El CITY ITEMS. E Oruro anti 3kedlielnes IN Dectera , pieserlptions' carefully prepared at knit the usual price, at Fidtoittl Drag Btore,' :oppoilte Postoffiee, The - crest Luna . Wei Heine .Tbefioickeid anst.most effectual medicine ';thet *let been dificarered for the cure of recent coughs and colds 'is DR. KEYSER'S trECTOICAL SYRUP. Wis , do not say monk becausesof ita Inapplierbility to cases of lons tger &Makin, hut because in recent caste it li quick and infallible. There are numbers eases Of years' stand ing that it has cared Om?' the failure of all other knowa Means o r Witness theease of kfaptairibilirlen sad Hre. Ablertrian Wilson, of this city, ; deo that 0 . -" J ohn C. :Littler Of Peebles towwi°lo. besides ; s8 hero' hondleds of other! which hi Odtbinsfand again in our ndepsns.. The tamp tDit.SEySER!SPECTOUAI SYRCP is "sii- Mimed, and it, 'rept Meet with ready sale from the counter of. any -.oSrg storo or merchant Within Ms area. eta Rewired miles around PittsSeegp . whlk6 those who Sell It are con (erring Wile/C good ; man their customers, - ana at the same ttme saying a good-deal of 'suffering from coughs nod cOlds,. and danger of ru ra eg Into Incurable lung diseases. Dg.„ KEYSER'S PECTORAL SYRUP„is al 'ways sere to core; it cough or cold Iramedtate ty. if takeout the onset, and that too, without 'erclecoing or Modeling Um person taking it :from attending to his utast avocations. All 'nfDr. licyser's medleines hare the 'merit of being made irom the purest materials. and prepared withthat great care and accuracy to Which the Doctor'slongesperlenc both hs phirmoeutist and pbyaiden liarc enabled him to attain. Dr. K. in Ills oxar.dnations of lung diseases, Is thorough and complete, and When the constitution pot entirely tnideis wined nod exhausted,lM Ls often able tomato cures, In cases whieh hare been deemed hope: Ms, lint of all cases of disease, those of the lungs and pututouary ergans, reiptirei the ; mostserious attention: A delay of the first ok second Week may find; the sufferer from lung maladies, lapsing Into a entalitlen, from widett cl 6 medkallreatment can rescue him.- If at the tint approach of a cough or cold, such per non would spend seventy-fire cents for a bet ; tie of DIL EYSkit'S PECTORAL StEIIP, there would be but few Cabal Of organic Ufa ' eases of the lungs, and fewer cams of boneless , Pulmonary Coneumption. Reader, if you hire ueough or cold;. Igo • owl ball a bottle of .off, Kcyric Rb, rt;cl )1: AL SYRUP, Ito Wood street. Consul tattoo and esufniaiugre mee , street. linabea conceit urend Pianos. - • From the Now York Dispatch:. • CONCE6S Guano Fianos.!-Among the finest `Grand Planes mule in America, and they aro • very few, thosu muntifuettlred by William • konho A Co., of haltltnint, are - Pre eminently beautiful. Their tone is of. ihat sympa thei quality which readers them as Well salted to - the parlor an is the concert room., They have that ling ing quality, that power to prolong ;the tone melottioitsly, Ina greater degree thin 'any other instrumento f the class, which is the - quality most Sought for by pianists of every grade. The scale of thelustruincet in . perfect. ly equal frotallto highest to the lowest notes; there, eye ad . liaralrepots, and, throughout, the ~ 1 era lull, leep.toned, rich and Menellos, and the table Is reroarkablY clear and.brilliant. mechanism is perfect, and its touch Is dell. , este and prompt and at. the same time pow- . . Charlotte Blume, tale agent for linaba's 1tt10.9, had nos - oae.2l.abition ono of their aupc •rior Coueert9',:and4 w Melt Is equal, if not an ir enylastrnment over racePrad in this . . • Theo- Western liftrWersity ;Corner or Ross and DlaWkend streets, will re- .• ;Sipco Wednesday, January be, when arpllea. for admission will 'be ; -The very best adirantliges are here enjoyed for ob; thormigtrknowledge or the Latin, tireelr, French nod' almnian Languages; ,rdse, . [the nommen . and • iriglier English broaches, i'-ltookkeeping and natural science. Erich de dlothent. has its .listinet Professor; who beaks r• •• :.all the recitations of his department daily. `The largo number of atudeute, in attendance- - _ !.t.early two litmdred—is , evidenco tharma in stitution to give a sound mine:llion, in every I ''' , !department of stuay eusbraCed in the curie& -.; lam of our best coileges, can be well sustained Mere on its own Merits.- The entire tuition.' and many thousand dollart beside, are anon. -ally espeuited to - secure the best Professors.' Ifs Board of. 2:rater:sari our most promlemili , . citizens of dillitriint - denoutinatiolut. . . Wm: Kaaba dr tio•a tfarivalled"Arne. ' Flom the illestiTeric ithrtif I The egret of i'lhisgre:t.anceess Is clone due to the brilliant and enperlor quillityor the 'Macho Ihanoifor lintnony, sweetness of tone. greet Power, and ?PAW:dough equalization throughout the ca. ;tire seste t as wenn, their pliant. touch. They -,aronnivennily pronounced - by the press - and • ilia inimical profession us being unsurpassed by the butritment of any oilier usher: One of the mostptomtnent• qualities of the limbo Plano, and oao which 13/generally overlooked by the 'parciumer, Is the Supdrior,worknuin.. onto Ana. cluaractortzen thetuotnti It is con. coded that they wYil retain their tone, and amoral fleet sisalsgeao wear,' in ear . , e ' r fir . . boosid those Olney ••• idhitrlotto Blume, No. 43 Fifth street, see.. • and door above Wood street, is the Sole Agent, -.Tor the Eutaw thhoos. , . • The Howe Sewing Machine, Most certainly taki Hie lead et all others ton , Short time. It was awarded five wombat:is on work, at the World's Fair, teal; tour. PrOnll - • mns for work and On the maclune.nt the New York State .flair, 15k. Sea. the Italuenlist, of September lad, d,preininte on the Machine at the OHIO StiLts.yale:lBM. Seethe Dayton Journal, October•liKii. The 'only agency Idr ~ , Its sale for Western 1.,,,,,5yt m ,,,,a a ;i,, ~,t,No. I 'St. Male street, Pittsburg... ----,...—...._ At the WorhViiEnir In London, li.ntollie Wheeler it Tip i p u B ew .. isoriced the highes tg e= th' .rc Europe nod America lk-eO, ,ward had always been mai; petition. ,wardr exhibited. l'ou will make •no take in ordering one as a holiday gift to trite, slater or friend. They can be purchased only at Stunner it Coss.,'.'"? Filth street. ... ' Union Stinting Park. ~ • . I .::: • . The prelate of this park of Wednesday and , 7ll.Corsd4y will be given roe the benefit of the Charitable institutions of Pittsburgh and AI •N legheay Ctty.. it is the desire of the Directors time the citizens of both cities will patronize :.: 4 i 'the Park largely on thcirie (lays. Come one. .. . . .. : , Como all. 'A summer plitnnY. • • •"'",:, Pure Ice is ono of those - Invades no brie can co without,. but Whlcli Is difficult to he toned in tills It can be had from . • " the lionsafi•ciod Lakclet, on the Cenci.' Penn- Itallroud,try Applying to A. J. limb. Co., Wilkinsburg, . Thirty Day.. • • - .z. • .7 tinny will bo out. of employment, andltion a . rtail....'By a a mai • invastiaanl la : . ..Liintalre Unproved Btoro Demper",yott will i• nova re a lucra a rat/tains...tortO6oLae. • Can awl malt ail] Fifth liroct.'" • uopd 1 clear 'Toys, assorted. Candies, Ital;Lns, Cur . rants, Prunes; Orange and l e mon rcpl,Can• •i• • hod Fruits, etc., etc., as eheup and as good as • i at any other house In the twin eltleS.-'6corgo • . Crayon, N 0.112 Federal street, Allegher-y City. • .A calf Is solicited: • ' . - • - lire Warn. I I I . . . .nt the Union SkiiitaK ranlg, in Allegheny 3 .- , - .• 1.4. r there will be, during the gay and night, i!: - . - ,' • 1 ... - Illitiinor A Toergo , 4 celehmtial lin= handhand a i'-• -, , 1 - , ititiniber ottinn-clagg straters,%and at night a .• I cPali4l: l lBplay o( . l'l.ra Wat•ks. . . L' hew cures -being performed ONltrY , fe94 l 7 WlLsoribi vial remedy for Cow. :latimation.. ft port are a I,lW:rarer. try U. pitteut for Pittsburgh, -Jseph Flen2Eng, N 0 81 Pare Old bye nbt.t.e.v. in: . The finest article he the ettfi at MeV/a:rail > d Itleirteneaubi Drug Store; at Market street, ..,;teorner Diamond, near Fifth street. • Don 3 Setrelrana congb, yarn •Doere Conga Bal. _;,••• L,, s ) eam be had - at Ilemidg's Drug store. Ka• 81 Market street. Sold lel:toles:de, and retell ar tlO lowettrases., ' ' i t 4 i • allverineinow Ponder, . Bed/arrive Megennan's Drag- Store, SS - 0$ Datiet 'tract, corner" Diamond; near 1117.11 ' • Blniticur Buy roreiga- Lignors .of all kinds IS Joseph B. ' , 4"iacte9 ItA4 191,1.13 and 155 Pint. •atzast, Pittsburgh- At GouiSs at Cost; lkilenu"'* Drugsbt°";6' comer DLamond Jared. _ • . near 'ffi 1:,, ,- 0 PIP mr4,.; 61xThol at Joiepti, S. prioVe . '1,..., 4,1 1 . 1: ~ , • ..• .. ... To* pm -Day 4.". ~.' ', ow Hope itißosepb, 6 - . finch's: t. -- . , :, - Lix ,- --.. :, .-.•- . 1 .4.) t „ •. ti i ._• O ., ) ) .), _, ) ).) . i , 1 • VOLUME Mlpiit---NO. 1. FIRST EDITION. ONE O'CLOCK. A. M. LITE NEWS BY TELEGRINI FROM HARRISBURG. NOMINATION OF BON. JOSE P. GLASS ' FOR SPEAKER. • An Organization of the Honee and Senate To-day. IRE SPEAKERSIIIP OF TILE SENATE SPecuil Dispatch to the Plttebttagh Gazette. air-MST:I7EG. Deatniber 31. Tho members of the Senate end House have nearly all arrived, and hn orgentaatlon will be effected at twelve o'clock tomorrow.. The Remihhcan members . of. the' House :net In MUCUS at eight o'clock thil evening. and upon mutton of Hon. st. S. tlvell of Beaver,, 11011. John P. Glass, of rillegheßn ,woe naanl~ mously nominated for Speaker of - the House Cl Representatives. tv.llcuedlet, Eee., Chief Clerk of the last 110090, was ro•nemivated for the same post. Goa. non. -L. N. Ball 'rill Du ranomfpated for Preeident °film Senate., FROM EUROPE, Bennett's Challenge to All En ' rope Accepted. CONFEDEIREION OF TUE COLONIES DETERMINED ON. Sailing of TransportstoßringFrefloh Troops from Mexico. . , THE COURTESIES TO THE YACHTMEN. Bennett's /cconnt to the Herald [By the Coble.] tat sotto AOMNIT =DIMS Ix 1.011100.10 Los nos, December 31,—1t is stated thit con' sot Koren oihlbits, asjusildeation tor settling the sags agatnst Frazer, Trenhoinat, Co., and otherth'irritten authority from the Treasury Department to arrange all rebel claims in Europe— .„ DE3NETT , ,'CIEA.X.6SEDE ACCEPTED. The challenge of James Gordon Beioicitt Jr., to eaU against any yacht in Europe, has been accented by the Duke of EdloborOugh,wlth the yacht Viking, around the Isle of Wight in the first week of - August next. The Viking Is said to be ono of the best yachts of the Uoyal Yacht (Lab. . •INIZAT ME AT i.9{PCII; IttIIDAT '..The estehelve tre . priillitrit of, tropical pto ductions at the *ydardiain palace, was burned' Lest ulif ht.i evolving the toes or throe hundred thousand pounds. ' ' CAN - ARIAN CONYEDETLATION D'rro2t. • The Canadian delegates, altcre conference. call the English IdintstsY,WW*o2WlWaiinw4 upon a confederation schema foe ithe . Drltleh North American Friwinces. rue nmc user= ors 13 luster. re,aie. Decembbr 3l—Erenthlf,!z•Mtte La.Lft.- arts - Able morning announces - that 'Ate. Wm clicster, an American inientor, is urging upon the French Government the adoption orbs, now gun into the wintery. and naval servhes of France. TONNAGE': DUTIES*, PRANCE. A decree .11aa boost formally issued abash ing. after the gra: of January. 1667, all tonnage dutlea upon camels arriving at French porta. excopting reaselehalling from countries which llnPlue such duties upoit, the mercantile ma flee of France. !laver, llecember 31,...Vooe.—:Thirty trans ports base ealled , for Vera Cnie, from Cher- bourg. Teo. remainder, of the fleet Ere eq der orders to leave by the eighth of January, and bring the troops In Mexico to France. • VIII TACIITIIIIN IN LICLILIIOCIL. lavrarooL.Dec.3l.—The Mersey Yacht Club will give a grand ball, in honor at the Amer! can Yactitmen. - THZ 11LIIALD'S ♦CCOLIT Oi TEL COVETIELLETO I= Sew Tons, December SL,The Afereddl. spe cial fermi Cowes, Deeetubor. says: Tester duy the three yachts; , Henrietta; Ylcotwlng and Vesta, nydrt Invitation of the Queen, UM .I op Osborne Bey.. Hrilisjesty come down tb! . .43 beach statement some time in witness thg Ot".varionerm &moments of the yachts. As th_,.. 4 _iloaretta passed by, she saluted It wrth a wof h*handkereblel., . A grand hew., irar given' the yaohtmen by the citizens eut --wtrea JUL evening'. no halt was Pr° l ' B o , r decorated with British and Gutted Stites dab; a nd picture. of the contending yachts, nem'. -- 7--.3tetwalla were bong round with friendly mew., sir „I. lit. Presided'. at tNlCentertainnent, • and the greatest: internatio prevailed among tine ,guaits.. were dimes. amidst the greatest meth ' • . "The Queen"" "The President," "The • irs and Bevies of the Hatted ',Bates and (N u* • Britain," "Petite and PrOsperity to the II ted States and to Old England," "The New BryMidien," "The tfealth of 41r. J.. G.lies.ete, ye.," mut' 'host ef. ether ingita of a friendly character. Haler General Seututeter,by rOmrhondof the tincen,exeressed irer Majesty's !Merest Jo . the. race enehot tha4k4 tgr the ceinpli" merdiit the dIiMMY durthig thiefterdoon; ' ' ern-11MM •SO C0MX11201.41.. _ oirear ' , /k . 'sceabberat;-12 •ac-There length: log doing daring-the holidays. - Console 1 37741 aaPe 7 . 04; Illinois Central ItaUread, 69; Erie, Itedocd petrolatum, 17. • iterwant;',December al,-.lVirctr-rettrelenta,, teSltrali, December D.-Neon-are 767 i. Lrecarooa December 11.-Non-No. b oa - I:menet af arti ameegueneadaing• - • Lorpoi, December 31-Mena-Stook market closed ; VD% 7.1 X; Er1e,4614; 711k101/b BO ll . - Maybe, December 71.-•-hrening..-The . deb leg Vasa were: 540% 7190 11lleole, Eaka•Erle; lavaarooa.Decitallai3l-Noon,-Cotlgetand °Mfg merketa closed.' FROM UNCINNOL ed 01,11sX lbo Navigation li —o utonl zerailinrid O ver mi . mt . —Pre at t.ebsaoa , obc CtX:I2IIIATT, Dec..'3l.—The terry d tdo il g pa be ; • , [were C3l3Cllllllltl, VOVillgtoll, suspended their trine a pardon .01 today, thAto th e Leavy lee In ttiOrreer. .i• . . e."PT" etha bridge,. although Tally Gem:draw 0,111 be opened for 'Navigation is wholly suspendesl tete for the m p . m, - ens. IN:oarri . vols . or departures Enna to , Tins amends nOntinnes co ld. 'The csnmandrunu building at in , one hundred and forty • ° ,ll la telir n des troy ed g by fith 14110011 to-day. is dforslo,ooo. No lives lost. L 1,28 Batchelder, the parties Drs. Implicated in the IntittlßOti sw i nd l eat Le _ .._% 6 " Dou,Vb IN were relsaded t00nv,".°...1“. ingre f e tred 411 " "t =" -,thea.- • • • nol cam; The Fall= *lanai T*ll . olltAlerbillY. , Two' to he-Tried Next. Week.-Ettra Judicial realities PleeTidell..4lllllol l lll Accident. T01[03120, December • Wane nnostintag lautu bare will .be tried the Xth proinino: 10-orderlo'expectiteM4 proneedings;two Judges eld.coadect.tnitan. sitting in.esparatembtes, tienitasl tend Urine _asset basica", sae cot. • • The Unita Trunk tiato from • • nta as Sanulay...ran Orr thetrack' PDX A l paellenlier woncdownisi "twig , went. be conductor sad seven!. • . •egewt SECOND BITION. FOUR - tPOLOCIciA. M. VERY LATEST VII,EGIUS. FROM WAStING FON. Decisionof Sname Court in the In ' diana Cm spiraoy Case. THE PRESIDEira V I ILIN O_ uN F THE EFFECT T ulal. Is the Constitutional Amend ment a Finality? JUDGE CHASE DEFUSES DB. MUDD A WRIT OF HABEAS CORPUS. ' The Recent Indian' Massacre, RECEPTIONS AT THE CAPITAL TO-PAY tram.. - eho., dlrcr: 1 1 1 1 Asinsniolr, Dec. 31, 1333, Tim enox 01; eurasui'coultr ===! The opinion otameitiir eine Court liahoitu6 of L.P. alilleganl the Indlada conspirator:ha mirildbatb of ilKyislon of opinion between the Judges of the Circuit. Court of the district of Iniliatia, has been oilicially promulgated. The opinions Pot lie dodges bf the Circuit Court was bmitised on the three questions, Firg—Oa the frets staled In the petition aml on exhibits, onset a writ of habees.earpas to Nesesd—Cia the fatt stated, ought said Lobe discharged from cestudil TAlrd—Whether the M.Ullar; Commission had juriedletien legally to' try 'and sentence Judge bevis,Who delivered the otquion of a magistrate of the cent!, said that it was clear that the %lit - Might to issue, and that Milligan was entitled to be discharged; that the Wei by military commiasion was sontriiy tO law; that asts citizen of Indiana, which wile not in retellion, and be not being in mlittaiy. e.r Mee, be Was amenable only to dizli law. and not military tali; that one of the Plainest of the Constitutional provialons was violated when he was tried by a court not rwithtiriredi And ordained by law, and another gnarsuity of freedom was broken when he was denied a trial by Jriry. The first two ciutietimrs were decided allirmstively, - and the thlid nega- Chief Justice Chase Cu,! three others seated as to the third queellon, holdhig 1t to be within the power of Congress, In time of danger or invasion,-to determine in what States or districta. peisoui May be tried by military tribunals. I.tby . , however, they were overruled by the majority ofjhe court. • Lathe course of their declidon ithi *marked that the Constitution is a law for rMers and people equally an war and in. pence. thd cur ersirith the shield of its prigectlon all classes of men, at all times and under all career!. stances, no doctrine Insets - log more • pernicious =sequences - wax ever talented by ihe writ of man thari that any ut Its provbslons can he eimPerlded din ing any of the - great exigencies of the' goy. ernment. Such Vdoettino• leads directly to• anarchy and despotism, and the theory of ne cessity, on which it 141 based, Is false.. The President's ante•roomwas crowded to. day, tinapite the suer storm. Among . the visitors wee Clingroan, of North Cartgria,late rebel Heneral. He is on hlaway to New Tina on busbies. relative 'to gold, mining in his Stati. 110 has applied to the President for pardon, betas yet it has not been granted. Tax rOBITION Or TUE ROPAIXII COVE? The President !salad tohave conferred with the Judge of the Supreme Court In reference to the positions assumed by. Corhgress toward the Southern States. When he announced to CoastelsslonM Weatherby'. from South Caroll. no. that the Supremo Court would declare the amendment auceastnutional, Ss is thought Ms spoke advisedly. =CONE 7.'. TO iL xozymiro. The House Committee of Ways and 'Untie will recommend a modification of the tax on incomes to ape thousand donors a year. The Committee find impossible to resist the pressure for a reduction of taxes. The manu facturers are hero in force, and will probably succeed In armoring a reduction of the tax on some articles. . TIIC . ADNISSIOS 0, TX! SOMZE.3IIIITATES C.ongreaunnen are divided in their express lions and oplulorii•upoti the subject of the Constitutional Amendment as a sine qua non to the adofission of the Southern States. A large. WWl* of liepublicans assort their wake/Olean to make this the basis of 'adults- Won to all truly loyal members; but thee° embnizo chiefly the cmuservaLlvevinief the party.'tne more extreme members being op posed to committing themselves upon the question. It Is not Improbable that a caucus wW bo held to consider the propriety of offer. ing the Amendment to the South as a finality. The Pension Bureau advises the Interested of certian rules which are strictly . adhered to In that once. Original applications are 1113111• bated and their recein'acknowledged; and they are acted on In teen and not taken up out ; est the order In - which they are received. The condition. of . unadjusted, claims Is\ ''iet reported radon ;they have been tied t . in° "@o6ths, except In special eases. can Of De. IetIDD. tihlet Jao. iptubase denies the apPlimtion for a writ of Nome corpus, (Or the re leas . eof Y n nz " rir d r a t;:r or r Decisions Or ..01C SC• Ur. Strang in prepay important. mew Ores to ba Introduced tato , looking to radical changes in Eaeoutt . onartors. The recent decision of rtp rcme Court ligariltoit InLittarTirialo, and et.. portant decisions to folicorwhieb, it is al *r od , will declare several Row on the stip books smoonstitntionali hasp psalm:ell a reel. Ina °tsarist. :Ablejurists in both Houses aro Sarionily obnagiering the propriety of con. gross takieg lmmodiate,action to - avert seri . ?Is mr.ks.Li:Ksvamiscit artrix: nn Levitate! of 134trannehas been epochally deputed. to ensiedne the bonds' of dlettllefe Intressa the amount where it telneta climt"or requires neer nesettee ibex* thein-' Wrote of the Governotent_ 4 4malt3 lt. . The bande r ol all dlstllleri will belowielt Into. • lIMI=2I.I6ISIiACar. • A dispatch to th ecoantussiogier. of the dishApresui eisartryptog tee , rSPart.: o 4 the massacre by Indiana near tort 3!hU. Kearney, .11114 , 4: The Vetted - States Mainers' weat 'Mit to nive.titentbsttle, when thy/.met with, their mad fate. ,Tlietribescaitaireq are said to be the Black feet; eamiaracs, eyoire, Uncappoa limatea qtallallacs, and .cther tribes, which have recently'seemed Very . paidda. No slobs.. quint %Mille demonstratimus - were nutder . ' Pommlasioner Boiry`thlnki ~ the Indiana 414 not Mart w ith host il e intent, bat, the coal, =niter otthe troops rc astikloir their elm. Dmslei ngonitet eguioe4. terminated ' ratattiiirtiiititssrvorvo.nAr. iroricann Aro - asoptogott linensollarnpla form from thenorilwlnCowortbstxsostqat Walston; tbrorigliishteli jhe flaitani wilt Oass out after •00114 - 1 _Xxlitsaista_Ppaesass are 41t0.,,.a tsbansontlre with takralltdal4.,...,_ • aultutl GosUng••141 1 1 - istspner:. Marshal tap • ' ,'ataart, - said - line: ji? Itratlab 4 -artu'.jaiiaaat. ' shwa to ilia isettaa: Enantai .fttentOn will rnegars 'lalsatst. :Sande aeg.. arttorti near Tonslafth.' : Saw , PITTSBURGH, TUESDAY, JANUARY 1, 1867. terry McCulloch will receive nt his residence on It street, between Sinteenth and ReCen ,teenth street ! ;' Attorney rAttorney General Statilterry the National lintel. and Moore. Oningat las rosidetwe'Oal acconntot Lite reCont .death of a near rills.trve, the Secretary ofthe Nary Mr. Welles will not receive. accititary fieirard will not receive on account of the re cent death of h Is daughter. ' - > COSSCIZACT 3101ICS. • Thera was received it the Treasury Depart- meat ibis morning the following sums of mo ney to be placed in the conableuee I undt A draft on the :New %drk State Bank et Albany iOr Idle, no maim or letter; a draft On the Jef ferson Bank, Steubenville, Ohio, for *dS, to a letter signed by W.ll. Willtace;V.,ooo enclosed in - an envelope post-marked Indianapolm, In diana; a letter signed "Restitution;' In which was enclosed s3—in all amounting to 41.344.. RZTESVIL lIZCZIPT. ple,recelpts from Informal Itommo to-day ii"ern $1,339,711:.13. - . , CRIMES. FIRES AND CASUALTIES. Arrest of an Assessor of Interrial biome mos at Plalladelpbta-Two Murdered. Men and One Boman Mapped In a Box front Philladeiptcht tp incetelti- Mnrcletslic Arkansas And MilssMstsrpl -Fires In Memphls.Ogdensburg. Mose trratana lkieMstmro7-Xiot Meer Fer , see. Itemise. EASTON, gi.13., Deco:ober 31.-4. write , rions' and diabolical affair has Dist come to light on Friday a box was shipped LS merchandise at Philadelphia for tins port bn the Ct.:Miner gastlil, Mid siiirged Baion,Porthind, Me." The shipper slid it : would be claimed at Poston. The box. was accidentally broken open here, and on exami nation was fotuidto contain throe deid bodies two then And 7t wotuan. apparently aged about Itiyears.- The throats of the 1‘011311.11 and one of the men had been cat, but no marks of violence was discovered on, the other., The pollee believe ticy.were alplarderecl.. A dim patch to lidweril Damn, s ortland, Me., has not been atunrcred. At present the matter is draped In mystery. . . PHILADCLPIMA,. December 31.--Calhoun W. Derringe44asemer Misternel..goventio for the Becondilisiliet of Penneyasela, appoint ed a. few. weeks since, has. been arrested, ellarcuM with attempting to extort money' from a Whisky dealer, by Making •etarsire of his nremises. mid then agretbig to settle the matter for a thonsmul 'yaw haves, , Oonn.,Bec. St -An explosion In Cowles R. Letts eau oil relinem in this city io•day. smelted in the destraction 'of the works : by gm and. tee tistalt of Frederick Tnompsen, Anustcnt Papertntendent of. the works. 2,llnfrnis, December. 31.-6 special to the • Analonche, from"Llttle Rpot to-day,r_says: Itevenuc Collector, named "Prown, wt. way. laid at DuvalPs Dina, on the nlght of the Snt, and shot through the jaws and robbed of a Old 'watch sod lifteett thonsabd„ donors. Ills Il condition- I. critical. Ito had drawn the money!, Memphis and It Is supposed he was followed by the robbers. No arrests. The body of Capt. James King, forticerly Of 'Ulnas, lately planting dear Ureenstlle, Idles., u. found. In a Canebrake, last week. Ho had beep chat through with a shot gun. No clue to the assassins. This city (Hemphis) to Infested with thleYesi who are daily becoming more OWL '- , Two fires occurred yesterday. One on Main Mid Poplar streets destroyed five Mill& legs; It originated In the store of ono Kat taky, who is supposed to have set it on flre. Fully insnred.. - Another fire In the afternoon broke out In J. IY: Alexander& Co.'s store, corner of Linton and .Main streets. It destroyed the iiPPs; pOrUon ,Wo building. The goods wore ternoVedmith little damage. Durmast& so, If:Y., December 11.—lesteruap . mondsor a large building ochnpled.by.o.-P. liyan,, William , Lovejoy, And • Oleos 2C Ames, was bunted- Loss henry; thstigettred. PCTIIOLIA, W., December 31.-atto . Wyom Mg Hotel, at tint Wyoming. Oil Elpting,-was burned last night. A child wita_brumiLAA rdoarnear., December 31,-13y the collision on Satrirdaystieht between the expreas train hem 1101180 e Point and a freight train, the engine driver was killed. g the are yesterday, the sofa factoiT of Kerestuviela Edwards. it large quantlty of ma. chit:lery gad tool. were destroyed. The resl. dance of on domes Leslie was burned last °Oats*. idtraubs, December , .11.—A diffi culty - occurred in Hampton last night. A party of nevem made on attack on • store to revenge the death clone wee wee shot while attempting tO steal. They wore dispersed by the military: Fumonstemo, Docember St.—lsaac Dewitt alias ; Baldwin, the third of the parties that perpetrated the forgery on the Fourth Notion. gi Bank back.of New York, was arrested here and sent Loci's:tar, December al.—Fred. Phistaner , chargedh with arson- in September last, and who forfeited his bond, and went to Canada., on learning that a warrant was Maned against him for enibezellagticeor-alx thousand dot. lam from Wood a Speiser his employers, re turned yesterday, on hearing that nla Maumee had caused This brother to be charged.wlth complicity with" bim in the arson case. "Me rive bail In the sum of MOT= thonsanil dol la= to 111151Orpr. • John Mendel, - Jr.,' was arrested today on susplcoort of harlaiv murdered bin father on the twenty-second inst. : FROM NEW YORK. Zinpoitant Financier Statistics for Mg —Disbursements on Federal nal State Account—Another. Fenian Senaatios— • (safeties of Violent Deaths, etc, etc. .31str Tom December 31, 1&4. rottitcler, 112.•71.1106 run TSI mks. • , The exports of specie for the yeir from thin port were sixty-two -militant five hundred thousand seven hundred dollars. , - The bank retorns forAhe wholayear thew that the limns Increased from two hundred and thirty-three millions, on the let ofJanua ry, to two hundred and serelitY-ninexalillonli on the Alth October, the contraction taking placeseveral weeks later than usual.. The de posits declined fifteen millions durbigianus. ry, February and March, and afterwards rose to tfortrcight million., the culminating point, on the iith October. The circulation has steadily increased' from eighteen to.thirty two intillsone. The reserve legal tenders grad ually Increased from seventy-one millions to ninety-two millions, subsequently falling as low as sixty-ene_miltions at the beginhlng of DISOURMZSMNik ON NIP' VIGO. Thu mml•aancial illabursements here. ox cicalae a the • government , illatntrooments, will exceed fifteen millions of dollars. • • - The Traaancy Department will commence to disburse. on Wednesday, about ten millions In gold, as interest on the public debt. There will bd seven minions of this amount paid out at the Sub-Treasuay here. On the lath nrozimo about nine millions will be paid out In eurren. ey la Interest on the 740 notes. - The Mutat= Company will payout one million seven hundred thousand dollars Mr account of New 'fork State. . The Ohio State agency pay three hun- dred and fifty thousand dollars as Interest,. and take up four hundred thousand dollars of the principal of the debtel that State. The State of T0M186806 will. pay here seven "hundred thousand-dollars as interest on Its • • .• There will also be some Msbnrsoments bare on account of Cattfornla•and Kansas.. • Tne bank of. the republlct will pay Interest on the Georghs State bonds. , • . • arrosnam”asuasa.n" Imams homes.., All All the prominent Fenian/ havedlsappear , ad, and their - friends assort they bwre 7rse to. Ireland. A rising there Is expected today,' but maybe delayed ten days. . • ...,the steamer Mari Clmenter. from arMillt Nnit has armsful with MAO treasure, - • • TISE 50VTLI AMSEICAX WAIF. Adel from South Ameriea, state that Mosque , . Se declared neutrlty Atetween the. trims. Itepabllea and 50010, And ordmat 'unsure of muulthmsra mar .from either; 1 warted to be, tra nsported serosethelsttnae, t ", may buy preemie the port,. of Co. lumbita • It Is not kaolin at pawnor war iodate with The' late .Pertiviati illuLter dunned with gigantic frauds on _ ment, tic thaw centrasaamounta million oti1011011: it In expected- atliallao; that' the *lbw . gent which left Rio Jailed°. in October. with. 'six months' prOrlaineniinaaFtii was b . 91.,Z114 to ,„STATISTICS OVVIOLINT DZATES. Theis were qu' r li - aw - York, dorlik the $Olll . Jost slaved, Al homicides, 55 Infandleldae, and 6lanleldea, Of the leddar.l2hunirtaanasalvell. la used the pistol, 5 took Ports green, and 1 Costar% rakaixtertolnater.. During the yeat• p.rsons waro drowned, and 35 deaths ro• salted from lawns. - onatri.La. surr eon 13AMAMI.' Mr. Chileo U. a Republican, has brought ac tion for damages against.'ooTeraor Com, Wogs. of Colorado, in the sum of 1.10,m0 for zeros him a carilloata of titration as de/e• irs.te to ' • . WrOitu 6TILL rionrAtiuto. A harry stoma to atUi utrAlling ht this Sterna Is Calitto . . Am Ma, Steralbag la - ••••• Doc: cans-storm damaged thfCeatsal Pu 51111.22511- . Afrestot4.l4 l6 itieitiDeperatberiagit Amy* tbaminits are .),T,:r . rskMrw het -- she 1 V e / - • • • Lotartisay peacetime. , Sh—ittier tlelll4, with' attle,,leeblet• the avial,' Its euSatilted.lo ilOttlb e kt ar l*Ve• A r rtgrar li Ohio la 01* ometer.et, but -the la of very Wavy tee. Weather et ~,,,tereeln CITY AND SUBURBAN fielltley.—No Doper will be _leaned from this otbee to-morfor. 'lobos. Ad* Yea= Ileador,a Nappy New Toni! .;11.4 the ris her oY the drat sdnefthe Now Inazderpolchaeril9 and forever whatever gloomy shadows were cast by tlie last sin of the old year, May the fresh grave that wax rounded at the last mid: night In the cemetery of-the deed past, have engulfed all the narrow, wiekednees, fear that the aid ricer looked Upon In sons life; and may the bright birth that was consummated as that grattselOsed r be the comrheneement, for you, of only Jdy and gootlftess. Mai you who are old walk nearer to heaven as you walk nearer to deathtmay you who am young take the beauty of _youth into the ruggedness Or natality; may you who are rich grow tender ly entqlentte of dna°. waatire not; mar yet who are Poor have year eMptiness turned to plenty; may you who are happy not Quite drawn with maghtet the volt% of the Wretch led who Could make you hear; may you who are alletted have patience greater than your sanction, _and may all: have a LtlO , PY COW - • faiskiel•lsed Boy. some eight modtgi itiediednee frenderana.rdildin In. Manchester, wan went to the Hansa or'Refige for incorrigibility. Alter Wing there ehoot erMouthhe eltheted Meese:NW and got safely out of the Irak. fn went toXinolimpal and, aa woe ascertained, made miliaria trips Mimi the river as debit hand, he being an nt3e.l.totteil ' , oath between ninetthe and twenty years of age, and meas. vital/nearly six feel, In -his stockings.. Last week the fealties, returned home tailwind the holidays. This otenme-known at the House of Varna; and Co Si:teddy owning pro of ,the °Moors came to Alderman Donalusonis omen to.seerrre assistanee to returning tlio good sized boy to his place of refuge. - Ofaiter Sam ber was provided with a ererrant'and search warrant, and etarted.with the Milers for the house of. David. Henderson, the father of James, In Manchester. Aftbr'eomo dithctilty the placwas found and admission gained by olhoer Herber. When his errend• became known to Mid Intdetes ef the house amorists time ensued. The father protested, the Mto. thee wept, and the be i T l, swore and defied. A little ipersii•alett e • ofilleer'd parr. bow neer, Indeodd ttiq hl6 go quietly [dont, and et about, ht ko eecurely lodged mime more In the p em of tensity. • • IVAWiI ' 'Mayor McCarthy-gave &final hecaltigyesder; day mienatng,ln the case of nomad Kim alias liatn,wlto Iran accosted last Week Mid, /edged la pa_ 0114 charge; of Attempting to pick the poeleetof a',lady lh. the market. 'Tani; gar" Meyer, the keeper of aitand in ,the market house, wag the principal witness. .She fled that on Monday, the 2 4th inst., at-about in nine o'clock in d m m orning. she saw the de fendant near her stand, apparently bent on mudded. Ito Was einsely observing every lady that passed; and thade, as she thought, three or four attempts to pick the pockets of some of them. At last; - about ten o'clock, Mrs. Meyer saw hint thrust. his hand into the pock et of a lady: Mrs. IL caught held of him and held hint entU secured by nicer Thomas: Kim did not succeed to abstracting any th ing front the pocket, but the attempt seemed painable. In defense the accused only _tuged, th at being the best teatiniony to bid good . clutracter, he bad bees a doldl served hdttorably, and ssatilictolicated atthetithe Cf the alleged at tempt.. AU tee ooneltunon of -the hearing the' defendant was held to bats to the aunt of WU In default of the neeessary amount he was committed to Sall to await trial. - MeatllS et Marsager' Mews. The retirement of Manager Hess from the manigne - ant (lee Now ppera . gOnais testunw amend and intveisal regret among all their tre-goers and levers of the legitimate drama. The grand emiopliesentary benefit tendered to him by oar prominent citizens promisee to be the greatest oration aver . given any individ ual in this tarty. Already many Of the moor ; ed emu; have locen taken and probably to-day all meat:Meg will-have been secured. The bill offers:sits one of the best ever nunonneed in Pittsburgh and should riven its own merit drawl crowded home. .Re trust sincerely that the testimonial benefit tendered Mr. iitag 'nil prove even a Jtiellter_ pumas than present appearances indicate. He is worthy of a rondos benefit, and if we 1211.1alikOZOt the tone of public sentiment, he will be - accorded to-morrow night a brilliant ems, that will thorangtilyeenvince him of the. appreciation in which be is held by the cembsuctity ;at I Thrclash the Courtesy of Mr. 4amuel F. Pale ley, Boperlndent Of the Fire Matta TelegrOlAL we have boon permitted to oral:aloe the rests• ter kept at the Central &Mee. From It we learn that, sines the let of December, there have been twenty.ohe alarms. On the Alarm Bell there have been -struck eight handout and seventy,flwe blows. The total bass by lire during the month. has hero 1.13,80. The insurance on burned oroperty amounted to MM. The largest lire of the month, was that of Fleming & Torrence. on Thud street, December sth. Ten of the twentpone flies, were ineendßuT attempts. Handsome Present. , 014 2 much esteemed and appreciated lore man in the composing rooms of Die Gazerrs, D. L. Flemlng,Lsq.; wan made the recipient, last evening, of a very valuable and ecanpleie smoking outdt, by the - composltors under his charge. This 'was .6 merited . tribute' to a worthy gentleman, and while we aro sincerely untitled at this audit of apprechttion and re.. spoct to one in whom we pl ac e so much reit. ance and trust, we also sincerely hope that he may live long to enjoy a smoke from the really elegant .meerschaum so opportunely placed in his possession by friendly em ployee'. rinb Warn Elisellisin.—Thu election In the Fifth ward will inevitably result in a de cided vinery for the Union Republican Demi nets, at the candidata are the best represen tative men Of that locality The candidates for Council, limns. T. C. Dickson, IL J. Yo- Gowan,' Pala Seibert, (Risa.,/bialr, Thomas & Sloan and'Jamestlemptilll, are all wallimown atiotas, and poll Leavy votes. Tbe lint four have serval in City Councils durin the past tarm, serving the interests of their con- stituents in the most prittionortbY manner. and at the sumo time °mailman' much to the dignity, which characterized the dellbcraßous of tbat body. Us mania au* • H. Wooldw3.—goine weeks Ewe, Stewart Blers, restdlng near Woodville, In this county, was arroste4 and taken before Alderman Morrow, to respond to a prosecution for fornication and bastardy. Stewart confessed to the softampeachment, but In preference to going to lail married Ma complainant. Ile has provod as dale a w e band, however, asbe did lover, and h/e - ifn Y X2== " w l l: l : l = ln re ht&l...erora. the desertion. A warrant was honed. • ilpeolter of the Itamse,Otir readers will be pithead to learn that, oar worthy and eilb cleat representative. WI flarritherif, Colonel Joint P. Glass, boa received tbo unanimous caucus nenintatiest - tif the T.l.l,lo2l.l7.epubllean party for Speaker of the Muse of fteprosonta, Alves. .Tbls is a fitting and deserved complb ing aLL the ro- g m tigti to tgrilt;, el C:ll 2 anVer and ct to pole' form the duties of the position in a creditable manner tohinuielfend toththintereat of the etesd•Plebata.--iglillam Stint:air, Esq., of l'Ottstown. rcoently bought the farm of Yr. Matthias Get at, iglu within the Malts erste borough,contalutug tstenty.elght sarinc far. gig,ole. ett it up lute building lots and' sold them et-public ode for gleangusive of some tulangtlre or more lots trujeh be re, served. Including three, the profits of the speculation will be over 410,000 • • ;!raiso, whether Calm/mai foardrins; changes In the time of the arrival and departure of trains frput iIL elty, on. the Pennsylmuila central Railroad, srenS into effect yesterday. The mall Math lame Ma depot at. 3= A. st., Instead of 7:II4*WMPr dommmod►ttoo. No. 3 solves M. Ible it. sc.. Lostesa. et 14 x., sod Inn arrive at WO hmtesd of at. 2d5, ma heretofore. [island, Li „Iyarvera nine • Rilbardalg.—Elebinson and Rage, E lbe two men charged, co oath of L. Dickson. with rot. brag him of OR walls he was ander the Inns =coot liquor lad west. bad a farther hearing before the tenor yestarday.--Theiresult was that Raga was discharged and Robinson. la default of LUNA was committed to All for Arndt= hearing on January itti.." 'mecum or oacoooi sintbiesoionosse amoorkostoo*To o ninth minus' elecilon or o Mcarat "rlitsbarsti,aynuaaatioAaapal, Wacky hale- "Atha otAbookons.:Ton mat Warn flAowlit Preattlegw.a, M on. tooth& Vlce Preektent—W. W. Ward r 7— "hn Mi• 404thelli,TrallaaraM*4. lt d "C. railo , * -00.41 ltrawantine-.Yar Instantly plating all ertlcletrotamoer, brass or German with entre Wirer. stare worn •olt. an& for. rimming Ana tionsalua silver or sayer- I platen leaWarlosttedro contain no Wen. Aliter !MN or lut.injurioas article. - For We Va• - . l !entPist - alftneny.atta. au drug Instan'Txte.T.W. i d =drl s Artg= s t ; br of i gr In ins Diamond nunnou , llllinUT aaooaeGadinoutrming fl MM ins lappnannicis ft c oc q•l l id l !i s ". o2 tra'n 3 . 1 " • 23-16:3 _ . ~. -- ... . - , . , t t \ OO l L * 'VIII =„ ' ' • . _ , . _ ~..& - \ ' 1 - \Y ((JP ( 11 ' I t r Impottsint to Pore - User' at &Arista - Markings. . 161. CUAZILL9 8. WrATCOTT, Or ULU/VITO, N. J., Who Is well altetaiitted *lth the leading sew. leg machines, states.: "I think the °corer t . gaiter le best adapted to Wally no., for the reason that it Is the , most easily keptle. order, and makes a gtlteh widelidoe6lnot wear itself In two by the direct strain of thethreads Orion each other. t have had a shuttle or look autek machine In use in my family; 'and abandoneX It been:matt was mere ,111hcalt fora wortuta to keep UM order,and because the seam made .by It would m a short time rip • m separate plaoo% th? wearing of tile threads upon cook Mn. . ALONZO TAYLOt. MANII/Ant7113 , 1 or StlCell &mitts Vanities, 90 East Seth street, New Torki states that be teulpurehased assn 1p a dozes Grover & Baker Machines for his fileuos,to be used In - that. families, because be thought they would tie the work better thin Shuttle Machines. MUD gnat a. IeLAVOHLIN, . • 30 Lewis Street, New 'fork, states: follows: • 44—From your knowledge of the work pen. fannedhr Othe Machines that eapetionts , doesth6 raver & Brher Machine have aver any other A—The Grover LB:that Wittig Wheeler t Wilson Machines are all !know. - -f gave the Wheeler & Wilson Machine up :beams° -it • wterld not_perfonn Ifork ag el , the Grater Al Bater, ,My 'wort is - ladies , cloaks. The Grbver & Baker' Macabre does the sery finest and thescry egiabiest, frith the same plate gad the same needle, andmint do that with 'he 011ie; machinethe stitch in the . GrOver e Baler -Machine is the most elasitic. Ilike It better. pert any - other machine I lmow of. . ' _ • • One. eillttArkTX Si. WA ITI{..KLFD Or DIG D.OIIEIT. Watti. ern:6 ear ottfew.York, yes the fol. rowing ay her experience with Sep Machines: trl have bad eaten! years ex • once with. Grover& Baker. Machine, w lch has given !sec t :: satikfactillit—Turtinef merit is that a'Sbreng 'Mania stitch; it Le very easily - . er. • offter..,_' - and worked , without mach fatigue, which 1l ink le a vatyy. great recommendation. lam not very:l6•• Mr with any other machine, D.1.0151PL1• ITheolor & 17110 on; Which I have-had. ./ - think_•the Grover & Baker Machine la more easily =um gul, end less liable tO get caft °ferries. ? pre fer tile Grover & Baker, decidedly.. gas.L L saecxwAr. ll= 'nun Stree Philadelphia , says , Grover & Baker Msehine: .•`lt has given me entire oath:faction:end there in no compare son, In my opinion, with caber machines in its gnu:tidal Sorting of le farr enperlor.' 1 watild mention as pointsoupremerity, the elasticity of stitch, and It not ba y ing se liable to's:at our Oforder. It !t h at onl rasehbse that - I have I ever known is able .tOrierlibtphier and 'therefore re better adapted to family putpograt; and on the Grover & - Baker you buy tbe ordi miry spoojeleottauroutepleeeitimmtsUately on the machluel on the other machines yon are obliged totems:a, by some device or oth er.- You. can sow with till% machine VDDLOIDS thicknesses of goods without changing the tension, where : blotter tnachirres they have to be adapted to the dithirent thleknesses of is: slummy. 5. nixes • of Sri Eight .svetaht, hew lark, testilles. as follows: - 4—grom year experienee iletelly hewing Machine:l, And h e Wart - th e re b state yaw preference, how deader' is le, end add any reasons Mutt occur to you! • ' A—The preference is decidedly fa ros! favor_ of the Grover Baker; bocanse utple that. child can use it, and for the beauty, durability, fad - elantetty of •Miten, whleli. I know to be siMeriar la any - other.' turriAg tried the shuttle etitch on the anion kind of wearing apparel. Where • the shuttle stitch would break and ten, the seam sewed by the Grover & Baker remained - grin : have done all kinds of Glottis work, from the slightest fabric to the heaviest tucking, and hemming of very title; light materials:nth at anise ma. cloth, cloak-making and dress:risk. mg; In dressmaking I have mete" the,whale bone in, atlteldag -th machineon to the waist without putting _.the - out of order In the slightest. 'Daring the twelve Mrs ims never - been repaired. There 11 no octal® for taking It apart foieleaning, or la changing - from heavy to light or light to natty work; It alwayczos4y.wr aso, , • • Eiieti Pirdgeir . . 2. call has been issued for a talon Prayer Meeting, to be held in the. Lecture Room of the Second Presbyterian Church (Rev. Dr. Howard's) on Thursday dud Prkley evenings of this week, at 111 &Clocks PrcP3rlt447 totbo Barriers Of the week of prayer. The mill Is signed hy the I(ev. W. A. Howard, D.D., (Old School Presbyterian); Rev. Alexander (.lark, (Protestant Mothaelist); Rev. A. C. McClelland, (Old - School _Prtsb9ionan); Aar. 11.` r. Score; (Old School Presbytenan); hey. E. B. Snyder, Methodist Episcopal); Rev. Thomas X. Orr, (Old School Prosbyterlaniker. Herrick Jolfe= snn, (New School Presbytenan)t Rev. Henry D. Moore, (Congrezmonail; Rev. John (Reformed kresbyterign); Rev. C. A. Dickey. (United Presbyterian). It 18 ettrhellt ly hoped that all churches will heartily do. operate In these meetings. It Is expected that every church will have lie own services during the week of prayer, which 1 certainly the better plan; but t meeting may serge en Importanepurpose hi awakening intereat and in giving unity ofspirit. A-I!Usage Case. - Some Buis in the early pert of last =muter,. a girl named Annie Broirn went to live In the family of Sir. John Erbii, hi Baldwin township. In July she disapper.red, taking With her her employer's -pocket. , boolr, containing 42 1 3 In money: Information was made before .3 asUcie Salisbury of East Birmingham, charging her with tholarceny. Sometime since she was ar. rested and the pocket book with SS of stolen money found in her possession.- She had a !swiftest: and was held to bait for trial In the sum of $llO. A man named Bowman with whom she had become Intimate—too Intimate —discovering bar residence at-Sir. Ertel, be- came her security. Subsequently Bowman married Annie, but shortly atterwarus Left her.. yesterday he went to the Justice and withdrew his name 83 ball for his wife. Annie .was arrested and a commument made out against her. Ia greatangor she made informs. maim agaltstber husband for desertion. Ile was held to ball in the sum of calor a farther hearing. fie procured the bail and went his way, and the unfortunate Annie also went her way—to jail. V One hundred and ten dollars for an ;Mira Ilnlahaull case, rosewood, inlaid with pearl; PI for anestr• Uhl). half cue, MallnflunP; finfor • blAck walnut improved , Finkle tr, Wier, ail In tre, hi la ' 4l 6 37 to do lb wo .•lido en rk, has men moos for ten years, -- will gutleman wu "limb Elope for the Church." Its almwas to *bent that•the downfall °Ulu old eaelealastleal tyrannies la lost Sat hand— that in the recent atitrbut events In Europe, especially in Italy, we are to read theertain downfall of the papv . s a doll power; Many events now taking wore skillfully and forcibly arranged to how a general awaken. tog of - the religious, mind, end a s decided chumovement toward the priteltive nod pospolle rch. as planted by the apostles. Me see. let of discourses are to be continued through out the week. . Weida tbsweilett Lily en_ enterprising vender of the erdent,-ta caught- often violating the flanday-law—but It le not so effectually bu the. Sunday liquor trafge been' chocked Wilds city. lee. 'terday, James - Maly made en inforMation be. fore Alderman Lynch, charging. John Wielder, with selling liquor to thirsty cilium. ou Sun day. November Ilth. Warrant issued. Many. Ilbettoi to have been rather tardy in his Yin °aqua of the -PoestMy spite . Prise lelnatee.—Tlie beautifulostr of skates offered by the managers of the Central Anat.' leo Park Company to the best amateur skater;, was coiiuisted for on Sattuday Afternoon hat. Thejuagee awarded the prize to Anise; Wiry. UnininT. the being the most expert and grace fel skater entered on the tint. The afar pseud on pleasantly. And , ell who -witnessed the contest seemed well pleaned with the re. -- • Cburcirlte-tolea.—Today, lgeW , Tear% Is the anniversary of the organization or the First Cumberland Presbyterian Church, now located on Sixth street. -Tt congregation eontemplato celebrating the anniversary b y a social Taunton in :the .Lecture - and Sabbath &moot rooms. ,": Yittabentt ramie venerf., • deaerredly populsi home Institution, leUtoe . oria close . d " dozing the Donee VIII is open on Wedoesetazoorning. Twouou,teeah. ors, oas of thew an adiUttos t 0 tinuouLleko r the nirentlYliarr 'rucmMes:o l ooAO reuock =Mod by Dom or the 14nVediontOns InSfun WA Will outer upon tikete.<l ipoh Uttar oPIOUP6 lbw* who desire tOoniehliould =lam Tao Teri wicensueb: the verY bat sbo. + o yik staraturnki actiamizoi Mug. titca*. ea make Urea, tomer Dlimioadi ails? near, Additional 'ty- and 'ittitulu,ll °manual!" Pogo. . . IBM PRICE THREE CENTS. = Gemini! Minimum eitlred at Wiehlagtonito give thePrealdent the benefit 011113 obserrul Onus In Mexico, on Saturday evening. The names Of titemen . icist froth the Fleet' wing, in tbe yacpt race, wares' Captains Wood add Ifitzeitlne,' of Staten Island; Find Matz Brown; of Boston; Steward red, and acts, of gorwar; and seamen Kelly and BeCor- New Tory Court of Appeals at Albany has come ta 'a unanimous decision affirmlus -the canstlitzt3onsitty of the Excise Law, • • Never beforeims there been such umbers of murders and robberies rePerted, trowel sections ofthe II Mori, as Miring thapast three or four months: -ice tomdity seethe exempt from Ma presence of the most hardened ' and bridal railians, hut, it is in the bailor Cities that the ricenrrerce of crimes Is most fro- quad. In New York, on Sunday; John Dies son was Stabbed and beaten on Eignio guano so that ha will die. The night previons,upm Jones and Thomas Cook, late Denitattlery 'coraita;teriidered a negro in cold blood; on' Thoinuosr street. • A young lady. named Ellen 'Alcorn, .WB3 killeefinßrooldirn an .Stindey try -the_ explo sion of kerosine oil She was pouring oil on Diet:lre from the_ can at the:time of the. ex. . To.day will be celebrated in Beaten as the Senile:vary of Emancipation 'ln the United States.- lieneratitutier rrea. Douglass and Wendall Phillips are an nounced to speak, at Tremont Temple. • •. • . ilroviciotrof Tennessee, has napalmed John 'll, ?leery treasurer of the State, vice Sanford,veatrled. • • - The Masonic. Lc: hantw moats to. day. The Democrats have two-MI: °Leach house. It g o ld tke .llrat thing io be done, wilt bethe erthe Conultutionsi amendment. FROI KANSAS.- The Flaiiweial. Condition or Ilse State—. TVs plekootleyatem ailed Reboot Mande vytO Wove.. of tke talon Retina Lout., 64enibee i;l.-Tbe Deencenerr peke (itsateasiepenia) says ,the State offieers; annual reports are in the hands of the print trondsTsh=ifizain=gerstre,dingitSotillt and militaity .werrents, The 'assets consist et taxes levied - and anconacted; *SP, 000, A nd .01=o against th.deral(Jan ina rem' for equipping treopa, 5 , which areal:dß. Cleat to min M l -all the ineiotednese and leave a earplus in the treasury of the State: The Saperintesaleet of Oxon= &kaoline. ports 51,720. oteldreni in the-State, between eve and twenty.one years; the vaiae of school Douses; gaL1,0(l). !She' School tax amounts to smug.. .The colleges, academies and =Vero Stiles number gt . l The -Union Faclita.ltallrosid Is C . and twenty miles beyond 'inaction City. and the contraeteret an keeling 'ergo- quantities of Iron and ilea to the end of the track for rapid work as soon as the weather penults. . The Kansas Legislature meet, on too Silt of. t o g de fi nite ts' known regard. tog the kemateciabfineetiaa, but P.901.13Y. sill prabahly be reelected. -: • ' . . . . • I= ZICIIDA11( - 4)o Sandly anorntnr. Dee. et o'clock. WiLLIXII JG/111.1.U31. in the Plat year The Ynntry), t,4el+ll,Ce troll lie Lite reel. deuce. 109 Wyly strati, on Trit.nAT. .t :r. v. LitS-- ,, n Wood , y. the :Ulf Inst.: - ILMILT 7.. vire or or. John S. Lae. and nennater of Mr. 4.leoAre Clinger, In the thlrty.elntath yeet of bee era: . . Iruunisl 'tram the irafilenna elf Der husband. cur are of 1/enus7lianli and craft Avenues, °Milani, Otl WSDArADAY. 'January at rD Welnek. a: m. Oarrlages,rifll learn 1/Attman t Eammittn•A eerier 'or !iceman sad 9mlthE2ld etreets, at Linn o'doels. oL. m. on Wm:Weeds/. • • • WILKINt-'.-At rarstax. Y" Saturday mart member Oth.. Wig....HaDD.LIeWELKIS* tag fa ety•arsi. year of 104 age. ihjayff.‘l47l:rt:ii al, z 4 - - ipLuaLE cravriguir.-The basatltal Unpin...lm • aememla . F= tr=r l. ==N VlA o lVt ° 7 ''' l 7' ragtTll.lo:oculsaitAe! emayear. • FAIRMAN & SAMSON. ITNDERTASERS No. 196 Sugthaelll St., cof.lth, Mtn:m.l trorownitt guest.) A3 Morr i. IS3EIrCIIELGi.JEC. miDIMAI4I.7÷. . , . .crerxiamEser.. 80.186 *xi** amok 0 4 / 1 3* OVV:ifigWriThiriul= *us everrdoecripikm -doom onbend *id mem, licansmad Jattnrer****4 Mionsalress—Bar. Dint 3 tar 11%. * • W. asap, P.P., Tbasags *ma& 70CAD11 R . T., !MITE & UNDERTAKERS AND EMBALMERS btAnebista. Wood, Boa and Mff 411 ROOMS ' :AI TAARCHSTEB IIiERY STABLE; . lleriarst pato* an4oll.lllers straits. Irma and Garria... roralabed. urcinutsaiti ••WIIAT :18.11 - I"—A direoune- lon be dpllr, area . tr.reply, to. ibis queson, by..liev. A. IS, a&TDEH. or Clenaland. in NEVILLE HALL, WanxieriAot Ey.K.NINO, Japnar,= Tba pobtie 14ErIF'irittPssF1'A HOUSE.p • 1111YAI AIti:NI‘IISICZNEWT Or THIG , • GOMFUMENTARY FAREWELL TERIiNIONIAL 7U.110ME1,. C. ' . • mese) KV &NIKO. /ABU. B '' • pertortaance whl commence . ..lth Alt at historical tragedy, la fire WI. Of W../S-573C1 133301‘..20. . . • • Presenting the celebrated attrets Yr.. D.P. BOW. EU*. her great character DIJ NZ BOOBS. soh har.teitlf . 3 1.1 ; hte.001.1.0 . ,n, Coole,Mr. Cbarier.4ll4 ° lnte eattitimrs. Yollowleg the play, ondertel erolatloaa. oa Par. • • , Pins. rizz.r.re DEA N. . Atter write!. +he ceiebrited ClarlenetttUi, KERR ANIMILAVOIT.wIII ere uterine el Ids Cheat helm. The whole to °occlude with the tlrely and zstrthrol cemmedletta, of • LIKLECINES IN INDIA. f• . • By Meyers. Bette. Bider, French, Mlia Kate E' tells, Mrs. J. sytesster sad Mrs. J. P. getter , . rel. enteete Bout Mr. itateersorie Theatre. — ..:- - iii. • • BON BIiZET 89-89 , 89 89 89 89 89,89 89, m 89 MARI& timer. 8 MR. 4CO M 3 33 ?: SO, 81f.'Jlfarkst Blmt, 1N1). OZT 8 1 . nil caguiser X ma' m• ix. xi' co x xo /13CTION - (MODS 1491 8 ilidIRS :ROBB; 89 Rlerkiillt.t:iil 9 . 89 : 89 . 99 89 89 89:! Z. w. anatrwrar— ...... isCo7T 0 TourarroNli-scorr,. Fine` Wad, iloelLS, Jewel :SILVER-PLATED WARE, ETfej ncii.:4!Trrirnirr:; , zfttp.a.a.F 4 a 4 r W a Si , r "ea c Al= W : 11 611mtnra, ,1 1 (M1 ebasyszultsti" /04,mumpuitE o taoseEEl - - IPCYStiIIIAXLII6k , An wart tuts . nlr faVW . 914j3k 4.. ono statt_tlikta au, v, ._. s .:'1~ MERE 1•' iz,z1;:v.4.44n MM= 0 1 mTny !Aar, 0/T - 1 - - gr A Tx.; znrxtirrsr cruiNs Atm AT A VEX' &NALL PROFIT. AT WILL T. WILEY,I3 , ', 6 Wylielt., Sd doorfres bdt. dos BOYS' WATCHES IN STERLING SILVER CASE 9 sometninttsies ha Holtasfrretent, is& ex: =7, , : m ide,•= l:4 3t t r il U Time Keepers trout $lB i 0125, DIJNSEATH & moo. mnsth CLEARANCE SALE CLEARANCE SALE CLEARANCE SALE WITHOUT RFOARD TO wiTIIOUT REGARD TO WITHOUT REGARD TO Cosi or InVoice, Cost or_ invoice, Cost or invoice, _ Bic curr...TANira MoDLELTAND'S, AUCITON EMPORTOid;-- AUCTION EMPORIUM:': - AUCTION. EMPORIUM. •";' DRY GOODS •DRY GOODS Dit?' GOODS, SHOE HOUSA SHOE HOUSE, SHOE HOUSE, 55 and 57 Fifth direet,77:7_, 55 - and 57 Fifthiltreett. , ,, • • 55 ands 7 FiltirStreete., , Blankets and Flannels;: Blankets and Flannels: Blankets and Flannels, DRESS Goons. - DRESS GOOD*, , DRESS GOODS, •• , . CLOTHING AND CLOTHS, _CLOTHING AND CLOTHS, CLOTHING AND CTOTHS, ' WOOLENS, WOOLENS O WOOLENS; Balmoral and Hoop Skirts,. r Balmoral and 7300p,Skirin. Balmoral and Hoop Skirts, PrICIPLEI NEW CARPETS.: NEW CARPETS, NEW CARPETSi- THE ENTIRE STOCIL: THE ENTIRE 'STOCK:,• THE Erocurre STOCK BOOTS & SHOES„ BOOTS r& SHOES. 1 BOOTS & SHOES' . •1::; 2,000 OV EF - 00ATI • riumsia,N9 100 '-' - .DIE 7 FERM; - •:=T4iX:l• LESSiItIO-60S1V sr Great' - c o pt : ' • .•: . nAraAtitt,• , _ • 3,ll.and.s36,oo*:Atieek::::. We wairaixikijm* 61404 egY~ol /a every Teipect to the best, Custom; • •-" •"7''''H'l,lollqlCy lEZ3 =mu laganc.r.*. U. Laisiviw::i EAGLE oarroNwous.: VIATIING sEcrarrix-rziciiis-1 ingad 3 aINEENVV. 6 IiIITM2__/el;,. respeottallylatOna p tbat IN.l.llllall6Ctlite.nr , Sheet fl cotton Tariff, Unite -, ' - 0106uCtilials - Wick . IN Ordasaw len at tlui COX 44 tbs a l,als. _- • mita ' 11. 4)31L 7- 1. / .1 , 1 . itiiiititPSYWNd • - - tilfifirtlitidrer,STOVE'' o #4 - . l uMat'fflu_"'"rt: tz xoc.+w~us wawa - ' - .dam -: t a..LX„ II RE N:23 I=2l
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