America, will hold its nest mectinv: iu St. Louis.. Mo., on the I:11i tc \t ; , v. and will he orieniqi with a .arrnein hr the Rev. John r l awn. , I) It.. Moderator of the last Assembly The Missionary 4 oltction, 4,1 t 1 , 4. ADVERTISING RATES Presbyterian Chun 14 t I t. • etal&b 10 1 rd. hS PIOXFAss Of - Pittsburgh t . " .year exceed those 44 any prey ion- year • STANDING MATTER, --Fr!m the report of I'rin4.-ton The,,7 one !ignore of Ten Linen. Eight Porde to. logical lie' imnary to the Nett- Jeriiitili 1,021, the line. or 3-I Inch tipsee. IttUrv, in, learn that the real e.t•tte belore,r, rly t ,.vit I !.:141, ing ie at it ie. ie . and the 101110 of 1110 ill 4501 t.O rest, id in the Nllllll 1 . 001 BAI7 - tilt 'burn,, Cincinnati, held almost n.,,i4t ly since the list of December. 'hae 2... 1 2 50 thus fat by baptism and letter, ill an ; ; ocaalon of about one hundred and twenty 10 00 1 750 ere five MOO 1 79 6 CA =CO 11 50 11 00 5050 2250 1550 A WEEK. 710 I SW 11 501 bbl 3121 g 6/1 601 5050 ;,tittsOurph otuatti, sATIIRDAY. APRIL 7, ISM MI! Une time r• o times Ph,.. . ..... roar times. .... fire tinam di. time*, one week. dot ma times ..... i re l Mot, Lit ?en .. . .. 1 . 111 rive tin..., 2 weeks two month p Three Months ilk months. . 3m 40 3 73 • 10 160 1 n S 03, 54 rc IC MIME= ...... mouths.. Three months ai:menittm. Vat. re•ar HF:LIGIOUS INTELLIGENC The ~.11iliert 4lt dancing has proNok e t much discussion among the Churches 1. Is generally regarded hy the truly evangi ical type of Christian , aSI sinful, and on trary to the Word of Gml nil article titled, - Eleven Reason. why Dancing fort Amusement is Sinful," published in a lend lug religious newspaper, the .01,tion viewed in all its phase, mainly froth Scriptural stand point We eon only et,. each reason in 11 ruudcnard form. Fir, Dancing is because all reveling forbidden in the Word of God. Pete, classes reveling with lousiness, lust • drunkenness, and idolatry That the h a ll . the dance, are included in the idea of re, cling, is too clear to be controverted S. ond. Dancing is sinful, bectinae it is whuilt 11 gratification of the .'usual -the flesh, and such pleasures are adverse to religion Third Dancing is sinful, because it a wort ly pteasitre, and all worldly plea , tar, or those pletodirt, which hose not tlo idea of God in them, are sinful. The hlea of God must not only in every action but it tut4l Is• the controlling principle every action. Fourth. Dancing is, sinful because when a person i• experimentally vitally, and actively religious, he or sit, ha no diapotition to hats,,- and that the di-po sitiort if it has stir evidenre whatev, a professor of religion, always itieremo, in proportion as Fxperimen to I relig ion es, and is universally /vont/octet' with a 14,, state of piety, or no piety at all. F'iftl: Dancing is .infal,oltecause it is a maim,' dev - elopment of sinful dissipation said, "No one be I, either drunk or [gad." Sixth Dancing is sinful because it destroy, I latt, religions Mal tern, and indispose, for the performance o: religious duties, Seventh. Dancing i. because it is a Waste of time. I tar ex intent, in time la the ineanurre of our prolia t ion The very idea of probation is that (t preparation for triune final state beyond t hr. pt ol.alion. fihrlith I).ineint.. , sinful. is , cause it ,ontradiels the Mora/ Sell, of the aornmunity Ninth I.tancing i, ,infin, cause nearly all persons feel and :tekno,%! edge than It would lie .inrid l'or of the I;o:pel to dune, Tenth. Dan, inc because Idessin g cannot I s • askesl to rest upon the performanee. Wonth] not the daneerfeel that it Was mockery. al feast inappropriate, to Nuppliente rest upon him in the whirlin, waltz antl.reel. the hrir , k uotilhin, the lice Iy fnsct, the Initinel, riendoeire, the quadrille, hornpipe. polka. saraband, boles, fandnreco. etc + Eleventh. Darning in sinful, big: all, it would be dceuu•d all inappropriate employment for the last day ot one's life. Theo• reasons are elaborated and evidently prepared with great care TLS• writer meets some of the objections to the charge that "Dancing is sinful" time I "There is no express command in the Bible prohibiting dancing." He answers, neii her istherc any express commands in the Bible prohibiting the stealing of pins or !me10n.... but there are express commands in the Bi. tele prohibiting the indulgence of earthly pleasure, and the perpetration of theft. 2 "David danced." He replies, in old time dancing iris a religions exercise. In this sense only David elnneed--see 2 Samuel VI 12, etc 3 "Bill Solomon says 'the-re is a time to Janet '' To this objection, to his proposition .bat "dancing is sinful," he says: Solomon proceeds in this chapter. (Eccl. 111) by antitheses, and nsee, time to dance," as the antithesis to ••a time to mourn." But Solomon does not endorse the morality of any of these the sea. He teaches not that there is an ap propriate time for such things, but that sea. WWI are devoted os them—not an appro priate time for dancing, but a time devoted to IL The writer closes the able paper ii aerting their are graver reasons why dau.• tog for amusement tasinful, than are fbund in ecclesiastical rirobibitions —Rev Henry Boebem, the ion ,it Bishop, A Sintry, the brat Bishop or the Methodist piscopal Church, when he War advanced in ycari, and in feeble health, now in his ninety first year, Ram present at the oaiening exercise. of the Newark Conference, is hieh eonrened it, session at Washington, New Jersey. March 21st He is a member of that bode —The Preabyterum has a timely arth Ir on — the Overcoat Doxology ' It refers. In stinging words of reprofif, Get surelnet of professors of religion, ule ought to know better. while the doxology is hedig swig, of putting on their overcoats during this solemn service. The observations of the writer illustrate the evil, and are expre-seal in the following words • All over the 4oast~ arms weer• extended in every possi hie direction ; heads were nsehted, a nd shout ,ters depressed with evert• conceivable con tortion of countenances and limbs. Rad I not in a moment comprehended (hut the commencement of the choir to sing the praises of the Triune Jehovah aat the wig nal for a general putting on of overs:Wsts, might easily have fancied myself sudden ly translated Into a libido') temple, and beholding the religions contortionsof the worshipper's of Vishnu Stich a demon stratton is not eery well 'Aleut:ate,' to — Praise the Father, Son, end Holy Gh os t " —Before the arm it is thought there an. not one Congregational Church in the for • liter /Move States, now Missouri alone has fifteen churches, and among -the china in other States which have originated sosie tiet, arc Memphis, Knoxville, New Oriennt, Savannah and Richmond. —There are filly missions-under the care of the Mission Board of the German Reform ed Church—au increase of seventeen du ring the year. Three of these last year reported have become self-sustaining. Nine teen new stations have, therefore. been es tablished by the Board during the past twelve , Ropthe. .• --Bevt. , *tyllve members of the Society of Friends from Randolph, North Carolina, have arrived in Washington City, 'and assert that they were' forced to leave their homes from the persecution of ex soldiers of the rebel army. —Preparations, says the United Presby terian, are going on fora renewal of 'the "innaration" agitation in.tlie next General . Assembly of the Church of Scotland. .. —The General Assembly of the Freabv.. wrist fa 8.) Chiirch in 'the 'tilted States -sip uric ni. !.• .11 3.1 tied 1,. Ore I.oolt-nnl 4.11t)r. h :It Iddilida, I,n durri, )11Ln v ti...• .dm:0.1%%,•1.• 6„01 4:n . ,0 of 111116111., 00 SPECIAL NOTICES - • a{~> A YER'S PI LI.S-4 re 3on Sick. inni•le and r . ..tup..t.nlng' tr.. fon out of nit, 11.I111.•11r •i ovrantr..r and torlin•te• vomfurta, il.••••• -3 nintonst 11, ', little. I .n, ••. ',tart dt ••1 • t.•3,n.....• I, crerplng atm., on. and .1..177..1 sv. rt..l Id n tt•tt the rlght retn...ll. A,. '• awl , tran••• onl. the 411..”..1, red Wood. an.t I. I the 001, rno• . tru.-ind Itralth actain In. •11111.11al.• It. futt.,...n• .40w hod) Int.. • tt,..rolt• art, •tt.. I.n rlr.• 11.. •v•to m from thronstrnett..n• tnal,••• I - ie, xontrwl.rrt. Ir. and••l*.rang. • 1.• nat.:r at Itrucln.t.r. . if r. ..,...t• thent,,,t, morrono.lo, tng. 11r1 norl.l tton .11r••••ti• th. • Int 11711111,/ and .4 . ttl• I , :11. ant 1,1,4 ..f In .1 74 agnin .•, tr, anti r...n,r v. , 511,111 1. 11... tn nurgntir. • . • t.. tin 7.1 dinffilr ..nntr....., , ns and 1,...nirrt0.. • f natnrkt !unc tion, .•I it,. 1...01. .1..3 att• tdld4.• . 114.1 1114111 y then, ntt rea tn. •ntn.. mean- •.•1••. Snow .1,1, of ilie3.• Pitt, ...111 t... .• Ilium 11 /WU etceltrini& fr..m LI, di ...•rde-I• a,rh as Heulache., Foul btOrnael,nt. ry. lit .- 1,11, , tt0n. It• vnttrnt.l.l d It I, utnatt•ln. I . .1t n ben takull 111 . 40114-, can I^l., 11,. •1 r. t . .. purr awlictn, AVER'S AGUE CERT., For the speedy cart of intermittent Pirtnir, Pan, anti Ague Rerattlent Ciitt r,., 1.1mA.4.., Perfo4fecti Bradoch. ur tiOnme Fevers. tmiced A. whire r,21 ft... far Eginatiny to Dietary tion/inrmontt by U. i f arm tnolnnt, con nfritn. Thin rn-nitil) rarely 1.. Cl/ re •• at re, rnaen l'lllll, and Fr, r. I It I.a. trio at al. that ant, t her tin. irirdhant I, f,ielnt wli.. rt to Int ',xi !rut. It , 01113111, 10 ot . ititt• It ,or nut , 11 . 11,1011 , t h natnt r Ina -Ili. • arm. in.! 1.. tr, It mnd .n. r, IL by J. 1. %VE liii awl .01.1 by 11. A. rAmo, , , , och Drugglxl,.. Vi...l • S 'VI 121iISH THE AMP Hir RTIcOI' LV - 'CLV' V iV.t, , L, S . ta.• more arceptable• 0111 hlll3 that . ra,ut•r• that will motor, nature's dear by .topping ii. r from Cantu; cat. restoring It. natural mlor. to al. O tt II :1 to grow In to ~, t lng up 21 ‘11.• T.r. .•1•1•..1.• ta..1‘1.,” to anya -1 irlt , it. It irk), It, Ills !n,ulloo rof the a.r.• 11,t11 I • situ worths' ..f tti.• .Int Ar- I:. I .•. Vram • , IC . r, the • 8.111.11 ri r M.. • k known — lt 4 p,.uoam r.I u of Hatt Preparation.. ,t free fr..ty a , l metallic mlson• 11..5t .n. I Innu, Hair alorn and L It I-. of man% and urn..., ut t•. E, tulle, E. Ith A 11. FAIINF , II.I h I . ritielps Mt.-4 ,latr,ml.l 'the, IA J.Ol-01 1 . ...L1U:1t 1 t 0.,MYti1‘.%,7171!:5. • =9 - PITTSBLItaII SAW WORM, HUBBARD. BRO. k CO PATENT CatOUND (111( An ..1 :AU S t to rt ail{-•Jr , $h SI, Muir,. 4 4t. •...t a I 4th, A.: ki..•l- ~f IN I, nn.l N•.-. rAN. • nt. IiF.A I . It AND 11011 I li\l\'M'. Sc. .14 .- NV..0101,, XlOl 11 ..rls. Corner W• TR •/: . :.1k LAKE Pi UPERIOR COPPER MU L AND4MELTING WORKS =NEM PARK, McCURDY de CO. Mitootn,nror , of SI:1AATIIINO, BRAZIER' , NI , BMA' HA 1/..1, r Lit Ai.... k. - I ' I \ 1 . 1.A1 F., •IiF.F. WULF. A. LESSIMMEMUMMIII I=SECCUMUII=I`=O burgh patarrn far WM. BAIL\IIILL tic CO Boiler Makers & sheet iron Worker , , Nos. 20, W., 21 and 20 P.n. RI reel. Hay seenre,l a large Var.?. .1111 Ulu most approved ruael;lner, art annfa. tore every deacrlnth;o of In brat manner, and .rarrantt, Jo. I.? an, r .'l. rountry. I lILMN - ETS, BREEt HIM.: P11:1, hl STEAM 1 . ! PR , Ltn 1,31,,rr v 10,NSEItZ, sA PA Ns, DETT i•A 11,1.1 R 11:.•\ BRIDUFS, hUlt ,A kt PANS, an.? ...It nothnla, tur , of BARNHILL'S PASTINT 11 , 11,Ylts. h done on the shortest fount. =I WIZOBINISON. RE.4 & ( - 0- •• ce...ort• Ll• R081N... MINIS • rounde S/ 10/0N opKS. rs * at^ tninst•, itiostatrgh. Stan n farturere of LB AT .A NI) ,T Al 1.. , :TEAM BLAST N (;) - 11SERY. MI A ri•lN‘i all deddrlptiong. 011, TASK, and .TTILL..h. 11 , 1 A AXI) SHEET ILION WORN. 4fal - Agent , forUlFFAßl , n I'ATE,T t ar fredln,l...ll..ra. 1.(01111i COICIFIRAN & BRO.. Mann fartarrra of HA , N V A I'l.l • A , !. VAULT DooILS. I ICON • Al • SHUTTERS, WINDOW GUARDS. hr..-1 sECI/ND sad be T11T11.0.-STILEET. Id W.• d and Market, hare on hand a varlet, - .•r Ilt . W rot,. r• . fancy and plain. aulLable for all 4ar Cartlrutar attention pald wt dd., 3. , Lot*. Joht)lng dour at sti,rt notl.-e. Rr TO NERVOUS SUFFEItEIts. (IF BOTH reeerrnd sett t.ett.••, litaTtetig bee restored to health In a few days, elle n undergoing Shannon' rotittne and Irregular per• • mode of tr. atmen t without nue, •n, cor•itt•r• It • saered tut} to rotranuulcate ht. ve• creatures :tie west.. of star. Bruce. .11 ti.. le , ri,t of so addressed envelope. he will 'end. ' 1..• of the preesi tption 1/Ireet to Hr. J 1 //I'S M. LAG it ALI.. iv. ~ ,, t , street. N. 1. Fr TILE RItIIIAL (RAM REAL; AN y or WARNINO AND IN F 1 ,It I , ll'NO ME!, A l•••. o tellable treatment 0111,r trits.rl and et , zeal• w ei en, A d•lre•s iir. J. 11 1 1 1.;t•HT 1 •N, s. Assoriallou. Philadelphia. l's oil 1 v Igr NENT Pamphlet of linitievie importau...r to the 0.. l and ynffllg, mar - 11,d and tingle, of b an, •••n. sent tree 11) ail•lspeselngwith 'tamp et, ... • , the Agents A. KEVItitICK t tto-tot, Po,: 00re. co Vle ltd.& w PLUMBING. &c pITTSBURGII LEAD PIPIL A D SIIEET LEAD 11011 Its I=l =1 LEAD PIPE & SHEET LEAD • At Lowest Market Rates. I= Plumberti' Maderlal, Bra,. and Irvin Steam Gauge., Mean. Pumas, Plain and Galvanized Iron Pipe. BAILEY, FARRELL & ( 0., No, 167 Smithfield St., Pittsburgh, Pa aps 'MUDDING GAS AND NTE fITTIX6. , AI, trs rrueftlly Atte.l.. 4 t rptrit.Aced n.. wrigkiven. A o tA,tl OAS FIXTURES, SINKS, BATH TUBS silOW KR BATHS. W A TIOt ,l l on nand and made ro order. GIIAIND CLOSING OCT MALE TATE & SEVILLE, VEIIEILAL:FITERT, AII claw.] Act4l LI LIMIT)" i , TRY.KT. tabil.tawcily $lO,OOO wofrii OF 000T$, toms, FAIOI. IMPLEIdENTI3„. Gaiters, Balmorals, H." On hand s large Antsortruesit of MOWINO MACHINES. I= =! I=l 2.a. •nd 31110111 a 84. Allearhen7 _PORK PACKERS AMES LIPPMEOTT, I c z 1 . Pwogor, Dealer In S. C. HAMS, BACON. BARREL GR E ASE, DRIED REEV, LARD, LARD OIL, GREASE, TALLOW, ie., would relionntnaly Itch • share the tim e , No. 23 SEVEN T STREET, BIGstsGES• 110 Sails IMPORTED WINE VINEGAR.- - Holtman la Imperial Triple Vinegar of superior naror and strength cisme/passed in qua lity, for table one or tbr picklln fora e D the `/lasso by . Cdrtier lteergaadnaDe .neete. rah? AMUSEMENTS. • P !VI'S Matta' THE A.i lit E. Laasaa ANDMAKMIER HENDEktION olght of ;hr eorwfunoo.t I MR. Jolla" RAO Eh& H.L.17. AFTERN,u,N. relit be prononttol Tes: ighls in a Hai Rooun. i •: EN I N., I. N I I ...:1., perfortited the A GENVLEAIAN FROM IRELAND. Mr. I=l I. ••Il 1111m4.N.- PO-CA-HON-TAS In rebesoroal. FLI F., I N Tll WF. B. (IPEIIA JIM SE. tiaturda) ifternoon and Evening. A I. I \ wlji 1. pre.. riled the nexntirut and The Iluntres, of the 1111shitoippf. I X ii, I , lth!llramn of FIFTEEN NEARS OF A DRUNK- Alt, ? x lin li lb. thrlilln, Draina lb, Female Horse-Stealer. c..n. ,tl.l, the thy 7VMEIMINTIILEI. 11. t. 1,1, awl mitro•en. MANI ( lIAI.L. 'rltur+da3. Fridu3. Saturday and Monday Evenings v 1(I'V JA , Al It. %. 1. A,LEN KHAMEIt, A: FX \I\III h I, ris Jr I.L. I. THE GREAT REBELLIO3! A\ll C ATIIiN AI AS I; 1 Al LEI H. .ritte-o u5pr.....1, for .1. H. HA(.?111•• ~ 114\11 YNTVRTAIN%IF MO ~• 1 41 , 1 F, 1 1./.'N- T 1 Nll 1 . 111.1 L 111• I•ltir.lotr,/i T I,i • k t. r --1,111/E6S 111 , LIBRE Tl. 1 r it. .11'sTII F. I • SITEI/ STATES, I! .1 nv I ATTF., N I h ITA LI AN, 1111111 lA\ AIIA II A NI/ I. A . AR, till I rn- II) , FI IIIt:ION IN I F RNA. l'lV•lll.l..Ner. ARMY , I1"I HE PI IT.INIA( ,111,101 A N',.• RUMMER`, 11E , SICNUER, I RAIN , . 1 , Nli 111. l'llar..-II;-Will niq.nn: •1117111• VI , I I. H,kitElt, ottol , tt. It, 31111, ottt -tt I ta Ito," 1 . 1‘1,.. Ar••rttosns of II 1,1 .t tr. II I t e. tq. it, et•i.t. , . lit ,t•r‘t ,•.11.t. 15 rant-. ,al.. of N. ea. l'er li tt t< A •PU M. , DA I April 1 at!. 11,• t Loki. r rect. e 111, .1., .-xtr •• • :harp cpnt,.,. 4,,1 i. txtn.g tee lh•11raltot/o, I , lLogurs, ' , Och 111 all.lgrenth 1 thc apprv. Intlort and eti , • tt,,, I.lhe it ~1 m• 111 11.41.1 izsx_,TINT3D TOM, THE i{U\DERI't L 111,1:11) 11111 PIANIST, =1 REMARKABLE CONCERTS Honda) Elening, April 2,14i1i. Ilte.rrs • . 1:. I 11. t: a /1.11,1 i F NF (I.Ass}:s ARE IFOR3ILIA: PROF. COWPER'S l'amkionable Dancing elcacienay, I N- 11,41 I I 1,1,1. 1 mod I I ItI , Al. ail,l 311..• • 'Fr., It. , g 11811 P 1 , 9, t VI st FOR RENT 1:01! RENT a= "Ti II w:•! rad that the thr kity. Appl, PROF, I OW PER, at the Hall. BOOTS, SHOES, &c ROOTS. SHOES AND GAITERS At Corresponding Prices .11 tya, ill grr r•ducti., 0,1 BOOTS A:, SI-TOES A! prlre• 113.1 rilllll.l t . ,t 11 to 131•Ao• 3 - 3 r)'une. it.-0133. and 33. 03onvInce34. et .1. H. A W. 1, BORELAW:•;, A FULL ASSORTMENI Ladies'. hisses'. Gent's and Bo's ROOTS, SHOES, GAITERS, Isael al .• X-c CLOSING OUT AT GREAT BARGAINS, J. A. ROBINSON & CO.'S, No. 01 Marize>t ftitreaeot, I , 4 DII;W, 4.6:.a CI Mi. 1.7_. la 1.1. lii IV • JEO BOOTS, SHOES, EIITEIIS, BAA,m()-RA I€3lll3l3e]reit. O ~ T. A. M'CLELLAND'S A ()CHUN EIMPORI , - rsi or:. and 57 Flirtla. IBtreet, Private Sales Day and Evening'. AT 9Z FEDERAL . STREET, =I Polish Boons and Clumm, T<, toe sold isntnrdiatol3 . without regard I. Its make roo fo.lpri has You as, cordial ly Invited lo cll and bet. 11. W. K. IicCLINTOCK, J . W. CARNAHAN & CO., FfAY LLAji LS, Ladies' Blamorais and Boots. m h7 No !Lewitt •tlrrt J. W. CARIPAWANT Si. CO., Ladies' Gaiters .nll7 • No. e4l Market *lrreg. & Gent's Pine Calf Boots .4,IID'S LIFE I I oitie. IM =I =MEM real, • Ir. Y FI,N% S 1 1,11.41:y furui b • I • ti No. 9ti Market Mfreel, MEI =MI 1 MINEDULTE POSSESSION—No. 1 ve WESBTEIt STREET YOU BALL —A nent Wish well both two .4017 thick Ihnisibelehlk 119 i roams, All well papered UM palutett; ar Onts4rd at tic, with int 3n feet Mot. roan g back to znoch street. near Itobens street. Price Woo. a honer and Lot on Mt. ash_ Ippon far FM . cSaIBSIIT SONS. rd noneast. ('HEAP .111.111. DING LOT POE SALE to the t. , ..2v0nt1i Ward, haring • front on Di .trees also feet ‘ nod extends bank along the line of Bred street 100 gee``,, welL altilatle22k large manufacturing alto. Witt sells! terms. ..,sly ß. gh$ ... AM #! LOT or GROUND, bail{., tour room ., twoeelitrt , tote Pllosttacct sB Mr. session at t Mnihrillltottoe. y. =lra &' CrUTHAERT t 5024; uldarkst rt. 320 4CRFAI OF IP lia. No. a Market stmt. =glop. FOR SALE—FOR RENT. SEWING MACHINES, pint SALE.--A t'arm of 4-4 arras and - thlßq.alY perelker..twateth Elisabeth 'WHEELER ILsoN-s township. Allegtivy county. Penna. The Improve merits are a hewed log dor:elite, and frame k fiction: bmk barn and other out buildings: a good rchart'ill New Improved Family apple and peach trees, 01 the best varlets. Tim farina Is anderiald with deal Mdlltnestone of (he beat totality: It flag stone quay of a No. 1 (malty: very , T T easy of Freese to the Monougaltota river at Tanga 16 11. Cill 1 1 1 erri .6 end e r anl/111 faro I am authorised to sell • / • "" ATso. " aa u rZte 117 acres, allUale In ralloWneld lownfintro, Was eounly. l'a.. about' miles from the town of Ilea tleyst Ille. The inaoventents are, era. a two otory frame house with eta room.: second. s I wo-atl-a-half story hewed log hol , C, third, a No. I flew barn, fn by ai feet; • good spring house. three large orcliardo of different Ault. apple. petteh. pear. um, uinces. cherry. dr.,: SO acres • . reti remainder In gond timber. file land la el and of th. ser, in,. •Luallty, and will be sold at a reduced price. Also. a Vann of Mom 120 acres le rairlield town. ohlp. Westenorelant l'a. the Improvements an • and log house with kitchen attmhed. a log barn and n tenant haute a go,ol aple °retard, pearl.•. mud cherries: about b 0 acres cleared, the lo the very best white oak timber. The land lo good. Ti.,. location Is n:ry healthy. This proper:) I w Ili nail,cry cheap. Possesslon Ames , rilatel. Also, at gold prices. a Farm 'of about 143 acres In Followfie .1 township. Waohlngton ro.. Pa.. about one mile of Lock No. 4. on the Monongahela rl% r. l'Io• ImproTe 111 l .n n are a Iwo:story log and rrno,• tratne ba, It wagon shed and other 0111 1111' 1111,31 4 1. 4 11 11114Nencrslly good: a young or chard or apple. and other fruit trees; IW acres of •"al •,1 the beat qualltv, and a loin ..1 the best lime s.... cons e/311,134 to churrhes. [l2lll, TlllBllol l ololrly haln authorised to sell very cheap. Also. a farm of about an we situated In West Wheattle/d Township, indlan• re, county, Penna. The Imprrnemo:nto are a good, comfortable. two-story Frame with 6 rooms,a large frame barn, car riage house. goodcorn crib( wash hou bane oven and a two-story stone spring berme: about 150 acres Cleared and 10 timothy and cloven a good oryhard of pole. ibealti. pear antl quince trees. The febcing is Rears )limestone- fTe laud IS of a gOOl4 quality. abut, coal limestone- and but a sliort distance from coal. This property will he sold very cheap. Also, a Farm of about: na/mm.llolmin. the above. he Improvements area large two story Log House and a large frame barn: 175 acres cleared and under Rood state of mitt:van/in: a mail apple orchard: large two-story milk-house. These two farms united would make a nest-rote titoek F.., or will beaold separately.. Aim toe ben farm in Falnirin township, West loure.latot county, containing 140 Mrml: about 6 miles south of' the Pn. Railroad. The itoprove- Meat* are two large hewed log houses: one of the largest and beat frame barns In the township; two apple orehardo. The whole farm Is under a Inge state of cultivation. The fencing Is all No. I. The land Is of We yore beet limestone: shout TO acres sicared, the balance In good timber. Posse/won ou the first day of April. Inn. This property will be • Jat a great bargain. The owner wfidoes to engage .11 other Anilines, EMUIM=MGI Also. a Farm of 150 no sl Luau. In McCandle. toarushlp. Allegheny county, , Pa., about Stnllea from tlO Clle. Tit. Impro nta •ro • Log House, a good a Young orohard of apple, poach and ova, I will yell this o.thle properly very cheap Andon etas) terms. For further pm-tic-pi., Inpt, of 14. 11. TIM. , ylt. ricer Estate Ago., son 164 Fourth tiro.. .iNE LARGE ROOM SEVF.RIL OFFICES FOR RENT. I=l 11c11ISTER, GAZZAM it l'o.. A HANDSOME COUNTRY HOME J... FOR SALE. Ml..' T. , tril:ra from the 011.3 , and 11.11.10 ten 0111111,, walk . of the Pittsburgh sod ConnellarllM Railroad, commanding a beautiful view of the Fit,and euuniri • " rompriae. about In` :tem. or ground. highly enittra -5.04 laid out lit.' Mt. Mpplol ed Slyly of mod ern landscape gardening, is Mudded with shrub yre. mid a groat arty! , of the choice." trulta and lave lu foil bearing. there also ant it a neva, inlliug erring dr water, and at... 011 one sere In wood. The linpro. eaten, conrist In part of a n eat !Wirt Cottage ith roams and w aah-lontse. a largo and hatidanmely built ntable,an out room for man, die.; a fine large cistern And apiendod pump are • :thin a w tof the [lichen door. and all umber etdel lent feu oot re. For partleaslafs. Lama, a..., e quire of (1..0.2) 11. Met. SIN • FOll SALE. =I Delightful Residence in Ill'Clure Tp. Th. Lot I. . of . the prrntlAo.. For term, ctl.ostry of JAMES T. SAMPLE, fin.k..ran•llllAlll .l / 1 .1. . acre., !thee., F OR SALE--A Farm oC about ISS acres. r Ittmt.. In lowrwlttp, All. sheafcout,. i• 4.. ',out war tulle awl a half trout the ll , r n otta tt .t 1 Itati . tulle ..1 the Ilot ~,,, gs -111114 1,4 • r and the name r - rorn the Itrughloslit fly Tire Immtueur4lr4t, a Frame ottage !louse. with e r r t4tma. and a guthl well of water al the her..htl. a Iwo 4tory Frau.. Huns, with four tttros. with I h o [144141 .prlng•wi water. ;bird. a L., ith two room., a frame hank. barn. wlth LI.. ery twr tarnhitn, corn crib. carriage house and other our-bantlinga. The trawl .• all un•terwr.l with a rept of / 111114,1te11, Tills atratutts of limestone 14 14,41.1/ ail that la wsk44l (or the proper,. For fur ther particular, Inttolr. of 4. Tr I W Real Estate Aaell, No hi 4 Fourth 4treet. (.2 II FOR LE. I=l an 1 Pa! • A In.ateht IV!' 111 X 1 1\1~.t5...1,s ktteltsn alt.l attlr ltss 1 1 1 ,, , , r111, .1111 i r 1114 Inn ttatts an. 'the 1t ....ant! an. lestraht —so sttnn Apr. Ist A phi! to e.S. Bit) AN, rol.rr In n wt. and K.d.ate, nil ^s fi, Fourth `OA I. AND LIME PROPERTY ' Fi ll ,AL.E.--I.n the Igrukm-orille Railroad, sel.q.n mule. (tom the CONTAININ IIt•NIIRED AND EIWITY• MIX ACRES, mtwatn and t't Flouring and maw Mitt. and other Onr unto , " t'snonta. 1..1,1e1 th , Ar. o . ”f COAL., trltranut thy ••LII ux ar b I Varna. at otewart•• Mallon. on Central Railroad. vontatolnt 110 arrt, and 125 a,res. For;further particular.. einicire of WII,I.IAM WARII. tt ippo..lte the Cathedra,' fell No. Mt:rant . _ 11 OTEL PROPERTY' Foll' SALE ANTI 1110.ACREtt iIF LA Nl/. -That nearly new two-,.tory Brick Hotel Bondi room, at BRINTUN OTATIO ng. N. on the Penita. R. 11.. at the Jnoet ton with the l'lllnhurgn ton nell.vllle It. It., II wiles front the city. There are alaott 160 mei - v.1o( land connected with the II del. of which sere 4 are and GO acres timber. Shirr l• too young • , rchard of •pple. pooch and pear tree.. two tir,er-faillng .oft water bprlnFs tor .uflielent en., 51100 to carry the water to a height of 100 feet rroperty I. capable of sab-dlviAton Into iote fur, ..bufttr) reatdonee.. Apple to 0. S. InIYAN, Broker In Storks end itre.l Kstale, Yourth street. I Iluske's Bulldlos.) }'OR SALE. =EI 111 be sold 'lll-DAY at re , lor.d price.. Thin trae Ritnxte In Wo•ttuoreland rout y, Venn... on Mt North-We•teru Penn•yiV•lllA Nallrozal. utont twt. El/ ill , . emst of Apo,t.. Pa. andcoutalno r, lar g er eln. of F. and FIRE CL AY Ar, nor, Al Kit 1 . 1 /WEIL For forth., trorticutazo Inquire at the Law and 4 :11.1133 Oltre..l =1 del! No. 144 Fourth St.. Pittsburgh, Pa. VOR MALE--A farm, containing shoot av trees, situate In Jeffursou towushlp, Allegheny conoty, Pa.. un the Monowaltela river, nue lisle from[ Borough of West Plisebetb. The Improvement+ are two story Brink House with sin rooms. Prame House, Isyo stories, with Ms rooms awl a petit cellar. corn rills., wagon sheds and other outbuildings; about 60 acre. a the very hat river bottom. Thls prop ll :Pr Is veal lasted fur gat:dales tr Ynil ,10 and eecure ." o ' n ' e of the hest (rots on the Monongahela river. 11. TOINICH, cal Estate 41.01. No. la Fourth street. 1.16:1! ti OLSEN AND LOTS Ftllt SALE. Two two-story Brick Ilonsea, coutlanffir four rooms roe...situate on Wash tort°. .trept. 8111911- $ ham "la , jot fronting 0,0. a. , Tv Kwei, Or 1.0 11.• t, I. ore(' rsllnrer t r•luo A. a lantern. "and ON to our v. collool In the wo laorongh.. 1 . ...vea1°. Mae. Inanv.llnlalt . For further 13.fortnstion, trrnalg, 5,.. of al.. 0..1,1 rig at Ni'. $lO yi .tree t. Pliinbursrh. A. M. J NO. 0. LAMIIIK, Attorney. ai Law. ME 1.,011 SALK—Our Lot 20 feet trout Pen*. Arcane by 110 mat to Wallan street; t w...•torry Brick Ihrellllls rear I Int. Alto one lot 20 feet front on Summer target, Pllt townahly, by 100411,p, on brbleh I. erected two •tory 1)wellIng. Alto. eleven tote adlolnlng the above, .b./ by bu to lob rert JOHN D. IisULEY, Meek sad Real Estate Broker . Wilkins Bali, Fourth sreet. 11EAP V. 111318 I'OR BALE-Ng. Misers, In Orrry township, West tour. 130 , 1 E. I/ eras Dors" , histtou. house. barn sod orrhard. Tbe whole. oettern.l .2.W.D. &sot' •Pritl ' , 11.' N. contains 213 ntra. In Rurfell Tp.. owns, hliprosoil; good dwelling: nnt of the best barns in vountr; well er•t.etwis &rale or stock farm; offered at the low pri of Miser sere. Apply In Inlk2l B. tIuI.ALN & UV. )WELLING HOUSE ON WYLIE. LFOlt BALl. — Tirol large _and en !Wed three ettiry Brick Dwelling' on Wilk street Meal Flfth, dolahed in modern style. con talnlOg I ron m.. kitchen, range, bath room, hot and cold wa ter and gas tliTotigtiout the building. This Is one o the most desirable properties for dwelling or purposes non uttered for sale. Paresolon Al. rl lat. Peru. reasonable. Amily to ialeitf B. kicLA IN & BE Fourth street. I )ON , T PAY nENT, but call and • iourclisike vory cheap lot In the village of• &oal sshington, 001151 yourself Gouge, become • laud ,.l.lmi, .504 your money, and Invest In those 14 mt. whirl, arti authorised to eell verg esAy t.•rms. Fur further particulars entluire of O. 11. 'l O. Estate Agent. • islit ;If . 164 Fourth . _ Volt SALE,-163 acres of Coal, ~tisate In Smith iniwnship, I.Vdtingto Rail road, I Penna., near the titre of tho titeltrille road, flMidway !station, about 21 MHOS from alt i Foe ur them articulars, enquire of O. 11. TOWEI Real Estate Agent, No. Ittl Fourth street, or to WIL L IAM C. CAMPBELL, no the premises. .lalOrtf FOR SALE—Four 2-,story Frame A I L .T.lX: l l: 4 ;.,rn r o s A , l:ll: e •l e r. " ,l. YD by ul :be to Fortier, Rim.. JOHN). 11/11pr , Stork ar,d host stlityliro or, apx IVllkins Hell ' , Fourth Le. FF°OSALE—A. Vivo•story Brick Dwolllng 917 rooms. halt, sod situate teht, La with lot 4hy I. loot, situate on Ewalt etreet, Laterctleeelllc, all to complete order. For (umber toforme4lon, terms, .to., apply at the Vaal Est.sle sod Ittsantoro Moo of U. N. HATES, Simple, Noiseless. ALAI. ,HANK ON m 1 BANES COIVEMISSION Pe rfett. Nln and dealers In FLOUR, (MAIN sail Pk, d street. between Wtext and btnlthneld. Plt,tenergh. Anil :W . k F.. A. ...M.A., Makes a Stitch Alike on I >OTTER, AIKEN t & SHEPARD Both Sides.l'orntutssi.,n and dealers In Foreign and Domestic Fru., Rni wr, Cbeese, Mgga, Potatoes and prbdllC. geuuralt). No. 38) LIBERTY Is So Aim lo n .1111.111,n learn 1.1 use them S T H _ E ,„ put. Pittsburgh. F 9 alinpls P reaming bo the printed la.tructions. w• OTIS attliganD which are sent with ay ants ai-111Na. / ICLP S SHEPARD, commission lJ Merchants and dealer', In lour, tfraltt and Pro duce, No. 347 Liberty sir..., Pittsburgh. ('Notre brands of }'lour for, Rakes. and gunny use constantly on hand. Paritcul sr attention paid to tilling order %for Merchandise generally. iashiy W_A„ 11 A 7 4 4 . rr . r rrrLE, BAIRD PA'PPON, ./..4 Wholesale °twee., 14nmmisalon Mernhants, dealers In Produce, Flour, bacon, Cheese. Fish, ( aria. and Lard Oil. Iron, Nulls, blues, cou.,, e , 1' art. Ana all Pittsburgh insnitfactures generally ri and 114 Second Street, Pittsburgh. Qui itinf, 'Mos. alPrCital.t. EVERY MACHINE Heinining, Tucking' V.,ST - 14 - i :-... BECK AL CO, N - U. - ilit.i, Br:titling, . Liberty trees, Pittsburgh, Pa., Wholesale Cording, • Grocers, Commission Merchant/land dealers In Coun ty Prod.!, Proclaim, Flacon Larry Sutter, Eggs Felling, Chee.., Fish, do., Produce, Flour, Grain, Seeds, , tire., end Pried Fruits. de.. Salt and Lime. }yl/3 St i tell lag, P. 116 V la all J. a. Dar DER. ... ..Wal. D. i11P14110,1. de , I lone on these May Itlhea—.4Ope to flaaprAmre. I.MVIIER & BROS., (Successors to .. Fir 3,11, & Anderson, ) Wholesale Dealers in For eign Fruits, Nuts and eidees, Confectionery, Sugars. Frework., 5.0., Nos. IV and PM Wood Street. above Firth Pittsburgh. is-22:1, They are the Best in the World. We aalk av ..ulsitltistlon of our Ma,hinve I.ur"ret ynu male your p.reharw. WM. SUMNER & CO R.. 27 FIFTH ST.. PITTSBURGH GROVER & BAKER'S SEWING MACHINES Ei•ve been imarded the FIRST PREMIUMS •t U. following Fairs for the Ihr4: Irina Premi.m for hest Marttor work .t rr.ona -tato Pair. ES=I Fix. Premium for 1.e.0 FaultlT Machine at eb Kato Fair. Ylnt pmmlum rAr lorst mantaraourlnglisxhlue 01.1 n btate lair. Perot premium for Iwst Mainitart , iriog Mnrhlnc 11'1101111;ml !in.. Yedr. ..(1111.Pretulttal for l>~„ hfisnOcocinrlnir $/SICIOI. Wisconsin Szate Fist -• • • Pr • e . mium for bete Slanufacturtug Machine Lawrence County Fair, l'a. First Premium for best Slaehine for gene , al pur polies, at Lawrence l wait} Fair, . First Premium for best Family Si.aeblue at hook County Fair, Ps. First Premium for best itsraufseturtng Sisehlue Duets County Fair, Ps. First Premium for beet Mann lactortna sad sell Machine at Sprinalleel First Premium for beet Nieuttfaelurlng •o , t Fsmil Star-nine at Palmeri, Fair. N. 1". First Premium for best Manufaeturlng and Family Machine at nutrolk COLIIM Fair. N. • First Premium for heti 'Mants, tomtit sad Fatellt Machine at, ler Count, Fair. N. 1. Fir" Premium for be, Maelnue for all purposes. at Allegheny Count,. Fair. Pr. First premium tor best 11...f...ter:11e Maelone, Allegheny Counts Fair, Ps. First Premium for that Machine a/ 1, at Al.,st,eu County Fair Pa. Lod where, es A. F. CHATONEY, I‘a Is ' , lntl lllltelmixll SHAW & CLARK'S SEWING MACHINES. 40 IVSaahtia e SOLD IN TWO DAYS. Are mannfartured veltliont any roatiolea.te:l inaehln err. and lberet.,reget WI., repair, and are leerreetly adapted 1., el a. -. 1 r I te eel Slachleee with n:aentne.. e. t nn 'ln, II .4, VI- I . ,111 t.O 1,. U er Bat., All of tnle . Mee, W A• • 1,1 \ 1114' art:111,111, Jell', K. H. I.l l \l, A•reol, 12 irant .trr4.l. nr,r V 1111). I . l,2Alitrl/4:11. VA .0 E: 117.1'6 .11.1 t'lll.ll'l. Sl:tel.. t , .•tty ,1 - 1 the PTA NOS ORGANS, &c Illy AN r A Al tl-o. , t1.•1; NOW ILIElltil; Rill'ElYED, WY Agra %A .1 pay tr-AY, pe n r ..nth... A.l.•st lArgY txt • NA I A t•ti. liltsl'lls.ftrY. Irr.NY.llll Ao.y.s Al ctn. r ony y, Pl.l2,lelphla I • J 111". or S. 1...5.1., 11.. Syea • Yrit olootl.. I=il ITNDERTABING. R . T. W HITE d 4. 0., UNDERTAKERS AND EMBALMERS, 1=11!! ('OS "."....""..."."" I% A URA NTED FOR FI YE YEARN, cororr o. Litteltald •ad Chartlers strert• Hear., Intl C.rrlagen,l. - - COFFINS I COFFINS ! MIME =ZEE =I tllllr..qlnlp IJtw.'l,ll t~ BOIIERT WILLIAM), Undertaker The Estey & Co.'s Cottage Organ, Undertaking In all It. branches. Dialuterrins,i AND AMERICAN ORGAN. [jilts out and fariilsidue ever•tutnk necessary lot jgr ger Dleod es-A , at numonable terms ran dr, r. toiled State, to hr superior to to all others In power, purlq and duality .if tone. /soil thorough work These lnstruments hare fur years aken the first premiums, over all all competitors,et the various ate... and County Yelre. In pen,. tey arerelower llt au auy others. All warranted for dee years I= ALEN. AIKEN, D'.o4l'3ZllllR.T.l=a., NO 161 Fourth street 6 1 11laborgh, Pa. 1, 1 06 1 11,6 • all lin Os, CNA tit,111,./tilac und even. draerliolon of Pau oral Puroistilna °none lormsneo. 1.10.0ni , 62 ist. Clair Street, Pittsburgh. Pa. open It y and night, !franc and Carriages forolahrti itcritaxxcx.s—ltev. 11111,1 Kerr, I/.11., Kee. 61 ' • 31,_'_„ Jacobus, DAL, Thomas Kong a r "'' H • 1.) MECO:VD—HAND Ras. , PIANOS, Al $6ll, $43, $6O. $73, $lOO, $l2O, 21.10 and upwards. ATTORNEYS H . C. MACKRELL, ATTORNEY AT LAW I =1 Ilopull," Air Woutt,lrd tlnl,llrru collccle,l et:et , t, C.ll with I , lo , rtuvgo unit two witneggeh. .1, 't A Nl)Eltst 01, Ut )(HA it ,;00..„ McItIASTER, GAZZ AIM & CO., ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW TilJl VHV, Hol .1 eu.. • man ufscprea. of to hest ratios,' qua &ell, ntuaro., ins rittbularigl3., Pa. Fiat •nal ctagou, all, Saw I late., Hos. Polk and Shr. Cast Stain, till/steel for B abl arainheirTV b is . . EV'." . ""' "" READING AND MOWING AIActIINEs, Titles Intattilor and Collections motile to Pro osy , l. rani. Ohio and West VirglidA. MILITARY CLAIMS, PENSIONS, j !VIE FM PLOW Xi NUS, SPOIL NON, A I LEM, CIRCO LARNI, Ow. art- BOUNTIAL HACK PAY, and Military rledu.s ff,..lj " ?,., w lr,,, d r "u° ' o , o l r , Vd 1 7 tho - 1 !- - ,'," '4 '' Cast Mid Utddlindi Pl„ugh and spring Steel, claims, litan- sirs, va . tos e. .als k iktb il lt .. ,e Attorney at Cu., llMet..- Cori, of Pint au,' Kos. etre., two biwt • Ulatuolol street, ./ppoldts tho Court Hoove. above am MOnOligsbela Hons... N. H.-No charges are made If the clans do.. not I . t ,,r ; onervd. and all In Oven Ostia. .. 4' Il . . . . - - . ._ . ... .. L. P. STONE, BL.A 'IL DIAMOND ATTORNEY AT LAW, lETTriil3:ll.O 1 1MTCS.P113191, ~,Frir:e., 11l DIAMOND STRK&T, 0111.311. ~. ' viTTlid3UHkill. Y• coor ttlousie Plttaburab, Pa lan ~,.,.. MEDICAL, I PARR, BROTHER di (.'0„ lianufacturrra of FORTY TEARS PRACTICE ttEsT uu A LITY RAVIN CD CA su sTßiri.. IN KEA UAL DISK ',Re lilres me • knowledge erbium acquir I ed by 1•1...1- , ~.., ~,,,,,,, o f .., 1 ,,„ . w ,„„,,,,, u.... my lung ri'. l4 ^. in "'OW. , iiill Olt' ..r..— , i q l ° ,l - 1, Imported or m1..h.,.." in thin cone s!" pallidity treated annually by um. arc •Utl flt`Ot 1 . i . q? . • .! --- Pr lrrE. r gl n A l fl7ll.Rlel.E A. of Nein al Wealtney, and llir and " L , M l,.. r ,..' ''.nadm.",r.'N.l.7l.',Ndire.', an d 101 r y,":l';,' 6 ' llo di" j " M " e if 1 1 :te ' le. ". ITIOre 4" ty a u re iy ' i t " 111.V,' I '‘'.' ;: ' i t e. 's l . ' h .r i Ito ...ITEM W. D. ILIZILYII JC. 111/LA.4AR t he nn ntnee tie to any el 1 ~.., the Mon. All lettera moat contain a slams b. pay : j return postme. Correafibudenee held enued. id. BELLE STEEL WORKS. XILIErrrEWL ci, 00. Aro" Ila 13.111Til "'lna) eruzET,_ near Diamond Addrem, J. W. BRANISTRUI . M. li. 4.11111 "on MU P"L"" r''. P*. ! i nn MiV; Z .H A C E C ir, T B'I• 9 7S F IL S A P i a llig: C P ilbl v PRIVATE DISEASES. : RAILS, CT OM:,Nu. M WATER STREET (up MWM atra), OFFICE zusi PENN STREET, near timid. , l'ltmburnb. l'u- .. . . For the core of •all diseases of is prtrate adore, la . • frau two toper days, .t .i .y 11.11 entirely now and .qtrie , PAVERS. 0 41 . so, actin Weakness, sod ail other 1 . - - - --- - - --- - dl of of the genital organ. nail their preVellt , on , J. .•; x.r, ;Li 4 .11 . X AUGUiIt Oci eslrelltited of money refunded. AMMER AIITIII.OI lIMISON. Onee adirli...7lo 04. it. IA toe, and 6tols r. ' A4diNTTRE, 111c8iAtIGHER & CO., Address letters W.„ SSW, Asap street la niAI • 1 -.....,.c.,_—_,____ STONE AND BRICK PAVERS, e_ __ HORTIODITITRA.L. Will attend protoptly to privenuaGn 1 9 111318EMP ' Furnishing and Lapin - B . Blone and AND ke i l l efll (111M9 5 USES. a k. , Brick Pavernenek, And Repstring the ma; Curb Stones Furnished : end Set. Also, Grading and Cellar Digging done at isugsza s mazt J X,bitrtreit re r , "h ? " 1" u r l" ' Solicit attention to their citeiniTE stock "Mit l'oll thicfrrionle=t4tVitOlf In our on:map tl'eess. Malawi., Pula 'lnns" F r.. ." the Allegheny Post once, or by calling et Na. 20 0 table 4. , Sandusky Arai, Allegheny. rill. uric. 4 11 . 0 A...NM C. , r... to " ' girlilgheat prllto pokt for Parlag Stones. Gratetstruses ensue Isthmus. , tch2l.iltneal 11•1NTY1t3t. Ayala UCllleit a co. _ — 17ARIMITES AND TOYS. • - - - CLAIM AGENTS. BUY YOUR NOTIONS, , - --- ----- 14011:1811F.S.--All 1188 c ed 8011- . • Toys, BaBIP3tB, • , ..-. diets , or the liars of Etweeastrfk l f? diem whs colleted to thebrat 8 "S" , armain, 17.411.1%.338=8111, elbCl.,' AT ' And roldloro 011. den o ."argod f ill° , "I "h" i ilerace without. receiving their GovernateazorLo• ' J. Ea . LaIUIERPS ..v atuated to 11 or rend thoir od• i Zar, ""` '''.4 . c .t re AlMail De N. do_deMoilor 110rottick utlOtui au AL Vartiord and liara,No. 101 Market Moot. , ua,iriana orrItYET. thud door below - us. MA tbedrul. isle CORI n. AU J. STEEL Sr. BRO., late.Elenl7 11 • • • 1., & S'EMF.I... PRODUCE COMMISSION ERG NIS, It, and sell Flo.. Corn Meal, tau. and , nux. Ryan.. liaeon, Lard, Butter, Cbeeat, Egg, Pori,. ,:ru.-u and dry Fruit., Fotaraes, Flax and 4, ens d. Feathers. , 'II Barrel, Hoop POW". Lime. au.. au. Pm - Ovular attentionid to •'Or ur Furs urn and 1 1, •nrt,Or Fruits, S o . EN Th 11.1 "N.., to. febamd CNA TILES U. UAI.SLEV, Produce aTlud ..,• 1 1‘1), art.ltou.t. No. 331 1.111 ER ` TRENT. PI Ita lto In. Wholesale s!er In Butt, r, 'l,, Lard, Eggs, Pork. Bacon, Pesos. Tallow, 1 ,, ,u1.er5. Brooms, P0tat0...,, V. Drout Fruits. tireen Fruits. Onions. Floor. Drain, lutur beuda. Timuthy Seeds, Flax Seeds, I.sto ParDeular attentlOn given to Prod tarr n anti. 11011 1 . . .EM, AN ralIW KNOX.. 1{ KNOX x SON, Commission ME RC HA N and,Deale es In FLOUR, GRA Di, MILL Y F.ED awl PRODUCE generally. Nu. 79 Diamond, oppo.lte f 1t711,11 , Allegheny Uty. Jal7 yin JOHN B. CANFIELD, Commission and Forwarding !ter-chum. and wholesale dealer in Western Reserve Cheese. Butter. L'ard, Pork, Bacon. Flour, Flan. Pot and Pearl Ashes, Saleratna Linseed and Lard Oils, Dried Fruit, and Produe; generally. Mir. 144 and 140 Front street. Pitilsburgs 0. Ithrl - CIL J A. 1111LAPY. .ZILAFF & REITER, PRODUCE, ~. .111111150..11 and Forwarding Merchants, and 40410 I. LIOUPY• • • sowAlr. JOHN I. HOUSE & BROS Succes— not. To dons+ I. Hot,. S CO.. Wholesale tire Couaniesion Merchants, corner of Smith field and Water streets, Pittsburgh. fete JAMES DA_LZELL & SON, Mann fart isrers of Card lin, and Commission Merchants for the purchase and male of Crude and Relined Pe, 11.)11 . .11. Nua. 6, and Water Street., Pittsburgh. Ail, any,. made i , n r onaLgnint id.. %.,;,I . IIONIA.KEIt ba.LANG,Wholesale rocerles. Flour. lirain, Produce, Pro visions, Fle.h. Thera , . Salt. Carbon 011, Nut. 172 and 114 nod Otte,,. near Liberty Street, Plttaborgh, sela:ty Oleontitt kULTZOWIi. I j LAD &. METZGAR, Grocers and ..ndulasion Merchant:, and dealers in all kinds of 'ourrtry Prrduc.. :und Prttnhurgh Manu(actures, 5... 'ln , I.l , d•rty dtrrrl, oppoldte bead or Wood Street, ti,horgh. .P.M) VETZEIt• & ARMSTRONG, nil a. warding and I ,, nual•slori Ilen.lian to, fur the salt oi Floor. Grain, ktimon. Lard, !Omar 14eda Dried F'rnit, and Produce generally. No. 1./Market Street., r, , rner ~r l'lttmlnargh. Pa. 1 RIDDLE, No. IS3 Liberty SL, • Pittsburgh, Conanission Merchant, and 1),,,,er I I ',,entr, Uvocertes and I•lttrnergh 11141111factur,... 'Cash advanoad on Con nigrinieuts. and paid fur I • roduee generally. au= -- - a. Y. ha.L.21.1.... POUT. DALZELL •S• (AL, Whole ••• rate tir,orers, Conmil..l”ll and Forwarding Me,- . ham , . and dealer. in and Pittsburgh Matt a (net are, 01 Liberty street. Pittsburgh. R . IL JACI4, =II I` NATT ATT t 4. WILSON, Wholesale ( Mem' dealers 1'....1 u. t And 1 . 11 .burgh flauliractures, Nu. 154 LID. I . ltl...urrt , lu= 1.n% ITT I.nat~Ll.T. tiN ••It[it7l,, WALLA( I AMBEIVE, SHIP`I'ON &. CO., :Ind Prt....laer Demlers No.l, .v,. h. .16 I SAIAII WC KIF:I' ('O., Wholesale t.rover, I .4111111.••..11 Nlerohsal., awl dealers to Prtr•iist, St, xtro, mad e, Fruut, street. I.ltlnt.argl, VIJ14:112. 111. , 1 Oltarr l'o.. (Successors 4• 1., I rtn,lMer rlta., 247 1.:!...41‘ l'ltz.teurgh. N v I I.llk I N , 5 ., 11 , N .•.n.r. Shti Coimulsalon ‘III.IItERTI STREET. I•lttsburgh, tel:lr ;;7 THAT ELEGANT STUCK OW CHICKERINGPIANOS, e , lacted poraottaitt I.) tn. ,utocrlber. dunng t,ett v,lt u, t, Factory. SEVENTEEN INSTRUMENTS •rt. open. and reedy fur eleMthettoll. and toe 1.141,11 r are Itivlt ,, 4l to rail and ree them. CHARLES C. MELLOR.- V. i'llE nnAins I ultv, NEW ironic, I=l Schomacher Q Co., Philadelphia, I I A INT CZ,lsi . AMF.LINK & HARR, I=l STEEL WORKS. _ . purrsutieGif STEEL WORKS ON XERCHANTB. GREENBACKS I bi: iilt!l [II 111 I1& Roback's Stomach Bitters After rears of expertence and trim. haye proven to IR the best remedy extant for all complaints wilt-re a tonic and ttiniulant are required. They nu.. r fill to strengthen the weak, Impart rigor to the 'trent, and In all respects restore chattered ani broken down constitutions. Noremedy has been recelte.l alth as much furor ROBACK•iI PTOXIAt H IlIT• rEftll. BLOOD PILLS SICK HEADACHE' ! and all Diseases of the Dinette Biood Pills, = BLOOD PURIFIER Scrofula, Syphilis, Skin Disease, Old Liver Complaint FEVER AND WIE. 81 14x6t1,61111`iiiP11144 GREENBACKS It 1. admitted by our most learned physicians that 110BACK•S BITTB.ELS eomblaw the properties nodgentle laxative, an efficient 11-Milo. agent. the best atomaeble known to t he world. HlTTAlinshould be nee.* strengthen the prostration welch acute diseases. Ia the bilious •distrfetsof the Wee, and tk.l there h., for • long time, beet, much needed. an ar ticle of a tom anti Bitters, which, LI taken In proper quaotlties and IA lb. proper time, are • sure Pre vendee of Bilious Fever, Fever and Ague • preventive for bilious derangement, reg 'lst hag the eyetem, and giving tone to the digestivo or gaol, than any other known remedy. Now that the war is over, there will be thee., td • seeking homes to the Booth. No person whorail... his life should no there without having constantly . 1 oaao the SITTRAS, no • snteguard agains a t eplciers and maladies engendered by miasma nd pulus..• watt, Travelers to and all residents of, the rank bottoms of t and itshe west and south, and the Otero Mississippi tributaries, should providethEr. selves with the Nos. 56, 58, 60 ad . 62 MEDICAL. ARE GOOD. BUT ARE BETTER. ROBACK 7 S C'ETIELM C3costi venc-stg, DR. ROBACK'S Blood Pills, UM ARE UNEQUALED =I Sores, Salt Rheum, Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Siek Hentla.f.ll4-. Rheumatism, St. Anthony's Fire, ARE GOOD, BUT • • 1 Liver Complaint, DytipePtio, indigestion,Jaundice, Kid- ney Complaints, anitall Dist:ages of a aim- filar nature, and Ara Batter BITTERS. PRIM, WILTON & CO., Baceenon to Dr. C. W. Rob , SOLE PROPRIETOILIk. To Wbotel ell orders should be addroned. lEIEZEiiiil r.•~~`ja.rtili 6. ~~~~~ 1.b6 SPRIM: • ARRA iMENT 12030112=1=tan ELSE - - On and after 4 , 1 N 031. April !at I , .ralts• leave the Union l'a—onger [kVA, ltrt net 01 1% I nallon sal Liberty Atre.l.. 4.5 follow, LIST EX 111./F—, 4 -- 1.. ace- 1'1[40.4,3e 56 Urn A n ping at pr1ac1444,430.0 Arrlve• at A t at • :33 a. n.: Tyr,.444 .144♦. 444. - :Bel/ 4134444. A. U.,' 1.4n14 Haven, h:.13 0. 61. i] Hn ew,' utg, I I. 14.4 lia:l4.toor• 3.31 F. AI, New To. It, ril All. town. 13:11 0, hi • 1 . 1411.31..14.1.1a, .3.30 . w., anal lora, via Phllatielphl3. 34 i 0; r. 13. I'IN 4. 1 N 3. ATI ....1,. R. A. Ns 01",113111,e nearly ntal. s.. / •I 3.31 I'. alarrialnsrg. 3:34 44, I :44.110 at I. A. U. Ny this II .e 1, : , •tn,••rrvri at 4:14..14 lh. .4. %V ea . l 1 . 14441414 pr =NO ttir I . I'l Ph IA VN. l • /"..AVY ..A e• I it, I at. Y. a: pr. • fia.rrirlaug. '2 t. a . 444.141. r.. 7.. , A 4 4 ✓ W „41 4 .‘ 4 1;J.t Eta:t.or• and nt , • • • •• \',•r• Allvratown. . . FAST LlNE—Lenge. ro , sLopping ,nly ptt,. ,ne• At A tonne el 6.1 C A. m., lin more. , 12. F. . 1,, • A • cl•••Y I. 3 si.. I.lm r. ttt.l r 1. •I. Philadelphia., al; 4.2 A. H. ` Break, nst. IThaiiy nl/„lA.r tr.stsu, Auna.., • 4.. JOH NSTOW N . tIIM MoDATIo N - Sunday a) at I. Al.oopinr IL r,..dar .rlr: betwrfdl Plltabardt, and durn.,,flcoll., st Intermectlon will, r•in. • 1. I n lirsncli and Wt-et an In Halirt, I. ALTAKOi A CIISTM.II , AI . II , \ Sundays"..::. A. st., .01,1.14 n: al: n.. 1.1 4111,1 , a tp.twro dAn 40.1 tik A 11p C.O trall/A rr dr/ b. t tisla 14tl IrOL.I. I,-, A. • r. , rrii 1; • marl. 11 'll,lAA4l,urg Vranch. , iiAl A) Isl 0 . A 1111=ZEI gff= '"'"' I II tese•Tt N., N. I y e • tA mix) sxl A:4O r. v. Wvol • IMI=III it,. • ,A ell Stall , . •13 day al a - 15 S. an .atorl h •tt a. and rlttalrurgli it 125, r. 1, and arrla.e at 7,0 r. v. _ltetl.rnlng, I xrrlvt. Plltxburch At a 1 1.... .„ k ut Ll Flr,t slc. ntn. II nl A Y. Itrlnton 4 "" ' ' lirsAlrlork • A erolutrll . t;!l, 4 .B;1, 1 11.4110 . • , te. . Third Wel', ..... 1 4 ,ejat ad Br,. a A., “ 1 1 , wodavoi... • ey. Ar , lntal ~,,, Ne 7 or Altoona Arrotnne, I F1n1e....,e• e. italtlenore kdi arrive erlt 1,11a.p.., l u Levee.... at r ••tt ^.111.A3 An A,teet ef the F.xeeieb, tnepip n ... pass Ltrnegl, eaeli Irwin r• ;whin, ee 11.. • t take up hek% mud .).t.rnalte t. the thy. 1/111..... 4/t1 i'von .Ireet night— when an order. f, te“. OILS teen ei kerk nnd kggkk. le. • It , . ormuto. ati ent eane the anpae, 01each,. lekpnektl.P ,er.onsi tk and for. n amount te, , At thel'ennk.,lVll/li.ll entl.l 1t.“1, P.... up.l .ta Lion. oh !Mese, And IN'a.eln.ant a , re. pITTSBUIRGII. ier.a,434 - 04 WAYNE. A ItAILWA AND • I.I,VFLAN I/ YrrTNID'I,• RAILI2DA D. 1463. WI u 14, rr - magensemal. IS • In tiled ntl. , No; ,ulrer It LenrlTY4 }s, •h? 4,itn F.x L111" . "' •K., Fur and Frl. . a. u Returning. Arrive at. Pitl... , •ure. P.. Ft. C. R. N —l.hto .t.., ~le i. V. a., 9:00 Y.c. as. P. R. k. k V. M., ,10 I . . • .. AC CUSISII.IIATIt,N THAI S. , Lear..lrgliray Sro NEW 8111011,.,1 - .1 0, a 1 A 1. a.L and 5:10 Y. a. I' KEW C I'. In. EI:ONC. —at N - r,MI 11...turnIug, :Ayr at.o ..emto.n, . t. • a., , 1•. A. I . _ H.. IL A. ta. M. I . A litoon Pltislmrµll. A. V. AS.,ICLIIKItHI", Ticket AKNIL, Al:egloqty 1:15$ tar.. F. H. NII 1r..n..r•1 Ticket Agree.— A PITTSBURI:II, ('() ----- ',- NATI RAILROAD. THE GREAT SHORT LINE ROM =gl I= =1 =9 IN MAN .1. 1.1111 Slid 4" I i W ou.•mrt• SION DA Y, 11 4 1.•66, Trnlna AL. mr:!. Nit, i)iti Art fullow.• V. ,Irt, de riot, m. 4 o A. Fast Llue +tAu.. Ex Ittuul).un . l, A, • .5 1,5 •• 2, A, U"'" ;71 . 1411( '. ..!T " t ' •7l, ' I",TRT...T . II!„I,NPaiigMEAI Spring Arrangometi t. tlu an.l after TH I' Y, 11AH4 li 1,1 - 11. Tii)cirains wilt ,xr, the 01 Hoes •11 %V ater eirerta, a, follow,. P1re.07,01. 1 . 1:111.'gr Mail 10 and fromloutowLz . A. M. I' M. Ex prrfis, `• West Newton ACV...311161.101i P. 0. Flrnt]lrKeerport Ac. , /ru'n., • t •. A A. M. Braddoc .* Sunday Train to sE..I Rom Wont .. I M. A, For Tlelot.., Apply 10 HALLE', 11 It, A p nu. ne27 - 1v W It, Ultrl t, Sup. A LLEGHENT c iampiiiiii4 - .". VA LLEY ILA CIRANGE OF - On and after lIONDAY, N , ,v. 19911, t trains will he arranged to rue an follow., 11411. TRAIN-Leaves I•lttsburtt4 at I IN A. Th in rriving at Kittanning at 9,13 A_ tt. leaves U., arriving at Pittsburgh at 119 , 1 a. at. Lea, Pittsburgh at 9:10 P. a., arrivlus at it ittatwlng 11.10 1 1 . at. M:(9 1A5311/I,Tlt. 'Tlt/tIN-1-t•as e 9 a15:3) , arrivi , ng itt l'ittatoutglt ak t Lener, l'ltobtlrgh at 1:/u P. St.. Knitting at Kist minetaa at .111 t. P. a. F. Nr" ILIUM I', litrtxtititt tttlent. MEDICAL H UMPH REV'S HOMOEPATHIC SPECIFICS. Have yrovril. from tlitr ink,l mop, itaq - sris, tire stlCe.lls, alruple...llwitot ais4 rtllol,l, I hs, the only tne.tlrluas perfnctiv athts,tefl to galpula. slmple that tntatstat.. cannot 1 . , snyi. its u., thorn: so lianniess a. to hr(ow Iron, danso r a n.l oliclent nett, he ala al No. I etres FEVERS. c0n,,,l In ons, nAmu:m -(10n • • ,N 0101 S, W"nyAk.r. • Hl' I N "I Fet it 111 in• 4 - 0/% 1 1. ,5 1 . r11 ,;( 411111:;1 * n • I,l•$E . 40.111111.4. • • r ****** ' • COI:WiS. Cold, Itronollit I . . N E it A LA; IA . . . r • • if tIAD.', He. I 11 DYSP EPSIA IDile.“ s! .11,14 I• • I.CPPRESsED. reauty orr i a i s . • " 11 dP SALT EH El M. Ery,lee.A. Atop .'lt I 2 E UM Al 12.11, all rbruoirale ikAin• In " FEVER .6 At•l'I:, VICESw , . . . ALl ' l '. l 9' , or ...l " llL "' Z ' ey I • ' CATARRH, eee u t7or n ob ron 11311 . 1, • • Wg:rlPllsti 2'242"1212, rpeent..ile 21 • • ASTIVA....'4.;P .... 2 . .2 • ' EAR DlSCHAVtir * ES , tualpsYre,i 0pp.... 2 " DRUYSY, eollrgel .. 1,1 • GENEHIL KIIIILAITY, phi ilea! weaknere 2 •• DRUPSIand Scanty Secretions.— 'Le •• SEA SICKNESS. or Melees. 800 riding 77 • ' KIDNEY DISEASE. ()rave1........ 48 •• NERVOUS DEBILITY, mttal emlerions.tnevien tan . riler re ilatiree ,51 • • BORE MOUTH. or Caner', .II .... •• URINARY INCONTINE venNCE.. .. •'PA-137UL PERIUL”. e 32 •• .I s nEVINOS at Change al Lite.... 85 '• EPILEPSY,Sp.ins, St, VIM, Den- ems 14 IJIPTHERIA,Ieerated sore tht oat Cases of 40 vials In morocco case and te/o• r ~,, Case of 'M large Is, to morocco and book n Case of AI large vtaln plain kata and beet Caar of to boars (No. I to Vo and book s ronliENer, ono r of l• oortlt sod Markt t ktreets 11 not. ante Al._ et., VI ttatoil eh. Va. Ver sale by ft Ail:. eaulthnt el ktn (ds; di VLEMUI el Market stn. , t, korner of the Memo p,uegh, and hAnT N. 1 , 4 Fedet el oar. Allegttan; Mkt LAItA NI Mt K h.% NAN, korner Diamond and Market ,Ire. t, Pl...burgh 1)111STRICK LA N Men ill it o . 001/1111 BALVIA.3I - Is „ - • .eantect to me the only Pre- y =AI7 „ known W r s ' e Aathm XitooPluti_! engn. - • - 7-- 1'i0.: , -- ,trAig,vlll . l,,=,,u.°J,7. I dytt ming and e spectorating, and * O . • partieularly Imitable for all alfeetiolut of the Throat and Lunge IN, sale Druggists eve TTMeee. 111:Ird It. k.._IIELLENS Yr. CG.. Wilt/F.lBJan Attiga7 STRIMLLANDIS PILL 8 1 7 ~EDT DU COILED thou-• y, mina of the novae emen of -;;- FE% BLIND AND BLEEDING. §111: . PILES. It glees imnediste . • rollet, and gt care. V, it 1. warmat.t so ; ; ro, bee by bar " riLL so cants per bottle' oclllayd WituLlthAii wspErruut.--- Dr. TONIC , • a concert- A ir t r:,iiti , (.7=r ; „\ 14 , .r t , Artto.t.he nor:tad:sod e' 'nervous * It la accr- ta.lo prier. ror DPPelds, C:l4 or InalKeattoO, NercUtts- ItTiftl ll7 t=fr: ir l atulency.asadability. IC puti.a. ttnot OCllo4 .l ollo v i d th ro eretore rvima. , nave. and yspeptic - yes- 41° :. • m. YOr Ws b* d 1118•• • • Oita elerrwltera at IP_Dorlbottle. 3C KWIC
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers