L.}lE. Ar - uGerrz; ThLEGRIN. _ Banker. amid Broker IS. Wood ht.. near corner - ;I.:Fifth. p ro posed, Inter ta,lll4t na Ocean Tel. rap . flew Ifitger., Oct. M.-Preliminary steps tn. wards but log the I utermatottal 'Ocean graph Line aro to be taken,. and the, work w e lli be pushed for a ard - us as poSsible.. Jdr, Witliatu DI. Heist, one of the. oldest tete- . graph superintendents In the country, has an, j cepted the Important po sition of Superinten • dent of the internatal Ocean Welograph company. and the Cowman? were fortunate in accertng the eervlees of the gentlemen, winise grist.experience' and eminently practical srlditties wall be of the utmost value 1a ease r. leg imeoeas to the great enterprise. bupeiintendent Helms, will salt' from. this city on Saturday. the authirisL; for Slott:hi, - through 's portion of:stitch State the 'Meta to . be built.' Ile wilt make. surveys land deter. mine on tile route to ho adopted. Several leading' citizens and. toddle men co:Florida, bare suggested that tho lime be built from Fendina to Coder Keys, on the west shle 'of t he State, thence by cable to Havana.; thfs will be detertnieed on by.M.r.ileits„ if the • .praetleability-of Tee • suggested routo is made manifest by personal inspection and. survey, it .-not be many months before the cities orSew 'York-and Havana, will be in telegraph ic conimunteatton. 4 Koollnrotitiolil'otted stele* caper Co. —u!lestar eienteited Borroat .Octnher tactile,:of all the licences In the United elates. of the Union Pa rser- Company has hem,. seSSIon here this week, at which hustaesS of great. Ito portance "LO the trade watt trammeled. Twenty cowl.. :Rtes," and capital to the =motto( alelott,no3 were represented, r lfnn. ellarleS 8. Shaw, Mayor. of Bedford, blo"- Ban been chosen 3111 - Wog Director. : • ahe builder who attempted the nth of no *Meer at Chelsea Btatch, recently, tra , L0•0n . 9 . sentenced LO Biter" peonlmprtsertment. '...italletnettlAteldeur. . If suruzi,'Oer. IS.n excursion train nrctlte MOW pins am] lB.=ln ariestou 'tatMead; returning .from tot:moment, ran tprough a 1 re , tlp, 3 Mitd Burnes , 'He, .tbis morning, demolishing two We.. Forty perstms kern injured—nu - 1y two seriously. Zhu accident was caused by the breaktug of *truck. in • Wtt.ittanton, N C., Oct. 103,—Crude noun -/ Cina, neatly t it t' SI,Gu for E 0 t. p S II r IS of or. pentlne advancing:l:ales at 70 57t' ey. ' Rl4lll Ilan and uacliangad. - Tar; ¢L 0.,96. Cotton quict. j , • lion. °Mtge Ames 11.e.rionsionted. BASTIVN, 11CPCIbliel.S or the Second Ditdriel biro nominated Oakes Anne for re-election to copti ress. • LOSS by. tll6 Ytl Inal• Eiplosto+l.' ST. Loma, Oct. 18 —Thn loss by t plush), vsstonity. w 30,fty). In.surattee * JEW -ADVERTISE tg gN TS JOHN . CROFT, 11:E4L ESTaTE Mee -N'. 139 Fourth Street, Pitttano.gh, flu for sale the followlog Real Eitltt •A bessalltd now Frame Decilitre. 10;011 , ilatibed, ceata.ning tiz rooms and write bap, p , r i c , • :6 Seetorith two are Tonnes nod mor`de nine t t' of b0ndina1..7.2:44 will he sold In counre• vita. or I) Wei .br trotted.. Carnes toying OPT -e tont.. acres; tnCludlog the Louse, can bate 14r emirs. which cooslet °Topple% oats, notaloo,, Ono milk cow.. Price 418,00 O: One third ho , soar lonllweyrars, scoured by hood and mongol', ttitu• ate at h.dgewood ntatloo. 711111., tat :'0 the Tenon liarlrood, Trainspawning to amt na Ora. &tat 100 ervery hoar of the day, up to It o'clock P. a. • ea.. toiSlon homo.llotoly. Also.* (Co more AIME t.. Ml, at 11.030 each:one third cash th e balance-1n thu.rr at the above al idiom T.to plan. Or thee., lota, and the nth. wren inld 110.0 above WeLatolled Can to: nOnn otthlo o A. new Frame Room, 4 roomy, 11111Ftwd tar. et and wide hall: lot 19 by t./ feet; attuatu an Jonertoa Allegbehy. . Lirge Brick ilouswof to rooms, with vide Italia, hot and cold water and gas throughout the house. no Chestnut at re..t. A Ile, bony. Mao, nlartn anonn3 of out., city properly tar Sale. Ohre hours froth 3 to I: A.'ltt, 1 to 5 Pt 33.. hh4 7 toll le the evetitug. se2S HST AERIVED FRO:11 TUE EASI Boots 1. - szo JAM.V.S ROBB,. Nu, Market Strut, Pltt,burgb. 1 ' This oLlest.sbnelts.! hon.., ha. nnes In -to twesy. hoe 1.1.100. and doltars.worth 01 Bouts an , t Char'. and styles the Latest. the 41101115..0.r on an. Lave tuarilaetL. •le We Lave resOlve.l lam. (hit keeissisocula worth having. and exam 4lc our sluek...f goals. 'Awl tee 0,-). •Ruined nlll.parohase 011:4t you want In the linos tendohoe Llhe. . . . . Oat Wrist the plata.; AO Market) a It anon .:, AT! 'iII'ESTEILN • - . • PLANING - MILL • • Coroe of .raiiry .Lind: ana . Doiceno rorratounau, PA.' • 1 • sash ors, Blinds - and DI ouldin,T,s.. workla put la a ,dry house Mid auldheil when taken out. Valing.; Weattior irniuding. and Clilnolea _coastautp on band. Sewing, re-sawing %orbit damn nith dtspateli. Boarsof all ktuds wade bi order.. airtt L$ JOHN if ttATts. : zi. BARK & HASELTIPdE. • No.f2 30ittla Street, ii;ecoult Story, • (morn. ItIULIARDSON LOOKING GLASSES - , Pictures anifFraiites of all kiatist_, MOULDINGS, &c., &c. =1 GRAYE • sTormai Vaults, Fountains, ases, DESIGNS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, T. BROOME, a. ar..romrstos •Aa, COTT JOILYST,OIII SCO'rT, ),4 Di...trazus 19 . Fine WOlches Clocks de relri SILVER-PLATED WARE, ETC 214 LIBLEITY/.23ThEET, ; Vitt igilaiarghiP'Oasalura. Pa...ttattar a ttenttoti Own to: Repairing Watuies, Enacts and Jaweill. Ali work ran-Ant . ?:-00aPARTNEiltfril rrnEeNDEIisiGNED • r• 11.4VING riled the terra' ki)4"ttoorbtnery of the Into ittr.tebuttHE AboOkILE.II.AN byre on the,' drat day of Oetobet. eeeee ed brunt ttartneseblp thae.yte or. WA HOEK. tiOTSIAN k Ott, tor thninanufaelure of NAHA/U.. An. at tbe tatabbra 111,1"1311 of .17ndef tet - Aesebletnian and Tbotaail ' Hoer, an' Reitet-'street. Manchester, .atal ennOlt Innectint4ll.llClt a aostinuanoe .tbe hestAmt rt. " A. ANTHONY GU COAX, oettnal- AaJSCIIELititaN. - -i . - Dilll4Ell ILOSS it CO Practical .FaraiturA llantif t Astartilt COL PENN AND WAYNE STREETS LILIgt ext.. or FURNI f Ul/E catiStaol:l,llll3,6d. - • •. F. M rush #Frertittlsocri:Tunititaild: t:hrrlholdr 41refig, GUNilitiTit AND . DEALERSNHARDWARE 71pg C.i.V• good, of diseriptlans vsnuipatv al.:rt Mad bold &I 11,0t1 1 digw. est Volga.? 140..ines ..... —•- WE , WIRY . near the Proltrotl.l7: Ika Patliet r i. t . att ra tig.. i j:to rc gt:fl A Tß::llllsll ih arti TAN Jttataaaasolt c, to Woe! asoirrvpalreo at abort ttottoc a . Tartioutar •,tatiattotpal4/4 Hells (o,l[ollllw atl - beary, •.-Ir• ar...A.lllaortatoratrratote4. Order/ 'ietrattfully. 'l.l . • iIITTSISUIIG If -*AND OA KLAS D . • : : , r!' 410 02 1 1 WA A. It unnocir, "Ai II , frtrulls"AtVittLl 9 Pa Auv 11;1143, gP t rl l ire l t l 4l - ViM &hid ti taPAV/Nr..4 ANo OREIC2i6Olltls r NTS. i ar ia ,a q d thAiandl ritseagero C.T..4V21" wmair Pram? IS mln,nes. , 1 LIE oILitiEs,JIELL- & "Btoalaetnrcrs o[ 4 ‘ 4l wrilfoo-1 ,, - • • ; , 11 0 NEV,LOAnf OFFICE.- NO, its, STILEET,' torner ~..., , - . ,l lol .e'rjealaned. on .811rer elates, Units• atttopdy 4Gwviri,•Uold owl • fill•ren AY ale hri •itlelesuf every %Wu: H01e.% •• • '••ennuot del/ rerted,wlthanst • tickcl. •Cedatatabl.el 'man el 417 e or • U.,.00d11 of even, ilescrlitt;••• Sait. at lu•1•1 ' 11014 , Y44.1 . YArt NI.E I. 1.e...•‘ , O. W.(x/W•St• " . - -, :W441A1118 & COWAN, • .-• '•PUSTIC SUTE,CEVIENT ROOFERS'. • •Ej*Olgrep Do Iton.I• large punply 7( itoulitli/efa• :....,4=at'lV:.intratlet'igh 141:L14%1=34 ~.A No. 1181 Tenn attrek sea ,••• _N....714.m5.. P.0....N0, • ItESIDENCIP FOU !A covlrrwr usvatitir.kce= P .,o4alu t. l. lsortaviziwlrlcit'lheie teracte4l .Lowzio oose..ltuated Um 777 -7 7 ? ' Marliteir ~._=.. ~•~ '~< ' 1 ~.. ``~..^ ~ `~ 1 ~ .2 _ aA► s ,~=,aA `text _ ..~2^.. ` t "'.. , .~.........._ . •.. 6tldeseilpttonn of Governinent, - lons fxmeht and wild on liDenU tenna. Lotnenn.andXontmental Lai:tangs 6014 at New l ock rate& • Gold. Silt er and Corti:ode nought at highest rates, and Gold Piafts Issued on New Yore, , . Plttsithrgh - riitotations—buylng rates: Gold 1441881 bonds, 112;4; 5-11 tis, ltd 1144: do It'ti; MI; do July Wise, 101;4;10.40s, W.V,;140a lA. Is sue, 106; do 211 and 3.1,,10514. ' `The New 'York stock' quotationa to -day, as retiotiod by .flottluson, Sleeken it Co., were as , ration's : Gold, • 103%; 168.1'5, .S.tkes, old, Ilk do lICW, '110%; Jul' issue, DWI; 10-403, SW; 7,10ia,10t series. Heat de 2,l and 7 , 1, ICS% kllctilean Southern. It. 11,104; Cleve , land Pittsburgh, 9174: Pitteburgb, Fort I CrApie Ctileligo, 10514; Erie. S""/K; Western Union Telegraith Conrppoy, Sik; Chicago it Rock "Island, 10815; Chicago & Nosh Western WA; dopreferred, 7114. limns nuriret: qulet. 16 per !Ana° LW for Allegheny Valley Ealiroad stock—none °fret- I jag. Sales of Columbia at 16X. —The Cincinnati Gageffe,•of BrednestlaY, tC portamoneymatterein that city as follows: Baekers experience a good demand for money, whitili is pretty . freely wicket 8 Lo 10 per cent for prime paper. The ritspo.itlon is to keep money under control as far no posid bleotnel preferenceis therefore given to short loans. The, fact it is much easier to her row on call at 6 per cent than duprime slaty day paper nt B to ill. Title general apprehen sion of a scarcity of money sixty days hone, and the care. that is being taken to guard against It, if no extraordinary occurrence takes place, may be expected to prevent any very auvere pressure. AC tire dame tune there cannot fall to hem very. ..heavy demand for currency daring the haoldng seuv`ll. it will require about attn,eoCl,ooo to Dandle the hog crop of *lamest, mat this will :be mainly required between the middle of :Immo bar and m hid lo of Jannary. Bankers are, now 'depot ing for this' drain upon their taliOnrces, and tence there is a good deal of money that con be bor rowed on call which is nos obtainable Ott long , -The Phiiadolbhia Lo - I,7cr says the gold movements are intorpereahle , and probably urn as much the frttit of speculation in the gold tat ins of the lorgereltles as any other cans°. It is very positively stated by the "bulls" that the Secretary of the Treasury hits no'intentlon whatever to turtle:pate tie November int. rest, and so long as this asser tion has credence, Up noes gold. The gees hue, however, Input aside by the equally pos. hive assn ranee of those engaged In "bee:leg" the price or gold, that although the Secretary will 110 L anticipate the November coupons,t he nerertheleEs means to deplete the lreus my 0(10 surplu n ' either by actual sale; or by redeeming gold.lutrng bonds, in etntlei nation of. his public 'debt statement at the mom of the present month. 1410 stated hist several considerable parcels, of Cs of 1847-8 have *ready been offered lo .him for gold. and aecepted. Sian evldenCe that more gold Is coining on themarket from some source, rash gold for' the past two dayii Lea linen more uhnnflent. i - —The, New: York Tiibun'e, of Wedneeday, Inriieutißev The money marhet Is more active, and some lenders are getting better rates. The drain of currency to move the grain crops Is begin ning to have 7N effect. and ',though the de, errand for that purpose nut. so large awmarry anticipated, it is seglelent to make people. from prurient. The. advance In stocks: gold, and many kinds of merchandise tells noon the price of money, ,and ev Men tahat. specular. Lion for the future must prey high rates for ac commodation." She "cotton crop Is moving Mealy, but %ill soon call for a taiga amorist of currency to 'pay • the tam' ' upon it, n bleb um, ha clone: when it leaves.' the 'grower , . bawls. As the banks of the country are al ready widely' expanded, anthill no condition to supply currency irecly to 10000 ei th er the cotton or grain crops, It Is reasonable to as , some that the recent. low rates of mousy cam" not contione. Nero business "among brokers erns duos-at 5 per - cent, but large amounts were bOrtntreil SW I per cent, and at 31..10ci.s is iliac In some cases. In Coulon:r e:al Asper Change. • nr.. 4 “ mns nt ITEZI , . . Bauer. - A a Priers Lafferty to 114.1993 • • LW eta 940 . Lafferty to Lodges 125 9 R. llnif to Orr - -- 99) Roll' to Logan 49 9 Campbell to Imbotr&Co... 49 270' 590 Topton to bnlienr.t. Co:— 48 :In. . 973 . littler to linttofT.t. Co 91 '9O 10 2.5 Lamb to 1111011 - S Co 91 2 . 81 10 00 Warner So Imhof! &Co—:: Pi 271 10 Fa -; .Lamb to Itolioff & C.. 159 181 90 50 Torrence to Imhoff .1. Co.. 41 230 .." 987 Logan to Imhoff& Co • - 79 • v.. 3 • 10 to Lamb to holing 11.. 79. 231 10 10 Evans to Imhoff& ' ' .170 113 Graham to linh..ff ..t. -C0....109 271 1990 , Imhoff& Co. to 1k0nt0b...... DO 1 75 , 0 m boa& Co hi Letitia .101 .510 . 953 Robinson to Welirelst 119 WA 10 Smith //4.30..t0 Uilcbrelst. 48 210.9 7.9 Booth 1.14.411c1irehit.: • .....,.: 111 _> 975 IMICEI 00 Penn ((tenet . Hedges to 4:Moll:test x. 13 D3O • 10 00. Kdtly to ....... . 220 • 10 00 . Fouot. to ...... IS T (11 10 21* 11nulon Cillchrent....... 250 • 10 Nu Foster to .011cl:wad, ..... . 819 211 9 Mu, ROI/111800 to Grichrettit.... 101 %I • 10 00 • _ . Saler. ißayrr. . No. Laffer tO Brat - 183 53 5 10 Huff to ty Deltrich' - • • 310 • • '6 23 Hain° itedgeti. ." 00 50 Wickersll.lo to iiradshig PM" 90.' 5041 Martlndate to Bradshaw., 371 • 85 475 , Campbell to to Dultriab.. 11l 5 53 Ililler,to Loyd 170 - sa 5 50 Largo to Bradshaw • tal ;As 500 , Briolshitw to Messer 100 lea 551 Briuttsbaw t.O Messer ' Dl3 100 • ' '5.53 'simmers° aunts or earn& ' Lafferty & Glass to Mynas k Co. 43 - ,bead fairish cows , and betters, averaging about 0 0 0, at 11 .-404 off; also, 2D head to Barns, same goal. My of cattle, at 6;elsd, ffi head of scalawags to •Duffor & Co.. averaging 030 at 5-620 off; also, %I head common cattle to Duffey& Co, at 5;4; also, 20 bead ictlilack at 41.00. • 11. Huff reports the following tales ;lead to smith, weighing 15,503, at 5.45; 14 head [aim ctlarvay,"WeiShing 1 3 .83 0 . al 5,40; ItO head to 31V.IPIIIIttt, weighing 112,1* at 5 1 .4; 03 bead to H. Mayors &•Co,,,wolgiting 40,21 e. al 5 1 -j;l7 head to •ligfithing 11,600, et 7 13 1 head to B. Grey, weightug 41,750,nt 15 1 4;17 bead to Killluggr, weighing 12,0 0 0, "at 6; 6.4 bead to G. Ilarksorelghtng satn, ar. e; 28 bend to,Jen 'kiwi, welching MOM,- a4;.•"5X, 40 head : 1.01%.1. borer,.. Weighing 32.700.'at 114 1; - Earnest to alontagner Co. 50 head tiros steers, - averaging' 1300,4 t 7,05. linsb to 310 .• tague t o o,vegltt•lSlO, at 7X: Mayne& & ito;. ltoritughttit "Co. IS - hego; averaging 123 e, nt &TVA delivered In Philadelphia.. "Mer. . riek Dotal ul J. 51111(11de Co, 03 law' iailiana swore. averaging Ike, at . Bmitb a co. to Kiernan 32 head of medium ' Cattle, „weighing 41,4 Z. at ,tt 7 , G - Werliz' to Hatillitutti 0) head at a..lVernt to Black ahead -weighing 45,550, at 6'.4. Ault to Moines & Co. 22 bead, weigh lag 17.110. at 5.33. . . • . Miller to Mayne" At (.0 118 bead Tessa items, averaging 1(830,01 5 1 ?;„ delivered in rlitladel pb la. 4:Myst to Ilaviies 16 head VC/ Y cemmnn at 44. Coulter to Doge 19 weighing 17, 050, at, 4G6. Fleming to Daffy 19 heal fatridb cattle at C. Pieter to Miller 10 head. averag ing rooo, sai 314. -Foster toil Rieman ' la bes4.ll, weigblngilitelg. at - Carpenter to Wernz 18 'bead, weighing' i 3 330, at. 5 1 4. Mat/dwell to Gearhart. 22 beak weighing 45,530, at 7,15. Helsel to Cassady • head. welgliing'3B,s2s.•at 7,10. 'Jarrett to Warns IN head. weighing IgPro. 44 6 Y, • Murray to Alaimo& & C 0.112 baud, weighing 68,050, at 714. {Cannon to - Mitre 21" hem! at 4 , 4. Cochran to - Wring 20 bead,' weighing . Z. 573, VA; same seller to MaYties 2 0 head at 7 , 13 . Gawk to Marks 21 head, weighing 27.560. at 5",17. Rays to Movies 21 bead at 5„60. Cinrk to Mooney 23 bewa at Oit,. South to Montague 17 ." :Mckinnon to Seymour 40 bead, waigh in g 32; 540, at LX. Clark to Gorman 2.5 head common cattle st. 6. Lamb to Duffey & Co. 12 bead of prime cattle at 7,7.1. Dickinson 5o Daffey .t Co, 21 head, weighing 25,800, at. 7X. Clark to Gorman •25 hand ut 5. Hendrick to Quantity IC bead, weighing 21,000, at 7 1 4. Warns to Itiontunue & Co.ll head wed awn steers, averaging - 1516.1 it 48,10„ delivered la Philade lphia. and 2 head at 7. Owen Sollth & Ca . bought a drove of 61 bead of good Pell na cattlont 04, delivered lu,PhDadcipida. . London soil Liverpool Petroleum Aar • • • ••• To.i. ()Cipher M.— Tim Brokers[ Liver- Paal einnthiri per Soothhreporta a miler mar ket for Petroleum, with at wice& from la per pap a . - an.,43°,.....bb,1. for Pennglvanla rodeo , —y,e market closing, rfoht, sons taint' advise a heavy market- for Pet • With - sales OU I k bele. chiefly S t Qalloa ]t , wit Co. report the market very , fiat, with small *ale r at from hiedt. peeing, Breakera-& - Cci., `" of London, quote pa Waver )( PittrOlitaPh-D retitiod Pa. Islip salsa havailtalit earn Made IS lei parptloo :I(l(e_sapto....pnikki pima. at zit per FINANCE AND TRADE. —.a.— CEN ricAL El Onto* 01 rut rirri",truaa O Arsrrt, Tuutteosv; October IS, • IILTTLI. The supply of cats ft, was apparently rather •InritOr than Inst freeir, but notwithstanding tine eat.tern advices, especially. from ISeur York, were of a -, more favorable charaeter,land there was alio a fair attendant • of' bloYers, yet, Prices are not quotably higher, and white the market was fait ly active, It Van upon the whole, regarded . as an • ottsuttstuclory Cale— both buyers tool salient hvhnle tl63at AS has been the case for some time past, the great ba.ir of the cattle were Of au inferior char.tcteroconalating mainly of thla cows and heifers and rough osmi and steers. though, even prime retailing cattle will not brittle Sine fiances they didantue weeks ann. As a - 11.1 be seen by referencoto the report of sales, 7.,t,; Is Line highest price reported. though wu under stand that on 3: drove of ,itt a fat .MlO uteri. clnsal;ed haunts at athnUt 8 .4. lliimmon to me dians cattle may,be quoted at 3% to at-t, nd zeal at In 7t4, gtock cattle to good aup a ply I.uttd dull but ropuittally nuellangsl. The reoelpts of Sheep were very large this Week, larger then .fur some time past, and while the transactions in the aggregate were annanally ,beavy. the el:limit was consider:Ott y in excevs of the demand, and prices; com pared with last weelr, are a 91mde . lower: We ,quoto at 4t.: to for - cominoa to prime fat mutton Sheep, althongh eve lielltive One drove -of extra changed Landsat 53. i—bast weak the same quality of sheep brought G - • SWIDIE. Tlm arrivals of 'fogs during the past Week have been about up to the usual itrOvage, and with a 'rem - g r Ood shipping demand, the mar krt. PUS ruled steady, and COMpere , l WWI. lied WOCk, . prices lire u shade higher. (Ve now litquoi OiG tolol4 - groes, for fair to orliw bravkavernges, and tlieSe, may be regarded as the extremes of the 'market. : aslowrgn SALSA 05 11013... . === PT iiutnou aissuck./ 01710 E r“s l'irrvtanuff (; A rAr.-rl, t Trcc itsva.v, 4),tober :There washut very • Alt le done to the pro .dace uiarketa. to-day, aside trout the usual everyday. :; really no wc and::::sw t 1 :cit no . tiTla t?011f:0oEra tlylrc: i n G G i tA ts_..wh e st, i.ejelet but Item t 2,33 to torso , , g. Sale of 2 cars old Spring _solllngett Hats , em v r1:111,71,i7L-I'Lr'3st;:3cs'-• rom t e l r p a e r aril 0 I T ell Corn ts selling at $l. No movement in Kyr. FLOUIt--is steady lint less activi, though °echoer:et! }Yo continue to quote atoll,;.; to 12.23 for ,Sprlng, and *12,73 to $13,23 for Win ter Wheat. brand, Nye Isk.ur 1$ selling at ad.ro for old, add $7,23 for new. PRO VISIONN—IIacon quletbattftichanged. We (mote at 17 to 1714 for 0 1 1onldorst IsVis!=.l (or Ribbed .Sides; and 23 t0..2::16 for Sager ettredflaina. r e s IR dual with 'small sales of prime kettle rndered at 17 1 ,4. to IS. tiers I'm It Is reported in light ImpplY and quoted at 4.33.73 to $34. NUTTER--Colltinucs dull as the supply is accentuating and consal4rably in excess of the demand, Unit uspecelatiy Is this theca. in regard to common packed: 'Prime fresh flat ter 15 sclllug ut .10 lo V.. - • . EGGS—AIe coming in more freely, 01111 while the market 1$ apparentlY I allude easier fresh ricked - are atilt quoted at 30. CH}. ESE—Is corning : in pretty ;freely and the market Is near pretty will suoplthil. Western Resefve la selling nt 17; Hamburg at IS; and (..;:tsbun ut 23 to 22, us to quality. bEEDSFlaxsecd Is Lt demand lied sells .aratllly at Timothy Seed is dull and may be gaoled at $O l 4 In first bands, and $3 from store. Cloverseed Is quiet and unchanged.'. ..APPLES—SIfttIy and mode ‘ rately active but unchanged. We cent Mlle la , game at $2ll to. S 3 rer but for fair to orluleatial Oh; for choice. SALT—is rei;rorted firm lint unchanged itt *2,80,, on track, and $3,00 to $3 for emu:11018 'front store... CRANBERRIES—Quoted firm nt es per hlrl.- for 4 . 0,111110 n. all' I 4,111 for cultivated. SWEET POTATOES—Quoted at 41.73 .10 .4 3 per 001, as to quality. • lelfrtSflUßtill P1.111:111,titifl MAMA El. DV/les or I . :Myer - um: mot, Tata-seer', Octoqer IS. 1.9;6 ff CrtUDE—There was rather morn, inquiry for Crude today, at least the' trallSact lons were rathe`r larger in the egg:fig:lt t than for ;me days past, but there is still plenty of room for Improve:meat. Price,. however, ' remain lint changed at 13 to returned, and Di to 18 1. 4,bbis inci ed of itlei bids at 13; :NU at 13; 325 at 13 , ;;th*1itt In; ISO at 18';; and I W at AL ID, free on board earn. Upon the whole, however, the market •bi doll and weak, with, but little prospect, at preseht of any imam. Mato impros °meat% as the toleicCo l mot the end are alvtli inn: hat fiveridde,• and the for eign news is positively had. We have an late intelligence Inln Oil City.' -- 11. • EFINED—T tere arit appale t,.a little better foiling h tire market for bonded oil to-. tiny, t knit is• then, was rather more Inquiry, but priCes are! no. better, tvo Can report a Fate of f..111,1,1$ to be delivered tiering the : first. half ill November at tree on hoard earn here: filo for slime dolivery,at bbls— Into Wroittecday cevolog—at g i, for Mune- , Mato I TellNery m Phrmittipitht; brow the above, it Will be seen that on: nations :nay he fairly etc., at ii3i; to Sr, free dm enard.cara here, and M!',/ to PI, el el is tired In Philadelphia. Free Oil ti 41u11 and, mOn Mal, the demand be ing confined attno,t st holly to supplying the immediate wants cif tin., local trade. • —Since tne above suss put lit vial, we have the following 1 anal Kilt, reported: • WO 6613 tai he active! etl In Philadelphia daring bent twenty days at :11; hit for December AL SD; lOW do di, 51 . 4.:. and DMA Ist to IGth of November, hate, 'e option, at glf 3. L.S—Thu following arrivals of 'Ott wire repel - led n• . • - Paster it 70. '1 Jas. aCklns • G,7 Eldier Cie liarid lily ...... ,"... J. Cltibuter ...Sighs! • • itKi,l The river' continues to recoil., steadily at this point, with hat four'foet there Inchet In the channel by the market:lst evening. There tens a veky heavy - fog yesterday morning, and It do' not clear away entirely until 'about' ten o'clock In the forenoon. These ,succeellva foga are generally regarded an pretty tore precursory of rate. - . _• Tile Artnenta, from St. Louis, 18•11 to only transient arrival we have to report. She Was delayed eetinlinaasly by fog• The 'Delaware" from Chiclimati, mei tile bud Luottarom 'Parker-Mark, tiro doe hero tills morning. • Thu Gliottioreleared for St. Lonlii last even ing. with a very goad trill, huvlogahout all the t retell', Pile ennui take on the water and • the at'sri ha:i a barge in tow. , . The Ciil undda did not get off for icincinn et I and Lout ay il le us expected lad even in et. Nang unable. in ettlapicte her cogs; but rho eh' . . , 4 intro to-ilay wabout fell, nail pa-integer* and 'New Wertz Eliesuclal MID ern'. { . ha rpers should bear this feet in mind. • Capt. Gee, - W., Lied, . ti la command. and, ,11.5t$ES. New Vona, r.let.ls.—Nniney marit.tt steady at Itti-istell Mol Splane hare charge or the other. . _TO per cent. Sterling firm at 123 to 15.1'4. The Mintile„Capt. A. ti. 'Shaw, with %Mr. A. .Gold without. decided chance. opening at lIC ;, C. 31eCoanell ill the tialee. as now In t urn for dintlielogiollaudvaliatair to Ila; , . Anil closilig - S ' t t '' Cui 't "” l win " ''''''' Cue ''''' " Iln g , flu ttattit point. • ' 'at Iliti'. Government Stoehr; more active and The America, Capt. T. IL (Dialog, fa filling firmer. creiglita to Liverpool lintel. op ttl.oll.illy tor New iirletins, and will seJte lie really to 151:e her depaature Stocl:ti stronger. Nor:litre:stern, 47; do pre- 11 , i ,.., r „ r ,,,,„ ~,,, .., m „,,,,, r „b ei , r, 00 ,,,,,,,,, (erred, 75,t.. t ; ; yotentt, 125; lad: 1., land. 15 1 .1; Foil that on liondny . 10e elegant not 'learn heat, Way Ist, it.el;; Analysed Terre Hanle, 43 , ryili, i 1:11.11,i Initmet, Inlet led as an additional ("Oat 15 ef,,,,,,1, , t - t , t :1it... t 0t..., mid ot. 1t...1 l, ,r,i; lon . tint Pdt.tittitttli t'ntol Geneva trade, Wit. tre..toro I no.. T..igt.a•.l,„ :At n, N., yoj j.. 1,1 w.• I . [own to I:rim 11 iVille, li here sllu 11 mi. , Centre', tiii;.„, - 31j,iiig.t ~ 1•:, . 11,1 12, 9..., cis. ve. being Idistallt', it is 1,011030t1 to 11400 1113 . ~ b,o. l'a . i0..4 •9.:.Sc',' anti , 31i; 1,11 ke ai . vi. rani I'olll in is few W 1 . 111,eek,. boat is one' tit •lier preferred, 71,7 , -;({hie and ll itoti.isiptil l.'s, tr.t.:.; pert model and ttnest finish, and the aroma,' mi,,,,,,, e , ~,,,,,,.‘; :tea ~ , t t‘ s - tit , t , itt,s, II t,";;; do, ly t t. - ,, of 11l A 1 1 (1100 1111,1 Line) Company Indru detere itet"; Treasury 1 ', 4Ar5,'14 , • ,;. ttimed to make her the Caen and most elegant t,,,, 1.50, , ~,,,,,,, ~',,,,..10 ~,,,y, Ti l e loan faro bitted and aphtlhdered Inarever paced on .11,trlieT ii etyy.iit'4l.o 'pi, :000L. Soma large the Mottengallela• .We have not yet learned sonunnts list t, this ineraintr, heel. borrowed her Catntalsileti. . ~.. . , at 4 per CC/1 t, on government ittictintleit. The Thin IL -C. Gray Woe to - Lu xe left inul.Vlllo 41seetint delinual continues - light, and chef:ie. for Piltulinech on Tuesday., The I r onlyville MIN par, treely'at 5 per fen ^ . • Zs. owl, of Wedaentlyy, say's: — The tank I k naret 11ti..151 ilia, heeame The tow rtiboat .Sa Roberta arrived' _frown_ strong and cloned vitli an unsettled feeling.. Plitelinrgh resterilti.Y.• with ten Or -eleven GOVertiluen7S are In active demand at buyer- barges of coal for this Itiarkat. The Tom lug Intel; 7 , 10'1 tu 4.: le,/ illtlLlir,.l for thaellto 'Leese, Hercules, liehg s - 1 Tiger. 3.5- Nerd add 01,1 bearing long bead, II Of way snares are Warner, Cavil having in tow eighty or ninety higher, the shone: who hold largo nano. thonsand bioliots or ,eo./.14 dud and will titles of steel.; laans• ansleni 10 bid op the • probably arrlvan to-daY.: lt4o receipts-of ,pekes In order to be 11.1110 le rell`dat. After coal wilt tale, th e Marie . !ISMS time to the regular beard the tollioring were tlicyjno.a come. , , • . 111110irs: Sew York Crimea!, 1..1.114l; Erie. 0! J cry alilox vl td•ctltro.OcLlV'T•liSvo is 5 feet 6 1 ludAost Meer. is.; Reading, 11. V.... Alishigne inelot9 wator 'Jo the peas Orer t 9llo fulknalid A:I,IIUL al, lic; lt ich igen Noollloll, :11!.; lIIIIMIS TISIllg slowly. The weatlii^rla clear-and cool; Ceti oat" ' lea; Pitt scarab, 111.%; Northwestern, svith tho wind f rotn the north. Mae- tug Wild li'."; do jo elerred, 7:1-,',,; Reel: 'island. ltiti%; tort; 'loonier, with a tow, punned through. the Wi:yite, 1e.r...;;. Farmsit ',yeti:ince &in. Mlle canal.. The towboat Sam -.Debella arrived at sixty dos s on • London, il';did3d; for Coin-...i11, . a tole of coal from. Plitabargh, anitaity I,,,,ro,,toitaitetl2B;:o for hankers' 00 St ellen turned with a tow, of empty burger fur that' 51 4. 1 , 1 , 1 ,', 'Varis 2icet. ...t is g • ' y it la ..' Zie Nora lett Cho.hinial for Piranbur • at cull.' North 1 Veaterl ' i t Ittitn ' t n at r ii "l a l :Ls ' i ' lrile n .i. t . • Tunt.tiay with a frilr trip and eugisge g m ' ents nine andsold up to 11. Tail:Mire niarkut lea,, 'above. 'f Ilene ‘'Srilen and Silver Clued strong. The following leer s the el tomes wore advertised to leave St.-'l.OOl, forill Us. at 4,111 r. us Ohio and .11.1 se Ina iii,4 coo:neaten, . burgh Mt Tuestlar., The I.' inch:Matt piontrr .l33.l4:lll;; Canton Lhantlativ, 1id;831 , 4; Boston einl, at WednendaY.SaYo : . , - , • Company, prefyrt t4l, ait"Alils,. I:pud:ritual, The Fa. rat Porter, from Pittston gli to Sew , pLefe_rred, 4, • Ti.5. , "•:',i; 1, , 1e. , 5.1 . .,, , 2" , 3,,; Hudson, Orleans, idsctiarged 2101 10,13 of freigh• I.re,, 1 -4.0 ,12 -`i Rti , tfing; I / . `'..;; t4 ' 114 %-tj Ittri'dY - ren... I and moire.' 10,00 ito Watt.. She Ills 500 tons iraL.1:51,,J.,4127; 31 lenient, ceetrio,lls &tic; Allebi 1 of fret:rot • altogether, . one limn being 4001 Igen Solitherii,2l`,4Clo2;. t i plawy....The Leonidas, Capt. 31:A Vol. drop. 'New 'York Prodder, AtnatreL t t rid down to Gm landing last evening, mid ia will co melt., 1t03.113k; for kiesnithlt Tim New Tong. Oet. lA.—Cotton dull, at 10 , 7:;.4e Lernitti.,.., kitit.t. air MI decks , and haa'laecly for molding uplands, cud ol h. 0., VIM' %VI best newly plititeil. fnrilisial 40...,:. ,Tito 10c. butter: li ,t Id. nettve. At te..40 , ,Z12 52 fet•ttx- - .1 Conont,lere, wille i h nL las .,, latn o tl f y i l i i , cat a i i i ito p i i ii y e lo .. %,/ r n . . Ern stale.; t1e,1it6.12 for eat ra . lti 11.0., mid .02,10a,ia,, Nero,' aat., 013.5. i for Inane !hulls, eloon g quiet. W heat 1011, WAY 1111t11.1 off yeeterdny, blaring the le:Whetter anti quiet, at itl,litY2,-25 for Sot ' Mary .tment alone In the t rude The Char ] 12. Chletigt , spring. Wllb.by eienoy in ~and, to 1,,,,,,,,,, dropped down lud: landing yedurday V . , : ti. ,, 11.1 2 -t o id i l ,better illtd ii , tiy a ve z ita , tll l 2.2 te rg r , I. a 1 a u tl y r .. l ~o il:i f :i, r , I I i tie . t.t , i lk u a . ii i r D y r l o v . e . r ..: ; 6. .. r ;. r e h uet 4 11,12 &IX for two rowed :date; $1,31 for Catettlit front Item ithig yetiturt!ar. . Met l. Carley wait quiet. Receipts of 70,4111 Of the fifty bratty tibia ~co /ay 112 g .13i) In the 1.1135 h. corn; epsa leg 111,1 j bat - o.rd 'mere tie.-{ vicinity of . Cincinnati. Um follo s; f 4r ', ire o n live and [tiny lu miter. at at",;222 for tuferlor; I that arc left: Northwest, Constliethin Nymph, 9ltt(di,at f.trbitllinhig :lilted flout; tyya i I for i überik, At - cybr, ' Emerald. Atnaton char d.. In store; 41,uShil.le tor prbuo wade west- 1 e „,,,,,, 0,„ ~,,,,j,,, r oe. A , : Z., ta a, axon, ern. Itecelpti en 37,141 beep. fuLtuulo 11 roa• 11'...stmo,land...31ea.enger, Taleritialt, Sliver, er, at 58atllt..Cor • CI; leago; Coliii , t , for A lllwt, n - Lake, Mel nowt nun Geo, 0. Valater., kee, and rilt<WAc for note. Codes dull., lan gur lion; Havana leall!•;',e. - Slotassrs quiet and unchanatitt; retrotenui lower. at De tor crude, and 3:1H40u for refitted in bond. Pork dell andlitnisy at 431,101t2 li 1,15 for lisle "mss, elos'ng at 4.13,55ciiiii;531 for olit 'do., and ft/t1,54 - 4ii,•.,7:. for prime:Also 11101 bb's.' new wets for Nrivember•. Sellers. notion, at,..31,52.. Beet stendy, at litlit s sVls,so (or now Pinta MC94.. Beef titans quiet. Hamm' quiet, to. IW,u for rt ,Eumberlail cut, and 154,:c • for ,eliort.riblioil: Dressed hogs hoary • anti lower,l at 11.14013:4ts for western. Cud moan '.lnlet nod 'fteatly, • at. 14014%c for 'thunidere, and 17 - til2c far hams. Lard heavy, et 15elit4c. llutter heaVy..at 44 635ty (Or 01102; 0 i . v.-, ISe for ste, and 5 2 a3rer. fort orange county papa.' Clieen ta e dull, at 10H17„4,e; New Took Dry Gonda Market.' ' • • New Your, October IS—There are a number of conflicting tatduenCes combining, to rendur the dry goods trade dull at 1111.9 time. Cotton advances abroad- but Is dull and lower In this market, freed the decline in gold.- Only Ole fear era light crop, still existing, causes hold ers of goods to be Ornacr in their Vie Wt. , Wit lie buyers expect lower Orient: and conseslatliliS prevents atfee the light trade whitili ;would otherwise; ells'., Jobbers' Prlces:—Brown Shcetlngs—Appleton A, 32; Great. F .11s IL :II do. S, la Illeseliod Sliirtlnga—Hill's Smelter Mem. $2; Harris N 0.1,33; Ilortiftu 28. Trints— lderrleine tV, Harris American, 12; Freeman, 17; Emplre, 1324. 13 inghatass—Lasspoter,l7l::; fiat- ford 22 , i'. Callibiles—draliblngton, 14,t;;;; Porte land,. 11.. BUithslo Harker. fluvrstr), * ,Outobilr 18.-erlour li in , goal de.", ' lotted for nprlnitexl fa.; aspenof 3,o(lllbis lit 1 511,..5 for No..l.mpring Slate, $l2 for spring, and I .1.UL1.64101 . White wheat double extra west , j, era. Wheat In fair tattling 'dent:mitt . sal.3 ol I 50,003 litt at WON for No:SCOW:Igo, and 03,10 for Itio, 1 ,Idilwankee, 'Corn scarce; sales at S 7 fft anise. spot, Indicting 4,05,1 Du to entire at 040 for 'No. lull:tett. Oats—Sales of ROO be No.S.Chicago, Jinn to arrive, et 52e. Nye—. Sales Of DAD hu Chicago at 01,123, llarlry dell ' .and noialnul. Pork, - 'Lard, leieltoe. - . - ~ .wiitetlyor . s.ag: ', • ' • • • . . . - - -• - ;Chlengo Hdrket. , , . , Cifft-idam,' October la—Fleur active tit 0011,11 ~,,,,,,,r 0r ..10413,,, wima eolvww..l 4. tor No. 1 11/11610110 for Na. 2, clot In g Ilr to at k.3,42H2,15 (r/r_ No, Land 1t1,1'801,1/11 for ?in. y.. Coq! iltill and declinedlhale, elOslr.a at llitlM4.7ie for No. 1, and sae''''s rod eo. 2. Oats - quiet ali't 311 . 01 311 / 2 0 for N0.:.-'Mess pork, $31,50451,75. II iguwines dull. freights advaneed.lie. - •S?. i : uI8. °a r FlourC'S. Orin and Un- Clieige.Wloa; heavy7[er: spring; . ieacor rortapr l.6p.,t2b;chnice, ta232,J0 prime fail, s3,C3ef,i; alt/ 7 Mt, 4.2.7044c2,50. Cora and OaDolichaugoil.. Pork don. Bacod and Lard how boyete. : Whisky unellat,ged. ~.. ''' Vblladelphini.flarket... , w - . ProtottistratAi October lit e, —Cottna gid' Illitin (rig Uplands, 4101 Wadi lag Orleana. 42 l4. Flour quiet hot II rin. • Wheat .firm and 00.41'01', 1ittd,53,f15413,15; Whyte, VAC.. Rye. $2,25. Cora only scarce, Yellow, 51.12, 041.5,15rD52. .WlllB. Icy, Penna. 41; 0h10,,43D1L. 111.1.1tItETS RV , • • Toledo 31hrket. • • Totano, 0., Oct. I . B.—Flour rtendy. salon new white Ulchlgan nt4r2,B7oouber,E..tt No I rPrink, 42:40; ex do, 61,0. Corn— No lj rnixe.o, 043, loyko .Freirkts un Changed. • ?tart °rte... Market. Now Oa:tins, Oct. l B.—Cotton lower; Stiffs' 70U bides bow 31141,111ntr ItmelPt. 3,55; Wee. New York Exchan *o ,y discount. Sterllnig M. • • nitlernukre. newly'. Wheat dr l' i i ntl V t.: AU ,o9 ll. l s. or?l "t.ll , a u .— nr i l l :l u ,ro r for No. X. Corn Onts quirt ut fort-N0.2. , Sron PlLarlietn. • .• • DuIL/tan:am*, Oct: 17.—Pla; Inaba to In fate demand at - mat antra. a I titanic. of lan tuns No. ..I.Anthraelle ut null No. 2 ut SOO tan or Um. :Scotch pig • moves slowly at. ate;g,,,.. Blooms are unchanged. • Nequota Cbsteunt at l90(11.00. itanufactured iron Is not • mnch In qttared after, but holders aro :11rut In Chair via, Ntw Yogic, Oatober 17 r-Seottl; - pig la .1n to• dueed - o - tort. and hold (trusty, with rotten of CV W3OO tons (Atoll:amuck. at SNOW exalill?. and Pnalt3 from rard. America -to; stall offered rtfoy, and wo have no sales to rrport. 2uo too tone ..r.npllsh mils sold at j,iog!i, gold; o old not brut, $50, - curranny,. and 140 do Old rails, to arrive cuastsrlsr, an tonna. nut' , 113 .1.publta: • liar both • by invoice and In lots r y llritatorat• Is ottlet, bOt prices; bagsinn t'ommissary qt Locisviza.c. October IC:—Tile' United State Guam issars- at. Lordsvtils, - ICentacty, yes tjaY or,th of bids tor ttoreA for which Ll° had is•utl pi,ovo:als. The tolloirig- s ts state men; of tbo . . Grubb a Manila, poinsta Kap, at 1 00 per pound. Grubb Jallardia.2sn) pounds can .llo9, at fib per pound. Ilobinson '& Willett, 10,Uat pounds nary tobacco, at (Se per lb. Gib son, Marty & Co.; 39,000ponnds brown sugar, at 12 93-1000 per pound. - - T. L. Jetteram 4t - BrOL, bbis flour, et e 12,00 per bill; Marlon Mille bland. James Kennedy...all bble flour, at Map per bblt Kenundyte vr Y brand. S. A. Miller,. bble tear, at 4;12.20 per bbl. . lIIPORIS WY RAILROAD PITTABCMCIII, FOOT Wanio a CHTO,IIOO 11 B. - Octaber 18.-3 ctrl oil bury, Jan Wilkins;3 cars staves. Wm:Hastings: do - batiey, l/enry Res Jr; 3 kegs had, S slarvm 7. ; 2 cars barley, Wainwright & hp; 1 :to do, Frartheim, Sillier a'' co; 1001/blt tiour r linoi & McKee; 100 do do, S 11 1.10 3: 1 ; 130 do J I Slogan & tiro; 31 boxes :Meese W . Tiroeger; 1 car wheat, Mellano a - A bier;'l do corn,llitchcotk, McCreerY & e 01 .37 aka rugs, Smith • & en;_ 23 do do, .sint late a co; 150 lulls paper, McKee &,„ 4 earns tobacco, 1.1 Illurra3 ;1 car ads, Blair a 1 romit:;2 phes butter, 2 do eggs, J Floyd; 3 bbls c. 170, 11 itlibile; lil bids apples, Seghtnyer. Yost:a:nu: 3 cars metal, ri match 4 eo; / 0 bb/ 8 uPlile . , En:ll.ler& bbls elder, Kell & . ard- 50 bbla hlghwln es, Stilpton & Wal lace; 12 plrga produce, L II Volga & co; :0 bbls cider, E ltrldenbach; 20 pills batter. 4.barreD egg Volgt .1. co; 25 ta.scandles, - 131.101121fther Lang. P1TTE,111M041...001.11111.1C8 S CINOTAN/15,1 a. Ire., October 18.-2 corn rye, 3 do wheat, IliteheoolC, Mee:eery & no; 3do On, A 'Moore; Ido barley, SaCkett r CO; 1,10 SIAVVP, C Si Smith; 1 do corn, .1 S Newulyer co; 2. pkgs butter, Ido 1a053: John Drowuloy; 5 bbls apples, COdirrEVO & no; ^5O bdts brooms ' .1 Dilworth co,• kegs but ter, 51 W ltalthin; 1 cur flour and feed. 1. , Cur Oats, Stewart & Langenbelm; 12 tale apples, Stargcoll a lire; 1 car apples, K C Bostwick; cars corn, 1 do oats, J & iv Fllll . lisVl l cars corn, ruin Elm:atm; 1 car cats, 11: J Deck; Ido au, Gilmore, Simeon & co:1 car. barley, - Curson, D.O iluntou a co; 100 taus flour, T Jenklua; 1 car wheat : Berl & Itltchart; 113) tibia flour, 11os:comer, Goo - & co; 3 Gus Lams, II 11r1:01 3 bbla wbishy, 11 Thomas. . -CLevat.A.so 41t, Prrreaucart item - Itosl).-.. October 18,-4 cars ,akeat. J. 6 Lotogutt cot Brow!, &co, .Ird Ore; %Ars Ss 00, 2do dot JnO • Griv, Idn 410; CheSH So d t It 3 CO,I do do; W Sim feet lanther; I) C Smith, YM 0a4 5 milltentit J Il Leon S co, DJ 1519 sand; SpetWer Aleltny, 10 Obi. cider, 2tX) sky barley, 9 empty tlo IMIs• J P Weldon, IC, sks rag"; W J Steel .at lb°, 5 al, apples; Bead R Met Egar, 1 'bbl btu, 2.10 ;lax Fl!ellm,tura C.OIIA. tiro, IW tike oats; Jell Vengt k co, bills I.iftter; Mantitough: Smith S. no . 22 050 mom I.: C thihJey, boxes olMono; L II Voln Co, it 514, apple. , 3 sins nuts; Brewer, Berke S: en, 1i bbls Mr-. Co. 1034 pee meat; Parker, 9 tee tart: ..1.1.1x.011 . 4NT STATION, October 18.--1 car lalak, Cr,,;ig 1 :g huttvr, 7d Wylle;G s l; l ll l l l 4 s lln ' u fi r t , ' 4 . le S P:l n tr l tle D 4YErl ' ls l g.l r er g ,r,..lll::,,e l , l , 4) . itac,.; 7 cars wheat, fienoelly a uro; I do Ulm' ber, C C Boyle; vobbts Shut, It Kaax Or 50a; 3 hly appwa,J Herbert; 13 pled, , woodencurr-, Shuts. R 1),to ;ler; 7 ski reed, It Stebilleld;2 boles 'twice, ll.Gerwig kb Co. • • • RIVER NEWS. STEAMBOATS, rail CINC/NliiATI6 LOU. trt 1.1.1(. .l 1.1.: ANDS l',' 1,0 MI., uger."..." I n Cir As. B tEtt. to win e . tige .3.1.170 .14 all Intermediate ports Vn SATIIRIP .1. , PP:r Oil tmar.l or to 'onw r"r*""'h il ' Ar'le Cot.I.IIMIWO. , D. A tr ,, t.• epl 1141 I 41.1e•obert 1. pater QCICKSI Li. espl. D. Dontt.of,o2c. S. Bleu n, Jr.. Clerk,' 11111: rim: , ay.", rtkOILLAIL I . Actie:r, 111. autieuuce.l above, •earlog on WELP• NKSIPAYS el.l2 i r. , • roe trel,sht or eseette epOlp on twar.lor f 1 wig . . JAIT.F.3 C1e1.1.14.^, Agtufs. 011 ' i I*CINNATi\AND , F= . 0, LoUISVIL.LE —The flue t azer C117,tt111x.,.., - • • U. ,V. ktrAn. NVlllleare for the above and ell Intermediate porta onlrlll3 DAY. at 4P. W. '• Yor tre gin or peerage, aorlypn botr.l or to • acid FLACK,a(:OI.I.IhOWOOI .I . Agents. J. ,• E ANS VCI kND I.E. C t'AloM i t b . r. - KEOKIJII • creamer U Vit.(lW Cant 1. W. J OIIVBO Will It sty , for the above and all luttrusettlAto ports, on 7111-CD .I%nt 1 I' Y. rur I rtig//t ur ps...sgo apply on boartl, or to o^lti J &YES C0LL1N5.21n ....... it. FPpl t a i N ir4l l,l • L i g t i at l e V rgt 4 t A At FISICAII. Dom - aka, %DI leave .or tbo and ail I ottructllate port.. on THIS DAY. 1801. r ts.oard or to . I : a ft " % r trlrVT; A p r IVITWOO„ _ Alen t _ VOIC ST. LOUIS.—TI;oz : pastwoger amer atismr Cap.. A. NI. SU Arr. Win frour for the &novo antral! Intermediate pdrtd on THIS DAY. For trelspit or p 4l arr +gs..ists y blnr4 onto`" . oon PI.Ao. S. I 01.1,12.101 r Milt. Anal.. CA K 171.-111 , opltuddl piaseugtr Woos er IS A YAM) Capt. tillootst lloollz. ToArel PittSbArgh • MONDAY AND TilUail/V....11% 11 o'clock A. at • 1....,Afes Parkersburg AND IrItIDAY Yor r•viglit or IV/IMISKIF srpiyou bowrd. sel9:kl T.ESOI.UTION TO OPEN GREEN AA , ALLEY. • R”urevltty /As Artittod hand Use n on •C ouncils of th e yam of dit•phcag, Tat Jive. A) , In We Third War to ee op 'nod atom ene. , tont street.) hr ham line ni • Inn Lmt aloy, a distance of one hundred mud ty nine 11.44 fret, end Wet %V. J. (limo°, domes Ilorain slut 'Muds Torrence; free• holders, la and they are hereby sppol nte4- viewers to slew and a - arts Inc damages aud laments In an cortazee with Wu provisions tof the Act of Assent. My. approved May Ist A. IL. ISA and that the of Cunnells notify pore of their appoint- Went. .(1/0 alnedand enacted Into a lawittle the eleventh d ly of or:toner. , Anno:Lrumtnl ono thousand eight •Imi mired and sistrtlx.sAmns main - • • - President of ticiret,euunell.. AtteSt: il. TlcPtigneOg, • Clerk of talent COuncit. • • C. W. ItinNNET, • ,• President of Common Connell. . Attest; 110n1:1Iy llli,WONTI1.• , • Clerk of Common Council. ' • DLIT. .REStILUTION TO OPE. 1111/1.,,N.A. VISTASTREET. • • • _ 71..imi by the Saul m Dna Comon Connell/of ha 002/ QYAUcChenu. That Unel•EVlata Street. ID tha yrmnJ Ward, tee opened from Us pr• aent tormluna ot,Tne or ereenno a distance of two. hundred' an 1 • .1 t • too U. lngo/ re, eicht fret an oi .11 rs. • , here, darn. t.oekhsrt ant James SteGurdy• lod•t•rs,, De • RlLllter beffeb7.ll4loilded TjeWerll V ich'y 00,1 WWII* he dentine* and 'benefits In' acm COMM., With 111 prerebbne of Ike Act of •sacro • Ay Is?. A.. that URI tutas of Counetia notify them of their appoint. molt. • . . Cr 4 . 1404 no 4 enatted 'lnto liWr this the oloYomb 4 .Y or Occolmr, Auuo Dogoual Ong 1.44.8 p. 4 . 11,1 elnh l tC i: - 11.Vi.itili,V . I‘.le4' .. °l7l''t Clurk ofCuwmea 1M. 131 -11bbls; au' MANUFA - 4005..."'*.....0iJ'.00 - k W'X'I'Mi9X3LTWILC4XX, iu2n,racnnuuls or • • AMERICAN AND CSR Ravi Hoop, Sheet and Plate I,ro l* Bridge Iron; Angle and T Iron; Guard Iton; (foal Sereeiaron; T RairA,lo and 20 lite.'lo the yard. Tram Balls, punched and coun ter stink Boiler, Bridge td Tank Rivets Cut:Nails and SpikVst Ship and Boat Spikes; - Railroad Spikes; Railroad Fish Bars and Dolts; Railroad Car Ilueets and Axles; Street Car Wheels and Axles; Coal-Pit Car Wheels and Axles; Patent Cold Rolled Shafting; Patent Cold Roped Platonnods; Mower and Reaper Bars. Rsualsutlea AN l iO/7/414 120 iVater and 158 Front Sts. BRANCH buuse,, • Nos. 22,24 and 26 lifver.6l., J.Las ooloAoo. ua KENSINGTON IRON WORKS. ,LLOYD & BLACK, lI.NUTALTEMILIIS or Qebt Common, Relined Charcoal Juniata, Bloom MERCHANT BAH, liOUND•and SQUARE inu.n. now. RAND, T and A NULD IRON. • BOILER MATE and h lIEET 31AIWEII And REAPER DAM. CV.I.MHER and GUARD UR FING7.R IRON.' T :Ili and In lbs. to rue yard. WIIOI.IGHT CHAI ILI and r PIKES for same. • ELAT ItAILS, Punched and Countersunk. 'MIA:, SCALED, IRUS. • NAILS and SPACES. , • . Warehouse No. AN Water and Nor n Marketota. Works. Second. street, Eighth Ward. adjoining City Has War Its. Pittabursh. auntti4 RANGES, STOVES AND ORATES, ALL PEOSONS WHO NE EP NEE, cotlioNti Itch 11 En are In • tied io <all and sea C 0... h k,:ty cosmg ita at No. Ea Liberty street, +ewe. they hill also and complete supply of gee and common enameled MIES, MK INC STOVES, PICLOII.IIEItIIG SIOVLS, . Waah Hours rumener and 4 unary ttp , l4E.l:, H 1 t'ELL ,Er. C 0.,. • Manursemten 'aril., celebrated, T.1111151P/I COOK STI)VE.S. Plitt COAL, And illockliak for wood: ~~id ROSEIDeI 'lt STOP'E • PETERSON, Jr., & CO.; It",unueturers an 4 Dc.lene to Jt iii at Cooking= am! lleating Stoves, ROCCOW WARE, &c., of the very L&TP - 1' PATTItItbb and LtTYL.Z.I Warehouse, 191. Liberty Street, PITTSBUII,GII, PA., = DUQUESNE IRON AND STEEL WORKS. HAIL'HAN, RAtal & C 0.,, • I,,,,,vracTenzas or Iron; iVails, Springs, Axles, Ytoualt, srstraAND A. R 13'RUEL, AR, vAitzlivistse. XV ch. 77 VPAt Ctroci, PiTTS ;MUGU., uat:u AIIp3EIITAL GLAiiS WOIUh& •• I,IOPEW& = BLACK AND GItEEN' GLASSWARE. Drugglatto Ware. nottles. • DEMIJOHNS,'CARBOYS, &c: Warta aud (7111ce, Lawrvicestlle, Pa. 4 ' Pus!. tuancr. Amman% PIM.111:8011. • Alwsya o m 4 Ulxs,eare of nut Above deicrlp- Hon. All orders promptly ittten , lt-d to. . ParttcohLr aitentioa paid to Privato M.." 4: umiTrwonus. • 810LE/ill & STATOR, No. 83 Liberty St., opposite fourth 1111ANINAOIVEZ021 as 'CABINET MAKERSTARDWARE. ey Mak • specialty so d a Ca s tors: Castors: Parocislo, Bedstead'Pivot it: dsiead Yastolnast Stuns for littenslOn Tables. At. .They Map tnannfacture and have .nstantly on hands Thatob Latches. hpringantehm Lean.. NV Haiti danporter, td•Leants Itccentrlc eaalt Button, ULtiliy Shatter and Butt ifinaeS, (Mad stone liansingd..,Sad lrons, Sash Wtyclas. de., Re.. lIPPINCOTTI' 'IIIKRIVELL,' , No: 118. Water Street, ma,for,oromot, o r .Pd.TZ.VT _ TEMvERED CATE,IT MOTTLED cincuLitt, nuwor. -:xIILLANDIMOSIII-CIIT . . , . . Vir . •. jeti1.,133 )101MOR Jag. b. ismquiy., oman..4 HOMER. WORIf.S. BORROW &BARNHILL,' • 1 1 11.NUrACTIJKlaill or - Steam !loners. Oil .Stilla, Agitatori, Tanks, Salt Pane. Gaeumeterx. troll litldges,Shett Iron CORNER LIBERTY AND SECOND STS.. - PITTS BUIIOII. P 4. IIiIeSEPAISINU WHIG MOM PTLY. lor14:023 W. i.• 11/Wtalt . C. r. Oeauia. ABILIFIcAN mAcun t . Is ORIEL& FISHER, GRAHAM & CO., Engine Builders and Machinists, 11 AxtrEtercre lois 01 Oil Engines, Oil Tools.. List! everyillog tweesslrr for Boring - Oil Wells. rarlleolar attention pall lo imlog up etlefiloll rolleTC Hangers, &a. ..ritarlors **emus, near Ft. W.le.C. ' .a..U.oolactxry. Mass., REM MIN 0 MINE ritUbIPTI. a". • 1.13;d8 INDINTIIIAL WORKS. Mat It. SOLll...gintas OstoOst...iiirsl7/51 Olut, HVCH M. : VOLE & CO.. TOM 11 lin._ VIM Ettilt,lllsll3 Ail It II A. e/fINISTSt Ilanureeterers of eTI3A IlltaT GI MEd; OIL WELL • KNUI NE& LiIiCOMOTIVIt3 for Cold -Work.. all kinds of Lunt and Marine EN IIINES,rrisde to order. YSVIn the well serried reputation of tent Manager Mr. J /MOS SIELEION, we hope to,esietire a. liberal share of. patronaho from Steamboat builder. and others wan tlngstoal emehlaery. ilorolm will be to do all work In the best manner are Mir moment:. illartlll i t?tti l l t e 4 To l rrtrer rtri'lng Al !lti l igiler; promptly attended to. We'ean tiara 35 reel long. and Isomer tarn a Polley 'M {n et diameter. Pgr o lloP Muquesrie Way. near the Point. roandry on Third attest, neat, 'Market. Pittoborillii BLACK, DIAKONK : owrztelx. viTcarAmcix t : uticer arr i dot t : L l4 '" • car quAziTy ¢M MIMIcantITEGL, Square. 'riat and Octagon, of all alto. Warranla equal to ant Imported ormazatisctrid to thin coon inSartnnea sad oarchta,' 14* . add YOU, alt . I=tletand lorwata. pawnor.* t0k11,41 70 '.11•10U war, LUJAN. IUQUESNE AND swEwr POINT IRON YORUBA PIT'II3III3IIGIi. Penna., mon o feeture all Claosee of ToreloWli - lior liteowboot tilkaithYrooto, Plidom Itodo. torero, Vitouto J two od e Wrlatit.. l, also: Railroad £.1012. LocomotAiveraplerslo Troware =a all spe ',WI. TOO led tolf °D 00011 (Pr many ha years aosiged the Imalnen are prepared-to tbreash all •orders outvoted to them Pith promiduees and dlepoteb. 11d34 LAWR IXt. PTITSBITRGH raw WORKS. J., PAINTER .& SONS. . 1t1111311.011111111/1 lion nucket, Tub and Trunk H9IPPS AN D SHEETS, Imam- • rArTsutracm,Pa,.... tica Lknpux STEgEI. - WORKS. • al Ocs. ry <mow. wA,Tiverrourroystguy EVERSON, PRESTON & CO., Pimrsrrdratforza EtitOlN . WC ) So NotAillandleftlftririrt Ossestto SiononsiktliZlANN rittourib. FAr - ` tkleMit TIL&NUFACTURF;RS. FORT *lTti ---- 801 ER, STILL .ND PINK NVOR,MKS. CARROLT., & SDiYDER, MANIMACTUEZCISCM .TUBULAR; DOUBLE-FLUEP, TunuLArt FINE•BOX h UTLINDEU STEANISOILEBS, OIL STILLS AND OIL TANK?, CHIMNEYS, DREECIIING. ' AND ASII. PANS, SETTLING PANS, SALT PANS - AND CON- DILESER.s, STEAM PIPES, GASOMETERS, IRON BRIDGES, - • PRISON DOORS AND COAL SGOTBS; Odle e . and Works, corner Second, Third.. shoat ond Liberty. s, - • . Pittsburgh, Penusylvunia. ~.11r.lera scat to the slave Waren, arn •be promptly attended to. • selt;l9l , snErrizto STEEL waits. SINGER, NlllllOlB5 vo- , ' ILAN i:PACTIIIISAB OT • BEST REFINED CAST STEEL . ISOILICA, FLAT IND OCTICON, OF ALL SIZES -- ktu.L., mcLaY, czr.cur.mx, 111. U AND C 8015.5 COT SAW' PLATES.' ELLIPTIC AND -r.mr-ztrarwle RAILWAY SPRINGS, • . . Cast tiviltty "Steel,' Cast and German Plow Steel r . "'PLOW WlNas AND MOVIrY.R Ii AIM. SPRINGS, AXLES ANIYITEEL TIRE, SICKI.4. felloVEL, FIOF— TOE CALK AVID STEEL, du., de., de. Warehouse, 83 Water St u Pittsburib. IRON AND NAIL WORKS, LEWIS, BAI,LEY,BALZELL &CO. .11,2.UFACili KIM OF BAR BOILER, SHEET ZLINTI3 NAILS AND NAIL RODS, Warehouse, 73 Water & Front st" P3rrstlUM:ll, PA. ecli :151 HEYSTONE - IRON WORI6. ORISON, GLASS & CO., • alanufseturera of the different 1112. ca nt ROUnd, Square, Flat and liorsO-She Bar !run, Hoop and Band-iron, Boiler-Plate, Tank and Halt-Pan Iron, Sheet iron, , PITT TOWFSLI I!, on Monongahela rlrcr. Ours and Si - nrellunse: No. 146 We ter Street. FORSTM'S STANDARD SCALES. •. Cop Presses, Warehouse Trucks, Igaggne Barrows, Sugar Hills, &c. I OrtSYTII, TAYLOR & CO.. 'task E@¢ an 311kUlt STREET. = IT.A.IitILYWALI I 3E. B. VOLE', Co.; Hardware & Cutlery Ate now receiving isrin nadttfuns to our stott which is offered to Dealers at I:II.9.I9VIIMIELIV 7P3EILIC)..EOI, Corner Liberty and St. Tlair SO, te..I•LT: pITTSDUIIGI . I , . STEEL WORK , ft.NI.}ERSON. , EOO di C 0.,. _ tMUCCM.---EOM3 TO SONE3. BOYSi & C 0..) . 4a Ittnufactare of lb bestretlned Cast Step" ponall, flat 5.1,10 e r ~ un, o fall flrea,,,f Platea. lido, AO and ti.lat , et U t 41.0. Vast ot eel for • REAPING AND lIIDIVING MAI:DINES, raTEITI POW WING24.HPRIINVI9,,A.XL,Es e CLUATITILAAN 4te, (ist end Centtenn Plnugtt and Spring Stec 4/Mee—Comer of Viral. and 'lnez wrest,. two bra above tan Unnonicluela ttoasa.• zrzcLlLVAirrnino., ItKIIIIEN MILLER, Al. EMIL GEO. W. ItAIHL EASPL Marl' • MIAS. PAILKIN. CRESCENT Sinai WORKS. • L. • • 'MILLER, 'RAM. & PARE( ' itAtrer ArnltillS Or . • 'BEST .QUALITY . CAST - . STEEL Wn.rzi.f.rd Equxtf Afro ;lay in H. - Az:rim either hoportoli or of Dogotrale Man naractore. SPECIAL ATTENTION PAID '.3v FINE CAST ANI , Mr. NTEEL., • °thee, 38 Wood Street, sT. CHM:LES MUTES._ Pirrgourno, Jlrur tsth.l*4. - We./ 49 FORT PITT rouNDRY, CIitiRLES 61IP NEriiEWS . . Re.RUßeeTtritelle OP • IIEAVY Oftl),N4tiVCE gypAND AL anentD Or 111.AVV-CIAbrINII3. s u pelt to Rt4.1.1N0 MILL CLAST AI AC lIIN ENV and ILETORTS.:•. ' NEPA/KS Attio.led La promptly. ' As - NeTetoforr, Letelet2l4l/ RUI Minya be . seed of [hit Vontlry. . - • Having .litpos.4 of our:old patlertit. we ere pro pAre,l, vile Nese AND. 1a5111.0V3.0 .. patterde. ton strut:OA/ cutler flit. euperriekee et Mr. MANUS'. to roilthat NAIL MACHINES at short ontlee. , . Iphl I ia:luoLiA ALACIILVE VV01114,14. a. • . • R. 13C.• XASICriMir Diu. 32 Ohio Street, Atlerbe,nl. • • =MMIZI2I owitovrii !AMINO TOOLS, A NI) PLITlataS Vela) SINISINtI OIL ANL) SALT :DELLS. • Pars :solar•ttouttoa lavltod to bit Patented prorrmsats J.'s and Jotati, made of am:Salts. U. S.. an , ' Low Moor trap, In standard Mass. awl oats hexed. .0 that parts csa be ordered by malitri teb•srantl, 551 toutsl a pontos at all times. Walden rural itt ropes, belting, small tools, as., Is those Who may wlsb lt.• Eames and imichtne ams ,toodo to onion Orders by 19%11 promtly attended to, t prspartld snot Omni,. to otller saasolas torsi s for tbSso bnoroyments =liberal terms. Buz 17 Alleontetqf r. 0.. • • • • Jr..Manij • 'lt. it. LtrAMT.. Lcxx...,' ...ails. L. lour. IrrALLEIV STOVEMOILILS. v • . - • • AL.l.Eist. M'KEE & CO:, .., . . . °lnce and lien.reilnalle =II Liberty ti t . 'opposite- Elastaidelde . . • ,_ • • '. • . - mionfactures a grist satiety or COOK..PANLON and II SATIN() IsTUV KS, mood 'which are the eel:. ebratrd Allegheny 004 Monitor Cool (looking Stores: also, the Autocrat and Sentinel (newel or „wool. awl the unrivalled !Oar or the Mantra. for ...rood; also, Arches, Ural., fenders, Sugar Nettles, Dog Iron. and Hobo. 'War Irenerally. • Anna A. BIZADLIII... ...Ir. - Vanillin . ....... J. Ihr sauna. N 4 TNAI srovip iIfOIIIIS. .-. . .•.._ . . . • A. BRADLEY .di CO ' ... . ~.. - . - Menefedture e'rcry iaelaar of . . • • COOK; PARLOR AND , REATINO STOVES? Aalon4 which meths celebrated ILUItSiItA, Tatpino and TALISMAN (0001 'Stores: I_ VDM.A.NA:, VET _ LIMN and lIDDISIDMIItroed Cook stores. ) , Alm) . Manufacture - GEIATI.t; GRATEXIIOI4II4, &Cs, , 01305 and Warchnellee , horns. of Ellesond a nd Vg ant oo streets, l'lttitturgh. ,r Entrance Ostbecono street. ..' ' ' . Q • SEVEILINCE,..Na'SS WATFU STU.I.Vr• 1'1 140,2, 1N t_LtiltittatiritatBol4lll invicrs,wituttUtiT .t3,l4misocka sadraitruiel at rimdeott s to col or duped 1 4 31 kes*AdittletA i CattlWar cr MOW; outdo to *act it short ! 'DOLMA,: A good as Ortlitaykt.namts.thtn. 89 00 WHOCAN BEAI:T.HIBTS9OO .•::', • Pot:Two Weeign Only of My emu mate, for ths 01r1//11X . Lila Mactotateet -.•- eptling;llu4: iat =ME ThIs — VRANCE.. S. IV TllOllll°BOlV . -ic CO:, Second Ploor, Barker i;LO • wcyuktb. at. Pik% Lift 11111 f MD Imam asuttui EFFECTILD IN FINST . CLI.B.3 Coffil•A,.llfß, at Ale rate*. Lome, equitably adlainao and promptly paid. • AQIINTS Fun 'ALISATaIb IninnUme Company, of Hanford, Ct. ?tont, *meek= tiro losuran. Company, of kiartford. Ct. • Cunnettleut Fie! Inearanee Company, of 0.21, .N a elanglitt4" FL inaurance COmPanY. r I fold. et. -CHARTER 18:29. PERPETUAL 1MEM1111 . 13=1101,07 ITILIDELISLI. Assaim oar Jul. I. nes. .; - 110.4 2849 In trattissi * .3 ets,l3oo Accrued Premiums - . Whim. 'Quested Yretultroas 1.1e6,251 Illosettle.Clainut 8.114 Income . 1 or OH' - - . 100,Lau Losses reld slecel4sl '' 8.0040:6 1 Pesetas! and Temporary rollelse onlitccral term' . . . i s . etas. N.-Baneeer. - lease Len i - Totaxe Wagner. - • - Ed ward l••• pale, Samuel (Want. ." °eerie Yale% Jame& path, AUreu Ville?. ' tieorge H. Illehards,_ Irse's W. Lewih ld.D eIIaILLES N. ANCliCit, S'reildens. Ell WA RUC. DALE. - Vico President. JAS. W. McALLI3I76I2, tiee.y _pro tem. (W • .• • 1,..i.i. PM', 'Agent. ..mliZrre - , - Career Wood 11314 Tilted elretiJ. • INSURE T 0.131 LIFE EC TUE CHANTER °An LI viz IMMIX{ 1210 E COMPA NYI OSP ONLY U E n I W d HN A NCIL COMPANY* lb ILL ENICA •Ulat now mates son each an *noun CA)31.1 DIVIDEPD oat vent and each subsequent payment of premium. . CABO CAPITAL. an se. cumulation of b71,0J0.0u0, Is fee-Orel) InTeated Dab. n o w morMpules of ILIZAL )(STATIC. "It la now In Its mob year of business, 004 boo paid to i WIDOWS AND or.runos of its Inca:Oen the anal 0 UN MILLION DOLL A.M. To rre WM dote not. • sin-. gle -ease of litigation bas oocud, an •Mdeneer tint Ilbc/allty and• Par delliou Is a specially Wan UM Com prey. 'lna pennies of this Company are not forfeited bY relion l'inon - Pdlnient of premium alter the peened Intr.' No payments required alter ten pearl, tult policies continue good through We.. . . • orricasS. ' J. C. Vf.t.I.NI.Y. President. S. PALMER, :Wee President. S. IL WHITE, heeretary, arauch Unice !Ur WeeWrn Pennsylvania, where Circulars and blank Applications wia be turnistusi4 GS Fifth allrool,rittabutirk. Agents wanted throughout the State. Apply to °Olaf JOHN N. LIMEY. Mate Aseut. ftii ND IMAIMMF, 2 ` - INSURANCE 03. OF NORTH AMERICA Hartford Fire Insarance.,Company Mr Protonlon OM Mt secured 111 the ',Loyd named And adiable Commas... rENNS WLVANIA INSURANCE CO. OF PITTSBURGH, PA. T6l• to • Ilotenempanf, end Isaurea :Loftd lose • aely 07 ttm TIMe . ttl i liDA WALTER, Prea!dent. • U. C. nu ILE, Vice Pres. lent. - Ittln KIM PATRICK. Tret earei• 111.10tt .51 , etidi ENT, neeretary. WESTERN .INSCHANCE CO., OF PITTSDURDII., ALEXANDZEt 'MUM. rreeldent. WM. Y. HEltitEliT. Secretary. CAPT. tiEDItUE NIGELD, General Agent.. lt.: Water street.epang psCo.,:s Ware Doe.. up stain, I:lttsburgh. . Win ,Insurc against all blade of Etre Awl Marine alsks.N. A• home Institution managed by Directors who are well buown to the comma ,ulty and who are daunt:Peed by promote°. har es ty, to m tain the character which they assemcd.. fcring the best protection to those who Cadre to be Alex. lilasiek, n Andrei+ Ankle!, R. altllrr, Jr. , David IL Lang, Junto McAuley, Rees Thant., Nathaniel Rotates.' Chas.-J. Clarke, Alesaner.tipeer, John K. McCune. Campbell li. Herron, Jansen?. Hanna. • C. 11. LUeketson, - , . 1131. P. tileltQa.RT.lioeretarr NORTIIAMEIIICA - - LIFE DIELIEANCE COMPANY. :Widows and Orphans' Fund. Job. 63 Pork' PILESIDENT-N. D. MOIWIA.S. efi.c3 TAILIC-J. W. BISAIULL. min. - TINDALL. Medical E ca album - C 0 OIC , SPEZIA!. AGENT MB WZSTERN PA.. 67 Pourtligt., Pittsburgh. AIiPantrWANTE.I.). mMIAS I=l A LILEGUENV INSIIRANCE ,, CO. AA. OP rimattipteii.- 0111ce.• No. sy flab street' Ideuiee,spleut, dials of 'lra and tddrids Masi pEOPLIE"B . IIIIBVIIArpuE 017108. N. E. 0.111111111170(Ill ABDrirTa .ese . COMi.ANT, Elite AND .111.111 N ES WSILB. Cept. Jae. Wnt. Van Jareee I). Verner • • &M. el • .101LN W. T. CILIWNETI., Neerei Intl:IT Cant. JAY' rrIIE ulu II I lIliY. .1111EW.TOMS., Scisoin - acker 4; Cio,Philsidetphiis I I . . The•• , Eatei-:&-:Go'. Cottage' !Or g an, ,AMERicAN ORGAN, • • Actnoilear.l br , the twet tatialeaf talent trt United bratrs to bu supertor to all ethers in power, ppurity = rmi equality of tone; sod thoeb workman- Tgeddi instroMedta tMve 'for Team (Sketl the end premium over all competitors, at the venoms Stela and County Fair.. In pricey they are tower than 14lr ot4ers. _AU warranted for eve years. . _ WAINEIJNIE di • 1124 No: 1.2 OP. Clair street. Plitahurody REIIIOIVAIa - . . . IGO. Ssaithfielel Street. .100. • JOHNI ZIiVEIDINGKR, Formnl7• et 80 1 F1FTHI ElatZT. has removed to 101E - Sailthtield:Streci Two door. 'above qlxilt Witt; whore be ban in . . Pianos,-Melodeons.: rgans, And' all Mier or- 111 INSTISUMCISNITS an! OTHINGS. 01/sustroosesta repaired - with 000tonos sod olopseo - 1118:1#7 VNABE & CO.'S 'GREAT , ' , UNRIVALLED PIANO. FORTES. rgisc& & CO.'S world-ramorned AUTOMATIC OW; ANA AND IdELOIMIONS. .orei I orty Teal aro/ .ow in aze- Splendid new etoek Jost ioe'd by oele cuent.oriz - Bonce. flab area.. • BANKING. BLOUSE. N..IIOLIIES & EONS 33.a.113:Treti e ffilL N 0.51 MARKET ATRAMT \ iPittsburgtk Pepostear , ~:elved Par.ltraels and Cr - reapp, tilittri c itlitas out f e4/2.1w3a4P64.44"" STOCKS BONDZAND OTHER SWEETIES' , • ..Bouskt and gold on ciliabsugh,".: =elan. ittantlesi - Pala 7 0 tb va,resar„ " atd ' BIOIIIITIK ncot.trtiure'• ':" matted IltaLrui 7 , &It": ,„ th•isersasti , Toodisesboatbsor jos*, iteasul , OATznis oar . wuol=lV9 m o,otiTrtriad s 111 ra -LNOWL&NCE YEaLADELVItiA 61.740,000. Assets I„ass,ockk /k!iseti, . 2 W. L. JONES. /14eut. ==EINI Oflice,3l MTh Street,think Moak, tirorge. an Witsoo. Geo.ltr. Evs, .1. C. Lapp a, J. C. Plainer, A. Allllll Jolla VocglleT.; 1)41. Leonard Walter; C. C. Hoyle, Hobert Vutr Jacob Palate, luster Xing, .o. H. Llupklui, Fleury Sproul. JOHN lIIWIN, JR, ?residua. • JOHN D. McCO&D, Vice Pacsidcall, C. O. DONN/CIA., ticereiace, ••••-• Cspt. WM : DEAN, Dancrz!dgent, [TT;.jz7 :fan U. raconi. vv... S. !lead. Chules.Hays, I . l.`Zi e .litarsen (URI. Wu.. Dean. lleo.1.). iwwn H. John Irwin. Jr., it.' 1.. ratincrtocc. Capt. joint L w et. ISaptael I % WM wet. Chute* A imeke, John /11rtpatn4, Prank tS. 131nelt. I V. tisnaan Love:. • 'ISILLIPIS, Fret Went WATT.. Vlae Presldasa • , tntDON. Gann Airt. ,•~ ~ OA :ILV f:Ili Try NEU - Spring and Summer Mesliehle. FLUID EXTRACT SARSOARILLA, = lodide of rftErmtett) roil G. W. BET v3s,i3cdroN, James B. Nichols Se rio. auisupAcTuniso arrEnnErs, st]fl rAcrvaizs 07 TUS F.T.TY PERUVIAN !ARE OM Protoiitle of Iron, ' Mitch Las bacomeeo favorably knolvo as a. Tonic and Ithtorafire, Up taprintan• anS taktalkLs in all witi 4/ Mt eauntry. The new Preparation, ”SARSAPARILLA (PI 11 (142413f . 5AT10n MITI!" lODIDA OF presents one cretin mostprOtnot alterative ¢s. in a form capable of exerting full action 111 , 0112 tha system: acid thlsle blunts and Pleasant doses. It la conceded that the alleratlve, resolvent. or tonic erects Of iodine. are exerted roust decidedly when associated with other alteratives. In tombinationt and the 'Parilparilla seems to fulfil perfectly alt the favorable requisition. The dret effect, natialty Observed when 'SAILSA. FAItILLA WITP. 10OtDli Or LIMB" In taken, is an Increment appetite, showing that It bas tonic properties of a marked cheratier; alteMlivref. facts are manifest In its ready combination with the blood and therm. Hata. setrofulons women and children In:throve rapidly under its use. and the vi tai Nnetions assume asbralthy condition. Ills admirably adapted to &large numberofehron lc or acute aTeetions Occulter to children. it Is suited to them, both by the mildness and eMcleney of Steditinal erect and the pleasant., sttractffniorlit of the remedy. It may be elven for a 'mut Period where colotitettional influences aredestrml. and oat repugnance, or disinclination to tan the *Trap, 'enamel:acted. to Illp-doint eue, and Distortions of the !spine, It aeonld yiy en Persistently, In moderate t,aluitei., until relltfls .obtains. In the Spring of the Irene. and • during the Warm Weather, The accumulation of marine matter. In the system eternal to become manifest-and very troublesoni.. Lassitude.,lleadache. Bolts, Costiveness, Lote of Appetite, Pains In the Joints. ludigeition, etc.. are acry common. :Nothing ever dented is better dapted to exterminate or desire oil these , atreetlene then tele new combination of hilthArAttlLLA WITII lUDIDE VP L ALE- No preparation tike Or watch apPnariataks to N at as . Altdrative - , or Blood Parifi . or, . has ever before been placed mitbin Wrench of foot. f• Ids. Indeed. It la an ' entire!, New and SCutnTIVII3 ee re ni e ytt or , n nmouet repeutteng alythlnit hitherto employee. 001 - - ' The opinion of me. 11.1 men col:leer/ilea it. the description of Its Chen:dog th.meter. therserutto value, insulter tan, etc.. an) piece In a ct Ur. whlehesta be 1.441 al the score stf any and alt clam Dpiggists., For silt In Plitaburgh by it. E. IiELLEXI A Ctk.. AND ALL DVANLIGIAIN. Lay.D:Carar ' , • FLUID EXTRACT OF - . SARSAPARILLA, Combined with lodide - of Lime, I= IFLERING I S DRUG STORE No. Si Market - 1 , 1., Vlttspurgli. MO PENNA. SALT MANUFAtrfUR'G Co. PITTSI3IIIt . . r e ---1 1 F.:q... - -T - "c-x.:;..- , .*-. „ r „ -,. q- ,. . , .*.t.`,% - .4: - TsTi , -.- tvl .,- -,- -...., .i-,... - .., , ,: u z.,,i ... 0 2 ' ri*t '!' -- - I' Titi(if.: - -I .4 i*'' ,- --- , .4 . 1 iti4.. - .;:ii !.. , .=4 ,L al at • .--,„-Ap ,it ~.... —,,, -,:..... ;,.. .... ' , • Ri t ptikail:'. ' v- 1 :,, .... .- A .:x. , '..; ill PENNA. SALT MANUFACI UIVG CO. PITTSBURG.I/ 4 PA. An ORDINANCE o authorize 11w rending and paving of North Canal Street, ID the Fourth Ward. - _ • BCC. I.Ba ['ordained andreureinit belbeSelect and. Cosnlrlolll Cininelirof the Cap Aihmterip. and harelop ordained visit model by ati:4ll*y of Ina fame, tst-thott Commita an Streets be. and they are hereby authorized laud dire-melt .s Invite and - receive proposals for. the grading .m. 4 paring of. North Cnnat street- Ron hart liana se Symevere street, and to contract therefor with she low. eel and best bidder or bidder, at their discrelluis. SacrtOz 2. That for the pa mom - of defraying e cost and expenses of the said insprorement theve -he, and ts berebrierled, a apecial taz, to beequalty assessed neon the screen!. lots hountUng sail shutt ing up fees salklatrect. respectively. in propeetten to the front Is them respeettvely comprised, - and bounding and shutting as aforesall. snel - to:IL That as soot, az the MA( and 011.51160 a of said Improvements shall tie foily a. n'et.slued. It shall be the duty of the Street Commissioner to 5.- stas and apportion the same among tie several lots -bounding and abutting upon raidstreetrapctive ly, Aecordiny to tee rule above and there upon proceed 'to make demand and co.sect the same,' ace riling to the provisions Si Ina wet of °opera! Assembly of tile Commonwealth of renusyl . anti. entitled “An ActdellMot tie manner caeca: . mine; the expenses ofgraillog_ and paving kit the strvits t AneS~eny, and h e porp M ach, other_ • n io limn 4. That sum t o mif eh day 11k any „, may n o d the be .p plied try the fki:egoini t , he„ nod the same is hereby repealed. Ordained and enacted Into a law. Vitiate lien de, , oft/moiler. A. L., one thousand . ..'j it nt hok,grvit and J AYES MellEttEß. • Atteetl 11, Blecirsa Prer,lent of Select Connell moA, Clerk of Wee: Con:tell. . - Attest: tt' Pm . ttdelat-0fc,,; 1. Clerkorea•woßTlA °P . DINANCE toanthorize the -Um`Althea - I.OmM Alt-y. to the Trird Ward. EXC. Es it ovitotardeartevetallm i tti blared rig t m s;s ordaf . mat Jaen. Taal the Committee on streets. be. and. they are' hereby authorised and directed to Write sad re, go l f: J'Ar,". ; •_. l l`i!te AP: , ."7:4 ° F.%g e reliLoryet foie with toe lowest and beet bidder or bidders, at their discretion. . ' Bac. X. That. for the peep me of defrnying Use cost. and expenses •of the sald Improvements, there be, and le hereby levied. In a Metal titx,to be cosily as sessed upon the several tots bounding and abutting! ewe the said at respectively, in proportion to the feet front' in them respeairelyvompetsed, and bounding nod abutting as aforesaid: bac. 3. - That se soon as the cost and eeriness at aidd traprevementastialibe full ascertained. it Weill be the duty of the Street Co otter tomes* mut •Pluntion the same among the severallots bounding and abutting upon said alley respectively. accord leg to the rule above Indicatedi *st thereupon pro ceed to make tleitratt and collect the mune so. Oording to provisions of the Act of Um Uener sl As. immbly of the Commonwealth of Penusylitanta, entitled "An Act denning the saanneroi cohort - the expenses of grading aud.parin Bali he streets and alleys , of the {Ag e e( A ileghe r n=d for other, 11 117c " ..f.Nbat st e fnuch of ati d Ai r rtllnanee b.. fitct with, or be supplied by Cho forestay, be 7n4 the asmc Is hereby repealed.. - • Ordained end enseted'lnto a low lhle, the dsr of Pet-ober, An no Do mini, one thalami. fight bow; sired andslaty-six... ,_ • • • • - Metiltllik, _ • President of the Select Connell. . Attest: D. NACIPZEMIX -. Clerk of the Select Connell. - CIIARLY.s WASENNEIY, • President of the Common Connell. • Attest: Row= D1LW0a171,,.: .•• . Clerk of the Collusion Conell. - oel7 • I,4u.VATE DISELILISES. . yuumuNiate of nusimelsia No.T3 'Third trreel. trem all desesip ens rrs este 'Memos with naps. Pletteulsr attentions t luNpet metorrheesm sat aware orate Urleary Uri c lits treatment tar ttro wee beizig the most Imeteeif t h ee. e employed bops* ore speedy cure to adlleted. Ladle* End tl nunenegolree seperlorlo ter other pr for removlus 0 1 :magmata:Is MUM bot t le. heathy reenstruel dead. No tple Mum , p. Dr No, t, bleb .ts four degree' stmo •ser. an, dared • yet obstlaate cum. /tee: Milers Ise - tlftlee m ht. to 5T ; r. M.'to t! Awereu, with sump; -I.th,YOUZIG. 7/1 Third street. Plttstonsth.• - • • thcathrwr FORTY. TWOS PRACTICE see e kudeledte semen!, acquire,l c h ni . me leas residence to titiseithfadineruneem of ledlente sun reMelcall au......'llfariiMillk;eiLeinal:....Wesisiew: sad en tnitgletcdore—tkse set MlLMear MALE MILINIEDLtIi Medicines nt leur:pm sbeunket. Ell letters Must souteireaminimi arbargremq tear Mined w.,axam ,sup;:si pima= ingfAiws ! , : ,, .', ;,,,_., ...• -- -.. T.Felf..- 1 ?F91 I ***i.!..oihaei _!... Wal 44 T• 1,..... tarmL6 VAtiliti' .La X 2, 11, ...:111titer:otil Itri -Mryi.atilif ", '- , beetalP4l4,-- Wak* I 17 trigiipc. s II ra
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