Puri. P•TZ, - flanker and Broker, 4 .18 Wood St., near corner of Fifth. All doscuiptlona of Government 'Bondi tough% and sold-on liberal terms. London and Continental Szenange sold at Soli York rad. Gold. Myer and Coupons bought at high. est ratea, end Gold Drafts tamed on Bow • - ALL SIZES 7 3-10 BONDS Converted into 5-20's, 186, BONDS DELIVEDED IMMEDIATELY US. T. BRADY & CO Bankers, Cor. Fourth Sr. Wood Street; TO HOLDERS OF 7-30'S. /laving nttd. special arraugements with Sag Clacalr-e • d' Co.; Our corresonroirnts, are p-enared to convert 1-ora into h-hf of Inn, without charge. Dond■ on Dana for Delivery IRA B NeVAY & CO., 33.Etaa.imer.% 001INER 38 FOURTH AND 8111.TaTIELD SIN ta1114.• SELL YOUR 7-30's BUY 5-20'S. Holders of 13EVEN THIRTIKg will end an ad vantage of OVF.H OF ONE PEE CENT. by converting on Ulla plan. - IBA B. IticVAY fr. CO., 1:12=13! 003.. 4TH do SHITHEEELD STREETS. ardily7 FINANCE AND TRADE Orrice ow Tin D e rwin[ ueouGiarrva, / • ozsaav,.il 23, laffl. The New York stock quotations to-day, as received by Mr. P. It. Mertz, were as • follows Gold, 13SN; Eighty-one Londe, NOW; Five' Twenties, 1 . 663, 1101.;; do, 1564, 10514; do, 15115, 10.1; Consols, '65, 107 N; Ten Forties, —; seven Thirties, 2,1 Issue, 10.515; ati issue, 10.51.;; Michigan Southern Railroad, C.G:i Cleveland a Pitts burgh, Pittsburgh. Fort Wayne a Chi. cage, 03; Chicago and Northwestern, oommon, 31; do preferred, S:! New York • Central. 0.:?..;;; Reading, loo; , ;'; Erie, 591-;.Cht cago and Rock Island, RN; Western Union ' Telegraph, 304. Gold opened strong at 1.1,7,i, declined 1:1 1591„ hut advanced after the late European new, was receives to 1354e513 , , ,, ,,4. The de mand Is • quite lively from business melt _ dealing In impOrted goods,they having cal culated on lower rates on or before the fink . of May, butnot wishing to run any further risks,aro covering their contracts and thel'r bills. Government :securities are still higher to-day, and shotild bank balancei! • continue to increase In the t-astern must soon advance still more, since there is no security on the market that could sci readily be disposed of. The great abrindi, &nee of money for temporary Investments . has at last shown its influence on the stook Market, and all solid Railroad shares are in request at advanced prices, and most _of the "fancies" are better. • Northwestern common, is the only weak stock welting fora stir. Twen ties —The London quotations for Five w show a seeming decline of the three cents, owing to the lace that "settling day" . takes place on the middle of each month. nonce sales of hoods made after the 16th of April and October will not be “settiede toe till the 16th of May and November, and as the Interest falls due on the let. of the months last named, their "Sat" value fall off three per cent. taking effect the day , after the settlement previous. The decline in the value of rive Twenties in Europe has not materially affected the market hero. The advarme in gold to 1.1.);; has • more than compensated for the fall in for eign quotations, end the price ht home has advanced on all the issues of Five Twen ties,' There is' a steady investment de mand for bond., the impression apparently gaining strength that the value of this class Of securitics_is less dependetit upon tne fluctuations 'incident to commerce in the present comlition of affairs, than other in. yeettrients. The Financial Chronicle says the unsettled state of ponds at London and Frankfott has not been attended with any operations of consequence among foreign bankers here; nor Is there any Indication that orders have been received from Eli , ,rope to cell Five - rwenties. As n rm., bonds have been lower hero than In Eu rope, but under the tin Certain hes as to for , ohm markets there has been no disposition to ship them. ' —The Philadelphia Press says: The spring trade has not been as backward as It was at first supposed It would he, [or cormumers had been holding baek until they could no longer help themselves, theonviction having established itself that the c re can be no material decline for scree time to come. • The present prospect, however, is by no Means enmuragiug; fur, with the breaking out of a foreign war. now so much feared, the gold premium amen continue to flue tuate,, and mumltle, for a while; at least, that mercantile confidence without which there can be no substantial prosperty. The manufacturing, mining, and mechanical branches of industry Imre suffered of late . very materials, from causes peculiar to • themselves, namely, the labor strikes; and the depression thus mimed hes already communicated Itself to other branches. The present effect of these trlkes cannot be otherwise than pernicious to too Interests of all classes; test,so far as they may reeve to check over protection, and to bring both capital and labor to a realizing sense of their mutual dependence, they may not be ultimately without some good results. The same paper also remarks that should 'some of the leading Lurepeon powers ba p:mike involved In war, there will doubtless be developed a demand for gold far expert carrying upse price of that commodity; and petit/; , this state of things may in. • volve &considerable return noon the home Market of American securities now held ' abroad.; /Sat this effect will be merely toms 'pilaw; anti in the end European capital will flow In n e on us for ante. investment . and profitable mployment, while fu rther our agricultriral products will. be further enhanced In value by the extraordtharY • demand for consumption created among the belligerents. A. general European war, though it could not he looked upon in any other tight than that of n, p rest public- ca. jamity as regards the general interests of . civilization, would nevertheless In a short while operate as -a great stimulus to the productive industry and ear:amerce of this country by enlarging their markets. Sew York Financial matters. . thy Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Ganat Cl.. New Your, April 23.-Government occur!. tlea opened strong and active, with a do. =and for '6lO from foreign houses, and ad 'snared to Il0;4 this afternoon. .Prices, therefore, were a fraction lower. but other wise steady. Register.' of 'Bl. • coupons of 'Bl, itaNfrele9i,•4; S.3.l's, register.; . 1043.1e10.% Lam coupon. of 1100 lito4; 5-20 coup.. of , G 4, 11:0%biltig,t4; oi • July, 10114(tha.%; 10.40.0, registered, 9841.1 10.40 coupons, 95).1eM9.331„'- August Vat's, IlkaAftleCl4; June do, Stock. opens; rather tlrmor, with appar ently more dlspolition to buy. As cal/ at • the regular Board progressed thn bearish reeling gained the asccadancy,and prices 'fell Off %Wiper cent. At the h:conil Board prices were steady. except Fort Wayne, which fell to 913f:119114, In sympathy with the proposal to Issue si,SGO,OOo more stock, 'which It Is underatool is to be offered at 60 to stOckholders. Market firm at last open Board nod, after call, with increased de - nuvicloirlitch rasalted in - an adyande of lie 34 ppr writ- William Heath te., Co. report the following tie the! 5:30 r. a. priers: Gold 1.3.411394 Ohio and Mississippi certincate.62; Comber. lead. V3O".AYs; Quicksilver, ar1i.4(4 , 49; Stamps. ea, twielaw,, do. prefersd, 1aj.4030',4; WeStoro Union Telegraph, 3a.-Yar.l7; New bock CPI, tral, BeleerkiNi 1:rie,57,667 , 1; Hudson, 90 6 31 : Reading, 101%,e101%; Michigan Central, 105;. Mithigan southern, 1:6UQ6664.1 illlnols ceatrab 1130/1 3 !4; Cleveland and Pitts. trargiLiagkei Cleveland and To 1i510,111,74 1. • . 0112.!4rItobit Wand and Pacific. 66 . 43191 , 4; North Western, 31X030.4. do. preferred MN,' MUSt.Pittaburgh Fort Wayne and Chicago, fiIY s &S2Y.; Pacitla Mall, 11.5%61%; Atlantic, MasePA. Border State bonds quint. Min , Soot% k . t; Hew Tennessee, 62., Old Ken .' t 00 1.7.. m• , new do., Tattling Lit.m.rd was activ 4l e at the carly - Boaril, but closed quiet. Gregory, ;MI; Colombia, 2 20 ' CnrYd.^.4=oll64; Quart. Hill, tali Son . Raderfar. 955. • Dry Gana. Trade. My Telegraph to the Pittsburgh ii.ette.3 lisw Year s April =.—tiry boo's Cotton GlOod• are lower hot more active : Ports reOetb C. bleached muslin., yard wide, 12; Great Falls ' the Tigerk, 54 wide, 11; Psitnittn, a yard, 14; Indian River, yard, 12.4. tins bleached martins lower: Pacific Eitru. ii; Stkrk A, Ph Lawrence C, 17: (loyal Ouk, yard' wide, 1314. Prints stomy with good Laos, 8 1 1,021: Glniclutine steady ai.,l in ro iatteSt.; Glasgow. 21; Lancaster. 23. Pitney sad choice colors of goods In request and full prlcekbut the great bulk of goods are ktAllag at a labriaCe. JAMES DALZEII & SON, 69 and 70 Water Street, • LARD OIL ILINIIFICTUREI3,S, And dealers in CRUDE, LUBRICATING and CARBON OILS. We warmatour No.; Lard Oil equal to the best Cincinnati, or other brands, and prolate 'to sell at low its Cincinnati or Chicago num. • Our No. 2 Lard 01i as. Lubricator esanot he extolled. Duct Creet Lubricating and standard brands of Carton OR constantly on hand. Merchants •od manufacturers will find it to their interest to glee us a call before ordering Lard Ob from the West. 1.1 - T7hl -- BURtill ELABALLTrt. 07710107 Tel PITTSSOII April;All TraSnaTi 22, 181,7. L There are no new characteristics in the praluce markets worthy of spacial notice. The demand for most of the leading com modities ha fallen off materially within the past few days, and for some articles. prices are declining; and, Indeed, the gen- ' eral tendency is downward. GRAlN—There Is no movement in Wheat and none in this ma:ket. Oats dull with continued arriValn, and prices are tending downward; we now quote at 63. to c,oo track, and G. 50 to Cie. In store. Sole of 0)0 he/diets at 03c. Corn !strut but un chauged—sl to CA tor prime Yellow. Sale of l ear Rye at 41,60—an advance. Barley to whited at 41,1.0 to $l,ll for Spring. FLOUR—In dull but unchanged. We continue to quote at alt to $1.1.4 for Spring Wheat; 415 toes', tor Winter W heat; and 410 to $l9 toe fancy SL Louis brain's. Stye I Floor. $1 per hid,. aud Cornmeal $l,lO per bushel. PROVISIONS— Bacon .Is steady and unchanged at tli4e to 10c for Should e; 11,4 to 11. Ne for itite , ed and Clear Sides; 15150 to IN,Lie tor Plain Sugar Cured Hams, and IW.; to inN for Canvases! Hatns. Driest lieeL Laid, 19 and Mess Pork, 102 to h as EDS—orseed is dull and drooping: it sieelined to ,E1tr.1.50 In Philadelphia. Timothy seed is 0011100 at $3. Flax seed Is in good demand at $3. EGGS—Continue very with Wenn ply largely in excess 01 the demand. We continue to quote nousinaliy at 1G to lie. BUTTER—Is plenty and dell, and prime fresh Roll is clung-ats We. There Is no in quiry (or necked Butter. POTATOES—Quiet but steady, with reg ular salve In store; at Kw to $1 per bush. OIL— Lard Oil In arm but unchanged— :We for NO. 2, rind $l,lO for No.l. GREEN APPLES—DuII, with a supply considerably In excess of the demand. WO now quote at $1,50 to $5 per Chi for good to prime. ILLY—SaIe of 7 tons baled, on wharf, at VS. Prime may be quoted at thl to Si 7. !LILL FEED—Scarce, and held firllliY at at extreme prices. Salo of Middlings at $2.35 per cwt. DRIED FRUIT—Is dull but unchanged—. . small sales at Sto Co for Apples. and lie to 180 fir Peaches. PIG LEA I I-20 plgs at 10,1 c. Arn JULIO:LET Orswl ov zrmFrrstriesqu Gazarra, TVISDI.T. April "23, 1e67. CHZDE—Tbo market ckintirmos Tory PITTSBURGH PETRO _ dull and weak, and while holden, uu yet .eeM unwilling to mule co ceesiOns. there . . are but fewg any,buyers at present 'aging prices. There are plenty of . gore to sell at 0.,;e, for snot oU, and 7c for . ay, and offers to buy at Ne to fp for tho former, and 6-, , icior the latter. The fact that there are but few tank buyers at present, restricts the demand considerably, asl refiners gene- rally are pretty well stocked, and do not seem disposed to buy more ht present, an ...they can do so at a decline. 011 lo ro po rted scarce at the wells and Oil ettyubut such is not the case here, as at no time, perhaps, in the history of the trade, has th.re been such a sleek la Mal about Pitts burgh. k:FECED—There was not a single opera tion In bonded oil to.lar, at least we had but one reporbal,looo standard white, for all the year 1867, buyers option, at 32 , 4, deliv ered la Philadelphia. We are Cognisant of offers to sell standard a Lite at on cars hero, without finding buyer., and prime light straw to whltweannot fairly be quoted above xto . .11!. for I same delivery. The market Is still reported very dull and neglected In Philadelphia, with but little prospect Or any Immediate improvement. • —Since the above was written, we nave a sale of 4100 bale standard white, running from May to December. Id) each mouth, at . 4 ,1 4• and bbls West Virginia crude, at lit, -? pitmansa Included. iilthlVA.LV=Tne following arrivals of oil a - ere reported to.day Jas. Wilkins.... I . . Fisher h Pro MO D. at, Edgerton.. Sid W. kW:Mc:mon., 5:1 P. BIY 154 Waring &. King.. 45 QM ALLEGIIENY (TATTLE MARKET °"1" Or Tl'Tzere'r/7-7.4%9A'ta'. The supply of cattle was again light this week, not exceeding rive hundred head,and with a very good retail demand, and sOmo Inquiry for shipment, the market ruled flrm, and all the offerlngs were illspostsl of at tell prices. Good to extra retailing cat tle sold at from Bto and stockers may he quoted at s'i to di; according to quality salet &ne Ilion. The great bulk o cattle no sa this week were from Chicago, f and t were In the hands of regular dealers. there tieing hut very few "outsiders" In attendance. The following lan pretty full report of all the transactions: Glean & Lafferty sold 37 head of good to extra Illinois ..tears at 7:4 to b%; also, 8I bead of mixed Ohio cattle at vg to 7'4 Ser geant sold 15 head stock cattle to dull at 1%; and Shemberg bold head of fairish cuetle to same buyer at Blackstock .1 llaxleirood retailed lei bred at o% to St; ; IS bead to Wickline Snyder, at Blackwood ?mid Geo. Evans (bundler) one very fine chow hetfer,vrelaihlugleos pounds, for Allegheny market, at alsooine very fine steer, weighing nt same price Merrick dllioud told IS hi.jad at 7'4 to Myers & Needy wholesaled 55 head of good cattle,for New York markiltdo Grey &Mar tin at 1-3,l tog: and retalleili 55 head at 7i9 4%. R1,12S & /1411.9 retailed CZ hcEtti ate to 9 teenwald & Kahn 52 Miail at d to 67 4 '. Marks & Trannuan, CO head at 7% to 9. L. llothclallds, 19 brad at 7:: I, Rut very few -Sheep on sale this week, though as there were but I. w,lt any, whole sale buyers In attendance, he demand was restricted mainly to sapid 'lug the wants of butchers. Shaw is repo tad ea hating retailed. slot of clipped oh tp at of and 11100 ft Co. sold a nurnber of wooled Sheep at 7N to.S. weds. Market for this grade of =Lock continnes dull at these yant4, the demand being re strlcted almost entirely to eupplying the wants of the retail trade.. Sergeant sold 10 head, averaging about 105, at t?,:; and E turr ice .1 Co. report having retailed about 1 . 2.5 head at 7t,4 to 6 , 4, groat. =3 Iffy Telegraph to the Pittsburgh iiasette.l C t.cts SATs, ADril 2.3:F1011r unchanged' and elan at fill! rates. At the Trade Hoards flour wait $l3 map; IQ. Wheat nominal and unchanged, not a enough offering to estate:, huh prices. A small lot 70.3 winter, cold at 43 IS. Corn In good demand Mal market firm:mixed, 400900. The latter rate when In an elevator is arm, and, also,when It can be delivered In ears to go East. Oats dull M. 64P:5c. The receipt. of Rye Is liberal at $1 70, and In moderate demand. Barmy un changed. Cotton dull and in no demand, Middling Uplands can ho bought at 2T.. Wthsky doll at 1.224 10 bond. Mew Pork Wt. In demand from the East and MOO buds sold at VT 50 In bulk. Meats unchanged and held firmly at Se for shoulders and hie for tides. They could have been sold to a con siderable extent et a quarter below these rates. Bacon unchanged and quiet; should. era, 90; Mdes, 11(41M.W12.c. Lard, /IN° flut ter and Cheese uncbangod. Egge,l4oBsc, and dull. Chicago Market. ;By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gasette.; Cuieson, April W.—Flour In quiet; spring extras 1111,50014. Wheat in firm and 2e higher; No.. 1 sold at $2,75, and No. 2 at 12,46 6 , •45. and: closing quiet at 11.4702.47.,4. Corn is quiet; No. 1 sold at 10,0711/1.0 , • Oats quiet 0110 sales of No. 2 at 57659 e, and closing steady at 57!4e. Rye is quiet at SIX 81,45 for No. Land 41,41. for No.l. Barley Is quiet Messnchanged. Provisions are lime- Live. Pork sold at 1511.50W111 for pre.. not and future delivery. Lard is more so. Live at ICe for future delivery. flogs are so. Live and 1525 e. bicker. at 1 0 ,7a 0 87,a 5 for good to choice smooth. liver:W.-2.We bar. robs P10ur;5,510 bushels Wlieut;ls,olls bushels Corn; 1,400 bushels Oats. and 1,150 Hogs. Shipments-3,000 barrels Flour; 6.900 bushels Wheat; V 5,000 bushels Corn, and 42,0.0 bask. els Oats. Philadelphia market. (Br Tel errant, ton e etttsburgb Ilatetts•/ PIIILADLLPIIIi, April 23.-lloor, dull. Sales of California at $l7, l; extra Plate, at 615.00.'M beat. 10 demand Limited sales at 13.15 for California; Ited; 0,40. stye; sales of 2.000 bushels. (Icon; In mood demand, and at ic: Sales of 6,010 bu. at 111.17. Oats at 75c per bo. Whiskey, contraband; 0111,17. Petroleum, refined; Rec. Cambridge a:estle Market. (By Tlegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.) k:sainattot, Mass., April 21—Beef cattle; receipts,head ; the demand was ood. with &short supple; everything sold g with an advance of hilfrhe per cwt.; extra. 111 . 1G,75, first quality, $15i313,10; iieennil quality, .11,5q512,!.0; third quality,. COWL sheep and lambs; receipts. 2,711 head; paces un changed; sales at 16(010. Balalmoie Market fhy Telegr• ph to the Plttsburmh liasettr.) Ilavristoun, Aprll 21.—Floor doll. Wheat doll; rennsylranla $3.00. born; bales of bob white at .1,18 for mlzrd, In lot* , 01,21 for good to Prints; 7,00 n bus yellow at W 51.17. oa , a; no salsa C Seed $)11. Whisky at ...1 lover 00 for bonded. Sug lo,6oo ar ISO 10.40. ProylslOns unchanged. New Mean Pork SU. Itonlestite itip Telegraph to the Vlttahurah tiarette.) lull cis. April PP.—Tobacco actlre with lu ll ru t,monoon or Pl 5 hogsheads at 5P,P0W21,50. hoportlnn floor Wall. Wheat e o seteep. Corn toh el led §I,CO Including sacks. ear corn. sittlid. • Onto hulk, 75. CottOri dull sioNs pork ..12,1a ior prime- Lard In „ rues, ititoon shouldors. 0" ; clear tildes P.*:(1.,12%.' Whisky free si4s. E== ( n y Tergrapti to the Plusburxt; 1.1,a.dte.1 utvirwrXx.r. April 27.—Flour quiet; S(Z for double extra nprlng. Wheat advaneing; aaletl ~,t.111,42 for P.O. 2, and It:Az for No. 3. Outs bettor at. 640, Corny 01,16 for P.O. I. 21eW York Produce Market. ;sr Talearaab to the Pittsburgh Gazette.] .. Nair TOVX, April 2.—Cotton tinche =gal; sales 1,300 Pales upiantis at iidc. Flo an re , calor, ce 8,5670010; musket 50100 for aer for common; other grades steady; se lea 7,514 tibia superfine at 41001006; extra western si 127(1; choice do III20014.40'; shipping brans. rand hoop 0010 3.%); trade brands 413.10014,45, closing ctead.y for good; California morn active; sales 3,450 bbin at 51L59016,50. Whinny uncliani ;ed. Wheat; no receipts; common nom lnall y lower; oth• er grades steady; salmi Lidine 'dash No 2 Silk Waukee at $.2,e5, white California $3,2743.30. Rye firm; sales 78,0e0 bash western at .1,50 f or eupice, {1,55 for Canada, and CAI do free. Barley unchanged; Sales :41.510 bush western at 41,06; Canada Welt SI,Ai; do In bond Sir; State 11,1 U. Barley Malt nomi nal. Corn active. excited and tic better; sales IsAINO bush mixed western In store at al,1101,35; sleet at a 1.3501,2854, aaaoag at outmaa rates; new Western yellow $1,35, new white western afloat 61,54. Oats—sales 34,1.0 Push western at. 10r31, State iiooolo. Rice steady; Carolina littdOil lc. Sugar honer; 121 Idnis Cuba at 100111', Porto Rico . 11V. Coffee nominally unchanged. 010100- nes firm; 52.5 Wilds Cuba to inqpiee.. Petro- Mum doll and unchanged. Mons quiet. ,Pork d oll 5,7741 bbk at SileiLl for mess, s u s sing at for cash, old $21,75/5 0/,10, prime 513019,12, prime steno $11.7540 2107; also 2.500 libls new mess at S/3,2:41:.3,i45, boy era, May. Beef nnctudiheal; !ales 2,0 bh/S tteree beef at 1.11(131 fee prime men, for Kentucky /less, tie-f Ilans quiet at $10041.'91. Bacon (Inner: 7-e boxes at 707,c for Cumberland. II 5 for 1 Short Bibbed, 12(aliki(02% for suer.. vicar. Cut Meats—sales 235 sae 0.1400 at is,W9tse. toe Shoulders, and 115(1131' ' e. Lard steady; sales llt bids at I/1 03) ; ;. Sew butter Mill: Ohio, 110141. Cheese steady It 130litc. Lamar, 5 r x.—Flour closed dull fOr con. mon graden, and steady and In fair demand formetil rit and choice. Wheat heavy and declining ( for common sprltdr. and Boner for good spring and whiter; tin. 2 spring. at {1,500365; No. I do, at $2,701t2,n3; winter red and anther, at 6303,30; white western, at . 13,31; California, at 13,30513,3 5 . Rye firm. Barley arms); western, yt 1.151031.01 for in. (erlor to Prime, Oats unsteady, at 726750 for western. Corn quiet, at 41,3015 afloat for shipping mixed western. Pork not no firm; sales I , lVu bblx, at ti 2.75 cash and regular new 1111345, elo +ln g with buyers, at 632.75 and sellers, ut Sti,nd C.ll and regular. Beef; a moderate Inedoes9 doing. Cut Ideate un changed. Bacon steady, at 111 a for short ribbed, and itiialitiNe for Cumberland m lll. . 111 1 , Lard, at lii%st for fair to prime steam, and 13 , /a41.17%ie lei kettle rendered. =CO illy Telegraph to the l'lthiburgli Geeette.) Burrs., April 23.—Y1Our 10 wood de mand, elf/ling at All advance of SOC (Or oriag; sales 2.000 bole spring at 02.O015,l0; western $13,501111.fal; Rouble extra Indiana 416.50. Rye Flour Is Wheat mace and quiet. but unchanged; sales g. 5 ears new To. ledoat 41,te on State Line tr.k ; also 13 cars w rejected Chicago at CO ., ' Oa track', arid Sfe Minh old-a - nixed western at Ol,lS, to tore, elegiac with an upward tenmoDey. Oitta in good demand; sales 12.1e0 hue!, Nog western at fdefde to store. Barley scarce and quiet; tales ttl".l basil Canada West at •415 In store. Other articles quiet and Un changed. IT =1: Triegratb to the Pittsburgh fl•zettc.l Sr. lAscm, April S--Tobacco unchanged. Cotton declined to To for middling. Flour In active. demand and confined chiefly to medium and higher g Supertino quo. Led at 1110(P12; Extra 312.50t012,75; double en. Ira a11Q16,75; choice and fancy .17,574115,.25. tyh e .,A Arm for high grades and dull and drooping for low grades; prima Fall 11.1.6 0 1:0 3,75; choice $3,5)U3.00. Corn opened quiet find Improved at tho close, ranging 111.054 1,13. • Oats easier at 7elact/c. Parley lower at $l,lO for good Spring and 41,55 for choice. Bye dull at si,sup,r,. Provisions and nominally unchanged. Lard quiet. Whis ky very dtll.l at $3,0.5 free. NeO Orleans Nernst Inv Telegraph to the Pittsburgh iszette•l NEW OahrAss. April 2A—Cotton ensleri sales of 0,050 I.les of low middiing at 70ED 01, , ,ict receipts Mr four days 4.410 hales; ex ports for the same time lids 4 hales. There we., no sales In sugar anti molasses. Flour dullt agog:nee 3114 c lower ; Corn scarce and advanced sc; wlote $l.lO. Outs in small demand; sales at At: Pork dull; $n, , 256., , r;., Bacon; shoulders • ribbed slats 11%c; clear shier 12%c. Laid 'inn and unchanged. Whisky unchanged. (Sold. Llet. ;sterling C0. , (i.0L New York sight exchange premiers - Toledo Marked. By TelegraVa to the Pltteau az h Gazette Toren, April 3.—Flour Ortn. Wheat am: axles of wnito Micttigan wt. tab tat No. red %lunarla 11.2,...M. [Corn active and buoy ant; ntilv.No. l opening at el, land cloning at 41.04. Oats a shade better. at Gac. Lakol. freigbta dull; tc on corn to MulLtlo. I==l Ifir Telegraph to the Pittsburgh tiarelt , MOOCH!;. April '2l—Cotton dull and nom. mai, middling uplands, •.1(4`21c. Flour higher, illOQI0:21. Corn iirlY and hiuher, *1.2103 1,25 for primewhite. lisp, St!dat. Oats higher, 100150. Pork steady, it2l. paeon,clear sides, 13O;13 • tIIIYII7.N MV bull Ullman. Ct.:viakw° AND PITTAHrII4. ii•ILHOAD A pril -..42 roall, Sperm!. - a McKay; 1,0 bbls door, 12011.., lhalrd a Patton; 1 cur pra. Dacca, Pettit A Newlin; 3 bra trotter, 1 tad molasaex, ahulr, Son 4 Co;. S tall% chnlra, Lemon a Wel., 3 how tohnceo, 4 1.111ler; hhda anyar, Wm Cooper; 5 do do, allselds a !toucher; 12 hr.+ plcklee, 11 Ilnworth; 12 1.11 dry apples, Carr A 51CCarpllea; 7 do upplea, 112 aka 100010,9, W 1 Meet a 11ro;20. chimney Inps. McDonald; 152 00 Oat, la.- (lieut.; barn, IV Bingham: 50 . 10 .10. W 11 Co- Ina; I 2 1,1,12 potatoes. 0 do applea, Vnogor• der A Shepard; 10 .ski raga. 4 do aundrla, McCullough, Smith S. Co; 10 do oata..l li Iluchunan; II bbls potlWoo... .11 do arid., W.l Steel A Tiro; 115 aka 71001. Swath a. co; 10 bra tobacco. Una:Earth. Malholahl a Co; lot .pokes. etc, Uare A Um; 11.107,10 polo toes...l U antathen.' • Prrroannoir, root, W•VAIN CHICAGO It. 11., April 0.3 —IA 11.11 a hide, Win Bingham; hza cheese. I tub burr,. q' 11 Kirkpatrick .P. Co; to boo nel. II J Sleek 3J 000 lita•ko, 1 - 1 rricindeon; 53 *tick, corn. James Glenn; 11 cars oil nl.lO, Jatnrt Wliklor; 1 WA egg,, dead d Jiel ictrr; 110 410 potatoes, Peter G 11). 1,00011 car On, brick, Pail:. Br,, Ito Mao Boor, Watt W 'loon : 100 do do, J It lloe; 701 do do, owner; 301 do do. '.l - 2 boxes oonp. shotnaker d Lock; 4000 tint a oteel, Park. Bro d Bo; 33 bbl* prarle. Maier; d pro; 1 ear bay, Gun Lang; 10 dozen br00m.,./tin Porrerßeld; 12 bbl, npples, .1 Blau,:10 tads apples, 1 kg apple butter. 1 do egg,, II Bo ber:7 blito apple+, II Bea Jr; 110 tell, paper, rOultls, Johnston d Colvin; 15 bbl* Pour, J ti Ntokuwer .0 co; 10 bdl.k forks, Whitmore. Wolfe h Co. FITTP.L'iIOII,COLL,II,IIGt CIVCINTrATI FLU.. April 23-25 only flour, 3.50 eke .In, W Cooper Co; 279 Ors oats, 4 SA. bacon; I car corn, J Blair; 1 car nay, Campbell d Brown, 118 bar rels apples, 7 bbls dry apples. A•lalr, ',ru ck)" d 31111er; s. sks 011., 4' Shieltlll; CZ sacks corn; "A Wood; 4 ' pkgs prod ace, shrivel'. Spencer A Co; 61 sk s barley, 12 bbls apples, SlcUeury d 110m1; lel bias apples, Volst Co; II bbls anPles, Si 111 . 11 8".1"l"r1 & Brn; Skgs whltelead, .11• Soo.; 100 barrels flour, lr Wallace; I car oats, Bricker A Co; I car scrap Iron, A.Carnagle; 2 cars stares, V. !lasting] , ALLCOULET Srartna, April 27—1 car bay, Stewart d Lange:M(Bm; 6 don brooms, Flaanes; I car wheat, McKee' A en; 3 bbls apples, 8 Dyer; 251 sks oats, W MUMMY .t C0:1 car lumber, John None; :DJ sks unlit, Smith A co. Prrrnernon AND CONWerts9ll.l..¢ R. it., April p 2.-20 coils rope. Marshall. Felton St floilinan; I 2 bundlessheet Iron. W F Arc, strong; 1 ear sibyl, McCully co; 1 do do, .1 Ii rage Jr; 64 ski; core, 'sync; S Stoaemaa; 15 bills leather, W Wellaell• Asszolisit. Var.r.er RSlLnnsn. April 2 rues metal, 511miek A co; I ear rye, Daniel Wallace; 1 di, wt., Adams Austle; Woks .10, KellS Ilitebart; le sacks feed, Bricker it co. STEA_MBOATB OUR. 11 AND CINCINNATI.I on , l swift p•••enger torteket, PEEII.I.C,IS Caot. T. WI•1 oly•• • regular stseklY Pittsburgh and Onclun&II, even ISATUItDAY. at noon, • every TUINDAY. For freight° , on bn•rd, or to - U. BAIL ap234S b 7 FOR CAIRO AND ST T. Lt:tll.4.—ltEtiMAllt PAt , a RM.: t:lt nne stc C•a Will laser abore, on 711Ult$11 at 6 o'r lock C. ii.. posttlyciy. Yor I reirhr sr p.m°, •OPIT on IND E PEND IFINT PA(: ' P:T.-1 , 011 FAINT LOUIS, I t leavr fF,r the above awl lam anTIIIIIISII AY, 4'll last .51 1 0 For fr`ix"".11'.'17.11`2,,:.P,1% 17 .n np'S U. um.t.inuw, 1 4 '0 R QUINCY. *LEO SUE. SUE, DUBUQUIS AND VT PAUL, Dom:Y.—The ant att.. I uOLUMISIA . . k i 0 1 I s es i T s ... , f , o , r y ..bi i rce h a i u n tl 6 nt , trm heM 4 r Fur trt PL AUK, f:OCI BA RN k C 01,1.0 s's" IN DEPENDENT PAC KT Full. ST. LOUIS, DU SIN AM) ST. line Moan, ,MIVISTEK _coo Will leave as above on ED:. 211 k. WIII arty tato trrlght and river. For frolobt or p board or to r irLscic. a CULL!. Fort MEMi'HLS AND NEW 01ILEANS.—The One A paamenr et sM Celle& came[ Ca leave for air lOW, and lota, on W ON Etft, Otto loot.. For frafgl, or paanamo apply on apl2 1 , 1.a1; & 1:01.1.INOW UM:MLA II WEEKLY ... eINCI N.N A T I PACKET, LEAVING EVERY wrnsum, —The heel, •nu comm. 1.• M2=' • A IfOtlY W. If. t!colf, Clerk Yor f+Wlh{or ',lltlTSTatgle fen CHAS. BA UN EH SAMUEL M. wichEns Iron 13rok 124 First Stree Agentrot the le of Cornwall, 11 , Josephine, Isnliella, tiuneaunon. end on,•anol other bronchi ofwnth sac lost/so/ cone and Oliphant's B. C ff= PITTSBURGH ROPE WORKS. FULTON, BOLLIIIN & Only Ifeaufaeoarers In the Wee; of HEAVY CORDLGE , . IROLalblefor Steam and Coe Boots. DAWNED LAID OIL WELL ROPE. Tarred Ropes for Coal Railroads, HEMP OAKUM AND PACKING, CLULIiINO COTTON, &e., Warehouse. 114 and 115 Water Street, Neer IlenctoesNele House. RIVER NEWS The river continues to rat slowly at this point with eight and a half feet in the chan nel by the Allegheny marks last evening. At Oil. City, the Allegheny was reported rising, with live feet at thaCpoint, nod from this, it must he inferred that there has boon heavy rains' at the headwaters of that stream within " the past few days. II ere, the weather was cloudy and cold yes terday, and It was thought that thorn would be a sharp frost last night. The Argosy. from Cincinnati, and the Spray, from Vortsmenth, are tile only ar rivals we have to report. The Argosy had nexsacellent trip, including oer two thou d sacks of corn, bad bar v rels 01 tares pork. There were uo departures aside from the regular packets. . . The Col wubla, Capt. 'Reed, leaves to.day for the Upper sllsslssloppl, With an 'excel lent tr'p. As U. will be sumo time before there is another boat ready to start for that paint. Parsencers and tattooers should take advantage of the opportunity noa presented. Messrs. Russell Itn4l hpiano are associated together In tine entre. . . . . Tile aver iireingt toil reliable Argosy, COL Leisie Veaulrrgrift, with Mr. W 11. seutt In the °Mee, it the regular pueset forCluclnuati toeiay, leaving promptly? at The Importer, Capt. Noss, is announced to leavo for St. l.ouN today, as Is also tun America, Capt.l'. 11. Gol,lnns, for New leans. These are hots 112Ce0.111t Lexie, The America Ili attic receiving freight for Qin clinutti end Loolsrille. The Kato Putnam, Capt. J. 11. Lightner, with Mr. J. D. Young in the oinee,leaves for St. Louis tomorrow without full. Thu but. nem already has a good purtimi of her car go engaged, and will leave on Thursday without fall. She offers superior accommo dations for passengers. Tile Nora 1s loud• lug for the gold erg logo, 10 charge of Copt utee Shedder. . . . . The liltralstle passed Evanceflle on Sun day, enrouto for St. Lodlc, tot did oleo the Itelleyernon, enroute .from St. Louie t Pittsburgh. The towtonatt Anor, Boer, An telope, Reinlute and W. 11. /Crown pc..f. clown the aurae ' day on their way to New Orleanr. The Great Republic leaves St. Louis for N ew Orle a ns on Wednesday, and Cairo on Friday morning. She is now in complete running order, and will soon "set the pegs" for all she fast nags plying the Lower .111s sIsslimi. • Preparations are being made to start rafts clown the Illissirsippi. filets aro mak ing their war up to toe pinerien. Thu Du buque Herold rays that Danlei McLain, toe well-known raft pilot, has departed for toe foot of Lake Pepin, 0110 a forms of twenty one men to bring down u raft of lumber which wintered there, belonging to parties in St. LOU!, Ilan hoe been offered siesi premium If he makes the first run into that city. The Ida left Duldissue on Wednesday night. going north after a load. Galena, It is said, contains more oats limn any town on the river, nearly all bound fur the ;ow them turtrli.etra. Albert Teulrl, who was bange.l hit rowr lot, at PoYlestown, ' renomyletylla,. I.4st 'llurstbty.conra.aed 1.6 hays been ebiruge.l . . . . In the nrictury of the .I.lis7d-.1.0 steamer Mary E. Forsyth In l , slr or 1,3; that he drungesl the eierk of the steamier, end then robbed the Wilco of $1 ItAne. Bel ti lySked when , lie went the money, he replied, ' , on drunks, oltentnues spending from Co) to pole. night. Thu St. Louis Democrat tlin4 or °the situatlonia as It Wes at the class ta laiit week: .14 10 very apparent that there (salt Unease of 'nonage catered Or remit, tale freight. Saute of them won't go un- macti=asza=goia begins to look tam We and one of the 1mk01.. 1 4m Shrrktyy, mow bock with 4 reepcc table cargo. X hero le alio eumetallng doing In tile Teenteeem trade. Good 1.4-1 C Tallman. expected (rot. kaetport and Flor ence. The Vickxhurg trade will no doubt iron elewillF 1 u litipertanoo, the value thu railroad co:meet:one become veloped." We clip the following Itetrol from the Cln cl.natl Ikurlie, of Monday: Aoglo whose mow put to n 114 la lot of alm•lve re constructed chivalry at Stemphis, all Cli act culled forty all the MMus/tate epithets that the noodles of the river chaps of the ~ .4trartnee and :1;44,1 could con. tats, has safely arrlved tut. port. It the suffering poor of the South are la need or corn, the Anglo Saxon It aver ready to a.sr ry her share without price or umuey. There is no MAP, A.lll,llnri 10,0 thmli tier Cap tain. Tile 51 lilt truck. with two barges in tow, from Pt. Louis, will heat thew hart to day. Sae hag tool tons of iron ort, mud a quanta) of intiesentutemm freight. atm discharge. Mu toils of Iron heir, and My tons ut Pitt tstnent I!, :ost at stenbenvllle,and 3.3atous of trod null Z:t tons of Ureelay and lead pipe at IhttsbersM. A nt. I.oolt te1,1,6114 of yesterday, (23.1) ex)e: The latest newest, from l'he te ester that the freshet bad reached Its height, and Um water to slowly receding, tid there Is 110 fear of further dims', to oo Pacific realms,: entertained, and the reseat damage will be speedily repturrti. Tim worst break was !mar h:lk110rn where four hundred ands of track was washed away. Ttio rot l etsteti onlatm and L Menge Is badly damaged, and the W - ter is still rising. A dutpatt h front St. Paul, .100 slate, L3l) sat. The mot Overflow tul the levee 3edtertlay, submerging u portion of West. nt. Paul anti the Hilitnelotit Valley U 0,1110,01 stopping trams for save hl s. The Min nesota river overflowed at Mankato, and inn town of I:o,eur is under water. TOO slculLer hasten 1051arrIveti from La (:ions.., and navigation is fully open. ORDINANCES 011DISAIN(:E relating to tx - mt-iNv. TloN I. Be it 0rd.,i0..1 an./ tkr Soh, anl ,ninvi 1 . ..0•0 1 1, chi," 0..e:11/. 0701 It Orr Arreq, nr.t.tc,,,,tcort t,/ 'an, MIL o Leeson .hall Loma Itc.• Site oat, t.r wee. un.l.r • prnalto o , f 1.. n tlo.lser, I• reco•rted raantn•rile. Any pot,. .I ,trio[ t • bre, o • pnbile ohall en•le In wrlllno. In • ult to Lc Iteht for t urn..., In the orEre of 11,...•Cre t ,nrultolure. ••I .1.111,er my.) Wee p rnlotlnn ton Ilmt pnn,..se. anti It shall , to eorrlo.lhtl 1.0 5 , w that the bless I. done Ilt • g0...1 nntt wort ninnlttorulnnor. 114. ntrret 17..nands.lourr ob• hay, tower to stralt • hurl, rer"tlon. as be ni•o . .lrem nalvtonnle. rn , Jr. t lo thr Approval of l rtroet Committee, In relntlun 1.. Ulf 11500 r of ouch entrr•.a. Pan . . 2. All drain. not .lown t y rltle•ne In the pehlle streets or [rounds &Pall he of "one. tr•m. clay or colt,' Indestruct.ble tnaterlal, under pen tlty cf , e, dollar, to be reenrered aurntaarllY• Lc: 3. Any part or to te 1.1. cllti•n , ea CO, arllb the forepnc, la hcretly repraled. OrJ•lnk .1 and cniae ed ILL" law , bit the 11th day of Aprd. A. D. 11.7. JAMES McIIILIEN. Pre,lclent of .the ',dec.:outlet! Attest: M.5.,k1:101, Cirri ..f the bele, t Council. • Ir. Itll/1 , 1.F., Pre.1.1 , 11( of the ~ rutuou Couuell ♦tteet: ItunLlti 1,”1.`4,1,11, Clerk of the commou Coune4l. A NVEIDIVANCE Ificreasing the Po:Ico YOT,, N[1:114. I. lit It ordate,t wet 'eerie! ey the S , 1. el , ae.l , ,eanou C,,orgetio, the 1%44 A 11, ne4 if is lete;.l end rnarted Ay uttlhoraty eame; That of l'olle, of the city .t,sll een.l.t nine Cln et of Pollee and fire e.... .rod one cept. rt of the Wlllle. t•rtl Ll~~iii.ucnl~u( Lc `,V,:`,•,,,r,'1„'r.v.%-.i; = F===l== i. - , act ”ntained And enacts! Into* troy ills, ilr r!rv. emulcy April, AOOO Domini, one thoussaci tigi4l Ltuu,ll,ll and silly-n. 1,, .14511.1, 31 , 111:1Eit, Prual , l”ut of Nat. Council. Attest: u. nt.tcrnnton, liEqc BIDDoE. rrrsidynt of Common Council. Attest: ROuCirr ificwtorric dirt of Colo .on Council. 13!1!MIMI La TA., eke,. La ea r11,T.1,n nu... apply yE 4 . Aga!, ater ate t. E.i .4=4A .atEnil• WATCH SALE ON TUE .Vli.fl ' A% itt; prier of -Ten Dollsls!, witho ut. n eard to valor, mud not to epa for unites perfectly tort. _ Joil NO 1. iL In E 1(0 Solid Gold Fit unting Watche..-112,0 N 8 7 5 0 (0 , Static Ca•ed Gold Watches "20 to Yu MO LAM., Watches, Knarnolied-- Ott to 10 00 Gold Hooting (lin., Ws, an to ow WO Gold !touting Koch.h Leven... 00 to 120 Gold Duplex %latches 100 to 00 500 (told Itunt'g American %althea PO Suoltilver Hunting Levers 00 to 110 brel Silver Hunting Dopiest. 74 to 210 UA tiold Ladle., Watches 50 to 20 1.0.0 Ices Hunting Lepine• lei to 75 1.1.0 31rllatteou• nliver Watches.- ISO to toll 2,00 Hunting olives. Watehes . .„ 25 to 00 5,051 As.orted Watch., all Mods- . 10 to 75 al - Et er7 Patronobtains a Watch fly this ar rangement, costing Lot 410, while' it may be O orth 4001. No partiality 0111 he shown.- 1011 The advertisers wiall to loomollstely dispoce of the above magnificent nook. Certificates, vpnand og tile attic.. are plared In sealed envel ra, and well totted. Golder. are entitled to lilt •rtlcir• named on their certificate. upon pny men{ o. TOO Dollar., whether It be watch worth 4750 or ono worth leas. he return of any of our rertiticatea entlll.s you to tho article n•rned then., upon p•yment trrespeetter. of Its worth, and as no article slued less than 11l Is named on any Certificate It Will at once be seen Ghat this i :.C.:::12 lAte lock 11. o•ral or pt. ft., Ports, u• =DI i;J.:•"-A onN NOF WO. AR a seat , .r lit O %DOM Aganta 151"" ho Lottery, bat a atralght forward leattlntleTrantartleu,whleb may be partlelpialed In even by themes. Vaatldlon• I A tingle (wildcat!, will be aewt by mall, post paid, upon receipt of nts, OVe for el. eleven for ta. thirty. there mut At , elegant pretrilom ta r •S, autt more ea cable D[l'olollll fur Sin, our hundred and moot nutter!. dtch for AM. To Arenta or Moan Whiblug employment dila la rare opportunlty. It Is a legitimately Condom yd twn...duly autonrlred by toe liovertimetit and or i f i t r t: , : . be Mockcareful scrullny. Try Ott 1a2.8m31 LATE t. 001.01 . 1 atc p 4 0.1. arlurto NM), AO r. RICKLING Cu.. 14 Broad.a, N•w York INIEZ! xat VE.CING CITRATE OF MAGNESIA, In Son. he'll.. In powder. This Magnesia is a mild yurgatlYeaod aperient, very acceptable to tim stomach, for riot bewitch, sour or Melt stomach. and all febrPa one.. Yor tale byt ilmgalsts. Prepared by ARTItUIt RIO/Kita mos , Map/tug street. New tort.. •1131.27:1•7 SIGN OF BLINDS.—JOHN A, AYDZOILITT. 'aril or to 1 Ag•nta. • ItHOWN h CO* 'llO ISMlllieletat Writerl% nurmntl7 to the PostaMen keep e legant or Venetian a rgt h e ' n ' wtl a. New style or Window hltades, $llO •od upward, Colored Oh Cloths. Huff. volland. Slats. Its el Otto mans. !Linda:o Picture Cols and Tassels. Also at the stIIIP shire. on hand o a. 1.• W Coder. a 0.1 stork or White a, d.Calteo shirts. Collars or geutlemen, weir. mile 01. L 333 ng b ore t . rou se: Atcoa 20 n ,, nl :i s t for It UtiTIC recei ef. %.,truirE A. KgLLY • CO. cell Wholesale /Isr 17 Wood strati NIIT soltt ~~i~i:iir~F:' ~ r :1C~~7~~Ifif.`~~i~:~f ! ~ :[y~ol.3:} CO-PARTNERSHIP. THE UNDERSIGNED RAVE AS oottoted with them Inail bronelloe of th.lt business, JAM. L. DILNOICALTII. The n.ne Itm will eontlnue ec heretofore. . t Co. T. SZLLICIIII E. OW txti 1. L. DUNBLAIII. .• F. SELLERS & CO., PORK PACKERS, And Manor toture rs of .L 44 , 3El_] C:10 1-. : New Bacon. Beef and Tongues will be ready for delivery on Monday. Z4th loot.. Chided Sugar-Cured Hams: I>o du do Beef . 1/0 do , do iteell'onVes; Do do do lireakfust Bacon; Plain Cured Bacon Shoulders; • Do do do Sld.4. • At reduced prlces and of excellent quality. From this oat, ahttil Itt• regularly .uppliett with all atllclealtt the Ftuelatutt trade. .1•10:rts BREWER. BURKE 8: CO., COMMISSION BIE6I'll&NI8, ItteENTlt FOtt TESS Parloe, Globe & Liberty Oil Works, Annan ntorawetor Crude and !tato/0 OIL Ida drat cash advances made on a...Orin:neat, of Crude or l',,tro!reetu. Yards for storatto and shipment of Crude Olt at Lawrenceville. Odle, and Warehouse. Currier °I Dun area., Way and lianeoct atrect. l'itteburah. earma Klat. )S7 7 11, , 17.77 KEIL Z. EITCII.4IIIT, COMMISSION lA - CECHE/TS, Fiouo, Gratr, Sezis, Fifil Feed, &t, m7 . '4:37 349 FETZEFI ts. AIMSTRONG, FOLIVIIiDIG Asa cormisios efecIRATS, for the role of Floor, Grairt„ll.con. Lar.l.Buttor, Semis. Oriel Fruit, aril la Narkel tttraat, cur., oh ltrFt, L'lttotnargh, I's. hiL•3,ur IWENS t. KENIiNELLIiC, Wholleal/ICYCUII ulter A li E AN FIDA I/TOSI n 0 I IlIllll7lTd, HALT, PIA/UN, b UTTER Cut., POTATOLS, and In rroTlalonr and produce it.norally, No. 7011 DMIAL BTILICET. oppo• alto tb•ltallroad Leot. ALLEGIILKY:P.a. Agent. for We nit of P. 1. Illte•a. llonnell Llllnan's and J. Kern , . Hall. anla:l7tl BT. 21 . 0% ' nnnnan . 111411.. R OL N KNOX & 50N,C0P411711.9t1i073 • IdERCII A.NTnand 1./..alers In YLtrUK, OILLIN. MILL. riccu node/A/DUCE ranarna- IT. NO. 70 Diamond. cpooalto City lira, Alla /Olen,. Cl ty. lel 7:rsr 11ALV. CRALVWFOUD. Commie -•-, MERCHANT In rai META 11(0).115 OUT, WHuIIOHT nett/U.ll-O,N. Vll2l. 1101(`K and (,LAY , WartnourJ and Oflsu. Noe. 380 lad 384 nTliale.2. Mu...an rumba:ed. 14,17:n1:rent, ocl ALAS. Y•11..1.. ' J. N. •MJ. APBANE AN./ C0711:1111S .... NION !MUCH ANTh and dealers la /WWI and 3 . 11000 CL second street. tetii.en Wool and lirultnltld. ratsburgh. a: 11,1 7 I TITLE, BM US) PATTON, L Nenolnaalntirotere. C0M9153/ot. Ilerebaala, and dealers In rrodnce. /lour. lia<on. 11.0. llarhon and Lard Iron. Nall.. Cotton Yarns and all I'lttetcrgb leanufseturia getaralle 11.04 Ili ett4JCII scr., tittotrarzh: p El(51E11. Ic. LICCOS., (Successors l ln g t u o rg r Y e ul ts ANndit r a y n teu ,rWho eial e . pe t alt n ra .1 P:r.rZt. leFlfth - T 1 OLIN 11. CANEIELD, Com mis . Glyn and Forwarding IdireLant and lel:Lola /ale dealt. 10 Westtrn 14.4111,C Cheeie. II tit ter. Lard. Wort. Mae., /lour,' Flit., Vot and dearl ••Les, and 011 i, Dried troll, and Cr,,. duct generally. Nog. lei and Ile Iron; Pittsburgh. 11 RIDI)LE,Nu. Liberty St., i'tl.l‘l.urgh. l'a..Conanthlon Iderchmtt.•.l Wbolemlo Deslcr In Country Produce, Cir,..ct ries sl rittenagtManufscturcs. Cuh ulvanced ,n‘CoUrtgninents. sod raw for Pluallee AmouYul r . • j AMES DALZELLS. titltiOlunu fa.cturers of Lard 00.140 COtu.stisCon Mex. ureha.se .04 e Cdc /Leine I . 6tfolen p m. Se.. 01 ` d .oo Wat e m r We., VlVAharelk. A.l•aarc• made nu Cunsl,nrk.nt, .10[1111. flOl.l-ILIMVIALD 110Cei .A0.t. 1,10[1.11 JOIIN I. 1101 LISE is. DE103.. Eicae,- (74.001111. J.oIN 1. 110t . gl' a Co., itale lirocers Lnd Cornmle•lon Nrrcu.vu. tr.. .1.5 of ISmlthlltlci 412,1 Watte Atm", Pittsburyr too s;,CllollAlikiat Lc LANG, It hole , •41...,..1,1 rogr, ctle. let, Car...,,n 011, N.. and 174 4'ocnlMool4. nriu [Aborts , L'ltts , taith SAIAII DICIkEI' &CO., and .. •Ita,2 1 . 1/I.lllt, Nn. 4. Water struut azd 1.5 I.llt,:sroh. ~,,11111.70N.Y.VVA1.11 ACE, IiILOCER, AN I) VII. ri,UCF. DI: AI. ELLS. ‘a. (i e.!st tit strert. VI" (burg.. pil,lAn noux....w.L.enirrunx BARR. INALE RIIETTLER, =I N 0.1.2 St. Clair St., nitt.burgit • tsr (11#1;gaits, 1= . Agent. for it b-a,-.1 1:13A1,1311 RI. St.. or), a:..1 ~ ( :110.11ACE.6.1C S CO. l'hll.4ltlphts, I'IA Iv.•S .. 0. - rra6E... wad D. a if. IV. 811 MPS '•AIIY::R'Ati•• 111 1•A1a rIiUITA It. Tbn Itailma 14 , 1 Urral. Vl.lln aztl Gut •11. r. CHINA. Willt:lloLSC. RICIIIRD BREED CO., 10. 100 Wood Street IBItITTANNIA AND SILT 1.:!: PLAT F:1 , TA PLY WAItC. TA Tit/.YE 164,1 TABLE CUT LY.4I, ziwAy. on LkAnd. A TEA ne:l'A CHINA 11INN CHINA Vt.ILICT.LTIS, 1:111,06 111 111 Y>llA cgil N WARE ”fer,ry dc.”rtpl:on L• CAIIII LAVA vior, LAVA 1.1111i...ie. 6TON is WARE of all varittli E. suit who talc and ri.talt tA.,. et and loin,: (tact of Cv erg thing In Ibis line In It,, Slur. l'rle. arid trrms th. same a. la the N OTICE os7 51E1IS UV DRAYS, HACKS, &C: Notice la hereby glT , n to ~hers of Wsr ons, Drays, Cll . ". Carrlae ,, s, s, #.-„ whet her resl,l4 , nt r t0n,..1.1.nt , 111 tllr CI, of rlttsburflt, to pc, Illetr sr,. alt n.. .1 ns••,- ure Ca. 011 es l 111 of 111,1 , ,,1/. Ina ccordsn , . with an set of A, , .sbly, pros. CJ M 4,1,03, su•l an or,l se of tn. tincl,s Um (111.4 111, 100. All 1,1,•1111, not psl,l on or brf,re Mar 16, 1..1' will ',Oars., In the I.ln .l. Of tlo , 1'1,1,1 tnt/1.•ett. , .1,1,1 ft, of f4.r the the, of, sod all 1,,,n01.s ho nvplrct Or 0r,.,.15t. , out 1.1 , e5.. s sr, be to. pon•lty. to be ruc• - •v er.,l fsrt. tut, !1 I',•r, ,11011,1.• stsolint of lb.-Lk...pg... • 'Sur old metal 1./I{ „ N r,••rs .lust Is, returns.' at the time the L.lcens.S are talon or nay 7.lcants r. 1101110 LICE.NrIr.. Esell One Horse Vehle,r $ 7 f,ll #:scn llorw Vs 111,1 • 12 In atNESSIVII . . leiculletnen Thuber .114.ei• drawn hT t wo Itoreen.efrhlr.n del:aea each, For each a.lll - Horse tp.e.l Inn,. 111 one duller: V ALLI a N Trea,urre. re , rtlarr I. Ise, MEM UNION CHART COMPANY, Massfacttacri and Jesters Is GRAY'S UNION CHARTS. urt•al I.llt , rtnentmar,rt.l to Apalte. 1.u.1 ncsei light, sod SUITABLE TO EITHEE !SALE OIL SEVALE. Itrquirri but Ilttle .1410. Addruss, cualut. lug tAtut, UNION CII ATM CO., apl4:7L7 Oraltgerllle. Trun bull , 11. . . s,IIUPELLIOIt OAR TANNEI),PAT Ir.NT iITIOLIVIINU AND ILIVI.TEO LEATkIEE BELTING AND HOSE, braouractorod at No. ISH SMITH YIN& WT., by ELIIITLEY. PHELPS & Also, Akorar for Nary York Robber Co. Grum 13e1 tin g. Alway• on bands a ruperlor quality of LACZ ',HATO KU land 1. 1101 01 0110 NT I 10/ 1 F.. 'COF FER 11111‘111 and MAL% 001.? LICOHP.otr. (BEAT lik:V01.1111TION IN THE WINK TILA OF TIIF UNITII I 1 STATES. —PURE CALIFORNIA .nade and ' , reword as If done In Franco. from pure (0olforol• W tne, and luting ILr place of Impor ted Olt impugn., The undersigned would roll 1110 attontlon of Wine louder, and Hoot If teptra to the follow- Ina tette,, which may be • oorrect Idea of 1110 qd•Illyof their Win," ,Utorrorrwral. lIOTaI.. • I.lllLAniterls. Oct. ',SW, ISM N. floccultu A r:u...-q,ertee t ru: In given your Callfornmenscousento a tlaorough test. we take pleuen• saylna mare, thmlt It the belt Amer' en 0)0,. we have crer used. We shall at once place It on our hill of fare.. Tours truly J. It. KINIII.I.ICY A CO." Call and try our California Champaene. n01,:n7 , 1; 30 Der at.. H. LEDCOIIIIDMA AND Fermate Weakness A phYsl , l•ll or tw , nlY•llt , •rP , lenre olfrr. • v•Ion111. sill powerful reused. fur the o •bore smrd romi,l.lllll. It I. • compound Ais cove red by the edebrnl" Illghzt.t.les. and experience bre pr.yed 4.lll elenry to Le grunter than that °Carle , r.lntwlf pre , innsly tin 4 'I he prr.eriptlon. with foil ollreqllon• for It, will 4n ae. by torn soy ouu unclovlutuV il, to' nCOII 11 , 11. T. Statlott U. Bible Hutt., eW Yuri. mb=.ll.9.mwr DIERILIN IRON WORKS. JONES & MGM," PXTTF332517M1.4:3r335, arAiszTaerc aims OP AMERICAN AND CLAIR Bar, Hoop, Sheet and Plate Iron Uridge Iron; Angle and T Iron; Guard Iron; Coal Screen Iron; T Roiis,l6 & 20 lbs. to the yard; Train Italls,punehed and coun- ter Hunk lloiler,Bridge and Tank IliTetS Cut Nails and Spikes; Ship and Boat Spikes; Railroad Spikes; Railroad !Fish Bars and Bolts; Railroad Car wueel a and Axles; Street Cur wheels and Axles; Coal-Pit Car Wheels and Axles; Patent Cold Rolled Shafting; Patent Cold Rolled Piston nods; Mower and Reaper Ham WAY.LHOUISE ANL. OFFICE. 120 Water and 158 Front Sts, MUNCH 110128 E. Nos, '22,24 and 26 River St., 10.06 CIIICAIIO. ILL SHEFFIELD STEEL WORKS. SINGER, NIMICK &CO laytu7.l,runr.a9 or BEST BEFINED CAST STEEL SQUARE, FLAT AND OCTAGON, OF ALL SIN& MT.7I.AF, CincozAn. OA:. AxDCROse CUT SAW PLATES. KLLIVTIC AND SEMI-ELLIPTIC • RAILWAY SPRINGS, Cast Spring Slut, cart and German Plow Steel, PLOW WINO) AND MOWER EARS. SPRINGS, AXLES AND STEEL TIRE, 01001.0, 91f00rEt., 11110, RAKO, FORK. TOO 0.01. R AND MA , III.NICRY cAsT CRoW-11A1LS.1 Ae.. Ac.. Sc. Warehouse, 53 Water St., Pittsegh, ATLAS 'STORKS, monrqx STREEfI. Ninth ard, Pittsburgh. THOMAS N. MILLER, President These Worts are among the larreat and molt nem pi,. e.tnil,mrtlt In the Watt, and are now pre- aced to rurntst Engines of Every Description, Boilers, Oil Tanta, =EI ftsiliyad Castings, Bolling Mill Castings, Engine Castings, Machine Castings, • General Carding% ORDERS SOLICITED. PITTSURCII FOUNDRY. A. GARRISON & CO., Maccessor. co 11011.7.3. (isrrlsom &Co. FOUNDERS AM) NIACRINISTS =I CHILLED ROLLERS, OF ALL SIZE!, From Ir. llrz, ropy,.lre c* raper •Tl.l Indian 1tut.1..1 W...r1. Mlll Unetln*,.. mail da rwr.ptlor., llscrut 1,11, * • f ott., •tway* lL tl rt , t, 013 ❑a an.l to .61Lort nuilca and UM, ar.l arehott.e. .W 0.11 9 tins /1 rid Street, IXII TORT { PITT FOUNDRY. cuieve, INiP NENI W 8 ~.7.-- 7 7.1,V1A 07 LILAVY ORDiLtXCE, = • . . • . . Hpeetal atteutt . . ktil.L V.. • - MACILIN FAIT tad 11.Y.TLIETti. Ltt.m..letl to ,omptly. As Ltr..t. , l ,, rr. the beat reaurlala will . 1 .*7 n. na,./ at thlo Youctdr, ,• • . Hallo[.ll.r.ow: or our nil Stock, we are pr,par, , ,l, !Kew •aa larriOr. paterus, ntoterut , !rr to super . ..felon of Mr, Pa r-r, forafba NAIL MACHINES et rem . % no- UTILITY McLEA.N & BIATOR, No. S 3 Liberty St., opposite Fourth; CABINET MAKERS' HARDWARE. Th.,y male a specialty of Iron Bedateld and 1'10.12a...0r5: Bedstead and foot Csstort: datead Fa..ulngs: Mops for Exten• 0100 Tablva, Sc. They atm, manufacture and bavt constantly on hands Thumb Latches. Spring 1.•!clItS. \l'Lean's Window hash Supporter. It• Lean, Keevotele dash Button, Utility hint nd Butt Ulnae, Ortudralonn It•ngtass, t ad troll., wash 1v,...) ROBERT LEA, = STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS Freight Roisters AND DOCTOR ENGINES. JIKATC•StIIIO of all deecrlpt'ons made to orde Coriier of Firer .od Ferry Stree!s, FI lc.. •r:John A ILL 111....L01. L. Y W CA VALLEY Ii,TOTE WOMAN. ALLEN. ra , KEE at co., OM.. sad INarattoaa;• 301 Liberty ■t 'eppvalta loiltbtlaldl Slthufacthrcr • OTrat - artery Or COOK. rAH.- &NU and lIATIMI STOVES. thous.. the er.thbrnt,. K l All.4ghcor • and Mon s thorrebirth Coal Coutlog etorer: slat, lb: , Autocrat th Sprroul or Wood. nut tho unrlth mar as of the Eutolro. for wood; giro, Arthes, lint., Jen dtha, ourthKettlet. Dog trout sod hollow Ware gonorAlly. tope A. 115501.1,... 05. V•1ti1t1115.......1. 5. BILZ.1)11 JETNA STOVE 'STORK& A. BRADLEY & CO. li.urausure every variety at Cook, Parlor and Heating Stoves, Amory[ whichthe 'tole brated I(.9H6HA 'Nfld.., d TAL aro Itillkfi (Cold titcrea;) 11). !NAN an A VE'r (ULAN and IRONII/DXS (Wood Cook stovo.l Alan ooknoraoture CRATI 9, GRATINrRONTS, dm. W O . 2 tr.ii.l2 l :l • •=giti. or la r t Or ei::ig2c,tl btrwo.. • - • BLACK DIAMOND wrxiimx.4l747C, rErlanuTT; • A. rAr.x, BROTHER & klannhoaturon of ISSIST QUALITY 116,12 i Ell CABT STZT.L. an e, Flat and. Octagon, of all a 1.... W. an, d , 1 451 to any Ito ported or macttfoctored tto. try. „Elsa awl warcho Pnss, h•• No . US sad ISSlfint, otrpaa•. Ill•••••• PITT SOURER IRON WORKS. J. - PAINTER & SONS. 11•NOTACTII11.101 07 Iron, Elubket, Tub and Trunk HOOPS AND SHEETS, \ fcls “In PITTEIMMGII. PAL, IRON CITY MILLS. HOGE.RS & BUR ..t..Ufacturers of 3 n.n..d,charrowt,..Tunlata & Pollab d Ei113:3E3334 . X . Si r Orrres Any W....iousa, I; O. ON MAIIKST EVERSON,PRESTON & CO P E.r.rs PT. IF Iddriral IT{AL)7 4 IWCI - EtW.SI Wurehuose, Nos. les mod le: rin txt., oppuslt Honougabolu House, rlttstourirb, 6EvaniglX•ifitillaitaz NATIONAL FOUNDRY AND 1: , 11 7 9 WOREKS, Corner Carroll and Smallman Streets, Ninth Ward, PITTSBURGH, PA. "VP3ILE. EMZEIT'33, PLINIIFACTUREII OP Cast Iron Bowl Pipe, FOR GAS AND WATER WORXZ. 21 -1 11:4 2.0 r 1f )YYS fli7 1 GIIIRAL USTEGS FOR GAS ID WM 3010. ,!t7'.;;lS:AVa..`t:VeZreVrictinVa felEASO THE FULTON BELL lig BRISS FOUNDRY, ESTABLISHED IN 1332. Nos. 91 First and 70 Second Streets, .PITTSBURCH. PA XANITPACT ORE= OF ALL SIZES OF BELLS, From 10 to 100,000 Founds. OBE, Eat CHM LED WEN TEEM I=l Stop Cocks of Brass - or iron. or ALL SIZES. GUAGE AND CYLINDER COCKS. Agents [az at the different STEA.2.I PUMPS Bole JlBooto for the Celebrated Steam• Syphon. Dealers la GAS PI ri. STIAIf and GAS FIT TINGS, PL ME O ÜBRS' WORK, eta., _att. Particular attention paWAo ATEAII .8 GAS FITTINIi In all Its branch. • • . The • • only fectorer• of A. FULTON'S METALLIC FA cuenu VILING lON STEAM. CYLLNe PEES, 60. u. BHIT'S CELEBRATED. ANTI-A.T.TIti- TlioN METAL constantly or. hand. BB ro e, and BELL CAnTINOSmade to order snd enlohed WILE neatneos loud dispatch. Particular mtention pslll to Brass Ylnionliog In all Its branches. We also loop constantly on Land all Uses of lines t, Square and Bound Gum Hemp and Cotton Puking, Bona Hose of ail sixes St up to order. A. FULTON'S SON & CO. mhS.rss FORT FITT BOILER, STILL liill.THE wevEnas. CARROLL & SNYDER, • ILLIMPACTIMPHO OP TUBULAR, DOUBLE4DDED, TUBULAR LIRE-BOX & CYLLNDELL STEAK HOLUM, OIL STILLS AND OIL TANKS, CLUSINEYS, BREECHING AND ASH PANS SETTLING PANS, SALT PANS AND. CON DEN tints, STEAM PIPES, GASONETZES, AND LEON DELUGES, PELSON DOOES AND COAL BRUTES. OM. asidWork• Corner Second, Third. . .Short and Liberty Str•eta. Pittsburgh, pennsylvarda irOrders seat to the above odd.= .111 be promptly attetded to. inta:lB2 lENSMOTON IRON WORKS LLOYD & BL&CK, Best Common, Refined Charm Juniata Bloom Iron. m.231.011ANT BALL. 11111.11(13 A SQUASS* ISO! HOOP. it/LND. T a•nd JOWLS IRON. BOILER PLATE .d MHEET IRON MM:==M=3 CYLIRDER and UUAILI) Olt FINGER IBOX. citALL T RAILS, 29 .d 101 x.. to tto rard. WROUGHT CHAIRS and RPLEIR for Auxte. MAT RAILS. Panelled wall Counimuat. COAL ecuxaN IRON. NAILS 3,01 . . Warehonsa. NO V. ater and No. 6 Narks au. Works, Strand atm.. Elantia Ward. ad Joirdna City Gaa Work. Pittaborith. at=d4 KIIYSTONR IRON WORKS HUTCHISON, GLASS & CO., )(aunt:win:ere of the different Anil 0 • Round, Square, Flat and llorse-Shoe Bar Iron, .loop and Band Iron, Boller-Plate, Tank and Salt-Pan Iron, Sheet Iron, ,te,, se., Lc. Works, PITT TOWYHHIP, on I/Lononnelela steer. 021ce and Warehouse: No. 146 Water St. ORFASOENT SMEL WORKS. MILLER, DARR I MEM ILLIIIMACTMIXIIB Or BEST QUALITY CAST STEEL Wereanted Equal to any to the Elas het. elthee 'Tian p nt et Adare o SPRUIL m TTENTGIN f Do- PAID TO TINE CAST Al.o DIE STEEL. Oftice, 38 Wood Street, IN BT. CHAILLES ROTEL BUILDING. Pretenenos. Jae. IGO. Goi. 14518:d411 DUQUESNE IRON - AND STEELWORKS. HAILMAN, KAHN & CO., Iron, Nails, Springs, Axles, PLOUGH. SPRING AND A. B. STEEL, 40, I=l IXrea. 77 '42l:robtor PITTSBIIIIGIL attla:ll pITTEIBIIRGII STEEL WORKS, - ANDERSON, COOK A CO., 0100011BEAUB20 JON= BOYD 8 00 I MonoMt - niers of the best refined Cur lit* Mout, Slat and Octagon, of it Mt.. Bt. Slates. Hoe, Sort and nboat Cast Stool s Cos Morel for Reaping and Blowing Machin WEST PLOW Wll N, Lra ILTIMAXL&IIO. &a. Cast & Col3 l / 1 10t1 Plough a Spring Stsel, Ofica—Coroor of lthit and Boasstrocin, tr , v — above the kbenebeabala HOU& fie=b3v 110111 Y. DOLV. UCN2tt 011eo INDUSTRIAL WORKS, HUGH. M. BOLE & CO., Engine Builders. FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS. CASTING. Light and Henry, tondo to °Vier. liiinchinery or even description nianuLactured on sho t notice. Corner of Point Alley and Duquesne Way, . PE2TNnQYfiU, PA. ES= MONT BLANC FOUNDRY, Butler Street, Ninth Ward, I= M.QC'TIVIM 3317.111.413,113 Bolling Mill and Bridge Castings. ILICHINEIT LID CSSWI 3 GLUIER erde :a r) rum MIT wad carefully executed. CIIABO CS HILABONABLI. EBILEEIT & BILUSLII3 1) . • MANUFACTURERS. VESTIV - I,US IRON AND MIL lORKS. LEW,IB, BAILEY, DIEZELL & CO. mitiVTACTMITILE UP BAR, BOILER, SHEET ALISTS gi r.aLiNtriErO.l.Et.C.Orkl NAILS AND NAIL RODS. OFFICE AND WASEIIOII6% Nod. 64, 66 & GS Anderson St., Three recurs North of Hand 01. Brtdre. • ALLEtaIESY CL' CLNNATI .• LEAD PIPE AND SitEET LEAD ! WORKS N 0.19 East Nitta: Street. IIctORMICK &GIBSON, Proprietors, DEALEILe INI • Pig Lead, Block in and PATENT SflOT. Make to order 1 . 111 , ..h and SHZET of any m acaw.] welkht and site. blierts per Nam,. root 11 . 7 .n d :;) , ASTA I V:p a o Ii Z 14 t l fra c tll o itam. and for Dr. oure. We would .peclalir ask the attentlon 0 Plumbers and Proprlctora or OIL liolllol Am:, OIL IfELLM. feZ:ul2 S. W.PAIIIMOLLI OILLULA. BOILER WORKS. MORROW & 31..ltrUPACTOPPIIIP OP 1 Steam. Bolters, -Ott SOLO, Agitators, Tanks. Salt Paws, Gasometers, • Wrought Iron Bridges, Sheet Iron Work, dm., COB. LIBERTY AND i3ECOND BTB., PITTSB.UR Gil, 1.8. • RIEPALIRINO DONR PROMPTLY. mr14:13 LIPPINCOTT & BI!JEWELL, No.llB Water Street, MASZTACTIIIISIIS Or ! • r FATZST tiItOUND, "T"1 9121. 1 1n1X)TILIIII CIBCII7I* X lIILLism crioss4mT CAT . Jele:d3a MILA_TrEOW.A..It 3E. B. WOL.P.M., &CO., Dies Ilt Ilardware& Are now receiving large additions to our stOck which Ls °Terri to Dealers at NCLASJEITZIXILIS .IP.ISLIC7M2S. Corner Liberty and St. Clair Ste., 1. - Ittissbursja, Pa. senSik73 F. MUSSMANN, /USA Street,b elevens Tunnel and Cus attain Streets, Gunsmith and Dealer In Hardware. Ttrst elite roods of all deserlptlotu el way. oo band and sold at Lite lowest wit.. Itevaltinlr don rwequile weweeettlew. COAL, COKE, &c LOUIS EACTIICANN iG J. SCIINAZZL. KAUFFMANN & COs3 UNION COAL YARD. Best Family Coal, Nnt Coal and Slack etwa7e as I Ls n ..d d tt rg . d rE rntly dell. : OFFICE: OOH. HARMON AND PENH 818., .4.llltrzegattMl r vey Zsltrosll. nesr Cs:- fele:og PITTSBURGH. Pk. CLANIY.. NABDi=VYING. • Z. lIILSTtiIEAN J. L. RILL... WM. N. CILMEY, & CO.. • Gas Coal Works, PAN.I-T:',I.°JTUTIMEN,PaYe NB AND °Mee aldrese. BLS 561, Pittabargh, sad LOCK BOX 67 All Illy. 6E2:SISA seeohd sto Pittsbuh Baring bwak L corner Llbe ry rLy street rg and Virgin alley. Vitt...argil.. BRANCH OFFICES: No. 5 Liberty “rtiet. under Penes R. K. oppo dsite Meehan!, street. Illtaburgh. and earners,- erson street sof P. P. W. G. R. U. All. gbeny. All orders left at --Ina, of tae above placea reeelve prompt attention. piTTSBIJAGEI NATIONAL COAL IND CCKE COMPANY. Miners, shippers And dealers, wholesale arid the BEST FAMILY COAL. anixt cfc,43.3. easa.ct OFFICE AND YARD. corner Foneell and Try streets, Fltoborgh. l's. AU orders for delivery In the City, or Elation:tent West, willxneet prompt and Immedlate atten tion. It. A. OCHE ABEL.. nourrlntendent. COALS COMM COALM DICKSON, STEWART & CO., • Raring re-Meted theta . °Lice to Na 567 LIBERTY STREET, (Lately City Thor 2d111) SECOND FLOOR. Are now prepared to furnish good Youghiogheny LUMP. :YU' . CULL Ott SLACK * /Lithe lowest market price. • Nil - Ail orders left at their oftaddressed to them through the mall. arlil be ....sided to promptly. I torD:loM VORT PITT COAL COVIPANT. --Shippers,and dealers In Superior racally and Steam Cu'alt. Nut Coal and Slack, general of fice second storyllttaburgb tlautriss bank Build ing, earner Liberty street aud Virgin alley. Branch Dee, Ao-ener Try and Third streets, Pittsburgh. 7 ..1 left at either of the &noire places rece vs prompt •ttentlon. Posionlee A dren• Box 687, rittslegb. i J. J. filt.tesers; . it. L. PalmasTam, S. Mcelitui..i.ll . t. Wm. 1i."..1,1•ELT. Geouca ,Ht., Jas. SIONTOOILMILT, • Warasz 11laTazeT, Joux HATE, Luars 900,4 J. J. EM.l.rarlx, Pres,. lA. H. ENGI.IBI3, Seel . . S. Harman. Treasurer. W. 11. CLANS! st CO., draelavers. Jahos CIIARLE4I 11. AIIMISTRONG, YOUGEIOGRENI: I I6doisiusviLLE COIL Lad ufacturers Of C.0,81...ck, end De•ulteborlsed Coke ONFICE ANDY•RD; Corner of Butler and Morton; first rapt on Lib; arty Mid Clymer curets. Nintbdsard. and o detiond street. near Lock No I, Pittsburgh, Pa. n ramllte• Mannfacture,• supplied with the best amide of Coal or Cato at tan lowest cash ratas• Order. left at any of their ofllces will receive HOTF.T.S; BINGHAM HOUSE, ELEVENTH AND MARE STE., • T➢L new and elegant Ronnie now open for the reception of guests, with all the opiccintmente of • ifinliT-CLA-1.9 110 TEL. CURLIS PROPRIETOR. a:0E11m r WRITE lIOESE, PERRYSVILLE, ALLEGHENY CO., PA• NawlT nettled and turniened, aad dna4ll.o =i=l The subscriber will not sotto Pt". I r . , t 7, 1 37,; mcalate eastioinnet. °nal suppe served at any hoot to the attervo9a, an2:v/ TH , IS. L A Pi F nreE HOUSE. Philade/ph la. ree iinttscrlbersari:p•ne!tl.;• r..orta ifff; 21.1 Ei.itl AN T MA NNEY. aitA 1Vn t g; re7=t7orotg:rt cIIIVIMPar klutela yrUl Da mitln ed 1111.2 e man ....KKR A VARI.TY. IVUITF LEADS. r!r. ;;A1L,.., Co.- Itral:Thlte d !sead •• "Lair do do •• ..tiorttptanLeri• do dt. .• ••Coußneetat" do do • R od Leads. for (MI Refiners; Lead and Litharge; Color. dry and to oil: Tor sale at T. IL :IRVIN & CO.'S. C. 4 Zi• W. Conor itard and /Wee% Zia. - RAILROADS. CCIONISLIS G CINCINNATI R. PA .DANDLE ROUTE. (919 and 0199 MONDAY 5 1.997.1122, 1,7, tr•l9l vlillsav9.3 1,9,199 1991991, as follows: 9,1-1,..11 Tie. • 1319,91 . 9. •119.11r1. Is. Lis a ........ 2:9 , 1•.. Si. 10:t• 4.. X. s. Sc. 5.0 F. X ixprrts 1,95 V. V. 2,1 T. Sc. bt...99..9911.10 Acev=i99s'll F. r. p_s3 • X. *91.19.1d do .... 3:05 V. V. at= .14 Sc. SAVING G.(lFlifiopiiii7"'?3. fig - No change of car. between Pittsburgh Ind' uol but libin ntree Pittsburg h ty.prisepal points West and booth west. W ben purchasing Tie I . he sure and and this: often of the rinspria, MMUS I CINCINNATI 6. -1., Union Depot, (south side.) • 31. n. 111071IETISPAVall.Tleke , Agaat. JUNr v.., General Ticket Agent. 11. 111L , E.E. G. E.- Ag•nt• mros W ESTERN irNSTLVANIA after V, EL"? Jan 'A.- °OD. vary lre% the Pa:ten ger TraMt on the R od tere Permatlratila Rat road wit l arrive at a depart from the IN:Ural etreut Depot. APrghent" city, tt Di 1,142.; Slotrost,g No I atre A.M. S tall Not 6:20 A.M Freeport No. 1 B:MA.M. entsA.lt Sharnsto'g No 2 9:MA.3, 612Arpeb . i No 2 :20 A.lf Express 10:45 a.ll. ' Freeport No. 1 91.5 /tam sharpeg No 1,11•35 A.M. Sleet ps . g No 3.16.13A.14 sharpstOg No 4 1:50 Y.M. L x press Etl6 arpatt . g Not II: A. 4:20 F.M..E 2:05 raf Freeport No. 2 6 to r.m.,nbarpstOg Not 3:50,11 eharpstitg No 56:50 was. , Freeport So I a:5O Pas sharps:s . g No 6 9 ttlet.M.lettarpsh • g No 6 7t6nt.m All trains run daily except Sunday. Comixonatnen Tlaketa—k or ssee In tutelage. a T•culv, between Allegheny Cite. Chestnut trees, sierra, Bennett, Pint Creek. Etna and Sharpsburg, and good only on .the Data, slop. plug at Stations epeclelrel,on tlcketa• • Through Ticket. to Butler and Itannshstown II ay.be purchased at Walker•• Stage time, wo. St. glair street, at Sr Suspension Bridge. PM.I burgh, and at the 3%epot. A lleAltvriP City. The Pennsylvania Railroad wellnot &sante* any elan fur Baggage, except for Wearing Ap parel, and limit their responsibility le Vol 111,01Ilet1 poLLAC.fi In val.. All ban Rage on. ding tale amount In vale, tent be at the nt. co if the own i er LLIAles, taken by opeclal eautracte Fur further nform:ulna aplOy at Depot, to JAXIES LEE Ft:Hl26. Agent. FodertetStre et Depot. = pEN LVANIA. (XVII t L g4s.gliegA December =b. Trains extlen Lad :care the Uulon Depot, tort nes us W•shington and Liberty nub as follows: Anni Vis. Steil relit .... 1:=1 m:lley Ex O wa g i. pre... 1 , 00 • a .lest lane DM* tulWall's Neh 1... Sae a Well's. No. 1... fht.)• ID' !Sell Train Sloe a lc Brinson No. 7... 7:50 • m l Wallis No. L. 9:he •10 Well's No. S.:l 8:50 • in,stthein•ti Lx. 11.1:50 ■ ni otinetown At. 0:00a wilWell'e No. 0.:.11.30 IS Balch:ow o Ex, I:bs p m 1 liraddock NoL•heo p m nabs. Express Lsocp 101 05 Well's No. 11... 1:05 p re! Wall's No. 5... p Wall's NO. L.. 4:00 1. to , VI all's No. L.. 1115p0 Braddock 00.2. p n Wall's No. m Wall'. N 0.1.... 7:00 pm ?est Line 23:02 pm Altoona AMU= Johnstown AG 2300 pm and Emigrant UHL ... 10.= p me• 0•1 Chora l ters onnoaya exoeptvd. Tralna leave Walt, Mallon every Sunday at lintba. roachlig Pltionurgli at IC a so. Boturulny leave, CC/about, at LOOP. and arnve at all's Station at 2mO p. m. The Baltimore Express will arrive with tbe Phllauelptda Enure. at 1:50 p. m. or Sundays. NOTICX--lo en-mx/f loss. tbe Pvanaylvanm H. Company will hold Manuel,er responsible foe neraonal baggage only, and for au amount ant exceeding Si= lain W. 10. BECKWITH. dunni, 1867. 011its9Z!iN 1867. IDE PITINHUU.I3 ~' WAYNE & Elt. It. N., AND CLItir..L.AND & YITTliNUAtikt B. It . . . . I Trains arrive and leiee at the Union Depot, aa fellows: ir-avi i ABM". • WI=IIfAZ:: 4 :: ' Elel:t I' Z. !,2. tlg: = Erie & Ygn. Ex e3O a a Onicait Ex••.. 1... p in ML /I.`Wllit, MI. MI6 a m W bee tu o g Ex.. 11•26 •M E c P : :'''' , n.' i t ll ,E i: i 1 7 i rS "' ri l `.it' a 'A . . h ,f,f ..E .E'llrt L 9 l'''' I ...„. L a.... MO o . Chic. Ex 9.200 m Wbeeling Ex.. CIS pto CI. .1 Why. Ex MC pat Depart from inexactly.. ACTIN. ict AllexaeacT• N. Brim Am irdo •m, Leetedale de 7:21 am Loetrlale • • 100.9 am. N. Britn ••"6.M am • •• • m . •• shM am Rochester " !New Castle •• 9.13 am Wl° .t. N Cas'e 3,0 m :Leetsdale " 11:16 • a Leetsdale Ace 1:5op m •• p N. Brie •• 1d.13p m:N. Bride •• 2:371 •se N. Lir in " 6:16 p m . Leetedale 4:10 in Leetsdale " 10:3s pm , .• " 7:00 • m No id ales leave clita-t With= e. hi. Chic.. burial. 0. :Sunday ter Lx. arrives dull.l dee N 7. It. .111(Eltri, General Ticket Ac prrrsautitin AND CONNFLLS VALLE R. B. &Raga Spring Arrangement. Oa sad - after THURSDAY, MAUCH Wm, The traln• will Hove the Depot. sonar of Ross arta Waur streets, ss follows: Laos. Arran* .„ ptewsurga. PRDS'aI Mall to and from Uhlontowa. 700 A. Y. 545 Jr. 2, Express. •• •• 1:10 r. K. 111S161. M. West Newton Aceothrnod'a 6:15 r. Y. 5:50A. 10. rim Wl:Leesport Arsonett .1145 •. .6:19 Second •• '• 16. Itraidoet.•••• ...I D • ••46 O Is. 6 • Sunday Church Tram to sad • from West Newton-- ASE 10:011, lir For Tletet• split to T. W. Eltiti "shoat. W'h. liTIODT. errot. oer.-1 • h,LLEGIIIENI VA L LEY RAIL. NAIAD. aragiNgla C11.6.77GE OF 11.11 t.: On and after WEDNESDAY. April nth. 191; t o iim Mears and arrive at as follow. torn PIM and IMAM streAta, as follow. ' Arissm. Antos/ First Ellsklminetls A.cetimo..ilixo A.M. Iltte A. Y. Mall, to and from Matr9ing..7,l, A.M. 7,11 P, Y. First ,04111. Wort. Aernm....9:40 a. Y. lino at V. eaessolatslissinetas See.. 12:01 F.M. 0:0P35. „ t Express to sod from M. mid 3:11 F. M. It 41 a. M. Second lands Works A m.,5.? at. 0:0)F. M. Pi:LaMar Enure!, Train fr iiii and to &OA Works.— . , ..i , ... I:00 T. d. IMM.L. a( Express North frisker e1.,.e tonnection at Mn. borflog wilt one of oscifels for Franklin and °UV., Rill :loath Orm . tects with packets hem U'l City and Yranklir. soil . 11. F.A.71 . 5.11101C, coot. TERS, &c. BREWERS. pITTSHURGH AEWEUY. CARSON, D GTON& CO., AND HOP BEIIIPS, BORA 111.STIF4 IZUME JOBHIJA 1311011F.S wm w. &BIDER-SON, CO.. Platsbarg Allegmen • l' Alit t :i=l * T u l ' al r ytlC e d% . Teen att., two audio ALES AND Wtilcb • through Meurer. I ottrortonalvo malting I • the yards East Ltd Won. particular I o Itava their o Joining lilt old Brewer). .1 ORTER. I selection of Melt Minn utiles .1 Hors front 1- interantee to ha • tairt,lT rsaaualsttndea lustomers will Meese be &re. hie we. ad. r at our oalee. and Banal Alley, Cana of kqeme Viz 1109:070 JAYS. PM.. 111011• P ZOOTII ALLEGHENY 3. A. Toricr... 2 . 110111,6 'MOWN IiEWERf. Having purchased ebb • known a• the A LLECi II rattly owned by tampon! Inform the Public that. we trananfoeture of d establlebel Brewery NY BREW/ell:Y. for & Beetle, we would antendeouttauleg Ito SPRISCi w blade trout rare Epring fircilitlesand long tip • feel satiated that We entire satialletion to the thug ALES, Mater. and from our !deuce In the bustnesa. 111 beenabled to' }Yee o no any favor to with 46g 3' Reb: db ca Street, NY CITY. ALLEG • areaort,,, ten 903 LoKrl.llo.reol., P. satend,ol to. r } UWN 6 ( 1 1,5111.15. tZaburg6. prom U 7 'ocf.:l6l PHOENIX STEMI BREWERY. ILESTERS BB BREWERS OT Ale, Porter and Brown Stout, PITTSBURGH, PA. mrsr m TrA•runmr. t=yV3l:l4l:}:.rl:} RALT/MORE AND IDAVANA BTEAYISMP CO .YANY. AL= NHOWN a emlNel. Genera. agents. INNHAVAA AND NCH" OILLYA on. CAB- E THY UTOTZD tiTATE.I MAIL. The Tint-Glade titemmaitipa of We ilea gall er follow. “LlBY.ltTri—].Mona. for New (Menne via Key Wets and Havana. Thos. A. Rain. Commander. WEL!. E,ti AY. April rith. UNA i• I,IW tans. for NI, tiriemol •nd. Ratans. Cossased, on SA.TUNDA), groll ' l2Wlld i 4 - HAlt Y. 1/7CLL'S I IHNT. at: o'cloca r• reolsely.tiat d a y s . n . 110901. , For freight or Fare. having nanypama "TINITZVIENaIo MPLi'I3 A N. N. Lading hot those of W the cot.- ;Iv ttaprber Mile emita fo the freih de ri.d from of..cc. r No frei g h t received no: bill& pf Lanai Firmed on day of snit. mold STEAM TO .4-NO LI•MOM LIVEM- N, POOL AND I,II7EttNnTOWNi (Itiado,Dl TWICE • WEEK. 21..INMAN LINE. Wlll/ EVERY SATURDAY, . EVERY TERNESEAY CARUSISEI U. B. UAILB. , - - - • Ticketsld to and from Lrelatrd, England ro Seta land, l/t many and France: Apply at thotlompany's (Mena. • ./clilYl Agent, to Broid.av, N. 1., OG:ovgr. WE. HINGHAM, JA. adargla• Exprarathrloo. IIitIVATEIDISEASEB. urns 21114 tic RSBEZT, soar /laud. • rot Um con., t , lot an en.catos of s yr:vase as ttotrom two to toyr day. by an anti, yly yew and eat. try...to:mat. Algo. tounnal Weakays. ame, all °tato disuses 01 MO genital organ" udt.h.u. vrAventlo2. • . C.lll .1 tell 01 Molter Wanda:. 015 d boani-7 m., Ito Sae to 81% sin lettar, pt . 'W. . Lug ra... e .t. • II
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers