A 1 2 ~.•.4.4.- ,==Q 12i I=ll2D VII. _la: i l knala r rZ, Banker and Broker, S 18 weed St., near corner of MEI All dm: l M= oL aovernme6 Bondi fought and isoto on liberal terms. London . 6114. Coilanentid ICzobanvi sold ti liswYorkratos. (1014,.811ver =et CesTenss boned it high. est rates, tad Gold Drafts Lane 1 on Nov York., ILL SIM 7.3-10 BONDS Converted into 5-20'5,1865, :BONDS DELIVERED IMMEDIATELY. - - 48..-' , W,..-BRADY& 'CO., Bankers, Cor. roarth & Wood Streetg. TO HOLDERS 0 .. Having reads special arrange ante with' Clactive cls ‘ pcs, Oar fariispOndtpts. we are preoareg to convert 1-02 , e trilo t-tt'aor 1/165. lelthoqt &RT., Bonds on i r Hand foDellvegy. IRA B a 1116AY & era5.33451,32.15. , „')- GORWEB FOURTH AND BXITEITLELD I3Tp. SELL YoUß____7--30' BUY 5-20'S. 11.01dori of ELVER THIRTIES wilt find an BA- Tantage of OVER 1.4' CT ONE FEU CENT. by converting - on Cala Olan. - KELC IticVAT & CO., 8.278189, 00R. 4TR 44 SmnarimLD STREETS. netni 7-30 'SCPIVI3S . . CONVERT.EDINTO ' - ',1:5 -20 BoNt*, 1865, WITHOUT CHAItO. YOir,kishblUllltfadatrag,t'l)."l4 New ROBINSON BR\OS., 710. 711 FOURTH STREET FINANCE AND TRADE,. 0711011 OP TEI PITTSBURGH GAZITTR, WYDNESDAT. May 8. 1867.1 The New York stock quotations today, .g , reported by Ph. It. Mertz, were as f o uovui tGold,; 19,14; Elgbty-one bonds, Sive Twenties, 180, Wit' Five Twenties, /Sett 1 0 . 7 4; Five TwentieS, 1545, 306; Gown% 7545, 107.l6; Seven Thirties, first issue,N6l4; Seven Thirties, second and third issues, le". Clotting. quotatbZus received by James T. Brady U. S. Sizes 1881. :540's " TOU-FOttles Ctmaole Augryit. Seven-tturtles Juno •• July . . DP3., Compounds, l&4 OA stocks have been almost entirely- lost . eight of during the past year, and people generally, have come to the conclusion that The less they have to do with them the bet tar. Think of the once fa meus Columbia, Whieh at one time sold up to ono hundred doilare per share; now offering at slx,while =my. others, too numerous to mention, have die:: long since. Triumph Is now the . mea t peppLth stock of that kind in this market, and 9:20!" the oil market im prove, the price ofi2ds stock, it IS believed, willadvanea material:T. 01l Basin. which— was thought defunct, is reported AS having struck a hundred barrel well ths other day, and it I. oleo stated that tith Piipsburgh and Pliiindelphia Co. hen struck d fifty Imr rel well. —All banks of issue, both National and State, ore taxed talc per cent. on any old Statelier:lc notes which they pay out: Such notes are the same No value 03 before the ten per cent. law 'gosh Into Affect. Atleast the banks that issue theth are required to . redeem them Juth aepefore. The law Ins. pines the tax exclusively on the banks Width may pay them out hereafter. The puhlid have a right to refuse these notes. and shciuld do so, acocotlng only green backs and Islartioral back , note., that we may tape the benents of \ uniform cur. . scary. __Tire 1411m:el bankrupt law will will go into effect on the firit ofJunel s In some re pents, however, the law is retrospective: for it is provided, under sections 33 eel 39, that transactions which mayjiave taken piece within four month. next kefore.the cora mencement of :proceedings' to bankruptcy shall come within the J erudite:ion or the . court. According to the law, any Prefer ences made to creditors since the Arai. day of February are liable to be rendered, null ' and void, provided proceedings bee ntered . within four months from the date of each act of preference. The law also provides that if the creditor who. - accepts such pre. Terence lies -rcuoifor believing that the security was given anticipation of Meal- VimcY. he shall not o ly be required to zuk t : render the accurity I to the neeignor, bu &hail forfeit his claim upon the debtor's es, tate.' 11 is highly itriportant that men of best:sees ehould prdperly understand the ltsbutioes under 7hicili they now place themseiree In giving or accepting prefer. antxsm. the matter cd debt*. The whole force of the new law Is directed against luck transactions, andprov Id. severe pen- ' cities against Its violaters. There can be little doubt that, In the present disordered condition of trade and credit, en unusual amount, .of preferential transactions are should place. The parties to each acts understand that. =less they eau. be assured that no-nroceteling In bankruptcy will be -undertakes within four mouth*, from the data of theitrausaction,triey pose themselves to soy 'ere risks and pen. nines, Cinder the circumstance. which In most cases attend the - making of ktheter. epees to creditors, the operation will be re,- - gardedt by tbe act as m o teu The whole act Is framed upon rigid constrao. Von of- commercial equity and morality than Is recognized In the existing commer cial law of the Stites; and many of the l.reathotions of insolvents which noir are tolerated by society and allowed by the courts; will, under the new law, be found , -.to expose the- parties thereto to Rory Ws. pleasant consequences. NewTork Rereing Post says: The fecepe was announced yeaterday of one of the 'welt catenate° manipulators in Cory dot, spiezn shares lo this city and- In Franklin totlmbeldt, Ilsocrick, Cop. per relle, - Ifth:lt. etc., In 1503/011. Al about three o'clock p. yesterday, at Boston, Mr. Jolla Leighton-Wes arrested en a pro cess sued out by NW York creditors and will be conflated, 'Waiting 'a requisition Roar the Governor 01 New York, ills fail. . tiro is estimated eta million oPdollare, one Donee having &claim Restneti kiln Of near 48.19,CC0, while blitasseta are Ineonaiderable. • New York Wlnweifigattlasittera. (By Total-spa to the Pittsburgh Gazette./ • New Tons, May B.—Money market easier. Call/muss 361 on Governments and 105 on Stock Cohaterals. Sterling closed firm at fril. Gold closed steady - at 1.174, cash; gold plenty and gel per cent, paid for carrying. I.l ".". l lorits opened firm, but at the noon call there was a decline of 3i.W' in Several Mate:gee and elosed • quiet and itesdfslte.itiitened .111W11115; Coupons di li , C) registered dB. 1060100;4; 6.51 Coupons nilt.lo73loelit do. January and July; 1001 0 114; itinte registered, tOI039"“ 1040 Copeena vait'Oloth August 7401 ieWty 106%; June. I-30s Thu steamer „ fair . , now Irivorpool. took 111.T.500 in gold. The rallwayt market. all Maker at first open board. AL the ascend board, towards m the ore, there was em gent advance in ' prices, and animproveditentaud gene ra lly. E r i e was the'great roadie. At age a_ w: prices weretA American gels', Maim; Ohio certificates. P-'1411 • ZI Gankm, skew Cumberland CoaLS l g 3l Niq uickah 'il•Wie Wig= tl ll3/tt 7 tie d g ° ro P ira d lit.tieit Stosmahlp Co., VAPI:11; Atiantle Man Steamship Co.. 5.:40314; New 'York Ceatrak WNW& Brie, 639,16.500 - Iludaoe.&l44YßK - ; heading, igOiTaludi r ; Aitchison Soutucro, aniglaa; 1111uois Coutrel, 1130 Wit"; rata burgh, 7314473 g; Toledo, 113(91113S1 Bock 9Ti1001: Northwestern. 39/ 33 ) pro. feriae ettgre4; Fort Wayne, 001. Border .State bonds (steady. Tennessee extra coupons 041-2; new Tonneaus:We W 1.8. Coal and Illacellarieous shares steady with. ant deckled change. The of Waite, Crane A Co., are understood to be heavy, owing to large losses in ammo and tobacco, and variously mitirasited at three to seven unlifone of dollars. Tim feature las bretight down Given, Jones dt Co. 'Stack and tioldiirm. The Kentucky and New Orleans banks are said to loose heav dfatVt; fai l ure itudred l gi t :tgd n" dollar C & • snid leas sold on account of Given, Jones& Co. tads) , The Mining market was senor. oily dull at the morning hoard. Corydon -lien went up heavyti Quart 11111 total. alregOry• arseat te' , IJII ,I Corydon woe treater Ind declined to Quarts atandy itlEtalW. Other changes not impagtant. Bepelpts At the. Sub-Treasury • $9,:dOV4/59'441PaPMtf't W4f139, JANES MLZELL & SON,' 69 and 70 Vrater Street, LARD 1:111 MAIEFACTEIBEILS, And dealers In CRUDB, LUBRICATING and CARBON GILB. We warrant oar lie. 3 Lug. Olt ea.'. to the beet CBI eln.tt. or other brands, and PoCPase to sell as wlo Clnelanatl or chi.. rates. Our NO. 2 Oil ass Lubrleatoreannot be excelled. lltiek Creek Lubricating and standard branda Of Carbon OU constantly on hand. Marchanta and m.olacturers wiU rind It to their cc rcct to give as a call before ordering Lard 011 hem the West. fros,:tx rirrensunun am:Aura Orrick or ants inrresuntsk Elatarrs, Wzonupar, MAY 8, 1867. Tlio general markets continue dull, and there era no indications at present for any immediate improvement. Thol demand for most of the leading commodities is re. stricted mainly to supplying Immediate wants, and round lot operations, as a eon sequence, are an exception, rather than the general rule. understand that some of the city mills are paying OAS Our Ohto Winter Wheat, deliverod hens. Oats arm but. un changed,aleof l car at tic, and .m.au sales at 66 to GM. Corn is grin but quiet; prime Yellow ' suitable tor 'shipment. Is held at $1,14 to $1,15. with 81,12 to 01,13 offered. •Sales of nye at 61,63 to 61,63, the latter au outside price. FLOUR—Is arm, with a fair local demand, but prices are unchanged.. We continue to quote at $l5 to 615,50 for good to choice spring Wheat; $l6 to $l7 for Winter Wheat, dl9 to for fancy brands. Bye Flour Is firm at 103,50 to ale. PROVISIONS—Dacon Is quiet and unrhan. god at 9i4e to toe for Shoulders; 11% to 1434 for Dabbed and Clear Sides,. is for ram Clams; IDA' to 15440 for Fiala Sugar Cured, and lal,l to /Glile for Canvassed. Dried Beet, tiNe; lard, 136, and Mess Fork, $ll to 633,50 per Dbl. . 01L—Lard Oil 'sate:l4y, with regular sales at 67 to 90e for No. 6, and SIMI to 61,10 tor No. 1. BUTTER—Continues dell, the market be. log pretty well glutted. Crime to choice Roll may be quoted at :Pc to tircaso Butter's In fair demand at 8N toga. ECus—Qulet Mat unchanged at lie—sop. ply fully up to demand. POTATUE&—tintet and unchanged. Sales at 3.73 to 13 per AOl for rcacn Blows. and Ara to alai for Buckeyes. Peach Blow,, aacts,9oc per bushel. HAY—Is steady with a fair demand and mlted arrivals. galeof 1 ear lair quality at $25-salsa to store at $25 20, isecordlng to • SEE 9—Flaxseed to to steady demand at 13. No movement In Clover or Timothy Reeds. SALT—Is selling at $240, on track; VA) delivered, and to sl,cl In store. ;GREEN APPLES—Are scarce, and prime to choice may be quoted at 15,11 to *kW per . barrel, ,DRIED FRUIT—DoII but unchanged— small sales at Bto go for Apples, and /lc to /gc for Peaches I, ,TIT!IBUBGHPETILOLEITRIIIABRET Or me' or graPirrssunas Gancrra, • WZDNZSDAT. hay 9, IS4". IIUDE—The market war quito active to. tho reported sales reaching about e ¢bt thousand barrels, and with a firmer lielltag on the part of holders, prtees are peotty welt sustained. The sales were as follows: 5)30 blals at eV); 1570, hlO, 1000,15)). and OXKI, all at ,o, and 300 at 10,14 c, packages Included. There are no now eharacterls tics in the trade worthy of notice, with the exception, an already noted, that there fa a firmer feeding. and thla Is owing to the eomparatively light arrivals, and the fact that there are at present but very few deal. etc buying for this market, will keep the rOCetpta down for some time to Coma. At a:.tat)at 01l silty and 110,E0 here, there is nothing leit for the Credo dealer after he I pays 30c per bbl for freightage, and many I operators hare been obliged to stop for the present. REFINED—There was rather more In quiry for bonded oil today, and It was re reported that a little better feeling Pre vatted in the East, but as yet, there is no 1 improvement to note In prices hero. Wo can report sales of one thousand bbls, each for June and July, in five hundred barrel lots, at 27 for The former, and 53 for the tat ter month; also, a ecali”for „one thousand barrels, during the balance of lel7, at 25 1 i, and per bbl, and 1000 bbls for (attire de livery,onprivate terms.—all standard white 'Oll, and all to bo delivered to Philadelphia, ARRIVALS—The following arrivals of oil * icy* reported to-day C. Bei:lnger 0001 Flaher 8r0......75)0 U. Uushn.ll ' 1500' Ur D. Edgerton... 107 Jas. WlLklns....,- 3 0 0 . Total 10,357 19.4' .. 111% .. 10714 • I°sli• ; 00: 4 , 107.4 10 , 1 1 > 105 0 . 10.4 New 'York Proclaim Market. (ByTelegraph to tbo rltt.barga Gr.e tie.] New. Tong, May L—Cotton quiet and rather heavy; sales of 000 bales or middi tog uplands at 2.. Flour receipts, W 35; market a shade bettor for common ;mil medium, all otherkinds are without decided change, the demand being fair and partly elmeula• . tire; sales of MAO barren! at $11,23012,31; superfine Mate and 'eastern, snAarcl4;.l, extra western 01iy3015,30; choice d0,.13 5.1 f 211,43; snipping brands. extra round hoop Ohio, elLtedls,oo; trade brands, market closing firm. California floor firm but leso active; sales of '4OO barrels and sacks at $16.7561.7,30. Bye flour a tridahetter, sales 0(500. barrels at 110.3060.50. Whisky quiet and unchanged. Wheat quiet and without any decided change for spring; white wheat tends strongly upwards; actor of 4,300 bush els at 113,80;. No 2 Milwaukee Na Chicago, 03,87; 'extra choice , white Canada, choice white Mi a chi hlte Cornia. 375. and extra lif gan. do. Rye active and edema:dna; eales of PAM bushels atMX for western, and 41,733401,74 for Canada free. Barley quiet; sales of ogi bushels of State, at 0411. Malt quiet. Corn receipt., Ono; market leX lower; sales of Muueboshels at 41.33 tor old mixed western in store; $1,370 1,19 do afloat, 41,9i01.31 new mixed western. chic ly 4 1 . 25 0 1 4i 0 . and 41.10 for Now Orletom mire. Oats lgile better and lass active, at 656870 for Western. Leather—sole firm at previous prices. Bice dull. Coffee quiet and firm. Sugar firm; sales SOO lihrls. Coto, at 1034611%e. Molasses .inl et. Petroleum dull, at G 03,0 for erode; , for refined In bond. Elope quiet. Con emettle rather more active, at 17,4361,50 retail. Wool qui et and drooping; soles 100,0e0 Pounds, at 4 :4 6.3 e for domestic; 0458 e for polled; 176;000 for California. Pork opened doll andleavy; and closed rather more firmly; gales of 2 ' CY/ W.. at Irlgirß.ls for new mess; clewing at 022,08 each; Filold mess; 412Q12,5u prime, and 422en,fe tor prime mess. Beef amadyisales Odi tibia. at about previous prices. Beef `hams quiet, atilOgitle. Cut meats firm,pales 330 package. at 9gooo for shoulders, andll2:4 aide for hams. Bacon steady; sales fiM box ea, at,lo.lc for Cumberland cut; 11i4g1.1",,i0 for short ribbed; I.liic for long ribbed ;12,Ty Ll3O for short clear. Lard arm and in lair demand, at 12540134 c. Bolter firm and un changed. cheese arm. LASCIIT, x.—Flour closed very firm for common and medium grader, and dull for high grades. Wheat 'quiet and steady for spring, and firm and advancing for winter' No. 2 glaring, 41,7500,63; No. I spring, t..• 05'e 3,03; winter red and amber white, 43,3003,15. lye. firm and tending upward; western, 41,6701.14. Barley quiet and steady. Oats very firm; ago% for western. Corn doll and heavy; old shipping mixed western, 41,6161•&5 to store, and 41X41,37 afloat; new mixed western, 642. Pork $1 , 1 , A. sales 3410 bids. new monist ti11,04e23,14.; _la and regular, closing with hellos at ,P 0 cash, land buyers at 423,00. Beef dull and without decide,' change: Cut Meats steady and in fair demand, Bacon steady; 10:c for cum. barbital cut. and 114 c !Orions' ribbed. Lard firm ut 133/0 for fair to prima steam, and 1.44i2L1c for kettle rendered. ICincinnati Market. . , (Br Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Baratte•l .. CINCINNATI, /LAY fl..—Plour Arm but an changed; superfine $12,/efi11.1,50; tradetunnds altheislGie. Wheat Sternly held, bat higher rata) heingasked cheeks the business, the 'millers not buying; the prices of flour are relatively lower than wheat. Corn dull and prince a- shade lower and not much do lug; sales of No. I,ln bul k, at 071441,00, the lawn an extreme rate, because It was of ''fired rather pressingly at lie; Baler of mixed In sacks at switinao, Closing at the inside rates. Oats In lair deu.and at Mier Na 1. Bye steady at $1,70. Barley un changed. . Whisky. advraced to hil4c, In bond, and holders askedPio. Mess Pork doll at CASS and notringdope. Bulk Meats held firmly. at: SOW: With some ...demand for Bides at a shade below ;theserates. Ba con dull; Shoulders Offered at Viie and Elides at 10.3,4 e; clear Bides are .beld at lie. Lard held more firmly, but no advance has been established.- The advents!. In /.Ivernool strengthens the .views of holders. groceries steady with a moderate 'demand. Butter dull atIOSISc. keg. lio. Aro/413i% buying. Chiesga Market. Ca 7 Teleittspt, to the Fitlaburgh tissette•l Cana td. Slay 7 - ...i.YlOnr' quiet, and with. out essential change' ening ex trae.1112,500 I COO; white winter este:W*l44 o i tad Winter. alt.. There was more activity In wheat and it is laihs higher on No. 4, at fa.C3W 2,C2, closing steady at the latter pnee. Corn (inlet...and %Qin lowan , wiles or No. let tLtc i!s o i thn g weak at shive No. al. e Thorn wan nee ;pen:dative moVement in oats:prices advanced 46.5c1120. 2 wig at 670110 n closing firm at the outside price. Itye dull aed Deices declined "Sc; salmi at 31,1101,50 for Li 0.1.. Bailey doll and unsottled; prises re ceded MSc; ingtere was salting at - WO lie. rronsions neglected - and nominal. Mess pork dull, at 12230. Lard, was quoted at 121.031Tiiik nb.ssica. ISt. Lents to the II itsburgh el um to.) Sr. ft—lnferior and common I Tobacco toga are lower but the prices for Ice are fully maintained. Cotton lower, .. VZ43. - 23% for middling. Flour quiet and unchanged. Iv heat' firm. at 427001,00 for .Prlnici 14,50 forprlinn $3,h5(03.60 for choice, Vid,_lo.7l for fanc7. Corn - honey and close d Making from s i,MpLis. Oata °genial at eittutie, and cloned at iattille. BAT' ley. at 5i.520122% for choice spring. Rah qu e atibitiiSfiii. Provisions dull and Ua ma i.. _212. at Dna tor cOuntryli et- talent* , cattie." (By Telegraph th e Pittsburgh. Ciacettc.) Ceichuo, Mai 7 , -The magnet for berdcgt• us, wseeau,owing to the unsettled state of frojghts east, Werra for good smooth UNI. T.:dented,' active, 11 6 .70 f :Ad for common to chore, • sh ee p . 0.1 , r , . 4 Immo higher, at gethashe,, - allawsultee ilaelltat. - Illy 77:,..,... PitUbarth lialecte-T --- MIL , [rasa, Hayti .— Floor doll ao4 low er at for double extra. nye Flour 00. Wheatleellned at .3,90 for No Lum 02,73 to No I. &ad L 0 tor No Oat* au• vaoced t 7342:34e for No 1, and 7 21 .4 - for $0 2. Com weak at 0,13. R~allalo!Mar/a t. [Hy Te:egraph to the Pittsburgh Citiett, 82,1,1-0, Slay S.—Flour is quiet and arm. butanchanged. Wheat to in fair demand, with pales of 4.000-bushels Canada spring at 003 10,1,20 e bushels white Canada, es p 3 3D; 3,000 bushels No 2 Chicago at. et 30—a11 In small lots. Corn—there Is a little salon to operate, and the market is very unsettled with a tendency downward; Wes of a bout load new yellow western at. el le, In store, and 8,000 bushels do at private terms. Om, small sales at Tee for western. Rye is wanted; there lanone In the market. Highwines are dull; retailing at Melts perk is quiet at *l. Lard la dull at 13 , 10 12!(,e. Barley is scarce end nominal at 25 lot Canada. Dry Goode Trade.- Car Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.] Saw Yong May F.—Weather stormy, for netts° trade, yet there is a. lair inviniry pervading for cotton fabrics at ratb er fur. ther concessions in prices. The Augusta unbleached, yard Wide °beatings ore redu ced to 1814 ; Atlantic A selling at 19 ; 11. and Pacific A. and 11. 1814, and Lawrence C. 18 ; Atlawagtm,6l..bleacbed muslin re. deceit to 154 ; do. X. to 11% ; 11111 to iii. Prints steady, but less active, and range from 1) to In' LS to styles and ar,alny, • New Orleans Mr.rkel. lily Telegraph to tits rittatioran Gazette.) Now Oncuass, May a..-4:ottou unsettled and lower; middling sales 0t;,70u baJos; receipts 164. exporta S.M. bales. Su gar and Molasses nominal. Flour (inlet and unchanged. Corm; atoek 1404 demand goad at lull ',nem.; white 41,50. Outs aleck small with an active demand. sales at Mc. Mess Pork dull and unchanged: . oulr a job blew business done. Gold 137,6. Sterling 47(131. Now Tork•Sight Exchange ji pre mium. Louisville Ilarket • till Telegraph to the rittaliursh Valetta.) Lac urritt a, May 7.—Salon <4' W . I. Mall. lent tobacco at easier rates, luirs, 12,75tr4,75; Clarksville scar, i118,74,;11art, cuinpany,s;l7.l:o; Oven company, a 13,30. Satan Ono Alum, ale. en. Wheat nominal. Vern, shelled , delivered; Oar corn, bulk, talip9o. Oats, ll unc., bulk. Stees perk, Bacon, shoulder& Ue9 , ic; clear ll!,„:c; plant barns, loose, /35,:e. Lard Oercea, ltaw oblskey, al At. Cotton, Ballfluor. (DT Telegraph to the rtttatthrg tittzette.) natal limit. May fl—Coffee quiet arid firm. Flour doll and firm. Wheat nominal and unchanged. Corn dull and lower the sup ply lighti for prime white 111.1 . ..:Q1,2.5. vats nlslltio. aortic firm for good English relin ing 1173.. e. Provisions steady end .inacilve; liult ilioulders le. sides INAIe; Mess Pork •`3,75. Lard; city lic western LIN. Whisky nominal and unchanged: • Philadelphia Market. 1127 Tslegrabh to the Pittsburgh Gazette.; • Pnitananrnta,.tday B.—Flour quiet; extra brands $14.73; fancy brands .15,006314,00, Wheat arm; red western 4.1.15; alafte Rye al,lO. Corn firm; 10,000 burp Is sold at 111,30(/$1.3e Oat. steady nt See.; Petroleum sale. of crude at 160 a gal. and refined at 3334C0Z0. Tnledo Market. My Telegraph to tin, Pittsburgh Oatetted Tocano, ]lay IL—Flour Quiet. Wheat 5e lower; Amlx,r ,140 for N 0.2, Red Wabash. 03,10. Corn opened le and closed 40 lower, at $1.02C1.03% for new. Oats low er at 73. ilye be lower. Lake freights dell. Memphis 3larket. E===EM hf axrene, May 8,.-Cotton Ir list nt Ze . .11!4'. Corn to weak at $1.2501.. Oats qua rot sse3oe. nay Is lower at 5.11.50. Flour la un. changed. York isqulet aL aM r SO.. Bacon la dull; clear sides. I:Nc. 1111.011112 BY RAILIIOAD. Prrrsacaou, 'form Wars,* d Cuicano L. It.. May 0-12 bbls apples, owner; 1 car buy, 2 Obls butter, L 11 Volgt & Cu; 20 bait' bbis pearl barley, I do:egge, 1 box butter, Campo, Moye d Co; 2 bxa soup,l. W Leary; la carboys, J Irwin; 2 bas batter, 1 bbl (egg., ti J Steel d Bro; 10 aks rags, 1/ G4tes• 3 pkgs butter, karkpatfick a llerron; 11 aka rags, 51cCullongb, Smith a Co; 1 car barrel head ings, Ii 1. Adams a Son: 5 SOLe sorghum, Sturgeon a Bre; 12 Gbls holulay:.t, rand Reiter; I bble dry apples, Watt Wilson; 3 bbl• eggs, rltLI Fran louse; 1 keg apple butter, 130010 apples, 1 do egg..., B Huber; 31 Gas cheese, Arbuckles a Co, 1 cur bay, Schnelback a bchott; 1 oar cern, 11 '/tun Jr; 1 cur wheat, J S Liggett & Co; 1 car bay. Illtebert; 20 sewing machines, Wm Sumner a Co; 1 pkg mdse, 31cCullough a Co. PITTSBURGH. COLUMBUS i CINCINNATI U. It., May 8.-61 eke barley, J B Ideanor; 5 pkgs eggs. 3 do butter, Adair, Fraley a Illller 25 ski barley, F Shields; 2 11515 eggs, I) II Ifouston ; 5 do eggs, 6,pkgs bacon, Grad' a Reiter; 12 bbls flour, /6 do dry apple., owner; 1% sks corn, .1 \Voals;10 ekes Bob d lioUen .5 Bra; 12 do o, ehloton & Wallace; I.bla oil, McGlanles; Bdo eggs, Void & Cu,B) bd/s felloes, 51swbInney a Co; 1 car corn, Campbell & Aiken; 05 aka oats, 40 bush do, O aks rye, 180 bush corn, Geo Lang a Co; 1 Wad tobacco, Weytonn /Sax.; a CASON do, & Orr. Ar.r.rollOar STATIon, Mar s—A bbls secs, ca. cheese. C picas tobacco, Joint Sharer.. can lumber, John Nano; 1 ear corn, 7blds apples, Itobloson A McKinney; A bbta pOromoal. B Idclilnuey; 14. Steel A eonl 'bdb. shafts, spokes and fellow, Lantacr & Goo; 3 ohs rye, A Taylor; 21 bdls broom handles, McElroy A on; IGj bdts.ralwa. J alcCuteltcou; NISI 1.442 flour, Stewart A Langenhcim. ULITZLARD 'AXD PITTLIICROR RAILROAD, May IL—Tears Iron ore, Sttramberger & Shur I%Obbls potatoes, J It , Socathen; 111 41r, do, I; S Gurney; I ear lotnbtr, Chock& Sboles; GI cases, total, T ll ?ioylo A Co; 21151. tobac• en, It It Jel/rIon; IS b. starch, J L Drayo; tl Worm tobacco, J Mcgraw. S cus,.. handles, Ll' Laulrmao. ALLZOnaIIT VALAux It. U., May 7.-1 car math ;A. I.AUAhltra;=l hush oat., W hint, ham; 177 do do, owner; aka corn. J mond; 3 pkg., head A. Metz.-or; 1 ;Ogg but, bor.{ do oggv, 41 flow hod; 1 do. buttor, I to eggs, IL Irrocol, 1 box butter, 1 do cA/1 1 1.1 1 1 George, WINDOW SHADES, OIL CIACIT.TC CM HOLLAND, For Sale J. R. WELDIN & CO., 101 Wood Street. QEALED PBOPOSAL . B WILL be received mall SATURDAY, 11th Jay of 1111. for CAILTENTI:IC WOIII and MAST/M -ING; for the ILTATING: TAINTING AND GLAZING; GAS FITTING: TLUMBING, of ST. PEL'S OIPI Or PITIESECGH. Carpenter Work, /queering and' raltalno to be chum by memurement. Olio will be recelm4 ;or the ic parole Mails of work or for the whole Job. Pigs to be Wrested to i'The finlhllog Cont• toP tee," care of JOHN C. HAIM. !Secretary, No. 100 Fifth et/yet, rlttaburgb, ea. my 3,50 SALE.=4I, splendid pair 11., St Cin ci nnat i ;, almost new, magn by MI., ofeyllnacre To Inches diam eter, 8 feet stroke wrought Iron roam nod cranks. Ono Doeioc Engine.. One grelght linlatlng Engine. Steam Capstan. Aeototvete outfit of machther7 oats able for freight or tow boats. Ilia will Onion Boiler, to mates, and pot the malre machinery, tur ellher n firm elm; .frelght or Vuo boat, In completa working order, sandmosrd of a new hull, Inking no r Interest in boat II ilmlrsble. Enquire of HUGE E. BOLE &CO ♦t the Industrial Works, Pllttbareb, re aP 3 ),Ya DISSOLUTION. .THE CO-PAUTNERSIFIIP'here -4V3irer.Ntirrtrsini3OntlE.lB mu" Frr.%, 'K ..t flu -Of if 121111301./K - , 11TN e wal. h ia 4 tum uay 4 dlmolye: by mutual oonsant. JOHN U. rui , ,1 , 1 A3l aettlm tan setounta of tbo late firm. JAMILS itignoCK. • Mr. JAMF MURDOCK bevies:sold hie Inter/ est in .he fientienten 'a Fut ulshlng Clouds kind hess to Mr. J. U. 111 , 080 the bailout will ereafter!. conducted at No. 71 Fifth One. under the name and Uri. of • PLITNXSI 001.100. !hatching to, continual pttrusage of the Mice. of Pittsbursit. are are KosPe.tjahr. JOHN It PiPrN A af, J. MAUI 1101101.. Pittsburgh. May Ist, tort. norgyte NOTICE. TEE UNDEESIGNED has this slay dlepoaed of Ws entire stock of ROUTS AND imozs to Mr. J. P. aticiALL, who will .o. " .ue the buslocas at tile_ 014 stand, 331 LIBERTY .4111JIET. TbauktUl for tbe llkral patroness. heretofore bestowed. I would ask a soutliso.eo at the same I= J. 'D. RAMALET. I . lrTsl:l7l.rm. April Ist, 19+7. •plil;xl3 jail; 1411111 . 1 b11;.=....11.11lit/Nts u. 1.1111. — 5 - tr. JARED BL'EUUSU & SON, bt.t.141:17.1,011/11/LlOl Steam Boilers, Oil Still s, Tanks, Sheet Iron Works, kr. No 61 - Penn S treet, PATTABURGII, PA 721 F errant rOM /Tim near liana In the eatao. tt Of all Musses cf a private As tartsow two (attar gays. by= Dainty sew sad sass mans :At. Also, Seattnal Weakness, sAd all cum. Musses of the gsdatat Mtn mid. DAM graveness. Ours warn:Mai et mall AlfAlut.d. Oface boars-7 to 10 a. as. . Da ass. is .A. u •s•ase Swats. Dr. W.. Wag Pass great. BELTLNG I BELTING !-Lea Itio.t r e . ticett m ac r .VP.V.V,VP, .I " : llltran k rt reduced prices. Tam neat Quality Of wcatttt=3OOLA Fubtet /kVA ! BO r d iet . L mtai rawals, • PITTSBURGH ILOPE WORKS. FULTON, BOLLMAN &. CO., blanufeeture the best COBDAtAE, OAK UM, - TWINE* in tiell Tariety.. - Warehouse. 114 & 115 Water Bt Call or scud for Circular aviiß NEWS. The river underwent but little shAuge during the twenty four. hours ending Wit evening, at which time the Allegheny manta indicated ten and a half feet. The weather yesterday was cloudy and cool, and at times it !Coked favorable for snow. .• • . Business continuos t rather dull at tho landing, though tiler° is about•tho usual amount of freight being shipped, and, un til within the past day or two, tho camped.. Mon has been so strong that priori nave got down to an almost starvation point, and it Ii mucheasier running them down than it is to get thetn.uP egoln. As yet, wo have heard of . no delegates having been appointed to represent Pat. burgh in the ht. Louis Convention on the tills. All other river cities in the west have done ao, and Pittsburgh should not lag behind. . The Ida Rocs loft for Oil City last oven. I Inc, with only a moderato trip. There has been uo arrivals linen our last report, -amid° from the maniac packets. Thu Lorena, from St. Louts and the Kenton from New Orleans, were With duo here lust night, and will doubtless be found In port this morning. The Argosy, for Cincinnati, and Armenia, for St. Louis, got off yesterday. Tho latter boat had an excellent trip, wo are glad to state, having about all the freight oho could anti a fair number of paasengers. Thu Argosy, also,. picked up a very good trip, having betwoeu ono hundred and day aAd ono hundred and seventy-live tons of freight, and a goodly number of puede, 1t it rumored that the owners of tho Ar gosy contemplate mmtrueting for a ono side-wheeler, to take the mince of near- cosy In the Pittsburgh and Cincinnati Packet. trade. Capt. J. W. Chambers, en Old Pittsburgh ateamboatman, hut who for loins. years past has been engaged below, Is in the city on a visit colds friends. • Tho Kate Itobinsson, Capt. Robt..l7.obin. BOS now in turn tor St. Lonts, and will ate co commence making engagements. Cap in Andy nears retains charge of the - . Ti 36 tdn lie., Capt. Joe Brown, will be be drat, boat out for Cincinnati and LouLi leaving on Saturday. Audy etc of the Maggio 'Jaya, Ls clerk on the tom The Glemfale left Cincinnati for Pitts. burst on Monday, and the 'Julia No.l Zero I' to follow on Tuesday. The Erre Porter *as at Louisville on Sunday. Steambenting round at Mobile is rather dull. The stem wheeler Salim List,:on the V.ith ult., was sold by sheriff lirinnell, for thirty-nix hundred dollois Capt. Shinto J being the purchaser. The J . is. !Swain, a side-wheel packet, which has boon in the New Orleans through trade, was knocked off for some live thousand dollars, to a Mr. Cassidy a resident et New Orleans.- Those boats went very low, to consequence, we are told, of there being clutrus lama them in other States, rrecessitnt lag their use en. Moly within the State of Alabama. The Clueinnuti Coevarrrinf, of Tuesday, says: The P. W. Solider, train Now Or leans for Cincinnati, passed Cairo yester day morning. four days and nine hours out from New Orleans. She is due here to.tuor i ow eventriv, and is advertised to tut Urn to New Orleans On Thursday evening. Thu Stricter loft Cincinnati on Wednesday, 24th ult., and If she arrives tomorrow evening, us announced, She will have made the quickest round trip to New Orleans and beck to Cincinnati for many years—four teen days. Capt. John G. Denson, and the Stouter will be entitled to the •Morns. ,, -.We take the following items from the St. Louis Demoerta, of Monday : The Ruck ls. land Bridge has produced another disaster. T2IO new and OillennlVely fitted steamer Oublique a Northern line packet, white on. der way Isom St. Yana to than port and com• Mg through the bridge on eaturdny, was carried by the Torre of the torrent against, striking the big pier. One e heel was abled, and a telegram [rein Capt. Parker refers to the damage as being heavy. She will probably arrive to-night, running with one wheel. The Sliver Lake was detained over to ibis week, to take lue tons winch; was not ready for her on Saturday morn.; log. bile In receiving passengers fur the mountains. Thu St. Marys 10IL quietly on Saturday for Etanslllto. 1,11 freight...rani Parnellgen., sow notice. We !enroll. is con template:l(or her to take two barges Matted with produce from Evansville to -Now Or. leans. This is the new boat that was built at Wheeling for the Missend. she Is not likely to go there until sonic et. Lorna chap buys her. A telegram from Si. Louis, tinder date of Monday, say.. The river 101 l rapidly Saturday and yes. terday, bit the ilmallue Ls chimked by a Mary fall of rain auturilay. The Upper Mississippi is rising, and the Illinois and Missouri declining. There. Is abundant water la all Um tapper rivers for ustrht* Lien. LUAlUersi e0111.11111e3 fair. with a eon siderable elema of tannage. There Issome competition In the Missouri river trade. A New Orleans boat can AOC get a pod hers in le.. time than throe or four day's, and an ohlo river iamb, to get a gl.ll trip, L. to rtrUitit, in port as long or longer. The lilaeklord, being in dill/unity, turned her Arkansas trip over to the Mary McDonald fur I,Paki. TIM damage to the Dubuque, by her collision, on el:denies-, alias the liock Island bridge, will be repaired lee about 46.1011. Mho arrived hero Lids morning. entrust the following liana from !Le Cincinnati Cia.-ttc'e, of Tuesday: Tee Mol lie Norton miss yesterday debit., Captain c. L. Baker, who fvuontip purchased the Pine Grove. Captain D. proposes to run the Nor ton In tne Vicksburg and Yazoo river trade. Tae price paid. for her was gai,Mo. Captain JoUn J. /Woo and lady, Contain D. Davidson, or., and Mrs. Crint• 11, F. Da vidson, arrived !Sunday night from Choir New Orleans trip. Capt. U. speaks In the highest terms of the Great Itepublie and afloat alto Is beyond doubt the fastest aimit In western waters. trrEa.DEBOATLI - von ST. LOUIS. KEO.T d d i r m o . EUK. )UHUQUE AND Wt. PAUL—I - be toe steamer OTree i n9eVoro ' O . O ' OTT P IAiteni. B IVY ' at ere , ock p. no. For freight or postage apply on Word or YLACee. or. oly9 J. D. COL LIN GW001). TOOULCVNCLENTAhT l and d • and swift ateiwiner Wlil Ira Tea anon no r g.;'ll7i inst.. all o'clock in. in. For frilyt“ or pansage apply on board. or to soya FL &Cli CULLINUWOOII. Arente. REGULAR'WE Cri LlFizZ i g INC INN ATI PACKET. LEAVIria IVORY WYDFISDAY AT U Y. —Tho hen and con= allow AlWirnY Capt. Lzwis VAirDinntYT, W. 11. Bruit, Clerk. 1" I'4" or ''friTtlaP-Vlyit.74J fell HAHN ES 01 1 • WM. BLABDOLIF & CO., Danufactarers and Wladtsa'e Dealers In BROOMS; Broom Brush and Broom Findings. • Factory and Warchonse, In the mar of Scb• maker 2 Lanem, Soo. 172 and 171 Wood St.. riallabdrib 5p1E.172 pLusLLN LILAC. We baye 'lntroduced to the trede'eur new per tem. Persian Lilac, O F N Ii Z rzWW OL , _Tar VONT D VACATE AND I VEN 6VEIi. No lady', toilet mai:data IYMa:it It! Yor oda try al! Deadara. • . MANUFACTURED ONLY EE C. D. WOODWORTH St,'SON, lIOCIIESTEB CHEMICAL IYO/CEB, Rochester, N. Ir.' New York Op.. SIMI Broadway. robsmal SAMUEL M. WICKERSHAM -Iron Broker, 124 First Street, PITTSIIIIII6II, PA. Agent rot the We orCorntrall, Donashmore, Josephine, Isabella, tluneannon. eltanhope, Si lend on, •nd other Oriidsofnuthraclte.ems la licgr,lginz Coke and 011pinntls C. Z. Charcoal P E RU ta lersisnments and orders respect:llllr sol le- 3APEIL BAJWINGB, Of all Grades,' ROM STAMPED GOLD AND VELVET, TO THE EWES? UTICLE KNORI TO THE TRLEI At No. 107 Market Street. JOS. R. 11VGIIES A' BRO. SHEPHARD'S. CRACILERS 317 Liberty Street, priTsuußGH, PA. tl•cN Elie MISCELLANEOUS MISHER'S HERB BITTERS. THE GREAT HOUSEHOLD REMEDY. TO 'PIM Lave 11/1/ doi BLIANC/1 HOUSE for the odic or Xisbler's Herb ,Bitters, In the City ofl . lltOdirrO. and Lave ant lorlzo a, T. FAHNESTOCK •r;.I IL 31. 1101.1,1. ml AReutd, tocnrry ou and 1.11211AZ1, li/V S B. LLYMAE.Trat, March 11, 19. d. MEM FAHNESTOCK Sr HOLT 11 , Wholesale Branch House - , 26 Miacax - Ir-cat 7Strc. •t, rITTSL BOIL Bold by all liespeclable Druggl We tat but a trial to convince any c 111 Melt medicinal value. ralsnumws HEBB BITTE rat= ..... U. MUHL IRON' CITY SPICE JILL fIFTIi STREET fiXTENSION Xear Penrasytrania rsnum:ll, r.t. PURE SPICES AND MUST: Warrant.' when our name is on the /el 911 Call 01/o , Nla ao,l ur "UM!, emaztaztly °a ha, T.- f:l•Vrltt A_Nla UttOLINII NUTT Ti[ womptly. Vial also continue Lo xustititac lure of a I tl DIFFERENT LINIiS OF Sri( k WLlth we oft, tol4 - I,lrrateand Kele!! Da at th e lowest market Imlnir to drat We solicit the patronage of the Chopped Pm. Constantly on H tiTRICILLER 41: /a ORLI:Ill a CHU& WA-ItELIOUSIC, RIUIIIIIII BREED & U XMar•C_P7EL.T.=SiLg3, No. 100 tVood Slr.x ISUITTANNI. ANi. eII.VEI: 11. ITV 1,1 HAP. WARY% T1CA.T.,....Ya at.d 1 A c11..C. C Lli:111" al. . •rs on La ..:. CPO. A TEA , y'r.: 4 . CHINA DI N N I'l,', l'e. CHINA full._. SaTa, CHIN., VA' , . (9114 A t.1 . 11'1.44.. ( gm' tut I.y , w.,. fa: orvrert da•..+4 , LAVA et • na,K..1.-... E1t..1%,i 1.- _,.,5 , ~.,. 1bi1it..:511,1.4,,% . :' aft ..:1 1 [....e11vd ri , WI,. , 'nlc anti r.:alt ..,...1.. I.lllng .41.14 Ilhe In ‘..... , ...Ly. Pnces and tarn., in.: tax,. at ia ::... .1.. t• claps. NOTICE TO 011 NEILS 01? DRAYS. HACKS, &C. Nottre ICI r. or 14 ohs, Drays. Car,. 4,1,1 s, r 1.•• 'I r.. vi art . r . ...:11...... ia (1.1. , 11r .11 itt.l Prorol tvo ,of tuu ,, lisuf Vic city Id, Ivx All I.lerce, not I al.! ua or lot ray,. 51,11.1..7 wllll a pldool :a the 1,, /- “ae r..r for a., roll,llo. I 11:: Erro , ") +llO neelr.l rcros. talr ct a. 0.11•Ity. T.. the .111kr.r, dou q.,,t Tltv old uo.t.4ltostr or rt.0.0...1 at 11:. 1.1 v", ILo.t•st..a ouL, ur pay .7-Sc.ll, itAl V , OE Llc Eastt On. Hark, Each 'Cr., flu,. l'a1,11•1. .............. ....... V.: Each P.:, Hors. .... .... ..... Eacti Tl.O /lore. ll,' I; Umu11,..3.41:1d r two hors., clear., AL.ILII -I.lundt Bur., usol in 1/1 ill ALLIS C:ty Vrcaoir.r. V. ',gar, I. 1,, W. J. 11,11,..dut0r. GILNO:E& LIBBLER, 4 . ..11,1‘11 T tf N Tallies, Carpel Bags, &c. sip -A. large 6.431qm:1:10: /..11:1 • 1.7101.11.414. Nos. 101 And 106 Wood St., raaarl pITI'tiIIUIM I/ gt 'l7 AN U. VAN I', ILsturuturer,....l PRINTING M WRAPPING PAPERS CLIN . FON MILL. tiTEUBP.N VI 1.1. E, OHIO. 1311113111L1N MILL, NEW 1 , 111(.411oN, l'A. = OFFICE &NU WAr.r.ll.otfiV, No. 82 Tliffil Street. Pittsburgh, Pa, UFF/Ci.W3—ALK.I!.."ST In'J f.. rrt•s: , li:nt. .I\u. B. LI VtNth , TON, SAHLTEI. DmicTolls.—Alsust Hartle. Jol.” S.' H. Ilarttotu, John H. LlTlcgstun. Vcr tlem. C. H. Menle!, Crikatt Yald . for /raper Stoch. noltilasql • IRON CITY CUTLERY CO., No. 3 St. Clair street. Itayta. Iturctated of A N1 , 1:1 , W 8VG,15 the Sollte stock of hard wan. culler, itucl Varl,y ovo. Sr, at tOo 'Lot, etail, It Is thelfluttotlo4 to Ittty oil fund 021, clan. ht... of HARDWARE. CUTLERY, Una, ItWee Iterok.ro. Tsrkle and •nortlng Kuodcutrrvey vatl.r. 11,v a. aim prepa.rd to do all Linda of .10il tolt ; UrluaLLnd Kaanra. Vella.", Lc., and atampt, and .4 Ing, a: and Clundltu, btazaw. at all, 13. at notlre• W. 11. DOWN, Mann;-,er. S u itTo r gg . 11.; 3 ifif,Pkr DELTirit'd AAR, li;;;;E, I MaZufactired at No. GN MLR V. EY. rnr,Lps 4 CO. LW, Aiientt for :, , to.rl'fak . Ifsl,lAr Co. 011111 .130/tilti cr. A.1.•1• ropelc:r f; . fi.allty . I.? 1 Lpf . ,,ATif vat v0qi.L.2111.11,1...N CAW,. 1 Lit ... II.IMTS cl II f? 114 )Olot.tto. f to J. lA/MM.' rILYW LOUNREY it FREW, I=l Saddles, gayness, Trunks, 'lad all &Mel. to Clair Har finally tent to 951.-clus tatabllellawm, N 0.102 WoOd iStreet, M.Awecn DOmou4lvy and FUlh PrIT8111.71:011. ' HEAT IrIEVOI.UI'IOIV IN Tilt; *IN IC TISA IJE orrilK IT11:11 nTATK.t. —PORK 1111.iNvIINIA ‘ , IIA, , IPAU NE, t.a ue .0 and te d prepared mu if 410. In Franco, n om p , cwirurnm H Inc , and Taking the place of 14apot- W i l l:n 4 Frr a r g ai:Urd wonI•1 tar attention of Vane 'coder, and Marl get:arra to tat folloar tug letter. wale', may b 4 a correct Idaa - sof toe Ifaallty of QC! Whir, • • `CONTIMENTAL. HOTEL. / PnltAntcrras, f 110/Mica R Cu.— G....tr,ue/i.r Ha log Riven your Callfuruluell.llll..4 t t horyulh tr4hult r/trri'rurluTZTa'uheVrtl‘reullXV! !hall at none Pi.. 11. au our 1 , 111 of fart. los trulf J.' F. KING,T.M.Y Cu." Vall end Sty Our Callforula Champagut. 0012:070 I'o.. an /kr et.. N. J. LANCE, • NO& 135 atitt..l.37 Third Street DYER AND SCOURF.,E, Straw Goods Cleaned or Dyed. GLOVES,ana LAW En' 1 . 1.1131 ES clean ut dyed. F. MIISSMAWN: Pitth Street, befercen mod Chatham Streetfe, q Cllllslllith and Dealer in Hardware. - - First Ca , . goals Of MI derprlntipppninrnr hand nrid saint Min low via Drip,. up, g nu sdon carefully nnenneslintton. • tniSi-on. SPIIING WAGONf., - 9 PLAIN "%YAWN'S; CAirrs, 5.115111 , 1 i. STONE, BIMETA It. triltCE .t HAILI:OAI) HOME. BAY IiAXE3 Atii , Mortised Hubs nrut Troinsil spokes on nand u"' rO/1/O..ISTEU k CU. IEI COlil ISS'N NULL OUlt ENT1111: Intcrt, &11 WI•ol. • .., Pt.1( 1 4 . .312... 01.2 Laud. No. :5 IS 1,1 1, L1,1 Y aT., we would • 4 yrMC ID a e.3ntin , :altua of 31,r 1;1).;[. '7ll i ' l;Tlil:gi at CO. rthslurgh. RUTLEDGE, PERRI' CO., =II ri- No. 345 LIBER STREET, WHOLESALE G MRS, PRODUCE AND C MIESSION MERCHA TS. • Con , l,ntn.n, of an1.. , .11,:s or Frod,, req,ect lolly , A!,•lte,l, awl promut reltirns g.laranttr•l F. SELLERS & CO., PORN PACKERS, =1 LSD C3O : New Bacon. Beef and Tongues - 1;o1b.. ri a.ly for th 11 - ,,ry on Monday. 2410 Chico Sugar-Cured IL:ne.,; 110 du do Beet; Ila du do Ileell'ougues; Do do do Ilrealaubt I.lacoU; Inuiti Cured Baron Shoulders; 01) Do do do Side:, ae :'u1,12; ANL I trade. BB.EVirM BUItE.E 1Y CO., . CO2.IMIS : SION LOEST6 11.)d. a. FailGe, Globe Z I.lGerty Works, Ample ,torage and I:,:ne,VM:. 141.- ce c.vh aqvanrar.• rude or Itkflneletn. T•rda for otorsie, - • •Iktmeut or Crude "II at Lawrtueurth,. ally r t c a o,t 6atrrd We e. lious, .orr., floato l W erno ay • ‘rxr‘u ............. r. KE/L 456 RITCILIUT, COIMISSION LEECUANTS, nD, I Flour, Grail!, Seeds, data Febd, 240 LIBAUTY ,Tll.l, CT. Per'ro 011 With TA. . W IL.TA 6A.LT. 1 , 14T.E.F, 41.. and In l l rorla.ans sad Pr.:ace a•IterI.IIY. N. 76 FZI/E641. biLLEET. 0i7.0• llnnroa ,l Agt Lts f , ,r the ,a 1” I. V. kilt.. 'a. Ilan:lel& Ic..inatls Eart's .alt y:e:l7d - FETLER tic Aitms - ritioNG, FOiIITAKDING 31J CILY.IIISION . . for 11, ice,: Flour, lira!, Ell-,2, Lard, Linn,. I` . ;. .; 2 : . . ' recZ ' c ' 4:iza,.i l uiLl4i.itlA:l;tt 7 ; 3 g. .i.. 1..,...... 11,C.1 I Z • 1.. 1 1M .'1 ...ti l' ' L '- ! ," ! ... 1. , , C 1 ,° ... ai -s Is i i !L t.(( ' : " ?[. iiLLAIN. Y. 11.1. EF.:L.:D aa.:PRUptiC/Z 3....1- , 7. .7 , `• V./ll:L.:wad, tum..,l:. City 11..11, Ails 1.,:r.7 ,:I,r. 111 7:1,7 Iv. C:t.til - 70111U. C01211.11lei.• .1:1-I , .:i Id nncli .. 9 ~. *LiOt.trlf. r ~....A NC RA 1 .- Inc,. ?IRE 411.1:LQ.1(70 K 4 , 1 k. LAY, At. ti,,,1...u•.• awl t),..^.:ce. Nor. an 5 Itc , l :i , , LEN 'i bllt LILT. E.....".,e l'art.t.hr.l. 1 . ; f4 - • :i.1.11 ) Lk L'ATTOS r •-• • Ittrchae:s, • ~ S. • 17.3norsentes •. • - F Y. la • _ 1.11,En.-...1. D. DSik Y 3. & (St:cmf3r-ors tormer rr,tts. Conft,tlun .. t'l. 5... v. I 11 7.11:11I 012" X H. CA sion aL.!. .1.1,r. :ye . L 1,2. Port, 8.... a Vot %ad sr! Yr - tt. and -Pro 144..24 .10 tri.nt ;11:,r71.. ar+l IL,: Paid far l'Anfue. At.c- I A:VI ES,DA CA. m 4 oui.,Ven Ltc..far (t- la-1... of Crm.l, 4 Cr- .4.1 VL ra, at. V.z . ..zr A dl T a.:2 Jr: Voaaleata,rl.. OEM I. 110t'SZ.: 1. M 101.; tlT~Jon L. J.t.,:va co., Tit or• 4 , rr• nal t. of b.:W.13,W 4,1 Vt et: o..te. Ifclo 61031:A14.ER . 1s L.tsl4, iTticiii •,-.!. a.-re 1n , ,,,,er. r: . ..-.. I,C, Pro: u. Pr Irl.,nr. I.L. 1.t.i.. ~. Ina], Car . ..on I/11. .3. 172 an 3 1'.4 NV,.‘,..1ntr.2.A.. atar Llnnr, err., Itaburgu. r.. ALAI" DICIAEV'ti. CO" WI/0:e. rat. 1irarrata...e...x.n..1.,.‘ Merchant,.and .c ...!. rs . r,r .,PriArr, 1 ., .., ..- Wat, C.rte. and CI ,nt I . ,N, Riiiritr.4 - ... IVAI.I.tt:Ir. LIPTON to IVA 1.4 A CE, 11 hole. "h„ , :u.tcr.lis AND PIP 'Deer. DEALER,. . 41 1, a Li. ..,:rl. t• Pt. itkirgn. ,Jatr:rr.r, INSViyi.NCE,...__ FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. I= lists Capiial and Surplus over ,:.,:150,000. .7 bar ty. I[o/[Ent D. TIIO3IPSPN,--- At I:VA p ;OPLE'S 41:4. t 20. :...g.r..c0i:.v0.0. , D Ara, inszti,Ciri. A Mini: 11 . 1)7:72 . A AT, S.& ALZ.O rn:E. AND 11A1Wil; be ! ! ' a " ; '''r. az\ 1-)' i.ove.J, U. Vertor, C , • • JoI r i V N WA ' J.: vice Fr,.:3,,at. F, Ca a , Sac re tt Cant. Ca JAS. olott UN. (lan . ' Awl. I .l: l Aissfil - 2,'af.''..-1." - ‘,, e: rt., lista Moak .1114•31 NI atoll., all 11,.,:a of Fire .14 alaalee C. U. • f'ai't. 2212. 1)a.a....5, - tituezza Ages 1 . 1•1./[1 . 0:1,4 .J.,`,.. I miln, Jr., 1 Capt. 'Wm. Dus,a, J... Ir. iaotxr.3. it. I, Y5t....,,,,5, c. ~ V. . il„';, t'j!,L,.:;., 1 -,.. 'r r '. l, ', i 'll. t. .: ii i ,f , : ;J. l .' • (..,,,,.,,,.....,„. , uto. 1 1 .11,1;r,...., _ tiENNSI(II.c.:4I.II.. . INSURANCE .. c,a2draNl. OF PITTiSIMEIH, PA. Ilice,3llFlEEl3 Street, 'tactic Block, T 1 ,1 4 It a Home Company, and letorre ieltnt I"ll ! " P r ti r• Wi;7Pl 'E 'rll, Crerldeet. C. C. Boy;e, I Gob4rt Catrit.t. Jacob PtP.ter,.l. C. FlLlnt.r, .txt.J•,..Lh John VgtltT. itodkLa.:, I A. 4..teon. beery eprucl, Ive:f7 INDEMNITY - AGAINST AGAINST LOSS BY FIRE. FRANKLIN INSURANCE COMPANY. OF 141ILADELIP1114. Office: 133 and 437 ' CIIESI 4 3:IUT NT.* tster deed I'harlre W. Exackt p r, al r:0 ordera 11. Leafs. Wa.raer, David :3. Brown, Vanmel Gaut, Isaac Yea. Jacob It I,ll.vard MU. 7 • Weorib W. Richards.l7,e I . IIAM. !',!loon[.. Xl/W I', DS Vse.• 'K M. C. Tee:ELK. I-ecretaer, Vey __J. (4.ARDNEIt cow IN. Agent, 1nb29•15 Nana Vs eet ear. Third et Woad ate. INSURANCE CO., UY il'r1""1". .1111. M s. NIUICFC • "aveldellle 1Ch 71 . 41116K :IL tka etmenal li CAI Water street, Spin &CO., Wax, " r.7,41:17:1 fl[ t eltitl% of Fin. 3n II Ma 11=0 6 1 9. 11 ....bettu'llas:Itatloh..alead by Dtrectora W ho arc WIN known Su the Coluttiacity..and Who are determined by and WYerallln rct r ittg; trtoihtstre to b. Ineurd. DICALTOIIa. &lux. FIL.P.A, 1:. 111.11. r, Jr, " blcAb Ivy, Alea antler 4eer, tlgrxtletott:/ , ' Willman de,. W. Y. • fie 7.boras, C. J, Clarke, Jesus IL Ifelree., Jul:mar. Hanna. Joseph Kirkpatrick, Phil Hemel, H. Fr ans. • CLIE.kiT, Zecretary, PROFESSIONAL =! Conti ;S.W. ESti.tE ash Ins.Auce Agent. CLIISUN STREET. Es.gt TlErralughs= , 7-11,tAnn of !trials sZ,llelted and promptly ro.,n,e,i to. my:11,3 MT ILLICIT IL BARKER, JUSTICE OF 'THE PEACE, CoNVLVANCEI% Sc r t; t In• ,l ' tn Lit -aye in - Lan l ', Vly .. ... r ,undt, y :10 • 1)41VIIEL lIICIIIIAL,III, PRACTICING PHYSICIAN, 01:1ce Lad ILEE:deuce No, 150 Grant St., near Iligh GEo. cocuRAN, • Attorney, and Counsellor-at-Law. r.mv 111 LL I, a . N o. c, IiCAN r rltll V, corner of loorth, A ll .trublca e o Lls care will Ccic attrutlun. ap11,13 111031.4-S SHI P ONE __. Notary Public, AND REAL ESTATE AGENT, :WO FEN' STREET. mplI:x.10 T S. FERGUSON, J. Attorney -at-Law, NO. SO FIFTH STILEET, tlecoNn F Loon. Fro:, Hon. 11 . H. ACCORMC ..Eittc;r - xio7 - .ettXan,-a7; ,S 7 Grant Street ,rrompt MlCntlon k::.stz to all klmf4 of law 110 S. M. /1&151E, ATTORNEY AT LAW, No. 87 2 , 118 a. t3troot, C,41):1:7 I'ITISBUIIOII. W . A. A TTOR NES! Aril' LAW, No, 93 Diamond Strc,ot, PITTSIIM1(}11. PA. JOHN I. RIDDELL, AT.TOR,NEY AT L.IW, OE '/CL': No. 134 FOlJlllfil E;Tar.ET, EOM MEM=I H . C. itl-iFaIICLL, PITORNEY COUNSELLOR LT LAW, No. 69 Grant Street, PFFTSIMIGII, PA. B. F. DECORS, ' ,o<a Claim Agent. U. M. Man. Cc...) Office, 67 Fourth Si., second floor, PITTABUIL4III, PA, HtiSION: 4 , FOESTIES, BD ILIV,II.'S OF PP Promptly Collected No charge zo•le until clot:aa are rettlal. zed t" I,lt tue.leJ ale fee. mr21:1,0 8100. UOUNTi. sauu. ADDITIONAL BOUNTY. LAST DISCHARGES. Soi,l:irs who hare lost t: . elrs.ll..eharg9 errtlt. cal.. awl who are oth.trbe tht lIJCU to the &it ' ll- Losiaty, coo titre their cases at, tettikil to by conic; co or aildrussloy W. J... RILL PATTERSON, AT/OP.ZiEY6 AT LAW AND CLAIM AGENTS, =ll=M tit, .a.=4:. ,- _ ,-- ,JrxzaAk.r.a-. Ex-OCticio, Justice of the Peace AND rOLICZ Sf/031aTRATE, thtice, ❑2 Flab St , oppohltr Catileeina, • - 11.3nds. ‘.lrtear. , s, Acir.owledgmer.t..., prmrrtilons an,l all Legal 1 1a..11tess egeculed prom:lot,. anti , Ilsr.Akh. My IC. 1-kr JANCE . Y , NOTARY I PUBLIC. JUNTII", FTHE PEACE, A ND REAL ESTATE AGENT.. Il.Cce. corner of Greek,. Lawreace:llle. .tliG.ltt at 8.,‘ ut,/n tot, plamr.asegna gale of E.,:sat. llWitt,Non G.GGs, and the uf L NN:p ega ..rx l :L .a/ tnowltAgment of all kind, W1E.1.1411 JANCEY, of Vac Peace and Notary 1%./Ic. G1L1T11.4.11. T. L'l4Lltti, Attorney et. Lair, tV.I Grant Stmet, plttsburgh, Pa. 4.2 r GOCT.IS3:O2be for Otlo, Itettuczy, IN“t r.ao nth,r r16:4,4 J OLIN C. met:tomes , ATTORNEY-AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. No. 87 Fifth. Street. airVevaluns. liouottel, .d'Arreara of riy n029:a% MM ORPHAN S' COURT SALE. • .- p.T VIRTUE (FAN OIiDER OF thrphano, Court of Al County of Alto ',Cony, 1.41 expo.: to Carlo: 'are, AT TILE COURT HOUSE, • lu the Cltyruf Pittsburgh, County aloretald, tin Thuratin*. the 30th Day of May, A. D. I,'. at to o'clock A. 31 , all th• right, title, Inlet , yt and %hunt of 1:110 thyth, it, try, John'''. and Jon ph Mel'otnop, lug the undtvld,d one calf.) Of. Cu and to ail that cettala lot canoe., Of crow,'aqua, In Ellyabela tocenthlp, to thu co a unty of A Ileetlvnyaforeaald. bounded and dy. :ex ct an tallowy, to wit; Ilcg . °nine al a tout at the Malice +port toad, tell tunutu thence net toot iu a Walt Yerringaterlll,3ll.loncd; th.luc t y the same any boudred and twenty feet to an alley VIII; teat loWe; thence 0.1.1 tosty 7,1 to a royt: then, one hCndred sod tree.," feet to tile p.aet of bt•glotwoc—lteln, Lot No. 71n what Is knownp, con aiCerla sed addition to the town of alleat.ellt, In the morayaforesaid, wldels Inert Is erected alwo-atery /Dick Dort/l lug Dont, • • TERMS by bArY.—Cattl, on c•ntrtnitlon of the uale by Slid Court. !LAM Y JANE rieColll3l4, EOM TIIE ORPHANS , Celan' OF Tor,. I ALL AtillANY COUNTY. No. Markel! N 37. Cstate of JAMES PUILLIIni. dc craJed., rertulon. To Isabella IStillips, widow JOitok Phtliton meorye White ano ears., b., Laf ferty and Itusannsh, his wife; Montgomk ry Stitt and Jane, his wtt'; Jam., VhlLlps and Michas.' E. Phillips, eblilren and hilts at law - or sald James Phillips, (teem td: You are her, by notinckl that en 'tote:Mt:On In partition or the teal estate of Said decedent wit hr hi id On the prenklics, In Baldwin township In said csuntr; on T'IUUSDAY, the ZOth day° May, /ad', at 10 o'eloSA s. Y., for the partition or valuation of the real rotate of sat l decedent des scribed In the writ In the abort ease. containing feu:teen sere. atol khilty.focr perches. whereon 1. a dweilluir hook: and other Improve:sums, when and where you may attend If you acts Proper. HA num. L. ex.vLEY....aff• sliErurr's PFICi. Plit.nrgh, April sth, len:. IN TOE MATTER OF 'Flit: TITIk ts of the Ite.ervo Township nollnlew Aekkoclation for Charter. No An , . Match Derr, Aud now to "qt.:ll3y SI, ta.7. the COOStaIIISIOD .iii.lA•tics liesiiciallon 114,1, been Ity tliv Gll,l, awl the eitiirets. artleita and cui,,ideri..l lawful. it is Ord. - rod 10.2 tiol.ce*if Ito pflitlon ba pulill.hol In tne liAlurti,...¢l . 7Z fur time and To r appef - In Rio Mit bald Chariot will be granted at at term. Te, IC titi Lail% Aliale. attils 11. Wac~cu.'L'rolhuuutary. m. 70 A ICIONWITIATOON' NOTICE.— Ll bettert of AdteintstraMP Du the cstalc of F:1,17, BROWN. late of this city, deceased, praiited to the undersigned, notice Is lwret, Oven to all 1:0,01:111 iaslog seath•t present the., and a:I those InSei.te , l to t•ii taro ...In pirate make Itainedlatepositient to the 11.ierSiXrstai. W. s:1,1 - Ctsti, Tll t Till/_. I cohllotlo,ll No. 17 HOTELS. _ riiniiii Pli flack/ph l udo . I tt i. s:_ri b izi n s h ll .. a r ic .„T o• m vor i t . tl) IN AN rrf , ,,Zravi p r. , t , b the mutt twxttet eppolattr . ItSeff7lLS ' itatf.' . l? . :llrb . Th"r" e thattllstattl Au the r 11.7 _7l Tr} n FIZ A TA iiLEY PERRYSVILLE , , ALIECaidY. CO., PA re:lttee io.l furniebra, and reedy to re telVf The int...ether will net soar* pains to acre.- ..nitro Ws customer.. afoot' topper.. nut be trreet at nay hour In the afternoon. 1.14:1114 TUVIS. VI.)4TAILetiNA, rrop,r, MALI UFACTURERS HERM IRON WORKS. Jon's& Limps, CM - CAM "3", =1 iftIERICAN AND cam it.tr, ll ool),Stzeet and Plate Iron Bridge Iron; Augle and T Iron; Guard Iron; • Coal Screen Iron; T Bails,l6 Si 20 lbs. to the yar6;l Trani Balls,punefted and coun ter sunk Boiler,Bridge and Tank RisetS Cut Nails and Spikes; • Ship and Boat Spikes;- Railroad Spikes; Railroad Fish Bars and Bolts; Railroad Car trueels and Axles; Street Car wheels and Axles; Coal-Pit Car Wheels and Axles; Patent Cold Rolled Shafting; Patent Coldllolled Piston Rods; Mower and Reaper Bars. wastauusit AND OYIFICE. 120 Rater and 158 Front 8t& BILIN CliEWAry Nos, 22,24 and 26 Rtv6.r St., C111C.1.00, ILL. SHEFFIELD STEEL WORKS. M= 81N ER, NINICK & CO =!!al BEST REFIXED CUT STEEL KAU, FLAT LLD OCLIEOI 01 ALL Elia ClUclAy\s .1.21) CxoB2l CLI SAW PLATES. ZLLLPTIC AND liIMI-ELLU.T/0 RAILWAY SPRINGS, Cast Spring Sled, Cast and German Plow Steel, PLOW WINUs MOWER SPRINGS, AXLES AND STEEL TIRE, 0/6},LC, 45 H0VEL. /10F, BA& roug, TOIL LeaT CHOW-13Alis. ac.. Au. Ru •. Warehouse, 83 Water Bt., Pittsegh, so18:k4 ATLAS WORILS, MORTOX STREET , Ninth Ward, Pittsburgh. THOMAS N. lIIILLEJI, president Com 'nese se Work. a, among tale 'arrest and molt Ck establ!s. mo o ot tow pro- aced to Ittrulah In the West, and are Engines of Every Deacripllork, Boilers, Oil Tats o, Sheet Iron Work FL llroad Castlaga, Bolling DULI (:sating,, Engine Castings. Maclaine Castings, General Castings,: ' ORDERS' SOLIOrrisD. PITTSBURGH FOUNDRY., MEE= A. GARRISON & CO.. (Soccessors to Bo!Imam. Garrlsun & Co. FOUNDERS AND MACRLNISTS I= CHI i LED ROLLERS, OF 4LE SIZES , Front Iron, tlteci. race, inc, Pave °old. rtraor Boars. Paper and Indium lnbba Woe:. Al., RolPug Ca.sting, Grail de script:on,: Berk 31111 s, Patent Donnie Grinder ritti andanerc of other pael.rna, and ra hand litted to order, on stool untie* and ra voratdo terms. tehcc and Warehouse, ..r0.119 Smithfield Sired, Ar3J:ts3 prmitunmi.rA rpm FORT PITT VOITZTDBY. CILIBLES LN - 1 - 1 ; IdEPHEWS =I HE try ORDIVALItiCE ANDErmi - Dd or HEAVY CANTTNEM. itpeelal amuntion paid to ROLLING. MILL NV."... 111,1 MT MACHINERY and lIITHELTS. R Aa EC b A e, M i ure a . the d bat 1.2.tt.L.11 RIZ always be need nt 111. Yonndry, . listing disposed of oar 014' stock, a aira ptpmeo. wan lon Alto lIIPIIOVED conttrumed under Hie eittrerrlaion of Mx. En. Nast% to faraten NAIL MA.CHLN/R/ it short no. Lite. no6in UTILITY 1T02113.8. • hicLEAN tk SLATOi., No, 83 Liberty St., opposite Fourth, tuunOTACTOlutna OP : • CABINET MAKERS! HARDWARE. Iney make a eheclalty of Iron Bedstead und rivcsklussores Ponceluln. Bed stall and Pivot Castors: insists:ad Fuseatags; drape for Ext.- elan Tahlru, Itu They ale° m”sallantiosne aad hare COm garintl) OD W, Lattles,lipting Laicals:a. Windshsr buth• Supporter, 11•Luares Eccentric bush iluttun, Utility blint • ter end-Bost Hinges, (issind-stone ad Irons. Saab Weichtu de.. a, 1,2;t60 ROBERT LEA, uaszor TEAM ENGINES AND EULESS Freight (Ijoisterp AND DOCTOR ENGINE/4, Lireutlnv of all descrlyttous ID W r to ordtr Co ra!r of First and Ferry Stroot4 J^ , 'nM PITTSEMIGH. P 4: 'Vt. 1V... hlqraj,, VALLET STOVE wouna. EMI= . ALLEN. M'KEE Cc CO., Or ^ .• until 'Mor•hna•e 301 Liberty zit. It6l....c..n.ar.ie etiv 4,4„. p.hel t Ltinl y... tli ,4 l2_ l2l l,l, • the vinebratod itiiiWuumy and COld Cooklaii or and the data:rod and Sentinel Tor MU or wood, and the unrivalled Star of the licaulre. for wood:el., drone., Graces, fen. del.., linear Some,. Dog irons .ddiolloo . Ware uoterell9. =O3 EILA,DL.rr— .W. s. swiss . 11•ZiA trrosie 111 - 0111(4 A. BRADLEY. dt Co. liana/Wax every vuleti Of Cook, Parlor and Heating Stores, Among Nrbtr..b stet!, eolo mated B.I3BZEJ. TALIYY-LN (Coal mccesa sod ItiONSIDY.I (Wood Cook gtovo..) Also xr..uractoro GRATES, GRATE FRONTS, Jae. 9 m o . .nd ta W . P m t h b n ra he. or E n a e t r r a o a f n gnBn.d and fftreet. jail al. • BLACki DLA..IIOI%ID 11Wra75=1E, T2f7ClaiLECilli. PITr3BOZEILL PA. PAII3, 11.110THILIt 411c C0., Kanatactstrin at 11.. MT QUALITx W 1 Zll el= ETZIL. r,uare. rt.t Ltd Octagon, Or all slam War- Lb [alto any !imparted ar Mallatactared to Ontell.l4 warriousa, No. le aad 1.5171 rat, ar d woad atra•ea. Morita raa PITT SBURGII IRON II ORB. J. PAINTER & SONS. worcracscaloa Iron, Habliet, Tub and rrgsk HOOPS AND STIEETA . iIiERSON,PRESTOY* CO, P . E1rAr.9.17. s-Wrra olbi WPRIKS., W.r.bem.e. Nos. In ant j ,7 St. , ODTmito Wooo.ra'setlltot... p2iolts . IRON CITY MILLS. ROGERS ezEURCIEMIA Inoractaren of Rennet], eu.,,,41,10n1ata Poltsbed IBM:MEW xmle.corr. Cryylcg Az]) lirjunor NO. A 8 MAHE= 31% 0034 ~a I I . Air:AZ.llj N.& - TIOICAt Boilers, Tanks, Stills, PANS CPWITNEYS, Sheet Iron Work, Conat6cted in the beat - =utter aua with promptness.. PRICES ►N T.OW AS SUPERIOR WORE CA-4 DE APIORDED D 1 ANY. iFITLIEROW DOUGLASS A, SON, Carson St., 3lonongahela Botongli, At the Sooth tad of the Manama haia dit NATIONAL FOUNDRY -AND 1 - PIPE WORKS, Corner Carroll and Smallman Streets, Ninth Ward, PITTSBURGH, 11A. W]. SMITH, IIA31:17ACIII7BER Or Cast Iron Bowl Pipe, FOR GAS AND WATER WORKS. My Pipes are all cast vertically In PI la, In Dry Sand and el /CET LINOSUB. d. 1.0, • full assort mento, of C13T1303 FO GAS is Inn EELS. I would also eat! the attcattoa of Saprtetend tots of Uta Worn to m 7 roaktof !fZ tjd7C. FORT PITT BOILER, STILL AND TANK WOltiliS. CARROLL & SNYDER, TUBULAR., DOUBLE-PLUED, TUBULAR /111.E...80X.d CYLINDER STEAM.I3OLLERS. OIL STILLS AND OIL TARES,. CHIMNEYS, BREECIILNQ AND -ASH PANS SETTLING PANS, SALT PANHAND CON DENSEBe, STEAM PIPES, GABOILETEEs. AND/NON BRIDGES, . . PILLBOX DiX)45 AND COAL SHEITE,I3: Oa.. W dWorks earn er Third. Abort rad Liberty Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. 3@ttrden lent to the above addrees wilt b. broreptir suet dtil to. mtchta 'fv — JESITVIEUS IRON AND MIL lITORKS. --s LEWIS, BAILEY, DALZELL St CO. ' strrAcnnams Or BAR, BOILER, SHEET arrn - ri"..a2LIODEr h . IMLC:IIV NAILS EL7:I NML.RODS. OFFICE A.. D WLIIEIIOII3Z, Nos. 61, 66 ar. 68 . Andersozi Three Norte. North of Heed tit. /3 ,1,1 R.. ALLEGHENY CITY. =1 MIEM KENSINGTON IRON WORKS. LLOYD & BLACK, ILLNISPACTLILW GOP Best Common, Refined Chzrettal Juniata, Bloom Iron. hileacraurrNAs souir. a I BQIILIZAINUN 1100 N. BAND. T &ad ANOLZ IRON.- 11011,812 PLATELrad KED= /NON, NOWP.E. and REZPT6 BLEB uti.X3rDine and etre= vs PING=Mb', • kaiSla. T. 8.0416. 90 awl is lb& to the Md. WIIOUGHT CHAIRS skid EPLECIO3 for mad. rLAT HAIL& Posobs4 sad Coustunrok. COAL SCHILEN OWN. NAILS .21 Watarand leo. 6 ',Nke ' Works, Becond Ones, tistalt Ward. Id loooss City era Works. ritirtdudd. noWar IiNSTONII IRON WORKS. lIIIIITEISON7FLAI3I3 fit CO., ilanatactutrars opts.: illrazaut Esse o- Bound, Square, Flat and Borse-Shoe Bar Iron, Hoop and Band Iron, Boller-Plate, Tank and Salt-Pan Iron, Sheet Iron, Se., ke. • Works. PT= TOWNSHIP, on Xonaessbala river. Inks and Warehouse: . No. 1.4 . 6 - Water St. .tami OR&WENT SMLWORKS. MILLER, 83111 k PAREIN,; iusrarAeranria or. : • BEST QUALITY CAST STEEL, WurAutiod Fapaal to Any in M. liar , Ace t. otilior Import - or el Mr. misittle - JClAnuftetat.r.. araqa.t. Arrs t pr z r i m? rts.scutii Moe, 38 Wood Street; • Err. CHAR.IIK3 1107911, atin,nusre. Prrntaraart. nue 18th. 1556. - tamaio DUQUESNE IRON AND STEELWORKS: HAILMAN, RUCK a CO.; 111 727ACTIMIXII 07 Iron, Nails, Springs,, WAULLMMES. =Tea. 3717a.t0r Sit:root. PprrEtllVltalL 2.1112:11 pITTSBITIIGII STEELWOBES, axosmsoN, coox a Cu., CISUC:=3UILI TO AMYL BO D• CO ilenstectorrre of Me bortreksetl Cut Ste Mow, 111 st end Vete4fon, of all Wats, new PIM. Hoe, York era Sheet Cart Steel. Chu 5454 ter I,eaping- and Mowing Nubia STRL7 PLOW wirsGs. riPlintes. AZ utis ascuutas. Cut & Comm= Riauti & Spctnß Mee], ClMeo—Corner of 11110 aria 3 1 04iitte0i, 010...ab0v0 the M0....0 1 W. Moose. wa7vor MONT BLANC FOUNDRY. Butler Street, Ninth Ward, OPPOSITE ITNION ISOM MILLS, X'XIL"I"III/ 3317.111.431-.113 Rolling Nil Land Bridge Castings. NICIILTY In CHEWS MUM • . . Orders prcnigttrandearetnllY CHARGES HICASONABLE. " EHHERT & DfAaHLII4D. - - 1 ELA. B. '9701,1?„ 313.., &CO., Hardware& CJ utlery: Lan aw nee tylly Lim t toplu Wit - 170.17.4i7.,.; Dci17,7,4 • a • • WWII-MO=ll. . • Corner Liberty and St. Clair SA, mosan. Inttleilburst4 Maw. I , • El ROLLER WORKS. AND ALL SIND3Iy E!!!
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers