r ftf" ' ' ip ?' i"1 ( ny 'Wf JJ- cSr'ytr' ' V1' "-wrnrJMjfrTf '''y&-w&w''v' ""ywy yr T t'4ytri1tfygy " ntn;,y' 1vftfM)T'",y,Vi,p,f' " yyTi?y pp V THE SCKAiNTOiV TKlJiUA'J-llUDAV, UCTUJlUli 10, iJU2. SENTENCE WAS A STIFF ONE tConitmleel from I'tuje .1,1 fendiint, Daniel L. Stm k, was tried for attacking William Hall, a driver for the Lackawanna Duliy company, and bentlng lilm stvetely nn the head Willi ii stone. The ttoultlo ocelli ml on Sept. 1. on Vine streijt near Webster aenue. As a, testtlt of the attack the prosecu tor received tlnoe wounds which woie uftct winds dressed by Dr, Lunge. The defendant admitted beating the ptoe utttor, but stated IhiiL he acted In pelt doi'onso and that he win llrst iittucked. Attorney M. W. Lowiy repiesentul him, and Mr. TfiomaH appealed for the inmmonweulth. The Jury letuined a crdlet of guilty. A rase hi ought by the tiKvntf of the Mtinlilp.il league ihuigpil William LNk with s-dlhig liquor without n license. Tin- defendant lr an oinplo)o at the l' i linage hotel. Duuiniue Agents of the league testified Unit on Apill in lait they had plliohuped beet and poller fiom lilm at the hotel At tlu time the hotel was tmllei-nseil, lt license huvlnif been leolfed In Fcbtuniy piet-cdlng. thiough the pftoilx of tlif league, and mi aeeount ol Illegal .-IIIiir The de fendant denied ever Inning sold ill Inks at th" hotel at any time, and stated that lm was iuiilovril lliete as chef, and had been so (inploved for the past four ye.n. Attorney .lame" .1. O'Mul If.v lepi evented the delendant iiiul At torney Heel" appealed for tin- league. The Jitiy was out .it adjournment. Tlnee oases from Lloyd street weie then taken up. instituted ly John 'Ac iloltl. and dunging Piter Swldlsh, Matthew Ai bulls and I'alil Yei demon tt li assaulting and beating John Nlt c us. The liouble oci until on Aug. 4 1 . i -i t . On the evening of that ilnv, n r hi Moiling took place ;tl .1 linage on Llo.vel sticct and Hi" llcilllil lefiesh nionts solved Inllamod the pisslnns of tlif tlu co defendants io such .in eMenl that they sot upon ."lt us and be it lilm sci louly. nee in ding to the testimony of the commonwealth The case was on at ailloui nment. At toinev II. I. Tnlor Is counsel for the rl if coda lit. and Attoine '. II. Sopjr KpKsoiils tin piosee lilloii. ' BErORE JUDGE FERRIS. The toniiuiin 'cold ease igaln-'t Mis. sophla Klccinan In which Iludolph t!uenll v,.is mo-pi utni, a li-Minicd M'xtcirtav morning when eouit opened. The cli leiuc was a kciici.iI denial of the ohnige nf c miiiumi old. Mis Klrpin.in sild she hiil born Kiv.it l. unnoted ami damaged In the i ow s of the nelglibeiiliimil. whkli ate hrr tlnw cis ami shnibbeiy and chew id the pickets of the feme. V.'lth lefeience lo lier trouble villi the pioseculor. Mil, Klppmin sun nut Hunnll was d'.iink on the dn in fiuestlon, and was not lpsponslble foi what he did. The ease was odven to the Jin y .it .' p. in. The ridlct was pet guilt v, the defendant to pay two-tliltds eiT the insls and the inospi utur onc-tlilnl. William Tayloi was net niiaigned on a charge of i oiiiiiiitting an assault and battel) on Ad.im Ilosenci.iiis. Tlie lattei Is foi email on a farm of the Lackawanna lion and Steel company on the Wert mountain, and Taj loi was rinplojecl nuclei him On Sept. 7 last Taylor wns ploughing in one of the fields, and Itnsencians had occasion to doss the Held As he appioached T.i lor he saw him take up a "stone and tlnow it at the plow, localting off the point. Only a Very Few Published. It is not possible lor the piopiietois to publish mole thin a eiy few of the uiimeioiih letters icieived in pinlsc of I'hauibe'-lain's I'olle, ('lioleia and I3i.ii -llioo lleini rty and telling of its lemai It able Miles. They come liom people in e'.eiy walk In Hit, and liom uery slate in tliu I'nlon. The follow Ins; liom Sir. T. W. (iicalhoue, of Piatt.sbuiK, nn., .speaks lor its.elt. "1 wiiuld have been dead now but for the use ot fliiiin liei Iain's folic, I'holei.i and Diiuihoe.i Ilemedy. II nued me ot thronk diar i aotn. after seven jeaih ot sulfei ing. I i .m neei s.iv too much in piaise of that icmed.." Foi silo by all diutj ylsls. Y .i ,- .i l; tr'jJ!a'tfHMMaijJOMJj:,.iBKiiifjaiiJU 10DEL Urni FREE i. On October 14, 15 and and Thursday) , we will have a special exhibit of the strictly high grade line of Bride Stoves and Ranges. Every visitor to our Stove Department on one of these three days will be given a Nickel Plated Range now exhibited in our show win dow Free of Charge. We take this means of bringing to the notice of the people our great variety of Heatinc; Stoves and Ranges, and we will have on this occasion special representatives here from the manufac turers to explain the many that our stoves and ranges possess. Remember the Date of Special Display. You May Be tine One to Get tfc.e Free Range vj? vj? ....PLAN OF CHOOSING WINNER,...!! id-i'J Uaft The Store That 322 Lacka. Avenue, Complete Homefurnishera CATARRH OF THE STOMACH A Plcnsmnt. Slmptct uut Sa'a and I'lnrctiiiil Cutv for It. Cnlnrrh of the stomach hns long been considered the next tiling to Inciirnbte. The ustinl symptoms arc n full or blont Ihb sensntloti lifter callus, nccompanled sometimes with sour or watery llslnas, n foimatlon of gases, causing pressure on the heart and lungs nnd dlltirult In entiling, headaches, tickle appetite, nervousness nnd n gencitil plnycd out, languid feeling. There Is olten a foul taste In the mouth, touted tongue and If the In tel lor of the stomach could be seen It would show a slimy, Inilained condition. The cine for this common and ob stinate liouble Is found In n. ticattnent which causes the food to be leildlly, Ihoioughly digested befoie It has time to torment nnd In Hate the delicate mucous sin face of the stotunch. To secuie u prompt and healthy digestion Is the one necessary thing to do nnd when noi mat digestion ! seemed the fatal thai condition wilt httvc dls.tp peaied. According to Or. !lmlunon the mfest and best tieatmcnt Is to use after each infill u tablet, compiled of Diastase, Aseptic Pepsin, u little Nu, Golden t-'eal anil fruit acids. These tablets tan now be found at nil ditig stoics under the name of Stuait's D.pepsln Tab lets, and not being a patent medicine 1'iin be used with pel feet safety and assui.inic that healthv appetite find thotougli digestion will follow their legular use after meals. Mr. I!. S. Wotkman, Chicago, Ills., wtltis: "t'atanh Is a local condition leMilting liom a neglected cold In the head, whereby the lining ineinbianc of the nose becomes Intl.imed and the poisonous discliaige theicfroin passing bnekw.ud Into the tlnont icaches the stoinach, this pioiluclng entail h of the stomach. Medical aulhorltlc!) pieserlbnd tor mo for tluee yfins, for co tin ill of stomach without cine, but today 1 am the happlesi of men, after using only one bo of Stuail'.s D.f-lcpja Tablets. 1 can not llnd appiopilalo words to ex press iny good fppllng. J bine found llesh, appetite and sound lest fiom their lisp." Staait's 1) spepsla Tablets is the s-iffst pieparatlon as well as the sim plest and inn-i convenient leintdy for anv foi m of Indigestion, ratal ill of stomach, liillousnos, sour stomadi, limit bin n and bloating aftei meals. When he harged Taj lor with doing this the latter denied It iiidlgnantlv, and taking up the bioken plow point, tluealned to 1 1 ush Ilosener.ins' head. The lattei giabbed Taylor and bote him to the giound, and Tajloi lilt his h.ind Then llospuirins stunk lilm In the fat e and made hlo nose bleed. When he let Taylor up to wipe his nose the latter draw a jack knife and ili.ipil IJoppnci.ins some distance. The defense was that when Tuvlor icfusrcl to acknowledge that he bioke the plow Itosein i.ins knocked lilm down and gae him a terrible beating. Allof the tc.stimonv Mas in when couit adjoin nod eslei day. Yesterday's Marriage Licenses. .ln-cph 1". Hadmuii Huffalo I'arolhip V Siluelid i;inihiiri (iloiamile Tallio Old Toige Kianctsco Crega Old TorRc COURT HOUSE NEWS NOTES. niehuid Mifunn, tlnoiiKli Mtoiuev A A. Chise, sued the Seiimton Steel icim pmy nnd the Wllkcs-Haun and Siianton Railwav comp.mv vcsteidav to lecoiei damages He is a tlond victim. Peter I.Mietl sued the eitv ot Selali ton esteid.iv to collect cl cmnges for ir. 1ury done him b the action of the city In tinning suitnce watei In his lot at lleniv and West Minkel stieets. lie ts lepiesentcd In AtUiine.h lliuiis anil Lit tle. Fred Housei's Disappeaiance. The police were nottllec! last liiKlit of the dsnpK.ii.inci of Fled Ifouser, ii luim-hand emplo.xcil liy a farmer iiameil Pfclffei, whose l arm is on the We l mountain. Ilouser lett his lunthci Williams' house, on Aldei stuet, cm Sun day night I i"t, and has not been stui shier, lie had some money In his pos. sps.Um, bill not mm li. Ills ie!uties tear he ha met vlth tout play. lie is ;; cais old, the feet, c-i(,bt Indus tall, has .i light mmplelnn and woie daik clothes and a daik. soft h.u when last sien. 16 (Tuesday, Wednesday chance to possess the Model new and desirable features , Mr. TIradley, ot The Scranton Times, and Mr. I'ummlnss, of the Keiantou Tiuth, havo kindly con sented to act us a committee to de- Ide the best plan for disposing of this elegant Rouge. They hiive de cided that every visitor to our stuvo department, on the ndveitlseU date?, bo given u caul on which to place llielr mime and addiens, These i ai lis will lie deposited In a b.illot box, (the contest closing at fi p, m., Thuisduy, Oct. itith.) ranis will then he withdrawn by loine ouu blind-folded and selected by tint vis. Hots piesent. Tim twenty-ilfth mrd withdraw u, the JudueH base agieed, will diclde the lucky win per of range, t Saves You Money." KV 1 F J?0ldm$ Wa$h Folded, Dili wimh-benc h may bo Htood behind a door. Kxtpnded, It furnlilips a stand for two tub", With n center board between, to which tuny be fattened the rliiRpi : reducing the necesolty for physical effort to the minimum. Made of natural wood stock, It Is strong, yet light. Wc furnish homes complete. Gtiby payments. jtf&PtoCftfe0?lttU THE MARKETS Wnll Street Review. New Yoili, Oct. it. Today's ni.iiket wns much the s-atue hi that of eHteidiiy. The volume of dt'iillues wiim about the samu and this ueueial bIiow ot eaily HtieiiKtli Kuie way to an Intensely dull and hesl tatlliK inaikct in the nftcinooii as It did jcsteiduy. The cloilni was e 1 1 1 -k -ultu, with a few of thA leailtiu? slocks at top in Ices and alliens at Inttoni pi ices and h.ikkIiib iniicitaliily between tbos, levels lor the niajoilly ot the list. Tim fiHoiablo ocitlcicik for easier money and tile stioiiK boliet that the coal still.e wns on the ee of a Hi'ltlunicnt wcic the mo th es of the bii.lns, which allowed somo uiRenov in tin? case of -o:no ol the Cn.il cis. 'I ho obilittts fnct that e.nnest con sultation wcic Bollix on and evuiy effort bchiR made to litlni? poweiful Influeiico to lie ir to clleet .1 settlement of the slllUe K.tie color to the bcllet and K.i.o ilsa to countless Illinois, none of wide li, could lie authenticated, 'l lu- favoilt" "toty this moinlni? wns lli.it J, l Moisan had aa scitcd his .nithoillv In loi of a com piomlse wlih the sttlkeis and Hint Pic-I-dent U.ui. of the Itc.idiiiR, had theie iiicm uvlf-iicil. He penis weie caiient that Inline in cleis which had linen plaied tilno.u1 for mil weio belni? c.incolled by c.ilile cm .Rcoiiut ot the tinniliiiuce of the. iesiiiiiillon of inliiliiK. Oftlc I il disclaim er! of iiiaiiy of the uuncus wcic put oat diiilnir the coiiisp of the d.iv nnd pi Ices declined ill couserpicnce. Stoc l.s ot kis loinpanies "-haied most ucitabh In the -tieiiKth ol tile io.ll --locks. onliiK to til" lellef the coal still.e settloiiieul would affoiel to the sr.neltj of m.iteilil for the nuinuf.ic ttue ol it.is Ilowe-v, i, kiiIiis ol 1 lo " points weie ci well ellstilbiileel tliiuiiKh the ht nt the pei iod or the hlj;h c st pikes, nines for time Inms foi "0 dins io -l nioiiths .tie -till held In the ui'igliliotliiiod of s to 'i per cent, feu the ai ions peiliicls, tlius showlpi; the coa lition Unit iiione will continue mm ice well into the i imihiK en. Tolal sales to clav. 7-'i'i sh.nis. r.oncls liecaiue Ineij ul.ii lu Minp.itln with stocKs. Total salts, pu iihie, ?J TJ'i ftHl fulled Slates bonds weie all um h.niKi 'I on the last call. 'Ihe frillowliiB quotations nio rmnlshecl The Tribune liv Knight .V; Kiec--,e Co. .114 315 Meats ItidldiiiB V. D Hun) on, mn:i-agei. Open HIkIi Low.Cloiq Anril t'oppei iij7s iMc, c,j i.-.c, Am C. T ,",-, ?,VA a.'. ,!"ii', Aineiiciu Ice 'i, in'i V"K hi'j Am Ice. I'r I'i's 'J,'- ".'V; .H.ij Am. Locomotive .... :'.i'7 !'" ""i '-"U Am. J'Oeo . I'l !U l " !i ill Am. S. .t It. Co .... IMS. r,'i IV A tVi Am Siinr l.'lij i.-!, ljo"g JJi Aiimi ond.i Ceippei . . Ji'i ill in! in, Atchison ST" ') s7?; vs- Atchison. IV Um". Ml lnc)' luil'j Hall v Ohio lira" luii'j in", ini.i, Hlook. It. T Iij", l,r4 ti.'U ""' Canadian i'acllic 1 14j 11V, 111 UV,, Ches ,i Ohio ",0't ."1"4 riil'i Til Chlc.iuii ,t Alton .. . TV, liV-. AV, Li'.', Chic, tc ! W L"i'4 xn -yii. -in l' . Jt. ft St 1' lSii-j ls?-J 1m,h 1!7'. C. H. 1. ,V I' lfii I'll. ltVi l'lj Col. I'liel & li on ... SJi4 s.'i, sj " SIH Col. ,-c Sotithein .... 11 Pt -II IP, Del. ."w. Hud 171 17J 171 17.' Den & R. O !!" IP. 11", trt Den - H. O ..I'l.... Pl'i iU'j ill', Dl1.. 1'iic ns'-j :ii r.s-'8 :ion Kile, 1st J'l I,S I.SA fis us Tail', .'ml I'l ."iPt :,v", w. ."ii, IloeMiiff Vallev 'U"a i'l '1P8 tip', llll110isC011t1.il 117 llsy- 117 lis" Iowa Con tin I .... II II -C. is Kan. Cltv ,. Soulli.. iil ;t II Jl Louis. .V Nash Il7n4 1A'4 117'i lis"! Miinh'itt.iii 1UK. 1!" Villi lip;. Mot. st it . . ..11s-,, nil, nss -jiH Moslem Ci nil til .... .'" JiV- J"s "iirt Mo. K. i Tes ii, Ud 1 illi, Mo,, K. ,s T, I'l.... u. fil'. win; 1,1 Mo P.iilllc lll'i 11J " 111 " 1111, x y Cintiai 1.-11, v ni r.ii!. Xoifolk .S. Wist .... 7! 71 7! 7S'i pnt .V. "West :.'.- 3-K ..!Ti 3i Pacific Mail .., II IP', 11 ip', Penni R It ICP4 1117 ii.p', pit " People's (la In.1 Jfip8 op. lOJ7a Piesscel Steel C111.... np4 f, ,,1 ,,j Ueacllns 1,1 7P, 1,1 701. Heading, 1st Pr . ... fi, s7 Si.'i S7 He.idlnu. i.'el I'r 771 7s'- 77 77', llopublle Stiol . .. . I'll L'p; p, p.j He-public Steel. I'r .77'', 771'. 77', 771 . St. 1. . San C . 7" 7'i'I 71'. 74U st. 1. so w :u 1, .-!. ;-p7 :it: Southiui P.iilllc . 7PK 7i 7P, 71- Soiiihein II. H i'71-. ts .171-. ::s Pouthein It. lj , Pi . ivj ;i-,i , -.iv; p-.if, Tenn Coal ,: lion. . m iv'C i.PH i!T Tesns . P.iclllc- .... I! n n'i I'lilon I'nclllo .. . .101 luv i)-; jn-, I'nlon Pacllle, lv . inr.rt ir, W-; io:; T. S l.ealliei . ,. lPj IPs IP, ip, 1 . S l.e-athei, I'r . vn . !m's mi. po T. S Stee-I I'itJ 4ii .I'liT ,7 I'. S. Steel, Pr .SS7 VU4 ss"-i Ss Wnb.isli ,!.'7k ,IPrt iirB ,jji Vab.isli, I'r 4is la, sis ,f Vestcrii I'nlon f'P. !iits np . up, Wis Cential ....... "7' J7i, .'7',; i.'7-S IDlal subs, 7(il,70n shaies. Mono), 1,- per cent ClilCAflO CSIIVIX & PltODI'Cn WIIKAT Onen, Illu-h Low. Clo. Deci-mbe 711 70H l 1OI1 JIcortx- 711,i 71'1 7uJi 7"7" December Is', 11 51. hi. May IP, 4p; i r."t OATS- ' " December m.'5s ,n,J"-; ,",'ij .-pi; "pomi: :!"' ;i-!,i :ii,i October 17m 17 no 17m 1700 Jnnuaiv n.73 1.1 vj 1,17.' p.j; I AHD- Oc-tobor lO.'l 10V1 Mii7 1107 Jnnmtiv ,s SI Sit.' !.si S S7 III US October ii -a 11 m j 1, -in jt;ii) Jnuiiniy , . . S Jl s 7 S2J s.-.'j Xi;V YOHK COTTOX. Open (HkIi Low Close. October s ,1J S .".' s.ll ,s 31 Dt-coliibci , , .. M,l sih Si 0 5,1.7 JillUKliy M.I S7t M.I S7J May S 19 8.1) S h ,s ,u Scranton Boaid of Tintle Exchange Quotations All Quotations Based on Par of 100. STOCKS Lnilcnw. 11111.1 DaliyCo, I'r,,., Counts S.iv. Huik it Ticbt Co l'listX-'l Hank iCaibonaale', 'Ihlid I'alloiuil Hank Dlnio Dcp iS. DIs. Hank .,, , Kiuiioiny L, II. iv I' Co.,,,,, i'libt National Haul: Lack. Tiuwt .st S.Uo Den Co . Clink c SnoM-r Co. Pr Sciantun SaliiKS Hank ,, ,,,, Tiadois' National Haul: Scianlnu Holt iV Xut Co,, I'coplo'a HauU HONDS. Heiantoi) lMcUlus Co Siiantnii IMfcsuib'et Hutlway, llrst uioitb-uuc duo lyj'J 1'coplo'a Stici-t Knlhwiy, Hut moi tiiiifcru-. duo JUli Pioplu'H Stieot Hallway. Gon- eial 11101 tf.uje. dim l-'l Sciauton Tiac. Co, 0 pen cent. Hcoiioui) L, II .V I1 Co , X Jeiisov A.- Homno Ico Co.... Consolidated Water Supply Co Hid Asked W ... li-jy ... rM KO 4G LOO ,,. Lj ,,, m , ? ... m ::: I. 33 113 ... 113 ... 113 ... 113 ... 97 - ,S ... 10j Scianton Wholesale Market. (Co)rccted by G Pale, 27 Lacka, Avo) l'Tour-JI 4'J. Huttci l-'iioh cieaniciy, 24c; fush dahy, .'c. Chocbi-llUuUj. L'aes Xc.11 by, il'-is,; webltin. '.'Ic. 1'kbs Xc.u by, SJJvc; webtcin, Sk-.j can dlid. J.'c. ; c.iso count, :'lc. Marrow Htans Per bushel, SJ !SaS. 10. Mat tow- Hcans Per biiblicl, ?J.S1. Onion Per bushel. 90o, Kew I'otiiloc.-3-Wc. per bushel. !&fi )OUble The Peerless Qlieh, Labor SavyeV "Wa Credit you? Certainly ! 221-223-225-227 Wyoming Avenue. CQiywr FINANCIAL THIRD NATIONAL BANK OF SCRANTON. Capital, $200,000 iffiEMi $600,000 Pays 3 interest on savings accounts whether large or small. Open Saturday from 7.30 to S.30. aSHBALANCnCROPfliWlSSfl ALL SicJtoiriA. New York Grain nnd Produce Market New Yoik, Opt 9 rinin Mmkel was fiulet but ste-adv in face of the wln-al de cline. Wheat Spot eas; Xo : )cd, 71 vc cliiatoi: Xo " led, 7l"s.i"rac. f. o li atlo.it; Xo I 1101 them Puliith, 7'c7hc-. 1. o b nllo.it; options cIuiIiik the cl iv held fHlrly Mt inly lint eased off late in the elm and closed i.i-v at lfii',aC. net decline; Ma) dosed 7'.c; December, 7lrc. COin Knot n; Xo. -, dV. 1 levator and iflmc. 1. o b allu.it; Xo. - )ellow, 71c; Xo J while, "li.; options dim at Mist but clo-eeel cn-cy al 'inV4c net decline; Janu.ii) closed rrii-.; Mm, tSe-.; Uctober. liil'i.: Xovem bei, ulliic.: December, ,ire. O.its Kpot fUcadiei . Xo. ". .CIV-.: stiuidmil w-hlti, :i7'P.: Xo. J white, 37'mc; Xo .i while. .li-'Je.; track white wesu-in, .'luff-. ; ti-uk white stiiu-. .)7a1Se.; options 111010 aitlve hue lull easier with corn; Oeienibcr, !7'i.i :i-',:e. Huttei Stionpr: cti.i iieamen. 1e.; do.-fae toty, UWlSc ; cu-ameiy. coni nioa to choice, lSaJJ'c: imitation cieam i'iv. lo'SinlOc.; tctnte dairy. 17a.Jc.: u no vated. UiUftVic. Cheese Kb 111: new- .state full c-ieam. mi ill iciloiod fancy, 1J' 12'ir. ; small white, IJ'hiIJUc; huso col oieel, ll'ic; laiffe white, lP4e. L'pbs Khm; aveiage be-et, L'Jailtc; we-dein i.m dled, t'l'&.iJIc.; lefrigeiated, lilaJOc. Chicago Grain Market. Chicago, Oct. !) Coin was the chief at ti.ictlon on tho boaid of tiaele lod.i), and alter 11 tlini openintr. December close d ', 1 rie. lower. Decenibei wheat clo.sed 'c. lower and oat- '4c. lowei. .I.tnuaty pio isloiis closed from :P.a5i. to IJlic lower. Cash ((notations weie an follows; I'loiu Stead) ; Xo. -J (-p)lng wheat, ii9a7!c; Xo .!, Ii7W)Sl' : Xo J led, LS'aaGI'ii'.: Xo. Junii, fiSc.; Xo. 2 ollow-. )(.; No 2 oats. J7V-: Xo. 2 white, ; Xo. ! white, JJc; Xo. 2 r)e. 4S',e.; Rood feeding bailey, ; fair to choice malting, ; Xo 1 tlav. seed, 'l 21; Xo 1 lioitbwestein. $l,2T; pi Inn timothy seed, $130; mess poll:, per ban el, U!11x 17; laid, pei 10c) pounds. , shoit libs, ifll.lOall.JO. shnnlileif. $!)J3t9.1u; .shoit ikai Hides, $11 ilOalt G7'A. Chicago Live Stock Market. Chicago, Oct. 9 Cattle Receipts, SOO, Including J.iuju wosteins; steady lo stiong; good to pi lino stecih, $7.IOaS.1cl; pool to medium, 1 17.1 i.l 2.1; stoiknis nnd leideis. 5J.J1.i1; cows, $; lu-lfeis, fj.Jlal 10; laiinc-i.s. SlJlaJ.10; bulls, $J21a1.71, calves, J,! ri0n7; western steels-. .t.7.1.iti. Hogs Itcieipts today. 20,0eu tomonovv. lOdn, left over, 1J.000; close 11a2uc. nuclei-Weclne.-elav '.s aveiage, MKed anil buteh 01 s, Jli 'iO.i7.4ii; good lo choice hiavy, 7a 7.47'f-; lough lieav), fel 1.0.11", 93; light, o .'fl a7 1.1; bulk of sales, $(, Wid7,10. Hhecp Hecelpts, lCt-Lnmi. sheep and lambs, choice .steaely. olheis luwm; good to choice wetheiN V-21aJ.7.1; tail to clioieo mlsecl. JL.1.i!J3; native lambs, Jjr,0a13Q; lops, fl 31 Buffalo Live Stock Maiket. H.tst Huffalo, Oct. 1 CattU Hecelpts, 100; btrongoi ; pi line steoia, $7a7,7.1; slilp ping , $3 S0.il! 73; butchei.s, $1n3,7.1; heitelH, J.l.iUI, eotth. $J.21nl.10; laniiei.s. Jl.nOaJ, bulls, $27.1al27; teediis. J17.1al.71; slock-1-i.s, Jl 2.1.14 J3: block helfeis, $2,73n'l23; Mals, J1.10.iS 7,1 Hogs Hecelpts. 2i,00; easier, heavy, $7 33 si7.M); inlsed, $7.l1n7..M; Yoikei.s. $7...o.i7.4.l; light do., J7.I0i7.23; plgb. Si,90.i7; loughs, Jii.71; stagi, $7; ginssei.s, $ti.7.ia7.2U; dahlis, 7 20.i7,4O; stags, JlaO. Sheep and Latnbs Receipts, ,1,0Ci; Hte.uly; top lambs, $.1 i,0a3.7u; culls to good, $1.2,1 13 30; yeaillngf-, Jlal 30; weth ers, $la4 21; ewes, tJ3ij.il Sheep, lup mlsed, J.l,73a); culls to good, Jl 73aJ ul. Oil City. Oil city, Oct. !.(' edit li.il.uu en, 1J7; ceilllkiites, no bid; hhlpnieutH, II1,ii.1 lm icls; iivi-ingo, i(ij,i,ri; lm))els; tuns, loj.191 ban els; uvui age, 79,2JJ ban els. D., L. AND W. BOARD FOR TODAY Tho following Is the make-up of tho Delawuie, Lackawanna nnd Western boutd tor lodn) : TlIl'HSDAY, OCTOHIUl 9, llxtnih Hast s p. in. J. (letilt). I'u-diUH li p. in, laillnui, 1'HIDAY, OCTOUini 10. L'xiille, L'at 1 a 111., MeLiini-. I a ni 1'. Cillllgan, !) a. 111., Hwaitx; 11 a in, Lai kin; 1.11 p. 111,. Dolu-it). Huminith b a, m I'imiiilelkii l'UHlieis1 u. 111, Until ; 7 a. m, Wld-lic-J ; t a. 111, House! ; 11 a. in. Miuiid; 11.11 a 111, Moiau, 7, .0 p. in, Muiphy, 9 p. ni., W. II, llaitholonn-w. Ilelpcirt l.uO a. 111., Cosl.u; 7 a. 111, Oiifiuey, 10 11, in , Se-ioi j a.13 p in., sum ton, , XOTlCi:. Dunn and ueu- will 11111 1 9) p. 111 estin .usi, 'lliuitclii), Oct 9, in plaiu ot I'tls patilek. Hoar will 1 1111 Devlue's new on 111 p. 111. t-.Mra cast. Thuisdii), On, 9, in place ol Howe. KtuwiiH and new will run 0 M p 111 estr.i enat, ThuiKila), Oct. 9, in plan- e,f l.aiklin J. Ulnli-y anil cievv will um Xo. 31, Tliuiselny, Oil, 9. rilegciald unci cicw will inn S a. 111. oxtni east, Friday, Oct. 10. lius-li and ciew- will inn No. SO, Fridii), Oct. 10. Luiiglimy und nivv will 11111 Xo. 62, Fildiy, Oct. 10. Hiuidolpli and cievv will tun J. J. Duf fy' 11111. loinmcnclin; Flida), Oct. 10, until further notice. v Special Friday Price, 1.00 38 Carpets made and laid wit! out extra charge. If SPECIAL Turkish Rugs Average Size 9 ft. 6 in. by ii ft. 6 in 1 hey ai e woi th $ 1 50.00. ,. 124 Washington Avenue. Manufacturers of !! j j fj j j ji j j j j j ! j ! 2 ! 2I 2 ! 4 ! 5 f 2 4 - J I4 l N.i,i.. Scranton5ra. Old 'Phone, 2331. New 'I'iione, 2933, fr & 4 J C 4 J. fa ! i' I i ! h WiieninM : Of anything In tho lino of ' optical goods wa can supply It. , Spectacles and Eye Glasses: Properly fitted by nn expert optician, , From $1.00 Up ; Also all kinds of pie3crip- ' tion woik and lopairing;. Mercereau & Connell, 132 Wyoining Avonue. "H1 H 'H 4 J 'i' 'h 'h "fr SCR ANION'S BUSINESS HOUSES. TH1S1 ENTBHPRISina OWLSIS GIN supply your Ner.os of evenr CHftCTEH PROMPTLY AND SATIS' PACTOKILY, FOR SALE IH'CRir.1 and l'(,ni of all k n,l- ih Ilo-i-s jih! Untitling I .. . t .- .it liiia'aaii llUilbl.S U.ll'l'l D Jliel I.KDOMil) a: M. T. KELLER LacLinjnna Currni- Hurli 3SCURITY BUILOIV3 J5 WINaSUVI J Home Otace, 203 TO) Mi iu lloilelln,- Ui- jrc ni.tiiiin.' kliaicj .J li inviitli li li i-hiw 11 net (Mill to tin- imejtjr ( ub 1. U III wilt t I in inuiiii U. alw 1 ii. I'l I I I'MD li)( k -IOXU '11.1 .mil', in. et ui UJ k jl'llll ji null) Mill III II M I "xeiitai) -, JOSEPH KUzrrcL, rear fill l.jcUjv.jinn aii-Mic i .juufji tur-r o.' Win Mums of jII kei I (nil) iini i lui tin- .rinp tc-j9uii Uii uuui all k 11 S (-t iuicli btlcem, cti. PlzTCFi STIPP. llcn'fil Cu.trr.Ll.ir. Iliil'in ai .1 p.jUr .11 In lulus btom I niomil v" vt Halt J "I1 i'all) 'Llciil e-ni :'!' DIlKo, -'7 Uj1mii;Un avt line Tub scrantov Vitrified Brick ANOTILeMNUPAOTJRIV3GOXIPNf Maker ol I'avlns llnck, itc M II l)jr. Ocnorjl bales A.'iul, IMIlct 3.J a.liili-tJil aic. WotU at Siij Mis, l'a . 1 V It it. fill tw&ffli y JONAS LONG'S SONS VkVVv. OUR FRIDAY AFTERNOON SALES It Mill pay you to lend cveiji llelii ineltllotud tor then l- n Ri-cut s.uIiik:. Seiislble and needy articles in oicry hour sale. Theru Is 0110 liieiihiindlso movement wc attempt mill do excel lu, mid Hint Is uttr Melec tliiti for thexe cxtwioidlnttiy wilis eveiy week. The ill i lot jour benc llt, t'OMi: AND SliK SALE NO. 1 Begins PromptiyltTo'clock. The Basement Sale 3rv ' '"c ' J'Jiclcagi'S Carpel or iMat- fi. nr n " ,&. jrfK&v l mill.' allele with cniidlu; host Kollini? W Yr ',in: lrs' 1,otts' nanillcs; large IJasl"- R-l (2) B '" Spoons. For a niekle you have a lv; . t f) choice, of the above. De on '' W? 'ff lll"c Kach 5C Xrjf U y At -(,c- Stoneware Uutler Crocks. ci-rit Will hold r pounds ; have cover and baled handle; our Little Pel Zinc "Wash Hoards, pail size; large si?e tin Saucepans and Wash 1'ahins; -I good table Tumblers, 'or a dime -ee what von may buy J'riday, one hour, each '. iOC At 1ic 10-iU,nt (lahanlcd Pulli; Hutter f'tockM that will hold lli liomids; ,1-plni blue und white steel enntnel Saucepan; handsome 1-lncli (Ins Sh ule-e. Von need iiiwdhly one of tlic-e 8 itc-ui-c, and at this c prlc will .ifl'iud 11 'inliiMr for .v 011. L.ich IOC AI LTic. Holland licutity Cortce IIN, to Iiaiifr on the wall; double l'n.istliij" I'.ins, I liiiRe or 7 mi'ilium 10IN of Toilet r.iper; a kooiI oe-, ull-h'lFtli Dust liiush. l'"oi one hour today only -ut. At "."Je . Selc-cled coin Itiooni; 1-ewcd: made firm; the light (, wcitrlit fin twetilns,for one hour ""' At "iV-. L.iiffi .i. Willow r'lolhcs U.isket; blue and white steel en- ninel i:-ciiut Heilln Kettle, with enamel iov'-I".. Jf ou aic In need of a Clii'lies Maslvcl this Is your opportunity to Invest, llther ar- b; th li- today .it OOC At S7e-. .Mis. Putis' full nlikel-plnled lions, set ol tluee, with stand and handle 1 einiplele. i:vi. body p.utlv Knows about this Hlylc lion. It Is um- of tin best em the mm hot. und is Mild at ?l.2" per .set iihtiallv. Also .1 I'uitilii Stietcliei. full sle. When you clean e-ui tains it stretcher i' just tlv- ihiiiR to Kc-t them back In their original shape. Klthcr 07 itcin today 111 OC Good Groceries Try an Order Today. At 123.0. Hams, vour clioieo of skinned or leijulur fiom 11 select lot of fresh smoked sukcM-c tiled Hams; most ev ci v hi'.i- you want. To da.v's p: e u is less than actual cott. Only one to a customer. 0"XAr For one hour at, per pound Vt- I'lifle" ami Kuc SiiKar Sale- AVe iepeaf tills offer once again. It pioved a i'l eat M1IOO-.S tho other Filday Sale, and we ep(.t-t It will, lo ci. i. ilembli- its popularity. Four pounds of our regular -."e C nrij C'oftee and .", pounds of line O1.11111l.1lcd Sugar, both, for 1 hour PI.UU 10c. and Take Your C'holie Shi edded Wheat J3sc nit, Grapo-NIlK (juaktr Oa Is, a pound of Lion Coffee, pound of HakhiR Powder, J'-pound can of (.'allfoinin Apricots, can of 1'elfast Karlv .lime Peas icgillarlv fit, aiticle-. packaBi- of In-pi-Seal Urahani t'lackcis. a pound can of red Soc-ke.ve Salmon, tlucc pounds of Pe.ul Tapioca, a full pound lr Klass j.u eil 1 holt e .lam. Any of these Items lor one hour at lJC SALE NO. 2 Begins Promptly at 3 O'clock. -v y3N. Q-i1 wrty f v Coals, tt - -T i'ii'iiv .l,.. . i i-.-mes : i Js. ' nl .."'..' Sj vS)-ataH l lus lines .y sar soiien; J ffl' 1 V VA l Jbtofl . w MJ Friday hour at v T,y Sale ot Conriueior Safety rins SUes ', 214 cud y,' all white; doKon on a card; for Friday hour, dozon " Sle of Uov.s' Fleece Lined U nderweai Silver ffioy Mill Is and dtaw ers; slues 21 to 31. Shh t has t.ipo d neck and down front. Will 2c make a Rood vnluo; one hour, each Sale of White Ccu unrated Pottage Curtain Poles, on Second Fiom (oinpleto with llxtuies; 4 feet Ioiir; ends .11 e made of white metal. For curtains, or -light dinpciles this style is the kind often wanted, pc and at today's pi lie will piovc a savins; 13c. lalue for Sale of Kid Gloves 200 pair of $1.50 kid sloxes; all M.es: all colois, including' white. Hacks hae heavy htltchliif,'. This is a baipin not orten mentioned, and If yon aie i-vlove hungry todiy'.s hour sale gc will e-fter ou a Kiand oppoi tuniij. A pair Cl.. nP Clmnor'nllllillinltllll itf School Shoes and 130 pair of Women's Shoes; good leathei. honestly made; usually told at $1.23 Today, for sKty minutes gpc Sale of Satine FI11IM1 I'alko Dewey blue giound; best dve; the- pat terns aie dots, stilpe.-i and small eteslgns In spiays and unliiue Ilguios. This fabric for chlldicn's wasli dieses and women's hou-u wiap- cc pets N 011 top for its wearing finalities; .1 y.ud .- Sale ot Men's Half Hose Double heel and tou; long niff top; seam iest.; fun-v colois. In snipes and llguies' a last dye and unusti- ally good," in HcHleiv Department at v Sale of ISuvs' All-Wool Suits Double-lueasted style; plain blue and plain irtvv ihevlots. sl.c- s lo 13 eais; well m.idr-, pants have taped M-aiiis .mil best elue-k waist bands. This .'.il" will occur on the Second Flooi. ltciiii'iubci the tlmi and plan-. For this hum buy C I 50 this splendid value lor Sale ol Ill.u-k Dips Hoods Satin liguted novelties; I!S Inches wide; till wool. The designs an- eiv oddly woven and attt active; ittau tlty limited. A value. Unit sells toi ..lie. Filday you '' 271,4c buy It lor - TaLL NO. 3 Begins Promptly at 4 O'clock, i0. S..l ot" M"eu' Japonet Handkerchiefs Sk. W Colored border.s, ;i1m) plain hems. M T jks. This i.s a value, Mr. .Man. ou ought to Iff' r. see. Friday, lor one hour, we will (jfesj ' CL tell so" sevon 1' .l'"1-' hantlker- g vOk tX9 chiefs for ZOC a y alt' ot" ll-uikels Xow, llien. for a flf V tilucl l'-,J,e- Vou'll UiaiiU our siXjy' foresiyhl many times some cold niglu this coiuino, winter thai you invesied in a jood cotton blanhel. hull HI-1 s'ie, heay lleece, fancy borders, j;re and . white. 7."ic. v.thie for OS-C S.Un of llunewioinh Si.ut' and Stand PoM-r This i lass of Bonds alfl .Mai -cllli-s panel in, .stand covei I.s :''i7- In Ut, the suuf Is i gc .;i).'() iisuiillv Mdd toi J'ii. Plioost either loi Sile ol .Men's Fleue Lined Shlits, and Uwuvi--The iiiloi Is tan, .hti i bus taped neck and tuff -leaves, i:.U,i heavy lleeec all slas. This inuli'i wen. when put on the maiket without a tnw hupi'itee tlous lu weave, is woi Ui at any time .10c. TIh-hi m nm-oiuIh, hut the best seiouds ,e ever Mi and you'll s.ty so when OII sio them. TodllJ heal Tttn W.ciinlnf; inuiiii' i-nti.uiet, sold tor ,, Sale ot "oil Pahs Mus' Wool Kllc-o Pants, on tho Seiolid l-looi S .Mad.- lioiu daik i.issnien-s. snipes; lull nit and will made, hip poik- e-l. mid Kiispiinfi liiittons on an lingo size-e, j.mjij ihi '" i. MMins and a koocI duck walsi band, slve o to 13 .euis: r.Oi value t"jc loi Sile ot Woinen's Hats, on tho Seiouil Fiom This hat on sale today U tin- Mil nhi -eless shape, bound wllh lelt, MililU'il band, Ponies lu i bieiwii ciMiuil, n.ixy. guy ami gi ci-n. A hiillahlo h.u to iliupo a eii d on Foi nub I'all wcai thlb is Just ihe thing- l -" lUntl I'll- yc S day t S lUhhiiiix. lllliliniis. itlblioiis. Ulblinns-A gieut sale ot tho lliu ttluie TaliVta ItlliDous will lake- plaie heie lor one hour, lie sine and be ) hue Foiu iiulu-s wldt. all cnlois, lm ludlng cicaiii.whlti-und 2I c mat I., niue lm i uu.;y, uuu iioiir ,,'- Sile .il Huh Plus Porno put up lu wood and pasleboaid lulilnets, lull Hah Pins. astoiUd sl.cs. best iiiallt. All In all Ihls Is a uied ai-tlil-. i-M-iy woiii.ui will admit this, and will .iKi admit It Is a - balguln whin they tie tt Pi Ida), one hoiu " Sile en I'liialiiic Llning-Whin yon mike a dus )ouie not satls Iltcl unless jou h.aua good lining, Usht and tit lit 'I'hl. Is ilio kind on sale lod.t) tiieys, luown, gieen. blue ami liluk, good I-'rjc o., ipialln I'm tills, hour I'l Iday - -, " Sulo of I'oiiiuii Seats Don'i think beiau-e this Item Is ami) down at the bottom ol tills list It .s no good .Inst take tune and lead about It and sco the window ilit.pl i This Is a daillt) puilor piece upholhteicd in insoitctl Fiench Velum h and Tapisttlcf. Vour tholte of thiei- tin Islm golden oak. weullieii-d oak. and nmhogany. good woikmun- onr eelup, and .lie woith double the prlte One hour .U o J jonaTiMsons, ofrsiso,s,.y. f JON A3 LONQ'3 SONS GREAT l"l - KS' "" - ionics j-jjis ; jaimiiucn ri Ilit1rltrii c Qli-t- i iil T niirr on the Second Floor (! lo V2 i t-i,lllllr1 ,C ll K.-111 nnrl cllrvlll.lr., ,iiiui,i.,i nun iricuii ...iv. .iiyiiuil.l eoinrs line, rci . tan in 1 e.isiur. . . ' . ' . . lot on sale is selected irom broken aim a icw 01 iiiein arc suguiiy ii ncriect tnev would rcatiuv sen tor $L.0 to $-i.0(); to close them out we will offer them this . 0 'fill lIllllS III' t 'lllllll Oll'S llllll EON S
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers