urot Ibuttiti TITESDAY, IZOVEhltE:ft 20. 1866 TO YEARLY AMIVERTIMERS . . , °vivito the large amount of ac vertislng patron - ege with which - we are - favored, and for which We sre dinlY thankful; end the increase Of our circula tion, altogether beyond our present mean' to nut tily al promptly as ore - ought, eve And it generally inconvenient; sail sometimes quite Imposszble, to Sneed changes for pearly advertisers. unless left at oar - Cointlng-coos before seven o'clock • In' the THE HOURS tar IB9lt, Within a few yeari comparati;rely, to "most of the cities and largo towns, the daily term of labor in roicharacalana man ufactriring eMployments lma been ilioiten etbilninmtaer 1-ona ft(teen hours to ten and yera given number of men in these departments will in general accoinplish more, with.the aid of the inventions they have • at' command, than many times the same number could have done one hundred years, ego. _it is reasonable: to_conclude thay'What. has already been done. in this particular la ss'nothing in comparison to the general results which will ultimately be achieved. The progress of invention in all the departments of practical life is des tined to continuo until the human race sitallbe released from drudgery; at least all except those who may be concerned in the production of daily newspapers. In its day tt was a great achievement to se; tame a horse and subject him to disci- One, si . to make him carry and draw. In the early and rude day in which 'that feat was first ace4mplished the successful man was raised far abOve the sphere of ordhattiy Mortals. He was actually deified. But, however much horselaming may have done for the; world, in the way of lessening ingrain toil, the taming of steam, and elec. • tricity, so . as to , be 'able to intrness those elements and set them at work, was S . vastly greater triumph of genius; This %Mining, -however fully commenced, has been no where near'completed. Some eminent and sanguine philosophers of Germany and France carry their calcu lations so far that they anticipate the time when potatoes, corn, and other 'edible'. shall no hanger be grown, hut shall be Mas• ufactured, so to speak, directly out of the elements that exist in nature everywhcn in-profusion. Of course, a vast advance ' in chemical knowledge inust be made be foie such startling results slialfbe realized. To perceive this with some justness of ap prehension let a man take a scientific ana lysis of various kirds of food. Ho will be struck with ,the pretended acuracy with which each property entering into the ar ticle is named and the proportion of it as ' sighed. Ile will he astonished to- perceive howlittle, in intrinsic elements, the most dissimilar articles differ from each other- But he will be amazed if. he takes the par ticular atoms of which any fruit is said to be composed, and attempts to beat ca mould them into the fruit itself. He will quickly discover that however exact the chemical formula may be, that some subtle f - ' element, some vital force, altogether beyond the reachof art, is wanting to complete the work-of creation. However it may fare with his manufac -- tore or food, it is manifest that the pro :grests of imprOvement in relieving' the race from the necessity of bodily toil, must Be gradual and in due proportion ai the nobler powers of mind and heart arc developed and employed. .With not a fcw 'men the work that is got out of them is the hest result of their living. if ,all the celebrated men and women in the world 'should-be instantly placed in circumstances to render physical - toil unnecessary to their .itibelstence, they would relapse into abso lute barbarism. Work is the great civili zer, and matters seem to be so ordered . that until people acquire the habit of being - , industrious intellectually they are cote . polled to be industrious physically. Much is said in these days , of the ad f vantages that would accrue from furthil abridging the houre of labor, in affording opportunity for study, family enjoyment and rational recreation. Habits of life, untorteutately, are not certainly induced by opportunity; or, perhaps, we shall express the thought better by stating that leisure has its perils as well as benefits. An old tradition, which has much solid sense at the bottom of it. represents Satan as a re - markably . r,asiduons purveyor far idle hands. As yet the philosophers and trio- Wilda, whatever they may do in the die ' tttnt future, are altogether distanced by /um. Those: personal disfigurements which somewhat appall infantile apprehensions seem to have an indescribable charm for idlers 'Who are farther along in years. Stunt Wrmata, reputed th'e ugliest featured mm in England, made light of his hidetius . neas by declaring. that in any circle, how; ever refined and sensitive, it required only half an hour for him to take off his face. Satan. seems to have the same sort of knack of so tickling idle folks that they coon overlook hitt-repulsiveitess i • l'irz Asia :already given our readers a knowledge':if the Cahn - vs.. Cahn trial (news venderi) in the Cincianati court.. It was Buddettly,hronghtto a close od Friday. The plaintiff's counsel asked for a continn. mice on the ground. thermic of the , jurors had, since the Commencement of the trial, ex pieseen , attopinion In relation to the merits of the case. ...Two witnesses swore positively that they orerhearethe jaror m ake the objectionable zeriarlosolliile he as positively detded the ass!ntion. The. trio' was continued and the sp ec ig icat i ous ambodyieg, the, charge made against the juror were drawn, that he might baye an opportunity of disproving Trra census of the 'lndian tribes of the United States,accompanying the annuat• report of the ommissioner of Indian Af fairs for 1886, shows that the Indians are • distributed as follows: Washington super ,- intendency, 14,800; Oregon do., 19,471; California do., 25,962; Arizona do., 31,500; Nkrado do", 8,200; Utah do., 19,800, New Mexico 'do., .10,000; Colorado do., 5,00 C; Dlikota,do., 24,470; Idaho do., 7,380; Mon - tano d 0.,; 15,683; Northern do., 18,178; Central do-12,837 . Southern do., 53,904; r I various independent agencies throughont the country 26,779. Total Prouberin the Mated States, 295,714. Tort Chicago Rout/Mon in a vigorous article demending-41e Impeachment and relnoval of the Presidefit, maintains that Congress is the concluslVenrid - tlual judge ofthenature of the acts which shall be held to afford grounds for impeachment, and that, therefore, the intoeacintent and removal may be ptade on such grounds tie may seem just to Technically this is true, but it - is irety plain, nevertheleris, that Congress would Linke a-great mistake if•it should perform so gross an act except for reasons not only tangible to. the popu lar apprehension, but carrying impress of ' stiftlelency: °sonar: PXABODY is in Pigladelpilia. ti e re e ee tlipriserited Bishop litcllvalne, of Cineiaoati, with E 25,000, to tie used for tire benelli:Oflaiyon ,College. He also ,dozuttod, last week, 1120,900 . to the m en , jaad BlatoricplSociety. . . UNION EACI PIC _RAILWAY—LiSt.. EWA; ST. Louis, November 15, 1566. THE VALLEY OF TUE FAN 112.13. The Union Pacific Railway, Eastein Vision, follows the valley of the Kansas River from its mouth at Wyandotte and Kansas City to the remotest sources of its farthest teaching branch—the Smoky Hill Fork; a distance of not less than three hundred and fifty miles. This valley is in some places eight miles wide, and in no place below Fort Riley do the bluff's,: which board the valley On both sides ap proach nearer than from two to three miles of each other. Probably the average width of ,this bottom land is five miles. From Wyandotte to within a few miles of Lawrence, a distance of some thirty-five miles, the valley is heavily timbered. White oak and bnrr'baks abound, and I observed some red, black - and other ties of oak of all kinds, hickory, soft ma ple, elmosyeamore, black walnut, cotton wood, liackberiy, poplar, ash,. skc. Here she railwhy company have on their own groundrin inexhaustible supply , o he f timber for ties and other purposes, and numerous steam's - mills are busy working it up. The scit :a this timbered disixict is sr passingly rich. The value of such tract to a railroad w hich runs for hundreds ot titles through a prairie country can hardly be estimated. Some distance below Lawrence the road enters the most beautiful bottom land prat ryes I ever saw. The dark, almost black, fat soil- it, as I saw in some cutsthroueh which the road passes, from eight to twelve feet thick, perhaps more. There is no swamp land in this valley; for, although the ground is level, the water does not lie upon it. The soil it chiefly comptised of' very fine sand—the same precisely tha found in the ever-shifting bars of thdltlis• sours, and with which, the water ot that strange river, whether high or low, is per petually Intermixed. The same kind of shilling bars abound in the Kansas river, of the same color, and composed of tbe gime materials. The water of the Kansas, however, is clear and sweet. It is, indeed, the Missouri in ininiature---displaying, however, less of grandeur, but more of beauty TUE BLUFFS Moro or less. distant froin the river, as before intimated, the valley, or bottom land, is hounded by bluffs of moderate ele vation—varying from fifty to one hundred lett in height. For the most part they are 'much less than a hundred feet In heit.lit. These bluffs are Dulcetly !elestitute of tim ber, and are coveted with grass' except where the singularly regulat stratified lime stone rocks crop out. In souse places, extending for long distances, these rocks present the appearance of regular `and handsome masonry, of straight, verti cal range work, an& is not the least beauti ful feature of this paradistcal valley. But their beauty is of small moment com pared with their utility; for they are among the best and cheapest,. and . Most beautiful material I ever saw. The- masa is composed of layer over layer for many 1 tact in 'thickness, the several stratas being from five - or six to perhaps twenty inches in thickness. The texture is not unlike that of marble, hat they do not take the same polish. The color is a light yellow ish gray; and whether viewed . near or at a distance, they make beatitilul IiCA.IS.C-S But. the most remarkable quality in these stones is, that,• when fresh quarried, they can be sawed like . timber with toothed saws; and yet, after being exposed to the weather for a short time, they acquire the hardness of marble or ordinary lime stone. „kt ~Junction City there is one 'of these stone saw mills in operation, and I caw some buildings composed of the blocks thus sawed. They were 14 or 14 inches thick, by, say, twice that length, and us regular as pressed brick. This will be pre•erdinently the valley of stone houses. These rocks - underlie all the higher prairie lands of Kansas. From the summit of these bluffs back, both north and south, magnificent rolling prairies, but little less fertile than-the blet- I tom lands of whiCh. I have seen, stretch offal.,,c ost indefinitely, only broken by wa teri o rse, along the margins of which 'there i always more or less timber: I haie spoken of this .valley asfar as I saw it l -, 140 iiiilesfrom the mouth of the river. , At - Fort Riley the Nun approach nearer together than in any other place I •saw. 'The' natural scenery there is very beautiful. A short distance above the fort the Republican Fork comes in from the northwest, ;with a lively current and a copious flow of clear, wholesome looking water. Just above the junction of the rivers the bluffs turned off rapidly, leaving a magnitimuivalley, orra gentle swell 01 whiqh, and about two miles farther west, stands Junction City. Nothing can be more beautiful than the location 'of this city—it is a little one yet; yet its people seem to have faith in it, for they have erected some fine houses of the stone of whirls nave just spoken. Here at present are the head quarters of the Denver, New Mexico and California mail and passenger coaches, and from this point countless numberi of 1 government and emigrant wagons, -face r tiously called "prairie schooners," begin their long voyages across "the plains." 1 But before next spring the railroad will he extended fat beyond this point, and Of coarse to the same amount shorten the ted ions yoyage of the slow-moving train. Of the prospect ofJunction City,when it shall be the only town on the line of the road, I shall offer no.conjecture. I think it will prosper. I .am assured by all with whom I have conversed, who have travelled to and fro from Denver - to Kansas, that the valley of the - Smoky Hill Fork for hundreds of miles above Fort Riley, maintains the same general character as to conformation awl fertility. 'rewards the heads less rain falls than In the lower portion of the valley, and to in sure good crops more -or less irrigation will be required. BETTLEILETB Since the railroad has been constructed, settlerii are coming in in great numbers; and, judging from the character of many of the improvements, some, at least of the immigrants are people of amble means and cultivated taste. Substantiall stony dwel lings, and real stone walls enclosing the entire track, attest this. I had formed a 'favorable impression of the *alley' of. the Kansas befoke I saw It; hut, I confess, that it went beyond my preconctptjons; 'and while gazing at it4rorn' the' window of the rapidly moving car, it is not ',strange that the traveller should find Mooie's pretty line buzzing through his brain— - "There's not in - this wide world a. valley so sweet." , • • C. - GENERAL SEWN, —The fhb:lois Slaak Zeiturvb speaking of the negro suffrage article or the Chicago Times, says: - . • "This attempt, to rescue the Democratic. purr hem rum comes too late. The reruns ...telL the Times proposes are not sufficient to :;;Iltyln.lvattou, even. if salvation went. yeti fro sear does nor propose ntirer. fronds: agnine A!: gt_ qualified andrags Inc thd qther words it declares way sgeiagt the srago and wilt doctr i ne of universal genren or a propbrrve It depend upon lutelll4 Tho Zeirunp h o ulP u .lincution." —The Italian Itlluittor'ar Mule Works bus'. truth will Dover raven'''. going for b . ,.. /f the sinking party-, received a report 'to halt of the work of niertsnu e'r " t " III " O n. completed. The tunnel, winch way Genic Is thousand two hundred and tw nti be iw e l vo (about seven and two-thirds intleZ " ?,,, is already pierced nix thousand °nub - -- t r o , and ten metres. Tile works are be _III. rein resumed, and there.is reason no lip in ,,tavr ‘ ly fine may be opened in the coarse of 4., year. - That will Ba nc te first direct conn bun y . cation between Frae and Italy. Paris. nd Florence will-then only be separate I by ;nu from thirty-sixto forty hours. fop from to the relterateti reports of for eign newspaper . correspondents, Count BPI. marck, Louis Napoleon and Baron James de- Itotttschild have all been recently very and leers ears , however,, of their dying. It now appears, however, that Bismarck has re covereth that Napoleon been been 11.1, and that Baron Rothschild has reading with .Infinite amusement Abe newspaper. homilitsit -.bout the toyer:ay of riches." tc.,'whlch have been prompted. by the anticipated death of that at prt%ent quite healthy money king. —Quo skate fealty in Worcester, Mass., has , consumed during. the present year 6,00 U gross of screws, two tone of brass, 1,0‘.0 pounds pf German silver. nearly six tone, Of roagyttod, and ten one of steel, which have been worked . np by , thirty eve men anti women into 23,000 Mors of skates. It also uses annually 60,000 brass thlmblent, which are Inserted: in the wood. and to which the runners are.affixed, effectual/1 preventing the splitting of the —"Never be critical upon the ladies,' , was the maxim of an old Irish peer, retnarkable .for his homage to the sex; *the - only way In the world that a true gentleman ever will at tempSto Urea at the fauna of a pretty woman Is to sent Ills oyes.. • --MI the houses of dattitiul reputation In . Chicago have been Indicted by the Grand Jury. On tee other. Hand, burglars are doing a thriving busineie In that city. and" tar. thu m b/ma euCWeded in escaping the vigilance ' SniciiilLtfolri Nirar Orleans—Marriage .... . . .. Customs. • New (Mtgs. - so, Oct. in, li4en.—The lobabitants Of the city present a strange combination of incongruous elements. Creoles, Americans, Germans, Irish, Spanish and Mexican trash, with a goodly sprinkling of berm flrie Johnnie Crapesus are Cabe found, and a more reckless, pleasure-101 ring, pleasure-seeking cotrnunitY does not 'ly notable , for sea nees Of n a t eix.iiirtiaciLy2;it ore outside et Pa r s itself. dress, approaching extravagance In r way of ornament., for - evcry other person Y u meet wears a diamond pin or ring. Even tle i dark ies afford Brazilian pebbles, and spo 't gold watches and Malacca. imam.. Tea :Sort enter, , however, the quadroons and. octoroons, who I abound plentifully, aro the strangest. part of the whole compound; suggesting very forci bly the idea of practical amalgamation. which would shook the sensibilities of theoretical Oberlinists. The prettiest, forms in Alm city are those of the "quad" and thei `Moto" girls, and - , generally they are the Most tastefully dressed. A neatly-turned ankle, pretty hand and tapering waist, with a naturally airy and Jaunty carriage, are almost a sure indication of nearly extinct ,Atrican blood. Color is no criterion, and a stranger will otter mistake an olive complexioned creole for il mulatto, (DIM something darker. It will be news to many of your readerg' to' learn that these quedreams and oculreens are semidegitituate—t. e., they are generally the - cdhaprlng of a piece marriage, 'which is an in- stitution so peculiarly local that but low, ex- dept the residents or this locality, know of its • N'..9... 4.3321\TT existeuce or -understand its, obligatlons. Among the pure Creoles, the ntrielest Catho- ~ Iles linaginuble, a custom resembling A mock Gus Condeumg Burners marriage has obtained. A regularly ordained , priest ufliciatesozull a white man is 'placed ' ..... with a colored; girl la such a manner that, ni- 7 .;art be used on nn) Lamp. and Dispense entirely though they violate law, decency and good with Calms:keys. The name produced by Meisel morals by living together, they satisfy the de- _Burners spread similar to that cona mandeot the Charm and qoatessionm„ The 17.,.....truf 'ion le oaththat the smoke Is ned In a American quadroons, however, not being se isle u .o . rg:k slo b ir e c h h a a r r r e r d o tti . d r, l u a t w d b e e p l:L i co d e t v r e . rAli.d y , strict Catholics, and, in some Cases 13111:114 .110 „, p h o ,. n b t i h . e p w md le 4 k c lo d r th ir . i f l n ti . t , , , but hurtle the smoke re/Iglon at all, accept an otter to be kept as a . Mistress from any reliable white gentleman without ceremony. Previous to the war the Barns e Darns Less Oil Than Chlmney'Lamps. place obligation was More frequently Mourn:. than :viten Its close. :and-1t is the universal t• r . evidence of those who saould know that It was And producia a more Brllllant Light than any other sumer in the unmet. f seldom, if ever, violated on the part of tire • . . . females. They live as chaste and virtuous, to their "so called" husbands aeLthey would nave STATE AND COUNTY RIGHTS FOR SALE. done it they had been white and lawfully mar- plan who raised r Having trmclios& the richt el disposing of the clef. It was customary for children by their "rugger queens" to free at,,,,. a,,,,,,,„, 1 .,,q,,,,,, e ,,,, ( ;. 0 ,,„, i . w ai„,,,,b,„ them, with their mother, and send them to this leg tCarnanntla or put Chase. can be arcozarnonated City to his educated; and In many Instances the by minus at my otlice, 13* WAT4II nTIIZIST, girls were sent to Northern schools and even 503 Ve us ritobergh. , , to P asses. On leaving school and reaching ma turity they met their inevitable fate of illicit . . JAMES BLACKIIORE. sem-marriage. Young Men •fcourted" them after the usual manner, "popped the question," Kir CANVASSEUS WANTED_ and , were referred to mamma, who generally ,_ decided. tne application walla view to money, demanding that a certain amount should• lio settled on the daughter, anti a certain number .ot staves he given to her; and, In short, a regu tab establishment be set up fair her. These young women, many of whom, as 1 , have al ready stated, l unar no evidence of their Af Mean bleed, except a magnificent physique, are thus • pledged tea life trout widen their cultivated minds sometimes revolt with holiest - indigna tion and horror. Having every sensibility that a fellned and cultivated woman naturally pqssesses, they are - doomed to a hateful col.- tepee, as disreputable and Illegal us Mormon wMhin e w Me e f d i T no t ° always interfere Ode with the desire of a man to assume the place of oblige- I ice. • if It is not the retinemeut of licentious amalgamation, I tim mistaken. A race of bastards is the result. • DR. CHAESSIEIPS EMPRESS L. 4, COMPubITION INttniItATAICE has long been known th.t the !lair, by mental exertion. be statement. disease end Itn herr, t circulation, loses Its vitality, turn, gray end falls off. That eArtnent French Chemist, DLL EriAtinalAll. has t•oval• d ajompletn anthlote. and at fee saint time n beautiful dies ring for the darib , e and Merle rirreute•l. Ereraetober tills Is It • Guest artiele for the tot:eta - Well has ever been prusented to the polar, IT Id .UT A DYE. It alit not poll the ilueit-Itnen It will not gum the AO, it is free mesa the dposer,able await of sul phur. It tellers. tar. scalp of dandruff and Itenlea• tut Irrlnt:lon. l'ret erris lire 11.11 e fr.'s. r.auioxuff. yiltr revers. the nee nalr ta aro.. itall,:re. tore giny bale to its a ..toral valor. or the n,onet will be reloaded In every instnnce. As tura ore paratrou Ia cola parades'}' near In this country. tee provnetort prrorcut Ulu tr,lturanorls of we - known persona ns to Its excellence. Lithe/lons. In rench and Ansa Sole Agent fur l'iLtabnrzb, ,tOSE.II.I FLEMING, Ursaggltt. Ntt el Atarket street. : trolaracrle Itch: Itch:: Scratch: Scratch! E.WAy.NLE'LEUINTg.I•ENT curcs Itch la Rural: to 44 hour., ••I CIL' . Dr. Storni:m . l , Oinftrtte, •PTKTITIt .• • • tTett, PPTE'rrhtli" ••ITC II" IsI.:VE.II Pi ••T•.'l rttlt.. ••11,21,1" t.T . Tht t.•• ••17,:tt• • PAIL ••ItsTTEtt . ' — ITCH•• IN CULLEN() TRIP —Te.v TlL rfr. —T.TL" "1TC41. , • TOILittEN TIN 0 . "TrITE.o , ••ITCI.I . '• CUIIPLAINT. • ••Tr TTEat•• CrirtAitclibag PEEL Salt. IthrP , m,lsald b rapt, all .71rt 1/I.eaets. Prepare 1 01:11v by Dr. SW A Yti kt A SON, '1 . 1111.- ,trlpbtet. 'SoW by NI , CI.ALLECA Es.. A .M•EL.E.N N AN, t.r..7lart et .tr. I,i EU. A. is IL.L.LY, 37 Wutict Mark.. Plttabarglt. KALE d DElit IT, elltptiltitt, ate..s4:.:Tts TEN REASONS WWI HOSTET TEIVS STOMACCI ISITTEIte allould hare • pia la every !ramie: BECA32I3E 1 , 7 invigamttna the coaetßealua and the frame Lary avert alekrz.z. ECA.Uta: Cespcciallyhtbeli use preecGts the Japh 41e 1,91 s on I.,ich broducca .pidemfra taktog t Sleet upon the s3strm. BEL: /arab: thy cure ind(g•'atioa, nhil Impart. un wonted vigor to the ito - rn , x , h. .•ISY.QAUmE :he( are tee.heet OPPlii3ll4 , hardi,ine at present known. • ItEllAllnk.: they are the only prep...Won-a:on which pris Fos or a bilious hand cut sagely Tidy Cl. keep the lin, to no-it order: ISMA Ito IS thee to,e and regulate the bowel.. any Invadable relieve the when venal Ipated without undue reboot lon. UM:Ming. they atreenshtn the nerved, ctrar the brain. and ale. r the animal apt. Its. Spasms ' LIECAUsr. n cur nt au attavk or or bi11...C.01:C l...C . 01:C they ara the, best thing Chet one be admit.- • tni Onnhi Inntant. • I".CUC they knollrlna the throe rnopertlos a bottle, an alteration rad • 'scion.. lu thrlr taro yarn, and pt rfe, tton. IIEXAUni. they area spoeltle against Ague Fore and all the Intetnilltent 5, n, tl wilt lire a hang •0 prosereattee al,' a rerneJlo. a harm/a:, vater Pons Me ,nitin44in Fpriny. p,004F.11 3 / 4 12•Kv15V1D10.30014 war. BINGHAM, Jr.,..4danss Express Dina, 34 Fifth Street, is an authorised Agent to raceme Advertisements for the GAZETTE, and ail other papers throughout .(he United Slates and; the Oxnadas: OP VICE IdAttl..f. 011. COI/PANT. - (..oruer Zarket and Water t PITTFan , tit If. NOT. MU. le.N. ) TEIE ANNUAL RIEETIrrik of toe htockholders of the MARINE 0:I.: COMPANY 111 Dr held at tile office. on Tilt:Zit AY. Noe. rm. 1.541, at 9 oock A. al., at which time th e ew Beard or vireo.. will be elected to ter., ensuing 1 1:u r ilecal E. 31 . . 'RINEHART. Secretary< Fort. SALE. A. LARGE BRICK DWELLING HoysE, wiih all modern Imorovesnents. In cornPleieora. and stluato on the Prun a. Railway. Inquire at I 140. IJ9 F ins r sTIOEKT, not:I:O7MT Pittsburgh FOR BENT. • THETHREE STORY WAREHOUSE, 130 Vlreci. betweeit Wood and Martet syeets. listuripste give.. APO , to JAMltti IIUTCHLoON. no =032 No. 1 1/uqoltsoo Way,. FOR SALE, • •L pucoav STORE, Doing a flonrlth - og Boldness, in Allegheny CRY For particulars and term, apply to J,kt„, DB tp,ossr.R. Real Estateand Stock Broker, no5):on ll5 Fourth Street nr.colinitto IoLUVLATOR . ts Eterict t VlTTentrealt. , ovember nth. 1/4q1.. A SSESSMENT NOTlCE.—tiot ice 1, hereby that the assess:mints for the Grading. Paring and Curbing of Der.atur t..tr“t, from Fult.n to hlm streets, In the Sixth Ward. •rnl Walnut Wert, from Pike street to iloquet no Way. In the Fifth Ward. have been made and can he aeon ar video, cv until the 2714 of November. psi, after which time they Intl Mg turned over to rite City Trouuref for collOction. noM • CIL/Le. REICIINPrARII. Nee. Rea. TjSiON REPUBLICAN • pOUNTY EXECUTIYE COMMITTEE. PIITFUCHrIH. November 10th, RM. There tslll be a meeting of thi, Comaull tee at the othce of INII.LtAbi OWEN'S, Jilt., Esq., On ThUndaY, Nov. 22d, Inst., al 2 P. 111. I. is dentrable that there be a full atteadauce, u tmportlut labol nes. will cotan OP. - By order of • 30.1iN W. etumELL. Cbalmon. T. 731 ltiv:elt, Se.,rctary. tion7t.l4 NOTICE. ALL PERSONS ARE CAUTIONED ,airainet harboring or trotting my aon JOWL as 1.4111 pay no dotal, of Ma contracting. LEWIS turiAtzlEzLzu. . . . SHARI snunG, Noy. 7111, 180 n . nolam2.6 AUCIION SALE. --TWO good • BULL OIL BOATS bo mold toqOo I;lgbitl. bidder on WI:ONES. lIAY IIIpItNINO. Nov. Ilst. at iOn•cloCk. In MO* near liana eireet /fridge.. bile pool. • noll/: FOR SALE, • THE , OWELLINO HOUSE No. NI ' , auras •toeb,. sow m.,onied tG part by Mei., Tternan'Ar a . v - s --- A - ten --- rner - s --- - For p..Ne l oad _t_e_an).s.erlot i lre . At • _ t ltr NATIONAL TIAIYH. ____leneo and Vint streets. GET NONE HE A • ; GROVER & BARE R llolldai Gift. It le reflehle. De rtret an therefore the beet. Don't fall to call and aea it at • 'O. ft /tn . &ME • JELLIES AND JAMS.-2) dozen (rush law and Jelllee, of superior quality, put op to plat tuaubleris. lncludln6. Strawberry, B.D.a berry, Blackberry,. . Bed Currant, Quince, crab Apple, Breen Beg. arid Damsons, lust reealyud ana for gaiety t.lie doren or at retell by .10017 A. RENEITAW, actg. Comer Liberty and Hand Wee.. ' WALL IPAPER—OL. all wrades, vv. tor rarlcao, •111, bluing Botha' ood Kltotr. Co great TOr 17 iety, la. No. 107 Market fuller, Oldt dud. A. 1/761t/$ q Ism?, wADVERTI.S.ENEFN T. JAMES 'T. BRADY & CO., ( 1 1=Ce 85011 to 13, Jones C 0.,) Corner Fourth and Woodl3te., BANKERS & BROKERS, DIAL= IN ALL KINDS Or Government Securities, Foreign Exchange, Gold; Silver and Coußons. COLLECTIONS made on all reeemlble points Is Om Vatted State• sad Canada& Interest allowed on Time Deposits. 'WETHERILL & SLOAN'S im.,Ekiwmrus - r. LIGHT EQUAL TO GAS W TE RS TOCI i 1 1 J • Boys' Cloth i ng. 113 AtOte A WV slid et/MOILS sioa of SUITS AND OVERCOATS, For WC ..3essou. Flirt, Lori. GRAY'. 4 , LOGAN, o. 47 St. Clair Street. nolo 1867. DIARIES. 1867 POCKET AND OUTING-HOEK VOR SALE BY W. /3. $3-41.17.132W, _ . 0 _ Corner Wood and Third Su., l'lttaborgh. FURS FOR LADIES, Furs far Lcdie,s, Furs tor Ladiis Furs for Misses. Furs for Children; Furs for Gcnts • At It:IDGOSC .tof Gr i'vern_eariety, very HAT, CAP hNO.FUIi STORE OF rerr cs a Go db 4C I 131 WOOD ST/lEET. &LLEGIIENY COUNTI, ets, CO VMONWEAtiII or r[N,O4*I.V•NIA To the Belie and Legal Representativeg ofJAIIEC 11EA SET. late of said county. deceased , u U are hereby cited I AP and appear ')Cr.)re Y, itegittel of tt Ills, he., In and fur said count.. oa or holore - SATURDAY. the oth day 1/.cictier .lest. at said Iteirl.terls "Me°, St l'llLaburirb. then and there' to take out Letters of Adullnlktratlon On the Estate of said James Hea ney, deceased. or show eauset RACY. ern/ the sit. , should n' t be granted to one or more of the creel. !turn or some other tit person. I Given under my hand sad seal of Office, at rites burgh, tills lith day of November. A. • nolanitkidser Jun. H. uItAT. Register. SOLDIERS ) • BOUNTIES, PENSIONS, Extra Bounties, Back Pay, &C., Collected In the Shortest 1 , 91.141 e time, by A. 11. !MOWN. J0111: 1 1d. L.A.MBIE. • Attornays at Law. •.; Once, tio. 114 11111 alriet, ac.16,1.11.T I . PITTSBUIciiII. THE GROVER SQAIk.E.II SEWING MACHINE Ia the Ultima ibule of Xechant.m. I'l .t tall and examine It at WHA RV ER P ROVE2III6 NT. • Cosi' ROLI.F.It'S OFFICE. t CITY OT ALI.I.OII‘NT, tievateber 14th, I VEAL. to ViitirtiS.A.tri will be reeelee4 at isle often until Nov. dith, at 3 ebe T. for ma/ Mg a Wharf from V Goodrich *ett to Ority . • alley, the billet to be of eat lb or o.her good mate rial. and to no covtred with mill slog. The estimated quantities required are about 72,0usevibic yam. co earth and about 7.,t0e cable yards of slag. Separate bid. tper cubic „yard) will be received for the eatib ening and slaif. oiddera are requeated to stalls the price payable Meath: also the price „payable in the bond.. Of the CUT, redeemable le twenty 12 ) year., witointerest pay able aemilantmally, at the rate of 7 per seat. per eaten. ur illo Won of the Corollate on Wharves and La no d ltngi.:.T r • e it lIC. i fß C A o N n t ro ti. ler. , ASSESSMENT • NOTICE: . • • RECOnDING ItsCintakda'a Orrick, Ptrrationsits, Nor. 12th. L 565. 5 Notice is hereby giieu that the sesessmenta for the *ironing. Paving and Curbing of Watson !street from Hord to Chestnt street; Chestnut street. from Forbes to tiibbeti treets, snd Gibbon street.. from Chestnut to Magee etreete. 11 the glehch Ward; and Franklin strett, from Washington to Fulton ate etc. to the Sixth Ward. hare been mode and can be seen at this price until the 23.1 day of November. ISM. ell. which time they edit be turned over to the City - Treasurer for colleetior. CHARLEHItEIGNSPPAItit, Seconding iteirnintor. CT= DEALER IN • • FINE WATCHES, JEWELRY, DIAMONDS, . 113X.T.8T731314 1017.41.1F1L10, AND French .Clocks, Special atteetion elven to the REPAIRING or FINE WATCHY.O. .11 . 0. 22 Fitt le Street. see:ls9ere Jettrox. DLIN ♦LLS. I ITCAZUN. MISCIMIX.3X4O2EIL OMNIBUS AND LIVERY STABLE Jib. 410 i'ents Street. DUN & .PITCAUIII; Proprietors. llomlboses and arrlsges lornlsbed for at scams. Also, Carrtages. for Funems, Weddlok and ranks, at, abort 30tiC •ud reasotisble Yalta. Stable Open Day and liig yrf 1:e DIT.TII.. F GREA 6. E T REVOLUTION IN THE vs IN TAMS O THE - UN ITED STATEri. —NINECaI. FURNILA. ollAstretsNE. made and prepared as If done In Prance, Dons pure Cedfor• nta y‘, we, and taking the plane of imported Cham pe T ens • Tim undersigned vroutdeallthe attention of Wine Demers and Hotel Neel:ten Po the followlnt letter, which may give *correct Idea Pram qualityof their Wine: , "CONTINENTAL Hovel,. t t PHTLanit.Plila,Oct, 111 . "Mebane. 130 Cullan & CO.—Ord/omen: Hay es . given your California Champagne a thorough ten. we take pleasure In resting tent wo Hunk Is the Lest Amerl. an Wine we have ever used. We shall at once place It on our bill et faro. 1 nun llrul)) Call and try one California Champagne. - • p012m78 UOUCU Kit R t)O., 36 Deg et., N. T. VMS! DRUGS!! DRUGB3II JAMES T. SAMPLE HAP.)UN~IUItNIIttgtcfpEPLIZIZEN " D8136' IrvfIINSON r. ALLEUrf Y. • Wilt keep on hand a fall assortment of all kinds of risurcswe, And whlch will sold, cheaper than any other bocce ln the two dile.: Preis:intim:la carefully prepared by a drit•class d r/I 4 litads of rEseitum air and .FANCY SOAPd on hand. • 0r.%) ROUTE, FOR SALE. A GOOD ROUTE ON THE • o'clftk, tho Pally C4ltzette. ADO/ between the beers of Ons. sad. nolo COIINTIN4I .11001 Gt, GmouGE HEAVEN," .CANDY MANUFACTURER mut dealer in-111fIBIO/dg .THUITtI. runic , N '4IC., N 0.112 I ederal Street, iteeceddoor hem the 'trot National Hank. .nf1g1....' • ' ' " . .." WrlC• 4ll .l'. FA. • KITES! SKATES! SKITES! IDAVE RECEIVED MOST OF MT ISTOCK. art I offer to the Trade a selection from PAIRS OF VARIOUS kik N Before• purchasing elsewhere, call and examine my Stock, as I can OFFER DEALERS SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS JAMES BOWL No. 136 Wood Street. no! ;011 DISSOLUTION OF PARTNEROMP. THE CO-PARNTERSIIIP llFRE toforeexhaleslt between J. T. WANIELINIC and CHAS H. BARN under the name end rtyle of WAMEI.INK. s BARU. has able eat' (October tetra. SAC) been Merepordngly.' by mutual conlent. J. T. 511.1.1NIEdIs of big Inreet to tIEK3IALS T. and WM. iIUEI te TLY.II. J. T. WAMELIAK. C. B. BAUR. Itl 4.sposina of my Interest to the +hove invites cordially recommend solicit for the new a (BAUM. NAKE • 11113Erri.ER, coottnunnc • (the custom °tiny' friends and thennbile generally J. T. WAKELLNK. C3AR. B. BLRII..IIER. TB. ILEMCE'..If. L. incrrum. 'BABE. KNAKE & BlitaILER, Successors 1.0 WAUILINK E DAUM, So. 12 St. Clair Street, Pittsburgh P'innos, organs, And 31usleal Ooois generally, . (, dole &gen , s for the Celstr need BRADBURY. Neer ) ort. and SCHUMACKEtt. CO.. rhiladel phia, rl &Nos. Also. E&"FEY..4 (U.S' "ClorrAoE.” and S. D. 311. W. SMITH'S AMSRLOAN" OIDIANS, and 111. TON'S PATIL.ST GUITAR. The nest Dalian and (Seeman Violin and OnStar Ruing. way On hand. norko26 TT SBURGII GIS SIVING CO Office,No, 2 Merchants' Hotel, COR.THIRD AHD SMITHFIELD STREET CPV.3P2CIZIPI.I3: JAMES I. BENNET, President. ROBERT PINNEY, Vice President. ROBT• CHRISTY, Sec'y and Treas'r I , o‘, f. TIE , NF.TT, W. W. PATRICK, Q,.;tT. KY, J..1‘ , 1 , . JUAN W. CLIAL.f.AN T. `. J 1,; J. 111.0LEY. W. A• NIYIK. Office Hours, 8. a. m. to I p. m„daily $e•C) WEed,Lock Stitch Sewing Machine. • • BEST IN USE T il • li a ten l !; l 7ll * .. 6o F , 7. l . l, ltß O. Braid. Tuck and Cad: bather and ()tilt: Make a Bearer Cloth Overcoat; Mate a Pro. - 2 Coat: !late :instill Vest, Make Cloth Banta; Blod bnocst ~Drees !Ten' ticteriptlol2 Cr • Mstang. .C.O Baohlne spill do all Linda of gamily Bowing. ino Machine will run over Clams without break. tog nellien or fl ipping st tches. VW &chine alit ;her Ike on both gbh 4. 00 Marta, e la the chew 1•PI .1111100 by go per eent. In v., sod will sew faster. If not superior to any .lischltic In the market, he can return it and bare lilt money. Warranted four tm.. AIKEN KNITTED MACHINE WIII knit 19 pairs of socks in • day. Braid and Embroidery Stamp. for sale and •tanip.. In g don.. sir.ii kinds of family sewing done. It. 11. 1.4100, Agent, 112 Brant stmt. opposite Cathedral, 11107:T.T.11 Itirioincitnit. PA. MURDOCK & PUTNAM, Are daily rectrtna it their • , GENT'S FORNISRING STORE, 72 20 , 1111 a SEStrosst, Nearly opposite Post Ogles. All the new and elegant eirlite In SCARFS, TIES, BOWS AND UDKFS, • Gent's Underwear, utAnne.s, lIALF IIIOSE. SUSPENDERS, Robosf cle• C7b.oaaalkaays, Fin e shirts and Unlink - F. , ..TaLiss to complete the OentternenetWardrobe. MURDOCK & PUTNAM. nortliStres FIFTH SIRE' . T_ pITTSBURGII BREWERY. . • • CARSON, DARLINGTON & CO., BREWERS, MALSTERS & HOP DEALERS, Sueamors to .110111110 A RIIODLIII CO..Plitsbunge, Wn. W. AilDEUXON,"Miesbear, The attention of the customers of the two arms Is platten!. ly Molted to our `ALES AND PORTER. • Which, throrgh the earelbl selection of Malt from mire:MD.lre malting fscillUes and Hops front the yards Salt and Went ere can gliaralittie to MS pure and satisfaetory to the tilde. 7 Our INDIA ALE has been highly rrbmintuded by physicians for family USe. WM, LiElinOti'd customers "PI ukase be ekartleulne o leave their ard• is at his, office idiots. jog his old Hrrwity, or at ear office , Corner of Papeete .iray and Barker cAlley. no9;MDI FRANKLIN COTTON WORKS, E. HYDE'S SONS Are now prepared to neanarattert COTTON, TARN, CAEEFT (WAIN, COVERLET TARN, CANDLEWICK. • TWINE, DA.TTLI4V ,. . COTSON WARES, de., EC. WEST CANAL ITITREST. between Robinson and Lscock, Allegheny City, to. T. o.—All orders Of moll attended to. nag nen • DISSOLUTION—The partnership betutofere existing between the undersigned. under the name of Flillttit, AIIASI & Machinists' brm ibis day been dissolved hi =tibia consent. the Inturest of A LBERT FISFIER belt been puretisKed by CHA MACS Y. slits HAM and WILLIAM K. Nail NNESS. who will continue tilt business at the old stand. underarm name of CIIAELES C. °FUJIAN' h CO. • They will nal , the debts of the thin of 1118118 H, GRAHAM and are alone authorised to ft, calve and receipt for debts due same gem. ALISKIVY risitzu.• (MALL F. 13140.0 .M. WM. K. Idea/YIN/NS. Nov. I. Inta. uol2:nne 12:121102 81,tra'oelh A ott l .. E . it CARRIAGE Grover &Baker No. i Sewing Machine Deters beryl elsewhere. It L the beet for their :tiller eat X 6. IS IIFTII.BTRIIET.- NEW PAPER HANGINGS. . FOC PARLORS—Preach Desips. With gold Bor. den. . FUR LlDR.6lllEB—Poinpetatt Patterns on Orange vialliALLS,New Meek Patterns on Bed Clay ground. relMdnflEsfrLnoe nd Muslin Patterns °Tp [rounds, eIN = s F 81D51331111iN F. lAlaid Street, bdereen Tunnel and Chatham Streets, ouIiSEAITH AND DEALER IN HARDWARE ri pt t o.d.. all descriptions always on tuna and sold at the :owes[ prisms. Hop es don n_Mtoll. nershntenntlets. ps Trzu: PAPERS•TITTFIBURGII 1 . ?ATEA ItANTITACTUILH i IG °MANY. I nriaTe hl itel tr :imTA T hi gkr taltU wAltr,, AtOlrists, Yglinuld WIZAITING PAPVIS. 110,C001:41.. morma now to Warebotie. _ Mn. Clinton% KIM at It. itm e t erletolo Allllll. at Now prt !ratn ti , ^, - - aisiObEM SALMON 0 11.11ALUIVT. 1,7-1060 eue o (tub, freshly smoked eitlitraciaa. axua.33"lll:nat, Just -revetved aid for sale in thy Pounkar th• rival ?rest , 1344 : e °J. Jva. 1183113 . 11 AW, mat corm WPM., id Aloud BARGAINS . E -1033EIAL:VV3E s ilS. BATES da BELL, OFFER AT REDUCED PRICED, ONE LOT OF Doubt© Shawls, \Reduced 20 per Cent. One Lot of Broche Shavisi -v-ini=r3r cErm.a.r... TWO LOTS OF SMALL SHAWLS, "Sc. and 91,15, Very Cheap New Cut-Cocoas. Real Irish Poplin Gala Plaids, Merinos, Enipress _Cloths, Coining, allcolors. 1100 SELLING AT ' • LLHES ELA L/KEUCIIIE ICc. and !Ipwards; LADIES'. BACQUE AND DRESS BUTTONS GENTLTMEN SOPERA. 511ANVLI, =MEEMN 1:232211113 ' )E11. REAL IN MEAD NETS 12=1:11 11A! , . , {0 SHAWLS NF ANTS . ISACQUES . I CArB; SCklire k:EW ST PI FANCY IiOuDS, LTC., ETC IEATTON'S; • HILLERMAN'S HIT • t IN D FUR EMPORIUM, IS FILI.E FROM CELLAR TO lot which Is offered at 1733/I.lfr iscrcv• mwrmsEs. Onr opectalte now II Mati.4l.cres'aaa.cl CA•cori.riso 1 17 3EI unik g SLEIGIt& CARRIAGE ROBES, Altboogb prepsnd w I It a full 11.111 of HATS AND CAPS, WHOLESALE AND ItETAIL. k ‘ ;rt: 3 - I A.- IN I No, 75 Wood Street. ,nOl7 :o.§ FECM W. P. MARSHALL. 87 Wood street. y~~~r;~uy 21 Fifth Street, REDUCED PRICES, BALMORAL BKIRTd, from Auctloil MEffIi,INEIM=I WARM (MOVES AND 11U9IEUY IMMEES EMIG ' ..svr 17 Fifth Street. E• • LEVNTOL LIST OF APPLICA- E I'I , )NS for Selling Liquor, filed in the Clerk'. rjrarelinst.o November silt, IBA. pre lees. douilit. , lot ward. Pittsburgh; r , o dona.i.uttiJr. tavern. . Pittsburgh; gai,sl vi wthtlorge Ist rt, tavern, Ist warlward. Pittaburkb; P. Muer e. torero. Ist ward. Pittsburgh; •,tof n Tags, tavern. let Ivard. Ply sburght John Mul het ran. tavern, TA word. Plitsbursb: rrederlck AwIReR, tave• n.. 2.1 ward. lilttsbUrgli: Rebecca Grlndrod, tavern :1 ward. Pittiourigh: Patrice (lAtasher. eating house. 14 ..s...l„littteleg: Patrick 80. ke, other soool ward . d. Pittsburgn; Thor Tw (ford, tavarn. 4th 41.ltiburan; Daniel liervelg. tavern. Stri Ward. Pittsbutolit, Maullew Elrhut, layer, Ith Ward. Pittsburgh: I ' , rout Meta. tavern, 144 ward; Pittsburgh; Chao. 1 erg, eating house. f.th ward * . I 11.L.I•nrek; al bert Uhlman, torero, Gab ward. littaburgh: .lamer I)lppe, estaug ho Ile. oth ward, Pittsburgh kaboation 2reier, te•ern with ward. Pittsburgh: Trios. !Meer os. Is ern, vitt ward. Pittablargh; k ranch L. Johnston. tavern, nth wool...pittsbouh: Jno. tl. Nor mine, eating house, int. ward, Pittsb'g: I nets t allog house. 11151 wars, Pittsburgh; Jot. Barham. rating house, MU ward, Pltaburgot B. GallioAli, eating home, 101. A ward, Pittaleirgb; N • Linton, other g rod., 10 h word. PlLtsburgi“ • McCoy. ration house. 11114 ward. Pittabig: D. 11. Blair. larein, Ist Ararat, Allegheny: Hugh Callaghan. tavern; ill ward. Allegheny; Jobn Nlehois. tavern, tal ward. Allegheny; J. J. Vole tavern. 34 ward. Allegheny; John Bolo:eating 60040. Itwo of E. Itlimlngham tepee. Barn ell, eating bons, 11 ro E. Blrming`to Jan. L. St. at iDooold, eating hour., E. dim inkhorn Henry, Orion. tavern, Borough Lowvencevillei .1. C. Smith A lid. Jones. rating It nee. Lllinre Vine Illnalua Ranch. tavern. lien. of Sooth Plitsburgut Lows Ando, tavern, Borough of Weet Pittsborgh, - John Clie.a. tavern. Borough of West Pittsburga; Autb. est.ng lamer, Bor., Stiallisbarib; J. P. heronry, tavern Findley twnship: Job , . Bailor. caring honer. Liberty to wnshlP: William R. Fauetruan tavern, Mann township; Peter. tt t.lcoati. tavern, 1610110 townahtp; Motel eeohie, eating bowie, McClure to wn.1117; Cecelia Freeborn, eating bourn, McClure townaltlp; Louis Stonier, tavern, Prot:111a 1. wnshin: twainel Tooter. tavern, Penn townehlp: • Cn.riea ging. tavern. Rosa 1-Own 1 i 1 1 1 ; Jo.eph Lonna. Jr., torero, Heserre townitip. The Court will sit on WEDNESDAY, the :bah d f November, 101141, at 10 o'clock a. 11.. fur hearing the above applications. . ' WM. A. HERRON, Clerk. M. J. NYLIie....R. C. 110P1M.11•...C. A. 111. 0700. MyEllS, HOPPER & CO" (antoessors to B. B. Hatiger.) • No. 45 Smithfield St.. Illanufartorers and. Dealers In ell lands of W Ir CriR.N.T. II i ."II3I ELE Parlor, Chaniber, • and Dinin.gßoom Sets, OFFICE AND SCHOOL FURNITURE, Together with a fall assortment of ' •Piitsburgh Manufactured Furniture, Constant's on hand and for oda at the r-scovcremit • Cash ilorloaxt. .Iml:coati 1866. Fl LL 1866. • CALieFuErrs. We are now exhibiting for FALL TB.P.DZ the most exteosive stock of good. we bate eater had the pleasure of offeting CO oar patron. English Brussels and Tapestries, Th r oVr l T,hllll ° Ar c e:gr r =atUrc.` " BICH WILTON BOUM? CAURTS LIDIU&S, EILBILUIDEUED OWIOII LACE CURTAINS. • New and Elegut Patterned' Cortices, Bide & Centre Tassels, Loops & Banda, Choice dt7les Notting Curtain - S.. M'FAILLAND & COLLIS& • Nos. 7I and 73 PIPTH sTaincT. Next home to U. N. Custom House and Post 013ce !Second Floor. seN Ct e lTr a P t i t, ?' c DMlt d CllASEl lB AND WATER-PROOF AND. COLO-PROOF ARCTIC,CAITER SHOES, Patented by T..C. WALL!, of Boston. THE 00011Y1rAlt 51EPALI.10,111113BICH SHOE en-OMPANY. of Nanauttice. Connect-eru4 would in form Dealers and the ruble generally that they e exclusive owners of the relent and Sole Manufacturers at the above named Shoe. and will promptly t ruaccUte any and all Infringements of their rimers under said Patents. All genuine/UM TICS are mita cord and have the name of tee 'Pat...watt, and °four Company on the (bottom. All others are but I;diOr .Iroltetio.. rbe public will promote their. own interest by porebaelng those only made by Oils Company at haugatnee. Conn. ltild WALES, EONS 'Nos.CO. 171 and 173 Pearl et.. Boston, end BBLEDEN , &SOUTHWICK. Nos. 07 and P a Liberty et., New York are Note desert for the lalitof the above named Woes.: ' - Jaw. K. Extsadif. Preet. GlO. H. scuirrorr, 'lWas. . 'mll7.= PITAMBITITont,c.°,3,!•ETL.TP POCKET CUTLERY In this city. Aiso, ll.ollowqround.Razors In Bridle.* Variety. 'was, 043 - =EL r, ABatit PlatiburglaCatlery Company. 0/ and 69 Finis Streit. (p6vATOS BUILDING ! ) mu ADDITIONAL BOUNTIES TO SOldiers of . 1861 and 1862.. , 11l who' weed three gears are entitled to sego bountgt th It two rears. 1130; or who were discharged by msg. , . bt.ourbls, or their heirs. 21sree' -"tenth* Extra pay • Is due Volunteer Officers In lesilas Narra t n inn% and discbssima, innsum t. t d ..„ io It isl e trA U T — 411Sib.ul iuns entilled to $l6. SAO or r 45, ac to degree of Muth lig. • - W. J. • HALL PATtlaIl3O/77 Minnows. TI Want West. PlitsbarePit.. IBEUELIISE CLOSING OUT SALE. X 30,00 0 wbv..rr OP FINE FILL IND r_acm. x. $lO,OOO Worthifi' DRAWERS, UNDERSHIRTS rs WHITE COTTON AND WOOLEN HOSIERY Scarfs, Ties, Suspenders, &c. Also, $5,000 Worth of Gloves, Of all Descritioni, all of which will be sold It ACTUAL COST FOR SIXTY DAYS, AND MUST BE SOLD Before removing to lily New Building Opposite the Union Depot• Saar The lease of Store and Dweiling, together Int Counters, Shelving, , 1101/ MCC M.. for axle. J. 'D. RAMALEY, 834 and 336 Liberty Street, Opposite Wayne OE= lAIRDICK'S Patent Double-Acting SrEJE.A.M .I:rt.TMLY' -ASTI> 'FIRE ENGINE, Yon PUMPING 'WATER, CRUDE AND REFINED ,0111, This Pomp combines all the advantages of' other styles of 'Pumps novel" the market. with none of their er feet% The Patent Steam-Valve applied to this Pump enables it to start at any Point or. he by simply opening the Valve in the nteam-Plpe, and the Pump is sure to start at once without the nee wheel sarting-bar. or the annorance of l a fly armed to get it or the centre. for tilnieg purposes this Pump Is peculiarly adapted:. as the n slam can be removed by unserewing one A and the Valve-Chest Cleaned in • few minutes. As the Pomp is staple in its whole eon sirucUon. It does not recline the neighborhood of a machine andto keep It in working order—__Tbe Valve-Chest and Valves are nude of brass or composition, and con be easily repaired or replaced when worn out. Any earp- stet can make. In a lew nitwit., of some pmy wood. • set ofVals . es for this remit if if the original ones should g F eeder, It out. As a Boller ha• no superior. es it can be made to me at any speed, either slow or fast, to suit the work it has to perform. The undersigned restg,etfully solicit the attention of their ""memos customers and the pub lic in general to the weriLS of this Pump, And de• sire those wishing such an article to call oe M. MpSTZEN Sc CO., Agents, • No. 34 Water Street, I=l M=l= =1 CHINA WAREHOUSE. RICHARD E. BREED, rnazecomenriart, No. 100. Woad Street.•• BRITANNIA AND SILVER PLATED TABLE WARE. TEA TRAYS AND TABLE CUTLERY. always on hand: CHINA TEA SETS. CHIN A DINNER SETS. CHINA TOILIKT SETS, • CHINA VASES, CHINA SPIT - MONS., BOHEIILLN WARS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, LAVA LAVA VASES.ASKETS, LAVA SPITIOONS. - ENGLISH STONE WARE of all varieties, toad wholesale and retell trade. The largest and most complete steak of everything tn n o In the. el y. Prices and terms the use as la the eastern Mass. mylltalS _ _ DR. J. 8. KING Has resumed the practice of Dentistry at . NO. 3.041. IPINPW33. pt • Opposite the Cathedkal, • • Where be wishes to receive hLs Mends and patrons who are In need of the services of aneaperieficed• DENTAL PRA.WATIONEM Especial attention will be - given to the preserva tion of the natural teeth by filling them site the most select material, and by giving them other proper treatment, thus prey erring them for future uses and comfort in •ripe old age. Irregularity of the teeth of roads pandas skill fully atteaded to and corre,ted. - Those beautiful life-like artificial teeth, reddened so comfortable and useful by th e magic at the Doc tor's mechanism, will De made ready for all - who may order them. All recent discoveries of value 'ln gl 'lug relief. flom pain In the extrartion of teeth, will be skill fully administered to those who may destre them. OMee hours nom 9 A. x. to 4.r. sr. sel7d9ll GREAT WESTEIRIV • PLANING MILL, • Coiner of Karim street and Papule IN, pirrssurecana. PA. Sash. Doors, Blinds and Mouldings ' MADE TO ORDER. Unfinished work Is put to ai dry house and finished when taken out. Flooring. Weather Boarding. Lathe and ',Shingles constativy on hand. Sawing, re-mynas cod Scroll madtog done with dispatch. Boxes of all kinds e to order. auM:l5 JOBS HEATH. BU THEBEST. PETROLIA BLUE LEAD, .Y ==! bfanurbetund only and for sale by T. H. E row co., Plajameti63r'lPa.a.ratlPlTcorlsos, N. W. Cor. 3d and Marker Sts, ""Oco M=!MI ii rITTSBLEIGH AND OAKLAND • DMILEND.ttIEILS. • JOBS R. SIIIIDOCH. (Successors to John Murdoch. Jr..) NUESEEYNCEN AND /LOLUNTR @omit atuatinn to their es mine story. xyfr AND ORNAMENTAL ToM EVLAOILIENA. Onht i V . l3 l . l 2 firD4LEIGEND USE PLANTA. rtenbarlb Sad•chuoura Passeuict Can 111ba Oreenuouse every intmOsa. ALLEGHENY CITY !lAMB AND WASHICCoIAMCIEILNII, _ 13. NoMASTER - 8c CO. No. 156 Ohio Bt.:Allegheny. Wholesale and. etall Dealer' la zeicnix.._7pomocl. CD: 4131.x..614. 1:1 , 0 Plad for . W hesassos - la. • '"' • • av c•eas POTASH, prime, re. csired anti twinla by AllOllBll4. KELILY a 00« DnIUSEL, 11 Woo 4 amt. WAtiTED. -,: SCHOOL‘TE.ICBEI4 Either male or. female., in even - toernahlp. to act Ag4ut in the' axle of our poddiestiQua. One teach., rep,' 3 the sale of 41e0 in three days. Solid for a circuity ddres- Wl.'7l.ll.°"'An,ll,tit?v.. =I 111118331 WANTED -BONDS AND 9HOUT -4:A.0 ES turbo amount 0f...111,f00 In sums from 410.tC.) on .cItY or country property. unto eu, bcred; time from Ito 5 years to run. A a, Ituetneas or Aooolll.ll,..laffinn raper, buying( from 50 days to Ire months to run. to. amount et. 5:.10.te3. In 1111133 S OW= ttl P.M). APP ,• &031 & CO. WATIVIED, • • . • • • . ..1"17i7 , 0 0 ` l 2 - 4017.1%.713- TICLMIC. *Do perfectly undent and DRESS:I:g° BUSE Kitt STUN lES and KUNLUN° A MILL. To competent bands steady wort and good wage. wilt Do given. Apply to the Penna. Sal. Manufacturing Do., Natrona. Alkali.% countr Fe.. or at rib. V 4 btock the e Poveningn ATPaalle, AI . fgLIVIIY litr.iromolo7 o'clock in . note:M.3 WANTED--AGENTS--To sell by !lambic, - AN ORIC.W'S OAS GEN Elt4Toll.. Retail at $!,03. Can be attached M. any lamp siaaen tne best gab light In use from Carbbn •AL Convenient as a candle. Will not blow out. {Ufa In by agenu selling Rights and Generators wit in the last ;al days. /len are coining money .111150 It. Terms orients. - J. C. TILTON. lO' Et. Clair street. INN ANTED-AGENTS-MALE AND FESIAGE—Io tvery part of IN e, tern 1 eon. glrnlltn for the ane ntxcucl Ennis toys, lIt “THE MAIDEN'," PR AYEiI.• , • •LINCoI,N . 0 HOME AT n VILIN FIEW. • • Either by the mouth or on commlation Tallish era' rate. at owt.l. For full' particulars apply person, or a.ddrore, YAHOO & otfl 4:1 Finn ttr,ct, Flltlbure, ANTEII--At: EATS —OO PER T T YEAR—Every . ..bare to introduce OTIAM & CLIiIn nk.V% Vali MACHIN a lITIPmT mi and perft c1e.0.7 It 'III hem, fell. atlich, Lind, braid and embroldet ticautlfu.ly. Pr ide only BYO. Mak iOr elaatie lock Mitch, and tally' warranted tor lire years, and TB llcenred. We pay the above wages or a commleaton, Loa which ' , Tien that amount cad be male.roldreaa or call on ri. Walt:. No. 11M Grata al, ilittaburgh, : ea advertisement of the tinkle &and the Weed 50w1pg Machines. In another column. atla./431-26 far Ladle, everywhere, to Introduce the Common heave Family Sewing Machine, Improved and per fected. It fen. stitch, quilt, bind, braid, and embroider beautifully—price only erSlO—rnalt• fag the elastic leek-attich, and fully warranted for farce years. We pay the al,pre wages, or a came Weston from which twice that amount ran he made. 'Adder.. or call on C. BOWERS a CO., 4/CLee No• 1.3 B. fifth tOret, rhiltdelratta, All letters answered prompay, with decalitre end terms. _ WANTED—ACIEN'rS—'ro well the. It ooly ottirial suErruzuti lIISTOILY op Tilly WAR. • The Lost C4use, BY E. A. POLLARD. Completn lu ON T. LARGE ROYAL ORTA I. O VOLUME of nesr.y ROO pac es. Illustrated. Also our Maud-Boots ot rero ace. K. F.Y , No en OF AMERMAN Liumal and RCHUILS FR LIM THE SOUTH. Arent. would do well to send for our circular • and terms before engaging to Outlasts of other wor6s. Address or apply to , A. L. TALCOTT. 58 Market Street, ratsburitb. Pa :dA.wl WANTED, ACENTS AND SALESMEN In every Town. (My avd Cpunty,ln the Middle houtbern and We.ttrzi States Ever - 0,43.1y out of empley went I,lllllnd it to Lh. tt la terezt to .11 at tit). 43 Fifth St., up Sthirs, Or address P. O. noz. 301 Pittsburgb, r. MMMTRRI FOR THE MOST POPULAR; AND DES! SELLING SUBSCRIPIIOI Bens HUMID. We are them ist exit:AO, pdblliihers la the Uni ted !States. (basing six I houses.) and therefore Can afford to sell lisocs cheaper and pay agents a a ore liberal coinintsalon teat any other company. • Our hooks Jo not pall through the hands of Gen eral Agents. tas nearly souls other *uhsertPtionsroca• do.) therefore we are e Zd to pine our canvass er* the extra per cent. which I* usually allowed to mineral Agents. EXaeraated, CkaVaiSaal see the ,de of dealing dime% IT with Ctic Our stales flabrllf eh the moat popular works o.t sutijecta of iportance. and la selling rapidly both North and 110001. , Old agent:. and all DI beta, who want etebest pay ing agencies, will plemoi send for circular* and *en our terms, and compare ilium and the charsmer of our works with thieor or other pitlillitherd. adder,. NATttiNAL. CO., 07 Miller Paalthlahl... Ps. 121=13 WAl.q£,l). • . 4:3O'S Of good 111111,111er116 nod temperate ba...lts. who Is willing us turn his entire attiation on study •ud °Glee, !111 be taken u a 6TUDENT OF 51E1)1- CINE with a [Vat-class phystelan of this clty, .1.1122 Or CIIARGC. None' but those coming wtth good recomccemlattoes will be heard Addrksis rfIYSICI 6.1 i, GAZETTE OFFICE uuL,olZ A GENTS WANTED EOD A NEW BOOK, NOW !MALY. . WOMEN OF THE WAR. By FRANK MOORE. rattle of "The - Rebellion Recent," Ac. The abject of this work Is t collect and present narratives of the services of the comen who shared the pertleof the war.and ought to Inherit Itsjglor - The volume tantalum Ithaca 600 oni—so pages, and is litustratmlwah steel plata portraits, engraved in the most Improved style. hold MAY by subscription. /for larculars, address or aPPIT to ocB , No. GS Yifttt street, fittabuigh. A DENTS WANTED BY THE E 11... RENA SEWINU MACHINE COMPANY to sell their NEW $2.1 MAClllla E. WI:I sew from tissue paper to beery Beaver cloth. or leather with. out change of feed, needle ..rtenstour Self-ala sting pressure foot and newly designed four 001.1011t41. 11wDlarsiD. Address, enclosing 0 'Way, J .2 HALL 0,, 68 Fifth Street, (Second Floor,) one rlttaborgh. Ea. MEN WANTED, TO ACT AS, ALESIAEN, Either permanently o f t ensporsrily. who are • 1. patent to engage-In hrst-ristss Whines& relations. Apply In person or address MEM AGENTS WANTED—rorihe Gold H4EUALNEIt7NI3 u.brEt', In every CUT end County ln the Union. The Imust complicated two-thread Menthe In the world. Allem.). JoLLNSt4S & CO., 734 Washington *Weal. Boatan. Mass. . zoTna4T MERCHANT TAILORS. lit !FRY G. HALE,' =WHAM !plegOlt, Northwest thwner of Penn & St. Oath Sta. Desires to return thanks to Ids friends and the pub. lie for the many nut favors. and respectfully sotto. Its ►share of their Mute patronage. He Wool pleased to have them examine his Large and Carefully Selected Stott Fine Woolen Goods - - - . nrucubi.,l7 .1,14.e4 1.0 i&iTLkl UM tios - TINTIL ie11:163 ; ALL AND IWINTDR`GOODS. W. H. AIMEE, No.lo R. Clair Street, Would call the attention or buyers to fils . strielPot Goods, which has been &ejected With great cane. and contains all the Ijitest atylesof Goods to be found In • Arat-CastgoaSe: (exits wanting a SUIT OP CLOTHES 11• DE. TO MMES. *llipleace call sad ezkralpe our goad, suit prices, Aka a fan and complete stock or FLIUNISHINtI GOODS. WELDON er. KELLY; PLUMBERS, , - Gas and Steam Fit - ters, AND BRASS FOUNDERS, lege assortment of Chandeliers and Brackets, Lead Pipe, Pump!, Sheet Lead, &c., ALWAYS ON HAND. - - 164 Wood Street, near Sixth. ten. N: eaacas . 96 Liberty Street, DEALERS IR GROCERIES &PRODUCT, -Kea ' czna Oitsiee AT • LOWEST' CASH PRICES. Ulm atm. Is to keep a. . First-Class Family. Grocery, Auil omits It $ AARIiTACTI CM to ALL oho May four us with their rrousla i s QUALITY, GReitL'A dlk77YraoB labut , navel, corner °rimy, dl - .... InST COMMON IPLICHIN'E otra WORKe. Xorthwest Corea et West ("e4 ! ' - '476 :4 ' , I: 1 ;1- IVA ift; Ou. • - Bore on nand or, prepare on Omit mottos HgnETA AND-aIIEP Erroxas; FLAGS YOB —,ganzogrALlK icKWInge•VAIIL.I3, lIMAD_AND TOMO 511113N1M te.,ae r . ' =Mr en promptly 11201.11.0 CI: ritavre Ism • . . . • . . . . • - • - • • •••• I= fan! &tit II BOWES ==MliNatlltMl WM. H. McGEE, . • _ .MISILCHANT TAILOR. —No. 10 St. flair St.re.t. riwburgh bm. a, wart
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers