the Vitt,,:,bu4.ol-4nette. s ATCRDAI,•M;cit, 7. 1666 FOR tiOVERFOR MAJ. CEN. JOHN W. CEARY, OF CITMEERLA 3P rOTINTY. NOTICE TO ATPVF.RTIMEILN Nona. le hereby given that hereafter all rum- B.A.T selveettaeMeuta received at this aloe must be pal.l for whet banded to, except In the east. of 1 , early advertisers, whose bill. will be rendered naanetly, as usual. Athrertlxne wlll Name make a mote, of t►L, u the rule of cash parmeats for .1- EIM=tIEMM 1613 enfore 4 l'he prim of our paper le 'CRAKE CKNTS et the veWiter or from eeersboye. eersed by artier. et n►TEEN e6NTB per were. PRE ' 4II, ENT JOHNSON ON flit VETO =CM In 1880 Coug I A Homestead hill. President Buell. NAN r eiIKYI it. 31 r. onnw Joliststoa was at that time a Sen ator from Tennessee. He advocated the bill and voted for it. He wanted his own was, and did not want the President to have his. Lit thought Congress wa - t. ihr power in the nation, and of right ought to be lie cordially reprobated a I agn ifving of the Executive prelogative he gate Tent to a speech; nut a tante, pointless ebullition of dissatisfaetion, but a rousing condemnation of the veto power. Said he, "when there is a two-thirds vote for a MORS ure, I say iris against the spirit Grille Con. stitution for the Executive to say, No, you shall not have this measure; I will take all the chances of vetoing if." "And again," tittys Autumn Joitrisos, in the same speech, "when a ineilStire has been passed by two-thirds von. , of hoth.llonses, tiller a dis russion of fillecti years (the two bills ye toed by A.NDIZEW .1017:CisON, although not discussed for fifteen years, were intended to cure the atrocities and oppressions of mor , • limit fifty years), showing that it is not hasty or improvident legislation, I say rested to the publie judgment of the na tion, respect to knit lloms, of Coogres... should have been a great inducement for Elrecittive to approve 4tieli a bill Mr bassos is not now 9 Ser1114.01". lie is more. lie is President; and as sorb, de. lights in setting himself up in opposition to Congress by means of his prerogative. It antlers nothing to him that a hill has re. erived the of Iwo thirds of the 1114.111 hers of each House. lie rather likes di confront formiilltile And I may tiNplaiu, to sonic degree, aby the President encouraged t'ungress t.. ga mature and puss the Free•lnten's Bureau Bill and the ( ivil blight. Bill • giving Ilu•tn to understand tftat he approved, and 94 3- ready to sign limit those measures He de aired to Allow hi. eiintempt of the Houses, and of the vvinile principle of representa 14Vt. prverlllll44ll4, 144 de•moustr:ue that Ike will of one titan rnul l to. made to stsnil 1,18.. of the .111141•11 it tor-”d I 11.• 11 DIATI NI . : TIRED or"rill-:144011 Th v t.u. 1, o ti, • an. pr.p...• holding a 7.;tat• t Iltioll at l'itt,bure.• In July. for the nomluto ion ,if a Slat,. ti, Ifnn Edgar lowan 1- probable candidate fur t;.0,..rn0r.- .- Castlt Gazelle It duulalt,: furta• a part of !lie Presid,a tial programme to ha Vt. It third andidalt for t4ovurtv,r tun In P.•itn , ylvania, of the expecimiliu of 4ini wing off V altv, from t;en V 10 re the sluvt,,, - . Nf r o cit Tin- explain, the intir...l two :41‘c•n In many of flit newspapers ILA! .1 series of cluengvs will shortly be in •t tilted In the otticr hold inn class. Wlno eonteintlinted i• to mil in mainly repul.!t cans of Mill b en;{' virtue OHI they will tribute to this result In Nesl .lerst•y 'indicatilons ar.• all - OS(11 otp ofif• 1111r.111,tiog, =1 This is what is meant Ity It.taurance , that the Pregithmt trill tight out his I . offirovr,y with lftaitgretot strictly tt ithin thr r.•tandi Call lint— Ile and hi- tn. .r tam , tarot-lode that MI ,re than IN . litany n•pnhlt au Ole! 11111 nittained for third tickets than can by .cared directly for democratic can didates. Here in Allegheny tountc c busily employed in sounding gentlemen of respectability and influence as to what ale pointments will induce them to sell their principles and go by this back-door pro. ream, into the copperhead tanks. We shall see who consent to take the bribes_ ANOTHER PROMISE BROKEN The opettiug sentences of Mr. Thuo ..IIIILL'e rigiew of the Veto of the Rights Bill ought not to be forgotten. They are these. Mn. Plinsionter: I fully share with the President of the United ttates in the re. Bret expressed that he is unable to sign t h e bill to protect all persons in the United Stap* in their civil rights and to furnish die means of their vindication. I regret it on my own account, because of the disap ixiintrrient, because the just expectations raised when /hit hal 1 , 08 prfAerz led t” th e President, before its inirodoletion to th, : 4fr, /latY been disappointed. 4artliter on the Judge makes the addit icnr al statement, that n copy of' the hill was tell with the President, pending the de bates in the Houses, with the request that he would frankly point out auj objections be might feel to it, and "he never indict, ted to me, nor, so rar as I know, to any of its friends, the least objection to any or the provisions of the hill till after its passage." In plain English, the President assured Judge Tnumnum. he was in favor of the bill; it was then introduced and passed; the President recanted kin assent; velm..! the bill, and he and his friends complain that Congress is needles/11y at loggerhead. with the Executive FE? lANIRM —The New York journals confirm what was. hinted by telegraph, that the Fenlans have actually Initiated 0 mill tart' movement under the leadership of 11 D. K Lientfinant General, at tended by tour Major Generals New Brunswick I, the point menseed. The rendezvous of the assailing fort-es Ma atlas, Me. From thence vessels will take them to Campo Mello Island. The eity of SL Johns is forty miles off. It is claimed that 25,000 men call he speedily thrown upon New Brutt.wick. As soon as a foothold is secured, *he Re public of Emmaus will be - proclaimed, and JOUS O'dtArtotetn• elected President, and the whole nachiurary of a government es tablielted.•, the Milk), authorities and people are not idle. Tl►r order to :ouster outthe militia has been rescinded, troops are rapidly forwarded to the border, and a heavy reinforcement of regulars fmm Ref land are-announeed As on the way ENOC,(111. OF THAT. —The Leavy worth Knatins) Maly Bulletin ban hefted lb. arnme of Lieut. Gen. ULYSSES S. GRANT as the candidate for President in 18 , 60, While the McGregor Nem.. does theesame, with the addition of Gen. .A.NDILEt; .LUANts TON, of Teas', for Vice President. Gen. Thimit.Tuu luny be a good man; but we have had enongh of the Vice President's t;ken from the South. We do not want to' neJogneostLEn next time. HAS CHAOS COME AGALN?-v-inanalltiOnS have been given that the' Tkputilican lead ers are crnsidering the propriety to sot closing the present;:nession of inagress un til the new one shall open nt•st rsa Considerable speeulat it tn h a . 1„. ell as to the enure of thls noncom prepdsit th. Tieie,, in a powerful article, under the above cssption, make%thie explanation "The President will tht n formally -um. mon the Representutii es and Senators of till (kr ,sates, to meet at Washington, IN EXTitt sesslON The present majority of the Mowhich will t6cu he in mi amity, will of encase dispute the right or the itepresentutives and Senators of the eleven unadmitted States to meet with them in conned; whereupon, it is expected, that the President will rtrognize the rnsw majority us the true Congress of the United States, and assign le them the official al:Luther,. of the Capitol. The then minor deprived of a President, deprived too of their staintory forums and even of Pres idential recognition, willperforrebe driven lo convene apart, in some unofficial place. Assuming, nevertheless, still to be the true and only Congress. and as such, to have majority enough, within itself, to be inde pendent of the Presidential veto or ale patrol, it will go on with its and endeavor to establish its authority un. der the auspices of the Supreme Court. Ilere will be two separate, distinct, and rival Governments in operation; not di vided between the sections, as was projected by the overthrown rebellion, lint angrily confronting pne another, wit nin the narrow circle of the Capitol." If there Is no adjournment there can be no extra session. A Specimen Of Enollogh Humanity tProm a Letter in a London Paper.] Last 'Monday, at the Tower of London, I stood on the spot Anne. Boleyn was i•xeen• ted; put my thumb into the thumbserew, taken from the Spanish inquisition, and lunched the spiked collar from the seine place and age; and I thanked Heaven Roil these were lossils of a past human stratum, kept only for the curious to visit. Then I went home, and got into solos confusion as to the country 1 -was living in, reading sonic authentic reports concerning the treat• menl of free negroes in South C'arolina This confusion was enhanced by the follow tog report, sent hack by the correspondent sent out to .lunnics by the Morning Nlar, of the treatment of tin old man named Chig huhu, to make him confess that he knew of Gordon's complicity with the rebellion "Shortly • idler the riot (about which Chisholm knows nothing, having been ab. sent from the bay at the tune) lianisay bust into hi , limos., followed liv sailors. Ate., end accompanied by a local digui iir) , whose name. for ihe pre-ant I suppre,.. George \Villiain Gordon cx ilaimed Ramsay. 1 do,' was the reply 'You know he advised tun to kill the while people *I know nothing of the kind.. said 'Mr t;ordon oa , a man of peace, and always told us to obey law and pay our lases ' 111.(1• a 5a114 , 1% al 3 sicnal from Ramsay, struck the old man o f er the neck and shoulder , willi cal '1 ask pin again, did not th,irco Gordon advise you to kill the a hit,- people at Christmas ' 'No,' said Chistedni The eat was again applied, and the scene continued until the blood ran due n the old mutt's back. Irritated by hi , • per•i , i envy, Ramsay or the sailor lis kids] the thong of the eel around their rota hand, and struck 11001" head Wilh handle, felling lulu h, _round The blood slammed over his fat t• and nested his clothe , , and in this oonditioa i o • was hurried away to Arian: 111- as tie :I no eldlrlren, ~r thi s horrid brinaiiii en also ialom and 111(11 , 1 ills,. Jall. Sad all gat lll4aa -the old now 41 ills Isl , -ail V rbnhPs unelninved—were Greed Io a oo,•.:< the executions. They IN ere delaillaal nutil martial law put an end to their ram' , power. Terrible IL:a laid roplie Thi , morning about one o'clock the the rit on lilv Milwaukee titer, zare way, betting an in1111.,..e vulunn• of water. It nulted through the gorge mitt! a thundering arousiniz the win.l• neir,lthnrhood. o Ihe entararl in. let luu.e carried e‘• ry blue in it , nay--doek.. InnlN In a moment the water rai..ed the river n‘ er eight reel. The wreck of the old steamer Nile, WIIII Ir has been lying in the river also, street bridge,as earried down against the east end nt the w bridge with stub ion , us to sever it from its abet ments. and send it down the stream. This curried with ,plite a number or shops and small frame buildings which were in Ins( viriuiic iiistnut street bridge wa strut k on if s e west end by the floating "'reek of Cherry street bridge. and turned emnpletely round with a whirl which drove it off its centre. All of one side of the bridge is torn The piers of the Oneida street bridge are ennsiderably damaged, and it is otherwise out of—gear. Spring street bridge is great ly damaged. The upper pier is vompletely demolished, and a part of the bridge torn away. Huron street bridge is slightly dam aged. The wreck bad become so 'demo]. tubed by the time it reached that bridge t hat it sustained no serious injury. It wan a grand but terrible sight to w it nesisthe immense body of water bearing on its bosom, with resistless force, the dark mass of Umber, houses and logs, crushing everything in its path as if it were at sport. The darkness lent additional terrors to the Rime, and the shouts of those who hail congregated to witness the destruction the torrent was creating, added to the roaring and rushing of the muss of ice and water, created a perfect pandemonium. The loss (ntrat be less Oath a million dollars, and will probably be double that amount. The ravages of the freshet are not yet finished, but will probably continue for several days.—Miiterruk, Sentinel. vehento Revive the Democratic Party, Senator Sherman told this good thing in his speech at Bridgeport, Conn., the other any "A modern Democrat came to a Watt!, guished Democrat of the State of Ohio, (Governor Tod,) last fall, after the war hail ended, and said 'Now, ray friend, you Kt ported Lincoln all through the war; now the war Is over; you have had everything your own way; and now SUM,. We start again the old Democratic party.' 'Well.' said the old Ohio Democrat, 'I don't know but that would 110 a good thing; I like the Defilocratic party; I was raised in It, and I stuck to it until it deserted the country and went over to the rebels. I don't know but it would be a good thing to revive and pm rlfy We old party; but I would not do it Just yet. "Alt, said his friend, 'when would you do it, then?"My friend,' said the Ohio Democrat, 'when the Union party shall have discharged in full all the oblige. tinny it has assumed during this war; when it shall have paid all the pensions that are due to the WillOWs of soldiers; when it shall have paid every dollar of the national debt Incurred during the tear; when it shall have punished all the rebels; when, iu short, it shall have uecomitlished all that it has promised to do, then I am willing 1 that the old Democratic party should be re Nivea. I an, not willing to trust the Dent ocratic party to perform obligations that they opposed iu their contracting, I prefer to see It dope myself—lo pay my own de hte myself.' •' CEN. S. B. M. YOUNG, Late Colonel Fourth Prune, Iva', la I , air " PIELWLIP * III - ICIIIEVIr, ru het tc FL4I - FOR SHERIFF. , PAIN In, (ill Y. V A11141311E5, DYE'S' LI f I.c, Sc . qi '7l3lFc'ttr i • l n t al'n't i v '-ce't! Zn il t i l I.7"en c e'r n vp,t i o .. .... ° p..Aear. t COL. JAMES M'K. SNODGRASS, al .trto ia, Alle g ht oy. In t rlLlyd _ Of 11,1 a 'tap."se of Ilia• nth Pa lie/terve& )a in J • S( ' HOONIRAKEIft ht. BON, he a candidate for Sher if?, auw to ect the deetelon of tic eusnin g COOLIty CO. t ellt ion mix ' ' , Pittsburgh White Lead Works, r , "COUNTY COMMISSIONER, PURE Wbi'rt: LEAD, OEORGE HAMILTON, - , A I.tharp Corner. I a Yllt.burp I f ~ subject to the a. on of I loc ,, lit t. 1...11 BLUE LEAD titt , y i tal i tt A htil t hrg i. run PAINVIN 1 County f oneretlou . Repobliran 'flu , nlopperh ot gmain in this rif) . have 1 r - ...irl'OltSTllt COBINIISSIONEII. Mc.. 438 1017c)coell 1131brumet. been eerAecl with a nutl4 that they one.' .e . r pay to the AKeeto.or of Internal Revenue 1 CHARLES PUOH, _ on.. donor op every one thousand dollars 11l 1 (1( Ilanclicaler. all boa candidate for ( Dent, Colo DISSOLITTIONS. value of groin_ ___ _ ___ ___ _ _ slopped Eastduring the . 1 eartion of the Union Re _ _ oilasioner. aubject tothe ac t 855. 'Chia note created a good deal of et 1 P u "'"" ' .4" , C°”".""oe ruhr , eh ., I I DISSOLUTION. ''.___ eiteinent on `Chan ,, e yesterday among ship r-jr'CLERK 43". THE COURTS. . - pen, and ' resulted In a cull of the shippers of grain al the Board of Trade rooms to JOHN C. BROWN, , nu. Arm of TIERNAN I RETTY is litaeolced by Mutual conaent, to dale from Apra oat tree. lithe {DIU cOnsiderutiOn the subject matter Of 'late n t . . on Yownably, late Pried. (` u. IL WM . V. TIERNAN it. P. 'JTTY The Assennor of Internal Revenue vothdrues it " , ` l '"" • ' ' 0 1 . The betel or. or the firm Will be tall. ed al the old the law to tills e ff ect, viz: that the dealer is 1"..."'F0R CLERK OF COURTS. stand, 53 Ohio etrt at, Allegheny City. ••• to pay one tenth, and the broker one eighili 1 i n ~,,,,,, g fr om the above Oren I respectfully ..- of one per cent. - on all hales. The shipper . JOSEPH BROWNE, 1 ii, It a contLitifinee or the patrona g e so liberally be here,stosprell 11,1 the I t i zil r gi . , to my ver r e i ny i.„ ll :N i• IN the dealer under thin eninatntlepant Lao. hi . toin , c , , hh ., 'T.,. v„,„,,,,, , „.,, , „ 1 . , „„_ f ig . Oft CLERK OF COURTS. Ned the consignee at Buffalo Or Ne N i-yo r i c w:,...;.,17,..,A1,12 .:.2;, . n 0. 0 dc, ....0 ,, ,, :, ~,, ~,,„, , teg , 1 tonal c in the broker . Shippers hero have already I ,--50..,..jr 'r , " paid the one eighth of one_per omit. on I t a=ls? their ,ale, at Blatt,' ur Yew I. ork, and the DR. WILLIAM J. GILMORE, AnnehtiOr not' calls tipOn them for one tenth, or one dollar for overyonethottaand dollars otupper St.. Clatr. Township robe-Mau Lei of their shiptnenta.—Ohiedgo Republican. - LECTURES. A COLLEGE of the New England Amp is ECTURE, to be erected uponLOokout Mountain, the 4 tiCVLIC of General Iloetlatr's famous battle BY MISS SUSANNAH EV AN , the clouds. A retired merchant of New York has purchased ibur hundred acres of e t c7(y land, including. twenty-one buildings eree. nu . d. YOH TH Et sxl'Tr OF ?U uu P. • POOR. 4 " ted bithe Overawed. It is expected that , dora;.kTor;;rX:-.74,l4saltil'o'ti`iiMNlV,l:l.llr. VAIL—IL McLAIIIIN CO. the College will be opened next May, with I'LL , ...a r AL hale ° vett th oftio , Ne, 1131.11.Puttetb . aeuotaopan Lttetuo tu vOtanfkAra at , BOCOMMOdatiOna for eighty stlidents. apixta ' wattit. .pi =I - _ --NOTICES. , WANTED. A rst. - IN. - , i Lunn , 0 --Th. , Mobile NOTICLE.-.1. Stockholders' Meet- IV ANTED - -A Girl to do Cooking Regi.frr. of Mart it 29th, -stet- A triend ; •- ,,,ii i :,F A i:Z r e , :T.i.t4;:.At t t . f.: , , s . a A , ,,r_s - TuoLtuit F F and general housework. App., .1 Ho 6x i11..-tt .11,-W '1 1 iin hi.- pOt ket, y, ,ter.fity. a ~ , i rte de , on e ... y, • ,,.,, t ,,.r . , - .A . ,, ~,.,..,,,„ p., )2 , , ,,,,,,, v .,,,.. r . _ets -,......y...- ....F.. ris, ~ NA itit :,I: all ',tuna. isort ran.. and SI N', ,, i i , nril tut, at 4n t , .•,,,,•• Br on:let - j ot WANTE D. - MITI - A . l'lo N.-131 A , :.Ileti oar attention t , t the e‘.:llent like " '''' -- - - -- r 112! ()Ant , FIR , fsekAtes IBA , h - KEE I'l K. ra tio altl • r- BA, nor ~nl nun, ttlattelt alai, 34.... ...Is , Ms ussis e ,, crtorkit, to i ~ 1, e f m. , 1. th. n eus "' lii ' nni.l' C'ti ''' lln 1 '•'l 1.1 : "an • . AT A NIEI:TII: OF TILE BOAltll r,: , .11.,k,1-; , ..w,, 6. „,-;'• • Ail•lr. ss 11 .1 I' said Iti 'WIII 1..• Presid. iil , t 1 the Cnittal , A sr I hre. It ••• of do, 11ank, held this inns, 31r. . '.- i ' • ii' ' • • Stale. one tit I lie, .1 iv-. That Illull, ;1t ! ... 1' 1 1 .il nw-,-,1 - 1T.,...-:,!.,..;... R . P . 1 ., W .Li`r' ."14 ANTED -A GEN Al stale and -1,1.111. Al o'lol, i waA It r ttitt•l t E Lee, of -,-,.. • JOHN 11.a.a.e.,‘,Inle'at.teat i 1 T }'F. SI FE to se!: IH/LLAN le. t re. 0! . 111 . CO l, / LIFE OF LIN CUL , . "I'Prin.l i i w t Virginia. the "rel. I ' 1 1 1 ,1 , 11(1;1W of the Ts otetts,.. s tliokai r .ll/..sis t A Aatit t l'A PEI,. hook Of trio ssit Ind 11.111 ,,, r • n.1„.1 - I,,,,ny t i \\ ;tkilingi.ein I"tranger ciirsill .1.0. A l nralt •DAII. I.& I FA IEI AI N •,, 0601.1 hi I, Ns. OR 1 A 1N... ••11• .6 h thing , hat e Itaill.Nnt•.: in dd., :grit title anti , li HE NOTES OF TIIE ( I RAW FORD , Flto3l AN DEttStiN 1 1 1.1. h. tapteture -.odd ' ..a. ' lit I UNTI,BA N K Nies& l ile:VIL (ITT BANK. variable w mid, es's., ialk in this mutable 1111 1111: V 1...KAN00 Km./ N, 1.•,-..;i n. ~,,1 pE_ a?c ,. , , ,, ,. . , ..,:e . , „,,,,: a, YNI F.RY .1 11 , ,W E, .45 1/ I i her be lreerarY nods.., For tie, to: npplv . er addre-s, 1•t stiurgb, I a. oll.lx.fitAtii, Aincriea, where the cturent. of popular Z,.! ' ,. ( ;. ' ,1! .. ,. ' „'nA, A , N 0 ti 0; if.".:'.""". nIl ""‘ h '"' n ''' '' opinion run like inill•races. in whale% el ,n1,,,,tt 6.E.0. r. 1k S I 11 . 1 11.E.N. l'atAtler. WANTED-Good Agents , to Sell TV SHERIIAN Asa LTI. t'AIfrAIGN, 1, 11 1 '• 1 channel , Mr uni-amtee, fashion and passion , t ~, are TULA 'I IIL/1•1 , orric r... I X. \I/ HIS I A 111 . Alt. NS, tins latter 001 out, 1%1 r•ltt . lital. Aprll lid OS. 1 :.;“; te., pl, ' ri• ..'y Er..,,y• , ' tui tls it excavate for thein,lN o e. Whtm the Amer• N PERS": ANCE of lite 'list Sec- i - 1., -. .ti.liT HE A MLitt( A. N I N . V E i l l it tu: ',` : .' "itt,:.: 1 ran people d. , 'mike Lee their President. mot Man Act relating to Aheglieny County. ap- 1 a ' re ' alinew Books and Engravings. and a:tns can they Will get an honest man, a brave i :ADE- l' l '''' d i '"" 1" s '! • `.? ; or M`r• I*°" .: °°l „ °' ii". A ,".."'"li' du better c7ilA,Pre them than A I r ' 0111 dove', . .: r.f f n ".r . ' ' ' r l . F . '' tier, and a gentleman for that exalted ;ilr n :t'. ° l4:•:l ld i. -.ll ll,i'V'ett'ln'2A; Jr., .ga h nAtt i tjr ' Or 1 ' Atl rt.: it k 1.1.1 .t. 1 1 ' 15 j Ell ' i s i ' sore ' : . ' , PP l'itt -burgh, Ea. THE New York imii„ ,y,„ „Id. 11 i. :,;I.l,"::',.`,....r!Tglce ' a 1 :N'%, 1 , ) 7N;;:t. ` ,7 , ii '" i " , i . " „ i , l" ; ' . "'" ... ~. pp. PEAR yielding 10 Andrew -lohm.m the -min, e-tr 1 T . Z . ',7,,- - 'l''".':',.',", ' ' - , 1 :: 1 r1 F '7: - Z.;;';'7. 1 '.7.',.;;! .. ,Z'; I VI - -- V...; . /7 - nrn - i.:17;. - Fr. - ;‘,1 71 ”7117-7-, ;::Itt i r nest Aupport it gave during the rebellion to A r ad aft;:r ft:, govt DA y tIF HAY. laiti. Said ' IMPRoVEI 1 TWENTV•DoLLA It ,EW INU Al A- I Ile administration (f -letfer,m Mari,. in- -1,-11,gi-nr,:iLA--",`,ll•l°,;o,7Ll.,fr„`7,l;',;(TT'T`„`.l":( (1'1...,ti':,,T,`',,':,-";.",',1.,•,;-.n.T.'1.'„:7r1.r":,.."-,`,.:..,:',.:•: terprets the recent Pre,idetond pl,•clazna , FIVE l'Elt I ENT 1/1 1 1 1,1 1: NT for prompt pay- , slim {add. Ti,,- ONLY Machine soel to EII it t..1,t ales lion, when it says that . the i mot err,: inn L. l tr n 1 , , , , , , 1: ‘,. ....5 . , i ii i .: , - ; , , ,, ,,, i N1 v . , ,, 1 JT 0 tte ., 71 ,, 1t; .., ar:`. „ , • lA ~.,.1 . i r a1„,, 1'' ,Z ri rar, 1 2 . ‘ .:2 • 111 i1 1 ,.,,,,..;./. 4 11 , , ,, , f , ';' , 1::::Y1 . 1 T . : at an end, and h. hen,forth,,....te 0:„,:,i,, Mx... paid during F. month of August. 1 in., will and Besehelder. All - ire !S -od." to tnenn that l'(.11,L• 1 c.a. I. t o r,,, , 1, r , ll,', - , r 'lcl:,,,l:l•,, k u r i t - , N „ T ,:., A 0 L ,",,,,, ) ,V:,,,,,'",: r " . Onto:i2i:O,',i',!;°- o r i '' ,, ' ;Mt .'s i r t ii :l,,=O i ry r ;,;;c:.T:,• r ,i , Al ii!r ; ',77 "" '" °°- this i par dixit :IA all tini,ratt;.• /1)11,n11114 to IN , OTICE TO OWNERS OF iLIIRA TS, I•swr admit. the Cs' ottitern lieprekerdatit e and i .l. HA oil's, sr.-cone. B hereby i p e i ;,, aft - Senators 1111 Mediated, , tit . Catlin,: ill ; I hik, owners 01 . Dray,. Cart, Carrlages, Buggies, Er., FOR SALE. the A . ,,,,, ‘1,,, I.R _, ~,.i i , ~,,, ~,,,,. ~,...0„,,., wilethtd redd i tint or min-resident in the cur ?f . 11 .` I'lltst.nrgh, to pso. I heirCtri uses at the Treasurer ' a VOR A /4 1111111 Route on the as We ludleX eit 1. Ilie porpo-e Of the Pre. odic. of the City of FIB 'burgh, FORTHIVITIL In i . SALE , . , ‘. secorilanee with an Act of Assembly, approved oaLETTE. Apply st rt.. or , . a , 1 1 - 1,1 idell 110 tr.,: On .1- .1,1-1, ill Ito legat et • Ntarell Ix LILO. and an t/rdl.., or ma coaacm.. i , •oit s • .. ...•••• AND -.•- h•.•t ''' IV,• i",,., here anal her prog mann, tile lit, of , Vlttsh e u , rtit ,4 passed April la, 11 . 60 1 ,r eu d , fi e i e l ‘ II 1,1,,.,.... . 1 4 1 , .. „. a i f f„ 7 „ a!!,.. r ,.. : 7 , , ,,, !. , . ,,,.. " . 7 . ~,- -. !.. , ,,7, "f r.. 1 .- .11, '" "in i.1" . . 1 ('",• "Ill'it n'.Y " r ' ':,-..1'17 Z !.. . ,71,1i ter !7',1 s • -iiairt;.'r; to take „.f•;,,-.. la‘t iceatta. la ia,- ,11,. 1. lin, gape In r , Is offered to any perion I.l.lilng to engage In the may am Is• intetnia et I . Intl the hare Met , thi. „ . , ‘ , 1 . 0.2;t , r ;n , , T . 1il t ic . a ,, , , n. , , , t r v , u e f e ttl y e , l e:r t:e m nse e,. . , be re. , r , u,,, i,,,.in..... ..,,, , en,,,,,,.,,,e,„.. ~,,,,,, I 101 l it i- thus. endorio•il , 110 W, only too , turned at the Cline Licenses are * talten out, or pay confidential. Ailtirt•A• 1 . . 11. 200, l'lonburgs. Well What results the zualtiuk champion , of • 2.5 cents therefor. mligli.lf RATab Or "Illy polley - expect It to produce,- rhiia Each One Horge Vehicle iy so I VOIR SALE-IN MANCHESTER - drlph id prexe Each Two Horse Vehicle law -a- SRN ERAL 13N1 Al.!, HOUSES, near the l's•ncte Each Your Horse Veldele IS CO , ger Railway. One of them • good Bustnes, and TRIAL OF .IF.FY 11 1 1 \IS -Reliable inf,,r Ear h 1 0.. Horse Hark IS CO 1 Reasonable terms, and ludnetilkto P 0.1,111. ..11/ , u ses. and Timhxr II heck drawn by two tbe Oxen, or they win be exchanged tor u.siipr.ii .0 Illation 1111, liven n.tteirt...l tier, Its from , an, 610 Welch. For roe!, !Additional lion, tined 1 loin In or near the Borough. F.nnuireof WI 1.1.1 A XI Itichniontl, to the effect that a movement is I in an) eel he above Li.ii,V2i I.l,)rik(•tty BLACK near the ,arlogn Bank. apitattl 011 foot In t Obtain a Writ of io.doe. ~ , r i. o ,. Fri - tom no ti. Vehruari 'Alt 1 , 01 .-6.l.ln r avil ' , FOR SALE-lOWA LALND-$2,000 1' HUNDRED Asa TH 1 11'1 1 for the release of Jefferson Davik The ' , A c.,T E AH" : T FI T • - •.. b. Ot LAND, nituated Ilea! \I ebster 1 II). Writ ill question may is.-tie either front do PROPOSA LS, United State , District l'ouri..ludge 1 ilder %.11:ALED PROPOSALS, for the ' r , t ft7,,t1,: . ), !: ,1 :. "' ..i i, 1ii ,? ;. ,"t.". 1g r N17:!" '-' :.% ' 7 " ti ‘ r L t: W 1 1 1 1 .1 itre , itling, to Iron! a State Court It kJ t.,,,titt, And I . nt Inc t , f Lat. r.. 1 Ailey., Lo- OrYlkk. . fe_lelf 1 , .. 11111 likely l Ilfli n 111011 di I !Biel - wood' , et . ..:4 to t he/dam stret:t. odl ts, r. et it tti 17 15,Ad.,,Aft. 14'on S AI .E-A three-story Brie!. will - 6 1 mott , ll' , ' ~,l l!, 1 er-lit 2 ,‘ It' r" , ' ..4.; F :- " ..t. ' t ' 6..10 r .1;`,. ' .., ' ,PT;',. 1 ,71'.'72,` - ..1.'.11„, r - -L , ,DAVET , I , II4.; 11 11 1 1 SE.. iintalnlng eleven roots. oti i t, no v. 1., r....ltitt on 111% er A s emit. Ad.. 0111.1 t tt purl,. i.i. The iII it I I inl ill NO , ..hest,.loon A VRIL Pitt, 1,4. _ ~ttetti tit 1, near the !It ettsnle rOrt et !Ohl, 11.11 , I‘ • N hi ": I 2lft et to I'm :set. Tule tad ispst -mu '' will now 110 Al 0111 Illy Ilrit'ell 111. t all Ito „1,,,, . •. It nu- Mod ` '•' ..n. .11 ' . A. l ii ' i •" . • crate i' , .1.2.k.,1011 al, 111 1111111# 0I In trl v For Nri her Itehl ill llt 1 , tilt:trim antler ihe indictment , I 'EAI.ED PROPOSALS, for the ', rrtlettlar.. apply to .1. S. YElitil'AttN, No. 16 a pending tigainkt him in the Super t t me ',F ur I S undo, of Nlson Street and Alley. betoeen , """ th `"'"'• oiler . 0.1 Of tide dial rill -ll / raft f ',,, ,xpr,,o ti e 1,, „V. Nixon and Adams tit - ver5....111 Is. , iv" i . ' 11.:OR SALE--A Valuable Country' I.SAAC ',TM ART, ,treet I ontmlustoner, or • 11/ . , L• i. ,,,,,,, , ,,,,,, ... } ,.. ,i...,,,..„ , t „ tm ,, en. ~, ,,,,„,, , ,,e,., Y. Tarieft. underalglll-d. al the erne,. of 1.11,1,., P.rke & On.. Railroad. one and Altai( miles from Witklunlntrs, klanchester, nntll AYR 11. 1,11. Illokt, Tut. I StoF Milli. I i 1.1111 1 , l'oNOl.ll 1 - W. N. KIRK. ' Elet en were. Ike Pl' retie. of Laud, One new 110 .-11- A German caneaturi-: ha. well hit off the E.a 7 t 4 committee on Street. l7 r , ..:‘ , 1".1 , 1 , 1 , 11 , i , g r , t . e ,, s ,, r, e sTis did ,51Iar I . lntleriten . lll . I 1 LeThe ' r ' lnfo ' on t\ ' ! I? '" un "" fl ' '''''' ' '' i r prOlnlble I nt,e and Intl ll:title elleel id the ; IIIIOPOSAI.S will be received by ~,,,, , ,,,r . ui A . 'n• 'A AN No. 10 n turn klli ' . on the vendee,. devil quarrel which has arisen bet w veil ; • ,,, th :ZlArTa.k . ' ' 7 , 1 1 - ) .,' „ Vi c • T jn...W:c, .."1 - 1 1 , gni I o: .at f Anal flu Slid Prllilsia ill regard theto al , 0.0 %A -Irk,. ut at!! A [Tun O'l ATION, Fenn I. IK• ; FOR SALE, propriatirill of the Multi,. wiekted from on 1,.. for 1111. Year or nuire.. I.OOtoAnIA tt, W. .1 irreLP , l i tOn tail, White Litui•. SS CI. 111. XII 1.1.1. N. , upeontentleut, fortunate Denmark The 'CI tie represent. ''' at the Works, or. 101 ' I aleitiati I•laAlt ri a 101 Land Plaster. It. it It wiDaNEß.S.cretar). . lionnin eirt It , Napoleon I Ile 01 Cllttiet4 „, ~ l ttA l - HydraCtlc Centel:l. •t. ..4111t...tuth Fourth tit„ M 1,. lot • • Rosetelale t emeit 1, I 110 1111111.1 1:11 :.ruff, A tillt• a 1'11..401 and an x LLEGIIENV COUNTIi WORk ,AI 11 1 . 0 Llnerly idle. t. An.trialt ...Idler. in eladtalori.o . d.,iinte , • -, 11. 1 1 ,F. AN it INErtitlAytt: Asymiet.-mess. , Il l .. '" ~ ... W W. W ‘ l .- 1 - 1 1 1 are entering . the it 1 . 0113, 11 1111 kidatilig him kst. sin ts reielled mail Al'lll 1.30 th. 1 / 1 110. Man. 1 j..,`0111 SALE -TIIIE PRACTIt'S I. with the ant Imo fitrintila--". I ta, Cosa,. !// "a"" "' ii " ... "''' i """ ii " . f° ' ‘ h " ' ili '''' ' " P i ''' . L ENGINF.ER, by John Wallace: RYl`.•ll4 1.,.1 It t,,0, of Lund net , -creedlng no) ac, , , .Itu,tte nut more I • enlarged and Itinittored Alotai one-half of 11.1...11 fie/df. , r, ;nor,' 0 , , It ma i of., n : ''' - I liti',, than sts tu1.... Flom the ed,. , i,. ;,,,,,,, Imo 11,. already keen 'old. N.:ten Engineer or in tn C•1•••Ilr. Emperor ' We who art 11110111 In !,.. , , : . ;: . , - , - .. , , .. - ,.,Ta . , , „ . ;,; , , ,, ,.. 1. ...: , , , , r,,,,,,r,!:.,a1.,,,,,,irt,.„. lit. OWII.I or runs a riteam Noy... shotdd me., i die .:dole you' . '- They light and 11..trit1 ' a ii.tSiti. F? It. Wll 11 Y.. Vreablen 1. i.op,. It only netoi. to be read Io be appreehtt el All oder', dtreeted to the ottisorther al 11 , 11 111 , ~r , .-C ,Els. A 1.13 BEE >. wedged. ~, . . ' ' ' • our undi, tor the Filmier.. ' . pleakare ~.,1 -r r,, ,,,,,,., , ,, c,,,,,,,,,,.„ ..T 1,1 REF I. 1 tu.shurgli. l'n. will ibl• yr° in pi • attended to. Price per cope, 91,00. II 0 BAt E NI 11 N A Illi. :II 't grt .tt tilet•l 11, il ''' ' 'i" ''''' AP"' 'd• l'ir4 " 'il" 'a" A.°'d ; aldEllld AN, . ,I'. V; AI-I.A t }- held ill New Pia ten last Sat Orlin„ , gale h,., x 01'11_ E 1 . 10 CONTRACTORS. VIM SAI,E ON TIIF: 11114 MANUiI .., __. "pin,. 101 l !midi,. sent 110,111 ii Te 11 !It •,, . Et. 0h0',.. limo 1.4•1011',01,0 i• / t A RI 1 ER.- I offer for +Ale Ito NI I N EFIAL RI, 11"1 ' ? I ill , ‘IN Ix HENDRY-IA St ItE , -dual, .1 Iu .li.l .• and North Catolilot 1- toot...its. hoed to It. VIT . ,. wry. Al a reh :Mb, Inca. , • , Fropoxal• 6, the construction of u Entitle ~ .....-r s l ,'" i. " . 1. "`" I "'''' ' 1 "" • I' i a'• ll I- 1, " 11 ald Iv." Ill,c I folk 111 1-' ll ll 11, ' 11 ' 111 .' ll.l I' 11 11, I ' 11 ' 1 'il In Oral. :qr..* t. from I itynond ~,,,, , o 0,.. m o „„ i _ 1 , be 1 1 /A.. Is 111 atiTtilatics. And , d_goi!il_ ,11 V TI., ~,,,-1,,, ~. ~„ ~,,i,„,,• .., T,•„ l Ater, OUI he rect., 0.0 01 lite tstllt evf Mt un- I ir. n h r 0,, ,, , , ,:;.:;,,z,;; , ,,T,i;;;, , i,...... , ,,t , ,-,7= 1 . 1 ,,,,,-,, , ,,,,,.,,,,,,.... h---... h , -hi, I ..h II: he-I , ;-I I' , llll'i I 'v ' ;S . s r' it l it: '' ,., l o ' i l' g, '‘ i ,' :ii . s ' . H .4 ' lnr.tli, “ at ti :c ' s i l r . i . s! ' .. A .rn "'"," "..''• ' ''` lll. "` i . K'l - 1 "'''“ ''"all ••ad '"•'' 1 , ..sable, Andre-. THOM 0,11 l Sot 1.1., A-Wand. 11) favor ••1 lit,- Ida, k num. and 1 .Could ' al this "O 8.. O I 11 I It 1.1 . ItY1 1• 11 , 1•FARIt. h ""'"'" • nts. nod not Wan.'. rII Tenn. -., V4l Vi. tII l• Ida, h mfr , .1,-I __l ll, otd . tai lii•gulat-r. I,`oll SALE.-A saluable Store Man the [twit' to Not. helot, Connet•ri, ui i „ , N. ()TICE TO OVVNERI; OF LIME- ' . w. ,, .... , -• ~ . •I ll , e l itna 11 1 a rotnlnandttta It. , dock. And the Ma, 1 limn It ill moitartit .... , .1,1!..} . - "11, Pt novel, an salt Manor:seta, 1 ' ai ">• '1 N. a Trigg. Fhtto to.nstdp. Allt eheni 11110 ....tiler in North tO. ..Ilan than in Penh toe i ompani mill rect•it e pro pupal% ' , tribe no pp!) . ut 1 ';',..111,i,,77,'1;d4'°1iii, ".,r,,"Ze1t',':„.0,,".%",,°.‘ni,T,r,',. good laud, with excellent water and other rt.-M -'', WE I-1,1 , flf I I 111.,L.. / . .,1 Ih, f•S' f th:o ."nira,‘ 1,. ~i) I 1 . -FOUK PEE I'EN I PI.- Ifl In• ...11 , ..reff In upon the Al/eg finny r• Vo•lo./r1; 111. n• n'...oranY ., Work ,of Ini j \\ 4.f • fond will, tin. eatern . ra. nfo of !Al.,' • !oft , in 1. 1/ 1 - 1 111 ~ 1 1 ,1,1 1111 1 1....1 I.ylln.r.;;lraf . .V:;. " ;f:•f . L 1 . 1 . A.:711/T/:t. 1„ HI , /11, )11• 1 4011r 1 1 1 . 1 11 11/ ". 47,,, " 71 ' ,!: "" r 3,1 Ilse sm ""• '."'• r'• THF Nl.ts l / 1 11. , 1,13 ,<SE I tic Cis IA ritt.ll !•) 11,L.1 . , • t' tit,ln-Lnl *IVOR'S SCIENTIFIC ACADE— y , )I Phil). 41111th:it ~1 11... Fr•••••i 1.1.1',11EN mail > ill/I , as. I. k lush Ali,o,nr Flavk I:Willing, win NItIN I) • April uth. IMl••liatian . , bus A 1.., In 11, Arlo•riwou. end E.enlng, pupil-. ate !ley to • • ••• •:61 A 1 —,\ A HITII)IETII .A. 3 , 3 , ...p0kr.01te0d. For 1., rii•rg Lniii. 3- :rem r "Tr' (qt. in it. the 111411 lint ILr 1311.1orio•,t \IRS. SMART'S SLI.ECTSCUOOI., to I. 1,11.1 ot It -ling in I.i•iii. No PA :.3 111,10331. near .1. anal that liii• .il i England 1,01.1 A-con. lirli igr• ;wiled In 13. t 111 1,111. rt.ii7 a. •to.ol) tor,. a.lna ontrooa,. lo•stowcol on t!os e•talon•hoo.n , 1 Pro, [psi L. ii tr o:1 it l Ihal Is !lull ! i nit., t i on ZIA 311.1 Ilia NN lon liu. liar , TV , ,, , ,, T. , , tpa1 r :!' 1i.: , T11..kTF.11. 43. • 1 for to•tructom ati 31 , 1 1 P111,111, o. 3. 111. 3 a03,111i I to.aoolo.• Wlto. olvo,t 10 t.ihr i0.h.13 . , trip. 111 " K "'"'". INTE " r. ' II " 3 " ilit• Pran, t• andrest otury that half of store onnal, 111 , 0111, Ili.•y tilitcrad the • arting. S. N.—All o' 4 ) roao.eulal Notolloo T.E. isor 1. , 1 la rot t'si BIT tzt• 11111111 , e, uI t onllitlalli. 310.11-• nt], till ;It, eunlrt BIB• 11 EASTERN MANUFACTURES tif all It, IATATEmII A E N • s TIME D E T ECT _ , alit 111(.111 1 Vall Y Mt, for rorporatione and noolufmeturitig Con not ittlitChoti , iTitio--e-miiabir of controlling w rill or Vito., I t nAt T motto. itt watchman or patrolniati ottt4tniit Towle C.eigrt• , , Itr , Ettli. 41 I.mgress tla.,..trsud Iron] 811.44,011 1 / 2 , ]]rooks. Iry "'n• that will :broth] kiln &r.-411. LITTLE- Ie ""r New Y r " l. "llgr l '" a ill le. 11,1111 (11l 1,, ((nit t int; !lure the l're. , l rat , . Ll -off t'4 , " Le en , : '.,tent Carriage Top Prop, Stale anil lerrituiiat don' It 410 lin,. nada, In the e lien, for sale. A LAM' uf.lauoslllle, WI.. who Witi•Oili• Of the lIIUKI tlf•liVf• inernber. II( the Aid Society, on being hop she liked sho,ll, President Jolini.ou',. apeeeli of the t.i2.1 iit 5 John bir nrrnt eet. t u news., and nil4.4.:Nsu- Foltrtiary, replied tartly. •' felt like •N•n.l.lemlui el E. U. BLAKE. log lint again " I.IOSTON CORSET SKIRT Co., ..- , llannracturerkthnd ink proprietors of the Pal- POLITICAL. en! CorTet which veiatiorny. colnfort 11 and health. 1711,0 n street. Boston. Hoop Skirt., of t,,rT In ri arOty. ko, or,t, and !Ire CONGRESS, 2241 DISTRICT. r "' ILS Iserrtell REEDS AND HARNESSES.—J. A. _Lk NON. J. K. MOORHEAD gOVI'DEY .1 SON, Harness Manufa, turerk. Bros 'deuce. It. It Mattufa,lorers' suppllc. Having plarecl hint al the of hl. frletol". ConSlAtstl , ' tin Itattd• tultZt:2ltu•Su.l In r0np....• to their rail mane on lilt, Him Bann. o • - - - _- - - • null/ p,.,sided b, theta as a rato Ma lidate nninti.- DRUGS AND CHEMICALS. Hon fur I °ave.. th or e nit rkt, aubjeet I. • the action or the Untun Itepohlican County Con' cti. Bun. ant, SPRING OF 1566. r ... „ -- r — CONGIIENS.—The friends or - HErer.A.l3A.ri 'EA How. JOHN P. PENNEY (BLOOD CURE.) Wlll pr e, hIHIM(' tO the c•r the Troi,, ',renal, drolgried In nni nnil rition parr,. for nomination Tali andlilat• for Ciiti ...,..,. .„ gee.. In the:LA[loam, ~,u let "" v , B. , r I A col all ]]],rase. of the eni.rt. E4grCONGRESS. ttally reinciiil from Mt e) tent. sold it, oily- at TO vein. and SI ear h. I, SIMON JOHNSTON, tot Coro., nrulthflold and Tortrth . _ TT'S STANDARD ht A CA IN THE 1.40 lot for the Hair. t"..If — FOR SHERIFF, T 1.01t111V.1. .I.llghtfhl Bern... for the Ilan.]• ker' K AI.I.IST. - A , „emetic fur retool lug Fresher, SAMUEL B. CLULEY lat., tionburo. , OHMS TA I, Itnefll-WANII An k.:llxlr for Bre , m'hieet to the ...tom of the 1 oh Rep' hlte•o roue. ;P'TAl"nltyl'oorratnn. m I'd re.. G VTY-rly aied li We F h and Delicacy of Perfume. 10NAS WHITCOMB'S ItKMELYY- For Asthma, rar . ll , oll SIRERIFF, ROlkt Buhl, Hap Fever, are 111'10:IMF'S t ANDAIW FLA N'A.Hil NH TX CHARLES BARNES, TItACTT-For l'ooking purposes. Ahy of the Rho., natuo4 articles can Aiwa,' be procured at the Central Drug and Presertratol, Late , None] Sixth Beg. I', Hon,' Artillert and Store. corner of Ohio •01l Fe.leral atreete, the I Br,. Brig 6 4 '11. 1 . . ti A subject to the anion of Starlet HOU., MiGith,•l2Y. 1011' the Union I . onTettlion. nit= — FOR SHERIFF'.GEORGE A. KELLY, rital GENERAL JAS. S. !HOLEY JOSEPH ROSS, of the Vlrni Ward, Pllt•burgb, be • dale for Sheriff. subJect to the •rt lon or the Union Republic. CoUuly Convention, 'FOR BUERIFF 20,000 Tons at Limestone, EDUCATIONAL WHOLESALE lIRVLAiImT, .)Ib. 87 ;rood Street, uPPUBITE THE ST. CHAELM HOTEL, Drugs, Chemicals, Patent Dledicines, Mn. - r - nv~Ry; OPENING. On Thursday, April lithy ALL. THE VERY NEWEST STYL 'ES OF SPRING & SUMMER MILLINERY GOODS, AT EMS. KITCUENS, LOU FEHEILAL ST., ALLEGHENY CITY a al:Ild REMOVALS. ten. ppt 31 11OFFETT. N ix, o,r.aut On ~ l'iltsburgl, I. FOR RENT. FOR RENT--Lodging !looms to I 4:2 , 1 AFTER 1 , 11t,T A I•1211...--T, ta-n/ resperlahlt. young plan. In a enntral La aunu. ' 14`011 KENT —A l'otintry sent. eon tnlng 1:7 of no/I: tarn, Iwo-Flo, Bit., • Dnelitng Barn. •Itnal. , l 2 mile, fromthe InAtlnt. oppnalt. .1. • fauna, Fruit liardrns. Apply In • 1/3112 & I,`OR RENT- The Lot on the eor- ‘ n % " ( 21 , fin'N Illy lot has lil lan.t funnl cp to an allay. \ leam In; ilvt. or inn Anara. \I • ply in it al. DAT,022. Ni,. 37 •Irert. ma•oonllIonr. mhs ,r BOOKS. STATIONERY, Bze.. . .. 44 01 114.0 11,1., 1., -, 1•/, k. alid ilarr•Le • , I lor, R Itru.dr,... rr. ake, : t•orr, r rntr... I Marking Pot. , Wagon Tongrn •. I do Brod, I llor•e !tirttr.l... 7 . amp Ken tie.. II Holing saddle-. 7r Mesa Pans. 6 HI Irrig Ilridlr, .1 Window shade, or ...ddle Blank et, ' 2 Ptnp.., N• Halter Cla.:o, r I' •rher ir Sht•ar... 2tr p nlr. Pr ea, r•lta 111, 161. Urain :. , sl ,- 1..n, tr. 1 11.14, SY Whitewash lir., he. 2.• Fut.., ~ , onto-. i Paint In 1 Ink • 2 Road scraper, 10 Era•er... I nil Wagon Hound. Ruler,. r • Wagon Curse,. F.,elet Maelitto.. ' fla do Row, sheet Iron lilou, • I Fiat Elle, s oflice 1 hair, 1 1 1 ... Pince, .. , ~ . Deal., , H. 0. Collgf Field ' I able., 2 VI It,. 11. 4 . n00 4,...1.5. 2 Hand Wrenche.r, I Portable Forge .r. Hope Halter.. Chisel, Iti Neck itairer, • Auger, 2 Hen.l do and At r. 1... 11111014.1, I Hitching strap, . Hann now,, Henri lards. r Crowbar.. 41 Ger.... Collar, I , 'oat God, '2 Choke strap... 6 Hove, 1. Spreader Chalon , I. Vire Poker., BLANK BOOK 6. EVERI BESCBIPTIIiN. '"" l nd i r• • Lead ar, . r• Spade, IN Shot ell, at Joekey Stick., 5 Fire Shoeel.„ I Table and Paper fare •r Mattock,. ' I t'ook lug Range. 7 Rrlck. Trowel, II 'tore, r: Straw I'll tter, 7 healing Slur e., A Axe Handles. ;100 1 0 4 5 1. Stillt V ni.... 4.1 Plclr Is 120 EH leo wa r. ....._. '21.1 Mattock Handle., Mattock Shovel. MN Tong, . Iron Kettle, I candre•Gcl, I Drug Mill, a Truck,. I Iron Mortar. I pale Tl'llrk IV 111,1, . I Wodgewool Mortar. I •et Br...clung. 2 Horse Lane... I Martingale, I pair Velcuary Shear - II Wagrin Whip, 3 St doge . .1 stall Ile& for wagon ,. I 'el 11. N. Tools, 1 Slide It ..11, r. 1 . 0. II Doohletrerre. I S r S. Bellow, NJ Singletreee. I St I.:1 . 1041,one , , F 1,. 0 Wagon llnninte•.. lures. 2 Coupling Strap, i till *tone. 12 Hanle, t Nall 0 ' ' " 1 .„ 5(){3 nti , i , ,RitiNlDN &Hp A DFOlt IFS !,,,,,, i t; , ,, T , , , ,+:, e , , .. , g• i spring I lawn. I •aritller• Rounder, 111:01•S I'OMMERI'IAL A PEN , , I Anvil, u tit, Holler., l l l tf ) ; l l '.' s " 4o ', :4l .' i;, `"tu" TEd "" I Ihritres, 2 011 Cay, I F.arrier • Hammer , nr, .....ort e o 0h,..,.., 2 Num Mill, WASHINGTON MEHAILION PEN, , do Rolle,. , HUNT'S JENNY 1.1011 PEN, 10 Horse Rasp. I Counter Sealer. And , &Hone other brand, steel Pens, tpriti•. .1.1 1 . “.. . . -Cti.b. n• ' I.. 'r e .T. . yolll Pen, ' Sale to continence •1 ~ .s. s,. g- , 11. CROSS. 431 ,4 0.1Lti:/ .1."131Z4.7181, , aii: 1,1 1.1.111. C01...1111 11,1p111. Q. M. Gen •I. Beat 'Makes, warranted: FABER, EOlll.ll and „o„., i01„14, ~,...„4„ „, i rtTION SALE OF HOSPITAL LEADE PEN. los. • ~ A s'l t.ltßs. Wllloli 1 . WINES, S,. a liNti NK l.ll•o. llt , V El. •s, I 11,11., 511,1 4/1,1 In.ike.a • ''' MUCILAGE III. 01•11 1111”111....1 ta Mr. Pl . -, Puny F. TOW, ornns lloil trig,. WarditNrirris. 1./, C„ March 21, Isrui 1 LEGAL RILL,, 'Al', I. rrrE: aAs Ii Nrr I F II ill he o uld al Puhlic A.m.., In th i. cilY , al 110 rm. Elea. Judlel.rry square Wm eloniee hack of Ito' Cit. tiny BLANK 110111 i, all klud.r.n WEI tN 1.011110. M 10th d c laay of Aprll nex 1, 'al lo LEGAL BLANKS. BLANKS. more, a. r It,. the following articles of lloaprini VISPI'ING CARDs, store, and Loon,. no longer required for tile 11.. And all ol.11:2 kinds or Counting /1411•• Mr , ' -...1...r.1 or the meal. al department of the arm, ID: Stationery Arrow Root. lo,noult, Dee.lrated Po. BOON AND JOB PRIN/1 !srif , Kane`... •• •1 11 . 11 ou - tato.... . . y it,. • Corn tar..ll 10,mo • • Mixed lir ' rlr..... rh; 401 JOHN P.- HIM' & CO.'S, . ::;" - ;:.-',.'“..7:...i,: . ~.1 , - , ,..: .!..... Farina. 211, ion • M :la i ty, to trni• ..119 Fifth St., Illasonlc Hall. i 1.,, P 1,,,, • • .1 , .. ,, . •• - ~.1,...0, ... , 1 ,0 Ext. of Herr. ...1 Par '• Sherry Wine, 1 utiCen'd Mi11.....V.taal - quart b0tt1e...40,0ml ranger,— ..... 1..0gr .• Sherry Wine, In Vol. of 1 . 011.-« a,76.1ga1. 1.111f1,1111 ...... ' lit'llll. COY ilia. Tarragona Wlne,'''' • Pea Deana.. 2.lnU •• tltlea. ..... .10,0. T I Shorn article/I will be 'Ol,l In lot. to aril, hot.. large and sm all purrhahtra. Term 4 -I'asli. Else 15, dap wOl he allow 1 d ro part,' In rein', In the, property. La...10g0., ready lit tile 0114 proalutO. CHAS. OUTHIRLAND, , urgeon and Purveyor. U. S. A. 1 1 . W. 110,111.C11. ....1141111. r. 1111i24:t1111.1 DIARIES. MEMOR %NM MS Pass Books, TIME. RECEIPT AND DRAY ROOKS, Adams Express Receipt Books, FOLEY'S COLD PENS, WARRANTED; Wrabping, Manilla and Writing 1-"_A_PERS =II MYERS. SCHOYER & CO., ap7 - 11 NO, 1,1 F Trrtt bIItELT. WOMAN AGAINST WOMAN HI tit EN DIARY ATT tDA LWITSHOPTffIiVAIRMSNOVEL,.T, BROKEN TO HARNESS, RV EIJIIIIN) y ATP • Evlnor orremple Bar Magyzinv CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, &c SIMPLICITV AND FASO CATION, I= NO Modern novels have, arm med the At tr u i lan ..; novel readers more quiel, Ur rvel, mi .trongr t Met AILI-1111 lIIIISTHERS No. 0 47 endomement as "VII RATE," and "( A YIT Al., F.I . RI 11 Y 1 I'ItEET. Wr hare an Lund t , 1 , than these. Every I.lbraryatotikaltatorr has thaw ta pf. t in. Ana,k. nf ap7,101 LORIS - CI, PolOtsber, limo« o. , CLA—Vi1...W . M . 1 . i..1%7 Cot t_ SMITH'S - on ec, rA deacript , an and rt ery gratka al .0311, 21 11, n l ide Tlltl. I, t ro nail AeA•oned, rtnnt 3 te. 1 1,. fret I'IANI. AND l'Attl.F. t • OVElt, — Every kind ~. AMERICAN INK, Exactly like ARNOLD'S ELL ID, mud Otle. 1 2 KA , RT," ‘,” tblol cheaper. Dire It a DIAL It D endorsed irlr•J, some °yeti...S. assountAsta In the sous,. y. CAN' irN OA AND MANI 1 • mb22 J. L. READ. n Fourth sISE,I. 1411 ATTING,„( . ANII ' l ' lORTIIWIST CORNER OF PBIY &St CLAIR STREM, FURNITURE. FE RNITVEE, _ - r g i :/xirm7,l,ttntr.t i ;.= 2::,vo t .1 - ,,,1= __ _ A NI) W E OFFER THE LARGEST ::TrointYst i i:rg :,,":,7.11 - 11 b ,LIT4".7M' i l CANE AND WOOD CHAIRS, Stock in the West of :ovary- )vlected swig , I Ar • aaufactoretl A tal roe )ale, thing in the line of Carpets, Wholesale or Retail. Oil Cloths, Dathask, Reps and,Fine ~wit AN Woolen. Goods, V I TVit 6 EN T L ENE N 'lf Ml' Ita 0 JANES W. WOOD'WE 11.1., .Lace Window Curtains, Gold - - ":" - frA Ts, CAPS.,&c. Bordered and Plain Window ------- " — EITAIVB,ta P 8 AND .-- NOS. V 7 & 99 THIRD STREET, 1866.1866. Shades, Table and Piano Coy- NO. 711 PoIHITH STREIT Opposite E. Edmondson & Co.'s, and ere, of our own importation, at ISltrel - Wlir Gir-CoCZPCIE3 1 , JOHIPII =TAB .. ANTLIONY IfiTah. ' thaLowest Prices reached since AT WHOLESALE, 1 JOSEPH MEYER & SON- Diana- i aurae,. and WholesAlw Apd In !the war. A lihe of Scotch Li- 31.e4D(..).1Et1E) & CO., FURNITURE F-ND Ctiai2-. No. 434 I ENN HT. :f t ri Arettili y tu j= iru AV= rA l :1:21 i grain Carpets, of our own im- 181 ' WOOD STREET, *e m atfrt 14,nr ii . r qtriirg=;;;VZ: portation just received—very Aik partlceler au i‘ II AMU -4 l' th. 'RI. "I' '''' ''''s rm." "is'''. handsome---never offered in this CHANTS to thelz Ih e t:ZhE or eirr U oo °ll ll l' Ll T y tpit.lNG --- HATS, etc.• which they 'WILL SELL AT GREAT -TxEs. • country before--and at prices LY REDUCED PRICEIL McCORD A LI.I - ._ aiscnnir---fritE NA- ; based on the present rate of Gold ' ---- —'"'""'''''''''"-- -- ''" TIONAL MRICIC. /LACHINE =epic, with eiiiy .... ..., .we w ....... & DRIMSTRY • two - horw' tw , w o ic 2) .C" • A tt 4 ^ 1 1 eitc p.r - iley. ' LUX/ . B.M.A.a.ri JJ CO LLINS, wish well ilellawi•cllce. mmiceeng,tew. UtiIe I II SEPII 7 .IIIIAB, rieivirlii,6iii- m. 41 1 .0 does " 1.1 """r . 400111 fb.' l, ~,- 71 d 73 Fifth Street, 2d door, , 4,4 ~," 4 1 " „0 .. M gidt hi f Arfi.. . 1 4.1 """ ) .. ' d ,/, " 1 0.1 , b"tl. o4 ,teran lecher. Adder. , clh. dairta.wiio3ll3l. Dr. A. mutzag iztrQUA, I,tenZzal Agent, 140 grgadwaj, i Next Whittle to U. h. cu - tam Roue Awl rearalhew ; 111 rwew r ur.tarnrzw..orcks 9 WWI. ilwieel•l New rod* '" • • , a463ltiwil tidal BRIQL,MII. . _ MEDIC_ IN AL WATERS IjEDlfl\l. IN AT CONGRESS, SELTZER, KISSINCEN, SARATOCA STAR, &c.. Si I=11! =III SIMON JOHNSTON, Corner Smithfield and Forth St,. 111=3 Th.. N% .“ 'T.11:III: I I. tt deiced. I t •I by n.oi OCULIST AND AURIST I)EarNEss. =I EYE, EAR, .A...1V - 17/ CATARRH. DR. GARDNER, 01 New Vorli. oct 'Asir AND Al lust I= UV I) I Z. 1C1 , 1,4.1111 irt fort. , I.• ill 3,41:1 u.n 111, 4111 ••I1 Tuesday, April 17th, =II J5l ..A._•Ir"CII=I.7Z) 81st Aft. r 11. s. tllll , ,FIII Office at Monongahela House, II=1! lip,. Catarrh. 1.V. - barlte• Ear. in Ar. ‘ , 1,11r..• , /oci % the Ett,lschlim chro.d.. = trtillehl 1.1 , 1. Ns...led 1i Ithout Pahl. am! 11ertrilii 11 , 1111111111 a the Natural Operation. lurl atoraet, Strabirtuue Urtoo. %rtitielal Nkillttl) perterturd, and all 1/14•ase, or the EY I.: A N 1) rn All,/ and “,.:,1.41 DR. GARDNER I fortl,r p.t.culars. releretwes, rtir • rrt4int. , 'FFI. F FR. ,N 1 9 A 11 t., i• II WEST F.RTY-THllti , sl NEW CITIRRIE CiTIRRII!! i• Al:llSiiilr.-at, 3111,11 k V tin , meat..., .!., lloat. 110.4.11. • .1i. mt a 11111,1 , .., ••111/..1g. Plititialrgh who has tat ciirmi by hint. inh'brim.l GOVERNMENT g ALPS sALF: OF GOVERNMENT PROPERTY, 1 / In 11 Ql l , l, ti r T , Y ., ll . 3 u l Wl.lle. I a rani. Auction, no ‘l , oi D .It Ira h dav 1,11. Ilan, to 11.. 111,the al nt 1•141,11, l'enon W I.n /3 veranneol Prael the 1 . 4 alate• arenu,, le; corner el ttn Vret. and War., at a top, 17 Pen Holder, 3 11t,t nig 11. 1 V. rub :sc 0: ' , ledge limo!! o•tmlet,. M{ln=l 11.1• A 1A.1'31 ft ROTH E VO! tl4. TA, .U. A 11. McCallum DRY (MODS, TRTMMINGS. WALL PAPERS, .ste NEVI I:OOD•: NEU GOODS!! THOMAS PALMER. -A- r I l 1- * • ' W :VI ,1 , 1-" A.. - V kal I Beautiful Lace toll rs: 4 C )I TRANSPARENT WINDOW !SHADES elugn A.Nn Lace—all widths: p ..A. 33 1-a 33 CY C:10 NT 33 FL El Black and While Lace lei's: Warehouse, 91 Wood Siroet, Jaronti Edgings and Inserlings: Hamburg do do do PITTSIII. Ill:II. I A Jarollet and Hamburg Flouncings: ' WALL "PEI"' Ladies' Linen Handkerchiefs: I hildrens' do do Roman Buttons—someihing new for , Bresses and S;cones ALL THE LATEST NOVELTIES, Gears Neck Ties: Ladies' Folic) Ties: Infant's Embroidered Caps: do do Robes; do do 11 a Isis: Curled Nels--all colors: Hair Coils do •1.1. t. , 11.1 2 , 40111, 77 ,I'N • I 1111(Itl'i NV 11.1-E,A LE ASs r II F. H. EATON, 19 Fifth Street. _ . ED" SPRING GOODS W. W. MOORHEAD'S, No. Si 3larket Street II 1. , 1151t0IIIERIF'S: VINE. VAI Esc', At r TIIIMMEDSF • I.I'NEY A‘l , , F•%F . 1.1 II I.EV kW. Shllt , PFlsrrs-P,ln ana Sit Markel Sirret. ,p+ N EI4 GOODS ! :New (4t,4,(15.;!! SPLENDID ISSORTNIENT. All the Novelties =OEM FRENCH, GERI! N a E51.1,15H Goo DS, AND \ 4.- NE, HAM • ET , a,l loi WIIITF: NMICTN.EM WI. I 1 HI.A , K. HEAL MA LTIE,*: ANTI POINT I LACE VFW, AND VEIL NI A TE111A1.: ItEM. AND IMITATION I:LACK 1:I.:11•URF: LACE:A—new .tylf, • FM' r•TVI.F.SI , I:IItO,. ..n. I A 1 11 ',CARP, new 0y14., A 111113,ortntrut of KID ttltVo6. SILK AND LISLE 1.1 tt /ftkSIF.HI ttICAETS: EMBROIOEHIE.,, RIBBIINS, and ANCT NIP Nta EONS. Thy 1,111. , stAtt Itntl Many fan, at, t tt, at rte.. nett.r Iteforr opened In Pllisttnrtitt. lerchants Supplied at Eastern Prices. MACRUiI & CARLISLE, 19 Fifth f.ilrecl Hoop Minn's! 1100 P SKIRTS!! • t I I. NiTtiF , antoiv h II I.' 1.0111, ti,loi. BOSTON COMBINATION THE DUPLEX ELLIPTIC H . "' EMPRESS TRAIL,shiwN Paris Pride of the World, ,K,Hr- =MEE D1E11623L 1.....A.1 . 3111 . 1"x2rrD, s „ „, v. 7 . 1 - 1111,E,A1.F. EIP+ s , t. MAN M AI T Ell,' lVe °tier valr a lot of all , furor ntkr. .11,1111, M Anil G &&Co, Nos. 78 and 80 X4RIF.:E7 STREET. GREAT REDUCTIONS! 1 - 'll It 2 EIS/ LOWEST OF THE DAY, Al BATES & BELL'S, , STRICET. MeCAN D LESS & CO" (hart WELRON, & 1'0..) hoIes11• dealers le FOREIIiN tati/J LitibMITIC RP (1000 h, No. 94 Weal otrect, third hoe/seat. s lamest.' alley rittabarali. ILI., XERCRAXT TAILORS _ GEN. GRANT _ EE.ZT I C 7 IK3EML MS CP OECJEIrt, NEW SPRING STYLES E3171 - r , 47 St, Clair Street. . GAY Irc LOGAN. HENRY G. HALE. MERCHANT TAILOR, IVROLES4LE %AD MAIL KW P. IA PLAIN A\ 1 , bIEAUTIVUI. It t t .D.TCYCV - 23.ig 107 Market Street, near Fifth pA PER 11.41,:ti41N1:S FOR 1566 a met-bran PaperN tht , ^rst Ur.. In lltt yvnr. 15' L LS' LI 11..1 PER .9 A ctlon cifuh e :Newest French Papers EMiIIIM HUGH M. BOLE & CO., FoUNI , EIt, Irr 111 LI OF It- ANI) - CHIN! , rS. t• arid M/Vri. ' 1,1'10,0 , 1'1V r fur Co*l Work*, W .. I ..1141....r kind of lesablnerl, ord. r. wort. *Arrant...l. eAsTirm, oir 1.13.1 c to or.ler. Ilop*lrlog .11*.A.Ino Or. ji„ I.ltS VI( f it . t /I' AI. F.: I:I KIC, Pear Ow I . . Apt, 1.4. ARSENAL GLASS WORKS gxlittrarttircr. cd ai.ll WA111 , :. Drutzgl•ir.• %%are. Inat4•s,l , •rulJohu• C.,. IN ,1 , 11.,1/..•- 144 WATER .7TIeICRTI I P lween Pl 111341 ttreets, ltabdrgki bcenna. Visres t.. surn.rtor to an, man.. uftettx red wt,t ..E t w aye on hau.l, nt the abort. tit...grotto°. All orders ' prutoptly alt..ncled to, l'artleularpald la prl v at.• moul.ll. atis:l9 4...; SEII4:IL4NCIE, %o. it ATEIt • STHEKT, littnlirrl., nreroC BEQLER 11l V ET , S, litrUt.HT sPIH E ...nntrtnn .d robe n! 1.1. 1 . art.1...11ar nl i. .l ..r and 1111rets, torso at ..hurt untie, A .00.1 • ...Mx... constant, ut. hnu.l. TH Jr. Y. t.1.l I ... . `OLLINS & IIT, Ilritla gain I:rA, m1)41 %I , M. U.. Hrlttmul l'.• 1„4,1 iw.1111vr., .r “ 1.1 MenufaeltArei torkit., pt,uptl, BORING TOOLS. pETROLIA MACHINE IoVOIIIIIO4, Idntnifteturer of 'l;:ki`, ,Al."'1•:, 4 1,•:',;;L'I "%ILI Particular attention Invited to hit e l'etet n ,.. , l ... I'., „ , numbered, so that part. , an tn ord,•red by wall or " at 2:111 tV4lre d , le it nho It YAM.. .nd nmehine ' , tort ( made to ord., t te mail promsl y att‘nded I air pr, par, 'I to Kra n; lif elk It. oth, r tumuli - 3,M0 turf 1. for tht et Imp rya eon. n oil term. floe " PYRITES. . . pia PEN NSVI.I.ANIA S.ALT MANUFACTURING COMPANY ' 32' - 3L 7 ' Pt I "I" rEI , Sulphuvet of Iron rettusylvanla Malt Manilla...lna Co's tqllee Omer Pitt Street and Duquesne D ay 2111,18.11 RE-PLATING. LADIES, SAVE AVIA/ MONEY NEE t AtITOIL,, TK A SKTII, W A.ITERS, volute., t, • FITCHKIL2, KNI TES, rll . OON 1 6, CAKE OAS!, ET. Can all be re-plated Awl made S to LOOK A,N It NV LA II ISQUAI, TO NEW AT A SMALL COBT. JOHN IL, COHN WELL, 12 w ei r No. Mt. Clair Moo. . r. V. LAI, 1 01CH , 0,11 11.1. A It lIP 110TEI., 'Cu. .N up oo ot, Ikell,pw.e. r_.4zstrx79 1:7 x .I„.t newly II eA an.l turnlielk,l. MEE WILL .NI 4. 1 SEED WHEAT. SPRING WHEAT FOR REED. Important to Faimers. We have • mall lot et very superior N TA sPIIINti WHEAT. ...krt,..l wlth great rare. gand sulta for SEF:D. As the seaaon fur sue lag oring What has n.rly arrived, persons dextrous of securing-000 P AF.1133 would ilo Will to apply soon. as the supplyt Urn ej. Is TiIT I CITGOCK..II . CRKIERY g t V. ralzi.ltntlaw DRAUGHTILVG. GENimaat, DIDIUGHTING OFFICE AL= mm.este..rxt dsaaioy No. 12 St St. Clair Bt., near Suspension Bridge N. I% FjENtt EYIU ILE 01,11 es h Is NA. I. Ilan steer. t. El ARCHITECT. ' eJ &NIES 11. RALPH. .A.R.C 7 .IIEEXTI'3O•rr, • Preparea PLICIT ORA WINOS and SPEC I/I f' Tit INK for an kind. of Ottlltltngo, and et:porta , tends their creek ton. r. anottable terms. Ofttre on A NI, ERSttN sTetErr. not wenn Laconic. oft Robin-on Al.l, F.t. II ERR CITY. mb3l WIL LLCM H. BROWN, t 'Atte or the tlem of BROWN • MORROW, North Emit conies . of Third and Market Went. SUNDRIES. CHIMNEY TOPS - 200 assorted pato:rust lap? t H. COLLINS. fIiLCINED PLASTER-200 bbls. fresb. (SW HENRY R. COLLINS. AND PLASTER -- SO bbis. for sale .7 ap7) HENRY COLLINS. CEKENTS — Rosendale, Loulsv2e SEW Jo.llltOerp. HENRY H. COLLINS. LUBRICATING OIL.— Superior natural. Itsn: HENRY H. COLLINS. GCHEESL 4I :IOO bxs. Orst N.& clone tiosloot Ch.-ere I. slorn and for bolo 1.4 CUSS. C. B&LSLit Y. _ - soh= &11 Liberty st tett. WHITE I.IME--100 bbls. Dtm ron.rlll. Lime In stor • And for sale by & ANJII Et, No. ISt Ittreoutt .heel. subsy _ S'ARDINES-50 cases 1--I, and 20 m , e.!.ncan• Sardines, new arrival, - now oilettil by REYMEtt EMUS.. miti9 NOMI. ISt and HS Wood stn.. t SOAPS -200 bxs. Colgate's Palm, Honey Glycerine, Hotel and Fancy &tape, received and for sate by R EligfEtt & BROS.. SEED SWEET POTATOES-26 25 bb's. pore Jeriey Sweet Potatoes for Sued. now In store and for sale be mb2t VOIOT & I U. .._— MIECPEED-2 cars Se c onds, I ear Shorts For sale by KNOX & SUN. 74. Diamond, Allegheny. PNGLISII PAPER HANGINGS An asaortment of ItED PAPERS, wilt without bold. to arrive next week, mhZ4 W. P. SIAMSHALL. nlld WOOd Masai. A L "- PITT'HiIUXti H. PA. slu SAUCE—Crosse & Mack rrlpoe of Wale. Salad flanee .d err., an egeellent dressing for lettuce. So, 11. pint and hidfbottles; also Ohre WI for table ÜBO of More of w IND. the finest duality, for Aide et the A. RENSHAW PaeritikiriXel7 , Corer Liberty and Rand streets. Lounk FLOURS! Aar World" Ylour; 1110 •" a ttar MIlle•• do lOn`• l•Flrbines. •. do •• ••tirant•s" lit. Louis Flour. Fame brawls delivered lo riu6er Backs. I( destred For ualetry K 1 ,1071. 6 WM. up; Diartiond. le • (101VSIGNMENTS. petme Crentarrica; SO tares kleaelne Orartgee; 50 • • Palermo do . a 0 • • Lemon, 10 barrel. Turnip.; an ao flg ; sc) - Beal acesey Buckeye Potetoea; IWcar 10 'utetoce, tionbe t V4olona; La.atore and or MLy Mblacaf W. 4.0 is Ha l MI TIM.; in .711. w • Designs I=l 111= =II ‘l, - 1 51.\ 42 XS Str. of MAN UFACTURERS MODES, RYRIE & CO., R. H. LEG/MEC-Ir, Nu. 32 Ohio Strew!, AI IMIMMO CIE= =I = HOTEL PAINTERS. =I QIM:E=
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers