411:01414.41 1 A u * etre OE INVISIBLE EIIIPRESS TRILL SKIM, 11114.N1LW SHAPE FOB Spring, 1867, J. W. BRADLEY'S DUPLEX ELLIPTIC (of{ DOUBLE senutoo SKIRTS, The boOdoonnOlt and Most tondbetobla %VW! .trodoced. nZE ALL FAntsION ZIN 'Al.o,thr Non Wm PANLO I TItAI 1,H, 1 P or %los tirt , 3 l - 4 % " 4 iriu tITYLES. • FOIL SALE ETEBEIVUEEE, . . . AT WHOLESALE by all the tenpin:Le Notion And Dry Good. aft.ancs Is Pittsburgh. Also, by Bole Owners of rstcht and Exclusive Ilsnolac .lAters, 'WESTS, BRADLEY &CARY, 97 Chambers breet, EMITEIZI IMMEEM! JUST OPEN=), IMACRII3I. & CARLISLE, •Tro. 10 Filth Street, An UrC•nt assortamt of Sun Shades and Parasols, NEW,DIPITONS AHD TRIMIIIIIOS, INRUSH BOINKT AND TBLULNG RIBBONS. Ersaiu 11:ApE3 07 THE BEST BID GLOVES. ismszrams. BEST PAPER COLLARS AND CUM We have Nit opened a AM line or an sizes and colors of the cele brated - 0 138" Kid Glove, at $l.lO per Pair. We ere autfierized to guarantee - emery paLr of the Kluges fold. Should they rip oe tear pettleg on, tekey Can be excasne Ca for another o.llr. JACRIIM &- CARLISLE, ra'a. 19 Irittb. Eltroert. INi Ei-CO 1001110 S. DAILY ARRIVALS THIS WEEK. MICRO, GLIM & CO. hiss bins, sorl Jatoneim Bimsaola, Fes, Striped and Barred; &Uri - ulna gat lotted lailsents, for IFaids; itafflinga sal Pnllins• . . /sena ad Ilaming lost fine amartment; heal Foist, Valencia and ihma taw. llandkercitieir, Ix% Imbed Bemstitelted & Bag% Biala% all Cita and ablem • - Fall Line Caked facet Mans, tarry Bag% Fringes, Trimming & Battens, final stller, Fine assortment of lades' English aml &raw &slay and Corea; FULL LINE ALEXANDRE'S KID GLOVESI BI'LEHDID AESOIXEST PARASOLS. Fall Lino Viiiihdlirig Goods. 110ILIIISON'S STAR SIIINTS, flt (AMULETS AND ',flour blint CS. good =Au. Kir Jobbing trade uric/ lalttdally 0 Eastern prtces. 18 and 80 Market Street. ard2:¢7o - A FULL STOCK OF DRES GOODS, ALL STYLES, JUST OPENED. , Alva, MUSLIMS PIILSTE,II3I6II LUMPS. aulia.Busons. CABIILILEILES, for Mtn and Dole* wear. WC'S' Mead, liTerzr t alsoar• AT 11. J.AdYNCIPS, royi:in 96 AIAAIiAT ESTRZET. NEW STILE Cloth and Silk Sacques, Opened THIS DAT. Also, SACQUES made to ccder, In the Islas fashion, at • LYNCH'S, Os Market sweet. =I / DicCABILDESS & CO., ••••• ILATZ WIL/SOS. 011tII it C 0..) WUOLICSALEDY,ALIGIIBIA FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS. 11110. EH& 11717c.ocilJErt, MMM==2 EAT GOODS: NEW GOODS aouni HOthS & CO'S. mote/ Imola a wend addltlan to oar already —eDe ezz0..0,47.143., We ouo prepaid to offer Inducer:cats, both to price and assortment, In irenrolderies, - limldnereldrh; Woven.. Horiely, Beale Trimadrys 1/ and Fringes, - New bodes ress rinunlnlM colored and Velret (Jaipur. and Cisme) Lsee, . Beal Tnread and Pointe tate. • Battens, 1114111 U end colors, , corsers, Belting, /Junkies and Belts, /quo Opera Ifmts, i rt d U"". ar, Alen satire Kid Glove; Inib rtale in Empr es s c all I i Slagle • ism assortmeat of Efentai Reek rtes. Efearfa . and Rowe. linspenders. Mitt Pronto. ao. ' Morrison's. titnr Obitts,• aDrl.ltPtriaaßnlinnia. Hat ?lowers, snit millinery Uoals, Ilirtnnlisr Ribbons, Bonnet Ribbons, • . klaln and Paltry, all widths. VIM WHOLIPIALE ROOM. up stairs, will be found <cambium Vitali Departments. Veal. In till end it to their ...lemur se to give us • call. krkes as lows, Sas tern Jobbers. alid 79 Market Street, opMutO 807. SPRING. 1867, ARBITITINOT, SHANNON. IL & CONI:PANY, IaII'OETEI IB 41,11) JODBEISS or Dry Goods and Notions, Offer their likT; C p , and idtraetivo stork or NEW GOODS At EASTERN PRICES, 1 FOR' CASH. 1.0[111,8 (HMS, WHITS e()Ona, ()ELM EitiNlS, °NECKS 170 KS. LlVOTkir,CesalidEßES, to COITONADEs, JCANn. BLEACH.ELP £NI) BROWN WRETINGS AND bitlßTlNOS,_6lllAvri.s.suraurs. - kIOSIART. or.ovzs. Ar.. go. Buyers are Invited io•call and axamino our ' mod,. and prices, it L • N 0.115 Woo Street. ARBUTIINOT, SHANNON 5: CO ARMTBOT. w. T. SILLN:SON. spnwri J.o.l3l7llllltlliwr. 10:avamt-osidingliseileamell GENTLEMEN'S • • 3lereno and Vestal Linen and Jean Drawers; Mora'lion , a "Star" Shlrtej Linen and raper Collara; Alamo:land oaherPancy Ties; Whitt: Muslin Tlem, Plain fa Faled:, Merino. Lble Thread and Cotton Halt these: • Linen Ilandkerc h'T4 ptaln 6 "..r1 Bilk Ilandkerete, choice ammortin't; • JUST lI.EUSIVI) AT EC. EATON'S, ._ • • 17 Fifth Stroot,- • atatOrla NEW GOODS.: JUST OPENED, AT J. M. BURCHFIELD & CO.'S, . I. ©. B 7 310Cax3ccet • NFU DOOR TO TUG SIGN OF Tim -BIG BOOT," • HEAVY BLACK BILKS. for Barque... YANCI SILKS. , I'OPLINS, for Summer Solt, GREY POPLINS. fur Summer Nutt, PLAIN CoLoIrED ALPACAS, WIII PE MAR...WILLEM. PH INIZ Pllil!RED MARSEILLES. FRENCH LAWNS. oItIiANDY LAWNS. HILIGNADINES A.NI) HOBE& • large mortment of • NEW 0001)3 JUST OPENED, • mermen . C.ANDED.A.TE§ FOR COUNTY; TREASURER. COL. JAMES A. CRAY , ConcClure townetilib w111:be a candidate for ty Tee len ear. au blect to the deetelon of the Union Republican Convention. ale:e.yl.s FM ASSEMBLY. WILLIAM B. ROSS, Of Allegheny City, arlil be a the lblate for A.- sembly, aublect to the deelalon of the Republi can County Col:motion. able:x.ls FOR COUNTY COMUSSIONER, . JOSEPH B. OVEIONALD, Of the Second Ward, Allegheny City, sablect to the decision of the Uhl. Republican County Convention- apll tzlZ. FOR COILTIiTY TREASURER. WILLIAM M'CLcAN, , Or Fitt township. (formerly North Fayette. will be a candidate tor COanty Tremurer, sublect to the decision of the Union ltepUblican County Convention. - p: •: I I 1 1 . D. C. HULTI I; • • 1 .1 . 111 be a candidate for the °Me of ritoriloN UTAltr; 611tdett to the ilecialon of the Union &publican Courentlou: ape FOB PROTIIONOTART JACOB H. WALTER, • Will ben Candidate for the office of CROTRON. tYTARY, sublect to abet decision of the Zillion Republican Convention. ithill.ralulawT FOR COUNTY TREASURER, MAJ. J. F. DENNISTINi trornaerlr of Friend•n Rifle be • C•ndtdatc for COUNTY TgIi.A.SUAYS, subject ro tnedentalon onto Union itcpublican Conven• %lon. FOR RENT To LET. • Lodging Rooms Throe rooms. nicely furnished or unfurnished for situated, at Nu . 32, lIAND ei OTitET tor neut. Apply on t..e premP.es. msolo FUIEVISMED ROOM . TO LET. • A GOOD FURNISHED ROO3l, Second Boor.within flee daunt. walk of the DO" olllce, will be let to one ear two ite without board. flood refetenet• required. Adder" K. L.. ki.azerril 0.17010. =r3:131. STABLING TO BENT. Twenty-five Stalls On Third tinct, near 1400 . Enquire of - C. nurrun et CO.. arnnys =nrol2lklartet .trcet AUCTION SALES VALUABLE BUILDLTO LOTS • afr ..a..criporxcorr, On Wednesday, ~,May 151 h, At 2 o'clock. I. X. Co. the premises. Mee ;re, Cenithsen. Palmer A Co. will sell at auction, 60 BUILDING LOTS, • Of Wm. a. sk H. Howard's plan. consisting of (ne one each or more, Waster at Beownstown, near tat Bad. ) allot hing the prawns , or Hon. Thos. Mellon and dames d. Bays. Esq. Teat lot. are very convenient Sor working tan on that std. and baying a southern exposure will be excel lent fur grape growing and gardening p a paws. TERMS EASY.. Call at the Mammoth Auction House, n and ST Fifth area, and see the Plan. !SMITHSON. PALMER & assina Assns.:mono FURNITURE, Household Goo), &c., AT AUCTION. • On THURSDAY, May 9th, at it 4 o'cleick a. in:. at the Masonic HMI _Auction rooms, 65 and Ma trial, - will be sold, ve Householdd Vine assortment of Furniture and Goods, compri.ing marten top and plain dressing Fo ram., wardrobe., boot macs, rosewood and gilt frame mirrors, show uses, loongen settees wash stands, sofas, sofa seat parlor chilrs, cant seat and wood chairs, tete-a-tetes. rocking engem very fine dining, eziptitleitrard, side and spring bottom beds, several line sewing ma chine. and clocts:Nenetlan. paper anti moth Window blind,, Picture., engravings and paint. Mac Cutlery, and a very large alloartraellt Of q Alto ueen.ware, kitchen utenalts. tteo 1 1 o a t Vi d 41, F a k r c p • ru.; o will r 171 told, •V; nue pieces of Enelish Ha g, Lin e n a large ery Carpassortment of In-rain, Hag, Linen and Hemp ets. Inquantlttes sud,purcamerz. 11,11LTkiiH)N, PALILEIL ('li., laye • Auctioneer., UCTI(N SALES, garhOatlela St., orito.ite Post Office. Day and evening sales on,tuesday, thOrP d., Csturday, of Boas, htioes„ Dry tiooils, I ostery. hardware, Swale Goods. tinaentrn Groceries. Gents` Furnishing Good Hats. Notions, Re. Private sales on Kenda s, l: Wednesday and Friday. Elpeclol attom• Lion to Furniture s slew. ilealllstate held on margin and sold cn commission. 'SHEEN & CO., anti ti.l3:Trrnta Anctionhers. Aiss.t. C. 0411E11.11Y, • FASHIONABLE MILLINER, NO, 20 Diamond Alley, Plttaturgti, Pa, All the latest and molt neion,..et. • of IluNNE,th and Hale eh. • u,ktin ast. , ,s. oso o o so order uu tau etaa v test m 4t.. l'efeeevre7 mason- ADIS 'II. Et .1-.let)N, Sealer of Weights and Measures. . .. No. 4 rounrii /STREET, Ldwaca Liberty and Ferry itreats, °MST:promptly atvnded t.u. anls•stu 'h i1 244 . 1 4:1E4 & DIEASA:. X...n . t . r "vs of every description of X" ' " " 2l l3A' .1301.132{, - , —II " . I. U P .T .I LAW , : LEAMaIt. No. 204 mrntriELD N?, arra:io l'lttatwrrh. P. 11011.2 LEN, isEL• d l o , Anchor Cotton 111110. Pittsburgh, ARCHON. (A) riIIEETIAm ANCHOR_IB) MiILvTINGA. ANC' OR ( (4 NEETUPOPI• /Old 11ATTINO. OrtIEVI BAER MOSER, .411.F7.„103=1.X.MUCIC)vis _ ASSOCIKTIoN r,L711;n17.13,„ an (LA77L hTIMET, Everitt sittdlll!,rt FlNcri to Ihr I,lligi I 2114 , 1 , 11. g Itot.hta and Vdt ,, IIC ' ii:hc•gittiburghtfiavitt , THURSDAY, MAY 9, 18G7 LYNCH LAW IN KENTUCKY. The "Begulators” at Work. MOB LAW RAMPANT. From the Lexington, Kentucky, corms pondence of the Cincinnati CAl:elle we ex tract the following clear account of the re cent Operations of the cavilled °Baguio ters" or "aaggs" men of Kentucky. The cOr respondent lays It ha; lone been known that there existed in. • arious Porte of Kentucky bodies of armed men styling themselves "Regula tors." These men assume to usurp the place of the civil officers and courts Of Jus tice, and mete out punteldnents according to need's of tneir own, which they called `Lynch law." A few months ego a hand of Regulators called the "Suggs Men" did grunt damage and committed a number of outrages near the line of the Louisville and Nashville Railroad. Another band drama out, robbed, murdered and maltreated a great meow colored people living In Boon , and the adloming counties. Only a few weeks ago a body numbering from eighty to one hundred men shinned hung come sizer Mani persons in the neighborhood of Dan. .isle, Ky. Several cltirenis were notlfPad to leave,or they would be summarily dealt with. and General FIT, tot. Ooodioe, Ron. John tinrion and other good and highly respectable Citizens wore compelled to illy from their homes to save their lives. lion. Thomas suddenly brought the proceedings of this mob too stop by sending a company of soldiers to Danville, since which time all has been quiet In that vicinity. The peo- Mul began to hope that the lawless men who cull themseyes Regulators had given over their deeds of blood, and settled down into useful and peaceable citizens; but it appears their cessation from violence was only the calm which proceeds the storm. On Saturday algUt, April '7th, 1c67, a mob of some forty mon gathered in the neigh borhood of Nicholasvillo, and, at about two o'clock in the morning, Marched In and took possession of the town, throwing out pickets on ell tile reads, and allowing no one to approach. The main body of the mob then surrounded Wolohan,' demand ed of the Miler the keys, which be at drat refused to glue them, but Upon being as sured that if he dui not blatantly surrender thorn he would be shot, he gave them the key to the mum. onr. !limy unlocked the Passage gate and got into the body of the prison, but having neglected to get the. email keys could not get haw the cells where the prisoners were confined. Sever al men started back to fled the jailer and secure the cell keys, but the man had escaped and they sunlit not hull him. After a fruitless search they rotarned with the news to their companions, who were await- . lug them. in the Jell, when; procuring lights, they went to a cell 1u which a negro named Adam smith was confined, and who, they said they were after. linable to get at him they thrust the lighte through the buts into the col/ and then fired on min un tit lie fell. There was another negro In the cell wthrSuilth, but he escaped by standing close In the corner, so that the lights would not shine upon him. The moliditt net know teem was any one in the cell ex cept Smith, or they certainly would have killed hirn..Atter shooting Smith, the mob drew In their pickets, mounted their norecs and rode off into the country, some three miles, 'Where a negro man named Math. who had been shot In a tight with a white man, Crawl, was lying. Surrounding the house, they dragged Bath out of the bed In which he was lying, sick and weak from the loss of blood, and procuring a rope, hung him by Wu neck to a tree near by, after which they disbanded and returned to their homes. A few days. beton, the assembling of the mob, two dogs, belonging to Richard Crawl, white, and .tdam Smith colored, living near leholusvllle, had a tight, over the re sult of which Crawl and Smith quarreled, and Crawl getting the better of Smith, Clubbed him severely. Smith, it is said, made some threats against Crawl, and both men armed thetnielves. Soon afterward C 1,0 1 ,1 met in a field with Smith, who was at week with the negro, Bath, mentioned above, and it Is paid the negroes attempted to gel away, when Crawl halted them and ordered the negro Bath to go back and leave Smith, which Bath declined to do. when Crawl drew a revolver and snapped it ac Bath, who, not being armed, rushed upon Crawl and caught him, holding his arms tight against the body, and attempting to prevent Crawl from shooting him. Crawl snapped his revolver three or form times, which at last wont oft and shot Bath m the thigh, wounding him severely. suitt.l3. who, durlog the struggle between Crawl and Bath, had stood by and tooked on, seeing Bath fall, and no doubt thinking his turn would come next, drew his revolver, and taking deliberate aim, Bred, the ball taking effect In Crawl's head, just over the eye, and killing him almost instantly. Smith then went and gave himself up to the civil authorities-of Jessamine county, who con fined him la the jail at Nleholasville. (the county Seat,) where be was shot by a mob, as we have already related. The negro Bath, being too severely Wounded to be moved to jail, was taken to a house near by, where he wag hong by the same mob that shot Smith on the night of the g7th of April. On the morning of 'the 16th the an. gro Smith, although mortally wounded, was found still alive and able to talk. Ile lin gered along until night, when he tiled In great agony, but before breathing his lest. he Identified and made oath to several per. sons who had done the ehmiLing of him. 550071110 or 00L. ItICZ. The afildavit made by Adam Smith before his death, and implicating a number of well known cltlxene, was submitted to the mill ['try authorities, and lieu. Ely directed Col. R. E. Johnson, of the Freedmen's Bureau, at Lexington, by., to arrest all the persons concerned and forward them to Louisville, ity., for examination and trial. Colonel Jumeull. Lime, Asst. Sub. Asst. Commis sioner, was soot with a party of United States soldiers to make the errests. The Colonel, with a sound of eight or ten well mounted teen, lett Lexington soon after nightfall, on Friday. May id. end proceed ed to the house of Ors. Crawl, for the pur pose of ! arresting her eon Thomas, who was une of the men that shot Smith, and IPII /3 a brother of Richard Crawl, the man ho i , was shot by Smith. Mrs. Crawl lives n or the Lexington and Nicholasvllle turnpi e, and about eight miles from Lexington. (On i approaching the house, Cot. Mee baited and dismounted his command; at MOM dia -1 lance from it, and, not dreaming' of resiSt ance, with two soldiers . went up through ! the front yard, intending to knock at 'the door and demand admittance. The night ! as dark, no tights were to be seen in the house, and all was still as the grave.ll A : watch-dog. aroused from his slumbers„ !by ' the tramp of the soldiers, came tirst from hiskennel, and barked furiously at thu tu• trudcrs. Col. tike and the two soldiore, supposing the inmates of the house to I,be asleep, had a»proaehed to Within a few feet of the door, when, smidenlit as thought, the darkness was lit np by the Mali of tutiekie ! ry, and from windows, roofs, and dom . ., -came a 'dozen messengers of death. Col. ! nice fell at the fleet lire, pierced by three ' balls, and ono of the soldiers] received a ! alight wound in the breaSt, Instantly all Wai excitement. and confusion; the no. I woonded soldier of the two %simmers with I the Colonel. opened fire with his reVolver On Its house, and his companions, who had been left in the rear, soon came charging op and pained Min. Their fleet care was to convey away the bleedingg end earnest in- I eensible Colopel, who lay 4olplees neon the ground, within a fete yar is of the deadly tubes which' were still discharging their contents at him. Having safely deposited the Colonel in en ambulance neer by, and ascertaining their comrade was only slight ; ly wounded, they returned to the vicinity of the house and proposed to renew the fight. The Colonel, however. believing the party in the house too strong for him, and knowing he could not reach or dislodge them, (the 110630 licher built of large logs,) directed the Sergeant to withdraw his little. party, and convey him to Nicholaevillo, four miles distant, where ho could get med. teal attention, of which, In his percent eriti ' cal condillOn. be aired In need- Thie waira prudent move, as lt , was well known there was a. band. of mounted desperadoes lurking in the neighliorhood and rang e r t pounce upon the alone , ,nuabe and murdr the Colonel If he went alone while to div ide his party was to imperil both, and rat s tier almost certain the defeat and perhaps death of those he left behind. On reaching Nlcholasville, Colonel Lllce's worinds were examined, and to the delight of his friends found, though severe, not mortal, I Et= . • .. . Two scents who had been sent through to Sleholasville from Lexington, ascertained about three o'clock in the afternoon that prepamtichis *ere being Made to resist the United States troops, who were expected down that night. About dark some forty armed men were reported to ho assembled in a barn near - If letiolitsvilln, and another Moll party Wes seed In the woods on the Keene road. At twelve o'clock,' the night lining quite dark, the scouts set out, intend. leg to convey to Colonel Johnson's com mand information or the wherenboUts of the Regulators. They expected tonna (3 ° l ' one' Johnson or his command on the Rich. Maryville pike about two o'clock, and net out on that mad, it being the In.r.t directt, route. They had not goner:sr before they eudt len I y camoupon an armed man sating in the 'Plod e , • horst, o The fellow sea a mu-% sto oiled as they did, ne•ettbel s ess he challenged and began falling back slowly, woen the ponfireed voices of men, the ti wail of horses . and the rattle of arms, warned the scouts that they Were upon a strong party of the enemy. Wheel! g about,theY fled, the Regulators minute for about a mile, and calling upon them to halt. After a parley, they took the dirt road, do oinileleg to go round the Regulators and to gut on the pike In their rear: but they.had proceeded edify a few miles when they were again halted and compell ed to turn back. Returning to Nicholas ville they took tnerallrond track, and when Oct come two miles were challenged aDd tired noon. Striking out across ton unite. try, they endeavored tO reach the /Jarred& burg road, but knowing little of the locali ty, they soon got lost In the Weed& After wandering around until nearly daylicht, they tenet a negro lean who "tinted them buck to ,S lebolmir 111 e. The 'ntro Informed them that ten men armed with shot guns. had been at hie house about ten o'clock at night and said they were acing ever to crawl'. to fight the United hinted sold lure who were coming out to arrest somebody, After leaving ale house they *reseed into the Keene row], and went towards Nicht. lasville. Col. Johnson and his party re . mat nod all night in the vicinity of Crawl's, but finding no one they returned at daylight to Lexington. A messenger who went throughltorn Lexington to N leholasvllle anent daylight over Mesmer, road on which the scouut 51,10 hltieed, :enrol nobody on the roast. it..,:ttlawl tat huttgli eom . posedvr xvo.:11 itUaNlvtuuLumn, paq ;WA% 1,) number In their ranks some of what are called the most respectable citmens to the Iltate. • Tile Ragaletters claim that the neglect of the courts to properly punish Murders, thieves and scoundrels of all kinds compell ed them to band together and take the ad ministrational the la w Into their own hands When we remember the great number of pardons that` have been granted during the past year, end that scores of mtirderers and Innumerable number of horse thieves and villieris are at large in the State, we may well believe there was groat cense of Ogitiplainty but these misguided men make a grave mistake when they sapped they can atop Crimes by committing .other Crimea. I • A Terrible Onititice Dr. Perter, who lives two miles from town, gsVe his colored servants permission to have a dancing party at his plantation, on Saturday flightiest. Nine white men, ein ployeea of the Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company, hearing of the frolic, went out anti found some twenty-live ne. groes assembled, twelve or fifteen of whom were females. After dancing some time with theta, the whites drove tile black men off, blow out the Lights and ravished nearly every female In the house. Onogh I, about 12 years of age, they carried outside, anti two of them held her while another commit ted the hellish deed. Site was violated by the whole gang in succession, and so badly injured that her life is now ,despaired of. One of the negro men ran to town for Or. Porter, who, on going home, foetid 010 blacks had rallied, and, It eying armed them selves, meant fi ght. The doctor persuaded them to keep the peace and let the law deal with the demons. The citizens wore enu i. rd and all bet two were captured. Some of them had borne good characters. They have had a preliminary trial, and, . in, de fault of bail, are now confined in the coun ty jail. which is guarded nightly by the ch igoes. .One of the prisoners is of Bitch des perate character as to justify his being chained on his back In his coll. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NEW GOODS I . - MALL PROFITS! • Never before was there such . a good time to got BARGAINS IN BOOTS AND SHOES, AT W. B. CLAPP & CO.'S, As the? hove but one net cash price forall. whether they are Judges or good , or nolo •lio secondprice In ever ultra any man. woman or child. Yitrangcrs desiring to buy chest. should not allow anything to pro, out their calling, if for nothing more teen to Oct posted on low prices. Prompt cub hours are Inv itinl nom every quarter, to .hare, In the grout lurks , . of BOOTS AND 61.10E5, at • Nos. 26 and 28 Fifth St., Pittsburgh, "W\ hole W.' IL CLAPP & CO. sale and Retail. ERS, HOPPER ,& C0.,- Eli t•uccexions to 11. E. BULU ER, Ageut,l / . MAKIN Acruitem or .7URNITURE Of Every Description. SCHOOL AND OFFICE FURNITURE, No. 45 Siulthfield Street, =I WA full assortment of Illttaloorah alannlac. tared Yurntturn constantly on hand at 1.4/WYST cenu rtutms. Wlff. c. S. 11x14 111411,G5 RAMALEY, . HAS JEST RECEIVED ALL TILE NEW . STYLES OF • HATS pp CAPS, For arm NO, and •111 ten 20 Per Cent. Less Than Down Town Prices. We sell our BLOT BILK and CASMIIEHE lIATN, at ONE MILLAR LOWICII Man any other House In the City. Call and Be Convinced. 334 Liberty Street. FIRST DOWt 115 LOW IRO CLOTHING EMPORIUM. RAMALEY Has Just Opened A LIEGE STOCK OF FINE SPRING CLOTHING, AND Gentlemen's Furnishing GOOds, Enabrimlng all the NEW STYLES IN THE MARKET, ify i tunt u l g ge t r : =2 . ll.ELTLY REDUCED r .uae S p rit ; v n ttrMS, U Low al $lO,OO " Cwimere 861,111M1 hits " " " $15,00 " Cloth Dress hits " " " raper Collars at Cost. 336 LIBERTY STREET., o ic s o lla g. ne, ono door above his Pittsburghimporting House. • VITADLISUED 1836. SCHMIDT & FRIDAY, • • IIIPOBTEIO4 OF FOREIGN • WINES AND LIQUORS, No. 409 Penn Street ) PITTSBITRGH, Would direct inn attention of the tolhlle to the Let that, pocketing superior facilities through several large dine sad liquor houses In Europe. and making their InlOortatlons direct, enabled to offer the various grades of choke Wines and Liquors at price. /ea, Merl Yeatern rates. E.2llolltAtio ll "APlWerrasP=VerVilnY, ULU kY conotantlY •hirhato'. NEW WALL PAPER AND upEGL I STERY STORE, JURT op:MED, AT NO, 36 SMITHPLELD ST., = To accommodate tee Increased trade../ 1111N11 . 1 lastr our b ss U IVI : ". 1t ett N O. new stock or WALL r t•PILIL WINDOW 811% Dot , . CLOTH. 00000, YLOOIL and T ABLY. OIL MCSTRANSEN and DEDDINta or all kinds. IDOSNIIII—]9SMITIIFIELONTRE , ET • L/1.1/ 1. - I . :INV-9G AN i 1• P 8 THUD , tcri:r.mr. E. EDMUNDSON & CO. SPECIAL NOTICES t:7`"A CARD TO LNTALIDS. A Cie raysnan. while reel/ling In South America las a mit.lonary, discovered a cafe and Ample rein•dy fur the Curt of NervOua Weak nes. NAOS Decay, 01staies or the Urinary and Bernthal Drs.., and the whole train of illaorders brought on by tuneful and vicious habits. Weal num bers have been already cured by We noble ram eijy. prompt.' by a desire to benefit. the &Diet ed ant unfortunate. I is 111 send the recipe for Preparing and uelny Ibis medicine. Ina Sealed enrcione, to any Oct who needs It. Fess or Ulthitorn l'lcase enclose a poit-paid ELITC WON addressed to yourself. Address. 10.F.11.11 T. INMAN, ilernmft Mallon 0. 1111110 House, N. Y. ult. , 10"Wil1. BARNHILL & CO., BOILER MAKERS Nl.l SHEET IRON WORKERS, Noe, 20, 22, 21 and 26 Penn 61. Having sesalsed a low yard and furnished It with the molt approved machinery,we ore pr pared to manta . ..slurs every description or Boile ers In the best monne-, and wafranted equal to any made In the country. Chimneys, Unrch toß, rite Reds. :Steam Pipes. Locomotive Boll ere. Condensers, salt ran, Tanks. Agitators. nettling Vans. Boller Iron, Bridge, hug. Pans, and ttile in . ..fa:tures. of I.IA.LIN LULL'S PATHNT BOILER-a. Atepolring done on nit shortest online lealcol p• ILOBEVi4ON, REA A. CO., ma. on tO & MILLIIIBO WAS INGTON WORKS, Pounders nmi:-Tinehha its. Pittsburgh, Manufacturer. of Boat and Stational,' latiam Edglnoi, lllatlt Engines, Mill Machinery, (tear ing, Shafting, Cantinas of all descriptions:ol I Tani. and Stllls, ilollkr and Sheol Iron Work. No. 14 corner !Inland Sadtherld St.. Sil — Agonta for (1 !FRAUD'S PATENT IN JEII Wit for feeding talErr l . i laturs2 WLAKE slur. Ertioni COPPER MILL g SMELTINQ WORKS. rirrs tatta PARK, McCITRDY di C0 ., l ilattufar tut,. of nheatnlng, Itraaltrs , and Bolt swfcr, Copp, Bottom, Italsntl 00111 Bottom, :lull, 1111tortors nod Deal.. an Meanly, Tan m Plat, nlnn.t Iron, Wire, Constantly on ha' Tanner, Macklin, mail Tools. Warthown., No. 1411 YINIT 1 ur.icr and 120 SY:In/NI/ STIMICT, 11113 1 / a rrb. np..cntl of Cep per cut to any tit Aired tf .Lri,rritiE GI/AI/EST MALADIES VIWTII A N 111:A 111.IFST MAN ION/D.—HMV Altll Ann( nal.N thr 11 .3 ,1 /(7 Pabslotts, and the Error.. Ablate, awl loiwases netrallar tbn drat Ran, of loan. With • 1,11..,rta on urn anetlintla of (mating,. 111 11110 Inmtltutlun. &111 Inrental rani . . of cuafge. drive 1/r../. :OULU!: Ilolnilff(IN, !Inward Astodatlon, 1 . 111:a.1.1bnla. l's. (al .04,1..1% VA . 7 9 - 111.;LNCY .t. SCOTT, DENTIST. • or°. 2 S PEAti" STREET, tnll24,:t'ff 1.1172311i111(11I. SEWING MACHINES BEST I. USE. WEED, ALSO FINKLE A: LON Lock Stitch Sewing Machines, tql• eh alter on both 21.1,/. If the purehte• dor.. Lot rcear.llhern :up,l.br to ..y• ~ther hp rlll I,lllfll Ilk,ll , l'lls. tereuty per eral. to Warsauted four ever.. UM=IIiMMIS2! SZteMSMEI 111, 1101 from M.O - Taylor mv.-uu•, Alk • glsenv city. Mui.tAg, fl ,1 aywr 2.1,110 • . two, \o. 19 Nor: nod Aihr,to., Foeter. No. 215 1,,1f.0,1 . . . . - Mraircr• .. M. Mentz,. loorlescr Tint. next deur to Mr. I.re•A churrt, IMMIZI tumtis. Mc/ice otrflts, lilt iskilla":13111. M. lachar.lr. Penn street. k, .11,•0 a r.et, oppoolto 81lts1Furgb and many ott,ra. .n l .1....u1.ru1d..ry +tamps C., iA , C. .71•11 mu ~, 4 ,0, Yi. 1 0..• racrn, Infan t 5t1. , 41 trout :C Wpp c Yreuct Pattcrus• WAN lElr. - . It. 11. Lt li, Arent. 11/ Grant MT - Tent - rut!, PA DON'T RE DECIL!VED BY FloutleLlng L nit column 114 v Ell mr ts of Itsfc. tido Ideolli ore, but get a 11A.- ii.}-IL.It too , been telly tented for six teen ye/ers, an‘tto ee ell cont... . teut Itetce, A C pre, /1,112 ,rA i'c ice 100 Abe, GILOVEIt I'4 BAKER'S ELASTIC STITCH AND LOCK STITCH Sewing Machines Kr TIII.IIIV,T for Ymmll7 mad ilzunfactartha purpu.,... C.l and ice thean mt .Yo. Street. 8 25. BARTLETT 825. • SEWING MACHINE Mach! ne In the Vnlted ...us. Ay,..ant ref cstrl.. her , lay 0301 . 11 . 400 per month. Lorlose .tamp anti a. 1.11,0 . . 1'.k.1; licarral Agent., 514 Ch,tnut ',rev t, l'hiladelybis, and 3121 hzmmit dc33o GET NONE HUT A • GROVER &BA ER roc a Holiday DM. It ia reliable. perfect atd therefore the best. Don't fall Weal' eud ree Dat NO. 101 Cl KV! YT,. Vt` UOE, [FARNESS s C.IIIIIIAGE 1:113 should ewrDew 6EOIHE a HAAB AO. I RUNG 'ACHIM,. 1010 re buylnxeNewb..o. it to the best torttith• uee. Mot 1./20 O. 105 firm OTHEES, 10,i.•i5 above 000100410. • T/LE GROVER & BAKER SEWING MACHINE le the Ultima Thule of Mechanism. Flesh. stop and cauilnc It Oh 10) 103 rirni Bricnr.T. m)::nrs ,abore Smithfield. PLUMBING , . GAS FITTING. COLL 4rs MILLS, PRACTICAL PLUMBERS, CAS AND STEAM FITTERS, NO. JLAC3 Posses IStroot, rxrrsnunun, PA (latent .d Wel Pumps of all kinds. Ilona. IMO up with Um and Water. In the meat ap pru•ed xtyle, by exporlenced workmen. • 8p•clal attention paid to country wont. =III ATWOOD & BRASS FOUNDERS, STEAM AND GAN- FITTERS, for. of 3rd and Liberty Streets, Atosse flarrull Snyder's, rlttsburgb, Nona. Light an d Heavy Vesting , furnished pion:INV In 01 - 11 Cr. rlTgl: l ,t i t l MZi l r I VIPLE M in s, t lleaSt==. Mille, A he. Agents for A. S. Cameron & Co.'s STEAM PUMPS BLOWER ENGINES, Thor, rumps heLIT pliprilor advantage. owe) Other,. aod ovory One la tottrrAntott to give tattoo f.cLion. ruowit.,tolvitarttly ort Imo& folattslo R. JURR6OI , I lIEBLEHY & JOIINSON, Plumbers, Gas and Steam Fitters YVTII. tiTICILKT EXTZNIIION: 3E•ga,, All ordors 1 , 1 mall oxemded satisfactorily nun promptly Atto Olcol to. A full of Bath 'Yobs, Pumps, Basins, 'A'ater Closets, Slues, Chandeliers, re Pendants, and (las ultades for sale at Mot Most asonablee Order. from country Pa by mall prosipt. IT lon, to. Gee, Hose o r ererydeseslotion• . letri:d43 BAILIFF BROWN&CO ., 3Poctoz - eO. ISt,' .AILLEGILEvrr CITY, Pad„ PLUMBER RS S, GAS aIAND STEAM J. PIPE PLUMBERS : aro" woya ou band a l aide armrtment of HYDRANTS. BREST LEAHVIVF, BATH TUBS, WASH BA. PINM 118f1i A NH BRANd COCKS. 004 .n mate. [PHs for fitting tip potato or private belPfloaa with HAS, WATEltor ,TEAR. IaPRHO IlLetilttitso Iticet..V[ol/, rittstoirnb, May 4t.n.111.7. 1 TUE A.SSFS:IIIENTS FOR THE Lirattlng, rniintnantl Curbing of • Logan Street, ftt Woloter tarrett to Wylie wee, are pow !notion. and will to.potin In this et..ntnace until IUESI/Al, Ti, ilit 3 m lit plac':d to lilt• it collection. =MI EM=IMIZII FOR SALE `OR B.4IILIE.—Fa nu of 147 acres sitiitodluTtnnTp.. Vrostsaurolandeo..l.A irinin, sirs:l,llle atstlon, on Penn•a, It. wLich thin", I, a good Two Atory atone /louse: Ith 011 noun,. a Barn, Carriage Uunte And qtitsr Initiator": an Orchard of daYarout * fruit d with coal l on .produoTa h g " ;4l4 per day. Thla preps:n.7 is °Enrol Teri Cutap and good terms. hos An esrollent Farm of Macre/, of whleh Ai.. area are tinder cultivation, situate In Chris. ti. a shunt 11l Improvements—a now Ir um Trolling containing d room.: about WA eh 'wilt too,. good fonclng. At, , It Iles w miles of the Minot. Central It. El.; 1.,' sou un reaeonable City ProPerty td to anti exclisago If desired. a Far in or all *errs In Pont tOwnshlp. SW...tont - timid county. .of donned and an. dot oultlvallon, v 2 acre. of :hat-rate white Usk and other tlinbor, tiw.illng hour.. lof theme stork., the mh.r 1 siory. watt a tenant boost., with a Oret•rata Steam ,ayrrnlll In good fanning ardor; yotniA orchard of g fruit. 'Luciana is tolling, err ger, Is with litne.tune soll And 1,01 , . wlUt nor, falling spring.; hal °tn• hi, wired rods of Mot . ..nu.. Central Hall toad; rA Hill. soul of WI ttsburgh, and three tulles wort tiroonlburg. To:. farm l o s pleas. rV . l e ' s% )7 101 1.V0. ttet r i; a 1 goo, Al., a Cann of 116 eters. Situated to West Itrottlei.ltowngtkip. Indiana county. roan's. a 1,041. milo•frutli 11011ra rrtaLloo, op the Venn.. Railroad. Tlis 11111prorelarata Are. w good two• story Drib Runic Alta 0 looms a bly. I foams Rank Barn, and all oti.or nocossary out bnild lags. The alto Is good, and tht ark. tart and on rosy toms. • Pi/fur:nut particulars. rudtiou or a. a. TOWER. Bent Estroto.Agent, Sri i founts atenet. fe2 & Handsome &Complete Residence, rwrapled by Jam. A. flutchltmon, on 17..1.1r. strect. rata Ward. Allegaoal Vlty. (late Ileroual. of alanclorocr.) 'I lie tol.a haa front of sl fact,valtl. sonde. •..1 twelac large room , Warlde n ilalabed Stile. It auountla In conveniences Sur comfort, but and cold water tarvoghout. 11., grounds arc ample and haladwonely Im proved. Ltd 310 by alluat 401 fact. 10 the 01110 rlacr. Apply to S. S. BRYAN, I= APOLLO 111:11,1JINU, YULTILTIIBT: •p=•Je FOR SALE. - • COAL LANDS On the Youghiogheny River. Hume of tLc must valuaWo Coal Property on tit, ougliKKNLc.y It nod Coanellaville Hall road to now utta rtt! fur rale, at S(XJ Io r Aare la'a , than l rrerinu. utter,, 11,0 own, 015Olu0 to Bull uuL Ali IF. luturyst 1 , 111111 trt2Ll9n ol the Amt., • . AI 1,11.1ug I ..I,ln the tori.it or Marti, three heloo Wt . " .Nt,turt, at low Inure etzt•ll pp.vot.N.. A pply to • 8311T/I et. 311:4111.11,1EN, lint I,"ate Ilro lcn, au a Is. !Albert). Street. 1 m 1 SALE. .COUNTRY RESIDENCE, About w.vrn Intl, w front the city, wit the Perrys ville pl•nl roan, contsinlng two parlors, wide Lai 41101., raw, ItItclo• n tua tltc nett rooms, with potch In front. ]he tarot embrace, Nitr ic...l:s. There is a stable, eva,it ti,use, cow tstele, two large cistern, well of watEr, with line bearing torr 115,4, b ashe s.ll,n th 1 4 ,1 w g4o3encrry grape tiara. itc. can no ha.l at a 'OO4 bat - gala fur purchas,r. by applying to NTEEE& IVILSO3I, Brokers and 14 at Eat.tels 114.1 Nu. 1143 eyilttaleld street pIPUOYED PIiOPEILTV FOR ESZL 11/61. naunte .111 Lawreaccaliln, and nprlogneld, ad rauglog to prlfz“ from SLOW to VOW. Will too oulki on re aavn aloln torn. 11 suplled for won. talbmt, this opponu.lLY I=l 'tate sad Vrice of U. 0. HATES, 3.14 ' Butler etrect.. LateranCerl.lllll. • }MEM: E DA LE CO UNTITY BE&T Yttft ALE:. al , u•terl in Cloutier. Valley, °fleet's. rune from Inerant's ctation, on the ( ettonenellte Itallreacit toll. trona the city. Contalna II avec, all hence sad la toratlote.,. \ a all_natertel by a naver-talllng tpting..lloll.l.l.le tee nlot into two parte. If Too property le welt ....ableand is ',noted at pnc•ronttl. the in le, th e tame Enid of (revert) Is aelllng for the SIAMC Matsu. from eas t atte city . at.l.n. B. n! .t 1.- Koneth Cl. DESIItA EILE LOT FOR SALE. Corner of Duquesne Way and Evan. nEnI Ei by •.feel. Apply GEE= Ilroker In Loada, Stock.. apti2:l2 Pulld'nAlth street._ VOR SALE OR REST, CIIEAP— .L A Farm al Carpttter's `ration, on the Can. Intl Railroad, co.ltapnlng Lit acruat Improve ment, /no !tour., and •tahloa, good orelaud: all n ry,turr pond fur cutt,tation, a A lao. •11r eral t•ther Form.. In good lenalltlenand •FC/1 lan• provcd, clitch l wlli tell cheap and on rcarona- Ie terms. Alan, a rumba, of good building lota In the city and eutant. Yor further particulars Inquire of Ia ILL! A at' WARD, 11G Brant street. aIASS opposite the FOR SALE—In Or4ddoo..sUeld, .1 Large Lot of Ground, Eve'aged with grating n . hr-e• ...Wei , is erect. cd Dew Mt; 110Urr., , of Ore room, kitchen, Lea. porela, cellar and other 1.11,11 car• rump a: the do..r. traoolre or raya:yel JNO. nutawo... the Premlrm .FOR SALE. A HOUSE AN!) LOT, on Corners , trees . c.n Iflrnilngham, In gp3tl BUS 211. 111.1t31ANAIA P. 0 0n:2,71 FOR SALE.—Aniluieyearm , lease on a Lot situate on natter street, Ninth tear& Ca by on whirb La erected a frame dwelling. DOT rooting tor * ,, 5 pr• month. Alto. Brick of:, rooms, which will rent for soao o lllrcral term opp tO.O or terms. le., apply at Ina ' 11ca1 .. / .. attitAl s nse. ranee of &Iv Butler htree/. Lawrenceville. FOR SALE—An Excellent Pair 1101 LE UM en Inches diameter and 24 feet long; two D'S loch huts In cacti. Sim front ems pletc• Ai:, a good DUCTOIL T.NUINE, tot Mholf. lug a nest of holism Ina tuning mill or other Ii Enquire of IttfUll M. ROLE AC..... aplati4ltar. Point alleyt Duquesne WM% JOHN D. BAILEY, Stock and Real Estate Broker. 011.51 D. BAILEY. STOCK AND REAL ESTATE BROKER • AND AUCTIONEER. • Heting taken but a commlesion as Auctioneer, ^WO s:rhetro an engagement with the Pittsburgh Hoard otTrado, securing the me of their rooms. aterre 11101111ra Notional Bane, t am now pre. irentrjra l tri c i .l e e " , ° e " ahTra k elb i e k x.:l . 4 rooms or on the pr.:Mace. Vartlcniar attention pall! , as btretofore to the sale of Ural hatate at private gals'. Melee,nkel Estate In the country IttiOnEl• Ettil Fourth street. COOKING STOVES. No. 235 Liberty 'Street. 1E1111:v19 ;~~ ;~, .malicrso 4 .... PENNA. SALT MANUFACTUWO CO., PittsburCh. ..4 :e'.' - ....k--- , 7---- ki.44. - t54 , (14 - --- - ~,,,,,,. ..z,„„74:, , ' VirAi 4 rVi — ORA! ~ . '-' - i• 7.;' . T.... --- i 1k . t.,7 - ‘ ,lisi..:Vt4 14 ...,,1LAA . . lezikelV: - . -, _-. 1 1. 'reT's 1 ~,: p 1 ,C 1 ~, titW 4, N 1 434 1, PENNA. 1 1Z MAOUFACIVWC CO.. Pit - tekrialr=l 2 ..• • 1)11IE EIE D PEACS.—SO barrel% ,tarter.. 'nixed awl rrectir..t + . on "ns.'""'"?. I:;27It.IiTICTY:iNO, ern 10! 0! WOOd .000 t. OIL WORKS& COMPILVM EUREKA OIL WORE, Manufacturers of Eureka Carbon Oil, =I Sperm Lubricating Oils, HEMICAL LINSEED OIL, I=l Cnitic, ',Wined and Lubricating 011 a Lard, ttkrtn, Whale and Flab C. C. NOBLE, A.gt, - 19 Irwin Street, PITTABUIWII arsll:l47 GPI-T-allail COILED: OILER SOHO OIL WORKS. BUFFIJII KEIIEW & CO., llAldUrectuumi OP Tug CELEBRATED SPERM LUBRICATOR. Petroleum Lubrtcatlug 011; Sperm, Lard •and Wha-e Oils, EBAILIGIII,LOWS OIL LIIIIIIGRAiSt ALSO, STANDAItD WWTE DWINEG OIL, No. 1 St. Clair Street, PITTSBUGH, PA. BEND FOIL A CUR:IMAM 41(.7:05 TACK BROTHERS, COADID3SION/ MERCHANTS,. - AND BIiWiEBS IH Petroleum and - its Products, rirTsßugo Bending cornet of Dm' acme Way and Irwin lancet. DE LI•NIA vprica-127 Walnut hi, WARING & KING, OMISSION lIRCHAMS LID Noun Petroleum and Its Products, 4 DUQUE&TE Trar. PrrrsAutsun. PA. tHILA.I/tLCIII.I. ADDRIAS: WARINC. KING & CO.. MTILMS 1111 W alaat 94, Phila. lIENDRICICS'LIIBRICITOIt. Manage toted by *BITE, BROS. & CO., N. York. E. J. ROBERTS, Agent, No. I El. CULT street, Pittsburgh, Pa. Keen co no tan UT on baud Cotton no to rr , VU. • 11 1 3: , 1 Litr a go o rr i. oll. Mt t , il o llM„,h,,,. cru„ Dark Carl, Lideg Szl'd Ilerew-Cute Park Car 1111.1=0,,, WOOLDRIDGE OIL REFINING csconer - E...a.sarir. OF PITTSBURGH. PENNA. JOHN WATT • Pft.tdertt. HANBY N. LIONG. Sec'y end Smarr. i womis 111 trstraturresviLLE. 0 Glee, No. 2 Duquesne Way, (Mar Sturmloannapi..) YAM:I/ACV:MEM Ur VALI WHITIC BIT RNING OIL. Brand--"Luoifer." BUT THE HEST, PETROLIA BLUE LEAD. 1011 ()IL At FUMES Maintaciured oalr end for sale In T. 'M. JI E CO., PIONEKR PAINT WORKS, N. W. Cor. .311. and Market 84. 7 0011 p 1712113 LOH. PA. EAGLE OIL WORK% 7.40.12v-reors.coNrills". WiCHTMAN do ANDERSON. Refiners and Dealers in P ETR OLEUM. OFFICE. SECOND 'non:, ouumistwi ecycs T. AND DINAT7.IINY. WAY. BRE'IVEp, BURKE & COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AGENTS FUR TILE Pacific, Globe & Liberty 011 Works `Ample !Storage for Crude and Endued OIL Lib- Cral cub advance* made on Copslgnakent• of rude or Refined Petroleum. Yards for storage and altipmeot of Crude (Mat Lawrenceville. t/dlee and Warehous, Pittsburgh Duquesne Way and Iluecnk street,. taTlll:os DRUGGISTS CMOS , . L ACt.LY X. X. ANODOILAIS/4 GEORGE A. KELLY & CO.. Wholesale Driiggistr 37 wood Street. HAMILTON WHITE LMAD, glrlelly pare CHAILTE.KOAIi WHITE LEAD. . . . .. . . . . ..... PAINTS IN OM. .11 0. 10, .. ALCOHOL, brr.i. TIHIPENTIN /4 LINSEED OIL, WHALE OIL, VANN ItIIES, I'AININHIJoIiEIi,/te• /P6IIIPJ DRUGS! DRIUGGB3! DRUGB2II ' JAMES T. SAMPLE LUPINO BOUGHT VIE WELL KNOWN DEM EM I HOUSE ON COIL TYLDEKAL AND ELDilitiE STN.. ALLYAHLYNY, onband a WI assoromeat *fall kinds ol Ta1z1.17C3r13.. w tad .men Da gold claimper in any other . 1 1 = t r h tfo t ga ro =Ain, brepared by a am. Gus druggist. all kin da ur YZJ2lrti/ISAT and YALE Y 130 APB on amid. ISCLIOONICLAILER & ON, . Pittsburgh White Lead Works, • PURE WHITE LEAD, BLUE LAEr a tilateu IN OIL SUN SW IT Fourth Street. 13 ..p IltalLok c.v Ira = MCEOWAN 64 SNYDF" ROOM AND AND ORNAMENTAL PAINT ERII. AND DRAINERS AND GLAZIERN IVo. 63. Ror lh slid. of Diamond, AIR" he lay Commercial and alms slang made to order. orders rear...Maly *elicited and promptly ex ecuted. allseo Pointe. Wlndusr Ulu& and rutty constantly on hand. JOHN T. GRAY, • ; LIOUBIC AND MEIN PAINTER, GRAINER. AND GLAZIER, No, 64 Hand St;;Pittabugh. Plain and Ornamental 1511E1210t every dimrlp non dor Corder. All work. dam, promptly .t ramemabto. 0:e97 W . COULTER, HOUSE AND - SION PAINTER, • Cor. rounTu AND r/1T825 , Ei. All orders prompt the lihop, or ilent s %, , , , v, will recolve •tientlon• WILMA,' R. BROWN, (Lite of the Ana of BIOWN a YOLoCrw,) moms Asp meal PAINTEBB. or et Third end Market street. IZZI swrrsornoss. PA TOBACCO. CIGARS, aro., EXCELSIOR TOBACCO WORKS, R. & Wa JENKINSON. ltaaufseutrers. whAektedn;t7 retail dealers In TOBACCO AND lIIMAltal. 250. 6 /ZDZII6I. Writtra . • Third &whom Buspira,shaZl:l,47, Dnnen Stan et Wean. Ohio -JAI JOHN MEGRAWj Maiolllcto ref of aneWholesale tad 141.11 , Dealer la all kinds of Tobacco, Snuff and Cigars, 4119 3138TJTA HT A saner. Assortment B ott In A TOM O. Pl pe Tobacco ra►cLu Always on laud. =MI BANKS AND BANKERS BANILLNG HOUSE OF JAY COOKE & CO., _N0.20 Wall St., CORN= or IfiSSAL fITEIXT, NEW TORY. We bey and oil at the meet-berst oiteent prices, leep 1112 d a full supply of Govetnnient Bonds of an Issues, SEVEN-THIRTIES, LIU) Compound Interest Notes, ftnd execute ordt • for purettade lad silt of STOCKS, BONDS AND GOLD. We have added to our other large rooms for s,connuodation of the public deroDPI for fo" vestment in sod exenanges of lioveroment ..- b.Dun, and the convenience of our pidiex. and old customers. Hs VEN.TIIIRTIE3 CONVERTED INTO FIVE-T %VENIRE. at GOVERNMENT !LATHS. Circulars. with full particulare. furnished on app!leatlon •• apliu JAY CODICIL &CO HART, CAUGHEY & CO.; Bankers and Brokers, CORNER THIRD AND WOOD STREETS, PITINDURO /I, Pe., (900CESSORS TO HANNA, HART & C 0.,) py vir VP IN Exchange, Coin, Coupons. And putca=tdfLpfl W Dm pAr• . p ;ti GOVERNMENT BONDS. /OrADDIT vuLrre ON LONDON. D2Ls= N. SOLES & SONS, 3ELAxiv-32c30.35LE3. No. 57 Market Street, rITTSBUIttiLI. 007=1.1rg.7:!,!:rityp;a:11/I C rourgigi the United Slates and estazds. Stocks, Bonds and Other Securities BOUGHT AHD BOLD OH COUXIBBLOB. Yartfcalar attentloe roll to the parch.. and U. S. Securities, Inaladlaß U. S. SIXES UF do. do. Attllst U. B. FIVV.B 10.101.1 U. B. CERTIFLUATF.S UF INDEUTEDZYZW. (trier. and Vouotterehought or collected. Ja.3e9l PEOPLES' SAVINGS BANK. OF P/TTSBUEGII, • IdIVORP OR A TED 1S 66. Capital, - - - $lOO,OOO. OFFICE. NO. 77 FOURTH STREET, President, BENDY LLOYD. View President WILLIAM DLL THUSTENS: Hs-war LLOTD, j WILLIAM ETA. JamiS I. MINIUM% JAMES LIPYINCOTT,' 1 . . JOirce, Hon. Tuns. llktkorr, W. AL. Ileum WILLIAM lIIMILO 4011 K D. N CLI:LL/It Secretary ad Trraial.4.B.lDNlT VON BONNEOLSI Piz per cent. Interest allowed on time detwolte. Itiveennen is innately, Hover...tit and Huai Es tate Securltins. flank open daily. except Hunan", from nlne clock, A. M., tar four o'clonk. o Y. M., and en Wednesday and Satordair canonise Hum six to nine o'clock. DoLiAu SAVINGS BANK, • No, 65 Fourth Street, • CHAII,TEEM) IN 1855. Gail from oto 2 o'clock, binon Wades. day and ithsonisy evenings, front y Ist to No vember lot, from 7 to • o'clock, and from No vember lit to Hay let, from Si. o'clock. Deposits receivedof all sums of not 'co than One Moiler, and dlyhlend of the profits de clared twice • year, In June and December. In ' terrst has been declared In June thd Deethiber since th e Bank was organithd. at the rate of sii per cent. • year. Interest. If cot drawnp rinci Out, laalovid placed to the credit of Use deli as p bears the same Interest from it. the ern days of inc and LifteMbit, unapounding twice a year wi th out trolibilne the depositor to talLor erth to present his path boos. At ems rate moneywtlldthble In less tbth Dreier years. Books OCilitltillth; the Charter, By-Laws, lintel and Ilegnlatthas, furnished grata, on sPldldullOn at the °Mee. L'hiSIDZET—DEORDS ALEIMNE. VIC! rasusitthirro John G. Bactofen A. M. rollock, Herd. L. rahnesto4. Robert Itobb, Jones lierdmati. John It. Ithoenberger, James McAuley. James Ehldle. James li. D. Moods. Ale...oder hotel% Isaac Pennock, Chrislisth Ythiej. TMCBTxxx, Win. J. Anderson'. Janinat. :clip, Calvin AdIMII, Henry Lynch. John C. Ilindley, Peter A. add., George Blot, tilt! Burg-attn. John Marshall, Waiter P. Marshall, Woltz* A. Carrier. John B. McFaddon. Cholla A. Colton. lirmaby Phillips, tiohert C. Loomis, Henry - L. littar•t•lin John PAM., Wm. E. Schmidt, John J. Uttleaple, Alexander Tlndle, William B. Haven. William Val:lark. Pet.. H. Hanker, Win. P. WermAt. Billiard HaTA loan Whittiar. 7II.LLSCII36—CHARLY-4 A. CULTUIL BACllrrlarf —JAB. B. 1). IiBiLD.S. Mutt= • STATEMENT . . . .. or TUX REAL ESTATE SATENS BANK, un the aOnt DAY ON, A 11111" 15R •BSETB. Bonds and Morts ages, being first 'teal un Beal listat =3.444 n 13. S. s , 2olConds nt par 7t , .W.1 co U. MOW Bonds at 101 20,0J0 CO interest ancrneer on above Bond. and Mortgages 1,931 a omen T -- .—niture ............... —......... BS Oa Cas.n.. , 1.. 114,616 31 EM12212! LIABILITIES. 1' ? '" ' ,rue Irr i =ll . 4l, Interest May V , aa., 04 Ist, laa— • • crr.,771 la Balance Contingent Fund The Ocoee Is ► tine sts'ement. A. A. CANNIEN., Treetufer. The underaigne4, Availing Committee, have examined the bectsol tae Bank. the Honda, Norte ages and Secnritlea . and counted omA:sub, and end forekoing atatement correct. • NICHOLAS VOLOILT, Jr., U. i. LCIULe‘. W. H. 11,311T11 OFFICEECI OF Tiik. INSTITUTION Pre•ldent-.IBAAO JO3lll. Vice President—W. B. ,__COPRLAND. PIa•DFOICO TODD. = Boa. Thos. 11. Moo. Mon. J. K. Moorhead C. ti. Meese, W. C. Copeland, Ham, chill i, Jacob Painter, Isaac Joan. . m. timill. rlieholaa Yo W egtley lL . INTERIIIST ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS to this loatltutlon at six per cent- Pr r.as.,ututl. able to the Der...Dor In 11 . 7 an. which. If coropouuded. not drawn, srIU be adde d to thn part <dual and luter“t commence, °el/CP.ID On the DI and 15th days of every month , ' - urea for Duroalt from 9 A us. WS p.m,. daily: also. au Saturday cythiniu, Dom 6 to Y o'Cluou• OMee-03 FOIIRTIII STREET, =2 CM= pik!YhlLleillz,:toiaoll! SPRING GOODS. 'ore have received • large clock or frriog o.f roduaeretyica of BOOTS AND SHOES. de VrA .I.2,IIMVIZIRtrIIit! tltt: and wialr,Vtres. all of water we arc ecitlnß at very ca ca. ROMEN.S ......... .1.25. J. IL & W. C. noniumws, So. 01 KA.I3.IZET 81111CILT, AI door from Ftllb st my' LBREE7 4 SUOE STORE, No. O. eermir of Martel street 11,11 Dia mod, bas reoeleett • salseted uaarrment of all kinds of . Boots, Gaiters X Bannerols, For gentlemen, Ladbecalm! ehil4ren. IDMao» sessosuble roods. of the neat etatertalt sod worksoalublp and are ottoml tot U.ln WI low p 0 000rn acitus sulaprs , & C. 'Manufacture= tad Deslrre b ± 0141.1111 , 1t0121 , netauclio BOOTS, SHOES itt GArrnizs; No. 140 Ohio St, Allegheny. Z•Varias ornraytay exesetol on Atm WESTST 'COMMON rtecririn WORK& NortimesS Osruar o Wes Comssoa, Kr..4s.assore. 7/ILD , K AUK VAT= • CO, lisoS on band or Pr , D•re oa Mori sot. ke 111EIRT31 •NII.ETTP ATONES, et./ovs 13101C-WAL42! Wi J VAL!' T MC AD AND24.)3111 WrON ZirOrA , rs prOaartlY eieCtittA. rzteraimA COMLI3LX. C:2l :=1:1 W'NEIV OPERA ROUSE. Le.:Are and Mararer,lC II ENDEENON. Treasur, UVLIIISUTUN. IRRESISTIBLE ATTROTION I Tilt GREAT PRODUCTION. ' Tlae Craod, Romat Brocette K ths BLACK CROOK! BLACK CROOK! BLACK CROOK! • In aol o.stri , tdor. Oat TheoldAy Eirrultur, 31.7 7th, ' L AND ,VE11.1" El r.ti Lno. - S '"PITTSBURGII TIIEATREO WM. II ENDEMON. W. C. *WV T.lllll - ZSDAY r..VENIYaI. 11.) . 'MI, .2 Cntlre change of program:lmm tIitdELLE WEITN3 COMBINATION, I. ...w, ort.lnal a.t brilliant mitetton of hilnstrelsy. :11 . ...6. ..ot,ly elmnnlng bail.. e11..1t.r,.1 ..1t . r , .1 1 I:i n K F t > . 3 , 1 ;i 5 :, .1.7r, .1 0 : C t the t' ‘lth.tafict• /1:6 Tit g. ' .4ttstt P .;t! '""t"' The whole of the 3i........ Coa x i• . eplen.l,l 0 tl• Padri. or tt.`vet , l 6-6 • Concludirg with the lentne2.-ely eseeauthiwtr, tlrstna entitled. THE 11IOGE OF rttOT 6Th.- V 6.N.: or. 21.167 , Cti A.lttkr._ Us . TILE PETI 1 • CO AT I.lisllT tlllAltlY.. . 31.ttnen tot 2.TULtDAY AFr.r.m oo :i. .1 z. 0.c.,r.• Admi. a , ionAce.t.. toll DiTI. or I.' house. TITEATIIE. brr.r3S, 61% CLAI? .1.0”/IZ sad I.r tralS aroadralar alathar ciEtthit; E. LINRI and dEBAS-. I ti, ',taunt:ll acrobs , I C pleturer• 111•11 re LAURENT, T.ll 110qUET U 1 BEAUTY. and e the I:urraa or I:thluper. la equthle4 racelleare. • thiprcr., Or ththcr.g—llrehritrs Stat.. rek: I-argue/v..3,c: rririthe 2.12e6. hi. airCONCERT Br THE PUPILS OP MB. CLEMENT TETEDOUX, I.I3SISTED BY MEN 11UEI D, On Thursday, May 9,1807, AT THE ACADEMY OF MUSIC. Mr. CHARLES M. BOIXMAN ProMM=X I Ms Plano. The i7trinsray Plano Inv , ' on this oeci.lP. rF .. >leo toe Carnart t Needham Parlor. hav- furnish,' by .11csars.i:•.... - txr 3 lire. PERT 3PINLEIrr. 1. Thr. Wattorry Elchubett. 2. Tot. MLA ILI i/t1,10 ' ) .11 l•• DOC L1. , .;;1, 1 ; 3 . 1. 1 t i: Hits Mon I.ava-111ln >l.l Mr.a'aul 211tuamermam. 3. Ali: = ----- s. Lanebto,e Trio Jdastlilll. Don't tickle me. I pray, me let me Mone. I say; You'll snake me Isogb that way. AIM ah: sIM AIM an: Mina Mary NeChrlstal, Mesas. George ISlnmems senidu and Joseph liobluson. • 5. The r:Lortn MaMsh. Mite (Alla Addison. 6. Zerrnals-d with rj,lln A Ay lug girl hem, re. che hears ;serenade, and S.it her mother to the b.I I CO.T 2 The Ifsth , r-lt IC nothlng. ,•411.1. Ida the seen- Inc bre. re Mat stew In the wu•Aa• Tin C5./.1-Yu, It Is the syson;:oh 6 orxm u.. 0.1 night, mother; I follow the •mnd. hies Merr rter mot Mr. John I:annlnt. 1. Pella FIrIl• dal A mort.-04u.teit0 Verel. Mrs. 15/ oodward, M 156 1.. Addlaon, Messrs. 2.1 m, merllla and William Edwards. • 3P-A-TqL . X . ESECC:OZ77:/. I. °llarllt's Brlghtest Eyea-arranged sin-. Iln °Willem., Ipy . eerier. Mite Emmelluo A...dlaun and Mr. John Manning • Z. lurellse •• Mr. E O d rn wardmar's. Verdi. Z La Zlvgarl 6114., Laughlin , 4. Caata 'Diva. •illormai Mrs. Wed a,wurd and Churns. 6, illoihEr, Mt Sle liance llorilillard. kiss McChriat 1.1. 6. 311sercre i•Travatoraii Verdi, Ills. E..1141,11a.m, Mr. Zi.simernian and Chant, m49./14 ACADEMY Or MUSIC -J. CLINTON HALL JOHN M. 'WIKE, MLNAGICIIS. ANNOUNCEMENT EKTRAORDINARYI Greater' Dramatic Event In the lila.. tory or rtitooargu•. The *bore Inattageoloot Is Anhoun eine to the Invert. at dresx tblo 0117, s .r tbclC holing Sc a... 1 thth - - - meal' MAGNIFICENT TEMPLE, For the porpOre of presentrag, In the molt rom plete and czar:lent manner, the highest order of The Ler.l[llll2StO Dramas . . And her -r lass theatrical attractions, which they . ' will a shied to do by (Ito unequalled fsellltlea which this BEAUTIFUL AND COMMODIOUS ESTABLISHMENT affords. G rds. i For thst purpose. and as the molt At thog RAND INAUGURATION:. Ot this snoS t desirable &dee:. they Dave procured. froth Mr. O. D. Hess, (To whit= re Is under enßafervuht for . . Cd.r the West.) the serves , tor! 'Pulsed number of !a',;ii; o f I'atrlrs. and Remelt... Ben labaksperßin Actor. MU. JAIIIES E. •IIIUBDOCII, Wito.LtikVEDDIE4DA.I: EN - ENING. lerty ISta. Ills First. Appearance Itere in =chi Years. • * During srldell Um,. he kns gained math obismost Wilt Murdoch. supported by FINEST COMiINATION OF DRIMATIC TALENT Ever pies...aunt to this community, embracing tee reost Meserve•lly o f the lato Mana ger lieu' Zinyra House Company. strengthened hp n el so ns of , :e tropolltan reputation. 31r. sthroddi srla be succeeded by one of tht 111051 lett rs mire am:. Or Ant`rinii- • s de of gr our r ot for six nights to advance, edit camm,m. 05 T:II.3IMDA.II: MtilthiLNC, May utti, at 9 olock.. ts boors. No. S um/ street• rams! Fain!lr Circle 25 cents. as MOOOll7 ....... ...... • ••:••:: •••• I•resSclr ,.l e and eirrlttcYie:tam.:oA:., - Dress Circle and Parquets,. reset - yr .- irroilstra CliaLre 11400. MASONIC HALL. POSITIVELY - TICE LAST WEEK. OPEN NVENY NIU lIT ANT/ EVERY d/1N.17 , NOUN Till)! WELK. TIIE GREAT APOCALYPSE! Or, The Thiene of ft, John Opened to Tie,. THE SOUS OT HEVELATIONS UNSEALED• OE WHAT hi. JOHN SAW, WHEN • DOUR IN HEAVE.N WAS OPENED- Ticket., 215 C7Citirn to all puta of the hall. No Half price. X.,kibition AVERS' AFTERNOON this week t 7.t s o'clock.' when 4.301ar n will be edmltleti for Li C Kier each. Door. open Eventngs at 7 O'elOck: onnitnencet, at • arter t noonAf qu ternoons open at 2 P'eloekr. commence. at 7S. A. 13.LtKISQ27: ButelroV sryt;fz. BREWERS, 151ALSTERS, dr-c. !=elEl lIIITTSBURGII BREWERY. CARSON, DAMINGTON & CO, RIM, EOM LD ILO? 1,11.1114 11=EI =I .11015IIVA 16IIODESI et. CO.. Plit W. W. A8DE1181 , .1211, AUestinea. Tbe attentioo of the cuowmon orthe tl!c , fec4 to putitulal ly twat...4 to t•uc ALES AND PORTER. • Watch, through tho careful sultutlon ri a llaltfrogl to...Lenart utaltlag tar/Utica sad O• rroda not Yard. Aid MIA tat, we cal. lat pare and tail s Roston . to the trade. Lti DIAA LE pas been Witty re ammtended. ! " At Tr ir.irgrigtgrsVaomers r4ame be pagalcular :o learo tht" ord.,* at WS otaca W . Julal ng UP; old ilrewery, or at ougolffro, final ofilataesaa Way al Barker's intl. noceo lAlitz3 61i11,1. • • • • WMMAW bwoltW. d the 01 8 de ll sta E bll W shett fa klrew Y eri knew, aPa s hame the ALLEEillklbli too. w u /i wog , aismilliietare of • - SPRING WATER ALES . , isdcfro= Pore liraing Wakt. and from Mt ne.lllll.arid loot expellence tniglnew. - we feel tiatlstied that we will be cnitilea to OM entire estig•aetlwal.o those who May Win rts with 00010 DatiniMe. eft CO. , 465 Rebecca Street; ALLEGHENY - CITY. JIM•An orders ten at BROWN ot OILLHAM'S. SO3 Ltherly statet. rittsbarsb. P , omptis attended • PIIUE:IU STEAB BREWERY. MitSIERS INT PrgwERS Ale, Port4r and PITTIBUT IWERIERT C. C..E Fine 'Waif Orr Lt. re. =I EEEMI ME
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers