Ehr Vittsburnh 6a..%tttL PLUILLSIIIC.I3 UV Penniman, Reed & Co F.O. PIiNSIMAN. T• P. 1101:i4T051. -•-or•• in.1.K.13 M...g.r. TUESDAY, OCTuDER ONION .REPOIILICNN NOMINATIONS. YOB EILDIOR MAJ. CEN. JOHN W. GEARY, I= IS= 1:1=1 HON. J. K, MOOROKAO TWIttiTT-THIMI 111,7 its 4, LION. TIllIMAti SAMUEL B. CLULEY, City I•l.{R[ Or 01,1 , JOH Al U. 'MOWN, • CLIZILR. 1011•11.A.N. 01 ALEXANDER HI LAN DN. t. USA Onf,ll 1416NRY NNIVELT,tittv JOSEPH IL GRAY, 1•11 tin f 0115 11,41.11. uromar. HA311LT4,74.l ,tv 1:1,T1111 OV .1011171 F. UN • VO, MI111," . JOHN P. GLAAA. REOREE 'WILSON, I . ltl TIC REOIME T. Neill ET— T P4AREF.I. CIIADWICO. I. ,ipp.Tp WILLIAM PETER. IL , R. A. COLAILI.r.. l Its' IMPOIRTMSCI.OI,IIII. 1,%\ ‘Ni Ith EMS day: till.l nil Xi , tlt, IMMEME durinZ the war uum riii S St I .l'an'. in pcace and 1 , 1, ,itur I.y. you- , rlvt, rul.l 4.,:r I= 111 N , r IZIENE while other , cu never t 4, return , 14:t e Ctlll,lllloU to 111.1.1 , •'1;11 -.i; 7;1; To deposit ft 1,111;ot i ,, , SO tie voldsof everythin th, Or grand, that few nun are al,k t ,, , estimate the greatness of th, w.t. we vote thla 4lfty, WC.I t6t k: tiOM and Fool goct•rumttnt :ttIN ant t kt trOgT11•10; 40 will t h e gritat ontti. lit w.• harp just I)A,.t t d Ittt suct..-ss Oh n tli,tstrou, this day, wt „vll thc constitution:xi In w goverritalent, . Mall, 'XI. I, ail - Cady a 11,1/r1 , 0 . 1 - , .Lll lug in be x die taint A. Pcnnsylvani.l Snip , 11:I. the country vot.• mind :La frieudA in NeNV YOri. ALP'. .•111, cute on t h e I;111 of Novt•tto , 4 r. ltbk tobear up again our defeat. ev,n 4 a tiIIIIIII.-, ity lAA us, 010,1..4,, w I eased maority, ~.41 1 E 0: gait• that will aspic all t ...‘" ON, vuting^titate , to deal the tini-lunc. re Lrlliou n i l .l Th; e ran build up our brukeu equitallie and IL: "il.lll YORK VOLITIC, The two wine:, of the hion,icr ouservulive- party, I is vaned the ''C'ons , rvatly , anal the ,opperhea.l demos ra4 vam workine well do The gall with a meeting r tA,ga. alt 11111•1.• .•r!.% II it latter, whim olmvelt , • , l a A ibtoit, were itmepted. Thr joint artem two e.timisses (for they vv.., brought atom the famous vention of the 14th of August. • the rebel element of the Estutlwri, States 11 , hlto ••••••••• I'l • • , • •• was fully , represented. All the tootnictin2 i \ "1 1 .li I parties thought it a very lore 'irrangelemo, 1110 A \ It E . end were highly AN M I ,A• ; -- 1 SON abed tears of joy over it, and 1,01,1'y lts i.; , . q • denounced all who would nut agree to •• in v u •:: '."", policy," and to tloo Ithiladelplita plan. ' traitors. The great obj. , t io "- the election of members of t .olffr.•- , 1.1,.1: \ •••_ ed to the folic , : m the • .te admisslon "' " • •• • • . • \\ •I E IWO A of the rebel S , t-atee to T. In m A! .. 1 .; \ Congress "No! a word • % N. „ „ York Tita, , t was said in it I i• • •• . - Ocralk party, nor Wa, ". •“" 1.. ,•,; tion that it was to Is• a D. st .... . .., \ \ l' ' \ ' \ I '• CO veution. ' lIE iTtli. .-lii '.i.,.!: it aii \ .ii i.ii LuriialA OIL COMPANY. But the Mitine election and wit, .1..... c, ..\ i 4.11 Nsi .11: *i! , '., • 1,1 I, .i! / 1 , . tact oments revealed the startlinti ct tleit thi ,\‘ IILN ' , I'M; -I,\i l• , i'll i 'l'dii; 1 T i i i ., l , p 1 ‘,. 1. , t11 " "'''' s ; II" i ill• 1.- 'Conservative Repuldican, had ciii. iad . i l ' '',, , ii, , siil. iir . ' i ... l ' ll I \\ . l . i , i ,r i 111 li.. \ I i ~,• , ' ' ' the concern withlifit loty ,31 , 1 , 0 ~ 1 1 ,0 ',.••) , ::,,,,,,, , oii , . were on y n ew . any folio - teen , . o Imo , 11 - 111 4,1 ' 'I II .‘ I 'l'i \ -I s, ;•• 'I • • • 1.1, ~( -11. iTII.I I DICII hungry for oilice Tie re-tc t to- A i Hi tt, t - 1, IA IRON CITY MILLS revelation in New . Y.srls t- .t, A 1 ,1 . , z , „, , „•. and a very inierestlng t ater.. tae t.s tit. te ,t..t II 1 1,. General Din, w Io waa t.. tele. I. candidate for Governor, wa• tf sr.., tt board by the Iteniocrats, and Own liss hr J RATIIOND, the ftvglennto ot the I . l,iladel Oda Convention, pat ke I tap td , trap- ttnti ot., t.. - deserted. Hi,, paper II iii• 71.• World, tlso t racy, are in hot nittAtzlinimnt In that State Jonah swallowed Ills wil,l';•. s set• but it was os; bi g l e , hint, !in .!' Whole in floundering abon t WI;•;t; ;et' • , t:;. s damaged, to he sure, by the in very shoal water, while. Ise,tria. , ; earl- , born a ••• -1,, lit. not be found. I:M.11 , 1 1 '1's Ulhllt.l. it As 1,31L1111, TM; 1:1,1'1 ' •-' - COL. TATE ON BOOTH. i CANS IN 1.!) I. 11 II 1 I i.1:1;'1 o ny•Al Some of the Copperhead papers ere ~( 7" M FP 'TIEI• -t I ' . 1 ; " I:A.l` Hying that Colonel TATE, 01 ,11 c;;;t,nitl tt., l the; tered the atrortious eulogy upon 3 tv,, rtt IT, ; 1.;;;;. i.t tl: BOOTEI which was , published n IlyaMl I. I, I. • • ZETTE a feW days ago; hut We S..t` by litt. , A"A I 1 papers of that town that the only defell,e t y the Copperheads there make is, th a tw ait as I burst t 11 1 :'d LL ' I " LL the utterance of only one individuid, and ' '”I DIILLIN ERY GOODS, thwilso -„..•,u 11" - that tho party might not to be held netionn.; '‘l ."it, ITT, -.1 Ii;. Y " . "" t. table for It But what does the Part)" "Or I' I S I\ I;- ‘1.1" 1:, A I '"" " "."' " " to this from "The . Old tinarti," a 1)emo - I TLIE C:ICEI/IT 'FHA>, 'Ol NTEV ILIENIG)EN( E FOIL • I II erotic monthly milgazine, for O r I 's .t . ' 4l. ti•'; - 'IA I; • ' 2 : - A 101 \TIC% R1...115151 I. "Because Western eilititir speaks of Et2 l - • AI. l.' l' I , I • Wilkes Booth 35 a ',ler° and vitriol' a 1 'h its I"Itt 1'1 1...: ,, 1t t; publican editor !lies into horrors of horrors IJilt , and declares that never belore sincr the s history of man was a praise an assassin. llcusl, stupid! the 1""ti • I t lal instructions of Jehovah to His polde in ' all : " : ' v. the Old Testament and learn how ty ratio; " • wart) to bOtreal,l. Dow many yews has ' the name of Btintis been synonymous with ru I .1-.1 It, t 1 II: I patriotism and virtue' \y' lieu Henry IV "ur''' yt ; . was assassinated one of the nrstTnen or L' L t France wrote an apology fur .total Chtltri, r " • :11,1 . itn' 110 ; Vte assassin, which he said "This par , rhlde is a virtuous, gener ous and Iltd,dt. leiN\FOMEarlable to the greatest, either in ProraV or sacred history. and none but an ntheist`v.lll doubt it.'' Among many an dent nateew those who despatched usurp t era and tyhiats wore worshipped as gods. Others had that 'whosoever killed n bad King shouts be -King himself." Let the aupportsra of Astortaw .101INSOli succeed in the etactlona this fall, and BooTn will at onceb e enshrined as the martyr hero of the rebetieonservative De mocracy. FRU:IMS, work today to 'sing every loyal voter to the polls. Let iv. be the heaviest vote and the largest majonsy we yver gave. We can do it, MM I 1.% Mt It IN A \1.% Itlll.l U'l e , .11,1 rrl rarir•:Cu::u: r r , ~• nuulant ,tll4l-1,1 ; a MEM =I 11! =I = MIMI El MEM I= \ I t , UM li n ii sA A i %I I 1..Nr1 . ..\;;; I \ 1.. NT \\ =MEM • .1:I. 's I =II En AM, 'I I; \ I H I \ ,'" - -Ali , A AI \\ HAT -All , \ I \ \l' \ I 1 \\.\- Tllll- ll' • 1111. r. "I; F N , i 1;1 • '/""1.111 I 7.1 •••••••• ME . A. , : • \I \ li• I. ._ MEI N 1 lit, •• t.., -.1. Os ' =ME i'llE tit; \,. 'I .': :•-• • ... . 1 • Tlil.lfHol.ll.l, AM) I', 111..,.1111.i ~N, ••' ;., ~, ~ % ••• , ,11. SEI a:Ti()NAi. AMLNIOII:NT I, \I )Al. (it 4 Wiroati,.,‘ IN(; TIIE iti , ,ll , 1 , . MI: 1-“1.1)1E11' ,1.,,.`!,",.',.!!,',,', "....: ',;,.1.' — ,.,,.' , ,, , ~ , lic.., TI) V , rrE L i I'ILE,I...'IE D. \\ II I..ti fl,i, I.‘ Y. a,. \,,,rea..,.......„: ..;„!,.,,.I',.'',' a IT viA, , ,, nil, Li \ 1., 1 ) r,,, ,m T 1 r E ( ~,Nt. , ~ :;: ,: , .,; 4 t , t : : :....1:, t . . ..5, . ...:,..., . , y . y .t..1. nJ. , -,.. , ~.„,.,..:., MITTEE I ti.' THE 11 11J , 1,E, 'cm: A'A • I AHD 011,.- 20 hi:l.. Ora t a IJI• THE B's AN I) TII El'.. \N ERE CALLE!) 1,,,„, ~,„ „.,„,,,,,,, „,„„ ,„„ ,,,, ~, , ~, in - OVER, AND WIII.IN Ma. 1..:1..-OlElc, IIIAICI h- . 1,,,, y . NA3IECILEIIEDtIiniEJ ) TIIE tiI.;ES- °!.'''- - TION; HE WAS IN CR I`4I , FOIC) erased to A TIOLIT PI.AI II; A, ~, „ ~. „,,,,-, ~„„,„,„ .by ” HE DODGED BEt'Al.' , E Il t E WA., IN 0,.,,r7'. - L7 '' - " " "- ~,„-.‘( . i,),„.•,!,,1,., , :. . , THAT PLACE. Air. Clymer w,,ald 111,„,,,4011144; Bath :NOS FATTY FLOUR have time to tutswei at I, •th e titstge 01 G :tr . ', mg nb. , 1. , '.. , c by It. Miro% d SON. his having refused to allow the sohlltr to j" - 4.41114 SOU AMBER TILI AMB ER vole, Mil filite praised; lec had beenq , nr , d- i Wig ENT larrlvlng Jar *ran by IL. K NEM .IbON. in , / Ji if/PiAid,rdide 111/1e; ht tray tharauglay I;) CALLS NO. I 11.1iNOIS riPIIINC4 1 tec4conicd. Not Tory long ago be had biter .••• WilliAT an-I,llw for •sit Or 11• liblUll a NON - . • - - --‘,.., .00 )I • . I I't 'III It/ 0.0 111 II MEE! MIME 11111 lEEE I i v• NNE 11111 I;\ NEW Al). lIMI li,f•r• =MEE ;.,. =IEI ME ME I=l 1101.1:ti ME MM] I=ll Nl;ltitt I ♦lt i r.~.~.f ~:~ u.~~~ COMMIE I I S.11.1111!1 litillEM RI •W!.l (ii• 1i1.•1•111 I ME 1;1.11 i♦ ;NI) Fi4 . Somo Vcst" Cli()iee(;ood WI-IfTE, ORR & CO., I=l MEM 11.0 C; FACi. tv. bURRUHPIELD, tt 71. `..r 4C70 r > :I ii, IA I If Ift F.. i. ff. *ft i'. :let A WELL FURNISHED ROOK 1N15... 4. 011111,1,1 k svoiild •11104 Of. I. ( 510101. VI MOO EMI 1)11::114/1 ti.. -1111: NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NEW ADV I ERTISEMENTS. AM ES T. NCO., THEOFFICIALLIST IMPORTINT TO CONSUMERS. H. CH LDS HUMMEL & RABER COII }„,,. •" ( orner Fourth and Wood St 4.. BANKERS & BROKERS, n, Government Securities, Foreign Exchange, Gold, Silver and Coupons Interest allomed on Time Depo,its. p ) 011.Elt• roit 541.1- SIX SEC7ND•HAND BOILERS, 111.1.1. S l'Olt ..41_1 , i UI i `I 1,110 1 1 , , , \ \ 1.0,01 =I u. ( . .t PEW ELI OEM WIND•GUARD AND AIR•HEATER FOR COAL OIL LAMPS tiLLGIIENI BREW Lin. SPRING WATER ALES 1S r.T. T. 'l.-TX ao co .. 11;7) t•--;t1 Ell I ( 1101.1 it I. 1% 11.1.1E1.11V \ 14t the t zhcii) \III 1101 . 1'1A1 S.. I 0 1 ', Siii:tii( St T_T TV I "1'173 Chainht.r. OFFICE AN) SCPOOI iliM 3L..c - t - tir , t Ca • 1 ,4r. ME ' 1: mde A. fentrr Ta—e:•,l i up. A. 4antl, t ig, tdit 111:11,1110 , IN o{ol IAtiLN S ritolii (.1 11 1.011 I I' I \ , II 1'3114 Firs!-Class Family Grocery, C. - 11;3 FINE WATCHES, JEWELRY, DIAMCNDS, EMELI ft 6 X T Jlil3. 'CAT _II_ I 17 • I OMNIBUS AND LIVERY STABLE, JAMES IL DAIN, Proprietor, ez= *table Open Day and Night =QM trIIN ..'11):1's.. ,t01"I', =MD Fine Watches, Clocks, SILVER - PLATED WARE, ETC., So. 171 1.11t1.1t FT ,TIIKET, =I. M.11.t J *alp 1.1.z-G3a, nitr,lten Il• Ph," 11,1:4;4:ATE, Federal st l'\l , l- IC 1'1,1111\.•. I I I 11, 'll P.l • r oho,. .1 11 F.IIA l'A PER HANGINGS. Ft,lt 1 . . k ULOttS- Fri,. Ir 1,,10te, ....Id 1. 1 1:11-% It! Eh I,,lnprinn on 1,3,, II A I. ratlerna un (13y "ulld • .tt 'IANI II Au•l b nsllu Patter. l 7 W. P. lIAFSII , m• Wood ntrvet. • pIES'24I:I4. N. IMO., Engin Build , Ellh 11/ N I 1,18•11vt. a ior 511011 En glue. awl al Lin, Ala,nlucry, yl. L1.1111,* 01 all ulzey. r without Italan.... V?,11. Fir u Front, Walking t.llltves, Pimps. &1,. 1,4/10. hit lIAuuIWMI *Nu PINE taltgATIN .elltaburgh. 1' a. Ile pairing na4 putting up miwlllnery promptly !Mended to. wtl I'n'n OF DESERTERS Lump, No«. 1. 2.3 nod Ch44rekt.t. 11. y k Ins Valley. No', I.?. 3, arid All •mler, promptly at plol , .1 t... t ip at,t .11.00:1 - $ I BOOTS, SHOES A v A N'l'E REPUBLICAN IIE MtI:ARTERS, D o r , •-• It 6it 8 J. . RANIALEY, i 0 N. oSOLP, AND 336 Liberty Street, Opcn This Evening ELECTION RETURNS 111E1 1= =IEEE= and I),1111).7 'tool =I 96 Lll)erty Streut 11.111 Mi ,!Y MEM O. •2 Sirtrt -ISC CD 3E13, Et C.> 14. .r o. 110 Prnra Ntrret IIIMI!!!!=11 I, • , 11, V =I =OEM MI=CMI OV4 . ttLADDY All Cilt37 MEE Iteinii;!lean lll(9tilquar ters, ('ITY I I.\ I=i3 1!.1.1:\. ittt! \ 10.4.11(1111 VIGILANCE COMMITTEE ~11. 11 1 11111';'1A MU= NV 1 ) EIM 1.11 l'if 1G Ulf) UNION REPUOLICAN ix I tt (OM lIITTEE. III: l 4114.11: I ill 11 X101.1:1111 11,1 B 1:4111 TIIF. l'lll:4'l'3lEN'T 01' .41.1. ~ 11c•s: ccr •cirglc .41.1 nli ccl cc or tc.l•cclA Ircr,cpc•cctlvc. of r••••• 1 voccor. I 'lrc rl)ncocii .1 111 clruoulancitlaccid IcCrlllll‘,llco pstiesit. 4.. irOWn Crt VOL 1•;,- Ic•rcl. tcc•c icctor icny artc 1 •111 to•cl oft•ll,goc. Lc iccu tcr col'lllec,lte plc) -1 , 1•1 i, • \"'II: cl I all ttcs. " ""'"' r"'"" "`"' "5.."" c"'rg' "I t"" I 1.1 I "1!t:Ii I) II SILO MON REPUBLICAN I 'l,ll hrl ilk. 1111~1t 11 11121 ail 1.. I:. I iJ laVrOiE IRON IiORKS HUV,IIISON, GLASS & CO ltoind• , Square, Hai and Iltr , e- , 1 1, e Bar Iron, limp and Band Iron, Briler-Pla!e, Tank and SAL-Pan Iron, sleet Iron, &C., SC,., 11'x,1- i'J I'l' . I ~il\~ - 111 . . 111 \I,. N. 1--1.6 NV:dor Kirc.(tt, =II IL:HUNTS, tILiiE STONES, Vaults, Fouutains, P._.kutunry. )ESIGNS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, T. BROOME, 1: ; .11 , 1/ WALL rArEas now re , •slog M. NO. 101 NAMEICT STENT, NEA It FIFTH. sun JO If. HIJOULS CLOTHING, FINE NEW YORIL MANUFACTURE MI GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS /' A•• f.. t, MI. iA I 111 I t% x, 4111:41'LNT IN ENTION OF r Patrol "Ordinary It rench," (;:i•. and . i.i it \.i WM El =ME ME I \\ V I:. Ic. McS'I'F.EN N. 4 0 J. D. ItAra.ALEY, 334 Liberty Street. FASHIONABLE HATTER - i - x - .... 4,-r Isi AN D c _a_ r , la Thy Newt-4 alwas. on tart auk! al I tu• Lowe4l Prices =I J. Do RAMALEI' 334 Liberty Street, I OOf alll<i P•Olk<wa-s. I=l Ladies', Misses' and Children's DENTAL PRACTITIONER MI CUSTOM MADE SHOES AND GAITERS. MEM A hd at Lower Fri; r:; tliml Down Town j C:ltOk'T H 1:.11. E.. T.l T F.; .IGE-A-T, ll= ' Inn-" Virk:ll: PAPER!! PITTSBURGH PIPER CO.. arehoust, 22 Third Street, NEWS, TACK, MANILLA, HARDWARE, Roofing. Fell and WRAPPING PAPERS 7 , 1111. ni Strubctivllle, 01110 ilagh:d..l nt tie \V lirighLaPit, MERCY HOSPITAL, I❑ Charge of the Sister: of Merry, o!. t. nt Ith ..r tat alt..ns.l.,noll~enl,t nt ••r any In tin State. for it:o,n. antic ..,1 n tn.! phjal,,lan and ~.,rxcon in daily at t. nanee. and month 1,1" •11,n.laner: D. tic n ~ 1...1 n.. M. 1:,0 Grain 'to - art, On .•1:11.4. , and 1/er.nutn.r. .1. 1,1.1..%111r.M. 31. U., 112 Smlthno.l.l .itr .1, orit Nlnv and rl I. it i..‘11, , ,31. hi. 11., 152 Tl.lrd ,arm,l4ol,r. A .1. t A N 1 1 . 1 ,1.11.1., 51. 10.. 107 Jan uary. F. 111, ,ry tad March. Dn. InlNla and arml %Ire., 411 rge4/11. 11111411 V a11t.ndat,..... an.,4:11 . 4 • I SOI.DIEItS, IM CLAIMS FOR BOUNTY, &e. mog•rdirn , l viu collect sOl loosotire, (my And po clot. und, lnk. to . . Of or Otivd. 011., lir. )11" peu.s.•d an aet wloott v.:A.,. 1.01.11,s Art...raffled to bounty or 510 11 to tool). JOlll P. LAMB) 11, A. M. Moll% N. A - •t Of6ce. No. Ili 1•11 tt...trt. t, l. ADDITIONAL BOUNTIES To Soldiers or IS6I and ISG2. All who .erred three years Ire entltli-I to 4100 lemur, : lno , . ete , lnit two rears, or vo of wound, or their belts. hr,e JEfoliths Extra Pay I% Volont eor Offir,rn In the 'v., I.e Mnrelt ,]ll.lrims Les ...I out. or rtoght,l Aprli N, Its. I . n.SeiloNS.-I . dtuntiently dt•at...l sr« to O. $2OO . 114 S, acrord Fog to .trKre , of ellaal,ll - W. J. dif AJ.I. Al - I . ttllrt , S. lturn. ys. an I TI I;tant St rno.t. Plard.urhrli, H. J. LANCE, "sit a t. 4. BIER AND SCOURER., cnint. Whidoty Curtains and Chair Corers Clouted d litT.Lazed without unpacking. == Toe. 3* and 37 Third Street, detßeo Wood attetazdtbleld I=il . I la II 1101. ES 11. lIE IL EIIS IN , , TED 1:110ii it y o l _ et I \ I r t ; ‘,l :•.,1 4, v .131 Fil Pill"P=411114;11 Ni EN INANTEI), Nll . al,l k`ll Inn on . . • n 1.11,. on ,. In , I, it:. tw,i, Pre TO ACT AS SALESMEN, =OM I: .r. ••14n Inl.l. • .. • Vt tl. I N4t. 112 ,tr.. 1• , 1: • 11. P E IL . s 1 m ks,r•g,, xv A NTE:I)--,t4.l.:Nirs- c:,*-2()o Ito NT It 1•., - 4., !..t“ TI I/111.n, .•I • I, I,lk I. ansd 1.4•31.11uCt.11, $.4.1 I,l : e ' v h l. , :r "' \ (..0101, 1,011 1. t 1 I '•'• 10.. superior Cotton I urns, =MEM sfrAmLEs.4 4:1C1171 ➢CAGs,' i coTToN 1N1) LIEN cu our 11111 N. Will be Promptly Filled at =lli DAY, NicABOY & SPANG, IRON tITI 11.111 E 1101110. • OFFICE ANA WAREHOUSE, vb.. 15 It ood and 102 and 101 Third St, S.lLl(ll,ry 11.1.1.dwar€,. and .Trimming, superior Wood and Iron IlaMea Nt , ~ t Ipt i 4 ikIN4. . 104 X"' X 'F`lt" - JEC ST *trret. ; Tim runt OF JOSHUA. RHO I=l IMM! PITTSBVROH, PA.. L .' W PER : Orel or 6N; for 1 :attiii , r, Twille, diC , 4:83 , FACTORY PRICES H. CHILDS & CO I=l K¢'lS I=l =EI = s pl . , V' • O ppo,i le the IL a I bed ral, votoe EE lin II MEE N;4li, I "F lON OF I'AiriNERNIIO. IMES • I:11 .ItV I A Nlltt 1,, Hating of coltre firo•lTltig t M. Ink rw. , s•l.. from R'.,IS our I , tonals ..m -t., ro• 111...ra11y I..r.torrycl 1, 0 1 1 .•. SA l`r•I“ mr..ri• 114, lollti• M •. rtt,e...l tr OK% maiirtstirt .1. .4 et). •...~~ 111 111.1~ Ill\ S 11 CHINA IN A IItt:1101.SIE RICHARD E. BREED, X Mi r ' OF& rl" II EA., No. 100 'Wood Slreci, RI:1 s • LA PI.ATI4I , ?AMA —110..,"1 El Tl,l, A SI , TABLE, 'FICA I+F.TI.I, CHIN A. SE'N, ( A 1,11.1- b/M, V A,F,, A 51 . 1T1 . 0 0, 1 , 1, 13.11 h: \7l k' WA It!. 1 F.RY I.:Se1:11'T(0M 1..1VA ‘,111) I. 01A I. V A ht`ll") . ..,NS. E 11,1.1,11 \N ARK of p.II vart , tlol, t.r sul •htl tra.`e. I 1.• .ry.•• t mud of veryth7ll4 1 ,, ./o• 11E ../ti Id rlld. the as In Or va,se.cra. I , lo' EILVASU MALE STA lILES 310HELIIID & MITCHELL. Nos. 125 & 427 Liberty Street. The very best 11.14'Eri. CAI21:1 ‘ti ES and 1410- h. , key:. Vor{lure , The Pht 11, cltv. I un-rals. &C.. Attende en d to on short votive tv I Imune, !! ,..,p n r,...,rleters tnelr personal ally lo e gvo . _ . . PHOENIX STEAM BREWERY MUSTERS AND Bantus Ale, Porter and': B rown Stout, PA. 1(0111.1ItT ATKON, ?Ir,nnfre r. 10,1F1 ~,11.;1"•ERIOlt OA IL TANNED, PAT ENT sritinctita) a NU. ILIVETEU LEITIIER BELTI AND HOSE, klannferter. at No. 5 ti.MITHYIIet.I) WY,. by HARTLEY. PHELPS & CO. Agent[ for New York /Lubber 00. 4 1;riint Belting. Always on hand, a snwerlor quality of LACE 1.E.% TO sit a u•I tit:3l 111 (MANI 11l rn C. O'rt . Eß RIVE and !sal:, HELY S S. BRYAN, Broker in Stocks, B. 0. IM AND REAL V.STATF:, 57 FOURTH (111,1,, !NUM..) ~0 71, and on Conotticllon v, iNsuitANcy, VETIWLEPM STOCK •nd IiOVEUNMKNT =I rs ex.:ruled by telegraph at the Yi F.W YOKE. and rtu Lu)ELVIILA. STUCK BOARDS at the rates of rrommtsalon currnnt Int/lost cities prrrsnuntai AND OAKLAND 'MAN VIOUNKS. JOHN R. & A. HIIRIOOCpi. ;a John .Vard.ll, Jr.,' MIIICSNRYMEN, AIXIVIMOIUSTA, Pataborgh,rx., sattrte 'attention' to their ex trinAve omit of /MUT AND. NUN &MANTAS. TPRE,s, NVEKOREENR GRAVE VINNS AND UR F .ENIsoU.E•PIANTIK.• • • eot fora loll' (Urania?. • MD...burgh and Olnirtaa4 Piuutenyer Cara run to Da ti reeubouva every U =twitch. J21(1424 WANTS IN . ANTED, AGENTS AND SALESMEN No. 13 Firlla •taia• VS) Truhat; ll= GILMORE & LEIBLER'S MIMI KlOkyr ••r tun,. tt11,4, :It g GENTS WANTED FOR A NEW N.JW WOMEN OF THE WAR YHA NK witß, auth., "rt..: oh) ..ct tbl wort I. to 1.“1, et nwl pr.••ent a.l.!rr• • ..r .pply to No. C.. Filth I ',rt. 1•1,-4.11rKII ''' L A I: FATS IV A 3.11'111) !IT TII E Et - • UV IsA ,i‘1%1•41.4 3111 M o N V CN1,•.‘,..) •It I, 4r N 1..,N ? !-, II 14 ilt •I. F. 1% 4 , ... , h. , u{ t• ‘I 4 . 11% Fl,ll,treul. 1,1 PLIIINLBING, GAS FITTING 111111111 S &BUREN i''S-.1:11111.1.12 11333 FIL 8 . GAS AND STEAM FITTERS, (or. Sixth and Smithfield Sts.. FTSII f' 1.A., Car. firn% er and Chestnut Streets. .11 A N,'ll `,"1•4: All [lncl. W(171-M1 nn.l ltll MI ctur l~~cnauu~+, CAS AND sTliimvaTiNc, Hydrants, Iron Pumps, 81.1EE1' 1.14.41), LEAD PI11':4. .s .\ KS, It A S .V..Y IV ATER CLOSETS AND WASH STANDS TOM T. ERTENS, 11=1 165 Wood St., Pi t tallorch,'Prt z. IDOL MUMS B MILEY of Huy p on bend • en,rior +sr Llole WQ)4. I 11'1.7311111'5, ‘111.1m1....f Iron I•lnnph, 11.1,Ln, M 1.,. ',ea.!, 7.111 L,ai to. 111.11: To 1..WJ,L1 ~..11•1-. S.C.. at I.llolr•on. Corner Sixth and Smithfield Streets, All uln•l. of ItemlOng Jo pr ~,,, ptlv. Alt orOcr, I.lln.i' On in...llntoly at:v[14...1 to. jo,c/14 It Fq, BAILIFF, BROWN & CO:, PLUMBERS,CAS & STEAM PIPE FITTERS No. 55 Federal St., Allegheny, 672 Penn Street, Pitt,burgh. WATEI: AND 11AM YIXTURV, con•laully "n llonnnn 414,1 up with li nr. Water nr Steam 1 . 11•,s tt nlnort 011ilD 4 n 1 sl,rt in.tlen awl In for , new prcrees, .111. 111 toloe,/lierle Met/ 1•11. e. Iterp ronetantly I/tr, •//I,ply /.1 I.Mt , A . .. 1/ !IRA,. VITTINII , - /1 , A LI, 1111/II• An/ tll4l , flal Lep: nt • HI. t-..lse,t estaltll,l/nten. e erte.l/1 Invite the attent.oa of alto tte have any t/..1.. In enr floe 01 t/u*ln.../s. we ronn dent we eat, give the In-at //(./all/.ll,tlen r,tar/Is lu•terlal, //r6sttwel.,hl// An./ prlee. lyt.ft NOTICE. Private Families and Hotels = HYDRANT HOSE AND PIPES I=l JOHN MAFFET, N 05.217 and 229 First Street, =NM m717;•40 WELDON & KELLY! PLUMBERS, Gas and Steam Fitters, AND BRASS FOUNDERS, . largt sasortsoeut of Chandeliers and Brackets, Lead Pipe, Pumps, Sheet Lead, &c., AL NAY ON HAND. ITZ=I 164 Wood Street, near Sixth. m !,7 wy. Ilkatt.P.lll' 11 . ERLEIlli Si. JOHNSON. P Ell AL Crr I c1.a..r... Plumbers, Gas and Steam Fitters, PIF.IIIL , TILICET EKTENSI.,!i Pittsburgh, allorder. by mall reerete.l sallafartortly p,triptly attended to A full lino of itsall Tuba, Pumps, Hash., r Closets. Sink, Clmiolclter... I'.: lance, sa Made, for sale at lb« mos( IVA, ri: able prier . Orders from country patroon by mall proo.pfir at— tended 10. Heim nose of even description. text dart pLEMBING, GAS AND STEAM A. FITTING, IN ALL ITS BRANCH Care'ally attended to by riperlvnred Ind mete workmen. A dile m lit OAS FIXTURES, SINKS, BATH TUBS =2 =I ItYltltA , Constantly on hand tot :mule T.EL'I.3EI cfb SVJEI 'Cr I 1.1...3311, 5.0 Federal 51r..•.1. A 11..41,tty. and :051 l.lnerty l'itlautrrgh 102=11113 Noincr.—Letterset Adnkinistra- Hon on the ertote or W it. It F. N N F. 17. late 01 the City or Vitt-thumb. tastier Merchant, It at to been wattled to the .00 0..11.0 .A. 4 : mtrt.totr: Indebted to tee said etrat, ore req....tett Itt 'lmmediate pay Teat. (nod oat, r,nt. i anti thit.e hay- ~•• Ittc claims artathst the et.ttan er the roll deretleut. •• •- t will brae known the same without delay. t. TH1.13. U. HAMILTON. warn •r 1177ter Na. IC irtltti Yt, . 11...1.0rxh. G • PETS-- FALL OF 1166.—N0w ,41t onentng at • -67 Fourth Street, A superb ansortmeta eVerstlbln es g the C it PET 'elabreelnie tapteim, Three-t•l5, Atl4ll4l2ltrataigselectett tweelnilv for this marts efib t., Andtel be sold At the le ut weet pre the market whir lilll. lUD bIoCALLLUM BitlYrklSlA6 ME ME h4,1;1 s- MEI
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