U El II ght gittsb or git 6azette. U ROBINSON, McCLEAN & CO., Bankers. and Brokers, No. 75 Fourth Street, Pittsburgh, Desis , . In all knots of Closerrimeet !Securities. (Sold and 911eer, qncerrent Thank Note, Foreign and Domestic Exchange etc., etc.. etc. Deposits received In Par Fund...and ClarreeeY• In sllavred on time deposits. Coll... Woes made In all parts of the Untied - States on most fsrorable terms. Orders ezenutell wi lb Japan% for everything In the bnitness at the Boston. Sear York., Mandelnnis, and Bittsbargh Broken• noarna atrietly on nomad.- - - - • Draw on H. CLEWS & CO., New York, J. COO BlAS.a l lphla; C. D. &T. H. Milt- Hosteou. Gold has ?GU farther advanced, being quo- Led to Sew York to-day at 121 , 3. Government bonds steady, but nithout decided change, The demand for money Is rather Increasing, but there is a very grad supply, and the Mar ket is easy at unchanged rate. The Nen York World, of Wednesday, notic ing the movements of the gold market, says. Gold loans were easy at 1-le per cent in the mot ;ling, and gradually declined to 132., with a pre-sore to lend. Tile short Interest was tolerably well ei0.041 up to-day; and the spec- Ulster. are now •II long. When the dividends of 11,W. o,von in gold, due to-day, are dishuntod by government, and on the market, the ques tion arises, who will buy that aunt, atpresent rates, to earn , cua look at; If specie chip ments sin made to Europe at the rate of $l,- 000,00 n per weck,lin "11l take sonic time for them to MI he on Impression on $22,010000. purtherntree, the 122,00e,000 in geld requires about etS,noseno In currency to carry them; anditileei there 1.1 a short interest to borrow this old at high rates, it will be tiltflenit to maintain the present pnce. The amount of gold in the banks yesterday was about 00s, when the price ranged about 1:33; and in what way an addition of *22,000,000 or nearly three times the amount, can be engilmered to maintain the price above lot, is not very ap parent, even a. .a stock-jobbers' argument. —The statement ot the United States Mint for the snenth t•I April, shows that the gold deposits from all sources amounted to $1,303,- 769 40, and Of silver, to $2111911 44—in all, 41,615,- ISS 11. The gold coinage in the same time was id..361,33e, and the silvereal,l6l 4.1--being nearly ll half dollars. The copper °cartage was in vales C 2.1,5.51, and covered 12 - 28.900 pieces, toe ing mostly In one and three cent pieces. The number of piece" of all kinds coined during the month were 1,437,M1, of the aggregel, value of 61,441,141 —Many applications having been nettle 1 ,, the United States Treasury (or speciniem of the dtfierent Tract tonal currency notes t, eel by the government for ealdnets and album, a proposition is under consideration, which. It expectml,vrilt he favorably decided, to in int the lace of each note on one sheet and the back on another, and on the reverse of earl, half not.] to print the nntd "specimen," in bronze, which cannot he erased, These notes tits propoced to se” for hall . the price of the face, and red o , •in then], it presented, at the Kane sale, It Ihnt n vonslderable sum will Aver, trate door Sale. —Tim lni poi I. 4:1 dry It 04.1., are duck illg off a idle, list at general inerrinandise centi me large The total rimeipts at New York list week lit foreign 11014 vnlne was over six mil lions of dollar/4. It ill/ such an amount of im ports the umnand tar gold to pay dialer: will tot permit a docl me in the premium. —The Non York Tunes, of May 1, save. “tiovernment securities held their ground quite stilrhornly, treopits the adverse. influence on the origitird iezas of same extensive tin/10- day options, put out by foreign houses, at 101)-t, erlitlN, flat, Slav toupon off. QUM°, were in a ustrinunly mreolated 11l the remora of heavy lines of the aside by the Scotia. Careful In quiry enables um to my that there was rem" foundation Om these rumors. The amount of ihe tannin brought hark by thin ar rival did not equal an ordinary day's sales of any le , me of the great dealers on Wall he Nassaustyeoli. All of the Importations avail able at the ruling Ilsrures, were speedily embed. The latest .onion quotations for the feWs to the evening of the :Ist of April) are TONetrot4t 6e ing a further decided Improve ment that in closed very strong on an ant.l4•e Investment demand, so reported in the corres,iondenceof the leading houses In the tooelver:lnterest . The comummion firma Wore very ter ty , haying the coin-Interest claim of the Five -Front y bondhoidersenast of whom were reinvesting the proceeds in one or anthem of nateonal funded stocks, seven thirties men tngiy meet hug with Most favor from this claas of purehase,. All ISMIle+ of the Treasury not,: were in brick request and bunvant m privy " —Ti.,.,, far in the current fiscal year the Na tional Treasury receipts from internal reve nue have wren FNel e ldo3.9, or monthly averayee of t &lahlo, which would make the whole rear's income rm.: to three hundred and sixteen nations dollars. =1 Dry Cometa arid repel Trade. New lows, Day I.—There Is a moderate trade doing today, with s steady market. (roods ate not likely to fall mach more. Brown and bleached goods have teen sold at very low priers lately by a few houses, tint !heir extreme low rate. are not to be taken as. tile Market price. Many ityle4 of French and BrlLlsli goods are scarce to-day. and in active • a as now for good steles thi y coxed OUPCS, realize marl; more. Prints—A - 11.1.,, 16 , 4„; Amerlean, IS; AzoOsimag, 15, Coen eco, 20; D n noel's, IT; Clamor A Co, lb; lanca4ter, Id; blerrinine, to; Herr mae ,19; Pacific, Ili; Wamautta, 124.. Prin. Wd Delaltie,—.Armeres. 224; ifamiltim, Pacific,224'. Sheeting and Shirting—Brown A mosleng A 22 4 4, d01t,242ii; A ppletou A, do C, to; do ft, 20; do IT; Atlantis, A, 83; An. ctiatu, Is; Boot H. la, Broadway, 22; t,reat 31,21, Indian Hen,i , 22 1 . Laconia, B, 12 4 La nark, 20; Laurel 11, 21' 2.lidlow A, AitiSeil chwettr, 19; Nashua Exi ra, 20; OreFon 14, la. 'Pacific A, 2,2 1 ., l' at k, IS; Pepperell b., 24; do It, 22; CO 111, 22; do A, 50. Sheeting land Shirt Mg— Hay lice, Canoe, 14; Ilarriso. 1,25 i 11111 Sem, , Homo, 32, Hope, 88; James, n 3; Lang ston 1124;; Lonies.tale, 34; New York Idills,4lT4; Palmer Haver, 25; Reynolds A A, SS; Slater, sl; IN - amanita, 55; do, io; do, in. carpets there has been a Theme!aitde doing, and prices remain very firm. stocks of all &miriade goods arc reduced. The market for wettings showded IL weakness at the lasi auction sale, and prices went lower. The boot and shoe trade is only moderately active, and prices rre ewa are sil e triontmaterial change. In the the Jobbers are still doing a fair business with the west. California is also taking a moderate amount of goods, but the southern Is light and nearly ail over for the season. The market remains firm for about everything but stocks, sellers accomilletbag a little more to some articles. "Rowlety of the New York 43reeer,y Market (From the Commercial List, May - Oeffee—Tho market continues tittlet, the de. Rimed being only moderate, without para.:l iar change in prices, (though the tendency is rather m buyer.. favor, especially for the me. Mum and lower grades, which are plenty and neglected. The WOO., are 2540 bags Rio per Parkalde, at iSre, gib Angostura, 19; 80 Java, .29{ 323 pockets Singapore, part 24 gold; 5015 do per St...llrsula, 810 do, per Zingara,ll93 San. Son,por Adelgunde, 753 Lagrsyra, and POO St: Domktga., on terms not made public. The stook ofaus in tho country is - 70,631 bags here, AMC in MIR Orleans, 27,000 in Mobile, and 14,- 000 In Baltimare--total MAD - bags. llogar—On Saturday last there was but little dens in raw, but Monday, refiners pretty gen erally entered the market. and a large bust noiotwas done, the sales teaching about 3100 liZ ze the i decline in gold, howerver, bad a ten , weaken tho market a little, but the lA),.a shower' no particular change In - Ittliktalyesterday the bus Mess was again mod eilatey bat With smite reaction In geld, prices were "imported, and the market closed stead. - My at One quotations of friday last. Refined Is not actin, and price, Are rather easier; lard, , e pAglifiXet sett whlte;.ll,!lffls; andyel lciar;llo ticr Messrs. - Stalart quote their best Mush ,granulated and gronnti, Wife; white A, 15; and - yellow .C, .14}4 Mb: The, sales of roman Rgifi idida Cubs, at /O 4B do In ferior, P 12 do - c1ar11104,3r.1% 479 Po r n 33ft barindoet,;llZbra HaVe• f;and 4517baga brOwnPtintambuco, lb 4,1 moo. By aniline, WO brit damaged Ma aims sold at lifglatic,'easli. kleeliatigoon continues gtiod demand, and with a arm market, prices are well sai portediew notice Rai ball!) foie 'at 0 1 1,87 1 VS% iMM do, &LI/lit - 14AT • and to arrive. CO, at eiGh.l-5, both gold, I bond. Pinactelal ittattera Su New York. Ngrof Toni, key 3.--Gold ;dosed et 1,271/4 .1.23;5. Tito market (or sterling-la armor, at I ...Wawni. for bunkers' bills, with moderato demand. The Sleek Market at the second regular and last open beards way more active, sad pricey .granchishee tight through. 'rue Govern. meat: Securities Were Ormer, this afternoon and in demand ; MN Coupons, 10gtgeleg, Piro-Twenty Coupons, 10140102; T i en-For Coupons, 9f4.4 a 95 • ; Seven-re lrt7 Notes, bilge;lo2; Western LinWri Telegrapli,6o; Quicksurer Si; Eris, 71%,• New York Central, 0155; , River, 11014; Michigan fluattern„ 17014; ti11...11; Central, 121, The statement of the principal changes in the statement of the paid. debt There has keen an increase in Flve Twenties, amounting TO 1.582,1X0, while the Inane of Compound Inter est. Notes bas been reduced 115,1:07,000, and of Piro Per Cent: Notes $5,000,000.. The amount of Greenback Las been' reduiled over 07500000,, while - the Coln in that Treasury - luta been in, creased fr0ura02,006,7110 tegla,G/S,ON. The total debt shotra a decrease of: CAM 07i compared with the last return. - Petroleum and alining blocks were pule t and ateadyrtua afternoon; Mac - halms Farm, Pk Pit Role, MI abed° River, 50; United States, NA Mining Stocka—adelmore, 210; Downier/110, 10; Grinnell Gold. 100; liolman, 42; Smith a Pariateee.lo,ll. ; , Bersaala. MAY 1 1, 7 , F10ar in Or= demand: fair Canada . ',pang extra, at 159§9,504 'treater. onus arant, at 18,7809 , extra State, at op t . 'Was Colorado an. western, at ellela. Wheat: plea Of No. 4 Chleago eortaa. at 111,7 P; other madaa ammo' and - nominal; So. 1 Corn offered to arrive at Mid, without L u ka r B 3 Chicago, 4 0 %, Taledo,'46a Canada.tr,e; 'Barley Caedipt. Whisky nominal. Pork arJ6'39,i3o. Lard 0, •ftaaltrelanta dull. oats to New ink %Gila ' Prime intnnerto .41ban7 per loot dc. • Cauf.too, May 3.=Flour steady but active Wheat steady" at '40,54% for No, 1, and al. , $1,09 for No. l; Corn nrm, at - 1241.9Ke for lsio, and all!rAtt . X•for Oata qulat 29,M3046 for 2(0,1,-2m4 - for••No. 2; Nine"; r.. In bond; Pork, mom; Lard, 20 ; Freights firmer; Or on Corn to Buffalo. pta 11,600 blda Boar, 23 OW Wheat . , 83,0 W Cora, 70,000 Oata. Bbipmenta, gra/ bbl. /lour, 2,000 baobab; Whaat, 21,000 - 3} 14Q Oacki. i U, . - . .. . CtteeLunat.: ..slarket. , Ctne.pria.at, NOS.-F i o na-. arum.. 14000 basil. 11111.4annee Wheat told at 400 to- li tp i lnlaky dolt and unabanged. - Mesa York a bany an; at saitia, 'and - elated quiet at dealt In Potter demand, at 20e. OS4 - L.n. -- -• FRIDAY. MA Y 1, 1866 TEIURSDIV, Mar 3, lar3s. market. IeMM 311"ket• PIT TSBERGH TLIIIII Em St. Load• Placket. 1., t• . lase d.—Cotton firm and ticciot or TRt P1TT98U11.613 Garmre, 7 change .. tr heed stiff, and better grades Trrranac, May 3, 1.4 . hi g her, Ne. el•ring t 41,75; Prime No. 2, VM; choice, V.,4007 0 73. Lora advanced at , 0437 . 7:k. Me produce inancets are quiet hat steady oats dull 4 - 3 ' o Y ork higher ' , at 3 . 211,506 with a fair oral demand Wk man of the Mad' 01, 01 for Macs's. Bat, .on P active and unelianeil. ' eg.eemerio dfliet, while primes have undergone Whisky unchanged. no material change. GROCERIES--Cutia sugar is selling to a re gular way at 12 to 15; Port, Rico, 13 to 14. Crushed 17017 , 4; . 4 A- Coffee ig'441; 16 '.; "W . an , I w-4,016. Itio OAT, is selling at from 25 to 27, for COM2IIOII to strictly prime; Porto Rico al, lassos 7o to 75; Now Orleans do $1,106)1,45. Mee' 10 1 4 for Rangoon, and r 2 ,4 for Carolina. GRAlN—Wheat In firm and in demand, and tint Is held firmly at i 2 Corn is firm with miles of Ilan bush shelled, on wharf, at 70; and I rar shelled at 75. Oats lima with regular sales from store at fiVes. Barley is in request with so eta offered (or prime spring. No movement in Rye. FLOUR—Is firm and In very - limited supply, and it is very difficult for deers to supply thu wants of their regular customers. Spring Wheat Family is stills uoted at s.loki@lo4; anti Winter Wheat brands,. at Slll,yal2. Several large lots are en route from St. Louts, some of which will reach hero this week. PRoVISIONS—Itimon is firm and tending up ward. We note sales at 13 1 ".4 for Shoulders; MR 01614 for Ribbed Sides; eittp2p; for Plain Sugar tureil llama; and 22 1 4 for Canvassed ditto. lard Is firm at 21112214, for prime city. Mess Pork is held at OM. POTATOES—Demand to little better, and as rrivals are falling off, the market is a shade firmer, and prices are tending upward. Wo continue to quote at e1@1.15 net bush from atore,ands3,....l/68,30 per bbl,according to Oral- I ty. Sale of 2 cars common, on track, at $2,75 per bbl. BUTTER—Is quiet and in rather bettor sup ply but unchanged; sales of good to prime lion at wets. EGGS—Continue dull and Irregular—sales reported at 15417. ritEEst;--18 dull but unchanged —regular sttles of Goshen at tail4,l. t tlL—Lard Oil is firm and higher . . Sales of i o. I atsl,l3), and No. 1 Extra at $1,85. LlItlE1) FRUIT-1s In better demand and firmer. Sales of Apples at 11 to 1,, anti Peaches at 1802:1, for quarters and halve.,. SEEDS—We are cognisant of ttil.4 hay mg heed offered and refused for n round lot of Closter Seed. Flaxseed is In demand at .. No Timothy in market SORGIIDIII—Ia dull at MI to 115. BEANS—Very dull, but prime :total! iVlttte are still quoted at $1,75 per bush SALT—is dull and drooping; It Is quoted at k 2,40, by the Car load PITTSBURGII PETittizit:ufl MARKET n1•Il•• Or Too Prrr••vaas GAZ•rr• Tn rrtF ne y, May 3, Inge, CRUDE—There was again a very good de wand for Crude to-day, and the market ruled firm, with an upward tendency Quotations may be fairly given at IVA 14, libis returned and in bulk. and 1..4e15, bids included—with one sale of heavy gravity at DI 4 . The ad ; ices from the east maimue favorable, while at the wells, bottlers at firm at sfi to IV, and he nupply is reported light, anti a great many "(the well owners, It Is Bald, are sold ahead. Th e reported sales tosiay reached to the ag gregate over eve thorns., barrels, as 1M- Wc 4160 bhis. in balk, at 13 , ; 10M at Ili, 200 id2'2s at 14; Ili at 134; 31m ' Smith's Ferry" al MI, 737 at Ins at 13ty, 5114, low gravity, at 14;4m "Franklin oil" at 1.4 , (.; and lac to be delivered In Philadelphia, at i 5. packa.g. in cluded. In addition to the above, It was re ported that a sale of 5000 Wile, for Jnly 1/1, livery, bad been consummated, at IIk'. REPIN ED—There was quite an active 110. mend fOr bonded oil to-day, both for present loud future delivery, and while the market Is arm and somewhat excited, the extreme v tetra of refiners has a tendency to retard op. ;alit 10.. Sale of Wobble; for May delivery, In Philadelphia, at al; Inee for June, at 42; Me for June, ate; and MO for July, at 44 , ;. We are cognizant of having been offered for li qv, free OW board ears tier,', WWI refused. For August delivery, In Philadelphia, buyer. ere offering, 454146 1 4, and Mall for September. Free 011 Lsquiet but a shade firmer, being quoted at SUM. NAPTILt AND RESIDIIIEd—There i. ap parently no demand whatever for Naptba, while neeMount le quiet and dull—lust sole re ported, delivered In Philodelphin. ARRIVALS—The arrivals of oil by the Ileghony rtverodneo our knot report. wore no folitlwo : • I. M. Edgerton ANS" I Fi.her t llro Brewer & Burke.. SOO Darts & Tiro Miller le F:tlwards Sas Jae IV I. l,ngah 333 S. M. Hier._ Sul 'ter Co 513 Total CENTRAL LIVE..S*M:K MARKL•T Ownol Or errs Per - rsJitrnan GAzirrTa, Torment. May 3, 1806. li.A TT LE-.-There Max quite an active demand (or rattle this week, and with vamp:Li - lively li. ht arrivals, a I hulled supply, anal an ins ,,nally large number of buyers In attendance, lie: snorkel ruled very firm, and good cattle told readily at extreme prices. The favorable f itaiacter of the whims from the East had a ll•ntleney to stimulate shipperS, and at the come time stiffen holders, and the great pro. i - e•rtion of the cattle on talk, sold readily, and hi:it, too, at full rates. Prime tat cattle, salts- We for retailiny in the eastern markets, sold as from pi to i;ii.grose,and extra maybe fairly ,innted at 8 tents. It Is schl that the beat grades of cattle brought as much here as they a1...1 In Philadelphia on Monday last, end upon tl r whole, for reasons already- stated, the market ruled in favor of holders. and, having al.t• advantage of buyers, they MOM not slow In making the moss of It. Common and fail-Isla hear of. The arrivals of this particular class of stoek have been very light for some time p on, which is owing, tt e preonme,to the fact ' that they meet with very Blow Rle anti will barely pay for teed bills and cost of transpor tation. bood fat cattle have boon in very good demand for six or eight weeks, and gen at paying prices to the drorer j while interior do not appear to be wantesl, and those 0 no whip title grade of stock to market,are al noon certain to incurs loss. .11E:EP—There was again a brisk demand f.•r Aeon thin week, anti with a tether light 'apply, and quite a number of eastern buyers oi attendance, the market ruled firm and ac t ttge, ce, and prices were well sustained. Sheared siniep sold at from 5 to G ens, game, and wooled at from 64 to 7 eta. The demand seems to be restricted mainly for shorn, as the sale,. were quite large, while but very few wooled sheep changetihands. Nothing doing in stook sheep and no Lambs offering. HOGS—The arrivals were rather light this week and while there was no apparent fall ing ohm the demand, prices pars undergone little or no change. Toning, good to prime averages may be fairly quoted at 9 to ..”4,gross, • lido light average, would not command flare than 643y4. The season is fast ars ror oaehing when Gie demand for fresh pork, bath here and in the east, will fall off, and op of attire are making their calculations accord ingly 4HIPYINTE{ 01111TOCK DURUM TIM flit ”DIIO . . SEA r. 1. I. Cattle. Ho Sheep Philadelphia. 1405 Toric 1072 5^4:10 Baltimore.. Way Points Total IWO 70" Al Mt IMPORTED 88.L...8 OP 0008. _ . . . . . ..... &tier. Buyer. No. Awe. Pries Voter to Orr 37 I mbar!' to Orr 69 Hedges= Keys...—. . ...... 115 190 60 Imhoff to Talmadge 57 IR 07 Imhoff to Messenger It Co.. 34 900 55 Imhoff to Messenger & Co. 95 215 50 Logan to Imhoff 25 =25 25 Gllchrelst to Bedew; 105 240 10 Steele •!! Co. to Hedges.... 199 180 27 Kearns to fledges 110 172 eo Abe/3H to Hedges 08 ISO 00 Forst to Imhoff 100 ne 25 Given to Gliehrelst & CO.. 89 240 1 00 Lnaghler to 011ebre1st.... 109 ne 50 • Et IMO/LT/CD LIMES OP Seller. Buy,. Nu. Amu, Prk, Monroe to Orr 288 83 25 Hervey to Orr 181 s 3 &37 1 Hushbouser to Orr 230 83 400 Binh& to Howl 11H tH 100, Shields & Calm Hedges— 403 90 ,- 6 Btr; Deltrlektolfedges 4411 103 . II CO . Grab= to 119411hOrtaer.... = 91 - 450 McKee to - Deltaic-13 MO 878 .4 90 Thomasto 'teaser, 199 91 6co Hey! toHaeser .... 402 02 5.c0 MOT toLectio , let.. SS 500 Colt to 1tener....,...... ... . . 360 - 90 7%,., 5 -99 Honey tOCook ". . .'. :.. L.{ :, '64 246 ' - 'IV Evanslloovprto to Seaman...::.:, .: MI .. 100 :. a?; Loy 4 ' 212 Oil 535 lloholrn to P1133.3048t.... .. "Mt . 97 .. 600 agroaratilistlutegetaras Maynea to Needy & ab head of extra eat. lle• v 6I E/ft It UAW, 7 , 10 1 3111 11 1 08 to Steleart n 1 head [dews cattle, weighing 03,3611, at7;144 Harrison to Harney IR bead, welching 81,9 M, at 7 1 4'; tlffen to }looney 16 head, weighing 17,7 Hat 6,66; England to Talmadge 64 weighing 63,72,e04.1,50; Hutt to Niemen' BO head,' weigh ing WAN% at 71,5 i Haahh miner retailed 111 head at 01; Niemen to Smith ID head at 7 1 ,14211; , ston t. Haas £ Co. 10 head, weighing ' at 61,; , Shields to Voter la head, weighing 20,..6, at 6,4; Haynes to Hothehilds & - Emmert 41 bead, weighing 44,77/5, at 6134(a6%. New YorkAtarket . . . New 'Form. May 3.--Ootton steady at 3; for middling. Flour atom active and selOn better at 47,meS,to for extra State; ipoofie,2.s for ex tra round hoop OhIo; $9.30012,40 for trade brands; Moab:m.llm. Whisky gigot at IMMO ;at 6 2 0. `ghost aebado rano. and In moderate milling' demand at itl,7s for old No. 2 Milwaukee; al ?Cl for old No. Ido; MA tor now No. 2 do; aliikAlLMPritee ho.l do. PAL retail parcels do /JO for inferior new amber Mvoldgan, and 412,55 for good do. Rye Moderate request, western So. Barley Barley Malt dull. Corn I) shade lower with a m erste demand at nlblet for alleintrid; swat% tor sound m ixed - western tn storo,-and delivered rtt 544 for new troatal western. Onis steady at. 4.8 for new Western and go 59 for old do: 'Co e dull. Siv Ann at letio; li for Cuba 2dintoovado andll 012% for Porto Rico. MolasseeiMV Port* leotarsm Po troleam lull at RI for crude:lMO for re. tined In bond.. Po rk openednetlve and hi her bat Motel diadd4y o f at 12865(ertiyi for new Ulan MOs at r iMartil4t_re Rai Old data:4(.lu P Maim.° I new naessMr y. anti and July ...era 67i um buyers option' at.a 25 . 5 7.21:00. Beef steady at $156M,50 for new plain Mesa: 3103{,90 for new extra -Illeda,Jleof flame. scarce atid"llrm at" {t0.50042. Baoon .dull at altKlittlX.fOr Cam. 'portend cut; Itti t for abort nobed and ale for long clear. Cu mita Armor and more acti,va l it =3l l l‘i rift 12.., l atflalio r t. Than at 27. Batter quiet at own tor Ohio, and ell for State. Cheese dull st 164r2. Benin%bre Narket. BALTixoss, May 9.--Ir7our ,Steadyj Wheat' scarce and' Jinni amt White, 8 . 5 4/Wic ; Yellow, MUM; Oath' ertni,aVii.so.lBc. Provi sions erne; . Western Lard, auger active and aumdy.l, coffee Stunted. doll and unsettled. Ve r tdslorilrre, nt ‘2,253i. New Oauseare, MaU.--Cotton unehangell; gales IA) bides kt • iiie; to:Fs reenitaLs Sterling. ligl;New York sight, premieres Ytelghts Very dull erelnanekuung „ . •-• 3.lll.stinzi4lll4W . _it—Fleur dull st is 30. WheitetWtWeitt3lolM4Eki for Winter. MEM Phllndelphis Market I'll tc A •, May 3.—Petroleuin quiet, at 2.3..4/14c for ct tide, 41k' for reline 1 in bond, and :oievite for maned free. Flour firm and nn changed. Wheal firm. Corn dull; yellow at Kr. Maio. pork buoyant and advanced 61; calm tit 129,5 U. Lard tr.,16 , 21e. Whisky with out change. Toledo MerkeL Tocane, May 3.—FlOur quiet and firm. Wheat steady; New le bettor; White Allehigan, 12, 3; Old Amber, 32,60; New, 52,20; A. Amber, • V.,15; New White, t 2,17. Cm n, !6c Moor; Sales : White at Sc'; Yellow, 56e; Mixed, 57!.4 , e; 0.1. oteutly at .1.5 e; Luke freights dull and un changed. Cincinnati Need Itlarket . . CI NI'ISIN A TI, May °. — Unruly anything ;lOW' in clover, and prices are to agreat cAtenl non; I not at itZiis.'2.s. Timothy du ll, and prirev n0m ,444 trial at. 1113,75. The season is ow over Flax is in good detnand and pris e ilvaneed to g2,,ckgi $2,411, owing to the advance 11114(4 , 1 oil P.llindelllbial. Itinrlkel. I . IIILADELPIII A, May 7.—(i over, v.l I. dull; small sales are making at 11.....g1ip 5,75 per tolvh for fair to prime. Tirnoty it 4earee; small inlet arc making at $.5,25 per buck iflasneed it Scarce net in dal:1111ud. al a - 2,7 041 ,- 2,7S per bl-li. INIPORTN HT RAILROAD PITTSIIrMiII, Four Wang d Cities°, blur 1-1 ear st•rap Iron, John Mellen; I ear lotOlter, I I.lingham; 2 WA+ eggs, NV .1 Sleek . no,r, 'illornaker Lang; Id 1011,. forks, Whltlllol, Wait, buff h ere Mu hol m f e d,,,, 111rW11 Piney A Hare; 1 Ail Japan, .1 p ;sere,: eomt, I I eases hoots, 31 M Gardiner; 3 clot p i. ot ash, .I 11 Canfield; SOO sem oatm Hitchcock, Me reery co; fi er p ig Iran, Graff. Bennett co; PM Mils apples. LIT Vnlgt S eo; 125 barrel. po,:itoes, E R Cleveland ; 3 ears wheat. Daniel Will lace; Sdo do, S Llggel 5.. co; Ido barley, Hitchcock, Mrtreery rro; MOO mint. opeltre, Moor head S. ro;11S1 idols flour. Wilkins; Llne hart , 100 do do, T C enkins;ht ton lard, F Sel lers ft co; II to home, Cook, Ern itt CLEVELAND AND PITTSBURGH liatt.ste2, 531 tall. potatoes, W A Green; 00 hay forks, Beckham 0 Long; PR tails chairs, R It Rolger; Ws potatoes, S S Blair; 2 has glassware, At terbuFS a en ; 1 ear ore, Itil wort h, Porter a. co; btts barley, Spencer A McKay; it 4 yes baron F Newlin a en; IS empty ale bias, Rhodes; I ei ate gine scrap, A nonve , ..L 4 Phi , Janney, a 00,20 has cheese, P Ber: a co; 30 on do, ,hornaker d tang; 1 ha tobacco, E Me ;;raw A re. S hales cot tt ot, Taylor a Bro. • Prrraeuson. COl.Ulltatra xi, CrIrCTIVNATI It. R. 231131 3-1 Car cot Knox 3. Son;? do, Hi teh roA, Mc( reery co, 5a lads, 011, dol.; Reid Ir co; I car rye, 1 do v. heat, 111tebeock, 31, - r reer e..: 12'1 1 / 1 31sipotatoea, r) lie Idds flour, dun deardlner; 10u an .to, Marlin Connolly; 1 car corn,lT Herron; I .In ahem, Gilmore, aluipann 1 re; a hltjs egg., II NV Ran kin; a d.• 410, \ cw,lryier, GOr a. co: Cl.oll.lle, tiOeq, 11 1 0110 a co. I= (INCINNATI—PLR Pin r. Ilallou; bbls marble dust, .1 C Ituffutn, 200 011 blds J ;vs Ilennev Jr ;. QI bales cotton, pkgs sundries, Clark & en; t/ 133,131 Ittlngli, Clark A Sumner; hales cotton, Akl Childs; tl hag, coffee, 1 trc hams, ;A tors grease, .3 flalrcli Son; 18 I,xs soap and candles, .1 Ilanlevy; A. C tllvetr.tnger A Son; 211 bales hemp, T Ilarton & co; 4.1 10113 lightning rods, .1 11 11 um; 301) bblet flonr, T C Jenkins; 7 pkgs izi .1 II I.Lppitleoll; 32 pkgs Hug ure, 1.4•111011 Welbe, in sks feaumrs, H mg; 5 Idols co, E McGraw; 7. bids dry (cult, 7 hags, C A Martin:s bids oil, McKay A Itro; t h., tumor, Illttis do. •Ins II Parker; 21.; ;es hams, 11. Bola Maori S co; 218 les lard, II hbis do. 22 Ithda Ino eon. F Sellers A co; in tern hams, 3s 1.11110 oil, shOmnaer A Lang; Ist pkgs liquor, .1 Setfroth; 10 Isis 011,./ B Stientaen,l3l pkgs 011,1131 StiliT,T It Young. Sr. Loris—Pan Farrell ,t en, 155 pigs Lippincott, Fry a ro, has glare ware; Dan Donoghoue, hemp; Lappe A. Wel., '5.5 hid.; Muir d Daviil.n, I ilkg, Wm Bingham. 200 dry hider; W 1r do do; Shomaker R lAng, hides. 15111 Mis Hour, J 11 Lyon A co, luo lardA King, lug do dn; Clark A en, 52,0 Mils thin • ; W I' 'Logan, iMSI oil C Don., A Sons. 03.1 tons ram). RIVER NEWEL elLary..S. Pine lirOve .1 tills . nnistitt %anew, Len I Lent! I lam II ton ....I . oirke,Krirg. 1ktic...... 111 v. Revenue Kerr Perim-in:putt, 11, a `t.t rolm httnTS LEACI3O Tire-1,1 ...t Inc lnnat i 1 0 .1,1,•rt nt. land. OE The river was about stet/411.Ln, last night, with seven feet in the channel by the Allegheny marks last evening. AS anther continues q title 1,01. and Minos - in yesterday the utereur) stood at is degree. lee froze on all pools of standing e Ms , in tide and the ground freeze was eoneitlernble. lkh siness at the landing was very modenite. The Pine tlrove, (apt. Alailwall. Was the Only arrival vr•stcrdnr from nei tone . Among othrr items of her cargo, we mote, •Ixty-islne hale of ~.11.111 I.mtiel for :iv. lock . . - e. Uy. 17 71 . 7 1;;;; -- n.7017%,;;;;=w(7 0 . W"• a." "•1 " ' "•1" • i ''' ••" 13•"• r• advertised to leave the .111111` port onWislues- OR THEIR 11M11.8, day for this port. The Inipclor, Capt. John , \M tsota., advertised to leave ht. I. dtle for thin place on Monday last Time hbilLon and Night- lan hate Olt ,alO collected Itositigh us. APPII ingnle were also Bedding at the same lime for personsliy, or by moil. _ spew coda haw Y _. . thin pert. The Nora, Card TleVirillt.) , 1, in leave thin rasa BOIUNTIEN.--All Dlsctiarsed Solw toruoon positively (Or Cincinnati. The Nora .i i iteri i i, or the [tetra of Deceased Boldlero, who has superior eolith iteentnmodations, nod pas- , ••• •• • i••" 8 Irooa-as eliem-o - lcoa eIIICOI, could not select a bettor boot to morel And soldiers who were discharged from on? *the" in. liar old friend Mr Wm. Blitekstook knit service without receiving their Uterenianent or ba rbarize ro the oillec.anwl will see that every nue nal Bounties. ore requested Lo con or send their ad is made comfortable dress to T. WAITKII DAY, The Yorktown, ( apt ~, W Elilstri, io ed. noticltor for Bounties, PC[ll.lo[lll nett Pay, yerthied to lea, ,• (pi.. d i , fi. t . s t 1,,,, i t ~ No. KB FIFTH STIIKET. WIN door below Um Cos lAIS intimate acoutdo t once or apt. ards 01 art eon '' •••r• '• yearo Justin., us In reemetinending t Ninths Eldiert to the public, ere can nand readily rrqSIIRANCE. hethe roeotionetarlal lon 1 . 0 Pittwlint elterw. __ he Is nu well known that any of them going it 4,,,i, BEN Ida way are Pure to go until hltri whenever i-- FRANKLIN INSUIIw i 0 CoMBANY OF n a me d OF • they nave Vie rapport unit Y. and 'grange" '.lllNY.—The t 'maw larioners na In the Act of trot riling with him one, always week t he se. - ~,,.., ~,,,, ~,,,,,,th, • 11,.. p e a greekiiii tutor ond opport unit) ...... ' n 1111,,, or tlir t By of A llognetty.' ' will alert IY I ars antler obligal tons lot the clerk .11 the ii the hank inF lion, of ••THY CI: vS hi LI N SAV *teenier Citizen for nn advanced cop) of her IN. HAN g. ho. 43., ... ,,, q• to the (.111 of Ai" ulantfrint hy mall. We wish Chat we Could get ' leglien , y..in Tlii,DA Y. the IStli an) of Sim A I D., the Cicero of other ntraniefs te, pursue the 7„,,',;',:,,,"L' 0 '' • , • .".' i 11'i..,.': •7.31,, h `;',. :1,7. 0 1:,.,1" sumo C. 0111,0 l teetntothe Capital St,. ' k of maid usuraure The Mammoth steamer tug Aitta W. to have 'oar left Portsmouth, Otto, onToetelay hat, with Conat.loakrts-Lieturge. Steitheo H. twenty bargee to tow, for New Oriel:tro, (,ring Henry P. , 8, ...rt5• ±V• Dail. Fontemao the Innen tow ever Laken south at one time . ••• Oleclmatet tootrY orrwl/t• by one bOilL Haworth. Wilitath J. Komar, Wila/a dem- U e. ten. Tait... }teary 'rent. tieorge Da.a, T U. C3Pt- Vlrtnng. Jouathan dallagher, arthar op steadily for Memphis and hew Orteare., larth Jog. gratt:2,ed will soon itn ready to take her departurey . STEAMBOATS. lIIIMMI 1866. 1866 SPRING A RIRANGEMENT. moNoNGARELA arvEa; Pittsburgh, Brownsville and Geneva, UNION LINE, I .. .a..lo3ECirrr GICOMItME.nr e Wilt run three daffy side wheel Steamers between Pitteburgtt, .BonongabelsCity, Brownsville, Lsb+Bilg, Greensboro, Utneyn and the Dunkard UL Re m gons. T ' hlr line Is coropose!ti of the following steaers. CAPT. H. C. l.: tl;el. FRANKLIN CAPT. I). HOMIER. CAPT. Z, V. GA WRAC GALLATIN CAPT. A. N. CARLILK. These packets will leave Pittsburgh dally at Ba. :if t V l 4;&3c.ef . ttringlay, when the departure P ig ° 4 "gt rifir for the leave Ha.MiT dally e m. Ilya nu • • d 4Ty ti gfEntg - tLeaves ltrownsvllle for Plitsburgh Leaves ‘ ( 7l : . :i4ittL P :eigil °entre at 13 o'clock: Ulee?slonalag et - 2 p. tn. - • Leave MOnongaltela -City at o'clock. The line fa composed of first,elass side-nbeel Stemers, bunt expressly for the trade. They , 'AU be comtnalutell by oaken, or long axnertenee. ?11l Par Particular attention to the wants and cotn tort ofpassengen. Me boats will leave.promptly st the blear eftertlsed Freights Received at all ,llours. ger further particulars, enquire of WILLIAM McF,LIt()Y_, Agee At the Wharf-Boat, foot of Grant et., Pittsfiurrth, L. COLVIN, Agee fele:Zed Brownsville. Va. POD CAIIIO AND ST.s i dO ia t 1.1./01B.—The One steamer YORKTOWN CAPr. G. W. Kneenr. Will leave for the above and all intermediatePortv on TIM DAY. at 4 p. re. Il r a rreigh lUjirrctiVigir&l)7l;cutt. _ PM CINCINNATI A111;51 . 1 1 IM i g LOIGSVILLZ 4 —The splondld p or , rdei steamer Capt. G. H. Datr2NNRT, Will leave for the above and all Intern:lolst° ports 14 in ;THIS DAY. 4p. . • • Tor height or passage ;Lkazini board , or . to • Zli#ooO Agents. atal . .1. IL COLLIN . Foe 4SC ftLK.ANN—Tho opleadld steamer ILESSENILER.. Capt. JlteHr oftax, Win leave so above on TIIqSIDAY, at 4p. m. r relab te 2 r girGrOtairM. % Agents. The — EOIULAII PACILET - 2 2 - TATIMEL I IIIO. MAIGETTAIdat One tempter Ithui.A. GRAnAm. calm. itave 'to th e above and all Intermediate porta eTery.TIISZAYI gits: every YRI LMOWOP/f. 2..oent. :T. :44: Ql.l/65EC - DETRoLIA alLtElitnE woithe. L- X hIEICO:C"Sr. 1121.0140 SarOtlt.AllelateillY, htentsUMnurer of IC r u ELMS= liBb Paritmular sttentbni limited *0 tne petept,s pcoraments In Jars and -*duty, made of Jonlatta, U. S., and Low Afoot- trOn; Itt standard aim% ep,, numbered, so that puts can be ordered by mu,or tetict, t and art a . peat r rm, tbs... tools, Se., to those who 2007 wish Yr. ...Ittl&es inachltt , ctol , Made/ to ardor. Order. tv• than penally attended to. I sun prepared to grant UMW. to other Marhalseln tatere for them nattromnicnta on liberal term*. mur 37.5.A1L1e14. O. X. S. LMLUSIC. TRAVELERS' Gt'll trrival and Departure of Trains. Pennsylvania Ventral nallread. Dal Exisgs 2.10 a &Mull I:60 am Altoona Acoom , s 7:60 • la Rut Use 2:40. Climb: matt IOW.; 9;60 n MIIO Wall Atcom's 6MI am nuStall Ex LIAO4:10 • In Penn sea No 1,. 7:9.11. en ~ press... pm:2d Wall Accom... 6:50 ara Johnstown I.ou. %an p m Johnst'u Auom. 0:50 • m Past Ups IMOD p sa ,Pll , lErte Mall..l2oopm let Wall Ascots— 6110 a m!Balthuore Exp's I:60 pm ;2d " 11:60 a st..td Wall Accost—. 2L70 pus 2sl 4:60 pm , Phll l a Express_ 2:05 p m ith Wall's Ar.• n. 11:05 p 0, Wall's Ac's No 4 7:00 pal Penn Assn No 1. 1M.509 M:6-1100as AMCona, Emigt Kos) p m The church train leaves Walls' Station every ; Sulids7 at SUIS• 0.; returning, leaves Pittsburgh at 121.50 p. m. Pittsburgh, Columbus and LeePartn• • . I f ent Line 2650 a m hat Line Arriam MO am 931 am SAO p m Express 2:70 p m ~.. Wean; Steubenville Au- Steabenvlllo eommodattou 4:16 pm coramotlatlau . .19:109 m Pittsburgh, El. Wayne mud Chicago. .642strts. AMMO. 6 :press a m Express •1211 a M , . __ .......... - -. -_,_ Mx y ress de p to Express . Express rail E 66 11 p m m piEar..."..:...."-..... Wheeling pt , . 608 p m New Brig ra hton Accommalatioacaves Allegheny lepot al 9 a.m., IlySti A!m., 4:9p. m., and 6:40 p-m-. Rochester, 2:11 p. m.; New Castle, 11:60 p. m.; Eno.- may, 101-400. rot Wellsville, 300 v. na. Pletsbv.nrh, Cleveland and Wheelluir. Depart,. Arrives. Express 2:21I • nt 'Express ma p m Express '2:60 p m Express P . :I3P M Mail.— lit= a m' Express 2,211 a un !Steubenville Accommodatlon leaves Allegheny at I ' P. P:. kittabstrgh and Conned Levine. Depa 5ta11....... ........ rts. 7:00a m'llfall Aeries,.OP P 1 3, ttxpress 3:00 p m Express 10:036 m W. Newton Ae•tt 6.13 p m W. Newton Ac•n 8:30a M ..!'oil. McKeesport...ll:CO& M• Ist llcKs,•Tprt.. 6:50 a M ...10:00 17E; 241 •••,•... 2516 pm itrml.look•4 Ac • a CIO p m Bratll,l4 Is Ac' 5:45 p m Churrlt Truth.... I p m Lebo roll 'Pralo lOW Si . ... . ... . • ..... •.• • •• Allegheny Valley itallroan. Anti pep4rts. I 16.6preas 6:45 aml Vi m . """. 11:00 • m 5:10 p m !tail 0 :I0 Ancomtnalatlon. 1:43 p m Ancommulaclon :03 • m Plitaburgb and Er e Railroad. to Oil City .and Franklin. !Trims. Depart* I o. I 6 Mg 7,745 , 7 f , '. , :., m 1 s 4;;;, .9. tv:.,o o : 6 inda . live•rr Valle {'. grow niartlle Beat—Brant and Water Ste. Arria.o. Amara. m4on patlAK9am t•lkopm Harmony Stage, St. Clair St. Armless 1 m. D. r t ,... Smile ,P4 Mag.-No.S Pit. Clair Street. Arrives. Departs. . at, p• m• a a. . Waaganglen Stag l ll m. e•-•arele Hotel dry -Nee. Ni p. m I 6.= EXCELSIOR OMNIBUS & LIVERY STABLE, I= JA 111 EN DAIN @ NON, Proprietors. Ohl hint/MRS AND CARRIA./Knertmlaheil for all .rains. Aiuo l'arrii4,l`. for Funeral., Wedding. and eartisii, at short notice and reasonable rates. IITA• eil.o OVEN DAY A Ni' nerliled MANUFACTITRIKRB I N DIUSTRIA, L WORKS. 111 . 011 a. SOLI NIL OF .111IRTRR ORB HUGH M. BOLE & CO.. r.IUNDERS, ENUINK BUILDERS AND MA uIIININTo; Nlnouraeturer, tTEAMBOAT "IL WELL I.:MOINES, LOCUNIUTTVES for tool W n rt s, all kind.% 011. and and Marine EN t/I N ho, toode N. order. From the wall earned reputation of the Manager, Mr. JAMES Is El.tiON, we hops. to as eure a liberal Olere of patron age fro g , steam host builders and others wanting good machinery. t tor alto will beto do all work In the hest to fora lair eonipenaa iou, Anti to do It In thr thus we no All kinds of An'riNtio made to order. Kleinopg Machined promptly attended to. We eau turn a Bhaft AS feet tong, and bort• or turn a Pulley 0 test diameter. /11P - Shop on Duquesne War, near the Point. Foundry on Third street, near Market, Pittsburgh, Uphill ARSENAL GLASS WORKS. MODES, RTRIE & CO., blatturocuterro of BLACK .4 UIt.MEN GLAM. WARE, GruFgtsto. sr% Bottle . DeatiOttob_ll. noys„te. Nittrottoust--No. 144 51ATEG betorren tirolthOth.l nod Groat stroota, rtttsborgb. warrant onr Wares to be superior to any many unnu red west of the Moon:Anis. Always on band, binswan of the above description. All olden promptly attended to. Particular attention paid ornate moulds. ans:ll SETEELANCE, No. 6S WATER Pittnargh_,_manufactarer of BOILER !UV PTO, Witt/UW/1T IiPLE.EI3, common and railroad of every duserlptlua Particular steed or shaped lipiles.d Rivets, large ur small, made to order at short notice. A good u oortment constantly on hand. ru Je. F. COLL.L., Worn IlratorlT COLLENS it WRIGHT, Rrittazda •-• Orm.awl Sheet Metal Worker., Brlttamta Car ioro. Carbon sod LAM OH Burner., mid MI Clltterea oyle• of Brittamtsmod by UM. blanufactorery orders promptly (Mod. brm 171.11ISCOND tiTHICE Pron.. 00, :17 ql Ilv 1,I1( CLAIM AGENTS CLAIM AGENTS ARTHURS & RIDDELL, Ni. 135 Fourth Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. ALL DISCHARGED VETERANS DRAUGHTING GENERAL DRAUGHTING OFFICE Bbd 31Patitezat ALigescscry No. is Es St. Clair St, nearSaapeadonlgo P. 01011113.1111111/X 01,11 ILsoseer APTI P . stimmot. INSURANCE AGENTS. j GAIREPEVIEII corns, Agent ter • the Franklin, Philadelphia sad Halthaore n. nuance Companies, North-wt earner WOOD and Titled streetl. W . ' L. - JONES; Agent for the North ford - iugrirgtoWL. rngirgtilt i r Wilt. A. - 811EPAND, ge4retart of RIC% CI VIVC I ATIVASICAM' ea"" surrinnes.--1. 77 - --7 OIL Rooms, Hails. Stairs; WSW &a. Grab patterns and widths. Also a full sortme . oL,of Window shades, lirsbn till Cloths orsll .WltillWillbstindrlx-, tares. /tr., for sale, wholcsalifand retail saNps..la and Clair strent, by ' PHILLIPS. IEL - T - 11N - GT! BELT — LT — INICIti•7IairtITer anti Ulna SOME; W also (I dial...king, Hose Cite k .16' -• ets,Lr„, fur ot - reduced oes; tare Lontbrri a nd always on hand and for sale, whohlsain and retail, at Nos. 21 and labt Clair street .1. a ii. PHILLIPS. Q,OIIA v ., .• • • 1-7 cialLs C 00163011 bloda'Aslii GO do Helloed do Jnal t recelve4 and for Osloly . pse: B. °AIiFIELD; pOTATOES. • A. WO bids. prima Priori! Albert . POtatocs; rid do. do Nutt SUM do Just arrlving and for stilo nt. spit 4.rstYLICHANIFIELD (ILD COPPER AND 11111.488. 14 bin.. 6 bonito and I pieeell Copper; .21 bids. sad I box . Brass, Nov, landing Rom steamer rototuat.,too salt spa 1/I(.IILZT NEW .CROP FIGB--Very cbtitter , new washed Flo, to linen bags; also, in Small. paper bone+, ter retailluic, just received and for into 4121 _Corner oft.lnertyrind lantl *tree PINE APPLEBY-10 D bbls. ;resit title P ; opsy _ • Nog; TZandla Wood street. QHLIi GTON HEIIRJI 20.1133 t new Harlington lictriwts4lllo=lll,llo by 2001. 120 and 128 W 00.1.1 02214. ( NACTRS-1:10 bundles- ma* •- 0. 1.2141124 Nan stteateeMmtbiOl at ik ,; : Rpm VEATIEIERS-8 RaCk#lo arrive on stouncr Camelia, for p.m 1811.i.a,u rgoxima FEATHERS -11 . 04 aClit10‘11 7 ilill/ •p Igf from steamer MeltrAittfgaT, VALLow -A :a ppsding from etenzna t yrar i grar i m.ll4 oo. BULL[ POTATOES-1 car,Peach Itiolril, now on Uwe kitor - .4,24 ItirrECIION,AGALIMIT MOTHS. —l7 Ceder Clteete; afwi a 4.1 . 'to ar.rive•r , sale by ANS • COTTON -31 cales arrive on 0.... a nowsml, far IBAI ilthl Ir e . • 'DIVEST it CO: .B ANANAS -40 !lynches to arrive sod for sale by lIEYINEEEt a BROS.. opY6 Nos.. M 3 Atka IZI WoodatteeL BUGGY AMU' lireliWirdirieallY new sod selling low co r.w i m Is; if. a„Lims. WEIRA.T.,--1. cpx . NV - bestir, store abillbr late by mb2 hiettANE a ANJEII. 1215 econ 1.1. PLASTER - 100 bblol.' Callnanot Plaster for web, N 1.11117 l 4 9 0 /4 2 416. J FOUNDRIES _ RE PORT Prrr FOUNDRY. CHARLES KNAP NEPHEWS ILLNII/AOTVItiltS 01 HEAVY ORDNP.NCE, AND ALL KINDS OP HEAVY t 111TPROS. Special attentionyiald to ROLL. el KILL WORKI BLAST MACHINERY and RE" , diTS. REPAIRS attended to promp..r. As heretofore, the best Mlturilag will always e used at this Foundry. Attention la called toour NEW FLY vim - fa PATTERN and tricretted fealties for Atting up th same, DC:lyd Mit. JOHN ALLUN JAIL L. VALLEY STOVE WORKS. ALLEN, M'KEE & CO., Moe and Warehouse 301 Liberty Street opposite Saalthlield, Manufactures a great variety of COOK, PARLOR and HEATING STOVES, among which are the cel- ebrated Allegheny and Monitor Coal Cooking Stoves; also, the Autocrat and Sentinel, for coal or wood, and the unrivalled Star of the Empire, roe wood; also. Arches. Grates, fenders, linger Kettle., Dog Irons uld Hollow War generally. mhe IPI3 pm 6;9 pm 6U pm A. BELADLZY. , ...W. PANNIER J. b. 1163.1>1XT /ETNA eT VE WORKS. BRADLEY it CO. klanufactury every variety of COOK, PARLOR AND HEATING STOVES Among vrtilah are the celebrated SUREILIk, TROPIC GRAN TALDMILAN Coal Starlit) POMANA. VET ERAN and IN.UN B IDES (Wood Cook stoves.) Also " 11VATES, ORATE FRONTS, &e. Mice and Warehouse, corner of Second and Woo streets, Pittsburgb. Entrance on Second street. ilym PENN .Xfachine Rorke and Foundry S. 1217liglitzsass..73., it,NGINE BUILDEN AND MACHINIST, Lowe olreet,betereeo Feelers' ad Nondairy, AlleEnemy Clry, Va. llanufouturer uf Wlottatool• PATENT voirrABLE OSCILLATING .A.ll ENGINE. Sheila, Volley*, tn. S.lntirlog of WI Mod. attended to fol•It OIL WORKS. WOOLDRIDGE, OIL REFINING CIDLEVEL.DT - IF, OF PITTSBUNCH., PENNA. iiI H N N R7h. T EZ/NTl,tet?; - and Treu'r. WORKS IN TEMPEUANCEVILLE °Mee, No, 2 Duquesne Way, (Near Suspection Bridge.) SLANUPAGTITILEItIi OF PURE W RITE EiIMaNTINGI 071. - Brand—" Lucifer." TAU Oil castle be excelled Ibe burning properties, color cr i er: l ;es/, atitil o tarnt t u tit r. l . n Jll 3 sata i t r yd . DY.ltit * rOLICITE.D. DtXxOrOas---Jobla Watt, Robert Les„ Geo. Black, U. 8. r,TagN 9 .1 " P1...f.1 4 ..3 ` ..c,1411 "—• J. W. Po E. S. Waimea. . 11.11211tX KIM). WAR & KING, commission DIEECHANTS, END BROKERS LN PETROLEUM AND ITS PRODUCTS OFFICE, NO. 4 DUQUESNE WAS, ..E . X . E . D181331173EL413-33, PAL. 0,1.1:1741 BONDED WADEHOUSE OE PHEW WAREHOUSING COMPANY, root at Balm and Harrison Streets Brooklyn, H. Y., Storage for Refined Petroleum, In ellANVVlVßahiianr.se. Tart. w 441 D Petrcacrum RA2.ll.3aer-y. CURK & SUMNER. Work* and Ocoee. Confab TowaWip WIWI IN PrrnittliOil-No. 2 ST. CLAIR ST There work. have the largest rainteltY its the cum try. The brand stands the highest In Ws coonny and In Europe for quilt. aud Ore Lest, and We oD In pot In Well seasoned burets, prepared espedall for expert. Manufacturer. of BOILERS, EITLLLIS, TAN !towered Boling Touts for 011 deMly SUPERIOR OIL ENGINES. We are untatrocUag, and wU keep on bud, puler style of o==a .113IN4ILDTZI8 CYR IffUR I NEON 0! HUM RIM CIE Water R arks. 4.23 MAC IiTOSH EEMPH/LL t CU. ~~}~~! „ INt~~/V1[ilf~agt7} PURE WHITE VURNINC OIL 001113.1/4 On baud and for WO AT THE LOWEST MAR LT SATES a J. H. SAWYEIII, No. o W. .D STILIGET ~~ „ iK:laier~i:I:~ lactcza AID DIAIMI rti CRUDE AND REFINED DILL sin , . Blee.k. Duquesne Way. Pitsab arum ii'ipecW suenlio atm to the We and alp meet ofrotroteum Its product.. ocuudipunnut respeathdly Protellica Box ta. wit. noracts ................... u se JAMES IRWIN & CO ! , luittinec4lniirms Or OIL OF WWI. AND-AQUA AMMONIA: comae, Ltimiermeti&et ist.; PlrSBlll7.Boll. Pl. J. IFENN. ... • • So. 1 ST. CLAIR ST., rittedxutti, r " ll , ll4 7thleMitel INVOMMlslaiet ifSOOiant 'dieter Lin oth. 'ninsittaating, Lnueieaitar Crude Petroleum. One. Me., tonatanlly oh hand and Am male at f i rmest Imaketprlce!..- ,IlOopalitumfatu 17NMERT': G. R . T. WHITE'& CO., UNDERTAKERS AND EMBALMERS, Manchester. Wood's nuil CoalsiaDovihsatNiuseeeter Ildtv,r7 btlnlq Viirsar in BM!geld and (Urilane Warta- Agana and Carrtageethrnlehed. naiddid COFFINS! COFFINS! JELTALLIOI . z mgrz • 144.(-1 irAaocuarri 11A.11091241r WIDXII.TAXIII44I. WiDIIRTAKLAOI • • - ONDILUTASING 1 SOREST 1,111141.11% Undertaker. - skitathrinizici: 1,0011ZI"Atia1 A,741,1% . .t.11,"14: /. Air , t , L P"`6 7II: 1 4 4"1 2 - 11 . 1) tosionstue tasal' an *4l" wagusi Siirzapro.a.xicara, ItaalVaregith.l6=lNlW or- arlicliat,`' di 14MM,D91,43411.Z.BRIMAYIlillt J.OOII it All :4 a,N a : 1 ;:ff.14141k 0)11 Bur tolmtsanosrs, Toys, Baskets, NrsiitkEterames, dip,„ • migtulteestries. iJ :-i VirujuAlt- ISBOW/Ws 77 mate pir itiiiinoptAiolnt moximr: - . mow nip otAtirAurrot, 14 ank 14 11 % ROM et Titri sat fi4i r ; . :mgt. st , rasa: 0,11. PLURp3 . _KM, f§cc WOOD PUMPS; I= IXICON . F"IJ3IIPS, Sheet Lead, Sheet Zinc, LEAD PIPE, BATH TUBS SINKS, WATER CLOSETS WISH BASINS, WASH STANDS, Hy Rams. Bra. Wort ;of ail kande; Plonk At Pipe, a • ;3 , 40 FOLLDLIODS; kinds of Gum and Leather •liinag; How Plpe, C•ouptlnge; Pie and Fixture., o f descriptions' kept eonotantly o n hand at Addy, Williams Bartloy's COHN KR SLITS LN D SMITHFIELD ISTS. PITTSBURGH, PA IB:1 BEAITER STRFFI, KABOITPRTEB ISI=I3 N. B.—All tied. of repairing done prOtoptlf All orders try mall Immediately tttebded to. js.l:eotlto&e:eowittn BAILEY, F&RItELL & CO., CO= Patent, Lead Pipe. H eve constantly on hand and made to order LEAD PIPE AND SHEET LEAD I= Warehouse, No, 167 Smithfield Street. apb. T. T. INTIO. WY. LOMODON. pLumeiNG, GAS AND FrInCX:INT 413 r , HYDRANTS. IRON PUMPS. SHICAT L t tr i ta ., ZINC e.efia, PIPES, SINKS. BASINtI, WATER CLOSETS AND WASHSTANDS, E If^E.TS & CO., I=l Ja.l:l7teod T. T. KWENtI.._ ______ STEAM FITTEVG, No. IFS Wood at., tittsb rah, WIC LONGIDzit Mans/Hsi° and Gas FORCE PUMPS, FOR ENGINEERS. IRON•PEPE & BRASS WORK, I=l a •ab cmo.. Breatosor to Attar • Swats.) 165 Wood St.. Pittsburgh, Ps. 1-41,111TIBING, GAS AND STEAD PITTING, IN ALL ITS 'BRANCHES, 'Mtntlir attended to by experienced and mac tleal tman. A doe assortment of GAS FIXTURES, SINKS, BATH TUBS SHOWER &ATM, =I IM1111 1 .!IMNIIN=g1 TXTE & SEVILLE, F Wgt.TITtII : I7 k , „ beWrgb mhildawdis GAS FITTLNG, PLUMBING AND STEAM FITTING. SMOKE BELLS, Portable and Cigar Lighten, E WRAY'S 11 CO., ftlocceasuts to Addy & litwo.,) 143.1700 d No. IBS Wood at.. PI b. P. ORDINANCEti - AN ORDINANCE EstablishinA a place for HoldlngEleetlons In the Tenth Ward, C'tty of Pauburith. Szcriox Be if ordained and enstattd At , 04 )(gy m, Aldermen, and attserm of Pideburah, IT Salmi and Common Cannella ma/Wed, and it LI Aso-set , enacted by the authority qf the . same, That front and alter the passage of this ordusance, the place for Cit y all Regular Elections In the Tenth War. City of Pittsburgh, shall be at the Publio House of J. it. Dickey, situated onthe corner of Fin and titulthaeld street.. In said ward. Ordained and•tiaciedi" tln Kith of April, A. 1/..114 "" 3. C""e11‘. th" JAMES XcAULEY, Attest: X. mo. P o rrldent Select Conned. Clerk orStin'et Council. . • • TISUIII.IS STKELE, President of Common Council Attest. Elect( llcklAsklrk, Clerk of C 010113013 Connell. ' =3l AN ORDINANCE Authorizing the Grading, Parlor and Setting with Carb-stone, Clark Street, from Logan to SIM streeta. !tat - twirl. Mattordained and enacted by -the May anAkteratersand Cilisen, of PittaborgA, in Ssiset d Common Commits neremb/al,_ and U Is hereby enacted k, authority of as same, That the Record hag Iteridator be and he la hereby directed tat:sa ver/hie forproposals for the Orsdlny,.Porlarkad Settinertalth Curb-stones of Clark Street, froni LL gait to Elm street, nod to let theme In the man ner directed by an Ordinance of sa Councils, passed August alst, A. Ti., WC, and an Act of Assembly 'P Br r la d e *LT . & Tics at ' l aw In 46ouneils, this 10th day of April, A. LI., 180 a. JAMES IIeAbLEY, President of Select Comsat. •ttest;,..E. Clerk oftiolentoCOMMlL: TOMAS STEEL. President o H f Co moo Connell. Attest. 'lnuitßleMAFTlls, Clerk of Common COULICII. My3:1141 A N 011DINAMble' , for- tilit , thange I go. rade . ° f Chant°. Street. St tos 1. Be 1/ ordained and eluvial by the Bur , gels and roan Cuunoil gyl the Borough COV..efttnfft; and tt I. hereby Oran notard/ artalty madulhorifir of. the rame. - Tha the tralle tf Chanters Street be changed m follows: From he south curb of Weshington street rise to north curb of Chestnut street. o.eo ft. per hundred feet: thence tarot thirty.M.x.feet - toloalhottrisof Chest nut street' theueefromahn Or meetuut street ttfa point on Chortler, street one hundred and forty-four feet meth of Franklin street, foil 1.113 per hundred feet. HOC. !. That the grade.',of Clfeattitit atrenthe chord:Meg Moat: Wrote the labs Curb of BeaVer street rim Am ft. per hundred feet to west curb of Chartiers street; thence rim 1.00 O. per hundred feet to Fulton street. SOC. a. That so inuchofany ordinance tintictitnen tle maybe-altered oreatipliCtl by the foregoing. be and the same are hereby repealed., . Ordained and enacted Into altar' in' Murial me e the let Say aridity, A. U. INA SAW!. McCIINE, Borges.. Attest: JOllll C. iLytorzn, Clerk.,_ myltatd AN wan — INHANce — 40' I."' 411'6 iglia i ding of Bradt Alley and Nixon Street, In the Bor ough of Manchester. Samna. 1. Be tt ordained and enacted by the Bur- Irma and 2tnan Coes:end Bero„g/t Monate seellle.Cl7h. 4 . 041 , MG,01111. teherohifordit nod mid'ait- Otfre 02 , noMorag qjbe tame, That the Commit tee on Street. ore herebY'autherlzed to award the contrect of UradingGrant Alley. between Chortler, and Manhattan street,. and Nixon Street, between Beaver street all y the P. Y. P AVS alleol 4l U th einnniAnthe_ etneanangshall,beton phtteanna , Baled substantially to ninety (1,0) days from and after the date of the said contract, the Mime bg .dOne Conformity ap peared power granted to on AeCorAsclimbly - appeared the aim day of hatch, A. D., HOE entitled "An Act In re lation to the.gradlng and _paring of streets la the l'6o7 .a l V42l l" Nn i ttli r ettlirreb e ry the tat day of May, A. 1.1.01181. A Sf e 4P l r /r •'.S• H- Virtgh. mai.atd • STOVES, _GRATE/3. &c 14) HOUSE BUILDERS • , . AND it 11 AMEIWARW/gRALA. sumsoNgillN AISAUVIGEs: - we respecaelli ladle ;be attention of Me 'Tebbe . to our extensive. •verietyOf COMLIN ISTOI/1174 GRIL% PRONTS, FENDERS; eeleiiieently Incieneed our Ib4ltles foe nun, misetutleg lbw abbie' rtlelesd meetly Improved nue styles o f GI FRONTS; end Introduced ant of the BEST HAMM Or be had to - the , cob:annuity, 'els oat a ll In need of allytbleg Ilne of Wane. 11 1,01 .• • COIL 113218/0311iilrai `itansibei missal NY I atnanNI ANtaIaBLA9NASL isToVES. • Itints) : ipasi - - , AMOC, 1:1A0,14, . . • C,l3;Mitalt.r . , Pr h t 11C1T .11itSVIINGSAad SPEMI- V IUS ran Muds or nuti4V, and Ip,Pr. rettrat d Oxen - t illiXerintkraraM,M . , : - - FIZOSPECI US. 1866. PITTSBURGH GAZETTE! GREATLY ENLARGED 11-10 , 71C1 Otherwise Improved. rir.1. 1 , 1 1 DIIIIINETION IN TIE MICE. I'J=i 11011116 M Will be Furnished to Carriers at e)PlaNylvt;imilijuDinrja(tm Delivered to Subscribers EMI " S 'RH W ft I . DISPATCHES 3iPP1.0116 Leading IsTewa Centres EFTTABLE MARKET 'REPORTS tIMPARD COURT MI ID GAZETTE! Loea,l News, AlIk4aEtL.AN t 'i' fil;'i , ',:;,- 1 ,, - ,' - '';' ..'‘,;.-' ll.t.i'',,l'''.2 Ii Y/b rondoir and likwitate COMWON.Ipa.k BE Amwi . :. Ti m. iti.:A444 '114144'4 the leeMe g th9lo of the teritinki.6l, CLEAR PA3PER, CM NSW -°VD ill itie:l) - yri ' I AA6 , j;ls- V 9'ar LI ;is.rr - • • • j k i kl ~"."" • ' ' - . The, Cheapest xtzwarkAPEß"' ,7,:,7,..„....: . ....,,,..,..:, .„ :...,,,...: tn Finelerls"istih ;;;;nm 41 Z4ViertiltIttele 47:141 . . . , _ MEDICAL. DR. - ILEVSER , N 1866. Pectoral Syrup MI6 CONSUMPTION' Oures Eirc•nell iti a CURES COLDS, C:lu.reds..A.Astlaaaa.ze CURES Ali Diseases of the Lungs si t a milMart; T litrp oral by Da. ILYZ rirragnaon. January u. 1:00. Dn. ll.lrreart:—alp wife has been am toted with a bad cotigh and Minced ry of breathing for live oralx years, which, for several years back, Itad gradually Inersaaed in violence. The eomplaint has peen be, edltary and she had been treated by several phi al clans without any relief. In this state of her octet procured armee( your PEOTOita.i. COUGH SYR t , r. Incubi, the fleet time a fifty cent bottle, which to heed her very much; I then called and got a dolls_ orittle, which cured bur entirely. and me has now nip Uwe of the former disease. except WBlllllO2ll. would alai state that I oiled the medicine nriwitlf td • cold and cough. The medicine cued many taming one dose. I express my entire satisfaction with ih medicine, and roe are at , booty to rbilati this you desire o. 11..L.50N, &Merman. Mb Ward READ THE TRl.4l l l 4 .7ll l rritalg— l have '. daughter who has Mien several undleloes for a bat cougG without benefit, among them Ayer'. their, Pee oral. 1 purchased from you a bottle of ytur Pectoral Syron, and before the had lent half a bot tle she wan relieved. The second bottle cured b entirely of her magi.. JOHN b A 1011, Rubinson strcel., A ghear. k HEAT CLUJ. AFT& RI \* l nl.lq; L BYRUI'.-1 Hie in Peebles township, Allegheu county. 1 lan a cough mid epltting. 441,trit ens, et,menaced shoot the 4th of Februnty last, and Conlin eight months. 1 employed the hest ishyslosua In the country, and my roogh continue/1 unatm lest mill curly In Ltetober. At that limo I was hal ifw to try Sour Pectoral Cough Syrup, no t did, as after I had taboo our botile I run ) free col the coug h ing and spitting. I hod despaired of col getting well, and think It e 10,01,1 oe Known. tua tbia eamalde remedy will to toe "there u hat It ha done in my case. JOHN C. LITTLE. Wltnesat R. IL Kohn . Peebles township, PArrou Tow want. Aprlll4, 1643. A WONDERFUL CURE.—itome time Sa n .1 neighbor of mine was ve, y 11l with IS ha cm/Kt ensign every one•sttpposed to be consuMpt on. HU relatives told me that be had maen every remedy leeVig a il i elay ' r i el all r t e ' c e- rn d .dVm h etin o hTl e ;ltrt e llt he could not 119. I had abonttbe third ora bol tie of your Pectoral gyrup, Which I gave him, and it en Lindy cured WM; to the nattuaislanent of all. Wha makes the ease more remarkable. Is toe extreme an. of Unman, he being about eighty years 1 have no doubt the Reetosal saved hit Ilfe. DR. KEYSER'S PECTORAL. SYRUP IN BLA.ltia VlLLE.—Please send MP another supply of yourvia noOle Pootoral Syrup. Almost everybody around cla has the cold, and are enquiring for "Dr. ,Keyautle Pectoral Syrup.•• We have bold alstetzt hotting tha •et week. nod axenow entree's. out. Itr.•A. Alta .4 Mr. P. liaher • both of Blairsville, Pa. halt lie they would not be without It In th eir faccal ' eg, fact, all who nee it once wane It again. Soon, respectfully. S. WATTELLSOSI L SONS. I'm/Miton, November In laid. DO. Its - TSXll:—Althoughnotan advocate of Pat=t Sienicines. in general, It alrords me pleasure Inda• seribabletovecommend your REClultALlfiritl.P. As a Medicine, It is sell. Worthy the attention of an r person who may to any manner be afflicted it lab canna,. colds and hoarseness of any kind, and for tn. Pecnnar Analliicattons remeving all that au. greeable sensation attending amevere I base been, more or lees In Lby 1116,(efected . silt! the severest of colds and hoar/elem. At Unisons) throw} Oecorgeeieo r closed ea _to prevettainy :ra l . - zuri;;,Trttrg.i.ndelnvtgar4.- In recommending this medlethe, toustruabeslia• tingly say that It le the best remedy I ever found, p uportiug to curs the'above, nor sbould any larnlle be 'withouthi t s remedy ea for , disaases co prevalent. Town, mast rpectielly kr, Cashier E Cl D ttie W t , Deposit hu h. 8711TBERVILtZ, Ohio, llerch It, INA I have used,Dr. Nom/ 'a Cough "pup for • I.ad cough of several Tears tam/ding, and can cheer/JR, say It Is the beat euedictlie for theeinee that lbwr ever taken .J. W. PEW • COL. PRATT AND DR. H. EYMEIrt; PECTOB•i. Rolle!:-Dear Ins: IL:elm the delay ar my aekdowledglna Ito a tul lenae Cl your rector• rt . . grl7l Cet=l " Zi=t r aS. out of my (lough, and the worst one 1 was ever Wet ad *llO. I have not used mare llon one-ballot .a bottle. and 1 can and do Wish that all yr/mire tßill. ad would give It as fair a trial as I love done, aiu, theytelll be proud twigs , ' "/Cleattetusekinedialitth - would not suffer nother wash an attach, for art onalderallon, ora l any cost. ol d. adandebt Dean casaba more freely than l ever I shall MOW acknowledge a dibt of gratitude for Inventing:4o 4.ECellant a remedy. 'You are at liberty to alapky .tome In this regard asyou think propr. , - a.. ts. PRATT.ZI Messenger Cadman Connell, Pittsburgh.,..fs. N. 11.-4 steno stratlaer to my fellow.cltizein,'alia all who entertain double can consult me personally, H £NqISIITIFICA.TE.-Dri; rEA:wiLLI. tdraup.-1 had baenernuhlad wattscough and cold toe eaveni tverta-ao Wars that I could not Weep. I had the advice mediae. crintions from three of !behest phyAelanaty' thi city, whom I could name, butdo not do aa , ..ltualty proseired ma le -a bott-of .• - your factors/ eyrull; - Which cured - (Wiped 6. W. SlafttitTOH,... Ofd tiherty street, Pittsburg's, fits January Mb, 1180. 'STOP TlltTL'O'66llbiti.'' —"Ito can I dolt/. 60 to Keraer a; co Wcat street, and get a bottle of bls Cough rectoral, an it that don't cure you, peer case meat be desperateL deed This lea fined - men of the eoliodOone bearsavery nay In aid-calcines periods Tet* e ltlC. cone : 1 ; r 7 . 38 c ir....Taulti art, don wigwag s; for wa hate srsed the' "PeetOrik" s • most stubborn cag, , silt entire recces.. Nest tTurVliss=4; elljr.o.4,ilyfeptr,gamt fom tre d zs4=l - I . e,ned 550ce , 43:1=1 , 72 . borionsirfor roe whole wee e rt h r bones of, tiring it out, but it was no go.: In rant, it seentedzatherAin, have improved. try.ptactice, and to bare acquired strength, potency and' distreasibility by tius one tion. itsgeoralre stew we Oturled ourirry tib Emir% r: World street, ernes cent bottle of t e 'Teetotal," tr it according tO o d fai4:lll,-% Tig r jgg g ili g U un r :OUltZairt! rendered; alter Oda., but %eq . nal conflict eraia • formidable *4 adversary , t errors lemons gactoral,,Brcloneviile ()Urger, Da, 14..465k1%. DR, HIMEJI% "MUD .L 8110 vapa DR: 'GEORGE E. MI" +11: &0.,140 WOOD ITBEET , F.!111- 11 ~ 3Peo3azarai. , A , : _GreatNervous. Remedy. • Dr. Heysees)Very ; ons Antidote will ',Aim, wlihat uoakiWrta n i d tr foen paninnt7 Dr. lieper'sliervous Antidete Mfilleate Hpuut m us-inflate -, 1)14411711m e "i willeoz.lll.llelan g of ttu. Nem Dr. Keyser's Nervous Aritldote NTrrcnu, arL Dr. Keyseiis Keirious Aatldole WIII Care IteiTicutiii, izt 1:,P;; No' Dr . Keyser's Nervggs kaidote Dr. iletu-41'w,r,41 'l l,llle ".ei:" 4 lll ,o ,C.tite FAtt.: 1 ,1 iiii=kaisirificroosi*tidote Wine"' ti"ft fkl i r la t ' ~1 Dr.lierser's Nervous ate'" _ Mat thafil laridral4 Vio4 Haan hr. $ wimocasige=slaisof inkantipgtif ete Dr. Kitiftiog 1.1 ? - 1;• " Drang 4 o.N n ePPlN4liliftic:: win ..1..r.z.g i .14-#7 l i k :of the BUJ Dr. arylresAtertOtntkifitri - "-‘; Will 1 : 0 6111051 4 s keria4- - intidote Co r i Dr. Keyser'e lireiropslikdote r - ,'• *121 .- Glan, 2sliiig;in'Olskiice;;;Ve Dr.lieyser i t-lieeTeus'Antidoir . Ig4nassid;Stl - 4i 15.* • itaillEoll4orlL' , llZYS.,Xlll 4.. Eli J oil N meutxmta.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers