F' 4 DR GM UIS,VBINFAINGSAri3 DRY GOODS. h I. a En WHOLESALE AND I:LF,.TAIL, IN J. W. BARKER & CO,, MARKET STREET. Mil WE OFFER THE LARGEST STOCK THE *VPiTMISI"X", 4.rD 47 TILE LOWEST EASTERN PRICES. oc2o.Tr i‘ ~ MACRUM, 6ILYDE & CO.. 78 and 80 Market Street. RECEIVED THIS DAY. ME A SPLENDID ASSORTIIENT OP 1- , Point, Point Applique, and VtC7 lencia Lace Goods. Laces a Edgings, Inser Handkerchiefs, Collars and Sets, Coll"curs, &c., &c. Together with a roll and complete line of • to '3Es. 4=o x-mozmusmes. Sire'. M. W1t.1.113, for tto put rim Tears "tint F.stnn, atnaurn barlngrande see rrage ment with W e above. wilt be happy to Ids old Mende. • • . - • . nol3 j ! 41 - • t! NEW FALL GOODS. ALS.CRUM & CARLISLE 19 Fifth Street, slaVe lust °Dunedin extensive and splendid stock of .)HESS AND CLOAR TRIMMOIGS, RICH uoNN r &.TRIMMING RIBBON ISM BliOl DEREICH °revery description,. . Bleu AND ELEGANT LACE taatrODß, . „? VEAL - LACES of all kinds, C.M. LACK T.BASSIED CIWDS. )l a' ;TA rum LACES—a splendid lino NAI NBOOK, SWISS, JAVa•NET 1.12 i EN LA%I Lat CAMBRIC. MULL LINEN; a GLOVES-ma. a tor .d attractive stories; HOSIERY—s complrte assortment; LADIES , & QUILL/BEN MERINO VESTS and DEGOWERS - FANCY REMIT It AIIT/CLEZ4nlendld styles tlais season; WOMAN AND AMERICAN zierHY RS, di firrLANO WOW., • , THE tiENUIN CAnHNERE YARNS-111.1ms BRAIJLE'I"B IS. NTS of every sire, FA-NUY AMY AND l'it.rr/OSS. " Ell In glerenants and Deniers edit and UP, their advan tage to call and, ermine our present extensive stock before pureh ulna . elsewhere. All pnr goons bass purchased direct on the best terms. we are• rnparvd aid will snake a r low prices as any Eut ernJobblint house. • !EU KAMM & OARLTSLE, .; y ,'•~ 'Y, NEST GOODS JUST RECEIVED 30S. HORNE At 00. Tull assortment of - 110.11"J713 4.1"11 Al Abe leading FillEtyles.. lacacntlis. th. :nes mid Frames, s raney_end Colored BIM VIC eta in most desirable shades; Mein Panel Boa* net and Trimming Ribbons; new and deb colors: Flowers. eholoestirencts and esaerleaa; reatberas ey bat and tbirEss • ' 1E1! XS R. CO 7:1 32121 133/3, (Well assarbea.) h r... . . L Cambric. Haestrura, DwL., Loone, Clany.lralee canna Edgings and lasertlags;. rlconcloga B and Boelfaga Embraldered and Plain Moen col MAN Catra eats, Laces and Lace Goods. Ui ess and Cloak Trtzsualau sad Ornaments; Bad Pelage, Gimps and Braids; - Dram. TlinUnlnta,_Enale Frames. HI TE GOODS:' • - - - . A most complete stock of Jar-ones, Esdiddirta, liandkereldefs. Plan. Isme. Henaidltebed, toed, gmbroidertd, Tape Bordered, eta., etc. llosterT and Gloves to emery variety and all dreg. Ladles and klanCelluderwear. • iurtailhittg Goods: Suspenders. and Nsek-Ties: Bean Starts and : Duplex, Bon-Ton and DLL - Hoop Skirts; Corset', Bair Pogo, Nets, Onion and Silt Belting. BUttanlllttmistest novelttee.-all kinds. • garas-Grestest es lets, Cashmere, Lambe Wool sad Ent ~g to the TMIOna MIX WWI/. pW¢ colors sad ransom/ Gent's Copes Collars. and eTer)lldilg In ths2lo - doe. . . • _Prlees as ow Eastern Jobbing Houses. BEM WM Noe. 77 and IS Market Street. .VABB,McCAIIILDESS & CO, %," (ILLTzWiLscar, Man A C 0..) WHOLESALE DEALS:OS IS FOREIGN AND . DOMESTIC DRY BOOBS 29c0.. 94 WO cbaci •Tb.l . lnalppe above Dimon gagimu, PA. =I PITTSBURGH NATIONAL GOAL ED COKB COMPINT 9 M l M l MPe l uMferstV i te DEAL- BEST FAMILY COAL, tilat eaebi - 'mac" asubair.. UYPIO6.aNDYAUD, CORNER Tuvartt AND TRY IaTRZETS, Pictstmulli, P. Ail orders aor delivery In the My, or. shipment West, will Welt prouitil sad imatedisteettelltion. 11. • A. bCtiNARE*, Mspertnteodent. Elll COAL! COALI!• COAL!!! IMPORTANT TO CONSUMERS. HUMMEL & RABER •ltelfe atteuttin of the public to their fine stock of COAL just received, Including the following vs ivon_Je Sand • 7, 0 , 0,0,i,017:47, Nos.', 2,3 a and Menton it, • Amwse r HAT D r i e d: * Err deliver at cmd tut...a e t?", car load , • An orders promptly atiende to. (Mete: 1 , 0 Cheetnntetreet. neat the Depot. dgia" AllltlSßUlttf, FA. Ont. I COAL!! COAL U ! DICKSON. STRIVART & CO., E v • i . I . T .I,lTas 067 rarkPeertY 11111trOOto . aliteli at, 1109? 11111111 ECON D moo-% d to furnish ood You bto be Pa'firoltur cowl. sukilmf " At the lowest YILTILSZ Pete. • - Ali orders left at theft . *tem or addressed to them through the auell,yill he attended to promptalt lEL ARMSTRONG, 914***nly and Oonnellaville Ooal Ann Miundastansrs nt Coal, Mack, ind Deauliductlind Core, °Max 'YARD. FM _. . .. coeher orßatter au 1 Noreen: hest yard of Meet, 'a:4 , Cirater otetete.• et htth tr t i eat ent. If•go n~tad • jahlotelf Locehlo.l. Pieta 1....1 And elanatectarsra a piled, •rttli the teehaectele 1,04 e e r cu erA r itte,s u i - 59 EMI IO TI7TH.STREET COATI, COKE, &o. Having rewired their Mee to WTI AND SUN RllO. (ADLITIONAL LOOAL IFEW)3 . OII nen PAGE.) Awootiallons of Chrlotions, A convention of gentlemen representing the. Young Men% Chelettan Association of the Uni• States hive been enjoying for the past few days a very pleasant interchange of send. meat, at the room of the Young Men's Chris tian Assemation in Philadelphia. Rev. T. H. Robinson. of Hartialtkirg,peestded; John Wan amaher, Esc., Vice-President, and [Mr. Boftd flkier, of Bethlehem, did duty as Secretary. There were present delegates from Washing ton, Baltimore, Wheeling, Chicago, Albany, Troy, Ilairishurg, Easton, New York, Buffalo, and other cities. After religious exercises Friday morning, the Committee on Business reported the fol lowing subjects for discussion: • 1. - How shalt we get young men to Workl Ilow shall we organize new Associations I 3. What shall be Ciollo tO stir up the Slate of Pennsylvania' 3. What measures should be adopted to in terest young men in our Asioeiatlonl Rev. Herrick Johnson, of Pittsburgh, said: I think tile flint thing that might to be dose is to put the young men In the work. Urging is not sufficient. They must be placed In posi tions of responsibility, where they must either work or shirk it. Another thing that We ought to be careful about, is to give them, work !pr which they were adapted, so as they can feel they are equal•to it, Wo must flx to the minds of the young men that they must do certain work as young men, and tooling trust responsibility, they will be more apt to do it, atilt dolt successfully. ' Mr. SI mono then made a few remarks upon the subject. lie gala he thought, that Chris , thins were too discursive In their desire to do good, and he thought 4 they should say, el will save one young man, if Islo nothing more all I thy life long." Just suppose now that the thou ' sands of Christiana In Philadelphia, men and women, should say they would rave one soul from eternal death, Rod helping them. If could - do that, we would have a greater revs-' val then we had in 1537. A feW remarks vete made by other gentle men, and then the subject, "Row shall we or ganize new associations to was 'taken up. • sir. Wanamaker said—Let us start out and go to everytown, sending one person, If we can employ one, or sending a committee. In 1551,1 remember very well when forty young men pledged themselves as a committee to go or send one in their place, whenever their services might be culled upon. In order to or ganize assogiations, see N110111(1 go out Into the country towns, and If possible got the young men together, adopt resolutions, and .select, men that will .work. 'When we can have lasso clations, - Cid members of which will work with a willto redeem the, world. 11r. Simons—l Just want to say a word in rt. gard to our ministers. 1 am satiiiied that there is not a minister In the city or Philadel phia that would not enter heartily Into the wont of the Young Men's Christian Associa tion,. They do not understand our work, and if we can only explain to them what we want them to do, I am sure there is not a minister in this city.who would not do anything wisest: them. That 13 the way .to revive these usso. ciations. Let the ministers understand that the young men can be made auxiliary to the Church. , The following resolutions In reference to the subjeJt, 'were offered by Rev. li. W. Clark,. of Albany: Wm:axes, We have abundant evidence that God's rich blessing has attended the plans and labors of the Young Men's uhristian Associa tion of tne United States; therefore, Resolved, That, we earnestly request the. Christian young men throughout the land to organize Christian Associations in the villages, towns and cities where they do not now exist.• Resolved, That we urge the pastors of our churches to ce-operate in the tn. - moment. Resolved, That we request the now associa tions to report their new organization to the "Philadelphia Young Men's Christian AAsocia tioo, and to receive !root them documents or other aid to assist them In carrying forward their operations. • - A - committee was thee-appointed, consisting of the following gentlemen—Messrs. Clark, Wanamakerana Simons. The following was _Offered by Mr. Wane maker: - • Res/Aar, That this Committee appoint an Executive Committee, who shall send a cow. mitten •to every point where an ussoclatiWn does • dot exist, sea endeavor to. establish . AA. Goodman offered the following,Which was adopted • •. Resolved, That the President of this Conven tion be requested to prepare an address to the varions Young Men's Christian Asicuela tines In the State, urging them 'to renewed vigor ln their efforts' to bring the young,,men of their respective neighborhoods sunder - Christian infmence - The remainoor or the day was spent in In. terestieg discussion of the question as above. RI. P.. General Conferen e ee—Flfth Day. • The Conferenzo re-assembled yesterday morning at hair-past eight o'clock, the l'resi dent Dr. Scott, in . the Chair. . Religious services were conducted by Bev.. M. V. B. Evans, after which the minutes of Saturday's session were read and approved.. The repo rt clothe Committee on Ministerial Education, presented on Saturday. was then taken up. The report embraced, In addition to a constitution and by-laws - tor the govern ment of. the Board of Ede : cation the following resolutions. • . Rerelred, That the thanks of this General Conference be tendered to the °facers and members of the Board of Education fcr their untiring zeal and Christian devotion in labor ing to prepare an efficient andthoroughly ed ucated ministry in the Methodist Protestant Church, Resolved, That we hereby accept the gift tendered us, of all the sssets,. management and control of all the interests of said. Cen. trot Board of Education. • Resolved, That the Board of Education, the control of which is now assumed by this Con ference. shall be located at Springfield, Ohio. The report was accepted and adopted as a On motion, u committee, consisting of Revs. .1.11. Flood, D. 13.', John Cowl, D. D., and J. B. tiamittorOvas appointed to nominate o ff icers of the Beard of Education. • The report of the Committee on Craton was taken tp, and on motion, referred to the Com mittee on Judiciary. • On motion. the committee to nominate offi cers 01 the Board of Education was enlarged by Op. appointment of Messrs. Wm. uuncirie and Wm. Miller, laymen, as members thereto. On motion, the report of the committee on the subject of the action of the Pittsburgh Conti rence respecting the Sixth Strrwt Sta tion, Cincinnati, was taken from the table and adopted unanimously. Rev. T. Flokblne presented a paper from the North Illinois l oferece, each. ing the opening of a n c correspondence with the Pr mitten Methodists of England. A n lotion was made and adopted. for the-app point merit of a Special Committed - Of three to carry - into effect the suagestionoontained in the paper read. and Rev. ;Org. Reeves and Cowl, and Rev. T. Finkbine were , appointed by vote or Conference. Rev.. 7.13. Thrapp, from the Committee on Missions, submitted a report, which was laid over. Dr. Brown and Rev. T. B.Graliam, request ed-Conference to return to them the docu ments which they placed in tile possession of Corife.v.nce la the ease :of the- , Stith street church, Cincinnati. On motion the request was granted. . Conference then adjourned until two o'clock. Prayer by Rev. J. B. Walker. rrsemooN BtBFIIOX. Save the reading of a few papers, nothing of special import ass transacted during the afternoon session. On motion, the subject of u elinrch Union," MO made the special order for to-day at half past nine o'clock. A Lady Killed White Out Hiding. From the Uniontown Genius of Liberty we clip the following: Miss Sarah , Van Sickle, an estimable young lady, -aged about seventeen years, only daughter of Isaac • Van Sickle, met with a most distressing. and fatal accident on Saturday last. She started from her fathers residence, in Wharton township, on horse. back, In company with Mr. Hiram Seaton; Jr., to visit some friends in Somerfleld. While traveling along on the National road, near the residence of Wm. Sp our, her horse, from some unknown cause, became frightened, com menced kicking v lolently, and threw her from the' saddle, her foot sticking in the stirrup. The horse ran along and across the pike, dragging the young lady on the gronnd,Tor about =I yards, then back to where it started, and across the road, where, the unfortunate girl crone in contact with a fence stakis, and be disengaged. Daring this time Mr. Sea ton had madeevery effort In his power to rev: coo the Malyor catch the horse, but bls own horse became frightened d unmanageable and It was out of his power' to render 1181ilst. ance. As soon as she was freed from her horns bailey to her relief and calling to his assist ance some persons who lived near, the young lady was carried to a house near by and her parents and a physician sent for. , Dr. Smith Fuller, ano happened to be at the Summit Home, on Laurel 11111, hastened to her bed side, but was unable to give relief. The un fortunate. young woman lingered in gr rat agony for abottethret, hours when death came to-her rellef4 Her injuries were principally internal, producing severe hemorrhage, and were so great that no human agency conld give relief, Her deeply afflictedparents and two of her brothers arrived a few minutes after she breathed het last.- Women Barnett to Death An accident of a palniul and fatal nature oc curred a few days since at the honor of Ed ward Lyon, In William/pc". A lady of the house bad gone to the basement to see to the fire In the furnace, when a young girl, Miss Mary Bussler, aged about fifteen years, fel waied her to get at scuttle of coal. By some accident, thedress of out or Ll e other caught on a pokerwhich was banging up, when It fell, striking a glass kerosene lamp, in the bands of Miss Bussier, which btpke and pou rcd the contents over the dress of the nulortn r,ate girl, and her clothes were on a fire in a Moment. She became wild with fright and ran np the stairs screaming hel or. e r was severely bunted In for herefforts to extinguish the flames, without effect. air. Frank Campbell, passing, heard the ac r, and re . and, thin noc kln e g , th .aer e i h vi o ns use a o w n u n t re th , ow same time, Judge they succeeded in smothering the flames; but the poor olothei were almost wholly burned front her body, and the flesh on her arms and body burned black . She lingered in e great rLth apgoOtnanY U.ntidltoSubnadastraetsariuntgl.o'neleocr parents whenre.ts reside near Ilughesville. Held to Ball.—du abused Individual nam ed Joseph Dixon, 'came to the ldayOes Office Yesterday. and preferred a Charge of assault and batters , against Thomas Hai:arum who was arrested and held . "to ball In three hun dred of answe , the comp at the nest term of the crlmlnal Coort. - • - .WOridealfoo.—lalasts. Inokeison bPOciaed before .1 - tustloo Lippert. yesterilay, and Instlp toted legal proomalngs against Jerome Hersh boLd Onforraizeitton. A wis t. was Issued for the arrest - of the domed Both paxties Salado /Si =lt taffiladp, , EARLY TELEGRAMS FROM WASHINGTON. Interviews at the White liouse—Opler lons of Loathe; Po 111 l elona—Patena., loaned Last Week, 40. New YOll6, November 19 —The morning pa pers hare The following Vrastitngton dispatch, es: The statements made today by a number of the leading representntivo men of both the Itepnpllcan and Democratic parties, Wad A. conurm the intimations that have caked oyt from the recent consultations at the White Douse, that the President Ls on the eve of a grand coos d'ciat that will gratify his friends and bewilder his enemies. lc Is safe to con clude at the very least that there is an earnest desire on both sides to settle upon a feasible plan of securing harmonious action between Congress end the Executive in the future. On the Caine subject the Tribune has the fol lowing: Mr. Chase's first interview with the President seas mer..ly to give the latter some opinions In judicial matters, mid die second Interview merely a friendly one, and Judge 'Chase took occasion to advise Mr. Johnson to depart from his present policy, and urge the Southern legislatures to adopt the Constitu tional amendment as a final Settlement of the present difficulties, and that In case they ob jected to the second and third clauses of the amendment, to compromise by substituting universal- amnesty, and Impartial suffrage. Not only has Judge Cbaseuegml this coarse on the President, but so also have several promi nent men of his own party 'tram:North dad South, C. C. Clay among the latter. Whether 'these arrangements, to d the furls on which , they are based, will change the course of the President remains to bo seen. ,A couple of liemoc :Ole Congressmen who lately conversed with Mr. Johnson, state that he has no Idea of altering his present Policy, And Oahu that the elections have had no ef :feet except to make him more: determined in his old plan. They claim, with what truth Is uncertain, teat he itiSiaLS that the people were, hoodwinked and deluded, and will soon begin to See their mistake and adopt Ina - clews. hir. - ffohnson has not imbeated his purpose relative to tile amnesty suffrage plan, men tioned in the dispatches on Friday last Abough the gentlemen who advocate the proposition Xepresentltitat the President has given thorn encouragement to expect that lie will adopt their suggestions snlistarttitily, if , not exactly in the form they advise. Several newspaper correspondents have tried to create delimit of the existence of such a cou.bination of lead ing:men, for the purpose or inducing the Pres ident to accept the proposition awl advise Ills Southern people,•as set forth In my dispatch. In order to put at rest such doubts, 1 am en abled to nay (rein personal knowledge that ouch a combination does exist. A number of the gentlemen co-operating in it have had lII ICiTIOWS with Mr. Johnson and they have been lids - ring in the matter for about a month, visiting and corresponding with innu ential men North and South. A Tribune's Washington special says: Not the least important mark of the approaching Con gross may be loOketi for from the special corn: mate° 013 retrenchment, appointed toward the close of the last session, with leave to sit °tnd take testimony during the recess. They have been hard at work during a portion of the vacation period. The number of patents •to he Issued for the week ending November 17, Is one hundred and eighty-Mom This is the a malleist number is sued in any week for some time. A ridiculous report. has been telegraphed M a New York paper, and reiterated, of the ab straction of theft of a thousand stand of arms from the armory in this city. The absurdity of this canard will be appreciated when the ,hot Is stated that there were no arms in the armory, nor has there been for some time, It being used for the storage of old tents and other military debris belonging to the govern- Front ♦'enezuelo—Deplorable Condition of Affairs. New Vow:, November la.—The Hernia., cor respondence says: Venezuela is in a most wretched state, and is actually without a gov erment. When Mr. James Wir9oll, thOAmer loanalinister, arrived, there. was no one to present Ms en:dent - Ws to President PalCOn. Ile bud never acted as President. Ile kept away from from the capitoi, and the person representing him was also absent wnen Mr. Wilson arrived, but he mannged to' present his credentials on the lath instant to the Pres ident, who had arrived at the capital. . Considerable discussion is going on hero just now as to the best means of improving the financial condition of the State. In the meantime linsineSs is In a very had way. We hear of some largo failures by which Puerto Sabello suffers heavily. Coffee and cotton sic at the bottom of the !Mimes. , Gen. Grant and Gen. ristertge). NEW Yone, Nov, 11.—The report that lien. Gnat objected to the reinstatement. of Gen. Sweeney iswesolotely false. On the contrary, Grant desired oen. Sweeney lobe prom., ted ton higher grade than the ono he formerly held in the regular army.. Italmay Tend. Removed. Kew Yona, Nov. 19.—The Rad way track on Broadway, between Ann and Fiuitnu streets, was removed yesterday . by Mayor 110Irniall having Issued an order to that effect. .• MEETING NOTICES) AND CONNELLS -11- V ILLF. ILAIIatoAD A • NUAI, Notice Is how., given that the Allll.l atecting of the etocaholders of the I'llteettrnh anol Itallroa4 Co . tor the purpose of eleettng a hoard of Directors for' the entulng year, will be held at their other, corner of Gran- an.l IVot..e tree., Pitta! it rah, on the If ltd t'.3l(l.llAl'. .1 Jay of ttecentber neat. at 10'i o'clock a. at. .1 NO 11. .1 et., toll-oh hocretury asot'lrewturer. DIVIDEND NOTICES. Ft UST N ',VONA!, U/1 SF- j ALL 7.0111,11% NOvemo, lath, ISOI. S' • TUE KJ MO OF DIRECTORS OF THIS HANK bare this Jay di:dared • a Isl. dead of . ' SIX PER CENT.. , Oat of the profits of the last Ito mouths, payable forthwith, Ciortromeot tat paid. Voliaa J. It, Cashier. - . DIVIDEND. OrriCz W£STIEN INSIMANCX v, 00Nov. eth, IS6o. 5 , • .TtlE BOARD OF DIRECTORS of tills Company have this day derlar ed n dtrtden't of ONE DOLLAR AND FITT I: CENTI epee, each share of the Cap!. tat Stock, out of the earned Prongs of expired rl.ks of the last elm months, Tree of Government and State taxes, payable to Stockholders on and after the 13th lost, Will. F. liFitßEisr.. n 07.053 Secretary. LEA bc CrE3LM33I3BEIZID WORCESTERSHIRE SAUCE. • .^.7. PRONOUNCED DT • ' EXTRACT of a LtTrlal from a CONNOISSEURS • MEDICAL GENTLEMAN TO 111 ille at IIADI:A8, !obis "•ONET GOOD SAFE' Bretber at WORCI:I3 TER. May, IsSI. "Tell - LEAI& HIND that their la In my opiate°, the mo.t palatable as • ...ell as the most Weolesotne SALLE ..1:111/3.13C. that le matte " The success ofthis most delicioue and unriralled condiment having caused many unpelheinied Ord . rt. to apply the name to 3E11111QT:A LO-Ill'Onnrtn. the rUBLII., In it astaCTPULLY Mot "[Ann raTLY reonest. ed to see that the name or. LEA .t I'Y.II.IIINS ore upon the WRA ER, LAtIKI,, /STOPPER and ' MoTTLE. Manufactured by LEA & PERMINS, 'Worcester. JOIEINDUNCAJ.N'S SONS, NKW TOWS'. AGENTS FOR TIIE. U. 8. ocin:Derer TV[AINHOOD:-11Tow Lost! Howla ME—STORED. loot Pub , scals. envelops.' Price, and A Lecture on the Na tural Treat , ' ent, Radical Cure or ilpermator rhma, or Beielnal {Vastness, Involuntary Emissions tlexual Debility. and Impediments to Marriage Vn . .. crafty; Nervousness Consure,ltlon, and Fits; _Mental and }physical Incapacity, re...siting from tleir,tb.se &c:, by ItOBT. .1. CUl.Vatterscht. M. D.. author of ouzel+ soon. &c. "A Soon to Thoutnods of Sufferers." Bent under seal, Irt• a plain envelope, 110 any ',d yes, post pawl. oa rerol l pt. of .el.l. cents, or two It starb;:t. he CliA . 9. J. C. KLINK h CO.. 1 Bowery, New cora, root 00/ce 1.3110 4,11440. du, Dr. kolvervreira — Marriott: huble," , prlce :enta. itun:y /LITT =I EVERT VARIETY .151 ne. LEATHER BELTTVG. otrEssmAN CLAIM, No. Ti s.l GIRO STREET, near the Penitentiary, Alle gheny City, manufacturers of every description of Potent !Stretched, Cemented and Riveted OAK TANNED LATHER BELTING. BELTS made to orner and repaired at short notice. Particular • at tention paid to Belts for Rolling Mills and heavy works. MI work warranted. Orders respectfully 'elicited. ene•dlt_ THE CELEBRATED STEEL TOOTIL HAY RAKES. ..Praiste Itlnlo ...Meadow Lark..are mann Manfred only at the DUQUESNE WORKS, near the Penitentiary, All/. I VlN t it, spring and Plain We gone, Wheeltinr• rows and TrISICILS of every mild, made of the best toVerial. at short Haml and wartarsted. fate v 01.1 1 ,1 011 S Col.ltMa N. ` ', UNDERSIGN- REMOVAL.--TIIE • an Dave retooled the olnee or lLe ROVE OIL WORM:l[4 . cm 35 hlerket street. I . lo.thargh, to their Work* on CMMON STREET Mowertown, where they ran hereafter he found. Postelllce.Addres; 830. Plttsburith. r• - Ar2,lls sr A at rasa uut. MONEY' LOAN- orricEovo-ust it'lltlLET, corner of Blatt, Pittsburgh: money LoaDO on Sliver Elates, tions,_Plutols, Diamonds, Jewelry, Gold and bilver Watches. Clothing, and valuable articleaor everydeserl piton, Thu cewnot be delivered without a ticket. Not accountable In case of fire or robbery. Goods of every deserlrytiu W n for gal r ata Veat for gale KIVARE4I,CO.I3 GREAT UNRIVALLED PIANO FORTES. CRINGE a CO.'S world-renowned AUTWIATIC IIVAIANn AN t) MILIAJIJKON d: Over Y ortyTbon and uow In use. npleudld new stock just rend by '('II A 1111,11TTF: Itt.lp4V:: 1 Fifth .tr r m•t. GEIT.). F. SCIRUCIIMLAN /14 CO., PRACTICAL LITHOGRAPHERS, The ONLY STEAM LrektoGIGAPLIIO EcITAII - WEbT Ur TUE MOUNTAINS. Iles-- nese Cards. Letter Leads, Bonds, Labels, Circu lars, Ishow card., 111phomas, rostralts, Cersilieates of lieressits, Invitation Cards, in. de. Nos. 79 sod Ttar.lst., rlttsbulgh. . 61,. " 1:11. WILLI/OM • G. W. coyraz WILLIAMS & COWAN, . • .PLASTID SLATE CEMENT R INFERS. lale Cement, Yell, atg alsr i xlv.to: . v lli gDumy. rrmyr atmotlea außoo fte VrtrZi ,„„z la . aoJlUll . _ i ealtaAitlt THE QUEEN! THE QUEENS THE QUEEN OF HAIR RESTORERS! EMS. WINSLOW'S QUEEN HAIR RESTORER QUEEN. Rot only 111 If AMZ. bat In VIRTMIS. lathe Bud. flair Resto b rer ever offered to the Pu en iniallible userottan and raltgenVan of the Hair If faithfully applied. is no Hair Due.' It acts directly upon the roots of the hali cb mg ing grey hair to Its or emel solar; arresting pre, mature decay and falling out of the hair; Brad cr3- leg scarf and dandruff; and curing all humors of the •cal p. It wIl . ett•lD ire dry and wiry hair to .oft and man riant tresses. t • It Imparts • delightful fragrance to the hair. In snort, if you Wish to restore your hair, as In youth, and retain it thronsh life use • 1 4 IRS. WINSLRII OLL'i BAIR RF.STORIR. • Price 11 pertatle. Scild by CI Druggists. R. E, SELI,ERS & CO. Wholesale As wym.bn IWM. BAiIINLIML & CO BOILER MAKE ITO SKEET 'IRON WORKERS, 29, 22, 21 and 26 Pepn St. • Ilar log secnred it large yard, and furnished it with the must approved: machinery, we are prepared to manufacture every description of ilsilars, In the best manner, and-warranted equal to any made in the country. Chimneys, Breeching, Mire Beds, diem Pipes. Locomotive Boilers. Condensers, Bal i Pan's, Tante, Oil Stilts. Agitators, nettling Pans, Boller iron, Bridges, nug.r Pans; and sole manu facturers of 11AltNOLLI.II PATENT 11011.Eit.S. -Repairing done on the shortest notice. JeSmil ggr'LAKE SUPERIOR COPPER MILL AND SMELTING:WORKS. ==! • PARK, McCURDY & CO., Manufeeturcre of Sheathing, Brasiers. and Belt Copper. Pressed Copper Botloms, Raised 81111 Bot toms, Speiter Solder. Al5O importers and dealers In Metals, Tin Plate. Sheet . Iron, Wire ' g.c. Con stantly on hand. 'linnets' Machine. and Tools. Warehouse, No, 140 FILLST and 12)SceownSing1CTS. Pittsburgh. Speelal orders of Copper eat to any desired pattern. myiSalUddleT IgrPIT'rSIIIURGH SAW WORKS, HUBBARD, & CO.. ManUfaCta rers of PATENT GRIMM CIRCULARS. warrant ed CAST bTEEIs SAWS. Of every description, MIS. Miller. Cross-Cat, Siang, and all other varieties. Ai. kinds of . KNIVESand laPbllitiS made from Sheet Cast Steel: Extra refined Exersit and MOW ING KNIVES, de. • WeTWarebouse and Works,. earner WAVE/ and Z 311. 1 ,1 0. STILYLTS, £ll4.bllrBb. • Particular attention paid to re-toothing. Han- Ming anti straightening Circular Hors; also, repair' of all {Ands. Punching and Drilling done at rea sonable rates. 1e5.03 • ggrIIOOLNSON, REA & CO., (Soc.. , ceseOrs to ROBINSON. MINIS MILL/ANL WASHINGTON WORKS, Founders' et Ilachlntets, _Manufacturer. Of Boat and Stationary Steam En gines, Blast. Engine., Nall Machinerl, ((caring Shrilling, Castings of All description.; OH Tank. and Still., Roller and Sheet Iron Work. aCirAgents for (I IFPAILD'S PATENT INJECTOR for feeding boilers. • rarll EIIIEDIAL INSTITUTE FOR SPECIAL IIAtES, No. 14 BOND STREET, NWF. YititH.—Full Information, with the higheof tegthhuninig; also, a 1100 k ou Speekil Diereases in • genl,l en, lupe. sent free. eiß.eure rt.e item. and Ito" yin 114 regret Ur fur, a. •dyerstrang physician. are genersil• imputert, without refer. curer no strong. should be tru.ted Enelooe a stamp for po•lsge. and direct to DR. LAWRENCE, o. BO N D STREET, NEW YORK. noltrot r=4I7I9IARRIAGE AINO CELIBACY, an Y.5.11T Oi Warning and Instruction for Young hicn AlsO, Dianne. and Abuses which pene trate the vital powera, with means of sure relief Sent free of charge In sewed letter envelopes. Ad. Limas, Di. J. KILIAN flolitillTON, Howard A.- bociation. Milady iphia.. Pa. atrAiIIOrDAWT ALL NAUSEOUS MEDICINES talon without ta•tc or smell, by using DON. OAS, Dit'w S l.'U.'N Sort lintirlybtlit• the bent in Use. Sold be Pruxitist. gen.:Witt. 1109:1[161 PROFESSIONAL. B. F. BROWN, LATX J Lc: t eal Claim Agent. , .U. S. SAN. COM., .. . Office, No. 67 Fourth Street, (SECOND F 1,0011,) - Pittsburgh, . Pa. Pentions„ Bounties, and Arrear or Pay Promptly Collected No charge meat, until claims are settled. and then bin 14 mode,ste Cc, n1=00) WM. A. SULECN. ' • • .ITTOR.PEFdTLAM, No. 120 Fourth St., oi , oosllo Villaine 11011. l'ar Ocular attention given to Dm collecrOn or et counni; '5, notes, .l r. Corer.; i. dent', In Now 1 ork, Boston, Baltimore, putlada, a; Bearer lleOrfunle, Reed. U Ing t , ted , aaapoio . Ind.: M organtown, W. Y, Cites , and else', heir: . 2. C. 11000NLIC.. -IMACKB.ELL & IdoCOALBS, ATTORNEYS & COUNSELLORS:AT LAW, No. 69 Grant Street; • . PITTSBUBGII, PA. tnyt4:bltd J OILIN A. STRAIN. • • Ex-Officio, Justice of the Peace • 33AULTMATE, - Office, 112 Filth St. opposite Cathedral, VITTSBURIIH. PA. Deeds,. Bonds. Ilurtgagaa, Ace eowledgmeuta, De pulnons and an Leaal itualucea executed with vceatntuen , and dlepatth. m)19:81 _ • Nl4",!Allfem.,, 7A\OEY~ NOTARY RE a L ESTAT. Street . , ENT. Unice. corner of Duller AYU 'and ' , recur Street., I.2,rterletVilie. Special attention given to toe purchase and sale of Heal Estite, the Collection at Ileitis. and the pre, psration and acknowledgment of all kinds of Legal .Couveyunces. • WILLI/int J ANC EY, Jest lee of the Peace and Notary Public. tnyZlitell EUSTACE ItIORIEWIIV, I - ALDERMAN AND CONVEYANCER, '2 l'en nsylvania Avenue, Pont of the giteusiot Ind opposite Chiba Stun my:l_4:ex; T. EWEVG, Attorney at Law, No. 69 Grant Street, Plttaburgb,:ya. Trl r Of.t r er ° t l :4 K4 s. 4t"k7.1,.171,1r: it M M BAN " Ho w . N. HOULES. & SONS, X3Elails.ers, No. 57 MARKET taliFIT, Pittsburgh. (Jutted titattm and eutadaa. STOCKS BONDS AND OTHER SEOURITIES Bought and solo On comiission. Particular attention paid to the purchase and ,ale of UNITED STATES SECURITIES. INCLUDING United Mates Slsen of Mil; • D o. do 5-Wel Do. . rives of 10-40 e; Do.• ...Seven-110211e.; • Do. Certlficato• of Indebte.lossig. "mere nod Voochorm bought or collected. 1•18117 - 101ITTSICURGH. NATIONAL BANIK. CO2ICM-10art.C.E, CORNER WOOD & FIFTH STS. Capital, $500,000 Discounts Daily 4411 A. N. Deposits received. and collections made on all the pKincipal points of the United States on favorable terms. UNITED STATES SECURITI:: 33crask u l_ffici alai... A. PATTERSON, rOSEPHII. HILL President. _. Cashier JOSEPIIC. GURU. , Assistant Cashier. IHRICTORs, lA. PATTERSON. I WM. REM), }JAMES If •CkNDLESIS ALLEN KIRKPATRICK CHAS. LOCKHART, I WM. DOUHLAS, , HIM. H. BROW N, Vint. S. HAVEN. !JOHN MELLON. mrilmsMr. HOTELS 11( PLEIWJE HOESE, Philadeiphia., TieNllollCriberll h. 1011101.44 Wm favorite Hoe. IL has been ItKITITTICI) AND 111111-NIIILIED IN AN ALANNEIt. and !a now nrep,"4 with the most perfect appolatmenie for the reeeptlon of gue.. drat podum. ~tong Arat-elaaa Hotel. will be maintained In the future,. In the put mr2Bll. HANKA s VAILLIVI. GRANT MOUSE, O. M. ws'ircormr, • four of WWI ud tedul &mix, • • Near the Shspenstou 'fridge, mramx LaagaraNiuts „ea. FOR SALE • .VOll SALE.-4, Farmot about 5S -a- acre, In Union Township, Allegbut y county, re.. situate about tour miles Scorn the oltrieh the Washlegtos Pike The Improvements urea cargo two story Arica Dwelling Boost, with 12 rooms. a twoottory Spring House. a Carney-House, a large Hrn Lumber 00. a Zso. I Frame - Haut Bans, with stabling sunk:lent for 10 bead of cattle. There la tine luting Lombard.; con:m..l.l,lg,out 12 acres, stocked with the best Varieties el fruit trees. It Is all underlaid wltlel. 'the land Is In a high stale of rultle•llon , well arat.red. fences ,loud, and would emit admirably or dal , / or gardenlog Par iltiso,A7S acyes adjdinitot the above, wtlh agood Frame ohne, a ageeu‘e, goo g burin Hours and other odd-buildings: with a good Orchard In One.bearing condition:. This piece la also all un derlaid with coal. Also, 12 acres all for sale low. This p coal • The abovelbree yip the Little ftw34ill Il slug the above, unimproved, ere Is also all underlaid with !ces of propert• lie between ln and eteubreville Railroads, cried easily from eltbrr road. .11 all that Is asked (or tian en. and the coat can b re The coal alone is vror mo"r=.ot 173 tea, entente In St. Clair town -4-m ay. Irninctliately on iallrond. The Improrententa 1 11 now. With five rieulllo L arld Bahl. harr. 4v.xe,o feet. and 'here lii on the Place n 1401.1 I2Oacron: cleared, balance In .en erally .0011. well watered: ilrneston ; convenient to . a and blackemlth abopa, to . at property euch as .loch, the ground, at. Poaconlon . . ghi r, Weatmorenind the line of the l'euus. are a two-rtory Fraut good cellar, a Frame other oil ding, goung mber Apple ton e elsig hard al ti , underlaid with coal a. churches mills, 11c1100 gather with the. berm Implements. , grain In given Immediately. Alto. Farm of 53 ores, situated In Chutiers township, Allegheny muty, Fa., about V{ miles from the city, near tht line of the ntrubenvillo K. IL;aiid within une.hal mile of a station; Mures of the best of creek bbtio.o land, and in • high state of cultivation: VI acre. etwuoti land sod Pasture. The fearing is generally gOod. The soil is No. I. and well adapted for gardening. The aVortion of those wishing to embark 1.. the bunions will call at once and secure a good bargain. as this Is a rare chance. Also, Farm of 504 acres, situate in Elizabeth township. Allegheny county, Fa., on the Monon gahela river, about one mile from the Borough of Elizabeth. The soli la of.the best quality. The tro nrovementa area farm house with six rooms. &goal hare and other out buildings; [fencing good; about be acres of coal. Churches,aolio..ls mot mills very convenient. Poseesiden immediately. Also. the best Farm In Elizabeth' township, ,conhtluing about 00 urge lying on the Mononga hela river Immediately bel'ow Lock N.. 3, on which I. erected a large two-story brick dwelling, one log and one frame antb has ix, Dorn crib, wagon shed , brick spring house, p yi rat.... work shop , te.; about inures of • he above bunt q uality river bottom; the balance being limestone land, And unerlaid with coal, and alma 20 acres of l imestone. Thereare two orchards of apple ;rtes. In good hearing Coodb 1.1013; SmsCli pear, rnIIIO teen SOrrapC vines, Ac. Tare land is well adapted for ga rdening purposes, beings short distance from the thriving borough of Elisabeth, cresting a market at home for all the products. The property will be sold cheap and on reasonable terms. Also, A Farm of 00 acres, situated in Elizabeth townahlp, Allegheny comity; Ca., Mann one mile from Lock No. S, on Skiromothela river. Improve. Monts are oar frame house, with ice rooms. barn. spring house and other outhullaings: The land is of the best quality. The above will be sold at very low I arcs. For further particulars, enquire of ii. 11. TOWER. no: Real Est. to Agent. 104 Fourth street. ? FOB SALE-Tile beautiful and ÜBSTANTIAL MANSION AND GROUNDS Owned and oreuplrd by WILLTAII BAUALSY EN.. situated We!tern Avenue In 1116.3Car-aIEICia3MIATir , o=r - sr. The house Is a model of architectural beauty. and comblne• every appliance for comfort and luxury. It la built of Pressed 'thck anal trlinxned with kiroirn titone, hall doors bald in encaustic tile. plate glasi windows, and in every ,minuti detail In con straction throughout complete. THE GROUNDS Areamele (nearly four acres) and beautifully orna mented with Shrubbery. Sliade Tyres and Flowers. All the nut-buildings are linished Ina style cor responding with the mane ion. Thelocaltii Is unexceptionable.. being free from smoke of the cities, .1.1 the view fro. the Louse extensive. gull particulars furnished on application to 13. o. Wolfer in St.. and Heal Estate, oFE.! ' 57 Fourth at., (Ilurke's Bulidiug.) VOR SALE-100 Ac en of Land WasolngtoileontitT, Wesley township. Ohio„ En acres cleared. balance in timber: good housr.• goal hare. water bandy. large orchard. school aim ...les b andy, and within.Fs tulles of Cutler Sta. tint, Stir Masletta and f•lnclnnall Itallrond. Pice I'o Per acre. - vine.re Ifauksville. 3 miles back of Tempera.. ull there are three tenant bees. of 2 cooms each, one frame house of four root., all to good condition. 830 Arras of Lela for 13.10 1 , •Itnate Ti, Stinking Valleyallisle county, Pa., bee ',Met 1 , 01.1.1 Altoona by the :slating Vail.! Road. The advantages of thls props rty are nenit 5011 f, and by calling on us vie willgilts partleu lam ill Acres. 50 aro. of inhleli is underlaid with coal, alt.. lu North Fayette Towbshlp, on the s , 4olllrenClite h:144, imbrorements. good Frame bloom. Ilk s oore 0, coed Hank Barn: about AU T.!, t Trees lust In tnfic prone. AT 11...threc mil 30 three i re Unto. om Township.. tine Washington es Is the 37 Acres In Scott Tossnahlp, els miles out on the old Washington F.kefe 15 Acres In Hose Tow.hip, thrtE miles onto frog Al lrel en! Market. 5 I/welting Houses In Allegheny City ono In Wlith oue In Freeport. one at Eiystisa Utatlen,' on the Central l'enusvlvauta c hoed. Also Immsdia:ely a.i.iolnlng lists etatlon, a few more ACHE LAYI - S. NMI can he even at this ollice. Also, (fonds and Ylurtgages Lunatic Citos,4 aold. JOHN ifsT, 130 100,111 street. MIEZIL=M you SALE. The tenon See described prorerly wlll be offered at ffirlTate sa,e•mill hATURVAY, November 10th, = ♦t the head of Brunot'e Island, In ').lcClore town ship, willbe sold It loti to sett purctuwas. ' .f4n-ELEVEN LOTS Or UL•OUSD la Manchester. 1,113 g I.0t• 'Non Its. 107, 100. 100, Oa, l'a. 115 and 115 In the pl. of Me titenSbni ul .1111.botter and bounded by treble street. Adams street, Cedar alley. tud Waayagton street. aotrttl'abi'JlVal'irdb'onlepaaroyptegintiil:fltdfaspnett; • Pot . farther Information apply to lOW NINO, (Yr lila attorneys,rUttVlAett. . arAton99 No. 115 111111 street, Vltishuratt ELEGANT T ,YO-STOILV . BRICK HOUSE, No. 160 LACOCE I, , TREET, NEAR FEDERAL. = A 0 by 100.106 wad W) feet wlde. = MIONILBA ANDREA!. E4TAIN AGANTS 0019 Foil - WALE, c) Cheap Building Lots, I.OcATFLII ES PITT TO Wti 81111 Within 14 miles of llot Court house 1:6)1TElt, fiAZZA.3II MITTERFIELII LOTS! LOTS:-1 can now o ff er v0t5..1.” as $5O, well located and in a 'desc ant place. Also, Lots located on the .fllte from ITO in 1,010 On Liberty st fret, nom ,t 0 to 1,000 tin Bellrfuntalne street, 1 mon 'Auto AM Oa Flarrl ' strect, from 610 to ow , •• ...... lo Liberty Township. adlOmlng liornegiclots, Ironl Son to AG Also to rat Town/ado. I.oto from... Tao tboye lots wilt be sold no lersos'tn 0010 per. chasers. • Iso, some very desirable Improved prop rty. located In the floroughs. Vitt Township. Al legheny Clip. PI Aphtt rah. and a...lninlng twenties. Yor terms, apply at %helical If.staie and Insurance °face of th y lIATE9, 0013 butler street. Lswrenceville. 14011 NALE-12 acres of Nrouad, well timbered and watered!! or Squirrel 11111 ten minutes' Walk tram Vas:cheer : ration at SIM,. Lime, FourtX Street Road. Also II acres at Home• wood Station; nod several Farms well located in . ilreaunoreland and - A I let tient' ton ntles. Also Coal Property. Houses and hots In the city and suburbs. For further particulars enqn.re WILLI/kV WARD,. (1)71,0A11.0 the l'atliedral,) slat No. 110 llrant street. - - . COUNTRY NEATN FOR SALE. TWO LOTS. one of teri urea and tit • other of seven, on the Central Railroad, Immediately AT Abut STATION. OW' uttln from Iraddoek'a FiStaeld, RIM tie from SWlrsvale ti on, each of which hare a beautiful and eointnandlug view of the Monongahela ricer, and both also join the public road b-adlne from Braddock , a Field to Flttaburgh. Ruoulre of W. it. HAWKINS, Jr., No, 58 Want alrett, tor bather Infortnation, not , WA • JOHN D. BAILEY, Stock and Real Estate Broker. NOR SALE-100 Acres of Coal Laud. lying ItrunedLatelf upon the Ohio River, 20 miles belowallapslis. and Ira milt s above Ulu cinuati. (in the Obeys tract In • four toot vein of Coat. which, for general purposes. Isnot surpassed. It to entirely different from the southern Ohio Coal: cOutains • al little sulphur, . forges and coke. well, nod ofn mrakgin aoeuatn i °An n w n oatr b from el om erTyh e and- Hanging Rock. meat make It valuable for .coaling bees. 7•llere is a water flout of lit , of a tulle. with. good landing at all •Lages of the river. A nentrance b. been river In the bill about 30.1 feet, tr-ck ed to river, toreuier with aim nercaxary fixtures fur ruining and delivering c 0•1 afloat. On 521 , 1 ttact Is drat-class double PortalUe Circular item Mill to gether with a Portab.e lirist URI, all In good run ; Vl g 47l "' r l f!"171e "" 00k. tab nartTic.k.leil one.lalinterest if desired, to &party with ezperience and capital for working same. JOHN D. BAILEY, Moot and Real Estate limber, facia No. its Fourth street. ta 14'011 SALE-231 aCres l ,Coal, In cititilmcki acres be.face, on the East aide of the Ohio River . three mike above Wheeling, with right of wity.to river. The close proximity to .good mar ket., Wheeling; together w.th the fact that the real crop. nut high enough In the bill to be oxen Pratably Cur rolllng Mlll PUMP...Is mak.' tlilS a good ItiVelitment. JOllni BAIL.BY, btOek and Beal Estate Broker. oat ho. 101 fourth street. VA/it SALE—A .Well tstablishea and nrontaula Manufacturing litioducea. The businass 13 cant', and imacyptlble of bring largaly. Increased. ' • -JOHN R!.Y.41.1'!.Y• Block aldfr.;:a - l No. RC Farath hsrret. FOB tiALE--An Auxbrotype pi one or the bast locutions. In the al city. and haring • good run Preludes*. Ininledlate isossession can g isms. JUilit 8P.11..EY. gir o. /C ICC FoKEurthY street,' O. S, milt • • .No. P 11 1 9• Bloch. ileum° Way. ROOFING MATERIALS. Cement, Pitch, Felt, Para/rine 'Varnish and Mae): Paint, llarostacto red and sold as chomp as ankottler boys , sbe rAi & o_ 111 avows osmcyooss HOSES /MOTTLED EAST! . 10.01301. r. pronto... reeAT6l an 4 Toy sale by UP.016+16 A. E.CLLY 6 (J.. OTA linoleum Drug. Thu, Of WOOD ftTO _ B B OTL THE VERY ' -OES. LATEST STYLES OF Misses and Childrens' Shoes of Every Description, at • THOMAS H. PHELPS', Have last received a large and well selected stock o Men's French Calf,' Zip and Water-Proof Boots, Ladies',Whimes',Bors,Youths'and Chlldrens, 10014, SIIOES, GAITERS, BALIIORALS, AND BRITON Of All the Latest Styles, MAIN OFACTIntED RIPE El SLY FOR THE RETAIL TRADE. BOOTS AND SHOES. • J. WILHELM, No. 3S Market St., Pittsburgh, (las lost received a very large stock of all lands of SC:1100er/3 41-1\73:1 JEOJECCIP Eta, Which he Is prepared to sellebeaper than the chean evl.,ln the city. Moo takes orders for Ids OWN SIA iiE OF 110078 AND !SHOES, which he War rants to give satisfaction, " ItEMENEFX, W . x, McCLL\TOOK, 92 Federal St., Allegheny, lies just received the largest and best selected aloe[ of Boots, Shoes, Gaiters, Balmorals, Slippen god Cams, Erer brocglit to this Market. GIVE UM A CALL BEFOIIE PUILCHASLtiG. ItEIIZMUSII. retTIDC,MIXIVWCP 4 tarrnSI I Boot and Shoe 'Emporium, • WA Federal Street. Allegheny City. ' A LARGE AND FRESH ARRIVAL SUIIIMat BOOTS, SHOES, GAITERS Jett received, and will be sold at the vzuy LOW itnT PRIC En, either Wholeoale or Retail, CALL rtIithILASING ithSZ- J. H. S. W. C. BORLAND, No. 96.11arket street, 2.1 door from . Fifth Bt. torl9 COOriat 40113 TILLDrg I C . EIELDLNG Si. BRO., Manntacturers and Dealers to CitaAston= riflziclo* BOOTS, SHOES & GAITERS, No. 140 Ohio St., Allegheny. Repairing promptly executed on the shortest 1:10- tier. te7tratl PLUMBING. GAS • FITTING MY MIDIS &BMW .I=',LiI7I2IIOE3IIE7RI3. GAS AND STEAM. FITTERS, Cor. Sixth and Smithfield Sts., • PITVIBURGH .PA. Cor. Beaver and Chestnut Streets, me.Nescezra All tltula of Water, GU and Wawa Fixtures con. stantly on band. eamaa GAS AND STIIIIIFiTTING, - Hydrants, Iron Pumps, SHEET LEAD aluesiqurivo LEAb PIPES. amiss, .13 As.uvzi WATER CLOSETS AND WASA STANDS. TONE T. EWENS, (5..e.,..0r to Ewens 21, 0o..) 163 Wood St" Plttsburgh;_gra. umnati _ WY . . HI MEM( H. JOH:V.4OX HERLEUT & JOELNSION, = Plumbers, Gas and Steam Fitters ==tM= .3Pittosolicourgs3a,"A = "eL all orders by mall execnted satletactorlly promptly attended to • A full Ilne of !lath Tubs, . Pumps, 'Basins, 'Vat Closets, Blots, Cnandellers, readmits, mud 4.. !Shades, for sale at the mos t reasonable unit.. from country patrons by mall promptly at. to. Una Hose oteyery desertptlon. leS3:ll9B _ EDDY,WILLIAMS &BARTILBY E!!!!=g12 • Seep on b.nd a superior article of WC00 6 13 0 P'17.3:113P5, All kinds of Iron Pumps, Hydrants, Blitcet Lead Sheet Zinc, Lepel Pipc,_Batb Tuns; Sluts, Witte Ule.eia , WWI Wssa Stands, etc., at tae W,arcroom, Corner Sixth and Smithfield Streets, All kindlier Repairing dose promptly. - All orders by mallimmedLstely attended to. iseuess LEMMING, dAS AND STEAM nrribiU, IN AL.t. I.'2B,IIHANCLULS,, • Catofolly attended to by experienced and prnetien workmen. A fine ?ant:lrani:o.ot GAS FIXTURES, SINKS, BATH TUBS SHOWER BATHI3, 1 WATER 4:IL4nIXTB, lIT URANT Contently on Land and made to onler. ./..A.T.IEI cal gS2EIV/'"X.lr-aial7, 50 Fede r al 8 1Y1Mf b Itat14Vll:I r.h. EXCELSIOR TOBACCO WORKS R. & W. JENKINSON. ANUPACTUIVERS or ALL lUDS OP Cabaret), Snail and Cigars, No. 6 FEDERAV,STREF.T, t b1re1 . 40 .. .2p Prom Stapertslon B A rldtk oicEsr, pA. promett at Salpm, Ohio. mr7.4:1•38 R. B. JEFFRIES. Idianfaaturer anti Wholesale 'and B&W'. Dealer In alt kinds or TOBACCO,:SNUFF AND CICARS, \o. 11 ST. CLAIR STRELT. PITTSMIIIOII. VA. Sil'A l*rge asacutment, ECUS:Y.IOJ AU3I PI and SMOKINts TOBACCO. of the best gnallty.teld on Sands. mr.:a:b7o GEORGE BLITMEN SCHEI N Ds e* ne roaFity Am? miasmic SEGABS, CHEWING TOBACCO Smoking "kobiicco, Pipes;&C No. 4 ISlevroxi.t3i..ll2lllzroe4. (Neßr corner of Llberly,) my'2,1:1;11 Pllll4Bb RGEi I . JOHN IYIEGRAVII I liana tcturer of and Wholonle and Retail • Dealer So all kinds of Tobacco, Snuff and Cigars, 413 33-gbajM,, • /SP RE crr. general nalsortunnit of Smoking Tohaer,o,yjr. 'retlwaninn st•rnv• nts.••••11 ••,.•• 5 AND SIIi Fine French Calf Boots, • Fine Kip Boots, Water-Froof Heavy Boots, Ladies' Polish Boots, Ladies' Button Gaiters, Ladies' Congress Gaiters, Ladies' Balmorals, 46 Smithfield Street. A. ROBINSON & AO., GI Market Street. CFALIT'ZIR/13, J. WIL4ELII, No. 38 31.rk4t street And Balmorals, I:" FL A01D1VX47.491.-Ma FIFTH 13THESTIEXTENSION, TORACCO, CIGARS, &c, PAINTERS. , J 0111E1NT r .13,ACY, ' nuusri AND 51.112 PAINTER, GRAINER AND GLAZIER, No, 61 Hand\ Ot., Pittsburgh, Pisan and OrnatneotaVOlrtne of 07 el deserlpLlOr done to order. All Molt done orrosp st rstsos , able rater 101107 W[ste HOWN, u...sieraf Cm Ana of ;Bum)! & Alonzo ) IiQIIPIS Asu Kum rilliTl.ll. tortle•oes t earner of Tetr.l nod Mulct streets nrszmostii. HI CHILDS & CO.. WHOLESALE DEALERS IN BOOTS, SHOES A. WTI SOLE Ti M, # No. 133 Wood Street, I'ITTSRIJRGH, PA. To SHORT TlXF:and CASH havers we offer an- Derior inducerneifts, as oar facilities for Wiling are onsurOasSed by ANT honse East or West. Purchas ing directly from ruby !URDU entirely ror cAsti. we ars enabled to sell .. low no any Hastern Jobbing Holt . 31EItCHANT8 are Invited to call arn.exarolne nr stork and note our , paces before pnrclianln lace/hem ' Clirclores for HOPE MILLS Supetior Cotton Yarns, SEAMLESS GRAEN Batting, COTTON. AND LINEN CARPET CHAIN, Will be Promptly Filled at FACTORY 'PRICES., JiEirAn orders by mall will receive immediate and careful attention. H. CHILDS & CO. MEM= VIIOLESALE DRY GOODS ARBUTHNOT SHANNON CO, No. 115 Wood Street, PITTSBUFithiI. Have In Store and are Receiving A FULL ASSOIITNENT OF DRY GOODS AND NOTIONS, . Which they offer at EASTERN PRICES ANII.TO WHICH The Attention of Dealers is Invited. C. AIMBUTII4O2..W. T. AFLAXIioN 0. IiTECLIT.NSON acaCinTe FALL FASHIONS J. -W. BRADLEY'S 'no - a P L 3E; 30 LOUIE' TIC (O 8 DOUBLE spume) , SKIRTS! Will not REND or lIREAK like the single Spritga, het will EVER RETAIN their PEItrECT arid LIEAUTUULBIIAPE, where three or four ordloa -17 Skirts are CAS - T-AMMS no t.SELESS. bey CO %SHINE comfort, clinching and eeiniiiinr wi th that ELEGANCE of SHAPE which has niacin the “DUPLES ELLIPTIV , the STANDARD SKIRT OF THE FASHIONABLE WORLD: At Wholesale by all the leading Jobbers le this etty. ror sale by all retailers who sell drat-class Marts. (VESTS, BRADLEY .& DRY, SOLI OWNERS OF THE PATENT AND EXC'f..O SIVE bL/LN UFACTURERS. Wareraom and 012.1. Nos. 97 CHAMBERS own 79 and 91 HEADE BTREETS. New York.. selt-ND pIIRE CALIFORNIA WLNES. GURNER & CO., No. $O Cedg St, New York, Offer publice these valuable Wines, which are gain ing favor wlth astaulableg rapiolry. and whose unprecedented and unrivalled popularity Is not •writhout merit. They have only to he fakir tested to give them the preference over all others. As • partner of blood they excel all other When. and the numerous certlecstes whichhave volunta• ally been tendered from the most en:duel:MOTO clans, no well as gentlemen In every position to life, are proof conclusive that these Wine. ace /metal to all eases for which they are rehommended. The following brands are DOW offered by no. They comprise all the varieties now grown In the hate suitable for sale: , WRITE., or HOCK WINE—Of • light grew color, very delicate and flue flavored l`LAßET—A. impeller wine for table use. rich and naturally sweet wine; much admired by ladles, and rentable In the sick, chamber. as It makes Mae wheys and tellies. I union dna dessert wine, and well adapted for Commu Pu llfirgtllTEl.e—A light colored,• highly arcane/1c wine. Very MIMI. to tlte celebrated Tokay. PORT—dieep red color, fine flavor, and In many respects Outlier to the old wines of Lisbon. . • AP BRANDY—The pare distlitmlon of our wines. WINE BITTILBS—A very agreeable tonic and a' such remedy for the diarrhea. This Is ore of the most valuable co nbinations of b et off and ategreeable beverage that has ever been offered to the public. of bottles were sold throughout the North It thelastfour Years. auti wherever Introdriond It taco proved a welcome addition to the invalid sable, the ;amity circle. and the b tchelor's sideboard. Idolles who have lost strength and appetite, and suffer from nausea...vomiting_ and vertigo; gentle. men who "don't feel Very well , ' Just before break fast or dinner whose slomacha are out of order and whose sy tuns are gendrally derang..l; tootl , n weaning children and suffering from general denh ity; children of sickle. hature and SOON dripePtlo constitutions; travelerals - ho have occasion techauge their water; and all who, live in restart.* district+, and are subject to ndasmat c n ocunes. will nod I ' one of Um most valuable Invigorators that an be taken. i ih IL wiu used 'very egtensirer• •In ISGI. t o such of general satisfaction that sn rifest eg!!:p now we deem It unnecemisry to UM% CO railleatc• that we have ryazZi..l7liM ID the "" to P""•'''''thart'we will PlowlV eer. s w A e a r l . s eA ms . a to " l ari u" =4. rv" nn"n Y rja. e little cbildren suffering from lthesbeen rni Vtiditte now weU • I.alist of Prices • • b olt. r...i er Aire. ra •• •co • 1100 . 9 00 1100 1 12 03 - l2 03 1W - 03 Hoe - Wine k Bitten.— Claret .......... " rort t.eatel Brandy oeliktoZ4 J. LANCE, - '81I& AND WooLy..s 11. DYER AND SOMBER- , - ALSO, • Chintz Window Curtains and Chair Carers Cleaned & recessed without anima ind• Dios. ian and IST Two; 19tr,e15 Bergman Wood tad iceiltbraeld. - PlTTsßtrAlaiii , es. =I NEW OPERA 1101JSE. V. D.. JELESS ' 11111 (Tuesday) EVENINtI. Nov. rtb sword teenle even' of the reason. the i Intensely. nterest? Um and deeply thrilling drams, • • • - • • THE )1011A.NCE - 01 A roos I-bum} MARS With superb Scenery, Novel Effects, Lovely Pletttree of Nature. And an Damns. Cast of Characters. In preparation—GßlFFlTH GAUNT. Saturdat Afternoon, at do•cloct. Grand hellion able Mail..., TRE. ir rr.SsSs e- S 4 B , 11.AN G AG I L: jr c A ND . 21. I .: st ilrentglas of tlie great • _ VESTVALI, W/li Ilppe. on T'36-SDAY , BVESIN4 as Del Demonlo, Del Demonio. Del Dem4(nio. "A CADEMY 'OF MUSIC, FOR ONE NICHT'ONLY. Tuesday, November 20M, 1066. MISS LINA SOMA'S GRAND CONCERT FOE THE BENEFIT OF THE First 4134-orimanXlL Church I= beitilta. still be r...gtoted by ber slater, Ali— ELIZA bebilts, bliss ilEnTlirs WIACSIC. IfltnellT Prot. CHARIAB GREBE. Mr. V SMITH. the blind Pianist. and a Chorus Of alit bes tsl,llt or Plitalturgli and Allegheny. The Ce•'Anted Frehsieu Society is Enpgeet. SEE Tat: PIiOUILAAME. Pries of 'admission. ' l'ar/illette 1.'141/rens Cl rel./ 75 cents Fatally CirolO - ISO 111.1tery 23 Ttokets for ,ale at all the ]Lute :stores: • Doors opeu rt o'clock. Concert to cornenee at n01kh03.5 farILLSONIC BALL. FIVE XIGIITS ‘chlezr, =II Monday Evenbog, November, 19, And the Four Succeeding Nights, .November • ?Stit„ Mb, and May • • ROLLANDE':-BROTHERS, LATE OF HANLON TROIJPC'r: NrEarilsa.loo ci0‘333.1:.“.xi3r. GUAND A LTIONAVOLAN TE. tiIDIRTEZ DE SALON,' FIINAIIBULLSII, LOB ANGULLOS; TOMS DS DANCING and Reserved Sect! OEM littAND MAT TINE. THU 2,1 , AY, Nov. 19th, t 2 o'clock. 23 cent, . nolLott W"ACAOE3II7 OF MUSIC. MASTER RICHARD COKER IS COMING! GRANn Vocal &Instrumental koncert, TOSITITELY FR BET ONE %CT, Thiireday Evening, Nov. 22d,'66. =I The wonderful sopr.llo, r ithereal ly conceited to be the Great :Austral Celebrity or the etre. '1,1(...!;:ti. F. BRUNE, The World-renowned Violinist. . . , • , 31D_Ri.FALK, The l; rout 1 . 1.15 i; (he r first tour through Atn.riuu ) rioNoß' sTlt INI, The Celt bratrd 13a.c0 Mao The above eminent artists VIII appear in a Moat attrar Ire and Felect pro/tan:me. bee future an . nounents Dia ee gr m ams for Reserved Seats will tie open at H. KLICIi alt.( 11110.'S on TUESDAY MORNING. at io o'clock. UOLI.A.U. No axiala char/ for reserved Kelt, . nolv -.I 3EASON OF 156647. •THE CHAMPIONS OP AMERICA. eat: COWEN a TVEZLEICIPMSX 4 O .SBLL• Thumlay, Friday and Srirday, Not i3d sal 2it COTTON ds MURPHY'S CALIFORNIA MINSTRELS AND BAND.. 19 .tathsTs OP TALENT AND„CELIGIIHITS Heatiedity the World-famous SEN C CZ3I•T CON. , The tirest tibrkespearean Comedian. 11111 Ten• act nowtbe ld Mi de teeo be Profession without a Pear In'. ns t tml . Admission 35 cents. Reserved 'Seats 50 cut II airTlckets can be scured In advance, at pl TOCIVIIII`Iwors Depot. It. E. PARDIEI.E.E. Advertising agent. ' MOM GRIIiD GYMNASTIC AND ACROBATIC_ EXTERTAIJIMEXT, BY THE PIITSBURGH GYMNASTIC ASSOGIATIU 121;r1.11. 1 .1±631 Sail.. • On Thursday Evning. Nov. 42 d AOBIBTED BY THE TURNERS• ASSOCIATION( Tickets 50 cents—for sale It the Hook and lin Stores and at the door. Petformancecotamenees - . AIN o'clock. Poo+ s open at 7 nolS:o2 IgirPIIOF. BROOK' FASIICONA BLE DANCINti ACADEMY, YHIL ‘ OII ALA. 73 TIMID dritrAT, Pittsburgh, b now open day au d vening. Juvenile Class, Weonesdays and hater - days at d P. st.• Ladles` Class, heyday and Friday at S P. M.I Gentlemen's Class, Tuesday and Friday atT%r.n All the fashionable 7 Walbes. Quadrilles and (be =ions will be taught onmoderate terms• Plea se • • call et the Music ',Mores for circulars eontalnla • terms . Olv,l4:l:cseti),*,l:rtlll:4;pm OILER 07-T-afait Cloxr.astu. SOHO OIL WORKS. RFFUId 11E11E1/ 8c Co4_ .ANUYACTORERA er. rut •' CELEBRATED SPERM. LUBRICATOR, PETROLEUM LUBRICATING OILILi Sperm Lantana Whale Oilly • RIO LIGHT, YORE 61118 WIMIL MX 1 itandatd White Burning Oil, No. 33 Ittarket Street; rrassnes,;rmi SEND FOri A CLUC!TL.Af.r—:-----' __— EUREKA OJI norms, „KANCITACTOMAuS OP OIL, E ult.” F.: Cal R BOX EUREKA SPERM esa LUBRICATING OILS, And WholleDeal/arsine Crude,licfincd and Lubricating Oils, ,CARD; bransr, wtim..z AND 71971 OILS. No. 31 Market. St.,Vit tsburgh; rit; 1 O. G. 3. 1 .1"C013r.. 30, stit.^ and examine samples and read terrtilcates n 015.014 WARING -& KING; COUISSIO3 BD MOMS Petroleum and its Products, ; cniIQUES.TE W4r, v.FxrBBl;rxi.G l : 3 =e• WARING," KING. & CO.. am 17.45 1.27 Wahavitlll6. ic t OW. 5. EsOV TR • MIS .... "JOHN KOSS" & - 0 '. . 11171..W1ALS TO I . . 'WM N,AOgPEN & .i . , Bali urscraterss .a...tat DEM...YES LB Jarbon Oil-Lill* ana-:Fixttirel4. * CHANDELIERS CA 1 Zlco. ' SiSirt iB istreet„ 1 nal9:•79:d 1 wer • ei Inlet:. rA... vriGIIVOL•N asimitoax EAGLE OIL WO ,ZgamrroxLcortellifa: • wtesTMAN ak_ ANDERSON. , lleilaiens a P Eal 11 CIL EU %El' oyitea.lizeounma claumailtaCeica T. AND ui - aiipalai WAX. . .istrouba —.50 cent ..,75 cents
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