DRY GOODS, TRIMMING& INVISIBLE EMPRESS TRAIL SKIRT, TIM NSW tiElArg. FOB Spring, 1867, J. W. BRADLEY'S DUPLEX ELLIPTIC (011 DOUBLE SPRIEU,) SKERTS, • Thebandana:mitt and most romfortabla n! -ntroducad. 'BEE. ALI, FAStadal atint ZIN Alta the alvaltlaes In PARIS 11 PItI Da ar , d T I F -T P r . bT1:1 4 E11: , - FOR SALE EVERYWHERE• ' AT' WTIOLESALS by el the legging NottOn and Dry Goals Houses Jn Pittsburgh. Al go t by Pole ulrgere of Dacia; and. Xxeluetre Meunier , tuxes.. , WESTS, BRADLEY & CARY, 9.1 chambers Street, 111501 T! sula , WwT IN - JEW GODS. DAILY ARRIVALS THIS WEEK. MICRUM, CLYDE & CI Sail lfulL BA Finish Jaconetz hainsools, - Striped and Bond; Aliciennes and Dolled hainsooks, for ll'aisN BntUins and Fr llias. • Inconel and. Hamburg Work . , fine assortment; teal Point, Valencia and Thread Locus llondkercbietaloce, Embrl. Hemstitched & Plain; Fib Ribbons, A widths and shades; fall line Colored idiot Ribbons, every shade; 110110 Frin;es, Trimming & Balton, newest styles;. rue assortment' of Lollies logfish and German Hosiery and Gloves; ' FULL LINE ALEXANDRE'S KID GLOVES; j -SPLENDID ASSORMENT PARASOLS. Fall Line Furnishing Goods. 311ORRISONA STAR 511100T3, fit warranted. CORSETS - AND 'wog BEMIS, cood make.. A3` Jobbingtrade terra latttaally at Zan prices. - 7S and SO Market #treet. aw4:oo NEW GOODS 1' AT EATON'S. D.l.y Frilling- fancy colors; Mnrsalllas Trimming. !at colors White Pique. choice assortmeli I= =1 =I Lace; Ensitsh ThrceidLacei) Amber Trlmrabage; Bugle Fringes; DOgVrooll JCSif /in Fo.ney 151ecv,c Diittons, &c 3 UST ILECEIYED la. 17 Fifth Street, IMIZEI 1867 . - NEW SPRLYG GOODS NIACUII:11 & CARLISLE Xo. 19 Fifth Sired, HATE J 1 7 .51 Or El) A HPLY.NDIJJ ABSOIIT MENT OF JET, AMBER AND CRYSTAL Dress Trimmings and Buttons, B ?. rt..Bita SPURS A , ten REAL LACES: pp COU RVOISIEWS KW LoVF:S ' , stlabscles•. ENULLSII U OEILSLAN LWSLELLY. •B etre THE "STAR" SHIRT, On hand and made to order. Invisible Empress Trail Skirt • lie,. eD•ye for prinC I M 7 . "SOBl MIIIEICE8IWX113." HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. On Tool Mil, will be sold at section, THU 112- DAT. Apsil hint! , lb:: at lo o'clock a. tn., at the resltleno• of kir. Adam Reines:Lan. on Troy Lllll Float Bowl. opposite Mr. Lonnk'l Tavern. the 0001=0 Tooseloott furniture. conslitlng or Marloe Top Waso ttands. Bureaus lie.lvteads, Chairs, lAounges, two too Frenchand o th er (nooks. Brunch , mud TV. o FIT Cornets. and eery :'ilg.l"flo'T`i:;'.l, i=rl:lV: nes. hbot (ions P 1010 1 4: one two-horse Cs, b lag g e Zs 7 • tae o 2e o f:g:g;VVV 7Vle 4lora lot ..0 Ilsrnese, both single and siounle. ha , Lovitire, as Mr. 11 , Inetnan intends ving Furor: for on two ' , elm and svishes t o mike boson or his brother, Henry Moine oleo. op= A. LE otiATE. Auctionesr. .• .• TC-c".. 193P1.3th. eltroot. sofa/ I= Whateboue Corsets, Faisal Forms ♦ comple to issortment of WAFER COLLARS AND CUFFS. CITY •NDCOUNTlinTEEdlirstirO will d nd our Irnol-sale Department well stucked with ou••dt imitable for their !ales. which we guaran lA,C to icU I.low to any Eastern Jobbing lieu.. 111.1(RUM & C&BLISLE, LIITE FL/00E1A J. M. BUBCIIFIELD a CO.'S Tc.. 137 TlLlCorlsot ISt-root; NEXT POOR TO TIE SIGN OF TOE "BIG BOOT UILBEBT YLANT:F.L.S. BILK W 1.11 1.. YLLNHELB. BENI: r Do. • t.-4 ALL WOOL Do. WELCH ►LANNELB. UREf BACQUE TLAHNEL 9 . BLUE, B IJ Fr AND SCA-BLET 7L&IiNELB &large aseortment of EVERY DE8(81'11101 OF GOODS, UN-RANDS, AND A.T LESS PRICES ThAN CAN BE I'OCND IN TEE spls: n9O, 425. 1M 1867. ARBUTUNOT, SHANNON IMPOUTEBS *VU JOBBERS OF Dry -Goods and Notion Ul!rer their lirge u3d.attrsettre ttotk of ;: . 'en'; i,io: . : A, -- AT:a..TERN PRICES, .FOlll CASH. e&xatsiis T2l; NT$ 31111W . ri Olt EETlllfitl AND IiAWI.A.SIIIRTS. cIOLKILT, OLOVV3. ac.. Invited to call and a:scathe C u . ; at 115 Wood Street. 1 ARBUTHNOT, SHANNON f 4 CO C. AUDI:T.IQT. • w. T. aPLITIT J. 9. $ $ 00.4 E W GOODS NED' GOODS I JOSEPH HORNE'S & O.O'S. Rmade a ...out; addition to our aircaly ge tock of SPRING GOODS, We era prepared to offer liaduottreate, both la price anil assortment. In Cmtirolderins, linnilerrchßf - , et s7nVittn7rrtin - le o ..!l i nic 7 :n 7 A srtiierlis s s Coloreu Unipure and Clone' I,sce. ltral Tiiresii and Pula , _ Button., sll styles •nil U'S.TI. 7tf 1 3',';',1"Fans. • Lsilles • , Misses and Bents` nosing Unilnr Wear, • Slot 888,. Kid Blunts, Enan•ess Troll , 'oo4 Lupins. • A large aslortalent of rota' Neck Ties. vr.rne tio.ntllSotws. busottototr.Litt Fronts, &O. t }" p r r ri gp t " 4l ' let r ll B o ' f ' t i tN, Hat Flower.. ono Atlhnere 00000, - I'rintotlnw 11l ttbocol, Il ohnetlbboa. yloltt and Fan 1' all vridtOs. (11:TP. WHOLESaLft 1100412, up stair., 'sill be found complete in tell Urpattineuts. Deal tre 'silk anti lt to tlieir. advan 0., to give as a tall: Triers as low as Eastern Jobbcret 77 and 79 'Market Street, NEW GOODS! NEW ROUSE! New House! New Gooisl WM. H. MILLER, (Formerly or ELTON, & CO., :I.? , yor k. /I..E&TUN'e,) WILL OPEN About the First of April, NO. 64 MARKET ST., WITH AH ENT= NEW STUCK Ur Trimmings, Lace Goods, Onbroideries, Ribbons, L, Gloves, Hosiery, And all GOODS arnally kept in • . FIRST CLASS TIIIMBIING AND , Notion. House. mb13,3 tiCChVa.ThESS & co., . W112,03r; CLar. R C 0..) itor..Esnme. PITALEAUS LZ 70 &DOH AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS. wood last., ZllRdppzelloota AUCTION SALES ( I .REAT A.ND PEBEIMPTORY G SALE OF OIL PAINTINGS, Friday !Morning and Evcning, April 36th, at 10 and S O'clock. The congealent store meal. ?So. G 3 rIFTII SCAT ET,- tout dletely below the DiJpael. braiding, het been recan.difor the magnlocett al•plat tad reeetuetury ro , e, as ..wa• of 0 . , r eightysuperb worts tr( which have been carefully chosen frota .the a oils of emltrnt yMIAs. The pleinres art »trete!. d. he ',tattle eodeetlr. of the artists awned_ ma the Cata loge, wh:ch lacluth I ere orlshalls trout toe Weste of rzultacr, Wilt., greases, t or to W• bet. Young. Nolan. t lle.a, Llstalltha, Borstal.. Carl juts. llyke. Meadows az.l /117.1S:Cir., Verteta, aeon, and many others equally celebrated. the Isau.acstlection Is now teenaged. and on fere 'law to the d•Y Add till sale. Lures or the Art. , tha C.analr.cur. re.gectiolle soar,. d to glue this superb tulle, tlou .10,1 ex.anteatlon. agretalll trolled. This collection of betatifel 'works of Art Is ceetaltaly the It,. Onertli X:l c sale to th is ally. The ralallnea gars r ichly scoratted In alt (males, warr.ted pure gold leaf. Bale 3e.renaptory. that A. WILWAISK, Lea', DWELLING E.OI:E AND Quarter Acre Lot in Sewickley. On TOEtDAY MORNING. I prll 10th, at 11 otetock, wilt be gold, on the premises, In So 'Outlay Borough. dhe htlipley property, M lag that large and •stliable corer 13 feet front o 1.41.6 t street. and extending ou the Bernet-t -ry Road :Co feet to depth. to • wide alley. I he grounds are beautifully situat• end handsomely •rolling. with a I- fire variety of Fred Trees. (impart.. Ornamental ehrabbery, de.. and well enclosed. Tee Improvement is a goal two story ye...Dwell:of, wit, tin rooms, kitchen,. aid dry cellar; goon 11We, coal noose, cis tern. te. Tratneeihtd cash, belatee la one, two . and three years, with interest. The [mothered, andemet.niont situation of ibis property. within a few tz:lauttl*s a a the Rail road btation. able. It very slealr.ble for att elet ad comfortable hum,. Accommodailue. Trains leave All, Etcny Cl' and Itro • rluCk. • 10.4 A. hieLLWAlNE....uettr. SUPER D lOR FEDNITUE AND NEW CARPETS, AT 1117c3wx.oriv. Oa TACOS'SAIr SIOR3ING. A prll 23 , 3, the Masonic 11.11 Anetton Boon Si and Fifth ...et. at lu o'clock. and <walnut.. I . .111 Oa sold, a large dosnllty ..f a. pt sloe F p are!. ton, cceoprlslng Sot. , , S _Os `eat Parlor ('brim. and Lounges: Marl, Top sad Plato Bureaus, Wah tands. lidok Cases Co.ni Secretaries._ Wardr o be s.. flat it• ek a. Show r ses: ...Artemisia. Card. ride. Inning nod Jr: Itoten Tahles; Lose and High Post liedt teed s, Alto, an elegant assortment w il l 'ngraih• Ilas dries dHerup Carpets, whirls he sold In opst to aide Alen, a lot of Queras.ara. Cutler., Cigars. Tees, Jul Vanilla., paper and Cloth Window Winds. do. aphienti T. A. OcCLELLAYD. Asset'(. VURNITILTRE. PIANO b. CAR -. HUMES AT AUCTION.—A. large and at tamale° lot of FOR AkSHEYIRLT. WILLIAM B. ROSS, At AlloghonY CRY, will to. A hohOhlote for loitreet to th• ttchletou or tile publt Can County Conytntlork. 0p15..145 FOR COUNTY comnissioNnu, JOSEPH B. M'OODIALO, ortbe Second 'Ward, Allegheny City. sobjeet to the atclelon or the Union lLtpobllcan CeentY Convent spiltX i FOR COUNTY 'TREASURER WILLIAM M'CLEAN, Of Pitt township. (formerly North Fayette, will be *candidate tor County Treasurer, ambient to the tiectelon of the. Union lientitiOcan County FOR POOTLIONOTAItY. D. C. HULTZ Will be • candidate fur the edict or PRVTHOR UTAIrY; subject to ❑:e decision of the Linton Republican Convention. al,: --------- FOH PROTHONOTARY. &COB H. WALTER, win Ix a Candidate for the once or FIhiTHON ()MARY, rabect to the d,cltiou of the; Unlho Repoolican Convehtleo. mhn:vo I t Fou covirry TREASURER, MAL 1. F. DENNISTON, t rormerly or Friend's Ititle tioardsi wilt • Candidate for COUNTY Titr.A.OLTUE subleet to thedecislon of ine Golan Republi c an Conven• mtLitiel'L & COMPANY; JAIL,. M. ........... 11011UI: 0 D. 1.61.611 JABED m. Mama' el, 50.7,4_, I,I.KCTACITISLII Or Steam Boilers. Oil S.C. Tanks, She Iron Works, S.C. N o ; 61 1 1 6.101 IiTREET, rITTS/31.166/1. rA, 7e]n:Arw•• CHEAPEST PLACE IN TEIE A TRIUMPH COOKING STOVE, 1011.00. 1413 00ANT 0111ELT. TEllePittiburgit Togritt, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 24,1E81 Awl.; Bad Ilab—Popular Error. In Our Language. cferont the New Yore Trlliane•s Review of &P.m beak et the subject, by Edward S. doubt 1 Among the errors in the phraseology of the day, Mx. Gould first treats of the use of spurious words. One of these illegitimate Intruders into decent social circles 13 the word jeopardize, Instead Of jeoparti• which he pitilessly turns out of doers. Ile eon poses that it lens foisted In by Some amid tious wight, who farmied that the true and good 0111 English word was not lane enough for ears polite. Lie might as well have made the mom improvement, says Mr. Genbl, en hazard. Ilaxardme is no worse than loop ard me, ear is perflike, nor even endanger, except from Its unwieldy lengta. Ile shows as little mereynto another Interloper that ' is frequently seen now.aelays in good-com pany, that is, len loney. used Instead of len ' IV. .Nothing call justify .the use of that barbarous word; It sprang up among the I ignotanti it has no precedent In one Lol -1 r a ted v i tel e lLe m uperiltions; and if sane pie of recent waters or good authority It Is none the less a "phil ological. abortion." Donate is another alannivation, but as the use of that word is almost entirely conitned to illiterate news paPer reporters and members of Congress, it calls for no further remark. A very good section of tee volume Is do voted to the subject of "misused words," although the author now and Olen offers a criticism, which we think will not bear ex- Strait But that," for Instance, in stead of "but," he remarks Is a favorite combination with some writers, and good . 5 - niters do not always escape front it. The Phrase La bad enough in itself, but Is lends to the wore, vulgarism of "but what," as in the genial reply of Mr. Jobliog, of Bleak Douse: "Thank you, GaPPY, ire, know as at will take a marrow pudding." Or, as is (amens New York poet replied tall friend who asked whether he was to bring rent the latest production of Ills muse the prese feason, "1 don't know hut wet I shall." nt Another vile expression which h may he found every day In the newspapers is like this: s •Go.neral Grant and his family have arrived in town, and 'are etuDPlng at the FULL Avenue Motel." On reading such aunouneetnent one is tempted to Incuire: "V. hen will General Grant stop stopping V ' In truth stopping Is not a continuous pro cess, like going, living, MaYina, Out a single , act that terminates the prier action. On ' my way to Washlogton. I may stop at Vella t, but if I um detained a day or two I I stay at the Continental Motel. So a man In walking down Broadway from his house to Weenie° may Mon at ilarnumqainsentn, but it is for a short Wes, and Incidental. to the I Muhl ehjeet; but t h e traveler who puts up at tee Metropolitan Betel, does something more than estop, and that word by no means Indicates that be is for the time being a resident of the house- Mr. Gould gives a capital Illustration of the use of the term. "The man who did not invite Ills (so called) friend Ito wish 111 w, under stoeit the meaning, of the words when ho said. "If you name, et anytime, within tell 'miles of ray house, jest stop." The author quite properly attacks the phrase "in our midst," which firm came into use in prayer meetings, sermons, anti the religions press, and although sanctioned' by the example of I 'natty eminent doctor. of divinity, and splendid pulpit orators, and even by the Poet Montgolnery, in one of his most beau. t ISO hymns, Is only a fugitive contraband from the German foreign to the genius Of our language, and unworthy the slightest hospitality. Mr. Gould inveighs in good 'set terms against the dainty Innovation which le, come 10 510 from London, of re ' striet'dic the word role to conveyance on feed back. which lie calls a "miserable at ' r. et mien of aecuracy.. A lady says oho is "goil to tirtve In the park," when sh conch- not g elng to do any 311eIt thing. Bee ' man late drive, and she is tondo which Is al together another affair. The author lute, "What 13 traveling in n railroad car" (which exression, by the by, is nerdy c ans Ametl c nd p never heard in EugimnD "Is that tinvingr• Although a good (Mead of ours used to ask, eSlaitil yell drive home by the; nenibusl" a feat which we never had the snghtest idea of performiug. Mr. Gould might also have taken up a strutter fashion able colloquialism which we have atioptett trout London, the use of the worrrt'ill" fa stead of "sick," except In one application—!l a namby-pamby style which has no fa:lentos' lutnee from the best and earliest .writers of the tang mtge. The modern Eughsh use Of "directly" Instead of "as 30011 as" comes lig fora share of los Jedmious cenctre." reetty he arrived ho called for ale." "I rase hint the letter directly I saw hien." 5V e hope with him that neither Dabs, or the similar Innovation Of eleamedlately " in the same sense, will be adopted In Oils fortecntry, as we have escaped it for nearly y ysars, since its introduction by But ' wer in Ills earliest novel. "Different to," Instead of "titffertnat from," Is another cor ruptien which has been in vtetue about the same tame, which our auteor ° does not no. ties, sod which happily has nos obtained ' currency among out writers. Amoug the instances of inaccurate ex.. Itreasion which Mr. Gould condetuus, come. thin ot g maybe said of the sentence which he ques Dom Macaulay. "The poetry and e/Oqueutn, Of the Augli3tari age as .3143 uestely studied in Mercian and Nortlinui -1 tartan monasteries." The rule that two or inert: nouns aingular In tho nutuina . Ivo eiEe require u plural verb, adults of an ex replies, as lee ate told by grsoutnarlaus. en the idea of unity is more proullllent iv lhtl pt 1133, than that of pie means. An testae, of Oils Is tile often quoted pus.. nd. slid salt, said a Mari of .run, Ls easier to bear than man with Out derstandiug." In the sculltense 15000 Dem MacAulay, tee poetry anti the eloquence of the Augustan age are out c3blere , l3.eleb Intel), Lot I rg3oft3l he It who en le; of here 13e dhe Delo tf.c would have been repeated before It. 3teolol noun; and tbe Whole sen tence, necOolliagly Is the Lomlnattee to the I ye: by which, of course, mead be in the 411 - .- 1 golise! number. such in forte, ceq.amlY, is optm to doubt on Mata principle , ,of scra't cotodructieni but Is of s un (regnant nee by tee beet writer-, Gait strong autedrity may 1,0 claimed Art Its favor. An exaMple or It occurs ill the April. number of the North American Bevies , . which has alwe.ys been reekoee3l atu maw the Lent models of cermet a ming in 1110 country, as Bultam owl Cambridge, we know not bow justly, elalan to tle the purest standards of god' Gag/ tai l in the Unittal states. "The wealth' and fete ulatton of our railroad cc ters ts as yet 0,111 In the early 3:Jig. Of n deVelopment." Lt IL I .) This nen•enee In preebe4 311.113, Ito eun3trlietion to that j M.; altrol.“ :11.1.- eltnlsy, and may lee defended on the same el bends; although the writer makes a slip n the course of a few Imes, far widen noth ing can be said. "le lib wealth 0011101 taste and luxury." It is a little amusing to find no many welters devoted to to criticism f words, NV !WV! OWLI diction exhibits o erors no less to:tap:corms than these which r they' •elali. Mr. 015111 , 1 le not free from this inconalaten ey. Thus he 31,ea153 of "temreong nu op. portunity," a use of the word welch bar Leen zealutiSly challenged, and not admit ted by 31 flee y0r1313; "in that connection." t 5 phrase not . to, be found . soy classical Luglloll author of early date, and first startol in Boston, less than fifty years ago, prObnbly by Mr. Edward Everett, with whom 11 was a favorite; and dually and "as ores Of all, he bas the abommable term indorse In the benite of tenenon,orruptiou which has crept Into literature from Wall street, and when la almost as vile as W es posted, meaning to he Informed, which COMas from same unseemly . source, though 1 es use is e t/ a linedea elliedy to .stagoeLmvers sod bar. room polltielaua. Peepat the Newest Wedding Tv:reseals , From the New York ...seise of Frilly.' We nud a peep lust week at • trosseau which has Jest arrive , ' from Pails anti be. longs to a young lady op town who is to Iro arried next week. This trosseau arrived In m two large packing eases, anti when the • contents were taken out and arranged around the rooms, nue was reminded el an rpeuiug day at Staab largo bazaar. Every thing was ther elegant lady could fa/stingy whit; for, fr.. dresses and 19esa t o I (roots and gloves. Perhaps the most adtele ruble were a 11 Mwn, a volt, a handkerchelf. I a pura,ol cover anti u lan, all of superb point-lacc. They are moreover oil the'sulue pattern, nod therefore probably made to order. The lingerie was very beautiful, et:Meet ing of the finest linen and most elaborate embroidery and lace. Among other things we noticed some very pretty, loose .L u s ts and Hanks, for summer wear, of white Oweea inudin trimmed with lace, and others of en d stmt lace; collars of every description . an stmt. trimmed wills lace and embrold- - cry; the sleeves being made In the most elaborate Illanne.r. 90/110 bertutifully:eto• Laddered and others made Of muslin 'puffed with Valenciennes lane between, through thewan run ;colored Obtains. Next came the wedding dress, which Owl Of Xliparl/ w bite satin trimmed with a flounceof laeo heeded with orange blossoms. which 'elided very much to theetteet of the dress. The waist wt . ., cut lOW and trimmed with a berth° of lace and orange Dowers. A vary beautiful evening dress was of white crape boulDeac to the knees, the put. Bug being divided by rrodectun of crimson satin. Tunic of crepe cllvitl.l lengtnwino ny low san band.,body trimmed to match the s ti kirt. A beautiful earrlagelire. WILS of blue corded silk, trimmed up each seam of the skirt with a wide white satin cord; the round waist made with lone Imo points trimmed with folds of bliss g wphiter. satin, and heavy while silk fringe. A pretty house dress was of violet silk trimmed with black guipure; another was of heavy black silk, trimmed with blue silk nod Jet fringe. A laufolla; dress Of WllltO tflerlOO Was very pretty and tasty, acing transued with bright. cherry color; sleeves large and loose and lined with the same color. Besides the. were cloaks, alevines, strut/Is, Intsoulnes, waists. fancy laa l / 0 / 9 , parasols, mans and blloeS, too I/0000 Of kW 009 , 19, four bonnets, three fans, cornsar allels, ItUll two tolllal Lats. /t enema t o bo ratllo9r a foolish custooli this getting seen talormonl9 amount OiclOtlllnlffOrabru lo . Ladles do not stem to remember that the !mallets clmnges constantly, even in little things, suck as vat's, jewelryllurs, heed. kerchief's and lingerie of all kinds; co s that before they hare halt wore out too large stock theOned a y have ou hand, they have Ileeolllo fatl•laSlllnd yellow—only lit for rugs or house-cloths. liere.etle Many persons who use karDserlo Or coal oil lamps, are In the habit, when going to bed or leaving the room fora time. of turn ing the wick down low to order to save• a trifle of tile consumption of oil. The con.- 'fennelee to that tau air Of the room 0000 ao eoll.leS vitiated by tile unconsumed oil va pors of tile gee produced by com4ustion. and Men by the minute particles of and soot mulch th rown off. Air thus poisoned is deadly in its ofteCta, and the WondOr Is that more peßaras are not im mediartety and fatally injured by breathing It: irritation and irillamtaation of the throat and lungs, headache. dizziness wad nausea are among Its effects. • • —.How odd it In" IMII Pat, as ha trudged. along on one 1,4 tikillry - dity, "that in wait act Ultuth it C.III going the smut; way cis." 1211121123 A Gamblers' Retreat Discovered and Broken Up—lngenious . Apparatus for Fleecing Victims. Detectives Kirk and Littlefield of the • State constabulary, having suspicions that , all was not right at No. 49 Tremont street, ; room No. I, kept by Nathaniel C. floc/05'1m I visited the place yesterday forenoon, anti found the proprietor seated at his table, upon which were ledgers and certificates of copper stOcks t he prbfessing to be agent for the Dayton topper Cortically, the mime of which company was upon the door. The °dicers inquired about copper stocks the' I state of the markets, Lc., and dually made known their real Lte:11108s, which Was to 1 search tho place upon a warrant from tile Municipal Court, charging the Premises as being knot for gambling purposes. Upon search, a closet Wai found, the doer of which was supplied with il small pant, of. colored glass, and Insole of which a mail was discovered with a telegraph machine. The man in tee closet and the telegrault were usually made useful in this wise: whenever a countryman entered to play and try his luck at cards, he was se.tted at the table with his book to the closet door, th yereb giving the man in the closet a fair chance to 800 toe cards he held 10 Ills hands. The telegraph machine was supplied with it wire running from the machine under the carpet, to the business man at the table, who was thus made acquainted with all the cards ho waa playing against, thus gaining aaritatago and ultimately 110001E1g his vie. tuss.—Besten Advertiser, of Th or mint,. —A brother-In-law of Buckic le :nisi; to re-edit Ids ”111-tory of Civilization." Peo ple have no idea of the extent of Mr. It of care in his preparation (or publication. ills MPUUSCrIyt copy for the volumes already published, extended from the floor as high as the ceiling; and, after it was all written he went over it again to verify every quota lion before sending It to press. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. SMALL PROFITS! Never before was there such a goal time to get BARGAINS IN BOOTS AND SIIOES, AT W. B. CLAPP & CO.'S, As tiny have one net rash price for all, wheihrr thry ate ilidgcr guo , li n' i t• second riles Is ever , Alla eat any man. w nail or child. Strangers desyrlng to buy cheap .1,014 not allow au ctlilme to prevent Weir If for nothing mote loan to get wall potted on low prices. Vrou,vt cm. buyrrs are lovlkd every quart,. to %hare In the great bargvni or 110L1Ln AND bLitikLa, at Nos, 26 and 28 Fifth St., Pittsburgh, W. B. CLAPP & CO. Wholesale-and Retail. tl_o= A CLEAR. sNitooTn SKIN and CIII.II . LEXI.N C of 11E1,41‘..r , CONCZNIVVI,O ui PA1L11.11 . ..11..1.A. IL reznor“ !.t2. t pluplee and ad erupllont 111. spls aiWY SLIKILS ...... IIOSILLIK... RON CITY SPICK FIFTH STREET EXTENSION, .rear Pensayirattia' Arre 1111 l , PITTSBURGH, PA PURE SPICES AND ITTSTARD Warrante4 when our nal. 13 on the irtizt "REAR Ultol7Nl , n CORNMEAL an; RYE NI;T IN3A3TEm prompils. Wlti also continue the manufacture of all t! DIFFERENT EINES OF SPICES, • Wltcb we arcs' to Wholeeele and Retell at thv lowentmertet price. AitlaiDf, to. el.: fs.:r, we sollclt the petronage of the Chopped Fee. Constantly on Hand. • arn.iciLLEß a stostLEDur. de:q74 GILMORE & LIEBLER, 11.,nnfLetaveI,l'p,o.lrilale.,1 Etta!, TRUNIr.S, VallseS, Carpet Bap, Sc. ia - A tar., .isortme.at ofnatcl -. ..:. al riLysott hautt. 1 • how. 103 and 106 Wood St., =I =I "'''""' ROBERTS &-SECERRATT, r~xcr~creneue or Tin, Copper, and Sheet Iron Ware, NO. el 11311TIOVIELD writ Err. Near Fourth Street. 1.17T.5U . tiara eon:tan:lT on hand ,amars: RA•ortrce, orS evVES. ?Wu. JAp.,,,d. 01 • a A Ith. Vance 1110 Co,ta.l LI ttt.rv. Miners tomes And lloo.t rurniat,..t 6.50d0 • WhlcL they mill soil I% Lo,etalrahl - Frotup ntton givrn SP . , 0 0 1 andlt•As of Joh Wort. 1. 14.,0111LLY ACIA,NPRit LOLGIIREY & FREW, Y•NCrICTCEXT.f or Saddles, Harness, Trunks, and all artlo , ro inlino top, In atat-daas establtoL.enla. No.lo 2 Wood Street, (betweet . Pluvnunrt Al:ry an 4 Ylfth tt.,) SHEPHARD'S CRACKERS 317 Liberty Street, PITTSBURGH, PA MEM 10 BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS. C. AC. II 1t...•r , re. 4 ,19 to rv....ve nr. Lk's — to Le.ll.llvered In the ynttl or In tor clt3 —• at tuacit ttttt Mal In , en ret , ,f..e•• current. All orders t.! pl•tnotlr to. Vnr fu:ther pnrllrulnrr Ir.lnlre nr. ,, • or of WM. MIA.. at Dawl,l t.trun's Coal Ye ro.. Lzl of 1,..; rth street. nn 'rue ailnY nn.l Vrld.r 4 , r esell,Prek.llo.o trclocl. p. m. All to addrcost..l MIME= EOM FIRST CLASS LOOlinif 4 GLASS AND PICTURE FRAME MANUFACTORY. No. 110 Wood St., Pittsburgh, Kerns on hand and trithufaciltres to or,Lr, the YIN IthT !ITT LE OF JILT. itththAV‘o , l/ nil WALNUT, OVAL anduQUAllY. Mllt Itrrlt, BOUTICAITand PICTUBB 11 C , 1.111 Cornice, Bands •tot Buttons, Consols, Tripol and Bracket Tables of eLjulslie hello not JISUILBLNU ethenitul in the bighost style of the art. strate..4 MOM:BATE. noLnNI VANUA 11N GUTTED AND SPOUTING, • Vrt baud and put up to or d., Tin, Sheet Iron and Copper Ware, Mode to order, ar GRAFTOVS House Furnishing Store, N'co c/orral Zits . ° ot, • rt Ne e ar Hal.lrotd Depet, Allegheny Citr• . 1- tV! th• "Union Coffee Spit kit .4!! ArOUNG LADIES, BEWARE of .• the lel uelous effects or Vane rlittlier• ev"," All ,tiep rem,. °let B EWARE UP tile port t or •tsrok!th'iynod2:,:ulibiTlgrigetr niit i4Zf out.ful2ppeartyllett, Vie It ELY HOLD SA...PA:ULLA BOTTLED ALES. KENNETT, WINTERTON, And all best brands em...r.s AND SODA 11/ETYMA. bottled by J. C—OUFFUM & CO., 22 AND 24 411111 LET 'STREET. rlttsburab. M:== ItUBBER CLOTIIING—Iinch its coax., Pane. LeVOl4,ll, BOOM AC. the putt 0d..1.7 sod .arrantad: &leo Oil Coats, Ja , keta, Overalls, It c.. for sale, at toe lows , t arbolosals nod retail, at Nd. 9 aud 7.5 St. lair atm't. 1. A 17, PH11.1:117). B ELTING! BELTING I—Lea GI.. er and tiam reitteet ..eln Packing. Buse. °sake., Sc.. ur the bete quality Auld at teduceti prices. The best qballtY or Itchm(• ,- way, oil bawl at the ladle Rubin., Depot, yl sea '45 bt. CIAIr aLtett. y 411 . _ SPECIAL NOTICES. ItEtztilloLirs Conctntated Fluid Extract barsaparilta FOR SALF',.—Farns 0f141'7 a s. cs.sua Irk Penn Tp., Westmor;tand Co., Fa., adjoining tt ' e r re r i r s ' c l / I with Sit Itoumi. a litre, Cnrciage HOme, o other huit'nngs' Orchard of , dlffe_rent ant fruit Itrael:',"l. r'l"'',art •ahelh":tiL' eont n g ort er, p o ng . , per day. Till property la uttered very cheap and I good erlns,t Also. &Fara% of 133 Urea, situated In Cone mungh townshlp ; Indiana county, ra., Shout 3 n i miles frons4he %Neat Penn's. Itallroad. at Liver more Start° , The Imprtevetnents ar,a Tw , o :Rory Fraute HOLM. wteth Your liuums, /lout.° Porch and old Log lltro, r,prlng AN,III 8,4 s emarvil. the rest.. In timber. such as I . whit, oat, Locust et ehmtt Thil farm will h.: sold very low, the °w • 00, wishing tu weer.. Possesslon Also. An excellent nartn of IGO acres, of which 1 , 1 countr tattler cuillvation. situate lin Chris thto couny, Illtrode. Improvements — a now /moue d. Ming runtzng roomgt about geo CllOlCe fruit trees. good froclng. 3c, It lies vrlthlo 1 tulle., of thn Ilanols Central It. 114 will be sod on reasonable terms. Cltr prOpurtY taken la part rad:nov.l if deMred. Also, iu Leta In 3 yLtli,t L./0./nth, of Chicago, each Lot ut, by tha. In litedster, suo•Olvidon of lots. 'I hest lots Its one ache North of the junc non of fl. Louis 2.1 , 1 Alton and sceLlgan re,uth tan It. Its.. and are on the lice of the Pittsoorgh. Fun Wayne and Cbleago IL it.. JUSL.S mom/ , ttuttl ot the Court te. or ar tlo , neat attic croundg.and will h. sold I'm . ' a rlt each. Abet. m Fenn ur all acres in Pena townantp, Weattnnr. :and cottuty. 2.) , m r.a tiered and lA, der cultlvatton, g 2 acres of nem-rale 1,111. e oat and nth., dwelling houses, I of them I stories, the oth. I 1 I.ory. with a truant house, with a nrst-rate Strom rawddli h. good runulug order; young orchard or totted fruit. Ihe land roillogt every ter, ia tl lshlr. with lime tone anti and rub or. will) never faillog eprtnest within one hundred noir of the Penns. Control Walton/I; M tulles east of Pittsburgh, and theme miles west of firm:oat...it, 'lilts farm tt Pleas 'llt'fface'rlThr e )lilt I t,;:t e The ' s Also, a Yarm of acre, alto:Med In West heattlehl townthip. toe lent ceunty Penn, about miles from hull, matlon, ou the Imi/roe...Lt. are, a good two story !Wet Uouse ith loutna n No. I frame Btu'. litre. sod all other ut ensure not buLd logo. The site is good, sod the print nor! aud on easy terms. , //drum:mg particulars,emintre of G. 11. TOWER. Ittal lattte Agent, 101 gguMn street. Blooming Cervix... , f"l3 Ers.,lle.m.es ERUPTIVE M UM:ERA:ME of the NOzE, EXE:±, ES'ELUU3.:C'ALL'IO4 :BAR. Which to diegUre the appearance:PUßGlNG the 1a r tr,,et., of umreury andremoylo. ' taint, the retudai Is of PL,EAICki, liered!tary I, taken h r Alp ULT 3 and C With vert-et oad ty. LW • TABLE z‘l the Extract of tiarkanarl It, ed.'. I to a Pitt of water. is eqcsl to the I IsOn tilt o , .1 On- botLe Is .0 0 101 of the sirup of liarsapatilla, or r.,.50ul u‘o A,. N Is td.,“ Lt:PIER la published In td, Medico. , lt.nertekl on toe Su bj ect of tt.,. rf ,5,,,[111. In re are elf", iOl, by Aralu Travers. or. It it.. Jilr...ooslss ing,of iiile.Lir, an I dive...sea art4lng from to ~r•cury +lrv, t , ,de PA , ree,cl:l te I.,edet ito ,v,arer cs rwrf le. c cf'if a "- a e. P013, s lfcc ,ir / it ~ o f,it it i +fdf, p hel,c,, tf or ,s, IMEDIMMEI CONCENTIUTED EXTEM F.A6SAPARILLA I.boLl utm ord, of if yeire. I'repare.l by 11. 'l'. IlET.111!011.1), .ml.[, ful Nroa.l.l,y, N. T. &pi, No, ',reg.:lst _atld ny Drutgl3 1.11.:}111i: ar. Ylart!oleo. ..:V;gbt Moominz ferimus.l Phulou..• "Nig:3l l!looming Cereu..' Illoomiug Ceres..? MEM Ph:Omen "N( ht ILlooming Cern.: • A mo.t esqnNte• delfinte• and l'rugmmt Perfume fn. 1119 taro 11 , ,er fr. ~lea It talt,•l Itt name. ref11..41.1 tut d rt , l y ru&i.vix & (1071T', New York. BEWARE COUNTERFEITS. FOE ALOE'S—TAKE No (mita x 5 d CARO TO INVALIDS. A elergyman. aittleYealdlng In South America s..4tels±lona” , dlseove red a safe and renaoly tor th e Cure of Nervous Weakness, Early Decay, Ill.:eases f the Crlnary and tletalnal tlrptee, and :lie et:o train of disorders brooght on by llanefol and slclons habit, Great 111.13- t , 4, bare been alraqr cured be this noble rem land nnfortonete. 1 will sold the recite for pre varlng aunt o,lne thle medicine. In • seatell nv. to ally o who needs It, F 115.11.0/ enc. ne 10se a poel.pablenesmope adlree,eo , l to your , elf. Address T. INMAN. llttfle !tot.. h. Y. t RT. pr - NVD. LIARNIIILL & CO., BOILER MAKERS !;11 SHEET IRON WORKERS, No,. 2u, 2e, aud 26 Penn St. • Iltvitot aeTart II • !arra nd forolabed It alta the tu.t apvroved y a rd mrry. we , •re pre pare•l to a-lam:facie...Leery deoerlytton of 11011- ~ In tie hest m.urie . , amt wa:raut,tl tlaal a:, :a al, it th , couotr, Calmn,s. Betrib. lag. fire 11.2 , 1 , ,a1eara. I'taal. Locomotive Bedl am tail l'au.. Tanta. VI ae1tr., , ,,.1 , 1t.10g lane. Boller Iron, 11rIdreo. Vans. and a.-te to tuttfaelarars 11AUS 111LI, i•aTaNT 11,11 L I,ipalring antic, lea,al .. f i r — .I2.OILINSCIA, ILEA A. CO, (nn,es or. to 11,139un, MINI! d MILIA.S.) WASHINGTON WORKS, Machlullts,lVlttaborgh, Nlant,, , ,urera 11.. at and niratlcnair Cl:ana Edrlnk, XLII Mactan•rf, Inc. e z tatlnis cc all dca ,, lntlnna 011 t‘oller nn.lnrt, trot Welli“ 01 , 11 N.,. c tner Flr, and rmlttinnldnts. 01VY1,1 , 1 1, rATENT IN JEt,li,o. I ht•ltnd 1.01 < r.. tailed Z z ..l7,: t r S V COPPER MILL & SMELTING WORKS. virrsuutitin. PAPK, meCURDY & CO., HPrs • •ed 5(11 r,l~n re,ll Italsr•l Still r d:s., Imrrtrro and ! , •••7e, r . r , ! [l p rv, rtly ..n T.mn,re • titrt,l4e• and , n. ISO YIS , I' 511111:5 1.4,1 rI iLE:_r, I . llt,toar,[l, piufe' i.-dt•Urd • ..311.11£,DIAL LUTE . IFOlt SPECIAL,CASES. No. It 'Hood htreet., New York. Irtcluaormat,n..l,lr, ~,s(tectgrir.nrlis. . .. ...„ 44.1 . . • . _ LsT r. 1.1 LA IMES 1,, al A ...la MAN- A ISIS IA I la N I.:•aranYta. on ..::,•/:s Leona, the Eir..ro. an. ar,:.):,—,—rar.,n an.alaraeria Ita ra,:at . 11.,1"kai1 nag,. !Won. I's. tat, :r...l.allarr. V A. SCOTT, DENTIST, .ro. tr.% rE.r.r STUEET, PLUMBING, GAS FITTING. Ants BRASS FiII:MMUS, STEAM AND GAS FITTERS, for. of 3rd and Liberty Streets. At..., 4,, A ,nrlrre, 1'•..• 11-,y m furol,hcA ati.nitnn rx!.l to Me Attlnt c' rt•, ,tra=l,sts. Buffing .I.Tentc for .1. S. Cameron & STEATIVI. PUMPS I'IITJI ft,ll. BBIAW Eli ENGINES, rum, smwrlor r rvt . to OVe f•rtloo. INlntn ror,,t‘nti..ql haw!. fc:.S:ul o wu. itarr.ct, It. .104Nbt. , , ILERLEHIC E 4 JOHNS ON, 3E.11...f1-L7erICLAALa Plumbers, Gas and Steam Fitters, ri rrn 2t7I:Y.T.T EXTZNVION. 92•1".1"E.3:crta_x - 6 11 .. Pni• All or.l. is I.y mall rxecol , l salts fact•tallY LOU ~rom,tly A 1.1 1.,,c Tnbs, Pampa, Ilazlns, V. al, r la, (MAmlalleraa, Vendauls, 1.m.,4 , 1va for isle at Um moil. rvaionable from rourAry I'a/rout by mall prompt ly aql• tu. ll.mo of ,arry )r2l: ,191 BAILIFF, BROWN & CO., =EI le N • o. OCi M'octoraileVt.o LLEGIUE.VI' CITE. Pd. pLEMISELIS, (AS AND STEAM -A. FIVE r I Ufßibi, kurii slw•y• ou Bond it Dr,. a..inn:rut of HYDRANTS, 1.1:A lio A DBII . II, BATH TUBS, WASII BA. hi Nu. I !WU AND BRASS COCKS, arid all Tonto. DAD for Suing up public or privato • u • T :If or ',BA U. 1•10,.., BOUTS AND SHOES u4a.' RECEIVED. 1.:1111E - i FINE CONGRESS GAITERS, PL,I,MoltkI.: 4 AND pl.„1 , 1 0 , All , -: AND 4.411,01(EN, AN)) Fla , PH , FINE FILEN , • • • , I t t l'lTg AL6 ANL/ AII c.f.L , re 1,41.1.1.. A ury loweLL prl I and ea aullu , !• •L J. H. /1.1. W. C. BORLAND'S, No. MAILIiLT NTRELT,2.Iduor from ilftlis 1,14. cow's. Jot. 7/ ZL.DI. FIELYANG N. BRO., klannfacturers And lie Men to 4:7l.l.ostcbm BOOTS, SHOESIL GAITERS, No. 11410 Ohio St., Allegheny. 11.toatrint nromt.tly el.tuan.t on Ili, stiortco TOBACCO, CIGARS, &o. EXCELSIOR TOBACCO WORKS R. & JENKINSON. m.urnrwcrs, wholessle and Wall dealers 1 , all Mods of . TOISACCO AND MECUM" . . • No. tl rEIIk.:RAL IaTNEET, Third 60Or from Buspenel.. 11r14e. ALLEcilltiNT CITY. FA. Itranettfitore at Salem, Ohio. at,otp:t6 JOHN ' MEGRAW, Allknufacturer MLintrt And A Wbanluda o eAd Retail Tobacco, Snuff and Cigars, -au 313..A.T 4 5rl A Fyncre , l re- , tlncot h touting . I%,sacco. 1 . 1111 Toy.c,oruiletl.lllWAlß VII Yawl. 141/147s FOR SALE FOR SALE. & Handsome &Complete Residence o.ned a 3.1 occonle.l by James A. Hutchinson, ou Prthin •Lreet, rdal AticAneny City, (late lioouol of o: 31 It. bunco Lias front o: 31 (.11, with .oaclout. halls, and :waive largt , room, 0011 W, 11.1,11,d itie. It around. In ..oureno us,, forc .Infor C bang hoc and cold water tghuut. The grounds sec arr.oM nrou i,and.umell Im proved. Lill ro L. 311.1(10 rust. 10 Ulu 01110 riTcr. Al 04 to S. S. Bli-Y_A_l\T, I= roumn sT FOlt SALE. A GOTHIC BRICK HOUSE, • • ellUst* , l un ULIn ereune, on thel!ne or (I t I'S e,nkrtr,ltmlorn). C., the lara, nen . 11holl Chureh, )le,hr.trr. Inc n"use is built to thelatest Hud h son el, stile •rthltacture, r,utaintnr, ,gt ruo: .01 Litt:hey. rd. le srtntr lot r,,u, by 0, 1 1511.1. 0iL141111,,L1 Wati bbe.l. trCe ehrubbery. • ' Frau: the roof <An be r”zull!.e rivrr or Ulu cith • au•l 01.1” el er o rullti Fur furtLer parti,:art to 1011% f to a:gut A. Y. C•LLAGIIER, No. 4 1,..,:1eaLe Way MEM pIPROVED PUOPEIrrY X'4O , Xl. ~.t.c.to La Lawrrace7lll:, sal tritigteld. julolnK. raugitg m prorcg from 41,000 to V. 0,1 !OW 00 reSSOLIbIe Lerres If •opUi I !!= rut tartttrlnst:., apll3 . ft tL4 tsla stalwart:lce lotlce of U.'. 13/.2E1, Jali • ittltCt. Lawren,el . ll:C. LEE(EDALE COINTIIV SEAT hilt tALt. I in Cb•rll,[. orie.nsif nine Rum In,nn, ou the ,ttutwcrl:. 114.1. 3 10: 4, zulica rm.= the city. l,ntalua 14 a,rco. ail nest nun, sad In N•ll natcrl 11 a [1,r:4311113j % tilvida: It, part 4, R r6l , 4. Tn. pro,n.rty . l•::: and is ntonn•fo,ith nrit . k. eatne I.lnl of prop,:y inn •A:nt dlstzucc frnAn nixl:l3 11. St, LAIN DESIILIABLE LOT FOR SALE. I . ..rmer 11..,...t;e W.; ar. , !. I.l:ty it LT • 011. SALE Olt BENT, CIIEAP— IAt(• on, on froa r. the ,- Ira! tw Taata•ntnlr rI n 111,,1.. lt .- prl: aatr. an., go., ru li, a• I Alsa. a a . - ..T.: r arn,. , ar al,. a; ga...11.-1 ,,. .ng an.l ...L . • rvr T,Tl‘at. , M ILIA A v. WARD . : at, dra:. VOUS tEE —.9 nine 3 eat .• tense on • st,tate • trc oa Matt d. 1.1 WI 1, rt. I flair, rt a t of t:• Fur alra,t..tat. mil lust, f., c•nvr -3 11,1:er La.,..uct.‘111,.. IsVit SALE.—ONE TWO STOIL OW•illrt •a .tract. 1-anrail Ward. A:l,l.euy: s+T Ili n nalal,l ,arrt 1. ca::ar; gas ..1 v., In the Lott-, al:In go.,loraor., Et.,,lrs of ItaIIAILY A HALL. Heal Agault, Mayer I'OR SALE--An ,e 4 Elrelleut Pai r of 110110010, 4,11 , 1, ...me., awn S.l fet long: 1.0 10 , 0 nuca tit, (runt a. tx.y.rle , Alto, go,Callt. F.NCII7,It, et:poly :m.l ne:l of re lug rullina r ("." ilr"'" M. 11.11.1 r, &I . •.. Volpt alley & 1.1,411 , 011 , N'a}. USE AND Lel' FOR SALE, 1n ,utalar• Allegholy. 101111 - f •ad fremrl.•.lst. An, ro...try. • c„.,,,1,1gt.u, wet, at the 1.0,111/34. RAMSEY d ILLI.L. =TM • 11.41 Estate Agents. apts.s% No. 91 Plea , er Allart,r, JOHN D. BAILEY, Stock and Real Estate Broker JOIE % D. BAILEY. STOCK AND REAL ESTATE BROKER Awn AvirrioNEEn. Harttig tarry nut • rommts,ton as Anriltmerr, and etirt.ell estragen..*:th tne Board orTra.le, securtn: of thelr ahoy. , the l'Islr“ National liana, I run nun pre •el: ent.llc A ortlon. Mocks. Itonda tkctirit rel leo, Real Eats , " Ac.. OM, at the shot rooms or on thu preenl.les. l'arttrular attention pattl. am beretaore the male of Iti• al totate at nrlt ate sal, • ce""'"in'to COOKING STOVES, iiirEpßitiOU4 , No. 235 Liberty Street .1)11:v12 f_ ': t;• . -- .c -..f;..': CYS ' . : - IZi4Wi l, P,A - 1 - -.1; 6 ,,:. 4P4:; .i,'•ck ' 1 . r .. , ': ,, ,5%''. ; ;4, ' . ---.-- . I -,......,-...-._.- ~.,. tWiiie ...4.,..,8:.0. Q..:1 z-1re......Q.L3.:. •, : , PENNA. SALT MANUFACTUR'O CO., X.'itterlcrtargli, Po,. V' - ) cr:.% KM'';',.. 1 7 , 4 , ;:i , ;..41 1 1-14 - .)- t 7 . -.. i t3tz4Ae r- Tt . 44 - it-.4; 7 4.1,-7074 4 r4OM-4.w4.4.31,R., ,,, , .A.4....„,...,........-1-; v.' , 4:41e0114/W4.AftSiii: NlirW43s ; ' 2 V l l % I V.qtt - A l A' 7 :ll 1. , 2.16.117. - ;:. -- 2 , 71. - . 2 Tyls PENNA. SALT NIANUFACTUR'C CO.. I , •lttrall=ruvralx. FIAOR 011. (11.0T1114.11avizzg ontzulves roow otT, oncloths st il.stern rat.. A large .I mn oe . 1,12.1 , A1i , l ll.[Mae I.3ttorna, .sls: awl I'3 g. CIAIr 3treet. EMI v443:4:C1L•101, • *IALEAIIiaj • • Manufacturers of Eureka Carbon Oil, TELE CELEBRATED Spernt Lubricating Oils, CHEMICAL LINSEED OIL, I= Crud*, Henn.' and Lubricating Oih; Lard, sperm, Whale and Q. C. N .431.4 E, Agt, ID Iri - in Street, O=X-0W X-31 GWIX-9: SOHO I O L WORKS. NIB & CO., if AN II 4ACTURES OP t Li% CELEBRATED SPERM LUBRICATOR. Petroleum Lubricating Oil; sperm, Lard And Wlea.e Oils, EEID•LIGD?, T.L'iNtAS' OIL I Wlllll G MS!. STANDARD WHITE BURNING OIL, No. I St. Clair Street, PITTSBURGH; PA. SEND FOR A CIRCULAR. de7. WARING & KING, COHESION MOMS IND HOME L Petroleum and Its Products 4 D UQUESJIIE JP.IF rinLA.DaLratA ADDILZSS: WARINC. KING & CO.. =7:7.45 lel Walnut 81...Phila. TACK BROTHERS, CO3I3IISSION ItIEIICIINTS, ♦?U 1111031E118 1.4 Petroleum and its Products rirrsuumnt UYTICE-6111•11's Brume corner of Duquesne Way and Irwin street. _ 1 . 1111./t DYLVIIIA trY/IC6-1117 Walnut At spl:wee IIENDEK'S LUBRICATOR, WHITE, EROS. fi. CO., N. York. E. 7. ROBERTS, Agent, , 30, ISt. noir !Street. Pittsburgh, pg. Keep conat nutty on band ( %..t.,".T. F lliti°47l,"'"' u"..": r.-gthointz....4 ..u. Curd Enghtte Ott. limit Car Oil, ,^10..1, Light CoPS bcrew-Cut- Dart C.Oll. 2' , ...- t,h,. OIL noMo(11 W OOLDILIDGE OIL REE'LNLNG Cb 11dX.8MT"Sr. OF PITTSBURGH. PENNA . ME= Si lits WA:I - 1 . , President. H [NITA M. LONti, den's , and Tres... , WORKS IN TEWPIIILLNtEVILLE u ce,No,Y Duquesne Way, GS ear yn•reallen Midge.) LGINI.rAC'TUELIOII Or rt 11312 WHITS BURNING OIL Brand—"Lnoifor.!' rEE21713 BEY THE BEST, PETROLIA BLUE LEAD, run OIL 1[7.11): ItIM 41.1aactured only u“rfor se.e T. IL # CO., PIONFPR FAINT WORKS N. W. Cor. 3d and Market SU., In, AXDIII6OI.. EAGLE OIL WOBEL.4, Xxscoo-reskacycrille. , INICHTNIAN & ANDERSON Refiners and Dealers in , PETROLEUM. EISOBX, 001INEli 11143 - C41,ie It :IT. AND lIIWUICOPC. WAY. myla:a3l BRIM Ell, MIME & CO.. CO.II3IISSION MERCHANTS, AIIENTI3 YOH THE Pacinc, Globe & 'Liberty Oil Works Ample Storage fur Crude and Itefintd 011. Lib eral emit advances made on consignments of erole,r Relined Vetroleurn. 10,-Il for storage aosnent of Crode Oil at Lawrenceville. 001ce and A' arebou 6, corner of lluquerne Way and Ilaucoel street. Inital•urtb. Iroals %ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. 2 —V. ne rt ae Lettere of Administration on the s eco`l'!l' the unaersigded. this is too , tice alteur, deceased, hate Persons indebit.l tot.. estate to calt and make lunneol• eta payment. and all person. hating claims meatus: the deeesaed to present the tame, pro; • r ll..at i t ' ,l.ltl i n o istrator. alley', i 1 Ward. Allegheny_ k lIMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE-- 2 , 1 literati stantentare to the estate of Robert bielarre, law Tamkrancesille, AneKheny c,,,stity, dec . ., having bee granted to the un r-uned, ail parse,. in n debted to .aidestate ens and those hating 'alms a'slenu for Mit ABRE.N. Lsecatrig. lINZO • is THE MATTER OF THE AP -1.1.1C a TION TAO: LINCOLN IdieblOirl •t. cli Allegheny county, for chgrter. No. 54 June Term. luT:. to the I uistl. of Common tiro. of Allegnehr ,ao " o.l. hereby siren that anl application lias been made to the loom Court fors charter ul IncorLora tlon. and that, at the next term of geld Court. If no litOncient reason be shown to the contrary, dedree and .orger will be made IneorPorattulf I et meter'''. .L Pr.A.ll.nxits. , NtinnveM Attorneys for Anvilcants. U THE LICATION MATTER OF Betiding THE Al As '. of the " and Loau - sociation of Bloat oglinua•• for a charter. Notice la hereby gi‘ , u that an ahhik at h an for a charter was filed at 'No. ILO, June Terra, Isar, and that the mine will be granted at next ter • of Court. unless exceptions thereto are tiled. JAWIS IL ,WALT,EIi, Prothonotary. apixes).wt i~r✓ \6 =i3 GEORGE A. KELLY do CO.. Wholesale Druggist:' 37 JFood Street, HAIKILTON WIIITF. LEAD. itrictlY Dare. CHAItTEH OA IL w lIITIC LEAD. I'M AM IN OIL, All colon. AIIOIIOL, I APTA. TURPENTINE. LINAEKII OIL, WHALE OIL. AltA reiNi ApinAG rittUGSl DIIIUGGISU DRUGSIII JAMES T. SAMPLE HAVINU RUCUHT THE WELL KNOWS Dlitltt HOUSE UN CUR. FEDERAL AND ItUlltritiON hTti., ALLEULIENT, Will keep on hewn a full assortment of all killdeer =11=1.17 CA43 . •,d which will be sold cheaper than any Ottler ....L. In the two ellen. Creserltolona carefully prepared by • n.n `trktgtitzur wtd FANCY 140A113 on hand. - orwt tiellOONltLtliEll b. SON, Pittsburgh White Lead Worke, PURE WHITE LEAD, BLUE LEAD ONUITNI.) IN OIL YOE PAIN• . 711.0 OIL No. 67 Fourth Iltrtet. UP /IWO. SJA,tIrHINGCIII.I. runar SZLNI:ERLIK 64. CLEIS. (Successors to tivo. F. ISchuetoilan d C 0.,) PRACTICAL LITHOGRAPHERS, T alii% N r.Vr BT 44gT l d7 u CiVigillVZl A NT l : liuSiness Cards. Letter Heads, Bonds, Latmls, Circular, Show Cards, Diplomas. Portrait, Vlsar, Certificates or I.l.ll,islis, 'lrrit ation Cards. ti. IA and 14 Third C., twee. Qi V n Fltoll $l. On $ll4 TO $3O Q , rpai SPAY. cfn eamily ho mde y•ar and, WIT 110• - LI.. In • new hu. s luees. plit•sant awl tonnoranle. •lel. No rObik•ITISION. 4) , rod an.: energetic Agents (Ladies and Overt., wanted to o,prenent 0. I n evet? Ch 7 son I.N.•itty. • I. CH..., to rook. toOn•7. nsi 1,1611,1114 T luirLuTligirg It offe.e.t ~.r . prraott haying • few hour• lofty to Spare. Vor partirolsre plv•ec call on ..r •.1- W. JALC/01 . J:. , *CV, 11 *O.O , .trr< , 12).24,1i PROFESSIONAL p - A.:V - IEL McMEA.L, M. D., PRACTICING PHYSICIAN, No. 150 Grant St., near High GEO. R. COCHRAN, Attorney and Counsellor-at-Law. LAW G. No. 00 (JUAN , Sritxx.r. c,rrier of Fourth. Fittsh•gh. AU ,[ll. business <larva/on.° tali cat. 10- celve prompt "teutholl. }P Il_als IEO 8 SIMPSON, • Notary Public, AND REAL ESTATE AGENT, J . S. FERGUSON, NM= SECOND FLAN , It. H. LI. ItIcCOLVIICEL, ' rrompt attention given to all kind, of law Dualuess. atiatwed THOS. BAINE, • ATTORNEY AT LAW, N o .X9-Ztbi Eitra cet = W A. LEWIS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, No, 93 Diamond Street, srailat3 PITTIMURGH. PA. JOLLII %'. I:LIDDELL, ATTORNEY AT LAW, OFFICE: Po, 13S FOURTH STREET ell=l H . C. nictinELL, ATTORNEY & COUNSELLOR AT 'LAW No. 69 Grant Street, PITTSBURGH, PA. zny7.4.b . 15 SOLDIERS, PITTNAL:II.44Ic. BOUNTIES, PENSIONS, Extra Boanticl, Back Pay, &c Colleete4 la the ithortest possible time, 1:4 lEEE= BF. BROWN, _ Mote Loca C:olon Agent, U. t. Hon. corn 31a,nnf.cracd by ONlce, No, 62 Fourth St., second floor, '15.51013, 1.11) APE PALS OP PA d. No charge made until MaMu are set n tg l.: Aad thee Due a mode I ate fee. $lOO. ADDITIONAL BOUNTY. • LOST DISCHARGES. Soldiers wno have lost their discharge este. and who are otherwtse ehtt tied to the add! ttonal *lOO Douatr, can have their ea.. at teuticd to by calling on or addresalhZ ii ' . J. & HALL PATTERSON, ATTORNSYB AT LAW AND CLADS AGENTS JOILN A. STRAIN. Ex-Officio, Justice of the Peace AND rtILIOE DAUDSTRATE, (Vice, 112 Filth St. oppixtte Cathedral PITTSIII.7IL(4II. PA. Heeds.. Bond, Itortgagss, Acknowledgments, Depot Moos .1 all Legal Baal." execud WILD promptut.gs auddlsPatch. • 111219:al te WILLIAM JANCEY, NOTARY v 1 . 1.713L1C. JUSTICE orTllll PEACE. ASP 'Lk:AL raTATZ AGENT. Ofllee,euracr of Butler and Craved street, Law:caeca:lie. u?Ve ' L ' k:alt• ' . U eUy s6C , v <ca , n ' L ' ti ~ro,3l.t.i.actuoseletlK.taciltot all nd kind: WILLIAM JANCEY. Xi:Lance of the Pea. and Rotary mmtas =MUM EESTACE S. moußow, ALDERMAN AND CONVEYANCER , 72 Pennsylvania Avenue. LEGAL DRUGGISTS ll= pEN:4 • STILEECL ID Attomey-at-Law, O. S 9 FIFTII STREET, S 7 Grant Street COM= 11=1= A- M. BROWN. JOHN 8. . Attorneys LAW. "". "l an al,unth, rnnmiuunon,re Promptly Collected. $lOO BOUNTY. MZ=M bet of the Ilteheei and apposite 'althea Etc sarr- ,06 _ CILALTII.AII T. EWING, Attorney at Lag, Wo. 69 Grant Street, Pittsburgh, Pa Cocamts.loner Obto, Ket - nal. WM vagints..2l.lssourt in.lotbor rktate. mrlSta. JOHN L1::11cCODIRS, , ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. No. 87 Fifth Street. 1 41'411;":°,,teX ° "'" . " - d'',:ogoT — SEWING 111ACELLNES. GII9TER be BAKER'S ELASTIC STITCH AND LOCK STITCH Sewing Machines ire Tint BEST for Fatally out litaattfactraltta pane... Call and set clam at No. 18 Filth Street! BOVT BE DECY.IYED BY Flourishing halt column afMertimmetts of Intl ro KEL h t i n ah . .Sue la W e r t OV form s teen years .1 Is by 000110' "' !duV:Pit t : - BEST Lai bur:. IVO, ma mnstas isitzrc,ot. 825 BARTLETT $2.5. SEWING MACHINE But cheap I.loerased Meddnc in the Milted Staves. Agents wanted everywhere. rsr Joy to 4200 prAtTilliAratl. tamp snd 614 Cheetahs atm', Ildiadelphla, and 221 des: 1 numsolt etre., Toledo. onto. ____ GET IVOINE BUT A • GROVER & BAKER tor a llolldayglft. It ts Tellable, perfect and Iterefore the heat. Don't fall to call and see hat NO. 1 FIFTH STREET SHOE. HARNESS be CARRIAGE ILA.K.LaS should eee the new itOVIS & 13.1KUR D. i SEWING Mgt Be a fore. e berth" or elsewhere. It lx the best for th , sale at no9the.l No. IS 11.1rrli ISSEE TELE GROVER 6: BAILEY , SEWING MACHINE Is tee &Mtn,. Thule at He clsalsr. rase nml" " " NO IS TIFTII slllx fr. ................... 41,0. CCOWAN SNYDER., HOUSE. MIN ARE ORNAMENTAL PAINT ERS. AhD ORALNERS AND GLAZIER& No. 11.5,N0rt h side of Diamond. Alte.rtkeur. Commerctil sod Onle glue e iT ons mute to order. ocuted. " cum.tantlf OP hand. .DA;I2% JOHN T. GRAY, HOME AND laltiN PAINTER, GRALNER AND GLUM, No. 54. Hand St., Pittsburgh. of even th T.R,V,Por,=."II II :::: reuonsNle rates. ea ear W . COULTER., HOUSE AND SION PAINTER, 26.1. 63 UId3IO.ND All order. , •ft at the I.ltop. or unt o br 7011 receteepromot er...59 WILLIAH B. BROWN, (Late of the fa= of Bflows AND !SIGN PAINTLIM I= cri-roluLL:d - V. =A , ANLITSEX:ENTS OPERA 11011.714 E. le•tre andSlanszer,Wll.llE.SlMECiai HARRY (WELD:67O MALUSI SCHELLEN, NVEDNE.,I,.I' EVENINU,, A.prll Nth, the the ,csoirt.n p'&7 or THE ME INC II &N T OF VENICE. Kourkg tmerleNv artttt. .1. NEWTON GOTTrioLI., wilt avptur e.thylect. Thuredey E•ettlrg— The F,Jter litters .met Tautly', t-hree. Bete.renthe pl , e, th• earetban , %VAL/ EN N. IV& lothau Club lilt , ttnrday—ltatln,:*-Focahon'es. '''VAICIETIES THEATRE. (VENN CLAIR.) • . Eire agena, L of Ihr pverl•3o and terantlful pre 'del,. ..use., WULF. I.OsI,IItENT. This “.• nowned burlesque, T.AItS NUIVIII CIRCUS. 1 Our 11 qurt of Brautr—the Cords de , ithlOpd• The excelleht Dratd•Lle L'oindany, In splendid 1,111. 001.1 1 g /i; Jneled le 100 ne o w 1110 TIIE CONVICT Ltc drimm•atltled , TILE 110A..111,11. r 111000011.0 Ur PPICL,-1 1 rebr *Lis BratS, me; l'arquette. liallrry, 11. c: Prtysta 130:01. N. RES, ME r...-e-i=iiiinciNTlLE LIBRARY LECTURES. EMZEI HENRY VINCENT WILL LECTURE AN ACADEMY OF NUSIC• 'ednesday, Thursday and Frided Evenings, April 24, 25 & 26, I= W EON ESn.l y, April 24th—'•Tha LAO AD:Mt as Cont:er •nd The Frleuds and Lomas of tor , t , in }:nglarad." 1 II I: Irr • pril The w Dais cat. I bane Latin part in. /and tli• Mort 1 Dais 1. LILLY. April loth—..k/arlbeldl and the 1W lan 310 velernt for Unity ehtl freettom.” Tlckeus, Wall pants of the Mena. 80 03171 To be had at the I.lbrary 'Loom. and front =am ber* of tn.: Committee: and at the door. I;w:el:wen at 2t. Loeture , t e n'aleelt. JAq. kt,ISCOTT, V.N . J S . C F A . L J F E r Ii NIES 3, WM. P. lIERBERE, OLIVER LEMON TIIOa. N MILLER. J. B. MORUAN, Jr.. ' COmnaltten. MBE ETS, OLT_. OLOTHt3, 0. CARP CARPETS. 15-10"1:1:111,, 1807. NOW ARRIVING. The Latest Purchase of the Season /SEM LOWEST PRICES M'ZEEJEI VATAL.ZII.. ENGLISH AND AMERICAN Wilton and Velvet, BODY' BRUSSELS, TAPESTRY BRUSSELS, Best TWO and Three -Ply Ingrain, p""l3 2l " r 2 qtd , DLN an Iz.l+ imam, Hall and Stair Carpets.to Match. • cue our patrons manyrvto aniit eholte :terms, as , ,/ 'r re 1&21 to und els gcche re. ACE AND NOTTINGHAM CUDTAINS, IVOIDOW SHADES{ Cheap All-Ticool Two-Ply Caipets AT 81.00 to 81.2.5 PER TAAD Carpet and Curtain UPHOLSTERY WORK 'I ROPILY 15 188 BEI STILL M'FIRLIND & COLLINS, t and 73 Fifth Street. Next traildnaZ to United States Custom Hones and FostuMne. second floor. HAVE REMOVED. FCALLUiII BROTHERS, Hare 'now open at %belt eery elegant and KM • o.llJus erif.W NVA.RE/LOTIOS. No. 51 Fifth Street, A nen line of all ne; and dastrnble patterns MEDALLION yELYETS, Velvets, Brussels, T4PESTItr BRUSSELS. lane and chola. mortmant of Piano and Table Covers, 101a111 COWLS, MOSAIC • ECG LID IL% Cola 23 wises, THREE PLY AND TWO, PLY Ingrains, And every variety of per priced Cur fiIcCALLIJDI BR(YRHIEREI, Si Birth Mier ec. CARPETS. WAVER RE'CLINTOCIE & COMPANY, lIATE • JEIT OPE3IIIIO For the Spring Trade, of 411elr spleolla •uorttoo¢t NEW CARPETS, Oil Cloths, Shades, &c. Attention le oaf •4 to o. Ine etoolt of EIBUIDICID TABU AND Pll3O CAM Great Decline in Prices. 1 itt._11.124a.k.q.=i.1•4q.b.•..v prrrtniußGH PAPER RARE FACT UNINOCONCANY, 3Llaufbetvaerlol PRIRTINCI-AND WRAPPIND PAPERS CLINTON MILL.'tiTICrBENNILLC. Offlo, swuaxo fILLL, NEN blittillTON, .... • OrFICE AND vmcznorsz, No. 82 Third Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. _OYFICLILS—AUGHBT HARTJE President. • giTtPllnfatiNZ .72l r t. ino.orons—Aurest kisrtie. John nterell,ll. H. Herman John H. Livingston. JOWL X. per. kin.. O. H. Merrick. Clsnis raid for roper Block. nom:os.3 • NOTICE. TOE UNDERsIGNED hal this d o 7 disposed of Us snare iroAk of BOUTS AND 611083 to lir. J. T. kIeCALL, swim will conflate the business at the old stsnd, 324 I,INTESTS STILT.Y.T. Thankful for the Ilbecal pitman's Ureteral bestowed, I would ask a costinnanee of the sass b 0 my successor, J. D. ILIDLAIST... _EITIEL!yqcnr, Apra 11/622,.._ MAPLE UGAB.-2! M A r!, p i All i tat a. a ` ja.aa. f ' r 7 .11171 Vtimi area. nif P
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