DRY GOODS =WRINGS. It=xcien ItRICE3 'WHITE GOODS. ItAnaltricacousre MX=l3!s=l ===tl= BALLNOILAL eIIGTI AND MUCIATENta OLOVIS. nomanT: iIiTST7I AND LADIIS. DNDITIWT.AII OLITIPID/ININHISO (1001. MI; NEZlrLearn IMAWLS, /te. 80ILIR GOODS AT 111 LP TRICE, Ettatul Effigy Cods at tea On Cod 1 ex d icrten folic stock som. el lssi biebelere Metes xoesilasiox da et the n low ew ke . ; dstlou ger mer ot= stem ZOOM, a off DECIDED Dan 64: dry =! JUST SMITE!), 6000 POUNDS yootn, 11) RPM LEIS, • • prbez en desirable seeds, and a r i all tins nattlitt FLANNILB, both ge ,lreoll'ar mat at agartrr.tcrirantli FRIcEI. MOTH HORNB & CO., 77 and 71 Market Street. SirWHOLZIALS 1100 Nd lIP OT111:11. 6,000 P°YND B KNITTING YARN I JUST RIFCEIVED. TatirdW i lp t haeital attention et DLL• Alt 110LLT VIOLEY. BLUE UE LTPN EEDSRIN K. ETD4PLE, NalloOlL ACT. CLOUDED, HIMS, MIXER, /SLACK IfIX, LI, . • BIif,LINIGILKT • LILACIL *fib mrEuxi, MO LB& AMERICAN ZEPHYR, A- fall assort:mut of colors, for BILILWLA BACQUILS, HOODS. DDEILERY AND .GII,AVES, milers vuutasnism Goons. wsrrx UOOO5 AHD LINEA'S. JACONICT ZDGINUS Aap./NATILIILICUA. HAlllitiAti WORK LA• 2rD deiktiLISDXXI/AMIXIII. CULLLBS it art ocVaiocclL Whelooari la our WITOLIS•Lk DIPASTIKEIrr 9eall • toe nee or are.Ptie atelPel. SIMONS setlert OT frOthstl. to which we call the/mtgs. tal k ly oh . AT et Ye-reh LOW ea L ts, roof trcis. ee. sad Peelers heal, ST nu ICLO.CRVIPI, CLIME & CO., • ' IS i SCksILILICIT STILLIST. XONT 'OPENED, mcito & caLtsiirs, 19 Fifth Stror4, 111.1011.11XD MAGA.= MISS Or DEAD ,DINPS AND 11111 IDES. A EMT LOT, 'Mit Cwt. Off itAvrzse Lecz' voLLAsa Alm WM, sTITC ID EILIWK/1101112.115. • SUM =GLIM TIMULINU 8.131150NR. 11111211180 =GINO% DOW NILINCH COXSZT6, new e➢eVee. /1111ADLCVISDUPLIX. ZUNIS. saw abase. UT. Jut clanked &superior lot of Ladled' Promenade Satan% and . Gems' Traveling Sage, mu. ben gnst W. WU. oscist atten ot t.. ad . we. . fug an. ipso! hi* Cottle ff_ u hgEsi u 8 Inds Lie CilraC:PT/79/fB. ..The " Star" Shirt, /Lad .11 land. of ItiIIaSISBING 6100D4 .1 Nercissb ni lean unfial st 6n Prins MICEICH dt. CiRLIBLE, ici'49 . ." ? I'•+-/treat. NEw Goons 43-4:3013S 3.11. BURCHIfIBLII .No. ST market Street: ltiv ptliOrs 121 e. Blearchiid Malta tor air. 104 Bleached Sheeting, 30. New Iltaurk Chintz, 50c. , • Hamembtr the place. Vilics.4lllß7 21111SaellitAsit attrao% ipIOLESALE Dar 900D1L LITHNOT, SIUMONLe CO., = MetMEM!!3MI DRY GOODS IND NOTIONS, =ma= ::=Aquams. aw. Wircocovel /tr..t. SKLIIMMAS.I7itiIZISON 110 10 'PER T. OPT. SPECLIM DISCOUNT: SALES. IT DENIIIMIN 111XXER113,' No. 27 Fifth Str eet. Mks] ficalwa anti:l l mi _lnak• • sra T 6. P . Ta k uVer. as BOSIZRY. GLO4-121.. tr.t.vossacarsis. 1711DILIW3ATI„ 008131r115. PARABOIA. BU! NIT TLIIMISUB, tzas. Is rtIII well molted • alt. S. 1.411 , 10 Durum !tour MUST. ear caramors wLt tad ear p 7113.4 lie Inn 0.3. at low u in inn .tats lane dm . avi .1 0 EMU CEXIV orr. nARO L DreCIINDLIESA & CO., , ka'aai•Wlls4a. Carr a C 0..) Dlatilla FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY ROODS. so.* wool =um.: ."144"""1-1)1.h*InIcia. PAItTMERSHIP 'NOTICES- :DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. ill i toncE IN iIEREIBY Wt the partnartlito batiolare ssistlos b. lowa 0•81.11.1 L • EOBINSON t. tads &sy aw :natal; rsrsosslusteroftlms sirstsst Lts istld ..m-..d those Indebted to Qs Bums, wll pre• Mt their secositts ft $O. • Wattled& stn.% ..ht W. sdlostasest at Oa sum - WHAM& & 8021.14601 t. • ' . J. XITSISCseII; 407 it. 12&1. • ' ' • NOTICE. sat. to Moot, Om to AIL Orraora sot to pertLw d: oofthe nod... "rues. skercbmalse, M. - assiddsl,' ihs 1W Arm of °e au, sogi NILO. ortttettt ay Lodtvlll.l IfirooLoro Ls ottooiod 10 ' OW , 1.1 o , eo MU of sale of sal4 goods. liiref. sotteLandlft or 1001.1.'101-wW.reoo4lato oath sod arory rale sot Nods rtowanzta, ortilt t►ta smlca 7alltt. $l. 7 X 67 oaMied Into, 10 IMOSOcuo Vas ebo 101 E UAT OF /MM. iI .ndseomtl , v. So /VIM 3Ortzt. ITT, col,googyllo.. OCIVALK. ;olUto CUT of PlUmbowth. I.WWOI/ASUIII Ltlf• •TISIO. of W. Pt/ of lialodelpktsi Kato of Yob. tDo booloomo so b. MO of &WWI 1 . and Um Total. of Zurobous, Cool ,Or Obias Into: awl Um oUpotal, la eV:mutat/ SOO. Of On autoloo fsod ta UM »Mang prooww, WOW br or or farther anuonfootatot to b. to o*as= of SOUL OCU leo dam! PUS nor. la Um CUT of IlUsbane. CHABLIS LISZIO lathe Eporial nutoor, who hso cow .tritritatt Move Lim mum or Tiny Tbonsaad Aolioufa cub. ' 1101 ALL Getterßl rafts.. CLIAIILIS lIEHNIG. MM.. Pula. rtp:41.14 wth itith • • waft 180. A. S. NIUktOLZKIN, u Aukzum of cw, of Tittaarsta, Constlpt Allegteul. mate of reOullmti.. mat. NA, made alnaUlas Chas 9111.1itt= PnrtDet teat:Mated la Wit UN "°.°" to ranauswa carnage wni.. 9 ire 7 W" 1 . 4 23,11 . 0 0 54. 1 61 0 0. 11 4tica1l ifitlibuib. J., Mb. UM7. 1.62474 I CO :ris.l :4 74".‘, 2 31:-I : li • deltri WILLWISOIIPA DINING .160.1)1S, 86 Market Id., (Botonma flogoo4 Trard Btreet..), PITTSBURGH, PA. The boom Is awl, feralidte4 wlttt everetblffe that calumetu a arra clan Lath. novae. Tit eta:Most or ererytllted the market affords .111 b. served op at all boon of the day or alibi. LAMM , DININO 800 KB. wood Door. H. WILLR111130N • Proprietor. /Into blibest mutat wire Dud far alit-tads sesoonst. *lawn JANES .B YOUNGSON , 1 N0..200 Wylie Street,' . Berpeottally Inform MI Mum mem we ea went lamaaver In Ms lint UM; Ot nu opened • BAKERY AAR CONFECTIONERY, At the &bore number. SWIM EIZZAD a OLE*, VlNi. " &nTlVal:tartliEt i r krAir All - 2024 ' 41 .1. +On 0 n/5•.M. C•Ji/t• .n 4 YUIIILT. PUICskl BREAD morular mad emming. NEW ICE CIIEAII SALOON. • • P. H. IVPCUIRE. No. 89 rim' BTILZB.I, above builtbfidlA, op rite Di. insztis Methodist (Thumb. WE YEW' recr ° 42 u" Wl:lain. dud privsua Warne, supplied at Mort noun, sod vas/warble term. lets;s gIINDAY , .SCUOOL CELEBRA nob B. PIONICS. DINNER PANTIE% ae.. terMalle4 with the ben PILAX. cONracruy...annz. At the lowest price 50400 the amrsdricres wa_t - co3:6l6tra Na 14 /DIAMOND. Allegbenr., letklas NEW STORE. WC W. 313.4,24.13. 9 .C 7 Z 1 r.. Confectlona, Fruit Store a, Bakery, 10X.1:12ELK ialttlON, and 013.131ML&Irt 1 7 200 13111TIMILD STILLYT, bettreetMa nth ad Liberty. matte* PAINTERS. COULTER & LANE, ;. House and Sign Painters,' • N .. I f fr o GIANT SHEET, Pitt.lierrgb. (Uppostre Cathedral.) BLABS iJAHD4I dens to order. • W. Ili W. W. 11131116 . ROWLAND & Hums, . • HOUIE AND SION PAINTERS, GRAIN - SUS AND 'GLAZIIM, No. OA DIREOND, ALLEAMERY. • CIALCLIIIININCI done le the beet manner. J. K. HAMILTON, Jr., House and Sign Painter, No. to THIND MI K= Pittabuyali. 11}$¢1ig, Glazing and Gilding INATLY NICTUTIIII. YID MUM, GLANS, BRUSH'S, TIIAPENTI2I7, WIEUTE MILD. ZINO. itse. ).1. 6011711.150,....... HUTCHINSON i.HEPBURN. SEM BIG! 01 ISLULPITIL ?AMIE • GRAIREIMI AND OLAZIEBA • • Nos N$ PAMPA /MIME, Plllabierh. All <Taal by mall promptly attended to. REMOTA'. JOHN F. CLULEY. • Howe and Sign Painter, Wii 3 MR3MII McCOWMiI & SNIDER, HOD= SIGN AND ONNAXEML PAM EA& AID GRAINEES AND GLASSINE& N.. INNEarth side or DLaanelad. Allegheny. • Comasenslal sad eon Oxus made to ostler. Orders respectfully solicited. and promptly em• vented. Risco rolots,lff Sodom tiles, sod Putty eaussealls on hand. • spitz:ES ffFTIMr - lr NEW FALL GOODS, JUST HICSITLNe, AT M'CORD & CO• 'S axra.lB3. Wood est. J.T.7ahra atock of HATS, CAPS AND PCBS, AU the new styles for the FALL SALIM selling at 7214 LOWEST PRICES. 555(1 ECA.TS I HALTS I w. r. orap,ac— our= =fp, GNU 8c BYRN~, `lt No. Ci 2 st: Clair litrest, Him ono of tka earl Miff . ..tat Motto of RATS,. CAPS AHD STRAW GOON nr"u"" 7.'" 4 =12.1i Ivarr attention Wes U• retailing, exeltut , ./.7. RnP - M‘l7in ' MT .7 74 6/AX3..W.L.301.711111 BABB. KIIAKE & Butzr.c.LEß, tioototoo to woximattx • 84. U, No. IS St. Clair St., Pittsburgh. DCLIMiI Uf PianoB, Organs, • Lad Muskat Goals ipaeria. - AMU Agesta Sor the Oclabnied DBADDD BY. Bew York. sad SCHOILAVIIi L CO. Phllsdeplll‘ r1A.1105. /1710. YaTZY r COMI •VOTTAO2,.. Gad D. s H. W. OBITU'S OD. GABS. andTbTGDiro rILTENT GUITAR. The but 11411.0 sad 6141.1• A Malin and GtM tar etrtnei sivrars as had. •17=r KW IBM IJNItIVALLED Pl al.oB.—Tba atkreat In tow; tha moat yaw. mint: the roost elaisot Palomar +ill stand to in longer rasa any other. Bow stook Jade. mired. Yoraala ar lam taco factory price.. • OBAILLOTTC 41 Falb Meal, Pole altelit for Ynota•• Pan.. Uslaaa Plasm, an 4 MM.!. A3110 , 31Mt10 Mora.. - pi 'IN :4•4415fAi :I 1C44 bizakierANTs , LIVIBY AND BALE . STABLE, • 3. W. NICHOLSON. PNOPRIETOIL mos. 112 UP las TIMM 'Taxer, (4)llpoeta liCcretuante Hotel.) 1:1110XAS 1P71ZEAND......1 1 AX1.6 ILITCUA24. NOBELIUM & DUNHILL, Liveir and Ru le Stables, wrazzr,. cinema rolomivanisioltrood DIPON PITTSBURGH.. B IN-Peree i vow attertos paid to tormsbloit I Horses toot at. ItA l l. " 1273:761 It B. MILLER. Bazaar, Liver, • sad 1111.11 0TL111.74. Alta, inintabtal Diannlakar. all hinds of 070 as. do., at tba lowest rat.. Intotoonstaatly on hand. 01880n1 STMSZT. bola*. Ortnaby and /amain atroaU. Dtrinta/aaaa Hones. Oattlate. and now- Be( 01. for Dire. Henan an. Cantwell slat ryle " .ll_,Pletitirri , na rn7 gar.m.7. 2. the best maanst i Mutt; Wailes (cantonal niss wftb as? . ll= Ithnlittraetaliagtra&; sat snraial IMPORTANT NOTICE. ' TO OW/11100 011 , 1101121117., DIL_WMIT begi to Inform hie Made aed Um baba* mar be by nomad hie oMue and Hotel. from tailed Woe yer d d . rior e . gligtLfsi ViToterit WIT ad Lam; /1:;;:: tam a' and Unitedly arable!. et a moderato chargetmlt, _Hones of any . Infectious Masses not betevery atteutiapaid_te teem a the areer , a stable. IstellVia WMarrll 00lbra • 011/tE I.43I•MSMT , am seed ni mi the prlnelal Valerian, Callao la Soroa,. are ail Beres, Mind Or Baal. Galls, Bore Meal. der. pasta or Cote, sad lOU not blare the UV. le Mee be sa bottle,. et Ida also.. trOt t l6ll6, Ih. poor. N. P. bUFFEY,' VEI6IIKARY SURGEON IND GORSE 'TUNS. Teaatte!totsteyattoa.a.etxtefoe mend, roma 11 ibt %Mar =VA Vialltittuta IstrAD A Ngiliatl ' at Mt."btara ' ,l7 ` ' ll:crtpll tarsus . &a.: *pee.l4l Men.. wivms 1.1% M VIA :=Vrialtintritig ' Feat $'47111!1:1 W //Mit,* this Ladles erlatiemes. F=Jl3.lNinth.Vl6 ag. idea Zama, jy. jelisan _ TOBACCO. CIG.ABB,&o. JOHN MEGRAW, Talmo Snuff and Cigars, 40 2X.49.27317 sr _aszmr. Excumou R. & JENKINtION, x...tastats sad &.0 la Tibseee, gaff, Man, rips, &e. „4 9 Thpes4. att4PA9T. Ells gittliurgil taktttt UNITED STATES COURT. The Itlefr Connie Counterfeiting Cale —More "Detective" Teerthsony—)trt dente for Defense Not Tel Closed. The case Of the United States ye. Will sue Johrudon, Indictment counterfeiting. was resumed on Saturday, the Court assembling at ten o'clock, The evide_nee for the de fense was preceded with, Detective Batts being.= erOttleXamlnallreer: On the Stook January last reported to Mr. Franklin that 1 hadpurcbased three hundred and eighty dollars =counterfeit money from Stewart and Cooper In Philadelptila for tor ty-two dollars; received the money to pay for It from Franklin. To Cooper apd Stewart I paid.opeards of one hundred and seventy dollars. On the night of the 11111 of April went to Jefferson county, by direr, Don of Franklin; returned on the 11th of February. A term of the United State. Court wee held in Philad..lplela Februe ly; It commenced after my return from Jen. (croon county. I was not anxious to have .the case or Stewart and Cooper kept over mall the Mss teml said I thought I could_ get other parties, bid that if Steaut and Cooper.' osee wee brought up In February they could not be got. applied In febru• sr, to ymnskjin, for more money to make purchases; one hundred dollars, more er lees. January got some metier for Ow same puineeei hourht counter feit money from different hereof... Stewart and Cooper, Frank Murray, harry Brady human s sem (of Indtarot meaty), none f wheat have been brought to lumina Theremai a Charge of pealing counterfeit money against me by Oman who had lost got out of the Penitentiary, where he had been confined for stealthy government conies: The case was to come up at the lest Iley term, Metall,' not. Got from Frank- Ith, In Jam:miry last, one hundred and thir teen dollars in counterfeit national ear moor... "fifty." three atwenties'_ , " one "two. and One .' , 0116^-420 LIFO pieces of it alike; gave Franklin a receipt for It; would not swear positively that the reeeiptlitlpu lated tlud. / should return the money; did not Minn:Limy part of it.. I was robbed at Gibbons Mouse, room 19, on the 13.1 of . March, or stern trat time; until remember the 4120% time. Remember of 'McAteer being at Philadelphia, on the 27th. Vth and kith of April, more distilictlY, between It was more Important than my robbery; McAteer said ho wanted to See Franklin, And asked me what kind of a man lee was. I mad. I had paid well for what I had ,learned and he could do the same; geld that 1 had been "beat.. Told McAteer he eargd KO to work for Franklin, If he wisher'. This was on Saturday. the DM of April. Next day was Sunday. Oa the next' day, Monday, I went to Franklin's house and maw Illitehistm there; Franklin pltobed into me for talking to McAteer, and threat- ened to kill me ID his own house, In the presence of Iltitehlson • this Is any 1 re member the ClrenceeMACe of fleeing Mc- Ateer better than 1 do that of my robbery. 1. made report, of my robbery to Franklin, reporting that the counterfett money. (11131 and some torty dollar. In_good money tied been UV= from me. . Witness detailed a transaction wherein hansell and Iscook . OPennted" to Wertalit whether certain Other "detectives," Charley Wood awl .Csancm, wornworking against them, in th e Stewart and Cooper case. It was "diamond out diamond" and witness and his partner cat the sharpest. Mr.Purvianco—l think this cross-exam. &Mated; lam gone on about long enough. Air. Carnaoln-1 don't know; bat this is o very Important witness. The gentleman should exorable the virtue of patience. ktr. Purylacce—if • you have made any. thing out of this witness I can't see It. Mr. Carnahan—l dont know that I ever sow a more indeoent exhibition Ina Court of lustier, ktr. Purvtnnee—lf this extuninatlon Is to go on, we would ask that our witness be so. corded the name privilege allowed to the witness tranklin. We ask that be he al. • Wed Welt aoora The Coact—Cortetali, If he is tired Wstaeas-1 0001 uloh Walt down. EIYEiSW;gM= Witness repeated that he would not be. neve Franklin on oath. gad heard Ned Daniel*, employed for some time with Franklin. and also flutehleen, lloyt end Lorne[ say they would not believe hum on oath. Heard the "oonlitekersn say they would not believe Franklin and talk herd about him: Witness WS he came to be summoned as a witness in the case from his conversation having been overheard la Joinestea.s Hotel. at Altoona Ilute.Mson served the summons on him. Witness sold he Imitated on the 2Sd of at.% In 15 4. le front of the detentes at Yorktown. Thomas P.Hoey, sworn.—seetde In Phila. &aphis; know (apt. Franklin; have been intunately acquainted with him prate nearly two years—by reputation ten years. From my knowledge of his character for trpth would not believe him on oath, Its the drat daturday in July Is.st, la speaking or the lordiston cue, Franklin sold be had a bully man. who would swear a =Ws life away 1f necessary. He told me that if he gained his point In that case he would get his office back that he bad teen turned out of. lle tint thawed me the acommt of tae fl ' t=re r d j ;l ' lrglr4g:l l lllle b n h e L tL th r2:lll; he owed me when 1 wools the eocret service It himothich.necornlng to o f own ay. count, was about Star hundred dollars. He nut if be gained the cue tram t Johnston he would pay ma. 1 then asked him how it would bell he lost the ease against Yohns ton, as then I would soli he toe loser. He sald there was nodal:lgor of toeing the ease, to he bad a witness who would swear man.s life away if s e Speaking of the probability of d ds restorttion to the sc.. met seryboe, he sai be would like to have toe operate with him.. Crosseuminatlon—liave resided/Et Phil. itdelpola all my Wei Lire now on Sigel street, in the not ward. Was In the navel serried, sienna the war; on the 14th du of last March was twenty-five years of tre. Enlisted In the naval service, and was In i the bloc squitdron, on the gunboat Flag, under Commodore Dupont. 1 am it stove monlder by trade; that is also the trade or t il l . Franklineaned my trade to the saute shop that b l Before being em ployed • by Franklin I gave Inform. thin that I bed of persons who passed somsterfea. money, one of whom., L•rry Keene, has since been Crnerleted. was recommended to Franklin, by. Kr. Jeorn e [Mod of mine, In - Philmiel phit. I had no Other tppointment than I that I resolved from Franklin. The only persons bought money from-were Keene sod a young man named Elluiaer; of Ettinger I bought a. fifty dollar counter , telt bW but Franklin never WI - retell him. I Wu In the employ Of Franklin Irons Dooms. her, lEBS, till May, ME. All the money / re ceived tram him was ip,with which/ bought counterfeit money . . Was arrested for pus. lug a coutarfelt fifty dollar bill, no oath of a Mr. Fisher, In January or February, MI, but the case was abandoned; as the prose- ardor theta not produce the bill. Franklin told me that I need not worry about amuse even It / was gutty, as be would get me off. He did not tell ma' he had any. further use forme. I signed four monthly reeelpthfor pay. but never reuived toy mo th e r l,e 'sanded upon my father end for lup port. Fr.ultltts told me it he suroondod n the Johnston combo would pay me. lie salein the name conversation that If the man up the country Mt Pittsburgh,' woo hi come down frith a •ttoott state. , he could payme. The "bully mane he reterred to was McAteer; this was on the first Satan/ay InJuly. Three or four weeks peertontly we had a couvenstkre about McAteer at the Efate Besse; I had wan used him for money. I Wanly. weal for money when I. saw Franklin. Understood him to my . that if Johnston would not come down wild theagood *take," be would put the ••bully , man" on the witness stand. Franklin snowed me an account. Ds fretting) of the arrest of Johnston; also chewed me four pohnst low or the money he and he got from Jon ' , ay the country. • - • Be-direct—/ knew 'lathing about Larry Hoene la the case on which he teas trial, and did nO appear 65 fiLoss6,thitt Fruk im offered me US If I would swear L. tenet he told me. Jeremiah 1. Entehinses, sworn—sworn known Franklin since.lsn., 1 6 03; was In his employ asessistant In th e secret service. By Mr. Howard—Did= a friend of CO have the Jotinstonapromme to P ease of Johnston stopped for a sem of money! Witness—l eta not. Had not seen John- neon alnu Ifs& Wu not employed with McAteer to bunt op a ease against John. atop. Franklin did not opeendly employ me in Miscue. 1 Raw th 6 money that Franklin alleges /ingot from Johnston. 11 was not In an envelope; law it Tory frequently in 101 l secretary; Is had a lit toldstrip of paper around it. Franklin mo that be and McAteer wont up to. althhalti that Uth i r were playing Poker, end .were "Minot to of rum." 'Saw him take oat four of the pleou of oonoterfelt money from the package, which Ogre not marked. and pat thew m his PrOked I Kole of the pms in the package ware marked, but dond.know bow many. Suppress lenw the whege eight or ten thou; Mll4 tuxes* to too desk or secretary, and could have taken thehudiega Hi had desire& Dtoaotsee the money In an envelope which Vol endorsed, null after the Mt of Jane' when Franklin said .he was going to Bald it to Wash ington. • (Envelope shown.] This was not with the money when I saw It, rlgor to its, being sant to Wublogton The endorsement wen dated lord 11th.) ranklin told me in the latter part of April be would not have sent the money to Wash.. login if he bed not been obliged tO; he want. ed money{ ke cold Seco:adhere kept Italia m id..inney hy selling look tOJohnlitoo. Afteirthe trialOf Stewart and Cooper, Frank. 110 said it was my fault that he loot tho wouldan that if /had that u 1 thoold, he have gained Its that / should have sworn the onus through; that no one was tit for a. datcativro unless ha wiss a thief or A counterfeiter; told me this at his house. Enos Dr. Lindeit7. orehnintd here Ma wit wnew be was arrested in Harrisourg for ing nounterfe It money by Copt, Frank. Pines ' be plead gislit7. • - Mr. lloward—klave yon aeon Franklin and ktoAteertogetherin Philadelphiasslnco the lath of April krill Witnese—leaw them at the Gibbons House FidtuisePilta , in the latter part of April knew klnitteer as In eanneetiOn with this ousterfolthig business. Have heard. character for truth end veracity very badly spoken of. Croes-examined—The last pineal boarded win at the (Habeas House, rtihafielphla My family is In Warriors Murk townahiP, Iluntingtion county. Was tiont In that townehip. Have known Johnston since Mi. alived In Hollidysburg for elk nd a ludf years a nd 1 there got acquainted Ns ith Joboaton; went from there to my old home. From lider to January; ised.wu In the army a psod fortiori of. the time; was In the army for three years and wKen 1 won back went to work on a hunt for my brother. Franklin canto to employ me In January, IWO; w. Mira:tuned to taus by Mr. Smith. Euless Franklin rem:amen. dell me (or sloyl employment, I do not know who Moodie/. / never gays Informs nod to Ynutirlln that Johnston was a coon- Washer, lie Rated me if I know a man named Johnston, at Hollidaysburg, when I lived there, but said nothing about counter. felting. Know nothing of my own knowl. 43 , 100 of Johnston passing counter- Dint ii d " Tot .4 11 ; 2' i/ e go UT:: enco'of r. Frottiman, in Mint Franklin was Ad 4 fool for hot mak. Rag 'money ought of the Johnaton Wm; did nOL otter to kis to AROOLIs mud tIX the 'too with Jobneton. Did not say to hrittAlmon that Franklin had treated me that b e hear:lever lame tO make anything. Did 0 01 lay If It was not for that d—o fool Franklin (w e n make POS), out 'of hall Jotinson. Did not repcot to vreabington that Johnston was shunter . fplory Clitl ROL 40 kuisiedger report John “.eonnterfsitert Mn were lostrocted by Franklin to report what informntiOn3 might ~„.10 0 of partial dealing In to tufa' t we money: Did not say in.lday lam to Mr. Fr/Allman' that Johnston win an old counterfeiter. Heard Botts, Lioenoe Young, Allsimmeit and others epees, .1 Fronklinse obararier for troth; they aetd win bad. her.rUid Entiomit for hassling counterfeit money on oneoceusinn. Dv Mr. iloward—Wben 7On were refil -1 platning Frantllo about - not nothing money, or of wanting moony. did he not mil Too to take an d Itom door plate* and grave isrouri and report them to Weaning , ton astbOse of counrfeltarsl • inesa—Tes, be d ial. We had .TO make dotty reports; tout be doing think, <1 we could get no pay. If .edit nOt tern we were doingloinetithill. we would very Mb that Were not. Wanted any longer.• ' &mud skosiarotworn=Hestde In delphlal lure - raided there Moe 7DlOWFintiklin very well. Mzow the Man McAteer. Know' FrAnkante general I firtiit.Mil 49m What /*lbw Of PITTSBURGH DAILY ' (i.AZETTE : MONDAY. AUGUST 19. 1867. him would not believe him upon oath. Saw Franklin and McAteer together In the lat , ter end of .aorli or the drat of Stay last at the Gibbons House, In Philadelphia. Croas.exarained-1 am clerk and bar keeper In the Western llotel, Philadelphia; It is a second class home. Pretty rough people came about tbe home, thiev es and counterfeiters, occaatoually. It to at this house that littera the cbaranter of Frank lin discussed; beard people I dld not know 'Meat of his character; and say to look but for that Merl. bOule OS the MOODS I knew, butdld not know their bualneas. edjournod until tea o'clock to.day.' Elmlegalism Letter List. ' Letters remaining uncallod for at:Bu chanan Poston:lee, Anglin A 1 09w1gten 3f Adams All .Getty Wm T N And rely. , J ohn near 11100. ; Bienßag L Ad... Lb. •Hodell John I 0 Able Chas flog Harr, , 01 beet Tbos II IL:lover Junes 'Ormsby() H Brown W Gray Llrele a. • Brew. Thou . G inner Joaeph Park Hannah Beebe Price ' , humid* lallse!iPt9!O. ,rathcbation Ilaylwannle tool ! !!!!!'"••- H oot) Boalwilm Mr I I !urea Jit Benet Mary !Irwin Hate H 1 , o:well John a'!"r! W !Jacobi j idare !Slatterry• John Canard John Clark ,Johnson Joy Ehepard Aen D Johnson D Carnahan.. 1, king K !r f , M I !!!!. abi a l , Wh * rel U M 'i taVe7tobeen, '!'" ,V llf Duval ranr4 !Low ;R n oll ' a r e t`l7 tlem . l 'Loam, Pat illionlye. .11 Duggan ti W Darlington A Fred W,Wipiame ,/ ' .I , llller gl.ry !Worcester J Even. aGI Murphy Eller j Wee... Edgar Slatnew I Biles Ezekiel Wilton Wm 13 Itilter 4 !While Joseph Forsyth Wm L' Ala.lolo Fleming Anole!ifermin A Weitzel rite.! A • , =l== 13/"Additioaal Local Matters on First Page. f. Oz4:TH:Clii eforAtilo:44 AUGUST DEDUCTION! OUR MITES STOCK Or BOYS' CLOTHING, CLOS NO OUT AT REDUCED PRICES! GRAY. & LOGAN, Mrn=7=l HENRY G. HALE IMMSI COIL PM AD PP. CUM 111 NEW SMOG GOODS, JUST OPENED. COUPRISIZIO All the Noveltioa of the Season, Saab.s Is only found 14 a First-elan Merchant Tailoring Establishment. teener THIRD ARRIVAL OF SUMMERGOODS, • AT E. HOUSTON & CO.'S. rastrtoxaszar. MERCHANT TAILORS, AND DEALLES Men and Boys' Clothing and Gen tlenten's Furnishing Goode, No. 107 Fifth' St., COHN= OP OHEELEY ALLEY. o . l lMlll=tasa i raltleslli CLUTEE. PlICb 10 WI. Um Um... E . J. McGILITTT. MERCHANT TAILOR, 0. W. corner DiIIIOND mad UECIO OTSZLi, ALL/WHEAT IBTY. ♦ /Atte ottortestat or rorstahlog Uoodt al. way& ou baud. ♦ Ana class <att. will attend to oratom work. 1.11.0 EMIT CAPPELL. Merchant ,:. and dealer 1n GenUezen's Furnishldg Goods, • 14 41111711.11ELD WTll47ll'. Three door below Mutt. ryorancnort. PA. All the latent Wynn., and hemmer styles of Cloths. Casslateres and Vestlngs on band. and mM. no tit to. most Ilablonaltlo style. at tee lowest brie... ma OIL WORKS & CONPANIES H. M. LONG & CO., NIANCIPACTONIII9(.4 Pllllll WRITE BRINING OIL, Brand--" 11101273." Mee, No. 2 Ilaqaome Way, PITISIMIGH, PA. EUREKA OIL WORKS, 11M119/110t9111 . • of Eureka Carbon Oil, THZ CZLIBILI:1710 Sperm Lubricating OH., 011:111110A1 LINSEED OIL, Wtolea's Dealers I* Crude, Seemed and Lubricating 01 2* Lard, time, Whale and O. 0. NOBLE, .A.gt, 19 Irwin Street, ITZTBBOHOIL ao111:047 1 0.17/4/51, CIF -.nit coisan SOHO OIL WORKS. BEPPU!'" & CO.. ItIISTUTACTIMIB Or ?HA CELEBRATED SPERM LUBRICATOIL. Petroleum Lubricating OH! Sperm, Lard land Whe,.e 018, . 11111,161 R, UMW 8111 VIM MIR ALSO. STANDARD WHITE BURNING OIL, No.l SL Clair Street, PITTBI3IIRGEL, PA. REND VOll • CMCI7LAR. deheal TACK BROTHERS, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND 5110E.TINSWA Petroleum and its Products, PriTaBLMOW 07110E—Ila4ell.sIldlag tarn°. at Mg cake Way end Inrin Mach FUILLDELPHIA. Orr ICX-121 Walant a.wra WARING & KING, i-0 saes vicuna en Bums a : Petroleum and Its PrOdlieta. Bleek,Duquesne Fay, PITTSBUBUII, PLIILLIMIX/1.1.1/ WARINC• KING & CO.. IST Walnut Rt... BUT THE BEM PETROLIA BLUE LEAN ruu Ott. 1/17DUCIDI KaandooDuod only ond lor ), ef co., PIONEER PAINT WORKS , K. W.Cor. Std and Market dts., ooD rirrentnant. rA. AximuteCHl EAGLE OIL igabvcrrezi.otaigille.' WICHTMAN 4 - ANDERSON. • Whim acid Dea4ra In PETROL*UM. 0/SICIG, 11C00151D 81111 IT, CKOIRIAILLN. COON tlr. &NEI 1111011 1 / 4 1117 WAY. • )FMJ COMMISSIWiIiIicitCHANTB, AUZNTS lOti TUE Pacific. Globe & Liberty OH Works Ample Slang *f y tor IMAM, egg Wined r a Ll b t AAmeoes made .oa . nmentit . ak:igtOri,a T hare, el.eie :WINDOW SHADES. of g all eolors awl sizes It also, ai / 4 . 1 . 1 ,04 . 11 ..1%.1.10net. 011 Cloda. of all irtdl2o , sada& /OW 911. a. ',Polemic sad retail. - % A j ar' 1111. 1 01 AV SPECIAL NOTICES. 1 jar W 2116 TIARNHILL 11 co., BOILER MAKERS SHEET IKON WORKERS, Iron, 20, 22 24' and 26 Penn st. Having wowed • lan. Turd = 4 n.. 11004 edth the mons; foorren .nnithlrod7. we ene Dee pened no ...pave neer, desnriptlon of Boll erelnlh.hMtmannef, and tralnanted Weal tO en, rube In the oonntif. Chimneys. Breech. Dan, Bin Bede, Re= Mims. LOlXOnottne Bon. ere, Clond.”rs. Pat Cans. Sauk., 00 01111 e. ASltuon t dedtllng Pane. Boger Dinh Itrlaf Benet Para, and innu manufacturers of BAIIN HILLISPATCNT 8011..723. neon Mae none on the thortrat unties. lee, ent rgrrOtillia LADIES, BEWARE a( the lalutious eldccts ot Taet Pouders and %Pubes AU senora= ales close up the pores of the Rio. and In . Short time destroy the com plexion. I( ymt would [Layne fresh. healthy an n atal money:am-4 usellll4loloLlPe Err l et dadsaratatat •olksra Vriceututows Coinicesisrafai Fluid Extract,. Sarsaparilla • Eradicates ERUPTIVE and ULCERATIVE. DISEASES of the TIIRUA.T. Noes, mfrs. EYELIDS. SCALP and BLUM. Megan Oh airtallaranea. PUlttil :41 the ...11 etresto of mercury awl removing ail tel.., the retaaauto of lithlLknof.B. beredltarg tr i atale;4TV to taken he a.DULTS and 21g. , 'PAULY. til l &01§ - Travi the Entrant of Barsapart In, added to pint of water, lo equal to the Lisbon Diet Drink. andno bottle Pt Mtot to a gallon or the Syrup of S nsapsoiUa. or Use decoctions as towed. made. AS Ist PE slLi NDILETTER to published in the Youlloo.fattrunpinal ktaeleiot 9n the seh set of the &Ursa of Oaroapaillle In seriato• so 17.1117toOoonIntroTesTr. Vri i t:gri th lii e tl ' Oß re STg Se o eassoordtrusey. er merMootny &tor amp t ant flteyeraped pith. to , to the strictest leen. a ionic with lite evaluate attribute. that It is am) ti.n” afar. eta. so ....h.. - o a yet eo irritable aa rnagaro meg eubetarto. 4/ 10151lleleue yooeatldiYor 04,Neeme. =CM 001101:8TUTED tITBAOT aIitiMPLIIELLA Zetabblabed operarda of U year". Prepared by • 11. T. UZLIITOLD. • Barer@ and Cheodet. MN ➢roadway. N. Y. fluid by at Druiremts. arffELMBOLTIPB EXTRACT SAW AYAItILLA atomise* utd rentrrates the blood. Instils the alter of health Ithlo the eyf tem, uld borate oet the hoseare II t testa dl ablit•wert. • NEW PLILFURE FOR THE LUNDERECRIO Photon. , Blooming Corns., Phalan'. .iVight Illeemioi Ceram., Ploado . rs ^ c rnt Blooming Cerra., Photos'. ..Niabe Blooming Cann.: Phut..'. ...Night Blooming Cc.... • A nand a:nuking drAcate. and Fragrant Fernamr hurled haus the rant =I trlantltal goner her abnla 11 talss lu =so. Manufactured only by, PIIALON & MTN, Hew eels: SCRAMS OF COUNTERFEITS. ASK TOE mSALOZTE-TAPE NO °TURFY IarNOT FEW won dtsorders that Whin et mankin th d e arise fto,ll t compiles et the blood. Hst.enb.d.hbt =sauce APULIA V 1 remedy of the amen talon. SWAVIEVM, . IarROBLYSON, REA /11. C .m. on Boantrax, Jams a Itasaas,) WASHINGTON WORKS, hilllsdermamel IIEmOIMALEENPIMIIMMTIEMI Mnonfeesurers of Eon sad enadousry Steam Edith,., Blast ZAMA.. Mill Mathleery. Gear. jog. Rutting. Cutlass of MI descrlptlotololl Tuts sad SOIL, Nailer sad Sheet Moo Work. LlMeet No. corner 71. t sod timllltdeld SL. JEr Agents for 4.II7PANDI PATENT bm. JECTOR for &WS. bolters. mum= THOSE WHO desire EMIL LIA NCT OP COMPLEXION ono purify sod estricA tho blood. oltdch lisbmooto . s Cos, ceNTEorso 11Orrascr or rlably do.. Ask for Take NO Se. , 4.011:141.111, ar-DR. LIIDLIPIPS SPECIFIC, • - Tim Great American Diuretic! Alford* heimpliate re/lef and allergy permanent earns of WI Urinary and Private Dia.* In pair and emale, In fanner rime than any Rap enly ever dianovared. rhino SLOCI per boy- bold by all /MIMI.. SODA D.PARIE. Ova •lA(m4 E=MIE EN= arA CLEAR, 83100TH AKIN wl HEAUTI. Ut, r'LLTION for. low, th e tow of liltwoot,, , a GONCINTRATILD rXII.CT or M.III6arAMILLA. It moot. Wool ppotw, ^Mos tad troottonsof skin• 1.11•1161” agrILAILE SUPERIOR COPPER MILL G. SMELTING WORKS. PITTSBURGH. • PARE. McCIIRDY & CO.; ItattetaetUßnef ntotatbt ,oa• Modem , and Bolt Copper. rressed Copper Bottoms.' UMW dUll Bottoms, Eprlter Ito.uer. Isiportsrs and Dealara Mot sts, Tlo Plate. Ilhoet Iron, Wire se. Goottatttly on baud Timone, itaeldnee and Tont.. • Woreboook_No. 110 'MT? dl•BILICI• and 1340 PIcOoND rlttaborgb. apeetal order, of Copper ma to our deatred pattern. _._:ll2ll:otlntarT OF — QUANTITY VI. QUALITY. UTLIMOLD'S EXTILWIT illfshraltlLLl. The doss Is moll. Those who desire bow dtudsityend laroo demos MOIL .Whom,. arBOMETEM. NEFre—CALL And examine &As new- • SILVIIII-TIPPED SHOES. They . ..lll .m. u Moo* wltatont tips. Yept Int. a: avaaragrz, No. 31 filth It.. rltisbaseh. aril% THE APREVG AND BUMS 31XIL IIoNTLIA. CA< mica ralurally Andertan a Atm" lAA MALIIMOI..IIII.c.T COffe{3l SLATL2I AsAALACT OP lIA.AAA.AAA:n.A.A IA !mamba., AMA matt. rm... .11:fOrs ar'quiricir A. scorr, .r°..298 PBX,' B . TREET, MIAI:t72I gar — IIEILDEBOLIPS CONCEN TR/LT.6D EXTRACT 6126•PARILLA It th e Inn.oll 5.1411a0. ant •••1111, R"0 MARRY OR NOT TO WARILY! Wilt ROT? 11-riotig Nip neatens for Young/ en. IP Essays of th o How. aril Association, on this Physiological in on Abases an 4 Diseases inilneod by Ignorance of Paton, Law., Intim grail *lllO at snarl. Sant In scaled Mier aniaelOoes. free of charm .A 4. dross. Dr. J. riItILLTPI Ill4lollll.lN,lloward association. I'S. mini:god/1P DYERS AND SCOI7ItERS. H . J. LANCE, Nw. 12 and IiTY Third Street, DYED. AND SCOWLER. Straw Goods Cleaned or Dyed. di e ,r,evas /ADM , 2Ll7XVIalcs. C . G. FISCH:EMI /AMOY Dyeing and Scouring &DOlletuneut, Ho. S 1 DIA.IIOIIID ALLEY. Between Wood shed thaltheeld rirrdEudini, All goods the twelve weeks. wows kept ettlneet to the Owner v0311:241 LITIEIONLAPHERS laUhtkaatt —.antis CMS SIMIGERLIt It • CLIEN, • me m." to Geo. D. Clebpatman • C 0.31 PRACTICAL LITHOGRAPHERS, Tba ONLT STEAM LITHMHLATIIIO ERTALIt• LIBMIENT WESTUT THE MUUNTAtht. Sauna.. Ouds, Letter in Boodb utan, g 01Citea ta uten Canis, /la. and I* Thlrd Pnia• 111,•k AeMILLEB, - LITHOGRAPHEB, 8 .. fig rovaTu ST., Apollo Banding 11 1 .IYI .1114.`" L" . .11,1g2. GuAND Pleasure Excursions, TO LAKE SUPERIOR. = Bog fiIITVEST Carr. 829. Wain., thornsrays INevel.d for the North and South of Mee noperlor as followel RUUDTF4Y ' ' JULY 4. JULY 111. 71111/1/41AY JULY 95. TUU.ND.Y AU.U.T R. Ana TUMID/1Y 41.91115 f 2A. 99-1 ho anove steamer le entirely new, over 199 tons beriberi; le the w¢ ootifota 0114nrbrggi=e tepttr. WIC BINCIII an, it, Adair it Express 011 Ice, lenilo l NE PEES ULTRA WASEDIG MAMBA 1101rIBIXT Dial= VID . w inianta.swzares, 091011 cortrx POTS, And a all stso r tnitni of Hons•lne n ing 0 nod.: GR6,F114411, 88 Federal St. NzgAtlV" "PMEMIENT CITY S. BRYAN, BROM= IA BONDS, STOOKS, - AND REM . ALESTATE, Apollo Building, Fourth Stmt. Dania Imo, and Municipal Selina awl all k.,A=zbatvgarid Os commlaalAnc FOR SALE. SALE--The best Farlns In Paltteld torooldp, Westmoreland county. cOntaloloo Moot MY acme. situated Mx miles sooty o [the r.sssrissun eesyss, • st Bolivar atation. The Improvement. are • ...Ye hoed lug house. with Moe rooms, • mod action whofranse.olt harm 4.20. ,••• •.•••r ew Two angle aid one peach orchard. She le farm Is umser blob este of enltlystlont the (mid. le all No. 1: the 11011 .11.44. and le Tittl i n , ref 1111O.:d b r:trasTill:lr1 9 Olrit e rg: erty Is Merril. the low pricef Airy dollari I mre. P0...d0n ladtecala. Alen, • . .Iva llerden fi l m .rro cootalnlng fume, eltUated In Lambeth township. Alice blanrh " ett . airalroll ' a g e h ga g nVlV7:l;•l ' road, about nMeteen mile. from the el.. The Improvements am a Mo-arY •Tia ' ith e i cTlrrlrlet s " 2 ""'" lta tt rt a sitlltall.al l l , 2 Ahnnolnee the be fruits. of all venetles. conrchee. behools Mills Per •••••••,••• Perms. ild.. so engage in gardening would do wed to eall.d pnrcha. pellettl7. „eg e, • ram of ettl scram situated lit Weld dimeceunty, Mont 316 etelletrf d rorgilfze i trf the Penosylvaida Ball • med. The Iropnreements ae—Pirst.• P. set. Mame house, emus !Mere.% a large frame born. 402712, corn rim, carriage bans, • goo 4 awn- semi Come and wood house. &ond • two-awry lug house. Mr go frame Mrle. 40 . 226, • . story frame eorlog haute. aid other out budding. The t h e la ell good, abundance ' 'iitOO. l••36 .• • • , on the Mem, and coal bud a short t,`Tj,Ve. 0 % 1 5 %14 Z , Z;T.P.T.l..fit.W.ll — ,"*. es, of which mare. are under colUvattoo , altuate lo ChM.. Mtn comely, 'Moots. Improvements—o new frame dourdna contabal. 6 rooms; about 403 choice Cron trees. 'rood fenelog, le , 11 Iles I with. 2 miles of toe Illinois (Metre.] 8.. Pe. _• .111 be 11, On ream /table Selma. Etta prOnlgtir tale lu part excllange admired. • A • Pam or It. voce In Pens bownshlp. Wm ore/..d moo.. =acres cleared aud tot , der eultlvation, Ir. acre. of dreterato white cat Jotter Umber. 2 dweilL o os, Mame, 1 of .0013 will Led a ilo t a l lt Vc f Ir„"trmvtr,.. oln.le l edulnit; T."'"l wath never . faling U sp ". ng ' st within one bundred rods of the P... C ri ntral itailmeat of east 01 Pittsburgh, &net... miles west of II remebu rg. Thls farm Is pito,. .tly and eligibq is In • •004 neighbor boat, evem acre Is underlaid with coal. The Aso aood, f t , on ohe best ferule In Young township, loots. .unty, Pa,, four tulle. from Pi/mem r .melt .a ' rll42:el ' ula!tl l ' u " rillsde l r l .`g ' l ten toe. the re, due good timber. The to pro . enaenta are too frame daellinga. matelot. h 1 rt. ^sehl • large bent barn,. o6 by ea et nod oo other necessary outbuilding. l ee r. rive acre, of orcoard enulcc oathPeeer frul t; four 0000 ve.n of cold, two. °oa It all the land. can aboneance of limestobe. 11 le O. reed thrmlug neuthearbood, cones alma to churches. aeloola. tattle, t.a, wt.. 1 am att. teorleed to sell very low atm on good terms Also, a aural Of ad acres to Elizabeth tworestilth Alleaheny cOenty. Pa., near the lute Of PLlnbileall Coonellirt do rua I. Improve- Pleb. are • ore noose. Ireather.bo• fled; tree, bone .rn, 12.1 . 110111110 Oearleg apple , AO. rots ifhparty 1•1,1 be Sold cheap. • Also. • ram of 70 sores. Heinen/41 township, Weallnoie,lll county. Va., 00 ltle Iles 0111,0 Pennsylvania Radroad at Geso.,loe Callen. I.troprOVeant b. it tw0..., move Owen ..l stx rooms: “.1 barn...math, nnzralNl; • log house, tell nth, out.Ailldloga. Tab m the cheatte.tth tarot cm e line of the Penuyymanla Ventral Itattroad, between tae city md °moue be Po g • r fortber particulars etul alto of WASHINGTON CO. lOU SALE—A t h e of 00 acre., redbleb 301 t. cleated. and the romaludcr covwlth and white eat floater oltutted to Wm. ?Lud t., town.ol Wasulugton county, ?... tulle, soul h of Wen Alelauder, awl tt of a :rule loom Llaneylown. 111 412,0 411.01. to Chore^. 00(1 &chow.. Ilas on tt two log hover., weer stable and grain houses: an orchattt of eight ere. of toning spot, I n roach... pums. Ac. klood 'tat, In e 0517 AITLY. TO • CM U. BRYBWr Broker In nook. axpl Beal L.I.A: Apollo Building. Pourtl. greet COUNTRY RESIDENCE 3rolt isALmaEl, • tlltuated en the BroMarl:111e road, and neer looalng the Mononipmela Myer. one, mile from the enr , coaasuer of one sere of ground, • couble tmo-rt0.1.4 brink .derelitne, to good re pair. garde painted and papered: Wing and rn 'rater: hot and cold 'rater In me non., //cotton range In kitchen: brine •table an 4 car riaae holm: abundance of fruit and ornamental trees and mrannery. mut anrronnded with • belmtllul thorn hedge. for term.lnquire of • Villl.l.tall Ulna. /711:e1 No. 12 malrltneln Street. Itbn SALE.-11ouse and Lid on totter of blanhattmo and Anson lomat., near ttem:ger ittoloay. Lot tie by IZ fret. House frame, containing 7 rooms Imo stood tau, ...II it proved. Home and Lot on bbelbeld, gam. 131doell Et., baleveny gt Lot 7.7 by 1M fem. • Home frame, too:alas ball, are rooms and good cellar; rater and em. ..ruralmall Boon. .4 'Lots In rad .441 re Of .• RUH *OO Hisser, Chesnutl . litteel,S " 4415441 FOR SALE OR RENT, CHEAP— Al Tara at Carriennlies Mblon. on lb. Cen tral ball:road. co...lining tli, acres: Improve: Manta, mono. t and stable., good orabasd: all la pasture and good for colligation, Also, err and oilier Warm., Iv goodlocalltles and grab W rmed, which 1 .111 bomb cheap and on inuona ble linos. Also, a•bomber Of ' , god boll dlng lots In Om city and auburn*. • • • • • •• . y rur Ihrther Dn/celer Inquiry of WILLI/LK WALED. som otootot a Ile Ura& Krt... te the Ca beast LIVERY AND SALM STABLE R Sett, situated In • llourlshing town ne. to inttenoreh, on Übe of a reitroad. The grounds are:area; the stables are substantially built wad Capable of a-coninsodatlen 40 horses: earrle rosin for 10 vehicle.: bay lona. , Au. T h us es tabllobiti.t. le now thing oncee ibed balloon. 2€o either leury In the place r A pin or the • ha , wh gels Is ole of ttiw will be sold If ,11.- a 1 50 d "TV:L:IW 1%.:1211,3n6 hUB SALE--One sniall.Frame Worse thd Lot to the Fifth w tre. Aqirtie• mF. Mentbrther.) Toe lot' to ttzlool the ouse comet. truce rooms, U. good order , LOU will be sold tee th . am the owner wither to moth 7:g i dt o l t e s o in e l LoTeZr . or houses and loth end I"! Beal Vstat sante, Ista:ent No. 131 11 eeeee ttreeL Allrateny. I.Ol'S IVOR. tiALE.—IFITE DE; VIHKULK ll U. WAN() Urfa. fa by 264 feet. sq 13. uened In the VILL•4• WIL.KINontInG; at, surrounded by 43 root etre.t. contosltlna one 1 , 161211 Ist the plan of geld ylltaaa, .01 I lia three annum. trek of the otavon on the rennv lyanta antironl. Will oe sold together or stagiy. No porNeulara enquire of KLL Tttlian Nen, No. Kt PIM street, or at the reel - dense of tha late/IFL JAS. °wain twin. wit kla stuns PROPERTY FOR MALE —A yalatine nutty containing 140 acre[,near iakdain Station, on Bintilienyi la Railroad; all Glelate, grim goal, mono raniantai 41 antes with cost. £l.O, Macros gYi land on We "e merit]. plans road , tour miles tenni toe city, imitable it, a ”rdeiier .alina; Lomita and LOW lit CM' and anburba far *ale. • . glynly to W. ktEltitt.)N. NAM Estate I.Mot. N. NI ki•asit ettre.t. op?oette Coon Licosa. AUCTION BA.LEB7-- VALUABLE BANK. BRIDGE /14 • IlilitlitaTlClC NI OCHS —on SULIKULY LVENtoti, Aural :010, at o'clock. will be sold. on he sq.coad loot o f Coottoctolal Salta Booms. IGO etultalltol street: 2, Akar, Ma amuse xauonal Bank; florae Allot/ten,' ottoltol Bank. 10 thatos tank. sartAlllaCe Co. 10 ilharoo Antallon•oo•ptes1011 Bridge CO..' son a- 11c1L'Of /LINZ. •notl . RXECUTOII% , SALE or. 200 LAMM LUTE Eater LIBERY. front the Negl*y Istate. IN —.ll , BOORT fIeTE T NO N, •noutt ID,R, at : oek, vat be eau r on tat. orrrelaoa, In gaol LlOrrly. nontlue on the O Or b e i e ta n l e o [ to ar g r of l `t ea l nib er t Wi , de dsaam ea.a.. ro n m th y e .ocated for Site.. sr resides., =I Lore helv e to belief tattle. be tree abort rile I. feet Side. and be lot are unasuatly large, Sento mostly 25 Itel 1 . 1.11 t end 14feet 111 deTtn, est...ming through from MVOS LO Meet Plant an "At seen St Atultsltltta'S Auction Boom., No, UM tholtelteld weer. aid St Mellon Itentet. et' Lambe. TS101)111ce, at. Mat Lloerty Intetton. . • • Fret Xictirslop Train will leave the. union Depot; to Itteocreb at 2 o'clock. raternlog eoteor sal. al. we Invited to attend. bvth ladles .ct keallenrn. Terms mills known at We. and to Pa mien es Pill accoatinodeto maenad... Tf!WU, MLLI.Off I.I2LOSAA tl, zriscu:Er, . . . Anveoto rs. A. yet - hire DT D. Anelionaer. Let fa ( b ‘ :24. H T:i7..Ta i t.. " : ` .1 . .. " 4 1 1741V11 1 . 1 o. . Then P Teo I:ott of ten am.. each. In Uwe torrnso adjoining lir. ettohro's place. on the ro .d I...dThg from "Theatre rope w Uarid att. on liatebtr's Dm, and iXsroda. Mr.l ft " =NT. " e rected new frame houto of four room.. The c ae's! I. positive. nod the paretater Pia rentive a imam ofothe growler crop. Convv.aooas I. aye A. Marlin'. Store. No. IS Diamond.. o'clock on dayof elle. Terms—une. third oath trelanee within fire A. LIMO raTC, Anetoneer. ~.:~~~eer:~~~~~:+1 A N ORDINANCE FOR THE A BAVit.O • 2413 CI:CAVING Ur BORQUEIII In tee eiorough of Lawrence, Ile. Bunion I. Be ordained and simentit By the Burosm e Town Cvmaueo of .t Mr Among, Lowneneeritie, and it is Auer, enacted kr on ihority of aurae, That the cert. Committee ..e arid tn.? ale htr• by no hoaxed and etapOW- P. a la C. 01310•01 tor the Paving mid coming of Borough lariat, 'rem the Antigun) Vad ey IWl [ to Um slies..y.lr.. CNC. 2. 'bat foe sliest rior•011e or •lefearleg the costa and a apensa of paying and curbing strut tiara be arid We Is hereby levied • eta -0101 tax to be equal!, amused on the eedmral iota boundleg sold abutting oa said street. 10 pioportion to Um feet matt thiamin and own primal and mewling and abutted as moresal4. •lbs Lat soon as the enst eine ex vane BO to , Ithire r glttlalln l t t trAt:To% tltttll :::',4 1 11.77.:?„1:,"1:,' Votiern!';,l4l protwair en laid rtreet, according tn mile above ludlcal.d. sad timreapri to give notice to thy owner or owner, of sale lot or tots r.- spoottudy, and to mane, re tura or old saams• liant . a r eg o ielloggitriviL as aforesaid to the Bic. 4. That It aliairbe.ho duty of the Burgas., o p:trln ' ig o i.grerru " linni?nr:Viivelec. e n pu ta ny ie o ; that unless the aliment. there thing . m :toe 111411 , 11•1 . of aald Borough. endays after snob notice, he mill Bruno la collect the tame In the manner provided by law. on:. 8. Taal all ordinal...a and ports of ordi nances 100011.4 herewith be and the tamestre limb? repealed. ordained and couted into a law hid. lib dor Of August, 6,0.1047. Attedi - -11. J. IICiIi . :;:, R tYIUk U . aerial AN ORDNANCE u "' .WAliniatl, By an •ct of the General /Wom b y of Ole Q01.0•100111.11th, wirdored toe itta il•r of sprit, D to,. Llore.o. and Towa tiooo sour.d Bonnie o were e kimono. ed er g o : .teed rtneis theeria that pertlon of the Attention yer 171: he t nue NI , alheigla4 Laud and t h e main shore of Add ie. gm, 11. Bm 0. fliceradv. ordegf ant and enacted hr the t a mpere and reOICI• COI. nett te 11,0 Doevuott of Louarenrart and anadm,l f.;, di. authority of th. 0010, A•lo . et, a. t um., the p in oi eald Itorediah. be Kati the MM. t• hereby oot and mud extruded t mush • shore f f ol um eo' Iylnß ,e tee d r Yer, serulmi blow, to low out, mark la lhe gbeny mur, 04 'northern ide of eat. , Islaud. and the somv Is ber•hy fleetred open ao undo Itiglauft of eel Wm width of futty feet. ' critalued and enacted Into a lawi n this the stn day of August. A. Di Altai , . Y.J. 14ca nd4, reoir . . U3l l ' 8 •41144.1 N &NUE FOIL 745 E 7/11ANINO Dr 1301t1JUUli tITHART. from the Atiegnoty Valley Waimea to the Alle. alien , r. SUTS, 1•4 Bs 0 ordalgest rte.l enacted ho Biedus - eurt Teno• Vollinetil of Ow Boroxp• LenCre.•ll l / 1 , and tt le reel, snorted Do tine o I=l,t4vu ll 2,l;g:'%'":lV.fritT4l.l`. .71•: Beg .ta le ot OP Mona u litre?, ire o,4.ned 0e 1 rn eide of Borough memo. who uld • Vogt ero/0• the Allegbeey Vedder Ilnan; 10.100 151 tea ww Nrl Ida 'a.V."gt.T; r riven thence qp said Hem 2,14°,r,V.,1,11 Wl= I :g.t171,1;411.1 ~p „ t , . or Kingman 10 the corner ot the Ferry Haase. nod lemma along the ftpo, 0 ,...,4 0 . 0 . 0 la a etesight lino, to the ...Megrim) , Valle; lialiroa. • tml.lo<d and .olo o6 Into • 1••• tills the Std. "day Of Angina, 119. C. uvir . rum AUwU Y• —!- 4 MCC -A as r il e d th ITILLUILLE CEMETERY. enure -I{o the Ctorgi..,if um. dale cosocuci, ot 606 motavtor to 7140 T or Aral..., inna maklalvir oasst•led..lll be attonnot to It 10 came. 1t0..10 Irwin OZ, Boor. • locos itniN SOLPLI. p;f : 11,: p :4:WA :I HART, CAUGHT & Co„ Bankers:and Brokers, CORNER THIRD AND WOOD STREETS, nrremusair. orzroosasoza To RAW, EAU Os 000 E=3 Exchange, Coin, Coupons. Cad partioular attautioer paid to the it.U , .clusa and talc of GOVERNMENT BONDS. airaiarri DUA.P . TH ON LONDON. WI:sXI N. ROL &. SONS, 313..A.12C.:M3R.E3. No. 57 Market Street, Deposita reoelvad to Par rands and Canna. Colleetlons made on all the principal DOM.. , tae Unltad Mate. and Canada.. Stocks, Bonds and Other Securities 3017011 T m BOLD oit annusen. Ps:Molar •tteuttoD Dal 4 to the gale ot U. S. Securities, I.atadlOj D. 5. 912x. 07 litel; do. do. tl-ssOo; D. 0. 77VE8 10.405 t D. B. CI.IMITIOATIBB OP I.I4DESTKONZ=I. Orders and VouchersboUght or eolloct.xL lm:n PEOPLE® SAVINGS BANK, OF P17.14181711G111, Capital, - 1100,000. WIWI NO. 80 FOURTH STRUT. PreedwaL"..... ILEEDY LLOYD. Vies President". WILLIAM RSA. Soustul szi Mum I. 1411110187, X. DepoMta made la thla Baak on o beads 11 . 1115 T OP 4/LLB. WLLL BUB LIITSSEEM MIL TEAT DAT& unna cosLisoc.ve MUST COMPANY, No. 65 Smithfield St. STOCKHOLDERS nrDivunuma gm& Capital, - - - $200.000. WITH PRIVILEGE or .roao.ooD. Deposits readdired'andlatcrimt ed. Sponlal attention given to Gallo. &lon. Prestdent—A. J. RULER. Cashier—E. J. ROBERT& • =2=3 L. J. Blaze. Ws. J. PArrARION, W. A. 9 inamr, WA. moritmL. .7110.. TAAAOA. JAE. A. HOMMI. A. J. HAGAN, A. A. 7AATITAILI. J. D. JouLsobj. D. 1.. PAT/Taws. laril:•44 WESTERN SAYINGS BOIL, 59 Fourth Street. 033....9.4LTW1EF1LEC1D 1/134343. Inte.ost Pald on Thus Dopotlta. Any ram rooolvad troy O. Dollar upward. Dtmorlta rattiott to Chock. arltboat latorort. !MGM= DAILT. AT n (rowan. . President—THOMPSON BELL. Vice President-1 M. MARSHALL. DOTOES T 1103178011 Bat LST A. , 3... aulallTA Jona D. DALutz, A. D. DitalLU.L. • titoctlolders to ..... ore make MALF/L/LENC Wm. Forsythe, Joeeph ils/meth. Wm. Caldwell. Rev. David Xaer. Willis DaMall, Rear, Lababeel, L. W. C. Bidwell, Brow.. IL M. Talton. . Thos. Ewing. e DOLLAR SAVINGS BANK, No. 65 Fourth Street, CHARTERED IN 1855. ASSETS AAAEASOS Open deity from ItOlo'cleek. also on wedew de, and liallarday evenings, from May Ist to No. ',ember let, fro= 7 to II o'Clock, and team No vember Ist to May Di, from te l o'clock. Deposits received of all sums th e tot en than Due Dollar, mid a dividend of peseta de clared toles. year, In Jane and December. In. trrzet OM been declared semlaannnally InJann and December slat since the Bank was orgasdeed, at the rate of Latcest. Lt no m t cn ew n ym. is las•Dd to the crest) Of De depositor as prlncloaL and Wars the same Interest from the era days of Jas. and lit.enitcr, commanding Moe a of arltboal Cis pass the depositor to uiL or gran prommt Cis Pass nous. et this te money wlli doable In lees than tome years. Boots eon Wean* the Charter ily-Langinle: mad neitalations, tarnished gratis, on spy the aloe. . . PandloCier—GlLlMlGT. AL11127..t. • PlCi taiornawnh John O. Hannan. A. K. Pollock, How. Irahnetion. Hobart Hobb, Juan. Hardman. Jinn H. iiiionherpn. James McAuley. James Mad* • James B. D. Weds. Alnaluter tipper, base H. Pennock. enclutan Wm. J. Alden.La.tiV H ek o . b 4 ert C. Loam* CaMin Adams. Henry J. Lynn, J obn O. 111.11ey, Peter A. Modelts. nr, T. , r ,"k: WlTtelrint .. .. *U. ti Von. A. Carrier.. John a. melnEhlet Ormobtrelpo l, Johg J. Hillevi., I ll igent. ficluitarta, 4 Pater B. HAnkar. tenntlVatt • Bien. Hays, Isaac Whitt... 'll7,l l giVA.A.Licre &ITV. Llil ALLEGHENY SAVINGS BANK, ALLIJIiniNI. PA. • OrillidliWlOSOlet is 3.014110, STOOICHOLbSBB INDIVIDUALLY LIABLE. • Morelia received and etc pre cent. interest allorreo Cc time depoalts. Particular attention • Pre. to Voltectlwiv. end proceeds prowptly a. emitted. Dimwit Dave—ldeadar widTitorsday. Mam. O. Wettaelt, J. T. Blockdelo. Alexander Ir mak Tina.. Morel. D. ushered,. JAN. to tiIIAHAN. President. JOHN W. NILDLIt, civil F ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE.— Uttar* of Adage Uttarlon have beanirrant. UA to Oa anatralsoed °nine raises of SDK ND . Fox, drroamd, late of Harrison' townablo r Allegbent corms, CA All moons lade:Awl to .1•111 eBO are hereby d to =aka ionforAl ale paymtnt, and that having claims 0111 pre nt th em, without delay. ;1116n11 , L IASA1VO4 for raiteraant. JVC:Arn • Admlnlstrator, A WI INIBTII ATOB , el NOTICE.— Whereas, Caters of Administration on the rotate de c eas ed metillolitN, late of Pitts. beret. . hare been noted to tee ne sannt. ail persons todehted to the makemate art requested to shake Immediate name., atm those lawns name or demands stralnat the ea taus of the sold dece.Met will present the same, altuuut delay. to . W1LL44.11 LOUDEN. Corner or - Wenner street awl Benton alley. ritteheran, del, 1311, IST. nthlceat -A DR [NUMB STOWS NOTICE.— Letters of Administration banns been tite O o p f e tte nt i:4.l4:f Penn, deceased,all venous Indebted to see es tate will mike payment. and all Who bayeelahne geT, e tt " tre ADicgb . g. ° 1:1117.4:41, 7 lit Penn street, tar lit.. ioir, rittabmilh. Jepanlei J. itONALDIIIIII. Adtmlnletraldr. LETTERS OF ADRUIVISTO:I- -.. TIUN earns been 'routed to theunder. stoned the estate or hiL.A.ND Unlit BE& deceased, late of lieweenaw Conntr. NlWleae all persons baring claims l/Una WC es to will preaent then, eat trine indente4 male Poym-nt, to JOSKPII ZICIABAIDA, 1y1.1.=.1‘ ny Wood S treet, rilt•barel. ht4acv`.o:,;ol QTEAD TO AND FROM LIVER. CURL' AND 'NDISENSTOWNAILLANDI TW/Olt. A Want.. The 1N AN LUSA...alai EVERY SAMMY; EVERY wminssity• OARRYINO 11.4:1; Maas sold to and from INNaaill, Eylana sow lava. tiermany asap:sr ADDIf .. at Utao...rair; DILL, Asap Or WY.l3ll , slV 4w ‘as 'I N ' I. ows, AA:I.o kx....oceoe u th do.fah. El 3LE Ci lir 4 eL. LB. 1, YOUGLIAY ALLtittbil MIER a fIEWI note reamed to No. 81 Market St., (Oonxric OP isrooso,) rrrreroooll• Wre they g e they are DAPared to otenuteotare all Maa o Saddles, Harness, Trunks, And all Mink. In Act; line asualiy Itent In trfil,el••• elitabllahnumtg. ABHOOD; HOW LOST 1 How BIBtOnEI/I Jolt nbplibped, In • •• • 1 " tovelone. Pr,. XIX OlgaTX. • Lootore on Ins Natural T.:IWO:MIS and Badleak Cara al tiperma•reboas or OCIOLOOL WOSOKOSII j Nor. utnllsatal O;OS :; :4,l 7 9 etrtia lP ;: tl . 7 .4, 4 tU l i .l ftt .. ll u ri ti to thins.. of Sunlit.. II .ont Coate oral, in .0.1...a510pe. to say addle... Mat bald, ee~7ylNaf t 01.14;14 ° Cr_, 15 . 1;r4, Kew yoek, Yos Inee Box teas Also, 1,. Culvarasil l a 'Ada:Nage Outdo," Delonn".,.. nullid3VdSlf WE WILL HEEp 0 Ivratrat° V.V,l i t.d. 3 HAND OA l a a ) ....k ze ..L ar a. -11 , , , ,Nua. r it „ . 4.r. ---...ac .. ye ,,„Ni. A111e.t.., liii, ~.., th em .. 011yzyja ummts, a wren:. PROPEZSIONA.L. W . S. =MELTON, M. D., (LAY nrl 11. S. A.RXT.) ° No. 67 Federal Bt., illegheny City. time S . T. 11E01 g, XL D., Ms removal Ills atm to tt. CA OF BEAVER ARO FAYETTE STRESS. 1.21:01 Fifth *am ALLZ6/31LNY OITT. R. A. CAMERON, Attorney -at-Law, )e,'S. No. 98 Fifth Street. R. BIDDLE ROBERTS. Attorney-at-Law. 0fi1e0..00.73 GRANT STREET. Atip - Opectal • attentlou given to tikoft•Apmk. ntfi-r• IL L. /km1.'4.14,461E1, Attorney-at-Law, KS. 104 min srarx-r, 'mamma. m EDSTACE S. MORROW, ALDERMAN. Ex-Officio, Justice of the Peace, AND POLICE EAUurniaTir. Oleo, No. 7E Putninaia Irene, Pitts's* h. Decd., Hoeft, Kortgageo; Aclotowledimems, Depositions Al,l all L•gal Hamlamts creautal whet cavmocues• mid ellnrsith• meta A. AMMON, JIVIITIOZ OP THE WOE. Convayaacor, Beal Estate and lasuranea Agant, CARBON STBILET, Zan Birmingham. attended Coßeaton of Banta solloiled and inomptly to. maimed WILLIAM U. BARKER, 11:41TIOS OP TEM PUCE, LVNVIMLNOLII, Ma. MAROON !Mr rr, 'nearly owlet^ tho Ballway Depot. Pouch rltltOorgh. Earloom trootOd to Na con promptly altoadod to. op • ray mel .DANIEL MCLEAL, at D, _ . PRACTICING PHYSICIAN 4, 02los sad a te ... N 0.150 Grant St., near INA 0,2.71 GEO. H. COCHRAN, Attorney and Omßailor-at-Law. Ofteck-711LTOR 41 LAW BITILDINO. No. dO ORANT Ina/ELT. corner of Fourth. Patslclnh. An Inn towners entrusten o W eve will re- WATS 01 . 01.4 M.ll tion. Sal J . S. FERGUSON, Attomey-at-Law, NO.IIII NTITIIL !STAMM liscoim Tuns. wort BOON 1213171 H MeCORMICK, H. a. ST Grant Street. ' Duane.. Prompt attention even to al Mods of law W . A. LE7IB, ATTORNEY AT LAW, No, 93 Diamond Moots =At PITTSBURGH. PA. JOLLY W. RIDDELL, - ATTORNEY AT LAW, OEVICAt No. Zss rovirrit. OTILLET. tats:t“ P1DZ98171.811. PA. H . C. DIACIERELL, ATTORNEY & GOUNSELLOR AT LAW No. 89 Grant Street, PITTAIMURGH t PA. leriktie ;oho= Y. o•orro ..... sofroarmo O.K.II.IaITIZIL ID' MASTER, RAMAT & BUTTERFIELD, Attorneys & Counselors-at-Law, AND SOLICITORS IN BANKRUPTCY, =I ONier, 98 GRABT =MERV, OSTOSIIT Tall CATIIIDIIII. DR. J. A. HERON HAS REMOVED His Officio and Residence to No. It SMITHFIELD ST.. mri tv Malta the Monongahela Haase. B. F. BROWN, 17LL4 Loc. Maim Asezl,lL & Ila. Cam.] eflea, No. 67 Fourth St., second floor, Plillllll7ll6lH, PL. • BEM, NM& ill HMIS 11 fA Promptly COUectemL so aharn lamas axis clatial ara sabred. mat skaa bat a a wale taa. vorild9ll 8100 . BOLTIVIL $lOO. -ADDITIONAL BOUNTY. LOST DISCHANIEL doldlare ithe bays lon their discharge will, Wes and who are otherwise entitled to the addl. Ilona 1100 tiotht.r. eon hare their math at tended to by calling on or addrentad W.l. aiIIAIL PATTERSON, MONISTS AT LAW LID mirk Affirre t tw • • vi 1311•71 T 11211XLT. JOHN A. @TIMM. c24.7znLElMra..a7. Ex-Otaclo, Justice of the Peace . - AND POISON NAGDSIMATN, Oillee, 114 Flith St, opposite Cathedral, riTTSBDINIII, PA. =lt trar .ad e =onnautaassad Onntel. mu NOTARY OrTELIC PII.OZ, AND UAL DISTALTIG ALkIiNT. Ottloo,comer el Hatter and Cravor innets, Isino a. lipftlalattentlon Wm tame punts.. and ealii of Beal Lame. the Oalleetion of Bents. ma the Eiv.p ..... ariM.losk ta ag . s .; ondoctrasinn ol all, 21041 nt=iiMg:l JOHN C. lIIcCONMS. ATTORNEY AND CINNSEW3II IT UM NO. 87 Fifth Stieet. m aill= 6.l olEntlaa, lad Anis= °Ur HOTELS. WHITE HOUSE, PERRYSVILLE, ALLEGHENY CO., PA. rictlr refitted slut faredebed, and, ready to inr tee vette. • The onbeertber will not runt. Deana to ae , ora • mode , * Ws eutomer.. .Mod anpiters VW be “rred et azy beer In the attertlitati. 1... THOS. OrItrrAIIAMNL.P.D4. ST. LIWRENCH tON THE Xi:MP/LAX rzatm.; N. L °or. Penn & Oanal Ste, PIMIBIOUGH. ri. JANE JOHNSON, Proprietor. Th 4 Dona nu a-ig , t4tu, Om ST.' JAMES HOTEL, O ma =Bomar ?LAN, Nos. 405 & 401 Liberty U . , Oppealte the Onion Depot.' TeeTreeetetor %meld respeettallr latOtai the hawse Net the Saloon meet Melts lime... IV•rd<7o ‘ rivers e let ' ane:lrnitri l 1.21):21 j.. I.ni.hod UM. , at the ebetteat Ile, ref. etedltutte now toe Ladles. •Il the Jeuesole. I,le eeuon will he emend at ell and 11 pi, manatee tneluded. c he th.,,,et brands or Wu:L.11,1.4,am eta, IrtU e.atel et that's., 7/1111. Q LIONAII/11111, sorri,l_l_' _4 , • Pro • deur. mien mug; ELEVENTH. AND MARKET STS., r•am This aew tatielein.tHOlLlallaW.Pealbr Übe Motion Omni; with ellthe oppolatimU of 1189 T , CLAisis — HOTAG OUREIS - DA.VIS, Pitorniuron.. AWl.N4.tmg. 00:4orete)9v1 GEORGE A. KELLY, Wholesale Druggistr 87' Wood Streik tomato %la et. manes Ilamaa Ny ci thipayarphamv l' itio=trr It, *AMA:sera asubtd•A Ma. nib& aux.d.-werau pfloAvizio.rdoltholi:ll tar TUMBLE'S VARIETIES THLIMIZ. WILLLAICS Cu, ECM= =l=l GREATEST VARIETY . ORGANIZATION 11,u toe ova aPPeetred in Pittsburgh, Dos, tall to see the neatest living Clog Dancer. NIBS ItNNIE BENSON. TEM DANCING 13111171 . 2. wrz. ON Tag 1033111SIPPI ee re...LW:mt.. MMITRAfiI CE at, • -1 7 I torkte.l/4.' "THE BENT Id THE CHEIPEST." 96TH SEE-ANNUAL EXPOSE. TOTAL 10138111 PAID, 8214714972 1571 /ETNA lIVSUPANCE CO., HARTFORD, CONN., JULIE 1, 1887 MUMS, (A Markel Value.) Cash outland. In Basks $ sill qt so Baal Issas. 1•SMO CC mortgage Bands ' _IV ,LISI CO mask "soak LIMBO OS United Maus. Bate sad CIS, Musk. . sad °Limy Public amanita.* 1.96t.7g Ile Y... Liabilities. Mims not ens and l"l4"l ' tinadjut.sit Mtn ea Nat Assets 64.1.74311 Fire and inland liallgallon Risks. B2WMM;!IZ iopliUstionS Yor losbessies be.ociisPUY sttendeo to .4 Policies booed by A. A. CARRIER & SRO., Agents, 63 POUISTIT !Ifni= ALLEGHENY EISOILILPICEI CO. Aran or I ITITaBUTLGH.-011ea, No. VI TIM Mo. Luau Aram all Wad. at 7101 .4 Marlae ign R:Oroa• PgfTltd. tai.14(. 2 M,..e.u.,.1 Avis Pti MAU Iat BMS. oakuvon, Marisa klays. Capt. Wm. Vern. H. Partneson W. H. Everson.. Hobert H. Dar% Fronolsnollers, Goo. D. Regrew., parNen.vAmil, virsimiNem OUNIPAXX. OF PIFFSBUROH, PA. 0111e44111 HeW lam% Hoak Bloc*. iNt mamma Oannasy. and Inausa attl.n ta. o. the arytti B. Pruldant.' Praattent. ea APktaiurr: terat2l7l altar ear HD.Bay%t: riaaanana. fl ° Afar. aleMr, 'p a w, ging. Joan Vcaartlay, JILL, IL AoAldas, A. Lamm. Haar- .7.1. laa:ra MO INDEMNITY AGAINST LOSS BY iFIRE: FRANKLIN INSURANCE COMPANY. OF PHILADELPHIA. oallase OM awl 447 0117.624114 2:44r 71416 .. DrlUlCaorar. ohorty. Haunter. Norden H. Lem% • • Tobias moor. hoarse root. itorl 'id lAto. "'"6 Jooob Et. [WM, lr.thrord C. Da/o, Orono W. Itlonards. Games Yak., OHMS. O. BA.NCHEII. Irorldrat, NDWD 0, DAL; VI., Pr.:dist. WY. O. ers.u.s. so•Wettrl, profs. I. GAIIIINEIN COFFIN. Agint; ostrawls North Wort tor. Third a Waxttts.. WESTERN • 1111SUB.A.NCE 00., . OP PlTThMialt. mem Inanox., praimnit. WM. RP, &unary. • MPS. IlLONtalt M 1011.1), He Agent. Mee, tO Water an at. dean a 00. , Wars Ilona no stank in Plttebarn. % Wlllinenn ma al. Inds of Plia Ind Mania Mate. A lionelneUtution stanaged by Director Who an well tam to the community. and was an determine by bonninese sadt to suntan the neraeter which they tine a.. whoan otlnion the bast benaction to non who be leaned. Alm IMMO. . St =les. J... Jame Yea.= ARd.. ACI-WV David M. '4',llllam de • aiaa. 5. 1.1:= Juba B. McCaw., •• ' Jrataar. Habra. Jo.egob HirtpaLTlCl , fldlllp Swim Zvaas. =:4IZ=E TEMPLE'S 01810181NCE 01/77.07.. A. f. 008. WOOD /LED !LITE OM; A HOU ODANAVY, • Tame 71:11/ Aim 3A17.131 =SIM , . o Vl4Xe =ll.tin . L. and% Joha X. Pa*.l.. Cborleo Arbuckle, o.po. Jo& xmor. John IL E.lrkpitrial. Wro. Vox XX, . Trunk B. EllooelL Jamul). Verill/ O. Hanson Lam • • • • JOVW.Nr 1 9. gagt . w. 7. XXXONZ2. Soorstary. Coo& JAIL tiVXDON.• Goon Att. C0MX7.8871 MIKRCHALY 113. 4. II i " 71111:111:i • "cr.: PORK MYERS, AZELIISIII;LUV:Imn of T—e A.L]3F:I OIL S New. Bacon. Beef and Tongues Will be ready tor dellrery ouldoudaY. Htd Bapttifh Do do do Beer; Do do do BeetTotorier, Do do do Breatfait Bacon; Plato Cired Bacon Shoulderul Do dodo ' Mies, At reduced prices and of as how Udedate we shall be. regularly lapelled .itsLl articles Id tal rrarfalou trade., Jalo:re 1111.1CM:B. • BURKE & CO., COMBIIBBION4iERCaI6IB, 1nT.19111 T/13 Pattie, Gloke & Liberty Oil Works, noels atones lb/ and..d 50 . ..! on. Lib. oral coon adronooo now on coo alinnnonto of Crude or SWIM Cothalonin. Tanis for mann and otripsont ot Orndo VII of Loorronorrlllo. ind Worebonor Oornor ollnusoano War sad HMO.* arse.. Pittsburgh. mrloall ROBERT KNOX, Jr., owcaisszom azaczwir, Mr= FLOUR, ORMN MID PRODUCE, E==r===!V L . ,. BILANCHARI!, wactails AND arum. CA. 3EI. CI CI 3E3 11.19, MS Penn Street. - COMMISSION MERCHANTS, rim; gal, saws, min Feed, itc, wauta ill9 LIEZETY wratrr Prrrenolion Pa. Ovviais t warm' • " r btedittlerstlVlON /CND DONA& lautUto /07111 . 1A..LT, d % p .U8.801151141 , A 21 allii . #2IIrJULI. if ILLST, oppo. Ile zdate tbr We of . DM liAlsnaa's end J. lard•• •• d WIJAK . E & A 111.1171, • aiiiifasiet• Arerthantai re . aergn.,_ l 'lla IS S ir2Trk, =ll Baittgekt ravb.l7ll. FETZER R ARRISTRONR, IMMO in NMI 11.110,6% tat' rntstAm of MOM "OX .14 - KNOX & SON, Comoasslon =BCH ANTI and /Dula, Es 7L017a. SLUM XILL YIND sad rBOTIIIOr. maul tr. V . % laDisaavl. cpipalts 01411.1.1. MU (May City. " 1.1 70 DAV. CBAWFOI6IO. ^Commis. ILION 1111/01LANT inPif3 ILETA4,A LOME. Mak WlLUUtttli SOBAZ LEON. VMS BILICUC saduLAT,*l., Wareham and Mee, N. We =4 SOS riZ1311101t114.1021/11LT. Wong. ranalah.d. • • • 1118110 . ,ITTLE, BAIRD & PATTON, Wtioltula °num. Ommlulos lll•rasata, mh niktl eloahns a.ux :LlTlWt . out uo .,:wo , a" . Oatuts Tam d ati Pittsburgh mustiN ta emfts InuendU U aao 114 fisoomi utleou. l'Uuturel. . • REM= & BROS.. (Socceuo to arm. • Aidanas,)W•nlmaula Dealer 1 •1 0 .4. MM. Nina and 'plc" C •• aork= i l,7,7M ,` lgurb% tln.gl DOHA B. CILIMELD,Commeds... Mo. and inrINI Igarells=ta k . nee 1 . kr now PUN Pool eaf• rti.j.441,1% nek 1M hblYjpvw .14 IBIDDLreah 183 Wien! At wh. " I...ae rn IZDIAVVIN amt rnunonli maantestam. &an sOnatal pald Mu Flatus mot. %MI /01111.101011,11ZW•11, aomix..ww. N. -ant JOHN L HOME & OROS, Sec =lsom* Join! 1. Houma • 00., WO WOWS sad Comaasalon Itaftwas, car. woe Amitlitald sad Wour 11.141.11, Pittationt, gCIIIO.3IIILEH R LAO, Whokm ipaleasalantaiiirocertu. none own , Pnn lITAF E t aVlllWOUg=ntwatmtve ttabarilhPs. .• +ALLA SEIy s TONEWALI ACE. VA Impe l ' etes a strtr )Pßl3DUo gimiLAZ tt bbbbb 111. . Werra To G.I.4BII,III•III3FACMITEHL . boa ears - au tti r t EZPB o L y iw tr lm "b, linuomil Glue Colmay. - 'No:La' WtTIUM-- w - /aaexti: Twat . ' Lb El
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers