I ADVERTISING RATES established by the Press of Pittsburgh STANDING BUTTER. o.e sw:Tiren: ka:eig,..Fillagit Word. to ETD 'ee time..., .. 4. 4 . , :1iehi,..,... ............... I -- t L i. i'llya etm,,",':: ........: ILs lli, time., ;nrii. ......... 6° tiro/ i ttm st ' ,.. e . '.... ... .. i 14' ' 14:i Ye Mut, .. ....... .. ' .. r: 7 . :r i chnex..:: .: •" - lln .1,t:M . ,, . tin,. ....... 120 Tbry%.2:2:. , 2 ,lasi. lig p . :.: .. T im ............. : _,, 7 f; k r : : : :t il,t, .:: . -. ' ' ~,,,, „, ........... ::. 2: I _________„, ...... , 4 w o -- - --- • .I;:.‘,',47l:llo'igix.;,°,.s,P7i!ra;fp.l.:iSib,-,..`-'7l. SEVEN DAUGHTERS OF SATAN. r .i.,...... . ,..... . ! L and m well adapted foreChe raw, ne. 1 tr, P ' , • he lm ,„,t . short distance from ththriving Tan art na, a 1111 sesta., horn plp e , b a rt.. oo los , Iri eh e e e ll7b e tt e e g p ' e "- .24 , 1 1. fict t t e e,e gatt s .t h h I property s er.lt'g tt ei mark." l . at c t h . :3 Llano., de.. ..................... M..; LOTI . ANL/ The most magnificent Scenery ever produced. The Alsm g a Farm ot • /17 acres, c"rue"t In Fallowfitdd SILVER LAKE AND SHOWER OF OOLD. town:1111Di Washington cou n ty, Pa. aboup2 miles '4.33 New Scenery, Costumes an • • 'erhartical Effects. are are a :ll,4 a Iwo oLiirl A r e l.. . "l 7l . oo • The .'ketl3.a.ritaea" F. 'SATURDAY AFTERNOON ,RAND second. x two-and...nalfe sory a hr ee w i r t d In s ; s ense; third, • No. I new been. ID by el feet; a good e tin COTTA ?MATINEE. ~,,u, th„, tem. orchards of different Putt. s h leg 1 re. During the evening the • •Lotta Polka, • ' mouth.- / r i,,, a , ‘ , " 4 • P'', 4r,ee•trettrandleartain7,•,,,,l',"4„7'rg•e•Lib• g l aarP d ea t :' ed and respectfully. de...101 . 111. I.OTI A. by J. E. Home!. • level and of the very best quality, :n3 watt/ace:10l ___ _____ at a reduced price. ACADEMY OF ?MUSIC, A leo. a Farm of a bo ut lin sere., . Fairfield to wn- P ; i n r , ... e t , ftr g la e tt e d Co., Pa. The improvements Tx 111ANACIERFSS...31he. ETTIE tI ENDERRON. :4 barn and a tenant " Ito:s t :Oh ot a . The als e tt ' o e . ""l, a 4 l7 GROVER'S GERMAN OPERA peaches and cherriem about Macre. cleared, the Ye. ERA In Ito Cary best white oak timber. The 4. IN GDUNOD's GREAT PRODUCTION or lan d e. i I.4g y ood. T e l o ty l len; rnIti:11,10.111p.0017 healthy. This Possessiou Imme iniAilrAren,,tigo,olderupriAbcie;,,Ala.,“F•hrint.,fee..thociu,,t 1 1 ,43 . • . cre Abo e o ltt , 5i..1,.. ' -"' The as iii - v. itiA ~ ,p! iee w e l ;e o r r it. pa e pe e rs s a t? itbi• productioniAalonee one tn.. Irti4 pt Loot No. 4. on U. MonOngabels tt wring " h. h . ge.*4." "e " 1 (Rea,. boTuhtee,h:rtm..e"LUnt!'.7.:o,l".7,',lo'7.log e t a an other THIS (Friday) EVENING', will he t.• ilings: fencing generally goal, a you. or -1:P..90E0T. leha.d of apples mid other fruit tree..• 110 acres f I in. i of the best quality, and a vein of the 1... t Sine . _ o.ep.tilstopholes . ....W. Jo., Ilans t n n ., lal tieconvenient to churches, achoola mills Ad , Faust..... I . • ..... . Preen Hemmer . ,7 , . property lam authorised to act; 4 . ... y. h pp • Litarsiuciatte. ............ ~. Madame Hotter: . . 24 ion• • • Bar. ul at. 5 .1. " stafaa. atlollmit./.7*l'Vess , ma . P. °P •. ....................... .711001. Itl.retrel.l. •31 Ile .phit Dtulba 11 boatfield Township, Molina& cOnnty, Penni, The AVIII. P. HECK. 4. t'o., No. 185 Valentine ..... . nein r Steinecke. Improvent.ts aric n anode tannfortable. twinstort , . Liberty street, Pittsbnrgh. Pa., Wholesale Wmrner. ... 4. to Lehman. Frame House, with 6 rooms. a large:l.le barn. car- Grocers. I uttoolselon Merchants and dealers lu Count 3.l2,etta ... . A ri e ttf e e Mr., 1744,5d,,i,t0rtt erikeirlah house. bate area try Produce, Provisions BettOth Lae., BUtter Eggs, THAYER, NOTES 4. Co.•S 1 ol.rmi aturi e n HMG try taneil'ciohyteTrii gfro t d a o_ t r i cta t * r e ti re e; I ... P 11 1112 , 10101H, PA . . C'teese, flph St. Prod.., Flur, Ore.:heeds. pple. peesh, Dear %id... trees. The fencing is 1 oettires to return thetas to Ills friends and the pun I tt-e-ee".""- Del!'-tt -f e'l j e• le- ha" '""lL" ''' Jr" ' (IRANI> C oMbINATIoN , Let4e ee rell er y i =t ioe,,. Al,tudedit e1e0,,,,,r1m„,,,,, .4„.. Ii • g (.(1!„..11yy 1.0 rotrlgit,lll...eraliAAto,ast,rotgri.ettet.,,ierroul3 i P. Not a 1.....• .4. it axial: I: ..... w,t D. RST.II YR. I" ril, t PE:‘ , lEll S. RHOS" (Successors to om .ss her., • A nderen, ) Wholonale Dealer. In For_ I I = l. CD 117 IS • I mud. Thle property will be sokl very ch o. e' 1 :Zl . l l :ru i t the Eaagtern markeL She • large mod .../„1 ARM a Fenn of atrant 240 rented lolningegl abet • i "'lea" . 4... " • Tho Improvements Are a large two awry Lot Ho . sc e . sign Fr° li s. Nut. ay an pleen, i`onfeetlonery, Sugars. , :senor . .. A c.. Nos. 11. •mid I2a W 4.1 Stre.et, •hore and • litre! ttnnir ban: 1714 •Crel Cleared and nutter 1 Fine VI/ aolen Goods, Hrth ' l"..'al'' trMtir THE GREAT MASTODON OF NM, , e A g i oo e d , stete of culla... o l e o:: • sm. api.ie orchard, a I 'worn. teenaltetthaetrOTt=bl°Zkl.". t‘e° M."' etat'd . nosiT. no, - . • . .............. *NULLED ItIVOI t, ..nAeiy. orbs, or will be,Aold 1 v.i , 4 , !. .,, ,,, , t .p a ., , ,, ~. .. ENTLESI If S ..4 HP194.1 ' .I.lt 0,111: St NON, COMIIIIBBIOIII Imo. the hest farm In Paine. tow.hip, Wee,- A ' D • - . k n -1 m0re , 1:13.....e0? 4107, „a,cOrteln,la bary.•res: abou , t I _.''.....m.....,,,,...........„ Mi1t...2"441.1-1/AZIIFPF;IB';;V,7}°II...?„I:„..7Erf."?,!..ni 14.1.11171113y1i oppoolo City Bali. Allegheny Lily. '''1t 5,,,,,.1. L a . " ,, n ee t g t A hewed R" ~,,,,,„."',,'T'o r b • 1 CARPETS, OLL CLOTHS, &c. ' =,t and beat frame bares ril the 1, 0 11 ;4141 ' 111,1 tWo . ' --.---- - - . p orchards. The . ..hole /arm Is udt.- ahi n , jOIFIN B. CANFIELD, Commission apple orchards. cultic...4i. The fencing. le ell No, 1. l' . . e I aa and Forwarcllng Merchant and wholesale dealer land In of the rery best limestone: about 700 ecru 21..rcleered• the balance ha gost. time.. Possession on IicCALLEm 11110TIIE118 N'o. NO I IfFecr,n.e.lCronur', 114f11,'I'.4hean'd'Yoll'r"I'111404... L'ilald.crsPotrtlt, drilAt'L•grifaehi. T kieo T ePntr a w e rare7r o 7,!': Ai ": 4,, YUIIRTII •STRFT - T. We have on hand .•• ~ ,r ' l.. l .l. :. ; • ..1ll.l,l ; l-tsv•l "Ur! . yrt•tl Frult, and prmin e • oerior stock o' 4,,,:a....1,_ L oz. 144 end 140 ,'rout atreeL. Pittsburg In other busittesta Ale, a Herrn of ISO acres. situate In Mel:at/Mee. C,..196.--1-IP.IRWITC 431- .D. ' , ITER . arp ~,, ~, : v.%.;..1.4.:5,1z.'•'),,e7t.1ii"51i'1i:i;/".l7lt"lobthuttgarittler'Unitaollo,o'.jurettn ,4',,As7itai.Pt7t I k i i :;° 1 0:::'-r.Vt% e t; ''.:ll4"' 1tr4?:.1 "r01ei;71.,; Tri;'''. ! .' 7 'LZ','...:1:...".r.Ti°1;,....` ~ 1.',.0.".'1- , .. 1 G?;,"..T ' l / 4 . .ii *: l4l3 ' , . i 'ii°' 11)14 ''; ... ~,,,,x , .: , n i : 'I, z r.°o",?: ' - '.T;.,'.-,..r ;:,.C..„„PP,I-y. O'r'...r7Achrail N lTA l N er o td Atls e• D ' TA tt I.IL i 0 V ER.9 -Erer7 For fur:tiger partleolara, Inquire of II IC A RTII Rl:Ott -V t atn the en..., quality lot he I .-." ' o,.'''"''''..•.-r'Sv-glen..n..-eissishHirnik.lo.„..coCe.s..... 31.1 Y 7712, girt, Sin, • 10771, lea AND Ito, - L. U. TOR ...It, Real Estate Age., No. HS Ynurth .treet._. ~t1.1:e11i15".14,3,27..1dii•teTT11.(1. 4 1 1 COA AND MA Nll.l A 1 01 ?01/!1111-4/13(!-111 N 0 4 11 ..411.11. fix a (0, W Adollaslon. ....... Meows .1!" _ Geo- Children under 12 4 oars . 21cents 1 ()TS L.-on NAL...IE taavg 1 w.es,-?, it.-010teutinissl:arr. Merchants. Torso:rot' :moth Doors often 11 I.d o clock p. m Potrimende 4 pe,e. 2l ‘.. L e d , ~' .44, /.1.. ,. .11 , S i ll, /11-1 , 5 ; 8 . 5. , . __.°l__ .10!.,522,i1.ti5,11. ~_ ( i t ! , baleen boor after opetilli.. Seat, for est', nil 1, apt No standing roion. . ' “. I J ADES DALZELL & BDN, Mann ! PART it I'IAR Milli E. t I N PITI"rOWNSI.III9 i lecturers of Lard 01.1. and t onanleston Merchants Ao. tlso rzsrchate and sll or Crude end Refined e- The entire performance. of the Itr,t Clretst from -- - - - - _ __ _ _ _ .„ 1 tArtdt.:4;,..,,,,:::;, ~ r1, ,.3 , 1 f i d th S eter streeL Pittsburgh. fr7' . i PATENT GROI7ND CIRCHLARS. the intro ductorysnyeant to the ana l or ...mei, L E , , , ,, 1F 1., 71 ,n iti1f ,,, r4. :gnarl:. 1,1,,,r..,.;;rE,dnurieer1.7.11611,a„....; e„rnyi.,..7r AT FROM $6O TO $6OO. ....st; Ayearr...Kat,ted m05armm5z5e,...at....e5.4.,,w5,44r,.....47.5ipa0rh..p.. ))VE OFFER THE L.A.RGENT ' --- -- = '----3-"Ilt""-"1.".--- - -- - IS:C110111AKER &LA-IG,Wholesale le •arlod act. volt i varieties. , Stock in the West of every- ..." I ~,d etters In (lora , orle L, Flour, OKlii, Produce, Pro ...G4 i AB kinds of KNIVES .d SPEUNGS, made frost neas.st;e.:7.7 ';',-:f',",''.l.„':',-s°'..`„,77.l'': ".".'l, '-,'',",;.'''„''- ' '''"'” • ' ton . Fish. Ch .ese, Salt, «whm Oil. os. 172 and .. .g , tarutiVi-Aeilictrw. Refined ItZAPEIt AND and OXy l ' ou 'a s moor ' riot 1 tye.t.f lit:M t :in t nho h th t L'i h onl 7.! M. NI ASTI. R. 1 /A27•11 aCO , I g e o Carpetso if. , ...oo4i Street , near Itibeety Street, Pittab.gb, thin in the lin f item ly t!n e :. The et/tort...to .• soil no essen 11.4 a.itif- ' - - - - - „:„51 . ffir War, hoilse ...fat•Vorks, Corner W.Siin .d J , L A T , T e ; ., . , Hr e ti ys t • f LA W . . Oil i Ta-,.7.--, -- ii..T.; . , .In myle end eferet rrorn th. ordinary ionic I me: Sl/0111 . 4. .1,1"-. rlttabOrgh. ...i. atilOsettlents, and the, 111 be vv.. hy a trent .„... . ;,. "• ' el" -!.... I' ' Cloths, Damask, Reps and i licik 6,, NSE .. ; ...... '''"r""". •• ... 3... ' 2i 7 ,.. ., ,. '7 ~ ~..;..,.', ro g"Lq.,.... paid l. 8,..:Z, 1.... .. h. , "" .gr. i , st. . i ji ,Tir;‘,..7.7, , A. 1,, ict,ll,rAte4a,%; ~ d A,LlTrleon •rIlato•. the , A , 1LAND„...„,..-:: ,a, Elli TIR 1( HODE r ZGAR, Grocers and irionellee..Tisnpi,,,.fid dealejs In ail kinds . . .".. , 7 , letL,... ennain g .d Drillin g dot. at reaasheable 1 Kilted with rare Went'. ar7 drnatc . iiio.l4' e t e a f a'' .1-. V,. .• ''' l' •• ' 1, SALE. situate 2., mite. from the pl tr, and Lace Window Curtains, Gold lut Co t iXtr Jo it e hT t, n,ntleollet aark ta - tr. Pittsburgh aml . a Se...WV I Bordered and Plain Window 1 P..i.:(1,771,.....,7ight.ii• ; N., rd• LI 4 r wrty nirPel opp.s.lte'h"a'uf Whortnutett.q. ..-&-, litliiiirllON-G, *or .DZ ay , rapa.ll for attrect Ire Nato.. Is 4 .tly milro i-ent I - , nent. awl greater than erer before eosin.. In Gila ' r'len''fie"rll,‘"ri'r..'". ".'"'‘"air'' a . ...,ty . . , A 4 tar VFM. H AIEVIIILL & Co., count.) ~...1 they nlll toe presented wi th the 1 i .1.1 I compel.. abo°l • e t t - erst La s .',jl,r./ tl 7 t er, Vigegintt.76val F.L.l.,,t.llm..r.ll.nottentlasl..” Alert-hen te j for the sale I Gt/ f deeoret e d e„.„.1 end orneseet o ,l „ er . ~,t ~,,,i 1,,,,1 ,„„ ,„ .„,. ~,,r„,,,1„p,„,„,. Shades, Table and Piano Coy- 1 , of Rartford. Conn. .... .s:i Boiler !linkers & Sheet iron Workers .llla.'ililr " •.. . 3./ a. extresagently neaKoterpnt. Md. ,1 hy , urn nittol.cep. e..denha •to ..adde with .1,1,1, , eel ~..__. so . ... •se ~__. o .„. as___ _„,___., the important characteristics ol superb . Bar and , bery. and a ...e 1 artety g art the choicest truh. .0 , era, of our own im portation, nt 1 ./..,r„'1',.„;i",..-',l',;°-''',.. prr,i,-;.,%.7..1,;.14... ko'!`..A'-‘l.r'.-..,%''5,C.41'4 THE ONLY . 1.11,1. INSURANCE COMPANY IN ....... ..: _nanonny.aaahofaa. fat _14.7.7_ s-..n_at......71!....., , 1 brlllient effects. The elessle sonnet/ ...11l afford In • von. In full hearing. I here is en. en It a never- , on .a. fe.=:ty i ....... 4. , :.',/ , , we coney Aer=24M7l7..l4:otrue In A g aloo = n t_ ed iti c t , r tenet lon w I 4, slnunent•nt. and entlrol 4 faultless fat, log spring of a at., erol a hon / ..1,. acre 111 a /..,I : },‘,,,,, 1 the Lowest Prices reached since 1 i - .11 - ii ---- . ;- ~.--,-,,,, „..- -- , - 41. j manetratinre every description of BOILER-4' In the I if. ' „,!..1 .1. '°• ° " •1 '" '" u• F ara id. O. Po ros on• I.. mod • 111.• 1t0...m t , • mots: . p 41-1 of a neat 0 11.4., ... ...... ...out) . sr. AllkEtlt , it ulit,i,ofFiojow makes and pa y• an Ann.! cwt./es with 7 room, aud mukli.blnlby • larp• sod 1 ........ ..,,, beat rnannernand Warranted eitel to a) ma n e tow e • ESPECIAL NoTICE r.. ~,31,rv,vi ~,,, , a „ E , ,, , , , ,. ,„„ i . i . F. ,,,,,,, ~, ,,,,u, , rti.,L. , issnde,,,,„ it i.„.1, 9rebi e . An ~,,, 0 ,,,,,, m e ~,,,n , A A ... ,t he war. A line of Scotch In- ,1-,f,„',Zlf.",'.','„,r'f?.','„l;L„„`;',','.7,'-''' '' '' srd '"' ° " 4 1 1`,..)1.H.,!,10; Pr;minain the not dr eaNTlTl.".ahttat "'"'a• "....i ""*. and cumulation of.' 600,°St Is . ' ' rely Invest( 01 tit ,5it:,,1L.r."i0„,",!,..'nef,L...,.•„!,:,:t„';:f;.7:ti!.,,,7„7.'r,,,•,,,7_,,,,',!,,,0.d..:,,...7..,i,7,:i.',',:: , m1 ,. _ , ...?„0- : ,4! llti:trik . s A,,t e u ld i, r no:fi e rt e geagr. iseseetrßlAele,dEhSAATAplTKal.tle. 1 BO LEILS.„, ix, - 2 , 1 "7„ i. Circe, . i..,..... bare Lido, and thildren 4 1•1114, th. • OUr . inr,or . , l." h Ind +oh • 0.., 0.,..1. arr wlt l / 1 11 a •45 DENSEILO SALT PAN °Tll ' - 'I - • :1: .. 51 AtriTATOlttl SETTLIA ITIN M H YLY.ICIL IT I I I i te • , . I‘'dtlai 74:e'P.......Antarlitrt oat.'4'l.2hotet.‘l", e . h ,? ,-", ... t .t ', '',: !: „ " , ' ,!, "2 , !';.:,.,,`','," . ".'!"': . •..,. ,, ,.-: ....u.irr : 1 7 i : 1 grain Carpets, of Our Ollal 1111 1 .- Roor. a ALZELL et co .".""-" • I NI, Wl ' .4..'1n0!r Alt.'/.841.W.8.'"T'n0 etbrnlet'olre.itt•tors'elnuf L .... th• BRIDGES, billiAll PANI3; r.nd wk. omnunwtnrer. '-"Mr,"(%"' f. ,f,, 11-° m " '''' "'."''' '' •".'"" P''' q'''' .4 ,P "' - ' 14 " ." ' Y term ,, .' , .1 . 1.._" ." 11 portation just received ---vet y ....terunera, t.on,mkslt, .nd Fore: 0re.111:,;4.1t'r7 sir case of litigation /Ma occhrred. nn In Idence ol BARNHILL'S PATENT BOILERS. Reapatrlng '-..".1."" °° " 7°. °°."' t" 'T 1 "4.•° FOli- SALE. -- * - !IA NDLINt. lia....D.tuE --A 1 rff /I Leo v ntit da g e a' ‘4lte""'"'"l notice . le IASONIC HALL. I handsome ---never offered in this 1..,1?1tAt. soil 41. A... 0 . 1 . . .owe sod Pittsburgh I. o _ I tkitt.,ll,beraltty •041 fair ottani/or la I apechllty with [ions there j,. olten u rough and c,trelesa Mf-ROBEWSON, RIEA & CO" (Sue. '...‘ 1,,,,..±1.,dak. writ:. APRIL lot% • ' i country b e f ore --- and at prices . ,„......,. .aI L. rt , -Ir. ... Pittshnrel, • The in t h ' lt. a l?.,!oe this of not forfeited tor Mona 01" ha alltni; trunks and other omelet. , neuron to Itoistisees...Xisrin a htlia.caii, i FOR FOUR NIGHTS ONLY, A Delightful Resittence in ill'('lure Tp. 1.,) H. At'a, re.on of non-payment of preinhan after we seen. , based on the present rate of Gold l'• year. No paymeßts rsnulred alter Len years, WO ...e • por• •114.1 Onpigngs, thilt 19 altogether in- i ...wamsla yiomp i .,_ , --,..: 7 -w E i t 1 IVEDNESDAI. Ilit G.SDAI. 1R1D.41 Al 111 1111 ; ,ti,.. t'Uni tuts.. good through life. I 4.4.U.1•'.2. lis• the oh cing hymen.. lirblell ' M a r :utcture gg re of HOAT tt A t .N l l) S le it• .; tll S.r. 1 elot . I Ile, lioN A,. ,OFTICLio, 1 4 adtnlr.tbly Carrie..l out on our railroads, 3TEA3I ENOLNES. BLAST ENGINE:IA.11111: MA Y t e Lot 1.1 4 tbe hi..., state . enttironn . r„ T , " ,,,,„„, ‘„,.„ ~ .„ ,„ • • . REcPARLAND 81 COLLINS • J. C. 11, ALKLY. Presideut. r. he 11 - 0 1 ...Pr io roleuttottl from all opprelien- CHINERYLGKARINGA B,IIAFTINt., CASTINGS of i May 2.1, 3d. Ills ••sed 7.1 h. tor tem . , I Lo7usr of ' Pr'''"'" 1,17.1.8111"Rqh. Pa. 'ti ATT ,s. WILSON, WbOieBS/e 4.A:r.::::.1,:::::. ~.7:::::,,.„1,::::;.:::::::::.?:,::,:;:,,,,,T.:.: . S. PALMER, Vice President. ate' d GITLLLS, BOILER , 71 IS 73 Fifth street, 2d Boor, .1,11:: .A, . .1 0i IN 44 14.04. , 9. R. t% kllTF....certory. M.. of I,aing his baggage. But In whul l!'sliPf,rigill•rit'k lONR.V. Jl3lEs T. SIMPLE, otarld.trta. It will he re5.0r,..1 to Ito. halal. he 455 4- Axents for GIFFARD'S PATENT INJECTOR. me Great Consolidated .....,„ / 4 ...t 4e- Dr.,- scot .1 n•Uratite Agri. N. t building to F. b. I Liston, 110,0. and P.....iree . •nd loans ao. .4....41 Ibo (I.rulehod. cl4/4.41 No. WI Federal atm° t, Alteghe. e'' '' ' '‘ ' ,:rekdri,,re9A.,,e,,..i.,.,..,.,4;!..,.,•;..,,,ter no, and dtAirrtl In 3S Weed mere. Ittnborgla. ....., ..„.4...,1,.,..i.„1..,.....,,,,,,,,,,,,,.. mast 1. a' , t Taw 'ally and hopefully, to an- '''. '" •• ' ll. 'l l bul l"' _ cer•ain. An lIC i,,. , trunk have a non ligr.lollN LOCH & in - no., - I SAX SHARPLEY'S MINSTRELS oil i. . 4 ..siii ' LIME I•HOPLit./ 1 ------- s --- -------------TEANISHIPS. ''' ''''''. I'''''...:'!' ." . fi""".' \ ' • 'l'l -'''''. •ir CV, to its i• 1 • %i on e 3 1.Y.--On the etrulLeurt:le Itel.r./en, f drnol .•,,,,,1,, hell/. uo T.D...., 7,1 r rho ,l'it'll.llo-O(VADI!'%.VN !'All-lN"ti Wl'','°•"'• se, Pa „./.• •/• de la. rice. LIPNT t1 , 1 , 1s 4 , N I. 111 • DUEL. AND olt.ill Y. 1.34,1-TIMORE AND 1141.41 NA I Amoco.f . Nilo 1.. To:,, &to CHATITI.:II ip...)(4 P E:DPI:TU/1. bees " '"• ..,.....,• .114/111WAY, 11AEC/1 12114. 0044 da.,,a.,... don,. r , jr. I, i., ~.,.1 th.,, i.,.g,_ .4.. ~ ,r.0,,,i ..n . d . tTutiub ;•,,c.a,,ttg.t.,;,;‘,.;;,;1% ;•,,„;9, Tony Partor's Consolidation, 4, '.V.::' , ': - :.':"i.,',7:.',',;.,•"' '''''''' ''''''"' N ° - '• Nutt. a - 111 loam. • and az :I 4 41 the 4...:4 404 lk - 144 T te, ~,,•,-",, ~,i ,i,.,.. 1,,,, di,,,1 1,..0 10.0 , 0, n tii,,,, t.:10;111,,,.td,.,.6iir,,,,,,,,,,.2a1b5r.2,,r,;:if „r ... pattern, INIII I/ , s ~ / . /..,N t / /..N.y t . l/ /o/eh 1 e. r .......11 an ' We/ • F .' : - ‘, 1 r, ' ,....,:. I n ' t ,E l ' ..:aa. al II: . and sal• ^t,., STEAMSHIP COMPANY. i ISAIAH DI( lici - .s, co., vihoie.aie , FRANKLIN as N.., 11n• On, o , utc ut, , 411, I:1 11l 111 ant . tber Moo Is Nose zit- poscnois; ei,,,,,t, 4 , 4 ~ , =-,.,, ~,,, . 1210:5/ -.9-X-44.7.i•JSarfia Also, .1,-/n: r.lahly Arr.: of Co.( 1., .. Ithoul tn. - i. ,r 5 , , . ...11 tnt..l4rn 31. 9.!0.,,...1-4.1 denier. In I was... , Pot Line ...... doll v io•t • in. •4. 11 , 4, In bandit sig IttiggAzo 1-.... J..bn.t d'.....h0. s a 110 .• an? ' o. te a 11.1. Lt BROWN A. sONs. tren't %gent.. , •; , ; ' . 1 1 ' .... " ..,.' ' ' '''"` """" ''''' - ''""' """'. - ''A-A-r- /NSURANCE COMPANY ; i',.','.,..-- t”,,, ~ •,.i ~,r ...1.1) Lard work. t n . dn , / 3 . ir''' To NEnvors SUF FERF.RS, , “ ''''"" " . I.' "• r'''''""rr •' r • r .••'•• r- S' L• • •• , r' l • % ;lA. Al ,: AT/ I • ,T. 11 , I , It 341,1 titsm.rt•l nal:n od . .t.,11. , 1 ,, s.. '. . •nd ' t2 . 2 . 4° • ;.. ' ' t• tlai iv . E w LLR-L-EANs DIRECT . ' I".''./.l.'iltiGlSl 144. 11-7----"'-':/.. 4 P olecessors 7 OF - , ...___._ atet, Jet put no .......110h, .111.1 thity 6404111 U lIF . rill M 7 / 3 " FN. -• reverend ar n t lonian Jim . .,a_ net ,si3Eig„,gh. j i ot_isex A m- Ini e. , , ....,te n . .„ t a , t .. ~, z..l, ,,../ , ~ . , , A , ~,, A ~ ~, ~,,,....,. ,„., , , ~,, „ . otoi H ... to i barque 4,.... restored h. health In • few 0,4, •ofte •,,, , nt Pkti I.ADELPIP.A. Wu tl t• tut t ,•• • .... 2•I t -11. , tlf t° ok• :'.:::..rfi'irf.Ll'4,..'2;:n:liVin'..""Zg;l:r,iescsP7lt; ‘ ' ‘ao . . 1 ' ' 3 "" ". ''''"." - '..- r'.."..."“n'. '• . to , -..., do I ethearal./ No. Ire Grenl .: r...t. - - -.4• to L.. ...or •,./...... ../4 I ono. t•olon 31er. , !John!, ,4 I inert ...et. Pitt•borm. prep. • ... .4 I . 4Lt/• It 1 /nu iii.tolmo 4i: ....red duty to communtrult•To his ail/lard Show. • ~,,,,,:t . ' ; ' , ...,;t : ,';.‘ , 1 t , t ,', ..... •••'' •'••-°'• '" ' ' ' ' - "'' ' Carr, lug the United Slate, Mail. h • N,' k LI'S Ins i li. • - ''' FOR SALE. no Piro i las.9.4onsiDosoit.o. no. 9iv • .I. m ‘‘'lLlitlss LIN/lART, , Anne.. en Jade I. 050 4„ w" ^I- , •,,,,, , ~, v‘ck.A. , th-t,.--h-e.. • :.`,`":rrs7,-',.-!?-,„`''.?`„g7,;.. twr:.7..;,:,.;',.h.::.;vi- .. ' P q y I --Ito I. no i on.„ , nolo. 1111.4.11/ M Ckl.ce. II / ..., bat tl.a,T , - Itell'i. aro 01t..n loptiud ot tau, of the preeeripttion 116...1. , , ./ IA AlI 1NP1..... Asent t ALL AII I.E t . ! AL LaND ••I URA - - I.ltor tOn• H/0 Itolllio. I "owe,. ~., pea:or h, ir,„„ „.. ~;,„,„' ~,,,,„„;',„L,",',iy00'„„,,,,,,, (.1.1 ...,, ............... . . mo,Oso Diner to Dr. JOHN' M. DAGNALL. Ise tr.,/,on '.'''''' e!..., 1,...., • • ~/ 1 Mil:lt , "I . ltr_t •i. Pittsburgh, . •11°,•::,,,",.°4 14,..111,,1,,;:': : .. '.• •• ......... ' fl ' ••••'' Way et... • V m: 11 ‘ ..• RAND SC ROOl. 1:11111IITION I AV. ts. sold T 4 1.1/ AY al rmlnee.l Intr.,. This one li i . °A L I . n o ''• - -- 4 slue, In kt eon ...id orano • 1.e.4A, c. 113 /h. ." L Cr ' ---,•-..,"!.• "• J. .. o .''''' ' ''.''•"''' !i "• .......... 1.1.eR 2.1.1. On at • ,' ''''''' l'e +titled Clallnt. ............ a..lle. ..T irk., ... I & • ..r. uu IVED \ ESDA.S, rim 2. far SENT FREE...A Pamphlet `--• . North-W..lp, 1.....0.v1 rent* Rallroaa, el.out I wt. ~,,,........ Ir e . Cr., RH. o N 9ItHA RE t'El.l. 9 thoiNT, - •••-•°°°:'°.......a.e.............• Ineome old" .. . ................. . t... /Sete, • The „r I .AR; ~ t i . , ' i. h . ttt or t 0.... h . 00rt .. , , o ~, old ~.d i API I' .11 I ~, I.IIA 31 tI I. 9, E., 1... It/ .1I A. mar. -Lod ..1 A 1.•••... i'a. and .•untalne ,C. 'tor, ; 1.045 e. P onoonem. ..... a 1 1 141,11 u ' Water V.*. A rii 4 N- JO td.o. , 1, tare set. ttr t.t.... ..., li'Lh ruN K end VIRE. .LAY .1 , • • ; ;;,!., ' 4 1 .4 ; • • . ll " l ''' •• 1) •°. lal " "."". ..... '• • PIANOS, ORGANS, &c. IN .t...... r.,..,-.--. P.i..i,...,:n;iii....-..i..,-..;. ) 0 7g, ,,, morrled and . Mugle, of e be.`. 1.4...... ...flys i • 0 ...put. o 11 SR POW LH. or tosswatte. hay foe unsurpamot A. -- . . Agent '' , A. IItigirITIMII si tt' Co t.. LI W, "at ).:°,.,f t .: •S°"11°) 115d°5" Fnd. h " . 52 kal I. / "'" I .';''. 'll,4'w, P.,,,,..., th,., . 2. ° L aw • a u° .t t-t'attaHlittlittlaLV•krVATl Ft ELD •04 . A..,.1.... ,' N 0 Iv kiE IA ~ ILE c EiVi"pf Post Lidice_ ene3airdew • Doom upeu •et •7 0 0101 i s ...... eon eee a l • ' "•'"" "e '" "' . 4 • . 16 el, 4is • . HAN,. • - . ..' ` 1 0 ". PA I.TERS"N. •N.-Ne It uf 1.a../n e nut thu•sof Do ..0,,,,- ril Al 1 . :1.1.2 4 INT .4.,TOCK OW tar THE BRIDAL CHAMBER; 1 ;„"t; T ''''''''''''' .: ; ''' ,;"; `"' • I " 'h. ' A ` • ~,,,. ~., ~,,,,,,thm.. 1.„,„.,,,,,.. ) .,. ~. ny wIII lop •Ignp.l. Perrults fur Ilto fr, lent Int/ dto A WARNINti AND IN- ....r m ;,' ''''.;., t' l. " ' •.... 0 - • rrso• nin ea. 11 th,i, • proenred front tel./ were No frtleht re...lts., so , tiTRUC - 111.2ii FOR YOUNG MEN. Al., new .d le rt filament te t . 1 4 ou r e . ...l W ey - en:: Tl% tti . e: " :„ . . ' ...TJ ' h . , / ..". ..ARaI Pea SALE-Known its the 'dd. ,, c }..ld, K . ~,,..1 on de, •tf ••hltlt. aitU it eAtlllnehls"llh*r.tgaJelitrlih.f.Kll7lVl-17.1g4r. 11::::. ''''' I • ~... , ~.., , Art, ronlt..ng I •48 aoret ~Not i QTI.I Als TO CH ICKER ING PIANOS, Aesocl.lon, Philadelphia. l'a ant.l7 -••••••••-°•."-°•••"""".......-.......-wwwww........ 100 01 ° N.. mr 1 lemvd .miumf is "'Om. : '''s il“ '. \-5-I.\--...--1.'.14-I:IIEAENthiLUTorWRN Otin111.1.(AL!,411.91!! : ... BOOTS SHOES &c. .. „ .1 , ..-, r.... ow i ...Ed, 04m 1 ,•1n00rt0,n.,114 , ...,., ~‘ . unit., ~,,,, im. r y .r. ,, ,,,, u, ,, ~ , are., L. The INMAN LINE, solitug .4... het. Lt.., siwing Haue r, ,St. •17 '' r° '• 0 EVERY SATURDAY, I , OOK AT THESE PRlt'Es. , Nnot rise . mu°, Coal n the frm • ' IL . i oeat I. nu. im. Imintro el ! EVERY WEDNESDAY, - , • IicLAI 4 .1111/2 • , ~ We are Reding the Cheapest in the city \ .' ; 1 I ' ' • 44. -I 14 NI •111F.1. 1 1 - 49. t t , • ,, e , ‘' ,, - , • ,',;: • ,:i ' ",=••,°,,ti I SEVENTEEN INSTRUMENTS ! TI el. .....id to and fpm 1,1•11 a, E3l,lllnd. broh The hest Wolarne convent. • t silk go, , ..614,...2 .. AIM FOll SALE -Containing j I.:' ...' rn .,nY •nd Yr au , '• do du M. Pine do it. ton .1., .11. ...5 111e44 r. s, , past. . ht. 41.1 r toe nshp. Ne a l - "I' im Contlienl (0110... "" a"7.l.ll.h.or'Leaidn:ttY tf ,'' . ! ...1 ga"ntr so " e 'l tro t :,ina ud " Jo do do teity mad. Mostono it,. .in moron. ennot 7. to.. 4LO .11. froth New Fiore.... JulIN C. DALE,' Agent, do do MI.-, • magma. Laming tower. to I . lt 4. Inororrinotat• ' , U.N. •f • V LIA_3II. - . DIV EL to I VI ARBANTED t'ol4l FIVE VI:AS..4. coo Children. do do 4„ ~, 7.. Ia r. 14./1 NE of i . ......ele• 41 O. I frt,ht. lo '.l/.1.-ep. , 15 Ilroadsvu y, N. V. d., do do Lasting Tip nalllnurel. ~.., •••...../.11, e•P ron.. and t .1: ..1 •, I trl • 14.• • • ~,,i, e,,,, ~,, ai w k, of ,v1 44 „. 4 • ~,,-, , , e......• Yr on. Hot. •,... 4 oun v tor, r, .I.i . ~.tII 4.4111, '''....."....... ....•101••=,................. _ __ , . L.... CHARLES C. MELLOR, and ehltdeei t .RA 1.31011A1.5. teatITEIL9 an. 4 (LE .. too'. '.• • ..0 0 0 .1 AT TORNEYS. . tt......4.,...--, Biticeto •t ...puhl t loa taws, J. Y. 31 ..•C08L1N A 4 , .. „- . fI'HE lIIIADIII'It Y. NEW-YORK, ...tee n . a Pah before pa 1 , 1....104 .. 10 ....a.t., .t the No 325 inner, •to • Inala/tltoi 4, A A MA 111111 t s. un tlo pr 0.... H . C. MACHRELL, • • X.' ALI ABLE 111.0( 'IL 01' LOTS ATTORNEY AT LAW. , AND . M EDICAL. i Yon 31. E. I • 111 I. Nl\l' il S 1111, -',wild son schousacker a I'o., Ph Aksdelphia sir 1 . ...... ...La, , n, . ' shore pained , • ----- - - „, 4•11411.1 .1p•. r., .• 1..... r. Itpaloln e , tlo •oln• / ' and pliable l ':/ ,' nflu n les. "‘"r'd In the • . i 1 UMPEINIEICS o I ...no., and 1.0 rl, .11..1,, tio h' e ...•.,,, 1 11.. ,- ~,, 4 , 4 , ~ r,,,,, ~, /i,.. e or ,„ , ~, . a r,.., 4,,...,., .2. S. Licensed Soldiers' Claim Adettl . 11.. I N kT ( C) ft 3 . A A- Own,. •.oly, ...id or. 0 to n. t in Sor 1/, a..., op. W. h. .1.4 N FN. Agent. ito.", tAa . otter 144p4,4 44 ot 1..• 11,, 4 ..o. It ooh Itouniles for Wounded Soldiers collected ha fro i HONIOEPATRIC SPECIFICS. •sited . r•erset 4 ne tt re ms uutect to ,/, ....1411/11.01nen 1 yen to Iw. tvy 'l4, The I:stay 451' Co. ' aCot .'Cottage Organ r`-'7*l' Al Water street, NO stain.) I o. 4., •. , ..1,, ni, ...... It hl holidloe..o4. hat . stn ifaroffive, Norant •treet. PlLLstsor a l VITEStitN INSUR.txcE co, or . t!',!..":,.T.,'-*„.7.".,`",?.`,1,.!t,;:u.;',',1,',„,`",:,',.!,1gT..n't,t7r,; Call wish Diseharse a nd1.4.0 I•ft nesse.. " •11 7.1 GAZZAD 6i. CO.. ' AND AMERICAN ORGAN. • , prrpdsi,y9s.. the onl3 inoll..nes pert ectly a/131...d hhat I /Is l; OR MAL/E.,--SEHICKI.EI RI 111. cmA t'iTER , (... 1. , if h1. i i.40 1 , / ,‘, E It iNIMICii, Prvsident. L i..s. e u Dm 0 2 1 , e a aim . iniset.... van ion he twee e. net. 0 t'A P•r. I.l:tifill E. Nelt7Er,elet• Oeneral Aen t. , 1 IS entt:tT•tas th....lr::hi•ateat:4 hr:i'llt:L.r.theatt 'tag"' *ad..' !!. 5.,,h, ,T,;;;,,;',..•,„,„;;.•',.,: ;.;,:;,f:1 ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS ATLA Wo ‘ ,A,''.."1';'`,;'.7.1,',",,,b..'„1t.".,.;',;',!10T,','Z1T''',„ "'le"' I° `"° her. in power, , 'm e ,. ..., it • •' . \ elth,n. ldr Onr/II ..1 oL slit) o r ~., .„,1 ti,,,,egn work up ,tah'...•illtZ4horeb."• I''''''''.l'' ' '' ' ere ft'''"ett No. I cures ' , EVER. t tneetatuu. lunsuns .lEl'ittiallaxxx-6.13.. I . 'es. ....Id, , vee'llet:ie..e„...o,:e,Ahanirr;e4s.or,,,r. :4 , ke th ia the Cm li t i,,,,, ~,,,,,,,,,,, .„..,,,, or is , ~,,,,, m,,,,,,,. 1•• WuRALS, Worm I 4 Over, I'Lote . ...:. 4 and carrlea. llon/./P r Vo, Ilpn. a it• , l'ltt. boroln. I is a • I, 1 I pre.. . Iti... echo.. Institution Olanaged by Directors nil. . h... / ...., ~,,, ,„. ~,,, 11,/eSel .It ont w o gt ,„ to it,. Extotorp, ? „ ..s ~ale and i nenty PM. IT prithes tt 'th s r e'reele,t:ea; who aro ll R.,10,51 tO tho rOmAnll.lll.y, and who ere •' • UAL's h (AoLlt ,in Teething.. ito Sotto .. • ... . ...... .. .... ....• • 111 I) ter.DIS. LEASES, MONT° Ati En. Ae thsu any .•11111,. All N arran [a-4 for dve Lear, .:h. , ,,,t.1in„ to •tiret.thp..zd noTar.. ~,, T itle...tined and Collections mala In Penn - determined by promystie. and liberality, 1.0 Main • 2 ' I L IARB.H • E • A of eilltdret. or adnits .k 5 taat tttl It'••ri I r ? .ttt ' l ' t t • l' l l irat ' tt r ... la °bill's." W `"'' Vlrs "" ° • feli • 9 ( t i a r a' . tr i I t 71;e h i h wert ' pe t ; welch ert l on U t t u e e t hbo'see. sr ' ll " LlTltTal i r . ...l . ot . :.. ti,',1.1,5?'1';'Z'i'i,.;11.,:14.:,,,1n:' ! N::',1r . . !‘. :7.. ),I _ _ _ _ i ,n, No. Ise Fourth etre. ij . u.rtul. 7 4. c0t,..1113, Colds Brouchlths2. ..... a POR SALE, AN OAKLAND 11E81- ..,•,- so UNTIEs. BACK PAY and Military Chaos I Pic. 12 SII, quit street, Pittsburgh. Ps. ; s.. N EURALCII A, Too th ache, 'Y..- A. ~,,.....,_,, „, „. , no „ „..,,,„„„, ,„„ .., , of er.eydl4.ription. collected 57 the onhactlber, at e jzz e.......................___ Dl ItlCYolts. ; 9• • Hiiii...; ..... I. * II ...... .4M. •• .: .11 l'.lt4,git'ailtb/h.a4tll•Jto""„7ol3Aerlt' r fiti l lo " tw t e t t ‘ n t . t „%... V• 2 1• 1 t 13 sil':°2/°. 4 . 7 15,* . a "'"' .I*. P UTZ l . ° V.O h Illig . , " 0"." - - -- 0 '. DYSPEPS. A, .111.. r0t.... , 73 Attorney at 4.41 w. , Alex. Simi. Andrew Ackley. 1 .• bUPPREbooD, scanty a•nd pildeul I ...I $.,,,1de1Y ~,,,tt..l. with every es elect ...r r,.....it - - Diamond street, oppeAte th e Co.( Douse. '- - ..- - ---------" ----.'-' --- --1 R. Miller Jr ' I. svid 11. Long, donde and ornUlnelit.4l truce Alta shrunla, t. 2 • • L Y.l.t 8811 11 • 12.11.•: • ,11. Wit .. ..... :.: • .• it 1 .. 4014 K D. RAMEY'. ,N. 8.-No charges are mule If the claim do. not DI - ITT STEER. ill ORBS . J.,b,,,,hAuf.,T, ib,....J, Thom.. Stott And Real Estate Bro., 1 u.".4...d.4 h 5!"..."." E l '"P .P•a"°' , ":•. 1 7 I N.a....1.11f0115ra, l'h.. . cleat, ... .' CROU/' boxcar conic', ... . .... .25 Ale sender Speer, John IL McCune :4 •' *A I.T rys.clos, E, rip ap3l N.. I , r, Emu. 'toot. P. STONE; , ss.pb. II H. Herron 1111 MS P. }fauns: i von SALE - NOO acres of eircel. • ANOtats4.B. coot. s t 11., t'. N. . Itlcketwort, ' • I 12. • • It 11• 1 9 ,17 1 2 • 11 - 1 • S:11 all rt .. ..LDS .. lea fill -... hone Tlnsher Lana In Jefferson 4 ..., Pa., l• ...tr,.. ATTORNEY AT LAW, treptlO IVAN P. HERBERT, Seothtery. lIS •• / O ES KB AND 'ILd It Rea ChillaPand lt d ;Vir al ' ''. ricr I.'. itim- .r"--- --k " ~ ,Ma an , s t / 1. • t tiO • o llmoti 11 . c 'Mt. OYFLOE. Ila DIAMOND STREET, oppollite the tatteC"'"ea I.'t d°N . a. at" " " eu. '' . 1 C•i‘kclr_ifikts•Sli°- INSURANCE - CONIPA- ; 17 .: PI riet . tr, r l . ..r • ri..../ . n ' r leered .. •.• ...... o lof FITTABUIts R. - OM., corner Mei Let 0 • OPTH ALM Y, sore, Inflam .. .50 er Depot. pled Int Dutra for a large niamtlecturing UmerldsOnsaPittaborgh. Pa Iv •• CATARRH, notate or chronic, tniitl eettelb,:insttelfibtl.,i,mir,ebbenmeterl ~y , a 4l ! , c e f i, t , s all, l l, itl/ryi. __ .../....... 1.. . ........:........... . • I.3''''' ,N,tianairnstsdet,lcte......,alAl4s;l,,,,..ll,72na,Aml.cr.siemiellAtelit,„ees.,lo,o,4„. tend Water mreete,e l e no n!,/,,,,,f,•A LEY, 1. . w.,..4.=`,...,a ri ,;,,,.." . . L ,•,, A - ,7,. ~,,,,,,.,, ~,,.,,,;,,,. E i g ht hp_ HA T E , °App." &c. and itheyt Ilea Its. CAM ' S teM for • ' WIC A. SHEPARD, ' bee:, tary• L . '"d"'" , 20 ° Wh a tfi t il s• l • 32 • O • . ( .I.M - till; .Sp ................ ha ply to B . MaLA IN A C 1 ,. . WI Fiowth slrort. - ----, - _ . . _.____7,_._ . _._...... Insures steamboats mot C at ...s. i .. AnTi a lii t tC . • o •- '- -- ••••••• • - - lg 1.4`01117-410E=.Irlarge istrie - liii - n: 1866 . SPRING HATN. 1866. REAPING AND 310IVING MACHINES, I "V0Z3V:. T. 1°,47 ;L e 4 l 'l t''''Xght, •:.h'e:k".Z.°l:.,l -a ulshed Alausitst Ho.. of IA room.. wide hall, In 1,1 0 ii.,,.. well uf water. cistern, mom n aud t , ..... ...lc near Ps. Avenue, this side of - re. agalnat loss .d dam... by fire. ISTEET PLOW WINOS, IiPSII/1111514 3 4.11.1111. I B.ln'''''"?'.'" "" n'lg''-"' 'n '5..... CIRITIJI.AWS, Se. I 2 ..• ISA R I /IhCit.ttra' n. ll•4 ll . D.lt . l . l . e . el nosy_ lc% ............ . '. DRO . Y • 4 . • ......... - . tiENlElll."Etteld-AYlnde ........... Soho Ben uverlo klng the 114 ..... zwalieht rice r Pus- 1,4.r;g1,14... ...... ... . ...... .. .chop can he hod n i , p ort .tice. NVIII be sul , l toe 3•11.C.04C4101 4 1 1141-4110 Ilik Coe, •• SEA O'l'Z'.`VE,•'.`l.'ll",..;: NerITIVIT:"1101.11 Pa., terms. lo • - 131 PF•00.1) SIT'REJIVT, , • K111.'::E.%. Di.k.i.B.Edri=r o - • 4 •• .Nenr9us DEB/fArY, ;.;,:.iiii . ernlB.l4...involtinterl dl.abm Hos ,§ftß.s. .II 09 rik. or (tenter. ....... .. Ni R 114472 1.1( 6'.. 1 *:11'1 .. %',1): ' OLPI P PE a It a I in et Change of Lite... 12 iirl Lk:PSI - J..40. bt: V: tea' D.: Dlegieir/iii.ClllCernie4l ...... i.. tai 3 festal,. C....eLof 30 elate, in morocco case end took coin. Wm. POlRlita, (apt, John L. l .Rhoetta. i ill 0f . 91 large vlais in morocco nod t• sot., gh a t a' John Warta Samuel P. SbrlVer. i i' oes o f Wine, 4'1,0: ph.. case nod •8 LT John E. esite. utaarlc• Arbuckle, ( S s. of 10 hoses (No. 'l to 151 and ho-,k, p 001... ... ti,,' Capt. Jae 1111Ier , John s'. airkpataiek • A. ronsildit' .... Wm. Van Kirk, Frank b. Wise."". • Corner of Fourth mod idsrket A lrCtitl.. James D. Verner. C. Hanson LOVA, , Wholo•Aio Agent, P 10.., , tr , ea. wii..eujuirs, er..ida2, . Fur sole by E. MINEILX Smith., etrebt.:. Jr ALT. 5 lee ereat2•, I FLEAu..6I.e4 Monet Street. Corner of the DI . ...d N'. F. I,I•HItNE/i3OSeN PM 07 ": apt, B A/d r UWORDox, u. 9 A . _- / Aillrelghheenglh/.V.1.A1i,,'.4714?,..FtTrr1:;7.'1"1e,? A LLE(4itCr-Iry, - iTiiiiiitrk - c g ii. I "'''"4 and At't t.t.t ttee'e•-2""""""•,_ corner . ALIAITT. 12BLIRGLI. - .Mice, No. 37 Phil, street I I)II..cATIIICHLAND'S cl/Autio. a Ht iTsnreslisgainat all kind. of Flee and Marine HIMAI , ,,crentmi t t., B n e le 0nth.'11,44... 2-411:-.7.49.27,2s.• _... paration known 1° cure ,i-v- . - 1... :I'M It`ladlly, Pig.11:2,,-,. co,h., Colds, itoar.ne. 1. •mqit, 4,,,,„... w h00pt.„ ~.u„,.. ~.,,,,..,..•,,, ~..134 OKINNELL, Seereterv. Chronic Coughs ~..M..111110. ... -...rzgra' Capt. WM. or a.s. ~..2,,r,,.. • r eat. Our, Bronchitis . ..nd C. ' .°2 - -- ... ha °•- 4. 7 . ,-,, 4 , , . . ~,,..V. , ~ , 0114. - ....',. i I , l n err i , 47=1i: L1.:. 1 4 ,, H . Oi .oc e . 1 ~ - kir...lV:lei J ..... ‘ '. ‘D V Ag4r4ll 7 l47 Lggre 'th ff.; ti I:2.‘•'''''''44l4: I al•Leflons Of the Throat and Lunge For gala Ili I Ornalliata 000 re R. r:. HeL2,2 - liN 2 et, .. - I Ittly IW d IP.malbste Attain' RE-PLATING. Dm. aTtuct u FiEle - - - ITEm - LADIES, SAVE YOUR MONEY. ; rteire, 4,..;litit.ewiNti ..: ~.,- . ,7 , f :, ,,:iii. By having your Old Table Ware ; pr i i i . r . 11. gives lontnedlrie , „, e, , , ,,1‘r ,,, I e n . en t i ' cu a' re ' . Tr 1, 7 11, aea-.74;1- 1'e ,14 2:,... 4 .it : i ICE-PLATED WITH SILVER, IL la warm:dello MI 0 . . ''- ''.-- 4 ,. • '&47 4 - 0 -' t For fists by ad Druggist.. at Obilgs. 2 EA S " - AJTF r ' ,c,, ,50 ,nts per bottle. „„ a., . k• ..... C •"1111747/IFIRS, kNrritkLdhil/ R 11 . 6. (YAW. I RAS Hco Ito R. n . • ei tt tlu." allot...satin AtiEltat, ...all all be re-plated find made to .tit.NDE AND INAAS : oc10:Iyd EQUAL TO NE AT A SMALL COST. i - • - JOHN m. conN WALL, . If FSPEPS/A.-- Dr. '4lTir./41.a11t/M me, wII. JOHN ntt„ , tate Rte.. I TONIC, IV a co,Licen- ... ~, ....--7,,,, -,..,..„. ••••••••••.........../...__,.................... , rtated rit .""l “,"„;, •• 'A,;it,!, At ; •••, 7A1 7 1 7?:\ .WEAGNESIA ' ,„ ~;‘, ..,,,...,.. t. . ..70 .. ... (43, '" .A " Tux aysT I eery°. aystem 14 I- s orr ._- ..... , tole r. no 1, for 11y5p.p1.4., 19 °:/.; " s i a d i UV ' tttt. Nei ' l ' ?;. - ''... i l ' c vi EFFERVESCING , 17.44,7 of the Stonncit; a A 5 , ,.• CITRATE OF MAGNESIA, patilealarly rulteciihr went, ‘, 9, "' lii . ..iw. In COa bottles, In the form of POWDER, for .11 ! natTuu2 and .1 7.17,m/i" Rl,- •-•••t....t.,fast_e_.... I rettlaelaceLT Olled a tt t e t dr t jtsrlt, lt \ Z e. .,,slr: L - - 1: 41/ ,,,, Man whol , .sla Urn I . r. ',rasa h) 4, ,;:... ,F? , 1 . 4 1, , . „, 7:,: , ii i.l .i f;;;; ~... ~, ALITIIUIt FLIMAEIth. a Lees.. h. 1. .'' ''' (...., fa< mouth.. ,0 4 Thrlie munwn. u.asigergag Picture of the Ilonse of Commons. :Fro:sits London Star, sew Is; /f DE3tOsfuEttna were alive In our day, and were afflicted with hls early clieettlties of elocution, he might find a aev mot' school of practice than on the margin of the roar ing deep. To attempt to address the House of Commona in favor of reform. and In from °testa orhowling Tories, would bathe best possible teat or the lungs, the articulation and the patience of a raw student of elo quence. It must be owned that what the Tories lack in argument they make up hi noise. The beastly bellowing of which (1- Ormieti complain was eta uproarious and vehement on Monday night as at any time during the passages of arms which took place between the of orator statesman whom he designa and the ted Scorpion Stamaloy. Every Conservativeseemed in dicted to do the Lion's part, tuvarding to Behma'sdefittltion of it—nothing but roar tng The Thrice honied down thew oppo memos when they s could not reply to them .4 coarse runnig/Ire of the rudest interruptions, the contradiction, strove perpetually to disturb the CoMpteture of every speaker who took the NiEinisterial view Mine q exhort It is some what difficult to understend why the rules which regulate the intercourse of gentlemen everywhere should beeuspendssi in favor of a gathering of Tories, simply be. cause they are saute.' under the roof of what Is commonly called the greatest legis lative ass,mbly In the world. Certainly that workinan 'a meeting - would be regarded groisri and inexcusably exceptional in deed which tolerated one -tenth of the ma ster:7la, vulgar and yrearinst retidnrit afnieli Toryism riot, - .id ...soled during 3...l.mosonary debate of hi outlay oventng -.111,11.6.-- - lllnspect/ye Th[ages of the Senators of the Coogroaa Kirk -wood .33 . Creswell ....... 3,1 Nesmith.. ......... 3:Howe-- k'ragin • ...4n Cowan.- 1.. . ....... 4.8.11arrt5.... Guthrie. ........... ...471Suulsbury Norton • litawart.. ...... ..Anthony. Johnson • oolittle. LMye. ..... . . ..... ...53iDszon an c e, if ; S.. . ...... 32,Chandler. tro u ir"n . em ..... . Conness ............ WlTtleon Vau ....... 58;Foster iitainpey, ........ 6 11Trumbulli. tteudrieas ........ . .. .47,Feasenden Sprague.... . ....... lleiroot Morgan ........ 66 Sumner.... 1ey...... Atellougall Render.. Daily . . .... . .. .33 Lane. J. M. . (lark Ho ward ... •• . 61 Sherman. Pomeruy. Poland ... H d.lo. .......... Eli:lmonth. 4 w: Wok an ,•l l) hely (.1 Danville, Kentucky' ury (0 rnise , yniie small; when he as - MI - 04 nt the age of nigh teen slat) warned hi in, she then being in nor Ultimo ye-tr. They lined many years together as happy ito any other people. Te years ago toy took an orphan girl to mine. 1..,t tell toe old ltoJ duel, Meng 1.111,•ty-,x years of age, end in seven amok,. after,Tha old Man married thogirl they ha rowel, he be:trg sixty- eight years old and oho eighteen Such 18 life,. WALL PAPERI3, etc blOril 4Ei PA LINER WHOLESALE AND MAIL DIAL 11.1 I TRANSPARENT WINDOW SHADES •I' AND 8.. Mil .IC. MI Cs CO 1 1V In FL AO Warehouse, 91 Wood &reel, 50“164 moor beiow Diamond Allay, TOA:Omd pyrropum.au,.. k ps PER 111 A. 114 GINGS FOR 1566. • great rolleelloo or .in erican P'apera. For the first time re the years ..rE 1:-'r0 LIS.I3f P. 4 PER ACLblee &elect'oo of tht. &NI C est Urenclk Paper% ROS ER & BAKER'S wetl MAI MA EOM ALI . G “1.4. 1.7 Wi•o4l 113 m FINE—GOLD PAPERS, SEWING NACIIMS S. 0 Ft M.43...R.X,ci0.R./3, For ..i. r,r %V URF:II.INR & nAltti - ' nave been awarded tbe FIRST PREMIUMS alt 0 l ar V 1 tba 5. kr WEbT DENIC. 5,0, u 107 31arli al streak. folloseing Pairs for tn.-year /566, .. 102 R 1111tiliMs A 2.1f,c, inn, Premium for best Machine work at Pen. STEEL WORKS W State Fair. AI.L PAPERS Pleat premium for best Madame work at New Yor ______ State Fair. .111/ t.l ALI tfl.sLIT/es • 1 First Premium for best Funny Machine 01 00 &ate Far. a e 107 II Alt hEI -TEE ET , IN EA It 51Fl 11 a rgi . A. P°Off ar sfOr a u.. „ o:7l 00 . 1 111. 1.0.7 tn fl o, llll4ohine AN tniaisoN. ( 04,s s (t L, aux(' ten4ous a, JON e rt, tio 1 it a CU.. / Firm premium (abut Mantancturing Machine itll.lgan State Fair. P.I. Y.rat Premium for beet Manufacturing 61..1ne Wisconeta Plate Fair. . ti z i. b. I First Premium for beat Manufacturing Machine - aewstsw...... . ''' Lewitt:toe Count[ Fair, Pa. Pint Premium for beet Ranh!. for gene-al par - Fss &C. istmes, at Lawrence County Fair. r.. ____. First Premium for beat nattily Machine at Book _,..G HATS. , C rigntar=irt t for host Manufacturing 11.141.0 Bee. County Pair, Pa - First Premium ter beat ruillindturlag and Kauai lipttne St lipringneld Fa r, Ohio. _al C., IC aC) - Plat Premium for best Manufacturtng and Earn/1 Machine at Palmyra Fair. N. Y. First frami ng( lur best Manufacturing and Family b. t CTiltißitT A SONIA, II" klaelllnt• at saork County FM , N Y air= 51 Market str.t. Ylret tuturn fore hen St•ou r nuste . I. and Flu II Machin, at °Ably.: C ou nt y_Fatr, 21.1 Y. 1' ) l lIIVELLLNG BLOUSE ON WYLIE 44 I . 1.4 4., • all ••peelaJ attention lu thetr larg• and i 'MI' e''''.ll,lll2,l•Vipi:l,7,7:7=l"'"'"" ...., ATREET Fl/0 SALE. - That lam, and well los First p.m tem for best Rubin, for all fmrpotteA epleudld mock of , .27; dy at Allegheny "...tny Fair, PA ' 1.0.1 three more Briet ' , leaning( on Wylie street Y ir 1 gt premiums for best Maroglacturlng Machine, near Plfth, Polished In modern styl , containing 1 frialsg Sc., for Spring and Suns- j 811-4---LIR-DIAMOND---- A Ilegbeny CoUlaty Pair Pa. i rooms, kitch. , n. rang, bath room, h l ni. arpl cold ma niter Ill'ear, Firer Premium for belt Maehl. wEA at A 11... A SPLENDID STOCK ler and Os tiltoughout the bulidog. Thu, I* one o • County rsit. ra. I Ilhe most desire.. ro c le f r d p_yor.:„.. rzt . :( 6 ... - p.i Alia Mixtclleosost liTesarlewty. ____ ELA.Y And wherever exhibited. OF , nem purpose Isow ones. , Ist. Tema ruaanoahle. A pp , tr to ~,,, a 40,4 4 . 4 . F4 TT RAI , I I O, .YA CV:2,BEn 8: r, E.,,,, Et, • 11 . & II BAY !! HATI! A. F. CHATOVEY, Ladles', Gent's, Misses', and (Till- 1 14? r 11. AIcLAIN &C ~ 166 Fourth street Ty, ',,,y-, • !'i'ygil..,,pptlg,BBl2.utti'Mb.,,;,llN,t.',,'a IVILL PURCHASE A i.,_...lE"nYa. PET°'"' ''' A ' ' ' '''', ' - THREE CARS BALED GENERAL AbrE.NT, drew' , 84,000 RM. I( DWI:LIAM. IIotISP. of oar. mas i zr I. r, alining nun, 41telon roar ...to tore, toal.:1 ELlA'''. 11:24.01.1110 ClaSi 1 rout, cellar rte.;tut .1, fre t frGrit On /AMU! street. (Revery desoriptlou to suit all tastes , oc - A . oodata An 18 Fifth ..... L. Pittattvg.h. , vin. 1. deo!. tu a • tret. *hada and (curt tr. s, grate 4.7 'l'l.2\l 0 THY - Rgy - T ---- -- • , HAW iic CLARK 8 BOOTS, SHOES AND GAITERS , s, e.e., Met...try .11. t. Itr the Third Ws., ' '1 • ' °......._ . _, ___„ A It. ellso. .... 5 I so sp2i h. 1.1 1 / 1 . BERT A MINS, M Market at BEEDICAL FOR SALE BY 3 : 13111 ..p 1= 1. 4 0 4 N7101:1 ' VENN s'anLET R E B IDENIPE l'Oli -1.7"----IORTIVT-EABIS-PRA-CT141.--"E - - "il;':l'47.4l'7"drP4'l4Jllllrutantll4.l?"'w""g'4"' 447. OE ALL I HE I. A 7 Aga STYL EN &TOM. and wannoulte Na, IM and 161 Flits, IA hA LE t .et.. •tors IiIIICK nn I- I.l.lNi t A SHOEMAKER & LANG ' SEWIN . G IfACIIiiNES 171 and RN WOOD ISTREEI , • 6 ,, nit Petor ...Ave, , ...taint. 11 f 01,111.1, with all ,ti.. . . k , ~./24,7,KL:0AL Ilitik• PI •nd 12 18.0nel areas. ift.tagot.i, g,,,,.,,, um modern ttopllanres fur euitveuletr. and con, I cilLa.. ZlOnir'gril=tant gPind '''' ""1- '..--- ..7.trarz, icox,,,,utiv z u: , .46... i.„ rurt Early possession si. tn. Apply to lof patients treated annuallyll.llylLe*,Padrethit"PtScreoPll rA. ii"IITE-11178TE'"EL"-HAIRRi'. L'" -..........„........ _______ / ..a c) FISH. I -- E 114331.122.061 Brolter in Stocks Lt . dblienalllEaYAgabie, I r12371511 . 51"17 M 1 R 11. 11(0 1. A, or SeXeat Weakness, and 67 Fourth st et. nurkel_lollll_lng. , all diseases trilling Ilaerchunt, are eared In a much - - _ __ •J. A. R.OIIINSON & CO. 'S, sp." . I'l. -E1XT.2111 , 11. eb 400. I SOLD IN Twa DAYS, ~,,,,, , ,, ,,d ',Li , lizEli 5Tr.,......,....g,'"a.rg,•,-R.,,wv HALE -A desirable three- ; .Abgl(gfiszcittp.,,,...7,a,r„ ratitlVElik; ManuOtreture. of IQ:PIT d r.-riff.• . LNO I . 1.0% t I • 1 t Wog. bn , Ina 11111 and ~ A d ....- the 1051012. AM I etten Most metal. 4 s tallO P to P! , , l' 014 _ - DAILY ARRIVALS OF 1..".• manufactured without MiTecen '' pl leafed Mann". acred ' 4 1 4 ret;' 1 .171. ' 4 tt o d r er ! SLuPedss3.,:tiiPipd 1 1 11 ,::c .r i l:TtlY 4 RI: j . ". 'r I irrdClitLF6llMIF/VPlirrEritsClT held cured . .si,,o,joe'.l p a rb oni z. No • oe i r. A T k ir ST REET la 11 MM.), LAKE AND -EASTERN ELSII, , err : r u e d thxgynt are not liable to getout°. iipatri 61 Market Street. 1 ~'''.`I.I.LI '174.4441 . 1d A1g1 0 :;. 1 1; 1 7.1(? 1 nr, PSI :°.:, "Pu 7. w. It JP E D 11 P" P.L. block and ttral Elate Broker, I tangly nos p "'"".......................,........................t....... AT No. 40 LaAliuldit MARKET, Pl 7 TrIBITROIf. i e2 e ohloc• with cheap machines. as we bare tak e" of jiOOTII AND S HOES. -- - apse u. a IMITATE DISEASES. PAVERS. We Ms.. the atneutlon Of tbeinabik., lad 2 .11.0.1. ' v-ty,pri.-- I N EAlt 110110 11111DGE, between P - ham 4 .i.0 , L444.4.c.44.5a see. ate prepared to .0 n a I:R ot:7_ .M, YELL. 3712 C . RIX '7, ERBIUM, ar-sa.XIkiT3EMS X1L.C13E313. sx,pr.,,m,...4.le,,,,,:nritimg,ttn:l„,ibt,,i-r fri!....7,111,:ivi,11.1:-.,101,:. :11.,,..,,,-;,,,,,c;:::11ein, For OtrkeFl:E.,2o2otKiniPtld747.o,l:7..., i ne:: .. 11 . : ,,,,, i. i. ;t vi a ' e f : N r r ir ka v tA ßE .• .; m . - ....... A - - nam e,. tt li • ,s, co. s. allnabol22ll. ............. ............................. Ind. of k ',wit 51. . low at, ayy I. the trade. „.. N1. ". 7. Liectoned r rhswe, t% heeler &I% II- Ina. botesale mad retell . toceers promptly supplied - Il h. NJ A3I I N l'lr Llllttne lie u or our Mullin- ~,, a , i. (ly e rege.a. Ala. 149 Market street,•ticar Olh I AIiENTS WAN', Ell. .7" IA roontA high eing., IWO purOtoul And boaatifol front two to Pm days, b r y an entfret; new altd atilt .... ay ...ta'tt .1 . . 12.2 sii.,;;;,,,,,,,tair,o,;eveitr,ta, ----nd 'ft.' i h. .lntee of littOTS AND tint ,r, view For POI partleolar• apply to at. b. Ot- TIDIER/ &160291. fil Market., 'l.'l'l". Al" ' 13"4" W1""" ' ".1 ''' PIPII STONE AND BRICK PAVERS, j3Rc I inolOtinnatal im .,..... p t A this Soria,. Ile keep on band a full .sortubent of -.,... -,_ - - - - - _9_ _ ___ s_ , diseases of the genital organs and their prevention every sarlety of tionla ond Hoot ., eelect.v.l with the 14 011 SALE-166 acres of Coal car" rmmouiskd_ IDto '.l 2 " . it" r rn hi t 0,1 ,1. 141.1. to 9 r WM attend pr.gPtlF to - sz N. BRY.4N BrOker in StoCks, 1 e.).5 BARTLETT S2O1 Ottnowt ea, for tins market. W. Invite special at- ~....t.a*,,,,,,?; r.11,P,,,,P1TV013 T lMalft fl o O,...ottlltf! I Addras loners irdritSl4 Veal etre L g'll. Irurniailaing and Laying Stone and 4 ... 4 HONDO &AD it1.....1. EttRATE, :71 FIJUIPFH WA , Lennon to our stock. as we belre we it to be the best at 51 . Ids.my Station, ab:titViltiltelro"lllldreleinl7l;• -- -- - '' ' Brick Pavecnents, OTRICET, Ill.k. ~ ithAtiz, buys anti ell s on , NfEIS'Idt•G M In the city , which we win sell et we lowest one.. farther pant..., erbyeint of (1 . . H. RI ' FITRIT'Es. " tX.l.r: i M' l l - l A L ' lA'rrgli k t: 8 et; tl l PNtl ", i.f . i L kr. e ° o o 01l Pe Mots .T. 4 Cliljrll. And Repairing the earnest Curb St.. Fend h .4 o i ,I, ipm... p,Luki, a D 01.DeD 8 ,11 ,, f, ,, , iD , 5. .oa. (~, a I L% ar are m ufz , 7, Wheeler AW It i .,,.... ..,, ~ N .. ~,,„ ~,,,,,., ~.,.., ii .. l . g 4" Rasa , k t i gf , ah 0. RI Fourth street. or to RI LIAM ,• , •nd Met. Also .gradiug nod Cellar Digging dvile. 4 al Cheap Mach*. in 11 1 . rand etr?le. ' l "' '1 7 1 ?1 . 1e 1 09 er t 1 . 1.• 'tear* . ...ea, lu the bust... roe t'' , ".4. I.' °P 'PP PllllPf'll. .14"1 I TIRE PEN NSYLIVAINLA art .. rttta I notice. ertlara ;AreAtt•E: by telegraph I L. NELF Toss ' . 1 elk , tteattllll4 Illtyttitn g In gr. not et, and Eli 11. AI/ EL PillA bEC I CRIVOADDS at these,. right tu use the li' heeler & Wilson ur . fu ' U ' r ‘ ' to n utloo ea ,„„, ( .. i . ~,,,.. ..„,,,,. k. „ ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,b.,,,, , ,,„ , ‘„, 1.1 OR. HALE - two-story Brick L Mel r o,Afra attended to br , I.lreselos us tI. tt gh uJar cosnotlssloo. charged In those ctn.. Orders Uetaa.'"l"a, . Owelllts of 7 r.tos, hall and yostibtile three SALT MANUFACTURING COMPANY tot Allegheny Post I Ilbee. .1. e all Ins air N o r' l ' ll6 klecuted for we and poreba. of Real Estate. 'l` '' a ." "gar 2 . B . l ' lire. Win oay ► sm.. " _ Mara " "r ' e _ t -' -- _ lar ' ' . 6) ' l4 iltb H ' Ulli . l Yea. bunt • with lot CZ b 9 1 6 0 . feet. situate on ' E .611 Handuaky ittreel, Allegher,. 1 allonper Mount allow large ( . '''''..."..••• WIII NEW SPRING GOODS. - street. LawretterAille. all In complete order. ' 5 or , .17 8 , tf; 4 , 1 „,.. ~t: : .,,m,: t to. : Pastes St... . ----,--_-_.- --- gt l l ' a d ra Pl .l ll ;r l r ic '" l e ' rt . tree P0 1 a R 1 7 41 .d " ...1.4. 1. ... e WILL HUY ............................, „, ~,,, 1 i ..... t . _ - 5-state and luaurattee OM. of EL H. BATETI, • UPHOLSTERY PIAC/1. Illtl/THEILS 1, IV. CARNAHAN & CO., I Loh: Butler street, Lawrenceville. - 57c......„...,...... . , • .At either of our t/dlces Phlladelptll:„Lk,ll. 41„j,:.,,,,, 3 P - V ll .-lETELISI ' SODA ASH. 'ALUABLE CITY PROPERTY P ..........T. mg nil Ohio Dr Pt . / aria, b.. ' 1 FOR IA .E, ...mining of a I olof ro IA ha _ . _ vocitTur ST unoroLs I , , 8,•,.. wit dotab . e. or, duffle Mites& -fiteh ot ,“,. I DiTca. 138 Ilitesslic.iot /31-1-4040 t• 011, SODA ASR. .1: No. o FLIUKTI10111 E" • . 31 .-n WOOL , - rbt i 4"""l' ''' ' '' ' '''''' ' ' '4"2en., '"n't•F II won nand a 420 al 1 • fr.. on i blevenson ...eel .4" 50 19 . 11,1 . ,P in." - ei: i hands Man.:Kinn an - d . keep gobstalcUy . , - - -s- - .-_.._ _ 5am.... ' a... ..m. "" "" " P " ""“'"" of " d it • It lEs . mais.a., B OVE' mla Cif /LbIIEN "1 IV:Ai.`'.4.ll:ft-c1:.,:?.7-,',''' "'I" """ 1 r''' hiAttlpi i Imr e I t o r i r 0, 11 1 hands reef . , article in ths.l2llllll. 'Mt COMIC., Or- 1 DENTISTRY It tor 6.108 per year. II tre / CHOICE BRANDS, Ammonia, Lens. C 10.% CO/2120114. Feather /WM i _., _ Boots. Shims, Gaiters, Balntorals, i,.....i.,ettm.. of 10 ier .nt. ' ' U. I. QUartilltly to milt arch., • 5,. 001.. ... Of a t' Wi.`4„.ala=il, bra aa,...,Ml , j refEdiADAINB Den Fill Coal. &c.. AO., to. ap2l 11.51eL AIN co. 1 2 poem ...,. rots 2.1. All OS SALE-6110 acres of heavy I .4e.°L‘4•7lT"L.- 844M"'"I''' ''' ' ' 44 C " oar. . ; P 1 ' 1" 1441'7 g r Prounit nj i to - g - jj - gigi y .. p rs ; _ it ,-.r - • . Of. 1,, , ,.....pDM .. or Il t e and I .T u 1 A Timber Laod lu linay.lte‘r, t 0 , :u k a . h . ..:,...1::e .. .. ,. . • ~.. j... . eg t it.. .L. .4- : miiitie hon. in the city. • tis c.m .. t..4, am.. DD...k., ._ 1 ...runty, whit:Val:lt, et th,.. rr- or .. per. Cornir Pitt Street and Duquesne IVA leillat. AVG mem. -• .109. N [11:1111ES & NN FARM IDFPLEXENT-8. j)R7'P7 . k ~I.A('H, ■Lve ut Lana a lat►Ye Ag.o.'MOW 4' AUALMo 31AULLNILEt, d I , kli C &A EMI OTILA‘i. OCrrtaux UMTELINAND 1i,,, sa •nd ao Okla liL. Allegbenl FRESH • it s '. l. ttob FRIIJAY, MAY 4, 1888. I tr eat 2 t. al I t.. week_ week EI3NEI SW W 1 SW J II W 6 OM 4M 2 WW 7 / 4 1 5 MW SIM 6 ; ,- ,&ili: P. 11100 700 650 - 9;:iiam I 0103 wi 0: li 771120 406 0 . 0 . 24 PARK, McpUB.DY & CO. so" PARK, sPigtale(%lP,lelf "'IS AN " 11.21.Ei11a STl.g....t.TrvaSY t.L VR T . I ItL 1) EIL ntl Tl y Sacra No. 1 W Floor and I 0 Sara:cep:4'l4s, V.ltte burgh. Special °niers of Copper cut.t,;zyratried ;return:L. ' - IarPITTEMIURGH 8.4 W Wei HUBBARD. BRO. & CO. SEWING riTIACE[INES LOCK-STITCH SEWING MACHINES, For Families and Manufacturers ♦Mr y..r, trial, It tot,, heed At:tont/at rat e.I tnr bat the LUCK-STITCH la the only %Mt?) aallahlc overt' eariely of bveln.g. CALI AND EXAM%Ii AT THE WHEELER & WILMA SALESROOM. No• 27 Fifth Street HAY tuketie. , Amrsxmzirra I_________ BOBFOE SALE—FOR RENT- ____________*' DIERCHANT _TALLORB_,_ , COMMISSION MEM:THANT& igrAllEpiLLs—Are Yon Slay p in crt iii - -E— - - - A. ,. . , 10, .0 oft J- tutu Ann liaracra iV 4 37. THEATRE , h , ' FOR SALLE' : REBirovAL. w , ~,,s - . -Nb• . J rinr2DT.. .tr RAMPEn. ill .d .3.l4.ththr order with yr/ %tem arranger mi m. n /n , :r Pulling* --- I A SMALL FARA! of 40 acre. eltuaLe to Baldwin I i 1 WENS, Si El n ED Y St HARPER. ,-./ Pllftp 1_ Of rosIMINaION MICR( RANTS, snit ' lllf ' de to serious ilinesfigme di o f f tff a?eittri; Benefit of the Young Trarodlan. township, Allegheni county. f. • sn,, I fro ti e rytpethof ar m, . gho.n, anesrUould.kh: averted m in' i..1ith0t...-4 XECCIFVE7MIV .4gh,..MF.satahrife 4 ,F dae,mrinsbahtl.tartrt ijerteitowBr:e.:4lifterfit,l.Fl',lirae,otort,e:::Hogni?sh'i'e oc:lnt rt' i t o f f rffe : 77 , to± , T. &J. T. MIAMI ? " 11. ' f ° 1 " i f o. ' le e A l t 1... ‘ 1 " ri.. 1n14.1- e 'RE S I V ' TT A Ftif ) I t t f i rff• E IN I IF. • N LA , t i i fE 2, ? . , J ~, ,a d i ~,,,.h . r.,. tarot, ..in I P. - 011111 1 gen cleaner, out the disordered humors - parity the Who Intl appear as ROBERT LANDRY TI blood, and let the guide more on parity •In Alli ISTE THE RrrEcEsviTA ' w. " '"" ' CP ' .".r • . 1i..60 ''' '‘O h j7 e h .t. 1 Merchant Tailors and t'lothiet., laZ,rro.di,4,:”..FX,'. er.i'l,,ftTjf}aLT "PP" th the (4ATO, THE CF.N.SORTf". .°'' l .1:0 other M.-buildings, a garden of e ieelleftt Poet. D0nbe.,,,,,,,,,eir,T, tae °p [ h e/unions of the 1 cuntaluths To .halfik!re, plaoted with ell kind/for Ithre Rat - tiered to the New Itolldlog, . Agents for the sale of I' I Hit, s. Donnell A Ellinan 6 aim ,t h - fro • , . u.t loot lid the ribstreetfona afrhich =An grids: " A " :l7P rm .. ' rind (Friday) EVENING will be grf • •ented in, 4 / ~,f17,:;,,,,,...:;,,,^,7,,L.:,4411r0''dryug kind: ab.NI 700 I - - ileasomewhere tit the body. and pan.... 1 .-.1.,-- ant Drama, entitled ' . i of the ' , hula farm to troorl. t ilt f rraV"f T e h e e rn t , RM. J STEY.L . ... 1{1). T. 0TEE.1.. , al functions. These. If not relieved, raut a p ' on a beautiful lawn 111 (root. pla e nZfl w i Oh ° sa f ro%bert if i NCL / 90 Liberty Stre at. w . J. STEEL & HRO., late Flcm thensrelses and th: surrounding onrans, producing THE DEAD HEART. BA bert L.dry ..•... -Edell, Aden. / p . ' d :'4:7;,, rzr„'„,7,;,'"'"7 ^' " " " ' I r „,bi, 1,,,,,,,,men, then; i . .. , ( hying ko the latenent, of thet. porehn't s fur off 3IF Ili il s k ‘t it i f S,l le a f t e r t i N . . i : rI L I ' .4 1 1 i t r E i 11 1: r U (Moll3l.ll°'' ivn - 4.Tbir.. - .,;.,,,110.-ff. zg . ...-.1. dArg—... filtration. 4' 1 : ' ;: r tr d n:, f Tn.' ft!'leg 11'g:fifth: bnr°''T tth flan ""'(-7.llrEt j. l -- " ITI I * J k ' i Ift Til If E TR , SPRINtr TRA Di (the senior Darin being 11014 , h, t., , ..1• an i :ll urn, Ikon* ItaroavLsrft, Stour. Oltenia, - _..! a . w o rt: ts 'trite an dno aYpVarf efrininlffire trel:ll2 - - A ' I .2.ti - THjf ff. T.l L'Ltr ' N K r4rJ,i:Fii`t.,4_2,..F a irzt01,.0_,Lr?,,r,,71„.',7,,,;;,07,,,".„1:„44,:?,i:eth...--To'mit T i t A t t f E e Pa i f' re ". V d E i ll ° l " l L A) th lV ß E ff d °° T d c: oftelt-I:: t.:11C.. ".8:;I:t,''''&;tr:";:"..::1..11%...1;7":"' rallrCCa't."l:°tlLtl;i'llert.o F. ,% 7I p ; •"°. c. r . ' t: . d antfriel4Vielo?islita'tfn'epenf.'thAr of fh° OP M E E, IIA HOUSE. ” li. I. Fentnedd out.f-gre,,,•-•,,, h. ry ne r a ltik .,, D arel or ling ._, Al b uuse wi ef o n: I , TIONS that goods have yet reached. 1 MCI( OF '(I ' - ' the uttr of Fur. ,ro and Do k n:let It ' k ' rt l i t , s?So 'l MS Third etre. r,_Plt ta burgh Pa ft 3'130 fi . t ft m e n a f e t a neat% Ifetvgg ,- ....ioPir.v.l'aS, A. al p. Se I . kt.,,know aof the htfuly,be:r are rapidly and inatt ° Benoit of th e ,Fa,,,,,,,, 1 tok,,,,..etthgoe baneriae:cu.sf thb,:thailffir.ei,:s:„lfieriYui.u:ietLriF::db:rt:. . They herr and deaf ¢° CO keep, a SUPERIOR / 111- ARLEs I'o• • ^ - a th..3,Mt thapmete eans None who Aiitrjekes LO .r.rata. them Rheas nireringfrogirb.lP.Ml.Cl,Lo eJn Pldr THIS (Yriday) EVENING. Isper•taeolar Si:demote ktdere'Ve ''''''''''lTta'bd."'? ”!21) acres ft arne— ".b "B. "Jtebe Fend iilth..„,:e e nt suer eltre. entitled the n, ID. ' C..V.lttie, in tUgestlU - 17 . ''T r ne " . . l l! ,.. ...--.- - I,:irer, tistltlines- r , lii.,F a ZIF IF -eV .., .....--..igeMent'Uf tie „ ~..----Jness—'-"artstipauon Ileartburn, ii rtuetrmatiant, Deem . . Worms ano . Suppreselon, m when taken In lame des.. ep 'I hey are Sugar Coated. so that the most sensitive cc, purgative medicine au . .13 take them eas. and they are Surely the best ily vet d iscovered. CO AYER'S AGUE CURE, Pot the speedy core of /ntormittrut Pew or Peen - co ra...4,4411rwtt.: .r.7Bizist loam. b u dded m g 073 low Fever., iodateries tor: ciftsV4rlll.= dr. :, tg ra iscstenp in Wen gzerxtmant, cenuralihr lits Mo o Tittlorfre73edy has _ ly nalled b to, ru re the severest Mo t r ' F . t"a• e o'Velt!'othedrt:47;.m.rdlcien e D entt l V if LIL.V.; LT...' i g:;',:i.l; 0 c°,°,1,tirm1itP0e.:7,11,71,16," re e.', 1 ‘.74,!` %TIM Vl,ll":4l;.'ttelru'rlr'llafflt . 7 ... i. ,...t_ry It 4,223.,ca walherro ,e.. st;letr.teesielartlim. by'dall7ltrg:f A. 'Al.h.r '''" Alta-4-1 .u. 114§r-RETHOUIVEY'S TVESIBII ' Talc inutettil LAIV A llatillicit u N c Ins AGE! TURKISH BANDOLENLILN.I iltrnot/PITS Unr-triti BAXIIO, , Lillian. What eau be more aceeptable than Ilfilytnlotg that will beautify 7 '1.'bt:11.1111":,117,' ':•:ll'o7igg 1t.:"../417Tigf, Melr It to grow In Inzarlarlar and beauty, &saint In putttni it op eccordlng , to the present style sad fashion an F'72; I IeA PI "k:II h I"dO 9 , 4 LI'M epee 'Z"d;c'llt : %V ger"ab:aakacl:o., bead ! U. rti....ziarrii,r.i.c2 and Restorer worth oft :ch name. In Turkey. co Prance, In Eng Land, n America—everywhere where the “Randolettlan" Le known—it Is pronounced the ,klr fele leVml"illof.g.`llPl:ang:i 'are7oll%4 61.'"7111%;.°111Verbr PZ6,114 tphoet':,,r'sg Poe sale 1 . 0 ,11111°,11 1 1t. ir Cud rearr 6,,,rtholesale. B•L. ?AIME:STOC 'it CO. . Principe Depot for Ir/silted States and CanK al.. JAMMII PALICFCC & CO. No. CP Market v erve,,r._h!itd!ll±ln- delo,,e , pja,,Ar rar LANE SU PERIOR - COPPER MILL AND SMELTING WORKS WIC 14 1:1ONER d: CO haub.Jrl us the enortuou, cat aluade or 100 .11 .1.471 ISO NORSE'S, Together With a ',awl eomprehen•ive of Perfornalug Monkeys, Apo.. Daboona, Animalia, Dogs, PC.LieS, Ike., Coll 1, 441 from the roar hibit at the qua rrrr s at lAO iliOhO• • 111 ex RED LION LOT, PITTSBURGH, On Monday, Tuee.day, Wedun.da) Thurs day. Friday and Satunia). • J. U. & W. C. ROHL AND- .00 so. an AloLf k•I Eb a , ..., 1 ADZES', EATS' CZ Et I_T-.7ZAl2ll..llIIN'till Boots, Shoes, Gaiters, 13 .A_LNI()HALt4, ISEslll,roeris, cfcc,., RicC LELLANDN AUCTION EMPORIUM N us. 55 and 57 Fifth St 1. 44 C PHIVAIZ SALICti r - - - - EkLaU. GOODS. i ,, ,, I L L E, n . :;:rr,T,:,-:•tii ic - !' , „ -, .. - i , T l ' , - 1,E T.77, ( :.;;~ ,, , . .,-,t, , ..-„, . !, r g . ~, , RALRLEY, Produce OWN 31 A NUE'AI-rTtiItINE.GanFdOERQ nallOgsteddniFT d'an'irg """''r''' ''''' i '''''' E . , . "° ' k • 8 ,,..... to CTJETOM WORK. - i i' r x:nt . e:rarn '.:1,":}:'::::1.11.771":rrmti 1e:707a :Ttl. e t a: o'n7.v e"n74; GEN. GRANT oloP, , i:t.,...,`,,'..rtT,,L7"4%,1::1° 1-,V,. • AND g. pad e k_lll/11.,11111...5. _ ritibt --- siZraVXC: l l:CaM334:=•cizrarja=4. i liriZZ ' ,;;.st! '''''' ''''' : ' ... ''''''''''''' J.—. A"" ANJLII., COMINISSION THE Bad let)lll.er, .'l.:en'd ri:i'n".ert',ll';etVall'ottl"alnl . bnOthdeld. Plgoburgb. NEW SPRING STYLES 1 TUOS. POTTY,: ..... - tiS It rti li Itit . - "111' i po,TrEn., AIKEN . S'AIEVAiirl OF ,' and IVorealilV'frNlitZTlrut.;: 'kraditt..ll.4.a. !ILI", 3311110rESelial, fa largingtigi Potainea and produce generally. No. ‘a.nl.l.ltEßTl' ! STREET. oppoalte Pasamter Dlititit. Pit Ls burgb. , 47 St. 6111CPAI:13 & Clair Street. e I duce, ig.Vtintr'rty etseCt,"Pitt:4rgis,ln GRAY L COGAN 1 nil ord er Arm. Merchmsdice gestensilg. Weal Dald to 1:1 G. HALF, - L ITTLE BAIRD & PATTON, ,t4,k,r:Vltt,7l'lo.7lllls"?'°p', 31.1,•°"4"uk174 t arbou and Lard till, Cossohn. MERCHANT TAILOR, arils and all Pittsburgh rnanufactorea KenersUr .13 u 13.1 cOud styrrt. Pittsburgh. ARTHUR? OMER 01 PIIII i ST. tLAIR STREETS I r is t I "'"" act alai Common Plough ant! Miming Steal, IiTVCA.MIUEEILAN • PITTSBURGH. Ys rARK, BROTHER Al Co Mau mfautl rrrrr .4 HAAT QUALITY BILIFINICU vsma MULL. CULHOU N S EL/W.11:11C ;V:1 AND BANKERS. _ 1866 ..,,, ~...iriz..VA;A;l4PNl'ljill'lLT.beilPlic.„ N. HOLIFL'S & SONS T r. : ( 4 . J• s• ll . ;: T •lirr i ri .4 ::::1/.Y. A rIl lot '...a.k:. TL ( I . r roll's vein 14M T.: L.,-ii,'77 , .. ',...-...,-:‘:'::`1 , :1-,M-,T.' °:: 27:0'. M. . 1 21151-ICLILT, o.l'ft, stopplog at prlnelpa, stations. Andrus at Att I 'Oa. •t 7,5 A. ,A. rrun.. 4,13 A. X.l (Heller .te, I kall A.. al. • Lock Haven, i,la r.,u.; Harrod-mg,' I if IN N 0.57 IBAREE7' STREET, Plttsbur i ., s. %„11,‘,:,V,1";',..bitir;,,,t;; Z'w.l‘;'`,; ''' t .':,,'"';; • 1 19r1,, yla Phltadelpitia, at • H i tlfi ' r e ..m. • . • 4"'• 4 DrepO•lt6 received in Mr Fends and (lb tren t ,. 0 .:,,, ) NC1N7s fi T 1 ti l it..E.SS-Legve• Cil tklatet •h al I.74i;filltz=:.vdeco.n.fdl.the principttl points of the . stk 1 llrn .• ;' "'I *Ari7 P. WI Alio m p hu . , • :',. '. host ie ht,r A,A.I P. WI , Attl, a., At .... A,lrlpills 41 1 .1 .. A. A. Ity this AI le rmn, A ,9I I ;,....''''',''', al I mon trenot, lie,, a . :,ltuAlAl pi .1 . .., STOCKS, BONDS AND OTHER SECURITIES '• 1 ~..,,„,,„Y, 1 - ' - ,por-,. train ror Nt. u 1• rk, read leg 8,,T11,,t1.,1:1•.•1.7-iLA EX l'ild.oral t.,ertto 4 utral t rah Bought and Sold on Commission. 4rriv•.. ';' ' " ,' " '" ' " d "r "' '' ''' '''''''' ffityri,e, ~i. , ,"1. • -ro r. „rat ltltort..• argl 1 . 11.1 York, s ~, 11,,,, A N, c.A.• 1.. 7: a• A. 16.• 04. b .„...., 1 . i . .' .. .......,- -. II' , LA. ... ral A. 5,., Si Alleurew 1 Cars r ,, , ..,,r,,,r.42,4., r,..;,,„:.IA,LOIO. lialtizoore and Phl laaleirc ' [." ••• ," ' •.,,',.• j•atr':,l: Allentown. PAST I INE-Le-, r l 'lrtaburgli at 10 it f, 9.. _- 1 III.:IV ii.V.,...A.L.p:1i1C.,TA:.,...1.Ati.:173... Al r, , , CA Al AI. INCLUDI ND ; wore, 1 1240 P. at.; 1 , . - YOT-t°,...1:•A d " ;u 4 .,... 1 , -4 1; United litotes Sites of DV: ;P. kr, Irbllarlel,` . ' .'r. r. la zed • tra ,‘ Yo l k, !MI Do. do 44-filk, 1 Pial. r ß sti n, e . ll: 4 l r d:,... t rtt arc ..1.,,.t......„,.. Do. Five. of 10-10 w: Do. Heeenhirtieur I Waily oil ova, om., 5.,,,h,,,_,!4:=1.-L,- ____ Do. Certificates of Indebbwaleas. _Orden and Vouchers bought or collected, tai]: I, I .FC'IN`STOW.N A CC:051.1101M 'MIN - I rat! y tea t t i , nOLLAR-SAYLIGii HANK, 21i70. 64 , P.:A.4::;,l,ittig:j.i,taL..Tonj.."‘4b!"`,'" '"''; A., FIJIIHTEI !STREET. at Blab - J. - Me I Meorom I, wltn traau-. 4' C 448" "' CHARTERED Ulf lba. i Bradrelt and We, Penn •.1r1111!1 ii , :...: l i: “' In Ito". ...7113.,Zdir, flo e lat 9 4 0 2 oalock li anonA Wedurortim B„„ A . I ,L 'I , IN IN , 'A ... At ' 4 '1 , 31.111 .DAVii . ry:-I i ‘ r o r (~, " „., :r.. om* a..1l rer. ,.. 1:4 „, rt..td 14. a Ilt, Dorn 7to b ‘ d 4 mott, and tr:ri ' N ' lraTeril 4 o 4 ;e v rTtio r ' b ''' ' 7 ' . '''') ' '' ' `' l" ' 6 '''• '" .BI •.• .'" ...• HAT I e.t, Lf.rom 6 “1. 6 u'elock. • co/113,11,n wit. tem', on .: t rudi an t ,i,p,•l, %t ..,1 bu.-1717:61...p.ectf,verf.:.(.11,.,.„, „,„,,, es „.„ 0 ,,,, 1 Penuaylriatpa Itedzrt,.. r i, l4, n u , a , , „ urr ir A ( . rdatton Pau_ • Tear, In Joan ktn4 ,e rg;eFilLa---,rl—!' r ' 49, :5:. , " , 0' , ' 12,1, ' ,1 i;.' , "4" , ~ \ ' . 1 . 4 . 1 1 Y fekeept tr It • :11z.lIaLetnoiksontl-annurtily la June •and D474.11 ' tte 4 r- tt '" ln ' t!:. I Jae./ •1 Ibilo A. M. ' '.. ". . ' .r was orgwolg e ,i, ' 4 a te , o r., p „ ceu, Brarldttek '3 .ArColllloo.l,tuon No. I. •Dily (c.r.d r i t larte i 7 . i at rot. A. A, . . Merest, If not drawn Ofl I of the toell'"4:er •L A . tr i, l ''il*l':l4rlrrN t 47ll ll:e " at ' arr7...3l l l ! I .174 et s li ' : 4 ;/ 4‘ . ' / M . V. '1"1" ". ' da"y (e"e " 8 " • ..„„r rarldnek e.e..,M1 0101 14/1013 80. 7. dAII7 leg ill t feel; y-ener.trl fhtrtr . :llltti 1 '`.` i '' 6 " " d.sr ''' ',"'' '' • &011'°i4:15,;:!0rnae"11,1,:y0",1ir,,,,,,,, Itip,T, 0,4 pale r,V,„ i . ed ,;:i . 1 laltorl• Arr-• ,utrwolAtion NI.. I. dally (except li n RBAltt=„44.le_ t*Chl4eV3 ; 'ltn .r., ` li:i . ,:f; ' ,"; i ~d11.1'',1.: V 4 co o tUrn 4 OdAtlon Nd. 4, dally (except S o - oo gratis, un etpt.itentlon kr the `...", .' 6. .• office, . It'all's A.44cetno Inodatlou No. .1, ....Hy ( except b II • PfiglillOgrar--r A IrlitE E. dejs! M 10,50 9. ar.. AMA PAULI:.O,, rh • ( buret] Truln Irate, T 1 u 2 libation °rue * Ow John U. Ilackoren, , Hobert Hold, day at ar il A. n• and Ari,... !A f`.ttAbislsi, all 111 terVa:aLlielr'tta4l4l,'444. :•rirtla4eall.bl.lll7.44• '•".' A. 4'.i R'lv.r.""liNB„i's4'.• 1.•'"'".•.1,t HI." 1. " James j e Ale ..N . 1111 ;.,. d , . Alexander ~,..,,.. °. 0 ". 0 . ' . :.! 11., r 6 at :,. (Al',. at. Lsadro fit. Pennock, lA. St. FUll'or%4:,&!l'l'.lr., TIII7, , TANA, lr tn. J. A oder eon , Janie. D. Kelly. llairlo Adam., I Henry J. Lynh, John C. Dindley, . Peter A. kfadeclra, Geo:fie Black, ; John Marshall, Hill Burprwip, ' Walter P. Matushai., 41?.20ia1.TA. (orrice, I John 13. idePadden. roy.lnotitizitutt, . Jahn Orr, ‘ l,/ ,. .ory S iVar , m a l t . John Evans, John J. lalliesple, Alexander Tindle. EWilliam it. Haven, ; Willis/re VAnkirk, ttar1.11124,4"• I We,. P. We an, t A Due Whittler 'Pm/dud:IBM -CHARI.F.S A. CO TON. , TelsOtlet'A. uV - JA,S. B. D. ALESTIS. JAIIANt w V HE ..... Panleolar attentloo pale t. the P.".l.ts° and ealt of UNITED STATES SECURITIES. PEOPLES' NATIONAL BANN, 4c3,1- Pitt sib yu-g-.14. I. ..... .. • ... . s IV E IA T I . noose CoRN Cif . 19105 T ni - tn 11"Thle Bank, organized ander the Natirmat ityr king %tr; soprenifr'4 most Collections mane on szl socessible points on the t aqd Floe[ trees.. ie le sst of rilebP'"" AR''" lot JAY U. S. SEVEN-THIRTY TREASURY NOTES. StyllKl. RICA. President. ri..9II4URD('-' C J. C..tilePtiERSON. Teller I INSURANCE NfilitHE YOUR ur AE CHARTER OAK LIFE INSURANCE CO.. 1.•.;... At Plte• P,1',.....r.0. 1,14.41,.. nitu - l'on..i. . 11.11 t , ...11 (Pon/ t di.., in . : ",.. M. ,•P. IC 1.11.5. N. llaneker,°' 15aat. Ix, , TPLIA S ‘ValillPr. Edgard C. Dale. Wept N. EWLI.II Acc/ tmn, .....,.•.n 6:15 I'. a. ' , IA. Y. i tutouPl Grant, P 1.,. At. P. --p. -. ...c. • n• .. .1i :5,1A. xr. .:•,./.. • Y. . N. Jitcon It. sattla. AYrregalitetr' ' Second • • lit.or, W. RlChanle Y.,. W. Le . ...1t. 11.11 lit-a,lock•i en AIM ES N. P AN:I:KEN... Preableul. ' Sundny Pllurrlt Train tr. J . .;,.1 '''' ". l', ;;•‘h r. IL Et/WARD l'. 1,1.. E. Vii l'resldenl. • 11PA I.LhTli It. % , r} pra ler, Yur J. 0. . I IFFIN. AFPnI 11. P. , il 1.1 1 F s. 11 - Ii Ai, t. lc, t ~.. net W..". 1 and 'rl.lr•l etr . ...:1... • ..-.27-11- . ' 11 - li. 1.• j.. t LFI . n ..,:u N. A L!..IE,(J.ItILN r ,—.--, - --"----, ,'IRE AND MARINE • i I. F.: ylfAl i !.... A 1 • . , INSURANCE CO. OF NORTH A • AIERICA, ' on and ari....1 . 7 III:It..;!:',1 r ll ,. l :r t lt l F . ,, t•,, .., 1...,... nn.l rlv..• At Dol., ~ti.,1'16". n.l Llan6l ',rect. INtt...t.t, l P. , •-011..11, =MI P UILADFLPHIA 121=21 ea. u. a and frnnt pr. x. d: , O y 81.750,000. r 4;,,,,, .' .;rk .Ixo r /0 a. it. ; I r.Zl,:l ' n I t A. Fir.t • m. 81. Varn 11 Hanford Fire Insurance. Company,: , a, 9:110 ond 0u P X uiIG.3P. 13P. M. ,11/1427 hUreb / rain. nt • from .4.1.1 NV., rk e ~,, . .... assets, M IL SCS01115: Samuel R Wm. Baaaiev, ea" 3..i',1;,kr., r. EJ.. Vara, Jr., James M. Cooper, . (i. Johnatou, B. Marin h, • LelfroVa, 1 I;°•,.'''"gh...,• Jr. h% thtrala) Preston, I Wei n ..n. l efo l o ' g :ea. George Bingham, .10 pEOPLE'm 11V811 ItANCE CO. 11 :, 01 , 1 , 11: IL, N. E. CORNISH. WOOL/ AND VIFTH ,315, I=3=l! twat donee, sJcCord, • ..ere T. J1.gt)421:. 1 !larks flays, BBlrwin Jr. 1 ant. Wm. Dean, L.. RatmeatOel. *". M'U"." Dobort Davi.: If...turning Trait., arr i, t I u l'lttaburah e• [allows: Mall. Past Line. ... I.X. A. Y. First WO, 0bi...10n a ' ', , Lr ..* AY. Brinhon Accononodatiot. N".°'ll'''''. C : r.' AY. lie. n' Wall . rt.,. n. A, • ;wow/ :lon . ; 24 50 A Y. h/LiiJohnsiown - kc...inznodation . ' . "9 A A A. Bs. iit!,otrk,•.,..A...rininoluda.ton No 1 .. 1:00 k. a: Ptills.. 101 l 1a n i. " . e ,,,, ,„ . " ,22 40 2. N. Third 11 VI ~ 'tam. ha op , o ii 2 0' r. N. Braddock Lt. Accommodation setA'''' SStP. Y. N% airs Arcola:n..o4. inn. No .1 ". . -. 0/ 1.. Y . Altoona A, c WA...1111.'0 • and Prnieralt l ' O 50 F.M. E , tv r t 4T , :1 2 ,... : ,...p : , t. o ii.,.arrl,. with l'hitadt/i bla LAn Agent if the Lari',. TeN.i '-'n ct c, i n loi ii l in oil l'r . 1 . take throng'. ... , .1, tra. n horn,.. aolllo. , tlie r lfci . I; ,' , 3 . ' 'l Blt. " ' 0 . " '''' •.' r 25100". ' £"7 P22' 2‘ nla - 1,1 -', here all 0rTt01,1.0f,r‘:1,2..;L:'.,:,'"1',.',17...4,'." .....„:4tv.btf4,,,,,...,,,,,r11,1,r104%,,upruint0. ata notion. thorn.• Ives iespooallii, a' .'ra(oaTlt-„,..;,...,rJ. and lot an amount not macoodlnig OD. ' -° ' 7 W If Bret WlTkl, AA il. A , t .a. Pon ns3 Ir io la (N ntral ItallrOoll'..nngints _ll2 O . on Liberty au./ ',ir aahlnp,on ......... piTirspuitc:il i' - ' — r. --------, IYAYN;i: A i HICALt, `` ' ' HALLWAY AND 4.I.II.VELANI/S a Y . Fiti 11 104 I/.ILUAI3 1463. irlsoter ArrAtopply - nn L.) 8413% On and aft, No:orn her l'Hh. In% c , -. 1 . , ca .tm follow, viz Leut.ea f'd. Latic. PittabargA Catedpo. Ulavikialill. I aq....im. Expre55.........2.53, A X. 2.50 A. W. MoF.:pro:is ..... . hat P. I 2134 I. U. &NJ P. ot., ..... :2.15 P. ix.. 6:05 P. 9g For N.. ; : wcaaila . anli Q2rt R. '" A Y. ' 2 ' e° l* 1 Holum/rig, arrive at rittsburah .... . .. '24. F.M. Ft . ..11 k i . . 4 C. It. W -I.fio a.. W. 3..1C, P Y.. P. C. i.. 91". H... 3 12 .-11.15 A. a. aAI P TILA.I.NtS _ .ta. 9got ACCOMALUDAT LON, . Leas, Allegliony for Ni 11111,1 111 , 011-1 00 a. is , L 1.50 A. Y.. 4020/ and 5.40 P. Y. HOCELZEITaii-0:05P a. ii;/, CAYI . I.B-1 WY Y. liCirhus'lqr.l.oa)2,LPLO Y. 14 R''..7l.°l4''l2(':' 'to2 Vi ..l T A' ail 'a .•• Art ('. i I .'l' . H. Ir- , 111 X: Z.:" 1 ' "' • tinlonUla'..'eot.a. 2 :41.1 ‘1..,1;0t,i' 1:41.t.5.b2i ';'''2Z,stia. A. Q. CA.WPiLIAN.I..HY, Ticlet ' AlL at, A lleadien-y°llllap a_st2o__ _lf. 30_ _NI:Y XII, tit...3a! T/oltarli Agent. p rr i T i , ErunGri, -- i'i - i- -- - -----7 - - - ----- rl'AT l l u ii'll F . l l,;;;, , ,.' , 'lNci , ;• THE GREAT SHORE LINE ROUTE 1,1.1 STEUBENVILLE. Tit inoLUlslitl al. ('INCIIVIN t 9 2 ,457, 1 / 2 49 95 I P/778113i4"1A141-- Spring .A.Prf t rigoin e:: t 1 1 1,185,000 MI RAILROADS, Z 4 i .L 1 t'v // MT. I_4_, .1/1 kJ H , •-••••••••••• St'lrl I =EI MEM Y. U. It 1.0 A.. AC ri",s l P u's Ma 111==1 I
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