THE DAILY GAZETTE. 1.1913411111 ED HT Penniman, Reed & Co., 810. lINI llraz Bluer. Ptrrottnion. ffri itriVo T ha l iviu as 413 49,15. Mkt fittoburgit Ol•Azette, THIIRSDAY, lIIGUBT 30, 1868. Wz deairo to call attention to tho note of the Hon. Taos. WILLI/are, correcting the published abstract of his speech at the meeting in City Hall in some important particulars. DESPICABLE The Now York- Times. the paper in which the garbled telegram from Gen eral SICEILIDdif was originally published, has a long article on the subject of the late murderous affair in New Orleans, in which the editor labors to throw the blame, as much as possible, upon the mem bers of the Convention and the poor ne groea. Speaking of the origin of the affair, and of the question is to the party who fired the tint shot, it remarks : "By whom matters little, seeing that according to Sheridan both sides had now become so excited that their relative vio lence could not be readily distinguished." "Relative violence" indeed! As well talk of the relative violence existing bo tween a pack of .wolves and a flock of sheep. The display of a white flag at a -- window of the Institute, the token of sur render On the part of the members of the Convention, was - the signal to the Thugs, who constituted the Mayor's police, to rush in and open an indiscriminate and mur derous fire upon all within the building, both white and colored. This fact is clear ly and tally proven; and there is no evi dence, whatever, that any of the assailing party were either killed or wounded, or that the negroes wade any attempt upon the life of any of them, even in self-de fence. Gen. SHERIDAN in his last report to the President, says that not more than one in ten of them were armed even with pistols, and, so far as the evidence goes, they did not attempt to fight with the po lice at all. And yet, in the face of all these well attested faeL, the Tinws, in order to screen its master and his pet, the pardoned rebel litv:inon, from public indignation, Las the etfroutery to talk about "relative violence!" It is but following up in a fit ting dianner its own atrocity in the matter • of the publication of the. garbled dispatch. And why did it tamper wh i m that dispatch? Because the master it serves required it to he done, if, indeed, he did not do it him self. I "According to SuuntoAN,.. .Lys the Times. In none of Sur Ent dispattbes is there any such idea conveyed. These words are as mendacious as was the act of the dispatch. But a journal that .taelf to serve such a master, and such a cause, MUst necessarily s. corresponding depth of depravity and degradation. TIM ISSUE IN A hi UT-SIIIELL The President anti his followers wish to bring the rebel States back into the Union unconditionally, just as they are —without a single guarantee-that they will not secede again whenever they feel themselves able to do so—with the Constitution unaltered. so that they shall be entith..t to a large re presentation in Congress based upon mil. ions of disfranchised negroes—with no security, except loose promises, against the acknowledgnient and payment of the debts contracted for theprosecution of hostilities against the Government—and with no guar antee that the rights and liberties of the emancipated but yet disfranchised class shall be respected. Under his ,iolicy there is nothing to prevent the return of a solid delegation of active, bitter, unrepentant rebels from the entire South to the Nation al Legislature. Congress, supported by the great Union Republican party, on the other hand, sub mit an anicoduicia to the National Con stitution as its lost- of reconstruction, with conditions more moderate, gentle and magnanimous then were ever before offered to a set of vanquished rebels—conditions which the people of the South would have gladly accepted but for the persistent en couragement that ANDILEW JOIIISSON has given them to stick to their rebellious prin ciples, and but for the oft-repeated invita tion he has given to them to unite with him in crushing the party which crushed the rebellion, and as far as possible to reu der loyalty to the Union odious. Ir has been thought probable that in the Eleventh Congressional district of Penn sylvania, Mr. 11.r..ultY A. Morr, formerly Canal Commissioner and State Senator, would get the Democratic nomination. Such is not to be the case. On Saturday last the delegate elections were held in Pike county, and Mr. Morr was hand somely distAneed by Mr. VILNAUKEN, a law yer of. Milford. Tho candidate of right be• longs to Pike; but there aro apprehensions that the lower counties, having the numer ical strength, will disregard the equities, and take the nomination fur one of their men. Mr..E. W. Dorm; the editor of the Easton Argus, is spoken of as likely to be the favorite in the contingency. As this is the banner county of the Democ racy, slight or even considerable schisms in the party do not peril the success axiom. laces. In the piddisiseithst of Vice Presidents at the late meeting of the "Conservatives," as they call themselves, at the City Rail on Monday evening,:we observed the nausea of Gee. GALLUPE, Wu. J. IttcusansoN and A. W. Wa'recnt, and as dins of the Sec retaries the name Or Capt, AUGUBTI7B BRAUN. These gentlemen are all sound Republicans, and the gentlemen who en gineered that meeting had no right to use their names in any such connection. "Tnarrons must take back-seats," said Andrew Johnson when he was inaugurated, =ale was.pralsod on all sides by loyal men. "Traitors may take back-seats," says the Penick-7d now, and he is lauded by all rabble and Copperheads. TUE Preaident is now carrying "My Policy" to the grave-yard. Wo trust ho will bury it . there, but fear the noble DOUGLAS could not rest in pence with so much corruptißn at his side. Awnitaw Jentteox has declared treason to ba the highest etime.known to the laws. Ho seems logically Lo Conclude that it is so high.that the lairs cannot reach it. In Bradford-county the open atilliatlon of Mr. Tracy with the Democrats has been o pitsio'of good Ina' to the Republicans. They aro rid of annoyance. . - _ • Gov. - kitaxneroit, of Texas, and Gen. SimOlt ,Cantsion are holding mass meet 4169,0F.114P,Xortlittm aide of the State. aP . OSS# Of- ismalaov. - Moorhead, of North ~.1 1• •1 ,4 1 O in:Anima, I%,—Ex.Gov. John „.._••• Mond, of ` Korth Carolina, die 4 yostor '4",J,*s thO Itockluidge Alnm ElDaings. Molars lu ISt Louis. " 14 " 1 / 2 haliflUt.V.—Tenatiuudgebu reiwut OTTPWIMIPPAPI:III3O,9AMPIgfr VOLUME - LXXX.---NO. 206 •iviravioat',4:ll Boy's Shoes Fifteen Ceuta, Open, noose Shoe Store. Chddren's Pathos Ten Cent*, Opera Homo Shoe Store. Geed Goods et the Opera Haase Shea Store. Bit Bargains At tho °NSA /109.110 $llOO Store Low Prices AL the Opera Rouse Shoe Store. . Hall Pelee Only Asked At the Opera Rouse Shoe Store. Great Inducement,, At the OpOra nOl3llO Shoe Store. Fresh Good■ Daily arriving at the Opera Rowe Shoo Store. Go to Flomlore Drug' Store, For a reliable Remedy tar the Cholera. No.S4 Market street. ncilsical Institute At IloAvor open. Soptombor Ilth. E. Ambuhl Principal. Address IL T. TA1 . 1..i1. GO to EGGIGGGF . SEGrlig SLOG°, No. id Market street, for the best Potaan and Soda Ash In the city—at lowest prlees. Beaver Academy Boarding Schotitaor bays, ()pear September loth. 470 to 71 for all expenses—eLtteen weeks. IL T. TerLoa. Bearer Female Seminary Seventy to seventy-ilyo dollars tor all expen cos Or iilxteen masks. Opens September 11th K. T. Te.YLon. Reply to the Constitutional Amendment by C. Sill. Mr. President and lientlemen: 1 atn happy to moot so many of you who are favorable to the amendment of this vital instrument. It is an improvement on the nervous system whenever it has been ratified by the extracting of ail the had and aching teeth fonder the Maumee of good laughing gas. Teeth cheap at 246 Pena Street. Try C. Sill and P. Gillespie. -...- For Kale A lam nti ful piece of property, containing ten acres, a first rate mansion with fourteen room., barn and marriage house, elslern, wash house, chicken house, Hummer 1100.0. and hot or green house. This property is kirk Lew is' estate, on Mount Washington, and the im provements COIII4I not ho made at this time for leas than 0.1,1100, yet IL Is olTen•,l for WAY), and (oar years to pay It In. inquire at `2.ld Penn street I= Liver Oil In Itie world, manufactured tram fresh selected livers on the sea coast. This oil In charneteriztst by a sweetness sod portly peculiar to It alone. as reputation IS CO great that It takes the 101141 Of other oils, and is I.llVel sally flreserlbeti by physicians. Remember to ask for Itasarti d Ctutwellls Cod Liver OIL MACC .t CO., New York, Sole Manufacturers. For sale et. wholesale to Pittsburgh by D. F. Sullen R Co. At totall by all Druggists. 'y .j Queen Emma, of the !Sandwich Islanflts, with her retinue and attendants, arrived In Getty's burg In a special car at ono o'clock yesterday. She is taerompaniml by . htiss Spurgeon. an Eng- Its lady, Mr. Edmonds, her Charge P'alTairs at New York, anti Major Ilopkine, her Minis ter. She is about thirty years of ago, and a a blow. She has a digaltied appearance, is of sable complexion, and in said to be quite In telligent. Iler unexpected arrival created quite a sensation. In the afternoon the party visited the battle-field, and In the everting the Queen was called upon by the elite of the town at tho Eagle lintel. After seeing Niagara she will leave direct for Pittsburgh, for the pur pose Or buying a supply of beets, shoes and gaiters, from the celebrated cheap establish ment of Robinson & Co.'s, GI Market street. The Reasons Why Uostetter•s latonaseh Bitten Should 11 e • Mace la Zwery House. Because by invigorating the constitution and the frame they avert sickness. licensee (especially) their use prevents the stmospberie poison which produces epidemics tram taking effect upon the system. Because they core indwestion, and impart unwonted vigor to the stomach. Because they are the best apps lung rusk tine at present known. Ilecanee they are the only preparation upon which persona of a bitiona habil can safely rely to i‘erp the firer in good order. Because they tone and regulate the bowels, and invariably relieve them when constipated, without causing undue relaxation. Because they strengthen the nerres, cleat the °rain, and cheer the animal spirits. Because in case of an attack of spasms or 01/101331 colic they are the best thing that can be administered on the instauL Because they combine the three proportion of a tonic, as alterative and a nerwLue in their utmost purity and perfection. necatmo they are a specific against Acne and lever and all interndltents, and with all their potency as a proson•ativo and a remedy, are as hiermiees as molar from the mountain Arrow! ECM= :ire wholesale and retail at very Low rates Drng and Patent Medicine Depot, •e. el Market .1.1 net., corner of the Diamond an f Market, near Yonrth Street.. lutporutut to Volunteer hovel Officers —Volunteer Officers in the Army to be !!metered Out. Wasersovos. D. C., August Z.—The follow ing order has been issued from the Navy De partment, August :nib, 1107',.A board of na val officers of which Commodore S. A. lee ' 14 Pren Went, will moot st , Hertford, limn., on the sth of September next, for the °armlets tion of Volunteer officers, who have served not less than two years in the navy, for adultw don into the regular service, In accordance with the prcrvLsions of the following sections of the act, to define and regulate the appoint. Merit GJOlneetri in the navy and for other pur ls...l, approved July 25th, Wee. All persona who are entitled to examination under the provisions of the foregoing net, and who wish to avail themselves of the privi leges will at MICA notify the President of the Board by letter, addressed to Hartford, Conn., giving thelr own postollce address. In due thee they will receive from him in reply. a oolitic ttlou where to piescut themselves for examination. These alto fail to report at the thee specified for them to do so, will forfeit all claims to precedence for examination. (Signed) Gloiroe Wirr-Lint, Secretary of the Navy. An order will ho published by the Searetary of War in a day or two, It Is expected. direct ing the honorable muster out of servine on ac count of their services being no longer need ed, of all the volunteer officers now fn the ar my, Including those on duty in the Freedmen's Bureau, and 'hose doing Provost Marshals du ty to the civil and military Li u gartments. Circular N 0.21, dated Aug, MO, was from the War Department ay, announcing that the premium of two dollars will homer ter not be paid anyto recruit who presents himself for enlistment hat to any citizen, non-commissioned omoer or sokllerjor each accepted recruit that be may bring . to the rennezvons. The Executive Committee of the Conservative Soldiers' and Sailors' Conven tion to meet at Cleveland, September 17th, have appointed Willem Prescott Smith, for merly Superintendent of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, to make arrangements for the transportation of the delegates and others ceeireus of attending. Railroad conductors, willing to make reductions of fare, will coat munie ate with him at Baltimore. The National Union Executive Committee. appointed by the.Philadelplita Convention, met In this city by appointment to-day. Thorn were'Prosent Ron, J. p. Crowell of Now Jor. see, Chairman; viol. J. P. Babcock of Comma cut; ILL . /Mich, of Petinsvenial Gov. Thomas U. Pratt, of liarylana; lion. J. O. Morton, of BMWs; Gov. L. Sharkey, Of idissisaippL The Committee was duly organised by the appointment of Gen. &Mob to be Recording geeesUiy. and the appointment of Commit wog for fhe operation or the campaigns in the Stator where elections are soon to come oft Another meeting of the Committee will be held in about two weeks. Person& Lowybig .LQUI111•1011-1111=r ,ObasmilLear - real= New Yong, August special to the Herald from New ()sienna says: A. P. Field lately In congress. B. ging Caller Radical United States nenftior abet, and Mr. ' Ferris, a. Revenue °Mee holder, have determined to leave the State pumanalitli• Major Gen m•W 'Horatio Wright •trrivod in New Orleans toltday from the Wt.. • a en route North. The Herald's epeolal from` Otta • ; (1., E. to. ports volunteers in the vicinity , -t. Johns =ln a elate of =natty,. The,. lissatie Is based upon the rate and mode of Pa nonlan, naMed ions, Who was with (PgalPs party at Ridgeway, and who has been wandering abftt, the sentry in disguise over since, was arrested near Ottawa 4111,iolere Inesentainir >0 .NeMPWIIk litxxxlmlifikuattat SO.—The cholera 1z ituneesl ing here. nineteen COMM were minted to tho board • keeith today; thirteen of wideh pr 0904 Sakai lion MUM home occurred =Ong the =pees huoAled tOgether In Booth MOSOVALPO 141:000 1 1?i, ellOoftnill. THE PITTSBURGH GAZETTE. ROAD EDITION. FOUR 'O'CLOCK, A. M p~:~~~:1~~~+~M~N~4t~•y BY TELEGRAPH. FROM EUROPE. BY THE CABLE. THE 114EXTOAN QUESTION. Empress Cariotte's Mission Par tially Successful. TROOPS REMAIN LONGER. °Mae 3L€l,te - NAT ay. AUSTRIA'S INDEMNITY PAID PRUSSIA. -._ Another Fenian Arsenal Discovered. ThiPORTAIni REPORT ON COTTON PRUSSIA'S ANNEXED TERRITORIE 43- x• caaxcll Foto cat Z34:3 NIPEROIR NA P01.E07.10f4 FETE DAI Financial and Commercial LONDON, August to.—The Morning lot Blatt, that Napoleon has extended the time for the evacuation of the French Troop., trout -Mexico, until January. LIVNUPOOI., August it.—An arrival tete, r ports having seen the Weal, Eastern, on the intli instant. BOCTII AMI PTON, Almost Herman, for NOW 'York, sailed to-dab, I.‘king D 2,000 ;moods In specie. Los Dos, August J.—Thu van is Cul ...poll.' out of the Morning rose st.attili that lII,* Em press Charlotte hits so far succeeded in her ill Is. BIOS. In behalf Of Maxiillhon its to obtain iron, the Emperor of France n Y;tVtlisioll OE LIMO in which to pay the Freud!, Government the ten millions of fraues due, but Napoleon re fused to loan Alaximltilan ten millions francs LO pay for the equipment of troops In Mexico, but will 11,i181,.. 111 each equipments by furuloh - Mg material from the French Magazines. The Einpress also outelned from Napoleon an ex tension of time, until next January, for the projected evacuation of the French troops from Mexico. Paltor —Thu herotquart. I, of tho Prusalan army hose IN in removed Nom thla city to Toyllitx on the northweat from, r EE=I! tt'enxzmnnrEvxa•no, August Au—The A.,- - Irmo government has paid the ht.lcmnrty for krussia's war expenses, as smared to the lat ter power by the treaty of peace. pacer a, August h.—Err emu—'r h. Slglt.iltl re of the iiing of Italy to the treaty of peas,. is expected in a tow days. Emus, August M—Errninu —The current rumors In relation to Mexican matter s are all eery conflicting. The most probable reports appear to be that Empress Carlotta will re turn to Mexico in October, and that a French General Is to command the Merles. troops OM-razed by Maximilian. The name of the General is not btAtAll. LIVEZI.POOI. Wednesday stoning, A uguet The breadatufts market ha, it nectatang ten dency. Proctelona unchanged With the ex.e.le. lion of lard, which, has as talvanclog tenden cy. Cotton unchanged, Eliaex to-day tat hypo bales. 311,1tIllng pW.nd, 1.34,413 LONDON MoAII Ms Wit lc 7. Landon Them ng, -August tJ.—The money market is without any change; consols closed at ev% for money. American securities gonmally steady S-3..i• higher; closing quotations, Unit.] mat. &Ws, 72!n.. Brio 044 Minot. Central, 75'.,. Ltvearoot., Actgast. 151.--Cotton sales to-day ostlmatod 10,00 tales. Middling Uplands opened et 14{471.3%.1. Loam., Amgen t,..—opening erica of COL- Buis to-day Eit6i; for money, opening prices of American stocks to-day were; United States S-.,IND TVA{ Erie Railroad t. 5%; Illinois Central, Te",. By Steariallihip A. II Atirez, August ^-9.—The ,tcamehtp -tem lett Liverpool at noon on the I,th and quecne torn on the 19th, and arrived at Lislitax at our, o'clock this afternoon. Another Fenian arsenal had been discoverol ntHoch, In the county of Limerick. Considerable ammunition was seized. Three respectable farmers In the neighborhood at cr.ards abnconded. The e•cather coutintant stormy In England. hu harvest prospect, a eru rather unantlatnc. harvest accounts from Franco are alm an .atisfactory. • - - M. Is stated that an impel - tacit dm unmet cru ther cotton querrtton has been subscrithe.l by Mr lorben, Um CO( Vllll Cotuw lilt linter or the Ins than Government. who .we I Mellti y .5• 111 _ - visit the Cotton States of America, tool alter a tour through all of there, except Teta, now limients ids returns. Souths the 1/I{. WO yield of North and Carolina at col • larva , balcwi Al:Marna, .90,isio. As to the other States he speak, of the itif,Olar- Lion or war and scarcity of labor KM likely b• mature their prOduction to bales 11.. total estimate, Including Texas, is not tom, than I,olltyllXl bolus, of Milleil lie thinks nut morn than 3 )O,OW can he spared for ex porlit. Wm. Air. Forbes does not lose sight n 1 the higher estimates by respectaido parties: but believes the crop prospools leave delericii aced le miens since those estimates were !milled. The Czar hail addrosrasi an autograph letter to the King of Frmisla., testifying to tile Mewl 's, relations bet NO.O the two Slatti i :Mil lag that tiLl.Ysla favorably eator talus the ovei tures made by Prussia relative to the future reorganization of tier many. A royalmessage upon Om Incorpoi at ion of lialsover, Elimioriti Heswt, N0,..114.1.1a5t0l au I:- fort and tile Frusedan Territor v was laid benne the Prusslau Chamber of Deputies oil the gilt. The preamble to the hill says: ussm not embark Into oar watt the lit...lota stn firth - leg territory_ The il..tatt, attittele cif t:11: rwiultell Clint thelt should cease. It is hoped th• t In the cutir.e of time the inhabitants of the anneted countrica will be thoroughly satlslloil with their moor. porution. In bringlag in the bill, 111/enure expressed the hope that the Met nattliti leave the details of accompaniumniits In Lilo of the Kttlg she would set with the liecteman consideration. Further ournmunic.ations with regard to Schleswig Holstein would he laude after the conclusion of peace. The King of Prussia on the 170, received the Hanoverian deputation which solicited the annexation of Hanover to Prussia as soon tat: pnasible. Tho Schleswig-Holstein government had re ceived orders to prepare for the election of representatives to the German ParliammiL A grand foto had taken plaeo In Berlin, In honor of hismarek and Gen. Von Itonon nod A spilt, it is reported, wan about to take place in the progress party at hurtle. The Austrian papers emphatically deny that after the withdrawal of the Italian troops from the Trout district, the A.trleem w teak vengeance on the inhabitants. A few isolated arrests took phut., for trots°. In duo legal cause. On tile contrary it was as serted that parties who compromised in kill) district were being sent to Italian territory. The Emperor Napoleon's rote day--ou Au• gust.llth—was vary brilliant, but wan marred by a sad accident. After the lire works is crush occurred at the place De i.ucon ieordo, in which nine persons wore killed and fifty in jured. The day Ir. as usual marked large number of pardons and commutations of the sentences of military and other offen ders; and also by honors conferred, including that of the grand crofts of the legion of honor upon the line Do Orammont, the French Am bassador at Vienna, and that of chevalier upon M. tOdfgnaal, the director of Oallignanis , ifesseriger. The tffutton's cafe was broken upon the lath. Prince Napoleon and Oen. Idonstrea had ar rived at Parts from Italy. The weekly rnpurris of the Bank of Franco show a LlTlllior Mereace of cash of over live millions of francs In the London money market the reduction of the bank into from ton to eight per cunt., Was received with great satisfaction, and Im mediately had a favorable influence on aU the markets. The demand for discount was heavy at the reduction. Extensive Wire at Elmira. 31- X. Emma, N. Y, Aug. W.—An extensive are occurred hero about two o'clock this morning. destroying an entire wooden block on the Corner of Lako and Cross streets. Eight hor ses and a number of carriages were burned. The Court Hansa and Jail, by the exertions of .theidrenten,wers saved but badly scorelnsL Theprisoners were not removed. Lou,. a 50 .000 and OM a smallportion insured. Deaths In Few Orlesn ed. _ Teethoony Con elud /Saw 021.3.taii, Aug. It wit. - o tau chol era deaths iroaterdlig. Tito Military CatamisatOu ban tergigiuggil the taking of IWtimAny, tkmounercLal 'ITSBURGH, THURSDAY, AUGUST 30, 18 NITIONAL UNION COMMITTEE Neel* Called by U. J. Raymond. RAYMOND'S AUTHORITY REPUDIATED. Another Call Issued. IMPORTANT STATE PAPER Demand on England for Damages. Nsw Yonu , August 11.—The felloeing can appears In this day's "Rooms of the National Unton Executive Coln millee, Astor /inure, Nees York, August, 23 1 PM Sin--A meeting of the National Union Executive Committee, appomted by the Na tional Union Convention at Baltimore, In June, 1.984, will be held as the Astor House, New 'York city, on Monday, September and, at, 12 o'clock, 11. Signed, 11. J. itAthfotill, Chairman. D Spear, Secretary. Tao members who disapprove of the con duct of Mr. Raymond and of those members of the Committee who cooperate with him aro evidently dotormimal not to acknowledge their claims, as the following letter from Goy. ernor Ward, of New Jenny will show : Ilon. 11. J. Roprnond—Girt A meeting of the National Union Committee appointed in June, 1%1 has been called to meet at Philadelphia, onMonday, September 3d, and I shall be pres ent on that Occasion, taking part in Its oration and action. Youhave deemed it wise and proper to abandon the Union Republican Party and to connect your name and In fluence with a now organisation, designed to destroy and defeat the Cause with which 1 sympathise and of which I am itt some small degree a representative. Your public action has boon such that I can not acknowledge your right to use the title limier which the meeting has been called, the nature and character of the trust confided to you and to me, forbid that we should use them except In aocortittnce with the spirit in which they were conferred. So deep and wide spread ho the feeling in the popular mind, that all who should respond to your call would be re garded as betraying the party they hare cease) to repmsent.. With respect, truly, (Signed,) Mattel:a L. Waite. I titled, Tn T.'s. Aug. nith, Five of the 11.1C.I1alert. have Isatted the hallow ing call: 'The ineleritignvit utentbera tif tllO Union Executive CunDuDieu apianaltal liv Lila Nat 111,11a1 n t,l” C. vugalun, held at naJtittiure sin the 7th of June, deem It expedient and propel Dial as na,tllll2 or , alll Gonnuitten lw held at Philadelphia, tia the i tilt .I day at iseit inia•r, And most teispeetfully I,lc the le itheliul their naltheititnta lit that Duni and play., I; is that atate ( ow n-titters titian vac/Welt,' .11101 may bane ve t tarred In Aornialtive. The neat neva of t l 1`...15w , l tirenenoi out get "I ill, name, to hla van. J J. t iNSLriet a.l IL IV. 111,r 11.1.1 c. klaryl&ral, .1 Vow red,Ti.s.adtaree. .Ina. D. itcruevs, 1P..1 Coseina, k 11,11113-. L. %Vann, New deist., '• A Pr 11 , 1nni•e. reansylvailit,“ The folios Ing 1, a 114 of Ilkls ExecuMee Na- Donlo l 011101 thee. Samuel F. Ilarosey, Maine; . . 1 la! ?dna...1.01 Is; ti. D Hpell7 onneelient: Mucous C. Ward, New Damp- More. N. 11. :, - .slthern, Delaware; C. 1.. !Lubin- Fon, I , lorl,ls, J. M. Johnson, Arkansas; J. H. owler, Tennessee; General 11. Hunter, Ohlol 11. C. Cooke, Illinois; W. J. Coo hag, Vlrglnftll 11. It. Stuffs, Iowa; Thomas noopeon, Minne sota, A. W. Camebell, Went. \ll - 00114; W. 11. Walters, Nebraska; Mremer, Dakota; A. A. 1/unnlng Wlohluglon, f .1. el. Turner. All zuna ;J. e. Walla. New Mesleo; A. It. GI Vermont.; T. 4.1. Turner, Island; Henry J. Raymond, New Tort; e. A. Perelsnee, renneylvanla; Henry W. I 101 f klarylawl; utilla,rl Loovolana; I II Roy I, MI. our); IV heioneay; John D. De. (num, Indiana; Mural. 1.141 Inge, Michlgen; Judd, NI isconam; James Oils, calltarnin; e.. 1). ~i..g o n; J. P. Chaltoe, Colorrole; U. D. 51.1,:1111, Net dd., .1. W. Kerr, Utah; W. /I Wallace, Claim: N. Lankford, Montana, J. Coombs, Lhetrit't Colombia, l'io I, it n psi t from Washingtou that lour days before SoliretAry rew art's departure for Cub:ago, with the President, were devoted i.e the pteparation of an;ltnportant ante paper. I ant not able to assort whether Its promulga tion will be liwnediale, or dehtyol until We return of-jihe Executive trip. There is en doubt IA to document In question, which Is no leas than it reiteration of the renewal of the del:ll6Mb of this government for rustrt Wax Elt the hand, of England for lots.. or American ship owners by the Angle-Confed erate pirates Is conceived with unusual elabo ration. filE ELELTIOSMI tX(tILSIOIi Departure from Philadelphia sad Ar rived to Neuf York—Reception Speech of Mayor Herrman and Reply of Pres ident Joh ns o n —what lie Does and P ays to Portlier "My Peller . --Ile Arnicted by Emotions. and ills Lan gnaws Gresr• Inadequate a• be Ap proaches the End al ills JournCY— Wilt there be Enough Left for Douglas? —Ltesointions of the Albany Legislat ion, I . IIII.ALOILIIIII A, VIA Brat!soros, N. J., Aug. z).—The Presidential party left this City nt nine o'clock this morning. They were repeat edly cheered on the way to the earn. CAIIDEN, N. J., Aug. 'L.—Major General Meade ILL , I Major Emery have Joined tho ex cursionists also Major limners! Butterfield, h 0 came to PhilaJelphin I,oit night, us the repr.entallee of the citizens COZOIIIittOC, of New York. New YORK, ALLMUSL Llertlinstown, Trenton, Newark and Jersey t try, the Prost omit and party mot with mad cordial re ceptions. At Trenton and Newark brief speeches were made by the l'resident of the Council, President Johnson and Secretary aew•rd. The President and party reached tills city at one Weloek thin afternoon, anti were met at l'lor No. I by t ho special commit. tee Of LIAO Common Council, tine escorted by a division of cavalry up Broadway to the city !total. Broadway was thronged with people, who entliusiaistlimily welcomed the distin guished party. After arriving at the city hall the members of the Common t;ouutil and the rotate of the departments were presented to Ihv I eciutret by the Mayor, who delivered bo - rnal addeet+s of welcome ou behalf of tbe (ILL. At it.e can. luelbn of those cermanitiles the J 0,,,. .leiled out of Clot park and pie tttAtell 1., Fifth .1. venue and Yourteentit stroet, a, re ii , .l , .thlarywore to ire re, lewel. The , I 4 rKt . 411./ ... • • At Vile,. oslon. Pre,- .1. et eoteled the C II) a.'contick.ll.el oy 11..tott Ileofeinn, nmel lhr rheer., atel Inan.l nn "t the n..ettlt•led inttitelat., 11,,,v0r a.l - IL., '0i1,,• 1.1 the room, nn.•,el.. te,le tl,e .N 1 /tie, table4,ltlng to e. l'renOtleet Johnson en "..Itr. Prt•id.n:. In 111.111111 1 , 1 flit.. “ . 11,1 11lil.*1 it 1t'..0.11 ,rt ../11e I„ I ..“I.l:,tilvclemor poi 1., I'd.. 1 . 113, un.l (Ill:. ILO) Ths. great 1111'11 Of 1.11.1 111.1 Loveli wet•i,,tl 11111,. T:l4, t, 1t5..115 .1 111. 111 1111 1 gohlirtr., go111le111 . $1:ur1.1 pat r:,.. 1,1. 11111, Vh lut,• •I• 1 , 111011 tll 111,11 it., tr, e,l.lltiLitrit Is wore thotlagoim . h,i 11.,1 yo // cliyollll.ll u 1 1111. f.aeL th.• 4111111 ti I •.1",.(0..1 1 W,1,311 )fl- talmsua unirutruous Vole, 1.1:r It ~,,,, r 1111.1 Ilt It./ 31111, .•,teiullttg 1., yOll iii, i rec.] ,Until rho city, and ex pressing Owl; ~,Lien: ,• in iicia ntattii.itii.i.:l.llipand pal l - . itiiiin , 111111 Lilo uttli.oll2o whir great 0 itioilrnily , nn., , morel ~ltd, (11•1111 10 iiirtirliig to you a wccrit ion which will he an e II 1 11 1 141101LIC as It 111 liti iti . tit.iltaiiie. flake popular 410111011.Stri, 1 1,111 to nut 11010 Meru respect to your high lof bee, but It 1.1 11 tribe?. which the people odor Le the flaunty, affair raid itiLLIIOI.OIOI. IVIIIOII but: chuructet fled Our nil ministration of the gulls'', ~,,, lit. '1 lOy recognize, and to r pad teen rii, Inc magnitude Of the rii.iiii.iiitilbllliliii, 'Albs 1 Olt 114 V 0 been called up., to ussione, 1 ,, Soils. russurents which haul iiiittliilailitil y LI, and the flllillcultlea w hich hare besot you :way; unit thoy honor you lot the leuric.o a you have mouth:ate(' In battling for the on On of the !autos anti rights 01 the but •0 1461014 MI till,. ni leis The city of rite lora, w Wolf Holy • greets port, lian nevea faltered in Ira devotion to Lilo Inflon and t4u f.iinelltullon, end IL never will. It I. the iigletropol In of the coun try. wee w Ina It litiviri, 11. does 1101 speak 111 Wbltiiiiini ur utter Milo 'tomato. It speaks It to-ituy, 01141 1 trust t ' i great •lumonnttution, In w hien capital awl . ...or have both united, w all cheer you r lies q 0101 iitreligthell your 1101013 In the greet w 1: of peace and radon, LlOO 111 1v II lell put. ar:;Ottgage.l. I will detain ) o u rio longer. Ti,,, lapin ore impatient In at out you. 1 heir Del ilai will speak Inure 1,1, tautuiLly Lll4ll Ind„ ha I leg your accet. once of lids utogr bogy of the roroloti nne lit ton Common Cou I, and with thorn ex -101101 to you.tho Iran ri and the hospitnldles of the arty. The ref rife of the Mayor were frequently loLerrUp 1,1 with upplauno. • Tau President, In ZrOleo °leniently affected by emotion, remark as follows: To nutko a reply but you have Just given utterance to, 10100,1 ill Mrcustistance., would , liti itioro Lllll.ll 1 00U1 nilertake. I um over. w mimed at the recePtion you have accorded to me. ( &untruth.) -Language Is Inadequate to govt. I.liptl.lloll Linty fooling. 1 accepted your luvhaLlett end now beg you will, LU To. I turn, accept mop' at t sincere and heartfelt thanks. Such au ?Withal from this groat matropolls ought to, 'and does encourage ine In the faithful dlsch aof my duty. (ChoOlki It in perrniturly acee bath" at this time, trash un we um from the attlotleld, hut there Is still a greater batik before us. (Cheers.) In reference to what I I co ,lone, It Is before you, and It Is for you to °torah. whet my Con duct. lute been. (Apo 1..04 In conclusion tut Hence speak for what I ought to say undw t I Intend to do. (Cheers.) In accepting them •;resolutiona, accompanied by nentiments no gracefully uttered. I ogam return you my slnccre thank. At the conelu- S io sten ot the Presld • 'it remarks, he was greet ed with threo Um three cheers. Loud - calls wern then mule f !Mannar, Seward, who, advancing to the he f the table, said as fol. lows: ill fuel that 1 Jo at Loom and I thank you for thu weleoMoyOU 115vo eztorided loam. (Applausoi I fool that lam at home, and I thank you for the Weloolmerns hare extendqd to me. (Applause.) I feel more than that for I have brought with the to yours swims . home the President of - the linnet States, ((,beers,) muted by the arms of our heroes by thevlstua of our citizens and by the wisdom and energy of our Chief Magistrate.' If anything is want ing It is the Certhileitto which we 100 at Ulu COm.tnirpolli toboer ttsOut In crur . Far Oat that Situ United States email midst titittyl are trieteful of twenlytlve States. (Great op- FL„lausti.) In tho oily and State of New York T o 000 should be faithful drat to their view that to their children and State. mud then the country. To this duty I adhere, and I poisons were to Interfere with n , In falthailly carrying out this principle, I could ovelthidunce them and still be faithful to the country: . (Great chectli‘g.) After the adttrese the Mayor preaented the city °Metals and Citi2eno.which eontione.l for about An hour. The profession of the party up Broadway, Wean Magnalleent ovation, and every aVilikl 'ble spawn was occupied h • Vtite assembled thou sands; hotplate were allowered down by the hundreds. Thecheer3 which greeted General Grant and Admiral Faragnt, were especially noticeable. drrived at Delmonteo's the party reviewed the diVitiioll Of troops and the Presi dent seas called upon to speak, bat declined to make a speech, saying none was needed. Attar tile demonstration which has been madO to-day, 1 lance the Constdurfrin and Un ion tp your hands. The party woe afterwards entOitainal at dinner by a tow privileged on, icons, which was Continued until a late hour of the night. The party leaves at an early hour for 'West Point, riding through the Central Park and taking a special steamer at Slanhat tanville at ono and a half o'clock, A. s. aldissr, Aug. 3i.—lu the senate to-day, on motion of tir.Lowothe resolution appointing a oommittee to receive the President was re considered. liirj Lowe offered the following: Worsause, The President of the United BMWS, and our distinguished fellow citizens, General Grant and Admiral Farragnt, are about tO visit this State on their way to a sis ter abate, M assist In laying the foundation of a monument to the memory of the Into la mented statesman, Stephen A, Douglas; there fore, Resolerd, That the Senate on behalf of the people of the State of Now York, welcome the rdsaident of the United States, and General Grant, and Admiral Fermata, to our hurl tS.,Thomns Murphy moved to Include the nametifriVilltam U. Seward. Loch, ayes: Col- Hos, 0.13. r.,Riraeli, Follow, Humphrey', Lent, falalurphy,,L.ildunthey,Stanfora--a Nay._ 1, Campbell, Gibson, Godard Wine. Ls, Lowa, Seaslone, White, Wilber, Mi lhous"' Waleott—l2. 0. 3 . Folger offered the following u. a Alll.ti totelor the ;Ire rreol ot lon offered by Mr Lo RgXeirea, That the ronate do, on lanudf of the pooplo of New York, v. elrorue Excel leJagy, the Preattleut of till. rotted Statee, tool the ,Olhor MO I ngukht..l nereonage, atuatut p.unying hint, to nor terroory. Carried. Mr. Lowe offered the following: "Resulted, That our dodlagnethed foliose eltlkelte lietterml t ootool Aalutildl Vat ra• gut,..trho 0./1` peet,.l at the ,tate Capitol to- TnetrOlv„ be a tote ly elootued 11. the of thiu 11110 Setotto Ito helot of In , grateful people, II tot teootrotto thr!r . te, null 14,VM!ilal• their north. MC. Mod Oilj' ntnred Intoettote rue nano. of silt), ZS ••• vomit I li,ll 101 - 111, e:0111' 1”(1. %S. to u 1,6 ./ lw. Mr. i 0 , 1 Olt: I Ybn Will I.llllill.ra TI I!: .. 111.3 .lira, 1,4 I {: , •t• 1:;,-, . : , .0111, of .1,11 u..,, ..•...di.1.4.3, 51.• ova. :...1 Dena/ Jtlcliuonol, uril to 1..... ht• Irato lA/ Ilat,tv In, Is. Alt, ?Hi th, It1(11,1.: mor- I=ll Nib t'lg..-1 Wa.-I,lig• tolirapeelal olli• .1" 1.1 the Ti Drepartn..•to .•ligage.l ill the tOO% rr -IMon Of , eveol-Tlortl., two Ylve-Twentlo, I.lllo3o.Cent inlyance of the hit I,r In Ihe I.)relgt. market havlog r t.l UNVll . vela, oeh nltcrve preAvot lio4ll 1 . 10 ni . -even-TlOrt 5. , flat, It I. very ad% antageo.,.. tn.. 5.• the oen vervloro The Idea of placing II girt per Colls. (R/Verlllll. , nt lo,m tll.Oll t0•k1.., hl, 1. abandoned ..otot• tom, ago, 100, lien re% Ive.l In got's-c.w.0., of the napreno.loote.l r 3 In all Vass. of Government Sueurillet, It Is 11010 , 1 titer tho tlynbool tot oor enent !ties 111 ..nntlnoe to inert,,e Rhode Inland DeleyTle•t Cho Isoothero Union Couto...Slow rho* r., It. I stores: Colon stale Central lo:hooi tee id tßuste Is loud one Iles loot 111111: All •I lilt 1110 W• log dedetates to the-out herotooo -oven , hash: Maj. lien harog , d... Avnator, Alehool , nod Ale Ago , . allI: , .; , : o- and Dixon, nod I.t Win hey. le. Han., Amer, rre.odent of Mono' , Plover. ally; Ilan. James Y. Smith, Ex-A/oval nor. Al so flvo delegates Inen Proyldnove oonty nod lido, Irmo °null of the otoer rounttes of (tin attar., were alto urinals I.VII. Theso were 'nee.> led from truing the leading mon of him Atuto. Tim lotormaltl,r of She Prostdent's Ile• eisption at Plullatletithla Es.plaltsert. rstir.snr.i.rnit„ittmot regartl to the ours. 01 the utfortnullty attending the mr.B3- d.v..-bat to tub city yoStOrtlay, the North At &fro.. to-clay sayer to n note-erg/0T Wit. Of the forlyo4.lC months= of — the Common Connell, mint the' twent y-inn mem bers of the Solent Coupe: I, lees than t w en ty 11.1 c. at protect In the city, ate! of these a coushl enshle majority are Monocrats The Mayor le taking the ontt rest that he Can euJoy for I. yenr t , CY.II/V, that the aloetwe any mcmal purtit moan, n yosterdu, •s ceremo- Moll ite Wit 9 exultsal 1.11,9,014.4,1 e. Republiten l'ona-rot•lonnl o m in ^lions AnguO 2 b. —Tire Itepnit.l lean tongra.lona! luny,. Liu:. of Illi city niol. to tl,ty and wool:late , ' the folln ‘rlng mn.ll , lldon. First Diet !let —Joseph mini!; , eron.l W. 1., /lon. r'N 0111; Twenty-Tatra IDE.- llon. Leonard Myer*, Fourth 1./..drlet, lion. W. D. holly. Funeral !terrines of flow. J W. ilorion. Boups. Anintst D.—Funeral s eivloes wore held LC lay In Tremont Temple over the re mains of lie, .7. W. Horton, s 110 was murder -0.1 Lit" Ing the 1310 I let ill Now Orloutle. thei r Was a large attendanoo. Ofncial Vain in Nortte Eurollno—Now Conatitution ktoJected. it A Lciorr, t Y, C.,) Auguat Itt—Tho official rote came la I n-tias . All thy counthw but limy% art] are heard tram. The now COMlLitlitif , tl was ro eclod nY 1,a . : maturity. 12= fie.w 1 ouc, Augto.t. 2:J.-01:Iy tllrM, ettwo:. of noo wllleh wn.J. fatwl. wort, 1,1-Jort od In tills City July twu are ro:Jortiwi LI Bowytzl)n CITY AND SUBURBAN ADDIT7uN Nr:%‘l,9 A Elir.l I i 1. h , . ' it ii .1 =II 1 1 •.,:lit11: ( 1,1 1 , 3 Lilt. .11.. 7.r.in1.1.:?.1•,1,1./t1.1:1:1111,t1tv,i,141::• In l'll toreat complaint, tint ..0 to e 1.14. war int t I 4..1111111 Ins 1.,11041 111. NV; VINI t,I„Ia t NII•1 I n k.let :lit I a,lO Lionlv... -carte, 1...kn0t is mein L i ll.. hot et.. T. 0 111111114 INI 1.1 It,. ay wan entirely innommt of any dint...tient intimation WILL to ent...l, tool mkt,. In-11.1113 tile "lulaa t ...Limn, Lilo matter n SOLLImt, liy .1.t6 t• pitying batik lin. LI. I . ao4ittre,llllll g mng GoLtIMIL Um dollars 0r toll, 1.041111 e” paying 1110 coats of Mit null. Pocket Irleked.—A bold and successful at tulnpt at pOokot picking was committed at introtio. on irtitiay evening lest. Emanuel Marshall, acoloregl loan from Stanton, was a passenger on the Express train, and to getting nut of the ears at Llttrol.4.l wan surrounded by three or four parsons, canight by the arras by name of them, a bllst whether forced Ms hand Into hie pants' I , IJe6AIL µlid took. Ma pocket book, isintaliging ilety-ilve dollars. Ile at onee gave the alarm, Mgt by 11l 131141.1:1111LgE , 1111•11 t till, Villains esegginsl. It listipposed that Marshall woe followed 11011 i rittSilllrgil by these men. It was certainly al, bold an mgy rag° as we have °vet pf, it bring about nla ll'ainQk IP the evening, and earn and *te tra]] Welfare/ lull]. people. Now Momle.—Wa tena I'ol,l Vail 11 - 010 Mutat a nuulla, n 1 eh... MI. xla Ilt‘biktaiitala tv h 1.311 tire destined 1„ bosom,' .vary popular. "Little Nell, - au exquialto bal lad; "011, 'Wag Inc lu Clcap, Dour lather," It a very ',city rung, the author giving, Ward eays, "the old Mall n ehanco;" "A TOO'S Itoply to Enoch Arden," a beautiful sung; "Flying Binh" an tilftiriainontni comp.:4omi 1' 'n merit and enHV LO le park/nal, I. Ear all Um IMOM MUSIC call at Alan. Wu/Ws, 111th streat, Hoar Woo.l. risy 'Out Sorrows, Ate.—Zaililook on old colored man, hailing from Pittsburg Landing, Tennessee, and who wile in the truly of the Department of Tennessee, when, lie was twice womulc,l IS In Allegheny. tie worked Ills passage to that city, although suf fering severely from his wounds and rheuma tism. Any charitable persons who may wish to contribute to ills comfort CUM do so by cull. leg at tlii) office, Allegheny city. lentirond Conaoltdation.—Thu Oldoviile Railroad Company, of Ohlo, and Um Ohloville Railroad, of Pennsylvania, halo been commit dated uniter the name of Island Use Railroad Company. and organised by cleating .1, W. Itlanehard, Yrealduuti C. 0. Rourke, T. W. Williams, R. L. Crawford, 11. Lee, A. 11. Doer man and C. K. Cliamourlaba, Inreetorm W. U. Darley, Chief Engineer; and W. Newell, Secre tary and Treasurer. Robbery.—Mr. Cohen , s clothing store at llochnstor, Pa., was entered a few nights along by thieves, who carried elf a valuable lot of clot . hing. -Mao clothing was afterwards renov antd • Henieneetl to the Penitentlory.—Wll - Hagan and Henry Mahar, wore sent enced toitte Tenitentdary by Judge lduunber- Lin, of Waslgngtoinra.,lnat week. Holy. Thos. Wllliatos , • tipeech. nags Meeslur at Irwin thaitton. We make room this morning for a more A large and enthusiastic Republican meet eornpreltorwire report of lion. Thomas Wil. Mg was held at Irwin Station, Westmoreland llama' speech at the operating of the Union county, on Monday evening last. headquarters at City on Tuesday eve. This place, together with the surrounding Mug. It may be well to observe that our re- ' neighborhood, was formerly one of pOrter furnished a Our report Of the speech, wan's 'stiOngbolil, At I, tone ,, ; eh: 0b.. - - but as our space Was 90 contracted he was 0t... thin the licrti t .• , tarts wt•t'e llgml to condense, and In on doing, lost the ` less and felt colindi et thst emir int ereO,. true meaning ol Mr. Williams's language: were safe In 015 keeping Nox. lithe he has Lecat lter orison or me Gsr.iirrei proved recreant to the ea s-c of Lied:on aTtl In your tdintract of my remarks at tbe humanity, and leis so hetra) 5.1 II:, ineettag hl the City Mall last night there arc jttray that elevated hen to the pmiitlon some points of fact of a publie maitre, where- he oecnities, and u loch has enaltlid In I have bean on greatly misunderstood, as to him to more efficiently serve 1 'br ie make it necessary fot me, as n public Man, to titan Ito otherwise could here done, he leis 'tot put myself right upon the record. OK , ff iend among loyal, I. 10 , ing lam made to declare, for instance, that .ms The meeting as addressed ably and ein e member Of the Judiciary Committee, I feltqueutly, by hon. John Covotio, the Present at-ith.rizett , soy—without breaking my faith candidate for Congress In the list District, and —that there was abundant evidence In their by Major A. M. lirowa nod Col. Thomas M. hands to prove Jefferson Davis and Clement Bayne, et Pittsburgh. At the close of the I. Clay guilty or complicity In the plot that , speeches, the following reset it bons were road Culminated In the aysassimasar, of Mr. and unanimously adopted coin." Resolved, That wo riarno_stly desire the What I did say was, that my position n.a States lately In rebellion, represented In Con member of the Judiciary Cumulate° gave mu grein and restored to the lull la iv the tho opportunity of seeing tike evidence, and, Union as soon as they give satisfactory evi although not at liberty to disclose what I donee of their loyalty. know,.becuuse Its cif vet might be _to obstruct Rexot red, That the policy of the President is the cents° of public jostle°, i could at least calculated to restore edicts to power, and to venture to say this moth, without a breach of place loyal people at. he mercy of those who COlaildOCCO, that In my judgment It Weald turn endeavorivl de•irov the nation, and to his out that thero was not only evidence as de_ dollof shoattl a. , Cited tine Pre... , "” 01 " eMred by the President in hws ; end condition of 1 con,' ry. hen to warrant the eatarrninm of these men Ite,otre.l, That to t.ongt ess the law-mai:- for complicity In that create rite°, mmugh . In"' , o; i t i nutnlo. '; , oh ; lit e t to to insure their conviciion belere any prescribe the il:t illeh nll,ll loss and Impartial jury,.and that evidence known. states shall tie I estorva h. Ct.. ..:or d• an I believed, to the President himself. heartily eivt.r...• I, Otto Amend / rim also made to say that. °Ulu Judicla/y Went aulauilted Longruss, Committee Dave frequently attlimbeeti , Merciful, nod a , e.t.d. , iY‘` ,. a”. , t . : , - bring these men to trial, but they so related to sea tore It./ cpete.iii• hue hedged in by the machinations of the Pres!. molly, by retain., pox el s of c.n e, ;- dent, who never intended they should he po n . ,n,•• l t in the bun, to of lova' mit sem.. tailed, that all their efforts were NUM.. , 1 Jeesnircd, That to Jne. LA's - cele. r I•,n -..ta nothing ot,the Mort. ;dtdute f. , r t Crngl Cu.', w 0 ha, n 00. Ivhat I did say was, that. from the lone of preach...Lc character, miqrlestionatilo the MeSSage, the rrdtidaixt _obviOnsly de. t mad its a statesman, a num who has new shays. Willie deprecating military Commis- $ Four terms .ere icon. a insults, of oitr 'm elons tenth could try offenses in Violation of , tional Assembly tilenrly establishes cum the usages of witr,such as the rtivassination was, Meter at a tried lin/i rue —that Gongreas slionl,l advise or direct the Restat , d, That in Major itienersal John Iy. trial of those moo for legh leen ese. only, under Geary, our rand id ate hie toiyernor, we have a the emistaution tn , l Lelore a i iry el uccom-„; gallant and a it .-i,• ;eel n good states pace+, who would bemire to acqult—t hat with ...1111)In l; ./..1 t liter Es...ent 001 the same visa, he had reonestml—not our Stale. eta tulcd—ais 1 sin teported to have sal,' i—the blualred, Tilateft 111111001 cur tmll;;Jti, the Chief .duel toe to held a Court for that put - for Migislata sal y ofht.•vs toe ,outl pose—that failing In this, his papers and par lien.' andsuff rage. , ;ego' s el' %Axons l u ll charged that Congress only WI. to I, 'I list se 0a:. mom sit sit. Warne for the delay, and teat to meet anal re. stood 103 the Gm... .he .1 1., t ..,1 ; pel t hose charges a resolut lon wan olTared by rihto war, to stand ~y it.. , •n. Mr. Ho itwell, of Mannsolitisolls, instruCting I now; auLl not to be I the Jude - dory Committee to lie' it Ire whether rona4• , or the !ttpliite o 0 ;;;--- , ei;;••• ;;Il there OILS any iliticet to the law to pi event the ; those who have Iso ayed m: ; n., ,el, it . /Al, a Welt eallml fora remedy hi hands have ivpose.l 111 them of Congress, and ul se tare tic 11/al/I,llllli runt or 11,0 evidei-ce Implicating Davis and MM., In the assassination—that a partial report Mel - been imelo, to the effect that no tablition -1: I tegaslation was required, whale the romdm, ..1 the '.nee an, still In the hauls of the Lem- L.. ht• 1/11• , 40_ , t111,' at ,t21410^. •i C, 14r.. Or the .1 nil ti ) ~ .11.111..c. in a I .rOgel•ss 011 h.'l Int nt• to, and of vest's, 1 edd eot -a: I could not seal, that they Cad r utelettakva it,1 al. also / had teo teeej of iimolleils ol - -maw,. no, so Ito - • =I tt I.ttnt that lion, ohnt I not. Ito a Ito t t.r ict Ilut tvof Ito I ottotiono. ^tato:, 1.0 Manor what toe oht,itattot ttf Hot ovlth tont W nut I, 'A., that I hat/ uwtoll put I ht. tine:llllM 1.. 111, twritoy littneral v6liothe.l oottytellon Ihr wnithl in hlnJudgmvill. ',meth - 10ply 11111 h, suelhelt etunstuneet.--I bat hi• an,. a negative onv—lnd lit the st:llltl.4,llll2lnny, verroltornle..l oplnton olily 1..)1ti nuutliern 111:01 I 11.1.1) Luke,' "111, nn leund nopport...l ley the ..1,1,.71,,e0f lln cmay ci may have nahlhu.l4. - ...1.) ..t wltnenses Liken netnre the JOUR C0n....1C1u0 • ••Ir Iteconstruvtion and pubithed. with their I am :list, ant,lo In say that II t h.. ”iti igilt.loll of the test oath eras grant:- s! to .1,,1gn Patterson, the son-m-late of the l'iesittent, nutlet mutt, he took 11:s Nt.:o . . W hat I did tt) Os, the , co o ii•, t•oori that he took! not N 0...:. • • or at sent confessing •• own action, hall prettied a bill to relict, him --lien.ert bid to the nature of a Bull et Irololgeneo .such as were Immo! by the Loon of Rome at the period of this nolortnatlon, but that the Union aide of the armee had voted it down with a single dissenting volec—amt of Air. Hay mond—and that he ir as /alloyed to tubs the oath, and did take it not, 11.14sta:oiling this retusal. I ate also Matto to say that ul had roeievcd petitions oaring me to 7/tOre the Impeachment of tae President for usurping power and at tempting to erect mate Uovernments at his •os n personal ticlatinu, Stlbieot only to his Imperial will. What I ilid my wan that I had removed peti tions as for the Impeachment of the Pres ident, but had not yet promoted them, hot that, looking to 111.1 uourpatiou of legislative powers., and his impudent and unblushing avowal of a determination to employ all the patronage of the Uovernment In carrying Out his peisinuil awl pi :pate nal, a thing which had been often done, but never before confessed, and remembering that w - lsOn the qUeStlOn of the power Of tyllunN al was debated in the l ongresS of 1;l1i, In reply to the suggestion that It might nt some future day be prostituted for Just such purposes as them, tt wan answered, and gener ally agreed Laud—this would bean ,and offense. I (or one .10111,1 br, prepared to rots, if not to so for no :in pollchinent of 1.110 l'lOSOlunt at the nest session, unless 010 peo po• save us thal 111.11110 by re;;.luring 11, of ..,y— I hove uo •loyld they woula it,, at the app as roaublug uleellons— N1r1,1u.4 the groat crtmliod trial lictori• 1 .1. glle: The PorLiam' Fir.. Al Nmeuldoc tit the mire of the Sia.. or of the. oil e. the undersigned Was appoluted treasurer of such fools as ineght be collected by the commlttees of the different ward, to all the suilure, a by the late groat fire In Ports land. Maine. telly one committee, that Of the second wart, Pittsbulgh, reported and paid over the funds collected, cl.n. six hundred dol. tars. The credit of this Is Justly due to the 0.11,1.1011 S of Wm. it Ogden, Esq. I Mal not no prxsod of any of the Other committees having acted. Thu .111.111 which came Into my hands and were transultt.l to the Mayor of FOrtlrtrial, axe fr.llovrs: First- Thy contribution Of Miller tt rilcket son, of Oct, hundred dollars, for 'Which a sepa rate acknOWledgeinent sens made and is In the possession of the generous donors. sessontl—Collections by Ito, Hoary D. Moore, amounting to $ 510 Con tribe lion through tis Mayor t Mies:Lions by :second Ward Committee. OM 1,1:>I 1•10%.1,1 11uti.lre.1 li:• /ttll/111,41 1.1 the Alnlvr Pe/1- '44.nd on 111, :PI t. 15 ..•t• I exi (Ito ito;i,w -...htkowl,l,:munt, $.ll ..1 will,' I+ - , t1.1,t- J.!, II s T:un,utLi. I it I t lit , I ki.i• ti /.`t ptil po,.• of tog n k. , imratlultisi An. ,n Int tau t” 11 112:4 4 , anti We tlt' .tt ttlt sli , t tt.ttittut, I. t•t. tut ,Itsuz It :.t. !wen natulo , on, Itm les lm.g Ago, Lut. its it Is too lo g•to.l. ( .. 11" only ors. , . OA ,.l'm lady Irlomis VIM,. 11011.113,1) i slat 100 wil.ll ILA ear,tostiloA. that will he a Meru:set of success. Of 1.110 necessity or nn ass•s•is• lon of this ktlol, or the numberless to•••••11t.. that 1, ill :treat from It. It is UniltteCl.- ..irl for us to speak. 'rho ismoilts are patent. 11l every Ix-fleeting iniod. Tile meeting will take y• 111041 In the eiturtel of 1.110 Fetunle College, nt three o'eloek this ufteruoon. P. lon l'owleumett.—Thu poles which hate 1/0011 furnished for the use Of the Fire Alarm Telegraph have been condemned by that Com mato°. Mr. hilt has telegraphed to Messrs. Gomm:roil, lionetton & Co. to that. offeeL, nod l'011(1. • 11lIelle0 is that the work will be de 'mood for A short Illne. The reason for con •lmonlior them 1.1111.1 they .142 . 1, 'crooked, and 1.110 eltiLl.lllo have taerefero dideeted to their .Ifter the telegraph is put in work. leg order. the hell will lot st rock 11.1. the hours or -is (toll tu Mr° in the. day and in eldild. recta 4.ll(lthur i,llllllll (0111111 nil,. art [soil 101.1.11115 to V04,11C1 . 61)1C by Mrs. Annie M. Shrth. In this community s here this lady In no well kmn n toot Justly mitismosi for liar high attainments meet! . the masters vocal and Ina<trutnontttl uninic, snit an s fs -0111.11 m I Ile hest aochti 1:111,11.M, It Is simreely miliciestrt to comment' liar, Its Ms° is very ca pable and SUIVeRAIIII tenetlol . . WO 110Utit not nho will ha glu.l I y mud !Morally tistronizeil. flo! for Phlludelphin.—Doubtjuse a largo delegation of citizens will leave thia county to be !muscat at the Philadelphia Convention. Persons wishing to attend will at Once enroll their names at the Union Headquarters, City Hail, In order that the County l:oinuaittee can he enabled to farther their arrangements. Ex cursion tickets will ho provided. Union itleetlnun.—The Union Republicans of the Gth Ward will hold a public meeting to night for the purpose of organizing a Geary club. General attention is requested. There will boa mans meeting of Colon Republicans hold to-night at New Taxa% which wilt lia ad dressed by Gen. Moorhead, R. B. Carnahan and other equally popular speakers. ACCldeldf..—li few days two a little boy aged uino or ton years, named tools Smith, connected with the Glass works In Bridge water, had a fall and broke has unit At about the Same time another boy, also re siding In Bridgewater, named Lautbright, aged about thirteen years fell from tut apple tree, and broke his arm it, the fall. ILllled.—Mr. Washington ht. lirookorer was instantly killed at Baynes h Block's coal hunk, near Zanesville, ouldefulay last. lfe fell from the screen, a distance of twenty feet, one of the roils penetrating Isle Wily, nail airs°. lately impaling him. When noticed, Ins was stundlug up perfectly dead, with the rod stick ing In his body. o at 310 re at Frost ,gton .—They haVa had sharp trona Watadn PRICE THREE CENTS e OFF. Flint,. I ifll/ A, AI It ft, wilco of Burr 'tiocer, errifllttetro It I iAI. Of the tea', ulnOet to It, .IPI tilt: jail 3'ard for milt : A in,ll l'Hograolf ottU lien. TO , I iwt I to.• toff! the 4,10 .11. in I tit tout 11 az. I r,tt.ller 1.111. r•Toe I , t1...1 IimyMIII lie of -.wt.., molk Ito to• ei IA • a1e:..1 10011000 0,..,00 1110.1V0 lliur 00 1100 1.o• 110,“011 y four foot 0.01103 (1,111 1110 loundwlloo to the 6111. Each of 1.1.1 e. 311110 w 111 Lo 111 Ur reel torverl et the bottom, and toz teen Inches Ortnut St the top, and ter 1111110 of tour Culllbtln of etotte, toe lop etonce belog .1 :LII the es p0,...1 Torough 1110 00110,1 or ptor.,, 0111 III! 1 ,111111111 111/I1 :torten . rod, te 11111111.1,- tor.TIIII will orile 01 1.3. 111 1014 lantwr, 1111 1 lI II 111, tw LoityLelx foes lengl It. The In of 1111 tow er 111,111 out to 11111 Will Ile twenty-five feet, two 10010, The po,:e or oprlollte tho teen lttelms erturtt r• the lerltoto, Ina elglit and 1 111111 hothe,:Louurr toe top, the top, lerloggnotoor .1 I,e 1,111 to net of the tenon,, or mauty Met two~i lichen between the shoulder on the sill, and the shoulder under the top pinto. The top of the beam under the machine room door will be sixty-live fuet from the bottom of the sill. The machine room will be nix feet seven •Inchc high, and the space between the roof and tiorbell deck door will be nine feet Clear of the plate. The machine room will be closed In with vertical boards, the cracks be ing battened, and will he lighted by two win dows of four lights each. This room will be reached by four Ilmhts of open statra,with a small landing at the heed of each flight. ac cess will be had to the bell deck by means of a neat step ladder through a trap door, The whole structure Is to he neatly painted with lead and oil, and will be coverml.wlth a tin roof. It will be strengthened by strong iron rods, whim will pms through coot it on w err. The contract for tiii ere Lion of th.• tower wan randy for signature last night, and If not sighed then, n Ili probably is signed to day, and the building of tt proceed immedi ately. The.ltendrlllu Republocuu thus noun:.. ++( crops hi Crawford county. The oats crop of this county IS clnectl!, best ever grown, laid with the ex.e.3ption bi that porflon Injured slightly by the nutty see. son, has been harvested in good order. Corn Is looking well s and if no untimcl. f reale% Come todamage it, the crop will 1..• ne e-tinny largeand excellent. We never had is rioter proml,e for a eptondid fielLl Of core. Buckwheat is very rank, and has probably injured slightly by the heavy rains. here Is a large surface sown, and the crop from present Indleations, will be better than usual. PritstOoS are very abundant and of a ,upe rlor quality. We hoar of no "rot . ' yet. Most of the seed planted In this vicinity wt. brought from Michigan ant other points . at I/ distance, „I,plj the 6UCCeoe attending tile intro duction °Mee,' from other sections of toe country• way suggoet some vett:table hints to 00r farmers. •- The present season has hoes very favoralik to the suceessf al grew fares tat gar,l,, bproducts, :Lett we -hall Lope to sit' a One exhi ition at the Farr of our 1.-ounty Agricultural Socletirts. Mary (Jewan keeps a boarding house to the Fifth Ward, and some tune since she atrOrded lodging to a certain John Mohan. Finally ,Nutry presented her lodger with a bill for 'board due her, amounting to Oil OD. Ile told her he had not the money then, but he would leave u cult et clothe. in lien of the money, until he t Could earn enough to pay her. To thin she ua sented, end Molten lett In search of snplts) - I !sent. Ile returned after an al psenee of three and tttwtod that he WILII working In 'lgoe iteranet•vtile, anti If Mary would Wl,' hint his elothlng Int would pity her tett: weekk. >llO entse, telt months .1 awl dt realltlcar ed not. reortittr tint 1,10 intention waste tie ` niit• zundet3,ii ,Vf•.[A, A;t:c111.0.11 Icor ; ttnnt gwg E Will. n,•tencv. 11g ,tk .arreeted And IBM :, ~:,. ,: ~„~., 4.1 Kos, ...I etrecte., ul.l /it , epte.o• r At. IL.. Couluiut,..a. Ot.partnnot.l x ii I.• r 111 , . C.IIa. I - 11 IL II em 11101.1tVil ILIIOWit.IILLI, 1/I,,FiL , 1.1‘1..”L- 1,1 •:.•1P •.:1(11(zst . ME 11 1 1i•111,11.- 11:•• • .' MA, 1,1111 ' 11 " , 111}11141t 'llllll , lll n111111, 1 :I 1111, 1/11111.11 MEI and :0 •-Ivet, L.:. 0.. .01,L000d. n :1L..., 0 II:a> 1-:0 C 1.,. ., In Gylnnattloo II: 111. 111 want: In the ,lont Inc and Collegiate clasp:- el , w 111 1,11 thoroughly taught_ Thor. aro no. Len Prolesmor. In tido IntLilutlon. 41.1.1,11,1 C. apprtral no. a hape cahltad and two :lota Io:•:ng Literary Eta:l.llos. The reel irrice Of Mr.. Jame Witileuiar, en L. tit circa, le the Eighth waril, way L ateresl on Tuesday night et Weill...lay tnocul , ig.itill roh',ed of a variety of cooking < elating or 11 COrri`o 11111, IWo ,rlllrellent, 11 !ti - tree, a nutmeg crater, "col it ten caul,. , •t half tilled WM< a relPeriet quality of l out.: cIL The thieves °treat:at at entrance I.l,lLingh window In the rear, which furl been eat loft open. 111 getting to the kitchen, trout which they took Lho article., they Were for evil to lingo through a chamber In which so. NV Ll driller Una her liellgitter Wore. Strange to Ally nothing but the article. n 1,41- %10110.1' were lekell,llklllollgh I het e re Or t s Clue of value lying wittaff their reach. Dl.ortiorly.—Amirew Jameson wits t ••iuro Justice Ito bet , ester uay, I:ll4rlit,tt orderly conduct, 4 , r1 oath of wlo Man) mann. Ti,.. carpus of the disorder was Si truot iod by Nirs. Jameson to n heavy run g , p of pad whisky aunt Andrew had taken alroat o :are, - oral ° gin mills - In the borough of Eact. Ito - mlngham. Andrew Insisted lie had only-falc on hour, but Mary Jane relying on the Judg ment of lice organ said timbal! gob drug, k on the pare] leo t corn, or in tuber —WhidkV. 11drOW finally acknowledged the corn, and after promising to do bettor be was released, his betler-half - paylng the cost, Ity Mortallty.—The following wore the deaths in the city from August bah to August Ilatb: Mal., II; females, O. White, 10; colored, ono. Total, 1.0. The diseases in the above coves were: Ulceration of nombhlebtlity, enteric re.. vor, consumption, flux, scarlet fever, eon st I tu. LlOnal debility, still horn, ehrome phrenti Tortoni., COnVUlaiOntl, prOlnnt urn birth, con ges. Lion Of brain, one each; eholota [nor nutf, Lon; Ontoluril infantnnn inaIIi9ULILS, three enen. Med.—Mr. D. Hawkins, formerly of this rlty died ti few days since of cholera at Louts. It la a painful duty to he coiled upon to notice the demise of any one we linve known so intimately, but us in the present ruse, when our knowledge of the wan bat been cemented by long years of friendship, the task Is doubly so. Him death will be ie. grettal by a large etrele of friends this city. Railroad Arcldeol.—On Tuesday night 11 young man by the name of Gordon, from Com unctiout, was killed In attempting to Jump upon a morning train of care at Huntingdon. Ho In the fourth man who hair been injure.: by the care at or near that place, wttldn four weeks, three of the Vietimb having died. Nettled.-Itobort neckline came to thu of gee of .Merman HMO, yenturdaj. told 'nude oath agatruit Voltz Garven. for sanity of the peace. The matter w. adjusted Ity al.tekidt triUghltßittg the Charge, and the tleu.nd.u, paying the costa. Rae. Lorna.—On du that Dexter Lola Patches will bo in this city in a short(dale, for ,tho purpose of having a rsce. =I ll= 11.5 Crops. A Laudlndy Novi 0 Boarder I= WM liOlbery In Ibb DIAInIn %Ward T WO; KO vim,'* . , q • N WEDNEADAYA -AND , SA: *KM The edition I. forv. - arde ISM .1.11 4 igrt here unutee..t S. Lne hruditipi. tr EINOLE COFIE& CL:: TEAR CLUBS OF— . :LAMS OF TEN AND LIFW n _ . Tenth Ward Oran ,t be a meetingof the linpntil•r rd. nn I riday rtecting n w.trd vrgnid, du," 4 . 10 I• : ...1 • rill, OM V. n•-v• Cottc 1,11104 —1 I lie l is 11,1.1 far Pa It .rtz.„: 11111 li:ll:tr t. 1111 1 heun n g. Pent arc lary r4l, A <llNtalLe - at ('lt) II Ail, 0 i 1... .. 100 !• 0:1011••...,..;:.. 1.0, 1. A. 0013 toL .I,ratrl I aft.l !tarter). beton. A, 0 1,1 . Wry BM it eiallt •. • t, •..,. po • 1111111,lixwill CL..:longed • "a: '. La- ••!.a"'• , .-:••' -'" =ME otillt,rlelter Ar - rf.•tvii by i/o• wt.t l .t •1 1. Cry, O r,tcia 1:1 .• .1.. • , b • Art :ctr3t t .Inll Itelia , rl I gt,trd =I NEW AO '11.011,4.i..i: 4 • ' 4 T._ I, IMIIIMIEI No. 1:91,,,11<thi1,141 . • DIEM =9 A LEX. 4114.1:14 MEE ) .ai~~;r: COFFIN HOUMS A arr ot en. ❑. oar I r 0 DUNSEr; ii atch iti EM=EIII LAD:LS . A N D - vv - i~`: I=l I= E < EMI lIIIIIIEI ! i';H. A • < k^ c 3 lILDIt 11 rt t I . at of41:1 be elev.. wrath”, p C. DUFFY Tin, Copper and Sheet S n a It at? • 4,1 r:, n DILLER. Practical FUllilillft COR. PENN AND WAI.O EUi /1!1!!!=011111111 I )/TTSItE . I2(. II IN Z./ =1 J . "Vit. OE r ME REHM ( i d. ' t, 1.. t,L.Na ~ ~. ~.r is r IMO 'ONSI4.:N. ' ;',' , ON k 0 t M1,41:6 4i • 'N1.11,5 i i. .c...a -,,... .1)11A ;E N 1,1“, r•pring, sc • Al.l NU. 107 M., • 4ifi-:1J itI2ICN E sm. 1,) 1. •I et. 3.417A4:. —Pure , 11.1,as141.:t:tr IST . . G 0 JaXS. braudsg, nitn t.ti t t 1:A1/tt 1 A it'AVIt , N. NEW so 'ref k:".1_1. RIEn'T.—TWo ; ~, ; ~ , I.4Lc by trYi kilittN. Ist)N. AI VD P. R. SW rATTON. LA Dicw. i it 11.1.1,.1. ,11— 4. , 11 , Fa .11alkr 1 !!; 1 :4• 5 ` 4, 1 .- • F EATHERS -9 eattclics to turritie eanl toe U. ../11.A.11 1111,61.1_ I t OSIN —3 blab. NU- lior r.a.te NSW ( .u/w) ALK,NRY '.. EOM =IS 13E1 .Itorts , to
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