1:1111 : 1 333. -----"'' 'rZ, Bina Min BIM 1 .18.1V0 . 0d St., near corner of Fifth. • GOverainent Xecurities, Gold, Arid Coupons, '10wa...4..14 .4. Ra.ma Ewa ea ell the heteelpet Mtge aCZAMINN. JAS. T. BRADY & CO., Bankers, Corner Inure 4 &Wad Streets, BUY AND 'XL& ALA. UNDO Coll s ' - aommaNT noolmm. s tmt vAnintbs Dtolb• AMINO -WC GOLD BOND ON /SO; • s' 411 ellm, lones a.d.nr44l, Az74"l - "Z", 41 . ROLDEBS OF 7-80'8. s4,lmtmda .p. 41 arr. 141214164 Wl* 117•63, Ciaolas d!/M 0., 4,:rdr.2471.4 moored so emus . Amman ma Maud Mir tummy, IRA B. '_AlcirAY & *CO., 33 Eaujixereg.: amp num m azatarmr.D an. 7-30 .1p.N1:013 INlNTlarbcp INTO 5-26 80ND5,1865, lITTHOI7T ORAININ. ROBINSON 'BROS., Ss. TS raitrinv irramET. Eittinnti 6-ayttr FINANCE AND TRADE. tfreuri or ran Prrrestmox (Werra Elantanar, August 17, 180 f The New York Mork quotidian to-day, as veeelved by Mr. P. IL/Werth wets as fellows: 14.% Eighty...one bonds, 11.1,41 Flee Twenttes, 116X1 Five Twenties, len Firs , Twentlis. 130, INM thrithole 1011}4i Snap Thirties, 107340107341 Teo Forties, }Ol3. Stock.- Erie anthem/. 76%; Oleraland a Pittsburgh. Plt_aldesgo and , • leek and, itakfrObleetti sad NOrthweetern, MI Mow. and Northweetern- Preferred, • Pon Wayne ithilroad, 106; Miehliten Southern itailreed. Inaa New York - aware, 10664; bla Inagt Neetarn Onion Telegraph Meths abates -Denton, 1.10; Gregory. art Quarts' Ilia, 1,661 814th a Parantalee, • ' 6,10 t Canickeileetr, n. • - - 010 ring New York quotations rieleired James T. awl/ 4 Co.: • • . 0. EL Slim. ura • • ' 1310% Las in 3; Itee 10E4 " 1046 .10M4 thwols glue Yale /ma Teo. l y S Use. Oompounda, 11 1361.... " 11 ia .............. Tet 11 164 • lacy -The able( feature of Interest. In timaciel centreejut nowls the tepidly thereasing for. elm demand for Five Tvientleti, width hare ad. yawed 164 per amt at the London stook es change within a few dam The foreign beaker • me boned lamely mid the ablpmmts nee end • mow tans. to be heavy. Thls appreciation of our mendrithe In Europe Ls hi the face of the . sensation stories here and elsewhere se to the • Intention of the Secret++) , of the TaemiT to . expend the mourttlea and contract the our. wiry, as it knot probable that he will deviate from the prudent - and • consereatthe count I width We heretofore milked his management of the Ithances. - -Those Who have Lately undertaken to dam see the Treasury Departmaat sad thif pails • emelt by stories at stupendow fraud. Dare al . reedy 'weed of their utter Latins The Manes wee of ea wild a character, and so tn. tinly without eupporting • indents, that their Whin ta produce my erect might have been prielleted from the Arai. Them were not • few simpletons who Wined that when them awful revelation. were made gold would raah • one warand:Govereent stock. the other wen bat gold iltennated merely ti Interim. and - tlmeernmente rime teethed of 'ambling. • -Muck isnot.. portraits aa to the Mean., tag.. of Natlonal banking. Manv people eup. • pose that the zilaterest o f the Tinned Stems bonds eepoatted for eircutatian, se writ as the trawl profit. bemiring from memorise, circu lation, are enejeet tei - no other dean:Lben or abatement than the usaal Magee of rem, meth hire, ao. In addition, hammer, sat follow/14 taxes: A license ten of 1114 &re for MN OM ca)ital, ma Os • thousand upon noes* o oh • capital one Itaa,Mq a wolennual um of ,t 4 t 1 per cent non the average amount of Mal /wont • semSennual tax of 14 or / per mot upon the &Tenure amount of ceposirs; a semi. manual tax of .. 1 .4 of 1 per ems non the aver age masmet of - eapltal etock, leas the amomt • harmed In tinted States Wade. A National bank m elan reqalred to per per cent. upon all dieldwas se a eurPhte Wa o d. mu ellem. diem to d M pay_ dingenas, tax. of per amt. or , MM. National banks making out tax ro e ums tweet eduet trona es ta,,./,1 - Vetted Btatee beads, Steen emu hound intereet Jurteeole certglealbes of debt. inesse.....ehilo. Ledger. -The Attintb compounde, sunomring to mem thirty writhes, rammed tokley, 004 the great bulk of those hem in the west will be int. • mediate') shipped to New York tor medemp tiom Lute essentialities we ft received by out the sad basks tssaay from inte ri or lestrintlona, melon on tbe ar of reasury I)esert. • meet w preside for p tetm- tee rede T mption in this ear, a` mustn't no little tomarercence and loan. Agateet them reudtteaces the eoulath Woke ars drawing for eurreney, and In order to prone* for Uwe drafts, Newy Wake ere otatgod to order fonds from 1 ark or sell exchange at • enneesetha I. the former cue they kw the *rpm. eknyee beat ways sad els days' li:detest, ands toe latter the thee Is empress tharycs to New Yorkeed the dlsoonnt . on rim eselmsge. The SolaTremury here has over two and sad a quarter Wilkins of Idle cur rency In Its vaults, arid we do not understand why these tunas cannot be need In Deferent 00 the compounds held in ads she/ebbe:boom It .r would oertaltaly be • great bow at Me time wheel se mock currency idetarena mantes for the movement of the when seep: Malaga is the metro/Kale orth• Notthweet. tuna lin intermits Amand a ot to tw seertneed fur the beneUt of the Waft • Mr. Moon- Is in flame .ans was appointed through Westernand ought to have some conelderatton for Western laterests.-CAthogo Tribune. rzeranvatin rEritotzva 'wears ern= 07 inn Privearraon Gastrin. SAIIMDAY. August IV, 1807. I • WITIDE—The market mu again quiet tekay. the reported ealea only ma/4w Erem DMA, IMO Of Which were said on Friday ent not reported; lititrittiftmdthi the Mutual le comparatively the oralage ant hotii‘Of god o. the roe. Poeta for . an eartyountraptlork of navigation ue sot vary flathrehis at present' hoiden do swan very anxious about seillne, baling Pratte sang nine that theft la a pod elnie coming. and all they have to do la to hold huh and wait Orr It. The stock of oil la %kW marked Is being slowly but steadily named. and the reecieo are lardirofloarnvooi aocraalsw one Oaf thou. grind barrels per week, the great koi,areloy, or which at* Gera *Staittec Tarry." The report.. ad salmi warm IMO Dbl., la Wk. on eptft at 30xi. 700 Digs fox September at Ito, axo 1000 uclrfor Cctober.Noveaber'and Lleeember, NUer'aoptlon, at leAs sad a= to he dative red aasno and December tat, I same option, ot MO. • TlSTOTED—Theivirket for bonded oil waa Weak' moderately active today, the Wet, lo the mgregate, being about as large as on day, but We general tone or thy trade la quiet 'but etamly, with no important Omega to la pekes; Spot oil wu In rather better de mead, cool a shade stronger today, while Sep timber was a little weak, and towards the elate It was °rend' at • deallne, without End. lag • buyer. Tor tbe late moths, there Is a !continued good demand, and wises arewall ataistutreed. The shipments east have been mar/ tight this week, and are ILkely to continue go ustil the market anorak • kers actin and lively impact. Tim zalre were: WKS bblm-1000 each Iht., Nov.Mcd Dec— Ca cob October, buyer sus sure e - l e o o each September and Oct.— mo m n. um/ each September Put Oct..— 30e bob o October, buyer ate • lbw 100 Oct., 2k; bOo N0v...T.15m0. and 800 December 1110 Iwo-Auct.t.—•Pot.• . aoo Ant — metros towline. reNe ARRIVALS—The fallowreg antride of MI Wee reNortedy.lay: Fleher 411 bu Llbese 1 1 1 911/ame..... tat D. Dly W. %Droll 41 J. Osllagrar..... 49 Total Total Itsoolpta for Um weak 1,417 Total llaoript• last week." 1,010 Total Sam:lota gen January 1.... * „.4441,i3S ?Ist. ra n at r . in jo, l 2lo 7 :It V. L. 5. 5. to Wilda. it Soak Philadelphia. Amy, aw dodo, do, two Iphur. to Ir. A. Dilworth , Pritiodo P. Welsonhorm, 1173 do do. to Worth& Wag 00, Philadelphia. Liborty Work', DO do do; to llama, Bork. • Clo. Podllo Worka,W4 do nudilisorO, b Wal. Iwo • curt/s, Philadalptifs, on intim= LOT MON oratrWira H. M. arr i D k a 4. ap .27 raped to Wart*, his . l at m al., a c•. us cod* to inufaanag • Oa, ftllschßotits. fh pla =lWotto, 110 do do to O. W. Worro, W. Kethasturosi.ll do wilds= to Wallow 11. 'Oottlf, 'MEI CZlasso, Aug. 17.-Flour steads and firm froratioine brands; $9,43010.11 Spring =ln& WSISS: smarttled nod 6,2100 loves on .11146 r Andes, and 6Obn on No. 2 eprls* Ap ula• at 1 rid at611,1502,17,-SO. t rut ilia. 1 11 1 /12(.721/1"No. 0 $1.76111, ekaleg doll as Si. ?! tOr no. Spring.' Porn Pas noun 9714.21P4 Ibr lifo.l and 23X,091,4 Aixfor Sto. S.' Oats *lased lf dull and unset. for No.l, and In for No. 1. sotlre and 2 1t 10 / 11 10 67 1 SL d /211.5/ Sor /to. 1. and /JAW 7 for Bro. S. Barba ebit Bre at. So for .X 0.2 Stare: • Sires Pork 11A MU& Zara I. 2 =f il f=tr. 1 1 14,6121 barre d0 1 :4 1 47 . 14,016 72 11: • 0 6 76 . ana Sop. .6arnmea16.4,266 barrels of deur: 20,12/Ci onanals of *beat; 31/1,021d0 -.: _ JAMBS BALZILL & 801 V, Funicia Natters la New York. 69 *ad TO Water Street, • LAW OIL MANUFACTURED, kid, dart me la CAUCA" LUBRICATING d Wilson ULLA. We warrant ow S. I Lard 011 aqua to the beet a.m.= or oiler 1.1142, .4 wow. 10 Sell sa to.as ClsrAnsati el Maio nraa. Oar No 2 Late MI se • Labricator craset be excelled. • /he* oraak LetelcaGer and staiderd Made CT Matra 00 coestaally cia Matobasts sad mum harem 1•111 144 10 pelt tawe.o to tre as • call before oreert bard 222 Com the wets.. • • to PITINDIIIIVEL Orrit on rim ?Foram:roost fl.amera, I SATCADLy. Angela IT, The , generat =antis ben been cede% but steady sash( the plat Week, and the Eltletilar tiou In Inlets hue . been remaikabiy Light; TM deemed for meet, If cot an, of the 'WWI 'artlelea has been restricted mutely auPPI7- Int IMmealsta vents, and, as a coneequecee, round lot operettasa nava bees few sad far ba twee. h GRAlN—There la bet little ad.v. Alma, and the market la quiet amt entilanged; th* allyy - milla an huring email lots at p,lOOOO/1 for prime Penna and Ohio Red. Oats am cote.. in In Pretty freely and the market Is a shad. *Wert sale of; W sacks at eser:24l bush at nee Mad 700 bushelaEat 62; delve:red. Cora lat quiet , lad unehaeged. Sale of o 1.42 at 11, and 60 bags prime at eI,CI. Rye la unchanged; sals of 102 auks at ei,10.. As yet, there has been lit. Bator nothing demi la Barley, sod there an no ertabUshed quotmlons. —Since the there was Put DS type, we ha,e a tali of SW huthele Eye, to arrive this week, at $1,06, and WO busk. Ear Corn e ts stars, at CM. _ FLOVE—Therlour market JAI steady and malerstaly Kollin, but price. remain unchan ged; regular gale. la store at $11.11.50 for old Spring sad new WL.ter Wheat, and $14216 for Islay brandi. Eye Flour I. quoted at akaa. and Cornmeal at 44 per bbl, • PROVIi3IONS !LW.] steady wlth regular jobbing .time at for Should ere; Isligghlt,io for Bibbed and Clear sides, and ZI4B l e for 'Sugar Cored Hamm. Lard la quiet but steady at fleanet for prime kettle rendered, In tierce., and 10, In keg,. Mesa Pork nominal at Iliseul,6o. BCFTER—The demand for prime pall and firkin - Bolter fa up to the supply. sad price. are well thetained, ranging froncalliMe. Com. mon packed is very dull—lndeed, there teem. to tea no demand whatever. . . .00S—Costioue exceedlarly prices ere still tending doisimardi meII quote At tafplbe for fresh packed. • • CHEESE—Is etesedy but mechanise—reglar Weeat / 2 3ia/5. emordum to quality. _ POTATOlZ—Continue dull bat .ueehenged —small mire ill store et 12 per bbl for mime. The receipts from the cenuatry eAlotruag mem to be euMelent to supply Ulla umrket. Grimm APPLES—The arrivals an Manna Ink .onsuiezablY, ftd, H en7thlsr. prim •M • said. lower—we now quote et $4424 Per Wel— the balk of the sales ranging from it to 8 5 . OH.—Lard On to etlll quoted at Ms for No. . and Slob for No. 1. HAT—la • quiet sod rterlianyed—grale• at ales at from .{1.5 to CO per too for common to Melly prime Timothy. Blair York Pretties Illeurket. :By Telegraph ra the Pittsburgh Ossertal Now Toar., August 17.—Cotton eery firm ; 1.100 toles at W 49 for middling uplands. Plour—recelpts .5,b10 barrels, More active, while old still tende upwards; new In irreg. 01. and unsettled ; 11,000 bids at 17.0000 A for superfine State and Western; 0,00 for Extra Western ; a11,M013.25 for chola. do.; 10,50_0111,13 . for Shipping Ohio; .11,40012,50 for Trade.Brauds ; •10,u001.0,00 for new ISt. Louis g California dull and unctillnipal, with talimelot and bbls among therecemts. • Rye Bh? firm, with reoripts of P. 50 051 s. Whisky 00101 and unelmoged. Receipb of Wheat 9,6111ad5: The market is more satire. and a Made firmer ; 17,000 bush at fi11,0301,15 for No. 2dlll. ankee; ir7,nlolAs for /Sew Amber Elouttlern't.g....es for New Amber 13pite i ! rz for N o 'lllYetligt:nl=3 rf s 5 ror Waits lkilebigon, the hitter for...extra .42,00 ew Ot,bo for interior to good New White South. ern, ant 35,75 far White Coulomb, Rye— scares and advano ug. Barley quiet ; Malt, $ l .OO. Receipts of Corn, 591,51 8 baah.i active and excited, and Sfro better, with • etrong speculative nemmio; =SAO 0uate1,1201,104 new mixed western, *LWOW for uruKelita do, 81,15 for high mixed, nearly yellow, and CAB for white western. Oats; recmpta,lo.- 153 btus; market heavy; sale. Of 71, , M nt SIO 050 for old western, 55e331 for new South. ere. Wenn for new Ohio. In. doll. Coffee; sales of 1.8.0 bus filo at 100. Sugar steadY; gator of WO bias ialnaallli.lol2c. Molasses quiet and firm. Hops quiet. Petroleum - quiet at Lk, for crude and tV4S - 13c for refined 10 bond. Wool steady; sole‘ of Wll,ooo 100 at 40011/0 for doniestio ti..ece. Pork heavy and drooping; sales Of 4,100 bbis at - V-3,12a.5.15 for new mess; closing etr3 , l9 , cosh attlY for old do, 419.174 1 ,00 for prime, an d . at 1,73 for prime men. Beer drat; sake 01'145 DUla. Beef limns dull. Bacon quiet and .toady; sales of ZS boxes irte-Crtred litratfordehire and Stratford bog Clear and long ribbed part at ISA Cut Mears quiet; sales of 113 Pleas at 10%0/11M for Shoulders, IS(2113o for .11arns; ealea of 50,001 the der eel ed skies to bulk at 1:134a. Lard firm; 'shot %A Obis at 111401SXe, small lots at 1314; Butter steady aL liOsSo for Ohl. ammo unchanged. Prelitlits to UrarpOOlqulet and unehangwl. Laws*—Flour closed at Mc better on low grie:l'MATZl4°.:ll Talrbe.ll,°,". scarce and nominally .14350 higtax._Osts Rye drooping, at SlOSic for old western; STerk tor 011io. Corn firmer and in goodeptmula. U. demand, at 01,13 4111.13 for good to prime mixed western; 61,M0/1,12P-1r unsound. Pork henry and lower, at Watt OU 10r Mole: .151 relixdar closing for buyers; ati,1134 Mkt. Mr for sellers, Reef stenos /sod Moder ate demand. Cot meats nominally unchan ged. Bacon Moderately active. Lard firm, at for ken 15,4.4 e render lo tered. fair to prime steams 131 M - Clime/Anal/ 3Lazkol. Cey Tekazoo to the Vitteintrele *Junta.] Qom(She', August 17 —Plottr remain. nem with moderate demand; nanny IMO low; extra Mica.m. Indsuirtnlne ssels.lo. Wheat Arm at UM for red No. I ana 01.25 for the same grade of white. Corn macaroni end Arm at Moak! for No 1. Oats dull, clod led with no buyers at over 670. Eye steady test. Cotton Ana. at letio for mlddling. Minsky In moderate demand at 4111,31. Mess Pork dull at M3So and newest Bulk meets in demand at Hale, but held 'grotty at 11% (11.7%0. There Is not much doing In Bacon; It may be quoted at 1 214014%01fiXe, as sent. parties are dispoeed to accept these rates. Lard goal 1.1%c. Butter and chat.. are mtchanged. Conee and sugar firm at full Intees. Plat seed In demand. on estrumn account. at 62.10. Linseed oil declined to .120. Gold IteN. buying. The money man at le close at sislD per cent. The weather continues dry all over the 'west. No rain of any oonsequene:, over large districts for from trim to nix weeks. The grain hat withered and regetatum L generally drys log up. .11altislo Maraet. thy TeLigraph to the Pittwomb hasetta) Derrazo, Augest .17.—Flocir is Ur fair de , mann and steady. Wheat—tho market Is nearly base; new white Michigan Is offered at V.,33. Corn has adraneot m, with sales of enole bushels at $1.0101,09 for No 4 tamed w e e. and holders ware asking $4Ol In the evening. Oats—small sales were made at 7So for new western. Rye Is nominal at $415. Pork. Lard and Mighwlnes are an. changed. Fteights, Its for Corn to New York. • Becraipcs—Wheat, MAO NO. beshelS; Wm, NU pastels; tate..2,71:0 bashvls. eon x,37ocarrels doer. Shipments—Wheat., ;SOO bushels; Corn. 110,070 bushels, and 15 i 000 Artinllel/r3l, Baltlgnore llarket.N. • EBY Te/earanti the Pittsburgh timette.l giairigoas, August 17.—FlOart regnita light, holders are grin and prime are en. changed. .31'heat le steady and the treetrita are small ; with Bake at 4 2 4tialtErt Corn. Males or white were made at el,trig//.4 and pillow at $1,1044 lit Provisions aro 'newly. Balk ILICSI• /wan% tor clear rib, Bea ltabouldere,lse: ribb1e.15%01350, and 36 , 3 Fmk and Lard unchanged. Miky la nominal. Loalaving Magnet. MT Telegraph to - the I . .tcjabniTti Onsettn.) 10 1711vILLI, A, SMottlo.73 17.—Sales of 0/3 Dbda Tobacoo 43 lune and madam I. /superfine for dour light i1 7 12 10 a1l for new Drama - Whear.:at $1,00111t,05. Corn at Melo for shelled In bulk. Our at a:eft la bulk. Nets Park at /23.73. 13acon alma dere at Mc. Cotton at %MSc. Kentucky Ilnutainikat. 5:41t2511. Hemp rope es. Mlle Ben whlaky nominal. Sew York 'Dry Gongs lgarket. ( 1 / 1 /111egraph to the PUmbursh tassenual rathNEw roar., 4og. 17.—Dry Goods market doingquiet m 1444114 and fair. Minn er a& full prices. Bleach • ed =mans la ow w andum, scares, tte and 340 higher. for white medi. and ber mow, a mid Mar request. Prints la faLr d tea emand. d9, Do line ar,good request. CiLugelw Gingham 15%. and Lenegeter eats favor adieu. Weigel& Market. [BX Telegraph to the Plttebarrh Elmette.] DaTam,. Aug-oet 17,—greelpta or The week aggregate: /10nr.18,G51 Wheat. 134.11:0 bushels. Corresponding, week but Dear: Flour. 8,003 ebb; Wheat, 11000 bniti. The Market hoday one active. Flour firm, at 111.2541111,50, for emperfor. Wheat firm. et UM Mr extra white; Lt . :WM.23 for No.l W . 62,21 far No ao, sod V.,09 for No I am-. • Sew Unreel. Werkel. (kr Telsgraoo to Attu rlttabarnit ewe ita.j New . Okreene, Atigust It —Cotton doll tmeemeed; 11.11C3 150 bales; recelpta lx pa...lvory 2,82 S Wee. Floury soma.. rsteake). Corn doll and week; mixed Sim ,05t whiteel,l9j choice white, si,neloo. aria at WC. There in no movement in PrOvinionk Gold Starling and checks on New lark unchanged. Orwego Market • tRY Telegraph to Ibe Pittsburgh linen.) Cmino, August 17..—Y otir steady and the demand excecals the suply. le beat scarce and quiet. Com dull and unchanged; asim of Soon bus Illinois at SIM. Catamarca and ominal. Prof gb is lower; corn 7lio to New Yore. lags imports—lWO bus wheat and GSM, btu corn. Canal oxparu— =pm bus , I.l.llwatakets Martel. CRY Tele . respb to the Pltlebargh Geeette.l /CurAnnan, /Loran 17 —hour quiet at COM for double extra, isprhitt. Wheat Milli •l, toe No. 3 and 11109 for No.l tom. pate doll at. dd. Lora don at el. tteeelotn-8013 barrels of hour;l 70oei on hea wheat. .hhlPMsnla teo barrale of hour, no wt. • - Beaton Weal Merkel. My Telegraph to the Plitsburgh tiasetteo Borross. August 17.—The mks of wool for Use week were the largest of the ..or. About IA7OAOO Mounds of clamant° gold el 40.1103 for eoperibe and unravelled. Ylour begins to arrive Creel,. Damia , ' of the weak fa.loB herr...JO ' I ' us.i fps, u. swig os. C B 7 Telesnpn to the Ytttsbunth dasette.J pintanntrint. August 17.—Pleur In Im proved demand:spring extra UMW. Wheat atnadY7 red Wi" wane Ann Corn In fair demand' mixed western $l,lB. Oats. 7l tar new. Whtity nominal. Mph's liskiket. taamitkirraph to the }quoin:tub Gazattokl Aug. 17.—Colsca arm. es MO llorm—mbole rang., c. 0501.10: oat. - s7 /471124151,50. S door gro,sz. Pork Bacoa—eboalder./3501140r War sides /MM. Lard 111)1,614e. • • ashmee caw. narkel %Tolornso to Lim l'lllentson moo°. August, 17.—Beof oath) gum se M:11 for tows to ablsplos. Hogi SI al/ at .lowory p s ZCIVO los IsIS to gag. ellolp Mal 14 KM, • Gold 113... Y n 41403 Car Telemph to the Pittatstral Gazette.) Haw Irons, August 17. 11107. Kari, awn Oott. :Sonny steady at 3E5 per cent. on call. Sterling dull at Symo. , ;(. Gold a shads high. or opening lto.ti, declining to I 10;;,, Wining to 14ON, and clointg at Exports of Spools. r. 45,79. • cOvaasarsit. • Governmeen 11/8 Sh ock, o C c IoU Coupons i dn%ewo Is Nd R 'S,lO9%; do. 14 110 I 4. • esak yrs:mu:Tr.. The Bank dtatinsat on Monday Is ea pentad to snow In loans no change; In specie an Increase of 003,000; in deposits a do. crease Of ,15,000,030; and In Legal Tenders a dec=ease Of .51:4),olo. donne Piorerrosi. Stocks dell. , ntTirgo:.l.orrit*: t i g r g i tinA 4 Ci , Ali c t i V . Cara M.. 43 !.1.0 4 -74; Cumberland a . Saver, SK[3oi; lgaripowt.loso9lo4; wooters Cram, 4M13 , 4; Pacific Usti, litevalt6il At larars,l.lrollti; New To. k (Antral, 101,0 Lu,3. itudeoz . ., it.k4 o 4 Wir/V7F4ll.%lintierhi•gltle‘"'"4 "U 1114 IS); Pltrabtirge,talloA,,P.4l,,,lCTln". 12N; ROcz IstamV. 10.35.4p1M44.- r Fortbie.t ert, {6 , ,M41n1 pref. rea,703 , 41 ' roe, Wayne, 103Nelu3}4; staksS; WM. ae3 , 4 S r AO..eriena, 73; Merchants Union, S Co. stittics • die Armt(iregorA 670; 0 , 566/21/4 El , cl9rallo, MO; Smith and Parmelee, 6731,1900. _eye-Teasel:rex, EfleeMts, • $3.942.074; Paymenta,, 6115,841,1112, i t • . St. Uinta glarkei. MY ?CMS.Ph to the Pnuearshitette..l, St. Louis, Ai:Nip:init.—Tobe firm, and unghanged. Romp arm and quiet. Cotton —nothing transpired. Floor—hign nee scarce andrices arm; ped. %limn Arm at full prices. Can firm but gearend PriCca are nnehmged. Oetf U2cl ' file firmer, et %Won. rrnvislone owd Lard firm and unchanged,. WhYsky arm, at 53.a5g5,10. Recelpte—.l.'iour 1, , liabiss %MU ,figt bush; Corn ;BM sucks; Yfio limb; Ryb SO) bush; Barley Weather elondy and'earm.l myosin ant aasa VAIN i • . t{2.1.21W0 ahn Porostionc 77 Anton, 17-1275 blooms iron; 121..101e & l/0; 649 do po, 2 ears Ilse brtok, do ch. ~ Park, ut. Y0 ° ,14 ,° 071,1°1`17;‘,1,d1°,1111.0 ag h lTs„ l .ll 9 ; IMIs peachrs,l A Palmer; 11 'eases 70,00 bills roper, Laos Silt 00,1 IA tried. Lirylo cot;Praft' Co; 0 do do.. G & Coy 717 610000 iroo, Stager. Nliale2 a 1.10; 64 in ablitilea, A at Baraer; ch. cbeeve,l7 Daub; 0 kis lard, Graff' & Reiter; 11 (14 0060 W Bingham; 0 ease/mew, B•leany; 2 do do, 17 'Conlin /3 bbli pears, 5 do .pp,e4l fl i er/wilt 112121. corn, .7 Glenn; 46 do 617. a ppt!t1; gl..111:111. 1 4dt Lyona; 1 car stone, .1 - awnings; 16 boo cheese, hilitsr &reson 1 12.1 ra hholi, Sea a Co; 2 bbls vinega a r, W Renshaw; h 50 bdla chslra; Red. teed Mode 00110 his ' mO, P Scbwneio; 4 has noise, 1 bbl do, 1 table, W einarple; 1 motive '4 Knox; 1 wthe, Adler 44 Co; 1 621140, 1 Bon wbsl; P Lotman k Bro; t Obl o, Camp/wit & /frown* 100 boa corn, Ka Bane & AoJe; bels egp, W dotet & Co; sdo appies, W Steel & 800 It s 1 kegt Uric. butter, I bbl apple., Fairer A r m. Strong; 40 bbis 011,4 Gallagher; 190 swats and rye, J & W Purltv. Prersenwron,Fowrram& Citoarro IL R., Awe; 17,-4 ears ni tal, Nhalekl7o; Ido do, Bryan 6 Cat/they ydo eastiega, Wood I, Son; 100 this Pour, ow et; Ito do do, Shoo/Aker Laag;67 do do, Dati Wallace; 3 .bbis scrap awe Stager, llo; 4 rolls leather, (leo LI Anderson ;3 tibia emetem, T 0 Morgan; 60 bides, 3 Hammett L Son; W. boxes came, New. comer, ooe A 11039 Ins glass, Memo A Soo; 23 bags feed. Cleo Lang Co; 1 cue drags, Whitmore, Bro Coy 14 bones chteae • A J Kerr; 3 bbl. tobacco, E Megrate 6 Co; 01.. k. LlA 7l . ll7, Zo k k,fre. m° l'll . .flit,l,:p:?, A,bu... 00;65 elm oat.. 13 do rye, 14 do cora, IS do barley,/ Zeigler. 1 bbl %pies. I. Volgt is Co; 3a. Stal , Col 7/ sits oats, A Woods; 60 dor palla, 20 do tubs, D Drawl; 67 sits rye, F 7 do oats, a do bran. w .7 Beek; 1 car stares. lit P Adams Bch; 13 4180. railroad l 13 bdls distr.. 9 kegs splices, 0.9330 b Ol.north Culp Shepard/ 4 htide lead pipe, 8 cases sheet lead, it H Lee; El tea lard, bSelrlletrs 1041 w he el 3l'lo Mn o e r i e, h S e bo y be k rg C e o ; bale woo/. T 81.4 • Prersairaon. Cormsatra Cinenrsays IL Atop/obit—l oar corn, Hitchcock, Mcllreery & Uo; 64 bales cotton. Kentml7 CAM. k 00184 bOls apples, E AI Jenks.; 3 bole. tobacco, 1' Maul; 61 bdls bides, A Holstein; 16 Ma all. 13 Fattnestock a Co; 6 to Imam .7 H Parker:2 bales mon, P Greenlee; 11 ace beet, E Marla. ton; 2do do, J Lippincott; 8 pkg• tobscao, Ar buckle* & Co; 2 tea dry beef, Palls 11. Newlin; 73 edla paper, Pitta Paper 00; 34 aka rye. 27 do corn; 3 bbla egg; Malcory .2 Hood; 2do do, *rank Halter; 2 do do. 111 W Hankie: ICO DLLs flour, Sbamaker & Lang; 1 carcom Dan Wel. me; I do do, W J Meek; nbybbis flour. aa Gardiner; es eke oats, Mcanor fa Harper; 161 do do, 10 bbl. applei. Volga & Co; 25 oza starch, J E Smith & Co; 60 aka corn, Sturgeon & pro; 6 bales cotton, • II Chllda k Cop cages tobacco, & W Jenkinson;ll. bbl. apples, E M Jen kins. PIIMICRON Awn C0nwn226.212A R. B. Austin 16.-1.2 flout .bbls, W AlcSee bides. Halm a Co; 76 collo rap.. 2 unct, 8011. men a tono ton. pig metal, s 111 Wicker .ham; IP nand, Wainer, Watt A 17o;. pkg. batter and ens, 1 do t0n..., 1 do flaxseed. .1' 11 Lippincott; 3 bbls .217.03 do P.n.. W Rankin ; I do egg.; Little, Baled ,t Piston; 3 rolls lenther, J Shut.; 1.6 an. lour, A Pleamit 2 bbl. rm. Newcomer. Uve tloi a. rolls leather, Lapp. S weitecb; 2 bbl. Sour. Head /1. Metzger -. 4 bbla whisky, J Length.; 26 .itz oats, /V J Risley. ALtaansary 9kn27osy .Ileorum 19-0 bbl. Pews, S Dyer; a bbl. vinegar, I Balmier; 21 pip load, Reed & Bro; i ear shingles, J-210. Batas; aks flaxseed. Ewer & Hamilton:a obis J Herbert:lo 991 s mall, Manton & Co; 1 ear arnest, W McKee & llo:11 can gases, 1476 k. Robertson ;17 by oats, tilOw a Dro; 12 do potatoes Penal.} SO bra *au, 111 Steel Son; so obi. paper, Puts Payer Coil ear wheat, S C aleltanters. • Kumonkirr Ytts.s. R.III.ItOAD August 17- 1 ear mats/. 11 Woodaldes; 1 cat ure May, 8.11 Kier &Co; 102 oil 99/s, E Jageman,• eon me tal, S Davis; 1 cur lumber. Clark & Co; 45 lot oats, 15 do rye, .Mutt h. Glatt; W aka fored,J S k earsay. & Co; IS kgs butler, W H Htrkyat. ri Orr/. C 01,1101.4.. OF ALL.omorr Lb NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. betied Ivra!• a3I Ea treelTo4 at Ma °Zoe EMU the MITE I I•isTa..DIT, foe /111-11414.11.0 *DID . I, NUERVINNIEG THE BILIJAIS UVEII LITTLE 'SEWICKLEY • 0/01216, tha the road leadlng from ddlegheay Pity . t• Beaver, la deeitt.ey tenontlop. Mee forrine VDT lir la , et :nat h rzrzercb, Mt for Du ' Bjtllitefirot tae tkontte ttnaletlaner. attrißT ..o KRT. Uc etroter. GDADLNG AND PAVING. 86ALR I:1_ P1i011.1.4 Le will be rebelsed u ggi lc 'lb° ng. i &O square 7•11.401 • MONONCANELA WHARF, Renreen Oraat and Padtbauld street. Ridden arid state .tone Ooz e .111 td:uw tur aQuat'a tue atone en the atharf, apd the direr. 11111ArtZteVIVIZI"d 00th m"' mod d•Mmm hi order °Mos:amities on Manompabaratnart, i'ropopah may be lett at Xo. B autitKßT rhubinlth JEST RECEIVED, AT ROBERTS & SHFILE/iIT'S witorateme AND RETAIL El; COW I 1 @kd Irok Van haifictery, so. ei airimn 2 .l: o er . , rrrre weal!. • new supply of IceDbeat• tee Plate and Men •ra. ReMgarstore- C. 41111., /Ce cream ung t itt ItletL C nVillf 1117 P: totkr trail atirmr "N u;! d jgati. Wee, paddlna•-•• lailtnel . PI M 2III 9 6I ouIe PAI :EL PRINTING AND WRAPPING PAPER: WasiVibMar l LuzasinTo ornes Juno teltsuemores. No. 82 Third Btreet, Pittsburgh, Pa !Lull:mi. =nu Ls, HD: A ,9° : 1 71 a rßt'2.4=o;riatic'.l , 4% URA O. lier Net. Climb ma . WADI p. Cor Pa, Moak. =ro paIPIRIOR OA II TANNED,PAT ZNT ararronin AND BIVITZD LEATHER swine AND 11081 f, Makkhortarod ' at No. 11111111MMLU OZ. by HARTLEY. PRIMPS & CO. AWN Agents tar Nen, York Robber 00. 43-um Belting. Always as hands a wilyii3Uaguyitarw. LEATELICH sad BUM 11 NAB iII . YZTa azul BUBB, HALT II eO/13.4sta latoo 1 co oil. BEFINEus. THOS. S. CALHOUN P1e..187 Lama Street, Allegheny Qty., Mannlattater of 00107 deic — riptlon of 021:1D1 CUNDMIIMINLI and WATZB. • TANKS. A9IY/LTOEB bolls on (b. most ImenTra sys tem. MON TAxx Borrows 111:1 d TOPS .4 all kinds or work of tel. do. for Ilellnera on the most reasonable terms .4 at the 'bonen nonce. men/min 4, ""a.,T1V1Vik1.11:11(04 - II • L.H.- UVINDERBIAL Plyetteal Beall No In BOOTS and BROX& tinTn and eArn. No. 51 01:110 lITUZICT. Al. rnljgrzell Y ai nit ' Tr aZIP.I tr.l7°Orol Xtr l = C Sld u bt.ll , V.."AT.L......'2; Is sal, dealer. Content win. reanonaine profits, titier.V „ . ' fAltlflL,C " uvAyg. • - BOTTLED ALES. KERNETT, WINTERTON. And all but brands of AGES AND BUDA WATZILL bottled by J. C. BUFFUNI. CO., btamaranrat luunize STAMM Iltathartal. le A ..u.samum&co„ - • AV; 98 Fourth Street, Hob Ushers TIC,cIPB READIBB, DEAN% ARITHME BEIM% GRAMMAR AND 0.1/W..EVII 11,10104. A/no. 1.111.f.tp. lAn of BLANK BOOMS HOUK BINDINUAA mmeOIO an DA tonA• • large .100 k of ETA. TWA EWE oonstaaur an haul. •rm N 0 T I C E.--Partles knowing thumb . . Indebted to lON. JOHN lIITTOHINSON, eNI cal and Qui. their mown& before the Int WiltV=e , :tatro i t:t2Lar.k b g oolleotloa. DE. Jon N =dais Gait am July =4 OM trilacatdkr RjGlll OF BLINDS.-401121( A nsoWN • 00. 118 810 . 1111111.8 erramre °Matta tha Poets!!l4B keep an has 4 semhe r=, , ,_,teorrezravana, a mv, Wta4ser este. MAO as 4 aptrara thsalha,Vata egg i nrai4a 4 :2i &Lt.. Vat "at the same atom as had or made as order. Sae stork at Whiuk 4.40a11c0 051sta. Calm, 144 tor rargassa's wear. • : edam PITTBI3tritGR .IAIIA GAZETTE: MONDAY. AUGUST 19. 1867 PMEBEROR ROPE WOE FULTON, 1105.1.111 AN a CM, Maanthecthe the beet OAKUM, TWINES, b Eib7 wit l l. Warehouse, 114 t 1121 It'ater,Bl. Call or rood for Circular. RIVER NEWS flaoLSaint is having some material alters.. Ilona and Improvements made on the Ledalre, width will add materially to her -appear.n and comfort. Among others, he la bi r th," tease pot on. It I. the Lineation of Gaotair: M. to out her in the Pittstaugh and Cunicinati packet trade on the renunption of naviga. hon. The Great Republic ;arrived at :Veto Orleans an Saturday week with a very large cargo, and was expected to leave that po r t for polar Lords on the same night, The Lower Ohio, owing to the continued decline of the water in the channel presents, I many very troublenotai shoals and .and bars for boats to encounter, rendering the nevi,. non troublesome and tedious. There are leas than three fan of water on Portland bar. _The Muscatine , Touriutt say. that General Wilson le now engaged in preparing speclOcUons fur the work an :be Improvements o t he, lower mottle of the Allwinippl. The plan that reeoramenderi by ',General Wilson In his teprtt to the Secretary of War, the con:drew lion of a canal along the river bank, In some plasma to' be taken for short dlatwices on the how.. ' Neer Orleans shippeni are 'Arlen by &dyer timments in the papers of that- oty, that the booth of the Mitzi.lppi Valley Trameporno tion• Comumy take every deommilon of men the, t thendie e•noludies powder, °emplane, nein- urpentine. and all article. prohibited on he, packet.. The Louisville Journia mods forth the (°l. lowing wall: the guy wharf percents rather poo spectacle for a nounalung commercial city. The arrivals and departures are very meagre: Thenet weather seems to inmeaso the stionote appearancer the city wharf. and hat locality wears thenppance Seal gain and 011ie., A good rise of water would be Airco relief, and canoe much re- Jolene to theta:Mims of the river Meet. . The Louisville [borne, of Wednesday, has the following: We very much regret to team' that the aquatic city of •Calro Is beset and be girt of many evils. ono of which long con. planed of le the whorl-00ot monopoly. Time will rectify that evli. 'Another 'Mt bock wee the flood tide., which kept the IMMO. ten atlas. Then chum the plague of the frogs and the munultoe. Welt tomes in low water beige, and &drenhed send bar has made It. ap peanunea in the Manner, extending one hun dred yards or more below the oily. . The St. Paul Pioneer. of Tuesday, has the following: (Jam leas e d White, President of the Mintaappl. Tuley Telegraph thonpaoy, met with the Board ot Daemon; of the Chow, bet of clortimeree, yenter.my, arm Atoned that the members of the Chamber would auta cnbe 023,m0 of stoat' A committee wasap pointed to carry out the pledge and secure the amount. The antriphia Argarniche, of .Tue id OV, of • nhe following are the panic units of the klomi f Ike Blake, mate of the ofd. L. Graham, by thelmrkeeper, Caleb Be il , the some bon Blake want to the bar andcalled for photo', which the barkeeper reined to give him A dailcuity tooted, when Bell drew his plant wad Arm at Blake, the ball taking erect n his heart and Wham lam intontly. This attar occurred about two miles below Cann. Blake won hurled by the miners of the boo at Veda, Ky. Bell was taken Leto ethane at thet ;m arksvilleint. Ile Is Tenh. young man, a resident of Cl, Sr. Louteetugust 15.-0.1310 the demesne of woven he Missouri, (ref t rates were to creased ye s terday. Boma atilLsCo per bundled to Omaha. The Coterie has concluded not to ten in oppoaltion to the Mien packets. There Is much Mimeo In the Jasper Jonan. they lot together for Clancy thinortd aftenin.; ' The steamer Nymph, from Bentoth arrived at Omaha yesterday with 17.6 pommels, report. Ito ancheawater to Yellowstone, an 6 feet ho. tow. The aleuntaner L high and dry and a total , We cllp the followlng from the Oincin esti finale of Imlay: Copula Ines le loading ' the !done. (not. Loma The Bertha will not be ready to load for Adman. river before the last of next week. Captain Dart Marotta received a letter from the Emma No. 3 pater. day, which mates that she passed Evansville at 7 o'clock last Tuesday morning. All were well on board, and no trouble. The Meson gee arrived from New Chleans yeaterday af ternoon with two bargee and well loaded. She brought up the nor MO:meet of lalsalaelppl corn, which wail eocialatied to Hal and Hurl- Co., Tlekbert. IL w eb as Shipp by W. Wililene urg. There has hem , elckhese aboard, either down or up,' An exchange lays: The canal, mono be built around the lower Dee-1101meg rapids of I the s lneleappi river, 11 to be about seven and a half miles long, extending from Mahon to Keokuk. The width of the watersurfoce In- Ode the coma le to be 630 feet In embankment, and HO feet in excavation, and In low water rim fl feet. All the material excavated from the priem of the cons! to be used Li braiding the • embamkonent. The latter, throughout the greater part of the Moan., will be about atal net from the lowa shore. Where rock excava. tion nom, the bottom of the ennui will have a slope of th; tnehea to the mile. The embank ment is to tie built of earth, clayand rock; to , be ten feet wide on the top, lemming thetip top coverlet; to be ten feet faith above !ugh water mark. Toe alleanalppl at St. Lodis te near to low water mark, with nay eight feet water eta to • Cairo. Liberty and Devine felon are • the wont planes. To Keokuk there was el: feet water ant rising ellghtly. In the Illinsouri 6 feet to Man. in the scant three on a hall feet to Woolen. We extract the following items from the Si. Louts Democrat, of Friday: The exatemmt was not eo great at the Quincy arbarlboat as was expected, owing to faller. of toe' Harry • Johnston to leave with the Tam• Joper. She waa not resdy. Tne Jasper will come Le again, to leave cc morrow evening, and will then have the cherished company of her fast The •Jospn bat with • good trip. zed the Hob Boy Is gong along with M o untai ne er logely. A dienteh mention. the high and dry minty Up the Xlesouti, and • total loss. She wan valued at ineo3. And inured for about IM MO The Mountaineer wo owned by Cepton ROIL Baker, tivemights, Bea.. ft. Staub, clerk, one-fourth, and A. F. Woollen, onemigth, those parties hoeing bought her from Pm. Jon.. 0. S. though yesterday sold his threibelibthe of the steamer Anatol Parragut to Copt. T. H. Walt, at the rano( WPM. The latter la now In command. Th Ft left for the Dann, having in tow the barge. New Ruth and Ono Reptilian. They are among the best barges on the deer and woe built by Ebsurh, at Beardstown, Linnets. f Oirichanall paper delete, ;mere' cases of and perpetrated by bookneepers clerk. lin that city. Coe No. 13 relstes to a steam boat clerk, betw e eno eeelloo. appropriated to Ids o wn use MOLS) awl 46060 of the examination of thit boat When he found that an examination waste be made into the aceoneue, banned the books and dashed Meer Into a Darnel half full of New laisons mono.. The Docks were sweet, but total not he touched. A Memphis telegram, Cloud,te of Than. day, ono The Sayer bound for (In , elnaU, with font hundred ton of on iron, bleared out her eglindenhead below, and la de layed here mettles. We extraet the following Berm from the Cincinnati artesnereica. of Friday: r The Portsmouth Packet otona ,is under- Wog repairs on the Eureka B doel s m. The W. A. Caldwell motets only two feet at Blutnerhu , son. One hundred soldiers left Newport Bar ! reeks yesterday for New Orleans, on the Star light. Capt...neea Pritchett has rote to Mar. sitall,lllthoix. Cement Josh. W. Throng nod ton& Louth, of Evansville, are at the Spencer House. Capt. Theme inlooklog for • Intim draughtpasnat for to Erumulie and Cairo trade. The Nymph psuul Omaha yesterday, uncut. from Fort Denton to St. Louts. (Wt. Ed. Eynon, of the Weetmorelud, leave. for 'NUM./A this creole'. Mr. Sons Burdsall, into o l therßiTOW•Ohltrater i tt., was yesterday united to the holy hoods of tootrintooy. at "Pittalithelit to • Deattilfu and aeounnpluthed Jewel WY Of that city. Tim Mementos., Oapts. Deao has non yet deterzolned when he retain to New Orleans. , • . , WiDóiaco Xanufacturais and Wholesale Dealers to BROOMS, Broom Brush and Broom Findings, netorrand Warelmage. In the rear of Bch. maker • • ZION 172 Mid 174 114.041 9t.. P111441/7414 spas= A . YOUNG & CO., WHOLESALE DZALIIMI AND Commission. Merchants in FLOUR, PEED, AND PRODUCE GENERALLY. No. 555 Penn St.. prrranowni. PA. lI=A3 JOll3l ROSS Panama CAMP CONPAIIL JOHN ROSS & CO., No. 23 Wood It.. Pittsburgh, Pa., Manufacturers at. LAMPS, LAMP BASES, CHIMNEYS, LANTERNS, ETC LampTradElso,dellers to everythina pertaining the TUMBLERS, TABLE WARE, 'WINDOW N LAM. and everethlng In tae Glum Line. • JAMES B. JONES,. MAUR 111 Scrap Iron, Light Iron, OAST AND INNOVOUT IRON. Oorner 1 . 1.0.1P111, tech Anderson Street and River A .lonheas. City. CHARLES REIZENSTEIN, 152 rEDLISAL R. as.uctinzaz ' Mouth door above Idamob Glass, Cala Ware Table cutlery At aarizaN PRICIA. • Averyttdoe. reottred la a maredds. Wass store oa band. Ca/1 and exualua oor o Jelam WEST Common auciunTE .. !MONK WORKs. Nortinnut. Oorace W " u C9arriaat ;lxri ui ltimu • cu n2ig;;EMllanr-rqrlza. .tn.wAlas, mumnu.fillrAfeeTal4d.Amspl.6 FRUEnA t PON A JOSEPH WIGGINS, W.I. 1.11 Collecting Agent, °Mee at the Board of Toads "Looms. . Pr/MIMI/WEL PA. • ...Bgis of all klada and promptlf Beat Of elan . ..m*l,m. Jyts NEW r axiom " , 11111 1ZDEISIlL lIT., ALLsamorr. ',mat nook of okoloo Teas; Coffee, Ruggers, WO Olor SO the pular as lowan prim. ofscui f A. G. lIIITANT. BURKE & BARNES, The Proof BaLsnander Safe, MID.&GE, mu wok mu ion num noar am. AIM IRON WINDOW SHUTTER MANUFACTURER& • 129& 131 Third fit,' Between Wood and Steltriitleli. rA. pea the fellow additional readatendation Of dre proof entitles of our saw: ne.I.TANG AAP PACCIWin OPPICA 031 W. A A. J. PACKS/RD, Tonnallown, üblo, amnia. 11314. Matra. Burks • Manes. Pletsniwnek Pa.' . 6."'n.z a "xof;ritt! .MPe,Tinot%retelreaypelcsby.raThe. late went Wimp the dual:ran Are that oo tarred here on the Cat of Rath we, twang oat Store and learehor.a. and we welted to tn. form yon that the papers takse-011t of the Safe After the Are were not named In the last. We did net reopen any east. especially so man sire, could horribly stand such a Ire, Sad when we discovered the papers all rage and sound. Wa Were agreeably durappointed. We Ida PM a order for a large else sale when we get Into our nw store. ' holy yew, Jart e are W. I A. I. PACKARD. MEM MYERS, HOPPER & [Soccesoors to B. B. BULGE'S, a.m.] Ya.BRIZACTIIEJZIOS UP FURNITURE Of Every Description. SCHOOL AND OFFICE FURNITURE. Ito. 45 Smithfield Street, /TAtall aaortolgat of Pltistntritt Masora. tared Paralmre constamir on Lusul at LOWE= CtiPli MOSS. C. A. w1T.118..-ITM. C. 1101722.....11. IL WILT [l24Mr. Ittsburg,h Importing House. ZEITABLIIIIIIED DAL SCIDIIDT & FRIDAY, AIIPOriTERS OF FOREIGN WINES AND LIQUORS, two. 409 Penn street, PITTSBURGH, WOoid direct tbe attention of the Notge .. lo top fact that. ousseselob intoebtor ,t=tt. i t,r4ll4t roll=4"tVirt et= r °L utttldo Lim= &Went rate.. EZataistagreLaittllt jltsandecremastum " Pri ebTenicirtaZot of PUBIC OLD DYE VALI -ET tonneau'. on band. 1.023,141 NlAtir ..11488 malueprussas. piE UNDERSIGNED Divine ftio trzf i d the eoio Aecaer toe tee we of as COPLEY POT CLAY. Are now preparello rural. It In any quantity Www2tltaloitn o f MA superior sonde. Dottn oween years' ow of Ws elay no hare ets steed at such oroportlono as we baileys mate. It a better owlet.* for Dots than any In We talute4 we bavlag sesurast m overawe Mod of est `4 ,7,111 % , 1V ,. .12,1•. - ii , 4lA7i m tgr.rrizzr. for We proportion slaw mixture of tilts Way to =gm wr l etlln f is o i . ..tit i e ve t r ;lty Itoroona and DriIIRIIHRE & EON. YOrt nit Glass Works. I slim • Waanlngtoo 34. Yinsbnrab. Pa. I HAVE PLUS DAY ASSOCIA TED with Mt la butacts, YRa NCIS U. HAI. LET. 4n. • - JUlitt D. MUZZY. JCL! 4t.117:. TO= D. DAILEY & STOCK AND REAL ESTATE BROKERS AND AUCTIONfEEWL' Are prepared to mil at Auction. Stocks. &nada. and ad tiled, of acclivities. Beal Estrum tionsem Pohl Seruiture. dm. Maher on the premise. or Phe Board of Trade Rooms. anienlar ettintton pain. IPA heretofore, to the rale of Final Relate at arisate +Mies ortieul Amato In the mantra attended. intee. Joni FUUKT'II tITLIZZT. • 174 CITY COLVECTItiti AGENCY.' 1.. D. tievrolt,...o. G. ED/AOl. SMITH ; SHITONI SITON , Local Collecting Agenta,• ns a sr. mars eraser, starn riook r. u. aux, an. rnrricermau. Dills of all tleaarlDtlens taken collection. ha ran matt 'ober. MU". not collected. loFtat THE : PEOPLE'S TEA STORE Wilson & 'Underwood. CIIOICE Malt GIIOCEIIIES. at i ro.;futtch th eritt , t i n t ttn wholesale and re. No. a ti. South West Diamond, ALLEUEICNY CITY. Can and Canada. au and stack Drlcaa. ap.7:xsa.ll, nuL orickzestrais Iron. Broker 124 IPitst Street, • rrrremnaen. Pa. JUV fat the e Ul mf Brawall, tir4 '.,.tuatt.d:r"9"'" uoto sad 011ptmaWs O. 11. CerAZriti Von.tanatents end *Mars remeetrally soil FOR BALE.—We have for sale nrczal good nand-band Iron• Turning Lathes, Lobel& arlapteilbr Ithning We& WO Otret the above et %awe ape ref.. • A:: v?o N ton NUip l ei O th l :AV l'aeZt :a feet long. two Li Ina ilittet. Enquire at the ViDIISTIIIAILL woneca, noon 21/. 907. E of CO, Corner mint Alley it Dwane Wer FOit ON 8 INCH JINGO E, NI tack intake. new * infne. neat MOIL THIS Inch, lea, etlalge. " INGMIL one Iled, second-band =MINX, 14 bask stroke, luolknotal. en Iron MA Plato, Otis 1014 =oh /MOINE, 4 Issit woke, seer ode hand. above EM be told cheap, far eaalt, al ANDREW!! £agTROXIIP/ coma 5i,(111,10 War4n rA • my 10:al, WILL PAPER! AT REDUCED PRICER! TO Burk THE TIKES! At N 0.107 Market Street. rm. 8. riusaws N BRO. J. BOHOONNAKER & BON PloyHewn of Eta '• pwrwmpiErcrlgLioimc White Lead and Color Werke, lianalketwen of WHITE AND RED LEAD, EINU. PUTTY EWE 'LEAD ind all tows a4Vtrotaaurrza"r"' OEN*, No. 67 POOR= STREET.. 4 Mefitend 4 4 3 lhtittd in= three, Al len • my 141,0 CHEAPEST PLACE IF Tar ch, to buy the TRIUMPH COOKING STOVE, at No; 1411 di/LRT ESTREET. ' a. ntrigrv. U. R. lEcaExt, UrairiEt=lAlOK nAgI M TILL CEITIIANY*4I, ogiZl:VinetWolfgeilaoinlirWrinnlarr CHOICE HEJDDEVE PLANT& yen largo stock of • Roses, GenuUmos, Verbenas, Re., is Diem, st the Oakland lizseaboutm ZOVEN IL A. It 1711DOCILL ..nn LOT eauktatets. . gem,. fe.ALL, &LE Hesse Builder and Carpenter. c atez r zet amours : Liam sail DEN fir Jobbln aa4 aspahtuf dale *ltb """ new wad durmast. j71:1,75 lOUN PECM, OEM ABIENTAL 2.2111 WOIIKiIt AND PEOWDIEEN. 92 Pounb stmt. onedoorlan Wood. Mr:M. ditaingri.'ittals, Orn . ifi r ernaS W l /0. Toaes, Own& eau Chat., Braslan..l. bad[.ond Ulm in cub bs even Dm =9 Lunatotav , u.l lum autenten's halpatittlaiftss vmsalow.wr FIRE SCREENS 07 a AIW lITTLZ, • an • On sognawas, m oil paintings and gold ud , 107 MUM= STAMM J 916.14 LIQUILISA a I..r.rnsaa. NALTica "iur, Bysump. a, Brawl. PLUMBERS, GIS AND STEM FITT Boilers,- Tanks, I I S, Bwar and die Pune, all Linda at Bear and AU Co k& Hydras Pa Maks. Wash Sunda. Bath Tut.. ChM MS!. d vtde Ware, Jte., No. 280 Ohio MlStreeet, (Between East LS. sad Cheatutt St..) ALLTGILEAY CITY. PA. notli.ses att.( up with du and Water at shall ice. Jed:ate 020. /AS. 31.51011% /MANGUM dg BRADFORD, Z . P.A.C7TMIDILMa Plumbers and Gas Fitters, Hauser Atte.l WATER, IiAB oad ISTELY exoetionced wortatett. Partin az attention ;Brea to cot tar) Work. 800 it and ALE laird. lawn Mt.. JIM. M. LC00PX11.....10F. ZATA.....112.'f 1112.11. JOHN M. COOPER & CO, BRASS FOUNDERS, • Steam and Gas Fitters, Memerseterers of 11711111 NI) BUBB WORE of every demerlytfen; dealers' In GAZ YU' TIII/811 ILNI) TUBINU, of all thaw. • tornek of Pike and Walnut Streets, . 7 . : I.:ITTEIBURCH, PA. COLL & DULLS, PRALTICAL PLUMBERS, OAS AND STEAM FITTERS, No. OEM 1.032.32 alltzreet, rrrremossu, pa. I prrrseusuia, Cistern and Wel Pampa of all tlnde. Haase fitted op .Ith Oaa msd Water. In the moat ay prond stile, by experienced workmen. enectal attention paid to country wart. mYMYEY - D. L. ATWOOD..BI2IZON WCAMMT. ATWOOD 61 - lIIIMIREY. :BRAES FO U NDERS, -• • STEAM AND GAS FITTERS, Cor. of Srd and Liberty Streets. • abase Carroll s 19113 , de:ie. Pittsburgh, Perial Light, and item ( lestlug• Surrdalled Dr.tdra/T to order. %axial Stltlttlioa raid to, the fitting out and re4tri e wlite /teduerles. btestaboats, /Scales Agents for A. S. Cameron & Co.'s STEAM _IE) AMPS . . BLOWER ENGINE. , nen Pusan tan superb? adTanttireiarAP others .0 every one is Inntsintellto soolnu. Pumps oonsistith on Clasal.. , ammo-. HERLEHY & JOILISAOVZ m 2. .xu.s.4musvaz6.x. Plumbers, Gas anti Bieata Fitters, nrrn mrstfitrirmom. x•rx-riessestrztem: • A gd y etars o s t tlzretied dattatacto rtly and NeideirClosee, for and Gas !dudes tor at • Ad. snood tedsonatde Idiom -6 17 attened to , • Orders d Men counts, peti • • ole tri &en aeekat- 41naliose or eearirdeserlynton.y . ', letran .COAL boitE p/TT81341R61 . 1/ NATIONAL COAL & COMM COMPANY. oidlT......ditakers t .h*PU aad r. • BEST FAMMICIO :11 1 14 . NUT COAL tlo e a. ,y ul koz. Mamma Yard—Corner .217 Tar BTATrzilvdtt74;2,..iitr, vtaprt ' rnl t. °l ls Boll 3MPATl , g4.° - BEST FAMILY COAL Always on nand sattgellytredpromptly t 4 order. AT LOAM MID= RA MA HT OSCAR F. LANZ & CO., Gr. Ss* Btrat ud C It. 0. ?any, AzimOirarr takraalla Cast :titillated at th 6 lowest rata.. Ci!M3Mm=:=l ...... • WM. M. CLANEY, & CO., Gas Coal Works, Haleerl.4l4l*••• X 681, rltlabnagn. and LOVZ t t it7n nk nila.4end MT PittbnTah!aving fa ore Liberty dyn_ ft. Ikal A tThyralirtegrothoPPW P d B u.l. l , L o C ip' 4 pa: rana NA,. ale Meet., P/ ttebaran, and earner Ann. e " 'arr. ',VILIIZ . O7iI. .00,. to 1 1 :If:MI nonelve manant attenUon. 1.1a19 COAL? COACH COAL! t DICKSON, STEWART a CO, • Having ramrod that Mice to No. 367 LIREEITY BTUEET, Mainly Olt, ?hong Xlll7 81COOND rows; • Axe now prepared to furnish good Youghiogheny Limp. BUT COAL OR SLAVA. Aube lowest market price. toirettittriorgliliturtutir *WlLUNorstoTtedll promptly. myZ:tai • - - L'ORT MEV COAL "COISPANY —Shimmer nad dealers be aunerter r mu and Stem Coal, Not Coal and Filack,arneral of second story Pittsburgh annuls. Bank Solid. lop. Corner Branch r Try sad rltzab.ty Street oa Vl rp in alley. p ga e , li elth a r or t the .boys Poster*. Addy... Box 687. Pittab•gb. . . m oriscionli: ~.. .. 19 : 1 1 2 : 1719 . U1V11111:13.4"Wr7 Llmitra D. • J. J. UlLZillakile .. L.l. A. H. /Mum% Beal. IC N. CidsJ6k rCr t , ' llbulagent., • .31.1:01 CHARLES H. ADMSTLIONG, rouaramara gg quax onez codu,staek. ann Deßeipburized apas OP/LOS ►BD YAM); Conan. of Beta•r In3d Ant yard on Lib. Become unzat NT:A: Illuttgartclto3All. /amnia" and VoirtaltaorNinappliod ZW, th• ben &Melo of 0.1 or Vote at Lin lowesicalli raw. =M orders left at oaf pf adz *Mon El . 1 nmaos prompt UMW. v w vzrrivrt);4%l:(4 ll si,i tij CARSON, DARIXISKITONeg 00., 1211118, DO RI 4111 110? 11111111 A, IUCIUMII6ItOI, =I _ 3011811111 IMOD= 4111 00..1Pitsaimum WIL, ABOZEBOII, AMA The attantion of lb* cutotintriti *be Syn* /Rita la partlaalsrly lattal to our • ".. • • , ALES AND PORTER; • . • Irma, through ft urVal al."="wzrjerind Out, we elm nkarall..o. pare and utisfacnory tne ann. .„ Onr INDIAALIC hag, hag,. riettruitiMp VirIV2ILVIL'UTEI'=I¢en trill o6.NM Wllrr 611:42011T;.th14.70•T %Me*. NW Num irg r aleitarketi Illey, ..azrart • PHOENIX STEAM BREWERY. "L ISPENICEIa - & MALST HI SAND BRB6IIIIB Ale, Porter antßrown Stout, PITTSBURG% PA. 1 11111.WIFIT vrA , 1 14 1111.1 L. pe • woo, MINIM COMPRESSED BUNGS. ARMSTRONG, BRO. & CO., Mannteetersen and Wholesale Dukes ha MACHINE CUT ,CORKS; hogs, Taps, Irish Ross, Mick aa. F .e,,r orncillrglM ITTSBERGII IRON DRYS, J. PAINTER & 80N8. XLIIITPACTOIIIIIII OP Iron, nabket, Tub and Trtmk HOOPS AND SHRETS, fahlt/P• PITTIORIZROIIo . F. MIIEIBILINN. 'YOU and, hawsers Tunnel and laathaits Struts. Gunsmith and Dealer In hardware. ovkamos gdtltrrs oill;PU."4 forYee at Um astir OroceuStor r°ll • • • JOHN A. BENNHAW. • INN • onus tunny ma amid mum. sheet Iron Work, d is the but masher eta with D PATO= AN LOW AS SLIM, log w ou CAN Hi ATIOADYD larr. WITHEROW D01161,411E1 & goN, .Yro. 47 Ohio Bt., Carson St., Nonongahala Boronia. At tee South End of the AnutSlake. &Us. _F.597,771 ii.LLEGJIZEIT czrr. NATIONAL FOUNDRY V'EUM NVOIiLIKS, Corner Carroll and Swallow Streets,. Ninth Ward, W3Ur. EinVirriErp aLsarunuinri'mm OP Cast Iron Bowl Pipe, FOR GAS AND WATER WORKS • YS ptpos are all cast . ..Waft/1y Le 1111 n, Dr 7 Band and 11 zxi IS I fBSIIO. Al.o. • man{ ' , GuJu CIMIFSPOB 818 AB VIM BIBID . 14 VggF:ViLq: . :,;111:%2U*424V4. MIME PORT PITT STILL AND TAB c&ralioLL & SNYDER, VIIICULT; DOUBLiIYLIIILD, TUBULAR 417.11TDED. STEAM BOlLiita, .IXL STILLS 'AND OIL TANK% ••• • 81128011/2irBAND ASH FANS , • PENS, BALT PARS AND CON eziwarize, eesourrasa, ANDIRON 8, 19i/LIONDOOIIB AND COAL aninza.. 1.40 asidWorkel earn.. aaaaa Maori seed Liberty Stre•te. .Pittsburgh. Pennsylvania. ligrOstere sent to the One addrest lelrl be Oretntly attended tae.' setadal BEM IRON 110 IVIIL WOU LEWISfBAILEY . . MULL'S' CO AIIItIrrACTIMJIMI or BAA,BOILER,SHEET MaNTJEL IRON NA31;121 AND NAIL ROM mloz AND, WALEZHatnSX. Nos. 64, 66 to 48 Anderson 84, Three mural Nortb or Band es. Bridge, - ALLEERENY CITY. KENBLIGTON DION WORKS LLOYD 84 BLACK Guam Bea COBIIII011 ) #edned CUUTOSI Juidataßlooralroxi. latacatAyrr JIM ACAIIID• Symms Laoz 1300 P. BAD. T and AlrElla 11/X/11. BOILICH PLA_TAJsed effEXT MR. 11D7Wtrt md ETU ZIASS... OTLINDIB sad GUARD OE ?maxi 1101, SMALL T AAIUN' Mt sad 16 lb. to the fled. STAIJOIIT 011A754 sad OPINSIS foe ream FLAT BAILS Permed and Conmrorekt ouAL ocuu maw. • Nana ma &ETU& freedom. sad o.Sos at the Worire. 0111:121. 01.0111 NT., (a mrlauatlon of Iften streeto sa tanic. the tars Gas Works. fltulmartb. astAtlo YSTONR ICON WORKS. HIMIMSON:ILABS a co., • Yam%arum at the =Um& uws Bond, Square,Plat aid Horse-81mo Bar Iron, Hoop and Hand Iron, Boller-Plate, Tank and Salt-Pan Iron , dhoti Iron, di: He., &c, Works, rrrr Torn/wiz, ea Itonoutahala neer. (Moe and Warehouse: No,- 146 Water St. =Off (MA MIL MI4501( . . ..... ........ A. B. DOLT. pniusTmal, utak& HUGH. N. BOLE & CO., FOUXDSRII, &glue Blinders and InaelduLsts, Atka to aid& Marino sad Land Atesuit Inologo. of f un= s , mom WO to Rive no/faction. z0t , 07 dotoription, made to orJer. Jor.22liztOOW, BOLL Tontows; • IL.III. &KM. Sar. rola?. Alley Dcorottine Wu. - 054 , 42. 0 , 05. 52 sad 51 Thlrd Meet. rxrrabousan, PA.. , ~1 p : r 41/IDERSOR, COOK a CO.. OuroosioxiasTo masa BOTD a ovesi M . _ohosororoel Ino bortroliool Floi and Ootwa. WI oisoo, Mow WR QM fLoa..tork - ond Uoot or Out Stool. ,Cao Moan plat and dining Naafi' ammo*, az zaa PLO ate • mit t Ounion Mega • !piing Steal, gaNtr BERLIN FOUNDRY PRICE & SINS, OFF/C1 iay srwalomp.• 1 11.1ainbct . aie and keep °casually*. las.!ta . fikcin it Pip. 70*.GlitiMiCa1:131,1a10,3 pvtipyraileAll lid outing. generally. OItEMINT STEEL WOM. MILLER, BARR Y di PARKE, BEST QIIALITY BAST STEEL, mow, Arzar z a gues iz76z cur Oilloe,, 38 Wood Street, • rpr BT. CIFAIILLS 1302111 L BOILDINO. nth, 13,4 1.11:d111 DUQUESNE IRON AND STEEL WORKS, sAartua, alum a co, Iron, Neils, springs , Axles+ PLOUGH. Rams AE 1.8.8586 h w.uutscitmx arca. 77 T7Crce4ol' liftroot wi 2 prrrsatrizen. tl MONT BLANC FOUNDRY. Butler Street, Math Ward, MOM% lIAION IRON ZUM4 3ex m a ramrcianwallz• Rolling NW ind iMge CRUMB. WEER en miles 13MAIZ Union promptly luld alrorallY CUAHOZS It/LIBOAASI.L. EMMERT & ANACELEVD. EVERSON. PILEOTON& CO., P caws rr, r 4.174 IatCoIVW(SIII3C-S. ialre=l.3•l."="3l:•7.= IRON CITY MILLS. ROGKILS & ,BIIMXIMInal; isalubesinusot sodood,oharosol..lariato Polished 18113ZNEEPI. XMICIP2ro uowsawAnamss.zo!nsiimuccris sang, PANS, CIMEISTEYS. AND A- 1 4. XINDs or PITTSBURGH, PA. - vMs vi.uS .. • .._- , ...: BEANIE' O RD N A NCE, ' 112 " 2 - 41 "1i A. VvIlti "`"`k s°l ilirtiri. lay ..4 =roan. ''''n..."...& nrumaxt lamt .s. , • • srla •ain,y. A. geretefere, the to p beet be =ea at this iontly. • .. . oa, . pgr.;•.l. _ 4 4 ' ritb. LOD Menhir. , patttait . takneuneted ender the aaaerelelsa o Y ? ec. arsee, to tallith NAIL EACHIalaa at .0 1 :. .tsl.;" UTILITY WORKS. Misr & BLATOR, No. 85 Liberty St e opposite Fourth, ILLXVPACMIEBE OP HARIM2 DUREN HARDWARE. r a l ya t t. ! L - r f u l.4 l ytov_.lpet 111:14.teu1 and o. oluNr Ata.t.Chr.,„, d tfp r. t.'lvot yn,r . ID° larmafaatare ani kv,Z•7l, - L.annViar= °PA= ma° 112,Pru;'..8."4,1=2,,,,11trir_uh.,: No. 29 Wood Street =1 SUMO BERMS All BOREN Freight Holsters AND DOCTOR ENGLIO3B. aircuu....z.ittlawnplluns made so =tar trirl ...J. 4 ailasin 'ETNA STovE woasa • iguayft+,. ogaryyska , 7o( N - A. BRADLEY & GO. , Cook, Parlor and Heating Stoves, AMU , thita die the bratod tztuo u rl=lM %L 1 0AVIW4 GRATE!, GRATE 1111011n17, 4st.' Oft. aziel eatme of !mond Ltd Wo d Moots. Mira , " Enrolee loooad ILANIXIMCIM44,4OI B.WOX.Paitii D1U4.43X.• r, • Hardwate eketakyikv. wltta LaSaWLClonllentsi „ Coma Liberty and St. aorstii., N a ltiallburs34 3pak. BLACH DIAMOND • . • oriurcevrcagEtzses; • •• • • .rrrnunnion. ra. rasa, 1111CYMEII to Co., aver mit= acruiza uaar , nainam" rus sad ( klaxon. dr ail sans. , ll* Waaanaß a ransi .mpound or innandnetll2.3 Ql Oftfo y and a s lusess, MO. ax 4 Winer ournes.lsoset.. 1..11mm VALIXT STOVE WOBREL .• ALLEN. 1111 , KEJEL_AL CO,„ ChllakandWarchonmk_ain IfT.. vllanclh, Mrizur,7 jetl. o Coal Occistz l is Maven astowc , A.ll Saliba! Ibt•ccal liccoll,wlll the uscrlrclla Star otivtatcrecizt , ..r , j- . I :15.1:1:....._ RAILROA.DEL . 1 1111 CIN IRON WORKS Ivlii).--0 , -. II LT • tlltaziptict ,. . % .., _ r ........ ier=r, ranneplesni rr kali.. irto entree einlillgat , ' , itii Urine Denney . JONES & LAUGRLINS sass A' -- , ~ist. , l V i tt a ir gi ri,7 .......... ihsaio.a tepre........leaen.x. nbarittAA:l=2:ll APX . 1n13N317111.413trZ5, =;tisti It pl. fjprew huzynt-nnucts 07 . 0 Bennie Inrp=l4 4 ; 1441 H A r tZirtrlitiVt4gprg a lgie.3l MIKAN AND CLAIN tivgialggra2:vvo,;34l,l7 ; allmMit::.Ttqgruzzu7= Bar, Hoop, Sheet and Plate Iron ..Per. M. _ :rm.. Tleitete-Por saizts Pular* nadir* Iron.; .??..eligT. ° ll: Vairec.o.2 Esc::; Angle wad T Iron; 0b....r0.,..a41.,..ty on tho cow et. 4 pinn as Beet.. spewed Oa Mkt.. Giraltre Iron{ MeV.= leinn. Allegheny My at CNA a. Coal Screen Iron; ron' d Hat tt ' Wall:Pa 4 alr O'fr....;xlr . 0. T nat4,lo &SO ltd. to the yard ' Votoogriro. oto to Mr lei P.mbre 4 ) t. Trans Ralts,punched and wan. 11411.Ab i and a r atit=4 " glielibe• ter sank 11 /fgarther Lantelna Roller, Itridge and Tank IliverS Jam/M . 641r ate t. lad inn %me n S. Cat Rath and SPiken; The wean, Pelan_glYanla lializoid iln • 8 / 3 1P and Eloatspines; /mune .7 rtek Porn rm.. ...pi for Railroad Spines; tivis u rr i ll io nn i tyrint the! r responsibility Uji 'Li 'ltlat i_areilinit l in a • • aldlroad gun Bare and • &din gi'Vtge ~..., —... ute. otos! too Railroad Car 'truer's:and Axiom; i " 7 EttlrililD IL IYILTAIII 3111 0 Street Car wheels and Atden • 1 " U"'"' """ AU"'"' ' Coal -Pit Car %Meals and Axles; Patent Cold Rolled Snarling; Patent Cold Rolled Piston nodal Mower and Reaper liars. WAlLtitornm ANJ 017/0/4 120 Water and 158 Frani St& MUSLIN novas. Nos. V., 24 and 26 alter Bt., Jalzis CISICIOO, ELL. -IMlErne InUES. SING 3 : I NIMICK & CO ItIXOPACTOI4IO OP BEST IMMO CAST STEIL Win. Lir W ectun of ALL MIL XIILAT. 011.COLix GAXII PPM CROPS COP SAW PLATES. A. maaarriu LNU aria-rawno RAILWAY SPRINGS, Card Bpritso Bice, Cast and Gorman Plow Stool, PLOW WINOS AND MOW DAMS* SPRINGS, AXLES AND STEEL TIRE, aroszc..sEuvri, Hag. HAIM:rO",7" OA.LK AND VABT tITi6L,. catow-imiza, ica., a.. a 46 Warehouse, 83 Water St., Pittsr'gb, 5a2.9311.4 ATLAS WORKS, J 11 0.1270.1" Er TREF!: 2. Ninth Ward, Pittsbitra, TD; OZILIS N.lCULLEst,President. These WorkA arc ~ a the ‘ amo ugt4q l o , +tan a t d mon • Engties of Every Description, Boller", 011 Taira, . Sheet Iron Wort, itieuroad C Belling Mill CULIIIy, Engine Cullman. Machine Courtlna., General Castingv, ORDERS SOLICITED. 11001.65 • lITTSBIMGII H. njacasTeos. A. CARRISON & CO.. Glaruessars to BoGann; Garrison Si Co. F VITAMIN AND lILICRINISTS ==a CHILL 7 ROLLERS, OF ALL SLIER, .Ironn Iron, Steel. Drams, Zple, Cooper. Oliva Skold, lisras• Boards, Paper aad Inds. Road am !, Works Moo, Roiling *WI Laaslors, of all,de ler;nri7l . hand mid fitua warder, on abort notice and tio• vomszearinhoun, Sinf haOLd Street,' n.rrentuteiu.rl., Enni TO HOUSE OUILDETtS. AND ICONTIFL4CTORS Tha•lant.l ..aortozet4 of GRATES, all ; Cooking RangeS & Stoves, Of the VEEP SENT quAIITT, ter sras tt rznir LQ:inr, PAWLS. DF • BISSELL & CO., 1e12:b9 .. No. 235 LLBERTY ST. JOHN RONEY, - • UCLA FOUNDRY ; Carson t3t,;9111 Ward, near Ly./1. R. IWAPITPICI4OPO OP Hammer Dies, Steel Hetilds, Mks ER Aid ladgae Outing. gamily, JOBDtiliti WORK armor As attended to. Ors dess solicited and omelet!, and satistactortly soustuted. N. W. ZOIIHOW..JOI. O. NOtrOftl...iAL BLAIA O'HARA BOILEEI WOlllB.B. sonsow, BARNHILL it CO., •ILLNIITACTONNIIS Or Maus Bolleri, (HI Salle, A4elteti4s; Tanks. Salt Pans, Gekeeketera, Wkokighl tree Bridges, • Sheet iron Wen. - • COIL LIBERTY , iD SECOND PiTTSDIII264I, Pd. .1 =PAIRING DONO riODUPTLY. JTCDS • m PORT PITT POUNDRT. I ' IMP NEPHEWS ICA.ITTACM= 07 ROIIERT.ZEA, • • N.A.x.l;rAclinain oy Corner of iiirst suet rm.:. altsvolor F./Miaow/. PA. • eo • M. lEe. Tinins errltt Duos Depot. tosser ty uMUrlvr! 1.012.•17. Rrtil 1132 I Mail Train AM Well , . N. 1...;N0 •(inetril Zw..11,11 Wellni 10 • JohnstownNo...ll UN' • P - tili t. ET. 4 6. " 2.10.1:. 100 • CM , PAM Line. W 41 1 .• No. 7...104a ' • Ith s ate e • • —. PITTSBURGH, COLUMBUS PI CINCINNATI R. R. PAN RUBLE ROUTE. CHANCE OP TIME.—On and after SUNDAY. Anvil& CO. 1.7. traniu Pit ts bur gh and wive et Union Deten rollorrr. use I - TRAINS. Leese fines, U. 5:41 IMO V. a. •nlve Is I, la. I()Jrl3p. nelimiy Trate leaves S 017:% r. arylvisg analAnAU at 10,00 next mocha. ACCOMMODATION TRAINS. ' • Lem.. eile A. K. 11:I6 A. y. SrAt. inn P. S. Anne.. sao A. Y. Intl A. is. sisS . 311. Oburril train lents. nosing) . 11 DAs r: - The , LAO et. Train leaves Ste ly, titaness sad the sarAg'pirn Vatiloll.l3lii ADVibloM OP MUTH LlNte. • • o ensue of cars between to Ana OlnelonarL Sod but ON& elme_ge to et. fienla CCaro, gad the primal* points wars and Sot W. siert. When purchasing Ticket/ he sere min and Mir . °Zoe of sha . PITUBDIGI, C01111111:11 t CIBCIBBAII II I. Union Dejoot, (Rooth side.) . Di D. MOTtIEDISPA.VGD, Tlokat &goat 3 . o l 4 . 24 . ll 2 l k&fitiattad . 72ele a t .i tr.64. • ma pEIENSY AD.VAN lIAILILO cuirrneL anIC? `d=rgett%9l WaalUngtonbol.lo4l4 Altman. 1 411 traln.... 110 110 am Wtr HrtraL 71 ' ate. m '• Canclntostl Ex. IMO Johnstown 1.0.10:10 ni Valle,o RM. 11 I: E W. 54...t i .,70. 4... rtro pm Altoona /mom and Ktolgrant • 10510 ......... 1015 541 ' Tba Clittratt Trains leave aralVs Mallon t etur , rxi o l."l . ..arglat,r,ns-Leb.--) am,o . ammo at 411 , 464140 v at mu I lAnclonaLl Yurrom leaves 0 .4, 1.11 010 train. 45117 006551 naltdaT. . 1 1 41 44:lobla E xPlven fa. LIU* 4 . 17le' tttllkletllg=itept'Tx7y.lol4rl:etr=/rn ainll•.w.ua4rn. Anat. mart or for maul 114t4re0 lblll n 414 . 4 / Allt:gatount In . talc. . min best Lop Ali e r/m. 00 5 r It 11 ./ 0 1.1 . 4.41a7 , 4A/eclat Contract. Genera{ thlpetint . WIL"" t Altoona. V . 1867. , Mums 1867 6 UE PITTISNURte PT. WAYNt &MICA* . 8., AND CLZ .4. .LAND LPITTEINUAINH B. B. . fo r i leb „w g a LlarL rrive and tee,. at t.. Union Depot. es . r . oix .... UP am lObleairo A ' II ix... 1:m a as leve .4 Itto a re, lirnland Itz 1.10 aat rltlgn.ir erte are ISldazo ix.....10:16aPt Fkitecotal;!.. E l l:: t! ' t ' '5 1 1. 1.:12:,:. Calpta_e_23._... ilaa•to chi.. amp* Cl.* Wlt.u. ix 2e2lp a rye SUP .. CIS V IN 1111 :ffe ' ll '' Er El ji : a l % tftit .. ii ' 140 " 14 RM. nfr am i.tll::lrntli N. A gAlt.'" iTIVA . I* L" 114- g• .: AZ :: iii . ./I;M. .. II LII 1 Roetmeter '', INC pat New Came "100X , NIN IN'le a N Cara amp sit laael . e.dal, .NM S. lir eir A " Egg: N. Beta% . t . • ill r.: N. Br ta .. Clap pi Leetulale . cl.O pm Leatedslo 0 leaPp ra " . ItLN pPi lab p. tn. Chleagoax• .63"1.0.11 P. IP. MINI" Pee.. mares daily. . gr ][..., arrives tla/17. are P. It. IaYEPP. flatland Tletat As t. A LLEGIIENT VALLEY' RAIL. .6442/NE COLAMIGIS O 'MUL L On am!after THURSDAY, Jol7 lath y _M. trait whl Leave and ante. at rittabanrh iwthee• clatter Plka anti Vaaal Street, as follows: • !mem. aert wpm. .13 n Y. 8:301 : X. Rlttantena Aceatawaxistion sht r. Asa Y. Y. First hoes Work. A0c0u5....7.45 Second soda Work. Aroma.. N.. is. a. N. Holton Adsolothountlon 10.00 h. X. ILISA. MAU) Church Trate. from and to Baas Wont, sitar. a. 1 , 3:1 X Li. r. Xitprels North Make/ close roporetiOn at It. honing with hoe of packets for Frstitiln SRt, Oil Cart Raft bowl eowneeta with pteketa trout Ott (See and /Tashi'. • _. ,yl7 • • • • H. Rtanlearnrix. wows. prrrsniunott Asi) CONNFLUI •On and a 1714aC MAIM SPrin,g Ili.i7sageraent. fter ' • THURSDAY. MlLlgal Onf. The toter v 11111.4,1 the len t. corner of ZOO/ ana Water nicer; fallfOrr: : •• ' • Arrive 11111;to ape Cnm 11nf...4tnet5.4111.1.11.7 lett' Lenore.; :` •• • ...MO P.O. Arlen Weet Pet., Acearele.Pa aasPr X. SOO A: Or' I" lest IP SAleeit.amonelr.l.Prer. rt. oar A... /3eorra ..; •.43firee P. 1, 2,45 1, , israndaerra • • • • ..• . 411 r . Wiry, ty ema., onmoTi.un too Weir Newton ti. HOM: MIN Jo P o r ftu.N471.0, . . Jr. PLOW&AA•fmt. • t 4 V tae In Tow., Dos. rg. a falai 1. plata *nailer. Jad ViM ,ll ll7l7artg e t r an t r" " raltrea . .o2 Irs,a DI of II tat • ; ~t3rLII ' ParLdwayza (A, Ont. .4111uaL 1300Cal_ tf lag (MU CallmeataCliam cr•th EA' rga Ira IrV: 117 ti 617 k. a at,aaaa faaallttemar a. aro. Tam ir MN" • swag: 7(NcagVb"Mr". R UM.= WWI 61Aa COAL . . . Haziusluni eta WOlM64.it. a. D 4. tl r.A.LEU PII9VOB • Lialliba radar a 1 -t pIIIATINIT/1041 =dargAl l a:' , ;0. CaNISAS•CICO.A.Xar - To be untd annag lac aciat yoakr. an to feattaa. tax Ist. UM That Mal taut be at the my best w tttl ed at aItY. La fbr alks. m - saws of dWil , • . w ..a.malllagirr .d , aln all r m rrat • Uoa al lb. matte, •.- - lathaq MIGNICIL eMetary. . - 0171. li . l. (1 . 117 I.lloxxat a. . 1 TnE r ffijEgiiiivil 14 r Ginuto. I.ll4:VS.atr't am Patl .= &tat. tom ow. to . ot,, otrtorjriatiittSti wow . . 1 ` la th is agin,. 7 :,l 7 ft... 1 ..1 - irsWititsua's ofts.lar • • . . n 'ii...' - liaised! ' -, ' 60 1't.`..." ; pitIVATEI DISIELANEIi'::I:.... f e t :.g . pr A ma Oaled-25.33i plain wan% ase , ' ' Yor um aura of an du...radial 'IMICA!"1141%/dMeeagius,"11' .. , dt#, ,; . at the aultal awake sad taw thrre Trlnked wdows,' rdrodided. 7 ' .7 ,1 2 trX.V.„ 1° 4 " . 4 0" I ratV2.l.l"l", *maw szuguirAtarac7l: l7 , - 5 , .-.. Tr. in a * iti4sasegara• ,:'--- = ''' ' Toe 7! ,- ai lbti i, t iirk..- .....:7"-?! . : " Nug e rtbiC - ' • ; -w an • -, * ,:i iismoonoc. _ . 1 ME „J. , =
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