HE DAILY CIAZOTE rumasrizu /SEELY gmoirstma, Caranirs Ezczrran.) , -.. . .., • "'Villa:lJAN'; REED & CO., . --- '.."---,-7.-.:.;',:',.-,-,:::::.:;', 1.. , . * z.z-cyrinotaras,, IPA --- "•.2 - .0., L . ~,c ) ~:•::',.,.• ~ !,1 -A2,..7--1. 1781 -..- _ • '''' 77 " .-+- `..,-_,.'.• ,-: - .r.,--., ~.-7.„. I x, -:., . -.... A .1 : . ‘ /..i'f• - •_ - '... : , 4 . . 3 - , ' . ... r......— ••-•••............r051art Irmo. % . . - '-',... • 7 - 4,-. -..,z.f '- 'A i''''; ' :'. 4,_, ,,. . j.,.;:..:' ..,-•_-=.--.4, 4 . ;,. „.• -,_ 4 , 4 ~ .--, . ,__ . • , . 1 Mr. ralfr. r. " . ....pm...cr. ' \ , , trf.......11W...* : OrriCr,ot..r.krrz ncti,Diytt. i t 1 &re --, • - ' - ' • - ' F':: •V• 4 :1.- -.- : ---.- .: 1 • , , - .•'; _ • t .:. log. st dLiD 116 .11F - S.O irrpEET. • . , . ~ 1 .1 1 111 li VII 1 . __,,f .. "-4' , /,'.YSini7- r- -.!: , :'": .!i , .. 4, 9 . - 1.........,'_ 4- ..: ..?,...,,,, *. 4', , „,,,.. -T.'l' vi,•; 1 ---', ; i 1 lei ; lAA . t . i ' .. „, 4 .., .5.;tr1r,...4:- .. , Z , I -; i I ! I;1 . , ' - 7,.- ',- 1 ,. i . i ..-. 7..;.i: - C, , ; 1 . T . 7,7;i_i; ;IgAl l 'l, -- . ; .ii, 43F.,7TairAr , ...fa,-; ;;-. - • ,''"'" ' 1 ' (a„31.---, Jetat„,,c:--. , , . .•• ,sizt, tepollicat Pim of Vestrt Pettstuis. 1 . .• I 1 --.-•• . -- • - - - - - . __ ... _, ... _._ .. t . FPICIAL PAPER OF PITTSBURGE AFT + : , i . ' AELEGIMPF INTL i - . i ...v?.., . -- -- -- --, ==."--- 2 7:.-- - ,•;.7-, ' l ,- - 47, - .11 - -V.,: _ --, 7 7 _77: -... ' - ___.;,„—,_„:-.--.3 . L... , .. L:. - 7-... - i .. LA Q 6 VIT. C.HitAPEAT and BT-1T PAY7CLI 1 ._., i 7 .klcUllAXll4.:l AL i.A.r3 Irmo staid . '. • ...es or ins 0r.r1.2:, rlterle easy :I)e , lvered or Cernerl .;;;;;ir • e oabaeriliees. pee 49.1111. ;Axldresst. , GAZETTE, . Pr:l-.131711mi. Tr.r.+A. 1 . 41,ittburgir:CiaIrttr buret AtcOYKOZUTION OT Pr.ltSev. /CAM- Mr the. City during the summer months hey tau have the (3,..T.ET1 e mailed to their de next Ur arderingtho estannt the onion, r flacon cents Der week (or cue week or note. Ls alums's, as in Virginia, so far, the rbo have registered as 'voters are In clanks of the whites. 4; Indian War is costing from ono o millions of - dollars extra each , A year of Ibis business will add Sly to the public 'burdens. - 1 G 8 lIEIIIDA.N will make a cavapsign . -agai •st tho ; VIIIS officials; as soon as the supplcmCctsl bill- becomes a law. Bameseiericy down there will be whole , - . !acme. Tex New Toe heraldgives currency jto a report that the fillibastering move. I matt at 1h; - South, oster.sibly against t,f ,oxico, are really designed against the (government at Wm:Woman. It will take very , stioni ovnlence to gain cie pence for that rumor. THE only think that kites Color to the report from Havana that Sar4a Anna re ' turned to Malmo with tct etidoreement, written or otherwise, of President Jowl }k's 'IN and 6ecretary Bk.w.a.hn."La. the wretched manner in whieh they have inaneked Mexican. complications all "alone. lir ouit commercial columns this morn 4ine It will be:linen that yesterday 42,400 l'lnurels of tiude petroleum was Bold in this cit." , ;;, ami, 5,000 barrels of refined • 'The r dranee on the crude, for .int .trierilate delivery, is full one hundred per cent. above the rates that preialled three . 'reeks "ago. Mn. S..S.'Coxvnade the journey from ew 1 oak to Washington to prevail on democratieSongressmen to join -in the movement to nbminate gen.. Grant for President. lie went Lack with the knowledge - thatj. the General will not take d their nominailon if it shonld please the xlinnocratsl.o tender It to him. So much questtonable strategy of 'sir. Cox's gone tothe bad. I'.lnannz has in his possession the 'Reach Ministcrto the Cour; of Mal imilinn, nod - refuses to let him depart, j) tie demands,, in exchange for him, Al month, the Minister of Maximilian to Franco, whom he wants „to.kil.i, because he was one of those wile tendered the Crown to the Austrian T.. , rince. France in likely fri take other therms than cons :. pliance with thii demand to secure Its official. The Net; York Herald, wblch to not good autacrity, hese. cable special, stating that, Prussia, Austria and France will make war on Mexico, In the event of thu linal refusal of Juarez to surren der rno,body of 3laximllian. qOV. 8110 1 .- N1.01%* has no notion of quitting this life,'._ and has:groWn quite out of tecopzi- bribe frequent assertions that he is dying. The following charac teristic proelarustion !tope -the report of "ro-waou rr mar Coacans. '`!The 'vindictive rebels and their epos= fate Union co.workersare taserting from info end of the 'State to the other that I am dying, or will din-.felling the truth, jna, intending to make the fable imprea -44,P. that I am now in the act of depart. thin life. With those who are trum peting this news abroad; the wish is father to the thought. Like my political Caen:dee and My friends, end' all other tlinuan beings, I am dying, and will cer. ily die sooner or later. With us all tll only a question of awe. My health, ough indifferent, through-God's noW' as good as it bat been at any timb in the-last twelve months I eat three hearty meals each day—l Sleep well at night—and, asleep or awake, I barb a good tonadenie, and the pleasing piroipect before me of obtaining the largest majority in the race for Goyernor that any man has obtained In the - State for the last thirty years.' . Was. G. Bnowimow. JUly 10, 1557. Tun - Readin g ; Dispatch, hes brought forth out of the PennsylviOn law re porta, a high tribute to our candidate for the I,ripreme bench, from no less a pm , image than H ere. GEORGE Wooow&nn. It sips: - , • Atitong'the numerous instances in which the high judicial character of the Hon.! Henry .W.. - Williams, our candi date for Judge of the Supreme Curt, the present..ChiefJustice, us delivering the opininit - of the. Supremo Court in the awe of Burr ea. Todd, reported Wright, pvgt 213; "In licCiourg vs. CrAelends :Admin. hirstlbri, q Grant's cases, p. 0670 this sublet% was greatly discussed upon! the - authorities, and It was held brJudge Williams, of the District Court of Alle ghenp county, that the breach of a' con tract to seo land, and that the measure of dainatee in such a ease is the twice paid for the Irate and its interest, and not the value of the bargain. "The pr . lce paid for land, whether up- ! on leak or sale, Is the value of it as be tween', ffie - dontractine - palliest so that I Judge !Williams's ruling! was eel bacon- SISLCIIt , with the doctrine - in 8 Casey. That the saine rale prevails is respect to pinal contracts, was abundantly shown In 3lalann vs. Ammon, (I Grant's cases, .p. VA) afterwards approved bp the whole Court In Ilerthogg vs. Ilerteagg, (10 Caw , p. 4180 and Dumeons vs. . :tie." It is !so rare that the Judge of an ita re flux. court is quoted as authority .by the Supreme Court, that each an occurrence is extraerdinary; and it is but reasons. ble Wray that the unanimous acceptance by the Supreme Court ofJudge - Wllliams ashigh Judicial authority, is conelnalye prssaf of his qualifications to be the suc cessor of .the Justice. who pronounced the compliment of the C.7llll . upbn him. ! —The ; New York l'ribeine sayr: "San itary tuition in still needed in Lids filthy thy. Last .week NVO commented - upon -the aaseition made by the Itegistrar of Vital Shitibtlem that the increased met' tality of itheopreeeding Week watt due to the oveicrowdlng and uncleanliness of certain portions of the city. ThO lesson of that week is repeated In the report of the health of the city use the week end. Ong on Saturday - last. While there was an thermic of ilte death rate from 30.72 to:MA/Stier 1,000, and while 135 more children lender five year-,' of ago were .carried off, there use no inerrate ottoor tality in the cleanly and - well.kepv re., aeons of -the Fifteenth ward and portions of the Eighteenth and Twenty lira. Here, tho;;deattur were le,:a than one to sit thousand; but down in the foul - slime of the Haat Oliver wards the deaths were one to elepen hundred, end Ott per (cut, of those Who died were eitt:dren under Aye years of age." . - . . --The Ind Batl.l.a.tlel that William Wharton, Jr., of that ray, has • perfected an itlVlMltialt (5V4,43.5111.5 all risk or ittumer of neeltierdn trout mis placed mllroa.l mein:hes:: fly thin plan the main track 14 pnbrolm, and trnlns eau panntrotit oily to vhf , With /Wnning Pared, Without the pot it ollily of damem* Or. datmer -from, witches. ',At the mane [late, If it. Med :able to move n train from the ma,an tnsek, it is tweemplished with entire - fe ty In thaaltaplest uwete.r. The Phdo dolnhin *4:leading. rgllrrcul, ii Is mated, are no‘t Fleatertng the 01,1 switches, mid .1 Introdneing :Sir. Vino to/1*... . , • Peter f•te , ,• of :Ite 11111111 do 1,113.10 f Barton, W. 11,1,11063, , ottotr, sin, hy dint of on Inlinitti ilea] of pa tience and rkill, tondo tt lohthl Center table: of mest•ral thoittontl plems ; of woOd, oitith Ito Wok to tho latent I:s -!position at Parts. 'rho haughty mean telegraph reports ainoog - ether 'hinge Bea. "hOn - Otitialt , op.ottoli• . lay the ant:lsla ofthc lie •nt eted don. tvi, a Masonic- Inlaid center Table, of l'e Gleam, Bottled • •. GENERAL NEWS —Kosmtth I now• nt in • • —A nrg:m aged 112 :yvarst.lied rnrnUy in Kentucky.. —Borneo Greeley is writing his, life for the New York Ledger. . .--The Potosi twines, in Missouri, ship 10,000 pounds of leol weekly. —The fillibtudering eptn ponies In Now York ore rapidly tilling Up. —Another suleidt, by means of Ports green, bas occUrred in New York. —Santa Anna's gold. eponlettes, worth ,Sl,OOO, Were stolen PR hcausl Ike —Minnesota pays between four nod lire thousand dollars per year for the de cruel:log.of wolves. • --The Connecticut Leal.'attire has de fided to allots . tho people to marry and ti¢iuorry no heretofore. - - • —Henry \ Yard . needier has ,mnimulett to the 'publication or n volume of num: , doctee relating to himself. —Thud.. Stevens, in the Home, Joins Ben. Wade, in the Senate, In intraiug the New York nem...piper reporter:, --The bnAn ball ri.rer in I tartrord ragea to Mien nn extent that the boarders of a hotel have challenged these of any other hole In the city. -INtiss 1•4 arsnret Fox, the lady whose nrutke ism, intimately associated with that of Or. Katie, Is about to resume het imal manifestations. —Two little tinnghterg of 'lames Snow, of Mratxpohtett. Moss., were pot soned to &nth, the other day, by eating frierion n=104,1. —There Is a steady 'prop,rnifl In Chris tianity •nntonit the people of Barnes. The cbler Ana the principal women fire jolnlnglne church. • —A Hong Kong paper stales that among n anriona Nair' lorkera and malignant Phllatlelphlnna, llntttn lz known o. the hut of•the universe: •' --There are six lap/memo students in • the Academy- at Monson, Maas. They tae highly spoken of for their gener..l bearing and intelligence. • =The title to seventy news of ground in Cairo ha, been through Conti four Breen and trill soon a pm...ar then, for a fifth (rid, by the some portion. —l,entao ban completed n portrait - of eneral Grant, who Is represented in the /tot. of penciling Itta famous—telegram about fighting It "out on this line. - n grund ball given in l.amlon, notice.was given to every one attending that their tickets - Would entitle them "to drink wineduring the entire evening.' —Among the Causes or. death given in the June report of the Lowell city physi cian, was "homeopathic foolery." Prob ahly the rest of the subjects were treated —.l coquettish vehicle milts! the "Ex clusive" is now the fashion in Paris, having been introduced there by a It its ton lady. There is just room in it ibT the occupant and her skirts. • —New York Is demanding the en largement of lien Gate. The Irtrellgt nays It is too small for the Ironic sent .througb by the city. There are people .who have long thought so. —.Semmes, the pirate, is Jealous. Ile complains that the country symplithiaes with the Cretans, adding: "Bathed-1 of it is, we take core of and nilinireevery body's rebels but our ow - n. —The band of mlssiontirleslinder Rev. _llr. Taylor, sixteen in number, have en tered upon their labors in the interior of Chinn. They adopt the native dress, and attract muds. attention. —ltritlsh sailors are. a thirsty f.et. One of that ChM used tostubsist on a daily allowance of twelve glasses of rum, one nod o holt to two gallons of beer, and a few glosses of brandy uy way of variety. —'fhe North ..ffserhyto Perim. comes very near the enormity of a pun in its July number, when It says, "the red man of fiction shrinks into nonentity before t h e eye of the well-read men of fart.'• • —A_ teleerem Ives rent front New,Or leans,to Earope..vin the eabie, which cost t 4,000 in gold. It Is suppostsl that it•nsts in referenos to the eSPellliOrl of the late and unfortunate Emperor 'Max imilian. —The India Vernacular Education So ciety reports 72 schools, with 4,000 boys, under competent teachers. Educational works hare 'teen issued by the society in fourteen languages, at the rate or twelve hundred a day. —The San Antonia (Texas,) Ile: alt re ports great fletiVitl, in establishing steam saw mills, Att., in the western part of that State. Ahem seventy machinists, artisans, he.., had already gone west; and others were soon to fellow.. Ilismark era., comparatively healthy before he beaame famous, but since that limo ho halt had COLISTIMption, paralysis, aollenuat of the brain, liver complaint, spinal disease, Insanity, • disease of the kidneys, and a down other alltuents. —The factors Worrell 'were presented Nritli valuable gine et the close of their theatrical season in New York. - 'lrene had a diatnend ring, Jenuie a watch and chain, Sophie an emerald and diamond ring, all estimated to be worth £,L1,11,00. —At Prague, recently, an Ameriran, upparentlyinsane, created &disturbance, and was sent to a madhouse. After his release he nab ! that he I,eten tied insanity no that he might obtain an Just& view of tte oelebruted asylum to which he was. sent. —lt has recently been discovered that manufacturers of ses4ing silk, in onler to increase - the areight,seak It in sugar of lead. Woinen are veryapt to kohl a thread of silk in thelnoutli, and the lead thus Introduced ;nto the system nets rat slow. poison. —A valuable Inal of umber, a mineral paint, has been discovered at Fenlinand, Linbols connty, Indiana. The deposit is extensive and easily work. d, and the quality excellent Umber. Lots hitherto liven mond only ht very quali ties in this country. • —'llte principal prude just now in Wis• cousin seems to baler hop+. An Increase of nine thousand acres Tor the present year is reported, and the culture of hops hun paid the farmer better for the past Ilvo vans than any crop known in Wis consin husbandry. • —Henry J. Church; Representative from Litchfield Coat ., in livid, and this veer Democratic Judge of Probate and Thwn Clerk, PIUS detected lust week In stealing money from Mr. .T.-11: Hurlbut. Ile owned op to having taken largonunis beforC, paid. back $1:100, and left town. —A dispatch from Omaha states that three thousand fthinthe have already set- tied in iloyce county, Idaho, and that still morearo on their way. The farmers of Boyce county me raising good crops of wheat this year, nod It Is hoped the territory will soon became 6W-sustain lug. --)lg.. and Mrs. Moore,' of Landon, who take a great Interest In the blind, have, with great IMIXVIVI, taught a huge num ber of blind women to use sewing rim chinac. quilted satin petticoats and gattze dresses see us well finished in every detail as if sight guided the work ers' hands. —The Emperor of Russia Is a big Mon. arch. and the Ling of Emit .0 moan. one. • They, both slatted the French Ent, perm and Millirem.. who • reimgniued the differenee their "The Emprev rwelyed him ut the top; fauteuil of, theehottom of the staircase, to which she-descended to . WC:COMO the (imr." I ' --A company with V 77,000 capital paid op, was formed nt Richmond, on :Satur day, for the purpose of pnrchludng lands in Virginia, for the erection of manufac tories mid developine- the mineral re source. of the Suite. S. Ilamilton, of (ado, Ls the Itie_sitlent, and • Thomas NVynne, of Virginia, Secretary. • • --The rapidity with wbieh the new l'ennsylvanta State Loan has berm sold has hem, a banking curiosity. Of the largo lump of Ott,o0(.1,1)00 secured by three prominent banking houses of Phil adelphia, there now 'writhes but at email fraction; In the last few days a million hns hawn sold, and the email balance will .be disposed or In a very few days.' The credit of the Commonwealth is as strong and aunt as the loyalty and energy other -•S letter recelvssi in Portland. states Mat while Captain Mitettell, of . tise• Mirk Josephine, at Remedios,Clain, MIA I Wanting his vasssel on the tifith of .tune. for the last time previous to her sailing for Europe, with two men belonging to lismolt, Use bout Was MilefiZeti OC -I•UpalltA 0,0%1 Into the stater, when the two men were immediately devoured by ,Eabtaln was rescue's! atter elinging to the mast of the boat ff teen; hours. The preservation of the captain is duo to the fait that the sail at tached tat the mast frightened assay the sharks. --At its present session Um t:onneetieut I.ogisloture lout fbIIIIII Lifllo in attend to the !Tendon, promoted regularly for ilft teal vVarS, of Henry 11. Nino: melt. who his lieen vonfined - lu the State prison hien 18.11, on aallap of murdering omey White, at Colebrook, nod has granted him pardon. The real mortierer of Whte died ninn years ogo, :nano ills death-bed contested that ha had tes tified bluely ainili.l. Alittnisiteli to nova time own neck, lint for some reason :Ma nasseh's petition Sion always I ieront been roketed, .nod only non, irlii•lL on old broken down mini, Is Lb pi•l'liliturti again tO enter the world. - - FIR T 01110 k liiD N IGHT. CONGRESS In Extraordinary Session. L6p Telculoll to the l'ltt.lltED Gazette.] :lids. 31r.AhlhEY introduced a o ttani resolio Lion authorizing tar CS...tension of wail steamship rerVico belarron the :RAU, and China. lialaired, Mr. Cite\Dl.Eß nallcd op his resolution directing ter COmailttee on Forelna Dele tions to 'manila int° the eiOetttlne of Ilaz bull,an'd decree of wetbber, 104, how many Mexican soldballi and °Macre were exeented under It, zt.m it was a4retal to. Mr. WILSON IntrodecNi a Watt resole. tied, expressingadmiration for the long and beret!. struggle or the Mexican people Q earneirt hope for the cense/Wailer, of the tiognolle, end the nerseence of n hu mane Mel itbere.l policy. Deferred.. mr. IlEttliltliAiS called tip the bill to en labilsh peace with OertrAn hostile Indian tribes, by the ertenintment us .rnuotslou. en of tlenerals snermse, llincocir, Augur, Harney, and illes , r...lohn o nben,, Brett, 9. O. lioninis, snit lilt Canon, and COMMISSIOIIPr 01 Indian A Milo., to•sehmt resereetler.a upon which to locate eald tribes. - • .. att. ROOO olfeFed an annentlineut, author. 'ging the licnurel of the ammo to accept, the services of volunteer.. not exceeding tour thoonard In ninuncr. front the Slates of Katie. and Nebraska Atoll n•rritorles, to nl.l In unppreseing Ind ian hoolittiou, sahl aninntacre it, be plated on the Inoue footing as to pay anti subeistanen cis the regular troops. Atneinicti by inserting iitbe urereinty Of War. antler CIA authority of the Pres ident," lestead of tit, choral In Chief, and by a proviso that the voluntesrd nre not to Ise called oat unless the Cornucissioneni shell ao it to sneeze ye co. The nottea ou t sell Contruissinnent were then stricken the President authors Wail to timpolat a Commission 50 eOttulNt Or three ethos:a of the army, not below the route of Brigadier General, the Chairman of the ludianrConnelttee of each House, and the Commissioner of Indian to ne gotiate with the Indians, and report the preeeed ia rs to the l'onlilent. After 11 dlreer,lo. on the metal merits of the hilt ~ it parsed, Adjourned. MEM • BIe.•SCOMELD, on leave, eilenal a resoin tiendlrootluy ttfh.iceretnry of that Treasury to withhold payment of the $3,000.000 for cot ton cialins,• undbr the decision of tho Court of Claims. Adopted. hr. 111118.0 LW took exception to sumo central. Innifercree to West Virginia, a bleb appeared In too Ginbr report af the imeeehof Mc. Van Trump, Isaiah be on. (Unload bad not - been delivered. It spoke of West Virginia ns n mare political found dug, without a sleep of Constitutional Mood In bur veins, and Illegitimate star In our political constellation, conceived In sin mai born in the Iniquity of modern Ilapub. Marano, a.c. Ile (Ur. Ilubhardl delenord• the birth of his Mate, initauced her loyalty hominid shtea r s c i a n r r a a r n p d o l c t a icimal ed on h te l t l e a a t s io a n n , born to loyalty and dedicated to froedom. hlr. • V.l\ discLalme.l any In. en. non of reflecting on the people ot Writ Virginia. lie bail Only discussed liar polit ical gneat.loll MI3 to the process of its organi zation. • .. sir. I;ELLEY presented a Communicattan, addressed to the Thirty -Ninth and FOrtleth Congrese, by the citizensof -Decatur, Ala bama, premintlng the thanks of tho surfer. Ing poor el Northern &Lamina, kw supplies furnished through :General. tinware, and molten that the prospect• for the crop were so ante:log that they hoped to ratan year abunitture or everything, and to Laidble to discern:. with furtlter bounty. oft :heti/hie ant i on to be bruited. Mr IicCLURG, Cantreamiof the Comma tee on Southern It nirimils, offered a resolu tion arithorlz Ind the et) to proceed by . Subdlonarhittees. .litoptod. Mr. ASH Ulf', of Ohio, Int oductil a bul authorizing alternate ressiona of the Din ? Met Court of the United Stalmi for the Northern loatrlct ofosl, in glareland o the teconit rucelav of July, and Irt Toledo n nn the ersoml Tuesday of November. air. TIMM' intro:laced a j lint rekolollot &Mho rt Zing clataigo of the mopping _place 'IC mall atkamara in Japan from Yokohama 1.0 Omen. whielt quyeq. . 31r. 110111 N a 037 a7Dell IraVe to otror a Drv:al7)blu and reSolotton lo removo the tax OD TV, COtt.oll.. • s. . Mestin..,ll4.l6o.ti and. BLlClAtilti °Lim- Led. Mr. BltOtiliAl.l. offered a rmolutlon directing the COmmitteivort Yorelan Alltirs to report what action of tuts government will ace; manifest the sympathiro Of the American people for Van 1100,10 'Cretan!. in what was cgnsislent with its date,. I. a Rod !downy power, that the good otters of the government may im moat sun. cesslnlly interview.' to secure for the DOC. pie of tJandla thy We/slags of pct., and melloratlon of their polltieed condltion, Adopted unanimously. - ' • rules. ENC, hilt e trans! of ho introduced a transferring tile ludlua Bureau frinn the Interior totho Wag Department. Referred to Mu Committee O n Unitary Affairs. LOCis.N salted Move to offer a resolu tion, proem:mud yemertlity by Mr. Bulge, asking the President to lascio a ProCio.l2lll - to prevent the depot tare to 51 colon of unlawfni organizations, Jtc., nod it was re ceived end adopted. Mr. PILE, on leave .introdueed a Jomt resolution directing the Secretory an the Treasury to eitapend payment en the Judg ment an tll3lhe Court of tt Claims, for a 19,1.00, form of , 011 5 taveu, fo r the porous... of 1.41it1111., by order of Can. Fremont, until further ution. Passed. ton motion of Mr. .IV LEAS, the ecere- Vary of War Ina inatencted to Inform the lions° what qintntity of •wnmp inane urants ed to the State; lately in =bold= remelt?' undisoo..ea of. • ltr. RUSS asked leteo to wirer a resolution directing the Jelliellsry Committee to re. Portent.' have printed, tertimony /ahem in the Inniencliment ease. . . Osnensl objection are made on the Ro uts! can shit, P The present.' the correshnd ensettahween n o Nssy Department a and Admiral Gahlsboronzh., which was ordered to be printhil. Also, the reply or the Secretary of the Trembry to tar. Schenck'', resolution. re l. Live to the alotropoliisu Beard of Internal neveune, In Now York. Ile claims author: tp appoin the Comentation from the rental tenet of the late. Uplefek Congress disapproves°, It, he will establish strnimr nearasle, other ntates.. After a/eon tilsceselen the raper woo laid on the table,. NC motten to Ism. It referred to the Committed on Wel - semi \loans not preVailmt. • , . . Ur. WILSON. of lona, from the - Indlolary. Committee, reported back the amendment to the Senate Mil to setetre The rights in the District of Colonthia. The amendment was agreed to, sad tha bill as amended was Pissed: . Adjourned. FROM MEXICO Putelsbuteut of Prleouera— IL New Iteo beellon—natuasolo oody—blanta bona lll .Ave el r. Return to 3/I•XiCO Concurred In by ebb l/ell!ed btoteo —Heel Death Confirmed. (by Telegraph le the rlttaleargb Gaze M. New Yong, July 11.—A letter of Instrec tfon from IllemteiXeJla to General. taco- betto Is—published, Informing blm of tho Inteuttons of the Government In tot:v.lon to his prisoner,. nod tallinating lent the law would justify punishment upon Identi fication:l"U that a morn complete justifies,: lion of the precondutirs wettid Ott furnished by erantlog the prisoners a trial. Tim letter if General Prim, the Spanish . revolutionist, Is pot/Outten. flu aosnowt. sagest/it first SCIOEMAKI the plan Of French intervetitton In EttexiCo. . • ... . . . .. .. . nie Emden, W iahlnglon comesphedeer, eats the entire rill:bust. Mg movements .hronghons the Smith. esterodely for the = u h p a o n s .a of r a e v a e lt n y g m in o g em e n d t, e * a to h tolift Maxo gu . ration of a new rebelliou. The Itereld'r Skein' say. France, Austria and Provela will make war on Mexico in the event of the refusal by the Liberal Gov ernment to deliver the body rirM.imiliae, Poring Santa Anna , . premiums at Vera Crux be held two interviews with the Corn mislistry Bureau. Generals Tana's. and I preen Gooses. neat. Anon. ImfOrmell the Impnriallst authorities that lie returned to Mexico with the conmsrrence of tee (Jolted State, /le exhibited a written document. covering ,tlnee foolscap pages, signed by President .lotunion foul Secretary Ittrettl„ end bearing their oilleill Seals. to return to Medea and cemblisti hirriself as Prneltlent .111111Thent,or; tee United Motes Would re- Marilee Mot no the cpustitutlonal heart Of tau government, Inman him with Itlene hi the amount of two hundred thousand dol lars per month, and whatever Orme and m.,... of w .,,,. 1,,,,, mined, require, In Mit 'attune to granting Mut permission to tot strait troops In the Culled Slates. Sly in ' torments declared emphaticallr, of their own knowledge, that the document wax genuine. New OntaSsa, Julyl9.—The °Mears of the United States steamer Uncut, and Heroine, from TatiiplcO, oonfirm the report of the ggatttotgantaAllna. binii.Pavon hasabout 'myth . hundred inenal. TaMplen, and Gomez' a,ml Omsk., had about 4CO, and were reerniving: . The tiewrilMent relinquishes its claim agelo•t the etraMer IterOlne, Amiga.' at Temple for frainiulant Well, tout retain. lon a lien advances for the New Gamine Consul fuel Collector Kellogg. rho Heroine bile boon turned ever to the Naval meets here. .. = Telgesplo to the rittaburgli tlaaeltt.) Riseils serf, July Us—Alter r compulsory auspunatun at Rya days, trains hare, cum• manned running on the Chicago and Rtent Eminent Railroad. Tim stopping was tine to raids of aloott ono hundred eMulpyess at Lelgalliaport indiana, to whom font months Inures non , rho rutted Statea biannual at Indianapolis proommed to Logansport. and arrested Utlrty-gre of the ginaluadena but this 6iiii 1011 end tho stoppage el Finally loading Ito .1111rAY men of Logansport altered to pity all employees. OPIUM ftgandtt the company 11l a MICOMIL Of tell per cent. This erns accepted. =I Ili/ Tcltgrapu La the nuourstLiluelte.i - Nem max, July 18,—'I'ho apeulal nay. Lutturs trout finw ilrltiuns Roy lion. , Bhothliin will noon Ineuo orJorrosuoss 'mg tan torn hods omen holders to Tart', with that eip,ptiem or a low W1)0 Vold po.ll.lae nt minor linirnsetitnee. Jnaga Paseliall trill probaliiy Salt appointed Cloys ernar In piano of Throckinorton, ly,. pron. Ott Inentalient. _u j7 THE SUI{RATT TRIAL. Testimony Not Yet Closed Tel to the PI Ml:out/It tiontto:i . WAsaiwwron, July iii , Pl. Rer.l.. flocharot,l was sworn to prove VelehL an had admitted to having neat in format .n to the Confederate,. The teeth mony v i m fled out. lien... A. Walter wad poem and milted 1 If Mrs. urratt avowed her innocence Co the day of tne execution, de. Older. ton made and tee iimony ruled opt. • • John Greereb, a tailor, residing In Mon treal, testified that he knew the intsoner; made him a Garibaldi In la 13; the Gatitmid I Is a islaltsyr garment; plaited het? and front, and has plain wrist hands; it buttons elosotm to the throat. Attar the purchase of thocont, t saw Starrett at ;ay store; saw dim bailors April 20th. 1535; eras hatwrrn the 11th aml Idth• tic left tits Measure /3a the SW or oth of April: hu afterwards camas to sea =Nand said the coat was too light, anal wanted hie to alter It; saw Sarratt at Lather !Alders's; there was where I got acquainted with latm. I them Invited him to my beans, and hn stayed with Me tan ataysi when he left my house I *eat with him :Ocala thir teen toilet to bong Point. Mr. taithlatilt want with Cr. satufluld It. .Nagle, re.uding at Montreal, and as advocate, teatllled to knowing Mc- Minn well. and would not, as a mayor, be. hove him Louts W. Senotts, an advonate , residing at Montreal, testified to knowing St. Math, woold not bnEete hint on oath. Dr..l.ndger La Bella testified to the same effect. , Jo, flotilla,. toatlned 31,1111taiVa rovuta thin for vonwlty Is Snt, Defentio naiad they,had tiro witneeies en rota to Washington who worn material to The Court took a rel.ss till to-morrow STATE OF KANSAS Envoi,lon Over the Union raellie Manner, IL it. iSpeclni Correspondence rltieb.rettiszett , ALlMilieny CITY, July.lo,ll. .Itoongst a people so tut Often% and pro grcuislre as those of Xenscs, I Was prepared to and that the canoe Of popular education was receiving both from the State and the people, that care .a attention which ft so Justly merits. To show how It Is progrer slog, as well 69 to show to what propor tions the Iron School erste= has already grown, I compllo the following table from the Sixth Anneal Report of the Superb, dent of Public. Institutions. Ity It, at a gl ale I n w mien y ea r the router m note Lhu progrers Halo Number of Distriet...... Tesetre e s %. &lye _`drool Howes. 1,155 1,1 aN , Ilt $.15,,14 115.1 4111 1,... 5 .C1 .11,0" , . Scroul 1.11•110.0 /(0 . 3.3 19:,aS Baca In addllicn to thee° there are Sit Select bchools, CIO 101 teachers rind echol• art; three Academes and Inetitutes, nice Colleges and Calverulties, numbering a/ Prolesson end Teacherr, and :AI students. Tao of these are Commerolal College, All of these are private or dencoranatlonal In stitutions. Stilladdltomal to these are thine Itighir State lostnatton• ' rim The State Normal School at Emporl e, la Lyon county, about sixty tulles southwest of Lawrence, won three Professors; the State Agricultural College, with don Professors. situate ou beautiful eminence overksotlng Menhat. Into and the State Unlvarslty at Lawman% which went into operation ln September, 1%3. Of these three ludo:motioned Inv tit., lions 1 mu able to spent. somew Oat, morn particularly. grant 30011 AL nenoot.. . . The errantry otipet of this itch.] is the' eaticatlort of teactiers. It had been In ope-i ISO, now before me, ens made. It 173 one 01' the most chart/ram' and highly rained Snarly I cottons in the State. Not merely to learn I the lessons of the day, but to learn how to, teach el to otOcys, Is the object definitely elated at,” Ways tie visitors M their report. Of theeyelem or plan of teaching In that school the report gives WO clear and graphic en account that I know not how I could in ter.; the reader more than by copying on entire paragraph: "One of themost noticeable panto was the right pereiatenco wish vrblch the topical system of reettation wan entotrod. The old stereotyped eyeless of "questions and an swers" mot utterly discarded. Topics. oftener than otberwhe consisting of a sit. gra word,. were asidgeed to thepuolls, and each, without the Kllzliterd reference 10. , text books or memoranda, WSJ requiem' to rise awl develop It In. Lila own lorstuage. and in proper eonemeutire order. with con stant hod copra. blackboard 'ltemizations. Than the topic assigned too pupil might be The Andes." Re • wow tail:Oren to sketch upon the Imerd a complete map 01 that 'mein of moontatne. with,ii th e ir tent rarolice....toms—the Valleys, plateaux d lat. Ole; enclose, and tie there doe ' log learn thee; to desert , ie the height or , the differs,. chaine and principal peaks; I te a ive the local- names, In and Weal. a. elutmlw climate and special champ. tertstl. Pt the different points of the man.- When all this has been• dote, the topography of the region In question hi dandle bold and Indelible relief trams the mind of the pupil. In like marten tee pu pils In rhyme! Geography were required to Illustrate Ltd deferibe the. ocean cum • rents, the winds, volcanic and tial action. These in history to sines Mayo of Impor tant historic regions and battlo [brats: Those in Geology draw setanes of strata and sketches of Maria In Gram ' mar, Crosby's novel method of writ , ten analyele was used. Whamming one menu:don aritltto woubi Certain ly excite in the most, Invelorma old foggy .•suoreme. disgust at tin eludes. nod worth less uciptierieg" of ou r s Metrics Sclionis. In reading, the difference was, If possible, still more striking, In the Men:mewl. silage the phonic. &hats - els of sounds- was taught.. iwoomrateled be remarkably neat mad temefal phonetic, printing of enthm lesions Upon the board. The result of this Is, teat ' Normal graduates will Pederetned the pre. nunclatlon of English words ! The utmost deliberation, distinctness and volume of etterance was demanded. In the more ad , • vaneed meow the gm... of elocution were Mug., with a.niewhet extended study of aletingolabed authors. In vocal music NI the pupils wore required to therm:salt) master the role. of musical notation by a drdl an Mine u any other tautly, and. the clue miming was strong, harmonious and thirtieth A noteworthy:femme was found In the general teaching - atomises. Under Prof. Kellogg's direction the entire School. Performed astonishingly with raold comp blnatione of numberMand Free Norton dliK criesnl and elucidated the Important pout teal and nalantl6o news of the day." A. now: handaome and. fo emoted:on. eft Oleo has just been erectedr this ecnool, and • bearding••lloll.o Of stone, large enough to • accommodate boerders. - TAT* hanICCITOIIat. KoCner. Trits is the only IneLitutien of learnhig I Ibelted whiten, the Stet As before stated, t is near Manhattan, and from Its window., and 3r more meet-tally from its ratty copelo, beautiful an the stew aJlarCeind for mit. Is exceedingid varied. The Institution Is n a flourishing condition. 1 witnessed the recitation of several claateeiand if there were feWer novelties In the mode than are sleserliwil Mose, the hairnet'. wise none the lese thorough. I eras both surprised and pleased at, thethototighnese with welch tho - students appeared to graep the matter of the lesson. In hand. In this College, Agriculture Is taught ass Science arid by prectical operstion.. A lot of eighty net. of excellent - laud has been smoke./ by a handsome stone fen., and a beginning made bath In egriculture and horticulture. in time Ills will be, very beantifill an well as eyeful. It is not,hoim over, what Is'eslied a manuid labor institu tion. An agriculturist!. La Lobe engaged, utp den whose ;supervision the operations of thin department will be carried on. To the President, 11ev..7. Denison, O. II„ and pm, fessor 11. F. Mudge, from whose report as State - Ueologist I drew lergote In ...king of the miner.% reanurcee Of Kane.. I am i -nailer many obligations; ler kind attending ; While at their beautiful place. President. Denmon, In his report, - makes ; slew goneml remarks upon the proem. of Kansas, whlchl tale the liberty to cony as exactly pertinent to my object In malm lag these brief notices:. 4 .1 V.• already have a numher of students from the counties won of this point, The pulsationa through the great of intent to the Ithoey Idountaina and Santa Fe aro already felt In the rapid Increase of "settlers to these countien. The cars of the linion Pacific Railway, Y. D. will run to Salton, .twenty 1911011 won Of this, by next spring, and anon to the western Mottos the State. :Tha beau fits Of this thorough tare of travel to the Mato are almost. Incalculable; Ste cost to the !State lever) . little. Su mesh the rents, then, can the Stateafford to apply • portion of Its Increasing mean. to the do velOpment Of its thatltutions of learning. To the myriad. of settlers that aro rondos op this thoroughfare, and those pouring Into its northern and southern herders, the State rennet afford to refine the mean. of oduestion,or ba slow or parshnomons In providing these means tor them," Thin college Is low than twenty miles this emit of Fnrt Ittloy, By, net of Cnogre. It has an endowment Whinny thousand acres of laud. =MIMI .Thts is it new institution. the tint session having opanod September 12,- lani. The College "tillage, which l stands on a corn. maiming em overlooking the cltf of Lawranue, is a WM/110010 noun Inflidlng. regretted that 101.1 not reach Lawrence on •Iny return trip until Ina day after the Cain monctmont ageratum had clewed; but the :epicene spoke In glowing term. of the mans norm which the "'acuity had discharged their duties and lod their students forward in sound learning. This Institution please both sexes, so far as odurstion Ls concerned, on an equality. On lids point President Itlco. In 1 b report.rOmarkei uThls, without. doubt, Ia bath just and expedient. It is no small honor toot thellledlterraneari Salto should Lou the Snit to reCogidxsi the' rights of woman in her oducetltmal system." The gam L trne.l boners. of the Normal School, as I know it is of rho : Atirioultural Colleges at elanhattan. Thorn / SAW yoUng mon and young women reciting together in the samo ohms% and 'oartatrily them aP• peered to ho quite es much vigor of coin. prehension and understanding Co the pert nf the part of the lattar as ht the former. Towards each other their deportment, was that Of well trained nrotben'S And sister. in the iomecirrie. hantlfin U oninelently clv• 111..0U to atingle the nese, In the limber, s,boois o Ithout danger of [(Ali or luiprorri ety. • _ The browning of lien. Meagher. HI Telcsrasti to the rlttxburati Quitted titatnen•m,.ltily pitslionger from Fort pennonexplaina bow ben. Meagher was drowned. lio wa. engaged Ma boarrul on tbn al teruomi of Um lot 011. with an Irishman who bed hiecits.l blw. The .A. eltimpint seemed to have Tendons! tho neneral debrief.. A ten r. a. ho Stole Min his hod and toll overboard. ills body. al bug iteeOnnts, had not been rentlyered. SENN EDITION, FOUR O'CLOCK, A. M IMPORTANT FROM RFROPR. Farther Honors to the Sultan. GRIND BANQUET AT GUILD HILL. Three Thousand Guests Present, BALL TO BELGIAN VOLUNTEERS. Intercession for Fenian 101; Nagle MIME FENIAN CONVICTIONS Financial and Commeroial CST Televolph La the rlttsbereh 012.1 c.) L1!1 ITI 2=! Stt , Tl//011,02:, July let—The great naval melee . yesterday, fn honer of the Sultan of Turkey, cost City thousand pounds tier• ling. 0 e gunboat was driven ashore during the rainstorm which prevailed at the time. No other accident. oeenrrod. Too eArr . srarrAlrill... Ltvecroot, July raft Non pareil, Captaln Wukei, from New York Juno ILL. ter Southampton, wee on Wednes: day, July loth, apokun at ace. Thweartain mud crew cif inn ilttin craft ware well and. required no nseistance. rtsiAlret COO ylerill/. fuJ s, July S.—Six persons.who Lookau active part m Lho Waterford [lota, and worn arreLted by the police, hate loon convicted and aentencell to Varlolls terms of Imprls. ouclent. rit r. C.tse Or on, LONDO,, July la— Efforts are being made to ObILLIO rho release of General Nagle, one of the party of Yentints who landed at Dungeroon and were sutisedelmtly captured by the Irlsa guards. The doterleap Gov ernment has been invoked be the Mende of General Naglo to use Its Influence with the Irish authorities to procure his discharge from comedy. I.2t9Car TO TII. 8111.21, Loa uos, July .grtuti bea ux:et woo given at Guild Hall this evening in honor of the Sultan.. Por his entertain ment great preparations were made, and were in every way a success. The Prince of Wale., Ismail 1 . 1.4111, and all the principal members of the government were present. Nearly three thonsand guests were at the tables, which were stretched to parallel 11000 the whole length of the magnincent ball. The greater number of those present were the most eminent men In the nation for rank or reputation. The hell and the tables were gorgeously decor ated, and the display of gold and silver piate seas ercesalvely rich sod darrilog. Tomight a grand ball, given to Help lan volunteers, who are on a visit to This reentry, Is In progress at Agricultural Hall. Over Ilfteen thousand peOlde are there. It is cznected the Sultan, Prince of Wales and others of the distinguished party at Guild Hall, will 01011 Agricultural Hall before the close of the feetlyttics. eINASCIAL AND CONNEDANAL. Luanox,ly IS, 5 r. u.:—GOneola at SP,; .3 , 11 re, 7!,11. lilinons Central, d 154. Erle, 411 , y At!mute and Great Western conenlldated bon de, 22. Bullion in Lao pant of. England ix Imre/teed A:l3ll,tlru. IS • , . • !at - Intro.., Jul. , IS, a P. ar.--llotton Worm don; males or IO,OW bale. middling uplands, ar 10},t,s; Orlesna. a. 19,4. ..arradroulTa [Am.! atmnr.l. Coen; we Od. New Wheat, lts 191 tor white California. Ilarley.ss. Oats, Is. Pons, Mld. Proolstona—Pork, 130 14; !leer, I lot; Lard. Or; Dagen, C. 1 6 ,1; itneesu, 117 e. Produce—Potrolenua. '9.1 for splrlta, and 19 . P4l for atatufard. What, Tallow, Ito. Lonnun. Jul'. 19, Sr.—Sugar, 0.191k1 Plg iron. Llnieed 0 Ail Ms. South .C. 71. Sperm oil, F Leoz.r. July IS— ' rening.-1 , States moue clamant 16%. FROM WASHINGTON =1 Wasula*You, July 18,1%1 NAVAL tXTCI3.IO64CE. tau olted States steamer Augusta and monitor Atlsatotlotoah, arrived at Barbs-, does J ace R/th,ta thirteea days from Cape Verdes, and would rail abotit July Ist for Sista.. The bean's Of the ores, was ex. Geri. (Irma hie Ordered the erreiit of Bre set Major fiert.6. W. CrawfOrd. for dizobm Itleneefor oaten, In having failed to report to big regiment, St Lei:engine, ag requinnt by special orders from the headquarters of the army . . • Tile SOOTN•leetetWe LYTTYL John birdlimes, sbenetor. puldletteis a card thin morning in selblestillention. Ile rays Dm letter widen wax banded to him by booth vino Written an eotOteerehti note pa. per, covering three page. The first two Payee were written in the spirit h nil stole of the Philadelphia letter, and it was only at the rencindlug parsgraph that anything ens said bearing upon Whet 111111013trea, which was to this client and in ?hem wools : "For a long time 1 have devoted my energies and my money to the accomplishment of a certain end. I have been disappointed. The moment bee now arrived when I must change my plans. /limy wilt blame me for What I am about to do, bob posterity t ern sure will Jimilly Oren who love their nonstop batter, than gold or ille—John W. Booth, Payne, Harold, Alteratto IneeTele•OLDlZete .11 . 1.0.14 The Hoard of Managers of ,the National Asylum tor Disabled Volunteer Soldiers, bare mode at sport to Congress. • They neg. gent additional legislation with a view to Pa .1 itlollll I caresf the winner the etuldren of soldiers nunported by the Institution, so as to obviate theobJsetion urged by soldiers to being separated from char families. mr.Acazza - c PkoolllkaA. The Tan poach...ant Comm'tux, I. still at work. This unernooo General Urant. and' Colonel 111/Iyor were callua upon for further. wil,l6nee. . . Brevet ItsJor'Oeuerul Elltong , Cabtaba Fourth has been urderal Dufote the 11.01.1c10g PROM NEW YORK Te'carapti to the Vlttebargb tiaettto.3 "gait , Your.. .July 18,1W7. 11.41,Y0RT 110EALLI. Th. whaloboao faetOtir of Solomon it De fruclhou William atroet. was buttical this . worolog. Loss $130000; partly Moored. amen. or A tawren. The man who comna:tuid suicide at the Coffman Comm, teat evening. wna C. C. Woodman, a lawyer. of /Joann. Ile leaves a silo and three children. • Eats Irroor 11011:100i..10. . ap Th u la Cow e m di n c n/ o r ey E riTe heh a w a turne d his Owen upon one of ble clique, his Mende having *old ehortabarcs bald upon hell. Joint amount. Tito oeerirrenoe of this loss Cringe to light the fact I hat the direc tor In question is abort of stock virtually 3%000 share, nruzisu VIOI ♦ ervoisu ■ACMMIK B;CT0111" • Mraars. Wheeler E Wilson have recently discovered that within tho past nye years they L\Po lost over am,MO worth of articles trout their Motor?. stolen by operative,. Nearly Mit) , of the workmen have con teaunl..tm only one boa been arrmled. rOLICZ CONYIBIIOXER brio. John 0. llorgen 4 one or the Commission ers of too Metropolitan Pollee, tiled this evening in lirO9itlYii. lITSULNIZEI wrgv oo. Tnosteamer Home, from Biala, On the fib Inst. , arrived this morning. FROM CUBA Monroe 'Doctrine TeaMINI-MOUVIM.IIII, to 111111MIttlilial.-ArVIV•I. at tootles at latnitteg—lletutior neolittle'a City Toionmytk rittebarrh Oast tie.) July. 19.—navana advicei of the nth slat° that thirty froo nogroos loft for Liberia. . Some radical Cabana • celebrated the axe -001100 of Ilaxlnallan by a dinner. Toasts to the alenroo Doctrine warn drank. It la understood the Cuban flovcrument will (or. bid all newspaper Slacnsidon on Mexican k utridrn. Ilavana Sugar market Wave and Tho Captain of the Unclean steamer T0,,,5c0. ,,, sco. at , says 'Juarez Intends to erect a mon tuneat over the remalas of Max ofAndlii !p °fi to t i r trio j uranrgTit l 111 w. soother was daily expeetod. maimed affairs hare not improved. and failures are Inert:Ming. The health of the Islaull wets protay good, and there were but low eases or favor, Soinare , n.terni as President of Hayti ht four years from the first of May last. • The M. Thotuas pnbilshes mores. ponitenee to show that Senator, Doolittle Is charged with the , nogot latiotos for the Po r- Chant of 231.. Thomas Irmo Denmark. Stela lan at IYe6lle (km:spieled— . MiesMbeat flamed, • • En, To,g.plk to the Plttabaigh Gazette.] map.. .lacy lb.—ltealstratlOn eloaed.yen. 4.r.b.e. The total number et persons reg. satertn ÜB,Lty whiten and 1,810 blanks. The river Mesmer flint, wan burned at the wharf this Monies. toasoki 3 OUL :lo Insurance. It Wm the worker an Innen- CITY AND NUBUlttiAti. FOU Writ l'Ali E.—The fullest and i,r n*: bfr Money. 0:l and Prot. 14, Markel Reprorts !,fren “ay /esker f Mrrife/, min 1, fou n d on en, I , +re,th Pug, 'The Propnwed Conrol4latlngt-1. 311.6 .....mont A communication eppeared In the Closiitiete • of Weillicsday i tn reference to ...loyal' artl etc, published in the tioretTe t or the loth i lon., rolatiog to consolidation, in which' the writer, who signs himself , Allegheny," l i "talugests that the elate and poneli I.d pat In the hands of n wore reliable friend of I the measure than the In Ashton' who penned' er dictated the arimie in the Goiirrvc. , i I It is nude evident from , Alleglicnyis , style that egotism is not tho Ittiut of his faults, and wo shall not, therefore, attempt to , conVinee him that we were right and he Is wrong; out for the intormutlon or others congenital In the matter, we will give the data tddln which our ntatemmit was hoped. We procUred the fled.. oprin *Men one article watt fumed from a reliable entire°, and we are inclined to believe them, ,Alleghe nyte,opinion to the contrary not:withotanti• leg. The figures, weare In formed by tne par ties who leintlshed them,wereco liteted with care, in meet cases ore from an ollimal enureu, and can he substen t tided. lie says, 'I um at a leie 1.0 hone . haw he egures out twenty-ont, 0 , 1110 Clly nod 110rOugh tea in ShAint Intinsnip, nod ten 111111 E earn in col lies, Liberty and Peebles. , Nothing strange In this at all. We never knew a man with as much egotism as 'Allegheny , appeare to have, but,who'wonlil segue:lmes ba dot a lost , to know things that school-boys ate 1 fomillar with. lint we will endeavor to a. slat hins "out of thewooda,, , by Informing him that 'dilly •and Borough , talee Are , levied for the pontos° of steeping tho CRY stn eta In repair. also for Various other port PoSest that In townehips they levy . what. -they roll a road tax for repairs, 1 and In riklng Otle statement we dm I not think It .neceosaly to utake a 1 eepactite colleen, especially for road tar, when they both proper!) . cools l tnder the eatints head. Had we imagined hat , Allegheny, , or any one else, would have been 'at. a loss , Lo understand the matter we would have elated it others. wlee Ito I. "Al It loss" again, we otwerve, On to how WO get the rates of taxation for satinet purge:nee ill rlttitntrall ten mull, When the 001 contollilaudie tile wards for school plirposea limits Lite amonnt to nix 10111', nod nders us to the school law of 'Wit, in regard to the towneldps. tie are wilts. willing to elm It that our knowledge et the eohool law le but a Sneed/els' one. but ".011w gheny , ebould maturation:l the laws, and the reason, for 11100,, before he presumes to teach them. We will endeavor to an. Beldam him In this matter if possthle. The centred Board thereucalnn levied a tax of stx m Ills, anti was n echool tax of four mine for buildiug parses.% which ts as notch it permanent tax as tiny other. levied on the dß:ideal. war.. tota hulldlng tax—se levied as to average four mills throughout the cite—thuamaking a 001,001 tax of ten 011111. WO etttten /it our article ' that we did not Include taxes for betid ing purposes, and also thatwe in etude,' all peramennt taxes'. School taxes for building purposes arc permanent, and hence are Included, while the-Lases for bonding purpose., referred to is env Intl ele, tll.l not leeletlet school Inc. lOC that Tectonic. but the city Macs for building per..' Poses. which Is a Specie.) 1007. We know ea well tel . ..filet:hotly , that the school' law Prohibits a greater levy thou twenty milts dn the dollar, and he ts very stupid If ha oes um, know that eoltool boards has - stead ' but very little attention ton. ill Mx own table, ho gives alx instances where hoards have disregarded It. We have, as staled shove, MCIaISCL: our Ih - formation from a To. lieblu Wen ree, sell ea for as Liberty township In concern.% have the Abatement of too T w an h I rof ay e tßm rdoeechoo ignro oef that township hen levied twantydlro tallier or school purposes. In Allegheny tate' the hoard Of Centre! levied a tax ten lotus' for Schtml purposes, end there is In the four wards a tax of two, thraNN Ili and eight mills rettpectlvely. for hotlines purposes, whist makes an average of four and three. fourth*. and this added to the ten levied by the Board of Cutatol amounts to fourteen and thrce.fourths at lite, Just as stated in our former eruct. • We think the loregoleg vcUi fully satisfy our readers of the correetnwis of our posf, ti0n.111:05.5 therP he some among them like il_kllegheny,” who Is *bt to to know Many [hinge; plainly intelligible -to less presuming men. Tao matter of ilhrmlness tax of two and onerourth Is paid by ❑ p p erhaps three thonsininl portions Cain! a populatlon of over laty and that is one anti one.fourtil trolls Instead of two and 000-talertb, I. States by eAlleglinny. , The auflothmt statement chows the ler les in the two cities, City. :School. Poor. Ilusln.s. Total Pluelneh In le 3 ii Sly iUleghly• • Wonderful Coro Trine.. Singular Clrcomatauert Ilex It Through Prayer? We clip the following from one of our ex changes, the Catholic S!ontlarti, of Piing delphia, it:muffing the care of a laity of this city, Ills, Pauline Male. The (lathes Ilcs hereabout have been discussing the matter thoroughly during the past few weeks, and many regard the cure us a mir acle. The lady Wls attended by Dr. Fiero lom noose 'rtes.:* regarding the case - we bayonet learned. It Is assorted that when Bishop Domoneequltted this city for Itomm he promised the laity to tare prayers said for tier on the day of the ennonizstlim and exhorted her to have faith In their cliloacy. biegnlar to any, she.nroso from her bed on that very day, out of which she wee en able to got during right long, weary years, and he n since hero convalmeent. As the matter Ins been the subject of much con versation In this WY, glen nor recd.' , the statement of the cilitcrof the Mondani regarding the lady's remarkable return to health. lie says -We think It right to publish the portico lora of a isond..rtul cure which has lately come to our cotter. A lady rend:lbw in a city in this date, ins been bedridden and unable to stand upright for eight years and six months. Silo has frequently bean pro. nounceil Incurable by •physiciats. This see know of our own pee:tonal knowledge. •In fact, we know that she had abandoned all hopes of a core by humans. and was think log only of patiently , hearlog her milierings In preparation for the mill A•1117b Ref Impending. 13ut approaeldng canon !gotten of the Blessed Paul of the Crest. founder of the Passionists, lanced some of the fathers of tbat order. who were In tile habit of obit , lug her, to errant her .Spirltual comfort to have mane novenas mild for tier by religions commtinitina raid other pions Pe.01115. to their holy Founder, to tile end that, through his Interecesion.she might he cured all the day of his canonization. And It would ream thaPtheir prayers have been beard. On the eveniti , of June %nth she got nild waited Ott., Ihe room. She still very Wynn Irate excitement, but there ran be no doubt of the tact: , The Contlnegetel %Moog. Among the many well conducted , lint eines restaurants unit eating imidens lu the city none nand higher In the estimation of the public than Lilo .. (lontluental. , situated next door to the Postollime on Fifth street. 11. haslet along tune pan been' under the mauseement of Ur. Win. lusitsheliner .the worthiest and mouL Rallied of proprietors, and has ever merned and received a large share of public patronage. The saloon Is well arranged for the ousiness to which IL Si adoptei, being large. airy and neatly fitted. The :tinhorn Is of ant eines Style, while the uttriost cleanliness provalle. Ali the cooking is denote the rear of the salmi —a grunt 000000b0000 in this worm wor.ther which other places for dining might pron. ably adept. The tables mr kepLoonelantly suppitml with the oholtest of viands and ileitcycles which the' markets al:fonts surveilup in the very bee etole of the culleary art. Tee bar is liberally supplied welt ales. wines and merle ilo 800000cr beverages being sold. To VIM.) desirous of procuring ern. citus meal we can safely .o.lMall.mtt Mr. lloitithelmore ealoon. 'Will Open FrPiny Morning. One care of biniuttrul Prints, at pit/ cents. Ono rem, / 1 Lone Cloth Shirting, 1:!..;c. One cane Illenehod Shirting. / 0 :50. n 4 soft Finish Pillow . Muslin.. 74 and Sheeting, 31.0 end We. Pant mind', Stirred and Plain Flannels. Table Linens, 37!;, 14,04. null 730. Congeals beat KM Gloves, 41,50. Corsets, Shirt Fronts, Llnene, I'. h . ., Kane snake; Stripo Cambrics, lionnyeemb and Hamburg Quilts. at 41.70. Heavy Sheeting Cheek.. isild and Me, Dress Goods, 12'.0 IOIn. 23,01 and 37iin.. All new and selling ai ono-half leas than last month. On the went oorner of Market and ylnuo of etre etnms.Ne, O, en. Gardnerls only bod ()no Onto Finn C:1104123 yard. GAnnanitd 5T.W.161.1T. Mown Dollllll.—Tho Methodist llplacopal. Church, In course of construction In New Brighton. Pa., and which was nearly.... pleted, was blown down on the third lust. The bonding was ready for the roof, tho brlck work raving been completml.and the rafters up when lossalls were blown to the brat story. Ttin will amount to about four thousand dollars. Workmen omelet..- .a away tho rubbish, and we aro Informed by tho Pastor, Mr. Moillyar. that they will have the bonding couiploted by the middle of September. • A atlademennor.-51r. E. Rogers, of thellrni of McVay d, , LtoiturrOleory, ammo keepers on Irwin street, made information OpeanSt. E. T. Skarn, charging him with committing a misdemeanor by abusing a horse. Tins deponent rtliogen that, on the 12th Inst.; the defendant hired from him a horse and boggy, and when ha returned thorn the horse showed marks of having wen grossly ahnned, and fannedry was broken. warrant. as, for the ar rest of the defendant under the - it t very alable not. Nerounde,—Wo are indebted to * Die Mont. In an's string tomd for a delightful so reroute hot...gist. The band is coo:Meted of four Wearers, viz hasty Stelioniugus, .1. M. Ilutalmsh, Phone Crouse and jamb llyerlV, art; tweed and third violins, and vielln. collo. respectively. They aro all excellent, Performers,' awl their enchanting strains and melodies ore always welcome. Pante %truck umoes.-11. shock to 4 cluing Ingwoman—lndeed. to any womsh—to end Mather teeth are woman—indeed ; nieg to go." Never Will any human being who user the fragrant nordootr, while the tooth are still /annul. melte Mat diseOvery. Even when decay has commeoced, It Wane. Malady stone Ito progress. • Mara Chewer, sor emelneont.—Eleowliere. le offered for male oao•balt Interest In an es tabllebon. dry goode elore.On rodoral street. Allaghany, ninon Is non doing a bualnuse 7111';'Iranfo'CITaVrt7A':Ilerdirgsliltee;rol • Coln Nparktilog Notts Waive nt. J. T. SamplO4ilJrug storo, No.'', Ergloritl Moot, A One lea or Chlldren.s StamAkr bileqUAS 13 1 , anre% N 0.73 ➢l6tt.et 4trett., Blare Pollee Eztortion. The exposure of Instances of extortion by the pollee 15 not chronic with us, anti we I hid rather het be called open to do en. We otirtalnly bare no malice to gratify . , and pltciltes coilt : Sor e I . tif o n . o . o n t e h o c . r o e f iki w e b c a t n v v e.r i rr th i n c n o It may r re, In putting a slop to a system of , blackmailing which has been carried on with each impunity that :hose engaging In It have come oink they ace In no'danger of being brought to aCeotint and bon en I continue tech alliance 0,1111 robbers, toeing no opportunity for pliioglna from unfortunate people who end themselves to I the Mrthesef the law, and ate glad enough to escape the pcnaltY b . f . ...l:Wing with the demands Miele of these while tinder duress. IMM • case In heed, which agoras s. ;air Illustration of host the "black mailers" operate. A tow weeks age a stranger, named Gallagher, no Irishman, came to the city, with his wife, and stopped at the ••Itull's need' . tavern, On aecond street. Ilia occupation *an taster ape:hat, and her stock: In trade consisted of cloths and such like merchandice. Ile had not Complied with the law In taking out a license, and thuaindarred the penalty Of tiftY dollars prose, d on to conv ibe byiction act of In n the qu V, arter to be Sea. im pose Istone. Ile was arrested upon information. and taken before a magistrate. Ile was a stranger, perhaps ignorant of the requir& meats of the law. That lee wen ismoraut Other respect! there pen be no question. Ha bad money, and here was no of the ofavorahle opportunities" which the iiblack.mallers" full not to take adratttsma of. They fi.tcited his fears, by tangullying his Intense. plaelea tim ball which he would be imitilted to give Murder 43 avoid going to jail at the eltotorditiary amount. of tWetity tem:mend dollars, Ile bad no Irlerids in the City. and had bin Wife with him. Weep there seemed to be no other alternatbre than for him to go to pri hundredas suggested he Gallagher that on and wyventy.fige Millar. would get him net of the trouble. lie greedily accepted the proposition, produced the re quired amomit from his sunroof tour or five hundred dollars, and eapresced his grist!. ludo by bestowing a few dollars In addition upon each of the 01111sani aerieerned in tile transactiou, and who, in his sitoplicitr, tialliether at:ppm:ea had dons him a great favor. Gallagher watt of course. released. Subsequently, In talking about the matter, he tray n rprited to learn that s indle had ,been practised open him, or In plainer words, that be had been In the banns or "black.malters." Ile sought advice I from a counsellor at law, who, after hearing the partmulari of the trans. action, placed bet little credence In the, statement. flowerer, ha addressed same to Um "officers of the law," Inviting them to i'coMe and see intimating that It might be geld! policy for them to disgorge and thin avoid aliment Genre nien "gmbetweens" are lawyeee, somet times/and while 11 may be considered "le animate" practicei pi. e ranuot avoid the conalusion that where ..cation. are thus avolded,Jusece and honeetil are limo. rod. The "note" addressed had the effect of convintang the lawyer that the statement made to him was not, as he bad conjectured, the wild phantaaY of a man suffering from &Urban tremens,- , the anxiety of the "black mailers" to have the matter Arran. gal, Indicating the Guth of what had been asserted try Gallagher. They disgorged, and thus Gallagher was persuaded not; to pros ecute for extortion. Within :Mont tea data after this occurrence, Gallagher died at the "Bullis Geed," the result of Increased In temperance, whether taming from the trouble the pollee caused him or not, we do not orator:11 to say. One, at Orel glance, would scarcely creEllt that such tranraetiotia would he engaged in by:WO:rem of the law.• Yet. remembering eases which were tried at the recent term of the Criminal Court, it is not so surpris ing, We are cotuoleined of for such priblica lions as the above, on the a t tsend of Index. onetime. It is claimed tha we should glee names of magistrates and o nem. in order that the innocent may not be impugned - with the polity. It in timeenotigh, we judge, to be more particular when prose cations arel.UP:tea, and It Is to the in. of those of our magiatraten and Mit cars, who do not wish to rest under the lin- I potation arising by seine of their number ! violate:a the law, to Interest the:melees in I having the guilty Prosec lit El. to long as blade mailing la allowed to be practiced. and persons known to be engaged In It are permitted to hold the Milan of magistrates and constables, j nSt re longssill the stigma rest on the whole body, and the wooer t "weeding out" process comment:ea the tot. ter for the honest. end uprighf portion of our Aldermen and officers, and that there I are some such we maintain. Robbery at Irwita.s btotios.-Arrcet of the Alleged Tateyes. During Wednesday night the Jewelry store of John It. Williams, at Irwin's. Ste. Hon, Westmoreland county, about twenty tulles from the city, wits entered by thieves, and grate to the rains of over case thoswand dollars carried off. The thieves gained nn entrance tato the cellar beneath the stone, and establishing Is base of operations there, cut a largo bole through the hoer. and thus animal access to the storeroom. Once in the storeroom they made a seise. ten of the most valuable sratebee, Jewelry, and silver ware In the store. They then proceeded to a room moulded by Mr. Wit. bums as a eleeplog apartment, where they secured some eighteen or twenty vaittable watches. The robbery wee thectrvered at an early hour on Thursday morning, and suspicion imitating to two men who had been aeon lounging around the town on the previous day, immediate march was made fdr them. Sir. A. hi..Bouser a resident of irwitt Sta tion, who bad boon victimised on the pre vions day by thieves, ascertained that the parties tied been men crossing the country tomirthl the Connelleville Hallrorul;mid ho •tarted in pursuit. lie took mainsail Ott train, coming to • the city, and at ()dee!. learned that two men answering the de ecription of those' be was In noarch of, had taken p.sego on too early train' for this city Ile followed, mit when he resched the depot lie wan Informal that the patties left the truth at Sone. Lis. secured the Mi2st. once of Moors Hague and /del:Wray, of the Independent policoomd visited: lobo. They euccmded in capturing two men, giving their !lames as John Cline and Chalice. Pohle, whole:tit in their Tasmanian a c abed arable quantity of stolen Jewelry. The watches will probably be recovered 14-day. The amused were committed to Jell for a farther hearing. The shoe shop of kr. .1. H. Therilor, a abort aletecoo croon tno Jewelry store, was entered by We same parties whoen tered the other, and robbed of fifty-five dollar% worth of boots and ehom.. The building was entered by forcing it window with a limmy." • A Nick Mao to Stoma or Health. A Tent or two ago,l , angered with a tgrrl- Me breaking out over the body, wits pain In the limb. and a general prostration of the whole system, which. instead of n wear log Oct..' as 1 frequently had been told It would, It was gradually wearing me out, and leaving me day by day with lea hope of recovery. I could not see now this ought to be for ono of my years.(forty-fired. I con. suit./ one - doctor alter another, or all the poihys that I could rend or hear. of. I Lod no mussels—that is, none that was of much 11.• ae ter al - the purpose of digestion was concerned. All tha - bittere and stimulus. that I could take only usillated. to let me sank Into IL dormer mot more melancholy depression, after their crams bad passed away. I tried ono and another of the ousel nostrums that I Neon advertised in the newspapers, but to no purpose. Now, how I come to gat well. A pamphlet or circular was put Into my hands, detailing cores made by your BLOOD st:aucusit. Among the cores was that of Mr. Boyd, marble mum. 313 Liberty carrot. I wont to pee him, and found that his mow more than came up to the cortineasta I tried your BLOOD SEA/sCliEg. to the amount of a dozen or more bottles, and now rejo a ice lo a completo renewal of all my iscultle • / wOul d ere state thool commeneal. Wong DIL h KEYSEIPs BLOOD SEARCH ER 1 broke oel with more eruptions on the skin, which somewhat alarmed toe. I then went to sea Dr. Keyser, and be told me - to keep on, that It was merely the medicine throwing the'illsease to the surface of the tmdr. I am now as healthy ea any one could wish. and you can refer any ono lo• me On 1100 proper. Yours. - - DIL KEYSER'S consultation rooms ter all Medina. °Monte diseases. 120 Pena street. From OIL M. to 4 p. m. •ttethe , Npeedy lUme. • Mr. joins _Storelsms, one of oar tale worthy, grand jurymen, marring/align:lntl statement of hi. weedy reoareey from a attram of . tha head and .ellestfroni Wien he had nearly pm Wed! : I cheerfully make known to the public the speedy manner In which I have reams.° from me critical state of health under the treatment of Dr. Ahern. at O. 131 field street. 1 have been afflicted for meantl years with marsh of the betel, which at last affected my threat, SOU *OOl3 thereafter My lunge became involved. And ale° this filthy need accumulation, gravitating down. wards, destroyed the functions of my stom ach end liver. I was so dyspeptic, and my liver so deranged, that what little smut I did eat offered so little nourishment to the lpasm that I soon became very emelt rre -0,11 In ft,,,h. I waa perfectly 'untenable. Wu afforded no enjOyMent. What tnijoy. meet eau welled that Is afflicted as 1 Waal I have been under the - treatment of Dr. Aisne but three weeks, and the remarkable en.ce which has taken place In the char setee of my disease in so abort a time la almost incredible. My emanate is fully ree .torptl 1,0 Its former power; have gained many pounds in weight, and am .1111 gain- Ing, and am once more on the road to health, as the results of his peel3ll.l. treatment. Joan Rennin., itotlford street. Hearing Restored' Its nee Moots, When I ftlpplled to Dr. Aborn, 134 Smith aeld street, Ibis morning, fbutuwhY• J. l3 ' .13th,) I was so deaf In my right oar that I could bobby= my watch TRY when pressed against it, and bad been so for years. In five minutes Moo hn restored My Noising. Now 1 can bear my watch a distance of algid, Inches. This I consider • ...mark. able care. T. I. 41.1)(MTE01110. • • - • nmiritd cO.tr.wr R Re , • Residence led B M slant. C'S°. t". lie. Wtillaat Moore. Rid.' corner of Dnmm~ and Davis !numbs, can loetify to She above statement. - - Tbe Balm thame.—MeElravy nail • Bruer lon, tu , of the mon charged with tieing con cerned in the brutal outrage upon the girl Barbara 'Bean, et the Birmingham bridge, on teat gunday night, taw a hearing before mayor megemby, 'which remelted In the re mum of Beruirtm. eh Venn ball, and the committal of .11aElpsty far a further bear- llle Vireo 7.1.• In the alp-Can better al-cheaper Boots,' Snow, lialutOrala and everything else In We line, be found than at the time honored store of 41n3en Rdbb, No.s9 Market street. - • • • d • K 3 Stolen ROreee Recovered. Two hAves, stolen from the pasture of Mr. W. Belle, in Wllkins township, on Tuesday night, were recovered yesterday. The circumstances leading to their recov ery are as follows: An Advertisement ap• neared in a morning paper yesterday dm scribing the bogies, and oMeer lia,rtgell, who bail rend the notice, observed one of the norses In the event in Birmingham, in imssession nr a M r. Moore, of Westmoreland county. Ile arrested doore. who stated that he had got the borne from the Oakland Car Company, and on following the matter nr,. the other horse was founts there also. It appears thut two negroes had stolen the horses, one of whlett they had sold to ton Company for cash, and the otheg they traded forblind hone and twenty-dye dollars.- The a thieves are not known, and will probably not be apprehended. NOD. of our Corn:spur ns. lea. seem to thin!: that the trlemph of their cause de pended, like tho late of Jericho. upon the amount of noise maile—ln these days of re daement and luxury, an ankle of real In trinsic merit Is anon appreetatodi hence the unbounded and Alliparlinehill success of Pea Amos ESTTZ6IS. This remedy has ever and always been found reliable. As a gentle stimulant and tonic appetizer it caunot be excelled. It Is an doubt a sovereorn remedy for stomacale disonlere—for - Dyspepsia,l.lver Complaint, and iri stimtdatlng a healthy appetite. • MAfinoran Wntsrt —A dellibtrul toilet article=eopatior to Coloxne and at 'Galt the price. • wrx:E:2lv We sell Dry Goods both at wholesale and retail, and aro, as a consequence, en. staled to keep a larger and mach better as. sorted annex, to sell cheaper. and glee the goods Ic more accommodating quantities than exclualvejobblnd houses. Retail met. chants are lonital to examine our stock. J. W. Ilsaasa & 'Co. • • • SO Market 1141)02. We aiefin the elides of • Revell: Mon —No more prematuredecay at the teeth Sommer render s them indeatruerlble. more, d 6 Makes the enamel as white as Ferran marble. and the breath as mierlfer ons as the Sweet Santa breathing der bauke of violets: , .tieither the teeth not gemP can become Mammon, if it is need daily. awl. Every Lady in want ar a atm silk or cloth ravine, could mot do, better than to call at %ranee% No. 73 Market street, and examine the vest assortment Of atylee and pattern. before going elsewhere. no we fewl confident that we Can please bola m price and quality, . Dearman., Dhihargee from the Ears, Catarrh, Monlea of the Eye, and all agree. Mtn, of a chronic and obetlnate character anceessfelly treated by Dr. Ahern, ISt Smithlleld erect. • All of the Late Faris and Nes, York styles in Cloaks .m 1 &Lego.. nt SParLce's. N - 73 Market street. • Cloaks. Cloaks! "magmas, saegges i= Clones at the great Cloak kmpOrluto,No.73 Market street. Whits and Black Lama 1.4.45 Pointe, e.•cry One erode, at apnace% ie. .1 Mar ket =eat. Cold Nparklleg soda Water at J. T Sample's Drag Stare, O. 33 Federal street, For all of Ito now styles In Cloaks or Sacques, go to Spence , s, at \o. :S Market street. gar Additional Local News on Third Page. FROM THE WEST Mormon■ for bail x.ke—Catile Cap ' , tared by Indian. Mr Telegraph to the Pittsburgh bluelte4 Su. Loris, July Id—Four hundred 3lor mons left Omaha last night for bolt Lake. They came from Liverpool, and will reach their destin r. ation about the latter part of gtnp-a t: eptembe head of cattle, belonging to I* hoocht troth, were captured on the I.2th, thirty miles from Port Sedgwick, and one man killed. .Montana paper. announce the arrival of overuor Smith and family, and Colonel Meredith, Surveyor Lihnertil of tne Terri . FROM DETROIT Fatal Aveldens,..eleller }xplosion - Desna of an Old Citizen. by Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Olathe.) Ibooool,, July 180—Lientaneat W. L. 03. born, fell from a scaffold at Adrian, . this mernLog, and died daring : the dap. . The tug Johnson exploded her holler On the Sage:Law river, Mat night. Captain Rafferty and three men were killed. The host Was new and is a total wreck. Judge Conant, one of the oldest and most respected citizens or DArolt, died lost night, aged rlghtp•foor yens, . . =I (By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh duetted tzar anwonvo, July 10.—An ordinance imposing a fifty dollar license noon mer cantile agentitoiesztern tomes before they can soil woods hero by sample which bas fo7 a long time virtually prohibited compe tition with alb. largelocal establish mtmta, has been repealed by the City Council. Fire in Cincinnati. ' (By Tolesraph to the eitubargh gazette.) Ciamngait..July Pre brake out this morning to wets- atory,buildlng on V.. 03000 stmet, owned by Mr. Btralt and ocenplal • a paper warebouse, book bindery and print, log onlee, damaging the building and coo• Celan to the extent 01 171,000. Insurance. ,119,(Ko. =I Not according. to this receipt or that. It seems as though there were a thous• and ways to make wine. This is all :crone. Such multiplicity only per plexes. The simplest thing in the world IS to make wine; or. rather. wino is not made, it makes itself. Simply express Jute and let it stand. That makessfine; that is the whole of it. For domestic wines, which people will drink, treatment is required. Here sugar most be lidded, that is all.' Went there . sugar enough. in the berries—currants, rhubarb, etc.—it 'would come under the knot of grape wino. Each man may Judge no to the emountof sugar hoWants. done people like sweeter and some sourer wine. Make to suit your taste, and the sugar is your criterion. Fur wild, sour grapes, a pound of dugar to a quart of juice Is the rite. Some have a quarter or even a third .leis. The more sugar, the sweeter will be your wine. All NVlllcr_t arottlike in one respeet, in the general wino taste. The different* Is made by the flavor of the fruit. Titus the strawberry wino is different from the blackberry wine; and these different from the gmpe. Tho reason why the grape is best (to a Cultivated want) Is that its sugar is hettersilffering from cane augur.. • .t fruit should have Its own su gar. But the grope flavor also Is excel lent. Flavor antr.sugar unite in the gram and hence if makes thpbest wine, so good that it 'sculled the only wine. But a mmi can help to make wine— helpjust as he does In anything—that is, he can ace that only pure, ripe grtlP. not I Japed; that vessels are clean; in a wore, that everything is done In a workman like way. This will improve the article Just no any article to improved by cam in the production. Give, thee, the grapes a chance to ripen tAnromghly their fruit, and a g 90,1 chance for fermentation in clean v . Ossels. If the temperature is low, (in the long slam, of fermentation.) the wlnelvill 'be the better, but it will take the longer to make It. In Europe, casks are sunk" sixty feet In the earth. That gives uniformity, as well as a low tern. pentturit—F. 0., in Mc . Rural WorN. —The workmen employed at, a marl pit, lfanley, Ragland, recently cattle upon an enormous fossil admits seven 'feet in diameter and of at present unme t...Mied height. The outer rind, of the thickness of a quarter of an inch, has loan Completely <admitted, while the whole of the hollow: portion °f a° reed is compactly tilled with stone abounding with itupressions of calantites, farmland other vegetable exurte; of the carbonifer• nos. peeled. The uncovered portion of the fossil ix about seventy feet from the &triter. Hammon, the prOprietor of the pit, intends to present it to the museum of the Mechanics' institute at L.-A tanner in NoW York is ex-peel:tient tog in tanning cat fish skins, which it is thought will make good leathbr. The sat fish of the Western:waters, it is mid, sothotimes weighs from 'ono to two hun dred pounds. It Is time that our rat skins were beginning to be utilized.. At the . present enormous price of gloves, our Inventors and manufacture. ought to be equal to doing soutet tig with our undeniable, plethora of ra ve r matorlal to Uui shape of rots. Rat entehlug for the glove makers is a great business 111 Paris and other European eines. Our rats want revonstrueting, badly. —lion. Claiborne C. Herbert, • primal. , neat pelitlelan, was killed on l'rlday night, July .ith, af. Columbus, Texatt, by a man nuwed Spews, is a bar r,om tight. Speer was afterward killed by the Federal guard while making his ar rest. 'Torbert was a member or the Con federate State Congress, and was elected a metnber to the Federal Congress. - -lion. Fleury Seidel; of Now York, fa at Genova, linitterland, hoyoq lotiml,y ill of a throat disease. LishoP QuiVtard Is sick with gastric fever at ,Romp, Fla., Elias Rowe, Jr., the inven tor Or the sewing machine, is also dan. gorously ill in London. =I N — CAROTIN'—the :Xtturaday. - 'Jul MG, by tb• a.m. J. jnii x W. MILLIGAN. Esq.. of SAl.Gmlds. And MI, MANN A, CAROTHER.d, pr •.. • THE WEEKLY GAZETTE. TWO ZDITIOTS. WIDNNADAY AND DATIINDAY • large sleet, eeataistiog TBlit7Y4d3. COLA .1711Ss of tateresilas reading testier. including !emu, Editorials. Meet Wogs by Telegnpb sad Marl, ealeable BasOlae Yaw, for Um Tarsilyomd tallest sad met reliable Mao. els! sad Cossateroial *start Reports glom by my paper Ia tbe city. /do dormer. lieebanie or Aterettani staild be glib.* it. Tubas. eon rub WXXXLT Clerrcru: t i t t ufflt a rg "' " ...... Clops of Ten......,..... ............. tab. —And *as copy of raper to the Pent. Itef . 100 op the dab. Ldalf.lous tO Gina eau be sone. , 'At Sur llmi, at olubrates. NOTlCXTOEcreSCurbres.—lti °steel.. lbor psper, be sure .4 theory what 041110 Ton tout. as p , ll (qui • Weduestle7 IdltloN Par nr,ing but One mall sweet. slousy bx °ref, Express, Eater Onfers. or i.nnnistered bettor*: waSPbe teat at oar ebb..: Acieves, 61AZST7r, PITISBrIbeg, Prfrs, NEW ADVERTISEMEITTS: LE3. - AIKEN. ITS DEEZTP ELL .la, No. MO Ironnb. street. 00711N5 of oll.ktedst CRAPES, GLOVE...zoo ever, description of Funeral lairedsllor Good. forested: Itep.os *nen.* day sod plirbt. llt arse d Corrispes torolsbed. ItKriaxlV-Cl,—Rev. Ua•IQ Krt., D. D., rov K. W. Jileabus, wloß. ,i 311`lor. JG. •130041ELIS. UNGEGT4— • KV/ tIYII/I.liLlt, suceassoe to the Isle B.moel R . , nudger,. No. 21, Whin tweet. little do o r, fro., Deaver, Annul:ken, sae,. Ur- Wile, Rosewood, I,:eloilanr. Walnut and Rua, .0001 Indiddlolt Colant, at the lowest ',Sneed orlon.. Booms open at hone. die and ntrai. Hearse and flarrtaues furnished on short not:, and on most reason stile tame. EDWARD. CZAILVIECALI: Uti- D Unice. Si a 4 0111t1 BIREIC2. Allegheny llatallir, noseoood, ol. , er'Uolt , dm, veltn • comolete stock of funeral surni•elon good. on hand. and tarnished at shortest nutleu at 'wawa prleoa. nate and Myers Stehle., etc . nee or JelliST ASO MIDDLE ~T ALIrr, Danneaee l Degree, Saddle honed. Se.. In, R T. WHITE S. co- ILSOETI— • TAXER% AND LAILIALMILIM, Manctin,- tee, Wood', Ron and vletrary. 0013 n Howass sk* Slanzbmpner I.l.ery SUM. earner Nbetneld and Chanters streets.. Ream and Carriages flu. [wished. E e s. STEWART, Underiuktit, corner of MORTUN and 1..Z.Nt4 ISTIMarf'S. Moth Ward. Octane of an anal, I.lassso O. Larrfages fa ribbed on (be aborsest vo‘lo, WASTED.-lIOOMS TWO OR Mint BOOMS, ' Wanted for a small frailly. without NAM. respectable location In Allerheny prrferrAL. Address, DUX w.l3.••43aarret OrroCt. t ltlettit ffiltstareb. DEVLIN SILL, Beat Estate and, Insurance Melt.. Butler Ht.. Law. cog BAL.—MAN 41/A01117.1.1N0 HITZ.—To Ifarsoffacrantarit We offer for- sale the beat and most dealrable rite for Hobble Mill end Blatt ?mace, or for any tar t s menufactwrirm purposes, in the county. TM. property la loot led on • 40 foot Street and the All.beny river. and wlthla lOC feet of the A. V. IL /I. Mt tot to LIO by 549 kermas devirthe loch slot smelt de well to 0 . 00113140 before buying elsewisere. terms mode to Ault ma:chasers. ffironlre of DEVLIN A' HI: L. Real Estate and lows:ante Steals. butler etorot. Lawrenceville. FOR EIALE—That very vatua-' ble and desirable grooear Dna. on Be' beers Street and the Allegheny river, in Al/e -then), ; Ins byCareet, on which la mote, •very suhrtantlal Beek Budding, gra storlee high. IMAM) feet. ealenbard and well adapted for earrDeg on idmost any branch or manntaa. Ming. Itts seldom a tat of these dime:Won:. within the eltri - satt be had. and lee would Invite the omelet a tendon of those desirous Of meek - tor apts. tor toutntoctortog pormiii to coil at the otdee of DEVLIN • BILL, Neal Estate Lod Intoranco Agent.. IltiVer•treet. LotrecnotyM, WEDDING RINGS, 18 HT. SOLID COLD, ;ON BAIB BY DUNSEATH & CO., Te;vcnoll.ckreal. 56 FIFTIIIRIS'S% GO TO H ASLETT & CO.'S. Loo. 93 SMITHFIELDETEEiT. YOE TOUR E...l3Crr JAMES SCOTT, )) (SUCUEF.3OIt TO JOLNEITUi A SCUTT.) 3=lll4.9.laElizi. FINE WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, 81LVER-PLATED WARE, ETC. =3 /Er Particular an d 1, P. 1, 4K Watch., Clock• and 4awelr,.• GOODS. FOR TDB 11111110 N! SMITHSON, PALMER 8c Co.'s AUCTION MART, 55 & 57 FIFTH ST.; Pittsburgh balli.mulgummata ot Banana Stocks et Guoda trum all part* of Llultxd MOO. tu sold at . E PRIVATE SALE: Wholesale and Retail, REGARDLESS OF VALUE. 11m& 'RUNNER'S. •CUILDEEN , S AND yucyßE! BOOM RIMER, RAITERS, HAL iftEALA AYR SUPPER% DOENSTIC CRY Utri/DE. CLOTUA CASSIMERES. JEANS. CO , TONAIit.S. RHIETS AND DRAWYBA CLOVES. COHERE.' lIAN DEERC EIR, RUE rEscERA • CUTLERY. POCKET ROWLY. RATE. CARPET BACK& = Ingrain, Bag and Linen 4C.,UFLM: 4 3O I 3'ES. At Auction Prices I rwt=B.eu Stip, Nos. 55 IND 57 FIFTH STREET. N. 11. .1 , 11.1.1.tere arm tlensebold %pd. for #ll4 .t /Wales oa .LVICILIC 'SHUR:WAY. ==in AIIOttOUNUI! IpfiHEPT rizEnzum COLD 'MEDAL - AINALIIDIID TUC Wheeler& Wilson Sewing Maeblimp ~ *Me OSILAT nuns EIPO3IIIOIf. Jose It. Mrt antr lOW _sad Monate eimplastom of 41 the ctlncipsl steel:does of the world-. 4. Commlttee of tv6 brltig coopmed of Ms meet compete* ,t atm Imperttel Maya. ICIL SUMNER & CO. . 174,0 No. NT ' 7l/Tll STRIONT. rittoborob OfIES FOR SALE, AT Illovvapils Livery *able, men u.rx.o.sahasa now. One BOIS& tory goo.lo , o• dohs; sot Outgo ot looomotiva MO good driving MAIM fri. U' Elorago . bo.tron rotroiratlhn nt00..4.1 CIAO & CO., Practical Furniture Eljaafactarers COL PENN AND . WAYNE AM Latest .1745. FIIILAITUZI onmaaill 313,44..."1r0k.rw, - Seale* of Weight] aid :Neasitresi NO. 6 70 VRTII 11{TILLET; itvema Liberty ind Farr, drama, olden prounali are.. 1.4 to 1101Wc MOLL d Anchor Cotton 10111.% rffisburgrl , its " ul goo t ti lr AVOLEVlTLY.L' z ' tfurr,.. - , VE13171111168 AND "ATlrlde:
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