the TiftAinirgh iiazrttc. PVIIII.L.111E1) DT PENNIMAN, .REED & CO F. D. PELTNIM. 4 ".• ! E di tor .. T. P. iiousTON. JOSIAH KLNG. NELSON P. n.E.ED ie SATURDAY, JUNE 0, 1860 UNION REPUBLICAN NOMINATIONS. FOR Ou VERNOR: MAJ. CEN. JOHN W. CEARY, OF CUMBERLA .1 Li COUNTY SAIIITIM B CIX LET, City Cl. MX OF COUUT: JOHN G. DROR'N, liampton Tp OLLHIE or Oftril,C i r al: ALEXANDER LEILA DK, City. urcormsu HEART lINIVELT.O ty. it cuts . rim - .3014EPD M. GRAY, Plum Tp. COMMISSIONER: GEORGE HAMILTON, Ulty Or n,11: JOAN F. DRAW.. Mifflin Tp .1011 ni P. OLALPO., 1..;11 ilaEonuE WILSON. ntt Tp. GEoROE Y. /Irk EE. North Fayette Tp Al• I'EL CII A OWICK, Tp. WILLI PETER.. Hoes Tp. R. A. COLVILLE Mr. THE DIFFERENCE When the Southern oligarchy plunged eleven States of the Union into rebellion against the national authority, Great Britain made indecent haste to concede belligerent rights to the insurgents. She did not wait to see what proportions the outbreak would assume, nor what resour ces for its suppression would be command ed by the government. Every conceivable encouragement was given the rebels, and no concealment was attempted of the dis position to aid in breaking up the republic. Arms, ammunition, clothing, ships of war, with full crews of seamen, money, and moral support, were furnished from Eng land, with the connivance of Her Majes ty's government. In the Canadas the reb els found not only an asylum—which they had a right to ask—hut impu• Idly to conspire; to fit out expeditions for communicating loathsome infections; for setting cities on fire; for plundering banks; for assassinations, and for almost ad other crimes the hearts of bad men could conceive. These outrages upon international law and upon common humanity, were held by the provincial au thorities and by the bulk of the people, to be legitimate acts of war. Measures of re dress were consequently denied, and men who ought to have been dealt with as vul gar criminals, were petted and applauded as eminent patriots. Appeals to the Courts, instead of bringing relief, served to dielose how deep N 41113 the Mitred of the govet nment and people to the Union and its loyal inhabitants_ Raids across the bor der, inspired by a semi -barbarism, the eat aral product of slavery, were winked at and exulted over as feats of valor, the otr spring of a chivalrous spirit. For tee days past the Canadians clove, in some degree, had "the ingredients of the poisonous chalice commended to their owe lips." Fenian raids have burst in upon them, disturbing their quiet, exciting their fears, calling their young men to arms, and' stretching aome of them on bloody biers. A wail comes up from them against the gov ernment of the United States for not inter posing to break up the Fenian conspiracy even before ma act had been committed in ViOilltioll of neutrality laws. sow, it must be confessed that the Fe nian movement is not strictly analogues to the Confederate; enterprise at :the South. There is no rebellion in Canada—there was a formidable rebellion in the Southern States. There is no rebellion in Ireland. though there are indications of the exist ence of a conspiracy for rebellion tinder this view of the case the Presi dent has judged proper to issue his Prods =lion for the enforcement of neutrality, and has caused a number of the Fenian leaders to be arrested for palpable violation of our laws The Fenians are wrathful at this interpos.ttion to prevent their opera Lions, and mutter of breach of agreement. Even citizens, ordinarily sedate, acorn in. dined to follow the dictate, of retaliation, rather than the inculcation, of prudence and sound doctrine. No ambiguity covers the American exe gesis of neutral right.. Before the Beni and can reasonably claim recognition they must establish themselves as a power de facto. So long as their attitude is that of simple raiders upon the territory of an ad joining nation with which this country is at peace, it is absurd for them to claim or expect the concession of belligerent rights. They are not engaged in a rebellion, but a capture. Indeed, most of the Fenians are American citizens, as fully amena ble to our laws as though bo rt: , under our jurisdiction, Hence, they are incapable of an act of rebellion against Greet Britain. They must tire. by due process, divest themselves of citizen ship in this country, and become British subjects, before they can set up properly the c balm to be rebels against British domina tion. True, Great Britain still affirms the old dogma, "once a citizen, always a citizen." It is' poSsible she may fall into the - folly of dealing with captured Fenians on this principle. But the Milted States does not accept that doctrine, She cannot accept it without repudiating the ohligatiOn to main tain the rights of naturalized citizens in 11, broad a sense as though they were "to the manor born." The President must hold these yenittna,• or, at least, so many of thernras havtibeen naturalized, th hi:Amer ican citizens. Some ,if them, as Mr. K n, arc native Americans. By British law, hating been bOrn of parents who were British subjects, they can claim Britildi citizenship for themselves. But asserting it by force of arms is a method the courts otiitip; be expected to recognize as MOO. mate. We do not expect the Britip govern ment and• ileople4lttly to tippreAte the ac tion of the United States in this behalf ; ninth lass to , reprtdiate their , n3itehievous doctrines on international enmity and bellig erent rights. They are nOt•tO be converted by the moderation of other nations. It is convenient for them to have the advan tages of their own doctrine when we are in trouble, and of our doet rine when they are 'in difficulty. NOsense of deffeacy or honor will restrain them trom reaping double profits in this way. It is lia.rely possible, however, the Fenian movement will as. sums such& shape no to justify th e c oerce _ sten of belligerent rights to the Irish Republic. In that event, a case of sudden national conversion will transpire, and the American doctrine he thenceforth recog nized as the rule for all civilized nations. This is a point of attainment which rises above all temporary considerations of in. terest or revenge. The progress of POliti- Clll society is involved in it. If it shall not be reached now; Rho consummation cannot be long . delayed, - LAST week Mazy of the democratic jour nals in this State boaSted greatlY that she soldiers were for lac Clymer. Since the proceedings of the Soldiers' Convention in this city were published, this boasting has died out. Natural, wasn't it? GENERAL LUTHERAN SYNOD The General Synod of the English Lu therm Church of the United States, con vened at Fort Wayne, Indiana, May Duh. One hundred and eighty-seven delegates were present, besides from fifty to seventy five .visitors. Twenty-two Synods were represented. The Synod wa opened by a sermon from Rev. Dr. Sprecher, President of 'Wittenberg College, Ohio. All the del egates present were enrolled, except from two Synods—the Pennsylvania and the Pranckuln, of New York—because the del egates of those Synods had withdrawn from the General Synod, two years ago, under protest. Rev. Dr. .1. A. Brown was elect ed President. Immediately after the or- ganization, a committee of seven was ap pointed to consider certain questions rela ting to the Pennsylvania Synod. Early in the second day, the committee reported a lengthy preamble, giving a history of the facts, with several resolutions appended. The preamble was adopted, after nearly the entire session was consumed. The resolu tions were then taken up, and di,ussed tie ring the different sessions for sin day•, srul had at last an unfortunate issue. For year a controversy has been going on in the Church relating to forms anti rituals, one party represented by the Lutheran and Mikrierrary, published at. Philadelphia; and the other by the Lutheran Obserrer; pub lished in Baltimore. We need not here refer to particulars. Suf fice it to say the controversy was narrowed down to the question whether the Pennsyl vania Synod should be, or should not be, recognized as in practical relation with the General Synod; the Pennsylvania Synod representing the liturgical party; and the men Lontroling the General Synod, repre senting the anti-liturgical party. The reso lutions adopted in the final action, in brief, were: That the conditions annexed by the Pennsylvania Synod were contrary to the constitution of the General Synod; thi n whatever motives induced the General Sy nod to receive the Pennsylvania delegate in 1553, with this condition, renders it de sirable that said conditions be rescinded by the Synod of Pennsylvania, and a willing. ness to receive the delegates of the Synod of Pennsylvania. During the discussion of these resolutions, fears were entertained by sonic that the exclusion of the Pennsvl vania Synod would induce a schism in the Church. It was thought, however, that the passage of these resolutions would avert such calamity. But the delegr les of the Pennsylvania Synod replied in the action of the General Synod, signed by Drs. P Srauth and Seiss and others. The paper closed, asking the General * Synod to sc knowledge their constitutional right to be represented before the election of oilicors. This the General Senod refuted to do, by a vote of 76 ayes to 32 nays. The deie• gates of We Pennsylvania Synod then withdrew in a body By the fourth day, premising that the passage of the resolutions relative to the Pennsylvania Synod had settled that vexed question, the Synod entered upon its legit imate business. The forenoon was spent in reading various reports. considering an able paper on the State of the country, st hid, we have already publi,hed. The afternoon session was given to the Forcizn Missionary Society. Receipts to the t ;en , eral Fund, $19,346.96; Disbursements, 743.59 i African Fund—Reeeipts, riA: Disbursements, $.5,7• 4 7.51' Fifth day. —The Pennsylvania Synod matter came up again, and final action taken on the sixth day as stated. The afternoon rind evening was given to the Home Missionary Society and the Church Extension Society. lie eeipts for Home Missions during the hint two years, 11.8,305.!i:r. The field mainly is copied for the most part are the States of Missouri, Tow a and Minnesota From the reports of the Church Extension Society we learn quite a number of churches hoc been assisted. The total assets 01 the So ciety are $12,200.20 After the final VOte on the sixth day, in the matter 01 :hi Pennsylvania Synod, the remainder 0i that day and the seventh was devoted p routine business, after which the Synod 11 journed to meet in Harrisburg. Pennsylva nia, the third Thursday of May, ISfss. REFORMED PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. The annual Synod of this Church rw c believe the Covenenter Branch or that body,) met at Rochester, N. Y., May and continued in session seven days. The Moderator was Rev. J. R Dodds, Mission ary to Syria, at present on a visit to this country. From the meagre details in our possession, we make the following sum mary. The question of the appointment of days of fasting and thanksgiving war de cided that such occasions should be fined by a commission at such times as they deemed suitable. The propriety of organ izing a Presbytery in Syria was considered, and also congregations in Washington and Natchez. The sum of $17,000 was recom mended to be added to the Endowment Zund of the Seminary. Rev. Mr. Gaston was Present and represented the Synod of the Dutch Reformed Church, to which the Moderator and Rev. D. Scott replied. Drl egates were appointed to represent the body at the Synod of the Dutch Reformed Church, now in session in New York. Rev. Dr. Sproull, of Allegheny City, was appointed to represent the body at the United Presbyterian Assembly, now in sex. sion in Allegheny. Finance Committ ee reported the amounts necessary for the various schemes of the Church. Committee On the subject of. larriage reported. 'ph, main resolution insisted that no ministers should Bole mutt,. marriage unless they hull satisfactory evidence that no obstacles are in the way, and that in all cases due pub. Hefty should be given of all marriages be fore their soletunitatiou. Stringent action was taken on th , i subject of Temperance. First resolution is a fair specimen of the four adopted: That this Synod hereby reit erates its direct and emphatic testimony against the sin of *ening and using intoxi cating (hints as a be4OriCgo. REFORMED DUTCH CHURCH SY 3i(n) The sixtieth annual meeting of the Gen oral Synod of the Reformed Protestant Dutch Chnreh in the United States of North America, convened in New York Wednesday, 6th inst., and was opened with prayer by Rev. Anson Dnboie, D. D Mier perfecting the roll, the following persons were chosen officers • President, Rev. H. D. Ganse; Adsessor, Rev. Paul D. ran Clear, D. D.; Clerks, Revs. George ii. Peake 'end J. L. Pearse. The body having psi 'entered upon its session, we are without any paniculars, except the fol lowing From the report of the Board of Education we learn that it has aided three henellciaries. Thirteen parochial schools have been establiihed, Receipts about $8,500. The receipts the - Foreign Board of Missions for 18,85...' 'BB, 4 00 ; 783 . 75 : Report of Domestic Missions lihr. 1866 ; shows the• entice receipts to be $26,652.93; expenditures, $28,977.95, Report of B'oartl of Pubrication as follows : 'Front Depini toryi $18,751,88 from ei g h ty . throe Churches, si;Giaz from $.439.60; fronsBund4ty 43c4i001s moo ; f or Fieedineii, $100.00: Total,, —Dr. Andreae'' dying' st4p made an 4*. cent in New York and proves a•perted MEM =I —There are thiety-flee females "post masters" in Georgia. --The tournament for the benefit of khe Tennessee orphans yielded #'30,1 —The majority of the Fenian vary of invasion are cx•Cnuti derate __.A Botan Bay (-mita. t dins just died in Si - dney, who had at-cumulated a fortune of Piti,field woman presentiwi hus band on Sunday night with three nice, boy bullies, all at one birth. - • ' • —An elderly woman in Cincinnati com. muted suicide the other nicht through fear of etarving to death. iihe poseeiiiied real estate valued at srt,ooo. —Bostioi milk is uncle I water and English China clay. Three casks of the material were disco' crcd hy an assessor, in a dairy house in that city. —Several thousand Norwegian inmii grants arc .expected to arrive in Chicago within a few days. A large proportion of them will locate permanently there. —The store of Mr. Alexander Speer, at New Concord, Ohio, was entered on Satur day night last, the safe broken open and rotthol of between four and live hundred dollars. —A lady in Franklin, Pa., the wife of a dentist, a few days since, gave birth to four children. Quite a an has since prevailed among the husbands of that region in view of this remarkable prece dent. -v-lh au investigation in New York lately it came out that the practice was common among cigar manufacturers to pat American cigars into twice, bearing Spanish marks, and sell them as imported goods. —ln several of the counties in NorthCaro tina, the county courts, in making the an nual levy for taxes, have included the county debts in aid ot the rebellion, and levied to pay county bonds iSSUeIi to raise Confederate soldiers. —There is a project on foot among the Israelites of the United States, to timid a magnificent College, for the purpose of educating the young men professing that faith iu all the scientific and classical branches, but particularly in ilewish the ology. —A lady was thrown under the ears at Yarmouth, Maine, by her hoop catching, and it several wen had not caught and held her at once, she ty ould have been crushed to death. We have frequently seen a tong train sa cep over a lady's hoops, iv ithottt doing her the slightest injury. —lt is stated that there are .it leapt five hundred applicants for appointments as United State , Commissioners to the French Universal Exposition of 1507, many of them being interested in Mal:bill, and im plements, and very few knowing anything A-1.1,1er of the F reach language —An experimental t rain, fired with pout, was tried on tiaturilar last in Connecticut, The train ran from liarttord to Springfield. twenty-six miles. in homy minutes--con stinting Igoo lbs. of peat. The trip is con sidered a success. it is said that there is neither smoke nor cinders. but all is rim sumed in the grate. —A young titan named Maltby was Strut k by lightning. a few days since, in Sherman, Connecticut The lightning mine down through the root, struck hint on one shout tier, anti passed 'town his elde , tearing his head and Pad to pieces, and flikaking a small hole in the floor. (Mr ship of hits body, where the lightning passed, i, terribly lace rated and burned. lie is suffering much, but hopes are entertained of his mei...7. —Recon,trm t as• liISCUNSeti ill the North Carolina State ('.ms nunu ~n Qatar . I.IIIS. lhr liltl•Stltal !Whig the appointment of a .untiiittee to visit %Sa,hitioun -and tiud out what further .tep+ are tweessary to In rt—toration Svvurnl them avoN,,l thy scull never ask any that kind trim the S'el ens and Sumner party, but .11t. 111,k mad. a speech an naa'ltnl; lo) ally anti ad, i.altz the con. vention to stand by the President in his el torts to rectors the Stat., At Nlttutgtuitery, -Vahan., there watt a general turnout of the dray , - of th.• 111 ut attendance upon the funeral of a drat man The hearse containing the corp-e watt followed by a number of tiraye, and a nte proeest-mn proo.ed on toward. the burial ground, others took their place iu line, tin til it extended .41.1 e hundred, of yard. The uttnrott order and dn•ontm wan oht-rry et!, and, after paying the lam rites to the deeea,d, the dray-rt diaper-ed to compete busily and noisily with each other one more in their usual basy, not-y manner . A : - `lllt W 1) PEN,AI.E See. rLAtnn - The A mador (Cal b Ledger tells the sutiJoined • A short time int, a widow lady. residing in a village hot one thousand a Ives from pig her house up at a rattle, and very soon disposed of the tii bets—all ieeling disposed to assist her. The evening at rived for the rattle to come ott, and tht house was won by a gentleman who thought hitu.,ll fortunate in obtaining a btimeatend so cheap. The nest day he ap plied for and a title to the pro perty. What was Lis surprise when tie was molly informed that It was unnmes nary to give any written title to the house —that there it was, and to take it, and the sooner the better, FIN she was auxibus to huild another on the spot where it stood. The winner discoyered that he had drawn an elephant--be had it house, but nu lot. " ErIDEISS'as of RECO:SAT RUCTION —Tint Loyal licoryian, a newspaper published in Augusta, Ga., in its issue of the 25th, says that the colored as heal children in Ameri cus, in that State, were denied the right of carrying the Cuited States flag in IS proera siou at a May 'tarty. wid o w l a dy (white and a resident) who teaches the school was informed, a few days before the time set for the party, by several citizens, that, if Silt attempted t.s march her tiupils through the town, or to carry the Laded States flag, she and they would be shot She appealed to the Mayor for protection, who gave it, so far as the procession was concerned., but aM tow. not allowed to Carry thellay, the symbol of her country's glory and power ! RELIGIOUS rRET. HENRY BLAIR. of New York,wl.l preach In the FLItlaT REFORM. En PlSPlatt • TEMA N (Or Dhogiar on PoItIIIIATTI 1101INI NO, at o'clock. Thr public arc cordially Incited to attend. lea:cat_ 'FIRST ALLEGLIEN y CITY. EXCEL:aII/It HALL. wp [ f ritt l ke , fi . cr , a „. l , / 1 , 4 Prayer bleating onlra Y o'clock.. tSir REiL.IOIOIUS SERVICES .-- Preaching to the YIIIST AMS S. if,110,1-1;11j,V1.1.11.,.1,h;i! b2 ° 111. 1T1Y 1 11 . 1 ,. / 14 , mud p. us . htryngt., and lbe. public Are cordialll Incited in ,r!uu.?. ser.t, free. ... ' . TIRE PCVIVIORVII COI%GRE -4ATION ekL WIII hold Public he. '..ell' El7 47 g' l' !4 ' 4 " .7tl7)7dt V illi ° ,lrtarg/j f irUt ( L. He.• -I ,, htnt.Y. or the Engl. Conirreptional t; ch ear,..l. at Itoi .11•• ..v..•• .4 , 8 D. IRMITtY.. Ps ItOr. ALI' P. H. I 111 V alteetlon- Maly Itsvited lteheelt. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS.'. B LIAM, Jr, Adams Express Oftel PVIA &rest, w an aralarmad Apera to roama dnerasementr for the GAZETTE, and oU other paper. - throughout the UnitM Mates and Ms ()mad.. .tarA..1.43 WHITE CHINA VASES, Decotcomania Decoration n nuevrtillOtit lost feeelnual at No. misai Wood Efincont. Je9.77 11. 111Gliv DEVNER, BREAKFAST and TE7.411. 15631 Pr A ebolne annorttnent In Plata Whit, hold Nod sod Colored China. Alpo 11 Engll• Colored titan. Dinner, Tea sod Toilet tints. and Edwarde unnaaa snap, la Whlta laranite.a 'wry •upqflor ankle. Add opened Cu NO. AR. 'WOOD 131fEIEFC1' Itlneta 11. nzarri. PLAIN FLAT GLASS VASES, Deslgue4l for Painting and Decorating Alto, OVAL A AD UOUND D1...A.68 iillADltb and tiTAXDS. A varlet) of timer 'oat received at No. 49/ WOOD EsTlIF.Ztr. Oefieritct Al T. tjAIVENISAL CLOTHES WRING— ER.—The beat W rituter la u.. 11a11 and s toem before punch...cony other make. For ea e . DT . rtiLLlArn. Ros. ha d, itdlB Oatt tltteet. SOlo Arre4to for Ulla t ouotr • •PELTINGI BELTUITGII—Leather and Omni Belting. Ulan rafting. Iloac, Gaidtets. dc. Mao Late Leather and 71.1.ta alway. ou hand, at the India Robber Depot, Nos. 91 and 28 Et. Clair atraet. , Una,) .1. 4. H DIILLIIII._ Co Oki 104141 Shelia* to ar bre . A1 1 , 1 .90,5t0 • Wen' COTTON BATT'ING--82Gorbali6s," jo o e n emulgument, for sale by IBALLII DICKEY £CO, NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NEW AD JAMES T. BRADY It CO., (Successors to S. Jour* do Co,' Corner Fourth and Wood Ste., BANKERS & BROKERS, I=l Government Sectrities, Foreign Exchange, Gold, Silver and Coupons. COLLESITIONS teals co ell accessible points to the United Stews end Caseates. Interest allowed on Time Deposits. - gii< 2 Elm rA ° . • P'tzi;:it xi -. 4 PI ;0 n „ ;74 • •i.tif, .7.• 0:0 0 - SUMMER UNDERWEAR. GAUZE COTTON, GAUZE IR EIUN O. LISLE THREAD, SUMMER SILK, SHIRTS AND DRAWERS. Muslin, Fine Jean and Linen Drawers OM Great Shirt and Collar Depot, 78 FX.X"riar. Nearly opposite the Post Office, Together with a complete line of Gentlemens' Furnishing Goods, Specially adapted to City Itetall Trade REMEMBER, Our Business I, Exclusively GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING. XITILDOCK & PUTNAM. Je9 <a/ NTOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. SEALED PILOPOSAI.I will he recele.d hy the undersigned t 1.10.1 the [Ste OA V OF JUNG, fur ltrading Chestnut street. from Hearer street to rdgewiek •ireet. Franklin Street . from Sedgewlel street In Fran. abet. Fulton street. from.trash. scion street to Ohio a: Manhattan Street, from A.lns +treed to Olio venue avenue; Manhattan Street, tram Hopkins street to Wcatern avenue. Chat tier Street, front south aide of Fayette street to Western menu, Chartliq Street, from —alley to a distance of 144 feel P.M of Franklin street. and McCurdy's •tley. from Fulton street as far welt as It Is required. Tue gala grading is to Lou dune according to pi•ns and spectecuti•ms made by the Neconitng 'legisla tor. and the vt bole wort Mozic under the supervialon of the Conssnitter on Streets. who will hose full con trol of all su•plut etcavations, and will direct w Us& disputa, lor than Se made of the same Yor further informa,lon, call upon the undersign ed, At the 003 to of ehelps. (art n Co.. Maznhteter, or W'tl. McH ENDNI. tteeorolug herniate, WN. N. KIRK, lislrms.e of Comm/11e. on Strre NI Jun.: 7tb. 1106. -JrB;c77 .„ . _ GREAT WESTERN GUN WORKS. J. H. JOHNSTON, Stater I h Orr h Fine Rifles and Shot Guns, ARMI. A\•l onot H .r RN% 4.1.1 Kittf. CAN- L.Tt. All klufla of ..9.lloETurtriNT - xer - scriv. In4ll-II'N 11A K MATPItI AL. IYlllnery Coln pan Ir. , lurnlehrot ..1111 anus at •bon nonce. A. ntrvosleung .1/.lno In lbe. MAP. , . air..ll. at 01: WILL • A, - Me r. 111., the pLa.c, Corner Penn and % a3ne Street, ,11 1 . 11 - T-ut r LIVERY AND NALE STABLES MORELIA & Nos 125 & 127 Liberty Street, On= =CM 4 .1 M, kept 1,,r1.1, St .1.! tint flt T. Ptinerais. 41, Tlie Aar. )I 6 •{l.-noted no on •Lii,rt . • .1g • r o,age au, thing out tior a `e, rt . / y beta. Iturne at .kta t ti•• the roprf..tora trivi per-upal attentioo Or c. 3.1 EARLE'S PATENT STEAM PUMP. .1. PFLTON, SON & COM'Y 9 91 First Street, Pittsburgh. liaTlna the ',cloak.. Aanncy lur thaae Neap rn rassot7lt they are prepared p, for 1 . 1,..V I, of all user, for purnplag Water, 10., Acid. or flenrlne. They will warrant their rug., to dothore worli . at le.. experpoe ann tenant, 0.411 any ''lt., Pump n.o. In Lb. market. Vamp. warratourd ater aatt•tmelfon. Aar person whil ing to to a Pump, will tin well to .all and e guano 2r thetnatlvea I..cforc pitrelau,lng rleewherv. )•11,71,13 ale THE CELEBRATED STEEL TOOI9II HAY AND CRAIN RAKES. ••PRA HIE BIRD•• 3,14 - • IIKADOW LEEN, '• Are mann tAttured only at the DNQUESNE WAG cm( and AGHLCULTUNAL IMPLEMENT WORKS near the Nlntbe ',Han.. ALLEGHENY. Those Rakes are warranted superior to any Ms Chine of the kind ever introduced hers, Also. /1011.81 L 11A TUSKS, WU ir.e.Lis ARROWS. A.IIIIOWII, LlkiliT and HEAVY 81.11INu WAG ONN. HARM W AtioNS and CIA R 1 .4, %Dade to order, of hest material, hod for sale at low rates. le , :ene:dlwr COLUMBUS COLEMAS. NOTICE TO BUILDERS. ( 1- 1 - 71 ca rAii6EIWYEII RAILWAY. l'lrriNvNakt, Jane 7. IW. nt P il c4;EALELI ROPOSALS will be received u Mob DAT, June INak, ra the once of the Citizens Paatenger Hallway Company, No. 177 Penn duvet. for the Erection of the Stable Buildings of said Company In the Borough of Lawrrtiost !Re, according to plans snit specifications of the same to birlji,ll at the oflice of J. k. Kerr, Architect-. No. Vitt (lair St., on and after Monday, lllth Inst. je7tcd3 JAIKES VERNER, !'resident. U•VICE OF CONTROLLJOI OF A LLEGITICNT CO.. tOTTFIOMOO, Jut., Oh, 11Re. NOTICE TO CONTIIAI'TORM. SIC ALE I) I'Wtl . OBA LN wiil let reeelvtel this urn , . 'tut!! ll.rrl lABTA.AT. tu.rlusite, fur the EttEI:TION ~k A A F.W WI NJ/DEN IITRI'l!TI ItK AT TICK 11111 LW I. A CIiAitTIERS =I Qr. the mud lendlug from Pittsburgh to NOOkla town, lu Scott township. Vinci. and specifications can tnu neon.. •ppllre %lon, By direction of County Commlutoners. len:read& Wl' II EIS RIC LAMBERT. Controller. pHILADELPLUA SALOON w•fziaßi. In the City of Canton, Ohio, I= I=l contalus LOU rooms; corner house, near the Court House and Post Omen, in the centre or the city. Reason for yelling, am engaged lu other butanes,. )eloe.lo PILE WAIMEN AND WENANGO •••• OIL COMPANY.—The annual Meetingof the Stockholders tba WAX-HEN A.Pi/1 VEIJANOtt OIL CO/111'A Nl' will be hold at th e °Mee of Om company, 110. g3llPourth th reat, Pittsburgh, Pt., on 110N1.1AY. 2.5111,_193(1, at 10 o'clock a. st., at which alms Slid place • President, Ilmsrd of Di rectors and other oaken will he Musser, for the en- Into. yeast. • J. J. GILLIPIPIIt, President. J. B. gPsItOUBObIt Mori , Jet :ell - ' - 401:11 41 1 43-RAL.X", ROMA SION AND DECORATIVE PUNTER, GRAINER AND GLAZIER, No. 54 Hand St., Pittsburgh, , 4„, /frlllued Paint.. Window Glam. and Putty for )68;c21 DIVIDEND NOTICE. TTIWIVitiZKIIST'higLSMIgi EH Mend of I= on their Capital Stock, ;lea; of floverntncnt tax, payable on and aftwr the 15111 the. at the office of Bawls* imr:cre a.m . .. tar, antTrassurnr. SUNDRIES IN STORE AND TO AIf.R.UVE: cere t p. I.oata 2 ears elled CoT; 10 eed wlt r illos! elatoca: azio barrels ramlly Flour; ZO bushels Boca duatwiteat: AD kegs prime Pawl Barley, For , ..'EL 81.21)11AST, ~J es , • AO Liberty street, .14.* 4 1.01 1 14L BA Alin-4040 second l 4"" 8'.'14 811CV11:11 & &&u, leg 219 a. /73 and 171 Wo4id . meet. VARBI FOR SALE, OF 106 ACRES. Underlaid WlthCoAte, 90 acres cleared, nor. rich ttottolin yonng Orehard of yeo apple and cork trees: two-story House. of eight room, yard well filled with shruithers large limn And all necessary out-huildines, convenient to Churrhes. Schools at .1 Mills: situate two milo, south of tilr- Inin gilant. on haw Mill Run. Baldwin township. For tervus.enclulreon the to mites. )e9:rit, FOR SALE, GOOD OIL TERRITORY The Subscriber has I , OIITY ACID'," of 0001. TEBrATOMV, bested on the celebrated • 'lly tier Fat - m t . ' adjoining the propel ty of the Marine . nl compaX, FitholA Vef-ango county. There are tee $0 producing wells near by. Apply to II aleKy, leOteed Black's Duquesne Way. VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE.- , A Farm, iontaining about MO aeet. near the ni s. Mlle Ferry, on the Monongahela ri c er , .in which Is erected it two story Brick Mauston House and Bata, and other out-buildigs. Also. vend other Farms, well located. In Allegheny and We...more ls/id counties, containing from tin to =5 acres. t 0.1 anal Lime Fartus for sale on Die Steubenville Rail road and Monongahela river. For further partic ulars, enquire of W ILLIAM WARD. (Opposite the Cathedral, ) No. Ile Grant street. Je9 FOR BALE I= The sich'li• Hood Will, I tore Ilon•m Dwelling and large Lot In Sewickley. sale• 83,000 a month. Possession glern Immediate!y. Six small Houses and Lots, very cheap. = I= 112EI JAMES T. SAMPLE, Mal Estate Br,ker and Insurance Agent. No. 85 Frderal street, Allegheny. BLACK SILK SACQUES, FANCY CLOTH SACQUES, Summer Shawls, I= WHITE, ORR & CO., 88 379.1133- 1811treaet Jp FOLEY'S GOLD PENS, PLANK BOOKS on hand and made to order I= I= ll= I=l I= I= MYERS, SCHOYER & CO. jesi NO. 19 YIYTN ISTREEr. SOHO OIL WORKS. BUFFUN,HEIEW & CO., 11.1ANI:FAt TI CELEBRATED SPERM LIBRICATOR PETROLEUM LUBRICATING OILS. Sperm, Lard and Whale Oils, HAD LIGHT, WNW OIL 411 HOTEL GREVE Standard White Burning Oil, No. SS Market Street PITTSBURGH, PA FEND FOR A CIRCULAR COLHOUN & EDWARDS, lIPOITESS AND MALE'S IV m:yrnr.:cupi .4b. 24 Prood Street Iv utora and landing to l'Utltutellatia. 200 tons soda Ash, Knits'.. Hotthlusuts's, tad s'rus fly ;,1 s 800 bags Nitrate Soda, Crud.. and Iteturd. ISO kegs RI Curb Soda (English 410 bids. Ee nit tan Red, Cookson's ARSENIC AND MANGANESE. Of choice. brand.. e0n...n . 017 on h•nl. In lota to null purchaser,. toy:, DI CARPET CHAIN. PLAIN & COLORED, COTTON & LINEN ALSO. COTTON YARNS, ASSORTED NUMBERS ♦LL OF BEST ciIIALITY. FOB SALE BY A. S. CINXT.X.AX,O eb 00 At Hope Cotton Mill, ALLIGIIIII CITY, JCS? 4BOVI kAILRO ID BADGE; Samples may be seen and order. left with II CHILD S A CO., No. 13,1 Peed street, Pittsburgh Je2:cl7 SuITMLIftTAMP; PAT Rlt. , LEATHER BELTING AND ROBE, Itartoractorod at No. LIR SIMITHYILLIt AT.. or HARTLEY. PHELPS & CO. Also, Agent. for New York Rubber Co, C - um 113elting- Always on Laud, a toper - tor quality of LKATlift/i•ntl °Uhl H ItILASI 110S6. RIVETIS and BUIL,. BELE kWU88.,.!,, JOHN ROSS & CO WM. N. OGDEN & CO., Miunilncturern and Dealer!. In Carbon Oil Lamps, & Fixtures Chandeliers, Carbon Oils, &0., Nu. 41341 Starker Street, mvlCW9Wswr ALLEGIEM CITY FLOIIII AND FEE oti awriortatc, B. C. DieIdASTER& CO No. 153 Ohio St., Allegheny, IV holesalt said Itewl Unalets in Flour, TP , acpci clb Cikree.l2.l. Cash paid fur Wheal sod Rya: • COOPIU 'MAHN° C. NJ. FIELDING & BRO., Manufacturer a and Paler. In Chuairtcrzaz 21ffeecleo BOOTS, SHOES & GAITERS No. 140 Ohio fit., Allegheny. lire. le; promptly executed on the aborzet..: , y . _ . BERNARD WIEILUI, Manufacturer and Dealer In , ALL KINDS OF TOBACCO SNUFF AND SEDANS,',cm axn IlvreAtu, No. 205 Ohio fil., Allegheny City. tc7ecte AO6. 11. TACX.....THAXI. TACO PIIOII. 1200240 TACK, 8110. & C 0,,, COIIOIISIIION n IitILUCtIAJATti t _ AXD /MOSE= IN PETROLEUM ARO' fiR PRODUCTS, I' Hancock St., Pitkabtare,. nat./MUMMA Orrxyg. Wgatua mylf:•77 ALL MAY MARDI' HAPPILIffir. respeetive of vrosltNne brbeaetYmnd the love of the oppoette oen can be gained by the follthring aim to rules. bend • directed. nvolono to nAltdll B. 1.4.11/BBltY4 tkinen•oel., New. York. LOVELY OMAN' ricsrrrE. OOTN Aar d an .4dreaaut envel.ap• and 20 centi and adfl lead 70010tne all 11•141 onAarstkatlon anat. will Neale 700. MAIM*. M .4AN/ 2 JAENA 2I, 923 sroadiray. San Lt." , 110.212;41darT FOB SAME—TWO"'N't‘lV` i irr. zormAi. .1001• XV, eladmr., ' end along; ()flintier 24 tnebborrt; i•rrei w t!, variable rebbfft Wyeitlebt itini • heeler/left ; inches diamelerl •m•lble . t ar et her purposes, Add • reve 'M • r. BT•2II . OLE StPLEY.. Bridgewater Live Warts, lbanklard, Pa. pirgibM NEW: ADVERTISEMENTS. ! r'Coll C;lllEAl' TEAS AND GROCERIES Of the Best Qualities, 1.0 TO JESSE 11. LIPPINCOTT'S, 25 Smithfield St., (truer Second. 13213331 Filteitt Japan Tea . Fin... Young eon Tea.... Very fine Vonng -el; Tea ur Teas err 1 . 111,1•11 their Intrinsic worth, keeping lit colnd 1tr..11.1t atr.l,conolny. We Imr , haro , direct fr,n Ili. luri...rtr.r. and er.. rualrlrd lo offer nur patrol.. grent !Ms article of r•tc' day c,,instanytlott. WE SELL ; ;tux 11 ; dry; I do ,i„do V Ir"' =I 4 iood Rlo R4.^At.LI M. 4 od, Lay, Italel ri. . . WE SELL N... 1 Licualn Soap els. perln Jo.,si. Oakley'. N 1 °man Fricn4l hump PI eta. per In. 't Electric Svap . IS do Flo Palm soap. for T 0.14, ,30 do do GIVE US A CALL, P . OUR 43-OOIZIIEI , And you will be Convinced IT IS THE CHEAPEST HOUSE IN THE CITY All goods delivered free In (II) LIMIM JESSE H. LIVPINCOTT'S, Corner Smithfield and Second Street.) %..-, 31 EN '2.1 BOOTN. BOYS' BOOTS, IC out 11,-4' 11-3c)ot LADIES' BALMORALS, LADIES' GAITERS, MISSES AND CHILDRENS' Boots, Balmorals (-4 S. I '1 I , : I AT REASONABLE RATES, SOUTH dra ROSS , 63 .17.1RKF T N 7 11' E STEAM EAGINEPACKING. LUBRICATIVE PACKING, STUFFING BOXES OF STEAM ENGINES An Art Ir. thrn‘nm..nthnl It,' all the railroad ,or, pan ie., .no tan, ought,' tried It. And le In grn t Iwo h un.thed And y thy rs. . s, In d .t.hthis roo i nthy. an.l trIAI trly fly, IS. lrrpra. q' r l 20.000 UTATION ERN" EN N K., It la a firav-claa. wcticle. 7: - .CIENTS PEEK POUND. LUBRICATIVE PACKING COM'll =I I= s. SUE. 113.1".416.1•V1NC015T, 114 1441 1 I IEII bT., PITThISURti II WARING & KING, COHESION 11,6111 ANTS %\D HOURS IN Petroleum an& its Products, LMQUE.SIXE Ira I', .I.I"I"I'SEIMEICTPLC33I3, 36 ACRES OF LA ND, containing about 8 acres notmen of a splendid it natio - . and /may ot eves. The soil is in the tirat Maws, suitable either for farming or gardening purposes; good Dame dwelling ond hart, and • good supply of water. uate Smiles front the city, on the %Nashlttirton Pike, In Union township, being part of the Darter farm. ALl4lt, 37 AC well Improved, and under high state of cultivation. to which their Sr. Lim inuring co r. 'mitt/ashes. bearing grape vines . Ire standard pear trees. and • large M.:ober Of peanh, apple and plum trees. Property situate on Dm old Washing• too road. In Scott township, sin miles from the city. Fur further tpurticulars Inquire of the above agent. In %tn..' lial;. Fount street. near hmlthlielit is I my A: 1 4 8 - - - ------- =I WARINC, KING & CO., trayl7,l3 127 Walnut 91.. Phil• The Fountain Horticultural ICE CREAM SALOON Tbe beat Otterl. content and wont Inducing FLOW ER Altl/EN 5A Lln IS In On-State. lir cream. - clikr: hand. • A FINE OH, lIEHTHA barn enpiged for the ea. and will hr in attendant , EVI,HY NIG II r (excep °, I unday Irmo ....y till twelve o•flock. Brat ice man, fruits. an en d barrtra, altwart hand. mr=.l.lo tICHE, Iklanageress. GRANT HOUSE, O. M. ,190131ELT,lir. Proper. Ulmer of Isabella zed Federal Street% Near the Suspension Bridge, =I MEM J. & W. FAIRLEY LIAVING BEEN BURNED OUT Al 413 Llbrsty street, have removed their Feed and Flour Businesa 7n the Warehonse No. 3611 PENN STREET, ol , pk, ells the 000 Depot of the I'. F. W. & R. R. 820,000 TO LOAN ON BOND AND MORTGAGE, Eoqulru of C+. M. PATTY, (Sucre... W Jno. Petty. decenned.) Commercial Broker, 13 81, Clair M. BELLS! BELLS!! BELLS!!! Farm, Sheep, Cow, Dinner, GONG AND HOUSE BELLS JOSEPH WOODWELL 1.; CO., ~o rnor Woad and Second stn., Elttabn rah. /MEATS FOR FAIEBAN EP• SCALES. HOLMES, BELL di. 420., Anchor Cotton Mitts, Pittsburgh, ANCIWIC (A) SUEETII:4Ih. •. .A.NetIOR (1s) &NORM (U) WJEKTINOI4, Awd BATTING.' mrt.:aZ, WARDEN & BATCHELDER CRUDE AND REFINED PETROLEUM, '.VHAL) BPIRITS NORTH CAROM A A TAR, itc., of Du Pittsbusnur Way Ps. Ai flancosk St., h, Reprowent WM. U. NV AltnEN, 113 Walnut etteld.. _ .._ Philadelphia. mple:a3l) . _,._ _ .1. C. SEPTUM 11. W. hurvdn C.•BCIFFIIM'Sr: CO., Many,lac-, t , • toren Of Smaeriellls. 'Lemon tutd Ltaapt?trn , stoo=4l. W.49,T 0 .183F1L1E1t,. 13nspb../. tileawberry and Lemon eyeelte: Bottlers . yr anoloa Ales. ede , e, I.llg. t le elver .d Qum , e2Vtrd'l,VV . ALl2.'krtT, '.O, 1 7. 4. s b :ggi7rYtat Du rg. Ca. Orders Oiled and shipped to alrpartotir theemat try, on anon notice. .• pete.3l:da..T CARII NicCANDWB & CO, (LATs wtt,Box,'elid,i 00.. i WHOLESALE DEALER IN FOREIGN ANDRONIENTICDRY GOODS; Vrca. 94. IttrOc.a: (Third house above Diamond A)lay.) ten • PiTTSBIIIIOH, PA._ STEAM ENGINES . •,* 4 4* otelsinetiVilleidct 4 I§o 4 derrej Oprlt4/& 4. 44 PAZOlnaari . ns l e an = errat n Cab be seen In operation at the tisane . inifeeLestil W itttißVitt:ViaiST l PS WIiWARTZ. arygntoM ADVERTISEMENTS AMERICAN IRON WORKS. JONES & LAUGHLINS, PITTISI3 - CTPLEIC, lot A.Nt ria-rtnixus or AMERICAN AND CLAIR Bag, Hoop, Sheet and Plate Iron; Bridge Iron; Angle and T Iron; Guard Iron; Coal Screen Iron; T Rails, 10 and 20 lbs. to they and 1 Trans Rails, punched and coun ter sunk; Boiler, Bridge and Tank Rivets; Cut Sails and Spikes; Ship and Boat Spikes; Railroad Spikes; Railroad Fish Bars and Bolts; Railroad Car Wheels and Axles; Street Car Wheels and Axles; Coal-Pit Car Wheels and Axles; Patent Cold Rolled Shafting; Patent Cold Rolled Piston Rods; Mower and Reaper Bars. g AREII ,, USF. AND OFFICE. 120 Water and 15S Front Sts. BHA, H HUIJ,i. prr pnund 1.411 do do 2.011 .10 do 1.15 do do Nos. 22,21 and 26 River St., jrl.r 15 (ill:A. , ILI pOSTPONEIVIENT. 25 I , r pound LI t, 25 It 40 In I I ... I to THE U.VITED ST4TES PRIZE CONCERT, T. HAVE BEEN GIVEN Al Crosby's Opera Rouse, Chicago, WEBlr 33/3t3rA, 1E14343, r.ootp.ned oath Monday - , July 9th, '66, HALF A MILLION DOLLARS IN PRIZES WII , I.r pre.2tited to Ticket Holders, Including $lOO,OOO IN GREENBACKS, The poet p.m, mew is an unavoidable nee. Folly. (not 10 trebri, ,ocoo s ...wen, of the number cluck yet•onsonli as the positive necessity there Is for the proper registration of 11.011.• alread re y disposed ..f. which has been delayed In eonseque md'n ,f the neg liar nee and carelesane.. of a portione our Agents In eking their proper returns. lb e advise ail parties wanting tirkets to tend for them without delay, as we bane but • limited num ber yet n hand. We with most particularly to Im press upon the mind.. of nor Agents the Importance of their making their returns at once, and of recti fying whatever errors may hare crept Into their re iorts heretofore. We will eav to those 'coning fur tickets, that If they should all be sold at the time their order Is roe*, ed, the money will be returned. No applications for new ag. ncles for the sale of tickets will be considered. as we hav r no more than sufficient tickets to supply those Agents we nave a!- eady appointed. Tickets are for sale at the prin cipal hotels, book and music ss in the city. and el our oflAcc. , I , eartru t reet tore price- $l. l lO each; se ut by notll on fee. Ipt prior slot stamp for re torn ini•tage. We Ins lie theparticular attention or ersons wishing to order kets by all to Iti• following SPECIAL TERMS OR CLUB RATES: An rty fg r i.r , 0 t„ 1" . 1, . the following commission vit. "Cfria 1017"2,1.1, IIEANITST) 5 111, r. th it. •ddress for .............. ......$ II I• • • • • •• • '• •• In every cane 'send the name and P,,vtottice ad. dre nf „web separate aohscrltrer. Moue. to drall. Postodice Irrd„r, Expmar,. „ r In lieglstr - frd I,lters, w .. y by vent at our dl, communleation9 .mid be xddre.aedto WIGGINS, BRADFORD de (50., 133 DEARBONLY STREET, CHICAGO. ILL The prorle.tor. will donalr to 1.1.8 1.1;3( . 9111 and 1/oingls, hlongitnent Funds ICI ^ .OIX,; alto,h , r , will Ix. $2, OW rt•aer•ed troul tbn persou dr , s w ... SlO.(toprt?.•. for Ittr se me pwrpo4r. 111.6,..HYNCES : lion. 31*, Lan Mace, Es.-M. C.. "(Ind. Hon. Ira J. Layvock, of Kansas. 800. Wm. I.ellifltwell. Lyons, lovra. Knox. , f Hun. tiravea Inialtll of Minn. Jar., 1 , ./r1o) th. Agt. S. R. K. chirsgu, lir. M. Krouberg & Co.. Imp•rs IA stche, Chicago. Proix.,sal,. for Inserting this advertisement re— quested. tint r. 9: [4, 011111 CROFT, RE.I ES T-if TE JIG E.VT, °like, NO. 139 Fourth Street, PM...burgh, kiu for sale the following Real Estate: A large three-story Brick House, containing ten roos. large halls: front room on fret four used to a Dr u g Store; hot and cold r id gas through out the house. Lot tlh by SL feet. Sltuste on Chest n street, Allegheny y. 44 ACRES Ule VAL(. ABLE LAN D,situate at Edgewood Station, on Penns)) hauls Railroad. miles from the city. on which there is a beautiful new frame dwelling. and a large bomber of bearing q fruit trees 01 the best uality, and a good eupply of scoldr.The dwelling and 7 serve of ground wil be d separately If desired. and the residue In lots of 4 acres each. or larger If requested. The .Dore land Is adrutrah.y located tor In:sinew, men. LIQUORS--BRANDIES. E== VERY SIIPEIRIOR OLD HENNES SY BRANDIES; Very superior old Mord Handles, Very do du Brandenburg Preis Brandies in Va.; ?LIU n , a n d l l ne y ; eUrs old. Blackberry. illa y spberry. Wild Cherry. and Gin ger Brandies. W INEs —Very old and Superior Sherds.; Very old and Si:Teri...Madeira; Very old gild Superior P0ri,6,,,, Claret... Meas.; Chamberten. In ease.; Sweet Malaita and Lisbon Win.; Champaign Wines, green seal; Beldstek and tilllery; Sparkling 3loseLle; ;Anger Wine. W II IOS EY—oldbfooongabels. 05000. grad.. Old Bourbon; Old beoteh, OlN—tild Rolland. eery nn pertor; N . E. d maica Rum, very old; o I n mom I. *o. { Pure While W i n i e vinegar. im ported. OLIVE OlL—Very sopp dor, RN. For sold by ICKETSO 2211 sod Elia, cornet Liberty and Irwin ns. )eDeln NATIONAL MILITARY ASYLUM The Managers of the National Asylum for die. Charged volunteer .Idlers. authorized ley Act of .PP , oved Murnh MM. VAIL proposals for sites for Asylums try donation or sale. The premises must. be situate in one of the Loyal States, comaiu at toast acres of /and and be lo a healthy locatiou and easy of ace..ea by railroad or otherwise. It is the purpose of thernansiters iire<lll, without daisy, eateusive and pernmoutil buildings lot said Asylums. and its establishment will be largely ad • iootage°. to any sectlon or railroad ln the vicinl i of IL. location. Plans, specifications and estimates for Asylum bonding.. Including detached cottages,atts. also asked for the approval of the Booed. Liberal com pensation will be given for the doeeeseful plan. Proposal., plans. opeeteleations and estimates— the Best named to be In writing, containing plot and description of ',outfits and perms and es/hdi- Mons of transfer—must be aims to.Msjor tienersd B. F. 110 - rtan, al Lowell, kiss., 0000 Dettre the klOth day of Jane, VOL BENJ. F. lIIITI.Eft, President Board of Managers. Lowly B. Guevara, tkeretati• Papers entitled to publialt the Lanus pf the United States are respectfully requested to publlah this three (3) 'reeks prior te the asth of 13.91, send their WI. with cob/ 01 notice, as above di rected. Jelie3 AiliSOAdittNir TAXES. CITY OP ALLEGHENY. t TaxusUnsn'filltrietelt, June DA, MM. 5 - Notice Is hereby 01000 that the Luse:mars liseenow placed lo the Treasurer's Mee, the Duplicatee of City, Poor, City Btainese, School, School thilldlort Itourity Taxes, and of Water Heats for the yr IA6S, and that said ' Taxes will now be meetvred In pursuance othe Acts of Assembly of Yebroat7 07th. . 5 . 3 of April 11th, 063, subleci to the foLowing regulations and allowances: July . si e v per cent., if paid on or before the first day of • Your per cent., If paid en or before the first day of Aopet. • Iwu peg cent if old on or Osfore the Aret day of Eletnember." Ve l le S g h t i hrg i b tg r o . tMo r ft , rilti b riet deduction Made: , • . fo ll re P tVerena l ro n" f f!o d = r °°t4. , an b :fr d io *a o " f fli've qtex ithell-be added!: Cod payable on the same. wl/1 be litu n'r ed ill'en.florSrce N cl t ct.d . o , f all tax t.g e: theltopald. tele h accrued Q.t . "' " 4 'lr. natatON, City Treasurer. feg - 1 : 0 1 - 61,11111EAT. 500 bush. Seed Bdckvheat, A PRIME ARTICLU, for v•le Ly lacusrir: 6l ABJEII, mrialtult •, 1514-tte , oo2ii) STREET D . L. PATTEIIBOi.SF NIIIIiCNESTER SAW-Anti, •,- Isetiireeii iteavW Mier: Naneherstey. Orders foryill kinds of ambe; for building best Il ri nu ot aeet "Oat, lath raulag &a. `WAFTED -5200 per Month paid to Agente, to introduce our new ED, lIUN and SAO SEWING MACHINE. Katsia:o'e Patent. Address with stamp, MONADNOCK SEWING MACHINE in Mass., or Phliadei iinda. Pa. le9:c7eiditwir w ANTED, I=l Ml= I= W ANT E D.-A SERE FORTUNE.- The ad rertiaer. rhemLl of twenty-tee Teat, a perien ce, both in LubLopo and AIDOLICti, w 161111161 to •tire from the prorest , lon, will need to any pet . Foot laluablo rtolpes, from the ....of vehleit any to • dostriou. toting Man or woman, with little or. capital. tail Ir..m the first day uot only an e. hot in a eery short time only moderate fortune. Addrtx, with two stamps It, return postage, CHESTERFIELD. Chemist. ray;l::hparra MT 'Tune bt.. Philadelphos. I'a. SALEADEN WANTED On which occasion wiwra 10 Mules and 30 Mares, At 9S Grant Sweet, 84 floor I=l I= = W r07,721;.52.', st: s",!! r.very where, to In I roduce tne l'elehrat,l I..ummon Sense Family Sea , lna Marhlne. IMDro'ff 1 and perfected. It will Item. fell, stitch, gull, bin . braid and embroider twantlfully. l'rlce only 8.4 making i lie elastic lock-stitch, and lolly wars an t litre, yearn. We pay the above wages, or • room...don, from whirls twice Lb.. amount Gil ho rusae. A .I..res, W Ith stamp, or call on U. VOW - KIM it , Salesrooms, No. ,8.53 South PITTII rtrert. Philadelphia, I's. All letters answore.l promptl), alto etrcular, and terms. mytAbda WALL PAPERS, etc. THOMAS PALMER MIASMA AND RETAIL DEWS LI WALL. PAPS] TRANSPARENT WINDOW SHADES_ Aft I) r A. 1-• MI C 7 017 NI It AB Warehouse. 91 Wood Siren, Second door below Diamond Alley, fe4:6lnd PITTSBURGH, pAPLR HA.IIGLNGS FOR 11466. T A great collection of American Strati Papers. For the flint time in flee years EAV MEI PA PER A choice selection of the Newest French Papers For sale by mhl4 WALTER P.41A w ft , 5 . 1 . 1 , A ,3 U .; PARLOR PAPERS. =I Standard Gold Pajpers Now received. or beautiful designs for I arlors. at I= I= SEW ING IVEACHINES. WHEELER & WILSON'S xikarm.irtiov-inx) FAMILY SEWING MACHINES. FI)It CORDL%G, Tber are admlrahte CM QUILTING, 1 Ary . are un•xeelled They are nnapproxbab le FELLING, they nre unhurpabsed FOR STITCHING,— They are Ane Kra Illation will prove that they Are the twat Iltielitzse In the world. Salesroom, 27 Filth Street. WM. SUMNER & CO DROVER & BAKER'S I.4iTIORIFitt4:IIOKI Have been awarded the FIRST PREMIUM at ch following Fairs frirrtbe year 1686: First Premium for best !terrine work at Penn. orate Fair. First premium for beet Mach', work at New 1 or State Fair. First Premium for best Family Machine at in State Pale. lint premium for best manufacturing Machina Ohio State Fair. First premium for best Mannheim - lug Machine Micinsion State Wale. .rat Premium for beat Mann facturiug Machine Wisconsin State Fair. First Premium for best Manufacturing Machine Lawrence County Fair, Pa. Pint Premium for best Machine for gene" al par poses, at Lawrence County Fair, Pa.. First Premium for best Family Machine at Buck County lair, Pa. First Premium for hest Manufacturing Machine Bucks County Pair, Ps. First Premium for beat Marmilacturing and Nam!' Machine at Springfield Fair, Ohio. First Premium for best Manufacturing and Famil Machine at Palmyra Fair. N. Y. First Premium for best Manufacturing and Family Machine at Suffolk County Vale, N. Y. • Fins Premium for best Menu facia ring and Family Machine at Schuyler County Pair. N. 1. First Premium for beat 11,.: x ,,„ - at Allegheny County Pair, I'.. First premium for best limo. tone, Ilaschine, Allegheny County Fair. I•n. First Premigm for best Machine w rk at Allerbe. Coodty Fair, And wherever exhibited. A. F. CRATONEY, I= 1=11=1:1 N•. 18 Plfth street. Pittsburgh BARTLETT SEWING MACHINE, Pronounced by all wbo have seen It the etshpl, et oteobtne now before the public. It U.. ea the and durable .. It In simple, .not practical al It 1. durable. It has but to be seen to be admired. "o:used to be appreolatod. It cot, Ines the elements of a PERFECT PRACTICAL MACHINE And Is afforded et a price within the range of near ly every fatally In the land. The only low prised Machine In the United States licensed to no. WIIEELES d. WU...SUN FEED —the beet and only reliable Feed eraytEnstrtioted. ini-SALVIMEN WANTED. IEIIICLIEIFt.Ir ads 13.0 4 1217751181, WHOLESALE AcararTs. No. 013 Ws w laitrisot, my is :ads YTITS.BUttliil. I A. COKE, &c COAL! COAL!! COAL!!! DICKSON, STBWIRT & CO., Haring removed their OMee Tqco. U 67 T_Akacirt-y -(Lately City Flour Mill,) BE CO . D FLOOR, Are now prepared to furnish good Youghloghony Lump, Nut Coal or Slack, AT THE LOWEST MARKET PRICE. //i/ - All orders left at their °Mee, or addreMed to therol yM hrough the wall, will be attended to promptly. CHARLES H. ARMSTRONG, Youghiogheny and Oonnellsvi Ile Ooal =1 Coal, Stack, and Desuiphurized Coke, OFFICE ASD YARD. Corner of Butler .d Mortoe: nr.d yard ' on Llberto ~ ,, t , i l . .C at. x .ti. ,a , ! ..rl. e gi t i tt go t , h g t S, a l * and onSeeotolet., Vamlues and Ilan ofectorers swooned w Ith the be ankle of Coal or Coke at the lowest cash rates " Orders left at any of the Yard, wilt eteelve nro . attnn jta Fir:s - :•,:lrA qt. NI :4 ;T:1 BANKING HOUSE. N. BODES & SONS Ban l~era, N 0.67 MUM STREET, Pittsburgh. c D2 :gt:=V:fitr. v .=:i n pli c P=4"ii the United State, and Caesdas. STOCKS, BONDS AND OTHER SECURITIES Bought and Bold on Counnosioo. Parthedsr attention Pale to the perekao. ono sate of UNITE) STATES SECUITIF SHOLUDfI S. United St►lea le i of MC Do. Oa 'Sao; • Do. Tires of 404 V; Do. Serer-Tblrtles; DO:' • Corttesides of ',debt&Musa Oritecisirklionehsestoosetht a/collected. Wady si r elo 'IIIIIO.CAN BEAiTHIST:11)(189- • 7 • For Two Weeks Only. •vit•io.iiiivi,77.•iviortircrodartiocteti c i o of my own make, for Use mail sum of HIRE Trol. Jura, at No. 36 Itarkst AMR= BEd, .Ig, CM9 111121=3
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers