iSPlfnnfrm ' - tMAj! '" l THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-THURSDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1902, Wl 'W"" &'"- ' ' 79stfiStf I' I ,B I &Bc cr6ttfoit CrtBunc Publtahed X&tly Kxccpl Bunily, by The Trlbnno fubllahlng Company,! Fifty Cents n Month. LIVY B. lUCttAltD O. F. BVXI1KIJ . ...... KniTOit, IlUMNKM JtAKAnieit. Solertd at the rostofllca at Bcranton, n Second CIam Mali Matter. When apnea will permit, Thn Tribune I a Kltrnys triad to print aliort letter trnmlt trlondi bearing on current toplcn, but Ita rulo ! tbnt theaemtiatbe aliened, for pub llontlon, by tho wrltcr'a rent nnmnt nml I ho condition precedent to ncecptnncn la Hint Ml contributions ihnll bo aubjecl to cdltorlnl revision. TnE IXAT RATE FOR AMVEKTISINCl. The following table aliowa the price per lncli each ti.icrtlon, aparo to bo used within one yenri l "l'f r llrnillnc lt"""m Lm than to Inches , M , i.fl" " .CO SO Inches io M I . 100 " ro I ,.1.1 I .80 SAO " 5 "1 .2711 .1,0 BOO " 20 .11 .51 1000 " 10 I .175 I .III For cards of thanks, rrwlullons of condolence, and llmtlar cnntrlbutlons In the nntnroof ndvorllslne, The Tribune makes n chnrge of 6 cents a line, SCnANTOX, OCTOHKIt 2, 11)02. REPUBLICAN TICKET. State. Gnvernor-S. W. PENNYPACKER. Lieutenant Govcinor-W. M. IIIIOWN. Secretary of Internal AffuliH-iBAAC B. brown. County. Contrrc3.i-WlM.IAM CONNELL. Judge-A. A. VOatU'ltO. Commltfilonpri-JOIIN COURIER MOR K1B. JOHN PI1NMAN. Mine Insneetors-LLEWELYN M. EV ANS, DAVID T. WIM.IAMS. Legislative. Kenntor-JOIIN B. JORDAN. Representatives First DIstrict-.lOSEPH OLIVER. Second Dlnlrlct JOHN RCIIEI Ell, JR. Third District EDWARD JAMES. Fourth District P. A. PIIILB1N. Election day, Nov, I. The fact that It is necessary to pro vide military escorts for eoitaln rail road trains and trolley cars In portions cif the coal Holds, to prevent mobs from folding them up In older to search for non-union men whose crime consists of exercising the light to work, would be a good subject" for consideration by Mayor aiaybnry's strike-cure conven tion in Detroit, it will explain a lot of things. The Strike Enigma. IT IS, of course, sincerely to be hoped that the efforts now being made to bring the strike to an end may be successful. The strike has reached a stage where I. is pinch ing everybody. Not alone is it spread ing misery and havoc throughout tho anthracite tenitory, btit'it Is menacing the employment of thousands of work ingmen at a distance and the comfort if not Hie health of millions In every direction. Without exaggeration it may fairly be called the greatest menace which the country has had within its Jmrders. slnoe the days of secession and the longer It lasts the worse It becomes. All these facts are fully understood by intelligent Americans, who are sin cerely hopeful that the menace will soon break and disappear. IJut we confess our inability to see the usefulness of public meetings such as tho one pro posed by tho mayor of Detroit or of in discriminate outcry by persons who have no practical suggestions to offer. The situation calls instead for calm Judgment and self-control on the part of the leaders of public opinion. As an offset to tome of the hysteria now prevalent, suppose we consider for a moment u few fundamental truths. The coal mines are private property. The government can no more seize them than it could seize the furniture of the striking miners. As President Roosevelt found out when lie consulted legal authority, there is no way by which the government can lawfully take a hand In settling the strike. And even if there were a way, tho govern ment, with all its power, could not legally force a single striker to work against his will. Thcie Is one thing and only one thing which tho government can do, if It has not already done It: and that is to protect from intimida tion and from any and all forms of un lawful interference or oppression the man In the coal fields who either Is sit work In the mines or wants to go to work In them. We who live In the mining region know that there has been systomatio and wholesale Intimidation and terrorism directed to the qutl of scaring Into continued idleness men who want and conditions need work, wages and self-support. It Is the dlltv of the covernnient to nut : utnn v - - "i e-o far ns It can to such a condition of lawlessness. Then, If the strike long roifyilns intact, it will be time to con sider, other measures. Tlie action of the president In sum moning tho coal presidents and John ! 5IItul)ell to n conference Is a courage ousonc, likely to increase tho ureal. .yiVcnt's understanding of the matters at Issued but wo do not expect that it will liavej other rcHUlt, No power resides In the president of the I'nlted States to compel and very little to persuade men actlitg ub trustees for vested Interests to accept -coniliUoiiH which they feel would be ftrtttl to the orderly conduct and Jiecessnry discipline of their busi ness.? hi that respect the conference la necessarily unequal, representing on tho one hand full legal responsibility cover ing ny agreements made and on the othe iin organization newly formed In tho untlmicltc region, without responsi bility In the legal sense, however com pact,) loyal and determined otherwise, and representing very largely one man's astuteness and. power to Impress his Ideasjaml ambitions on those numbered ninoijenhV following, Unless It be that lioth 'slues have tired of the struggle and want, some manufactured opportunity to lay down gracefully, we cannot find ground In the proposed meeting for lioldljis out to our readers optimistic assurances; though If good shall come from'tha daring move, it will, of course, bo welcome. Should nothing come, there will be little encouragement for further Intercession. In any event, tho presi dent has shown characteristic bravery and straightforwardness In his method of approach to this dlflleult problem, andhas exhibited honest solicitude for the public welfare. v A word now totfiose citizens who feel that something 'radical, though they' know flot what, should, bo dona to settle tho strike. We tlo not recall having seen tho suggestion In print, but it occurs to us that there Is only one feasible wny by which persons not Interested In the coal business its Investors and oiu ployera may take, from thn?o who are, the ownership and management of the coal mines, nnd that la by purelmse. tt is open to tho critics of the oper ators to form a pool and try lo buy out the existing holdings of anthracite. This would Bccin to bo a time when n low selling price might bo nntnetti and tho advantage of a change In owner ship would bo that thoo who now feel that the present operators ore harsh and unfair to the mine workers on strike could substitute nny policy of recognition and treatment which might Impress them as being more equitable, and nlfo establish anthracite prices to suit their present objections. Their at tempt to manage ti business which other men own Is one that few of them would approve If It should bo turned against themselves. Tho strike spirit now prevalent among certain school children calls for some vigorous counter striking among par ents, unless wc are to have a new crop of anarchists In this country. The Situation in Ireland. ON THtTHSDAY of last week tho Karl of Dudley made his entry Into Dublin as Lord Lieutenant of Ireland. lie passed through u city as Indlrferent to his advent or his presence as If he were an ordlnnry Kngllsh tourist on his way to his hotel. Ills progress through the streets was marked, to bo sure, by lines of soldiers and the gas conade of ii few ultra loyal students from Trinity college; but these puerile demonstrations only served to empha size the Irony of the state entry of the king's vice regent, his first and maybe the last. The new viceroy Is u young man, very rich and In his own circle very popular. lie bears no ill will toward the Irish, nor do they toward him. He would, no dot) hi, spend oceans of money to popularize ills tenure of ofllco; but he knows that during his brief stay in the country his political influence will have as little weight In conciliat ing or alienating Irishmen to the sys tem which he represents as the gyra tljns of the weathercock on St. Pat rick's cathedral. This government blight has lasted, with some slight modifications, In Ireland for nearly sev en hundred years, and grows more hol low in Its hopeless fatuity from genera tion to geneiatlon. The London Times seizes the occasion to publish an unusually pessimistic ar ticle on the relations between England and Ireland at the present moment. Probably three-fourths of the Irish parliament Yepresentatlves will be In jail before Chi Istmas, not to speak of the arrest and incarceration of village politicians whose popularity and con sequence are vastly increased in the eyes of their neighbors by a sojourn In the county jail. These prosecutions are brought under the Crimes Act, a measure which Is at once so drastic and inconsequential that ordinary criminals are not amenable to its pro visions. It applies only to politicians who assert the light of liberty of speech, or public meeting, freedom of the press, and such constitutional pre rogatives of citizenship as Americans and Englishmen associate with their fundamental conception of public lib erty. From ordinary crime Ireland Is exceptionally, even unprecedentedly free. Kroin Belfast to Cork and from (lalway to. Dublin during the last as size there was not a single murder case, and at most of the courts judges were presented with white glove. The Times suggests under these cir cumstances that the vice regal court should be abolished and that Ireland should be governed similarly to Scot land. This would mean, In the first place, the razing of Dublin Castle, which is the centralized bureaucracy from which tho country is governed, without the governed having voice or choice In tlio arrangements. It would mean, above all, civil control of the police. The Irish constabulary Is now a military force, armed, drilled, olll cered and housed like soldiers. The magistracy would become representa tive, having the confidence of the peo ple and not as now only that of Dub lin Castle, Those changes would not be a substitute for Home Hule, but they would go far in reducing to sim ple proportions a problem which tho English people, with nil their genius for government at home and abroad, have failed "to muddle through some how" in dealing with Ireland, Senator Quay Is C9 yearn old and In fuller enjoyment of political power and prestige than ever before. Wonder how Wunamakor feels. The Savings of Labor. W II ION tho Republican party came Into power In ISfil tho number of deposl tors In savings banks In this country was G91.IS7. In 1001 they had Increased to 0,58,723, In 1S01 the deposits were $l4G,720,8Si; la 1901 they were ?2,507,09I,DSO a gain of nearly IS fold In 10 years. The average to the credit of each depositor In 1SGI was J2U.7; In 1001 It was $108,17. In Great Britain, in 1001 It is $96.57; In Switzerland, $110.12; in France, IS2.79; In Prussia, $153,01; In Russia, $IOO.S3; In Sweden, $07,20; in tho Netherlands, $58.20; In Denmark, $105.93; and In Italy, $S0.07, Thus It Is seen that the savings In the United States are moro than three times the European average, and more than four times those of Great Britain, where free trade has prevailed for fifty years, In addition to this, the report of the Industrial commission says that American workmen have n successful operation more than 5,000 building nnd loan associations, with nearly one and one-half million members, and assets of $575,000,000. Millions of theso work 'men now own their homes, In 1891 the chief of police, ot Leeds, England, a city of 320,000 Inhabitants, testllled be foio tho royal labor commission that In ull that city not one worklngman owned the home he lived In, The. conditions under which tho Am erican worklngman bus been enabled to accumulate eo largo a savings fund have been the direct handiwork of the Republican party. Tho only times In that 41 years when tho Democracy had a chance to try Us hand nt running tho government were yenrs of stagna tion, distress, Idleness nnd wholesale charity. Is It surprising, therefore, that, In tho words of Mnrlt Hannn, the American worklngman Intends next month to "Bland pal?" A recent Issue ot tho London Times In Its Houth Wales correspondence told of fears of a disagreement between the mints wot Iters ami operators In that dis trict upon tho termination of tho pres ent sliding sealo agreement, next year. It told of a meeting .of 10,000 miners nt Porth and ot addresses to them by "Aiabon," Vice-President Brace of tho South Wales Federation, Generul Sec retary Harvey of tho Derbyshire miners and Sir Alfred Thomas, M. P., tho tenor of which was that while no one wanted trouble tho wishes of tho minors must bo respected or there was no tolling whnt might happen, This was written before Americans had begun to order Welsh coal In quantity. Whether this state of things will modify tho feeling in favor of a strike In cortuln contin gencies remains to bo seen, But tho Tillies article shows that American coal Interests ore not having any monopoly of excitement. The saying that what Is one man's meat Is another man's poison Is Illus trated In. tho following extract from yesterday's New York Tribune; "In spite of the fact that the bituminous Is an Industry entirely Independent of the. anthracite, tho price of soft coal In this city has risen to an extraordinary figure. It Is selling at $D a ton whole sale, with tho promise of a dally In crease.. On the East Side dealers are doling It out at the rate of 25 to 35 cents a pailful. Somebody Is reaping a harvest, notwithstanding that more soft coal Is being mined today than ever before." There Is food for t.hought In this quotation. But Is tho anthracite as independent of the bituminous as tho New York paper thinks? The reason given by the People's parly for throwing up tho sponge In this slate, namely, that It has no cam paign fund, Is convincing. Fundless campaigns don't go fur In Pennsyl vania. Evans and Williams will make com petent mine Inspectors. They will be inspectors who will inspect. It is a safe guess that Ben Odeli will make Bird Color think he Is a mud turtle. fl Uef?ran Miner ' Suggests a Plan THE following suggestion for a re organization of the mining busi ness comes from a man who has labored In and about the mines for nearly forty years and who thinks ho understands thoroughly what Is needed to tranqulllze the labor situation: Mr. Editor: Necessity Is the mother of all inventions, and the present strike has made It neces-ary to devise a new plan to work the coal mines hereabouts. And If the new plants a practical one, as many believe It Is, then It would be the best and easiest to end the present strike by adopting it and doing away with miners' contract work nnd have them to work on the same system as all others In side the mines on dally wages. It has been said that one miner could, by con fining himself only lo preparing tho pow der, tamping the holes and firing tho same, attend to ten chambers, tho labor ers doing all other work, such as clean ing and loading the coal and working out the coal after each blast, If need be, which Is often the case. But It seems that ten chambers Is rather a high num ber for one miner to attend to. Yet It may be done with some good miners, and with exceptionally gnud places In different veins of coal. In other places, one miner would not be able lo attend to more than live chambers ilnd In tight or hard places, two or three chambers would be all ho could attend to. Also, It would call for tho best and most practical miners where the coal is tight and bard, be causo moro holes would bo drilled and fired; and especially It calls for the best judgment in tho use of powder In each blast. 1 know of some peoplo called miner', who judge the amount of powder by the depth of tho hole drilled four foot of hole, eighteen Inches of powder; ilvo and one-half foot ot hole, two feet of powder but a practical miner never docs so. IIu ulwas judges tho amount of powder by the amount of coal to be thrown out, and he always knows how tho, grain of the coal inns, for It often needs more powder In the four-foot hole thai. It docs In the live and one-half-foot hole. A good minor should always have good wages, the samo as all other num ber onu tradesmen; and I am of tho opin ion If the new plan Is practicable, and put in operation, it would be tho best, in tho long run, for all concerned. H U true that somo miners would not like it, especially those that have the bad habit of hurrying out of tho mines early every day. Tliey would not bo able to do co will tho new plan. Hut, In place of tho miners getting only one-half or three quarters time, as heretofore, they would get tho same tlmo as all other company hands. Furthermore, It would do away with the following matters, that may cause strikes again: First There is a strong deslro and ten dency among the miners' laborers to de mand half of the earnings of tho miners. Second-There Is great demand and cry for tho weighing of tho coal theso days, which must be heard sooner or later with the promt niodo of working, Third Tho docking of coal has always been a bono of contention with the miners slnoo I remember, back In the slNtles, Fourth The minora' certificate. The miners in tho past were condemning the certificate law, saying It was detrimental to miners, and tho operators, I believe, know that tho certlllcale law Is detrimen tal to them In this strike, or fight, as we muy call It, Hut with tho new plan of woiklug In tho mines, thero would bo no chance for tho light between tho nilueis and laborers for half tho proceeds of tho earnings; also, there would bo no talk of tho weighing of tho coal, because all would bo working for dally wages; and there would bo no need of to much ado on cither side about tho certificate, Therefore, being that those threatening dangers of strikes uro cast abide, It would bo better for both sales to get tho now plan a operation; tlio soon the better It will be, and end this strike. Strikes are klliers, Labor Is tho sinews, marrow, blood nnd life of our country, Stop labor and all suffer. Strikes have killed every union I was over In, What will come of tUo union of today, tlmo will tell. How much money have tho worklngmeu lest? How much Jmvo tho operators lost? How much has ull business In generul loot If you have tho figures, add them tigether and the sum will be enormous. What has caused all (hla sacrifice? The strike. How many families hud mado ar rangements for a homo for themselves, by paying so much each mouth, and have failed to do so? What is tho cuuso? The i-trlkc, Hew many hud to leuvo their homes to sock support for their families of lute-for what cuiita? Tho btrlke. How many families that have always been neighbors and friendly ull their life time bavu her-nmn enamlu. and many, in CEYLON TEA GREENorBLACK Is Pure Popular Palatable Once tried always used. ASK YOUR GROCER FOR SALADA i Ceylon and India Tea. REFRESHING. DELICIOUS. Sold on'y In Lead Packet i. 60c. 60a, and 70c, Per Lb. &Z &$&$&&$QPQ$&&& ( I Ifiri-frttftm Snimitabic Unique The Hunter teiw American i Gentleman's Whiskey 1 I Baltimore Rye Sold at all llrot-rlff.M on I'm ami by ohbers. WM, l.ANAll wan x M-M iiammure, aiu. . Z ,C 2Z$4&i&i'$&i&l&&$&v$4$& n vs. . i t i t . x. . n v. 0 OATS! n ft H We have dry, clean, Old Oats. . Old Oats are mucli better J than New. Z Sweeter, Cleaner, Brighter, Dryer, Higher in price but "You pay your money and take your choice." X ! J . X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Dickson Mill& Grain Co Call us by phono: Old Green Kidge, 31-2, Now, WS. ' "A 4 3 "A H A 'A 'A A 'A "A 'A "A A A "A A When in N Of anything; in tits line of optical goods we can supply it. Spectacles and Eve Glasses Properly fitted by nn expert optician, From $1.00 Up Also all kinds of prescrip tion work and repairing. Mercereau & Connell, 133 "Wyoming: Avenue, danger of their liven, becauso they Ufje their personal liberty to work, while others use their liberty by lyhiK Idle? What caused all these enmities? 'Iho htrlke. This enmity and bitter feelhur la tho worst of n)l, becuuso It has crept Into different socletles-ycn, and tntu tlio most secret ami IovIhb of them-and sowed lis diabolical seed there, and It will take many years to cradlcuto uad uproot the same, Strikes are bad policy. It Is not by Btrll'inK another you muy expect a favor from him. Let you nqt bo deceived by those buylni? that the operutors aro tho mlncrr' enemies. It Is all noaseiibc, he cauto by the miners working they make their money. And throuRh tho operators' Ml"Ual tho miners muko their money; hence what Is good for tho goose Is good for the gander. Do not bo carried nwuy by the people that bow tho whul and reap the whirl wind, but, like men that own themselves, try to 111 up tho gap that has been made between capital und labor neither can get along without' tho other, but cither can do great damage to tho other. There fore, let everyone, do his part to get bet ter feellmr between both' parties m ration kjitaxt KSrlci "The Alt Shows Shoe Er fl KCI 'c B it ttr.l u i HC i I r jr You have not heard much about this better shoe for men because this is its first season of manufacture and introduction. We're determined to create in this department the high standard that prevails in other branches of this establishment. You are very well aware of the fact that we have raised the standard of clothes making by the introduction of the "Atterbury System." We want you to become acquainted with our higher standard of shoe mmm mdllnn l-n o trlol lliuikiug uy u. L1IUI Shoes for men. in our window, at "The Chesterfie Only by Wearing Can You Prove Its Jlerits. This Shoe is made by the same careful workmen. Men who are willing to see an improvement when pointed out to them. It's by the co-operation of such shoe makers that we introduce the "Chesterfield." A man's shoe that cannot possibly be made better at this price Complete The Crane Store Opportunities pre sented for a peep at what Mistress Fashion Has consented to approve for Early Fall. Take Elevator at 324 Lackawanna Ave. r HI Headquarters for Incandesc?nl' Gas Mantles, Portable Lamps. THE MEW DISCOVERY Kern Incandescent Gas Lamp. ' unsferSForsyfii 253-327 Poilli AvenilO. SUMMER RESORTS Atlautlc City. The temperature at the AGNEW, On the Beach, In Chelsea, Atlantic City, Tuoidny wiw dr tlvcry appointment of a modern Hotel. HOTEL RICHMOND, Kentucky Avenue. 1'iut Hotel from Ucacb, At Untlo City, N. J. CO Ocean view roomj; ta tiaclty 400; write for tpecijl rates. J, U. Jcnk Ira, Prop. PENNSYLVANIA, BEAUTIFUL LAKE WESAUKINQ On a ipur ot tho Alleghany Mountalni. I.ehlg!i Valley railroad; near Towanda. Iluthlng, llihln, fporti, etc. Excellent table. Reasonable rates. LAKE WESAUKING HOTEL P. 0.. Apc. fa. ' Scnil (or booklet. tt K. 1IAURIS. Rocktan" the Progress of, the Makers' Art. (1 roiv nf Dnltnn " UUII Ul IUV.ItUll Displayed $3.50 H N Outfitters. NEW YORK HOTELS. The New and Absolutely Fire-Proof Hotel Earlingion, NEW YORK CITY. European Plan. Z7ih Street Noar Broadway, N:w York City. The most central and most accessi ble location in the city, combined with quiet and refined !i2JSc35JSUrroBn(l - ings. TARIFF OF RATES: SltiKlo room (Imtli) $1.50 to $2.01 Double rooms (Imtli), 1 poison -.00 Double rooms (bath), " iiursoii3....$J.0J Hath rooms mljoliiinK. Lnrpo douhlo rooms, with privato bath looms, 1 person $3.00 Largo double rocms, with privato bath rooms, 2 persons $1.00 Suites of parlor, bedroom and bath for t person. $.1.(K $IA. S5.C0, $7.00 Suites of parlor.bedroom und bath, for 2 persons Sl.On, $5.li0,, $3.0) Suites of parlor, " bedrooms anil bath $7.00, SS.0O. J10.00 E. M. KAni.B & SOX. SO years connected with Earlo's Hotel, LDWSIE flATFI IB ITU AV..UE I WKK.V -JllTIl ANU UorUcU'd. NUW VOSK. EUROPEAN PLAN, NEW. Fl EPROOI' Convenient to Tlieatre3anil Shopping Districts. Take 23rd st. cross to vn cars an.) transfer at -itli avc. Uirsct to hotel, Itoouis with Hath ) jHults with 'Until S'.'.OO f I $11.00. W. II. I'AKKG, Proprietor. WESTMINSTER HOTEL Cor. Sixteenth St. and It Vnj Place, NEW YOBK. American Han, 1.50 Per Day and' Upwards. European I'lan, $1,00 Per Day and Upward Epeclal llatca to lamlllca. T. THOMPSON, Prop. I For Itnsiiiesi .Hon f 4- in the heart of tho wholcsalo dls- - f trlct. f I For sliopyoM X f a minutes' walk to Wunamakcrs; f" T L' minutes to Slesrol Coopcr'H HIk T Store. Kasy of iicc'esss to tho great T Dry Goods Stores. T For Sightseers Ono block from II' way Care, glv- L Inu easy transportation to all I points of Interest. I. NEW YOJtK. f Cor ltth ST. & UNIVKIISITY PL. f Only 0110 Iiloclt from Hroadwny. t Rooms, $1 Up. vXrXL S..-m-K.-Hf-H..-r-H-m4 11 titer Bros., illlw SJitSiti tfl S S H i xilln $$gm&3Mm HOTEL ALBERT I - How to Help Yothg Men anct Women Secure Educations r V 44 YOUNG MEN and 7 YOUNG WOMEN are cndcavorlnc to sccurn cduentlonB throiiKll THE TIUTIUNE'S KDUCA TIONAIj CONTEST, 111 Which1 33 HCHOLArtSMtPS, valued nt over S9,K)0, uro olTcred. Tlio scholarships are: . 3 Syracuse University. 1 Bucknoll University. 1 University of Hochestcr. 1 Washington School for Boy. 1 Williamsport Dickinson Semin ary. 1 Dickinson Collegiate Prepara tory School. 1 Newton Collegiate Institute. 1 Keystone Academy. 1 Brown College Preparatory School. 1 School of tho Lackawanna. 1 Wilkes-Barre Institute. 1 Cotult Cottages. 4 Scranton Conservatory of Music 4 Hardenbergh School, of Muslo and Art. 3 Scranton Business College. 5 International Correspondence Schools. 2 Lackawanna Business College. O Alfrofl Wnnlnr'a Vnrnl Studio. Several ot these scholarships lncludej not only tuition, but nlso boaru. room, heat. llRht nnd laundry for periods ot two to four years. Among those flfty 0110 young: people there are thirty 'throe who aro really striving to secure educations, and their names appear on another page of The Tribune every morning. In the table showing tho "StaiulliiB of Contestants." They should bo encouraged In their com mendable endeavor. HOW YOD CAN HELP If you aro not already n subsc"lber to Tho Tribune, send a noto to somo one of the contestants, requesting a call. Or. better still, send your subscrln- 8tlon to Tho Tribune, together with the 1 mnnov to nav for same, designating! somo contestant which you wish to re: ceive the rrccllt. . Contestants nro credited with one; point for every month you pay in ad-; vnnce. The price of Tho Tribune in. advnnco Is: Points. One month $.50 1 Threo months 1.23 3 Six months 2.50 fi Ono year 5.(0 12 PRESENT smSCniBEUS can aid contestants materially by furnishing them with a list of friends who might be Induced to tnkc The Tribune. Or, lliey can personally reepiost these friends to subscribe. Or, they can send The Tribune to their friends, paying tho money them selves. Jinny nro doing this nnd the contestants are very grateful for this whole-hearted nld. ONLY NEW SUBSCRIBERS ARE COUNTED. TO CONTESTANTS rtemember: The Tribune's Educa tional Contest closus October 23, at 8 p. m. No points not In Tho Tribune office by tho llrst stroko of S. ns told by the Court House clock, will bo counted. EXCEPT: Thoso received by mnll and postmarked at or before 8 p. m. SPECIAL HONOR PRIZES FOR OCTOBER FIVE DOLLARS IN GOLD to the contestant bringing in tho largest number of points between October 1 and Saturday. October 11. FIVE DOLLARS IN GOLD to tho contestant bringing in tho largest number of points during tho week ending Saturday, October IS. EDUCATIONAL. Do You Want a Good Education? Not a thort course, nor an easy courts,, nor a cheap course, but the best education' to be had. No other education is worth" ipendinj time and money on. It you do,' write for a catalogue ot afayette College Easton, Pa. tvlilch oITers thorough preparation In the t'nglnccrins and Chemical Protcuioni u well 19 tho regular College courses. state noml school! EAST STItOUDSBURO, PA. .. Regular Stuto Normal Courses anrU Bpeclal Ucpurtnieills of Music, Eloeu-. thin, Art, Drawing, Stenography and. Typewriting; strong Cullcgo Prepara-" tory Department. FREE TUTION. Hoarding expenses ISM per week, Pupils admitted at any tlmo, Winter Term opens Dec. 20th. Writo for cata. loguu. -,-.. . . Jj, 1.UULC, A. 1U., Principal. tksuul SCRANTON CORRESPONDENCE SOHOJfcJ SCRANTON, PA. T. 3, Foster, I'teiideot. timer II. Lawill, lieu, B. J, Foster, Stanley P. Allen, Vice resident Becretirr. Machinery Second Hand Pumps Our Speclaltj We carry In flock tho largest line o' second hand machinery of uny house Ii tho urfthrnclto coal districts. It will pa you to phono us before purchasing jdacan, Jr. & Huntington, 31 tialtlmQit street, .WIllits-UuiTO, I'a. r c . A. .t-.eSS !3j!?ifctt- .
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers