0 fl V Et NEW FALL GOODS. IS BlA6Ettrk & CARLISLE, 19 /CM strecit, Have lust opened en extenSioeandeDieutiM stool of RIMER AND CLOAR GB, _ _ RICH BONNST RIXILIMAHNG BLUAOHIN • EMBRoI ORRIES °revers Rien AND EL)II.3ANT LACE (FORA; REAL LAcES of all kinds, LACIL ial , .l3ltED li(X)113., • . IMITATION I. A.Clts—a splendid line,, - NAINSIM)Ks_I3WintIi JAU.NET bINT: .LAWN CAMBRIC. Ii v RS- all new and attractive steles; lIUSIE I tr--a nOmplete assortment; • S • LADIES' & CHILD:fr.-NS' MERINO viriyrs tad FANCY ason; ZEPfilit . ARTICLICS—SpIendtd a tb.a ae BERLIN AND AMP:MOAN zErillrEs, • • liErl,Jo,ll) WWI, • THE HENIfiNK CAeillifEßE TARNS,Rlitilors BiIAULEY*B tEllefe eroVery4lor, FANCY AWFI(.II4S ANI , N0T19.19. Merchants and Dinicrs win find It to their sdgn tetra to rail 'AM esaudor our present extensive ,floci t bef o re p.r,boAnk•ene other, All Out goods' being. purchased direct cm thy :.but terms, we DO • Vrenar-d u d 1,111 mate so low' Price! IFJ 0 03 Enid em Jobbing tiOpse. . . • MA13111311 dr, CARLISLE, In PIETA STREET. NEW GOODS. MACRUM, OLTDE & CO., Wholesale and Retail Dealers Noe. IS and 80 W.Orkel , . thee received in ett•n.ive stock, Including the LATE. MT NOVELTIES atlas, nation LA DIEM' DILESS THLILIIINGS In every style. VELVET 1:111 BONS 1 n 11 in , k and Colors: todo with aline edge: lEW STYLE lIELT ISUCKLES, Editor. Irsney TvekCOlithe, new and 141:U72'1es. Ilona et and S/1.111 111bbons, 11.1 terehielh—embroidered. 1/.10 or tlem-stltehr . ii , " l " SKIMS or the makes In the cotintry. • mid everything. rou • Y WWI (Or In Gbh:lElW GLOVES AND LAM/0. UNGICH GAIOAkNTN, te.. ads* GE NTLILIIEN ' FE UN 13/11bili GO IDS. NEW YLE NECK-TIES; FINE 31 1 IEII3, of ...bleb we beep only the best, And 11l rive ssslethet Ion.• _ ET.I A.N DRAVVEIN, In hilt, Guise Merino /letland or Wool. a - ldte or Colored; LINEN And VAI.EIt tIOLLAE:33 EUSVEN!WKS: POeliEICIIOOKS; etc. telt: IC/LINTS are esweitats Invited to glee us ► call before purchasing elsewhere, se we are cond• dLat we can give satisfaction in p:lces as wee as in go silty atone gentle. Our Assortment Cannot he Sarpaosed. seta FALL FASHIONS,' J. \IT: BRADLEY'S 31:2,` ALs' - 3m mr., .lELAALEPIVIC . jos norillt.r.s4luNG) • ET. ! TIEND . or fifizer tiiwslugleirfwgs, bet fit EVER RETAIN their ECT sod ItKe UTIVIII4eII.A.PE, where three or four ordlna. re Skirts are , CAST save:6El.lMS. May cr.() e BINE comfort. 41nreh111ti zed teonomi, with that I:4AIANOE of BRAVE which hie made the - Duebra ELLIPTIC" the. - - STANDARD . SKIRT OF lIIE FASHIONABLE WOULD. 'Wholesale by all the leading' . 7obtlers In this City. For sale by all retailers whiieell eLrat-class Skirts. IVESTS,.BRADLBY • & --- CIRT _ WI.; OWN. Ef4S Or't FIE , PATANT AND EXCLU- Warcraosne and 00e* I .Noo. 97 CHAMBERS and. 19 and 4 i B.E.WE bTREEIS; TUB.. NEW GOODS JUST RECEIVED aasir JOB. lI.ORZTE 14z - CO. = 0.4' NET S iel* J .114 S, All the lesnllng Tall Style,. r • " • . 31.11.111xLer - sr aramectga. . • . . crapes *narrators...Paris ?alley-and Colored Bilk Tel vet • an most desirable shades: Plain rangy Bon. met and :rimming - Ribbons,' new and rien colors; Flowers. choicest trench ond,amerlossr; leathers. "ncr. 13 XL COM 2:lfr XII. =DES, - . (Wen 'Cambric. Ilambanr,•Balls, tonne' Cluny. ratan, oenne Edirtnas and I toet llogs a.nelt•so, and Tlnga itmbraldered and Plain Linen Col, tare, nada. sets. -Lanta and Lace Golds. , • - .- c and Cloak Trlmmln ea and Ornaments; rinse. talntpx and Braids; _Drera Trt.unn!pia,..llngle Frame, . • " • • .<,,Wlll.lrp • GOODS:. • , . A mon complete, stoat, of Jaconata, ,Cannbilen, 'Nulls, de., to • . ilandtcrehlers; Pldtn, Laze, lied-stite.bed. Item- Itotbrnide , ed,-Tane Hon:tared, eta.., etc.. . goatery and Glover In snare misty and all Arai; ladle. , and Gentls Underwear. . • • Aru t rnihing bloods': • Elinipendera and Neek•Tt“; Heavy Shirts and runner, ; 1/oples, Bon-Ton and 14L Soap /Skirts; Canals, Ilatr Pinta, Diets, Ilnlon and.l3llk Bolting. Buttons—theintest noreltlei, all tends. Y3 , 7llll—tirtatest va lety. Cashmere, Lambe Wool and Knitting. In the, various ratatnroa. nlnin 001 orn and random. , ,klent'• Payer Collars, and !fen thin; In tie No. inqn tine.. - , rrleva at low arEastern Jobbing tionsee. .1'4343. 77 and 19 Market Skreet..,_ VZIWTALL p_OODE . 4* ss ' r*. 4 COW'S, 101%k • 2; jpi k . " 4 7Z1 STREET. . . • •nd'elegant patterns: EldltdolDElllna, new a. y• l b be a t b ram.: left Y PLAIN H , MD A Attlltinf .EMIIIIOWERED lIARDKEE, 11101-BTlTeliEli d o . rATIandItEAL LACZA- "DLD LACE m i i r iw , i i g LACE,ltEA T L 4( _ : 131 . 1 digial‘112 4 1 b d ?. • • LA.Dt.r.d. I)IIESS CAPS Ina variety af ate., lif3Y - tfrilde LADIES , HELD DRESSES; WHITE .elllllln. 2.1801L4.111d, V./WM& LL 2 COLLAIcs_; ' • • zEPHYD WOISSTEDS, ' • iILIPPER r.Arrzaigs, .816,:TI;ANI1V601 4 lIA.Td..TETILBANd, ItIBISONS, ELQWEES, end. fiat Mu of NOTIO,N"i3, : 'llottrOoodiarestaist: .7-aCkarepilist 4CAr* . ss.l6. Pz-icsoost. /1.4,0 R, BIeedMCBEE'S & CO. •••., • a... 12 Wnsoir, Cus a co.. vinamitimalup..forzwi L FOREION AND DOMESTIC:DRY 400118 • Ara: 7tisrc.44 , A. mt.,. • Thud houge aboio DIV901:11 . &e. co4l4.lc•ALs: commt - L: IMPORTANT TO:CONSUMERS. • HUMMEL'-' &.: . -RABER . . , . Invite thermic:akin ortheriuldld tithed r Poe stock prarat,tust,recelrAd, tneladlag - thepUPP:l l 4-7 , ... rlollca:Loam a anavbestatri. .1411tIns Vallherelloa:r, 9 , aimed Ilthiparentr. All of Phleb.they:.ars prepared to ' deliver at the - LtIWEIte ItATU:II,I t he single Orli car luatl,.b p at load or thOusEadtact: . : - All orders -- vriunntir , sUomaed •-- ' ^ wpm iugi c heatant street, near the Depot: • ' .:• itAItHIABUIttI, PA. COAL : co. -:: , 100ESESI" STEWART No Q 67141 ortpßytr of O*T'Ciir inairllllo6iCOXVl7l.ooA.' Aro oar?* s i a r ioard is 4Ao%l2Bliiiiii . Auk.) lorcoadartri prloo. , Ali . Al, er!ws left their atm or odd=t, o t a twong; too usuorillto attended top IL AIMS _orry. , A n-03w3AN, 11SARLY -- -TtLtGRAMS GuintrthitiLi,com NNWB ON ZINNT OE.) BTEIIBENVILL,E coRREAPONDEIIi .A.7;111144; Tristsopho—Base Ball.. &rxrrnsycli,Li, Oct. 17th, INC: Th e lethargic qatet of tills staid old town _ was broken last. evening by . A grand proem. , lion, in celebration of the iiitatvictortes Iron' - mer.tith, by theilidon .flopublican party at the, ballot box: , Early in the evening' , the ' streets were filled' with a bustling throng, consisting of old and.; goring gruee and gay , who had turned tint Ito see what was to be seen, and lend heir presence to augment .the noixtbdirs and Character 'cif the ;occasion. The Collet Route was - 111uniinated with Japanese lights, and presented a yery Beautiful apporr ance,selule the tri-colored emblem Brom Na; tionalUY, Aeate4Proudly• trout ?diner& inglii the. eity,'Sbna denotina.thaloynt 'the inhabitants over the late triumph, and giving patzleitto indications that 1113 190128.0 C this pertlon of th e o'd floorage State, are trno I to Mimic- principles of justice and freedom to , At seven a procession, eon oat oiolock dining o 'rho" Fire - Department—which was oat full force and made a very creditable display—end a large concourse of citizens Was foruied on Market street, ender the clue' mar. shslahlii of John Surratt, Esq. After a alight delay, the cortege moved cot amid-the shouts and bursas of the multitude; the waving of flags, and the strains; of -martial and brass music, down Third street, which presented an unusually brilliant appearance, end through the prineinal streets In the city to the resi dence of Mr. Robert Sherrard, where speeches of congratulatton were made by- the Mayor and Mr. Sherrard. A bounteous repast was 'then spread In the spacious dining room of. Mr. Shensi-el% mansion, to which all who wished to partake of the viands so delicately", served were Invited by the courteous bosh Many accepted the invitation. and the/ere wan kept. op until a late hour, when the processien was again formed, and after pars . lug to the place of starting, quietly dispersed. - The whole unser came off with that eclat that should cause the projectors of it to -feel proud of their celebration. 'Bet for the tact that there nun but a limited Supply of Japan. am lanterns In the city the display would have exceeded anything that ever came off in I this place. The Mars Rase Bail Laub of tins ',Nee have signed articles of agreement to play a match gums the .I.lunkt Dort. Blob of to g Wheel for a sliver belt. The game will be played on the grounds of the “flunki Dort' , vim, near Wheeling. Au exciting time in anticiprned. - CI. W.l. The Great Fire alatonta. The 'reheat° correspoodent of the f'hilahal phis Press gives the following scenes and In oh/ent_s at the groat fire at that place on. the "About one crelock 'this 'afternoon we were startled by what seemed to be n very heavy, but distant, peat of thunder, aranararom.the bursting of a six linnnrettbarrel stollke.tink; belonging to the Dennis Run and New York Oil Company, and standing at the Thompson well, on lease No. A. or their property, more generally known as the Payne tract. This well is located trerthe bank a hundred feet above the ran. The oil lee down with such - . force as to rise unon the 'opposite bank some distance to the 'Ryan well, where it Ignited from the engine, the flames tollownlg back to the Thompson well where there were still two tanks oentatnlng six hundred barrels more. - In one Instant, or In less time then Is required to write it, ..the valley, (or a space ore hundred rods, was a mass of Tire, hissing, cracking and roaring with a fury that ern only be realized by one who has witness ed R. Not. less than four thousand barrels of burning ell was now 'rushing down the nar row valley, carrying despot:lion- with it, and as each additional tank poured out its con tents the flames would roll tip tO a height al-- , most beyond the reach cf the eye. Cibuds of dense black smoke filled the atmosphere. Spreading the intelligence n distance of tit; teen - or• twenty miles around with erectil ity almost mulling the telegraph to shawl& The intense ..ht•rit created a Itlgh wind* In fact agate, which In Ile turn added to the fury and destructiveness of. tbo are. Men with their clothing saturated with oil, and 'who hid been compelled to make their es. mice through the flumes were seen rushing wildly in various directions, many of theta badly burned, two Of whom have shies tiled; and horses tied firmly to the scattered trees, unable - to escape till the hitching ,straps were burned, were either burned to death or so nearly, so as to render it humanity - to kill hem. The whole acme was of so terrible a character as to beggar description, and might Welt serve some enterprising artist as a hint for anew illustration of the Infel no. Upon the' Hernia Men and' New York cern cany's'property; the wells destroyed were the Thompson, Crabbe snd 'Hamlin, Ryan, Harker or_Ellertnn Hatnes e lios. 1 and 2, till. Lett and Hart; 'menthe Dingley reserve were he Sh eget Land Dingman wells; upon the New York and Allegheny company were the_6lo - Rising Sun, Onondaga. engine house, ' Keep, otarrow Premium. Nes.l and % Pero teem, Nos. 1 and 2, Porter, Lake Erie and Clark Thew-direct loss of properly is not (us than' 'one hundred thomand dollars. with a check to production of quite Ss much, though long before tile flames were extinguished, or rath er had worn themselves Out trom want of fuel, contracts were made 'for lumber to replace the buildings, and bolero night closed in large numbers of men were a. work digging I out the rains. The st;ream, from the burning district to the river, ufftirded a rich harvest to the usual nundiers of diPPnrst as' the otl ran down several Indies demo, and no doubt several. hi:leaver bairc,in weld' thus laved.. The loss will Jail heavily upon many who had not yet fully recovered from the effects of the fire sixty days ago, hut - this hone of the many chances of misfortunes attending the efforts of au oil °Rotator. . Cridge Over the Conestoga. 'TIM rumorivama Ratiread Company 13 1 making preparations for the erection of an `iron bridge overlies Conestoga Creek, on the line:of its road;aist of Lancaster, Pa. The two Tiers of 'the bid wooden. building have been removed, and nevi ones, much more substan tial than the oil. ones, re being` erected in their stead. A. new alni e tment of Is:airy stone Will also be put up ateaeltimd of ;the the bridge. The old structure will be cut lirtwo, length- WON and one half of the iron u ork finished at a time, an as to cause no interruption in the running of train& over this part of the road. Theold building nas been securely stayed by treatle.work, so that no danger need be &ppm: handed In passing over it. The company is entail t nting !ten forarood in all bridges along its read. • Cowardiy Assault, man Awned Gerald? Tracey, while .retura ing to his home in the sixth ward at a late hour On Wednesday night, was etruSk on the head with a heavy boulder at the corner of Elm street and Penusylvanla avenue, and knocked down.; Ile was.found shOrtly alter by night-watchman Day In an almost insensible Condition bleedlagprofusely from two wounds, one In We back of the head where the-boulder struck him ,and age over the left eye which had been reeelved. by failing maybe curb. < Ile was taken to - his Rome on Franklin street, where he des in very critical coalition. It is to be sincerely hoped that the perpetra tors of snob a cowardly - and murdeious as sault will not Succeed 1n escaping thq lance of justice. klre ai Hollldayaboinr—Pear.tally Liar. At lloilidayabuta, a few nights since, an er , tensiverionflagration occurred; causing a de- I struotton of six buildings; It was only by the moat stranuone effortrof the firemen and ethos that the further spread of tho fire and en almost endless destruction of property was prevented.: A car load of powner was standing on tbn railroad track near by,' and at times was almost, covered with sparks. It was pushed away to prevent its being burned, eniblt was not known unlit afterwards what was In It, and how near the hundreds of peo ple In that vicinity had been to destt action. The tire Is supposed to have been the work or A Abe° Thief Brought: to ludginmst.— On Wednesday afternoon Amen entered Etr. Max. ileninger , a.shoe atdro on Smithfield "treet, seemingly with ' intention of par apair of shombut While Klee Bening. ch exhibiting anumbertotiim ho was en. f; , ..s puletly secreting ste about his gage , Arr, if., however, in the rear of the person. otoroo l noi -wed the lelloves.actions, ann with tho mno n ‘n es of the young lady, captured the nm. .. th if end conveyed him around - 10 the Mover's 0ff.h.. 4 4 where 'MOM) Manama as John g au , n a ...:lsloc.kednpuntil_sesterday mortang, when - he tt . d a hearing. who resin. Ift tbe bearink was, th. In•datatilt of Ni net ceseary Kelly was . C . onlinitted to -Mil to • Strange Death in the Ohl* Pea!testi av7.,-A taw. night/151nm he .ohlo Perinea tiary,after the prisoners w ere locked In their cells, one or the convlcts,eltd - Vary suddenly' and in estrange mattneo' The guard saw bite rise suddenly in Mean, sit for a moment up right and then, as blood gushed from his nose redid and month, sew him sink tack agnin to the posture. go died in tiVery sew non utes.appatently strangline.to death. Exami nation afterwardiedeveloped the presence, of a tumor which , by the destruction of Wood vesselsbad canted his death. • • , Committed - to •fall.-John Robinson Was before ,Justice • Barker, yesterdav, cbarged with,having felonkni•ly entered the residence of William BLOWlliff, in &huh Pittsburgh, and carried therefrom a Telco! fine doeskin pan rne:a brow:l4,l°M dress coat, and a pair ileid spectacles, the whole ti ned_iat After apartial hearing the defendant was ad• antitt.ed badr:for a further elrs,mostion. - ;'.111. Mir Allatiat—habella Lawrence mine t o ve offlot of /adamant 'Morrow , poterday tatarmade °alb Ogainas Bann Pargueo, che m . ing:oe latter with aaving committed atk• ma i t o t oo battery math e stgelfo form . of tee &mot:Meat WittiOntl b a lu st eauSe or pr.rOestion. ,The iteetmedgaVa' for a heating so•day. Beth ortfletnirtlea are 001ored,_ and reside in LeeldentlasUi -Drovnied.....i tamed Lefever well drowned In' the - Ohl , " . niter, at - Balmfroam -rue.dity.by.falUngalr the steam. boat Star thaty.gairiarz The boat mil= its up. ward trip frOM Parkersburg, and had jdo_pped ~ a t- B om ar to VIIICI6d4 ions oil,Whear /dMver Inuto.intoxicatgid .felltrwarbOard . . . . 'Rho aciatierumd Moly riesperric—ne. .Coosborland 45oftay...111{notaWf1 /al:claire used to as ail= tormok. 5 of the eXceilollt taf• otrido E va. Lo d i' Vatweeteirhe3t,it 7r111.0p011 'mut be continua}, ritO3IIVAOINGTON. ll*stiostf 4 10lessloalliVar Declared by the-Irbil ans-330,000,000 Gold In lbw:Treasury. 'Nair 'roar, October 18.—A . Washington sPo.. dal says: it Is possible that the sumement made in this morningis Timeacc,ncerning, the. ivlthdravel - eir SecNthry Stanton from. the Cabinet, - and his appointment as 'Minister to Spain, may Imden•cd in sertain quarters. No :;-• no competent to speak on the-sithject has au thorized such is denial, and I ,rwassert Lila .. 1 1.h of the statement. Rumors of the Sacra-- Mrs . * reatguation have bedu chronic for months but they hare not Mum] clrenintlea In these dispatches.. It has only now become Impatience Ls aianifeslcil income quartgrs as to the alleged tardiness anti inactivity of the !Mate Department in thetrearmeiat of the Moa k:an qu.si lan. and of the ,Ilabsum claims. I have authoz - liy for faring that lila few days en oflietat showing of tinf policy of the Govern ment; in the disposition of these matters will Ue promulgated. Maximo affairs are assent tug a delleiteisimpe. find the controvcrsy.w itlt the British Government relative to the Alain+ ma claims will t e urged toa speedy and deter mined conclusion. • -....l.7ranmespec saystbst General Grant was over two hours in consultation;with Secretary Brown ng. srl th regard to the Indian ti Ltllou ties upon the plains. Tribune Topeka, Kansas, special says the Indians hare declared war -and are near Fort Oarland, Now Moxice, in strong force. ; • Tlittflow Weed has arrived, and culled upon the President this morning. It Is unliergtood that lie has not given up his tight over the New York Collectorship, and is still urging the decapitation of Mr. Smythe. 1 - It. is sonia.ollicially reported at the Treasury Department this morning that at tills date there are ninety-three million dollars In gold out lined, to he increased, it Is estimated, by the Mat of November to. one hundred. mil . lons, coin. • FROM NEW TORK. • The •Turf---T,omlon { lenn . for Congress -n }migrant% arrived—AM for ilnehre anlierert --Cholera 1 Report—Loss by . Late Fires. , - , ' New 'Vona, October lA,—ilium race yv.sfer daysafternoon at time Fashion Course, between the mare Ella Sherwood, find the young geld. lag Bull Bun, fora stake of two thousand del. hare, mile heats,. best three in live, the mare drawing a wagon, and the colt going to hat; ' ness, the result was In favor of Bull Run, who. won In founteats. Thne-2.:31) , 2,373' & Herald's Meridian, Conn., special says Ix The best time over made In a public rotting parkin eorneoiliinqt 'c ed am ty w no i te rn ligira w to i ll 4,7 , Ile =Oaths ' mle in '2aS, under saddle, and carried twenty periods overweight. The Union Convention in the Fourth Con gressional District have nominated. P. Curtis (Aokermitu. * ln the Ninth Diet riot the Radicals - have nominated William A. Darling. henry C. Murphy, the regular Democratic nominee In Inn Ninth District has declined. The number of emigrants at the port last week was 5,401, mak ing.114,0a2 from the first of January laSt up to the present time, against 11e,a57 arrived In the corresponding 'period of' The officers of the St. Jean Baptist French- Canadian, Benevolent. Society of New Ye, k have Issued "a call to the members to adopt ineasuresfor the immediate relief of the suf ferers by the late conflagration In Quebec. There were no cases or deaths from cholera tills city yesterday, and but one In quardn. The loss by the fires. In Washtuition and West streels r fen Tuesday night, Amounts to *272,000.: E. volatiou .Threnteneill yarylleusl— Appeal le the ?fertile Pinr-Sortrnts, Oct. IS—The Press - to-day contains an editorial letter Irons Ilaltituore, double leaded, in which J. W. P. asserts. that. Maryland is upon theatre Of revolution.. ft is said that the removal of the Police Commis sioners Is to be earried'into effect, In order to allow disfranchised rebels to vote, and encase Governor Swann's election as United States Senator. The Mayor of ilaltimore resists the threatened removal of the. Cominissloners,' and nil tlih Union men . swear. that they wilt drench the streets with blood lull they will protect their tights and the. lieu. Den nison and Lien. Wooley have offered - their ser vices to the Mayor. At tne end of the letter he says: My solemn belief Is that Andrew John son will send the regular troops Into Dalti. more to susteln Swann If the attempt of the latter to remove the Pollee COMMI6.IOIIr3 Is imsisted by the people, as resisted :It will be. le that event let the ,T.iorUl be ready. Let . Pennsylvania bo ready. - - Latest from tlaanda—Deoteind for the Release of Fenton. Prisoners. • New Tout:, October 1.8.—A Herald's Toronto special of yesterday says: S. S. McDonald, the counsel for the Fenian, confined at'CornwalL intends to demand the release of bis eLleuts, on the ground that the Government have no evidence to prove that they intended to vie.. late any low of the Province. .i - 3frting, 9. D.. will represent Die Government.. - The . Grand Jury reassembled this morning, and after examining the eiddenee that will be submitted by the tiovernateut, ;midi' a true bill against Col. Lynch, nee. J. McMahon and new. Mr. Lumsdeo. lit n. the three lead , ing pi - Isom:no were brought into Cuba, laid whoa the Judge asicsa them tf they were 'ready for trial, C. It iercrn. thclr couneel,- answered In the affirm ve. The •thiglathen informed them they old be arraigned for trial this week. . • mswwwessessweiswewsweerwessea LEA 44 PERRINS , ' CLMLIM23.I.L.ELTIC:III:I WORCESTERSHIRE SAUCE', CI2OOL',NCED OY Rs. •EXTRACT - ;4 • era L - Erfra tram it • .CONNOISSEURS : iFwm, cymi t pIAN of 31A IMAE. told. 'OILY .G6OD SA CE' . • Brothert , TP.ll,llsy, laSk. "Tell LEA L HER RINO .that thdr nfi t Is Idgbly 4.7l7n l P ' l:l ' ?n " ;;, 'L tiie tem t palatable as or:., - - ell as the tn0 . ..14. 3 ZrZBIZE rh;. ° t l ra . girdie The sucuss orthls most deleteua and unrivalled condiment harms caused many unprincipled deal , 4.+AL9 - 41 , ,P1Y 41141 name . to coo utorra toltrouNDlS. the C-clut"uLT:e"itaTi% "Vall ' e T tir VF A ITR E ITiNfteIra ' I%; V,T.-p r a! Wirdirl'Elis LABEL, tiTUrrE.lt and Alanulactitred by LEA .4. PICIAtINS, Worcester. 4onx toseAvs sciNs, New wing. .4.GENTS. oc10:1.1trr• CUM& WAREHOUSE. =1 - EVIF.RY VARIZTI RICHARD E. BREED, lErzz.v.coil.nrErt . i 4. 100 . Wood Street. . BRITANNIA ANII 'SILVER PLATED TATO.; WARE, TEA TRAYS AND TACILL OUTI.P.III. itill , ass outland. - • 'CHINA TEA SETS. • • CHIN A ',INN rat aBTI3, • . CH I I: A To I LET arrs • • VIIINA VASEd CHINA EPITT.ION9, , BOHEMIAN WARP. OF EVERT DESCRIPTION LAVA CARD EASIIEVS, . LAVA VASEI .; LAVA HMI oONS. ENOLIeII tiTONK tVARE 01.11 varieties, Omit boleenle and retail trade. The largest sad moat complete stock of everything In this line In the _city. . Prices and terms theause sal, the eastern eltka. met7tAW 131469LUT101S OF PARTItiMISIIII'I, • . • THE FIRM OF .1091111.4 RHODES ..a...k co: Is this day dtmareil by maws' consent. Faber of the partners win *IFNI the name of n. non to settling op the old business at the otlice,of W erttlatairatt Brewery. ' • : JOSIIITA ItllonY.9. . • , 1.. W. 11. LATsiiKvi. • JACOB L.I ANDEUN. • - . dtspOsed of our entire Brewla Manta! -antilop Business to Ales rs. CA IbiON. PAULI ht.- TON 4! CO., we would ask from oor Mends cow • tummies! of the patronage so liberally bestowed upon us. t.-from their long experience lathe ha- Iwo reel satisfied that they will maintain of ur Ale. the eieene°" — ° JOSTIIIA 111ODE'd d CO. Refer'.log to the AMITY - , we*oull Inform the rah lie that wo will leave nuthing. undone to merit-a continnanceofuto tibial oatrunage enjoyed by the Tate tlrre ef4USIIUA /11101../Y.B .1t CO., and (ma our elqwilepts the,hualooso, fool t un ed that we will be enabled to alto entire tattafootlonto 'those who may favor u. with thtlr orders. - C•11o0N. IMIILIMITOti t Ci). soLmEuw, CLANS FOR BOUNTY, &e. The onderligned Will collect all bounties, hack hay and pensions doe soldiers ander the seta of Congress or Stahl lows. Concrcic Unjust ;midst; I in set etva/ talng boon. rib, ander Whist, veteran soldiers are ontltled to bounty of tram 5100%0 0000. • •• r , 40111 i 0: LArYittn, - . - Attorneys at Lan, _00304 No. 110 Fifth street, isid-ffiriviftwT . • • ADDITIONAL,pOUSTIR3 . _TO Soldiers' f - ,061 ;ilia 11362. ... . . Au vra. cried trine foals aro entitled to $lOO toonoty; those amine two Vein. 1150: Or. , rho wete dLsollarged by mean of Wounds. or th eir holt!, • , • • . 2 Arta Arpitthe Extra 43'azi • • L due Volunteer Meese la the Orrice Mara :di trd o ttlecharged, muttered , out, or reliant , ' VlNtrlo l 27ll.—l4xmanentry. disabled are ',Witted to alb. 620 or .28, &polling to degree of J. HALL reTirsioN, Aitorneia, . ar.t stmei:'paiUiliessu rit.f` MANX EXCHANGE REST.A.URA...NTi Jut. maw. reoprietinv 1 , 1 6110,14411141.. .14 .t r Ttalil r iminnii° ol o o 'r tiii.hturworitut. iinuat.i•hvirs. IttftePtailar mar iv mum - . igr THE QUEENS Tire. IaILTJErAIS THE RHEEIc OF s HAIR RESTORERS! watscowni ousts Lux itestroatte n QUEEN. not only In trio; but In tithe; Best note Restorer ever tarred to the Public. An nraTensia and drifrautelta of the Bair It faithfully spelled. St is no Hair Dye: It seta directly upon the meteor the hair thong tap grey lieh tolls origin:ollf polar; arresting pre. mature decay and faller oat of the heir; eradleat. leg ..I.ll{llll.landrort and tartar All humors of the It sir encore dry and Wiry ludr to soft end loan rlsot treater. It Imparts s delightful iragrsnee to the War. In snort, If ion wish to restore your hair, as to Tooth. end retain It through 'tr. co. 1168.11154q1V'S QUEE• 11Alli, DEMO. Price .beer SR /1./.. dold Irish 1/nlggliita, A. E, SE__ SELLERS toyanibui: & wholesale Ante. SerEllll :HOLIDAY • FILES- Watches!Watchee!hs Watches! . DE TREY ft CU., Importe r s-and Wholesale Dial•rs In GOLD an d MYER WATCHEDeII dese• lotions : 31 Lultravrtr Kraut. 2.4 Y.: b eg,, _ld /atom the public that they bevel= 'Weep'. '.. most OeSsIII, perfect and icenrate Watch ~.... In. tradtteed In tens market, The . ExcxxstOn. • bus.- Ural, extra ruble Jewelled. heavily 1$ vent Uold Ma- ed on Oliver, Magrilbeebtlyebirered , iineiy sad richly Enameled. Hunting. ease& ffatent Lever. gentle e t ! , J e s i eu v as t gart Hands. ril:artougllgegrig 7 . 11 . r°: limo teel....ad I w sup:rb and most rehab,* watch, (lent'. or Learn sue; will ,ba sent frus to nay a !dress on receipt of U, V or if referred. .111 he rent. 1g iTufTgar 4'Ff.....41,-Orr;:artrx:fft: Is te ed, 40 that thereD &Wm.' • certalnt, of re...- log their'destlnat Ion; but shall the Express Com peer or. lost Office f ail In I dl r ty, we Will liTtP/V:ewt:lM,„.°ediTurii.andliffilkfTify7l44/LY: Lltwnit term to toe bade. • AGENTS. We want Anent. In every ton n and county In t country, and to those &adult as such Ilberst ludo ents will Its offered. , • • ' 1 .• Please send coney by Express, (Post Office Order' or Bank Dra s, to DE TKEY ik Ctl., 04 Liberty 4 street. N. Y./ - - oelltl.lo . NEW PEXEDIE FOR THE ILINDHEROIII7. Pbuloa2.• • ...Night Bleeming,Ccretos." Pholou'o . 0 Night Blooming Comas.", Pho Blooming Ciii:Orm" Phuloke• “Piight Bls.mlat Cereas.” Phulim.s “Night Blooming Cercu.." • • A meat exqnleite, delicate, and Fragrant l'erfnuw, 111•11:led from the rare oral beautiful • flower from whlch It takes lw name, . . ILlilufactnred only by PIIALLON &ON Raw York.' BEWARE OP CQUETERFEITS. -ARK FOR. PHALON.-.TAKE 1 , :o OTHER Eirl4lll . BAILVIIILL & CO., , . BOILER MAKERS SHEET IRON WORTI7fIII3, Nos. 20, 22, 24 and 20 Peon St. nAVIog seenred a large Yard, and fornished Itwlth the molt approved utechirtery, we are prepared to Manufacture every description of Milers; In the best manner. Ina warranted equal to any made .in the country. Chimneys. Breeetting. Fire -8e... Steam I , lpca. Locomotive Boller& Conde...re Salt fees, Tank., 011 Stant, &aerators. Settling Sanss Boller iron, Bridges. nue .r Pane: and solo mann. lecturers or BA 11NHILL•S LATENT BOILERS. Repairing dose oa the shortest toilet. LUKE SUPERIOR . • COPPER MILL AND SMELTING WORKS. PITTSBURtiII; PARA BIeCIIIELDTig CO. Ilanufactuiers or Sheathing, Brasier. , and 14 Copp,. rreaseil CoP Per BOttoPlll, halted Still bot toms, Solder. Alse, Importers and deal. rs In Sletals, Tin Plate, Slice.. Icon. Wire, Le. Con anantlr on 11.141. Wow.' Machines and Tools. Warehouse, N 0.140 Flltar and I.l)l3l[ContrarittEra, rpecLal orders Of Copper Cut to any desired pattern. , • suyi4x.l4:llhArT WPITTSBILIROU SAW WORKS. rs of PREWL I AIII I .II% &CITA Itg. ' 4 " t r ril e srl: rd CANT STEEL SAWS, of ererr dracrlptlon, 31111, noley. (:roes-Cut. antd all other Varieties. All killll6 Of KNIVES tirrlDiGS made from Steet Cast Steel:Extra refined It EAPElguid MOW ING HS • , .113 - Wvebon. and WOrka., corner Warta arid ZfiStZSTN., llttsburah. - l'articular attention Paid to . h.toottalni., using and stralatatenloaCtremar Sa a; atao; repairs' of all kinds. ranching qt.n4 Drilling' done at rea sonable ratra, • .• • • Job:eat . 151 " ."ItOBIN80,4,/rEA CO,;(Slic. eesaore to BoniNsnx..ll.trila M1LT...11a.) .WASHINGTON WORKS,L Fottnderi,t Mielanlats, Pittsburg*, Maßracturers of.lirrat and •tallonari Steam En gl. .111 A Cdsloes, Maehmerf. Gearing that(i ng, Castlogs descrlioloas: Olt Tanks and aline, Boller and anent Iron Work. AGrAgents for Glyl.llll'M PA - TENT/NJ Ecroa fur faedlng nuhcra. COCHRAN & 131110, Ilatinfacturers of lrou Vaults and Don.. Iron HaltlaK. Window blbutters, — Wlndow ..bards, do., Nos. al Secoad and SS Third. street, between Wood had -Market, bare On nand a-varie ty or new pattern.. Tangy and plain, imltablalor all ' WY:Aladin. attention mud to - enelostna : dive Lots. Jotting Cube at snort notice.. .• - MARRIAGE AND CELIBACY, , an Essay of Warning mid instruction far Voung Men. also, Diseases and Abuses which pros trate be wits! powers, with. means of -sum .relief Sint free of enargit in sea ed letter enveopea. Ad. dress, Lt. J. KILLI/OHOUULITUN: Howard Aso soelattonerldistielphis, Pa. sorMllntridwT " I , lo44+AVif:te):lo;iO4,l LOCK-STITCH: SEWING MACHINES. WHEELER & WILSON'S ARE THE BEST. Salesroom, 27 Fifth Street, PISTTEURciII, P 4. %M. SUMNER. & CO. TOBACCO, CIGARS, &C C, 13: 1 0ELSIOtt TOBACCO WORKS. R. & W. JENKINSON. MANUIACTI7UZAB cdr.41.1. KIKDIS or Tobacco, Snug mid Cigans, Pio. 11 FEDERAL:BII'I%M Toiro door from So.Pqmito° Tiafib liaxr, pA, iirlAch Store at 51.11 , 1n'. mo o . .y24;b46 R. B. `JEITRIES., Manufacturer and • Wholouse and Itadll Dedlet Indl kiwis of ' - TOBAtCO,INUFF AND MARS NO. 0 sr. ezdau trrkver, rirtsnorgan. PA. Ear A I. mom r orieTt'of ILINSIISCOOI:3IPIPig wl dIfONL,NI. TO . lld.f.A?o, of th e lest.quallAn, od• wr° GEORGE BL a t 41, 71 SCHEIN, IN rontirni AND DOURTIC SEGARS CHEWING TOBACCO Smoking Tobacco, infletok m . Tgo. 4 giimegroxit.la Siltroot, (Near corner of Elbert),) myn.lsll "a'riftllttltlitt I JOXIN .BWOR.A.VIT Atanuf ,cturr nt r Aleni Uall ttodet , ; e " li . ' Tobacco, Snuff and eiga n ,', • =B:wt3 EPVILIZI Err. .41CAWAL,Vggi:-.Vigi3:l?Afir."'l:4,/,',Vn PAINTERS. 41).113(1NT 91'. 1 4514tAL'ir - • Li:10118E AND 131.13Ei; . • PAINTED; "GRAINER AND-GLAZIER . No. 61 Hata St., Pittabnigh. Pialicatl Ornamental Staili of eiery deicrlotlon done to order. • All work 419 o• promflu, at reason. ante rates. • BROWN, . Mete of the drat of3hetto7A Dlonhote.) 110INIE AND SIGN PAINTED,. Nortipeoult earner of TAlrd hedhtexteLitrolitt. , Prrritn Mt 0 1 1 ON - PUATTNC ',29th ANNUAL t'al:l B 4l:.=tedAtltruLl'4l; 1 , 11111. coraprlsfair the larg- at Earl cable , oolteellonor tau steed ibm cu t . cis di au mil, .13ciillait editions ot Mir Ural wart's; usthepruflatsca , sllolr4l7." -Tiro Wet edifices , et sus Dell Asuerlasitot -Um% satbors, atoll,. I.ettetn: ; atd guy Illustrated wqrks, torls r isTC 7 ll. 4• Enti lll :42o47.igu si gliar, U4 nut ailkatswe-aersiti ! *l.lol4 IMl l l74=lii i dUrtiksi AuojensTisciTlettlessisa , RUtasousir " M r a c til . I ' o ' 4 • i ! , , • WHO CARR )C.ANDLESS i-a po,i? 94 WOOD STREET, PITTSBU RGH, WHOLESALE DEALERS EEZI Foreign and Domestic DRY GOODS, • Announce that they have just received and are now opening an ITNIISUALLY LARGE and WELL SELECTED STOCK 'of all articles in the • ' DRY GOODS LINE, Which they offer'to the -trade at the lowest market rates. Dealers will>Snd it to their ta vantage to call and examine their Stock,. comprising a hand some assortment of many earee and . Desirable Goods, TogelAier acUh Supirfor Stylesiof aU the best makes of Prints, . American Delaine3, Standard Sheetings, Bleached and Diown, TiCkittg - S t Ginghams, • Cahton Flannels, • Apron Checks, • Shirting Checks, Col'rd. Drillg, &c. ;ELF Plain"-White, Scarlet, Mixed,lled and Grey Twilled Rob Roy Miners, • Sbaker and Starting. White and boloied BED B4ANKETSy. BAT.MO . 4AL SiMTS, CIZACka t .33..XIVGIS dbo.. ttio. FREHelli CE 4 I6AWAND platisti FINCY,111,188; Our!Steck will embrace a great vari." ety and all the latestlieveltles. .NOTIONS AL: Pi/11 ancl Complete • • A.ssortraent. ,& CO., 94 Wood Strpei. • TERNS - - NET CASKS M'ELROY I DICKSON & Mal - virc:so4 St., PITTSBUR.i*Ii. DRY GOODS 0231 HOLESA LE. iwicow3o t e9..-le, OCTOBER PIRST, 1866. ViIIOLESILi DRY GOODS. ARCIITHIMOT. SHANNON de CO., N0..116 Wooil - Streatal,titsburgh,, . , xiiG _Burin •to-.eallattd thelll4aGyr - , 86W tfrOCM - isit,coon S AND INIONS • yria, fhwivrer".t la it Aswan* i t . . a I , a, :~ ... ~;~,,z:,.,,. =Ha • -. VOW SALIC.—No. I. room of 4.00 Akre*. Fairfield tOwnablp.--Westrnoreland r....atrOntrzatles sooth of the Ps. 'canto.4. at oilers &attn. and from the city. re. im provemtentsare; 7, First, a tWo-atory stone damn ing with eeVen rooms: stone spring house. carriage Louse; corn crib; and's good' barn 45 by NI not: a large Stable add: granary.- and towhee% of water at the door. Second **large frame -dwelling with 7 rooms im.l a klselke*' a large •stotte spring bonen, bake oven, corn crib; . wagonshed, a /ardsbearedlog barn. 'Third, rm.° t• nen eat heti...with • goad . amble. 'Vourtli, a t•YS.-Story heared_..kg,T„.„a" 4 barn.• The fencing fa stnersill goo. OR., of th e hest timothy and clover: an daaat , or limestone awl oral upon the farm;' It young and old apple orcha.-at etch dwelling:S acres dear .l. the rett d tie in good-timber, such mishit% black and rock°. sugar. beech. poplarandlotligt.'. The roll is good! enduring the very butt crepe of ell hied, Of gr/111; enduring mate a No. I stock rum, and will b, cold /ow. Fomession on the first day or No. 2. Farm of 53 urea, attested in Vhartierg tawaidlie, Allegheny county, Pa., about s% from the city, 11.1. ihe line of the it. eh/mania - It. It..and within ons-half mile of x 1 16 ton:alarms of the; of creek bottom land, 0141 a high sude of Cult frailest; 2.1 acres of wood and and pasture. - The :'rent la generally good. Thu soil la No. I. Ltd , weil adapted for gardening. i , a r id at of those Iwislaug to embark the business call at once ttn.l secure a good btrgaln, as this la a rare chance... - N°. l Farm of +-I acre; of In Elizaheth townshlo, Allegheny coo ot Fa., Oti the idonon- Rabat river. swot '-no mi tefrom the /towage of Elizabeth. rhe sod Ls of the best quality. The prove...eta are afar= house with six rooms. agood bartiand ...cruet buildings; fencing good; about SU acres of coal. Lburches, sent" as and mute, Vel7 convenieut. Possession innuedivielp. ' • No. 4. Mao. the b.. Ir.llll Ellarsoethtownthlp, routaluteg about no acres. lying on the lionortga- hcla river Intone lately below Lock N 0.1,00 which 16 creek,' glare Mu-story brick dwelling. One log bnd ono frame ben t nal 5, corn crib, wagon shed. rick spring howun, fmearY , sort chop. ac.; about :nacres orate above is MIA dug Its riser bottom:the balance being limestone land and underlaid. will. coal, and 'abdut 243 acres of II crawls,. Timm are too orehanta preppie trona. le Rood bearing condi. Lion; Posen rem% poen tree. owl grape vines, Se. The tend 1. isms,e darted tor gardening poreux', being a scurf (lll.l..no'ltoin lit, thriving borough orEnsabetti, creating a market borne for an the products. The property will be sold cheap and on reaauttableteruss.. - • - .• ..., . . , 1 lee;.7. A Farm Of 9G , rea, situated In Elizabeth township, Allegheny coo iy . Ts., about one mile front Luck Nod. .sto ug licla. rivet- - 'reprove, moots are oar frame h se, wilt, lee rooms, barn, spdniChooSe and other ~uthe lining.. The land to of to w ind bes decree.t qualltr. The above will be sold acvery reraons wanting any of the above Elea] Estate will pldase, call on (3. H. TOWER. • eur la. Real Eat, to Agent. Mt Atari ti 61.1,..q, -- t ----- --.--.. ---.--- "."-- . , COAL WOMIS FOR SALE.. . . 'rUESVA.V. thi, 2.1 day of °dab,. IAGE, at '1 O'CLOCK erAl he sold by ordh,r, the../rphrus' Coon, ort the preml.s, In IV.4tionietsad eoUtr.T., all the right s tale and Intel. et or (lei itLES .- K deceased, In lae 4:ual \1", ks, mate 10 Boa leaf r towurl.l.. . (minty, ou • the ll o ool.gatte.a river; tour .2troyc 3lottorgahelo City, O .IC - iollri't 114VW Webster, known gild as the Union Leal Wort., '' , The aeove Worka are among the bee; amd broductive toe we:Vey, being not In Lull AI , . a Altasei?ed to m are a cumber of °walling honors. Thereat. some tarty ears, reit Is woe, ow., UMW In Isork.ug the mine, and aureola rent felt.' . • . . 9lic decedent °trued 111411.1 of tbeworke, and Lb. seinaloing 4-14tbe coo td-o be pnrctissed if desired For 113 J ileo 11414, enquire of JOSF.I'II SEIIIER.T, (...11g1.611A (0 , 1 SIMIEFIT, • Administrator.. .1. LUDWIG N.OETHEN No. bl Orant.etrcet,. Attune,. 5e17;1.7 • l - 0:113111SSIONEI - VA S • - lac of* aerea the Orktemlett Iltrcuit Court, nattered at its July ell I term, 184 01180 consulldae led Nolte of Levl Mad. and •ottiors, against Cook, la wish C 0..; cu: acme, defendant.. on MUNI/ A 1 ," the iuthoay of November oeur, It beinF 1402. Dear, of 1110 Circuit Court for Crittenden and the drat .I , y of the term. to 11,e highest blilder, at :he Court emote door. I. towu ofrlon. on a credit 0112, is mei 21 month!, ~en Ma flng v o lnnein Pmller•Y, altuate on the waters of owi Tradawstet, in the edam,. aforelald. slat 'rho Crittenden eO3l MlneS. generally known as • S.Jook's Lim embracing about 2.0 sem of land, together w nil wining privilege., Improve lamas, natures, arid p! racm.ttity belos.ging to the eathe, conviating lu part sato:loves: tine Steam En g to*. oar steam iloller, on,.Strom ramp, one Coal one Ch 10, one let of itallroati iron. one lot of Care; one lot or c.r HLee.o nod Axles. two, liorre., one yoke or t.s.; n, &c.. Sc. For further part 'Littera 111.1144 C 0110 e ood.rrsigard Conitntalliol - 1- r. Bonds Iw:teethe f,ree and eafeet of s ,le bond. nt issr, won be required 01 toe purcnaarr, wither,. 1 , 00000 security. (I c . :Zi;k7.ll C. WAG AU, Comer. WEST 'ESD ItESiDENCE CAZIL tairiairaMp ON WESTEUN" AVENUE, ALLEGHENY.. •A &Ode tvo.,tor Erlet,l) welling often room.. I h Stable and exaTl tor hen,T. oncoming a hand- . snmely Melded lot nn.' The tot abounds ID. ell to add fruit trem r ndrarrublrery, and Lto nehflir oorhotal If one of Cm mitt thmlrablo In the Mr* dote. Apply to N N. BRYAN, . - ether . In line,: one! Leal Lt talc, • auZ 57 Fourthst.,flturke'alintrilnx.) E' k'°ls SAL, , . A Firstr'Class Business Stand. Tltc Stock, FM inre . ., Goo.l WIIL Store Dwelling and Irrra, Lin to newlekley r CaTtl salts 10,M) inotnn. Inn ses.lon given Immediately. amatl Houten and Lats. Tory cheap. tstrcral 1.013 34 t k . "...ig, , Ort.htlintlulk, from one to Orc Sere Is exch. Apply to . JAMES T. SAMPLE, Heal Estate Irvier talld lipuranr.t I.Kent, Z'io. AS E OF:1:A :eon :4.44.1;, 631 AtCRI : S OF LANP, • Situate . 11;ar 4ohnotoh Stoiloo, on the Alleghtoi 111.141r0a4, IS luilub Rum the dig,. Ts. mu Meelbealle , are a tuu•utury Veal. ll.uelnat Or sit MOIL a baba, au ebtea.fht Waal 0( rater filaa. sops 44 tees os ar5..114 fruit. and Streit Y also at Ititelnlee Mane Quarry 4/0.080 Waco a foot 'Vela urlbetn,ti•stSllno swat. SOW being atieeela. folly- ad pllnitatny %of bed. Fur terms, apply at the talal• slut lawn - sap =co . !Miler ittect,al::,i.rtii:Creilsde. von BALE-12 or — Ground. well Vlosltered vraleet 1 on 2. , 1 , 51rrel II 111 ten Whales' walk trues l'as tune tatthn at askady. lace, liourtn nlr,es tr..a. Ale, t acres at llama woad ' nla.lun; WM several Maros Well located In 4711.1111210TriandAtti hens . cAllltler. At... Coed. posPerlY. llva/es and lAsls la Ina ally and anbtrbs.i r larlber particulars en of WlL ria.re LI-111 WARD • (Orpoalle the rat hedral.) sag . No. 110 liraat alet-et. 86,000 WIL L PI; KCIIASE TUAT cl•rarit and modern bath 31arisloa. cn•lc,l on lot of irroutol in tic 150 sect, loomed or. Itr.lirmalit la lideoslon.lo East Dirualcop.' 'f/le house Is hist Out•licit, sod from tae por tico fop bare nue of the Obese clews In the roisolyt thrtic Minutes walk from Meru stailloo. o iLoply to Coi n , : • = Yoirth stmt. 'lwo mica psvELustoi; 77 ContifolueSoy 10 Rooms Eath,. W b tb a aal ee o watof N be r Pir / u,krtz cCip.'• Ra fotatt Broker. al Suliulths A SPLENDID lA' 10i1C111 , SEAT • YOU littliT.—A 'colt atistalice host • tbs city, with tow Smits tilactul wilt; toe choicest rashly of fruit: uWu Lurie, Ilaiistun awl rice! ripultit go.ll%tithir. IIeNLYCSVISOde.Ink.. Ainat to B. St!lapi . 'lo,l.K..ll2Flurilt street JOHT!]D.BAILEY, • St . • .• •• • eckatid Itealstatel3roket A . SALE 4-100. 4crevot tt A. Land. lying Immediately unan Ilueuhlo Rhos, la Mlles below G to. and 114 nus* 'Joust!. tin Cho ablpsset :Ids four - ion Vela et Coat. to!_gcn I parposo. Isnatsurpassen. It Is entirety of ,rent from gootticrn Ohio Coil; contains • at 111110 furgcs aiut cuts , well. and rut task • lig steam commits.- smuttiest. Tilt Io n:Woo i van sb,lut midway Irons ragmen,' sad ilasging nuuk• I.e.tat satin Itsolnanlo• for coaling boa • l'ive.c • water front of -J of a talla..*lta• gool laii•lurg al II siagss atilt • • sisinistraofic •. •`hlif &bung NI fest; beet pubis.. ad to ll .. tooth rwith We oriental) , tares tor thcr ;11, a r.ra.b win min, strin so °log units. ruil ;glut" or Wu very but oak. ash rst a lPa l a ittc! r i - ,11r:1 4 „::PA:gitiff. 1 111:11Of working munu. • • .• J 131114 P. HAL ••• •• • . Mock and Mull Ittate - Hroser, .otrl M 0 1011 Fourth Most... - - fIOV:VTIRif ft LE.: .ON MT. Ns. wwthitairoN vow sALL —Vier at•itere around, on which 10 a time Celine, HOLM eon* tubing is rooms. cellar and I *lda n a wood an !teal house. a table 1 1 t B*er:ea high, Ith bank ternfor cow •taule. and chicken house: Otte oll• tern at house, al" at -table; fused well anith *veer rental ea leas than to to L feet of -stet. The gruaZds are planted to frail taws. drinea and treall gnat, lad are *Amended on three &Idea hy arida street.. The locality Is one of the most quiet T*- 111'0.16[4 healthy 10.10., comity. and yet witttle 57 IMUlts . 0.14 the city neat office. 'ttorsiesains."ll required Conlolo f be s ire. at short agile.. Arao *a crid iota fronting on J Witt ti alp* and nemesia, In abuse Sartmgli. O ll\ L. ItAILAT.. •,• • Meek and Meal •Eatate broker: No. NU rearthatreet.', vo n MALE—Au Anitoriall dir.T.ralr inn .a• or the beet tocathlas la the hos;esele eenVelirel?" °I."”°M ," 41. JULINV. Yt . 1 q9. 1_ 4 .Cecrl .r. rtN r .....lll4ole.. son •• • •N 0. &Wills roCk. --; • -- 1; --"Nr • TO . GL s THE, SUBSCRIBERS :RAVING A completed nude arraugetecuts, for Wunder the HunOnadon Sand ;lurk; ere pr-pared to (or. nlsla a [net quality of nit el U. twwl)7 for.use, ercd In CAlt LOADS, AT, VIZI tt IVOllltd. at the reduced rata ofsl,3olw,r ton. lit tontror/ 0. An. Is' Imo, or em Ven m eered te either loose at a 0 or in bAglo It 0011 truth-. p.r ton, or !a!! unst.b Imes at theloompenr. tee oP r thetireew bower:Mita, adapted th.thelr vac, anoleet is the above condition', at $3.110 per ton AT Olen WOrtliK• Orders forwarded to OLLiorr 11.111 Civet root ~C rlee, Ilentlordon count.. Pah , or tel ALKX ANGER' NINO. NO. - led f Irll , lliftet. eltttbarob, will be pt . untptly attended to. : • - • . ROBLEY MA\i1000:-11otc Lailittijakilal A.& It ESTL , itI•AL —Just P1041:11rd, Ew orals• soruluPs• NIP.. St. cods. JA,La , c oo the No toml.lruat4 «Lit.and.lteut/col Coro or lineriaatot• f mi ocs. or nonal ultimo., lawn:to:MlT LOOLLatall Aetna! !febilliy, an./ Ilnucalustatits to Morrloce took era1ry1 17::•.7,1 " 47 * 14 . 41:r gi t r t uti 4, 1 r Vul At 1 , ,0 eult-Ab7..er, iropr. J. 4:1,1..553WrJ.L. Y. D. , sottior of LOU 411[41 - " Altuola to Tiaorivutacts of Staff. rera.'. - _ - _Sfur urnter lo Lus ILL x meutnre. L. sip? Au. fliirorrcrurt l . , he en CILII ' t.,.k x I C J ** 1: llo, ,,,cr 7 A 'Ner rr, tore, foot ^bo. tinlYery. el 1 0 a ore* =Scoot. . en7.3.1Xtu1.0.T runt?. • • - CANE AND WOOD OHAIRS • . stud for onto, • Wholosalo - or Retail. - • it al ES %V. IVOOD WE I: . NttfLipLaal Tutito arazer t . • • Tr- • • • • " • • . • • • . . ‘..• -4E:LOCO.' t!4; ,!fIE • CEII4EIIItALTED' • STEEL. ' . •.:' ./re ' r l i ° l `ic' rot s rkniesilit taliPliei*• • s. wo r d -OA KES Utnl 4, in.l ' TH E;' • ..ltestlot, , ato houtofennare4l. Otair4ll. -ttLe ' HI. • " svwcor , MAß atiuurzbts 4t 1,1t3, seer retkitelu!acr, Ajte. • . • •. _natieo Nrekonot.. Wheet finders '44 0 .4M&V". to s i esol in ut ver/ arid. mute et . the b ta ra • `.• ? L. t ""' • - 2 •'• '. • , I '44 % 4 ."b°7‘ k.n • • . _ . . , `O ___ ILWO RICNCOREPAIQTEBAD CAPX.IL CIP S9HO_OIL, WORIK„, Bl: r rnit - KEIIEVi&CO askuur,..4..-rusimi or ma " CELEBRATED- SPEittli LI-g incivrort, PETROitiIM ' LUBRICATOIR-0113. Sperm, Ir i ard and Olghale olio, lIID usllturas Olti pIifIRILEGAsi Stinfiald.Wilite Burning oil, iQa 33 Mark r et Street, PA. eneSt SIEND VOR • CIRCULAR. LUBRICATING: OILS.;:- 0111 CORINY; Office, 201 Penu - Slreel, F. A. 133.11f11,8ecretary. . . cstAp.rtrretrroas, • Head Light 011,.: - :.,PSHlEorlllaeldner7. f13;."...°11, 1 , 1 ,. 2. . .31111 Grease.-- • WOOL DUI DOE OIL P.JEFINING CIONICIPM. OF PITTSBORCH. PENN I A ! . VagFit:rioNetiViriand Trcas% WORKS IN TEMPERANCETILLE Office, No. .2.lkquesoo Way, Giear Suspension Br do.) 1 16111717AOTIAIZIISI or rtior, wrtrns,- "EtirJECINTINe r 0011.4. Brand—"Luoifer." WARINC. & KING, COXIISSION 1111CildNIS LID 1110LIRS Petroleum and Its Produels, 4 OUQUESWE Fralr, zarrwes33l:rics.c.ant, rIIILADELPiIL ADDRISSS: WARINC, KINC & CO.. my17..16• 127 WallantSt. Plata SUPERIOR OIL EIVEEIES. We are adnatanatlng. and wil teen on hand. Paton atTleot . . OXICa lELINTI2I-I3GE/31 • win man -1 Gnu OR TUBUAI BOMB; iYe Invite parties nce.intilfoolitiorti for rridr to eall 104 see Cum, corner or 1 . 113 E awl 1.PM.11 131114CY.13, near City Water Work.. lett . IeLACKINTCBII HILYI2IIIIiL CO. WARDEN & BATCLIELDEII, BROKERS -IN 7 • CRUDE AND REFINED RETROLEUNII WHALE 011, -- ROSIN, „SPIRITS TURPENTINE, NORTH CAROLINA TAR, AcL. Corner of Dugestt N:Vay . 1 11 t V!ziesek St" • Ilepreßent WM. rtlValant Went, rbllulel mvlls:aT3 WM. WIGHT DAN D.e,DSD EAVILE 013. WODDS, MonmarroaaAnecrillo. WICHTNIAN St ANDERSON, Readers and Dealers in • 11 0 1.4 E IT WE. s EACitIiIMEN4riy,.COBIIr r. IiANCOCK WAf. Dt)10:1131 11// uriaTo r. HOLIIIIM JAMES IItWIN& co., mAlaniscrunicaa or- • OIL - OF VITRIOL AND AQU AMMONIA. C0e1ac,.1.43 shannarlscot . 117 I Hitigrf. BOOTS AND SHOES. • BOWS 4100114 , - • Boy's Boots, YOUTHS' BOOTS, In Calf. lip and Grain; LADIES' l GAITERS, Balmorals azul:•Polish Boots, Whaleibala and Rditi4 al J. I. 'ROBINSON_ & CO.'S, 61 MARKET STREET. 9.) FEDERAL STREET.. • •• TO . TOE PUBLIC. . igen...wired the I.Mell.ad 'nett coott•lcte AWltatent of Lad les% Vertt'a, 1111..e . .', Bore sod CV. • Cilui Bahmeral4 Micas aei Cams, i ral2. F t r e ti d lV e2 I4F R Z:4 IT ree r . o. end at MA equllir toe or Went tokal : trash call be got elsewbere.• •An examination ft respectfully tiOildte r " .. • W. IiedIeCLIPPINKI4- • • • ei.r.d.1,1 stmt. Juirgbeirdii. . . A LARGE ANDFRESII AimprAL SUM it BOOTS, 131100, - GIITERS •:..- • and Balliseials,'.i 3011 M 9 14. 04 .1 18 k Rill weeks at Sae VLSI LIAR,.' •UT r81.:121, eitterVlrolni.l4l or ttcta7J.• . .. • • Unra 111 A. C. 411 ii:/litOitiricrauil.Ulsl,4Mll6.. Jo ' .ll:lol474lßilditac./. limb( sisis;,.Sl doe! Cr,to r. 1111114. flat VIZI.. a • • -Jona raanso. IFIELDLIWG 4 sin), Ifiziaitater; — iiidtreiskrifa ' Csaaitcosa atisbcie BOOTS,. SHMS - ts. GAITERS; . _ . isto OlderSLOlllegbeny: **dm minor siped.ol4:ol,usee!waltllo: NEW BOOT ARP SHOE IAriIE 24./11. Clair tilreef;-, T l TA it m s t A ni eV otweir or••Llniare 6 436111t1161..1611L110. 1t1iMeta..:.,M6644=6=46,32r.,„ez.„ 171,1124(MIT:126.11:0813. -, •". - • • - NWT itt ntgeoluzier TAILOR, . . • • . ••- • - WortliyiresiCer pr. reas:& P. , . tlestres to retool ' thialri Ikrob Do for the @MT rilAvors. ooneott2 to&shmofU.tui=: t loo4 l4 . oteseed hie Oa . . • 1; Large sat Cartfaliy . Fine Wodje#: - Gobas; ' t 1i1 : 11 5 1 4 17 ".4# 11 ! Y. • • • ' :i• •eu*K4 • ' " : IC.AIO-11:14t1.1:01,01 v. D. HEMS • afrtgeUrrilitneiCtVoNlNG. tktcbcr Mth ' ,11:2411 . . cormocu, w°47iwasirAlliwzMte: e3a':seter d[ mr.inzwzgvir . x .-cr Supported byttie fall atranath of the Lima °Rata . House Compaay. ._ r _ a taltawt.fternooa at two .0•eloa. Griro . rad. - 4,;tlz7...Aztvgln'A•rarioun iprxrateurtGn TUEA „ r Al DU s ne,S4 - 21 lISNDESS9). Iloo,Ot of the oluele actor, - ''. MLIEL. ;30113N 811.017011A16. , Wssitspartorsures tor the put four Sights Ass Clotted the moat unboooded sipDiouso• VIZIDAY TLVELIIIOO. October MM. wilt - formed, rut thn nut time thla ...obt. U. pets. tiENTLItUAN 1124. AND. ' 1 Gerald Plumattetee,...... 1 ROM /.......Mr. John Broaskull To conclude wILL ” - . , DAV/D cuprzairty.3.l). .., wliklbs iti5tawber...„........, ... 4.14 hiiltssava.- Saturday ifternooo-:_tyaotile_unee. .. ~ itg37 .' ' MASONIC RAUL* - . . - ' FOR A SHORT TIME ONLY, Tuesday Eveding, October OPEN EVERY NIGHT AFTER. =I Wednesday and Saturday Afternoons, Al THREE O'CLOCE. lIE MOST HIRAI/BINARY BSHIBItIGI IN THE VOW, TIIE GREAT ARABIAN : NIGHTS ENTERTAINMENT tOITERIN GUN ENCHANTED GROUND; . • Ai set fol th in tint wonderful niodnetion, , entilled . ••AItADIAN „tsitillTt.." and embodying. *Mb "UN and striking grandeur. those great ere. =Lions or t be imaginations which haft • Charmed .tba World for 200 Years! FIFTY SPLENDID REEK Mllela, fog• Lel, Grandeur. and Etbertallleauty, surpaaaea all that luta yet been produced by man or witnessed by mortaleye.• dill now be Exhibited in Ibis City, FOR THE FIRST TIME, As Exhibited in the City of Lon don. at St. James' Ball. for 35340 Consecutive Nights. • To the lime., a,armblaara ever eathered within tbs. reuowned ro•ort of she English Metropolis; and m exhibited to the prlactpal Contluental Cities. whore. during a tour of "initial", pled 0004.01,estendlus over a period of more than teroveara, It wee • visite.' by near' , all the . Crowned Wads of Europe, WITH THEIR ROYAL FAMILIES, Who, together Rh the PitRYS. CLERGY and NO -1I Lave nulled to pronouncing It the Dios! Sublime Work of Modern Times. A D1115 , 101%7 TO ALL rAzrs OF THE 11017 SE TWENTY-PI V E eILbiTS. - Door. inn at quarter benro saran o'clock. •tz: hlbltton commences at Entrpasc aeven o'clock pre: duly. GLIANI} MATINEE ON Wednesday and Saturday Afternoons, AT TitHEE SPCLOCK, When Children te admitted fur 13 cents uari 44.1(imp VARIETIES.. lasszr. W. C. SHY - 11LE ,FIIXJ3. AIMS • . . l i ri t lv i g li h . e 13orieons Speetsele,'Antitled hub co.e.hau ..a '... , :411:t.'"ii . 111.,"6"1."` 1 0".`De! iirt , ss. Untie La ere and the gore; amp splendid bill. Ladles' Matta es on 'Saineds- play In n noon: • IIarPROF: UllOOlOO FASIIIOXII.- nLic DANCI At!ADE3IY. rHILOLLIILL ISTIIIIIII STROM', ritUbillth, la now open day sod oveatag. -Toronto, Clos, Wc4oesdays and Soto:- days as 9r. Ladies , sllass, Tucalsy and Friday at * ; lieottenacte• Class, Tuesday and listdsy 11 14 , 10Ka1. All tba taiblonatds Woltsea Want's.. and Cu. Unions wilt be ;numb on modern. toms. Mass can at the Mask biome torotroldoes sontatotog 19::).-)L.;:fzi6N13 1 ,44 B. F. BROWN, Local Claim Agent. U. s. SAN. COB., , Office; No, 67 Fourth Street, r Ectrs won.) Pittsburgh, Pa. Pensions, Bounties, and Arrear . or Pay Promptly Collected. bat=ititirl ala clth" " settled. ° •LAW,OWSICE, - ' Ab. 98 Grant Street. 11111 ASTER, CIATIAM & BUTTERFIELD, Attorneys and oounseHlors, WIA - tislassawis, .tmesma.". Collections prompt/7 made, Coe•ryatteloitivz executed, Estate. rmleaged, Titles eitmli ll nowt, boallbt and &Id onj CoatatLialon; non. and m.o. fur rent: Lots Ibraste. WIN. A. sum - . .47.710/I. 7 rE Arid IN; No. 120 Pourlh St.. opooaltollittlositoll. • ' Putten far attention given Mt lie otitoottottot •4 Nast.. 111141. 1101.. Vottetoondetts la Now Tort. Boston. Baltlmotil. noweplitig *Heaver. .1141tIoato, Ika4.ag, Pa.; ndiaaspoils. 142: alt,l22lo . o **W- Mt 14 and ettrotero. • - B. LLYDd.IY , Aisapriumirajam,, OMes, ClOl Boyle Ntriet, • • Sordid attention /mei to drsortnideklS, Lame; and oth.r togs! documents. ,ill inft ro . Mon_ I . l s ularol .. tam luta neet j it: Du. E !.. Dlt . lS'a LILLY. ()IUN)i Sixth and Grant Streets, ~ rrrsausarr, •Pd. ===l . r iTTO R N CIS 411. ClOUillalia4lll;Ar LaW, •1: NO. ep G rant Btseet, 10t JAMMU:N. Esr.Otlicio, -Justice of t4e. ratite:" • - .s.sio.roitcs itsuestuAst iza4 - Oteee;ll2 Fifth tit. 011pseIggt Ca . Dreasahle* non' Aeloaale‘lireesla, paluoas awl all tonal Masbate exaeglietl••wit* protaptatas sadd/atulali. • ; as7t1;111 JANCEIN —.NOTARY iWl it iLtelll t e JlPSrleic Ur Tillf.PLlLOc.a_tfO. ttiNizca.TlC 01%,.21:114“tt *'‘er . as 4 Dr* 1011.. We' "="e"".Collectloo of kiods otqsatnl, mit i r . tfi e t Wm° auf nr &Lice of tlis Feu" astrotarf bar. . sea ITANCER t - • 11111 CONV •••• • • : Avenue. ' -• • : lidgaigi opals T.Endave,::• •"••••.-- . • rAt~Ora€j at Law, ;:f • - I• , * AU= - • , orraAggare!".„ • , poen Roost , ia=ll4 rrr titiMe»L; 4df;• ‘ ; nrwii,•••44;itaii; • U°4l , • , ' ; ~:_., C,3IPiCISINtt Ml= 82G3 733
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers