n-n - ' -wywwmm -err i-vrwivmlFXpsyiSfyVU' 'T''''!!'"?!! r f ' v-"iet iRrt)9a -r- -wv it, . '' te. THE SOKANTOtf TRIBUNE-P1IIDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1902. NORTHEASTERN PENNSYLVANIA MONTROSE. Special to tho Kcintiluii J'i Ibuno. Aloiillnsc, Out 9. Alls. Ihigeno Wllmot was h recent Mlor In llnllstcnd. Atonlioso high school foot hall team was defeated by tiii Keystone uenilomy team hist Hiitmdiy nllernoon hy u seme ot 14-n. Tills was tlio high hcIiooI'm Urst ginno ami iih Iho team lliul hail llttlu pinctlcc inul woio nitiuli lighter lit weight than their opponents, they poihnps have hdiiii' excuse to offer lor tlii'li dlsastious dolout Our llvotymeli mi' kepi busy dllvlng city pintles tluuugh tho sui rounding louiilry to l(v the beiitlllriilly ui le gated foliage with which the does III ilia nelglihoilng woods mo un'cicil. Qtiititoi master .Soigount V Nnh, who is stationed at OlMiluiut, ai lived In town Suniliu evening anil loinaliieil with Ills family until Tuesday evening, who io relumed to camp on uceount or e Iilratlon of leino Scvotul fiuiii this place wont In Scum ton Momlii) evening to weak In tho wash ci lei. Tho Juvenile minstrel will give no cn tcitalnnicnl at village Ii.iII next Thuis elny evening, Oct. 9. Thr lompany bus an einlublo lopututlon us inloi Illinois, anil Judging ft om the lingo wile of lesoncd scuta will ln well alliMiiktl Dlugiuin now open at AltCuuslund'H phaimacy. Ail mlsslnn :i." and . umiIh. Bruce Tu'iell It'll this cloning on his long ttlp iu'iosm tho continent In Fop pettish, Washington, whcio In- will In the j'ii t ii i mal.c his homo. Ills dep.nt uro Is uii'.uly H'sii'tli'd liv his niiiiiv filelids In Mils place, and all hope thai III i new plan of i-i'.ditonco will piove pleas ant and llgll cable Private A It i'riil. on Hnlunl.ii even ing 1 Mm nod tn the tamp at Ul phaiit nflrr spending a few d.i.s In town. Hev A. !' Mm Tnhel dultvri.'il an e-t-f Ilclit senium to a laigo lotigicgullnii lit the union mm Ice In the Alcthndlst Kplspocal ihliieh Sunday cu-nlng .Mi. Mill Toliel Is mi vM-pedliiKly lino ipoakor mill a voi deep lliliiKer, and the oplu Irai Is unhel.sal that the UiesliVtottniH made no mislaid In the selection of limit pastor. Sour.il fiom this plate ale attending the Grand Aimj ol tho Bcptihllc encamp ment at Washington among whom aie Air. and Alls. II i' in tinges and Cap tain II. l' BeitliMev. A llepnhllcan lally will he held In this place Ocloher 2.1, at which Judge Samuel Penm packer and lion. Holes l'piuo-o will be tjic iiilnelp.il spc.tkcis. A icccptlon will he lendcml Ihem upon tlnlraiiii.il, which will he nl alioiit II o'eluc1; a. m and the speaking will tal.e place at 1 :;n p. in. Othei piuiiilneut spouki'is will also be picscnt to make nddi esses. FOREST CITY. Special lo the Scranton Tribune Foiost I'ltj, Oct. P. .Mr. and AIis. Mh.li.iel AlcC'.iith.i, of L 'anion, I'.i., weie this week guests at the homo of Andlew TIealei. Tlie ,ue on llulr wedding tour. Alls. Alt ("ni thy is a lister of All-. lle.ilej. The thlid tpi.irtoily couleioiite or the Alcthoilist KpiM'op.tl fliiiifli will he held Satin da v evening. Piosldlug Klder Wui- 1101 Will llf present. All.s V. C. Conic v is iNling fileiuls In lionesdale. J AI. tia'dlncr Is ut Hiadfoid, atteud hiK the l1innirn': state eoiiieutlon. as a delegate fiom Knleipi isp lo-e eompani. S. .T. .leimliiK.s this week nssumeil the MincilntPiidency of the Illllshle wotks ut tills plaee to mii ceed V. I.. IVIcim.u, who has lit nti made rpiiii.iI superintend ent. Air. .IcuninR.s, allhotiRh a .miuiij man, N tlinioushl.i eiiulpppil 101 tho po"l- NOTICE: These Stores Will Be Closed Satuulay Next Until 6 P. M. pbimwaffluaujagBSBaBagsg 9 The women of Scranton are being convinced, not altogether by what we say in our talks on Soro sfs Shoes, blt by comparison. Your appreciation of this perfect shoe can only come the same way. It's the way we want. Our strict investigation at the factories and retail shoe shops of the "Sorosis" givesa foundation for our enthusiastic talks through the newspapers. We're gaining onr point day by day convincing by comparison that "Sorosis" Shoes are the most stylish and comfortable, that the finish and workmanship is equal to any $5.00 Shoe made. Samter Brothers MERIT MAKES IT FAMOUS. The Only Heinoilylii the World, Hxccpt a Surgloitl Operation, that Will Certainly Cure Any Form ot Piles. Tho study of lili.VHk'litiis, tlm cxiioil lncnts of t'hetnlfti, the lotiilly itilvei tlscil niolt'imlnnfi of ittai'ltH, liuvo been foi' yeins exiipiulett In one illiei'ttott; tu flint u illu euro that wniilil cuii;. 'J'he le.stlltn linvo been n iillinbei' of liai inlesM inul Hi most ilisoi useless iilnttiH'iit.s, suppositories inul uvon In ternal leliiedli'S, whleli the iiulillc linit1 wpIrIioi! In tliu b.ilaiico ol" experience mid founil wmitliiR; nearly nil of tlieni rave hoihu relief, hut nothing itiiiu'o.ieli- Iiir u railleat euie lesultotl fiom these prep, nations. Tin- leineily rtipilieil Is one which will iniliieitlately slop lln imln so se veie In ninny eases of piles, anil then by I'lntrni'tliiR; the small blood vessels (caplllni le.s) to their nmiiuil !, pin illlee'i n i"iill''iit euro hj retltleltiK anil llnally iibcrhliiR the tumors ami heal ing the Inll.itnod, law mucous surfaces. Until a few yeniH iiro, no such leni edy hail been produced, but ut ilutt time a suppository was placed upon the tiiaiKet, which lias .since proven llself to be (he loiiR-sollKht peinianont cure for Ihls common anil dlstiessliiR liouble; It has lapldly become fmiioui IhroiiRhoiit the 1'nlteil States and Canada, atid is niuv hold by all clriiR Rlsis iiudi'r the name or Pyramid l'lle ('me. It Is now the best known, because Its merit and safety have advertised It wheieier used. Ii has been ndiertlsed by woid of mouth, fioin one Miffeiei' lo nnothri: people who ham tiled rveiy-thliiR- else, even subinittliiK to painful and daiiRcrnu'' Mit'Rlc.il oper.itlous wlthoul avail, have iinally found that piles can be imeil without pain and without evpense practically, as the Pyramid Pile Cure Is rold for the nomi nal pi lie of .",0 cents and $1 per patkage. Tho Pvi.imid instantly htops all pain and ut the same time coptains no co caine, morphine or narcotics; the acids and licalliiR properties contained in the lpiiiedy sptulily lemovo, cause a heilth ful. natuial (.ontraetion and absorption of the tumors; li,will ctue any form of i petal tiouble except eanecr and ad vanced llf-luln, which, by the way, nearly always result fiom neglecting piopor and timely tientment for piles. A book on cause and cure of piles sent fiee by addressing Pyramid Drug Co.. Alai-shall, Alleli. tlnn by shvleen yens' expeiiencp in the mii ions departments of tho eompani. ltepuhllr.in County Chairman Jl. Ii. Lit tle. esi , was a caller along the Jcffcison today. AVOCA. The seating capacity of til" S.irsilcld opera house was lnadc(unte lo aeciuiK dale the gieat numbers of Miikiis thai in-ocmbUil Ihcie on Wednesday afteiaoon to PNpirss their Iccllngs In legaid to the leipnt action of Piesldent IJnei in Ids insulting lcmaiks of Picldent John Alil chell Spviinl spenkeis wrie present. The Inllowllig losolutioii wele adopted: Whciias. The opeiatois, in Ponleience with I'lpslilcut Koospiclt, claimed that sfipuii -the per cent, of the Culled Aline Woil.eis would tetiiin if they had mili tary pioteetlon; theiefnre he It Jtesolved, That we denounce the state- You wiflfl find experienced fitters in our Ladies' Shoe Department, who will give you every attention. All styles, all leathers and always Complete Outfitters ment of the operatoia to befnlso and UilslrnilluR, Hesolved, That we tand by tho decis ion of the Shnmoklii eoinelltlon until this sttiiRRle Is hoi unlit In u siicopsful Ipsuc. Allsi"j Nellie flcanlon and Alaiv llnr ictli or Aii'hbald, me riipsIm of Aits. P. J. Itnriclt. I'lie Alonllois dpfeatcd the UtiRliL'Stouii team .lesteutay aftprmion. Hroic, U-ii. Albs Abu riii et Karlv has leliliued homp attrr si-vail ila.is' vMl with fileiuls In i:inihliist. Airs David Jtosser and son teturncd tn their homp In WVst Vlinlnla yestcnhiy, after speiiillliR m'VpiiiI months with iiIpihIs hoi in . , , William Howell iPtutni'd to his home In New Vol Is city ii"teiduy. NKJII OLSON. Bpoclnl to the Sciiinton Tribune. Nicholson. Oct. !i -'Attn. Pied Stephens, of Wllkes-llnlie. Is visiting In r mother, Airs llallouay Stephens. The Women'H Cliilstlan Teiupoianco union met with Alls. A. W Htaik and a dpllKhtfiil pioRiamme was lemlcicd. Alls. Will Suuhcs, of Olcnwood. la spending some time with her mother, Alls, (leoige Nichols. P. A. C'olum lert Wednesday for Sayie, whcie ho Intends lo make It his futille homo. O. (!. HoitRlit. who has been looking ut ter timber land In Tcnnes.sec, leluined home Sunday. JIOPBOTTOM.' Special to tho Scranton Tribune. Ilophottotn. Oct. 0. Air. and Airs, Hei- tholf arti visiting Ii lends In Alaiisllcld tills week. Air. and Airs. Alonao Hell me attend ing the soldleis' eiicampinenl ut Wash ington. O. C.. this week. They will ilsil Philadelphia heroic their return home, Alls. II. AI. Tiffany Is attruilliiK the t'ulieiMillht eniivcutiim at Uliigli.initnn. Alls. Kato Turner Is limiting ft lends In lllnghamtou this week. CLARK'S (JREEN. A linhiue entcitalnment will he given In the Methodist Kplscopal church at Clark's (iieen, I'rlilay eieniug, tJci. i", under the auspices of the npworth League. The proRiamme: Pait 1. In strumental ami vocal imibto, leadings, re citations, etc. Part 2. Work by the class in Uels.irte, twelve young ladles tn (Jie elan costumes, tableaux- mouvants. "The Lotus Lators"; song, living pictures "The Last Ttose of Summer;" pong and tab leau changes, "Homo, Sweet Home;" song with tableau. "Kalth, Jtopp and Chailty:" "C.ood-NIglu." "Very Pretty," "Putting Chlldien to Hed," "Heavenly Vlsltois," "Goddess of Di earns, Love, Angel;" pantomimes; "Lead Kindly Light," Otace D.uU: "Itock of Ages, Anna nibble; "The Star Spangled Uan ner," JMith Wilson ;" poses pliistliiues miter noted models in art), "The Sun Worshippers," "Destruction of Pompeii," .tl... " .rr.u.,.,i-in If. Mm C.lll of AlPlCV." 'Fall of Kah.ilon," "Death of VlrRlnla," "NioliP s natlgaipr.s -ieiiveui. i- lons," "1'ear," "Grief." "IleniPmber Ate," "Forglie and Foiget," "111 Sight of Home," etc etc. Alessis. A lid lew Singer. William II. C-..I.1, a w lliiniri- inul Air. and Afrs. C.coige W. Pond aie attending the Cirand eue.impmenl or the i.ianci Aimy oi me Republic, now being hold in Wa-hlngton, D. C The pulpit ot the baptist eliiuch will he Idled by supplv sent by the Rev. Air. llullev, who was unable to lllll It himself, at the usual hour II o'clock. Cards aie out. announcing the wedding of our townsman, Charles Snook, to AIi"s Alae Al.ieis, of Clink's Summit, on Wednesday evening next, nl the homo of the bride's father. a pair 1 M IF YOU ARE SICK And need medicine for your Kidneys, Liver, Bladder or Blool. get the Best. Dr. David Kennedy's Favorite Remedy. If you are suffering from kldticy or blailuur disease, tliu doctor asks. "Do you ik'slto lo urinate often, Ami ntc you compelled togct up frequently during the night? Docs yam back pain you? Does vour urine Ktain linen? It tbcten scald ing pain in passing it, nntl is it dlflleutt to hold the urine back ? If so, your kidneys or bladder are diseased." Try putting some of your mine in a glass tumbler, let it stand twenty-four hours. If there is u sediment, or a cloudy, milkv nppeai mice, your kidneys are sick. Dr. David Kennedy's Knvotitc Remedy will surely relievo and cure the most dis tressing cases of these dread diseases, and no physician can prescribe n. medicine that equals it for kidney, liver, bladder and blood diseases, rheumatism, dyspep sia and chronic constipation. Walter D. Miller, of Delhi, N. Y writes : "I suffered for years with kidney trouble and severe pains in my back, nt times it was sn bad I could hardly walk. My stomach nl'o troubled mo and I frequently had twinges of rheu matism. I suffered a great deal and received no benefit until I began the use of Dr, David Kennedy's Favorite Remedy. After taking 'it a shoit while it cured me." It is for sale by all druggists in tho Wo iv 3Q Oont Gizo and the regular $1 00 size bottles- less than a cent a dose. Samflr bottle enough for t ml, free y mail. Dr. David Kennedy Corporation, Hondout, N, Y, Dr, David Ktnnsity'f Ctliltn Drom instnnt relief. Hjuraljia, RlioumMIsm, Bruliu, Burnt. -, 00c. THEATRICAL. "Human Hearts," W. K. Nnnl evllle's "Ihmi.iu Ileal K" a talc of the Ailitiiv,m hill-, opened a Hiiro (lays' encasement at the Ae.idemy hint night to a very I.iiko ami oiithiisl.iitiu nudlence. The pl.iy m a touching Mory ol heirt inteiest In four acts, and Is pie senteil bv a very clever and well-h.il-ai.eed company. John A. Hoone, In the leading lole of Tom l.omin, and Miss niln W. Il.itlan. as his v.ile, divided tho honoiH. The eliaraeter woik of Thomas Jloesnn, tlm tramp; Frank Giiderin, as tho ciazy brother, and JIIss I.lllle lies ton, as tho mother, weie all very Clevel and came In lor generous nppl.iiue. A very pietty and winsome little tot of i! years, n.iby Manila, captured the hearts of the whole audience In the role of Lit tle Grace l.osan. The company caiiles n erv complete and handsome scenic equipment. The plii vill be lepeated nKuin this urler noim anil pvciiIiik; also Saturday after noon and eenIiiH. "Phi-oso" Not the Only One. XoUWlhstnndlns; tho fiuoio cieatcd by "1'luoMo" at tho DKio tlie.itei- this week, the mechanical wonder has not been tho only ineritmlniin ntliiietiou by any means Vonnss and lirock. imislehms, liao won much applause in their ecellent int. Their poitr.ijal of the coimliy dance Is one of the novelties that. neoi falls to evoke an encoie. KnlBht bi othei H, sinei.s and d.ineeis; the White and Stu.ut eomiiany in com edy, and Johnson Davenpoil and l.oiella mo ai lists in their line. Dainty Paree Burlesquors. The Dull.ty 1'aice nuileiiuers who Rieeted bv I.iiro audiences al the Star theater M-steiday, and upon the whole, B.ue an amusing peiloinmnce. The com pany, which is headed by May Booth, one of llic? handsomest women on the burlesque stiiRe, includes a choitis of nu usnal facial atti.ictiveness, which seuid to iolleo the monotony of a lot of drivel, labelled a "comedy satlie." Tlm olio contains pome eiy ood acts. One id tho Ki-eatest hlls was probably ni.ido by the l.yoncttc Slsteis. the ladies with fos-hoin olce who lendeied coon songs in an oiiginal and emphatic way that eokcd entuslasllc encore. Oilier meiitoilous ads weio given by Ollilen and I.uwience, M'llo. Lalo-ka, contor tionist: I'VIix Martin, Fieucli dialect comedian; Sluiefevs and Stlllwcll and tho Oiahams. cpieis will the week. Tho Dainty Pareo ISuiles be at the Star tho balance of "The Climbers." The most intense moment in ' Tho Climbers," which will be presented at tho Lyceum Saturday afternoon and evening, is tho ilaik scene at tho end of the sec ond act, in which tho embezzling hus band Ii inndn to contess his theft. Tho scene leembles somewhat that of tho apparition In "The Hells," and so winked upon the feeling of the audience on the Hi st night at the Illjou theater, New Yoik. Unit Miss ISinglmm decided to dimly illuminate tho theater. Tho 1m pioveinent did not alfect tlm stlirlng sec-no in the least, and it made her au diences feel moto comfortable. Tho al teiution has. Leon letalned. Scats oil sale. "King Dodo" Next Week. Tho Castle Squnin Opera Vnmpany counts among Us many successes "Tho Sultan ot Hilhi," by Oeoigo Ade, who-o "Failles In Slang" have placed him PICTURE PUZZLE. " FOR Till-: MTTLC OXKS Cut out tho pletuiea appearing on this page each day, tliaw- a pencil mail; mound tho hidden object, sao Ilium until Hat m day, then send them or tnKo them to Tho Tribune ofllcn In an cnwlopo uildieasod to "Puzzlo Dopaitment." Kncloso In tho envolopo your mime, iu,o and addiess Tho uojs and girls wlio ooneotly mm I; tho sis plclmcs appealing during tho week, and whoso nnswors nro fit t toeelved, will havo thoir names published In Tho Tribune Alonday morning. -""" - -- f- r- rr'i-rrwiii i ' n mil iMa.w imwiiiii im The&e three Kittens smell mice. THE TRIBUNE'S "WANT" Only Half a Cent a Word. For Kent. HVVVVVV'WVVWWVVVVVV Kbit nMNT-lhlir new double house; !10 1'ii'Hcott nveiiue; nil linprovemenls Apply iKSi I'leseott avenue. IS For ltont Ten-loom houso; excellent nelgliboihood; nil modem Impime incntH, on nveiiue. Apply lo It, i lliiin llliin, IL'U Spuue stieot. l'6ll HUNT-New house, eoi net' Linden and Colfnx; all conveniences. Imiilll'e so". Minion sllcel. For Sale. KOU HAI,l2-One hot air finnaee, ihreo niautels. Chillies U Sandeisou, I'M Vomlng iiveune, Seianton, JI'HT AimiVniJ with a eaiload ot hoises, welglit l,10i) to l.WiO; good woik eis mill dilveis: ulso sevial closely mulched teams. Can be seen at :UI Ray mond com t. I.'. M. Cobb. FOR SAI.K One hot nlr furnace, tlneo mantels, gas chaiulelleis. Chillies O. Sandeiaoii, li) Wjomlng incline, Scran tun, 1'a. FOIt SAI.i:-Ton Toplei Cold Mining Co sluck; 10c. shale; will he ml Minciil tn riije. sh.fie on Oct 1."lh. Chillies 1. Snmleison, ' I3i! Vonilng iisenue, Scianlon, rn FOIt HAM: About ;o feet or desk coun ter. Hiirniounted with glass fiont and two openings, lower poi lion nli clj, pan elled, with ilinwei.4 and ahnHcf und"r neath. May he scon at tho ofdeo of The Tiilnine. For Sale or Ilcnt. FOR S,m: o'n'llKNT New house on Coliunbla avenue, eight rooms and bath, g.isv finnaee. modem plumbing. Tonus icisoimble. llalph r:. AVeeks, lll N Washington avennu FOR SAM-: OR RHNT-The :i-stoiv brick building, wltli boiler house nttaelied, and long low of sheds for horses, wag ons, etc ; also lnllioad switch suitable for lniiiiuliietiiilng puiposes; lately occupied bv the Clock Tobacco Co Ii. M. Wliitnn, Iloom No. .Mi", Meais Riillding. ruvnished Hooms for Rent. Fl'RNISIIIIU ROOM. vci-. desirable, well lighted, good eutllatlon, choice loca tion; steam heat, bith, ga" 01') Spiucc. FOR RKNT Tlncc new! f in nished fiont looms, heal, gas and bath. 000 block. Washington avenue. Adchess X., Ti Ibuno ofllce. Eoom for Esnt, FRONT ROOM for Adams nvenue. lent; desirable, 4JI among the foicmost wilteis of t lie time, and "Foggy from Fails," also trom the pen of this gifted author Another suc cess is "Tho 1'ilneo of Pilsen," by I'Kley and Iauleis, author of "King Dodo." "Tho Prince of Pilsen" has bioken all the lecoids for hot weather amusement In rtO'ton this season, where It ran the entlio summer season at tho Tremont theater. The Uiunil Fngllsh Open eom panv, now in its eighth annual tour, will oulv be seen in the larger cities. "King Dodo," soon, has manv opei.i company, which Homy W. which will bo seen heio leci ults fiom the giund and the ononis Is one Savage, tho manager of th Castle Scpi.-ue enterprises, bus eho-en with great care. Theater-goers will cer tainly enjov tills singing and beauty show. "King Dodo" made one of the gieatest hlls of tlie p.ist season at Daly's theater, New York city, and will, It is stated, be presented In the same gor geous ill ess as In that great metropolitan inn. Tho dates announced for the en gagement at tho Lyceum are Wednes day anil Tliuisd.iy nights. Oct. 15 and HI, nnd Thin sday matinee. Diagram for the engagement opons Monday at fl a. in. "The White Ii.utley Campbell's Slave." Justly eeiolnated diama, "Tho White ShiM" elaborately staged and costumed In the chaiaeteii.s-tlc- tyle of, 1S.17, will be the attraction nt the Academy for tlneo d.ijs, lieglnnhig next Mond.iv night. The author conceived In "The White Slae" many oiiglual and tlullling situa tions. Tho story of "Lisa," the slnc girl, is so human and so drastic that it Is ever fascinating. The comedy sp.ukles with rich humor which lelleves the set ions 'cencs and tlullling climaxes with which the play abounds. The company Is much linger than in any pievlous pic sontntlon of "Tho White Slave," and In cludes only pla.iers of established repu tations, Matinees will bo gi on on Tues day and Wednesday. ' The lime. Sembrich Hecitnl. No musical event yet offeied In this eltj, which bus been fn voted by visits Unm the woild's gieatest artists, lias been sin passed m meilt to the coming of Mine. Mincelhi Sembrich at tlm Ar mory on Oct. 21, and our mu-lcal and society people have already shown that they appieelate tills gieat atllst by tho eailv inteiest shown In the subset Iptton sale at Powell's music stoic, The new aiiangeinent of the diagram makes It possible to see and hear in nil parts of the groat building, and tho popular pilces tuo within the lench of all, The piognimniii which Mine. Sembrich will give on till ocuisiou Is pioiiounccd pel feci b musicians and will pleuso all, as It conipilses gems fiom tho greatest authors. Those fleshing choice seats can secure Ihem by culling at Powell's, wheie tlie diagram will i omnia open until tho leeltul occurs. Seats can also ho rcuiul at Aliti. Long's, Wllkes-Haire, ami II, F. Clink's, Caihonilale, Can you tliul two mice? No Order Accepted for Less Than ID Cents. Brand) WANT Qfflsas, Want Advoitlsements Will Bo Hocelved nt Any of the Follow ing: Drug Stores Until 10 P. M. Central City ALIli:RT SCttt'LTZ. cm nor Mill beiry slieet nnd Webster live. Gt'HTAV PICIII':i., U'fi Allium incline. West Side OHO. W. JCNtCINS, 101 South Alain avenue, South Scranton rnnn l. ti:rppi:, itvolilie. 7J0 Cod nr Noith Scranton GL'O. W. 1AV1S, Alnln nvciiuo stieel. cm nor and Xoi th Mai hot Grcen Hldge ciiarli:s p. joxl.s, ir." Dlck- son avenue. J. JOHNS, DJO Gi con Rldgo slieet. F C. LORIONZ. rnrner Washington avenue and Mm Ion stioct. Fctersbuig W. H KNllPFCL, avenue. 1017 Irving Dunmore J. G iioni: ,t SON. Help Wanted. a is I'l'.u- loting man or young wo man to do olllce work mid make them selves genciallv iiserul A knowledge ol Hi o Itisuianeo Is deslinhle nnd If possible applicant should live at home. Address with leloiences, J!, j;. ;., Tillnme olllce, Fciunton, Pa. HHM' WAXTHD-Asslstiint bookkeeper and Hlenoginpboi ; good saint. v to com petent pet son. Adiiiesi M. C. JI Trib une ofllce. A A NTIOD Agents to sell tea and cof fee to consumeis. Positions peima ncnt. Giand Union Tea Co.. all Lacka wanna avenue. Help Wanted Male. MAXTIJD A low machinists; steady woik. Apjily to tho National Klcvnlor and Machine Co., Honesdnle. Pn. Help Wanted Female. WAXTKD i:peilenced lady shoo eleik. State salaiy oxpectcd. Addres.-i, Clcik, Tribune ofllce. Agents Wanted. LARGn CORPORATION wants eneigetic Genoi.il Agent for this county. Xo books, lnsui.'inoo, or canvassing. Ac quaintance with meiehanls and nuimi tactuiei.s necessary. Peimanent Uond. State age, expeiience. releicncet. first let ter. Aildioss. Suite u72, Xo. 1001 Chestnut St., Philadelphia Situations Wanted. SITCATION WANTLD-Hv a woman to go out walking or denning; can fm nlsli tho best of loleienees. Addtess All.,. Gleason, "01 South Iiiing avenue. LADY WANTS situation In diessmaklng , dep.it tment or s.ilesl.idy In stoio; p. .--foctly competent of lllling either of the above positions. Addiess Gnbilcl Swaif., "J.; Cheiry slieet, Dumr.oie, Pa. SITFATIOX VANTI3D-At light housa woik In small family. Addiess A. At., llUO Von Stoich uenuo Real Estate. .oVi "A 4. o DESIRABLE ACHtAGE LOTS CASH Oft EASY TERMS NEAR THE MAMMOTH Mini m Pi AMD TWO BCAU11FUL PARI . GEO. T. ROBINSON,, ' p 72 Erlo Co. Bank Bld., A vV n..(r-t m N- uU.a,U,. i. - E-fii-ri PROFESSIONAL.. Certified Public Accountant. i:DVVAltD C SP.M'LDIXIJ, C. P." A.. V, Ttadeis' Dank Dullillng Old 'phono I8BI. Architects. FUKDDHICIC L. IlltOWX. Iteal Kstato Dxchnugo Uldg. Ington nvenue, AHCII 11, ll'ij Wash Civil and Mining Engineeis. II. L. IIAItDlNO, Si:. C)NN13u71fl.iia ST I : VINSON noil building. ,t KN1UHT, CON- Dentists. Dit. c. i: i:ii.i:xm:i:ni:is, pauli building, Spiuco stioet, Stianton. DU. C. C. LAUitACII. lir, WVO.MINii avo Fiio Insurnnee, SCllLAOIJIt .c. CO. 0 foiincTiludldbm' Patent Attorneys, PATENTS HYlllWttttr Tho only liceuscfl and citulppeil Patent Hollcllor In the ill) No eliaigu lor In loiiuatlou on p'llontuhllll, oor ion cais' vwporieuru Iteplotxlo & Co., Alcars IJIU-. Hotels and Hestamants. t7i1J iliTiv lU''i:. i-'j and ui I'-iTank' lib UMMillo. itiites leasouable P KIL'OLL'It. I'lnpilolor scuanton iioi-sn. ni:au d, l. & u Passenger depot Conducted on the Ku lopoan plan. Victor Koch, i'lopiietor Scavenger. A. B. BltltlGS CL13ANS PIJIW VAl'LTS mid eess pools, no mini , only impiui.il PUI11IM used A II illlgju, piopiletui Le.no onh'is 1UM Notlh Alain aveniio. or Dicke'u ding stoic, i.u'iiei Adams mid -Milium i y. Uolli ti'lephone. Wiie Screens, JOSKPll KlinTHL. IIIUll 311 LAOlvA. live. Scianton. mfis. ol Vlu Sciecus Miscellaneous. AiKaAitciKii: imos.. pitiNTints' sup. plies, envelcpcs. paper bags twluo Waieliouso, 1J0 NYnshhitstoii (ieuuo tThJ" W(LKi:s'-llAItRinil'A'(3TsD CAN ho liad in Hciaiiton at tho news muiid 'of iloisinaii Bros. lOu' Spiucu and Sijl Linden; AI. Notion. 3 Lackawanna ue.i 1. 3. hjctiutzoi, 211 Spiucc sticet. DIRECTORY; business wmm uwa Onlsr Hair a Cent a WorJ. r Busineas Opportunity. STOCK AND U'lIUAT TUADKIKI with out delay. Wrlto for our Fpeclal mar ket loiter. Fron on application. S. M. Jltblmttt ,i Co., mcmbeiH N. Y. Conioll tlated and Stock Uxclmtige. 41 nnd 44 lJroitdwny, Now York. nntibllRhed 1661. Long Dltnnco 'Phone S1SS Diond. Money to Loan. ANY AAIOI'NT Ol.' AtONP.Y TO LOAN- . yiiicic, Bitaigiu loans or nulldlng ana Loan. At Horn i to 0 por cont. Cnll on N. V. Walker. 3U-3ir, Connoll building. Miscellaneous. Till: AIODDt. LAUNDRY. Dtmmoro. latinilcrs shh Is nt Sc. cucli nnd collars nnd cuffs at Hie. each. RAILROAD TIME TABLES. Delaware, Lackawannn nnd Western. , , In Urfect Juno 1, HO-'. Iialns leave Scianton lor Now Yoik All ,'- .J.0, U.IC. 7.50 ami 10 10 a. tn., l.'.n, i ' .' . L'.1"' r,)l' Now York and Phila delphia ,..,o. lO.lu a. m mid l.'.io and :i..Ti 'V I!!', I'"'" Ooiildshoio-At 11.10 p. in Hoi-Hlirtiilo-l.J5, U.2.' and 9.WI a, in: 1."., U 50 mid 11. In p. n I.'or Itlnghamton, Ulmlr.i mid way stetlonH-li) '.',-, a. in.. J.03 p. m. I'or Oswego, sjyiucuso and l'llin-1 ..-. and .",'.'.-., '"' "" 1' " Oswego, .Sineii"i and I llc.i train nt .22 n. in elally, except sjumlav-, .(,,. jiontiose iioo a. in.: 1 Oi nntl ii.in p. ni. Nh holsun acconimotlatlon -100 mid C.i) p. m. Illoomshuig Dlvlslon-Kor Not tliu mtiei--uinil. nt (,; and 10.10 n m ; 1..V, and fill '. ."'Aa-1'01" I'lymoulli, at S.10 a. in.; 3 40 mill v 0j p i.t. S""'1" v Tra'n.s-For New Yen k, 1.-.0, 3 L'0, i0., 10 10 a in.: :i 111 uml :i:i.-. n. in Knr LulTiilo 1.1.-, and ii.;j n. in.: 1.33. I. r,u nnd Ji io p. m. .'. Kin, ha and way stallons in -i a. m. Por ninghamlon and wa. Fta tlonx. fi 00 a m Uloomsbarg Dlvlslon Leno Sernntoii, 10 10 u. m. and 0 10 p. m. Lehigh Valley Kallroad. In Effect Juno 13, 190-'. . .''''"'ihis Leave Sei anion 1 or Philadelphia and New Yoik via D. & H. II. n, at ut 7.11, tluough P.ulor Car and pay Coieh Cm hondnle to Now Yoi ' and fl I, a. m, with L. V. Coach C.u bon dijle to Phlliulolpliln, and '-'.I"!, I J3 (llluclc Diamond Dxpic-s), and II. ID p. in. Suu d.ns, D. ,Ci u n. It.. 1.3S. 0.17 p. in. ! or hlt Haven, llimloton nnd pilnel pal points in the coal regions, via D. & U-..H ,.n-' " " -'IS and IK p. m. For roltsWIle. 7 il a. in. Foi Hetlilehem. Daston, Tiendlng, Ilar lisbuig and pilncipil Intel medlnto sta tions, via D. fc II. n. It.. 7.11, 9.17 a. in.; -IS. I.Ti (Black Diamond KMiress), 11.40 p. in Sundajs. D. .t II. R. It., 9.3S a. m ; 1.3S. 9.17 p. in. For Tunkhannoek, Townndn, Hlmlta, Itluicn, Oonoca r.nd pilnclpal Intermedinto stations via D , L A: AV. R. IL, G 33 a. nt. nml 1 53 p. m. For fSenevn, noebester. nuffnlo, Nlag nia Pnlls, Chlingo and all points westln O tt II. v.. n., 12 01 p. in: 3.28 (Binds Diamond Dxpiess), 10 11. 11.40 p. ni. Sun davs. D. & IL R. R 12.01, 917 p. tn Pullman pallor and sleeping or Lohlgll Valley Parlor c.us on all liams betweou Wllkcs-Uarie and Xew York. Philadel phia. Miiffalo and Suspension Bildge. ROLL1X IT. AVILHCR. ficn. Supt., M Cortland sticet, Xew Yoik. CIIARLDS S LD11. (Ion. Pass. Agt.. M Coitlnnd stioet, Xew York. A W. XOXKMAClir.n, Div. Pass. Agt.. South nethl'-bein, V.. For tickets and Pullman resprvntlons apply to ci'y ticket ofllce, 09 Public Square. Wilkcs-Bane, Pa. READING SYSTEM. Central Railroad of New Jersey. Coricctcil to September 10, ISO.'. Stations lu Now Yoik, foot Llueity stieot and South Fon, X. It. Tialiis leave Sei anion for Now York, PhiWcloIphlu, Dustim, Bethleheni. Allen town. Alntieh Chunk, Whito Uaven, Ash ley, AVilkes-B.ine and Plttston nt 7.30 n. m , 1 p m iud I p. m. Sunday, 2.10 p. m. (junker Cltv Dxpress leaos Scianton 7 "D a. in., tluough solid vestibule train wltli Pullman Buffet I'm lor Car for Phila delphia with o.ih one change of cars for Baltlmoie and Washington, D. C, and all piinelpil points south and west. For Aoen, Plttston and Wllkcs-Batio, 1 v m. and I p. m Sunday, 2 10 p in. For Long Branch, Ocean Glove, etc., 7.30 a. m. and 1 p. m. For Rending, Lebanon anil IlnriMjiujs Ua Alleutown at 7..'0 a. m 1 p. m. nnd t p. m. Sunday. 2 10 p. m. For Tamaipia and Poltsvllle, 7.30 a. in.; 1 p ni. and 1 p in. For intes and tickets apply to agent at station. W. O. BF.SSr.nn. Oen Alanager. C AI. BCRT. Gen. Pass Agt. PennsylvAnia Hailroad. Sch.'dulo in Dffect .Juno 10. I90J. Tialns lo.tMi Scianlon UuS a. m., week davs. Ihioush eestlbuUi tialn from Wllkes-Iiario. Pullman buffet pallor car and eo idles to Philadelphia, in Potts vllle: stops at piinelpal inliimedlite sta tions. Also connects foi Sunbmy. Ilin lisbuig, Phlladolplila Baltlnioie, Wash ington and for Plttsbiug nnd tho West H.17 a ni.. week da.ss, loi Simbury. II nr ilsbuig, Pliilndelpliii, Ballinioie, Wash ington and Plttsbiug and tho West 1 IJ p in., week davs, (Suudiiti. I 5S p. m ), lor Siuihiuy. Il.niisbuig, Philid.'I phlu, Baltlmoie. Washington and Pltts biug and the West 3.2S ti. m., week davs, thiougli vstlhuhi tialn fiom Wilkes-Bane Pullman liiifi'nt pallor car and coaches to Phil ulelphla l.i l'ottsville. Stops at pilnclpal Intel medi ate stations , , . I ::"i p m . wi ek d ivs. foi ll-ixlelon, Sun-hui-y, 1 mulshing, Phlliidelphin mid Pltu- b""a'' J B. lll'TFIIINSON. Gen Mgr .1 B WOOD. (Sen I'm" Agt. Delaware and Hudson. In Fffict Juno P.. 19U Tialns lor Cubondnli' le.io Scianton at fill T :::. S Si!. lOM a in.; 1J03, 1.12, 2.11, ::.-i, 3 -.9, .", sst. 9 15, looi p. m.; 12. n, "For lionesdale ii 4i, 10 11 a m.i 211 ainl "'For' Wlll.os-Bm-ie-i;:,'! 7 11. R. II. 9 17. 10 Kin. m: 12 0). II-'. -'IS. 3JS, 135, .J 10. 7.4s. lo 11. 11 i'1 p ni For L V n XI Pohits-7.Il, 9 17 a. m. "1. 4.3". and II I'1 P ni " P'or iVnuHVlMinhi P.. R Polnts-0S1 9 i7 a. m ; 1 I.'. 3.J-? and 4 .15 p in. For Albany and all points north ..CO a. m. and 3 5i. ii ni. , ,. ',, 4 ,., !-,l M'. i i ll. i rj Cnibnndnli'-s A II 31 it. ill 2.11, V.' and B IT P in-Wilkes-Bane 9.3S n. ml .!' .-mil 9.17 u 111 i.o.;.j;3i, !li.iii and points noi th "? T.il ti.-in. llonesd lle-S V) a m ; 11.11 auclv SJ PItVOlt D P A . Seiiinlon.";pi. Erie nnilroad Wyoming- Division. III Kfteet SilHillllii'l lo, I9 . X 'I'uilns Ictno Sei union lor New Ywk, Newbnigh and iiitiininll:ili points. uMn lor 1 low lev mid liuul stations al ".?) n. "Vo"! iliiT'-JAal" and White .Mills at Mi Tialns nnlve at Scianton at 10.CS a, m. ond 9 15 p. in New York, Ontnito nnd Western. Time table ill elleot Sundio. He pi ii, WjJ, XOll'I'll iiulaij it;.- ,1NS. Leave Li-avo Aii'Un Tialns. No. 1 .. No 7 .. Scianton. CnihiMidalo C.ulol:i. lu ;w a. m 11 lo a ni I oo P.'m. iih) p m.Ai .c 'in ixmilalo o. Pit m SOUTH BOI'ND -: Leavo l.eavn Ai-invo Cudoslu. Cnrboiiilulc. Sii.inpin, l'i filt II 111 7 '" ll mill Tialns Xo o No .' ! 1 I) in. i.o) p. m 4 r p m! NORTH BOUND Le'aiu Aillvn Caibondnle Cmlpsl.i. SUNDAYS ONLY, l.Cin ii Scianton Tialns Nn. H , No 3 . . S : a in 'J 10 n m. 10 l'i u; in. .imp m i.Caibondolo 7 Ii p in SOI TU BOI'ND .!'. I.'or 3 f.o. ri : Km 3 LS, il Fur For p m W I. Leave f.eiu.i Arrfv.) Tialns. Catlosln. Caiboudalo. Seiaiiton, No. ti D 30 u. m. 7 25 n. m. No 10.. . 1 30 p in. U It, p.m. 0 i p. pi. Tialns Xo 1 on week ilns, and 9 on Sundus lannet't tor Now York cltv, Alld dlelown, Walton, Noiwieli, Oneida, Os wego mid nil points west. Ttnlu No C. with "Qu-ikor City i:v. piess" nt Sorunloii. via C. R n of X. J . rot- I'hiludolphl-i. Atlantic City, Baltlmoro, Wnslilngton ulid Peunsylvanlii etata polntu Seo tlmo-tiible and consult ticket ngentj for conneclloiis with other llio's. J C. ANDDItSON. f! P. A . New York. J. E. WL'LSII, T. P. A, Samitcm. Pa,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers