DRY GOO FOR TEN DAYS OitMORE CHANCE MEM BUYERS OF 'DRY GOODS, WHOLESALE AN]) RETAIL, To Make Purchases Cheaper than E'er ~,,, 200 DIFFERENT STYLES OF DRESS GOODS, all been eeetred during the last ten days, cheaper tha we hare offered In See !VIII. at prices as - fol les: la so.. 9 150, Me.. 37.5 e., 50e.. 04.4 e.. 75e.. st S. and $1 pew yarfi, being about ON -ILI ALP the prier of the SAME GOODS early lu the Spring. 75 PIECES OF BLACK AND COL mu) BILES. for Barques. Sults and Drones, astonstilugly cheap: our-third cheaper lb sm. 3o days ago. 100 PIECES ALL WOOL CASSI HERE'S. Banquet, C./11, Men and Noy.• wear Iticht and dark, apllindid styles, lOW 01 75 , Pt lte., • I .411145 per yard. twin, less ttiai one-half the prlee ninety days ►an. TABLE LINENS, TOBTLINGS, ICAPEINH. GoyIRA C. rashes, ablating Linens. Obeetiog and Pillow Linens, Uray and Huff List ens for Trasoling Salts: Honeycomb, Aimsallies. Toilet and Woven Quilts, and all Houpskeeplog Goods, VERY, VERY CHEAP. HOO SPRING ic SIMMER SHAWLS, styles Aeslred, w Noss Goods, molly from Importers' ores, Including salve real Grenadines, for $1.40, 41,75, 42, op to $2O. 100 BLACK SILK LACE POINTS • from auction, elegant goods, extra large also, al low as $lO, sad upward. to $3O. 100 SILK AND CLOTH SACQUES, CIRCULAIIS, COATI3. OMAR; la, all pe styles, at prices from 64 to 1110. TUE VERY BEST MARES OF RIB GLOPMouIy $1.50 per pair. BALHORA.L AND HOOP SHIRTS al way. very cheap. COUNTRY MEEMIANTS will always and our prices the bonnet, and many bargains In our stock that will do them good. GARDNER & MITER, eto MARRET STREET hwaa,r,. E 2 EATON'S, New Trimmings, • Fine Bead Buttons, Fine Bead Ornaments, Fine Medallion Trimming, Medallion Buttot , ' Ronian Button Fancy Pearl Buttons, Trimming Ribbons. Bonnet Ribbons, Ladies' Linen Collars and Cuffs, do Paper do do Gent's do do do do Linen and Silk Udkfs, Fancy Neck Ties, Derby Bows, French Suspenders, Ilan Hose, With s superb aatiortmout of LADIES' AND GENT'S UNDERWEAR, I=l F. H. ,EALTON'S, 17 Fifth Street. NEW GOODS Nos. 78 and 80 Market Street. The attention of Who Joule and Ratan buyer. I. direotal to Um list of arilyale T , Ci7=l.al. - S". PANS, (NECK TIES PARASOLS, ifserruirLies, SUN UMBRELLA-9, rIiORILIPAiI.IB, BONNET RIBBONS, STAR SHIRTS. PINE LACK COLLA.RILPAPER COLLARS AND FINK LACE MOM, CUPP'S, LINEN COLLARS &NU LINEKuLLA.Rs AND CUPNS, CUP BLAINE MILK NETS, stp.pk, Ems, BLACK BUOLE TRIM - HOSIERY .d OLON'ES. MINto9, BLACK sILIC MITTS, FANCY BILE DRESS NEW STYLE OP 11 , .. BUTTONS,_ SKIRT. at one doll.. . BL 'FL I.OIPUTIE LACES and a half. NEW STYLE ORECIAN EMMA INN IN HEADFS__, DRY GOODS, NETS, &e., Sc. Se., Ac.. 5c MICRO, GLIM & CO., Nos. f 8 and 80 Market Street. DRY . GOODS! ARBUTHNOT. SHANNON - ik: CO.. WHOLESALE DRY GOODS, Roam tvuutst. Pittsburgh, Isavita,•thii .:atteatf on •at nelralanie to ILltArltitg=l,litte. L iethalLa " Drestr ! Goods; .13efaints,' While Gooda; Flanstels,. Vona, Cann nacres, _satinets, (tweeds, swamps , £ItZORANTeii. cAssl MEMO. AND Blum?: IlUfgal 8 PUlST+ o , . o l,4lwojtakibilip a l t. , MONAD „ , Hosiery, Gloves, ShstWis,Mainkor morals, Notions of all descrip tions. ararilcalar titration. paid to orders. Airoodt eonstanUr turista', I and examine our Goods sea Prime.: I.loWood Street, rittsbnrgh. ditsflrififtrr,„ SHANNON & Co. C. MICKITITNOT..W. T. 31.0.11110N...1. G. ISTITCTTFTOr. NEW GOODS! MACRIJM & CARLISLE, sac.. 210 XPitt,33. t9tre7t..t. Wean now opening an elegant Itmettinent or A LAP 000138, embracing the richest stylai ut M RE GM B L LKPAR D RO , Ls, ELEGANT ? rx ARTY FANO. BONts, cAL G m sumag RI - • , lif.W Bs U TIE Is JS IiXtIIIIIINGS, IPURE CRIS, TOR 1.2.4. W... )3 13. • life trwor rya i pawl a dwarfish at o f _ REAL ULL' , self , l OTA AND INSERTLNOB. 4 1 .6 tw001d In L rto Attetrtron to • new did 4alrigiiiFAW Wig.4911611111,41XAY".8. Kn.., re ir eetleels t oe new colors isklaDjuvvta""'. '' :i . 21 ' , " eat A as ll7 7ip TWi t gi"' !Ulf:llk:4E nuEdspil7°TitsiMaitrei• L A ..t. 41 'OUSITAILVAIM Pill BULL! .Aii.A,.. - . wine' .....3 41:111k!b GAUZE MERLE° ow Dku- Toillerebants and Dealer,. Oes woatesec unneuttent.imw lePleked with ever ithleclai NoTluir LINA which vre Offer mt.e TrattfAs twas coy Ipose Euyor Nybst. NAM & CA.EISLA- Agr i g lik urineeintor D i,=- 0 1 1 14PTIO BILJZT at, ailinttractarer. :. • Bite Nittoburgh 6azettr. SATURDAY, JITNE 6. 1986 CITY AND NEIGHBORHOOD (Addatiomat on First Pose-) Qnited PmbTierlass General Assembly =CU The Assembly met at the usual hour yesterday morning, Dr. Kerr In the chair, and was open. ed with prayer by Rev. R.ll. Ewing. On motion the calling of the roll and the rending of the minutes were disp eased with. The Assembly took up the report Of the Curriculum of Stuay m the Theological Semi eerie., which was under consideration at the adjournment of the session last evening. After some discussion the report wits re committed to the Committee with Metre, [lone to report upon the whole subject at the next Assembly. The following resolutions offered by Rev. 0. Waddell, were adopted. Resolved, That the Synods under the care of this Assembly be and are hereby enjoined to submit to the next Assembly for inspection a record of their proceedings. Resoteed,. That the Synods be requested to report to the next Assembly whether or not they are in favor of uniting the Theological Seminaries of our church Into one or two, and, If in favor then report the conditions of such consolidation. The following resolutton, offered by Rev. S. M. Coon and Samuel Mullen, was adopted. Wiriness, There is evidence to believe that the practice of reeding Instead of preaching the gospel to some extent prevalent m tte P. Church of N. A., therefore, Resulted, That this Assembly expresses its decided disapprobation of this practice. giThe Committee on Bills and Overtures pre sented a report in regard to the memorial from the Presbytery of Philadelphia on in strumental music, recommending that the petit on of the memorialists be granted. opted. Assembly then took up the report of the Committee on the report of the lkyard of Mis sions to the freedmen. - - - . ger. Mr. Lackey was heard at length on the report referring La him. On motion the ninth resolution, commend.. ing lice. Mr. Lackey, for his services among the freedmen's of Davis' Bend while acting as a Uovernment Superintendent, was amended by authorizing the payment of VW to Mr. Lackey for Ws services. The tenth resolution west stricken out. The report as amended was thou adopted. Roy. Si. Heidi - Idg° read a communleation from the Superintendent of a colored school In Leavenworth, Hanansotalang to be taken under the care of the Church. The com munication was received. . _ . Rev. IL. B. .Ewing offered a resolution au thorlring the appointment of a committee t , arrange the twenty-flee versions of Paa.lm already adopted, and incorporate with the. the amendments reported, and that the Sam. he publiabed In pamphlet form as anon at, p.. Rev. Dr. Drown, from • special commate ppouatod to nominate a new Calatiatter, whom shall be entrusted the work of proper nit a new version of the Psalms, submitted eport. Pending the eonsideration of the report A.,- .emoly adjourned with prayer by the ROT. M. baton. ATIILFINOON 11.88,0,1 The Assembly met at the usual hour and . . . was called to order by the Moderator. Prayer was then adored by Elder Martin. On motion, the reading of the minutes and calling of the roll was diagensed with, and the consideration of unflatshed business was re sumed. The second resolution of the Committee o new version of the Psalms was adopted. The third resolution was amended so as t . . require the Special Committee to report t the next Assembili. ger. Dr. Thos. Beveridge R. B. Ewing, J t. kititchin.sa, Ur. Kerr, Dr James pr,..tley, W. 11. Wilson and R. 11. r per were appointed to terve oil tiiA Com mitte. The fifth resolution of the report was strick en out. The sixth resolution was next adopted. Onmotion, the whole report as amended was then declared adopted. On motion of Rev. B. B. Ewing, a committee was appointed to Incorporate the amend ments suggested by Presbyteries, and to se cure their publication in pamphlet form at an early day The report of the ()nmittee on Cornrolpoo deuce o 69 then read and adopted. The following parsons were appoinftsi as commissioners to the several Synods that meet before the reassembling of the next Assembly. Commissioner to the old School, Dr. James Prestley, I), D. new School, R. A. Brown, Re formed Presbyterian, new School, Dr. Peer. D. D., Reformed old School, J. P. Lytle, Dutch Reformed, B. B , Blair. The following gentlemen were appointed as a Committee on Conference and Organic Union with other Churches: Raton:nod Presbyte rian—new School—Dr Kerr, D. D. Rev John Easton, Rev. John Van Eaton; Reformed—Old School—John Pressley, J. B. Clerk, D. D., and A. D. Clark, D. D. The same gentlemen were also appointed to confer on the new version of the Psalms. The Committee on the memorial of Rev. Wm. E. Ranieri, in reference to a new version Of the Psalms reported it to be toes• pedient to engage in the work proposed at the present time. Dr J. D. Brown reported a fa vorable reception by the Old School assembly last year. lie, R. D.liarper, of Xenia. also re ported a favorable reception by the Assembly of tne New School Presbyterian Chnrch. _ . A resolution woo offered and adopted, or dering the hoard of Freedmen Mission to con duct Hs bustneso on the same oyotem as that of tho Board of Home Missions. The report of the hoard of the Trustees of the Assembly was next read and accepted, and on motion the conduct of the Board was ad roved. A eommitnication signed by thirteen minis ters and ten elders, dinsenting from the action of the Assembly in adopting the twenty-five new versions of the Psalms, was read and after an animated debate was ordered to be placed on ale. Drs. Jas. Prestley, Clark, and J. U. Br,rn, were appointed o committee to prepare and publish selections from the versions of the twenty-evu Pmanui,_adopted by the church, and have them publiaticil In the next edition of the Sabbath School Psalm BOot, issued by the Beard of Publication. The Committee on PlzenCe handed in thinr report with the fol lowing resolution: Re.adved, That the Board of Publication be required to publish two thousand copier of the minutes of this Assembly, at . early a day as posAible for distribution and use In the various Churches. Rev. J.Ynco offered tar honoring amendment: ' That --, be directed to have published an abstract of the proceedings of this Assembly, with a statistical table of memberships. for distribution among the members of the church, at ten omits per oopy. Should the emit of publication net be rmilzed itithis way, the deficiency toberpaid out of the treasury o r the Assembly... The report entire was laid on the table by a standing vote. Tho Committee appointed to devise means to have the members of the church acquainted with the workings of the Home Mission made a I -Aro f tasoriasyllhe publication of a paper fo: the rttr'eVrmed above; which wee al so laid A re-solution was offered to the effect that suporanuated or disabled Home fdissionarles receive a half salary during the time of their dhlallifity, Carried by • staadlng vote, with a mijority of sine. The report of theCommltteo in the case of Rev. Gaily, who nad appealed from the de cision of the Mansfield Presbytery, and also from the drat Syntat of the West to this As eembly, was received and adopted. The report recommended that all the papers in the case of Rev. R. Gaily be returned to him, believing the deo:Wien of the first synod of the West to be teat without appeal. The reporter the'Committee on the Jewish Mission In New 'York' wa reed. It consisted of a aeries of resolutions recommending that .1,000 be appropriated from the fund of the Board of Mimions tO.thextudanumee of a has aloaarY among theieweof „Van York, and re cornrow:Sling Mid Ete'V'. - 41tre:Sris be assigned to that field, the said Mission to be under the Jurisdiction of the Boma Idisaion Board ; and that 11150 be appropriated for the purchase of books, tracts, do.„ for distribution elalnng the Jews, and that the Executive Committee be authorised to present the balance of the eight hundred dollars _to Mr. Trio, which had been appropriated to him by the last General As sembly- On motion, Ihe report was adopted as read. The Committee on the Narrative of the Stat. of Religion reported that during the et:cicalas- Lical year fourteen licenses had been granted; - that twenty-five ordinations had taken place; fortpone installations, thirt,two resiglzia- Lions, twentroevica - Stildeote,of theology had hems received; ten new Oneallla r tIOMI evert vi; seven ministers received from other ehurchee, and one dismissed. Revs. William Taggart, Peter Etonian, John L. Craig, James Wllham son,„ Isaac Cones, Charles 'Thompson, Peter Gordon and Thomas M. Baird were reported as haring ceased their labors, having gone to reign in the Kingdom of the Master. The report of the Board on Church Exten sion was read, with resolution requirteg each Presbytery to forward their proportionment of the fund, by the first of January, and in case of their fain to do so that an agent or agents be rent, to collect the deficiency within tau bounda -Of Use Presbyteries In arrears. Also, that the emu of µ5,000 be raised during the coming year. Dr. Prcesly, Rev. .1. B. P.eld, Thomas E. Wakehrini,whose tone of service In the Board expireal r ba re-elected. - - The report was acoapted and the rentlamons were thee adopted. A resobstton area adopted referring the intendmenta suggest iW by the various Presby teries to the Book Of Dlecipline to a spoinal committee to be appointed by the Moderator. The Committee to whom was referred the subject at obtaining statistics In reference to the part taken In the 'lmpression of the re bellion by members of this Church submitted report, which was laid on the table. Prayer was offered by Rerv. J. B. Clark, after which the Assembly adjourned. .•. Omar* at toms Plass.' Lital. Edwin ft Eitowe presiding.' intnAT, June B.—The following Detainees was trunnacted Jobs AloCluag ve. Allegheny county. The Ana i. defendant ea-D °' oroncr. sought to r oo r ~ u o fees for ho 4 ding the Inquest on the bodies of the viej OfO r d eXPlaidan at the Allegheny , atdairtelleeitiffe, in. HOptember, 100 The Jury found a verdict , in favor of plaintiff for SH3, subject to the opinion of the court upon a point of law reserved, vlz: Whether Allegheny County or the United /States should pay the amount, the plaintiff having held Da inquest on the Arsenal grounds. The matter will ho argued on the last day of the , term, by Thomas 33., ,/t/aralitil aittl....H. H. Carnahan, EseirS, • 7; :: ,'..• .. ;•S' l '.. J; e -r , , . i ln the csaeof Parker Hines and wife, in which a verdict for damages to the amount of g 1,500 was obtained against tae Pittstau - gb, Fort Wayne and Chicago Hallread Dempsey, J. H. Hampton, Pay., moved fora new ;dal, 111- Leg reasons. Joseph Lofink vs. D. V. Hatch and Joseph 'Lower, owners of stes.Jboat Home. Defetul- Mita iluglag the War remind a Illiniber.dt its from plkititiff, hut riVer busideas not being as brisk as antici pated, they dl d not use the flats, permitted them to lay at different points, and =illy they became damaged and lost sighted. Vazdieillefavpr of plateiggfar 12.300.111., Joadaang vs. DlideaSnO hero. Aotion for debt, on en appeal Dom a magistrate. Yee; diet for defendant. William Dijworthy 5...1e and A. P. Baum, sompeaMetiDer ark ids It Co. Ac. Don to recover the vidnir aild on contra t, On trial at arktosuirtmar. OFR EARLY TELEGRIAIS.',_-__, spEciAL N OMER THE FENIAN MOVEMENT. DEPARTURE OF A FENIAN PRIVATEER Arrest of Gens. Sweeny, lienferman. and Murphy, SPEECH OF CEN. SWEENY EXCITEMENT AMONG THE MEN A Spy Seized and Beaten MOVEMENT UN MONTREAL EXPECTED Rumored Rising of Canadian Fenian. NEW Tone, June ' , .—The Herald him a rumor of the departure, some time since, of a FOlll/111 privateer from this port. A full crew, with arms and munitions of war, were put on board in Long Island Sound, when she stool to son. The vessel Is an Iron side-wheel ex. British blockale runner and ex-United States gunboat, and was sold in Philadelphia last August toe nineteen thousand dollars, and towed here. Sim Is said to ho in the condition In which she Was left ny tlr Navy Department, and mounts six broadside guns anti one pivot gun. The lerklams are said to have bought her for thirty thousand dollars. It is said she is capable of fourteen knot speed, and It Is the intention to pounce upon one of the Cunard steamers. The Trib une'r special from Malone, lust night, Pays the arrest of General Refferman caused the deepest despondency In the Fenian ranks. He had gene to the depot to take the train for St. Albans, from which point an attack was to ho made at once. On notching the depot an Old acquaintance named Major Mount, of Al bany, met and shook hands with him. Mount then went to Major Silver, or the United States regulars, and pointed Heileman out as a leading Fenian He also pointed out Col. Quinn. Both were immediately arrested. The officers the`n proceeded to tne hotel and arres ted Gen. Murphy. The following list comprises the arrests made Generals Murphy and lielfertuan, Captain Lyndsay, Colonel Reilly, of Rochester; Lientenant O'Brien, New York; Colonel Ea ton, New Jersey;Colonel Quinn, Albany; cap tain O'Grady, Al bany; Dr. Shiner, lie , . York; Captain Joseph Murphy, Major Kinneally, Al bany; Major eormmly, New Jersey; Captain Gallon, Captain Greary, and Captain Glass. Two boors were given them to explain the tree state of affairs to their men, to counsel submission to the authorities and accept means of transportation to their homes. The men are entirely destitute. The greatest excitement followed the ar rests, and threats of all sorts were tnade A man denounced m a spy, was seized upon and horribly beaten under the eyes f the Regulars, who 'coolie I on w. about es toeing the least duiposition to interfere in his behalf. The °Meet, trominandlrig the Regulars tweattla: bewildered. scarcely allowing wt.! to Or. They had very good reason to believe that they could not make their men attack the re name, many of Whom had served with them in the late rebellion. Meanwhile, Major . Silvey wont to !letterman and Murphy and besought them to Luotte Out and quiet the disturbance and dieperse the crowd. They readily acquiesced, and spoke to the crowd at some length, beseeching them to keep untarnished the reputation they had gained under the "Stare and Stripes" In the war of the rebellion, by keeping uulet and doing nothing to Megrim, the canso they ities had in their keeping. The crowd limn quietly disported. The men are hell under a strong milltart guard and will probenly tot tak:n toed ens burg to-morrow. The Fontans were to non, along the whole line to-night on Montrea.. A Montreal special tart All the inhabi tants on the borders are leaving with their movables to the United States for proteetion The Seventh Fusilrers, regulars left tot Nest Farnham, the probable scone o an rat/3 'tat tle. The Royal Volunteers are Under n nib- Mg orders. It Is reported that to-morro ut w i. the day fixed for the rising of the Canadian Fenian.. 10, Now York, special special Kayo General Lynch has orsereti his men to rote,. to their homes. A rumor wao current there, howe•er, that the reatton would 1,71-0%. bolo% Rochester last night. . . A Detroit, Michigan special of the 7tli nape that nye brindroti Feniana arrived from - • - •• go. The reported invasion of Canada yin Ilay• deld, to premature. There are eighteen hundred British !seeps at Goodrich, seventeen companies at sarnla. nine hundred men at Winded. and a sum- Meat force below, a Ith a reserve of too thou• aind at Chatham. The lanadians have armed several steamers. The Mato.; ravens,. cutters John Merman and Andrew Johnson. are ordered to enforce the neutrultty law limo °l...lune 7.—T he St. Albans correspon dent of the Journel Says of the Fenian ad vance Into Canada: Tlte arrest of Genera' Sweeney dfepirited the mob. Ile made a speech, however, to cheer them up. Ile told them that they were going to light their old enemy. lie said they must not molest women or children, hut that he should give them rt.. instructicms as to what they might do with tho men who might fall Into their hands. Not inure than one-fourth of the lenlan. that marched Into Canada are armed. Thr) went Into a dela and encamped a short al-- tames beyond toe line. Gen. Spear had bee, drinking. and Was somewhat intlwilearrri. Som.) of his men obtained whisky, and wen feeling well notwittotanding the diSpirltiag etromnstarkoss. Others it err disheartened They had very little to eot. About one hun dred and fifty purehmsal meats ost the notol" Others eat crackers and codfish. Barrels o; dour were sent oat front St. Albany to-day There are no Canadian troops within tweet miles of whore General Spear ban ShatlontO his troops. Rumored Release of Jorr. Darto—Enti gvailoot Walter 10 Coseyrreoo—Th. Most co Wm.&lota—Nlowsro %hip Canal UU I. NOW Vona, June S—cpecial dispatches tr , the morning papers say. A report I. In rime. lotion that Jeff. Da, le to to no immediately liberated on ball. it is quite certain that the Federal authorities here have given the sub. ject no consideration since the postismemen of his tial WWI detormined upon, It 1-4 not likely to do so kr some time to come. The Senate Committee on Commerce have instructed their Chairman, Mr Chandler, trr report adversely upon the House bill to Mall. tare emigration. The Committee also Mein,. tad Mr. Chandler to recommend the repeal 4 , 1 the het of Ls* introduced by Mr. Jinni.. era,- ttng the Moreau of Emigration. The House 1 201MOILUM1 on Foreign Alrair: had another long session to-Any over the Mex ican question They were unable, however, to arrive at any definite conclusion beyond the fart that the Monroe Doctrine must be maintained. Tbo tnerettanta of Chicago, fearing that the New York Interest in the mennto may - dem, the House Nlagarn Ship Canal Ind, proposed to.day by telegraph, 141 mend on a Llolegailoti there to urge the matter, but the 1111nobf tit I. egatlon do not deem IL neer.ary, and feel the utmost confidence that the hid will pass as It came trOm the lieu.. Front Weileo—lrouble Between Colo niers and ludiens—Mentrulllnn Short of Pundit 4 New Slone, June e.—Vera Cruz advlcee to the 25th of Slay state that trouble In brewing between the rebel colOnlete In Colorado and the Indlann who formerly occupied the land. It wan rumored that a representation from the Fenton nrothertmOu had been very cord, ally received by Maximilian., It was supposed the repreeent.st.on came on °Metal Fenton bus iness. The Emperor was hard presses fur funds Carlotta, the Empress, refuses to supply him from her own money any longer. • Laical. from Jamaica. cw fang, June 8. —Ad V iCO.4 from Kingston, Jamaica, of Slay 21st, say that the Governor has given orders that all broken packages of goals mast be clopected by an ofacer of the Castel= before the drawback will be allowed on their exportation. The Kingston Journal. Of the Illth of May, sari the clergy hill will ea- Wry In u short. time, and It Is subject tor seri ous consideration whether it ought to in re enacted. Brewrspaplr Noised. Sew Your, June Be-A illepatch from Au gusto, Ga., to the 7416„,, soy, Toe mill terry, by tbe orator of General Tlllsou. hav, taken passouslon of the printing oilier of tle Low/ Geenrion. The Execution of Probei Pnrtsoctrate, June s.—Prolog well eta- CUted this morning. But tea spectators we,. present, Including only six reporters from the city papers. STATEMENT OF THE REAL EN TATE t3AVIZIOS INoTITUTiona. ov toa 30th day of Aprd, 1060. AHSETB. Bonds uld Mortgages, (beteg Ors( liens au Real Estate, , 06, r oe U. 0. 6-24 Roods 70,400 Is, U. e 6. OM Roods :0.020 0. , Ral F. Interest doe May Ist,on above, Offie loote Furniture ealised. ) Cash. ErM N 7 6 ,3,i 9E23 Anliount doe Depeellors $3201n0 7 Amount doe Depoeltore, Inter. eat May lat. ISM. Halftone Contlngeut Fund The above lea true atatataeat . A. A. CARRIER, Treuurer. nderrtgried Auditing Committee, have e . n. M Inc Rungs of the institution, the Burgs, aMtidnift=e'ioUre".goTnritlea, and g i o torrent. un' the t'"4, H. CHILI)H W. H. C. lehL AND. UTIT/CERB OF THE INBTITUTION. ... . . Prostelem.—lnA.Ac Joxim. Vice Presdusat—W, B. COPELAND; 134MICItOr—E. Bit•DrOND TUDEt. Tuuntitilf—tstm. T. M. Bowe, H. J. K. Umir bead. Lase Ames, C. G. Haney, N?Vocirt.lv, Jacob I.l..rvey Childs, W. B. Copeland, Wm. B. Smith. Interest atiosred ou Dee°,lts In this Institullon'at til.N Prat ONNT._per annum, pable to the Depos itor In May and November. whic h. If not drew., will be added to the prlnelpsl and compounded. Interest etenmenees on Deposits on the let end dayaot ovary mouth. Open for Deposlt Irmo I a. mm .to o'clock r. also. on naturday events's from e ..C1 ,,, k• Ulrellos-831 , 0 1 / 1 1.T11 IYIN.ILET. Pittsburgh, • Nltylalbill LOTS IN SEVENTH WARD .7/47EIL beha , ,tilekkbiiii font, fronting on Innwid dis °M t. hi r iA' feet: , mrseolße - drotil and "I lirkpo . iikihreoto. for .010 oo i lzSom Enquire of JNU. ti mylll;bsCoWri Comas Liberty it. Pend ay. ' ! I)n rMTallirrillr;Trni TilE QUEEN OF 'HAIR RESTORERS ttltl. WINMLIIW•S QUEEN HAIR RESTORES Is 91.71.1 EN. not only In Nan... tot In V111'11:11, Is the Rest Hair Restorer ever offered to the Public. • . An In fallible RESTORER and PRESERVER of 1.11 Bair if faithfully applied. It is no Hair Dye. It.-.. di retltly upon the roots of the hair c h.ng Ins g rcy hale tolls original life color; arresUng c astute decay and falling out of the hair; cradls Pr / log scurf and dandruff: and curing all humors of th• scalp. It ialit change dry and wiry hair to .fland luxu riant iressos. It Imparts dollghtful fragrance to the hair. Youth. and reta In short, If you Wish to restore your halt, as In in It through Ulu, use NES. WINSLOW'S QUEIN HAIR RESTORES. Price 91 per bot tie. Sold by ell Druggists . R. /I% SET•T.FRS & CO., IWholesale Agents. mr3o hfr2 tar WM. t3ABNHII L & CO. BOILER MAKERS • N D SHEET IRON WORKERS, Noe. 20, MIN end 26 Penn street. Having secured • large yard, and fUrnlshed It with the most approved machinery, we are prepared to ...facture every description of ROILF.IIS, In tha best manner, and warranted equal to any made In the country. CHIMNETS, BREECHING, FIRE BEDS, STEAM PIPES. LOCOMOTIVE BOILERS. 001.- DENSE.. SALT PANE TANKS, OIL STILLS, Atill ATOM, SETTLING PANS, BOILER IRON, BRIDGES, SUOMI PANS: and sole manufacture,. 01 BARNHILL'S PATENT ROLLERS. Repelling done on the shortesrnotlee. p3:041 Fir LAKE SUPERIOR COPPER MILL AND SMELTING WORKSI PARR, IGCURDY & CO. almufacturers of SHEATHINH, BRAZIERS' AND BOLT COPPER, PRESSED COPPER BOTTO3III, RAISED STILL BOTTOMS, SPECTER SoLISER. Also, ItnpOrtvw and dealer. to METALS, TIN PLATE, biIIEET 1110N,W to. Constantlioo hand, TIEN ENS' 11ACIMNFLY and TOOLS. Si oxe house. No. 15, and DO IDX:Own FritanTS, PlUS burah. St - owl/al orders of Copper cut to any desired pattern. ntyltt.l4.ld-wer r4rPITTSBUItiIIiII SAW WORKS, Hl: HEARD. BRA, & CO, alaisula,tur • rrs Of PA I'EN "Mit NDCI lICU ARS,warrant d C AST STEEL. SAWS, of e.ery 4....31p1/0.• MlL, Muley. Noss-Cul, tiana,and all other varieties. A kind.. of KNIVPS and SPRIN ;L US. made One Sheet liaat-dtcel ; Kora Itenund EAPED A ND S.I4iWINO K YES. Or. ST 51 T WarehouTriatia,e s Pittsburgh mid Woe al an corner Waind 10,1 S . Particular attention odd to re-tooth-Ina. gumming and straightening Circular Sawa; also. repalre of all kinds. Piancning and Drilling done at mason/A.le rate, • - IkrIIOBINSON, DJEA dc CO, (SW,* ensem, to ROIDIEON. MOOS & MILLERS, Manufacte rowof BOAT AND STA:I'II/INERT _TEAM ENOINES, BLAST KNOINIML MILL MA CHIN EICT, 41EA RING, BHA Ell NI: cAzrrisl.o of TANKEI and STILLs, iIIII L ER AN it NH EMT IKON WORE. larAorc u to for 1.1 Yr AMU'S PATENT INJECTOR. or feeding 147 — JOHN COCHRAN 4 BRO., ilannfaetun•raol IRON V AUL.VS AND VAULT InaURS, LBW: ILA ILO le, W DOW sit ur. TTns. WIN DOW I.JUAIIII6, Nu, al ~F.CON it mud an THIRD It TRENT, but wren Wood aud Market, hate au hand a variety uf neat patturtw, Wirt dud plata, suitable for all tutryuaea. 447 - rxtriteular nttentiOn paid to enclosing (travel Luta. Joatting none at &hurt awl... tub" 120 - 1,1 ARRIA GE AND 11,'ELIBIE4 , La••••,r•rnlng and Insl ruction fur 1.. ..a 11., A 1... Diaratet 40./ which unto- I tat. the Itai nltl. •ure moan, rr,-• •.I In Irtter eurrlopus.. Ad . rt., J ILI IN IDW`IitITON, !Inward A.. aucla Dot,. l'hilndt Pa POLITICAL. t : - .B* - IUNION ITEPUBLICAN EXEC.' 1. - 11VE C 1 ,1131111 t. tr. OP ALLEtiIiEN oousflt FMI IhitfL7. JAM N W. Illl•1/ELL. , tairttun..Lawrettervllle. CR VT. 11. .\. ERWIN.. .Temparance”.ll,.. .•I'...itl•lL F. 1111.11014 C Inttaburch. . . vlll,. 1% AI. 11. W COL. T. St. BA 1 NE A. X. WAT3t.N.... DAN.I. s - rvxiiEs col.. J. H. I.I"I.ISLANI, .t. IA 1W • : . J At , MUICILA .. pr.-I.St. ;lair f0u...412n7p I• MN. D. A. !I. YOU ht. lloblmon Township lt . .1"11 1. . Wilkins 'I u.rnehlp. KIWI.: Vi . . . P11141,41rg1, JIATIIANN EMI, I . Mount W ahlorlon. LIME.. . I 111 . Net Township A. II 4 . Itt/n, Touliabsp. 1,4 .4.1 t ER Is EH. . Torrn•bli WM. I. lIILL kn. .. , . Township ' 11/z A. Il TLiat ''' . ..... 4. . M 1.1.7 Y Uitairman Union 4 ouut7 i on•I•041,In• PITTFPCHGLI. Jnue 1.1, I.X. Tbe •Isoso v 111 n,.el nII]AT!'II.I, A I', June pla. 1.,r v., 1, al the Otnor 11 W. 11. 1, Hp.. , ort,.r 11111 and Gram .1r.“.. ru t.tair,rn MI=ZEDIBEIIMI CONGREMOONAL CONVENTION 22d DISTRICT. The I NI4.N ar. rcel.u'ns VUTF.FLS nf the V.l ngre-t•1.,.1 I.l4trlrt are o,or•toff to sme..t at tht tiou. plan, of boidlus elertiops In the varlet. Ward. Docoughe auci Township. Is said Dl•triet. On Saturday, August 1 1 111 ADA elect TWO DELLVIIATICS (tom rael, errOon ID r.l le ronnt♦ 00,11,1,1111 n. lOA Y. 14111. st tO WC' OKI% • LA, purp,..• of ylartng In ta"mlnistlon s candldatr fur oDgr.•••• Th• prlinary etc... Lions In lb. tuarnahirs held wren tLe hours of four sod t ttlil and In 11., wards sod nvroughr n.rtarr•qg the how. of four and ...Oro n'elock r In the ward.. and lor rleetion* .hall 10. hy n‘llA. and 112 1110 he oasralo Ly brulot. by order of g th or e tommit tee. W. J. tit I.llt.th IL. t IfOrsnan. mTU .. -.4 • 1 ^ V lay - CONGRESS, 22d DISTRICT. HON. J. K. MOORHEAD tn. placed bltnaelf thcal.pnsal orb.. friend.. In reopothte their call made or NIEI6III. saute Ls prented hr them . • rand' are for nomina tion ha faugrree for the :74 District, sub,feet to thr act ion of the Unlop Iteputflican County C toren ffp7:t< rgrCONGRESS GENERAL JAS. S. NEOLET Iff ACA NULDATIC IN rti r .120 DINTRIt - r. fnlitffimel r. - :4 l— `l2olliGlLESPi.—The trieutlto of HON. JOHN P. PENNEY w 111 Dreamt his 113.1112 If, riot t ..na collo. of Lb. ealon tO•rLy, for nom I oat tun • cull Ida. (or Coo 11... 1 - 10 111 , 0 r,.•0 tohliOl,l • NOTICES. - C.Y1171 Um". 0 1 AL re. Pal tt Winorala, Llitanerson fl col Proprieloro. WE WOULD MOST RESPECT , FULLY announee that I ronalderallon of lb.. following engent Is. d Si ,rm.t sat I.to tor, I reabons, we have du II) conclud..vl Shot a yo.‘ponamtrit sold ^quail,' aaran , alCLVln to an: 141blic and ourael•es, namely. that we prefer to Dispose of all the Tickets and give the Public all the Prizes, than to hold a quantity-of tk.411.1. (at proprietors rierrallpflu) and thereby coll.°, our chances of drawing the large prize's. lire rikawn nulubera will tre furbllshed In the Chi cago dolly paper, wr won as drawn, .nil when the drawing In over each agent will he famished with n complete lied of the drawn untula:ra. in Clew of the boo, reason,. 1411101 wr hour 1,111 pro, eminently sattnraelory, WE HAVE POSTPONED THE DRAWING UNTIL TUE 9th Day of July, 1866. ury2S:bo4l WHIG INS, HUAI) VOItII .1 1)o jin; InEmAINING PART of lli large p roporty for pule laid 01.1 l In Hopi Allen). plan.,( will he tell in lota or by the mar rplendld for gardening Irurpo.e. or for elly rest derive. Apply to W. b. JiLIYIL at the Wilk, f Irktratrlok Mellon. 4..ortn r of Diamond soil °rani street, or to RICHARD ALLEN, uu thir Pro Penn 0; Lower rt. Clair lintel. Ingl7otail TOBACCO, CIGARS, EXCELSIOR TOBACCO WORKS. R. & W. JENKINSON, XASIIITACTEMZEI VT ♦4L 117?“ittltki TOBACCO, ,BAIJIFF AND SEGARS, IPO. 6 Mrue.r. Writtirr, T4lrd door &Mu hltjAzialtm BMNo. =EI mix, IM!RIMM;IME 1:1211.507 00 21 241 70 R. B. JEFFRIEI, Manufactr4a . vgjall i vallt t 7tl Retail I TOBACCO, SNUFF AND' O.OARS, o Nt. Cum: street,. Pittsburgh. to /gr. A large anmetlxidni.o2MEEßSOlLLUld PIPE!! and 31101 i, TOBACCO of flit beat WAHL ke .1 on hands. HAM IN PORIIGN ANN - DOOM° SEGABS, OHEWING TOBACCO, Smoking Tobacco, Pipes, &c., No. 4. JEDeraremswitaa Eivre Near cornor of LIDoMY.) Urtra:lN4 PITTs DURO /I, PA. JOHN: BIEGRAW, avow Pm:minima OF AND WHOLKBALE AND TIATAIL*DEALER IN KINDS OP TOBACCO, sNvrik- „tvgr;ftegiii.es,, - I milic=r}tlr,:tlL'4l4V::l2,ll°"77.'4ll% PITTTIiBUROkt Itog• Towoobip. --SrwtrlLl .PlttabAs A Ileilteity Ell abet L I=l LIALTIMOItE & HAVANA STEAM. COMPANY. AI. C3C. BROWN A tiONB,IL. General Aleuts. TWA UNITED STA Volt • EW DILL KA TICH eMA DIRECT. CARRYING The Ylnn-tlbm titearrothip. ur tele lino wIU sail aa follows: "CURA"-1.100 tons. Wm. Rollins, onno n .o , on bATURDAa ..LIDERTy%-1.260 tons, W. J. Stafford, Command er on SATURDAY,. June 28. reomMROVIN 'S W.LIAJIP, rELL , p rturr, Al a Welock P. precisely, °nun, data o Tor Portanailot or Damage, having unintrpused au ommodca, apply Le HENRY WARSIELD CO.&. AgeltitA. E. R.—No Mb of Ladteff tiIILUVB WILLar ott thOra °rite Comp , ny will ee clifood• PPrO/114 fOr the freight ulosi ,„ ure d /tom thls Moe, No freight rocolved nor Winn/laden; algno~ Mt du or sallinfi. apL3:ly 4 - arTEAM TO --- - FROM LIVER; aJepOOL AND RUEENBOWN ( lasaArro) Mice a ].. The LN11..43 LINZ, sailing EVERY SATURDAY, EVERY WEDNESDAY, .CARRYING U. B. KELL& TI eta aohtte and from /Map, England, boot land. Orrtaertraad 'rms. • th e l o non y e ': 1.14 o 18 Divadway, N. I. BLIJIKENSCHEIN . , PM ELEGALNT RESIDENCE F ., Clizt. 119.E1i.1-2311. The handsome residence of ALLEN ERA‘T" situate on STOCKTON AYES CE. ALLEGH EN I CITY is offered for sale ThiA nen., In point of comfort.. convenience. and elegance, to equal to any In the city. The Lot has a front of Ilfty feet on South Com moo. and extends back 340 feet to Water alley. Stable, Carriage Hama, l.rape. Arbor, and ea." , flag In complete order. POSSESSION GIVEN IMILILDIATELY The FURNITURE In the house Is also offered for suit:. Apply to JAMES li. HOPKINS, 103 Fifth Street le2:e= FL%E RESIDENCE Fil=l , Nit. EfBI,BI IN ONE OF THE BEST PORTIONS OF ALLE GHENY CITY. A large and thoroughly tabbed two-story Double Brick Dwelling, containing 14 rooms, spacious and airy ball. on ;both doors; pan tries, clogets and a burglar proof ante. The ample ground. surrounding the mansion abound In Choice grapes and halt, and shade trees. A beanie and Coach House, with other out-building., combine to make this a first-chi. residence. For particulars, apple to 8. S. BRYAN, Broker in Stocks and Real Estate. iny2l 51' Fourth St.. (Burke's Building.) SEWICKLEY COUNTRY SEAT N. ClOl.l. /8.4LX.438. A soperlor double two-story Itrlek Dwelling, with back bullolug. coutatolog !metre room. nod bath room. with marble mantles and 'choral good eolith. Aboul om. acrt of ground. with extensive grape arbor and good fruit trees. Flee minutes' wall from .tattoo. dourly trains on the P. F. W i & C. IL it. main this u courenteut as any of the nearer suburbs of the city. Apply to S. IS. BUYAN, Broker ht St ock. arid 'teal kutate, cuy2: 67 Fourth street. ([torte'/ Bulidinkt.) /-; ALDEN OF LAND, WITHIN THREE MINUTES' WALti OF lIOMEWOOD STATION, PENNA. R. IL, N'CONV. 0318M.X1. I=l Lid Atli EM , tiAZZAII • CO I= tAI ho. is Want street, Plttaburgh. 1.4'0111 SALE—A Farm of "216 acres, situate in Pluto t ,, witallip, Allegheny county, Pa. the limproventenGi are a two-atory Frame House, with six rootha sod kitchen; • large liana Wu". mi by 6 0 . and other not-buildings; good Or chard; 1:111acre• et eared and In a good state 01 cu,- [ration. the laud la of the peat, quality' well adapted (or train or stork, rnd Is all underlaid sr Ltil Coal, a very large schontli of Winner. Pus seaslon given ludhetilritely, convenient to entireties. actioola 111., to. For further particulars. an qutre of IL TirwEß. lies! Estate Agent, ho, 1104 Fourth •treel. myl7,abo 14 . 011 SALE, At Milivate Station, Pa. R. if., Only ae.,..teen minute.' tide from the Union input. VIA AND A HALF Atltt.s, adjoining the tc•ldeneca of Alea. brzndley, k.aq., and Mrs. Dr Druny, and beautifully •Ituate.l for • Country Hcb ntenev• J01.1..N 1). 11.11..1, Stork and heal Palate Broker. Jef No. lor. Fourth •trect. SZILIBUBBAIII RESIDENCE FOR BALK-Abet. five m late, .rons nhady nide rotation, Penna. R. and n.ar the asst env Passenger Logo, . aboutttree.f...,rtl.• of Ku acre. highly culllsated. with L ilt El. Lai,: or rooms, hot anu raid watt r to idea. and bath rvotti pent well of ~.tent the door with pawn. amo tarp oriel chief, with pomp. In the altenen. In lr fu cheap. Apply woo. at N... 110. corner cist .rent.. coultudeld .eets. jr7iene OUaTRY PROPERTY FOR KA LE Ds. Ir BM N win ht• prop DS ert). tin Browluelite road, toull•ting oi a % Kl.l. t. ha•lng rtgnt room., alit, then ee...art out-buttillugs, a neat tenant 1,00,..r. ten ace" of laud. under:aid L.A.1.. • well of pure iv .ter al Ina back door. a . oven. and 1,,5al treen. to arlug fent, The property i. within three mile, of Bir mingham, halo,. in township. Jr: .chid I,`OR BALE.—S} MICKLEV 11E141- 1/LNL - wenty-, • acres or laud to a nigh state of cultivation, on which t• • two-story fratue dwelling, con.lets (weir, room.; built lu modern style Cellar under the whole honer. flood .tank and carriage house Exec...et water. Fifteen hundred fruit tree.. Including a rrry • ariely. Three Acres lu lures, tree, wear the house old grape, Slid abounding to . n and bowers. JOHN D. BAILEY. Stock and Beal Ratatowliroter. 01 7 3 Nu. Itr2 t ourth &tree, LOU SALE—A Farris of Iffn acre*. In litllgaboth tow nship. Atleglienv county. Fa., near the 1 ouglitoglieur mi.,. the Impro•entra are • heed twig House • go.wl Baru, t able mid Ont-Intingluga t• being pi...taus goiwl; vreo Watered; tta area inearedi reins of Lue•our, the uOder vein about sy fret the upper , 0, in • s toed, very ,o n• talent to tile rller . It to tiro to.re.l ill, the Iwo. whit. oak •utt t•lark ioun t Umber Viler tier am t • or r portico lisr.s. enquire of Is. h. Tv% ill. Real Fatale Agent. No. 184 Fount, street. ace Ijolll SALE 011 EXCILANGE—That teR destraiale Ivestry xat. known ea • •Plea•- sat Borne, • • altnatrti lour tulle* from the cite, Its intl. from Laughlin •• ntatlon. tittles from Last sdherty, forum,' the mold...see ol Leopold nal., rout•tulng 11.* acres of ground. I Aries of which I. planted with troll of the holt collet Lion and in great v arlety, :ate. Ika grape's. Large Cottage Besetting Louse. tenet hon., two isarm.,,gesnl s tabl in g, Sc. apply lo atcLalN las.. Fourtn •L PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE PROP krtf 108 NALC. -A. ne•t Brick Dwelling Rouse, pleasantly situate. with lot of ground Rarer. It by 193 •-11 bet deep to t.olviell feet; garden. urge pear tree& shrubbery. etc. The house Is ar raugml with halt, two parlor., dining roam , kitch en, four en...bers, Mush.] attic, wash house, all Cell papered and painted. and tu • ood order. Ap ply to is. I BERT 1 riONS, 31 liturget ireeL • • It Estill:ACE AND IMPROVED ricamizr, fou r ( k.ot • It . 1 1.Z.E1,WOUIJ, tulles Irvin Plttoburgh hy onnellsrllle Railroad. J. trie NT,JNE 411 AltltY sun good eel& of I,AL on the premises. Will be entire, cat divided to salt of le Eli. K. pureuasers. }ln LLIW EH. quire Hazelwood Mallon, or 03 triamond "Met, ['Manure, Penn. FOR SALE—A pleasant Country lteoldence, Cl Kilts W rilArlON, Penney I rani& Railroad, one-half Mlle from Wiltlu•burg. aieres of Laud, a an* new Dwelling containing 11 room., and cellar underneath. Will sell the bowie with the or flee acres, or the whine, 1.1•011 pur chaser. For further information, all on li. 1.1 TV W ER, 104 Vourtla street, or no the prenOsCa. ttnyall J. ri. hINt.. FOR SALE, THAT THRHY-STORY MHH: K DIV ELLINU No. 1.7 becotol meet,, evntainlnk eight room. and attic. Lou and water up stair.. Range In kitchen. ,lUIiN 11. VALLEY, Block and lital Estate roker, a No. 110 Penni. are, V0118.41E-About FORTIFBUILD .. 1.!....11.1/Tri. In plan laid out by .Ir.likkaatti nod yeelton Wood's niun, to rollroada. Turn:, - thrall amount down balance on easy pa yta et, t sit .lol4. Meth Improved Dwelling., Jralth choice •Itrubbery and ten t. Title perfect, Wquire at mo rol Tool Works, Noe. and 51 “hiortrent, Alin. u T. or or J •11114. , on the pr Mho,. so, 1,U:4 IC LEC . 132 , 200 WILL PLWCILISE I=l miza.r.cmc. <a- And LOT T 1 by nO. on chartlery street, Allegheny Illy- For further particular, enquiry of U. li. Tow EU, Nu 1114 VOllrth street. utyls Fait E--A two-.tor ßrick . . Dwelling of 7 roms, bate. gaol y••I. hole, three year build , olll lot C by In feet, situ.. on Ewalt •trret. Lawrenrevllle, all In complete order. For further Information. ter., In. , apply at #he Real Kgtate and Ingot - army (line. of 14. 11A MS, rnhl IluLlor street. Lowronceyllle. PUNOB, O,II . OANS, Ste THE MADDER V NEW WORK, Schoinacker I Co., Philadelphia, x iAL INT 0 IS. The Estey & Co.'s Cottage Orgma, AND AMERICAN ORGAN., Acknowledged by the beet eboalcal Panne lb the U cited !bates to be euperlor kola allotnors In po wer, p. polity and plaUtY of tone, and thoroughork anahl Thoser!, instruments pare for yea atm the g in s 9 VaTd . bgs e a r tyll:l U ris.nt 9 7P ‘ l k tte t- e b no ' "n r ° o4; thau any other.. All warranted for Ave year., AMELINK d 'DARR, Flo. 12 St, Clair Street, Pittsburgh, Ps yz4 »ANoai riwrr OM! I linabe & Co.'s and Baines Bro's. .1.1EL.N0413, 0 tiARLOTTEAISL UME I=l STEAMSHIPS AUCTION SALES. ADJOITELNED ORPHANS' COURT SALE. By virtue Of all order of the Orphan's Conn of Indlan• meaty, [ Bla i rsvi l le offered at mobilo rile, in the borough of on Friday.lsth day of June, .1888, the following real estate of Ymithis Hammer, late or Barrel township. deretmcd. Bounded on the north by lands of B. Repine; on th e east, by leads of S. Mel ma ' s helm on the west-. by lands of that, Hill A Co.: on the 'south. by lands of 8. Dixon. 'Con catalog WI 7.10 acme, more or less, haying there on a Two Story Brick Dwelling loose • large Log Barn, with shedsallfr oharsl und, and all the necessary at th out-buildin e-house. gsand . Al an c so exce of gllent spr ed fru in of v g of wata er it rious kinds, In good bearing condi raft tion. A good portion of the farm is underlaid with coal—one bank open and in working order. The farm Is In &good state of cultivation, Ind Iles ono mils north of Blairsville, with a good township road running through it to tows, or the Railroad Station at Blain .l Any person wlshlnA to loot at the prorty, will please call on ThomasJ. Hammer. living on MI prrmllont. T an of SaLP--Ona.half cash, on the ntntlourturos tbut of o n le , and 'he balance In one year. se d by bond and mortgage. -Sale to commence at mac o'clock I...M.,."a_tth_edll brett Ilona, In the borough of Blnlftv.l.. It. e conducted by Tobl. and Thomas J. Ithro rater, Admlnlstruort. It, order of the Court. tor-Nl:btu . A. L. IdeLEISKY Clock. GREAT SALE - DELAWARE LANDS. The largest, most ileslrable and valuable REAL ESTATE, In ARMS, 11OLSER to., ever offered for sale at one time In the State of Delaware. The subscriber, wishing to chang e some Invest ment/ by selling Real Estate, will therefore offer and sell at Public Auctlon_, In the town of WRY'S:NA. State of Delaware. at Fi 'NW ELL'd HOTEL, on Thursday, the 14th day of To commen wh i ch, oclock. A. G., a par , of ov a Real Estateof Ite kind, Is not surntmsed br n n thla handsom e ly lows: Noe. i, a, 4 , I ea 0 , s e e Perms dtted up and bingo:reed. containing each from 110 to 800 : and All Lava l'ermh nod Apple Orchards, and are within 1 to 4 tulles of the town, near the Steamboat India.and Delaware Railroad, and the Smyrna Creak (g am navigable water) frontsseveral of the farms. No. 7, tract of Marsh Land, MO acres. No. I. the Li me Kiln, Sheds and Office, with two .re lot at kuty rue landing. Non. Rand EL two large Granaries. =ba hte of storing 15 to 2.0)0 bushels of gnat, at Islay, nA Landing, with an acre lot to each. No. ti, Water Lot, known as the "ship Yard," at Stinymaa Landing. Persons are requerted to esamine the property before the sale. Plots of same may be teen prior to and at the sale. Title good to each parcel. The term. will be, one-third ninth and the residue a credit of annual equal Instalments, extending to Cho years. Detail of the terms will be announced at the sale. Handbills eau be procured by apphing to the on bscriber, which glees a lull description of all the property. and the subscriber would refer to the Delaa are papera also for toll accounts. my=ta63:T&S GEO. W. CUNMINS. ORPHANS' COURT SALE. lly virtue of an order of the Orphsot' Court o Allegheny County. to me directe.l . I will expos, to Sale at Public Vend.. or Outcry, On Saturday, June 23d; AT 1 the!tLOCE, A. M., On the premise, hollowing described Beal Es tate, the property of the estate of Jesse Doughty, deed: Ist. All that lot of ground In the Borough of Elizabeth. Lot he. 451 n the Plan of Additional Lom, laid out to said lio•ough Beginnin at pool on Third otreet, Joining Lot No. In, an d run ning nulls the same tlallert to Tanners alley, and !mooing with the same CO feet to Mulberry theism. with the lame I_l,lfeet to Thin d .creel, and thence with lite "mean feet to the place of begin lat -Not No. la, In said plan. Beginnings, a pout Titird agree, and tonethe by lot lor formerly) of Esan an., IM feet an alley. tbefiCe by .ald alley MI newt to lot (or formerly)ofJ Walker: thence IM feet by line of mid lot to Third street; thence by Third street al fret to the pierce at beginning. a z llg. , ~ m and balihor on -t r Li r .o d ;L , eh fa, e o l nd, y l n a ie. JOHN E. SHAFFER, Atltuthl‘trathr dr !soul, dou , etc.. ofJense Doughty dcoeaced . PLUMBING, GAN FLATUREN, OF TH LAT EsT STY LES, •N D Plumberiel - (;roods, CLOSETS, BASINS, .0 copper 1.1.3a.c1 X..r.00n. • BATH TUBS AND BOILERS, AND PLATED WARE. BAILEY, FARAFT.T, & CO,, No. 167 Smithfield Street. ADDY, WILLIAMS & BARTLEY, .1 .. 1-81:111X23MIPLIS. GAS AND STEAM FITTERS. We) Sixth and Smithfield 81s., X.ITT N 313 Criza.4l3-13C, AM) Car. Beaver and Chestnut tits.. MANCHESTER. AU kinds of Water, Gas and Steam Fla tam kept constantly on ban.. Jes:e* ADDY, WILLIAMS & BARTLEY, KEEP ON HAND A SUPERIOR WOOD 3P1:7316-IPI3I, All klimla of IRON ?MUM HYDRANTS, SHEET LEAD, SHEET ZINC, LEAD PIPE, RATH TORN, ONRA, W ATER CLOSETS, WASH HASINR, W ASH STAN OS, its. at gob. Wanomam, Corner Sixth and Smithfield Streets, 401,\R [lnds of RE PA IRI dome promptlT. sa"All toilers bT mall Immediately attended Co. 1e4,30 WELDON & KELI.I", PLUMBERS, Gas and Steam Fitters, AND BRASS FOUNDERS. A large aaeortmr nt of Chandeliers and. Brackets, Lend Plpe, Putnps,Sheet Lead, &c., 161 Wood Street, near Sixth. NOTICE. Private Families and Hotels Can ho etirubthe t t With best quallt7 or HYDRANT HOSE &ND PIPES Al SHORTEST NOTICE AND BEST TENNIS, =I JOHN MAFFETT, Nos. 127 and 129 First Street, 111711:440. PITTBEIVRG 11, PA. T. T. XTV are WM. LOITODON FL CUBING, GAS AND STEIN FITTING, HYDRANTS. IRON PUMPS. ~IIK LAMT ZI NC, LEAD PIM, Limns. WATER CLOSETS AND WASHSTANDS, ErIX 71E912 VIES ce 400., (Successor. to Addy • Zwenno iorT:s4n No. 165 Woo4st.. Pittsburgh, I's DERRORANT TAILOR& BOY'S CLOTifil%G. JUST RECEIVED A VERY LARGE c , mid losloct Stock or METROPOLITAN, KNICKEIIMOCKER, HARNEY, GARIBALLDA., and CUTAWAY SUITS, FOR BUMMER WEAR, •Of ltie Newest Styles of CASSIMEBE WISH It um*, which Ire are scUlng at 1.13• LOWiSTALAIL HST PRICES. idirAli early call Is respectlilily solicited by GRAY & LOGAN, 47 St. Clair Street. myRa:DEO HENRY G. HALE. MEERVILIRT TAILOR, NORTIVE COM GI PEO k St ELM BUM Pesti** to Want Monks to Ws:Muds and the pub Ile generally for Melt lateral 'patronage, sad would respectfully Eastern Mutt that be bai just return ed from the Eastern markets with large andlrell seleated stook of eepp NINM WOOLEN coons, 8199 PAINT, WILLIAM Minnows, (Late of Shatialail• aatara a Monaow. aOlata.ilarD alga piNtwgrj!„ Nona ran amass . of Tkaa sa4,,,bakes atieay ?I tiegaiiiini. AMUSEMENTS. . O PERA 0 sE, `•-• Brilliant engagement or HISS CHARLOTTE THOMPSON. nATURDAY AFT EILN CON at 2 i'eleek. Xsiittlet Tx-a ea orta_rei- Conch:Wing with TIZTZIELMICI, .71715. T. EVENING PERFORMANCE. 1-813".1.1_0E1 Conelndlng with the CONVICT'S VENGEA.NC E. In rehearsal, the greatspect.le ALADOCI 1 , 4%;71.1r. WONDERFU L LAMP. at an °tally o PITTSBURGH THEATRE. LsSalm AND ILAN RE.NDERSuN GRAND MATINEE THIS (Saturday) Ar-ricH NOON, at 2 o•clock, when will be presented fur G. last time here the great McGee,oe of the ErI73EIZT ESIESTEINILEI. EVENING CICEPORM &NCR Complimentary lien tea co W. C. GALL.GHER. The per - forma. to commence with the great Drama of t arr.A.43 , -M.XAS..M . 42=I,MR.M. Lydon. a Gladiator Mr. J. E. McDonough. To conclude with the thrilling Drama of the ORPHAN OF GENEVA. Cumin and Advocute......Mr. W. C. Gallagher. Moudaf, Mlas JULIA DALY. TRIMBLE'S VARIETIES THEA TILE—SoIe Proprietor, Sim Tuntot.e. CREAT ATTRACTION FOR THIS WEEK. MORE NEW STARS ADDED TO TUE VARIE TIES TROUPE. TIM RAYS, the Champion Clog Dancer or th world, and JOHNNY KEEGAN. the Champion Jig Dancer, WILL APPEAR EVERY EVENING THIS WEEK BU.LIARDSI BILLULIRDS!! Respectfully announces to las friends and the pub- Ile generally, that be bur toot opened his new and LIBERTY BILLIARD ItulyMel, CORNER OF LIBERTY AND BT. CLAIR. hTtLEETN, entrance Rom st. Clair. The Tables are new, and count net• ed In U..... aPPM2Yed and elegant style. and all the appurtenances are new and complete. Every thing which may et:km[l°re to the pleasure and enloy• ment of his be afforded. turt..a. PROFESSIONAL JOHN W. TAYLOR, ATTORNEY AT LAW, No. 69 Grant Street. . 1= '=”1"e1.1317.111,413 Mr, PAL. rro. btu IL C. 21 ..C1(11.14.1.. MACKRELL & KeeoM - BS, ATTORNEYS & COUNSELLORS AT LAW No. 89 Grant Street, PITTSBURGH, PA. m 721.16 W. J. PATIWIISON. :I ) TALL 1 krrLagoN Notar7 Public, (I.; it AN r tAt tornv) -at-Law J. & RILL PATTERSON, Law and Claim Office, PITTSBURGH, PA Penslona, Local and Government Dm:Lotted, Back Pay. Prise Goner, &c.. collected. OFFICERS' ACCOUNT'S ADJUSTED. Collectlons made, Deedn. Let Lent of Attorney MortgMlKee, Go., rreimen. and all legal bust near promptly attended to. rnytH:see B. F. BROWN, Local Claim &gent, U. S. SAN. (0111., Office, No, 67 Fourth Street, ,SIC.ruND FLOOR,/ • Pittsburgh, Pa. Pensions, Bounties, and Arrears of Pay Promptly Collected. No am-go made YAW CIXAM. are blettled, and then but • moderate foe. tnra:bal JOHN A. STRAIN. ALX.D33III.II%TALIV, Es-Officio, Justice of the Peace, AND POLICE. MAOISTRATE, Office, 112 Filth St., oppwate CAtheAlral, =I th'rd , Ronde. Mort Fete.. Aclutrortedgnsen Ls, Depositions andall Lagal Business executed with promptuess and dispatch. WILLILAIN JANCEY, NOTARY PUBLIC, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, AND BEAL ESTATE AGENT. 4,ftice, eorner of Butler and Dravo street., LAW HEN VEVILLE. rpeelal attention Oren to the purchase and sale ot Heal Estate. the colleetton of Rents, end the_ pre pare ion and acknowledgment of all kinds of Legal trances. JANCEY, Justice of the Peace sod Notary Public mrAlrb4B DISTACE S. IORROW, ALDERMAN AND .CONVEYANCER, 12 Pennsylvania avenue, root of the Extearion and opposite Chill= Street WILLIAM F. ROBB, NOTARY PUBLIC, OlUce, No. 93 Diamond St., Pittsburgh. m7r.:.+~ CHATHAM T. EWING, Attorney at Law, No. 60 ['RANT BT., PITTSBUROH, PA. Alil - Cotomtit/Boner for Ohlo, Kentucky,. West Ylrginta, thesauri ant: other &Mee. tnyle:aht MILITARY CILAECIS, PENSIONS, BOUNTLEB, BACK PAY, and Military Cbtims al owi n gption, collected by the anbectiber, at the honet., via t Penni:dos, KW; all taw C. C. TAYLOR, Diamond street, o Attorney at Law, ppotgle INC Coo,. Hone, N. B.—No .:barges are made If th e claim does no , acceed. and fo to given gratis. eel:ly L . P. STONE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, OPPICE, lAA BLAZON') BTRZACT, .00posite the our Won. Pittsbargh. Pa. lalD~r CO-PARTNERSHIP. DISSOLUTION. MCO -PARTNERSHIP HERE ALE existlng between the subscribers In the Ironfoundry husiness,_ TEN,_bargh, under the nome of PENNiX2K & TOT has been dia. s..Pred lo agreement. JudEPII PENNOCK retires 1 ,,, m the firm .d nes transferred hls Interest It...rein to Ito 'I IIIRT C. ToI7EN, who le slope au tuorlerd to settle We business of the late ilrm. and to use tne drm name lu wittlentent- JOSEPH PENNOCK, HOBERT C. TOTTEN Pittsburgh, 111..7 81, WM. MI the forms of manufacture heretofore carried the "Ti nton late Cm of PE.NNOCE. & TOTTEN. at Foundry and Machine Shog,.• Pitts burgh, trill be hereafter conducted by the 'Omer, hers, under the name of TOTTEN & ROBERT C. TOTTEN, N. B. 8080. Pittaburgh, dune 1, 110 E la retiring from the Fulton Foundry I very cor dially beepeal for It • couttattance of the patronage which It has heretofore so 'Eternity enjojetl. JONEPII. PENNOCK. 'nth, May 31. I. .IN6:clr4 FEE! DISSOLUTION OF CO-PARTNER SHIP. THE num OF DAY & HAYDEN hY thls.lay been dissolved, toe entire &setts of the Arm baving been porchaseo by DAY, hI'ABOY & BYAN6. J. F. DAY. PITTIIBUEGH, Ilfitylth, 1916. 3: liAlthEN CO-PARTNERSHIP. The underslgtted haying purchased the males stook and assets of DAY a - HAYDEN. purpose con • tinning the, boatmen of the obi Ono at Noe. 4. WOOO. and b 0 end 104 Tina° uSaggf, under lbw style of DAT, bl'aidY A EWA NG. J. 7. DAY. J. L. AVA.BOY. 1i4.11131AN &NO. In announcing the than chant., we beg leave to say to the trade that we shall continue the business of llanotacturing and Importing BAODL.P.ILY /Wilt Preit/C in all Its brimenes, and deslre to cull peclal atteatic_rn to our ow Manufacture of liTAtjE l derCHptlono. WROUGHT PORT Alch i t l e tE b! . - neve to belie best In the tweet for this sod the Wettani ;rade. We shall at all items beep a lull and Muiplete aseortment eveutolng to our lino. Which we ahnli be glad to sell at lowest market rates. By giving prompt personal attentlon to orders. we hope to 'emit and receive a liberal share of year patronage. DAY, SI'ABOY & SPANG. th.. :OS CO-PARTNERSHIP. e jAMES B. OIAYEB becomes a Wl:abet . • of ow Am, dating from AP , i , =h. ibße• Natal SZCI Atile of firta agichibgeo. OLIVZIE d elimurs. PITIMBITEIGLI, Mgr Ulthl UO5. MONONOAUEI.• IRON WORKS. LEWIS, OLIVER &PHILLIPS, Purnnrarrinitid Or Carriage sad Tlse Dolts, •aft and Washers. IT,n rbeelitur Bolts, ir e :g l im r. g o. Botts. UO roresp, Pisa BOPP. H pea Urn LUP& 0.4 b oo , & e. .Deice AT *arm PaltD OP (Iw MOSONGAHS c. uatbat: WARLPltatet Pittaburgb4-:--" E=;SMI DISOOL •endO F CO-PARTNERSHIP. • • - Anwar or 011111.111 G, ito. I i l lErsoPt &CM sias dthsolved on lbe Ilst day Outobelru_by , tbadea.tt , of 11101244 AM 130BERTeON. SodwarttDithrldits butisald and adjusted all dills. due le WA. ann. *and bas transferred his Interest Ini th rt i tM e se r t a relltilrani uu dVe t7or l iattln ut MEOW A • " rm. Auden. of A. . (Darling, .111DWARD DITHRIDGIN. lunette; COMMISSION 111- ERCHAN'I'S. R. P. (.*.r.;TTY, R 13 L! &1 Wholesale and Retail Qs, FL O C E R, I= LIQUORS AND CIGARS,' INTC:P. 00 Ohio Street, Allegheny Teas, Coffee, Sugars, Syrups, Molasses I have Juat Importcd a largo wvil au/ootedi. or C7.16.E16...FLA5, Ranging In prim. from !M.0.,. f0 , r1,C03. TM truie 11l find It , thr, to .nil sad ex amine my pr film purchatlng e. 3L, 1(4 U01{.1,4, !f nil Ernlllln. !or .11 , ln sl WI YBB BKA\III, I,l', 211.:\l lilt k.KI i Win F.. L. No. 55 Ohio St., Cor. Diamond, ALLEGHENY CITY BREWER, BIIREE & CO., COMMISSION it IViti, AGENTS Flhi Pacific, Globe and Liberty oi! Works, Ample Storage for crude and Liber al club advannea made si......usignments a. Crude or Itenned Petroleum. 1 aids tor 5.0.. i..• :end ship ment of Crude Oil at Laarreneernl.. Office and Warelious . Corner of it •sili...ne Way .0 , 1 Hancock street. Pittsburgh. rirmat ILTILIt AEIL ....... ........ ...JAS. F. It ITCH/ & RITCHART, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, I=ll Flour, Grain, Seeds, Mill Feed, &c. = m 724: b. 71 PITMBITILO H. PA WILLIAM C. LEE, =SI COMMISSION AND FOR WARDINU SIVEI37I. EC A-IV% , , No. 102 Second Street, Pttlsburc,lt, Pa, Err Ageut for the took — Lead Pipe and `J.ect Lead Works. 1.).m10r In P 11; and I.IA H. LEAD, 11E511', FIRE CLAY . Cow:MI/went... Ili 11.. d And Ordt, promptly 011e0. my31:1,04 wv. cnAwr,m” )AV. CILAWFORD, Commission Merchant t, And deal., in MF.TAL., Wlllll'tiHT ltAl• 1l 1 , 11t1.1 Li h, andan "Tide of Rolling 31111 sup idle.. Warehouse and Unice. No.. 31313. d MIS PEA N nTftb..P.l. nturaae to be had. Consignment. solicited. F. J. Kr.14:1/01 . W. 11,11.11. O WENS, KENNEDY & HARPER, PhouucE COnl/11.16102‘ .I.IkItCHANTS,d nolesate Dem Jere In FURY-RAN ANL? I,3IEST en IC VIWITS.:iA.LT. FLOUR, BUTTER, Elitits. VO rATUF.S.... end In Vrovielone sod Produce nt.n• e. erally, No. 71; FV.ltkitNl, IlitEk T. opposite the Itelltond Depot. A Lt. lI.OIIIiNT , re. Ntruts for the vale of V. Y. Donnell it Hilman 'a and J. Kam's Sslt. atplclyd Wlt. J. nTIF.I. Lb. T. STIL&L W J. STEEL 4 1 / 4 . BRO. late Flew . • :NO & etas,. PHODUCE 0111111dnION MERE DAIS TS, receive and sell Flour, Core Steal, Oats and Porn, Beans. Panto, Lard, Butler, Cheese, Egg a, Pore, Green and Dry Prof.,. Potatoes, alas Cline. brass need, Feathers, 011 barrels, hoop Pes, SOIL. Se., IC. rarllcular attention paid /0 the sale of Foreign and Domestic Fruits. No. tali Thins street, 1 . 1 1 / a borgh, to. fn,trud (IHAILLES C. lIALSLEY, Produce and Coma - ilealon Alerchaut, WAXVII4.AIet, No. LIBERTY liTitkiET. Plttaourigh, J. Wholeinde dealer .n !Sutter, Chni.se, Lard. Emta, Pork, Bacon, [Nana, Feathers, Broom, Potatoes, Nom. Drled Fruits, Fruit, iinhoits. Flout, dial!, Clover Seeds, Timothy Seeds, Flax Nerds, Game and Poultry. Particular attention even to Produce consignment.. null • • AI I rj'BANE 6c J E IL:011111LI SSI ON dc slurs lia FL,,C111., li NA IN si Ls n t h r ti lt e le , p , U pi l t E at L ....h. d strut,llctveven oo I end • 11.0 N. 1 - OrrIGN JUN N A b. A. I , II.ICIYAILIN )OTTER, ht SII E P Alt D lanundeelon Men:natal, and th.alern el Forel,. end Domestic. Fruits, Flour, Butter, Cheese, Eggs, Potatoes and produce generally. No. 26,./ LIBERTY STREFT, oppoalte Paeseugur Depot, PBtaburgh. 0,6 811.10,11. D , ULP & SHEPARD, Commission Merchants and dealers In Floor, U rain and Pro dbrr, dO Llbert) street, Pittsburgh. holm brands of Flour fur Rakers and Family use roastamtly on band. Partirniar otteutton paid to ong order sfor llerehaiollse g,nerolly. o , goly LATTLE, BAIRD & PATTON, Wholesale limners, Commission blernnanta, and dealers in Pmdnne, Flour. Damn, Cheese. Flab, ~ .arbon and Lard Oil, Iron, Sails, Utast, Cotton 'tarns and all Pittsburgh inanulactarte generally 13 and Us Second /trout, Pitta burgh. WU. P. E., TllO5. WM. P. HECK ha. Co, No. IS Liberty ctret, Plttanurgl, 1 a., , A sudesale SlGrocers. .11.erelrani• tie.l,rx (\Au n y Produce. Provi.lons, RaLeull, :40 tter. neer, 11sh, de., Produce, Green and Dried fruits. &e.. unit nod Lime. JJIII e. nains-li J. s, ass msat wv u. itxsa EIMEII HILOS., (Successors to Broymer it Anderson,' Wholesale DeaJers yn Fur ..lgn rrults, Nuts and spices. Confectionery, Sugars. Fireworks, Ac., Nue. la. and Wood Street, snore Fifth Plttsburah. Ivlttas RoIST. ISFOX I.IOZ. 11/ li-NON & SON, Commission 1 1 / 7 .IICILANT9 and Dealers in FLUB lt, U RalN, lIILL 'FEED aod Yitt/DUCF: generall Nu. 79 Diamond,amond, opposite City Hall, Allegheny Ci y. ty. 101711yai ORN IL CANFIELD, Commission er and Forwarding Merchant Cod wholeasie dealer Western Reserve Cheese, Butler. Lard, Fort, 0.000, Flour, Fish, Pot and Fear! Ashes, neleratus, Linseed and Lard Ulla, Dried Fruit., nod Produce generally, Noe. 144 and lid Front street.. rittanurg h n. 11217111 J A. 01;.44,7. G I ( LI 3 14 4,mraT 64 n and Fo lTE AtT i bt .l etrant. l 4 4VE a VlTottg,l.". l lrert=Treb:49lV4N,V.. JOHN!. 110V.••5DIVAILL HOUR...IM .1.110.11.. .1 OM I. HOUSE /31301 . lb Ikacceti v, son To Joux .1. w talasaie tiro aVlV=l=ll,lfiiiii24'.'n'ter St'ob ‘ AMES niizz; LL & SON, Mum fasterers of Lard UM, and Commission Merchants far the purchose and sale or erode and Menned Pe troleum,➢Nos. 6O and 70 water street, Pittsburgh, advances made on Consignments. %,ZC ea HODILARER tc.LA NG,WholesaJie dletv In Groceries, Flour. Urn Priatut, Pro Laiuna, FLU. Chau*, bait, Curtain 011, Nus. U 2 and L:4 Wood Street, near Llburty titre., Pittsburgh, L', II I,OBOE 8 111.61, u 1011.61 1-11EA.6 ALETZGAIt i Grocers and coassoo= siorloso, ssa deaLers In all kinds of cows/Sep Produce and Pittsburgh kine.nActurea, No. Pig Liberty Street, opposite head of Wood street, Pittsburgh. aPail7 14`ETZEG For -. warding .clCommtaflon 11,-renanta for the sale .1 Flour, Grain, Bacon, Lard, IltThr, areda, /Mad Frulta, and Prolinee ga.nerally , So. is Market Street, - orner of First, Pittaburgh, , 81C/ay DalraLL a. 1. DALLILL. DALZ ELL A. CO., Whole sale tirOcera, Coutudadoo nod Forwarding bler ennuis and dealer. In Produce and Pittsburgh Man.. nant:tree. No. at. Liberty street, Pittatnlrgh. owl W•TT WILSON. VATT S. WILSON, Wholesale T (loaners, Conoulsalou MerobsolN and dealt. In 'Todnee and l'ltt•Durgb Manufactures No. ISO Lin fly Are., Plttabargb. 107.5 14,1111X.1tT..J0112, C. WALL/W.IR f AMBERT, S!!IPTOL 6c CO., Wholesale Ureters and Produce Dealers No. a, sloth street. DlDeberth. tale RIDDLE. No. IS3 Liberty St., • MID a-ste Meaner, C a., OlsalOu Merchant, sad Wholesale De et lu Country rreduce, Uroceries Rai l'lttebargh manufactures. Cash advanced on eon danments, Rod paid Ihr Produce generally. I SALAD DICKEY & CO., Wholesaje Orocer!, Commission . Merchant.. 00.1 dealer. La Vroduce, O.leN Water street and an Front street. l'lttsburgh. OANILL nears L. CO:112. EL VOIGHT b. Co., (Successor" • to U. Omd'Orroduce. and each.Milmlop „M t ,. Mantel. 37 Liberty garnet.. rittnnurgn. WILKINS LINHAIIT, 7-- iliecceseor to Kockeown & Llohart) threier to flour and Orals Produce .d Coma:desk al Ut•rclents No. tot LIISILIITT 13TREET, Ptstaburgh, fel OM, ?LOYD Wit. •LuiU 1011/1 FLOYD 1i CO., Wholesale osoczus, No. 173 Waco mual =.m Liberty •trrxt, l'lttsho nth. Pa. DRUGS AND CILEIBLICALS. Loll. It'CLELLAND. 9....34i 11. utttrlT. 1 1 1CCLELLIIA1VD & Co, corner Federal and Lacock Streets; Pa.. Wholesale and Retail Druggists, peele Carbonl3l4l, 011 s, Vartthhen, Dragg y Dye- Marls,l4ll, eth., l l tandarO end Patent Med icines. Their &Lock la Ice and welt aelt.ered, and will be cold as low ea soy hem, the wee, mylaos3l J. scfloohrmukkiiisCiiiiii,- Pittsburgh White Lead Works, PURE W.lllll T,EAD, BLUE LIL&D *MOUND IN OIL YON PAINIMI OIL lILIMIELii. rcrio. ee "017Cocac91 IBlaraet. BfAV/ 20 CASES CASTOR OIL, • 'IL s. ' 57Eal Jaa receded and for o•lo to U F.Otit: E A. KELLY. ei724 • • Wboleddle Dr..ggist, 4 Weed street. 30 CASES CHARTER OAK LEAD Just received dud for owe [D. UELIRG E A. Km. m 721 wboteenie Druggist, 37 fl dud et rect. • 40 KEGS FR v FRENCH ZINC, In py _ Just received dud for ttnitgiE A. RE my 24 Whole dale Druggist . , 37 tCcod are,* 5 suLs. received sod for sal., % Eouti cuyVl Wholtadle Druggidt, 13 WOO =ME BEEN
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers