tits t lttoburgitdt El .IITTSBUIIGIf, JAN,IJAILY 1533 .1!ItiOTgOTION OF FREEDLTEN Aciutti lemlition of Ike Iteb2l States. SPEECH OF MAU. CHARLES, SUMNER. (cost Leotak tuou restene.ky ; flew I 3 ii alter - fropkifs' South Carolinian , IMO:served Ito the'retill.- army but who now. yoolllu ctror of Ol Rays;. g 4 ;4 1 5 - sat (; , PeCill9r Ore, Inattimral ;;TkAtel'ia.3 -- TVeidced no applanve ai al/total the tandleneot lits :sentiments too illifoh Nu , tbrin. I am' s arty al-so-to ay :that tlfe lf?ttuith Carolinians gent.rully; entertain. to n :lgteat..extent, their 1 reiud-W. 4 . ,0 Aishrttcrita of late to tlee State.' One le aimed ';einaptitletl to think they insanely. wish, to bring upon thennelves more and groatt.t Mar ' - illioatlenti., - IVltne:. , the tote given it tmpton. _alai r t .fa s e,t. in lie is candidate. What an no wise diettlay of a (Actions - and ii :.R: a.plritl • Few tilem ;willing to admit the simple • .proptoll Ion; that ill causes of ill *Oiling no tweet/ the North antkanuth have Oven settled I.r.ob.strldfonlieut Of this sword, and we ma,,t anmajt ,Ineettly, seek rather to I:eep . alive the 111 feelieg Mat has made us unhappy for)lo Many-years;, find Mat ill-advised 4ro lime to Empereisti the actions lA. - the united , States Croltrumt;nti,e does not-settle all I,3nes, (int/ stettle thein ;forever, itwlllbo became the Gen ' chit tlevettnnent fails to use the power it has obleintti:; I non 11 - E , donee lover of South Coro - atoll WS- any ; Man.in it; and, for that, rea.,on i wl,ll to aeo ponce. and harmony re-tored ;?itlrrongliOntite bonder&Futthat run never be mestwlni tried hardcsE to break np the GrOternment ate,in Intetliately - they find the el se ave,llllN , with the word, alto wmi to - take ftcs.tt.s -in Congress_ anil tecouimunoi3 the • ,tigttirt /on wills their tongues, tied lty their nr ,:•gumcmts and votes, utlitturn ntory speech, es; Wert, not mink: lit, ItUil than hive : lies/a de ; - "hilted during the late eutiorts. If evaniplei - ~:hrrmot inntio,if Matting men arena made to ;• %fritopine lii taCt4s.- trlll.llllll..unsoreeisful at dtstait to rerillittiOntZe . „ Olsen - agitation - rill - .never tease but till be kept up by ainidflon3 tol mita who Can hoot. to rise only et - futinies of disorder or -byilperatln upon and thn I)ttssietts oftise multitude." , I'r/bean the climar , Of, th i., P. 1 ,1. its 1,04 . r nt lticinsclv es the Leghluture, hot hat lag ti 1315511. . to' be eivsldered it legal 1111T.(1 tindertakon.to pas, a.blue,.. code. ai et. 5455 ating-l he tiro - races, 1,1 tleflappit. 0 1every '^l - inei,plo: of .-astuallty.-..livre 13, which floitensi apprenticeship or , :seridoln.ln - ..llierf.fOrmluptutt the untutppy trash:nett t ; .;;tiolored eldhlrextbotwren thongosmention , • ; ed jeighi . con alto have neith pea faltiorner .nitither hlg the shisl :let in ;Ullittir they. are found,- or, Whose parent, art: • ”'uttapers; oenntible.to. afford : Cheat A pout forte l'hltt,:notlnternmee; or whosci.parent,• are not • ;-tettehlngAlitheldtlilts of heittstry antihonesty, Pr are persons - of not oriously,lueleb erecter, or 'STe vagrant...Viltr Tillilelmen, can vieted,of 11/ftlt, -moue offenses, Tied colored. children. In nll casts whehrthey• Mil in-danger of moral coni taminuticro, may be bound it 4 tepprentleet Eby lbetllstrletiudge fir ode of:tbe Magistrate., for 'llse/Wore:4od rarrn.", _ these WortlS there Is no -colored minor , Inthe Sint° who I' safe for one moutent from The lush is ninespreseribbi as a ati , ilii, of ea 'forcing eouthiets.; Thotinsh onto m o rn is to _is:sound. e plaiitt , rA at their public nicetings, have _privets Otte:fallen_ to' this comm brutal spirit. 2 I Aere It uhrries of resolntions - o here, after ling_for the - it 11E41i:twat of the troops of the treopt of the.iltitteillitates, and after declar ing themSeites pledged _to ilia exist lig; .state of fract that-ft 1.4 their "honest prirpose to Y i t lc iTig r tfatl i nre f 4lll ' trerli• - Of the. authorities to'remore the inilitary, we '-oXriteilll'lbn %Men that the titan of the milita ly canipel, I frrednian to contract with his termer ottner, _srlicli_tlesited by the latter, 14 wise, twain-fat nifsolutely - necessaryc eel,. That Are, tho planters of the. tftrli•t, -ylerlge 'ofirsclites not to • contract -with any lreednuin nnless lie ran produce n certificate fregukit illseharge from Iris former owner. Resetesa.„Ttult meter no ethane-Ai/alcove-hat ' Fencer, will - we rent tand to any freedinoit. °Or Will n - e permit - tlient twtive.on our premix se-ins un/stlio free - thrum, whose Ititerte - the trot iett_iitates art hound u, maintain, to be handed over._ to • eeltip_wlsorY and under no - Irtatmstances landlo he ren led to him. Afel yet tit eopl unnounee that Q4bta neeept the .-4 - IMlng ate of things mad that It t hell hon. rat-pulpOseto abide therchyl of coerce they • ' I nceeltt 11 state of thing 4 which leaves 1 heal t• °nett - nom “muster,, ,, of their termer slave, Creating they:will nliide by it. Do it our duty to teach them-the duty una necessity of . Equal : . Eights,- v • •• 'Front - South Carolina pass to Georgia. and •_•. there is - thirsame - wretched story. The spirit of thhEtictliappearSia the. language ,of 3Yr. o Mns in,itinConventlent • - • "Lt:t. ili'l:fuldlftte only - under tb e intif and the -"Applicai ton ottutlitary power, and then, se. e„ on n), ; w Qurt antit3epen rut vats °natality, re.tor ed to -und prlvllege4 ht :the llnfan, tat ns.ltaniedlatelyeallanother eTis en `tOfl and //item.. tile debt:* • ' trbotestirriony front'warions quarters ,tion, tho A. - reeent writer, of an lellel.Ull)lo:tattid IV rllr, nO , Sit( lug, Its a reporter STit'yout•gallarles;•lhtet testifies: • •- • 'lWillestage,between-Dignsta anti lfiiled;;o• 1:111e I radon ftit two gentlemen of eon ',Mora • the .freight-and--prominence., who were both twiti-eceessionistn in IEOI4I. They talLed the fipproachtiii; .cmthention, and of its prebatflelictimp Irt . ted istrieting the ntate for • " II -Deptcsentatives. ' -IN ell, Colonel,' said the . voungersisituselfp roan of over. forty year,— 'Well, Colonel, wiutt wlllbe one peeper course when we arc mice more Dilly restored - to the • IlzitinfP The answer came, tifter'n moment' Inuit fdrlke halals with the Dianonnittc part - y of the North, unit man tlledn'Als tie .art hare.' ThereWil.o trbile we rattleffdowa the hill. and then the cilleStlollCrl'euianeteel,`That lit ju.t St 4 they ;a - ere ready enough to WIN - kt vs control' if if -- e ••I,tuve tlfe,m the otlisea. -atrl I reel:on they hove not ehan.ett, - very ninth yet.' There was then -env °nation on °theft- nett tem; but Lilt alt hourtater, later a mile or so pf silence, the Colonel rtttidateitivresomed, aridclerily resin fled, 'Ye s, sir, our duty lwpiotll ate shall be without weight now that 'shove* . is We clojoin hands with Andy Johnson will want a re-election. _and theiripted' Democrat is party tonal take Lim tip; It ',bull taco thir division—Wu wont the dap per unit they want Inc riv,11.4,” A:l4 , 11m - sant,: •••writer, in another. letter, shoWs liontrebers were lionercld Couvett . q. • 11 le/ Vote for 'tunnel. who dot g o not with the State,' said. -one of the del, mites while the canvass for °Meet's rots goias - • opt-tftatcorilannesritit ts - liteli spirit the Seems ' ' 1 1 ,1 5 INA gentleman. wile was a Colonel In the • , rebel arnry, s and the cinomkeeper gentletuan trim lost tin ttnnan I be ,sery le v..' -Where spelt Spirit prevails ;the freedmen fare badly. - lit Georgia theynre.treatel cruel- IV: l li•traveler writes tat followS • the hatred ttoratil the tlegrii as a fr,onlati - among the low.,fmtl Malta}, who ate the rust majority. Murders. shootings, robbing, and brutal trent 'anent of every • kind Ore'dully inflicted upini theta, Anil I nw _ to Say in= molt ettgeli they rota get no -re : dress. TheVclon't know Where tosionplain or lio w to seek Jost lettafterth cy have .Islld cheated." 'The bitblthal deference toward :the wbitoMart tritikttst hem fearful of his °nave - of flictic;verimtent, after tras-ers '- , ing Altssinsippl -and 4114thatna, writes from Georgia, In-awery recant letter, WI follows f °Every tiny the press of the 'eolith tca[(Rcs to . ibeoutmgc. - Ligtt :u - cr Iming Tpctmteti open Intogetulnitt, eOloreli people : the Efate mill ' !Ig. Third PkirokeS urn Part el:darts Ilatrant • the StitteS Of stifthatua and lllaslssippl, and arc Or bilett it el Meter as to demand must lut pc:lll3%l4Y, the Interposition of the natlonai I.setattlifc.'l-Theco men tire rapidly itu urentt - log It leucittlon of things—a feeling— mum r the fthciltrnm that wlll,if not checked, tat Melia -fit inearreetion. Thefrecalnicii are ifeacc it le inonlinsivet - yet if the whiles. coat Mac to • tunke it ail .their live , are wOrt lc to go tltkiagli ()le eotudr3 - , Ito free people have a. right to do They Will goad 'them to that ps inn Al es hlelr4nurmicd '" II • en 16.4 tanc.ni A tatnt ion to this I U tto: tot,- ,rentlitattnaiti rlii7 (roan Yln‘ most. not !wilt fat :t t '.totati t s'er r ollktra.a• atanVottietr. for weeks. of a tw pan t iriunnectrif ilin.4llllllla"robbintr that rot., tctlfiatt'Allictir liropatitty,ta rtat.s-liot?tia rat t !wok .:.ttl;i to inibitatlaialluntys it 1.14. y 'rents, to Ina I t -t 'witeti , ,nocOtatinalatalttal:n;nal_lnkr,trag - tbanna in Jail Wit bout nu El - ntaitte.fo,l. Fina Pfc justirte—to nri. 1311011'111,i Irlig 3 - 011 116t,t our itto rie• , l4lent to boroo•all ..orattrottprOolniontion fort:a:Waling such . ta - tokttat , .•••-nunt unit arta proyeatilltigg; he klei•ut IC . praklattit, fortatilillaig•-•ilta;:ortnautzatilon 1.1 I 11 , The patty olititaty loran, nee , tattl in - tbat• 111011, 'regular natal vol un testr _; trMipCto - kicjt 'l , rop , r.t tin,,,htttl ra , l4 , l4lononat .ttntela them La, trant the ::frve(rjleople 'rnititnO • lo.‘t•ookL - q;ycl; lLlcnt • • tio Atlttik:"gittltt•:.o, Idut , ,lf It GeOriatt, tcirh ',fkitlll7lol:lllj3l,trillltli-ilies of In lOU, rim, LI,- • ' : . , , . =oi Mire p'eettriwt trod' faettitiv•rethi tont. with ' - h , :nriylktultly; ntejl Dien:;? Feefitht. • I' hal he .fore- the wh.. I }have. hiet•tutthy .of them Itt York'. onl! 117hAtingtott stint. the past 01'11 , 1e: 4 0m h : , 'tool. - frettneht ,01111 - ert.tti Thant pooh ~.lehrtniure.tingtilto htethet'llt.it mho:ltd.:be em. -- floyett , h)ltt•ttinittumptchothtly. • •Thw• httett fteftOttti opetiin terehttnge trittplott4ethl L 'hurt twtieve that I Jtatt tuts! ,Itetilre Pte. "of t116.9i1 trio, tatt+r ' `.snot=ie,lltdi hfn thotrthellWiewierAttp here. It ''.thek!hre hot -himorett. their opthinn, wilt • A.. 4 hOtc- thek.utthltt tout Ititti they the poorer. •• tt ttroontt - titush.tete roar •I'Lt-Chreertthrt , of • three, 11'00 lift! teetth , thT par , Otto, rthtn•Ltrethleht , Our etntver=a - "Ition on toraitY hod •ttet•eNsarDy , torncht to the. - , - ;•4 l . l lnttra.thtti:notee . irateit negrnell. Their ph.t. ~„hipt,preseht con.ajth.ht wths hod t heir,. •:ellatita`l4 StS:tte/(41...t ottl'OtNat Were 0f".3131%..: t. on ttioa evol - tidnG ti,.! ehal,l .bear 0 1 ,0 0 111eirlotta O'er, 0 4 3315t00,te1. Me: truitr6e. CO tt• ithet.ited tr)t11 1, 1/A!; , ,!..tAatIljr, Of - UK. IaVUII9I.I.IIC -10, sl.llllodatil thh 10.74.10 Ire elolarit, itiOnlor uhi:i In the tothltnent or courrAtiti:with Uhl freedmen. ott thOoli ht. - ' tient or extitsltteratitot; in 11.1.. to - ny 1, 'had (nil ho tot:mt .- 0" the optniotwy of th ,,, i . „ it . haokott Op to a, 2116 iehttermittnit tlirt,et • iiotttitetit °Pin cln tLcL -- Ur I Ling,' 4 , ..svotutir mg . :ll4lov, .t : , t „, Ake freettuittuthol, their rtititt.t hereafter. if le elattingey;eurr o'tflj• Ihot9 tlght,t , v. tit he htitimentinal anti flu ;pit 111 5411)11trtt r 2. o tatt'tt'Attta .•...hut 4 in.yest at, fihrt.” •• - • stehurtbUtCkeorgi. Iner 6 ' iti• bony - 0 f .kn0w11,2,.: "real tlato who are u 1s ft torreopmalent sil Mutt, jornat ~ .ullO/.1 /ma tur 3 tarelle washed theUenuruil ':-Stc4 utrign - Very,lhe len.Yorkfkriihk, - .I•Springina nil:1:0011. out of thl.4 allsordeval Mote at Utah, IA an orgrtulzation: of ..rOgula lors,, 'rho nutuhers 'lneludo luau .?--e--Y-I.....^ontudernto valierii.:OC-tlie UoUlitry, and: . /11.1.1A(M je IA VIAL wuunnarylnAt ita,' upon any-ollentleFs - itgainst the publla puttee. It Is ~-.nne.41 04 - say': Ihele, 41.tentIon. largrly tit- L'CAt LO 'inantninlim %Mitt "failt`' . 01,11)16+1011 T.ItI , SIfILIALLIIIt nr strthiarer. - 113/ of buint . . - I. o Pattrinirurek.witigerMo3 , 4l:43 lt , t9Pe.,l2'W pulum.n.t mum vcctirrus: us t* CStitC NES = 10 hat' 1/11.1,,,111,11111;•:. it'.: thr thlggr,.. • " ~ , •11 6 !hi: umnr - .1:1%. rrlliilf4 to •-•.• 11, . %., ).orth..l:ll , 11,, , 11111 A.l.:‘; 011 t up:Ay int - tho . th:rid bari%gri,%.l. 1 - ,er%•. 01%.,0theil hzr I,evit :th.th th t . ”Lic,ed it% (hod Month of the th,l - 0%-: )titrolud. who, e%%lnrethil glth wits,roaNte.l rl lin %I. Ar%%l writ er jl lu %.% ietthrju•it rueothol,.6%-,r11%, ,~. f , mutrs ortnl "wt. . . . . . . .Murning” ill Wilke, emmty. lleov.h, • l, n •Mila mean,. o(' extorling frsna the - ro,l lAA,- rye in: to whern they Inwe their arnv.,,oel Lia t ,_ .. ,„,,,d e d . , ne,, ! ,, , •they ivi•re hen! in Ile Maze. ll . Think. of it, or, lan, in ~,, eonntty,l.they were hold in Ihe Maze. - Ana the national government 1001, on. Fro,. l:eor•-t, paw , to Alabama, only t/t find the l ii .14trit.utt,1 the .tme of I • ltormitie.. lf ..44tiu I. am ruuh:trrn-at•.l l,y tinL rarlt•t) .1;1 Ox tont of the te.stiettotly. A rvvent privatt letier frrna %We,. ••The 111,511411111 people 111,1 . 1., with Mir! arc lend in their 1rr."11...t of l're , tatatt John,on. for 1,13 .11.10iPhtlie 1111131110 . of .Ihpcn...ing par. dons. Bur I have yet testy Cho lit Kialt ut ri - rwntancv on the wart pf tho , e who hay, eienit.nec itl,ll/ the chbr 110 21u3ipott the veer..ll) . of tilr..t; r.nd. ell ff .. n he , 11411.11(lir //1,1.2 It/ break rip MP ..oe tr Johnon tin.' tit tio '..1 Ih.t .: nt I. ‘t'n too liberal In It , .•yer. •!- Lovitcy.,A antes:; 11 , • - It , - -•• or etteelaNl by tit.. 1:1,1 1,1 - 1,,,1: . }.ILII 111 till. ~ o ut Hg;, lit 14' 1 . 1,1 “ r. and • , tvitz.. Ihe'dvstlnliN COlllltrV. • 'And mutt the itilo•r •1 11 . ,, •1 t'll ern an: ,itlaht era and the treedateti. lutth forward to a l toot of prosiot.its., tn p tralinallonit at pret-no 1 aro not fm °robin to VtfitPtOr . totitn.lott of 111 , pr0b1.,23. l'hr pliuite‘, lotto the tiezno. and rt hilstrattst tint f‘rrtn••r. While thl4 tont, o: things i,o,liattn, hart eat. not It, 1. MVO . ° .11`,11112111:, tire rt....lmm, of ho vomi t IT. 11,:cle. n gOil I loony 111,11 arit tortrillitta yet to tattler o that tho`porultat. ittstt Italian' of ill.' ,F 11101!,,.. 111 . 1 • ‘i at.tuttjly anolisthed, and still Imp.. hr. I hope that Maven., , thott,thl:tlt fil 11111 v 1 St/1111. form l ,, t oritfolln es lat.. And hi nett the smut tin pi ety to ;;I:1, seek into the I luau, it Idol, twang art , cOnipl!shitd, they .rill then, ao I Ittleo totord 17 (~4111.21e,il , '7l the liour•,.. • • e • '• .. , 11601; l'oroartrwitil deep d:pprotwhing of I ongress. I hope the re 'n Why etreligtil and Inorat courage enough In that body to beep the ship of Whitt! right. 'The 'Preeldent 'has a Iliflicult I,o.sftion to tlll. and needs &Lille sympathy and nld be ran get 1..0tn rI tut minded citizens.- ant there Lan que— I that lastras been most sadly imposed noon within thepatd few months by tio,ign Ink; and eertutd:polit . Another private letter from a per,on .4". -it - o- aped EIS to.be accurately 'informed, give. tc Stimony: l`The tioveremout in taking the res.pow.ihil sty f frreittE.• nit: people taftilln'engimed to p ro 2teet.them- an their frne , lina. .7111. VllllOll3 0,- lrartra entsualoveranezt have solemnly declar ed. the blackmail entitled to equal ri ellP. before the law trlfh.the white man. Yet it tho tile filet. Capable of indefinite proof. that the black mai1...14,es not reeci re the Cat ut est shadow of jest - lee. I aver that ht 11 }tie (731.1, ou t of ten, I. within tap own cation, where a white num has pro! °lied an affray with a black, and vacant; him, the black man has het, I tined for iin•olent d id nut I - receive the ehiel i , eiamat to sulnia/s4ve silence, while the a Itite num Int , c. 0.. free.' It is tit sith{•lc trail,, that the tiol,n,.flagninf agalad the blitel, are inn 711 , tbn,f) at all, and Indeed u man loses caste if he intere,t, lam celk about - them. - “It i. the simple truth that black men sire 11 , 4 to t.c their own property to the lit,r4 tali:lmage. or in to 111111, such me of their capabilities its wolild he tikaly to elevate them hi -.and po,ltknt.• • • i• above are hat speetmen tact, and I they arc Met-. Ever, Pro,e.t Marshal who to,- pi, only. , her . .• wilt teats fy the trial ant:lest. oz the pie( tire. ?team lane-iainipanics are Pam -Mg to import roolien and Laminate innoi grant, to e the black lion from the iit chant, that I. 1,11:11 ha The whole Mini; 11151 V be hummed isp in one word- The south t cii,nlioal io have pilavery—the thing. if in.: Itilitll`.. And if all restra i nt I. ~1 111 IN c•4l, It 1. 1... -cattail! 11'.. fate Ilia, their comin lon will he far 11,1111. it over was before. it will be I6e its; ni It 1,4. t and tin horrors Intenslited. • • • "Tio , prospect for thy coming winter IS•over sylielining in Ito horrors nt M,0.. If the I lOM ore left frieudless, it u ill Sri the very i oi 1,- of the shodotr of death. Let Congress ke , -p We, St ides out of tar inu. till the shnis• il.n,rt,?n, of their legtslot 1011 IS ,r4.,f ono !er ste-NA, relotinie to freedmen, owl then .keep then, out until It is (lourly.llnul, es Nether the pecMle alit Whey the, maks. it n dead letter from the .\DII Nil!! alm: 11., lel Err am! Litytt, : • : 1,0 not let vourselve, deeeived by the it:- liner:re , whiel: reuell yon IT Indur nee are ener7et.ll., native; sparenn pnito: or e x. pcnse, In arasmtplinit eertnht pnrposes. I knob• this people well; I Wm horn and r 1,1,11 Ti it 11 till In; they are Inr more hostile to the , :overns mind losday than they lvere i,, lot). Every detnonet rat inn In the :oare .hire the qrtrrein ie/ . has herb. in one shApe or sam.i 114. r, I lin I 110,4 !My In the Union: and every 1.4-a' Nion they nu.k.• I. -imply Inade a it I. orth.,, , v obtaining lan! degree .1 I.ll.l..pttn debte whirls tollowe, aa Uwe ttuder.tand am/ exrdad resumption nethe :dolts a, :slates again. •".flie elvid lons are Just over. The secy.:an:l - were united to a /Mt 11—hopeinl, active : the Union party dieor,,,adzed. and dispereed zazion,w the Tt'Vt. ,, iolll , t 'dent Johradra „ r ,. spomdble for it. The )1 , 11 hoot; defeated bort., fled and dr:,g , .au , . to -nil pan , al :date. The etnuach <Tutu part 2. are defiinted eve:, a le re. • g'in a a - aril, the friend• of the l'oiois e Iplef el}" motor; the Not.oootrolport v are the 0.- resKiont , ts. hod ronegtolo i - 111006h , roent nt the (10vernritunt. It I, 10 the I' ttion ;hart v 01 the North Illet thnt we nr t.t..olay littlebtr;l tbr behw ablr to Ile e The per,m, Pros I,lnnnl U: , t nor of thus In rebel troth inlet hoe. the titanic of the rebellion. iii,everal of these had been des...riled in the micemitive drpiirtment, anal Wele not It ~norr•I when the eapllzil• wits me:monied. They xi era. not de,trosed, however, .by t who took pnrscsrion of it. 1,111 .1110 10 III) . rid - den...n[lolre hr the "tale for the t inte be I I 114. mid net 111.1%1 preNert....t lariat rend-. to enlivered to the 1:01,f1r1Or elected under the t_oriatitntlota. SCr 4110111t1 promrve eriiiveislre of 1 he rourndennd ea thase.wlin vreut forth to tn.ttie ni.ler their fold , , midtilt,, tints fixity tiplield Mom s it It their - life blned,” t.arely . with such it perQrat lu high Marc ICP iefallti expect litre than the "a elyari,ut whirl, razes there. Pvan.Aint•nron pa, to 3liA , i , stppi, nail I I.t•rit the same-hideous ..cem,. are rttewed. Here I. the I e.tlmony of aeltltten rd thl. state. once a Starr master, In n private , letter: . "As respectful e.arlie , 4llelia I 131051 .rIV tilts' if .t the ettd.of alt the blood that Iwo lbe trio-are rat rotted, the .tolf/ltialitos negro is to 1,. left in tile hand, , of ht. infuria ted and diutippoluted former owner,..to late,and fix his etnttta, God help hlut, for hi, cap of Ititterne4 will ovenlow Antic, ;. ever. .nielt policy convolved in the brain of Men before.. After a great' ate y and amighty victory um are expected by vresddent con to withdraw - your protection .front people, and tint their Itt.Ntloy over to the.-e • Who (Ur celitllriest bare pmotind thou/ into the dtlest. Trnic. 1/S'isatell a tame, alit yotin rent/. hetahlle , inan l il Ito flit,. 101,11 I/111 111,d of 0 of rer,otis he once elh.ltu., I prOtl,/ Ilpf:1111St .o-I) a eour..lo. ir It l il,-.1 to follow Up PIO abolition of shiver:, 1,1 u lihrral 1111,1 rulltztlieneel polloy. I.; ‘..1 . 0eu I minis beAtpultte; optro floors the full right- , or other eiltzetis, then t ran 1,1114 ah.eessoo.l too hourt ato:1 hale!. Itut It the notrr, to Iry lift ill a. lierple-,... eroollt ioIL far m , ' tub...el- I& thou tint 0 - re, 1 wottl.l ot tvllol 11 . 401.11.)...0 oCtal. log hill. loon th...-e wnoeh. - 5%,..1 thing , ro Ho, :11t• 101 l Flan Noollll 1/". n , ont, 41anger4 Itch! n1 , 1151:11...too I 1 , 0 , Io sohl tR,. uorooltutlon. ars- to he !pit In .111ror I be oo:I171. nontrot7pi. oppr••, ,, ion- ,rt .t.(.1., , r00kt traitor, .Ir. , 111...t.rti. -,11 , 1e41 polleerim InovrOtoollt to the n , Itlrai44l, I !et, r thore. re•tivritt twf 14. Itop.• for lto•oa o the the true tutop to the vottutr, t o 111 1) n• , 1•••1 11 I,nrelor TlOltee.ll I hell, awl h i.• tan 1- 011,1 .1,11,1) 111,. tineernor of, ht• the pretended Governor of 4 4 141•1 i 14.414 , 111 4 .4). "hil fans the 1,464 I 1 1 :11•11 4 111 111.IJ, 1411) r i ot ion unit. Lenl.lnttire ut.on nil lo I relinoll. In 11)14 1 , 1111 ••1111.)11 t)111: 01 the ope.lk ere ileelareti It toSro polley to:tempt the tir. • .- •nt 1 4 0114 Ohio), of offal, ant 11lI l l the contriil of I to , "lute in ref tuned 111., the hanii. of the ;toil for n t Itne to evil. iehlelt inet ittit tie rinitetiliol." A Wither spout., In of gine . the iirceirtniive of the Unit., than revers Ifni I lie plot ; "1111 . 0 aft irtiply ire ehall be Joitioil lint Is th.,0, 1 , 1, ,,,the::+1 party, and vein. ht TIIIIII3 - the e i ttelt the voice of 1N:114111111y the 6 4 1: 4 1,11114111 111, 4 1 4 )(1,0)) 4 .1 14. told - hartlelitp. and ittruch len. lie, I. Ito • • • • . 41 t1Perinfrmletit of the Iln trail rep .rt4lll4ir poor Creature, coming In With erne! ;crier nnces Itlgb hte nriredre.444f by the, - ,441, .trutes. thetlitin tells Is Um! While lir Meth hi liillll/1.11L1.111. hir too Month., hht I hit, euntaining titian roil n ter , , 'here nCg cite nvrrngn or one lilac k man k filed every ghty, and flint In movin;:, intt forty mile, on Ali Ilegroci. an hilidlir•red. • Anil Coti.oni.- 441,4 mer o f f loe hiltYliti far , 1131,..Shiii:, 16'114 flint 1.4 nowt richly liVelinge (iv° or Ibtl•e black Men kale 1 In the c:lible pat riot-7 In •liffte, ni they retnrn. the . oblerts 4,- - peeitil r•pTtee't There Is - tuNther 4MM:city pe:•ullar io letter lat total Ig. 1,47, to &late tlo/ I .nntlrr for el , . it p, tsar : vow iieetnetl hy till Illtollilothltrint, of 111,51,- "iPili Krteett.lte tirtler of Yreelilelit Joitto.ott revoltin.4 (let e.rtloetnie,ileereo In relatioil to ~ , t eAtc mint.; hi ow - moment, ill, rnagl lloo-•if'the froothirizo to ninny portion,: of t ill` nut ry lots 'Jrjid,tal• tut pa ftli Its the eNtrettle. most glee It o my ilelihentte 4111100, *hat the freedmen ore to-41o)% in the VlViOlty if where I and NVIittIOT. Wnrst• oft in .00/-1 leeperle 11.011 WllOl tilen were twit lie if nin I torn are pormitteil to coo t 0, they,..ecent 'likely In he; it needs 110 oroolo:t to predict a rising 410 t h e port of the volftriel and 0 terrible eeeno bloollAtiel anti ilt,ohttlOnt pot ran OOP thole he nottrova If flit. prori, to ho the, erAalt. I 101 l 0 heart'. !4noc cirrus horn, tannherti,t Sire thlit 'have heel, 1 -.,t pettnte4 ligaityit the freetanelt. °I pow e r s.tifliti to FtutO tint the 0141 oyereert ti 'are in e ninti. rho' ugonti of feted MIDI ., 11111,110 are a Irnii*t: powerl an 'coon ti, rotted troopt /ire - tyltltllrmen S - 111110 tinenfo no the °grills of rhellttretin torionaln. Th ottio• l•ont • enter, apprn, to lie to nituko got their often lon., to the etfl.,t that the lie - (Heir they troth freed. To make' they - ,coo detertnlttoil :nieol them to ile.Y.lntrittfOit: in order to liner an 'oxen,- to 114 VII -tem ntati15tM119.111444+5e.,,A.114KA1P,r3414.1.• /1. 1. 01 . /1110.191 Wilere t o lt let - 111_11z toriititl /r. ;:tl-1 4 , ..01 th•; , 1. , 11• 1 1 , 1- 11.e/r 1; 1 ;•••;:- -.;;;; .1; ;t:;;.1... Ito., L, rave. ort!:= 7 wltl. 1, io • vi,ta 11, (lag “coulttion of lII.' Anal non :he pr••ti•n•led heitidn'• T • nup•rsi in ne-hlountd t infarter• tea , h eetle, hut I tin not alirtlitu. EMS, it It:, by , 11.,v :dile., no. Frain '311,a15:41,10 pat, tehet, tom ratty is beginning . t +eat . it return ing rennin inspired . tetsr: %.*.eshinntrel t nue:- fah. are metuteeti in tl•.•:, -stoly The raery rutailhir tlatt 1 era:teat nit -elr a. la: Ohl/Me. Ifere htlhe teat Iniallt kb , : person "During the ra‘t,,,a, n trete thermal: the northern portion of I he ft Int e st here t have rt'lthiall for mac: year , :the haven lara:• - rmaintaner :w .f.,: the perqee. :tine it a+ ,eir hrli,u p a d the ;:lret of the pen to more i t , t n o to t h e (~retat t nont lien at the break in oat CO themar. Th 'ht eape:e.tlle the en.. : w g ith the leads. settn:tesertill to nu- In trivet:l taw rerratlon that they ts are molar imprea:tee with the tilttror Fee:rah:on than they nor'; that the war. :•:tainst the •rni“-ii flint roe: that na:y would tint All Loyleen for pa ettrtltato 1:: that ear; :lad that the :lly trite poltey for the ‘enthern people to (adopt la le ' , upper( th e Ineaherat le partyln ntipa,tatta to the It.•pa Lettn party, of h. They ',al that 3he teat' tea=Ml ItaZrisiviiiiit .2•1 the l: , 'mime;: atel title t:: it' 111 • •• .pt...li. lo Irt•tt r nt 11 , - T...g.4.1.0 eve tine' ent. • 4,0.41 31. I.', .•.: -. :.1 ' 113: 11 'he., tine 14efun• the elert Itxt v tet a -Iron, ~roof-1 rev Lu ng 1,.. 1•3 311111 ,11,11 I.c h11I1•31 the ftlnte22 2:4222 - 2•runfent. out !e -1.-41,1011 In fno to: in i. 2. pe2t o•r to Ile. Nos :1 Th noun 12 , t21 Geuther or the 1.:•:4,1.- t ore. a Wulf, ill :he 2 22e20! lea..t, 18 eornpol-eol tor 111131,1 than Ig:ft-tenth. who untertain the ono• feeling, 'root tire 111,W legh.lating for the lot al It 4.7Z0N - of 1h 10 !Ate,. "There are :o-1 end re6peetalne men no I ids eity teho an , refugee. trona their lunne:in the interinr I le• star,. 13.3111 recently et.- 11^ Itoti on 00003131001 thole Union runt liti nnn.j- .• to elf ate letter Err In al! ;Metter loan! of 1.2111 1,1 tut, vo 1131111 Iry It Laois to a Ion') in V.! . Uelean.. and eurnmittileatetito We: “The poor eohtrod people are In 11 er.,.tnnt !date of,piarm. There in n Mex. ---, lu thi, uhu 14,0 , 1,, the eolored 0.14141 Y-en; hut tom fUhtthttnlfts I giropose, not liking their bur Init 1114101vantagg , 0f education. expre .. .t.- 4.4.1 tliele.tibatpproval 143 .l art Mg at he tent.- i.e. At Ohetitne she Will ntletting ...tek 4.41 e, when pinfenut over her ehottltier. nitumnfr. were matte to 411.4,4•4 4.1 tle• guilty partr . (Jf enure° all in eglet. lien , on. The lonelier, who 111 n poor v. Wog , herniae 44,1 Inner. alarmed for her ea,ly. 1 hat .1.22 pet. t honed the .ottlevr. 1., ,141• , 1 , the troop. Io re m:tin, whir.), the y olio! fora h!, atty..' The :n -12,1:1022 no her We 11111 renewed, the reOpt , were obliged In levee, aro! 11ha only ont t11331.301131L that 112.• • they Enough of 111. i• Nor i• lid, :111 11113 1.11- 1,141e.1 het:lA.l nee is 161.41 lin, like .nel. 401 en td.e.where, tiguitut the treed:nen lilt, I tor beat to duel) tat the elabornt 4 , nt 01.1tedlon And yet hon. en,, 1 Mil to, tienounee, with nit the nergr of ley :tout, tistaut nue.t ..nose ofuol varel ciullfellf ottetupts to oppre.-2. the ro ord. omit, to dO, 021 Mtn nt lii ,, rigid.. and to nulli fy the greet Aet 0! Enninetpn Inn! Tan; of nulleficgitlon What null:natation la our Ift , e tort' In onittparable to thi, mud n hatted nt tempt 1 The difference between ik I'l,olllll'l3a and the great statute of freedom I, it. nide av the spare between Ph rill and heaven. Where ouch dings 1111111. there caul eof eonrae,'small /security for fuithlul Unionrds who tonifly hoped for protection, n der the national line_ Already they hi 1 k 1.3 abandoning. Vim ,tat.! and tintlnt2 in e‘tte 1 toot anfety which 1, dented them nt home. The flag, Ohio, they haig...l tor, 1.31 unto 1,11,1 114,1.', to Ihe !teepee:v. of rebel., nod they ant 'dined nut from the enjOynottot of it. fold,. lined fttiot elinced Wlthnilt 1..1..1.1,i 10 For Ittrtudrirt...untrutithing more touching t lull tun etOry of M 0 17 ,4444.1, lovittu 111011 1,1111- t (Mid 1.1.311.1 g f / . 11 , 001t1.3-33.3•14.14,3,11 C 1/ to yield to returning rebel., In "14,41, there 0103.11. In be nen , . it,•re oho„ itnyu here. Iteentea , . dneerelt lot .21 pent.... lee , IN en placed to power there Ifni a pr., :d• !titer troln Texan I lot. erle..llll •INVIIII We or Ihe South tear I- I•rc• flotlito-ono•. effile,- with try it. preettetteen . en- Ire obi vet In reormantge th4 , 114-4 ,, N e • Ott,. pine, and met Or potben v 4:11.e. .• if .• 041 eau. ft 018 tut, tate tuttt .. , Itr••lv von ‘,lll then( 111 till•rt• specil,l r. Idi.ll,` I to torti.et Thrroma. nut hurl ty wit I ured with nit:aril t it .001 e. 5.1.....,611.1,4 • P 412.,... 1.4.,,hu. fro Ji 11. .1. , Tf.,, 2111:1 1.1.311 from 1 he NOIIII 1 . 0/lA,thou'il UN •`”t in. mil hoi , l 11114 i I.,tinth in •ra.11 0: ,.• or • Al„' it ioll' IV, 111111 oapon•I to on• •nninot tiowu from twit inol tires time Ito i 11 iii , . bouem until knonw trournlm nn Ineonmini in Jo.nt Mtn, will lit or.noittn-nt t.t Ono Jun If lilt wllloicwww,lii. in.onn•no nun prOlMtlflll, and max esmnyln..l to int• Mom from Ilk 'u n oloontonr-wimino, I 3ir ln",• ore only toL:lnm le:Ili:In am, reertmortit l ow - . Not hem t lonro t in. 11., noin_thliwo olongor of aln) 1111110'd 1.1 Valk . No; tio• not Inenrin mnennolc aro too ...yarn for thin; . Then trillntmtio In.oren .4 room In with lilt' Nrartil, lanievat natiret..• ann—tin hoforvln.toil. von.n. n.reigin nor, ttt alallat,lia. rem v int Mr. North. alla-y mria-t• lalat 111 , 1 ra ill ea girt it (11."3 , .0141 WIT !1 oilt in lani .Is, • Ilemolvnnot tolin , 3 =MEI t r... 1 a. ±• 1 , 1 1,11 I1,:11 013 u•:4/1 ell 1,11./ ef.10...1 , ..1, Lrrt 14/ plant r/ottni/. will in e.dilrotl da,/2er, night an/I day, Ira t.oll'4lt, 'll/• • Ittlx/},lr/rs (4 the at all l,.lrnrtt/Nn r.utL.f the rormtry, wc/mt/ri, anti 11/1/ )t,stuu id/qt.:tit LIMA/ S.•/.111 .irgrt.t. of 11.0,.1.1,0) vatla/*/ n. k.,, .111:1/114 . 1{1p0.1/4,11 Nortlt,r,, 1:111 , 4 ' we!, /•trie ..0 •t// the \ ///, It , 1 . 1/ es//1- Zrillk: 'Tile fir , d. Cllllll,l /or 1”,,/perlt, ; Lul lhi. i. al•••••1/tte , y rant /az it/ t!/.... r/-zion 0..1; ... r . .ny I‘ou - y 31.1.0 ot 11,m In 3.4,11 line Wit It .1/trial 11,14,"1, It - II .1, 11. that a coma - 11.n e.• :'p;,.l a ron.i.ler what rnalll I. ,lo„ t.. ',re, en .ao , aal.tl-an le, In .I,lnre..a k g jn then retaarL a.. (..n a v,.. -la he , li,ellarge of !hi. dull. n, a .atln, and earne , tly will the att en! 1..:1 out. I. us - e:loncy to the many direfkil r:ire- I hat are becoming not only .o e.anapai a stet Immediately around the ilo• I,sit over the whole ooszulr. . • "QtltOt..l.llti 10,,f111 ON. toot on 00l I.llbile '.. loot roldro.l of lA, it qtvy nod propot ty. oft utt o roc lly ben , ..o. olotned, Roll In itinit ordern , l Thlw 4lnte thing.. 14 not golly zro.itl7. minus btivil4l.,.. of ilk, VOllll ry -Ant ntio ',- log to All oitavort, itatoonit, 01 in nod to Alt tnanit;.. We, I bore fOre, fls the on roost ..00 rity to lifr awl jacm,ort). wol t h.. Mu i te.l) Of 111/1341d to i t,,,t' 1., eel oily). N. ho I. the chief On:pro...W:lth o powor of the o o‘erolse your pout, .f.:11 i ef.lll ,ottr Intlto-too. to oor. reel vs 11., of 1110 h 111 , v. Unto 0.0a.i. .t.ryjo,tom Go, ero, Itroo,lOo rent': pa r I Ito lo t 011..., tow no-- t , 7 %TN EN. r TIVF 4, • r. f r. Ten.. No, 7 , 7', I $1 ,,, th , th ' —The 1 . 7 . 7,77 I I -11170 loping Ntocht - Ille, the calllttt "r your mate tool 11.11 ;trent eottonercial teotrt. 117110 of .Nlitltlle Tetno,,w, lonolllatlint, every friend or law and onto!. Nlterglet.t aool lottt.4nrie,are lheor.let day. No man 1 , ..,Ire, day. or ill;tht.. within a virealt ttrolool..hiarbt •I‘ . ratio/. I. eight or 100 1:111 1.. The 011,1 v. , —letf 1';141"out or the nhontlaol noe of loloctrol lottrit.. ronueottrt 01111 11111..- elatohltiot 111 he fottlol In Ie fol/ blurt 01l try f•treef io thy eft, Th.• •axoe may he -a1.1. v 111 a voo•hlerable et- I or all inr.er ow,. :to,/ 700'74 In 1777• 1.111 • anti property Ino•t io , Aette.l, oz . 4 , 711114ry wi1174 4 7 1,7 % L 11771,177, 711 , 1 117,..r7 . 14717, 11111.1 re. 11 7 . 7 -11177.7 7 7. loot 4 %11,1,4 11 . prtrohl e I-110 100. r. unit hl , qeolelotl and sitzrni ••••1! 013 fn i I tf.°pith. t vtly. ...xi a 11114,11 Vl' livid.. Ito /1.1) , , Th•qmi 111 , - , 1,1,1 pri ;(1 , In ttr.l , , • asp I 4... , .rf 4trni %/.114 of rtn.l /1,1 g.•,1 4r.• ,iltrd al rll 111/.1 1.,,ry It; C.. - 1,:7111t I a pr,l p.ts ut, , ,t1,,1t:.1. to ,•1;r , t• h.• I:*•iii 1111 , "ail- It . •,.. - •it 1 I.! ....11I , 11...•4 from tt t .•,- palter. t , ralt• ..1 , .11i1,11 , 11 ,, , It 1, a. 141,1-11.11 lo• n f rf that t, :fry:it tla ogri ...I 01,1 r. rtol 1000 , 11%.001 - Itloothrlirtl I , y nall. , 100 It Ikr .141 4,1 kt ••• ff , f lindf F.0.1.4111,1f , In ff f fr f t•totthtt itt t pt •101, that I. the toot ' attla tiloo . . 0101 It: hills I.• i,l nitt-11 1,1,,,,,h,h, t 1 I 1,0 if fluff fl 14, , f 0,1% it. nil fIV, flfld %In Iffffin• l• Wt. "ifteff sfli ••• s orttOtr•-tont 1.1% of OW loyal hatto of N 1 ,010310, "IV hon rolorml flint retuttort ratott at.Otinst InjOblivo—ttglart.l'the ary altos, agato.4 trffnlffill.lllbllt thli War Dry:lH, hoot, tl,l,reth.tolottl not „ ttr3• hay, twin, t oh!. •IF 3 oat (loomed bigger. think LIM , . I Mil Itoittv tot giro tot airs' rtgltty that lint tool. r 110,ohl atole. tau,yolt are Tilt, forty ottt t•vortly lots It I. nt•orts n, hih , it rotor/A poopht 110vo ...Lett (or ,1144 . 4-A WI Inn not On tiohl, hut Offt ify rff rtoployern, I hey been in ery homy f-fl.ft, Infa 10 ;;oahout "I"if ""0 1 01 1 ... or loft to trrt I Itrir ttlatton ut. tlpy "...I'll i. Tyttorrittrt.,ll.l. Ito-.I roll oft im obtiortng rt./4,1,01100 in 111.. go, Pro. "I'M Of . rotuttry. Ittit to,ll- 1000 y, thy, b. itti,:r tt-alitittoty Artit 4,1 front Uitswo , •Ittlotir hook. 'ft-010,0., roftott, the trig - wed filiztto Ittr tight. nt the ha 11u1-1,0, toot • 4 , 1,11 hip ritrlilo of ti , litsittoyh'ou'r. II p: l rl lit,,illoultle riot lat.. Oran, Innlfftf ff, i.. 1,01 rit 1r- Ctl from 1..,01. .1/ Is/dia . / an- C. , ..t0r.. lot the 11001 grovrat too lorlo fitotifth oat' 0 .1t . "A11.n . ii rat it gt•iittra t ion limy hove ben.. Whiff` prom , ,whether hood or Irre, Wrap:llth. of Irvin..., h to If, 11,..,1,1Vil or rrianinal,ooo.pi for ..r a0..10;t ratilotittr I ;qty. ofttlting of rhal.:“ ;trot Arkltto.r-, for I ltr ' , metal Seel/holly 41110) 114.1 Vin/14. 1..11r t, II II rriturtl to titer.: Sharp baud lila It ir ItUt nercled. rltt• ttttt ttr,t,lfttl report ruin)',! ttirrn Stat., n 146. 11,11 ',elk... it /1- old any report, all tills tat.t be in reeved. flow CO rad it be {4ller - wise I batt.ltone.l I t heal- Peltem, with µDebt:eV:Al pots. , r, tilt. Old slay, Ittlisterg naturally Cl,!)! 1i, , , bai 1.. l rlsw lu tbry have ou Wag et-P.1.'111,1. l'rcAtlent, t brim: !lit. , pinto .airy to a Cif*, I regret. that I have ly‘et, constilxlne,l topre"cnt It. aiqtt it ;'ereotherwise. Hut I t he • hove riii:n4 In ant ) . WO 1 fail.' to 91tIlk. Nut in anger. Taut lo vengey, not in ha g rshnem have I m),,ken ; alle h u t ,„1,.,„ n1p cnrefeliy r i I for the kid, of tny-yonn ty, 1111MRtlity. that o . ll( .4. 'lll.lreconel flat lon unly attain PrA . Val If. I hare npolien 'eve:flatly for the loyal citizen , " who are ;tow trodden down rel,el power, Alll4 who arc without reprpo+ f.'llttit lump Iluic nor>, would that my coley o - rul , l help then, to eo,earit Y awl to )wet Icy! 4 can only "date the ca.e It to for You to (ta citly. It h+ (or pout 1441 ernilltehow : long thingsAltill continue to shoek nuniknoll Yon yon the-netnni condition of the retelregion, Yon horn benril thy tortible te,i titneay. Thu ' blond onrollpy gat • the thought of Folth cuormit feu., and ti.tcwittally at the n,seght- that lhtpeor frztAtiosauktvirllbm.it , ... c rrotoetton, aro loft tO tttQ SUlreatalatttit MEI U.l ua pru; 11.-:, unuu:r.utr•, 1:-.. unv. u•z.ler •1. , J-4 1.1 III:, • IN P ..fin 5,21 rrr I) SPECIAL NOTICES. HUBBARD, RRO. & CO PATENT CIWtJND CIRCULARS, 'Warranted (ASI Si t):1. SAWS.; of vvcry !ton. 31311 , Mut y. au , l :di other r3rlelits. tind, of RNIVES Ind SPRINGS, 01,1: frqm shot t C,ll-stetl .• Extra Refined I:LAVI:11 AND 11191 - LOI: KN kr . Ws . rx.),,,w, end corner Wm.,-and St!oc, ritt6buret. l'art.cutlar annul Ivu 1.. t,..tr. , 11.1,..x. Fun:ruing -I . alarlatenlng Sac,: .1-, I..pltra or all 14 . 1111ng at rs,..ottable mgrlsrly 11.4114111.11 LL Si. CO. Boller Makers & Sheet Iron Workers, tor. 20. 22, 21 and 20 Pens street. tl MM.; ereu rkl a largo yard, 31111 fornlahmt It with tucat approvedmachinerr, e are pp . .d to ruannlietom cyrt7 dratirtptirln ii(l3oll,4lth, In the tiy , l manner. and warranted Niuml to an? nude in the canr EASt,i. . 'll IMN BRKErittING, Piß}: twill. io VIP}, tut t..SiIiTIVF. BOILEmi. CON VA No, TANKS. OIL s ril-L. , . AI•VI i rI.TTLIN II VANS, WILLER IRIIN, rt',Ali VAN, a.,! .ut, niannflrtlin.rn ILL. I:11:N EN'T 11011.EI:S. dot, .41 It. .5.rt , -.1 not Ire. .101,11 - I...thE SUPERIOR COPPER MILL AND SMELTING WORKS, I= PARK, McCURDY & CO. Alanufael tire, of STIE.ATIITIc(I, rat ZIEUS' A\lo 01 1 1 1 F VAL 1'IO:11,E1, InII I I I FII IttlTyirl.l. 1:AIS4:11 STILL 110 1 /MAIMS. srEurri: sot DPI:. Alao. Iropollolo tut rlonler. In 311•1 1 1 1 A.1.5. TIN rI.A.TF, dll 11:T 1110. N , Vonitanthr on Lund. TIN NEMS• At Ai lIT \ES and TOol.s. trisrt bOrrar. No. lIV FI❑FT 11011;4 ,XVON STIMCT, 1 1 11 burgh. SN-0W ondura of Copper cut to any deotrod pat loom tnrMilydaw 1 1 ! 110 W LOST-- 110 W F.OTO/11:D.—Just n vol. 1•1 I Prfre 41.50 - Ell 0. A LECTURE ON Tilt. NAY LEV., THLATMENT and Radical Cure of spornurion tarn, or Sr rolunl Arenknos!. Involuntary Stony! Debility nod Tutirrillmouta to Mar - Hai:o genorally o,l3tan, Coutioniptlon, Ep- Ilesr, Ilesr,and FM rr, Mental .11 l'hyotral 150nyourtty, re. g from Self-Abute. Sr., 14 ROUT.U2 5. Cut. vr.u. .011- M. D.. rombor or tlr, • •Grrico Boui r ,r • Le. "A 1., Tirol rrAsito of SurtAlLFiriri,“ uurler r•al.lnn l rat viol-, In not :Warr., 77,{ 141 lorrell.l T rout,. or too prslngr elninior. by Dr. J. I'. lt7 Bowery, Newt on:. 1 1 0. IMllec nontrul.tyrT irkj -- TO NEIMOUS 81:FFEItElOi, ('l' 1110TH s PAK, A tot woad /I. ll l.lsmAs• bat log Ir. hn ored Id-health Irr lArtr day, after ourlo dug lo• usual routlor and Irreirotart spertnlr c ihorlr Ir - rhino ul 010,001 0 1••••,,s. rono.lrleri II hi. barred .lull C01111:11111h - 171. brig mtrie.t NI allow. slurs. thenunn. of core. Metro, on the shultrl of On robin 11% °loop, br .111 n curry of the I.r.r.rrlol uird. Dirt, to lir JOIE\ AI. DAWN ALI.. 1 1 4 Fulton Arcot, tufo 1.1, di: Wl' . _ L.l BELLE STEEL WORKS MaMi r irE3EiL de C7C". oft A+T l•d , T):111.;A1LE , . litt,W 11.Alt,:jy. 4r; • )1' 11. up I%l4.lturg4.ya, • r:L - ..- - 1101111•41%071i, IIEA PrIllrh&O, 171. w 1. & WASHINGTON WORKS, l'nunttiru at- 9111tehinists. Plitabwrgh. Mununttturirs •. f I*.VT ANT. ATATIONKICV RTE ENtil NEN. vn.l. II • 411INE1:Y. PO. .tts - tIN4;,. nr P:I iir•l'l III", 4011 N and ' , TILL'', pt.:Liu: \ TrNl' INJECT. , I: ier.l &a 1.., 101 IN & BRO.. ?dant! fa.tuter. N" AULT , ND VAr I T11,1N6 NI IN 1). , 11* NN I %P.M' 611' . 4,... eq .Ir..\ir r 1111 kir I. W..c•ct hay. 012 laaull aart.,' p.ttrr.o.. rt.' •ffi t. tnialc f.. imrp...e., Atir Pr. j, . e I 4.t 4.1.11 - 1 t.. THECII.4IIIIER; 4 1:-. y - 0.1/ I T11.Z . • . AL.°.n r , mo d rt air... 10 of 111. , Prit: rr .I.ln 1)r. .1. ' , I:ILI-FIN 101 Pll . l l /N. MP. aPI A •WIMIOII. Phlin , lflphin. Pa. !Id:1y x= SENTSENT EItEE.--A Pamphlet Imp r ortant, to tin , old ati • , Alll' - riml anti tingl. 1.( kW/ b , ft 1 n .• fr 2 t ‘ • ritelr,l, the ('(I., 1100 np-Y,13.1.40. RAILROADS rm NG FMENT. I•EN .t cEs. mil L. 1.. . y TI: . 4 1 111,1 r Alf," y . N nt :I Rts I tb, I 'lt r 0• 4 3..1 . ' urn, ' ".4..b -"V . ..(41:11,11,f; SI prirltip3i niatifitts. Alt...tux' tit • :25 I. Tvroutt. >I.: IGt= I. 4.. 1,. ulttlatn. . Ilarrt-mt t An P.Mtm. P II: la t..ta tt. I. PM14.101.nia.., n.. att.! Net" 1 .15. t NIA t'ltiloolelphia. at iatn . P. Sr. t•Tlt 'I N ATI F.341 . 1.11..,, , -I.4torett Pt...bugh at •••5,1 A 1.10 Rill [Oral al .111.0,, ' 1... At larr tturg, p. at", it, at I , 3llatlulitlita at ttll. Nl. 01.111. flt.l.lN- tot.tot at rto).ltlnt, tli arty all -tat t..tt ~, 11 at I Ittrrl t.. at 12 . SIR.. PRills.R../- RR1.141.1 7.Rot yr, . . rii t at r. •.niy prl.tripnl A trt. 1.01n,3 5:/“ P. M. 11‘1,11•:-.. • 41 • Sew I .1, • 11em..., l'lttlatkvipl.la.• 7:10 A ,:a A\ • akl I_:x,:l' . I.• m•.l 1.r1.• t 0.... 1../ 4 1 . I . ril.bttrwiT of Ir,on ~` Prit. mil,. pr , sxri-1.. rt , 3:10 . , 61.• .. 11011- C . :31 V. ,1 N.. 1 —6, •• I. 111r.t.1.. , ,t. . 1i.1.11. • Nt. A 1 ..,k. In 1 . 1111.41.1phL0. C MNIFISMEJ ./. f .I}rll4 %Tit , . -11:II:, pt t. r. stopnlT, at a-, got , ar . vt.tt ions ... IS', v. Pitt-1..1,A, amts connert In v v vt lila 1,, :11v lon Will , 111.• 11r. nv and 1% I:3llmad. A LI. .IA I. AI , I.IIAb.IIATI. , A—DaIIy `.11fl.1:11• :II ;.10 mlampint: . ..II ..... vsl 1 and ‘l.l anaktsag cl .1 trains 111.11... n ilr..arla, %Vest un-)1% vista E1wn , , , 4117 11,111- roa.l. awl 11 , 411 , U, - I ..rg.ltrn,tvh. 11,1 Aer.m.nioaarloo Train tar IV,1I• • ' , 1nt1...- I , "" ac , ,lspla), W. a. at. A cr0i,,,,,.,01at Iros TrAt. for Wall'. 01,', tv.- 451 / 1 ~ t• 0 0.1al -1 at .a. M. 1 . , n. son. N.,. vs rpm •v• win.) v nt 71,v. Third ...,..111,110.1a,i,. Trait, for W.all • a sl.l 1 lon .4 4, re, , 1 v.I •u 5,1.4, •; t 0:551 p. M. n.IIN it. . I , Nr - rpt • r nt %till. .., 1..• v silt tat l Th. ran. I. a a v. ' , lntl.. r, .In, . v 0.1 1,1 In In n: 11. Pvt.-nips. lc al Al l . JI arrll •al Wall"- afar vt P. N. Rum nlop,, Train. Ire. In ritl,lturple fa. 3L,{l Ine4 I; , rtetntpri;elat I.pto;inn A it. Prion...iovoletlit44laliOu r.ottd Wall's 4:A1.1 ft. Johootternten - eittuvo.hrtle.ot 1 , 1,13 A. it. 11n111.1/1 , 11, A v. xs. Inee.tin An'tmi.te..l, - 1..t0 ad I'. 04. 1V ill'. rtmtl•pio so .tda , 1.. a lan P. . I. u. ran .kt.....tamteel.lll..t. 1-it , to ,t, rxte 11,14 r. v. ig , v , thr cel •I•er "111114140 rnortioant slit lino, to rce lo Indy n .e 1..1.e. p, ktp , l ele•tf•e • te. nn, (a r t. t,of •it, . o r . Ittl 14 tort .1 t el aped . , Id- I,e .enl , r- r IL.. en. ttl paAsorto . ". toe , O.P 'PI r I '.. n ; I,llltoare. ,pro.•• I'lll on; 1'1,11246.10.1, nr-erti3l go, utol,, • IV. HE , 11P IT , A! Me Ye 1,00•vt, to, lu el.. 1 1,1 RAID ,o, 01a. ToT' , .l, • 411 1 I iCe-rt Wae.lolll.rtten to Wri . SitiditGV. I.t is.. (1,... , 1, \ NI/ THE GREAT SHORT LINE ROUTE I=l TO C 01,1.311111. S I=l lA 15%11J4 %hot Ili. prll4l 7" IVII, 0,1 I) t. , 1 art, MON DA T. NOVEIIDEII 20th. 1A43, Train, will UN (ON DEporr; th.p4rts. rrir,.. rit.t I.llgr ' ''' ' j ' kro A: 31: I+, V. • Ovn't Tlrkct Ayrpot. mettl,4l.ollr, n. • 'I. 310TIMIV , PAI:(M. ernt. I'D lon Depol,l , lttmboret. I)ITTSBEI{G II A Nocri t t'ttN.tif:l.l.:,Vll.LE If. It.F 4. "__ Winter Arrangement. :,04, MONDA V. Otir0111:11 301 k. isca. 11,e I.ln. rrlll leave tlll. Depot, cons, of Ito.m And 11 r ntrrut, sza 01011 011,1 flow ... 711 , A. P. v. .pfr, , •• • • •. . 7:on P. 111:mA. 011,1 Mc IC verorl..s A. I. )5. '• • • •• P. 11. 2:05 r. Tr. Ylr2t •• ..... 7:111 A. 11. 11:30 A. 11. ,1141/i,” t bomb Truin in and from Ma1i........ 10: 1 0.2.:II, IV.l"ficketglipph• :1.11.1.NK, Agent. orf.7-11% IV IL TOUT. IV!. FURS. Funs I Funs: FURS LAMES, MISSES. AND CIIILDREES M S- 101BILM, The beget and Mee! (ampler. Aceotilital Ever Offered in fit 182:Xivi7kili a1v10C74:30X 4 L31, tta CCPES, 1194Itelnilatnrigtpargh, • It. d , n `.. 1 1,1. TC '-: =MEM I t... • ( L 1..- .... . . .... . 51.0. , Ja supprr. Art 11-111 r f Art 11.—Tlif. tn.:llth , , Art IV-I.tte . Vt. V... A. .t lott•r. T 1, 1 71,1,111 Hour. • (IPERAL HOUSE. ma, 31 Utruptlon o as utotflost.cF uf tht roc. ution of thu frost and Author.- MR.FRBN7rx VILM W. Wbo huc J.t.t rvtar.etl'from Varop, Trti , DAY V3 - EN I N (;, Jan. PC, the perfgrlramee slit 4 the Dcv 3 s• - t drams, cutltlcl RIP 'VAN WINKLE. Dan,.. Lath. tzrrle. 1'1" v.l,vli, to r0n.11.,1e with 11. e roarlr Z f Arce "1 1.1,5i1, 511. FIVE :M11.1.15;41:5. r,,,, , k oat for 3T.rl.pn. -1:1rharcl•Ill Sat•nr.lay al 1, rttoort. 13ITTSBURGII IIIITNEILIII AND zuvLuinc.th uxitDc.N, 44 FlrTil ST. THE ESQUELETO, 1f year+ um and srelgll9 but 7 pounds, ENG:cot:I) AT AN IMMENSE EXPENSE. o. ,:f i t ri K;);IVLI WILD CO ANIMALS and IILOGIIRI I - all for oar price or ad.:la-atoll. LECTIMPS. . . EIWANTILE LIBRARY X..I33CIPIDIEL3II:I-. ISEADINGi OF GEORGE VANDENHOFE, The (elehrated Dramati3l and Author. L..IF.II'ETTE 1.1.11 LL, Tuesday Evening, January 9th. sr 11.117("TA rt I of the DIE it 1:1 wy vrls NV I N are, I . nrt ll —from CaritcS'l °TRAITS ANO STO RIES ta , PEASAISTE.I.•• a entt rely now 1. - Rll o.slrt‘s,..-snxa v01.R1,1 •1 . 11121.1 N ./.• TOOLE'S CUrliTslill . .•' . • Thursday Ere:sing, Jan. 11M. ieTII•3I:CTS Part I—hchiii•l lioni the hI ;1,1 :+cti of Shit site.ari,,,,,ihly a RINI; JOll Part 11—hri •• reran on••hle the Fieit `('A htt %I— hii l'i•i••r 7,•n ea • I . srs IT!—FrtAtl 01 , ..rwt urIn•IIV Shop, p, tAVIVELLEIr AA It TIII 51 /Ill'N • N.Estr'' INrt IV—From 1. , . es'. Tlently AIA t ••F %TUFA/ PII/I. AND I'Altl,ll lON ER, — Imor• opt St s'elt,S. I.rutttrt• swntsrtut , •• . o•rto, Sinsle tirkrt, No Mt . -rrt.•l ILA KEW KEA.. Jr.., NV. 11. EIPAY ARM, II 31sCLLNT.1c, JAMES J. ItttN NF.I.[ I! . L t ELL. C, ALIIIIKE. Ltettts, C,P11111.1r0., BANKS AND BANKERS Dtminta - HOUSE. N. HOMES & SONS, Astaalx.e rsa, No, 57 lIIARKET STREET, Pillsburgh. reeelred In l'ar rtfp.l: n.l e„, on al , I ~I te,l NW., STOCKS, BONDS AN 0 OTHER SECURITIES Bought and Sold on Commission. 1 . 121,•11.11 allrNtioll f t.• 414 BITEII STATES SECITITIES, I "if... 1 •In 1 , 6. Vl , O. , •1' emrtt• THE FOURTH ti ATIOX%L BANK. U. S. Government Depository, Pitfabsai`gli. PO2IIIIL 1.• . 1 . 111741.i1i1l iNt HA • rug it h 11..1,14 , t0 Ittoa.• doing I.s.row • II!, 0.. '7 .13-1,C., Notes, N.l at: oilter 1 04 , .ermt..111 .ror , rl.• tr 4, to 111 1 1. P. n1...r.. .4. ..el. ed a ..1 Isar+t 11 • . . • TII..IIM+ ?MN: , 1C1.1.Y. It. II h Iv,: , L. 11. NSIITH. , : M... 1 I:1.1.1SY TAME, U. 8A.11.1,1 . , J. 'II ••• P. ItE1:11 , ., Tif , )ll.V , $3lllll. P. If IP 110il• Vl'lilt K I'llt,3lA, 1,4 , N N LI LY. 1 . ,....1., RI rl.rit PV .t1:11.. 3 , leirr- ..s ip , l, +iknt w F I lOLLAR KAVINGNI•II.ItAIi. o. 49 ~ EM ItTli .!-TRIET. ouu 'tally front 9.2 o•cleelt. att.o nit e•lncaos. sodSatortlay evenings. Rum May lat to . <l•Vt.ttl I.!. treat lo o'clock. and from Not endlcr Ist to 3131 tot. ftt , tn s to • n'clotA. Ifl`pnollst retched. of an RIM. or not It.. than itne Dottar„ and a Alvidend of the eronta declared t • scar. In Jona anti Ileccenbsr. fotereat hat 1.4.0 litYiZrefi m a t -altnetalls J 110• sod Iteecralwr •Inte the flank was organised. at The rale of tter cent Interco!. If not drawn not, Is placed thes a ute credit °Gibe dr pot hot es prior .If June lwars - terest fn.., 1115 first dart tlf June ant! December restattoundlog tWlce a year wlthent troubling Mc de r...Mos Weal!. or eraw to pl , setil Ida pate, N.A. AI Itil. rate rnttory docldta In lest than twelve year, pool, rontalhlug the Charter, Ity-taws, Bole. au.l Ileardtal lens, ftindshed gratis. on arpllcal ,no at the VellllP..l. Auden., A. U. P•11....1. NI. lo . IW/ O. ilarkid'eu. It.dtert Ildobt., P.O. I. Talon.leet. ' .10Ion 11. Ntoorl.4.rger .run,..fil.r.4nan .1.., ,131,11 e. 141", Mr ....‘111•• A levand, 5,....., lo.aac 11. Poalocni.... o Itri•olan Yr.,. . rorrilot.n - .. 'AIVIII Adam., !lent? .1. I. tutu .14.1.11 i•. 11113/14,, I , ler %. !Ind. - qr. it 111 Illack. 11111 lhorg.lo. .1..h00 .11ar , hall. Waller P. Marnlkall. AleuxulA. Carth.r. - Jame, 11. 11. 11,,1.. rha.ll.. A. Col/nu .1.1113 11. McFadden. Wns. Douglas. Jahn Orr. .11.1111 Ell,lOl, {lent} 1.. lIIN.- - walf .111 , 11ro .1. Glliottdr. Won. E. Srltont•lt. 11111 am N. Harlan Alexander Tludll. 11,11... t 11. litont.r %I lIIIADI Vanklrl Mvbard 11ay...P P. Wel ail, 1 JAR., 11. Kr11:1. , 1,11 , 1 e Whittle,. TIMAAI lir.ll-1, HAYS 1.... I coi.sr , , , , srcitr..rasl - JAN it, I. mr.r:i.A I,li -.IA nl. THE BOUNCE NATIONAL BANK 'Cliortotod by Stair of Perm''. • • MGR fbr gars/mod under Nai Omni too. • • 1.051 l'abblid. • • - • . . 01.000,000 litl. Pant ha. hr. ...Inv,. . 30 er) svit , c) r -sr THE IIiTED STITES TREISTRY. Sale of the 7-30 Loan. r„,„, rs ln q w I r olTere.u"to,..p.Y.r port', port. lo,lor for If. M , ',1111,y 4 THE PEOPLE.S` NATIONAL BANK, ',•• .01 aln rr,t rear 1:31s1 , log purpo e•. loqua by.," Jn,l 11114tett north /ky till and lug , onthern ospfouro. IT t• for a •unto ro..l.leore. having 3 f out ott two g.u1.110 ILA irA.: v dr Wilklus. 11311. Ar ALL ABLE 31 AN 1(7 , PROPERTY EMI SALE IS liMinitift FIIPaIed on Cott rr ~ rrovr, rumilug thOnorla to rrnolltn, bro. log a 'loot on ("entre Alrret of 1: if droi I, lull (rot 1 / 1 ,111 I. twtr,l a Two ~Tour lla Mi MILL, Eugllo, nod Holler 'lt rourplete 00.1 In road onll r. two Itrlck: I/reviling nun..., IIT , 11110. . . _ Betaking bowie cOnNElt 11 1 / 8 1 !NI) TOW" F olic s,tax. IfEELF,Ezr.O... =I T. Or 3Pittisal.m^g-ici.. \\'ll/I PX11 . 11.1,,1 or. . • . • TAIr• 11. k. organized un•ler Sny tos! 10. Ogg Spam, lu now prefuovtl lo froo.not boulso , ,, el 11., LiOnk lug MUM, rovocr of INNuad and VI r,e rert. roliOrtioroo IMOD on •11 ucco.Alble• points ou tho Mt. tern.. SpreLsi Agento fur .1 A COOKY for the attic of tile • U. S. SEVEN-THIRTY TREASURY NOTES. SAMUEL RBA, Prenideitc F.. 11. GORDON Cafthler. J. U. McP111:1180X. Teller. f j VIES T.:1111.4.11tT & CO., - CC ESSORS TV?. JoNES a Cu..) X3LiiilllCOril3d 13roas.orsz, CUR. FOTAITII AND WWI) STs., ISZOB WM CIEMI - HORTICULTURAL. • AND OAKLAND GREENHOUSES. JoilS IL A A. Mr 111 - Hum; Simms-aq r 7 to Joo, .4brhyloTrJr, Jr.. Tillusf.lclllEN AM) FLoillhTs, t4illelt.treulion :00.0r rxtenvive,3o.l. of fruit non trioN overgroonn, grape Vtneh gmO bowie rglLa.l Oakland l'ass.Ongrr. Corn run totLc tlrcenlooo.. roery toltlolv, 12111=1 . . ..r- 11RIEGMFiht OFFICE '/ , .liyillearSnppciatiou Midge. rIL tt ,Epalucct.' itcsastac ititt 1H1110414iii.,,:••.—.., • A - .1 - UFtEIM:•;. , :i =EMI IMEEEME= M$ IMIARKIRT STREEI citAirrEv.En IN 1443 I=l 1=1!! Or X3'ittesil.a..ucrGh =I ~...,...~.u~,~. ........ =.~,>,,r,,. WE= DRAUGHirtNb-. FOR SALE-F. L..: Cif r, t:,or• ,r7n. root pr , .....n0nt. are .r. larg,t :tr... •t 10 Or fvtat..,< 4cuera.ll , _err.tr , d: • producr• •of laic,. it ih virt, 1,-. :orrs. rt rtia ncdu riey NV:4 , r.tr, c.. 11 al, EMS EMS illill . . 2 u gi 3 V31 , --ei. , cleared L 11,44 IL sd I pplc.. geperally gong. .u. r. I • dant, t. CI coal. Thla prop. rt , .. Mao, a Value Gra n...0.j 1 ,„ Tha boprowients are a Mr, and n large frame horn; ITZ bCool AM". GI enitleni on.: a ath ev..G..etur) Intik-Nw , •1 would snake a tirel..ralu etmle Also. a rarrn of nen , . In hard Iwornatir, y •. larul.. are a large lratno. I ov,a a P.l. e•aa.,•.. burn wltli a gaud shed : araitad. -.•-• tao tooquent log dn.:Maio: ad: a...hrd • rouvenii tu .k.r. 1... , • [ion of .1. port.bast. :mono frill hr tali,. a :... irated land fti Wx. Al-, aI. ai of la. o , ri J. In- Alli.a•la eOOOl7. lane ut th. a ..r) large orrbar.l tlia :-• Thl.• faraa 111 be at t recta , ...) pr, ON I'll on lit. dal Aprn..l. AI., :he ;11 l'altfleld r.......1 ,1 11a. lan.l copal'', P... c.. , nlalo:lig toll., smith, llw /:3/131.3 , 1. iinorark ..- men , . arr two Early boo, d 01.1. el the largf...t and be, frau, ban, to the 100 - nahlp: 1.. • apple orona_rd.n, - 11.0 uol. , fans IS under a likb slalr of rulllyntlon. T 1... 10.'!-all No. 5. Th. 11,101 I. of tla. Jr. 1 , , li.nablor.• al.out 00r. , claared, bala,.• Ir. tlnibrr. ,•:. Iltr dr, 51. of April. 1.0. propvtly a la. Si 3 al -pat Tarealn. o.ooi to enga,p. In other Al., ollt. raLK.II, , (row i',3) to 61% 31 . 0 Y.o 0r . ' it a• all ...a I e In 01110 • touto.hlp. za 0.01115 . Ya.. si.out 101110 , fi. , •ei the ail.. The liopio , ..lnvai 3. al, 1 I.ng 11005, a Kr,o4 kon ,Ohng ..red.ar+l of appro., pi.n.•lt an.l prar. I a ill •ell alaaldr prop. ler) vb. ap and nu ..a.‘• tern .. • . Yor trait.r it. 14Al EF•ble Ap. Lt. N. WA rotirlll,l3;., COAL. COAL ,SND LAND FOR —l'lu. ..•o 4nablv I.11:..)1 In F:llzah,t). Allrg/1111, v. rdrntalmlna a , rra 1:1 , A( V. ANI and (ton tinp on tlie fua more Than _half a male. In 1 , ..4 No. n. burr there ar , lA , .0,- mrrctias.ts bib COAL :routing the• rt, or. o warm ail along the ,+ ,••• frvut 7' vr1u,15151-1 at It: lAnd f- 0 , , rivnli, riv, r au.l 2.4,r e,avl Lof a larce. I. ell •11,d I , CV ISI.LIN 1101`,1% (I,ow‘• Barn.. fruit.. ,z,31.1,. 10i frt.. I , Ang: orn ris, n•+. Dwr.lll.lg,. Th..( sr. ',hula t,l NI":,11111rtau I,ra T ar. ru, fsirtn. nllfsgt (..11,- %.131,1, iol• au , llnlrlrtal , 1 ,,,, 11! nr.s. ty,t Inatmtnow, uow . oarvrell ;a ill. • , • 13,',1, • 1171.. nEt•lt 01 ull lllr 1 , 01 p:an.•l.lat , II I. T.. 11 F.!:. 161 tm.rtil ,revt MT J )1111:1,1,ING 1101 !NILS for so le by S. S. hit r. 1.1; RIAU; B COIIIS AND ELI]. Bhp I= 1 /an, .1•••• s 1,1 , 611.4.111 t, 5514. , 0tie. e L. trn , ll roout soa - . ~,r1 1.1 WI, I.ou-t. porn; r NVnter .I,el Snd %Taltr nilr , , frnuting 1,1 %\'‘.4l 1 . 41n1311.% irv,iiir+ tE.l,n.lionfura.m. brie. rom.n. nlrret. ifonge in L Hawn_ a.l hut and ',ld I,,tur. Long. :,u.l Atory duclfing .Irrei. in-nr I , l‘lll , Irevt, lan '.•.„lonfl 4C-k nn. , -• ...;fall,. I, n 51‘11... IMEIfMMI= Eli=li A St idl.l. Fl'uN 11.11 ED TWO-ATOlt r - ZLAYIE 1111113.1.2A1i. 110 , 11.5. FINK 1,4:1 o. Y 1 qt.% la-ldtrawl THE 11Yr I. ?iv-In-Orr ri.el fl I: tl.11:1' ItIAT .ti . n 11l lrir Iln. Mitial I.r. .ri the-rarll ,n• ..1,14111, (.. 11. TOW ER. J. T. SA3IPLE. V, 31 1.-t r, (API lLouranr. .tpunt. 4..,4 1 ,1rec1. • - 1: 1 8/1 NAIX--Oine Engine, I inch . ...11540,,tvr. 4 6,1 n 1.1% 1.... I t 4 1u•1 pied nnt., pump-. 1.4.n‘ 4.1 t 1.1,551 Th,l. tat aril 111 1, rI. . 1111 1. ~•1. 3,1 . ;ui, 41.4 1'4 , 11 . 1.F:TE • . TT, 111-. I IWN raf;4.l‘,, rr rlntllty.rl - 4111amt164./1 I.ortny lu r.1.re... ie. 1.:", re... 1 "I . !, 111 , 11 bra,. ,I.•lnty, pyryny, barmly, rtmlw. tarry:l-..n.nrto Charroal. Abut. Is n !loop 1.1. n. Ely:11,o W 00.11.. Tank. 211.1.1 dill. 1. r. 4nrml•y. I.'l' A ND-I.ltly RV El ‘E111". • 21 rr nr al Qr lille•rr. i,:y•Ysltaryt.t.lary VOIR SA E 111,111' %, 11 12Ii`••• Its PITT 'I , IINVNY•fiII . .- %\ r oderlll4 ye ty•ry 4.r 111. ( , 11114.•4. x•I ier-11, 1.5.1 en... .YY 1,111C1,11. 1.1 , 1 ..1 ..111 (..y• Inyr. 11,111/I:. Th. al ..1,••• I. , inyYrl-1,,, :be t.t.- tlry. T.( I • 111,, Ivltvg s• tr.it I.l•Ytm.l.try /11111 It 4,, :1,1 11,1 the I Is It. 1 . . 'I uO,• nn purfo•ct ordury 1,1 : 1 . 'llk rt, yyyt, 111,1m...1 ytytly, Dr, 1,111, ~,I.yynay • I, .1,•1•'! 1,1/ s y.:yr•lieaelat 1111/ 11' 111 Mil: cy a 1:011 ssII.L;. 1%1..11 Vs lb-..11t. THREE STORY BRICK . 110 USES. nnil ,n ..41 , :t..0r IV '4 IM MIN tt t ttt - tit. t ttrtm ttl 01, t t 1 ...lilt awl Ibrol.ol.rut ,upt.rwr tuluner—flni-he.ll t'it el %nod. rn von, //Ma t mint. awl at pft.,....ut ',err., orrlcr: one ol thr etran..., and op4l4 , lralth. +lt no I .I,llt,givest, . ion "" "I APr'. Ileal 1,1,W Itrold T PIA i11 , 111,101q . N... +1 r..lcral , 111.. g - 1;011 SALE. • =ID 11'lll Lc .oltl TI,DAV MI. ,r,o, NWWI.. In Wf 011)0,11:m.1 1....v0tta.. orth- , d...lent I . vo 0., liw I,l4llrontl, rt/011 !To ,11•-• of Apollo, eoutalitm two I V. and FIT:Ell. roiuplrte 'l% particu!.ll , hoPllt , at and Claim , `lriv , & II 11.1. /• T 4,,c; `so. 1411",,ortlo y 41.1 4111.1: CIPUN'I'IIY HOME , -Al I 111, I, tr, anla rl.llll wall; (P.m Ilti ,^ratitt.,l SIAI. vLI t• T:1/11:1-Avf II Der.-1E,,, a, r. • , 0 • Itt.ll.llng. • twat Fru 'lt, • 13 anti nvt 'li .1 cr. I : •3.•1.14. furtli.,, RINI:. FOIL s A LE.---A LIE A ILTI I . itt 1 .7111 111.. 1 1 1.1 ,1• fr...1 tl•• I it,. t,•• II 11, •1. 0..111 3'l , 1.119 Illy : 4 oc. , • •.1 [awl wilts YNue 1,1, l 1 ntt rll .;.t.114-4 ro,n, u rgc ar,lnlr 11...+r. n v.ll how,. ro.l n.] ~1 1.4, I .111.11199 0 1 1., ,11. n 111.. 11,,t .1011,111. 1%,./.. /"..r fnr 11. r {11,1111i• 1.1 ,;. 1, kw I.N. d. 1,1( 1-1., 1 I',,nlr• 1411 Pourll. • Volt SA omit author ell to .4 , 11 file net,. ;ina ••11.1.11.•.1 In Chartierr 0111, 11 , . , •• and n 1.41.1 .1,11., fn..) The 1 1,00-(1 ttrlll..l 1:•••04 un 1•1 t 01011.• 1r urlll4. 11111..11. A V AMIABLE 1. 7,4 '"" )"• " AN!' . Croirr I. 4fnr, PIA v , In "it""" P7.' 3.1C1C.L.,E dr. IZT,t . zAt4 l l m tn . lin. 67 Fonrlh 6.•reet.4lllbbur,M. DRUGS AND CHEMICALS. WOODSI ALLA( IL, Wl:Lc:4l.4,ogal° Dznaggigates, ,I.N Dr..ALEICh; Ay 7:ad 7.aad. • fdtharin.. Paint, aftl, Varnban, lire Hag., Window Ma. a .l T u n, Spine, Pt r fatal 111 , a , •arbdri r. AL°. I , rrutz r• L rtvrilak Whit Id ad and Marary A 11 - 11.nvu'a rata= Da! a: in ant. and in ',nand can, Oro. 37 'Trooti Stred, orrosra: TI (LIAM:ES nOTEL, J. I . N. SCHOONM.iiikin 1%.505, Pittsburgh While Lead Works, FORE WILL 11. TY. AD, 111.1"1", I.r, Al) intnl . l%; 11 IN,011.: Loui I'AINTOZ” Olb itNc:n.- CU A7Crocacil..Ctrocot. • „ . :Tr.7.•E N • TISTRY. I OSEPIT AD.A2IIS; DentiAt; • Ciin corner ht -I , faMONI) qnd (-ItA\T ntr.l.J., M. r o n Qc k : p r . 11.411, itcl47n. Avr4lll% t;IL J r ia ,U.Si.l) N f. c• t. y BSI I= • I. 11'7. r”. .1,1 .la, • .... • r.. .! , 1,. 1 !i::: . 5111 - 1 ,, •f 'II FIN • VII I- 3 55K , ...,•. Improve4l . ll.,log I ' 1.1: • .1. . • Dt . 'N it ..4!!D utti:Ezt rura:9l.l-a. Th. pr,wrly .1u2.1,1 I, W.., 1.11, Office tor. of Penn and Wayn6 Street. .Thi,rtt.4,arty ttt., Irtott,.‘ Ink ‘`,1:,....ttt11 I . llft t trrftt.rr ttf ~tt ttt•tttltatt t 3htt 1.11,14 rtt the Dunkarti rtttit. Uttlttn ttli I 13pitAl . ',..tktt, tu,q %at., tti I,CI , ro • tecrt. tary 3,11 rrt”tt•-•, - —ft , br . .r usnl about na 4, a gc.ort - nrobartlui re= Th.. Grating I. 00.1 nbao 1... - t ^rum I MT., utscap. = Lug ll..uru 1. rt• ana uudrr nr.-1...-.1; • S. A. , St PERIOII 011. 1:71,1.1Ni.:9. e;. nib 1 r•• nor O=S, NIT!! 1:711F.11 A 011101 WI Ti i:14111 BOIL ,".. IL pliri••• ••• to 11, Einwr t, PIK m 14, 1 .11.41: I I,II:F.KI›, NI win lIIlll•UT1.I. CollllElit Oil. 1101: KY. PURE WHITE BURNING OIL AT Tilt: I.()Wk:-*T :11.1 it It 1:T . I{ ITI :!‘ JAME! , CRUDE AND REFINED Elock.Duque.ir Wn3-.1.4061)u5.7.1. 4 - 6 - Ftrcial attention gill, tr. do • ctilt. anti Any.' tnt.nt of Prirott-tent anti It. into•lttro... .1 tio..i.gonsynt • rt,toret fttllylto . . I - BEAN. • ot, 10. iAnt -r.. Pittsburgh. i Earn a rti Ina anti tom i tthitpu etch:int .; Arel desk, 1n Illnrninnting,• trrheleuilng trede tin triad rur the lie.ve.4 rnarLet peter , . Cal...lprtnent and order • roltelte.l. ar.7,lrm 11,111 K) NV AWING 4/ G. CO3I3IiSSION 3wite ti .t PETROLEUM- MID:ITS PRODUCTS, Anti Dealer" In Henning Ilate Hsi I BOND. 1.11) Witllllllol. St; OF PHENIX WAREHOUSING COMPANY, Fool of Baltic nod IlOrriftno: Street., DrOoklyn.: N. 1.. Slortre for Refined .Pefroleitm, Iu u 1•• and TlArrrl.. N4..1, lie.% F:lt !se, l'oc BE FORT pin 'FOUNDRY CHARLES ' KIAP WHEATS I.l•Nri 11 r4l HEAVY ORDNANCE , ALL 4, 4 F lIF. AVl* 1 . 1+11 1 :4., ,4..414121 a 1 .4.444140 n 1131.1 4 ,4 1:411.1.1S14 11141. %V • .1: F. C1.1,1* 11.1,111 N !'VT 414..1 11). T4 , 1r1 14V.1 , I att4,4441.441 4 .1, 4444 1-N , .1- 14.-444,4r44. 414•4 r.ent inalvr4.44. .. r 4, 4,...1.44 .... int - Tsurtuai rot NDRY6 =NM FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS • )I.anniarltn era of I hlllFcl Boller. of alt for //011. 7r, l opptr.Stnon Vain, and In•Iln-Itul,nrr Work, 'pl., Ibdl- Ing 31111 1,-.11.3, of all doetrlptlon, nark ralent Doublo Grinder, ••11ta •arlet, of int hot 031- torn, alarava on band. and Oiled in ordot on short :,tl re. oral", ler., (rtio• mud Ware . tnon.e. I)E.NN • Machine D'orlis and roOladry H. NR.Tic3at - xsae62:i v E7s , .IN 111 , 11-101:It A.\ll Nisi'. t - r, era, n 1 arlrl ,r , ,,trlrtrArt -.lllrsh,” 1 . 110. I . n. ••r I'ATEN i 1 . 1.51,TA 111. E 1,1.11.1.AT1 ,11..111 g.NOIN pnirtnir of nil 1:11"1. utlen , l4l t“. t 'fitillil.lllt: STOI4 _ES. Parlor and " ( leafing atones. Grates, Fronts. Fenders. hr. ‘: lied% of HA1.1. ,, W WARE I N0..10,1 LlbErty Pitrinet. ALLEN, 3.1g.H/Ir. au tat ay. .uax,. t. rtr.•ol. TVA STOVE WORKS. • Sbiloofortore e•rt+ •anrtr of COOK, PARLOR AND HEATING STOVES . . n4 Anaon,.hilt ate.. tLe . et!et . ratod EFFMKAi . TI:Opir A - 2,arlt(N,ftt`;4',Wo`d:t'e r. manufarjure . • (MAYEN, C 1 ATE FRONTA., r. 11111.. c and Wa rebta.._ eornrr of Frolni/ , P , 4 *0.4 atmet, 1111..11w:h. Entrant, on tleccond 4trePt. *4:11 7 )11 SPEPSI.II. --- Dr. • ' SlrielOa.i,t,r, .-, TONIC 1.- a . ..... •••o -';.:,1"Ne;:):,'.'"'.:.1717";.;;;;I: nrOl-Alta ronoionth ~ 5,, -1-•.st , tio u [Rt. -totarb mot ' i '' - Iti Ins. 5, iut.,l3, fur ikt-p,-pa- iti ..r Ilotiol -tioo. Ne.ruott- ~,, . ,•-•. 1.... of App 'il rtitt. 7 ..,, 1,, , , ~ Olity of 5 ht. ,tom.o.h. ~... Hoto!, or., :ou , l 41,41114 t,. It Y , - .IV 1.. tr , t 0tr10 , 1401{..; 111,r•turr. ' ,Yr ... 5, pus ti, ol.tri, •oit. (IE, II oval, .l Ir. , , ". per- o.t. ~.r,...10.re at 5.1 tu, 1 ott, , IL F.. +.4:1.1.1 - ,:1:: , ,V, Cf.:. i ID. STItICK LAND'S . Deli' (Axton.' _. x , tit't.lll it 11..,%31 I.: _. ..„, _.,, o at.rrititvdto to, Ihr 55,0) . 1,,,,,. 1:. , E rtir 1 ~.„.„... knoriro to 0,0 • - .• , , ... .1 1',4,1,,, C0t4.4, Itol.rsetst. xi 1 ,. ~,...„, - .LTIon2. Wh00,p1n.,... CougO.! • , tt›,. . ... 5., , 5 liroute l'ot4rh, C. • ... .11 , [1-• . •I . ..._,1 , " 1 I ton. Itroutlittl• ao•I Croup., ... - ...1. --.- - - ..i . 1 . Itrlur la. lo.red fro, Ikon s , , ,/, ~,, an Ile I-I, it Is l.aling. ,1/11-. '1 .. k. . • f. e , . F .,, a irt 1 coin;; ,tot .x.pert0,rittp1g5a0!:,,,,,,,,,,,,:-,i.....--- otrtt . ottl3rl-,VILII•lo 'lro- all t ~.................f.,.. Ittortlott• of tho Tloo.tt. :Ea.: T.EillgS. 1 .. :4 'lp by IN ETI.4. ev ..1 m Itcre. I' . , It. F-It'ir.l.T.Eltti.lt.. (*IL or.t3tlyd .11 - ue.t.E....r.t.; AttEN r. T lit. silificKLAND's: 'ILE .xtuli EDT Ita, (lilt El I IA, I.l'll f I.lf 11tt<r,t t:vo; , of. n e rs s p . i 11 .,. Y.:{~,t., ..&I ND AND .III.EF.OING I [eV :k. 44 iv 1 T 1V.1.1t , ,. It' glcog Intr,tliato.. ... '1 4 ....„ .. ~.,. rrltoc, and vtrottt...a poirreFA-4 -',_.._ _—.. .P.,.. , ,nk oel( MIT, . Try lt. tlintgly, tit, tti:ot; It I. sr. - ran RA to rOn. __ t‘ ..5 . ,.. Z0.,410.-. F o r ..to I,y ;al I tro;gl,t, at ' rEOIIII,yVt4CIk r . , :0 rt.• It t., /ter bot tie. - - -tt ~1--,t4ILWILIia eZEM VORTV . TEAttS - .I•II.AALIVICI, 5FX1 , ..% Levr.AsEs 4 - Ayr- tur n Inon. kelarr ul 1011 g n'.l" •r lty, Ltitf lI It I 41( pktlttit.. trl . 3t t' I/ nuttioilly u.., t . ,r or 'llk sure..., all cirklug the I.l.r:cut:aro cute:llk .11kr, link- than '!,y my VEliflT ‘lll,lt mkt t:.. n 45. 1 ,, rt 1 l'nlun. All tiers moot coatal mst. kip to pay 11.11110 .:• ilia or tief, kt. SMITHY/11W nenr. .illauttm s l ;Na's., 1111.0,11{11... 14. 1... 1413,1 y 11,": 1 , 11,1ku pHIVATE DINEASES. • /4.;NN nr:lr liaml • rho. Carr of oil diseate4 ei a jot.- stfr tit tore. In froot_tlto to four q10y... to no rot ov•ly 1. - 0.11 , nr0 I. A1t...T.4 . 1.0mA' Wr4knt and '.lt otltrr dlrt or the proltal tirgolo. owl floor prt:tluntion fl'orr Itarrnuttol or toonry rellttOrtl. - .0111rr hourt.-7 to In, v. I,', to 3. awl G ttf r. zr. A .I.lr, r tert.rrr. 11 v.. tlrrxt. 4 1 OISDINANCE !kV Croatia g the I.lgloO of City l'ontraallfr:o I. jie onen • , (it Ltblentlo4,l76,/ .V.,1.1,1n1,1 if:/ fewhemi, N. , , rnd fi h ,ooc nal f u.• 4 of , f,V tlAr rbst I o ' rairo - • 'cacflot tot , Mart ,,, Of city tho laa; lion 9 or. the otallivanca orra3lng ~,• of rtt Y out-foil , . looroiett ..ccno)l olay of A• D. , stz; be rtflotgo tont of sato! 0ta11. , ; lan rdain. and 41.0,1[1r.1 foto a law tLt., thaith day .t Jr nu. y. . 111 n 4 . 4 1./41.1111, Otto 9011..11.1 0.14,11 t bun otz, ot a[l.l .11t-WIS. Sho..tol.ait of Ittlf al:111 ir1 , 311110,t - Clor4 of the &loot toopell. • . T 111751 ., Pre,iUrnt thg, , ,couaoha f Intro-11.: 11. )Ir tic • • cicrl9tcbsConauvo cvicucti,, adriw CLARK a. SLIPUIF.R I=l I==l=ll I=l =3 FOUNDItIES A. GARRISON & CO =ZIA A. BRADLEY & CO MEDICAL rt. ORDINANCES I . ceVIA GL (T~rr is i.t ~1 .~'~~l~_~ A TREME.NDOUS STOCK FA I, A 91111;TElt GOOD - .1. A. 11111111 SON 6.; CO, .71arkel irttl I= I HaLti-Sowlait, KIP LEATHEII BOOTS, N 1 11.4, C., ASD A 2 . x .i.LE,A4,...vni Cost 1.5.r.1a fo •• • . Hf ',)l, ..• ••• -I :ITN 1T1:111:1*. CU SHOES AT fiEWYORKPRICES. (3IF•9T HAM:lris pIAIND frilllllsTrEt, IN BOOTS AND SHOES ,m,E,minKnIDOWN. Dringdtte. 9 12,, L 11,1 1 , 11 , 401.11th0t - .11legtea, • I. TIIEIfIONTII-01 , JIZNE.I.IIIC ,:ooDs mATIKED.DI.IiI . "N" PREPIIRATORT•TO.TAKINO STOCK, cnJ -In hn ut. (I.IIIGAMS. rive me 314 .1: 11-11 Wra (.1.. ALL I%LlJtha I. eau 1,./..und In as Invu vIIY. at , • . 4; )111111:1.:IN na ittrn.)l. ) 4 1..1unn Vol). 1.1:111. I 11111 W. GENTS". AND - Ropis; Shoes and Gaifrrs, A .31' 1.7.• rIVT.r r nd 11 : fhe :stn.,: a. (11.111trcor) I , t+ly If t; lII: T At , T MO , T 1./1C • ir.tything .I yfnft b.-t, . ed . rnalut2i S 11 , 1 , 4 01' Sp S I ror. sTo .7.1,1 , f St. 2n•l Thu Dimond, rlf ti-nurgls, 11 .1, 13 ELECTION NOTICES. errr or LLEcur.sv. st. in arenrdaern with. an .lei taaeruhlv data.' March tln h. le-11.1 John Merrhou, 511.y0r of the CM) el - deg:will. do laame mr Proclamation flat, ite ron;d Treadaydri.latianry, IL 1M , being. the ninth day , 4 the month, the duly qualified enter, h 14,,r, of. 1.1 meet at the rent ee Loldlog elerl lona In thrlr mance:tied he ward• end pr. eltiela. A 01,1. be te,dhat, wader the proVi ,.! ...:•1 M. ••I' .I—rtlihir - e t . .•,-. r. •• r fit, i. r rl •L. • r aud W. fur the terra or In ao o r,,,l:trore , r/111 the further„. jo It Iro olf !kr —o-0000:,, Flo t rt o ! on el: 10, 1,1101 1.,,,,,,er50t to, Ber m m. 0 ., of the relver A ',Alma—One, fort e term ; tare EVE lhe Inn urtic'elyAr; aul h lo • ow: :a he Inv:AU:of the't;otemop. Council. un 1 ,, ,_• 10 1 w: 1 / 4 1ot./ 41w iii el. ci k.? tallot: tiro pft,aftS to hi ra, i‘elret Voi•W - 11—one for the term 41 e•w•-. nod one for the term of our cur, awl fat ,• v r noollo-r, oirecf the C;alnateu ClP2aLlcil k :o: ht:olDtOffo It: W a::: eL•rt Lar.ot tree. per4ns to he to r • IN•lrot Cono , ll-r-nne for . the term of :- a, and ow. for Ito- arra uP vn.....3car: Inn :•: oth moo: cr, of tire -Common Council. burl , 1 s , to he Sollool Dlreetors. • • toorti: ard o M elred 1:j ballot t tro person:: to he r • of tte t'ounell—one for Meter= of Ihr: t• t and owy.: for thr trrm of one &war: :I row oot, 10 111.1...bv, of the Coromou Connel ao l; s to oeSolo:oll)lreeturs—den for the f l i.rrt s tare. awl Oe for the torn: of throe or-- a: tit,ltot ion to to- held .1, afOrewad. oa h 0,, of Jr.,,.,,1-. A . lt. 1: 3 :A : I .• h•ood - •• ..r tr.( Wool vrtli tote at •thlt 1 . 1•:,), *ord. of 0w11%2111 . 41.11.v01e V. the ilinn.c in iinig _ .. . . T 1... E1...10r• of 1110 Ikt I . lwitlet of Ille MI ird Ward, L I. 01. In. lode, all that part of said jotird lying we>t ..1 6..;•,..r :silt, and 311/Idle rfreet, er 111 vote at tho I'm 1.1 to kkehtn./ noose 1.11 smirl 'ward. . ' • TLr rrcrlnet ofthr Third Iratd, AN lint pan I.f t.a1 , 1 card 1)1414 ra,t ..1 r andAl,...tllL 1-trt , ,t, Trill voit.st the liar „1 Volto.cl c-rn, 1A4,4, Illo'conter Of Ea.!. 1:1111 (old itrnt. of the 1 , 1 Prerisicd of the Foarth U a rel. whirl. Intled,. all that port of said ward lyiurt e•t ••1 Ea, la t. In 111 s ole at the , Ertglrie liutsor, ..ro “1 Larocl ass-1 ssder,ors 11,e . :d I'l% 4 )Prh , - ,10 .r . ti , mr-O lor:oele all t Oat ys,rt ~slet warrlSox out eo Ea, la he: o 111 I too or the School House. thrtscrOr oroffl. t anal root ti al not 'dream, t• Ira o oastled rhy hasol and list..eal of 'the An Id city or 111 , ght this ttrtlr of I sooosolo4. .1011.7 c 3.IOTWISOS Mart, • W - 61:1flf.D . ,SOl d DlERS 3 Citlaer a "Srortris r I. o the bounty Vie fame 24 f they hid :11, toll tents of Folic lt , tr for noon him rtusloh, und Pa e, No. IC; 1 - 11.111 STREI:T, MIN door - beloW I,llrah 51,11 MACIMELL, ATTORNEY AT LAW; N. Licensed flntna:itient. It..,,utir• rrr Wonnde.l Soltllrez eollcclel3a tell T.. 1W3 . 11: dwyn. • • /47 I !Air kl,lll. a - 6 ,treet. Pitt:Anugh. - II nit It 1/1p rLar••,•anA tn., vrlnte.,,e, sur.l:l7 110 N. w. su.),NN. 1)1Y SHAFER,. ATTORNEYS AT LAW, No. si Diamond Strect. Pittsburgh. Pa. t,urt 111,Ines4. F.stnliarkg Tille.Coureyanel3, • °flirt jou , . d 31/ k bads of Leg 3 II cm/pc., prompt -17 311..4..1.. „ . 1 lI.ITAItIi CLAIIIS, PENSIONS, 1 10 1 . 7•11).S. TtAk'N. PAY. and Milltarrelaltds 1.1” br the ntibe,titrtt. at Mr follow/or. at!'.. v 1,11 other TAILOR, At lon, Ey at Law, Itiatuttod , ,trect. oppotitt the c l aim : Hotter. . 11. —N tia.b. it thedoes not t-ttet, .1. ant nit tilfonnal totll,lv, grstim. • GEO. I:, C. lOLA OFFETT COCIIRAN. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Ol}ltJ. NO. 60 GRANT STREET I= PAINTERS. ' J N I 1. LO M., CO., SIGN ARTISTS AND HOUSSfAINTERS. =II I etl,rh., nr iOl prrgotolly and with tivzas. • , ..... 14 - nnlatil 1 ., 13..w . 4 :nr.l, on PA:m..lOl Imp., I . att ',in,. 1,11,11.;',2 Z•in. ,a, ,-.113,.‘'1n3L1C.0....i4,..../.. _. . , ~t ;0 all part, illbv c , Altiln. , ...._ ..„,... Yirtorlal 1),-1-.-11f. ~...xretizr4 • Ist a Dl,ttry it rEt. na , • , llott-tt, tog .Liar uttlt rrga , ll6 dnrifttlitly. harm.nt r of rotor. :tni 111 , 31ftte,oY ilutslt oi It or rolt.....oaltfr rat, "W ILLIAM. 11, BlittritN, ,T.atr of ll,cllrm or Ditn - wx :tiontov,) 1101 7 :•F ANl,Sll?N'l`.l.ltr-Xis NOIIII ta•t corner Mira :luilFirixli:-_StiCet., • •PIT I: if G 1L• I` -"• - • '• El , To i4ivE4; - Olt, TEP • I ...F.AtLitrAf. • 9111. It Icarliev).:lnrlo i;b11111 ..ulorf.3 litlty xiderm • , . 11, c••nnt141 , ..11i41 , ,44-rrt, wart 1•14 , • - •. r•nl, 20,1. I i1:1-7.1T yrE 123.0a7.,r1T 1;4!.11 or untlwzi kx, 1:4,- on, vt a il hit .9; •• •+` • •1/•• • ,,- . 1 . i. nt •••••,, (-I,.st.at arrei. o il• _ Wail. la ..al. . d - rlo.. .1. at,,••4 • " • RE-PLATING; i iinEs ; s.tay.t.oull3lotifli." DlauitiieT - n•,, - 011 : , • 11 , !..i..1,..irr.11 ITiC , ILVEI:: V. - • TA.I-I:TS - PITCIII.Is. ). I C.., all 1••• re-0.:W.1u 1,11,!,. 4.0 K LA= Eql. AL IV_NLAV AT A ,•3.N7.11.1 , ,r ,, c7T. Jolts: M. • EDUCATIONAL: vi.KErknEriG ACA 10.1%. ENCLISHANWCLASSICAL Stial-DE. - . - - 4 ,)" rvir. uar n.i:. :.v . - It r.c11.-260. , . 2 1,1,.. ;.,,Ali...k, ),41/1/12.GA1,14n0 - i..- , ; ''"Norrir seilefinec rilll be bli l ojr.y 7 tlio or i. : 1,,..,,c,r3 m ".: • i vi r ,,t n o pylon ro-in e'ounnence ore 11..1NT5`... , Jan... - . ,i In rritiranO I wtiVe Icor kt - . r 7. ..• . A No ..,bolor niltattorl.farioror than half Ilr 0 00l.r. & .-- 1 . and no.tleanclfott flrt- ain't - nee, TNOrt.l ; olen.rCY.lll‘OZ - . R. 1., of ballot, 711 P W 1.910110( VW 0 ri: . .t.`tl ,- ,, rrlnorry Itnoloo, V•or Common. 1ra,:03Nr.,,, f r p;:-... -,, 3..stln afirt-itlgtstrr Y0na,.1,..1,11....• _ , .- ): 1,-, 1 , 0-7 - .t .vc1“.011 i.;,t.a. - sus: - it, fr;,.' 2 .-.,,,...:‘ - ):•4 ry own 11l Li: rao; 1v.M.1tic,N4.1.P.4:"..' littivity' ,", .', • -..-.. .~, -;,..'::: 11. ,- Z . Pral: - lin Icrior•fettrapavregrAlipllC- ' . .. . , Tt . C 7. II IV 6.1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers