE & COMPANY Axe WM realtinns Sag worlinsat NEW 431-00.1DS, Wa sp me canna at g 1.0 aum.tftm tut EIIiZAV BAIGAInni IN Th gr ain anAl Common CJILII.1 2 311 " 1 " Ei. Mattings at Now York Prices. s w ig bidainnenta to dote gun atom OLIVER MTLINTOCK &CO., 211 Filth Street sots HAVE REMOVED. WCALLIJIUBROTBERS UM now over. at their verf sleml •14 suAtossnilf WASIZEtOttn, No. 51-Fifth Street, /Caw nail et an itivitse 4alitsbld patients • IILEASIXION VELVETS. VlAietB2 B eels, .T.trEsTnr DAMSELS, A large and WWI allarttnent • Of - Piano and Table Givers, 0 ,4 13 . TEII9 AUCI.A n 1114 Cklll 313ailasamh THREE PLY ADD TWO PLY Ingrains, Anarrery noels of low rued cmxtuks .111oCULIZ.17N Bathaal; .11•Ifeli. Mtreeet. mhas Dl BARGAINS IN CARPETS, ALT ", ALL-WOOL INGRAINS, • 1131170 ED 115 e. ras TAnD, • :BRUSSELS • CARPETS, zrn ircamicse. PE TARN, coo( Nuts aa4 Eationeek;% CHINA MATTINGS , Nablicam T We, Pni TAM* EOM' Redaction la Lace Canada* A et as= other weds. racIABLAUM . 0* coma:its, Nou l ll and CS FM Sliest. *auto o.ls.Castom Rom ron one, =a.m. mat New KIM' , Ilea. Inn. pm Protimit TEA STORE , Wilson & Underwood. con 'nocoun6 N 2418 South West II lastond, , v r i . sad enza4is sttek and kelp . uh. JUST REcEivicn, RagalS InUma&TloB wimpumx ,ix) =mum - fik orm ut lated lrok Tan. lufdin ,so.sx asaangu) rriivsusen. • /1. ZS= Olin Medi leo Mt, Sad Oc Pitch- Y.f ftsomannsmaifitoH.urilirCiti DTWIL lift, Minim is, • z '16".71.7115ti ~rrtvsß*a -eza-wwbon *ltririnorr t a t l i Dr ale sin fur - J., • liVlgarli . fria4l3ll t, Innit ITMZI =I
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers