sheWitiaturgh Gazette. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 10,1866 A C:IAMSOUS VICTORI. Fuo c retttrus)thus far received we are LtlClined to believe that Allegheny County has given 0 MLITT a majority approaching nine thousand. There have been several increases in the vote as compared with that of the LlNcor.:t election in 1884, while in some localities the:, Union Republicans have sustained trivial losses. MOORHEAD and WILLIAMS have both been re-elected to Congress, and all of our local county of. Beer , are certainly elected by overwhelm ing majnrit,, , The news from Ohio and Indiana :s very flattering, and beyond any doubt the Union cause has triumphed in those States tr EA ItY i 9 IltilleSuonably elected ern , ' by a large Inajority From the itiw - s.ittering rater F we have from the VI II Dist r., 1, We are itieltned to believe :bat :dr Cur ore i> eiected, which will be g3ill "or member of Congress. IV, bare rely few returrs from Uhin, y 'how increased Repuliiican fefpon:!e= Tri i • !{lN Tr or the Alabama 1.34 c:mt,•,l Prot mt.r. Judge ;n Mobile I, impard met!, he i annot ac Meanwhile many interest, are suffering ou of tLi; "le:Unction of the bushier. • 11 rnr.r ha , !WCII rr guested to haughrly relus'es, on the as• , 1111p11.111 that ll.e !joust and Oignity A.. 11101 IA jr.': tIMILI,I tip iu his person. ;.etil , in.: in '.er , llc .'le, in the iltird per ,11` "1 I which hi, the puhtic , be re. I ituself n> thi. 'ninthly representable of the honor and dignity of his State, and that State shall not be outrnged and dishon- ••red through him." In no other country iu chil , tendann would thnt scoundrel have esiciiiaii! n halter; hot the merry and hd en-y of thi , government his endiolileocd loin to insult it to its face. PLENAttv l:os!een. 0! the 11 , sual dChtdie Csureh is the Unsed '-eF.: 0 11 In athignurv. COll ist seven A ty, Luu. Ile I I V.1,111V4 Lltintd , rit ., tr. DOClors of I ) . , :nity, •esq r.'.y•futlr s, Moak:, and Ihre“ tred Abbots. The Council was iorcusily opener Ou isunday afternoon i.e Arrillitsh Pp SPALUINt>. apostolic Wht , de• livered an adurci, in Latin The Louutiil will delllierste with tliioed dont,. CONN/XI/A:VT —rixo New Votk of Monday givee returns from 143 town elections in Conn, tient. The Rettulili cans cooled 90: the tiettlOClltt 5 4 0 , 7 are 4.1 vided,; but F aim e,! e!aie,! I.y Delnocral, PIATn , •F PII')F, .1. IiAItET —This trlio 11 , 113 known t. e wort I over I extraordinary skill in taming. Lams, died very suddenly In (let - slam; ,an Tnnrs‘lsy Ipro. lle wn. In his 39iL year. an I a !mew:kir. Cl= r.'. an a..: T.,ndnn nr , .:TLII:t ,, II Am,'limn —Si on nr • f..ii.r.•; .. 7,4, 9 0 in the, ell .fern in :;,.4il i • t. a fee; IEI =I i.riny of E.1.13,110;,p,..7E is MIME lESIE lEEE !•., r.. 0 :CV•tr, I. ..1 Olt Ituenclr . L.., 111 ,, re vict;lua 1L Lil\l .oth. rhly —EI !•el Goners! Jo. Shelby Is running. ii.tirl Mello, S:1,011.( . 13' estaldisliment tutus uut ,?. Ituo .1 it,: i., tAi rO-t.4 IMP f, ct It : Diu❑ to li/ak , G(:are yr: rcl 01 inp,:ry real,zel I= --A:: A cuvrican weartUng .Ik)buny Buil e• uursemar ,Lap , 11111,:lt to ho I tuatettal for post . ..1 1 / 4 1111.6 •- oath lr P., the ilreEse•T, of ladir , are sandy• kr d's that' no extra tilt , The t x•Qui•en Lianover was no' ed her i t .t.rtiy and loving kindnenn. Alruire committed f' , ll/. It 1111 !twine. M c . for agrieulturista-,very tai r sL oU ve nttraett vr features. -T , Tau has exported within a nhort tune 3 itt,tlion dollars worth ot entity. 11'.tehingu.0 soldier 41.1 e the: 1.. of his eleeping romrtele -rity •'t ri4-11,111 true men" hart- salkd Iron) c H titerala kJ aid Sear., _();4 4 1,41 has shipped is:1.161:0) in tr nitre during the last eight month? —ln Calif , rnin, a Ciontnnan cannot testi• !y against a W lille Matt a uegro rc were a sired bolnieibe and a murder in New York on Sunday. —A new jewelry estallliralineut in "Cm ,rb is "4).1,1 "1 he diamond parlor." --The New Haven RefriAter linA been E Evatly en,atged. It could not to/ improved -A New York critic advises ltistori not 1,. wear white stockings In Mari./ tltuarda. --In England "old faced type", are re garded as the most elegant letter In typogra phy --A brutal husband, of Lewiston Y., loto, toad*, five Feiatrate attempts to =vier Ids wife CITY ITEMS .Het !Superior Dttlk Illgoolt at hlarrin's, No. G 4 Fourth street. The Leediog +styles • I i he season, at the Opera Rowe Shoe Store. The Lowest price• 0 f the lea,toa, at the Opera Roues Shoe score Fresh Barged..• it , lag daily recoivud at the Opera House ahoo Store. 15 eel and 'Oboes lot We aitthorta, at the Opera llonsa 3100 Store. Go to Elettlog'• Drag Store, No. 64 Market street, for the best ?WIWI:, sold Soda Ash In the clty—At lowest prices. The Dalt tiood• Ever °Sieved, at tbe Opern House Shoo StOro— •elllnß remarkably obeap, tan to lien:dors urns store. '.4t Market street, for ortUtent, --- ;""*L.Vusltes of .:Lit kinds, and Toilet' Jatts. 6,, etkyletttlag , • Drug Store, No 64 Al ark et forret, for (4grk's Liarrey's and Cheessman'• remain I . llle--.901e agent tor the Country nonMunots, Remember that the platy to buy Patemt 310,11- Mn. and Perttinhery low is MeClarran a 2,10- Roman's Drug Store, SO Markel strost. oowd Cider •ll stir Year Nomad. sulphite of Llme. Sulphite of Lime. Sulphite of Lime. Sulphite of Lime. SuWaite of Lime. Sulphite of Lima Usc package of the slicee at twenty-ove cents witi keep one berm of alder perfectly. sweet sll the year round. gold whohnale and mow, at the lowest rates. by UN:lane-04nd proggista. SE. Market stria; corn or or Diamond. near Stfthirltres Asi t i 111 e ! 11l th. • 110, 270. • t Ecol EDITION. . FOUR O'CLOCK, A. M. i,, ~ VERI L 'TEST TELECII 111 S. -I'l' • ELECTION RETURFS, 111 . , Aar•l ,1, • ••• 1•1•iIN 0 the P,: ;..!,a h lioxr,o4Lo, ttrtober t.,1•03 In W,tene court (no, tou. o . tett vet. a gala 00 , 0 , „ I, l lll , lreti over the rot ,. 0 , 1-nt h.• net thuttr.l tte,ll n . 10• rou,, h d to It• tt undre neer the 0•11II3 v 1.4 4101,,ti t F., I AN. AnICIM, PA., OCI to. ~n 1 Pnt rl , ll/117 ta I IL, tio u, , ec blur:zed. F Irt.••••‘ dl•tr.rt. th h. ~ !,, , ,,r fro', .k. —Th MINIM lUk rd I ,ll e . 11/. C' 3 - n 2 r 211 e, 1 25'. Laurence 11 , 5. Rept4 1, .1.,:l 25 e. • C.% teer 1 , y , gain St • 1.11.A,111 1> Here .5•15 e 14 1 2 T., z.l• Le .1.7 e I%e s•re Militl=l2l2lllMMl • 414111.-Lta, 51a1451.1.a1,.l IP I...nry gln.r.ous 1111 •TI•I•11•, • 1115 RON, in Blue ho,. 11l rough th e w ars, '4;4 1,- 1 .. •••••1, n 1 . It met', n ere ruttor's itrs. One- if...gee 11...t11e Itnntly Jnnt :e . l the the traitor" pet, Pent• le, n• uent 1. 1 .1 f 111,1 13 f• 1 , 1. , Is 11t lug et. .1. V. ly u• 514,1,11,11 11, a.‘ en eon,, vett/Pee A ' lia r'' , '" T a 7" jomy red urn) fifty, Moorhead one L a t•.; 1_ P " I: 4 and tl.llO .t 4151 , , Men. 4• • ILL ILL I• L.. 11 " • 2 / 1 11rL.: . s— tnettry ahead fifteen. .•entn, .11, a ;••,4 .1.4 tn., 1 , -1.42111 1 11—M 1)11111y .1111 1 ger usual. pted:onn la all lis• J. Id• unit ln I'r r:,. OCT 1 ..-7 he /tau nu :..1 gt s , g • . Fl 5, ivary• tt,g),..r.1 y. Tl”. ward 5115 •11• ~.1.•, 1 and the I.tin cannot he etuted 7 . 1.. In, . etre It...e•c ward Wren (At,: y 751 tunlority. Repel, 1r.,. .. 1 less g: ree 70.1 unto given Geer:: n. .1— j•;tt,,g lc loss stn. The Pah r• a• 5.5.1 a.Jurite. ILepubllonnl , ..ns 131 I'u.. nth wn. d , I te.nry 1:5 tent.tollly, t the Cable 1.,5, ward gives Unary tl o - if 0. 1 ,3. part of the 2.lth. Ilene Lou w...1n fif h o:11.. Ives Clytner of.ijority. Lzatlk 1.1.1 f.f 1110 word gt coo txr,.:: az dug witL . .. • •Il .107 .t y, i! ,- 11'.1,11,5tl eV 't: S. •. • La inn kw, .....,, , ,3 - r,14.:::...:..,..,- 1,, I. ~, g l', k 1...1,13 , Y•.:. ', boro , th - -01 - rila Clyzeicr '..... 3. " . 3 1. ,. ..' y, n 1 , 3 u ., c•rut lc k.n.n I. ...1 . ...-', - t . MO , —,, Coy,. try ~•%ki C., 11 , e, I, ,L 1 . j ..r .i, . aft ••••• .a.:err: Cro the 1-ilm. II I Soy 1., It la., foo. ii,laAAtt..: n 4.4 .1,-11 Or ~,,- ~,,, 1 Joni', for 4.,ary. gam, ;5 1,.;..; .•a Conier- I. v , sty, P -.r a. -, oyetuan ',.‘,. ~,,, 10..,:, ~... Oug II alto: too nay ill give -d lin3ollty for Geary'. g.,,,, , ,,,, ,i , ... t ~•• ti a liejamolvan gal tt 0 ii on t -IC - 1 .- 1, Wlr GeiserA, d g.l. , I . A .. II- .• ,a)Let , •I lam. tea, ill Ai... I AA . :.1.,...:r•i .i r . cu. wet , , vnang 1 ~,,,,.._ ~ •,,.... 1• 1 ; -,- ts hoo:.-40;v: .•• Pa. -- I la. (ford I •mat> - meta, me ;t• • .( P.' •-, Oval .., .15: Ili u,vr, rt. 1 ~,- ,em ate ,tat tours- ~, a It• ,tO, an ; : Catrion.-llyiver 11 tuajority; ali ....tor ~: „.,., ~.. I: ,„. ~,, gam over last year. ktrt ultnot for t cm, t r-s i sa m . a -, r ,.... , a, democratic to alority Utica /inning,. Pa-Geary 30; I ty 111 I -A, ~,,,, , l °meant ville. Pai -Finney, for Long revs. ~,,„, ga , „.,..,, „,„ „ ; Republican, 134; litclul mot, for &king re•s, tign,- a , gilg :;n n• _ ocratic, Cl. t,oegral,too, IM.--„Ilet aluiol, dcum coal im ga ,,, ~, lMilgrem, an. Vito, .; , 14-11111,11 can for longer-r. : L,.„....„,, „, , ; , „. , ~.,. /J. . lire Gewl• Itrookville Pu -rotary 4,' tusitaJLA it•GA......1 , ~,,,,,,,, ~ • ~ I , t ownship. Cis inc, -.2.‘ nia..,/..i It j . gale :1 Aim•lv Olts, l'a -,,,, • ..1 iil major: v.O Keogh- • ll • .•i ; ; a: . • Mean gg. aof /4 °ye ~-t N oar Po t Linesville, lit-It agoa.„ , ; I.; „,. tog „..,,, i; :I:, a; I:, . , •. , tnial y,1;1; (Aylmer. in. Am ;0 .4 not ,0, ; n i g ", one w ArMstrotill , Ovtt , , -lilt tannlng-tivary , Po '' .3 Y'' .'`' ," ' ''' • . , .. maim II r; a t roth W 71 tam hilt year. it,thole, 't mango county, Pa - a wary 111, , I.:lrrier, 71, .11eCalguot , In; a inovv, /111,. Gran., illo nurr , ...0. -, Si mei, Je..! . ..Grar7, IN., b , is ;Emanate gain of 61 over lam. V••,si . Coehrtintna n -clyiner th maj... If y. Mr , NI- .1 0,11 .) ~.. ~., I ' ", ' .- ', .-.. .. • ,.. m mot it. majority hiet4lmapa y..,;,. ~,, g ,.., I. 0 ,. the:! 10 ..1 .1../ . . A.., .., r Iv, rr m. livi• to mar tt mi. NI •- .a t - :l• • miss, Pa. - Clymer'' , vote- ',.!.. Gears '1 '1 C „ lillimtllN die, ra.-{ache} II.; I. lymei , I ' ''' l''." ' '''' '''" “").'"' s ''' '''' " "' Ylune) 1.51; McCain.. .2 I , ii•l 1,0 Int .It• I. ; ha- Lull- 111 . ,r .1.. I Cb.loll, I'n.-l.1)11Ant /.2.. tt ot it tns'oi It a ' ., ' ,"'''''.` .. ",',',.'' . ;„‘;';''r r ,', '" ''" ' ' '. ''' '' ' dmum - ratie gain id 7 star ,all Near ' M• 10,j- '''' ....,''., •"' '''''''''...''' Itilit'A nosjorltj. 2ii . J.., 105:0, 1.,•1i,b, , , ~,-• ~ .1...,... , . , I, um II hatilabury, TO.--Goary C tholority; Vin ril.y rearm at,,, In liar,..: ....r-. ~ A . A% t 45 majority. ,ball hay: gain. in la., start I 1, , ,..., 1.. utak, livarishorg - --lleary 54 In 'Jul lir 11nto• y, 111, aj Do , his. In Ph dude:o,, , .101/ a;LA A. ,110/1 An I njOril A . ority. al sot., ./. Puo., Pine To -Geary 141; I ly m mer .21. 51,352, 1,,) ro o t, .e.itirt. 0..11. ~. liroutiarylia-laytner 23 miqiirlt) f... 14, BrlitgepOrt.-Geary 110 nisiority. ' West Bros asvill , •.-t,nin y 1 immoral • Cg.rullehlf.ela I.lorollg 0 and Cutnia•riand town ship Greene counts -Geary 02 mi.jorli v. ilohtuaystaitg.-Eigiat majorit, I Inn cl• , user, being a gain ter Geary of 2i noel Liu y- Clan', vote. Altoona.-Clymer 125 majority, being a Union I gain of at. Fltusville-lieu.; y, 97 mat Finney and 4 Itai,... • ahead of the ticket. Bedford-Throe dbitriet. In glee a I mots gain 13162 over the vote of 1P64. Morgan township, Green counsty-tlyzner' ' majority, 103 1 Jaf671140 township, Green county-Clymer,. . majority, 163. Lookstown, Fayette county-rleary, ' 7 2. Cly mer, ils; Cookstown toonatilp, aujoining Lookstown, majority for Clymer, 103. California, Fayette county--Geary's major ity, 52. Conuclisyille-t.icary's majority, 4-a gain ~f 1 7 votes. 2:lsabela I own ship-Geary' x in aj.sri ty in three hundred and fifty eight. Elizabeth borougn-Fatty-three majority tor Gerry. . Baowirsvtiza, l's., Oct. Washington9.-s• town *hip, Greene county, gives Cly mei 105 maiot ltt.orrklyaiuoyu ton W, l u iNZ., „3. ' 1 yiu , „., 4, 5 i . 7 . 50 . 1 . 1 ,i , , , ,, , , t , 3 ,. . „ ~,: Mead y Ille gives Geary 212 majority; a Repub lican aain of 74 over last year. Its ookville Borough gives Ovary 43 of a ma jority. Bose township-Clymer 23 lifaJor:ty and Fin ney 6 majorlt7. Startan borongt-Clynier, 32 majority, a Democratic loss of 6. Tituaville--Ocary. 91 majority. Deaver County-17 majority folir Ceary in New Mighton bon °u 6 gh, a largo epublican , gain. Industry township, Beaver county, l'a - Union majority, 7; a gain of 0. Kittanning, r.-treary 230; Clymer. :Is: Geary's majorit a. y, 102 1 au Increase of 21. - Cormollsitille, .i . e...--atcaryta majority, I i a, publican gain, /I. Brady's Baud, Armstrong county, Pa - Geary's majority 44-a gain. Willmore, Causal - 1p county, Pa.-Geary, 191 a gala of 11. Connelleville, Fayette county-lit:publican gain, Ili. Ifarrisburg, Dauphin county-Gives c tyw,,,,. 1211 * Democratic tons of 61. Suisioehanna township gives bleary 1321 a Desi.ootatle loss of 40. ididilleiowc give, Li. _ewer o Majority of at no Dm:MC-rattle gain of 63. Den y township glees Geary Sao ilepribllcan wain of 73. Pottsville,' Schtlylit 111 oomity-trearybi .;,,.. jority, 529; a Ilepuirlican gain of U. Cowin-, Oyu tit y--Twent ,•elght townships show a Itepubilean gala of 219. York coanty-.York borough gives Clymer Soo majority; DemoCralic Von 73 harry oonnty-renti marina id gives Ovary cult.) 124 nity; dopublicao gain . , Blabl3 .0..6Y-TYclue ally gives Geary 59 ma- , jority. Republican gain, 11. Book. county Lower Wakefield /115 W bleary 167 majority.-Ideputaicaz gain of 2.5. Taylor, fisPublicao for, 154 majority-a gala of 62. . Blair 0 01 11,1 11 t9-6.ltoona borough gives Cly mer. ID! majority-Itepubilean gain of 65 .rtilladelpttlis--The Thirteenth ward green Clymer 704 wajority - Damocratia gala of 4 e 35. SLIM ward styes Clymer 110 majority. York county-York borough sir ea Clymer NO Maj. Dom. gain, 71. , her county-Penn township gives (hoary nam.rj. Bees- gain, el Blair ocrauty 7 -Tyrone city glues Gaw7 gm 1 Bialrevilie_FTuts luso* gives _Geary /13, anct Cilium Vilma!' WiJortta esti:o , o4s UM Wbwast Cl' Msaiww. 79. tat "' °6 l 1 . 42 . 11 1 1 000 1 4 90UntY.w4iliaryby ..., ; VOLUME LXXX.---NO. 243 PENNST IXANI .5 1=1:131MINE rrIILAIS6,III., T:ln Le nfl "(rim u,r , I=llllEl =IS ...I• 1)2. I ..t• Pt It. of 11,1 n 11 ? [. •,, •tl Itepui,l ga I, 1'.., I. =MEE EOM lhaiikWrati•• = A .A nr I - t =I • t ••• 3lkt k • c.ugl. t 1.1•1,; .utt4ll ty— MEM / =I 4. . Is - 0 1. J , =EINE IMO MEM = ERE BE '` ,':.l ilin cm= C 1,64 IN:. tt be' 10/' IC \ 1...11, .(01 10 111 thls flelgh - the, %A raking of ito. WI-,..;1mt Iv I,nr It 01.w.1 IMF y. .yu tilt• (•ire tl ,, u tnt on" y ..I.lglioul =IMEMMI =I I=MEME L'r.lnn, Int 1. , :11,r 1'0,4 1,. • , I.llAiti rr.lot., fit.. rah •11..trir., llfY, From". In the , :Mil, lin the •hil district he ton teat In thh .li, riot vcry latt thsuliett la the tehttott ot Eggleston. Uuton, neer rentilebrut, by about live hotittt et! uilnitirit). Egg l.:•ton'S to tlorit, two yhturm tlgh. on over t went y-htt huh. tired. ciLat ix, Att. henry ttinrnt evntl:t4 In thl. nottelt.trtrnotnit nut ,„, Lt nk, Lx, g yon (1111 inturab ill an the bent I Can. t ro viv• Mlt ,•r, fir? bernorr,. for „ 7 ,. 24+11 Demon, a , 7,3 At wr..l (J1110•—...r nient.., I 'tllUlt di, d p 1.11.. 40. R'npnenbtl Se.rt y t wth p ,Inn k .nl,O v Ct. n tt•tirt I ;11 Ida letril • . ,11111t y. Of, (.• maj..rl ty. count„ 01”..-1)-El1ucretlic m,,Jorliy, 4. C:o , Cot Mon rnalnr:t y It, tO. 119111 p, 7 , . ILI 1. nlnit unklp, 01 . 117. Ellnn main?' 1 y 01er 1.."1's ninonlln Co/W.:plant, r,plut • 01110,—Dernn , rUti' M O .I O r I EY /.; 1.. clot: overlent election 3. )Vollswillo, Yellow Creel: inweNhi r , („ 1 „, bites county. Unlo. 21 t,r, for Coogresa oral Stele ticket, told ileac Jefer.nn t 1A3+0,11111 glee/. DO:lloCritt/, Rujurey 012, decrease of P. CnYttnortt Snanna Democrat at 50, Union Ili /0, Ily 1. 1 1. beatrn, Lolutntanun county, tnnu—rnotn mnjulity ha. Akron City township, InattUnit entinty— union mid°, ity steutssntllln—Union Ins) , Ynt nv , sr last s , 11. r Of 45,. It' arri, low n•lt n ton mai., nt.. won. to. rk...111p-I_ , ...v.erat la maj., It. 1...n0v 1 , 1.. Nt nrir cvnnty. 01110— De mOCrat tt canJont), nton wain 4.4 II: y, Ohlu.—Dcinacralle traJn.r. It). O. W.hingtrol, Ohio—NV(lle township. Gnarn• soy 000013 t..upporheet+l or COogreas,dl.3 majority Tlam IWvub/lonta gal!. of 110. Welltnatoa. 01110—C niOn majori , y, 34. Del aware townnbip—Yor C.uagrees acre la a Union gala of Crawford cram ty—Eloi rap, tovrileb!p, Ouch. Lund, Damn, 1181 Yconetroca, Liam , to a democratic gain of 68. Ricelandchanty—Mon TOO towash.ip glow* a domocratlc majority or 60 Wayne cow./ — barewri; Democratic mater. !trot 7. Ashland county—Londeasu d o rm 120 d om . , =nal= majority. I:Jaarionl cwouty, Q.—Jadram township.— PlanartOck (Monocrat) IN majoms, o u d i ao gala of SO. itis/and oontitY, o.—City Of filahllttela auk- PITTSBURGH, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 10, isti6 Nl,t•lo,on I rrn-hip--3,3 Union majortin I 11111 ^t.,‘ font oonnty, ess. 1..1 enaJnrov eo.n. v. —:Sheiny own,hlp—the I lA./ L,tlo y a gain Or 4,1 n!)', l .-1: n son Ity 117; Utlibil ....... Allleac.. Stara tale, .).—unlon 1 majlartar I It, n, 31.. . • our. ltl t tlt ll gu D f iel rlot.--al k e I'. 1 ..l.n. 46. ~...r ' II y for 1. , 1111.. t: ........ i Nun I.rilt. to SAE. (.ot,TUnt , , 4 /rioter :.—Election return/I:41 fur tie I.•a icllea..• nitccin Union Cong lot, errnim, .1.1 twit more prOhnllit., e .1:lie lin,. woo,' 1 ti lon ‘uout arty tnOltaand. 1-laCcituu . r., Oetnlier U.—Later rettirna In 1- ~.f e I I,A. rt•-.1..t.t:0n llr all Wu Union Cong u. ' to n. atel a I' 111. 1 1 1 nintority of Ilfty thottiatul 1 ~, fie ' , WO , Wart. ' t.. y ;IC I 0ct..9---The election pasaetl The rerwtt-t are very meagre /Laze, net, u ttltcyyn, majorit v 'l,lOl, I.lshe, by t . ottety—tino preetta aloe. RI I'i'i !O /toedct. eounty, 1,000 rwort glajorit ; 1..., Sat Canted ye city, ti autocrat,. Mai !t• it . democrat lc gate, lea line presto% 1 Ift tt, l: lifter, gave tee. Iteptir hate Lb, hall! LongreeslOnn I dtiAl• I 11. t slit 4 5t1...1 Ginn for COI. FOl }l o v, 5.1 I .nyfrP , N,l , lnat4 tliatrlet, Cdton 4 titan MIS latriet ty •lort I .n. 41. itll,l * Tlinu If l• V 17) / he 1,. • 1.• I{l,/ -1.., • ! I The .110..0.1,cnit g‘ltin and 1 ,,, e• kisa r,,:1,:, indfrat44, air Mt 111 ..inso NM In /Mi. Wll..ti t , t14,1 .n• Luton, tlanulkami. wttivti , ,n .110 r:tr rop ,, lit f.,000 106.1(11Jan tl 3 l, L.l.e I :/1 , 111 I/lA.O[IZ V LOW. /n , !,tllti - I , ennuiffatln Majority =ME! i , o le-, I, !int.- 11lute. ti 1!-Du! !•t ntl onv St.% t I lttlittsitt—A itenubildin rnhjorl t e. I o , ll4l.nik H ri•10111can majorl r%,t Yl, InL! , una —A Rei.o!)lic.,, to ItJUM Port., n—l ..11 , 1C, 11l aJ,lty .0) I c. --Bow Enti)orqy 5. Alt ni fltXla e1“.t.e.1 beyond % 1,, A rnsority. .•, 1' II -3.. lor :I , ljOrity;lil Union NM • .• —o.i ll.loltolengt rnn'nrttr. .11 uoLjorlg) go- —llll.ool tog Liltngl 1••10, 37.1,0tC51 I. • li,r ret tv or to ore WV. Ne . lt are •o • s •ou ; .e• u, out. looinloe t tto eb•rtioo of the Üb'ori 'late Lit • ket by tell to tittoeu /1/1.1 111.1,1 . Itte Ira tong: es.louul atm. •lok. lb in, t mt. v. a. elected, third Iv() 1 , 10 UL,, I . A't II .Ikoriel. Unto,. .I,lrlot, lblourn. Colon; ninth. oon. I tentp, tlitan,, Colon, ntt,. , tlnkr , , rob.: se, entb, Vot,thees, to•I ol•tt rury.-lose If n i... • I ( J v—l be 11 op° 13,1 leans as e cal Ittin our n ..nut tnajutlLy r.v Avg. / u•• —Ti,,, lioivat.llo,l nla "'L•7 I:..Ar 1,11t . i.1 RV/front ) .-ar. The at publican' onr rIW etao I 0 1 t, a gatet OE ME r _ I 1 u Letter I * 11**arlear Teed ye YotiL. t 0 —Tn'lrMtr M *tell In • •t• • • .tl Itt ntltlrct*.etltO tbe nalro ttunt.*lnft and art. .11 1, t 1.1/ 1 , t Ittt. Otto% cat. • • ••• ttte. rt.ttntt.tpt,to Ott,- • •tt:rit ‘.l I • u • •••tt tttn• .• t 4.1 t*ltxlol.l matt r r ,e I , :,.•rn O,Hr, • L.,: Illy lln l:e.o,lran. ttsi rio , , • G.• .1 otgan, =IIE =I • 1 AM-1. trivrgt, • ...• o. or r rtks •ri eta tot w nod t1paiC141.1.1 , .” otlty • of if.,19 /lite /$-." =1 IC :.'let nrp tc.4l. m MIME rtf s. as ‘llnt Ikro. , kl vs, Lei rim, It Is •upprowed, key ouripoi e ..,1 boar.. Wiles to...erkk lea of klvelt/ uod coulti 4•1 ter.,kka.srr. V . 1 n i II N atd, %NIA., that Um •rr Vntl,t•L'gr el tr,tres/ row.. Lc: ••.1 t. I 41/Ly ulght I aat More !Marine Illiefteler• I Il 7 .••ll , en—E • , eteemer h , r . Now 1 1,1 h arrt‘eo rev., • 1111.1111, the eo roe ytknale of •li• 11 . 3 . 11344, • mut MOlnle s ,renew I • lop“rt• th4l a.,nr Irnor ME . •••I ,“. oh•tnont owl blew with ;• ,nc 1 1.1 the stn the storut tool, • ,•••., v'•••••ck •Ipti•illeo the ' , tat, in lid h, h g. tt• , ntEer•••l It.lm the gate .0 'mete crno tlial 114 pus.engata • •••• Knt• opon 116 hot coullog tin, tirar Inallsgearle and in n Into the 0n...00g liebba:f hal.y She then ~rr, w llli color, union clown, tnwants 4 Innze ,hll , lc Ilia fliwtrtnen,un.l arta last 1.•%aa,.1.. noon <vs th., MIME I I=l SIM • 9 - •,1,1 .11 Arar -, 9 11 01 Ar 9 n19 , .1n11,r.n0rthw.,...0n 9 en. Ihe ~.1.;1 . 1 9 ,n• 11,1, t, , mod be. 05.410 vo ~ reen imptm - 19.' Lr the MI! ..i1 111 1 ,I)11SIIbl . .. 0. I •I MM=MVM n 1,cr07 .10 , ..c11..0n of greenback. to !twit late ea.h‘or, el, the 1.1111, of opciator akeln.t. alkom, conrigu. tn. ef. ob. y areepts it .l They h a v e ri,., thir e 010014, blnctent to cover Lllt tr rat ilebtOt.e., leaving the ./ t.//t // engagements applicable to tun trainoece. Tt..) - hr.!. none tie elicit sn arrangetneut by r .nr,lag thelr u 41.1 t•• :ki rho) t, 1• little doing in :n inlet; y4wres; Yel- Ina .1 iirket (.1 at 70,1..11011Kr. CioVonsor Swann aand the Baltimore Pollee Cosncu Inflamer • ite., Ont. 9.—llenOrte are eh-cuts ! ,t of an intintilrOn Or, the pert Of tiorurnOr ngren, in ream,' the Police Commissioners 4.i int., n t.l t on the grounas 01 nitugrd omelet miaconduct In waking Otriteigellienla tor the t,3 , 1.1.-o el, olio.. Tilt report oCcaslons Innen tile Republicans Maintain ler that lb.. COMMl.slooeu harem:it violated 111., Ina, and that the Govtrnor cannot eat, r such authority Until Ulu CottillillislOnern II ~t indicted, tiled and convicted 4,i unit writ, conduct, as they are planed In odic° liy the Lwaislature, nod not appointed I; t 1.,• Goveslllll. The Cons , •zratives on the ii• hand. inuln tale roar tkt tioveroor can rr move rho Police COMMinlionnen the sam e nn any inner State oflieleils. lEleeflon of Off Jeerer—lies. Palfrey Lout. no Fogg, Ort. U.—At the mutual meeting of It, Erso Lid• miterilatßll.ll, follow leg .1 , 0••,• were elerlool Rohm L 11 . Gerecil , Alex. haattle..ll.4”.ls, John .ti not. Anlbmwe L Yu, non, Duntcl Orour. Wm. U. ^ kin [no. Duolvy Et..gory, J. L,.in D. A. lA/woman, rh... 1... s rn, per, .1 F D. Looter, I rtnk- I in. I Itorolol ph, Fred. Lone ' hu e lu,Ltwo t hr Iwo new unueral Pnlfrwy, in comm./awl of Fort Jack .", oif hi , l gt/sull ton Short ?tit lough, wO. n p.,,eit,:.`r nn 1110 DlMMtig Mar, ull.ll '.101..1 nll.l CLLI.I. Pardon, by the Preshhout. tt'ssin soros. °etcher U.—The President has yet co I us , ot the following ~eenenn Jttnole Turret., Cent knell at the Deceoniser 11,0111 ter, of ton Cnttet Staten Circuit Court till continent District of Ohm, of present ing tor torment false claims against the I_ arms t't its nn , l P 01111.110.11 to One yea, ts Im p. Join t. :nslitnger, convicted at tno hay le, co, thee, of the Unitertlfinies Des int; Eantegn DlArlet of Peunc3.l. ~, of a let fl the well, ntol ”en tent. ,/ ) ear, tnlprleentlaent• Large YI re. ` 9I, T, Orlnnnr dra broke out n Mt, o•ulOvE thug tuorning and Mann ..... ed..) tllor OS 0 filly imiikli"ga, •L Lae,LOln house, a notell Ike anti 1,-,11 k a bar . and tan , 1 son, n total lu-s in .1.1,4%.4). 1i,:1 ~( • in•s nI the Wan.: IS In nen/ /) hot y APO lealacra,l hOtnnltAn. Illeerm la. Nell Jersey. Pe creates, N. J., October 9.—in the first rune u.,° ideley. 1111. Lem., reanie UnUer LutLac 11111. a aecomi, and Yelgicticeml end Octectrci were riceirsocred. Your Leal. weir c 1111 11 icreny N.. Ledger, two and one. eigLdc mile. 11aytrodor wag ere" Waling L'lrcea third, Local fourth, and Tom Wocricolic Imo itelipee, lily trailing. Time, , Agricultural Mechanical Fair. Locas, Oct. o .—Thurrerlpts of the tit. Loale &Knot:Marini Meeheakal Vair last week ye.s uto 1173,0011. iluLier 0, 111 , 00tE41 to arrive here to. coot, ce N emellle, (Anoint —Tao cholera deaths ton too sweaty-tour Laura up to lierea 0 . 01000 gta. uremia, Imre tfre—bole ,TA8L.184,- tko, i '1 nrAlvX OZZIE= tt.A.. Ac...n.,.... J P.... 0,.. on/am/A...1 , 0 Frank., • •IJ. M. D LY. , ,, 1 , ' M.,t, .. r,„ k 0,• .. ~ : v I. Q. 1 .lu..J an... IL, k.:......, . ri,. .., ~, . • ,• , 111, J I i City r •t. i. Ma. 11,, I 11, I flonver • .1i 1 . ..• ~• T 1., .. 1 ti l I) .. t , 1.." . .. , ...o. 1 .1. ,. ,...1 - .. r.ina John ts r— • , I ..... tatel, J.. t t ',.- lic. If ••• . 1.14111 11....;!....1. ......1:11..13 P.4.1c1.1. I -.•...11.1N.41...•. ~ 1 .. J 141..... I. J. X 0n....... t: . / 1 ~• 1 t. I 1 .lams.b.../ . Ja.••••7311 ol I 1...... I. I : ~• •-•,.',1.' —6.. ntrJ: - 1, I. I I.e yee I ,••ri , r bat I e ;e: tlehrt et le lo count, tun u tu cr. li was hn I . • • • Hit 1 .a4, lu..h, of whiel. Ih, 1 I Pura,' • ;he ci nt ,1 he .N , •r, crAe te.k nr:rd Ile, .1, :1•: f a k , n , Lfl 11.1.1 • I.).1 •• Vl,l, F I xd:•, 11,—er• • g,t . . (nod tame 1.11• - • .•.;•• • . 1 1 - llteets ItnlYx . 7av ( n• 1 , ,t1 !II IV• .1 r r r • 1r1i4.11 . 11l .Flll . w,1114 .1x pr• to. ',A.., ....) vra. In la.. I h../ I two, name Yank ...rani The In I . namem thir.l 111 krr• I„tr, 11.,r1r. mar,; .b Ott ( 111111'1,1'11, 4,101,111: ' man; ( I .anea!tor, I / sla'r• UHS-CA.I, r Wt.," —Thlr r t. f• t0t,.0 6taltua.l.lp tivvikinw -'n: TOW , f‘lr c•,.” 116, re1y11...11,11 I.) 'Ulu 151 01.1, ra••11r• Impossibleut pets, ll.v depth by 1a1,..4.1,11.11115. 1 1Y: rance. =I A oelinu. Lt.°,lannl to lunnl:•nn • k 1; , “ xbocc the cit.). In J r:froryon hon I : • t..,, ni In", , Je. j , ,`,. totrunt .:. A.' ph it: t”..1. 1,141114011 Oily I Iti . • .• . fl,„ A ninloenhinner hum t. , 1 I„• Inn threutene.ioyevAw., Jockey I 110 Ifl . eniluto e.,4, /1. , until! A I.• 1 • 104" st I,r; . heat 11 , I CO, Ir. Louis or cull um of 41 [+ R), t wco tot ••• W. .i . lll. by Harry of I Ile. r/Orhy , VtlA n hill 1.'11;41 , 1 .• Author Dead. OnlOber 11.--Roe ',four! N 1ta.1 , 1 , 4111, nu:bon of A rmagendoo, eoln,, evening after on 11104..4 01 Intl %feel:A, from cho/orn. JOllO OLa mg, SocryLat) nod c 4-- urer Or t1ta , .1% actin st extort, 1411133tn,1. died 41.5-terday. terday. TllO mortuary report 1,1 the last ta,, days la sixteen 0.0003 Irmo el,oltern, .•. 7 4 • •43 ign '64 119 greater port too Doing pattOer7 and ...gine, ,11,61 , ,, .1( 1-4 7..3 i• s 1 , 9 11, , 703 113 Iloollbern Lornllstm In St. Loni.. - .• t, ' 3 ' 34 ST, Loots, October 1 1 .—FoUr Tenet 1,, .• s .1 44 3u, Jel ,4 n ere ... , I J 71 :C. 73 bold lit elgerent Heard of the city at s 1, 774 leo .271 04 (74 14,, ableb [mothers of • Souchrrn 1 7 ; ,7 • 141 17. e to largo and n0d100,., , ~• . Al, 110 151 14, delegation travel tornorrua for SI,: 111 , 114,1.1 I , • ....I • . 7•01, 7_4 79 4 7, 4 7 247 !Moms, Where it grand Oat/101,410014m 1.•• I L , .,. i• -.3 .14 ..f not 305 mane at t ho total) at Lincoln. , 715 145 . 2.10 13 , 3 143 71, , „,„ 1 ...109 3.7. 119 118 'te .84 1.5 From Toronto • • 0 , o TOIIoNTO, . W., Oct. —l,,,,ltevant •-• 0- er- 1, et ;44 t 3 124 644 1., 1.4 nor tiordott tort brute, w 07wInit, -1, u.,• .3: 4 , 2 774 49.• 7 , 17 rive,l 111 141 13 10 ' 14, ti 9111Onturi are pn, I , nring lo•isve loft • 1,,,, 03 Cl' 410 74. 109 111 419 4, 4 Lonlnfoi. I.lve •••.- 3 , 1 a,, 7.7 33 , 1 3 , 9 1 Thu tools.. 1, Inlo a:telly very 1111,e ..1 110, r 117 At, I, uo 0 1 4, 3 • hare. 511 137 4 , 4 IA 401 137 4 , 1 137 Den lII—FI W-1). I:. Lint,,. one of a , :f most etronoot dry Ituokl, ono, han :::no thte nfternoon. Captain Holbrook extenove :ob:t000 lot)', on Prefitoo • tr on?. t. on fie' lb:-o: notog Tin fhtfrotge vt 111 I:rot:at:1y I n fo 100., I iloa,‘ >: , " lt ClO.llOl. ,11aiaLed Ltr-a te ht. a •a Tort:mice fat itstliman. - lfrtobel 9.—A tornado na,d o , ' - otter Fran RLu, ILA latot, al 4,10 01 Is al , r ; flo: ' tlepot.cau‘log coo.,1::to - no1n 113 10fIgn Several Ilvr, nit r‘lihn - Ind io.of Ilan of lilt. w - Arf, wlll'prerenl fort boo mart:, 11- " lan, being jinn. • Cuic-Aso, kh:L. P —1 lour q,11.1 dna deutuled 114,11116 r. alrrllurd - .1711 oo n4..1 3 on No?, quloq, at . C.0.4:42.0 for No. •' Con floolinetl Jn, cloittn, Vo HI 6: .0. 132Lc . for No. 1, nn ,l 61061', , or 1 ,t. Oat- .!,•- elloed lr, rlo.log qui,, nL 56r f+r No 2 /11,1, 1,111,11 dull. Me., vol k n. ullll4l. , 1.324:1: 15. tulghts udruurtul lc, euru 1-41lkic t,. 13:, 'too I :4 4, 1 712 71A 714 'l' '.4 : , r4l. s 1 210 7)..4 '-'9 , :1,1 311 , 2.1 11. aril— 7.14.6.tertt. 417,.1.. - 2 !CV nt 3eo 2 o a, al, >57 . ....I ward 1 p r..... , 40 11.4 • l' .417 1.1, 1,1 .64 , 11 , 1 11.4 110.1 , 1 I , IoV. Welk' Letter. , 1 ward 2p : 7.! 2.4. X . ) : .., .1 .6,7. 3.J 3.T.1 331 1-4 4. , 51 na , 11 ,.,,,,,.,, I. : . 4t, ,, , ,, w fi r n 441 , 4 p . .. 4 3 ,244 .81 :74 . 243 7. - 1 ‘ 3;01 . 244 lO4 1144 1J; ' 41,11 ' . 4th Wnrd 6 , 1, 641 old , ',l .111 ~ ..51...i tot 27: .4 .- '1 NEW OSlrea., Oct. 4—A lap .. rr,,,t,p, .r. o, e3 l l ;irt,: 3 :t. w orioh h" r i en t ol a n t l.l ,o .4 lY a r' w '' ' ,l' l o 'n Pe....0. re- ' M4 , ....114 , 4 . L:.V '137 1'45 4:,1 429 47S 370 ci 310 310 110 I Nff 1411131113 1.4111 NlearLlol,a and 1Ttn , 1a11..,1 1 con.', tio , ..,:ig MI :al 7.1 ~ ..4 7,1 . .1... 71 74 71 71 7, , .1 taloa In a letter from Utre %Veils a n d 11. hl , iu e. I i. , . 'AI, ni to :6r. ~ , ,I. 166•1ta IS/ 18 Ide joges, pabllsheO in tile North rn popery •,.. :n p ,, +.1 ., :t1 ,, 434 rtr. 3, ~ .a1'247 ?Ai . 2XI . Y 1 4 .2.37 ms F ,;,„,,,, ll6 0, i nI2 .......7 60 . , 41 ..1.1 VA 344. X,5 ay. __.....,_. _. T' ll, l , 411, .. 11 ' 1 1 1 , 41 131 1 3 . 1 . '1'117 147 147 4 - ir 14 - Democrat In Convention. ,-• i•1i,.., b - 1 ....t ...1 r, lit n• 6 ic. miots IC 1.7:147 . Arta, 4,,, it 1. ..1 1 , .. 1... , , t , Ink. III .7, 17 - 175 1'1.1 . " ' .. .4:',111141ECT•341 . , N: y.. Ont. 7.—Thu fietrioeteitc 1tr0,....,,..1 3 ~ li, ..., ,' '4O. lii 111 115 11! 1 3 ' 4 ' ' I .' S COnaat , all , 4o Congrellsltll3.l U.:invention for lr,(sr. 21 sr . 4 al, ;1, 3 ,; - , , a . ..x . , •ja ;a, 7,7., 1i,i . ..48 the Eighteenth district, Met born to-dey, nod I.awr 151 w ta . ':-. ta, 41 :3,..,3: L 1 tu.3 233 2% enritin nomintited lion. Thos. It. Horton, eollor of ' - r ,44-4° . r . ' , '...„ , Lhe Etittoimille .Reputafeen, for Congress. . 0.1 , 4 1 n• ~.., ,4l 194 Law .. aa.3 , 21, 147 .5, 147 147 149 ' 14, , oft t„. ~. 47 47 .17 47 7' 17 I. .i. t , ..;ir ~, Z 44 =4 va 43:..1 443 11 ,, , 4nd 401417 41/7 Fire In hasten, nil ' O O 410 it: 47 .4 11, 45 , 1 '2..5 14. ,i. 2r7 2 , 1 t • Pe.•ble• i , a ~,, la] ,4 1 .1 4 '1 , >. .2 r 3 '1 •' ' - Barra's, Cr O.—The kerosene oft stare of A. , ir,.,.„,, -If 1. - 1 r ~,' -,, ,', . ‘,..', ~ ~.,1 :1 O. roam, N0..0 Union waliaornoo hist ' . la 413 '- -- ' 1' ---' 1--'4 -.-: ' - -- - - tk ..‘f., ... , 214 ,ft, ..., 313 .4. 14u 4 , 1 IC. ITS 134 24 litie l- . l . ll °M""lliolattfttilrlly.,l - L°.r. - ; ~ r 7....iiz z ,:i:f, " . ; r3 . ;•. 1 "..: 1 r i" , a ll 'Vs troot-ezooo to &go. . . atia n i„ ~4174.4 02;4,2.4)5 4. , . 1"..C•144 134,139,1 x Ps tholvegt. THE EVENING STAR DISASTER ONLY SIXTEEN PERSONS SAVED French Opera Troup( a nd Spauul ing's Circus lompan) Among the I. 00.. LIST OF THE PASSENGERS ON BOARD 11. EIE hr.. boo h , I z. r Ne.w Ynth , ' , 311I• II:1. Evonlng " t xe• .1.1 In nt., In Li• s•, o• ••, known to 10. L, 1 4 .111• 4.1 T..ii 11r lb, par ty,wo In 'l v I(,.uer t V..i W,ll, •,, a,l LAI nor, John og, V e•••• w.. • Smith s John ,I.collenkno A.l it. are 'wing %t",. lnrk tn,norinw I 1.,•• Su urlen =SEM It Is hopo.l 1I 15111 ..‘ rT , ••I L. , „. /1:,1111114-.tar I •• Fr -Into. l , rr• u Ot tilt , Elan:, O\'rrl T.' 1., the 1.: laLe 4aere: 161,• 1%., , • 1 ), 1•1/.., )1 , Tot.; r). \ • .3 Itql. M.- .5 I, sell.. %IL— I cl.-- NI-. 11 •: /I.! Pea l l - I. W••/./.0.1e/ II ../i•a. Getllier u t/t• c../ )1 • atr• / I. fe~ 11r :, • I "OGI a• Tim; 31, • ett heu 11crlea t• li r \ ME =II IMMI =ME 18181 INI r BPI =llO H I ,o , , J.I. .- J•41:1 1 Mal •ru, :v3,, II • . , 1 r out, o. Ht.-% 1 1,, • .t.IIIGLt..I. H • ill:,111.. ./ HeStnry •.:••4%, ,4 , " Vl.l ,et .101 c 4,11.1 /I ••• • , :1,4•, /I cv, r• : UM= li -t , tlt. li Y , vrtrir t• • =SIM ll= ME L . r, Laclede, Comarwo M. 11,ell Itslentro 2lArkot CITY AND SUBURBAN. 1 sat Night at City 11•11. Early last evening, as the polls closed, the ADDITI6N9L LOCAL NEW! ON THIRD PAGE ; crowds who had thronged theuillooked tottlty _ Halt, and long before any returns could be OX eted, tho large buildni was crowded LO VIII - Olen, ( mini) ElTtion Return', 1 utmostlts cernovtl, and the standing , throng was dense- IV packed to like herrings In a ho{. A harrier h( of hoards 11.1 been bit :It, to front of thellaaj ; Ite f. , rin, and ci,led to the a ilia on either. tit , tie Tl.•ket. ha.> hevn 144ned for 'rents on". the plitLfor 111, and It na, IntsuLud e d to preserve att,pie rnorn Int . the t . perikerrand repot t. an-1 to keep a tree avenue for the hearer. In n very uhurj, ttme, itnu ever. 1'14,0 in Ihe hull beery tn-throng tinder the ; ptntlorm le thnitnit., and hn nprin the otnge, it 01 4 ,4 renittrkunls ht let period that one att _ 1 LI tilt, h.,.tylir the hall. In I spat ••I all t•tlnrt, to keep off: In trade,;, tt b rea m., n trotter of ni titter lento,- At .gel lioul tine old,. ttr Cho stage tte • .yet ••• Itt lug Ing et . 1. r, Lai/ lc, • I Ilght NttlAsperate tight at difficulty hefurte they vould nut the,., ngurts in the hand. of : the revels er. Thu repot tees and necretar., : Ihod taut b Ado to pt et not being shoved out ••• their, on•I trteltlen under tow, vet - ) hotly telt eV, attic lieu/roue that every ' •••••:y else Kit, iitr the platform ill T .1 but ham matte his appeainnec h pon thou ake et all earl,' hour and was greet • •, :tint itppiatnte mitt NI a•• called I ..... 1.1 lie teoianided to the can t•••.•13v Find plea-staly. The treat Eastein /it nil pt,ll.ton ill toe gallery . mitt I lam II /11I• I ?IMP piared p..triotic airs to itv• ',MIL,. I Wet, return, • j tun aunt , ements tame in they were rea tny •••not• lttchum to tile they In I r entiy,a sum. Intrtinularly Cu. ntt,ttritt nnitouttL111114•111 as 1 . 1.1‘0, nOtt:.l ..I 11l I ',newton, entering. Par cunt', In ill • hi, ill. i•as he, the di,paten n I,,leilrUg that el. ntlnlptile bail elected iteptp, ;000 L.ongt n. 1:0% cr.., liil6l .01t;41-4,•711en El , s 1 t i \ 1111M111 1:14.1:11 nsol lerh• or loor, ,~ pr" ;17-4 • • • , ! , ‘1 s , MIIll lIM ME 'll•cor.ler. 44 , n nil In tontiv•lonvor firEe s..r of the t ... r ra..11 1 -• ‘ l,ll ll I 1. ~J 11 ~.~ MEI 14t , •( withly = S 4, 4 7 0 41: 419 4:!2 1241 349'141 252 313 140 1-2 . 2, t , 4rl 1 % tr , ..211 231 2 / 1 217 219 211 17 , 172 129 111 171•224 741-771 713 741 713 II '•1 ,t I tr II: 419 491 4:l4rz 21 . 211 2.7 211 122. ly .1 .7 2 7 217 2 ~ • 1 252 1 , 27 '37t7 - .1 2 , 1 •.• .7 -72 113 319 3.11 3'l'A, 291 17./ 241 .t. , 1 7, 4 29 7,, 7112 2121 , 11 49' 1 , ,17 4 - 1 479 t 0 470 IN t , t , 2 , . , 201 2 t 9,1 1,1 11l It. 'nr 1 Jr 5,1 .lii :14 . 1 320 22, 310 310 to 212 212 271 ,t 72. 292 231 '2t , 2,7'.9 277 KT. ir F .- -7 • t 1 - PRICE THREE CENTS. E!1 PW I . lil eel i 1”1 1 11.1 4 , 1,1t.i,g tr11 . 1.,t ibt • It ~ 1/51 4 g • S' rt. 11.; t:.1111•3 • 1 11 , 1 Ihr. I• 11.21, .ero. gl 0 I ! v zot I. vv. leatv.l 1111S4 the pol , • Daring the 1111,11,g On- l to. II.," Slots J K.:. 5511 /if.' I . ltlV, II .1 fn ,•I II1,11"11. II • {• , "P 0.. , ' , O tac , :ehht• Th. .•,a "The Lat.,h, It.epahneanl4,l aP,I P.alcr,' may the fl rat ~•.I tha a .. md eter...a I`, (lhalra.., - 111i.m.:11 that Was .148 11' Ml= r .'oleo tad or.ler. Turbo twel 2..11710.. on. • • • i•I: rt., toto 0: e poi s It•lrtr.g the eretting. nit.l /at, tot , ..t. t, notse and ...Items nt prevat.ed t • vet, sl.llnolLthta or 54,10111 dlattlr. to irrs ..1 any kind. Al. the vtoience that ' . /titer party con.ttleeed worth wake, had heart used oefore the electloo Toe unusually Klg, hotted snows that the people were tally nitre ths 15..“ 0 .5, and the quletuefta I ith o eli• watch te Oli.en wan ortntlueltal show ! t•• 1 butt they were fully deterrutited to teL the tot.l ant the bandy hilly , decide the ttter 'IL he ),n, rain toutsau, no al dark ; ptet'ent.e.l any lent tleUlar I G!Illti ME =I .10.1.1.. n Dertsb T11..c0n.9 ‘ J..linstOn of 'Le Tun h WA r.:..Z4e.1 very • unitl.•illy yeeLern ' tay bewlth n few 11. , 111 •• pre, - lour t,. Ills deuitt.e and lie , / been 1.1 tine poi., tbo o'clobk 1.1., aftcrutobb. Ile a lie buy led 10..1ay. • -rernWrx":lll.r.7l-41'S I=l , tot r 1....tge• of both orders e r •ri•rr% .litftrent I.• Ages will meet at at eight and n halt . 4 1 . ti -( Toeminyorning W • lilt II • 1 , 1 , ,J5, I I..tster or Al m sgc., 6,1 w1:1 131" place from 01. r• 91oPnce In Ttnlp , ranee , lllel,lls (V 1 r•lnc../.0,1,111• tat: intul/a pre to at Me.bera of Franklin Lodge. M., Lt. re.,/e.le• 1 to attero. I l:•. ..-:1'. DE , sr —ln 31•1,4 tr %, W6Cricid,u.n flew. ,air 11.1.Lnai ,• , 14 , . 1,-., The Not, te ptat, from the re.ttlet.te o . IA NO , • No. 11.1 . . no .tree[, 1:11.131,,Ler..117 , ,VLUXi N EW Al) VEILTISEIYEENTS • _ 1111.1.1)4LE CENIETERL--The tn. 1/ I • 'AI ml•s-s.cre, ' • the la eat L orb. except one, I o this Count), Alt li•le.. Oh rv• OtOti road, loaordlittely porth of A g u k burl/Al' lots, {Hermits or ULU., tall at tral 'rag 0101,. 01 UNri. R CLA \ El. /We gitetry A. it, 1 ll' FAIRMAN & SAMSON. UN DERTAIKLERS No. 196 Smithfield St., cor.lit ( Ertran re franlBol oath Street, ) P2TTeYBTrIA. OVJEN .1F°136.. Al KEIV. XX DT 7a33IEXTAZCZINa. so. toe Fourth street, Plttstltah, F. 00171118 of all Clads, CIL/WES, GlANKbostd viers assorpuon of run nral Yurnanning livens ntrithynca. gntrumi open y ad ntghl., llcareesallearrtzrautheu. Hap ettatecia—Use. Wrly Herr il k.„ moo. fo ,i2Kooue, 13.1)., Thomas &mug, Esq., Jacob LI ME El $4 4, 429 - . saa - t.l 31:1 - S ,q 0 H T. 114'111TE & CO, ' UNDERTAKERS AND EMBILMERS, aiancaester. Wood.. Eon and aktnity. C7FFN ROWS Ai MANCHESTER LIMY STABLE Cornet at Snaltddd and Charting ureeta. /I •and• and Carriages (Unlashed °PEG A GLASSES . 301 1.1 270 MEM 8 8 010 _ 18 5.5 2-8 FOR BALE an HIRE, AT DUNS EATH & CO.'s, rsa Wirth 11911zreet. LADIES' 44.ElliVS • W.L 6 1.. 1- 21EILMei e ALL STYLLS, AT GREATLY FIEDCCED,PTLIC/Fa, AT T. Npirmr_ozne rm. Wt LIE sT.. NEAR TIETLL MS _Fon cur.Aip SPECTACLES, G.O TO HASLETIr& CO'S, 93} Smithlleld'ltroet. ot9 ___ ; . JIST IRRIVED iltiat THE Eta' BOOTS AND Stiotti. JAMES No, S 1 Market Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. Tb old eatnhil shod norm has now In eto tbirti• five thou...nod doilara worth Of MOoto na4ollool a ltt d. I Ora tar latrst. the ottalttr th e belt, wt•lah Wo &TO d. terutlaed to ell at VEItY I. I IW YIIIIIOEO.. •We hare t0...y, d n o to he anti.,rsold by any la the hue that keeps gooth wortitbaetna. al, aud stoek or goods, and wn sat kited that jolt pui:chane wlrst you Iran% la the hoot and shoe Limn Ito not loran:. the place, eallaikei street. fa^s JAM .0 Rolm. 110WARWS SALE AND LIVERY wr a gsastmag 6 - .. . First Street, atitiTe Rinattinfeld, NEatt moNeStWARI.A:II663E• Myles wined to tbeti *lock ' ZIG, tlartlairen ne m.... and Bo**Ots; We lams et the tinatt Italy •11 , 1 Di lelng Ilene*, raVit• theft .that went ** d fin to Om them a call. Partltalat aiterlah Ph le l tl4 .. eaa t vl i ha i f 141actioa Comal. .7,: t 7 t v. .. , D.IOLRRa fLOSBII4 - 0.;;. .' Practical Furniture fflattafaCtigtl:§, COB. PENN AND. WAYNE. STREETS: - -- --1- 010.11, I , pc WO, rtAeof asni .ang t tin Or tto ,, ,cst son An.l wat,,g thr roa•:,;:g the 1:..; /ate non, ,I‘,n'sl , llr.per•e4l to tae,: En. I=l =MEE EME ‘ 0 36 A. A Lis !uut I ll • of Ur. Trestle) s 1:=11112IM I= 11=1 A LI 133 511-3/WBICY STREET ALLECIUK ~ PA L i - FORT PITT 1110118, STILL AND TANK .; /31 i: till u/A•i; OM 31 00:11 wortrsis. Ps CARROLL & SNYDER, I=l TUBE LAR, .DOUBLE-FLUED. TC BC LA R nitE-Box &. CYLLXDEB s TEAM BOILERS, OIL STILLS AND OIL TANKS, CHIMNEYS, BREECHING AND ASH PANS, SETTLINCL:PANS, SALT PANS AND CON DENSERs, STEAM PIPES, GASOMETE Rs, AND IRON BRIDOEs,,, PRISON bOORA AND COA4SER.TTE:3 Office and Workn earner se,ond,Ttani Maori ' , id Liberty % Pittsburgh, Penrrsylvarna. .111a.(kllorz nent to the above promptly atteuded to. SHEFFIELD STEEL WORKS SINGER, NIMICK & CO czazieni EST REFINED• (AsT STEEL •N4I.IRE, FIAT 0 , t:fili,q) . 9/1 S&7 — .PLATES. A .!1.. RAIL WAY SPRINGS; trq ( .'pl.4 .S I , el, Cahl a u(bGermittr Pio steep 1'. , .1\ 111,, • ,zu 31 1 111 /. I: 6PII IN .1X LES INI.I 5.4 %4 airy vi,. r urgt, - z IRON AND NE LEM IS, 13 11LEI . 1 BAR, BOILER, SHEET LI.IV 4' r*Z-13-. NAILS AND NAIL RODS Warehouse, 73 Water & 9!) Front Si„ 116 H. !'.4 FORS Yria'S STANDARD SCALES. Ja_x_Lesc:o. CO tr Prt.c.Ne44, 1% - niNt - Eicstp+4' :c4zEg.fal• iaitt,,Acc itNl 'ft I, Ir 1.0 it h (L. 1,3, 1,14 n 11, 1 Liti• I DNVA-11!JE. B. WOLF, JR., & CO Flarclw - nrc C1:11,2a•-\ MITI 321 426./EIT 1--I.l\T Cerner Linen} and St. (lair Sts.. .1 . 11 - tca113,12 z - Qh , Pw pITTSIII. ktGli'slruEN. ,120D.ydi, ,333 113 =I Na.^.fir ~ 4 •c+ '.i'l'it.. '•It11{ I ti 9T1t)71 PLOW SCINCS. 1!44M, 41X4 11 , 0 R fl”,. G r. 13.1 find *teal, °Mae—Corner at YID r o an, Asps e trot, t , :4o:a a Dort;LP M . v•el Iloi. I •1•1 , I.F 1 Ili., i 1111 15. t Elt CRESCENT STEEL WORKS. miLLEn, BEST QUA" 21 CAST STEEL. Viarrnnteri Fr .1 t.'s wrky In thr " . /.1•1‘. tithe. 1.191 at IJualar•t... , 31,11.41,tere SPC,IAI. A f+./ Otii ce, i 8 Wood Street_ IN T. lIAIILE- 11.i , 1 N., 11C11, IHE FORT PITT FOSINDRY. CHARLES :(NAP NEN' 'WS =I ICEAVI" OltD:10," • AND ALL x 41 1» OF ItEA V y 1 1 4 tifkiefelatkihtton plod to BLAST MACHIN hitY 411.1 1 0:1 REPAIRS attend...l to ~e,07,1.. • As ture4 at he th re is tof Foul,ore. t I,e,t irat•• - Having eine:wed or OUT ./1 pared. Whit 1•11 W •N In 1t •• • • strutted wider theis furnish lieldfi-kIA - • pETROLIA R. tr.. LSE g~ ilh ma Ohio H greet. Allegheny, klanufactur*r ox INPROVT.,O 11013.1.276 TuL..l, IT PI STIJItt f 1 MED 87211111210 1 7 AN OHALT IA A. Panlealar acteutlon v.v.] eta Yr/en...1 , mrovetoollta Jan and J•dnta, made wr Juni/Iv, u. 8, and Low Atoor Iron, talt.c.lard eve, awl nuagarred., ao that pane I, on lered 11 , cl4l. Jr l iVi r te ' lrrgrrov " rea term . ., J: at al: tlmrs. those Who may s 'Van it. .11,101, and rnsenlne wait made to onler. Order,, br p t!y t to. lam prepared to grant iEttl.eal w other 111/119'4 , - tarots for these troorfleuccrite ep I:Tera; terms. Hal 17 Alleratn7 I'. U, .102.173 H. Llittlt T. VALLEY STOVE ALLEN. M'KEE & CO., Odlee And rparrelistoear Stroat liflunfactures A Aron variety' of tA../li, PARLOR AliddlEATloti 81 . 01 - Ei, among rel abillt.l Allem betoy and Moo Itor Coo. .o tLu Autocrat ut..l jouttur: for or %810 ...13 ;h. Olar Of tat kulruro. wood ,k, 41,1,11.C5, fonders,-O•Oguo: Dog 1 I !Ltd Honosx WAr .1114 D IYI.- VAAAndt ...... O. Ix A•rovE wona.s. lETN! BRADLEY & CO, ntaccnzavrertyWety Of COOK, - AV MI il EMIR STOVES Aliairwlatell oeiebra,tea IgValN: Mao T 19.49 r e4 „.. T.4Foittliool:ptitt) V ell; . =MU elm • GRATES; GILNTE FROVile, ,g4c. Mott mud Waxeltdao. eornerorSeilota duo Woo : ktreSZSpt"OLifAltiTe ozatietotid cur. LAC - DIAMEOZNII asa WC:l74,3:r.figr, • - 'eettes3ittiews., r. ll . lol4, =Alat.fdr,dirttp.; , ItlC!!l itMAZP9tranlig t :l6l mom. aquire.lnas. uoiizon.or • Warrants equal to targrttli Or um:in la Lilts conn 43114 - )See illd Irlinalloll.e.-2•11. lOU #.1,51 Pine • ARO I.2oosonil Wittannrnn- " - -.7 - - PI i ITBBnOWIRWOORKS , 4;4 3 Ai Nit ri; otAie - fd 8. iron laucliett b 86(1-Trunk, - Hoo.: - VAMAHEETS, ' • . PITT/littillall. PA. ~. .50,rxeAlvti4.0 ~.- n Y~fI'SSU#ILL Autra :A/r€ll-c ..go- 4Thea„Vrox 21211"11Ait. ..;,. ,g--r-----_Jt...go.; .. 1,1.1. 4.. blr `" }. A.Z.401.44A,r wood ',.,... 1. iqd „r3lsei 0 5tru....._..... 41/......4,- If P VIM -45 --trill„.*4-'',A, ' 1 ''T Mi i; '• . rititt0,;04181,31,,,, , 0-.....5_1.:,„ . c.V, A. tii4r,...,, :: -....,r,W3 ..,,:r, 1.4411 0 k;, 441 ,: " 15..nujui._„,: it. l o iiia.1.a.:,.„.,,,i,..4,.i, . /1!.:.H, .",„ iitt,d,,'.e,„ ,Viiii,„VJE-7...;:0r001g4i J.. . • --- a ilackz.,„ K IP C. "wed: :7- Ell KS% 6 CO. .11E `AMLV.hISK twrr,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers