E= trlc Viibbutlit Oiv4rttr. FVI3IIISIII.ED DT Penniman, Reed & Con, AT GAZETTE BUILDING, No. se x•lrel2. istroot 1 , . n. PENN" ‘ N 'tEdll.ort. HOUSTON', JOSIAH KIND AEttil) S P. RECD.{ ..nam e" Managor, I= Blissla Coplee. 3.. Livered bircssrlsr; (poi vrOtki Sia:l!uOier lGera, linr ye.) L.d.rat re.tu;dious to Ntw.Loyi and Anent, TUESDNY, JANUARY b., 1967 YESTERILV: • morning the C , ,trovreial contained *a' double-leaded editorial, re flecting in the' severest manner upon one of the Republican candidates for United States Senator, and upon several members of the Legtslature. We j know something of the Senatorial contest now progressing,. - but we know bottling to justify such dam aging imputations. If our neighbor does, he should go before the proper grand jury and .demand bills bf indictment. If he does not lineW enough to lead him to do this, he does not know enough to his sweeping incriminations. . So far we have avoided espousing the claims of either Cameron on Curtin for Senator. We know each or them well, and have served each, in time past, disin terestedly, and at our own proper cost and charges; but we have notshouldered the quarrel- of either against the other, and do ) not mean to now or in time to cone. But we resent, as a slander upon the Rernib can party, end upon representative gov— ernment,: the sweeping and unsupported charges made by the Cow:medal. The most unscrupulous t Democratic organ iu the State has never made so'territie nd unprovoked an assault upon any man or_ ,men of the Republican party. IDEAS OF 'SOUTHERN LOYALISTS The Southern Republican Association :includes among its members nearly every prominent Unionists in the Southern 'Stnies. ' A series of resolutions and a memorial, adopted ,by this, association on Restoration, have been presented to Con gress and referred to the Committee having that subject in charge. The ground taken is that upon the surrender of the rebel armies the population of the South ern States passed under the control of the President, but only in his capacity as corn. wander-in-chief-of the army, and for no other purpose than to maintain order until the_ will of Congress could be asserted. Whoever considers this point maturely, not simply in view of the explicit provi : -sions of the Constitution, but as enlight ened by the genius of popul:ir govern ment, will certainly perceive that no other idea is admissible. The President ha, neither dictatorial nor legislative powers, Ili a civil magistrate. His function is to . ftSCCUtt. Snell laws as are made by the de• partment charged with that authority. This conception being admitted,. it follows necessarily that the President, in proceed _ hag to appoint Provisional. Governors, in convoking CConventions to amend, State Constitutions, in dictating what Upend meats should be made, and in generally ' prescribing the conditions precedent to Re consti action, totally transcended his power, and transgressed equaly against Congress and the revolted State . Whatever he did in these -paraeulars is consequently null and void. . '_i Recokuizing, these prinhiple N the A.SEO— urge Congress to set .a_sfdo all the Prvideat has done in creating spurious governmelital organizations, and to estab— lish Milers based on the admission to the right of suffrage and elegibiity to office of all loyal .citizens of whatever race- or color they may be; exclusion, until relieved by Congress, from the right of suffrage, and froth offices of honor, trust or profit under under the general, State, Territorial and municipal, governfnents, of all persons echo held °tiled under, the Confederate States, or any one of them, and whether the office was cidil or military. This goes•vastly be yond the -pending Constitutional Amend ment, for . that deprives no man 01 the right to vote, leaves the whole question of suffrage to be detertufned by the States respectively, and only 'debars from office those who held positions of the higher grades under the rebel government, and that until Congress shall proper to re move the restriction. i It is evident from the positions Luken either that the Southern Unionists are bet- ter informed than Congress of the evil to be combatted, and of the instrumentalities adapted tolhat end, or else that their feel ings have .. .become: exacerbated by the wrongs and indignitles,to which they have been Subjected tnsuch a degree as to warp theirl.judgmenTs. , It must be confessed, howel,ver, tbat in their Memorial they make out a strong case. They show that the men who began and enhineered the rebel- lion control tLc li , outhern States and till all the cakes; that the worst rebels have been chosen as Represent/Laves in Congress ; that the Civil Riglts bill is disregarded ; that Union men and Freedmen are mur dered, and socially and civilly proscribed ; that the Constitutional Amendment has been defiantly rejected; that Treason is triumphant, and Loyalty prostrate, as ab solutely as during the war. Current facts, known to all nien of ordinary inkirmation, -go far to sustain these incriminations. It is a different questiOn whether "the measures proposedura the only, or any remedy . whatliver, fur the evils. enumera ted. When 4 nation has been long agita ted by violent passious, which have culmi nated is fierce and bloody it is again,t experience to maintain they will instantly or speedily subsidy. In proportion to the degree of agitation, and_ to the un animity in which it was shared by the controlling classes, will be the time requir ed for allaying it. Defeat has. a logic in it to induce those who suffer it to submit to what is inevitable, but not to change their ideas of the merits of the ctratrover ey. "Ithas often happened that victors, by • pressing advantages to the uttermhst.,have kept enmities alive when they would have' gone put, and seat 'contentions _dawn the stream of time to perplex future-genera tions, . Which might readily have been quenched at the moment. What Is desirn - ble is to bit the true mean between a mischiev:tr , lenity and an equally mis chievous severity. That Is the delleate• du.) , laid upon Congrep, and upon ,th - C loyaLpeople of the United States. • TEE STEEL TEADE.—The Seeretaty of the Treasury reports the importation of Steel nod manufactures thereof, during the last fiscal year, as foil awe: - - : Ingots, bars, sheets or vire 1,fftr2,'.:52 In forms not otherwise provided for ' 493,161 `Saws, abates, rasps and floats 510,171 Cutlery, and Miter manufactures—. 4,7-5,97.5 WOOL A' Wootm:s.=There was Im— ported into this country, last year, articles to values as follows: wool Woolen end wort Lod goais. h •hipP r :C:=6 • c!ft • - , AILEGHENY CITY ELECTION . ', manner of bolding elections,. shall be pre- I NP IV . ADVERTISEDIEDI _ The Republicans or thr. City of Aileglito •• •;.'„ i s' c ., •l ',.7 . ,• l ?c.',.•.' ' ,. ' s .. . ' • " :„ . .a . t ri r " f br p " eT "L a n u .' ".. . ---- 7,jvcre ---- ', 1 , n y l illV 17 .— M ny will hear in thied th-, .yi i i..i. ia il i , ,"„.• i ii . .......•-. roe 00.. i. it aireet t r' l ' o ' ca rn - l itlys 4 : . da1i....., ......... V.lll •:41,, 1 0. P.llti 11 . 1 • Ili0" • h -- l• - • • • •:-.• i for 'the eleetidu of Mayer, fa e iol i r, o f ..fe,ed l,y the -nerving, lonrt'.."lfer,uicr,3lo vrni lienni,ialte ,Inerinei naLl Ite 311.• C')uncils School Diretto:fi, ..1,1 Inic,:or .;, e ,,„. s ~,,,, ~„,„„ th ,,1. :0 „ - ,,,', 11 „ 0 „ 4 ,,• •• ••, :t . Corner Fourth ar.II WOUTI Ste., . iL or th, Poor. ~ , , ..,,, ,ri„ i, ,‘r,, , ,pi,,, , ,,... .. : , : e i as • oidarinably In the l'in: ,0 ni that °r if t.- , BAN IEFtS 85 BROKEB,S, ~ .‘ ~.. :.,„..„ ....I th e 3, i- t ritei flint, eenoerest e in the •wI si : . e iii aI. I. i inpoulen , lii .it a i:1 s.'•••• 1. 1} .1 urli,s th,• ascen,lottey uf ' _ ~ , 1,. on, o r the utlrer l',feet.lol i; nn 1.,00. i Vr/te I.e. ca - it, The oafy ' ; poi-ibis bol'" ''• ooc ooty, am! Inuit), allor,lo,F th ough never', ithe 01,po,itipn tics ia the i,',",iati ,y of •fbe :..- : 70 . ,.,—, , ,uz 1,,,'",,:,z1,,',:at1,c5-naioic- stand Inc way. .: publicans. With so gre.it. 0 vol.:filer- " fo..av the .••ionsts,-, l ' fl r i: , ' , d ' 07:11. 1 171 ° 0:4: 1. 00 . . il Inets of narrow cunceptlono.l.lol prevent : once of republican ::,:ntitn. - nt. , 010 ' , •'-'-a 0 : il r frrith &AN.? 1 1.0 whole 401.;, and proceed in any one of the nominee`.- of .. the party , t y. h . 7 , 1 , 11 i e1 , t dO,-o , tots al nor e. The jlo;, , tllar will, would be a. pull r s hame, cspeciidly , o , ,„','1,,,"‘,1,`,.;',,i,,1,iiy,Ti,n,;,,,,,,t2 7,,i,yet......1n.,,iut,,,,,i.:.v.,try , th,,, n omin L es , ere efullicniiii 7 01 : 11, 1 01,6 ,l'f i f il if'O ' f ' -.'il ' • ‘ o ' f '• lc! •'' . t . , ', .. ' l .' iTio d e ° , rfe l' in : ‘ i ' l 3 f. r: f I lit for at -1,l th: v•iiiiolt they i, re . cv . i . •f , , ,, 1'c00... , , ;ai- .han reatiee ft. candidates. We undersiand the pr:e. :i.a! . „..-!...,•0, : :: : • • • • ' i ii : f' • : 7„!T:',"„:,.'',::, • , i, , h ,..„, i, ',, 1 ,1 ' ,7,; ' ,..1 1 struggle4A' the olit•ut.itic,ll Wi . ,'• l'e I'II, , II 11 . ' ' " •,':•'?,, ' l'i L C:ll:.flil•YAl. t i',l , !,', s on r :t! ', ... , ':U . t•l ' l l, •lite ' ll , • 2 the IdayorallY• ' th.• ..., at lle u.• Icy ot the w Woo , . 10,,l,; . , Joni, ..,._,_,, , ~ ~ . _ . ~ . . ~ , . 1. , •-11000 01.,0•IsU nto cnrrio:l, would .o 101,1.• i - in er,, ether than te i oil niean 3 ,,, I' .10j our. candidate for re-election. is liT. to : ,".;,-;1i:1,,,::,1„',,',.;?,,,'„'.„1•;•,;,,,,,,„,,1 ~„,:•,"it; !well.known for his dignified and cfilcien , • :,"'' "c''"f".s'oc 11-•, 0 ";''OII" , ittlillift 'Ol Tiltioll 01 tile 1111140 hitherto, :Ma i::::,?•7: sVU,:,.ll,• ' •;,lo ' l!'; k il ' it ' nt, a a t i . ,l ' i ' lry r',',', Tr ' e n c t . SO jUSliy (-Teethed for his iiitelligern r, :!r - 1 : 1 „'; : ;:,.' - ,',', • .1:ff,: • ; •1 ,, ‘,1. • :, •. ,; : i 1,,',','„ • ,,' • '1 • ,ni!„"" :f1 0 i"., in and high mural character, that it : w1 , , t ,,1, It t. i ... , 0 .o,^Lilt ..1. TO I. Atm", I le 1 1,-,.' canoe i'l II 1 y IleCt•Ssul y I,i remind his fellosy 1 I :;l',•;'' ' 'lll " lll,l l . ' :ti ‘ el ‘ r ,',' •; ''' ;i ' ' ' •: ‘,L, '..c:;,; kf ;Xl-07•7;), L' s citizens that this I. cit.:ion day—and it ill':•;":ii",...,liii i i,1. :• ", 1 ,.,•, ;: f , ';', •. , • ;"',"," : ,':l' : :' t i i ,'„ ii; thelr tilltylugo to the Folk :old honor i s , a. , f ,••••couc.'• ef ihe 2014 ' ,. - y . t ' '' ' l2 10 themselves by re-electing the present NVOT- ;t In, b e':l,7tuf i' I ',, ' , ' ;i '. •2;l u t ' l ‘ ll l , ' .l'l. trli ‘ , ' ,l 4r (l ' ,:t ' ile ' r ' i t, lea '' to cover •ii th) _Mayot.• It is of scareciy less inipor- 1 1 , r i ,„ 1 ,':','„,., ) ,. 11, P,,, ~,,t,.,11j,b."::.,j', lava tante, and no less a duty white al. the polls i •••,•,',"'•'•: ,i"it"ows, op. a coneiledv•; Inu ' dl " f n .if t et ' i, to vote the Republican ticket full and cono ' „ea'i t , t i ' , ' Y i . .l . .. ' o d. l . li. ' i.. "' f.ll ° o'.• '", ;f ‘ f, t, r 'L •le l •i, 'L' il ' ,o ' ; :-'' i ,i, i &etc for Councilmen, School Director and 1 ll,'„'",•',li i i !',, t • :11,1..,,,1n0,' the bred . ` colt dreboon, if h 111, 110/4.11i30 . . ri. osconit Director of the Pone. . , ••etion. oaf, is cons flared the ei.en t lel pert, • i e 11 01 el the .I.tentheent, itn•l Itlereasoll —e,,...... - . gioo O,OOll. wl/1 Indllce tfot S o lltlooll Slates la grant itnpurthit multiage fur its increase ul i . „ l „ •, , , ,• ,i • i se l n o t t, iut , l ,l:, l , .isltulsT It I ntl 00 may, this Icut i i i it en., 1 t ona l i 1 U 1 1• 1 , ' t Ti't . t l 'in e , r i ' l! . , ‘ i ' l 'n. c ' tt i tt e t 7 f,li r e Y e , .iO,l von, On' tonal soul:1111g cOokoltoot to at, i 1. ut Ile; s‘rclO-1,1,t of it bY OloTt" ottIIIII, but v, I , conveniently sug 10011 11 111,1 trent one be I .011 1..11 Ito. 1 .t.0.0,t01t1V for not grant 1n . ," it 0 i , l,ntl groin tin , ,shfUtttiero 01 luni t reoo . l , ll to 1,,,,e of the svVoitett 0001 1•1. Fortunately T‘r the country, and fortunately 1,10 an o r preoo,,l awl lawnl trod.len rde..,l.O'S •1 1010y.01 .Ico 1100, rt.jeetell tilt., litionoloooll, Sod 1 11, rt..1t•,•,1 1 11..,:loo•rnillent,• f L . Ol/1 th. , 1,,,t o'/liglllioll tO 10:1111! II the ultimatum. It t, , w. 11 Itooto, ) l it toclpla, of hoc 'as Willa.. 11,1,10, 1 1,1 when ono putty nista, a prOist. ~ 1 1, 11 nth Snot 11, r ' o tog, I I;.•ne Is no breach et !,-..311 or turiitt , el lit wltlclrao us, I. Let Collgt,•00 I1:0111 .1 rop 111 10 ...nuroolltoolt, 1111.1 ran , .. In its 1. 10,1 the llntiner of lo th at Hal silf. trace. 3 tent 13 rents 1%00. PitINTII'G PAPEtt. To shone how completely the up - sp.:per and book publistters • of the 1.7 m red are iu the hands of the domestic paper manufacturers, we quote all the specific, timm of the Secretary of the Treasury rela tive to the it:till:aunion .ef foreign papers last year: • • Writhur paper ..• Paper Itanonge Paper Rumen BlaltlancUaree not specified Parchment...,. Papier-mache. No printing paper. The domestic man- • ufacturers hove had the market exclusively , to themselves, and as there Las been no I over production, they Lave made the prices to suit their owirPoekms: Red^ not com plain of the exclusion of foreign printing paper, for we are Protectionists. Nor' a:e• we weak enough to complain of the a:reiti of thei domestic paper makers. We expect the : producers of any article. to take the highest price the market will give thcLi. But we look forward to the tile^ as not Cli •- taut, when arm-production shall yield its natural results and toe paper makers b e forced, in in:s•rned • rates, to make in demnity for present exactions_ The coal trade now furnishes an illustr.mon iu point. - But for this consideration 'IV should reject Protection. end do I sre for Free Trade. The Con.tltntin.'nt A1,11,11411,1C11, n. Boot% of lite...rot:Aim, EDITOC.9 GAZE'Sri:: strong at - tr.:on to yielding to the lietteriti Govert:111 , 11LIVI:. 1110, authority or pow, than tatty he uled tio nessartt tor It to en:cleat ly tlkelittrtie pervades all parties and elat,thit tintanat int:1.1011. The people ate jihttot, of Viotti rig:de i n:i regard tile:ea.; pi,. idto, it: tit ton with great diatrutd. ' T , e it lit , e_, trt, Our Government, like all other., thong', at to on equel extent, require , tliet ?Nall partially forego reel: k =I government of any In. i only queidlon In C.d. , conniittion attention in unethervie nave required to yield too mica C. cot nne, our national liberties to re mlec tho ment tillet,n4olt rho- ono 0.10 , 1. po. serve them, .iborilea trop.o.re , . . compatible with the oi..lcot 10 lo u•taibiol 0 the other. Ti,,, queolloh. hooey , . to mooted, albeit we hate orea•m• 1,••.a.1 vtirtrik of ceatrailtiorson. but oat milyo, log politle.o curop..4:oso,Lavo for purposes conJetquit,l. was lniewled,lnvii,/,tay St lifast, tk, •- . Nn I magluare or Ideal afe.orptlon pit , Iburity by It. befferNl 6ovel orfere,• • munddlon was HO: it du 1M221121EM1 . _ of the pollttraito , laceti L. war, ext.lte , l upprt Ittal-oort. 1 t ti.e tota,te leo. Ifni/ <tatted forth halt, .htt , tatt from , other Taking . (.1 ClMlgtanCe , , 10.113 Intel el , at teat 1., State right., hg atm adroit'. e ^tale, for per..,er la tat , areaue.at, ~ e, lt other's ordt, by argatter Ott the t..:.potitee hit[ in.patring of Sttato arily ant in I net t.f.) !lot lin MM=ilMl=l color of MEM IZIMMEMEIMIZE tor It ix true that 'tutu oo,r.•ll.frai 4! , w , loom upp In the propport can, it t•,, I It Is equwl/v true Iliwt nvery mentattt:/a of. Fe4leri.l_,w,thur:ty gained. But Iv IL tiwireht Icy wwp ore. thwt power aver per-,:e. 3,11 proper: r- ed (worn t h e 0:1.10 ace:emelt:ol4 1(111:0 11.1,111111,10c1t “11+1, 111 . 1tIre. r!ght., k . ene : What rehAen fe, the tenehl.- .1 pat tf.:l enrrenfer of h:.l ere nicht fr 01101. surrefel., L 0 rued, to gover: ment or to the general,ei a nil', 111.1110: choefe awl not of 112ITerene, fzennth:... MOM= - . State government e ttelue , l to regulate tno-t. of the tttiAlni of 1::e • tie. that nee propvry lal regutwilun. The relnt:rmu Se nairetntlrriate than that +1.31)-13,.te .... - ...... _ . the general hovernment, end the peope: e'so he. Beshlei, by their 1,,111.11111{ snd control of such 'alms al Ltd h phere, the supreme government 14 from Innumerable dell' , Lrel'ol,/h;a:toas t,• would greatly complicate Its Diner:ohs .col 'Dm.. Impair Ds elßereney. 'Bat It t, Ice Itlcsa and ab.ned to draw WI I.ltr.try I, he et demaicatlOn between :Is rigid, am! 41,, of the State". The citizen galns hem., Le Is required •on render only much, however Dot lino only 1,, drawn. lie may hoy.'ever, 10-e h. By den Slag the r/td , t , to do • Mar things to thetee gene! al gem, le mene, he may. no eaervate amlweaull I It. a. to pat Dally Ile,troy• Its etheieree, rcnn, it Intntett note to Inn prop, t11,111,..n /I. dutle, By this very looce, the are:crow.' rat ant, embarrassed .luring the nay. nt..l It ntan,lA now In the way Cl a hilt anti '2o:delete ! recOmarnetlen or the revolt,' Matt,. But ft will be asked, wird neeesadry ciente,' (0111 I reply the tight to te,tz and secure' , mfirage. Democrats and non Inrgn Intrutotr of the reprewenta, iv , -of Inn party In intwni,,lent' Olt right. to" t, g that a ' , rime, to the slat.-- Ino.rn• nlstently eotol, ttn , n, ttknu the finpret nn no• gov,rittnent bound le Inn to euelt Ste , , 1 Invnt.lnntn In:1n mown:it; and Clint u 'tats ion.oonoi, duniuy mutfrage 10 it ritt-,0n1.0.l of color, 10 not rcpublienn in for., I garehical; yet the , very 14.1.0, • - 110. men, deny the right of Congress over the finestion of suffrage. when It I. 111 0t,:01, o anything en be, that the riigiflation 'se curing of imp:. UM suffrage by It is a lately Indispensable meter eel-I 1.110 clictini- Stancet, to tilt erection all,( inamtebasme of such republimin governments. ft s,. to have-been entirely forgot Len by tills L ela- - ," , Imiltlelans, that the scout of iv time 1 al jooeer like this, curries wits It 11l lieteis,iir, ailt,!. nary powers. To vest in th • govern:twill tins, power over the. Stales jlni ascertainly en ablee It to declare and direct by low who shall be voters awl :het n shall barred by the states road voting ting who within an luipartiel definition, as 11 It we, written In the Con.titat ion in so my an It 0131 .intig the Confertmoffe con ...el: to it thot'eacil State shall hove imecroment le public. In 201 in without taking this ileete fal step : 1100 1 In the moue of common howl l„nlesss by u deelurotory statute If. 1 Government accurately eelines 101 m. it tem.,- Man tom of aorcrtimeat Is, how I. the im, J.- 110 n to be settle , . Sleet it be I,ft to the j'ifj.ls. TriLT t • and discretion of the 001,11.1,11.000, at the time the ilecisk, Is fuLfitireill If one GOogres• rimy deeble IL one eay,ll,lll Lao next another, ufid thus the Motes 1,011 Ile0:00 will he 11l Continual doubt end unsertalety, which P. contrary to every Precept of cents fi ment 1,011 It be taken to the bupranw 10 he deciding Who will no corn illoin will I;,. sues, if teat 1 rilitnial /.11.i /10W by which to detertnine the question. how doom holier ell will it be thou tile Congress oft a tiorn tile"dm ty might. devolve" f l l,lill It 1“, Mt 10 the States! look at Alacylituil, wall her penal code, Imalsiting whites ,to the comtuon low, and pile nig blocks, by i'edictal rtileS,ln It State of slavery Ito Li pita - ishment. look of North Carolina,woce black offenders are ticil to gio-14 and abler - 1m t l, such whipping forever ilisfronchismg them, while White Often are punished by the chile nary modes of Incarceration. If they are pan lilted at all. Look ut Stitali Carolina, with tier rugmae y ants, which, by a most mai 00111ent construction, reduce' black vice Oa Ilia illittitatinti ander the lash of a delver, and condemn White 11110) to the Jai) the Tionitentlary, lathe. their Liffeneti be altalust negrneiblifi .etdeh race they 1:0 Look lit Texas, within veirvve horilLos over Fili hundred blacks have beim oder/11,ml I 11 Y Lehlt4').lsec Lbs event. oar of tee rebel_ j grin, us stated by Governer Llainliton el that State, and not more than three or foot have even penl.l.l nut alt the lot; while, on the other bol " l,, 'Jillliely a negrO Offender escapes couty/ punitlatient. honk at the ft:Soiled 010100 generally, with white Impala/logo in whom eitst the stioagest lir/Jude:coaxal nir. avageanimosities ng , tbist the Mad; Lb/1111OP• tined by their being tit triers's:at Cant. Of the war, and which a century will seorol/10 to erniliCate, If hismie , • -•-• (ni -1 teflon by which ("Judge. Tllll3ll . Of the lynch ' legs and Opprevsions everyw sera causal raseet upon these things aim umny others that cry fur redress, awltay, yon can, that a jtiAt, goveninient,• bound by cons id a rmion, of gratitude to well duty to protect all its cititens la the enjoyment of their rights, shall tears toe sat , dement of this all Important question to the States. It makes no difference If the Coosti- Callen does fay that .. the Huns, plac,s and 4 ;,;ai,.w»; 1110,086,413 6.,054.-JJ CZ= 374, A) SP,77dAr+.9 I ICOVS [tj•SPEPSIA CUITE is ptc. t T. 1 ,14 11. ‘‘...s.i:lert .1 :.• 3,1 15,t,ti, I kt sr./ru 1.11. t 01,11,, (II - 1.f1L,t.. 1 Jlr; .1 What Sal aytie*:, Onitraeut Will Do SE IstiNi tiILY: t.:(.EsTION . ;.- " .‘a.• . E NEW ADVERIIS MEN] S rly,r6:. re,nt.< A arry,tierrne,:s G-ItriTS.f:ruf c:/ trio . :At Gil IF U.—The next 111)1.1.01I1I3G 3111 t'ir.Tll(l\r--I.4)T—Ots {Vettinestlay I 1 L. , • 1 L , It I Nu. 10 H:Eil D v r!!!! . 7 I T I „ 4 J‘N Dr! . . I. FT)* PEE. , 11.1 (tr. l'oa —.e 'ot'' c;n 1.01 ,11.4 ...• y ronu, r.ing. I.• lAn I, nI•1 =llll j I jOli S.II.E.—ONE TWO-ST(111V 11,00 N 111:11.1 , 1 , ..”1'., /MA 410,- 1 ; • ntio, o 1' a o•l000r. l'lrmoblap. ; and t o o•f It aDr lark'. . o: ..or •• lIA 11. F IlotoowN 1 „ • 11, , n ll.llal,poo l'llfcro No. Co I r.ol fly t.oly. 1 1 , LICAP FJOIVSEI4 A NO LOTS FOR 00r..0. Dr!, /IrOto,•ad La{ toll a'.l I too soloott Pal Al,. 'l, moo,. No., Y.-ao.oo nod • a01arat0 . .1.:,...i10 a.sr tJ slo'll4l, 00l k/IiI• o/ooroll'ro,' wit:. a l•rort. f I""t• 1) 1% 111 LAIN l'co UOVo: ale,,irlzollelartiper , a , to. ,AIIIII.O/1, an'l,iraata r•o lo la Y 11.4.1 /.I,tlloll ly 1.1 f.. 4.1. on nor wooer.. a ll o y t. Ittrr.or. ant oal., tone o• 0 00.tro , (own th.11,00...00d 1.1.;.r000..... noa I/111 t.toolao., oal y tto 11.1 1 / 1 ,11. f A .1 a. fr.... o. •tooool .1 ur it, Ica. F., ; Inf.maallua ,he aro w/Pct I • 1,4 SANDIJ-li hi 10EET. IttaWMAlti .I.)A i.t.ti,t.Eqii.VlE OoUNII LA 00. rot 1.-ola o•f • lij MON , slot. (11, 00 4 yont ti.o. 11,, loran: tato,. to ot.ao baa 0...000t y tar .1 I/ Of. A1111(.111' fle,ol//11111/ I roo. aro, 1 11. tl too roo.o.asto aol ..10101 ,, !.. , .1 re ,I , llalola of yloplio.. i.,,ao.tioog I 111. V. IL .1 (.04TF:Ir..likrIf; 1 ‘ , 11):1113;1WI'llATIIIV 3 Tot '0 I J., 1/1,11,,,,,. and al. pertMlll Ipt,ri aft. !I. I nom toe . payali.o I to I F.' I.IEI Karl, ..dm's. • 11.EIEING • =2 For r ~.tlt. Ur J A NT ES 110 W , N, Wk.e,l et rat t. 820,000 TO LOAN UN HEAL ItST7tl5B". Its A11..,11uy c.o.Ply. to nult. Apply by uttut, or In otrstol, to JAI OH 1.01-4.1, Nu. 115 Fourth lttrtel. p errA el • ' llB 1; S.— Coac h Makers' Hulsey Viee.• Jest erecter] •Nu malls I.equrl 3. ne ben VIM In the mann tor Coent el term for Isle t, les el(5 MOWN. Ira Trt,tol %Met. . . 111 t 11D . 0111 1 “.•, , i :%•r: r:1-1113 ME =SE Ll 3. u re • 11 ••I Il.IC' -r t ' MI ME .1: II r. l',l'lll. ). .• • • - r• •r - , A .r F MEIBM MBE I= DIAL., IN ALL MINDS OP Government tieourities, Foreign Exchange, Gold. Silver and Coupons. COLLECtielte hAde ou ell fleet stlble hetet. I. the Vetted etste• eel Cr.undif. Interest allowed on Tine Deposits. ANNOUNCEMENT. AN OTHER MATERIAL REDIT ll= SHIELDS & BOUCHER'S, 108 Smithfield Street, OPPOSITE POST OFFICE ISEI Just Received a Lot of Choice LENEINE MEM (OFFEE, AND A PER' BARBELS OF LONER IN G . S WHITE DRIPS. . . 1' . .... r . -. .4r . 1 !ti PORTA:INN NOTICE TO TIIE . '‘`; ' ' • - r l'll , I.IC. -,, ‘ ,:.1,. i ... ..... ... .. .... . ...it 1 .- 1 C, t PITAL PRIZE, ti,llomoo. , i7,•!... , ,,..,-,.... ..... .. ~• .;:: '.3 , 1 .nl.l r,..reOf.illr .-no , ~ , r rt, 14u1 Grand North Aincrtcan Prize Concert.. - ;;:.'.?. - ir`;'•:::!;',',„;•'l''"'," ''-'l•l',''''''' '..,'!.. '..',.:.71., ,•••• „...'''i Rend 44 het the 4 Idesuo 1 4 r • Na): Nfv. f. ' •t Ita , p b• n r•t I- IJ, ~I,IKJ N••1::.4 ,4,, • 4. on, tt tt I. tst4 t , tttt tr 4t, ttt, ttttt.„„ Mr.l • tit. 4,1.4, •• r tunt,•••••1 In • . 44 ; • • , „ o tilat of A. A. h.-11. 4 . .4.1'0.. Itlrl. ttt , 44 0,4„ , 444 t f• Tin . 1111 i•lr wore tltmn 4 ,,,.„,,, r „ 4 ,„. „ ; ,, a 04 , 4 "”. " 1". •,.•• n :1. , ve - nr.... A 001,5110( t """ " n•qo 1.1/1.•t•0.a , I. •In , Le 4 norl, “•4 l in,' A,. I , an 4,4 tt , 44 ~4 4.' , , it t‘ „,, 44 ~„ 444tt, t 4,. Vrl• 4 • I ni c . nl-. .1 t. r.... 1•1•• unr••l CI 14, ••. ntol,••• Ln.• .nnnlry. F r tnn. I in• ork.. b in gine to 1A..., - " 4 /„ ' 14 , 1 .1 1 nr„p trat 4,4.01.1 •x: •••.11ein •••I••• In .ntrrprl•,. , rt. ., 44 44 , t , 4 , 4444 , 4 , 444 „ 4 „ 4 , a kt , itoln .14. I ..11,••••••.. ,rnt, rt• In o'o • nlt :no trs • • ,11.:CE , ••••:•••••' ' ••• " . ' r ,"r• lItl•I•nr,;'.I o L. ,1 . 1 .:1 At.nuc Rind Ic 11:1:1,1 7 . 14 I'll 1114.01"../ V4I:ARI ME IMMM t.tw. u•v.t.olr.' I% 4.11 . A !..1 . 1.C111. AlellA: 1 . 0 THE PrOPIA: 1 r . a a:a4, r. A EIBBE • 7. limb." ..f Ticket• I••tled 5u0.01141 %LOU LAt 11. E[rr Other Ticket Itrairt, a Prize ',Ter U.3lt fri • ....• rrturn Esrry llllarr Il.rnnve n 1.1.1ge. 11+ 4 • •1:1,.. .:• n e i, , •v 14 1.. rt, st•nt,•4. .11c1,set llresiora is l'irise A. A .1 1 •... 114,: +.elr I:amor •rnl ns.ueen• . 4 •11...e,0 n Itterprlte I 1•Ift et It lb, • • • . . • •...r ort..err,l4l ARen r. . Ws.ltiord, de.k • ~,ert. • • , A. A. .KELLEY & CO., No. 103 finkuloivb ' Street. thlittgo,lll SKATES! SK.ITES! SKATES! I HAVE ItF(I6VED 310ST'OF I ...luC rto Wu Trnae &circa.. fr.. 5,000 PAIRS OF VARIOUS MAKES Before purchasing elsewhere,' call and examine my Stock, as I can OFFER DEALERS SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS JAMES BOWN, No. 136 Wood Street. ROBERT LEA, MAII VACI FLIER OF STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS, • Freight Hoisters 3a C) CD 'X' CS 11. MI Nla X2V3IIIEO . co.7•l;o4tlors or all dotirlot!ons to...it to order .eO/1 . 111.. u[ First •Intl Ferry Streets, WEEISIMINIE CHARCOAL Fr BALE, By the 100 on L,OOO Hubbell, Inquire at • NO. 09 i:IFTEI NTREET 11321 c„,TEEL WILLOUVG UOUS, for U. S. oo bond or sada to ardor, bt Jal Jafl Yh LIVW:i, tot Wool ttreol. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. T McMILI . EN. Chair ' • •14‘ of .te ..trAot nn• .7:t, Firs: IE, rr•00.1lu 1 186 ' 0, Ml ' l'Ay Xull tor month' F..,y. .... Pay Holt for.ontll or Mlle! l'av Moll f month of A y.lrot mouth of icy Roll for o.ontli of lon, •11 7.$ V AT , or worn, . ...... l AT IWO f, moult 01 I 411,01•1 Itoll tor month • 1:42' t,,r moot]. ...... Loll tor mouth .t m.; LAO 0 f !V. le ribu-gor, for imvelcolt Lau, Rolla, 110110 undLr ; CotornlAAlonor. Liu I for month of Dcr,:!,,,, ialiouut espril,k,t , ; .• ..... • , A111,1:,11 to ..pn!rin , Dlxtrt,n .......... ~ I for 1:7 Mill111111A1•41 44, fJrcl , mud :01,7s 1,2 I Tw.roy-0n, , 111,,,.:kand ! I • hlll , l bunI,OF grad,l nan,i....• S' Ouelliodrot sn,ltwentY) ,,, pav l lg.... , . ou h#utl ; 11141— . . j A mi.irir, of noti,, , , rvi 4 t., n.u.ir Pa` , , V 1,13, i l Ag r .1:1::10 13 ;2 . :1 , 1 ; 41:::..:1 I o tr.uv a 1 . :0 7 .0,, , i g ''' ''' ' ' ." .... ..WIIN F uusTE , 1 -- 1 T. It. jIt,IIII.NIA N. FY,. t.l , a!rrosr. i.; Ow 7.,!...tt 1 Co non' 1L..,.--11,. _'1 , 1 , ,e ,,, ,1F!rt.:10n....1 f ..011:: , r,...,:t1:!. i '' .. ' ,.:i' L l ' ., " l:l ' „ ' . ' :;ll ‘ ll . t . l. '' ..r ' ltT. ' .4 . . L' t ' t:.. l ' glrICI " .1 'lilt! l'ltv 4.1' /..tir.burytt. f rom February lit, 1 , 110. to D. cer , f . r :lotto '0.114 : No.. t s.tette ter^1,1.... ...... .... . r:I. •...I,la r. r.it, t... .............. .... I Nn... I .., 1t1i.,.31111 Nu 1.1 5.11 y, c1a.5.n..1 N.,.. f 'I t‘ .. horst,. an I.l,rts einuloy...l I.IS, .. n ..: 1.11. ... Ill' 5 tqui,..'s .•ot 2 1 .7,, , N'st , ,, , of a.' ul, plant•ut.r...t• ed V.C.O 1 , 0 ~. ' IN'.tur or gravel I ur , 0• , ...1 ... • ,P. It al,. , f Or. t ' , tog :ley • poret.s. ,, - , 1 t.t , 1101,11 n, c1n. , ..r., to -Ixtu. ~..• ..1.111 .yll.l • 1...,,,,1tt0 wat.!•. .-- 3ln er11,14,,0 11A1,10. , I, 1..1 44 on, plata:. 1,:r4 .x!.l-of . toto pat lug ',M....551105 uf str..,l 1 . 01.11 VAilla of mat., lal. ou ban.l • M..oey , Coticuted. 1 , ,, ll'Ohlir of For il ~,, , ylog rut,t,l.lt, t•lit , clot tilr,s 1... rt. and ta r. 111 to .t•Lrlal Ili - N uti , ...s 5.r...,.1 to r•-1,•Ir and curb 11,11 _ . a ts N.. or foet of cu. , ..tour ,- put In an.l u.l I, r. .I I 11. e Oli.- I. • I..lerlot, I.t i•l.l.ll4nerg slonthly Illr walturci. j3lt 1' GE= f rn IBM ElEl ...-. 1 O .....- c. i , E-4 Q IS=l MI MEI I:I `1 E 4 ' M 0 6 . • - a. .9] • ; I. • in 11 14 0 7! 'I; in ,ne usvee , eeot. for she omoo•lon. Soltere done In ihr, weredue; zsoe,e Date of mount' of No• ofcuret,hvllnoure. A.benerel. Coe.on rott•• ... epiern hor rennin. neenno. IC. Poti, . I In.zito T0ta1.... NeW bl,Yr6 aulloorlred and Isla nvor ttl: 1117: Grout st•Tii... :NoWiTabor VO -.ln allay I auKuat Ml—. 3. 31a..h0t. Wert 4 6,11411 12 r 17,1501. 1..... Itetfikvl.lll. '. j..01,11,311:2,,pajn.,,,1i$ and curbing ac 3. WIWI 64,..1;441.14?: . n% cur4la6 a 45 45 87 ' 54 .3 64,4, (dull bed) .......... 4 463 4. Cgunfing and Vrldrni• stint. 41,zi3 6 4. 17.banglag etrCat graies.. 11,40 Ca O. bewer. 13.444 64 44441 auwant ,44 4seetsmente ilarVap 166 4444 1 , 44 ..... . .... . 4111.4 P 71 W ADVE 1•1.r.,..4 t • rit • ..t.t , TO THE SELCCT AND COMMON rry‘w.v , 01,.• und, the to:i..,:th; rt It.r 1:r 1" 4'l 1 o.;: : O . r ,;6¢ q I 3 caw - CO SF:I.Etl'. AND l'051 1 111 0 ; CM:SCIt , ~ F t'll In I -11 l 11411 . . i• .sto.-t -tul,, rep r: to; l!;.-5r..r Prc.mt.er • itr . orlitt., r• li, ;w g el :11,14 b , e.w.l tt tr, tr,i1:1,1•11,04..111, I.- Nr• If Ito r n. c 11, IE,, 7k I;.ar. In .11 nlv. , I•ur,.••• ;t1.4 Its re" r. nlosll In• that a :At . Ott nn ISE 16323 :-,„ na I.:r . t. ws. ME MEI tf,A :I. 4,1 il,nr-11 UM . . . . net, • •• 1 ~ r r, CVL,t , ,•, vi l et , 'Tont tn. n'an TV, 1,11101,1 ;4; • , ..Z,l%hr t , ‘ , • or 1 r til Iv.nli-n I IL! Alslda, Ort.u.l.t . r, .1. • Pre L : =BM ~t- e -t. 11 t oil,: I)6IIiVANCE t:ritt%titi:: lite Vr. lon r i, erl,ol rrert 7. zra:n 1,. tlj• , . MM =EI . . . . 'ist • • 0. : 'Pt' • ". i ur t tt Ircp t .1.1 I..rt 1 , ,r. Marta rrg,toN ,t,ll ot!,1, .110 •11 j rtvgt , t 4.,ia1ne.1 1,1 J Clm,ll, tiny 1. 11. I ' E==ll A,t : lid :111 M .•rI:i:. r ......n ~f. , rr t I r n ; J o s I . llt,tr,it t r t rt I / •.; ' 7:-.: ;i. -.. g '1; *t.'''l .7.2 7 .• -',-, t ::. BUIE ..( rt.~.1.... til tj lip ~l Ilt xe I~r••I~~fi li,~l , tr)1',..l _~l a~ l .itl ~l I':i lllll~', t.• ~ ra-~~t ~ l" , , ..r.i tI• i~~_r . , . rbt, tar•nt ~11.1 Va. b, •Irb I, a. Is tb" tla rca l•rovl , l , al tb,ab Ila Ibbblab, lb , . a, ps,,a trbprb,,,abl lb, Ili • Lrbb,l it, 'llOl virl Prbb,l , l,, labrt hot, II• .•,.1, t.,,. 11•1,1 'iro .1113-In 'rtl. gra, gl :It t grant to oil , ' r e.o. of .31. , In k1..11 oar ‘l.Ol proportun or Collor!, rlghl at any 111.1.,1trr t It Inc g. si , rll.l Into I/ I, V. • r, =I 1114. N • I. • c.,„., 4 N ( •11{11, • - 11NAN - -- (.1.: laf •-•. nl,l In: t,r , vl,. of ,Nt. rh,kl,ll 311; •t r ]II.I ::11,110, 1 r • 1 • 111, I. ,n,r. grmse of mL\Vett curt. t, the uorth 1(1 • 11in .rrt t ol.lato, ::•.; 14 et 011411 • r 6. or 0 trln or V, I r • a elet. nf I 0.111. In. 0r •7., 0 et ta On. One of 31,allunT,. 1,1.1ge. eqr. 1 I , at much of any 0 dlnaure • 3 olOret • .1 . 111: Ilan prnylol vl tlJl,tirOlna,me • thr l• herchy pr.lalttr.l awl vaaelcd 1..3 a I L‘v In Cvntwll.. 1•L El, of er. A. II lest of =a =. z -1 !,; J -.• 15 .-- .r. -2 1- i • 1.. Moult..‘, , et,:k k•t • • Tllt.”.t. l're,•lent of C‘pa.moul'utTecil A‘tc-t. 11,0 3tcl7 tt Carl, or( ommnn !! , ~.; ...' :7, A r. .-. • t. 7 . :;" . - i : 1. • '] :1 7.-i 'i 7 i: . :".. : '. • ''' pucEs etsvresu Hosiery, F .alt at Lot. Pttett, W RITE, ORR & CO,. No. 16 £lllli Street. Bauer 24 MOSER, JELIEL CI Xi. IT lEI °TEA, I , Rt , r 4.430(.1+110N BITrI, ,, ING. :tot. f - 4 wad s or. CLaIItThEET, thodttign antclal at , ntlon Oran to in of Cowl Hoo , t. and r ', ood bLndluo g .nns:la BANK_ NOTICES, • BANK NOTIC z OUARTERLY STATENENT QUARTERLY REPORT ' " ' MEI . r.AN pi! rs • :* "" • • t's Ina El • .101 IN G. 3i.0: rt. 4, 1 WAIiTI:RIA IMPORT OF THE IcATI•..NAL BANK MEI MEM MM!ffl iMMEI CMS v. BEE En 61,.1.! MICE 1. n of 1 . 1 • 1:,•I L ES t! 'S .1. o. - , lt FT 1 xu.l t ~.nt, n tt .1 iNt M:APLEY. •,1- 1 , 1,1.1, unpuld 1,0.111 and I:vrtia, , tiu . l , ln Itank , arvi ..... sMI • St: ' Gloves and Uderwear, i't. t 44 MEM s ~,. v::.-+ ~.~ ME / 311..1,:;t,;:r •- ,(111, ''";',....\"f t ,, ; 7 ; .',"'0 r 7.y.E. GI I uy and 70; .1‘ l• • Il,le • r. 4.111., ell=ll aplt Sttvt.l. ul ltr,kllAtton tr....W.• . 1111:1.11,A Dt.no-I. .... 77 , 5.4.1 I: n n, I hin;.l , 5n.,4117,7,17 ,24 t IP. MEI I rertlir that otht ••t tti.tr , th;Lti the thp •th uthit..l , l th.rpt thtt.tt — t'ttrtht.ti• tth , :rt,l • • 11..11. vurssAY, Ca.lttvr. ....... ", • 4.1,1, 27 NATI. ) NA .\\l; 114 111 - TS.lll:Milt. • 1',10.4 an*: 1:.41:1,. • . • 13 'hl QUARTERLY STATEMENT P11'1 , 11 , 1.11. an. 70i, 1 -, V.E.SOURCF.:!: Loan , :Intl I,l,4tunt • i. from Ban,. ,tl , Prt.ll.`urrt . ncr Not, - - ta Male Ito:1..111,11.1111,mo 5... ' I= • GO 1,.1.• 1,e,....1t0r5C3 67.4.• 34 •I L.,,,141 v•I 1 1y 31r.111.. 001 co r.z,l ..... • ctL7lie,L..rt,,,Arit It. a. true el.- Lruel I.ILL3rt• rly ILLt,ort to the Comptrvi i., , , LILL: cormtee. " ~ . .11N ) t , C171.1.1". r QUARTERLY STATEMENT NA I: , \ AI.BANEMY BEE '.. v .. And 1.1.1. $ ;Lt fl.tures II Or 1.••. , 1 51,0 - tiO mv.d Ira: turL.V. Carrcncy.... =Pt.) , Baal. ar.,l ......... MIME 10,•11.1,,GCr • (1, , • INvto .I , tt 111111 a ., i•,•ol •••• ... iii.":,rtn:‘ Mat atrial) • zty.C , =n•zollet of F. M. 1.:01111oN. / ) rr r I I • )).), 7 QUARTERLI sT.tirmtcNi mos ITV NAIII4,NALII.IMiI,I jJntn..nnti. Jan. Zth, I . 141. , from Hon, atol I.ot 1. N., • t.r utltt: ..... C.v.. !Lew. MEM= Natpin,l • !wlir CVLAIITE ILLY ILEPORT- =1 rmr•llCll.t.ll, inn. 7iti, tv L 11, 4 ,1 :I,AI, . - , .. .., , r.•,,,,•,,,.,,, , ,L, • L.,1'4000 I,J V. , i: ,?.., 1,,,...,• 1 7., 1 . 1/.l'o (0 -i.. cl.• an.l.•ll:cr Lawful pvt 11.......... ,- .. :.1, II • N.. , ..'s it N'allllllal 1:an1.1. -- .1,•IA) CO l'i . l.r• Nu,' of ••.•• llanl. :.,,,,,, 5 .11.711 LI u•tt It , iltl t r ''' ; ).U . ''' 11 .1 ,, , 1 i LIMMEM2 ( ,I.• , I ot 1.1. 1.1. Wry :hat the I, a !to.= at...tract of tlic to thy r...L.ptntilrr Cturrn..y. I:. QUARTERLY REPORT OF THE =1 = Nalts a• 11 •cc ur. , Smi Taxes Alt:, from Itanlr IL.o.ter =I $ T 7,1,2 .1. N . DAVIIMON. CA,hler. QUARTERLY STATEMENT l',E=l2=ll I= and 1 , 1..r0ml ll.n. ncnr111,.... Ir.from l‘an , ..• nrid Lvgal N.it 101.11 c . 171,11 1 . 3 .••• • i• Not , of nt.lv , u4 `tote 11•1,.:0,tn Lot .. Mr= palatn Dm: 1ne.1‘1.1%. 11111. V, ab•l• 'tate, ;, Due 16 [taw, ana lianken, I!rode. 0u... ............. en I.lebtl+ paid . ColittnAvntlund and ...... . 4.3 The aho - ,1., a true tth,trart from tic Q edr t er i Pelson in the Cetuptrolleeor the Currency. .1,0;re.3 .1. P. Kl:ehtrlt., TITE ANNCAL ELECTION 1 , OR Tina II Nt( Lund at' J 31:1t LANK Up l'iria1li:11611. dti:r3: Cashier. QUARTERLY STATEMENT i 121 Url x:11, J.nuat EMBEIM u:, - .; and 1301 i 111,comit • I wlvtlttrl tto... Irnectvre. ............ Taxcl. .................. ilv,ntral“. ......... . ........... ........ Intu k hmuket. nt.Lty , 1.:ol•auJ e,aphis LItUILIIIL 1."..pt la', tt,00,•• 4 7.7,000 0) t 44 id,. Fund. .......... . d-1,3,4 .0 1ut..0 nt ACCIAILIZ . 7".1.4.1 214.0-0 CO Cirrulat , trn unp „, O.DIS .0 r.nke and Lanitel, ii!.,AVl:olltery • • 47 i 7.476 ..e 1 cern 7 um: t. undid ntatCr.ent /3 S 0: i,3 S 0 Lt.o b '''''' T k"'"'''' ' ' "a ir. ' !l e . f. SlllTH. eaddEr. J...t..rdt • - . . I= ITEMENI S ri..!, 1:01.. , ~ r. 1 • , ! ,,,, .IGan ~~ I.! ...... J." ... ... ,paP. bAn. Y.Tins ‘trlity thit flit a, :c to I*.tp. J. E. 113 AM". _ QUA4ITI;111.1 . REVORT il11:1, \.ll 11 , 1.t1, 3121;.% l':T/S.J11,71:(1t; =SE ek, c till nor , : Iletcl,tan , . , and C.l, ...... 1., from I, ....... .sd C , Y. n r lr 11EIMEN (:ftpl,irto(l - ( I.,34lettflt untill,tt• , on. at.d I.t,e to tiant...nti-r1,1.E.,1 . • •1.11, LIVINtinTI6, C. 5111 r. LWARTUR IN STATEMENT OF `-s "1 - 114: N11,...11..0.,• M BANK == N 0 .., • 4 , nt. .ml 4 eractloaal Cu.. I , s . I,t;t• cc U.,. r",l -4. I certify CI, okt.nv , Is a cm:ref: stontrart frotr, Quartcr:y 1,. .ompttul! , r4Pf laa:r.l J. 01IN 12..1424,. lIMMII --- STATEMENT OF TI 1 , 111,, or THY.' BANK FUR LIAIIII.IIII, 1 Ipflal et ' m,„lt. r 11 ISIMEM to:Lee Yl/turr..... It. E. ".IcL I,LY. Trha , hrt — r , The 0t0t0,,,0,J. Commit:he, •httqc.t. itl.7 repo" that th..y . hato claat!ntol the t.. 1 As: ott of tie Barth mot dad ito, hate. thtnt to i.e corset, .tht1:N_:1.:!)17...... --• nisr NATIONAL BANK 01' I'ITI,I:CHIJO. — IL:e Dlr. rtora 4,1'11.15 Clay: vire F1::7 declnn.l a .itz , rt til,t.it.rol 111113 • ,vrti.wl lb. fr. e JC.tate or U. S. t Lac,. J. 10..-XIJI.LY, ME= . • ttrt.f £ ett l't t 1,7. Tht Saint Ihetutte...f tn.. Crtnftatt• Itntatt,lrt dt tlttt.tottt.l • tillyld• at tt • Jll klti. nut of.t-t, of Luc I." tll.lnotths. J.,13 Andittfor Ittn tnst. .ntt.rt INV?! 1. tNet—t.tttrr. 11,1.4.1.C.arNV.. 1 .snua , ty ad. ( DIMES: 1 gists 411E".1.'u1511.1..NK. ..•.kc:ar. tilt id:od of 7,1 X VElt ee.NT. On Ott Cif rotttf.: , et C. the la.. .Itr. n 1 0 .01.4 untAt..l I 2t10nd..,...1.,tnat V.AN'alttr. I I, tt, C) I . ° • I ' ' ' ? f '. l - :, • a . DIVIDENirOF I=il •.1 , Fereort,u7c'irtmen , TAV, "flit pa: a ”Li as I after TUF,D.I.I.,he -Eh In • # . #.ll 31110, THE HOARD OF DIICEATORS OF dc..lAr. 1.. at, i•ltn.l 01 OEM FIVE. rno. cEST. . On thcon! • • nrud, or 1:1, 1“t ;Is u.orktUs, psy,,.fortOwnl, frvoof . .o.routsit tax. V.. t 2. .MAO , Y 1 41.3 f . 1.0 .. I el . itt MLKCI,I\. \I 1 r.,.SrCL, .r.l 'L L' tt~1:C~~• luv~~~ri 1. 1Y... THE BOAUt? OF.HIUF CTUR OF ibis 1L tin tred Ks..Vl(inllsC I MEI= MEM BMMNLIBE=;1:1 payabl , lurt.tovic! , .au'.,, F IRST NATIONAL tuNa. OF I'IT , SRUILIIII.—TItt. Ansnal Etealon fur Di rectors of the 1.111,P SAItt I NAL HAS Si will tole place un .lannary et 500 114.01. bettvotrall oleic /A A. At., anf: o'clock P.M. del.: .1. D. pC121.4.N. 1,i1.14,1AN 5.4.71 t,, H Nl.. . rirrattUl.ll. Dec,tuuer N ELECTION FOR NINE DI. LEVI:VHS. to evr, for the ea,llr, year, i3e hela'';et the 13 AN KI AU 110II,E. on: TUE.,I/ .1141. ttb, 1,4, between the Lo, r 3 of 10 A:3, =ad de1,033 1112..,1:60‘1. 6. • THE ANNUAL JELECI 10Y FOR I,tmclort..l* tl, Mott: , 11 I In:l...lava I= 7.0 1 =I 8ar.1,11.110u. Pcorr.rt.N/Mos. “. It • .so. 7— F , ,m,-..„ Drtt...l., Illi. 1,00. : . ' ELECTION• NOTItE, — A III Met,- tion for: tven Ittret:tor.t or tttl: liant, to t lord, 1,1.::, , car, will 1...• held ttl. 11, Man:erre , on 11:F.S11., I ...n.ittry 110, 1,;%1,10,..x. the hOunt 'Ci M'; ' ,J ' '' '" ' . r. P. M. GO H1)010, Cathie N.VrioN.sc 11.,fi I'ITT,C,II. pct. e, THE ANNUAL ELECTION FOR DtliECTOlia DB THIS BANK, Will o. neld o TUESDAY, January E., lag:, bets - urn the hour. of I all/ AA,ock r. ft.. at thu Banking Dom,. del pa.lle.T JOHN MAGOTYIv, 4 ] t 510 1 1,43 t EICIIANUA NATIoNAI, lIASK br 04.11,11G1t. 1 . 11 - 0,41:1,11. VA., Der. 3. 36 , 1 i. THE ANNEAL ELECTION OF DI -. ta:cants srlll take 1.103 e at tut 11,,KaNti 1101Jr.E, on . 111t...,1/Al - . January 302,1,7, 1,o:0re-tit On !Lout, Or il-INCN A. 51. Ind Two r. MEM s:l,a7,:dwT B. M. -lUI:R.u'. Cashier._ 1 - :41 , 1 NAT.. , kr usx Ail.m.llF,Y. Dec. TIIE AN'. Ai. ELECTION FOR zLP B.nk, uhli Ini ,, n,Pinn , ! st the 6.tt.nt . ..1 `l. IJEY:O.%IC, January nil It 7, h. aa,,, :le ot r4f It a:. awl IF. de-11:V'; I'. eakhler. .dia~.u. , . n . rs,,iro~ m - .41 I e.x.,tr THE .tNNIT.I. ELECTION OF DI• 1:E(./ 01:a of tClitank.. will 1.,t„ piaxe this Backing Hoerr, Stb, n We hOttr,.i.f II A. Lt. . 31,1 , 1i6Y. Canhler. PIST.I.IIO/I.eecultave,tll..lli4 f AN ELECTION FOR NINE RECTOitS, to serer for the ensuing 1 - ear, .111 be held :ft the BA-NI:ISG Oa Tel ,'OAS'. .January nth, 7717, I,,t‘ - aft the hour all .s.. Y. and I P. Y. I J 111'•Y 11. • • SNP nth, P.C. 1 TIIE ANNUAL ELECTION -FOll Ecroxs or ail, 8413.1. aII.I RANK'S° 1i017,E. on ',l:Erio.tY. 5... art the sth. 1 4 7,1A:tweet, the hour: °ill *ad: r. Y. ‘l,-10:11 , 7 AUL ". C.±,tact. .I:osAtTRAK , 1 . 11 - 0 .ougGII, ELECTION NOTICE.--The Elcctlon for 1/1111,1:1W , S fur • k. , thr . 2 U 'tar, '2l b.. 110.1. the Bazi, 'on .41.71,41) .4', the , uf • cit..ary, tct.v.c. Ito cf 11 .1. a. aro! 11. .1,194.1,1 51 II I,ra MEC TOR RENT FOB RENT, , 1 , 1 : ETOILE 51AIISICT ET: . MOMS nUITABLE F , IttiI,NGGEGENTLESIEN 1:0011, t r.% ICY nTit , .E.T: O.SFICtIn 01: ICIRD AND .11,111ISICT STI. , yr. • ZZAII. !a7;11::: Att•T at Lhlc. O Grant ttrret. TO LET, • 11211511 Third and:Fourth Siorira Ot 111.& ^ /C9 OFFICE ‘ EIi:ILDINO. 13.1nelne ti7l Act: bßl:=.ELr.latr.et 11111111 iy•f' `". E= EMI , ;,c4o MIMMI li. VV LLA I: , I B ICI' C. ~CII.IIEnTZ MS= = MEM l!ilE3=llll2E= M=EII6=MI R~ ..• EMM=EM BEM . I
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