II E , ,•iateitt. MEMMII!!! RBI f;4, S* TRAVELERS' GUIDE. Arrival and Departure ;of Trains, ` . 'ki • • yninuis .ftentrat Railroad. •• Arrives. gxptvwi ..... tv5:1•,•*•11 1:i0 a to lois Amoco n 7:10 sin Fast Line 7440 • at -• • fl onoU gap • ti lbso to Ist Accom.n am 11:40 oin lit Penn Acconr.. 7t5.7.2 gapreset.: 3:55pm 74 Wall Aceorn... 4obtintOvvia At'n. 4 :l.Spni 4 Johlaiit'n Amon:1.10:W • re Vahtnine ' 10:03 prointt&Eric 1da11..17411p Ist Val. Accom„. 1 3:02arnilialtimore E ap . a 11:0 pro • • tcl• 10:4.1aixi lad Wall Atom... e:5O pm . • .14 • fi pm 11 . 1;11111 Erne...a.. 2.-01 pna latriNpit.4et ana , nlo:2) p ml 4 Aream.. p • . ,••_ .3:00p al/Mown Atm. ' - ntigt eve p thumb train% ear. &E Wane' Stat . lon ry ~ IfanQ.y et 1:95 a tn.; returning. leer. Pittsburgh al, . - 32411 p. ; Altastrarah. Columbuin and Cinietzmuitl. Yost lint 2:50 • in . nut Vine.derives. 810 a ni a:oonm Mall 1:35p nttarcua 742) p ; Exorcise Mao • btenbenvllto .Ae. - .Steubenville A, •• tentlutidetlOlL.. 4:00 prnl commodation ,10:10 a fit .initt4lartiret, Ft. Wayne moo ""•:"..ff : Depzl,;l74t. i"..g.pres6 • 1:03 • cri l l6xpick .........., tag a nt 'Capra.. Iltdip 'Express ..-........ 9:13 p 7:13A Atild edt P m Vincent, gErpee !clap in. Ni., IteghCon Accommodation learca •Alletileny VA L ege 9 , a tee t i le, m aan. 4 l:4 4 ; ° gea ' ; vmy, p. m.; Wedeville, 3:;1 , p. ra. Witabargb. 4 1..leveLand and Wbeellng.S • - De - p erri• . Eapre,aa ..--;.:: 3=a m 4 apreaa —.. --- a:r.a p an I:1mm ' ..30 pm I:zpresa 9:13 Mall' - geM anr ExPress pca ..n a an tittahOncLUe Accommodation !caeca Allegheny at 3:40 p. m. Pittalburgh and Connellsvlllp.. A 12.11 ... "15 • to Mal ,-..-...-. L..,6;(••r• 3:03p la .Expre•n. ..,• -..1:91 • no 1 4 ,,f V1T.;,,ptirt..11:60...m. tat fle.Ecf:leri6rt.: G:Wa m •:tl.. •• 0:15n m'24 .....tiCR p m Alleg . ihenyAltaltgr pallroad. Dtpuels. 1 itry•teun • - 11s G:80 it rip_rts• 11: m •• 1. c,l9tim. !tell . _. 1149 a lli ~ 11% A, • Aixll I.ypreas _,_._. .. ,-- Aciiasamotbalop. 1:411 p m Iliecommadation liiiY7 a 0 rittorrourgh and Erlo 'Unread. to Ott City and leranktist. drilties. 1 • Depart*. Wri..4dExpicsii.• 7:4A pm N 0.2! Express— iiiiiii a m Via: Vittabarsti. Fort ape and Chicago. aad Dever Vausp. - Etrowdursdne Boot,....nnant and Water Stu. Arrfr . . a. .4 . 1 - Departs. 111 ato . . 11 nal inarain. .... .41{ipsa Illifriidiirsid, g tar , St. CU . - Amine.. Depapes.• t pawn. • P#l6l l ir glitage.-710. 0 Bt. lir i r e f. Airiest. Deports. . Of ..." q. • 6..% a. al.. lino aklngtob Slage—Harea Hetet . 2 , . s I h EXCELSIOR OMNIBUS &LIVERY STABLE, = JAINES DUN At 6031, Proprietors. OdIVBIIUBE4 AIM ' ciiiantsoss rartubed for all tram; ahett .Gar . ridigililserdit Weddings and LE1431 AN D " iso:W. Vrl: Y AND SUBURBAN • , "install Report of the Presithtitt of - the Young Men's I,ibrokry Association. allow Meglbsr. of the .4g.roriation Your Board of Directors are unable to re port any extraordinary progress in the pro.- Perity of the Association during the last ydar; nevertheless an encouraging advaucchas been madeyand there are abundant indications of a (More rapid progress in e future. The - finance-a are in a better cond u ition than .ever before. The number of volumes added by purchase is double that of last, and morn than three times the number of any previous year. tieveral valuable additions hero been mutt,, to the list of publications received, andthe mem bership,, attendance at the rooms, mul cure.. baton et boots, hard moderately increased. • PI NA Y... .114,elpts from all .uree.3 In 15,15 14t/s:bce - ou havd let January, Itid;• • "Expendll Ce,..11 tr. Ttra , .ary kt January, is 4,0057 For detall4 of *Well, yon are referrol the Report of the Tre.surer. Mail=2M1111;111 Tile No. of volumes/is per lust report ... 3,197 Added by purchase iu 1135 979 Added by donations received Added by Periodical Board ...... in Total numher added. . . . Deduct:for books lost and worn out Pre,ent number in Library ' 11.3{19 In addition to the above, *.5 voinme., the .Inlanee Of an order for books given +mac time ego, are dully - expected to be received. A very complete catalogue of the books ha+ beettpreputed by ?tr. Appleton, the Librnrine, and to now In the handy of the-printer. It eon tair.i a full alt•seriptive title of each book, and the name of author'', followed by th 0.143 of the revtiective work», and will Wake an o,tavo of pogvs ! • The number nr:Letive member,. In Lv lx u 61; The number added daring the yt-str. . l'rtf.vu t life mi•mbtr ::1 Present houarr Inembvi, ... Votar ~ ...... . Zl3 . . Died, mci1:011 orrejet...te , ,lstiring the year.... .Present number of member, It was the Intention of the Board to hove the idly thorough's . elltlea,...e.ti for members ut the hvgintilng Of the year. At, the requemt Of the 'library Mill Co.co.operating committee, were appointed tOsOlicit subscription, to the stoch of the mai, and the same committees were elaarged with the dutk or tecnring new mem bers4o.the 2 \as...dation., It ton found, howev er, that tbe 4. fylleets coma not sue,,resw o u v • •be preseatril at the same time, and the Int tti. wits abandoned. The in ermts eof member. Late, 1 bin-eon:, been chiefly due to the increased at tractions- of the Library nod not, as heretofore, The result of solicitation. Ao general Cent - ass hal been made during the lust eighteen nmilis, and this, together with the fact that of nearly, three hundred of our old Members who joined the army, during the war, many have returned, who need but an invitation to bring them to our room, Again, renders it certain that with a proper - eaort large additions may be made to the mr:Mberabip. 11"1 earnestly recommend to our 'anct•te*.ofe the early appointment of e cientaotantitteed to canvass the city. Lre're Ite The Lecture Volu.mitte-!appointed in Novent lEat, proved to be eminently efficient, and was re-tipimin fed in July bat. To the gentle- Jaen coltring it, he thanks of the .I,,ocia tlon are ue for their energetic and sucoes-ful manitKe int Ot the departments entrusted to them. IICS:C, risme, .150 T Tub, committen issued a circalar soliciting contributions, to which ns yet no adequate re .pc..ec bas been received: It. 19 hoped thus fu. lure efforts may 'I o mere successful as sw ill collection as Is proposed would he an in I erest -Ipsitral useful adjunct to the Itbrary. tir.itantr LULL.. As a matter of inte;:`..st and etwoaratte . ment :To the ypepit,ce,,, your Board deem it proper to give etch Information as they may have In re gard to.the progrt. of this project CO vital to . the Aasociattom The subscriptions to the stock having reach ed the =omit of tileooo, the stun Was amine-I enfEcient to warrant the org tnization. of the company, at which time the following ottcern were elected to conduct the tufsirs of the Company, vim Felix IL Brunet President; J. I:. McCune, Vice President; S. Holmes, Jr., Treasurer; 'llamas N. Miller, Sec. ntary. MC nopers.--Jantt,t Park,jr, John W. Chal- . Batt, Win. Thaw; C. W. IlatehelOr, Jos. Dil worth. • Te Arnow:en have purehawd a desirable lot attLe Cernt'r of Penn strectand stevenson Al ley,„opposite to the reared the Exchange Mite', fronting one hand real and twenty feet on Piaui strict and •extentling hack one hundred and sixly,feet along Stevenson's Alley It was dilllcult to find a let afoul:defeat depth. The lot purchased was uotin the market, but Mrs.,Darld Shields, the owner, was led to - dis. pose of it from a generous appreciation of the utility of the proposed budding. Twenty per cent on the stock subscriptions was called in and has been generally paid. It trill be seen that the amount as yet sub. sertbedMust be - largely increased, if a p r am., ing fully adequate to Its Intend.] purposes, andereditable to the wealth and Mtelligence of the city of Pittsburgh, is to be ereeted. anyof the citizens have subscribed liberal ly to the stock, and Others who have not yet teen called on, or who have the subject under conslderation,will be added to the list. There are Also many who hay e declined or are hesita ting, not from a want of proper appreciation .of the subject—but ratherfrOm highly appreci. sting. it. Because their means do not permit them to tinbacrilw largely, they have subseri: bed nothing.% Large subscrlptWns aro necessa. ry,.but the mail onesartt needed also, to make up the amount required. , ..IM,Order that every ono 'who chase might bat Mine" a Stockholder, the price of shares was fixed at 510,00, - eacb share gi.ving the owner one - vote hi thentraLts of the company. It is hoped that. every member of the:Library, who feels able.will Subscribe for one or more shares, gut each one constitute himself a committee tp procure subscriptions from others. • ". • 'A list of the stockholders Of the Libtary Rail • company, - with theamount subscribed by each, will itepublihed :the - pamphlet copy of tho .pcennt year 's roport, • cexaminse-nmaltitil. The writer has endeavored in former report F. to urge the claims or the Young Mewl, Library and Medi:m.las , Institute upon the community na well as the Importance to the mem beee of the Association et their wn pefffever fog efforbrln Its behalf. The subj ' eet e .y en etb C f0 . ...004 fop of or earnestly. i.e' effect ot such an institution ts to In crease thc intelligence of the - people •among . ` wh o m ills placed to , improve their nuiralsi to draw them Away from t h e ballets of vice, e n d th e y ou n g torn form. the habits arui 'tastes of • the young that they tharnot sinfletheir repay. , ;Anent 'iu tiongerottS find .41tiffarling ossoof, • Onus. • It Illnkr4 men of brogness, Atha men of infer - tUOt fen andentten:rib affords to profession al mullei] edYeators such fectlitlea for study and research as peLvate ..1.C..30 , 3r00l rarely an rs. for,-dtgiveserne mecbcnio and laborer the mean.; prat:tiring their labor and chill more find useful, mid in doing all this, it _,,,j r at t ,s, i tno cause of religion and the honor , • " and:proSperity of the community and of the Idleness may - be:Mid to deli productive of wit. than will—for In idleness originates meat Ace. ith books and o pleasant place • . avian Id enjoy them none need Do Idle. It Jo net a reply to this, to nay that many Niro no , - taste inT rehding—fer when there were no hooks therow ere no readers, and nO taste for t,co lc view of this end, the writer, I nfla3o, er. orod the - charter of the Library Hall Corn patt-r.e tbo surott Means by which it ahould be. R em., ifahed. When the 'banding Oen be - HMO is comma* six rageuh the ri - fselpt of this ASsOetation tenth ilfemem licturer, legacies, and other casual resources, will be devoted to the purchase of stock in tile Ilan, and with donations of stack whielt will he received. from time to time, it is not donlited that the Library Association will eventually own the blinding and derive from it swiletent revenue to render any change for membership mthevessarv. To shwa Low earn a Library Ls appreciated where a knowledge of its lenefits has been acquired by netual experience the Free Pub lie Library and Musenm of the city of Liver pool may be mentitmed. It has been caul.. tidied twelve year-, contains about 46,0 a) vol. taine , i, (Mit sosmNis - !..;!4."? espenellture et ores Ming fhoescial dollars per annern, which to misfit be a corpornfifo, far, and no tax la so cheerfully paid. .The rich and middle classes tied that intelligence lm the masses, is the sur est protection for their own tignts and prop erty. The - masses learn the purposes of labor, and labor to a better purpose; an are made more happy, 111111 are alike pround of their noble Institution. The munificent evidetwo and instrument of their advancing civilization and culture. Over five nominal thousand books per annum ore issued from the library end its too branehes.and on every evening, as nn flint of my visit, from four to Ave hundred of all elns,es are to be seen sitting in the .roans. The Inclination grows with the oppor tunity to gratify it. Your rooms will attract hundreds of youths whose evenings, but for the opportnnithed, would be spent In lounging Shout streets or worse, and you 11111 rttrnrin n Trtnnlipi ••••• r••• ploy - meet to hundreds of buudreds of tarn litho make up a part :of the population in every' large city. With such objects in view, fellose-meraberrs, in addition to the ;gratification of your own literary lash's, you have the noblest ineentiven to ;rill Con in building your institution to its highest cap: lefty for good. That end will not be aerontplb.heit until you have a Library of teeny thousand wenlected volumes, with its brunches, limited in se the more remote parts of the city—a museum of fists, 1171therills, mod els, antiottities, fte.,--a building of your own worthy of its eindents„and the whole fere to the . The privileges Of the Library - may be shared even now, at a very small expense—bat little more Than tine cent per day. Nevertheless, It shortid become free tw the public, in order to produce the greatest results of which the in stitution incapable. What expenditure Of labor and money wonlii not be arnapenseted for, by the value of such an institution In the city of Pittsburgh,. The foundations are laid. and but a few years moreOf persevemuce on the part of your A,40- elation Ls necessary to complete the struc ture. 11222111 Let no member content himself with n mere pi.sice epic') mon t . of thodailv plenburos anti benefits he derives from the Librar3-, without etching to commend it to other., and extend. the sphbre of iti• ugefulneg.s. When you have •boolc you can spare, add it to the general stork. If you have a mineral specimen. a strange ttoni, the model of an intricate or useful ma chine, an interesting attic or a work of art, tiring it to the rooms that it may minister In however email a degree to the instruction and pleasure of the many; and seek every oppor tunity to induce your friends to contribute to the collection. In due time you will look upon the aggregate results, with just pride In hav ing been one of the early promoters of such an .Institution. to your part •autl there will Do no lack of means to carry out your projects. Then ge of which Burke wrote, that meamako "theirdesk their altar, and money their God," is fast pas sing away, and nowhere more rapidly than here. The munificence of the le of Pitts burgh, during the lust 'four years, has shown this, and to-day many' hundreds of them stand ready to et:attribute whaterer sums may be re quired for every work which may commend it self to their judgment, RN conducive to the gee .eral happiness nod weal - - Itp order pt tbeßonr,l, rimix E.But - wcrr, Fn.-1414.1A, A Perjury Case Mrs. Elizabeth 1111 ton, a colorist woman. re siding in the Sheet:lth Ward, wa.i indicted for ptuy airy, ou oath of Ann Johnson, white woman, wife of a oolored,Mah. At the teat term of the Criminal Court the woman Johnson was the (cementing witness against. Catherine Fitz patrick for telling liquor on Sunday, and the defendant, Mrs. Hilton, was a witness for the defense in the same ease. The perjury was al leged en consist • In Mrs.. Hilton swearing that One William Maxwell had said that Mrs. John ston should go on and proseente Mrs. Fitzpat rick for selling liquor on Sunday. and that he (Maxwell) would furnish the money nod '"ea her through.” In ease she failed In mnvieb• mg, or words to that effect. Mrs, Johnston trim: 'called and lestifiesi that such a statement bed been sworn to by Mrs. Hil ton, on the tidal of Mr, Fitzpat ete.z, an,; that It was untrue. Mr. Maxwell was oiiest Mid testified that Ur pad never ; at any %lino, made not of - Snell languao •in the presence of I Mrs. Hilton, or in her hearing. John C. Me -1 Earthy, Esq., n Ito appeared as counsel for the Commonwealth In the ease of Catherine Fitz patrick. said that Mrs. Fitton was a witness for the defense, and that she stated that Max well hod stated in her (Mrs. Johnston's) pres ent], that if she (Johnston) would pmsecute Mrs. Fitzpatrick, for selling, Honor on Sundae, he (Maxwell) . would bear the expenses. Air. McCarthy said he was counsel In the therefore Interested In what was said, and was was unite clear that tile defendant had so tes tified. 31r, Mer7an (colored) 'testified Mrs. Fit zPairlek came to leer house to subpoena Mrs. Ililton us a witness; that she asked Mrs. Milton w hut slat knew about the "whlaky case," and that she said It made not a bit of dlffermtee what r-he knew about It, alit si - 00ht swtair to clear Mrs. Fitzpatrick. -L. It honorer she (Mrs. II Ilt on) got into trouble Mrs Fitzpatrick would. give her live dollars to get her out of It. Other I, itnesses were I,,ollatilott who corrob orated these we have Nor the defen..., I was proven, (and not denied by the proo,VO tioh) that Mrs. Johtmon had te,difitsl, on the trial of Itlrs. Fitzpatrick, that Max - well had furnished hal' with InOnc, 10 pay the costs in the mac referred to. bat that it was "her on meats'' sent herb) , her husband (rout the ar tily. The pro.oeut fee na as reproo:ntod Its es inst Het Al torney Kirkpatrick, and the dCfeti-e by A. It. I:roan and John 31'Clowry, for foe delense. 'Meier) retired to dell be, ate upon a verollet, aild Caine to a Chikeln.ion, but the coUrt. baring taljourned it a. 11l not be rendered mall this morning. C. 1.33 qJ 1.14 . Sq 5q,,,,r) 5, ~a 7 51) Nennissrition of Cil!y Oftleern—ltepablleras The llopublicon members of City t'oeutell. nshembled lust evening, in tralle?.., for the per poioof nominating city omeere, to hr elected for the 4[11,111111g yela. a resolution of .. egerc- Fy"n as adopted, but somehow or other.' the uotninutibn4 huge 'leaked out," and of courwo we will he pardoned for publishing them. Many of the old incumbent+ havn botd: "crested;' :IA will be soca by the following I bit: Recording Regulator—Chu:deo Iteictgrpfurr. City Asscow , r—Cupt. Wm. Slays. - City Glittger—.l , Wwmh 1L Nobb6. Soperintendent of itiarket..—c,/,t,,1i, fut. Clerk' of Markets--M. F. 11 - 11 Monongahela Wharf 31A•ter—latar- Ken nedy. ' Allegheny Wharf }Totter—David Da 71, . . Salt Inspector--Jueob Fetltter. Ultzitititert —oo,tctic DirpateJ•,(Engli,h, ttn.l ere - arils Fry,Aid, Printert--O'Nellt t Aluterwn. Street Cantul.., , 4 utter, Ftr..4 lii,triet —John 11, Hunter, Strret DlstrlM —.John AFse..us- of Wester Rent„—Robrrt Superintenttent of Water Yrenth. Bari If eaStIrCT--.101111 Pollock. ikr..llll Ble:lsurer—Fir.t. Ward. U. Wu Second, Joseph Wiliam; Fourth, ltowan Mc- Clure; 7 , 11 th, A. McClelland; Sixth, Jawed Mc- Master.; Seventh; llohcrt Donaldson; Eighth, .1. 2i. ,Nlnt.b, Samuel 311tebull; Tenth, Wra. A. Illeilaushol. Councils will moot thl3 evening, as required by law, for the i rpuee of electing city qulleers, but inaslnueb as the camas nominations have altrnys teen 'rightly adhered to, tho action to. night will amount to nothing more than It rat,- of the nominations it - iren above. Election of litonntuee Director. At election:l held by the verloun Ixeturenee Companitw for Direetore, on Mooney, he xth in,tnet, the following were el:ot•en: Prarr.E'F-William Phillips. John Watt,lno E. Parke, Captaln'John L. I:linden; William Valli:lrk - , C. 11. Lor:o, nanmet P. shriver. Jan D. Varner,lharlam Artmelitc, John 31. Kirkpat rick, Capt. Jan. 31111er, Frank M. CAPH PSAI7II.AZieI: COMP,. IL Kin John F. Jennings, N. J. Itigley. Panlcl Wal lacc,Jakelllll, Thomas Dannvily, IL W. Oli ver, Jr. S. IL Hartman, Samuel 111eCinrkan. John S. Wiiloek, Captain MudLnon Bailey. W. Forbythe, Alexander Clunnbern. Boaratazi's.—Captain It. C. Gray, D. K. Park, James Item, Captain T. H. 11artan, IL W. Oliver. Jr, Captain Jako 11111, Henry Lloyd, Janos IL Wright,' John Grug, Captain John P. Smith, F. 31. Gindon, N. .T. Blglcy, David Cranford_ At. mar cv.—lstte J.11.11A, John P. McCord, C. G. llossey, Ilnrvey Childs, .Ilts, . T. lloskimcit, Wm. Dean, Geo. Head, Char Rays, Itobert IL. Davis, /I L. Fulmestuck, John Irwin Jr., Gyn. D. kleGrew. 3lnncracycnsns AND MUD.. ANTA. H 41,1110,1 I. /Sennett, A. E. W. reinter, John W. Chalfant, RohertLen, Isaiah Dickey, 1. C. Pershing, Win. Walker nark W. Watscm. 11. G. Bnshnell, L. ii. NeAboy, John Wilson, Decry A. {Veneer. Miss lleron.—We congratulate the theatre going public on the advent - of this lady, last evening, in her Own beautiful play of Camille, • translated from the French, dramatized and made celebrated by bee through her admire. 5,10 yerforeatinces of the' sad and beautiful heroine, during a period of nine consecutive years, before the most relined and cultivated audiences of America. Miss Heron, always remarkable (other exquisite toilet, presented . On Ibis ocacsfon an entirely new Camille wardrobe, Imported very recently from Paris, and worn in Pittsburgh for the grdt time in America. trust her present engagement will recall her last triumphs in this city, when, owing to the crowded state of the theatre, to tecotnlno. date her many and sincere admirers, the scenes were removed from the stage, and our first citizens were [pleased to witness ; from so uncomfortable a position Se seats In the stage entrances afforded, the closing moments in the life of the erring, repentant Camille, as only 7)1 tilda lieron can, represent them. T. M. M. Libituri—Axintual Election.— At the Anattal Meeting of the ahoy. Anooela tion, on the eveniag of the Bth that., tht fol lowing ticket was 'elected: Prcothot—Wm:"Yraw, of Lockhart At Frew. 'nee Prepflent.--Ateorkte Shim, Jr., Attorney at Law. &or:tory—Wm, Thlwarda, of Colhoun Q Ed wards:. - • rrmsnrrr_lt: gralt)),Cashicr Union Nation al El;ecti ' r ; -4 a..e. B. Scott, with Park; McCurdy k Co. Jae. Collura Scaly Pittsburgh Insuranc e Company; W. Li. Kincaid, No. IS Diamond; Gil bert Folianehce, of ty. E. gdoneyht & Co.; Ja slab Colien,'Proteeeor, &c. I Veyntan of Werrum,& /DM ; Jame, E. Dickens, with Mitchell, titevemiOn. & Do. • Ot"Pkoit.m. at Farmers' Notional Danl. Booms Warttes2.—Ws know of a mall lam. fiy'xbo are desirous'of renting two or" three rooms, lathe city, in •which to reside. Any Ingram basing atieh It their tllApoiiekt win aou fer • favor on thlPPllvtat? Actartvg.off C . at, trimail WAS • • • Quito an interesting affair came otf last evening at the residence of W. A. Kincaid •Heitheny city - . Fern ntinther of year; Mr. Kincaid has been rendering gratuitous editorial 'service to the Christian Adisscafe, the organ-of the Methodist Episcopal Church in this city. In token of their high appreciation of his excellent servieeg rendered to their pa per, the Publishing Committee of the Adroenle presented last evening to his amiable and ac complished lady a beautiful sliver service, consisting of urn, coffee pot, water pot, oyster tureen, lee piteher slop bowl cream pitcher and sugar bowl. Each piece bears the follow ing Inscription, " Presented to MM. W. if. Kincaid by the Pittsburgh Christian Adro. rale. A testimonial for editorial Service ren dered by her husband to the paper. New Year's Day, ISZC." The interesting ceremOn y of presentation was witnessed by a birge number of the repre sentatives of the secular and religious press, and Ministers and Laymen of different reit- Oons denotninntiOnS. Among the gentlemen present we nOtieed P. R. Klnkalii, Esq., Alder man of the Fourth ward, Pittsburg. F.R. Penni man, Esq., net. C. A. Dickey, Rev. Wm. Lynch, Rev. W. A. Davidson, Rev. John Doeglas, D. D., Rex. dames Allison, Mr. Thomas Costa magma, talSiKr.B.4 Manager of the Gazelle, Mr. inmes A. Moore, business agent of the Advo cate, Samuel Riddle. Esq. , Mr. Everett, of the Cbmtnercia/, and Mr. Lock, of the Chronicle. 'llO presentation address was made by. Rev. S. Nesbit, D. IL, and was responded to by Mr. Kincaid in behalf of his wife in a few well timed and appropriate remarks. Shortly after wards the dOors of the dining room were thrown open, and the cotnpany partook of on ,:seellont,nitper, sehich was gotten np to the beat style of that prince of purveyors, Mr. J. R. Robley, Fourth street. An hour was Epent very pleasantly here in replenishing the inner man and agreeable eon vervailoa. It being now eleven o'clock, the gentleman of the secular press were seized with the horrors of the "printers , devil." knbcking nnecirmonionsly for 'ropy" had were necessitated to leave in order to "write up.” But Judging from the rush made to the lil•rary for furs and overcoats, we infer that thee were seen followed by the other guests. The testimonial was a well merited one, and we hennily rongratelate Mr. and Mrs. Kin bald on their reception of suds a magnificent present. The whole affair was exceedingly interesting and passed off very pleasantly, to the infinite delight of all present. We must not omit to say that the service was purchased at the well known establish ment of John Stevenson and Son, who keep constantly on handy. large and varied assort ment of the finest silver ware generally. Opera Mouse.—lf ever our amusement seekers enjoyed a hearty laugh, it 'was last night, upon the occasion of the first appear ance of Frank Drew. Ito stands to-day unri valed as a cannedian vocalist and imitator,. lliw travesty on Cam i lle is decidedly rich, and during the entire scene, the audience were convnisotot with laughter. Pulling an actor has become so hackneyed as to be perfectly useless any longer, and .the public look with suspi cion upon a notice of the merits of a real first rate actor. But we have no fears for Frank Tires, Ile made his mark last night, and the public soon ascertain who arc meritorious and who arc not. I To.n g he appears In the two 'let drama . adapted from W ashington Irviug's beautiful tale of Rip Van Winkle, the performance con cluding with the farce of "Lend me five odd!. shillings." if you witth to enjoy 11 hearty laugh, go and see Frank Drew. A Hard Caae.-0111cer M.ceaner yederday arrested a man in the Mickel who wits guilty of stealing half a hogshead cheese. Cram taking him to the •Mill'Orbl office, he gave his name,and stated that he had served through the war and bad liven honorably discharged, and that he bad had nothing to miter two or three days, was out of money and Idol no friends, and n.place to stay. Ills appearance testified to the truth of his assertions and his discharge papers were Mal)WII in eorroborat lon of that portion of his story relative •to his .being a soldier. lie had stolen to keep himself from. starving to death tu Christian city. The Mayor very properly di— charged him, and furnished him will. money to rangiest, food. Think of itra defender of the emmtry o , roaming the sieve!" in a starving condition itch nights as the past three or four? Fat Eteprilewed.—We were ytwty formed that in view of o two.' Y uturterond l aned.P.,.o" rrucke might he tvPrieve`i • for 4 imving been ta, , *7l . tin Slifer hes a:taunted the re.rumalhility of granting the ontutettated murderer!, re.plt fur the - thheltiontloneei. We latettediatelY r.'- telted to the truth of the report, atud were too 1f Stewart that no sneh doe !meta heon received. Sostbo In.t hope of the 41..01n t.1 man man drop. to the ground, and Friday will end hia rub:enable career. We are futon.- ed that -Man:hull Mi. signified Intention ~f reitvrating upon the eytatold what he has 1.,._ foresaid in regard to Frtyke'. Sent to Colottne.—Tilt, trunk and effeete of Foerster, the victim fir Mansell:l3l and greette•.. bminllty, was yeAterilay properly arranged .0 as to be 000 t itilluetilalrit to the friends or the murderisl man, who live u. Cologne. The trank routainril manymrtletes silos mg a winnsirs thoughtful rare, but w,lint will be her feelings' when, upon opentng It, the ends ttin cult In which the dead man wits MurileriAl, eat ami slashed in a terrible manher, and elotted with blend. It Was a terrible sight to look and these mementoes dr the bloody tramialv all 100.113 for retrihUthet upon hi, InnOtei ett, The Thermometer.—Tao ohborvat 1 , m. ..1 the llmi - rnonarter yeatertlm.... morning, ~m c at right o'elock, nod then , ther at nine, 'booed ;a temperature an folltnra The memory In Ito' thomometer nutlet,/ at 8 o'clock atocal at degree. be/ow rem. Thia ler lama itt it front window of a re , shlette,• In tho rtti where it am prot...hat The observation nt nine o'eloek WOx made at the Fort PHI Foun dry, where the current of air up tlo , Lon, rt. er had more or h.... effect, not the m. -.cur) .trod at lets degree+ below zero. At miff p o st to else ...clock, meridian, the a...relay 8t0...1 at Cite degrtex above rent, and at live ....l.x l. r a. at thirteen dogree• ara,.r ao•ro; Steubenville Unibrond tiieretor..-- mmeeting of thy Director,. of , st oulnevii IT got:- ad was livid on Monday niorniag. for It,. election of Prealtiont arid Dtreetor-. The Ml too ing, tire the onkers ebn,cn : ' President—lsac Jon,. liirretort—R. F. 'ollth, Wm. Phillip+, 31. R rilY,Wn. Wlfilrn, W. . Harm, S. Holinea, libralet.. If. It. Moorhead. a S. N ichol_ set...ln me. , Seboontnt.i.er, J, lAtmni. and .1. Hurray Clarke. Ilt=el G3oonantle.—At the the Pitt, 1,1,0 G3trtuAle .10 .•04011,01. Iwo evening, the tellowlog nernett gentlemen 0 apttoln tett Board or btanagem E. L. Lltrzl.re ert. (turtle, Jr., Algeruen v. Itell. Hall Patterson. tomes M. Garret., Monlnoth, John It. Melulltlen, W. L. Neeper..l.llo Zelgler Will MeLtatt. Pausing Counterfeit Ptursey.—Looin 4.1 Oppenbeinter appeared before 'Mayor I,inorr) tn•terday end simile oath that Ceithurine INAIII bue land been guilty of p.,ming. counterfeit money, and pru) of I that a warrant be bodied for her arreid. Warrant lions. t. Distorderil ILWICInet•—.I W,lrrant 1! - ;1. 7 ii sUed s . u.sterday for the arri.st of 1140 Co ,tl.•y , hol.chargeilbli Sunth Itoldn•on a. 1,10 , it h try litg to forte an entrance into lo•r tonow, nod behaving blantrelf In is very dlooolurly toann,,. The parties line 011 Point street. Ininriffeide CYn.e.—The cane of Elizalwth Grim, indicted fur looraleicie, (InfOntlettl-,i wan (Wiled up in the Criminal Coort yontonitty, with n clew to trial; hot on motion of 11, M. 1311- gel for the defence (the tiefentlant not I.clott to "'dine" fur trial,) 1110 co no won tit:fern,' f or few dap,. Allegheny Eleellons.--Thr %ILt;brny City olertlanm for Mayor. tor or th.• kor. Member,. of Council, and Word lOU°. r lake Iliac: to-day. FROM YESTERDAY'S EVENINO GAZETTE Criminal Court. 11.ifore Judges Melton, Slavic. and Bros, n , . MOXDAY . Jun. e.--Court Intt at utile or, l.s•ic The cose of Elittobeth Grtin, indicted for hom inid., (or Infanticide) was 001 token up it• an. nouuccd. The following eases mere disp..ed of : Bold. Steel, of ti,. Fourth ward, indicted fe, selling liquor without licrose, we. nequittod, Intving produced o license covering the' t I nan during which ho was alleged to have violated the law. The county was ordered to pay the osts. 1 %Vette Gibson, indicted for assalt end hut tVi-routl.'s R o e r fhtl ,, t , t 4 L.C i d t 6 t0.1:1 t t l . ..i i e , p e r o u s lc:utor, John Thu i'ennsylvaidi 'Y .:Railroad - Company, through their eourisel,W. C. Moreland, put fa a plea of guilty to nulsancr, consisting ht the k imprope running of oars. Louis ' rgowitz, indieted for selling liquor without cense; Was found not guilty, nod the county %aired to pay the cOmts .Ile had a 13. COMM'. i Catherine Chrneron, Indicted for Mallory, was setlltted. The prosecutor, Uavid Elkin, did not. illiiPettr, Mit was directed to pay the costs. John Carl, Louie Fiddler,. and Frederick Fre bet. indicted for riot, Weft" found not guilty, and David Kikin required to pay the nonce. Catharine Steele, ehargediwilb abandoning an .was found not minty, and the pros. eeutor, Hobert Montgomery; ordered to pay the carts.. Catharine Wilbert, indicted for a felonious assault and butte upon Christisui liowroth, Vas Piqued not guilty, but required - to pay the • • • Daniel Meenfut, indicted for eelling liquor olthout liceneo;wam found not guilty, and ttto county require to pay the coots. Court. tookt• reccoo till two o'clock. The Cold tinork.—The. weather 10 now In tensely cold, the thermometer standing at ten degrees below zero this morning. The "change" is noticeable at every turn. The streetseontaht but very few persons, and these rush alOng as though their houses were on tiro( Intimate friends pass without paying the mho pllments of the day, or even recognizing on e another. The store rooms are utmost desert ed, and the show windows aro frosted so effect malty es to entirely prevent the display of goods. All out-door work Is ',wended. and even In•door labor moves slowly. Thu whole population feels the erect of the frost, and 'tin WM. a change Comes business of till plaids must be snore or less retarded. • Life iber-Llife—A Iganglinginror.—Durlng the selection of thejury in aliomleldecase,-In Philadelphia, one of tbojurare said he true In favor of barging every man wb o tool: life. Ile underwent a lengthy examination, and finally Judge 'Mallow asked him if a man was tried for murder, and be was directed by the court, under dm law, to find IL verdict of murder In Ihe Bernal] degree, would bo no find; The ju ror replied that ho went to for life fier life. He was ft chap that read A ROO 41pwl. th^t wan We Idea It all each COOS. He WUlittl7l.de. - ' lilte,liairogafter, yesterday, was one-third et a degree abore aa—a thing almost, If not. al together, .unpreeedeutcd. At al degrees it is trarked ~ ,r ery dry , therefoiv, must IV giarrt stesrtVUtti4lll. A Well Merited Testimonial Centenary of Methodism The first public cervices La commemoration of this great event took _place yesterday, throughout the whole Methodist Episcopal Church, and we believe to acme or tont, other breeches Of the Methodist family, agreeable to the request of (be M. C. Chareh authorities, °llse:v(4 the day to. With ti view to having a proper idea of the plan of operations hereabouts, we give the following brief eynopsis The General Con vention of ministers and laymen, appointed by the General Conference, which met et Cleveland, Ohio, this opting, appointed a Cen tre] Centel:Oa] Committixt with power to ape point Branch Committees for the leading Cities, and carry out all the detajls of the Con vention. The following }smash Committee was appointed for Pittsburgh : Rev. Dr. 6. jr. hte,shit, A, Bradley and W. 11. Kincaid. Thc apPeintments for the following ,Districts are: Pittneurgh tHericf—dice. S. P. Woolf, burgh, Pa.; P. 0,. .7. W. Baker, Arsenal, Pa.i Bev. W. W. Loup, Tarentum, Pa.; S. M. E.lerJ PillsbureS, Pa.; .7. A. banks, Etna, Pa, ,Allepheny Dirfrfaf—lice. J. Williams, Alley gheny City, Pa.tßev.4. A. liwanoy, Allegheny City, Pa.; C. W. Bonney, Allegheny City, Pad Ile v. Sylvester Burt, Beaver. Beaver County, Pa.; Beer. John Murray, Bridgewater, Beaver County Pa.; Thomas Crooks, Elkton, Cpitens Mann C oounty, Pa. These branch committees are to take charge of the Connectional Centenary movement: The Central Committee suggestk to them to organize at once, elect Secretary and Treasu• reel he presidingelder being Chairmen, and re port their Orgitrilhation New at York' to confer with the Annual Conference Committee, where one is appointed, an to the details of the Cele bretion• to carry oat the plan of the Contra/ Commlrico foe the etsoperntion of the Sunday schools in the Centenary movement; on dto report us often its convenient to the Central Committee. It is recommended that a special son hit lor set apart in each of the-societies where there Is a Sunday school, in October, 1066, for a children's celebration of the Craton nary, feetival. Connectional Centennery con tributions, not collections, may lie made at any time before October, 1. 4 0.1, and sent either to the proper branch committee Or to the Treasurer of the Ccutrid Committee at New York. The last seetion of the Pittsburgh Conference appointed u committee to make arrangements for the appropriate celebration of the event within the bounds of the Conference. Thts Committee met sonar time al uee In this city, at the Smithfield etreet Methodist Episcopal Church. Present, Revs. C. A. llolmee, C. 11. Jaeheon, L. It. Beacom, J. M. Carr, E. 11. Miller, I. N. Baird. h. Kinsey and J. r. White, Esgr. lieu. 11. Miller temporarily oe cupied the chair, and culled on Rev. C.ll. Jack son to lend in prayer. The Committee then perfected its organization by electing I:pv.l. N. littird, D. P., permanent Chairman, and .7 W. F. White, Loge. , Secretary. Atter an expression or views by all the mem bers, a eerie, of resolutions was adopted, eon erlng the work in hand. The main point* were that one-half of the unspecified collets lions be set apart for the creation of a per ineneet fond for Church extension within the Conference limits. The fall endowment ot Allegheny and Mt. Union Colleges was com mended, and it was ituggeeted that all contri butions this your for the erection sof new chureltea and parsonage,., and the purehese of real estate, he counted as Centeulal et:Nair-Mu t lOU, Om 1. N. Baird and C. A. Holmea, end J. W. E. White, Esq., were appointed a com mittee to carry out the details of thole action. Yesterday was wet apart for Centennial exer cises at the Liberty Street 'M. E. Church. At the snort log rerviee, the pastor, Rev. W. A. Davidson, after a Scripture lesson said: We. hive entered upon the Centenary year of American Methodism. It le, arrording to the ordination of the Let General Con ferenec, to Ist celebrated with appropriate exercises. Those exercises have been prescribed Ty a Committee appointed for that purist.s. They begin to day In till nurChnrehee. The recommendation 14, "That- the first Standee In Jannery, INitt, ole,OrNyti tut a tiny - of spet:lal and United prayer for the Divine blessing upon the eentonary services of the year, and for a general revival of relight+, that the Centenary 3 edriney prove to be an epoch in the spiritual progress of the (burgh," Se. Two thing. nee here pet-tented no objects of speeini and tutited prayer, BptL • ":.ienat7 .reneseK the year. On there • • i/11 Inc Merging Is to be Invoked. They are q.t. fold— relit:l , mm uu,l f owl-raining . The for mer primary, the latter seteutlary. The prim elpal fusel to he ranted, is to he on" ?kr Cent ensue }Attest tonal Cm - eV It is to tee per m:tn.-lit; the Inter,t only of wtalrh, is to he em_ pin, tat In It Ming tore In.t Hutton. of learning and In helping poor t oar.: Men to prepare. then/Fels,. for the Intel-icy at Imam, or fertile wlortal7. work 11 1 / 1 ,3.1, This tan greed pro- Jeet t It 11,11,4 lore; th e (.1.100,01 of ore, in. illlelllgebl .Nlollool%lloil the Drelne :sing ought to Is. Invoked. Let „ nS It prose the fund for aseisting voting teen to prepare for the ohnit. i shall refirlt, as Is confidently - esportral, one utflliOn Oi dollars. Mir own, at 7 per rent.. e 51•i,000. Non suppose each beuelleinry rehires kelp to the anoint of silo per year. the' number of bene )lelaries• can be all the lbw: :XL Alice - leg these In retell, ftits hop ti - ,e tt,' lest :veal h of thelr preparathro,t lln•re 1. 11l be thus graduated, In this way, into the Chrl-tine Intnit.ttl• a claw* Of PM ...err three peers, of In Ia y ens.. This tookslike it 'lop towel-4s the speedy eon, erslon of the 1. - tick!. It s ill be taken 11134 err) ,ear; Mal 1,0111011 of dollar, `‘ OIL a " • be raised ltefont the lest ol Oelober. The 'ten thotlrrlat of it I. tali of In•plrullost ; tern nettle% autaatt 'till lie nee of tritaperietent morel antitheft, sorele, nen.. t•I es luso to be bort/NI ti.siay toray ter the Divine Mr-stung nu ' , tell ;.13 underta p king th Is. :Iron. her (aryl 1.• eftliff - Itt(Attllt,l—"Tt, 101171. On, 1 . 111•11,1'• !stale .•• The lotemit of Oil. I. to t•t. til proprt,t , tl t•• Plerito , l ,, tl 4 I”Iny-,11..ol al ...Itht•r ••••‘ 1$•• 111 a) li• ••t•tr•ttalotttor,• •••Is •t, • -11••Iti. ni:•qa • : •.: it ••••t•••••.4:1.1.• tt,•.) ott:,11. In 7••• stftt•rbo-tet_ tn. tt-Ittil n••• ,, ,..try • •-•r . . . et ill. t • . re net npieti I, :0 311 . of part ettiltiren there 1p In Ihe mat ter t Itildrett vont riLartLf one dollar are to 'eerie.. a imitel w Rev John Ite•lt.). 11 tot not t •itle met lit.! top At.turi t the 111,1 Ittnern.an lipthop, ou the et •141.- Tito intrre.t of t 1. 3, tun , ! t• to be uttet/ to tlerert. trig boy. anti girt, inert.- I.lett fto 1. ) tittle ni30.1. The es Lining .ear, lee Ws, .1.-telo-1 lu hie .hog .t general meet ing for the pt. rieete of hearing rui atitire•se, Res ii.etn dist, tenti At the opening. rear! ',pie etle3et, (MITI the rentental volume, sit...Ong the omit eont. rept:toed this y ear. Mr. Hit , . and Urtaet.:- ti.n, rupeeinte.n.letst of the itannia:, ',hoot pre sentirt the rtt•ult• of Sattlettit ...Atoll effort, and rketrittil , that !cal Men netinnitil-hed Its" thi. depart trifitt of bailor w filth's the !I. H. Church. Ile eite.,l u ith a.l appeal that in Ile% of the inereatoo of inhabitant, that the prayer', .3 mpathir, and coutrllmt Peel tor the good. is ere negeimary to provide for the wnnh, of the children. Mr. lilucn t, n licit itrt-JeleThnonv , nltetehett n huh had byett tirine by local pre:teller* in planting MethOelhittl in thi*eoun• try, the not tiret . o' their work, the tililleultien to the way of rendering thir boa/ more tett - fat, and the port they root! , ! lake to this luhlirr t ear. hot fir. editor 01 the l•ii t t.lotrztt re el gin n In e0n... , pnene.• of (he of the hear, •poke hut II nhon tinorvit the Educational (mature of the re, a• hi , toed:, 1r. , . tit. y cre nog tnterett Mgt toooolfdollOn of Altruism), Il:•nrh r .lrr and floqueone lloronsh.. Mess t:•• -I bore h!•urd set ••r•• I ••• air tsulversing, ••1, ~nernltle ber•ugl• ••1 ewe:Ablating All , ,1••• n), :Ifanchester sod let. a t nestle Irt•routtbs. "the wafter, by what 1 un derstate!, Is untie,-••rio•••• .4u - I.44cm:ton. an, properly It sheuald Le, and elll7.ga“ of .1 Ile. glteny and adjoining !Juror/all. odalltazrAby Ile tneetlnta, dedute tbi• tower - Nut uttertba• Cr, I) Till• posItl•••• of alb-ghee) Ita and .ster...oultn, ate ,:Iced le•r I. be „l. -I met repel, ••f 1!••• -lii 041.11 r•• eontoa tl, ••htut t•-•, -4,11 1t0, la_ all 111 , a•lvanIng•••• Or 0111.1.11‘1.: Ii• r ra II ta . af. r r,•.. .114 , 111.• t !•••,••••••11, hoe, e• Isier•nat Its., Put-lomen ;;;;,..1,. r tdr• ads ;do, Ile aplatlaran,. ‘.l a , II? !be rlea 11••• ...f her st t•••• 14 tie• reg. ale ft) • I !ler budding., the • 111-IWII/1)•••• (I her 1...011W, !old,. her at trardis e and sought by es a-r, lusds uti lel olgee icr re.d•t e ses, thlt lifistudiester ,aster wag to be the retired .[apt for the a - palthy merchant or toe. el.anle, her facilities for 1.11.1•• • Ighltlng or, shipping art• 100 great. Wit hlt• {ht... lust four ears muuttfuettres of steel, and Iron works but e sprung ap as if by tuagle, and cis chinas /or operators aro in continued demand. Thou, ,inds of houses hays been ',dill, 1. ha re a feu cars ago the plough VI an silently busy in till ing the soil, end yet, ith all this enterprise, with all this magnitude of works, Manchester 1-• hardly known twenty miles from heno. By isinsolidation what W 01.1 1 ,1 ,he lose l Nothing but her mane. whirl% is hardly known outside of bor c °monition., What would she Ruin I Everything. Allegheny . at present is one of the bust managed cities, wit h gas, water, good market-name, splendid towii-hall, large grounds for parks, ,enlCiOnt police and arq 'department, and perbapii liters is not another city in the West with more sound finances; her bonds compromised,. and provision madu for their paymi nt, without harassing property. holdErs i her tares. and valuations at rer sht able rats Zunchester. by annexing would train Olt those fuelittleo. She tow., nt prewnt, Alleghe neylt gait and water, but not to ouch extent ON even to make i. 11.1 town safe front lire. There lona engine honses or aro aPparattet,' tiro plugo There to but one snltool hem., Max obliging parenta to mend their children a distance of over 1.6 mile" during the hitter cold daytvor keep them at home without any education. II) consolidating she would. have another tehool bottle, an engine Louse - and are plugo: Sim woniti be represented ha both council*, and have an efficient pollee 'to keep In check evil doer*, and her street, illumina ted. ilnylng.large spare of ground on her our. w ' eeding, and property being in demand, would eniaanvo it, value, and thotooardlo of homes would be built, and In a few yeltro * tile. her sister. Pittsburgh. I write thin communication to bring the aut." Ject before the people.onti 1 oak them to give it that attention which Ito importance entitle' It Lb. Consolidation hno worked well every" where and 1 ere no reason why it should not Work no well here. At first there will Ile no. ileum Illalcultleo to overcome, no for Inotnnee, the adjustment in- the new consolidated car. potation of the debts tine, by. each of the old corporation, but the praelklil good senor. of the people will soon remove them all In sunk n way an to give general ontisfaction. Would it not be well for the commit. to glen the sub" Ject of consolidating the city with Manchester and Inutnenne Imrough, doe consideration, lind take *ltch actlon-in regard, to it as will bring it fully before the people of Duo nesnel -. DIANCILUNITTI. Young !lens. Mercantile Itbrar7k—Tko :numbers of the Young Hone 31oreautilo Li brary Association will beat in mind' that an election of officers,•and otherllmportant bust • news . will come oft this eveni ,, g st 7 o'clock. We hare heard that several candidates will On run by their trionda TPXIOIIa oincoe„ and Member:: who shill not be at tho mooting oil ey ening can reflect only On themselves it incompetent Board is 01103014 A largo number of now books will be Ma; placrd la rho Library BOOM merino, V? - , Clll semi Passel:l.7,er Itisllrray vs. Ow KbirrimbFirsgis aad La si reneevilie Bridge Company. Judges Sterrett. Mellon and Stowe, -In the t4uarter Seasions, to-day, spent same time ill hearing the argnments upon a matter at Issue between the Citizens Pai,nger Railway t om pen) and the sharpiburgh um.' Lawrenceville Bridge Company. James L. Verner. Esq., President of the Railway Uompany, on Decem ber 16th, 186,1, petitioned the Court, that ander the rompany . 4 chance. granted March 024, IRL 4 , they had the right to construct their rati o. ay to the borough of Sharpiburg, and to use rends and bridges; that In order to enable them to reach the borough it was necessary to use the Sharpsburgh and Las retire VIP, bridge; 'that they hal failed to agree with the bridge compan) open terms for use of said bridge; the petitioner therefore nsized the Coral. to ap point a time for a hearing, not mere than to, my days from the tiling of the petition, sad after hearing, to It; the rates Of eon en cotton to be paid and allowed for the use of tho bridge, rind the terms upon which It should he used, and mode and manner in which it should bo kept by the respective parties. Thos. llow ard, .F. 41., appeared as counsel for the peti tioner. darned Veech, Esq., counsel for the Bridge Company, put to an answer to the petition. A bridge was erected over tin Allegheny river at Sharpabrirg, in 1996 or '39, bat it proved an unfortunate investment for the stockholders, as, soon after its opening, it was placed wider sequestration, with Mr. W. M. Darlington as sequentrator. In October, 1060, the Citizens Passenger Railway Company made an ar rangement for the use of the bridge fore pe riod of live yearn, at the rate of toll of 610 per ear per month. In July, 1664, the superstruc ture of the bridge was destroyed by tire. On the 9th of March, 1.563, the piers, and all rights. franchises and property of the old bridge were sold for PAO, to sundry persona, who, in Mae follies log, under the , art of April eth. "Sal. (concerning sale of railroads, bridges, formed a new corporation, adopting the name of ...shut - ashore and Lawrenceville Bridge Company," issued clock, and obtained asuril rbyt amount to erect upon the site and piers of the destroyed bridge a new structure, which 11tes been in use since the Rth of December last, and for the use of which the now bridge com pany are entitled to the tolls Oven tyv the art of Mann lath, lean. The Citizens gussenger railway was organized within a year after the date of Its charter, (t.^.o of March. is.7)o the tenth section of which provides that tadore said company abed" use and oecupy anYP.rtiOn of any turnpike, plank road, bridge, or street. Ac., if they fall to agree upon terms for the use thereof, within thirty days after fTe organisation of mid company, either party may apply by Pe. tition to the Quarter hessions,setting forth the facts and thereupon pray for the relief which was asked in this east. Mr. Voech submitted, in his answer for the respondents, that the petition was defective in not averring that "with in thirty days after the orgairrization of said company'. there was an effort and failure to agree I also, for the reason tent more than thirty days from the organizes. lion of said railway company having elapsed before the presentation of the petition, the mart had no) aril:diction. Respondents averred their readiness over since the completion of the new bridge to make a contract with the railw ny company for the use of passage over It with oars, de., at us low and fair tenr.s as the rest of the bridge and other contingent circumstances would permit; bat in conse quence of said company requiring the game at rates Mutely low, an areement b. not been effected but, say -respond ents,agreement had the petitioner not flown so heettly and Inconsiderately to the arena of litigation. II fair and Just contract might Paso been effected. Respondents asked that lath petition be dismissed, but if Tabery'se adjudg ed, that time and a fair opportunity be given to show the court at what run-sand upon what re rata cc contract for the use of the bridge should I o Made, and for is period not toe:coed one year, as pros ided in the art of laCel, con cerelr.g turnpike, plank road and bridge com panies. After some argument upon the facts, and 119 to he construction to be placed upon the char ter of the railway company, the court took rhurge . of the papers, and will give a decision at an early day. ro t tl sr ren, Ezer ulive Committee. —Tbo thy ,. , 5 mnco.keaamea, a e appointed by ~ .in Judgeof the be venal wards, con ;tit ute the Republican C:I: . J R:le th utl:e T C: b o::- . _ tuft tee for Allegheny: . - First Word—Henry Carne.o. l. Ay,. .31 .3;1. Kitt on Uulford, !tab- '' -.. "^rnP ao Scandrett. A r eeod Worrf—John Broth, John E 7lrorn, • Wor W. Ilror n, John A. 4e3 - ere. 7 herd Worrt—A. lioh+On, C. C, Smith, Co ... - per Goose, Somuel Ilmellog, R. IL May. fourth lIaM—I. R, }rand. , . 1(1.1114. I M. Coop er, I oak ]Taut, A. II Ilurebileld, J. l ratter. %en team Again Drjerred.—CorneFu. Burro. lind•Jators ernavlrted of an att. u'mpt to outthge the person of Mr*. ?Helot) r.•, of the Third War,), were brought Into the Crattinal Court thi. forenoon, foe- eetatener. Their conned, however, repreeentltm that rotor. facts loot horn clb.rolerd which, if e.- tal4lAt'ir, ',mkt at , far to :alit Ig4t.ton of the .entencr, they w.qa• remaudert anvil ; , ,tt ar ea) neat, In order 10 allow opportnnit) for Brmentber lbw Intense , 01,1 weather rhould.,lntyrest to the kintfkiihnl be nt, "lent the importance of making inquiry rts to the 4.1.1 JO on of thepoorofiheirimmr dlnte I.Ciglaorlmod. TY..., 4ho have not suf ileh Short, or fuel, must stiller tf rellects.t. Reader, if ton IMO. Of tiny our uho to ithelc to (o in Inquire into his or her ee,ntl.tt fsm, and see that t here is no sutfering. ' There is plenty itt the Laud. fleinembe•Kho poor. think flevtlerm—The etoelcholder,a of the I aroo-o. Ilepoi , lt National. met to-day wild ete•l tho following , It.nnl of Diroetor. I'n.r•lor'sl--.tome+ Maraboll. .. • • • Se•at, 301.111 31r1 , r1 It. t...atu Lei •Nacnu..l B. 1:‘ , b1.011, I% (111.itin l% a .1. barb., Arbuckle. FINANCE AND TRADE .n.tNIAI , III.O w) 1180 IF:KW /1)).1,It 1111.1.-tro •r 1te,111 , 10,, & , hl - o-' o• nrr nrraw coon lisn^r rc. N... ow I Jan_ el, tow , ' Offerr-7 4 .t nt. 143 OD ILL rw 00 OD D 7 00 tii l , 11. x. r :44. t" t'. I: N. (ot." Lil=l . - . . . Anent:oly Insurance .. . - 31onottootion. In ___ Mononnultolo. ttrltloo t otnl•anr ,_. _ Alloolooty Vnll•y 11. n I onnollunlllt , It I: utruls Connelluvtlle C. II- tion-sourer . u .ie.l eltirno• Notional flank hi 00 Earl:amp. Notional !lank •k On Ft met h N MA...1 Ik.ak -- NI & M. Notional (lank. . Si Ott I`rol•lrs Notional Itactl. 101 09 Thiel 'gallons) Dank 114 41 :kink of Pitt-Jim-oh . :of re I oluuttdo till 'l4 Ii rti i• 00 lonbrlo . I ntsperlor Iron I •. u Ilk not - lOU Gold UM ( lausat I a 713,, wa. but euttit.urutly. , ti Hut, our Aituk market. au Um, .rrrr but l'utx yak.. rutuniud tutt.l runt Ittui elt.tut: Nutt. York at anon 10-day at In Thur.: Is nett cum-i.turatkle _lnquiry ftir ttovuns. Arourtt Ltutut• Its t ht. mat ket, lrrinrilpllp, for tu.tturnt. and ruttnnand N,u Yuri. .ottu. Aktitt a.lvaueo linnk ti, .I.n. In artra:Lna. 11114 t 11. navri nat. ..litta ral I v.. 1) 111;1,1 'I lOr am anted at Nk. Er. bana , ' M 6- at 56- - °firma! .al Kink .11 3...+; ut 102 , :1 Thi rat National. 121: V.iratla NAT M./.I I arretil al 111 I ...ankr....• 1.1 y sa-ry r. nud the It ill) 1,1 rant - 0.4 %Is Oil .4.K16. paltlft111) .01. r It ts Ibnnihl hnu •N 0 . . an several • strike , " tsars Ms, roportml within tier past .lob - , tuncleat they will rotor to life. again, nrot the stock of wood reliable elirtelemet paying companle•, m“y•Sot ..citnt tentolsoute premlute—at least tierce: is no resee sem le by molt shuttlu not be the ens, SOW, of Columbia repoyteel at rtL. tenet n hit tor Union Icsbrir. Th.. ,V,..111 .5 eeo, , eo a:serto foodtivel het the Sl•t•n•tary of th e Trefootry off% In El fru flays, 11..11., poptootlo for holding smother tfateh of es rtilicalf, of Indebtedness sod efoopound interest not., to the amount of e hundred millions of dollar. The 014,1 of these movements, it thinks, I. not MO numb the eolltriletlol - 1. Of the eorroney, I 110111 b that In very desirable, as to fund the floating in debtedness, find to get rid of fill Interest boar tug grechloticko, especially such on nummaly compound Interest note, —The Chicago rnbunc, of Sa I L . m a y, 7 he complaints of a scarcity of currency us, and oeverul Of sine loading banks troday hod to refllMs` artontontslutfons to some oftheir boot etedomers. IL was jfxpeeted by many that as soon W. the packing season fall- IY °Yemed, money would be ph-niter than hirmerly, but thus far the orders from the easthave been very light. and the product has to he carried with city capital. The rerelplaof heal. to-day were upwards of MAO. The money for these hogs goes west daily to make further .purchases, and if they nadir...re to come In thus heavily, without n encrtorponding export Of produre eastward, our market will very be drained of money, The rate of dheount at the hanks remain. , steady at ID per cent per annum; street rates - ure firm at 2 per rent per month. The supply of eastern exchange is shout equal to the demand, and the market is steads at par buying, and I-10 premium selling. Round loss were sold by bankers to each other at a per alum of :VICO° per thousand. Roston Iron Market tlinTaa . : don. o.—The market for Pie is quiet but eery dna. Sleeks of foreign are reduced to a small compass, and the domestic article i n taken for consumption as fast as turned out at full privet,. Meant:tett:n.4l iron is An steady di nand nit heat much change lit rates, though the market Is fairly , doeked descriptions. We note small sales of horde') Pig No. I, at ,i,f,:a111.1 per ton, the inside figu welling to ar rive. - American is Fearer andat wean the ton, for the different monitors. charcoal Pie to eery /Itm - at V. 1417.115 per tonic:nth. liar Iron la in fair demand 0 Ith moderato stocks, end lots front store are selling at 11134 for _English :C0,1.111014 ar'...41:1M per ton for do re- Owl!. American relined liar lastalling at OM 0120 per ton front manufacturer.. hanchyand 1,12411213 , from store. Railroad Iron is selling at 4.lVper , gold, ton, for Engliali, and .87090 - , currency, for American. Boller Plates are in fair demand at previous rates. Ittissin Sheet morn quiet, and selling in mall lots at Xlri, 40e per lb. Itnglfsh do Is firm at 71401014 e. Nails are selling at 7071. e per lb, for gmorivd Wolfs - 4,144,C404 BIM prrrqnusic - si — si — Arist.-rx Or men or Tot Preys allaun Oaewne, Mos OAT, Jan. s, 1841. s Th prodne , marktt u err esee‘din ,, l.„ dull - and intact:re to-day. wni. n may he ;11,r:bated the extreme ef51,1 wenther,which always ha, a tendency to retard 0•11-door operation. nothing done ~ ., - arecly. aside from the regular petty dal:T. irausart ;et, A.l Ire have no round lot sales to report. la:AlN—Wheat In M demand am: , ritlt light supply and limited arail al., prices are pretty well postal:Leal. .Onto-- . ,ale of 1 ear, On t rack, at 15; also, smell sales from story at CO lR MT11,.... - .1,11ng In a baud] way at 70 to 73. Earley—oak of 1 car common Fall at al,rxt ltye I t wan t, d at ,1) Io all but little oSering. dull and neglected, but nom inal's. unchanged. Small saint from store at ‘8,50 for gootlhprint;,Wheat brands of rami fy, and 8.10,1....*V10,50 Mr good to choice brands of Winter Wheat. Ityo rloar is dull and entirely nominal at 4.p....m5!,..; ner bbl, and hooka - heat at 4.lqtrit.v, per cwt. PHVlSlONS—llaennla quint and nominally unchanged. Small sales at 15141 , 18 for Should ers; Ilf tiat4 for clear Sidra: and WS:I for sugar Cured Hums. Lard may be quoted dull awl nominal at 19 late for prime kettle, Sale of to 'Thin Mean Pork at tralt,.C. - Dressed Hogs are sel ling In a retail was at . 11?4.@12--Packers are not DWI Ina abort 101.1411. PfYrATOES--I.lemand fair and market atendy, Out prices rtnialnunchanged. Sales from Store at a1,13(./I,M per bushel, and 6;10 ,Zia'l,so per bbl. ,Ai PLES—In good local demand, and prithe tfi , choire quatitiea In aound condition are bel ling id ,5,50•117.50 per bbl. (,T—la dull and shade lower; wi• now OKA.. ut , 11,P0 per bid, on truck. and 63,00 from Mt ore. SEElW—Ylorueell 14 111 fair drunand for .hlP mort and t,ll.reitillis tit +2,7_UiN2,7s.per Cloverheed nouthial at 0. No Oen:illa for Tllnothy. ItUTTEI:-1..1t311 and unchanged; tee quote nouttoullt iit aa to: a for priniii to choice. EiLltlz , — . ln good irtippl) Bed dull, liult un,- elionged—ni to :r1 per dozen for fresh packed. CllF.Ech—ls mill quoted stood) tit 21 for lfutribure, nfirl - tr2 for I..i.hen. • . It AY—le coming is prig ty freely, Int t art... 1111 maintained—tonging from 6ar, (0391 per 1.11. • CIMNIIEIITES-1)1111 but nominally uu elmotoul—nli to fl 4 per TM). • PITTSIBURG;II PETROL UM 11.1,RKET 14,1(4: Or TIIE Prrrdnurvin fiwzrvrt, / Mon DAT, K, 1865. CHI Dl.—There 1,. sect to nothing doing in the crude market, the fully sale reported to. day being 100 bbls st grey bbls included, free on board ran. hero. There are some few small orders for shipment, but our refiners arc hold- Ina off, Walling for an improvement in Re fined, or a still further decline in Crude. We contlnue to quote at'%227, bbl, returned, and :116:141.5, hl,ls ineluelcsi, and these may be re garded as the extremes of the market. The. supply, altlic4ll considerably In excess of the present demand, Is nit us largo as generally supposellAnd as the Allegheny River is frozen Weer at different plates, we cannot look for any arrivals for some time to come. REFINED—To out n rather vulgar phrase,. the "bottom has fell (Mt" of the Refined mar bet rompletely, and what is worse than all, there Is no pros - poet of any Immediate im provement. There is no demand whatever for I.ondeel oil, either here er in the East, and there seems to be He tiuyers at any price. Soule of our refiners lam very pleasantly situa ted, havhag contracts for all the oil they elm turn out for thirty, and, In some cases, sixty Ms) 1., to come at extreme prices, and which .111 make them a very handsome profit, but there are others, unfortunately, who want to sell and canned, without incurring a loss. Without sales, a is simply imywealble to giv3 accurate. quotations. Free Oil may nominal at :4170 for prime elt.e 'sands, Et APTila AND Ll * .-. .:;i:tlit—There Is no lm P"'„ s ,T mt .:". !..- . 1 - ._ecte in the dernandifor Nap "" the• 119 of sales, we quote Residuum at Me:, 1, bond, and ' sSell free. Residuum Is dull and neglected but unchanged at allee The stock of both of these articles, although considerably in excess of the de mand, is not very heavy. Pllll. ARE LPIMA CATTLE MARKET 5p4,1111 DlNputch to the Pittsburgh Gazette. I=ECII I JMEIMMII ( TT LE -Reef Cattle are In ln•tter detnand thh a telt et an tutettneei nhcltt 1700 head ar ritt .1 and ROW from 17;.? to 1. , !4r for e%trn; 15€ Ire : r for rar to good, and 124j.1te per r . 00,1 for common, 0.10 quality.. !A) , V , -- - Are without elmtge: Lead at (.15 atl.l W to pauu per Ingot for At net. Con., rt+ to quality. 1:1.: P—Prlion Are rat her bet ter: a(o) heul nrrirtnt uu,i ,old it 7 to tl,e per 1.1Z1141 fur P. 9 tl Ent Shoep. ,rot $4,.10 to •.1.5,1 1 : : , h en ,: f,r. .1. tot: She: p. o to :hut it I , ln tlemantl 10-tt mot privet e nth num., :MO hrtut arrit ,h 1 and role( nt theift ants ut' from to she .101 11/. net, a!, to fluidity. Au nrlpmrinolinert lied of the •Intre, and hutchm, n ill bn luM at the .1t onBr pUtrr yard td, tut nnitt, January litn, at .1 oletork p tn., to onamitter the proproMitm of rhaalriad the r trio :market day from Morulny Tlorroluy to preerut the dealer.. In ntook I.lllnz the Iron r d ant oil , sinilay to tran-art en that day I= -pertal frfapan If to In* rittslmrght faszefte. I•mrnnn. January a. 1404. •:nip. of .. .print: Extra.. at fiLaD nal • p shade rn•irr. at 41.9 , it I,- turn Ulna. at .a...,7y1n for N. I, omit :IV for 14. 1. Om. quirt and .It-atly, rat tai:t - 21tir for No I, and nnl , ttlr flar tin 'Z. Eta. •tearly. at 1,6' :N. ft, N.... I. Ilarley dull anti utanuntl. II :11.n —lln - ,t - at (d,10141.1.9. 1.111,1,13 11.....-013,1e4 stoB4). tvot at tht• P. 3,, i0 0 .10. .1 V.51 , 0i.. , .7:5. 0n.7.1xv 1.4r.4 •Isllqw..l, 3,41. I' nm rale 1,a)'..1 - S 05.1 seller's 'apart: littss I . nrk In 1100.1 delantwl talatl Rtnitts yJ ithltt al ea 5,01 !talk Stamltlvra .41 at llo n 4a ;Irell a. - tire at It‘pitL'‘.. 1.r,1 .0;10 011.1 Ilrnt. at la(; 1., 1- 11114: 1 4-IteVriVer1. (MS tn-nalt +ll 111p.I. '!h 11., n arkrt nastrratel) or•tl re. open tit tit Stitt salt, 1-111:2s1 nt ,t+,1(1./ 111 0.1 .1 OD ME=PEI =ID ll= 1511 0p0,0,1 lOrpatob to the , rtttnburgb Gazette Cl swam • rt. January .A 11,16% 14• 21 rues !Pio,- .ire .tently, Nritit a better feel. lag in Ylarkel Met, r flrtui ~:.leg of 87 , 01.4.1•eity .al tie; ;,rile. obi city, at $27,:16. bacon, artiler; Shoublern I&. rib cite.. 17e; clear .111e71,..,k; lalairlal sugar Coma Ilant, :nes Bulk Meal, more active; Shoulder., Ifkl; slides, lie. tirera l‘leat 4, firm; ShOolil.-,7/,'!'t,; /lam, Ir L.nl, firm, at Kr 11 , .. 4 -1101;. an. •_ti nn - as higher; nth, at 111,:44i I , and 1114 in,:•), gr Count ry $10.:.0:1 10.75. Itecelptr, PETRIRI.EI 611 STOCKS IN WORK. Sp.ctai woq t a tt n to Woke= Coma. Now Toga, January OW. Pelt tge um St. rks gent t0...1ay and generally better l'aliner hew Ilenehen - Run in :teller demand.. Sales *yen , la the fellimlng 14111.41011 - itllll, Venange, Itygh shade aiNt , T, 3,1/11; ITi•ydriek. (11l Creek. 1..1`r. Itri ehenan r a rin ht: reel,. 13.001 NEW TORK. PETROLIM' 31A.1t141W , rect.l ninrittch o iVeMern Pre... Xvw !lona, January s, l'utrolnunt I..nurkrt dull; 1,000 bbls. of Erroll• sold nt.:70,11114. nt.•, tati.ll,4nobbls. of 10.11noll nt noeemeniw In Produce WI : hal e compiled, say. the New Yorl. ant of , O-r.nrnr.r, our usual statement ts the nor ements rortala leading art Isle. 01 pro dove at thIA port during' the year 1865, and now comparo the total with former yeara. The fol lowing a 11l show the receipts of the antieles named from all lotmlur lines of trans/as:sta tion. and by roabltrbe ;vessel" from other do mestic, ports: 15t1.3. ' lAr4. MS. Wnerit f10ur.,.. 4,741,/ 1 / 4 1 , 3,967,717 3,015,',17... Corn nun!. . 232,729 .. ...V7,7.5:1 '218,710 AT brat .. . . . . .17,, , 17:41 13,133,131 r , ,,76.9,9:2 Ityo ... . ... 439,X1 491,015 . 8)9,679 0ut!..... . . ..11,1:157,07a 1'A95C.,191 90,111A13 it3iley • 2,10,43 1,51,4,g1i 3_,....• , 1, - 0.5t Con ~. . . 14,143,11011 I,las,m 4:;106,:77C0tt0n._... . 12%411 1110,911 733,= Crude turp 3,517 0,7,11 28,011 tplrlttt tun , .... . 1,6113 41.70 110 110E•ln 11,IK: 19,1.'1 1 43115 6,904 •19,101 n Plteti..... .......... 1,007 3,OtV RIO Pork, p k gl.. ..... . 4,16,11R1 3:1;.,4 , 14 '111,813 ' l , Op. . :00,519 , m 0,564 • /11:119 Cut tatatr, pkg.. 465,913 a 4,417 140,081 Dr' ter, pkg,..... . 018,337 531,151 GOMM Chren, pk RN_ DONK° 730,8;3 0.13,17.1 Lard, tot & Lath, 40 1 ,1 1 111 141,000 41,310 Lunt. kutto 11,141 10,104 3,20: \1 111 nk y, blrlm .. t.V1,614 V 9, 0 ,1 e.,3111 1 Pet rolt , utu -- 573,347 011,3:3 Return of Neuthen% !aspics. since the Close of the .war and the revival of trade with the South, there havn been received at tide port by steamers and Vessels 6,43.3 hales of cotton, of which 4,048 bales came from Ride mond, I ,iOl bale,, trolly Savannah, 1,186 bales from different points in north Carolina, 7171 hates from Norfolk, 418 halts from Petersburg, and 7.32 hales from Charleeton. Of tobacco the reeeiptii have been 17, 3 13 . Paek 3 4 88 , 5 ;a 4 boxes and 1,740 easel. manufactured, anti 3,1k.0 hhibi leaf, received from 111ctunonti, Petersburg, Frederickeleurg nod North Carolina. There reipte of naval stoves have been Mite tibia tar, 2;411 bids resin, and 374 bids spirits turpentine, ft om North Carolina, SOuth Carolina, Florida and Virginia. The Milo in flaxseed has been owlet large, .4;3)31,111s sad hags haying linen so rely...4i from Ithiliniond :and Norfolk. Some nx) bblii mid conks of rich came fronvtiavnanah mot Charles I on, rind 11,576 bushels of 1.4 heat 1113.1 10,(41n IMatlii corn wercrecciv et' from Virginia and North Carolina. Beside:4 immense Tian titles of Bbingles., stavbs, lumber, dried trait, itc., have reached 4131Arnarket from tho rivers 01 .North Carolina and 5 Iruinla,—Bir(flfillirc liradamina• liiikILMEIS BY TELEGRAPH Fiona eir and Trnde in }lien Torh Na. - Toms. Jar 9 . — T.rolamenr,. oitl, A tvar att ~ n p tn-4pnFrnit road TLe symptoms of v. oitt.no.. ttio,n r•nt bull% durtrat wtrk. tat , .• b e NrinfttiOn of a ,trong • - ornfthoo t , torte tlo.n prlcas. caroragt. , l ht. !sot that to arc. 1 ,, a very large abort .Intrrknt. autatanduag to tr .soon cat try d. • . There un. inercn‘ed depression at the gurx.k Elchanue this morning on railwleyA, need there a, a farther large" deel eon tVu,ter.a road, New York t. entral tea. the • strongt , t, hay about the only one :hit did mat fail off. Thu int ,, t marked decline um, on lletatilMt, burgh, Northwestern and Fart Wayne. At the second and last Conn's, thernoventeot Was checked, and prices were generally:better. The sharp decline of this inert - king Induced some of the I..ear. to eo vex their contrnet, At the close, thy market 'was firm, e.peclidly on New York Central, Er le and Bock Island. MM=MIMMI .hln• and Certillenteo, nk.:"; firm York Centrnl, 96!...• Erie, 91: , :; Hudson diver, 1 CG'. ; Et.ding, NllehigiM southern, 76X; Ch•veliuuld Pitt - burgh. si}i; Minot,. Cen tral crrip, 20 n 4N; North We.tern,::-.. - 9i. Goren - uncut, are dull and rather drooping. The decline In gold WAN:tn tlle gold lotert,t lAmde unfavoruhl.y, anti at the same time geopi firm. lid shows o strong downward tehulonc7 Some foreign bunker., inthieneed by u prolythot of the cotton .apply largely• exereding the original eiditnate, are selling outethar gold. Sonic tire anticipating. a Intl in L 7.) before the 41 of March. There to tin ample yof nada gold, owing to the sale.. it eloped et 17 4 4. The demand for manic to-tine an. naxlernte, and all houw , in g: s„1 'hauling received until eirlit at 8 per rrat . ion cull. State bond, are onit t. inn] the few -ale. made were generally ut :•,. F New 'Vona, Jan. S.—Corros —0144 !""T un changed. Isom—Dull and heavy. and:common grades lefrtc lower; 41 . ...'•=3 8 ,`-' 0 for I"..rtru Si,tieit. for Extra 11. O. and te , ...V43 lat.. for trade brands. Market closing heavy for common gnoles. mass—Quiet; in lots at 43 0 .4 - 3"2,T.). GEA.II‘ —Wheat dull, and nominally ltY2e low er on COMMON grades; new NO. Milwanla`c, 61,57 1 ,4 on common grades; ne t No. I Milwau kee Club, 61e7b.i. it quiet and nominal. Earley quiet; State, $l. Barley Malt quiet. Corn dull anti Ic lower; Saff.stic for unsound and store. -for sound mixed western, afloat and store. Out s dull; .tr..r3S:c for unsound western; Glkra2 for sound do. t•nocuntra—Colree quiet. Sugar quiet. lasses quiet. PararAmm—Dull; crude, 37 , 0:15; relined In bond, Obr. . , Puo vodo.—Pork heavy and irregular. at 617,7,14V,0D for new pies 4, cloning at irli; coati fe.7f027_,75 for PA:I,S do, closing at if.r43o,.regrdari $2/,506422 for prime, find fer,2sfor prime mess' cd.o ::.71 . 5.1)bir new inesq, YebrAary, Wirth find April. 1k4.4 quiet Will unchanged. taut Meats quiet, nt II(lite for fdionldern, 1:1!,..16e Cot Earns. Baron dull; long-ripb4l for January, ,Ilerto option, 145 i. Drensed ' , Hogs lower.. at 11q11% for western, 11 , 4Q12 for city. f..ard ben.) - nod easier, nt 15g17 - } 4 '. ;!utter dull, at .1:V.:(1 for Ohio. Geese quiet, at 13 18. Drw York Dry GoodollUwkri. New Yeas, .7itn. S.—The rollenrinnirn the quo tations from the Dry Goode Enchnago Brown slicetinp,--Standartt, 31; Medford, oi s 2&At.: .. s d h u s t ir A a. 3 g l,.4; ll Supezi i ir a, 50; Forrest Dale, 4214; Clinton, C. C. C., 40; Canoe, 2214. Prints—Cocheco, 27; Sprague, :W.4; Hamilton, 11 1 ,4 American, ltichmond, Z; Freeman, =. Defaines—llamiltoni tlinghems—Lanca.s. ter, 31; Glasgow. Cumbrios—VletorY, 22 j; Portland, W. Brown Drilllngs—Standard, ^ Winthrop, 29. Ticks—Hamilton, 53 Blackstone River, 40. -Stripes—Whittentent, A, 43; York, 45; Pittsfield, " . .6. 13cnitna— Bork, 531 Thorn dyke, 40. Bal .- moral , Skirts—Bruner, oX; *it. hoop Shirts—Duplex Elliptic and Emprcas Trail, Pr.:cea unchanged; Mites, I, X. 1., N inch tapv... t 0.40 hoops, 53c to •30; 3 inch ttipp, w 40 h oops , 70c to 0.10, following despatches werr received at '2.e Dry , Goods Exchange, Daddy moderate• intensecold. Pnovitience—Trade quiet; :no change in prices. C x NCIN SAT - I.—Market very !inlet; weather ETME!=MiMM • • • • st. gelet;'weatber cold: riv er still frozen over. 121 New York stork and Iflokkey Xarket. New YOBS, Jan. B.—]Loney (-limy at 6 per cent tal Saturday. Erle dull rout heavy at 14. 3 10109. Gold heavy and deeldmlly lower, nisentn7.ut jilt elosinE at 179. llovernntep.sto,k, du ff rna . rulgllta to Li verpool doll and nominally nnehnu.,... STOCKE—.Steady t.. 1 411111% l 3 lXe4 StlD e <Tr. - puns lit, /0 , 0;;; nit,Ular , 1 2 1.4t:4:';;. I . oUpOns 1;5,101)1; l`rratary Note, ..al' ner end Ohio and M1,,,1,..1111,1 dvrtaleutes,.../13i; qutt.ksllver, 4114;Marlpo,a, 14 : Neu York Ctaltrul,96l4;Erle, 05N; Itouditl4, 105 , ,1; Nu ta I,o ent rul 10 l 4 t i M lirchhg n 1 :Nor t t hrn e', t er n, do preferred, 59, Lock kLuad, UGt yort Wayne. ir.,±4. . Philadelphia ltaikel. rnmantl.rm.h, Jan. Z 4 .—PiTilol.l:l4. —Dal and nominal. FLor m-I , u IL ~ u pertine E , Ftra, KAlN—Wlient gullet; R,41 irl,2:q White L 75. Corn tlrut; 1 eLlow, KJe. I . norlsto3b--Me.. Pork - , Pre•treil boar 412e12,50. Lard, 19!‘40.10r.. nis v —Dun at 4.2751 , :., 1 , 1 311 Noss' 34 A-rristrF—Gold, j. New York Wireltty Bank Mat...mewl :Stn . Yon..lnn. E., 1,556. 1413.155,070 t• peek' 15,7,1,471 Ireulatiou tt eposits 7161748. L egil Temier. , : Mining StoeLKI Von., Jan. ntimiuF stool:4 1 , 111 In lloqt nn : Copper • Franklib, 3,64; NI Irmo ,a•ln. 17: (to inq• • 511 Ituncoole, 34i.• Roston Wool Market Itosros. Jan.—The activity in this staple noted to our last, has continued through the prevent week. a natural con,nnence, the market Is Intiotnn strength, and there is a bum ant and hopeful feeling ifs trade circle. lianufneturers are In want of mat eclat for Im mediate use, and beton satisfied that prices Lase touched the lqwest point, ass. buytan right and left whatever desirable teat are In terim.; at current unOtationa. At these rates, to :ever, the best wools on the market ore not to-be had, and many large holders of choice staple have withdrawn their stocks, and prefer holding till Fcbrnary..when they feel cure In mere 113,131111i1rat1131 They argue that it is boot policy to sell at 11,14e rifler, when, by waiting a little; they can Just as 131,13 well at II profit. a. The stocks of choice Obits ' Penosylwuthrand West Th-ginitt wools aro 113 ton hands 'and the better quality of Western atul,New ' York has tgrea,l3 hes.n oat• of the market and gone into consumption. The 'hint:sees:l line a ools of the country arc only left to uko new the supply rd' Spring goods. and upon these consumers must now bill back for their sea sonable ' , applies. The tonsamptive demand. alone, for the neut two months, will be sunk Meld, 11 is thought, to carry utile, to t% highsr range., and, in Case a snertda t mummers should supervene, whirl; is by uo means improbable, extreme Cates would be established fur a while, at leaste Manufacturers doubtless havegm eye to this contlunenny, and ore operating freely, but lit a quiet way, to guard against 11, by st‘surion supplmt sullicieut to ettaNt, Csaut to Ill] rano tenets and bridge over any perlOil of excite mt nt which may occur between now and the /11 . ... Ct wool s -bin wtsatt- arc not yet stunted, for co eason. nsumption; ne5 . ..4140c*, good romiltioned lots are being bought. up at pres ent low prier's, 114 3 a Minter of policy, as caper. tunes fur thf• last fen yearn hal - proved that they ern-apt tt ad-alter rapidly towards the elese of the , e 1133013. of a1mj,3,4131 Nettle week' (Sot nft 3101n1) Ro,ts , (Ti 11, at a ranitfl(n :6tiSll.llFr Meson', and forstun, and [3.31 - 3 thaltulod, are lots of Illinois, lona and Wisconsin tiv.eitn3 at .51)..at3.t., New Yor`t.tto at ITV,OIIo, Michigan do tit d:fferar , Median] nail tine Ohio. at 6.11e73e, choir, Ohio, Pennsylvania and .{f'a'st on :Ur Stre In Canada combing, small kik, at Ite. (ensign the ales have been• tutliftpurt n • inebeling small lots of Cope, here mid in Nes 1 ork. at :gin , Lle.—lftftho no XL:foment of. Coen to Iretront. 11,1,....e5Nris lett this port on - r baturtts Isst, for .11tIcrrot ports to. Irelrtn,l, 4.-..3rrytutt Ultrit; bushel. or corn. The shipment or tlflr eon, mmt try to Ireland tiss reeentl) lo.rttrly In critto.e.t.—notttrsorr CAptamerchrt..., RIVER NEWS, Like rt. Louis and route othtir rivets we are now completely blockaded with ire . In our usual .ice to the ricer lad evening, we ars' visited the pier, and we found that it thilleated but 2..4 ttrehes water In the elm tiin-L Looking up the river, a broad sheet of ice extends it celf either more until fit Waves but a small channel between the two linemen. Along the share at the steamboat Landing tee is form-, trig tepidly, and by thisloorningthe bouts wile all be frozen In. In the Allegheny river, lee in the ruling clement. At a p commene log about one hundred and fifty yards above the old aqueduct plera the riviteis closed en— tirely over, and this 'atitte of things in to ba run as far as tile 'tomb of the ricer. an be fol lowed 'with the rye. -7t may he cold that the Allegheny la clostal Freeporti for there ore but few places where there Is any open water. At nine o'clock yeatertlay morning the mer entY aloud at ton degrees atsAve acremt twelve o'clock at fifteen degrees atiote zero, aud at, five o'clock p.na„, at thirteen degree* above zero. Such cciii weather has not beta expert. raced before, this winter, An . .21 nutttir of tourer, tatsli.e,i' at tho lauding i t entirely aus pended, and the beelo have all taken 10 their staging, titular, well !traced outleltb sp.ar.. It is unneeeseury loons to staid that nil boabf have arrived or depaated tdnett ottr The C. X. Ittllamn -left Cincinnati for this port on Saturday last. The Leonora Nu..I•IS loading at t'inoinuat for this port. The Idctator, Capt. W. 11. Donaldson, leave,. Louisville this evening lee Sew 9rlcans, The Cincinnati Canwarreiuccontains the fol lowing Itenta of news:. • Cho, of the liostsma No.l, report" new and ponderous snag in thelniddie of the (thin river, nearly opposite the mill, between - Antiquity and Ithetne, Pilots mast keep an eve on this interloper; The Iteliceen departed for Cincinnati Cr,„„ Nashville on the Sthl lundtal to tier . 1.11111 nd refusing freight. Cumberland River sloafy falling,' Telegrephie rorrespandenee Cincinnati Cost- Mt stems, Jan. t I'. Ml—Ens. - Cox—The Golden., sunk few (tar' Mtn, in !Cut otr ~at the mouth .of White hirer. heat anti dornecYs clear out of signi. • A.` total 105..1;', rartien tars. • CAllto, 4111,. —Em. Cox.—The AterrarriMrr moral:Tulin her >httft 0% it, Annuth or Milne Itlvcr r few dry* Apr. 1.14 r 4114 tCI Vi/r/IkikiirAikerifir.iar th-mrx•ror says: The. toarboatliornottgun one yr& of rceta. yesterday, at the hernial' the etas], end conk two boats loaded with coal. The Hornet got old safe. . • Capt. Flugh Campbell. of tho. Wild Wagoner, has received intelligence that, utter es moat Interminable law suit of ten years, nth,- tire to the invention of the "steam capstan," be has been awarded heavy damages for nn in• writ. gement on his patent. Cap--Campbell, we uriderstand, goes east to receive, his Just es._ ward. Ttie Louisville Courier says , , Cs; the Falls last evening there were 6 , i feet water to the Ness down the Indian - Chute. There vas much excitement over the des: , sircellon of the Eleanore Carrel. The loss on the boat and cargo, It is thought, will tityfulty anx,4X.O. lithe tire had occurred at night it would have been terrible, as half the boats La . 1 pon would have ban burned. Early seaters al day eight 'pair of floating boat ,s loaded withcoal, arrived from Plttsbargh, the last of the fleet. It seva ail destintilfor lower ports, and It was designed sending it through the canal yesterday, as by today, owing to the rapid fall 1 of water, there would not be a sufficient depth or v titer in thechannel - to float them. The rl too boats Hornet and Valid were engaged you- ' terifity towing the coal boats into the canal. ; While Use Hornet, early yesterday mernixt was towing a pair of coal bents belonging Mr. neigh, of Pittsburgh, into the canal km got leo-far out Into the torrent, or suck [lithe Falls, fund the boats , sseiv were monde!! and sunk on the reef of the rocks nt the head of the Falls. As the river was , falling fast, the coal may possibly be saved, though one of the boats was badly crushed, and may _go to pieces. • IMPORTS IST RAILROAD. PITTArrzmiLY oWS WATZVEI h C111(1100, Jan. 6-1 keg mdse. Gnckenhcinicr 6 BrO; 4 dos 2. brooms,Selbert & Moran; 5 bms mdseyrorsyth, Taylor & co; 16 else:wed bogs, Sturgeon & Bro; do do, .3 p Hansa & co; 52 do do, EH Myers scrap iron, Mullins; 0 • dressed Loge., Yetrer & tlraistrong;l car , wheat, bbls dour, Hitchcock, 51c.Creere & co; M bga Clever.; aced, Kirkpatrick & Dm:lcor wheat; Liggett & co; 51' dor palls, etc, etc, Watt & lVilsonAcar -I lumber. C Bidwell; 5 cars hi, goods, Will am Coleman; pbdla felloes, blaiehhaney, Hare & co; I car oat.,, Culp & Shepard; 100 bbleflour, T C Jenkins CI.ATAL AND AND Prrrsar con Rau. ROAD, Jan. 64-10 bbls oil, E illyers a eo; hhds tO , itaeco, pkgs do, E Megraw; 13 bundloe Crank straps, & Baird; eks pearla,J II Canffeld; 113 ell bbltt, Byram; 19 slabs steel,-Broarri':, & co; 10 0 Itta, dour, 11 Hearlctont 100 de do, 11 - P.eajrtlCO do do; Shomaket & Lang; 13ga : cats - -1 cloveraced, Kirk & Patrtek; 13 sks rags, Me- ".; Cullough, smith a co; 4 pkgs lard, Shricee Larear tears lumber, pia- b ut ter, Ruff; • pkgs lard, Cook, it r o It co; 13 pima -butter, 31, do brooms, Eolgt & eo,• 3 cars copper, Hussey CO; I di) '" metal, Nimick & co. Prrrananon, Comtkurs stroCrattartaiff Jan. 8-13 - kegs lard, 2 bbls dry apples' barrel , butter, Vint Miller; 4 kegs butter, W 31 aka barley. W Keys; 68 do do, Z Walawtight. 5 bogs, X Sturgeon Idols lour, 1 keg lard, Jaa McLonnell; 1.1%/13b1s tour, Sbonuaker & Lang; 9--=.l cant staves, C C Fr:mitt:4G do do, Smith & Hemp- - 53E empty oil bbls, J Milligan. _ ALLICOTIINT STATION. January ff—ff .bases wine, Dr J Dickson iffr 1 dla paper Plttabargh. Paper Co; aks oats, H Tettaple4 I bbl eggs I bugs ffaxaeed,S pkgs butter O'llanlontlo aka- corn meal, It Wfillams; • CO dor brOoms, Jas.- /fferillium: /70 bags Staple 91 13 Suydam; I. car corn, Steel a Son; . 43 :bags barley' .1" pericb; 2 cars corn, JON Meli.inney; 116 a i ls flax seed, Ewer & Hamilton; 153 bags wheat, D more & co• 531 oil bbls. Pearl Oil - Co; Leask, cheese, G Meyers :WA. von. wrinummu. NAB- MitEA. PAllllllttilitrall, sad .11 hetermixilate ports. The toritt tbkegkeel. Passenger Steamer, Bayard, omens n. mown. 1E4144 Craver Pitt...burgh forParkersbanh every Mind.) . Thuridsr. at I.lo`oloa. it. MI. • Lesven Wheeling for Parkersburg It every hihatt.y sag Thursday, at &clock, p. re. I.II7IIEVINGF. - Leaves ralicerab.gliforrltlatbargb eiery Tye.. and Friday, at. p. tn. Leaves Warloata tat Pittstaargb. eve. Tuesday .4 rsida7.. 2 ns. Leaven Wheeling ltePlttsbaszkeTery Wednesday 4 .d Nat arday. Ta. . . I Yor Srelsrbt pa.ase. apply on board, or to ore JAZ. OOLLINV lb CO.. !ideals. PEGIILAII PACKET - 1 -t FOB wnratiwo, mmaurrrAgairabl AND ZANE.SVILLIS.—The One stun:Lei E.1131.1:7, GRAMM Capt. C. IL Simi. Will Icsae forthe'r - , above =a .. .Litman:keitlate porta APX . Trets.D l .ll at Ip. ta. Rotel-41nm. leaveaZane. DAT ' "7 a ' . Age.rtt CORETICIMON NERMEEiNTS saw. IN.._ pATTEAsv':7; AMMON •&' .CO. Comatsslon blereSants, PLorrn. GBAIIT AND 4 GSINECAL rnoDuct: DMILXIIS, Nos. Pt at Moo Street, Scott's blew Building. oppoSte C. d. P. B. P. Depot. apJar. & AINJER. MEM:HANTS amid deabiititn FLOUft _, Git.-4.12f and 1 . 1.:01,110E, ticcoad stmt. between 1100 d .sIVI balitheeld, ritub.rgh: . . ap11:1! 1.2111-:/1 JUNN A. fiIIILFPAILD• - POTTER, •Sr. SIIEPARID, Cooximfiselon 4ferehants, and dealers La "Fordo and Domestic Yrttitc Iflour, Bauer, theer.e 4 13g0,. Potatoes-'d produee gesmAttly. SW LIBRICTIC ' STAIMT. oppoalta Passenger Depot, rlttabargh. • ; . -1 111ABILE8 C.VALSL.EY,:Produce and Cocorilsaloo .11ercha.t.4irarebottaa No. LIPPUTP EiTIINET. :Pitsbit ,P. - dealer In Potter. Lard, ggs, Pork, itat•oit, • Dram. Tallow. Feathers, .11rooma, Potaton, nom tar. Dried rolts irce. Proiu, Oafozba. • Paget, Grab,, Clover Weds, Timothy tined., /lax Sefrdir, Guno sod. roaltry. Part.icalar attesaloa giVeb" Prodcoe Con4lgatonota. - • NC .X. 1.1 . W ILKINS • LINLIABT, • ..: ~ - 1 Ifisosessor to Slattrosro 8 Llihort: , J Drain. In Floor and Grain. Prodar f.. and CoxantAl Merthaau, No. .Z 1 LIENUTY NT.H.SET. P/ttatsar ,n AN. .i Is. ___ .... &lay ',.. . __ - . 1 11. JAC}i, , 1 ' • .. t. , •.• Gnoczn, So.. Ild - 2 DIA/ARID. nuG:lr 1 PirrSnrigGff. Pt. - 1 I'I'TI.E, DAIltill• • & PA N' TTO, 7 -. 4 Itholriala Grocers. Cdcarataaloa.Nleranints, and ..'. dealer. In l'rcalcre. rims. Bacan. C.hrtar, 111.16. '-,- llarban and Lard -Dd. Iran. Nall., Glaaa. Cotton Yank. and all l'ltt‘berghi martallartarca getlerallyi : It 3 and llllircond atm... Ilitabargb.. i --_......,_ --... . , ...-.. OPTS Sntre.. - i .. ItLP & SZTEPAIOI, Commisloii. a•- • :Remnant. and duelersl. Floor, tiralnancr Pro.- ~ Joon. N 0.30 Llttertyetrert. rittetnergh.' • ~ (Moto, branle of Flour fa Balers. and Panitle...,.. reeetaiitly on hand. Partlealar Ittention, - perd , t•' a r . Unit., order efor aiereban.l. generally. .o.ae:ly. ,- ~i , 1114.4. 1112Cluzu. • . WIN. P. BECK &.• Co, No. 18.1 , I.lh•rty &Met. Inttatitcgb; Nr.beolesale.. ( - ire .-evv. tows:l.loz, erch,l pf.,....zd &esters 1.0 Uoura.: . . , Produce, Provhlons, Ilaqqa;Lard,4llC, Ch eae. &c., PrOdOff, Gm+, r,3 Ihi Fruit*, Ala.Vsatit sad I' /YU' Tom mcANFiELIN Co m•" ou Fad krargrarttins Mereitsat *ad , rOC filar la Weorreulte.cr•b titte.e,_illiatter t tarr4, I:acon. Pot and Pcsrl.Asb Nalerat.e. 1.1..ted sal ...ard , llrterkt Treat, rra tduc jai Jr.. 1,1 17. 1144xnd ltl Ft-Matti:a - SW, I'A -tabors', w. cm0r0rr...,.......t. KIRI?! iti.. - 7 -- -.1. v i.71 7 15".50111 KILIKPATO,ICIL; ilito4. fr.. • CO. ~..., „ r .. orreaocro to /way!, • )noktrict • ..t• Itro„ liirbolcnole alralero is : timer lostr,"Gtolo, Pro 7 - ..... 'Ulu.. Yl.ll, t'heeoe, 14alt, Noth“:l;tiii Dili Una . .."1: 'Coo. ]At and VA L'ilwrtf cure Titt..borgl. . jrU .: 0 : 2 ttlyrc . .... ~ ...... ......., . ... , . —.. 1',..4. EL.372:. 7,-.. tiqui"W itErrk4:Pitatirets fonsnalwairar and tor.Aggialt oa-c4pin6 Decuts for Plt*burzlllnnuf.seimea.. Vran.t.on.w. Nu. Llberty,greet. rittabEtrzhira. ][.X3119 DALZELL b. SON, Mann facth roes of I..srd anti etranl'oslon Merchants ,t far the purchase and sale of Crude and Iledned.re trolevian, Nos. 0 and Al Water riretl, rutabargx, Advances made olsConslrnalent*. 4 .s;CßODlL i tliEtt&lLANlG,Wholitisalle A dealers InGrostriei,Flaiir-Cisalsierradnee.livo visions. Irish. rszlioa 014 Nos. Inaad 4. r:vmood Stmts. stair ,Libe.tty =met; ' orcZCZ B. .....*B O LUS MIPTMAZ. Ti EA D & NIETZGAIL, larecers and , 1:1 • •.• Poremisstou ilerebauts, aruLtiellses In ell tin& or Country Pralucsr and Pittsburgh "Llsnuactares. Tiu. yrs Liberty btrect s opposite WWlcf W oat west. Pittsburgh, • spg:lf • ItZTlitli 4. S. ari imratEß & BROS.; (Sacceslsorsto rigs. grafts. Nitt, sad Spiess, couresStatiegy. bug/Ir, Firssrarks. de.. Nos. 1.1% and 12:1 Wooll garret. shore Flab. Pittsburgh. ir=:ts VETZER & ARMSTRONG, Wor- Iro.rding end ems.ml.l. Witchtat., f0r.....01e of Yloar. Bacon. Lard.. Drie4 Trait". .4 Produce generally. so. Uk Market :Street. cocoa of P.lttaborpt. P. '; Waal, . - MAILLACJE, CoutrnUeion Mer • chant en,INTb nines!, Dealer In TionrsnO.firala. to ra Liberty atreci. opposlte Penns deals IL. newt, littsbnegh._Yst..-tlere Riorhpus.coeser Warne sad Peon streets. no17:11. , T 1 BIDDLE, No. ISB Litteirty St., pit,sburei. 023132WANte. IleXCh42lt, bol coal e Dealer fn Coo airy Pro<lnee, tirocertri...l Plilrbergh suaufacteires. (1,41• soUarkor.4 'on Coo .l4rxiturriu.. and Daly for rroolooe senn - aLly. ioct a. A. LICC-ITT " ralin - Lniviar :1 &LIGGETT Is Co ., City tryout, • 1., Mils, ebraa; Liberty bad Adypy street., rlttnburab, ra. a Dames. aonNI. ilotrft•—• IsoirAr.D.uvu., ionN 1101 USE & ea, WiLolesale Gracerg aue Cammlst•loa Veretants, comer •C limittalefa and ITsler strets,Plttvburek: aorsatz 14011 T. DALLZELL sale Oroomrs, Commix:on and renrartling ?.4f Moats nuil deslenrin rilAtte. 1124 PLltsbp.rglir hixa afartnres. Liberty Meet, Pittobsu . - .141111 FLOYD -- WILLC IY morn. ti TOLES FLOYD •Si., CO ,'Wholesale Groclo. and Commisdos Zreraid.utz,: 17,1 1r04d•na....T.i Liberty strett. Ilstabtrzik: • • pi* IHABILES 1.. CALI/THIEL, (Sue reasor to Jame+. Holmes Co„) Pork Yauter and dealer in rrovlalnan, ea:lm •ok zaraet .r.l Front_ street!. AWN'S .100^1/ -WILSON. WATT •-• WILSON,. rlTholessili! • Grorera. Voinalgslonlierahantn, deaterr Prodase and •Ptttatfarals Mnaltritetarra.Lit. arty !treat, Plnaburgb. • - _Jure I Coante,lon Ilerabalm and d' .4 . 1 ". la Pa.d.ee. \O. 60 Water Avrert •Cit CC !rant. atei•es, Plutbarga. ' • .•Arra, 1.116E7 -- OIGAT Co, (Successors 14" "V " bra r.)Pralnee oiad Conaula Ster. •Nutlt, TV,Ltberty surer. PlUsburgt. 1 DAVID M. EDsIIITOf whale bale Gine.. sad rorarsi,otsik Mercksni,. Ig: 1 Hood , rutobaritt - ' AI Jolt% C. RALLACi. 14.Anticts IK ( 1 : ' ers B aIL I I .14 r 1 - Sl.Lib inert, ritikbursh. . • ~ • • .1416 INSURANCE AGENTS. . T --OAnniNEl e (OF} , of the Trintlin. relladelpbigi ead IlaqiEn.rt - AIMIXICEr Cranpante... N9rIR-e•st conies Gnlll'aini P. - JO,NES, Arent for ibittlfOribt 4 • I •limerica, State orPesuilpranis, sx.ll liart4 (On! lnaYrsnea Cantputica M WATFJZ LMJU:PIT. - AMC REA, Secretal7 fit item• luma Cimrzur, ii;JKL W liAnzal4;4Xig - . of the :r IMICISUf
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers