;-' "a' J Art -r-7 X I THE SGRANTOtf TRIBUNE-AVE DNJ2SDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1003. SOUTH SCRANTON NEWS. PICTURE OF BURGER'S FAMOUS BAND. 3I1U3AV JBp3 ,zig VVVA yw,v, vvsv kv iV7 rho nccuniriitnyliiR picture was inmlp from n photoKniph owiimI by Anton -Vrlnnctienk, formerly of this unit of tlm city, Init mm- of Urrrtt nidge. It chows tlur h liitnd iih It wiih t'otiHtltntL'd III luil mill wax to ll lorr)iBli wliut rlauer'fl Uaiiil ! to tlm city todny. The bnml wan owinlstcu In Ur.!, with 1-pnllmiml HiiiRer ' let, mid wnx cnniDOHcd liiwoly of men from tilts jurt of tlm rlty, Mr, Hurstr mul Atesim. WrliisclienU. Xjihr, Clnrunor and Hooker conipilsed the Hint Ihiih titon iobwici1. It wan nrRnmssotl In 1M1, nnil Mr, woinnoiiMiK 11 ino oniy mirvivur or nine iium imnu i muKitiuM n.- nun ,. i r llistiiitnonts In the .Inly I parndm mid .Mr. WeliinrlienU still poshoksmi the buss viol and hmii he lined lift V jeiii-a iiro In (hut tlrst iRerN h.md so tnt an Is Unnnn only four biivvIvi-. They an- Colonel I!, It. Hippie, A. WelnsohenU, l'rniik ltnhtlnR, rr and Petri' Th Ror' leader, that Bern Nidi BtllllR Of Hn inemhcis nehleved pn-.it prominence Ho li now TC yeaiH of nite. timid, Miller, UH nd I'hey Most of its local rffnlm n .&tf:ixT2'.vyW''?rt '""l I1 i Hi IW WWi M iW l IHi I iBW 111' Wl iin "' i H i) w-aaa 'ipuqugpn Q Buy Your Stoves and Siardwear At SCHNEIDER BROTHERS, The Practical Plumbers. . . . ti0l-(i03 Cedar Avenue. I'lio iuuik- nf those sitllng, n mlmis from left to iIkIU, nr. . ICmory Hill, (tho next two Mr. 'Welnsc.henk does not rcinoinbcrj, 12. H. Itlpplc, F, ZanR, I'lank KoblhiR, si'.. .Michael Amman, F Uunliier, Simon JJeikle, John Ueckcily. Thosi- HtandliiR. readhiR Horn lett to iIrIU, aie. Anton ASVlnschenU, Peter Miller, Simon Jones, J ITrmer, Fled llurger, Jacob Schmidt, J. Wilbur, next, name unknown; Fred HennliiR, .John llainea. Tn present IllR the South Sri .niton I'hllstinas edition to our ivndois this morning, we desire to direct intention to Its Interesting featmes and to the llberat jiatromtRe aeeoided this paper by South Scranton lnc-lness house-. The writer desires lo thank his nuiii cious f: lends In this section lor the favors and unlfoiiii couitesies of the past twelve months. George C. Miller. GeoiRo l'. Miller, who was lerently chosen president of branch 45, Knights of St. neoifje. I- one of the lie-t known ' "''" 's' j''', ' The Old Country If you want to send money to any unit of the "Old Countiy," you can do &o easily and cheaply through this bank. AVe. also hancile every other buuii'h of the banking- lmslnr.h. Accounts Solicited. THE SOUTH SIDE BANK. liKour.i: c Mii,i.i:n. le-idents of this side. He has been a member of the society since Us organ ization. Mr. Miller has been emplo.ved at the i 'lark & Snover tobacco factory tor m. my years and is one of the Urnis most if liable foiemen. With his wife and family he lives in a neat residence on Maple street. lie has the esteem and rfpecL of all who know him. The Reliable Stores. Why journey to town for your rio rei Iqs and Christmas goods when you can get everything' you need almost at your door. Goods and prices just a shade better than in the city. Every thing in season. Christmas toys and piesents a specialty. Cliarle.s Graf, '17-"!i Pittston avenue. A Trolley Tragedy. tpiir No. 101 was speeding along Stone nvenud lecently at a lively rate when the'ijidtorinan, with a horillled exelam atofiset the emergency bieaks and lu-tHtjfrt the car to a sudden standstill. A ' pjiyjili'lnn who was riding on the frdirfrtlntform o.iked what was wrong, anil tlie white-faced niotormnn wliis pere'd "I think some one Is under the nr.'' llotli got oil' and after making an ex nnifnntinu found the I rout wheels had passed' over the neck and seveted the head fiom the body. The doctor UneU down to make a closer Inspection, when n yell of derision irom a score of youiigstris came slinlltaneoiisly with the discovery that tho body of the victim was stulfed with rags. It, was a toss-up as the two discom fited men hnst!l boarded the car, which felt the .smallest, hut any one cm have all the tight ho wants by whisper ing to either, "Ungs," A Fine Display. A lino assortment of Christina goods, toys and presents are on exhibition, also fruits, rakes and candles to please tho little ones at Westphals. NEWS IN BRIEF. Choice perfumery In handsome boxes Biven away at Kornacher's Pharinaoy, Call In. imd see tlm beautiful assort ment we have to offer, suitable for Christmas presents. Tie usual mid-week sen ires will be held In the Hickory street purHi house this livening. Good cigars nio a most acceptable Christmas present to a num. Wo havo u full assortment of the. finest brands, packed especially for tho holiday trade, "and he prices aro right." Kornnchei's Pharmacy. A regular session of the Ladles' Cath olic Henovolent association was held In Pharmacy hall on Pittston avenue last evenlnsr. A fine line of peifumeiy, toilet arti cles and cigars in Clulstinns packages, nt Kornacher's Pharmacy, A well attended session of Court lodge, Knights of Pytilmi was held In Ilartm.in's hull on Pittston avenue last evening. Dr. Schley's I.ung Healing Hnlsum Is guaranteed to emu all roughs. "No cine, no pay " For sale by all dealets. Outheinz, Welsser & Kinyer Will lmvo a choice lot of poultry for the holidays; also a choice lot of meats and sausages always on hand. 5IS-1'0 Cedar avenue, and 437 Penn avenue. New Telephone 1S70. Old Telephone 487-2. G. A. MILLER Practical Embalmcr, FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND UNDERTAKER, 436 Cedar Avenue, A FlrAtuc."d!-,very Scranton, Pa. 7 OTEL BEST Headquarters of the Fourteen Friends JAS, A, BEST, Proprietor, 31 ( Cedar Avenue, SC1KANTON, PA. i M. G LANGAN j. u:nti:s. EIS III. General Insurance 429 Cedar Avenue, Scranton, Pa. . . . Old Telephone, New Telephone, flSI-2. 157.'. Arlington Hotel PHILIP ROLL, Prop, Headquarters for the Arliugtou Bowl iug Club. Call and Get Your Christmas Bottle Filled. Pool and Billiard. Cormr Map!) Street ?.n1 Pittston Aveiuo. John U. Schwenke flerchant Tailor Imported nnd Domestic Novelties. Suits And Overcoats made to or der from $18.00 up. Pants, $3.50 and upwards. 311 Lackawanna Avenue (Over Jones Rios.' Tea Stole) Cleaning aad Repairing a Specialty. . , .' . SCRANTON, PA. H. LESSINI, , The Popular Milk man. Orders promptly attend ed to. 1015 EUIVI STREET. Ziegler & Schumacher PRACTICAL PLUMBERS, TINNERS, GAS AND STEAM FITTERS DEALERS IX Stoves, Hardware, Tools, Cutlery, Paints, Glass, etc. 501-503 Cedar Avenue, SCRANTON, PA. Has been recently remodeled and gives good satisfaction nnd full value to nil comers. Tho Shooting Gallery is now open. Free Rabbit Lunch nil day Christmas. French and Imported Wines, Cognac Whiskey, Brandy and Cigars The best in the market at KAESTNERS HOTEL, 516 Cedar Avenue. Xunch served daily from 9 to 12. FLOUR FEED HEAL OATS HAY ETC. Pilffl ROSUL Dealer in jiFOcenes nnil 12A-VM) Cedar Avenue. a, Si. , fit. l Vllllam It, Klilcn. Eiden and Radle DAIRY nilk, Eggs, Butter and Cream.' Orders Promptly Attended to. 631 Prospect Avenue. l'YiinU llndlo. R. Kunz B. F. iloore JOB WORK A SPECIALTY Large Placards and Posters for Balls, Picnics, Etc, Printed on a large Cottrell Cylinder Press, KUNZ 8c MOORE, 505-507 Cedar Avenue, NEW PHONE,. 1501 SCRANTON, PA. SCHREIBER k SMITH, 1ESTMIHT.. Erec Lunch Daily Open Day and Night. Corner of Alder Street and Pittston Avenue. 5m!mSKa:roVKEJHii2E KltFER HS The Draymen Make a Spexialty of HOVINQ PIANOS Address, CEDAR AVENUE, CORNER OF MAPLE STREET. . . Both Phones, Nothing Better for a Christmas Present for the old people than a comfortable pair of shoes. None so comfortable as Heywood Bunion Shoes For sale only at Goodman's Shoe Store, 11S Lackawanna Ave. 423 Cedar Street, CJIAS. HOSE, Proprietor, Headquarters of the Saengerrunde, the Athletic Club and the South Side Republican Club. Wines, Ales, Liquor and Lager- All visitors made heartily welcome. Open house nil day Xinus- ? ( 1 Don't Forget Toyland l 5 AT Jonas Long's Sons You'll find the most abundant assortment in Holiday Merchandise on every floor in every aisle. Store Open Evenings. Holiday Handkerchiefs For Women. Embroidery nnd lace, with insertion to match; they're always on top tho list; this line we offer today aro excep tional good value. Priced at. 50c Women's Handkerchiefs Hemstitched edge, embroidery nnd scalloped edges; linen centcis. Priced at 12c, 15c, 10c, 25c to 50c Women's Initial Handker chiefs 1-2 dozen put up in a box. Per box 15c and 25c Women's Handkerchiefs Plain hem, nil linen; each.. 10c Handkerchiefs Vx, U, 'j nnd 1 inch hem, at 15c, 19c, 25c, 39c, 45c, 50c Calendars All sizes; pi o.se nnd pootry quotations; nlsd the Phillip Brooks calendar, with quotn- , tions for eveiy dny in tho yenr 15c to $1.25 Dolls Undressed and dressed, kid body or jointed, moving eyes, shoes and stockings nt. .5c to $10 Women's Desk? Onk nnd mnhognny, under shelf, pigeon hole compart ments; $5,00 value. Specinl Price $4.10 Music Cabinets A choice nssortment; use ful holidny gifts. Prices from $5.00 to $25.00 Dress Suit Case and Raglans At a Reduction from the Regular Prices. TVTnrlo fvrrm TTm'Revs. Mel- tnno nnrl Tilrild lined Covert Cloths; $12 and $15 gnr ments; all this week at . . .$7.90 Holiday Gifts UMBRELLAS. The $1.00 kind 26 inch Um brella, silk covered, fancy and plain Congo handles. The $1.59 kind nre silk taffeta cover, 26 inch, Pearl nnd Princess handles, with sterling silver trimmings. The $2.00 kind is rich in as sortments of numerous designed hnndles; hns a silk taffeta cover, with silver nnd gold trimmings. Toys in the Basement. Sole leather case, lined with red or blue satin; hns four inside straps, shaped leather handle, ends and corners re inforced with heavy leather, best look nnd strap fasteners; come in russet, brown and chocolate. Priced at $4.98 Jewel Boxes Prom 59c to $5.00. Burntwood Novelties Manicure Sets $3.50 Military Brushes, fine bris tle, medium size, fnncy de sign on back. Price $5.50 Terracotta Bric-a-Brac Oriental bust and figures; nre works of nit; characters of the far east, lepresenting the Arab Chief, Hiawatha Chief, and the S Slave Girl, ana many otners. Tahourettes and Pedestals j.n cuionnu uuu iuuuuu re signs 59c to $11.00 JONAS LONG'S SONS MimTTCTfflfflra Ever Get Soake On account of the poor rain-resisting i:-; r or, I Imlirolln ? IVnr nt all pleasant, is it? One of our dependable ollday .Umbrella $1.00 to $10.00 Engraving Free, will guard your friend from a similar predicament. Ve have many styles from the vary plain ones to the real swell ones with fancy handles, And, remember, we' give Green Trading Stamps 5r I3QI m 3 Lackawanna Ave. U itttWi-Lirm7ic''' CONRAD' u KUhWS Hi A fine line of Liquors, Wines, Lager and Cigars always In stock. Special Free Lunch Christ mas eve. 110 Pittston Avenue. PETEU KUIINEU, Prop. hk's mm A special line of Per fumes for the Christmas Holidays. Prescriptions JYlade to Or der Night anil Day. 72U-7U1 Cedar Avenue. Bl tioeaix eon se John B. Rader.r Proprietor. 3 D22 LACKAWANNA AVE. i S "Odd Fellovre' llulldlnj, f Scranton, Pa Healer in flue Wines aiul Liquors, I. uircr. Ale, urcr,Cliolcc Cigars. Warm l.uneli from 10 a. m. Uycry Pay. H ames I Fine Groceries and Provisions riilk and Cream Butter and Eggs,' 5 1005 Cedar Avonuo. 'J um&MkH,i)tmm w '' i '
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