r' -fe-W : ' ri mnv-v?- f1 vu -i" -S-'WiVV Y.".'s- 'W.''T7iT; SSJTTs '"Trr;'' wif''i-vf'"- '!. f,i?,tl , Tim SCRANTON TR1BUNE-AVEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 1ft 1902. THE OLD REUABLE P 111181 POWDER Absolutely Pure 7ufS NO SUBSTITUTE THE MARKETS. -Wall Strefet Hevlow. New York, Dec. 1C There, wis mi ex trnordlnnry meltliiR nwny of prices In tliu hint hnlf. hour of to-ilny's market follow ing a. marking up of quotations! durliiK nil tlio previous poitlon of tho (session. Shortly boforo 2:30 o'clock, prices wcr'o nt tlio highest of tho day ana not pains of two points or over had been attained by lending: stocks hero and there In nil prin cipal groups such ns Pennsylvania, Southern Pacific, Missouri Pacific, St. raul, Rock Island preferred, Dclawaro and Hudson and sugar. In tho last half liour St. Paul dropped abruptly 3 3-4 and Homo of tho other stocks wero carried swiftly Uownwaid. The Interpretation of tlw movement was believed to be tho powerful interests In tho financial world which nnounced their organization yes terday for the protection of the money market, desired to convoy a warning that ihey had no Intention of allowing those jilans to be lnterferred with by Injudicious s-preulatlon ut this 'time. There was much or less realizing boforo the close by the professional traders, who bought In yesterday- nmiltet and early this morning. Previous to the final slump, the fourso of nrlces was nulto prosperously upwards. Tho stock market closed dis tinctly weak. Total sales to-day were f.3t).nOO shares. Honds became firm in sympathy with stocks, but Melded at the lat. Total miles par value, JS.WC.OOO. T'nited States new 4s declined 1-2 per cent, on the last call. The following quotations are furnished The Tribune bv Hnight & Kreeso, 312 ni.'i Jlcars Building. W. D. Itunyon, man ager. Oppn.IIIgh.Low.Closo. Amal. Copper 7V'S ft.'A r.Vj Kl'A .m. P. & V 3'! 3 IH 32-,, 33',i Am. Ice, Pr "'"s 37'- ISC' P.7, m. Ijocomotive .... a -i' "."' 2G .Sm. Loco., Pr ai's !HTs :ns 917s Am. S. & R. Co .... 3i ::) sfi S'Ai, American Sugar ...,1'JO'i 1JJ 3-U' 121'A Atohlson SOU St TO's Wl Atrhison. Vr 7"' rSi r7i HS'i Halt. & Ohio !)! W'i Ut !-, Ttrook. R. T i'.ls S1M IJ Canadian Parific ....IJi, 1J7 l.."i4 V-'i'.V, Chow. & Ohio t. l". -ITs 1". Chicago & Alton .... 3ipK 31"i Vi 31"i 'hlo. & G. V 2.IU -'J3 2.: -;.h C Jt. & St. P li'S'a TO!, 31,7 07t 'ol. Fuel & Iron .... 7i, TilU i.V-i " Col. & Southern 25Vi "'Hi 2".'i 35 Col. & South., 2d Pr. in l'i',i 4fn,i i',. Pen. & R. G.. Pr.... SSJ'i Si S., Si Kiln 31 .".lij 30'8 B1H i:rlo. 1st Pr I'JW. 0! il r.J-v i:rlp. 2d Pr I! 41 42', 4Hi Hocking Valley .... 'it 101''. l'S !Mi Illinois Centinl 1lrt UPi 140 l!n', l.mils & Xash 1lSn 12H lls'S lllHi Jliinhnltmi IMVs li:.3, 14Si UV ict. st. ny i.v.'i iisn i.ti,'4 1.: TUoxIcan Central .... "W, 21", 20" 207i 31ii.. K. Ton- 2ii.u 2l'a 21'i '1 ZUo., K. T., Pr .... u:-x .V. r.J4. n.! :Mo. I'aciflc Hii'l 30114 lul'i 102 N'. V. Central ir.tii jkij r.O l.Vi'i Norfolk & West '.1 m-;H cava i.i Out. & West 27'i 2Si 27l 274 Pacific Mall ",7 37 37 37 Ponna, R. R l.iju i.-,p; r; v,: People's Gas fn;i lOOU fi jcJ Pressed Steel Car ... ."7 ri7 r.7 r.7". Readins '"'t Wi ". T.7V1 Reading, 1st Pr S" s". ST, S", Ttcpubllo Steel ls'i 1S"i IS'i !:. Rook Island 37 38 Wi 37'i St. Tj. & San V dii iP', tw i,r,i. St. Ii. So. W 2"i 2.", 2."i 2.". " Southern Pacific .... .V"i iWft f.S"i W Southern R. R 30 30" 213; aii Southern R. R., Pr.. -- !)1 M3i !U Tenn. Coal & Iron... r,l r.4 i. r,l til's Texas & Pacific 3S'k 31 2SA 3S-; Tnion Pacific ' !i7 fris msi Union Pacltic, Pr .... M fi fil m IT. S. Leather 11"i 31-U IPS 1M4 V. S. Steel 3Ui ffi-U 31U 3I; TT. s. Steel, Pr Si S2i so"; si'f, Wabash 2.". 2il 2."i 2.".'. "Wabash, Pr 31 -WJ 31 10' Western Union S7"4 SSH S7ni SS Wheel & ,. E 2J-; i;ji; i.j .i, Wis. Central 2i'i 2.Fi 2.1'i 21"a CinCAGO GRAIN AND PROVISION. WHEAT Oppn- High. Low. Close. May 77 1ffi 77!h 77!a J,CORN-' "'5 7VA WTi Tl May AVi 435J ,4',H 4138 .Inly i.aj w .jij 4iy OATS- Mny ?.2K .".JTl 33; ;;2S4 '.Inly 313 Slii; Sl4 3Ki PORK V Tnnunry ifi.so ir,.so ini,7 1R.C7 May ., 35.7o 15.75 lo.Ol 15 05 Bcranton Board of Trade Exchange Quotations All Quotations Based on Par of 100. BTOCKB. Bld.Askcd. Lackawanna Dairy Co., Pr.... 80 , County Bav. Dank & Trust Co 300 ,,. rirst Nat, rinnk (Cnrbominlo), ,,, BOO Third Uatlonal Rank ,,,,,,,,,. K50 ... Dime Dep. & DIs. Hank ,, 00 ,,. Economy U, II, & P. Co ... 44 First National Batik ,,,,, 1300 .,, Lack. Trust Safe Dep. Co , 193 ... Clark &. Snover Co., Pr,. 115 ... Bcranton Pavings Hrtnk ....... Mo ,,, Traders' Notional Bank 225 ,,, Beranton Holt & Nut Co....... 125 ... People's Dank 135 ... Bcranton Packing Co 35 UONDS. Bcranton Passenger Railway, first mortgago, due 1020 IIS . Pcoplo's Street Hallway, llrat mortgage, duo 1018 115 ... Tcoplo's Street Railway, Don- oral mortgage, duo 1921 115 ... Bcranton True. Co., C per cent. 115 Economy L., II, & P. Co 97 N. Jersey & Pocono Ice Co 97 Consolidated Water Supply Co ... 105 Scranton Wholesale Mnrkot. (Corrected by II. G. Dale, 27 Lacka, Ave.) Flour-1.40. nutter Creamery, Sd'.StiStic, ; dairy, 25a 25Hic. Cheese 13Ual4c. Kggs Nearliy, 30c; storage, 22c. Mnnow Ucans Per IiuhIicI, $2.S5. Onions Per bushel, T5nP0c. l'otatoes Ojc. per bushel. New York Grain and Produce Market New York, Dec. lfi. Flour Unsettled nnd a trlllo easier. Wheat Spot easy; No. 2 red, S2Jc. elevator, and 7!)V- f- li. ulloat; No. 1 Northern Dulutli, Si,c. f. o. b. nlloat. Options experienced 11 bearish day and ut times were itulto weak; closed easy ut nUc net decline; May closed MV,c.; July. 7Mio.; Dec, S3ic. Corn Spot quiet; No. 2, lilc. eleva tor, and 01c. f. o. b. ailoat; No. 2 yellow, Clc.; No. 2 white, llllic. Options easier nil day nnd closed easy at iina4c. net de cline. January closed r.3'.ic.: March, r,J',-j; May, 4S1ac; July, 4i','e.; Dec. 81c. Oats Spot dull: No. 2. :r?i4c: No. 3 white. SSuIWUc: track white, :i7Wnl.1o.; stand ard white, 3Si,ia:S?ic: track mixed west ern, nominal. Options dull all day and easy with other markets. December clos ed 3S',ic Butter Steady; extra cieamery, 30c; factory, lG'allc; creamery, com mon to choice, 22.i29c; creamery, Imita tion, 22a2fic: state dairy, 20a28c; reno vated, 37a22c. Cheese Firm J stuto full cream, fancy, small colored, Sept., Wlssi 13"4c; late, 13a13VJu.: small white, Sept., lSoKDic; late, 13al."A',e.; largo colored, Sept., l!Plc: late, I3al34c; largo while, Sept., I3aic; late, 13al3i4c. Kgg Rare ly steady; stale and Pennsylvania, 29c; refrigerated. WJlc; western fancy graded, 20a27c; western poor to prime, 20a23c. Chicago Grain Market. Chicago, Dec. in. Lower prices pre vailed in grains on the board of ti.ule. May wheat closing '.tno. lower; May coin, a shade lower, and May oats, oft 1iii "sc. .Januury provisions were unchanged to oc. lower, uasn quotations wcio a 101 lows: Flour Steady: No. 2 spring wheat, ,4a Tile; No. 3, 71a71'i; No. 2 led. 74VnT.V.4c. No. 2 corn, E2"-4c; No. 2 yellow, fiiic; No. 2 oats, 31iic; No. 3 white. 3Pia32J4c: No. 2 rye, 49c; good feeding barley. 37 allc; fair to choico malting, ira.r5; No. 1 flaxseed, $1.17; No. 1 northwestern. $1.2V, prlnio timothy seed, J3.G5; mesb poik, $17; lard, $10.23.il0.27!i: sliort ribs. SS..".0aS.7."; shoulder&, S.25a$.vO; clear sides, $S.T5a9.UO. Chicago Xive Stock. Chicago, Dec. 1G. Cattle Receipts, l.r-00: slow, steady: good to prime steers, $5.10 aG.30: poor to medium, $Ja!i2.); stockeis and feeders, $2a4.30; cows, $1.23a4.oO; lieif cr.s, $2a4.75; canners. $l.25a2.40: bulls. $1.90 a4."0; calves, $3.73a7.23; Texas fed steers, $.!.7.al 50. Hogs Receipts, 23.000: tomorrow, tO.OOO; left over. 3.000: SalOe. higher: mixed and butchers, $3.30j5.fi5; good to choice heavy, $i,.40a(! GO; rough he.ivy, $".!CaG3i; light, $; bulk of wiles. SG.10.iG3". Shee Rceeipts,17,000: slioep and lambs, steady; good to choice wethers. J.75a 1 30; fair to choico mixed, ?2.73a3.73; ua tivo lambs, $3.75a5.G3. Buffalo Live Stock. K.ibtRuffulo. Dec. lfi. Cattle Receipts 1,230; slow, unchanged; veals, s-teaily: tops, $!.75a9.25; common to good, J3.3U .18..-.0. Hogs Receipts, S,3i)0: aetive. ,",al0c higher; heavy, $ii.l."aG.r5: mixed. $G.35afi. I"; yorkers. light and pigs, $G.23at!.:G; roughs, $3 G0a,"i.90; ht.lgs, $4.50ao.fl0. Sheep and Iambs Receipts, 12.000: sheep, firm: lambs, 10c higher; top lambs, $.". 9u nii.on; culls to good, $ SO; veat lings, $t.25al.7.i: ewob, $ sheep, lop mixed, $ culls to good, $1.73 nS.bj. The Moosic Powder Co Rooms 1 and 2 Commonwealth Bldg. SCRANTON, PA. MINING AND BLASTING POWDER Hade at Moosic ind Hushdile Worki Laflin & Rand Powder Co.'a ORANGE GUN POWDER Uleetrio Riltcrles, JHcctrlo Exploders, Ex. ploding Dints. Safety l'uso. REPAUNO CHEMICAL CO.'S HIGH EXPLOSIVES. d Michaelian Bros. & Co. 124 Washington Ave. Tlse useful and the beautiful arc in nothing more strikingly combined as in ORIENTAL RUGS, a fact of special import to all contemplating the purchase of Christmas Gifts. Greater assortment than we over hart, representing both ancient and modern weaves. Fr $10 ! zuks SI hi vans G'uandjas-. For $25 Cabistans Bakaras .JYldrjsouls Por $35 Anatolions Irans Ant. Kazaks For $95 Kirmanshah Tabriy or Silk Rugs Our 5 1 5. 20 and $50 Rugs are worth y$ more. Our $7; K'ti ire real bargains. We invite you to inspect our Block of Carpet Size Rugs. 1 ftcf 3 m s S i 8 o 1 1 Han Bros. & Co. .' APPEARANCES go a great wayClothes make the man First impressions are the best most lasting Clothes do it the right kind Our Clothes will. Every garment curies our guarantee. t Suits and Overcoats. a The Nobbiest and Choicest Patterns in Town Cloth n e is a style and a character about the that goes from this store. It pleases the most exacting. The fit is as perfect as the finest custom tailor can give; the hang is graceful and nobby, and the durability well, every one knows it's the finest to be had in town. In fact the only difference between our Suits and those made by the best custom tailor is in the price ours cost you only about half what he would charge. That half you save by buying here will come handy just now when you are in search of Christmas Gifts, 1 1 ? We Beg to Call your Attention T Our Line f I J Christmas Tns $ P Asssm. Kaffir ,t s o O Clothier and 1 urn is -ie LACKANAAfSSNA AVENUE. ? t 0OOO OOO S0QlIS $$ 1 wLr Lamps (Like cut) com plete with nicely decorated globe to match, large burner; only 98c S2flViiaiertftK7iMi''l V'',i iir'rf l.i li'tf .w JtaiLimi ' ;1 'SI' it '. ' I Vi Tfv ff'.". T.lWT'flraTT'i iS!nmBi:gili!!ai7f ggilW 1, Lamps - Pk I raMAgMIi (Like cun hand- I'fSuWm I ut.i .t. -rar-,iz' ' l Odi-. t r .. Holida The articles mentioned in this advertisement are but a few of the many useful gifts we are displaying throughout our store, Every article, displayed would make a sensible, serviceable and desireable gift. CHRISTMAS PURCHASING IS EASY HUItr:. (Like cut) hand somely decorat ed, has Roches ter burner; com plete with large 10-inch globe to match, only Combination Book Cases Sa!9!)JS!Sf"fWB'if Vft Bookcase and Writ ing Desk combined, have always been most desirable gifts; easy selection can be had from our large display. One of our ready sellers is a value made to retail at 19.00, in oak or mahogany finish which is offered at price of (M31HJ J www iwwwi rw WW11.UJ1M ct mmmn I .IL--ifP1 H 7M fll 7C I $9.00, Special price only Wj 7 k ibp L- jSZAO &6.r(i WoIj A USEFUL GIFT M'-lPj ""' .. .-- .J ..- - ..,.- . Small c-nouh for twenty boolvs or large enough for twenty thousand, is the "Elastic" Bco&casc Fitted w i t li perfection roller-bearing dust-proof doors. Can't we show j on its beauties? Special values n ChinaClosets One posseses all utility and elegance; highly polished, with Dent gass sides, a 23 00 value, is one of our popular sellers at osets jmi Rocker (Exactly like cut) Solid oak or mahogany finish, highly polished, co'bbler leather seat, a value not less than $3.50. Special price only M d fTN IIMIMIWII IIIBHMIWMIIWIlin I I IIM1III Til IWMHMMWWIJiWIIWllBIHMIIIIHM A. TM1PW W M WJ nj-am Ml Morris Chairs Rocker Jrames, $9.00, The largest display and greatest values to be had In Scranton, is the description of our line of Morris Chairs, all finishes and vari ous coverings. Ono of our best values Is an automatic adjustable Mori is Chair, In oak or mahogany finish various colored velours, make to retail at Special price only (Exactly like cut.) This is a fine Rocker, beautiful in its sim plicity of design and high class in construc tion and finish, golden oak or mahogany, worth price $5.00. Our 0 trTt JEMs 1 8 the: store: THAT SAVES vou MONEY 322 LACKAWAONA AVENUE. Open Evenings Until Xmas. i mmmmkmmmmmmmm im muiy ( i, i, ! M , 1 , lTTrnrTy!PTPsm;KyjiTrn? V-
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