Ei CITY ITEMS. At 0 , 3 Irorld's rnir it London, 15 , :2,.1.110 Wllncler l Wlllon Sow. inu Machine reucived the 1i11:11c,t, nwar , l— . .ll :.-eslr.chl.eu of .1:nroor? and Ame.rie:a in con, .1 . 111:4 award 11, uln,yea wiciever em..llll , lted. Yon teal, no rtd- :ate In ~, a, a r.'] it to Crr frlrn r ,.. ,n:nncr rif;:c s cvu:4l.l from aun can be had at F9cm in z. Sart,: whol, the towe4l. rate,. - Wi.l ret 3 a, jina;y ore aio.Oputaht: :qOre .onxioos to lace-tin tit, “1132a-rnt-o-1 Stove Damper;' hi . the 1,..t Omar, arc a-tiny rapidly, at No.ll Fifth ofrear.. • --_ Rev. E. A. NVil.oll,. Ile.loay' " I le only 1•0-:t11 -e eu.e I, u.nun Voti `501 , ‘ C.f.,1.,“ foe l'i::,,ur.::.—.To . 11,/lt,g 5Ltr6,.-1.,tr,•1. ginl. the j urisiiiittmt or the tot rltory which trici luoi I espial:P..oly rrdlaimitilied to the ve Gornment of , the 1 0..,1 a tales. It wart moat, 00 the one hand, that ea ch:oar/ Jurlorlict ion was , Ili):Preetsary re. ute MI to rho Government; that It deprived the inlial.lianto or the I hornet. of tiselr polio: Coil t ra l t tt; that much of the lilac of Conga, 0, 0 4 0,01 010,11 ILI 11LISILLL.1011 pt [lamingl.o 11l L'O•L. IL v governmention? exptattivet that Colt• not coinputent to he t et t our, / for th e lit,'-: kg , loo.anse the use re were strung . ..to to Ito meal eetscurns; and that It wsto lip exam :f a go/art...hi io ithOut representation, al e open/nerd danger/Phi to the !Pier logo: au :dates. fa the Miler Land, it vras held. tonattg other 110,30/111, 011 31 ,IlLiete,..tin.ll 1:1. thilt. 1 Itlc [:1'11:.11 1011011, the Itet, OI ett.eloll 0/ % sr gittirs and Maryland, rahl the act of Congree, a-or/toting; the, great, tilt mintemplatod the ex• ereire of exclusive legi-itillon by Cant:toss, 1 0:-. • 01 4 , I t t n e ' s filett for I ? c. l :..I ,ut fl l o ' ll . r d , : t the t i i 7: l l . . t I I t e l i 11::1:1 . \ , 1 C o l 1 , 1 , l 1; r t1 ' ,. C . ,,, 11. 0 . : . :!: ' , :t i ? ‘ l e l ' Confolerallon; that the pormlo themselves, who It lei, tittit 1 bad been deorivihl or thoir political rights, had eel 11011411413010 0101 did 1.1 11 1,41'11 11 eetetift,ol I that I.lle Clill inleld l ii remedied by giving them a apretielltill 1 . 011 iil C1111g . 11., liilell the it .0..0,1a Lee se I ontlieleolly popuroao, ad sit lite 1/031011111se tt • It ell/ led I:401 ire: tent II the lahubligints 'tart I not politleal r aides, they buil ',eta isOlithhd I Iniineneet that the Ismaili: an.l to 01 leg:of/ding for the Ditt [let wotild 1101 103 ph 4,1. out would ilitultilshs rind 111 17,10, 111 11 3111 11. 101 /t.ere be tlettitletl 1 1,.. leg/ /hat, and that Cana ;sunlit not rid rocc . /hi tho itilialiitanto v. su b their emisen ' t Conti:min/A to live substantially undi-r the ' Itiv S Mill ext.-e/1 all the thhe 01 the cediritt,..na enelt CLlallgits milt havlng ban mut - as were mie,tartted rot tes:Moelvers tilt people 43( the IPttrlet Ins,/ not .0 , 1011 :• 1 ' .1 10,0 regtol gure, that which Srlo generally ttutra willin,nly eoneeded by 1 110 t i eutlytt..3 CI the nuttoo. .10 :1 general rule, opund policy reenlao that the lonflotature shoulil yl,-1/I to the [[[?lily 131 it 30001110, awn 001 !tette-'deal eith the Cots st antion end the ',LW'. V., 0te.1.,0510 , .utter[ 'lO 000 ~.•tttOO,ILy Lt.i,ilL not ho :roil adapto , l to the comitans ot .101111.; afol the oorsoto. , toett qu.all tool to do:en:Ono oucluntterolomi al o llubto u Ito, Inter, oil 01. to lik` tlir,tly :LUCIA. I'o ny any . 1/1 ti '1 la , . lit Ma-moutratts, tor iii-timee,lualo person,. are allowed LO Vete, rt 111%00 IvirArllle etlioe, lit 00111,1 tiler 110-te,., 0 1.1te1,1 11 tit,eree of iniclllgehee. Its , pop, latiou In tin.: orate of 1. - 201.0/1 5 , thisre taro, by the antes. of lose, only 1 1 .010 peram of colors o nil of the mill , 1 1 0 Loamy years 01 ma. there were hitaihr , l IV la Re MI 2, , ,,, ,. .1 eOlored. 11 y tlicoanotolllttlal enumeration. there 0/ err,. ill the District or Cointobla o t aTiti vlitte- to Miro; p, pouts of lim coload race. site, the:ult.:t oyer, the population of hhe Pk:tact h ao largo ly l 111,11,110 ii, 01111 it Is 011 itented thut stt the Present Inn: there are totorry a hund red thou -mil white- to 1111x1)thee 4,,,,0t 0 ,,,,r,4,. the so.e of the tingluehted unfebero et the hitter viol , nueds no explanation. Contlgueut to :11 tIl . lOllll Ilea V le3:111 130 the I 1 1,1 11111. I 'lrvin:; the Wart 10,1 Ille , 131.0, 111 111311 joint. 1.'1,10 1.'1,10 tor tho-e who Lam,/ freta tormtuda ' l l , l l l lll l / i t ' s 1 1 , 0 0 tr . / . : 1 11/, '' n e s o ' l t ' d [li t o n it- g o ' W i l ' r ' is ' ,..4o '. ll l t e i 1:T 51 ;1T:: II: Tax veto 04 At 12 X. the foloo Mg 1. re hat from tee I ' I i I " I "`. 'lt -Metter "' l. ' l e .. ' : r , I 111,1 111 111 i Pre -Mont eholng the lull la relation to oat- 111 I " ll ` -III ‘' .1 ": • '• : 101 ' 1 ' 1 " 11 I i- l/ nit .1 1 1' 0,1 . 1111 as 1 rime in tip . Dist riet. of Com ni,ag, wo , lohl ve. II •I` "It"f1III1 car e:::, I. n t: l r I II"' I t o- 1 " • " 1 " 11 0, 1 tee Government w:t• ac/sutri O. ss mat 11 • • ' i ' 1 Coto the lie atet , terrnig :m on - theta fro ta eda, II 011 1.130 ft, the .ilenet , r,f tin C.4itecl ,Y , rt, : , bener aCt or Of their ratio; the tcol,t 011, f their I have re/_ltoll and comotter.l a hill unto tunlat l itlity for IMPreirumMtt ben•-la , when. to , ' 111 , 1 11 .1.tt a:. In regal:Ur t Ito e. ell, trtlo the 11114 1 1111 e, 1 Ile Cl.llo, .1 - free ludas/try and chistalis the Instr lei of Colutuism,'• 11,-‘3O It:, 11, 00,10 , to i 1110111, flee Were 01,0331 lo lite rate 11 the • 11.1/ pr dieter" I rer, mut rfy theul. tlihtottt-oenn :Le, valveoll,lll , lilt In the 1 i 1111 w 1 trepreoentatives On the: uc.eenn. tontted i.ttot -Ito gro.,:or unto( peon Apo . m„.. „1„, i t ~,,_ re ~...,.„,,, ~ lice Gorr. havist, enter,il the Ihrottter or Colour, /t I ion the geg hltihrtf.iX day/i atter Lite r ,:.- 0111 : 10 X: Ile , /Mt , Y tutr - qt. the . 10 r or shoat. 11. I ion r ill 11 10 1 or 1-' ,errs , -110. 1 I , IOLO reit:m., lel 0 111,11 itet-7., 103.1 y 0111 l,ll-e 10 ille 11 ile ~,,,L h ~,, „ i i„,, , ,, 10 1 1,,, ~,,,„, 51. i ll 0 . 11 , 0 1 1 a maner. tu 1.11 Il‘ .1 01'0141 I Ice, tee:. are .1 i011.,0 It 01 011M/ed. a: 1,01, l ett.ilttiitic of alt lutell.l gent oxercise of ialcuottreo ' having een ittrrulnced, at the tint r,lezttl - 01 SC, 111,0,20, Ilt1•1 10311.10L,11 10 11 1,- 0.11101(01Cel I,nt of It.' Pa of seta of me eharge 1110 dour , "1 onlelttl 1 1 0. 010 . 011 . Tho present CO tuna t, for the e uipasosa o r the - pueolor who are daily rod/lett,: et their oos a te I elective (C sPhite to pertora of roior in tile . of Ile Mg. rod who -.0 . ,, 1/0.2011, latailmr a Ith I / 1-11strlet or 'olutablu, oteps were 1100ren hy the their haisits Cl thought. OA o exprootoca till' 4.orporate authorltruo of IVrsoliintrtori ami Meivietiets tit 111 hey are not ytt competent to ~,,o e, Ito ~,,, /11/1 1 m,ke k eo go ter, - art, ns ell care. ilea lb 111 beet/ 1110 el•gibie for opinion of the to oole or tl, two elliti urea 0 ,3 . 0 iii till , , iiiii l, o "o'erniiiiilllll 11,4 4 whit . ll s• -.l.olmer st lloustriltately affecting Li:Lineal. GritY 1,0. with ith the clor• ive trAll lat, :IS aco lastinsty. The questlo:l "710 , nut, "ht -, , their r: asst-. i‘lit,tt/I lamely 0 , , - tittlutl It the pro ole sit 0,:octol cletttlent:. If , - i 3 1 the ' lIIIIIiii I II I 30, I IILIet , o . 1 1. 00 0 11.11.1 111 tile 1111011:1t ot - Docentlittr,l , : i t, ll 1001 t 133.3 'te ;pee inere.l:;ol 1, an In oox Iroil [hr ootalitlotl m .002. of IYamlttelon•aml ti:tortte- I-1 1 .1• 1 •Itillif Itt.iii , DM , . :tont Ih - 1 , w I,bre ;own, :milt treat mom inatty of sea:tuned, ex- eletirt/tr ,: a 111 . 1-I ef 0 IP: 1111,1, 1 1 0 t 1,011 ' ,1 in t .de presser II anseivco t oo Pah to the a- intent- oetth it re - he, rlrld so raid ta the ',pail rat , -- 1 plapitl leg -,lutton. llt Woohtnnlott. In a VO:t. moot - an 0t.... - a-qt.:rot - I , d from I.w lore, 1 ••r,,,:r.,-1.,1 lurgesl, wo n tort two except/en, u/ 10 - / o• hde It : tranos etinfrego G t 1 ru ~t1 : - . ft , ever relic'. In 1 5,0 c.f.i . -only tlarty-tive 101- II , i• 1i1303 1 10 if , 1 etlL3 , lll l l 1/1 . 1 01,11 I etiiicorea.t3 I t .. ii ;104 L , et, :t.l 10, rst' 41 0 rtiLL,,,Ol ..1 It 110 LI, I olette tt , -it 10. , the on-portant ono., Inn , that 1 ~,,,r oe foa 1 . In o t, a , t roru/e of -1., :op n-„, 11 tun Ina,: the t.,-,tte3 of u. poldleal comae.. ammo , CO. 41141,1/1r •, 1 . - .00-`• of lloravel age they could apllly he mage sutpervienl.l.l the vote lit the tour pread mg ...nerd 1 leetiono- ;so:pose , uf deo taming peroonS. - While in 1 t ., , me g iven o r mem or 1.,: propta, o o ilatmetnoo:to, un:Ler the ,rant of lm, the , oMon -lon 4 f the malice fratichista -a- Urea Prop.:tiers 'or. w Lite to colored 111,0, 05,1 • 010 Let, +t: 101 to have been ere Mama: sr alt a enty yea re o_t ape was one hutolreif and entire/ lairtiess, thurtoult. hies: 14e ue/reptcd so t.trx - ,' to one, 11ere the Itlook TA, 11•11111 11111 e, 1 a yr - mbar e0111e , e1”11 of :Mt opin len 01 t.l.n. nettr';:t onn-Lhlrd of tlte nettre tes:orlittion, ;stool/. of tiro Dr-trtut mem th e i t toottort waill-Irt the oath, ern, ohrrounilo In' Ih-dr:et/ w Lleli coolool It. la"•'=rdog , 0-• an oat/ n• on all s1„1-0-, raidy to ormugo thigr retoltonv 17 , 11 eatuniuntly, the ramie tietoshor I it:ht.:us ot ~ mohieru t - moo, /mit witls OIL i to. Nuttily 1 lot lishalattinto or a state or lerritora to or . notatot le paeline, I3ortlor to oujoy Le r,, motto /Mown their mall upon matters w Met, ofterat -tort r, -I,lentee, ft privilege Goy ill . natret. their hOCI,I I :lad {' ire COOll,l 1,11, L;IVL 00. Leer,' el,. Ili4 Wllitin 1l e, 00Wer• 1 ,, 000 'oftlllll, :Wilt:let 1 1/0 cal,.: 411011.11XItt.ltt I ear. 10 Inure - 11110 1 i 1e• /Pot:sets In s..elt 11 - 0111. modo ~r unsmoshihrhorr C00,L,•14 LlOOO. LLL, 0-;ni to hate me oupreme ermtrol or OH •subject of [lnk bill that/ thron,M the surfrages white race, itait to govern them by their on t, 'of 1 heir ituultheril voter,. . .• o Pricers, and 11l ',to osornioe of 111 llot nt out Fillt1110) . Oprutortiimr Co : I,loltee of a :to emal authority-rireon4 hoo reotost the power people 01 the lifotr/C1 ttf Co:tont/la, Con nre.,- , of ,Lazattott °Nur prolo•rtv in 0 Olt , i hey I,llre 1105 deemeit IE ritrat nod expedient, ti para no anterett. In Massachutett, Pltirre, 1.110)" ... ..t- SILO IllelVere now zutanmed ior ley 3-Ignature. haa 1 erat'tal tote benel: ol , 01 h 1 I,l romt 1 1 etlii li, therefore, la coores the de tyot the Exact, eLLZ 00,0 ttystent, a:mot locution of lt telllpM, Ilvo, standing bell", Lite legtoottlon of the Ls re/oureil, vln de ltace oanapeor It extembol to ono und the 10111 ot the other.tairlt, expressed, I 1111, IN i 1 11011 .la-crltolug.lion, to• well tto 11. In aletormine whether Ito sho l ll , l upptuvu the mon , - pm: 0,11 , 10, a Ito rum tome , u roOtho,• , 0511, uml thus aid in pinch: • noun tie: .tratute to ttu Lli-,elite, of one Yitnr. a 1 to tlunto per- . Man, Of the nation 1, lay , against w etch .1 1 / 5 I •oro? of telor. oltO, yonparat:vtly few In hoop I po d V in wlimn 11 no to abofy hove -11lomnly, i.r, .In. pormanont mete to, and 4,1'012 I, • , NMI WWI 2.1.11 011311 Luny - 10.0L.C.L,11, 11L •OVitti ,Vltl COCO of Incl it 11.701 tittullleitt.l let. at, . ,hether he -lan retnrn it wtth ht.:mien. tot...fr.-tett , 11-clot nutl 1 otoon•,1 , 1c mem- 1 1 10,, In tho itetoo than, pia re:ton...lora:m:l, to.ro of It. monnumll , . lollop tot unota ou Cono,o,,,netlM: tot am icor...Matt: , or too nnwillimr lotooltt, 15101.11, hilt the Couotatuttol, 1 tonatntanto of 1.2 runt of novurnment,will per- untler too enulnetve legmlatlon 01 Counre•-, , 111 kl.llleM /0 1,3,111111t.e et Put elli 10 . 001 quest:mu, II would tee v 1., , eal no ft:. arblthriry oxervi•o 01 0.111 LO LLCM muy oecn.: bast stilted to their ie. teter. no': nt , en totilY. ,l : ol t 11 1: tett YourtleY ot tormds and condition. the pu rpm sr of onsgreso to a-tool/el the nceopl- It otherou u:embr , ' that ill In.rittlnting nee,- On to:gr. " .11 :T. 1 0” hY Thu nint ,, It would lOr the District of Columl,M, under 1110 l'odo- ottgentler o loullm: of opposition tmel latro , l sot CenoLantlOn. tho 1 , •!ation of Coutfrem to 'hot wten the tom a/a/c, v. hien, hemtualundeop. , .I'l, LII 11 ObILLOILY b, analututtm to thal 01.0 1 t`o. rooted hue Inorat lea Mel would prom:zit 1 lmo: t 301111/11,3 to she p.m. 01 a ttte....e, under therr tam riving togetio•r Sp rt -moo .:I 00111.0 i i 0,, /0611 Conetiturten. It altos not, thero- • frlent/finure. latplullylavobittor mem y otea••• . ..tore, seem to bet nob Init too mtnelt that, In mot- :ire lib II 11.11,3 111 1 : 0110. 10 ;1 10 1 111.70 :00111 11 Ot•t0O, I tyro pertaining to the lettrtur, COliecu.,l anti follOwntnt Um Moat gtol o oil ...curtain , a • 'ghoul:l have a lit to sbect tor the will an a in- popular will, ,t,t I,llollla li-0100114 d•-tor I tereots or Its inhublatito wo to entertained by Ps promote eindiv rolotiono toe:recta them State Loolointu 1 e tot• tho wltlnea and pro.. t-tud am?, C hen that pooniur wail leudi th u oerlty of Oho,: for tthoto tun, le-glottal, Trio wet?, prepare for [tins[plitot rani hartamilons oplrit of our Constitution nod the genius of infroduct Den ol lll - , elt-tactit Into t•le I e ar Government rooms: that, la reard. to political power of the entmlry. I uhy Inn - v Inen I , a eircel nusl have re• perm u- I It C. 11,01„ 1,1 arge-1 11011 lite mom-I.:1 oat , . t,- 1 :tear bearIIILL ULtOLL 11, 11001110, their will :Mould I -lon of sutirage in the Iti-tdet of colittotdu tt ' exert at least a :0,0111 WO 111 litlellee lir.° 1 11.30,- , Ty 10 10111.13it3 oer,,t, of color to too- 1 ; goo, n•lon nre aullua lo lio, capateity of their I toot Otto, their luterveto or th , lr r, 1 1 10 eniam, Woultl, 100 itlit'l,lleat, 11, 1.3111 , 3 111. 1 TllO7 -101 , 1 here 11 11,11:1131Y • ell tney arms I l i' / 1 :tee of [lot Stnte nr Net: 'Port, or of l'enn-3 I- I A e onylv, l 01110 aud Indiana- ./lere, n• Yunlii, or of leratat, or of nn7 Mate I Item. in uil that pertaluo to civil 't ' 01t ino Cnlon, 111 oppo-loon to It." lt, I 14611,, litere I, nothing to ill-stirs:Mist/ 0 hit. / ~r e, ,,,, tell ill.. , 0 h ar e,: nutprity of I Oa.- of 'lO,Ol, I :OM CI 1 17.e11. or tun 1;,:i.,.1! site people wham they wet e choecn to 0 opt - , • ri t :ate-: for up y - ,1 4 / 1 -ets the Mull Ullt/ .411,1 Cent, attar:L[lly fort e upon them, ao rot co-, It..e lit of all Itlo 0 mol orocomllueS Mr trio 0,- I nit yenta', Of the Al:lean 07 lICILLO race, and ottret:, 01 moon!, ont: broporty on t'4,:njun of Jty 1 lune,: them eligible to ogre* twat:lout ny white cplaus.' and pit role °toil/jet:l to like i other nuolditeptios : them a. CCTILLIII term of t i e.- 1 , onimittmett, Palo-:trot punoiLlo, otol WOOL, I . ' L'ittlLC,. With. , .1 110 L'LALL , 1 lII' onlettny or Um , 0 1 -1 ,, , r, ,:ttn• law, .....tut V. otol Mono, reatstMont 0-taten nament would the 0110 , I puptoution, me telltale /0 I lie contrary not, heir Plat' when acting legelite 11, be tar e to ppoluce 000 (Nor, tot 11, ttoun ,outrool, nro their sultsumee grout A,LICI,II or pOlitlunl remit. 1 ot, In New t Illtecti ,ll l7 10 ,111, loyal .3 , 01 1111.31,1 1 00 ,, 1 00 I Tort. before la earl vole, the mutt ot color I loeal u ria 1 0f...ha1 , entlY axi. 51 undonbta I lanst fultil Con.ations .tutu re 1101 arratran t ....dtY 10 :I. I , litie 1 ,1 leen It etllll .e• 1 , 1,1.10 3,1 I cII the white cat Igen; to l'clinoylvattla 11, eras : by ostsproodlles which were ahohig the 11r•t Gee from:l/leo is attracted to Is Idol lacinent 1 to leerify their il. votton Ps the I' Idea, untt ,vitllc in ./ maitre stegrues mild mulattos , uso l. ideli, ea 1:11 Li the r'll'llilli'le, 1 ere,loo.l .th c , expret/sly excluded from Lim x Iglir CI tillirett.p.i. Ittli Wen,. 3_3( Men to the military -covlee• r.l IL hardly ,e4ll/1/S OMl.Lellt Wil 11 11. prt t poriees , the comitty. - of malt Laud jii,thcc. Ilmt re:or:etc.:l7m, of 1 In reltlrnion this 111111 A the r :Male, I tlooolr ntate.: whot u'uottf roue 1, oittler ttenital 0110 Col- • rostntt that ti tthoula 110. Ala) . et/ull 110.-01 I • Oessl nom, or grantalot to law OP :It:unite:3•l °plop. betwoca the Iteg'slolloo and I.xemo eteltli 11101 Intuit:fro:leo or proport y, t.tottlt: I tive De pat lIIICItIo 01 the Government us re compel the people ot 1 1:o EQOIOIII of COlotottla porn to 11101011 le I lilal eit Ail V offoct the pro , • to try anivxperinietit which thor isw n 1 , 111,011.• , purity and .pence of the country. Sincerely Immo have toot Inc illown an omulilmterscos • ,/ , toirln 11110 t. cosseile the • -tates with one 1111- 10 O'AL L• 1 1. theta:Ye , . No: due. , It toteot t d I miter, tout the a holt: months or the tine:lm ' with out a t•Putiituott ttli ., that the Pritmil'itt 1 lomat of lli I" Mad . o r a t e , It 11, been top Cl ^.ll-400ermisant .il l 0 :Li 10.: , 0 ult trn I oart.l.-t It lilt to etofoottrate wll 11 llongrmu lo ollotiod umtat t cOl,l-oti of tar 1 , 1-ttriut, more- ail rtreatm ea having ant 000 olt t piert. a proper 1 ly.tsoeonse then - lettlOntors ate not. ilia ante i arel ater,iiivre adjustment o celle • rt , : dim", re. 4/f the ,i 41,.. re-outoet/Ou WI ttogn tit: kt.tiot, ne t 1;110 11 - 00.10 fro , our sato stur, Ilarmo to the People foe wawa:they aie the itsw-mill: try paten the t o-oriPtiate branch , of the Ing tiot , er• t . torves spored, ui way,/ treerr.srtry lon the pohlte Ithe gr. tat ottJe of pluelnu the suet of 1000- , vel fora v Ft, 111,111 100, 1100111 110120 lielft tit tll7l.llliettl. 1111110 e 11.0 ~.,1011 1... tItLt,L-laticoit of the ortnunt till/IL, ant I It Wlll, t beeufo, lie In y • I.oonru,-. wax to rot,: u rtm vuLtro Oploneryi- co,tant alto tort - Go:OM, , fur no 10101 1 .1 , , onott of lim Llenerarbovernmunt !rata hunt. Vont:l7l Iti eel MCI 1,1,1,11 11 them. : Die differ- , td:te tu:l-untote, mot to ne,,ton 11 to dlnutdtedet tote., ot 0111ltitie 1.11,1 ilill'e 111 reteig 001110 . fliti ' 1 111.01 d ' Ul 'l' ir " Inl-I•f. e ttlo t t Itr Pair.- ee• Isava Inailv trirosnly• 010 mute coulloug, leot Urn ~,,,,, o f it t , imthorde, the mull funelletioittl 1, 3 ,,,,yett ithollitl 011e21111K0 11 poll auv of the whielt It seas :Grated by 1110 onople. lor this p t arousal yes or (: ,, .dx" , 540. 1 00 , bY Y'x ,,,,,:: g . o rtuot lois perm 1/ AV, Lettleti 10 100 111 I L , -1. itl Ant, manta:a the vonoliatlonnflluilta 11 11 Oulu, 111 C; 117 lore 1111,i a trump:, anil it 1,1- et111t30,10 , 410.5' the eOII 11 1111 , 11 , 11 11 /1 113/ 1-I,llo ili i i 1 10 10 Iy . 1/11 1 ,1 could 1t....Ve 02 , 11 1 . 01.1.1 111 Pelted, I I 1. , 31 bet 0,030 the a, cral co-or Ilttpart• ' 111 01 4 0 01. th e °l 'j''''' 111 '''" "' 1...1 I" 11 1, :soif '; masts. at v Idols is-0 coantrui to the tsar ' 11 osolor o f c.xeld?l ,,, serartuomsset Lotig, to, t 0101110 n, storkon• of It li tt ‘cg,ooo,l. I know il h a tt, would island to oroorreallll,.. 0, io s t,ro- i t p h„, hoots mired tha Iles i.leell 1 lee I ieorrl- Igi Ilarlti , l 11 plata lor ton caper:me/oat ti at 1 trona 11. more lthery to unlorge the ,phere of lit their principles Mid - to G -11, ' , '"'• •1. '• 11, Ist • 0.0 Me Mari e ate, or the Mit , tt o o .'heed, the roe:dent. Of the - ett 0 1 14of et 1,1,1101 i - irorioheo or the 4,/avernment, ...pet . ..6U liattlitt ~, , g p . ir o p : , ei :ley :title, ,ur tho rost i asp/ oi. or tire ,is to wooer ronforredwtpon it • t h e r e fore 'allowed ri. voice in tie/ aliatMal is ~, to o c 0 r,,,t0 oto.. It tittml,l 1. runt:nub,. loner-. n , reprisals tatrau in the currneir •• or the 1 4 ,d, h.w.0.,„„,,,,,,,, ‘,.,... re, ,,, , ,, , weel,y e,,,,,,„e. nation, they are, met eithtieso, Iti rie.ais car-, ' Gve nod vivre:ga:re In leach aracter, umf ‘. rallied ~ ..5 , 0 „., to o y e ry gem outce ol wo, irio-abol to operate 314 11 cheek upon tot the Couotittlt/Ou Of our Munbatitt rintatitrY. It: toeotatt,moot, 1,,,:,, .11 Ito provident lunla -1:11 mattur.,thon, I.lbAltio.rt. tholr tonit.itin al. , i,, ton, mot a- a ILI ltlittt• 01 3tiOtttel.loll 1 , 10•1 11t0t ir-. tho ooirtt of tom Menuttrat. le: Mrua off 1 t t,0001,,,0f ••,,„ ~,,, ~ , ,,,e „ , er the r,eem,,e government. der Ilett I a t wtslso - 1 .thonl/1 1 go d 4 i st r eed rte tutiart?. 1t lo retssurked lry 110 consul en aud re-trateil, and any congli t t t cam/ape bee/ ~,„, ~,,, , ,,,t , 1t.,,,, 1., , ... t,. '-`:::: to feel that, although not permitted Prat, I eetttlesd paw tat and,ll the 1,,,fy th , I .„'„,`,'„'",'„' t ,q,, t early to participate 10 nett 10 , 1 elee , 3 . 0 , the) I it be n l oil tool neent ~,,„,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, .. 1 110 , -. 110 , / steem i t hele, ender a post:mai I piano 1 persole, tleite to 00.11111, of Its Ire. Icon ~ ph i 10011 1, revert; fur of their rights, mind: al of I 41,1r/totals vrelotit up ii .01 the other ports of 0 , 1 , 10 y. „ tt „ , „,„, ~,,,,,m., lilt their pros- tile 011,11131111:1 el 1111Ve: neltint. 1 Lief, theft, I 1 Li, OO3OlO. nye, -n,.. t ottelty. It llttitl eVelelllly VOlcteel 11/tiled i 1 . 01 .3. • •ti I ' 1 ' ' , it. •tY the 1110.3 I • [13,./.1 oil local fie, 111 0 0. ti 01,1 be left le [herr i okilfri! roof 'mot m.perionta , sl 11111401 111 thil i dew-San, 1 1 13,01 le :01 1 , 11.0 , 1 1 ,1 h0111:1 not 1 ~,,topolt 01 110/1 valley. Post '[roar burner, I It, 1 10 . 0111 P. tint S'LLI I L' ' 11 .*‘ 01 I°'' VLIIL ^lll./11111 bet:rectal 10. - the probation and amt.. 1....110 I. t 0 1, 4 04 irrant4.l sraelnosvo logrolol.llo illy 01 1 1.101 other situ:coo:try h00...ra ~f ~, - over the ocat ot gooermnent. lh hen tue Con. 4.Pay-cr Mount. Nothistg Isra bums 11,01, 5 1 hot: ritutlon v.,. - s ca. Iltidt.:o - tel V. 1,0,, IL W.Ol ; cit„ ~,,,1 ~,,,1 1,1 1 I.lot. 1 11, 101 ITO,: •101.1 Lb , IWO titt.lllll,l, Ity Sir. lottlz,l• 1, Lt t .11 51, 1010,01 001.1. t Vlrlite tilitt the 14 el I.IIU LP:, ellll,l, I3t port, our ill bo 111100 of -a oottootool ItO 1 - thit0 111 • I t mt 1t e.laCtulti he 00 constituted ao 10 or/ a ro , ''''' local . ... I P''' . th ' lt '"' l 1,1.10 1 - 11,11 11,1, 1.1 or ut - Ile ol,ruot Of Ittiltrisenthaters , 115 at lie ,thf ratter! , ta hen,lor tire . hmt Gotta ltra- : . 1,01/1 11,11 a a herittlift: Up 11 ell '' 1111 • °•111 t: 01 „,,„ 0 m tthe .,,,,. torso, sttourol/Aut to , %V asul irk - - - 11, vas mot Mat 1110 J ed lutar y pow t;r, reot t . 100, ' ILIII,LII/IL A•Ol.1 , 1 . 1 1 I'. •11' 1, 11•L•I 0 , .on a 0101 luoro pernoissmit 11,01L.3, ot otll imvu opcultig, rensin/10.1 tro. av 41 Ileure, Pm It sr:o . the right of determining 01,00 LW; , It•i t •I I It,: 01 ter then to coooldur. a belierf the Mehl peomo : iv., by the ,iii Of the Constitollon. • over the I,lotriet et Golionbia, waded ley the I .t f too fell doillicration upon tills 10.10 ,,,, I Constitution Pi 1110 tomihrtos of the raitiol , cannot tiring nit:di/IRO approve It,ittion states, should he minted tatery 000 vioed, lent • lora! cou t iderati one, nor yet us the beginning l'I'"1"11 ll ' . I. ''''''II:.•••••I'”, It,l t Ilse 0 • 1 1nbs 1 I of ad euperlment upon a larsrer scol s. I yield 04 n great nattonol/10 atiMuif I, tt ll 1010 -x-u l .l l /e r l t to 1111 eille 111 uttershiromt to 1.1.1M11. [WO 01 Ilelle . • .. I, 1101 It/ ill male, In COl/1 tllltrom. lu Wotaltb, uml 1 ral goirruni•.nlalan Olstllliitlittile..ll Our 1,01 ley as In ItelP. l 1 1 0 1 " tad p.... , .. 4 wiu.' , ' I-su/I I a notion. 11:10 thoro lo 14 i 1 alit , Irllleiy °been'- . I.llUse rt i eloll.ll3/5 t/ Meet 1 1 1101 1.1,01V11 0110.11 ”1: isd Liltberte, 0111011 muttes the tsarina ti. prlvilt Inenenuddy lohtllryetycl, , OUl , l eeell 11l 1•0 It 1 ege ,ltd 0 trail, nod whlon retivlres of sodle 10011 00 to tot 01 Idotle tit'? and soii - irovurn . i oluooes it tittle suitable for orob.LlOn nod moot." Tilley years Ind - not elup..ed. W hen I preparation. TOUIvo It InillScrloslnettely toil £OOllOOll- NC callao !, 01:011 , to_ d ru eturtue thO 1 Ott' clasp, IV/WILY Unprepared, hy p .•r0 (Oda • ... . / .., i ./ ere- I o amt. roof OPPQrtnintlel, to pog.ro=l alo trun • • _ Toll I.nta l'orel;,y, of 1,1 1 1 ~ 1.1,1,11:11d nt• ~tr,,t,l•lll;,bur. 1/rllw4 and 'YetiLeine, 1),,t0r,' I.c-env:in , Cal et all prcP ,,, / l lt ,o r tt,,• .4u:a I, irm. tj', pp !to I . IIYt . • laaailew I look , •if every at -eriptlon 111.0 C:041: .n,l ]tend iti, Store, N 0.73. • • • Arty 11,tray WziMing a 'Slr.Ler Spettee'. 1 , like null' piece la the it} - 1n get a tY into 1_1(•Ak-. No z, V Market Street only spLa ttl Cant': Holt, lo y The Plom;er Cleo k Ronne Of the ve;11, n 1 N!'n. Aliol.et I= per cell , . Alcohol ci .10 -, cplt Finch c. You Can Buy „N,0 . 1161 , 1 , 1 al...tonph 'THIRTY-NINTH CONGRES-S, I(SEVO,in TON Jan. 7,1 , N .ITE. ermi , v , 1.11,1,111 . ... wing, petitions wore the iwicted: ror y of officer.; of the retzniar tartly: relent,: tally on steel; In favor. of a,.etl 11.1 I lie /,-.1. ,02,i011; 1: :11'.11al. ug or lice national currency. u., 17 none": Int. wing U 511.4 were intro:owed: To -., rl t t;ing of niamie.:-: to net. proy iti tog n tekeptin women try onvern- TEE Icrea t llf 1.1 , 0 tarn' Tb' tout Ti mee t n.end tn. to nt tor I 7..n.111,, pstvm, of .n.t , v, slavA, MAryfattil, to,until too Colattn-51 ,, tv ,,, - t:ontolp.,, 11,111 :: I Iltret Itol. 10, 10 1101 re,, 7 It , blll for on,rur•l T.rtl Uwe ..ncl To WIWI to ill:F.2111.111LO' to charged 1,(1,...1. • 01.1P-ICT ..i. • • I • • . .: • 1 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. . . , • • ,_ . . • : ---„- 1 o t tpaANs , FAIR, , _ , . . _ . r - i';!( --- • - • , _____ I - CITY HALL . • • ~,...„..---,- --,. ,4 _,, -----.- , ty'AI.LIS/1 ,7 ) 1 c , - —u_,,-- --- -V --,, , - , . 1 3s - v - Era,. -12. mriz'smcm3::m42i, . . -----..‹ .,.... : !L , ...„ , f,: .::''' , ':' -..77----,..._.11 • , ~,,•25,-.-. - ---------.- t • .... 4 _ , • , - , . , , -.............„,,,,, :•.,..., •1, ~,.--...____,-J-,-;....•-, ‘•.,• .1 . 2....,..._, ft ---.4.-e, i' • - , 4 ...- M 327 -, - 1 ; ' ' 1 ' -:',....-,----•.--".- • •,---.--_,_ I rr. A .. . 1 I I . i ,',.-'. - - . ~.....,... '7, +'-,' , V;.. er: . ~ I , .., ..-f:A7K ) .-, t,''.' :••• i..,:c• ~,, :\ • I -- • •_ ! ', e ill' . I , cf. , . ~..••• • t.i c , . :-/•!.:-••,-: ------. •• g ----, - , -,,, m -ft - f• - • 1.. '_'-• -- 4 a .:_..w - : ,, , , ,i,„ , !•,---_,-, t , u":•!* A'!_-.. • ' ! I , -------! i • ,' . 1 ~ 1 . Elr'S w A L T T A c z n vEm E; vviza...,. ,:: :\ A A lLss ilt. : l_,:z. N o, o , T. :-. e A '-'.' eN • PV P ti.) i, L..f.. - ;;: r ...: . .... - - 'r -4 :'".....4-' 2'4 7.----:-.',--`?,.,,a1. - 1:A....-- '-' :" '5-. , a sr 1 1 ' .- 1 A 1 . +4. . . 3d door fromliti. '''' '' . -,, r --- -,,TiHo 4 to ' ;l. ' ' ; - ...1 - ---,-- _."--- ---:-.' -, - -1-1 -± .._L--, 1 .,.. , ....-=,-, -, 7 1-. .:;.1.„ . ..., -;::- -.- - ---' 1 ...... - - -- .. - ft .-, ... ~ , - ,-,:":-& r.:.... ..4 r.,1 ,t-1 1 , ~,-,4 :.--:. _- - : / _.. / _.: :.:,, -.-. -, -- , . - - -.-:i.. -• . - t . . . . ~- .• -_-, ...,. ..., - N: f , .-- 3 ' I . 76 .1 w L y il lie sat., ;" -7 ,; 41 YOLITME LrAXII I --NO. t; which It durtiau , l,, ,ort fluullY de,.lrov powtr; for it unity stunra arty. nn potfa:•at truth I+ , ll , 0-1011- 1,ni , 1 [bon that Ona ull,tulmicunq r:sten,lmi of popular .....1111,t4!. ei ,, t at 5,4 In itq,lr+truutim. • Alter 111'1'0,11111P: Of 111. , 17i,..•1Ct•• .;1104. lion lieing, .1111 thin 1)111 pi...)..t0• poi) iA iit tho l'itLlvitt to 1.!», ))"," thanillog, niotiOn 111.1 i• 0.1-11.•tr.t. eon , iiltirotion °Clio) toll iiir pi.. "i.i. motion DIE Itte follit,trat ty , •• tahlt9lt a tttrvititri..l otr t a (Ilan Terrt to Uni.ei , y of .N.l,ltictn, to trt.,avoit to 1110 i10111,,1,1t1 lily I ,C;logt:.. It ,ii•it .‘1,1,11 at.Ntlttltt: It" tatt.t•r - ot 1.11 IX . . . tt, ritOrit, 01 AI 10,1 St., 1411 t e l r x t,:on, Tryar..nr• t I -11... A t ceiq o: • Nt. Lo AN. LI: MI: .111ettoic,,', 10r 1 to. • . 1:1, - 1,, ,• the Trull, 1,, ,t,l 01 1110 tlitli . 1, itt , 1 , , , 14 :ma 1.1.;,tt , 1 , 0/04 in,. 1 1./113,11nd ILO all , p1,,,,5,..itrtt,.... , t1.1 11 e poi! , tie.:l;;.; ; 10 13 0 ;[, , g111. , .3 to more 111210 4 , f),0 1, tl I: It lutiturativi.t lttlyt l,l.l3, 33 11 , Compli,lttlat • r.o.l.—Tht • 1ti11,,11111,1t 411 1110 1 - An,. 110. eS1.,(1,(3111, 1 : 1.110 1111,•111 1 10 1 1 , 101,3 1 11110: 1.0 1 I . l . ,,tiidtna 1;1111 , 1 1 0;u,t1.11.t1t.,. 01 trot, otttutt 0 . 0 ,11.1L,ty.tr, 1.10111, duefori, 011 a ,. Int:111,1a t 0, of v.. 111-1; lie - 0011,11) - nioiiUy glultv,.:ll , l 01,16; ;en" n , uttshic. , ..‘ nI to iterlt lit-C1...1,40 110' 003 Vr.1,1 stnla.wlullv 111'1 1:1'11(111 Si.'. eh. ett..1.1,1,11ar,....0tt •;1111 111,1.1. I.oler/1:11 ,1 1 :11. • /.03•1 rr0,r11.1,1 01 1111,••/•—l0 i•13•10311`y11.1,1,331 3. FL...t,.1 titt, (1,1:1 01 trau.;,!, NVI;110111.13 • 3•0 •41 10 131103 110, : ~ 10 1 . :11•••:••• • 105,1 r 111,11, (3 . ..11111: 311111 11,1 tllO i j ,1011410 nlll,ll ‘1.1,{ .. ! , 1 t t:. , • ; ~1 ---•` 1,1,11 111,1,21,1 ' 0v :ni,,ttioa of 100 ; tta• ia cohelaon. Tett' ft . rt., , tt taout I ion , t. - 1:11 ...rma:Slat .li. :1! , !it 'layallyt.tat • lit , PO tnt 01crt . ,: ' , a- tar...lot. sittott.: 111. to tt, Cota,altto t-tructtcat. Tilt. I ,1 11 in, out th" „ M. WO 1 , , I, ,pon etpov.i, to, 1 , L . l m ru , k o t . . , J.,. IL to 1...)31,1117z, o!o. tient, ttltto,:nltt:n.,to 1 ti tb, Ayr, I, :LTD,/ tO tl,t• crl•ltnl El ^., ..,, ' A Mr. Ilin t. I • tn .;t... i ...rc.~. ~ ... .%!-111,1:' ! !ri,: 1 , , tltAt I,a, ~„ torruiqly :11.r, I , l'. • ! try+, u. WI .1, 1 1. • I ,101,11). 1 .! 11.,111 nie.•, tr , t irrupt I tit oz 1, , 1 AC, ‘• I IM,i i i ' is • ;tI Awl StI..I`III.LV UM ; .1 "I a,•1..:1L, rt:o,l. NEW Vqllii I roAel CIIIIVIO,i111111"11-..1)1/p1,.1t I.'ll Mtn; 1`..; relar —.l.l2lltllrr 1:v.8.10... Ado re... o ot • : I , ;01, ,,, :oz. , 1, , ,t0 , .1: L.,. ; .„ „ ~„ ; , „.. !1.-1,1:, 11. 1 , 141•1, 1.. I': • , Got11:1, 14,31:1 I. :••. • d eLtD, Of •1...1. 1, .... ,•rro, A P.. 11 EIMIIIIME • • 1.1•1,1.••;1 !,••••• ••• 15,,,,,t1'•11•• I t•••t• i r,:•••1•,. hc I.7n , nt rArl A A 11.ttur jtt t rani, ta roLatt.lL, Iti•Otittratit• !Oatr Coo,,,ttitto tt, 'Zito It'rttio , tio Plot I•trity--.1 Couvrot lott to be Ylettot iiiii entlett. Itr•o , Cot/v.:non, tar thu h•ttottottitt , UI`I, ClI111:1!11 ,, ;I: 1,0.141111,11 to.totogon ectiturt , !1 tst,tto mitt tot 1gt,..1v. • t•ertts•it. thg 1,.olt•g• ot lot 1vt. , 1, Int•tottto,_; It ttott,' t.tt, hlgitttt!,...tottit V.., othci r,ooltitior, tittoott h‘ o. this l'Hnt'i I:tett/tot o ht• th, v.:it •iontott , •• to•gr f•lttg. tttptt , " , logh ttleittgo tat .1 the Sto,vs tit ta-itt•to ttlll 01st tho Unto, Ittvog ,ts.to tit t.l .ttill tt ';Tht‘ oral". Oft t101.1,..t't-t Ito.n 1:11 to owl./ ttt. Doti, It!, ..ttott.to That: 1,.0 ,tll ohg tt otot,t,agtl tot:Go...root . pp t o:clout:011 , a Igtrihuttt •.•. IA ;:tt'vn Chit tie) • In tit, onlo'4. 0 A.lOl ha, 114, .01111, t.. 010 10,01,111 g • 010111.1.14,0 i.,(10 Wg /00 ~, 110j,,i11,1,1i, I . 1 04-1.05p100,1•Ill '11, • • r,...1 rivet, '•• I • • lillo )0, lortlace. 10,1100 .11.00.+0,10—.—Talegrapli v„O., „.„ .„.• 1)17h OAt lariat , ' $OO ttpvt• st 1110,ik. Ilas4arre at 1011 . •u. 1 , ! ,• r, '";!: • ,„.,, 0 „ rr , hr".."".• 4 'dr°, in nu Iv lls tit In rt.l.,lten, /mu of , 1 1 11.-1.,, It rm., ClOar . .li, a 100.11 c-A al 1,111 . roan Icu : f I t , ;r111,.., In., 1001,1,0 r HI! 1.1. It. , Ibis Itllll,-. It t 1 1111.1. volvilett or :o ut, 0... , qui y. It 111 v,lll db 11,1, ,t.t. na, to '' t. f)'',/, Il• .0 - 1111. f,50'1 . 110 , 1. ll , ' 1001101 , 1. or opt pi, 1., 10. ," IIf toy!. rivy, iit pot, 11111ru. ttn• 1110 r I •t•U 11. 11, %tit lui ttit t• tttatiitlii+littil• 1 It' . itititi.l tt ntiti it •-•it u Ilro I,i ,r2OO • Colult ....It., Inra brins 11 "' ' ut cll3.tel.:r Itt thtih r, I N." , I" , '' ll m , , Nocti, a00 . .10r1, 11,0 Palt.oo. 01,1 , 111 am 10 liKa , t l tutaly 41,1:11 e000[0114004 1000,1' given. Thu nun, Our UI 1,1110 .11.0: t•I 001 WU:J.11011. relict. . 001 at 3• , ,a11ti 10.• St.lllonlsture cal•oatty I:Itor • In.. 00'0' the: re . pip 10,1 al 1 t•llleti rood pa, 'at Da. aalley, tau IJlll , aup Oho a! ,, ..thirty InVes balow LaavvarCrt LI l "'"' "." ' "'i b.,. b. it ,J' „. flyl satiduti tall ut %as rt,rtn, thai uiotaina: • ' I ,U 'a'T/".',l l " 1"r r: 0 6' ,. ' ,11 " raca ' j0tri l .011 CITY, Jatotary 7. Ulu rlrtr f.lstill et 0:0 Vlnelous ed.` Weidlier mutl,ate, Tlierta av a ellkfitt -‘,4o•ol,eitlAttL.apldlylioutl -111e,a' tt.de , Y. • 1 eil 101,ut tJUL tti. nutnOtrauvaa arc,. 2 FROM TIIE PLUNS PUTSBURGH 'RTES. SECOND EDI FOUR O'CLOCK, A. M. VEIIV LlTEM"PfiLEtilitilS. ITU WAt?,RINGTON. il;',.i'.% i' Ka. OV .1017 i It, 51.191117. Gcn. Grant Do:,; Lot Eudoi,ethVeto Mill the t , en,.e.. the e.t. Ve.t het et the 1:.eet:111 ~ ! , 0111,' 4.10 , :..v 1"Q MEM BIM MEM ,•• tt,t• "•••• )1,1111., to . . :1a . .. • t N N.LLI:t El =MI MEE= 1111 ?AWL iii; , .~,~~ ~ ~c' '.inn: roi,:co Ft 11.1.1 T U. 1 - :; . , 1:2;,:1.:.7 D IMI I=llllllll=lll EN 1 1 i • l'171•' ?:$1 ME= I= Ly, 111 , Unit. 111%. v n 1 o = tt. t4,ki ‘l‘l, 44104 4,11144,4, 1,444,41 4:101444 44•. T 14444 44ic 44141 4 ., It, 4 4144 4, 4, 4 , 12_ 4 44,4.441444:41 4411 , 441 174444.4.4 of ti 51• 40'444 1,4,4,1 41444 44 4 to 4.1.01444 0111 tl:v :nu ENE 'l%,:nty•q‘e 1,1 , 1 ):1 t,'lll ISE AY, JA - MJARY S. 1867. ITY AND SUBURBAN ADDITIOAL . LOOLL N I: ‘Vo ON 7.111 RD ?AGE.) I.4AZI:TTE ENI-11114T.IIENT Tito groot noutunt of atlvertl..log owordetl tit. tho 11111 1011'1'11 upon 11- tlto orgent ol on e. Ittrotopt tit of Ilto Sl7ll 0( nor journal. 11 nt I'ottlgulpitttill . l.4snfog II 11.1111'10 par"r tent two:1 otottionotton with t :to progrwtoti 1.1...0w non , wt. wool, ii:•-1:,11 , 1 t1 . 1.1i11.4 1 , ,11 1411'111, 11, lilt 0.1111 iniA.ret.tt. i I , ltr w.lvet . ll.tori wouTa lufcq ha Imt haul Inca, t.lOl it -intl . !, hit it., III:1U , C , 1.1,111.i1 1,111 I ,11. prc-ton: form of t Ito ' , in wh i t Ittort..olouto- 10 il ; : -1::1• s' l . • , I.LUt•• •-• V.1:1 roatio, ~troy.'- " ' t n.; ttll l oor jt, lal , l iollj .JitNottle Ilto .ot.! toot , ' otAt tor i., ITI 1 1!U LS „ 1 o .Ino• o oar to , to tho Ipl. dlc at.o:t the 15th inst., the generql c cooloollty . Al ill L.111,,,,..t0 oor t- to nth VI .0,11 II 1,. I .1.1.11 t I. 'llOO, 111,111nr nectiox netsicbe•gur 11.,,,V.0.; Pt ?tAnche-tol Cnnm II 11, lk rr'pro,l Ct n =llllllll t:1.11 , 1 r, 1,2,1 t tf . 1 that ttit,t ,;...10.11.1t.t ha. a :a tor to, • 11,. it ,r ivol. ',TOM 1.11..010.11.m ., p 5,045. t 11, I , t'l 30.1,1 it ,11 I ;a ”1-,,.1.0:01 1 ): :•••: ...111 1:J" rg“‘ , /tDg .Noopt , ••1 r, I, 1 , 1 , ••: , :t IW:101, •••, that 3 W. 11,, vt.lout S t, eArt..! , ll 1,4,3,:.3% ,,, a I!, I.• grtk , lll , g I,r • ti 11 • 1 1,1^1r!...' !,11, At ~irrupt,' fir lEEE 0! =EI INE ~,, =EI I _..!y; c tllt7 BM IEI 1111 inttr la. 111rKMrui. • ' \ 11111.1:Iii:t 0111 111 •I,tlll. 1.11 1: 11. .A,.. • 1.11 , 111 , 2 111:Vali :so) on, I 1 , 1 I n` - • “.1 . I ~,,, Alt,l*...trlrt• kt r • 1110 11, 1 It t lif .” 4 rls. c . t .q,..111cr flow ;.‘:1 111 'h Iy. •,:m -.1.1 ,1 In ic:1_, , ),:.;1` , n Ir.: • 1•:, .11:o xi.;:a), :1 -ot fro, It t. •:,•:10,1 11:.• r 1:..• uge 1 11. 1,1:1.1e 1,tr).1. r I.) tot) , nl , l (/,1,141i.1) oisonlol, i.)”,,(111eL t. .I , Et.rty Ihanete.l tzt, rto,, n ‘.111.•11-10 b. • ol tll.at *lll , , 1.111.1111, .11 ,1/111 nif (1, ~-, MP/111111i 1.)fl , Ite you,: nlLikoo!ti 111/11 socallog mlill,lly 0.11.1 I,lfr /11',1 taut. It 1.. Um , Al: 1 1.111.'. 1011 1 . Illn 11 /11 - 11 'll V./1/1r1 , 111,. 1.111.11. to", -11.,1114 ,1 111111 ill 1:111 , 11 , 111IN . May ;/.1 re, 1,111, and Inn, Ilvit I,i,uIOY 11.10.1,1011.011 opon Liou i.,.:',111:1no:41. rotor:. 1.)0. M= =I . . 1.1.111r6rd uill. 0,r1V,1 .1 . 0110 6,44:1.1 not,le Ucu twaloti livfort, .11,1, ',in. Lylll . ll, tnarnt et,hlet I,lt tin 1101 Int hill, 1111. tr , tl LI ~,, t, ,c,.. t 1,14.,,1 111,4' 1,-1.11 , On 1 . 1•11111, 1 1 011 iLy• lt, 1:401:1, a: , l, 00 1 In, pror,trty 1101,. 0 10 , ,T to tht.- o.o' , .11,, 111 1 .1 11 , illll .1 1 11., 10 tlo • 1,0 ,1. to 1, 0 11 , 21 . 1 11(11 ,1,1.•. DI 11 , 11,w ,• • [lntl , 11•1•111,111, Ihlll l lvari , h i lt 01Iu, aunt In * , tr,11,,, , I Li It, p1091.1111i,11. tioLl 1D.,1,111 , ./. Mlit swellialiun 1, lenie,l 1. , It!, 00014 111 11 , I, In , .1,1 , •• 0111, , lot I 1 , 111 1,1,1,1 Alr. 1 1110 i„,," , ,h1, 1 le, her the ht , nl II I; 1111111 . j , . 01, ht . •u , a, + , l ran , ir, Ow 1,111 11 tt. Lty111,11 ,, 1. , 111, lin j 1 ,Ilvrhotinrll,-.101,0,,1 ;) of TEE '11:0 the la,. in•• =1 i1L1,117 - 1 , 1 1 / 3 1,6 01, Du, 0.110110 , 11 t hat , 011,,b1r.1 a Wag. 1;• 11 Mk! MEM EOM I 1 . e , i =MEE Effil ~ •,•Iy , 1:1 =ME , htergll”wrstsrtiv. I:4,lJimnin Tltlllllo. odloi tut men (lilt y, to v, ills it hauled u barn: of tiolididui from tioLl. of Itia .4010 on Liberty llc !.u.l ill-o.c.cd or till., IY.Lrr, i told unil s rturaeil ler uLcond our, Moe', he In taionet loailloir Into waaou, will!. lie CAW :11,1. • /I, 1:0/. 01 10 the !W.:L. , 1 111 . % irrnlialile IVO leave d to-ay. 'llia hat Wen loci carried away, • (to, the .hill- of a err) Olt tlic comer 1 ulloy awl laic liruuli ullilivere id et iiire.te I 111-, i,'Veo.n.i I,..cs..icr, arid aiv:or iceelt ere !•,,I* (1011111 A . ,l 4 l,nt,—yeytyrtlay aftertinun O.:. young flunu luau eruptrnert 'gt Ivor 11. 1tr..1n.. oov, Lnwrene.,lll.. unlito.lllng hor,y, the unituut hyootte fylghtettett and glartea to run away. Tile tn.. kept bold uta Ll,O lulu, ttrul %Yan thrown to the grOitild try the flub tolled horse. By the fall, the uo. f, l n - ttlunto man euetut ted,u YeVero IrnClUre Of the lett unn. Ito sr. carnet! Imo the howto f Dr. Jacoby, nod him !Nude. properly m.i.• tended to by that gonlemun. I= Cit7Counell,—,iiieet tn,t Com i”o.—fli.t lb Joint sc,ion, for I.ho_purpoge of plitellig In for the vii rbbliollieo.l their for the enAtilrig year. At tell minute. lia=t, 'even Weloe 0 tbe 01 . 1.7.11 , ea by 31r.CollIn iAr4. Coor. , Tb. Ilemplztil and Craw lord ,f.tfrrt if-f. aft, ,raue prr- Ilfainary flf,too...fon untoog lll ff.crolfer,, of :fa unfOliood f-lfarfteter,ille 16110 u tag tannin , 1,1110, whlrlf al r•folvulfaft 10 election, were /1.-OfO1:o,1,1 7/.21 , 101 foul Feri f, ,145 l'r ,11,,—Errett Anderai, , trlotor— A. J_Moote. . . . y rlvr , rrr —.l. 11. \'01,1,,. ILlgot he.," Ihntrr—Wto. Of.; A.lllll. ct lVey:nalt. .litrlcl, iutin Iltu • . erf 1 , 111, , • ...at r—_.1,1,.,21,1„ Jahn lli 00 rr , e. Into.!. ,I eO/ IPII1,• W, - .-1..—10.... French 1.,.s o o - 4.1 11 . e/1, .• 11. ill , —E. o It rlttht. 1: , ,, , t ..11,itsarev,-11,,.. oara, ItolL•t %Vele.' or, L-14 , 0011 aut,l L .lo.-eoll AVII:Loa, To:01,11ra .lo.eph ItrMLL. , terL Fourth warLl,Jultit M'Clufo I' elth e•ar.l, Po eta Poo,: •Lath wont, .10101 I. Prost 11, ,Levenill 410111, Ilod.ard loontid..on [Light IL oaral, J.. 1. 1Ve1:4; NILLIII v. aril. 'Loma, :MO1.1:1'0001 word, ILoal , l hILLIL. . P o o,...VoLloo , r—L,lL.ha Pollock. • .11,.,11,,,--4;311!. t.:,•oper. tt e retara our thltalc.to 11,0 thelabera who , ..h.,tollsoLt 01 In the rauce, and 1 L EL •L. tl.ot 11l •LI L ill periormoor 111111 , 5 1111110 Looot Polish:, tOry manner, If eject I'll to the. poLLitton 0000. Dealt, of an Esteemed eltizon. It is . witit no ordinary Ile2ree of sorrow We a:lto:ranee the .lea/hof oar esteemed lel:ow nit 17eo, 11 , nry 1:0 hordton,PLat.,..letveller. a hut, 1 ~,,',. ' , Pro.• the latter port of lalt Mouth, at N:ce, Itolv. 111. lona oten for some tIOIO Pa-t In LtolleaLL'lLeatth, Aatlorlog• frOOL pulutOunry ron-•/011 , 11011. toot a, a 11.1 re-ort ILI, 11111die.5.1 141,11k1,11 natl.,: Iron 111111 a .... atm, throngls la L L LLoo for tL. L , oauL !LI or hi. IaLLO.III. jut 10- ~..0.1 et Lc Lore,. a :a:ow-poor,. o o L L t ro ,,a,L L F Leah. 1111111411 , tild, lit. groloahy 'one tmder I L L. L it.L00,.., L1:1 , 1 allot . .e• La ottol. 'rho 0.00,1- ~,, L . L e, .o 1 el. Nao.:ln I Clltri-e ra n;:, t.,i. or ti.- e 1 .,. 1..1. leaden tho aori 0.e.1 lost:L.1011y .100110: Lir; Inra .10/ . 0, eao, Ltfu , s - 4001.11, tope 00, go of lee Unapt/0 , 1 11011111' 1 tho relette., L ol l , . of 10, .Irlol-... 31r. 1110,1101• Lon hall for 1 ,10LI , or : year. heell ito,oetto• Parrot the VI e11,1“...1. .Lowell y !,4L..0. of 11. lava:tot ,..oll a (.0 . ,oroor of Flllll awl lde.rt,t .ileeti, oni W. deoth will c. 0.5.: ,orrow among a lo ge. elrelo of 1: lendol4llll 11Vii11.4111114111'14, 1.144 42144 e. A 01 , 1-Ilearte , . l , ogroval•le, rout teLeto and clt, 11 Ode, and a !oval 1. arlutle eatzon. Th e Inorod tetnoin , oi 11,0 ‘11,1:1,011 . 11 will la, brrowld. loane for Interment in tho Allegneny letnotery: • - TIFF. Irrepren•lble Freddy. 1:trl.:, tere .:140111 I.y And ji:b.b...tl Intb,isUP. Inthe cell to ~.ry ,:lret:r after lilt 040 e.t:11:1): :it: we. Ile 1 , 1 1:r:wee:lin:: from the 01“0:::, 10 0:0 I,lace. the (0111: of I::terfet• yl thwle, but ont PtomPtti no,lol I.revent the :10 for (.111:11.1“: (1.,b1v1110 b1b,,0. 01:11.1,1 eye. '11:e helllgereut F 111 , eel: : , 111:1 tee:sr,:t 1.011 lib. from t : he ulte.vo:. , le It. h.. OM" , <.; g.tVe 111111 cb.l It t•,:b . r.. • 1 , ,•!‘ +lO I 11 ,, 1(1 bt4,lllpUt . bgr,c,{ t,. but Yr... 1::: In vier. t:f ♦o ctiolvo,..‘" L. • tttttt MEMO= 0: the To, .1, • c•mo k r, .1 vL•ry t,..1,•11: or yo,r L•iLt tree. y a• /..3 , 1. et Hook D. 111. , 1..6t 11.•1.ti h., a - • . tt, or to, ut,t, tht . , •tr. t , t ttt—t:t :11.1 in I Ir.g. - 111, I ntn•oty trt ttt,. :rlt cttli t,•• Iv ••.•1,1,0,1 !.k• to V. Irtltt.,llllloll in.' , for Lim. lltto t . itottlort .., /1.1. k Mar. ttt. Att . . 1,1..1. • trplwn . l 111,-1 L. k , .C 1 : ,nt tr,1.01, y 11C vroduci,lit 11.1,•t• MU! bi• eVPII. 1110.: Wu •41.1‘..11, a 1.:11 tAtylln . ..l. • 11811' Kne ., l "cltool Itoard.—T:te ,bool of me lit!ll`l,c,tc•r,ht, a t.•litWII1111111 Ir., m of l'o on motion 1+.1.) N i!tli .V 1 11/:11, • 11 . bve:11,111,41..d ni1 1 , 4.,.1 , ? , 11)" layl,r rear tilTt t-I,,z,tary. •nit Ita v,•.0001,* 0,01.0,41 1 . 0440, 01 and oel.oo t5;0004..t Urn. l.iolooort . . I.olore Matt 1:1.1 Mt . . 1 porlfa . [1,40 in the rlllll told.ut k 1e;f4,41, h 1,00%. 111.. I.: n.tatr 1.1(1,v• on 0„. l:tin ,wetie• - - DIC•4I of 111., f ordea.—Mr. eueuel ti r, morel e 1n;4.1. nem bele; run r t.t O .i,,.14'11 3,t-iteidey morning at Quilt ulna I tsta WI:RIP , I COlllner ,I,N,oll.l‘ll6llllloieti (I.J.V Ye`rerany tind the legnemt Ilt ba rem:Warr lid, allernotes nt four o'cleek. Foto/. a Co, al . - M.4 nw 01i no—Cor Itantly i lila m ail articles 01 COpp , , , br,t Or 1.0,011111 ••11‘ •r, g ,vll.ll purr ollvET, whtra worn COT, and On •Ivan.dng tonl polkaing gilver or ,olver jaa plum wary. WarrAnte,l to contain no quirk ,4ll,, or not,!, or any Iniuriot.a, article. For ~ti., , by J. nample, :11142;,ltuny,allO all drag 41,43,&NA( .. _ .. "rll4, ()int orlo.—Our rvo.lers ss 11l tint forget I but tbo nrantl orator,. ot Grottlon ill ho roodert.il to-night at Ilti• AiiisileitlS of 'ask, by lloi l'lttsbort:ll Clow(' room. A taw tooro -eats. rontato toosobl, tilch can tin obtalnotl at the Sluialit `tore of Mr. 12. Slellor, No. SI Want street. Pittll vl: Mt or .12trou ragurra wnn null living I. tll{',l'lll , lo. thougll condition is 110.000, In 0 Inhe.orol mole crltlet.l. the tkogltter, Ls ralll.lly regovoi lug from lice 'Holt 'sound and In al/lo to lin about. =I pr,11..v: 1,1 r., 0,1,s J 11 " • n1:1,1, 11. 111}: A\.,11 All. Try .10, Lt. SI • SI • Il4:tE Ir 'ISLE ••I' I.lll{sllV NEW ADVERTISE KENT. • ..- 1 : 1111.LIMLE CUMETERV.—The beautiful ••14,0•1-5t11 , :"1.13.1 aubutbat , la, nopulchro.....acto onv, Iv old. plt• unted W rot.t, north 0. 411i , r1wny. 1.(1.1102, vomit. vr talc, eel• Central Drug ,itore COUL .2 CLAN El, Ally DenyC FAIRMAN & SAMSON.. N DERTA.IKERS o. 196 Smithfield Ht., icor. 711 b, (Eutrac. frum:;uves:llelCm.,) n 1 .(nr U. 1. (rollln X." 4.1" 4:3 381C7 511 1:13 rt. ri1201 , 42Y tirliCET. 41 , ir.E1173.V.1i1i. PA. k_LEX. AIKEN, (.11./Frll.ll rt AIL de, 12 'll' til.t) V14.1,4u.1 Fun 4ral LLD, :rhos. E5f 11 ,1• 1 :. ,,, 1.4 0. 0,1 F X• 11. ELITE A: UNDERTAKERS M G EM2ALMERS til.ancbesto , , Wc.Nl . • Run an , lvlctolt). COFFIN ROOMS Al MANCHESTER LIVERY STABLE. uornrro. Fues2cd and tJhar.lors stmt.. 7 Min», not t`arriacr. 20 _1 , 11 , !.. r .5 . .. i ! CHIP nUtiTIC received .01 PRICE • THREE CENTS. WANTS NV' 41\71. - 11- ,, l , lT r ae , e:Alrgi2n on LIAIUK-116e.CEIL. 11...1 of rer•ren^ee gi•ret. Wonl.l be wlllLblir to euennfec . turing hon., "" " • 1. Z.. ()unto. mire W ANTED, n. NI , ;liT ‘VAI4.IIIIAN In • .:,.I,f -ta4llehment. t young man oft oral habl". oi...lrdfcreacus g 1 ,0.11.4., Andre,. chrongh olnye. uliE , lel .suT. I No. tU . Sgillhfied •trert. WANTED—Igo. 1.000. 1 10,0110 v • ?fen to 1,11 • I,IIItEU S. CASh•TR. hich cwi he attached t" no, lamp make. the ne•t go , light In e‘isienen from •otnosou o •onaenlent ,te nut olo• 0 , 1. Most an do ant.- .Ving tat at.tn. Agents are Coining /11001 y. .41.0,1101 th right to use tt. s. J. C. 'alLa , ”.. 7 , .h(). le', IT. CLADS om ternaET. IVANTl:ff.—Graduntes of Lifer ,' 7.ry colnatterelni Colleges to engage Toe ,:anenCy In bu,lness requirlnd. baleetrianslilp ant Apply with tet,tn,. and National . imp.. taum. The only Work on our ! , •Aey tln 11. , held. Agents find no competition. I Fns , FA iv ANL, NAV uL 11A ND h. liv lion, J T in tr oIIII•DL the di. ln.riti.hed Au th or and lit.torian. ne lithd• row, o me. lilestrultd. Send at once for term, end territory. Aildee•s A. to TALCUM, delsitcu ZIW Itcriet street, Pittsburgh. AGENTN WANTED BY THE EU VIKA. SEWING M COLIP ANT to ttitlr NEW $l3 MACIIIUE. sew frou tlcsue paper to heavy Beneur cloth or leather with out chi nge of feed, needle, tension. beifealustinf vre6.-Are foot and newly designed four motto... UNDMIAD. Address, I nel r l i lli t tnnb o. es Fifth &suet, (Second Floor del/ Pittsburgh, PA. A4iNTS IiVASTED TO St.. ilr. CHILDREN' 3 ALBUM: • un. PICTURES AN It STORIES. Aro. . p . t, Nor wan BULLARD. 1 he nook contains • atop! Porraltpf the author. ore hundred pictures. an. , It nicely printed ond'bound, awl mu. plc.., all toe chit. drc. Otp,la tlt..LAND & CV.. • le,ro - r. No. 73 W 'Third st., Pittsburgh P. . Wi . E. r l i t• E LE—in A e G very ofl A ssfCPrk Pen n i, n ' ''' 4l.A76l .4 ll e At e l 4 f ' II I O E IMI, 9I*F'. "Tilt atAii , F.s , VIVCIER,'• '••I.INCOI.N . O HOME AT •I'LLINOFIELD,' F. 101.1, by .the month or oa commission. Publiab pre rat. ill owe.t. for full h•ril.Oni•r• p.Pou. or .Pldrsss, • 7•11.60 & co. . 43 Fifth stroet. Pittsburgh. NOT ICES NOTlCE.—Porsuant to a resohl ., tion or r•nunrll of tor ttoroorm of sanehes 1-4, •n •lq ne n .1.1 the 11 , ,U , C. corner or hart!, and l'Or•thut Wee!, In 3.14 ttorourb. on TU1,21. • I. J.nu•ry ti!. 1.07. that the citizens „,.. r. 10.rrther or not the nor. rt. •n0..1 •n0..•..1 to the city of Allegheny. ,rtert t. JULIN C. I.II,IIPEIt. Clr ltri tch t.r . 7114 PTO*LL , lrraell.Pot'llr'll.. r.TT J.ll 41 it!, 164. f THE 4 %NEAL ELECTION; FOR tilts C 1 .4). ., of hi+ myth,: mut at tie oltrt, of thefh.nloany Ott .Id..tii-tAlf. thr• Itth .1., of J•lthary, tsr,ll the Lour"( Of OA. 4... It DIVIDEND 1 L^ Voord Itt , eetors of ghe PITTSEII• RUH V. aloud street Oec;areda Otyl total • Elul''(' l'Elt Co NT, Pollivs per shore, oat a' the ptoll, of the ". moh , h , YO.lsolt forth. Ith 1. h. Li Treaaa ref... .trult A1.1,011t•V5“...,[.00 1 .111,‘"1", •n. `.•C. 5 Ef.ECTION.—An cilon to fur 1 *•••:‘, •10r. ol tat. C^nzana.y, one:11?; 0.-^r..111 aridstir. O. I; • otr.• 19..0...0, an 311rnt•w1, Jan .ra 1 .Ll.. ILa r, of 10 t. Y.. land .Ir. UV ST E me:rotary: L NOTICE.—TEIE ANNUAL ELEC ct ..I , ,:ere r :he Hide CATlttel.le I.itI:SAISI stVAli Sts His b Lela so :hrirt. .11" C• 1., I tNeNI• Jstmary s• stoyerie of thy rctirine stirseere "Its ee pre , os. •I IS, se. as, s.oseri of the Ihreet a••I ofi• Inters .ted Ise iseceesstars Isvessea t.se :• sLsctio, Ite ur.fer or use Ito &Ms OF DIRECTORti A. F. gs.sels , .. relary i 061 La } ots 01.1 • _ Or') 1 or tar. 11.t.,1:CNIt VN1...114T It. 1.. (•,,,, :tom, lit, 15.7. OTICE TO OOLDEItS or FIIUST qt . ', At} E yttN Dtt. VF TILE eLlAtilllN 1 VA. L LLY IZAI &L. 17:111 . :A Y.-115c Allerbe• u f V In.r.any LerebY Flee autice retlrtln tt, The Firs! filiorigaa - e Tlonda of the ,to IN I:1 nlv yeltrs fmnsl ibl, db.:,sccordsace tic I , rovi•lons Of the Lonrlgsge Ktr , s 10 tart“ nl II U 14 , 045. ~.er of 11,, lltord of Malassen, WILLIAM PHILLIPS. I . re,td.a. t MAI, Def. .145, 1.!-5m. . : t SSESS:IIENT NOTICE: • I= Th, flo 1.11...1.111 the the Gradin¢,•Paring and I 1:t C 11, EITIFLIDIErr, roJa I.egan In Fultnn Flre , tA, have been made, and can i• La thls o Jannar,'atta. Mee nl:lcn On, alto' a :II lamed oils LO Iha,Vity rtcn:crac conectloo. CUAELES REICUSPFAItit; diro,th EA:cording Roo:Onion )ericu OF TILE WOOLURIDGE IL RI: 11111:iti CO., I.lohne:ne We 7. ;wet to 1 melon Bridge. trrtsbunGn. Eke•ccsabertitb, THE of THa PT. Chi- Mil. 1. F ith ut this compaty, for the Election tor.. will ho hold at tbit °Dice on J o'er,' Sth. ItS. hi TY, o'cloce Y. it. . sas.l ,l wY 31. LuNO. eccretecT• BUSINESS CHANGES. DISSOLUTION. FIRM OF OWENS & OEN J- NEIIPV tm, 'Of antteJ partoembly mw day I . .rrous 11•11rldpd to lb. mote Crm. toe b, .eby no thif.t not to pay toy debts to any' p,Most but V ft.LV• nt LL. J.,. AttoMerst Law, filth ymet, DISSOLUTION. TIIE Fllllll Or M. A. JONES & cu., a.dteeot, ed the /let day at December. by tnntthslconsent, 11. heylvir pnr• chased the Urns Interest of W. L. JUG E3ln Did arm. ❑e hlitlness Of the la. Ann will be vetted at th• .11 ttn , l, •ttifl Ltbn:ty Wart, by tither. 01 lb parllc.. /I. A. JONE 4. The unde . ..lieoed. to retl•lng Nom the Brat or El A. 'JON Es J. t.U.. w.m1.1 eta e.1.1.y mem:r/end tb um. dr . et to thy favorable notlee ofl Is Melds. ' jt7;r:L . - IVII. L. JONES. DISSOLUTION. HE FIR" OF SHRIVER k LA— • Z At .a. 41e.0 , vel the Mit dap of 1)e-etnb m0.,,a1 eueseaL rt. P. StittlV KR hautale pot, the inters t • f J. B. 1....Z.EAR to told hrio. The 1. &lee •• 01 the Item be .011104 at the .Jl,l 1044 of 0 . 4 L., by el blilLY•11. Sllttl , OR. • J slEa D. LAZEAIL , • VITTAILL COLE. Dec. Met, Deid. NOT!. I.I.—C^.PARTS RlVilillr.— The un -11,, his le7 eute , ed.Anco do-partner etilg. for the , rpose of conducting the Whol tale recurs, oder and mu elsonet fluoineoe, at Noe. 41 and An oml.hlteld s.r. e.. under the name ond mu r f•Ett GER St V. Thew, 11l In! pl.,ma to 34, the fel snis .4 q.•.• ra thel n. of a 46 well r.. ail others purchs.ce of guollo In our Iln r.AH'L I'. SHIM' ER. JUS. W. 81 . E.eft , Ilff, J. 31. BOYFJTOT. ~1 , nhary The unit- vtlithekl. In letlrinir from the firm of t.hriver ar, Youirl cheerfully ry.ottancn.i thy n.m th..favoruhle uoticu of ht.lll. ndo. Jar.rl JAME• 11. LAZEAB. CO-PAR'rNERSLIIP HERE. TUFOltit existing between to• Aubtcrlhers.un• der the firm of TACK, 11111.2.17T.1tS CU. 12,11 .!ay .llt•o.vca by mutual cuurcht.' A. T 'CE. T. E. TACK. • T1"L",ii••,...1),..11, IwlB. rEED. CUASE. cave. thlo d•Y OM. , • obeer tse trio name of TACK iittlYS, si siylo of Ors, of altBlursh I.foole Mbe , rctotort , , tmo. A CO. A. 11. TACK. T. E. TACK. .Istlo r arr • DISSOLUTION. s a; u::r : t (P . aid e PATITYERSHIP HERETO , I, ,VT. „ der 0 ,.•ct... or Irc,...AN is a 6NSo• °"""ar'43A tst t n i.terst; l Nr ' eA, Ü bP:lgg i :ult o the j.3:ra ROBSEI4I HORSES!! IPCIPPIL 113.41.1.a.13 • Sts strtptl . WO= HOILIPS.AsA metre lq..;ftlii`ll'9lll°°,=,Vre:utna Lgt 'r y,.....11 workers. V k l •t BOW Alarm LIV I_6 BALE IST/IEILT- Vint street sear itonossrabela Hosts, oa lUWSV mai, at ir.l‘, /TA BOYS' WATCHES STER LI IN* SILVER CASES .S.inteth.ne elee for*Pro.ent. mafie rr:lltnotuirr:g."Zib"." c A . r"" b*"' ca " ratte ...atm perfect. Time lieepers from $lB to $23, AT DUNSEATH& CO'S Dlcs. • 08 1/.llth. Ilatrest, dea TLIEIIE IS if/. I IT OF .10.11.E1* 1.4* • TIMING'S IMPROVED STOVE DAMPER. A Mr. Leerls;h•• already cold 1 OIM Damper' Montiroircry county, tad has jail ordered Sal additional. Mr French p ild in) for Salem county. In. J. cold 900 Dampers in few todeni.htric. and then I n the rninclnder of runts for f.• Imb sin, on -chsbect FIVE el"AT10 1 . A M. Bird. •r.. r tieing the li•roper on • Stove in his hotel, wen so oei ple•.ed ulth It that DO POntht tin right to the tale of New York. TUE DERAND 13 UNIVETiIF MA.L! CROFITt. LAROX! STATE et COUNTY RIGHTS FOR SALE. Wad camp for Circular, or .31 on . J. N. WRIDDF—N. MeslsAter 1: ILL IL 11. CI:ItIZAN. U 4 I:raat utrett. No.ll Fifth •creel, Pittlitiuniti. Ps ILHODy.M..H..W. a. WT-410 , 1 A.NDISASON• EAGLE COTTON WORKS. 'HAVING RECEICTLYPITRCIiAS -.-• ED THE E eGLIS et/TRW: Wlitt. ee,d KING. rE.4llOCti He coer.ectfutly Inform the penile that we wi ll continue the manufacture of Sheetings, Cotton Tams. Carpe ' Chains, Candle Wick and Baiting. Orders may be left at the Office or the Work;i. _ CBRA EB ISABELLA A: SLIDERS ITS, ALLEGBEET CITY OH AT THE PITTSBUB G BRE OVER Comer of Dago.. Way and Harker•. Palsy, 1 20 1.ftisloutra es, Pam JOSHUA RHODES & CO. 1103:11.. LEM WELDON & KELLY, PLUMBERS, Gas and Steam Fitters, AND BRASS FOUNDERS, Chandeliers *ad Brackets, Lead Pipe, Panips, Sheet Lead,. c.; ALWAYS . ON HAND. 164 Wood Street, near Sixth. mr=o,7 1_; MEM r: P 9 MARKET STREET. 89 89' GS9 • • - O TO . i 5 9. 1 : 1 4CO 33 $ 73 'Eh 8 91 -49. S 9 Market Street, IS9I I AND GET TOCE 1 s9' .8 fi 9 f) BOOTS I SHOES, &U. !S9! sq THE ( LIEILMST AND tlir.rT 1 8 9 2N .1" MC 3EI OX. 'l' "E"., . K 9 , till AUCTION GOODS BEET. 189 JAMES ROBB, S 9 Market SW .S 9. • 139 . S 9 S 9 S 9 S 9 S 9 S 9 S 9 S 9 S 9 .S 9, wll. F. (:KRONER, Ferret:l CAUSTIC SODA, Both American and English, For Oil Refining Purposes, loastontlr on bnod ar.4 tars a to con.I11.1: , 10 suit pot:lilac:8, by • ' Pti MAI lii atZiWITSiII li DiCi 1 - Prize Slates. Club Skates; SATES FOR THE WILTON, AT 4:210 M " IV ' 7 Dispatch Building. Fifth Street ileu JA4.ISCOIT JOILNSTON .6.6 SCOTT, DILLLESS 111 Fine Watches, Clocks, Jewelry SILVER-PI,ATED WARE, ETC., 9T4 LIBERTY 9Tazrr, Mir Parttenlnr • munt!otl ilbrest to FrAPCrini ks wad Jursa7. All work tam... 41 I ~mmo DREGS! DRUGS!! DRUGS!!! , - JAMES T. SAMPLE RAVING 11OUOLIT TSIE tr ELL RNOWN DEUti !LOUSE ON COEN e.H. OF FEDERAL AND i• • LOMONSON bYn.. ALLESseII,N Y. Wlll Ice p on hands full assortment of all kinds of aFtae+.a9. And which be 'told cheaper than any °UM honee Os the two cities. Pre•ertPtions cArefnllT Prepared by a neat class d' UNSt . da of PERFUMERY and FANCY SOAPS CU hand. eV%) VALUAAII,E BANK. liiSIVII4.NCE AND OTII/815 tact! h". —IUE•O.O`.S" will be laid ova .treat, door of Comutrrclvd ante.kLoaruvr Onaltlt teld utrtrt, sho es hank 11101.ury6t lu • • 1. orek • s nruraure Coutualtrt to.• eo "do W •• Weyer. do - . •• '3lv the Ott Condm, :AO Trlutool 011 Company': tot • • Columbll ol l l, ptny, to •• Ititt•ourgb Onllll IfleustOr Co.; 50 " Verrsal 5 / 5 •0u5 l t atst Coot Coofp.ll, • to t• Pltluburull 1 tut nor Compttly; (105•10. • au•uraucuromo.7l 5 ••---t,..olooollttsuriva C Cumpuoy: •• ilouougat l olauvursoue COMPOIS7, 31znico.00.1 CoutputiT.' tat At-11olLIN AIN kt.. Auctioneer. I= DIRER, CLOSE & CO., Practical Furniture Dlanufat-turtrs, COL PENN AND WAYNE STREETS. Least ItTles of FURNITURE conot.e/Fmi hind WAIT FOR nest.- 7 seti Jr: g1V:'4.'0rz',..' ,,, ,T." • I%ltt i ff' r •,, A ril ), , E Rt H. OFIIIO WAR 41 , 1 - E . N TIE OT*TES--.-TTACI INC; 11 , Rail , 11, CA OIE.S• •ND 1t..U.1.Te..•• t.. .I. tent - . F th u urwea ..hl•w11.(h. ;.i rout .Xtv4,`lwho utaktlita.l4l6.nd otnpl..;eturn,."4l"TiL..uSral% AI; FI7IILII , HING 1.7,T3,1wT .t • ...twirl... re.. WETTACII A "'EASON, OCOCT.SzUR3 TO (lilt& & Matinrootoierk or OAK LEIiTII.F.t. BELTING, ' So. IL Doi street. Alletteny City. leo fan ossortroint or 'felting lit N. ♦NOVI SON 'K. Ao. IS • i..thkrty •trynt. tlttaiwila Pa 4.17 LIEU. 0. 1.0 CO. hapt. of Work, lIION,SAFE • • A .. , or nett rood VINE NEC. /F 3/FE. IFlarkA Ilarbsa' Rate.) IRON di T I l l e er g1 b j17.. 1". plyl 1, 1 )*INVO Or. No:1 31. (:..All. S ftEET. C IA!, &c =We have the laireat and ben stock of Vitt.NTEli. YLItWaRINU PLAISTS atto be clt.e, sad are prenued so ft.ral.rh wedding and other pvtles Table and Band Bagu. r tom INslans. cu shun untie°. We can Ito feral. Floral se reatha. Vrosars, da. .Ali °Nen pruskptly attended tas. Cara sun to Um tercen....c.• fess ne. dt• JOHN Lt. is A. NlStltaste.:lt. THE CELEBRATED STEEL TOOTH HAT HAKES. -rr.3:4 etz.3• "'Heaeote tart , axe toannraetnreet o at? the DI:OUT-IHE WOlllO, near the S'enthentts- - ", LHai Rll_,,rp' an d rat. 3 r . a.:012.1. Who Olia, os Sad of .e:: ate la. issala of Hue ben =sleet.: at short notlo, and tarrantad. tat* - , oz.n viols r.s.am 10 DOLL LINSEED OIL received _ad for sam br iiWitAilE A. KZLLT I^M, „ noN• Wllsleiale usantim Wing 9 89 S 9 S 9 89 S 9 89 89 FINE WRITE BRANDS 3,9 NTT'S HERVEY DOBBS, 146 Pearl Street, N. Y. socort.g3 . .*Al.m.m.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers